
savvasREADME.Source then, I have some notes about a weird package :)00:00
savvasthank you all!!00:00
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savvasah-hah! here we go: echo " -- $DEBFULLNAME <$DEBEMAIL> " `date -R`00:16
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james_wwhat does it mean for a .a file to have unresolved symbols?02:14
james_wWas there a problem with the build of that package, or are things building against the .a expected to -l all the libraries that the .a links against?02:15
=== spm changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: LP down 0300UTC ~ 1hour | Archive: open, MoM running | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
Mithrandirjames_w: you need to pass all the necessary .a files.  This is why you want pkg-config or libtool02:28
james_wthanks Mithrandir02:30
Toobaz2Hello. I filed a debdiff for bug LP #272316, it was accepted and went in intrepid-proposed. But only the binary package went in. Now, the development is probably not affected, but it depends on the same exact version, so now for those who have intrepid-proposed it is impossible to install libgnomecanvas2-dev. I wanted to know if this is a known behaviour or another bug.02:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272316 in libgnomecanvas "[regression, intrepid] redraw problems, patches from fedora" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27231602:31
Toobaz2s/development/development package02:32
faryshtaAnyone has tried the beta of XFCE 4.6?04:02
=== spm changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open, MoM running | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
faryshtahey there04:07
cr3is there a specific word to describe the derivations of ubuntu: kubuntu, gobuntu, mythbuntu, etc.? are those each called a "distributor"?04:09
faryshtacr3, so far I know those are called "DISTROS" or distributions. And if some project uses the code of ubuntu is called FORK.04:11
Hobbseecr3: flavours, usually.04:14
Hobbsee(i think distribution got phased out - or at least,for those that use the same repositories)04:14
Hobbseeie, the ones above are flavours, as they all use the same repositories,but medibuntu is a different distribution04:15
cr3Hobbsee: thanks! I think that's exactly what I was looking for04:16
Hobbseecr3: you're welcome04:16
TheMusoI generally refer to them as derivatives.04:16
cr3TheMuso: exceptionally, I needed to be very pedantic in this case so "le mot juste" was quite important :)04:18
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ScottKTheMuso: Derivative is something derived from Ubuntu (e.g. Baltix).  Foundations (platform) + Gnome Desktop = Ubuntu and Foundations + KDE Desktop = Kubuntu.  In no sense is Kubuntu a derivative of Ubuntu.05:38
TheMusoScottK: True.05:49
jcoleim trying to set the default search plugin for firefox on an ubuntu terminal server... ive put a .js file in /etc/firefox-3.0/pref with the following contents:06:31
jcolepref("browser.search.selectedEngine", "My Search");06:31
jcolebut its not selecting it by default for new users... is there another place the default search plugin is set?06:32
sorenjcole: "browser.search.defaultenginename", perhaps?06:33
soren(purely guesswork)06:33
dholbachgood morning06:34
* jcole tries soren's suggestion06:34
sorendholbach: 'morning :)06:35
dholbachhi soren! :)06:35
jcolepref("browser.search.selectedEngine", "My Search");06:41
jcolepref("browser.search.defaultenginename", "My Search");06:41
jcolepref("browser.search.order.1", "My Search");06:41
jcolepref("browser.search.order.2", "My Search");06:41
jcole^^ none of those work06:41
* jcole scratches head06:42
jcolei also see them populated in about:config06:42
* jcole uses google fu06:46
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pittiGood morning07:12
pittidirecthex: time for mono transition then? :-)07:12
directhexpitti, yes, it looks like it!07:13
directhexpitti, might be a bit wrapper up with, y'know, doing a job that gets me paid today. but i'll do some packages this evening07:14
pittidirecthex: oh, I thought there was a bunch of 10 packages which needed sponsoring or so; TBH I don't know the current status07:14
pitti(or syncing)07:14
directhexpitti, well, check our status page! http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono20TransitionTODO07:18
directhexpitti, cjwatson helped me with the core stack over the weekend - mono 2 itself is in07:19
pittiah, good07:21
directhexi even wrote a patch for OOo, to prove how easy peasy the transition is for everyone07:29
tkamppeterpitti, hi07:51
tkamppeterpitti, I have a fix for bug 271350 from the upstream author of the pdftopdf filter now. I have applied the fix to the CUPS BZR.07:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271350 in cups "pdftopdf filter on PowerPC corrupts data" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27135007:52
pittitkamppeter: I saw the commit mail, thanks07:53
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cjwatsondholbach: is there something wrong with http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/? It seems to be pretty out of date - I sponsored mono over the weekend09:47
dholbachcjwatson: I'm looking into fixing it, seems like it's gnome bug 474205 not being fixed in hardy09:47
ubottuGnome bug 474205 in general "libxml2 stops parsing html pages on special chars" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47420509:47
dholbachs/fixing/working around/09:48
dholbachlaunchpadlib is probably not an option on hardy either09:49
dholbachfor now I'd recommend using  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-main-sponsors  and  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-universe-sponsors09:49
dholbachjames_w, cjwatson: worked around the issue, the page should be usable again10:21
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cjwatsoncool, thanks10:27
BUGabundo_workRiddell: ping10:27
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: he's on holidays atm.10:28
BUGabundo_workoh okay10:28
BUGabundo_workHobbsee: do you know who is keeping track of KDE snapshots for jaunty then?10:28
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: people in #kubuntu-devel, but I don't know specifically10:29
BUGabundo_workI'm going to peep there10:29
Hobbseeyou're welcome10:29
ion_summon Keybuk11:35
* slangasek eyes the crackfulness of the latest imagemagick merge11:35
cjwatsonion_: he's on leave, don't hold your breath11:39
ion_Heh, ok. I was going to suggest http://heh.fi/patches/belocs-locales-bin/01-triggers and making language packs use it.11:40
cjwatsonion_: confused as to why that would be Keybuk's area?11:40
ion_A couple of the latest changelog entries to belocs-locales-bin are signed by him.11:41
cjwatsonion_: I don't think that has much benefit. locale-gen doesn't do significantly more work if you call it for each language pack rather than just once at the end, and it would mean that packages can't rely on locales being generated once language-pack-$LL-base is configured.11:41
pittiRiddell: do you know about the kde4bindings 4:4.1.3-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 FTBFS in intrepid-proposed?12:06
directhexurgh. aircon failure12:49
geserdirecthex: do you want some snow for cooling?12:54
directhexgeser, i don't think we have much in our machine room to deal with excess moisture, other than the aforementioned AC units12:55
DktrKranzkees: (when you catch it up), re bug 301624, it seems http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/76401/ solves the issue as well. Is it fine from a coding/security POV for you?14:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301624 in icmake "icmake disables FORTIFY" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30162414:11
zulpitti: hi who do we subscribe for mutliverse SRUs in launchpad?14:12
DktrKranzzul: motu-sru14:12
zulDktrKranz: thanks14:13
DktrKranzzul: ah, do you plan to merge nut soon? It fixes an issue with library symlinks which broke collectd upload.14:14
zulDktrKranz: its on my radar14:14
DktrKranzok, thanks ;)14:15
james_wmok0 was working on it14:15
azeemDktrKranz: note #505101 got reopened14:15
azeemthe fix by the Debian maintainer was bad/wrong14:16
DktrKranzazeem: oh, thanks14:16
loolasac: It seems thunderbird/jaunty failed on armel with the same symptoms as Debian #325535; do you mind if I apply a similar patch to it?14:49
ubottuDebian bug 325535 in mozilla "mozilla: FTBFS: change in behavior of __attribute__((unused))" [Serious,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/32553514:49
asaclool: thats kind of old. we should have a patch in icedove for that i guess15:00
asaclool: will look15:00
asacnow call ;)15:00
loolasac: Can't find the bzr branch for thunderbird/jaunty -- or it's not up-to-date15:00
loolit really looks like it should be lp:~mozillateam/thunderbird/thunderbird.dev but it doesn't have the latest upload15:05
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asaclool: ok updating thunderbird.dev15:30
asac(and bzr binding it to not miss pushes in future)15:30
asaclool: also creating .intrepid now ... but i guess you just care for .dev15:30
pittitkamppeter: bug 295230 is a problem in the openprinting.org database (typo in apt line); should I report that somewhere, or do you wnat to "just fix" it?15:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295230 in jockey "typo in apt line from openprinting-ppds-pxlcolor-gestetner package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29523015:30
asaclool: the patch is in the icedove branch and its called: 18_arm_xpcom_unused_attribute.dpatch15:32
asacwe also have 38_arm_xpcom_optim.dpatch15:32
asaci will integrate those and upload to jaunty15:32
asaclool: is tomorrow ok?15:32
asaclool: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/thunderbird/icedove-2.0.0.x15:33
asacthats icedove15:33
loolasac: That's fine15:38
loolIt will help on some 3/4 source packages at least15:38
loolthunderbird, enigmail, mozilla-traybiff (universe) I'd guess15:39
loolasac: Thanks for looking into it!15:39
tkamppeterpitti, thanks for telling me about this problem. I will just fix it. There is nothing on Ubuntu involved. The bug is on the OpenPrinting server.15:40
pittitkamppeter: right, I meant filing a bug there; but thanks15:41
pittitkamppeter: can you please close the bug after you fixed it?15:52
tkamppeterpitti, it seems that there is something else wrong, if I query a Gestetner printer I get the correct at line: http://openprinting.org/query.cgi?type=drivers&moreinfo=1&printer=Gestetner-DSm745_745G15:56
tkamppeterpitti, see the apt lines on the resulting page.15:57
dholbachbryce: hiya - in the sponsoring queue I saw a couple of times that you replied to the bug "patch looks good" - could you please upload it the next time instead? :)15:58
tkamppeterpitti, the XML version shows also correct apt lines: http://openprinting.org/query.cgi?type=drivers&moreinfo=1&format=xml&printer=Gestetner-DSm745_745G15:59
tkamppeterpitti, are you really taking the apt lines from the query result or are you putting them together by yourself?16:00
pittitkamppeter: just what cupshelpers.openprinting.OpenPrinting().listDrivers() returns16:01
pittitkamppeter: okay, thanks; if the DB is correct, I'll try to reproduce it locally16:01
pittitkamppeter: maybe something in cupshelpers capitalizes it, or another bug in jockey; thanks for looking!16:02
pittitkamppeter: the bug is two weeks old already, too; maybe the DB changed in the meantime and got fixed?16:03
tkamppeterpitti, I fixed the database on November 5. It is possible that the poster of the bug reported it only two days later (because only then he ran "sudo apt-get update").16:06
tkamppeterpitti, the server is OK now. Please check whether Jockey takes the data correctly.16:07
pittitkamppeter: tested, works fine now (followed up to the bug)16:22
keesDktrKranz: yup, based on the other code, I'd agree (I sent email to the same effect).  Thanks for digging into that!16:47
DktrKranzkees: thanks for replying16:47
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brycedholbach: I didn't upload them at the time because we were in freeze.17:09
dholbachah, right17:09
dholbachthanks bryce17:09
brycedholbach: perhaps during freezes we should not be doing anything with the sponsor queue?17:09
dholbachbryce: or unsubscribe the team, or milestone 'later' or something17:10
bryceanyway, I figured if nothing else, reviewing and ok'ing the patches would make it easier for the next one that looks at it to put it through17:11
cr3cjwatson: you most likely have a clear understanding of the .disk/info file in both ubuntu and debian. pedantically speaking, I believe the first part of the file is called the "distributor" in Debian but I believe that corresponds to the "flavour" in Ubuntu. is that correct?17:11
dholbachor subscribe to the bug, unsubscribe the team and say "I'll upload this once next-devel-release opens"17:11
ScottKbryce: I grabbed one or two out of the sponsor's queue you'd reviewed and I appreciated your comments.17:17
theunixgeekJaunty Jackalope needs more user-end features17:39
Nafalloehrm. so just because it doesn't got any new features you had interest in it doesn't have any features?17:41
Nafalloseems odd to me :-)17:41
theunixgeekNafallo: that made no sense17:41
theunixgeekwell a little bit17:42
Nafalloit still have features17:42
Nafalloeven new ones.17:42
theunixgeekvery little, though17:42
theunixgeekand if they're there, they're not obvious17:42
Nafallohence it's not featureless unless we get rid of all the old features :-P17:42
theunixgeekit has no new features17:43
theunixgeekI mean17:43
theunixgeeknot a lot of new features17:43
theunixgeekI have to go now17:45
jpdstheunixgeek: "Some is better than none?"17:45
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NafalloI think we had slightly different views on what 'featureless' means ;-)17:46
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cjwatsoncr3: I'm not sure there's a consistent name for it in either project, although Debian would be more likely to call it "distribution" than "distributor" I think. In Ubuntu I'd call it a "flavour", yes.17:59
cjwatsoncr3: "flavour" = "derivative built out of the Ubuntu archive", in the lexicon we built up for this, but this may not be used consistently everywhere17:59
cr3cjwatson: is the term "distributor" used for anything in particular?18:00
cr3cjwatson: lsb_release -a seems to use it as what we call the distribution, eg "Ubuntu"18:01
cjwatsoncr3: not consistently18:01
cjwatsondepending on the context, it could be either "Ubuntu" or "Canonical" or something else18:02
cjwatsoncr3: I think it would help me answer your questions if you said what you were driving at :)18:02
cr3cjwatson: I'm mapping images from cdimage.u.c and release.u.c, so I need naming or mapping tables consistent across the websites and the images themselves, eg .disk/info18:03
cjwatsonI think "flavour" is the right word to use, then18:04
cr3cjwatson: excellent, thanks!18:05
directhexgah! after all that, mono 2.0-1 just passed debian NEW18:08
directhex(which is not 2.0.1, and has several packaging bugs, but still)18:08
directhexmy "1 month left" estimate has been proven wrong18:09
nikolamHi, could anyone confirm that packages.ubuntu.com is eather slow or unresponsive?18:11
Mithrandirnikolam: seems unresponsive from here too18:12
directhexooh, an ikonia18:13
guille_hi all18:17
guille_i'm trying to compile mysql-server with the SphinxSE storage engine. from what i've seen the storage engine is already enabled on debian/rules; but i can't build the package because it doesn't find some files18:19
guille_has somebody faced this problem?18:20
madduckanyone ever seen this?18:21
madduckdpkg: ../../src/packages.c:265: process_queue: Assertion `!queue.length' failed.18:21
madduckduring dpkg --configure -a18:21
james_wbug 236047?18:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236047 in dpkg "dpkg: ../../src/packages.c:265: process_queue: Assertion `!queue.length' failed." [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23604718:24
madducki suppose i could have search the web, couldn't I? :)18:24
madduckmkdir /var/run/dbus fixed it for me...18:26
james_wlooks like the dbus postinst is buggy18:28
madduckyes, can't deal with varrun tmpfs18:28
james_wbug 27522918:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275229 in dbus "package dbus-x11 1.1.20-1ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: dependency problems - leaving unconfigured" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27522918:30
madduckis james_w a bot? :)18:32
madduckthe 8.04→8.10 upgrade didn't go well on all of the three machines i had to upgrade. :/18:33
jdonghow did you upgrade?18:34
madduckdo-release-upgrade, after update-manager just wouldn't do anything when I clicked 'upgrade';18:35
jdonginteresting; do you have the log from /var/log for this upgrade?18:35
madduckwhich fiel?18:36
* madduck doesn't know ubuntu at all18:36
jdongmadduck: the logs in the /var/log/dist-upgrade directory18:37
jdongthere should be two18:37
madduckthere are three18:37
madduck-rw-------  1 root root 818113 2008-11-23 00:33 apt-term.log18:37
madduck-rw-r--r--  1 root root  56795 2008-11-22 19:34 apt.log18:37
madduck-rw-r--r--  1 root root  31081 2008-11-22 20:31 main.log18:37
cjwatson'ubuntu-bug -p update-manager' should grab them automatically18:38
cjwatson(and attach them to a bug report)18:39
madduckwhy oh why does this require a launchpad account?18:39
jdongcjwatson: that is beautiful. Thanks!18:41
madduckso the tool collects data for the developers but doesn't tell me what it collects and submits to launchpad?18:42
cjwatsonit requires a launchpad account because all bug filing requires a launchpad account18:42
mvomadduck: thanks for the logs, that looks like it was/is hanging in dovecot, do you see anything debconf releated in the terminal?18:42
cjwatsonI think it's a bug that it doesn't tell you what it's collecting18:43
mvomadduck: or rather, it seems like its a issue with the ucf three way merge, is the machine still running?18:43
jdongwhat's with all the scrollkeeper barfing?18:43
mvounfortunately ucf caused some issues this time around :/18:43
cjwatsonbug 19551418:43
jdong                  <para><guimenuitem>Προτιμήσεις&Βοήθεια;</gui18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 195514 in apport "apport doesn't say what extra information it includes in the report" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19551418:43
jdongdoes that actually mean that the close </guimenuitem> tag ended halfway through?18:44
jdongor is only part of the line being shown?18:44
mvojdong: probably bad termianl output, scrollkeeper was complaining but not erroring out AFAICS18:44
madduckmvo: i lost the ssh connection during the dpkg run, but I was able to recover later.18:45
mvomadduck: *urgh^2*18:45
madduckThe problem was much earlier, which forced me to run do-release-upgrade by hand.18:45
jdongmvo: hmm, immediately afterwards it screams about unmatched tags, which made me worry.18:45
jdongmadduck: that might be a problem.18:45
jdongmvo would know more accurately but I don't think dpkg "recovery" is as atomic as yo'd want it to be18:46
madducki ran out of time to do more on this for now though. :(18:46
mvobug 30178318:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301783 in update-manager "8.04 wouldn't let me upgrade through update-manager" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30178318:46
madducknot the best bug report i ever filed :(18:47
mvomadduck: are all upgrades failing in the same way?18:47
mvomadduck: do you run out of time now? if so, I would love to debug ths when you have more time at hand18:48
madduckyeah, i have to leave...18:48
madduckcan it still be debugged even thoguh i already did the dist-upgrade?18:49
mvomadduck: might, be, please ping me when you have a bit of time and I will do my best18:49
madduckwill try to.18:49
madduckfeel free to remind me if i forget.18:51
mvowill do18:51
madducki do have the system in zurich now until 15 dec18:51
madduckuh, 12 dec\18:51
mvopitti: do you think we could add SSH_TTY (or one of the SSH_ ones) to the sudo environment whitelist? rational is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/30178718:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 301787 in update-manager "sudo clean environment change broke update-manager ssh detection" [Medium,Triaged]18:53
pittimvo: technically we can, of course, but you now how much pain I feel with doing that18:57
pittimvo: can't we detect SSH-ness in a more robust way?18:58
pittimvo: "tty" gives the current terminal, while "who" knows that the terminal is not local18:59
pittimvo: you can also ask ConsoleKit, ssh has "is-local = FALSE"18:59
pittimvo: (and additionally remote-host-name and display-device = '/dev/ssh')19:00
mvopitti: is consolekit running for servers as well?19:01
pittimvo: not necessarily19:01
pittibut uname should do as well?19:01
pitti# who -m19:01
pittimartin   pts/2        2008-11-24 16:15 (:0.0)19:01
pitti^ local19:01
pittimartin   pts/0        2008-11-24 19:56 (tick)19:01
pitti^ ssh19:01
pittimvo: at least that's much harder to forge than env SUDO_TTY=foo sudo19:02
mvopitti: right, I like this less than looking at the environment TBH19:02
* mvo looks into how "who" gets this information19:02
pittimvo: /var/log/wtmp19:03
mvoaha, getutxent19:04
pittimvo: man wtmp19:04
mvothanks, I will use that then19:04
* pitti hugs mvo19:05
pittimvo: ah, that even has a ut_host; I guess you just need to test that for emptyness19:07
mvopitti: yeah - bindings seem to be not part of default python though, maybe I add something via ctypes, lets see19:08
pittimvo: parsing "who -m" (aka "who am i") output isn't difficult either19:11
pittimight be a little more robust than ctypes19:11
pittimvo: even easier with who -m --ips :)19:12
mvopitti: I guess so, it just feelt that using a proper api would be better. but I guess the output of who has not changed in a long time :)19:13
pittimvo: probably as reliable as the ssh env vars ;)19:14
cjwatsonpitti: what was the bug number for that CD-eject thing?19:15
cjwatsonpitti: just wondering if bug 280289 is the same19:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 280289 in casper "[intrepid beta] The instalation CD is not ejected when using an external USB DVD unit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28028919:15
pitticjwatson: bug 283316)19:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283316 in udev "CD-ROM tray closes automatically after eject" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28331619:16
cjwatsonah, thanks19:16
pitticjwatson: hm, that sounds like the opposite problem?19:16
cjwatsonpitti: it could be that it ejects fractionally and then closes immediately, which is hard to distinguish from failing to eject at all19:17
cjwatsonbegins the process but doesn't actually drive the motor, or something19:18
mvooh, I get the cdrom close issue too here quite often19:18
pittimvo: erm, still?19:24
guille_yet trying to build mysql+sphinxse, this is the last error: http://gist.github.com/2856319:25
mvopitti: this is a machine I have not updated yet19:25
guille_does it mean something useful?19:25
TomJaegerHi, who is upstream for acpi-support?19:35
TomJaegeracpi_fakekey really needs to be fixed19:38
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bryceTomJaeger: do you have a patch?20:10
bigonsomeone has figured out why with some pkg FTBFS with error like "../../libtool: line 838: X--tag=CXX: command not found" ? the same pkg build correctly on experimental20:23
james_wbigon: it needs relibtoolize20:26
james_wthere is version skew between what is in the tree and the libtool version installed20:27
bigonjames_w: yeah but why does it works on experimental? the version in experimental is > than in jaunty20:27
blueyedTomJaeger: AFAIK Ubuntu is upstream for acpi-support.20:28
james_wbigon: oh, yeah, I forgot that.20:28
ograblueyed, i think thats changed somewhere around hardy20:31
ogradebian should be it now20:32
blueyedogra: well, Ubuntu has 0.114, but Debian 0.109-9 (unstable)20:34
ograi know we only pulled from debian for a while now ... weird20:35
blueyed..and I've read about Ubuntu being mentioned as "upstream" in Debian's changelogs20:35
adrian15siretart: hi.20:35
blueyedogra: maybe experimental then?20:35
ograi know we were upstream for a while as well as we were for initrmafs-tools20:35
ograbut afaik both was handed over to debian20:35
adrian15siretart: I was wondering if fai package had an implementation for having intrepid in a host client.20:35
stgraberslangasek: hey, ogra just uploaded my new ldm that introduces a new binary package (ldminfod). This one used to be included in ltsp-server but has been moved to ldm's source package and now has a new binary package for it.20:42
stgraberslangasek: does that require a MIR or can it just be acked as it already was in main but in another binary package ?20:42
slangasekstgraber: doesn't need an MIR, just a reminder poke to get it in the right place if it isn't already20:46
affluxadrian15: can I help you?20:48
adrian15afflux: ok20:48
stgraberslangasek: ok, it's in binary new at the moment, I'll check that it's then included in the right component20:49
adrian15afflux: I am trying to setup an ubuntu 8.10 fai installation so that it serves an ubuntu 8.10 to the clients.20:49
adrian15afflux: I think I have checked that last update of fai package was update to hardy ??!20:49
adrian15afflux: I have modified some variables and some packages to install but I get kernel panic on the client and many many errors. (And broken packages too when creating the nfs root folder).20:50
adrian15afflux: Do you have any experience on that ?20:50
affluxadrian15: err, no. I have no idea what fai is.20:51
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adrian15what the hell20:51
adrian15I am sorry I thought I was talking on #fai on oftc20:52
affluxI see20:52
adrian15Fai is Fully Automatic Installation20:52
adrian15Well, must go, sorry.20:52
affluxcjwatson: for bug 301597, do you think I should add a "Replaces: @PVER@-minimal (<< 3.0~rc3-0ubuntu3)" or rather "python3.0-minimal (<< 3.0~rc3-0ubuntu3)"?20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301597 in python3.0 "package python3.0 3.0~rc1+20081027-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Versuche, ?/usr/lib/python3.0/lib-dynload/_pickle.so? zu ?berschreiben, welches auch in Paket python3.0-minimal ist" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30159720:58
ogra_stgraber, btw, ldm-ubuntu-themes surely deserves its own source package at some point21:00
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stgraberogra: yeah, it's somewhere on my list :) I also have a better ldm theme for Ubuntu waiting somewhere21:00
stgraberogra: the current doesn't work well with 16bit display21:01
ograwell, i'm not sure i'll make it with the ldm UI rewrite for jaunty anyway21:01
ograi should probably just put it into bzr and write a wikipage for it21:01
ograso someone can pick it up21:01
tedgSo if a string is in one program and translated, do other packages pick up that translation?21:10
ogratedg, nope21:16
ogrataranslations are per binary21:16
ograthey are bound to the executble21:17
tedgogra: :(  Okay, I thought that they were "distro" based.  Thanks.21:23
slangasekthey're bound to a "text domain", actually21:27
slangasekwhich is usually, but not always, one per executable21:27
tedgSo then how does a text domain get determined?  Should we be defining things like FUSA and Pidgin together so "Available" is the same everywhere?21:41
tedgI mean, one of the reasons we're using the word "Available" is to match Pidgin, it'd suck of that was different in different places after translation.21:42
TomJaegerbryce, (re acpi_fakekey) I don't have a patch, just PoC code (see bug #217504).  The thing is that uinput devices apparently don't become available right away, so I think we're going to need a daemon that is initialized on startup to actually send the key presses.22:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217504 in linux "acpi_fakekey stopped working for certain keycodes" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21750422:15
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TomJaegerI just wanted to make sure that upstream agrees that this is the way to go before I start coding.22:16
bryceTomJaeger: ah, well there isn't an upstream for acpi-support... or rather, *we* are the upstream22:21
TomJaegerI see22:22
TomJaegerSo how do you feel about a daemon for sending key events to an uinput device?22:23
bryceTomJaeger: hmm22:23
TomJaegermaybe there is a better way?22:24
bryceI don't have anything against it, aside from "one more daemon process...".  If that's the only way to solve the issue, it's fine22:24
brycethe hmm is because there's been some discussion about gutting acpi-support, move relevant bits to hal or elsewhere more appropriate, and minimize the amount of stuff in the package22:25
TomJaegerokay, I don't know too much about hal, but what you're discribing will probably take some time, so I'll probably write the daemon, put it in my PPA and see how people are feeling about it then.22:30
slangasektedg: in fact, it's possible using GNU gettext for FUSA to request the translation of 'Available' from the pidgin text domain, even if its own strings are in a separate text domain22:30
TomJaegerI'm not really sure it's the only way to solve it, but it's certainly the only way I can think of22:30
slangasektedg: using dgettext() or dngettext()22:31
bryceTomJaeger: ok sounds good.  Fwiw, we'll be having a session on acpi hotkey goodness at UDS in a couple weeks.22:32
tedgslangasek: Hmm, interesting.  I didn't know about that, thanks.22:32
brycethe goal of the session will be to sort out what the "Should Be" architecture is for hotkeys, so we have a clearer design concept for where things like this should fit in22:33
TomJaegersound like a good idea22:33
bryceTomJaeger: so definitely go ahead with the daemon approach for now - once it's tested maybe we can even pull it in.  Then when we have the acpi architecture documented properly maybe we can look at it all again in that light.22:34
TomJaegeralright, will do. Thanks22:34
slangasektedg: be careful not to generate pot or po files for this extra text domain in your package, otherwise you might clobber LP's view of the pidgin translations :)22:38
cjwatsontedg: that sort of translation sharing should be handled in Launchpad22:38
cjwatsontedg: and indeed this is something they're working on at the moment22:38
cjwatsontedg: I don't think it's a good idea to mangle the text domains in use just to get this effect22:38
cjwatsonwell, you could define a common text domain used by both, I suppose, if you also put the strings into some library ...?22:39
slangasekI disagree; msgstrs often don't have enough context on their own to be able to share translations with 100% reliability22:39
cjwatsonI think you'd want to do that upstream though22:39
slangaseke.g., "Available" might mean "Present on the network" or it might mean "Not in a long-term relationship", and hilarity ensues22:40
cjwatsonoh, I don't mean 100% automatic sharing, but making other translations of the same msgid be high up in what a translator sees22:40
slangasekah, ok22:40
cjwatsonI suppose it might be useful to share a text domain, but I don't think it should be either FUSA dgettext-ing pidgin's strings or the other way round22:40
slangaseka library would be better anyway, yeah22:40
* tedg wants his IM choices to include "Married" 22:40
slangasekheh, "chris voudrait vous ajouter à ses amis sur Windows Live Spaces"22:49
superm1slangasek, for gnome-settings-daemon it looks like the version that's been getting uploaded is somehow getting copied into jaunty without changes from proposed.  i'm getting an SRU together for it right now, would you recommend i keep up that behavior (and ask an archive admin to do the same thing once this is in proposed), or switch back to the normal bumping of the version number to include the patch and upload twice?22:54
cjwatsonsuperm1: we copied stuff from intrepid-proposed to jaunty when it was uploaded very early in the cycle before jaunty was properly open, but normally speaking the SRU policy says that uploads should have been tested in the unstable release first22:54
superm1cjwatson, well i've been working with upstream to develop this particular patch actually, but that explains what happened. i'll do two uploads then22:55
cjwatsonsure, but still needs to be run through unstable - sometimes with the best intentions from upstream things go wrong in Ubuntu, not even necessarily upstream's fault22:56

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