
trailbrainCan I volunteer my website to be a mirror for edubuntu?03:49
trailbrainHow would I go about doing that?03:50
trailbrainHeck, I've got unlimited bandwith---might as well host ubuntu as well!03:50
Fritz87afaik you can just make it available and share it with whomever as long as its free04:00
Fritz87oh nvm... I'm tired, not thinking quite clearly04:01
Ahmucknubae: sorry, got called away on short notice05:56
Grumpynubae: http://pastebin.be/15025 - current, default, works06:34
Grumpynubae: http://pastebin.be/15026 - dhcp.conf file that's not working06:39
Fritz87_Does anyone know any good statistics showing the benefits of computer access for k-12 students?07:01
Fritz87_its been laughably difficult for me to come up with anything, I've been working on it  for about 2 hours07:01
Fritz87_have google, google scholar, ebsco host etc07:02
Fritz87_That or the disadvantages created by a lack of computer access07:02
freetownbesides gaining computer/'computer social' skills?07:13
Grumpywork skills, such as typng,etc.07:41
Grumpyi've found that unless you limit a students computer access they loos learning07:41
freetownGrumpy, as in they go into passive mode and just browse and browse just like potato couches just lie there watching TV?08:08
Ahmuckchildren, and adults need interaction, physical.  "mybabycanread" is a program that will teach young children to read by 18months. 4 and 5 grade readers.  it's acheived by introducing reading from birth through a different methods, singing, playing, drilling, etc. the babys don't think reading is a chore, they enjoy it08:35
Ahmuckthe computer is simply a tool to get a job done.  like a screwdriver and wrench for a mechanic.  anything else, and it becomes a ball and chain.  it's my opinion that we put to much emphasis on computers and thier programs ratther than the what they can do for us08:36
nubaejeez people have real trouble following instructions13:07
nubaeeven when typed out in front of them13:07
ograrecord them as mp3 ?13:07
nubaedifficult to copy and paste from :p13:08
ogracopy paste is for slackers :P13:08

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