
* nhandler only reviewed a few packages00:00
mok0Now, if all MOTUs would just take 1 every day...00:00
mok0We'd be back on track over the weekend...00:01
mok0"Back on track" meaning that people would get their upload reviewed within a week00:01
handschuhmok0: how many active MOTUs are on revu?00:01
* slytherin is still waiting for REVU hackers to implement tagging system00:02
nhandlerhandschuh: Based on the stats page, not many (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/stats.py)00:02
mok0handschuh: Hard to say... maybe around 1000:02
nhandlerThe Top Advocators list hasn't even been filled yet00:03
mok0Some of the people in top 15 aren't MOTUs00:03
handschuhmok0: ok ... do MOTUs loose their MOTU status sometimes?00:03
nhandlerhandschuh: I believe it expires every few months00:03
mok0handschuh: If they don't renew it00:03
handschuhmok0: good to know, thanks00:04
mok0handschuh: If you look at https://edge.launchpad.net/~motu/+members you can see that quite a few have their membership expire00:05
mok0handschuh: perhaps some of them have moved on the main developers00:05
james_wthanks freeflying01:08
james_wlfaraone: hi, still around?01:09
freeflyingjames_w: hi01:27
freeflyingjames_w: u r welcome01:28
james_wfreeflying: I knew I had seen your name somewhere related to this, but I forgot it was you that wrote the file originally :-)01:29
freeflyingjames_w: btw, I will upload a svn sanpshot of new fcitx to ubuntu later01:31
james_wfreeflying: shall I refrain from syncing that fixed Debian version then?01:31
freeflyingjames_w: I will based on the version in Debian :)01:33
james_wcool, less work for me :-)01:33
lfaraonejames_w: yes01:40
james_whi lfaraone01:40
james_whow are you?01:40
lfaraonejames_w: fine, thanks.01:41
lfaraonejames_w: I was working on a new package, and was wondering if bzr-builddeb is safe enough for a packaging newbie.01:41
james_wshould be01:42
lfaraonejames_w: kk.01:43
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
Leon_NardellaMOTU sponsors ack for sync. <-- What does this mean in a bug report?02:15
james_wLeon_Nardella: if someone who does not yet have upload rights request that we pull an updated package from Debian a developer must first confirm the request before it is processed, so that we make sure that it won't cause problems02:22
james_wthe act of confirming it is known as "sponsoring", and so that comment means that a developer is happy for the sync to take place02:23
Leon_NardellaThanks, james_w02:24
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lfaraonejames_w: I've looked at the bzr-builddeb docs, and I'm wondering how I'd import from an upstream bzr tree.02:51
james_wwhy would you import?02:52
james_wif upstream is in bzr then branch to add the packaging02:52
persiaOr merge if you've already history02:52
persiaSame thing ought work for git, hg, svn, etc.02:53
lfaraonejames_w: well, ideally I'd like to not have my repo version the upstream code, since I won't be touching that.02:53
nhandlerREVU is no longer being used for new upstream releases, correct?02:54
james_wthis was something expressed in the Kubuntu meeting the other day as well02:54
NCommanderhey persia02:54
james_wif you are going to use a distributed VCS, which is great at merging by definition, why would you then layer a patch system on top, which is not going to be as good at merging?02:54
ScottK-laptopjames_w: Because we're a Debian derivative and they use patch systems mostly.02:55
james_wif you are not going to patch the upstream source at all then that's obviously not a very convincing argument02:55
james_wScottK-laptop: true, and that argument I appreciate.02:55
ScottK-laptopIn the case of KDE, not using a patch system would make coordination with Debian substiantially harder.02:55
james_wScottK-laptop: mentioning Kubuntu probably wasn't wise, this is a new package.02:56
ScottK-laptopAlso there are performance reasons.02:56
lfaraonejames_w: this is a new package that I am targeting for ubuntu, but am going to submit to debian.02:56
james_wlfaraone: yeah, but you'll be the maintainer in Debian I assume, so there's no problem with that part.02:56
ScottK-laptopwget the tarball then then play with the debian dir in the VCS is a lot faster.02:56
lfaraoneScottK-laptop: see... that's the problem, there is no real "tarball"... as this is a "BZR release"02:57
james_wScottK-laptop: if the upstream is in bzr then performance is going to be ok for this package. I accept your point in general.02:57
ScottK-laptopSo what's a bzr release?02:58
james_wpresumably not really a release at all02:58
lfaraoneScottK-laptop: it's a "here's the code we've written, we havn't really 'released' it yet, but it's OK to use"02:58
ScottK-laptopAs james_w says then.02:59
ScottK-laptoppre-release snapshot.02:59
jdongeesh nothing more painful than fixing Debian over the phone with the fols :)02:59
nhandlerREVU is no longer being used for new upstream releases, correct?03:00
ScottK-laptopjdong: You could be fixing Vista.  That's probably more painful.03:00
jdongI did find a good use for Skype as a remote desktop type program :)03:00
ScottK-laptopnhandler: Generally, yes.03:00
jdong"Alright now point the webcam at the monitor..."03:00
persianhandler, Wasn't ever intentionally03:00
nhandlerpersia: Wiki pages used to tell people to use REVU for new upstream releases03:00
jdongand it turned out to be the 180-day e2fsck on the main storage drive with is 1.5TB03:00
jdongany guesses how many decades that'll take?03:01
persiajames_w, ScottK: Note that this argument isn't about bzr vs. others, it applies generally to VCS packaging.  There are two ways to do it: either include upstream source or don't.  Both have drawbacks of various sorts, and both have advantages.03:01
ScottK-laptoppersia: Agreed.03:01
persianhandler, Please fix that.  They aren't correct.  People should add the .diff.gz to a bug.03:02
nhandlerpersia: Most of them have already been patched. I just wanted to confirm this before I commented on a certain package on REVU which is for a new upstream release03:02
ScottK-laptopjames_w: Is someone working on making bzr work with python 2.6?03:03
james_wScottK-laptop: yes03:04
james_wScottK-laptop: I believe it is compatible03:04
ScottK-laptopjames_w: OK.  It has some from __future__ import stuff in it.03:04
ScottK-laptopThat means it needs checking.  As long as someone is doing it.03:04
james_wor rather I should say, "it is compatible". However, we have had a couple of bugs since that point due to things being missed03:05
james_wit seems python2.6 removed a couple of things without deprecation, though they may of course be considered internal03:05
ScottK-laptopWe're going to have 2.6 in Jaunty (not as default I'd expect), so ...03:05
james_wI haven't seen the __future__ stuff though, I'll take a look, thanks.03:05
nhandlerpersia: Upon closer examination of the package, they are actually renaming it from 'foo' to 'foo-x.y' to allow multiple versions to be installed at the same time.03:06
ScottK-laptopwgrant just grepped the entire archive's python packages for me and that's one that came up.03:06
ScottK-laptopnhandler: Doesn't need to go on REVU.03:06
james_wfrom __future__ import generators03:06
ScottK-laptopThere you go.03:06
james_wit's in the embedded configobj03:06
nhandlerThanks ScottK-laptop.03:06
james_wScottK-laptop: happen to know off hand what will happen with that one?03:07
ScottK-laptopjames_w: No.  I've been avoiding the topic (2.6) up to now.03:07
james_wScottK-laptop: ok, thanks. I'll file a bug.03:08
wgrantI doubt that needs a change...03:11
wgrantBecause generators have been available by default since at least 2.5, and probably 2.4 too.03:11
lfaraoneHey, in my python debian package the setup.py is located in $BASEOFPACKAGE/gasp/setup.py, rather than where it would normally. How do I tell CDBS that?03:12
ScottK-laptoplfaraone: If you grab pymilter there's a setup.py in a non-standard location in that package.03:12
lfaraoneScottK-laptop: thanks03:14
lfaraoneScottK-laptop: yeah... I looked at it, and am still stumped...03:21
lfaraoneScottK-laptop: despite the rules I adopted, it still tries to use the default.03:22
ScottK-laptoplfaraone: Pastebin your debian/rules03:22
james_wDEB_PYTHON_SETUP_CMD = gasp/setup.py ?03:24
lfaraonejames_w: er... I _just_ figured that out. heh...03:24
CarlFK "Package liblame-dev is not available,... following packages replace it:   libmp3lame-dev"   "I've changed the liblame0     library name to libmp3lame0, and some packages are not yet in Lenny, so some     others packages aren't installable" - http://www.debian-multimedia.org/03:25
CarlFKhow can I work around that?03:25
CarlFKoutput from apt-get build-dep transcode http://dpaste.com/9283303:26
ScottK-laptopjames_w: I just did it with a build rule that said python ./debian/spf-setup.py build - Your way is more CDBS like.03:28
james_wmy way may not even work though :-)03:28
lfaraonejames_w: oh, it works perfectly!03:30
lfaraonejames_w: (just installed the resulting package, "import gasp" worked properly)03:30
james_whas anyone encountered d-shlibs before?04:21
james_wor the d-devlibdeps command provided by it?04:21
serialorderI have a stupid (read simple) question. On the merge-o-matic status pages there are two different colors of green, what do the different colors mean?04:29
james_wI believe it is the priority of the package04:31
ScottKIt's to do with how recently it's been merged.  The greener the more recent.04:32
ScottKI don't understand the exact algorithm though.04:32
james_won main: apt-setup -> installer -> red04:40
james_wapt -> important -> orange-yellow04:40
james_wat -> standard -> green-yellow04:40
james_wacpid -> optional -> light green04:40
james_wipsec-tools -> extra -> dark green04:41
ScottK-laptopOK.  That makes sense.04:44
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stefanlsdScottK: the fix future import for spambayes. I've been through them all, i think there were problem ones that we moved up in the debian version (above __author__ and ___credits___) - there are some that havent moved. Did you just patch to move them higher as a matter of course?05:22
artfwoHi! May I ask what is the proper way of packaging software with debian/ included?05:29
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports05:30
artfwoWell, I want to maintain debian/ directory in my program myself and when I try to build the package from source I get warnings about "native" package05:31
artfwoThe debian mentors FAQ suggests not using native packages for general purposes, so I need an advice on those05:32
stefanlsdartfwo: Someone may be able to advise better, but i believe its generally discouraged for upstream to maintain /debian05:33
stefanlsdartfwo: Often something changes on the debian side, and we need to update /debian stuff for multiple packages. If bugs are filed, we cant fix them, etc05:34
artfwoso, is it better for me to exclude debian/ from the tarball and provide .diff.gz instead?05:34
stefanlsdartfwo: yes, better05:34
artfwook, thanks for clarifying this :)05:35
stefanlsdartfwo: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-mentors@lists.debian.org/msg17466.html       also has a thread about it05:35
artfwohmm, I see05:37
slytherinIf I am dropping any previous Ubuntu changes when doing a merge, do I have to mention them in changelog? Or is it sufficient to mention in the bug.06:49
Hobbseethe latter06:50
Hobbseeyou keep the remaining ubuntu changes in the changelog06:50
slytherinHobbsee: thanks06:51
Hobbseeslytherin: you're welcome06:51
slytheringeser: persia: Debian's latest lucene2 version uses libdb4.5-java as build dependency. Is it ok to switch to libdb4.7-java?07:13
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persiaslytherin: I'm a big fan of dropping older versions of db.  What's the user data migration strategy?09:35
persiaslytherin: The issue is that often different versions of db don't have binary-compatible storage, so depending on how or why it's used, transition can be tricky.09:36
sorenpersia: I was under the impression that the db formats were compatible, and the problems only arose when transactions were involved.09:39
sorenIs that not so?09:39
persiasoren, I'm a little hazy on the details.  I thought that some version changes caused larger effects than others.  More than anything, I think it's worth investigation rather than blindly changing the version.09:39
sorenOh, certainly.09:40
persiaI do know that for some packages, you can change the version without worry, and for others you need to take care.  I have no idea where lucene2 falls on that scale.09:40
sorenhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyReducingDuplication agrees that only transactions are a problem.09:41
persiasoren, Thanks for tracking down a resource for that.09:43
* soren tips his hat09:43
persiaslytherin: In the hopes you scan backscroll from irclogs.ubuntu.com: that's the doc you want to check against lucene2 to take your decision.09:44
persiasoren, Do you know if anyone is working to drop those completely, rather than just pushing stuff to universe?09:45
* persia still sees *lots* of libdb* packages in jaunty09:45
sorenpersia: Dunno. I think Debian intends to drop them, so we'd better follow suit.09:46
persiaWell, there's a couple archive-admins who scan sync-packages-only-in-Ubuntu and drop them every few weeks.  I just like to move in advance for clearly useless stuff like that.09:47
persiaPersonally, I doubt Debian will drop them during Lenny.09:47
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deufraiHi there, I need advice about packaging.11:30
deufraiI'm working (first of all) on a binary package for an app I wrote, to get the feeling about how things are done11:31
deufraiand I got a hard time having a menu entry right11:32
deufraihere is my menu file => http://pastebin.com/m511004c311:33
deufraiI'm working with dh-make tools, and got sure my 'rules' file do call dh_installmenu11:33
deufraiusr/share/menu/qrest file _is_ part of the generated binary package, but after installing the package on my 8.04 system, I still miss the menu entry11:35
deufraiany advice ?11:35
azeemdeufrai: is this a GNOME or KDE app?11:37
deufraithis is a Qt app, but I don't intend to tighten it to either wm11:38
azeemit should probably have a .desktop file then, rather11:38
azeemcould be that menu files are not displayed in the Ubuntu menu by default11:39
deufraiazeem: oh, right. I'll dig in the .desktop direction11:39
geseriirc  the menu package isn't installed by default, Ubuntu prefers to use .desktop files11:39
deufraiwhere should this file be installed ?11:40
azeemsee the freedesktop.org spec11:40
deufraiazeem: ok, thanx11:40
deufraiazeem: great ! Still need to find the right category. Thanx for your help12:01
deufraigeser: you too12:01
=== RainCT changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Masters of the Universe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Jaunty: OPEN. | Grab a merge: http://dad.dunnewind.net http://merges.ubuntu.com | http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs
et3hello everyone12:58
et3I want to package fonts.  I have never made a package before.12:59
et3Besides the editing a debian control file.  What do I do?12:59
slytherinet3: have you read all the packaging documentation?13:00
et3slytherin: I've browsed through it last night.13:00
et3I have pbuilder ready13:01
et3I don't have a key yet13:01
slytherinet3: so that documentation should tell you all the files you need to create. And since this is the first time you are creating package I suggest take a look at some existing packages.13:02
et3slytherin: like hello-world?13:02
slytherinet3: yup13:03
ScottKstefanlsd: Yes.  I just moved them all and I don't think it was needed.14:01
nhandlerIs there a way to figure out if a package in Debian has been renamed?14:04
gesernhandler: check the changelog, but that only works if you knew the new name14:33
persiaYou could also use grep-dctrl to look for Replaces: headers, which are a good indicator.14:36
sebnerpersia: do you plan to vote before you leave? (May missunderstood your mail)14:42
savvasIf I want to provide three packages in different sections (devel, libs and libdevel), does anyone know what section do I use for the source?14:42
azeemthe most appropriate one I think14:43
azeemprobably devel14:43
savvasum.. devel?14:43
savvasoki dokie14:43
persiasebner, For anyone who applied previously to the 20th, yes.  I'm nearly done with those reviews.14:45
sebnerpersia: I see, thx14:45
persiaFor people who applied after the 20th, I doubt I'll be able to do so.14:45
persiasavvas, libs usually.14:46
persiasavvas, Just remember to be more specific in the binary sections.14:46
persiahm.. ?14:46
savvashold a sec14:46
savvasit's for ccod: http://ccod.sourceforge.net/14:46
persiaAnd which packages are you planning?14:47
savvasfrom what I see, it provides/builds ccod (binary) libcsp.so (library) and a header for include/ folder14:47
savvasccod, libcsp and libcsp-dev14:47
savvasit's not anything official, just playing arond with my PPA :)14:48
persiasavvas, I'd probably use "devel" as the section for the package, and provide ccod (devel), csp (web), libccodX (libs), and libccod-dev (libdevel).14:48
persiaAlso, why not for the archive, if it's not packaged?14:49
savvasI'm afraid I'm not that good with cdbs and making packages yet14:49
savvasas it is, I'm patching the ./configure and the Makefile.in to get the job done14:49
persiaI'd recommend working on it towards the primary archive.  Once you have it in fairly good shape, get some MOTU review.14:50
mok0savvas: hmmm14:50
persiasavvas, Mostly just a social thing: if it's good for you, and you did the work, may as well share so nobody else has to do it.14:50
savvasmok0: I know, not a good solution, but I think ccod is not using standard makefile and configure, correct me if I'm wrong14:50
savvaspersia: now that you mention it, I have a fairly good package of libbusiness-issn-perl: https://launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive14:51
mok0savvas: oh, I don't know what it's using. It's just that patching configure and Makefile.in is not a good way to go14:51
james_wshould a daemon really be trying to open /dev/null with O_CREAT?14:52
mok0savvas: If you must go that way, it's better to patch configure.ac14:52
mok0savvas: and Makefile.am14:52
mok0james_w: no14:52
persiasavvas, Well, if you've a good package, get some reviews :)  I'm sure someone will find a couple issues (always happens when I package things), and then it can be part of Ubuntu.14:53
persiajames_w, Only O_CREAT, or is that one of several flags?14:53
savvasmok0: well I see that the debuild sequence of commands actually instructs the make install with DESTDIR= variable that points to the correct debian/tmp/ directory, but it doesn't use that. Also there is no --prefix argument for ./configure14:54
james_wO_CREAT | O_APPEND | O_RDWR14:54
mok0persia: you said yesterday that you were looking at supercollider-gedit... apparently you didn't finish your review?14:54
savvasmok0: any handy links I could read about? :)14:54
persiajames_w, A defensive programmer will often add O_CREAT when opening things for output to avoid a crash.  This is especially useful for /dev/null because you don't care about the output anyway.  Mind you, without some other flags, it's kinda useless.14:54
mok0savvas: ... you mean about ... configure.ac?14:54
savvasmok0: yes, and Makefile.am14:55
mok0savvas: I'll go look14:55
persiamok0, I haven't, but will definitely do so before I leave.14:55
savvaspersia: great, thanks for the info, but.. where do I apply for review?14:55
persiamok0, Also, thanks for clearing some of the old ones.  It's looking less bad.14:55
mok0persia: great. AFAICS supercollider itself is in the "update" section14:55
persia!revu | savvas14:55
ubottusavvas: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU14:55
savvasI see, thanks!14:56
persiamok0, Yep.  That's a bug in REVU that I've reported to the REVU hackers, but I want to leave it alone so they can try to fix it.14:56
savvaslet me bookmark that link :)14:56
persiasavvas, There are also other ways to get reviews, but that's the most common method.14:56
mok0persia: ... because that's the last upload from May still hanging around...14:56
persiasavvas, General rule of thumb is that two Ubuntu devs should have looked at a package before it gets approved.14:56
persiamok0, Wow!  Thanks for chasing the others.14:57
savvasnow the other question: is it better to aim for a debian package or an ubuntu package?14:57
mok0savvas: here's a nice little short one: http://www.developingprogrammers.com/index.php/2006/01/05/autotools-tutorial/14:58
persiasavvas, Hard to say, but Debian is generally preferred.14:58
persiaI'm not sure either is "better", but it's always more polite to share.14:58
mok0savvas: otherwise look at the GNU documentation for automake and autoconf, it's really good14:58
slytherinmok0: if you come across any java packages on revu, let me know.14:59
mok0slytherin: will do :-)14:59
savvasor do they cross-exchange packages?14:59
savvasok, we'll start from ubuntu going upstream :)14:59
savvas*we'll = I will heh14:59
savvasthanks mok0, noted14:59
savvaslet's see if I can tame this puppy15:00
mok0savvas: go go go15:00
savvasah one last thing! should the maintainer use gpl for packaging or follow the license of the included code?15:00
* mok0 is hungry but fridge is empty :-(15:00
mok0savvas: just follow the license of whatever you're packaging15:01
persiasavvas, Well, if you do your packaging completely from scratch, I'd recommend using the same license as upstream (unles it's particularly onerous).15:01
savvashm.. ccod is licensed with MIT license15:01
persiasavvas, Alternately, if you're copying packaging from another package, you might have to use the licensing for that packaging code.15:02
savvasand the package with dh_make suggested gpl in debian/copyright for the packaging15:02
mok0savvas: you can use the 3-clause BSD with that I think15:02
persiasavvas, That gives you a *lot* of flexibility, but it means you'd do better to avoid GPL packaging, as it might lead to questions about the license of patches, and could conceivably cause issues sending stuff upstream.15:02
savvasthe what? :P15:02
mok0savvas: it does that every time :-)15:02
savvasok thank you both15:03
savvasso for the ccod packaging I put everything under MIT/X consortium whatever license15:03
persiamok0, "BSD" license can only be used by the Regents of the University of California (see /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD).  Please recommend "MIT" or "ISC" as portable licenses with similar intent.15:03
persia(there are *many* "BSD-like" licenses, but they aren't properly BSD, and so "BSD" is at best confusing)15:04
savvasso.. I'm right? MIT-licensed packaging for MIT-licensed code?15:06
savvasbah anyway, that's minor details, let me see if I can actually package it properly :)15:09
mok0persia: ok15:09
savvasweird, there's no MIT in common-licenses, it's not that common I presume? :)15:10
persiasavvas, There is no "right".  The recommendation would be to use the same license where you can.  Just check your sources carefully to make sure that you can use that license.15:10
savvasI'm really not good with legal documents - I can just promise that I'll try heh..15:12
slytherinsavvas: nobody is, not even those who make the law. :-P15:12
persiaTrying is the important part.  Licenses are important, but for the most part as long as you check the license for any code you copy, and license any code you write in a way that is compatible with that with which it will integrate, you're fine.  There's lots of sites that list various charts of license compatibility.15:17
handschuhI am looking for someone who can take a look at the package uiflite (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=uiflite) and maybe be the second advocate15:17
james_wmok0: hey, in your collectd merge left it with an unsatisfiable build dependency on libupsclient1-dev, was that intentional?15:20
mok0james_w: yes15:21
stefanlsdpersia: arn't you meant to be in the mountains?15:21
mok0james_w: because there's a bug in the current package that makes the build fail15:21
james_wah, ok15:21
james_wmight be good to note that in the changelog in future :-)15:22
mok0james_w: you are right..,. finding the bug link...15:22
mok0bug 29948915:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299489 in nut "[jaunty] /usr/lib/libupsclient1.so is a dangling link" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29948915:24
persiastefanlsd, Not yet.  I like to give a few days notice so I can complete the list of things I've compiled to do before I leave.15:24
mok0Ah, fix released15:25
james_wah, that one15:25
mok0james_w: I am hoping the build will resume once the depends are satisfied15:26
james_wit's not really fix released15:26
mok0james_w: "a sync has to be requested"15:26
james_wdon't know where15:26
mok0james_w: or a merge?15:26
james_wmok0: it looks like it needs a merge15:28
mok0Saturday afternoon... everyone is downloading movies for tonight... my network conn has slowed to a crawl15:28
mok0james_w: You have a special interest in nut?15:30
james_wnope, no idea what it is15:30
mok0james_w: it's a UPS client15:30
mok0at least part of it is... that is why it is used by collectd I guess15:31
mok0james_w: ok, I will merge it and upload15:31
slytherinpersia: where are you leaving?15:32
james_wthanks mok015:33
persiaslytherin, That's an interestingly phrased question.  I'll answer "Japan".15:34
slytherinpersia: going on vacation?15:34
persiaslytherin, That is the intent.15:34
persiamok0, I'll end up there as part of it.15:35
slytherinpersia: ok15:35
james_wmok0: I would check that something that uses the pkgconfig file from nut will build correctly. The change in -9 doesn't look sufficient to fix all the problems to me.15:35
mok0james_w: thanks for the warning15:36
james_wmok0: the pkg-config file will tell whatever is building against libupsclient that it should use -L/usr/lib but the libraries will be in /lib15:36
mok0james_w: oh? I though he fixed that15:36
slytherinpersia: so how long will you not be available for sponsoring bugfixes/syncs/merges? :-D15:37
james_wmok0: the symlinks will now be correct, but the pkg-config file may now be wrong.15:37
mok0james_w: Hmm. The pending package assumes it's going to find the library in /usr/lib.15:37
mok0james_w: I am not sure that collectd uses pkgconfig, but I will check.15:38
persiaslytherin, 2-4 weeks, depending on a wide variety of factors.  I'll have network access by the 3rd or 4th, but don't know how busy I'll be with UDS, and then getting back.15:38
james_wit does15:38
mok0james_w: I don't see that those libraries belong in /lib15:38
mok0They _really_ ougth to go in /usr/lib15:39
james_wmok0: that was the Debian maintainers decision, and what led to these issues in the first place15:39
slytherinpersia: no issues, I will bug geser. :-)15:39
jpdsHello all.15:39
mok0It may even be policy? Where universe components are supposed to put things?15:39
azeemmok0: the binary is in /bin, so the libs should be there as well, no?15:39
mok0azeem: hmm15:39
azeemwe had this discussion before with LaserJock15:39
azeemI think he filed the Debian bug15:40
mok0azeem: ... and why is the binary in /bin?? It's not an essential system component15:40
azeemapparently they think it is15:40
slytherinjpds: hi15:40
azeemmok0: well, /bin is also for stuff which is needed before /usr is mounted, not sure this is the case here15:40
persiaYeah.  Unless it's needed before /usr is mounted, it ought be in /usr.  main/universe doesn't matter for this: it's related to how the package works.15:40
mok0azeem, james_w, in my opinion the whole nut package belongs in /usr15:41
geserslytherin: bug me? for what? /me checks scrollback15:41
persiaIt's not about being "essential", it's about being part of the early startup cycle.15:41
persiamok0, Check the rdepends properly.  Maybe something needs it in /bin & /lib15:41
mok0persia: a UPS client is essential before mounting /usr?? Naahh15:41
persiamok0, Well, when does it startup?15:42
mok0persia: OK, I will take a good look15:42
persiaIf it's started by a udev hook, quite possibly.15:42
lagaor maybe if it's fscking /usr and losing power.. *shrug*15:42
persialaga, Well, that's a use-case for why, but unless it actually could get started before /usr mount, the package doesn't support that use case (which is a different sort of bug).15:43
* mok0 is hampered by the slow internet... there's a delay on every character typed on my remote system terminal connection :-(15:45
RainCTmok0: yeah, I know this :P15:45
mok0Hm, well I'll need to make a link from /usr/lib/libupsclient1.so to /lib/libupsclient1.so.0.0.0 otherwise the pending build will not make it.15:48
mok0Ah, this slow internet is killing me. I have to move close my laptop, leave my comfy position in the couch and fire up my linux box. *Sigh*15:51
JonReaganhey folks... can I keep certain open source libraries that are third party in my project if I keep the licenses and credits available?16:17
handschuhJonReagan: in source form?16:18
JonReaganyeah.. well, they are .jars16:18
JonReaganand I think I may be able to remove some16:18
handschuhJonReagan: then the asnwer is no16:18
JonReaganbut some have been modified from the original source, and others are no longer available16:19
JonReaganwell, thanks for letting me know16:19
handschuhJonReagan: you should consider making them separate packages16:19
JonReaganah, k16:20
handschuhJonReagan: or, if the external libraries are really trivial, include the sourcecode16:20
handschuhJonReagan: can you name me the external jars?16:20
JonReaganeh... yeah... it will take me just a sec16:21
JonReaganmost of the jars have to do with ant and other apache services (batik, jakarta, etc.)16:25
JonReaganbut one in particular16:25
JonReaganwill be hard to separate16:25
JonReaganbecause apparently the host project for it is dead16:25
handschuhwhats the name of the project?16:27
handschuh(that you want to package)16:27
JonReaganit's in REVU16:27
handschuhok I will check the orig.tar.gz16:28
JonReaganslytherin posted a comment for some to-do stuff16:29
JonReagansome of the things I have already fixed, but I haven't created a new build yet.16:29
handschuhwhere are the jars in the orig.tar.gz?16:30
JonReaganthey are under... *checks own package*16:31
handschuhfound them16:31
handschuhcontrib/lib it was16:31
JonReaganyup, that's it16:32
handschuhok the common-* jars are in the repos16:32
JonReaganah, k16:32
handschuhjunit also16:32
handschuhthe jasper-folder looks also very good16:32
handschuhgroovy is the same16:33
geserJonReagan: have you checked if some of the jars are already packaged?16:33
JonReaganI looked for the JasperReports16:33
JonReaganbut couldn't find it16:33
handschuhgeser: we are checking this right now  :-)16:33
JonReaganI found a jasperlib or something like that, but I was not sure if it was the same thing16:34
slytherinJonReagan: you should find most of the jars packaged already. I couldn't find jasper reports. The only *jasper* package in Ubuntu is related to jpeg image processing16:34
handschuhJonReagan: most of the jars are already in the repos16:34
JonReaganah, k16:35
JonReaganso, then, I just need to remove the jars, and add them as dependencies?16:35
handschuhJonReagan: well basically, yes16:35
handschuhJonReagan: but you have to change the build.xml16:35
JonReaganthere's a little extra work besides that :)16:35
JonReaganoh, ok... that's not too bad16:36
slytherinhandschuh: That may be not be always true16:36
slytherinJonReagan: Take a look at build.xml if it has hard coded paths referring those jar files. If not you may not even need to patch build.xml16:36
JonReaganyeah, looks like it has hard coded links to the jars16:37
handschuhJonReagan: you can easyly check if the jars are in the repos by using http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:40
JonReaganthanks! I didn't even know a package search existed16:40
JonReaganif the program calls for certain jars to be there, does that mean I need to call for them to be installed before the program configures itself?16:41
handschuhyou need to add the packages as dependencies16:42
JonReaganthat will do it?16:43
JonReagansorry... I'm a noob. ;)16:43
handschuhalso, you probably have to adjust the classpath (some say you don't have to do that, but I always had to do)16:43
persiaJonReagan, There are four fields in debian/control that are interesting for Java package dependencies.16:43
persiaBuild-Depends: needs to contain all the packages required to run debian/rules clean16:44
persiaBuild-Depends-Indep: needs to contain all the packages required to build the package, excepting those already in Build-Depends:16:44
JonReaganso I need to create a new field for those packages16:44
persiaDepends: needs to contain all the packages required to install or run the package (excepting Priority: required or above)16:44
persiaRecommends: needs to contain all the packages that should be installed at the same time (keep this list small: it's essentially Depends, except that if the program doesn't crash without it, Recommends should be used)16:45
persiaBuild-Depends and Build-Depends-Indep belong in the source stanza16:45
slytherinJonReagan: If you go through my comments, they should clear most of your doubts.16:46
persiaDepends and Recommends belong in the binary stanza16:46
JonReaganI understand now... thanks folks!  I've gotta run, but I will give it a shot16:48
directhexpersia, i don't think you explained the diff between b-d and b-d-i there16:48
handschuhJonReagan: you do have to add some additional java-packages before getting your program into the repos16:49
JonReaganoh, I do?16:50
handschuhJonReagan: there are unfortunatly many java packages missing in the repos16:50
handschuhJonReagan: yes :-(  I could not find all your jars in the repositories16:50
JonReaganthat means that the program has to include the jars, which is a REVU no-no?16:52
handschuhJonReagan: no that means before you can continue working on openproj, you have to make shure that all the jars you want to use are in the repositories16:53
handschuhJonReagan: I am also suffering on this16:53
JonReaganah, so I would have to package the .jars then16:54
handschuhJonReagan: yes - it might be good to start with a small package first16:55
JonReagank, thanks16:56
JonReaganI'll need to talk to the head dev before continuing.  Does revu stay open until feature freeze?16:57
directhexit stays open full stop. actually getting a package into a given release version is another matter16:57
handschuhJonReagan: no, revu is always open16:57
JonReaganoh ok16:59
LaserJockmorning MOTUers17:00
LaserJockmok0: hello! how've you been?17:01
mok0LaserJock: oh, busy :-)17:01
mok0LaserJock: been doing a bit of ubuntu work lately, though17:02
LaserJockmok0: excellent17:02
* mok0 needs to reboot17:05
radixIs there a widely accepted version scheme for prerelease packages? Like, if upstream released 1.0rc1 and I want to package that, what should I call it?17:23
directhexradix, generally, if they number it as 1.0rc1, go for 1.0~rc117:24
directhexradix, if they number it as 0.9.9 or something, no problem17:24
radixfor some reason I was brainfarting and thinking that ~ could only be in the debian version part, but I guess it can go into the upstream version part too17:25
Elbrusup to now I have used pdebuild to test and build my packages, but now I try to build lazarus, but it doesn't work, because it does patching before it goes into the jail.17:56
ElbrusIt looks like sbuild can handle it beter.17:56
ElbrusCan I use the same tar balls I use for pbuilder for sbuild?17:56
LaserJocksbuild normally just uses  a chroot I think17:58
LaserJockso you could unpack a pbuilder chroot and set sbuild/schroot up to use it17:59
hyperairElbrus: how about good ol debuild -S followed by pbuilder18:01
Elbrushyperair: thanks, I am just looking into possibilities because until now pdebuild worked great for me and felt secure enough...18:02
ElbrusI liked the jail, pbuilder doesn't do that, right?18:02
hyperairElbrus: the whole purpose of pbuilder is to jail the build18:03
RainCTCan a package show a message with Yes/No buttons after installation?18:03
LaserJockElbrus: I believe pdebuild is just debuild -S + pbuilder18:03
hyperairyeah actually i think so too18:03
RainCTLike the notification that Firefox shows, but asking if you want the application to be restarted automatically18:03
hyperairi usually use a combination of a custom pbuilder script and pdebuild. something like pdebuild ==pbuilder ~/bin/pbuilder-<release>18:04
hyperairRainCT: take a look into the fast user switch applet package, whichever that is. i remember it popping up some window asking if i wanted to replace my power button with it18:05
RainCTuhm.. no postinst file there18:07
RainCThyperair: I can't find anything there, but thanks18:09
hyperairhmm strange18:10
hyperairwell look into debconf then18:10
RainCTI don't think debconf would work for what I want to do18:14
slytherinRainCT: IIRC, the FF restart dialog is FF magic and not packaging magic.18:18
slytherinRainCT: you may want to take look at postinst of some of the servers (apache2, squid), but not sure you will find what you are looking for.18:19
hyperairslytherin: how about the fusa magic? how is that done?18:22
slytherinhyperair: no idea18:22
geserthe FF restart diaglog is a postinst with update-notifier magic18:24
geserand the fusa update note comes from gnome-panel.postinst18:27
et3I'm having problems publishing my key18:34
geseret3: can you be more verbose?18:35
et3well, what's the keyserver name?18:35
jmarsdenet3: CAn be be more specific?  ssh key?  gpg key?  and what problem?18:35
et3gpg key18:35
et3I'm trying to add a gpg key to launchpad18:36
geserkeyserver.ubuntu.com is correct18:36
geserwhich error do you get?18:36
et3et3@kilo:~$ gpg --send-keys 4E028549 --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com18:37
et3gpg: "--keyserver" not a key ID: skipping18:37
et3gpg: "keyserver.ubuntu.com" not a key ID: skipping18:37
et3gpg: no keyserver known (use option --keyserver)18:37
et3gpg: keyserver send failed: bad URI18:37
nhandleret3: Use 'gpg --send-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <KEY-ID>'18:38
et3nhandler: thanks18:38
jmarsdenSee https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ImportingYourPGPKey18:38
nhandlerYou're welcome et318:38
nhandleret3: That is from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Uploading%20the%20key%20to%20Ubuntu%20keyserver18:38
et3It's sent.18:39
et3I didn't violate it's integrity by announcing it's ID did I?18:40
nhandleret3: No you didn't. That is the key id, which is public on LP and the keyserver anyway18:40
et3alright, well it's a good think I didn't announce the passphrase: "asdf8322ujhvki"18:41
jdongWHOO, BSOD!18:42
jdongboy that was scary, full-screened XP VM bluescreened.18:42
et3I tried to use the _actual_ passphrase in seahorse and it said it wasn't the right thing.  so...  I don't know.  Is the gpg key useless.18:42
et3jdong: what?  lol18:43
jmarsdenet3: TRy   date |gpg -sa    and enert the passphrase, if you see otuput surrounded by "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE" and "END PGP MESSAGE" then it is fine.18:45
et3jmarsden: it said I needed a passphrase to unlock it18:47
jmarsdenRight, the one you used on your gpg key :-)18:47
et3damn... maybe I typed it in wrong.18:48
et3is that going to be a problem?18:48
jmarsdenet3: I thought you were wondering if you had the passphrase right and if they key was working...18:48
nhandleret3: Without your password, your key is useless. You will need to create a new key18:48
jmarsdenet3: If you don't know the passphrase, that key is useless, to you or anyone else18:48
et3jmarsden: thanks.18:48
* et3 makes a new one.18:48
jdongoh that's REAL nice.18:49
jdongchkdsk /F even dies off the installation CD.18:49
geseret3: did you already upload the broken key?18:50
et3geser: I canceled it18:55
et3jdong: ...what did you do?18:55
gesergood, as you can't delete a key from a keyserver once you uploaded it18:55
=== coppro_ is now known as coppro
ryanakcaHow can one search for packages by maintainer?19:11
gesergrep-dctrl perhaps19:12
ryanakcageser: thanks19:15
ryanakcaCan a program be under GPLv2 and its packaging under GPLv3?19:17
LaserJockryanakca: is the program GPLv2 only?19:24
ryanakcaLaserJock: *nod*... so I guess, no?19:30
LaserJockryanakca: I think no19:30
LaserJockryanakca: it's sort of one of those "like anybody cares", but generally I think packaging should just be the same as the program itself, that way you don't run into problems19:31
ryanakcaLaserJock: *nod*, just curious... I don't mind, really... it's not as if anybody is going to ``TIVOise'' my package.... but thinking about it... the packaging doesn't depend on the program itself, does it? You could distribute the debian/ alone  ... so couldn't it be different?19:33
ryanakcaHmm... and he's gone :)19:33
et3how long would it take one of you to package a few fonts?19:34
et3let me be less specific.  If you wanted to put just one file (like a wallpaper) into a package for your own repository, how would you go about doing that?19:39
et3and how long does it take?19:39
james_wryanakca: yeah, you are correct I believe, but what happens to ./debian/patches/ for instance19:52
ScottKet3: I'd find a similar package and use that as a basis for the one I wanted.19:55
ryanakcajames_w: True...20:00
ryanakcajames_w: easier to just stick it all under the same license20:01
ScottKryanakca: It could be different, but it should be compatible.  It's 99% simpler just to make it the same as the package itself.20:02
directhexhm. does anyone know the OOo build process at all?20:04
ScottKdirecthex: I know enough to know that I don't want to know more.  You'll probably have to talk to calc.20:07
directhexi seem to have replied to my own question20:08
* mok0 shrieks at nut package: would NEVER have advocated that piece of crap20:08
directhexi *THINK* i've patched this 462 MiB monster for the mono 2.0 transition, but wanted to clarify some thnigs about the build process20:08
slytherindirecthex: I know two things. 1. It needs about 10GB of disk space to build. 2. It takes hours to build, something like whole night. :-)20:09
directhexslytherin, well, when i say "i think" i mean "i can't easily test it until my pbuilder has mono 2, which means a main sponsor needs to upload mono 2"20:10
slytherindirecthex: hmm, so why is mono 2 stuck? No sponsors?20:12
directhexaye. alpha 1 is history now, so that's the next thing to wait for20:12
directhexand since it needs to land in NEW due to the changes, that's the NEXT hold-up20:12
ScottKdirecthex: You can use loging and -save-after-login to add locally built packages to your pbuilder.20:13
slytherindirecthex: what scottk suggested. I have used it to evaluate how far I could go in breaking jboss circular build deps.20:14
* ScottK did it to pre-build all of KDE for a KDE version update.20:16
ScottKThat takes a long time too.20:16
et3so... I actually created a file called "./..'"20:17
et3coppro: no _youre_ a lie...20:24
NCommanderThe cake is a lie20:25
et3./..' exists20:26
copproof course it does20:26
et3coppro: you're just mad because you can't do it.20:27
copproof course I can20:28
copprotouch "..'"20:28
et3that's cool.20:29
et3I'm pretty sure I want a file called that in a package of my own rep20:31
copproall characters except \0 and / are legal in Unix20:31
coppro(in filenames)20:31
copproI'm just having trouble believing you'd actually want such an esoteric name20:32
et3lol.  I was kidding but I learned something.20:32
copproC++0x is awesome :)20:33
et3I've never tried it.  It is a ridiculously 31337 name though20:34
mok0ha, the new debian package creates a symlink  /lib -> /libupsclient.so.1.0.020:35
mok0 that's gonna make people real happy... :-P20:35
mok0here comes my cat20:36
et3mok0: but does it make the symlink:  "/" -> "~/..'... um... 0\\0\\0 \0 ~//~. !?"20:36
mok0et3: /lib -> :-(20:36
mok0their build machines will break20:37
mok0et3: one of the reasons I was cursing that package a while back...20:38
mok0Oh well, I'll fix it for Ubuntu and forward a patch...20:38
RainCTcan someone tell me how to mark bugs as duplicates in bugzilla?20:58
=== paul__ is now known as Elbrus
nelleryRainCT: at the bottom of the bug page, there's a section called "bug status change", and you can select to mark it as a duplicate there21:12
RainCTnellery: but apparently only if you have permissions to do this :)21:14
RainCTnellery: already got someone to mark it as duplicate, but thanks :)21:14
nelleryRainCT: Ah, alright21:14
nelleryno problem21:14
NCommanderRainCT, poke21:23
savvashey, about revu, do we upload as -D UNRELEASED or jaunty?21:27
nhandlersavvas: jaunty21:29
* RainCT is poked by NCommander 21:29
RainCTsavvas: jaunty21:29
savvasthanks - in the future, the latest dev release, right?21:29
RainCTsavvas: yep21:29
NCommanderRainCT, can we please hide the "Advocate this Upload" button from Contributors21:30
RainCTNCommander: it should be21:30
nhandlerRainCT: It isn't21:30
RainCToh right21:30
RainCTmissed that one when I changed how permissions work21:31
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savvasRainCT: E: libbusiness-issn-perl_0.91-1_source.changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file jaunty < should I ignore this or add in lintian overrides?21:33
RainCTsavvas: ignore21:34
NCommanderThat's still broken?21:34
RainCTsavvas: is that an old upload?21:34
RainCTNCommander: I installed lintian from hardy-backports, not sure how up2date it is21:34
nhandlerNCommander: I belive collin watson was going to manually update lintian21:34
RainCTbut remember that the lintian report file isn't update21:35
NCommanderThe jaunty version still has that issue21:35
RainCToh ok21:35
savvasRainCT: nope, a shiny new one, libbusiness-issn-perl doesn't exist in neither debian nor ubuntu21:35
RainCTyeah I see..   /me thinks that distro names should be announced before so that there's time to let all tools know them :P21:36
savvasis there a sudo update-lintian-warnings tool ?:P21:36
savvaser.. one last thing, should I add my name as the maintainer or the ubuntu motu?21:39
savvasit's still not uploaded, just trying to upload a close-to-perfect package heh21:39
RainCTsavvas: Maintainer is Ubuntu MOTU Team <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>21:40
nhandlersavvas: You should set 'Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>' as the Maintainer21:40
nhandlerYou are the XSBC-Original-Maintainer21:40
RainCTsavvas: XSBC-Original-Maintainer can be your name21:40
savvasI see, cool :)21:40
RainCT(not sure if I typed that right, so check it someone else)21:40
savvasno it's correct, I have some experience with that from bugs :p21:40
RainCTok :)21:41
nhandlerRainCT: It is 'Ubuntu MOTU Developers' not 'Ubuntu MOTU Team'21:41
RainCTsavvas: see? ;)21:41
savvasI was talking about the xsbc :)21:41
savvasoh well changing21:42
goukiDepending on the version present on the changelog, PPA will generate appropriate sources.list, correct? Or will it only allow jaunty now?21:45
RainCTgouki: yes, it will21:46
goukiRainCT, thank you.21:46
savvasone (really) last thing, in case I need to fix something, the current version is 0.91-1.. the new version would be 0.91-2 or something like 0.91-1.1 ?21:48
savvasor is that a personal favourite? :p21:48
RainCTsavvas: on REVU? don't change the version21:48
savvasah so I just do the changes and dput the new stuff again?21:49
savvaswell.. here goes nothing :)21:50
RainCTbut dput -f or delete the .upload file, else dput will complain21:50
savvasthanks, I was used to the PPA way, you know, push a release and upload21:51
goukiAny thoughts of why pbuilder is failing with 'Aptitude couldn't satisfy the build dependencies' when all packages are correct?21:51
savvas*a version21:51
RainCTgouki: is your pbuilder up2date?21:51
goukiRainCT, yes :(21:51
goukiOh, I'm getting a warning about libssh2-1-dev being a virtual package. Is that a problem?21:52
goukiRainCT, fixable?21:53
RainCTNCommander: (fixed)21:53
savvashm.. three lintian problems: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/libbusiness-issn-perl-0811222254/lintian21:53
savvaslooks like it's about nmu, but I was told that that is not used in ubuntu21:54
RainCTsavvas: wrong version number :)21:54
RainCTsavvas: it should be 0.91-0ubuntu1, not 0.91-121:54
RainCTsavvas: and it's XSBC-Original-Maintainer, not Original-Maintainer21:54
RainCT(if you have this right, then it's also because of the version number too)21:55
savvashere we go again :P21:55
savvasare you sure it's 0.91-0ubuntu1 ? I'll give it a go21:56
RainCTsavvas: if upstream's version is 0.91, then yes21:56
savvasMaintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>21:56
savvasXSBC-Original-Maintainer: Savvas Radevic <vicedar@gmail.com>21:56
RainCTsavvas: -0ubuntu1 means Debian Revision 0, Ubuntu REvision 121:56
savvasah, I see21:56
RainCT(ie, not in Debian and for the first time in Ubuntu)21:56
RainCTthat should be correct21:56
savvascool, thanks for the tip :)21:57
goukiApparently removing that package (libssh2-1-dev) fixed the problem. The problem is that the software looses 30% of its capabilities without it.21:57
RainCTgouki: uhm.. doesn't seem like a virtual package to me21:57
goukiRainCT, that's the warning I got from pbuilder :S21:58
RainCTah wait21:58
savvasnow, for the new upload, do I use debuild -S -sd or debuild -S -sa ? Since the orig.tar.gz didn't change, I'm not sure :\21:58
RainCTsavvas: -sa for now21:58
serialorderHi all, if I am applying a bugfix that involves removing a few troublesome lines from debain/postinst is there a preferred method of doing it? Should I actually remove the lines or comment them out?21:58
jmarsdengouki: I think that "virtual package" warning can mean "I can't find that package"... so check your pbuilder has all the repositories enabled that you think it has?21:59
RainCTserialorder: if they are useless, remove them, if they may be needed in the future comment them out21:59
RainCTserialorder: but I don't think there's any rule on this21:59
goukijmarsden, OK. How can I check pbuilders repositories?21:59
serialorderRainCT: ok thanks22:00
RainCTgouki: pbuilder --login22:00
RainCTif you want to modify something add --save-after-login22:00
jmarsdengouki: Also check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto#Universe%20support for how to add Universe, and use that as an example for any other repos you need.22:01
goukijmarsden, thank you.22:01
savvasRainCT: sorry for bugging you, but how do I purge the older upload?22:10
RainCTsavvas: why would you want to do this?22:10
savvasoh we don't?22:11
savvassorry :P22:11
RainCT(and only admins can purge)22:11
savvasI'm really new to this, I was suggested to start sharing my packaging :)22:11
savvasso now I wait for the package to be approved or argued, heh22:13
nhandlersavvas: Two MOTUs need to advocate the package for it to enter the New Queue22:13
savvasnhandler: thanks, are you familiar with the procedure for inclusion in debian?22:14
nhandlersavvas: Debian is a little different22:14
nhandlerI believe you just need one Debian Developer to sponsor the upload for you22:15
RainCTbut easy! :P22:15
nhandlerLet me get you a link to the procedure22:15
RainCTnhandler: yep22:15
RainCTsavvas: http://mentorns.debian.net22:15
RainCTerr, http://mentors.debian.net22:15
RainCTupload it there and send a message to the mentors ML (you'll find info about this at the webpage)22:15
nhandlersavvas: Once you upload it to m.d.n, you will want to send a RFS (Request for Sponsor) email to the debian-mentors mailing list22:16
nhandlersavvas: http://mentors.debian.net/cgi-bin/maintainer-intro22:16
goukiCan I have the same software, with different versions on the changelog, uploaded to the PPA? Say for hardy, intrepid and jaunty?22:16
* RainCT decides to stop talking as nhandler is answering everything anyway ;)22:16
RainCTgouki: yep22:16
* RainCT has already broken his decision :P22:17
savvasI guess the only thing that needs to be changed now is jaunty to unstable and perhaps the maintainer fields22:17
savvasI'll read on, thanks!22:17
RainCTsavvas: and the version number, to -122:17
savvasargh! :P22:17
nhandlerRainCT: Do we have a wiki page that talks about some of the things you need to look at when sending an Ubuntu package to Debian?22:17
savvasok, different distros, different policies :)22:17
RainCTnhandler: not that I know of, but if you write one I'll give you a hug!22:18
savvasyou'll have a hug from me too! lol22:18
nhandlerRainCT: I'm not the best at writing up stuff like that, but I'll try to put something basic together in the next day or so22:18
nhandlerAny suggestions for the wiki name?22:18
savvasDebianTransition ?22:19
RainCTnhandler: dunno, but it should be somewhere under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian22:19
RainCTDebian/NewPackages perhaps22:19
savvasmuch better22:19
RainCTwait, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/ForUbuntuDevelopers already has something22:20
nhandlerRainCT: I thought about that.I think I'll just add on to the ForUbuntuDevelopers page22:20
RainCTexpand that if you think there's something missing.. and we should link it from somewhere in MOTU/22:20
savvasForUbuntuMaintainers then? :)22:22
=== `Chris_ is now known as `Chris
savvasor Packagers, heh22:22
et3I tried to push my branch onto launchpad using bzr22:26
et3I got this error:  Permission denied (publickey).22:27
RainCTet3: have you told Launchpad what your SSH key is?22:27
et3does bzr not know my public key or what?22:27
et3yes... but I'm not using ssh22:27
et3should I be?22:27
savvaset3: https://launchpad.net/people/+me/+sshkeys22:28
savvas(I think)22:28
et3savvas: thank you. I'll check it out22:29
et3savvas: that's my public key :S22:29
savvaset3: you can easily create it with Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption > Key > create > Secure shell key22:29
et3It's already made22:30
savvaset3: do you have a key listed in Passwords and Encryption keys with a small key and a terminal icon next to it?22:30
et3and I sent launchpad the key22:30
et3that you found actually22:30
savvasdid you change the username/domain?22:31
et3you can't ssh into my computer using that key can you?22:31
et3savvas: on what?>22:31
savvaset3: (keep your info private) look at the name on Passwords and Encryption keys for that key, compare it with the output of: echo `whoami`@`hostname`22:33
nhandlerRainCT: I added a few bullet points to the wiki page. I have to run out now, but I'll finish cleaning it up later.22:34
et3okay so they both say rickrollVirus@yourComputer22:35
savvaset3: what's your branch by the way?22:35
et3im experimenting with packaging22:36
et3I just started a few hours ago22:36
et3I haven't uploaded anything yet22:36
savvaset3: have you read http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html ?22:37
et3only instead of saying "2 Revisions pushed" it says "do it yourself" or something like that22:38
et3so... do I need to tell bzr about my public key or something?22:40
savvasum, I would try to readd my ssh22:40
et3are you implying I need to ssh somewhere?22:40
savvasno no22:41
et3I uploaded my ssh key22:41
savvasI know, try removing it and reuploading it22:42
savvaset3: in the meantime, try: bzr launchpad-login22:42
savvassee if it shows your launchpad username22:42
et3it replied correctly22:43
savvastry pushing again22:44
et3isn't it infinately intelligent to have remembered my ID? ^^  ahhh... technology is amazing.22:44
savvasbzr push lp:~codeshiftster/codeshift-wallpapers/main22:44
savvasIt ought to ask you to verify your key now22:45
savvasor authorize its usage22:45
et3I deleted it22:46
et3I need to put it back22:46
savvasgo go go :)22:46
et3that's not fair22:47
et3it still denies me22:49
et3what am I doing wrong?22:49
savvasdo you have a shotgun handy? :)22:49
savvasjust kidding :p22:49
et3lol... noo....22:49
et3import shotgun;22:50
et3why do you axe me that?22:50
savvasheh, nothing22:51
savvasI really have no idea, try making a new key or something22:52
et3maybe its because it was dsa and not rsa22:53
savvaswell I have rsa22:53
savvasthe dsa should be in ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub22:53
savvastry with rsa, if it works, then I sense a bug22:54
savvasby the way, the correct channel is #launchpad :)22:54
et3right... I should have thought of that22:55
et3I just thought it was a MOTU thing22:56
et3I need to go eat22:56
savvaset3: actually, more like #ubuntu-devel and #launchpad instead of motu, but I'm really not that sure23:09
RainCTomg.. reportbug is telling me about 2575 bugs with a similar description to that one of an ITP I'm filling and wants me to confirm that they aren't the same showing them in groups of 5 -.-23:23
* RainCT hates whoever wrote that :P23:24
* directhex makes it groups of 7, for RainCT's benefit23:26
RainCTdirecthex: wow, that makes a big difference :P23:27
directhexRainCT, 40% more efficient!23:27
RainCTthat's an argument :P23:27
directhexRainCT, if you told a corp "wanna be 40% more efficient", you think they'd say "bugger off"? no!23:28
RainCTdirecthex: but it's still 367 times of writing n and pressing enter :(23:32
serialordercan someone tell me what the difference between  a sync and a merge is, I am a bit confused on that point23:37
RainCTserialorder: a sync is just copying the package over from Debian and rebuilding it23:39
RainCTserialorder: a merge is done when a package was modified in Ubuntu and consists in taking the new version from Debian and applying those changes from the Ubuntu version that are still relevant to it23:40
serialorderthen if I grab a package in MoM and all of the ubuntu changes have been included upstream23:41
serialordermom will automatically name that package-verubuntu123:41
serialordershould I rename that to just package-ver23:41
RainCTserialorder: you should request a sync then23:41
serialorderit already has a sync request23:44
serialorderdoes that mean I should not grab from MoM then but from the debian repository?23:44
RainCTserialorder: if it already has a sync request, just wait for the archive admins to do the sync23:45

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