
=== sonicmctails is now known as NCommander
* abogani waves...07:55
aboganiSomeone know what is timeframe for 2.6.27-10.20? I would want rebase -rt on -generic kernel but i don know if do job against 2.6.27-9.19 or is better wait 2.6.27-10.20...07:56
smb_tpabogani, Hm, actually I thought 10.20 is already there...07:59
smb_tpabogani, Ah, -proposed08:00
aboganismb_tp: You are right but i meant in -updates08:00
smb_tpabogani, Normally this should happen soon, given no bigger problems arise...08:01
aboganismb_tp: Ok. Thank you.08:04
=== doko__ is now known as doko
gregdhi guys, I asked already some time ago about using kernel 2.6.28 in my intrepid ubuntu. And I got an answer I should wait for the build to be finished.09:50
gregdSo I presume, it is finished. What's the easiest way of getting the newer kernel for my ubuntu?09:51
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gregdhello. How can I make my ubuntu (intrepid) download (and install) the build of kernel 2.6.28?13:44
amitkgregd: i386 or amd64?13:53
gregdamitk: i38613:54
amitkgregd: download this deb and use dpkg -i <deb> to install: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/linux-image-2.6.28-1-ub-generic_2.6.28-1.1_i386.deb13:54
gregdamitk: and than just to edit my bootloader to add this new kernel?13:55
amitkgregd: installing the deb should take care of it. But you may cross-check /boot/grub/menu.lst13:56
amitkall this will ofcourse become automatic in the coming weeks13:56
gregdamitk: perfect! Thanks a lot. I'm gonna try this kernel out today!13:56
amitkgregd: please do report problems in launchpad :)13:58
gregdI will if I find something!13:58
Kanodid anybody successfully use nfs with 2.6.28?15:07
apwKano, not heard anything negative about NFS for it, you got problems with that kernel?15:30
Kanoyes, it does not work at all15:31
Kanodid you use it?15:31
apwunable to mount things?  panics all over the place?15:31
apwnot something i've had to use as yet no15:31
Kanothe nfs-kernel-server does not work15:31
apwis there a lp bug open yet?15:31
apwwhat does it say when it starts?15:32
Kanoi dont think that kernel is in the repository15:32
apwthis on intrepid?15:32
Kanonope, i do not use intrepid15:32
apwwe are just switching jaunty to a 2.6.28 based kernel, so if there is an NFS userspace interaction it may occur there too15:32
apwwhat base are you using?15:33
Kanoi tested it on lenny + etch (with latest backports of portmap+nfs-kernel-server)15:33
Kanoi compile the kernels from git with small config changes like static vesafb15:34
Kanoor enabled ath5k15:34
apwhmmm ... well i guess the first thing to check is for required version of the nfs userspace tools for the .28 kernel, that should be documented in Documentation/* somewhere15:35
Kanowell newer as the latest one is somehow stupid ;)15:35
Kanoanother thing, i found yesterday a missing firmware, today the next (both are for 2.6.27 too)15:37
Kanothis one is for dvb-t too15:38
Kanoextracted of course...15:38
gregdguys, I've just installed linux-image-2.6.28-1-ub-generic_2.6.28-1.1_i386.deb. Is it enough to migrate to this kernel, or should I install some modules as well?17:17
gregdactually it works well17:42
apwif you don't have any binary drivers that should be enough17:55
fransmangregd: The kernel modules are in the package 18:17

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