
=== gletelli__ is now known as gletelli
birnissonhi, sorry to ask but are there kde 4.2 packages for intrepid?04:51
ScottKbirnisson: They are planned, but not until release.  We'll have beta packages for Jaunty.  (This is all IIRC).05:13
ubottuThe Neon Project provides daily Amarok and KDE 4 trunk builds as packages for Kubuntu | See http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon and http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/User:Apachelogger/Project_Neon/KDE for more05:13
stdinthere is ^ that if you really want the latest05:13
birnissonnice thanks05:15
larsiviI have intrepid installed on my laptop, but normally use a larger external lcd attached to it - with hardy, this was autodiscovered, and kdm/kde was started in the resolution of this external screen11:04
larsivithis doesn't happen anymore, but instead it auto-adjusts as I open the screen component in system settings ... what can I do, or where should I report the bug?11:05
larsivigotta run - my son threw up in the kindergarten :(11:07
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=== gletelli__ is now known as gletelli
ryanakcaI'm merging kiosktool... could someone provide me with a bit of inspiration as to why we have automake1.9 in the build-dep when Debian never has?12:06
ryanakcaplease :)12:07
Hobbseeryanakca: probably because debian has a buildprep patch, which we don't keep?12:07
Hobbseeor at least, don't usually keep12:07
Hobbseewe tend to rerun autohell for all the builds, rather than do it as part of updating it, and having a massive patch12:08
apacheloggerryanakca: kiosktool should be removed really12:31
apacheloggerit's only useful for KDE 3 really, and a finished KDE 4 port is not in sight12:31
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
larsivihmm - any ideas?13:01
ScottKlarsivi: First, if it worked for you in Hardy, you are extraordinarily lucky.  The Xinerama based dual screen solution we have in Hardy works for almost no one with a modern Xorg.13:28
larsiviScottK: no, not dual screen - I was never able to get that to work (except back before the "new" range of intel drivers)13:28
ScottKAh.  I see.13:29
larsiviScottK: it is just duplicate screens, but with the larger external as the default13:29
ScottKRight, even that is problematic.13:29
larsiviI set some bios setting at one point to make sure it is enabled at start up13:29
ScottKIt's a known limitation of xrandr that it only supports rectangular surfaces.  What this means is that both screens have to be at the same resolution.13:30
larsivifor dual screen, yes?13:30
ScottKI don't think dual/duplicate matters.13:30
ScottKI think it's both.13:31
larsivino? it works just fine for me, but I have to open system settings, and open the screen option for it to click into place13:31
larsivithe monitor on the laptop shows the upper left corner of the full desktop13:31
ScottKI'm not sure then where the bug would be.13:32
larsiviit also worked fine in gutsy before hardy, which I installed as a late alpha on the laptop back when the hardware was brander than brand new :)13:32
larsiviand whatever was before gutsy on my old laptop :P13:33
larsivianyway, so this is almost the last annoyance left after the intrepid upgrade13:34
ScottKIn Feisty/Gutsy it all worked pretty well with Xinerama and Xorg, but then Xorg started to change and KDE didn't keep up.13:34
ScottKSo Hardy has a lot of known problems in this area and the tools for Intrepid are known to be incomplete.13:34
larsiviwell, I didn't use xinerama back then either, and kde not keeping up wasn't a problem, because the resolution was correct when X started13:35
larsivino, actually, there were some minor issues with feisty if I switched from no external to external, then kicker didn't move as it should (but could be moved manually), but otherwise it worked just fine :)13:36
larsiviwhat was interesting was trying to get dual screen working before xrandr 1.2 - then it actually depended on the make of the monitor :P13:36
apacheloggerNCommander: kmix.post* are not supposed to be part of debian/13:37
apacheloggerNCommander: Updated to reflect documentation removal (possibly bug ...) <= either it is a bug or it is not, noting that it might be one doesn't make it any more or less one13:38
nixternalho ho ho, merry nixmas!14:34
nixternaloh wait, wrong month14:35
nixternalis 4.2 beta getting into intrepid somehow? I have quite a few people asking for it14:37
JontheEchidnanixternal: once it gets into Jaunty14:40
ScottKnixternal: My recollection is that the plan was for intrepid-backports after release and the Kubuntu experimental PPA before.14:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^ Is that right?14:40
* nixternal wants to hack on Kubuntu today, but I have to finish other work first14:41
JontheEchidnaCorrect, 4.2.0 goes in intrepid-backports, beta/prelease in general in kubuntu-experimental14:41
nixternalyou would think someone would have created an application that will profile your system's apps and then have a way to check them against a) the main distro and b) upstream14:41
jjessenixternal: would love to work on kubuntu stuyff today but will be driving to in laws today14:42
nixternalthey are up north?14:42
txwikingerHow far north :D14:43
nixternalnowhere near the border :)14:44
nixternalI thought one time he said traverse city, but I can't remember who the heck that was14:45
jjessenixternal:  in laws in detroit14:45
jjessebut staying with my brother and sister in law in yspilanti14:45
txwikingerDetroit *is* near the border :p14:45
nixternaljjesse: ahh, that's right..I remembered sort of from last year :)14:46
nixternaljjesse: you should meet up with the michigan loco guys...they are all right in that area14:46
nixternalgreg-g is one dude you seriously have to meet and hang out with... that jcastro dude, foo him :p14:46
txwikingerthat reminds me.. I have to e-mail this jcastro dude14:47
jjesseyeah i should14:47
jjessebut my wife and her family plans all kinds of things to do14:47
* txwikinger almost went to the Detroit intrepid release party14:47
jjessefamily football day on thursday morning then turkey time, then friday more things to do14:50
txwikingerwho are the Lions loosing against on Thursday?14:50
txwikingerAll this moving makes me lose focus on the important stuff :)14:52
jjesseand it is not blacked out14:54
jjessethey sold out just before the deadline14:54
nixternalI will pick Detroit to win against the Titans... 37 - 1314:56
larsiviwhat sport is that anyway, handball? :P14:57
nixternalfutbol americana14:57
larsiviah, chicken football14:57
nixternalrugby with pads14:57
larsivi*rugby, not football14:57
nixternalamericans talk a big game, but they are really wimps...they have to wear pads14:57
larsiviyeah, even the huge players14:58
larsiviI actually have a friend here who's coaching the local team14:58
larsivithey're fairly good in norway :P14:58
nixternali remember playing football when I was a kid w/o pads...everyone broke something14:59
nixternalmostly collar bones14:59
nixternalI think a broken collar bone is without a doubt the most painful bone break one could go through14:59
larsiviah debian packager I know of had to do major surgery on his shoulder after playing real rugby on some higher french level15:00
txwikingerwell. rugby is a contact sport... football is a collision sport15:01
txwikingerHow will the Lions get 37 points?  No running game and a QB that throws all kinds of INTs15:04
larsivifootball is clearly not a collision sport unless you're very bad it - american football is a different matter though15:04
txwikingerI talk about american football the other one is called soccer around here :p15:05
larsivitxwikinger: yeah, I know you are crazy over there :)15:06
stdintxwikinger: don't you think it's strange to call it "football" when one hardy ever uses one's foot? ;)15:07
txwikingerstdin: Well.. you don't know the reason?15:08
txwikingerThe posh people play with the foot.. the not so posh take the dirty ball in the hand15:09
larsivieh, so the kicker is posh? and the rest are not?15:10
txwikingerwell.. the kickers are always outsiders... the can't even properly tackle15:10
larsiviheh, I even hear one of the best superbowl kickers ever was norwegian :P15:11
txwikingerDanish I believe... Mortensen, right?15:11
larsivino, not him15:11
txwikingerHe is the Kicker with the most career points15:12
larsiviit is some years ago, but his record, whatever it was, lasted for a long time15:12
txwikingerThe most fun one was a kicker who came from Australian Rules Football15:12
txwikingerHe was one of the rare ones who could tackle15:13
larsivitxwikinger: Jan Stenerud15:13
txwikingerlarsivi: That must have been long time ago15:13
larsiviI said so :)15:13
txwikingerAh .. with the Chiefs15:18
apacheloggerNightrose: btw, is sound working yet?16:48
Nightroseapachelogger: nope :(17:13
apacheloggerno sense this does make17:14
apacheloggerNightrose: do you belive in batman?17:20
apacheloggerNightrose: perfect17:24
* apachelogger calls bruce and tells him to fix that package17:24
apacheloggerNightrose: your .dev channel got a lot more weird17:26
Nightroseapachelogger: how so?17:26
apacheloggerwell, check it out17:26
* Nightrose wasn't around since last evening17:26
* Nightrose gets some food17:27
apacheloggeris it fooding time again?17:27
nixternalmmm food17:31
Nightrosehmmm nixternal: got a minute? or are you busy?17:34
apacheloggernixternal: btw, are you back in development yet?17:34
nixternalNightrose: yes17:35
nixternalapachelogger: yes17:35
nixternalworld: yes17:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yes17:35
Nightrosenixternal: haha ok - then let's talk in kde-docs17:36
* nixternal goes there17:36
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
* nixternal creates halitosis, the sys iso hal plugin17:44
mib_gnq6kyso are you going to release packages of kde 4.2 beta1 for intrepid?18:46
mib_gnq6kyanyone knows there are going to be packages of kde 4.2 beta1 for intrepid?18:59
mib_gnq6kyXand3r: do you know if there are going to be packages of kde 4.2 beta1 for intrepid?19:04
Nightrosemib_gnq6ky: there are going to be packages but due to the team being short on packagers currently it will take some time19:06
Nightroseand no need to ask 3 times ;-)19:06
Arbytoo late :)19:07
Xand3rhi Nightrose19:07
Nightrosehi Xand3r19:07
Xand3rhow do you do?19:07
Nightrosei love those people...19:07
Nightrosepretty good - only downside is hat my openid provider is so slow that i can't log in anywhere19:08
Nightrosewhich is a pita19:08
bobesponjayou should use a delegate on your own server19:08
Nightrosejep - doesn't help me though with the services that have that login already ;-)19:09
bobesponjaservices generally offer to modify your openid19:09
bobesponjaif not, shame on them :)19:09
Nightrosedoesn't look like i can do that19:10
bobesponjaif you tell them you forgot your password19:12
JontheEchidna!info indy jaunty19:16
ubottuPackage indy does not exist in jaunty19:16
JontheEchidna!info indi jaunty19:16
ubottuindi (source: indi): INDI, instrument neutral distributed interface. In component main, is optional. Version 5:0.5-0ubuntu6 (jaunty), package size 625 kB, installed size 1600 kB19:16
danimoanyone looking for 4.2b1 deb testers?20:04
danimoRiddell: ping?20:07
Nightrosedanimo: apachelogger and JontheEchidna probably at one point20:13
Nightrosethough i doubt the packages are ready yet20:13
JontheEchidnanot ready! don't look! :p20:13
JontheEchidnathings are going a bit slow probably due to Thanksgiving20:13
NightroseJontheEchidna: any estimation we can give people who ask?20:14
JontheEchidnathat's the thing...20:14
JontheEchidnasome modules might not be updated, but hopefully we can upload most of the stuff by tomorrow20:15
JontheEchidnacould happen today but I wouldn't make plans around that happening20:15
ryanakcaapachelogger: ok, so how do I ask to get it removed?20:48
ryanakcaapachelogger: file a bug on LP and then subscribe the mirror admins or <insert LP team> ?20:49
glade88http://mjg59.livejournal.com/101706.html :(20:56
apacheloggerdanimo: still gotta take quite some time, we are doing doubled reviewing for this release, so things take a lot longer21:08
apachelogger!info kiosktool jaunty21:09
ubottukiosktool (source: kiosktool): tool to configure the KDE kiosk framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 256 kB, installed size 1732 kB21:09
apacheloggerryanakca: file a bug report (content is somewhere described in a wiki page) and a get a MOTU to ack it21:09
apacheloggerthe MOTU will then subscribe the archive admins21:10
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ryanakcaseele: What would be a good max-width for the wiki theme?22:49
seeleprobably ~1000 pixels i think?  maybe 1050 max?22:59
seeleotherwise the text is too hard to read22:59
jussi01Who was it that was working on the system settings fglrx bug?23:06
james_whey, would somebody teach me a little about cmake so that I can debug something?23:44
james_wtellico fails to build in jaunty as it uses -lkhtml, but that complains about a bunch of missing symbols, all the KJS ones23:44
manchickenWhat do you want to know?23:44
james_wtellico doesn't use any KJS ones, so it's not missing a direct link23:45
james_wbut something should be telling it to -lkjs when doing -lkhtml shouldn't it?23:45
manchickenWell I guess then you need to know what's trying to hit up lkjs.23:46
james_wlibkhtml is23:47
james_wbug 29826923:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298269 in tellico "Please merge tellico 1.3.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29826923:47
* Hobbsee mutters abotu tellico23:49
* Hobbsee put that change in svn,but no one ever uploaded it23:49
manchickenYou're pulling in khtml... that's what's complaining.23:51
Hobbseehey manchicken!23:51
* Hobbsee thought you'd left!23:51
manchickenI did for a while.23:52
manchickenKids take a little while to get used to.23:52
manchickenAnd then of course I've all but gone completely mac these days.23:53
manchickenTonio_ told me that I should come around here again and say hi.23:53
Hobbseestill using gnome, then?23:53
manchickenI've been ramping up on my French lately since my wife and I want our kid to be bilingual, so I've been fooling myself into thinking that I could maybe help with some translations or something.  Dunno.23:54
manchickenNaw, I haven't run Ubuntu for almost 3 months.23:54

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