
lifelessjelmer: hi01:06
meoblast001why isnt the bzr server at launchpad.net working01:35
mwhudsonit's not?01:36
indigois there a command to pull uncommitted changes from one working tree to another?02:10
indigosay i started to make some changes and decided i should have made a branch02:10
indigomy memory says yes, but not enough to find it in the docs.02:10
bob2merge can02:11
bob2you could also 'switch' that working tree to a branch02:11
beunobzr merge --uncommitted02:11
indigothat's the one02:11
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Spaz/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Hash/SHA.py:6: DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead05:09
Spaz  from sha import *05:09
Spaz/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Hash/MD5.py:6: DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead05:09
Spaz  from md5 import *05:09
Spazwith bzr05:09
Spazhas this been fixed yet?05:09
spivSpaz: I think so; certainly bzr.dev seems to try hashlib first.05:23
mwhudsonSpaz: that looks like a problem in pycrypto, not bzr05:25
spivmwhudson wins today's prize for reading comprehension05:26
spivArguably bzr should be suppressing all DeprecationWarnings.05:27
spivThey aren't much use to end users, they're really messages to developers.05:28
spivSo it'd be reasonable for "bzr selftest" to report them, but maybe nothing else should.05:29
spiv(unless you look in ~/.bzr.log or pass a -Ddeprecations flag)05:29
* spiv finishes for the day06:25
vilahi all07:11
poolie1hello vila!07:52
vilahi poolie ! I thought you were already gone in vacations...07:53
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poolie1i was yesterday, but just for one day07:54
vilahaaaa, ok07:54
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schizoschafis there a book on bazaar?09:22
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AfCIs somebody working on a book on bazaar?12:17
noodles_20AfC: not that I'm aware of.12:34
loxshello folks, does bazaar provide a way for customized user permissions, like this is possible with svn?12:35
AfCloxs: Execute bit has been supported since the beginning.12:35
AfCloxs: are you looking for more than that?12:35
spivloxs: you mean access control on the repository itself?12:36
AfCspiv: (oh, right)12:36
loxsyes. the central one... I want to be able to give various users permissions to only commit code to a particular directory/file12:36
spivloxs: the simplest solution is to use ordinary user accounts and filesystem permissions to restrict write access per branch. (or per project, if you use a shared repository per project, as is common.)12:38
spivloxs: depending on what you're looking for, you *might* be interested in using a tool like PQM (https://launchpad.net/pqm) as a gatekeeper that vets commits to a central branch, e.g. to make sure all commits pass "make check"12:41
spivloxs: I don't know of any out-of-the-box ways to restrict write access of just particular directories/files within a branch.  You could probably configure or extend PQM to do something like that, if PQM's workflow suits your use case.12:44
spivloxs: but it'd probably be simplest to make separate branches for those parts of your tree, and use regular filesystem permissions.12:44
spivIf commits to the central branch are exclusively done over bzr+ssh, you could write a plugin for the server that installs a pre_change_branch_tip hook function to vet the commit.12:47
spivWhile a server-side pre_change_branch_tip hook should work well in theory, I don't think there's much infrastructure to make writing those sorts of hook functions convenient yet.  (it's not well documented how to write a hook function that gets a list of files that are touched by the proposed revision, for instance)12:49
* spiv -> bed12:49
loxsthanks folks12:50
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lfaraonehi, what's the difference between branch and checkout?13:23
lukslfaraone: the commands or the terms in general?13:32
lfaraoneluks: both.13:33
lukslet's start with the terms first, then :)13:33
luksa checkout is the area you work with, it's basically the working tree with some local metadata13:33
luksevery checkout is linked to a branch, and this branch can be either local or remote13:34
luksso that if you commit the working tree, it will update the linked branch13:34
luksand it's also possible to have 'bound branch', which is a branch that will update another remote branch on commit13:35
luksso, when you run 'bzr checkout --lightweight', it will create a local checkout bound to a remote branch13:35
lfaraoneNow a more practical question: I'm trying to do work on a svn branch, but it has 695913:35
lfaraonerevisions, and this is over ssh. can I check out the most recent rev?13:36
luksand 'bzr checkout' will create a local checkout, local branch and the branch is bound to another remote branch13:36
lukswith bzr-svn?13:36
lfaraoneluks: yeah.13:36
luksthen just 'bzr branch svn+ssh://host/path/to/svn/repo'13:37
luks(or whatever is the scheme svn uses for ssh named)13:37
lfaraoneluks: I don't want to download the complete branch history, I only need the most recent rev.13:37
lfaraoneluks: it's going to take an age that way.13:38
lukslfaraone: you can try 'bzr checkout --lightweight ...', but I doubt it will be any faster13:38
lukslfaraone: or just use svn, if you don't intend to commit to it :)13:38
lfaraoneluks: heh...13:39
luksbzr-svn needs to know the metadata about the whole history13:39
luksso at minimum that needs to be downloaded13:39
lukshow do you want to use bzr with no history, though?13:40
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Takwhy is it that sometimes I can just pull, and other times I have to pull and then update? (for source-level changes to be reflected in my working branch)14:31
jelmerthat should only happen if you are pulling into a remote branch14:31
jelmeror if "bzr pull" crashes14:31
Takdoes it make a difference if I'm using bzr-svn?14:32
Takhow about olive?14:32
jelmerYou use olive to pull, you mean?14:33
Takwell, in this latest instance14:33
jelmerperhaps it's a bug in olive then14:33
TakI've had it happen before as well; can't remember whether I used olive on the previous occasions or not14:33
loxsis there a way to tell bzr to "destructively" update my working tree? I mean, overwrite all the conflicts with the upstream branch?15:05
luksworking tree or branch?15:06
loxsworking tree.... I don't want any conflicts. I just want to synchronise with the upstream branch15:07
lukswhat command did you run?15:07
luks(that produced the conflicts)15:07
loxsbzr up15:07
luksoh, I don't know then15:07
loxsI had changed files and I don't want the changes15:08
luksI think just bzr revert should do the job, but I don't use checkouts much, so Im not sure15:08
loxsah, you are right15:08
jelmerasabil: hi15:13
asabilhi jelmer15:13
jelmerasabil: What happened to your "branch description" patch?15:13
jelmerDid it make it in?15:13
asabilI don't remember so15:13
asabilthat was over a year ago15:13
asabilthe main issue was that it was handled in the same way as branch nicks at that time15:14
jelmernm, just found it: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C6b4de4d80709132323o2c9603ebscce92c066f473919%40mail.gmail.com%3E15:14
jelmerlooks like it's mainly waiting for formatting fixes15:17
jelmerdo you intend to finish it?15:18
asabiljelmer: well I cannot promise anything15:40
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jamvila: ping17:16
vilajam: pong17:16
jamHow's it going?17:16
vilafine :)17:17
jamI BB:tweak'd your --forward patch17:17
jamAnd was wondering what you thought of the feedback17:17
vilaAbout to call it a day, but deep into content conflicts while a bug bzr check is sucking my CPU cycles :)17:17
vilaJust a sec17:18
vila"direction" into 'get_view_revisions': I agree with your doubts, but the results are correct...17:20
jamas long as you have tested it directly I'm happy enough with that17:20
jamI can see how it would work because of the "by-depth" stuff17:21
vilabut still, reverse_by_depth make heads explode when coding _:?17:21
vilaotherwise, full agreement with the other remarks and thanks for catching them !17:22
vilaThis is where review rocks IME, you hack-hack-hack and the result becomes clearer... for the reviewer :)17:23
vilaanyway, thanks for the review, I'll recheck filter_revisions_touching_file_id before submitting (playing with it right now for another need :)17:24
loxsis cygwin the only way to allow windows machines to connect to bazaar repositories vie sftp?17:37
loxsor ssh+bzr17:37
jamloxs: If you have 'paramiko' installed we don't need cygwin at all17:38
jam(and it is bzr+ssh, for what it's worth)17:38
jamThe standalone win32 installer should include paramiko17:38
jamAvailable here: https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.9/1.917:39
jamor as a direct link: http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.9/1.9/+download/bzr-setup-1.9.exe17:39
Takis bzr-svn part of the windows installation now?17:39
noodles_20Any bzr people who knows how to restore a branch when seeing "Supplied history does not follow left-hand parents" errors? splodge has a question on #launchpad...17:40
jamnoodles_20: 'bzr reconcile' fixes it (albeit it also tries to fix a bunch of other stuff at the same time). I think you can also "bzr push --overwrite ." to have the local branch clean itself up. Though it also sounds like it is an older format branch, so "bzr upgrade" may be recommended.17:41
noodles_20thanks jam.17:41
Taksplodge: are you the same splodge from UDC forums?17:41
* Tak <=17:42
* splodge feels popular all of a sudden.17:42
jamTak: it should be in the newer installers, yes17:42
jam(only the all-in-one installer, not the "install into an existing python install")17:42
TakI'll give it a try, then - I've been sitting on bzr 1.4 because that was the latest one with a bzr-svn installer17:43
jamI think 1.7 has it, but I'm sure that 1.9 does as well17:44
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Takbzr-svn does indeed appear to Just Work with the 1.9 win32 standalone installer18:23
derekShas anyone ever seen this error: UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xae' in position 103: ordinal not in range(128)18:56
derekSi am trying to pull18:56
jamderekS: Presumably you are updating to a revision which now includes a non-ascii character19:14
jambut your system claims that the filesystem doesn't support it.19:14
jamderekS: As part of the exception, I would expect us to report what we think fs_enc is19:14
jamdo you see that line?19:14
jamI believe I've also seen at least something similar when fs_enc is UTF-8, but you have a file that is in latin-1 encoding19:15
jamwe fail because we can't understand the filename, as it isn't actually valid given your fs_enc19:15
derekSjam: checking19:28
derekSnot seeing it, i lost it in the scroll buffer when i looked at the bzr.log19:29
derekSlet me try to pull it again19:30
derekSbtw this is the cygwin build19:30
derekSversion 1.819:30
synichow can you tell what repository is being accessed in a hook?19:37
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jamderekS: cygwin only supports ASCII, so we can't add support for anything else on top of it19:59
jamI think there are some random patches out there to update cygwin to support utf819:59
jamMy suggestion would be to use the windows native build20:00
jamIt is significantly faster because it doesn't go through the cygwin overhead20:00
jam(bzr status is 2s for me under cygwin, and 0.5s using the win32 native client)20:00
jamI generally use cygwin as a shell, and normally don't have problems running native bzr at the same time20:00
jamThe only problems are when I would type ~/path/from/home since that breaks between win32 native and cygwin20:01
mwhudsonsynic: usually the hook takes arguments that let you find out, which hook are you interested in?20:01
* mwhudson grrs at bzrlib's docstrings20:14
synicmwhudson: post_psuh20:18
synicer.. push20:18
mwhudsonsynic: well push_result.source_branch.repository ?20:20
mwhudsonas in http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#hooks20:20
asachi. bzr-svn + authentication? is there any trick to make that work?20:35
synica post hook is supposed to run on the server if the connection was started with bzr+ssh, right?21:02
synicer,, a post_push21:02
synicI can't seem to get this one to work21:03
mwhudsoni think post_push is a client side hook21:05
mwhudsonpost_change_branch_tip runs on the server though21:06
mwhudson(pre_change_branch_tip too)21:06
loxsis there any problem if I use one repository to store branches from different projects?21:10
hsn_loxs: no21:13
loxshsn_, so then it's ok if I give all my developers their own repository, and they can store all their branches from all our projects in that repository?21:14
hsn_loxs: yes. just `bzr check` operation takes some time on large repos21:19
synicmwhudson: when printing branch.repository, I get KnitPackRepository('chroot-166445772:///send-admin/.bzr/repository/')21:22
synichow can I programatically get the "send-admin" from it?21:23
mwhudsonum, i guess from repository.transport.base21:23
mwhudson(which i think will be the string 'chroot-166445772:///send-admin/.bzr/repository/'21:23
mwhudsonthen parse it as a url, take the path and strip .bzr/repository off it21:24
mwhudsonsynic: but mostly educatedly guessing here, not really sure21:24
synicyeah, that works21:24
synicbut I have to use repo._transport21:24
Kobazis there a way to combine all your local branch commits into one commit, before doing a push21:33
mwhudsonKobaz: well, i guess you can merge your new commits onto a fresh copy of the push target before you push21:35
Kobazthat works21:38
phoenix3051Is there away to limit the amount of bandwidth bzr using when branching across a network?21:45
pooliejam, spiv, call in a minute?22:04
pygihi hi22:07
synicanyone about?  I've written a plugin to limit who can access a repository via bzr+ssh.  Right now, an exception is thrown (errors.PermissionDenied) if the user doesn't have access, but it creates an InternalError on the client side22:42
synicis there a way to tell the server just to send something like: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch:22:42
mwhudsonsynic: _usually_ a permissiondenied on the server side is correctly translated to one on the client side (these days)22:44
mwhudsonsynic: can you pastebin the client side traceback?22:45
mwhudsonsynic: maybe check with spiv, but it looks like a bug22:50
synicwell, it accomplishes the goal, but yeah, it does appear to the user as a bug within bzr22:51
synicand asks them to file a bug report22:51
synicprobably because of how I designed the plugin22:51
mwhudsonsynic: you might also want to try with a newer bzr client22:53
mwhudsonthere have been related bugs fixed since 1.6.1 i think22:53
synic ah.22:53
synicwell, all in all, though, that gitosis port works.22:53
spivsynic: I'm pretty sure bzr.dev (and probably 1.9) will handle that better.22:59
synicyeah, trying it now22:59
synicbzr: ERROR: Permission denied: "test": : You do not have read access for this repository.23:01
synicyeah, that looks tons better23:01
synicthanks :)23:02
slangasekjelmer: have you had any luck yet with that bzr-svn bug (grub merge)?23:02
spivsynic: you're welcome :)23:02
synicman, the bzrlib code is so cool ... compared to what I'm used to reading anyway.  Hah.23:09
mkanatAfter a cvsps-import, I'm getting: bzr: ERROR: Revision {('cvs-1:lpsolit-20081021203555-abgb5fh0dqaorsib',)} not present in "<bzrlib.knit.KnitGraphIndex object at 0xb797eb6c>".23:13
mkanatWhat's up with that?23:13
mkanatAnybody? :-) jam?23:15
mkanatI also get: /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/lockable_files.py:110: UserWarning: file group LockableFiles(<bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=file:///home/mkanat/cvs-import/selenium-import/bzr/selenium/.bzr/repository/>) was not explicitly unlocked23:18
nekohayoping, lifeless?23:36

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