
ftamozilla bug 46653113:54
ubottuMozilla bug 466531 in JavaScript Engine "Crash/hang [@ mult][@ Balloc] when loading pages on PPC" [Critical,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46653113:54
ftaasac, see mozilla bug 46307313:55
ubottuMozilla bug 463073 in Security: PSM "Deliver NSPR_4_7_3_RTM to Mozilla" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=46307313:55
asacfta: what was the songir dtracking bug?17:01
asacfound it17:21
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftabackout NRPS 4.7.3 to fix js-eng crash on Mac PPC builds17:43
ftawell, mac ppc...17:43
asacshouldnt block us ... right17:48
asacfta: in case you see seb pop up you can also ask him to bin NEW the xul things17:50
asac(over weekend i mean)17:50
asacor riddell17:50
asacoh ... or hobbsee ;)17:50
asacshe should be available17:50
asacfta: ok asked hobbsee and stevenk in -devel17:53
ftaasac, i think it's too late for hobbsee today18:35
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/78095/18:36
asacfta: but tomorrow starts early for her too ;)19:14
ftayep but probably no sooner than 4am for us19:15
asac4am? .... thats 1400 for her?19:16
asac@time Australia/Sydney19:16
ubottuCurrent time in Australia/Sydney: November 30 2008, 06:16:53 - Next meeting: Server Team in 2 days19:16
asac4 hours from now its 10am ;)19:17
ftasee my paste19:17
asacwhat numbers are those?19:17
ftanum of lines on irc per hour19:19
ftain all chans we have in common19:19
asacfta: that might be biased by weekdays19:20
asacfta: only check sunday ;)19:20
ftai don't log week days, and grep is not smart enough19:21
ftai see tons of:20:01
ftaError: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIINIParserFactory.createINIParser]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: file:///usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b2/components/nsUpdateService.js :: getLocale :: line 534"  data: no]20:01
ftaSource File: file:///usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b2/components/nsUpdateService.js20:01
ftaLine: 53420:01
VladUAHi! Can anyone assist me in extracted my bookmarks from corrupted "places.sqlite" file? (Firefox 3.0.4, hardy heron):)22:30
asacVladUA: how is it corrupted?22:34
VladUAIn such way that I cant neither add new bookmark nor export any22:36
VladUAand sometimes buttons and menu items are greyed (inactive)22:37
VladUAwhen rename places.slite all are ok22:37
VladUAIf I'd have few bookmarks I'd copy'n'paste them22:38
VladUAI 've downloaded sqlitebrowser and have seen bookmarks in places.sqlite22:39
VladUAall I can do now - select strings with urls within browser. but how to export them into html file?22:40
VladUAAny idea?22:40
ftadoes "sqlite3 places.sqlite .dump" report an error ?22:41
VladUAIf it is correct:22:47
VladUAunable to open shared library [places.sqlite]22:47
ftamove to your profile dir first22:48
ftaor "sqlite3 ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/places.sqlite .dump"22:49
ftait's verbose22:49
VladUAUnable to open database "places.sqlite": file is encrypted or is not a database22:51
ftahmm, never seen that22:51
VladUAoh sorry dump is here22:53
ftayou also have backups in "bookmarkbackups"22:53
ftayou should have a few, if you do, try to restore from there22:54
VladUAYou are right but I ;ve tried it cannot22:55
VladUAdump is too large22:55
ftausing Bookmarks / Edit bookmarks, then "Import and backups" / Restore ?22:55
VladUAand terminal allows only last part22:55
VladUAto see22:55
VladUAYes firstly when  I stuck with problem I tried to backup and restore22:56
VladUAIn gui it gives no error but do nothing22:57
VladUAAs I understand all bookmarks are in places.sqlite but in bookmarks,html and backupbookmarks folder there only part of them22:58
VladUAYepp the situation is exact but I have not exported before bookmarks23:00
VladUAAnyway thank you for attention:)23:01

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