
=== nizarus_ is now known as nizarus
boredandblogginghighvoltage: about the iran fridge thing, absolutely!00:58
tycheboredandblogging: How's your vacation?00:59
boredandbloggingtyche: ugh01:00
boredandbloggingit wasn't01:00
tycheWhat happened?01:00
boredandbloggingnever made it01:00
tycheOh, I'm sorry to hear that.01:00
boredandbloggingdad got ill right before we were leaving01:00
boredandbloggingwent down to Orlando to check on him01:00
tycheI hope it was nothing too serious.01:01
boredandbloggingthen my mom sprained her ankle, tearing a ligament01:01
tycheYou're family isn't having very good luck, right now, are they?01:01
boredandbloggingheh, no01:02
highvoltageboredandblogging: cool, thanks06:01
highvoltageboredandblogging: the zimbabwe team also didn't too bad, so I think I'll do that too06:01
boredandblogginghighvoltage: excellent, let me know if you need any help06:44
highvoltagewill do06:46
=== hubuntu is now known as huayra
TumieUWN already finished?18:12
tycheNot quite.  We're working on it.  Still a little to do.18:12
tycheWe're missing some of our people, today, and are having to cover for eachother.18:12
Tumieoke, :)18:12
Tumieas usual :p18:13
tycheWe TRY not to make it "usual".  Hee hee18:13
Tumieas usual... :P18:14
tycheSmart Alic.  ROFL18:14
Tumiealic ?18:14
Tumieow.. i understand it now :p18:15
tycheSounds like you looked it up in wikipedia.  BTW, I misspelled it.  It's alec.  Sorry18:16
Tumieno, used google translate.. wanted to say "is that like...".. and translate a word.. and getted "smart" back :P18:18
Tumiea smart alec is an annoying ... someone :p18:19
tycheYep.  I've never tried google translate.  I'll have to look into it.  Thanks18:19
Tumieyou're english, you don't need it :p18:20
tycheI need it for other languages.  And you'd be amazed at how many English words I don't know.18:21
Tumieyou know more words then i know :p18:22
tychePossibly.  But I'm also older than you are, and therefore have been exposed to it longer.18:22
Tumieand i'm dutch, and you're an american :p18:23
tycheWell, sure!  That's going to affect it, too.  But length of time of exposure and availability are still major factors, regardless of where you or I are from.18:24
boredandbloggingFYI, the fridge calendar <-> #ubuntu-meeting bot issue has been added to the CC agenda19:27
LirazSirihey guys, I'm doing proof reading for the latest UWN and I noticed something awfully strange19:28
tycheThat will be for December 2, at 3:00 AM MST, or 10:00 UTC19:28
LirazSirithere is an Ubuntu community interview with "Nathan Grubb".19:29
LirazSiriUWN links to his blog. I read it and the kid doesn't seem to get it at all. He sounds almost like a Microsoft shill19:29
LirazSiriHis latest posts attack "Linux fanboys", compliment Microsoft for having 90% of the market, includes quotes such as "I don't get why peoplw whine when companies don't make Linux versions of software"...19:30
LirazSirithe next post is titled "Proprietary software isn't evil" and includes such quotes as "I've never gotten how OSS is a viable market option"19:31
LirazSiriwhy are we featuring this guy on UWN???19:32
LirazSirihe has a right to his personal opinions but they go very much against the opensource spirit of Ubuntu19:32
boredandbloggingi think the link might be wrong19:33
boredandbloggingthink it should have been http://nathangrubb.wordpress.com/19:33
LirazSirino, thats his old blog19:34
boredandbloggingah, you are right19:35
tycheHe's got a point, boredandblogging19:35
LirazSirithere are plenty of better candidates to feature in UWN than this guy19:35
tycheHowever, that's in 117, and we're working on 118.  It might be something we take up with Matthew.19:36
boredandbloggingsomeone else did the interview19:36
boredandbloggingwe just reported that they did the interview19:36
LirazSiriwoops. I was looking at the wrong edition19:36
LirazSiriwell then, thats water under the bridge. nevermind19:37
LirazSiriits kind of odd though that exactly after he is featured on UWN he posts two very opensource unfriendly rants19:38
LirazSiri(someone should check into how that happened)19:38
boredandbloggingwill admit it is very odd19:40
boredandbloggingi assume grubb does some great work on the forums19:45
boredandbloggingotherwise it makes no sense19:45
kennymc0just read the interview for the first time. he seems condecending in his interview19:49
tycheHe's 15.  What do you expect?  At that age, he thinks he knows everything.19:50
LirazSirithere is a little tidbit about rPath "supporting" Ubuntu on its rBuider service20:27
LirazSiriI read about this on LWN a few days back and tried to find out what it was all about. the "support" for Ubuntu is merely lip service. less than 400 packages out of 20,000. Its looks like a very half baked PR stunt on their part, not an actually useful service20:28
LirazSiri(for the record)20:28
tycheI'm sure.  But we just report what's been said.  We don't comment on it.20:30
LirazSiribut don't you decide what goes in?20:30
LirazSirido you have to cover every press release that mentions Ubuntu?20:30
tycheI don't, personally.  Though occasionally I have some input, like if I know that an article has been covered in a previous week.20:31
LirazSirithe press release in question mentions Ubuntu in the title and the first paragraph and doesn't provide any information beyond that about the service. Its a transparent stunt.20:31
LirazSiriubuntu isn't mentioned in their wiki20:31
LirazSiriyou can't find it anywhere on their website20:31
LirazSirior their forums. I had to look awfully hard to find where they supported it. very underwhelming20:32
nixternalI would definitely hit up the rPath story since Ubuntu doesn't do it own appliance OS...rPath does it for us, which totally rocks as I use it almost on a daily basis at work20:32
LirazSiriactually Ubuntu does do its own appliance OS20:33
LirazSiriUbuntu JeOS20:33
nixternalnot any more...they dropped it20:34
LirazSirion a personal note I don't see how rPath are adding anything to the table by proxying 400 ubuntu packages. Check out the repository: ubuntu.rpath.com20:34
LirazSirireally, I didn't know that20:34
LirazSiriI don't think they dropped it20:34
nixternalif you are an appliance builder or developer, it adds more than you can imagine20:34
nixternalthey dropped it, I worked on it20:35
LirazSiriactually I am an appliance builder and developer20:35
nixternalso am I20:35
LirazSiricheck out turnkeylinux.org20:35
nixternalyou can't beat rPath20:35
nixternalI work for cleversafe (http://www.cleversafe.com)20:35

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