
dr_williscrysis was fun... even had some interesting replay value.. up untill the alien base...00:00
Jabrroai love 8800's :) work like beasts00:00
dr_willisFallout 3 - i can play for about an hr.. then i get too creeped out. :) and gotta take a break00:00
Jabrroasame with dead space haha00:00
juanantonioWhat is envyng?00:00
Jabrroai wish i could game on linux :(00:01
Jabrroahave to use crysis and such on vbox00:02
Jabrroafor win xp00:02
juanantoniohold on a second, I must restart. I am bacl immedately00:02
juanantonioNo way, man00:11
juanantonioOnly mode text00:11
Jabrroai cant believe my setup even posted up on kde00:12
kevin__can some1 help me fix a kdenlive crash problem?00:12
juanantonioI surrender, I will have to assume 800*600 is the best Kubuntu can do in this PC00:12
dr_willisjuanantonio,    or theres some issues with the drivers and your card.. which has been the case for a lot of people under 8.1000:13
juanantonioSorry? I am not sure of your answer00:14
dr_willisjuanantonio,  in the package maanger - i belive there are 3 versions of the nvidia drivers. - its possible you need to use one of the other driver versions00:14
dr_willisI will BRB....00:15
juanantonioI have tried the 3 versions00:15
kevin__can some1 help me?00:15
kevin__kde couldnt open on me does any1 know how to fix it?00:16
Jabrroawhats kdenlive?00:16
kevin__a movie maker thing00:16
Jabrroaoh ok00:17
Jabrroadid you add it through apt-get?00:18
Jabrroaor package manager00:18
=== carlos is now known as Guest28587
Jabrroaok..... whats it called? ill see if it works on mine00:20
juanantonioI run sudo nvidia-xconfig and nothing happens00:21
Jabrroaok its dling :)00:22
Dr_willisxconfig  has command line options that you may need to use..00:24
Dr_willisnvidia-settings has the X interface...   nvidia0-xconfig is a cli tool...00:24
Dr_willisso rember kidds.. X in name = not an X app.. :) go figure00:25
Dr_willisjuanantonio,  heres my xorg.conf i am using for myu nvidia 8800gtsxxx card --> http://pastebin.com/f54b6f51  it may be worth bookmarking/saving as an example..00:26
Dr_willisjuanantonio,  and for debugging you may want to run -->00:26
Dr_willis grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:26
Dr_willisto see what driver its trying to use00:27
kevin__kdenlive keeps crashing when opening it ._.00:27
juanantonioMmm, no idea. I enter in consola and type waht you say about grep00:28
=== nabs is now known as nabs_
|TJ|if im going to burn a .iso can i use regular cds?00:30
|TJ|or do i need a special type of cd?00:30
nabs_hi i installed squirrelmail and i am getting this errror00:30
nabs_Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.00:30
nabs_111 : Connection refused00:30
juanantonioDrWillis, I sent you what my console returned me00:30
juanantonioYou see something extrange?00:31
Jabrroaextrange lol :)00:32
juanantonioOk, so my return is complete disaster00:33
Jabrroaok here goes the test00:34
Jason_COcan someone please tell me why console-kit-daemon is eating up 50% of my proc time? for extended periods00:34
Jabrroawhat should i select for def vid format?00:34
|TJ|how can i find out if i have a 32 bit processor or a 64 bit processor00:34
Jabrroahmmm strange....00:35
kevin__did it close on u? ._.00:35
Jabrroai opened it and it loaded and i was about to start and it mysteriously closed lol00:35
kevin__that what heppened to me =w=00:36
Jabrroathats wierd lol00:36
Jabrroais there another editor you can use?00:36
kevin__uh im trying to find 1 that can trim the videos00:38
=== tina is now known as p42g
Jabrroai do video editing heavily00:39
Jabrroabut i run a VM for sony vegas00:39
kevin__what solfwave do u use to make videos? :/00:42
JabrroaSony vegas pro00:46
Jabrroavery nice and easy to use00:46
Jabrroai run a Virtual machine to run windows xp to use it thoughj'00:46
Jason_COcan someone please tell me why console-kit-daemon is eating up 50% of my proc time? for extended periods00:47
JabrroaVirus!!! jk lol idk bro00:47
nabs_hey i am missing imap in my server how can i install it00:48
nabs_i am gettng this error00:48
nabs_Error connecting to IMAP server: localhost.00:48
nabs_111 : Connection refused00:48
R_RiosI'm on Kubuntu 8.1000:48
kevin__can sony vegas pro cut the videos?00:49
R_RiosAnd I've installed Amarok RC, following this how to:00:49
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:49
R_RiosBut, after installed, it doesn't run00:49
R_RiosNeither on KDE 4.1.3, nor on KDE 4.1.7300:50
R_RiosWhen I run it on the terminal, I get this:00:50
R_RiosFAILURE (KCmdLineArgs):00:50
R_RiosApplication requests for isSet("multipleinstances") but the "multipleinstances"option00:50
R_Rioshas never been specified via addCmdLineOptions( ... )00:51
R_RiosASSERT: "0" in file /build/buildd/kde4libs-4.1.3/kdecore/kernel/kcmdlineargs.cpp, line 149900:51
Jabrroapeople these days lol00:58
wesley_how do i make a ad hoc ? so that i can surf online with my noteboke via my phone01:00
Dr_willisHay all - if  juanantonio comes back --- with issues.. he MAY need to alter his xorg.conf file to change the modes line to be some actual modes instead of        ->       Modes      "nvidia-auto-select"01:02
Dr_willisI may have to run out soon. :P01:02
juanantonioNo way, DrWillis. When it is arriving to local boot scripts, the screen flashes and remains that way eternally01:06
Dr_willisjuanantonio,  the only other idea i have is to change the line        Modes      "nvidia-auto-select"01:07
Dr_willisto some specifc modes.. such as01:08
Dr_willisModes      "1024x768"01:08
Dr_willisModes   "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"01:08
Dr_willisdepending on what you use01:08
juanantonioOk, I will use 1024*768 and 1680*105001:09
juanantonioDrWillis, but always after restarting or in any moment? I mean the driver01:10
juanantonioshould be changed in any moment or shoud I restart always?01:10
Dr_willisedit the xorg.conf.. restart X01:12
Dr_willisits only read  when X starts up01:12
juanantonioLet's see01:13
Dr_willisjuanantonio,  did you see the nvida logo at least?01:14
juanantonioNo at all01:15
juanantonioIf I save xorg.conf with another name, another xorg.conf is created01:18
juanantonioHow can I delete the wrong ones and substitute them with the good one?01:18
ahmoshow i can know wich codec amarok is using now01:30
replmanHi! I'm trying to use kdiff to merge two textfiles. Isn't it possible to edit? Just automerge is available...01:32
=== matthew is now known as sina94
=== linuxwizard_ is now known as linuxwizard
sina94Hey. Trying to use Cheese to record video with internal webcam on Aspire One /w Kubuntu. Can capture photos, and shows video until I hit "record"... then I get a blank screen. Returns errors in teminal.01:34
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ameliesomeone who knows about sata disks?01:37
CourtJesterGneed to fix my fonts in wine has to do with my 96 nvidia driver01:44
CourtJesterGit looks like this this doesn't work01:44
Dr_willisyep.. ive heard theres some issue CourtJesterG  - but ive not had the problem01:47
CourtJesterGyeah i fix the bug with fonts for the system with the tweek anti-alaise fulle fonts dpi 96 it just fixing the wine part01:49
CourtJesterGgoing to try this seems to fix both02:02
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:04
CourtJesterGi should really write some stuff down lol02:04
CourtJesterGhey what it by fx when they word it this way?02:14
CourtJesterGCreate a txt (settings.txt) file in fx your home folder containing this:02:14
ssmithCan someone tell me how to set fonts so that I get smoother fonts on a lcd?02:20
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oscarhello thar kubuntu02:54
oscarhavent been in here  in a few days02:54
birnissonhey oscar03:00
oscari gotta reboot in a sec, installing updates, and gonna try disabling onboard sound to see if that fixes my audigy 4 problem03:02
* genii hands out a round of coffee in Kubuntu mugs03:02
CourtJesterGwhats fx?03:04
CourtJesterGCreate a txt (settings.txt) file in fx your home folder containing this:03:04
oscaraudio is working03:07
oscarbut not my keyboard controls03:07
DreadKnighthelp! gimp crashes when trying to open or save something; error log http://pastebin.com/m2678039703:08
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jpseixas# join03:10
bluestylehi all, i play a video and all the time flashes why doing this?03:10
loganWHDi need some help03:11
loganWHDmoved up to 8.1003:11
loganWHDwhen i go into display settings the whole thing crashes03:11
loganWHDi can't change my display settings at all03:11
loganWHDanyone have any ideas?03:12
loganWHDno one?03:16
bluestylehi all, i play a video and all the time flashes why doing this?03:25
bluestyleflashes black screens03:25
bluestyleanyone help03:25
=== anom01y is now known as Loren
debankurHi all , I am having a strange problem. If I press the shutdown icon on the start menu, nothing happens.03:57
debankurcan someone help me ???03:57
gkffjckhey all, is there a way to migrate my dolphin places form one computer to another, just copying .kde doesn't seem to do it.03:58
jegpalguien que hable español04:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x.cfg04:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xserver04:30
ubottuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes04:30
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:30
jon_how to change from 32 to 16bit video mode04:48
=== david is now known as Guest49417
evilgnomehello all. I'm running Ubuntu (not Kubuntu) Intrepid Ibex, and I'd like to alter the kde 3 theme and icon settings (for amarok and anything else that might creep into my desktop). kcontrol is no longer a package -- can anyone tell me how I can do this? I've asked around in #ubuntu and #amarok, to no avail... thanks for any help.05:06
|TJ|how can i view wireless networks in kubuntu05:13
Jabrroaopen terminal05:15
Jabrroadid you open it?05:17
Jabrroatype in iwconfig05:17
Jabrroaok now does anything show up under WLAN005:21
Jabrroaor Ath005:21
|TJ|I got it05:23
|TJ|i needed wireless assistant05:23
Jabrroaok :)05:23
|TJ|was about to switch to mandrake today.. glad i didnt05:25
|TJ|How can I add a shortcut on my desktop to the /home/tj/Documents folder05:27
Jabrroayou using KDE 4?05:28
|TJ|KDE 3.5 i think05:28
|TJ|i duno how to upgrade to 405:29
Jabrroaumm google it... and i have 4 and use widgets05:29
Jabrroaso i have a widget on my desktop for my documents folder :)05:30
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:30
Jabrroathere ya go :)05:30
Jabrroai HATE bots lol05:30
Jabrroaso annoying05:30
Jabrroa!my retarded self05:31
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:31
|TJ|lol u using 8.10 ?05:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bad05:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mexicans05:31
|TJ|i was told not to upgrade but to only LTS versions05:31
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:31
Jabrroaupgrade to kubuntu 8.10 :) its stable05:32
* |TJ| wornders if he'd loose his theme he spent all night installing one night05:32
binMonkeyhi, guys.05:32
Jabrroaoh you know what google ultimate edition 2.005:33
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:33
Jabrroakubuntu with kde 4.0 LOADED with themes pre installed05:33
|TJ|let me see05:34
|TJ|8.10 is stable right05:34
Jabrroaso then you would have alot to choose without need to install05:34
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes05:35
binMonkeymy vuze works sporadically.  sometimes it says that it's firewalled and sometimes it works perfectly.  i have a range of ports forwarded from my router that don't change.05:35
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore05:37
binMonkey!birthing no babies!05:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:37
binMonkeysomebody please fix this bot to reply "i don't know anything about birthing no babies."05:38
Jabrroa!not being gay05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about not being gay05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about birthing05:38
binMonkey!birthing no05:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about birthing no05:38
binMonkey!birthing no babies05:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:39
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:39
binMonkeyJabrroa started it.05:39
Jabrroai did :)05:40
|TJ|the release upgrade thing isnt in adept05:41
Jabrroause ultimate edition :)05:41
Jabrroaits kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4 and a load of themes and visual stuff05:42
|TJ|i know i dont know how to upgrade it tho05:43
Jabrroawell unfortunatly it would be a brand new install05:43
Jabrroayou have an external HDD?05:43
=== bain is now known as Bain123
=== Bain123 is now known as [Bain]
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xccconfig05:52
ubottuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes05:52
dfdfdfdhow to ls displayuing one file per line05:55
ScorpKingdfdfdfd: ls -l05:55
|TJ|kool upgrading05:55
CourtJesterGnotice how the hardware driver app most of the time doesn't work grrrrrrrrrrrr05:56
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:56
=== root is now known as Guest62341
|TJ|is it normal during a upgrade you kmenu disappear?06:48
AzzcoHi I'm on 8.10 KDE4. I  installed quanta+ and whenever I try to open a link with konversation it uses quanta. how do I change that?07:09
dwidmann_Azzco: Umm, try going to settings -> configure konversation, behavior -> general. You should be able to set whatever browser you want there.07:12
AzzcoDoh. I was trying to install kcontrol. Thanks for the quick reply07:13
Weaselwebare there any qt-4.4.2 or 4.4.3 packages for kubuntu-8.04?07:19
|TJ|how to i make my desktop icons come back, they disappeared07:30
courtjestergomg i screwed my self totally with my graphics even recovery couldn't recover had to reinstall once again i got to really fuguire out away  here and hopefully this cd/write can get fic backup disk  this sucks07:38
iberthi! Where do I change the default shell for ssh login-sessions?08:02
Weaselwebibert: you can change the default shell for a user in general, see chsh08:03
ibertWeaselweb: but I only want to change it for ssh-sessions.08:04
Weaselwebibert: AFAIK that's not possible, since every user can switch to the shell he/she wants to use. maybe you can specify you desired shell upon the ssh command08:05
ibertWeaselweb: hmmm. thanx...08:06
sgroveribert: You can change the shell per user via the /etc/passwd file.  The last bit on the user line indicates what shell to use.  Doing it for ssh only is a little more difficult08:16
sgroverthere is a package called scponly you can install, then you can change the shell to /bin/scponly (I think that's it), then the user can ONLY connect via ssh/scp/sftp.08:16
noaXesshi all08:20
noaXesshow can i connect to a smb server with dolphin? with konquerror i get connect over smb://username@servername08:23
noaXessok it works on the same way.. ;) sorry08:24
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ActionParsnip1yo yo yo08:45
=== bob_ is now known as bobble
ActionParsnip1bobble: are you agent bob?08:55
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: ok, your eth1 has a valid class C ip so has connectivity08:56
|TJ|ActionParsnip1: im connected via wireless...08:56
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: if you want someone to connect from OUTSIDE your network you must configure port forwarding / virtual server on your router08:56
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: doesnt matter of the physical medium08:57
ActionParsnip1if you want to connect from INSIDE your own network you can simply connect to the server on port 2208:58
ActionParsnip1the logins allowed will be the ones that reside on the system running the ssh server08:58
ActionParsnip1you may want to create a new user with no sudo permissions so you can allow your buddy to connect and know s/he will not be able to screw up your pc too much08:59
|TJ|thats just adduser right09:00
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo09:00
jon__hi, how do i chaNGE my colour depth from 32bit to 16bit09:01
ActionParsnip1jon__: what gfx card are you running?09:01
jon__ActionParsnip1 manifacturer: VIA Technology; type:Mesa DRI UniChrome (K8M800) 20060710 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE209:01
ActionParsnip1jon__: you can set the colour depth in xorg.conf09:02
ActionParsnip1in the screen section you will see Default Depth...set it to 1609:02
ActionParsnip1jon__: kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:02
ActionParsnip1jon__: you can change it there, save and exit then restart your x server (ctrl + alt + backspace) after saving all work09:04
jon__ActionParsnip1 no entry for depth should i enter one?09:04
ActionParsnip1jon__: theres mine, note the defalt depth line09:06
=== benjamin_ is now known as binary10
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)09:07
DarkSmokei don't hava sound on my java app09:12
ActionParsnip1DarkSmoke: 32bt or 64bit?09:12
ActionParsnip1and how are you implementing java?09:13
DarkSmokei dunno09:13
DarkSmokeit came with kubuntu09:13
ActionParsnip1are you using sun java / iced-tea?09:13
DarkSmokesun java09:14
marinaI just installed phpmyadmin, but where do I acess it?09:16
marinaEg, where are the files installed09:16
DarkSmokethat talks alot bout opnjdk09:18
DarkSmokeim using sun java09:18
ActionParsnip1same sort of deal afaik09:18
dwidmann_dark, to see what all jvms you have installed, run this command: find /usr/lib -name java -path \*bin\* --- to check which one is set to default, run update-alternatives --display java09:19
zaapielhow do i turn that Ding noise off when i switch desktops?09:21
zaapielits pissing me off09:21
zaapielim on kde4 btw09:21
ActionParsnip1zaapiel: systemsettings -> notifications09:21
ActionParsnip1and watch language dude :)09:21
ActionParsnip1so much for gratitude09:26
|TJ|kde 4 sucks09:26
ActionParsnip1its ok if you dont run kwin09:26
|TJ|I should have kept 3.509:27
|TJ|since im still pretty much lost in linux09:27
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: if you leanr command line you will be at home in any *nix system09:28
dwidmann_|TJ|: if you're feeling adventurous, compile yourself a kde 3.5 :)09:28
|TJ|I cant find the right OS.. thought about going back to windows... but someone told me to try it for a month then make my mind up09:28
|TJ|if im still lost in a month... im going back to a OS i actually know09:29
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: linux isnt for everybody09:29
|TJ|now im lost with this ssh stuff.. i can connect internally, but not externally.. reading fourms and stuff to try to figure out the port fwding stuff09:29
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: just think about the amount of experience you have with windows compared to linux though09:30
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: its cool you tried it though09:30
|TJ|this is my second time trying it09:30
|TJ|its still installed on my desktop09:30
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: thats your router config, linux is sat with a running ssh service so is functioning 100%09:30
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: did you try rebooting your router/09:31
|TJ|no.. havent yet, but i never have had to do that for port fwd on windows09:32
|TJ|i just put it in and it worked...09:32
|TJ|i got a linksys09:32
ActionParsnip1ok well so do I let me check stuff09:34
ActionParsnip1did you put a tick in the enable box as well as define the start and end port range as 22 to allow the single port through09:34
|TJ|might be my ip address i got it set to
|TJ|not even sure thats the right ip09:35
ActionParsnip1make sure you allow both protocols (just to test)09:35
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: as long as its in thesubnet of your routers dhcp pool, its ine09:35
mtuxKNetworkManager cannot connect to either Wired or Wireless connection on my Dell Inspiron 6400 Kubuntu 8.10 laptop!09:35
|TJ|yes i did that.09:35
|TJ|its only set to port 2209:35
mtuxhow can i fix this?09:36
|TJ|start and end is 2209:36
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: ok then click enable and then save settings09:36
mtuxit was good until yesterday :-/09:36
|TJ|done that09:36
ActionParsnip1mtux: maybe you could try: sudo mv /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces_old09:36
ActionParsnip1mtux: and then reboot09:36
mtuxActionParsnip1: I'll try09:37
mtuxActionParsnip1: thanks09:37
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: ok, pm me your wan IP and I'll try connecting if you are happy with that09:37
|TJ|ActionParsnip1: should protocall be both09:37
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: ssh uses tcp but use both just for testing09:37
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: timed out09:39
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: are you running firewalling on the ssh server?09:40
ActionParsnip1then you dont have to worry about that09:40
|TJ|i just did a sudo apt-get install openssh09:40
ActionParsnip1id give the router a reboot, it may help09:41
ActionParsnip1and check the settig is still there when its round09:41
mtuxActionParsnip1: thanks, it works for my wireless!09:46
ActionParsnip1mtux: np man09:46
ActionParsnip1mtux: feel free to: rm /etc/networ/interfaces_old09:46
mtuxActionParsnip1: but it doesn't know my wired net card! now!?! :-/09:46
ActionParsnip1ah then dont rm it09:46
ActionParsnip1mtux: do you see the device in ifconfig ?09:47
mtuxActionParsnip1: ifconfig just get me wlan0 wmaster0 and lo! :-/09:47
mtuxActionParsnip1: no09:47
ActionParsnip1mtux: ok thats cool09:47
ActionParsnip1mtux: try sudo ifup wlan009:47
ActionParsnip1or was it wired you werent seeing?09:47
Weaselweb|TJ|: is your sshd running?09:48
mtuxActionParsnip1: wlan0 is my wireless card! and is up now!09:48
mtuxActionParsnip1: and connected ;)09:48
ActionParsnip1mtux: cool09:48
ActionParsnip1mtux: if this happens next reboot i'd add that command to your startup09:48
ActionParsnip1mtux: not graceful but does the job09:49
ActionParsnip1mtux: maybe knetworkmanager can help out09:49
mtuxActionParsnip1: ifup says: couldn't read interface file!09:49
ActionParsnip1mtux: but its connected ok now?09:49
mtuxNo such file...09:50
mtuxActionParsnip1: yes!09:50
ActionParsnip1mtux: maybe it takes a while to wake up09:50
ActionParsnip1mtux: id run it for a bit, see what the deal is09:50
mtuxActionParsnip1: :-/ maybe09:50
ActionParsnip1mtux: after a boot just sit and watch, see if it connects09:51
mtuxActionParsnip1: do you mean i reboot again?09:51
ActionParsnip1mtux: yeah, then log on and watch it. see if it connects on its own09:51
mtux_ActionParsnip1: and if don't connect?09:52
mtux_ActionParsnip1: it's me on my laptop ;)09:52
ActionParsnip1mtux: then do what you just did09:52
mtux_ActionParsnip1: OK09:52
mtux_ActionParsnip1: thanks a lot09:53
ActionParsnip1np man09:53
=== mtux_ is now known as mtux
=== _TJ_ is now known as |TJ|
Weaselweb|TJ|: is your sshd running?09:59
|TJ|should, do i have to start it manually?09:59
soontakanybody could help me on openoffice spreadsheet ?10:01
=== vnlev is now known as newbie_ubuntu
|TJ|!ask > soontak10:01
ubottusoontak, please see my private message10:01
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: start what?10:01
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: no, its part of your bootup now10:01
|TJ|thought so10:01
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: and the router is rebooted too10:02
|TJ|modem too10:02
newbie_ubuntuanyone know why cannot connect to internet after install kubuntu cd?10:02
Weaselweb|TJ|: does port 22 list up in netstat -ln?10:02
ActionParsnip1newbie_ubuntu: did you configure networking10:02
|TJ|i rstarted my computer, router, and modem10:02
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: nice, ok i tried connecting and no dice10:02
newbie_ubuntuhow to configure it?10:03
soontakhow can i combine 2 sheet cell range together? $sheet1.$C$5:$sheet1.$C$999;$sheet2.$C$5:$sheet2.$C$999 doesnt work10:03
ActionParsnip1newbie_ubuntu: can you please pastebin th eoutput of ifconfig10:03
ActionParsnip1!paste | newbie_ubuntu10:03
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)10:03
|TJ|ssh is there10:03
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: ok so you have put the setting in right10:04
Weaselwebcan you connect locally?10:04
|TJ|can connect locally10:04
|TJ|if i use the
|TJ|action.. let me try to enable webadmin for my router10:04
newbie_ubuntu@ActionParsnip: now I've removed the kubuntu and install ubuntu+kde, it works well10:04
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: can you connect from another system in your network?10:04
|TJ|only computer on in my house right now10:05
newbie_ubuntubut it failed when install the kubuntu cd10:05
Weaselweb|TJ|: i expect you need port forwarding on your router, if you want to sshd be reachable from the internet10:05
ActionParsnip1newbie_ubuntu: did you md5 check the iso you downloaded as well as verify the burned disk was ok?10:05
|TJ|Weaselweb: i have done port fwd10:05
ActionParsnip1Weaselweb: he's set it up some but its not quite right somewhere10:05
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: can you connect to the pc from a different computer in your lan?10:06
newbie_ubuntuI didn't check md5 but the installation worked well10:06
|TJ|ActionParsnip1: no other computers in my lan10:07
ActionParsnip1newbie_ubuntu: check the md5sum, you may have a bad disk10:07
newbie_ubuntuok, thanks ActionParsnip1, I'll check it10:07
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: well if your system can connect to itself thats one thing, if a system on the same lan cannot then we know its not your router10:07
Weaselweb|TJ|: to which IP address is port 22 bound in netstat -ln?10:08
newbie_ubuntuActionParsnip1: how can I check cd md5 in ubuntu?10:08
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:09
Weaselwebok, so i think your port forward is wrong10:10
ActionParsnip1Weaselweb: or there is some communication problem between router and pc10:11
ActionParsnip1Weaselweb: like firewalling for example10:11
WeaselwebActionParsnip1: that's something we cannot check from external10:11
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: if you can verify that you can connect to the sshd from a different system on your internal LAN ten we know for a fact its the router config10:11
|TJ|ActionParsnip1: you wana look at my router settings?10:12
|TJ|or Weaselweb10:12
ActionParsnip1so you have wireless for only 1 pc, kinda overkill10:12
|TJ|i set up remote management enabled10:12
Weaselweb|TJ|: no, i dont want to check that myself.10:14
raymearshi everyone. i have a slight issue. i tried changing the plasma memory setting to "fallback" (in intrepid) and xserver keeps restarting every time i want to log on.10:15
ActionParsnip1i cant connect to that either10:15
ActionParsnip1looks like a router thing10:15
|TJ|i could just a min ago i tried before i connected10:15
raymearsany ideas as to why this is happening? or how i could change the memory setting back to something else?10:15
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: well obviously, you are on the inside10:15
|TJ|i typed the same thing into my browser that i pasted10:16
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: we are on the outside so the security is different10:16
ActionParsnip1|TJ|: id get your manual from linksys and read it10:16
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.10:25
ActionParsnip1!hcl | kruger10:25
ubottukruger: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:25
krugersorry caps lock active :P10:25
ActionParsnip1kruger: generally, mid to hogh range nvidias are very supported, bleeding edge tech tends to be a bit weird with drivers10:26
krugerok , range of nvidia are soported but i see many of them with problems , i don"t want to buy somthing and have problem , i want to help with developing but i"m noob10:28
ActionParsnip1kruger: envyng-qt is good but unofficial, have a webrowse round for guides on how people got certain nvidia cards working10:31
serenityhi there10:32
serenityis there any chance to sync gmail calender with kontact?10:32
ActionParsnip1serenity: http://www.linux.com/feature/12205410:35
ActionParsnip1serenity: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2008-August/030217.html10:35
ActionParsnip1serenity: it appears to be possible10:37
ActionParsnip1serenity: i dont use either so all i can give you are links10:38
serenityActionParsnip1: yes, but a little bit hackerish10:38
ActionParsnip1serenity: if it works....10:38
krugerAny clue where i can start for guides ? i see on you tube very atractive compiz effects working and gamers playng linux games ...sow is rly atractive this os but rly confusing me too10:39
ActionParsnip1kruger: you need to install grapics drivers for compiz10:39
ActionParsnip1!compiz | kruger10:39
ubottukruger: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion10:39
ActionParsnip1kruger: what video card do you have?10:39
krugeryeah man i know , i am not such a noob , i have allready a pc working with ubuntu but i want to upgrade , buy anotrher pc and i want to make a good choise with the video card, that"s all , tnx :)10:40
ActionParsnip1kruger: nvidia is well supported, read guides on how to set up various graphics cards in your price range10:41
krugeru mean BinaryDriverHowto ?10:43
ActionParsnip1kruger: that as well as forums10:43
krugerok ,thx this os is realy cool , and i want to use it even that i"m a nooob :D i hope that i will learn more, i apreciate your help10:46
ActionParsnip1you will learn more if you struggle a little til you reach the goal10:49
courtjestergok figured up the errors i was get when i wanted to runa java/flash app on myspace and only got to the start menu it has to do with the xul-runner so aany insight from anybody on this?10:50
courtjestergi believe it has to do with browser firefox it self what ever they did to it for linux affect the build cause windows version ran fine since firefox is a build of the gecko egine which using the xul-runner10:52
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install xul-runner10:52
courtjestergi try that10:52
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: that'll reinstall xul-runner fresh10:52
courtjestergbut what does the clean do i just reinstalled fresh and just dl a bunch of stuff back in10:53
courtjestergi screwed my graphics so bad no recovery possible lol10:53
ActionParsnip1clean emptys the apt-cache from your system, forcing the system to download the deb again10:53
courtjestergE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)10:55
courtjestergE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?10:55
courtjestergi ddi the clean then proceded to the next line10:55
courtjestergohh doh password10:55
courtjestergno wassn't password10:56
ActionParsnip1you have synaptic open or similar?10:56
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ActionParsnip1or are you getting system updates?10:56
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: another process is accessing the packages right now10:57
courtjestergno pass all that even unsupported updates which i still have to remove the old kernal10:57
courtjestergits at 10 now before it was 8 then 7 =)10:57
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: you need to stop the process accessing the packages or wait for it to finis10:57
courtjestergohh close the manager10:57
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: yeah, you cant have that open AND run apt10:58
ActionParsnip1courtjesterg: if you read the errors, it did actually tell you10:58
courtjestergok it rea dit went therre but at the end just couldn't find the package odd saw a bunch of stuff in the manager10:59
courtjestergE: Couldn't find package xul-runner10:59
ActionParsnip1if you run sudo apt-get --reinstall install xulrunner-1.911:00
courtjesterghow i came up with it wsa the xul-runner is using firebug on the app it was all in the 2 errors11:00
courtjestergits working your the best bot =)11:00
ActionParsnip1im not a bot, im a dude11:01
courtjestergsuper dude11:01
ActionParsnip1with the power to sit and listen to psytrance11:01
courtjestergbeen listening to gothic music lately arkcaniss or something from the shoutcasts11:02
courtjestergcheck out the station on a little player on myspace www.mypsace.com/courtjesterg11:02
courtjestergjust added from there site adverstising the station some good stuff11:02
ActionParsnippidgin fell over11:04
ActionParsnipwhats the link again please11:04
ActionParsnipoh well11:04
ActionParsnipcheers man11:05
ActionParsnipi used to listen to this sort of stuff when i was 1411:06
=== alberto is now known as Guest26438
ActionParsnipwhy do people use Guestxxxx as their nick?11:29
Tm_TActionParsnip: some kind of forced nick11:29
Tm_Tif someone "prones you from using his/her/its nick"11:30
Tm_Tlike, root11:30
ActionParsnipoh i love when you see idiots changing their names from root to something else11:30
Tm_TActionParsnip: no calling names, son11:31
ActionParsniproot logons just really infuriate me11:31
Tm_Tstill no11:32
ActionParsnipi know i know11:32
ActionParsnipim only human11:32
Tm_Tno you're not! (;)11:33
Tm_Tanyway, back to poke my KDE4 ->11:33
ActionParsnipyeah check my leet pwers11:33
mtuxActionParsnip: hi11:36
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:37
zer0oif i deleted one file, is there a way to recover it?11:37
mtuxActionParsnip: I have problem yet.11:37
mtuxActionParsnip: when i restart NetworkManager service11:38
mtuxActionParsnip: it's OK! and connect...11:38
mtuxActionParsnip: but after a while! get disconnected and cannot connect again!11:38
mtuxActionParsnip: so, i restart NetworkManager service and ... (goto first ;))11:39
ActionParsniphmm strange11:40
mtuxI have the syslog, if you think it will be useful :|11:40
mtux:-/ sorry! i'm disconnected again :(11:41
mtuxjust if you think it will be helpful: http://paste.ubuntu.com/76752/11:42
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:28
* faileas is having a rather annoying system12:30
faileasit seems to12:30
faileaser any reason why a kubuntu box would have above average processor usage for xorg?12:30
faileaslike consistantly > 20%?12:31
ActionParsnipfaileas: ive seen a few folks asking in here12:31
ActionParsnipmines about 5%12:31
ActionParsnipi believe12:31
ActionParsnipfaileas: you running compiz?12:31
faileasits an older box runnin gutsy12:31
faileason that old thing? no way12:31
Weaselwebusing flash?12:32
faileasit works fine with debian, but i'd rather be using it12:32
faileasWeaselweb: default setup. its a pIII 73312:32
faileaser kubuntu12:32
ActionParsnipp3 rocks hard12:32
Weaselwebany windows which update very often?12:32
faileasActionParsnip: not with a lack of ram it dosen't ;p12:32
faileasWeaselweb: nope12:33
faileasI was running hardy on it, i think12:33
ActionParsnipfaileas: any new drivers12:33
ActionParsnipfaileas: what happened before xorg started chewing your cycles12:34
faileasActionParsnip: nope. defaultm bog standard box. modified xorg file manually12:34
faileasfresh install. was chewing cycles from the getgo12:34
ActionParsnipworse or better after full updates?12:34
faileaswell once i got the display fixed. that model won't work with ANY *nix without tweaking the xorg file12:34
faileasActionParsnip: i got fed up and switched OSes >_>12:35
faileaswell downgraded it back to 98, in the meanwhile12:35
ActionParsnipgood deal12:35
* faileas would very much like to have something that actually has... donno mass storage drivers? ;p12:36
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* faileas just realised i miss .7z support on my box12:42
sorush20I keep getting this message12:49
sorush20any help?12:49
sorush20E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/12:49
sorush20E: Unable to write to /var/cache/apt/12:49
sorush20E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.12:49
sorush20when I try to do apt-get install -f12:49
sorush20I do use sudo.12:49
ActionParsnipwhats the output of ls -la  /var/cache/apt12:51
stdinsorush20: check to make sure the partition isn't full12:51
etfbIs there a tool in KDE3 (not KDE4) that's the equivalent of Windows' Character Map, to make it possible to enter accented characters on a normal english-language keyboard?12:51
ActionParsnipetfb:  Its in the kdeutils package, and its called KCharSelect12:52
etfbThere were two in the Add/Remove Programs listing, both of which appear not to work in Ubuntu.  (Why they were in the list is left as an exercise for the reader: one possible explanation rhymes with "The Fraintainers Are Blincompetent"))12:52
etfbActionParsnip: According to A/RP, that's a KDE4 app, not a KDE3 one.12:53
stdinetfb: it's a KDE4 app in intrepid, where KDE4 is the default12:53
stdinin hardy and lower, it's KDE 312:54
RurouniJonesI just installed it on KDE312:54
etfbstdin: I'm using Hardy.  Why am I seeing it listed as a KDE4 app then?12:54
sorush20I think my partitiion is full12:54
stdin!info kcharselect hardy12:55
sorush20what can I do to empty it .. I can't apt-get remove either12:55
ubottukcharselect (source: kdeutils): character selector for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1~hardy1 (hardy), package size 75 kB, installed size 340 kB12:55
stdinetfb: I don't know, ^ but that's KDE 312:55
wolfi mostly use adept for upgrades and apt-get for isntalling and removing software, is adept based on apt-get and is it ok to use, i only know you have to avoid using aptitude and apt-get together ...12:55
sorush20I keep getting input output error what ever I try to do .12:55
SlimeyPeteetfb: I'm on Hardy and I'm seeing it as a KDE3 app12:55
sorush20like parted12:55
ActionParsnipwolf: they can be used interchangably, i use only apt-get but thats just me12:56
SlimeyPetewolf: adept is a front-end for apt, so it uses the same mechanisms as apt-get12:56
etfbSlimeyPete: Using Add/Remove (what the frack is that called, anyway?) or using Adept?12:56
RurouniJonessudo apt-get install kcharselect did the job for me on Hardy KDE3.512:56
SlimeyPeteetfb: using apt-cache12:56
* SlimeyPete wanders off, gl12:56
stdinsorush20: restart into recovery mode (from GRUB) and remove all the .deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives/ (rm -r /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb)12:56
ActionParsnipstdin: cant s/he just sudo apt-get clean?12:58
stdinActionParsnip: depends if apt will want to write to the dirs before/during the clean12:58
ActionParsnipstdin: hmm, its worth a shot12:59
etfbThãt lòóks wõrkáblê... thanks.  Now why is it showing up wrong, I wonder...12:59
stdinsorush20: have you checked to see if it is the partition (df -h /)? it could be a corrupt FS12:59
jim_pcan i somehow change the "layout" of k3b? i want in into 2 columns instead of 2 rows13:00
helgeI cant get Miro to download youtbe videos. It used to work but havent worked so far in Intrepid. Any ideas?13:00
wolfSlimeyPete: thx but i heard aptitude is also a frontend for apt, but uses an other database?13:01
ActionParsnipsorush20: try: sudo apt-get clean13:01
wolfActionParsnip: ok, what about aptitudes better calculation of dependencies, is it worth to change from apt-get to it (the auto-remove thing is now implemented and no advantage more)13:02
ActionParsnipwolf: use which you prefer. I have not used aptitude and am happy to autoremove13:04
wolfActionParsnip: ok since I#m using debian-based systems i use apt-get13:04
courtjestergi have a bad respository in adpt  can someone point me whre to remove13:10
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list13:11
courtjestergnot got to read up when have time on the root system13:11
courtjestergever notice most lingion themes don't work when dowload there is like one that does13:12
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: the login screen is the screen least on my screen, why would i want to skin it?13:13
ubuntu_hello, i need help13:14
ubuntu_somebody can help me?13:14
=== vnlev is now known as newbie_ubuntu
ActionParsnip!ask | ubuntu_13:15
ubottuubuntu_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:15
newbie_ubuntupls help me: how to auto mount hard drives in ubuntu?13:15
ubuntu_ubottu, thx, i need help about resque a NTFS partition, i resizing my partition, and get lost hda/sda13:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:15
ActionParsnip!mount | newbie_ubuntu13:15
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Kubuntu, go to System Settings -> Advanced Tab -> Disks & Filesystem. See also !fstab and !DiskMounter13:15
ActionParsnip!fstab | newbie_ubuntu13:16
ubottunewbie_ubuntu: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions13:16
ActionParsnipnewbie_ubuntu: if you add an entry to fstab the partition will be mounted at boot13:16
newbie_ubuntuok, I'll try it now, thanks13:16
=== andreaswalth is now known as andreaswalth__
Dekanshello all13:32
DekansI have an issue with flash13:32
DekansI used to have sound with flashplayer13:32
Dekansbut not anymore :(13:32
Dekansare you aware of what troubles flash ? I don't know how I managed tu mute flashplayer13:33
ActionParsnipDekans: are you running 64bit or 32bit?13:33
remoteCTR2hi everybody!13:33
remoteCTR2i am trying to login to kde but i get a "loginn failed" but username and password are definitely correct as i can login on any tty, whats wrong there please?13:34
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: can you login via ssh?13:35
remoteCTR2havent tryed that13:35
remoteCTR2gimme a sec pls13:35
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: as said tty is fine13:35
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: if you havent installed openssh-server you wont be able to13:35
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: that is clear, fortunately it is13:36
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: yes i can13:37
remoteCTR2it is only kde that refuses13:37
ActionParsnipok can you log in as the user you cannot login to kdm with?13:37
remoteCTR2how the heck can that be??13:37
courtjestergbe fun if someone madde amor tell you all know sudo commands and such when you ask it a hint and it gives you the commands and a click for more info on the subject13:38
courtjesterglike your own personal assitant database helper =)13:39
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: make sure the user is the owner and has full access to verything in its ~/ dir13:39
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: well i have changed about 0,0 in there but i will have a look, sec pls13:39
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj13:40
courtjestergi am surprise my graphics driver and my xconfig are working right and read right now for some editing i backed up13:40
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: there's absolutely nothing in there that does not belong to my user except for a .mc file that belongs to root13:41
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: and after all this cant be it otherwise i couldnt login on tty or ssh, right?13:41
remoteCTR2what an awkward error13:42
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: not sure but its worth it for 2 commands to blast through to ensure the user has full access to all its own stuff13:43
courtjestergwhen i edit my xconfig i have to save the file then restart my display with this command sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart13:43
courtjestergdoes that restart your x server?13:43
courtjestergif i restart my c server i think it cleans out my xconfig does it not13:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xconfg13:44
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: you mean something like chown -r user:group /home/user ?13:44
ubottuTo reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes13:44
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: capital -R13:44
remoteCTR2hukay, sec please13:44
courtjestergno different commanmd13:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:45
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: are you using kdesudo / sudo nano to open the file?13:45
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: otherwise changes wont stay permanent13:45
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: did it, but still the same...13:46
courtjestergyeah i am editing the xconfg made a backup before hand now after i am done which i am scared of i aam suppose to restart my x13:46
remoteCTR2i think i'm going nuts-.-13:46
courtjestergeverytime i do my driver becomes deactivated and my xconfig gets wiped out13:46
courtjestergor like laast time the site was wrong and screwed me to where i could see a think even when i recovered but this line might help that13:47
courtjesterg"UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"13:47
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: try sudo chmod -R 744 /home/dir13:47
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: that a good idea?13:48
violinapprenhi all, were nvidia drivers messed in the last update or something? I had the driver enabled since i installed hardy, last evening there was an update  and when i came to  use the computer this morning the screen was flickering badly i susspected something happened in the driver and when i disabled it,  everything is back to normal now13:48
courtjestergi put that under sreen13:48
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: done, no affect, BUT13:48
remoteCTR2i just tried to apt-get install gnome13:48
remoteCTR2The following packages have unmet dependencies:13:48
remoteCTR2  gnome-desktop-environment: Depends: gnome-keyring-manager (>= 2.20.0) but it is not installable13:48
remoteCTR2E: Broken packages13:48
courtjestergviolinappren make sure you have unsupported updates checked in adept13:49
remoteCTR2why would that be not installable??13:49
courtjestergthats how i even get my kernal updates13:49
courtjestergand my new driver versions13:49
courtjestergand all third party as well checked13:50
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courtjestergbut if you do this update one at a time like on a fresh install don't have them checked yet upgrade then come back check them then upgrade again or you will get screwed13:51
violinapprencourtjesterg: do you know of any nvidia specific packaging issue?13:51
newbie_ubuntuhelp me: how to configure startup programs in kubuntu?13:51
courtjestergissue please explain?13:51
courtjestergi use the 96 driver13:52
courtjesterggot my fonts fix for the system and some programs working on it right now and i know there is a fix for wine as well13:52
violinapprencourtjesterg: issue in the main repository that's fixed in "unsupported upgrades"?13:52
courtjestergdone it before13:52
courtjestergdunno understand all i know is i use unsupported updates ffrom the repository13:53
courtjesterghence the lastest kernal update to 10 and the 96 driver update13:53
violinapprencourtjesterg: well i was asking about a nividia update issue from main repository13:53
violinappreni'm not even sure if nvidia driver was updated with last update list13:54
courtjestergnot understanding the issue word thats giving me problem13:54
violinapprencourtjesterg: issue = a problem13:54
courtjestergso far no problem besides what has been the problem13:54
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: any other ideas buddy?13:55
courtjestergin a long list13:55
courtjestergthey send updates out but never fix what has been wrong13:55
violinapprencourtjesterg: i'm thankful that you're trying to help but i understand this and i was asking whether there is a nvidia package problem in the main repository13:56
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ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: have the user attempt login then check logs13:57
courtjestergoh no they download if that is what your asking13:57
courtjestergor you try building your own13:58
BauldrickI have a question about packet loss13:58
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: aya will do13:59
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: you could try sudo passwd <account>13:59
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: to check the password is correct13:59
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: that was my first attempt to correct that...14:00
courtjestergcool page of options14:00
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: good move14:00
Bauldrickwhat is the 'general' cause of packet loss?14:01
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: tail -f on /var/log/auth.log shows absolutely nothing when i try to login14:01
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: what about a fresh user?14:02
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: that would have been my next attempt14:03
remoteCTR2just a sec pls14:03
courtjestergwhen you use the term option in xconfig it is only for options use14:03
courtjestergor default14:03
courtjesterg    Option "UseDisplayDevice" "DFP"14:04
courtjestergto make the X screen use the DFP, even though it would have used a CRT by default.14:04
courtjestergdigital flat panel compared to my montior crt14:04
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: thats a no go14:04
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: hmm, then its not the individual user14:04
remoteCTR2Nov 25 15:04:10 lizzard kdm: :0[5584]: pam_unix(kdm:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=:0 ruser= rhost=  user=wwindstei14:04
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: can you log on as root :(14:05
remoteCTR2its kdm14:05
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: you still can if you enable the account14:05
stdinyou have to enable the account, then enable root login in KDM too14:06
coacervateanyone knows the most compatible pdf viewer with  stardict               i used document viewer but had some problems when selecting words.it selects all the paragrafh    pleased for your help14:07
remoteCTR2nope cant root login not enabled14:07
courtjestergyou can open a pdf file in gimp but have to save as image14:07
remoteCTR2i set bla as root pwd and then i got an error stating that i cant login as root instead of login failed14:07
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: so i just changed the users pwd to something like blablubb14:08
coacervateinteresting idea14:08
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: no special characters so to speak14:08
remoteCTR2and taraaaaa it worked-.-14:08
coacervatedoes djvu reader open pdfs14:08
courtjestergi did it to white out some stuff and make it look like it was never in a doc then printed it out14:08
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: conclusion: something s wrong about the key mapping?14:08
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: aahhh14:09
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: xorg.conf used to do that14:09
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: gaaaawd i got english key layout instead of german14:09
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: change the password to something like 1234514:09
ActionParsnipjust for now14:09
courtjestergyou working on the keyboard layout14:10
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: and type the pass in the username when kdm loads to make sure its the same numbers output14:10
courtjestergthats annoying so annoying and still my caps won't display on screen if enable or not like they used to in windows14:10
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: and use it in the terminal when you set the pass so you know its the same characters14:10
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: well i just switcehd the keyboard layout back to german14:10
remoteCTR2so i will test now if it works again now14:11
ActionParsnipall good?14:11
* ActionParsnip plays a drumroll14:11
courtjestergi downloaded the german langue besides english so when i start a program and such i can switch my default langue14:11
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: naaaw14:12
remoteCTR2not good14:12
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: ok, drop to cli, change pass to 1234514:12
ActionParsnipcheck keypresses output that too, so when you set it you know what it is14:12
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: just a sec dude, for some reason the pwd is still on blablubb and dint change14:13
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: then overwrite your username in kdm to check what you press outouts that, then login14:13
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: oh, so you're in/14:13
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: i get nuts man14:13
remoteCTR2i just sudo passwd'd the password14:14
remoteCTR2and it sais successfully updated14:14
remoteCTR2but it doesnt do it14:14
remoteCTR2its still the same14:14
remoteCTR2maybe because i am still logged in on ssh?14:14
courtjestergi'll try and be quiet gezz14:15
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: could reboot14:15
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: ok now it took the change14:16
remoteCTR2but i got english layout again-.-14:16
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: as long as the 2 passwords match and you can login it doesnt matter14:17
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: then you can sort stuff out14:17
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: yes basically i can login14:17
ActionParsnipok great14:17
remoteCTR2but why the f*** do i have a changed layout?14:18
remoteCTR2and why is it german in KDE and english in console???14:18
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: not sure man14:18
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: errr it IS german in tty114:19
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: you could remove the english stuff maybe14:19
remoteCTR2it is just english in kde's login screen14:19
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: hmm, let me websearch14:19
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: already did so14:19
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: appreciate your help man!14:19
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: np man14:20
courtjesterganybody know th elink for making a good config file inoticed alot of peoples on forums and such is loaded with info is all this info really needed?14:20
remoteCTR2intrepid no longer uses xorg.conf???14:22
remoteCTR2dammit i was just starting to understad it:D#14:22
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: i am on hardy btw ass intrepid's nm-connection-editor is a complete mess...14:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:23
courtjestergHERE IS MY XCONFIG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/76781/14:24
courtjestergno edited14:24
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: ahaaaaa and there we go, changed in xorg.conf and works again!#14:24
courtjestergnot edited14:24
remoteCTR2thanks so much dude, what ever would i do without your help:)14:25
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: good ol xorg14:25
ActionParsnipremoteCTR2: np man, help where you can. I wish they werent trying to shove xorg.conf out. Its a great file14:25
SadyI'm using firefox 3 as my browser and when I'm uploading files the there isn't any option for thumbmail view. Only list of my files. And when I'm uploading pictures I'd need a option where I could see them before I upload. Is there any way to get the thumb.view mode possible?14:26
ActionParsnipSady: is there not a checkbox in the bottom right to show previews? if you right click in the file view window is there an option  there14:27
Sadyno. There is no box14:28
SadyI think I should take a screen shot of what I'm trying to say.14:28
courtjestergi got the sidebar extenion love it14:28
SadyAnd when I right click the file there isn't a option where you could view files14:28
Sadyas usual.  There is only 2 options and they are "add to bookmark" and "show hidden files"14:29
SadyNo any different viewing options. This isn't the normal file upload window that I'm used to use ( like in windows, this is totally different)14:29
courtjestergi noticed in the x server settings when i change something and close the program it doesn't stay odd14:31
courtjestergthis is the thread i've been looking for14:32
courtjestergdoing this kinda screwed me and i bet it was dpms setting14:33
SadyThat is the File Upload window14:34
ahmoshello.. amarok was working fine and now it is asking me to install mp3 support,so any ideas14:34
courtjestergor it was this option14:34
courtjestergOption "RenderAccel" "0"14:34
courtjestergileft the composite enable out14:35
newbie_ubuntucan I control remotely a windowsXP computer from kubuntu via internet?14:35
ActionParsnipnewbie_ubuntu: you can with java vnc14:36
nethans_have u tried using vnc?14:36
ActionParsnipnewbie_ubuntu: vnc is not secure14:36
newbie_ubuntuwhat about Terminal server client, can I use it?14:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rdp14:36
ActionParsnip!info krdc14:37
ubottukrdc (source: kdenetwork): Remote Desktop Connection client for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 378 kB, installed size 708 kB14:37
courtjestergcurios about the application gSTM who has read the description haven't ran it yet14:38
ActionParsnip!info gstm14:39
ubottugstm (source: gstm): Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-4 (intrepid), package size 134 kB, installed size 296 kB14:39
courtjestergtunnels back at ports14:39
courtjestergto another computer sounds like a hack tool to me14:39
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: ssh tunnels are a great way of securing data transfers between systems, especialy unencrypted ones like vnc14:40
remoteCTR2ActionParsnip: ya i dunno anything about that i just read it for the first time14:40
courtjestergohh shell14:40
remoteCTR2but i would prefer if they fixed that stoopid nm-connection-editor thing cos that one really really gives me a hard time..14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdeveloper14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kdevelop14:41
courtjestergi dl that14:41
courtjesterggoing to break out my c/c++ book and take a refresher coaurse14:42
courtjestergand start on sun java tuts from there site14:42
courtjestergdl alien14:42
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: try to avoid alien14:42
coacervatewhat can be the reason for such a high ram usage   Sysinfo for 'coacervate-laptop': Linux 2.6.27-7-generic running , CPU: Intel(R)Core2DuoCPUT7500@2.20GHz at 2201 MHz (4399 bogomips), HD: 6/141GB, RAM: 1961/2023MB, 162 proc's, 1.12h up14:43
courtjestergyeah but it down loaded the gcc i believe that i needed14:43
courtjestergxause i was haven't heck of a time trying to com up with the means to build one lol14:43
ActionParsnip!alien | courtjesterg14:48
ubottucourtjesterg: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)14:48
ActionParsnipcourtjesterg: replace "quite" with "massively"14:48
courtjestergi think i realy just need to add subsection and dispaly modes to my xconfig file14:48
courtjestergsounds bad then14:48
courtjestergquite or maassively14:49
ActionParsnipyou can compile source and make a deb from that14:49
courtjestergthey are programs to dl14:49
courtjestergquite or mass14:49
courtjestergevery heard of this make a settings.tct file and save at your fx home14:51
courtjesterg[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Wine\X11 Driver]14:51
courtjestergcould that screwed my display after reboot14:51
courtjestergfix for wine14:52
wodenWhat is the name of the package to install KDE games?15:01
wodenHow do I add a minimize button to the KDE panel?15:01
wodenHow do I make it so that each tab in Konqueror has an 'x' to close it?15:02
genii!info kdegames15:02
ubottukdegames (source: kdegames): games from the official KDE 4 release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 19 kB, installed size 56 kB15:02
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wodenHow do I add a minimize button to the KDE panel?15:11
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ejdI'm trying to upgrade to 8.10, and am getting a "Error authenticating some packages" problem. Any clues on how to procede?15:14
wodenWhy do I keep getting timeout errors in Konqueror?  I was using Epiphany before and I never got timeout errors on these pages?15:15
trappistthird time's a charm15:21
faileasas would be adding the /15:21
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se7enmy live cd stops at revalivication faild kubuntu15:32
se7ensomebody know what the problem ist15:32
wodenHow do I move the Task Manager on the KDE panel?15:32
pos69sumi'm a switcher from gnome - i have a few problems with kde, i thought i'd ask if anyone has a solution - i set my screensaver for password authentication, when i log back in, my running applications have to be restarted.  i lose my xchat connections, and terminal sessions.  i would lose my firefox sessions if ff did not have the ability to remember your sessions.15:34
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aaroncampbellHow can I get a newer version of Filezilla?  It seems the one that is included in Kubuntu has a serious bug (switches filenames sometimes when downloading lots of files at once)15:35
pos69sumanother problem i have is that when my screensaver has kicked in and i have to log back in again, i notice the application launcher widget on my panel is missing and i have to re-add it and move it back to the bottom left corner of the panel15:36
pos69sumthese two things make kde seem buggy to me, compared to gnome15:36
wodenWhat's the expected time frame for 4.2?15:37
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faileasfair amount of updates today15:41
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appletreesagt mal....hat schon jemand versucht von 7.10 auf 8.04 upzudaten????? bekommt linux das sauber hin???ich hab schliesslich auch auf linux gewechselt um nicht ständig neu zu installieren16:16
appletreeups im sorry.16:16
andrexpor favor ayuda16:17
andrexsoy super novato en kubuntu16:17
andrexmediotu   se manejar ubun16:17
andrexpero el kubu me queda imposible16:17
andrexcomo  hacer para crear16:17
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:17
andrexuna memoria usb de arranque16:17
andrexcon ubuntu como lo hacia con ubuntu 8.1016:18
andrextengo  kubuntu 8.1016:18
Pici!es | andrex16:18
ubottuandrex: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:18
andrexy como  entro  no  entiendo nada16:18
Piciandrex: escribe /join #kubuntu-es16:20
gkffjckhow do I get kdm to default to kde, I installed nautillus, and now kdm thingks gnome is the default.16:25
gkffjckIt doesn't look like there is any to set this from system settings16:25
SlimeyPeteit generally just uses whichever one you selected last, doesn't it?16:26
gkffjckit does, but I have been experimenting with new users on my system, and it defautls new user accounts to gnome16:27
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rjbi know this is quite subjective, but i personally find the default kde4 look rather hideous16:29
rjbcould someone give ma some lead for its deuglification?16:29
BluesKajyou could use a different theme16:30
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:30
rjbto the extent i tried themes didn't seem to change a lot16:30
rjbthe godawful panel stays more or less the same16:30
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gkffjckthe panel has seperate themeing configuration, right click on the desktop, and select the "Desktop Theme" drop down menu16:33
rjbah thx maybe i missed that16:33
gkffjckthe panel theme also applies to all your plasmoids too..16:34
rjbi got really used to having a transparent panel in 3.516:34
spidlahi there I nedd a help ... I just switched from GNOME (Ubuntu Intrepid) and I want to try KDE 4.0 with Kubuntu Intrepid.. I have the system installed .. now I want to do some eye candy on my desktop ...16:34
spidlaI want to change the theme of windows decoration and the window style like buttons and so on16:35
spidlabut I dont know how to install /use dekorator or something16:35
spidlaSystem settings apllication is really useless16:35
spidlathere is no way to install new themes16:36
spidlaany ideas ? sorrmy may be this is a newbie question but I cant find any clues on the net on how to do this16:36
gkffjckthis is an annoying issue with kde, I was hoping they would fix it in the 4.* series, but I guess not, you need window decorations which are in .deb format, or you need to compile them yourself16:37
spidlaand windows styles ? how can I install them into the KDE4 ?16:39
wesley_does someone know how to setup ad hoc ?16:39
Tm_Tspidla: most of them are "small programs" and thus needs to be compiled16:40
Tm_Tspidla: but some are already in ubuntu repositories, so are installed the same way all other stuff are16:40
spidlaok then .. and what are these "dekorator themes" which are visible on kde-look.org ?16:41
Tm_Tspidla: ah, those are images for "deKorator" engine16:42
Tm_Tspidla: as in, used with dekorator16:42
spidlaand can I reach dekorator from ubuntu repositories or must I compile it ?16:43
lombo34can someone tell me where to find information on whether or not the new Kubuntu release supports dual monitors better than it did in the 9.04 release??16:43
lombo348.04 was the release I meant...16:44
wesley_i bet its still shit16:44
Jabrroai use ultimate edition :) three moniters16:45
lombo34i have it working on a ubuntu 8.04 release with Gnome...but couldn't get KDE4 to work16:45
Jabrroalook up ultimate edition 2.016:45
lombo34really???  ok16:45
Jabrroaits kubuntu 8.10 with KDE416:45
lombo34hmm...and it's fairly simple to set up multiple screens??16:46
lombo34so basically you're saying that there's still no way in KDE4 to get this working?16:49
Jabrroaand it rocks16:53
Jabrroayes i haave 3 36 inch screens16:53
Jabrroaon my 3 nvidia 9800 gtx 1gb's16:54
Jabrroaand i set it up in ten minutes16:54
Jabrroai set it up with three screens on my nvidia cards in sli mode and i have very picky cards16:56
Jabrroaworked right away16:56
Jabrroaso look up ultimate edition 2.0 :)16:56
Jabrroai gtg so c'ya16:56
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tanelihi every body17:05
loganWHDany ideas on the best avi player?17:11
loganWHDany news on when the video /display issues will be fixed for 8.10?17:13
ubuntuyou talk about kde 4??17:14
loganWHDI just downloaded Kubuntu 8.1017:14
loganWHDnot working that great on the display end17:14
ubuntumaybe drivers for your video card don't work vell17:15
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jim88can anyone point me to information on ubuntu.security updates and hplip packages ... my system will not update fully due to a package size and unavailability of ubuntu.security repos17:18
jim88can anyone point me to information on ubuntu.security updates and hplip packages ... my system will not update fully due to a package size and unavailability of ubuntu.security repos17:25
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server17:28
rudihi guys17:28
rudican i have some help?17:29
ralpho25 cents17:30
rudiok, have a problem. i'm rookie on ubuntu, i made upgrade to 8.10 and i have no sound17:32
ralphodid you check the easy stuff first like mixer not muted etc.17:33
rudiyes, checked not muted17:34
rudii have got same config as on previous version but sound is not working17:35
ralphoiv seen a few people not having sound.17:35
ralphoWhat card17:35
rudiintel hda17:36
dschulzrudi: is a laptop?17:37
rudithats laptop lenovo n20017:37
dschulzrudi: i have a toshiba laptop, with intel sound card and i had to add a line like    "options snd-hda-intel model=toshiba"  at the end of /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base17:39
dschulzmaybe there's a   "options snd-hda-intel model=lenovo"  option17:40
dschulzsomeone can verify that?17:42
rudiok wait17:42
dschulzrudi: add the line without quotes17:43
rudidschulz: ok i added, how to run it?17:43
dschulzrudi: once you added the line i recommend you to simply reboot17:43
courtjestergi just found a game i've been trying to play in wine with an .exe i found a .zip client of the game is there a way to install it on linux with out wine?17:47
webaswhat program records sound only?17:48
dschulzwebas: audacity?17:48
webasaudacious is a player only :|17:48
dschulzaudacity != audacious17:49
webasok i got it.. :)17:49
thomas__mirgeht gut mein hund auh17:49
rudidschulz: not working17:50
thomas__was rede ihr17:50
loganWHDis there a way to keep the items on the taskbar just what is in that specific desktop?17:50
rudidschulz: when i was upgading i choosed 2 ovrwrite files17:51
dschulzrudi: have you tried with alsamixer?17:52
rudiyes alsamixer and oss17:52
dschulzrudi: it's ok to overwrite files when upgrading, generally17:52
rudidsculz: both not work17:53
thomas__nicht was ist rudi17:53
loganWHDi have 4 desktops and i dont want to see the icons for each in the taskbar17:53
dschulzrudi: in alsamixer, have you tried unmuting all channels?17:53
rudidschulz: all r unmuted17:53
ralphosorry rudi fedex at door17:55
rudi:) ok17:55
dschulzrudi: can you verify that pulseaudio is not running?17:55
rudidschulz: i think its running but i found out something ive got sound in audacious17:57
dschulzim not sure what's the process name is, but you can verify in a terminal with    ps aux | grep pulse17:57
rudiok i check it17:57
ralphoturn up all the lines in the mixer17:57
dschulzi recommend you to completely deinstall pulseaudio, if possible17:58
dschulzand then you have to set the kde sound to not use it17:58
dschulzintead just use alsa17:58
ralphopcm is the one that gets most17:58
thomas__was ist17:59
rudidschulz: its done! as ralpho sugessed i unmuted all lines again, and up all lines up as they were, and i got sound18:00
rudihehe some times simple thing helps18:00
rudithx guys for help18:01
dschulzwhat about the volume control?18:01
ralphogot his 25 cents worth18:01
rudiim new on ubuntu so thx again18:03
ralphome too used it as of 8.1018:03
ralphoreally came to check out kde4 and kind of stayed.18:04
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ubottuKubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE18:05
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins18:06
rudido i need to install kde4 or its already installed after upgrde?18:06
dschulzrudi: installed by default18:09
hannascottZing. I can't build cmake 2.6.2. I have gcc and g++ installed but even so I get this error message: http://pastebin.com/d36eebf9718:09
hannascottany suggestions ?18:10
genii!info cmake18:12
ubottucmake (source: cmake): A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.0-4ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7325 kB, installed size 18668 kB18:12
geniiWeird. My apt-cache policy shows version 2.6.2  ... perhaps because -proposed or -backports18:12
JontheEchidna2.6.2 is in backports18:13
=== emmy_ is now known as emmy__
JontheEchidna!info cmake intrepid-backports18:13
ubottucmake (source: cmake): A cross-platform, open-source make system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.2-1ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid-backports), package size 7707 kB, installed size 19428 kB18:13
=== val_ is now known as bluestyle
ablotiahi need help. how install firefox brower?18:20
oniosudo apt-get install firefox18:21
ubuntuin terminal :)18:21
bluestylehi all when i play a video flashes all the time the screen how i fix this any help plz?18:22
ablotiaAfter this operation, 132MB of additional disk space will be used. it is normal?18:23
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dschulzablotia: yes18:25
evilgnomehello all. I'm running Ubuntu (not Kubuntu) Intrepid Ibex, and I'd like to alter the kde 3 theme and icon settings (for amarok and anything else that might creep into my desktop). kcontrol is no longer a package -- can anyone tell me how I can do this? thanks for any help.18:25
dschulzablotia: in your spare time, take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingSoftware18:26
bluestylei have 5.1 sound and only the 3 works and badly how i fix it?18:27
bluestylewhat to download18:27
dschulzbluestyle: what you know about your soundcard?18:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci18:31
Xand3rhey volks18:38
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sonnyyciao a tutti18:49
sonnyyvorrei   un aiutino18:50
Novalgina2Fast!it : sonnyy18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about it : sonnyy18:50
Novalgina2Fast!it sonnyy18:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about it sonnyy18:50
Novalgina2Fastsonny: |it18:50
Novalgina2Fastsonny: !it18:51
Novalgina2Fastal diavolo18:51
Novalgina2Fastsonny this is the english channel,for the italian channel go to #ubuntu-it18:51
stdinNovalgina2Fast: it's: !it | <nick>18:52
Novalgina2Faststdin: oh thanks,i didn't remember it XD18:52
Novalgina2Fast!it | sonnyy18:52
ubottusonnyy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:52
ubuntoil!fr | ubuntoil18:53
ubottuubuntoil, please see my private message18:53
Novalgina2Fastguys i have a problem with firefox....i don't know why but often it crash,this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/76857/18:54
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:03
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=== Copelia is now known as Copelis
Novalgina2Fastguys i have a problem with firefox....i don't know why but often it crash,this is the output http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/76857/19:05
umanHi everyone. Just have one quick question. I want to create a simple html file in the text editor so that when i open it in firefox i see a link that is clickable. What would the correct syntax to do that be? ive tried many variations of [url]http://www.example.org[\url] without success. Thanks in advance19:19
=== madalin is now known as madalin_
jesper_hello, I have just moved from pclinuxos to kubuntu 8.10. I'm trying to use kbluetooth, but when I press the icon in the menu nothing happens. Well, I can see from ps -A | grep blue that some process has started. Should there be some GUI or something?19:23
argonelwhere are the md5 hashes of the isos available at http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download ?19:48
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Piciargonel: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/8.10/MD5SUMS19:51
argonelPici: thanks :)19:52
=== uga|away is now known as uga
hydrogen18can anyone assist me with an installation problem?20:01
flegareHi, humanity :) I would like to know how to update unbutu to have the latest security update. Without using the x windows20:02
=== flegare is now known as whatever
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:02
trappistflokuehn: sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:02
=== whatever is now known as Guest42868
Guest42868ok thx trappist20:02
|TJ|hydrogen18: whats going on?20:03
hydrogen18I have attempted to install Kubuntu 8.10 amd64 edition to extended partition on my laptop also containing a Windows XP installation, the installation CD boots up fine and "expands files" but then blackscreens and goes no farther20:03
hydrogen18I selected and partitioned an ext3 partition for kubuntu of course20:04
|TJ|hydrogen18: did you burn the cd?20:04
hydrogen18yes, I downloaded the ISO from the website and burned it20:04
|TJ|hydrogen18: did you check the contents to make sure it burned correctly20:05
hydrogen18Are you referring to the feature on the menu that is present when you boot up onto the CD?20:05
|TJ|no when u burned it you should have selected a option that says verify contents20:06
|TJ|or something to that nature20:06
hydrogen18oh, with my media burning software20:06
hydrogen18no, should I reburn and do that?20:06
|TJ|hydrogen18: try that, it could have been burned wrong, write at a slower speed, and verify contents to make sure that the ISO is the exact same as the ISO you downloaded.20:07
|TJ|hydrogen18: could be some corrupt data, when I burn ISO's i burn on like 1x takes longer but most of the time always burns correct20:07
slacker03What is the topic?20:11
|TJ|No topic20:12
crimsaqtop is: wweeeeeee!20:14
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slacker03What is the codename for Ubuntu 8.10?20:16
[GuS]Intrepid Ibex slacker0320:16
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
slacker03One time, a guy named Aziz stole my computer.20:19
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toby_How do I enable "Recommended Updates (backports)" in Adept as per http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2-rc-1 ?20:33
toby_I see no reference to backports in Adept20:34
=== Idzme_ is now known as Idzme
mjbt38Hey can anyone answer the question of " Is Mysql Needed for daily use computer?20:52
Picimjbt38: er Probably not.20:52
mjbt38ok just im doing a sudo aptitude --purge remove mysql-server-5.0 mysql20:52
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
judgenIs there a system wide equalizer for  kde somewhere?21:00
judgenJontheEchidna: does that include eq or just volume control21:01
judgenim looking for a way to remove bass effects so i dont wake the neigbours21:01
JontheEchidnahmm, that's just volume come to think of it21:01
judgenthought so21:01
JontheEchidnaBass is always the best when it breaks windows :)21:02
JontheEchidnaI bet your neighbors disagree though :P21:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about volume21:04
ubottukmix is KDE's soundcard mixer program. Though small, it is full-featured. The program should give controls for each of your soundcards. KMix supports several platforms and sound drivers. Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kmix for complete information.21:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eq21:05
trappist|TJ|: if you don't happen to know off the top of your head what the bot knows about what, your best bet is to just ask your question - if the bot's got it covered somebody will probably issue the appropriate !whatever21:06
* Diabelko is away [Poszedlem!] 21:09
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slacker03Can anybody help me out with my microphone issues?21:39
rickestslacker03: need more input21:46
sheabuntuciao a tutti21:48
noaXessgood evening22:01
noaXessif i want change my own user picture i get: Xour administrator has disallowd changing your image.22:01
noaXessany idea to enable this?22:01
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=== uga is now known as uga|away
trappistis it possible to have two instances of the same plasmoid (say, knewsticker) with different configurations?22:12
jussi01trappist: I beleive so... I have several folder views...22:15
noaXesshi jussi0122:18
Coggz needing some help with xorg, using a nvidia 8400 gs, want to get compiz working again (broke after dpkg-reconfigure xserver...) i think glx?? also tv output via svideo...22:19
Jabapythin dolphin, can i configure the "actions" submenu in the context-menu? I want the option to "compress to archive", that I had back in kde322:24
gl_Jabapyth: can one do that in dolphin? I thought this was a konqueror thing only?22:28
Jabapythgl_: i used to be able to, but alas: no more22:28
chusohi :) Is there any sound recorder for kubuntu 8.10?22:30
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:30
Coggzchuso: Audacity22:30
JontheEchidnaJabapyth: Ark in KDE 4.1 doesn't have the necessary features for an action like that to work. The feature will be back in KDE 4.2 though22:30
chusothanks Coggz22:31
JabapythJontheEchidna: actually, im fginding that it does: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3088743.022:39
chusoCoggz: audacity does not work for me. Mic works fint (I hear from speakers), and i have tried seleccting all availables recording devices in audacity, but none records my voice.22:43
mankeletorHey there, my konqueror cannot load any site :(22:43
Coggzchuso: under audacity preferences, try changing sound device22:44
trappistif I have intrepid-updates coming from us.archive.ubuntu.com in my sources.list, I get nothing.  I have to switch to archive.ubuntu.com.  am I screwing something up, or is ubuntu?22:45
chusoCoggz: that is what I tried22:45
Coggzhmm, im unsure, google it... chuso22:45
chusook, thanks a lot Coggz :)22:46
mankeletori cannot resolv any site wth konqueror22:46
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mankeletorand knetworkmanager dont recognize my inet connection22:46
NiTRo0oXalgien me podria alludar con la konsole?22:46
mankeletorola NiTRo0oX22:47
mankeletorNiTRo0oX: we cannot talk in spanish here22:47
gl_does anybody how to call a konsole application, but maximised and without a tab-bar?22:47
NiTRo0oXmankeletor ablas español?22:47
NiTRo0oXme podrias alludar mas o menos a manejar la konsole eske soi nuevo en esto22:48
rubenhi. Im using intrepid right now. I just bought a gigaware usb webcam. Does anybody know how to get it to work?23:03
ubuntoildoes anyone knows the difference between linux mint and ubuntu??23:07
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
JackWinter!es | NiTRo0oX23:07
ubottuNiTRo0oX: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:07
ActionParsnipyo yo yo23:11
mankeletoryo :P23:12
* genii handcs ActionParsnip a coffee23:12
* ActionParsnip drinks tasty coffee23:13
* cuznt drink organic fair trade french roast23:14
* ActionParsnip drinks nescafe fine ground23:15
cuzntthey put stuff in that23:15
cuzntlike they do cigarettes lt dan23:15
ActionParsnipboth are great23:16
=== root is now known as Guest30791
ActionParsnipgood ol root logons :(23:20
geniiActionParsnip: I've almost given up on lecturing people about it....23:25
kabotagehow do i fix this E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:25
ActionParsnipgenii: yeah me too23:26
ActionParsnipkabotage: sudo apt-get -f install23:27
kabotageActionParsnip: yea. i tried that and it showed the same error23:27
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:28
geniiThe last one23:28
=== quaxeros is now known as quax_eros
kabotagegenii: tried that too. sudo dpkg --configure -a23:29
=== quax_eros is now known as quaxeros
ActionParsnipkabotage: can you give us the full error including comman in a pastebin23:29
kabotageActionParsnip: how do i do that? putting in pastebin?23:32
geniiProbably something like the postinst script failed. This often happens and gives a 1 eror code because for instance it can't stop an app thats not running or such23:32
ActionParsnip!paste | kabotage23:33
ubottukabotage: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)23:33
ActionParsnipkabotage: copy and paste the text to the pastebin, then give us the link you go to23:34
kabotageActionParsnip: yea i know. i thought there was a cmd that will automatically put it in pastebin. ok hold on.23:34
genii!info pastebinit23:35
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB23:35
ActionParsnipkabotage: there's pastebinit but im not sure you can output the output of commands23:36
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hacker__Hi, I have a wifi issue.23:44
hacker__My broadcom card will not onnect to my network.23:44
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kabotageActionParsnip: genii: http://kabotage.pastebin.com/f6fa3389523:48
azaghalIch hab ein Problem mit 3D spielen, mein fgrlxinfo is correct , aber trotzdem kriege ich eine meldung das der X11 nicht mit Opengl konfiguriert wäre23:48
azaghalz.B. Sauerbraten23:49
txa-k8I need help I cant connect to wiffi by usb adapter23:49
=== adam is now known as Guest68798
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de23:54
simihi, i am using kubuntu intrepid and i can't connect to my yahoo messenger account with kopete nor pidgin, my account is set up correct(after a long time 1 hour i get connect but after some time i am again disconected, any ideea?23:54
ActionParsnipkabotage: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove23:55
|TJ|Anyone know how to downgrade 8.10 to 8.0423:56
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ActionParsnip!downgrade | |TJ|23:56
ubottu|TJ|: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.23:56
=== Quax_Eros is now known as quaxeros
kabotageActionParsnip: after apt-get clean, tried the autoremove and this is what i got E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.23:57
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ActionParsnipkabotage: have you been using force when installing stuff23:58
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kabotageActionParsnip: nope. ah wait. il try it again.23:59
chullchalcedony here, my husband's computer. he's having problems with his sound going out nearly every day on kubuntu 8.423:59
=== QuaxEros is now known as quaxeros
=== quaxeros is now known as QuaxEros
chullgreetings ActionParsnip *hugs*23:59
ActionParsnipkabotage: i'd uninstall the stuff its moaning have unmet deps23:59

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