
Elbrusif a bug in a build depend that causes a FTBFS is fixed, how is a retry for building triggered? (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/lazarus/0.9.26-2)00:00
Elbrusjust by cron? new upload? manual triggering?00:01
LaneyElbrus: MOTUs or core-devs can retry builds, depending on the component00:03
james_whello Elbrus00:04
james_wElbrus: when fpc is built and published everywhere I will retry that00:04
Elbrusjames_w: ok, thanks00:06
ElbrusLaney: thanks for the explanation, I expected so much.00:06
Elbrusjames_w: could you also retry building winff after lazarus is built?00:07
james_wElbrus: sure00:08
Elbrusjames_w: thanks, that's my first packaging effort in debian. Would really like to see it work in Ubuntu (although I will propose some Ubuntu related changes after it builds)00:10
serialorderhi i was going to merge drscheme but the package is a dummy package (my terminology) all it does is install plt-scheme00:39
crimsunserialorder: ok, do you have a more specific question?00:41
serialorderi was thinking that rather than merging this it would make more sense to modify plt-scheme and add a Provides: drscheme rather than actually keeping this package00:41
james_whi serialorder. a dummy packages is slightly different to a Provides: so it might be that way for a reason00:42
crimsunserialorder: I think you'd want a transitional bin:drscheme package generated from src:plt-scheme that provides an upgrade path00:43
james_wOne is that it is possible to Build-Depend on a dummy package. The other is that it allows you to transition users from one to the other00:43
james_was crimsun says though, it doesn't have to be a whole separate source packge00:43
james_wdiverging from Debian on this might be more effort than it is worth though00:43
serialorderthought I would ask since literally all this package has is a debian directory00:45
serialorderwould someone mind taking a look at this bug to verify if what I suggest makes sense or not00:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 301618 in imagemagick "imagemagick merged from Debian experimental has broken packaging" [High,Triaged]00:55
serialorderit probably doesn't though =(00:55
ScottK-laptopserialorder: I think that'd be one aspect of it, but also every package the build-dep on the old -dev package would have to be changed to build-dep on the appropriate new package.00:57
ScottK-laptopSo I'd say it makes sense, but is not complete.00:58
serialorderso there is no way to make it so that it wouldn't break the other packages00:58
serialorderthat makes sense00:59
serialorderman that sucks00:59
quentusrexanyone know how to make my software copy itself to a directory on deb install?01:19
jdongwhat a long, long, painful, and excruciating task I am undertaking :)01:27
jdongmaking an initial attempt at documenting debian/copyright if using bundled media stack from HandBrake01:27
fabrice_spHi. Has someone time to review dvdstyler (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=dvdstyler)? Thanks in advance!01:40
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: I see you just uploaded uiflite.02:14
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: I hadn't noticed that until after I gave it a review.02:14
DktrKranzScottK-laptop, yes. just now02:14
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: Since the packaging is under the GPL, debian/copyright needs to point to GPL.02:15
ScottK-laptopI was about to comment to that effect when I saw your comment.02:15
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: Would you please fix that and upload and -0ubuntu2?02:16
DktrKranzI added it before upload02:16
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: Excellent.02:16
ScottK-laptopNevermind then.02:16
* DktrKranz checks02:16
* ScottK-laptop looks at iptux02:18
DktrKranzScottK-laptop, no. I noticed it but I forgot to actually put it. I'll reupload it with the fixed debian/copyright (no need to do -0ubuntu2, IIRC it's legal to have two NEW packages with the same versioning, given that the former is rejected properly)02:19
ScottK-laptopDktrKranz: Great.  I've seen the wrong one get rejected before.  I think it's safer to make it ubuntu2, but up to you.02:21
jdong"HandBrake also includes the ffmpeg project. It is under a metric fsckton of licenses. Go RTFM to figure out the authors and licensing terms"02:21
ryanakcaIf a program doesn't link to libfoo, does libfoo-dev need to be in build-depends?02:24
james_wryanakca: it shouldn't02:27
ryanakcajames_w: *nod*, thanks02:28
DktrKranzHobbsee, StevenK, I just reuploaded uiflite 2.2.1-0ubuntu1 to Jaunty NEW, mind rejecting the older one? Thanks.02:30
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james_whas anyone seen http://translate.sourceforge.net/doc/api/ packaged anywhere?03:37
willwillHello, i'm moving http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mbpurple to cdbs04:10
willwillbut the build always failed because the options from makefile.mk is not complete04:11
willwillok, I found the solution. please review my package on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mbpurple04:52
jdongha VICTORY, pwned the handbrake auto-fetcher.05:39
jdongat the same time, I award myself the nastiest repack of the year award.05:39
RAOF_Hobbsee: Really?06:19
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
HobbseeRAOF: well, the one to be rejected is06:19
HobbseeRAOF: I was looking for you, actually.  How can I tell gnome-do that i want to connect to a machine via ssh console by default, not open it's root by ssh?06:20
RAOFSo, I presume Do is offering to open it's root by SSH because you've got a GNOME bookmark/mount set up.06:28
RAOFDo you have the SSH plugin loaded for Do, and have a .ssh/config file which defines the host?06:28
RAOFHobbsee: ^^06:28
HobbseeRAOF: it's in .ssh/config06:29
Hobbseeand the latter, yes06:29
lidaobinghelp review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=iptux, a new version uploaded(fix copyright information), thanks.06:29
RAOFHobbsee: Then after selecting the host in the first pane, you want to tab over and select "Connect with SSH" in the second pane.06:32
RAOFAfter doing that a number of times, the relevance engine will pick it up and it'll become the default action.06:32
Hobbseefor each ssh host, or?06:32
RAOFFor all SSH hosts, yes.06:32
RAOFThe relevance engine isn't quite cool enough to do per-item action relevance at this point, I think.06:33
Hobbseeno, as in, do i need to do it a number of times for each ssh host, or it's a global count?06:33
Hobbseeah, right.06:33
HobbseeThat fixed it, thanks!06:34
RAOFDo becomes much more useful once you know how to use it.06:34
RAOFWe obviously need to make it easier to discover _how_ to use it :)06:35
Hobbseewell, i thought it might have been something like that.06:37
Hobbseeas that's how the t9 dictionary handles06:37
Hobbseebut i'm surethat wasn't 10 times06:37
Hobbseeand because repeatedly switching it every once in a while wasn't seeming to do it - i presume it needs to be in the same session?06:38
RAOFIt _should_ be remembered across sessions.06:38
* Hobbsee thought she would have used gnome-do more than 10 times for ssh, connecting to it06:39
* Hobbsee hasn't managed to trigger it, without consciously launching 10 versions of it06:39
StevenKI find it won't remember "Connect with SSH" as the default06:41
StevenKI always have to go "ant" <tab> "ssh"06:42
jdong*shudder* how beautiful.06:42
RAOFPossibly because you also "open" stuff a lot?  The relevance isn't per-item, and the SSH hosts I think are one of the worst-case behaviours.06:42
HobbseeRAOF: i don't, though.06:43
jdongdid you know when you statically link something against ffmpeg, faac, faad, libmp4v2, mpeg4ip, and dca, that the resulting binary is 9.3MB?06:43
jdongthe more you know!06:43
lidaobinghelp review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=iptux, a new version uploaded(fix copyright information), thanks.06:43
StevenKRAOF: But I don't06:43
StevenKRAOF: I use Do to run things and connect via ssh06:43
RAOFThen maybe there's a bug somewhere.  You're right, I need to "off" <tab> "ssh", too.06:45
lidaobinghelp review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=iptux, a new version uploaded(fix copyright information), thanks.07:04
RAOFlidaobing: You're probably pinging a little bit too frequently; it's unlikely to help.07:05
Hobbseewoah.  do you *really* need to try every 5 lines?07:05
lidaobingRAOF, 20 minutes one time, maybe too frequently, I will waiting for more time from now.07:06
fabrice_spHi. A merge request with debdiff should be in Confirmed or New when subscribing u-s-u ?07:06
fabrice_sp(it's for bug #285674)07:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 285674 in hugin "[Merge request]Please merge Hugin 0.7.0-1 from Debian Experimental" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28567407:07
Hobbseefabrice_sp: either, afaik.07:07
fabrice_spHobbsee: ok. And sync request also?07:07
Hobbseefabrice_sp: confirmed.07:07
Hobbseefabrice_sp: requestsync --help is quite useful, FYI07:07
fabrice_spok. Could I update the wiki page with that information? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SyncRequestProcess07:08
fabrice_spHobbsee: thanks. Will check! :-)07:08
RAOFRight.  Mono 2.0 transition for GNOME Do + Plugins done.  Let's see if I can't wrangle a dkms package out of nouveau's kernel modules.07:08
Hobbseehmmm.  it does the sponsorship automatically now.  Cool!07:08
Hobbseefabrice_sp: er, I lie07:10
Hobbseefabrice_sp: and that requestsync needs an update, on that page.07:10
Hobbseefabrice_sp: not sure on merges, i don't think i'ts specified, but if you need sponsorship for hte sync, it gets set as new (as the sponsor confirms it, then the archive person closes it)07:11
fabrice_spHobbsee:  ok. So the best  thing is to let it as new. I was just wondering if having a debdiff would needs a special status or not.07:12
Hobbseefabrice_sp: Not that I know of.07:13
Hobbseefabrice_sp: a debdiff counts as a patch, so tick "this is a patch" button07:13
Hobbseebut apart from that, no, afaik.07:13
fabrice_spHobbsee: ok. Will check I marked it as patch then. Thank you!07:14
Hobbseefabrice_sp: you're welcome!07:14
gralcohi everyone08:00
slytheringralco: hi08:05
iulianHey gralco, slytherin.08:06
slytheriniulian: hi08:07
RAOFWell, that's pretty easy.08:14
RAOFUrgh.  Almost.08:15
RAOFI (almost) win!08:19
phoenix_rebearthgood meuning09:07
willwillplease review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mbpurple12:08
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lagawillwill: typo in debian/control. it should read "it only supports" instead of "it only support"12:26
lagawillwill: does the debhelper level need to be so higH? (7)12:26
willwilllaga: thank you, I copied that from upstream12:26
willwilllaga: I don't use debhelper on my latest upload12:27
lagawillwill: is debian/compat needed then?12:27
lagai'm not sure about that, i'm not a MOTU12:28
lagai wonder if you need to have the real names of the upstream authors. i don't know what the policy says about that12:28
whslaga: I also have dpkg-genchanges: failure: cannot read files list file: No such file or directory error in pbuilder12:30
lagawhs: and you're telling me this because...?12:31
whslaga: I need help to fix tht12:31
lagawhs: it's better to ask everyone in the room, not just a specific person. you should also provide more information, eg what package you're trying to build and more log files (in a pastebin)12:33
=== whs is now known as willwill
willwillmy pbuilder log: http://pastebin.com/m62c0689712:35
PupenoHow do I apply all patches of a package but without building it, so that I can create another patch?12:48
StevenKPupeno: Depends on the patch system in use12:50
willwillOk, I have reuploaded: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mbpurple12:50
Pupenowillwill: debian/rules patch seems to work.12:54
goshawkon http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ near the dsss package there si a package(+) icon, what does it mean?12:54
goshawkif i click it shows revu error12:55
Hobbseewillwill: your rules file looks wrong / weird?  See https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-cdbs.html ?12:56
willwillHobbsee: upstream does not use autotools12:56
StevenKwillwill: Just because they don't use autotools doesn't make CDBS unsuitable12:57
willwillStevenK: my latest upload uses makefile class from cdbs12:58
lidaobinghelp review http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=iptux, a new version uploaded(fix copyright information), thanks.13:03
goshawkhi, i've two binaries that shares the sahttp://www.google.com/search?q=http%3A%2F%2Fgdcgnu.sourceforge.net%2FSOURCES%2F&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8me manpage. should i do a link13:05
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goshawkhow can i check is my gnupg key is enabled to upload on revu?13:41
goshawk*if my13:42
nhandlergoshawk: Is your key on Launchpad?13:45
goshawknhandler: i upload on ppa13:50
goshawkand it works13:50
goshawkbut i uploaded on revu13:50
nhandlergoshawk: Have you logged into REVU yet?13:51
goshawkand i don't see the update of my package13:51
goshawki'll login13:51
nhandlerThe GPG keys are synced when you login. So if you haven't logged in yet, REVU will NOT have your key, and will reject uploads from you13:51
goshawknhandler: yep, i dind't login13:52
goshawkfrom when i changed the key13:52
goshawkyes it's there now13:53
goshawkthanks nhandler13:53
nhandlerYou're welcome goshawk13:53
amikropHello there. When I try to SVN update with RapidSVN, I am asked for my RSA key password. How can I ommit this?13:59
amikropActually, I am asked for my login password. I text input box says: Enter your login password to unlocl default keyring. The default keyring was not unlocked at login so you must unlock it now.14:00
amikropAnd it waits for my login password. I don't want to do that every time. How can I disable it?14:01
amikrop* A text input box14:01
amikrop* to unlock the14:01
amikropSo, any help, please?14:04
eMerzhDktrKranz : i've update my package that you had previously advocated....i correct the .desktop file ;)  ( http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman )14:19
ddaaTest for demo purpose at ubuntu-party: bug 30340414:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303404 in rhythmbox "last.fm: selecting multiple songs produces a download error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30340414:24
ddaaubottu: thank you14:25
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:25
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorot
goshawki've a binary that uses the same manpage of another binary14:42
goshawkhow can i make an ln -s using cdbs?14:42
goshawkln -s $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/drebuild.1 drerun.114:43
goshawkif i do something like this during install::14:43
goshawkit gives error14:43
goshawkcuz /usr/share/man doesn't exist yet14:43
james_wit might work better in binary-post-install/package::14:44
james_wbut $(DESTDIR)/usr/ probably doesn't exist14:45
james_wum no, it will, sorry14:45
eMerzhgoshawk: im not an expert but.... what if you do ln -s $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/drebuild.1 $(DESDIR)/usr/share/man/man1/drerun.1 ?14:46
goshawkeMerzh: i chrooted on it14:46
goshawk /usr/share does not exist14:47
goshawkjames_w: following your words14:47
james_wdid you switch to the other target?14:47
jariqHi. Could anyone please review new app request? Bug #28198215:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281982 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] ipwatchd" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28198215:08
mok0jariq: your best bet is to submit the package to REVU. There are weekly reviewing sessions, and if you go on IRC that day, you are likely to succeed15:10
ubottuREVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU15:10
jariqactually i am looking for someone who could be able to create package15:11
mok0jariq: Ah :-)15:11
jariqthat could be submited to revu15:11
mok0jariq: don't you want to get your feet wet?15:12
jariqi tried to create package by myself but it was very time consuming15:13
mok0jariq: in practice, the only way is to do it yourself.15:13
mok0jariq: just come here and ask15:13
mok0jariq: it _is_ time consuming15:13
jariqbut not for anyone experienced right?15:14
mok0jariq: the trick is to become experienced15:14
mok0jariq: to be honest, to get help, you have to show that you are willing to do work yourself15:14
jariqi wrote that app :)15:15
mok0jariq: cool15:15
jariqi did my job15:15
mok0jariq: not quite :-)15:15
mok0jariq: what is your problem15:15
jariqand i am looking for someone who could create a package15:15
mok0with packaging I mean :-)15:15
mok0jariq: is it the tools?15:16
jariqi tried few times15:16
mok0jariq: the debian/ dir?15:16
jariqbut as i wrote earlier it is very time consuming15:16
mok0jariq: It will take you an hour or so15:16
jariqi spent about six hours without any effect15:17
mok0jariq: what did you do?15:17
jariqread manual :)15:17
mok0jariq: Ah, ok. So now you are ready to do the work15:17
mok0jariq: basically, you need a debian/ dir with 5 files in it15:18
jariqi do not feel that way15:18
mok0jariq: Let me give you a hint: that is not the right attitude here15:18
jariqok go on15:18
mok0jariq: you have a tar ball with your app ?15:19
mok0jariq: unpack it somewhere in a work directory15:19
jariqgot it15:20
mok0jariq: you have a Makefile or autotools system?15:20
mok0jariq: Fine. cd to the top level of your app15:21
mok0jariq: mkdir debian15:21
jariqgot it15:22
mok0jariq: cd debian15:22
mok0jariq: this is where you need to work to create the package15:23
mok0jariq: first we make the rules file15:23
mok0jariq: 2 secs15:24
jariqis there any example file or should i create empty one?15:24
mok0jariq: let's create an empty one15:24
mok0jariq: first line of rules:15:26
mok0#!/usr/bin/make -f15:26
mok02nd line:15:26
mok0include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk15:27
mok03rd and last:15:27
mok0include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk15:27
mok0jariq: got that?15:28
mok0jariq: what is the copyright of your package?15:29
jariqbut file /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk does not exist on my hdd15:29
jariqi installed debhelper package15:29
jariqis there anything else i need to install ?15:30
mok0jariq: ah yes. apt-get install cdbs15:30
jariqok got it15:30
jariqlicense is gnu gpl v215:30
mok0jariq: what is the copyright of your package?15:30
mok0ah ok good15:33
mok0jariq: now we make the copyright file, in debian/ still15:33
mok01st line15:34
mok0Format-Specification:  http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat15:34
mok02nd line15:34
mok0Upstream-Name: IPwatchD15:35
mok03rd line15:35
mok0Upstream-Maintainer: (you)15:35
mok0Upstream-Source: (url of where to get your tarball)15:36
mok0got that?15:36
mok0that was the header section of debian/copyright15:36
mok0jariq: now comes as many Files: sections as is necessary to fully describe the copyright of all files. I think this might be sufficient:15:37
mok0Files: *15:37
mok0Copyright: Copyright 2008, (your-name) <your email>15:38
mok0License: GPL15:38
jariqshould i put blank line between header and this text ?15:39
mok0Yeah why not15:39
mok0jariq: so, you should have 3 lines for the Files: section15:39
goshawkif someone has free time, can please have a look at: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=dsss15:39
jariqso anything else is needed in this file?15:40
mok0jariq: after the License: GPL line, you need the short GPL clause, see here: http://pastebin.com/f798b947d15:41
mok0jariq: and that finishes the copyright line15:41
mok0jariq: got that?15:43
mok0jariq: ready to go on?15:43
mok0next file: compat.15:43
mok0jariq: echo 6 > compat15:44
mok0that's it15:44
mok0jariq: 2 files to go15:44
handschuhgoshawk: please don't update the chagelog every upload15:44
handschuhgoshawk: it should ONLY state the launchpad "needs-packaging"-bug and the patches you do (if present)15:45
mok0jariq: now we will create the changelog file15:45
goshawkhandschuh: sorry i didn't know15:45
mok0jariq: which is used to collect the history of your package15:45
mok0jariq: it has a strict format15:46
mok01st line:15:46
goshawkhandschuh: ok i'll do it15:46
handschuhgoshawk: no problem, as you have patches, make sure you explain them in the changelog15:46
goshawkyes i've 2 patches15:46
goshawkso i should add them on changelog15:46
mok0jariq: ah, what is the version of ipwatchip15:46
mok0first line15:47
handschuhgoshawk: yes. also take a look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/report.py/legal?upid=414515:47
mok0ipwatchd (1.1.1-0buntu1) jaunty; urgency=low15:47
mok0jariq: next line empty15:48
mok0jariq: 3rd line15:48
mok0<space><space>* First packaged (LP: #281982)15:49
goshawkhandschuh: opening link15:49
mok0(substitute <space> with a space :-)15:49
jariqdid it15:49
mok0jariq: next line empty15:49
mok0jariq: last line:15:49
mok0<space>-- Jariq Lastname <you@email.org><space><space>15:50
goshawkhandschuh: Digital Mars and Gregor Richards15:50
goshawkhandschuh: they are in debian/copyright if i'm not wrong15:50
mok0jariq: followed by the output of date -R15:50
quentusrexI need help with something.... My package needs the user to give it the mysql root password. But I don't know how to make my package ask for that during install. Can someone help?15:51
handschuhgoshawk: yes but there are some files without licensing and the licensing is not recognized15:51
goshawkhandschuh: what should i do?15:51
handschuhgoshawk: you might have to talk to upstream to let this fix15:51
mok0jariq: got that?15:52
mok0jariq: great. Last file, control15:52
mok0first line:15:52
mok0Source: ipwatchd15:53
goshawkhandschuh: are you refferring to some files like: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/report.py/legal?upid=4145 ?15:53
mok02nd line15:53
mok0Section: utils15:53
mok0jariq: 3rd15:53
handschuhgoshawk: yes15:54
mok0Priority: optional15:54
goshawkhandschuh: /var/revu/revu1-incoming/dsss-0811291639/dsss-0.78/rebuild/nprocs.h: *No copyright* UNKNOWN15:54
mok0jariq: 4th15:54
mok0jariq: Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>15:54
mok0jariq: 5th line15:55
handschuhgoshawk: some files have no valid license information an this has bo be fixed by upstream15:55
mok0jariq: XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Jariq Lastname <jariq@email>15:55
mok0jariq: 6th line15:56
goshawkhandschuh: ok what else to fix?15:56
mok0Standards-Version: 3.8.015:56
mok0jariq: next line empty15:56
mok0jariq: OK that was the header of debian/control15:56
jariqgot it15:56
handschuhgoshawk: debian/copyright15:57
mok0jariq: after that, there are N sections each describing a binary package. I think you just need 115:57
handschuhgoshawk: change the "ist was downloaded from" url to http://svn.dsource.org/projects/dsss/downloads15:57
jariqmok0, and where should i specify dependencies?15:57
goshawkhandschuh: ok15:58
mok0jariq: that goes in the header, after a Build-Depends: tag15:58
mok0jariq: I skipped that for now15:58
handschuhgoshawk: debian/control: under the source-section, add a "Homepage" field15:58
jariqok no problem15:58
mok0jariq: but in fact you need to put:15:58
mok0Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 6)15:59
mok0jariq: and probably more, but that will be an exercise for you :-)15:59
handschuhgoshawk: you have some additional files outside of the debian directory which is not allowed15:59
goshawkhandschuh: i don't understand, can you give me an example?16:00
jariqmok0, Build-Depends goes into control file?16:00
mok0jariq: Yes, in the header section16:00
handschuhgoshawk: a, Im sorry, my bad; never mind16:00
goshawkhandschuh: :) yes16:00
jariqmok0, ok put it there and will add all other dependencies later16:00
goshawkhandschuh: it happens16:00
mok0jariq: great16:00
jariqmok0, what should i put after header section?16:00
mok0jariq, 1 (or more) empty line16:01
jariqmok0, ok16:01
mok0jariq: let's make the last few lines now16:01
jariqmok0, ok go on16:01
mok0jariq: Package: ipwatchd16:01
mok0jariq: Architecture: any16:01
handschuhgoshawk: otherwise it looks fine to me ... but it is very likely that someone else finds other issues16:02
goshawkhandschuh: ok16:02
goshawklet me fix16:02
goshawkthe things you said16:02
mok0jariq: next line16:03
mok0jariq: Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}16:03
mok0jariq: that is shlibs<colon> Depends16:03
jariqmok0, with space?16:03
mok0jariq: no16:03
mok0jariq: sorry16:04
jariqmok0, ok16:04
mok0jariq: finally, the description16:04
mok0jariq: Description: simple daemon using libpcap to detect IP conflicts16:05
jariqmok0, got it16:05
mok0jariq: The long descriptions follows that, indented by 1 space16:05
goshawkhandschuh: thanks16:06
mok0jariq: I suggest you use the bit from the LP bug16:06
mok0jariq: 2nd paragraph16:06
jariqmok0, intended like license in copyright file16:06
mok0jariq: oh, we forgot something in the header of debian/control16:06
mok0jariq: exactly16:06
mok0jariq: Homepage:  http://ipwatchd.sourceforge.net/16:07
mok0jariq: you are basically done. (Disclaimer: this is a skeleton, you will probably need to modify & expand)16:08
mok0jariq: now try to build the package16:08
mok0jariq: cd ..16:09
goshawkhandschuh: last thing16:09
mok0jariq: fakeroot debian/rules build16:09
goshawkhandschuh: about the copyright issue16:09
handschuhgoshawk: yes ... contact upstream and ask them to fix this16:09
goshawkhandschuh: should i advice upstream for every file in http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/report.py/legal?upid=4145 or just the files like: /var/revu/revu1-incoming/dsss-0811291639/dsss-0.78/rebuild/gnuc.c: *No copyright* UNKNOWN ?16:10
handschuhgoshawk: the best might be all files, but the No Copyright files are the worst16:10
jariqmok0, /usr/bin/fakeroot: 166: debian/rules: Permission denied16:11
mok0jariq: yes, ok, you know what to do? Hint: it needs x mode16:11
goshawkhandschuh: can you show how do they should be?16:11
goshawkhandschuh: so i can create a patch16:11
goshawkand submit upstream :)16:12
jariqmok0, just control file or all files in debian folder?16:12
mok0jariq: actually, only rules16:12
jariqmok0, yes rules sorry16:12
handschuhgoshawk: yes that might be the best16:13
goshawkhandschuh: yes, but i don't know how should be look like, can you show me a good written one?16:13
goshawki've to go16:13
goshawkwrite here16:13
goshawkand i'll follow your guidelines16:14
handschuhgoshawk: you can look at the end of the gpl and find a template16:14
jariqmok0, it ends up wiht debian/rules: 2: include: not found16:15
jariqdebian/rules: 3: include: not found16:15
mok0jariq: did you install the cdbs package?16:16
jariqmok0, yes /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk and /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk exist16:16
mok0jariq: hmm...16:16
jariqmok0, maybe these files include some others that are missing16:16
mok0jariq: yes... maybe16:17
mok0jariq: on of the files must be /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk16:18
mok0jariq: (you listed the same file twice)16:18
jariqmok0, my control file has following contents16:18
jariq#!/usr/bin/make -f16:19
jariqinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk16:19
jariqinclude /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/makefile.mk16:19
mok0jariq: that's rules, yes?16:19
jariqmok0, yes16:19
mok0jariq: you have debhelper installed?16:20
jariqmok0, debhelper is already the newest version.16:21
mok0jariq: can you pastebin debian/rules?16:21
jariqmok0, i had a space before first line, my mistake sorry16:22
jariqmok0, now it executed without errors16:23
mok0jariq: cool16:23
mok0jariq: is it compiling your program?16:23
jariqmok0, it already finished16:24
jariqmok0, without errors16:24
mok0jariq: :-)16:24
mok0jarriq, next ste16:24
mok0fakeroot debian/rules binary16:24
mok0jariq: (this is "manual" building)16:25
mok0jariq: step by step16:25
jariqmok0, finished successfuly with one warning: warning, `debian/ipwatchd/DEBIAN/control' contains user-defined field `Original-Maintainer'16:25
mok0jariq: yeah it always does that16:25
jariqmok0, ok what is the next step?16:26
mok0jariq: it may have generated a package in ../16:26
mok0ls ../*deb16:26
=== Tweenaks is now known as Treenaks
jariqmok0, it is there ../ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_i386.deb16:27
mok0jariq: you can use "less" to view the contents of the package16:27
jariqmok0, gr8 but there is one problem16:28
jariqmok0, package does not contain all files that are installed when I run "make install" on my Makefile16:29
jariqmok0, maybe I know where the problem is16:29
jariqmok0, i'll try to rebuild16:30
mok0jariq: yes I thought so16:30
mok0jariq: it may have something to do with what your Makefile does16:31
mok0jariq: the debian build system installs into the debian/tmp directory16:32
mok0jariq: (a temporary directory)16:33
mok0jariq: then it moves files from the debian/tmp directory into a package specific directory debian/ipwatchd/usr/... etc16:34
mok0jariq: and the package is constructed from that16:34
jariqmok0, about my Makefile, is there anything special (like some Makefile target) that to build the package successfuly ?16:35
mok0jariq: uhm, I can't remember to tell you the truth... You may need to install into: $(DESTDIR)/usr/bin and so on16:36
jariqmok0, aha16:36
jariqmok0, where can i find info about that?16:37
mok0jariq: let me think16:37
jariqmok0, because I suspect that my Makefile does not follow some rules16:37
mok0jariq: probably16:37
mok0jariq: try the DESTDIR thing.16:37
jariqmok0, any example?16:38
mok0jariq: that may be sufficient. People who install from your tarball wont notice, because DESTDIR will not be set16:38
mok0jariq: install -m 755 ipwatchd $(DESTDIR)/sbin16:38
mok0jariq: (I guess that is where daemons go, perhaps /usr/sbin)16:39
jariqmok0, Makefile can be viewed at https://ipwatchd.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ipwatchd/current/src/Makefile16:39
mok0jariq: ah, yes, it needs a bit of work16:40
jariqmok0, so for example i should modify "install" target..  line "cp ipwatchd /usr/local/sbin" to "cp ipwatchd $(DESTDIR)/usr/local/sbin" ???16:40
mok0jariq: substitute "/usr/local" with "$(prefix)16:40
mok0jariq: or perhaps $(DESTDIR)$(prefix)16:41
jariqmok0, ok i am working on it16:42
mok0jariq: you can set prefix at the top of Makefile16:42
mok0jariq: it will be overridden by cdbs16:42
jariqmok0, i modified install target of my Makefile16:46
jariqmok0, but it did not help, binary files are not included in package16:47
mok0jariq: can you carry out the fakeroot debian/rules clean step, please?16:48
jariqmok0, debhelper is using install target or any else?16:48
mok0jariq: Let's find out16:49
ma10jdong: I need to ask you stuff about azureus. You there?16:49
jariqmok0, clean step done successfuly16:49
mok0jariq: now build again16:49
mok0jariq: and go into debian/ and see what is there16:50
jariqmok0, i executed "fakeroot debian/rules build" and just one file was added into debian directory "stamp-makefile-build"16:51
mok0jariq: ok ,sounds right. Now try the same with fakeroot.... install16:52
jariqmok0, make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.16:53
mok0jariq: uhm... hang on16:53
mok0jariq: try the fakeroot .... etc... binary step16:54
jariqmok0, same result16:55
jariqmok0, created package does not contain program files16:55
mok0jariq: what's in debian/ now?16:55
jariqmok0, changelog  compat  control  copyright  files  ipwatchd  rules  stamp-makefile-build16:56
mok0jariq: check debian/ipwatchd/16:56
mok0jariq: ls -R or something16:56
jariqmok0, there are some generated files like docs16:58
mok0jariq: that's a start :-)16:58
jariqmok0, but none of them is created by my makefile16:58
jariqmok0, I suggest to recapitulate16:59
mok0jariq: Let me check something16:59
mok0jariq: 1 minute16:59
jariqmok0, ok16:59
mok0jariq: Perhaps the install target is never called by cdbs17:01
jariqmok0, it is possible17:01
mok0jariq: but there's a neat way around it17:02
jariqmok0, to call it when make without target is called ?17:02
mok0jariq: where are the compiled files in your directory tree?17:02
jariqin the same directory where source files17:03
mok0jariq: We can just copy the files from your tree to the right place in debian/ipwatchd17:03
jariqmok0, ok i will try that but i suggest short recapitulation17:03
mok0jariq: ... and that is done in a file called debian/<packagename>.install17:03
mok0jariq: ok17:03
jariqmok0, so i unpack source into lets say /home/jariq/test17:04
jariqmok0, than create /home/jariq/test/debian/ with those 5 files17:04
mok0jariq: yes (but you've done it now :-))17:05
jariqmok0, source files does not have to be in /home/jariq/test/src/ ?17:05
mok0jariq: that's up to the upstream17:05
mok0(=you in this case)17:05
jariqmok0, so than i change working directory to /home/jariq/test17:06
mok0jariq: In fact, all you need is a Makefile that will build the app(s) somehow17:06
jariqmok0, and run  fakeroot debian/rules build and  fakeroot debian/rules binary17:06
mok0jariq: well, those are the "debugging" steps17:07
mok0jariq: normally, you just call "debuild"17:07
jariqmok0, okey but after build and binary there should be whole package ready17:07
mok0jariq: yes17:08
mok0jariq: to upload to revu, you need to build a _source_ package17:08
mok0jariq: and that consists of 3 files17:08
mok0jariq: but you probably know that17:09
mok0jariq: let's try making the debian/ipwatchd.install file17:09
jariqmok0, ok17:10
mok0jariq: let's just test it first, with only 1 line in it17:10
mok0jariq: relative to the topdir, where is ipwatchd built?17:11
mok0jariq: ./ipwatchd perhaps?17:11
jariqmok0, i executed "fakeroot debian/rules clean"17:12
jariqmok0, so what should be next step "fakeroot debian/rules build" ?17:12
mok0jariq: see question above17:13
mok0jariq: relative to the topdir, where is ipwatchd built?17:13
jariqmok0, i am in directory where ipwatchd is built17:14
mok0jariq: ... which is?17:14
mok0jariq: great. Now first line of debian/ipwatchd.install:17:14
mok0./ipwatchd   /usr/sbin/17:15
jariqgot it17:15
mok0jariq: that's it, now try building  "binary" and see if ipwatchd makes it into the package17:16
jariqyes it is there17:17
mok0jariq: yay17:17
jariqmok0, i suppose i should add all relevant files to debian/ipwatchd.install17:17
mok0jariq: now you know what to do :-)17:17
mok0jariq: exactly.17:17
mok0jariq: just one hint more17:17
mok0jariq: <package>.install is a generic install17:18
mok0jariq: there are some specialized install files as well, for example for manpages17:18
mok0jariq: they are more intelligent17:18
mok0jariq: so, try putting your manpage in a new file ipwatchd.manpages17:19
mok0jariq: in debian of course17:19
mok0jariq: and the rest in ipwatchd.install17:19
jariqmok0, ok working on that17:19
mok0jariq: now you have 7 files in debian/17:20
mok0jariq: (I think)17:20
jariqmok0, ok i'll skip manpages for now17:21
mok0jariq: ok17:21
jariqmok0, but using ipwatchd.install is not very flexible17:24
mok0jariq: what do you mean?17:24
jariqmok0, i mean u cannot change prefix17:24
jariqmok0, or it is just relative?17:25
mok0jariq: you don't need to. It just has to install things in the right place according to Debian policy17:25
jariqmok0, ok17:25
jariqmok0, so now after build and binary package is fine17:26
mok0jariq: congrats17:26
mok0jariq: before I leave, let's build a source package17:26
jariqmok0, thanks a lot17:26
jariqmok0, you've been very helpful17:26
mok0jariq: my pleasure17:26
mok0jariq: Use debuild -S -sa to build source package17:26
jariqmok0, and source package can be submited to revu17:26
mok0jariq: Yes17:27
mok0jariq: you use "dput" utility, and send the *_source.changes file17:27
mok0jariq: which pulls the other files along17:27
mok0jariq: but you need a copy of your tarball in topdir/..17:28
mok0jariq: and you have to name it: ipwatchd_1.1.1.orig.tar.gz17:28
jariqmok0, well building of source package failed17:29
mok0jariq: what's the problem?17:29
jariqdpkg-source: failure: create ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.dsc: Permission denied17:30
jariqdpkg-source: building ipwatchd in ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.dsc17:30
jariqdebuild: fatal error at line 1247:17:30
jariqdpkg-source -b _work failed17:30
mok0jariq: you don't have permission to write in .. (?)17:31
jariqmok0, does this need root privileges ?17:31
mok0jariq: no17:31
mok0jariq: only if you are attempting to write in / ;-)17:31
jariqmok0, my mistake17:31
jariqmok0, i run it as root before and it cannot overwrite files17:32
mok0jariq: ah17:32
mok0jariq: that's why we have the "fakeroot" command17:32
=== fta_ is now known as fta
mok0jariq: it fakes root for an ordinary user when building packages17:32
jariqmok0, it attempts to sing the package17:32
jariqmok0, i have gpg key but it is protected by pass17:33
mok0jariq: it should ask you for the pass17:33
jariqmok0, it did not, showed "gpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available" instead17:33
mok0jariq: hmm,17:33
mok0jariq: just to get pass this point for now, try debuild -S -sa -uc -us17:34
jariqmok0, it looks like it was successful17:34
mok0jariq: yes, but you wont be able to upload an unsigned package, so you need to work that other problem out17:35
mok0jariq: let's see what files were created17:35
mok0jariq: you should have a *.diff.gz file17:35
mok0jariq: a *dsc file and a *changes file17:36
jariqmok0, ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.dsc ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_source.changes ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.dsc.asc ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.tar.gz ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_source.build17:36
jariqmok0, these files were created17:36
* mok0 wonders why you have the ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.tar.gz file...17:37
mok0jariq: you need a ipwatchd_1.1.1.orig.tar.gz17:37
mok0jariq: which is just a copy of your upstream tarball (the one you unpackged 2 hrs ago)17:38
jariqmok0, i skipped that warning17:38
mok0jariq: naughty boy17:38
mok0jariq: when you have the orig.tar.gz file, cd into topdir and build source package again17:40
mok0jariq: we need to see a file called ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.diff.gz17:40
jariqmok0, i put *orig* file there17:44
mok0jariq: great17:44
jariqmok0, and resulting files are ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.dsc ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_i386.deb ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_source.build ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1_source.changes ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.tar.gz17:44
jariqso no diff file again17:44
mok0jariq: you didn't repackage the tarball to contain debian/ did you?17:45
mok0jariq: because you shouldn't do that17:45
mok0jariq: what files are listed in .dsc ?17:46
jariqmok0,  dcd87f2d3ee0fadc0a0f0a83476bbce1 58213 ipwatchd_1.1.1-0buntu1.tar.gz17:47
jariqmok0, i'll fix this later i will change directory structure anyway17:47
mok0jariq: hmm. please try to rm or mv that tar.gz file.17:47
jariqmok0, so when i finaly get that diff file17:47
jariqmok0, that would be a file that should be submitted to revu ?17:48
mok0jariq: when you get the diff.gz file, check to see that it contains all files in debian/ that you created17:48
mok0jariq: the "source package" consists of 3 files: the orig.tar.gz, the diff.gz and the .dsc file.17:48
mok0jariq: all those are described in the _source.changes file, with MD5 sums so that is the file you pass to "dput"17:49
jariqmok0, ok thanks a lot17:51
mok0jariq: you're welcome :-)17:51
jariqmok0, i will try to do my best to get it there17:51
mok0jariq: I'm sure you will succeed. But, please be patient.17:51
mok0jariq: come here next friday, that is REVU day and you can ask to have the package reviewed17:52
jariqmok0, i am sure that all files and other stuff have its reason but this process is too complicated to start17:52
mok0jariq: I know17:52
jariqmok0, ok next friday.. whole day?17:52
mok0jariq: but now might be a good time to read the Ubuntu Packaging Guide... it's a hands on approach17:53
mok0jariq: yes, in fact it starts UTC-11 and goes on to UTC+1217:53
jariqmok0, i read it before but i hope will understand more now :)17:54
mok0jariq: I think you will17:54
jariqmok0, one more thing17:54
jariqmok0, that bug on launchpad should i change it somehow ? assign to me or something17:54
mok0jariq: yes, that would be a good idea. And set it to "In progress"17:55
jariqmok0, ok thanks a lot again for your help17:55
mok0jariq: We referenced that bug in debian/changelog, so when your package gets uploaded, it will be closed automatically17:55
mok0jariq: good luck with your package!17:56
mok0jariq: when you become experienced, you can help someone else :-)17:56
jariqmok0, sure :) if that day comes17:57
mok0jariq: See you later!17:57
jariqc ya17:57
* directhex completes his annual charity good deed18:23
james_wdirecthex: removal requests require sponsorship you know?18:26
directhexjames_w, hm, do they?18:28
james_wjust came across stetic, I'll check it out now18:28
james_wany more that should be looked over?18:28
directhexi think that's our only removal. let me check the wiki18:29
directhexftpmaster has acted on it already - http://bugs.debian.org/507126 - but pitti suggested I should file a separate ubuntu removal anyway, just to be sure18:30
james_wsure, there's no great problem with it18:30
james_wjust wanted to make sure you knew18:31
directhexi'll know for next time :)18:31
quentusrexIf I need to patch a file controlled by another package, how do I do this???19:10
directhexquentusrex, which file?19:12
james_wdirecthex: how does this look? http://paste.ubuntu.com/78128/20:20
directhexjames_w, offhand it looks perfect :)20:43
directhexjames_w, does a test compile agree with my analysis?20:43
jdongDear HandBrake buildsys: If a library 35 seconds into the build failed, please don't continue building for 45 minutes and then tell me that. Thanks, bye.20:45
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: hahaha20:46
SUNWjoejaxxsurvey of the day20:46
lagajdong: and 45 minutes after the library FTBS, you noticed how ccache would have been a good idea20:46
SUNWjoejaxxif a package provides a file which is also provided by dpkg would you just create a conflict field or rename the binary to something else? :P20:47
jdongSUNWjoejaxx: haha conflict dpkg!!!20:48
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: yes sir! :D20:48
directhexjdong, i have a $20k proprietary app with the same problem20:48
jdongSUNWjoejaxx: I'm in a much nastier dilemma right now.20:48
jdonghandbrake currently pumps out these horrendous 10MB binaries20:49
jdongactually 2x10MB20:49
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: oh?20:49
SUNWjoejaxxoh wow20:49
directhexhandbrake is pretty junky, but popular amongst users20:49
jdongSUNWjoejaxx: upstream uses a fairly patched up media stack and very specific mp4v2, etc.20:49
jdongso... I'd rather not basically fork the project by hacking it to build against system libs20:49
jdongso I'm just gonna admit defeat and bundle upstream libs20:49
jdongI dont' want another upstream that hates our guts (looks at azureus-gcj)20:49
jdongbut at the same time, debian/copyright looks like it's gonna be like 20 pages.20:50
jdongmpeg4ip alone is like 10 pages20:50
directhexjdong, this proprietary app is 99.9% fortran, and uses a single c lib for helper application. it takes about an hour to build on 4 cores of 1.6ghz itanium. if the c lib compile fails, it still spends an hour on the fortran, then fails on the final linker step20:50
directhexbut the build system (its own one) cannot bail or resume - it always starts from scratch20:50
jdongdirecthex: haha same here20:50
SUNWjoejaxxlol fortran :)20:50
directhexand the c lib fails due to use of POSIX defines removed in 1992 :)20:51
jdongthey use some weird jam+make+autoconf20:51
jdongand the makefile for bundled libs builds 1-by-1 in serial but doesn't fail until all have been attempted to be built20:51
DRebellionHi guys, I've just uploaded cifer (a multipurpose classical cryptanalysis and code-breaking tool) to revu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cifer . Does anybody have a bit of free time to take a look? Thanks.20:53
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: i am still wondering if a conflict is enough though20:53
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: or the right way20:53
jdongSUNWjoejaxx: I'd recommend renaming the file20:55
jdongI somehow think the idea of conflicting dpkg won't be appreciated :D20:55
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: same here hahahaha20:55
jdongis there anything in policy against using bzip2 compression instead of gzip if there's a significant filesize benefit?20:57
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ElbrusCan somebody of the MOTUs comment on my last comment in bug 275688: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fpc/+bug/275688/comments/4121:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 275688 in fpc "License issue: please sync fpc 2.2.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27568821:20
ubottuUbuntu bug 275688 in fpc "License issue: please sync fpc 2.2.2-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [High,Confirmed]21:20
ElbrusBasically I want to now if I am on the right track21:20
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: is there any suggested way of renaming binaries during install: build in debian/rules? an mv seems hackish21:20
Elbrusanyway, Debian has removed all old versions of fpc from their archives21:21
jdongSUNWjoejaxx: I'd use a mv in the install target.21:21
Elbrusbut maybe we can keep fpc in with backporting.21:21
SUNWjoejaxxjdong: yeah that is what i did but it seems hackish haha21:23
SUNWjoejaxxtoo bad there is no such thing as dh_rename21:24
quentusrexdirecthex: It's the /etc/php5/cli/php.ini21:24
SUNWjoejaxxi think i would feel better21:24
RainCT\sh: why isn't Leonov in the WhoUsesBzr page? :)21:24
directhexquentusrex, i don't know whether there's a specific way of handling that file. there might be. is there a php team you can ask?21:25
jmarsdenquentusrex: Don't patch the php.ini, just add what you need under /etc/php5/conf.d/21:25
quentusrexjmarsden: would that override the upload_max_filesize? I need it changed from 2M to 20M21:26
jmarsdenI don't know... I think it will.  Try it and see?21:26
quentusrexAlso, how does apt-get handle package updates? do I have to manually specify the what should change? or will it handle what has changed?21:27
jmarsdenquentusrex: Your question makes no sense to me.  apt-get installs packages... it doesn't let you say "install this bit of the package only..."?21:28
RainCT\sh: oh, it is :)21:28
directhexjmarsden, no, it DOES ask you about config files21:28
directhexjmarsden, assuming some criteria are met, etc21:29
quentusrexI mean, if I have a script that adds a user, and a group, etc. And the user installs my package. Then I have to change some of the documentation. Will it try to add the user and group during the update?21:29
jmarsdenNot if your script checks whether that user/group alraedy exist before it adds them :)21:29
quentusrexjmarsden: the reason I use that as an example, is I have a script that modifies a mysql table. I don't want that part run during an update. Only an install....21:30
quentusrexSo if the person installs mypackage-0.2 the script is run. But if they are updating from mypackage-0.1 to 0.2, then it shouldn't run...21:31
jmarsdenThere is a way to test for that... but I forget what it is... read the docs on what dpkg really does during an update...21:31
quentusrexI wish there was more clear documentation on how to package software...21:33
quentusrexEither I've completely missed something... or there is a steep learning curve for packaging software...21:33
jmarsdenquentusrex: It's steep, but not vertical :)21:35
Elbrusquentusrex: /me thinks the latter is treu21:35
awmcclainWhat's the best way of simulating the launchpad build process on my dev box? Using pbuilder and plogin? Am I remembering that correctly?21:37
quentusrexIs it possible to use apt-get install on a local package?21:37
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jmarsdenawmcclain: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PbuilderHowto21:37
awmcclainquentusrex: There is a way to build a repostiory locally... there's something in an ubuntu wiki page.21:38
awmcclainjmarsden: thank you21:38
quentusrexI have a package I'm trying to test and it has dependancies...21:38
* Elbrus uses pdebuild (depends on pbuilder) but had to resort to sbuild the other day for one package...21:38
jmarsdenquentusrex: quentusrex Yes, if you set up a local repo.  Maybe just use dpkg -i to install it?21:39
quentusrexI use dpkg -i to install it, but dpkg won't download and install the dependancies...21:39
Elbrusquentusrex: example of building your own repo: http://blogs.cae.tntech.edu/mwr/2007/05/28/my-own-private-debian-repository/21:40
Elbrusbut dpkg -i should take dependancies into account, right?21:41
quentusrexit gives me errors...21:41
Elbruswhich are?21:41
quentusrexsaying that the packages aren't installed.21:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:41
quentusrexI'll have to try again to get the errors... Thank goodness for a virtualized testing server...21:42
nhandlerElbrus: dpkg does NOT handle dependencies21:43
awmcclainquentusrex: Take a look at pbuilder too.21:43
nhandlerDepending on what you are doing, apt-get build-dep can sometimes help21:44
quentusrexpbuilder is useful, but I am trying to install it on an actual usable machine.21:44
quentusrexI'm testing fuctionality at this stage.21:44
awmcclainquentusrex: Ah. Sorry.21:44
quentusrexnhandler: can build-dep handle a local file rather than a file in the repo?21:44
nhandlerquentusrex: The file was never in the repos?21:45
quentusrexnot yet...21:45
awmcclainSorry for the n00b question, but it's been a while since I've done package maintenance. Pbuilder automatically fetches the packages in Build-Depends*, right? That's what I'm trying to test.21:45
nhandlerAnother option is to use a PPA. Upload the package, add the entry to your sources.list, and then install it using apt21:45
quentusrexI'm going to be the first to 'hopefully' put it there...21:45
jmarsdenawmcclain: Yes21:45
nhandlerYes it does awmcclain21:45
quentusrexnhandler: that could work...21:45
awmcclainnhandler: Can't you apt-get install the package after dpkg -i fails due to dependencies?21:46
awmcclainI seem to remember doing that.21:46
nhandlerawmcclain: You can. But I'm not sure what quentusrex is trying to test21:46
nhandlerI don't think he wants to manually apt-get each dependeny21:47
awmcclainOne last thing... is it still the best route to get a package into debian, then port to ubuntu?21:47
jmarsdenBest, as long as time is not critical, I'd say21:48
awmcclainHeh. So I've seen. Thank you all.21:48
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awmcclainnhandler: Oh, no, from what I've seen (though I haven't tested in a while), is that apt will get your dependencies for you on a botched dpkg -i.22:03
nhandlerawmcclain: apt won't do it automatically. dpkg will complain about you not having the dependencies installed. You can then use apt to install them (manually)22:04
awmcclainEach dependency individually?22:05
nhandlerawmcclain: Yes. However, now that I think about it, I think gdebi might be able to fetch the dependencies automatically for you if they are missing (but I'm not positive)22:06
azeemyou can usually try to run apt-get -f install22:06
awmcclainOh boo. http://paste.ubuntu.com/78157/22:12
awmcclainAh ha. the pbuilder conf is broken in the ubuntu package.23:20
quentusrexCan someone check some warnings for me? https://launchpad.net/+builds/lansones23:26
quentusrexDoes that look 'broken'23:26
awmcclainNot to me. The build environment will download the build dependencies IIRC23:28
quentusrexthanks awmcclain it's my first... I'm all kinds of nervous....23:29
awmcclainquentusrex: Oh, it'll break somewhere else. Then you just need to make changes and reupload. ;)23:30
awmcclainquentusrex: Are you testing in pbuilder before you upload?23:30
quentusrexawmcclain: I'm building it with my actual system. and that works.23:37
quentusrexyay it worked.23:37
awmcclainquentusrex: Right, but that would only be a useful test the first time (in terms of dependencies), unless you remove all the build-deps and dependencies after each build.23:37
quentusrexawmcclain: I do.. I have a snapshot of a virtual server that I use for test building.23:38
awmcclainquentusrex: Perfect.23:38
quentusrexI'll be working on getting a better build framework setup, but for now I just need it to work...23:40
quentusrexawmcclain: someone sent earlier how to setup an apt mirror. I think I'll need to do that...23:43
awmcclainquentusrex: There's a link on https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PbuilderHowto23:44
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quentusrexawmcclain: is there a way to automatically increment the changelog?23:56
awmcclainquentusrex: For what... a different distribution or a different build version?23:57
quentusrexdifferent build version23:58
quentusrexI need to fix a bug... and update the changelog...23:58
awmcclainquentusrex: man debchange23:59

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