
=== sgtd_ is now known as sgtd
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mib_ydg6fb2dhttp://www.oosms.com > Send Unlimited Free SMS to any mobile phone Worldwide!06:53
Hobbseeno spam here, thanks.06:54
mib_ydg6fb2dhttp://www.oosms.com > Send Unlimited Free SMS to any mobile phone Worldwide!06:54
mib_ydg6fb2doh.. sorry06:54
HobbseeEspecially not twice.06:55
Hobbseenor in any other #ubuntu channel.06:55
mib_ydg6fb2dsorry.. im new here06:55
mib_ydg6fb2dwill not do it06:55
* Hobbsee doesn't believe that...06:55
mib_ydg6fb2dcould u let me know where else i can do that06:55
Hobbseespam the network?  You can't.06:55
mib_ydg6fb2ddecent classified06:56
HobbseePriceChild: you missed one.06:57
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== _[PUPPETS]Gonzo is now known as [PUPPETS]Gonzo
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Current meeting: Ubuntu Mobile Team Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council | 16 Dec 11:00: Community Council
MootBotMeeting started at 06:04. The chair is ogra.12:04
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]12:04
loologra: Only the two of us so far12:04
ogranot true :)12:04
ograStevenK, just joined12:04
loolOh right, I'm hiding joins here now12:04
StevenKDid not12:04
ograbut it will be only us three12:05
loolNo wiki page I'm afraid12:05
ogradavidm should be up to his ears in turkey now and persia is vacating heavily i hope12:05
ograright, no wikipage12:06
loolI have a couple of topics I couldn't add to the agenda12:06
loolBut it's basically about UDS sessions12:06
ograshoot then, since we dont seem to have anything special anyway12:06
loolThere are a couple of ideas I didn't add as bps12:06
loolOr merged into a single discussion12:07
loolOne is about lpia12:07
ogra(got a topic name for the bot ?)12:07
lool[topic] uds sessions12:07
loolOr optional uds sessions12:07
ogra[topic]  optional uds sessions12:07
MootBotNew Topic:   optional uds sessions12:07
ograto late :)12:08
loolSo one thing is I merged the "tool to upgrade from one arch to another" session into "lpia versus i386" which is about whether we keep lpia12:08
StevenKI've been thinking about that.12:08
StevenKI think we want a session to discuss lpia?12:08
loolDo you people think we should have two sessions on the two subjects, or that it's ok to proceed like this?12:08
loolStevenK: I filed an i386-vs-lpia one12:09
ograi wonder if we really should discuss keep/drop of lpia12:09
ograi think it would run fine alongside the existing x86 arch if we wouldnt have to touch any packages at all for lpia specifics12:09
loologra: At the very least, there's quite a list of tasks to gather if we decide to drop lpia12:09
ograsince in the end lpia boils down to toolchan and kernel optimizations only12:10
ograthe archive should solve tself if you take out the hildonization tasks12:10
loolYes, but it needs maintenance over source packages: we have modified some debian packages to add lpia and new packages will be added12:10
loologra: Agreed12:11
ograright, but thats the only task left12:11
StevenKlool: The kernel team might kill us12:11
loologra: But if lpia is not significantly faster, don't you think we should drop it?12:11
ograso it might make sense to leave it idle and just make sure we rip out the specific hack/patches12:11
loolI heard many complaints about lpia in the kernel and OEM teams12:11
ograwell, we should determine how much work is actually left if its only archive admininstration for a self running arch12:12
loolTo be honest, I don't think the kernel concerns would go away if we dropped lpia12:12
ograi.e. adding Arch: lpia to packages12:12
ograthe archive itself shouldnt need much maintenance12:12
loologra: Running the buildds, giving back packages etc.; I think it ends up amounting to some expense to run the arch; cdimage is short on space too, and it's not clear why we'd buy a seed for this or that arch12:13
StevenKThis should be discussed at UDS ... :-)12:13
loolsay, why don't we have desktop lpia images and no i386 mid image12:13
loolStevenK: Good point12:13
ograStevenK, well, we need to find a base for discussion :) but yes, detalis should be at UDS12:14
loolSo my gut feeling is that we might lean towards dropping lpia; but in all cases: do we want to discuss the arch conversion separately or as part of lpia vs i386 discussions?12:14
StevenKI'm happy that it's spec'd.12:14
StevenKLet's discuss that during the time slot12:14
* ogra would merge it 12:14
StevenKIf we have the time to do it then, do it then12:14
MootBotLINK received:  http://wiki.debian.org/ArchTakeover12:14
loolOk, then it's merged12:14
StevenKIf not12:14
ogra... we'll have another slot :)12:15
StevenKWe can always reschedule it again12:15
ograoh, sweet, you cover arm vs armel there as well :)12:15
loolthe other thing I wanted to ask is about a hildon session; I wanted to have one but the hildon schedule slipped a little12:16
* ogra likes that12:16
ograyou mean upstream ?12:16
loolStill they announced a SDK in november as planned12:16
MootBotLINK received:  http://maemo.org/news/planet-maemo/b417b43eb57011dd9edafbe56a658d758d75/12:16
loolAlso, we usually don't discuss packaging of new GNOMEs, so I wasn't sure whether we wanted a session on the new hildon12:16
ograwell, to get an overview it would help12:17
ograthe clutter integration etc are big steps upstream12:17
loolOk; so perhaps I should add a bp for a discussion around hildon 2.212:17
ograwould make sense to have some time to look into that ... informational though12:17
loolThat's all I had for UDS sessions12:18
ogrado we have any plans for mid on arm ? should we discuss something like that ?12:18
ograexisting devices usually only have 128M ... people that have such thingies wont use ubuntu-desktop on tehm12:19
ogra(nor -umpc which is similar resource greedy)12:19
ogramid sees the only official setup we can provide for such devices atm12:20
ograthough our arm work isnt focused on mobile at all12:20
loologra: Oh right, I mentionned that on IRC12:20
looland didn't bring it up formally here12:20
loolFor armel, I know we aim at building desktop, and perhaps server images12:21
ograright, thats what i mean12:21
loolEven if I'm not sure how useful the former will be on the RAM constraints12:21
loolBut we didn't discuss porting of other images yet12:21
loolIt'd seem most useful to offer the mid/mobile/umpc/netbook images on armel!12:21
ograthe packages will be there anywaay12:21
ograshoud be cheap to roll (inofficial at least) images12:22
loolThis is going to be across the ubuntu-mobile and ubuntu-arm efforts, I think these complement themselves well here12:22
loologra: Well it's probably easy to enable them but what about testing and cdimage space?12:22
loolI think we were stretched thing on testing for intrepid and fear it will worsen if we try to test armel images on multiple hardware12:23
ogracdimage doesnt cost much afaik, releases.u.c is the expensive part12:23
loolAnd what about image build time?  is that a concern nowadays?12:23
ograwell, thats why i said unofficial :)12:23
ograi doubt that it affects the builds ...12:24
loolI don't like releasing more images if we don't QA them; the value is in the quality of the result IMHO12:24
ograit will affect the arm specific machines only12:24
StevenKreleases isn't expensive12:24
ograthe heavy part is the livefs building12:24
loologra: AIUI, we need to build the livecd-rootfs on the buildds12:24
ograStevenK, in terms of mirroring12:24
loolAnd it takes a while on i386 due to the number of images (IIUC)12:24
ograwe cant build arm livefs'es on the x86 buildds12:25
ograthats what i mean12:25
loolStevenK: Not sure all mirrors can carry many more cd images12:25
ogralivefs builds will only hog arm machines12:25
ograwhoops, firefox crashed on me12:25
loologra: Precisely, but if the arm machines are slower, there might be a concern that building all images take 3 days (I'm exagerating of course)12:26
ograwell, if they are not rebuildign the whole archive they should be fine i assume12:26
loolLike if we need to reroll them like we had for the intrepid release12:26
ograwe should probably discuss and define a testphase at uds for this12:27
ograhelps also to get estimates for the normal images12:27
loolwhat do you mean with testphase?12:27
ograbuild additional images for one or two alphas and measure times and loads12:27
ograand the time we actually need to invest12:28
loolOh ok12:28
ograand make a decision based on these numbers12:28
loolIs this something we want an UDS session on?12:28
ograwe should discuss it there, not necessarily something we need to book a session for imho12:29
loolHmm ok12:29
ogra"dinner session"12:29
loolAh I have another unrelated topic12:29
loolJust a reminder that next week will be december12:30
ograit think if we decide to have it and need to make plans we can schedule a session ad hoc12:30
loolI think StevenK is the next secretary -- correct?12:30
loolStevenK: roger?12:30
ograi only have one set of ARs ahead :) phew ...12:30
* lool will go for February muahahah12:30
ogradecember will be mostly nothing12:30
loolStevenK: Do you copy?12:31
ograUDS ... christmas break12:31
loolI think we're losing StevenK12:31
StevenKI am?12:31
loolStevenK: I think so?  persia wanted January12:31
StevenKSounds right to me12:31
ograStevenK, take it, its the easiest month :)12:32
loolOkay I don't have anything to bring up today12:32
ograme neither12:32
loolLet's close at 13:3112:32
loolIt's a 1331 time12:32
ogragoing once12:32
ogragoing twice ...12:32
ogragong ... adjourned ...12:32
loologra: thanks for chairing12:33
MootBotMeeting finished at 06:33.12:33
ograbah that was 133312:33
StevenKI suspect no meeting next week, or the week after?12:33
* ogra is travelling12:33
loolLikely not indeed12:33
ogrado we all come to fosscamp ?12:34
loolStevenK: Problem is that while we'd have the time to, we're actually just before, just after, or in the middle of travel and also the times are crazy for west coast12:34
loolWe could move the irc meeting to friday and some decent local time?12:34
ogralets discuss with david at UDS :)12:34
ogranext week looks like we're all in the air anyway12:35
=== ubottu changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 02 Dec 21:00: Community Council | 02 Dec 23:00: Forum Council | 15 Dec 19:00: LoCo Council | 16 Dec 11:00: Community Council
KoonAnyone around for the Java team meeting ?14:00
KoonI guess not.14:06
KoonOK, let's call the Java meeting off, for lack of participants. Next meeting will be Thu, Dec 4, 1400 UTC.14:08
Koon(and happy Thanksgiving)14:09
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=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde

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