
* elkbuntu raises an eyebrow at the crazy italian.00:13
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, dmsuperman said: !Phail is Softpedia phails hardcore. Sourceforge only01:36
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
bazhangwos seems to be trolling02:26
bazhanglots of meta-questions and no real support questions02:26
bazhang<wos> could anyone tell me if ubuntu and mythbuntu are the same thing basically if you take out the TV features?02:32
elky_e71now i know how finns feel, being able to irc anywhere, such as their fav cafe02:49
PiciExcept they call it the 'pub'02:52
elky_e71oh gawd... Ppp has a girlfriend???02:56
mneptokelky_e71: probably a WoW avatar. relax.02:59
mneptokhmmm ... Pop-Tart, or persimmon?03:00
elky_e71tehy aare so lucky this phone lacks chhanserv.py03:00
mneptokaare? you *are* Finnish.03:00
mneptokteeliivvuuuatualiiaanaiianiipekksii oooariitikuuliouniaarta03:01
mneptokand somewhere there's a poor Serbian baby going to sleep without vowels.03:01
elky_e71gaintsura, can we help?03:22
gaintsuraO.o I didn't realize I joined here, how did that happen..03:23
elky_e71@bansearch gaintsura03:24
Pici@bansearch gaintsura03:26
ubottuMatch: *!*@71-212-180-46.hlrn.qwest.net!#ubuntu-ops by jrib in #ubuntu on Nov 21 2008 01:18:45 (ID: 7064)03:26
bazhangreally nasty part message iirc03:26
elky_e71i need to figur how to autoidentify with this thing03:27
Picielky_e71: group elky_e71 to your account and use a server password?03:27
elky_e71someone follow upwith him in pm then i suppose03:28
elky_e71pici yeah, the auto passing of password is lacking though i think03:29
Picielky_e71: Even as a server password? Most irc clients have that.03:29
elky_e71i havent really tried03:30
elky_e71still getting used to typing on this03:30
jussi01Hello all03:44
Picijussi01: Howdy03:44
jussi01hiya Pici03:52
ubottuziroday called the ops in #ubuntu (THE_MENTALIST is flooding)04:01
manzurhello my name is abraham, and i was banned from ubuntu, so please let me get in again05:31
Flannelmanzur: What were you banned for?05:32
manzurFlannel, i can log in #ubuntu, because i missbehave, now i feel sorry about it and i know how to behave, so please let me in05:33
Flannelmanzur: Do you know what #ubuntu is for?05:34
manzurFlannel, of course, now i do05:35
Flannelmanzur: And what's that?05:35
FlannelIf you don't know, that's fine.  I'll tell you.  I just want to make sure we're all on the same page so we don't have any more misunderstandings05:36
manzurFlannel, of course i know, i want ubuntu to be better, it was just that i posted my idea in brainstorm in here to make it notice, but now i know i can't do that, so please i want to make you know that now we are in the same page05:37
Flannelmanzur: Alright, let me put it this way:  What is the topic of #ubuntu?  (as far as being on topic or off topic is concerned)05:38
manzurFlannel, it is to help people in that use ubuntu05:39
manzurit is to help people05:39
Flannelmanzur: It's for tech support only05:40
Flannelnot discussions, not annoucements, etc (even if they're about Ubuntu), that's what #ubuntu-offtopic is for05:40
manzurso you mean#ubuntu-offtopic is where i can talk and announce about news05:41
manzurand etc05:41
Flannelmanzur: So, when you're looking to discuss flash 64 or whatever, you should do it in #ubuntu-offtopic, yes.05:41
manzurmanzur, ok05:42
manzurFlannel, can i get in now?05:43
Flannelmanzur: One more thing, have you read and understood the IRC guidelines? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:43
manzurFlannel, of course i have read them05:43
manzurit reads about respect, no flood, etc, etc, etc05:44
Flannelmanzur: Alright, so we shouldn't have any more to worry about from you, since now you understand what #ubuntu is for, and what #ubuntu-offtopic is.  Good.05:44
manzurFlannel, yes friend05:45
Flannelmanzur: Alright, your bans lifted.  Go ahead and join.05:45
manzurFlannel, thanks05:45
gaintsurawtf, I keep ending up here instead of #ubuntu08:43
Flannelgaintsura: That's because you're being forwarded here.08:44
gaintsuraright, why?08:45
Flannelgaintsura: Because your quit message is rather inappropriate08:45
Flannelgaintsura: mind changing it?08:48
gaintsurayeah, sorry, I had to go take care of something08:53
gaintsuraI think that is kind of a stupid restriction =\08:54
Flannelgaintsura: How so?08:55
gaintsurait shouldn't be up to a channel to decide what can and cannot be in one's quit message, if its that big of a problem, disable quit messages08:56
stdinif it would not be appropriate to say it in #ubuntu, don't put it in you'r part/quit message08:56
Flannelgaintsura: Its up to us to decide what sort of atmosphere we would like in a channel, which includes your quit messages when you're in the channel.08:56
stdinand you can not disable the messages channel-wide for all users of the channel08:56
gaintsurayes this is true, and please by all means do so, but don't designate what can and cannot be in a quit message in such a fashion, I think its a bit childish08:57
gaintsuramerely my opinions, been changed08:57
stdinchildish why? you quit, so how could we ask you to change it?08:57
Flannelgaintsura: Our channel guidelines are plainly laid out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines08:58
gaintsurayes and I know what they are08:58
stdinas I said earlier, if it would not be appropriate to say it in #ubuntu, don't put it in you'r part/quit message, as everyone sees it by default08:59
gaintsuraI mean think about it, you don't duct tape someones mouth shut when you're on the street because they are yappin about something you don't want to hear, you may want to, but its imposing.08:59
stdin1) IRC is not the street, 2) the channel has clear guidelines, which you say you know. 3) the channel is family friendly, if someone was swearing in the street and there are children around, they would be asked to stop09:00
gaintsurawow, I don't know where you live, but anyway, I'm done, its been changed09:01
* stdin lives in a house09:01
gaintsurathats real useful09:01
Flannelgaintsura: Being in the Ubuntu channels is a privledge, not a right.  No one is forcing you to join them, especially if you don't agree with what their purpose is.09:02
* gaintsura sighs, its a useless attempt09:03
bazhangnetyire at it again in -ot09:20
bazhanggaintsura, are you about finished here?09:20
gaintsurayeah... I'm still tryin to get in..09:21
gaintsuraI've changed my quit.. still can't get in09:21
bazhangchange your part message gaintsura (did you do that?)09:21
gaintsuramy part message says 'Ex-Chat'09:22
bazhangit said something really nasty before gaintsura 09:22
gaintsurano.. that was my quit, which I fixed09:22
elkbuntubazhang, we'll find out as soon as he leaves here.09:22
gaintsurahere.. watch09:23
bazhanggaintsura, you understand how that message is offensive and inappropriate for #ubuntu channels?09:23
bazhanggaintsura, you understand how that part message is inappropriate and offensive for #ubuntu channels?09:24
gaintsurawhat part message?09:24
gaintsuraYou have left channel #ubuntu-ops ("Ex-Chat")09:24
gaintsuraI don't see what the problem is now09:24
bazhangthe bad one you had before you changed it09:25
* gaintsura sighs jezus, if this weren't the best place to get ubuntu help I'd have left already, I'm not 1209:25
bazhanggaintsura, you do understand then? is that a yes?09:25
bazhanggaintsura, so no more problems from you in that regard?09:26
bazhangyou can join now gaintsura 09:28
ubottuIn #ubuntu, root______ said: ubottu kde3 is if you are serious about wanting kde3 on your intrepid install, see this page  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96369510:07
Flannelelkbuntu: Whats your thoughts on Cann0n in #u?  He's starting to make me feel that he's just causing trouble.10:16
bazhangI wont read what you link me.10:29
Flannelbut I'10:29
Flannelll google!10:29
FlannelI feel bad for nintendork.  Was asking about upgrading to 8.10 earlier, I tried to discourage it, but everyone else egged him on, now he's stuck with KDE410:30
stdinyou say that like it's a bad thing10:31
Flannelstdin: Well, now he's compiling 3.5 from source10:31
Flannelor will be10:31
stdinfwiw, the Kubuntu team is working with the poster of the link ^ up there to make a stable/safe KDE3 repo for KDE 3 in intrepid10:32
FlannelI know, and I mentioned it to him10:32
stdinalthough it's a bit pointless, it's like saying "I like KDE 2, why can't I install it?" IMO10:32
Flannel!jfgi =~ /  / /10:33
ubottuNothing changed there10:33
ubottuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:33
ubottujfgi is <alias> noob - added by Seveas on 2006-06-17 23:26:5610:33
FlannelI've gotta do it on the main one?10:33
stdinI'm not sure =~ works on aliases10:33
Flannel!noob =~ /  / /10:33
ubottuI'll remember that Flannel10:33
FlannelI guess not10:34
Flannelthat makes sense10:34
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:34
stdinbecause the actual value of "jfgi" is "<alias>noob"10:34
elkbuntuyou might want to add 'simply directing someone to google with no extra information is just as useless and rude as jfgi'.10:35
stdinsaying "go google" is directly against the guidelines, no more justification is needed10:35
Flannelyep, "when helping, be helpful"10:36
stdincould also be seen as against the CoC "Be respectful."10:37
elkbuntunah, more courtesy than respect10:39
elkbuntuit's about as useful as saying 'go stare into that corner'10:39
elkbuntugrr... i want to mangle my linode (which hosts my bip proxy) but netyire is being a handful13:27
LjLsay again?13:28
elkbuntuif i mess with my linode, i'll be disconnecting my irc connection. netyire is being a pita, and i wont be able to babysit13:30
elkbuntusee -offtopic13:31
elkbuntuhe's hyped up on something13:39
LjLelkbuntu: how do we coordinate the kickings? alphabetical order?13:41
elkbuntuLjL, why not just get pricey to clear and let the server figure it out :P13:42
elkbuntunetyire has been irritating bazhang for a few days now13:43
MyrttiI wonder if it's my oversensetive empathy skillz, but damn, I feel ashamed everytime a Finn, Swede, Estonian or Russian misbehaves.14:10
Myrttimakes my life a bit miserable.14:10
Garyat least you are not british, you'd never recover14:10
MyrttiI've not seen that many English misbehaving.14:11
MyrttiI don't mean trolling, btw14:11
MyrttiI mean plain idiotic flooding/stalking/dcc exploiting etc.14:11
* elkbuntu huggles Myrtti big time14:12
elkbuntuMyrtti, dont feel guilt for other's idiocy, mkay?14:12
Garyoh, no the british are better at real world misbehaving14:12
MyrttiI feel guilty for all my past dates being idiots...14:12
Myrttitime to put some breakfast rolls to bake14:13
Garyummm, sounds tasty14:13
elky_e71ok,mirggi is better than jmirc14:13
elky_e71For start, it doesnt take me off to a 'compose' window14:14
Myrttielkbuntu: didn't I tell you?14:14
Myrttisecond, it allows multiple networks14:15
Myrttiand network password14:15
elky_e71nope, or i didnt listen14:15
Myrttime and topyli and snuxoll...14:15
Myrttiit still sucks, but it's still also better than jmirc14:16
elky_e71Hrm, its stopped letting me browse the chans im in14:16
Myrttiget out of the compose prompt14:16
Myrttithen you can browse again14:16
Myrttierm, click the compose prompt again?14:17
elky_e71aah, tge return key14:17
* elkbuntu evicts jmirc from the phone14:20
elkbuntui bet it has a decent email client14:21
elkbuntuoh, it's only a browser14:22
MyrttiI didn't know the default browser is webkit...14:25
MyrttiI feel so out of date14:25
elkbuntuhttp://mymobilesite.net/ <- lolwut?14:27
elkbuntuhttps://topyli.mymobilesite.net/ <-- haha14:28
LjLelky_e71: you'd really have thought there could exist a mobile-related site without topyli being registered to it?14:36
elkbunturight, much better14:41
Myrttihold on...14:42
Myrtti"Send SMS using PC web browser. SMS are sent as if you had typed them with your phone."14:42
Myrttiholy hell14:42
Myrtti"SMS inbox/outbox and SMS sending"14:42
* Myrtti installs14:42
* LjL thinks the word "free" is missing for him to install anything14:43
naliothdoesn't google have an sms portal?14:45
LjLnever heard of it14:45
LjLbut yes14:45
LjLyou can send sms to a number and get some silly info14:46
elky_e71hrm, maybe i should sleep. 2am approaches14:50
naliothLjL: no, not an sms info service, but a portal to send sms to people14:53
* nalioth thought google offered one14:53
LjLi don't see that14:55
bazhangdoes sudobash intentionally give wrong advice? or just generally not knowledgeable?16:33
LjLbazhang: he's a16:33
LjLoh wait, this is logged16:33
LjLyou got the idea anyway16:34
bazhangsuper grub disk?16:34
bazhangwindows firewall for a failing drive?16:34
LjLbazhang: it's not a failing drive, it's a samba share over wireless16:34
LjL(if they're still talking about that issue)16:34
LjLhello animalcannibal, please change your ident to something less rude to join #ubuntu16:58
ubottuIn ubottu, goobsoft said: !ChadSkeeters is a cool guy17:03
LjLsometimes, like everyone, i answer a question that's already been answered a second before, since i'm just already pressing enter17:09
LjLbut when there's a row of answers, including ones like 10 seconds apart, i start to wonder what the hell are people thinking17:09
jdongLjL: the problem is 10x worse when there's a karma system attached :)17:27
LjLjdong: i can imagine17:28
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)18:55
* Myrtti rolls her eyes18:56
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:22
Myrtti[21:09] < jordanb> rudybot,quote19:26
Myrtti[21:09] < rudybot> I love it how the ubuntu wankers all install automatix.19:26
Myrttifrom #emacs19:26
ubottuDear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.19:32
MyrttiI just hate it when people mount their network drives with gnomevfs19:34
Myrttimy head is going to explode19:35
Myrttiapparently Amaranth doesn't have nickprotection on20:08
Myrttipainkillers, where's me painkillers20:10
ikoniaalex_112: you've been forwarded here because despite being asked once in pm, and once publicly in the main #ubuntu channel you persisted to private message people in #ubuntu asking for support21:13
alex_112ikonia, do you think banning people is funny?21:14
alex_112I`m stucked int stupid story,I do my best to keep my mind with Linux21:15
ikoniapardon ?21:15
alex_112perhaps it`s better to format and install my friendly XP?21:15
ikoniaif you want21:15
ikoniathats not what I'm discussing with you21:15
alex_112yes now I remebered why I leave IRC-if somebody has power he/she thing is GOD21:17
LjLalex_112, do you have an operator/abuse question?21:17
alex_112YES 21:17
ikoniamultiple people, myself included asked you to stop sending unsoliceted private messages, you did not comply with that so you where brought to this channel to discuss it without disrupting the main channel21:18
alex_112ikonia kick me off from ubuntu cause my private chat21:18
LjLalex_112: so, why did you keep PM'ing people after being told multiple times not to do so?21:18
tritiumalex_112: which was justified...21:18
LjLwhat's funny?21:18
alex_112good bye Linux,IRC hello XP,skype21:19
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops alex_11221:19
ubottuThe operation succeeded.21:19
ikoniaI'm out, can't be bothered with timewasters or people who won't say "I don't know" and waste time21:24
ikoniachannel ban list is full21:31
ikonianeed to do tidy up21:31
FlannelI'm cleaning by bans now21:31
RNS]KGpVmy bans are all less then a month old except for ones on idents or obviously static hosts21:32
=== RNS]KGpV is now known as LjL
ikoniayup, I'll housekeep too21:33
FlannelCan you only do four bans per line? -bbbb? 21:34
FlannelDon't do that, heh21:35
LjLFlannel: yes, only four21:36
LjLi put a space between *!*@ and the rest...21:36
ikoniamoron just comes in to quote apache 1.3 directives at me, he's uing apache 221:40
ikoniathinks he's clever with it21:40
Flannelalright, mine are good.21:41
ikoniaalmost done21:41
ikoniagot a few lingerers which I don't want to remove21:41
Flannelyeah, Ive got some that are just too recent to remove21:42
ikoniaI've got one's which are too bad / trouble to remove21:42
LjLdon't remove them then21:44
LjLthere are also a lot of bans by floodbots21:44
ikoniatidied up21:45
LjLthey can fall into two categories, CTCPers and exploiters21:45
ikoniagot rid of a god 20 - 30 21:45
ikoniaactually - 20 21:45
ubot3In #ubuntu-dz, Off` said: !foo is foo22:05
ubot3In #ubuntu-dz, amarsoft said: !no, foo is foo22:08
_Zeus_is the nickname HardPhuck acceptable?23:07
_Zeus_do i need +v?23:18
Myrttiand you're not getting it23:18
* Myrtti pokes people awake23:19
_Zeus_ok, cause no one answered my previous question23:19
_Zeus_is the nickname HardPhuck OK?23:19
Myrttiif it troubles you, you could have asked him to change it like I just did23:22
_Zeus_i didn't want to overstep my bounds23:22
Myrttiyou have the right and powers to ask them to change it as do I23:23
Myrtti_Zeus_: was there anything else?23:53

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