
MTecknologyYou know what..... Somebody should come up with a way to have editing a wiki add karma02:38
MTecknologyI think I'd have over a few thousand karma by now :P02:38
kiko-afkI'd want to join that club too iykwim02:44
* Hobbsee proposes converting karma for cash, or something ;)02:46
Hobbseeor a frequent flyer points-style thing.02:46
MTecknologyHobbsee: I've been editing my teams wiki for ~5+hr/day average for the last month or two02:48
MTecknologyHobbsee: Hey... can you do me a favor??02:49
HobbseeMTecknology: probably not, but ask anyway02:49
MTecknologyHobbsee: here's a hint - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MTecknology#Testimonials02:49
Hobbseeah.  shoot me a mail02:49
* Hobbsee is heading out the door02:49
Hobbseekiko-afk: oh, if you're around still, can you kill the account test12345 please?02:50
* Hobbsee wants to do some testing on it.02:50
MTecknologyeh - lp has it too :P02:50
Hobbsee(yes, it's one of mine)02:51
MTecknologyHobbsee: nice butterfly pic02:51
HobbseeMTecknology: thanks :)02:51
MTecknologyHobbsee: Is it fine if I just use your primary on LP?02:51
HobbseeMTecknology: sure.  it all goes to the smae place.02:51
MTecknologyaight - ty02:51
MTecknologyHobbsee: How does that work?02:52
MTecknologyDoes your ubuntu email go to your own server? or the other way?02:52
HobbseeMTecknology: the first way.02:52
MTecknologyubuntu dloaded with pop?02:53
Hobbseenah - it forwards02:53
MTecknologyCan you send with that addy too?02:53
Hobbseeyou can send and receive mail with it, but there's no "hobbsee@ubuntu.com" account to log into somewhere.02:54
Hobbseewell, there's no mail.ubuntu.com that you can use hobbsee@ubuntu.com to log in with, or whatever.02:54
MTecknologyoh - just no web ui pretty much?02:55
Hobbseeer, yes.  I think so.02:55
MTecknologydo they offer imap?02:56
MTecknologysorry - so many questions ...02:57
MTecknologyI'll let ya go :)02:57
Hobbseeno, it's just a forward02:58
Hobbseeand yeah, i'm gone :)02:58
HobbseeMTecknology: argh.  You sent it to the black hole!04:11
* Hobbsee forgot that she'd redirected all the launchpad mail, the filtered out the bits she actually wanted to keep04:11
* Hobbsee only checks the black hole infrequently04:11
MTecknologyHobbsee: ??04:24
MTecknologyHobbsee: How's this thing look? :D https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthDakotaTeam/Events04:25
MTecknologycrap - tables aren't building right...04:28
MTecknologyThere - all fixed - once page saves04:32
MTecknologyHobbsee: ping04:38
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HobbseeMTecknology: contentless pong?11:25
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et3I found something stupid in bazaar indeed12:10
et3bazaar won't know about the ssh key you made unless it's named "id_rsa"12:13
et3I did not find a configuration option for the ssh key path either.  It just assumes it's named id_rsa12:14
* cjwatson marks another bunch of rutadeevacuacion's bugs as invalid12:27
cjwatsonet3: that depends on which ssh implementation it's using. The only place where id_rsa is hardcoded in bzr is in the paramiko implementation, and that also tries id_dsa for DSA keys12:28
cjwatsonet3: if it's using the openssh implementation, it'll just be whatever ssh's default is, which you can tweak on a per-host basis in ~/.ssh/config; see the ssh_config(5) manual page12:29
LarstiQor use ssh-add to let it know about your keys12:29
LarstiQ(or an ssh agent)12:29
cjwatsonLarstiQ: ssh still needs to know which key you actually want to use12:30
LarstiQet3: in my case, bzr + openssh use my authentication key off of my openpgp smartcard12:30
cjwatsonLarstiQ: simply adding it to ssh-agent makes no difference to which key it'll try12:30
LarstiQcjwatson: hmm, I'm under the impression it will enumerate them.12:30
LarstiQor find a matching fingerprint maybe12:31
LarstiQcjwatson: but your ~/.ssh/config advice will work whatever the case (with openssh of course)12:31
cjwatsonLarstiQ: oh, you may be right, sorry12:32
cjwatson * try keys in the following order:12:32
cjwatson *      1. agent keys that are found in the config file12:32
cjwatson *      2. other agent keys12:32
cjwatson *      3. keys that are only listed in the config file12:32
cjwatsonsaith sshconnect2.c12:32
LarstiQcjwatson: ok :)12:32
LarstiQet3: so, are you using openssh?12:32
mdkehi all. I've been trying to get a revision page out of bazaar.launchpad.net for a while now, it won't load and says to report it here12:34
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devilCan anybody tell me why I cannot connect to launchpad.net all the time. THX13:09
Peng_What version of bzr will LP 2.1.11 use?13:38
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epsyis loggerhead working fro you?15:40
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mib_4m2itdThe bazaar.launchpad.net seems broken15:43
epsysame here15:43
mib_4m2itdNo announcement about it in the topic though :\15:43
ubottuIt's a weekend.  Often on weekends, the paid developers, and a lot of the community, may not be around to answer your question.  Please be patient, wait longer than you normally would, or try again during the working week.15:43
andrea-bsmib_4m2itd, epsy: I think it's because of bug 15645315:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156453 in loggerhead "production loggerhead branch leaks memory" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15645315:44
epsyone would guess so :S15:44
mib_4m2itdandrea-bs: ah ok. Also, could you edit the topic and remove EdwinGrubbs? he seems not to be here heh.15:45
=== andrea-bs changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: -
andrea-bsyou're welcome :)15:47
mib_4m2itdwell.. I'm off to enjoy my weekend too :P15:47
epsywhile I'm at it, the error page looks messed up15:47
epsythe <p>s should have no max-width15:48
dhruv_1884i am having trouble viewing the source code files of my branches in launch pad. I get the following message "           Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.                             Try reloading this page in a minute or two.           If the problem persists, let us know in           the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.                  Thanks for your patience."16:33
persiadhruv_1884, Backscroll speculates this is bug 15645316:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156453 in loggerhead "production loggerhead branch leaks memory" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15645316:34
andrea-bsdhruv_1884: unfortunately on Sunday there are no Launchpad admins around :(16:35
dhruv_1884andrea-bs: thanks, hope this bug gets fixed soon16:36
persiaandrea-bs, Well, depends on the Sunday, but at least not today.16:39
andrea-bspersia: mh.. you're right :)16:39
janjokelaHello, any guesses as to why browsing code in launchpad is ass slow?16:46
persiaLaunchpad bug 15645316:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156453 in loggerhead "production loggerhead branch leaks memory" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15645316:47
janjokelagood luck then on that bug!16:47
pkernOOPS-1058EA105, any comment to those trac-launchpad interaction stuff?  I tried to delete the bug watcher in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/296707/ which messes with our Trac a bit.16:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 296707 in malone ""Updating Launchpad bug reference" comment is redundant" [Low,Triaged]16:50
epsyuhm..does anyone here know what to do when you forget your PGP passphrase?16:50
persiaepsy, check your safety deposit box.  If it's not there, use the revocation certificate that is there to revoke the key, and make a new one.16:51
persiaAlternately, try another few hundred times until you get it right.16:51
epsyrevoking it requires the passphrase16:51
epsyor it's just enigmail bugging on me16:51
persiaNo.  Revoking it *without* the preprepared revocation certificate requires a passphrase: this is why you want to prepare one of these when you create the key, print it out, and put it in your safety deposit box.16:52
epsyoh right16:52
persiaIt's annoying to have to type in later, but it's also annoying to have an active key out there that you can't use, with no way to tell others not to use it.16:53
epsytrough I don't see how to revoke it with gpg16:54
epsyI only see --gen-revoke in gpg --help16:54
stgraberIIRC you can simply write your revocation certificate in a text file then: gpg --import <file> and then gpg --send-key <key id>16:55
stgraberbut I never had to do it so ...16:55
* persia suspects stgraber is correct, but shares the lack of experience16:57
geseras far as I know, a revokation certificate is like signature, so gpg --import should do it (and don't forget to upload it to the keyservers)16:58
geserso keep your revocation certificate safe, else somebody else might revoke your key16:58
epsy--import apparently revoked these16:59
epsyso I send the revoked pub key right? :)16:59
epsyright, let's see how launchpad likes it17:01
epsyyup, it says it was revoked17:01
persiaepsy, Now you can generate a new key, prepare a new revocation certificate, and pick a new passphrase.17:02
epsylet's how the next passphrase will not be forgotten :S17:02
epsylet's hope*17:02
epsyand not as in "it gets on IRC"17:02
epsythank you very much17:06
andresjbtw, bazaar.launchpad.net is down. :)17:06
MTecknologyHobbsee: ping17:15
MTecknologyHobbsee: I got a pong from ya, idk when17:17
MTecknologyHow does a person add openid to their accounts?17:56
MTecknologyIt's been a long time ago since I did it and now I'm having somebody ask me17:57
persiaMTecknology, By signing up to launchpad (yes, this is a change from the previous behaviour)18:00
MTecknologypersia: It's just default now?18:01
MTecknologywow - nice change :P18:01
MTecknologywhat if they signed up before that?18:01
persiaThen they already have it.18:02
* persia didn't sign up for OpenID, or do anything special, but uses LP OpenID daily18:02
MTecknologypersia: I don't see any openid info listed on their page18:04
MTecknologyor is that not public?18:05
persiaDo they see it on their page?18:08
MTecknologyI'm trying to find out18:08
persiahttps://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/OpenID might be a good resource18:08
MTecknologypersia: where is it supposed to be - I'm not seeing it on mine either :P18:10
persiaIt's in the same section as email, irc nick, etc. for me.18:11
persia(I have no idea if this is where it is "supposed" to be)18:11
MTecknologyEmail, Wiki, IRC, OpenPGP, SSH18:11
MTecknologyThat's all I see for mine18:12
MTecknologypersia: I'm confused.... I know I always used to be able to see it. I can still log in with it, but I don't see it listed.18:14
persiaMTecknology, I don't have any information beyond what I've provided, and I'm not sufficiently special to have any means to collect information that aren't available to you.18:15
MTecknologythanks for the info18:16
MTecknologyit's weird :P18:16
epsyis it possible to set a release to anotherr date as today ?18:16
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et3I can never reach this place on my account:  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~codeshiftster/codeshift-wallpapers/main/files19:28
spm_et3: should be fine now19:37
et3spm_: I'll check it out19:38
et3I built a .deb19:39
et3I don't know how to upload it19:39
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et3thanks spm_19:54
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* NCommander wonders what would happen if I fed LP a 3.0 quilt source package21:45
wgrantNCommander: It's not supported yet, but I believe it's scheduled.21:52
NCommanderwgrant, its silently dropped21:52
Leaspm, are you here?21:53
NCommanderwgrant, no, wait21:53
NCommanderIt accepted it21:53
NCommanderand then rejected it because I forgot to change the distro to jaunty :-)21:53
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* paolettopn e' away (ciao a tutti!)22:09
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spmLea: I re-am now22:14
LeaRE: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/5194922:15
LeaI'm no longer to log in with the email address I had on the new account, and indeed, it appears to not exist at all from the forgotten password page22:16
Lea*no longer able22:16
Leapresumably only the old inaccessible email address is attached to the account22:16
spmLea: the email address to that account is the ...@...mine.nu one - if that helps?22:18
Leait confirms my suspicions, but that email address no longer exists - hence the original request for a merge22:18
* Lea was hoping to have the leachim@leachim.info address attached to the account22:19
spmAh your request implied it was the other way around. NP, I'll fix - one sec.22:20
Leasorry for the confusion22:20
spmoki - should be getting a confirm email (possibly twice - I may have double clicked) - see if that works22:22
vadi2Hi. I've created a new milestone in my project, however I'm not seeing the option to assign a bug to a milestone in the individual bugs reports.22:28
vadi2Am I missing something? I didn't find clear instructions how to how work with milestones properly besides an overview of them22:28
vadi2Found it. It had a rather unexpected method for setting it22:35
Leaspm, Application error.  Unauthenticated user POSTing to page that requires authentication.22:40
LeaI can't log in because i need the email added to the account. I can't add the email to the account because I need to log in. hmmm22:40
LeaAuth link was: https://edge.launchpad.net/token/fP6NGdHRH0sDFgfrcbGq22:41
spmLea: heh - that doesn't help does it - ok. Give me about 15-20 minutes - in the middle of debuggerering something else. ping/nag :-) me if I still haven't got back to you by then.22:48
spmLea: this is a tad frustrating. I suspect the best bet may be the long way around. Can you createa  new account with your proper email address, and we'll do the merge/rename fandango onto the new account.23:09
Leaspm, working account with correct email: https://launchpad.net/~leachim-leachim23:17
spmLea: ta, ok, I'll merege the old account onto that for starters...23:18
spmLea: ok, the merge is done - lets confirm that's still working for you, before I rename?23:20
Leayep, still working23:21
spmcool, now to break with the rename then... ;-)23:22
spmLea: https://edge.launchpad.net/~leachim  should be all systems go?23:22
Leayes, works spm. Thanks for the help. sorry it took so long23:23
spmLea: excellent - is np. Poop happens.23:23
Hobbseeoh, spm!  You're here :)23:25
spmHobbsee: yessss..... ;-)23:25
Hobbseespm: can you kill off the account test12345 please?23:25
* Hobbsee would like to test something.23:25
spmHobbsee: deactive as in?23:25
Hobbseespm: as in do wahtever you did to that other spammer.23:25
spmright - was just asking that exact question. sure. one sec.23:26
spmHobbsee: iz done23:29
Hobbseespm: thanks!23:29
savvasis the bazaar.launchpad.net fixed?23:30
savvaswait, let me try23:30
spmsavvas: thrice this morning23:30
Hobbseespm: reactivated.23:31
Hobbseespm: let me spam you!!!23:31
savvasmm.. spam.. food23:31
HobbseeThat's the bug, then.23:31

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