
semtidoraven_: when did the sound stop?00:00
georgy_28semtido, : so, then you bluetooth device is off00:00
raven_semtido some time while using vmware 6,500:00
DustinHow can I update my 星际译王00:00
raven_i have been using it for two days00:00
aes52 Hi does anyone have CTRL-ALT-PLUS working to change resolution?00:00
raven_and today i made a new XP vm00:00
raven_and the sound wasnt working00:00
semtidoraven_: any chance it has to do with volume?00:00
raven_so i was troubleshooting, and then realized my linux wasnt playing either00:00
semtidogeorgy_28: how can i turn it on?00:00
raven_so i rebooted and still fail00:00
Zzeisssnuitje: Oh, so it will keep around old kernel versions?  Good.  I had one distro that would only keep the last two kernel releases.  Mmighty annoying, that was.00:00
raven_and no, semtido, def. not volume in alsamixer, volume props, or the button00:00
snuitjeZzeiss: new versions of packages can have new conflicts, and new packages can have 'replaces' attributes that tell it to ditch old packages in favour of the new one00:00
benokaSimAtWork: linkspeed is at 108 Mbit00:01
snuitjeZzeiss: it'll definately keep old kernel versions00:01
Zzeisssnuitje: Ok.  That's excellent!00:01
semtidoraven_: try the folowing int the console: sudo pkill pulseaudio followed by sudo alsa force-reload00:01
georgy_28semtido : do you try with the keyboard ?00:01
a1lenHi. I'm having problems making an iso out of a bunch of .bin's and a .cue... I'm figuring that I need to combine the .bin's, but I can open them with nano or gedit; it tells me that the character encoding is unknown... does anyone know what I'd do?00:01
semtidogeorgy_28: yes, with fn-f800:01
alphahi all00:01
LovalangustaNeed to make an account for my MSN so i can chat with my friends through Pidgin. My friends use MSN  (windows version). I need server settings where can i find these? anybody know ?00:01
raven_no good. semtido00:02
raven_was already using alsa if im not mistaken00:02
semtidoLovalangusta: how about trying emesene? really good for that protocol00:03
hypyrboleWhat's the normal way of getting an operator to descend into sudirectories? I want to run [flac --picture=cover.jpg] but I need it to operate on all flacs in sub-dirs below [~/Music/flac/miles davis/the complete*]00:03
raven_due to pulseaudio phailing at life00:03
semtidoraven_: didnt that work?00:03
gnutronLovalangusta: google should find those settings for you00:03
semtidoraven_: hmm... that usually does the trick for me00:03
Lovalangustaallright I'll try it out ^00:03
snuitjeallen: cue/bin files allow multiple tracks on a disc and other cd stuff you can't do with an iso...00:03
georgy_28semtido : try  lsmod | grep bluetooth00:03
raven_it did00:04
semtidoraven_: :P00:04
raven_apparently my tests were bs00:04
semtidogeorgy_28: bluetooth              61924  6 rfcomm,bnep,sco,l2cap00:04
LovalangustaShould i search for MSN server settings or MSN protocol?00:04
semtidogeorgy_28: ?00:04
raven_sudo beep and echo y > /dev/audio and echo y | cat /dev/audio produce nothin00:04
LokianAnyone get Ubuntu operating on their compaq presario c700 after a ram upgrade?00:04
semtidoraven_: i really dont know much about that..00:05
mkerdLovalangusta, what server settings are you talking about?00:05
gnutronLovalangusta: start with pidgin +msn settings  ...maybe00:05
moLokian, you propably won't find anyone. give us more details about your problem00:05
snuitjeLokian: i presume you can't get it to boot? did you try booting from another media such as a bootable cd?00:05
georgy_28semtido : module is loaded, you have to find a way to turn your device on00:06
themiddlemananyone know if theres a way to take a screenshot of a window that is larger than the screen?  ive tried the take screenshot program and it only takes the screen size screenshot00:06
semtidogeorgy_28: any ideas?00:06
dmbis there a way to restart the pulseaudio server?00:06
Lokiansnuitje, ubuntu loads and stops at loading postgres, and forces me into a recovery shell00:06
semtidodmb: sudo pkill pulseaudio00:06
mkerdthemiddleman, does alt+print screen work?00:06
gnutronthemiddleman: try alt+print-screen00:06
snuitjeLokian: try running memtest86+00:06
ubuntu_How do i activate the graphics card drivers00:06
georgy_28semtido : depend on your laptop00:06
Lokianwill do i'll brb with more info. thanks all00:06
dmbsemtido, how do you start it after that?00:06
semtidodmb: mine works with sudo alsa force-reload00:07
themiddlemanmkerd, gnutron nope00:07
semtidogeorgy_28: its a toshiba laptop... satellite... the keys are fn+f800:07
themiddlemanmkerd, gnutron just conforms to the screen size00:07
gnutronthemiddleman: that makes sense, try resizing the window alt-f7 i think00:08
semtidognutron: alt+f7 wont resize it...00:08
gnutronthemiddleman: compiz messes up those hotkeys undergnome fyi00:09
themiddlemangnutron, thats the thing, i need a high res shot of a huge window00:09
themiddlemanpssh who uses compiz?00:09
semtidothemiddleman: me XD00:09
snuitjethemiddleman: you could increase the workspace size00:09
mkerdI set up openssh-server to use sftp, I've used DirectoryChroot so the user is locked in a folder for sftp. Now  I want to share files that are in another folder and I *think* that's what symlinks is for but from what I've googled that doesn't work with sftp. Do I have to copy the files to the sftp folder and use up double the disk space or is there a better way of solving this?00:09
snuitjethemiddleman: so you get a large virtual screen00:10
kebomixhello , how to hack wireless networks passwords under ubuntu ?00:10
themiddlemansnuitje, is that making gnomes screen bigger?  can i pan around that?00:10
semtidokebomix: i don't think that information is right for you XD00:10
SierradumpCan someone help a NEWB get my B43 WiFi working in 8.10!00:10
snuitje!ontopic | kebomix00:10
ubottukebomix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:10
SierradumpI am getting the message "  Firware file b43/ucode5.fw not found "00:10
mkerdkebomix, I think kismet does that00:11
SierradumpIt points me to a link to fix it but I am clueless with what to do!00:11
snuitjeSierradump: broadcom?00:11
mcphailmkerd: i doubt there would be a problem with symlinks. If so, use hard links instead00:11
georgy_28semtido, : install fnfxd -->  ACPI and hotkey daemon for Toshiba laptops and try again00:11
SierradumpSnuitje: Yes, broadcom00:11
gnutronthemiddleman: buy a huge monitor is the only fix that i can think of...00:11
snuitjeSierradump: you need the firmware from the winthing install cd00:11
snuitjeSierradump: i mean the broadcom install cd for winthing00:12
SierradumpCan you PM me?00:12
mkerdmcphail, well I tried pasting a symlink there and it didn't work for me. I'll read up on hardlinks. Thanks.00:12
snuitjeSierradump: nope00:12
themiddlemangnutron, yeah, i was thinking just get 2 dualhead video cards and 4 screens :P00:12
SierradumpOkay so I have a working XP machine with the driver (and I have the .exe driver itself)00:12
semtidogeorgy_28: great tip thanks00:12
Sierradumpwhat exactly do I do with this?00:12
georgy_28semtido  : np00:13
snuitjeSierradump: which ubuntu release?00:13
semtidogeorgy_28: i installed and now?00:13
Sierradump8.10 intrepid (64 bit)00:13
=== Colrol is now known as Rolcol
semtidogeorgy_28: i do fn+f8 and it does nothing00:13
georgy_28semtido, : try fn+f8 again, then hciconfig in a console00:13
semtidogeorgy_28: same result!00:14
hmw_lfsi accidently activated compiz, now i cant use gnome anymore. i killalled compiz, and now i see the desktop and the icons, but i cant get to the fusion-icon to disable compiz for the next restart. how can i set metacity?00:14
snuitjehelp.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to work here, anyone else gets that?00:14
SOURdieselhmw_lfs: fusion-icon > select window manager >00:15
hmw_lfsi can access help.ubuntu.com00:15
georgy_28semtido : sorry, don't have anoter solution Ask in the channel again, maybe someone else are smarter then me ;)00:15
hmw_lfsSOURdiesel - the icon isnt visible, due to the missing gnome panel00:15
hmw_lfsi can access help.ubuntu.com - snuitje00:16
snuitjehmw_lfs: thx00:16
SOURdieselhmw_lfs: system > prefs > ccsm00:16
hmw_lfsSOURdiesel - not funny, i have NO PANEL00:16
hmw_lfsSOURdiesel - probably no window manager at all, because i had to killall compiz!00:16
zsquarepluscmalibu: chgrp somegroup somefolder; chmod g+s somefolder;  maybe you need to create a "public" or similar group. the sticky bit on the folder will ensure that new files get the group of the parent folder00:16
snuitjeSierradump: im looking for the broadcom wireless drivers guide but i cant find it :P its out there on either the help site help.ubuntu.com the doc site doc.ubuntu.com or the wiki wiki.ubuntu.com good luck ^^00:17
gnutronSOURdiesel: i ran sour diesel in my $90,000.00 peterbilt once, it ran poorly ;p00:17
jackalhmw_lfs: if you can right click on your desktop, choose change background, then select visual effects tab, and choose None00:17
hmw_lfsjackal thanks that helped00:17
Sierradumpsnuitje:  can I post a link here in the chat? Its from linuxwireless forums - I am just having trouble understanding what it is asking me to do...00:17
devinhow would my secondary harddrive in menu.lst be listed?  (hd0,1?)00:18
qcjngnutron: still there ?00:18
gnutronqcjn: yo00:18
zsquarepluscdevin: hd1 -> 2nd disk  hd1,0 -> 1st partition on 2nd disk00:18
snuitjeSierradump: there's a ubuntu specific document as well, but sure you can post links here as long as they're relevant00:19
qcjngnutron: you talk to me about key, so i can connect when i open the computer00:19
zsquarepluscdevin: what you listes would be the second partition on the 1st drive00:19
SierradumpThat is the link in the DMESG output that it points me to...00:19
SierradumpIm just confused what I need to do?00:19
mrweser...broadcom cards...00:19
SierradumpDo I simply run the script at the beginning of the instructions?00:19
Sierradump(ya broadcom)00:19
mrwesSierradump, which version of Ubuntu are you running?00:20
DigBigAnyone using Monodevelop ?00:20
Sierradump8.10 intrepid00:20
snuitjeSierradump: sudo apt-get install bcm43xx-fwcutter00:20
gnutronqcjn: no, the key is for authentication to help prevent being hacked hi-jacked ssh session.00:20
qcjngnutron: cause when i start the computer i cant connect ssh, till i connect the user first00:20
snuitjeSierradump: then bcm43xx-fwcutter00:20
mrwesSierradump, goto system | hardware drivers...anything listed?00:20
snuitjeSierradump: then oops00:20
snuitjeSierradump: then sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh00:21
Sierradumpsnuitje - you mention bcm43xx-fwcutter00:21
snuitjeSierradump: it didn't copy :P00:21
Sierradumpwhat kernel am I using if I have 8.10 intrepid?00:21
snuitjeSierradump: yes, apt-get install it00:21
mrwesSierradump, please check system | hardware drivers before you install anything else00:21
gnutronqcjn: i'm afraid i don't follow you. you login to your local box, then... ssh to any remote box running an sshd deamon.00:21
devinzsquareplusc this is what mine looks like, but when i go to boot into windows i just get a blank screen http://pastebin.com/m79e39000:21
Sierradumpbecause the instructions list list b43-fwcutter v. 011 for linux 2.6.25 and newer00:22
gnutronqcjn: daemon. oops00:22
snuitjeSierradump: take mrwes' advice too =)00:22
Sierradumpokay so I am currently checking system | Hardware drivers...00:22
qcjngnutron: what i mean is that when you start a computer you gotta login as a user first00:22
mrwesSierradump, 8.10 has much better support for broadcom cards00:22
snuitjemrwes: doesnt that app use libnotify as well to tell the user it can download restricted drivers to enable certain hw support?00:23
gnutronqcjn: that is correct sir.00:23
zsquarepluscdevin:  the map commands swap primary and secondary drivers. but i'm not sure if the root command above appilies before or after the map :p00:23
qcjngnutron: when i start the ssh computer server, i cant reach it with ssh, cause the user hasnt benn opened yet00:23
gnutronqcjn: ifyou ssh to that box again, and it says host key failed or changed, beware.00:24
zsquarepluscqcjn: huh? you can only use ssh after a user logged in? this is not the normal way to run ssh00:24
rmitchellsierradump, how's it coming?00:24
SierradumpMrwes:  sorry but I can't find System | hardware drivers?00:24
SierradumpI click on system and I get preferences and administration?00:24
Sierradumpdo I look in there first?00:24
gnutronqcjn: te remote box needs to be running, thats all.00:24
rmitchellsierradump, administration00:24
forcumangSierradump => administration -> hardware00:25
mrweser...system | adminstration00:25
Sierradumpgot it00:25
devinzsquareplusc exactly where im confused, i had this issue before but im not sure what i put =/00:25
lazukars_How do you emulute the Mac OS on Ubuntu?00:25
snuitjemines called "restricted drivers"00:25
SierradumpSystem | Administration | Hardware Drivers00:25
=== LSD|Ninj1 is now known as LSD|Ninja
qcjngnutron: ok, i thought there'd be a way to connect before the user is connected, and you connect the user via ssh00:25
mrwesyah...that's it00:25
mkerdlazukars_, with VMWare I'm guessing00:26
zsquarepluscdevin: the hard way: reboot, press "e" in the grub menu, and edit that line to use root hd1,1. if that works edit menu.lst afterwards ;-)00:26
snuitjeand a hacked kernel00:26
devinill give it a go00:26
gnutronqcjn: the remote box starts the ssh server on boot, nobody needs to be logged in, check by typing 'w' or 'who' in the remote term. you'll see only yourself00:27
SierradumpI get a message that says "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system"  but it then lists 4 choices.  I have Broadcom B43 wireless driver, Nvidia accelerated graphics driver (v 173), broadcom STA wireless driver, and nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 177) [Reccomended]00:27
Tryfoni have accidently set the function keys on and there are permanently enabled how can i fix this?00:27
mrweshrmmm....turn on the STA driver00:27
the_dark_warrioI've changed my password with 'passwd', and when I logged in again, the Network Manager asked me a password and I had to use the last pass I had. Is this wanted?00:27
snuitjemrwes: what's the difference, b43 or sta?00:28
zsquarepluscgnutron, qcjn are you refering to using VNC only after a user logged in?00:28
rmitchellsierradump, looks like their avaliable, but not installed or enabled00:28
zsquarepluscthe_dark_warrio: change password in sys->prefs->personal..00:28
gnutronzsquareplusc: i was referring to ssh only.00:29
SierradumpOkay b43 = "License=free, Fwcutter is a tool which can extract firmware from various source files.  It's written for BCM43xx Driver Files""00:29
Tryfoni have accidently set the function keys on and there are permanently enabled how can i fix this?00:29
SierradumpBroadcom STA " License=Proprietary " and there is no description00:29
qcjngnutron: i'm talking about logging in, before a user is logged in..so i can do it via ssh..00:29
zsquarepluscgnutron: yes, you were :-) but i'm not sure about q cjn :-)00:29
mrwesSierradump, which card do you have?00:29
gnutronzsquareplusc: whats the value of z square plus the speed of light anyway? :)00:29
mrwesSierradump, type lspci in a terminal00:29
qcjngnutron: my remote computer, is only a computer...no keyboard, no screen00:30
Sierradumptyping lspci 1 sec00:30
Sierradump(where should I post output - I saw a message to someone earlier not to type it here_00:30
mrwesSierradump, it's at the bottom of the output00:30
zsquarepluscgnutron: its the formula to calculate the mandelbrot set :-)00:30
gnutronqcjn: thats a headless box, no problem.00:30
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:30
mrwesjust tell us....00:30
mrwes02:03.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 2200BG [Calexico2] Network Connection (rev 05)00:31
gnutronzsquareplusc: cool, fractals make chaos not chaos, way cool.00:31
SierradumpI have the "Broadcom BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)00:31
snuitjei guess b43 then -_-'00:31
LAquatique_Hi! I am setting up my vista machine to dual boot ubuntu. I shrunk my vista disk as much as I could, then ran my Linux boot cd, ran setup etc. The instructions that I read said that I should check "available space" for the partition to dual boot. However, when I checked that it never really verified that that was exactly what would happen, but it gave me lots of warnings about how partitions...00:31
mrwes yah :)00:31
Sierradump(thats really cool! shows me everything!!!)00:31
LAquatique_...will overwrite data. I just would like to be very clear- if I select "available space" for the partition during setup, none of my vista data will be overwritten, right?00:31
qcjngnutron: so, if i restart my computer, i can login from ssh, even if there is no user logged in " thats it "00:31
rmitchellsierradump, thats the command i told you about earlier00:32
mrwesSierradump, I'd reb00t too00:32
Tryfoni have accidently set the function keys on and there are permanently enabled how can i fix this?00:32
modoes the alternate installer install only00:32
gnutronqcjn: if sshd is running, then yes00:32
qcjngnutron: and i didn't understand nothing about "who"00:32
zsquarepluscmo, yes, it is no live cd00:32
rmitchellmo, the alt install does not have the livecd function00:32
SierradumpSo I should choose the B43 Wireless Driver ?  The description says it is FWCutter and license is Free.  The broadcom STA wireless driver says "proprietary"?00:32
SierradumpJust want to make sure I give you guys accurate information so I don't screw up the system!00:33
mothanks :)00:33
mrwesSierradump, you can try both -- one at a time to see which one works00:33
qcjngnutron: i don t know if it s sshd...what i ve started was ssh..sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start00:33
gnutronqcjn: who is a command to see who is logged in to that machine upon which the command is issued.00:33
mrwesSierradump, gotta get burned to learn :)00:33
SierradumpSo should I do the B43 first?00:33
Sierradump(or does it matter?)00:33
mrwestry the B4300:34
SierradumpOkay trying b43.00:34
snuitjeLAquatique_: it's manual, resize and use available space or use entire disk00:34
zsquarepluscqcjn: yep, ssh start but the process is named sshd, you can check what's running with "ps ax"00:34
mrwesqcjn, it's whois no spaces00:34
Sierradump(rmitchell: hey! ya I just tried the lspci; pretty cool!)00:34
shivI am not able to move panels? When I right click it says About Panels, and Help00:34
snuitjeshiv: did you unlock the panel?00:34
mozsquareplusc, rmitchell ... i hit enter before i wrote my question completly. thanks for those kind answers to such an stupid question :)00:34
qcjnmrwes: ok, im gonna try it right now00:34
LAquatique_snuitje: yes I was talking abotu the "use available space" option00:34
gnutronqcjn: the daemon should start on boot if installed, no login to desktop required if thats what you mean.00:35
Mr_Cool59can someone tell me why when i ture on visual effects i can not read any drop down menu from programs i install on ubuntu 8.1000:35
zsquarepluscshiv: the panels can be "fixed" is that checked in the rightclick menu?00:35
rmitchellmo, no problem, the alt install does other things in addition to just your basic install too00:35
gnutronMr_Cool59: compiz has it's caveats00:35
lazukars_What would be a good budget starter Mac.  One that will only be used to use Cocoa and other tools for makeing an iphone app.00:35
qcjngnutron: yes thats what i mean00:35
shivzsquareplusc: I do not get that on the right click00:36
Japsuhow do I disable dmix in intrepid?00:36
snuitjelazukars_: they sell the mac mini for that but this ain't the channel00:36
gnutronqcjn: youre locked and loaded now mate00:36
Japsuit's mixing my 44,1 kHz stuff in 48 kHz, that's simply stupid00:36
Japsu(m-audio delta 2496, ice1712)00:36
tater_can someone tell me a program to convert my dvd files that i burned onto the computer so i can make a backup copy of it00:36
mormitchell, i know.... :) my real question was which packages the alternate installer does install (only ubuntu-minimal & ubuntu-gnome) ... because my installation broke during tasksel00:36
rmitchell@ lazukars_: unless you're gonna throw ubuntu on it :)00:37
mrwestater_, converted to what? avi?00:37
Sierradumpmrwes:  Okay it now says "Broadcom B43 wireless driver is activated and currently in use"  should I try a reboot and check my DMESG ?00:37
mrwesSierradump, yah...00:37
gnutronqcjn: in a xterm type 'ps aux'  yu should see sshd running00:37
tater_right now its into vob.?00:37
qcjnmrwes: i don't see now result about user with whois00:37
lazukars_What would be a good budget starter Mac.  One that will only be used to use Cocoa and other tools for makeing an iphone app.00:37
lazukars_What would be a good budget starter Mac.  One that will only00:37
mrwestater_, try Avidemux00:37
lazukars_                   be used to use Cocoa and other tools for makeing an iphone00:37
lazukars_                   app.00:37
FloodBot2lazukars_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
lazukars_What would be a good budget starter Mac.  One that will only be used to use Cocoa and other tools for makeing an iphone app.00:37
qcjngnutron: ok ps aux00:38
shivzsquareplusc: I am just doing apt-get update and will restart and see if that has fixed anything00:38
Mr_Cool59what is that00:38
rmitchellsierradump, aren't there nvidia drivers too, might wanna get more for your power cycle00:38
mrwesqcjn, try typing users00:38
=== lazukars_ is now known as ryan01
ghindoHi, I am trying to dual boot with Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10, but now I can't boot into Ubuntu.  It's not even showing up in GRUB.  Help?00:39
gnutronqcjn: ps aux is rather large output, 'ps aux |less' will make it scrollable.00:39
mrwesqcjn, what exactly are you looking to find?00:39
zsquarepluscmo, ubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-server depending on what you want00:39
SierradumpLazukars:  Get the macbook pro; onsale now for $1700.  Not a desktop but good for what you want to do.00:39
snuitjehe left00:39
phorensicghindo did you try reinstalling grub? And is it only a dual boot or triple boot, how many partitions?00:39
Sierradumprmitchell:  Yup got 2 different proprietary drivers - don't know which ones I need though.  Will look at that after I get WiFi!00:39
mrwesqcjn, or type ps aux | grep <whateveryourlookingor>00:40
gnutronSierradump: that macbook pro is a beautiful machine imho.00:40
mozsquareplusc, and nothing more? such as dmcrypt packages or mdadm extra features00:40
exodus_msis it possible to run VirtualBox on a thin client?00:40
rmitchellsierradump, those graphics drivers?00:40
zsquarepluscmrwes: or grep  [w]hatever to make grep not find itself :-)00:40
ghindophorensic: No, I haven't tried reinstalling GRUB; how do I do that?  And it should be only two partitions, but this is my first time trying a dual boot.00:40
snuitjeoh hai00:40
Sierradumpgnutron:  I just got a macbook for a client of mine and MAN - I used to say mac sucks but that thing ran windows XP better in a virtual machine (using fusion) than ANY xp specific computer I have ever bought!00:41
qcjngnutron: i see sshd, but like tou said it was a long list00:41
digitalfyreum, guys where do I update my drivers in Ubuntu (latest release)00:41
Sierradumpand it wasn't even a macbook pro!00:41
digitalfyreI have MSI mobo, but I am not quite sure what to do to update the drivers00:41
Sierradumpit was the 1300 macbook.00:41
zsquarepluscmo, it may be more. but each of these two should drag in quite a lot of packages00:41
rmitchellmy macbook is currently running ubuntu, nice machine00:41
gnutronSierradump: it's a better box than any ms windows box, imo00:41
Sierradumpgnutron - I agree.00:41
SierradumpIt almost made me want to go out and buy one - but does anyone else see the prices they are charging as ridiculous for the hardware that comes inside?00:42
Tryfoni have accidently set the function keys on and there are permanently enabled how can i fix this?00:42
phorensicghindo, look that one up i don't wanna screw you over... do you know if you are using the same partition for swap space? I know one time My windows partition was screwed because I was trying to triple boot and I had too many partitions. Windows has to be a logical partition and somehow the 3rd OS i installed forced windows to become an extended partition rendering it useless00:42
SierradumpI mean that $1300 macbook had a 2.0ghz Core 2 Duo, with 2GB of DDR3...00:42
SierradumpJust didn't seem fair!00:42
snuitjedigitalfyre: you get your updates all in one place, it'll tell you when there are any00:42
qcjngnutron: ok, i m gonna try it..i m gonna restart my remote computer00:42
gnutronSierradump: itsa unix based OS, not to mention a 10,000 rpm scsi drive, they rule00:42
phorensic!grub ghindo00:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub ghindo00:42
LAquatique_snutije: sorry, maybe I typed your name wrong last time. Anyway, I just wanted to be sure that the "use available space" option would not delete my vista data00:42
mozsquareplusc, im just not sure if i should start installation again (from cd this time ... tried from usb stick ... horrible ...) or install all packages by hand00:42
rmitchellsierradump, i wish i could build a laptop as easy as i can throw together a desktop, but i digress...00:42
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:42
SierradumpNo the $1300 macbook had a 5400RPM sata drive.00:42
snuitjeLAquatique_: it's snuitje -_-00:43
mrwes!screen mrwes00:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screen mrwes00:43
zsquarepluscmo, you want a server or desktop?00:43
Tryfoni have accidently set the function keys on and there are permanently enabled how can i fix this?00:43
phorensicanyone installed virtualbox in ibex00:43
mozsquareplusc, desktop00:43
snuitjeTryfon: press the Fn key again?00:43
LAquatique_snuitje: Ah, sorry, I must have read it wrong. My apologies- was having trouble reading it.00:43
phorensicSorry. I am having freezing issues installing windows in virtualbox after i installed ibex00:44
gnutronSierradump: thx, i thought macs all used scsi drives.00:44
zsquarepluscTryfon: function keys? F1..F12? or do you mean the numlock key on the number pad00:44
snuitjeLAquatique_: thas ok, it's dutch00:44
Sierradumprmitchell: funny you should mention that - this laptop I just put 8.10 on is a crappy HP I got for free (the lady gave it ot me when she got the macbook )  I bought the TL-60 processor (2.0ghz AMD 64 X2 turion) and 2gig ram for $140 on ebay... SO $140 later I have a pretty decent machine to play with Ubuntu !!!00:44
mrwesSierradump, all my computer; desktops and laptops are dead machines from co-workers...hehe00:45
Sierradumpokay my dmesg is different now00:45
LAquatique_snuitje: ah, well I understand, people misspell my name all the time too. So, will "use available space" for sure not delete my data?00:45
gnutronqcjn: do you know the command00:45
mrwesSierradump, never paid a penny00:45
zsquarepluscmo, then installing ubuntu-desktop (or [kx]ubuntu-desktop) should give you what you need. if encryptin is still missing and you like to use it, install then afterwards. and.. you can laso restart "taskel" if you want.00:45
qcjngnutron: no00:45
Sierradumpmrwes: I know how that is! I just scored a p4 3.4 XTREME the other day - just had a bad HD... Guy says he wants a new machine now!00:45
gregbradyHi there, I have a 64 bit Wubi installed 8.10 installation here and I can't seem to play videos on youtube.  I'm not really sure what to install to solve this issue.00:45
rmitchellsierradump, decent specs, i need to get a few more gigs to cram in my macbook. Apple's hardware is just so pretty though...00:45
mrwesSierradump, does the network manager show up?00:45
gnutronqcjn: sudo shutdown -r now    -r = reboot   -h = halt00:46
snuitjegregbrady: did you install gnash?00:46
Sierradumpmrwes: where am I looking for the network manager?00:46
qcjngnutron: now i was stopping icecast2 & mpd...00:46
Sierradumpup right corner?00:46
mozsquareplusc, well, yes i think that should do the job... and is less work. thank you ..00:46
Sierradumpdmesg posts lots of WLAN0: messages00:46
gregbradysnuitje: I installed some flash equivalent.  how do I check?00:46
snuitjeLAquatique_: i think so but i broke my browser, so i cant find references00:46
qcjngnutron: ok00:46
Sierradumpmrwes:  gonna see if I can use pastebin to give you this dmesg00:46
snuitjeLAquatique_: theres an install guide online though, google 'installing ubuntu' and you'll find it00:46
mrwesSierradump, upper right hand corner; anything with blue bars showing?00:47
wartalkerjack__: /join ubuntu-cn00:47
LAquatique_snuitje: oh, okay. Sorry if I was seeming impatient. The idea of losing my data stresses me out. I will go read the install guide. Thanks so much for your help00:47
zsquarepluscmo, you also use apt-get. as the package has a lot of dependencies, it will show these and ask you for permission anyway.00:47
Mr_Cool59can someone tell me why when i ture on visual effects i can not read any drop down menu from programs i install on ubuntu 8.1000:47
ghindophorensic: I'm not entirely sure GRUB is the issue - it looks like the paged linke by ubottu refers to botched Windows installs.  I'm not sure if the same applies to Linux installs.00:47
qcjngnutron: time expected00:47
wartalkerjack__: /join #ubuntu-cn00:47
gregbradysnuitje: I checked via synaptic and yes, I installed gnash00:47
snuitjeLAquatique_: no worries, before the installer does anything, it'll tell you what's its going to do00:48
snuitjeLAquatique_: so better check that00:48
gnutronqcjn: sudo shutdown -r now  <-- you must type 'now' or specify a time.00:48
LAquatique_snuitje: yes it seemed to imply that data might be erased so i chickened out00:48
NotADJHey, is http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3174/3034935516_1fd3a41756_b.jpg an HD error, or an FS error.00:48
phorensicghindo: Reinstalling Grub will make grub rescan the drive for OS's on each partition and then recreate the menu00:48
mozsquareplusc, kk, i'll try all that00:48
qcjngnutron: ok00:48
Sierradumpmrwes:   http://paste.ubuntu.com/77575/00:48
snuitjeLAquatique_: if it says 'remove partition #1' or so, then yeah, go back and change it00:49
gnutronqcjn: linux rox dont it tho'00:49
LAquatique_snuitje: so it should not be removing any partitions?00:49
phorensicghindo: If possible, backup any necessary files, then reinstall grub00:49
snuitjeLAquatique_: not in the common resize-windows-and-install-behind-it scenario, no00:49
Sierradumpmrwes:  nothing in top right corner with blue bars, but I have a network cable in the machine? Do i need to unplug that before it switches to WiFi?  I DID NOTICE THAT THE BLUE LIGHT ON FRONT OF LAPTOP CAME ON!  (was previously orange before using the B43 proprietary drivers!)00:50
ghindophorensic: I fortunately backed everything up before installing Fedora, but I'll check out reinstalling GRUB.  Thanks for the help!00:50
qcjngnutron: yes it does..more i find out about it ...the more i like it00:50
gnutronqcjn: me too00:50
LAquatique_snuitje: okay, I see that according to the guide you mentioned I was doing it wrong00:50
LAquatique_I'm extremely glad I chickened  out00:50
rmitchellsierradump, that light is a good sign, do you see an icon in the tray, i think it looks kinda like a cat5 port.. lightish square?00:50
snuitjeLAquatique_: ok, when you're in the live cd btw, clicking system > help and support will get you the manual as well00:51
mrwesSierradump, yah try that...reboot without using the cat cable plugged in00:51
qcjngnutron: i'm hearing it shutting down..when i learned about mpd, i loved it & theres more to come00:51
Sierradumprmitchell: negative but I have a cat5 cable plugged in.00:51
SierradumpGoing to unplug it and see what happens...00:51
LAquatique_snuitje: great00:51
rmitchellsierradump, i think the reboot is not needed00:51
zsquarepluscLAquatique_: backups are a neat thing. it gives you confidence that your errors are not the last thing you do ;-)00:51
mrwesSierradump, the putput of dmesg assigned a MAC address to the wifi card00:51
Sierradumpwell I unplugged the cat5 and I got a "disconnected ethernet cable" popup00:51
LAquatique_snuitje: I think I can figure it out from here. I need to backup my main files too so that there's no chance of something bad happened00:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zsquareplusc++00:51
SierradumpMrwes:  is a reboot required to get a connection going?00:52
zsquarepluscsnuitje: no, no c++, use python instead :-)00:52
mrwesSierradump, I would00:52
rmitchellsierradump, there should be a tray icon, if NetworkManager is running00:52
snuitjezsquareplusc: and on python it's zsquareplusc += 1?00:52
pastr1hi again00:52
qcjngnutron: No route to host00:52
mortal1does anyone here have a good estimate as to how long it would take to turn a avi into an mpg on a 2.16 dual core?00:52
rmitchellthe drivers in place, a reboot is unnessesary i think, i switch between wired and wireless on the fly00:52
kavok2Well I've got a kubuntu question but it won't let me into #kubuntu. Im trying to install the proprietary nvidia driver on my laptop (Kubuntu) under the Hardware Drivers tool. But when I click activate it says downloading for about a second and then nothing happens.00:52
snuitjeLAquatique_: allright, have fun and take care :)00:53
gnutronqcjn: just dont forget the -r flag or it will not come back up, kind of a nuisance if the box is miles away.00:53
SierradumpMrwes / Rmitchell:  I have 2 computers in tray with a red ! - i suspect that is for the cat5 cable... don't see anything for wifi?00:53
LAquatique_snuitje: thanks- happy holidays and such00:53
SierradumpHate to think I need to reboot each time I want to use wifi!00:53
rmitchellsierradump, click that icon and see what comes up00:53
donaldoHello one that you set the subwoofer's laptop in ubuntu?00:53
Sierradumpbut I will try a reboot (rebooting now)00:53
qcjngnutron: i have put the -r00:53
zsquarepluscSierradump: is it a red, down arrow? thats the notice for security updtaes00:53
SierradumpWOW - clicked the icon and I see wifi!00:53
rmitchellsierradump, if you can see the wifi, you're in business00:54
Sierradumpthose 2 computers with the red ! show "WIRED NETWORKS" and "WIRELESS NETWORKS"!00:54
Sierradumpgonna see if I can get on WiFi!00:54
Sierradump(this is kind of fun! hahah)00:54
gregbradysnuitje: any other ways to enable video in youtube?00:54
pastr1snuitje its me again. i tried it again .  same thing...  i wrote it down here http://paste.ubuntu.com/77578/00:54
qcjngnutron: but now it says No route to host00:54
mrwesyah...wireless is always fun in Ubunut00:54
gnutronqcjn: be aware, if it gets its address via DHCP it's address could change, then use nmap to find it.00:54
mrweser Ubuntu00:54
Sierradumpgot 4 blue bars now!00:54
snuitjegregbrady: select gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad and gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly00:54
Sierradumplooks like its working!00:55
mrwesthere ya go!00:55
Sierradumpthis is cool...00:55
snuitjegregbrady: in synapic, that'll install the codecs00:55
rmitchellsierradump, sweet, guess thats the driver you needed :)00:55
mrweshigh fives Sierradump00:55
donaldoone has run the subwoofers in the toshiba x205 ubuntu?00:55
Sierradumpso I should ignore the Broadcom STA driver?00:55
snuitjegregbrady: you might also need gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg00:55
SierradumpCould that Broadcom STA driver possibly be for something like the built-in modem?00:55
Sierradump(not that I care about the modem - but hate not installing all drivers for hardware!)00:56
gregbradysnuitje: already installed00:56
gnutronqcjn: give it a little time, hopefully00:56
kavok2Does anyone know any other web based clients besides mibbit that won't trigger the proxy thing for the #kubuntu room? :[00:56
rmitchellsierradump, unless you use the modem, i'd leave it uninstalled, no need to clutter, if you find you need it later, its always there00:56
dreamygood nigth all00:56
mrwesSierradump, you might want to activate the nvidia driver now00:56
snuitjehmm try this page... just a sec00:56
snuitje!codecs | gregbrady00:56
ubottugregbrady: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:56
NininaWhat is a good partion size for Ubuntu and how much of that should be root and how much home and are there any other parts that should be different partions?00:57
gregbradysnuitje: that's how I got here00:57
microlithdoes anyone know why in 8.10, the only entry in /etc/network/interfaces is the loopback?00:57
qcjngnutron: nmap & ping don,t work (ping  & nmap
snuitjegregbrady: lol -_-'00:57
mrwes!scotch | mrwes00:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scotch00:57
Sierradumpmrwes:  so I have 2 listings for the nvidia driver...00:57
zsquareplusckavok2: why use a web service? there are so many IRC programs, there is even one by default on your ubuntu00:57
qcjngnutron: both don t work00:57
SierradumpHow do I know which one to use!00:57
qcjngnutron: host unreachable00:57
rmitchellsierradump, what are they?00:57
snuitjegregbrady: try this: paste the youtube url on http://www.keepvid.com/ download the mp4 and try to play it00:57
SierradumpI suppose I should use the one with the [reccomended] label next to it?00:57
kavok2zsquareplusc: My ubuntu isn't working, which is why im on a XP machine. ;]00:58
rmitchellsierradump, i'd use the recommened one, its the one i use, 177 i think00:58
georgy_28qcjn : install nast and do nast -m, you will see your entire network00:58
zsquareplusckavok2: firefox? there would be chatzilla add on00:58
SierradumpYUP 177 is the reccomended, and the other is 17300:58
gregbradysnuitje: too much work for regular use.  Neat link though!00:58
pastr1can someone take a look at :  http://paste.ubuntu.com/77578/00:58
qcjngnutron: sudo apt-get install nast00:58
snuitjegregbrady: yeah, i do that all the time when i don't feel like installing gnash or flash00:58
mrwesSierradump, are you going to use compiz -- desktop effects?00:58
kavok2zsquareplusc: Why install a addin or application for something I'll end up using maybe once or twice a year from this particular computer?00:58
rmitchellsierradump, i think the 173 is an older driver, try the 177 and if it doesn't work, use the other one00:58
snuitjegregbrady: kindof sucks but better then nothing00:58
Sierradumpmrwes:  not sure what that is!  I would like to play with all the cool stuff! this is really fun!00:59
gregbradysnuitje: no worries, I have XP in another partition.  It will work00:59
Sierradumpokay, activating 177...00:59
kavok2Kubuntu won't let me install the Nvidia 177 driver00:59
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion00:59
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
snuitjegregbrady: you shouldn't need to keep xp just for youtube ;)00:59
mrwes!single malt | mrwes00:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about single malt00:59
gregbradysnuitje: I agree, but alas it is all that works00:59
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.00:59
mrweswill behave01:00
Sierradumpmrwes / rmitchell:  quick question before I do activate nvidia 177 driver --- I saw recently that h.264 hardware accelleration is supported with the 190 version?  My built in graphics card probably doesn't support that - but should I use the newest or the reccomended?01:00
mrwesSierradump, I'd use the recommended01:00
rmitchellsierradump, go with the recommened01:00
rmitchellat least to start with01:00
qcjngnutnast -m ...you must be root, sorry....sudo nast -m..error getting ip source01:01
Sierradumpokay activating 17701:01
gnutronqcjn: hrm try nmap -v -sP
snuitjesomeone needs to fix obottu on compiz, it still mentions xgl01:01
georgy_28qcjn : sudo nast ethX -m01:01
snuitjeaiglx has been in use for quite some time now right?01:01
rmitchellsierradump, i don't think that requires a reboot, you may have to restart x (ctl+alt+backspace)01:01
Sierradump* so I am at work (I know its thanksgiving) but I get to go home here in 20minutes!  When I get home I want to get back in this channel using my new laptop!  What is the IRC chat program of choice!01:01
ubottuThe women and men of the Ubuntu women project hang out in #ubuntu-women. Encouraging women to use linux? Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ for some suggestions compiled by women who use Linux on how to do so effectively.01:01
gregbradysnuitje: I remember having to disable xgl drivers to get my compiz working01:01
snuitjexgl 'drivers'? xgl is just another x server01:02
mpeeSierradump: xchat01:02
zsquarepluscsnuitje: use "/msg ubottu fact is description" to make sugegstions01:02
gregbradysnuitje: I see there is a Flash driver but it involves ndiswrapper and I'll be it screws up my wireless drivers01:02
mrwesSierradump, xchat01:02
Sierradumpcan I just do an apt-get xchat?01:02
snuitjegregbrady: flash, ndis??? wth?01:02
ghindoHi, I am trying to dual boot with Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10, but now I can't boot into Ubuntu.  Ubuntu isn't even showing up in GRUB.  Help?01:02
Sierradump(using mIRC here at work right now)01:02
mrwesSierradump, sudo apt-get install xchat01:02
mpeeSierradump: it will probably be installed already, under Internet01:03
zsquarepluscghindo: installed FC after ubuntu=01:03
gregbradysnuitje: I looked in synaptic and there is a Flash player there, but it wants to install ndiswrapper as well01:03
mrwesxchat is not installed by default01:03
mrwesI think.01:03
mpeethat's a bug01:03
snuitjegregbrady: what's the package called?01:03
ghindozsquareplusc: Yes, I installed Fedora after Ubuntu.01:03
gregbradysnuitje: flashplugin-nonfree01:03
rmitchellsierradump, you can use pidign, which is installed by default, if you don't mind using a messanger for irc01:03
zsquarepluscghindo: it's probably just missing from /boot/grub/menu.lst you have to make a file that contains the entries of both of your installs.01:04
qcjngnutron: all appears to be down01:04
snuitjegregbrady: that shouldn't depend on ndiswrapper, maybe it's just trying to upgrade01:04
mrwesSierradump, use xchat :)01:04
iclebyteis there anyway I can break out to a shell during the partitioning stage of the ubuntu-server 8.04 installer? I want to check if mkfs.ext3 is still running but ALT+F2 just changes the background colour =)01:04
ghindozsquareplusc: How do I do that?01:04
mrwes!xchat | Sierradump01:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xchat01:04
gregbradysnuitje: hmm, risky?01:04
zsquareplusciclebyte: tried F1 too?01:04
snuitjegregbrady: btw, adobe released a 64-bit flash player for linux, the first 64-bit flash player from adobe01:04
rmitchellsierradump: xchat.org01:04
mrweshe must be hidin' the screen from the boss01:04
sorosI notice that unbuntu carries f-spot with the default install... is that safe considering that novell/miguel are conspiraters with microsoft ?01:05
gnutronqcjn: not good, i dont suppose you can ping either right?01:05
gregbradysnuitje: yeah....beta stuff, right?01:05
snuitjegregbrady: installing ndiswrapper ain't risky, installing ndis drivers for windows is01:05
qcjngeorgy_28: error getting ip source01:05
iclebytezsquareplusc: F1 and F2 just inverse the colours on the screen.. =(01:05
snuitjegregbrady: yes, but at least they get their priorities right once ;)01:05
gregbradysnuitje: ok, let me see what it does.01:05
zsquarepluscghindo: so you get into FC right now. i guess they also have a /boot/grub/menu.lst  you could open that file with an editor and copy the files from the ubuntu (you can probably mount the ubuntu partition easily in FC?)01:05
pastr1can someone help a noob out? http://paste.ubuntu.com/77578/01:06
georgy_28qjcn ethX mean your lan device can be eth0 or eth1 ....01:06
Sierradumpmrwess / rmitchell:  hmmm --- I clicked activate next to the 177 driver and it popped up asked me for my PW and then says "downloading and installing driver"  but it has been hung here at 0% for about 3 or 4 minutes now?  Is the 177 a large package? Should I at least see it downloading by now???01:06
qcjngnutron: could it be that sshd doesn t start on boot01:06
zsquareplusciclebyte: hm, i remeber seeing a console. but maybe you need to press enter to start a prompt01:06
mpeesoros: don't be troll01:06
iclebytezsquareplusc: i'm already in the installer though.. this is a nightmare01:06
SierradumpNo im not hiding i've been here all day alone :(  gonna get some turkey soon though!  Im having to walk back/forth to the workbench where I got the laptop...01:07
gnutronqcjn: it's possible, but you should be able to ping it or try vnc01:07
mrwesSierradump, did you turn on third party software resources?01:07
snuitjepastr1: if you can try to debug things btw, you can file a bug report, but you'd have to provide some details otherwise it'll be marked incomplete or invalid01:07
Sierradumpmrwes:  did not turn it on -- the download window just disappeared never made it past 0%01:07
mrwesSierradump, System | Adminstration | Software Sources01:07
SierradumpWhere is 3rd party software resources?01:08
pastr1snuitje is filing a bug report complicated?01:08
snuitjepastr1: no, but you'll need a launchpad account01:08
Jarocksdoes anyone know if its possible to get garrysmod to run on ubuntu01:08
gregbradysnuitje: ok, no change, black window01:08
snuitjegregbrady: in totem?01:08
gnutronqcjn: i've never had to start ssh manually once installed. maybe its doing a scheduled fsck01:08
qcjngnutron: unable to connect to host...but vnc needs a user01:09
microlithalternate question, I plugged in a usb wifi adaptor and it functions normally. However, upon rebooting the system the adaptor does not associate with the access point until I log in via the gui.01:09
microlithany ideas?01:09
gregbradysnuitje: no, with the flash nonfree driver01:09
Sierradumpmrwes:  on the "ubuntu software" tab I have the "proprietary drivers for devices (restricted)" option checked?01:09
snuitjegregbrady: oh, from adobe.com or through the package?01:09
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:09
Sierradumpmrwes:  do I need to turn on both of the options under the "third party software" tab?01:09
gregbradysnuitje: synaptic01:09
mpeemicrolith: that's normal01:09
mrwesand then reload01:09
qcjngnutron: be back...i ll unplug my screen & keyboard to plug it to this computer01:10
gnutronqcjn: if it didntstart, you would get conection refused01:10
snuitjegregbrady: it isn't neccesarily using the adobe plugin yet, since you can install multiple versions and theres a link in /etc/alternatives that decides which one is used iirc01:10
woscan anyone tell me why when i type su and enter my password its not giving me permissions?01:10
mpeewos, because su requires the root password01:10
SierradumpHow do I disconnect from a wireless network????01:10
microlithmpee: I'd hardly consider it "normal" for a network adaptor to not be functional until login...01:10
zsquarepluscwos: beacuse root is disabled. use sudo01:10
snuitjegregbrady: like /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplugin.so iirc01:10
SierradumpI plugged the ethernet cable back in and now I am connected to BOTH!01:10
jontechey, I am having problems with my rubygems installation... the latest version in the repository (1.2.0) is now out of date for rails... and the repository version locks out the rubygems auto-update (it says we're supposed to use apt-get)... who should I report this to... to get it updated in the repo?01:10
mrwessu is for loggin in as r00t01:10
mpeemicrolith: that's how network-manager works, the config is tied to your login01:10
TokenBadcan anyone help me get ubuntu working right..after installed 8.10 and then install video drivers..I can't get X to start...01:10
gnutronwos: the root acct. is disabled, su wont work.01:10
snuitjegregbrady: i have neither installed atm :p01:10
zsquarepluscwos: su asks for root pass, sudo for user pass.01:11
woswhat is the root password?01:11
microlithmpee: is there any way, short of installing server then loading ubuntu-desktop, that I can fix that?01:11
Spage1When using Pidgin to login here it insist to start a chanserv session too. How can I get rid of that (automatic)01:11
usser!root > wos01:11
ubottuwos, please see my private message01:11
gregbradysnuitje: so frustrating01:11
zsquarepluscwos: there is none01:11
phorensic1no root psswd by default01:11
gnutronwos: root has no pass01:11
mpeemicrolith: I think there is, but I'm not sure how it works01:11
Sierradump*ahh I guess I can just turn the WiFi switch off on the laptop! haha that did the trick!01:12
shivzsquareplusc: Finally figured it out. In the gconf-editor I went to /apps/panel/global and locked down was clicked01:12
mrwesyah Fn + F201:12
woszsquareplusc, is that a security vulnerability?01:12
wosgnutron, too01:12
pastr1snuitje mmmh ok i think i will do that. i was looking for an easy way to get a look into linux... maybe i will try that other program you suggested some time ago01:12
zsquarepluscwos: what? that root isnt enabled? thats a protection01:12
gnutronwos: thats the reasoning behind it, yes.01:12
snuitjegregbrady: galternatives can change the default plugin, or remove mozilla-plugin-gnash so it'll try to update the alternatives and "fall back" to adobe flash01:12
ConstantineXVIif you write something in /tmp, how long does it stick around?01:13
snuitjegregbrady: open about:plugins in firefox to see which one is loaded atm01:13
zsquarepluscConstantineXVI: untile next reboot01:13
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots01:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roaches01:13
meyou_anyone played warcraft iii in ubuntu?01:13
wosshouldnt i enable a root password for more protection?01:13
snuitjepastr1: another easy way is to run a virtual machine01:14
edc174i'm getting an error with nautilus01:14
mrweswos: root account is diabled by default in ubuntu01:14
zsquarepluscwos: NO. the account is disabled. it cant be used to log in now01:14
mrwesNO NO01:14
gnutronwos: not recommended01:14
wosok thank yyou01:14
mrweswos: you want to run as r00t, run Puppy Linux01:14
snuitjewos: giving root a password can't "protect" you by any means01:14
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snuitjeor lindows :P01:15
pastr1snuitje ok i will google that01:15
gregbradysnuitje: Shockwave Flash Gnash is disabled01:15
gnutronwos: it can be enabled, but i'll get yelled at if i tell you.01:15
gregbradysnuitje: Shockwave Flash 10.0 r12 is enabled01:15
Sierradumpalright guys thanks for the help - going home, eating turkey, and will be back in here in a little bit!01:15
mrwesSierradump, l8r01:15
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snuitjepastr1: www.vmware.com has vmware player, you can get pre-made ubuntu vms as well from their site01:15
mrwesBitch X is still around?01:16
snuitjegregbrady: allright so what does about:plugins say?01:16
snuitjegregbrady: (hidden firefox page)01:16
edc174when trying to open "Computer" in nautilus, i get an error saying that "Nautilus cannot handle 'computer' locations"01:16
gnutronmrwes: yes it is, but irssi is better.01:16
gregbradysnuitje: not seeing it01:16
pastr1snuitje thanks01:17
mrwesgnutron, I remember running plain old ircii :)01:17
mrwesfrom the term01:17
gregbradysnuitje: never ming01:17
gnutronmrwes: i started with ole' ircII01:17
wookienzhi, i have the folliwng process running - /usr/sbin/courierlogger -pid=/var/run/courier/imapd-ssl.pid -start -name=imapd-ssl /usr/sbin/couriertcpd -address=0 -maxprocs=40 -maxperip=20 -nodnslookup -noidentlookup 993 /usr/bin/couriertls -server -tcpd /usr/lib/courier/courier/imaplogin /usr/bin/imapd Maildir - i dont use any amil or imap on this svere, safe to remove?01:17
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gregbradysnuitje: application/x-shockwave-flash enabled01:18
snuitjesure, remove them with aptitude01:18
microlithwhere does 8.10 store the X server config? xorg.conf is... empty01:18
snuitjeor apt-get01:18
mrwesquestion: Does Ubuntu desktop actually "log" into ubuntu server?01:18
snuitjemrwes: it can01:19
ncfi1013_what is the key combination that is for killing apps that are open01:19
snuitjemrwes: depends on how pam is configured01:19
mrwes8.10 doesn' t use xorg.conf01:19
microlithmrwes: so I noticed01:19
mrwessnuitje, pam?01:19
zsquarepluscmrwes: yre you asking how the X window system works?01:19
gnutronncfi1013_:  alt-f401:19
snuitjemrwes: pluggable authentication modules, been with linux since about 2.4 or so01:19
ncfi1013_thank you gnutron01:19
microlithas it stands, if I don't have a monitor connected, the display comes up as 800x600 and cannot be changed01:19
gnutronncfi1013_: anytime01:20
microlithwhich makes vnc less than useful01:20
mrwessnuitje, Ahh...cuz I have two laptops and one desktop, was thinking about making the desktop Ubuntu Server01:20
zsquarepluscmicrolith: then why not use vncserver? (separate screen)01:20
gnutronmrwes: desktop and server are two different animals01:20
mrwesheadless eventually01:20
woshow do you create a directory in terminal anyone01:20
mrwesgnutron, yah I know that01:21
gnutronwos: mkdir01:21
zsquarepluscgnutron: they are? nah..01:21
snuitjeallright, you want a directory server? i can recommand running a domain server first, and if you like a dhcp server01:21
wosis there a faster way to find out these commands01:21
microlithzsquareplusc: I get an annoying disassociation between the desktop I set up, and what I get via vnc (widget theme is different, window colors are different)01:21
mrwesbasically for a file server01:21
qcjngnutron: ok, when i went to the remote computer, ti was a black screen, so i've restarted it..Then i tryed to connect without connecting my user in he remote..didn't work..then connected the user..& it worked01:21
gnutronzsquareplusc: technically arent they?01:21
ncfi1013_gnutron well i guess what i was talking about was the window that shows all the processes that are open and that gives you the option to kill the process01:21
wosthanks gnutron !01:21
jontecwhere should I go to report a critically out of date package? Do I post this as a bug?01:22
zsquarepluscgnutron: one installs ubuntu-server the other ubuntu-desktop. bot come from the same package repositories and you can mix if you want01:22
mrwesncfi1013_, top ?01:22
gnutronncfi1013_: try 'top' in a xterm and read the options01:22
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gnutronzsquareplusc: i see.01:22
Mooc1can someone help me with evolution01:22
zsquarepluscgnutron: professional server operators of course dont recoment to "work" on the server as user. so there is no point for a gnome desktop there. but for a home user its ok01:22
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ncfi1013_gnutron, umm...i don't know what 'top' is01:23
zsquarepluscmicrolith: with the shared desktop or with a separate "vncserver"?01:23
gregbradysnuitje: definately a 64 bit driver problem.  I tried a 32 bit version on another machine and all works01:23
gnutronncfi1013_: top is a curses program which lists running processes01:24
mrwesIs Ubuntu Server overkill just for a filer server?01:24
mrweser file01:24
snuitjegregbrady: strange though, the gstreamer codecs should work on 64 bits arch too01:24
zsquarepluscncfi1013_: system monitor is the grpahical one, top or htop are console applications for the same purpose01:24
microlithzsquareplusc: seperate vnc server, the shared desktop looks like I expect01:24
gregbradysnuitje: apparently not here.01:24
snuitjegregbrady: and the adobe beta plugin should work as well01:24
zsquarepluscmicrolith: and you start gnome-session in the vncserver?01:24
qcjngnutron: when it worked..my motd wasn't there, so i has to remake it01:24
ncfi1013_how do you access 'top'?01:24
gregbradysnuitje: I'll give that a shot as a last resort01:24
microlithzsquareplusc: yup01:24
Mooc1Can someone help me out with evolution01:25
snuitjegregbrady: maybe there's a but about it on launchpad, launchpad.net/ubuntu/bugs iirc01:25
mrwesncfi1013_, hit Ctrl + F1 then type top01:25
gregbradysnuitje: then wipe and wait for the next rev.01:25
snuitjegregbrady: or install ubuntu 32bit01:25
zsquarepluscmicrolith: 8.04? i have seen gnome-settinges-daemon die there, which made gnome fallback to default (builtin) theme01:25
gnutronncfi1013_: you can ps aux  locate the program, and its PID number and type kill PID  where pid is a number.01:25
gregbradysnuitje: nah, this is a laptop....happy with the xp install.  Wubi just looked like a smooth easy install method01:26
microlithzsquareplusc: 8.10, but gnome-settings-daemon is dying01:26
microlithI think it's not finding an extension it wants in the x server01:26
snuitjegregbrady: allright01:26
gnutronqcjn: the motd should create itself. also, a headless box may need a bios tweak to start with no keyboard01:26
gregbradysnuitje: but I'll give the adobe driver a try first01:26
snuitjegregbrady: usually they ship xp with a giant steaming pile of crapware though :P01:26
zsquarepluscmicrolith: oh i was hoping that its fixed now.01:27
gregbradysnuitje: I cleaned this machine.01:27
gregbradysnuitje: it's actually not bad, just dated01:27
gnutronncfi1013_: open a terminal and type 'top'  or 'htop'01:27
dr_willisI had issues w3ith a headless box.. :) one disk failed the fsck. and printed a message for me to  hit ctrl-c to continue, or somthing like that.. of course with no head.. i never saw the message01:27
microlithzsquareplusc: well poo, low priority issue for me though01:27
ardchoilleIs there an app that lets you use one gtk theme for one app and another gtk theme for another app?01:28
gregbradysnuitje: and I just love Ubuntu on my desktops01:28
Mooc1anyone really fluent with evolution?01:28
dr_willisardchoille,   Not that i have ever seen.. the windowmanager sawfish lets you sort of do that however..01:28
snuitjegregbrady: i use it everywhere, desktop, server and laptop =)01:28
zsquarepluscmicrolith: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/19924501:28
gregbradysnuitje: Yup, me too, just not laptop.  Too many fights with the Broadcom01:28
ardchoilledr_willis: I was thinking this might not be within the capabilities of gnome. I'll check out sawfish, thanks01:28
reidanyone here use an Atheros 242x or AR5007 wireless card, and Hardy AMD64?01:28
dasdsahi, my ubuntu just stopped working.. i can boot and everything seems fine, but when the graphical interface is supposed to show up i just get a black screen.. no reason why this happens, was working OK 'til yesterday01:28
dasdsaany ideas?01:29
snuitjegregbrady: atheros here :)01:29
reidis it working for you?  =P01:29
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dr_willisardchoille,  it would be more of a 'metacity' feature.. and you could replace metacity with sawfish01:29
reidit worked for about 20 minutes after I set it up, and then it crapped out01:29
qcjngnutron: what is a headless box..with no keyboard or mouse ?01:29
reidI can still scan, and I see networks01:29
woscan anyone tell me how to move a file?01:29
wosin terminal01:29
gregbradysnuitje: every update....ATI, and Wireless trouble.01:29
reidbut when I try to connect, networkmanager doesn't light up either light01:29
zsquarepluscwos: rm01:29
dr_williswos,  the mv command...01:29
ardchoilledr_willis: hmm.. not sure that will work here, I have compiz and g-w-d running beautifully and I don't think sawfish does compositing01:29
snuitjedr_willis: isnt that the sort of thing that can be tweaked with .gtkrc?01:30
dr_willisardchoille,  correct it does not.01:30
wos you01:30
zsquarepluscwos: oh sorry. i read re-move.. its just mv tehn01:30
cdavazI am running 8.10 on a Lenovo SL500. Why is my wireless not working?01:30
gnutronqcjn: no keyboard or monitor if i recall correctly01:30
Mooc1I cannot send a message through evolution?01:30
sebsebsebMooc1:  evolution sure it's the default in Ubuntu,  but  Mozilla Thunderbird  is  probably much nicer01:30
forcumangthats awesome, the developer of pidgin couldn't help me so he just stopped talking, haha01:30
reidbecause u have an atheros card cdavaz =P01:30
dr_willissnuitje,  getting differnt windows to use different themes.. would have to be   dependent on the window manager.. the only one ive ever seen do that is sawfish.01:30
forcumangnice job devver01:30
snuitjegregbrady: intel integrated graphics ftw :) works with compiz ootb ^^ guess i got lucky when i bought it for cheap01:30
cdavazreid: any way to get it to work?01:30
reidyeah lol, my ATI integrated were horrible01:30
dr_willissnuitje,   i recall at one time sawfish being considered for the default gnome window maanger..  (this was AGES ago) :)01:30
reidman, I wish I knew cdavaz01:31
gregbradysnuitje: at the time I really didn't care about the graphics.  It all worked under XP01:31
snuitjedr_willis: the window manager doesn't interfere with the applications toolkit01:31
qcjngnutron: and if i go play in the bios will i be able to connect a keyboard once started..of course i wouldn't need that if ssh works01:31
reidI'm sitting here on a hardwire that is 30ft long01:31
sebsebsebMooc1:  Mozilla Thunderbird very easy to set your email accounts up in01:31
cdavazreid: i told my company not to buy this piece of crap SL01:31
ardchoilledr_willis: I didn't know metacity was responsible for handling the Human gtk theme01:31
snuitjedr_willis: yeah sawfish was for gnome 1.x01:31
gregbradysnuitje: but then I wanted something better and that is where the nightmares began01:31
gnutronqcjn: you may need to reset the bios change, its easier to just leave a keyboard connected.01:32
gregbradysnuitje: got a link for an adobe driver?01:32
Mooc1sebsebseb: its set but my message is not sending. it says it is but its not01:32
snuitjegregbrady: sorry, i just know it was on /. try searching adobe flash on slashdot.org01:32
gregbradysnuitje: oh, found it01:32
zsquarepluscqcjn: on a recent PC you can plug and unplug USB keyboards at any time, usually01:32
snuitjegregbrady: ^^01:32
reidanyone here get atheros 242x or 500x wifi working stable on 8.x?01:33
gregbradysnuitje: and we should install the .deb, correct?01:33
snuitjegregbrady: yep01:33
qcjnzsquareplusc: i don't have a recent usb keyboard actually01:33
zsquarepluscqcjn: but thats not your problem. you have still issues with sshd?01:33
gregbradysnuitje: here goes01:33
mrpocketsis there a difference in ISOs between Ubuntu server and Ubuntu workstation?01:33
qcjnzsquareplusc: exactly01:33
ExUser1anyone running ubuntu in vmware?01:33
reidI believe server installs into CLI and not gnome01:34
mrpocketstwo different downloads?01:34
snuitjegregbrady: if you still have flashplugin-nonfree installed, that could still get loaded by firefox01:34
reidalso I doubt it comes with all the pretty furniture01:34
sebsebsebMooc1:  I haven't used evoloution well opened the set up and cancel and  that's as far as you go  unless  an email account is set up.   Mozilla Thunderbird though  :)01:34
zsquarepluscqcjn: re keyboard: only the bios needs to be recent to see USB keyboards. once ubuntu runs it works anyway with USB and or ps/201:34
ExUser1is there any difference>01:34
cdavazreid: When I run "Hardware Drivers" I see the Atheros card listed and the driver for it installed and activated. So what is the issue here?01:34
reidsoftware rofl.. furniture01:34
gregbradysnuitje: is is loaded by firefox but does nothing01:34
gregbradysnuitje: and adobe's link is only for 32 bit01:34
snuitjegregbrady: hm, better remove it if you install the one from adobe website01:35
ExUser1i want to install backtrack 3 on ubuntu..anyone have installed that?01:35
gregbradysnuitje: it never installed01:35
sebsebsebMooc1:  Thunderbird better  than Evolouition01:35
zsquarepluscqcjn: re ssh, is there a file /etc/rc2.d/S16ssh ?01:35
gnutronqcjn: if ssh exists as in /etc/init.d/ssh  it should start on boot. i'm sure its there01:35
snuitjegregbrady: 64 bit version should be on their "Adobe Labs"01:35
gregbradysnuitje: it gave an error01:35
Mooc1sebsebseb:  I'm trying to send a email to the mail lists of Ubuntu01:35
dr_willis  /etc/init.d/ssh   not going to make it start   a link TO that file from /etc/rc2.d i think is whats needed01:36
gregbradysnuitje: they hide it well01:36
sebsebsebMooc1: try Thunderbird when  you first open it it asks you waht type of accounts you want to set up,  and then you can just do that01:36
qcjnzsquareplusc: in the remote server or on the client01:36
snuitjedr_willis: update-rc.d ssh defaults01:36
zsquarepluscgnutron: the existence in init.d is no guarantee to start. see update-rc.d for possibilities :-)01:36
zsquarepluscqcjn: the server01:36
gnutrondr_willis: ok, thanks, that sounds familiar01:36
snuitjegregbrady: yeah they do that :P01:36
gnutronzsquareplusc: thanks01:36
Mooc1hmmm ok01:36
gnutronI should probably shutup.01:37
snuitjegregbrady: took me a while to find air at some point when i wanted to try it01:37
zsquarepluscgnutron: nono, you do well :-)01:37
snuitjegregbrady: but they have that as well for linux, dont know about 64bit support tho01:37
gregbradysnuitje: well, lets hope all developers for ubuntu recognize these issues with graphics, wireless and flash.  Don't worry about new features and just fix the basics01:37
snuitjegregbrady: air predates flash for 64bit01:37
gnutronzsquareplusc: thanks man. i try.01:37
reidso anyone wanna tell me what it means when neither light lights up on networkmanager?01:38
reidnever seen that before... used to only 1 lighting up01:38
reidit scans wireless fine...01:38
reidbut can't connect to any of them01:38
reid8.4 hardy01:38
juancabritohey everybody. Can anyone help me with some questions about VMWARE??01:38
qcjnzsquareplusc: z16ssh is there01:38
snuitjegregbrady: hardware support is continuously being improved, flash is proprietary so that's difficult01:38
qcjnzsquareplusc: s16ssh01:39
gregbradysnuitje: everything is difficult for the underdog.  He who has the best drivers wins01:39
sebsebsebgregbrady:  those issues well  hardware issues only the manufactures can  sort out properly,  and Flash only  Adobe for the closed one, but Gnash the open one is getting there01:39
snuitjegregbrady: hardware support is very difficult as well for nvidia because they dont give specs, just blobs of varying usefullness01:39
zsquarepluscqcjn: but it should be staring with S (for starting), k means stopping01:39
zsquarepluscqcjn: try: update-rc.d ssh defaults01:39
snuitjegregbrady: so vista definately loses the game ;)01:39
gregbradysnuitje: actually.................I've had no issues01:40
sebsebsebgregbrady: can the average person improve  Microsoft Word or Windows  nope, because they do not have access to the code01:40
fedealvesI need to hire a consultant via paypal01:40
zsquarepluscqcjn: you were looking in rc2.d? not rc1.d?01:40
gregbradysnuitje: ashamed to say01:40
qcjnzsquareplusc: exactly like this in the terminal "update-rc.d ssh defaults"01:40
fedealvesif there are any takers my email is venefax@gmail.com01:40
snuitjegregbrady: i have a very nice scanner that costs a lot of $$$ new and i got it for 10 buck just because the previous owner couldn't get drivers for vista hehe01:40
qcjnzsquareplusc: yes01:40
juancabritook, then can someone help me to change permissions of a folder please01:40
zsquarepluscqcjn: yes  to update-rc.d (sudo)01:40
gregbradysnuitje: I guess I got lucky01:40
reidin nautilus juan?01:40
snuitjegregbrady: yep01:40
mkerdjuancabrito, right click it and properties -> permissions01:40
fedealvesI need help installing an Ubunto 804 32 Bits Virtual machine under XEN01:40
gregbradysnuitje: didn't like it, but first shot, all hardware01:41
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mkerdfedealves, did you read the documentation or search for a howto?01:41
qcjnzsquareplusc: System startup links for /etc/init.d/ssh already exist01:42
juancabritomkerd: I only can see that only the "root" have permissions and there's nothing I can change in there01:42
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zsquarepluscqcjn: hm. update-rc.d ssh remove  would clean that and defaults would set them again01:42
snuitjezsquareplusc: -f remove01:43
triplchi all01:43
mars__h i01:43
mkerdjuancabrito, in terminal type "gksudo nautilus" to run Nautilus as root. Either that or change the permissions from terminal.01:43
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gregbradysnuitje: woohoo, found the site01:43
qcjnzsquareplusc: so you think i should reset it01:43
mcj_Hey guys. I seem to be havign a problem with X.org right now. I have my Intel 810 card set up and my ATI card set up and X.org I guess compiled fglrx into the kernel when it updated and now X.org will not start.01:44
zsquarepluscqcjn: it seems there is something strange. normally ssh should start at runlevel 2 (that is that S* file in rc2.d)01:44
triplchow to block Yahoo Messenger? i am using a Linux box as a router for a small company. I search Google and *found* some howto but they do not work as blocking Yahoo Messenger. Anyone who success in blocking it, please help me01:44
gregbradysnuitje: hmm...it's a .so file and I'm nto sure how to install01:44
reidmcj, use EnvyNG01:44
juancabritomkerd: what is nautilus and what does it have to do with the folder I want to change?01:45
mcj_It keeps looking in something like /card/dri/card0 for my video card and cannot find it.01:45
mcj_reid: EnvyNG?01:45
zsquarepluscqcjn: runlevel 2 is the normal mode for ubuntu. runlevel 1 would be single user01:45
reidI would remove all the drivers for the ATI that you have done yourself01:45
snuitjegregbrady: just copy it to .mozilla/plugins firefox should see it there01:45
mkerdjuancabrito, Nautilus is the name of the file browser01:45
gregbradysnuitje: thanks, let me try that.01:45
snuitjegregbrady: ~/.mozilla/plugins to be exact01:45
KlrSp1i just reinstalled ubuntu from the latest livecd (still 8.04), and now i can't hibernate, any ideas? it just turns the monitor off, but the power stays on... can't get it back up, have to physically power the laptop down01:45
qcjnzsquareplusc:  sudo update-rc.d ssh remove "an then after" sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults01:46
zsquarepluscqcjn: yes01:46
mkerdKlrSp1, try the latest version of ubuntu01:46
qcjnzsquareplusc: ok01:46
juancabritomkerd: ok, thank you. But now I see a folder named "root" instead of my name (the home folder I mean) but the folder has been inside it and now there's only a Desktop icon01:47
KlrSp1mkerd: nah, i need 8.04 for development consistency reasons01:47
snuitjeKlrSp1: do you need to run lts?01:47
mkerdjuancabrito, your home folder is in /home/juancabrito (or whatever your user is called)01:47
fedealvesI need to hire a consultant via paypal if there are any takers my email is venefax@gmail.com01:47
fedealvesI need help installing an Ubunto 804 32 Bits Virtual machine under XEN01:47
gregbradysnuitje: hmmm, can't find /.mozilla/plugins01:47
qcjnzsquareplusc: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/ssh exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)01:47
snuitjemkerd: maybe it's a matter of unloading certain modules? do you know how to go about doing that?01:48
snuitjemkerd: i mean, rmmod, but to force that on hibernate01:48
zsquarepluscqcjn: ok. then do what it says01:48
snuitjegregbrady: mkdir it =)01:48
KlrSp1snuitje: just for development reasons, needs to match the other dev's environments01:48
KlrSp1snuitje: it worked out of the box when i first installed 8.04; now that i've re-installed it doens't01:49
snuitjeKlrSp1: did you change the partitioning?01:49
KlrSp1snuitje: nope, just formatted the partitions01:49
mkerdKlrSp1, snuitje, Oh ok. I don't really know about hibernate, but I think I've read that 8.10 had some improvements in that area. Or maybe it was 9.04 that would get.01:49
gregbradysnuitje: nope, no go01:49
snuitjeKlrSp1: if you remove 'quiet' from the boot options in /boot/grub/menu.lst, do you see complaining about not enough swap space?01:50
TokenBadcan anyone help me get ubuntu working right..after installed 8.10 and then install video drivers..I can't get X to start...01:50
triplchow to block Yahoo Messenger? i am using a Linux box as a router for a small company. I search Google and *found* some howto but they do not work as blocking Yahoo Messenger. Anyone who success in blocking it, please help me (repost)01:50
KlrSp1i'll have to reboot, let me give that a whirl, bbiab01:50
qcjnzsquareplusc: what is the command exactly i must put ?01:50
snuitjemkerd: there's going to be a new, more brute-force-like mechanism in newer linux kernels thats all i know :p01:50
bosiwhere is my master?01:50
gnutrontriplc: you might block yahoo using the hosts file01:51
snuitjemkerd: in addition to the old one, so users can pick which one works best01:51
juancabritomkerd: ok, I got it. but now I think.... I'm trying to use a virtual machine I have created there... I've created it with VMWare server, but the VMPlayer doesn't let me use it because of the permissions... so I'm afraid If I change permissions it won't work anyway, what do you think?01:51
zsquarepluscKlrSp1: a colleague has problems with susppend too. he's works better if you boot with nospalsh. and sometimes he has to press the alt key 5 times to get it back up again01:51
mkerdjuancabrito, give it a try, you can always change the permissions back otherwise01:51
zsquarepluscqcjn: sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove && sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults01:51
juancabritomkerd: ok!01:52
qcjnok, done01:52
snuitjeTokenBad: can you still log in? (in text mode)01:52
qcjnzsquareplusc: done01:52
TokenBadsnuitje yes..into a command prompt01:52
zsquarepluscqcjn: so "ls /etc/rc2.d/ |grep ssh" is now showing an S file?01:53
juancabritomkerd: do I change just the ownwer or the "Group" too?01:53
snuitjeTokenBad: which ubuntu version?01:53
gregbradysnuitje: I don't think firefox sees it01:53
TokenBadwas clean install from disk...01:53
arroz_con_pollohello... does anyone knows anything about msi wind... any good ????01:53
reidwho here is a friggin guru?  lol01:53
snuitjeTokenBad: "sudo apt-get -f install" does nothing?01:53
mkerdjuancabrito, do both, or one, don't be afraid to try, you can change permissions anyway if it doesn't work.01:53
KlrSpzsnuitje: to clarify, should i see that on boot, or shutdown? (i would assume shutdown)01:53
qcjnzsquareplusc: it shows S20ssh01:54
TokenBadno snuitje it seems its cause I have dual 8800gts 512 meg cards..and its not putting one of them or whatever as primary01:54
snuitjegregbrady: hmm, maybe it doesn't have execute permission, try chmod a+x ~/.mozilla/plugins/libfla<tab>01:54
ardchoilleI just did a kernel update on Intrepid and memtest and recovery mode have been removed. Is this normal? What happens if I put memtest and recovery mode back in?01:54
zsquarepluscqcjn: then it should now run on boot01:54
TokenBadsnuitje I have my xorg.conf on pastebin as well as the log of the errors01:54
snuitjeTokenBad: kewl01:55
snuitjeTokenBad: you have a link?01:55
gregbradysnuitje: is has Allow Execution permission01:55
qcjnzsquareplusc: so noe if i restart the computer without a keyboard, i ll still have a problem..right ?01:55
snuitjeKlrSpz: on boot, remove splash as well while you're at it01:55
TokenBadand http://pastebin.com/f4097eb5a01:56
TokenBadthats the 2 links01:56
gnutronqcjn: dont reboot01:56
snuitjegregbrady: allright and when you close firefox and launch it again about:plugins still doesn't show shockwave flash?01:56
gregbradysnuit, no, tried that01:56
zsquarepluscqcjn: what problem? ssh should start with or without keyboard. the single dumb thing that can happen is a BIOS that says keyboard error, press F1 to continue :p01:56
snuitjegregbrady: email adobe tell them their plugin sucks ;)01:57
gregbradysnuitje: actually yes, but with the same old drivers01:57
KlrSpzsnuitje: yeah i didn't see that anywhere01:57
gnutronqcjn: linux rarely needs rebooting01:57
KlrSpzsnuitje: on boot that is01:57
gregbradysnuitje: their driver does not suck.  It is not installed01:57
snuitjegregbrady: does it load the old ones?01:57
gregbradysnuitje: yes01:57
qcjnzsquareplusc: i could use my girlfriend's computer keyboard01:57
snuitjegregbrady: hm, better get that out of the way then01:57
qcjngnutron: how can i see if it starts without rebooting01:57
gregbradysnuitje: right, I told you.  No plugins dir01:57
KlrSpzsnuitje: however when i look in my log pm-hibernate.log i do see it showing "/usr/lib/pm-utils/functions: line 162: echo: write error: No space left on device01:58
gregbradysnuitje: something wrong there.  Not in the correct place01:58
gnutronqcjn: it will, i forgot about the S in the runlevel01:58
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: sounds like your swap is too small to store the ram01:58
qcjnzsquareplusc: if there's no keyboard..how can i press on F101:58
snuitjegregbrady: sudo mv /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so /root/01:58
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: yeah it does, oddly enough all i've done is format and reinstall01:58
juancabritomkerd: didn't work, VMWare Player still gives me the message "Insufficient permissions to access the file"  :(01:58
gregbradysnuitje: let me digest that01:59
kusanagi_anybody knows a nice program to handle a sony ericsson?01:59
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: what's a safe way to extend the partition, will gparted work well enough?01:59
qcjngnutron: ok01:59
zsquarepluscqcjn: yep, that was a joke. some BIOS were that stupid. but nowdasy most PC should start without keyboard. in the other cases, the keyboard check can be disabled in BIOS01:59
snuitjegregbrady: if you run mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins then you do have a plugins dir for firefox :)01:59
=== mike is now known as Guest70037
mkerdjuancabrito, that's weird. google that error message to see if anyone else has had the same problem01:59
KlrSpzgregbrady: yeah you have to create it most of the time01:59
reidwho here got an atheros 242x card working on 8.04?01:59
snuitjeKlrSpz: ouch01:59
MyyogaHey Guys, Im trying to compile Handbrake 9.3 on Ubuntu 8.04, and I installed all of the dependencies,I dont see any errors, but I cant Sudo make install. Any ideas on why that might be?01:59
snuitjeKlrSpz: run df -h02:00
gnutronqcjn: you cant, i think newer machines dont have the keyboard error anymore02:00
qcjnzsquareplusc: like gnutron says, i won't reboot it for now02:00
KlrSpzsnuitje: which device you lookin for?02:00
TokenBadsnuitje http://pastebin.com/f272c2f6b02:00
snuitjeKlrSpz: see if there's a troubled filesystem02:00
KlrSpzall looks well02:00
TokenBadsnuitje and http://pastebin.com/f4097eb5a02:00
snuitjeKlrSpz: nothing anywhere near 99% full?02:00
gnutronzsquareplusc: you're good. end of story. thanks for the assistance02:01
juancabritomkerd: ok thank you for trying02:01
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: how large is your swap ? and RAM? (free tells you both)02:01
gregbradysnuitje: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh02:01
zsquarepluscqcjn: the PC is far away? if you're close to it and can act if something goes wrong, better test now, than never02:02
qcjnzsquareplusc: gnutron yes thanks to you both02:02
KlrSpzsnuitje: nope, most is 26% used02:02
KlrSpzwoah, swap is small as hell for some reason02:02
qcjnzsquareplusc: ok, it s just beside my computer02:02
snuitjeTokenBad: it's probably using the wrong nvidia driver version, try changing it to "nv" where it says nvidia in Section "Device"02:02
MyyogaHey Guys, Im trying to compile Handbrake 9.3 on Ubuntu 8.04, and I installed all of the dependencies,I dont see any errors, but I cant Sudo make install. Any ideas on why that might be?02:02
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: snuitje: http://www.pastie.org/32573702:02
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: is the total of swap bigger than the total of ram (1st column each)02:02
qcjnzsquareplusc: i ll try it now02:02
gnutronqcjn: i think the ssh re-install messed up the runlevel restart. normally it wouldnt have been needed.02:03
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: for some reason it's reporting 486mb02:03
NH|Computer|Geekwhats the command line command to upgrade distros?02:03
NH|Computer|Geekin ubuntu 7.1002:03
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:03
snuitjegregbrady: bad?02:03
bosiwhere is my master?02:03
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: yep, so as soon as you use more then 400MB RAM you cant hibernate successfully02:03
TokenBadsnuitje well since am at command prompt..how would I remove it and reinstall the right one?02:03
MyyogaHey Guys, Im trying to compile Handbrake 9.3 on Ubuntu 8.04, and I installed all of the dependencies,I dont see any errors, but I cant Sudo make install. Any ideas on why that might be?02:04
bosihi everyone02:04
TheSHizzI have dual monitor support with compiz fusion installed.  Although when I save everything it will revert back to single display after restart every time... What do I need to add to the config to make it stick?02:04
TokenBadsnuitje but I installed the one that ubuntu recommended02:04
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: so i just did a swapoff, then mkswap back on the device, then a swapon, and now it reports all 4gb02:04
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: and fdisk -l  do you have different swap partitions?   ehm. do you really want to use hibernate or was that just an accident? ;-)02:04
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: that was soooo weird02:04
gregbradysnuitje: forget it.02:04
gregbradysnuitje: I give up02:04
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: oh, ok02:04
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: yeah i actually like hibernate ;)02:04
KlrSpzok i'm gunna test it now, bbiab02:05
gregbradysnuitje: someone needs to look at this stuff from a simple users perspective and make it all work.02:05
snuitjegregbrady: another reason to hate flash -_-02:05
JmCourirHow to share Physical NTFS HDD from Ubuntu 8.10 to SAMBA Network ?02:05
gregbradysnuitje: no, works fine in XP02:05
qcjngnutron: if i remember its "shutdown -r now"02:05
JmCourirany of you have a good how to .. ?02:05
snuitjegregbrady: someone at Adobe should get a clue02:05
NH|Computer|Geekwhats the command line command to upgrade distros in ubuntu 7.10? yeah yeah its a little old02:06
gregbradysnuitje: no, minority must comform to majority.  Not the other way around.02:06
snuitjegregbrady: doesn't work fine across platforms, like how the web is supposed to work, so they still suck02:06
snuitjegregbrady: flash is a minority on the web02:06
gnutronqcjn: that's right02:06
kitcheNH|Computer|Geek: hmm not sure if there is a command line command that will just do it without editing a few files02:06
qcjngnutron: ok02:06
gregbradysnuitje: I will keep Ubuntu on wired, simple desktops.  No laptops02:06
snuitjegregbrady: so any site using it doesn't conform to majority, by your reasoning flash still sucks :)02:06
zsquareplusc!upgrade > NH|Computer|Geek02:06
ubottuNH|Computer|Geek, please see my private message02:06
TokenBadsnuitje well since am at command prompt..how would I remove it and reinstall the right one?02:07
alec868whats the best program to monitor my cpu temperature in ubuntu 8.1002:07
gregbradysnuitje: I'm a simple user.  simple needs.  Thats all.02:07
kevin__ok when i turn my computer on the network manager asks for my keyring password how can i make it remember it? im wireless laptop on 8.1002:07
kevin__apparently wireless computers have this problem02:07
zsquarepluscalec868: "best" is very subjective. i use sensors-applet02:07
gregbradysnuitje: I don't care if it is flash, bash, mash or smash.  I want to watch a video on youtube.02:08
Baba_B00ieNH|Computer|Geek,  sudo apt-get dis-upgrade i think.. idk i usually upgrade using synaptic02:08
snuitjegregbrady: i get it, it's just that you can't just say "oh ubuntu devs need to work on gettings flash to work"02:08
NH|Computer|Geekok thanx though02:08
NH|Computer|Geeki will try both02:08
gregbradysnuitje: no, devs need to work on ubuntu compatibility with flash.  Not flash itself02:08
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:08
snuitjegregbrady: flash support is a known problem, but it's not easy to fix, and if you can support the gnash project then that's excellent02:08
MyyogaHey Guys, Im trying to compile Handbrake 9.3 on Ubuntu 8.04, and I installed all of the dependencies,I dont see any errors, but I cant Sudo make install. Any ideas on why that might be? Pizza makes me happy :)02:09
YlandeFaranI don't find "gmp" at the list "add programs"02:09
YlandeFaranWhat do I do?02:09
alec868zsquaresplus: let me refphrase. can anyone tell me how to easily and quickly install a program that will accurately gauge my CPU temp.02:09
gregbradysnuitje: and ATI drivers, and Broadcom drivers02:09
snuitjegregbrady: theres an alternative from codeweavers that allows the windows flash plugin to be run inside firefox02:09
ardchoilleYlandeFaran: isn't gimp installed by default in Ubuntu?02:09
Baba_B00iebah who needs flash, shockwave and all ? it's all internet garbage.. the best way to browse the web is in text only any way ;) lynx anyone ?02:09
gregbradysnuitje: sorry, frustrated02:09
gnutronMyyoga: sudo not Sudo02:09
sanborhi to all02:10
snuitjegregbrady: yes and everything else, there's a limited amount of man-hours on every job, ati btw is going well because amd released specs02:10
zsquarepluscalec868: apt-get install sensors-applet   then use "add to panel.."02:10
reidomg someone help me fix this friggin wireless driver02:10
Myyogagnutron: sorry I pasted it in wrong, but ya I used sudo02:10
kandjaryop here02:10
kevin__ok ill try another, when i turn my computer on the only working mode is low graphics mode and even then only a KDE session will work, gnome sessions have scrambled graphics02:10
sanbori have a litle problem02:10
gregbradysnuitje: ok, deep breath here02:10
sanbori have a network with windows machine02:10
kandjarreid: what prob do u have with ur wireless driver?02:10
sanborif i put the ip of these machine, i can see it02:10
kitchesnuitje: considering that amd didn't release specs for the older cards just the HD cards02:10
sanborbut i don't see the share name in the network place02:11
sanborany idea?02:11
YlandeFarangmp = GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library02:11
alec868zsquareplus; and even better can you point me in the direction of a program that allows me to adjust fan speed to compensate for a cpu that is running hot02:11
gnutronMyyoga: and youre in the source directory?02:11
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.02:11
YlandeFaranwhat is the differance of a tar.gz and a tar.bz2 ?02:11
ubottuG(NU's) N(ot) U(nix). A project that aimed to develop a complete operating system of Free Software, which Ubuntu is based on. See http://gnu.org02:11
uzairhey all02:11
snuitjegregbrady: broadcam has refused to do anything, i don't think they like anyone who asks anything except for placing orders02:12
Myyogagnutron: yup02:12
zsquarepluscalec868: hm. sensors-applet will show fan speeds, but i dont know how to change them02:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring02:12
doctorAre there any usability/stability issues with the 64-bit version of Ubuntu Intrepid, and can I expect 32-bit apps to work on 64-bit Linux?  What about 32-bit Windows apps through Wine?02:12
Dr_willis_YlandeFaran,  one is bzip'd other is gzip'd02:12
ardchoilleYlandeFaran: Ah, yeah, read it wrong, sorry02:12
Myyogagnutron: I can paste in the read out of the compiling results02:12
uzairneeded some help in regards to setting up a SOHO network02:12
Dr_willis_doctor,  ive had no issues with 64bit.. wine works fine02:12
gnutronMyyoga: you ran make first?02:12
Dr_willis_doctor,  of course it may depend on exactly which apps you use. there is no zsnes for 64bit for example02:12
YlandeFaranok. I got them two choices on gmp:s download page. But I have not used anything other than sudo apt-get before.02:13
snuitjekitche: well if people start working on drivers now, by the time the drivers are finished and working beautifully, most olders cards would be obsolete right, right? ^_^02:13
YlandeFaranCan I do any harm if I don't know exacly what I'm doing?02:13
doctorDr_willis_, thanks.  Sorry for the noob question, I've just been unable to google any information on the topic that's less than a year old and I know 64-bit development is moving very quickly right now.02:13
doctorDr_willis_, does Wine also work in 64-bit with 32-bit 3D games?02:13
Dr_willis_doctor,  its only with 8.10 that i dared to try 64bit.. after tring it ages ago.. :) ive had no problems02:13
Dr_willis_doctor,  yes wine works.02:14
Myyogagnutron: yup02:14
gnutronMyyoga: i dunno, are you doing this from /usr/src  dir?02:14
uzairi'm trying to setup terminal services for a windows server, however that poses a huge security risk. so the  plan of action is to stick a vpn router in front which will auth. the users.02:14
gregbradysnuitje: ok, back from a breather and I have a fresh beer.02:14
Dr_willis_doctor,  since theres no windows  64bit 3d games  thaat i know of. :)02:14
Myyogagnutron: umm no02:14
alec868zsquareplus: how do i "add to panel"?02:14
TokenBadok if I installed the 177.x.x drivers and want to go back to 173.x.x driver for nvidia..if I am stuck in command prompt how would I remove the 177 and install the 173?02:14
snuitjegregbrady: good idea there :) *opens bottle*02:14
doctorDr_willis_, ah, well - I heard from a friend who tried 64-bit Feisty, and apparently that was a catastrophe for him.02:14
uzairanyone have much knowledge on vpn routers? and vpn technology?02:14
gregbradysnuitje: lets see what I'm doing wrong here02:14
Dr_willis_doctor,  depends on the exact hardware/drivers/programs i imagine.02:14
zsquarepluscalec868: the bar with the menu at the top of the screen. right click with the mouse in a free area in it02:14
snuitjegregbrady: not given up yet?02:14
doctorDr_willis_, I guess there isn't some sort of compatibility layer for 32-bit apps?02:15
gregbradysnuitje: no, I'm just that stupid02:15
gnutronMyyoga: i'm not sure  if thats required as long as your in the build dir. i dunno02:15
Myyogagnutron: I added a COMPILED directory to my home folder where I extracted all of the data and then navigated to that folding using the terminal and ran make02:15
Dr_willis_doctor,  theres somthing sort of like that for linux.. but it dosent do it the same way  that windows does it...02:15
uzairanyone?? (on vpns)02:15
gnutronMyyoga: i would think that would work fine.02:15
zsquarepluscdoctor: ia32-libs, helps getting g' earth run :-)02:15
doctorDr_willis_, gotcha.  Thanks for your help!02:15
doctorzsquareplusc, thanks.  I will make a note of that!02:16
alec868zsquareplus: awesome, thanks02:16
snuitjegregbrady: lol you're not, it's just not obvious if you don't know it... like how their photo editing software is totally non-obvious for a newb like me ^_^02:16
Dr_willis_ive4 had more issues with 64buit windows then i have 64bit linux.. but to be fair.. ive only had a few issues with 64bit windows. :P02:16
doctorI had pretty good luck with windows 64, but I'd still rather not touch it.  :p02:16
Myyogagnutron: It doesn't give me any clear errors either. I just cant run sudo make install, because install doesn't exist02:16
Dr_willis_doctor,  current laptop has 64bit vista.. and ive had no problems.02:16
TokenBadwell better luck than me...for some reason everytime I install the nvidia drivers for my computer it breaks ubuntu02:16
* zsquareplusc just knows C64 :(02:16
Dr_willis_doctor,  except for a few old games. :P02:17
Myyogagnutron: so im assuming that it didn't compile correctly02:17
Dr_willis_zsquareplusc,  i got a few of those also. :)02:17
doctorDr_willis_, no problems?  with VISTA?  surely you jest, sir!  :p02:17
gregbradysnuitje: ok, tell me exactly where the .so file should go02:17
zsquarepluscDr_willis_: so we're the old ones here ;-)02:17
snuitjegregbrady: ~/.mozilla/plugins or the global dir /usr/lib/mozilla/firefox/plugins (afaik)02:17
gregbradysnuitje: ok, it went to /usr/lib/mozilla/firefox/plugins02:18
gregbradyThere are two others there02:18
snuitjeand it's executeable right?02:18
doctorOkay, so if I add another partition with 64-bit linux - would there be any horrible issue with using the same /home partition in both?02:18
mrpocketsWhat corporations is Ubuntu supported by?02:18
doctor-both 32- and 64-bit linux, that is.02:18
gluonmanFor some strange reason, my gnome-panel is not set to be placed above all windows. Firefox completely covers it, as well as drop-down menus. How can I fix this?02:18
gregbradyand flashpluginalternative.so02:18
snuitjegregbrady: better get other flash players out of the way02:18
gnutronMyyoga: ive been told ubuntu's shell interpreter uses /bin/dash instead of /bin/bash which causes compile problems. dash has works for me, but you cam change symlinks to use /bin/bash instead02:18
alec868what would one say is too hot for a cpu? what constitutes dangerous?02:19
doctoralec868, it depends on your CPU.02:19
gregbradysnuitje: so delete them?02:19
snuitjegregbrady: you could let flashpluginalternative.so point to the right one02:19
kevin__im going to massacre but something along the lines of conical02:19
kevin__no thats deff not it02:19
snuitjegregbrady: for the purpose of testing, i'd say yeah that's practical02:19
doctoralec868, it's good to keep the chip under 80c, though - generally speaking.02:19
alec868doctor: do you know where i would find the information online for my cpu?02:19
gregbradysnuitje: confirm, delete them?02:19
kandjarI just move to 8.10.. I was very happy that the network worked str8 away :) usually it's a pain for me to get it to work :) However I'm having issue with my blutooth mouse.... At first the detection went well, but since I rebooted it stopped working (unable to pair it says)02:19
kandjarcan someone help me?02:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about funding02:19
gnutronMyyoga: try again using /usr/src instead for the extraction maybe02:20
doctoralec868, you mean how to find out what CPU you're using?02:20
zsquarepluscdoctor: as long as both are 8.10 that should be not a problem. it get to be problematic for some programms that change their config file format in newer versions. though i happily run 64bit with a 32bit chroot from feisty with the same home02:20
snuitjegregbrady: yeah it's not like you can't get them back, you can also move them someplace else like /tmp02:20
alec868doctor:oh! ok. do im at around 49-50c. i shouldnt worry?02:20
gregbradyI will copy and move them02:20
Myyogagnutron: alrright, I guess I'll just copy the whole thing right in there02:20
donaldohow to operate the bluetooth on ubuntu 8.10 amd64?, I am not running on my laptop integrated02:20
zsquarepluscdoctor: chroot you know? an other way to run 32 bit apps on 64 bit computer02:20
doctoralec868, if your machine is prebuilt (like from Dell or whatever) googling the serial number should help.02:20
gregbradysnuitje: ok hold on here.02:20
doctoralec868, you're almost certainly fine.02:20
gregbradysnuitje: ok I think I see what is wong02:21
gnutronMyyoga: mv dir /usr/src  will move the whole thing02:21
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
alec868doctor: i mean to find out what temp my particular cpu should be running at, and more importantly, what is a dangerously high temperature02:21
gregbradysnuitje: some files are just links02:21
zsquarepluscalec868: 50°C for a laptop if normal. it's find it alarming at 70°C02:21
snuitjegregbrady: that's not a problem, firefox doesn't care as long as they're in a place where it can find them02:21
gregbradyI know02:22
gregbradysnuitje: we are getting there02:22
chupyhi i have a problem... i have ubuntu in a hp dv6000 the control worked fine but now i modify a lot of things anf now dont work what can i do?02:22
kevin__Canonical ltd provided 10million initially according to wiki02:22
gregbradysnuitje: ok, I'm doing something wrong here02:22
gregbradyI'm a gui guy remember02:22
snuitjegregbrady; i don't know though, maybe someone else with x86_64 does but maybe on 64bit theres a lib and a lib64 or a lib and a lib32, or whatever02:23
alec868zsquareplus: thanks, thats all i needed to know, unless you can tell me how to adjust the fan speed02:23
atari2600aI need to install Ubuntu 8.10 on another machine but I have no blanks02:23
gregbradysnuitje: no...I see what is wrong here02:23
atari2600ais there a way I can put it on my thumbdrive for installation on another machine02:23
snuitjegregbrady: i prefer commandline for a lot of things -_-''02:23
snuitjegregbrady: it grew on me02:23
Comrade-Sergeihow do I add the contents of a text file as a variable in bash?02:23
snuitjegregbrady: what's wrong02:23
gregbradysnuitje: I love command line back in OS9 days02:23
snuitjegregbrady: OS9 didn't have one lol02:24
node357my Dad used to use OS902:24
njbairhey i had a custom xkb layout and when xkb updated today it broke. how do i add my layout and make it "update-proof"?02:24
gregbradysnuitje: I started Nautilus as sudo02:24
atari2600aoh sorry, I just found the freaking thing utility right now :P02:24
zsquarepluscsnuitje, gregbrady: /lib/  /lib32/ /lib64/02:24
atari2600asorry for the annoying, leaving now02:24
thiagossHow do I configure DNAT in ubuntu?02:24
snuitjezsquareplusc: and which one has the right firefox/plugins dir? =)02:24
gregbradyzsquareplusc: what?02:24
thiagossAnd is it possible to take the DNAT decisions at application level?02:25
LosGenersI am having a problem when saving an Excel file to .ods format.02:25
Myyogagnutron: moving the directory didn't help02:26
Myyogagnutron: Same issues02:26
snuitjethiagoss: you can use ucw or iptables, ucw is simpler02:26
zsquarepluscsnuitje, gregbrady sorry then.. i though you meant system libraries. i dont even see a plugin folder in my homes firefox folder.02:26
thiagosssnuitje, can I take decisions to application level? I mean, decide based on the url?02:27
chupyhi i have a problem... i have ubuntu in a hp dv6000 the control worked fine but now i modify a lot of things anf now dont work what can i do?02:27
amikropHello. I have this URL: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gemrb What files I need from there, in order to build a binary package?02:27
kevin__ok when i turn my computer on the network manager asks for my keyring password how can i make it remember it? im wireless laptop on 8.1002:27
Comrade-Sergeihow do I add the contents of a text file as a variable in bash?02:27
snuitjethiagoss: in iptables though iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i ethx -p tcp --dport 123 -j DNAT --to
snuitjethiagoss: iirc02:27
amikropHello. I have this URL: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gemrb What files I need from there, in order to build a binary package?02:28
zsquarepluscamikrop: orig.tgz, diff and dsc are usually downloaded when doing and apt-get source <pkg>02:28
snuitjethiagoss: that's what a load balancer should do, also you could try varnish02:28
amikropzsquareplusc: and how do I build the binary package?02:28
KlrSpzzsquareplusc: snuitje: ok so i can hit hibernate and it actually shuts down, but when booting back up, it doesn't restore from hibernate.. logs no longer show any issues02:28
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: FOO=`cat /etc/passwd`02:29
gnutronMyyoga: i'd suspect the source code first, then possibly /bin/dash  i never use #!/bin/dash in say a script, i dont know why ubuntu uses it02:29
LosGeners"Concatenate" results do not show after saving an Excel file into OPEN OFFICE format. Any idea?02:29
KlrSpzComrade-Sergei: note the backticks02:29
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, i was just about to ask02:29
thiagosssnuitje, what I'd like is that it should decide on the host based on the url (not a dns though, cause the servers have private ips). Different servers with different services under a lan.02:29
kitcheKlrSpz: you have to have a resume=<device> line added to the kernel if you don't have one that you want to use hibernate correctly02:29
zsquarepluscKlrSpz: hm. i have the luck that it works here. i dont have experience with fixing it02:29
Comrade-Sergeithanks zsquareplusc and KlrSpz02:29
KlrSpzkitche: let me check; zsquareplusc: shucks!02:30
LosGeners"Concatenate" results do not show after saving an Excel file into OPEN OFFICE format. Any idea?02:30
snuitjei think varnish is your tool, apache can do it as well02:30
snuitjemod_proxy for apache is documented on their site, varnish also has documentation in their trac02:31
gnutronMyyoga: you have build-essential installed i presume?02:31
Myyogagnutron: you dont happen to know if HandBrake is in a other repo, its not in synaptic..02:31
Myyogagnutron: oh ya02:31
gnutronMyyoga: no idea02:31
KlrSpzkitche: sure enough i don't... i'm going to look at my backup from a week ago to see if i have it there... odddddd02:31
LosGeners"Concatenate" results do not show after saving an Excel file into OPEN OFFICE format. Any idea?02:32
LosGeners"Concatenate" results do not show after saving an Excel file into OPEN OFFICE format. Any idea?02:32
mercutio22doodes. I can't type into amsn02:32
snuitjegregbrady: you there?02:32
KlrSpzkitche: nope, not in my backup menu.lst02:32
gnutronMyyoga: i do know /bin/dash causes compile problems...not always though.02:32
gregbradysnuitje: yup, I installed it properly and no luck02:32
snuitjefirefox sees it?02:32
KlrSpzkitche: any suggestions? i don't want to put it there really cuz my old system that it worked on perfectly didn't have it02:33
snuitjemaybe we got the wrong dir then, did you try copying to ~/.mozilla/plugins ?02:33
pan2342turion x2 TL-60 works fine out of the box with ubuntu 8.10?02:33
gnutronMyyoga: try googling ubuntu and handbrake, you might get lucky02:34
gregbradysnuitje: nothing else in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins but libflashplayer.is02:34
vraawhat is the best way to remotely restart a machine. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75314 <-- post #2 says "sudo shutdown -h now" or "sudo reboot"02:34
Myyogagnutron: how does one move to /bin/bash instead of dash? sorry for the question, I've compiled programs in my CS class, I just dont know what the difference is between Dash and Bash02:34
zsquarepluscvraa: -h in shutdown is a bad idea. use -r02:34
kitchevraa: well shutdown -h now won't reboot, reboot will though02:34
thiagosssnuitje, Thanks, I'll take a look at those02:35
vraaso "sudo shutdown -r now" or "sudo reboot"02:35
gnutronMyyoga: dash interpreter is a ubuntu thing, i forget the fix but its simple to google02:35
reidanyone familiar with madwifi here?02:35
gregbradysnuitje: not a link or shortcut this time.  A real file.02:35
qcjnok, computer don,t work without keyboard...i made a sudo shutdown -h now from ssh, and it s the computer i m on that shutdown02:35
gregbradysnuitje: still no luck02:35
snuitjegregbrady: is there firefox/plugins in /usr/lib32 or /usr/lib64 ?02:35
vraais reboot = shutdown -r02:35
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vraaaren't they different applications i am running?02:36
gregbradysnuitje: I will check02:36
kitcheMyyoga: bash is used for the user really think /bin/dash is only used on the dpkg-reconfigure scripts02:36
qcjni ve plugged my girlfriend's keyboard, and ssh didn't work till i opened a user session02:36
zsquarepluscqcjn: -h shuts down, -r would restart.02:36
reidanyone familiar with madwifi here?02:36
snuitjedash is used for /bin/sh which according to debian policy should be a posix-compliant shell02:37
reidpreferrably successfully uing it =Ps02:37
reidusing that is02:37
gregbradysnuitje: yes02:37
KoFish_pekwm_wp_menu is released!! Get it while it's hot... but begin using pekwm first!! http://www.pekwm.org/projects/1102:37
kitchereid: depends which madwifi02:37
zsquarepluscqcjn: oh wait, i think i know what happens to you.. the newtwork is managed by the network manager, and that is only run when a user logs in...02:37
snuitjegregbrady: hm maybe that's where firefox looks then02:37
gnutronqcjn: ive never had that problem on literally dozens of boxes, thats weird02:37
snuitjegregbrady: just copy it over and see what happens -_-'02:37
gregbradysnuitje: but there is a file there with the same name02:37
MyyogaAlright, thanks guys I really apreciate the help02:37
snuitjegregbrady: oh dont worry, it's probably the same then02:38
snuitjegregbrady: check the file size02:38
MyyogaI'll hack away at this a little later02:38
MyyogaHappy Thanksgiving!!!!02:38
qcjnzsquareplusc: thats what i wanted, but it didn't shut the remote computer, it shut down the computer i was on02:38
gregbradysnuitje: same size, same date02:38
qcjnzsquareplusc: ok02:38
snuitjegregbrady: same file then, checked lib64?02:39
gregbradysnuitje: yes.  Same file in lib as in lib6402:39
snuitjegregbrady: makes sense :)02:39
gregbradysnuitje: sense yes, works no02:40
snuitjegregbrady: ^-^02:40
vraathanks guys, the machine restarted successfully :)02:40
snuitjegregbrady: run firefox from a terminal, see if you get any warnings02:40
gnutronzsquareplusc: i think you've solved it dude, that sounds like the culprit.02:40
gregbradysnuitje: good idea!02:40
snuitjegregbrady: load a flash page too, else firefox wont try to run it02:40
zsquarepluscqcjn: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading scroll down on the page the network upgrade for servers is what you want02:41
vraawhat does it mean when a package has been "kept back"02:41
gregbradysnuitje: no, no errors, no feedback02:41
snuitjevraa: it won't get upgraded02:41
qcjnzsquareplusc: ok02:41
vraasnuitje: how can i find out why it won't get upgraded?02:41
snuitjegregbrady: it didn't background as well?02:42
vraai ran "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get upgrade" update did not give any warnings02:42
ss_I have an old HP Laserjet 4L printer is detected by windows automatically and i can print docs by OO.o 3 there, here in Ubuntu Interpid I cannot find any such sign of printer when I press Ctrl P to print in OOo 3 any ideas how to use this printer in Ubuntu?02:42
snuitjevraa: try installing it, it'll probably want to remove a package02:42
vitamin-carrotany gamers in here with ut2004 exp?02:42
vraainstalling "it" being... one of the kept back packages?02:42
ardchoillevraa: it might be a kernel upgrade, I just did that: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:42
snuitjevraa: apt-get upgrade does only safe upgrades, dist-upgrades allows for removal02:42
gregbradysnuitje: sure but no errors02:42
snuitjegregbrady: meanwhile about:plugins mentions nothing about flash?02:43
gregbradykeithclark@ubuntu:~$ firefox02:43
gregbradyICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG = (null)02:43
gregbradykeithclark@ubuntu:~$ firefox &02:43
gregbrady[1] 758302:43
gregbradykeithclark@ubuntu:~$ ICEDTEAPLUGIN_DEBUG = (null)02:43
FloodBot2gregbrady: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:43
vraais that safe to do? isn't that going to move me from 8.04 to 8.10?02:43
ferhi, excuse me... can u tell me if there's a channel for new users02:43
ardchoillevraa: no, it won't, yes, it's safe02:43
snuitjevraa: use do-release-upgrade -d02:43
gnutronfer: this is the place02:43
vraaso i should do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and then "sudo apt-get do-release-upgrade -d"02:44
snuitjevraa: no apt-get just sudo do-release-upgrade -d02:44
ardchoillevraa: are you wanting to upgrade to 8.10?02:44
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vraawell, when i was at work, the computer had the orange icon at top, so i updated and it said i needed to restart. but i forgot to restart it, so now i am at home and i have ssh access to my machine02:45
vraai just rebooted it, because i needed to reboot it, the computer had that blue arrows in a circle message02:45
ardchoillevraa: there was a recent kernel upgrade, so that's probably why it needed a restart02:45
thomasiteHi to all. I'm using an Acer Aspire 5570ANWXCi which runs on 8.10. Months ago, when I was still using Windoze, I just switch on this button for me to connect to the Internet through WiFi. The said button works everytime, and there's an indicator that it does (a yellow light). However, now that I'm using Ubuntu, no matter how many times I switch the button, the light indicator does not function and I cannot connect through WiFi. How do I solve this? Tha02:45
gregbradysnuitje: At a loss here02:45
zsquarepluscqcjn: not sure if that works after the upgrade..02:45
qcjnzsquareplusc: ok, i was reading about it02:46
snuitjegregbrady: you've got libflashplayer in the same dir where gnash plugin was installed, so that ought to be allright02:46
vraaoh i see, thanks guys, this is pretty neat02:46
gregbradysnuitje: no02:46
snuitjegregbrady: not?02:46
Comrade-Sergeihey zsquareplusc, I set those up and now its like it tries to run the variable as its oun subscript when i assign them? wtf?02:47
snuitjegregbrady: what was libflashalternative then?02:47
gregbradysnuitje: no02:47
gregbradysnuitje: I have no idea.  I deleted that02:47
gnutronqcjn: i wish you the best of luck, i need a break...holidays are too depressing.02:48
gnutronzsquareplusc: thanks for all the tips :)02:48
qcjngnutron: ok02:48
qcjngnutron: thanks02:48
cleverThe following packages have unmet dependencies: libqt4-debug: Depends: libqt4-gui (= 4.3.4-0ubuntu3) but 4.4.0-1ubuntu5~hardy1 is to be installed02:49
snuitjegregbrady: well if google doesn't know how to install flash player 64bit, and this game of trial-and-error doesn't work, then sorry but i can't help you... try the mozillazine forum there are lots of helpful mozilla people there02:49
kandjari m encountering some issue with my bluetooth mouse, anyone to help?02:49
gnutronzsquareplusc: your nick rocks btw.  see ya02:49
shawnaI have an external hard drive that I've mounted, but the stacks plugger applet in Avant Window Navigator doesn't display it because the icon that I saved for it got deleted. How can I fix it so that the drive shows up in the applet?02:49
thebishopmy screen went black HELP!!!!02:49
gregbradysnuitje: I have straight forward hardware here.....ATI Radeon Xpress 200M, AMD 64 processor.....this should be easy and common.02:50
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: the backticks run a command and give you the output to be stored in a variable or passed on the command line. e.g. ls -l `which sudo`02:50
pan2342which do u guys prefer intel core duo or amd turion x2?02:51
snuitjegregbrady: hehe yeah, you mean "I've got the latest AMD 3,5GHz CPU, 6GB of RAM, 2TB hdd space and the pc refuses to work? WTH!"02:51
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: what do you really want to do? do you really need the variable?02:51
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, ah so i should like cat that file or something huh?02:51
snuitjegregbrady: funny it doesn't work like that :D02:51
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, yea i need one02:51
gregbradysnuitje: nah, ubuntu is just not mature enough for us laptop users.  I really hope they keep trying though!  Back to XP where things work.02:51
woswhats the deal with installing the java plugin in firefox, why doesnt it just work?02:51
snuitjegregbrady: hm, i could say the same thing about windows02:51
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gregbradysnuitje: XP works just fine02:52
snuitjegregbrady: it would definately be detrimental to my laptop and what i do with it02:52
gregbradysnuitje: Vista is just fine....02:52
gregbradysnuitje: and I'm sure this laptop sold more than 1 copyt.02:52
snuitjegregbrady: i'm sure they sold a million of mine too -_-'' it's just a matter of what choices the vendors make02:53
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: most commands that work with larger input take it from stdin, so "cat file | less"   or "less < file"  (apart from "less file" that would work anyway) all do the same02:53
gregbradysnuitje: Linux cannot afford to wait for the hardware guys.  They will not bend as it does not pay.  Pretty simple02:54
snuitjegregbrady: linux is a kernel whose development is being sponsored by some very big corporates in the it industry02:54
gregbradysnuitje: and lord knows I've fought it out here to make it work.  I've been here for about 20-30 hours.  That is not free time.02:55
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, nah im taking imput from wget02:55
snuitjegregbrady: other companys can choose to ignore that at their peril02:55
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:55
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)02:55
snuitjegregbrady: well i dont think the lord is involved in such matters ^-^02:56
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: then "wget -O -" could be interesing, then you can send the data to the next program using |02:56
IdleOneand as well should not be02:56
gregbradysnuitje: well, I'm confident I gave it a fair share here.  My laptops are just not compatible with Linux02:56
gregbradysnuitje: and I don't want to support multiple platforms.02:56
snuitjegregbrady: oh it is mostly, it's just the software you want to run on top of linux02:57
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, yea thats what im doing02:57
geckosenatorhow do I enable framebuffer support?02:57
gregbradysnuitje: basic flash?  Youtube is a pretty basic need these days02:57
snuitjegregbrady: tried http://www.keepvid.com/ ?02:57
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, heres what im doing http://pastebin.ca/126911202:58
snuitjegregbrady: if not with totem, it may still work with vlc02:58
gregbradysnuitje: with all my users?02:58
fbcWhy does running intrepid consume almost double the memory.. I used to have 33% memory used on boot and now I have 66% memory in use by programs on boot.02:58
snuitjegregbrady: there's almost always a way, technically everything is possible02:58
ST47My ubuntu laptop keeps trying to use DHCP to configure my static IP network, how do I make it stop02:58
gregbradysnuitje: no, but thanks for your help!  You really tried here.02:58
kitchefbc: the same reason that system requirements go up with each new version of a software02:58
snuitjegregbrady: sure i want it to work as much as you do02:58
IdleOnefbc, uneeded services starting up that you forgot to disable after upgrade perhaps02:59
gregbradysnuitje: I just does not02:59
snuitjegregbrady: except i would never give up linux except maybe for freebsd :)02:59
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: heh, ive done such scripts too, a while ago. well i did it in python. but i think the backticks ` are missing (or at least not in the paste)02:59
LF|Irssi<3 FreeBSD02:59
KlrSpzkitche: ok so weird, i put that resume option on my kernel line, and it works02:59
ST47Ahem. Why won't it honor /etc/network/interfaces03:00
kitcheLF|Irssi: good for you there is a ##freebsd channel go say that there at least I don't go to other system rooms and say stuff like that03:00
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, well you see what im trying to do here now then03:00
KlrSpzkitche: but the thing is my last install didn't have that.. anywhere else it might be?03:00
kandjarcan anyone help me? I can't get my mouse to work03:00
fbcIdleOne, I thought the same thing, so I backup my home dir, and did an intrepid install from scratch. Plus I ned added any startup service, it was default.03:00
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, spent 3 nights on this now03:00
gluonmanI have an external hard drive opened, but stacks plugger in AWN won't display it. I think it's because I manually changed the display picture, but I accidentally deleted the display picture. What should I do to fix it?03:00
mercutio22hello, cam I somehow repeat the latest kernel update03:00
gregbradysnuitje: hey, I gave it a fair chance here.  I tried to put it on all my machines here.03:00
LF|Irssikitche: how bout you shut up? I was just commenting on what someone said bout Freebsd.03:01
snuitjegregbrady: yep, me too ^_^03:01
gregbradysnuitje: but alas, I can only afford to support one working platorm.03:01
kitcheLF|Irssi: nah I won't at least I stay on topic03:01
aikpeople, ask me plz, how i can move reiserfs partition if she mounted to /03:01
snuitjegregbrady: so you're still running ubuntu on your desktop? over the network ubuntu and windows can coexist well03:01
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: you could also use if diff f1 f1; do03:02
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: if diff a b >/dev/null; then echo "same"; else echo "diff"; fi03:02
gregbradysnuitje: yes, but I have to change over now03:02
ST47Ok guys, easier question03:02
fbckitche, I think your right. even with a 1.8ghz 64-bit turion and 1 gig of ram, it's time for and upgrade.03:02
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: so you compare files w/o variables03:02
snuitjegregbrady: you're gonna uninstall ubuntu on your desktop because youtube wont work on your laptop?03:02
ST47I want to file a bug against a feature, but I don't know what package offers that feature03:02
gluonmanI need help figuring out how to get my external hard drive to show up in stacks plugger.03:02
ST47You know how you press ctrl-alt-f1?03:02
LF|Irssiomg kitche just stfu already ok? I can state my opinions if i feel like it.03:02
gregbradysnuitje: Yes....only one platform03:02
ST47And that gives you a terminal03:02
Comrade-Sergeizsquareplusc, can we private this is gonna get ugly for me03:03
snuitjegregbrady: that sounds silly...03:03
woscan anyone tell me how to get java working in firefox?03:03
ST47Sometimes it doesn't work right, who do I complain to03:03
zsquarepluscComrade-Sergei: ok03:03
gregbradysnuitje: why?  One set of tools, resources.03:03
gregbradysnuitje: I'm not going to split users03:04
ms_exodusif i setup an ubuntu network with diskless clients can I still run VirtualBox on those clients03:04
snuitjegregbrady: you can have samba keep a roaming profile so you have the same files on both oses03:04
mercutio22eveytime there's a kernel update, my menu.lst is messed up. Something is making it assign linux to (hd0,5) intead of (hd0,4) where it lays03:05
gregbradysnuitje: I understand your ideas here.  But XP works on all machines as purchased.03:05
gregbradysnuitje: pretty simple.03:05
snuitjewos: try installing sun-java6-plugin03:05
wossnuitje i installed the fkng thing03:06
snuitjegregbrady: hm well at least you can run gimp, oo.o and firefox under windows03:06
woswhoops sorry03:06
wosbut this thing is so frustrating03:06
gregbradysnuitje: and I do!03:06
wosevery step of the way03:06
wosi have a problem03:06
ardchoillewos: did you restart firefox?03:06
NininaI just installed ubuntu 8.10 and I'm getting some weird artifacts in the top boarders of my windows.  I'm using a NVidia GeForce 7950 GT with the version 177 restricted drivers03:07
ja-barranyone has had problems with the virtualbox permission problem even after putting my current user to the vboxuser group03:07
gregbradysnuitje: I just want the devs to see the real problems here.03:07
snuitjegregbrady: allright, eventually micros~1 is just going to stop supporting xp03:07
ardchoillesnuitje , gregbrady perhaps the XP stuff is better served in #ubuntu-offtopic ?03:07
wosNinina, are you getting lines across your window boarders ?03:07
gregbradysnuitje: I see pretty stuff added, but basic real users are left out.03:07
r3duxNinina,  - try changing window manager to emerald or metacity, see if you get the same prob03:07
gregbradyardchoille: yes, thanks.03:07
mercutio22because of that the nvidia dkms thing was not properly installed03:07
KlrSpzwhat's the command to rewrite the grub menu???03:07
snuitjegregbrady: im no dev, if you want a soapbox this isn't it03:08
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mercutio22KlrSpz> sudo update-grup03:08
gregbradysnuitje: thanks for the help though.  You sure did try.03:08
Nininawos: more like they turn white and the minimize/maximize/close buttons vanish03:08
snuitjegregbrady: just trying to do my part -_-' yw03:08
Nininar3dux: how would I go about doing that?03:08
gregbradysnuitje: and you did.  Above and beyond03:08
wosyeah change your to metacity03:08
KlrSpzmercutio22: ah, yeah03:08
r3duxnin - do you use compiz?03:08
r3duxnin - if so, run fusion-icon, and do it from that03:09
Nininar3dux: I only have what the ubuntu installer installed03:09
r3duxNinina, - right click on sys tray icon, select window manager then reload window manager03:09
fbcAnyone know why I my system monitor show two copies of X running? The second one says KAS_event or something.03:09
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r3duxfbc - twinview thing??03:10
fbcr3dux, I'm on a laptop.. with no external monitor connected03:10
r3duxfbc - hehe, no idea then soz03:10
Nininar3dux: I have no icon like that03:11
snuitjegregbrady: if you get tired of xp someday, theres still ubuntu 32bit which has working flash ;)03:11
r3duxNinina, sudo apt-get install fusion-icon03:11
gregbradysnuitje: not with >4 GB03:11
mercutio22how can I start restricted drivers manager from the shell please?03:11
snuitjegregbrady: well linux does support that, but i've never tried it in practice03:12
Alastairany xchat users awake ? xD03:12
ardchoilleAlastair: yes03:12
r3duxDouble yes ;)03:12
Alastairi have one question :p03:12
snuitjegregbrady: 768MB here :P03:12
snuitje!ask | Alastair03:12
ubottuAlastair: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:12
Alastaircan you have favourite channels but not autojoin all of them as soon as you connect to a server :?03:13
Nininar3dux: ok that fixed the problem and I seem to have gotten a performance increase as well, it was being a little sluggish03:13
Lunar_LampAlastair: try #xchat :-)03:13
snuitjeyeah, i never autojoin #ubuntu yet it's one of my favourite channels03:13
gregbradysnuitje: I believe it does in 64 bit mode03:14
kandjarmy bluetooth mouse stop working after reboot.. can someone help me?03:14
snuitjegregbrady: also in 32bit mode, support was added in linux 2.3.something iirc03:14
Nininar3dux: is there anyway to get compiz to work right? I didn't have a problem under 8.04...maybe if I used the 173 drivers?03:15
mercutio22I can't see the ubuntu panel, is it possible to launch restricted drivers manager from the shell??03:15
ardchoilleAlastair: PM?03:15
snuitjegregbrady: even windows has it, if you add the /PAE kernel parameter03:15
Dr_willis_mercutio22,  the command is like 'jockey-SOMTHING' use the tab key to complete the name :)03:16
snuitjegregbrady: but that's known to be buggy and most drivers don't like it03:16
gregbradysnuitje: ah, I have to see about that03:16
r3duxNinina, 177 drivers are out. compiz works fine for me :)03:16
r3duxAlastair, http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=xchat+join+favourite+channels+on+start03:16
ejermercutio22: /usr/bin/jockey-gtk03:17
gregbradysnuitje: I don't know where else to go here.  I can't believe that I can't play a simple youtube video....hmmmmmmmmm03:17
snuitjegregbrady: yes, we can :D03:17
gregbradysnuitje: maybe a second breather and beer are required03:17
snuitjegregbrady: i mostly use http://www.keepvid.com/ and mplayer03:17
Nininar3dux: well they aren't working for me T_T really bad performance + artifacts atleast under 8.1003:17
snuitjegregbrady: i'm out of beer :P could get some tho03:18
Alastairardchoille: what do you mean with PM? xD03:18
r3duxNinina - am on 8.10 - works fine... not sure why yours would be all b0rked03:18
ardchoilleAlastair: may I PM you?03:18
gregbradysnuitje: I'll buy you a beer anyday....03:18
mercutio22thanks Dr_willis_03:18
Alastairyea, you don't even have to ask for my premission to do that :lol:03:18
maple1how much does dollar beer cost?03:19
Nininar3dux: me either...almost just want to say f it and install again to see if I can get a better result03:19
snuitjegregbrady: heh thanks =)03:19
gregbradysnuitje: anytime03:19
gluonmanCan anyone explain how I can make my external hard drive appear in my stacks plugger in awn?03:19
gregbradysnuitje: Depending on location though!03:19
r3duxNinina, if you do that prolly best to do "purge" instead of "remove" with apt - should get rid of any mangled configs, in theory03:19
snuitjegregbrady: getting offtopic ^-^'''03:19
gregbradysnuitje: actually, I'll mail you a beer03:20
snuitjegregbrady: please dont :)03:20
maple1I'm drunk03:20
gregbradysnuitje: good point03:20
r3duxIt'd be all warm..03:20
maple1is now the time to partition my drive and install ubuntu?03:20
gregbradymaple1 carry on03:20
Nininar3dux: since it's been all of 10 min since I did a format + install I think I'll just wipe the drive03:20
ms_exodusanyone have any experience with setting up a LTSP server / client config with diskless clients03:20
bazhangmaple1, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic03:21
r3duxNinina - <grins> Fair point. G'luck w/ 2nd try03:21
atari2600aso I'm installing Ubuntu from a thumbdrive but now it's halting on 'resizing partition'03:21
mOUSTACHI check out this chick :) http://www.sexyemilie.com/?id=5659403:21
gregbradysnuitje: well, my mail offer was refused :(03:21
atari2600aI'm resizing my little brothers main NTFS partition with all his shit on it so it CAN'T crash now03:21
atari2600awhat do I do!!!03:21
ardchoilleThank you03:21
cellofellowI mistakenly deleted a a file, but the vim .swp file is still there. Can I recover the original file from the .swp file?03:22
bazhangatari2600a, please watch the language03:22
cellofellowoh, there we go, yup!03:22
kandjarcan anybody help me with some bluetooth issue????03:22
atari2600agpartedd CAN'T CRASH NOW03:22
snuitjegregbrady: mailing liquids is tricky03:22
atari2600awhat do I do!03:22
r3duxatari - wait a while with fingers crossed?03:22
atari2600athen what!03:23
r3duxCould just be going slow?03:23
matthias_hi anybody that made it connecting to an hidden wireless WIFI03:23
_nix-useranyone can help me about dd command? I want to clonning from a partition to another partition but doesn't has same space. The source partition is /dev/sda7 has 7.4 GB and the target partition is /dev/sda5 has 12 GB. I just run dd if=/dev/sda7 of=/dev/sda5 and the result is the space of sda5 is same with sda7, what should I do? please help me, I'm really confused03:23
gregbradysnuitje: well, the thought was there03:23
snuitjems_exodus: any issues with it?03:23
Alastairif your hdd led is on and you hear scratching noises from the PC everything is fine xD03:23
gregbradysnuitje: If you are ever in Waterloo, ON  then I will buy drinks.03:23
ardchoillesnuitje , gregbrady  that really needs to go to #ubuntu-offtopic . This is a support channel, not general chat.03:23
r3dux_nix > format sda7 then copy all over?03:23
SierradumpIm noticing strange behavior on a fresh install of Ubuntu 8.10.  Occasionally the title bar for application windows disappears or appears distorted... (the title bar is the bar with the  minimize window, full screen window, and (X) close window)03:23
FFEMTcJSierradump: ive had the same problem on one of my systems03:24
snuitjegregbrady: pm if you want ^^03:24
gregbradyardchoille: ok, I'm done03:24
trueboskoSilly question .. if someone asks about firewalls on linux, is suggesting them to read up on iptables the right idea ? :)03:24
Alastairresizing a partition is very lengthy process03:24
_nix-userr3dux: sda7 is the ubuntu system so I want to clon to the sda503:24
ardchoilletruebosko: yes, iptables is good for that03:25
SierradumpFFEMTcJ:  were you able to remedy?  Out of curiosity did you use the nVidia 177 drivers?03:25
r3duxtruebosko, - could do that, or just have a look at guarddog to do the iptables stuff for you03:25
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).03:25
trueboskoardchoille / r3dux : thanks, firestarter was also something mentioned03:25
FFEMTcJSierradump: nope.. no fix yet.. dont know what drivers.. wifes computers03:25
matthias_anyone that can help me getting connected to my wirlesll router but with ssid invisible , i am having problem to connect to if and the funny thing is that my password is encrypted and not as i have in the router ...03:25
trueboskojust wanted to make sure im on the right mindset here, heh03:25
r3dux_nix > format sda5 then copy all over? [Sorry! Good catch!]03:25
atari2600aAlastair: with 10mins on 0%!?03:25
SierradumpFFEMTcJ:  by any chance do you get a ram size error during boot?03:26
FFEMTcJSierradump: dont know.. like i said, its the wifes system.. so i dont spend enough time on it to know.. sorry03:26
SierradumpFFEMTcJ:  crap cuz its really annoying!!!!03:27
r3duxatari2600a, I feel for you... that's a bad situation... hopefully it's crashed on kicking off the op or after doing it! Hope it works out.03:27
Alastairatari2600a, yea, depending on how large the partition is it can take several hours03:27
_nix-userr3dux: yes, I've formated sda5 and I just run the dd command. When I boot from sda5, the size is same with sda7 (from df -h command) but when I checked it from fdisk, the size is different03:27
FFEMTcJSierradump: i can imagine.. does it come back after a minute or two? my wifes does03:27
Alastairif the hdd is working there is no problem03:27
twbSo the government has told me that they want their 8.04 desktops to look like Vista.  And the vista themes on gnome-look are just bloody awful.  Is there a way to make 8.04 pretend to be Vista that doesn't involve dealing with idiot themers?03:27
atari2600aI'm just knocking off 31gb off the partition03:27
kandjarIs there anyone who can help me with my bluetooth issue????03:27
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:28
SierradumpFFEMTcJ:  Hasn't happened since I typed the question!  Its probably watching me!03:28
lazukars1What is the prefered cd/dvd burning software for Ubuntu?03:28
SierradumpHOWEVER -- if I close or minimize the application and reopen it --- it will then disappear.03:28
r3dux_nix - oddness. Try formatting sda5, mount it and copy everything with cp -R or whatnot03:28
Alastairyup, but if the partition is 500gb you'll have to wait a lot of time03:28
matthias_anyone that uses wireless and connected to router with ssid invcisible ...03:28
sebsebseblazukars1:  the default one is ok, but K3B is one that is hightly recommend by Linux people03:28
lazukars1sebsebseb: thanks you!03:29
ms_exodussnuitje, just thinking about configuring a network with LTSP looking in the forums but was curious as to what other uses experience where03:29
sebsebseblazukars1: yep K3B pretty good03:29
DrKanyone know what the irc channel for ubuntu SE is?03:29
matthias_lazukars1:  are you going to burn mp3 toaudio music ...03:29
sebsebsebDrK:  #ubuntu-se03:29
DrKsebsebseb: tyvm03:29
lazukars1matthias_: more for data.  I am just looking for an all around good one.03:30
sebsebsebDrk:  inget problem03:30
r3duxmatthias_, SSID off doesn't matter AFAIK - mine routers SSID is off and I'm here...03:30
_nix-userr3dux: Can I boot it from the result copy of sda5?03:30
sebsebsebDrK:  inget problem03:30
lazukars1sebsebseb: would you do sudo apt-get installl K3B to install03:30
lazukars1minus the typo03:30
r3duxatari2600a - just had an idea! Ctrl-Alt-F3 or someth (if you can) - could try dmesg | tail and see what's going on?03:31
sebsebsebsudo apt-get install k3b should do it03:31
ejerlazukars1: k3b - lowercase03:31
r3duxBut you said you'd rebooted already? =/03:31
matthias_lazukars1:  okey but in case you will burn mp3 music to normal audio data than you need to install some extra codec in the repository, just look in the libk3b ....- codecs ...03:32
vontuxhi, does anyone know if it is possible to find all need drivers for the newer toshiba laptops?03:32
kandjarbazhang: my bluetooth mouse is detected, but I can't establish the connectio nwith it/... It worked the first time. but stop working after a reboot03:32
mrweslazukars1, Look into ABCDE, A Better CD Extractor, it's command line but it roxs03:32
r3duxlazukars1, you can burn to CD from Amarok apparently, but not tried it.03:32
r3duxFor CD extraction I kinda like grip - does the job for me.03:32
matthias_r3dux:  it is an differance one is visible and the other is hidden and you can not just click on it and connect , how did you do that to connect to an invisible wireless router ???03:33
r3duxmatthias_, I either entered the SSID manually or had SSID turned on, connected and saved connection settings then turned SSID off at router.03:33
debianconvertsHELLO SIRS, how come intrepid detect my ata hd as SATA?03:33
snuitjems_exodus: well, 64MB of RAM on the thin client wasn't enough for edubuntu03:33
snuitjems_exodus: but overall it worked pretty neat03:34
r3duxmatthias_, it's been a while, not sure which method I used.03:34
snuitjems_exodus: it's better when the server doesn't have to create a swap file for the client, so the client can swap pages over the network (ugh)03:34
r3duxAnyways, enough timewasting for me - back to the OpenGL Superbible... cyaz03:35
MrCollinsHow can I get flash to play sound, from youtube.com videos, I can play sound from totem using my digital out on my audigy 2, but no sound comes from flash in firefox. Can someone point me to a good howto?03:35
rraj_beCould any one help me top package a c source program into debian package03:35
rraj_beany help please03:36
panchowhat hapend?03:36
steve__when i watch youtube videos no sound comes thru03:36
rraj_beany help please03:36
SierradumpCan anyone tell me how to install SKYPE on 8.10 64bit?  Is it dialed in now or is there still a whole process of things to do to get it to work?03:36
MrCollinsSteve__ me too03:37
mrwesSierradump, man...you on fire today aye?03:37
mrpocketsIs there a way to install Ubuntu without the GUI?03:37
mcj_Hey all. Uhh, kinda serious problem here. X.org says it doesn't detect any devices after I upgraded my kernel and now I can't get Xserver to run without it being in "low-grphics mode."03:37
snuitjemrpockets: install a commandline system03:37
mcj_mrpockets: Alternate installer.03:37
=== usuario is now known as wicope
Sierradumpmrwes:  I love this thing - couple of issues but I am really liking it so far!03:37
usserrraj_be, if your c program uses a make file then you can use checkinstall to roll into a .deb package03:37
snuitjemrpockets: use the alternate installer or the dvd03:37
rraj_bewhy you need such mrpockets03:37
mrwesSierradump, good for you03:38
mrpocketsrraj_be, server03:38
rraj_befine and thanks a lot usser03:38
LF|Irssi"...a whole process of things to do to get it to work"   Ohh that's the fun part of Linux :)03:38
Sierradumpbattery life isn't as bad as I thought either - I am getting about 1.5hr03:38
rraj_bebut could you give me live one to one help03:38
rraj_bei am very new to this usser03:38
mrwesSierradump, yah I get about 2 hours03:38
rraj_beActually server install of ubuntu wont give you GUI03:38
AlastairSierradump, use the medibuntu repo03:38
MrCollinsrraj_be, sounds like you would like to hire usser ;)03:39
usserrraj_be, is it your own project?03:39
usserrraj_be, does it have a makefile?03:39
Sierradumpmrwes:  I haven't messed with power settings either - I may be able to get it to stretch out a little longer...03:39
rraj_besome what modified the source from internet03:39
SierradumpAlastair: medibuntu?03:39
_21h_how to make djvu files under linux?03:39
ms_exodussnuitje, cool. thanks for the input!03:39
SierradumpAlastair: I am new to linux could you give me a quick rundown on what I need to do?03:40
rraj_bei just have c program with .c extension . .i have done small programs but not yet any applications usser03:40
rraj_beits my first project03:40
mcj_X server says no screens are found on my system. So... what do I do?03:40
rraj_beMrCollins: really i am very basic user . . . .so only03:40
mrwesSierradump, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu03:40
snuitjems_exodus: also, dont try to be too clever, edubuntu takes care of a lot more things you'd ever care to think of, so follow the book and let it do its thing :)03:41
mrwes!Medibuntu | Sierradump03:41
ubottuSierradump: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org03:41
rraj_beusser:  what should i do now . . ??03:41
snuitjems_exodus: i tried intervening things but rly it's better to try it like how it's meant to be before trying to tweak things03:41
MrCollinsis there is a good howto on youtube.com videos + nosound for ubuntu?03:41
usserrraj_be, you will need to create a simple makefile http://mrbook.org/tutorials/make/03:42
usserrraj_be, something like all: gcc filename.c -o programname03:42
rraj_besure . . . i will have a look there03:42
mrwesMrCollins, did you g00gle it?03:42
mouseboyxhow do you reconfigure xorg so that you can pick from  a list of video drivers, my real problem is that when i install xserver-video-intel, it does not write the driver to xorg.conf file....  http://pastebin.com/m3351e38d03:42
mrwesMrCollins, what version of ubunut?03:43
ms_exodussnuitje, will do. looking at some working examples in the forums right now. When I'm done I'll post there my results in ubuntuForums under tbuss. Thanks again03:43
MrCollinsmrwes, I have googled it and have done several things03:43
mouseboyxxgl is not running, but i can still do 3d rendering, like glxgears?03:43
MrCollinsmrwes, I have 8.1003:43
mouseboyxmy xorg.conf file does not have anything in it...03:44
snuitjems_exodus: i started by runnin the server in a virtual machine and a real thin client that has pxeboot03:44
zerodevicehi everyone03:44
MrCollinsmrwes, I did apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree03:44
SierradumpGot it mrwes thank you!!!!! and alastair!03:44
CarlFKEkiga doesn't seem to be picking up anything from my mic.  volume control gui shows 3 mics: Docking, External, Internal.  how do I know what ekiga is using?03:44
MrCollinsmrwes, and I did apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound03:44
zerodeviceim having some trouble with the file access permission thing.03:44
MrCollinsrestarted firefox and restarted ubuntu03:44
mrwesMrCollins, You running flash 10?03:45
MrCollinsmrwes, I am using a digital out *not optical* on an audigy 2 card....03:45
MrCollinsmrwes, yes.03:45
Sierradumpmrwes,  have you experienced any weird behavior of the title bar, sometimes my application bar disappears or appears distorted...03:45
rraj_bedone usser03:45
rraj_bewhats next03:45
zerodevicehow come everytime i scan an image file from xsane and the permission is set to "others: Access: none"? this gave me a hard time when i am trying to share those files to other user.03:46
mrwesMrCollins, try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96416503:46
mrwesSierradump, you have desktop effects turned on?03:46
maple1I popped 5 dexedrine just to tolerate linux03:46
zerodeviceis there anyway to make whatever files in that folder once and for all "read-white"?03:46
usserrraj_be, thats for compiling, there has to be target install so that make knows where to install the binary03:46
maple1and then had 3 beers03:46
maple1how do you think I feel?03:46
usserrraj_be, add another entry install: /usr/bin03:46
Sierradumpmrwes: I do not have any desktop effects turned on?  Haven't gotten there yet!03:46
rraj_bei have just ran this one usser " gcc raj.c -o programname -lSDL_mixer"03:47
rraj_bewhat is command i heve to run acctually  . . .03:47
bazhangmaple1, stay on topic03:47
Sierradumplike right now, my title bar is missing... I can see the (-) minimize button and thats it...03:47
mouseboyxhow do you reconfigure xorg so that you can pick from  a list of video drivers, my real problem is that when i install xserver-video-intel, it does not write the driver to xorg.conf file....  http://pastebin.com/m3351e38d, this config file is very limited, is it supposed to be like this?03:47
usserrraj_be, my bad sorry03:47
rraj_bewhat usser03:48
mrwesSierradump, try searching here http://www.googlubuntu.com/03:48
usserrraj_be, hm, whats up with -lSDL_mixer?03:48
rraj_bei have that out file and source  alone now03:48
snuitjeSierradump: titlebar corruptness, i had that on very rare occasions only with compiz enabled03:48
mercutio22People, I am in dire need of help. Its the second day this happens to me in a row. Afters the latest kernel update I can' t boot into ubuntu. I have a clue whats causing it, but I am not sure how to fix it. I suppose it has something to do with fstab UUIDs and grub. I recently lost my partition table, recovered it and was booting normally, but the system breaks with every update03:48
CarlFKusser: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes ?03:48
rraj_beits for compiling a SDL file usser03:48
Sierradumpmrwes:  good site, added to bookmarks!!!03:48
usserrraj_be, -subsitute programname with the name you want your program to be known03:48
rraj_beit shud be added along with compile line to compile any SDL file03:49
SierradumpI haven't enabled compiz -- does it come pre-enabled???03:49
rraj_bei done that and named it as raj usser03:49
mouseboyxmercoutio22, dont update?, not sure what to tell you, can you do a fresh isntall03:49
usserrraj_be, right so install section would be03:49
usserrraj_be, install: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:50
rraj_behow to make "MAKE " file now usser03:50
mrwesSierradump, no, but you can check it System | Preference | Appearance03:50
rraj_beusser:  raj@raj-desktop:~/Documents/PROJECT/sdl/sdl$ install: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:50
rraj_bebash: install:: command not found03:50
maple1does anyone else use stimulants to work on linux?03:50
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mercutio22mouseboyx: I wan t to fix it without resorting to a clean install, I don' t want to loose stuff. Its all here.03:50
mrwesVisual Effects tab03:50
Alastaircompiz was enabled by default on my pc and my laptop (nvidia/intel cards)03:51
usserrraj_be, now you should be putting all that into a file called Makefile in the same directory as your program03:51
mrwesSierradump, reason why I ask the title bar missing is usually a problem with Compiz and visual effects03:51
rraj_bei am getting eerror ads install:: command not found usser  . . . .what to do03:51
Sierradumpmrwes:  System|Preference|appearance -- I just have the "human" theme turned on?03:51
mouseboyxok, mercutio22 when you boot goto the grub menu, and edit the ubuntu line, remove splash from the line and find the exact error03:52
Sierradumpmrwes, where would the compiz setting show up there?03:52
Alastairgo on the last tab, visual effects or something like that03:52
usserrraj_be, create a new file called Makefile in the directory where your program is03:52
rraj_beok done03:52
usserrraj_be, and add these lines all:  gcc raj.c -o programname -lSDL_mixer03:52
rraj_beos Makefile.txt03:52
mrwesSierradump, System | Preferences | Appearance | Visual Effects tab....what is it set to?03:53
usserrraj_be, install: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:53
rraj_beis it to be a text file.??03:53
Sierradumpmrwes:  when I hover the mouse over the minimize/maximize/close window buttons - it will disappear/flicker if it is working, or if it isn't working it will come back to life!03:53
usserrraj_be, substitute programname with raj03:53
usserrraj_be, in the first line03:53
SierradumpMine is set to "normal"03:53
mrwesahh... so it's on03:53
Sierradumpmrwes:  mine is set to "normal" the middle setting.03:53
mercutio22mouseboyx: it says something about the kernel not being able to sync - and theres an error message saying something like /init line 190 and the UUID which is probably wrong in menu.lst and fstab03:54
SierradumpMrwes:  OHHHH that is "compiz" ???  I didn't know because it didn't say "compiz"  --->  what can I set it to ?03:54
rraj_beok done >  . . .03:54
Alastairi have the same disappearing/flickering problems on the nvidia card03:54
snuitjeSierradump: yep, that sounds familiar, there's probably a bug on it in launchpad you could subscribe to it or help test proposed updates if any03:55
Toaster`Evening all.  How does one move a private GPG signature from one computer to another?03:55
rraj_beusser:  is make file shud be a text file with .txt extension03:55
MrCollinsmrwes, I saw that forum post, no joy. I tried apt-get install adobe-flashplugin but it says ' Couldn't find package adobe-flashplugin'03:55
SierradumpAlastair:  are you using the nVidia 177 drivers?  Which graphics card do you have?  I have integrated nVidia Geforce GO 615003:55
Doonzhey Guys need some help with mdadm03:55
usserrraj_be, no just a file name "Makefile" retain the case, M should be capital03:55
rraj_beits done03:56
ejer!flash | MrCollins03:56
ubottuMrCollins: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash03:56
snuitjeSierradump: it happens with intel integrated graphics as well, has to be a compiz bug03:56
\KiraWhen I play world of warcraft the graphics look funny, the game operators recommended taking a look into my video drivers. I am using a Intel 865 chipset, with the driver i810. Any recommendations?03:56
usserrraj_be, did u put the lines i pasted?03:56
DoonzI have a raid 5 array that is from my old system (thing is dead) ive moved the drives and the raid card onto the new system03:56
LordKagarAnyone a doctor here....for the last year ive had this thing in my nose...feels really smooth kind of but it hurts when I touch it at all --and it seems to come back go away the ncome back again03:56
DoonzHow do i rebuild the array without destroying the data on it03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about restriced03:56
Sierradumpsnuitje:  I will check it out... I don't want to really  mess with it at this point as I am getting ready to take a trip and just need a stable laptop.03:56
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats03:56
snuitje\Kira: get a better card, like a supported ATi or nVidia03:56
ms_exodussnuitje, this is a little off topic but I was curious about LTSP because I'm configuring LMCE with 3 diskless md's and I think LMCE can handle the netboot03:56
ejer!smoothnose | LordKagar03:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smoothnose03:57
\Kirasnuitje: I cant at the momment, im working on it, though03:57
Alastairi don't have this problem with the laptop tho...03:57
LordKagarejerL it might be a wart03:57
LordKagarbut idk what it is03:57
LordKagarhurts though03:57
snuitjeSierradump: disable it when you try to do work then, thats pretty safe03:57
rraj_bein this orde03:57
rraj_begcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer03:57
rraj_beinstall: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:57
rraj_beis it right usser03:57
FloodBot2rraj_be: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
LordKagarand it goes awy comes back03:57
LordKagarmust flare up or something03:57
Sierradumpmrwes:  I set visual effects to "none" and it appears to have fixed it!03:57
FloodBot2LordKagar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
LordKagarand deflare03:57
snuitje\Kira: intel integrated graphics isn't really made for WoW, kewl that it's running to some extend at all though03:58
usserrraj_be, all: gcc raj.c -o raj -lSDL_mixer03:58
dmulhollandhey, im running three ubuntu machines at home through a router network, how can i get it that I can use ssh username@hostname instead of ssh username@IPaddress? I'm assuming I'm missing something in the network hostname or something?03:58
usserrraj_be, install: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:58
\Kirasnuitje: I see, I guess I have to go to future shop :(03:58
LordKagarKiraL only noobs go to future shop03:58
snuitje\Kira: im trying to get secondlife but that's pretty demanding as well :'/03:59
KiraLordKagar: Tiger Direct or newegg ftw?03:59
rraj_beis it ok  no in this order03:59
markl_how easy is it to use software raid on the Ubuntu root/boot partitions?03:59
rraj_begcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer03:59
rraj_beall: gcc raj.c -o raj -lSDL_mixer03:59
rraj_beinstall: mv raj /usr/local/bin03:59
markl_does the installer handle it easily?03:59
ejerdmulholland: you need a dns server to tell the machines what hostname has which IP, your router may be able to, or you could add the IPs to your hosts file03:59
usserrraj_be, now remove the very first one :)04:00
usserrraj_be, and it will be fine04:00
bruce_when i open synaptic package manager i get this error- 'dkpg was interrupted- manually enter 'dpkg --configure -a'; how do i do that?04:00
ejermarkl_: use the alternate cd, it is handled just like in debian04:00
rraj_bewhich line usser04:00
\Kirasnuitje: I was thinking about trying second life, but wow seemed more popular around my school.04:00
|d|i think my gdm has a problem restoring a session04:00
mrwesSierradump, check this thread, post #13 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=975596&page=204:00
usserrraj_be, first one that u pasted04:00
usserrraj_be, this one gcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer04:00
rraj_bedone usser04:00
ejerbruce_: applications>accessories>terminal, in there type: sudo dpkg --configure -a04:00
snuitje\Kira: yeah WoW gets all the attention, but secondlife lets you build things, and it's a single world so you dont need to request transfers04:00
usserrraj_be, sweet paste what u got?04:01
snuitje\Kira: plus it's free software ^-^04:01
rraj_bethis is in my Makeifle "all: gcc raj.c -o raj -lSDL_mixer04:01
MrCollinsejer, I have followed that tutorial.... any other help?04:01
rraj_beinstall: mv raj /usr/local/bin"04:01
rraj_benowe what to do04:01
ejerwhat is the problem MrCollins04:01
Doonz!installing ssh server04:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:02
\Kirasnuitje: yes, I was really interested in the whole idea of how second life has its own real life econamy04:02
usserrraj_be, right now install checkinstall by running this command: sudo apt-get install checkinstall04:02
snuitje\Kira: yeah thats the WORST part of 2l04:02
snuitje\Kira: getting offtopic tho04:02
MrCollinsejer I have no sound in firefox, fresh install of 8.10, I downloaded all updates, ran apt-get flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound04:02
mrwesSierradump, yah that'll do it too, I don't use visual effects04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm04:02
MrCollinsejer no sound from flash like youtube.com04:02
\Kirasnuitje: yeah, thanks for the recommendation04:02
|d|i think my gdm has a problem restoring a session04:02
bruce_ejer: thanks04:02
rraj_beinstalling usser04:03
Toaster`Evening all.  How does one move a private GPG signature from one computer to another?04:03
Sierradumpmrwes:  thanks for the link - looks promising...04:03
ejerMrCollins: you have sound in other apps?04:03
usserToaster`, export it and just copy using some secure means04:03
rraj_beinstalles usser04:03
usserToaster`, like a usb stick'04:03
MrCollinsejer, yes I have sound in totem. I can play and hear mp3s04:04
rraj_beusser:  installed that checkinstall04:04
usserrraj_be, right now in the directory where makefile is run this: make04:04
|d|i think my gdm has a problem restoring a session,because wen i restart after not closing all gui programs it hangs and slows the system down drastically04:04
ejerMrCollins: in your sound setting is everything on autodetect04:05
rraj_beraj@raj-desktop:~/Documents/PROJECT/sdl/sdl$ make04:05
rraj_beMakefile:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.04:05
usserrraj_be, did it compile? do u have a file named raj with no extension in that directory04:05
usserrraj_be, alright now in that same directory run: checkinstall04:05
MrCollinsejer, no because I have an audigy card and a onboard card which is disabled in the bios but shows up in linux for some reason, btw I am also using digital out *not optical*04:05
forcumangi just accidently removed my /home/user/04:06
Doonzcan someone help me turn on the ssh server on my ubuntu 8.04lts desktop04:06
forcumangis there a way to recover it?04:06
MrCollinsejer audigy2 btw04:06
forcumangmeaning i just cleared out the directory04:06
usserrraj_be, answer some questions, ie description change the name of the future .deb file etc04:06
usserrraj_be, sudo checkinstall, sorry04:06
mikematisDoonz: I'll help you04:06
forcumanganyone? =S04:06
snuitjeforcumang: mmmmaayyyyybe with e2undel04:06
usserrraj_be, run sudo checkinstall from the directory where your .c file is04:06
rraj_beits asking for description04:07
snuitjeforcumang: but i'd recommend using a forensic analysis livecd04:07
ejerMrCollins: little non-standard, but should of course work, I use audigy2 with disabled onboard sound... I would try all the dif settings in sound settings, but I would google for bugs too04:07
snuitjeforcumang: and never even boot from that ubuntu install to prevent further 'damage'04:07
sqrtof-1how do you put a bcm43xx chip in ad-hoc mode?04:07
MrCollinsejer google for bugs such as?04:07
usserrraj_be, its a description write whatever you want04:07
mikematisDoonz: Open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"04:07
MrCollinsejer ubuntu + audigy 204:07
rraj_beall i done in that04:08
rraj_beit ended with bye04:08
Toaster`usser: Thanks04:08
Doonzahh ok so that would be the package i needed04:08
rraj_beInstalling with make install...04:08
forcumangsnuitje =>04:08
rraj_be========================= Installation results ===========================04:08
rraj_beMakefile:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.04:08
rraj_be****  Installation failed. Aborting package creation.04:08
forcumangmy filesystem wasnt deleted04:08
snuitjesqrtof-1: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode adhoc ?04:08
FloodBot2rraj_be: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:08
rraj_beCleaning up...OK04:08
forcumangjust the contents of my home folder04:08
usserrraj_be, dont paste here u'll get banned04:08
usser!pastebin | rraj_be04:08
bazhangrraj_be, use paste.ubuntu.com04:08
ubotturraj_be: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:08
bazhangrraj_be, not here04:08
snuitjeforcumang: yeah thats still pretty severe04:08
sqrtof-1poor guy.04:09
SierradumpMrwes:  Can you help me out??? I need to know how to undo a sudo apt-get install!!!  I was trying to install SKYPE so I added the mediabuntu repos and then typed "sudo apt-get install skype" but I kind of jumped the gun.  I was supposed to type:  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libasound2-plugins; wget -N boundlesssupremacy.com/Cappy/getlibs/getlibs-all.deb; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu-amd64; sudo dp04:09
Sierradumpkg -i skype-install.deb; sudo dpkg -i getlibs-all.deb; sudo getlibs -p libqtcore4 libqtgui4 bluez-alsa04:09
mikematisDoonz: Yep. The config file is /etc/ssh/sshd.config (i think)04:09
rraj_beok usser04:09
sqrtof-1apt-get remove04:09
Doonzi just wasnt sure what package i needed04:09
forcumangim gonna just reinstall, i guess04:09
forcumangfucking lame04:09
FloodBot2forcumang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:09
sqrtof-1Sierradump: apt-get remove; apt-get autoclean04:09
rraj_beits giving as "Makefile:1: *** missing separator.  Stop."04:09
rraj_bewhats wrong usser04:09
sqrtof-1How do you put a bcm43xx in ad-hoc mode?04:10
Sierradumpsqrtof-1  is that in a particular order:  i.e. apt-get remove skype.   THEN  apt-get autoclean skype ???  thanks.04:10
mercutio22ok, cool I solved it. Now how can I prevent that from happening again? I had to boot into a live cd, correct the wrong hard drive entries in menu.lst, replace UUIDs with my /dev/sda5 partition and reinstall grub and04:10
=== genii-test is now known as genii-around
snuitjesqrtof-1: sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode adhoc doesnt work?04:10
usserrraj_be, try putting stuff that goes after all: and install: on separate lines04:10
|d|i think my gdm has a problem restoring a session,because wen i restart after not closing all gui programs it hangs and slows the system down drastically04:10
LoRdRapTuReZhi there04:10
rraj_beyeah . . .its in seperate line04:10
LoRdRapTuReZi need a help04:10
ejerMrCollins: like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/291371 - it looks like a pulseaudio issue, try making sure you have pule selected, and go look again to make sure you disabled sound right in bios04:10
forcumangoh wow04:10
rraj_beis this correcr "all: gcc raj.c -o raj -lSDL_mixer"04:10
mikematisforcumang: what happened?04:11
usserrraj_be, http://pastebin.com/f1717767f04:11
usserrraj_be, like this04:11
snuitje!ask | LoRdRapTuReZ04:11
ubottuLoRdRapTuReZ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
mercutio22I meant this question for anyone who knows anything of matters of booting04:11
timwhats the "terminal-server-app" client in gnome called04:11
timi got some nasty bug in it04:11
sqrtof-1just paste this into a shell: sudo apt-get remove skype && sudo apt-get autoclean.04:11
timneed to reconfigure it, possible?04:11
forcumangmikematis => there was for some reason an accidently folder in my home folder named ~, so i rm -r ~ (idiotically), and it deleted teh home folder contents04:11
timubuntu 8.1004:11
MrCollinsejer I do have the soundcard disabled in bios, I just checked04:11
LoRdRapTuReZ! i have 2 linux pc in the same network, how to copy a files from a linux pc to another linux pc. what is the commands04:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:12
forcumangim gonna get a bong hit before this crap, ffs04:12
snuitjeLoRdRapTuReZ: do you have ssh set up?04:12
bazhangforcumang, please keep it family friendly04:12
timiam ssh tunneling port xx to my server where vnc is running04:12
snuitjeLoRdRapTuReZ: or are they running samba?04:12
ejerMrCollins: looks like pulse, and if ubuntu really sees your second card, you could have it being loaded, so you need to look into alsa settings to force one to be first04:12
usserrraj_be, do: make04:12
timbeside that i connected to some other ip04:12
LoRdRapTuReZhow to set up ssh04:12
LoRdRapTuReZi new to linux04:12
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/04:12
usserrraj_be, and: sudo checkinstall04:12
rraj_be a min plz04:12
Sierradumpsqrtof-1:  I did the apt-get remove skype command and it said after removing 14mb or space would be freed, but the install said 141mb of space was used??? what happened to my other 127mb of space!!!!04:13
MrCollinsejer, where is alsa settings in System -> Prefs -> Sound  ??04:13
timnow when using connection to xx it displays the ip i connected before and freezes whole window manager04:13
snuitjeLoRdRapTuReZ: basically install the openssh-server package04:13
mikematisforcumang: Woah. not good. Not sure if I can help you, but the actual data *should* still be on the drive, just the references to those files are gone.04:13
tim= alt+F2 = kill vnc process04:13
timso any way to reconfigure that "terminal-server-client" application?04:13
rraj_bethe same error use04:13
snuitjeLoRdRapTuReZ: theres another way, just right click a folder in nautilus, choose share, and it'll configure things for you04:13
rraj_beMakefile:1: *** missing separator.  Stop. usser04:14
MrCollinsejer how do I stop the other card from being detected/used?04:14
|d|i think my gdm has a problem restoring a session,because wen i restart after not closing all gui programs it hangs and slows the system down drastically04:14
snuitjeLoRdRapTuReZ: then browse the network on the other computer to find the share you just made04:14
mikematisforcumang: Try using a live cd with testdisk on it to recover them. Can anone else help with this?04:14
ejerMrCollins: http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/FAQ#Can_I_use_several_applications_at_once_without_the_second_one_blocking.3F and elsewhere on that page04:14
LoRdRapTuReZlet me try it04:14
ejerbut i doubt it is happening MrCollins04:14
sunapi386tell me what happens when u rm -rf04:14
sunapi386rm / -rf04:14
usserrraj_be, hm can you pastebin it?04:14
ejeryou delete all files on your harddrive FOREVER sunapi38604:14
LoRdRapTuReZbut 1 pc is running ubuntu 8.04 and another 1 is running on ubuntu 6.0604:14
DoonzAnyone got a second to answer a few mdadm questions?04:14
bazhangsunapi386, dont paste that here04:14
snuitjerm -rf: ReMoves Real Fast :)04:15
sunapi386i read somewhere that ubuntu implented that rm / -rf to stop working..04:15
ejerdo people here install -propsed updates?04:15
snuitjeorly :D04:15
bazhangsnuitje, sunapi386 please stop04:16
DoonzOK i have a raid 5 array that was built on another ubuntu box that died a tragic death. Ive moved all my hard drives and the raid card onto this new ubuntu box. how do i go about rebuilding that array without loosing all the data on it?04:16
snuitjeejer: mostly to test out new fixes04:16
sunapi386bazhang; whats the problem?04:16
snuitjebazhang: i cant say orly?04:16
ejerI have just turned the on now, guess I am testing :)04:16
markl_Doonz: what do you mean by "died a tragic death"04:16
bazhangsunapi386, it is offtopic04:16
MrCollinsejer, can I post to you my 'aplay -l' list somewhere, where you can have a look at it?04:16
LoRdRapTuReZ!in windowsxp, we can enable the remote desktop, but how about ubuntu 8.0404:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:16
Doonzi broke the mobo04:16
ejeryes MrCollins04:16
digitalvaldostahello. I was wondering how to get my terminal transparent so that I can see the other windows through it. I had it working on my other computer but forgot how to set it up. I would like to set it up on my fresh install of 8.10.04:16
bazhangsunapi386, and that is a dangerous command dont repeat here04:16
rraj_behttp://pastebin.com/m5f8acf41 usser04:16
mikematissunapi386: don't be an ass. This a place to solve probs. not cause them04:17
MrCollinsejer, where do I post the 'spam'?04:17
markl_Doonz: ah well it should generally be as easy as moving the drives and turning the machine on04:17
ejer!paste | MrCollins04:17
ubottuMrCollins: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:17
\KiraI would like to install gnome on my machine, but I dont want it to start on boot. What is the command to install it, and how can I stop it from auto-starting. This is going to be a server for a game and I need to use a GUI to configure some stuff, but in the future I dont want it to cause the server to slow when I dont need it too.04:17
digitalvaldostaI know how to get so that I can see the desktop through it. This is not what I need. I want to see the other windows.04:17
markl_your video may not work the same but generally it will work04:17
Doonzit was the old os drive that fell onto the mobo and broke both04:17
markl_Doonz: ah that changes things04:17
snuitje\Kira: you may want to try sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove04:17
mikematisDoonz: is this a scratch built box, or is it from a sysint like dell?04:18
markl_Doonz: you weren't booting from the raid card?04:18
snuitje\Kira: that'll prevent gdm, the gnome display manager from starting up on boot04:18
Doonzmarkl no04:18
LoRdRapTuReZ!in windowsxp, we can enable the remote desktop, but how about ubuntu 8.0404:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:18
MrCollinsejer, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77609/04:18
Doonzmikematis custom built04:18
markl_Doonz: in that case i would reinstall with just a single drive, and then connect the raid card04:18
\Kirasnuitje: but would that stop X server, as well?04:18
Doonzwich ive done04:18
snuitje\Kira: correct04:18
usserrraj_be, try this http://pastebin.com/m1f7c3b5904:18
Doonznow my question is howdo i rebuild the array04:18
snuitje\Kira: you can also leave gdm running and not log in until you need to use the gnome desktop04:18
bazhangLoRdRapTuReZ, no need to use ! for your questions04:18
snuitje\Kira: that way only X and a greeter runs04:19
markl_Doonz: you want to reformat the disks?04:19
snuitje\Kira: not the full blown desktop04:19
markl_Doonz: or save your old data on the raid04:19
usserrraj_be, also make sure make is installed: sudo apt-get install make04:19
dmulhollandhey, im trying to share folders between two ubuntu machinces but the default way now seems to be windows shares through samba? is it not better to use a unix file share?04:19
Doonzsave the data04:19
uhhhhhanyone have the hp mini 1000 here?04:19
markl_Doonz: does the system detect the partitions when you boot up?04:19
\Kirasnuitje: I'd rather go with the first solution, and do you have any idea how to start it once I want to? And what about installing gnome?04:19
hmw_lfsradeon driver docs are wrong...04:19
markl_Doonz: for example, cat /proc/partitions04:19
hmw_lfsat least in one little detail04:19
markl_Doonz: ok can you mount them?04:19
SierradumpCould someone have a look at my skype install here:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/77610/   I can't tell what happened???  It looks like it hit an error on line 44???04:20
ejerMrCollins: in sound settings your devices should be set to pulseaudio04:20
=== david is now known as Guest68868
rraj_bewhat shud i change in make file usser  . . .its same as old04:20
markl_Doonz: add them to fstab and you should probably be done04:20
LoRdRapTuReZin windowsxp, we can enable the remote desktop, but how about ubuntu 8.04??? is the any option like that04:20
hmw_lfsand my vid runs coool now04:20
snuitje\Kira: basically 2 methods: start gnome or log in and start an X session04:20
Doonzoh i see wich partition you meant04:20
MrCollinsejer, how do I do so ejer? How do I change them to pulse?04:20
DoonzNo there is no md004:20
snuitje\Kira: invoke-rc.d gdm start04:20
usserrraj_be, http://pastebin.com/m1f7c3b5904:20
usserrraj_be, its not the same04:20
Doonzjust sd[bcdef}04:20
\Kirasnuitje: I cant just type: startx?04:20
snuitje\Kira: actually sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start yes you can also log in and type startx04:20
ejerdropdown menus MrCollins system>prefs>sound04:21
snuitje\Kira: that'll get you an X session right away04:21
\Kirasnuitje: okay, thanks. I know there is a distro that doesnt have startx...04:21
MrCollinsejer, so just change it all to pulseaudio?04:21
snuitje\Kira: if not startx then xinit :P04:21
Sierradumpsnuitje:  can you have a look here and tell me why skype isn't showing up for me:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/77610/04:21
\Kirasnuitje: by get a X session right away, do you mean go to the login page?04:21
snuitjeSierradump: sorry, i dont support skype, never used it either04:21
Doonzmarkl_ would this be the command to run mdadm -A /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc104:21
ejerMrCollins: you will have to just try it, I don't know what the issue is, so you should try all the settings there04:22
mikematisdoonz: so you lost the mob and one of the drives in the array. Was the raid adapter a seperate card, or part of the mobo? Raid controllers have a pre-boot interface, and some can rebuild an aray, if you can set it up the way it was before.04:22
markl_Doonz: md0 is software raid isn't it04:22
rraj_bereally sorry usser  same error as04:22
Doonzsorry should have specified04:22
snuitje\Kira: no, startx runs a gnome session or whatever the default happens to be set to04:22
usserrraj_be, weird04:22
rraj_beMakefile:1: *** missing separator.  Stop.04:22
NininaWell I'm still having trouble with boarder artifacts with 8.10, some upgrade04:23
rraj_bereally i am too04:23
markl_Doonz: when i have hardware raid i usually just mount sda1, sdb2, whatever04:23
Doonzthis is a raid 5 array with 5x500gb drives that stored data no os04:23
rraj_bei copied exact pastebin04:23
=== david is now known as Guest81624
\Kirasnuitje: okay, will typing "sudo apt-get install gnome" be sufficient for installing gnome?04:23
usserrraj_be, sudo apt-get install make04:23
markl_Doonz: i use 3ware04:23
Doonzmarkl_l yeah my new install is on a 3ware raid card04:23
markl_or perc04:23
snuitje\Kira: that's not recommended for ubuntu04:23
rraj_becould yu give it in new paste bin . . .just exactly how a make content shud look please04:23
\Kirasnuitje: what is recommended?04:23
rraj_bemake is installed04:23
markl_Doonz: oh this isn't the same raid setup as before?04:23
rraj_becould yu give it in new paste bin . . .just exactly how a make content shud look please usser04:23
Doonzok let me start over04:23
bazhangNinina, which window decorator04:23
markl_Doonz: i thought you were moving your raid card & drives over to a new box04:24
snuitje\Kira: depending on your needs, you can install ubuntu-desktop or just parts of it04:24
markl_Doonz: but i could have missed somethintg04:24
Nininabazhang: Which ever is the default?04:24
Doonzok let me rephrase everything to keep it simple04:24
snuitje\Kira: apt-cache depends ubuntu-desktop | less04:24
bazhangNinina, this only happens with compiz?04:24
usserrraj_be, yea that was it04:24
uhhhhhanyone get the sound working on the hp mini 100004:24
uhhhhhi think its the AD1984HD04:24
Nininabazhang: yeah04:25
\Kirasnuitje: is that the command to run? Will that install only gnome, or would kde and suh come with it. I only really need gnome as disk space is a issue04:25
bazhanguhhhhh, check in lspci04:25
usserrraj_be, http://pastebin.com/m2a1671b04:25
snuitje\Kira: that gets you a list of whats in ubuntu, for instance, if you install xserver-xorg gnome-panel nautilus metacity gnome-session you get a very minimal gnome04:25
bazhangNinina, emerald or the gtk window decorator04:25
uhhhhhi dont have it yet, i want to know if it works 100% before i purchase it04:25
rraj_bebut getting wrong04:25
Doonzmy os drive crashed. It had no raid what so ever. I was running a software raid set up on 5 drives that were only data and no os on it. i replace the os drive. and reinstalled ubuntu on it. how would i go about bringing back up online that array without loosing the data on it04:25
Nininabazhang: I tried reinstalling, changing nvidia drivers, everything04:25
bazhangNinina, which video card04:25
snuitje\Kira: apt-cache doesn't install anything04:25
Nininabazhang: but it worked fine with 8.0404:25
\Kirasnuitje: okay, I think I have it all figured out. Thanks :)04:25
Nininabazhang: Geforce 7950gt04:26
cakeyi accidentally the video card... what should i do04:26
bazhangNinina, and have you asked in #compiz-fusion yet?04:26
markl_Doonz: i doubt it is possible to migrate from software raid to a 3ware hardware raid04:26
Doonzignore everything about the 3ware04:26
Nininabazhang: No, I thought it was a ubuntu problem04:26
Doonzmy os drive crashed. It had no raid what so ever. I was running a software raid set up on 5 drives that were only data and no os on it. i replace the os drive. and reinstalled ubuntu on it. how would i go about bringing back up online that array without loosing the data on it04:27
Nininabazhang: I mean I literally haven't installed a single program other then the OS and the drivers04:27
Doonznew scenario04:27
usserrraj_be, looks fine, do u have make installed at all? what does "sudo apt-get install make" say?04:27
bazhangNinina, best bet is to ask the compiz experts in that channel04:27
Nininabazhang: I'll try04:27
FormodeHello, could anyone help me get sound working? It was working about, 2 days ago. I am trying to get ETQW sound to work, mainly.04:27
bazhangcakey, you accidentally what the video card04:27
MrCollinsejer, now that I have all my stuff set to pulseaudio, I cant hear things in totem now.04:28
ShoopufIs there an easy LAMP/XAMPP install for Ubuntu? Instead of downloading each one manually and manually configuring firewalls in text files and opening port 80s and such? :P04:28
markl_Doonz: ah ok, the 3ware should give you each drive as a separate /dev/sd? device so you should be able to recombine the raid.  i am not an expert at the vg, pv etc commands though04:28
snuitje\Kira: things to get: alacarte eog evince file-roller gconf-editor gedit gnome-applets gnome-control-center gnome-icon-theme gnome-menus gnome-panel gnome-session gnome-system-monitor gnome-system-tools gnome-terminal gnome-themes gnome-utils gnome-volume-manager hal metacity nautilus04:28
ejerDoonz: http://man-wiki.net/index.php/8:mdadm#ASSEMBLE_MODE04:28
cakeythe video card04:28
SierradumpCan anyone help me with SKYPE?  I am getting a " problem with audio playback " message???04:28
bazhangcakey, please give us a complete sentence04:28
ejerShoopuf: sudo tasksel install lamp-server04:28
cakeyi accidentally the video card04:28
mikematisShoopuf: Download the ubuntu server iso and install that. there's04:28
bazhangcakey, that makes no sense04:28
\Kirasnuitje: thats what I would need? would I still have to run the command you mentioned earlier to stop it from starting at boot?04:28
usserrraj_be, it works fine with exact same contents04:29
mikematisShoopuf: Download the ubuntu server iso and install that. there's an installation option for LAMP.04:29
snuitje\Kira: notification-daemon pulseaudio seahorse synaptic unzip update-manager update-notifier xorg xterm yelp zenity zip04:29
rraj_bea min plz phone04:29
snuitje\Kira: that's a fairly minimal selection04:29
Shoopufmikematis: Darn, I am running Ubuntu on a shared host, and they just offer a basic bare-bones Ubuntu install04:29
\Kirasnuitje: yeah, I was just looking at the output of that command, thats all the stuff under "depends", right?04:30
snuitje\Kira: if you want to get even less, install with --no-install-recommends04:30
Doonzserver@sserver1:~$ sudo mdadm --assemble --scan04:30
Doonzmdadm: Cannot open /dev/sdb1: No such device or address04:30
snuitje\Kira: not everything04:30
\Kirasnuitje: okay, I think I should be good with what you listed, I only need to do a couple things.04:30
rraj_beusser:  its giving like this "make: *** No rule to make target `gcc', needed by `all'.  Stop."04:30
uhhhhhrraj_be, try make clean04:31
rraj_beuhhhhh:  make: *** No rule to make target `clean'.  Stop.04:31
usserrraj_be, does it work without makefile? ie gcc raj.c -o raj04:31
\Kirasnuitje: if you dont mind, do you know anything about forwarding the X server to another computer (I cant remember what the term is called). Such as I SSH into my server from somewere else, then get it to show gnome from my server at somewere else.04:31
usseruhhhhh, trying to write a simple makefile here04:32
rraj_beit works fine04:32
usserrraj_be, something is wrong04:32
mikematisShoopuf: type "sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server"04:32
rraj_bethats what usser04:32
uhhhhhthe file must be wrong04:32
rraj_bei am too trying to find that04:32
snuitje\Kira: there are several ways to do it04:32
uhhhhhis the tabbing correct?04:32
usserrraj_be, your makefile is messed up04:32
snuitje\Kira: one of them is vino04:32
MrCollinsejer, I have an idea, how can I tell my flash player to tell it specifically to send the sound through the digital out? I believe it is being played on the analog side, I will test it now.....04:32
snuitje\Kira: it's a vnc server for gnome04:32
rraj_beall: gcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer04:32
rraj_beinstall: mv raj /usr/local/bin04:32
snuitje\Kira: add it to your list04:32
nikhello a quick question, I can not start up kde gui by typing startx at the konsole. It says user not authorized to run the X server, aborting. What can I do to run it?04:33
rraj_bethis is my make file contents04:33
usserrraj_be, its tabbing04:33
rraj_bewhat shud i do now?04:33
usserrraj_be,  "gcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer" must be on a separate line04:33
snuitje\Kira: if you've enabled that, run ssh -L5900: <remotehost>04:34
usserrraj_be, also one tab in front of it04:34
rraj_benow this is op04:34
rraj_beMakefile:2: *** missing separator.  Stop.04:34
usserrraj_be, yea apparently spacing matters04:34
nikanyone want to answer my question?04:34
\Kirasuigeneris: okay, thanks. Out of curiosity, whats the -L5600, for?04:34
rraj_beits working usser04:34
markl_Doonz: does dmesg show all the drives?04:34
usserrraj_be, ok04:34
usserrraj_be, so do: make04:35
rraj_beraj@raj-desktop:~/Documents/PROJECT/sdl/sdl$ make04:35
rraj_begcc raj.c -o sdl -lSDL_mixer04:35
usserrraj_be, yep got it04:35
rraj_beits op of make04:35
Doonzmarkl_ dmesg?04:35
usserrraj_be, sudo checkinstall04:35
markl_Doonz: run that from the command line and it will show all the kernel boot msgs04:35
mikematisnik: I'll try to help you04:35
Doonzyeah all the drives are there04:35
rraj_bedone usser04:35
xr0ckstarhappy turkey day04:36
snuitje\Kira: then, in a seperate shell, run xtightvncviewer -bgr233 -compresslevel 9 -encodings copyrect -quality 5
nikmike thanks, did you get the question?04:36
markl_i wonder why it couldn't find /dev/sdb1, that sounds un-good04:36
snuitje\Kira: that's the option to tunnel a tcp port04:36
snuitje\Kira: see man ssh04:36
mikematisnik: yep. have you already installed kde? ubuntu just comes with gnome by default.04:36
usserrraj_be, well now that u answered all the questions and changed the options u wanted to change, you should have a .deb package in that same directory04:36
snuitje\Kira: -L <localport>:<host on remote side>:<port on remote side>04:37
niki'm with debian04:37
rraj_bereally thanks a lot usser i done it04:37
rraj_benow what about ./configure and all ./ . . .i have seen thiose in many innstallations04:37
liljohnpenguinhello, I am a newbie to this channel - can you point me to an overview of where to find out what this channel is used for, thank you all for your help!04:37
rraj_beis it compulsory to have those files in my package along with redame etc etc04:37
bazhangnik, debian?04:38
uhhhhhwhat are you trying to do rraj_be04:38
nikliljohnpenguin, search for ubuntu irc in google04:38
nikdebian kde on apple04:38
bazhangnik, try #debian04:38
\Kirasnuitje: sweet, I hope I can figure that out... do I have to install the vino package on the remote and locate hosts?04:38
snuitje#debian is on irc.oftc.net04:38
=== uhhhhh is now known as BMWracer0
usserrraj_be, configure only makes sense when u have a reasonably complex applications04:38
bazhangnik, this is for ubuntu support not debian04:38
Flannelliljohnpenguin: This channel is a support channel for Ubuntu linux.  There's a chat channel at #ubuntu-offtopic04:39
nikubuntu is derivative of debian04:39
bazhangsnuitje, no #debian is on this server04:39
usserBMWracer0, he wanted to create a .deb package out of a .c file04:39
snuitje\Kira: on the server you install vino on the client, xtightvncviewer04:39
Flannelnik: While true, that's not relevant04:39
snuitjebazhang: official #ubuntu is on oftc right?04:39
mikematisnik: I don't think I can help you. You might want to try the #debian channel. Now if you were using ubuntu or slackware, I could have helped you. :)04:39
snuitjebazhang: i mean #debian04:39
bazhangsnuitje, nope04:39
Flannelsnuitje: Official Ubuntu is here, official debian is on oftc, yes.04:39
fishhookerso i'm currently on vista, but thinking of making the switch this summer04:40
nik#debian doesn't have much apple users04:40
liljohnpenguinflannel: thanks04:40
BMWracer0im an apple user04:40
snuitjehm try #elitists04:40
fishhookeri've got 3GB of RAM, should i use 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?04:40
Flannelsnuitje: Please be helpful04:40
nikbmw how did you get kde running from konsole?04:40
usserfishhooker, 32bit would work just fine04:40
ejerfishhooker: go for it! use 32 bit, just downlaod the regular desktop cd04:41
genii-aroundfishhooker: Probably 32 bit will give you less headaches at this time04:41
rraj_beusser:  got loged out04:41
rraj_bejust back04:41
\Kirasnuitje: thanks a bunch :) thats solved alot of the server problems ive been stuck trying to figure out by myself...04:41
fishhookerwhat are the differences between 32 and 64?04:41
snuitje\Kira: yw04:41
rraj_beis it necessary to have configure . . .read me files and many many in a package04:41
usserrraj_be, configure only makes sense when u have a reasonably complex applications04:41
fishhooker(also, would it be worth it to upgrade to 4GB of RAM, and if so, would that change the answer to 64?)04:41
nikBMW: when you logon, you run into kde konsole04:41
mikematisnik: Ubuntu and debian have different design philosophies. I could be wrong, but dosen't debian stat up at a terminal login, as opposed to a graphical one (like ubuntu)?04:41
rraj_becould you just summarise the steps please for making debian . .04:42
BMWracer0i dont use KDE04:42
rraj_bei will make a not of it usser04:42
ejernothing fishhooker really, they are technical, if you have more than 3GB of RAM, it may be worth going with 64, which runs as well as 32 these days in my experience04:42
genii-aroundfishhooker: 32bit works on both 32 or 64 bit cpus but only sees normally about 3.2Gb of ram. 64 bit only runs on 64 bit cpus and sees all your ram. Most apps run in 32 bit04:42
snuitjemikematic: thats entirely up to the user04:42
usserrraj_be, also you dont usually write makefiles manually, people use  IDEs that automate those tedious tasks04:42
rraj_be*note of it usser04:42
usserrraj_be, IDEs like netbeans or kdevelop04:42
nikmike it is true, but i passed that point04:42
Shoopuffishhooker: I tried 64-bit but didn't like it, not enough software available... Seems it's mostly made for 32-bit04:42
rraj_bewhat IDE can i use for this04:42
snuitjemikematic: use tasksel to decide initially04:43
rraj_bewhat is use of configure file04:43
Guest34521How can I "reset" a usb device like wireless device, without having to plug it in and out, if I restart ubuntu with it plugged in ?04:43
usserrraj_be, netbeans, but again using IDE only makes sense when your projects are reasonably large,20-30 files and mor04:43
rraj_beis it to make configurations for softwares usser04:43
nikproblem is that i cant lunch X in the konsole by typing startx after i logon04:43
rraj_be:) fine04:43
bazhangnik, debian is not supported here.04:43
rraj_bei will try thiose04:43
hmw_lfsusing the "ati" (radeon) driver, i set agp 8x and fastwrite. since then the second monitor stays black. i am really out of hope04:44
xr0ckstarguest you can unmount it then mount it04:44
ejerGuest34521: you can unload and reload the driver04:44
usserrraj_be, goog luck in your journeys04:44
Guest34521ejer: usb ?04:44
ejerwhat device is it Guest3452104:44
rraj_bethanks a lot for your kind help04:44
Guest34521ejer: it's like, restarting usb ports , so I won't have to plug in and out my usb cable for my alfa 500mw04:44
pedromenezesI am getting 404 in the repositories after upgrading my Ubuntu 8.10, help me. =T04:45
pedromenezesand my wireless isn't working04:45
fishhookerall right, thanks guys regarding the 32/64 bit question! (haha sorry 'bout the delayed reaction)04:45
rraj_bethis program is command line media player usser   . ..i wan2 make it a GUI with just a play and pause button using gtk.  . .Could you help me usser04:45
ejerGuest34521: i don't know what driver it uses, but you would use rmmod and modprobe to unload and reload it, this is usually good enough to reset it04:45
Guest34521pedromenezes: try changing servers for the repositories and what is not working about your wireless ?04:45
fishhookeri'll probably make the switch this summer though 'cause i can't afford to do anything ludicrously unfamiliar during the school year :P04:46
pedromenezesguest34521 after the upgrade, my wireless isn't searching/doing anything04:46
SierradumpAnyone know why sometimes my volume control buttons on laptop show the BIOS Volume icon, and other times the volume control buttons show a UBUNTU volume control popup???04:46
pedromenezeshow can I change the repositories' servers?04:46
Guest34521pedromenezes: what device is it04:46
Nininabazhang: I figured out the problem...the errors only happen with the new human themes...=\04:46
ejerfishhooker: you could look at http://wubi-installer.org/04:46
snuitjerraj_be: http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-tutorial/stable/04:46
usserrraj_be, writing guis is easy, i recommend python with wxwidgets as a starting point04:46
bazhangNinina, nice going04:46
Guest34521ejer: modprobe rt8187 ?04:47
SierradumpNININA:  which errors are you referring to???04:47
rraj_besure usser  and snuitje  . . .04:47
genii-aroundGuest34521: Might want sudo with that04:47
rraj_bei am gona start now itself04:47
ejerGuest34521: rmmod rt8178, then type dmesg and see what it says, then modprobe rt8187 and dmesg again04:47
tleuser8358.10 downloaded and written but not bootable. pls hlp!04:47
pedromenezesguest34521 where can I change the repositores04:47
bazhangtleuser835, md5 the iso04:47
SierradumpBazhang:  Which errors is Ninina referring to?04:48
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:48
genii-aroundGuest34521: Instead of rmmod use instead: sudo modprobe -r <modulename>04:48
mikematispedromenezes: System > Administration > Software Sources...04:48
ejerpedromenezes: system>admin>software sources, but if you are not connected to net, this is why you have 404 errors04:48
tleuser835that was done. every file is OK.04:48
bazhangSierradump, windows border with nvidia card04:48
pedromenezesI am connected through ethernet, thanks for the help04:48
bazhangtleuser835, then reburn at low speed and do the disk integrity check04:49
Sierradumpbazhang:  like the missing minimize/maximize/close buttons and the title bar?04:49
bazhangSierradump, yep04:49
mikematispedromenezes: ...In the dropdown the says "Download from" select "other" and then click the "Select best server" buton.04:49
Sierradumpbazhang, I was under the impression that was related to compiz?  I turned my visual effects off and am still using human theme and haven't had anymore problems...04:50
doors98is it possible for windows to access files on a network to an ubuntu OS?04:50
tleuser835the cd is readable but not bootable. lack of a boot image is a problem?04:50
bazhangdoors98, sure04:50
snuitje!pm | xr0ckstar04:50
ubottuxr0ckstar: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.04:50
Sierradumpdoors98, type in \\computername\04:50
ejer!samba | doors9804:50
ubottudoors98: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209804:50
bazhangtleuser835, you reburned at low speed and did the disk integrity check?04:50
Guest34521genii-around: how can I found the module is it using ? my usb alfa 500mw04:50
mikematisdoors98: yes. with sftp, ftp, or samba04:50
doors98bazhang: and Sierra: How04:50
Guest34521genii-around: the driver is IEEE04:51
=== entropy is now known as Guest84009
genii-aroundGuest34521: This is an external USB DSL modem?04:51
bazhangdoors98, see the link from the bot above04:51
doors98yap i already shared my forlder in Ubuntu using samba04:51
Guest34521genii-around: external usb wireless card04:51
doors98how will i access it on windows?04:51
rmitchellsierradump, how fairs your penguin?04:51
Sierradumpdoor98 - most likely samba is already enabled... from your windows machine simply type in the browser window \\computername\04:51
tleuser835bazhang, not yet.04:51
Guest34521genii-around: and it connects with 2 usbs for power and I am sick of pluggin them out and in whenever I restart ubuntu04:51
Sierradumprmitchell couple questions maybe you could help.04:51
pw-toxichow can i enter special  keys like (tm)   i think in windows i could do this with alt gr + number04:52
rmitchellsierradump, i'll give it a try04:52
genii-aroundGuest34521: It's a Realtek 818504:52
pw-toxicfor example altGr + 17404:52
SierradumpTried a skype install and got it running but it won't complete calls says bad audio settings or something - on a slightly related note - sometimes my volume buttons on my laptop control the system bios speakers and other times they control a ubuntu popup window...04:52
usserrraj_be, here something like this: http://pastebin.com/f75324f2404:52
ejerpw-toxic: no shortcuts, but application>accessories>character map04:52
mikematisdoors98:Or do Map Network Drive from the tools menu of the my computer window.04:53
Sierradumprmitchell you catch that?04:53
rmitchellsierradump, yep04:53
Guest34521genii-around: yes but how can I rmmod it if ubuntu doesn't see it unless I have to plug it in and out which is my main problem in the first place ?04:53
Sierradumprmitchell other than that I am really having fun with this!04:53
genii-aroundGuest34521: Although some newer ones may use later like 818704:53
rraj_benow where in the menu i can find the package i installed04:53
Guest34521genii-around: yes04:53
rraj_beis there any way to specify it usser04:53
usserrraj_be, what menu?04:53
ejerGuest34521: is the problem that when you reboot the stick is dead?04:54
genii-aroundGuest34521: Does it show when you issue: lsusb                   ?04:54
usserrraj_be, you mean synaptic?04:54
rraj_bei insno04:54
snuitjewhat did you install?04:54
doors98mikematis: if i do map network drive when i browse my ubuntu machine isnt disp[layed?04:54
rraj_bei have installed created .deb04:54
rmitchellsierradump, i never had problems with skype audio, as for the laptop buttons, that's interesting04:54
Guest34521genii-around: ejer: yes whenever I start/reboot ubuntu, the usb card is not recognized04:54
rraj_benow where or how can i use that application04:54
rraj_bein menus04:54
Guest34521genii-around: yes04:54
Guest34521genii-around: it shows04:54
pw-toxicejer: cant i configure shortcuts for this?04:55
ejerGuest34521: most likely you will not fix this in software04:55
Sierradumprmitchell - ya when I first installed the laptop buttons caused a bios audio icon popup with volume meter... Pressing plus  made volume go up, pressing minus made sound go down...04:55
ejerpw-toxic: if you figure out how, please tell me04:55
Guest34521ejer: so plugging it in and out as always :( ?04:55
Mal3koguys how do we switch/login to other user in ssh?04:55
usserrraj_be, i dont understand. you mean the one that you checkinstalled?04:55
mikematisdoors98: Are both machines set to the same workgroup?04:55
ejerGuest34521: if rmmod and modprobe don't do it, then yes04:55
doors98or maybe i can type the ID of ubuntu? but how can i see my ip on Ubuntu?04:55
Sierradumprmitchell, now those same buttons are causing a ubuntu volume popup to come up with similar volume bar.  problem is that it is controlling the OS volume and not the speaker volume!04:55
n8tuserdoors98  sudo ip a04:56
node357installing with wubi, stuck for 1 hour on "scanning the mirror" the Canadian server does not respond and I can't select a mirror during install04:56
hmw_lfsssh address -l user04:56
snuitjeSierradump: unlikely, the bios shouldn't get scheduled, can't get back to the kernel it knows nothing about and generally really knows nothing about anything at all going on in the system04:56
pw-toxicejer: :(04:56
doors98mikematis: where in ubuntu can i set the workgroup name? sorry total newbie04:56
hmw_lfsssh address -l user Mal3ko04:56
rmitchellsierradump, ah... so the bios is adjusting volume, but so is the os.04:56
ejerSierradump: you can change this in system>preferences>sound04:56
rraj_bei instlled that aplpication i created usser  . . .in which menu i can see it now or lauch it . . .like terminal by Applications--> Accessories--> Terminal . . like that04:56
Guest34521genii-around: it shows in lsusb how can I force ubuntu to mount it ?04:56
mikematisdoors98: ifconfig in a terminal to get the ip04:56
snuitjeSierradump: bios isn't "magic" its just a blob sitting in a rom04:56
genii-aroundGuest34521: You don't "mount" a wifi adapter or so, only filesystems04:56
doors98how can i set the workgroup name so that windows automatically detects it04:56
Sierradumpsnuitje, originally after install the volume buttons caused a giant sound icon to pop up - the same icon i got in windows... Now I am only getting a ubuntu volume meter popup...04:57
usserrraj_be, oh there won't be a menu entry for it, since we didn't specify one, you can run it from terminal04:57
snuitjeSierradump: when linux runs linux is in charge04:57
usserrraj_be, by typing: raj04:57
mikematisdoors98: hang on ...04:57
Guest34521genii-around: yes wrong word, but is there a way around it ?04:57
genii-aroundGuest34521: If you do:  lsmod| grep usbcore                            do you see something like this: usbcore               146412  4 rtl8187,ehci_hcd,uhci_hcd04:57
ejerpw-toxic: i just found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ComposeKey i t may help04:57
Sierradumprmitchell, yes that seems to be problem.04:57
Sierradumpejer, I will check that out...04:57
rraj_bein CLI its ok04:57
doors98mikematis: i mean, where can i set my workgroup name in ubuntu?04:57
Guest34521genii-around: yes04:57
rraj_bebut how for making menu entry? usser04:58
usserrraj_be, as part of .deb package?04:58
snuitjeSierradump: weird, but still what's the problem?04:58
ejerrraj_be: system>prefs>main menu04:58
usserrraj_be, i wouldn't know, never done it. you can add it manually04:58
rraj_beok how to add manually ys04:58
rmitchellsierradump, disabling the bios feature might be best. or disable the OS stuff. You can pick which track the buttons control in system | preferences | sound04:59
usserrraj_be, what ejer said ^04:59
hmw_lfsdoors98: /etc/samba/smb.conf - you might have to install samba04:59
rraj_bethanks ejer04:59
Sierradumpwell the OS volume is all the way up, but the hardware volume isn't so it is faint/low volume;04:59
Guest34521genii-around: I FIXED IT, i forgot I had r8187, not rtl8187, I had to downgrade to r8187 because mac8021 has a bug, I realized mine is r8187 when I saw in your paste, rtl, THANKS MAN !!!04:59
genii-aroundGuest34521: OK. When you see this, and you issue: ifconfig                           does it show a wlan0         ?04:59
mikematisdoors98: I think yu set it when you set up the shared folder.04:59
usserrraj_be, just add an entry, type the name, command is raj. and set it to run in terminal. im not sure where is it all located, havent run gnome for a while now04:59
Sierradumprmitchell, ejer, where exactly can I controll this? I am in system | preferences | sound05:00
tleuser835thanks. l'll be back.05:00
rmitchellsierradump, open up volume manager, double click your sound icon and lets see what track your buttons control05:00
genii-aroundGuest34521: Ah, a simple solution :) Glad it got working05:00
Guest34521genii-around: so I fixed it with modprobe -r and mount !05:00
rraj_besure usser05:00
Guest34521genii-around: not mount, modprobe again*05:00
Sierradumprmitchell confused...05:00
genii-aroundGuest34521: I'm not sure how "mount" fits into it however....05:00
rmitchellsierradump, double click the volume icon in your tray05:01
SierradumpI am on system | preferences | sounds tab...05:01
Guest34521genii-around: yes wrong word :)05:01
snuitjegoodmorning everyone ./ cya l8r05:01
ejerSierradump: default mixer track05:01
SuperGeek'ello all.05:01
Guest34521genii-around: do you have the same alfa as well ?05:01
ejerand check what rmitchell is saying, you probably have to change PCM volume05:01
doors98maikematis and to others who replied, thanks, i'l try all ur suggestions:)05:01
rmitchellsierradump, now press a volume button on your keyboard, and see which track's slider moves05:01
SuperGeekI have a laptop that supports x64...should I install the x64 version or x86? I want to use the laptop for casual use..05:02
genii-aroundGuest34521: I have an internal USB based 8187 which is similar05:02
Sierradumpvolume buttons are controlling the "master" audio track?05:02
santanuwhile mounting a drive in ubuntu 8.10 i found a message "internal error, no mount object for mounted volume"05:02
santanui couldn't understand what to do!05:02
mikematisdoors98: you should also be able to get to it from your windows box with \\ipofubuntubox\sharename typed into the address bar of any explorer window05:02
ejerSuperGeek: i recommend 64bit if over 3gb of ram05:02
Sierradumprmitchell, ejer  it moves the master audio slider05:02
SuperGeekejer: 4GB of ram..05:02
rmitchellsierradump, alright, play some sound/music, and as its playing, play around with the PCM slider, see if that does what you want05:02
Guest34521genii-around: oh, 8187, do you find the drivers a bit unstable? my connection keeps fluctuating from 30% to 80%, but it windows it's more stable for example, so it couldn't be interference05:03
ejerSuperGeek: go for the gusto05:03
santanuPlease help me05:03
SuperGeekejer: are there any packages for x86 that aren't available for x64?05:03
ejersantanu: what file system on dirve, what type of drive05:03
genii-aroundGuest34521: I find that the power management which controls the usb bus varies the voltage which affects it's performance05:03
mikematisSuperGeek: zsnes05:03
ejerSuperGeek: not that I know of, I have been in 64bit for many years05:03
Guest34521genii-around: wow really? how can I fix that?05:04
SuperGeekhow much RAM can Ubuntu use in x86?05:04
ejerSuperGeek: certainly no issues for casual use, but you can always just try the livecd and see for yourself05:04
mikematisSuperGeek: you can compile it yourself though. Sometimes someone will float a deb out there if you look around05:04
ejeryou can make 32bit see all your ram05:04
Sierradumprmitchell, it is still quiet... I can't figure it out.  When I first installed, I was controlling the actual speaker volume with the volume buttons.  I had the actuall hardware button all the way up, and the OS volume icon was at about 75%.  They were separate.05:05
ejeryou need to compile a new kernel05:05
genii-aroundGuest34521: There is a value to set for it but offhand I cannot recall. When this happens for me I don't bother debuging it anymore but just plug in an auxilliary adapter I have05:05
SuperGeekejer: it's not supported in the default kernel?05:05
ejerSuperGeek: no, it is in 64bit05:05
Guest34521genii-around: there is no adapter for it, it can only be powered by usb :(05:05
mikematisSuperGeek: I've been on 64bit for 2yrs. Flash sometimes does strange things, since its just a wrapper around the 32bit version (i think).05:06
ejerthere is a performance hit for it in 32bit I think SuperGeek05:06
santanuhow can I solve my mounting problem?05:06
SuperGeeki see05:06
rmitchellsierradump, what sliders do you see in the 'playback' tab of volume control? I didn't know the bios stepped in for things as trivial as volume05:06
SuperGeekhow about the nvidia proprietary drivers?05:06
SuperGeekwill those work on x64?05:06
ejermikematis: flash10 is 64bit now :) http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html05:06
ejerSuperGeek: everything works05:06
mikematisSuperGeek: Nvidia drvs work great05:06
ejerSuperGeek: would we use it otherwise05:07
SuperGeekx64 it is, i suppose05:07
SuperGeekhaha, true05:07
mikematisejer: Sweet! I'll check it out!05:07
genii-aroundGuest34521: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/power-off-usb-509328/   has the values to set I spoke of. You need to know which usb bus and device etc etc but the idea is explained there05:07
ejermikematis: it solved all my probs05:07
SuperGeekthanks y'all05:07
Sp00fhi all05:07
Sierradumprmitchell, maybe it wasn't bios - but I definitley used to have a different sound icon after fresh install... It was the same icon I had for XP and Vista... It was in Ubuntu 8.10 too until a little while ago (after I installed a bunch of packages).  Then all of a sudden I get a ubuntu popup bar (no more grey sound icon w/ bar)...05:07
santanumay i be helped?05:07
ejersantanu: if you do not say my name I will not see it05:08
Sp00fhappy tday05:08
mikematisSuperGeek: Have fun!05:08
Sierradumprmitchell, I see Master, PCM, Ext Mic, Int mic.05:08
ejersantanu: what type of drive? usb?05:08
santanuejer: How can I solve my mounting problem?05:08
LoveGuruIs there anyone familiar with "proftpd" well i setup proftpd and works fine within the box. but when i try to open it outside the box it can;t let me in .. anyone?05:09
rmitchellsierradump, click 'preferences' and check anything that has to do with 'playback' see if anything is down low05:09
santanuejer: no, hard drive : ntfs05:09
BMWracer0santanu:  i think they make a pill for it, but you still need a girlfriend05:09
BMWracer0well maybe not even that05:09
Sierradumprmitchell, Skype is giving me a "problem with audio playback" message and won't let me do anything!05:09
BMWracer0jut some woman05:09
Guest34521genii-around: ok I'll try that thanks a lot man !05:09
ejerLoveGuru: if you are trying to get in from outside your network you will need to open a port most likely05:09
LoveGuruejer: i did open that port.. i can ssh my box from outside. but ftp won't working :<05:10
doors98How do i set my IP permanently on Ubuntu?05:10
rmitchellsierradump, sorry, my expirence with skype is limited.. it was nice to me when i set it up05:10
ejerLoveGuru: ssh is dif port than ftp... so you opened 22 and 21?05:10
santanuejer: may I be helped? please?05:10
ejersantanu: i do not know what the error means05:10
LoveGuruejer: thats what i m saying i did open both ports. i can do ssh but not ftp.05:10
genii-aroundGuest34521: I'll try to find a better one relating more directly05:10
santanuOh! no!05:10
Sierradumprmitchell, what about the "device" listed at the TOP of the sound window, I have like 5 devices in there...05:11
ejerLoveGuru: is the ftp server responding at all05:11
Guest34521genii-around: I was actually using this one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85317905:11
usser!ask | santanu05:11
ubottusantanu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:11
rmitchellsierradump, what are your choices?05:11
LoveGuruejer: well inside that box works fine. with user/anonymous05:11
mikematisdoors98: System > Preferences > Network Configuration05:11
ejersantanu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nautilus/+bug/25674905:11
Sierradumpwell right now it is on HDA nVidia mixes (alsa)... right underneat that it says CONNEXANT (oss)05:11
ejerLoveGuru: ok, but is it saying hello when you try to get in from outside? is it maybe only listening on localhost?05:12
santanuThank you!05:12
LoveGuruejer: i think its not listening at all05:12
ejerLoveGuru: you know you can do sftp with ssh?05:12
genii-aroundGuest34521: There is a more generic explanation here, but pretty good http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/devices-power-management/usb.php05:12
ejerLoveGuru: more secure, only one port, I use it05:12
doors98mikematis: thanks, i tried accesing ubuntu on windows using IP and it displayed the shared folder on Ubuntu, i'l try to assign a permanent ip then,05:13
LoveGuruejer: ya i know i can do that ssh port. but i want to use it at port 2105:13
rmitchellsierradump, what does it list for your audio chipset in 'lspci'?05:13
JON5000hello.  i dont have ubuntu but i have a question... can i ask it here?05:13
FlannelJON5000: Is it an Ubuntu question?05:13
mikematisdoors98: glad to help05:13
Guest34521genii-around: ok I'm trying the last one05:13
genii-aroundGuest34521: So "-1" is the autosuspend value you want for instance05:13
Guest34521genii-around: yup :)05:14
ejerLoveGuru: you see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD05:14
Guest34521genii-around: do I use sudo instead of echo ?05:14
JON5000i hate my vista computer and am thinking of trying to dump it.  thinking of linux ubuntu.  is this possible?05:14
LoveGuruejer: well i checked already :< but can't figure out.05:14
MrCollinsejer, this fixed my issue: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/11/fix-for-no-sound-issue-in-ubuntu-810.html05:14
Sierradumprmitchell, nVidia corp. MCP51 High definition audio.05:14
genii-aroundGuest34521: You need admin right to write to that file. So proper way in Ubuntu is like:   echo "-1" | sudo tee -a /the/filepath/thefilename05:15
AnacranomJON5000, run it off the live cd to try it05:15
genii-aroundGuest34521: Where the path, etc is the /sys/wherever in the articles05:15
Guest34521genii-around: ok trying it now05:15
JON5000live cd?05:16
ejerLoveGuru: try connecting with telnet to see what is going on05:16
doors98mikematis: i couldnt find System > Preferences > Network Configuration on ubuntu, i just found System > Preferences05:16
rmitchelljon5000: a cd that will load up ubuntu in your ram, not touching your windows install at all05:16
ejerJON5000: check out http://wubi-installer.org/05:16
mikematisJON500: if your pc runs vista, it should run ubuntu. you can install ubuntu really easy from within vista.05:16
JON5000thanks anacronom.  One thing thats important to me is that i would be able to access files on this ubuntu computer from other pc's in the house that are connected wifi05:17
p1und3rcan anyone help with my sound, i fricken downloaded updates in ubuntu and now my sound went out05:17
AnacranomJON5000, download the image from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download and burn that image to a cd, boot from the cd and play aroud with it05:17
JON5000doues ubuntu replace vista, or sit atop it05:17
mikematisdoors98: My bad. Are you on 8.04? I'm on 8.10- that could be the diff.05:17
n8tuserdoors98-> system->administration->network  or type  network-admin05:17
rmitchellsierradump: what packages did you install that might have messed with your sound, i think this issue is related to your skype problem05:18
AnacranomJON5000, if need be, after you've played around and decide if you want it, you can dual-boot-- have both your vista and your Ubuntu05:18
doors98mikematis: yap im stil on 8.o4, can i update to 8.10?05:18
ejeryou choose JON5000 you can totally wipe it or install within windows, or share your hard drive05:18
doors98thanks nt8user05:18
Sierradumprmitchell, I installed xchat & skype .  I just messed with a few things let me see if that works.05:19
ejerJON5000: it is easy to share files https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/internet/C/networking-shares.html05:19
mikematisdoors98: Stay on 8.04. Not that much different from 8.10.  Its System > Applications > Network05:19
LoveGuruejer: i can't telnet to that host. reason " Connecting To foo.bar.com... Could not open connection to the host, on port 23: Connect failed05:20
xscottx3terminal question, how would I go about deleting all files ina  folder using the terminal?05:20
p1und3rcan anyone help with a gconfaudio problem05:20
LoveGuruejer: becoz i didn't open port 2305:20
castxscottx3: rm -r dir/05:20
ejerLoveGuru: yeah :) it is the ftp control port05:20
JON5000fascinating.  but does it depend on vista to work.  e.g. i am really ticked off with vista because it routinely fails to recognize an external drive i have hooked up... if ubuntu depends on vista, i fear that ubuntu would have the same trouble... am i misguided?05:20
xscottx3thank you05:20
castxscottx3: that'll delete the folder, too05:20
ejerLoveGuru: no05:20
rmitchellsierradump: run 'aplay -l" and give the output05:20
Guest34521genii-around: We know the USB to ethernet device's directory is 1-2 because the device and bus numbers match the lsusb output.  --- this is really confusing05:20
LoveGuruejer: but u know what i set port 21 not 23 :05:21
ejerLoveGuru: that is telnet port, you need to telnet to port 2105:21
AnacranomJON5000, no,,, totally separate05:21
doors98mikematis or nt8user: then after im inside network admin, how will i set my workgroup on ububtu?05:21
xscottx3how do I just delete the files within the folder?05:21
ejerLoveGuru: but you may need port 20 open05:21
LoveGuruejer: i tried but same error "telnet foo.bar.com:21"05:21
genii-aroundGuest34521: What they mean, is, when you do: lsusb           and you see somewhere the 8187 adapter. The usb bus is in that line.05:21
p1und3r--- what does gconfaudiosink: failed to connect to stream mean? how can i fix this?05:21
n8tuserdoors98-> workgroup is a microsoft concept not an open source05:22
castxscottx3: rm -r dir/* will delete all non-hidden files05:22
hmw_lfsdoors98: /etc/samba/smb.conf05:22
JON5000this is very inspiring.05:22
genii-aroundGuest34521: eg: my box here: Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.                       means 5-205:22
xscottx3cast: thank you05:22
ejerLoveGuru: so port 21 is not listening, try restarting service, and check logs to make sure, use ps to see if it is there05:22
trashypatchesI am trying to get flash 10 to work on 1.04, I have installed some scripts using terminal that I think are gonna need to be removed. Is there anyway to revert to back to default?05:22
LoveGuruejer: ok05:22
doors98hmw_lfs: what is etc/samba?will i open and edit?05:23
aravindubuntuhi when i try to connect to pulseaudio server using pulse audio device chooser applet , its refusing connection. Someone please help05:23
Guest34521genii-around: I have Bus 007 and  device 002 and that folder doesn't exist05:23
casttrashypatches: either undo what you've done manually, reinstall, or revert to a older snapshot/backup, are your 3 options,05:23
hmw_lfsdoors98 - there you set the workgroup. if it isnt there, you need to install samba.05:23
ejertrashypatches: don't know what scripts you ran05:23
Guest34521genii-around: 7-305:23
Sierradumprmitchell get 2 outputs.05:24
Guest34521genii-around: the folder is in another folder usb7 but it's a subfolder to usb705:24
woscould someone tell me how to get usb working on virtualbox please?05:24
Sierradumprmitchell,  HDA nVidia Conexant Digital, and HDA nVidia CONEXANT Analog05:24
trashypatchesTo reinstall I have the live cd made, but when I boot it up I get a dr.dos cmd prompt05:24
trashypatcheshow do I get the gui interface?05:25
mikematisdoors98:  type "sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf" this will open a text editor so you can edit the samba config, where the workgroup setting is (Samba is a thing that lets linux and windows machines "talk" to eachother)05:25
doors98lfs: how will i access the conf?05:25
ejerwos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox#USB05:25
Guest34521genii-around: sorry my bad, 7-2 doesn't exist05:25
doors98i see05:25
wosthanks alot ejer05:25
LoveGuruejer: well its working now when i type at windows prompt "ftp foo.bar.com" but when i use "ftp foo.bar.com:21" its not working :<05:25
Doonzis there a command via ssh that will just show me cpu utilization %'s?05:25
kelvin911how to check my video card driver's version?05:25
LoveGuruejer: whats the difference when i used host without port and with port05:25
ejerLoveGuru: in windows ftp?05:26
castDoonz: using the load averages might be handy, but as for %'s, top will do that05:26
ejerDoonz: top05:26
LoveGuruyes i m trying to xs from windows05:26
LoveGuruejer: my proftpd server is another unix box05:26
ejerLoveGuru: i am the wrong person to ask hehe, who knows what they are doing05:26
facefacehow do I reset my network config?05:26
genii-aroundGuest34521: Does: ls /sys/bus/usb/devices/usb7/7-0:2.0                               show a list of files?05:27
LoveGuruejer: nevamind. thanks for all05:27
facefacewhich files to delete, which to strip?05:27
=== JustinRyan is now known as Fifi
mikematisDoonz: install htop. even better than top "sudo apt-get install htop"05:27
ejerLoveGuru: i suggest filezilla for a windows ftp client05:27
LoveGuruejer: i m using WINscp05:27
kelvin911filezilla is good05:27
ejerfaceface: /etc/network/interfaces05:27
LoveGuruejer: i can't xs through winscp.05:27
KlrSp1still can't get this damn resume to work right05:27
facefaceevery time I log in I need to do ifdown eth1 / ifup eth1 to get anything working05:27
facefacety ejer05:27
Sierradumprmitchell, well that command got me to get Skype working!!!!  But the STUPID VOLUME CONTROL on the keyboard still controls the volume in the OS AND I am NOT getting the icon/soundmeter that I was getting originally - the volume is still really low.  I had to have done something?  ANyway I am going to reinstall everything tomorrow a.m.05:27
Guest34521genii-around: no such file or directory05:28
iShockHow do I update intel 945GM drivers in Xubuntu? Anyone please?05:28
SierradumpRmitchell, we will call today a "learning experience"... I botched the Skype install because I wasn't following the instructions very well...05:28
fo_x86how do I remove all files except for one in a directory?05:28
wosejer where do i insert the text in that link you gave me?05:28
ejeriShock: you don't need to, it will update with update-manager05:28
iShockejer how do I check latest version05:28
genii-aroundGuest34521: Ah. What says lsusb line which has your 8187?05:28
hmw_lfsfo_x86 move the file away, delete the rest, move it back05:28
SierradumpHey thanks for everything guys! I gotta pass out now (too much turkey!!!!)   I'll catch you all online tomorrow a.m.05:28
ejerwos: it says in there05:29
wosi tried it!05:29
wos5 times05:29
fo_x86hmw_lfs, there is no command that is equivalent to * minus a file?05:29
ejeriShock: it is built into the kernel, you have the latest if you are up to date05:29
woscould you help05:29
=== Fifi is now known as JustinRyan
iShockejer, BZFlag is detecting the version is from 2006 ...05:29
castfo_x86: is your shell bash?05:29
hmw_lfsfo_x86 dont know. try "man mv"05:29
genii-aroundGuest34521: At any rate, you can see why I just don't bother much with it since it's less headache for me to just plug in a secondary ethernet adaper05:29
Guest34521there are 2 since I ahve to plugg in two, one is Bus 007 device 002, and second is Bus 003 device 00305:29
fo_x86cast, yea05:29
ejerwos: restart udev, you may have to reboot, and you have to be in vboxusers group, and you have to have logged out and back in05:30
fo_x86cast, is there a meta character that will do this?05:30
woswhats udev?05:30
castfo_x86: you could load the extglob module and use rm !(pattern) to match everything except pattern05:30
iShockejer, BZFlag is detecting the version is from 2006 ...05:30
Guest34521genii-around: but on their site it's simply confusing look at it again http://www.lesswatts.org/projects/devices-power-management/usb.php - Bus 001 Device 007: ID 050d:0121 Belkin Components F5D5050 100Mbps Ethernet - and they say that their device: We know the USB to ethernet device's directory is 1-2 because the device and bus numbers match the lsusb output.05:30
castshopt -s extglob, will load the module05:30
ejeriShock: if you have latest kernel, you have latest driver, and I don't know what bzflag is05:31
genii-aroundwos: Basically the PNP system of linux05:31
fo_x86cast, thanks05:31
iShocka game, ejer it uses 3d opengl drivers, which is what I want to upgrade05:31
ejerwos: the page explains all the steps you must do05:31
wosno it fkn doesnt!05:31
ejerincluding udev wos look near bottom of that section05:31
KlrSp1anyone a hibernate master? i can get it to hibernate, but not resume05:31
genii-aroundGuest34521: Yes, looks like they do not match in this case. But i suspect a typo05:31
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iShockejer, how do I check the version?05:32
Guest34521genii-around: a typo as in only the bus counts ?05:32
facefaceejer, there is a lot of files under if-down.d  if-post-down.d  if-pre-up.d  if-up.d05:32
ejeruname -r iShock05:32
genii-aroundwos: udev detects devices and then assigns them /dev/names       so the system can use them05:32
iShock2.6.27-10-generic ejer05:33
facefacewhat is avahi?05:33
ejerfaceface: you can do this all by right clicking the network icon too05:33
facefaceI keep seeing "eth1:ahvi" when I log in, then "no such interfce" when I try to configure05:33
ejerthat is the latest iShock05:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi05:34
facefaceejer, thats the thing, it doesn't work05:34
iShockejer, then why aren't my gfx drivers up to date?05:34
genii-aroundGuest34521: Not sure. I'm not a USB expert :) But for a while I was setting my 8187 in this way to not power off all the time until I just got sick and got another card05:34
ejerfaceface: what doesn't05:34
facefaceejer, I used to have NM, now I don't seem to have it05:34
mikematisgnight, all!05:34
Guest34521genii-around: haha ok, thanks I'm still going to try to fix it05:34
ejerfaceface: try running it manually on terminal with nm-applet05:34
facefaceejer,  network-admin doesn't work after I log in05:34
facefaceejer, OK05:34
iShockejer, how do I check the version of my gfx drivers?05:34
doors98if i  type "sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf" the message is no such file of directory if i remove the quotes its command not found05:34
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)05:35
ejeriShock: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html read the first line :)05:35
ejer!samba | doors9805:36
ubottudoors98: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209805:36
ejerdoors98: the guide is here https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html05:36
facefaceejer, just to fill you in, when I log in network is not connected. I click network icon and see three 'connections', eth0:avahi and eth1:avahi, clicking confiure gives a warning 'no such interface'05:36
iShockejer, nothing there answers my question.05:37
ejerfaceface: what is in /etc/network/interfaces05:37
Massasaugadoes anyone know why I have ordinary speed internet but only a 9% signal strength05:37
facefaceejer, ifup, ifdown (eth1) gets me up05:37
ejersorry iShock05:37
ejerMassasauga: sometimes cards do not report signal strength right05:37
iShockejer, how do I check the version of my 3d mesa drivers?05:37
Massasaugathanks ejer05:38
FAJhi, my friend is having issues using nvidia-settings.  we have run sudo nvidia-xconfig, and then restarted x, but she still gets the error that xorg is not configured for nvidia, try doing the above steps.  anyone help   using ubuntu 8.04??? please?  thanks05:38
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:38
ejeriShock: glxinfo may give you something05:38
ejerFAJ: did you select the drive in system>admin>hardward drivers05:38
iShockMaybe installing mesa-utils might help, eh ejer? :<05:38
FAJejer, i will check again05:39
rmitchellFAJ: do you know what nvidia driver? I am using 177 with 8.10 and it works very well.05:39
ejeri doubt it iShock05:39
iShockejer, I need that for glxinfo command to work .. but here.05:39
iShockejer: OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE2 <- THAT'S what I want to update05:39
\Kirasnuitje: when I try to run the client command you can me, it returns with connection refused...05:39
FAJrmitchell: not sure.05:39
ejeriShock: update to what05:39
facefacehere is 'interfaces' http://pastebin.com/m7a6c671005:40
facefaceejer, ^^05:40
iShockThe newest version, ejer.05:40
FAJejer rmitchell it is enabled05:40
facefaceejer, looks OK to me05:40
ejerfaceface: try making it like this http://pastebin.com/m7149620a05:41
rmitchellFAJ: it should say what version in system | administration | hardware drivers05:41
KlrSp1anyone a hibernate master? i can get it to hibernate, but not resume05:41
relisysGuys please help me I remember there was an automated  xorg.conf utility that would  let me select and build my own file05:41
relisyswhat is it called05:41
FAJrmitchell:  in hardy?  still using hardy here ;)05:41
ejeriShock: what is newest version? you think you do not have newest version?05:41
iShockejer, I'm going to assume so, since my laptop is newer than 2006 ...05:41
ejer!suspend | KlrSp105:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend05:41
relisysAnyone at all?05:42
ejeriShock: you should probably figure out if there is a new one05:42
facefaceejer, you just added 'auto eth1' right?05:42
iShockejer, how?05:42
woliwhich is a good ftp solution with nice and clean gui?05:42
ejerno faceface05:42
ejerwoli: filezilla05:42
relisysCan someone help me with about?05:42
* faceface goes to diff05:43
rmitchellFAJ: haven't tried in hardy, sorry05:43
ejeriShock: i told you, you have the latest unless you want to go install it manually, and if you do, the info is on that page05:43
FAJrmitchell:  shoot05:43
rmitchellFAJ: any reason to stay in 8.04?05:43
iShockejer, I don't think you get it, no offense.05:43
ejerrelisys: xorgconfig, but you can do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:43
NeurologicWhere can I get OpenGL and GTKGLExt?05:43
NeurologicApparently I'm missing those O_o05:43
ejeriShock: i assure you i do, if you find a newer "driver", of which there is none since it is built into kernel, let me know, I will help you install it05:44
FAJrmitchell:  yes; i finally got my wifi card working on one machine (it's a long and difficult process.... don't ask lol) and my other computer uses nvidia, so I wanna keep the effects.  also the screen is ubber frustrating to get configured correctly05:44
relisysejer: I cannot seem to find that file or command05:44
iShockejer, you seriously think there hasn't been any updates for OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE2 since 11/02/2006?? ...05:44
ejerrelisys: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg05:45
FAJejer:  that command sucks!05:45
=== pckchem is now known as thesecondlaw
ejerit regenerates xorg.conf...05:45
FAJit crashes right before monitor setup; leaving you with a half complete xorg.05:45
ejeri use it all the time05:46
FAJnever EVER worked for me.05:46
ejerwhat do you suggest05:46
transporterdoes anyone know how to use compiz???05:46
facefaceNeurologic, apt?05:46
Guest34521What text editors other than gedit does ubuntu have?05:46
facefaceejer, you moved the position of auto?05:46
Neurologicfaceface, are those the correct names?05:47
FAJejer:  removing xserver-xgl worked!05:47
facefaceGuest34521, nedit05:47
transporterdoes anybody know how to use compiz????05:47
facefaceNeurologic, try apt-cache search05:47
ejerfaceface: i just made it right, I moved auto yes05:47
doraemon112editor mousepad05:47
ejerfaceface: does it work now?05:47
facefaceejer, OK05:47
rmitchelltransporter: do you mean enabling effects?05:47
=== playerx is now known as px
doraemon112left editor05:47
Guest34521faceface: it's not installed05:47
facefaceejer, Don't know - its only a problem after a reboot05:47
Guest34521faceface: I need one already installed05:47
facefaceGuest34521, try ooffice?05:48
transportercan u help me rmitchell05:48
iShockWhat do I do with a git:// link?05:48
ejerGuest34521: in terminal there are some05:48
Guest34521faceface: but how do I open it as root ?05:48
facefaceejer, how can I simulate a reboot?05:48
rmitchelltransporter: go to system | preferences | appearance and go to the 'visual effects' tab05:48
Guest34521ejer: yes what are those in the terminal05:48
relisysejer:it keeps making me setup my keybaord05:48
facefaceGuest34521, what do you want to do?05:48
ejerfaceface: log out and in maybe05:48
ejerGuest34521: nano05:48
iShockejer what do I go with a git url?05:48
ubottuGit is a distributed revision control/software code management project created by Linus Torvalds. For more information, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Git_(software)05:48
Guest34521faceface: edit a file that doesn;t open with gedit05:48
Neurologicfaceface, that's just a really long list of nothing related to what I need =P apparently OpenGL is broken, and/or missing05:48
facefaceejer, network stays connected05:49
transporteryes rmitchell and then??05:49
rmitchelltransporter: click normal and wait for the window manager to refreash05:49
ejerfaceface: it is not same really05:49
facefaceGuest34521, which file?05:49
facefaceGuest34521, type "file MyFile" and paste the result05:49
facefaceNeurologic, hmm...05:50
iShockejer, I have newer drivers. How do I install them? :>05:50
facefaceNeurologic, Not sure05:50
Guest34521faceface: no worries nano worked , it was autosuspend for usb power control.05:50
transporterk that's done now what rmitchell05:50
Guest34521ejer: thanks ejer05:50
rmitchelltransporter: if it stays on normal, with no errors, then you're all set05:50
prodigrlsup all05:50
ejeriShock: where are they? link05:50
transporterrmitchell its on normal05:50
bazhang!ccsm | transporter05:50
ubottutransporter: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion05:50
iShockejer, http://intellinuxgraphics.org/download/IntelGfx-20081024/mesa.tar.gz05:50
NeurologicCan someone help me install OpenGL and GTKGLExt? apparently they're broken/missing?05:50
transporteri downloaded everything compiz from the add/remove05:51
bazhangtransporter, help for compiz in #compiz-fusion05:51
ejerhttp://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html ishock but I warn you, I would not do this unless you are comfortable using linux05:51
rmitchelltransporter: you should be able to see the animations and such now, try minimizing something05:51
CaptainMorgananyone good with software raid? running the md check command shows that everything is working as normal... but after I set up the two drives, I unplugged one of the SATA connectors and after that my system froze - I had to reboot and luck behold I had to reinstall grub... the instructions I followed had me install grub on both drives in case a drive failed... how can I be confident I've got it set up correctly?05:51
transportergive me a hand in a bit of customizing and then i will kick it off myself05:52
CaptainMorgantwo drives, raid 105:52
facefaceejer, thanks very much for help, I'll let you know this time tomorrow if it worked ;-)05:52
Guest34521genii-around: I FIXED IT05:52
facefacethanks again05:52
rmitchelltransporter: go to system | preferences | compizconfig settings manager05:52
prodigrlgyache 1.1 no cam-error "vid format not supprted by grab device"05:52
prodigrlany help?05:52
genii-aroundGuest34521: Nice going :)05:53
Guest34521genii-around: I can tell you how it's really easy05:53
pananyone help me get flash sound working?05:53
panfor firefox32 in 64bit ubuntu?05:53
transporterim on it05:53
transporterand then what rmitchell05:53
ejerCaptainMorgan: it should not freeze, so... that seems a dif problem form grub though05:53
Guest34521genii-around: is there a way to test if it actually will not autosuspend ?05:53
iShockejer: Error: Could not locate the pkg-config autoconf macros.05:53
CaptainMorganejer, do you have any recommendations on how I can check everything to be sure it's set up correctly?05:54
rmitchelltransporter: from here on, its pretty much whatever you want. Most of the stuff you'll want to play with will probably be in "effects" or "window management"05:54
iShockejer: Error: Could not locate the pkg-config autoconf macros.05:54
ejerCaptainMorgan: cat/proc/mdstat is what I use, as well as mdadm, definitely read the mdadm wiki and man page05:54
genii-aroundGuest34521: Hmm, not sure, other than it just keeps working at same speed, etc05:54
rmitchellthere might be some stuff in "desktop" you want to play with too05:54
transporterk but for some awkward reason i don't seem to get it to work05:55
CaptainMorganejer, as I said earlier - md showed everything was in order...05:55
ejeriShock: you are not going to be able to do this, sorry, and it is not necessary05:55
rmitchelltransporter: what do you mean/05:55
ejerCaptainMorgan: well, that is how you check :)05:55
iShockejer, it is too, and yes, I can, how do I fix Error: Could not locate the pkg-config autoconf macros.05:55
KlrSp1anyone a hibernate master? i can get it to hibernate, but not resume05:55
transporterok rmitchell can u give me an example plz05:55
transporteri wanna make the cube05:55
ejerwell, I cannot help you iShock good luck05:55
CaptainMorganejer, so what possible explanation would there be for the system freezing on a simulated hard drive failure ?05:55
iShockWhy not ejer05:55
Jordan_UiShock: When do you get that error?05:56
rmitchelltransporter: alright, for the cube, you're going to click "dekstop" and then check the box next to desktop cube05:56
ejerCaptainMorgan: a bug?  a hardware issue? lots of possibilities...05:56
januaryHi all05:56
transporterand then??? rmitchell05:56
ultrav1oletTwo questions: how can I bind network interfaces to my NIC MAC addresses and how can I up a network interface _without_ assigned IP address.05:56
Guest34521genii-around: oh ok thanks, and by the way, to know how I did it we just skipped the step where they cat the files. You don't necessarily have to cat the files since the GUI in ubunut can see the first number. You just have to look in folders that have only 2 numbers separated by a dash like 7-3 and then look at the files busnum and devnum, for me 7-3 had busnum 7 and devnum 2 which was the device05:57
iShockJordan_U: Pastebinning05:57
\KiraIm trying to vnc into a remote system, and I get a connection refused error when I try to. I am not really familiar with what im doing, so I need a little help05:57
user-05an body here?05:57
rmitchelltransporter: then click 'desktop cube', not the box, it will open the preferences. what you really want is the keystroke05:57
Jordan_Uuser-05: no05:57
iShockJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77617/05:57
Hiker1352Can I wrap a socks proxy over a program before I run it?05:58
rmitchelltransporter: mine is alt+super+down arrow, the super key will be your windows key on a PC keyboard05:58
Jordan_UHiker1352: Yes, with soxify05:58
cakeysuper lol05:58
transporteri got ctrl alt down05:58
n8tuserultrav1olet-> umm udev and using of iproute2 tool  ip05:58
genii-aroundGuest34521: I knew you'd find it empirically :)05:59
iShockJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77617/05:59
CaptainMorganejer, mind if I private message you the output to cat /proc/mdstat to see if you notice anything peculiar ?05:59
rmitchelltransporter: alright, press cnt+alt+down and see if thats the effect you want05:59
Guest34521genii-around: the problem is the numbers change after each restart05:59
Hiker1352Jordan_U: Is that installable with apt-get?05:59
Guest34521genii-around: so I have to do it again each time :(05:59
user-05hyyyyyyyyyy,,,,,,,,,,really i dont understand what you,re say05:59
ejerCaptainMorgan: paste it05:59
transportershould i click on enable this cube05:59
ultrav1oletn8tuser: I want to set up network interface automatically using /etc/network/interfaces05:59
ejer!paste | CaptainMorgan05:59
ubottuCaptainMorgan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:59
Jordan_UHiker1352: Yes, the package name is dante-client05:59
prodigrli did some reasearch out of 133 folks on my buddy list, only 4 have cam, all running linux05:59
ultrav1oletof course, I can use ip or ifconfig for that05:59
CaptainMorganso is that a yes or no?06:00
Jordan_UiShock: Where is autogen.sh from?06:00
iShockJordan_U: ^06:00
transporterrmitchell should i click on enable this cube06:00
kaiaphasI am new here06:00
rmitchelltransporter: yes06:01
ejerlooks ok CaptainMorgan06:01
AhadielHiker1352, There's also tsocks06:01
n8tuserultrav1olet-> so what is the question?06:01
genii-aroundGuest34521: Yes, thats why I went the route of another card, instead of trying to find where this gets set. Although a script somewhere in /etc/network/if-up.d           might do it06:01
Jordan_UiShock: What are you trying to do?06:01
iShockUpdate my mesa 3d drivers, Jordan_U06:01
rmitchelltransporter: feel free to play around with the settings, change keyboard shortcuts, etc it won't screw anything up too bad06:02
transporterrmitchell i can see the cube but it just lays a bit flat06:02
Jordan_UiShock: Is there a reason you need to update them?06:02
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transporterrmitchell its not what i exactly call a cube06:02
iShockJordan_U: BZFlag. It's not going well with drivers from 200606:02
prodigrldual boot with winders? alot work for a dagum cam06:03
rmitchelltransporter: you may want effects | "3d windows" instead06:03
ejerJordan_U: i went through this already with iShock, have fun :)06:03
Trashypatchesi'm having issues with firefox regarding flash.  Everytime i run youtube firefox freezes up and I have to force quit.  I just upgraded to the 64 bit 1.04. How do I get flash working??06:03
devin_ordinary shouldnt / be sda1?06:03
prodigrltrashy-had the same, ran opera, ran fine06:04
ejerTrashypatches: ubuntu 8.04?06:04
transporterrmitchell this thing it just lays flat on the ground and nothing else06:04
Guest34521genii-around: oh I don't know how to make scripts :(06:04
Trashypatchesejer: it ran fine with 8.0406:04
Ahadieltransporter, open ccsm => General Options => Desktop Size06:04
iShockJordan_U: I know I probably shouldn't, but can you just help me get them installed? Please? :>06:04
niklaushow do i clone a harddisk , i 've around 9 partitions . i want to clone the complete harddisk06:04
ejerI just upgraded to the 64 bit 1.04. <- what is 1.04 Trashypatches06:05
prodigrl9 parts? holy frak!06:05
transporterAhadiel im in desktop size now what??06:05
Jordan_UiShock: Can you pastebin the readme file? ( the file you linked to is 62 meg )06:05
Ahadieltransporter, Horizontal Size to 4, and Vertical Size to 106:05
ejerniklaus: http://clonezilla.org/clonezilla-live/06:06
cakey62mb of readme06:06
Trashypatchesejer: sorry, the newest version of Ubuntu06:06
iShockhttp://intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html Jordan_U06:06
Jordan_UiShock: ... or maybe it isn't, it just finished at 1.3 meg06:06
niklausejer, it requires a live CD which i don't have currently .  Can i do it while running linux ?06:06
shal3rMy Xorg always consumes about 10-30% of CPU (I got Celeron, 3.2GHz), even when all apps are closed. How to debug this?06:07
transporterAhadiel should the number of desktops be 4???06:07
Jordan_UiShock: Have you installed all of the packages which that page says are required?06:07
Ahadieltransporter, Why are you using multiple question marks? It makes you seen demanding. Also, mine is set to 1 and it works fine.06:08
iShockJordan_U: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.06:08
transporteroh multiple question marks Ahadiel is my habit!!!06:08
rmitchellniklaus: google 'ubuntu clone hard drive' check out the first result. You'll have to use terminal, but the site explains it06:08
ejerTrashypatches: you could try http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html06:08
transporterits not about being demanding or anything like that :D06:08
shal3rtransporter, bad habit.06:08
genii-aroundAhadiel: I can see how that would get on your nerves06:08
transporterthankyou for the applause shal3r06:09
shal3rtransporter, you are welcome06:09
ejerniklaus: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/Dd06:09
Ahadielgenii-around, orly????? -_-06:09
Trashypatchesejer: I have tried that, when i unzipped it Ubuntu could not run the program06:09
transportershal3r :P x 100006:09
genii-aroundAhadiel: :)06:09
prodigrlfor the new youngbuckers06:09
Ahadielgenii-around, ;D06:09
FAJhey trying to get friends video res to work, removed xserver-xgl, and i have the correct resolution, but terminal is PURE WHITE.  any help please?06:09
iShockJordan_U: it's not finding some packages :<06:09
ejerTrashypatches: run it with 'sh flashinstaller....'06:10
transporterok Ahadiel now what?06:10
Trashypatchesejer: ok06:10
Ahadieltransporter, Have you tried using the cube?06:10
Jordan_UiShock: What is the output of "which libtoolize" ?06:10
transporterno not yet06:10
iShock/usr/bin/libtoolize Jordan_U06:10
transporterthe thing looks so flat06:10
Ahadieltransporter, Still?06:10
ejerFAJ: sis you disable desktop effects06:10
transporteri tried it when u told me06:11
ejerFAJ: did I mean lol06:11
FAJlol ejer; no desktop effects even on right now06:11
transporterit just stays flat only when i press the buttons and stays there till those buttons are pressed06:11
Ahadieltransporter, How are you changing desktops? (ie. rotating the cube)06:11
ejerFAJ: well, I don't think they will work without xgl, try it06:11
Jordan_UiShock: What packages is "it" not finding, and what is "it"? apt ?06:11
macvrhi all... i have a problem with my laptop wireless.... everytime i restart the laptop , if the power has been disconnected, the wireless doesnt start... i have to fiddle with the hardware key , and then restart again... how do i correct this?06:11
FAJejer; the forums said that removing xserver-xgl would MAKE them work...06:12
Jordan_Uejer: XGL is pretty much dead06:12
transporteri haven't tried anything as in yet Ahadiel06:12
relisysAre there any experts on xorg.conf?   i do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and all it does is asks me tons of questions about my keyboard and nothing on the video.  please help me.. i have nvidia driver and their settings penal does not act as it should.06:12
iShockJordan_U: Meh, I really am starting to hate *buntu :<06:12
Ahadieltransporter, Then how do you come to the conclusion that it's flat?06:12
Ahadieltransporter, Hold Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click and move your mouse back and forth.06:12
iShockMy xorg.conf doesn't even have anything about i810 or intel Jordan_U06:12
transporteri press the given buttons it flattens out into 4 screens but no cube06:12
FAJejer; reinstalling gnome-terminal didn't work06:13
Jordan_UiShock: Well maybe you shouldn't try to replace core parts of the system for no good reason :)06:13
relisysany one can assist?06:13
iShockJordan_U: There is a good reason.06:13
Ahadieltransporter, Try what I just said.06:13
ejerFAJ: like I said, I would try disabling desktop effects, or else look at the terminal preferences, you can change colors there06:13
iShockJordan_U: What do I do with git:// links?06:13
transporterAhadiel, please tell me what exactly do u want me to try?06:13
Jordan_UiShock: It doesn't need to, the driver should be auto detected and if it were listed in the xorg.conf the correct driver would be "intel" not i81006:13
Ahadieltransporter, Hold Ctrl + Alt + Left-Click and move your mouse back and forth.06:13
=== jason_ is now known as Static-
relisysGuys some help please06:14
iShockJordan_U: What do I do with git:// links?06:14
ejeriShock: 2 people who know have now said it is a bad idea, maybe you should look for an alternate solution?06:14
=== Static- is now known as Static--
prodigrli drank way to much today "copy paste" not working lol06:14
=== Static-- is now known as Static-
iShockejer, fine, you play a game where everyone else gets 100+ fps and you can't get over 40, see how well it works for you.06:14
shal3rMy Xorg always consumes about 10-30% of CPU (I got Celeron, 3.2GHz), even when all apps are closed. How to debug this? In result, everything is slow.06:14
ejerrelisys: what is the problem exactly06:14
ejeriShock: maybe it is not because you have an old driver06:15
relisysejer: my current settings are 53hz06:15
relisysrefresh rate06:15
Jordan_UiShock: You are using integrated graphics06:15
relisysi  need to set it to at least 6006:15
Ahadieltransporter, Any luck?06:15
iShockejer, name other reasons then.06:15
rmitchellshal3r: you sure its xorg, or is it some other task?06:15
conalis there a fancy/pretty way to look at man pages on ubuntu?  i.e., nicer looking than nroff output in a terminal?06:15
transporterAhadiel, nothing moves06:15
FAJejer that worked; what was the issue?06:15
shal3rrmitchell, `top` shows xorg06:15
Jordan_UiShock: Please don't repeat, you use git to get the code06:15
Ahadieltransporter, Then tell me this, what buttons did you press to see the 4 desktops?06:16
ejerFAJ: what worked? desktop effects?06:16
iShockBut firefox doesn't recognize git:// links06:16
FAJejer:  ya06:16
transporterctrl alt down06:16
Ahadieltransporter, Yeah, I think that's not the combination for the cube.06:16
ejerFAJ: i guess that was the issue, seems something is mal-configure06:16
iShockJordan_U: Any idea how to get better gaming fps without doing this?06:17
Ahadiels/I think//06:17
rmitchellshal3r: system | administration | system monitor, you can sort by cpu usage see what the top tasks are06:17
transporterAhadiel, that's what i think!06:17
Ahadieltransporter, If you open ccsm again, look under the "Desktop" heading and see if Desktop Cube and Rotate Cube are enabled.06:17
FAJejer:  o ok06:17
ejerget a dedicated card iShock06:17
DeviNinstalling ubuntu, curious i have 2gb of ddr2 what should i set swap to and should it be set to primary or logical?06:18
prodigrlcan you drag and drop open windows into another dsktop06:18
AhadielDeviN, Is this a laptop and/or do you plan on using suspend/hibernate?06:19
Jordan_UiShock: First off, are you sure that your integrated graphics should can get better performance? Have you tried BZflag on the same computer with a different OS and gotten better FPS?06:19
shal3rrmitchell, nothing there is using more than 3%06:19
thesecondlawconal, you can pipe it to a text file and read it in whatever you want06:19
DeviNAhadiel desktop06:19
thesecondlawman X >> ~/man.txt06:19
transporterAhadiel, its working better06:19
ejerDeviN: you can leave it default, but primary or logical is fine, make it 150% of ram if you want to hibernate06:19
scuniziDeviN, 1 gig max unless your using suspend/hibernate then 1.5x of memory06:19
Jordan_UiShock: Second, can you check that you are getting direct rendering by running "glxinfo | grep direct" ?06:19
transporterAhadiel, cool06:19
Ahadieltransporter, So ctrl + alt + left-click + moving mouse works?06:19
transporternow what about that rotating windows cube06:19
conalhow about something with type-setting -- variable-width fonts etc?06:19
iShock"Yes" Jordan_U06:20
transporteryes ctrl alt down  right and left moves the screens06:20
conalsomething gnome-ish looking06:20
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
rmitchellshal3r, a friend and i had some trouble with trackerd taking up a lot of resources, two seperate machines, and it would hold up the whole system06:20
Ahadieltransporter, I'm not saying to use the arrow keys.06:20
VistaUsercan someone help me06:20
Jordan_U!ccsm | transporter06:20
ubottutransporter: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:20
VistaUseri am new to ubuntu and i dont know hw to install new progs06:21
VistaUserlike games06:21
scuniziconal, scribus, or latex and one if it's front ends.06:21
_2something happened in the last dapper update and now i can't mount usb devices   !06:21
TakuyaHey guys, I have a question about Ubuntu on a Mac if anyone knows much about that?06:21
shal3rrmitchell, i don`t have it06:21
_2is this a known bug ?06:21
Jordan_U!software | VistaUser06:21
ubottuVistaUser: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents06:21
Trashypatchesejer: i typed the "sudo apt-get install nspluginwrapper flashplugin-nonfree" it worked for one video...i loaded another and firefox froze again06:21
transporterim in ccsm right now Jordan_U06:21
ejerVistaUser: applications>add/remove and you can choose games06:21
rmitchellshal3r: are you using effects?06:21
ejerTrashypatches: why did you type that command?06:21
shal3rrmitchell, no06:21
Jordan_UTrashypatches: Have you tried the alpha 64 bit native flash?06:21
_2plug in the usb disk and dmesg says   [17189108.924000] Driver 'sd' needs updating - please use bus_type methods06:21
scuniziconal, scribus for publishing things like flyers, newspapers, booklets etc.. and latex for typesettings.. although its a chore to learn latex06:22
brento72i have a question about Konversation if anyone has a minute06:22
prodigrlwhy is it that a guy named vistauser gets assist and the little lady here doesnt06:22
rmitchellshal3r, not sure what could be causing it, sorry06:22
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines06:22
TakuyaBasically if anyone wants to help out, I can't seem to boot into Ubuntu, I installed it, it went well, but I have no choice to boot into it after holding down option, or by Apple->System Prefs->Statup Disk06:22
VistaUsercause everyone loves Vista06:22
ejerTrashypatches: i sent you the link for 64bit flash from adobe06:22
genii-aroundTrashypatches: That can be found incidentally at http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html   bottom of page06:22
* prodigrl differs06:22
conalscunizi: i use latex quite a lot for publishing research papers.  does it connect to man?  that's what i'm looking for.  a nice viewer for man pages, with typesetting.06:22
scuniziprodigrl, yes you can drag and drop windows to different desktops...06:23
conalscunizi: i hadn't heard of scribus though.06:23
_2prodigrl cause you whine too much ?    just a guess, cause i only just got here06:23
shoviis it worth installing ubuntu or just sudo apt-get install gnome, --- As I have kubuntu06:23
Guest34521WTF, I just UPDATED ubuntu and now modprobe r8187 doesn't work06:23
thesecondlaw_2 | !manners06:23
Ahadielshovi, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:23
scuniziconal, ah.. not sure if latex will do that with man pages.. but I read about something that would several months ago.. unfortunatly, I can't remember what it is..06:23
prodigrl_2 wine? hrm no06:23
ejerconal: you know info has better formatting than man?06:24
shoviAhadiel, then upon boot i can pick?06:24
doors98what is this in ubuntu? i cant boot: "42.181874: kernel panic-not syncing, attempting to the idle task" then it stops there forever06:24
Appiahyou can have multiply DE's with any linux distrubition shovi06:24
Takuyaoh I think I installed grub wrong...06:24
Ahadielshovi, yeah06:24
Appiahand switch between them as you like06:24
prodigrlwhy would i wine in a friggin ubuntu chan06:24
shoviok thanks06:24
conalejer: no, i didn't.  i'll check it out.06:24
prodigrlscu- thanks06:24
=== andres_ is now known as fr500
thesecondlawshovi, I had all sorts of trouble making ubuntu work well by just installing gnome. If you have the time, do a complete install. Not saying it won't work but all the KDE configs are hard to change back to GDM stuff06:25
DeviNok have another question, is making a /home partition really necessary I usually just use my entire drive as /06:25
brento72I have got the channel list on the left hand side was wondering if there was a way to sort the channels in alphabetical order in Konversation?06:25
rmitchellprodigrl: whats your question?06:25
AndreSchhi list06:25
Takuyabut at any rate before I fudge something, does anyone know the answer?06:25
Ahadielthesecondlaw, gnome or ubuntu-desktop? Becuase the latter will inevitably work better.06:25
VistaUseris there a crtl alt delte thingy on ubuntu?06:25
ejerthesecondlaw: you need to install ubuntu-desktop06:26
VistaUserlike on window06:26
thesecondlawexcuse me, i believe ubuntu-desktop is the correct package06:26
ejerVistaUser: yes06:26
Trashypatchesejer: ok sorry i'm removing the previous command that I listed, then I have downloaded the flash plugin to the desktop how do I install it once I have unzipped it from the tar.gz file.  Sorry I am still somewhat new to the terminal06:26
rmitchellvistauser: if you mean a task manager, system | administration | system monitor06:26
scuniziDeviN, if you make a seperate /home and there is an issue with upgrading or something you did to mess the system... it's much easier to reinstall without loosing all your data.06:26
VistaUserejer what is it and how i get06:26
AndreSchhave a problem with apache - am using Webmin and created a virtual domain - now I keep on getting error : Service Temporarily Unavailable06:26
ejerTrashypatches: sh flashplug....06:26
ejerVistaUser: you mean like system monitor06:26
rmitchellvistauser: then click processes06:26
Trashypatchesejer: type that in terminal?06:26
thesecondlawejer, nope I was just sharing a personal experience on the kubuntu to ubuntu transition without reinstalling06:26
scunizi!webmin | AndreSch06:26
ubottuAndreSch: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.06:26
prodigrlrmitchell, first was can run cam in gyache 1.106:26
VistaUseri want it06:27
conalejer -- info == emacs info ?06:27
ejerTrashypatches: type sh then the name of the file06:27
Guest34521Help, I just updated ubuntu and now my r8187 module is gone for good, modprobe says it's not found06:27
prodigrler cant run06:27
Trashypatchesejer: ok thank you06:27
VistaUserhow about on KDE4?06:27
rmitchellvistauser: under kde i belive is called ksysguard06:28
ejerVistaUser: system>admin>system monitor06:28
LuYuhas anybody here used a cellphone as a modem to connect to the net?06:28
ejeroh that is gnome VistaUser06:28
AndreSchwill ebox be able to fix the problem??06:28
VistaUseri need for KDE06:28
thesecondlawLuYu, yes, a while back06:29
doors98what is this in ubuntu? i cant boot: while ubuntu is booting here is the last error msg."42.181874: kernel panic-not syncing, attempting to kill the idle task" then it stops there forever06:29
prodigrlluyu- yes06:29
rmitchellprodigrl: what kind of camera?06:29
VistaUserwhich Linux have u guys tried?06:29
AhadielLuYu, I have.06:29
thesecondlawLuYu, I belive there is a util out there for linux for motorola phones06:29
VistaUsercause i cant find a good one06:29
ejermost of them VistaUser06:29
thesecondlawIf you're new to linux, try ubuntu-mint06:29
prodigrlrmitchell  philips sic 475006:30
superfirelord42doors98, did you just install it? or has it just started doing this?06:30
Jordan_U!anyone | LuYu06:30
ubottuLuYu: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:30
LuYuso, i need something in addition to just intrepid and a USB cable?06:30
Trashypatchesejer: when I typed that into the terminal this came back "Can't Open libflashplugin"06:30
genii-aroundprodigrl: If your webcam currently works in Ubuntu, then gyache will be able to use it. If it doesn't currently work then ask about getting it to work first before trying it under some program which is not provided int he repositories and supported, like gyache or gyachi06:30
Jordan_ULuYu: Are you using 8.10 ?06:30
VistaUseri tried ubuntu but its very limited i wanta nice enviroment and good progs and good for gamming06:30
LuYuand it has a setup for the local network06:30
ejerTrashypatches: you need to remove flashplugin-nonfree and ndiswrapper first06:30
LuYuhowever, it keeps asking for a password06:31
thesecondlawVistaUser, if you want to play windows games I'm afraid linux is not for you.06:31
scuniziVistaUser, howdo you mean.. limited?06:31
Trashypatchesejer: I have done that06:31
superfirelord42thesecondlaw, unless he tries wine...06:31
LuYui asked the service provider,  and they said a password is not necessary06:31
doors98supefire: my ubuntu is working the past 1 week coz i jaz tried it, then this morning i tried to on but i receive many warnings with the last one06:31
thesecondlawwine is crap for most games, unfortunatly06:31
VistaUserlike i want the livux os of any source to be open06:31
Guest34521Did the new update update the kernel as well ?06:31
VistaUserand not like limited and basic progs06:31
superfirelord42thesecondlaw, yeah, its getting better....06:31
paul68what is the reason that in the following iptable script the ssh is not working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/77625/06:32
ardchoilleGuest34521: yes, there was a kernel update today06:32
superfirelord42doors98, so did anything happen in that time?06:32
Guest34521ardchoille: from 27.8 to 27.9 ?06:32
superfirelord42doors98, hardware modification or an update or anything06:32
ardchoilleGuest34521: yes06:32
prodigrlgenii- works with easycam, cam does work but cant send live feeds with easycam, so how do i fix it with gyache - in lamens preferb, new here06:32
ejerVistaUser: there are hundreds of thousands of amazing programs, so specify what you are missing, and it is out there... games are a little thin, but lots of interesting stuff06:32
Guest34521ardchoille: no wonder, it deleted my r8187 driver06:32
ardchoilleGuest34521:  2.6.27-906:32
doors98supefire:its working just fine then and updated it successfuly06:33
rmitchellprodigrl: so you have it working in another program?06:33
scuniziVistaUser, livux?  what's available in ubuntu is pretty much all open unless you install binary drivers.  If you're adventurous enough you can download any source you want an compile, create a deb and install.. this is the same for most distributions.  What's limited about that?06:33
prodigrlrmitchell  yeah easycam06:33
ardchoilleGuest34521: did you install that driver manually or from the repos?06:33
superfirelord42doors98, I know its annoying, but please use my full name, its hard to catch your messages... using the full name highlights it...06:33
Guest34521ardchoille: manually06:33
VistaUseri mean i want the best programs already installed with the os06:33
VistaUserand not have to find them06:34
superfirelord42doors98, had you rebooted after the install before it stopped working?06:34
doors98superfirelord42: ahh okey, sorry for that06:34
ejer!best | VistaUser06:34
ardchoilleGuest34521: Any time you install a driver manually, you need to reinstall it if there is a kernel update06:34
ubottuVistaUser: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:34
drogyour name would be "VistaUser"06:34
ardchoilleVistaUser: no OS can do that06:34
ejerVistaUser: some people like linux-mint for pre-installed stuff06:34
Guest34521ardchoille: where can I check the logs for what they changed in the new kernel ?06:34
ardchoilleGuest34521: no idea :(06:34
VistaUserkk is there a site were there is terminal commands that i can input and it installs that os?06:35
scuniziVistaUser,  that's a very arbitrary statement.  most distributions preinstall what is most commonly used.. ubuntu has a huge amount of programs available through apt-get or synaptic.. more so than most other nix's.. you're comments are not really making sense.06:35
doors98superfirelord42: ive been using it for i think 5 days, then didnt use it for 3 days i think, but when i tried to on this morning i receive that message, there are others prior to the last message06:35
doors98superfirelord42: here is one message BAD EIP value06:35
fedealvesI need help installing an Ubunto 804 32 Bits Virtual machine under XEN, can pay via paypal06:35
prodigrlin setup shows /dev/video0 as the device   is the issue?06:35
orgthingyhow do i remove tor/privoxy from startup ?06:35
superfirelord42doors98, you said it had taken an update though right? was it doing this after you rebooted after the update.06:36
Guest34521ardchoille: wow my system just froze06:36
ejerGuest34521: it is normal to have to reinstall kernel drivers after updating kernel, for those that are not automatically done06:36
fedealvesplease contact me at venefax@gmail.com06:36
doors98superfirelord42: no it worked just fine then06:36
Jordan_UGuest34521: Why do you want to know what changed, it doesn't matter what changed, any update that changes the ABI will require new modules, if those modules were installed via apt they will be updated automatically. If you installed them manually you need to recompile06:36
VistaUserlol ok i was trying to shorten my comment guess i got to strectch brb let me rephrase06:36
superfirelord42doors98, are you on the machine having trouble/06:36
Guest34521Jordan_U: tehre was a bug with mac802106:36
doors98superfirelord42:nope, i'm on a windows machine, i cant boot on ubuntu06:37
Guest34521Jordan_U: also I wanted to know which modules they updated06:37
superfirelord42doors98, so you are on a different machine or the same machine on a dual booted windows?06:37
Trashypatchesejer: I did remove the nspluginwrapper and the flashplugin-nonfree before typing the sh libflashplayer.so , this still did not work06:37
rmitchellprodigrl: i can't find the program in the repo, so i can't really look to see how it wants settings06:37
doors98superfirelord42: i'm on a different machine06:38
superfirelord42doors98, ok, on the ubuntu machine, when the bootloader shows up, choose a different kernel.06:38
ejerTrashypatches: oh, I thought you had the installer, close firefox, and copy that file to a folder in ~/.mozilla/plugins/06:38
doors98 superfirelord42: how will i do that?06:38
prodigrlrmitchell  well thanks for looking, im kinda like fook it, just a damn cam and if thats my biggest prob with ubuntu then i think im god06:38
superfirelord42doors98, when you see grub, his the down arrow to choose a different line..06:39
Trashypatchesejer:  ok06:39
doors98superfirelord42: what is grub?06:39
rmitchellprodigrl, there should be some way to set it up, preferances or settings... maybe look in easycam's settings to see how they enter its location, etc, sorry i can't be of more help06:40
prodigrlill send pics and vids with easycam, more work but im to lazy to fix it right now06:40
prodigrlrmitchell from what i can tell, easycam doenst send feeds, just records06:40
superfirelord42doors98, ok, nevermind about grub... when your machine starts, start hitting the down arrow untill you see a choice menue06:40
prodigrli could be wrong but ran thro the whole prog and found nothing else06:41
paul68what is the reason that in the following iptable script the ssh is not working? http://paste.ubuntu.com/77625/06:41
macvrhi all.... i'm getting this error during startup.../var/run/network/ifstate read-only file system  is this normal? [i dont have the splash option turned on, so i could see that error]06:41
rwwpaul68: wow, nobody answered that question yet? Perhaps you could try somewhere dedicated to iptables support, like their mailing list ( http://www.netfilter.org/mailinglists.html ), since it doesn't look like you'll get an answer here...06:43
doors98superfirelord42:okey i'm waiting for the memory test to finish06:43
scunizipaul68, you might also try ##linux06:43
superfirelord42doors98, memory test?06:44
ardchoilleI forget how to do a memory test06:44
superfirelord42doors98, memtest86+ or POST memory test?06:44
RaNdYhow do i limit users to use "su" ?06:44
superfirelord42ardchoille, its actually not that hard, when you reboot, in the bootloader menu, choose memtest8606:45
rwwardchoille: reboot the computer and choose the memtest option on the boot menu06:45
ardchoilleah, that's right, thanks06:45
rwwRaNdY: su or sudo? If you're using Ubuntu, it's recommended that you use the latter.06:45
ardchoilleRaNdY: they shouldn't be able to su to root anyway because root is locked06:45
dfgasanyone have bluetooth problems? i can't not get my wii remote to even show in bluetooth devices. any ideas. it worked on 8.0406:46
rwwRaNdY: If you need to edit sudo's configuration, you'll need to edit the sudoers file, which you can do with the "visudo" command06:46
LokinCan someone help me with my Ubuntu 8.10 server?06:46
RaNdYthanks rww =)06:46
superfirelord42Lokin, you have to be more specific than that....06:47
doors98superfirelord42: memtest86+06:47
LokinLol. Ya was waiting for a reply before getting into it06:47
rraj_behttp://pastebin.com/m61d13f51 any help please06:47
doors98superfirelord42: i pressed the esc key06:47
rraj_bei cant install gtk06:47
LokinI need to make a restricted user06:47
superfirelord42doors98, ah, i see...06:47
Lokinthat can run a whitelist of applications i say it can run06:47
rwwLokin: Possibly :). Go ahead and state your problem. There's also a dedicated Ubuntu server channel at, umm, #ubuntu-server I think?06:47
doors98superfirelord42: what will i select? recovery mode?06:47
rwwLokin: oops, never mind, you asked the question while i was typing ;-)06:47
superfirelord42doors98, if it took an update, you should have several linux options...06:48
Lokinnot very server related06:48
Lokinjust needs to be through command line06:48
Lokinno GUI thankfully06:48
doors98superfirelord42: oh, i only see 3 options and the last 1 is memtest.06:48
superfirelord42doors98, what are the other three?06:48
superfirelord42Lokin, a restricted user, you mean like without sudo access?06:49
transportercan somebody help me with compiz on hardy06:49
rww!ask | transporter06:49
ubottutransporter: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:49
rwwtransporter: and, if you don't get an answer here when you do ask your question, try #compiz-fusion06:49
superfirelord42Lokin, hold on, i may have something...06:49
doors98it is still ubuntu 8.04, the 1`st is standard 2nd is recovry mode and the 3rd is memtest06:49
LokinN0t necessarily, I want them to only be able to run a few apps, Nmap, john ect06:49
Guest34521any good wireless connection programs except for wifi radar? my icon near the clock won't connect with my other usb device06:50
rraj_behttp://pastebin.com/m61d13f51 any help please .....i cant instal gtk06:50
LokinI know Nmap needs sudo so thats where I will get stuck after making the guest account06:50
superfirelord42doors98, hmm, so it did not take a kernel update...06:50
rraj_behttp://pastebin.com/m61d13f51 any help please .....i cant instal gtk usser06:50
superfirelord42Lokin, so they need to access nmap?06:50
superfirelord42doors98, try recovery, see if it boots to a terminal...06:50
Trashypatchesejer: is there a command i can type into terminal to copy the flash into the mozilla/plugin file? I can not find where mozila/plugin file is06:50
ganymedehello, i was wondering if anyone knows a very fast bmp to png converted that achieves decent level-9 compression (i'll run them through optipng faster). i'm currently using imagemagick's convert, but since i have to convert about 45,000 BMP to PNG, i was wondering if there is some faster command-line program that does it faster or is specialized in this exact conversion06:50
doors98superfirelord42: yap maybe what i told you was minor updates06:51
Lokinyes but not have decent prvledges06:51
ganymedei'll run them through optipng later*06:51
ashmew2ganymede: GIMP! :P06:51
rraj_behttp://pastebin.com/m61d13f51 any help please .....i cant instal gtk usser06:51
ashmew2rrat_be: what is gtk_usser?06:51
superfirelord42Lokin, so you can actually make sudo lists where certin user groups can access programs in sudo and others cannot...06:51
LokinI want them to be COMPLETLY restriced to what i let them have06:51
rwwLokin: if i remember correctly, you should be able to specify in the sudoers file that X user should have admin access only for Y command06:51
rwwLokin: try man sudoers and see if there's something useful in there06:52
rraj_besorry  . . .i am trying to install gtk06:52
ganymedeashmew2: thanks, i will do some preliminary benchmarking to verify whether it is faster than imagemagick's convert06:52
rraj_bebut this is error i am getting06:52
LokinI need the guest user and group first06:52
Lokinone sec06:52
doors98superfirelord42:it didnt boot, it game me the same error message or warning06:52
superfirelord42doors98, hmm, what is the error right before the tried to kill idle? or line of text, what was it working on?06:53
scunizirraj_be, have you tried installing it from synaptic?  much easier than trying to compile or use an outside source.06:53
genii-aroundLokin: eg in sudoers, something like:    username ALL=NOPASSWD: /wherever/nmap06:53
rraj_bei cant find it there06:53
LokinWait what06:53
superfirelord42Lokin, and to alter privilages to get to files, you can set group and folders through chmod and chown06:53
ashmew2you have broken packages06:53
ashmew2sudo apt-get -f install06:54
ashmew2to install/remove anything , you must first have a NOT broken system06:54
LokinI can't read al; these fast enough06:54
rraj_be0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 9 not upgraded.06:54
genii-aroundLokin: Best advice is to research how to make entries in sudoers which disallow or allow the commands you specify06:54
superfirelord42Lokin, hmm?06:54
ashmew2rraj_be: sudo dpkg --configure -a06:55
Trashypatchesdoes anyone know where the firefox plugin files are located on the hard drive? I need to copy a file into the plugin area06:55
doors98superfirelord42: oh my! i even tried to reinstall but after i selected the language option it gave the same error, something like ubuntu functions _do path, alloc pages, _native load etc06:56
rraj_beits clean ashmew206:56
sparrwish me luck on my first partial upgrade to jaunty06:56
LF|Irssi ~/.mozilla/plugins i think06:56
ashmew2sparr: Jaunty isnt really broke06:56
ashmew2not until alpha 206:56
ashmew2alpha 1 is more or less intrepid isnt it06:56
ashmew2no real differences06:56
ashmew2fun starts alpha 206:56
ashmew2check that rraj06:57
TrashypatchesLF|Irssi: to copy my file can I do that through terminal?06:57
sparrashmew2: real differences for me, some packages in intrepid with dependencies in jaunty06:57
rraj_be Depends: libatk1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed  Depends: libcairo2-dev but it is not going to be installed  Depends: libglib2.0-dev but it is not  oing to be installed   Depends: libgtk2.0-0 (=2.12.9-3ubuntu2) but 2.12.9-3ubuntu4 is to be installed  Depends: libpango1.0-dev but it is not going to be installed06:57
ashmew2nice nice06:57
LF|IrssiTrashypatches: yep06:57
ashmew2trashypatches , use cp command06:57
ashmew2Trashypatches: man cp06:57
ashmew2rraj_be , visit that link06:57
pananyone here can help me with firefox32 flash sound on 64bit?06:58
Sierradumpcan somebody tell me how I find this directory:  ~/.mozilla/plugins06:58
doors98superfirelord42: i'l try go back to my pirated windows, i'l see if it is a hardware problem06:58
ashmew2open home dir06:58
LF|IrssiTrashypatches: something like cp /home/trashypatches/downloads /home/trashypatches/.mozilla/plugins  should do the trick06:58
ashmew2press CTRL+H06:58
ashmew2CTRL+H shows hidden dirs06:58
ardchoilleSierradump: ~ = /home/your-username06:58
superfirelord42doors98, hold on... that didnt answer my question06:58
scunizi!flash | pan06:58
ubottupan: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:58
doors98superfirelord42: okey06:58
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.06:58
superfirelord42doors98, was there any perceding errors before the last crash errror you gave earlier...06:59
scuniziuse audacious.. recent fork of xmms06:59
genii-aroundsparr: Note that xmms2 exists06:59
superfirelord42sparr, i was sad to learn that too...06:59
Sierradumpardchoille:  when I browse to the home/myusername I don't see the /.mozilla folder?06:59
Sierradumpdo I have to enable hidden folders?06:59
ashmew2press ctrl G06:59
ashmew2ctrl H06:59
doors98superfirelord42: there are txt before that many txt, i'l try to see some06:59
=== z is now known as Guest72259
Lokindon't enable hidden folders06:59
LokinThat's a terrible idea06:59
ashmew2any dir with . in front is hidden folders06:59
rraj_bei cant get any help in that page ashmew206:59
ashmew2no its not06:59
Lokinjust do it via command line ls -an07:00
Guest34521Wireless in ubuntu sucks, rtl8187 doesn't see power for my Alfa 500mw, so if I install r8187, the drivers are so old that they suck so bad, so therefore no alternative for me, can anyone HELP ?07:00
sparrgenii-around: why does everyone say that?  xmms2 and xmms have nothing to do with each other.07:00
ashmew2hmm  hold on rraj_be07:00
superfirelord42doors98, look for stuff that gives me an idea of what its working on when it crashes...07:00
rraj_bei just cant compile a gtk program07:00
^hush^i have a question.. I'm trying to install gnomad 2 in ubuntu and I cant undertsand the instructions07:00
ashmew2you fight be better off in the forums07:00
TrashypatchesLF|Irssi: ok now to copy my flash file there will terminal open up the directory so I am able to drag and drop the file?07:00
scuniziLokin, why not?  that just sound silly for your home directory.07:00
Sierradumpgot it thanks guys!07:00
ashmew2! :D07:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about D07:00
pw-toxicis there any reason to use xchat gnome instead of xchat?07:00
Lokinsounds*. To not show hidden files? It's a pain you have thousands of random folders07:00
ashmew2Lokin: Hidden Directories are there anyways and you can delete em07:00
LokinI did it and undid it as fast as I could07:00
superfirelord42pw-toxic, i assume one is made to work better with gnome...07:01
rraj_bebut its late than in irc07:01
^hush^Can somebody tell me how to " navigate to directory with file'?07:01
LF|Irssino for drag and drop you'll need a filemanager like Dolphin, Nautilus i believe07:01
scunizipw-toxic, no.. xchat is more complete07:01
ashmew2hush be specific07:01
LF|Irssiyou cant do drag n drop from terminal07:01
ashmew2you can use cp07:01
pw-toxicscunizi: i think i will use xchat then ;)07:01
^hush^yes ashmew?07:01
doors9834.xxxxxx - _alloc pages 0X060X0 something like hexa decimals then 34.xxxxx - _native load 656X09580X etc07:01
TrashypatchesLF|Irssi: ok, does cp stand for control panel?07:01
^hush^ashmew2: what's cp?07:01
Guest34521Wireless PROBLEM in ubuntu , rtl8187 doesn't see power for my Alfa 500mw, so if I install r8187, the drivers are so old that they suck so bad, so therefore no alternative for me, can anyone HELP ?07:01
LF|Irssicp = copy07:02
LF|Irssimv = move or rename07:02
scuniziLokin, unless you're not a command line persons and are stuck using the gui.. then the only time you unhide folders is to find something specific.. then like you said.  you turn them off right away..07:02
rraj_beashmew2:  any idea in compiling first program ihere http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk-tutorial/stable/c39.html07:02
dirtydavehey guys I'm needing some info on surround sound issues in ubuntu.07:02
^hush^anyway, i have downloaded gnomad2 but i dont know how to install it. Please help!07:02
genii-aroundsparr: xmms2 is a rewrite07:03
superfirelord42^hush^, is it by any chance a .deb file?07:03
ZnurfI need help configuring raid 0 when installing / setting up partitions in the latest ubuntu server installer :(07:03
scunizi^hush^, gnomad2 is in the repos.. just use synaptic to install07:03
ZnurfI have installed it several times and it always ends with the blinking "_" after installation is completed, cd has been removed and system rebooted07:03
superfirelord42doors98, I may have found something, I will be right back...07:04
sparrgenii-around: it is also nothing like xmms.  it doesnt do the same things.  completely non-applicable to anyone who misses xmms07:04
paul68rww: is there a channel for iptables?07:04
doors98superfirelord42: thanks, i'l wait then07:04
^hush^scunizi: I don'y know where synaptic is...07:04
dirtydaveis ther a movie player that will use the surround channels in ubuntu?07:04
scunizi^hush^, System>Admin>Synpatic Package manager07:05
erpoI need a pdf reader that will show me a table of contents for PDFs that have a ToC. Document Viewer isn't doing it for me. Suggestions?07:05
superfirelord42doors98, similar issue has a kernel work around by adding idle=poll on the kernel command line... i would need to walk you through it, or someone else, but I have to do something very quickly07:05
genii-aroundsparr: They are radically different, yes.07:05
scunizierpo, doc viewer might if you look in the View menu and the options available.07:05
sparrgenii-around: so then what use is mentioning xmms2 when someone brings up the removal of xmms?07:05
doors98superfirelord42: it's okey i'l wait, thanks07:05
HeadbangerCould someone help me on how to connect to #kde on IRC chat07:06
erposcunizi: Found it. Thanks!07:06
sparrgenii-around: "oh, your sword is broken?  here's a fish."07:06
scunizierpo, np07:06
LF|IrssiHeadbanger: just type /join #KDE07:06
dirtydaveis ther a movie player that will use the surround channels in ubuntu?07:06
sparrdirtydave: mplayer07:06
^hush^scunizi: Ok, i found it, what do i do next?07:06
dirtydavedo you know of a good interface to be using?07:07
paul68is there a specific channel for iptables?07:07
scunizi^hush^, right mouse click it and choose install.. then click the apply button at the top07:07
microlithis there a way to force the default resolution that gdm uses to be something higher than 800x600?07:07
Dark-Khi every one07:07
drog* Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned).07:08
drogsup guys07:08
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:08
^hush^scunizi There are 2 gnomes? and I could not do a right mouse click....07:09
scunizi^hush^, try just clicking on it.. it should offer options07:09
greghereafter auto updates Ubuntu 8.04 wont show desktp? anyway to do a repair?07:10
^hush^scunizi: There are a lot of packages.... I don't know which one to select :(07:10
ashmew2greghere: Press ALT F2 and enter gconf-editor and press enter07:10
macvrhi all.... ever since i upgraed to intrepid my font viewer doesnt work? i get this error >>>Failed to execute child process "gnome-font-viewer" (No such file or directory)  <<< how do i correct this?07:11
scunizi^hush^, you're looking for gnomad2 right?  when I searched (Hardy install) I came up with only one reference.. did you search?07:11
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.07:11
greghereI would if I could but all I get is a light grey screen :(07:11
scunizi^hush^, as for installing.. just click normally on the check box for the submenu07:11
ashmew2are you using NVIDIA/ATI card07:12
Dark-Kalguien habla espanol07:12
rraj_behow it shud be pronounced "Widget"07:12
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat07:12
rraj_beis it like vidg get07:12
LF|Irssilight grey screen? sounds like xfce07:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:12
scunizirraj_be, vidg et07:12
ashmew2rraj_be its vij-et07:12
doors98how can i change my workgroupname in smb.conf so that it will be the same with windows workgroup?07:13
rraj_bethanks ashmew2  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6266656#post626665607:13
ashmew2rraj_be dont mention it! :D07:13
rraj_befine Ash07:13
drogdoors98, with nano, gedit, any other editor, or just install swat07:14
FAJdoors98: it's in /etc/samba/smb.conf07:14
scunizidoors98, ubuntu I think defaults to "workgroup" .. might be easier to change the windows machine..07:14
rraj_beany help here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6266642#post626664207:14
ashmew2rraj_be i knew i had seen yoou before on the forums.. :D07:14
FAJscunizi:  no it's really easy to do in samba07:14
rraj_befine . . .where are you in india07:14
scuniziFAJ, glad you know how.. samba always gives me issues.. arg.07:14
ashmew2yes rraj_be07:15
doors98i already opened the smb.conf, is the default workgroup name inside the conf?07:15
drogscunizi, swat it07:15
ashmew2im in MP07:15
Lokinwhat GID would a guest account have?07:15
ashmew2Madhya Pradesh07:15
FAJdoors98:  yes it is very near the top07:15
dfgashmmm, thinking about downgrading the tv computer to 8.04 because bluetooth don't work. seems to be a big problem with 8.1007:15
FAJscunizi: ya i just live with it ;)07:15
scunizidrog, ah.. that was the program I was trying to remember.07:15
DarkKnighthey i m not able to install drupal07:15
doors98FAJ:thanks, i' try to lool for it07:15
Guest34521Wireless PROBLEM in ubuntu , rtl8187 doesn't see power for my Alfa 500mw (mac8021 bug), so if I install r8187, the drivers are so old that they suck so bad, can anyone HELP ?07:16
DarkKnighthey i m not able to install drupal...help me install it for my project07:16
FAJdoors98:  ok if you can't find it come back07:16
LF|IrssiThis is not a drupal support channel DarkKnight , try #Drupal or maybe #CMS07:16
ashmew2rraj_be , tried sudo aptitude install -f ?07:16
^hush^scunizi: How do i do a search?07:16
ronhalfdanranyone know why vmware and firefox can't find
rraj_beits jsut clean07:17
gregherehow do i repair ubuntu 8.04?07:17
scunizi^hush^, there's a search button at the top of the box for synaptic..07:17
FAJgreghere:  what is wrong?07:17
* microlith yanks the cord on his ubuntu box07:18
ashmew2greghere: Do you have an NVIDIA card ?07:18
panalsamixer only has master volume setting?07:18
greghereI did some updates and was asked to restart, now my desktop is totally blank.07:18
HRshovinstuffI'm going to cry....I updated to 8.10 and now my nvidia card wont' initialize07:18
greghereashmew2, no, it is ATI07:18
FAJHRshovinstuff: ya you need to read release notes before doing that; nvidia will come out with it soon07:18
ashmew2HRshovinstuff: tried Restricted drivers Manager ?07:19
ronhalfdanrHRshovinstuff: you have redownload the nvidia driver07:19
panin 8.04 i had more options but since upgrade to 8.10 my alsamixer only has master volume07:19
HRshovinstuffashmew2: yes I have tried seveal times07:19
ashmew2greghere: You might have a bad driver...get envy on the broken system07:19
HRshovinstuffronhalfdanr: yes i've done that07:19
greghereFunny I can rotate  the desktop (compiz) but all light grey?07:19
ronhalfdanranyone know why today's update killed vmware and won't let firefox connect to
superfirelord42doors98, are you still there?07:20
meestahpHRshovinstuff: have you tried getting all updates? i had a similar problem with the restricted driver not staying selected07:20
scunizironhalfdanr, did the update include a new kernel?07:20
ronhalfdanrI had no problem with it HRshovinstuff when I went to 8.1007:20
greghereashmew2, yes but my desktop is totally blank!!07:20
ronhalfdanryes it did scunizi07:20
FAJmeestahp:   HRshovinstuff thinking of it; i had the same issue.07:20
doors98FAJ: can't fine it, there's too many txt,07:20
scunizironhalfdanr, you have to recompile vmware with each new kernel..07:20
TheCollectiveHey everybody, my sound won't work with xubuntu 8.10.....I have an IBM R40e laptop....where can I get the ubuntu drivers for my onboard sound card?07:20
HRshovinstuffmeestahp: plz enlighten me i speak geek very well07:20
FAJdoors98:  it is like the first option at the top07:20
ikoniascunizi: vmware is not open source07:21
ikoniascunizi: you can't recompil eit07:21
doors98superfirelord42:yap, i was asking for another problem,07:21
superfirelord42FAJ, are you walking him through it?07:21
norinhey guys . . . can anyone help with problems with a distr. upgrade07:21
ronhalfdanrcrap, you meana  complete reinstall scunizi?07:21
ZnurfWhen setting up a RAID0 should i make 2 partitions on each disk, one for swap and one for ext3? and should they be used as "physical volume for raid"? or something else?07:21
FAJ[global]  ## Browsing/Identification ###   # Change this to the workgroup/NT-domain name your Samba server will part of07:21
FAJ   workgroup = TEST07:21
ikoniaZnurf: you can't boot from raid 007:21
Znurfikonia so i cant make a OS disk with raid0?07:21
meestahpSystem>administration>update manager07:21
HRshovinstuffFAJ: anything u can suggest?07:22
ikoniaZnurf: yes, you can you need a seperate /boot partition though07:22
ikoniaZnurf: I would strongly advise against useing raid 0 though07:22
superfirelord42doors98, tell me when you are free to try the kernel parameter...07:22
greghereI have Ubuntu installed on / partition and home on /home. Can I just reinstall ubuntu on / ??07:22
doors98FAJ: i' PM u later i'm asking superfirelord42 for another bigger problem of mine on my ubuntu machine07:22
meestahpafter it was done just tried selecting the driver and it worked..07:22
ronhalfdanrZnurf: most stable option is small OS dedicated drive and RAID the data drives07:22
Znurfikonia do i gaint any performance at all (except safety) from RAID1?07:22
FAJHRshovinstuff:  no b/c i haven't upgraded to 8.10 yet ;)  i like my lts07:22
scuniziikonia, you're right.. ronhalfdanr there is a command for vmware.. sudo ./vmware-config.pl  .. but I can't remember where the directory is.. it will run through the install again and redo the kernel mods.. all your data will be safe.. just use the defaults for the questions it asks.07:22
FAJdoors98:  ok07:22
doors98superfirelord42:right now i'm free07:22
HRshovinstuffeverything was perfect  :'(07:22
ikoniaZnurf: no, but you won't really gain any performance from raid 0 either07:22
Znurfronhalfdanr i got 2 200gb disks i plan to use for OS only, i want more performance from them07:22
superfirelord42doors98, ok, get to the os menu list then ping me.... this is going to be a bit of a rough walk though...07:22
genii-aroundZnurf: PErhaps you are confusing raid0 with raid107:23
TheCollectiveanybody got any ideas how I can get my sound to work on my IBM R40e Laptop?  I have xubuntu 8.10....sorry if you saw my earlier post and are working on the problem already07:23
doors98superfirelord42:having a cup of tea on my computer shop07:23
Znurfno genii raid0 is work from both without backup, raid1 is mirror07:23
doors98superfirelord42:how do i do that07:23
superfirelord42doors98, ? I would go for coffee at this time of night....07:23
Znurfikonia are you sure? i thought you would get faster accesstimes when you have two drives getting data instead of one07:23
ikoniaZnurf: 1.) raid 0 won't give you any real performance gains, 2.) what type of raid are you using Linux softrware raid or fake raid07:23
ikoniaZnurf: your on home hardware yes ?07:24
superfirelord42doors98, ok, the same menu where you had memtest and linux and recovery, i need you to get back to that menu...07:24
scunizironhalfdanr, it's in /usr/bin07:24
Znurfikonia yes i am07:24
genii-aroundZnurf: OK, not confused then. But since raid0 makes 2 drives into 1 continuous drive, after which you partition, your earlier Q of whether to make 2 partitions on each individual drive makes not much sense07:24
ikoniaZnurf: you won't get anything you notice, and you will increase the risk quite high07:24
Znurfikonia i dont know if its rake raid or not, im just trying to use the built in raid thing in the ubuntu server installer07:24
greghereCan I repair ubuntu 8.04 with a "live cd"??07:24
ikoniaZnurf: your using ubuntu server ?07:24
Znurfyes ikonia07:24
ikoniaZnurf: what are you doing with this machine ?07:25
ronhalfdanrscunizi: so it would be /usr/bin./vmare-config.pl ?07:25
ikoniawhats the end goal I mean07:25
FAJgreghere:  'repair' is a bleak word.  details can normally get it fixed better than just reinstalling07:25
Znurfikonia fileserver, webserver, ftp server07:25
scunizironhalfdanr, sudo /usr/bin./vmware-config.pl07:25
ronhalfdanrZnurf: to enhance performance on the OS drive get a raptor or better from WD for the OS and use the other for data07:25
norinwhy do i get "assistive technology not loaded"  message when logging on07:25
doors98superfirelord42:already in there but how can i manipulate it, its up and down arrow option only07:25
ikoniaZnurf: so why do you need high IO accesss ?07:25
greghereFAJ, Yes, but not easy when you dont know :(07:25
scunizironhalfdanr, if that does't work just cd to the directory and sudo ./vmware-config.pl07:26
FAJgreghere:  so you have done some updates correct?07:26
FAJgreghere: like today?07:26
greghereFAJ, yes07:26
Znurfronhalfdanr i dont need the 200gbs for more data, they are spares, i dont want to buy another disk when i got several hundred gigs leftover07:26
superfirelord42doors98, highlight the first option and hit e on your keyboad07:26
=== Azim is now known as Guest82992
Znurfikonia because... i dont know :D07:27
FAJgreghere:  ok so what i am guessing happened is that the new kernel messed you over, reboot ubuntu, and when grub comes up, select the next kernel down.07:27
FAJand see if that works07:27
ronhalfdanrlol Znurf I'm running 2TB data stack now so I use a separate small OS drive07:27
greghereFAJ, now i log on and my desktop is totally blank07:27
Znurfi guess i can use RAID1 instead, if thats easier07:27
microlithis there any way to get a wifi adaptor to associate with a wpa2 protected access point without using gdm and silly gnome applets?07:27
ikoniaZnurf: ok, so just lay your disks out in a sensible way, use ubuntu desktop install so that it suites your hardware better07:27
FAJgreghere:  try a different kernel07:27
ikoniaZnurf: it's not easier, its teh same07:27
ZnurfRonald i got about the same amount of space, and im planning to run my 2x200 gb as OS disk :P07:27
ikoniaZnurf: raid has a purpose, you deploy what you need or want, not what is easier07:27
greghereFAJ, There is no grub menu, its the only os on the comp07:27
=== dhany is now known as led_zeppelin
FAJgreghere:  there is still a grub menu you just went through an update of a kernel; and the new kernel doesn't like you; in GRUB switch to the next lowest kernel07:28
Znurfikonia but raid1 will give me safety though, my last system krashed, so maybe its better to have raid1 then, if its true what you say and raid0 wont give me any more performance07:28
ikoniaZnurf: depends on your needs, it really does07:28
greghereAs i said ther is no grub menu to select a kernel?07:29
FAJyes there is; there always is one.07:29
superfirelord42doors98, what happened?07:29
meestahpFaj maybe his boot menu is disabled in /boot/grub/menu.lst07:29
doors98superfirelord42:i got disconnected07:29
FAJmeestahp: grahh, good point07:29
Znurfikonia my needs are nothing really, i mean i just think its "cool" to have raid on the server07:29
superfirelord42doors98, ok, highlight the ubuntu entry and hit e on your keyboard07:30
FAJgreghere: boot in livecd, open up /boot/grub/menu.lst07:30
shoviWhy doesnt Kate save the layout when I close it... When I re-open it, its all plain again, no plugins/extensions/tabs/terminal....07:30
ikoniaZnurf: then thats a crazy reason for using it and wasting disk07:30
FAJmeestahp:  can you help him out in that area; i've never had to disable my brub...07:30
superfirelord42doors98, ?07:30
superfirelord42did you get my instructions?07:30
doors98superfirelord42:i got disconnected07:30
superfirelord42doors98, did you get my instructions though?07:30
ikoniaZnurf: also because you on home hardware I would strongly advise you to use the desktop install to better work on your hardware07:30
FAJgreghere:  know that there is always a way to fix ubuntu07:30
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
Znurfikonia its not wasting disk really, as i said if i dont use it for this it will be put in a box and stored cause i got no use for it :P07:31
greghereFAJ, thanks for your help, but I have to go :(07:31
scuniziFAJ meestahp how bout just ctrl+alt+f2 for a different TTY and fix it from there.07:31
FAJo ok.07:31
superfirelord42doors98, ok, highlight the ubuntu entry and hit e on your keyboard07:31
FAJscunizi:  he says that it doesn't even show up... that's what gets me.07:31
FAJgreghere:  you are very close to fixing it.07:31
greghereFAJ, Easy if you know how?07:31
FAJgreghere:  it is a pretty basic function; you are getting very close.07:32
scuniziFAJ, but you don't need a live cd to fix it.. just a different tty ..07:32
guest999why do i get "assistive technology not loaded"  message when logging on07:32
doors98superfirelord42:my golly, it went staight to the same error msgs. i even repeatedly hit the e key just to make sure07:32
ikoniaZnurf: do what you wish then07:32
meestahpgreghere: Ah you press escape as you re booting to see teh menu!07:32
greghereFAJ, I'll try again later, I dont want to ruin it completely.07:32
FAJscunizi:  i thought he said it doesn't even boot though?07:32
superfirelord42e was not supposed to make it boot...07:32
FAJgreghere:  ok just come back.07:32
superfirelord42doors98, strange, e is not supposed to make it boot07:32
FAJscunizi:  it sounds more like a kernel incompatability, therefore he wouldn't be able to to get to that point w/o switching kernels, which he can't do if grub is disabled.07:33
Znurfikonia but i guess since you all hate me now i wont get any help and i cant fix this myself i'll just run it as you said with 1 disk07:33
scuniziFAJ, I thought it was just a blank screen on boot.. I could be wrong.. didn't see the first part of the conversation.. if the gui doesn't load then a tty typically will work07:33
superfirelord42doors98, go back to the menu... on the bottem, what does it say your choices are, i know it has c for command line, what else?07:33
scuniziFAJ, true.. then a live cd would be the right path07:33
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
HRshovinstuffI updated to 8.10 and my nvidia drivers will not initiate.  What can i Do???07:33
doors98superfirelord42:wait, am i doing it right07:33
ronhalfdanrscunizi: thanks, it's up and running now07:33
FAJscunizi:  ya sorry we were going off of two different impressions.  we would have to get more details than what he gave us,07:33
meestahpFaj, like you said brug is never disabled, but they have added a hiddenmenu option with the new release07:33
FAJi was just going to take the safest path, so it would totally work.07:34
scunizironhalfdanr, great.. :)07:34
FAJmeestahp:  eww that's scary'07:34
doors98superfirelord42:before ubuntu boots, what will i press?07:34
meestahpFAJ, grub, excuse men07:34
FAJit's all good lol07:34
ronhalfdanrZnurf: nobody hates you, we just think adding unstable complexity is beyond silly07:34
meestahp## hiddenmenu07:34
meestahp# Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)07:34
HRshovinstuffis there a way to roll back to 8.04?07:34
superfirelord42doors98, down arrow07:34
superfirelord42doors98, what options do you have?07:35
ikoniaZnurf: no one hates you, what are you talking about ?07:35
FAJHRshovinstuff: not sure... but i would try googling if you don't get a definitive answer07:35
doors98superfirelord42:wait pls be patient on me, i just billed a customer07:36
ZnurfIs it possible to make a JBOD disk out of 3 disks without formatting 1 of them then?07:36
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:37
ronhalfdanrI run RAID 1 only because I do have close to TB of data and there's no other efficient way to back it up zn07:37
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!07:37
doors98superfirelord42:thanks for waiting07:37
ronhalfdanrI'm about to add another 2TB to the stack07:37
superfirelord42doors98, i am, although understand, its late here so I am actually staying awake to wrap this up.07:37
ikoniaZnurf: what are you talking about, using raid means you don't format any of the disks07:37
panhappy thanksgiving everyone07:37
genii-aroundikonia: This is what confused me earlier about his Q on raid07:39
Znurfikonia but when setting up the raid you usually have to format it, and when you make a JBOD you take x amount of drives and make them into 1, but maybe im wrong, but when making raid1 and 0 you have to format them before, or atleast whatever data you have on them before will be lost07:39
doors98superfirelord42:really! i appreciate it much, it says GRUB is loading press ESC .. then i pressed the arrow key many times and it went to the error msgs again07:39
ikoniaZnurf: no you don't format the drives07:39
ikoniaZnurf: you format the meta devices - not the physical drives07:39
superfirelord42doors98, basicly, we need to alter the commands... i just wish i remembered the keypresses....07:39
Znurfokay ikonia i dont even know what that means hehe07:39
rraj_beany help here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99566207:39
doors98superfirelord42:if i press the ESC, then it will show the 3 options,07:40
=== scully is now known as scully|away
ronhalfdanrmost drives already come low level preformatted now Znurf. linux does not do the high level format like windows07:40
ikonia!away > scully|away07:40
ubottuscully|away, please see my private message07:40
rraj_beany help here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99566207:40
jhenisethe4thcan anyone help me enable xgl graphics?07:40
superfirelord42doors98, yes, what keys does it say you can use at the bottem?07:40
superfirelord42read the botten below your options...07:40
asdf1234hello, I'm a newbie to ubuntu. I have a laptop that doesn't have network access (wireless nor wired) and I need to somehow have all the "essential packages" that get installed by running the command "sudo apt-get install build-essential" ---- I have another laptop with internet access and ALSO one on which i've already run this command. How can I zip up all the ?packages? that get installed from that command so that I may07:41
TaejoI'm having trouble with recording audio: gtkguitune (guitar tuner) picks up my mic and works fine, but neither ekiga or audacity pick up any audio07:41
doors98superfirelord42:will i select the generic  which is number 1 and press e?07:41
ronhalfdanrwell time to work............y'all have fun07:41
superfirelord42doors98, yes.07:41
superfirelord42doors98, it should give you a list of commands it can do right?07:42
superfirelord42what is with all these flood bots doing stuff?!?07:43
doors98superfirelord42: im a dumb fool, the instructions are even at the bottom, i thought i will press enter and press e07:43
ZnurfOh okay, im used to windows so thats why i thougyht you had to format ikonia07:43
superfirelord42doors98, no problem, this is a part of linux that is very hard to work with... it does not interact hte way you would think all the time...07:43
superfirelord42doors98, select the line that says kernel....07:43
superfirelord42doors98, what command edits that line?07:43
doors98superfirelord42: yap i pressd e and i see some choices07:44
doors98superfirelord42:i need to go back and forth to the machine and here, sorry to keepp you waiting07:44
superfirelord42doors98, no prob.07:44
doors98superfirelord42:after i select the kernel what will i press?07:45
superfirelord42doors98, which one is for edit the line? i dont remember which letter07:45
rwwsuperfirelord42: e, if i remember correctly07:45
rraj_bewhen i open trash folder under sudo nautilus . . .my syste,m just hang on ..07:45
rraj_bei have to restart07:45
rraj_becan any one help me07:45
asdf1234Help please?      How do I "zip up" all the packages/files that get installed when I run the command "sudo apt-get install build-essential" ??07:46
tripitakitrraj_be, do you have something you want to save from the trash?07:46
superfirelord42rww, that would make sense, but it says at the bottem, i would rather him just read it than guess...07:46
ikoniaasdf1234: you don't do that, they are installed07:46
FAJasdf1234: go to packages.ubuntu.com07:46
asdf1234so that I may install them elsewhere, on a different computer.07:46
doors98superfirelord42: e to edit the command line in the boot sequence, is this the one?07:46
FAJand find the packages?07:46
rraj_bei want to empty it tripitakit07:46
ikonia!aptoncd > asdf123407:46
ubottuasdf1234, please see my private message07:46
superfirelord42doors98, yup... rww was right...07:47
* superfirelord42 gives rww a cookie07:47
* rww om nom nom07:47
tripitakitrraj_be, so try deleting its content form the terminal then see if it opens in nautilus07:47
rraj_behow to do that tripitakit07:47
rraj_behow can i specify location of trash in terminal07:47
rwwrraj_be: rm -r ~/.local/share/Trash07:47
asdf1234cool...thanks ubottu/ikonia/FAJ, let me go try it out.07:48
rraj_bei want to empty trash of root07:48
ikoniarraj_be: /root/.local/share/Trash07:49
doors98superfirelord42:before we continue, strange why is it that i can't even do another fresh install on ubuntu on that machine?07:49
jhenisethe4thdoes anyone know how to help me enable xgl graphics?07:49
superfirelord42doors98, probably something with a ram chip is a bit out of sync. i have seen before switching which chip is where sometimes fixes it.... you can try that, but lets try this first...07:49
tripitakitrraj_be, type cd .local/share/Trash and inspect it with a "ls -a" command07:50
superfirelord42doors98, at the end of the line.... enter idle=poll and press enter.. then press b07:50
rraj_bethanks ikonia07:50
tripitakitrraj_be, then if you wanto to delete all just type "rm -r *"07:50
rraj_bei want to delet only trashed data07:50
rraj_beany help here please http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=995662 tripitakit  ikonia07:51
pani've installed alsa-oss but no avail to getting flash sound on firefox32?07:52
rwwrraj_be: what version of ubuntu are you using? (8.10/intrepid, 8.04/hardy, etc.)07:52
doors98superfirelord42:i did that and it starts to say loading... and the screen went blank07:53
superfirelord42doors98, give it a bit... i may have you go back, do it again, and remove quiet and splash07:53
doors98superfirelord42:i'l do it again and remove the word quiet and splash?07:54
superfirelord42doors98, yes please... and make sure to add idle=poll at the end...07:54
serenaI just installed Intrepid on my HP laptop and for some reason the ATI driver will not activate07:54
ikoniaserena: ati driver support on linux is a real isue07:55
serenaikonia: has never been an issue with Hardy07:55
rraj_be8.04 rww07:55
ikoniaserena: new kernel, new drivers07:55
meestahpSerena, i had teh same issue... I did a full update then tried it again... did it for me07:55
serenameestahp: did what again?07:56
serenameestahp: I just did a fresh install07:56
meestahpWent to update manager07:56
meestahpand installed all updates07:56
rwwrraj_be: Have you done apt-get update recently? If so, try apt-get -f install. If that doesn't work, copy the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com and link07:56
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rraj_beyeah . . .i tried all07:56
benokamy USB wireless card connects to the router but to the internet, no filter setup on the router whatsoever, other computers and other cards of the same computer connect ok07:57
ikoniabenoka: check your card got an ip07:57
mib_yb3zoyhi, i'd like to use my modem in ubuntu. do you think it's better to use ibex (since a friend of mine said that ibex improved in networking)?07:58
rraj_behere it is rww  http://pastebin.com/me27971907:58
doors98superfirelord42:fatal error, not syncing in interrupt, and the keyboar light of scroll and caps lock are blinking07:58
superfirelord42doors98, but it has alot more text though this time?07:58
serenathis is so weird ... I am obviously online but Synaptic thinks there is no internet ...07:58
serenawhats going on07:58
superfirelord42doors98, wait, does it still say attempted to kill idle task?07:59
serenameestahp: I cannot even get the updates because Synaptic think I am offline07:59
genii-aroundserena: Did you have the internet connected when it tried to find the repositories during the install?07:59
mib_yb3zoyanyone? :)07:59
mib_yb3zoyanyone? :)07:59
doors98superfirelord42:no more but the keyboar led of scroll and caps lock are blinking and the screen is blank07:59
serenagenii-around: no but it never mattered in the past08:00
N-AHello, I have a problem mounting a drive (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine.08:00
FAJdoors98: that sounds like mobo/RAM errors08:00
superfirelord42doors98, screen is blank?08:00
ikoniamib_yb3zoy: saying anyone is pointless, if no-one saw your question, anyone won't let them see it, if no-one knows the answer saying anyone won't make them know the answer08:00
rwwrraj_be: What's with the eeePC repositories? If you're just using stock Ubuntu Hardy, even on an eeePC, you shouldn't need those, and they might conflict with Ubuntu's repositories.08:00
superfirelord42FAJ, yeah, thats what I am thinking...08:00
serenagenii-around: and it did not matter on another machine with install Intrepid without internet connection08:00
benokaikonia: yes, it got an IP08:00
genii-aroundserena: Is it stalling at CD or timing out or so trying to reach repo online?08:00
doors98superfirelord42:yap screen is blank08:00
Arney15My left speaker got cough syrup in it and now doesn't work... How do I set my Stereo speakers to Mono in Ubuntu?08:01
FAJsuperfirelord42:  ya,,,, that really sounds like RAM issue. try running memtest 86 + from a live cd08:01
rraj_bei have just added now for this problem only08:01
FAJdoors98: :  ya,,,, that really sounds like RAM issue. try running memtest 86 + from a live cd08:01
superfirelord42doors98, on an off beat chance, you said you are in a computer repair shop right? can you swap the ram chips, switch slots08:01
ikoniabenoka: ok, so what is the gateway assigned to the card08:01
rraj_bewhat shall i do now rww08:01
serenagenii-around: its telling me it cannot reach the repo08:01
jivanhi all, how do I change my resolution, I'm stuck at 640*48008:01
serenagenii-around: nothing to do with a CD etc ...08:01
rwwrraj_be: Apart from that, you also seem to be missing the hardy-updates and hardy-security repositories, which also might be a problem08:01
Arney15 How do I set my Stereo speakers to Mono in Ubuntu?08:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel08:01
serenaand of course my native wireless atheros device is not working ....08:01
serenaUbuntu is getting a bit annoying08:02
rwwrraj_be: Give me a second and I'll pastebin a less-weird sources.list for you, which might help08:02
rraj_benow what shuud i do rww08:02
genii-aroundserena: Perhaps it does not lie. Can you:   ping <name-of-your-repo-URL>     eg: ping ca.archive.ubuntu.com08:02
doors98superfirelord42:yap i can do that, can i use the memtest of ubuntu? is it reliable?08:02
benokaikonia: the gateway cannot be the problem, otherwise the card would not connect to the router, would it?08:02
ikoniabenoka: of course it would08:02
serenagenii-around: why would is not be able to get online when I am obviously online?08:02
serenagenii-around: I dunno what to ping08:02
ikoniabenoka: check what gateway is asssigned08:03
benokaikonia: ok, how do I check that, i have ubuntu 8.1008:03
superfirelord42doors98, yeah, but try the ram switcharound first. I saw several people online found it worked, and it only takes about a minute do do...08:03
ikoniabenoka: netstat -rn08:03
doors98superfirelord42:il try to install window$ pirated, if it installs then not a memory problem, coz i have a cpu which cant install windows but it can install ubuntu, windows is i think more strict on memory08:03
ikoniabenoka: or use the network gui08:03
genii-aroundserena: Because it may not be able to know that "ca.archive.ubuntu.com"  for instance belongs to IP of something. EG: your DNS is not working08:03
doors98superfirelord42: ahhh okey i'l do that first08:04
genii-aroundserena: Your web browser works?08:04
superfirelord42doors98, maybe, or it could be linux is having an issue with some picky thing that it just happens to be hitting.. every os has some thing they really hate...08:04
serenagenii-around: ok I think the problem is actually that another synaptic is running and is frozen somewhere08:04
serenagenii-around: yes08:04
rraj_bewhats up rww08:04
FAJsuperfirelord42:  if it's the lights though normally thats RAM...08:05
N-AHello, I have a problem mounting a drive (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine.08:05
genii-aroundserena: If web browser works, DNS is OK.   Can you pastebin the contents of file:   /etc/apt/sources.list08:05
superfirelord42FAJ, on a kernel crash, it always flashes the LEDs on the keyboard08:05
rwwrraj_be: sorry, took me a sec. Try replacing your sources.list with this one: http://pastebin.com/m661f340108:05
VistaUserhey rww08:05
serenagenii-around: thanks I got it ... update manager was frozen in processes ... just had to kill the process08:06
FAJsuperfirelord42:  huh ok, interesting.08:06
rwwrraj_be: if you're not in the US, consider replacing us.archive with in.archive (you're in india, right?)08:06
rraj_beok rww08:06
rwwHi VistaUser!08:06
genii-aroundserena: Ah, good then08:06
benokaikonia: the gui doesn't show me the gateway information, or I don't know where to check08:06
ardchoilleHow do I change which app opens a certain file by default (change double-click behavior)?08:06
jivancan anybody tell me how can I figure out how to fix my screen resolution, I'm stuck at 640*480 82845G/GL chipset08:06
FAJdoors98: if it's a kernel crash, try touching the forcefsck, fixed my kernerl error a long time a go08:06
ikoniabenoka: then use netstat -rn08:06
ardchoilleIs there a gui to change file associations?08:06
doors98superfirelord42:yap; i'l do your suggestion first,08:06
serenagenii-around: whats with the Atheros wireless though? ... its got the driver activated but its not working at all08:06
jivancan anybody tell me how can I figure out how to fix my screen resolution, I'm stuck at 640*480 on Intel 82845G/GL chipset08:06
rraj_beyeah . . .i am in india08:06
rraj_beok rww08:07
dnyyIs there a way I can resize my ubuntu partition while in ubuntu? :/08:07
ikoniadnyy: no08:07
benokaikonia: netstat gives me as gateway for the card, but then an extra line refers to as having (the router's internal IP)08:07
rww!resolution | jivan08:07
phirehey, could someone give me the ip address of google, I think my dns server is down08:07
ubottujivan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:07
Arney15 How do I set my Stereo speakers to Mono in Ubuntu?08:07
ikoniabenoka: thats fine, so can you ping
genii-aroundserena: Did you direct it to connect to some access point yet?08:07
rww!gparted | dnyy: reboot into the Ubuntu Live CD, then use gparted08:07
ubottudnyy: reboot into the Ubuntu Live CD, then use gparted: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php08:07
dnyyrww My CD drive is busted.08:07
serenagenii-around: see the device does not even exist to iwconfig08:08
rwwrraj_be: okay, once you've changed your sources.list, do an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade. You might have a bunch of updates that need applying. Then, once that's all cleared up, try installing your package again08:08
ikoniarww: that won't work while he's using ubuntu - careful what you blindly suggest08:08
Guest34521What is a good alternative for the Network Manager (except for wifi-radar) ??08:08
genii-aroundserena: Did you try then yet: sudo ifconfig ath0 up                   and then: ifconfig             to see if ath0 exists there?08:08
doors98superfirelord42:thanks so much, i guess your goin to bed now it's late there right?, its 4 pm here in the philippines08:08
superfirelord42doors98, 2am over here...08:08
rwwikonia: note the "reboot into the Ubuntu Live CD". I'm aware that gparted won't work on mounted filesystems08:09
Bobbiejoin #ubuntu-fr08:09
serenagenii-around: nothing there either08:09
rraj_besure rww08:09
rwwdnyy: well, you can't resize a partition that's currently in use, especially not your root partition :(08:09
ikoniarww: he just said he can't do that08:09
superfirelord42doors98, if that doesnt work, i recommend trying other ram chips... if not, your main board may have an issue...08:09
genii-aroundserena: Did the:  sudo ifconfig ath0 up                               report any error?08:09
serenagenii-around: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)08:09
dnyyrww What if I boot into windows, can I edit the ubuntu partition from there?08:09
genii-aroundserena: Thats not an answer to a question I asked :)08:10
ikoniadnyy: you'd need a windows application that can do it08:10
dnyyrww wait nevermind, i'd have to shrink the windows partition to make the ubuntu one bigger. :(08:10
serenagenii-around:  ath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device08:10
ikoniadnyy: the guys in ##windows may be able to help08:10
benokaikonia: yes, like I said at the beginning, connection to the router works fine08:10
dnyyikonia alright, thanks. :)08:10
=== tidus is now known as Tidus
Guest34521anyone can help me ?08:11
N-AI have a problem mounting a partition (with ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine.08:11
serenagenii-around: going for the 170 MB update now08:11
Guest34521N-A: sudo08:11
doors98superfirelord42:i tried other mem chip, still the same, but now i'm installing windows, i hope it will work so that i can boot again on the installer of ubuntu08:11
genii-aroundserena: Add into file: /etc/network/interfaces    2 lines:    auto ath0          and: iface ath0 inet dhcp                   then save and issue again the sudo ifconfig ath0 up08:11
N-AGuest34521: I would like a general fix, not a one shot08:12
ohletmeinnowgoddhey guys08:12
Guest34521N-A: yes08:12
genii-aroundserena: I have to leave shortly.08:12
superfirelord42doors98, yeah, it may be a mobo issue, i wish i can help more, but is is very late here... good luck...08:12
N-AGuest34521: Yes?08:12
serenagenii-around: I am looking up my device online and it seems there is a bug with hal08:12
ohletmeinnowgoddquestion about BROKEN DEPENDENCIES08:12
Guest34521You can also make NTFS to be mounted during boot by adding the following line to the end of the /etc/fstab file:08:12
Guest34521 08:12
Guest34521    /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows ntfs-3g defaults 0 008:12
rwwN-A: check /etc/fstab and make sure that all the NTFS partitions have the same options. I don't have the man page for fstab handy, but I believe one of them allows non-root users to mount08:12
serenagenii-around: seems its been an issue in Hardy and Intrepid08:12
Guest34521N-A: http://www.ntfs-3g.org/08:12
N-AGuest34521: Like, I want nautilus to mount it when I double click on it and umount when I tell it to unmount08:12
ohletmeinnowgoddcan someone help me with broken dependencies?08:13
doors98superfirelord42:okey many thanks again for your help:08:13
genii-aroundserena: OK, hopefully they have a fix other than running ndiswrapper or such08:13
serenagenii-around: I need to either try ath5k or a new version of hal08:13
doors98FAJ: thanks too08:13
serenagenii-around: yes ... thanks for your time though ..08:13
FAJnp doors9808:13
rwwohletmeinnowgodd: state your problem, all on one line, with any relevant information. If you're getting related errors that span more than one line, use paste.ubuntu.com08:13
Guest34521N-A: oh I don't know how to force nautilus to use root either, ask around08:13
N-AGuest57561: fstab entry I think works fine, actually not sure about that, it's been some time since I rebooted, but I'm not so worried about that, I just want my gui to work08:14
genii-aroundserena: You're welcome and good luck with it.08:14
serenagenii-around; thanks08:14
simplegksu nautilus ?08:14
dfgasanyone gotten bluetooth to work on 8.10?08:14
Sn0oP_ShAkEworks out of the box here08:15
bradh79my pc detects my 2nd screen in dos and bootup but once ubuntu loads it switches off i have tried detecting screens but it wont work any ideas?08:15
N-AGuest34521: I don't want nautilus to have to sudo to do it either... the rest of the mount/unmount of ntfs partitions in nautilus works, just not for that one partition08:15
nite_johnboyHi - Can someone point me in the right direction to find a list of most compatible small portable .MP3 player devices ? ?08:15
atariwhat the "proper" way to add crossover to ubuntu? dpkg -i?08:16
pretendercan anyone help my mythweb time  is ahead my 1 hour the front ends find.  I am in Brisbane Australia08:16
N-Asimple: Was that gksudo comment for me?08:16
Guest34521N-A: hmm weird is it ntfs internal just like the others ?08:16
N-AGuest34521: Yeah, it's "the same"08:16
N-AGuest34521: Also USB automounting of NTFS partitions work fine as well08:16
Guest34521N-A: then it could be a bug no ?08:17
bradh79sounds like daylight savings pretender08:17
N-AGuest57561: I suppose, but I don't really know enough to know08:17
linxarкакая тут кодировка?08:17
pretenderbradh79:  ok how can i fix it we are not on daylight saving here08:18
bradh79not sure08:18
N-AGuest34521: I checked the rights on the mount point, and the dev, they all appear to be exactly the same08:18
nite_johnboy Is there a good portable MP3/Ogg player that someone likes?08:18
bradh79thats just all i know why it would jump one hour ahead08:18
bradh79im here for help myself08:18
Guest34521N-A: yes I understand so if everything works fine it's either that special partition which is faulty which I don't get what would be wrong :908:18
N-AGuest34521: Yeah I also booted windows to chkdsk several times08:19
nite_johnboybradh79: Are you having problems with your time settings changes ?08:19
bradh79dual montiors wont work08:20
N-AGuest34521: And also if I do sudo mount it works fine08:21
=== adit is now known as ce_alune
N-AGuest34521: Then I have to sudo to umount as well08:21
jamesrobinson54how can i get rid of yahoo and use firefox08:21
Guest34521N-A: oh so then it must be a nautilus problem I guess, probably a bug I really don't know08:22
N-AGuest34521: Well, I can's just mount it in a terminal either08:22
N-AGuest34521: I have to sudo to mount it08:22
benokamy USB wireless card connects to the router but not to the internet, no filter setup on the router whatsoever, other (built-in) card of the same computer connects ok08:22
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
N-AI have a problem mounting a drive (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine.08:24
temporarytaojamesrobinson54, what do you mean?08:25
N-AI have a problem mounting a partition (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine. I can sudo mount it fine, just not as user, so I have to open a terminal to mount/unmount it, which is not needed for the rest of the ntfs partitions, I would like for this partition to mount when I double click on it in nautilus (like the rest) and unmount wh08:27
ExecutiveOrderis there a program that can make address labels to print out08:28
edvardgood morning.. havine some problems with Ubuntu.08:29
Guest34521if I have modprobe ndiswrapper can I also use another wireless card module at the same time ?08:29
Guest34521like modprobe ath9k ?08:30
ExecutiveOrdersome kind of of label maker that can make good looking address labels and postage labels?08:30
edvardafter reading the forums, I suspect its connected to the Wifi for some reason, but some times when I boot up Ubuntu, I get a black screen with a flashing caps lock light on my laptop. The system has frozen08:30
edvardanyone know if I can do anything to fix this? It also happens sometimes when coming out of standby or whatever08:30
ExecutiveOrdermy mom wants to set up a home business and she needs some kind of app that can print address and shipping info08:31
=== adit_ is now known as ce_alune
ohletmeinnowgoddhi guys , problem with broken dependencies, happened when i tried to run update manager http://paste.ubuntu.com/77642/08:33
ohletmeinnowgoddwhat should i do?08:33
brodymcdcould someone please help me? Running ubuntu 8.10 and my sound card just stopped working - no static like other bugs mentioned - just not there at all...08:33
=== wobblyw1 is now known as wobblywu
N-AExecutiveOrder: Google turns up labelnation for avery labels, and templates for openoffice08:34
ohletmeinnowgoddrww: any ideas?08:34
ExecutiveOrderlabelnation is the app N-A ?08:34
N-AExecutiveOrder: It's an app yeah08:34
N-AExecutiveOrder: OpenOffice is another app, for which you can get templates to print on labels08:35
ohletmeinnowgoddGuys? have a broken dependency issue, with my kernel image , http://paste.ubuntu.com/77642/ any suggestions?08:35
aftertafohletmeinnowgodd: sudo apt-get update : does that work ok?08:35
ExecutiveOrderthe thing is N-A its gotta be more than just the label08:35
ExecutiveOrderi need something for account statments08:35
N-AExecutiveOrder: LabelNation is a command line utility to print text on avery labels08:36
ohletmeinnowgoddaftertaf:trying it now08:36
N-AExecutiveOrder: http://www.worldlabel.com/Pages/openoffice-template.htm <--- those are label templates for OO08:36
N-AExecutiveOrder: You can print anything you like on the labels08:37
ExecutiveOrderthanks a bunch N-A08:37
zetheroo1what is the command Ubuntu uses to put the LCD to sleep?08:37
N-AI have a problem mounting a partition (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine. I can sudo mount it fine, just not as user, so I have to open a terminal to mount/unmount it, which is not needed for the rest of the ntfs partitions, I would like for this partition to mount when I double click on it in nautilus (like the rest) and unmount wh08:37
N-AExecutiveOrder: You're welcome08:37
orly_owlIs there a wiki page for installing hardy without a CD drive?08:38
ohletmeinnowgoddaftertaf: no error08:38
aftertafN-A: any differences for that Ntfs partitioon in your /etc/fstab ?08:38
N-Aaftertaf: No08:38
aftertafohletmeinnowgodd: ok good... are you runing update-manager from command line with any parametres?08:38
brodymcdcould someone please help me get my sound running again?08:38
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
ohletmeinnowgoddno im running synaptic08:38
ohletmeinnowgoddand i just relaunched it and theres still errors08:39
aftertafohletmeinnowgodd: ok. try running update manager from console . . .08:39
aftertafsee if any dfebug info can help us08:39
N-Aaftertaf: /dev/sdd2 /media/Big1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=da_DK.UTF-8 0 008:39
ohletmeinnowgoddaftertaf: and the command that i need to invoke is? :D08:39
=== N-A is now known as N-A_BRB
aftertafohletmeinnowgodd: firstlmy, have you followed this tutorial ? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading08:41
edvardanyone? What does booting with noacpi mean? as in whats the downside of doing it?08:41
aftertafnoacpi is for laptops... i think08:41
ohletmeinnowgoddaftertaf:no, i just saw the update thingy on the system tray, and hit "ok" a couple a times...08:41
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
aftertafok. try to follow that link. . .08:41
ohletmeinnowgoddaftertaf: it said there are updates, would like to update now? And i was like, sure why not?08:42
edvardyeah, im running on one, and Im having some problems with ubuntu freezing up, and the forums suggested running noacpi.. but not sure how to set it? I Know you have to put it in menu.lst somewhere, but no idea where08:42
aftertaflol, makes sense :)08:42
aftertafedvard: you can add it to the end of your kernel options . . . in menu.lst08:42
KatieKittyhi everyone08:43
edvardok, still not sure where to put it..08:43
aftertafedvard: find the line concerning your kernel, in between the automagic lines08:43
ohletmeinnowgoddyou know what, its friday night, and i have no one to see/no where to go/nothing to do, why not reinstall?08:43
excelblueanyone use Chinese in Ubunutu? what settings would you recommend for maximum readability on a 1680x1050 22" LCD screen?08:43
aftertafedvard: but u can test without changing file08:43
excelblueeg. what DPI should I set the fonts, how much hinting?08:43
edvardok? how can I test without changing the file?08:43
excelblueit's going to be for my mom, who doesn't read English08:43
mongrethodwhat's the easiest way to switch what wireless driver ubuntu is using?08:43
aftertafedvard: when grub pops up on boot, edit the line to add noacpi to the end08:44
aftertafohletmeinnowgodd: hmmm :)   are you on intrepid or hardy ?08:44
edvardhmm.. yeah, but I think I should add it to the file, as the system doesnt freeze up on each boot, its just randomly, and sometimes when I let the laptop stay on for a while08:44
edvardso to see if the problem actually gets fixed with noacpi i should add it to the menu.lst file08:44
edvardif I can only figure out where08:45
aftertafedvard: ok. then menu.lst and locate the entries for each kernel, and add it to the end of the line concerning a kernel.....08:45
mongrethodI'm using a thinkpad a31 with a Prism 2.5 chipset, supposedly supported by the Orinoco drivers08:45
mongrethodbut I cant get online and it doesnt seem to be working08:45
mongrethodive tried googling and a few FAQs to no avail08:45
mongrethodwhats the quickest way to switch drivers?08:46
=== N-A_BRB is now known as N-a
edvardis it above or below the line: ## ## End Default Options ##08:46
aftertafedvard: below...   eg: kernel          /vmlinuz root=/dev/hda5 ro quiet pci=noacpi08:46
N-aI have a problem mounting a partition (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine. I can sudo mount it fine, just not as user, so I have to open a terminal to mount/unmount it, which is not needed for the rest of the ntfs partitions, I would like for this partition to mount when I double click on it in nautilus (like the rest) and unmount wh08:47
vladtsepesh1984hi guys i have a big problem...i want to install wicd network manager....i have uninstall ubuntu network-manager daemon and now i cant connect to internet any more....i had download the network-manager to reinstall but in the ./configure it tell me the error "cant found gettext tool"....so i had download the gettext package and the ./configure works fine...but in make after some time it tell me an error and i cant finish the08:47
edvardah, right now I get it..08:47
ardchoilleHow do I change which app opens a certain file by default (change double-click behavior)? Is there a gui to change file associations?08:47
edvardso i just change: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=afec914b-c409-4a53-8ea1-c78532ba8bff ro quiet splash08:47
edvardto kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic root=UUID=afec914b-c409-4a53-8ea1-c78532ba8bff ro quiet splash  pci=noacpi ?08:47
aftertafedvard: yeah.08:47
edvardcool, thanks :D08:48
c0mput3rwhat can i convert flv files to mp3, avi, etc?08:48
vladtsepesh1984hi guys i have a big problem...i want to install wicd network manager....i have uninstall ubuntu network-manager daemon and now i cant connect to internet any more....i had download the network-manager to reinstall but in the ./configure it tell me the error "cant found gettext tool"....so i had download the gettext package and the ./configure works fine...but in make after some time it tell me an error and i cant finish 08:48
aftertafedvard: and if u cant boot with that, you can edit it with grub on boot08:48
N-ac0mput3r: avidemux08:48
edvardlol.. ok, how do I do that? is there a key that needs pressing?08:48
aftertafc0mput3r: mplayer/mencoder08:48
aftertafedvard: does your grub appear on boot?08:48
aftertafedvard: or hidden?08:48
aftertafthen its written at the bottom of the screen ;)08:49
edvardthank you :)08:49
edvardwill try to reboot now08:49
edvardbtw, downloading 47mb of updates that just became available..08:49
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: cant u reinstall package?08:49
edvardany details on that? seems like there is a new kernel involved?08:49
aftertaf27-10 i think08:49
edvard27-9 it seems08:49
vladtsepesh1984i don't know how08:50
aftertafhmm im on 10 already :)08:50
edvardwhat are the differences between the kernel versions?08:50
edvardwhy upgrade the kernel?08:50
KatieKittyguy, is there any alternative softwares for autocad in the ubuntu repo?08:50
ardchoilleaftertaf: how did you manage that?08:51
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: look in here: ls /var/cache/apt/archives/08:51
chris___hello, "find" doesnt seem to search recursively, intrepid, 64 bit?08:51
aftertaf2.6.27-10-generic #1 SMP Fri Nov 21 12:00:22 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux i confirm :)08:51
ardchoilleaftertaf: I didn't question you, I just wondered how you managed it08:51
aftertafardchoille: er . . . :) backports maybe08:51
ardchoilleah, ok08:52
vladtsepesh1984the network-manager is not there!!!08:52
chris___KatieKitty: you could search in the package manager for "CAD"08:52
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: ok. if u type sudo apt-get install [packagename] what other depepdencies does it require?08:52
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf i can't use apt-get...beacuase i'm out of internet.....uninstalling network-manager now i can't connet to internet08:53
ogzyalthough i installed module-assistant and run m-a prepare iam getting no rule for target message and compiling never starts for a driver i am trying, what can be missing?08:53
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: u on win?08:53
vladtsepesh1984no i'm in ubuntu on my laptop now..but the problem is on my desktop08:54
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: ok. try it anyway then.... to see if other dependencies . . . .08:54
j0nrmorning all08:54
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: that way u can download and transfer via usb drive...?08:54
vladtsepesh1984yes i can download and transfer08:55
N-aI have a problem mounting a partition (ntfs-3g) I get the message that I must be root to mount xxx in yyy, this is one of several ntfs partitions, the rest mount fine. I can sudo mount it fine, just not as user, so I have to open a terminal to mount/unmount it, which is not needed for the rest of the ntfs partitions, I would like for this partition to mount when I double click on it in nautilus (like the rest) and unmount wh08:55
j0nri have a problem doing updates... getting a partial upgrade error. when performing apt-get upgrade i see packages being kept back08:55
zetheroo1what is the command given to put the LCD to sleep08:55
mkerdN-a, I'm guessing you have to change the permissions for that partition.08:56
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf i dont know the package name08:56
TankadoIs there anyway to make Ubuntu load up without the graphics interface and act as a server (without installing the ubuntu server because i sometimes want to use it as a desktop) ?08:56
N-amkerd: Where?08:57
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete08:57
N-amkerd: On /dev/sddx?08:57
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: if u do it with synaptic . . .  you'l have a window with errors for each *.deb file08:57
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf: the package named "network-manager" but if i try "sudo apt-get network-manager" it tells me "Invalid operation network-manager"08:58
N-avladtsepesh1984: install08:58
aftertafTankado: yeah, stop gdm or kdm from running on boot08:58
aftertafN-a: thx :)08:58
N-avladtsepesh1984: sudo apt-get install network-manager08:58
mkerdN-a, Mount it as root and then change for wherever you mounted it. At least that's how I think you should do it.08:58
jjohnsonanyone know the channel for ubuntu ppc08:58
Tankadoaftertaf : how do i do that ?08:59
mkerdN-a, If that doesn't work try your way :)08:59
tomaustinhi. i am wanting to change my icon theme in my ~/.gtkrc-2.0.mine file but its not taking effect? This file gets included by the .gtkrc-2.0 file. any ideas?08:59
aftertafTankado: with update-rc.d i think08:59
Guest34521HELP, i just installed NDISwrapper + windows drivers and ubuntu freezes on startup, I CANT EVEN RESTART IN RECOVERY MODE08:59
N-amkerd: So i mount it first with sudo, and then check permissions on the mount point?08:59
cllaudyudoes someone know why ubuntu frezese after a long period of time?08:59
mkerdN-a, Yeah08:59
Guest34521I get the recovery menu08:59
aftertafor with sysv-rc-conf08:59
jjohnsonis there still a channel for us ubuntu mac users?09:00
N-amkerd: I'll try that, thx09:00
=== N-a is now known as N-A_BBIAB
Ayabarawhat's the latest kernel version for 8.10?09:00
vladtsepesh1984N-a: could not resolve http:.....09:00
vladtsepesh1984etc etc09:00
aftertafAyabara: 2.6.27-10-generic #1 SMP Fri Nov 21 12:00:22 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux i confirm :)09:00
j800ryo, anyone know if you can use a tv tuner with ubuntu?09:00
mkerdcllaudyu, nope, no one knows unless you give us more info than that. Like if your doing anything particular when it freezes, if you have any proprietary drivers installed and so on. Even then no one might know but at least your chances of getting help will be better by knowing how to ask a good question.09:01
Ayabaraaftertaf: thanks, and darn, then I need to recreate my menu.lst :)09:01
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: yeah . . .you should have each package needed mentioned there09:01
huwenfengi've a question , are you all using pidgin now?09:01
aftertafj800r: yes u can.... mythtv for one. google :)09:01
Ayabaraanyone know how I can recreate my menu.lst?09:01
vladtsepesh1984and also "failed to fetch http:...." i think is because of i have no active connection09:01
mkerdhuwenfeng, no09:01
kkady32i cannot sent or received files with pidgin09:01
* j800r googles09:01
aftertafAyabara: update-grub09:01
Guest34521help me what can I do ubuntu froze after NDISwrapper09:02
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: yeah.... u have a list of .deb files there?09:02
mkerdkkady32, through which protocol?09:02
huwenfengmkerd: then what are you using now?09:02
mkerdhuwenfeng, for irc? Xchat09:02
huwenfengmkerd: i'd like to , which is better09:02
Zarvox_salut les gens09:02
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf...sorry i dont know wath you means....i'm not so good on ubuntu09:02
huwenfengxchar? OK, let me try09:02
j800rah shit, it's a tarball09:02
mkerdhuwenfeng, there's no better, there's only what you prefer.09:03
j800rooops, sorry for the language :x09:03
Zarvox_hi all09:03
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: when you type sudo apt-get install network-manager...... what packages does it fail to download?09:03
aftertafj800r: mythtv?09:03
Zarvox_i need little help09:03
vladtsepesh1984i paste to you the err mess09:04
j800ri downloaded it and it's in tarball format09:04
aftertafj800r: its in repositories09:04
vladtsepesh1984wait a minute09:04
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: ok.09:04
mkerdkkady32, I don't use yahoo myself but it's a proprietary closed protocol so that might be why file transfers don't work. You'll have to look it up in Pidgins features and see if it has support for file transfers. If not I suggest you use Jabber instead. It's a free and open instant messaging protocol that's much better.09:04
=== Mustinet_ is now known as Mustinet
Zarvox_i have installed gnome on a server but i don't want the x server to start automaticaly09:04
Ayabaraaftertaf: thanks09:04
vladtsepesh1984wich is the site to paste text???i always forgot09:05
aftertafAyabara: np ;)09:05
kkady32mkerd:thx,pidgin work,gyache work but that is only problem file transfer09:05
Zarvox_i want to start the x server only on login09:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:05
Zarvox_shall i remove gdm ?09:05
ubottuvladtsepesh1984: please see above09:05
mkerdkkady32, yeah, msn has the same problem. best solution is to start using jabber imo09:05
aftertafZarvox_: no!!!  change gdm startup09:05
kkady32mkerd:with jabber cann conected to yahoo messenger?09:05
aftertafZarvox_: with sysv-rc-conf09:06
mkerdkkady32, jabber is its own protocol09:06
mkerdkkady32, it's not a program09:06
zetheroo1how can i find out what is causing my laptop to crash?09:06
aftertafZarvox_: "apt-get install" it09:06
kkady32mkerd:ok now understand,i try that,txh a lot09:06
mkerdkkady32, jabber = xmpp in pidgin09:06
Zarvox_aftertaf: i need to install sysv-rc-conf with synaptics ?09:07
Anon4436Q: after installing googleearth the globe only shows once09:08
Anon4436when i start it again it disappears09:08
Anon4436i dont want to run it as SUDO09:08
Anon4436i need help!!09:10
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf are you there??09:10
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77650/09:10
aftertafZarvox_: if u install it u can stop autostarting of gdm09:10
vladtsepesh1984ok aftertaf ill try09:11
aftertafZarvox_: that or.... if gnome has a service manager, u can stop the service that way. I'm on Kde 409:11
Anon4436anyone else know how to run googleearth on userlevel09:11
gamblerhas anyone setup twinview with 3 monitors?09:11
aftertafvladtsepesh1984: ok :) good luck. and remember to copy with sudo, u wont have the rights as normal user ...09:11
XB23hey guys how do i get a list of active quotas?09:12
=== thebomb___ is now known as thebomb
Znurfi am a newbie, i need help installing and configuring and STARTING ddclient :/09:14
Lokinapt-get instal ddclient09:14
\slashi have a prob with my sound.. when i plugin jack i can hear music but laptop speakers are mute.. yesterday though i rebooted and iheard startup sounds just fine.. but then it went mute again09:14
\slashany ideas?09:14
ZnurfLokin yeah thats awesome, i did that, then what :/09:14
Lokinit should show up under downloads09:15
Znurfdownloads? :S09:15
XB23hey guys how do i get a list of active quotas?09:15
Lokinthe file....09:16
Lokinunless your on a server09:16
Znurfi am using ubuntu server with gnome09:16
Lokingood job09:16
Anon4436what's a good virusscanner for ubuntu09:16
Znurfyes Lokin09:16
Lokink well then you need to launch it. Can't remember off the top of my head one sec.09:17
XB23hey guys can someone check these quotas for me09:18
XB23 /dev/sda1                      5488          0          0        50409:18
XB23is that unlimited?09:18
aftertafAnon4436: u need one for linux? hmmm09:18
vladtsepesh1984aftertaf it works...i love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :D09:19
aftertafvladtsepesh1984:  :)09:19
aftertafrock n roll baby :)09:19
bullgard4Is it normal that I have to type a gnome-keyring password before using Gajim?09:19
olivier_Can somebody here help me on LVM2 ?09:20
LokinZnurf: Can't remember but I think once you install find directory it's in and do ./configure09:21
LokinI have to go09:21
ZnurfLokin but i need LAMP?09:21
joegiampaolican anyone read me?09:21
Znurfi dont evne know what LAMP is09:21
Leonheart@... Wht new feature for ibex?09:21
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)09:22
visik7how can I make a podcast from a streaming audio ?09:22
olivier_I try to figure out how to automatically mount an LVM2 partition from fedora on my Ubuntu, but all I can do is mounting it manually09:23
Anon4345im tring to figure out how to run googleearth09:24
Anon4345its hard09:24
Leonheart olivier_, ermm... is tht an option on user setting. "automaticly mount"09:24
Zarvox_aftertaf: sysv installed but i don't know how it work09:24
nbeebowhats the name of THE simple filebrowser? almost only icons09:26
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.09:26
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde409:26
Guest34521why can't I cd to folders that have "(" in them ?09:27
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:27
olivier_@ leonheart, no because it depends from an lvm command 'vgchange -a y' that I must enter before trying the mount09:27
LeonheartGuest34521: use brasero disc burner09:27
nbeeboanyone know any good file managers except dolphin and nautilus?09:28
fisitischgood morning all, I have the following question. I want to connect two usb dvb-t adapter the first makes no problem . But the second only generates this message :[233334.281657] usb 4-3.2: new full speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1009:28
fisitisch[233334.392271] usb 4-3.2: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice09:28
nbeebokinda dead this morning09:28
aftertafZarvox_: run it from console . . . instructions are on screen...09:28
Leonheartolivier_: I never use partition other than fat/ntfs/ext/reiser09:29
Zarvox_aftertaf: i saw the man but i don't know how to modify the gdm setup09:30
olivier_I'm looking for a way to have this command executed before the system mount09:30
Guest34521Leonheart: what? nono I just want to change directory (cd) in terminal for folders that have "(" in them09:30
olivier_@ guest34521 you have to protect the unusual characters with a '\' before09:31
aftertafZarvox_: did u run sysv thing?09:31
LeonheartGuest34521: are you try " " yet?09:31
ikoniaubuntu does not use sysv init09:31
nbeeboanyone know the simple file manager with almost only icons?09:32
Mcp_dkhi.. I need help with sound problems. I have a soundcard based on AC97 soundchip and all of a sudden i have no sound. Can someone help me troubleshoot?09:32
Guest34521Leonheart: I want to cd to rtlsetup-1234(1273)09:32
Guest34521but it says unexpected token09:32
Zarvox_aftertaf: what ? explain better i don't understand :-) i'm frenchie09:32
aftertafZarvox_: ca veut rien dire ;)09:33
Leonhearttype cd "rtlsetup-1234(1273)"09:33
Leonheartwith quote09:33
Guest34521Leonheart: oh thanks yes it worked !!!09:33
nbeebodoes that work with spaces too?09:33
Zarvox_aftertaf: my english is ... rusted ;-)09:33
Leonheartyes. it work with space09:33
Zarvox_aftertaf: i ran sysv-rc-conf --list to saw the list of services loaded09:34
ikoniaZarvox_: be aware ubuntu does not use sysv init09:35
Leonhearthi ikonia ;)09:35
Leonhearthehe you always in here :-[09:35
Arney15 How do I set my Stereo speakers to Mono in Ubuntu?09:35
ubunt2how i use 3d windows in ubuntu09:36
Zarvox_ikonia: really ? i'm little confused, how to load gdm on login ?09:36
thebombanywhere on the internet where a guide is to setup a Kickstart server ?09:36
davidroderickAfter doing system update my menu bar take five seconds to appear after clicking on them. Any ideas?09:36
ikoniaZarvox_: it does it on it's own09:36
LeonheartArney15: by default speaker system on pc is stereo. there is no mono hardware. you can't change it09:36
ikoniaZarvox_: it's configured at install09:36
ubunt2how let the beryl work ?!09:36
=== wch` is now known as wch
ubunt2i installed it but its still not working09:37
ikoniaubunt2: beryl is dead it was replaced with compiz-fushion which is installed on ubuntu by default from 7.10 onwards09:37
Mcp_dkhow do i troubleshoot my soundcard that suddenly stopped working?09:37
Leonheart ubunt2: activate effect in appereance (only worked if driver supported) :P09:37
aftertafZarvox_: sudo sysv-rc-conf09:37
Zarvox_ikonia: but i've installed ubuntu-desktop after installation of ubuntu server09:37
Znurfhow do i make users and groups in proftpd?09:37
ikoniaZarvox_ what is your default runlevel set to09:38
Zarvox_aftertaf: i've done it09:38
aftertafikonia: found it easier that remembering syntax for update-rc.d each time :)09:39
nbeebocan u make so a sound file in ubuntu goes trough the microphone? kinda09:39
Zarvox_ikonia: set to what ?09:39
ikoniaZarvox_ what is your default run level set to09:39
ubunt2its not working 3d beryl09:39
Leonheartnbeebo: input from mixer can do tht09:40
ikoniaubunt2: beryl does not exist09:40
Zarvox_ikonia: the runlevel of gdm is set on 2 3 4 509:41
nbeeboso u just press the mic(capture) button under the correct sound mixer?09:41
ikoniaZarvox_ no it's not09:41
ikoniaZarvox_: what is your systems default run level09:41
Zarvox_ikonia: x start at bootup09:42
ikoniaZarvox_: stop telling me stuff I'm not asking for, I'm asking what is your systems default run level09:42
Fallen_DemonHey people, I'm having issues with a Hardy install09:43
Zarvox_ikonia: excuse me but i don't understand09:43
zetheroo1my laptop crashes from time to time ... how do I locate the problem?09:43
Defryskzetheroo1, by being more specific ?09:43
Zarvox_ikonia: how to see the runlevel ?09:44
Fallen_DemonI recently installed the new network manager so I could use it with my mobile broadband modem. That all works fine, but occasionally my dbus daemon will crash without warning09:44
Fallen_DemonIf anyone wants the dmesg, I have it up now09:44
zetheroo1Defrysk: my laptop freezes ... dunno what else to say ... just freezes and I cannot move the mouse cursor or anything ... and the CAPS lock is blinking ....09:45
Fallen_Demonzetheroo1, Kernel crash09:45
nbeebozetheroo1 sounds like an assume virus :D09:45
Fallen_DemonHappened when I was using Gentoo, or at least trying to use gentoo09:46
zetheroo1Fallen_Demon: how do locate the issue? ...09:46
Leonhearthow much this channel consume internet bandwith?09:46
zetheroo1nbeebo: dunno09:46
Fallen_DemonLeonheart, not a lot09:46
Leonheartbecause my download stuff is descrease 50% full throthle09:46
Fallen_DemonLeonheart, maybe a few bytes every 20 seconds09:46
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap09:47
ubottuFor help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures09:47
Fallen_Demonzetheroo1, there's plenty of outputs, you'd want the log file from somewhere, I'm not sure which one though, sorry09:47
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:47
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:48
zetheroo1Fallen_Demon: would the kernel log help any?09:48
harveyHey guys. Can anyone help me. Ive just upgrade to 8.10 got the usual problems, I love Ubuntu but I've had enough, does anyone know where I can just pay to get some support and just have someone fix my laptop for me. (Movies dont play, screen resolution is messed up.) Thanks in advance.09:48
wibhi. i tried to have an hdd mounted automatically on startup by setting "/media/mydisk" as a mount point (using nautilus). now not only doesn't it mount automatically but i can't even access it anymore by just doublecklicking on it in computer:/// .it sais "mount_point cannot contain the following characters: newline, G_DIR_SEPERATOR (usually /)". but in the properties for that drive there is no option to unset the mount point :(09:48
Fallen_DemonYeah, it would show if it was panicing, I think09:48
jamil_13579Is it possible to upgrade from fesity to intrepid directly ?09:48
Leonheartharvey: errrmm... u should install lib for tht09:49
Fallen_Demonwib Put it in fstab09:49
Leonheartbecause 600MB CD doesn't fit all stuff09:49
harveyive tried leonheart....09:49
elTigrehey, I think my locales are broken on my ubuntu server... how can I fix that09:49
harveywhere does one/ can one pay for support09:49
wibFallen_Demon: yes, but i was hoping to fix the broken setting before i do that09:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:50
nbeeboharvey, check ubuntus website, says support everywhere09:51
Fallen_Demonwib, the error says you have an invalid char, go into it and delete any '/''s09:51
wibFallen_Demon: the properties dialogue doesn't show that option anymore09:51
rolandhi... can I write ubuntu CD to DVD with brasero? and will the dvd be bootable?09:51
harveyok ,but this you have to pay a subscription, I just want someone who will just spend 40 mins on it and then give me a bill...09:51
Fallen_Demonroland, yep09:51
MaveasHow do I mount uif files?09:52
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jamil_13579How can I upgrade from feisty to intrepid directly ?09:52
rolandFallen_Demon: shall try thnx.. just asking because 2 dvd's left, small room for error09:52
=== scully|away is now known as scully
legendsohaihow can I disable my openssh server to use encryption connection?09:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about uif09:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacity09:53
ubottuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)09:53
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about geek09:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssl09:54
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.09:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hash09:54
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinny
Leonheartgaaah.. this bot is lame09:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crc3209:55
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.09:55
Leonhearthei kau kurar kura tai!09:55
=== Sinny is now known as Sinister
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about billgates09:55
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents09:55
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about commandline09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 4209:56
zoli2kcan anyone recommend a good  GTK or QT based TV tuner application?09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hentai09:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shit09:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about porn09:57
stdinstop it09:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about iloveyou09:57
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...09:57
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:57
ubottuLove is like racing across the frozen tundra on a snowmobile which flips over, trapping you underneath. At night, the ice-weasels come.09:57
FloodBot2ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:57
stdin@ignore legendsohai09:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:57
stdin@ignore Leonheart09:58
Leonhearti'm not09:58
legendsohaiwow it ignored me09:58
nbeebosay !sorry09:58
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...09:59
stdinnbeebo: you should stop it too09:59
rolandlol... floodbot vs ubottu09:59
legendsohaibut im still cant get what i want09:59
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/09:59
Leonheartok, work again09:59
huwenfengHI, i 'd like to use tar as a backup tools,  and i need to do incremental backup,  how can i do that ? safely !  i know that i can use --new-mtime , but this seems not that accurate! is that right?09:59
nbeeboit was me..09:59
visik7how can I make a podcast from a streaming audio ?10:00
xmehrba2HELLOW WORLD10:00
_io_got a quick question.  I have the bug where sound is muted after awake from hibernate.  Which folder can I place the script to fic that in so that it runs every time the computer wakes up or restarts?10:00
xmehrba2I need a help please10:00
samsung-userHi all. Does someone configured wifi card on Samsung NC10?10:00
xmehrba2any one to help me please10:00
zoli2kxmehrba2: don't shout. ask!10:00
xmehrba2problem of WL in dell studio10:00
zoli2kxmehrba2: no one can help you if you don' say what is your problem.10:01
xmehrba2ok, sorry10:01
xmehrba2I can not install WL in dell studio 153510:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cobol10:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cylon10:01
xmehrba2i've tried several tutor, but not work10:01
nbeebowhats wl?10:02
magnetron!msgthebot | legendsohai10:02
ubottulegendsohai: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:02
xmehrba2BCM 4310 USB10:02
angyth88ciao tess10:02
angyth88ciao a tutti, tess è nuova di linux10:02
angyth88potete aiutarla?10:02
tessciao a tutti10:02
magnetron!it | angyth8810:02
ubottuangyth88: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:02
legendsohaiim not a not ok10:02
angyth88grazie ubottu10:03
huwenfengi got a question, is ubottu a robot? or a human being?10:03
zoli2kxmehrba2: did you tried ndiswrapper?10:03
xmehrba2no one to help me>10:03
nbeebo!msgthebet  |  legendsofhai10:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msgthebet10:03
magnetronlegendsohai→ when you try all those !factoids , do so in #ubuntu-bots please10:03
nbeebo!msgthebot  |  legendsofhai10:03
ubottulegendsofhai: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".10:03
xmehrba2I tried I couldnt install it10:03
nbeebodo what it says legends10:04
_io_does anybody know which folders scripts get run whenever the machine wakes from hibernation or plain startup?10:04
zoli2kxmehrba2: you can not install ndiswrapper?10:04
_io_on Hardy that is10:04
zoli2kxmehrba2: ^^^10:05
angyth88tess, entra qui  #ubuntu-it (clicca destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:05
shift-wrecktrying to make an entry in my OB menu. how do i make the comand start in a particular directory folder?10:05
Leonheartheya.... is start to explode. i'm gone. cya! ;)10:06
bullgard4_io_: Get yourslef informed about pm-utils.10:06
jNoxxI have problems with radeon hd3470 and ubuntu10:06
=== Piepschuim_ is now known as Piepschuim
bullgard4_io_: Get yourself informed about pm-utils.10:06
jNoxxI can not install ay drivers10:06
jNoxxEven manually10:07
jNoxxWhocan help - pm me please10:07
_io_googling it now... thanks10:07
zoli2kshift-wreck: setting the PWD variable?10:08
shift-wreckzoli2k i dont think so10:08
zoli2kshift-wreck: what is OB menu?10:09
nbeebois there any haxxor program that helps u with removing crap u dont want from home?10:10
mgolischnbeebo: yeah there is, its called rm10:10
Guest34521Where can I get support for ndiswrapper? I tried various tutorials and it still not seeing my device10:10
nbeebomgolisch: i knew some1 would say that10:10
shift-wrecki just want to start a java app that resides in "~/bin/tedv096". the command is "java -jar ted.jar" i just need to know the syntax.10:11
rolandnbeebo: what exactly you don't want?10:11
Guest50661i want to setup a http and jsp server in ubuntu 8.10 ny help ?10:12
nbeeboroland: configs and left over folders etc, folders mostly cause they wont disappear after purge10:12
zoli2k!ndiswrapper > Guest3452110:12
ubottuGuest34521, please see my private message10:12
jNoxxwho have radeon HD3***?10:12
jNoxxIt is little touble(10:12
_io_so in essence, the folder I want is "/etc/pm/sleep.d/"10:13
pc_doodeCan anybody please help me get Yahoo Games to work in Firefox/3.0b5 under Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition (64-bit)?10:13
_io_thanks bullgard4 btw.10:13
rolandnbeebo: sry can't help you with that, not that good with scripts jet10:13
rolandnbeebo: ask me next year ;)10:14
zoli2kshift-wreck: you can create a .sh file containing the path variable PWD="~/bin/tevd09" and in a new line the command "java ...."10:14
MadsRHI can playback audio in Banshee, but Rythmbox and Totem works fine. Does anyone know why?10:15
[c0re]hi i am getting error configure: error: Can't find Python.h! You will need python's development package to compile gDesklets.10:15
=== john is now known as Guest68760
zoli2kMadsRH: so everything works?10:15
shift-wreckzoli2k thank you. now i just need to learn how to make an sh file :)10:15
shift-wrecki google10:16
sinuc[c0re]: # aptitude search python|grep dev10:16
MadsRHzoli2k -> Not Banshee, but everything else :'(10:17
pc_doode:-$Can anybody please help me get Yahoo Games to work in Firefox/3.0b5 under Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition (64-bit)?10:17
Beererdecan i "blacklist" a package so it can't be installed?10:17
_io_I'll test it and let you know... thanks again.10:17
nbeeboi think u can, but i dont know how, lol10:17
gkasinathHello all and happy thanksgivings!10:18
sinucdoesnt help tho yet10:18
sinucjust a way via synaptics, but should go with apt too10:19
RossenI got an irritating graphic problem when i upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10, a picture says more than a thousand words so here is a link to said picture: http://picasaweb.google.com/jannelevenrot/Bildcache#5273650285661990994 Does anyone know how this could be fixed?10:19
[c0re]thanks SinII10:19
[c0re]thanks sinuc10:19
=== djzhan_ is now known as djzhan
gkasinathquestion: Scan problem with FusionHDTV10:20
zoli2kRossen: graphics card and driver?10:20
thomasiteHi. I just issued this command--> sysctl -a 2> /dev/null | grep -iE "rcvbuf|save" in the terminal and found out this: net.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 0. How do I set it to 1? Thanks!10:20
nomegohey guys, I10:20
nomegoI'm trying to install ubuntu with unetbootin, but the installer can't find the disk10:21
sinucthomasite: echo 1 > /proc/somewhere10:21
erUSULthomasite: /etc/sysctl.d/*10:21
dns53echo val > to the /sys/ node10:21
nomegoeven though fdisk on sda works10:21
pc_doodeCan anybody please help me get Yahoo Games to work in Firefox/3.0b5 under Ubuntu 8.04 LTS Desktop Edition (64-bit)?10:21
sinucpc_doode: thats a meta question, you can repeat like you want, thats not an issue someone could help concretely.10:22
sinucwhats that flash probably? shall we quiz?10:22
RossenNvidia geforce 7600GS running "Nvidia accelerated graphics driver version 177"10:22
zoli2kthomasite: sysctl -w et.ipv4.tcp_no_metrics_save = 110:22
zetheroo1 what would a kernel panic look like in the syslog?10:23
zetheroo1is a kernel panic recorded in the syslog?10:23
nomegozetheroo1: it would probably not get to syslog10:23
nomegozetheroo1: it would be in dmesg10:23
zetheroo1nomego: and not in the kernel log either?10:23
zoli2kthomasite: or edit the /etc/sysctl.conf  file10:23
dns53zetheroo1 probably not10:23
sinucif the kernelpanic happens on statup i dont think your syslogd is startedt there, so its not in there i think10:23
RossenOther info if needed: Nvidia nforce 2 chipset and athlon XP 2400+ CPU10:23
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:24
_io_thanks bullgard4.  Worked like a charm.10:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about getlaid10:24
_io_sound after hibernate works great now.10:24
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository10:24
dns53you need the java plugin which you also need to install10:24
zetheroo1dns53: what would a kernel panic be recorded as?10:25
sinucanyone running wine and diablo2?10:25
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR10:25
Rossenzoli2k: If memory serves me right i was running the same drivers in 8.0410:25
dns53zetheroo1 a message on your screen and everyhing else dead, logging is user land, and if the kernel has crashed nothing is there to write the panic message10:26
erUSUL!appdb | sinuc10:26
ubottusinuc: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help10:26
zoli2kRossen: you can try to reconfigure the X server, I don't know what are the exact changes between  xorg  in 8.04 and 8.10, but the old config file may be incompatible with your system.10:26
zetheroo1dns53: my system freezes with the caps blinking ... do you mean there is no way to record what is causing this?10:27
sinucerUSUL: i dont need assistance, thanks. its running perfect for me10:27
dns53zetheroo1 well xorg messes up what's being displayed in the terminal10:27
sinucerUSUL: i actually wanted to know if someone else did try it, but ill check the winehq db and maybe add my experience, thanks dude. youre so wonderful...10:27
erUSULsinuc: no problem10:28
Aperculumcan I backup my user configs somehow?10:28
rdw200169 jump10:28
xmehrba1zOLI2K R U STILL THERE?10:28
gkasinathCan anyone help with DVB-T Scanning?10:28
thomasiteBy the way, I'm using an Acer Aspire 5570 laptop that runs on 8.10. How do I get the driver for the wifi?10:28
bazhangxmehrba1, no caps10:28
xmehrba1oh sorry10:28
xmehrba1I am newbie10:29
zoli2kxmehrba1: yes, do you have problem with the installation of ndiswrapper?10:29
zoli2kxmehrba1: try to follow these instructions http://www.colinblog.com/2008/04/how-to-install-broadcom-bcm4310-usb.html10:30
erUSULthomasite: which wifi card?10:30
zoli2kxmehrba1: you will need to install these programs: ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils ndisgtk10:31
ChrisDavazAnyone having trouble with SCIM on 8.10?10:31
bazhangChrisDavaz, with firefox or other trouble10:31
=== scully is now known as scully|away
ChrisDavazbazhang, can't select an IME10:32
mywisdomhi hello10:32
xmehrba1Dear , I tried, but it says it is installed , but when try to ndsiwrapper -l fails10:32
bazhangChrisDavaz, what do you mean an ime10:32
ChrisDavazbazhang, Input Method Editor... I can't choose to type in Chinese or any language10:32
bazhangmywisdom, hi10:32
bazhangmywisdom, this is ubuntu support; do you have a support question10:33
zoli2kxmehrba1: sudo nediswrapper -l ????10:33
ChrisDavazbazhang, click on the SCIM icon on the system tray and I don't get a menu to select the IME10:33
mywisdombtw i can not access my cdrom10:33
mywisdomfrom my ubuntu10:33
bazhangmywisdom, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:33
mywisdomthank you10:33
bazhangChrisDavaz, did you set up the global engine and have all the language support installed10:34
gkasinathubuntu-support: Need help with DVB-T scanning10:34
ChrisDavazbazhang, yes i did all that10:34
xmehrba1ndiswrapper-common is already the newest version.10:34
shatogtarhi there10:35
nbeeboomg what should i choose, so hard; pcman, rox, thunar or nautilus!!!??10:35
rdw200169ChrisDavaz, bazhang i installed scim, with all the language support and fonts etc... for korean, and it works quite well10:35
ChrisDavazrdw200169, i have it working on 8.04...10:35
xmehrba1zoli , it says ndsiwrapper could not install!!!!10:35
gkasinathubuntu-support: Need help with DVB-T scanning10:35
ChrisDavazrdw200169, this is a new install of 8.10 and i have the latest version of scim10:35
rdw200169ChrisDavaz, oh, this is an upgrade issue then!10:36
bazhangChrisDavaz, what error are you getting if any10:36
rdw200169ChrisDavaz, this makes me even less interested in upgrading ...10:36
shatogtarIs there someone who would like to help me? I have low connectivity (16%) to my wlan-router and cant imagine why that would be.10:36
ChrisDavazrdw200169, bazhang no error (and i didn't upgrade this is a different machine)10:36
zoli2kgkasinath: the easiest way to go to use kaffeine for channel scanning. It will save your channels to ~/.kde/share/apps/kaffeine/channels.dvb10:36
gkasinathzoli2k: I used scan and it just gave me tuning failed. Would kaffine be able to tune in?10:37
zoli2kxmehrba1: did you tried sudo ndisgtk?10:37
h3ct0rshatogtar: how far is the router away?10:37
shatogtarnext room approx. 10 meter10:37
xmehrba1Command Not found!!!!10:38
brodymcdwould someone please help me? I have a laptop running 8.10, and it was fine... then yesterday, NO SOUND... don't know if it was due to an upgrade, or what... can someone please help?10:38
zoli2kgkasinath: If the hardware driver is installed properly, kaffeine will able to do the scan.10:38
graydotdarn, ups is down. whenever power goes all systems are restarting. :(10:38
graydotsorry wrong channel10:38
h3ct0rshatogtar: and when you sit next to the router, is it still that bad?10:38
ChrisDavazrdw200169, bazhang maybe I need to install "Language Support" stuff... hold on10:38
zoli2kgkasinath: you must also check if you are in the "video" group so you have access to the device.10:38
gkasinathzoli2k: thanks for that. The drivers seem to be alright. The card is detected at boot up. The firmware is all there.10:39
gkasinathzol12k: how do I know if I am in the video group?10:39
shatogtari have a desktop pc so that would be some work but i could try that10:39
zoli2kxmehrba1: did you installed the packages using: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common ndiswrapper-utils ndisgtk ????10:39
h3ct0roh okay..i thought notebook10:40
wigrenHi, I'm having trouble with forwarding X over ssh10:40
=== scully|away is now known as scully
gnomefreakzoli2k: ndisgtk should install all of the above10:40
zoli2kgkasinath: use the users-admin utility.10:40
gnomefreakzoli2k: nevermind i was thinking of -common10:41
wigrenAccording to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto#Running%20GUI%20Programs I have it set up right, but when I try to launch an application I get "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication."10:41
olivier_Hello Ubuntu people. Can someone help me to automount an lvm2 partition at startup ?10:41
hybrid_hi, can there be any software compability issues in ubuntu 64-bit?10:42
zoli2kgnomefreak: I recommended a how-to to the user which contains these commands. I assume that the xmehrba1 is following this guide, so I don't wanted to confuse him.10:42
Rossenzoli2k: Thanks, seems to have worked somehow :)10:42
xmehrba1Zoli2k : yes dear10:42
xmehrba1I found it10:42
gkasinathbrodymcd: what sound card do you have?10:42
bazhangExecutiveOrder, do you have a question about that video? otherwise dont paste it here10:43
shatogtarh3ct0r: so any other idea? I even loose the connection sometimes especially when running ktorrent10:43
ChrisDavazshit i can't click on flash stuff!10:43
Vincemancan files disappear from your harddisk when you change permission and ownership?10:43
ChrisDavazi can play flash videos but can't click on anything10:43
Vincemanmind the language10:43
bazhangChrisDavaz, no cursing please10:43
ChrisDavazanyone have this trouble?10:43
h3ct0rshatogtar: do you have another wlan device? Notebook?10:43
shatogtarh3ct0r: yeah my ipod touch10:44
zoli2kxmehrba1: can you run "sudo apt-get install  ndisgtk" and send me the last line of the output?10:44
hybrid_can there be any software compability issues in ubuntu 64-bit?10:44
h3ct0rshatogtar: how is the connection with your ipod?10:44
h3ct0rshatogtar: from the same place10:44
=== j is now known as Guest35888
nomegohybrid_: what do you mean?10:45
dns53hybrid_ flash (they released an a beta this week) and java applets are buggy10:45
hybrid_if theres any problems running software that might be only 32-bit compatible10:45
Vincemanforgive me my brutal name10:45
wigrenCan any one help with X over ssh?10:45
nomegojava will be 64-bit in jre 6u12 (2009 Q1) and flash is beta for 64-bit10:45
zoli2kwigren: what is the problem?10:46
dns53you run ssh user@port -X and run your applicaiton10:46
wigrenzoli2k: According to: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto#Running%20GUI%20Programs I have it set up right, but when I try to launch an application I get "X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication."10:46
xmehrba10 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 142 not upgraded.10:46
hybrid_okay so its still recommended to run ubuntu in 32-bit to get the most out of the OS?10:46
shatogtarh3ct0r: haha cant even join the network today, yesterday it was possible10:46
gkasinathzol12k: Added myself and root into video.. after creating the group (name=video) still no luck10:46
gkasinathzoli2k: Added myself and root into video.. after creating the group (name=video) still no luck10:46
zoli2kwigren: ssh -X yourname@servername10:47
djiezesHi, How do I change grub booting options? I installed Fedora10 & now it boots from the partition sda5. my Ubuntu is on sda9 and I want my pc to boot from ubuntu's menu.lst , not fedora's. Does "root (hd0,8)" suffice or do I also need to use the command "setup (hd0,8)"? Any ideas how to go forward without losing Ubuntu's menu.lst ?10:47
zoli2kgkasinath: can you find the DVB device file in the /dev/ directory?10:48
Sorcererbobdjiezes: you'd have to reinstall GRUB then. Why not copy the ubuntu file over the fedora file?10:48
wigrenzoli2k: Thats how I logged in, and I'm connected now. But I'm still having the same trouble. I've even tried ssh -X -Y user@....10:48
brodymcdgkasinath - realtek hdmi, I think - how can I check for sure?10:48
xmehrba1Zoli2k, here is "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 142 not upgraded."10:48
hybrid_or can Ubuntu 64-bit run 32-bit applications?10:48
gkasinathzol12k: yes. /dev/adapter0/.. are available.10:49
gkasinathzoli2k: yes. /dev/adapter0/.. are available.10:49
djiezesSorcererbob: when updating, ubuntu sometimes makes change to menu.lst (new kernel etc), so I don't think that'll work if I just copy the menu.lst.10:49
wigrenzoli2k: If it helps, I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 and the server is Xubuntu 8.0410:49
zoli2kgkasinath: check the permissions: ls -l /dev/dvb/adapter0/dvr010:49
zoli2kwigren: what is the error message?10:49
Sorcererbobdjiezes: fair enough. Here is a (very old) guide on restoring grub: http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/10:50
shatogtarh3ct0r: okay i will try to get near the router, and the check in later bye and thx10:50
wigrenX11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication.10:50
wigrenError: cannot open display: localhost:10.010:50
djiezesSorcererbob: ok, i'll check it out. thank you10:50
h3ct0rnp bye10:50
brodymcdgkasinath - I tried the sudo killall pulseaudio thing... and that didn't work10:50
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present (alternate driver r8187). The r8187 which was manually installed a day ago is blacklisted though. HELP me please I don't know what to do10:50
gkasinathzoli2k: crw and rw for demux0, dvr0, frontend0 and net010:50
bogdihi, can anyone help me with something ?10:51
zoli2kgkasinath: the groups are "root" and "video" ?10:51
gkasinathbrodycmd: type lspci in a terminal and locate the "Audio Device"10:51
rolandwhen i started trying ubuntu, i installed it on a external usb harddrive... how can i move it to my laptops internal one?10:51
wigrenzoli2k: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. Error: cannot open display: localhost:10.010:52
jitu3485hi, I am using dual boot ( windows xp and ubuntu 8.10) on my 80GB hard disk. As soon as I remove cd drive  and restart my system It gives Grub Read Error and if cd drive is connected it do a normal boot . what to do ? can't keep cd drive connected.10:52
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
bogdihi, I try to install ubuntu 8.10 and i`m getting the "error" busybox... initramfs10:52
gkasinathzoli2k: yup. Now I ve made chmod 777 everything in /dev10:52
bogdidunno what to do more, I tried every boot options from the forums ... please help me10:53
zoli2kwigren:  check if your /etc/hosts file contains a  line  " localhost"10:53
gkasinathbogdi: please dont PM me. I am not an expert I am just trying to help when someone else is helping me.10:53
zoli2kgkasinath: and kaffeine doesn't work after?10:54
gkasinathzoli2k: kaffeine started up.. asked for the location.. and then opened up its UI.10:54
jitu3485bogdi, open your cpu , disconnect cd drive completely and than reconnect drive and try installation , I was having same problem and I did the same few hours back10:55
gkasinathzoli2k: scanning with kaffeine10:55
wigrenzoli2k: It has these two:  localhost,  stream-server10:55
bazhangbogdi, md5 the iso; reburn at very low speed; do the disk integrity check10:55
bazhangbogdi, if all else fails try the alternate cd10:55
bazhang!md5 | bogdi10:55
ubottubogdi: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:55
zoli2kwigren: try to run xhost +localhost (without sudo)10:56
gkasinathzoli2k: Kaffeine scans and reports around 100% strength.. but after scans, the "found" section doesnt list any10:56
Guest34521someone Please help me of what I said earlier this link on the ubuntu wiki doesn't work either http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/joomla/index.php?/component/option,com_openwiki/Itemid,33/id,list/10:56
bazhangbogdi, no need to listen to what jitu3485 just said10:56
gkasinathzoli2k: also when scanning SNR is 0%10:57
wigrenzoli2k: This is whats returned: X11 connection rejected because of wrong authentication. xhost:  unable to open display "localhost:10.0"10:57
zoli2kgkasinath: are you scanning for terrestrial  digital TV?10:57
gkasinathzoli2k: yes. Free to Air channels in Perth Australia10:57
=== KoFish_ is now known as KoFish
zoli2kgkasinath: maybe stupid qustion, but your antenna is strong enough? with small USB DVB stick I also had problem to get a good signal?10:59
zoli2kwigren: the ssh server allows X11 forwarding? can you try the X11 forwarding trough different server?11:00
gkasinathzoli2k: Not a stupid question. I am using indoor antenna.. It works well on WinXP.. and Kaffeine reports 90% signal strength and 0% SNR.. whats SNR by the way?11:00
calwighelp help help, wpa2 problems, i cant connect to the network with ubuntu hardy, new installation only 1 day, another computer with the same installation can connect to the same network11:00
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present (alternate driver r8187). The r8187 which was manually installed a day ago is blacklisted though. HELP me please I don't know what to do :((11:00
zoli2kgkasinath: Signal to Noise Ratio11:01
gkasinathzoli2k: ah.. ok.11:01
zoli2kgkasinath: I would say that this may be a problem with the device driver ...11:02
calwighelp help help, wpa2 problems, i cant connect to the network with ubuntu hardy, new installation only 1 day, another computer with the same installation can connect to the same network11:02
gkasinathzoli2k: why would kaffeine report 90% strength then.. ?11:02
zoli2kgkasinath: which DVB card are you using?11:03
gkasinathzoli2k: Fusion HDTV Hybrid11:04
wigrenzoli2k: I've tried on my dekstop at home that's running Ubuntu 8.04 and it worked. I didn't even do any thing special, just connected with the -X option. I'll try on another Xubuntu machine here at work11:05
le1i have a problem with the sound in the Internet how can i fix it ?!11:05
xmehrba1zolik2k, please continue support11:05
gkasinathlel: what do you mean by "sound in the internet"?11:05
le1for example in youtube  the video work but the sound not working11:06
olivier_lel are you French ?11:06
vladtsepesh19841i guys i'm trying to sync my smartphone with evolution address book following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30936 but i have a problem, when i run the first step "dmesg" in terminal, in the output i have not any IPAQ or PDA word!!!! how can i do??? please help me11:07
le1the music11:07
rolandle1: try messing with the sound preferences, it worked for me11:07
huwenfenghi , is there any good code editor that can fold and unfold code blocks?  like in c,  { } can fold11:07
gnuskoolGuest34521: have you looked at restricted drivers in the admin menu?11:07
Guest34521gnuskool: what do you mean?11:07
Guest34521gnuskool: etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?11:08
rolandle1: change the default output device to something different and back again etc.11:08
kompi10ko ada masalah yach11:08
gnuskoollook in admin, hardware, there should be a list of hardware that is present, but requires non-free drivers11:08
gkasinathroland: VI supports code-folds.11:08
kompi10ubunu sandrose11:08
vladtsepesh19841i guys i'm trying to sync my smartphone with evolution address book following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30936 but i have a problem, when i run the first step "dmesg" in terminal, in the output i have not any IPAQ or PDA word!!!! how can i do??? please help me11:08
huwenfengvi support code fold?11:08
wigrenzoli2k: I followed this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-855777.html and it seems to be working now. Thanks for all the help, you rock!11:09
kompi10code area11:09
kompi10mangan sate11:09
rolandgkasinath: don't care :P11:09
bazhangkompi10, english please11:09
kompi10nyang pingger ndalan enek tenan11:09
gkasinathroland: lol11:09
rhusarcmon dude, this is english channel11:09
le1maybe i have to install the sound or something but i dont how11:09
vladtsepesh19841nobody can help me to sync my smartphone?11:09
ikoniavladtsepesh19841: lots of smart phones are on-noncompatible OS's and applications to sync11:10
ikoniavladtsepesh19841: what information do you want to sync and what is the phoens details11:10
le1how to install the sound11:10
gkasinathhuwenfeng: http://www.vim.org/htmldoc/usr_28.html11:10
rhusarlel: apt-get install sound (joke)11:10
rhusarlel: works out of the box for me ;)11:10
rolandle1: you're not providing any information about your system11:10
vladtsepesh19841my phone is a samsung sgh-i600 also called as blackjack and i wanto to sync only my contacts11:11
gnuskoolGuest34521: if u see your net card there, is it activated?11:11
ikoniavladtsepesh19841: thats a windows smart phone isn't it ?11:11
kompi10ada noopo?11:11
ikoniakompi10: PLEASE - this is an english channel11:11
bazhangkompi10, indonesia?11:11
kompi10yes ai you look11:11
Guest34521gnuskool: it's activated, but when I activate nidswrapper it doesn't show in ifconfig11:11
bazhang!id | kompi1011:11
ubottukompi10: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:11
ikoniavladtsepesh19841: your going to struggle with this a little, in that the contacts are held within a propriatary database on the phone, and the software needed to make a link between ubuntu and the phone is not available11:12
Guest34521gnuskool: I have 2 cards, one is ath9k and one is the usb one rtl8187 which I'm trying to make it work with nidswrapper11:12
sinuc!id | sinuc11:12
ubottusinuc, please see my private message11:12
calwigHow do I put the Network Manager icon back to the panel?11:12
sinucoh thats like tld11:13
le1roland do u know how can i make it work ?!11:13
Guest34521calwig: right click add panel, and you will see it in the list11:13
rhusarvladtsepesh19841: is synching through web possible or somthing online-like?11:13
calwigGuest34521: looking for it but its not there (in the add panel section)11:13
vladtsepesh19841but the 90% of smartphone is windos mobile based so is not possible to sync contact from smartphone to ubuntu???11:13
ikoniavladtsepesh19841 depends on the phones storage and connection support11:14
Guest34521calwig: network monitor search for it11:14
sinuci just connected my atomic weapon of mass destruction to my usb port, but ubuntu doesnt seem to load the wrong modules, what im doing wrong?!?11:14
ikoniasinuc can you stop messing around please.11:14
zetheroo1what version of madwifi does Intrepid use?11:14
vladtsepesh19841but my phone support all currently available connection11:14
le1how to let the sound work ?!11:14
calwigGuest34521: but that is only the network monitor, the one that I need is the network manager, to connect to wireless/wired networks with encryption11:14
ikoniavladtsepesh19841: there is a software layer between those connections to share data11:15
Shoopuf1Anyone know why a2ensite works but i can't seem to a2dissite11:15
ikoniaShoopuf1: you must have at least one site enabled to act as default, how many are enabled when you try to disable the site11:15
Guest34521calwig: you don't see it at all not even after a restart , and you can see with iwconfig that your wireless card is there ?11:16
Shoopuf1ikonia: I got 3 enabled now... default and 2 other ones... Now that I look at it, it seems like a2ensite isnt working too... maybei 'm in the wrong directory?11:16
huwenfenggkasinath: OK, thank you11:16
zetheroo1anyone know?11:16
Shoopuf1i'm in /etc/apache2/sites-available11:16
ikoniazetheroo1 anyone know what /11:16
zetheroo1what version of madwifi does Intrepid use?11:16
VSpikeVery strange. Why does Hardy backports contain unison 2.27 but Intrepid has 2.13?11:16
ikoniazetheroo1 check it with dpkg -l11:16
VSpikeWould you not expect 8.04 backports to be <= 8.10 versions?11:17
vladtsepesh19841so you tell me its impossible to sync windows mobile with ubuntu....no way?? i'm sad about it11:17
ikoniavladtsepesh19841 your not listening to what I've said, but yes, thats teh bototm line11:17
calwigGuest34521: its just the icon that I need. I installed wicd as the network manager. Then wicd didnt allow me to connect via WPA+WPA2 so then I went back to network-manager... however the icon is not on the panel. only the network monitor which is a different icon. and on the add panel section the applet isnt there, and I dont know where to find this to add it11:17
calwigGuest34521: i will check synaptic11:17
VSpikevladtsepesh19841: you could try scheduleworld11:17
xmehrba1hey Some one pleae help me11:17
zetheroo1ikonia: madwifi was not in the list11:17
ikoniaShoopuf1: you need to specify a full path to the site11:17
xmehrba1I want to install a wl on dell studio11:18
ikonia!info madwifi11:18
ubottuPackage madwifi does not exist in intrepid11:18
ikoniahang on11:18
VSpikevladtsepesh19841: it is free and acts as a sync hub between google calendar, gmail, evolution, thunderbird, outlook, windows mobile and probably more11:18
vladtsepesh19841VSpike what is it?11:18
le1the game soundtrack not working how may i fix this problem11:18
VSpikevladtsepesh19841: http://www.scheduleworld.com/11:18
zetheroo1!info madwifi-tools11:19
ubottumadwifi-tools (source: madwifi-tools): tools for the Multiband Atheros Driver for WiFi. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.9.4~rc2+dfsg-1 (intrepid), package size 49 kB, installed size 260 kB (Only available for alpha amd64 arm hurd-i386 i386 mips mipsel powerpc sparc)11:19
ikonia!info madwifi hardy11:19
Guest34521calwig: yes check it, but just go to ssytem - prefferences - sessions , and check if network manager is ticked to startup11:19
ubottuPackage madwifi does not exist in hardy11:19
vladtsepesh19841VSpike i love you....it is awesome!!!!11:19
zetheroo1I thought ubuntu used the madwif drivers by default!?11:19
xmehrba1I want to install a wl on dell studio some one help plz11:19
ikoniazetheroo1: ahh you found it, well done11:19
Guest34521calwig: wicd could've disabled i11:19
VSpikevladtsepesh19841: yw :) it's not 100% perfect but it's a very cool solution11:19
ikoniaxmehrba1: wl ?11:19
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
zetheroo1ikonia: madwifi is supped to be in the linux-restricted-modules package ...11:20
xmehrba1dell studio BCM  431011:20
xmehrba1tried several way, not works11:20
zetheroo1ikonia: but how do I know what version its using?11:20
ikonia!wifi > xmehrba111:20
ubottuxmehrba1, please see my private message11:20
calwigGuest34521: yeah wicd disabled it, then i reinstalled it on my own but didnt show up on the panel, however i didnt know about sessions! will check :)11:20
ikoniazetheroo1: modinfo on the module11:20
zoli2kxmehrba1: I asked you twice  to send me the last line of the command I sent you. If you don't give enough information nobody can help you.11:20
zetheroo1ikonia: sorry to sound so silly ... but what would the module be?11:21
Guest34521calwig: then it means that it's probably disabled in sessions, let me know11:21
calwigGuest34521: enabled but i must restart the session11:21
calwigyep, brb11:21
ikoniazetheroo1: search the modules dir for mad* I don't use it so I don't know11:21
xmehrba1my probles is that Icoudnt install NDSIwrapper11:22
ikoniazetheroo1: why don't you explain the problem instead of looking for info like the versions11:22
calwigGuest34521: well nm-applet was enabled, and so was wicd, so disabled wicd now, see what happens11:22
zetheroo1ikonia: I am just wondering if I should bother compiling the madwifi drivers 0.9.4 or if they are the ones being used already11:22
xmehrba1Hey Zoli2k, I have sent u11:23
ikoniazetheroo1: unless you want to break your dependency tracking, you should compile nothing11:23
ikoniazetheroo1: unless you are having a problem that you KNOW is fixed is a specific version you should compile nothing11:23
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xmehrba1(03:18:33 PM) xmehrba1: Zoli2k, here is "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 142 not upgraded."11:23
zetheroo1ikonia: ok well .... my system hangs from time to time ... thats all ... and I was wondering if its the wireless doing it11:24
ikoniayour whole system ?11:24
ikoniazetheroo1: your whole system ?11:24
piquadratHi! I'm wondering if there's a PPA or something like that with the 2.6.28 kernel. I tried Fedora10 yesterday, and boy does than intel chip fly with GEM enabled!11:24
zetheroo1ikonia: yes11:24
heogensomeone can help me, with the get out pc to tv11:24
ikoniazetheroo1: what makes you think it's your wirless card?11:24
heogenmy video card is S3 savage11:24
xmehrba1u got it Zoli2k?11:24
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present (alternate driver r8187). The r8187 which was manually installed a day ago is blacklisted though. HELP me please I don't know what to do :((11:24
zoli2kxmehrba1: thanks :)11:25
zetheroo1ikonia: someone was saying in a forum that they found out that it was their card ...11:25
rc55Does anyone know how to add extra mime types to lighttpd under ubuntu server?11:25
zoli2kxmehrba1:  well, you installed ndisgtk, but you don't have ndisgtk command. right?11:25
zetheroo1ikonia: but they had an intel card. ... its all very strange11:25
ikoniazetheroo1: so your considering blindly upgrading drivers to fix a problem you have zero fact on11:25
ikoniazetheroo1: you need to sit down and think about what your doing and why before jumping in like that11:25
ikoniait's jumping in like that, that can make your system hang11:26
xmehrba1i have it now11:26
xmehrba1but Driver is not working11:26
zetheroo1ikonia: I am doing that because I have been struggling for weeks with this issue and no one seems to have any sound reasoning about how to locate the cause11:26
ikoniazetheroo1: thats crazy11:26
xmehrba1I have downloaded the required .inf files, but it says it is not valid driver11:27
zetheroo1ikonia: tell me about it11:27
huwenfenghi, i got a question ,   i kill -15 my gnome-screen-saver,  and now , when i press ctrl+alt+L, i can not lock the screen! but i do not want to restart my computer,  how can i figure that?11:27
HetaUmaHi I have upgraded yesterday 8.10 to the new kernel -10 and after last reboot my screen resolution fell back to 640*480. using nvidia driver(also uninstalled it and reinstalled it with no difference) is there any known bug?11:27
heogenHi I have a problem with the video S3 ProsavageDDR I want to watch movie in my tv from my laptop11:28
heogenHi I have a problem with the video S3 ProsavageDDR I want to watch movie in my tv from my laptop11:28
heogenHi I have a problem with the video S3 ProsavageDDR I want to watch movie in my tv from my laptop11:28
ikoniazetheroo1: 1.) run memtest on your laptop for say a day - 24 hours, check for any erors 2.) clear down the lgos before every shutdown so you get a clean set of logs to maybe caputre anything to do with the hang 3.) when your machien hangs, check your caps lock key for the light going on and off 4.) start running the machine with bits of hardware disabled to find out if it makes a difference11:28
FloodBot2heogen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:28
ikoniaheogen: stop flooding the channel please11:28
ikoniaheogen: ask one and wait for a response11:28
heogenok. thank you and im sorry11:28
xmehrba1Mr. zoli2k11:28
zetheroo1ikonia: it happens about 5 times a week ... so not heaps ... but too much ... and the caps lock LED light is blinking every time it happens11:29
ikoniazetheroo1: follow the steps I've suggested11:29
zetheroo1ikonia: can I skip the memtest? ... Windows works fine... I have it dual booting with XP Pro11:29
ikonia zetheroo1 no11:29
ikoniazetheroo1: memtest is the most critical11:30
ikoniazetheroo1: windows working fine does not mean it's fine11:30
huwenfengi want to lock my screen , how can i do that? after i kill -15 gnome screen saver!11:30
zetheroo1ikonia: as far as logs are concerned ... I have no idea what to look for11:30
ikoniazetheroo1: clear them down before each shutdown, then when you have the problem, post them for analysis11:31
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heogenAny one know how can I configure my Video card S3 Prosavage for watch video in my tv?11:31
zetheroo1ikonia: the freeze happened just earlier today ... so there should be something in there already11:31
ikoniazetheroo1: you'll have a lot of info in the logs that is pointles, hence why I said keep clearing them down until you get the problem so you only have good stuff11:31
slayerUbuntu is for redards, only.11:34
erUSULslayer: yes, like good spelling11:34
zetheroo1ikonia: I don't mean to complain ... but isn't this kinda a step backwards? ... I mean things are worse than in Hardy ... and Hardy had issues Gutsy did not have ....11:34
ikoniazetheroo1 thats your perception11:35
ikoniazetheroo1: you chose to upgrade11:35
slayererUSUL, is something wrong with my spelling, sir?11:35
ikoniazetheroo1: 8.04 is an LTS release11:35
zetheroo1ikonia: yes .. and I work with many machines every day11:35
slayererUSUL, Ubuntu is assware11:36
VSpikeCan anyone with 8.10 just do a "aptitude show unison" and tell me the version?  Want the check my repos aren't messed up11:36
ikoniaslayer: thats not called for11:36
C0p3rn1cpff I just did an update and now my nvidia drivers dont work anymore11:36
zetheroo1ikonia: 8.04 had issues that Gutsy did not have ... but i suppose that is now normal in Linux ...11:36
ikoniazetheroo1: not really now11:36
zetheroo1ikonia: maybe Linux cannot keep up with the flow of new hardware!?11:37
zetheroo1ikonia: like my laptop cannot even use a mic... not the internal nor external ...11:37
heogenPlease any one know how can I get my movies in my laptop to get out to my tv?11:38
zetheroo1ikonia: how ridiculous is that?11:38
ikoniazetheroo1: maybe its you11:38
le1How to fix Firefox Flash Video Sound ?11:38
zetheroo1ikonia: that is not what the forums and bug reports say11:38
ikoniazetheroo1 don't use it then11:39
le1How to fix Firefox Flash Video Sound11:39
edi_99Hi guys, how can I completely remove LAMP?11:39
zetheroo1ikonia: I guess that is what it may come down to ... a lot of people (like myself) having really gotten gung ho about Linux ... and then we just get tired of issues and decide that Windows is a necessary evil ... :(11:40
ikoniazetheroo1: ok11:40
edi_99is there any way to do it through aptitude..?11:40
heogenHI how to switch in my laptop the put the image in the tv?11:41
zetheroo1ikonia: well thanks anyhow for giving me an idea what I am up against ... and a place to start ... if I ever find the time to debug the issue ...11:41
heogenmy video is S3 ProsavageDDR11:42
ikoniazetheroo1: no problem11:42
VSpikeedi_99: you probably just want to remove AMP otherwise the relevant way is to format the disk ;)11:42
diffredanyone with knowledge on how to access a postgreSQL database from a java JDBC code?11:43
VSpikeedi_99: I'm no expert but I'd use "aptitude search apache | grep ^i", "aptitude search mysql | grep ^i" and "aptitude search php | grep ^i"11:43
VSpikeedi_99: I'd then pick from that the bits I wanted to remove and do an "sudo aptitude remove ....... " on the whole lot11:43
edi_99VSpike: that sounds like a lot of work.. :)11:44
edi_99VSpike: is there any way to use live cd and reinstall the os without erasing the data on the disk?11:44
j800rhey, i installed a digital tv software for gnome from the repos, it works ok except i don't get sound on it. can anyone help? :\11:44
VSpikeedi_99: *that* sounds like a lot of work!11:45
_pirinto_Is it posible to use a scanner with sane from the terminal with no X environment at all? Which packages are needed except for libsane11:45
zetheroo1what is the package that needs to be installed for ATI drivers?11:46
VSpikeedi_99: try this. "sudo aptitude install pastebinit && aptitude search php mysql apache | grep ^i | pastebinit"11:46
edi_99VSpike: argh.... All I wanted to do is use php, then one told me to install LAMP and now I'm without my os and I guess I would have to format my comp... dang...11:46
VSpikeedi_99: you're without your OS? why?11:46
piquadratI'm wondering if there's a PPA or something like that with the 2.6.28 kernel. I tried Fedora10 yesterday, and boy does than intel chip fly with GEM enabled!11:47
edi_99VSpike: I'm using my other comp right now... Well the only thing I get is the terminal line, where startx does not work11:47
VSpikeedi_99: you didn't mention this part :) But that has nothing to do with lamp stack11:48
VSpikeedi_99: did you install ubuntu server?11:48
mib_blahhello all, i'm a new convert... i just installed intrepid and found that my IDE (ATA harddrive detected as SCSI drive... it runs veery slow as dma is not available in this emulaed mode... any workaround?11:49
lucaxhey guys, i was having some crashes with hardy... i left my computer on, screensaver was running and compiz as well... just dont know what happened, any ideas? should i disable compiz?11:49
Shubbari have nvidia drivers 177 working, but now i cannot; there must be missing something or there is a conflict with another package?11:50
edi_99VSpike: I really don't know since it was my first time using tasksel.. I highlited  [*] LAMP Server and since then I only got terminal line11:50
edi_99VSpike: very very frustrating...11:51
VSpikeedi_99: try running tasksel again and selecting ubuntu desktop (or kubuntu or xubuntu or whatever you had)11:51
mib_blahhmm... nobody seems to know ... time to switch back to debian..11:51
Hiker1352How can I run a Socks proxy server on my desktop, for others to connect?11:52
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present (alternate driver r8187). The r8187 which was manually installed a day ago is blacklisted though. HELP me please I don't know what to do11:52
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b11:52
edi_99VSpike: I did that, it was not working, then I used apt and istalled kubuntu desktop, but it's still just a terminal line when I boot it11:53
VSpikeedi_99: try "sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start"11:54
Guest34521erUSUL: was that for me because it's 8187b and I don't want "b" :(, I want to make ndiswrapper work11:55
heogenpc to tv out how can i do it my video card is S3 prosavage DDR11:56
mgolischheogen: does it have a svideo or composite outlet?11:57
edi_99VSpike: it says that kdm is already running11:57
VSpikeedi_99: really? tried ctrl-alt-F711:57
gaelfxhas anyone done the most recent kernel update? is it safe?11:58
heogenagolishch yeah this video have svideo11:58
heogenagolishch and it is connect to the tv with the wire11:58
snuitjegeelfx: wfm11:58
edi_99VSpike: yeah..nothing... when I try startx, the errors I get are - failed to load module "fglrx" (module does not exist) and -no drivers available  -- fatal server error: no screens found11:59
heogen<mgolisch> yeah11:59
gaelfxsnuitje: what does that mean?11:59
ne2k__I'm having a problem upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04. it takes a long time trying to calculate the upgrade, gives an error ("an unresolvable problem occured while calculating the upgrade") and aborts. It says that three problems could be causing it: 1. Upgrading to a pre-release 2. Running the current pre-release 3. Unofficial software packages. I suspect it's the third, as I have installed a...11:59
ne2k__...few things like Google Desktop Search. I don't mind removing that sort of thing if it enables me to upgrade, but how do I work out which packages I need to remove?11:59
snuitjegeelfx: works for me11:59
gaelfxah, haha, thanks! I'm a little slow tonight11:59
matteo_When i try to start firefox i got this error in terminal:"Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*.12:00
matteo_" any tips? I have ubuntu 8.0412:00
heogen<mgolisch> my video have svideo and now is connect to a wire to my tv12:00
snuitjegeelfx: just woke up, 1pm here ^^12:00
VSpikeedi_99: try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:00
heogen<mgolisch> do you know how can i resolve this problem pc to tv out?12:01
zirodaymatteo_: do you have an unfinished upgrade?12:01
ziroday!cn | bofer12:02
ubottubofer: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:02
edi_99VSpike: Use kernel frame buffer device interface: yes / no ?12:02
heogenpc to tv out how can i do it my video card is S3 prosavage DDR12:02
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:02
zirodaymatteo_: and that error is?12:02
matteo_dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:03
matteo_i did as it said12:03
matteo_now is running12:03
VSpikeedi_99: Not 100% sure but I think not12:03
zirodaymatteo_: great12:03
matteo_running a kind of upgrade i think12:04
bullgard4Can you confirm that nslookup is deprecated in favor of dig?12:04
edi_99VSpike: ok, I've reconfigured it. What should I do now?12:05
VSpikeedi_99: try startx again12:05
snuitjebullgard4: they're both in dnsutils12:06
bullgard4snuitje: hm12:06
le1how to make firefox video sound work ?12:06
snuitje!codecs | le112:06
ubottule1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:06
zirodayle1: does it happen with flash only?12:06
heogenhelp me please if anyone know12:07
heogenpc to tv out how can i do it my video card is S3 prosavage DDR12:07
snuitjeheogen: what are you trying to connect to your pc?12:07
heogenmy tv12:07
heogen<snuitje> my tv12:08
JuanoloHola a todods12:08
edi_99VSpike: I can't believe...it's working12:08
mgolischheogen: iam not sure the driver for that card support svideo or composite tv out at all12:08
snuitjeheogen: connect to video in on your tv12:08
VSpikeedi_99: yay!12:08
ne2k__is there a way to get a list of packages installed that have or have not come from a certain repository?12:08
edi_99VSpike: thank you sooooooooooo much12:08
heogen<snuitje> i do it12:08
le1its with flash videos12:08
heogen<snuitje> and not working12:08
Juanolotengo un problema con el servidor mysql en ubuntu server, por mas que configuro los privilegios a un usuario para que solo tenga acceso a un par de bases de datos, el sigue conectandose como pedro por su casa con todos los privilegios, alguien puede ayudarme por favor?12:08
ziroday!es | Juanolo12:08
ubottuJuanolo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:08
le1its not work on flash videos12:08
VSpikeedi_99: you may want to use the restricted driver manager to install the fglrx driver, assuming that you actually do have an ATI card12:08
heogenand i look the driver in the http://www.s3graphics.com/en/resources/drivers/legacy/software_archive.jsp#id_395drv12:09
snuitjeheogen: system > preferences > screen resolution, you should see the tv there12:09
le1the sound not work in flash videos12:09
heogensnuitje> hold on leet me see12:09
zirodayle1: are you using 8.04 or 8.10?12:09
edi_99VSpike: did LAMP in any way affected anything on my comp...I mean.. is anything different or is it just as it was before..?12:09
heogensnuitje> no12:10
le1u mean the ubuntu right ?12:10
heogensnuitje> i can't see the tv there12:10
zirodayle1: yes, install the libflashsupport package12:10
snuitjeheogen: press detect displays12:11
heogen<snuitje>  system > preferences > screen resolution, you should see the tv12:11
sorosis there anything else that can be animated within the desktop cube besides glgears ?  Fish or something ?12:11
snuitjesoros: oh i'd love that! =)12:12
zirodaysoros: you can have fish, correct12:12
heogen<snuitje> yeah i did12:12
heogen<snuitje> and nothing12:12
mgolischthe driver might not support the tvout12:12
mgolischif you want tvout get a intel gma or nvidia or ati absed card, those work for sure12:12
snuitjeshould work with s3 as well, but maybe the guys at #xorg know how to do it12:13
heogen<snuitje> any idea how can I resolve this problem?12:14
C0p3rn1cI accedently added another X server to my system while running the nvidia driver installation, how do I remove it ?12:14
mgolischlook into the manual of the driver12:14
mgolischdoes it support the tv encoder chip at all?12:14
k1kohi all :)12:15
C0p3rn1cpfff also an upgrade to the new kernell messed up my system :(12:16
lylessee the  picture    http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/i1094612:17
zirodaylyles: and what is your exact problem?12:17
ne2k__why can't do-release-upgrade tell me which "unsupported software" is stopping me doing a release upgrade from 6.06 to 8.04? I am happy to remove 3rd party apps while I upgrade but I don't know how to find out which packages are causing the problem, and I don't want to just go deleting stuff willy-nilly, as they say12:17
snuitjeheogen: unfortunately no, i dont even have tv-out myself12:18
zirodayne2k__: if you open synaptic and click the Origin button you can see everything that did not come from an ubuntu repo12:18
C0p3rn1cand I thought I was gonna get some work done today :(12:18
ne2k__ziroday: thanks. I am not using X, though -- is there a text-mode version?12:19
temporarytaone2k__, i think you have to do incremental updates12:19
ne2k__temporarytao: which is done how?12:19
zirodayne2k__: ah. Give me a sec12:19
zirodaytemporarytao: no he does not. LTS to LTS is supported12:19
heogensnuitje thank you12:19
temporarytaoah, ok12:19
heogenfor all12:19
lylesziroday: there are problems in chinese show12:19
ne2k__temporarytao: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading-8.04 this page says I can go directly from 6.06 to 8.0412:19
heogenplease anyone know12:19
heogenpc to tv out how can i do it my video card is S3 prosavage DDR12:19
ne2k__ziroday: I have remove google-desktop-linux and am trying again12:20
temporarytaone2k__, what ziroday said12:20
zirodaylyles: and those issues are?12:20
ne2k__ziroday: same problem12:20
snuitjene2k: aptitude12:21
snuitjene2k: look for local or obsolete packages12:21
zirodayne2k__: yes you have packages from externel sources, manual installs etc. I am just trying to find a way to list them all12:21
zirodaysnuitje: does not include packages from externel repos12:21
ohletmeinnowgoddhi guys12:21
snuitjeziroday: no, you can disable those repos in sources.list though12:22
C0p3rn1cI accedently added another X server to my system while running the nvidia driver installation, how do I remove it ?12:22
zirodaysnuitje: right, but it does not get rid of those packages12:22
C0p3rn1cor at least how do I stop ALL x servers ?12:22
temporarytaone2k__, doesn't synaptic package manager (the gui) automatically detect those packages?12:22
zirodayne2k__: no xserver :)12:23
ne2k__ziroday: I do have X installed so I can spin it up if it will help12:23
snuitjeps ax|grep X|awk '{ print $1;}'|xargs kill12:23
zirodayne2k__: that would be most helpful12:23
ne2k__ziroday: I just don't normally run it as this is a server and it just uses up RAM12:24
zirodayne2k__: you can always close it after12:24
ohletmeinnowgoddjust reinstalled ubuntu, had /home on a different folder and now have ubuntu redirect the system /home to my "other" home(via system>admikn>users and groups) and now when i launch ff, the foxy proxy  plugin says this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/77703/ What should i do?12:24
Shubbarin Hardware Drivers, none are listed. what am i missing?12:25
ikoniaShubbar: are you using vmware ?12:25
snuitjene2k__: i just tried removing a rep in sources.list and the packages from that rep show up as local in aptitude12:25
Shubbarikonia, no12:26
lylesziroday: yes, Concert in chinese  should be http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/i10947  but  now  show as   http://paste.ubuntu.org.cn/i1094812:26
snuitjene2k__: so yes, filtering out those unofficial packages isn't that hard -_-12:26
ohletmeinnowgodd just reinstalled ubuntu, had /home on a different folder and now have ubuntu redirect the system /home to my "other" home(via system>admikn>users and groups) and now when i launch ff, the foxy proxy  plugin says this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/77703/ What should i do?12:26
alnayyircan anyone help me get a framebuffer terminal working?12:26
ikoniaShubbar what drives can't you see ?12:26
alnayyirI don't like the terminals in gnome, and I want my 1280x800 back.12:26
ne2k__ziroday: synaptic 0.57.8 doesn't have an "origin" button12:26
cordenhello guys12:26
ohletmeinnowgoddanyone care to help me with my ff issue?12:27
zirodaylyles: sorry I can't see the difference. The folks in #ubuntu-cn will be able to help you though.12:27
cordenjust got problem with my sound after updating my Hardy12:27
cordenthe update popup and i updated my system12:27
ne2k__snuitje: the packages probably weren't installed from a repository at all -- probably just dpkg --install after downloading12:27
zirodayne2k__: okay, remove the custom repos and see if they appear in synaptic as local files like snuitje said12:27
Shubbarikonia, i have nvidia geforece 6200 , and just installed nvidia-glx-177 and still cannot see any drivers listed12:27
cordenafter restarting my sound won't work anymore12:28
snuitjene2k__: then they definately should be listed under local packages12:28
ikoniayour opening system -> administration hardware drivers ?12:28
cordenwhat's seems to be the problem with the update?12:28
ne2k__snuitje: where is this "local" thing you speak of?12:28
ne2k__snuitje: I am running synaptic 0.57.812:28
snuitjene2k__: sudo aptitude12:28
Shubbarikonia, yes12:28
cordenmy sound card is detected but the no sound12:28
ikoniaShubbar: and the box is emtpy ?12:28
=== vds1 is now known as vds
Shubbarikonia, yes, empty12:29
snuitjene2k__: in synaptic, origin is the 3rd button12:29
ohletmeinnowgoddhi guys,  I just reinstalled ubuntu, had "/home" on a different partition and now have ubuntu redirect the newly installed OS to look for "/home" at that partition(via system>admikn>users and groups) and now when i launch ff, the foxy proxy  plugin says this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/77703/ What should i do?12:29
ikoniaShubbar: most odd12:29
cordenhow to fix this?12:29
cordenhope to hear from you guys12:29
=== adit_1 is now known as ce^jutek_kieky
ohletmeinnowgoddI use foxyproxy quite abit since my schools internet connection requires all traffic to be routed through their proxy, and i take my laptop everywhere i go12:30
Shubbarikonia, could vmware cause that?12:30
ne2k__snuitje: there is no such thing in this version, which comes with 6.0612:30
Splitohletmeinnowgodd: read the error.. "Ensure the path exists and that Firefox has write access, then restart Firefox."12:30
ohletmeinnowgoddyes i did12:30
ikoniaShubbar: but your not running vmware are you ?12:30
snuitjene2k__: allright, but aptitude has had a local and obsolete packages list for as long as i can remember12:31
SOURdieselhow can i find out what is using my swap file for memory?12:31
ohletmeinnowgoddhow doi "ensure the path exists"12:31
Shubbarikonia, no12:31
ne2k__snuitje: in aptitude there are three options, "Not Installed" packages, "Obsolete and locally created packages" and "Virtual Packages"12:31
ohletmeinnowgoddi see the dir/partition mounted and accessible from the decktop12:31
snuitjene2k: see? :)12:31
ikoniaShubbar: very odd12:31
ne2k__snuitje: yes, but that second option has EVERYTHING in it12:31
Shubbarikonia, only thing with vmware is xserver-xorg-video-vmware12:31
ohletmeinnowgoddsplit: what else am i supposed to do to "ensure the path exists"?12:31
snuitjene2k: then your sources.list isn't right12:32
ikoniaShubbar: can you stick the output of "lspci" into a pastein please12:32
snuitjene2k: make sure your sources.list has dapper main restricted universe12:32
snuitjene2k: and dapper-updates dapper-security12:32
ne2k__snuitje: I've just had an other idea. I was told to do an apt-get dist-upgrade before attempting a do-release-upgrade, which I did, but apt-get dist-upgrade didn't tell me to reboot, which, now that I'm in X, I'm being told is unnecessary12:32
ne2k__snuitje: sorry, necessary. so I'm just rebooting and seeing if that fixes it12:33
snuitjene2k: so you're already halfway through???12:33
ne2k__snuitje: no. I just did the "getting 6.06 up to date" before I attempted the "upgrading from 6.06 to 8.04"12:34
kibibyte<kibibyte> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'gwt'.12:34
kibibyte<kibibyte> [INFO] Ignoring available plugin update: 1.0 as it requires Maven version 2.0.912:34
kibibyte<kibibyte> ho to udpat maven to 2.0.912:34
snuitjene2k__: allright, but you kept dapper in sources.list right?12:34
ne2k__snuitje: but the "getting 6.06 up to date" apparently required a reboot to complete, which I hadn't done12:34
Shubbarikonia, http://dpaste.com/94331/12:34
ne2k__snuitje: I haven't manually edited sources.list ever12:34
rwwWoohoo, I managed to install Ubuntu on a user's computer using only a Fedora live CD, their messed up hard drive, a USB flash drive, an ubuntu iso, duct tape, and a pair of tin cans!12:34
AdvoWorkhi there, ive got a folder Backups thats setup in /etc/fstab to link to //ip/folder$ of another server. running sudo mount -a works, but the Backups folder is red and inaccessible: ?---------  ? ?        ?             ?                ?  backups (thats from a ls -all)  ive tried restarting samba.. no difference, any ideas please12:34
rwwUSB installs ftw :)12:34
snuitjene2k__: hmm no indeed that shouldn't be neccesary, it'll just get you the latest kernel12:34
BlueEagleWhy am I getting no output when attempting to cat /dev/input/event2 and pressing keys on the keyboard?12:35
ne2k__snuitje: I did this: apt-get dist-upgrade; apt-get install update-manager-core; do-release-upgrade;12:35
Agiondoes anyone know a good python guide (graphic examples)12:35
BlueEagleWell, I do ofcourse get the keyboard output, but not the codes that I would expect.12:35
ikoniaShubbar: Hmmmm how new is the 6200 chip ?12:35
snuitjene2k__: thats allright12:35
ne2k__snuitje: so if do-release-upgrade borked my sources.list, then...12:35
snuitjene2k__: do-release-upgrade should restore it afterwards12:36
rwwAgion: You might find #python useful. Personally, I've heard good things about http://www.diveintopython.org/ (and plan on reading it someday...)12:36
Shubbarikonia, about less than a year old12:36
ikoniaShubbar: let me see if I can find some support info on it12:36
ikoniaShubbar: I'm wondering if it can't detect it because it doens't know about it in the driver12:37
Shubbarikonia, they were showing previously12:37
Agionrww, I couldn't join to #python, it needs some registrations and stuff12:37
ikoniaShubbar: ahh thats good to know12:37
ikoniaShubbar: what changed when they stopp ?12:37
sabsamhallo leute12:38
sabsamalles klar bei euch12:38
snuitje!de | sabsam12:38
rww!register | Agion: that's be because they want you to do this (which is generally a good idea anyway)12:38
ubottusabsam: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:38
ubottuAgion: that's be because they want you to do this (which is generally a good idea anyway): Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:38
sabsamhabe eine frage12:38
sabsamkann mir jemand helfen12:38
sabsamin sache ubuntu12:38
snuitje!english | sabsam12:38
ubottusabsam: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:38
PriceChild!ch | sabsam12:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch12:38
rww!ch | sabsam12:38
Agionokay, thanks very much, I gott a go to library some day12:38
sabsamich habe ein prob12:39
ne2k__snuitje: aptitude is still showing everything as being obsolete or local12:39
sabsamich will einen ubuntu server machen12:39
PriceChild!de | sabsam12:39
ubottusabsam: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:39
sabsamaber ich finde keien gute anleitung12:39
ne2k__sabsam: SHUT UP!12:39
PriceChildne2k__: excuse me?12:39
snuitjene2k__: does it include base packages?12:39
ne2k__sabsam: HÖR ENDLICH AUF!12:39
FloodBot2sabsam: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:39
sabsamist doch ein ubutnu room12:39
Shubbarikonia, was suing 177.80 bin file then updated to 177.82 and it didnt work so i revmoed it, struggled with a command line only for a few days12:39
BlueEagle!de | sabsam12:39
ubottusabsam: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:39
sabsamwas ist den los12:40
sabsamwas mache ich den falsch12:40
ohletmeinnowgoddhi guys,  I just reinstalled ubuntu, had "/home" on a different partition and now have ubuntu redirect the newly installed OS to look for "/home" at that partition(via system>admikn>users and groups) and now when i launch ff, the foxy proxy  plugin says this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/77703/ What should i do?12:40
ikoniaShubbar: I can see how that may cause a problem, but not why it would make them dissapear in the drivers windows12:40
ne2k__snuitje: need to disapper for half an hour or an hour. will you still be around then?12:40
ganeshhow to create a database .. i got following error mysql> create database taba;12:41
ganeshERROR 1044 (42000): Access denied for user 'ganesh'@'localhost' to database 'taba'12:41
snuitjene2k__: hmm cant guarantee but if not, there are others who may be able to help =)12:41
ne2k__snuitje: I'm here after all12:41
ed__Hello, where can I find "x-window-system-dev" it's not in apt-get?12:41
Shubbarikonia, i also removed xserver-xorg and reinstalled it12:41
ikoniaShubbar whowwaaa thats  big step12:41
rwwganesh: you probably need to be the mysql root user. When installing mysql, you should have been prompted for a password for that account (if my memory is correct). Note that mysql (unless you've done something non-standard) maintains its own account system, which is separate from Linux's.12:42
ne2k__snuitje: what base packages shoudl I look for in there? and what to do if they are?12:42
snuitjene2k__: like linux-util12:42
snuitjene2k__: base-passwd12:43
snuitjene2k__: never remove those =)12:43
rwwed__: try xserver-xorg-dev12:43
ganesh rww: i gave the same password which i used during installation. still not working.. wat do u suggest?12:43
snuitjerww: dont you mean xlibs-dev?12:44
BlueEagleWhy am I getting no output when attempting to cat /dev/input/event2 and pressing keys on the keyboard? The expected output is binary output (should be garbled). I am attempting to get ventriloctrl working.12:44
chazcoHi... i've heard wifi has been fixed in 2.6.27-10. Does anyone know when this will hit the repos?12:44
ne2k__snuitje: everything, including, base, is showing up as being "Obsolete or locally created"12:44
ed__rww, thanks I'll try that now12:44
ne2k__snuitje: let me just paste my source.list for you12:44
snuitjerww: maybe its libx11-dev12:44
ed__thats the one thanks12:45
rwwsnuitje: ah, okay. thanks for the correction :)12:45
BlueEaglechazco: It's my experience that Canonical prefers to maintain as few kernel patches as possible. So you will most likely have to roll your own until it goes from patch to vanilla to packaged. It usually takes a while. Sorry.12:45
rwwganesh: from the look of things, you're trying to log into mysql as user ganesh, not user root.12:45
chazcoBlueEagle - Hmm... i read on a launchpad bug report that someone had it, so was hoping it was a proposed update. Dont fancy compiling my own kernel, heard it can cause more problems than it will solve.12:46
rwwganesh: I assume you're running mysqladmin when you're getting that error. Try mysqladmin -u root instead.12:46
ne2k__snuitje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77707/12:46
ganeshrww ya i ll try..12:47
snuitjene2k__: cleanest sources.list i've seen in ages12:47
snuitjene2k__: try apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade again12:47
ganeshrww: thanks man.. it worked :)12:47
rwwsnuitje: psh, mine is cleaner :P12:48
rwwganesh: Glad to hear it. You're welcome :)!12:48
snuitjerww: you dont use universe?12:48
rwwsnuitje: main and universe, not restricted, and i don't compile from source, so no deb-src lines12:48
snuitjerww: deb-src cant hurt12:49
snuitjerww: but no restricted debs yep thats almost gNewSense12:49
ne2k__snuitje: that seems to have fixed it. aptitude looks sensible now (no local packages) and I'm retrying the do-release-upgrade again12:49
ne2k__snuitje: weird, huh?12:50
rwwsnuitje: isn't it an extra thing to grab during apt-get update? And yeah, I considered gNewSense and gobuntu, but decided to go with stock Ubuntu instead :)12:50
snuitjene2k__: yeah but i guess apt-get update fixed it for you :)12:50
ne2k__snuitje: there was something from universe about bzip2 that it downloaded during that. everything else was already up to date12:50
snuitjerww: it's an extra thing it tries to load yes but it's only a problem on 28k8 i guess -_-"12:51
snuitjene2k__: allrighty then12:51
ne2k__snuitje: it's trying to calculate again. hopefully it will work this time!12:51
snuitjene2k__: *crosses fingers*12:51
ne2k__is there an "approved" (i.e. packaged, gui-front-end-able, rather than crontab) way to install important security updates and automatically reboot if necessary at, say, 3am?12:53
ne2k__just vital security fixes, not everyday updates12:53
ikoniane2k__: crontab is the way12:53
rwwne2k__: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/18422612:54
snuitjene2k__: automatic security updates can be done, it's in update-manager, there arent any automatic reboots unless you use cron12:54
dns53ne2k__ personally i would avoid automatic upgrades, it can break everythinf too easily12:54
snuitjedns53: i like automatic security updates, saves me a hassle12:54
serenahow do i get ath_pci to load with startup?12:55
cordenwhat the posible solution: after updating my hardy, I cannot hear the sound. My sound card is detected and my output device is one.12:55
ne2k__snuitje: dang, it failed again with the same error, and aptitude was showing the same "everything under obsolete/local" until I ran apt-get update again12:55
cordenon i mean not one :)12:56
snuitjene2k__: try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop12:56
=== Abracadabra is now known as Abracad4br4
ne2k__snuitje: already the latest version12:56
=== Abracad4br4 is now known as Abrac4d4br4
=== Abrac4d4br4 is now known as Abr4c4d4br4
rwwne2k__: sudo aptitude unmarkauto ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard12:57
=== Abr4c4d4br4 is now known as Abracadabra
ne2k__rww: what does that do?12:57
rwwne2k__: marks those three packages as manually installed, so aptitude won't prompt to remove them or any of their dependencies12:58
ne2k__rww: why would I want to do this?12:58
turicumspricht jemand deutsch? oder noch besser schweizerdeutsch?12:58
HeadbangerI discovered by chance by installing XChat-Gnome with icon on desktop I get here with click and for my KDE interests I simply type/join #KDE12:59
rwwne2k__: ... *rereads*, oh, wait, i misread "obsolete/local" as "autoremovable" -_-12:59
snuitjene2k__: do-release-upgrade | tee upgrade.log12:59
snuitjene2k__: then pastebin the log pls12:59
ne2k__turicum: probieren Sie mal #ubuntu-de12:59
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de12:59
elijahGood day  ladies and gentlemen. How do I install drivers for my RADEON 9600? It would be fun to play WOW from Ubuntu. However, 3d accelration required in order for game to run.12:59
=== adminsagf is now known as Winol
* rww needs to meditate on "It's better to stay quiet and be thought an idiot..."12:59
ne2k__rww: should I put those back to markauto, then?! ;-)13:00
rwwne2k__: nah, they /should/ be set as manually installed13:00
nbeeboanyone know about the add-on to firefox that kills and removes html "windows" and keeps it that way?13:00
ne2k__rww: on a server?13:00
rwwne2k__: if you have ubuntu-desktop installed already? yeah13:00
snuitjene2k__: btw removing auto removeable packages wont hurt, sudo apt-get autoremove13:01
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd13:01
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:01
ziroday!msgthebot > jim_p13:01
ubottujim_p, please see my private message13:01
BlueEagleOk, a little more research shows that /dev/input/event2 produces the expected output in a pure text terminal, but in X it does not. Where along the way is that output filtered?13:01
januaryHi everyone.13:01
ne2k__snuitje: can we just confirm that having set those packages to unmarkauto isn't going to kill anything when I go and do a dist-upgrade or a release-upgrade?13:01
cordenelijah, try envy13:01
jim_pany tutorial on how to set up an ftp server? bot isnt really helpful13:01
nbeeboanyone know about the add-on to firefox that kills and removes html "windows" and keeps it that way?13:02
snuitjene2k__: probably not, no13:02
neoDitehello all. is there a command for the terminal to disable compiz (or restore defualts) because when ever i hover over anything on the desktop it goes black and unable to get rid of it or get to the settings to change it.... cheers13:02
januarynbeebo: you mean javascript pop-ups?13:02
zirodaynbeebo: you mean popups?13:02
elijahcorden: Is not envy about sound stuf?13:02
ne2k__snuitje: there is no autoremove in this version of apt13:02
zirodayneoDite: you can change to default settings in System > Preferences > Appearance > Visual Effects13:02
alecshow could i downgrade my ubuntu from 8.10 to 8.04 ?13:03
ne2k__snuitje: apt for linux i386 compiled on Jan 30 2007 10:50:1413:03
zirodayalecs: you cant.13:03
cordennop elijah, i used it to install my onboard nvidia video13:03
neoDiteunable to go to the menu as it goes black13:03
nbeebojanuary, ziroday, no kill html elements, like the banner in ubuntuforums.com, i think i found it myself tho13:03
cordennow i'm happy with my burning windows13:03
ne2k__snuitje: should I try the do-release-upgrade again to the log file?13:03
snuitjene2k__: you could try deborphan but deborphan is somewhat more rigorous, especially --all13:03
ChrisDavazIs there a way to upgrade to a 64-bit version of 8.10 if I'm running the 32-bit?13:03
zirodayneoDite: open a terminal and type in gnome-appearance-properties13:03
nbeebojanuary, ziroday, with point and click13:03
ne2k__snuitje: what does that do?13:03
zirodaynbeebo: adblock?13:03
rwwnbeebo: adblock plus, maybe?13:04
Dr_Willis64ChrisDavaz,  Only way is to reformat.reinstall13:04
cordenelijah, try it and you know what i mean13:04
neoDiteif that opens a dialog i wont beable to do that either13:04
zirodayrww: jinx13:04
snuitjene2k__: deborphan tries to find "orphaned" packages, packages that aren't satisfying any dependencies13:04
jim_pChrisDavaz, yes. change the repos AND install a 64 bit capable kernel and dist-upgrade for the rest13:04
Shubbaralecs, what did you lose with 8.10?13:04
rwwziroday: adblock is a different addon from adblock plus :P13:04
ne2k__snuitje: I'm installing deborphan13:04
elijahGentlemen, please let me know what of software you have installed in order for WOW to run under, if any. I would not like to buy Cedega13:04
cordenwhat's in 8.10 that 8.04 don't have?13:04
rww!wow | elijah13:04
ubottuelijah: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php13:04
nbeeboziroday, rww, nahh way more underground... lol13:04
elijahwhat of software = what kind of soft...13:05
Dr_Willis64elijah,  from what i hear on the wine forums.. normal wine can do it.13:05
snuitjene2k__: if you remove packages with apt-get and notice it tries to remove ubuntu-minimal ubuntu-standard or ubuntu-desktop along with it, say no13:05
majnoon<<lost kde 3 :(13:05
ziroday!notes | corden13:05
ubottucorden: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81013:05
rww!wine | elijah: wait, wrong factoid. try this one instead13:05
ubottuelijah: wait, wrong factoid. try this one instead: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help13:05
sabsamhat jemand einen ubuntu-server13:06
PriceChild!de | sabsam13:06
ubottusabsam: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:06
cordenis the feature found in 8.10 can be available in 8.04 update?13:07
zirodaycorden: what feature is that?13:07
snuitjecorden: there's a backports repo but it's not supported13:08
cordenanything that's in 8.1013:08
elijahI have been used wine. The point I can launch WOW under wine, but, however I get black screen because I Do not have Radeon 9600 video drivers installed. So I wonder if there is shell command wich will install it.13:08
jim_pcorden, what is than specific feature?13:08
elijahpoint I can = point is ...13:08
SOURdieselhow can i find out what is using my swap partition for memory?13:08
jim_pcorden, name one of the ones you want13:08
snuitjeelijah: check system > administration > restricted drivers13:08
zirodaycorden: highly unlikely that any features in 8.10 will end up in 8.0413:08
rwwelijah: Ah. Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI13:09
snuitjeSOURdiesel: cat /proc/swaps13:09
jim_pany tutorial on how to set up an ftp server? bot isnt really helpful13:09
cordeni'm not familiar with the 8.10. the reason why asked it, because i preferred the LTS version13:10
PriceChildjim_p: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ProFTPD?action=show&redirect=ProFTP13:10
zirodaySOURdiesel: you may be able to do it with (h)top13:10
jim_pcorden, are you on ati by any chance??13:10
SOURdieselsnuitje: that doesn't tell me what process is using the partition13:10
jim_pthanks PriceChild13:10
snuitjejim_p: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html13:10
cordenif it will be available in 8.04, then no reason i will upgrade to 8.1013:10
jim_pthanks snuitje13:10
snuitjeSOURdiesel: the kernel is13:10
cordennop jim_p, i', nvidia13:10
jim_pcorden, ok13:11
snuitjeSOURdiesel: if you want to know what processes are being paged to disk, run top13:11
elijahHow do I enable accelerated  ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager? I don't have that menu in System -> Administration13:11
SOURdieselziroday:  i tried 'top' it doesn't specify what memory the processes are using13:11
ne2k__snuitje: how should I use deborphan then? what am I looking fro?13:11
rwwelijah: Do you have System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers?13:12
calwighi which program do i have to use to 'make' or compile13:12
calwigis it gcc?13:12
ziroday!compile | calwig13:12
ubottucalwig: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:12
rwwcalwig: Usually, yeah. You probably want to install build-essential first.13:12
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", the "apt:/" URL in KDE, or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!13:12
calwigrww: ok thx13:12
elijahrww: I do, thanks. I found it few seconds after I've said I can't to13:13
snuitjeSOURdiesel: hit 'f' then 'p' then enter13:13
snuitjene2k__: run deborphan13:13
nbeeboomg please join one more for 133713:13
snuitjene2k__: everything it lists is theoretically removeable13:13
elijahIt seems like my problem is solved. Thank you very much gentlemen, good luck to you, and, overall, have fun with Ubuntu.13:13
FFighterwhat is a good size for a partition for /boot ?13:13
FFighter64MB ?13:13
snuitje256MB or more13:13
snuitjei wouldn't go below 100MB13:14
nbeeboi have like 10 mb13:14
januarycorden: mostly little things, I guess. I did not find yet any major difference, except that the power management started to give slight trouble. It dimmed the light upon activity, but when I start typing again, it took several minutes before the display was bright again. Had to switch it off. Actually, I do regret having upgraded to 8.10 for now.13:14
FFightersnuitje, for boot ?13:14
snuitjeyep, saves a headache when you try to upgrade and /boot becomes full13:14
jim_pFFighter, for how many kernels in that common boot?13:14
=== adit_1 is now known as co_cool
FFighterjim_p, one or two13:15
rwwIs /boot/ necessary for anything other than old BIOS problems these days? For a while, I've just been making / and swap partitions (no /boot/), and everything's been fine =/13:15
cordenas of now, so you preferred the hardy?13:15
ne2k__snuitje: it lists nothing13:15
ChrisDavazAnyone know how to get Lenovo SL500 volume controls working? Apparently the SL500 has Ideapad firmware which doesn't seem to be supported.13:15
snuitjerww: me too =) grub doesnt always work though, but i havent had any difficulties myself :p13:15
cordenas of now, so you preferred the hardy? january13:15
jim_pFFighter, i think even 50mb is enough for 213:15
snuitjene2k__: hmm try deborphan --all13:16
januaryI have a question about the GUI and GNOME. How can I convince the Terminal app to always launch maximised? I could use the "--geometry" option, but this gives a rigid dimension in pixels -- which changes depending on whether my panels are retracted or not. Maximising terminal, closing and re-opening doesn't work, it always opens in the regular size.13:16
rw3have anyone runned all of features on thinkpad R500...i mean scroll with trackpoint and else :-).13:16
=== elektrikz is now known as ElektrikzAWAi
januarycorden: I have upgraded to 8.10 yesterday, so maybe it is too early to say... but yes, I'd prefer Hardy13:17
tarzeauhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives is gone?13:17
jim_pjanuary, increase its lines and rows maybe?13:17
mod_curei installed xen(vm). how can i enable this ?  /boot/grub/somefie ?13:17
cordenok january tnx for the idea13:17
snuitjethe standard kernel already has xen13:17
ardchoilletarzeau: opens fine here13:17
ne2k__snuitje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77717/13:17
cordeni guess i'll stay to hardy for now13:18
Dr_Willis64january,  i belive the --geometry stuff can take a value of -1, to be  'as big as it can be'  at least some other aps work that way13:18
rwwtarzeau: try https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/NAMEOFLIST/ (replacing NAMEOFLIST with e.g. ubuntu-announce)13:18
tarzeauardchoille: no "no such list archives"?13:18
tarzeaurww: i'm looking for the intrepid and jaunty archives13:18
januarycorden: apart from the problem with power management, the upgrade also f+++ up the open office installation and brought it to such a state that I had to remove files manually in order to reinstall it correctly.13:18
tarzeaurww: but they are gone13:18
ardchoilletarzeau: I get "lists.ubuntu.com Mailing Lists", a long page of lists13:18
rw3tarzeau: thanks a lot :-).13:19
stoojDoes anyone have some kind of Radeon 4850 and are there any issues with it with 8.10 onwards?13:19
snuitjene2k__: are you running a domain on the box?13:19
tarzeaurw3: i used those data files for http://krum.ethz.ch/udc/13:19
tarzeaubut i can't get them anymore :(13:19
rwwtarzeau: intrepid and jaunty mailinglist archives? Do you mean https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Intrepid-changes and https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/jaunty-changes ?13:19
jim_pstooj, i have an 3850. my advice is "stick to 8.04 until ati fixes fglrx!"13:19
ne2k__snuitje: meaning? windows domain controller?13:19
januaryDr_Willis64: doesn't work for me :-(13:19
snuitjene2k__: as in directory services, email, file server13:20
rww'cause you could get to those with http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/intrepid-changes and http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes13:20
ne2k__snuitje: I'm running a fileserver with samba13:20
tarzeaurww: oh wait i didn't see that, yes13:20
ne2k__snuitje: contemplating putting dns on it, but haven't yet13:20
rw3tazeau ok i'll try it :-).13:20
tarzeaurww: yeah download full archive. thanks sorry13:20
_RadioHeadhi all13:20
mod_curesnuitje, how do i enable the xen kernel ?  u r saying the standard kernel has xen already active ?13:20
_RadioHeadam trying to install for 3rd time ubuntu 8.10 amd64 but installer exits13:21
rwwtarzeau: nope, we're different people13:21
snuitjene2k__: apt-get remove poster samba-doc tftpd-hpa hfsutils hfsplus vsftpd courier-imap slapd offlineimap phpmyadmin squid php5-ldap13:21
cordenis envy still usable in 8.10? just like in 8.0413:21
rw3rww sry :-D13:21
_RadioHeadany idea can i install it from ISO file?13:21
ne2k__snuitje: I want squid, I run a web proxy on there too13:21
snuitjene2k__: that should get rid of some cruft but that shouldn't be the problem... dd you pastebin do-release-upgrade?13:21
snuitjene2k__: allright leave that on too13:21
ne2k__snuitje: not yet. it takes a while to run. do you want me to do it first or should I try it after removing those packages?13:22
stoojjim_p, thanks. I'm speccing a new (budget) build so I'm checking out my hardware compatibility13:22
_RadioHead? and i know my  cd is ok i made checksum13:22
rw3tarzeau i thougt that you did a mistake :-)...13:22
snuitjene2k__: removing those will make do-release-upgrade just slightly faster =)13:22
jim_pstooj, may i ask what else is included?13:22
snuitjene2k__: you may as well pastebin that log first so i can have a look13:22
ne2k__snuitje: ok, will run it now13:23
ne2k__snuitje: I didn't log it yet13:23
Omar87Guys, I have a Speedtouch Thomson Gateway modem, how can I configure my wireless connection on it?13:23
mod_curesnuitje, in RHEL. i had to change the grub conf to enable xen kernel but u r saying ubuntu you dont have to do this ?13:23
tarzeaurw3: i did13:23
snuitjene2k__: sudo do-release-upgrade | tee upgrade.log13:23
BoogiemanHow to get server-ubuntu network to work after install13:23
ne2k__snuitje: I've been doing -m server, is that good? or should I leave it off?13:23
snuitjemod_cure: indeed13:23
snuitjene2k__: leave that off13:23
rw3tarzeau ic :-).13:23
_RadioHeadanyone can tell me  it is only way to install ubuntu from cd?13:24
_RadioHeadinstaller exits13:24
snuitje_RadioHead: theres the live-cd and the alternate installer13:24
_RadioHeadsnuitje, i have live cd13:24
stoojjim_p, sure thing: Intel Dual core 5200, Gigabyte EP31-DS3L Mobo, Corsair XMS2 4GB, Corsair VX-450 PSU, Palit Radeon HD 4850 Sonic GPU, Linksys WMP54G Wireless LAN.13:24
BoogiemanHow to get server-ubuntu network to work after install?13:24
ardchoille!install | _RadioHead13:25
ubottu_RadioHead: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:25
snuitje_RadioHead: make sure your disc is allright13:25
snuitje!md5 | _RadioHead13:25
ubottu_RadioHead: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows13:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about internet13:25
_RadioHeadsnuitje, installer exit , and can i install it from ISO file13:25
snuitje_RadioHead: you can make a bootable usb stick out of the iso13:25
_RadioHeadbrb reading13:25
Dr_Willis64Boogieman,  you mean to be asking 'how do i configure the networking' on a ubuntu-server install?13:26
jim_pstooj, go to a p45 mobo for that cpu. gigabyte is fine but a chipset older that p45 may heed a bios update for the cpu. and make sure 450Watts are enough for it13:26
ne2k__snuitje: I'm logging it with script instead because it was being weird when outputting to tee13:26
cesar_boHello, I customize a livecd with uck, And I Lost the keyboard and mouse, doesn't work on the X just on the console, anyone can help me ?13:26
snuitjene2k__: kk13:26
ne2k__snuitje: it also doesn't like me doing it over ssh. I will go over to the box and run it. bbisas13:26
ka3234any experienses with ubuntu 8.10 on asus eee 1000H hardware?13:27
snuitjene2k__: ? ssh should work fine13:27
sambagirli had a program that sat in the tray that allowed you to change your cpu clock speed. i dont recall what it was called now does anyone know what i am referring to?13:27
cordencan i run ubuntu mobile in wine?13:27
snuitje!wine | corden13:27
ubottucorden: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help13:27
rwwka3234: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC ; it might have useful information :)13:27
cordeni mean virtual box... sorry13:28
januarycorden: you mean like, ubuntu mobile within wine within ubuntu?13:28
rwwka3234: I haven't installed ubuntu on the 1000H, only the 701, unfortunately13:28
ianm_any tips / urls for installing debug symbols for libgobject, libgtk etc. for app profiling with sysprof?13:28
januarycorden: vbox? sure, why not?13:28
ne2k__snuitje: it says it's a bad idea because it's harder to recover from problems. it does offer the option but I thought I'd just keep it simple13:28
=== AliTarihi1 is now known as AliTarihi
cordenyah january. correction vbox i mean :)13:28
januarycorden: vbox is just like the real thing13:28
Dr_Willis64i run ubuntu in vbox all the time13:29
snuitjene2k__: hmm well since you have the entire ubuntu-desktop on it, i dont think the server mode is going to suit your case13:29
\slashwhats the prob?13:29
\slashwhy ami missing packages13:29
cordeni want to play ubuntu mobile. if possible i love to install it on vbox13:29
ka3234tnx for ee info13:30
rww\slash: you're trying to install a RedHat Linux package on Ubuntu. Try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree instead13:30
ne2k__snuitje: I remember now, it was originally installed from a DVD on a magazine, and it installed ubuntu-desktop. I've been using it as a server, though13:30
snuitje\slash: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree13:30
Dr_Willis64i have no idea what ubuntu-mobile even is,13:30
racquadhi guys! is there a way to uninstall openoffice package without uninstalling ubuntu-desktop?13:30
\slashthank u13:30
snuitjene2k__: lol you _could_ remove the entire set of desktop packages first, that'll save time (and maybe some pain) on the upgrade13:30
rwwracquad: ubuntu-desktop can be safely removed if you don't need all of its components. It won't break your system or anything.13:31
rww!ubuntu-desktop | racquad13:31
ubotturacquad: k/ed/x/ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading.13:31
cordenDr_Willis64, that's why i want to install it13:31
ne2k__snuitje: my boss asked me to leave the gui stuff on there because he wanted to be able to have a go at "learning linux"13:31
snuitjerww: yes but in this case everything ubuntu-desktop depends on can also be removed13:31
=== AliTarihi is now known as AliTarihi1
sliverchairany desktop wikipedia application or google for Ubuntu?13:31
rwwsnuitje: not the way Ubuntu's usually set up, it won't13:31
snuitjene2k__: he can learn linux with a live cd, not by messing around on the company server lol :D13:31
=== AliTarihi1 is now known as AliTarihi
ne2k__Silicium: there's google-desktop-linux which gives you google desktop search. otherwise just use a browser13:32
marcelowhy would I need a partition for the /boot dir ?13:32
mod_curesnuitje, when starting up virt-manger. I get error about verify the xen host kernel was booted13:32
marcelobecause it needs to be the first bytes right ?13:32
ne2k__snuitje: sounds like what I was thinking! ;-)13:32
viktorkAZi just install compiz13:32
viktorkAZbut i cant see it anywhere:S13:32
=== marcelo is now known as FFighter
\slashHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.13:33
nbeebobecause its the one thats boots all, if ubuntu fux up u can still access windows13:33
\slashi got that msg still13:33
ne2k__snuitje: btw, is a snuitje is a little snuit, and if so, what is a snuit when it's at home?13:33
FFighterWhy would I need a partition for /boot ?13:33
nbeebobecause its the one thats boots all, if ubuntu fux up u can still access windows13:33
snuitjene2k__: ?13:33
FFighternbeebo, thanks13:33
nbeeboits like a teeny weeeny os that boots other os's lol13:33
SOURdieselviktorkAZ: you need to also install compiz-fusion icon13:34
Dr_Willis64FFighter,  i havent needed a /boot parthin in ages13:34
ne2k__snuitje: isn't "-je" or "-tje" the dutch affix that works like "-ito" in spanish or "-chen" in german? diminution.13:34
snuitjene2k__: yep13:34
fosco_viktorkAZ: execute compiz --replace at any terminal13:34
FFighterDr_Willis64, thanks... but whare are the benefits of having one ?13:34
rww<meme>We heard you like grub, so we put an OS in your OS so you can boot while you boot.</meme>13:34
ne2k__snuitje: so what does your nick mean? ;-)13:34
snuitjene2k__: snuit means snout, as in the nose of an animal13:34
ne2k__snuitje: I knew it!13:34
fosco_FFighter: actually none13:34
nbeeboit means he thinks hes better than us :/13:34
snuitjene2k__: also a common pet name13:34
ne2k__snuitje: ok, thing has failed again, let me paste the script13:35
Dr_Willis64FFighter,  not much these days.. keeps ya kernel safe.. on some old hardware  a /boot at the start of the hd was needed.. bugt not so much these days13:35
FFighterDr_Willis64, nice, thanks13:35
Dr_Willis64FFighter,  i keep a spare 'install' of PuppyLinux in my /boot partition  so i can boot it if needed as a rescue os.13:36
FFighterDr_Willis64, oh nice, great use of it13:36
snuitjene2k__: ok, we could attempt removing the entire desktop from it, i usually start by doing something nasty like apt-get remove libx11-613:36
SOURdieseli have seen alot of screenshots of desktops online where the user has their system monitor on the desktop.  almost looks like it would be an applet of sorts.  does anyone know what i'm talking about? and what exactly is it?13:36
viktorkAZSOURdiesel: ok i am installing the icon now13:37
nbeebosourdiesel: CONKY!!13:37
BlueEagleAfter even more research stopping dbus and hal and the starting kdm gave output from /dev/input/event2, however I lost norwegian keyboard in the process. No biggie since I can set it with setxkb13:37
ne2k__snuitje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77732/13:37
viktorkAZSOURdiesel: i let you know what happen ok. btw, is emerald a window manager?13:37
tobiassjostenMy connection is acting up.. After anything from an hour to a few days, I become unable to use HTTP. All requests times out. I can ping the hos and have it lookup the IP just fine and it answers to the ping. Everything seems to work fine - except HTTP. Does anyone have any idea what could cause this?13:37
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: I use gkrellm for that, it's in the repos: apt-cache search gkrellm13:37
ne2k__snuitje: should I not just apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop?13:37
SOURdieselviktorkAZ: once it installs go to apps > system tools > compiz13:38
snuitjene2k__: that'll just remove the meta package13:38
sliverchairne2k__: thanks, I did try that when I was still using windows but didn't wanna make it more slower. But now i'll give linux a try13:38
SOURdieselnbeebo, ardchoille: thanks.13:38
heyderwhat best option virtualization?13:38
ne2k__snuitje: before I do that, I'm going to remove those extra "dross" packages you mentioned before. I'm sure some of them are third-party13:39
FFighterDr_Willis64, what would be a nice size for a boot partition? I've installed Ubuntu on a 500GB HD and put only 60MB for /boot, I'm worried kernel updates could fill it eventually and running gparted to reshrink it would take too long13:39
\slash<ubuntu~rww> how did u know it was a redhat linux version file?13:39
russMy sound has been working perfectly for a least a month. I just installed an update that required a reboot now I have no sound at all13:39
heyderwhat best option virtualization, xen, kvm or vmware?13:39
AppleRockshow can i get graphic card on ubuntu?13:39
rww\slash: it's a .rpm file. RPM stands for RedHat Package Manager ;-)13:39
fosco_FFighter: my /boot is 26mb, so 60mb will be ok in most cases13:40
\slashi thought that was a linux thing13:40
\slashrofl rofl13:40
russis there a way  to roll back an update?13:40
rww\slash: the Ubuntu equivalent is .deb files13:40
ianm_is there any way to figure out why an ubuntu pc reset itself ?13:40
ubottu1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.13:40
WhiteDwarfheyder: like always... there is no "best". Personally i like XEN but if u'r looking for "easy" go with vmware.13:40
fosco_FFighter: but you don't need a boot partition at all13:40
\slashrww how do u install .deb files13:40
viktorkAZSOURdiesel: ok, now compiz fusion icon is on my panel13:40
cordenfinally found a guide how to run ubuntu mobile on my desktop :)13:40
ravenxmy openssh is stuck at debug1: expecting SSH2_MSG_KEX_DH_GEX_GROUP13:40
ravenxRead from socket failed: Operation timed out13:40
rww\slash: one of the more annoying things about Linux is that there are several different, incompatible, package managers >.>13:40
rww!deb | \slash13:40
ubottu\slash: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.13:40
ravenxsomebody can help me please?13:41
JAR897Hi, im looking for terminal help?13:41
\slashthanks for the info13:41
rww!ask | JAR89713:41
ubottuJAR897: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:41
remoteCTR2with what command can i upgrade to intrepid via console?13:41
SOURdieselviktorkAZ: right click, settings manager13:41
snuitjene2k__: a couple more... try removing these as well courier-authdaemon courier-base courier-doc courier-imap festlex-cmu festlex-poslex festvox-kallpc16k gcj-4.1-base gij-4.1 gnome-cups-manager13:41
viktorkAZSOURdiesel: how can i try if its working? how can i do the 3d cube stuff13:41
ne2k__snuitje: what's gcj and gij?!13:41
snuitjene2k__: gok gtkhtml3.813:41
SOURdieselviktorkAZ: ask in #compiz-fusion13:41
snuitjene2k__: gnu java compilers13:42
JAR897How can I check buffer length for a string using GDB via terminal?13:42
ne2k__snuitje: gosh13:42
gam3r111do any of you know of a free cardmaking software??13:42
ianm_any sysprof users here?13:42
rwwremoteCTR2: If you're upgrading from 8.04, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)13:42
heyderwhat best option virtualization, xen, kvm or vmware?13:42
snuitjene2k__: postgresql-8.1 postgresql-client-8.113:42
SOURdieselardchoille: is this http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_type=1&screen_id=159367689646d3c899bcc84&m=screen gkrellm?13:42
rwwremoteCTR2: If you're upgrading from another version, say which version it is :)13:42
russCan I get a little help getting my sound to work again. It was working perfectly before this update I just installed13:42
gregdhi guys, is it possible to use kernel 2.6.28 in intrepid?13:42
snuitjene2k__: postgresql is at 8.3 now13:43
FloodBot2gam3r111: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:43
Dr_Willis64heyder,  i imagine it depends on your exaact needs.. thers also virtualbox13:43
mon^rchheyder: try virtualbox13:43
ne2k__snuitje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77737/13:43
nbeebovirtualbox is the best!13:43
smthi all, i'm facing a problem.. im runing ubuntu 8.10 and somehow i misclicked somthing an since then most of my tray icons are undocked and i cant get them back to the panel where they belong.. i googled but only found some information about similar problems in kde but nothing in gnome13:43
remoteCTR2with what command can i upgrade from hardy to intrepid via console?13:43
dark_Angel_kaneis ellinas;;13:43
WhiteDwarfStupid question: how do i change the timezone (e.g. from CET to UTC) on the command line. Is it ok to just change /etc/timezone? Any side-effects I should consider?13:43
remoteCTR2unop: hey dud are you there?:)13:44
rwwremoteCTR2: again, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Network%20Upgrade%20for%20Ubuntu%20Servers%20(Recommended)13:44
snuitjene2k__: add libjline-java then13:44
remoteCTR2rww: ah there you are back:) thanks13:44
unopremoteCTR2, aye13:44
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: the dark blue (purple?) one in the middle is gkrellm13:44
snuitjene2k__: but really, the suggestion to file a bug report doesnt seem like a bad idea here13:45
snuitjene2k__: since you're only using ubuntu packages and you'13:45
ne2k__snuitje: well I think some of that stuff is third party13:45
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: the one on the left side looks like a set of docklets being used in a dock on the fluxbox window manager13:45
snuitjene2k__: re trying a supported upgrade path13:45
SOURdieselardchoille: the right side is conky i think13:45
ne2k__snuitje: no, I'm sure some of the stuff I have is not ubuntu packages, I just don't know which ones they are. all i wanted to know in the first place was how to find out which packages weren't ubuntu ones so I could remove them and get on with the upgrade13:46
snuitjene2k__: hm, then it can only be a case of universe packages breaking the upgrade13:46
viktorkAZhi anyone know how to rotate the cube with compiz? i just want to try it its working13:46
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: oh, ok13:46
ne2k__snuitje: I'm sure some of them are random debs I have downloaded13:46
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: no, I really think the one on the right side is a series of docklets13:46
snuitjene2k__: well you can see in synaptic which ones are universe because they dont have the ubuntu logo on them13:46
SOURdieselardchoille: hmm13:46
ne2k__snuitje: I think I will get rid of all X-related stuff for the upgrade, though13:46
ardchoilleSOURdiesel:  I recognize some of those from when I used them on WindowMaker13:47
snuitjene2k__: hmm but those should show up as local or obsolete in aptitude13:47
SOURdieselardchoille: i'm on the right path now.  thanks.13:47
ne2k__snuitje: so would you recommend apt-get remove libx11-6?13:47
smtviktorkAZ, get ccsm and define it by yourself13:47
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: open a terminal and type: apt-cache search -n wmcpu13:47
ne2k__snuitje: whoa, 322 packages to remove, 729MB will be freed13:47
snuitjene2k__: i'd check it to see nothing serious is removed, but for a server you normally wont need it13:47
snuitjene2k__: hehe yeah13:47
SOURdieselardchoille: what does that do?13:48
ne2k__snuitje: well I can always put it back on once I'm upgraded if necessary. the only CRITICAL thing on this is samba13:48
snuitjene2k__: make sure you're not running x while you do that13:48
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: that shows you some info about the wmcpu app13:48
ne2k__snuitje: lol13:48
ne2k__snuitje: ok ;-)13:48
snuitjene2k__: run deborphan afterwards see if theres any cruft left behind13:48
Picihudsonfire_: Don't do that here.13:49
SOURdieselardchoille: could be13:49
ne2k__snuitje: I guess I could do apt-get autoclean afterwards too to free some space?13:49
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: check out the docklets along the lower right side in this screenshot: http://windowmaker.info/imageview.php?cat=big&id=4413:49
snuitjene2k__: autoclean removed cached downloaded packages13:49
snuitjene2k__: so no13:49
ne2k__snuitje: I get this occasionally during the remove: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/var/lib/scrollkeeper/(null)/scrollkeeper_cl.xml"13:50
snuitjene2k__: autoremove would but since dapper didn't seem to have that...13:50
snuitjene2k__: ah the scrollkeeper bug that's known iirc13:50
ne2k__snuitje: I thought "clean" removed all packages that you've downloaded, and "autoclean" only removes ones that can no longer be downloaded?13:50
snuitjene2k__: no, the opposite, autoclean removes everything BUT packages that cant be downloaded again13:50
SOURdieselardchoille:  that looks like gkrellm, correct?13:50
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: that's WindowMaker with 5 dockapps running, the second to the last one is wmcpu13:51
SOURdieselardchoille: ok.  that's not what i'm looking for.13:51
ne2k__snuitje: autoclean: Like clean, autoclean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. The difference is that it only removes package files that can no longer be downloaded, and are largely useless.13:51
Dr_Willis64i like windowmaker :)13:51
snuitjene2k__: allright13:51
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: here are some gkrellm skins, shows how it looks: http://www.muhri.net/gkrellm/nav.php3?node=gkrellmall&sort=added&conf=DESC13:51
snuitjei've used wmaker for years13:52
Dr_Willis64there usered tobe some ways to use those dock apps in a panel under gnome and kde..13:52
ne2k__snuitje: thank you for all your help on this, btw, I appreciate it13:52
snuitjene2k__: yw13:52
ne2k__snuitje: I normally consider myself a bit of a dude when it comes to linux, but this stuff is a bit outside my normal experience!13:52
SOURdieselardchoille:  ok.  i think i'm looking for conky.13:52
ardchoilleSOURdiesel: ok, conky is in the repos13:53
sinboxanyone knows how I can install liblame0-dev?13:53
viktorkAZsmg: ok i just got the ccsm13:53
viktorkAZsmg: now that13:53
ardchoillehudsonfire_: please don't do that13:53
snuitjene2k__: i've never had an ubuntu upgrade fail completely13:53
SOURdieselardchoille:  cool.  i'll look there.13:54
ne2k__snuitje: I don't think it's that broken. I think it was some third party app. the problem is that it was DIFFICULT to work out what it was13:54
SOURdieselardchoille: thanks.13:54
mon^rchviktorkAZ: open ccsm and check desktop cube13:54
ne2k__snuitje: anyway, I'm still removing X-related stuff, so we'll see once that's done13:55
snuitjene2k__: we can find out =)13:55
ardchoillehudsonfire_: Please take that to another channel, this is a support channel.13:55
ne2k__hudsonfire_: you've been asked once already13:55
snuitjene2k__: allright im gonna take a brake you can still reach me right?13:55
mon^rchviktorkAZ: then click rotate cube13:55
snuitjene2k__: *break13:55
=== ajp is now known as AngelFace
xiroVWhere is the programs placed in ubuntu? someone told me a while ago, but i forgot13:55
ne2k__snuitje: thanks. hopefully this will work!13:55
haffouffplease i need help to configure my postfix server13:56
ne2k__xiroV: you mean the actual executable files?13:56
xiroVne2k__, prolly.. im editting Sessions Preferences.. thats why13:56
ne2k__xiroV: generally in /bin, /usr/bin, /sbin or /usr/sbin13:56
ne2k__xiroV: eh?!13:56
xiroVne2k__, Okay.. thanks :)13:57
mon^rchviktorkAZ: then use your middle mouse button to rotate the cube13:57
viktorkAZmon^rch: i cant see the option of rotate cube where is that13:57
snuitjexiroV: run "which program" to find out where it's located13:57
viktorkAZi see it now13:57
mon^rchviktorkAZ: look again, it's there in the Desktop section13:58
xiroVsnuitje, uhm?? how?13:58
_M4rk_Hi all. Is it possible to do a hard restart for ubuntu via ssh?13:58
snuitjexiroV: open gnome terminal, it's under applications > utilities13:58
xiroVsnuitje, ye?13:59
bob1How do i tell what wireless driver i am currently using ?13:59
bartmonHi! I have problems with DVD playback. I've added the Medibuntu repo and installed various libdvd* but totem still complains that the source is encrypted. How did YOU enable DVD playback?13:59
snuitje!terminal | xiroV13:59
ubottuxiroV: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:59
ardchoillebartmon: install libdvdcss213:59
mon^rchbartmon: vlc plays dvd's quite nicely14:00
xiroVsnuitje, i know the terminal :) i just didn't understand what you were talking about.. a command?14:00
snuitjetotem can play dvds as well14:00
DaHopiubuntuforums.org down? :(14:00
snuitjexiroV: which <program>14:00
russIs there a way to roll back an update?14:00
ardchoilleDaHopi: loads fine here14:00
rwwDaHopi: works for me14:00
snuitjexiroV: that'll search the <program> on your $PATH14:00
fevel1hi all14:00
xiroVsnuitje, okay.. thanks a lot14:00
=== KatieKitty is now known as Katie-Offline
LjLruss: no14:01
bob1How do i tell what wireless driver i am currently using ?14:01
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:01
ensonicoprofile is broken on 8.10, anyone cares? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oprofile/+bug/27220914:01
LjLruss: there is a way to install a specific version of a single package, but it's not even really guaranteed to work14:01
_M4rk_Hi all. Is it possible to do a hard restart for ubuntu via ssh?14:02
fevel1hs anyone heard of a web tool that I can generate iptables script?14:02
ne2k__snuitje: lots of removing happening here14:02
bartmonardchoille: I've REinstalled it and it's the same14:02
bartmonmon^rch: VLC displays encrypted garbage14:02
russLjL: my sound has stopped working after an update it was working perfectly14:02
ardchoillebartmon: With totem?14:02
viktorkAZoh man this is frustrating, since i dont have middle click or right click in mac, i dont know how to rotate the cube is there any other way??14:02
snuitjene2k__: i won't be around all day, you can reach me if you need to right?14:02
ne2k__snuitje: yes, thanks14:03
erUSULviktorkAZ: buy a real mouse14:03
snuitjene2k__: allright14:03
rwwbartmon: I just did sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 then sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh =/14:03
bartmonardchoille: Yes, with totem. The copyright notice is actually displayed but after that all I see is garbage.14:03
russviktorkaz: howld down control + alt + left mouse14:03
ardchoillebartmon: Ok, I've never used totem so I can't help with that :(14:03
russand slide your mouse14:03
bartmonardchoille: Well it's the same in all 3 players i have - mplayer, totem and vlc14:03
russCan someone help me troubleshoot my audio14:04
FearMothHi, I've got a server with a 160GB hard drive, 4GB RAM. What partitions should I make, and what sizes should they be?14:04
ardchoillebartmon: I use mplayer and I installed libdvdcss2, libdvdread and libdvdnav and dvd movies play fine here14:04
deathpoolwhat are u trying to do14:04
bob1Is there a gui display for all the devices in your system and the drivers they are using ?14:04
ne2k__FearMoth: generally, something like 100MB for boot, 2 x physical RAM for swap, and the rest for /. unless you have a reason to subdivide /14:04
mon^rchFearMoth: make a 256mb /boot and leave the rest for / (unless you want a /home partition14:05
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
ne2k__bob1: it doesn't really work like that. your best bet is probably to look at the output of dmesg14:05
bob1ne2k__: is there a way to tell which driver my wireless is using ?14:05
deathpoolwhat ur trying to do fearmoth ?14:06
ne2k__bob1: look for the interface designation (wlan0, eth1, or whatever) in the output of dmesg14:06
FearMothne2k__: I was mostly concerned about /var .. should I make a partition for /var in case it fills up?14:06
bob1ne2k__:  so like dmesg | grep wlan014:06
bartmonrww: I tried this again just now and there's some improvement! Now i get half garbage and half video. But i get a lot of CRC errors and full buffer errors in mplayers debug output14:06
=== FreddyGonzo is now known as minimec
bartmonI should make a video of this14:06
ne2k__bob1: yep14:07
rwwbartmon: mplayer confused the heck out of me, so I ended up using VLC. Even then, it only worked well if I told it not to use DVD menus and to cache about 3s in advance.14:07
deathpoolsorry bud i cant help u there im kinda new to linux too :(14:07
tommySchreibt jemant auch deutsch ??14:07
rwwbartmon: from my experience, DVD playback in Linux is kidna... problematic14:07
rww!de | tommy14:07
ubottutommy: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:07
edvardQuick question.. I am running Ubuntu 8.10 on my Acer 5930 laptop. I am having some problems with Ubuntu freezing randomly from time to time. Ive booted up with pci=noacpi now, and it seems to be working. Are there any disadvantages of using noacpi? (dont know what it is.. hehe)14:07
viktorkAZis there any other way to rotate the cube? or how can i try other compiz effect? i just want be sure if its working or not14:08
erUSULviktorkAZ: cril + alt + →14:08
edvardviktorAZ ctrl+alt + left mouse click14:08
=== administrator is now known as nevox
ne2k___M4rk_: by hard restart, do you mean reboot the box completely? you want sudo shutdown -r now14:09
viktorkAZnot working14:09
viktorkAZany other effect? i can try14:09
rwwedvard: ACPI is one of the systems used for power management. Disabling it might stop you from using stuff like suspend/hibernate/turn-monitor-off-automatically, etc. Or, it might not... shouldn't be any serious side-effects, though.14:09
mon^rchviktorkAZ: do you have the right video drivers installed?14:10
rwwi never could get that damn cube to work14:10
edvardok, so hibernation and such might not work then?14:10
mod_curewhen i install xen on RHEL, were good to go. when i enable it on ubuntu, now i cant get on the internet.  my ubunut interface http://pastebin.com/m71d064c814:10
jewardMy sound stop working right, though it's fine when I boot into Windows, any ideas?14:10
rwwedvard: correct, but note the "might". Depending on what other power management stuff your computer supports, it might work anyway =/14:10
Greggazis Xubuntu good for Slow Machines ??14:11
edvardby not working, do you mean that the system just wont go into hibernation, or will it crash while trying to do so?14:11
rwwedvard: It'll refuse to go into hibernation. Shouldn't crash.14:11
edvardok, il just try it then :)14:11
jewardGreggaz: Better, depends on how slow.14:11
darkvertexHi, where can I get traffic shaping utilities that can be combined with iptables? Any pointers would be very much appreciated14:11
GreggazWell i have 256 Memory14:12
edvardbut why does noacpi solve so many system freeze problems with Ubuntu on laptops+14:12
jewardGreggaz: Try the LiveCD?14:12
jewardGreggaz: I have a recipe for really weak machines.14:12
Greggazwhat is it Jeward:14:13
nbeeboi dont wanna sleep yet what can i do? sorry for this off topic lol14:13
ne2k__snuitje: it's working! thanks again for all your help14:13
rwwedvard: Many computers have buggy ACPI implementations. Turning off acpi stops those implementations from being called. Many BIOS makers don't bother fixing those bugs, because they only test their code for Windows.14:13
jewardGreggaz: I install Fluxbuntu (7.10) and upgrade.14:13
edvardah, I see..14:13
edvardthanks for the info :)14:13
edvardwill try to hibernate and such :P14:13
BoulevardieDoes anyone know what might be causing the fact that pretty often when I listen to music or watch a movie the sound sort of gets stuck repeating, for example, some small part of a song14:13
nbeebosure it isnt hardware????14:14
Boulevardieor do anything sound related really14:14
[c0re]can anyone tell me where is the trash folder located?14:14
rww!trash | [c0re]14:14
ubottu[c0re]: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:14
Boulevardienbeebo: was that meant for me?14:15
nuevisimoenlinuxive been having some crashes on hardy, im using compiz and that happen after screensaver was runing14:15
rww[c0re]: if you're trying to find it using the file manager, you might need to press Ctrl-H to show hidden files/folders (press Ctrl-H again to turn it back off)14:15
erUSUL!trash | [c0re]14:15
ubottu[c0re]: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash14:15
Greggazhow do i install the New OS On linux ??14:15
nbeeboboulevardie, yeah, im not so good at linux but that sounds like a hardware problem kinda... i think14:15
Boulevardienbeebo: yeah, but the weird thing is that I haven't changed any of my hardware and everything has worked fine for months, it's just now started14:16
jewardGreggaz: There'll be an Install icon on the desktop.14:16
[c0re]THANKS I GOT IT14:16
nbeeboboulevardie, yeah ... thats what happens with hardware... u should try some other.. maybe from mp3, just to see14:17
deathpoolhey any body know where i can down load blender books from14:17
magnetrondeathpool→ http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D14:18
rwwWhat's the difference between sysklogd and klogd?14:18
Boulevardienbeebo: it happens with mp3 too, if that's what you meant...14:18
deathpoollike for example Sybex Introducing Character Animation with Blender Feb 200714:18
nbeeboboulevardie, i meant mp3 speakers..14:19
runa__can sb help me find the hidden stream url on the web.14:19
Boulevardienbeebo: using external speakers?14:19
nbeeboboulevardie yep14:19
runa__i mean if i have a web page with a music stream how can i find its url?14:20
deathpoolthank u :)14:20
snowhiteHejsan hur laddar man nya skrivbords bakgrunder samt inloggningsfönstren till INtrepid Ibex?14:20
Boulevardienbeebo: k, I'll do that, thanks14:20
nbeeboboulevardie no problem... noob helps noob s lol14:20
Pici!se | snowhite14:20
ubottusnowhite: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:20
snowhitedem följer inte med ?14:20
Boulevardienbeebo: ya, that's the way it goes14:20
darkvertexCan anyone tell me in which package I can find tc for traffic shaping? Or should I use shaper instead?14:21
snowhitejag skulle oxå behöva veta vad man kallar den delen av inloggningsfönster där man ser ubuntulogot och att man laddas in ...kan man byta det till detta nya ?14:21
snuitjene2k__: kewl! did you remove orphaned packages?14:22
rww!se | snowhite14:22
ubottusnowhite: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:22
snuitjene2k__: you probably have a lot of cruft laying around if you didnt14:22
snuitjene2k__: useless stuff like ubuntu-wallpapers and gnome-games-data14:22
snowhitealltså efter grub startar inloggandet med svart skärm och en orange rad ovan på et ubuntu logot?14:22
fosco_snowhite: please use english to communicate14:23
snuitjene2k__: after the upgrade you could try apt-get autoremove14:23
nbeebosnowhiteja bootscreen, men gå till ubuntu-se eller engelska14:23
deathpooldoes any here know to get vuze up and runnning on ubuntu 8.0414:23
LjLnbeebo, snowhite, dom har en finast kanal där i #ubuntu-se, ni skulle pröva den14:23
sinboxanyone knows how I can install liblame0-dev?14:23
snowhiteokey I need to know how I could download a new Ubuntu window ?It isnt wallpaper14:23
nbeebosnowhite means boot screen and login screen i think14:24
snowhiteI mean a black ground with a orange ubuntulogo on it and a strpie of ogrange14:24
fosco_sinbox: sudo apt-get install libmp3lame-dev14:24
rwwdeathpool: The version of Vuze packaged with hardy is called azureus, and is version
snuitjesnowhite: thats the usplash theme14:25
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:25
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snuitje!usplash | snowhite14:25
ubottusnowhite: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork14:25
deathpoolok thanks i did not know that14:25
erUSULdarkvertex: iproute14:26
erUSUL!info iproute | darkvertex14:26
ubottuiproute (source: iproute): networking and traffic control tools. In component main, is important. Version 20080417-1 (intrepid), package size 362 kB, installed size 948 kB14:26
snowhiteokey is it thatone witch is black an ubuntu text on it and it belongs to intrepid when you log in to your computer after the grub14:26
darkvertexerUSUL: iproute does traffic shaping? i'll look into it. thanks14:27
erUSULdarkvertex: no; iproute includes /sbin/tc14:27
snowhiteTackar/thanks see u have a nice day!!14:27
nbeeboNO PROBLEM14:28
darkvertexerUSUL: that's great. thanks14:28
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Guest57806my mixer seems to jump around in volume as I try to adjust my volume, any idea why this is14:30
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Omar87How do I configure the wireless connection for a Thomson Gateway modem?14:30
nbeebohow come something only uses like 1-10 kb down when it should be able to do 600?14:30
nbeebofor every second im not getting help ill lose 600 kb :/ lol14:32
sinboxfosco_, : could not find package libmp3lame-dev      guess I'm missing a repository, but which one?14:32
tomazcant install librdf-dev, package is broken.14:32
heogenplease anyone know14:32
heogenpc to tv out my video card is S3 Prosavage DDR14:32
rwwsinbox: multiverse14:32
rwwsinbox: assuming you're using intrepid, that is14:33
nbeebotomaz, i think it means u have it and its broken, so try removing it then install again.. atleast i would do that14:33
tomazI don't have it,14:33
nbeebowhats new and GOOD about intrepid?14:33
tomazthe  dedpendencies are not met.14:33
rww!intrepid | nbeebo14:34
ubottunbeebo: Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is the current release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81014:34
nbeeboboring but ok14:34
rwwnbeebo: wait, nvm, that Features link lies and has nothing about new features. hmm...14:35
nbeeborww saw that yeah..14:35
exodus_msheogen, are you having problems with your card installing?14:35
Omar87How do I configure the wireless connection for a Thomson Gateway modem?14:35
erythrocyteI'm looking for a GUI for the GNU CLI utility 'shred' ..any pointers would be greatly appreciated :)14:35
bazhang!se | leetsweden14:35
ubottuleetsweden: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se14:35
T3rmyhi guys, I need some help,14:36
T3rmyopenssl req $@ -new -x509 -days 365 -nodes - out /etc/apache2/apache.pem -keyout /etc/apache2/apache.pem14:36
T3rmythe $@ what is it for?14:36
nbeebot3rmy think its frequency14:36
lodderI have problem with xen dom0 in 8.04. Ihad to do a reset in order to get back a ssh connection; the vif1 reset it self I think14:36
T3rmynbeebo,  frequency of what?14:37
heogen<exodus_ms no14:37
nbeebot3rmy oh shiii sorry trought it was screen problem....14:37
rraj_beany GTK users available for helping me . . . . .i am just started to learn GTK14:37
mon^rchanyone know how to access usb devices in virtualbox?14:37
ubottuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI14:38
heogen<exodus_ms> my card is integrate in my laptop14:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk214:38
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.14:38
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs14:38
heogen<exodus_ms> but normally when i used xp windows i can do it14:38
exodus_msheogen, but it is working under ubuntu?14:38
heogen<exodus_ms> but with ubuntu 8.04 i can't do it14:38
rraj_beany GTK programmer gere. .. . :14:38
rwwI have a disk image I made with dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/path/to/image.img. How do I mount it from the GUI (I know how to do it from console ;-) )14:39
heogen<exodus_ms> yeah i'm working under ubuntu 8.0414:39
exodus_msheogen, try this, it might help http://paste.ubuntu.com/77752/14:39
sinboxrww I'm using Hardy but it should be the same for what I'm after, and multiverse is enabled14:39
nbeeborraj_be i think theres channels with gtk programming only and websites with guides......14:39
=== VoX is now known as vox
rraj_berww . . .could you explain me the above command used for making disk image14:39
heogen<exodus_ms> ok14:39
rwwsinbox: that package doesn't exist in hardy14:39
rraj_bei have used it once to make swap manually14:39
sinboxoh ok rww any idea what the equivalent package would be in Hardy?14:39
rraj_becould you give me a link to those channels please nbeebo14:40
rraj_berww . . .could you explain me the above command used for making disk image14:40
sinboxall I've found while searching so far is the fact that liblame0-dev does not seem to install14:40
ravnhey folks, anyone familiar with sendmail here. I have Ubuntu 8.10 and want to use sendmail and an MTA with Evolution. But sendmail doesn't seem to function properly. First it takes some 2 minutes to start during boot and then I can send mails with Evolution. The mail is lying in the outbox for some time and the disappears...14:40
nbeeborraj_be i have no clue but im a master of google so ill search for a few sec brb hehe lol14:40
rwwrraj_be: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)14:40
skendoes anybody know the system requirements for virtualbo in ubuntu14:40
rraj_berww :)14:41
rwwsinbox: no idea what the hardy equiv. is, but I'll go search packages.ubuntu.com and see :)14:41
nbeeborraj_be http://www.gtk.org/development.html that too14:41
mon^rchsken: just make sure you have lots of ram14:41
samosawhat is Compiz Fusion?14:41
sinboxwell rww I did install the liblame-dev package but still no sign of liblame0-dev anywhere14:41
rraj_bei have another great tutorial14:41
rraj_bebut i cant get every thing from that14:42
krielOkay, so. I've got 8.04 and an ipw3945 using the iwl3945 driver. It connects to my home access point just fine, as well as the one at my parent's house. However, for some reason, it won't connect to the access points at school. They use MAC filtering and open authentication, but even when I spoof a known-good MAC, it's no good. Am I asking in the right place? If so, where should I start troubleshooting it?14:42
rraj_beso i need man to man help nbeebo  ..  .i have amny doubts abt syntaxes nbeebo14:42
skenis 512 of ram enough mon^rch?14:42
mon^rchsken: a descent cpu would prolly help too14:42
nbeeborraj_be then u should go to http://www.gtk.org/development.html and look for the irc channel to join mkay? lol14:42
MrCollinsI am getting poor performance from flash in firefox, I read some posts and it points to compiz. What is compiz?14:42
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samosakriel: wrong plcace14:43
rwwsinbox: I think liblame-dev is the dev package for liblame0 =/14:43
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion14:43
krielsamosa: Where's the right place, then?14:43
rraj_beok nbeebo14:43
mon^rchsken: 512 ram is kinda pushing it, but it should run :)14:43
ubottuAIGLX is a project that aims to enable GL-accelerated effects on a standard desktop. Supported cards: Nvidia: GeForce3 or newer; ATI: Radeon 7000 through X800; Intel: i810 or newer. Howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/AIGLX. For older Nvidia or newer ATI cards see !xgl14:43
tomazwhat to use, xgl or aiglx?14:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xgl14:43
rwwsinbox: looks that way from comparing http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/liblame0/filelist and http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/i386/liblame-dev/filelist , anyway14:43
skendoes anybody know any simialr program to cryptload?14:44
MrCollinstomaz I have a radeon 920014:44
mon^rchsken: you cpu should be AT LEAST 1ghz14:44
sinboxthat's me snafued then rww :/            do you think if I build lame from source it might install liblame0-dev in the process?14:44
heogen<exodus_ms> http://paste.ubuntu.com/77755/14:44
skenyeah mon^rch it's 1.64ghz14:44
tomazMrCollins: I don't have a videocard. you won14:44
heogen<exodus_ms> i copied the code and in this page is the information14:45
samosakriel: http://docs.lucidinteractive.ca/index.php/Cracking_WEP_and_WPA_Wireless_Networks14:45
skendoes anybody know any simialr program to cryptload?14:45
rwwsinbox: let's back up a little... what do you need liblame0-dev for?14:45
mon^rchsken then you should be able to run vbox, just dont expect it to run really fast (I use vbox with an amdx2 with 3gb ram)14:45
krielsamosa: It has OPEN authentication. It's not an encryption issue.14:45
heogen<exodus_ms> are you there my friend?14:45
skenok mon^rch14:46
exodus_msheogen, yeah taking a look at what you pasted. Did you try what I sent?14:46
samosakriel: http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php14:46
MrCollinstomaz I wasnt trying to best you14:46
samosai know14:46
skendoes anybody know any similar program to cryptload?14:46
samosabut they would know...14:46
MrCollinstomaz i thought you were trying to help me... sorry14:46
rww!repeat | sken14:47
ubottusken: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:47
rraj_benbeebo:  i got it . . .its #gtk+14:47
nbeeborraj_be i saw that too.. sorry for not telling u.. forgot it :S lol14:47
heogen<exodus_ms> i wrote $ cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:47
samosakriel: i found the channel this should be the right place # IRC: #aircrack-ng on Freenode14:47
heogen<exodus_ms> and this information the terminal of ubuntu showed me14:48
exodus_msheogen, ...ok... what is the problem you are experiencing?14:48
sinboxok rww, I'm installing MuSE (as in muse-streamer) and it needs liblame0-dev when I install it to "see" the lame encoder otherwise I only get the ogg-vorbis encoder; the readme says I need libmp3lmae and the lame. header properly installed14:49
heogen<exodus_ms> my problem is that I can't to see any movie in my tv. from my pc14:49
samosaexodus_ms: i have no clue what that wikipedia description means14:49
heogen<exodus_ms> I don't know how can to switch or transfer the image14:49
heogen<exodus_ms> for example in windows xp it is very easy form me14:50
heogen<exodus_ms> but in ubuntu I can do it yet14:50
=== Acedip is now known as Terrorist
ubottua free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org14:51
erythrocyte I'm looking for a GUI for the GNU CLI utility 'shred' ..any pointers would be greatly appreciated14:51
sorush20version 3.0 of openoffice.org is not in the repositories14:51
sorush20anyone help?14:51
ikoniasorush20 wait for a package is my advice14:51
heogen<exodus_ms> i going to system  > preferences > scream resolution14:51
heogen<exodus_ms> and nothing14:52
exodus_msheogen, what are you using to connect your pc to your tv14:52
heogen<exodus_ms> I watch movies14:52
rwwsinbox: did you try installing the liblame-dev package? that has the lame header in it, so it /should/ accept that...14:52
heogen<exodus_ms> I download movies in my pc and I want to see it in my tv14:53
exodus_msheogen, what kind of physical connection?14:53
tomazit's me, but 'blame-dev' it's hilarious. ;D14:53
rockenrola1hey, my fan does not recover from hibernation. any ideias?14:53
heogen<exodus_ms> wire connection14:53
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exodus_msheogen, what kind.... s-video...14:53
tomazlibfam-dev is broken too.14:54
heogen<exodus_ms> I have a cable to put to my laptop and the tv out and in14:54
sinboxI did install it rww, but still no luck for some reason, I'm starting to think it might be easier to actually force the station's listener to get a media player that works with ogg/vorbis14:54
sorush20I moved to pclinuxos for this reason (slow package updates in ubuntu), and now back in ubuntu because on certain package was not available in pclinuxos. Amazing. So many packages.14:54
heogen<exodus_ms> normally with the same cable i did to Win xp14:54
sinboxat least if I threaten them with a hammer they are likely to comply unlike the computer I'm working on14:54
sorush20I'm probably going to emulate windows or virtualbox an distro that has OOo 314:54
=== lari is now known as Sacaros
heogen<exodus_ms> but now i feel very nice with ubuntu14:54
exodus_msheogen, yes, I understand that. Do you know what kind of cable you are using for the connection from your laptop to you tv?14:54
sorush20not going to wait14:54
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rwwsinbox: huh, that's odd, it should work... yeah, I agree with your idea :). Which OS are they using?14:55
sinboxthey are using all the "wrong" ones mostly rww ;-)  mostly windows and osX14:55
heogen<exodus_ms> yeah14:55
=== ashvaa is now known as ashgadgets
rwwsinbox: for windows, foobar2k can do Ogg. For Windows and OS X, VLC should work.14:56
heogen<exodus_ms> is it a s-video pc out to tv in14:56
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platiussorush20; http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml14:56
exodus_msheogen, ok, good.14:57
sorush20who edits the bot in there14:57
sorush20thank platius?14:57
ikoniasorush20 whats up /14:57
=== Acedip is now known as OsamaBinLaden
sinboxI know this rww, but I'm sure you know how hard it is to get some people to understand simple concepts like: itunes is [censored expletive], as an aside I really wish there was something even close to foober for linux14:57
platiussorush20; this worked for me14:57
sorush20can you add that link to the !openoffice.org?14:58
rwwsinbox: haha, yeah, I do :). And yes, I wish there was too. I ended up just using Rhythmbox, mainly because it's the default :(14:58
heogen<exodus_ms> I wrote "displayconfig-gtk14:58
ikoniasorush20: what link ?14:58
blunixBroken|Arrow, hello14:58
heogen"displayconfig-gtk and I can to configure well14:58
sorush20ikonia: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-To-Install-OpenOffice-org-3-0-in-Ubuntu-8-10-96449.shtml14:58
heogen"displayconfig-gtk to pass the image to my tv.14:59
exodus_msheogen, you need to enable s-video in you xorg.conf14:59
ikoniasorush20: thats not supported14:59
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russI need a little help. I updated ubuntu this morning and now my sound is not working14:59
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ikoniasorush20: thats why it's not in the link14:59
heogen<exodus_ms> no i'm not sure14:59
exodus_msheogen, ption "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO" -- in xorg.conf15:00
exodus_msheogen, option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO" -- in xorg.conf15:00
russHow do you remove previous commands from the command prompt?15:00
sebbswhy is pulseaudio crapping out my soundcard15:00
ardchoilleruss: you can clear your history with: history -c15:00
rwwruss: "clear" to remove them from the current screen, "rm ~/.bash_history" to remove the log of them15:00
heogen<exodus_ms> how can i do that15:00
sebbswhy do i even have pulseaudio installed15:01
russthanks :)15:01
ardchoillerww: history -c  clear ~/.bash_history too15:01
heogen<exodus_ms> i write it in the terminal? option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO" -- in xorg.conf15:01
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
hwohabehi, what do I type in the terminal to show a list of my harddisks and their UIDs ?15:01
rwwardchoille: yeah, I didn't know that command ;-)15:02
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)15:02
sorush20ikonia: how about something that is supported?15:02
exodus_msheogen, xorg.conf is a file that handles your x11 display. You will need to change or add the entry15:02
BlueEagleAnd finally I got it solved. It appears that the hardware abstraction layer steals the output from /dev/input/eventX. Adding Option "AutoAddDevices" "false" to the ServerLayout of xorg.conf works around it.15:02
hwohabewhat do I type in the terminal to show a list of my harddisks and their UIDs ?15:03
rwwhwohabe: sudo blkid15:03
magnetronhwohabe→ "sudo blkid"15:03
bazhanghwohabe, !blkid15:03
hwohabethank you15:03
heogen <exodus_ms> ok15:03
heogenhold on15:03
exodus_msheogen, sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf back up the orginal15:04
bazhang!gksudo | exodus_ms heogen15:04
ubottuexodus_ms heogen: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:04
ardchoille!gksudo | exodus_ms15:04
ubottuexodus_ms: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:04
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=== ajp is now known as AngelFace
afancyHi, in Ubuntu, when I use the command: top,  what does it mean "52.6%wa" ?15:05
exodus_mssorry... pasted too fast!15:05
heogen<exodus_ms> ok now I have the list of xorg.conf open15:05
afancyHi, in Ubuntu, when I use the command: top,  what does it mean "52.6%wa" ?15:05
jatthi, I've just installed the latest updates (for hardy), and after rebooting my sound card is not recognized anymore:15:06
jattwarning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1251: No soundcards found...15:06
jattare there any known issues with the latest update, I know the kernel was updated15:06
russjatt: the exact same thing is going on with me15:06
afancyHi, in Ubuntu, when I use the command: top,  what does it mean "52.6%wa" ?15:06
jattruss: thanks. Damn I'm not the only one, so probable there was something wrong with that update.15:07
russjatt: I'm using ubuntu though15:07
jattme too. dmesg says:15:07
jatt[   72.186660] snd_hda_codec: Unknown symbol snd_ctl_elem_read15:07
sorush20where do I get a list of approved and good repositories15:07
russjatt: but this is the same prob. I'm having. sound was working perffectly now I have no sound15:07
afancyHi, in Ubuntu, when I use the command: top,  what does it mean "52.6%wa" ?15:07
jatt[   72.186113] snd_hda_codec: no version for "snd_ctl_add" found: kernel tainted.15:07
Pici!repeat | afancy15:07
ubottuafancy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience15:07
heogen<exodus_ms> hey brother15:08
jattI will check if this appears in the logs from yesterday15:08
Piciafancy: As the manpage says, this is iowait time between now and the last refresh.15:08
=== Maveas is now known as Maveas_
jatt[   72.189285] snd_hda_intel: Unknown symbol snd_hda_codec_remove_notify_all15:08
rww!repositories | sorush2015:09
ubottusorush20: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:09
jatthm. looks as an issue with the intel cards...15:09
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heogen<exodus_ms> http://paste.ubuntu.com/77760/15:09
russjatt: I have a creative card15:10
skyperHello guys..does anyone know a progra to try to see again the files that once where on your pendriver o external driver?15:11
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rww!undelete | skyper15:11
ubottuskyper: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html15:11
exodus_msheogen, It looks like you need to install the drivers for your card. Take a look here and see if it helps http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843764&highlight=S3+ProSavage+DDR15:11
=== angeleyes_ is now known as angeleyes
heogen<exodus_ms> thank you15:12
jattno idea what the problem could be...15:12
heogen<exodus_ms> i'll see how can to install the driver15:12
jatti didn't want to make the upgrade because I suspected my wireless could get broken15:13
jattwireless work, but sound don't15:13
exodus_msheogen, unlike windoze sometimes in ubuntu you will need to install restricted drivers because of proprietary reasons15:13
alexmax_Hi there.  I just installed Wireshark from ubuntu repositories, but I'm not getting a list of interfaces to capture from for some reason.15:14
skyperrww: is there a grafical way to do such thing as recovery losten files?15:14
bazhangskyper, what file system15:14
heogen<exodus_ms> i'm new using ubuntu, how can i do that15:14
rwwalexmax_: if I remember correctly from the last time I played with Wireshark, you need to run it with root privileges to get that list15:15
alexmax_Apparently this is the case15:15
heogen<exodus_ms> i'm reading to much, but yet i'm new using os ubuntu15:15
alexmax_Is there a way to give myself priviliges to do this so I dont have to sudo into root?15:15
alexmax_It makes the wireshark entry in the ubuntu main menu kind of useless no?15:15
heogen<exodus_ms> is the possible that you say me your email15:15
bazhangskyper, you made backups?15:16
rwwalexmax_: not sure, I figured out that gksudo wireshark (iirc that was the command I used) worked and stopped investigating...15:16
sorush20can we add a proxy option to the repositories howto page?15:16
Shubbarikonia, sloved the Hardware Drivers not listed problem, was because i installed and removed envyng, needed to install it again and remove it frm the command line with --unistall-all15:16
heogen<exodus_ms> i'll to study how can apply the information that you send me in the web page15:16
ikoniaShubbar envyng shouldn't effect that menu though15:16
ikoniaShubbar: but well done15:16
systestanyone know of a working 64bit java-plugin for firefox ?15:16
heogen<exodus_ms> and I would like to let you know about it15:16
skyperbazhang: actually its a SD card for my camera. i instaled the bootloader of Ubuntu on it, and then deleted some photos that were on the sd card.15:17
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radoenplease someone help me, i've a laptop asus and a geforce 8200 i've to set lcd bright15:17
radoencurrently it's too low15:17
exodus_msheogen, https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/add-applications/C/#restricted-software15:18
=== korny is now known as Kornie
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radoenexodus_ms, can you help me15:18
bazhangskyper, you might try testdisk; not sure if it works with sd cards though (what you want is photorec)15:18
exodus_msheogen, also take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/hardware/C/restricted-manager.html15:18
KornieAnyone had any luck with figuring out whats causing screen tearing while watching movies, I've tired enabling vsync in both nvidia config and in compiz, video's played in virtual box xp while slow don't show the same tearing, I've tried everythign I've found on the ubuntu help pages, just curious if anyon'es found any other solutions15:19
angeleyesCAN SOME ONE HELP15:19
amikropHello. I have Automatic Login enabled for my user. When I try to SVN Update with RapidSVN, to a repository that needs my RSA key, I am asked for my password. What Can I do to skip that everytime?15:19
bazhangcaps angeleyes15:19
bazhangangeleyes, check the appdb15:20
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:20
heogen<exodus_ms> thank you let me see it15:20
Doonz2hey guys15:20
Doonz2anyone have some time to help me with some wierd volume labels?15:20
angeleyescan any one help my install encarter on my linux15:21
amikropI have installed libmap-keyring and put the @include line in /etc/pam.d/gdm but I have realised I don't have a ~/.gnome2/keyrings/default.keyring but only a ~/.gnome2/keyrings/login.keyring15:21
amikropAny help, please?15:21
bazhangangeleyes, I answered you15:22
benokakmobiletools installed, gnome phone manager recognizing mobile (N6300) via bluetooth but the 2 seem not to communicate (cannot find bluetooth phone in /dev)15:22
angeleyeswat is appdb15:22
Pici!appdb | angeleyes15:22
ubottuangeleyes: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help15:22
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org angeleyes15:22
theshadowI'm trying to figure out why my wireless card keeps getting the IP address (which is incorrect) but the ethernet is getting 192.168.1.x15:22
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KornieAny input on screen tearing with movies?15:23
n8tusertheshadow-> there is a lease file, erase that15:23
theshadown8tuser: where is that?15:23
angeleyesi did use the wine but is could not start15:23
erUSULtheshadow: aybe your router/accesspoint uses different subnets for wifi and wired ?15:23
n8tusertheshadow  use locate to locate it15:23
bazhangangeleyes, you need to check that link to see if it will run; it may or may not15:23
theshadowerUSUL: no I checked it15:23
theshadown8tuser: whats it called?15:24
erUSULangeleyes: on the appdb there are tips and tricks to make programs work15:24
n8tusertheshadow-> there is a lease file15:24
Doonz2is there a command that will show me all volume labels on my system?15:24
n8tusertheshadow-> /var/lib/dhcp3/ look here15:24
heogen<exodus_ms> thank you for your help, i'm still working15:24
angeleyestell me pls wat are this tips and tricks15:25
heogen<exodus_ms> to resolve this situation15:25
=== hristo is now known as qweqq
erUSULangeleyes: search encarta in the appdb...15:25
DarkKnighthey my openoffice is crashing15:25
erUSULangeleyes: we've told you multipletimes already http://appdb.winehq.org15:26
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=13242 angeleyes 2009 will not run15:26
angeleyesit is 200815:28
theshadown8tuser: tyvm15:28
=== sevenseeker|away is now known as sevenseeker
n8tusertheshadow-> odk15:28
bazhangangeleyes, 2007 will not run; 2009 will not run; no entry for 200815:29
DarkKnighthey my openoffice is crashing15:30
DarkKnightany solution15:30
pigphishremove it completely15:31
pigphishand add it again15:31
pigphishor upgrade15:31
heogen<exodus_ms> are you follow there?15:31
soulcHow come cron doesn't run shell scripts15:31
angeleyesi try office 2007 onec and did not work also15:32
juniechohi, is it like, when i update the kernel, i need to reinstall my tablet driver? i did that 'sudo make install' thing.15:32
bazhangangeleyes, some programs simply dont work15:32
soulcthat thing I sent you?15:32
beryloghi, can anyone paste the original xorg.conf file in ubuntu intrepid?15:32
n8tuserberylog-> you can get that from a livecd ?15:33
bazhangangeleyes, you can dual boot or use virtualbox and put windows and encarta in that15:33
angeleyesbut is is linux and it is do just anything15:33
berylogn8tuser: ok! I tried searching on internet but I didn't try the livecd :-P15:34
bazhangangeleyes, yes; and I have outlined how you can do that15:34
rmitchellberylog: you can rebuild your xorg.conf with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:34
KornieI'm sorry but angeleyes what are you talking about ;/15:34
berylogrmitchell: I tried that but compiz fusion broke15:34
berylogthe problem was I connected my laptop to TV and compiz fusion crash15:34
angeleyesu have not may be i lost it15:35
bazhangangeleyes, lost what15:35
DarkKnighthey my openoffice is crashing...any solution15:35
berylogso when I wanted to use my laptop I had to remove compiz fusion because xorg.conf wasn't right15:35
bazhangDarkKnight, without any more info NO15:35
erUSULberylog: a blank file probably15:35
juniechohi, could someone tell me how to avoid reinstalling drivers that i manually compiled, when i'm supposed to update the kernel?15:35
berylogerUSUL: xorg.conf has a default content15:35
anabolixi just removed my garbage bin on my desktop, where do i find it to put it back?15:35
berylogerUSUL: because I executed that command (reconfigure etc)15:36
ne2k__anabolix: did you put it in the garbage?15:36
berylogerUSUL: but that isn't the default ubuntu intrepid xorg.conf file15:36
DarkKnightbazhang; i just copy some textual info from a web page and paste in into the doc and when i save it or before i save it, it crashes...i have a file which needs 2 be attached 2 show u....how do i attach it15:36
n8tuserjuniecho-> i dont think  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ gets overwritten during update  of kernel..but save this just for keepsake15:37
anabolixno i had it next to my toolbar not exactly on the desktop, and i accidently removed it and i can find it15:37
bazhangDarkKnight, then use a different text editor15:37
angeleyesthe thing u say u out line15:37
bazhangangeleyes, virtualbox?15:37
superkiwiHello, vlc crashed and now no other program can use the sound. How do I fix this?15:37
DarkKnightbazhang; i can't use a text editor as i have tables created in it15:37
n8tuser!trash | anabolix15:37
ubottuanabolix: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:37
erUSULberylog: there is no default xorg.conf... that file does not come in any pacakge with a default content it is generated at install time by 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' and in recent version of ubuntu given that recent xorg version autoconfigure themselves at runtime xorg.conf is blank15:38
l0newolfwhy I can't configure more than 2 desktops?  if I up the amount to 3, 4, whatever and click apply it still says 2 on the pager and doesn't change15:38
anabolixn8tuser, thanks15:38
juniechon8tuser// sorry, i'm a newbie so i don't understand what you're saying. basically i'm a little afraid of manually compiling the driver, so i want to install the tablet driver permanently... is it possible?15:38
CaBahi. does anyone have an idea why apache mod_cband disappeard in hardy?15:38
n8tuserjuniecho-> you are a newbie and doing a major compiling and kernels? umm then do lots more of tutorials so you canlearn a bit more15:39
berylogerUSUL: ah ok! so maybe I only have to enable hardware acceleration to run compiz fusion again15:39
pigphishsuperkiwi: try setting your soud to auto15:39
n8tuser!kernel | juniecho15:40
ubottujuniecho: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages15:40
juniechon8tuser//no, i'm just using the update manager, but there is a kernel update. i'm about to apply these updates, but the last time i updated the kernel, the tablet stopped working so i had to recompile the driver. i'm kinda afraid of this, so i want to have the driver 'follow' the new kernel. is it possible?15:40
rmitchellsuperkiwi: go to system | administration | system monitor and check the "processes" list for vlc15:41
loawhy updater tries to update firefox which didn't installed?15:41
n8tuserjuniecho-> i dont think  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/ gets overwritten during update  of kernel..but save this just for keepsake -- means save that directory15:41
maxbaldwinWhat's the way to unpack a   file.gz.bz2   ?15:41
maxbaldwinjust gunzip file.gz.bz2?15:42
fosco_maxbaldwin: tar xvfj file15:42
maxbaldwinthanks fosco_15:42
unopmaxb, you need a two part extraction - one through bunzip, another through gunzip15:42
juniechon8tuser// i can't find the folder...? i'm at /lib/modules/2.6.24-21-generic15:42
chazcoHi... 2.6.27-10 is intrepid-proposed, and supposedly fixes some bugs. Does anyone know how long it'll take to enter the update repos?15:43
juniechowhere is `uname-r`?15:43
unopmaxbaldwin, sorry, see above15:43
n8tuserjuniecho-> that is the whole directory15:43
fosco_maxbaldwin: .gz.bz2 is not a common extension, try bunzip file.bz2 ; gunzip file.gz15:43
maxbaldwinunop: bunzip file.tar.bz2   then   gunzip file.gz15:43
unopmaxbaldwin, that should do it15:43
l0newolfwhy I can't configure more than 2 desktops?  if I up the amount to 3, 4, whatever and click apply it still says 2 on the pager and doesn't change15:43
n8tuserjuniecho-> if you type  uname -r  on your terminal it should match the   2.6.24-21-generic15:43
maxbaldwinok, thanks unop and fosco_15:43
PriceChildl0newolf: you probably want to configure viewports/workspaces, not desktops.15:44
Segajais there a newer package version for libpcre ?15:44
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juniechon8tuser// oh thanks.. but i know the table works in my old kernel already, how do i make it work with new kernel? is there any way that i can make it work with new kernel without recompiling the driver manually?15:44
fosco_Segaja: newer than what15:44
sorush20openoffice.org 3.0 not present15:45
sorush20what the hell to do15:45
Segajafosco_: i need libpcre3 >= 7.715:45
maxbaldwinunop: fosco_: bunzip isn't a command...15:45
sorush20I'm using the repository that was recommended.15:45
Segajafosco_: i have 7.6-215:45
fosco_Segaja: newest in repos is 7.615:45
Crippsmaxbaldwin, bunzip215:46
fosco_maxbaldwin: bunzip215:46
l0newolfPriceChild: I'm using compiz and can use things like desktop cube (except it's desktop double sided paper) I've looked at viewports but I can't see anything about workspaces15:46
Crippsfosco_, I win ;)15:46
fosco_yeah ;)15:46
raveni need to make a bootable DOS usb stick15:46
ravenbut i have no idea hao to go about this in ubuntu15:46
Crippsraven, there should be some details on the freeDOS website.15:46
maxbaldwinoh, thanks Cripps / fosco_15:46
Crippsmaxbaldwin, no problem.15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about microphone15:47
PriceChildl0newolf: gnome calls them workspaces, compiz calls them viewports15:47
Crippskkady32, two turntables and a ...15:47
PriceChildl0newolf: you want to increase your viewports/workspaces, not desktops15:47
n8tuserjuniecho-> you are not paying attention, save the current one, then do update, if the new update dont work, copy over the specific driver to new and test again, if it dont work you have copy of hte old dir15:47
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l0newolfPriceChild: ah ok, where do you do that?  I can't see an option on the viewports area15:47
Crippskkady32, "two turntables and a microphone" ... it's a song, by  Beck15:47
chazcoHi... 2.6.27-10 is intrepid-proposed, and supposedly fixes some bugs. Does anyone know how long it'll take to enter the update repos? Also wondering if anyone knows how to join a WPA-Ent, tkip, peap, mchapv2 network?15:47
egonwhi all, when I 'sudo aptitude install bugzilla3', I get this error after which it just hangs: 'Looks like we don't have an administrator set up yet. ... <snip>stty: standard input: Invalid argument"15:48
fosco_l0newolf: in compiz to change desktop size go to ccsm - general options - desktop size - put 4 there15:48
kkady32Cripps:how cann i test when my microphone work?15:48
PriceChildl0newolf: not sure sorry, but you want to change your desktop size back to how it was afaik15:48
Crippskkady32, just a moment15:48
fosco_l0newolf: but desktop switcher applet will not work, becouse it works with metacity15:48
|{53fosco_: wonder why it even defaults to 2??!15:48
PriceChildl0newolf: oh i remember15:48
PriceChildl0newolf: right click the viewports bottom right, and choose preferences15:48
PriceChildl0newolf: change it from there instead15:48
techqbertWhen I updated to 8.10, my network-manager lost the ability to join a WPA Radius wifi network.  Any chance I could downgrade back the 8.04 packages just for network-manager and the gnome-frontend.15:48
nightstalkerHello does anyone know where I can download the English national antheme instrumetal full length ??15:49
PriceChildl0newolf: ie the bit on your gnome panel15:49
l0newolfPriceChild: I tried that, that's what didn't work but fosco just gave me the solution  :)15:49
l0newolffosco_: many thanks  :D15:49
n8tuserchazco-> isnt the concept of proposed is just that proposed? may not be even supported yet fully..so go ahead and take the risk..but you will not get support on this channel for early stuff15:49
bazhang!offtopic | nightstalker15:49
ubottunightstalker: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:49
sorush20bug number one is not being helped out if the OOo decision is not to be sorted out soon.15:49
nightstalkerOkay I'll do it15:49
Crippskkady32, which version of ubuntu are you using?15:49
nightstalker#thank you for your help15:49
nightstalkernice weekend15:50
chazcon8tuser - I thought proposed were basically pre-release packages, or are they more experimental than than?15:50
purveshi want know how to install samsung printer scx4200 in ubuntu.15:50
juniechon8tuser//ok thanks! :)15:50
kkady32Cripps:8.10 6415:50
n8tuserchazco-> i honestly dont know 100% about that, but you can be the test guinea pig :P15:50
cliffbreakerhi everyone. Still have the same problem. Cannot set the correct resolution for boot splash screen. Tried to add vga=791 parameter to kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst but it goes wrong. Want 1024x168 resolution. Please somebody help me.15:50
Crippskkady32, try this: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/music.html#music-recording15:51
chazcoheh, ok. Thanks anyway.15:51
kkady32Cripps:ok thx15:51
netyirecliffbreaker: install startupmanager15:52
netyireit's a gui to that15:52
kkady32Cripps:cann u help me with pidgin,work but cannot transfer file,same gyache and kopete?15:53
cliffbreakernetyire: i'll try it right now15:53
chazcoAnyone know how to connect to a WPA-Ent, tkip, peap mchap-v2 network? It doesnt seem to want to work correctly on 8.10..15:53
ravenCripps, maybe im a tard, but i have no idea what u were sending me to find, can u help me make this dos usb stick :p15:53
linuxnoopcan anyone tell me how i can download the update to play dvd's with ubuntu15:55
megamacedAnyone know where the PPTP VPN config files are stored for NetworkManager? I want to copy my VPNs to another machine. Ta15:55
megamaced<linuxnoop> Go to Medibuntu.org15:55
Jimmy__hey guys, i just installed ubuntu on a t400 laptop, however the ethernet card wasnt auto enabled and configured, is it easy to get it up and running? i see it in dmesg, its an intel pro 100/1000 network15:55
iykrichiehello all15:55
Crippsraven, http://fd-doc.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?n=FdDocEn.BootDiskUsbWindows615:55
raveni am making it in linux tho :/15:56
iykrichiei just ran update and after i got to a new kernel: my systems sound dissappered.. but it says the gstreamer are still installed15:56
NicEXEis there a way to restart the sound manager?15:56
ravenwell, i suppose i can just use syslinux and ignore the exe commands15:56
n8tuserJimmy__-> easy, you can modify your interfaces file,   man interfaces15:56
ravenshud work15:56
exodus_mslinuxnoop, http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/14/how-to-enable-dvd-playback-ubuntu-510-6061-610/15:56
Housefly7kHi guys, after updating kernel I get the following error at boot "kernel panic - not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown- block(0,0)"  kernel
iykrichieshould i go back to my old kernel15:58
Housefly7kusing an older kernel I am able to load, any help would be appreciated15:58
Jimmy__n8tuser: this kind of tells me how to configure an existing interface, however, i dont have any?15:59
iykrichiei just got to 2.6.22.* and lost my sound15:59
arvind_khadrihi, how do i set themes for compiz?15:59
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tyler_d1how do you delete a dir in term that starts with '-'15:59
chazcoAnyone know how to connect to a WPA-Ent, tkip, peap mchap-v2 network? It doesnt seem to want to work correctly on 8.10..15:59
Crippskkady32, you should try searching the ubuntu community forums, that's how I figured it out back in the day. I can't find the community doc on it, but, again, the forums should have the answer.16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wammu16:00
sl_dudeubuntu rocks16:00
benoka!help wammu16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about help wammu16:00
kkady32Cripps:ok ,thx16:00
hellrabbitWammu hehe, now citibanks got there own problems ontop of Wammus16:01
sl_dudecitibank is now poor bank. ;)16:01
Crippswhat's that? weeaboo ?16:01
sl_dudehey does linux use java as well?16:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:02
n8tuserJimmy__-> easy, you can modify your interfaces file,  add the line that you dont have, copy the idea from the man interfaces ?16:02
sl_dudei mean is java used to build linux?16:02
superkiwiHello, I'm on ubuntu 8.10 and my soundsystem is 'hijacked', meaning no program produces sounds atm - Vlc crashed. How do I regain the sound without rebooting?16:02
Housefly7kThe only difference I see in /boot/grub/menu.lst  is a missing line thats in the older kernels "initrd /boot/initrd.img****"16:02
hellrabbitYeah, I fad for feel bad for recent college grads. no banking jobs for them... atleast not any time soon16:03
hellrabbitIs Wammu a prog / app though?16:03
CrippsPici, who was that aimed at?16:03
sl_dudehey press Ctr+Shift+Backspace superwiki16:03
sl_dudeand they log in see whether sound works16:03
hellrabbitOh yeah hit alt - F416:03
Crippssl_dude, you can certainly use java under Linux, but there are no parts of Linux (read Linux is the Kernel) that are done in java16:04
superkiwisl_dude: Doesn't that restart X?16:04
sl_dudeah thanks a lot Cripps16:04
Crippssuperkiwi, yes, it's overkill16:04
cliffbreakernetyire. Thank you a lot. That helped16:04
hellrabbitYeah it restarts X16:04
sl_dudeone of my friends was bugging me today about it16:04
hellrabbitYou would have to log back in :(16:04
netyirecliffbreaker: :-)16:04
sl_dudesaying linux uses java.16:04
Crippssuperkiwi, /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart16:05
reduz-wrkpeople of the ubuntu federation16:05
superkiwiCripps: thanks :]16:05
cliffbreakernetyire: that's strange but it added the same parameter as I did)) dunno why)16:05
sl_dudehey what about alsa-mixer16:05
reduz-wrkI can't install adoble flash plugin, it still use some other crappy gpl flash plugin instead and youtube doesn't work :(16:05
reduz-wrki only want my youtube back16:05
KornieAnyone else having an issue with also hanging on sutdown?16:05
reduz-wrkany idea how to fix?16:05
Crippssl_dude, there are java apllications that run under linux, and some distros may have java components, but java has nothing to do with Linux itself.16:05
iykrichiehw can i get my sound back16:05
sl_dudesorry its should actually be16:05
Crippssuperkiwi, yw.16:05
Static--Kornie:  i am as well16:06
hellrabbitDownload Flash, then shut down your browser... I rarely have any problems...16:06
Crippsiykrichie, see what I said to superkiwi16:06
sl_dudehey what's it i've forgotten16:06
Larrxianyone that have run the radeonhd drivers? does it make up with the nvidia drivers?16:06
reduz-wrkhellrabbit, doesn16:06
sl_dudeah flash is a big problem now16:06
adrenergichi room16:06
sl_dudeyou guys having similar problems?16:06
Crippssl_dude, alsa-mixer is part of alsa-utils16:06
reduz-wrkis there a way to setup which flash plugin do i want to use?16:06
sl_dudethanks for sharing your knowledge Cripps16:06
adrenergici need help? i've got problem with my resolution.... can somebody help me to fix it16:07
iykrichiecripps u could still say it again16:07
Crippssl_dude, no problem :)16:07
adrenergici want to get higher resolution16:07
Jimmy__hey guys, i just installed ubuntu on a t400 laptop, however the ethernet card wasnt auto enabled and configured, is it easy to get it up and running? i see it in dmesg, its an intel pro 100/1000 network16:07
Crippsiykrichie,  superkiwi, /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart16:07
superkiwiCripps: I didn't work however :+16:07
sl_dudewell you'll have to go to synaptic package manager and do a search reduz-wrk16:07
Crippssuperkiwi, hmm ... just a moment16:07
Larrxiadrenergic you should use xrandr16:07
reduz-wrksl_dude, but i have all 3 of them installed, i just want to switch between them16:07
hellrabbitADRE you might have to edit the X11 config (win guy) file16:07
iykrichiei should just run /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart at the terminal?16:07
Crippssuperkiwi, try: sudo alsa force-reload16:08
dayzmandoes anyone know how to convert an eps to a pdf?16:08
sl_dudeoh, ok.16:08
adrenergichow-to goto an unknown resolution.... which is undetected by the OS Larrxi ?16:08
sl_dudewhat browsr are you using reduz?16:08
n8tuserKornie-> how often is the stall ?16:08
Crippssuperkiwi, iykrichie sorry, the /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart needed to be run as sudo16:08
Blaze_Boy[Problem]: i when i delete any file from any partition (FAT32) on my HDD Ubuntu hardy says "Cannot move file to the Deleted Items folder, do you want to delete permanently? The file "SecureTraveler User's Manual.pdf" cannot be moved to the wastebasket." , i'v made all the partitions automountable on startup , can anybody help in that small problem ?16:08
Static--n8tuser: mine locks up on every shutdown - restart16:08
iykrichie did that with a sudo16:09
CrippsBlaze_Boy, what does "ls -la <name of file>" give you?16:09
xbaezwhy if i add the connection info in the Network Manager Applet, ubuntu doesn't keep the configuration and every reboot i have to put the info again ?16:09
superkiwiCripps: None of them worked. The second one restarted the mixer applet in gnome aswell.16:09
iykrichieCripps do i need to restart to confirm it works?16:09
hellrabbitXbaez, did you save it as a new profile?16:09
n8tuserStatic---> look into /etc/udev/rules.d/85-ifupdown.rules    you can trace this and find out if your interfaces are not shutdown16:09
tyler_d1for real, no one knows how to get rid of a dir that starts with a special char?16:09
Crippsiykrichie, no, you shouldn't need to, if it doesn't work now, then the command didn't do what I thought it woiuld.16:09
n8tusertyler_d1-> have you tried to google yet?16:10
Crippsiykrichie, superkiwi, *maybe* restarting X will fix things, it's not a pretty solution, but it might work.16:10
* Cripps hates heavy-handed solutions16:10
ravenis there a way to LITERALLY - boot sector and all - burn an iso to a usb drive16:10
n8tuserxbaez-> i believe there is bug submitted for that, if you were using 8.1016:10
Blaze_BoyCripps: -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1584901 2008-10-24 19:23 SecureTraveler User's Manual.pdf16:10
superkiwiCripps: I'l try restarting X.16:11
xbaezhellrabbit, nop, i just edit the eth1 connection16:11
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hellrabbitI agree with Cripps, if you reboot and at log on splash restart X it works for me and my KVM switch problems16:11
iykrichiei think i better restart16:11
xbaezi have to save it as a new profile16:11
Crippshellrabbit, skip the reboot.16:11
Crippsyou should never need to reboot unless you have a new kernel.16:11
Cripps*unless you want to restart into a different kernel16:11
Blaze_BoyCripps: so?16:11
CrippsBlaze_Boy, just a sec16:12
superkiwiCripps: Nothing changed, still no sound.16:12
sl_duderestart is a bad habit of windows users :D16:12
sl_dudehey superwiki are using speakers?16:12
superkiwiYeh, I am16:12
Larrxiadrenergic: i dont know it myself, xrandr -q shows the modes available though16:12
hellrabbitXbaez, oh if your config. via console I'm not much help... I've tried to be uber cool and run lnx )no gui_ I always get stuck when I try to setup wireless :) :(16:13
CrippsBlaze_Boy, would you please pastea copy of your /etc/fstab, ls -la (of the file) and a session where you try to delete the file onto a pastebin?16:13
sl_dudeoh, well sometimes it might something to do with your sound settings.16:13
heogenhow to unlock ogle16:13
superkiwiIt's cambridge gigaworks16:13
sl_dudedoes the sound icon appear in the panel16:13
heogenthis is the error FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed16:13
Crippssuperkiwi, maybe it's something wrong with the sound configuration then. IDd you change anything recently?16:13
Segajafosco_: i know. but is there a .deb file of version 7.7 or higher available?16:13
heogenanyone know how can to resolve this problem?16:13
heogenwith ogle16:14
superkiwiCripps: I haven't changed anything since last boot.16:14
Larrxidoes anyone know what does not work with radeonhd?16:14
hellrabbitAnyone know of an open source Flash creation program? ie make flash games.16:14
jatthi, I've just installed the latest updates (for hardy), and after rebooting my sound card is not recognized anymore:16:15
jattwarning: 'alsactl store' failed with error message 'alsactl: save_state:1251: No soundcards found...16:15
SuperGeekHello, how can I disable the PC speaker beep that occurs when I use the terminal/16:15
jattmy card is a,16:15
jatt00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)16:15
hellrabbitI'll check out flashdev thanks16:15
ravenjatt: those work with ubuntu out of the box16:15
Crippssuperkiwi, sorry, I'm out of my experience now. All I can suggest is searching the forums.16:15
jatthow can I fix this problem16:15
denndahellrabbit: http://osflash.org/16:15
superkiwiI use S/PDIF if that matters.16:15
ravenjatt: curious: u using an eee?16:15
jattworked perfectly until today when I ran the update manager and installed some updates16:16
superkiwiCripps: ok, well thanks for the help. I'l try rebooting the whole machine.16:16
jattthat included the kernel16:16
ravenjatt: try installing the backport kernel modules16:16
ravenjatt: i dont know the package name16:16
ravenjatt: that usually fixes something like that16:16
sl_dudehellrabbit, i think can make flash programs using OO impress as well.16:16
Crippssuperkiwi, ouch ... I hope it still fails (because otherwise, it could be something difficult to find)16:16
sl_dudebut im really not sure.16:16
hellrabbitThanks guys / gals16:16
Blaze_BoyCripps: http://dpaste.com/94398/16:17
sl_dudesuperwiki, just do some changes in your sound settings and see16:17
Crippssuperkiwi, if it fails after a restart then maybe an update broke a configuration somewhere or something, but that's all I can think of.16:17
CrippsBlaze_Boy, thanks, give me a few minutes to pnder that.16:17
Doonz2Hey guys can someone help me out with volumes. By that i mean when i look under Places it shows me 2  things that im not sure where it got that lable from16:18
Larrxiadrenergic: look here for a sample xorg.conf: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2#xorg.conf16:18
iykrichieCripps man i restarted and it worked16:18
iykrichieisi wiki still here16:18
adrenergicthanks pal16:19
w441type /QUOTE PASS 1441516:19
hellrabbitAnyone have issues with Compiz and there Notebook track pad causing cube rotation?16:19
Larrxiadrenergic: just skip all but that with modes16:19
CrippsBlaze_Boy, which partition is the file on? sda5, sda6, sda7, sda8, sda9, or sda10 ?16:19
christopherhello all16:19
hellrabbitHey Chris16:19
sl_dudehello christopher16:20
n8tuserDoonz-> what labels are you speaking of?16:20
Blaze_BoyCripps: all of them16:20
ravenhellrabbit, if ur desktop is selected and u hold both buttons and then use the mouse wheel area it rotates, perhaps some accidental combo>?16:20
Blaze_BoyCripps: all of them cause the problem with any file16:20
LjLw441: why?16:20
SuperGeekWhat is the default root password on Ubuntu? I just installed and didn't remember setting one16:20
CrippsBlaze_Boy, I think it has something to do with the "user" option in your fstab. Try replacing that with "defaults" instad.16:20
christopheri'm looking for a mac style dock any suggestions?16:20
Cripps!root > SuperGeek16:20
ubottuSuperGeek, please see my private message16:20
iykrichiecan i get rid of the old kernels cos they are messing up the boot loader16:20
hellrabbitOh, cool thanks Raven... it's been driving me nuts... Old dell inspiron here, figured it was something wierd... I probably hitem without knowing.16:21
Doonz2n8tuser,  when i look under places it shows that there is something called 1.9tb space and somehow my Raid 0 array has a name of 2000gb media16:21
Blaze_BoyCripps: it's a permission denied problem, i tried the default but i have the problem of the arabic folder names :(16:21
Crippsiykrichie, how are they "messing up the bootloader?"16:21
hellrabbitDamn Dell keyboards... so bouncy16:21
iykrichiethey are tool much16:21
heogenplease help me16:21
ffdîä ÷åøä àðùéí16:21
heogenhow to unlock ogle16:21
ffdîéùäå ôä îãáø òáøéú16:22
iykrichiei have the .16, .21, and the .22 kernel with 2 sublists each16:22
n8tuserDoonz-> sudo fdisk -l   and compare whats shown16:22
LjL!ru | ffd16:22
Segajaso, has anybody an idea, how i get a .deb file for libpcre3 >= version 7.7 ?16:22
ubottuffd: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:22
iykrichiei also have my xp at the end of the list..16:22
heogenanyone know?16:22
CrippsBlaze_Boy, yeah, the "user" permissions are quite restrictive ... if you can't do it with "defaults" then check out the fstab documentation, and try adding options manually instead of "user" ... experiment until you get a combination that works.16:22
Doonz2thats the thing i have 2 software raid 5 arrays. it just shows the disk but nowhere is these labels16:22
Doonz2n8tuser, thats the thing i have 2 software raid 5 arrays. it just shows the disk but nowhere is these labels16:23
hellrabbitHas anyone successfull compiled / installed Framwork 3.0 ... I've DLd every ruby lib I can find... still trose Make error :(16:23
SuperGeekHow do I disable the system beep?16:23
SuperGeekSo annoying16:23
n8tuserDoonz-> use the lvm tools?16:23
Crippsiykrichie, you can edit /boot/grub/menu.lst  and just comment out the ones you don't want. I never uninstall kernels because having the option to roll back in case of emergency is nice.16:23
demonsporkSuperGeek, if you are ona  desktop you could try removing the speaker16:23
iykrichiei see16:23
SuperGeekdemonspork, it's a laptop and i want to disable the system beep thing, not sounds in general16:24
iykrichiethe comment is an '#' right?16:24
Crippsiykrichie, yep.16:24
Blaze_BoyCripps: well, i can't do that cause that's the only working syntax that i'm comfortable with the problem is only that i can't access any deleted Bin on any partition, i think there is a good solution but htis16:24
Doonz2n8tuser,  ok ill try that16:24
CrippsBlaze_Boy, if it helps, you could try "rm -f <filename>" or simply "unlink <filename>" ... that'll delete them.16:25
hellrabbitHypothetical / Moral question, if someone develops a game via open-source tools, and assuming it becomes popular... is it considered immoral in the OS world to then market that product thus making a living / profit?16:25
ne2k__I am seriously pissed off16:25
cliffbreakerwhere can i find a manual on how to create packages for ubuntu?16:25
* Cripps doesn't like automatic utilities because they leave messy configurations16:25
n8tusercliffbreaker-> google for it?16:26
ne2k__I have just release upgraded my ubuntu from 6.06 to 8.04 and I can't boot it, because the pata_it821x module is broken. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/10693116:26
Crippsn8tuser, you beat me to it.16:26
sipiorhellrabbit: no16:26
urbandsyou can make money16:26
n8tuserCripps-> some just dont want to hard work anymore..lol16:27
=== led_zeppelin is now known as dhino
Blaze_BoyCripps: try to understand me i need to globalize that solution on any user on the PC and i can't delete every file i need from the terminal even if i can my little sister can't i need to eliminate with a full solution not a half solution16:27
snowhitehej någon som kunde hjälpa mig att vart ska jag installera AUTORUN till min INTREPID där den inte finns med?16:27
majnoonsipior, if gpl you just need to give the code isn't that right ?16:27
=== cexpert1 is now known as TbotNik
ne2k__I originally installed the it8212 module manually (I can't remember how I got it on there -- possibly off a floppy)16:27
sipiormajnoon: "open" doesn't necessarily mean "gpl"16:27
xbaezhellrabbit, ok thanks !16:28
ne2k__!se | snowhite16:28
ubottusnowhite: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se16:28
Doonz2n8tuser,  i installed it from add/remove but when i click on it it goes to open and then closes16:28
Beroberoneed some help on serial ports. trying to connect UPS but fails16:28
sipiormajnoon: but i believe that interpretation is basically right, though of course ianal :)16:28
majnoonbut under GPL that the case iirr16:28
CrippsBlaze_Boy, I understand, but the only solution, for you, is to read the documentation and figure out what works for you.16:28
snowhitehej vet någon här hur jag ska intsallera autorun i miin intrepid?16:28
Doonz2what command can i use in terminal to show the labels of mounted volumes and stuff16:29
hellrabbitOk, cuase it seems the OS activists go to extremes in there blogs about how all software (IP's) should be free. Seems a bit ons sided of a belief (for lack of a better term)16:29
Crippssnowhite, we're not dutch ;)16:29
ne2k__Cripps: it's swedish16:29
magnetronsnowhite→ #ubuntu-se för svensk chatt16:29
ne2k__magnetron: ;-)16:29
snowhiteHi anyone here who could help me about how to install AUTORUN in my Intrepid?16:29
Crippsne2k__, well, I'm not swejdish either :P16:29
n8tuserDoonz-> mount16:29
Crippsne2k__, the two languages do look quite similar.16:30
magnetronCripps→ are you unable to spell?16:30
ne2k__Cripps: they look remarkably different to me16:30
n8tuserthey are chinese to me..:)16:30
Crippsne2k__, it's all about experience ... I don't have much experience with swedish16:30
snowhitehej ingen som vet hur jag ska installera i min INtrepid Autokörning???16:30
Blaze_BoyCripps: like that i couldn't know that myself, i damn know that i can read, i read all the day and night , i need to have some rest and use another one's experience to solve my problems , that's the benifit of the ubuntu community isn't it?16:30
hellrabbitAny-who, take care everyone. Don't go to Wallmart, you may get trampled... too soon I know.16:31
ne2k__snowhite: you are going to get banned16:31
Beroberoconnected serial cable to port A of IBM netfinity but cant use ttyS0 nor 1. they seem locked16:31
Seven_Six_TwoI read that the development on kde3.5 has pretty much stopped, but will it still be available if I upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?16:31
Doonz2n8tuser,  ok i used the mount command but it doesnt show labels or anything like that16:31
magnetronsnowhite→ den här kanalen är bara för frågor på engelska, gå in i kanalen #ubuntu-se för att chatta på svenska16:31
n8tuserhellrabbit-> in the spirit of giving gifts.16:31
ribas1been surfing all over the place to install lxde16:31
LjLsnowhite: SISTA VARNING, använd #ubuntu-se för att snacka svenska eller prata här på engelska.16:31
ribas1can't make it due to unresolved dependencies16:31
bazhangribas1, sudo apt-get install lxde16:31
CrippsBlaze_Boy, please, calm down. I've given you the experience that I can, and since that doesn't entirely fix the problem you are having, I suggested a place to look. A community is here to help, not to do the work for you.16:31
ribas1lxde and lxde core16:31
bazhangribas1, that will bring in other packages as well16:32
macjason0607guys what parts do remote desktop run on  ?16:32
ribas1removed evrything related with lxde from sources.list16:32
ribas1bazhang: yes, but where are the repos? followe these16:32
bazhang!info lxde16:32
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB16:32
ne2k__does the server iso have a rescue environment on it?16:32
sinan1anyone knows a torrent application that lets you set when to download and when not to download? (a la uTorrent)16:33
heogenunlock ogle, anyone know?16:33
heogen!-#!FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed16:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:33
Seven_Six_Twosinan1, ktorrent with the scheduler plugin16:33
snowhitehej hur ska jag installera automat körningen i min Intrepid?16:33
sinan1thanks :)16:33
Beroberopls tell me how to get rid of the ttyS1 lock16:33
Beroberoremoved everything under /var/lock dir16:34
CrippsSeven_Six_Two, I love ktorrent :)16:34
Seven_Six_Two!ubottu kde3.516:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu kde3.516:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde3.516:34
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde416:34
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:34
alexmax_kde 4 looks hilarious16:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:34
ubottuKDE 4.1.3 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.3 - Support in #kubuntu16:34
Seven_Six_Twoaw that doesn't help16:34
CrippsSeven_Six_Two, what are you looking for?16:35
Seven_Six_TwoI just want to make sure that 3.5 and 4 are options in 8.1016:35
CrippsLjL, who was offtopic?16:35
CrippsSeven_Six_Two, they are.16:35
dayzmandoes anyone know how to convert an eps to a ps?16:35
Seven_Six_Twook thanks Cripps16:35
dayzmandoes ps2eps have a reverse mode?16:35
CrippsSeven_Six_Two, no prob.16:35
LjLCripps: alexmax16:36
LjL(and now, you and me)16:36
intercoolAnyone have problems with spdif and analog music? I am not able to change volume.. DTS sound works great though..16:36
intercoolanalog music  = mp3 etc, not DTS/AC3 mixed music16:37
Seven_Six_TwoI'm assuming the nvidia situation is also fixed? (the lack of direct rendering)16:37
osxdude|laptopintercool, you won't be able to change the volume...you have to use the audio input volume control.16:37
verandaEnter text here...h16:37
verandahow r u all16:38
osxdude|laptopStopping the chat, one ban at a time16:38
osxdude|laptopintercool, are you using an optical cable for all sources? analog and DTS?16:38
Doonz2how do i modify Volume Labels?16:38
intercoolosxdude|laptop: yes, for all.16:38
LjL!offtopic | veranda16:39
ubottuveranda: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:39
verandacan any1 c me here .................hello16:39
osxdude|laptopintercool, then you would have to use the surround reciever's volume control.16:39
DawnLightDoonz2: there's a command... tune2fs16:39
osxdude|laptopintercool, or, more in general, the volume control of the...audio reciever.16:40
DawnLighthey - i want to install kubuntu on a usb attached hdd. is this possible? i want this drive to be able to move from one machine to another16:40
sipiordayzman: if you're lucky, you only need to remove the BoundingBox. you might look at ImageMagick, i seem to remember it understanding the eps format16:40
apastinenhello, how can i mount device so that it is owner by some user, not the root?16:40
intercoolosxdude|laptop: thats wierd.. DTS has only one sound level. and works great. But regular sound has to low volume to regulate on the amp, even i i crank it up to the max16:40
KRFapastinen, mount dev path -o user=<username>,group=<group> afaik16:41
osxdude|laptopintercool, I would think on analog outputs you would have to adjust either the Volume Control's volumes, or the application's volumes.16:41
KRFman mount helps16:42
mon^rchis there a faq on how to install openoffice 3 on ubuntu 8.04?16:42
SuperGeekHow do I remove that little "This command is not valid but you can get it by typing apt-get install etc"?16:43
ne2k__how do I tell if my processor is amd64 or i386? what should I look for in dmesg?16:43
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=== XtraCt^eSr is now known as E-XtraCt
intercoolosxdude|laptop: when i try to controle the volume in lets say totem og rythmbox there is only "on" and "off" no volume gets modified with the slider.16:43
un1tHi im using Ubuntu on macbook with madwifi now ive done an kernel update and wlan does not function any longer16:44
un1twhat can i do16:44
apastinenKRF: yeah i am familiar with mount and know the man pages, i just cant handle it. you example also didnt it16:44
sipiorSuperGeek: i believe you just need to uninstall "command-not-found"16:44
n8tuserne2k__-> cat /proc/cpuinfo16:44
SuperGeekthanks sipior16:44
osxdude|laptopintercool, then I would check the volume control.16:44
osxdude|laptopintercool, that is, the mixer.16:45
ne2k__n8tuser: what flag should I look for?16:45
intercoolhehe checked both alsamixer and gnome-mixer no volume control is reacting..16:45
intercoolhave googled for it seems to be a problem that others have also16:45
apastinenAnyone? How can i mount for specified user? "-o user=bbstored" gives: ReiserFS: dm-1: warning: unknown mount option "user=bbstored"16:45
intercoolwhen using optical og coax16:46
n8tuserne2k__-> cat /proc/cpuinfo  read the info ?16:46
=== sorush20 is now known as I
* I Sorush is away: Gone away for now16:46
ne2k__n8tuser: errm, so how do you tell if it's a 64 bit processor?16:46
Pici!away > I16:46
ubottuI, please see my private message16:46
ribas1!info lxde16:46
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB16:46
osxdude|laptopintercool, then it's an ubuntu bug >_<16:47
osxdude|laptopor smething16:47
n8tuserne2k__-> paste the results of that, and lets see if we can interpret16:47
kkh i everyone16:47
ribas1anyhow, can't install becaus edependecies openbox cannot be installed16:47
ne2k__n8tuser: nm, ##linux helped. flags will include "lm" if 64 bit mode is supported16:47
ribas1wanted to try lxde cause is kind of lighter than gnome16:48
ribas1trying deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu intrepid main deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu intrepid main16:49
Doonz2DawnLight, how do i use that program (sorry im a linux noobie)16:50
bobdobolinaok when i login it network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password16:51
ribas1can't find all lxde packages...anyone running lxde?16:51
seyacatHi ubuntuers!!!16:51
zsehi how do i download ubuntu16:51
bobdobolinaok when i login it network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password16:52
seyacatplease help me, do you know it exists a webcam with control panel, auto exposition and other settings?16:52
ribas1zse: using windows?16:52
Picizse: http://www.ubuntu.com/download16:52
ribas1cool :)16:52
chavez83Hey all you searched a long lon gtime for a solution for my GeForce 7600GT PCI-E may someone can help me16:52
zseribas1, ya16:52
chavez83qry me plz16:52
zsePici: so i just click on it and it starts to work?16:52
bobdobolinaon my other computer it forces me to go to low graphics mode because its the only way to turn the comp on then only kde sessions work and ubuntu is scrambled16:53
sipiorapastinen: i think you just want to add the "user" option on the appropriate entry in /etc/fstab, which allows any user to mount the volume.16:53
Picizse: Just download from there and then follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Standard%20installation16:54
zsehow do i use it to hack computer machines?16:54
zsepeople tell me linux == hacking os?16:54
* sipior smacks zse16:54
bassoi want to to this. Bridge wireless and wired network on my laptop. So i can make an ADHOC on the wireless and share the internet connection at home.. How do i do that? :P16:54
ribas1zxe: u need to learn a lot...16:54
ne2k__basso: you need to look at "man brctl"16:54
bobdobolinau just type in teh codez to haxors16:54
ribas1don't make any sense what ur saying...16:54
zsekkk downloading16:55
RemsSsHi everybody16:55
ne2k__basso: and search for "bridge howto"16:55
zsegoing to try to use it16:55
zselearn how to hack computer mahcines using it16:55
sipiorzse: please don't16:55
zsewith specially crafted packetz16:55
Picizse: Thats not the focus of Linux and you won't find support for that here.16:55
zsesipior: no!16:55
ne2k__basso: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bridge/index.html16:55
zsePici: huh?16:55
bobdobolinaya i think that will take some time but i suggest you start learning now16:55
zsei thought it was a hacker who made it16:55
chavez83is some one experienced about installing the Nvidia Drivers for a PCI-E Graphicscard? i always get a black screen after installing the driver16:56
Crippsbasso, with the tools available it's unlikely to work, it all depends on your wireless card. If you have a compatible wireless card, check out ipbridge (I think, give me a moment to confirm)16:56
Picizse: I suggest you look up a definition of hacking, its not meant for malicious purposes.16:56
jewelhey, can anyone help me with virtulization?16:56
sipiormaybe he hacked localhost16:56
ne2k__Cripps: what makes you think that bridging the two cards together will not work?16:56
bassowhoa advanced..16:57
KornieOK, I have to ask this anyone running World of warcraft in WINE and having issues with Graphical issues?16:57
Crippsbassliner, sorry, bridge-utils16:58
demonsporkKornie, the wine people hang out in #wine16:58
Crippsne2k__, because I've tried.16:58
ribas1zse: you can try to start by looking on google terms like dual boot linux and windows, boot loader, desktop in linux, packages in linux16:58
jewelhey, can anyone help me with virtulization?16:58
demonsporkKornie, #winehq16:58
Crippsne2k__, it has something to do withg the firmware of the wireless card that presents problems when bridging it to a wired connection.16:58
Cripps%s/withg/with the/16:58
sipiorjewel: difficult to say without knowing what sort of problem you're having16:59
chavez83is some one experienced about installing the Nvidia Drivers for a PCI-E Graphicscard? i always get a black screen after installing the driver16:59
=== I is now known as sorush20
* sorush20 Sorush is back.16:59
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password16:59
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?16:59
n8tuserCripps-> which card was that you had issues bridging?16:59
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!16:59
apastinensipior: no, i want to mount partition so that only one specified user has access to it17:00
n8tuserDoonz-> perhaps your udev rules has something to do with those labels17:00
Crippsn8tuser, ipw394517:00
ne2k__n8tuser: well, there's no harm in trying. it's not very hard. basically, you create a bridge with brctl, and then add interfaces to it.17:00
bobdobolinastart by looking up elite haxorz and learn how to type in letters on the keyboard to hax ur friends aim and tell everyone that u have ur pants down on their aim17:00
seyacatplease help me, do you know it exists a webcam with control panel, auto exposition and other settings?17:00
juancabritohey. can anyone help me with VMWare?17:00
sipiorapastinen: set permissions accordingly17:00
apastinensipior: without any other stages17:00
Crippsbasso, "whoah advanced" ?17:00
n8tuserne2k__-> right17:00
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!17:00
ne2k__n8tuser: it's all in that mini howto17:01
apastinensipior: i must happend in mount17:01
sipiorapastinen: well, it's not going to :-)17:01
n8tuserne2k__-> uhuh17:01
Doonz2n8tuser,  what is udev?17:01
bobdobolinaon my other computer it forces me to go to low graphics mode because its the only way to turn the comp on then only kde sessions work and ubuntu is scrambled17:01
apastinensipior: sad..17:01
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!17:02
ne2k__n8tuser: it's fairly old; I think bridging is on by default in linux kernel now, so you don't have to do any of the initial stuff17:02
juancabritocan I install a software again to have it working or should I uninstall it first?17:02
apastinensipior: i have parition in LVM to reserved for backups, and if i need to restart the server, i want permission to set up automatically17:02
sipiorvladtsepesh1984: yeah, we head you the first time.17:02
ne2k__n8tuser: actually that howto looks crap17:02
aboSamoorI want to run an application on a remote server logining by ssh. i don't want to close the terminal without closing the program on that remote machine17:02
sipioror heard, even17:02
ne2k__n8tuser: search for brctl17:02
aboSamoorhow can I do that ?17:02
delta214anyone know what i should use to delete an unused partition in xp?17:03
ne2k__aboSamoor: that's the default behaviour17:03
n8tuserne2k__-> uhuh17:03
vladtsepesh1984sipior probably someone entered the chat after i said it the first time...17:03
sipiorapastinen: why does that need to have the permissions of a specific user?17:03
n8tuseraboSamoor-> man screen17:03
emiliengnome-panel keeps going at 99 cpu randomly any ideas ?17:04
apastinensipior: i want that only my backup daemon has RW access to it17:04
sanguisdexdoes the package svn include svn-load-dirs?17:04
sanguisdexhow can I find that out?17:04
sipiorvladtsepesh1984: it's considered bad manners to repeat your question more often than once every few minutes.17:04
aboSamoorn8tuser, in fact I tried and I did not figure how ? :(17:04
apastinensipior: .. and because there is no need for other users to read it17:04
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password17:04
n8tuseraboSamoor-> man screen  read the details please17:04
emiliengnome-panel keeps going at 99 cpu randomly any ideas ?17:05
tsuna27how do i get rid of the update manager, i want ubuntu 2 just update itself automaticlly w/o notifing me17:05
djzhan_Hello,can anyone give me advices about how to choose a cpu family of AMD Sempro CPU while compiling kernel.17:05
sipiorapastinen: and why doesn't that work if you set the ownership of the mount point correctly?17:05
chavez83is some one experienced about installing the Nvidia Drivers for a PCI-E Graphicscard? i always get a black screen after installing the driver17:05
juancabritocan I install a software again to have it working or should I uninstall it first?17:05
djzhan_ Hello,can anyone give me advices about how to choose a cpu family of AMD Sempro CPU while compiling kernel?17:05
=== HorizonXP1 is now known as HorizonXP
evolve_Hi guys, I have been attempting to install ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 8200 off of both the desktop and alternate ISO's.  I confirmed that the CD's are working, and the ISO's are valid MD5 wise, however when I attempt to boot them in the machine they do absolutely nothing.  The boot order is setup correctly and just to ensure that I tried SMB and when I use that I get the message "Disk Error! 0x0C"...and suggestions I'm completely at a loss17:05
juancabritohey. can anyone help me with VMWare?17:05
apastinensipior: well.. wait a second..17:05
sipiorapastinen: or better, simply create a directory below the mount point, owned by your backup daemon17:05
astor-braziljuancabrito, what the question ?17:05
Cripps!windows > delta21417:06
ubottudelta214, please see my private message17:06
apastinensipior: http://pastebin.com/m46b8fab17:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about udev17:06
Doonz2me neither17:06
russanyone's audio stop working after an update like mine?17:06
chavez83can some one help me with x,.. its about activating my Graphicsaccleration17:06
n8tuserevolve_-> before you install, boot fully on that livecd17:06
lenioshi, does anydoby know why ubuntu install cd can't find cd drive, booting from it?17:07
coldhakhow do I share a folder on the network from the shell?17:07
apastinensipior: ok, that should do it..17:07
vladtsepesh1984sipior:sorry, i'll wait 10 minutes17:07
apastinensipior: thnx17:07
evolve_lenios: are you sure that the cd rom drive is first in the boot order?17:07
sipiorapastinen: did that work?17:08
juancabritoastor-brazil: I installed VMWare Server, but the guest was too slow, so I decided to install VMWare Player, but now the http port of the VMWare server doesn't work anymore17:08
astor-brazilcoldhak, you need first the samba installed17:08
coldhaki've done it from gnome/xfce before, but i happen to not have those installed here17:08
coldhaksamba is installed.17:08
geniicoldhak: NFS or CIFS ?17:08
leniosi boot from the cd, and on the ubuntu menu, i choose install, and then no cdrom drive found17:08
sipiorvladtsepesh1984: no worries, you didn't know17:08
ribas1lxde? getting nuts :)17:08
coldhakgenii, whatever ubuntu server installs as by default17:08
apastinensipior: i will make different directory after mount point, it should do it.. it not the solution which i was searching but i can live with it :)17:08
astor-braziljuancabrito, the vmware player don't has the http conection, I recommend you to use virtual box, the performance is very high17:09
cliffbreakerwho can help? what is the package for gtk+ in repos?17:09
geniicoldhak: You want to share to other linux/unix boxes or to Windows machines?17:09
astor-brazilcoldhak, you'll need to edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf and follow the example, is very easy17:10
n8tusercliffbreaker-> use this tool.   apt-cache search  gtk17:10
coldhakgenii, windows machines17:10
[Ramy]n8tuser, trying screen mplayer foo , I got this error "[screen is terminating]"17:10
coldhakastor-brazil: thank you, I shall try that17:10
cliffbreaker<n8tuser>: there is a great amount of programs containing gtk in their names17:10
n8tuser[Ramy]-> google for how to use screen17:10
geniicoldhak: Then CIFS (samba) .       Edit /etc/samba/smb.conf     to suit your need. Then sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart17:11
n8tusercliffbreaker-> well you have to choose which one you need17:11
intercoolsolution on ultra low volume on spdif optical and mp3 sound Is Open totem -> Preferences -> sound -> AC3 passhtru. Now every application i have tried in ubuntu works and volume controls work.17:11
sipiorcliffbreaker: libgtk will probably give you a shorter search list17:11
n8tuser[Ramy]-> http://tldp.org/LDP/LGNET/147/appaiah.html17:12
coldhakif I share it like that, will other linux boxes(setup with fusesmb) detect it as if it were a windows server?17:12
DawnLightis it possible to install ubuntu on a usb hdd?17:13
sipiorDawnLight: yep17:13
n8tuserDawnLight-> yes17:13
DawnLightand... will it be able to traverse different machines?17:13
astor-brazilDawnLight, yes, its possible, I installed mine on a SDHC card17:13
LabThugI've determined that my LG GGW-H10N Blue-Ray burner is causing this:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/219786.  Anyone know how to workaround it?17:14
sipiorDawnLight: by which you mean?17:14
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password17:14
DawnLightthat it will be able to be used with different machines17:14
DawnLighthow do i install it? via the normal installer?17:14
bobdobolinai added pam to the bottom of the file i was told and it didnt work17:15
astor-brazilDawnLight, why you dont use the live cd into a usb ?17:15
n8tuserastor-brazil-> are you suggesting to just copy the livecd over? i dont believe that will work17:16
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astor-braziln8tuser, the only problem is to save archives17:16
DawnLightastor-brazil: i want persistence. i'd like to have a laptop but i don't so i think maybe i can install it on my usb hdd and use people's computers because i travel17:17
sipiorDawnLight: yes, if they can boot from usb. differing hardware may cause you some grief, but nothing insurmountable17:17
seyacatdid you know if exists a webcam with settings gui to change exposition times brigness and others?17:17
amhubuntu 8.10  when i get to the gnome login screen my keyboard and mouse dont appear to work. i cant type in a username or move the mouse at all.  i CAN ctrl+alt+del though.  when im at command prompt i can type fine.  previous version 6.06 and 8.04 both worked fine.17:17
DawnLightso how do i install it?17:17
n8tuserastor-brazil-> just copying the livecd into usb and boot from the usb? i dont think that will work17:18
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?17:18
sipiorDawnLight: google for Ubuntu and "usb stick", that should give you quite a few pointers17:18
n8tuserDoonz-> i have suggested you look into udev rules, have  you done that yet?17:18
Doonz2n8tuser,  what is udev17:18
mazadillonWhen i leave ubuntu on the login screen after booting for a while and then come back later and login there is alot of lag17:18
sipiorDawnLight: in fact, i'm fairly certain there's a howto in the main ubuntu user documentation repository17:18
mazadillonkeyboard lag17:19
_pirinto_Is it posible to scan with a supported (and functioning in xsane) scanner with sane from the terminal with no X environment at all? Which packages are needed except for libsane17:19
astor-braziln8tuser, no, you'll need use the isotostick script to do that, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick17:19
n8tuserDoonz-> then time for you to google for udev rules17:19
mazadillonaudio lag17:19
n8tuserastor-brazil-> right, but the way you suggested earlier, you make it sound just copying it over will do the trick, which i know will not17:19
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password17:19
mazadillonI wonder if it is something to do with BOINC?17:19
astor-braziln8tuser, just copy doesn't work, and the machine need have boot from usb on BIOS17:20
n8tuserastor-brazil-> i know,17:20
LabThugAnyone know a way to prevent ata "FROZEN" errors?17:20
DawnLightastor-brazil: this is about putting the live cd on a usb stick but i'd like persistance, also17:21
amhcan anyone help with my keyboard + mouse problem?17:21
Doonz2ok n8tuser  i did the udev look up but nowhere does it show the label17:22
astor-brazilDawnLight, maybe will a litle complicated because the boot loader17:22
astor-brazilDawnLight, let me search how to do that17:23
LabThugAnyone in here ever seen an ata "FROZEN" exception message?17:23
chmacIs there a way to list all files (hidden and not) with command line expansion? Something like /* and /.* combined...17:23
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SuperGeekHey. Does the default install of Ubuntu come with Compiz Fusion or just Compiz?17:23
n8tuserDoonz-> here read.  http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html17:23
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astor-brazilchmac, ls -la17:24
Stalker72Can I get GarageBand to work in Ubuntu?17:24
astor-brazilDawnLight, http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar17:24
chmacastor-brazil: Apologies, I wasn't clear. I want to use commands like mv / cp, not ls17:24
sevenseekerneed input on spam filtering, how much horsepower is generally needed for this?17:25
sipiorStalker72: no, i'm afraid not17:25
LuciferI just installed ubuntu on my Lenovo Ideapad--it seems to have installed correctly, but when I boot up the computer, the GRUB menu isn' there. Any ideas?17:25
brodymcdmy sound card was working until a couple days ago - can someone help me get it going again? Ubuntu 8.10....17:25
astor-brazilchmac, you need to copy all directory for example ?17:25
[Ramy]n8tuser, Thanks.17:25
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!17:25
sipiorsevenseeker: depends on how much mail you get...17:25
n8tuser[Ramy]-> you're welcome17:25
chmacastor-brazil: I want to copy all the files in the directory, but not the directory itself17:25
zichoim thinking i have a dbus-error... "banshee --pause" gives me "Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Unable to open the session message bus". Also i cant start banshee by writing "banshee", i need to write "dbus-launch banshee". How can i fix this?17:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gtub17:26
Stalker72sipior: Is there an alternative?17:26
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:26
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:26
amhhow can i get my keyboard and mouse to work in gnome using 8.10?17:26
[Ramy]how can I de-attach x server from applications and then reattach them ? so I have interface when I want to change something, then switch user interface off when I finish >17:26
astor-brazilchmac, try use the rsync command, for example $rsync -va diretory/ /mnt/destine/17:26
sevenseekersipior: good point... is there a good algorithm for figuring it out?17:27
chmacastor-brazil: My question is specific to command line expansion on Ubuntu / debian17:27
PrimeHaxorPlz anyone use OpenQRM ?17:27
sipiorStalker72: some people claim Jokosher is an alternative. i've never tried it, ymmv, etc, etc.17:27
Doonz2n8tuser,  that udev isnt helping at all17:27
vortex5hi, easy editor (ee) is deleted in intrepid release, how can i get my favorite editor back?17:27
Stalker72sipior: Can I dual-boot Ubuntu and Mac OS X or something?17:28
astor-brazilchmac, rsync is a gnu command present into all gnu/linux, include Debian / Ubuntu17:28
sipiorsevenseeker: not that i'm aware of, but if you're only dealing with a few thousand messages a day, and a relatively simple filter, i can't imagine it being a big issue.17:28
sipiorStalker72: if you've got a mac you can, yes17:28
adacSuperGeek, Compiz Fusion...but I'm not totally sure17:28
Stalker72sipior: I don't have a Mac.17:28
russohi everyone, can someone tell how i can set up certain windows to open on certain desktops? Preferably with compiz, if possible.17:28
chmacastor-brazil: I don't know if you understand my question. The command `echo .*` shows how .* is expanded by bash before the command echo is called.17:28
dany_21a_chmac: http://www.faqs.org/docs/bashman/bashref_34.html17:29
chmacastor-brazil: I'm looking for an equivalent that includes both * and .* :)17:29
ExecutiveOrderwhat do i need to get .flv files to be supported?17:29
bramahi all17:29
dany_21a_ExecutiveOrder: try vlc (but other player might be fine too)17:30
bramaguys, I'm in a pickle and gioogle is not helping17:30
brama parport0: cannot grant exclusive access for device ppdev017:30
bramaperms are AOK17:30
ExecutiveOrderi have vlc17:30
ExecutiveOrderi have all the media players17:30
bramaI suppose I am missing something obvious17:30
chmacdany_21a_: Thanks, I'm not sure I can see how to do what I want from that doc17:30
brodymcdcan someone PLEASE help me with this audio problem?17:30
chmacdany_21a_: Do you know if it's possible on debian / ubuntu?17:30
astor-brazilchmac, sorry, I really dont understand your question :(17:30
ExecutiveOrderi need the coded for flv x-flash-video17:30
sevenseekersipior: do you think an embedded device, or smaller device like and ALIX would handle such a scenario as a few thousand messages a day?17:30
chmacThe default on Fedora (at least was) that * expanded to all files, including .blah files17:30
amhis there anyone that can assist with my keyboard and mouse problem?  i've checked google and tried reconfiguring xserver - but nothing is helping.17:30
dany_21a_chmac: http://www.faqs.org/docs/bashman/bashref_55.html#SEC55 and look for "dotglob"17:31
TakuyaHey all, I'm having an issue with booting into Ubuntu. I'm on an Intel Mac if anyone knows anything about that, and I just can't see the boot device when I boot up (holding option) or through system prefs->startup disk.17:31
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password17:31
ExecutiveOrdersome x-flash-videos will play and others wont, why?17:31
ExecutiveOrderand when i try to encode the ones that dont play it says unsupported codec17:31
chillshey guys.. my sound was working fine on ubuntu 8.10 but it crashed and i get it to work17:31
Stalker72sipior: Can I still dual-boot?17:31
chillsrebooting helps the login sound comes after tat its dead17:31
sipiorsevenseeker: i imagine it would. embedded machines are getting pretty snappy these days17:32
chmacdany_21a_: Awesome, thanks, I think that's the jackpot :)17:32
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sipiorStalker72: no, i'm afraid not. blame Apple, they don't want their os running on third-party hardware...17:32
cygokuIs there anyway in Ubuntu to open sit (mac) file extension ?17:32
Stalker72sipior: :(17:32
chillsaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument17:33
sevenseekersipior: excellent, I will try it out (hoping to get me one of these systems within the month), thanks for your input17:33
sipiorsevenseeker: have fun :)17:33
ExecutiveOrderwhat do i need to play all x-flash-video types?17:33
LuciferThe instructions on the GRUB help site didn't work--Ubuntu still won't boot17:33
sevenseekersipior: on these little guys, I can't see how I couldn't :)  No worries about bricking it since it uses removable flash! Yay bleeding edge!17:34
CelticLordle peuple :)17:34
sipiorcygoku: you know, i could've sworn that the stuffit expander people made a free version of their tool for linux. might try googling around, see if they still have it.17:34
ExecutiveOrder[flv @ 0xb1076110]Unsupported video codec (7)17:34
ExecutiveOrder[00000361] main decoder error: no suitable decoder module for fourcc `undf'. VLC probably does not support this sound or video format.17:34
ExecutiveOrderwhat do i need to get it to play?17:34
irishi all im using a fujitsu lifebook t3010, and i wish to boot a usb disk. i created the usb startup disk with the ubuntu 8.10 app. I've choosen everything in the boot menu and i still can't boot from usb. what do i do?17:34
chmacdany_21a_: I've hunted for that option for a very long time, muchas gracias :)17:35
ExecutiveOrderis your bios set to boot from usb iris17:35
LuciferI just installed Ubuntu 8.10--The partition is there (Checked w/a livecd), but GRUB isn't coming up. I went to the GRUB help site and followed the commands, but they didn't work either17:35
Luciferany ideas?17:35
dany_21a_chmac: np... just googled for "bash filename expansion"17:35
TakuyaAnyone know about Intel Macs and booting Ubuntu?17:35
chmacdany_21a_: You're kidding? Damn, I'm sure I've looked in the past, but obviously not carefully enough! :)17:35
DawnLightiris: some hardware don't do this well. you can boot from a floppy with grub or a cd anduse grub to load the system that's on the usb17:36
* chmac smacks himself on the wrist, always scroogle the question first...17:36
irisExecutiveOrder, there's only Floppy, Hardisk, CDROM and Realtek boot menu to choose from and I've tried all of them17:36
salmonhey is there a way to make a file to only have access by password??17:36
ExecutiveOrderyour computer may not be capable of booting it then iris17:36
irisExecutiveOrder, this laptop doesn't have CDROM built in or Floppy. There's only USB ports.17:36
amhlsusb looks to recognize my mouse and keyboard - but gnome will not allow me to type or move the mouse.  does anyone know of a solution?17:37
astor-brazilsalmon, its possible using cryptography17:37
irisExecutiveOrder, could my laptop be too old?17:37
ExecutiveOrdermaybe iris17:38
salmonastor-brizil: ok how do i go about that??17:38
ExecutiveOrderim dont know17:38
paranoid_ndroidhow can I instruct ubuntu to connect to a wireless network? on recovering from standby it always takes a long time connecting by itself17:38
amhis there anyone that can assist with my keyboard and mouse problem?17:39
sebsebsebyep maybe17:39
sebsebsebwhat are the problems?17:39
chillscan anyone help with the sounds issue ?17:39
chillsit just died17:39
sebsebsebchills: which one hardy or ibex?17:40
amhsebsebseb.  upgraded to 8.10 and now my keyboard and mouse do not work in gnome at all.17:40
hajarhi can some one help me , the system is shut down and display a black screen17:40
astor-brazilsalmon, you need generate a gnupg key with the commando ssh-keygen, then you use the gpg command with the option -e to encrypt the archive17:40
amhsebsebseb: the only thing i can seem to do at the gnome login is ctrl+alt_del17:40
sebsebsebamh: ok the keyboard settings and I guess mouse as well can be changed17:40
sebsebsebamh:  oh, but without a working mouse or keyboard that's a point,  not sure how you would do it then17:40
chillssebsebseb, ibex17:40
sebsebsebamh: oh maybe you just need to reconfigure xorg  from live cd or recovery mode or something like that17:41
salmonastor-brazil: ok that sounds a bit above my current skill with this OS lol but thank you anyway17:41
sebsebsebchills: what kind of sound problems exactly?17:41
ExecutiveOrder[flv @ 0xb7fad110]Unsupported video codec (7)  Seems stream 0 codec frame rate differs from container frame rate: 1000.00 (1000/1) -> 29.97 (30000/1001)17:41
chillssebsebseb, http://pastebin.com/m5846130b17:42
chillsit was fine for a few days17:42
brodymcd1PLEASE HELP audio - I THINK the problem seems to be at every reboot, pulseaudio takes over... I just have silence always since the last couple days...17:42
chillsbut now when i restart the pc it gives me the login17:42
chillssound but after that nothing17:42
ExecutiveOrdersome videos on youtube i download work and others done, what do i need to get the ones that dont work to be able to play17:42
epwwhere can i find docs/logs/the cron job for automatic security updates on a CLI system?17:42
heogenproblem with ogle17:42
sebsebsebbrodymcd1:  you can turn pulse audio off and get it to use alsa,  also as a tempory thing to turn off pulseaudio    killall pulseaudio in a terminal17:42
basslinerhave you tried turning it off and on again?17:42
* bassliner runs for cover17:43
heogen######+FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed17:43
heogenctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument17:43
heogenthis is the wrong17:43
bobdobolinaok when i login network manager wants my keyring, how do i make it remember the password17:43
LuciferCan anyone help with an Ubuntu boot problem?17:43
astor-brazilsalmon, other way is click with the right botton of mouse in the archive and choose encrytp :)17:43
heogenhelp me please is anyone can do it17:43
heogento resolve the ogle problem17:43
heogen######+FATAL[ogle_mpeg_ps]: dvdreadblocks failed17:43
heogenctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument17:43
sebsebsebchills: sorry can't help you17:44
* Phoenix87 re17:44
Akazawahwo do I mount fat32 usb drives as writable?17:44
sebsebsebLucifer: maybe what is the boot problem17:44
salmonastor-brazil: lol that is too easy lol, thank you17:44
brodymcd1sebsebseb - I have tried killall pulseaudio, but then can't get anything else to come on... so then when I reboot, pulse audio is back.17:44
LuciferI installed ubuntu--but GRUB isn't coming up17:44
astor-brazilsalmon, first the complicated way... :)17:44
sebsebsebbrodymcd1: system preferences sound you been in there?17:45
hajarhi every one system is shut down and display black screen , can any one help me?17:45
Akazawahow do I mount fat32 usb drives as writable?17:45
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ComputerGuruhajar why17:45
ComputerGuruwhen is it black screen17:45
ComputerGuruif its shutdown there should be a black screen lol17:45
salmonastor-brazil: so after i have the "chose recipents" menu up whats the next step... noob at this i know17:45
LuciferI installed ubuntu--but GRUB isn't coming up. The ubuntu8.10 partition is there (checked w/a livecd), but when I power on my laptop, GRUB doesn't come up, and it boots straight to windows17:46
PurityOfEssencewhy is 'manage content plugins' greyed out in firefox / tools ?17:46
ComputerGurudid u have vista or xp17:46
x_sup yall17:46
sipiorLucifer: did you install grub to the disk MBR, or to a partition?17:46
hajarI dont know it display error and not retrieve any work17:46
astor-brazilsalmon, in the recipients, has you ?17:47
Luciferwell, I just installed ubuntu 8.10---shouldn't GRUB just be installed after Ubuntu is installed?17:47
bobdobolinaNM wants my keyring password on this computer every time i turn it on17:47
sipiorLucifer: i would say yes, but seeing as you're having difficulty...17:47
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salmonastor-brazil: well i only have one user on here, the menu is blank... a lot of people use my p.c. and i just want to lock a file17:48
sipiorLucifer: you might try booting from a live cd, and simply reinstalling grub to the MBR17:48
LuciferWell, I haven't tried installing GRUB to anything yet...17:48
ComputerGurulucifer where u from17:49
sipiorLucifer: better17:49
evolve_Hi guys, I have been attempting to install ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell Inspiron 8200 off of both the desktop and alternate ISO's.  I confirmed that the CD's are working, and the ISO's are valid MD5 wise, however when I attempt to boot them in the machine they do absolutely nothing.  The boot order is setup correctly and just to ensure that I tried SMB and when I use that I get the message "Disk Error! 0x0C"...and suggestions I'm completely at a loss17:49
sipiorLucifer: ...if we keep chat to this channel17:49
astor-brazilsalmon, so, first you need to Application -> Accessories -> Passwords and encryption keys, click on file -> create new17:49
hajarcan any body help me system is shut down and display black screen17:49
sipiorLucifer: the command you want is "grub-install"17:49
ComputerGuruevolve send me a pm17:50
paranoid_ndroidhow can I restore grub after having installed windows?17:50
ComputerGuruparanoid i dont think u can17:50
paranoid_ndroidok nvm17:50
ComputerGurui believe u have to reinstall in17:50
paranoid_ndroidyes I can17:50
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:50
paranoid_ndroidyes we can17:50
paranoid_ndroidthanks guys17:50
norbert79There you go :)17:50
x_yes u can paranoid from live cd17:50
x_on console17:51
astor-brazilbobdobolina, did you try disable the roamming mode in the wifi on the network manager options?17:51
ComputerGurux- thats what i was telling him17:51
salmonastor-brazil: done, now it gives me the option for two file types,,, which one do i want??17:51
ComputerGuruu cant just do a restore17:51
ComputerGurui have to re-do from a cd or backup17:51
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?17:51
astor-brazilsalmon, anyone, doesnt matter :)17:51
astor-brazilsalmon, sorry17:52
astor-brazilsalmon, chose pgp17:52
sipiorLucifer: those grub links given above apply to your situation as well, have a look at them if this is your first time with grub.17:52
salmonastor-brazil: ok but it wants e-mail info will that matter in the long run?17:53
LuciferI actually tried those17:53
Draco4Kinghey all. anyone wanna help with an install?17:53
Luciferbut they came up as "Error: file not found"17:53
x_sup dracko17:53
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paranoid_ndroidshouldn't canonical be selling hardware?17:53
astor-brazilsalmon, yes, is very important provide the email17:53
Draco4Kingyo, i'm having lots of trouble reinstalling linux on my external. the graphical install freezs, and i have no idea how to install using the prompt17:54
astor-brazilsalmon, after you do this, you be able to send encrypt email :)17:54
lianimatorparanoid_ndroid: canonical sells some merchandise which includes some hardware.. (USB flash drive, adapters.. recycled mouse)17:54
norbert79paranoid_ndroid: And Dell sells PC's and laptops with Ubuntu preinstalled...17:55
sebsebsebparanoid_ndroid:  and smaller not so known companies sell  pre installed Ubuntu to17:56
salmonastor-brazil: ok so now im a little confused... all i really want to do is make a folder only able to be accesed via password17:56
Draco4Kinganyone want to help iwth install problems? mine freezes while loading the partitioner17:56
ubottuDKMS is Dynamic Kernel Module Support. See https://launchpad.net/dkms for more.17:56
astor-brazilsalmon, forget the email, the objective is put a password into your file / directory17:56
salmonastor-brazil: uhhh.... to be honest im really new at this.. where do i go to do this17:58
macondoCan I be logged to a ssh user in another machine and at the same time, logged locally?17:58
KentonSGood morning. I'm running Ubuntu 7.10. I just downloaded the latest Security Update du jour, and now the system doesn't recognize my screen and graphics card and puts me in low-graphics mode. I tried going into System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Management and changing things manually, but the changes don't stick. Any idea what went wrong and how to fix it?17:58
sebsebsebmacondo:  probably17:58
astor-brazilsalmon, when you finish this step, just click with the right botton and chose encrypt17:58
astor-brazilsalmon, thats all17:58
macondosebsebseb: for some reason, I can't. I'm logged locally and when I try to login to the remote server, ubuntu just resumes my local session17:59
sebsebsebmacondo:  well I don't know SSH well enough to be able to help you17:59
KentonSActually, I tried disabling and re-enabling the nvidia drive in Restricted Drivers Management. It was in Screen and Graphics that I tried changing things.17:59
Draco4KingCan anyone help me with installer problems? I really need to get Ubuntu working on my external for projects due Monday18:00
macondologged locally => switch user => select secure remote session => user and password => goes back to the local user instead of asking for the server address18:00
stroyanfilter macondo18:00
sebsebseb!usb < Draco4king18:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:00
sebsebseb!usb >  Draco4king18:00
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent18:00
ubottuDraco4king, please see my private message18:00
Draco4Kingthanks, i'll take a look @ that18:00
macondostroyan: do you mean /filter?18:01
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sebsebsebno problem18:01
stroyanmacondo: sorry.  that was a typo on my /filter script.18:01
specialischesCan you speak German18:02
sebsebsebkruger:  Freddie Kruger ?18:02
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:02
stroyanmacondo: (It is a history filter to see what else is written by you in scrollback.  It is like /grep but continues filter new lines in a busy channel.)18:02
specialischeswhat's happen?18:03
macondostroyan: ah great, is your script freee?18:03
sebsebseb!de |  specialisches18:03
ubottuspecialisches: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:03
truthslavewhich is the faster.....kubuntu, ubuntu, or xubuntu?18:03
sebsebsebtruthslave:   well  depends on your hardware18:04
scunizitruthslave, xubuntu18:04
Seven_Six_Twotruthslave, xubuntu is lightweight18:04
]{53truthslave: xfce uses less resources.18:04
sebsebsebtruthslave:  Ubuntu and Kubuntu probably run the same speedwise,  and Xubuntu well  is a bit more light waight so  may run better on  older comps, but I know for a fact it runs on a  resoanblly old lap top (not mine :d )  that has 256MB RAM18:04
sebsebsebtruthslave: uh that was Ubuntu18:05
SuperGeekIs it possible to have a seperate wallpaper for each face of the Compiz cube?18:05
sebsebsebtruthslave:  Xubuntu is like a cut down version of Ubuntu18:05
KentonSNo ideas on how I can fix my post-update graphics problem? :-(18:05
Picispecialisches: stop.18:05
ComputerGuruxubuntu sucks...18:05
]{53ComputerGuru: ????18:05
ComputerGurulinuc slackwear = real nerds18:05
hajarhep me system shut down and display black screen18:05
sebsebsebxubuntu does not suck,  it's just  Ubuntu :D18:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopix18:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:05
stroyanmacondo: You can pull it from http://stroyan.net/filter.py18:06
sebsebsebtruthslave: it  depends on stuff like how much RAM your computer has how fast thinsg will be and  stuff like that such as proccessor18:06
truthslaveim running ubuntu and had installed xubuntu on the laptop.... but decided the app suport and user features were better on ubuntu.....comments?18:07
kirui have an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro with cxoffice installed and i am trying to play Warcraft III18:07
sebsebsebtruthslave:  yes  I guess a lot of KDE apps and Gnome apps won't really run so well in Xubuntu if at all18:07
jagiilI got an hp dv5 1135 laptop is it fully compatible winth Ubuntu 818:07
kirubut each time when i am trying, the cxoffice window with the game freezes... the other windows are still working18:07
kirusound too18:08
sebsebsebtruthslave: where as with Ubuntu you can run most KDE apps, most Xubuntu apps and then  of course the Ubuntu apps18:08
kiruwhat is the error?? my old graphic card?18:08
sebsebsebtruthslave:   really they are all Ubuntu in some form or the other, because  they use the same repo18:08
Picikiru: cxoffice is not designed to play games, use Wine isntead.18:08
sinan1is there a way to run a GUI appliation over ssh (using ssh -X), then detach it (the application remains running, but the user can close the ssh connection) ?18:08
norbert79Pici: Let me add more infomartion on this18:08
ComputerGurulinux slackware owns all18:09
sebsebsebtruthslave:  also maybe you didn't know, but you can have  Ubuntu,  Kubuntu, and Xubuntu all installed if you want, and then choice which one to run from the log in screen18:09
truthslavei guess flexability is what made my chose18:09
sinan1basically like using "screen", but with a GUI.18:09
norbert79kiru: Query... Check your private messages18:09
sebsebsebPici: well there is  Crossover Games18:09
truthslavehow do you run more ?18:09
crekarasuroot@allana-desktop:/dev/shm# rm -rf n18:10
crekarasuSegmentation fault18:10
crekarasuhelp please18:10
sebsebsebtruthslave: by installing them    sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop    sudo aptitude  install  xubuntu-desktop18:10
PiciComputerGuru: Please don't do that here, this is a support channel.18:10
sebsebsebtruthslave:  I don't like KDE at all as my GUI (Graphical User Interface) ,but it does have some rather nice apps, which  I run in Gnome/Ubuntu18:11
crekarasuroot@allana-desktop:/dev/shm# rm -rf n18:12
crekarasuSegmentation fault18:12
sawyer_hello everyone18:12
sebsebsebtruthslave: oh yeah  when it installs kubuntu  I would suggest you keep GDM,  that's the default Ubuntu log in screen that you should be having now18:12
sinan1anyone knows how to use xmove?18:12
sawyer_can anyone spare some time to help me find out why my b43xx wireless driver isn't working out?18:12
puntohi.. how do I list the options I have to give grub-set-default?18:12
sebsebsebtruthslave: kdm is not as nice by a long way18:13
sawyer_i've installed the comp freshly and enabled the broadcom b43xx driver, it wireless light goes on but i can't find any networks18:13
Draco4Kinganyone know how to do an ubuntu install using terminal??18:13
Draco4Kingthat wasn't quite what i was looking for sebseb, but thanks18:13
sawyer_iwlist scan gives "no scan results"18:13
RaylzDraco4King: alternate cd?18:13
crekarasuroot@allana-desktop:/dev/shm# rm -rf n18:13
crekarasuSegmentation fault18:13
truthslavethanks... im out for a bit18:14
Draco4KingRaylz: ?18:14
RaylzDraco4King: what do you mean with terminal installation exactly?18:14
Picicrekarasu: Why are you trying to delete a device?18:14
Defryskpunto grub > find /boot/grub/stage118:14
RaylzDraco4King: install manually in a shell or without X18:14
Defryskif that is what you mean ?18:14
KentonSI'm running Ubuntu 7.10. I just downloaded the latest Security Update du jour, and now the system doesn't recognize my screen and graphics card and puts me in low-graphics mode. I tried disabling and re-enabling the nvidia drive in System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Management. That didn't help. I tried going into System -> Administration -> Screens and Graphics and changing things manually, but the changes don't stick. Any id18:15
Draco4KingRaylz: the install GUI freezes on me when it loads the partitioner. so i switched the mode to non-graphical safe install18:15
RaylzDraco4King: try the alternate cd then18:15
ghost3how can I have pidgin quit showing me joining/leaving messages?18:15
Draco4KingRaylz: didn't know there was one. i'll look into it. thanks18:15
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!18:15
crekarasuPici no device, one program... but first i added a user with root privileges and i installed a program and now want to delete but .. "Segmentation fault"18:15
sebsebsebKentonS:  ok  either the nivida driver has gone bad on you, or  xorg has18:15
RaylzDraco4King: youll find it on the download page18:15
brodymcdcould someone please help with an audio question - I'm running ibex 8.10 and all was fine... then 2 days ago, NO SOUND! I think it is a pulseaudio issue18:15
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?18:16
sebsebsebghost3: in the settings for it I expect18:16
scuniziKentonS, not sure if this will do it ... but sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then make sure that nvidia is the chosen driver..18:16
puntoDefrysk: wouldn't that just overwrite that 'stage1' file?18:16
Picicrekarasu: Devices are held in /dev not programs18:16
crekarasuPici i installed a program in /dev18:16
KentonSsebsebseb: Yesterday's Security Update actually included a new nvidia driver. After I installed the update, everything worked fine. It's only after today's update that things stopped working.18:16
Alieni have an very big problem with ubuntu and dmraid18:16
Segajais it possible, to determine what kind of processor i have?18:16
Defryskpunto, grub looks for the /boot/ partition then18:17
RaylzSegaja: cat /proc/cpuinfo18:17
Alienmy error is this one: Checking if "/boot/grub/stage1" exists... no Checking if "/grub/stage1" exists... no18:17
Picicrekarasu: It won't be there when you reboot, its a tempfs18:17
Draco4KingRaylz: found it and downloading. thanks again18:17
SegajaRaylz: hm, and how do i get the highest possible cpu freq?18:17
ghost3brodymcd look at pm18:17
Defryskpuntu you want to set another os to default in grub ?18:17
ExecutiveOrderare there any command line video players that can play it inside a urxvt prompt?18:18
Aliencan anyone helps me18:18
RaylzSegaja: look at model name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU         T7200  @ 2.00GHz18:18
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: mplayer?18:18
King_Bobhello , just a quick one , does anyone know a fix for my issue , if im using rhythm box and try to view a vid on firefox there is no sound so i have to log out to then log in to view the vid18:18
SegajaRaylz: model name: Mobile AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3400+18:18
jagiil I got an hp dv5 1135 laptop is it fully compatible with Ubuntu 8.10 plz help18:19
sebsebsebKentonS: maybe this will help you some how  http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy#NVidia_Driver18:19
ExecutiveOrderkind of norbert79 but something that instead of opening a new window it will just play it inside the terminal18:19
Defryskjagiil, run the live cd and find out18:19
King_Bob jagiil , have you downloaded the live disk for 8:10 and used the live image ?18:19
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: You can still force on using the CLI decoder... I don't know which output that is, but mplayer can play movies as CLI streams...18:19
RaylzSegaja: google the model number18:20
jagiilyes i did18:20
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_
jagiilok thx sry bother u18:20
King_Bobis it working  jagiil?18:20
ExecutiveOrderoh ok , you cant point me in the right direction to what the output option is called norbert79 ?18:20
jagiilno idea ill boot it from the live cd18:20
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=== XtraCt^eSr is now known as E-XtraCt
sebsebsebKentonS: oh our on gutsy not hardy18:21
KentonSscunizi: What am I looking for in xorg.conf?18:21
King_Bob jagiil: , you could try installing it on an external hd if you have one spare , the live cd should give you a good indication though .18:21
sebsebsebKentonS: oh your on gutsy not hardy why not upgrade to at least hardy?18:21
jagiil10x king_Bob18:22
ExecutiveOrdertotem youtube keeps saying no plugin to handle the movie18:22
jagiilill do that18:22
ExecutiveOrderi just followed the install guide18:22
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: -vo aa18:22
jagiilcan't i make it share the disk with vista???18:22
KentonSsebsebseb: I want to do that, but at one point my vendor (R-Cubed) raised some yellow flags, and they haven't responded to any of my requests for support in the last month or do. (So much for after-the-sale support! :-( )18:23
King_Bobpartition ? jagil?18:23
ExecutiveOrderthat plays ascii norbert7918:23
rhsanbornHas anyone installed the PUEL version of virtualbox from the virtualbox website?18:23
sebsebsebKentonS:  well most  venders still do not take  Desktop Linux  properly seriously, because of lack of market share18:23
rhsanbornI downloaded it and installed it and I cannot find the binary to start the gui18:23
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: well, I doubt you will find any player which would not try to pop up a window while playing a movie... Try totem18:24
KentonSsebsebseb: R-Cubed is in the business - their main business - of selling Linux desktops and laptops. (I bought a Linux laptop from them.)18:24
ne2k__I've upgraded from 6.06, where I was using it821x driver, to 8.04, which is trying to use the (broken) pata_it821x driver, the consequence being that I can't boot from my RAID1 array. I've currently got RO access to my drive through a 8.10 live disk (RO because the Raid support doesn't work properly on 2.6.27 and I don't want to go writing anything when I'm in JBOD mode)18:24
King_Bobjagiil , if you new to Ubuntu and are unsure about an install id recommend you duel boot , its how i started until i became confident enough to work my way around , i still use a slave though , Linux is the best move I've ever made and I'm still learning18:25
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: you can also start totem in CLI, but still it will pop up a window, like every other player18:25
sebsebsebKentonS:  never herad of  R-Cubed I guess some American company?18:25
ne2k__I think I must have overwritten something when upgrading. how can I work out how to get 8.04 (2.6.24, I think) to use the it821x driver again? I can't remember how I did it before. /etc/mkinitrd/modules has it821x in it. what else do I need to do?18:25
KentonSsebsebseb: yup. http://shoprcubed.com.18:26
scuniziKentonS, a line that says "Driver nvidia"18:26
CaptainMorganI got an application that needs to access the Internet on port 80 and it can't connect... originally I thought it was because my server uses that port - so I forwarded the server through a different port in router, say... 805 - it still didn't work... oddly - my virtual machine(winxp), using the same application, was able to connect just fine. any ideas on why it's not able to be used?18:26
norbert79ne2k__: Check the /etc/modprobe.d for files, and check if it's not listed in the blacklists18:26
scuniziKentonS, do you have a seperate /home partition?18:26
norbert79ne2k__: Maybe it's on blacklist at the moment18:26
g33khow to set static IP [Kubuntu 8.10]18:27
ExecutiveOrderi followed the directions but i still cant play youtube in totem18:27
lasyruswhere do i apply the compiz themes that I downloaded?18:27
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: Use totem's menu, upper right part18:27
ExecutiveOrderi am18:27
grommI've managed to hose my screen resolution. Now it only displays in 800x600 on a 22" widescreen monitor. This page doesn't help me: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:27
ExecutiveOrderit keeps saying i dont have the plugins18:27
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: And check if Youtube support was enabled18:27
KentonSscunizi: I see the line in there. In Section "device" #18:27
ExecutiveOrderit is18:27
scuniziKentonS, yes..18:28
King_BobExecutiveOrder: VLC ?18:28
nemoHey guys, I wanted to try out openoffice 3.0, so I added the repo suggested here:18:28
nemohowever, I don't get a prompt to update18:28
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: Well, Totem asks normally in default if it wants to look for decoders...18:28
nemohas something changed with the repo it recommends?18:28
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?18:28
pimHello, I' m creating a live USB in Ubuntu now using a live install and LiveUSB, but the process of creating the disk is extremely slow, what could be the problem?18:28
scuniziExecutiveOrder, mplayer for me.. totem "skips" when playing back.. mplayer doesn't.. haven't figured out why yet.18:28
lasyruswhere do i apply the compiz themes that I downloaded?18:28
norbert79pim: Using a 1.1 USB device on a 2.0 bridge or the other way around? :)18:29
ExecutiveOrdermplayer has a youtube plugin?18:29
norbert79ExecutiveOrder: Not exactly, but it's capable on playing flv files18:29
ExecutiveOrderi know that18:29
pimnorbert79 I'm using a 2.0 device on a 2.0 port18:29
KentonSscunizi: I have a /home directory, but it's not in a separate partition. (Sorry, I missed your question.)18:30
superkiwiI was here earlier about my sound on ubuntu has gone away. I remember now that I did change something on the last working boot: I installed emerald, and set emerald --replace in session. I've tried to uncheck it and reboot, but doesn't fix the sound.18:30
norbert79pim: Make sure it is 2.0 ... check /var/log/messages for USB warnings18:30
norbert79pim: or start the system log viewer18:30
ExecutiveOrderi've been going to /tmp and mv Flash* videos to my /home directory and just encoding them with ffmpeg but some videos dont work18:30
radoenI've rouble whit display brigth on intrepid on an asus laptop18:30
norbert79radoen: Asus Eee?18:30
n8tuserDoonz-> here read.  http://www.reactivated.net/writing_udev_rules.html  <-- you have read this?18:31
radoenno traditional laptop18:31
KentonSscunizi: I'm considering restoring my previousxorg.conf (xorg.conf.bsckup) Is that a bad idea?18:31
radoenwhit nvdia gefo 8200 video card18:31
norbert79radoen: Oh, I see... Sorry, I only have an Eee from ASUS18:31
KornieSo is anyone else having issues with screen tearing while watching HD movies with an HD card?18:31
radoenacpi module dont work better18:31
Kornieerr nvidia card18:31
xboogerxis the new mythtv better then the old one18:31
scuniziKentonS, you should probably work on creating a seperate partition for /home and move your data there.. once that's done you can upgrade by fresh installing directly to the latest version.  7.04 will loose support in the near future.18:31
xboogerxeasier to install?18:32
scuniziKentonS, if it's there. go for it.. might just do the trick18:32
CaptainMorganI got an application that needs to access the Internet on port 80 and it can't connect... originally I thought it was because my server uses that port - so I forwarded the server through a different port in router, say... 805 - it still didn't work... oddly - my virtual machine(winxp), using the same application, was able to connect just fine. any ideas on why it's not able to be used?18:32
radoenI know Kornie18:32
pawallsjelmer, ping18:32
Doonz2n8tuser,  yes i did but thatt isnt an issue since nothing is defined in the rules18:32
radoenI've a lot of problem whit acpi18:33
Kornieradoen seen any solutions? I've enabled all the vsyncs I can find18:33
King_Bobcan anyone point me in the direction of the command list for IRC ? thanks18:33
Vincent91Hey, could anyone tell me what manages display before the X Server is started? I would like to edit its config files since it doesn't seem to have the right display mode set by default...18:33
radoendon't know solution18:33
ne2k__norbert79: it's not. obviously it's not been compiled against the new kernel (2.6.24-22-server), so that won't work, but when I boot the old one (2.6.15-29-server), which I guess I compiled myself (it was a long time ago), and which has the driver, it still doesn't work18:33
KentonSscunizi: OK. That's something to consider. Right now, though, I just want to get things working. In the meantime, I'll try using xorg.conf.backup. (After saving the current version, of course. ;-) )18:33
radoenive spoke whit the developer of nvclock18:33
KornieI've tried using metactiy, but same results18:33
scuniziCaptainMorgan, just curious.. how many apps/servers can you have on port 80?  I thought one app/server per port18:33
norbert79ne2k__: apt-get install linux-backport-modules if I can remember well on the name of thepackage18:34
KornieSome were blaming it on compiz18:34
ne2k__norbert79: can I pass something at the kernel command line to force a module to be loaded, and to force one not to be loaded18:34
scuniziKentonS, you might also install nvidia-settings18:34
radoenappers that the problem is the shared vram18:34
ne2k__norbert79: I can't write to this disk, remember18:34
radoenso I've the 3d acceleration18:34
CaptainMorganscunizi, not sure what you're asking... note that I changed the port - so I expect that only one per port18:34
radoencompiz work18:34
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ne2k__norbert79: at least, I'd really rather not18:34
KornieAlso if I play the movie in virtualbox with XP and it plays without the tearing18:34
usr13A friend of mine just called and somehow she has set display settings that are not compatable for her monitor.  How can I tell her to set it via CLI?18:34
norbert79ne2k__: Well, that sucks... I would rather say you should use the earlier kernel then18:34
usr13Ctrl-ALt-F1  ....... ????18:34
radoenbut the problem is the bright of the LCD18:34
KentonSscunizi: nvidia-settings? Is that something I install or a backup I should use?18:35
ne2k__norbert79: yes, that's fine. I'm happy to. but it seems to have broken that too. can I pass something on the command line to force it to load a module, and to stop it loading another module?18:35
KornieI do use Twinview, only ting I can figure is if its syncing to the wrong monitor18:35
pawallsusr13, If she boots into "failsafe" mode from grub, there should be an option for "xfix" she can choose that should set her X to some sane defaults.18:35
scuniziCaptainMorgan, you mentioned that your vm was also on the same port.. just sounded like there were more than one thing on the port18:35
InfectedWithDrewWhile playing various games, including Warcraft III in Wine and Teeworlds (native), I tend to lose focus on the game (like, right-clicking will sometimes show part of the desktop) and then my game crashes and I have to ctrl-alt-bksp.  Anything I can do to prevent that?18:35
CaptainMorganscunizi, note that the vm was an 'after' test18:35
CaptainMorganwhich I should've explained18:36
scuniziKentonS, I'm not sure if it's available in 7.04 but it helps setup nvidia cards.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings18:36
norbert79ne2k__: If it's in /etc/modules, one other entry might overriding your entry... Without write access you can just manually load up the module all the time, which is not a solution. Get write access!18:36
RolcolA friend of mine messed up his permissions by recursively setting everything in his root directory to 777.  Is there a way to get back the basic default permissions for the usual folders?18:36
pawallsusr13, If you want her to fix her X manually from the command line.. you can either have her run 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' and follow the prompts, or manually edit her xorg.conf18:36
scuniziCaptainMorgan, ah.. sorry for the confusion18:36
KentonSscunizi: FWIW, I'm running 7.1018:36
ne2k__norbert79: hmmm. this is difficult18:36
scuniziKentonS, oh. ok.. well.... same issues.18:36
zichowhen i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running... how come?18:37
ne2k__norbert79: I would at least like to work out why it's not working on the old kernel18:37
norbert79ne2k__: How did you do the update, if you don't even have admin rights?18:37
imc_Just installed 8.10 on MacBook Pro and it can't boot - it's alone, not using bootcamp - did I miss a step?18:37
ne2k__norbert79: I DID have root access, before this update killed my RAID support18:37
nemohas anyone here successfully setup openoffice in intrepid?18:37
nemo3.0 I mean?18:37
Korniehmmm thats interesting18:37
KornieI think its syncing to the wrong monitor :/18:37
ne2k__norbert79: I am now accessing it in JBOD mode through the passthrough mode of the driver from an intrepid live disk18:37
KentonSscunizi: OK. After I restore xorg.conf.backup and reboot I'll check out nvidia-settings. Thanks!18:37
scuniziKentonS, sure18:38
InfectedWithDrewRepeating my problem.  While playing games, I randomly lose focus on the game and it crashes.  How come?18:38
imc_anyone with ubuntu/MacBook experience?18:38
rwwimc_: I have a little. What's your problem?18:39
norbert79ne2k__: I see... Well, I have enevr been confronted with a similar situation... As I have said, boot up with your older kernel, check /etc/modprobe, and install the backport modules for the newer kernel18:39
imc_rww, hey, I just wiped OSX and installed 8.10 but I cannot boot into Ubuntu18:39
CaptainMorganscunizi, np, thanks anyways18:39
norbert79ne2k__: /etc/modprobe.d/18:39
ne2k__norbert79: it doesn't work with the older kernel either!18:40
rwwimc_: What happens when you try? Do you get a black folder icon on a grey/white background with a ? in it?18:40
ne2k__norbert79: this is my problem18:40
Dillizari have problem with my skype i cant set the sound device18:40
ne2k__norbert79: I will try it again and see what happens18:40
InfectedWithDrewRepeating my problem.  Games crash when they lose focus, how can I prevent losing focus?18:40
imc_sorry, nww, yes that's what I see18:40
norbert79ne2k__: First get a working system with RAID support... Otherwise I have told you: check the modprobe.d directory, it might be that some modules got to the blacklist18:40
rwwimc_: hold down the Option key when the screen first turns on. You should get to a screen with a picture of a hard drive on it with an inaccurate caption (probably "Windows"). Press enter and see if you can boot okay.18:41
imc_Ahh, thanks, will try that now18:41
norbert79ne2k__: the problem is, that whatever I am telling you, you seem just getting stuck at understanding what went wrong, but you fail on giving more infmroation to me, where I fail to help you18:41
brodymcdcould someone PLEASE help me - I have lost all sound in ibex 8.10 - had it, now it is gone... any help PLEASE?!?!18:42
norbert79and he left18:42
imc_rww, bummer, I do that and I gert a blank screen with a mouse pointer but no possibility to boot into...anything18:42
vladtsepesh1984anyone who knows a way to sync windows mobile smartphone with evolution???? please help me!!!! i need it!!!!18:42
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: Less !!18:42
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: Thank you18:42
norbert79ne2k__: check /var/log/apt's logs on packages18:43
norbert79ne2k__: See which packages have been updated18:43
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents18:43
norbert79mannytu: He was asking on syncing a Windows mobile with evolution... Not vica versa18:43
vladtsepesh1984norbert79:scuseme, i don't know why i can try to ask for my problem....i ask every 20 minutes18:43
rwwimc_: hmm, that's odd. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook#Basic%20instructions says: "(If the boot menu does not "see" your freshly installed Ubuntu; burn rEFIt on a CD, boot from it and resync the MBR with GPT due to “Partitioning Tool”.) " and links to http://refit.sourceforge.net/doc/c1s5_burning.html . You could try that.18:44
SpriteSODAhi guys, i need help with installing gspca18:44
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: Like so does hundreds of other people around here...18:44
imc_rww, thanks Much, will try that now18:44
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: And as it seems, there are 5 guys who give suppooirt, and 95 asking18:44
mannytunorbert79: they might know...18:44
ghost3it seems that way18:44
norbert79mannytu: I doubt they would even consider giving support...18:44
Daremonaihello, how can I customize ubuntu's remote desktop so when i open vnc from laptop i see it in a special resolution?18:44
rwwimc_: You might also read through that help.ubuntu.com link and consider redoing the installation their way. Depends on how much time you have to spend ;-)18:45
Dillizari have problem with my skype i cant set the sound device18:45
mannytunorbert79: does not hurt ask...18:45
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: Btw, did you check volume settings, or pulseaudio running, etc etc?18:45
InfectedWithDrewRepeating my problem (fifth time's the charm...).  While playing games, the game window will lose focus and I will start interacting with the desktop instead, crashing the game.  How do I prevent this?18:46
SpriteSODAguys? anyone can help me?18:46
norbert79vladtsepesh1984: Ah, yes, sorry, wrong person18:46
scuniziInfectedWithDrew, I'll take a shot.. just one though.. turn off compiz and desktop effects if they are on.18:46
=== sorush20 is now known as I
InfectedWithDrewscunizi, I will try, and if you see me quit this room without any other words, then it didn't work.18:47
norbert79scunizi: Well, that might work for him, except for OpenGL based stuff, as it seems you are unable on running OpenGL stuff while having Compiz off...18:47
rwwInfectedWithDrew: I was about to say what scunizi said. In addition, maybe there's a GNOME shortcut you're pressing that's causing that problem. If disabling Compiz doesn't work, check for that.18:47
ne2k__norbert79: I've now got it booting on the old kernel, by changing the root= parameter, which was wrong (don't know why it had changed!) it's doing an fsck (very slowly)18:48
scuniziInfectedWithDrew, I have join, quit, part messages turned off.. too much noise..18:48
radoenI cant paly dvd movis but i've css lib why?18:48
zichowhen i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running... cant anyone help?18:48
ne2k__norbert79: I think I just need to recompile the it821x driver against the new kernel18:48
rwwscunizi: I'll tell you if InfectedWithDrew leaves then :P18:48
norbert79ne2k__: Becuase you haven't changed the right line, but changed boot options for a kernel, and not used the 'defaults' line18:48
InfectedWithDrewrww, checked my shortcuts.  I'm definitely not hitting anything that would do that.18:48
scunizinorbert79, true.. but you can put the setting on "normal" which I believe is glx and not full blown compiz18:48
norbert79ne2k__: apt-get install linux-backport-modules... give that a try18:49
rwwInfectedWithDrew: k. I'm gonna agree with the Compiz idea, then18:49
InfectedWithDrewNow, I am trying to play without any desktop effects.   Wish me luck.18:49
rwwInfectedWithDrew: good luck :)18:49
ne2k__norbert79: you know that it821x is not a ubuntu module? what will this do?18:49
lodderneed help setting up the network interfaces, got 2 nic's configure bot only eth1 is showing in ifconfig it's a xen server18:49
scuniziInfectedWithDrew, which game18:49
norbert79scunizi: It's still compiz tough... I would rather find a way on loading GLX support... I really hate this new way on modifying the xorg.conf automatically...18:49
norbert79ne2k__: http://packages.ubuntu.com ... See it for yourself!+18:49
scunizinorbert79, yea.. I just got use to editing xorg.conf and now have to learn xRandr..  arg18:50
radoenI cant paly dvd movis but i've css lib why?18:50
gigel2006HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several Windows drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present and driver loaded.18:50
norbert79radoen: Get to medibuntu.org first, set the repository. Install every necessary package, remove totem-gstreamer, and install totem-xine18:50
rwwradoen: did you do the second line of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Ubuntu%208.10%20(i386) ?18:51
ne2k__norbert79: well, backport modules are going to be modules for a later release which are backported to work on an earlier release. why would this help me?18:51
norbert79ne2k__: Because maybe your module is included, thats why... Doesn't hurt trying, right?18:51
=== Newb`s is now known as NEWB`S
ne2k__norbert79: it's definitely not included.18:51
norbert79ne2k__: Good luck on compiling then!18:51
ne2k__norbert79: it's a proprietary module18:51
radoenIìve just libdvdread318:52
radoenand i've already run the script18:52
=== gigel2006 is now known as Guest34521
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several Windows drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present and driver loaded.18:52
radoenand use vlc or mpleyr but dont work18:52
Shark_7-11Hi All, Looking for a Torrent util that has a good GUI and works18:52
norbert79radoen: Totem has no DVD support builét in... You will need totem-xine if you prefer Totem, or install VLC18:52
ne2k__norbert79: I must have compiled the 2.6.15-29 that's on there before, but I can't find the source. if I had downloaded the source, patched it, and compiled it the ubuntu way, where would the source be? I've looked in /usr/src and there's nothing there18:52
oskar-radoen, have you tried totem?18:52
flybackif I just fdisked and formatted a hd off a live ubuntu cd18:52
RaylzShark_7-11: azureus18:52
radoendont work18:52
flybackhow do I add that partition to the filesystems mounted tool18:53
Shark_7-11tx   that is java based?18:53
norbert79ne2k__: Well, enable source repos, and apt-get install kernel-source18:53
flybackso it's ready to go with the right permissions etc18:53
RaylzShark_7-11: yes18:53
radoennorbert79,  dont work whit vlc18:53
Shark_7-11Raylz: Tx18:53
rwwShark_7-11: Transmission is okay. If you don't like that, try deluge-torrent or vuze (which is azureus by another name). "good GUI" is subjective ;-)18:53
RaylzShark_7-11: if you dont like java, try ktorrent (kde) or deluge(gnome)18:53
scunizi!mount | flyback18:53
=== bluetouff is now known as _bluetouff
ubottuflyback: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:53
flybackmount doesn't seem to work18:53
flybackcan only do it as root and then nothing on the desktop has permission18:53
Shark_7-11Rww & Raylz : Tx18:53
flybackthe whole permissions system has changed a good bit since the few yrs I been away from linux18:53
rww!torrent | Shark_7-11: the full list18:54
ubottuShark_7-11: the full list: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P18:54
scuniziflyback, check the links.. it describes how to edit your fstab to include the new partition..18:54
=== I is now known as sorush20
flybackok then I jus need a fstab entry?18:54
flybackI can do that :P18:54
flybackI just wondered if there was an easy way18:54
flybacklike when you enter a flash drive18:55
flybackit comes up in /media/whatever18:55
LjL!enter | flyback18:55
ubottuflyback: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:55
quentusrexHas anyone seen any info on getting VirtualBox to work with Intrepid with host interface???18:55
Shark_7-11nice tx guys...18:55
scuniziflyback, yea.. make a mount point in /media for it and then sudo mount /dev/<device> /media/<directory>18:55
=== sevenseeker is now known as sevenseeker|away
LjL!away > sevenseeker|away    (sevenseeker|away, see the private message from ubottu)18:56
nicodariousanyone have any clue about using a VIA VT6421 RAID card?  been working with this, but the software fails with errors when installing.18:56
dudemanhi all, anyone here from the ubuntu web site, or brainstorm web site?18:56
LjLdudeman: ask in #ubuntu-website18:56
superkiwiI get a: "pulseaudio[5967]: module-x11-xsmp.c: X11 session manager not running." in syslog. What does it mean and might it be related to me suddenly having no audio?18:56
nicodariouskeeps giving me errors when installing the drivers for the card.18:56
flybackI did that before and I got permission errors18:56
dudemanI signed up for ubuntu brainstorm and it's been over 3 days but I still haven't recieved a reply from them about membership18:56
dudemanah ok thanks18:57
radoennow work18:57
flybacksame shit again18:57
=== NEWB`S is now known as Newb`s
radoen...ubuntus mystery18:57
LjL!language | flyback18:57
ubottuflyback: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:57
rwwdudeman: if #ubuntu-website doesn't help, try #ubuntu-brainstorm18:57
nicodariousanyone know where the linux-image in ubuntu 8.10 is hiding?  i can't find it in the usual /usr/src/ folder18:58
rwwdudeman: I have no idea if they can help, but the channel name sounds promising :P18:58
=== plutarcus is now known as jack00
scuniziflyback, just add the fstab line then18:58
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several Windows drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present and driver loaded. HELP18:58
Raylznicodarious: theres no src package indeed18:58
Raylznicodarious: dont ask me why18:58
oskar-flyback, what error messages do you get with what command?18:59
ne2k__norbert79: hmmm, it appears that it was at one time in the main kernel, and that I didn't compile it myself18:59
nicodariousRaylz, so that means that when i need to compile a source code program and it can't find the src package, i'm pretty much SOL?  that really sucks...18:59
TokenBadok...I have a fresh install of 8.10 I have had to reinstall like 8 times cause everytime I try to use the hardware manager to install the nvidia graphics drivers it crashes when I reboot and I can't get X to load..is there another way to load the graphics?18:59
flybackif I mount the parititon in a command line18:59
InfectedWithDrewNope, still does it18:59
flybacknothing on the desktop can use it18:59
flybackpermission denied18:59
LjLnicodarious: linux-image is very much an exception18:59
LjL!kernel > nicodarious    (nicodarious, see the private message from ubottu)18:59
InfectedWithDrewIt just randomly minimized this time... the game is still running but I can't tab back in.18:59
sevenseeker|awayLjL: apologies, that is a new one for me but understandable.19:00
nicodariousLjL, thanks.  i will19:00
Raylznicodarious: if your doing more stuff concerning kernel i recommend you switch to an other distro19:00
oskar-flyback, what type does the file system on the partition have?19:00
nicodariousLjL, that doesn't really answer anything, but thanks anyway!19:00
ne2k__norbert79: it appears that 2.6.19-4 is the latest kernel that had that version of the module, in 2.6.20 it was moved to the pata one, which is broken19:00
InfectedWithDrewWell, now I'm really enjoying my 640x480 resolution.  Letters are so big now!  *sigh*, looks like something in Intrepid messes with OpenGL or GNOME or something...19:00
oskar-flyback, ok, have you given the users the rights to access, read and write files in that fs?19:01
LjLnicodarious: then i suppose i haven't understood the question. you were complaining that linux-image has no source package, right?19:01
norbert79Sorry guys, have to rush, bye19:01
nicodariousRaylz, well, seeing that it's just a driver for my RAID card, i didn't think it was oign to be THAT big of a deal.  it's a VIA VT6421 chip.  reall easy, usually19:01
flybackoskar-, actually only 1 user19:01
flybackthis is a livecd19:01
nicodariousLjL, actually, i was wondering where the linux-image is hiding, since it's not in the /usr/src/ directory.19:01
flybackdownloading some linux iso's to install later19:02
ne2k__will it cause a problem to run hardy 8.04 on a 2.6.19 kernel?19:02
bakaratok lads, is there ANY reason why eclipse stays at version 3.2 in the repo? :|19:02
SierradumpSo I just switched to linux (Ubuntu 8.10) and  I need some applications...  What do I burn CD/DVD with???19:02
bakaratit's been like that since i first started using ubuntu i think19:02
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:02
emendoI have been trying to get cinelerra installed but synaptic keeps spitting out the same garbage that some packages are not installable, why? How do I fix it? An example is "libquicktimehv: Depends: liblame0 (>=3.97) but it is not installable"19:02
SierradumpOr whats the best CD/DVD burning application?19:02
nicodariousLjL, i installed it fia apt-get for the linux-image-2.6.27-10-server, but it's not in the /usr/src/ directory19:02
Guest34521i've been trying to fx my problem for 2 days, no one in Ubuntu is helping me, WHY ?19:02
scuniziSierradump, k3b19:02
ChrisBookwoodIs it common known that gnome/compiz doesn't remember my window positions, and how do i fix it if possible?19:02
SierradumpDoes that work in Gnome?19:02
LjLnicodarious: why would it be in /usr/src...? linux-image is a *binary* package, with nothing to do with any source. it's your kernel, and you'll find where it is by doing "dpkg -L linux-image-$(uname -r)"  (short answer: it's in /boot/)19:02
ne2k__Raylz: is that for me?19:02
scuniziSierradump, yep19:02
oskar-flyback, ok, but the live cd has the user "ubuntu", i think, and root. so you must use roots power to give permissions also to the live session user  "ubuntu"19:03
Raylzne2k__: nah i was just curious19:03
ne2k__Raylz: ok19:03
ne2k__Raylz: only, it's not much help ;-)19:03
Sierradumpscunizi - can I just do a apt-get install k3b?19:03
scuniziSierradump, yep19:03
flybackI fixed it19:03
flybackthx though19:03
oskar-flyback, ok ;)19:03
nicodariousLjL, ok, i misunderstood then...  I'm trying to find the image file for the kernel so this source code that i am trying to install will stop throwing up errors.19:03
Raylzne2k__: if you dont use the restricted modules it will be fine i guess19:03
Sierradumpscunizi:  What about playing music and videos?   I used mediaplayer on my XP machine, sometimes winamp... What do I want for linux?19:03
LjLnicodarious, uhm, somehow i doubt that some source code would need the linux *image* to stop throwing up errors, honestly. but anyway, it's /boot/vmlinuz*19:04
nicodariousLjL, i have also installed the headers for the same kernel version and soft-linked 'linux' to the linux-headers-2.6.27-10-server.19:04
Raylzne2k__: or proprietary19:04
ne2k__Raylz: shouldn't need to use restricted. it's just so I can get the old version of it821x (not the new pata_821x which is broken)19:04
radoenI've another problem, the notebook dont complete the shutdown procedure19:04
scuniziSierradump, there are lots of apps. one that's built in is Rhythmbox and works well.. There's also audacious, amarok.. and many many others..19:04
emendoIs anyone familiar with synaptic and willing to help me?19:04
Raylzne2k__: debian stable uses 2.6.1819:05
radoenall the ubuntu bar cames to black but the laptop is always on19:05
ghost3My system is locking up..i tried to run firefox and my panels went missing..i can't alt-f2 to open a run term. my hd light is not working as if its not reading it and everything is going verrry slow...the only reason im on here is casue it was already open...help..19:05
nicodariousLjL, maybe it's me getting my names confused.  the kernel source code maybe?  in other distros it was called the image where the source code was hanging out... at least it was years ago with Mandrake.19:05
scuniziemendo, ask your question.. most everyone here has used synaptic19:05
rwwemendo: quite a few of us are. Ask your question, and if someone knows the answer, they'll speak up :)19:05
Sierradumpscunizi:  is there a "best" one?  when I went to steam .m3u playlist it tried to open in video player??? Is that normal?19:05
Raylzne2k__: maybe you can fetch the package from their server19:05
ne2k__Raylz: I might just stick with the 2.6.15 that I have, because it seems to have been working fine for ages19:05
=== DareDevil is now known as Guest75747
ne2k__Raylz: I'd rather not mish mash repos19:05
LjLnicodarious, no, linux-image is the *binary* image. it's the stuff that actually boots and runs your computer, therefore it's mainly in /boot. linux-source is the kernel sourcecode.19:05
emendoWell, how do I install an "uninstallable" package?19:06
g33kIf i change ip to static IP on 1 commputer does it affect to another computers in Local Area Network ??19:06
Raylzemendo: which package?19:06
oskar-ghost3, your only open window is that of the chat app?19:06
LjLg33k: no, if you inform the DHCP server appropriately19:06
scuniziSierradump, streaming is a different animal.. there are different streaming packages.. some video packages will stream as well because they also play audio.. a popular one is vlc which does audio and video.. but asking what is best is really up to the user.19:06
plutarcushi all19:06
nicodariousLjL, man i feel like such an idiot now!  i just found it via apt as soon as you said it!  go ahead and whack me a good one!19:07
emendoRaylz: I tried installing cinelerra and some of its dependencies can not be installed. I do not know why.19:07
oskar-ghost3, if so, maybe resetting you x session and logging in again helps: ctrl+alt+backspace19:07
plutarcusi've a problem with ati drivers..i tried to install it with the hardware manager but it says me "not in use"19:07
ghost3oskar-: I can see my desktop and icons...if I try to open anything..nothing19:07
Raylzemendo: try to install it via apt-get and paste the output19:07
scuniziemendo, that's pretty vague.. is the package in the repo's? and if so what happens when you use synaptic to install?19:07
nicodariousLjL, years of working with Linux and i get a brain fart over that!  damn i can be stoopid :P19:07
emendoExample:libquicktimehv:  Depends: liblame0 (>=3.97) but it is not installable19:07
LjLemendo: probably because you used a package made for a different version of Uubuntu.19:07
LjL!info liblame019:08
ubottuPackage liblame0 does not exist in intrepid19:08
emendoubottu: what do I do to fix it?19:08
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
ne2k__g33k: if you administer the dhcp server, it's generally better to use a static lease rather than configure machines to have static ip. depends on what you're trying to achieve, though19:08
LjLemendo: you find a package of Cinelerra that's made for Intrepid and not for Hardy.19:08
Jimi__Hendrixhey what partition manager is in kubuntu19:08
ted_need to change evolution password.  How do I get to it?19:08
RaylzJimi__Hendrix: qparted and fdisk19:08
fosco__Jimi__Hendrix, qtparted19:08
LjL!cinelerra | emendo19:09
ubottuemendo: Cinelerra is a video editor and compositor that cannot be included in Ubuntu for legal reasons. Install instructions can be found on http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu19:09
emendoLet me search for one. I will return shortly.19:09
LjLemendo: there is one at the link i just gave19:09
g33kis there any graphical guide how to set static IP on kubuntu 8.10 graphical way?19:09
Sierradumpscunizi:  so if I want to get VLC do I have to uninstall "video player"19:09
emendoI just now saw that.19:09
Raylzg33k: ofc19:09
ghost3oskar- this is the second time this has happened in an hour.. I tried reseting the x server and it never cam up..with no choice I alt+f3 and logged in..but after I tried sudo reboot..the system hung up after entering my password..could that be cecause it can't read the harddrive? it don't look like its tring to..no blinking at all19:09
Raylzg33k: system -> administration -> network19:10
Jimi__Hendrixthanks all19:10
Raylzg33k: very easy, you wont need a guide19:10
MHz128what is the difference between i686 and i386?19:11
=== Guest75747 is now known as DareDevil_
scuniziSierradump, nope.. you can have multiple apps of any variety installed at the same time.  "video player" is actually called totem I believe..19:11
ghost3ioskar- I tried to pm you but there is no tab there like there should be..???19:11
whoopg33k: I have been messing around for a long time getting static ip to work under ubuntu 8.10, I use gnome btw.19:11
Jimi__Hendrixalso mind if i ask a general computer question19:11
ne2k__MHz128: more advanced instruction set19:11
rwwMHz128: they're two different families of processor. Most modern systems are compatible with both.19:11
oskar-ghost3, a unreadable or -reachable harddrive  would be a good explanation. perhaps monitor it, if you watch dmesg and syslog19:11
scunizighost3, have you registed your nick?  no registration.. no PM19:11
whoopg33k: maybe this guide will help you anyway: http://linhost.info/2008/11/how-to-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu-810/19:11
nicodariousMHz128, i386 has parts that help with older computers while i686 is set up for only newer computers19:11
g33kwhoop I'll try tnx19:12
Jimi__Hendrixcan you use a swap partition for multiple OS's if your dual booting19:12
ne2k__this fsck is taking an absolute and utter age19:12
rwwJimi__Hendrix: yes19:12
ghost3scunizi never registered and have always pm'em without a problem19:12
MHz128cool! thanks for help!19:12
emendoIt is downloading right now. I hope it works. Thank you for your help.19:12
nicodariousMHz128, if you have a newer computer (usually about 5 yrs or newer) go with i686 if you have a choice.19:12
scunizighost3, in this channel?19:12
whoopg33k: the second method worked for me. but as an extra note be sure to add dns server entries. Cause it did not work for me without this.19:12
Jimi__Hendrixok cool19:12
ghost3funny...just lost sound.19:12
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several Windows drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present and driver loaded.19:12
ne2k__ghost3: BANG19:12
rwwghost3: Freenode keeps changing the setting that determines whether non-registered users can PM or not :(19:13
ne2k__ghost3: didn't you hear that?19:13
ghost3nothing but I see it19:13
j0nrhey guys19:13
j0nrjust upgraded to intrepid.... now my wireless doesn't work19:13
zichowhen i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running... can anyone help?19:13
j0nrcan anyone help?19:13
Sierradumpscunizi:  sorry if I sound like I don't know what I am doing -- but I don't! haha --- I tried to stream some music, it opened in video player, said it didn't have the codec and asked if I wanted to search - i said yes and to my surprise it actually found 2 packages that it said it needed - is it okay to install those packages or will it possibly conflict with other programs? I guess I don't know if i download those packages,19:13
Sierradumpwill it use those instead of possibly better ones that may come with other programs???19:13
ghost3at least im still on line...this is weired19:13
Lokianj0nr, need a little more detail than that19:13
HikefuSierradump, you can install them19:14
scuniziSierradump, go ahead and intstall them.. they won't interfear..19:14
j0nrLokian: not sure what else to say? ... the restricted driver for the wireless is installed...but there are no wireless networks showing up19:14
TetracommDo you know if there is linux software available for Canon digital cameras?19:14
Lokianj0nr what is your wifi card19:14
SierradumpHikefu / Scunizi:  thanks!  Going to download them now!19:14
ne2k__Tetracomm: what do you want to do with it?19:14
scuniziTetracomm, you mean to pull the images off the camera?19:14
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j0nrLokian: Broadcom.. worked fine on hardy19:14
Lokianj0nr what model19:15
ghost3Im going to try and reset. :-( brb...i hope,19:15
ne2k__Tetracomm: if that's what you want to do, just plug it in and see what happens. many are supported19:15
j0nrLokian: ummm not sure...19:15
j0nrLokian: how can i find out19:15
scuniziSierradump, no reboot needed afterward19:15
rwwj0nr: run lspci from a terminal, copypaste the output to paste.ubuntu.com, link it here19:15
TetracommDOes anyone in here use a Canon digital camera with Ubuntu?19:16
j0nroh no sorry19:16
j0nrthats the ethernet19:16
xcodei need some help here please19:16
scuniziTetracomm, what do you want to do? download images?19:16
rww!ask | xcode19:17
ubottuxcode: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:17
Tetracommscunizi: Yes.19:17
oskar-Tetracomm, yes, it has always been recognized automatically19:17
Lokianj0nr check out http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b4319:17
Tetracommoskar-: Can you copy images off it easily?19:17
Lokianj0nr how did you set it up before in hardy did you use ndiswrapper19:17
xcodei have ubuntu 7.04  and i need to make java work on it19:17
Acedip /join #lugj19:17
scuniziTetracomm, have you tried just plugging it into the usb port ?  Ubuntu will typically pickup the fact that it's a camera and load fSpot to import images19:17
Lu6cifer_Can anyone help with some GRUB problems?19:18
xcodeand it dowsnt download the java docs19:18
Sunbowhi, anyone knows how to start the pc with ubuntu 8.04, on an ati 4670 graphic card ?19:18
xcodei dont know why19:18
TetracommNo, I am thinking about buying a Canon.19:18
j0nrLokian: hmm think i just enabled the restricted driver and it worked19:18
xcodeits not working prperly19:18
rwwLu6cifer_: just state the problem and if someone knows what's wrong, they'll tell you :)19:18
xcodeiam still a beginner19:18
j0nrLokian: cant quite remember, it was a long time ago... could have downloaded something tho19:18
oskar-Tetracomm, yes, it works, although the old program about a year ago worked even better than the new one19:18
rww!java | xcode19:19
ubottuxcode: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:19
Lokianj0nr, follow the instructions to install the b43 driver19:19
scuniziTetracomm, I have a nikon and I typically just take the card out and put it in a card reader..  for some reason f-spot or ubuntu doesn't detect the nikon model I have.  no biggy though.19:19
Lokianj0nr you should be fine after that.19:19
superkiwiI've managed to get the analog audio working: it's strange that the digital audio stopped working suddenly.19:19
Lu6cifer_I installed Ubuntu--but GRUB wasn't coming up. I looked at some help guides, and they told me to type in commands like "find /boot/grub/stage1" --but it said stuff like, "Error 15: file not found"19:20
oskar-Tetracomm, if f-spot does not work well, try gtkam, or a card reader as was said19:20
cebrailI got a quastion for everyone: what do you do when ubuntu doesn't response?, Is there any kind of "ctrl+alt+del" solution like Windows19:20
j0nrLokian: ok did that /usr/share sh thingy... do i have to restart networking to take effect?19:21
Lokianj0nr, yes19:21
newbnewbSomehow there is a file in my home trashbin owned by root.  (used sudo instead of gksudo for gui) Anyway, does anyone know the absolute path to the trashbin so that I may go there and reowner the file?19:21
j0nrLokian: :) how?19:21
erUSUL!trash | newbnewb19:21
Lokianj0nr restart ubuntu19:21
ubottunewbnewb: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:21
rwwnewbnewb: /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Trash19:21
scuniziTetracomm, one annoying thing with fspot is when importing it creates directories for all the images.. by year .. then underneath that by month.. then underneath that by day.. you can change it though so it dumps everything into one directory.19:21
j0nrLokian: oh ok...brb then19:21
j0nrLokian: thanks19:21
Lokianj0nr good luck and farewell19:21
newbnewbThank you.19:21
oskar-cebrail, if it is only the graphics, press ctrl+alt+backspace, if more is wrong, the magic sysreq key combinations can help you19:21
gourdin157m 139m  11m S    1 13.9  25:33.94 knetworkmanager19:22
rwwwoohoo magic sysreq keys19:22
Lu6cifer_I also tried root (hd0, 5), but it told me that it the partition or something didn't exist19:22
gourdinknetworkmanager takes 139 m !!!19:22
Tetracommscunizi: Ok. Thank you. I hope it is good. :)19:22
gourdinisn't this a shame ?19:22
Lu6cifer_But I checked gparted and it the linux partition is definitely there19:22
rww"Raising Elephants Is So Utterly Boring" ftw19:22
trunksenhey there19:22
scuniziTetracomm, the Canon or F-spot :)  both work.. it's what you do with them that makes the difference.19:22
cebrailoskar, where do I find the magic sysreq key combinations?19:23
rww!sysrq | cebrail19:23
ubottucebrail: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key19:23
rwwcebrail: (PrintScreen and SysRq are on the same button, hence the name)19:23
newbnewbThe command in terminal to remove a directory and all contained files?19:23
Serviette_SkyBonsoir all .19:24
rwwnewbnewb: sudo rm -r DIRNAME19:24
Dillizari have problem with my skype i cant set the sound device19:24
Guest34521HELP ME PLEASE, I tried everything on the wiki page with ndiswrapper, and I try to load several Windows drivers on the Alfa 500mw cd and the card still doesn't appear in iwconfig. ndiswrapper -l says device present and driver loaded. Could it be that I don't have a x64 processor? Wikipedia says ndiswrapper only works for x64 architecture, yet there are tutorials that don't mention this.19:24
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto19:24
macjason0607guys .. what media player is there for ubuntu itunes or what ?19:24
Tetracommscunizi: Canon should release software for Linux. The Canon software can't work in Ubuntu?19:24
rwwnewbnewb: (you only need sudo because there's a non-you-owned file in there; normally, you wouldn't put it there)19:24
ubottuitunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee19:24
newbnewbthank you rww19:24
Dillizarsebsebseb, i know how to install SKYPE19:24
malibuHi.. I have a VPN connection going through a client on a windows machine on my network..19:25
newbnewbOk, file removed.19:25
nicodariousGuest34521, what kind of wifi card are you tring toinstall?19:25
newbnewbThank you for all your help.19:25
sebsebsebDillizar:  I was hoping it would mention open source alternative to SKype, but nope19:25
malibuDoes anyone know how I would connect through it with another ubuntu machine on my network?19:25
Dillizarlol sebsebseb19:26
Guest34521nicodarious: finally, someone!, yes it's the alfa AWUS036H 500mw with realtek chipset19:26
sebsebsebmalibu:  Samaba maybe  well that's file sharing19:26
scuniziTetracomm, no.. what software are you speaking of .. their cataloguing software?  every camera comes with something.. usually it's just to keep thier name in front of you.  It's not neccessarily the best software to use.. for another option of catalogueing software check out Picasa from Google.  It works on most everything.  For editing, Gimp, Mapivi, and lots of others.19:26
nicodariousok, wait a sec.  you have an alpha computer system?19:26
malibusebsebseb: I thought samba was for files and printers only?19:27
sebsebsebDillizar:  well there's that Ekiga and the Free Software Foundation have something in development19:27
rwwnicodarious: I assume by "not x64" he means 32-bit x8619:27
Guest34521nicodarious: I tried with all the windows drivers on the cd and even old ones. It's the USB alfa19:27
malibuI guess I need the windows machine to be a router, basically19:27
sebsebsebmalibu: ha ha I doubt it19:27
Tetracommscunizi: Ok, thank you.19:27
rwwnicodarious: wait, nvm, misread... again :/19:27
Guest34521rww: but all the tutorial don't mention it19:27
kiekothere is an application which launches other applications? anyone know the name?19:27
Guest34521kieko: terminal19:28
Dillizarsebastien, i know bot i dont use skype for payed calling :P19:28
MrPeepers310hey i need to create an sql database and i've already started it as a spreadsheet on open office what application should i use?19:28
nicodariousGuest34521, ok, standby.  getting info on the wifi card.19:28
sebsebsebDillizar:  ok what do you use it for?19:28
kiekoGuest34521, no another one19:28
kiekoyou tyype and it autocompletes19:28
Guest34521kieko: oh no idea ask around, it should be easy19:28
sebsebsebDillizar:   ok19:29
rwwkieko: Press Alt-F2 in GNOME19:29
raulursuwho knows to use python with ubuntu?19:29
nicodariousGuest34521, ok, gimme output from this command:  uname -a19:29
MrPeepers310hey i need to create an sql database and i've already started it as a spreadsheet on open office what application should i use?19:29
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org19:29
FlannelMrPeepers310: Are you familiar with SQL at all?19:29
raulursutnx, let's try19:29
macondoabo: my friends tell me abo19:29
raulursubash: !python: event not found19:29
MrPeepers310Flannel: ermm... not really i'm learning it next semester but i need to implement it with a vb program19:30
Guest34521nicodarious: ok man thanks, 2.6.27-9 generic, UTC 2008 x86_64, it's on my other computer so I just wrote what I thought you'd be interested in.19:30
kiekorww, i know this method too but there is another one too. it comes from kde19:30
nicodariousyeah.  that'll do.  sec.  pulling info for 64-bit distro19:30
kiekoalt+window key launches it19:30
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FlannelMrPeepers310: a Visual Basic program?  OOo has OOo Base, which is a DB type program that might be good for you to use.19:31
Guest34521nicodarious: I followed this tutorial http://globalsyzygy.wordpress.com/2007/12/30/fixing-your-rtl8187-netgear-wg111v2-in-ubuntu/, and the ubuntu tutorial19:31
MrPeepers310Flannel ok thank you that is what i need19:31
macjason0607no itunes ?19:32
nicodariousok, standby.  still looking thru web.  need info about your hardware before i can help ya, y'know?19:32
Guest34521nicodarious: after I load the drivers with ndiswrapper and do etc/init.d/networking restart I get, wlan1: no such device. and it's true it doesn't appear in iwconfig however ndiswrapper -l shows the driver is loaded19:32
Guest34521nicodarious: yes, I know I am just giving you more info19:32
rww!itunes | macjason0607: Apple elected not to make iTunes for Linux19:32
ubottumacjason0607: Apple elected not to make iTunes for Linux: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee19:32
nicodariousGuest34521, ok, what's your lspci look like?19:33
nicodariousGuest34521, setting up a private chat for us....19:33
fitztrevWhy if I'm working on file.txt, does it create a duplicate file called file.txt~  ?19:34
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sebsebseb!python > raulursu19:34
ubotturaulursu, please see my private message19:34
oskar-fitztrev, depends on the editor19:34
fitztrevoskar-, gedit.  is there a way to prevent it?19:34
nat2610is there a way to see the list of packages installed through apt ? I'm trying to setup a new laptop and I'd like the exact things on my current and new laptop19:35
zleapsynapitc should tell you what is installed19:35
rww!cloning | nat261019:35
ubottunat2610: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate19:35
zleapbut yeaj, i think apt will tell you not sure how,19:36
zleapi think dpkg has an option for that too19:36
oskar-fitztrev, try edit, preferences, editor, "create a backup copy..."19:36
circa2kwould it be hard to install mysql 5.1 on ubuntu?19:36
Lu6ciferI was installing Ubuntu on my laptop---The partition is there (I checked with gparted), but when I reboot, GRUB is not there. I looked on some help guides, and they told me to type things like, "find /boot/grub/stage1" but all that came up with was "Error 15: file not found" I tried, root (hd0, 5) (the drive/partition that ubuntu is on) but it told that the partition or something doesn't...19:36
Lu6cifer...exist.  Lastly, I tried removing the ubuntu ext3 partition with Livecd and Gparted, but it said I had to unmount all logical partitions higher than 6, or something like that---All partitions were definitely unmounted when I did this..19:36
circa2ki installed mysql with apt-get but its version 5.0.67, i need 5.119:36
Lu6ciferany ideas?19:36
d3rtSo my ubuntu 8.10 had auto updates. I downloaded and installed them. It wanted to reboot. Now there is another set of operating systems I can boot. It appears the kernel updated from -7 to -9. Now my sound doesn't work when booting into the newest version. 1. Why does it no longer work requiring me to download creative SB drivers and install them again? Why can't it just use my previous stuff? 2. Why would it leave the older version listed 19:37
fitztrevoskar-: perfect. thank you19:37
comforteagleare there any known issues with lighttpd & mod_rewrite on ubuntu? (I asked the lighttpd guys, but they didn't know)19:38
nafurHi... I'm trying to run eve online with cedega but it tells me that it doesn't find "x11drv"... I'm curious if i have the correct graphic driver installed... it's an Intel X3100 (GM965) card, which one should it be? or is the cause something completely different?19:38
magnetrond3rt→ did you compile the drivers yourself, the first time? you only compiled them so they would work with the *old* kernel19:38
oskar-circa2k, then you should install it on your own. i would choose a path prefix, where you will not get in conflict with the package manager19:38
newbnewbOne more question (for now :) )19:38
newbnewbIs this something that I'l have to resolve myself?19:38
newbnewbAnd suggestions?19:38
d3rtI didn't compile anything magnetron. I installed ubuntu using the live cd.19:38
Flanneld3rt: Because the old kernel is still around, it just installs another new kernel.  You can remove the old one if you'd like.  It's there in case theres some regression in the new kernel that causes it to not work19:39
newbnewbThis occured with the update manager today.19:39
nopper`fuffaanyone know what's the name of the vga console font used as default in ubuntu?19:39
Flanneld3rt: How did you install the soundblaster drivers?19:39
rwwnewbnewb: Did you get any other errors apart from that?19:39
magnetrond3rt→ sorry, you said "download drivers and install again"19:39
newbnewbrww: I did not.19:39
d3rtMy point is this isn't very user friendly. An automatic update including a critical 'recommended' update has now put another version in there and removed my sound.19:39
d3rtWell I will have to download the creative sound blaster drivers again would I not?19:39
newbnewbrww: It looks like a kernal update?19:39
d3rti googled why my sound didnt work19:39
d3rtfound soundblaster drivers19:40
Flanneld3rt: How did you install them?19:40
d3rtand installed them.19:40
FloodBot1d3rt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:40
Flannel!enter | d3rt19:40
ubottud3rt: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:40
Flanneld3rt: "I installed them" doesn't tell us a whole lot.19:40
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Flanneld3rt: Was it a bin file? source code? a deb? what?19:40
johnveixI need help installing my sound drivers, I am brand new to Ubuntu and have no idea how to do all the ./configure commands, etc. and where to enter them. I have the alsa drivers on my desktop as well as the linux version of the realtek drivers. Any help would be appreciated.19:41
Lu6ciferI was installing Ubuntu on my laptop---The partition is there (I checked with gparted), but when I reboot, GRUB is not there. I looked on some help guides, and they told me to type things like, "find /boot/grub/stage1" but all that came up with was "Error 15: file not found" I tried, root (hd0, 5) (the drive/partition that ubuntu is on) but it told that the partition or something doesn't exist.19:42
Lu6ciferLastly, I tried removing the ubuntu ext3 partition with Livecd and Gparted, but it said I had to unmount all logical partitions higher than 6, or something like that---All partitions were definitely unmounted when I did this..19:42
Lu6ciferAny ideas on how to reinstall GRUB or how to delete the ubuntu partition?19:42
d3rtI will find out for you. It was days ago when I first made the switch from Windows to ubuntu. I followed some instructions on a forum. I downloaded files from creative's website and did something with them. This is irrelevant. I will find the website again and do it again BUT my point is installing automatic updates has effectively 'broken' my setup again, requiring me to fix it again. This is not user friendly.19:42
newbnewbrww: I'm a little fearful when it comes to these kernal updates. :)19:43
Flanneld3rt: It's not irrelevant.  You installed them manually (they aren't in package management), and the drivers check stuff for your kernel version, and install themselves for that kernel version only.19:44
kiekorww, gnome-do ! i jurst rememberd the name19:44
Flanneld3rt: Everytime you update your kernel, you'll need to reinstall them with this method19:44
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vortex5d3rt, true, but all software you install outside of the normal package system is not really tidy; it should be a package (.deb) or sourcecode you add to Software Sources, like for Virtualbox or Wine, then it is preserved and updates to those apps are also installed via the automatic updates19:44
newbnewbrww: It looks like I do see more errors happened before I posted19:44
sjaheelo, all!19:44
rwwkieko: Oh! Yeah, I forgot about that one :D19:45
kiekoGuest34521, its Gnome-do i was after19:45
Guest34521kieko: ok thanks, good to know as well19:45
kiekorww, don't see how its much differnt to alt+f2 though19:45
newbnewbAny clues on http://www.unique5115468.pastebin.com/d3e6afd8819:47
usamahashimiHello everyone!19:47
rwwnewbnewb: What's the output when you run "whereis update-grub" in the terminal?19:47
usamahashimiI bought a switch "Alfa Digital", can anyone tell me that whats its default user-password?19:48
sjahelp me, please! i have windows, and today i install ubuntu (use FULL disk). all my data is lost. how match rescue my data ?19:48
newbnewbrww: http://www.unique511546p.pastebin.com/m389ab20a19:49
newbnewbthat is the output19:49
peppe_ciao a tutti19:49
=== I is now known as sorush20
nafurI'm still trying to run eve online with cedega but it tells me that it doesn't find "x11drv"... I'm curious if i have the correct graphic driver installed... it's an Intel X3100 (GM965) card, which one should it be? or is the cause something completely different? (Output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77839/ )19:50
rwwnewbnewb: eep, that's not good. Give me a sec to look something up19:50
magnetron!cedega | nafur19:50
ubottunafur: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega19:50
M4d3Lhi, how I can see a file log live?19:50
magnetronnafur→ we can't really provide support for cedega.19:50
oskar-M4d3L, tail -f logfile19:50
nafurmagnetron: ah, ok... thx *g*19:51
scotlfsCan someone tell me, is there a ubuntu repository where I can get open-office 3? I'd prefer to use internally managed packages if possible19:51
magnetronnafur→ the company producing cedega might help you, though19:51
dr_willisscotlfs,  from what i hear in the forums and stuff.. OOo3 - is a bit flakey under ubuntu at thsi time19:52
magnetronscotlfs→ no such repositories or packets are maintained by the ubuntu distribution19:52
scotlfsok thanx guys19:53
rwwnewbnewb: okays, found it. Are you using a regular PC, or a Mac?19:53
jimi__hendrixcan i ask a general computer question?19:54
dr_willisjimi__hendrix,  you just did.. :) care for another?19:54
wesolekdoes anybody know what to do after the cairo-dock installation for it to work?19:55
rwwnewbnewb: actually, nvm, it shouldn't matter. just issue from the terminal: sudo apt-get --reinstall install grub19:55
magnetronjimi__hendrix→ if it is a hardware question, you might get better help in #hardware19:55
rwwjimi__hendrix: Go ahead and ask the actual question. If someone knows the answer, they'll reply to you.19:55
jimi__hendrixi want to resize my linux partition (so i have two...one for experimenting)19:55
evolve_anyone know of an application i can load from a floppy disk in order to install ubuntu from a USB drive?19:55
jimi__hendrixcan i do this in linux?19:56
jimi__hendrixor do i need to burn a live cd19:56
LlanowynHello all, I have a question regarding getting my pcmcia wireless networking card to work in my laptop.  I just installed ubuntustudio and I'm trying to get into System > Administration > Network to set up my wireless card, however Network isn't in my list under gnome.  I have the install dvd that I started with, however when I go into synaptic it wants me to connect to the internet.19:56
LlanowynHow do I internet?19:56
zleapgnuparted or something19:56
rwwjimi__hendrix: you can't resize an active partition, so yeah, you'd need to burn a CD. either a live CD or the !gparted CD19:57
rww!gparted | jimi__hendrix19:57
ubottujimi__hendrix: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php19:57
dr_willisjimi__hendrix,  the tools like gparted can do that. but you must resize UNMOUNTED partitions.. so a live cd is often the best way to go.19:57
magnetronjimi__hendrix→ yes. you can do this in linux. you can't resize the hard drive you are actively running linux from, so you'll have to boot from usb or cd and run gparted19:57
dr_willisjimi__hendrix,  that gparted live cd - is a must have in your pc toolbox. :P19:57
jimi__hendrixok thanks all...19:57
evolve_zleap: was that in reference to my question?19:57
Xintruderis there a program in ubuntu that I can useI have a simcard installed in my vx3 lamborghini laptop, how can i use it to get mobile internet on ubuntu?19:58
zleapyeah,i think so19:58
jimi__hendrixhow easy is gparted to use19:58
Draco4Kinggparted is pretty easy, just be cautious19:58
zleapit was in response to the resize hdd question19:58
oskar-Llanowyn, what do you want to do with the internet?19:58
zleapbut the guys here have given more useful info19:58
provahello i have ubuntu  i m in recovery mode... i need to put some files on the the partition of windws  how to do ??19:58
Draco4Kingif you don't understand something about a program, look up the manual by opening terminal, then typing "man <program name>"19:59
lee_1if I was in a screen session, inside of a parent screen session, how would I control the 'child' session? e.g. CTRL+A+D detaches the parent session and so I lose the child one too... How can I direct my commands to the child one?19:59
oskar-does the live cd use swap partitions found on the hard drive?19:59
jimi__hendrixhow easy is gparted to use19:59
jimi__hendrixthen im done asking nonubuntu questions19:59
Flanneljimi__hendrix: It's all point and click, pretty easy.19:59
provahey i have some hard disk of the windws partion mounted in the ubuntu partion how i go in ??? from commad line??19:59
=== quentusrex23 is now known as quentusrex
SierradumpWhere do programs get installed to?  Like i just installed amarok and I am trying to stream some music and it says "open with" and I have to choose the program?20:00
Llanowynoskar:  My objective is to browse websites and share files through my home network, however I have no network applet in my gnome menu so I can't configure my wireless card.  I have used the wireless card in other installs of ubuntu before, so I know it works.  How do I install the network applet if I can't connect to the internet to download the proper packages?20:00
trunksen@ prova => cd and mountpoint20:00
jimi__hendrixthanks all20:00
trunksenex cd /mnt/windows20:00
trunksen*exampel: cd /mnt/windows20:00
newbnewbrww ok reinstalling20:00
FlannelSierradump: Usually its to /usr/bin, but you can check by going to a command line and typing 'which command' where command is the name (probably amarok in this case)20:00
dr_willisSierradump,  try the 'which' or 'locate' commands in the terminal to track them down.. or if theres icons for them in the menus you can check their properties to see where they are located at.20:00
wesolekanybody willing to take on a cairo-dock problem? I've installed it, but nothing happened20:00
provaok i try20:01
dr_williswesolek,  try running it from a terminal or menu item ? what did you expect to happen?20:01
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n8tuserLlanowyn-> you can use the command line,  can you explain your network connectivity? whats connected to what?20:01
=== Katie-Offline is now known as KatieKitty
wesolekdr_willis, I was expecting to see that cairo dock :)20:01
oskar-Llanowyn, it should have been installed. but i also had issues with it crashing in some circumstances. try alt+f2 and then "nm-applet". perhaps then you can use it again20:02
wesolekdr_willis, cairo_dock_create_surface_from_image: assertion `rsvg_handle != NULL' failed20:02
wesolekwarning :  (cairo-dock-load.c:cairo_dock_load_task_indicator:786)20:02
wesolek  couldn't load image '/home/pico/.cairo-dock/Indicateur cairo dock/1208712452.svg' for indicators20:02
zleaphey thanks for mentioing gparted live cd i am grabbing that now it looks useful20:02
wesolekand it's hanging now20:02
Llanowynn8tuser:  I have no network connectivity.  I have a pcmcia wireless networking card that I know works with ubuntu.  I can't get into my networking configuration applet20:03
dr_williswesolek,  sounds lik eits looking for some default config foles that dont exist.20:03
Llanowynoskar:  could not open location 'file:///home/user/nm-applet'20:03
wesolekdr_willis, I would not know how to fix it :(20:03
dr_williswesolek,  i would check the bug reports and forums and see  what others say20:04
n8tuserLlanowyn-> what are you using now to chat with us?20:04
wesolekthanks, dr_willis20:04
wesolekwill do20:04
Llanowynn8tuser:  A different PC. =)20:04
SierradumpAmarok won't play .m3u files?  Says something about a demux error?20:05
n8tuserLlanowyn-> can you try   sudo dhclient wlan0  and see if it connects?20:05
zerwasUsing Opera, most of the flash sites (but not youtube for example) are stuttering here. But in Firefox it works. Has anybody an idea what can cause this? (System has 4GByte RAM and dual core CPU)20:05
Raylzubottu: why did you leave me20:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
ssmy_zerwas: don't use opera? lol20:06
Raylzubottu: thats the only excuse you ever say20:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:06
=== LEO is now known as Guest95651
Llanowynn8tuser: wifi0: unknown hardware address type 801 | wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device.20:07
zerwasssmy_> any serious idea?20:07
Llanowynn8tuser:  I remember when it worked on a different ubuntu install it was ath0 instead of eth0 or something, I'll try ath0.20:08
ssmy_zerwas: honestly, no. it seems that it would be a configuration issue though if firefox is not affected.20:08
PupenoAny ideas why my name apperas like this: J. Pablo" Fernández, with a quote in the middle, in all the mails I send? I configured it as J. Pablo Fernández, of course.20:08
MrPeepers310is there any gui application to make sql databases?20:08
n8tuserLlanowyn-> ok lets do this, post in pastebin the results of...   ifconfig -a;  iwconfig;  route -n; and cat /etc/resolv.conf20:08
=== K53 is now known as CharlieB
zleapMrPeepers310: there is a http interface20:08
MrPeepers310what is it?20:09
FlannelMrPeepers310: OOo Base does.  There's a MySQL Administrator thing (mysql-admin in the repos) if you're looking to set up a full fledged MySQL DB20:09
zleapthanks FL20:09
oskar-Pupeno, how do you send the mails?20:09
MrPeepers310no i just need to create a database for a vb application20:09
Pupenooskar-: Evolution, smpt (courier mta, my own server)20:10
MrPeepers310Flannel: Oobase has sql ability?20:10
Guest123does anyone knows openemr?20:10
dreamyhi room20:10
Llanowynn8tuser:  can I do the list of commands >> log.txt to generate a file I can transfer between computers?20:10
Llanowynn8tuser:  I forget how to redirect output to a file. -.-'20:10
n8tuserLlanowyn-> yes and use the pastebin to post it20:10
navilonhey guys, how do i turn off services via the command line20:10
FlannelMrPeepers310: Yes, OOo base is a database thing.  Are you sure you're in the right room?  This is an Ubuntu support channel.  You may be more interested in a Visual Basic support channel.20:11
Llanowynn8tuser:  Ok, give me a sec.20:11
MrPeepers310I have some of the data in a excel sheet20:11
MrPeepers310flannel ill try that as well as the mysql room20:11
Raylzn8tuser: cmd >> file20:11
geniinavilon: Usually something like:  sudo /etc/init.d/<name-of-service> start/stop/restart20:11
navilongenii: sweet, thanks20:12
aboSamoorafter upgrading to from kernel -19 to kernel -22 the suspend is not working, any idea how can I figure what is the error ?20:12
geniinavilon: np20:12
Draco4Kingso... i'm using the alternate install disc. i have the option to execute a shell in the installer environment, which i would imagine would have the option to install ubuntu, yes?20:12
RaylzDraco4King: no ;)20:12
navilongenii: what if i dont want it to start on boot20:12
FlannelDraco4King: Nah, you just do the regular menu based install20:12
RaylzDraco4King: take the other option20:12
Draco4KingDraco4King: oi, ok. thanks20:13
jleitonehi everyone. im having a problem: i installed ubuntu on a pc for my younger brother, and so that he couldnt change stuff, i made his account not to be super user. but now i cant change anything, since there is none super user. how can i revert that??20:13
Draco4Kingerr... X-D20:13
geniinavilon: Then use update-rc.d function to make it not load at runlevels 2 thru 520:13
Draco4KingRaylz: k, thanks20:13
Draco4KingFlanell: k, thanks20:13
oskar-Pupeno, is it shown wrong on other mail user agents? maybe evolution a problem because of the non-ascii character,  at time of editing or showing20:13
geniinavilon: man update-rc.d for info on it's syntax20:13
Raylzjleitone: ever used sudo?20:13
Pupenooskar-: it is showing wrong everywhere (except sent folder).20:14
Raylzjleitone: did you set a root password?20:14
jleitonei did it on another pc... i changed the password to one i know, and made the login automatic20:14
Flanneljleitone: Is there more than one account on this box?20:14
jleitoneto achieve the result i want20:14
jleitonethere is only one thats the problem20:14
jleitonei want to make it sudo again20:14
jleitonewith auto login with a password that the user wont know20:14
Pupenooskar-: like this: http://groups.google.com/group/clojure/msg/91d4a5ac2ecb03c5?dmode=source20:14
Raylzjleitone: edit the /etc/sudoers file then20:14
Flanneljleitone: Alright, you'll want to create an accunt that you can use as an administrator.  Reboot, at GRUB (hit escape after the post screen to get to the grub menu), choose "recovery console"20:14
Llanowynn8tuser:  Ok this is strange.  When I put in 'sudo dhclient ath0' before, it connected.  Now I can browse the internet with firefox and such.  What should I do to make sure I don't have connectivity issues in the future?20:15
FlannelRaylz: That's not really the best way.20:15
PaulEycksDoes anyone know if Foxconn bios have problems?  I have a 760gxk8mb mother board.20:15
jleitonebut to edit that i must be sudo no?20:15
Raylzjleitone: or root20:15
jleitonei dont know20:15
jleitonehow to be root20:15
Draco4Kingsudo makes you root20:15
Flanneljleitone: Then once you're there, you'll want to add a user (adduser username), then add that user to the admin group (adduser user admin)20:15
n8tuserLlanowyn-> you are asking for guarantees? no such thing on wifi ..20:15
Raylzjleitone: boot into recovery mode20:15
gnutronjleitone: do NOT edit /etc/sudoers directly20:15
ComputerGuruany programmers in here looking to join a website20:15
ratpoisonhello! intrepid amd64 usr. My pulseaudio server keeps crashing.20:15
Raylzjleitone: and set the root password with passwd root20:15
jleitonehow can i boot int20:15
jleitonerecovey mode?20:15
geniijleitone: gnutron is correct. Use visudo20:16
help_me_plzwhats up with this bot saying im using a proxy?20:16
Raylzjleitone: its in the grub menu20:16
Xintruderdoes ubuntu have a software for bluetooth, and fingerprint security?20:16
NEWUSERi need help for detect and install some software for use my CONEXANT WMODEM like a voice phone.???20:16
gnutronjleitone: you use a special program, read the file first.20:16
Flanneljleitone: Choose it at the GRUB menu, and please stop using enter as punctuation20:16
FlannelXintruder: yes20:16
jleitoneok ill try it20:16
ComputerGuruintruder yes it has bluetooth20:16
oskar-Pupeno, what is the raw, encoded "From:" line in a message from the sent folder?20:16
Flannelgnutron: He shouldn't edit sudoers *at all*20:16
Myrtti!root | Raylz20:16
gnutronFlannel: i agree.20:16
ubottuRaylz: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:16
aboSamoorafter upgrading to from kernel -19 to kernel -22 the suspend is not working, any idea how can I figure what is the error ? can you help me ? any better place to ask ?20:17
Myrtti!noroot | Raylz20:17
ubottuRaylz: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)20:17
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:17
Pupenooskar-: From: "J. Pablo" =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Fern=E1ndez?= <pupeno@pupeno.com>20:17
RaylzMyrtti: that is stupid20:17
help_me_plzany one instresed in answering some general help questions?20:17
FlannelRaylz: No it's not.20:17
Flannel!anyone | help_me_plz20:17
ubottuhelp_me_plz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:17
NEWUSERHow can i detect my modem with amd64 Intrepid Ibex Ubuntu ?20:18
MyrttiRaylz: Ubuntu is not designed to use the root account. You'll break things if you enable root account. Please don't advice anyone enabling it20:18
RaylzMyrtti: lol ok :)20:18
oskar-Pupeno, ok, the quote sign, that is disturbing, is somehow escaped with a backslash20:18
evolve_is there a special way you should burn ubuntu in order to have it boot on older machines?20:19
help_me_plzok for one, does anyone know if 845g Intel intragd. graphics can get a resulation of either 1600x1050 or 1600x1200?20:19
Dataminer gibt mir die fehlermeldung20:19
Llanowynn8tuser:  http://pastebin.com/da36faa  This was posted to pastebin using my laptop.  What should I do to keep my connection up?20:19
MyrttiRaylz: if you need the root privileges, you use sudo (with terminal apps) or gksudo/kdesudo (with graphical apps)20:19
Myrtti!de | Datamin20:19
Flannel!de | Datamin20:19
ubottuDatamin: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:19
geniievolve_: Two speed burn if possible. Also the text based CD will ijnstall on boxes with less ram than the livecd version20:19
RaylzMyrtti: it still sounds pretty awkward20:19
XintruderI have a sim card (mobile) in my laptop, will i be able to use it if I install ubuntu? I use it for mobile internet20:20
oskar-Pupeno, i will try, what a sendmail and a postfix do with such a inner quote sign20:20
gnutronzsquareplusc: if you're here, is it true that sshd doesn't answer logins in a local user is not logged in? in hardy that was never the case, nor other distro's. [sigh]20:20
FlannelRaylz: It's not.  There's no compelling reason to enable a root account.20:20
FFighterdoes the root partition need to be primary?20:21
n8tuserLlanowyn-> nothing to do to make it stay up, its connected now isnt it?20:21
FFighterbetter put, any of the partitions need to be primary?20:21
FFighteror can all of them be extended?20:21
wolf_Hey, I am trying to compile ffmpeg from source to get nuvexport working.  I was following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg. But I am getting make: /version.sh: Command not found make: *** No rule to make target `config.mak'.  Stop. when i try and make20:21
uicaoumy root isn't.. i think20:21
Doonz2I mounted two raid arrays ,they were mounted in /home/server/rs1 and /home/server/rs2. On the desktop the array that was mounted in /home/server/rs1 shows up on the desktop as 2000.4 Gb Media and the one mounted in /home/server/rs2 shows up as rs2 on the desktop Im trying to figure out where that label 2000.4Gb Media came from and howto change it to rs1. Any ideas?20:22
FFighteranyone ?20:22
help_me_plzok for one, does anyone know if 845g Intel intragd. graphics can get a resulation of either 1600x1050 or 1600x1200?20:22
Llanowynn8tuser:  It is connected now, however I can't specify a network to connect to or give it a static IP on my network.  Also It's a laptop that will be traveling with me so I won't be able to have 100% uptime.  I'd like it to connect to a network of my choosing every time I turn it on.20:22
Pupenooskar-: thanks.20:22
Xintruderhmmm... no one knows an answer to my question?20:23
RaylzFlannel: hm i use su all the time on my gentoo20:23
vbman11does any one know how to enable MPX?20:23
Draco4Kingstate your question again?20:23
bullgard4What command will test a newly bought 8 GB USB stick thoroughly? GParted does not show any errors. '~$ sudo hdparm /dev/sdb1; HDIO_GET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument. HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Invalid argument; HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Invalid argument; HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS failed: Invalid argument; readonly = 0 (off); readahead = 256 (on); geometry = 977/256/63, sectors = 15679396, start = 44."20:23
uicaouuse sudo su20:23
RaylzFlannel: bugs me to write sudo every time20:23
=== Guest95651 is now known as LEO
vbman11does any one know how to enable MPX?20:24
Draco4Kingumm... while using alternate install cd: "Debootstrap warning -- Warning: Failure while configuring base packages"20:24
Draco4Kinganyone know what that is?20:24
SierradumpCan someone help me understand how sound works in linux (specifically ubuntu 8.10 using gnome)...20:24
SierradumpI have several sound devices listed and don't know whats what? '20:24
SierradumpAlsa vs. OSS ?20:24
SierradumpConnexant vs. nVidia devices too?20:25
vbman11does any one know how to enable MPX?20:25
FlannelRaylz: that's fine.  Please don't recommend people use the root account in this channel.  Thanks.20:25
Draco4Kingis busybox-initramfs a system-vital package?20:26
Shark_7-11Looking for a good VM (like qemu)20:26
RaylzFlannel: np, i just find it irritating20:26
gnutronSierradump: you want to use Alsa for output, if you use onboard sound versus a sound card, you want to check the ubuntu wiki's on setting those up.20:26
NEWUSERhow can detect my modem with intrepid ibex?20:26
Sierradumpgnutron:  do you have a couple minutes to help  me understand this? I got it working but don't understand anything that I did!20:27
philjoI'm just trying to do the "try Ubuntu without disturbing your system" thingy.  And it leaves me at a terminal window instead of loading a GUI.  Is this a common problem?20:27
Sierradumpgnutron:  I am using a laptop and I have onboard sound I suppose?  I also have some volume buttons on my laptop (up/down/mute)20:27
Draco4Kingwow... the alternate installer failed to install the base system20:27
droopsta915why is my computer loading so slow, when I'm online20:27
FlannelDraco4King: Reboot, choose the "Check CD for Defects" option at the boot menu.20:28
philjoalrighty, I'll give it a shot20:28
Draco4KingFlannel: did it twice already, passed20:28
Draco4Kingwait... i have the command it failed on20:28
=== c0cheeze is now known as mr-ten
Sierradumpgnutron:  when I go to SYSTEM | PREFERENCES | SOUND  - I have a list of about 5 options and each option has 8 devices listed under it - some of the devices are duplicates too?20:29
Draco4KingDebootstrap warning -- Warning: Failure trying to run: chroot /target dpks --force-depends --install var/cache/apt/archives/libc6_2.8~20080505-0ubuntu7_i386.deb20:29
SuspectHello - I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu (Intrepid Ibex) and I set up my own network connection in Gnome's network connections manager, but it seems that it keeps adding auto eth0"20:29
oskar-Pupeno, both, sendmail and postfix seem to change the from line. i guess (but don't know), that the unescaped quote with the space afterwards is not valid this encoding20:29
gnutronSierradump: I'm not that used to it, i set mine up years ago and it can be painful sometimes. in your menu find sound preferences i think, choose alsa, right lik on your volume icon and choose the  device, like your sound card or the boards chip. its always a hack if it doesnt work out of the box. keep asking, there are real sharp helpers here.20:29
SuspectHello - I'm running the latest version of Ubuntu (Intrepid Ibex) and I set up my own network connection in Gnome's network connections manager, but it seems that it keeps adding "auto eth0" randomly, and connecting to that instead (using DHCP) I was wondering if anyone knows how to disable this..?20:30
SuspectHit enter accidentally the first time ..20:30
EJwill 8.10 server mount and share an NTFS partition ?20:30
gnutronSierradump: right click, don't lik. :)20:30
Pupenooskar-: is Evolution encoding my name wrongly?20:30
Shark_7-11Ej: Mine words with NTFS20:30
Sierradumpgnutron: but it tastes soooo gooood :)20:31
Baba_B00iehey running ubuntu 8.10. i want to remove all the panels. i right click to remove but it's grayed out. any ideas how to do it ?20:31
philjowhen you install Ubuntu, you're supposed to get dropped off in a GUI not a terminal, right?20:31
Sierradumpgnutron; reading wiki now - thanks for help!20:31
gnutronSierradump: :-) g'luck20:31
oskar-Pupeno, yes, it seems to me20:31
Llanowynn8tuser:  It is connected now, however I can't specify a network to connect to or give it a static IP on my network.  Also It's a laptop that will be traveling with me so I won't be able to have 100% uptime.  I'd like it to connect to a network of my choosing every time I turn it on.20:31
EJShark_7-11: ok thanx. I just got a 250 gig external drive and i want to hook it up to my server and share it out locally as my public drive20:31
Draco4KingBabe_B00ie: click System > Administrator > System Monitor20:31
gnutronphiljo: unless its the server edition, correct.20:31
Llanowynn8tuser:  oops.  Anyway I found my Network applet in the synaptic package manager.  That should fix my problem on reboots.  Thank you for your help. =)20:32
Pupenooskar-: ok, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+bug/303254  (feel free to add information if you can, you know more than I here)20:32
philjook thx.  I'll have to figure out why I've never seen the GUI.  Just wanted to make sure there wasn't some launch command I didn't know20:32
FougnerBaba_B00ie, is the option "lock to panel" checked?20:32
Baba_B00ieno it's not checked20:32
aboSamoorI got this message when thinkpad try to wake up from suspend 'thinkpad_acpi: unknown LID-related HKEY event: 0x5010' ? any help ?20:32
=== LEO is now known as Guest30708
Baba_B00iei wanna replace the standard gnome panel with this avant 3d manager and so far it's working great.. but just can't remove the stock panel20:33
Guest34521Does anyone know if there is a known problem with x64 bit wireless card drivers in x64 bit linux ? I can't get ndiswrapper to work!20:33
oskar-Pupeno, ok...20:33
tigin88i cant get my lexmark x7350 to work, test sent to queue but never printed20:33
dr_willisGuest34521,  i imagine it depeds on the chipset of the card.. ive had no issues here with my 2  - 64bit laptops and their wireless cards.20:33
Guest34521dr_willis: yes but mine is a rtl8187 but it comes with x64 drivers though, could it just be nidwrapper bug ?20:34
lleitaoim having problems with an ATI X1650XT AGP. whenever i try to install the oficial ati drivers, when i reebot, it gives me an error, and forces me to enter in low graphics default mode. how can i s olve this (running 8.10 on latest kernel)20:34
tigin88i cant get my lexmark x7350 to work, test sent to queue but never printed20:35
dr_willisGuest34521,  i have no idea. If it has linux drivers.. i dont see why you would be needing ndiswrappers at all20:35
Pupenooskar-: thanks very much.20:35
Guest34521dr_willis: because the drivers are very BUGGY, and connection fluctuates like crazy, in Windos I have no problem with conneciton20:35
lleitao im having problems with an ATI X1650XT AGP. whenever i try to install the oficial ati drivers, when i reebot, it gives me an error, and forces me to enter in low graphics default mode. how can i s olve this (running 8.10 on latest kernel)20:36
TaeZrelax lleitao20:37
draco1234help, i forgot what the offtopic channel is called20:37
TaeZeverything will be alright20:37
lleitaoim having this problem for no reason at all... and cant seem to fix it. looked everywhere20:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:37
TaeZwhere is that everywhere?20:37
TaeZyou really couldn't look everythere20:37
mantispa1mlleitao: I've got a very similait prob., but with the nvidia drivers20:37
mkha_herocai room nay dong qua ma sao hem thay ai chat vay ta :-?20:38
lleitaoi install the drivers ubuntu gives me.20:38
mkha_herogiong bot we' :-s20:38
lleitaoand they dont work20:38
lleitaoone thing is inexistent drivers20:38
lleitaoother is the drivers ubuntu advises20:38
tigin88i cant get my lexmark x7350 to work, test sent to queue but never printed20:38
mkha_hero( Hello ) lleitao :D20:38
gnutronlleitao: using ATI proprietary drivers can be very problematic. I always revert to the generic ati driver. consult the wiki's for extensive details.20:38
mantispa1mI'm also using 8.1020:38
lleitaogeneric ati driver20:38
lleitaodoesnt even run compiz20:38
phoenix_rebearthhello, I've got a problem with my screen20:39
mantispa1mI've gotten the nvidia 177 driver to work, but it's stuck in low-res.20:39
ssmy_phoenix_rebearth: just ask20:39
lleitaoyou are better than me20:39
phoenix_rebearthdoes anybody work with 8.10 and has had problem with screen troubles20:39
lucaswhere can i find openoffice 3 repositories for hardy?20:39
phoenix_rebearthyesterday I could easily work, now I get a kind of snow on the screen and linear problems20:40
tigin88hello help me running 8.10 dual boot win xp pro20:40
oskar-Pupeno, is your name surrounded by quotes in evolution?20:40
DigBigHi , anyone uses Monodevelop ?20:40
phoenix_rebearthI still have to check out my ram modules but I guess that won't solve the problem20:40
malibuSay I log in as 'testuser' and I sudo to 'root'.  Is there any way for a script running as 'root' to find my original user ID?20:41
=== nick__ is now known as Skky
phoenix_rebearththe disruption also changes with the changement of Hz20:41
Skkyanyone familar with IP Tables?20:41
lucaswhere can i find openoffice 3 repositories for hardy?20:42
DigBigmalibu, ofcourse in /var/log/... it's noted that testuser did sudo commands ...20:42
phoenix_rebearthssmy?? anything familiar20:42
ronfleur Hi! Beginner (Xubuntu) question: I've installed Xu on an USB key from a CD ISO. Is this a configurable system or only an ISO image?20:43
Flannellucas: there's a PPA on launchpad.  Um, forums might be a good place to look.  Let me look as well20:43
oskar-Skky, a bit, what do you want to know?20:43
phoenixz Is there a command that can tell me how much traffic / sec is passing over a network interface? like.. eth0 : 502KiB/sec, something like that?20:43
dr_willisronfleur,  depends on exactly 'how' you installed it.20:43
lucasFlannel, ive found those but dont work20:43
malibuDigBig: Yes but I mean from a more reliable scripting standpoint.... I want to transfer xauth certificates from the user's account20:43
ronfleurdr_willis I've copied casper and isolinux20:43
Flannellucas: Whta doesn't work about them?20:44
lucasronfleur, configurable system20:44
phoenix_rebearthhave to go, I'll log in once I'm home. I've got another screen. I'll check out when I'm home.20:44
lucasFlannel, well... packages dont show at all20:44
ronfleurtks Lucas!20:44
DigBigmalibu, i'm afraid i can't help with that ...20:44
Draco4Kinglawlz the alternate installer is funny. it stops, but if you tap enter a few times really quick, it starts going again X-D20:44
draco1234phoenixz, yeah, are you using gnome?20:45
bullgard4What command will test a newly bought 8 GB USB stick thoroughly? GParted does not show any errors. '~$ sudo hdparm /dev/sdb1; HDIO_GET_32BIT failed: Invalid argument. HDIO_GET_UNMASKINTR failed: Invalid argument; HDIO_GET_DMA failed: Invalid argument; HDIO_GET_KEEPSETTINGS failed: Invalid argument; readonly = 0 (off); readahead = 256 (on); geometry = 977/256/63, sectors = 15679396, start = 44."20:45
lucasronfleur, u may have problems for booting if u didnt configure it ok, did u try to boot from it already?20:45
chuxxssswill wireshark do that? I mean check network traffic20:45
Flannellucas: So, youve got an issue with the repositories, not the packages?  We can fix that.  Please pastebin your sources.list20:45
ronfleurlucas, boots fine!20:45
dr_willisronfleur,  and it boots? :) wow. Heh..  I normally use the unetbootin tool, or the usb-disk tool in ubuntu.  the latter can make a 'peristant'  setup so most changes can be saved.. but they are basicially 'live cd' on a thumbdrive. not a 'full/normal install'20:46
lucasronfleur, cool hehe i had a lot of issues with that kinda installation, nice20:46
ronfleurdr-Willis I've used pendrivelinux instructs20:46
lucasFlannel, its not a problem of sources.list its a problem of repositories, just dont work.. they dont have anything20:47
dr_willisronfleur,  those basicially do what unetbootin automates :)  or the usb-disk tool does.. I perfer the usb-disk tool. so i can have a persist home/settings20:47
[TiZ]Hi. I'm trying to watch a 720p video in Totem, and it's going pretty slowly. I'm using fglrx; it's faster in radeon. What can I do to speed things up?20:47
lucasFlannel, thats why im asking for openoffice 3 repositories20:47
LjLlucas: a repository that doesn't have anything - that's an interesting concept20:48
DawnLighthello. is partition encryption possible to set up during installation?20:48
[TiZ]lucas: http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main20:48
lucasLjL, why dont u try ppa openoffice 3 repos and see if u can update and get what i say20:48
lucas[TiZ], thanks, but im on hardy...20:48
[TiZ]Change intrepid to hardy then20:48
Flannellucas: Those PPAs are the official ones.  Apparently they've pulled the packages temporarily while they fix an issue.20:48
LjLlucas, oh no, no, i'm definitely not going to use a third-party repository for something as big and core as OpenOffice, i'll stick with the officially supported version, thanks20:49
lucasthen u wont see what i say20:49
[TiZ]lucas, come off it.20:49
[TiZ]It's his choice, let him be.20:49
lucasFlannel, k... that makes sence20:49
zichowhen i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running... can anyone help?20:49
DaddyDaveIm new to Ubuntu and would like to have 1680x1050 again, have a radeon m200 any idea what i need to do?20:50
[TiZ]DaddyDave: Xpress m200?20:50
Skkyoskar-: I need to block FTP from 192.168.20.*.  My command "iptables -a INPUT -s -p tcp -j REJECT" does not work20:50
dr_willisI dident think that little card could go that high. :)20:50
DaddyDaveyeah it worked like a champ with xp20:50
[TiZ]Me either. I have an Xpress 1150 driving a little 1280x800 display20:50
Doonz2is there a command that will let me see how fast a file is being transfered from a usb drive onto a raid array?20:51
[TiZ]DaddyDave: Which version of ubuntu are you trying to run?20:51
n8tuserSkky-> which interface is it coming from?20:51
ronfleurtks DR_will I've taken notes; will test some more @+20:51
Lu6ciferI was installing Ubuntu on my laptop---The partition is there (I checked with gparted), but when I reboot, GRUB is not there. I looked on some help guides, and they told me to type things like, "find /boot/grub/stage1" but all that came up with was "Error 15: file not found" I tried, root (hd0, 5) (the drive/partition that ubuntu is on) but it told that the partition or something doesn't exist.20:51
[TiZ]Alrighty then... So open drivers aren't giving you 1680x1050?20:51
Lu6ciferany ideas?20:51
[TiZ]You could try fglrx20:51
oskar-Skky, try a big A: iptables -A ....20:52
[TiZ]I'm using fglrx now, and I've used open drivers since hardy20:52
[TiZ]It seems that fglrx is a little nicer to the xpress cards now.20:52
DaddyDavefglrx? sorry i just installed this for the first time and am not up to speed20:52
SkkyOps, got it working - need a -I20:52
[TiZ]Ah, sorry.20:52
[TiZ]Basically, once you install it, you'll get a little notification that says restricted drivers are available20:53
[TiZ]That's where you can install "fglrx", the name for ATI's proprietary driver20:53
karnamehelp me , in 8.10 when i enable visual effect (compiz) and then play a video my video screen start flicking , how can i fix it? (without visual effect i see normal video screen , my graphic card is ati x1400 and i installed fglrx before test it )20:53
paul68oskar-: hi how are you just a small question when you are running your iptable script from the interfaces file, is there a way that this appears on the screen when booting the server? or is that to much to ask?20:53
amhis there a way to do a fresh install of 8.10 from command line?  i think i have a corrupt installation and i tried to dist-update but it tells me there is nothing to update.20:53
amhfresh install without a cd, i should say.  just internet connection20:54
draco1234[TiZ], DaddyDave, I think it will automatically try to install and activate fglrx if you try to enable desktop effects in the "appearance" settings20:54
dr_willisamh,  anything else that leads you to think your install is currupted?20:54
[TiZ]karname: I had a similar problem. I was able to get my video to stop flickering, but it's slower now, and that's what I'm trying to fix now.20:54
Chaylonhey I am a first time linux user. I am trying to run Ubuntu 8.1 from my USB flash drive...it works but then freezes up after a short time...  while it works, it is like the backgrouns20:54
SemidiosI had just gotten my DVcamcorder to work with skype using dv4lstart skype.  everything was working great.  now I upgraded to intrepid and skype errors out on launch with a "Bus Error".  Any ideas what would fix this?20:54
oskar-paul68, i use iptables only on gentoo and debian ;) they have better support for it20:54
dr_willisHmm.. and here i thought iptables was vitrually identical on all linux disrtos...20:55
Chaylonis not working correctly, and everytime a tool tip comes up it is distorted and turns the piece of background it covers black20:55
amhdr_willis: my keyboard and mouse do not work when in gnome.  as far as i've read people with this issue generally have a corrupt install.20:55
DaddyDavetiz ok yeah i had found the propitery drivers deal and did the fglrx and the highest setting i get is 1280x80020:55
Flannelamh: You can install it a few ways yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  gives you all sorts of options20:55
[TiZ]draco1234: It shouldn't in 8.10, if the open drivers give 3d acceleration for your card.20:55
[TiZ]DaddyDave: Did you have 1680x1050 before installing the proprietary driver?20:55
amhFlannel: oh, maybe a usbstick is the way.  i tried that already but it wouldnt boot.  i'll check that ink.20:56
excitatoryso i'm a long time KDE user who just switched to gnome when intrepid came out.. I guess overall I am really liking gnome (some gtk apps are just too simple..eh..) but the biggest problem i've come across is there doesn't seem to be a good file manager!  nautilus is decent and so is pcmanfm.. but neither of them support multiple panes!  and please, the tree view is clunky since you cannot see individual files on the left, then drag th20:56
excitatoryem to a folder opened on the right.  if you try to click on the left, it changes the directory on the right!   i thought gnome was about usability..?20:56
Chaylonit will freeze, cant even open the dvd drives..but the mouse pointer can still be moved..20:56
draco1234[TiZ], it did for me.... even now, when I turn on desktop effects, it spends about 10 seconds saying "searching for drivers" before it realizes I already have fglrx...20:56
DaddyDaveno it was letting me have 800x600 i think20:56
paul68oskar-: gentoo is way over my head since you have to compile the kernel from scratch and ubuntu is debian based if I'm correct that is20:56
[TiZ]draco1234: Something's not right there. What kind of video card do you have?20:56
DaddyDavethe proprietary drive let me go upto 1024x78620:57
DaddyDavexpress m20020:57
billy_im trying to write a simple shell script (just for practise purposes) but this doesnt seem to be working20:57
draco1234[TiZ], Well, it works fine, but it's a Mobility Radeon X130020:57
Chaylonhey I am a first time linux user. I am trying to run Ubuntu 8.1 from my USB flash drive...it works but then freezes up after a short time...  while it works, it is like the background is not working correctly, and everytime a tool tip comes up it is distorted (enlarges part of it) and turns the piece of background it covers black...it will freeze, cant even open the dvd drives..but the mouse pointer can still be moved.. have to manually reset 20:57
[TiZ]DaddyDave: You seriously only had 800x600 before installing fglrx?20:58
billy_if [$1 -ne 1]; then   echo "HERE";   fi20:58
billy_can anyone tell me the problem with that?20:58
[TiZ]draco1234: That's weird. I've installed ubuntu several times on this laptop and not once has it done anything like that to me.20:58
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ardchoilleIs there a gui for tweaking file associations? How do I set which app opens a file upon double-click?20:58
notevolhello everyone.. I have a question...20:59
[TiZ]Chaylon: Sounds like a video driver problem.20:59
draco1234[TiZ], so special effects are enabled, in the "appearance" program on the "visual effects" tab?20:59
evolve_is it possible to install Damn Small Linux, then use that in order to access my USB drive in order to install ubuntu?20:59
ChaylonTiZ, thanks for the reply...some of the stuff looks fine, like the 'task bar', and sometimes I can open FireFox..but then it just locks right up..20:59
notevolI'm running a dual boot on this computer, and i've updated ubuntu to the latest version, and now on the boot screen i get the old version of ubuntu, the new one and windows.. does that mean everytime i update there gona be a new version added to the boot screen where i can boot up from?20:59
evolve_since damn small linux is bootable from a floppy21:00
ChaylonTiZ, I have an ATI Radeon X300....21:00
gnutronbilly_: is the bang line correct e.g. #!/bin/bash and is the script end with an .sh extension?21:00
[TiZ]draco1234: I have custom enabled there, 'cos I installed simple-ccsm. Also, I have fusion-icon installed and in my sessions, so it starts compiz twice. :P21:00
[TiZ]Chaylon: Do you know which drivers you're using?21:01
StephenFwhats the best way to partition/ RAID a webserver with 4 drives using software RAID, dont care much about speed or size just need redundancy21:01
billy_gnutron, yeah, i figured it... its because I didnt have spaces between my brackets and numbers/variables, not used to that :\21:01
geniievolve_: debootstrap would likely work21:01
jin_firefox keeps asking to restart firefox :(21:01
evolve_genii i'll check that out21:01
jin_any one expereincing this problem?21:01
ChaylonTiZ: I am not dumb, but very novice when it comes to Linux....  lol..  So How can I tell what driver I am using, and where/how can I install a compatible Ubuntu Driver for my ATI Radeon X300?21:01
[TiZ]Chaylon: Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers21:02
VinniecakesOh wow21:02
GleepGlopanyone know how to get AHCI to work with the realtime kernel?21:02
ChaylonTiZ: the system does not work long enough for me to go to those options (I am on XP machine right now)21:03
gnutronjin_: try disabling addons in firefox, a reboot  is needed sometimes also to wipe out firefox processes.21:03
[TiZ]Chaylon: Ack. That's... bad. Well, did the liveCD work well for you?21:03
ChaylonTiZ: I am using a USB Flash Drive21:03
geniiStephenF: raid5 for 4 drive setup will give most bang for the buck21:03
jin_gnuskool, what does the Ubuntu addons do?21:03
karname[TiZ] : my problem solved in #compiz-fusion room : you can run this command :  gstreamer-properties and select X Windows System (No Xv) in video tab21:04
[TiZ]Chaylon: I mean the Ubuntu live CD that you install from.21:04
[TiZ]karname: Thanks for that.21:04
gnutronjin_: i was referring to firefox addons.21:04
ChaylonNever tried the CD, downloaded from ubuntu.com and formattted it to work off the USB drive21:04
draco1234Chaylon, if you can get to a terminal, you can see the video driver with "sudo lshw -C display"21:04
gnutronjin_: is a few words, addons are 'bells and whistles' ... cliche21:05
[TiZ]Chaylon: Download a live CD image, burn it to a CD, and then give it a shot.21:05
jin_gnutron, I disabled the ubuntu firefox addon and it fixed the problem.21:05
StephenFgenii: how would I handle the boot partition21:05
gnutronjin_: sweet21:05
[TiZ]If all works well on it, then use the included tool on the live CD to make a USB startup disk.21:05
[TiZ]The tool is in System -> Administration21:06
* Mustinet iyi geceler21:06
ChaylonOK, Thanks TiZ: shouldn't it still have the same driver as the CD I downloaded from the site?21:06
geniiStephenF: Make a small partition at start of each drive which is not in the raid. Use that to have uncompressed /boot21:06
[TiZ]Chaylon: I don't know. I've never installed Ubuntu to a USB drive.21:07
geniiWork, AFK21:07
StephenFOk, i kinda did that except I made that small partition on two drives and created at RAID 1 device for /boot21:07
StephenFproblem is it wont boot, says it cant find md2 which is the RAID 5 device holding root21:07
ChaylonTiZ: how can I get the proper driver?  any way I can put the driver on the USB drive and install it if I get into ubuntu?21:08
StephenFdoes root need to also not be on RAID 5?21:08
sp00nyGanyone with a (working) mountable vfat partition care to give me their /etc/fstab entry?21:08
gnutronsp00nyG: /dev/sdb1 /media/LOCAL_DISK vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,utf8,umask=077 0 021:09
[TiZ]Chaylon: The "proper driver" is entirely dependent on your system. For some, it will be the open source driver. For some, it will be fglrx. The liveCD uses the open driver by default. So if the liveCD works, that's what you need to be using. If it doesn't work, then... Well, you'll have to install the proprietary drivers from the command line.21:09
gnutronsp00nyG: im using hardy, not ntrepid fyi.21:09
ChaylonHow do I bring up the command line?21:10
sp00nyGgnutron: kthx21:10
dr_willis!terminal | Chaylon21:10
ubottuChaylon: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal21:10
SimAtWorkanyone find the ubuntu repositories are REALLy slow ??21:10
gnutronsp00nyG: you're welcome21:10
[TiZ]dr_willis, no, that's not going to work for him. His video is really messed up right now.21:10
SimAtWorki'm downloading updtaes..... getting 6495B/s21:10
ChaylonSo If I am not getting into the OS, how do I bring up the command line?  it freezes before I can do anythging21:10
[TiZ]He'll need to get the drivers while in XP, and then go into recovery mode.21:11
StephenFhow do people normally handle RAID config for a 4 drive web server using software RAID?21:11
PovAddictChaylon: you're not "getting into the OS"?21:11
gnutronChaylon: open a ternimal or konsole, its in your apps menu21:11
draco1234Chaylon, you can bring up a command line with alt-ctrl-f1, or alt-ctrl-f2 .... etc21:11
PovAddictyou mean you can't get to the GUI?21:11
SimAtWorkChaylon: easy way is to use a live cd.21:11
[TiZ]gnutron: I just said, it's not going to work.21:11
BridgeInhabitantI'm having some problems setting the owner of some folders and files, can anyone help me?21:11
[TiZ]His video is messed up! He can't use desktop environments right now.21:11
Datamin mein firefox brauch sehr lange um java webanwendungen zu laden (z.b. kleine java games), firefox wird zwischendurch grau, habe ubuntu ist das bei euch auch so ?21:11
BesogonChaylon: google help you.21:11
PovAddictDatamin: english only here21:11
gnutron[TiZ]: sorry, missed that.21:11
Chaylonyeah my desktop is fuberd...21:12
[TiZ]gnutron: s'alright21:12
[TiZ]H'okay, Chaylon.21:12
oskar-Datamin, yes, java needs long time until it is ready21:12
BridgeInhabitantcan't anyone help me with setting permissions of a folder?21:12
[TiZ]Go to ATI's website, where you would normally get windows drivers. But instead, pick linux and follow the boxes to get your stuff. Save it to your usb drive.21:12
gnutronDatamin: /join #ubuntu-de21:12
n8tuserBridgeInhabitant-> what is the issue?21:12
Dataminmy firefox need very long to load java web applications (eg small java games), firefox is gray in between, had ubuntu is with you as well?21:13
SimAtWorkhow can i try to find a faster ubuntu mirror?21:13
draco1234Chaylon, so does "alt-ctrl-f2" do nothing on the system?21:13
[TiZ]Then, when you're booting into your ubuntu installation... uh, do you get a menu when you boot your USB drive?21:13
SimAtWorkthese download rates are just lame21:13
SimAtWorkit's going to drive me crazy21:13
Datamin(c) by google translations :D21:13
oskar-Datamin, it is normal, java needs long time until it is ready :-(21:13
BridgeInhabitantn8tuser, when I change the owner of the folder in the folder options and then click the apply to sub folders and files but they remain set as root and not my user account21:13
evolve_oh guys, i'm really stuck...cd will not boot on a dell inspiron 8200 -- when i stick the cd in this computer it prompts me to install so i believe that means its working21:13
magnetronSimAtWork→ the fastest download rates is what you get using bittorrent download21:13
gnutronSimAtWork: system - administration - software sources i think.21:13
ChaylonYeah, says to install or try running it without installing it.....BUT, I have a USB keyboard and I need to wait the ten seconds for it to default to run...21:13
evolve_so what the hell can i do?!21:13
Dataminoskar-, but it are only small games like reversi and i have a quad core21:14
SimAtWorkmagnetron: for updates?21:14
SimAtWorkmagnetron: how do i configure apt to use torrents?21:14
n8tuserBridgeInhabitant-> you are logged in as root?  man chown and man chmod21:14
evolve_boot order is setup properly before someone suggests that21:14
[TiZ]Chaylon, really? From your USB drive, you get THAT menu? O_o21:14
N6REJhey guys, i'm dumb today... i created a user from cli and she can't access lan mail21:14
N6REJfrom a remote client21:14
ChaylonLOL yeah, its weird..21:14
BridgeInhabitantn8tuser, yes21:14
N6REJon the ame network21:14
oskar-Datamin, the java virtual machine itself has to be loaded, and it is quite big21:14
N6REJany tips?21:14
magnetronSimAtWork→ no, are you using updates? gnutron's suggestion is right, there is an automatic mirror selector if you go to that window21:14
[TiZ]That's the Live CD start-up menu. Okay, I know for sure that open drivers are the problem.21:14
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BridgeInhabitantn8tuser, do I have to use the command prompt?21:14
n8tuserBridgeInhabitant-> use chown command to change ownership21:15
ChaylonThen it goes to the Ubuntu splash screen with the progress bar21:15
Dataminoskar-, but in windows it needs a second21:15
BridgeInhabitantn8tuser, why can't I just use the explorer to do it?21:15
Dataminoskar-, can i preload the java machine21:15
n8tuserBridgeInhabitant-> i dont trust the gui, i dont know what options are behind it, so i use command line to be more assured21:15
ChaylonYeah, TiZ, basicly what I did....I downloaded the Live CD, and formatted it to run off the USB drive without burning it..21:15
BridgeInhabitantn8tuser, there's a button but for some reason it doesn't work?21:15
[TiZ]Oh, so that's how it works.21:15
N6REJcan anyone help me get mail setup for a user?21:15
oskar-Datamin, yes, sun seems to have optimized the windows version. i have the same issues :\21:15
HeadbangerIs there someone willing to go one on one to help me out of an installation I cannot boot to because I installed on external I guess21:16
[TiZ]Well... did you ever enable desktop effects on your usb install?21:16
Dataminoskar-, but open office loads faster21:16
Dataminoskar-, there must be a way to optimize it for firefox21:16
ChaylonLiterally didnt do anything but try to get it to work...no setting has been changed from the LiveCD install21:16
oskar-Datamin, does it use java normally? i don't think so21:16
Headbangerjoin #SUSE21:16
gnutronN6REJ: try installing mutt, and type mutt in a xterm.21:16
oskar-Datamin, if you find a way to get it faster, let me know21:17
gnutronN6REJ: any cli mua should work21:17
[TiZ]That is a serious problem. If the open drivers are that messed up for you, and you're tying to run a USB install like a live CD... I'm not sure what to tell you.21:17
N6REJgnutron forgot how to answer you directly21:17
N6REJ*sigh *'m getting old21:17
Dataminoskar-, that sounds very depressing21:17
stroyanBridgeInhabitant: Is the folder you are changing on a normal file system like /home, or on something odd like an NTFS filesystem?21:17
N6REJanyway i'm on my pc shelled in , she's on a mac on the same network21:17
SimAtWorkoh yes21:18
SimAtWorkmuch faster now21:18
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, its in my home folder21:18
SimAtWorkthanks guys21:18
SimAtWorkgetting 100kb/sec now21:18
[TiZ]If you had installed it onto a hard disk partition, I would be able to help you... But I think my limited ability has run out.21:18
[TiZ]I'm sorry. :(21:18
N6REJthe mac can see the network, but when she says sign into mail it says she doesn't have account]21:18
gnutronN6REJ: have her ssh into your machine21:18
Chaylonits weird tho TiZ, some of the stuff looks normal...its not like a resolution problem, at least I don't think....  the taskbar looks normal, and the menu bar at the top look normal....screen is not flickering or anything, and colors look normal..21:18
jin_where to put themes so the windows use the same theme when using sudo?21:18
N6REJthe server?21:18
zichowhen i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running... can anyone help?21:18
[TiZ]But when you actually click stuff? Like the menu bar?21:18
stroyanBridgeInhabitant: Can you change permissions on normal files in your home folder?21:18
gnutronN6REJ: wherever her account exists21:18
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, I ran nautilus as root but when I click change owner then apply to sub folders and files it only applies the new owner to that folder?21:18
oskar-Datamin, i count it as a typical problem with proprietary software. i hope it gets better as sun now wants to make it open source (or already has)21:19
N6REJgnutron: ok we have a "lan server" so i'll try that21:19
N6REJone sec21:19
gnutronN6REJ: that depends on your MTA21:19
N6REJgnutron: dovecot & exim4?21:19
Chaylonthe menu opens fine, but I find when I hover over stuff, the tool tips that pop up kinda stay there, and sometimes they dissapear when you hover off them, but they make the background where they were, black.21:19
n8tuserBridgeInhabitant-> use chown command to change ownership.. you need to start learning the command line.  man chown21:19
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, I googled the problem and found this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/16511321:19
gnutronN6REJ: exim4 or postfix i prefer myself21:19
Chaylonthen after between 30sec-2 mins, it completely locks..21:20
[TiZ]Chaylon: Move fast enough so that tooltips don't appear? :P21:20
Chaylonbut the mouse pointer still moves21:20
paul4605n8tuser: hi I see people keep you busy here :-) is there to your knowledge a way to show the loading of the iptables when launching them from the interfaces file during boot? the iptable script is also functioning correctly :-)21:20
amhis there a simple way of installing ubuntu directly from the net at command line?21:20
N6REJgnutron: its been so long since i've had ot mess with the server that i've forgotten alot21:20
BridgeInhabitantstroyan could that be my problem, at first I thought it was unlikely as it is a year old and unlike windows ubuntu seems to get fixed quicker!21:20
N6REJgnutron: i think dovecot is the pop server?21:20
ChaylonTiZ, haha...yeah...  and sometimes if you expand something, it like, blows up a small part of the window to fit the entire screen...so it is all stretched and bluury21:20
gnutronN6REJ: we all exerience knowledge 'lag' :)21:20
n8tuserpaul4605-> one liners in interfaces file is okay, but not a boatload of them.. did you try calling the script from that file?21:21
Flanneldovecot can be either pop or imap (or the secure versions of those)21:21
bonhoffermy external monitor is plugged in now to my eeepc with ubuntu 8.10 -- how do i send the signal to the big monitor -- do i have to do some command-line xrandr deal?21:21
N6REJgnutron: hang on21:21
fitztrevCan anyone recommend a good USB dongle to use?21:21
paul4605n8tuser: yes and it works however it would have been nice if I see the progress on the screen during bootup21:21
[TiZ]Since open drivers are so messed up for you, and you're on USB... the only thing I see that you might be able to do is to quickly go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and install fglrx stat. But here's the gotcha, and I forgot about this... if your USB install works _exactly_ like a live CD, it will not keep those changes. So even if you did manage to install fglrx, it would revert to open drivers immediately after rebooting. :(21:21
stroyanBridgeInhabitant: That defect is still sitting there with "importance- low"21:22
zsquarepluscgnutron: sshd should accept connections and prompt for the user name in any case. when the password/key is entered it is either logging in or answering with a "wrong password" it is not even giving out any info if the user exists21:22
n8tuserpaul4605-> you can always verify with command  sudo iptables -vL21:22
fitztrevI mean bluetooth dongle.  Can anyone recommend a good bluetooth dongle to use?21:22
paul4605n8tuser: true21:22
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, so it isn't likely to get fixed ever?21:22
zsquarepluscgnutron: sshd not answering is either because a filer or hosts.deny is inhibiting access21:22
ChaylonTiZ: ohh, totally understand, that makes sense.....do you know where to get an "official" USB version of Ubuntu?21:22
gnutronN6REJ: the user must exist or it just drops the connection.21:22
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, reminds me of good old windows vista bugs :-)21:22
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent21:22
n8tuserpaul4605-> or put a -X  on the top of your script like #!/bin/bash -X21:22
[TiZ]Chaylon: I have no idea on that one. I'm sorry. :(21:23
[TiZ]Well, you could try what ubottu just said.21:23
paul4605n8tuser: ok thanks21:23
zsquarepluscgnutron: if the difference is if a user is logged in or not, then its the network manager, that only starts connection when one is logged on21:23
ChaylonTiZ: no worries, thanks for all your help tho!  I will try that21:23
gnutronzsquareplusc: ok, thanks21:23
amhhow do i force a reinstall of ubuntu 8.10 from command line?21:23
gnutronzsquareplusc: the required login bites, thats an intrepid thing, noone else does that... yuk!21:24
Dataminmy firefox need very long to load java web applications (eg small java games), firefox is gray in between21:24
[TiZ]Chaylon: Good luck!21:24
PriceChildamh: if you want to reinstall, do it the same way you originally installed.21:24
Slartamh: you might be able to do something like with a clever apt-get line.. but I don't think there is a simple command for it21:24
Dataminoskar-, in google  i find not much persons with this problem21:24
zsquarepluscgnutron: its the network setup that is not suitable for servers. it hasnt anything to do with ssh. a web server will have the same issue21:25
amhPriceChild: im unable to do it via gnome this time as i cannot get my keyboard or mouse to work under gnome.21:25
oskar-Datamin, how long does it take, until the applet is running?21:25
Dillizarmy camera its not supported by 8.10!!! can any body help me to install drivers or something21:25
Dataminoskar-, a minute21:25
n8tuserDatamin-> the webapp server is far? same network?21:25
Dataminoskar-, and i cant use firefox in this time21:26
gnutronzsquareplusc: I see, thank you21:26
dualIn which proc file can I find information about my harddrive (capacity, used space etc.)?21:26
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, is it likely that there is a fix for the permissions bug or will I have to learn the command?21:26
LogicalDashI just created a new desktop user account, and when I log it in, I get a blank orange screen with a cursor on it--no desktop, and no error message. What's going on?21:26
Spajderixcan anybody help me with bluetooth under ubuntu 8.04 64bit on Asus x50n, I've got bluez installed, bluetooth shows up after lsmod, still when I type hcitool scan I get message No such device21:26
oskar-Datamin, i tried it with an java applet for irc, firefox is 18 seconds unusable21:26
Dillizardual, just right click and properties :D21:27
stroyanBridgeInhabitant: It is likely to be fixed sometime.  But you should learn the command before that. ;-)21:27
Dataminoskar-, but that cant be normal, in 18 sec. my pc can boot my virtual windows xp machine21:27
gnutronzsquareplusc: in your branch of physics what does 'z' stand for. thx in advance /end off-topic.21:27
dualDillizar: I'm making a python program, and I want it to show info about my hdd, and then I need it in plain text21:27
oskar-Datamin, do you use java 1.6 or 1.5? the newer version seemed faster to me21:27
BridgeInhabitantstroyan, I may switch to another distribution, tbh if it takes this long to fix bugs (and others I've experienced) even for a free OS I may as well try another :-)21:28
BridgeInhabitantthanks for the help21:28
Dataminjava version "1.6.0_0"21:28
DataminIcedTea6 1.3.1 (6b12-0ubuntu6) Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_0-b12)21:28
DataminOpenJDK Server VM (build 1.6.0_0-b12, mixed mode)21:28
[TiZ]I'm trying to play a video in totem with xv, but when I start totem, it says "The video output is in use by another application." How do I find out what application's using it?21:28
imc_Looking for some ubuntu on macbook help...21:28
Dillizardunno bout that dual sorry21:28
imc_mww still around?21:28
djsiegel1A bunch of my applications (Firefox, Banshee, apt-get, epiphany) just segfault and crash all the time. I can't consistently reproduce the bug -- sometimes firefox will just segfault over and over when I start it, then I will restart and firefox works! Same with apt-get just now. Do I just have a corrupt low-level library or something?21:28
z0d14kIn rhythmbox, I want to add a podcast that is protected by a password.  If I put the URL of the podcast into firefox, it has the auth box, things work.  The podcast works in amarok, but rhythmbox never asks for password and fails to download podcast.  Any ideas?21:28
rwwimc_: that's rww, and yes, I just got back from lunch :)21:28
zsquarepluscgnutron: its the usual notation for the mandelbrot set formula. it is an imaginary number (as c is)21:29
dualDillizar: Ok, thanks for answering anyway.21:29
n8tuserDatamin-> the webapp server is far? same network?21:29
amhCan anyone assist me?21:29
Dillizar:P ya welcome dual can you help my problem :P21:29
BlueEagledual: hos is your system temperature?21:29
gnutronzsquareplusc: thanks again.21:29
Guest34521How can I force ubuntu to search for updated ?21:29
dualDoes anyone know which /proc file contains info about my harddrive?21:29
oskar-Datamin, have you tried "sun-java6-plugin"?21:29
rwwimc_: No problem :). I guess by the fact you came back that you're still having issues?21:29
djsiegel1dual, you mean /dev file ?21:29
imc_rww, so I followed thiose instructions, reinstalled with grub on sda, but still I cannot boot unless...this is weird...unless I boot into the CD and then select boot from disk21:29
geniidjsiegel1: Those symptoms sound like ram going bad. PErhaps run memtest on your box for a half day or so21:30
BlueEagledual: doo you mean /sys file?21:30
djsiegel1genii - where can I find info about how to do that?21:30
recon69amh: have you tried just using the live cd?21:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about updates21:30
dualMaybe maybe. I know I can get memory info from /proc/meminfo, I assumed that there was a hdd file there too21:30
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:30
[TiZ]djsiegel1: It should be in your grub menu.21:30
dualI'll check the sys and dev files21:30
amhrecon69: i dont have a spare CD.21:30
n8tuserdual-> cat /sys/block21:30
gnutrondual: sudo hdparm /dev/sda  for example tells all. use with caution.21:30
djsiegel1ok, oops -- there goes banshee!21:30
BlueEagledual: What information are you looking for?21:30
zsquarepluscgrr, applets are messed up again :/21:31
[TiZ]I'm trying to play a video in totem with xv, but when I start totem, it says "The video output is in use by another application." How do I find out what application's using it?21:31
amhrecon69: i copied everything to a usb stick.. but it's not very simple installing from a stick.. nor is it guaranteed to work.21:31
geniidjsiegel1: If you hit ESC during grub prompt, you should be able to choose memtest there. If no memtest there to boot to, use the livecd which has it21:31
Dillizarmy camera its not supported by 8.10!!! can any body help me to install drivers or something21:31
gnutrondual: try df -h21:31
dualBlueEagle: Total capacity, used storage, free storage etc.21:31
dualJust simple information21:31
BlueEagledual: that's not simple information tbh. :)21:31
recon69amh: sorry but dont even own a usb stick21:31
BlueEagledual: df -h21:31
BlueEagledual: and that's information about partitions you want, not your harddisk.21:32
amhrecon69: is there a way to install from the net?  or force an upgrade?  right now it tells me i already have 8.10 installed and wont go any further.21:32
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BlueEagleDillizar: It's kind of hard unless you tell us which chipset your webcam is using.21:32
dualBlueEagle: the df-command pops out different info on my server compared to my desktop computer, which I don't want. Therefore I want a file.21:32
nicodariouslooking for help with software RAID setup.  anyone familiar with dmraid by any chance?21:32
[TiZ]I'm trying to play a video in totem with xv, but when I start totem, it says "The video output is in use by another application." How do I find out what application's using it?21:32
rwwimc_: hmm. It looks like the problem is that the rEFIt partition probably isn't blessed properly... problem is that you need an OS X installation to do that properly. Honestly, at this point I'd probably install OS X, then follow the instructions in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook#Basic%20instructions21:32
DillizarBlueEagle, how can i found out ?21:33
imc_Bummer. I thought there was a way to do this without rEFIt using the alt key on boot?21:33
Flannelamh: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  did that not cover it?21:33
rwwimc_: Yeah, I know, it's not a great answer... you could try posting in the forums (ubuntuforums.org) and see if anyone else can figure out a way to fix it.21:33
BlueEagleDillizar: lsusb or lspci21:33
nicodariouslooking for help with software RAID setup.  anyone familiar with dmraid by any chance?21:33
rwwimc_: There should be, but that didn't work when we tried it.21:33
amhFlannel: there were so many options.  i wasnt sure which one to work with.21:33
imc_yep - might be best to start a thread on this. . . Bummer. Thanks rww!21:34
amhFlannel: i'd just like to reinstall.  it seems to difficult.21:34
amhi dont know why/21:34
rwwimc_: You're welcome! Sorry I couldn't be more helpful...21:34
imc_IT was though . .21:34
Flannelamh: They all will work.  They just depend on what you have at your disposal, etc.  That page is all about reinstalling.21:34
imc_at least I learned a little more. . .21:34
BlueEagledual: there are a couple of ways of calculating how much space is used and is free. One is to count inodes used. Another is to count blocks used and a 3rd way is to count actual file size. That's listed in increasing complexity.21:34
rwwimc_: :)21:34
provahow i serch packet for something  from packet manager  , in terminal??21:34
N6REJgnutron: i think i found part of the problem21:34
provahow i serch packet for something  from packet manager  , with terminal??21:34
Flannelprova: apt-cache search foo21:34
DillizarBlueEagle, Bus 002 Device 002: ID 046d:0929 Logitech, Inc. Labtec WebCam Pro21:34
BlueEagledual: No filesystem I know of files an accurate up-to-the-second report on the free space.21:35
N6REJgnutron the server has forgotten who "mail.hallhome.lan" is.21:35
amhFlannel: i didnt see anything on reinstalling21:35
Flannelamh: That entire page is about installing.  Which is identical to reinstalling.21:35
provafor instsall it?21:35
Flannelprova: sudo apt-get install package21:35
gnutronN6REJ: might wanna edit the hosts  file[s]21:35
dualBlueEagle: What about the system monitor, where does it get it's info from?21:35
BlueEagleDillizar: Good. Now you take the name from Logitech and out and paste that into the google search bar and add "linux" at the end and see what you find.21:35
amhFlannel: is there not a way to force a dist-update?21:35
N6REJgnutron: i'm wondering if bind is running21:35
Flannelamh: What do you mean?21:36
recon69amh: if reinstalling is you goal probable easiest to read a book or something till tomorrow and buy a blank CD, if the problem is something more specific maybe you should try fix that problem. if you got a net connection maybe reinstalling gnome might help.21:36
rockyrockhello folks21:36
steven2whuts up?21:36
BlueEagledual: That I do not know. I could download the source and go trough it to figure the exact method it uses tho.21:36
gnutronN6REJ: if your excepting outside mail, it better be !21:36
BlueEagledual: But odds are that I won't. ;)21:36
N6REJgnutron: ok the server only handles lan mail... but i have an update....21:36
N6REJgnutron she can recieve but not send consistently21:36
amhflannel:well apt-get dist-upgrade would work well but it says it's already upgraded.  i'd just like to force it to upgrade or something as i think i have a corrupt upgrade.21:37
phoenix_rebearthmy *$grmbl *çà$% system crashed21:37
dualHehe, Ok, BlueEagle. The accuracy isn't very important, as long as its +/- 1GB, it should be fine21:37
zyrorlhey guys, i have a problem with my multimedia keys on my keyboard being incorrectly detected in intrepid, i recall them working correctly in hardy, does anyone know what steps i can take to fix them?21:37
N6REJgnutron ok we need to start this from  square one.21:37
amhrecon69:  my exact problem is that my keyboard and mouse do not work in gnome.21:37
gnutronN6REJ: tail -f /var/log/maillog or some such logfile21:37
Flannelamh: If its already upgraded, then its up to date.  There's nothing to upgrade.  You mean reinstall those packages?  You'd have to just reinstall all of your packages.  It'd be... not so nice.  But, I guess you could try it.  see --reinstall, and I guess use globbing.21:38
phoenix_rebearthanybody already crashed with intrepid21:38
ardchoilleHow do I change which app gets opened upon double-clicking on a file? I've been researching for days (too much outdated info on the net), can't believe it's this difficult.21:38
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: A couple of times, but I had a heat sink all cloged up with dust.21:38
recon69amh: well then it's a gnome issue and you should try fix that.21:38
n8tuserardchoille-> mime type ?21:39
gnutronardchoille: use 'preferred applications' its in your system menu i believe21:39
phoenix_rebearthblueEagle: I haven't got hardware problems, that 's the problem21:39
amhrecon69: where so i begin fixing gnome?21:39
ardchoillegnuskool: that doesn't take care of *.list files21:39
Flannelardchoille: Those are text files, so it'd be gedit21:39
kevin__Anyone know why the gnome-panel applications icons change when an application is running?21:39
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: Then why did your system crash?21:40
phoenix_rebearththat's what I'd like to know21:40
ardchoilleFlannel: double-clicking on a *.list file open it in software sources21:40
phoenix_rebearthIt started with a linear pattern on the screen (tested two screens)21:40
ardchoilleFlannel: It's been that way on Hardy and now Intrepid21:40
paul4605BlueEagle: HI how are you long time no see :-)  I got my iptables and new config all working now :-)21:40
Slartkevin__: I didn't know they did that.. it happens for all applications? can you take screenshots?21:40
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: Well, what were you doing when the system crashed?21:40
phoenix_rebearthall of a sudden the system freezes after login in21:40
Flannelardchoille: That's new.  Right click it... in one of the menu things theres an "open with" dialog or something.21:40
BlueEaglepaul4605: Been a while. Good to hear. :)21:40
Flannelardchoille: I'm on Dapper, so... new to me.21:41
flnhstardchoille, right click on the file, click on "properties", the tab "open with" i believe21:41
phoenix_rebearthBlueEagle: I wanted to log in21:41
stroyandual: df and system monitor use statfs() or statfs64() system calls to get free space on filesystems.21:41
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: Did you add yourself to the video group?21:41
recon69amh: you using usb keyboard and mouse?21:41
ardchoilleFlannel: yes, and there used to be a "use this option as default" choice, but that choice is gone. There must be a way to change it perm21:41
phoenix_rebearthI guess it has something to do with the graphical interface21:41
amhrecon69: yes. usb keyboard and mouse21:41
phoenix_rebearthBlueEagle: nope, should I have21:41
evolve_will ubuntu install over windows 98?21:42
paul4605BlueEagle: is there to your knowledge a distro where creative xfi card is easy to configure?21:42
amhrecon69:usb keyboard and mouse worked under 6.06 and 8.0421:42
evolve_IE, the desktop gui install will run on windows 9821:42
dualstroyan: Ok, I'll try to customize the output of ds, to fit my needs21:42
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: Only if you want to use accellerated graphics.21:42
phoenix_rebearthoh no21:42
flnhstardchoille, you need to tick the circle next to the application i believe21:42
BlueEaglepaul4605: I do NO support what so ever on any products created by Creative.21:43
phoenix_rebearthit's just trying out different stuff but no games or graphical stuff21:43
demon_with what i can open .rpm?21:43
rwwevolve_: Wubi, you mean?21:43
ardchoilleflnhst: there is no circle, it's totally different in Intrepid21:43
recon69amh: google is you friend look at http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/tags.php?tag=mouse&page=2 and see if any of it apply to you. seem you not the only person to have this problem21:43
BlueEaglepaul4605: ...so even if I did I'd not tell you about it. ;)21:43
flnhstardchoille, i have Intrepid. Thats odd.21:43
rww!rpm | demon_21:43
ubottudemon_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:43
ra21vihi, I have a ubuntu-server installation,which I want to use as Enterprise Search Engine, with opensource search engine.. can someone guide me over that21:43
paul4605BlueEagle: its a shame that you think like that however I forgive you ;-)21:44
phoenix_rebearthblueEagle, is there a logfile that I could use to see any troubles21:44
ardchoilleflnhst: you have a circle?21:44
BlueEaglephoenix_rebearth: /var/log/X* would be a good place to start.21:44
wigrenHi, Can any one help with an ssh issue?21:44
flnhstardchoille, yes, when i click on it, the app selected becomes the default app21:44
evolve_rww: no i mean the 8.10 desktop iso, when i insert it into a windowx xp machine it prompts to full install21:44
evolve_i was wondering if that would happen on windows 98 as well21:44
ra21viwigren: write the issue21:44
demon_rww, but alien convert the rpm in to deb right21:44
phoenix_rebearthI'll log of and put my hdd of the other computer as slaveµ21:44
ardchoilleflnhst: doesn't work that way here21:45
SierradumpWhat are some good/fun apps that I should install on a fresh Ubuntu install?21:45
BlueEagle!anyone | wigren21:45
ubottuwigren: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?21:45
kevin__Slart: http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/5629/screenshoteo9.png21:45
ra21videmon_: alien has option to convert it in many packages, .deb, tar.gz etc21:45
amhrecon69: i've tried those fixes and none worked.  i saw one person say he reinstalled ubuntu and it was fine as he had a corrupt install.  this is why im looking to reinstall.21:45
paul4605BlueEagle: well I am off to bed take care my friend see you arround the next time21:45
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)21:45
BlueEaglepaul4605: Have a good one.21:45
SemidiosI had just gotten my DVcamcorder to work with skype using dv4lstart skype.  everything was working great.  now I upgraded to intrepid and skype errors out on launch with a "Bus Error".  seems to be pulse audio related.  any ideas how to fix this?21:45
rwwevolve_: you mean, when you put an Ubuntu CD into a computer while Windows is running, a program pops up giving you the option to install? That's Wubi, and yes, it'll work on win98.21:45
rwwdemon_: Yes, but as the factoid said, it's a Bad Idea21:46
wigrenra21vi: DynDNS says port 22 is open and accepting connections but when I try ssh in I get: ssh: connect to host _ipaddress_ port 22: Connection refused21:46
evolve_oh, did not realize wubi was that gui, thanks rww21:46
gnutronSierradump: googlearth is cool, very cpu intensive.21:46
rwwdemon_: what software do you want to install? there'll probably be an Ubuntu package for it somewhere21:46
Slartkevin__: it's not just changing to the favicon for the current website?21:46
Slartkevin__: I've never used iceweasel so I don't know what it looks like by default21:46
demon_nope i cant find it rww21:46
gnutronSierradump: correction, googleearth21:46
ra21viwigren: are you using Ubuntu <version>21:47
kevin__Slart: It's all my applications.21:47
stroyanwigren: Does "netstat -tan" output include "    *" ?21:47
wigrenra21vi: Yes, 8.0421:47
kevin__Slart: It will load the icon theme I use very briefly, and then change to the system default.21:47
=== baddog[afk] is now known as baddog
gnutronwigren: try ssh -l login-name ip-address21:47
TakuyaSo can someone help me with booting Ubuntu on a MacBook Pro?21:48
ra21viok, you can install nmap , then use sudo nmap <yourGlobalIPAddr> -p1-2521:48
Slartkevin__: hmm.. no idea why it would do that.. sorry21:48
flnhstardchoille, you do not see this: http://img58.imageshack.us/my.php?image=20081128224655435x406scir2.png21:48
ra21viand if you didnt have that IP mapped to your hostname in /etc/hosts, you can try ssh username@IPADDR21:48
kevin__Slart: It's ok.21:49
zsquarepluscgnutron: wow, they dont have it with documentation.. hard to find.. but see here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+question/4828321:49
demon_how can i install new gspcav drivers??21:49
ra21viand see if same error comes ... check the /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:49
gnutronzsquareplusc: roger, thanks.21:49
gerincompessoal de língua portuguesa? está ai alguém?21:49
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.21:49
SierradumpGnutron:  I like google earth!  Good reccomendation!21:50
wigrenstroyan: Yes, it shows up as tcp        0      0          ESTABLISHED21:50
wigrengnutron: still refused21:50
gerincomok, obrigado.21:50
zyrorlhey guys, i have a problem with my multimedia keys on my keyboard being incorrectly detected in intrepid, i recall them working correctly in hardy, does anyone know what steps i can take to fix them?21:50
ra21vianyone here worked on Enterprise class Search Engine , like SOlr /Lucene etc21:50
gnutronwigren: are you sure the account exists?21:50
ardchoilleflnhst: no, where did you get that from?21:50
* rww sighs21:50
recon69amh: takes me back to my first suggestion, you can buy a CD tomorrow for like 50p and do something more fun with you time tonight :)21:51
SierradumpIf I want to setup a Virtual machine on my Ubuntu 8.10 install, what is the best program to do that?  I am coming from windows and am used to VMWare Workstation (or Server)...  Whats the most popular or best Virtualization application for Linux???21:51
N6REJgnutron: apparently dovecot is rejecting users21:51
ra21viI need to find out what would be best search engine for my organisation need21:51
flnhstardchoille, right from my screen 5 mins ago21:51
gnutronwigren: are you sure the remote host is listening, i.e. sshd is running21:51
N6REJgnutron: does dovecot have its own user base?21:51
wigrengnutron: Yeah, I'm logged in. And it says my IP address is open and taking connections21:51
geniiSierradump: There is also vmware for linux21:51
zsquarepluscSierradump: there is also vmware. i use virtualbox as its easy to use21:51
gnutronN6REJ: never used dovecot21:51
ardchoilleflnhst: how exactly did you get that to popup?21:51
flnhstardchoille, its from the file properties21:51
N6REJgnutron: does exim4 does both send and receive?21:51
gnutronN6REJ: i would assume is does.21:51
wigrengnutron: Yes. I'm logged in locally, from my laptop to my desktop21:51
zsquarepluscSierradump: qemu, kvm, xen, depending on your needs21:51
rwwwigren, everyone helping wigren: sshd "connection refused" is not caused by an incorrect user. If you try to connect to sshd with a user that doesn't exist, it will happily take a username and password and then tell you that login failed. It won't, unless you're doing something weird, say connection refused.21:51
amhrecon69: but all my music is on this machine!  i knew i shouldnt have upgraded.  i was told 8.10 works well with wireless.21:51
Sierradumpgenii / zsquareplusc:  is VMWare good on Linux or should I try virtualbox or xen or some of the others???21:52
ardchoilleflnhst: ok, got it, I have been looking in the wrong place21:52
ardchoilleflnhst: Thank you very much21:52
zsquarepluscSierradump: never used it myself21:52
flnhstardchoille, np :)21:52
stroyanwigren: That netstat output is from an outbound ssh, not the inbound side.  If you don't see the '    *' line on the system you are trying to connect to then it is not listening for ssh.21:52
Anon6241TiZ, ya here?  lol...21:53
MardenenI am first tiem using 64 bit system, and its Linux Ubuntu, its pretty cool21:53
=== Anon6241 is now known as Chaylon
gnutronN6REJ: postfix does, not sure of exim4. but it should if configured to do so.21:53
SierradumpLooking for something sort of like FUSION for the Mac... People use Fusion on their Mac to setup an XP or Linux machine......   Which application would get me something like that?21:53
geniiSierradump: For me vmware on linux works well. I have a few 64bit XP vm's set up for instance21:53
N6REJgnutron: care to hold my hand through mail rebuild?21:53
zyrorldoes anyone know why ubuntu picks up my keyboard keys for say the stop button instead of XF86Stop it picks it up as XF86LowerVolume21:53
zsquarepluscstroyan, wigrenit probably shows up as ssh in netstat unless you use netstat -ln21:53
vbman11does any one know how to enable MPX?21:53
Sierradumpgenii: you running ubuntu 64bit (I am too)21:53
zyrorlthere's a couple others that come up wrong21:53
N6REJgnutron: idc what MTA as long as the dumb things works!21:53
MardenenI still dont have harddrives, so I am just testing systems =)21:54
geniiSierradump: Yes, my cpu is a core221:54
[TiZ]I can't use xvideo. Totem says that the video output is in use. How do I fix this?21:54
wigrenstroyan: Where should I go from here? I know I can ssh in locally. Maybe I don't have the ports forwarded correctly?21:54
gnutronN6REJ: i would recommend the freenode channel for your MTA, thats a heddy subject.21:54
stroyanzsquareplusc: He used "netstat -tan" as asked to.21:54
MardenenI use now Phenom quad core AAMD 2600 MHz system at this21:54
zsquarepluscstroyan: ok21:54
Sierradumpgenii: i have crappy turion single core 2.0ghz... BUT i ordered a new TL-60 that should pop in and get me dual core 64bit 2.0ghz... (this is a laptop)21:54
stroyanwigren: You probably need "sudo apt-get install openssh-server"21:54
gnutronintrepid sure seems to have alot of ssh issues.21:55
[TiZ]I can't use xvideo. Totem says that the video output is in use. How do I fix this?21:55
amhis it worth trying to install KDE or soemthing?21:55
rwwgnutron: not for me... I did sudo apt-get install openssh-server and it worked out of the box. I'm using it now, in fact...21:55
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SierradumpWhat is that GEARS program I  hear everyone talking about?  Can I try that on my laptop to get an idea of how my video card is performing????21:55
matteo_hi all, anyone remember how to set on a printf (in c language) the number of numbers after and before the float? thx alot21:55
geniiSierradump: At any rate, vmware works well for me on 64 bit. There is also a channel here on freenode which to ask questions in about ti21:55
zsquarepluscgnutron: same here, no issues21:55
Guest74932I'm having some trouble with dvd playback in ubuntu 8.10.  I can play dvd's i burned from .iso's of dvd's but i cant play normal dvd's21:55
rwwgnutron: 90% of SSHd issues are caused by not opening ports in a firewall or not forwarding ports, or something else that isn't the sshd's fault21:55
gnutronrww: im on hardy, but yes, it's usually a piece of cake.21:55
[T]ankI just did an install from the live cd. The machine has two eth ports. ubuntu labeled them as eth3 and eth4. Is there a way to change that to make them eth 0 and eth1?21:56
geniiSierradump: At any rate, vmware works well for me on 64 bit. There is also a channel here on freenode which to ask questions in about it21:56
geniiBah sorry about dbl post21:56
Sierradumpgenii: thanks!  do you know the channel name???21:56
gnutronrww: i'll agree with that dor sure.21:56
amhhow do i start KDE from command line?21:56
Guest74932I'm having some trouble with dvd playback in ubuntu 8.10.  It says there is no media on disk.  Anyone know how to fix this?21:57
j0nranyone know why i get java error "wrong name" when trying to use tightvnc java viewer?21:57
geniiSierradump:  #vmware    of course :)21:57
wigrenstroyan: openssh-server is already the newest version. I can use ssh just fine over the LAN21:57
jimmy__how do i use games on here21:57
zsquarepluscwigren: ISP bloling port 22? there are some nasty ISP that do that21:58
rwwwigren: then there's a router somewhere between you and the internet that's not port forwarding properly.21:58
Sierradumpgenii: thanks for heads up!  heading over there now!21:58
zsquarepluscwigren: that should have read "blocking"21:58
stroyanwigren: So you are trying to get in from the internet through a route/modem?  Have you set the router to forward port 22 to your desktop system that is running sshd?21:58
rockyrockwhat's wrong the nvidia??? My 8500GT doesn't work well!!! I use the nvidia driver, i tried all available drivers: glx-new, envy and nvidia's website driver. When i move a window fast, i see shadows. Any suggestions please????22:00
Guest74932I'm having some trouble with dvd playback in ubuntu 8.10.  It says there is no media on disk. I can play dvd's ive burned.  Anyone know how to fix this?22:00
wigrenstroyan: Yes, I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. The IP address of the  desktop I want to connect to ends in 3. I have port 22 forwarded to on both tcp and udp.22:00
dchernivrockyrock, you're doing something wrong, works just fine here. open terminal type glxinfo | grep direct. what does it say?22:01
rwwI think I've been reading too much of rms' literature... every time someone complains in here about their proprietary drivers i have to bite my tongue >.>22:01
zsquarepluscwigren: try to run ssh on an other port (and forward that too) like 2202222:01
user___rww: you are not the only one :-)22:02
draco1234Guest74932, yeah, did you install libdvdcss2?22:02
macjason0607guys since i can't use itunes what can i use for ubuntu22:02
N-AI have some problems with mount/umount on a certain partition, i won't let me mount/umount except as root. I have several other partitions that I can mount and umount as user22:02
stroyanwigren: Does "sudo iptables -L" show any rules that would exclude connections from outside of the LAN?22:02
SierradumpWhere is the ubuntu wiki where I can search about how to set my sound settings?  They didn't auto work upon install... I tweaked them and got it working but I don't think they are perfect!22:02
rww!itunes | macjason0607: as has been mentioned already22:02
ubottumacjason0607: as has been mentioned already: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee22:02
rww!players | macjason060722:02
ubottumacjason0607: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:02
rww!ipod | macjason060722:02
ubottumacjason0607: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod22:02
russI installed an update this morning now my audio is not working22:03
rockyrockdcherniv: the output is: direct rendering: Yes22:03
Guest74932draco1234: yea i d22:03
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Guest74932draco1234: and css3 and a few other22:03
zichoim having som difficulties with dbus. when i run e"nv | grep dbus" i get no output, but when i run "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start" it says that dbus is already running, how can i fix it?22:04
draco1234Guest74932, so just to make sure, if you type "sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2" in a terminal, it says ......?22:04
rockyrockGuys, one guy was helping me with my graphics card problem and he left, can somebody help me instead plzzzzzzz22:04
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macjason0607so out of all of those <scripts that you just gave me > what do you think the best one is22:04
wigrenstroyan: No, and I set up firestarter to allow SSH22:04
rww!best | macjason060722:04
ubottumacjason0607: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:04
Guest74932draco1234: 0 upgraded, 0 installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded22:05
macjason0607rww in your opinion22:05
rwwmacjason0607: personally, I use Rhythmbox, because I'm lazy, and it's the default.22:05
rwwmacjason0607: They're all free. Install a bunch and see which one you like =/22:05
Guest74932draco1234: when i installed libdvd it let me play a dvd i burned from a .iso22:05
rockyrockthis is my problem: what's wrong with nvidia??? My 8500GT doesn't work well!!! I use the nvidia driver, i tried all available drivers: glx-new, envy and nvidia's website driver. When i move a window fast, i see shadows. Any suggestions please????..........and this is what that guy said: dcherniv: rockyrock, you're doing something wrong, works just fine here. open terminal type glxinfo | grep direct. what does it say?..........and this is the outp22:05
Guest74932draco1234: it just wont let me play normal dvd films22:05
Guest79694vlc player done from terminal ,best one found yet. just installed ubunti 8 this week. kool!22:06
rwwzicho: was `` e"nv `` a typo? I'm not familiar with that command...22:06
draco1234Guest74932, ok, now how about "sudo apt-get install vlc" ?22:06
Guest74932i have vlc22:06
draco1234Guest74932, vlc player always works the best22:06
alec868is there an applet out there i can use to manage fan speed in 8.10?22:06
Guest74932draco1234: i have vlc22:06
Guest74932draco1234: ive been using it for years22:06
draco1234Guest74932, ok, did you try using vlc for opening the dvd?22:07
sinanWhat can i put in ".rtorrent.rc" to stop downloads after 10PM ?22:07
wigrenstroyan: I forwarded 22022 but I still get Connection refused. It took a lot longer this time to spit that out though22:07
stroyanwigren: You could use "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop; sudo /usr/sbin/sshd -d" to run sshd in debug mode.  It will be very verbose about what it is doing.22:07
Guest74932draco1234: yea, i have it set as the default program22:07
rwwzicho: if you meant "env", that isn't supposed to have any dbus lines in it, I think (my dbus works fine and env has nothing about dbus in it, anyway)22:07
zichorww, it should be "env"22:07
zichoso why do you think that dbus is not working?22:07
draco1234Guest74932, so if a disc is in, and you go to vlc and open the disc, what does it say?22:07
rwwzicho: try ps -AH | grep dbus22:07
zsquarepluscwigren: you used ssh -p 22022 to connect and edited the servers config (alternatively let your router forward external 22022 to internal 22)22:08
N-AI have some problems with mount/umount on a certain partition, it won't let me mount/umount except as root. I have several other partitions that I can mount and umount as user. I would like some help to figure out why this specific partition is behaving differently?22:08
Guest74932draco1234: it doesnt say anything, vlc opens and it just stays gray, no video22:08
recon69amh: after look around i can only suggest "sudo apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop"22:08
zichorww, i have both launch and daemon there22:08
rwwzicho: iono, are you having dbus problems? if so, what errors are you getting?22:08
zsquarepluscN-A: an entry in fsatb? to allow users, "user" has to be there in the options22:08
draco1234Guest74932, but vlc works on other files?22:08
Guest74932draco1234: when i try "movie player" or "th"thoggen" or "brasero" it says "no media on disk22:08
zichorww, "Unhandled Exception: System.Exception: Unable to open the session message bus."22:08
gnutronGuest74932: try video0 in vlc, see if it sees that.22:08
zichowhen i try to run banshee22:08
Guest74932draco1234: vlc sees it22:09
N-Azsquareplusc: It isn't but it isn't there for any of the other partitions either?22:09
Guest74932draco1234: just when it tries to play it wont play22:09
stroyanwigren: And of course- When you are messing around with stopping and starting sshd it is best to be sitting at the machine so you have a reliable way to put everything back. ;-)22:09
Guest74932draco1234: vlc works great for everything else22:09
gnutronGuest74932: nevermind, mis-understood your problem, sounds like a codec issue possibly.22:09
Guest74932gnutron: yea, i thought so too but ive never had this problem before in ubuntu22:10
zsquarepluscN-A: partitions get mounted on startup, unless they are marked as noauto. so a common setting is "default,noauto,user"22:10
Guest74932gnutron: it plays dvd's burned from .isos of dvds just not dvds22:10
wigrenstroyan: Yeah I think I'll have to try some stuff out. Thanks to all of you for the good ideas.22:10
rwwzicho: open a terminal and try dbus-launch banshee22:10
N-Azsquareplusc: It's mounted at startup via fstab fine, but I can't unmount it like I can unmount the rest22:10
RAV6anyone know of any tutorials to install ubuntu onto a thumb drive?22:10
N-Azsquareplusc: It's via fuse/ntfs-3g22:11
draco1234RAV6, using ubuntu 8.10?22:11
N-Azsquareplusc: And I'm guessing I'm a member of the fuse user group22:11
zichorww, i have banshee already running using that command, but the problem is that i cant control it remotely with example "banshee --pause"22:11
draco1234RAV6, can't you just click on system>>administration>>create a usb disc22:11
RAV6i got this 16GB thumb drive and i want to be able to carry my OS around with me now22:11
zyrorlanyone here knows anything about configuring keyboards in ubuntu ?22:11
=== flaco is now known as flacom
rww!usb | RAV622:12
ubottuRAV6: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent22:12
Lisa1so I installed ubuntu and told it not to install a boot loader, big mistake I suppose, it did not boot, then I tried to reinstall ubuntu however the installation just gets stuck when at the very first menu where I tell it to "install"... to summerize I have installed on my hdd ubuntu that wont boot and the installation cd wont run... what do I do?22:12
zsquarepluscN-A: "groups" lists the groups you are in22:12
demon_how can i found out what is my webcam model?22:12
rwwRAV6, draco1234: I tried that app the other day and it didn't work for me =/22:12
zichorww, my "echo $DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" gives me nothing though22:12
draco1234Guest74932, any chance it's a defective dvd?22:13
gnutrondemon_: in a terminal type lspci -v or lsusb -v  you should see it.22:13
rwwzicho: does it persist after a restart? there's a launchpad bug that looks similar that got cleared up after a restart22:13
N-Azsquareplusc: Well I'm not apparently maybe I misunderstood the whole point of the fuse group, maybe fuse is for fuse to have elevated priveliges?22:13
RAV6i need to be able to do it without the Live CD because my cd drive is dead22:13
rwwzicho: you could also try "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" i guess22:13
zichorww, i rebooted earlier, still the same error22:13
rwwzicho: hmm22:14
N-Azsquareplusc: Anywho, it doesn't work the same as the other partitions, in spite of having the same fstab options, and same permisions set (both /dev... and mount point)22:14
macjason0607guys every time i log in and mount my windows partition all the time .. is there a way to automount it on boot ?22:15
macjason0607do i look in fstab ?22:15
PriceChild!fstab | macjason060722:15
ubottumacjason0607: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:15
Prettomacjason0607, put it in your /etc/fstab22:15
draco1234RAV6, you don't need a CD drive, just the live CD image. It's just  700mb file that ends in .iso22:15
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap22:15
macjason0607fstab right ?22:15
zsquarepluscN-A: hm. so the difference is that fuse is used for this one and not for the others22:15
mrpocketsI jsut changed which server hosts SSH on my network22:16
oneiroiiiHey all.22:16
mrpocketsnow SSH thinks something sheisty is up22:16
rwwzicho: i have no idea, then. Try asking in #dbus maybe?22:16
gnutronmacjason0607: you may try installing the NTFS configuration tool22:16
N-Azsquareplusc: No they're all ntfs partitions and all use ntfs-3g (and ntfs-3g uses fuse)22:16
mrpocketshow do i reset or change the known hosts in SSH?22:16
oneiroiiimrpockets: There's a dot file in the users home directory22:16
rwwmrpockets: delete .ssh/known_hosts, if i remember correctly22:16
rwwmrpockets: it's some file in ~/.ssh, anyway22:16
zsquarepluscmrpockets: yes, like a new server host key. you need to remove the old key in your clients  ~/.ssh/known_hosts22:16
zichorww, i think i have it figured out. I run fluxbox, and there in lies the matter. it doesnt connect to dbus automaticcaly22:17
oneiroiiiSo, anyone have any ideas as to what's up with OOo 3?22:17
mrpocketszsquareplusc fond it22:17
NET||abusehi all, anyone an audacity head here?22:17
roachymrpockets: sudo nano ~/.ssh/known_hosts and remove the line for the server22:17
mrpockets~/ = home folder?22:17
NET||abusei'm trying to recover the far side of a recorded phone call22:18
roachymrpockets: thats right :)22:18
rwwoneiroiii: it wasn't included in intrepid because of time restrictions. it'll probably end up in intrepid-backports eventually. there's an unofficial PPA that has it that I can dig up if you'd like.22:18
zsquarepluscmrpockets: yes, its a shortcut in the shell22:18
NET||abusefar side of the conversation is really quite, too quite to hear,22:18
RAV6can i install it onto the thumb drive without the Live CD?22:18
macjason0607./dev/sda1   /media/windows ntfs-fuse auto,gid=1002,umask=0002 0 022:18
mrpocketsgot it22:18
jordo2323If I added a mount point to a second HD in Gnome, and it contained an invalid character what do I do?  I am getting an error it can't mount the drive.  I don't think it modified /etc/fstab cause the file is the same, but I can't get out of the situation cause I cannot pull up the properties of the unmounted HD in Gnome....22:18
LF|IrssiWhat's the command to see connected devices for like external hdd's or CD ROMS?22:18
zsquarepluscN-A: do you get an error when unmounting? like that a file is still in use?22:19
draco1234RAV6, yes, you don't need a live cd, you just need the live cd image file22:19
forcumangwhats a good text editor for C/C++/ editing?22:19
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?22:19
oneiroiiiforcumang: Komodo22:19
RAV6ok, i'll try and figure it out22:19
N-Azsquareplusc: Only root can unmount /dev/... from /mount/point22:20
rwwoneiroiii: aanndd, looks like that PPA is offline right now, so ignore the PPA bit :)22:20
LF|IrssiWhat's the command to see connected devices for like external hdd's or CD ROMS?22:20
rwwLF|Irssi: Not sure what you mean... do you mean mount?22:20
forcumangoneiroiii: that's not in repos, there an official link?22:20
lavacano201014zsquareplusc-\ Then use sudo to umount it22:20
oneiroiiiOh, LOL22:20
LF|Irssirww yeah i need to know the devices name though for my usb external hdd and cdrom22:20
macjason0607anyone get that ?22:20
draco1234RAV6, the cd image is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/intrepid/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso22:20
lavacano201014N-A-\ Use sudo umount /dev/device22:20
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: i dont know what exactly you mean. dmsg and lsusb what i usually use22:20
N-Alavacano201014: Yes well, My problem ^^ "I can't umount a specific partition as user only as root" ;-)22:21
LF|Irssilol um i cant be more clearer, i need to know the cli command to list all my usb connected devices22:21
oneiroiiirww: I missed the first half of that.  Yeah, the problem is I got the repo, installed it, and it would NOT open for anything.  Kept crashing out.  So I removed it, disabled the extra repos, now synaptic won't let me install the previous version of OOo22:21
LF|Irssiill try the lsusb one zsquareplusc thanks22:22
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: now if you restrict the question to USB, then lsusb is your friend22:22
chupydoes anyone knows how to install flash player in flock??22:22
rwwoneiroiii: did you do an apt-get update after removing the extra repo?22:22
oneiroiiirww: Yeah, a few times22:22
lavacano201014I think if you add the "users" option to it's /etc/fstab, it'll work22:22
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: i though you wanted a command for eSATA, USB and firewire all at once22:22
lavacano201014Er, it's entry in /etc/fstab22:22
russis there a way to "see" what your last update was?22:23
N-Alavacano201014: But why would it be necesary for one partition but not for others?22:23
lavacano201014N-A-\ I have no idea.22:23
rwwruss: apt log is in /var/log/apt/term.log22:23
rwwruss: that might have what you want22:23
malibuI'm in the process of creating a big FAT volume group.. Two 1 TB drives mirrored.  What's the best filesystem to use for the LVs?22:23
russrww: thx22:23
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: lsusb -v |less22:24
forcumangoneiroiii: should i get 4.0?22:24
malibulol.. not FAT as in windows.  FAT as in BIG22:24
malibu(just thought I should clarify!)22:24
rwwoneiroiii: hmm. Open up synaptic and go to the Status tab and see if there's any oo.org packages in the (residual config) section22:24
flacomhello, waht would be the easy way to mount an FTP in nautilus?22:24
rwwoneiroiii: (I'm not at an ubuntu PC right now, so some of the terminology might be wrong...)22:24
forcumangwell usually 'FAT' with all capitals refers to FAT file system.. you should lowercase fat if you mean fat ass :P22:24
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?22:24
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draco1234flacom: click file>>connect to server?22:25
gnutronmalibu: i've always used ext3 with all linux distro's, no problems.22:25
lavacano201014flacom-\ There's a "Connect to share" applet for panel you can use22:25
jordo2323If I added a mount point to a second HD in Gnome, and it contained an invalid character what do I do?  I am getting an error it can't mount the drive.  I don't think it modified /etc/fstab cause the file is the same, but I can't get out of the situation cause I cannot pull up the properties of the unmounted HD in Gnome....22:25
flacomdraco1234: :O22:25
zsquarepluscflacom: just use an ftp:// URL in the address field. or alternatively systm->connect to server22:25
flacomdraco1234: I didn't know22:25
malibugnutron: That what I always use too... So there isn't anything better yet?22:25
kd7swhI keep having problems with pulseaudio conflicting with multiple applications what is the easiest way to restart the pulseaudio daemon "correctly"22:25
malibugnutron: I want to be able to resize at will, of course22:25
gnutronmalibu: thats debateable, i'll stick with ext322:25
russrww: it says that I dont have permission to open it22:25
rwwruss: gksudo gedit /var/log/apt/term.log22:26
kd7swh"killall pulseaudio, pulseaudio" doesn't restart the daemon22:26
rwwruss: or sudo nano /var/log/apt/term.log, if you're command-line-only22:26
hololightIf I have an older laptop (say a PIII or P4), will the ubu netbook remix run faster than the std?22:26
gnutronjordo2323: change the mount point and change /etc/fstab to correspond.22:26
malibugnutron: Lol... ok yes I've always been happy with ext3 as well.  Thanks, I will stay with it22:26
forcumangkd7swh: check your init.d folder for a pulseaudio file22:27
forcumang'dir /etc/init.d'22:27
jordo2323gnuskool, My fstab is unchanged and I can't get into the properties of the drive in gnome to change it back....22:27
mhr3hi there, can someone help me with ipw2200 wireless on intrepid, it doesn't work half the time even when I'm connecting to security-disabled network22:27
jordo2323gnutron:  My fstab is unchanged and I can't get into the properties of the drive in gnome to change it back....22:27
jordo2323gnuskool, sorry...wrong person22:27
rwwhololight: consider xubuntu rather than the netbook remix. The Netbook Remix is optimized for new Intel Atom processors. Xubuntu is "optimized" for slower hardware.22:27
oneiroiiirww: There were some in obsolete, and some in residual - eliminating them seems to have done the trick22:28
kd7swhforcumang: good call22:28
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?22:28
zichorww,  if i close fluxbox, and start it up again via "dbus-launch" banshee works just like it should. Is there anyway to edit the script that runs when logging in?22:28
hololightrww: thanks22:28
rwwoneiroiii: excellent. I'll need to remember that trick...22:28
kd7swhforcumang: I will restart the init.d thanks22:28
gnutronjordo2323: can you mount it at all?22:28
phoenix_rebearthis there a place where you can have log files checked for mistakes22:28
oneiroiiirww: Thanks for the help :)22:28
russrww: is there a way to roll back my last update?22:28
gnutronjordo2323: do it all from a command line, chown etc.22:28
forcumangphoenix_rebearth: do you mean a program that checks your whole text file for certain words?22:28
jordo2323gnutron, explain...22:28
phoenix_rebearthforcumang: no I found several 'former' bugs in my kernel.log file but I'm quite new to the linux log files so I don't really know what to do about it22:29
XyliaI just installed Ubuntu on my Mini 9 and can't figure out how to make wireless work. Can anyone help me?22:29
oneiroiiiNow if I could just run FL Studio, or a native Linux equivalent, I'd be complete!22:29
rwwzicho: If this were the Arch Linux IRC channel, I'd say to modify .xinitrc and put that command in there, but I don't know whether that's the Ubuntu Way of doing things.22:29
kd7swhforcumang: "/etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart" renders: W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.22:29
kd7swhE: pid.c: Daemon already running.22:29
kd7swhE: main.c: pa_pid_file_create() failed.22:29
forcumangphoenix_rebearth: well, start pasting parts of those faulty logs into google22:30
ott0when i run chkconfig vmware off i'm getting errors about loops in the services. does anyone know how to fix this? i've run check-initd-order -g but i don't really understand the output22:30
forcumangkd7swh: in that case, use stop, then start22:30
zichorww, what about .xsession?22:30
phoenix_rebearthforcumang: that 's how I know there are some problems with the system but it's kind of chinese to me22:30
ott0j initd22:30
oneiroiiizicho: I'd Google for a fluxbox startup script or directory or something.  I think I remember it being a directory with symlinks22:30
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?\22:30
forcumangphoenix_rebearth: take the lines that look bad, and paste them into google, thus gaining an answer22:30
=== oneiroiii is now known as Oneiroii
kd7swhforcumang: "/etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop" renders the same string22:31
phoenix_rebearthforcumang: It only gives me more questions22:31
zichooneiroiii, well, the problem is that i need to launch fluxbox with this command, since it has no effect when it has started22:31
forcumangkd7swh: i don't use pulseaudio, i just suggested where your proggy stat file is22:31
russis there a way to roll back an update. an update this morning killed my audio22:31
zichoim gonna try relogging now, see if it does the trick22:31
forcumangphoenix_rebearth: ah22:31
N-AI can't umount or mount a specific partition as my current user, only as root, other partitions with the same fstab options I can mount and umount without root priveliges fine, what might be the problem?22:31
gnutronjordo2323: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/mountpoint  you may need filesystem parameters, then change ownership to your liking. man mount, man chown22:32
lavacano201014N-A-\ Ooh, I just thought of it22:32
kd7swhforcumang: I would prefer to default back to alsa how would I go about doing that22:32
lavacano201014N-A-\ File permissions22:32
russis there  a chan dedicated to audio problems?22:32
N-Alavacano201014: Which perms?22:32
forcumangkd7swh: i don't even know what 'asla' and 'pulseaudio' is22:32
gnutronjordo2323: you need to know its device name for starters22:33
N-Alavacano201014: Mount point? Dev?22:33
lavacano201014N-A-\ Both of them22:33
lavacano201014Mount point I think should have write access22:33
XyliaCan anyone give me a hand with wireless please?22:33
N-Alavacano201014: They are: drwxrwxrwx for mount point and: brw-rw---- for dev with root as owner for both22:34
forcumangXylia: first check if your wireless card is supported by ubuntu, on the ubuntu site22:34
forcumangif not, attempt to use ndiswrapper to connect22:34
lavacano201014N-A-\ Set the device to brwxrwxrwx22:34
N-Alavacano201014: And they are the same for the other devices/mount points22:34
rockyrockhas anybody used nvidia 180.08 driver with 8500GT???22:34
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?\22:34
gnutronjordo2323: there are ubuntu wikis for mounting extra drives, pretty easy22:34
forcumang180.08 ?22:34
forcumangi have 8600 GT only up to 17722:34
lavacano201014N-A-\ What appears to be going on is you can only mount as root because your standard account lacks read access22:35
leandrotem galera do rio ai?22:35
kd7swhforcumang: they're sound servers. I guess I'll try the forums.22:35
zichoOneiroii, your trick worked. edited my startup from "exec /usr/bin/fluxbox" to "exec /usr/bin/dbus-launch fluxbox". Thx a whole bunch22:35
rwwzicho: which file did you put that in? so I know for future reference?22:36
SierradumpIs there a Linux Application that would allow me to see WHO is associated with my accesspoint?  And possibly their computer name and or ip address????22:36
russcan someone help me troubleshoot my audio problem. My sound was working perfectly before I installed an update this morning22:36
Sierradumpruss: I can try and help you - just got done battling similar issue.22:37
zichorww, ~/.fluxbox/startuo22:37
SlartSierradump: I think that would be something that would have to run *on* your access point22:37
russsierradump: cool22:37
zichorww, thanks for your support too22:37
OneiroiiNo problem :) Shot in the dark, honestly, but hey22:37
SlartSierradump: most access points actually have this function already.. in some kind of web gui22:37
Xyliaforcumang: It's BCM4312, which seems to be supported by 8.1022:37
rwwSierradump: that sort of information would usually be found in your router's web configuration page. Look at your router's documentation manual and see if it has information on configuring it via the web.22:37
Sierradumpruss:  whats your exact issue? no sound?22:37
zichoOneiroii, well... when i think about myself i feel kinda stupid. ;D22:37
russSierradump: I instaleld an update this morning and now my audio does not work22:37
Sierradumpslart / rww: so its not exactly *my accesspoint :)22:38
Sk8rdudedoes anyone know where i could get help with ftpd's??22:38
chupydoes anyone knows how to install flash player on flock?... i have it on firefox and in opera22:38
russSierradump: I have a creative X-fi card which has a very well known bug, but the beta driver was working perfectly until the update22:38
Sierradumpruss:  open a terminal and type this command:  aplay -l22:38
N-Azsquareplusc: Didn't help :-S22:39
rwwSierradump: ah, I see :). You could use nmap to scan your subnet and then probe any computers you find to get their computer name. Wireshark might also turn up some stuff, especially if they're Windows computers.22:39
russSierradump: no souncards found22:39
Sierradumpruss:  okay well thats the first problem ! hahah we can work on it give me minute to finish up here real quick.22:39
russSierradump: Sure :)22:39
SlartSierradump: ah.. I see *nudge* *nudge*.. my network-fu isn't strong enough for this.. but I think it will be hard to accomplish22:39
Sierradumprww:  is wireshark available on linux? I went to the etherreal website and it only lists windows downloads!22:40
Sk8rdudedoes anyone know where i could get help with ftpd's??22:40
rwwSierradump: someone was in here complaining it didn't work unless it was run with sudo today, so I'ma go with "yes". Lemmie go find the package name for oyu.22:40
gnutronSierradump: ethereal is now wireshark under ubuntu22:40
russSierradump: I watched hak5 an i think it is available22:40
Sierradumpslart / rww: I used to have suse on a laptop back in the day 10.0, and I was at an airport and could see computernames/ip addresses and could just poke/prod around... Was fun.22:40
N-ASierradump: I got it installed with add/remove :-)22:40
Lisa1how do you uninstall ubnutu without hurting the other partition with Windows on it?22:40
rwwSierradump: as gnutron said, it's package wireshark, in the universe repository22:41
energYirssi as root'22:41
Sierradumpruss / n-a: I will give it a shot - is the program name "wireshark" (i.e. sudo app-get install wireshark )22:41
energYhow bad?22:41
SlartSierradump: well.. try the networking tools that are available.. etheral, tcpdump, wireshark, prism stumbler etc22:41
dr_willisLisa1,  you basicially delete the linux partition and remake  a new partition in the same spot as some windows filesystem.. or resize thewindows install  then somehow reinstall the proper windows boot loader22:41
rwwSierradump: and nmap is package nmap in I think main22:42
draco1234Sk8rdude: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=ftp+server+ubuntu22:42
calebHdoes anyone know if it's possible to customize the gnome "Guest" session?  Specifically, I'd like to have compiz and gnome-do (among other things) startup when I launch a guest session...22:42
Sierradumpslart:  ahhh prism stumbler I think that was it...22:42
almostdvshow do i import a new sound theme?\22:42
russSierradump: I went to the website I haven't tried to install22:42
N-ALisa1: You can reinstall the windows bootloader with the windows CD and their repair console22:42
Sk8rdudedraco that's not what i'm after at all22:42
energYIs songbird the best itunes like program?22:42
Lisa1so in other words there is no easy way of getting rid of ubuntu ? what a shame22:42
Sierradumpruss: okay so now type this to see if it even SEES your soundcard ---   lspci -v22:42
rwwSk8rdude: what, specifically, do you need help with?22:42
gnutronLisa1: you'll need to boot a windows cd and fixboot or fixmbr or you'll be un-bootable after wiping the ubuntu partitions, because grub files will be gone22:43
almostdvsmy sound preferences only have two tabs. i should have more right?22:43
dr_willisLisa1,  gee. try getting rid of windows.. no easy waty to get rid of that.. what a shame..22:43
russSierradump: yes I see it22:43
vbman11does any one know how to enable MPX?22:43
Sierradumpokay cool - thats good, at least it SEES your card.22:43
rwwSk8rdude: I know, "ftpds", but what about them? Are you getting an error when setting one up? Trying to choose one? What?22:43
Lisa1dr_willis: atleast windows works22:43
dr_willisLisa1,  its our fault ms makes it hard to replace the bootloader?22:43
dr_willisLisa1,  i have to  say i disagree...22:43
OneiroiiSo does anyone know how to set the GTK theme for root?22:43
rwwdr_willis: Sure there is, I managed to do it accidentally last night >.>22:43
N-ALisa1: Troll much lately?22:43
Sk8rduderww: i'm trying to use pure-ftpd and for some reason when i start it the max user switch is being ignored and is locked to 1; even without the switch it doesn't go to the default value of 5022:43
jordo2323gnutron, thanks got it...22:43
dr_willisLisa1,  and if you really want windows support - since its a windows issue.. see #windows22:43
Sierradumpruss: okay so sorry what was the make/model of your soundcard?22:43
OneiroiiWithout logging as root, I mean22:44
dr_willisrww,  :)  its so easy ive had it destroy itself! :P  with no help.22:44
gnutronjordo2323: congratulations, i didnt do much.22:44
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKquesiton. hurf durfs. how do i force X to use a resolution not specified in the edid? this monitor doesnt have an edid and im trying to use 1366x768. using nvidia drivers22:44
russSierradump: creative labs SB X-Fi22:44
Lisa1dr_Willis: my profesional has never crashed on me, ubuntu crashed on me 8 times, lost data twice, finally tried to reinstall, but then the ubuntu install cd just kept getting hung up and wouldn't do anything, so I finally got fed up and went back to windows22:44
jordo2323gnutron, why when I enter any command does it say it can't resolve my hostname before asking a password?22:44
dr_willisLisa1,  I really dont care.  do what you want.22:45
draco1234Lisa1, what are you talking about, it's easy to get rid of ubuntu22:45
dr_willisLisa1,  im sure you dont care about my windows disasters either.. so have a nice day.22:45
Sierradumpwhat was the output of lspci -v ?22:45
Sierradumpdid it say creative sb x-fi?22:45
Lisa1dr_willis: its really upsetting as I told everybody I knew to install ubuntu, and I was saying how great it is, and then all these problems, 8 crashes within 3 days, unexcusable, not being able to reinstall... what do you wan't me to do? it just didn22:46
gnutronjordo2323: did you edit your /etc/hosts file or something? still got net? what commands?22:46
Sierradumpruss:  what was output of lspci-v?22:46
Lisa1it just didn't work, might have been a hardware issue, ohwell I guess linux isn't ready for laptops, atleast older ones22:46
strangehey guys whats teh key combination in ubuntu to run a command22:46
strangesomething with f222:46
jordo2323gnuskool, yeah....everything seems just fine....I didn't edit it, it's like after the last batch of Ibex updates it started....I will check /etc/hosts though22:46
Sk8rdudestrange: alt22:46
gnutronstrange: alt-f222:46
flnhstLisa1, works perfect on my p4 laptop, with pcmcia wireless22:46
jordo2323gnustron, yeah....everything seems just fine....I didn't edit it, it's like after the last batch of Ibex updates it started....I will check /etc/hosts though22:46
dr_willisLisa1,  Most of the issues ive seen with ubuntu are bad drivers - due to the hardware makers giving linux the finger..  Then again.. ive had hardware issues with vista, and xp  and otehr stuff as well.. hardware makers dont care to test drivers much these days it seems.22:46
jordo2323gnuskool, sorry again :)22:47
russSierradump: do you want me to paste it somewhere?22:47
N-AI can't umount or mount a specific partition as my current user, only as root, other partitions with the same fstab options I can mount and umount without root priveliges fine, what might be the problem?22:47
Sk8rduderww: i'm trying to use pure-ftpd and for some reason when i start it the max user switch is being ignored and is locked to 1; even without the switch it doesn't go to the default value of 5022:47
Lisa1dr_willis: what about the crashes, and what about the reinstall issue?22:47
draco1234Lisa1, specifically, what do you want to do? just leave the partitions alone and make windows boot automatically when you turn it on?22:47
Sierradumpruss: give me the link at paste.ubuntu.com22:47
KDE4000samferry: lol22:47
Sk8rdudeN-A: it was probably mounted as root22:47
Sk8rdudeN-A: you could try commenting it out of the fstab if you have root access and it's in there22:48
FloodBot1AndyR: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
Lisa1dr_willis: I was in here half an hour ago, begging for support to install ubuntu so that I could give it another show, I just simply loved the idea of free software, but no body would respond to my request of help with the installation, what do you expect me to do, use my computer without an OS?22:48
Lisa1draco1234: that would be nice22:48
dr_willisLisa1,  no idea. im not paying much attention to your rants. You have given up it seems. so either you want help.. or you want to give up.  If you want help. here and the forums are the places to hang out.22:48
N-ASk8rdude: But the fstab line is the same for that partition as it is for others that let me umount/mount them as my current user?22:48
N-ASk8rdude: OK I've commented the line22:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patiance22:49
Guest34521how can I revert to old kernel ?22:49
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:49
N-ASk8rdude: Do I have to reboot?22:49
rwwSk8rdude: hmm. Not sure, to be honest. Seems like the pure-ftpd IRC channel isn't active either :(22:49
=== Wiki is now known as Leppers
draco1234Lisa1, ok, can you get into ubuntu in order to edit a file? or are you in it already?22:49
Sk8rdudeN-A: no, just save it and see what happens22:49
russSierradump: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77867/22:49
OneiroiiLisa1: I'll say from experience, depending on the day, time, alignment of the planets, etc. you either get quick concise help here, or next to none at all.  It just depends on your luck.  No sense getting mad.22:49
* dr_willis hands draco1234 a coffee.. I gotta go feed the baby. :P22:49
gab3which is faster for a 4 year old, PATA drive - reiserfs, ext3 or xfs?22:49
maeI am trying to install WoW and the installer says i need more disk drive space, i do not know how to fic this22:49
jordo2323gnutron, got it, nevermind....it was /etc/hosts22:49
gab3fastest, i should say.22:50
gnutronjordo2323: good work :)22:50
Lisa1draco1234: ubuntu won't boot, im on a different comp22:50
Sk8rduderww: that's why i'm asking here... my last option is to email the dev guys from the mail addy on the site but wanted to see if i could find anyone in the know before i did22:50
N-ASk8rdude: and sudo umount and try to remount?22:50
gnutronGuest34521: do you show the older kernel in your grub boot menu?22:50
Lisa1Oneiroii: I know and i appologize, its just difficult not to get mad when you loose your spreadsheets that you were working on22:50
Sk8rdudeN-A: yes, make sure you have saved and closed your editor that you were using22:51
N-ASk8rdude: on umount I get the error that it isn't in fstab and I'm not root22:51
draco1234Lisa, ok, hmm. So the laptop has windows and ubuntu on it? Does it give you a menu, and ubuntu does not boot, but you can choose windows and it does boot?22:51
Guest34521gnutron: I want 27-8 back, and it doesn't show22:51
OneiroiiLisa1: I know, for sure :)  3 out of 5 times, I look for answers on IRC I get miffed and leave :)22:51
Lisa1draco1234: no actually the boot loader is broken22:51
almostdvsi can't set custom sounds, my sounds preferences has only two tabs and i think it should have more. what's going on?22:51
Sk8rdudeN-A: is it mounted properly? it shouldnt matter if it's in the fstab for mounting... all the fstab does is mount on boot22:51
N-ASk8rdude: No mount object for...22:51
Sierradumpruss: did I miss it? It didn't look like it was displayed on lspci-v?22:52
gnutronGuest34521: read your /boot/grub/menu.lst and look for a line that says show all22:52
russSierradump: I'll do it again22:52
draco1234Lisa1, wow, that is pretty bad. Do you have any windows cds?22:52
Oneiroiialmostdvs: Did you get a custom soundset somewhere?22:52
Sierradumpruss:  ahh found it on line 471... no need to redo.22:53
gnutronGuest34521: by default hardy and previous ver's showall if they exist22:53
Lisa1draco1234: ya, I have professional, I just really wanted to make ubuntu work, I guess im a soialist in heart22:53
russSierradump : thx22:53
Sk8rdudeN-A: is it an internal hdd and is it a partition or just a full drive?22:53
Guest34521gnutron: oh, yes you're right, I thought it was only recovery mode22:53
gnutronLisa1: its not always painless on the first install22:53
N-ASk8rdude: only root can do that i get when I try to do it in the terminal22:53
draco1234Lisa1, so what happened? Did the installer crash in the middle of things or something?22:53
almostdvsOneiroii: no, i haven't done anything yet. it just doesn't seem right. i've never had sound "themes" before. which can be nice but...22:53
N-ASk8rdude: internal /dev/sdd2 (third part, ntfs-3g used)22:54
forcumangsound themes?22:54
forcumangwhat does that even do22:54
aneqrsLisa1: if the boot loader is broken, I would pop in an ubuntu live-cd and reinstall it properly. Though I admit the hard thing is the "properly"-part22:54
Oneiroiialmostdvs: Oh, :(  Was wondering because I wouldn't mind some slick sound themes me own self22:54
forcumangyou can theme the sound?22:54
TrinixHi & Happy Holidays/Thanksgiving to everyone.  Now off to problems.  I'm attempting to do LiveCD Ubuntu 8.0.4 with a Dell Dimension 3000 (256 MB RAM, 2.4 Ghz) and it seems to have loaded the desktop wallpaper.  The drive is spinning rigorously still for about 10 minutes.  Mouse moves around, but no Gnome Menus / icons.  Any suggestions?22:54
Lisa1aneqrs: live-cd doesn't do anything anymore it doesn't even boot ubuntu live, on THAT computer, on others the cd works fine22:54
jin_something wrong with Ubuntu..22:54
Sierradumpruss:  I don't see it listed on the alsa site though?22:54
almostdvsOneiroii: well i was just going to install the mac4lin sound theme but i'm note even sure how to do that22:54
jin_I am copying a movie from a windows share and I am only getting 2MB/s22:54
jin_and this is over a lan22:55
forcumangjin_: something wrong with your ubuntu22:55
gnutronLisa1: when you get it working, you'll wanna dance, trust me, we all go thru that22:55
N-ASk8rdude: this is the fstab line: /dev/sdd2 /media/Big1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=da_DK.UTF-8 0 022:55
russSierradump: IDK it was working perfectly until I updated this morning22:55
aneqrsLisa1: oh, that's weird... especially when it used to work before (which precludes, say, a misconfiguration in the bios making the computer boot from the hard drive before checking the CD-drive)22:55
Sierradumpwhich driver did you use?22:55
Sierradumpruss:  was it working after a clean install?22:55
maehow do i add more space to my disk drive?22:56
N-ASk8rdude: I also have NTFS configuration tool installed, if that tells you anything22:56
zsquarepluscgnutron, reinstalling grub isn't that complex. boot livecd, mount hd, "remount,dev" then chroot and an update-grub should do it22:56
nat2610I recently upgraded to 8.10 and now I have a sound issue, after a few hours my sound stop working... it wasn't like that before, I guess the sound dev is used by a process that never give it back or soemthing like that but I don't know what to look for ... is it a known issue ?22:56
russSierradump: no, what happened was that the update manager came up and said that I had some updates to install so I installed them and rebooted and the audio died22:56
TriksterHow do I install ubuntu?22:56
gnutronzsquareplusc: i've got no problems here, but ok :)22:56
NeaaiTrinix: I'd say you have few ram (256M) to do a 'live'. The 'live' eats up more memory than standard installs.22:56
Sk8rdudeN-A: i'm not sure but maybe ntfs-3g has to be run as root to mount the drive.  I have had some problems with this recently on my laptop and the fix i used was to comment out the mount line in the fstab and just mount it manually through the gui; i haven't found a proper fix for it yet22:57
rww!install | Trikster22:57
ubottuTrikster: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate22:57
Sierradumpruss:  but was it working after a clean install?22:57
draco1234Trikster, do you have an Ubuntu CD?22:57
zsquarepluscgnutron: i know it wasn't you, but i had to tell someone ;-)22:57
TriksterNo, draco1234.22:57
gnutronzsquareplusc: lol, thats cool.22:57
rockyrockI have 2D problems with my nvidia GeForce 8500GT22:57
Trinixbut will it boot up still Neaai;  even if its slow as snail, I just need it to access Firefox and go to any website to test my ethernet card22:57
N-ASk8rdude: this one works: /dev/sdb1 /media/Music ntfs-3g defaults,locale=da_DK.UTF-8 0 0 I can umount and mount it in nautilus as my current user without problems22:57
rockyrockwhen i move a window i see a tail, so how to solve that???22:57
russSierradump: I'm confused about what you mean about a clean install. but I think the answer is no. I've been running 8.10 for more than a month22:58
sereanyone know how to get steam to work22:58
usserrockyrock, did u install the nvidia drivers?22:58
Sk8rdudeN-A: and if you comment out the line for sdb2 and try nautilus it still fails?22:58
russSierradump: I did not format and then install if that's what you mean22:58
sereerr:msi:copy_package_to_temp failed to copy package L"SteamInstaller.msi"22:58
serefixme:msi:MSI_OpenDatabaseW open: anyone know how to fix this failed r = 80030002 for L"SteamInstaller.msi"22:58
NeaaiTrinix: depends. With a normal install, ram breathes better than in 'live' and you also have swap space. In live, there's no swap so ram has to cope with that too.22:59
lavacano201014sere-\ Run it in wine22:59
rockyrockusser: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-177.80-pkg122:59
N-ASk8rdude: which is the strange part for me, I mean, sure, if none of my ntfs partitions could be mounted by my user I could just discount it as something that wasn't possible yet, but...22:59
serelavacano201014, i get that error22:59
lavacano201014sere-\ Hmm. Maybe Wine has problems with MSI files22:59
usserrockyrock, right. any particular howto that u used?22:59
sereos there an exe22:59
Sierradumpruss: by "clean install" I mean after you installed 8.10 was the sound working or did you have to hack at it to get it to work??? --  have a look here, scroll to bottom section " getting the Alsa drivers from a *fresh* kernel - it sounds like the update broke the soundcard... LINK:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544922:59
Trinixthanks for the heads up Neaai.  I'll give it a bit more time before i try something else23:00
NeaaiTrinix: to test your card you could also try to boot in text mode, and use the command line via ping, wget, w3m, etc.23:00
rockyrockusser: stop gdm, install that driver and restart again!23:00
Sk8rdudeN-A: i get the same problem... what i mentioned is exactly that, i have a hdd in the lappy; 3 partitions, one with windoze, one as ntfs storage and one for ubuntu and for some reason after the upgrade the storage ntfs just stopped behaving yet the windoze partition still auto-mounts fine23:00
lavacano201014sere-\ Another way we could install it for you is I could send you two files from my install in a zipfile23:00
usserrockyrock, take a look here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual explains process in all details23:00
lavacano201014sere-\ You run the exe I send and it will go "HEY! All my stuff23:00
Trinixgood point23:00
lavacano201014's gone!"23:00
Trinixthanks Neaai23:00
lavacano201014sere-\ Then it will download it's stuff in an "update" and you should be good to go23:00
russSierradump: it was not working when I initially installed. I had to get it to work23:00
NeaaiTrinix: gnome is quite rough for a 256M system normally... add there the live overhead.23:00
usserrockyrock, theres more stuff u have to do besides running installer23:00
lavacano201014sere-\ That seem like a good idea?23:01
russSierradump: thx23:01
N-ASk8rdude: Hmm, when I do that, the error is different: "Device to unmoun is not in /medua/.hal-mtab so it is not mounted by HAL"23:01
Sierradumpruss:  before you try that link go to SYSTEM | PREFERENCES | Sound23:01
N-ASk8rdude: */media/.hal...23:01
rockyrockusser: i searched in the forum, it appears that i'm not the only one who has those problem with 8500GT!!!23:01
russSierradump: I'm there23:01
Sierradumpruss:  what do you see listed in the 4 drop down boxes?23:01
rockyrockusser: it's all 2D problems23:02
N-ASk8rdude: Hehe, that buggered that one too23:02
Sk8rdudeN-A: sorry then, i'm all out of ideas23:02
FezzlerI've added a Trash Can to my desktop but I don't like the icon of a can and want to change to wire basket.  How to I find out where the Trash icon on my desktop is located?23:02
N-ASk8rdude: When I put it back in fstab I get the same error with that one now as before with only the other one23:02
usserrockyrock, nevertheless try from scratch using the guide i sent you, i've never heard of nvidia 80xx chips not working under ubuntu23:02
=== karl is now known as tazzmeister
gnutronrockyrock: try this - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport23:03
N-ASk8rdude: Do you know what this mtab business is?23:03
zsquarepluscN-A: you should mount an umount with the same application. so either have it in fstab, or let gnome-volmume manager do it. but changing rules halfway gives you these errors23:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mtab23:03
russSierradump: I've fooled with it so I don't think that what is there now is what was originally there at the time of this problem but here it is: Autodetect,PulsAudio sound Server,PulseAudio sound server, test sould23:03
jimdbI have an oddity with cursors.  I installed a cursor theme.  it works only when the cursor is over an application.  if I move the cursor and hover over the desktop the cursor is the plain white one.  Any ideas on why the cursor is the generic while hovering over the desktop while acts as the new cursor from the theme when I hover over a program (such as pidgin or firefox, etc)?23:03
exodus_msrunning ubuntu as client in vmware server, booting from iso image on host. Would this prevent me from mounting my dvd drive in ubuntu?23:03
FezzlerWhen I right click the Properties just says "On Desktop"23:03
N-Azsquareplusc: I didn't know about gnome-volume manager :-D23:03
shafiDoes Some one know Java Network programming?23:03
N-Azsquareplusc: Can you maybe enlighten me?23:03
Guest34521Where can I enable roamin mode ? System | Administration | Networking and properties on the card is not in 8.10, the wiki on the site is old23:03
shafiJava Socket Programming23:03
Ayabaramy wmv files have a blue cast in ubuntu. any clue why that might be?23:04
nogagplzexodus_ms: make a seperate drive for the vm that points to your physical dvd driver as well as having one for the iso to boot from?23:04
rockyrockusser: search in the forum and you'll find a lot of users who have 8500GT with 2D problems23:04
IzinucsAyabara: the precursor to the BSOD?23:04
lavacano201014Ayabara-\ Goofy files?23:04
zsquarepluscN-A: gnome-volume manager should automatically give you the possibility to mount drives/partitions it finds. that's true for harddisks as well as USB memory23:04
AyabaraIzinucs: hehe23:04
XyliaCan anyone help me? I'm trying to follow the instructions at http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt and I don't know what to replace the x's with in steps 4/5.23:04
tigin88help looking for .asx  support and shoutcast23:04
Ayabaralavacano201014: well no. they looked ok before I reinstalled intrepid23:04
N-ASk8rdude && zsquareplusc:Do you know that maintains  /media/.hal-mtab and if it's safe to edit by hand?23:05
lavacano201014Ayabara-\ Maybe your drivers are funny...23:05
zsquarepluscAyabara: when playing, or just the thumbnails?23:05
Sierradumpruss: im on phone 1 sec23:05
Ayabarazsquareplusc: when playing23:05
Flanneltigin88: shoutcast is well supported.  If you're looking for a server, it's "icecast"23:05
zsquarepluscN-A: its the hidden mount point that gnome-volume-manager will use. you should not need to do anything manually there23:05
IzinucsI'm experiencing laggy screen performance with an nvidia 8200 onboard video and the 177 restricted driver.  Anyone else have this card working correctly?23:05
rockyrockgnutron: i haven't found my card there23:06
N-Azsquareplusc: Yes, quite, but it is buggered, which is causing this problem for me, so to fix it?23:06
Ayabarais the w32codecs still around?23:06
NeaaiXylia: with your actual kernel version. What does "uname -r" say for you?23:06
rockyrockgnutron: sorry i mean i didn't found it23:06
zsquarepluscAyabara: these proprietary formats are... well.. try to use open standards if possible.. anyway. you might try other applications for playing. like vnc or xine23:06
XyliaNeaai: 2.6.27-7-generic23:06
zsquarepluscN-A: choose one method and reboot .p23:06
bobhassananyone have a acer aspire one 110?(the linux-version, ssd)?23:06
gnutronrockyrock: thats probably not a good sign, break out your hacking skills :)23:06
rockyrockDoes anybody has 8500GT here???23:07
IzinucsAyabara: I think in the mediabuntu repos.. they have the codecs for wmv and dvd.. you might also try installing ubuntu-restricted-extras23:07
exodus_msnogagplz, not sure what you mean. Are you saying change the settings in Vmware for the drive I boot the image from and add another device for mounting the dvd drive?23:07
Ayabarazsquareplusc: I agree, but I can't control formats of movies everywhere :)23:07
N-Azsquareplusc: By choose one method you mean?23:07
AyabaraIzinucs: thanks23:07
nogagplzexodus_ms: yes23:07
FezzlerWhat program can I use to program in linux/Ubuntu?  I want to create a game.  I've used GW-BASIC, Q-BASIC, PASCAL in past.23:07
zsquarepluscN-A: either have it in fstab or not. t hen reboot so that the one or the other service can mount your partitions. no entries in fstab should work well23:08
OneiroiiFezzler: I hear there's a Linux port of PASCAL23:08
=== Sync is now known as Sync08
zsquarepluscFezzler: i suggest python and pygame23:08
NeaaiXylia: so you must have a directory named /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/23:08
FezzlerOneiroii: No!  Did you know that Quatro was written in Pascal?23:08
rockyrockgnutron: my hacking skills died :) I have been trying to solve this 2D problems 3 months ago23:08
NeaaiXylia: what do you have under /lib/modules/   ?23:08
OneiroiiFezzler: Quatro the old accounting software?23:08
calebHany recommendations on a good cli music player?23:08
SimAtWorkhey guys, trying ubuntu 8.04 out for the first time.. intsalled kde... but konsole and kcontrol are missing.  how do i get them?23:09
rockyrockgnutron: some guys just told me to buy an ATI!23:09
N-Azsquareplusc: Yes, but then the partitions aren't mounted at bootup, meaning I have to manually mount/access the drive before anything from the drive can be used, right?23:09
tigin88not exactly what i am looking for i am looking for an alternative for winamp ie media library shoutcast radio and .asx support23:09
SimAtWorkapt-get install konsole does not work, it says it is reffered to by another pgoram but notlisted.23:09
SimAtWorktigin88: i love amarok23:09
[T]anki tried setting my eth addresses to static ip. I can ssh to them from other computers on the same network with the new addresses but I cannot ping internet address from the machine I made the changes to now.23:09
SimAtWorktigin88: I MEAN *LOVE*.23:09
[T]anki have double checked my resolv.conf file.23:09
sysrplVobSub index file23:09
[T]ankthat is correct.23:09
[T]ankwhat else should I be checking?23:09
gnutronrockyrock: in hardy system - admin - device hardware is a place to start looking.23:09
Oneiroii[T]ank: Can't ping from the machine with static IP?23:09
zsquarepluscN-A: i guess so. but why do you want to have them mounted automatically and then unmount them?!23:09
exodus_msnogagplz, ok, I'll give it a try thanks. Right now my drive in Ubuntu is mounted but it is the iso image23:10
tigin88i tried amarok i cant get it to play .asx23:10
FezzlerOneiroii: Spreadsheet.  Very popular alternative to 1-2-3.  Excel killed them all23:10
XyliaNeaai: Okay, making progress. If I type in line 5 on that website it gets me a list of stuff in directory /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/build, but I think I'm doing something wrong with the M='pwd' bit. And /lib/modules just gives me 2.6.27-7-generic.23:10
gnutronrockyrock: in hardy system - admin - hardware drivers, sorry23:10
N-Azsquareplusc: I need to unmount them to poke about with them every now and again, partition editing and whatnot23:10
OneiroiiFezzler: Now you're talking oldschool23:10
[T]ankOneiroii: correct. cant hit outside dns or ip address, only internal23:10
[T]ankwhoa.... just a sec.23:10
CelticLordre nuit!!23:10
rockyrockgnutron: yeah, but what next!!!??23:10
N-Azsquareplusc: So it's the exception rather than the rule that I need to umount23:11
sysrpli am having a problem and need some help please. i am trying to play a video on ibex with totem, andd the video has some external subtitle files which totem doesn't work with (i think). the filer23:11
[T]ankevery once in a while it does actually get a response to ping. but it is hit and miss.23:11
draco1234SimAtWork, if you like amarok, you'll love totem23:11
[T]ankwhen i go back to dhcp it all works perfectly23:11
IzinucsOneiroii: Fezzler I cut my teeth on Visicalc23:11
Oneiroii[T]ank: Does the machine with the static IP have a legit DNS nameserver address in the interface definition?23:11
shafiany one with Java Socket programming knowledge?23:11
N-Azsquareplusc: So no really worth giving up the automount23:11
shafiany one with Java Socket programming knowledge?23:11
FezzlerOneiroii: I can get older too.  CP/M.  Did you know in Ubuntu Dosbox you can run free MS Word 3.023:11
tigin88can you help me simatwork23:11
NeaaiXylia: The line should be then:   make -C /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-generic/build M=`pwd` clean23:11
rockyrockshafi: plz go to #java23:11
[T]ankOneiroii: i did dns in the resolve.conf23:11
[T]ankthe address is legit23:11
FezzlerIzinucs: Was using Calc-to-go this week!23:11
shafican you help how to go there?23:11
N-Azsquareplusc: but anywho it was more about figuring out what was going on than anything else23:11
Oneiroii[T]ank: I think it's in the iface def though23:11
[T]ankdo i have to set dns in the /etc/network/interfaces file?23:11
rockyrockshafi: "/join ##java"23:11
gnutronrockyrock: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might do the trick23:11
woody86can anyone help me out, when I boot into 64bit Ubuntu on my 64bit computer, the first thing the screen flashes at me is some error about something in my bio not being correct, and that it's going to cost me 64mb of RAM? Any ideas?23:12
OneiroiiLet me check right quick23:12
zsquarepluscN-A: but why do you care then about root? you will need it to play with the partitions anyway23:12
N-Azsquareplusc: I find it curious that these two features don't play nice together though23:12
rockyrockgnutron: what does that command do?23:12
shafi<rockyrock: where should I enter this path?23:12
[T]ankdo i just use the same syntax as resolv.conf? nameserver=
tigin88can you help me get .asx to work with amarok SimAtWork23:12
retourwill ubuntu 8.04 work on ASUS M3A78-EM with ATI Radeon HD 3200?  I'm afraid of video issues23:12
sysrpli am having a problem and need some help please. i am trying to play a video on ibex with totem, andd the video has some external subtitle files which totem doesn't work with (i think). the subtitle files are in vobsub idx and sub foramt. i believe the sub is not actually a textfile (which totem expect?) ... my question is how can i get totem to display the subtitles?23:12
N-Azsquareplusc: I don't "care" as you put it, I do care about how things work though :)23:12
FezzlerAlt-F2 "find the fish"23:12
gnutronrockyrock: it reconfigures x windows23:12
rockyrockshafi: in the writing area!!23:12
Oneiroii[T]ank: Yeah - check your /etc/network/interfaces file23:12
SimAtWorkdraco1234: i hate totem23:13
OneiroiiThe interface that's static should have a line like "dns-nameservers xx.xx.xx.xx" under it23:13
gnutronrockyrock: hopefully it will sense your hardware23:13
SpinachHeadbetter to go with system76 or lenovo and then install ubuntu? Opinions?23:13
rockyrockshafi: worked?23:13
NeaaiXylia: Also, you issue "sudo apt-get install build-essential"  to make sure you have the build/compile mechanism in place.23:13
[T]ankOneiroii: right, but is that the syntax i use there? same as in resolv.conf?23:13
SimAtWorktigin88: can't you just open new media->asx?23:13
SimAtWorktigin88: you might need to download some codecs... not sure.23:13
XyliaNeaai: I'm not sure if that worked. It says there's no such file or directory, then make[1]: *** No rule to make target, and make: *** [_clean_pwd] Error 223:13
rockyrockgnutron: does that need to stop gdm or a restart??23:13
draco1234SpinachHead, better than what?23:14
Oneiroii[T]ank: Literally what I typed, minus the "s, and swap the xx.xx.xx.xx for a legit DNS IP23:14
[T]anki must have missed what you typed... scrolling back... sorry23:14
tigin88tried no let me try to get some info23:14
shafirockyrock: I am new in this Xchat can you please give me the exact path?23:14
OneiroiiNo prob23:14
shafifor java forum23:14
Bern684hi am a ubuntu newbie, have just updated to the untu 8.10 and need to know where the tweaks are that will get my wireless working again? can anybody help? also any other tweaks that are necessary, ie to stop the fan working all the time or any others? thanks23:14
NeaaiXylia: you might be needing the build essential tools and probably the kernel headers or kernel source.23:14
gnutronrockyrock: i'd run it in recovery mode or just /etc/init.d/gdm stop the run dpkg-reconfigure23:14
sysrplor, how can i change the subtile font in vlc? because i changed it to another ttf already and it still looks like the same crappy subtitle font ... i.e. my changing the subtitle font seemed to have no effect23:14
OneiroiiYou'll probably need a "gateway xx.xx.xx.xx" line, too, referencing your router23:14
tigin88error message These media could not be loaded into the playlist:23:14
Gallezis there a way to restore the default settings of the upper and lower bar in ubuntu 8.10?23:14
yellcardhi everybody, i have a question please23:15
Gallezi messed it all up by accident23:15
starenkahi. need soft tip. need a nice package to deal w/ video. i want to import loads of photographs and play w/ transistions etc on music played.. thx23:15
Sk8rdudedoes anyone have any pure-ftpd experience??23:15
NeaaiXylia: right now I'm on debian and can't check ubuntu to give exact instructions ...23:15
Phoenix87bye all!23:15
SpinachHeadi mean would you rather buy a lenovo and install ubuntu or go with the system76  -- I cant decide.  The one advantage i can see of system76 right now is the higher lcd res option...23:15
N-Azsquareplusc: I just installed linux a couple of days ago, last I used it was 5 years or so ago, and this mounting by double clicking thing was new to me, and seemed like a nice feature, and I was wondering why it got buggered, and I can see now (thanks to you) it is because of automounting via fstab :-) to that is curious though, as I do believe the fstab way of playing ball is old as dogs in linux, so I would have thought that a new feature would take it into 23:15
rockyrockshafi: just write this "/join ##java" in the place where you write to me ;)23:15
shafiCan any one help me how to reach to java chat?23:15
XyliaNeaai: sudo apt-get install build-essential returns Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock open, and Unable to lock the administration directory23:15
VladU1Hi all! Who can help me with corrupted bookmarks in firefox (places.sqlite ) plz?23:15
Fezzlerzsquareplusc: Hey dude.  I'm off to Google "Beginning Python and Pygame."  Can I get open source tools and compilers?23:16
NeaaiXylia: are you having any other software running for install/update ?23:16
yellcardI have Two server with squid proxy. Two proxy run :) But I want to connect to one proxy -> the second proxy -> internet how to make link between the proxy ?23:16
NeaaiXylia: synaptic for eg ?23:16
XyliaNeaai: No, I don't think so.23:16
sysrplor, how can i change the subtile font in vlc? because i changed it to another ttf already and it still looks like the same crappy subtitle font ... i.e. my changing the subtitle font seemed to have no effect23:16
cvd-prHello there, i have installed postgresql, how can i disable the postgresql server to start automatically? i dont see it in services settings23:16
rockyrockshafi: worked???23:16
gnutronXylia: is a package manager running?23:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about proxychaining23:16
shafirockyrock: not yet23:16
zsquarepluscN-A: yeah, ubuntu tries to move some stuff to the users side and automate it. likey they are doing it now for the network manager too. sometimes this works well, sometimes it needs some getting used to it23:16
shafiI think its loading23:17
Gallezis there a way to restore the default settings of the upper and lower bar in ubuntu 8.10?23:17
sysrpli am having a problem and need some help please. i am trying to play a video on ibex with totem, andd the video has some external subtitle files which totem doesn't work with (i think). the subtitle files are in vobsub idx and sub foramt. i believe the sub is not actually a textfile (which totem expect?) ... my question is how can i get totem to display the subtitles?23:17
Gallezi messed it all up by accident23:17
Oneiroiiyellcard: Why daisy-chain local proxies?23:17
draco1234SpinachHead, well, either way you will probably install it again yourself, to get rid of any possible junk they put on, or to get a newer version, or fix the partitions better. So just get whatever hardware you like better. I got a dell, am happy with it.23:17
XyliaGnutron/Neaai: Oh, actually, it, is.23:17
aneqrsshafi: First, you need to identify. Google "freenode identify"23:17
nat2610I recently upgraded to 8.10 and now I have a sound issue, after a few hours my sound stop working... it wasn't like that before, I guess the sound dev is used by a process that never give it back or soemthing like that but I don't know what to look for ... is it a known issue ?23:17
GodfatherofEireIf I was to create a USB startup disk with an iso other than Ubuntu disk, how would I do that?23:17
gnutronXylia: try using synaptic23:17
FezzlerI know silly.  But how can I determine the location of the Trash icon on my desktop?  I want to change it.23:17
shafiwhat is that?23:17
rockyrockshafi: what do you mean by not yet??? It must go directly there =-O23:17
Sk8rdudedoes anyone have any pure-ftpd experience??23:17
zsquarepluscFezzler: yes, both are open source and run on windows, linux and macosx. so all your friends will be able to play your games :-)23:17
SpinachHeadHmm,yeah, I should price out a dell too23:17
shafino it doesn't work23:17
shafito me23:17
yellcardthis is not local proxy Oneiroii23:17
TMN_hey is there a way to make ubuntu workspace switcher wrap around to the first workspace when i'm at the last?23:17
Guest34521HOW can I disable Roamin mode?23:17
shafi"/join ##java"23:18
mezquitaleanyone know how big is the update to 8.10?  If it's not gigs then Im thinking about doing it right now on the library using my wireless connection23:18
VladU1Hi all! Who can help me with corrupted bookmarks in firefox (places.sqlite ) plz?23:18
DelvienI am having an issue with USB's mounting very slowly. This only happens on my desktop and never my laptop.23:18
tigin88also on startup it saying  Postgresql reported the following error:23:18
tigin88could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?23:18
tigin88You can configure Postgresql in the Collection section under Settings->Configure Amarok23:18
XyliaGnutron: Using it how? I just closed it the build-essential command stopped returning those errors, but now it can't find the build-essential package.23:18
GodfatherofEiremezquitale, its a pretty large upgrade23:18
mezquitaleshafi:   you need to register your nickname in order to join the #java channel23:18
zsquarepluscGuest34521: use the network manager to configure. system->prefs->network in 8.1023:18
Fezzlerzsquareplusc: See that guy wrote a Tetris type game for iPhone and made $250,000 in 4 days at $4.50 a pop23:18
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode23:18
rockyrockshafi: ok try "/join #java"23:18
mezquitale!nick| shafi23:19
ubottushafi: please see above23:19
Bern684hi I have a guestion I have just updated my acer one to ubuntu 8.10 and need to know how to get my wireless connection working any ideas?23:19
Delvienmezquitale: weird, thats pinging me23:19
shafi!nick| shafi23:19
ubottushafi, please see my private message23:19
Guest34521zsquareplusc: yes but I don't see where to set it23:19
tigin88SimAtWork: Postgresql reported the following error:23:19
tigin88could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?23:19
tigin88You can configure Postgresql in the Collection section under Settings->Configure Amarok23:19
NeaaiXylia: hmmm. Then open synaptic and do a search with the keyword "build". A list will appear and see to find "build-essential" there.23:19
GodfatherofEireBern684, did you do a fresh install or an update?23:19
SimAtWorktigin88: i wouldn't use postgresql.. just use sqllite.23:19
SimAtWorktigin88: oor maybe mysql.23:20
zsquarepluscFezzler: games for mobiles are a different thing. there are 2 or 3 systems to write software. one is Java MDI.23:20
SimAtWorktigin88: but really.... use sqlite!23:20
NeaaiXylia: or build-essentials   . I think it's build-essential though23:20
mezquitaleDelvien:  you mean you got a PM from obotu?23:20
gnutronXylia: its in the devel repo, that must be enables first, use synaptic/repositories23:20
OneiroiiOh, oh, I got one!  Is there a tiny little GUI app (or Gnome panel app, or tray app) that will switch the status of a hardware WLAN switch (think laptops)?  Bonus points if it can change the status of the light on the button, too!23:20
zsquarepluscGuest34521: you want to have a static IP, or what exactly means disabling roaming mode for you?23:20
tigin88SimAtWork:how do i change those settings23:20
Flannelgnutron: build-essential is in main, he's got it enabled already.23:20
GodfatherofEireBern684, that seems to be a problem with the update, a fresh install seems to have to be done, because I had the same problem when I upgraded mine23:20
Delvienmezquitale:  highlights it as though you said my name23:20
SimAtWorktigin88: settings->configure amarok->collection, collection database at the bottom23:21
Guest34521zsquareplusc: I want to do this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper section : 3.6.2. Configuring Wireless Network Settings using network-admin23:21
Sk8rdudedoes anyone have any ftpd experience??23:21
GodfatherofEireAnybody know how I might create a USB startup disk with a non-Ubuntu .iso?23:21
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: avoid it.  ftp is not safe.  use sftp!23:21
DelvienI am having an issue with USB's mounting very slowly. This only happens on my desktop and never my laptop.23:21
wookienzSk8rdude: funny, i just installed it myself right now23:21
Bern684GodfatherofEire please no, it took nearly 5 hours as it was23:21
draco1234poor Sk8rdude, you've been saying that for hours23:21
XyliaNeaai: I can't find build-essentials. I'm not sure how out-of-date the list I'm using is, since I'm working on setting up wireless now.23:21
GodfatherofEireBern684, there was one way to fix it though23:22
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: it also has a massive cpu overhead which i can't deal with23:22
Xyliagnutron: I can't find synaptic/repositories either23:22
IzinucsI'm doing the latest update (with the new kernel) and update asked me if I wanted to keep the local version of menu.lst or install package maintainers version or (several options). What's the best choice?23:22
gnutronXylia: its build-essential maybe intrepid doesnt have it. but should23:22
FezzlerWhat are other popular IRC clients for Ubuntu besides Gaim and Xchat?23:22
GodfatherofEireBern684, I upgraded the day after, so not too many people were able to help me out, see if some of the senior aides here can help you out.23:22
NeaaiXylia: Flannel mentioned that build-essential is in the main repos. It's odd you can't find it.23:23
mezquitaleGodfatherofEire:  in that case I will not upgrade it over here then, I have about an hour and a half but I can wait until I get home23:23
forcumangbuild-essential does not come with intrepid23:23
Sk8rdudeFezzler: pidgin works well enough for me23:23
IzinucsFezzler: irssi for terminal..23:23
forcumangirssi ftw23:23
GodfatherofEiremezquitale, a word of warning23:23
FlannelXylia: Please pastebin the output of this command: sudo apt-get updat23:23
zsquarepluscBern684: you had wireless before and now not anymore? what card type is it?23:23
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: uhm.... i've used sftp on my olpc with no noticible impact on the cpu.23:23
FlannelXylia: er, sudo apt-get update23:23
IzinucsSk8rdude: pidgin you might like until you try a real irc client.. pidgin just gets you by.23:23
OneiroiiFezzler: I'm loving LostIRC at the moment23:23
XyliaNeaai: I'm just supposed to open Synaptic Package Manager and search for build-essential, right?23:23
FezzlerIzinucs: Love irssi - steep learning curve23:23
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: what is it yu're doing that the overhead concerns you so much?23:23
gnutronXylia: search in synaptic for gcc and recommended packages23:24
NeaaiXylia: yes. And also do what Flannel said.23:24
IzinucsXylia: no.. open a terminal and type.. sudo apt-get install build-essential23:24
FezzlerOneiroii: HMM. Lost IRC.23:24
GodfatherofEiremezquitale, dont update it, if your gonna switch to 8.10, use a fresh install23:24
dwhsixis it true sony vaio laptops have more ubuntu compatibility issues than other laptops?23:24
Sk8rdudelzinucs: it depends what you want out of an irc client... for the average user that's only 1 server and 1 channel23:24
draco1234Fezzler, run synaptic, enter "irc" in the search field23:24
forcumangSk8rdude: never23:24
NeaaiIzinucs: lol. As always there's more than one way to get things done in *nix23:24
IzinucsFezzler: yep.. I like it too.. have you tried it with screen?23:24
IzinucsNeaai: yep :)23:24
XyliaFlannel: sudo apt-get update returns a huge list of Err/could not resolve and W:Failed to fetch...23:24
forcumangSk8rdude: that's what you think the average user is, but most people i know are on at least 2 networks23:25
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: i'm running it on a NAS box with an ARM processor23:25
FezzlerFresh install always better IMHO.  I put data on second harddrive and mount as /home.  Keep system on boot drive23:25
OneiroiiXylia: Are you trying to do an update with no net connection?23:25
bakarathmm, the "zoom" function i so loved in totem that worked in 7.10, does not seem to work in 8.10 anymore?23:25
bakaratis there a fix?23:25
NeaaiXylia: so you seem to have a dependency problem as well.23:25
FlannelXylia: please pastebin the output23:25
FezzlerIzinucs: Yup23:25
Flannel!paste | Xylia23:25
ubottuXylia: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:25
cvd-prwhen i try to join the ubuntu-es, say it doesnot exits!23:25
Flannelcvd-pr: /join #ubuntu-es23:25
gnutroncvd-pr: #ubuntu-es23:26
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: you can also configure ftp for public use a hell of a lot easier, especially for NAT navigation etc23:26
cvd-prubuntu-es :That channel doesn't exist23:26
mezquitalewho here is using 8.10, are there a lot of difference between 8.04???23:26
forcumangcvd-pr: they said type #ubuntu-es, not ubuntu-es23:26
shafiis it java chat?23:26
zsquareplusccvd-pr: the # is part of the channel name23:26
bakaratmezquitale, well depends...i notice a number of differences on my laptop23:26
bakaratmezquitale, everything just seems to go a little smoother (stuff like webcam, vmware,...)23:26
Oneiroiimezquitale: 8.10 has a bunch more "it just works" type stuff for me - using my Ericsson as a USB modem, for example23:26
cvd-pr services. sets mode +e cvd-pr23:26
cvd-pr* ubuntu-es :That channel doesn't exis23:26
forcumangstop pasting retarded stuff23:27
FlannelXylia: oh, are you not connected to the internet at all?23:27
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: actually.. nat is easier with sftp over ftp.  everything over port 22!23:27
ardchoillemezquitale: the one thing I like about 8.10 is that Nautilus now has a tabbed ui23:27
mezquitalebakarat:  do you use gnome or kde? did they make changes to the menu style like in KDE4?23:27
ardchoillealthough it doesn't work very well23:27
bakaratmezquitale, i'm using gnome and there are no changes in the menu that i noticed23:27
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: ever considered using 22 isn't such a good thing?23:27
Baba_B00iei love 8.10 personally.. noticed a lot of great changes.. but did notice nautilus / samba don't like to play well with my windows network.. where 8.04 worked great on my windows network23:27
DrUnKnMuNkYi can't connect to any encrypted wireless networks. can anyone help?23:27
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: anyhow, i make it a rule not to help people with ftpd, if they don't know how to do it, they probably shouldn't be using it considering it's an unencrypted protocol!23:27
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: no.  never.23:27
bakaratye, 8.10 is kickass so far, except the totem bussiness :p23:28
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: but you can change the port if you don't like port 22.23:28
bakarati loved my zoom function :(23:28
forcumangi'd rather just block out all other machines and setup an ftp23:28
forcumangfuck xfering over network23:28
[T]ankOneiroii: I see what the issue is... I am having to manually add a route everytime the network restarts. Where do I statically set this?23:28
Flannelforcumang: please watch your language23:28
woody86can anyone help me out, when I boot into 64bit Ubuntu on my 64bit computer, the first thing the screen flashes at me is some error about something in my bio not being correct, and that it's going to cost me 64mb of RAM? Any ideas?23:28
Neaaibakarat: what's with totem in 8.10 ?23:28
forcumangFlannel: sorry.23:28
gnutronforcumang: scp is far better23:28
Sk8rdudei do know what i'm doing but for some reason some switches are being ignored while others aren't23:28
mezquitalebakarat:  thank you for the info, I am going to try it on my laptop first and see how it goes, if i like it then ill upgrade my desktop as well23:28
bakaratNeaai, well i can't seem to zoom anymore (used to be R & T buttons)23:28
Baba_B00ieforcumang, i did just that. setup an ftp server23:28
forcumanggnutron: scp too, anything, except smb23:28
bakaratmezquitale, i updated both as well, and glad i did :>23:28
Xylia1Sorry, internet died briefly23:29
Neaaibakarat: ah I see. I don't have 8.10 yet so didn't know.23:29
tigin88SimAtWork: still not working switched settings to sqllite,my music finally showed up in amarock>collection, but i am still having problems m i loading it wrong playlist>add stream http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/hitz.asx23:29
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: if you would rather talk me through creating users which are chrooted in certain directories but have access to other drives as virtual folders etc etc then please feel free23:29
bakaratNeaai, i'm not sure if it's a 8.10-related bug, google seems to show the bug was around earlier as well23:29
yellcardhow can i redirect a connexion on port 123 for exemple to an other IP on port 12323:29
FlannelXylia: Are you connected to the internet on this other machine?23:29
mezquitalebakarat:  the most annoying thing is that I have to configure some settings after every kernel update because my Cisco wireless card doesn't work, im hoping I wont have an issue with 8.1023:30
SimAtWorkSk8rdude: chroot shouldn't be used as a security tool.23:30
forcumangyellcard: write a program that does it? o.O23:30
vladtsepesh1984anybody knows a programs to adjust speed fan on ubuntu???23:30
Flannelmezquitale: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/810overview23:30
bakaratmezquitale, ah, don't know about cisco cards, i have a dell & an intel wireless, they work great23:30
Xylia1Flannel: I have Vista running on another machine for internet, and I'm trying to get wireless on the one with Ubuntu.23:30
mezquitaleFlannel:  it's an awesome read, thank you!!!23:30
ghrockshi everyone, i updated my system kernel yesterday and when i turned my computer on today the grub didn't show up any boot option, it appeared only like if i was on the terminal but it says grub>  and that's all, right now im running the live cd from kuuntu and it's not recognizing me any partition to install, however dolphin can see my partitions, any idea of what can this be???23:30
yellcardforcumang: with iptable i can't redirect conexion to an other ip ? (not local) ??23:30
zsquarepluscyellcard: you mean like using ssh with port forwarding?23:30
FlannelXylia1: right.  Does the other machine have a CDrom drive? and do you still have your Ubuntu CD?23:30
Sk8rdudeSimAtWork: then how are you meant to do it then without virtual users23:31
FlannelXylia1: You obviously can't grab software from the internet on a machine that isn't connected to the internet23:31
forcumangyellcard: oh, i misread23:31
cvd-prhow to disable postgresql form starting automatically, i dont see it in services settings23:31
yellcardzsquareplusc: not only http packet23:31
IntrepidI installed k9copy, tried to open the handbook, and khelpcenter said it doesn't exist. How do I solve this?23:31
zsquarepluscyellcard: its forwarind TCP/IP23:31
yellcardzsquareplusc: exactly23:31
NeaaiXylia: what does "lspci" say for you? You've determined you have a   BCM4312 based hardware (device ID 4315)  ?23:31
Xylia1Flannel: No, I don't have the liveUSB I used, but I could download it again.23:32
zsquarepluscyellcard: so that qualifies as not only http :p  if you want UDP say that ;-)23:32
bakaratcvd-pr, well i haven't used postgresql too much, but i would say, have a look at /etc/rc1.d (and rc2.d etc)23:32
bakaratcvd-pr, might be a startup script in there23:32
yellcardzsquareplusc: ohhh yesss ssory23:32
FlannelXylia1: You need to get the right packages on that machine somehow.  The iso will have it, or ... an easier way, can you plug that machine in to ethernet temporarily?23:32
cvd-prbakarat, i use this to stopit   sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 start23:33
forcumangoh, isn't there some new app on ubuntu that makes startup usb's?23:33
tigin88SimAtWork: still not working switched settings to sqllite,my music finally showed up in amarock>collection, but i am still having problems m i loading it wrong playlist>add stream http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/hitz.asx23:33
Flannelforcumang: There is23:33
=== prova is now known as ffffffff
yellcardzsquareplusc: so how can  i do it ???23:33
bakaratcvd-pr, you mean "stop" at the end presumably? :p23:33
=== ffffffff is now known as ffffff2
bakaratcvd-pr, the auto-start has to be scripted somewhere, probably in the rcx.d directories23:33
yellcardzsquareplusc: you have an idea ?23:33
forcumangFlannel: what's it called?23:33
zsquarepluscyellcard: use ssh with tcp port forwarding and udptunnel. or use a VPN solution like OpenVPN23:33
bakaratanyway i'm off, gonna watch my non-maximized-because-zoom-doesn't-work series :'(23:33
cvd-prbakarat, ok let me check23:33
Flannelforcumang: I have no idea.  It's under System > Admin, something about a USB somethign or other23:34
nsteinmecan someone help me edit my xorg.conf file to change my resolution?23:34
Jordan_U_Xylia1: Can you connect via a wired connection temporarily?23:34
Xylia1Neaai: lspci gives a large chunk of text. The network controller line is "03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)"23:34
forcumangyeah there it is23:34
Sk8rdudensteinme are you using 8.10?23:34
forcumangwhats the direct URL for ubuntu intrepid desktop iso? 32-bit?23:34
Xylia1Flannel: I unfortunately don't have access to ethernet.23:34
OneiroiiAnyone that was talking to me in the last five minutes, resend - had a phone call23:34
Baba_B00ieforcumang,  that usb app thing your talking about has been around since 7.10 i think.. but was included with 810 by default23:34
yit_I'm having a problem getting apps to start on bootup- I have the command "sudo firestarter" in the sessions menu to startup at boot, but it only does when I log out, and log back in. Any help?23:34
yellcardzsquareplusc: Yes i think about openVPN but, i was not sure.. but thanks you very much :)23:34
Neaaiyellcard:   http://www.ssh.com/support/documentation/online/ssh/adminguide/32/Port_Forwarding.html23:34
FlannelXylia1: then you'll have to use sneakernet23:34
forcumangBaba_B00ie: oh, i see23:34
U-b-u-n-t-uanyone know if there is a good step by step on how to get the 3d cube to work? I have compiz installed etc might just be a setting issue but I have no idea what23:35
Flannelforcumang: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso23:35
Flannel!ccsm > U-b-u-n-t-u23:35
ubottuU-b-u-n-t-u, please see my private message23:35
yellcardNeaai: you're a genious thanks you :)23:35
OneiroiiU-b-u-n-t-u: Do you have compiz-config installed?23:35
Xylia1Flannel: Okay, what do I need to download?23:35
mon^rchyit_: try gksu firestarter23:35
DrUnKnMuNkYi can't connect to any encrypted wireless networks. can anyone help?23:35
U-b-u-n-t-uOneiroii yes23:35
Baba_B00ieforcumang, i haven't used it yet and am very interested to see how it works.. when i can i gonna get me an extra usb 4gig key and check that out23:35
koshar1U-b-u-n-t-u you need the advanced settings config installed23:35
nsteinmesk8rdude, no i am using 8.04 hardy23:35
=== olivier_ is now known as olivier__
Baba_B00ieforcumang, wonder if it's faster than booting from a optical drive23:36
NeaaiXylia: your first stop is the ubuntu forums search for those hardware identifiers. And also google search with "BCM4312   ubuntu"   (no quotes for the search)23:36
forcumangBaba_B00ie: it should be, USB 2.0 > CD-Rom23:36
forcumangand dvd23:36
U-b-u-n-t-ukoshar1,  ok let me check if i have that installed one sec23:36
NeaaiXylia: there could be an exact solution for your hardware specific for Ubuntu tailored.23:37
Baba_B00ieforcumang, i would imagine it would be too.. who knows..  but like i said can't wait to check it out23:37
FlannelXylia1: Um, that'd depend on what you're set up is.  I'm unfortunately not a real big wireless guy.  But, I have wiki pages!  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy23:37
Sk8rdudensteinme: try this then http://www.linux.com/feature/11810823:37
d1os_mioubuntu rulez23:37
forcumangah that source ain't too fast is it23:37
tigin88SimAtWork: still not working switched settings to sqllite,my music finally showed up in amarock>collection, but i am still having problems m i loading it wrong playlist>add stream http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/hitz.asx23:37
Neaaiyellcard:  you're welcome. A link sometimes is worth a thousand words :)23:37
zsquarepluscforcumang: there is alose a torrent23:38
nsteinmesk8rdude, thanks for the link i will try it out23:38
rawHi, does anyone here know how to manually prepare the partitions for an ubuntu 8.10 install?23:38
Xylia1Neaai/Flannel: I think I found the driver I need to get wireless set up (http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php), but the installation was what was initially giving me trouble.23:38
forcumangew, forget torrents. :P23:38
FlannelXylia1: I don't believe you'll need to compile anything (you won't need build-essential), and I'm not sure if you'll need to use ndiswrapper either.  It appears you need b43-fwcutter23:38
tigin88SimAtWork: still not working switched settings to sqllite,my music finally showed up in amarock>collection, but i am still having problems, am i loading it wrong playlist>add stream http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/hitz.asx23:38
yellcardNeaai: it's great :)23:38
FlannelXylia1: No, You generally don't go to the hardware mfcs websites for linux issues, you go to the distros page.  You need that package I mentioned, which is in universe.   ARe you using hardy or intrepid?23:39
rawI'm not sure if partitions shoudl be primary or logical... beginning or end.. where the mount point should be... Does anyone?23:39
forcumangraw: logical beginning23:39
wookienzi need ot get some nitty gritty information about a domain and why it is not resolving...any suggested websites which go in to deatil over spf etc.23:39
forcumangmount point= /23:39
FlannelXylia1: Also, are you on 32bit or 64bit?23:39
forcumangswap needs to also be made, logical beginning, no mount point23:40
rawForceDestroyer,for bot hthe swap and the regular one?23:40
forcumangraw: swap does not give a mount point23:40
forcumangand i'm not forcedestroyer23:40
rawsorry :(23:41
rawwhat do i do for swap?23:41
Xylia2My brother keeps knocking out the internet...23:41
n8tuserraw however, you can create a file and make that as an image and mount it then make it as swap23:41
forcumang4mb maybe23:41
gnutronwookienz: type whois domain.name in a term or use dig23:41
U-b-u-n-t-ukoshar1, compiz is installed and compiz setting manager and python manger23:41
NeaaiXylia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=600097  http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=698924   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91318023:41
FlannelXylia1: No, You generally don't go to the hardware mfcs websites for linux issues, you go to the distros page.  You need that package I mentioned, which is in the repos.   ARe you using hardy or intrepid?23:41
FlannelNeaai: No, that's wrong.23:41
Xylia2Flannel: I'm using Hardy.23:41
FlannelXylia1: Are you using Hardy or Intrepid? and 32 or 64bit?23:41
NeaaiXylia: As you see, different hardware setups have different results23:42
Xylia2Flannel: Er, Inteprid. 32 bit.23:42
imc_so looks like rww is gone; any mac ubuntu folks on?23:42
rawforcumang, so i just leave the mount point blank for the swap?23:42
Jordan_U_imc_: What is your question?23:42
forcumangraw: it does not give you a choice for it23:42
FlannelXylia2: Alright.  This is the package you'll need to sneakernet  over: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/b43-fwcutter  and here's a link to the package (well, choose a mirror): http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/i386/b43-fwcutter/download23:42
forcumangits blank by default23:42
Xylia2And I just did get ethernet on the computer I'm trying to set up.23:42
macjason0607help http://paste.ubuntu.com/77892/23:42
FlannelXylia2: Ah, alright then.23:42
sysrpli am having a problem and need some help please. i am trying to play a video on ibex with totem, andd the video has some external subtitle files which totem doesn't work with (i think). the subtitle files are in vobsub idx and sub foramt. i believe the sub is not actually a textfile (which totem expect?) ... my question is how can i get totem to display the subtitles?23:42
imc_Jordan_U thanks; if I have rEFIT installed can I burn OSX entirely or MUST I keep it dual boot?23:43
FlannelXylia2: Open up synaptic package manager, hit reload, then install b43-fwcutter23:43
forcumangsysrpl: you gave about one second for all to read that paragraph23:43
U-b-u-n-t-uI followed the link ubottu sent me and went to the # it sent me to ( no one there) everything is installed just need to know if there is a good step by step oh how to get the 3d cude to work?23:43
rawforcumang, how do I get to the create swap menu then?  I can only see new partition table, new partition, edit aprtition, delete partition23:43
Jordan_U_Flannel: That package won't be helpful without an internet connection or an also sneakernet'd driver file to extract the firmware from23:43
rawooooh, use as: swap area23:43
forcumangraw: New Partition -> swap area23:43
n8tuserU-b-u-n-t-u-> try google to find a tutorial23:43
NeaaiXylia: Flannel has more detailed info on what you require. My wifi experience and ubuntu have the shape of Atheros AR24xx and amd64  combination.23:44
rawforcumang, thank you so much23:44
draco1234sysrpl, I don't know your exact issue, but I know that you can solve a lot of problems by using "vlc" instead of "totem" .. vlc has support for a ton of formats23:44
FlannelJordan_U_: that's ndiswrapper, fwcutter extracts the firmware from the card23:44
Prettowhere "configu display  settings" store informations?23:44
NeaaiIn my opinion, when you can "not use" ndiswrapper, don't use it. Use it when all else fails.23:44
FlannelXylia2: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Hardy has more information on the entire process (assume no large changes from Hardy, except version numbers)23:45
Jordan_U_Flannel: No, fwcutter extracts the firmware from the driver ( the card doesn't have the firmware, if it did then there would be no need for the OS to load it )23:45
=== CaTeYe is now known as cateye
g33kHow to change IP to static IP23:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interfaces23:45
shafi_can some one help me how to be identified to join a channel?23:45
sysrpldraco1234: well i am having a problem with vlc and subtitles fonts as well23:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interface23:45
forcumangJordan_U_: why would the OS load firmware into your hardware?23:45
Jordan_U_Flannel: The driver is not released under a distributable license so the package must download the driver from broadcom23:45
Oneiroiig33k: PM me, I'll walk you through23:45
Xylia2Flannel: I reloaded it and it seemed to download quite a bit, but searching for b43-fwcutter still doesn't show up anything.23:46
sysrpldraco1234: how can i change the subtile font in vlc? because i changed it to another ttf already and it still looks like the same crappy subtitle font ... i.e. my changing the subtitle font seemed to have no effect23:46
shafi_can some one help me how to be identified to join a channel?23:46
Prettog33k, look at /etc/network/interfaces23:46
Flannel!register > shafi_23:46
ubottushafi_, please see my private message23:46
Jordan_U_forcumang: For many devices the firmware is not stored in non volatile memory23:46
FlannelJordan_U_: Feel free to take over, I'm not a wireless guy.23:46
SuperGeekWhere are the plugins for Firefox stored in Ubuntu?23:46
draco1234sysrpl, did you close vlc after saving the setting, and then open it again? sometimes it does not take the settings till you close it and then re-run it23:47
sysrpldraco1234: yes i did23:47
forcumangwell, when i think of hardware using firmware, i think of hardware needing firmware to function.. its like a mini operating system for the specific hardware, am i wrong?23:47
koshar1 U-b-u-n-t-u  system > preferences > advanced desktop effects then tick desktop cube abd rotate cube.23:47
sysrpldraco1234: it uses ttf files23:47
Flannelforcumang: thats more or less accurate, yes23:47
draco1234sysrpl: have you tried that for any other fonts, or just that one?23:48
Neaaiforcumang: more like a bios of a sort in my eyes.23:48
forcumangso i don't really see ubuntu injecting firmware into someones hardware without asking23:48
forcumangoh, he left23:48
=== cateye is now known as CaTeYe
sysrpldraco1234: i unzipped a few on my hd to change the font ... but where are ttf normall kept in ubutu?23:48
sysrpldraco1234: i only tried arial black which i had to download23:48
Xylia2Flannel: Oh, it just showed up. I'm not sure what changed, but here it is. I marked it for installation; how do I actually make it install?23:48
sysrpldraco1234: where are the other fonts ttf kept on ubuntu?23:48
Jordan_Uforcumang: I'm still here, there is enough to bootstrap and allow loading by the OS of the rest of the firmware23:49
shafi_ubottu: I have did the steps for registration but when I want to join a channel I get this message : * ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel23:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:49
FlannelXylia2: hit apply23:49
forcumangI have did?23:49
djsiegel1So, my apps keep segfaulting all of the time. I ran memtest and it said pass complete, no errors. Do I just need to let it run overnight so it keeps checking?23:50
LF|Irssishafi_: did you get an email from freenode?23:50
djsiegel1I really think I have some messed up memory.23:50
zsquarepluscshafi_: /msg nickserv help23:50
NeaaiTake care all. I'm off.23:50
Xylia2Thanks for your help, Neaai.23:50
LF|Irssifreenode will send you a email23:50
shafi_ok I will check now23:50
sysrpldraco1234: ?23:50
=== Xylia2 is now known as Xylia
NeaaiXylia2: you're welcome.23:50
sysrpldoes anyone know where ttf files are under ubuntu?23:50
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: only if you set an email. you can also register w/o email23:50
LF|Irssiwell ya, but that's not secure23:51
tigin88SimAtWork: still not working switched settings to sqllite,my music finally showed up in amarock>collection, but i am still having problems m i loading it wrong playlist>add stream http://www.977music.com/tunein/web/hitz.asx23:51
draco1234sysrpl, sorry, i was looking... they seem to be in /usr/share/fonts/truetype23:51
LF|Irssiso :P23:51
Oneiroiisysrpl: /usr/share/fonts or ~/.fonts23:51
larryanyone know a good dvd burner for movie's23:51
forcumangis there a package w/ extra fonts?23:51
sysrpldraco1234: thanks, i'll try with vlc23:51
SimAtWorktigin88: i'm sorry.  I don't think amarok plays asx.... i've been looking and i can't get it to play23:51
demon_larry, the one that comes with ubuntu23:51
gnutronforcumang: msscorefonts is a package, i think23:51
XyliaFlannel: b43-fwcutter is now installed. What should I do now?23:51
gnutronOneiroii: thanks23:52
larryok i will try again it is just burning them as a file my home theiter will not see it23:52
tigin88SimAtWork: alright ill some alternative23:52
tigin88SimAtWork:thank you for your help23:53
=== A_gun is now known as A
Oneiroiilarry: If you're using Brasero, make sure to start a Video Disc project23:53
darknessWhenever I try to run a fullscreen OpenGL game with my restricted driver enabled, my screen is all fuzzy and I can't really see anything... but with the driver disabled it's too slow to do anything... does anybody know how I can fix this? I am using an ATI Radeon 2100 integrated GPU23:53
zsquareplusclarry: devede may be one of the applications you are looking for23:53
OneiroiiOtherwise it defaults to thinking you want to write data, I believe23:53
=== umbooootoo is now known as yeroplan
Jordan_UXylia2: Download these two files to a usb drive: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
ericjung_is anyone able to download the xorg.conf file attached to this thread? I was able to yesterday but not now: http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=82858823:54
miikdarkness, i guess it means both device drivers sucks, or your graphics card sucks23:54
sysrplnope, vlc is displaying the same crappy font23:54
wookienzi tried the live cd last night but my underlying OS is windows on a striped raid array. the only options for the live cd to partition the drive was either one or the other drive and nothte srtiped array itseld. I have a feeling that it would erase the raid array if i installed it on one disck. any ideas on livecd install on a raid array already built?23:54
miikDaremonai, , you might want to check in #ati too23:54
larryok thanks23:54
sysrpldraco1234: thanks for the attempt23:54
miikdarkness, you might want to check in #ati too23:55
yeroplandoes anyone know when lyx will be automatically updated?23:55
darknessmiik, where would that be?23:55
LF|Irssimiik: saying someones hardware or whatever sucks, is very rude :/   theres other ways of putting that.23:55
draco1234sysrpl, is it vlc 0.9.4?23:55
ericjung_is anyone able to download the xorg.conf file attached to this thread? I was able to yesterday but not now: http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=82858823:55
sysrplbbtw, this hasn't hit the news yet, but the recent terrorist attacks inMumbai were baed on a movie with the same plot23:56
Jordan_UXylia1: Still here?23:56
miikdarkness, #ati here on freenode23:56
fsufitchhi. does anybody know how to configure the nvidia-settings to not use the adaptive clocking and just have my gfx card operating at full clock all the time?23:56
edmonti think i corrupted /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh file, how can i restore it to default?23:56
darknessmiik, ok, thanks for the suggestion... BTW, if my graphics card is really that bad I'll just return the machine as I only bought it about 5 hours ago23:57
ericjung_please please help.23:57
ericjung_just download a txt file for me23:57
draco1234sysrpl, make sure "freetype2" is selected as the text rendering module23:57
nsteinmedoes anyone see a problem with my xorg.conf file? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/77899/23:57
miikdarkness, try using a lower graphics resolution in the game, or lower detail... it could also be the graphics device drivers which are bad23:57
=== A is now known as Cabay_Jet
darknessmiik, Ok, I'll try that then.  thanks23:58
dr_willisericjung_,   the links are not links.. its not working here either.23:58
=== d1os_mio is now known as consfearacy
wookienzive plugged a possibly damaged drive intot he system via ide. it is not showing up using fdisk -l, any other commands i can use to search for it?23:58
ericjung_dr_willis: what do you mean "they're not links"?23:58
LF|Irssiafter you add stuff to fstab do you have to reboot the computer or just ctrl+alt+backspace?23:59
larryman it just says it is a diffrent format quess it won't work23:59
zsquarepluscLF|Irssi: mount -a23:59
Jordan_UFlannel: I am probably going to leave pretty soon, if Xylia comes back the script that b43-fwcutter runs on configure is: /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh or if you don't have fwcutter installed: http://pastebin.com/f2c80f354 from that you should be able to figure out what he needs to do ( or just for future reference )23:59
n8tuserwookienz-> reboot and get into your bios and see if it is detected there23:59
dr_willisericjung aha.. they had the _____stuffUInderlined___ so it looked like a link.. :) how silly of them... lets see if i can get it now23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jwm23:59
Cabay_JetQuick question, what is the configurator for xorg.conf in Xubuntu 8.10 called?23:59
wookienzn8tuser: unfort it is a server so no screen23:59

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