
keescan anyone reproduce this issue?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/29969000:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 299690 in bash "shell scripts cannot run from bash" [Undecided,Incomplete]00:12
nhandlerkees: I couldn't reproduce it in jaunty00:13
nellerykees: just tried and couldn't reproduce00:14
keesokay, I'm not totally crazy then.  :)00:14
keesthx :)00:14
chrisccoulsoni can't reproduce it either kees00:21
keesI've just managed to get it via ssh'ing into a 64bit intrepid VM I have00:23
chrisccoulsoni got it too by SSH'ing in to my jaunty VM00:34
chrisccoulsonbut it works if i run it locally00:35
dwgRAOF: ping?02:06
RAOFdwg: Pong?02:06
dwgRAOF: I've now attached a debdiff for the bug I mentioned yesterday02:06
dwgRAOF: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/opal/+bug/29712302:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 297123 in opal "Incorrect (?) quoting means ekiga/libopal can't connect to some sip services" [Undecided,New]02:07
RAOFGreat.  Have you subscribed the appropriate sponsors team?02:08
dwgRAOF: uh.. how do I do that?02:09
RAOFClick the "Subscribe someone else" button, and subscibe eithen 'ubuntu-main-sponsors' or 'ubuntu-universe-sponsors', depending on whether opal is in main or universe.02:10
dwgRAOF: ok done.  but.. shouldnt02:10
dwgthat happen automatically?02:11
dwgafter all, isn't the point of a bug tracking system that the people who should be looking at bugs find out about them?02:11
Elbruswhere should comments/questions about wiki pages go? (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates)02:11
Elbrusdwg: that's why you (or some triager...) should direct information to the appropriate person by subsribing them.02:12
dwgElbrus: hrm, I see02:13
dwgElbrus: first I knew I was a triager...02:13
ElbrusI am having problems on deciding what I should do with a bug that I am watching as involves several bugs. bug 260464 and bug 27568802:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26046402:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27568802:25
Elbrusboth are set to fix-commited02:26
Elbrusbut the sync of the latter reintroduced the first bug.02:26
Elbrussolution (and patch) are available02:26
Elbrusshould I change the first one back to confirmed?02:26
Elbrusthe patch against the 2.2.2-4 source are available in the 275688 report02:28
Elbrusanybody has an idea about the question I asked an hour ago? about bug 260464 and bug 27568803:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26046403:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275688 in fpc "Please sync fpc 2.2.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27568803:31
* Elbrus feels alone on this channel04:23
danbhfiveElbrus: are you asking a question about packaging?04:31
Elbrusdanbhfive: more about handeling the status of the bugs04:32
Elbrusbut is related to my help for SRU of fpc04:32
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden
dholbachgood morning06:09
Hewdholbach: good afternoon06:11
dholbachhi Hew06:13
Pfifferbug 30145806:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301458 in xorg-server "Rhythmbox bug make gdm restarting !!!" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30145806:27
PfifferSo for something like bug 301942, what should I do? I can't just ignore his suggestion, but I can't really do anything with it either. Should I just mark it as invalid/incomplete and move on?07:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301942 in gedit "When I am in gedit ctr-t does not do anything" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30194207:15
jmarsdenPfiffer: If you want to get serious about that bug, it is really about hotkey consistency across multiple apps, so write up something about that, look for any standards for such hotkeys and link to them?  Should most or all GUI apps use a consistent set of ctrl-key shortcuts?  It's not a bad idea...07:29
jmarsdenIt's probably a wishlist bug for consistency, really.07:29
PfifferYeah, thats what I figured, just wasn't sure what the appropriate course of action was.07:30
PfifferAlthough I do kinda wanna go mess around with the gedit code and see if I can make it soctrl-t does open a new tab.07:30
jmarsdenI'd research further, see if there are other similar bugs already in LP, maybe set to wishlist...07:30
PfifferThen up a patch or something.07:30
PfifferAlright, thanks.07:30
jmarsden:-)  You could do that, but that's not really solving the underlying issue IMO07:30
Pfiffermhm, more like just grudgingly doing what the guy wants.07:32
jmarsdenI guess.  Maybe change its title to something like "ctrl-key shortcuts in gedit - are inconsistent with those in FF"07:33
jmarsdenI'm not sure how far to go with the whole idea...07:34
jmarsdenIf you just patch for ctrl-t, next you'll get requests for otehr hotkeys too... could be a neverending stream of such requests... so I think there has to be some sort of standard??07:34
macojmarsden: oh oh i vote in favor of consistent hotkey usage!07:39
jmarsdenmaco: As long as you don't have to implement it across all apps, right? ;)07:39
macojmarsden: all official gnome apps should have consistent hotkeys. it *should* be in the HIG, but i doubt it is.07:40
macothere should be a list of ones that are standard07:40
jmarsdenOK, I *knew* there should be a standard for that somewhere... it would be a "Good Thing" TM to follow it... but maybe that turns one little tiny bug into a huge piece of work for multiple developers...07:41
macoctrl+n for new, ctrl+v for paste, ctrl+c for copy, ctrl+x for cut, ctrl+p for paste are already de-facto standard07:41
macobut if its a real usability problem desktop-wide, it should be addressed07:41
macoit's not really a lot of work to change a handful of default hotkeys07:41
macoassuming you're not telling one person to change all the hotkeys in all the gnome apps by themself07:42
jmarsdenYes.  SO it comes down to who will do all those little patches :-)  ctrl-t for a new tab doesn't seem like a bad idea to me, but I have no idea if there is a standard for that or not.07:42
Pfiffermaco: ctrl+p _and_ ctrl+v for paste? :P07:43
macoPfiffer: i meant ctrl+p for print haha07:43
macothat seems to be standard...but then gnome-terminal uses standard+shift for all its' stuff because of ctrl+c being an interrupt07:43
PfifferI am rather fond of shift+insert being paste.07:43
macooh, ctrl+o and ctrl+s and ctrl+a are also very standard07:43
macooh thats one i just learned this summer. it didn't seem convenient due to hand-span07:44
PfifferJust seems to be habit now.07:44
macoshift+insert is available throughout X though, isnt it?07:44
PfifferI'm not actually sure, I just assumed magic.07:45
macowoah, i thought the alt+left/right/up/down and ctrl+l were just firefox things07:46
macoso apparently there is a standard keyboard shortcut list07:47
jmarsdenAnd that standard says ctrl-p means "Print the current document", so using it for paste might give yu a big surprise one day ;)07:47
macojmarsden: yeah yeah it was a typo07:47
jmarsdenAnyway, that should be enough for Pfiffer to get started adding a decent comment to this bug about gedit.07:48
jmarsdenSince ctrl-t is not in the standard, maybe we could answer this request by pointing to the standard list and saying it's not in there??  Then it could be closed as invalid??07:50
macoor forward it to gnome as "should be in the HIG"07:50
macothe HIG hasn't had a revision, as far as i know, since 2002, though07:51
jmarsdenIsn't that URL I posted a subsection of the HIG in some sense, per its URL path??07:51
macoyes it is07:52
macoi'm saying we could request that the HIG be revised to include ctrl+t07:52
macobut i dont know how likely it is to get a response, since i dont think the HIG is revised very often07:52
jmarsdenOh, I see.  Yes, maybe.  Back in 2002 there may not have been many tabbed apps out there.07:53
macobeing a common feature, adding ctrl+t, ctrl+tab, and ctrl+shift+tab might be a good idea nowadays07:53
macooh ctrl+tab and ctrl+shift+tab are already taken :-/07:55
macothey replace tab and shift+tab for navigating widgets by keyboard when the current widget will accept a tab as input07:55
macothen again, in most gtk apps, switching tabs is done by tabbing to the tab (ok then...) and hitting the arrow key...i think07:56
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
macojmarsden: i'm going to bring it up on the gnome usability mailing list08:04
jmarsdenGo for it.  Worth a try.08:04
macook, sent a mail off to them. we'll see08:12
macohi thekorn08:17
BUGabundo_workoh hi maco08:17
BUGabundo_workgive me just a sec while I *kill* some kdepim dev08:18
BUGabundo_workand I'll get back to you, to debug sound08:18
thekornhi maco, BUGabundo_work08:18
thekornhi all :)08:18
BUGabundo_workhi thekorn08:18
BUGabundo_workcan you guys believe that now, my font size in kmail is UBBER small?08:19
macoBUGabundo_work: its beyond my knowledge. you need crimsun. he says he doesn't think it's the drivers, but it'd be easiest to debug if he had physical access...which i guess means get someone to bring a laptop to UDS or find someone in the maryland/virginia/dc area with the issue to push him on it haha08:19
BUGabundo_workI'll have to check what package upgrade changed that08:19
BUGabundo_workI'm in Portugal, so I can't make it08:19
Hobbseemaco: or even just hand out a shell account?08:19
BUGabundo_workbut I'm not the only one on that bug...08:20
macoHobbsee: for a sound issue?08:20
BUGabundo_workeheh sound over ssh08:20
BUGabundo_workthat would be nice08:20
BUGabundo_workactualy sound would work08:20
Hobbseemaco: "can hear sound"  "can't hear sound"08:20
BUGabundo_workbut sound debug, aint08:20
Hobbseecould do.08:20
BUGabundo_workHobbsee: last time I was debuging NM with asac like that over pastebin and IRC, I ended up giving him and VPN account on our company server08:21
BUGabundo_workit was much faster!08:21
macohe said removing the ~/.pulse *might* only be fixing by re-initializing the mixers rather than it actually being a pulse issue...i'm being very "might" because my memory is crappy08:21
* BUGabundo_work open mutt with lastest updates to check for kdepim/fonts updates08:22
BUGabundo_workmaco removing .pa doesn't solve it08:22
BUGabundo_workI tried it last night and today I got a muted controls again08:22
macooh? for some people removing ~/.pulse after login had the same effect as manually unmuting them all08:22
macobut they did say they had to redo it after each login because it was always recreated08:23
* BUGabundo_work sees an akonadi update... might be it08:24
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: wouldn't surprise me!08:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 284808 in linux "laptop hibernates without apparent reason" [Undecided,New]08:26
BUGabundo_workI can't use my laptop like this08:26
BUGabundo_workwriting on it, and it just goes under after 30 min08:26
BUGabundo_workwho takes a look over GPM??08:32
BUGabundo_workI need to debug that MF better08:32
BUGabundo_workmaco: do you think that the clicks on gnome-sound-recorder are related to the ones in VLC?08:33
BUGabundo_workmaco https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/29551908:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 295519 in vlc "vlc sound has glitchs" [Undecided,New]08:34
=== Pfiffer is now known as Pfiffer|sleep
bernhardwow, no instructions to login to irc on launchpad08:35
bernhardbut i did it somehow08:36
dholbachbernhard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat08:36
BUGabundo_workHobbsee: any idea what's the package that contains gnome-sound-recorder?08:37
bernhardI couldn't talk here if I wouldn't have succeded in logging in, could I?08:37
bernhardbut my first time in here08:38
Hobbseesarah@neptune:~% which gnome-sound-recorder                              7:38PM08:39
bernhardhow do I switch off the system messages?08:39
Hobbseesarah@neptune:~% dpkg -S /usr/bin/gnome-sound-recorder                   7:38PM08:39
Hobbseegnome-media: /usr/bin/gnome-sound-recorder08:39
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: ^08:39
BUGabundo_workbernhard: fill free to visit #help and #ubuntu08:39
BUGabundo_workthanks Hobbsee08:39
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: you're welcome08:39
BUGabundo_workI keep forgeting about using -S08:40
BUGabundo_workI need to make a reminder of that on my useful command file08:40
bernhardif I connect to #help then I get to #freenode, is that normal?08:42
BUGabundo_workI guess bernhard08:42
BUGabundo_workhaven't been there in yearssss08:42
BUGabundo_workI've been using IRC since 199408:43
BUGabundo_workmaco so that's up to date08:43
bernhardbut if I enter #ubuntu-bugs I get to #ubuntu-bugs08:43
bernhardI have some questions about irc.ubuntu.com. can I ask them here?08:43
bernhardor in help?08:43
BUGabundo_workcan you help me triage audacity playback prob?08:43
BUGabundo_workbernhard: this is and channel for ubuntu bugs support08:44
BUGabundo_workmost probably its not here, where you should be asking08:44
BUGabundo_workbut since you are a noob here, sure fire it way... but only one question!08:44
bernhardwell, how do I even get to #help? As I said, if I connect to #help, then I get to freenode08:45
BUGabundo_workthe irc sintax for opening channels is: /join #CHANNELNAME08:46
BUGabundo_workmaybe #help is an alias for freenode... sometimes IRC Admins do stuff like that08:46
bernhardi just use the pidgin dialog08:46
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: yeah, it would be.08:47
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: maybe #linux was what you were thinking of08:47
macobernhard: irc.ubuntu.com and irc.freenode.net are the same thing08:47
bernhardaha, this answers my first question, maco08:47
BUGabundo_workmaco why do regular users (withou QA hats) change LP bugs states!! its messs up the workflow08:48
BUGabundo_worksome user just confirmed 296738 on every package!08:48
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: because they don't know better, and think that pepole might look at it the quicker they fiddle.08:49
Hobbseeer, that people might look at it quicker, the more they fiddle08:49
macoBUGabundo_work: i saw. confirmed is one of those "let's debate whether we need this or not" statuse08:49
BUGabundo_workwill some dev/QA take a look at it, and set the proper state, please08:49
Hobbseemaco: afaik, they're killing it.08:49
* Hobbsee wonders what the point of introducing triaged was, a year or so ago, to go and kill triaged now, but that's another issue...08:50
Hobbseeer, s/triaged/confirmed/ for the second08:50
macobug 29673808:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296738 in pulseaudio "[Jaunty] Sound muted on boot" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29673808:50
BUGabundo_workI'm at a mist08:53
=== Pfiffer|sleep is now known as Pfiffer
BUGabundo_worknot sure if I should file a bug against akonadi so close to the release of a new snapshot08:53
BUGabundo_workdevs won't even read it, due to work load08:54
BUGabundo_workand it might be fixed upstream08:54
BUGabundo_work(#kontact is sleeping at this hour)08:54
macoBUGabundo_work: after you boot and login, are the channels both muted AND set to 0?08:55
Hobbseeif you do at all, file it upstream08:55
BUGabundo_workfound it08:55
BUGabundo_worksome how it enabled Fixed Font08:55
macoBUGabundo_work: crimsun's asking for specifics08:55
BUGabundo_workmaco all but Master and PCM08:55
BUGabundo_workwhere is crimsun?08:55
macoall but master and pcm are set to 0 and muted?08:55
BUGabundo_workon another #?08:55
macohe's 5 feet away from me08:56
macothat's after login, right?08:56
BUGabundo_workthe bug mentions that08:56
BUGabundo_workafter boot08:56
macobut boot and then login, right?08:56
BUGabundo_worklog out, login doesn't change the sound volume08:56
Hobbseemaco: say hi to crimsun for me?08:56
BUGabundo_workif it was manually unmutted it stays like that08:56
BUGabundo_workmaco I can reboot, stop at gdm and check alsamixergui -c 008:57
macoif you reboot, go to a TTY, and check alsamixer -c0, what are the mixers doing? and is there sound at gdm?08:57
macoHobbsee: kk08:57
BUGabundo_workI need to test that scenario maco08:57
BUGabundo_workjust a sec08:58
BUGabundo_workor better yet 30 sec08:58
macohe says you can do amixer -c0 instead and pastebin that08:58
macoso um, do that as amixer -c0 > amixer.out08:58
macoand then pastebin it once you get into gnome08:58
BUGabundo_workor pastebinit08:58
macoso i can read it out loud to him08:58
* BUGabundo_work disables GDM autologin and reboots08:59
BUGabundo_work[OT] so anyone here believes what Mark said about 15 sec boots?09:00
BUGabundo_workhumm maco that's going to take a bit longger! system got stuck on poweroff... nothing helpful on TTY09:00
* BUGabundo_work does an hard reboot/ powercycle09:01
macoah you just reminded me of a bug i need to file and then attempt to fix09:01
BUGabundo_workwhen alt+sysrq+REISUB doenst work does it mean the kernel stop answering?09:01
macoi prefer to do it in the opposite order though, for the sake of getting practice09:01
* BUGabundo_work reachs GDM, switchs to TTY209:02
BUGabundo_workall controls are at 0,   other them master09:03
macocan you send that to a file and pastebin it?09:03
* BUGabundo_work starts gmd09:04
BUGabundo_workbrb... need to help an user send a big file09:05
macoBUGabundo_work: on shutdown, where did it hang? did gdm shut down? crimsun says it might be related09:05
BUGabundo_workmaco on the sentece: [insert some seconds here] the system will reboot now09:06
BUGabundo_workforgot to change alsamixer controls on TTY to see if they would be kept on GDM09:07
macoare you using gnome, kde, or xfce on that computer?09:08
macoor did you tell it to reboot from the cli?09:08
macoBUGabundo_work: ^09:09
macoyes, you're here09:10
macoBUGabundo_work: are you using gnome?09:11
BUGabundo_workmaco gnome09:12
BUGabundo_workI used the FUSA icon09:13
BUGabundo_workmaco I told you I was going out... lol no need to test my nick! but now I'm back... at least until someone else call for me09:13
macoah didnt see that09:14
mahfouza technical question: where is libgnutls13? It's not in the repos anymore09:14
Hobbseehas been replaced by libgnutls2609:14
=== Pfiffer is now known as Pfiffer|sleep
mahfouzIf I try to install liferea from debget.net it asks for libgnutls1309:14
mahfouzwhat to do?09:15
Hobbseemail getdeb, and ask them to update their packages.  Oh, and don't use getdeb.09:15
mahfouzwhy not?09:15
macook, reboot, go to tty, use alsamixer to fix the volume settings. then do "sudo -i" then "PULSE_INTERNAL=0 alsactl store" then login check that it's the same, reboot check that it's the same09:15
* Hobbsee has seen a couple of getdeb'd systems that are broken.09:15
mahfouzI see, but they have newer packages very often09:16
Hobbseewhich required reinstalls09:16
mahfouzthen I should mail ubuntu and ask them to update some packages: e.g. the geany 0.15, new liferea version etc09:16
* BUGabundo_work rebooting09:16
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging09:17
BUGabundo_workmahfouz: file bugs on Launchpad if the version before freeze is really olde09:17
mahfouzwhat is !backports09:17
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: for non-development release?09:17
macomahfouz: ubottu just told you09:17
BUGabundo_workother then that, you have to use backports09:17
Hobbseemahfouz: the line of text ubottu just wrote09:17
BUGabundo_workHobbsee: if there is a package that is not being mantained in MOTU, aint filling a bug on LP the correct procedure?09:18
macoBUGabundo_work: believe so09:18
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: it is.  However, it won't directly solve mahfouz's problem - or at least, won'tfor a few months.09:18
mahfouzis backports the same as partner repos?09:19
BUGabundo_workbut that's another prob09:19
macopartner is for closed source stuff that's for-pay, usually09:19
macolike Parallels09:19
BUGabundo_workits the "teach them to fish and they won't be hungry anymore" dilema09:19
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:19
mahfouzone is archive.ubuntu.com other is archive.canonical.com. they are different?09:19
BUGabundo_workcheck this links mahfouz09:19
BUGabundo_workmaco alsamixer done. now to do that other command09:20
* BUGabundo_work logging in 09:21
mahfouzso is geany 0.15 in the backports? Does anybody know?09:21
BUGabundo_workcheck for your self09:21
BUGabundo_workor at Launchpad09:21
macogeany 0.15 is not packaged yet09:22
macoeven jaunty is still 0.1409:22
macoit's not in debian sid yet09:22
macomust be VERY new09:22
BUGabundo_workmaco humm stupid result09:22
macoit is in experimental...09:22
BUGabundo_workthe controls I change are set09:23
mahfouzgeany 0.15 is packaged in getdeb.net09:23
macoBUGabundo_work: explain?09:23
BUGabundo_workBUT... still muted09:23
macoBUGabundo_work: and after reboot? oh you forgot to hit M to unmute?09:23
BUGabundo_workdid I forget to unmute them on alsamixer?09:23
mahfouzI apt downloaded geany 0.15 from getdeb09:23
macook well reboot and see if the volume controls you set are kept this time09:23
BUGabundo_workyeah I forgot to unmute09:23
BUGabundo_workbut at least it did change09:23
BUGabundo_workrebooting again09:23
mahfouzgeany should get more attention: more powerful than gedit and just as fast09:25
* BUGabundo_work thinks he is lucky to have two machines to help debug09:25
BUGabundo_worknever heard of it until now mahfouz09:25
BUGabundo_workgedit does the job great09:25
BUGabundo_workmaco: looking at alsamixer everything back to 009:26
BUGabundo_workexcept master and PCM09:26
mahfouzhope you will hear more of it in the future :)09:26
BUGabundo_workmahfouz: official site link?09:26
mahfouzbtw, are the backports you are talking about the same as "Unsupported updates (intrepid backports)" in system sources?09:27
mahfouzif you only do text files, gedit is fine of course, but if you like something between gedit and emacs for coding, then geany is great09:28
BUGabundo_workmahfouz: did you read the links I gave you ?09:28
macoBUGabundo_work: repeat the new settings, sudo -i, store routine, then do amixer -c0 and check that they're listed as what you set09:28
macomahfouz: yes, same thing09:28
mahfouzaha, thx09:28
BUGabundo_workslower maco09:30
BUGabundo_worksudo -i, and now what?09:30
macoBUGabundo_work: have you modified the init.d/alsa-utils script at all?09:30
mahfouzyes, Bugabundo, but I think i can just enable the backports by checking the appropr box in synaptic09:30
BUGabundo_worknot that I rembember09:30
mahfouzthat's the easiest09:30
macoBUGabundo_work: nevermind, you did that same test by logging into gdm before09:30
BUGabundo_worksorry maco?09:31
mahfouzBugabundo, can we call you bug?09:31
mahfouzyour nick is too longs09:31
BUGabundo_workuse TAB for autocomplete mahfouz09:31
macoBUGabundo_work: uh, ok so to see if you've changed that file at all, can you install debsums, then run "debsums -c alsa-utils"?09:32
mahfouzBUGabundo_work: wow great09:32
BUGabundo_workit would be very bad to call me 'bug' on a bug channel09:32
BUGabundo_workplus I would not get a ping on my nick09:32
mahfouzyou are right BUGabundo_work it works tab works for BUGabundo_work, BUGabundo_work09:32
macoBUGabundo_work: if it gives no output, you have the default file09:32
BUGabundo_workstop it mahfouz09:32
mahfouzjust testing09:32
BUGabundo_workthere are people here working09:32
mahfouzI'm also working my way into irc09:33
* BUGabundo_work installing debsums09:33
BUGabundo_workuse #help for that mahfouz09:33
mahfouzi am in #help09:33
mahfouzI was forwarded09:33
BUGabundo_workI wonder why09:34
HobbseeBUGabundo_work: because they forwarded it ages ago09:34
BUGabundo_workbecause you won't shut up?09:34
mahfouzanyway, I'll play around a little bit with the backports, thx for your help09:34
BUGabundo_workmaco no output09:34
macodoh, debsums doesn't recognize that file09:35
macohrm how do we see if it's been changed...09:35
BUGabundo_workremove it . purge it, install again?09:36
macothat could work...no idea what other stuff it might try to remove in the process though09:36
BUGabundo_workI'll just check the list of removed files later09:37
BUGabundo_workplus I have bzr of /etc09:37
BUGabundo_workso do I remove alsa utils?09:37
* BUGabundo_work has his finger right on Enter09:38
BUGabundo_workmaco ping09:39
macosure, you can try purging it and just ya know, if it wants to remove everything, you can stop09:40
macoor you can make a list to reinstall afterward...09:40
macosince youll be reinstalling it after the purge09:40
BUGabundo_workhumm removing also fusa gdm, gdm-guest-session and gdm themes09:41
BUGabundo_workwho would thought gdm depeded on alsa09:41
macologin sounds?09:41
macoif you want to just reinstall those after the experiment, you can09:41
macoi assume the jaunty system isnt a production system09:43
BUGabundo_work"unable to contact DBus session: org.freedesktop.org.DBus.Error.Spawn.ExecFailed: dbus-launch failed to autolaunch D-Bus session: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed"!09:43
BUGabundo_workhumm its not a production system09:43
BUGabundo_workbut it is my laptop09:43
BUGabundo_workthe one I use to read all my email09:44
* BUGabundo_work installing back removed packages09:44
macodid you purge already?09:44
macoor only remove?09:44
macobecause those'll bring it back09:44
macoso you want to purge before reinstalling them09:44
BUGabundo_workwoot /etc bzr 100th commit lol09:46
macoand then reboot again and see if the "clean" alsa-utils script makes a difference09:46
mahfouzcan i bring attention to another bug?09:47
mahfouzwhich is pretty serious imho09:47
mahfouzabout emerald-theme-manager09:47
mahfouzit's totally unstable, crashes after a few operations with 100% CPU09:48
mahfouzdid anybody else experience this09:48
BUGabundo_workmaco alsamixer -c 0 still show all controls muted09:48
macoand volumes are all 0?09:49
macomahfouz: which is why upstream doesn't support it anymore09:49
BUGabundo_workwith the exception of master and pcm09:49
mahfouzaha, so is there a replacement for emerald?09:49
BUGabundo_workany more ideas?09:49
macomahfouz: uh, use gtk-window-decorator or kde-window-decorator09:49
macowe tried to get rid of emerald because it's totally dead upstream09:50
mahfouzgtk, I'm on gnome09:50
macousers started a revolution :P09:50
mahfouzno jokes, BUGabundo_work doesnt like them :)09:50
macoupstream says they may write a replacement that isn't total spaghetti code someday, but for now, use the decorators that can use metacity and kwin themes09:50
mahfouzwhat about beryl?09:51
macodead for a year09:51
macoit merged back with compiz at least a year ago09:51
mahfouzaha, but can i use kwin on gnome? I thought this was for kde09:51
BUGabundo_workreplaced with compiz fusion09:51
macoyeah it is for kde09:51
macoso metacity or kwin, for respectively gnome and kde09:51
macoif you use gnome, use metacity themes with gtk-window-decorator and compiz09:51
mahfouzi was wondering why nobody is interested in the emerald-theme-manager problem, there is still so many people running emerlad09:52
BUGabundo_workmaco will u, or do you wish me to update the bug with all this tests?09:52
macoBUGabundo_work: i was typing it up already09:53
macomahfouz: i think we're hoping people realize that "no longer being developed" + freakishly unstable means they should give up09:54
mahfouzbut what about compiz? will it remain the default wm for ubuntu in the future?09:54
macoat least, that's what i'm hoping09:54
BUGabundo_worknow to report kdepim bug09:54
macoyes, but compiz uses metacity and kwin themes and has for...umm...ever09:54
mahfouzhmm, I'm confused, I thought I have to choose between metacity and compiz09:55
macoemerald was part of beryl back when it existed, and then beryl went away, emerald stopped being developed, and frankly, i dont think its very compatible with current compiz because it seems less stable now than it was with beryl09:55
macoyou can use metacity *themes* in compiz09:55
mahfouzI thought  metacity and compiz contradict each other09:55
mahfouzSo i can use the metacity themes from gnome-look in compiz09:56
macothat's what compiz defaults to doing09:56
mahfouzaha, i didnt know that09:56
maconote we don't install emerald by default but compiz works just fine and has decorations by default09:56
macothat's the point of gtk-window-manager09:56
BUGabundo_workits funny to read fusionicon09:56
BUGabundo_workit shows: Compiz, Metacity, kwin09:57
BUGabundo_workit used to show emerald09:57
macoemerald wouldve been in decorator, not manager, though09:57
BUGabundo_workbut aint metacity the decorator too?09:57
macometacity is a window manager with a built-in decorator that has no separate name09:58
macocompiz is more modular09:58
macoit's the window manager, and then it can use a few different decorators (emerald, gtk-window-decorator, kde-window-decorator)09:59
BUGabundo_workand then we wonder why noobs ask what is the diference between GDM , metacity, nautilus....09:59
BUGabundo_workMSFT at least uses only one... ROFL Explorer10:00
macoyeah, i think i need to type up a blog post while i'm on the train home on wednesday10:00
macoi was going to make a linux glossary at one point...10:00
* BUGabundo_work asks maco to start opening his copy of audacity10:03
macoBUGabundo_work: that hang on shutdown thing....that happen often or was that a fluke?10:04
bernhardok, i killed myself by trying to switch wm's, guess you noticed my absence10:08
macoBUGabundo_work: ok i just thought of another test (crimsun's asleep) to see if alsactl restore is working.  assuming i understand this right, you should be able to change things in alsamixer, do that PULSE_INTERNAL... thing, look at /var/lib/alsa/asound.state and confirm that the settings are saved (reading through, should be fairly obvious if the volumes you set were kept)10:14
macoer, to see if store is working10:14
macoyou could also pastebin that file if you want me to check it10:14
macothen, i think, the PULSE_INTERNAL... thing but with "restore" instead of "store" followed by checking the mixer should tell you if restore read the asound.state file properly10:15
macoso that should test both writing the file and reading it10:16
macomacd_: oh oh, ready to be accidentally pinged? :P10:18
bernhardif i may ask again: it seems you install the metacity themes the same way you would install a gtk theme. So what's the difference?10:19
macogtk themes control colors and such on buttons and test and background of windows10:19
macometacity controls the window borders10:20
bernhardbtw, I just posted a bug on gtk themes recently: if I delete them in gnome-appearence, then there is still something in /.themes10:20
bernhardwhich can cause problems10:20
bernhardif I reinstall for example10:20
macothats an interesting one because youd want it to remove them if in ~/.themes but not if in /usr/share/themes/ or wherever it is, since other users might want to use the theme10:21
bernhardI once had a problem with reinstalling a theme because the old folder was still there and it clashed with the new one10:22
macoit should just overwrite...10:22
bernhardI always have to delete .themes/theme-xyz manually10:23
bernhardthat's no good10:23
macoBUGabundo_work: rehi10:28
macocan you try that stuff?10:28
BUGabundo_worklet me breath 1st10:29
BUGabundo_workI'm on my Desktop10:30
BUGabundo_workcan I do those changes here?10:30
BUGabundo_workor do I need to reboot and go to TTYs10:30
macodesktop's fine10:30
macoi think, by using alsactl in that way, you're mimicking what happens during shutdown and boot...except for the driver unload/reload part. which i dont *think* has an impact10:31
BUGabundo_workso now what?10:36
BUGabundo_workstep by step10:36
BUGabundo_workor do you want to use help-assisnt?10:36
BUGabundo_workmaco ping10:39
macoim looking at that10:40
maconever seen it before10:41
macoguess we could try it10:41
macoan SSH connection would also work10:43
macoBUGabundo_work: ?10:44
BUGabundo_workbut with RHA I can see you at work10:49
BUGabundo_workand I can't fire another hole on the entreprise network10:50
macook...well can RHA get out?10:50
BUGabundo_worklets try it10:50
BUGabundo_workI've been waiting for a chance to use it for months10:50
macooh i need to forward a port10:50
BUGabundo_workdo you ?10:50
macoum, do you know which port?10:50
BUGabundo_workI thought it would be P-2-S-2-p10:51
macobecause you'll be setting up a reverse tunnel, essentially10:51
macolike it'll go out of your network (outbound usually not blocked after all) and then coming to me for me to look into the VNC10:51
macoi'm NATed, and the page you linked says so10:51
macoi need to figure out what port to forward10:52
BUGabundo_workhumm let me see if I can punch a hole on a REALLY HI port10:52
BUGabundo_workwithout needing to restart router or ISA server10:52
BUGabundo_workI hope it allows us to choose the port on the receiver side10:53
BUGabundo_work65001       65534 are port fw to my laptop10:54
BUGabundo_workneed your IP10:55
BUGabundo_worksorry... dint meant to keep you awake so late10:56
macoBUGabundo_work: pm10:57
macoheh yeah its almost 6 am here10:57
BUGabundo_worksorry about that!10:58
BUGabundo_workit crashed!10:58
BUGabundo_workgenerated a error log10:58
BUGabundo_workso I guess that's not our best option10:58
BUGabundo_workI'll change vinagre to listen on those ports10:58
BUGabundo_workI should have thought of that 1st10:59
macouh, i dont know what port to forward on my end though10:59
BUGabundo_worknever mind that11:00
BUGabundo_workI punched an hole on the router fw11:00
BUGabundo_workchange MY vinagre to user 6500511:00
macoyeah, but i'm NATed too so it matters on my end as well, i think11:00
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bernhard1hey guys, I registered a nick today and now it's taken by somebody else, how can it happen?14:15
bernhard1do i have to register another one?14:16
BUGabundo_workbernhard1: is that refering to IRC?14:17
bernhard1I registered mahfouz, even got a confirming email and now it wouldnt let me log in because there is another person with that nick14:18
BUGabundo_workIT YOU dude14:18
BUGabundo_workand ask that on #help... NOT HERE14:18
BUGabundo_workjust use gost14:18
bernhard1this is #help14:18
bernhard1it's really a different user14:19
bernhard1I know that you dont want to help me BUGabundo_work but maybe somebody else can14:19
bernhard1this is the #help channel and i was forwarded14:19
BUGabundo_workno it is not14:19
bernhard1well, then there is no help channel14:19
bernhard1I tried #help and was forwarded14:20
bernhard1On launchpad.net they say that there are SO many helpful people here on #ubuntu-bugs and all I get is BUGabundo_work14:20
bernhard1sorry dude, but I'm only looking for help14:20
BUGabundo_workbecause I'm the only one that still replies to you14:20
BUGabundo_workstop nagging people here14:20
BUGabundo_workgo here you are meant to be14:21
bernhard1I am meant to be where?14:21
hacktickbernhard1: I am redirected tp #freenode after typing /j #help14:21
bernhard1see? other people share my experience14:21
hacktickBUGabundo_work: I think you could be a bit more friendly.14:21
bernhard1I really had a funny experience today, no aliens or something but duplicity of irc accounts: I registered my name and now I cannot login because somebody else has this nick already. How can it happen14:23
james_wbernhard1: did you ask your question in #freenode?14:23
james_wthey will be far more expert at IRC than the average in here14:23
bernhard1OK, I'll try freenode14:23
=== bernhard1 is now known as mahfouz1
=== mahfouz1 is now known as mahfouz
MAINERRORdoes it work now?14:43
BUGabundo_workhacktick: I know! I try to be helpful but when you say the same thing 4/5/6 times15:04
BUGabundo_workand the other person doenst listen, it sucks15:04
mahfouzI listened, but there was not much coherent stuff coming from you, lol15:05
BUGabundo_workbesides I tried it on my side and I could be enter #help/#freenode just fine15:05
* BUGabundo_work puts mahfouz on the ignore list LOL15:05
BUGabundo_worknow that's funny15:06
BUGabundo_workI can't scare me everyday bddebian15:06
hacktickBUGabundo_work: to put in portuguese: as vezes é melhor calar a boca.15:15
BUGabundo_worke as vezes é preciso as pessoas abrirem os olhos e perceberem o q estao a fazel mal15:16
hacktickBUGabundo_work: the name of this channel contains the word ubuntu.15:16
hacktickyou dont have to be rude to open their eyes.15:17
BUGabundo_worklets move along! I guess mahfouz learned something today15:17
BUGabundo_workI'm sorry15:18
BUGabundo_workI ddint meant to be rude15:18
BUGabundo_workI tried to help him15:18
hacktickBUGabundo_work: maybe you could learn something today, too :)15:18
BUGabundo_workhe kept hiting the same key15:18
BUGabundo_workI was going death15:18
BUGabundo_workevery body learns something every day15:18
BUGabundo_workis bug-buddy working fine?15:36
BUGabundo_workusing bug-buddy --package PACKAGE pops up a message saying it doesnt know where to send a bug !15:36
SyLcan anybody else here install the "isns" to install package?18:08
SyLI'm trying to make sure it is a bug is all18:08
chrisccoulsoni can't try at the moment, as I'm doing some upgrades. is there a bug number?18:11
bdmurraySyL: something like bug 24589818:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 245898 in isns "isns fails to config with dpkg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24589818:11
chrisccoulsonisns - i think i can see the problem with isns already18:15
chrisccoulsonthe "restart" will fail if isns was not already running, because "--oknodo" is not passed to start-stop-daemon in the init script18:15
chrisccoulsoni think18:16
SyLwell, debian lenny uses the same thing, but they aren't friendly...18:16
chrisccoulsonthat was directed at SyL (not isns, which is the name of the source package)18:16
chrisccoulsoni'll try and reproduce it in a second18:16
chrisccoulsonSyL - would you mind forwarding to debian? I can then finish the triage for you if you like18:19
SyLsure... I'm guessing it's from their repo?18:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, the package comes from debian. the error is with the init script, which debian is the upstream provider of18:20
chrisccoulsonbasically, "restart" and "stop" will always fail if isnsd was not already running. "start" will always fail if isnsd is already running18:21
SyLchrisccoulson: ok, 2nd question, is there a quick easy fix for me in the mean time?18:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, to stop the error from your package manager, run "sudo invoke-rc.d isns start" and then "sudo dpkg --configure isns". this will allow the package install to complete successfully18:22
SyLis that for anything that has a service starting?18:22
chrisccoulsonanything that installs a init script in /etc/init.d18:23
SyLyou just saved me like a week and a half of work!18:23
SyLthank you!18:23
SyLchrisccoulson: weird... same error18:30
chrisccoulsonhmmm, should work.18:30
SyLhrm... in the init.d/isns file there is a whole line for start and stop instead of just using the start and stop there18:34
SyLgot it...18:51
SyLchrisccoulson: thanks again! http://highbridnation.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/motivational-posters-funny-082.jpg18:52
chrisccoulsonis anyone here having difficulty accessing a console in jaunty? ctrl+alt+f1 just gives a garbled screen20:30
joumetalnot me. does it also happen without usplash?20:45
chrisccoulsonit doesn't happen without usplash. i ask because i'm triaging a bug with the same problem20:46
chrisccoulsoni'm just not sure which package to assign it too20:46
chrisccoulsonusplash hasn't been update in jaunty yet, so it must be something else20:46
joumetalit's also hard to choose package to bug 29520321:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295203 in ubuntu "Swap not mounting after install" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29520321:01
chrisccoulsonnot sure21:05
bdmurrayit would have been nice if the original reporter had some references21:05
chrisccoulsonyou should ask them how they installed it i think (live CD / alternate CD?). then ask them to attach their fstab (from the fresh install), as well as the output of blkid and vol_id for the swap partition21:05
chrisccoulsonbdmurray - yes, it would be nice if people used references. i came across another bug this evening where the reporter claims people are experiencing (and discussing) it on the forums, but didn't provide a link and i can't find any such thread21:07
bdmurrayperhaps its somehow related to bug 6663721:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 66637 in util-linux "After running mkswap, swap space is discarded, system fails to hibernate (invalid swap signature)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6663721:15
bdmurrayjibel: regarding bug 294134 is there an sru for Intrepid for it?22:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 294134 in update-manager "upgrade 8.10 tool failes because it cannot calculate upgrade" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29413422:23
jibelbdmurray: no there isn't. I don't know why this regex was added in hardy and I wanted to talk with mvo about it.22:42
bdmurrayjibel: okay it seems like something that might be worth fixing.  By the way it looks like you've been doing lots of work on update-manager's new bug count!  http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/update-manager/plots/update-manager-3month-new.png22:46
jibelbdmurray: just some housecleaning. Many fixed items, duplicates, wishlist reports, ...22:57
jibelWith so much noise it's hard to focus on real issues.22:57
bdmurrayYes, thanks for helping to clean house!  Have you learned anything that could go on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUpdateManager?22:59
jibelyes, the non-bug part could be improved with informations about more general upgrade problems : corrupted archive, broken indexes, ... I haven't found resources about it on the wiki23:12
jibeland maybe a few words about assigning to right package because update-manager is a catch all package.23:13
jibelit's late here. See you tomorrow23:16

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