[13:39] plop [13:39] clang :) [13:40] <_MMA_> :P [13:54] well, at least here i manage to get a little response :) [13:55] * _MMA_ tries desperately not to say grumpy old man stuff. ;) [14:00] <_MMA_> thorwil: I like the one with the elephants. [14:01] <_MMA_> As a "feel" or idea anyway. [14:01] good. that was the point, although i'm not sure where it will lead to [14:01] <_MMA_> Sure [14:03] is the campfire clear enough in this regard? only invested 30 mins there [14:04] <_MMA_> For me, yes. [14:08] ok. coffee, bbl [21:09] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/KyudoGuidelines/Mood?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=mood_hospitality.jpg [21:09] and with that, i have to go!