=== robotgee1 is now known as robotgeek [06:11] Riddell: the Kubuntu wiki is a bit neglected [06:11] he's away :/ === doko_ is now known as doko === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [15:13] ScottK: Could you take a look at bug 301317 and give an MOTU ack please? [15:13] Launchpad bug 301317 in kio-bookmarks "Request for removal from archive (kio-bookmarks)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301317 [15:20] JontheEchidna: you know smarter is motu as well ;-) [15:21] apachelogger: so you don't need to be on the motu council or anything? [15:21] * smarter has no idea if he haz taht powa [15:21] JontheEchidna: nah, you just need some developer to approve the request so you don't request shit [15:22] heh [15:22] hm [15:22] JontheEchidna: doesn't kdelibs conflict kio-bookmarks? [15:23] * apachelogger is wondering why libs would conflict it if it was included in kdebase [15:24] apachelogger: yeah, I just corrected that [15:25] it is in libs [15:25] JontheEchidna: also, did it really only get introduced in .80? [15:25] the .installs don't indicate such a change in .80 ;-) [15:26] probably in 4.1.73 [15:26] Nightrose: could you people please fix trying to overwrite `/opt/amarok-nightly/share/kde4/servicetypes/plasma-scriptengine.desktop', which is also in package amarok-nightly-kdelibs [15:26] apachelogger: will poke leo about it. thx [15:27] JontheEchidna: you should state something like "in > 4.1.50", otherwise you confuse me :P [15:40] apachelogger: leo said we no longer do [15:41] possibly [15:41] neon version is from 17th [15:41] either kollide is forgetting stuff or there is a bug within neon [15:45] WARNING: bool Phonon::FactoryPrivate::createBackend() phonon backend plugin could not be loaded [15:45] ALSA lib setup.c:555:(add_elem) Cannot obtain info for CTL elem (MIXER,'IEC958 Playback Default',0,0,0): No such file or directory [15:45] ALSA lib setup.c:555:(add_elem) Cannot obtain info for CTL elem (MIXER,'IEC958 Playback Default',0,0,0): No such file or directory [15:45] Nightrose: looks like fun, doesn't it [15:45] yay [15:45] not! [16:29] * ScottK isn't on the MOTU Council anyway. [16:30] hmm, for some reason I thought you were [16:31] Done in any case. [16:31] * ScottK is on the motu-release team. [16:31] oh, that's probably what I was thinking of [16:31] In any case that's something any MOTU can do. [16:31] You shouldn't subscribe the archive, let the sponsor do that. [16:32] will keep that in mind for next time [16:33] No problem. Thanks for looking after it. [16:33] That or you should apply for MOTU .... [16:34] * ScottK goes to lunch [16:34] heh, I plan on doing so after KDE 4.1.80 [16:38] Please do some Universe stuff too so we can avoid the "You pretty much just upload to Main, so you don't need MOTU" debate. Ask kirkland for how much fun that is. [16:41] mornin' [16:42] * nixternal searches for some work to do today [16:42] any ideas? [16:43] I hear the guy in charge of Kubuntu docs has been a real slacker lately. Probably stuff there that needs doing. [16:43] already started there :p [16:43] ya, that jjesse is a real slacker :) [16:48] nixternal: Looking for KDE3 stuff that can't work anymore and should be removed would be good. [16:48] * nixternal picks smb4k as one [16:48] that one has a lot of fun changes too [16:58] ScottK: do we have a list of apps that aren't up to snuff? [16:58] * nixternal checks ksensors [16:58] if that is still there it should get removed anyways...it hasn't worked correctly in years [16:59] sebas: mjg59 isn't completely wrong on the 3D vs 2D topic.... [17:00] sebas: notably, only nvidia's 3D driver supports interruptless VBLANK with compositing enabled [17:00] on Intel it increases power consumption by 0.7W and 50 wakeups/sec [17:19] <^seelenn^> nixternal: You around? [17:56] ^seelenn^: ya I am here...I am building some packages right now...what's going on? [17:56] if you listen to slipknot, you can increase your productivity by two-fold easily :) [17:56] <^seelenn^> Hello, just wanted to know the index page url so I could take a look and do a mock up [17:58] it is installed locally on your system with the kubuntu-docs package...so if you went into konqueror and typed the url: help:/kubuntu/index you will see the current index [17:58] it works for some it seems, but not for all [17:58] <^seelenn^> ahhh, clever [17:58] it is currently written docbook/xml [17:58] I have no problem writing it in HTML, though it makes translations difficult and time consuming as they have to be done manually [17:59] <^seelenn^> I checked out docbook, looks good for purpose [17:59] it is easy too, except for doing the tricker things like I did with that index...it is written in docbook utilizing tables, very badly I might add [18:00] <^seelenn^> :) I like easy :) [18:00] * DaSkreech tries to consider if Linux is easy [18:01] <^seelenn^> woah, that is complicated! [18:02] hehe, told ya :) [18:02] <^seelenn^> I like a challenge, I'll have a good look through and make a shiny mock up [18:04] rock on...very much appreciated [18:17] ooh, my new smb4k package will remove all of its bugs currently opened in LP :) [18:20] * nixternal wonders why his name isn't on the 5-a-day stats anymore? I should be in 16th spot overall but I am no longer there [18:21] Soooo ^seelenn^ likes easy challeneges? :) [18:22] <^seelenn^> Pretty much, although DocBook is not in the 'easy' class whatsoever [19:44] can someone explain how bug 301217 is technically even possible? [19:44] Launchpad bug 301217 in amarok "amarok doesn't run on Ubuntu 8.10+kde, requires libkdeui.so.4" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301217 [19:45] JontheEchidna, still need packagers? [19:45] apachelogger, possibly backports/updates are screwed [19:46] NCommander: neither of them is in backports or updates [19:47] there is no way how his kdelibs4 couldn't contain libkdeui.so.4 [19:49] apachelogger, isn't libkdeui.so.4 from KDE3 vs. 4? [19:49] from? [19:50] kdelibs4 = kde3 [19:50] soversion 4 == KDE 3; soversion 5 == KDE 4 [19:55] kdelibs is still in the archive though .. [19:55] (as in soversion 3) [19:55] er [19:55] 4 [19:57] so is 4.1.80 up? [20:14] apachelogger: why do we add quilt to build-deps if there are no patches? Is that a mistake of the past? [20:14] no, it is the crappy include design of cdbs :P [20:14] nixternal: kde4.mk includes quilt or something [20:15] thus everything using kde4.mk also needs quilt as build-dep [20:15] ahh, that is silly [20:15] NCommander: no, go package it [20:15] no go? [20:15] , [20:31] WHat still needs packaging? [20:31] and are we merging from Debian, or 0ubuntu1ing it? [20:42] _Sime: are you around? [20:42] or anyone else with PyQt knowledge. [20:44] specifically does anyone know how to increment a QTreeWidgetItemIterator in python? [21:15] jdong: I'm not saying he's wrong. I'm just saying he shouldn't relate to powerdevil when he doesn't know how powerdevil works and what it actually does. [21:16] In fact, I wrote that he's right [21:17] sebas: understood. [21:17] sebas: btw, am I correct in understanding that powerdevil offers the option to hot-unplug a core for power savings? [21:39] jdong: Correct, yes. [21:42] sebas: hot-unplugging Intel cores actually leads them to idle in C0 instead of C4, using more power [21:42] idn about AMD cores, but at least one should warn about this actually having the chance of causing more power usage [21:43] jdong: Ah, interesting [21:43] I didn't test cpu hotplugging, it doesn't seem to be supported on my hardware [21:44] i.e. kernel bug 5471 , ubuntu bug 54601 [21:44] you smart people make me sick :p [21:44] Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/5471/+text) [21:44] Ubuntu bug 54601 in linux-source-2.6.15 "disabling a CPU increases laptop power consumption" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54601 [21:45] sebas: instead, I recommend exposing the sched_mc_powersavings sysfs option [21:46] sebas: that does what you intend -- low workloads are all directed at one core while the other is allowed to idle as much as possible [21:46] if you start up a workload that's clearly multi-core then it'll utilize the second core. [21:46] with this, it allows my system to idle CPU0 75% and CPU1 99% during regular workloads [21:47] sebas: actually, reading the lesswatts mailing list, CPU hotplugging is worse: Hot-unplugging one core on a core * duo will also not allow the other core to enter sleep! [21:48] c.f. http://mail.lesswatts.org/pipermail/discuss/2007-September/000031.html [21:55] Ow, that sounds like a bug to me. [21:56] yeah, at any rate, until that's all sorted out it's probably not wise to expose CPU hotplugging to the user [21:56] the sched_mc_powersavings option is a much better one that leads to good power savings for light loads [23:04] anyone know if the alternate cd installed w/o any problems? [23:12] bonsoir [23:12] je suis francis maintenant [23:13] sure [23:14] what are you doing in france? [23:15] bah, alternate cd doesn't work :( [23:16] heya Riddell - did ervin find you? [23:16] he was looking for you [23:16] issues with hplip-gui, python-reportlab, libplasma2, libplasma3, and finishing with pkgsel failing [23:18] Nightrose: i found an ervin [23:18] hehe good [23:58] alpha 1 is out? [23:58] did anyone test it?