
=== ember_ is now known as ember
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Nov 16:00: Foundation Team | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council
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=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
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=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Foundation Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 26 Nov 17:00: QA Team | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council
=== sgtd_ is now known as sgtd
cjwatsongood afternoon16:00
robbiewgood morning16:00
TheMusoHey folks.16:00
robbiewearly morning TheMuso16:00
robbiewevand is on vacation today, right?16:01
mvohas scott joined us officially now btw?16:01
cjwatsononce he's back from vacation ...16:02
robbiewyes...well not officially until UDS16:02
robbiewdoko: joining?16:02
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is robbiew.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
robbiewI've posted the agenda on the wiki16:03
robbiew[LINK] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/20081126#Agenda16:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/20081126#Agenda16:03
robbiew[TOPIC] UDS!!!!16:04
MootBotNew Topic:  UDS!!!!16:04
robbiewI *think* I've gotten all the sessions scheduled16:04
robbiewyou should be able to see them at the summit.ubuntu.com link16:04
robbiewnot sure if those without admin access can or cannot16:05
mvoI see no link to see a schedule16:05
TheMusoNothing for me either.16:05
robbiew http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/16:05
robbiewnothing under Schedule?16:05
mvono "Schedule" for me :)16:05
robbiewhmm...must not be open to the public yet16:05
cjwatsonmvo,TheMuso: are you both registered to attend?16:06
mvoI think so16:06
cjwatson... yes, apparently so16:06
cjwatson-> pitti16:06
* mvo is actually pretty sure16:06
cjwatsonI've asked him on #ubuntu-devel16:07
robbiewcjwatson: thnx16:08
cjwatson16:07 <pitti> cjwatson: ATM yes, according to Scott, since it's still preliminary16:08
cjwatsonanyway, interested people can follow there16:08
robbiewI've also created a roundtable section on the wiki16:09
robbiewso at least we have some topics ready to go16:09
robbiewfeel free to add16:09
slangasekwhere on the wiki?16:09
robbiewunder "Roundtable Topics" ;)16:10
robbiewonly have a few16:10
cjwatsonI suggested that suitable roundtable topics would be general development discussions that aren't likely to need to turn into implementation plans16:10
cjwatsonand are of reasonably broad interest16:10
cjwatsonplease recheck summit.u.c?16:11
robbiewwell moving on16:12
james_whi all, sorry I'm late16:12
slangasekrecheck it for a calendar?  I can't see one, still16:12
james_wyou can see the schedule if you go to /foundations/16:12
robbiewgood trick16:12
dokojames_w: could you elaborate on distributed development toolchain in the wiki?16:13
james_wdoko: now, or expand on it in the wiki?16:14
cjwatsondoko: (doesn't mean toolchain as in the compiler, means toolchain as in the tools we use for dist. dev.)16:14
dokojames_w: later in the wiki16:14
james_wdoko: sure, but what cjwatson said.16:15
robbiewas for session leaders, we don't have to hash that out here16:15
james_wsuggestions for a better title are welcom16:15
cjwatsonjames_w: perhaps "tools" or "toolset"16:15
james_wtoolset it is, thanks16:15
robbiewI'll send email or irc folks with sessions that I *think* they should lead16:16
robbiewthen we can go from there16:16
robbiewfeel free to let me know if there's any of them that you are dying to lead ;)16:16
cjwatsonif you need to get a brain-dump of anything from me, please do so by close of play tomorrow16:16
cjwatsonotherwise you'll probably miss your chance16:17
robbiewright...I think we've covered them all, so I'm fine16:17
* robbiew promises NOT to call cjwatson on his mobile16:17
robbiew[TOPIC] Bugs16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Bugs16:18
cjwatsonfeel free to SMS if it's urgent, then I can decide when/how to respond ;-)16:18
robbiewbesides reviewing the Milestoned/Targeted as usual, there will be a major effort to address bugs during the release16:19
robbiewand then hopefully establish this as the "norm" in subsequent releases16:19
robbiewMatt has told us that he will support dropping features if we deem it necessary to fix a reasonable amount of bugs16:20
robbiewour trick is to find that balance16:20
cjwatsonI'm going to extend the bugfix-history thing I hacked up, or pass it over to somebody for extensions16:21
robbiewcjwatson: ok, thanks16:21
cjwatsonif we pushed the fix-upload rate up by a couple of hundred a month, we'd be able to start decreasing the number of outstanding bugs16:22
cjwatsonso even a little bit of rebalancing here could be really very useful16:22
robbiewmoving on16:23
cjwatson(over the last six months, the net increase in open bugs comes to about a thousand)16:23
cjwatson(out of 48000 or so)16:24
robbiewIMO that's a tremendously large backlog16:24
robbiewis there any effort to close bugs that we simply will not fix16:24
cjwatsonit is huge, although that's the whole archive; I haven't filtered out just main there16:24
cjwatsonclosing bugs that we simply won't fix is politically tricky; we do have a state for it but of course it's rarely much comfort to the hapless reporter16:25
slangasekone thing I've noticed when doing merges is that there are a number of packages that simply don't have anybody watching their bugs in main16:26
cjwatsonI think we should probably do it a little bit more than we do, though16:26
cjwatsonwe err on the conservative side there16:26
slangasekbecause one package I merged had over half its bugs mis-assigned to the package16:26
slangasekand I was wondering if we shouldn't figure out some way to make sure we have /someone/ monitoring bugs for each package, on some level16:26
dokoslangasek: but this is intentional until now16:26
robbiewcjwatson: perhaps a better sounding reason, like "Resources Unavailable to Fix"16:27
slangasekdoko: well, one of the effects is that bugs that might be trivial for the person who touched-it-last to fix may languish indefinitely16:27
dokoor just distinguish between state and reason?16:27
* robbiew sometimes misses bugzilla16:28
cjwatsonI think there may perhaps be more effective ways to get through the backlog than to end up getting into thousands of little separate arguments about whether bugs should remain open16:28
cjwatsonin many of the cases the bugs really are pretty trivial and reporters are rightly annoyed that it's taken us so long to get round to them16:29
cjwatsonI'd like to limit the scope of what we pay attention to of course, it shouldn't be all 4800016:29
robbiewin my prior job, I managed a team that's entire job was monitoring the bugs...ensuring both submitters and those assigned to fix were paying attention16:30
robbiewmaybe we need a team like that...but that's way out of the scope of this meeting :)16:30
cjwatsonthat's Henrik's team16:30
cjwatsonconceptually anyway16:30
robbiewchanging gears16:30
james_wI see a "Foundations bugs" discussion on the schedule, is that to discuss this16:31
james_wor is that a meeting with gmb from launchpad to discuss how launchpad could help us more?16:31
cjwatsonthe "Foundations bugs" session is a slot for us with the Launchpad Bugs team16:31
cjwatsonright, the latter16:31
robbiewwe can bring this up in a Roundtable16:31
cjwatsonif any of you have been using the launchpadlib APIs for bugs, that'd be a good place to discuss your experiences and request extensions, for instance16:31
james_wcool, gmb got plenty of that from us in Lexington, he'll be well prepared :-)16:31
cjwatson(main/restricted comes to 30000 bugs)16:32
mvobetter launchpad support++16:32
TheMusoI don't use launchpad api, but I do use email.16:32
TheMusoAnd email still lacks things like changing the package for a bug, as opposed to opening a new task, and invalidating the other.16:32
james_wa session discussing what bugs to target, how to find them etc. would probably be a good one to have. robbiew: is that what you meant for the roundtable?16:32
robbiewjames_w: yes16:33
cjwatsonfind> and track on an ongoing basis so that we can (a) not lose things we decided we wanted to fix (b) measure our progress (c) show off our progress if it's any good :-)16:33
cjwatsonthe QA team has offered to help there16:33
robbiewright, I should point out that this is across the entire Ubuntu team...not just Foundations16:34
robbiewanything else on bugs?16:35
robbiew[TOPIC] Sponsorship Queue16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Sponsorship Queue16:35
robbiewI've noticed some include sponsorship queue work in their activity and some don't16:36
robbiewis everyone supposed to be doing this?16:36
* robbiew is still new16:37
cjwatsoneveryone who has upload privileges should be spending an hour a week on sponsorship16:37
robbiewah, ok16:37
cjwatson(i.e. all members of ubuntu-core-dev or ubuntu-dev)16:38
TheMusoWell perhaps shouldn't we remove bugs from the sponsorship queue that are otherwise waiting for something to happen? I have checked the queue a few times, and I still see bugs that are waiting for something from the person who's work is being sponsored etc.16:38
james_wI prefer not to do that16:39
TheMusoI personally would find things easier if the main-sponsors queue only had bugs showing that need attention from a sponsor.16:39
slangasekso s/shouldn't/should/, you mean?16:39
james_wdaniel just changed http://people.ubuntu.com/~dholbach/sponsoring/ to show who the last commenter was16:39
mvoit would be nice to have it sorted by new item, but it seems to be difficult (from a technical POV)16:39
slangasekmvo: LP has "bug age" and "last touched" sort orders?16:39
TheMusoslangasek: yes16:40
mvoslangasek: right, I should try that, I was refering to the sponsoring page itself, but I should try lp I guess16:40
TheMusojames_w: Ok thats nice to know, thanks.16:40
james_wTheMuso: core-dev are in bold for easy scanning, does that work for you?16:40
slangasekah; I've stopped using the sponsoring page in favor of the LP view @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.subscriber=ubuntu-main-sponsors16:41
TheMusojames_w: Not really,16:41
james_wTheMuso: perhaps you would like to talk to Daniel about changing it so that it would16:41
TheMusojames_w: Bold only is useful if I ask what font/style the text is in from the reader.16:41
mvoslangasek: that view (with "last touch") is what I want, thanks16:41
TheMusojames_w: I'll try his page, and the URL slangasek gave and see whether any of those work better for me.16:41
robbiewTheMuso: don't some readers change the pitch of voice to indicate bold?16:42
TheMusorobbiew: Its not possible in orca at the moment.16:42
TheMusoI'll double check, but I don't think so.16:42
TheMusorobbiew: I also use a text mode browser for some things, as I find it more efficient, as orca+firefox is still somewhat clunky.16:43
robbiewwell, if I'd appreciate it, if people could be sure to mention any sponsorship work in their reports...no big details needed16:44
robbiewmoving on to a topic I'm sure we all love16:45
robbiew[TOPIC] Google Calendars16:45
MootBotNew Topic:  Google Calendars16:45
robbiewI know it's a pain in the @$$16:46
TheMusoNo kidding.16:46
slangasekthe mail said we were supposed to receive invites to set up accounts? I haven't received one yet16:46
* mvo neither16:46
robbiewyou can setup yourself16:46
robbiewone sec, let me find the link16:46
mvois there a wiki page or something that we can follow?16:47
MootBotLINK received:  http://partnerpage.google.com/canonical.com16:47
cjwatsonif you set it up yourself it won't be in the canonical.com domain, will it?16:47
cjwatsonask Jeremy Northeast for a password, he's been doing that16:47
robbiewI did16:47
robbiewwhat happens is that you have to provide a canonical.com address16:47
robbiewand it sends a verification email16:47
slangasekoh, I /just/ received login info16:47
cjwatsonrobbiew: ah16:48
slangasekhrm, but he doesn't say what I'm supposed to do with the l/p info16:48
robbiewslangasek: hmm16:48
* robbiew looks for the link he used16:48
cjwatsonslangasek: http://www.google.com/calendar/hosted/canonical.com16:48
robbiewcjwatson: thnx16:49
robbiewthat's probably enough on that subject16:49
robbiewsee warthogs if you want more opinions/info than you ever thought you needed16:50
robbiew[TOPIC] Armel specific build fixes16:50
MootBotNew Topic:  Armel specific build fixes16:50
robbiewdoko: this is yours :)16:50
dokowell, yes. there are some bugs tagged ftbfs-armel16:51
dokothese should get some attention, many of those are kde related, but not all.16:52
james_wany news on a porter box? I know it's not always required, but it would sometimes help.16:52
dokohttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ might give some hints as well. note that the build failure on armel doesn't mean it doesn't occur on other archs, it's not yet built there16:53
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ might give some hints as well. note that the build failure on armel doesn't mean it doesn't occur on other archs, it's not yet built there16:53
cjwatsonjames_w: we're due to get one, but waiting on hardware16:53
cjwatsonbut it's definitely on davidm's list16:53
cjwatsonI agree that it would help quite a bit16:53
james_won a related note, if I wanted access to porter boxes would I just ask IS?16:53
cjwatsonit's also useful if people could look at http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/jaunty_probs.html and try to diagnose uninstallability16:53
cjwatsonthat's often perfectly feasible with no hardware but a bit of creativity16:54
cjwatsonany Canonical developer can ask to be added to the porting_team group, which gives access to all the porting boxes16:54
dokocjwatson: I usually test uninstallability on an armel box itself by trying an apt-get install, the page alone doesn't help that much16:54
cjwatsonfile an RT request16:54
cjwatsondoko: I wasn't speaking theoretically; I have been using that page to help with installability problems, despite having no armel hardware16:55
cjwatsondoko: yes, it takes a little bit longer because you have to use dpkg -I on an archive to figure out what's wrong, but it's not that bad16:55
slangasekdoko: you pung me last week while I was in Lexington about an armel failure you wanted me to look at, and I've misplaced the reference; do you still need me to look at it, and if so can you remind me the package?16:55
mvoI guess we could simulate something with a bit of "apt-get install -O Apt::Architecuture=armel" magic16:55
dokoslangasek: no, fixed it16:56
mvo(to get better diagnosis why something is uninstallable)16:56
cjwatsonmvo: if you can put together a recipe, that would be generally very useful16:56
mvocjwatson: will do after the meeting, sounds like a fun hack16:56
robbiew3 minutes left16:57
robbiewdoko is it okay to move the next agenda item to next week?16:57
robbiew[TOPIC] AOB16:58
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:58
* TheMuso will be traveling this time next week.16:58
robbiewcjwatson is gone for two weeks16:58
robbiewcjwatson: tomorrow is your last day, right?16:59
cjwatsonyeah, it's looking like it16:59
* robbiew takes a deep breath and assures himself that "HE WILL BE OKAY"16:59
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
james_wall the best cjwatson, you will be missed at UDS.17:00
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:00.17:00
mvoyeah, all the best!17:00
robbiewyep...and I'll have you on speed-text17:00
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council
robbiewthanks all...good meeting17:01
arahello :-)17:01
schwukhi ara17:01
pedro_sbeattie: ogasawara ping?17:06
* ogasawara waves17:07
ogasawarado we have an agenda for today?17:08
pedro_i don't see any agenda item for today, does anybody has anything to add or shall we do a quickie ?17:08
pedro_i have just one reminder ;-)17:08
cr3perhaps we could mention topics relating to uds?17:08
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pedro_ok.. there's a lot to do on the SRU side: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html17:19
pedro_esp on hardy/intrepid, if you can help , please enable the proposed repositories and give feedback on those reports17:20
ogasawarare QA UDS specs, they should be listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs17:21
pedro_yep and on that topic there's also : http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/qa/17:22
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pedro_any other business?17:28
ogasawaranone here17:28
aranop, but thanks for the reminder on the specs for the uds17:28
araI was on holidays last week and I am trying to catch things up17:29
pedro_let's wrap then, thanks everybody!17:30
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: QA Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council | 16 Dec 11:00: Community Council
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 27 Nov 12:00: Ubuntu Mobile Team | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council | 16 Dec 11:00: Community Council
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