
sysrplsee the movie "A Wednesday" ... in the movie muslim terrorist plan a wednesday terrorist attack on Mumbai targeting a bunch of civillian locations at once00:00
n8tuserCaBa-> dexconf to get it started00:00
woody86can anyone help me out, when I boot into 64bit Ubuntu on my 64bit computer, the first thing the screen flashes at me is some error about something in my bio not being correct, and that it's going to cost me 64mb of RAM? Any ideas?00:00
dr_willisericjung Not letting me download the file.. its wanting me to login.. for some odd reason00:00
Cabay_Jetn8tuser: I'll try that00:00
LF|Irssiok thanks again zsquareplusc, having some issues mounting my external USB hdd :/  but it's kinda not on Ubuntu so ill ask in #Freebsd hehehe :)00:00
Flannelericjung_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77901/00:00
wookienzdmesg outputs irq probe failed for hdb,hdc and hdd00:00
n8tuserwookienz-> oh well, you must do what you need to do00:00
Flannelsysrpl: Please stay on topic00:01
Cabay_Jet@n8tuser: I got a config file with no applicable configurations for my screen, video card, etc00:02
tenseiIs there a need to defrag in ubuntu 8.04?  Also, can you or should you use ubuntu 8.04 to defrag an NTSF partion?00:02
Cabay_JetSame as before00:02
Flanneltensei: no, and no.00:02
dr_willisdemon_,  i use jwm all the time. :P00:03
MementoMorii need to connect to and url when someone login or logout from the system passing the username to that url00:03
Cabay_JetYou see, it's giving me a "no usable configurations" error on startup and won't use any mode other than 640x480 at 8 bit color00:03
MementoMoriany idea?00:03
yeroplani have a dumb question00:03
draco1234help! what is the best linux distribution, I need to know00:03
tenseiFlannel: does the ext3 file structure eliminate the need to defrag?00:03
demon_what is JWM dr_willis00:03
n8tuserCabay_Jet-> what do you mean same as before?00:03
Flanneltensei: Yeah00:03
dr_williswoody86,  other then dont worry about it.. no. :) its due to how the hardware/bios maps the ram i recall.. I think i lose  a few mb here also.00:03
tenseiFlannel: thanks00:03
Flanneldraco1234: That question would be better asked in ##linux or #ubuntu-offtopic00:03
dr_willisdemon_,  a very very small window maanger.00:03
n8tuserCabay_Jet-> is this a new install?00:03
dr_willis!info jwm | demon_00:03
ubottujwm (source: jwm): Very small lightweight pure X11 window manager with tray and menus. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.1-1.1 (intrepid), package size 93 kB, installed size 284 kB00:03
Cabay_Jetn8tuser: Sorry, long story00:04
zsquarepluscMementoMori: spying on your users? ;-)  PAM might be able to add callbacks00:04
yeroplan--the dumb question being... how can I know my 8.10 installation is secure?00:04
Cabay_JetI'm trying to install Xubuntu 8.10 on a PowerMac 950000:04
demon_10x dr_willis00:04
Cabay_JetI've gotten the installation past the fact that it's an oldworld mac and that it's using outdated hardware, but now the display isn't working correctly.00:04
n8tuserCabay_Jet-> dont know know how macs work00:04
MementoMorizsquareplusc: no, only logging to a webapp. I tried libpam-http but it doesn't pass any parameter00:05
Cabay_Jetn8tuser: :(00:05
n8tuseryeroplan-> what is your worries?00:05
woody86dr_willis, thanks :) Do you know how to prevent my 64 installation from going into read-only mode on restart? or why my wireless network disconnects after 2 or 3 mins?00:05
MementoMorizsquareplusc: do you know pam-http?00:05
zsquarepluscMementoMori: no i dont00:05
MementoMorizsquareplusc: any other module you would use?00:06
dr_williswoody86,  read only - is often done if theres some filesystem  issue. I would boot a live cd and fsck the filesystems.00:06
dr_williswoody86,  no idea on wireless.00:06
Jordan_UXylia2: Still here?00:06
ardchoilleok, filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/30330000:06
ardchoilleoops, wrong window00:06
woody86dr_willis, thanks :) will do, but it doesn't do it if I install 32bit on the same machine?00:07
Xylia2Jordan_U: Yes, I'm here. Did I miss something?00:07
Jordan_UXylia2: Download these two files to a usb drive: http://downloads.openwrt.org/sources/wl_apsta- http://mirror2.openwrt.org/sources/broadcom-wl-
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gspa00:07
cutterjohnHi again guys, I've got a quick question wrt new notebook w/ 9600M GT 1680x1050 LCD res, nvidia 177 restricted driver which is only reporting the native LCD resolution to apps (well games).  The xorg.conf is virtually empty.  Is there a better way to add extra resolutions other than manually specifying all of the modelines and modes then adding them to the xorg.conf file?  (new notebook, so I'm somewhat clueless asto the best meth00:07
cutterjohnod and searching forums + net is not helping out much beyond doing the adding modes manually)00:07
FabiOnehi all00:07
Xylia2Jordan_U: I managed to set up ethernet. Would it be easier to download them to the hard drive of the computer in question?00:07
dr_williswoody86,  wireless drivers are often a work in progress... it depends on the exact chipset i imagine. i woudl check the forums for any one else with the same chiset/problems00:07
OneiroiiOh, well...  talk to y'all later.  Time to go peel the potatoes.00:08
woody86dr_willis, well, I meant the read-only only happens in 64 bit, and not in 32 bit00:08
cutterjohnOh oops, its 32b Ubuntu 8.1000:08
Jordan_UXylia2: Yes, if you have an ethernet connection then just install fwcutter and it will offer to download those files for you ( and extract the firmware from them )00:08
dr_williswoody86,  it pays to be clear :) that makes no sence however.. I would still fsck the filesytem to be ure they are ok.00:08
FabiOnei'm in trouble making a network bridge between a wifi and ethernet card, the wifi card is conneted to a wep protected wlan but the bridge don't accept wifi security settings. What can i do?00:09
=== rayo is now known as Guest88909
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libv4l00:11
exodus_msrunning hardy as client with vmware server. having probs playing udf dvd. I have installed all required software and codecs. The dvd will mount but will not play. i have tried mplayer and vlc. I also tried hanging the fstype in /etc/fstab from "udf,iso9660" to "auto", Any one have any suggestions please?00:11
MementoMorianyway.. trying to sniff pam-http using ws. maybe it's passing parameters in I way I dont consider00:11
woody86dr_willis, sorry about that. When I install 64 bit on my computer, when it restarts, it restarts into read-only mode. When I remove 64 bit Ubuntu, and install 32 bit Ubuntu on the same computer, it restarts fine.00:11
woody86I will still run the fsck though00:11
Izinucsexodus_ms: you might need the dvd codecs from mediabuntu00:12
* MementoMori is smoking while it wait for aptitude to finish00:12
cutterjohn(nvidia driver itself is also ONLY listing the native 1680x1050 as the only selectable resolution... buggy driver maybe too?)00:12
exodus_msIzinucs, tried sudo wget http://www.medibuntu.org/sources.list.d/gutsy.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list00:12
exodus_mswget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update00:12
cutterjohn(er in the nvidia control panel app that is...)00:12
cutterjohn(ddcprobe reports all resolutions to 1280x1024 then stops, tries EDID and fails)00:13
FabiOnenone forme?00:13
Jordan_UXylia2: Did installing b43-fwcutter work?00:13
thiebaudeanyway to make the pidgin background transparent?00:13
Xylia2Jordan_U: Okay, I downloaded both of them, and yes, I downloaded b43-fwcutter a few minutes ago, but I don't see how to use it with these.00:13
Jordan_UXylia2: If you are connected to the internet then all you have to do is install b43-fwcutter, during the install process it will do everything for you00:14
exodus_msIzinucs, any ideas?00:15
Xylia2Jordan_U: Okay, what is it supposed to be doing?00:15
FabiOnei'm in trouble making a network bridge between a wifi and ethernet card, the wifi card is conneted to a wep protected wlan but the bridge don't accept wifi security settings. What can i do?00:15
evolve_hey guys, i'm really deperate now, been working on this for 2 days, and i've really tried everything -- an ubuntu iso will not boot on my inspiron 8200, i've confirmed the disk is burned, i know the cd rom is working, boot order is set properly...the computer just will not boot it00:15
evolve_any ideas?00:15
Izinucsexodus_ms: no sorry.. and I've run vmware a lot.. have you tried #vmware? or virtualbox as an alternative?00:15
Cabay_Jetevolve_: have you tried an alternate install CD?00:15
Sync08evolve_ , try to burn your iso with the slower speeds that should work..00:16
jellulaboHello all - Anyone know why all of the drop down menus in kde apps are blank?00:16
evolve_Cabay_Jet: yes -- that can not be read either00:16
evolve_Sync08: i burned it at several speed, including 1x nothing works00:16
Cabay_JetTry what sync 08 said00:16
Jordan_UXylia2: It is downloading the windows driver and extracting just the firmware ( the code that runs on the card, not the actual driver ) so that the firmware can be loaded onto the card, the reason it needs to do this is that boradcom won't allow Ubuntu to distribute their firmware directly00:16
evolve_(which took me forever btw)00:16
zsquareplusc!usb | evolve_ maybe an alternative?00:17
ubottuevolve_ maybe an alternative?: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent00:17
exodus_msIzinucs, no I can't say I have. I have been told that virtualbox is very good. But to be honest I believe this problem is with the udf fs and being able to read the disk with ubuntu00:17
evolve_tried from USB stick, bios does not support it00:17
Xylia2Jordan_U: Okay, makes sense. How do I confirm it did this? I downloaded both of the files you linked after downloading b43-fwcutter, but it didn't do anything that I can see.00:18
Sync08evolve_, well does bios sees the cdrom/dvdrom device? If yes you are burning your cd wrong00:18
Sync08evolve_, how do you burn your iso ?00:18
cutterjohnAFK for a minute, in case anyone's looking00:18
exodus_msIzinucs, thanks00:18
evolve_Sync08: burning the iso with infrarecorder -- cd's all have booted on another machine =x00:18
zsquarepluscevolve_: do you have an operating system on it now? wubi variant maybe?00:18
evolve_zsquareplusc: no OS on it =x00:19
Jordan_UXylia2: Did you actually install b43-fwcutter? "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" in a terminal or with synaptic if you prefer a GUI00:19
evolve_well, corrupt version of windows from a failed install actually00:19
Sync08evolve_,  then check your data cable of dvd/cdrom device.00:19
=== Guest88909 is now known as _rayo
cvd-prwhere is the folder that have the scripts for starting thins automatically?00:20
evolve_Sync08: windows install works, however it freezes half way through due to a scratch in the CD...always freezes at same spot -- thus cd-rom works =x00:20
Cool-Nickcheck this guys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99635500:20
demon_how can i install libv4l00:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libv4l00:21
Sync08evolve_,  sometimes bad datacables does do that.. not only scratched cds :) I can recommend you to change your datacable of dvd/cdrom device then check the BIOS for booting options. Set your dvd/cdrom device as first then it should work.. (Usually it does)00:21
evolve_I do get Disk error! 0x0C from smart boot manager whenever I attempt any linux cd...could it be possible my bios is too updated and dell has blocked linux from being able to be installed?00:22
Xylia2Jordan_U: I tried it in the terminal, and got two errors (Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable) and Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/, is another process using it?). The problem might be that I'm trying to download all the system updates now in the hope they'll help in some way. However, when I just type b43-fwcutter, I get a description and list of commands, so I thin00:22
thiebaudeevolve_: this might help, http://www.wikihow.com/Burn-a-CD-in-Ubuntu-Linux00:22
MementoMoridemon_: aptitude install libv4l-000:22
archangelpetrowhich packages hold the man pages for sys commands and header files etc?00:22
AdamzagurskyI'm having trouble installing SuperUbuntu on my Windows deal.00:22
demon_MementoMori, E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock00:22
evolve_Sync08: issue is its a laptop -- so if that is the case the laptop is done with more or less00:23
Sync08evolve_,  No updated bios has nothing to do with that.00:23
MementoMoridemon_: close the other package manager you have opened00:23
MementoMorior use sudo00:23
Adamzagurskywhy does it kick me into a shell?00:23
Sync08evolve_,  well you can try external cdrom if you have one? or if your bios supports you can try USB booting? :)00:24
savageonehas anyone released a commercial distro of ubuntu that I can put on my customers machines that has legal dvd playback for the US? lindvd is a joke and difficult to get in english....00:24
demon_k sudo works just fine :P00:24
FabiOnei'm in trouble making a network bridge between a wifi and ethernet card, the wifi card is conneted to a wep protected wlan but the bridge don't accept wifi security settings. What can i do?00:24
Rhorsesavageone, try a linux commercial release like Xandros or Suse Enterprise00:24
Adamzagurskyis there a faq? I'd look it up first, but. You guys seem busy.00:24
Sync08savageone, lol problaby no one will do that :)00:24
Flannelsavageone: http://shop.canonical.com/product_info.php?products_id=243&osCsid=330640b75302cdc1cc6e23803086637d00:24
Flannelsavageone: Ubuntu + buy that for them00:25
savageonerhorse:  I'm a big ubuntu/debian fan so suse is out ;).  Xandros is sort of iffy because where are they going w/ this whole linspire thing since they bought them? sort of waiting tos ee how that pans out00:25
savageoneflannel: thanks!00:25
=== KDE4001 is now known as KDE4000
Flannelsavageone: also, I assume you're aware of the OEM version of Ubuntu, which makes your job easier?00:25
evolve_is it possible to do a web install through a floppy?00:26
demon_MementoMori, do i need restart or smt after installing ??00:26
thiebaudesavageone: did you try this http://lifehacker.com/350015/enable-dvd-playback-in-ubuntu-in-two-commands00:26
savageoneflannel:  I am aware of it but haven't gotten it, don't know anything about it, can you link me?00:26
Cabay_JetI believe the smallest network install distros are about 40 MB00:26
exodus_mstrying to play dvd after installing restricted software and codecs. the dvd will mount "icon on desktop" I can browse the folder but vlc and mplayer cannot read the disk. I tried mount /dev/scd0 and got 'according to mtab, /dev/scd0 is already mounted on /media/cdrom0'00:26
zsquarepluscevolve_: network install, yes. but the files you need do not fit on a floppy00:26
savageoneflannel: also, for $41 us, the link you sent me is a little much and it ONLY fixes the dvd situation not the mp3 etc00:26
Cabay_Jetevolve_: a network install would be best based off a USB drive00:26
savageoneI'm aware of this link regarding the "2 commands" but it's not legal in the us00:27
Flannelsavageone: http://shop.canonical.com/index.php?cPath=19&osCsid=a8e9e6925d88de32f0b5328472aed29c00:27
dr_willisexodus_ms,  if  you see the files in /media/cdrom0 I belive both mplayer and vlc have a 'play directory' item that will play the files from there.00:27
Flannelsavageone: Theres other stuff for media (Fluendo stuff), complete might also include DVD, I'm not sure.00:27
thiebaudesavageone: who says00:27
sFEARsexodus_ms, try dvdrip00:27
MementoMoridemon_: no. just run what you want00:27
savageonethiebaude: the US government.  dvd playback using the dvdcss stuff is illegal00:27
MementoMoriyou may want to run depmod00:28
savageonei think I said the name wrong ;)00:28
exodus_msdr_willis, I have tried to point vlc to the files to play just got an input/output error00:28
ScislaCIs there a command to list the filesystem type of all attached disks?00:28
dr_willisexodus_ms,  Hmm.. Im out of ideas then.00:28
evolve_but it seems to be, atleast for me impossible to do a USB drive install since the BIOS does not allow it, i've read articles that it is possible through GRUB, however everything seems very over my head00:28
DIFH-icerootsavageone: libdvdcss00:28
Flannelsavageone: Anyway, OEM version is available on the alternate CD (Maybe the desktop CD now) as an installation option.  It gives you a temporary user which you (as an OEM guy) uses to set up stuff (install packages, configure desktops, etc) however you'd like for your customers, and then when you're done, you run 'oem-config-prepare' and shut down.  Next time the computer boots, it asks (the end user) for a username, password, language, etc.00:28
DIFH-icerootsFEARs: a new one?00:28
exodus_mssFEARs, I also tried to rip the disk to my hdd as an iso so I could try to play from there. dvd:rip could not read the disk as well00:28
mgolischScislaC: there is fdisk -l, but the partitiontype is not actualy telling you what filesystem is realy on there00:29
DistroJockeyScislaC,  mount00:29
savageoneflannel: so is this a separate disc I'm downloading or is it an option on the one I've been using? for 8.10?00:29
dr_willisexodus_ms,  that sounds like a dirty disk/dirty drive..00:29
Jordan_UXylia2: If the updates are still downloading you can just cancel and re start the updates later ( what you have downloaded will still be there ), if you have already install b43-fwcutter but you weren't connected to the internet when you did run "sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh"00:29
sFEARsexodus_ms, make sure you have libdvdread3 installed00:29
thiebaudeit is very easy to enable dvd playback00:29
=== ffffff2 is now known as wiestrassland
Flannelsavageone: It used to be an option on the alternate CD (which is a regular installer, with options), but I think I've seen it on the desktop CD (that's the live CD you likely downloaded) as well.  So, hit f4 or f5 or whatever at the boot menu and see if there's an option for an OEM install00:30
exodus_msdr_willis, I have tried several disk including audio 'which will play' and other dvd's which will play. I think I;m having trouble with the udf discs00:30
demon_MementoMori, how can i configurate the libv4l?00:30
Flannel!id | wnet100:30
ubottuwnet1: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia00:30
exodus_mssFEARs, I have installed00:30
savageoneflannel: thanks for the heads up dude00:31
savageoneI'm going to look more into xandros00:31
savageoneI've got a good buzz going w/ ubuntu I want to go with it00:31
MementoMoridemon_: in no way. what do you want from libv4l ?00:31
savageonei run it myself and I LOVE it00:31
sFEARsexodus_ms, have you tried a different dvd?00:31
demon_MementoMori, i want to plug in the cam,00:31
Xylia2Jordan_U: I did that and it seems to have worked (much stuff was apparently saved and extracted)00:31
exodus_msdr_willis,   I also tried changing the fstype in /etc/fstab from "udf,iso9660" to "auto", Any one have any suggestions please?00:31
demon_MementoMori, cuz with this new 8.10 doesnt work something :P00:32
Rhorsesavageone, I got started with Linux via Xandros.  It's a neat lil distro.00:32
dr_willisexodus_ms,  how were these udf disks made?00:32
savageonerhose: cool.  abit pricey tho00:32
savageonesee I'm doing this for home users not so much business00:32
savageoneproblem w/ my business clients is they ALL run quickbooks00:32
sFEARsdamn quickbooks00:32
Rhorsesavageone, well 40. for a OS is expensive by Ubuntu standards, but cheap by all else, no?00:33
exodus_msdr_willis, commercial dvd's00:33
FabiOnei go sleep, goodnight 4 all00:33
fapmanHey guys i am trying to install on a external hard drive how ever the system will not format the disk past 33% can i get some help with this issue please00:33
MementoMorihave your cam ever worked?00:33
exodus_mssFEARs, I have tried several disk. All will mount but none can be read from any media player00:33
savageone40 us? it's more then that00:33
savageoneisn't it?00:33
dr_willisexodus_ms,  Thats.. weird then..  try just 'dd' ing the disk to a file and see if that works?00:34
Rhorsesavageone, ok, this goes back several years. Gess it is more now.  Well -- someone's got to pay those licensing fees.00:34
sFEARswhat error do you get exodus_ms00:34
exodus_msdr_willis, I apologize what exactly is 'dd' ing?00:34
Adamzagurskyalright. Any of you thousand people have problems loading Ubuntu for the first time and getting sent straight to a shell?00:35
MementoMoridemon_: have you problem running skype?00:35
sFEARssudo dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/user/Desktop/filename.iso00:35
Rhorsesavageone, me, I like the portability and config'y of Fluxbox/Mint. 8 )00:35
dr_willisexodus_ms,  the 'dd' command  ..    dd BS=1024 if=/dev/cdrom of=videodisk.iso00:35
Adamzagurskylost in the flood.00:35
ericjung_http://backports.ubuntuforums.com seems to be preventing me from logging in. can anyone log in?00:35
savageoneit's $100 us00:35
savageonethat's criminal00:35
rwwexodus_ms: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(unix)00:35
dr_willisexodus_ms,  the BS option makes it copy faster. :)00:35
savageonewhat's fluxbox?00:35
naviloni have a package that failed to install, and now everytime i run apt-get it finishes with an error saying that one packeage didnt install right. how do i remove this?00:35
fapmancan some one help me i am running ubuntu 8.0400:35
dr_willissavageone,  yet another window manager00:35
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox00:35
demon_MementoMori, well no on amsn00:36
savageoneI like gnome hehe00:36
TablettaskHowdy :)00:36
sFEARsnavilon, apt-get install --fix-missing00:36
zsquarepluscsFEARs: i prefer cat /dev/dvd > x.iso  ;-) i dont think that you need sudo for that00:36
thiebaudesavageone: i use fluxbox its great00:36
exodus_mssFEARs, with mplayer i get an 'could not read from source'00:36
ericjung_why would someone use fluxbox?00:36
MementoMoridemon_: your cam was ok with older ubuntu releases?00:36
demon_yes MementoMori00:36
dr_willisericjung_,  this is linux.. why do they need a reason. :) use what you like..00:36
savageonelinspure is $5000:36
fapmanzzzz no body can help me?00:37
sFEARshave you wiped off your laser with a qtip & alcohol?00:37
thiebaudeericjung, its low on system resources00:37
MementoMoridemon_: ok.. maybe i've your solution00:37
savageoneand I bet I can become an oem with them and save even more00:37
Rhorsesavageone, it's an awsome WM, where you can configure every little thing by editing text files. It's the bomb.00:37
dr_willisericjung_,  im installing linux on a low end machine.. its gettting openbox00:37
MementoMoridemon_: wait a min00:37
Greenyhas anyone any experiece in getting a wireless card to connect before login on 8.10?00:37
demon_MementoMori,  thank you very a lot :)00:37
superkiwiIs there a way to get from .mkv to .avi? :X00:37
dr_willis!find avid00:37
ubottuFound: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, sword-comm-tdavid, avidemux (and 3 others)00:37
thiebaudedr_willis: openbox is a good one too00:37
ericjung_dr_willis:  i have ubuntu on a low-end machine too. should i consider openbox or fluxbox?00:37
thiebaudesynaptic has a ton of wm's00:37
ScislaCDistroJockey: thanks for the info... worked like a charm! (wouldn't have thought to do mount by itself ever :)00:37
zsquarepluscor xubuntu00:37
dr_willissuperkiwi,  ffmpeg, mencoder,  and/or avidemux00:37
PsiKlopxI just installed Openoffice 3.0 (per http://www.quicktweaks.com/2008/10/11/install-openoffice-30-final-in-ubuntu/) but desktop integration won't work.00:38
evolve_you have to use the alternate install when booting from a USB stick right?00:38
fapmanHey guys i am trying to install on a external hard drive how ever the system will not format the disk past 33% can i get some help with this issue please00:38
dr_willisericjung_,  they are about the same..  theres also jwm, and blackbox,  :P00:38
zsquarepluscevolve_: no00:38
superkiwidr_willis: Do I need to reencode stuff, or is it possible just to change the 'container'?00:38
dr_willisevolve_,  No.00:38
evolve_is it suggested?00:38
rwwevolve_: no, i did it with a full live cd yesterday00:38
_rayofapman have you tried dban?00:38
MementoMoridemon_: you have to install libv4l from http://ppa.launchpad.net/lool/ubuntu/pool/main/libv/libv4l/00:38
dr_willissuperkiwi,  never noticed..  depends on what codec its using  i imagine. they are all containers in some form or the ohter..00:38
_rayogoogle it fapman00:39
demon_MementoMori, ok00:39
exodus_msdr_willis,  unrecognized operand `BS'=`1024'00:39
dr_willissuperkiwi,   why do you need to convert it?00:39
savageonewell guys I'm outta here00:39
savageonethanks for the info and good times00:39
thiebaudesome people liked the amiga workstation so they can use amiwm00:39
Xylia2Jordan_U: How should I download those two files? I saved them to my desktop using firefox, but that doesn't seem to do what you're expecting.00:39
exodus_msrww, thanks for the link looking at it now!00:39
Rhorseericjung_, try the #fluxbox channel for more info.00:39
superkiwiMy playstation does not support .mkv.00:39
ericjung_can anyone log into backports.ubuntuforums.org?00:39
dr_willisexodus_ms,   dd if=/dev/cdrom of=image.iso bs=2k00:39
dr_willis   00:39
zsquarepluscsuperkiwi: use ffmpeg, mencoder or whatever and use "copy" as audio and video codec to "convert container" only00:39
Guest34521Help, my device says - device unamanged, for my wireless card00:39
Tablettaskhi! i tried to install 7.10 erlier today... and when i start the live cd my computer just crashes... like you pulled the power cord... do i have to start the live-cd to install ubuntu? (downloading 8.10 as we speak)00:39
MementoMoridemon_: and then preload a lib with00:39
dr_willisexodus_ms,  doh.. lower case accordingto the docs :)00:39
draco1234_rayo, you miss a good opportunity to use letmegooglethatforyou00:39
MementoMoridemon_: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so00:40
ericjung_something wrong with backports.ubuntuforums.org login?? wtf?00:40
PsiKlopx I just installed Openoffice 3.0 (per http://www.quicktweaks.com/2008/10/11/install-openoffice-30-final-in-ubuntu/) but desktop integration won't work. How do I get the apps in the menu?00:40
fapman_rayo,  are you telling me to wipe the disk before burning00:40
Rhorseericjung_, but don't wake them, I think they're sleeping off their turkey dinner now. 8 )00:40
demon_MementoMori, libv4l-0_0.5.6-1~dooz1_i386.deb or libv4l-dev_0.5.6-1~dooz1_i386.deb??00:40
dr_willisexodus_ms,  from what i see at   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dd_(Unix)  :)00:40
_rayofapman yes it helps on stubborn drives00:40
MementoMoridemon_: e.g. if you want to run skype you run00:40
exodus_msdr_willis, ok, that worked. I had just found it as well :)00:40
MementoMoridemon_: LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so skype00:40
MementoMoridemon_: libv4l-0_0.5.6-1~dooz1_i386.deb00:41
fapmankk thank you _rayo00:41
rwwPsiKlopx: Go ask the quicktweaks people. That method is highly unofficial and not recommended.00:41
_rayofapman np00:41
MementoMoridemon_: here for more info: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/amsn/+bug/26091800:41
Tablettaskhi! i tried to install 7.10 erlier today... and when i start the live cd my computer just crashes... like you pulled the power cord... do i have to start the live-cd to install ubuntu? (downloading 8.10 as we speak)00:41
Greenyshould be able to go from mkv 2 divx with gordian knot00:42
exodus_msdr_willis, what should I expect from the previous command?00:42
sFEARsTablettask, try booting using the f4 option for safe graphics mode00:42
zsquarepluscTablettask: no you dont. there is also an "install" option on the live cd. or you can use the alternate cd for a text mode installer00:42
dr_willis   exodus_ms  it copies the whole dvd to a single file.. you can then try to play that file.. if dd CANT read the whole disk.. then that would point to some sort of disk or drive issue00:42
fapman_rayo,  it says i have a currupt file on the disk but installed on my laptop perfect any ideals00:42
sFEARs20 gig dvd's??00:43
exodus_msdr_willis,  1392+0 records in 1392+0 records out 1425408 bytes (1.4 MB) copied, 1.16773 s, 1.2 MB/s00:43
Xylia2Jordan_U, still here?00:43
dr_willisexodus_ms,  thats it? it just copied 1.4 mb?00:43
cutterjohnHi again guys, I've got a quick question wrt new notebook w/ 9600M GT 1680x1050 LCD res, nvidia 177 restricted driver which is only reporting the native LCD resolution to apps (well games).  The xorg.conf is virtually empty.  Is there a better way to add extra resolutions other than manually specifying all of the modelines and modes then adding them to the xorg.conf file?  (new notebook, so I'm somewhat clueless asto the best meth00:44
cutterjohnod and searching forums + net is not helping out much beyond doing the adding modes manually)  ddcprobe returns all resolutions through 1280x1024x24, fails querying EDID. This is a fresh ubuntu 8.10 32bit install.  Would there be a better channel to equire about this on? (trivia notebook is an MSI MS-1651 or IOW a GX620)00:44
exodus_msdr_willis,  thats it00:44
dr_willisexodus_ms,  that is a very very odd disk then... what movie is this?00:44
x-ipdr_willis: i love u00:44
sFEARscutterjohn, sudo nvidia-settings00:44
Tablettaskzsquareplusc:  and sFEARs : thanks ^^ i'll look into that when i have 8.10... but it doesnt matter what distro it is... tried the openSUSE live-cd as well xD something's strange with my ram i guess00:44
dr_willisx-ip,  dont tell my wife. :P00:44
cutterjohnsFEARs: first place I looked only lists native resolution of the LCD panel 1680x105000:45
exodus_msdr_willis,  over_the_hedge00:45
maxbaldwinWhat's a program that can crop pictures? can gimp do that?00:45
rwwmaxbaldwin: yes00:45
maxbaldwink thanks rww00:45
fapmanCan some one tell me why my disk tells me i have currupt file but works on other pc's is it because i need to burn it at a slower spped?00:45
zsquarepluscTablettask: there is a ram checker on the cd :-)00:45
cutterjohnsFEARs: also tried all the various scaling features and still only shows/reports 1680x105000:45
dr_willisexodus_ms,  Hmm...  I MIGHT have that disk here...00:45
demon_MementoMori,  doesnt work a guy said that he just installed the drivers via wine and it worked so i will try that :P00:46
rwwfapman: possibly, yes. It's also possible that your .iso file is corrupt. You can check that with checksumming. But I'd look into burning it slower first.00:46
PsiKlopxrww: so how should I have installed it?  I've tried several different methods I found through google, this was the only one that worked.  Sorry, I'm a noob.00:46
exodus_msdr_willis,  I'm going to try 'dd' ing a different disc00:46
rww!md5 | fapman: info on checksumming00:46
ubottufapman: info on checksumming: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows00:46
Tablettaski know that too :P just took to long last time... gonna test it tomorrow when i'm away :P00:46
calcusing non-native resolutions on a LCD just looks like crap00:46
cutterjohnit's just for games00:46
rwwPsiKlopx: There's no official way of doing it, and the normal way of doing it unofficially (through a PPA repository) is broken right now... long story short, you don't.00:46
chadwickofwvdoes anyone have a favorite calendar program that they use for personal use00:46
dr_willisexodus_ms,  you are in luck.. i do have that disk. :)00:46
calci tried to fix my aunt's WXP system last night but i couldn't make it go into native res (1680x1050) :\00:46
cutterjohnand 1680x1050n is too much for the 9600M GT and most games00:46
DIFH-icerootchadwickofwv: sunbird00:47
rwwPsiKlopx: Official line is to wait for it to get added to intrepid-backports / jaunty.00:47
dr_willisexodus_ms,  brb.. booting up linux to test it.. I DO think i copied it with k9copy for the kids to use in the van.. ages ago.00:47
dr_willisexodus_ms,  brb...00:47
cutterjohnalso some games don't know how to use higher resolutions and just fail to run as the driver will NOT switch to a lower res00:47
rwwPsiKlopx: Most of the other ways of doing it you'll find online will cause problems either now or down the road when OO3 hits the repositories.00:47
cutterjohne.g. Eschalon Book I00:47
* calc *coughs* about OO3 (he is the maintainer)00:47
x-ipEchelon book I00:48
cutterjohnwindowed mode works00:48
calci had uploaded a new version earlier this past week but it seemed to blow up so i removed it from the ppa00:48
calci'll try to get something working early next week00:48
PsiKlopxrww: so anyway to undo what I've done?00:48
* calc is on vacation all this week00:48
x-ipwhat u done PsiKlopx  ?00:48
Emphastaladoes nautilus keep a cache of networked computers? I just switched change the NIC my windows computer is on... and now nautilus cannot browse its shares00:48
rwwcalc: awesome :)00:48
PsiKlopxx-ip: installed ooo 3.000:48
x-ipPsiKlopx: basically do : (what u done)^-1 ?00:48
x-ipwhats the problem with that PsiKlopx  ?00:49
calci'm not sure why it broke with the update i did, so i will have to test it until it starts working, also 3.0.1 is due out early next week as well00:49
exodus_msdr_willis, tried 'dd' ing 'the_departed' with similar result: dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error 134768+0 records in 134768+0 records out 138002432 bytes (138 MB) copied, 50.2266 s, 2.7 MB/s. This disc is a UDF, might explain the 'inout/output error00:49
PsiKlopxx-ip: see convo with rww above.00:49
zsquarepluscEmphastala: shouldn't but if you dont run a domain controller/wins service, it can take a long time for PC to show up in their network00:49
Tablettaskzsquareplusc: i know that too :P just took to long last time... gonna test it tomorrow when i'm away :P00:49
x-ipPsiKlopx: imposible00:49
rwwx-ip: PsiKlopx did http://www.quicktweaks.com/2008/10/11/install-openoffice-30-final-in-ubuntu/00:50
x-iplets check00:50
cutterjohnthe nvidia 177 drivers seem to be a bit borked on the 9600M GT at least as I've had text list refresh problems too where it doesn't always seem to refresh text properly00:50
Wickedhello all. whats the best way to auto start programs at boot? i need a few user programs started when the machine is booted.00:50
cutterjohn<then will on a 2nd GUI operation00:50
Flannel!session | Wicked00:50
ubottuWicked: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:50
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKhow do i make ubuntu fast00:50
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKlike lightening00:50
WickedFlannel, no no...at boot...not when the user logs in00:50
Greenyhas anyone any experiece in getting a wireless card to connect before login on 8.10?00:50
Flannel!bum | Wicked00:50
ubottuWicked: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:50
rwwFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: Long time no see...00:51
cvd-prAny know how to do this for linux   system("PAUSE");00:51
WickedFlannel, perfect. thanks. ill check it out00:51
cvd-pror something similar00:51
macjason0607anyone using wine ?00:51
demon_MementoMori, or if it doesnt work i will contact you :P00:51
cutterjohnI am, but with my LCD res problems its not working well ATM00:51
demon_macjason0607, every body uses wine :D00:51
cutterjohnworks great on the desktop though00:51
unimatrixhow do i make network file transfers faster? i have a 12.5MB/s network and ubuntu is sucking at only 5MB/s, it's pathetic00:52
=== Guest34521 is now known as Guest95545
rwwmacjason0607: the people in #winehq are :P00:52
cutterjohn(I use the winehq repo)00:52
dr_willisexodus_ms,  the disk plays fine here for me with vlc on my laptop. (yes its the comercial/legal dvd, i actually bought the thing! :)00:52
sFEARsGreeny, add two lines to you /etc/network/interfaces "auto wlan1" and "iface wlan1 inet dhcp"00:52
sFEARsmight work00:52
exodus_msdr_willis, did you see my results from another disc I tried?00:52
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKrww: wassap who are you00:52
Greenythnx gonna try that sFEARs00:53
unimatrixso why is ubuntu so slow?00:53
MementoMoridemon_: you can try ;)00:53
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKunimatrix: i dunno00:53
x-ipPsiKlopx: whats the problem with that ?00:53
rwwFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: Last time I saw you in here, we talked briefly, and I got chewed out by some random non-op for saying your name00:53
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKunimatrix: i'd like to make it fast... like windows00:53
dr_willisexodus_ms,  nope00:53
Guest95545HELP, wtih rtl8187 and r8187 driver connection fluctuates !! In WINDOWS my usb adapter works fine, and it's stable00:53
exodus_msdr_willis, tried 'dd' ing 'the_departed' with similar result: dd: reading `/dev/cdrom': Input/output error 134768+0 records in 134768+0 records out 138002432 bytes (138 MB) copied, 50.2266 s, 2.7 MB/s. This disc is a UDF, might explain the 'inout/output error00:53
demon_MementoMori, and i will try to install amsn for windows too :D i hope that will work too :P00:53
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKrww: oh00:53
sFEARsunimatrix, becuase you've installed programs that have added moduels to the kernel while it boots00:53
x-ipFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: windows isnt fast00:53
dr_willisexodus_ms,  dd shouldent care what the filesystem is. its a raw data dump..00:54
JaDIhey evrybody00:54
unimatrixsounds reasonable, but the system has a solid speed00:54
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: in windows i dont have to use deadline to fix core behaviour00:54
cutterjohnsFEARs: hmmm... Ithought that we was obliquely referring to the recent series of various benchmarks old v. newer ubuntu, OSX v. ubuntu, etc00:54
unimatrixthe trouble is with network file transfers00:54
x-ipdr_willis: buena ;)00:54
unimatrixnetworking in ubuntu sux big time00:54
sFEARsexodus_ms, sounds like you're having an encryption protection read error00:54
hotmonkeyluvHow well do the D-Link wireless PCI cards do with linux?00:54
XyliaCan someone please help me set up wireless?00:54
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: cfq is too much for ubuntu to handle00:54
PsiKlopxx-ip: I actually came in because desktop-integration isn't working for me.  I can't get the apps on the menu.  rww said doing it the way I did was a no-no, basically.00:54
x-ipFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: what do u mean by 'fix core behaivour' ?00:54
x-ipcfq ?00:55
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: do you know what cfq and deadline are?00:55
x-ipu have tools that make it easy00:55
x-ipsee shorewall for example00:55
exodus_msdr_willis, over_the_hedge didnt display any input/output errors00:55
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: do you know what cfq and deadline are?00:55
x-ipFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: maybe i know ;)00:55
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: say it00:55
dr_willisexodus_ms,  look on the disk if it mounts.. see what files are tehre.. i see some executable files.. and a 'neroerror.txt' file :) on the comercial dvd..  thats amuseing00:55
x-ipFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: what do u want me to say ?00:55
cutterjohnOOC does anyone here with a notebook get a complete list of possible screen resolutions? or do you only get the native LCD resolution?  (regardless of GPU)00:55
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: there are core component of linux so you must know that to say that windows is slower00:56
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: what is cfq and deadline?00:56
=== demon_ is now known as Dillizar
cutterjohn(from a base install with or without native video drivers)00:56
alex__Hey, I have a problem. I have a browser that I want to start at startup, and make full screen, but I have no idea how to do so00:56
sFEARscutterjohn, if i use nvidia-settings i get a full list of resolutions available00:56
FlannelFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: You can use CFQ by setting it in your kernel params.  elevator=CFQ00:56
alex__Can any one help?00:56
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKFlannel: im aware, besides cfq is the default00:56
x-ipdeadline for me is 'time less to finish something' and cbq is an algorithm to route and manage packets at low level interface by netfilter00:56
cutterjohnsFEARs, er no it doesn't I tried that first... it DOES onmy desktop, but NOT on this notebook00:56
rww!autostart | alex__: add the browser to this00:57
ubottualex__: add the browser to this: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot00:57
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: no00:57
x-ipwhat they have in common FSCK_FSCK_FSCK  ?00:57
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: you have no idea what youre talking about00:57
rwwalex__: as for fullscreen, if you're using firefox I know there are kiosk addons that'll do that00:57
x-ipou ... sorry00:57
cutterjohnsFEARs, it ONLY lists native LCD resolution00:57
dr_willisexodus_ms,  AHA - dd gives me the exact same 1.4mb you mentioned..   This is.. interesting..00:57
x-ipmaybe u can explain all of us what they are FSCK_FSCK_FSCK  ;)00:57
exodus_msdr_willis, yeah I see the neroerror.text and the shellexec.exe00:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: i/o scheduler, core kernel component00:58
dr_willisexodus_ms,  however i was able to 'copy' the thing with k9copy - im pretty sure...  I made a copy for the van00:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: ubuntu cant handle its default scheduler, cfq00:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: so it lags on big file copies00:58
mslotHello, isnt there a sort of "quickstart" program for quick locating and start program in 8.04?00:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: windows doesnt have that issue00:58
macjason0607rww, they told me what i needed but they never answered the question on how to get the apps out of my gnome menu00:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: so obviously windows is faster00:58
cutterjohnsFEARs, it SHOULD list ALL resolutions at least to 1680x1050, but for some reason it isn't00:58
exodus_msdr_willis, I'm going to try k9copy brb00:58
FlannelFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: Did you have a support question?  Discussion about Ubuntu belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic00:59
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKx-ip: how am i supposed to take seriously an os that cant handle its on i/o scheduler00:59
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKFlannel: im answering his questions00:59
rwwmslot: gnome-do, maybe? I'm not sure what you mean.00:59
alex__Hey, I am still confused. I am using a costome built version of Webkit, and that does the trick except that now I need to package it00:59
mslotrww, yeah!!00:59
draco1234mslot, you mean like a text box that autocompletes?01:00
x-ipFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: lets talk about that in private ;)01:00
exodus_msdr_willis, tried k9copy recieved a message 'can't open disc '/dev/scd01/'01:00
cutterjohnsFEARs, even tried a q&d halfway job of adding resolutions which hopeless confused the nvidia driver, so I opted to check here before venturing into xorg.conf hell01:00
alex__I am making a custome distrobution as follows. I need Ubuntu server with Basic gnome installed. At start up I need it to autolog in and start a full screen web browser I wrote01:00
cutterjohner +ly01:00
mslotdraco1234: gnome-do will do ;P01:00
dr_willisexodus_ms,  well its playint here in mplayer and vlc,    but dd dont like it.. and the .vob files are all very small.  I wonder if its doing some sort of  multi-session trick01:01
Flannelalex__: You can configure GDM to automatically log in a user, and you can use gnome sessions to start the browser01:01
=== u is now known as Guest65443
cutterjohnsFEARs, any idea if the xorg.conf file is also supposed to be pretty empty on a clean install?  my desktop has cruft builtup from 6.06 and earlier so it's not A GOOD COMPARISON01:01
=== Guest65443 is now known as Guest6
Flannelcutterjohn: It is supposed to be pretty empty, yes.01:02
sFEARsyes cutterjohn.. i don't think you need the info in xorg like it used to01:02
cutterjohnFlannel, so the dri and all the other options are supposed to auto-detect now?01:02
Flannelcutterjohn: Yeah01:02
PsiKlopxx-ip: I actually came in because desktop-integration isn't working for me.  I can't get the apps on the menu.  rww said doing it the way I did was a no-no, basically.01:03
Sierradumpis there a putty program (telnet/ssh) in linux01:03
sFEARscutterjohn, if the info is in the xorg file it will be used.. but if it's not there it can pull it from other places, i'm just not sure what the other places are01:03
rwwcutterjohn: default xorg.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77907/01:03
nickgarveySierradump: yes, it's call "ssh"01:03
cutterjohnFlannel, the screen resolutions too or is that GPU driver dependent?01:03
nickgarveySierradump: called*01:03
Flannelcutterjohn: I'm not sure01:03
rwwcutterjohn: (from my newly installed intrepid; first time I'd opened xorg.conf...)01:03
nickgarveySierradump: open a terminal and type "ssh host"01:03
dr_willisSierradump,  you can ssh from any terminal. there is a 'putty' program thats identical to pyutty for windows.. (ick) :)01:03
alex__Ok, so how do you get it to auto log in if I am using reconstructor to build my distrobution01:03
exodus_msdr_willis, tried vlc and pointed it to VTS_01_VOB still nothing01:03
Flannelalex__: Its a GDM configuration option.01:04
dr_willisexodus_ms,  gmplayer and 'open' disk worked.. trying k9copy now01:04
rwwalex__: System -> Administration -> Login Window -> Security -> Enable Automatic Logon is the normal way to do it in Ubuntu. I don't know what reconstructor is =/01:04
Sierradumpwhat if I need to go in port 23?01:04
cutterjohnrww: yep, thats about what I have, but with the nVidia changes, device and driver01:05
dr_willisexodus_ms,  try playing title 13 if you can. :) thats the main movie.. according to k9copy..01:06
cutterjohnFlannel, rww, sFEARs: well, thanks for the info.  I think that I'm going to try the other slightly older nvidia driver int he repos, 173(1?) and see if it's a 177 bug maybe01:06
dr_willisexodus_ms,  oope.. title 16 i mean01:06
dr_willisexodus_ms,  k9copy is working here also.01:07
exodus_msdr_willis, tried 16_0 and 16_1 with vlc nothing playing :(01:08
dr_willisexodus_ms,  check 'dmeg' for any error messages perhaps?01:08
exodus_msdr_willis, again I apologize...01:08
dr_willisexodus_ms,  'dmesg' command in a terminal01:08
Bern684hi I have a question, I am new to linux and am having problems getting my wireless connection working on the acer aspire one, have just upgraded from ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 can anyone help?01:09
Schuenemannhey, how do I download a package I already have installed? I want the .deb for a different computer. apt-get install -d package isn't downloading, it says I already have the most recent version01:09
exodus_msdr_willis, a lot of text anything in particular I should look for?01:09
rwwSchuenemann: go to packages.ubuntu.com and download it from there01:10
Schuenemannrww, is that the only way?01:10
rwwSchuenemann: no, but it's usually the easiest01:10
dr_willisBern684,  i saw some large threads/forums onm that machine and ubuntu the other day..  aparently the drivers are not all  very good for it yet.   You may want to see if theres  more info on t he forums01:10
rww!aptoncd | Schuenemann: you could also try this:01:10
ubottuSchuenemann: you could also try this:: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers01:10
Schuenemannrww, would that help me right now?01:11
Bern684dr_willis any particular forum that gives the simplest info for the simplest of tired  laymen?01:12
Mal3kohow do i list all user accs in my ubuntu?01:12
jordan_what is the regexp for matching a money such as $1,123.9901:12
dr_willisexodus_ms,  as you try to rip the disk or put it int he drive.. check dmesg a few secs later.. and every few sec. and see if any error messages appear at the bottom of the log.01:12
Schuenemannrww, I located the package there. It has dependencies that have dependencies...01:12
x-ipPsiKlopx: sorry, i would run the openoffice in the shell to see what happens, but dont understand exactly what is ur problem01:12
exodus_msdr_willis, this was at the very end [ 9404.288611] Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block 281843901:12
exodus_ms[ 9404.492721] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 11273756 [ 9404.692968] end_request: I/O error, dev sr0, sector 1127375601:12
dr_willisBern684,  not really. i was xmas shopping and saw the threads..   Looks like the thing isent quite 100% in ubuntu yet..01:12
b0llandhi #ubuntu, can anyone recommend command line software that can add text overlay to MPEG video? I'd like to make some batch overlay-stuff01:13
Bern684dr_willis ok tks01:13
alex__I have an Accer as well with Kubuntu and can't get the wireless going either01:13
SuperGeekIf I allow an application access to my keyring always, how can I revoke that permanent permission?01:13
jordan_is there a simple regexp to match money?01:14
Schuenemannrww, aptoncd only shows  the packages in my archive directory. If they were there, I would copy them myself :-/01:15
dr_willisjordan_,  proberly is.. i  recall there being several 'regular expression' examples web pages a few months ago when i needed some for specific tasks01:15
SchuenemannHey, how can I download a package (with dependencies) for one I already have installed?01:15
gnutron\grep '[0-9]\{3\}-[0-9]\{4\}' members.txt01:16
cutterjohnFlannel, rww, sFEARs: actually before doing anything drastic I decided to er *cough* read the X log, and yes I can see that the input methods are from hald now, all the optional modules were selected to load, other options formerly manually specified auto-load, but resolution was from nvidia-auto-selector with a line about no other validated modes available, so it looks like manual specifying for me again first before new driver (01:16
cutterjohneither of which will be horrendous, but playing with modelines and modes FAR easier to me at least)01:16
PsiKlopxx-ip: I can run openoffice in the shell with no problem.  just trying to get it on the applications menu.01:16
x-ipPsiKlopx: u tryed gconf ?01:17
x-ipreally i'm not good fixing that kind of problems :S01:17
PsiKlopxsorry, I'm a noob01:17
JBrownWhat are the best video cards for Ubuntu .. From what I've read, ATI are the worst !?!  Any get a x1650 to work perfectly?01:17
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKhow do i enable filesystems01:17
ChamProhow does one get MP3 ripping in Intrepid with Sound Juicer or Banshee? gstreamer0.8-lame is no longer in the repositories.01:17
nickgarveyFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: could you reword please?01:18
cutterjohn(nVidia drivers seem to be slipping slightly off the throne from my view ATM, but can't compare to an ATI directly)01:18
jordan_to match money what do you thing?   \$(\d{1,3},?)+\.\d{2}01:18
ChamProJBrown: Intel has the best open source drivers right now01:18
RAdamsby miles01:19
x-ipat all lvles ChamPro ?01:19
RAdamsWhere do the gtk themes live?01:19
cutterjohnJBrown: you do NOT want OSS drivers for ATI or nVidia, the OSS one both SUCK ALOT... to put it mildly01:19
unimatrixChamPro: and yet they are broken on my laptop01:19
x-ipi know that video chipsets works well .. .thats my question ChamPro01:19
RAdamsI need to delete a GTK theme that won't delete from the GUI01:19
exodus_msdr_willis, I got to go. Thanks for all your help!01:19
mneptokRAdams: ~/.themes01:19
ChamProcutterjohn: I'm using the open source DRI drivers for my ATI since they're no longer supported by fglrx. They work well01:20
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKi want files organized like01:20
cutterjohnJBrown: well they're ok for 2d01:20
RAdamscutterjohn: JBrown: NV, the open nvidia driver is fine, so long as you don't need 3d acceleration01:20
RAdams!hello | art01:20
ubottuart: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:20
RAdamsmneptok: thanks01:20
cutterjohnRadams: see above, but its kind of pointless to have a recent ATI/nVidia w/o 3D...01:20
unimatrixChamPro: Intel drivers suck, they are broken in Intrepid for GM965... really low performance01:20
ARTi am using ubuntu8.1001:21
RAdamscutterjohn: depends on what you use the machine for, and which values are more important to you. but you and I think alike; I need my 3d acceleration :)01:21
cutterjohnRAdams: may as well get something much cheaper if you only need 2D01:21
SuperGeekIf I allow an application access to my keyring always, how can I revoke that permanent permission?01:21
Mal3koguys, how do i list all user accs in ubuntu?01:21
SuperGeekMal3ko, cat /etc/passwd01:21
cutterjohnRAdams: me too, which is why I stay FAR away from the OSS ATI/nidia drivers01:21
x-ipMal3ko: what do u mean ?01:21
x-ipacces in which service ?01:21
sethosayherhey guys01:22
RAdamsSuperGeek: encryption and keyrings under system/preferences01:22
RAdamshe means accounts, and SuperGeek is right01:22
SuperGeekRAdams, I can revoke those permissions from there?01:22
cutterjohn<--- running along for ill-fated manual resolution mode configuration... at least I don't have to bootstrap gcc then compile X11...01:23
RAdamsSuperGeek: yes, iirc. if you don't see it there try system --> admin --> authorizations01:23
sethosayherI was just wonder, what IRC clients do you guys use?01:23
SuperGeekThanks RAdams01:23
LjL!poll | sethosayher01:23
ubottusethosayher: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:23
RAdamssethosayher: if you'd like a list of irc clients available, search "irc client" in synaptic01:24
hocminEvery now and then when I apply an update to Ubuntu, my wacom tablet stops working.  Does anyone have any idea why?01:24
RAdamshocmin: probably the xorg.conf changing01:24
RAdamshocmin: compare an xorg.conf before and after it stops working -- back up xorg.conf before an update01:24
JBrowncutterjohn:  I'm using the ATI version and I'm surprised they'd release suck a crappy driver..  ?!?!01:25
RAdamsJBrown: ati has been releasing garbage linux drivers for ages01:25
linxehRAdams: ATI has been releasing garbage drivers for ages, period01:26
SunnyDrakehello all:) i have problems with booting ubuntu8.10 (messed up with packages while trying to get normal way of working apps with QT library use after update 8.04-8.10) where can i read info on boot diagnostics?01:26
RAdamslinxeh: no arguements01:26
DCPomwhat's the hot key to navigate panels with the keyboard?01:26
RAdamsSunnyDrake: dmesg01:26
SuperGeekRAdams: hm...doesn't appear as if the authorizations are listed there01:26
mneptoklinxeh: that situation has changed01:26
JBrownChamPro:  With the DRI drivers, are thing running perfectly?01:26
SunnyDrakei know but dmesg is empty :)01:26
RAdamsSuperGeek: really? i've done it before, let me go look01:26
sushant354I have two sound cards on the laptop - the one is on motherboard and the other is external usb sound card ... the hardware for one on the motherboard is broken ... so Iwant USB sound card to be default on my ubuntu system .. I can set it with USB OSS option but not with pulseaudio ... any clues?01:26
hocminRAdams: checked that.  Definitely no change.  I can follow the original instructions to install it, I can get it back: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76591501:26
RAdamsSunnyDrake: /etc/logs/dmesg.001:26
RAdamsSunnyDrake: /var, not /etc01:27
SunnyDrakeand boot will leave me with (none) login: promtw with no passwords or users recognized01:27
RAdamsbrain broken today01:27
SunnyDrakeit's empty :)01:27
SunnyDrakeei.e nothing new :)01:27
DistroJockeySuperGeek, try  Applications - Accessories - Passwords and Encryption Keys01:27
kitcheSunnyDrake: sounds like all of your configuration files are gone01:27
RAdamsempty, as in nothing there at all?01:27
JBrownIs there a way to size screens in X by using the keyboard?01:28
SunnyDrakei deleted old and booted again.. and no messages or dmesg file not created :(01:28
crism@JBrown: Depends on the window manager.01:28
RAdamsSunnyDrake: yeah that's it, where the stored passwords are, what kitche said01:28
crismWhich one are you using?01:28
Schuenemann how can I download a package (with dependencies) for one I already have installed?01:28
JBrowncris:  Which one do you think is the best?01:28
crismI haven’t used X proper in years, sorry. I used to like fvwm.01:29
SuperGeekDistroJockey, hm...don't see anything about Keyring permissions there01:29
SunnyDrakemm where file passwords located.. i will search for a while01:29
woody86_can anyone help me get the proper screen resolution (1600x1050)?01:29
RAdamsSunnyDrake: post the output of ls /var/logs | grep -i dmesg to pastebin please, unless it returns nothing, in which case just say so01:29
kitcheSunnyDrake: /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow but if you get (none) for a hostname unless you didn't give your machine one then your system is seriously broke01:30
DistroJockeySuperGeek, ohh well. Worth a look. Good luck01:30
SuperGeekThanks, heh01:30
mutkgood day friendly ubuntu users..01:30
zetheroo1openoffice 3.0 is out ... how can we update to it?01:31
evolve_ok guys i've finally make some progress, i've gotten ubuntu to atleast begin to boot on my machine using a USB key and kboot_usb then it stalls and says "mount: mounting /dev/sda2 on /mnt/tmp/<long hash> failed: No such device or address01:31
evolve_any ideas?01:31
dr_williszetheroo1,  best to wait for it to get in backports I hear.01:31
ChamProJBrown: the DRI drivers are slower for 3D than fglrx, but suspend and hibernate actually work (so that's nice)01:31
zetheroo1dr_willis: is it there yet?01:31
ubuntu__hi. my other computer won't connect to the internet (fresh ubuntu install). help?01:31
mutkDoes someone here have a tip as to where Ubuntu development source are kept? I founf a bug in java-openjdk that seems to have been fixed so I'd like to see the source..01:31
JBrownChamPro:  Do you have any issues watching .avi's ?  Or dual monitors?01:32
dr_williszetheroo1,  No idea.. I am not to worried about it. :P i suggest you do NOT use unoffical repositories fro it.. theres been dozens of people with big issues with OO3 affecting the whole OS  by doing that01:32
Flannelmutk: you can grab the source with apt-get source packagename01:32
PriceChildmutk: apt-get source package01:32
eye_peeubuntu__> wifi, ethernet, etc?01:32
mutkUnfortunately I am not using Ubuntu :/01:32
zsquarepluscmutk: for the current version: apt-get source package   should work01:32
stefaniehey... when does openoffice 3 come to intrepid?01:32
mutkAll I need is a http link if at all possible.01:33
ubuntu__eye_pee: ethernet. i rebooted into gentoo live and it had the same problem01:33
zsquarepluscmutk: well that's a bug you should fix ;-)01:33
* dr_willis wonders if the bot has a OO3 link yet...01:33
zetheroo1dr_willis: ok... I'll take your reasoning as such .... thanks01:33
Flanneldr_willis: PPA will be fixed sometime next week.01:33
stefanieany idea?01:33
eye_peeubuntu__>  dmesg | grep eth01:33
Flannelstefanie: It won't ever be in intrepid.  It'll be in backports sometime soon though.01:33
dr_willisFlannel,  and hopefully it will work. :)  - from the horror stories ive heard the last few weeks.. I will stick with the older OOo  for now01:34
zsquarepluscmutk: browse packages.ubuntu.com01:34
ubuntu__did that, everything looked fine :: eye_pee01:34
stefanieFlannel what does backports mean?01:34
ChamProJBrown: no issues watching movies of any kind and multi-monitor support is great. So if you really care most about 2d and laptop features, then the OSS drivers for ATI work better than the official fglrx01:34
=== zenwryly` is now known as zenwryly
zetheroo1dr_willis: in Intrepid its 2.4 right? at least that is what it is for me ...01:34
RAdams!backports | stefanie01:34
ubottustefanie: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging01:34
stefanieis it safe if i install ooo 3?01:34
RAdamsif you do it correctly, sure.01:34
zetheroo1dr_willis: than again I use OpenOffice very little ...01:34
ChamProBanshee and Sound Juicer question for Intrepid Ibex: how do you get MP3 encoding?01:35
KalEli am concerned about ubuntu updates01:35
eye_peeubuntu__> what is fine? have you looked at ifconfig?01:35
SunnyDrakeRAdams: kitche: ls /mnt/hda2/var/log | grep -i dmesg  none...  no /etc/passwd or /etc/shadow (i not touched this for sure)01:35
Lobes06Would anyone be willing to help me with a installation question?01:35
RAdamsChamPro: gstreamer-plugins-ugly01:35
RAdams!ask | Lobes0601:35
dcrewsI need help mounting and image I made with dd.  The image is of a folder not a full hard drive01:35
ubottuLobes06: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:35
zsquarepluscdcrews: you mean a partition.. mount -o loop is your friend01:36
mutkzsquareplusc, Thanks ;)01:36
zetheroo1dr_willis: I actually use IBM Lotus Symphony more than OpenOffice ... I really like how that program works ...01:36
ByrnisonWhere can I go to get help with the Ubuntu wiki?01:36
ubuntu__eye_pee: one sec, i'll will have to plug the eth cable in to check it. bb in less than a min01:36
RAdamsSunnyDrake: you have lost your configuration files. unless you have backups, you're going to need to reinstall01:36
JBrownChamPro:  Outstanding !!  You made my night :)  Thanks01:36
dr_williszetheroo1,  i wouldent worry about it then. :)01:36
eye_peeubuntu__> :-p ok. hopefully that's not the prob.01:36
Lobes06Got ya! OK, I have a laptop with Windows XP and Xubuntu...what I want to do is simply replace Xubuntu with Ubuntu 8.10. Can I just run the Ubuntu installation and install over top (its on ext3) or do I need to format and/or repartition? I don't want to screw things up so that I cant get into Windows anymore.01:36
ChamProRAdams: gstreamer-plugins-ugly and gstreamer-plugins-ugly-multiverse are already installed01:36
dcrewszsquareplusc, when I used mount -o loop it said to specify a disk system (eg ext3) and I have not been able to find anything telling me how01:37
zsquarepluscdcrews: hm. what does  file yourimagefile  report?01:37
ChamProJBrown: it really depends on what ATI card you have... the older cards function much better on the OSS drivers. I have a ATI Mobility 9600 Pro (M10)01:37
FezzlerI had to reinstall my Legacy NVIDIA Driver (100.14.19-pkg1) after the Kernel update.  Is that normal?01:37
dr_willisLobes06, just Install the ubuntu-desktop package.. and it will install the ubuntu desktop. :) you can then pick what one to use at the LOGIn screen01:37
RAdamschampro: and you still can't play/encode to mp3? what messages do you get from trying to play an mp3 file in banshee?01:37
SunnyDrakeRAdams: kitche:  in kernel sounds like some mount problem as some read-only warrning i saw.. sound like mount problem... but how i lost them? i only installed a few kernel modules from official reprosry and couple ubuntu-desktop pacages?01:37
dcrewszsquareplusc, how do I get the report01:37
eye_peeLobes06> you should be able to do that without any prob. make sure to select advanced (or whatever ubuntu calls it) when installing onto your media. you need to use the existing filesystem and swap partitions.01:38
zsquarepluscdcrews: just run that in a terminal. "file" identifies whats in a file01:38
RAdamsSunnyDrake: can you boot in recovery mode?01:38
dr_willisFezzler,  how did you install them the first time?01:38
Lobes06dr_willis and eye_pee, thank you...I'm just worried that Grub will get hosed and keep me out of booting all-together.01:38
Fezzlerdr_willis: Install what, the driver?01:38
ubuntu__alright eye_pee, you still here?01:38
Fezzlerdr_willis: Or the kernel update?01:38
dr_willisLobes06,  installing ubuntu-desktop wont affect the system at all...01:38
dr_willisFezzler,  the drivers01:38
SunnyDrakeRAdams: /root and /home look like ok yes but still (none)login: problem and read-only fs//01:38
eye_peeLobes06> grub is your friend. he's smart enough to handle it.01:39
Fezzlerdr_willis: I have to install them via command line01:39
Lobes06dr_willis: no, but that will keep Xubuntu on the other partition.01:39
ubuntu__eye_pee: okay, back.01:39
dcrewszsquareplusc, home.img.gz: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Thu Nov 27 08:56:37 2008, max compression01:39
eye_peeubuntu__> does ifconfig show a proper eth0 entry?01:39
dr_willisLobes06,   Huh? You can have xubuntu and ubuntu both isntalled 'together'  on the same setup. they are just different desktops   mainly the core is identical.01:39
RAdamsSunnyDrake: if the configuration files under /etc are gone, you're looking at a reinstall.01:40
zsquarepluscdcrews: oh, so you need to unpack it before loop mounting -> gunzip01:40
Fezzlerdr_willis: Something about my older AMD CPU that only the old NVIDIA driver works with my GeForce FX5500 APG01:40
macjason0607guys .. im controlling my ubuntu box via vnc .. its slow as heck .. any ideas or any apps that can help me out speed this up01:40
Fezzlerdr_willis: Without it, Compiz and some other stuff that is graphic intensive don't work01:40
[TiZ]After having difficulties with video playback in compiz, I have decided to abandon the fglrx driver. But now, using radeon, compiz is seriously super slow! What's going on/01:40
fsufitchhi. does anybody know how to configure the nvidia-settings to not use the adaptive clocking and just have my gfx card operating at full clock all the time?01:40
SunnyDrakebtw after update 8.04 LTS - intrepid current programs which use Qt library ( krusader etc) will just eat memory .. i traced with kgdb to Qt library..01:40
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: use vncserver instead of sharing the current desktop01:40
Fezzlerdr_willis: With it, they fly!01:40
dr_willisFezzler,  if you used envyng, or the .run package from nvidia.com you WILL have to reinstall thenm every time theres a kernelupdate..  if you used the hardware-drivers tool.. it should automatically do the needed updates01:41
macjason0607zsquareplusc, how much better ?01:41
eye_peemacjason0607> how fast is your internet connection?01:41
ChamProRAdams: hmmm I think I got it... I had already installed the required LAME libraries, but the references used in Banshee must be in gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse01:41
macjason0607eye_pee,  don't kkjnow the upload speed .. my download speed is fast01:41
Fezzlerdr_willis: How do I use the hardware-drivers tool?01:41
SunnyDrakeRAdams: thnx, hate i'm almost useless in linux :(01:41
RAdamsChamPro: ah. good to know :)01:41
StevenXcan someone tell me how to unmount an ipod that doesn't want to amount through a GUI interface? The device is mounted to /media/iPod01:41
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: it does not need to read back the screen and guess whats changed. try it, its free ;-)01:41
ubuntu__eye_pee: it shows eth0. but after doing "sudo dhclient eth0" and dmesg grep eth, i'm seeing: eth0: MII PHY found at address 1, status 0x7849 advertising O5el Link 0000...also...01:42
RAdamsStevenX: sudo umount /media/iPod01:42
Brack10what's better, ubuntu + KDE or Kubuntu?01:42
dr_willisFezzler,  thats the default tool in the menus and top panel when you first connect..  that01:42
Fezzlerdr_willis: Also, this always kills the resolution of my Login Screen.  Anyone know the file I have to edit by hand to fix login resolution.  Pretty common.01:42
RAdamsStevenX: sudo umount -f /media/iPod if necessary01:42
dr_willisFezzler,  the command line name for it is 'jockey-SOMTHING'01:42
RAdams!best | Brack1001:42
ubottuBrack10: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:42
macjason0607zsquareplusc, from apt-get or go find a vnc server ?01:43
StevenXRAdams: tried that already. says it's not mounted, but the damn thing says not to unplug.01:43
Fezzlerdr_willis: You mean Tracker?01:43
RAdamsStevenX: have you tried restarting?01:43
SunnyDrakeBrack10: Kubuntu shipped with many pacages oriented to KDE users so it's out of box solution01:43
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: you can apt get it. there is vncserver vnc4server and tightvncserver that all do about the same (sligh differences in features)01:44
StevenXRAdams: gonna do that. thanks.01:44
dr_willisFezzler,  No.. theres a tool/menu item called Hardware-drivers, or restricted-drivers or somthing  similer..01:44
djungelkraemcan i exchange "gnome-wm" to "compiz" in sessions? (for faster logins)01:44
DistroJockeyStevenX, maybe it's mounted somewhere else. Check by typing   mount   in a terminal01:44
Brack10SunnyDrake, thanks01:44
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: if you're using vnc across the internet, consider tunneling it with ssh to get encryption01:44
dr_willisFezzler, or open a terminal and type jockey<TAB>   and see01:44
Fezzlerdr_willis: I don't have it.01:44
dcrewszsquareplusc, I hate to sound dumb, but can you let me know what the command is to unpack qz compression01:44
ubuntu__eye_pee: eth0 link down ..... ADDRCONF (NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready....... eth0: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1 ...........ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0 link becomes ready ..... eth0: no IPV6 routers present01:44
RAdamsdjungelkraem: yes, but I don't recommend it, as that leaves you with no fallback, and it isn't particularly designed to run without gnome-wm present01:45
zsquarepluscdcrews: gunzip home.img.gz01:45
Fezzlerdr_willis: Not found / jockey01:45
SunnyDrakeBrack10> thnx goes to other ppl working here :)\01:45
trainwreckhey i am trying to install ubuntu right now on my labtop but i cannot install it because the second it leads i get this White screen of death!01:45
eye_peeubuntu__> does dhclient assign your an ip address or does it fail?01:45
dr_willisFezzler,   jockey-01:45
dr_willis <tab> ----->  jockey-gtk  jockey-kde01:45
Fezzlerdr_willis: What does it do?  Tell the new kernel not to mess with my NVIDIA driver that is installed?01:45
trainwreckanyone know how to fix this and install ubuntu01:46
dcrewszsquareplusc, Thanks it will take some time because it is 60gigs or so01:46
mneptokBrack10: Kubuntu *is* Ubuntu+KDE01:46
SuperGeekCan someone explain to me how the keyring system in Ubuntu works?01:46
dr_willisFezzler,  its the tool that handles installing those drivers...  Somting is VERTY odd if you dont have it...01:46
zsquarepluscdcrews: oh.. do you have enough harddisk space?01:46
ubuntu__eye_pee: not seeing one01:46
SierradumpIs ddr3 supported?01:46
RAdamsmneptok: not so. installing ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop would give you gnome and the associated packages and programs as well; kubuntu installer does not01:46
macjason0607guys sorry for the noob questions .. i just installed vnc server and i don't see it in my applications list01:47
bitmousehello, anybody know a lightweight gui frontend for setting up folders as samba shares?01:47
macjason0607any ideas ?01:47
RAdamsSierradump: yes01:47
SunnyDrakemneptok: Kubuntu is (in my opinion ) ubuntu + kde +kdeapps somewhat tested solution aimed at KDE desktop users :)01:47
dcrewszsquareplusc, I think it will be close 160 gig hard drive and the zip file is 60 gigs and there is nothing else on the drive01:47
Fezzlerdr_willis: Don't have it01:47
dr_willismacjason0607,  you start it from the command line. its not a gui-tool with an icon01:47
=== Eber_ is now known as Eber
Fezzlerdr_willis: Using Hardey01:47
dr_willisFezzler,  so what OS/release are you running exactly?01:47
macjason0607ok .. thanks dr_willis01:47
ubuntu__just shows an inet6 addr:  ....but it also said no ipv6 routers present01:47
joeb3_macjason0607, it will not be in the list.01:47
ubuntu__it = dmesg01:47
ubuntu__eye_pee: ^01:47
dcrewszsquareplusc, so there is no way to amount the compressed image?01:47
RAdamsubuntu__: that's because you;'re not using ipv6 in your network01:48
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:48
ubuntu__RAdams: right, i don't know how either (yet)01:48
joeb3_macjason0607, run vncserver from a command line to start it.01:48
djungelkraemRAdams, well right know i have 20 - 25 sec login in intrepid01:48
macjason0607i know .. i have to disable remote desktop now and see if vncserver works01:48
zsquarepluscdcrews: there are compressed loop image formats. but i dont know of one directly using gzip. and compressed images are usually not writable01:48
Fezzlerdr_willis: I struggled with NVIDIA for a year before someone he knew my older AMD cpu only worked with legacy driver01:49
dr_willisFezzler,  I imagine the nvidia docs state what chipsets need the legacy driver. ;)01:49
HavsaltI wan't to install ubuntu with lxde, clean.... what's the best option; install ubuntu server or xubuntu perhaps? anyone? :)01:49
dr_willisFezzler,  System->Administration->Hardware Drivers     is where that guide says the tool is at01:49
bitmouseoh hey, my computer hangs when check out the network during boot up, when I am not plugged into the ethernet, any ideas?01:49
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: vncserver runs its own screen in parallel. connect to yourmachine:1 or whatver screen number it reports when starting01:49
RAdamsdjungelkraem: sounds like something else is happening there. have ou looked through dmesg?01:49
djungelkraemRAdams, i dont know what that is01:49
RAdams!dmesg | djungelkraem01:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dmesg01:50
Fezzlerdr_willis: Yea, don't have that either01:50
ByrnisonWhere can I go to get help with the Ubuntu wiki?01:50
zsquarepluscbitmouse: ntp clock sync maybe that times out and uses longer01:50
HavsaltI wan't to install ubuntu with lxde, clean.... what's the best option; install ubuntu server or xubuntu perhaps? anyone? :)01:50
Fezzlerdr_willis: I have System>Admin>Hardware Testing01:50
dr_willisFezzler,  and you did install ubuntu?01:50
dcrewszsquareplusc, When I built this image with dd of the corrupt home drive I followed some form posting.01:50
bitmousezsquareplusc: how would I go about shortening that?01:50
djungelkraemRAdams, ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about dmesg01:50
Fezzlerdr_willis: Yup, from LiveCD01:50
RAdamsof course you don't.... djungelkraem, it's where bootup and certain runtime events are recorded. You can read it with the command dmesg. The files are stored in /var/logs/dmesg*01:50
ubuntu__heh, well eye_pee left, anyone willing to help me with my internet connection issue?01:51
navilonanyone know why the GEM command wont grab packages from the internet01:51
alex_21Hi, I want to make an alternate CD to install a system set up like the one I have01:51
MIzuikoHi. I've a problem. I'm running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine Vbox, but my maxim resolution is 800x600 and I need 1280x800. How make this?01:51
RAdams!clone | alex_2101:51
ubottualex_21: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:51
dr_willisFezzler,  no idea then.. could track down the package and reinstall it01:51
alex_21I know reconstructor handles live CDs, but I need a text based installer01:51
dr_willis!find jockey-gtk01:51
ubottuFound: jockey-gtk01:51
djungelkraemRAdams, how am i supposed to know what all that means in that file?01:51
ciapsadmHow do I check if it works drivers for video card01:51
dr_willis!info jockey-gtk01:51
ubottujockey-gtk (source: jockey): GNOME user interface and desktop integration for driver management. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5~beta3-0ubuntu6 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 136 kB01:51
ByrnisonMIzuiko: Install the Vbox addons into the guest system.01:51
zsquarepluscdcrews: its good to save space. and you can backup and unpack the file directly to a partition with gzip. just mounting the image itself is not so easy01:51
cutterjohnwell, that went over like a lead balloon, back to the switch drivers idea...01:51
RAdamsdjungelkraem: post it to pastebin01:51
Flannelalex_21: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization01:51
Fezzlerdr_willis: Not sure I need it01:52
MIzuikoByrnison I alrready install but don't resolv01:52
Fezzlerdr_willis: It says all it does is give a front end for installing restricted drivers.  My issue is new kernels mess up my legacy NVIDIA driver01:52
djungelkraemRAdams, http://pastebin.com/d1cc6778501:53
dcrewszsquareplusc, while I'm waiting for it to unzip I have a quick question about data recover.  The home drive one day just up and stopped showing up.  I can go in with test disk and look at the home folder and subfolders so I used dd to make an image in hopes of mounting the image and then pulling the saveable data from the image, is there another way to get the data from the home drive?01:53
Fezzlerdr_willis: But you have helped me a number of times so I know you know your stuff01:53
dr_willisFezzler,  and IF you isntall the drivers with that tool.. they shoudl NOT mess things up.. if you isntall them via the  'apt-get install nvidia-XXXXX' they should also get updated as needed.. if you use envyng, or the .run from nvidia.com they will NOT get updated.01:54
jnw222try photorec if it works barely01:54
cutterjohndcrews: if all else fails try putting the drive into a USB enclosure then backing up with dd or other sw as the USB enclosures generally don't do all the error checking that regular controllers do01:54
ardchoilleA friend gave me an ipod full of music. I've never owned an ipod but Ubuntu sees it as an audio device. Is there a way to copy the music on it to my Ubuntu box?01:54
zsquarepluscbitmouse: it was just an idea. i'd check what the reason really is. you could remove "splash" and "quiet" from the boot options to see the messages. (type "e" in the GRUB menu) or alternatively check the output of "dmesg" for large gaps in the timestamps01:54
Dillizaris there a program so i can use my computer with voice commands :)01:55
MIzuikoonly show 800x60001:55
macjason0607guys is there a terminal command to bring up my display settings ? i had to lower them because i was sharing my desktop and now i can't see the option for system > dispay settings01:55
macjason0607screen resolution*01:55
SunnyDrakedjungelkraem 18 sec for first look it's ok///01:55
zsquareplusc!recover > dcrews01:55
ubottudcrews, please see my private message01:55
dcrewscutterjohn, Thanks for the recommendation, the problem is I'm doing this from a few thousand miles away.  This computer is at my parents house and they know next to nothing about linux01:55
Fezzlerdr_willis: Cool.  So you think I should install Jockey and reinstall the driver for future "protection"?01:55
RAdamsdjungelkraem: look at lines 595-598. are you using hibernate, by any chance?01:55
djungelkraemSunnyDrake, it feels like an eternity01:55
zsquarepluscdcrews: if you were able to use dd and it did not complain about hard disks error its a good sign01:55
draco1234Dillizar, try following this tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOU8GIRUd_g01:55
zsquarepluscdcrews: maybe you can fix it with fsck.01:56
Fezzlerdr_willis: sudo apt-get jockey-gtk install   I suppose?01:56
djungelkraemRAdams, hibernate? no the computer goes up from being totally turned down01:56
djungelkraemturned off*01:56
dr_willisFezzler,  yep01:56
cutterjohndcrews: ah... no ideas, but you might want to keep it in mind and maybe find a friend to do it or them... if all else fails01:56
Fezzlerdr_willis: U da man01:56
woody86_can anyone help me get the proper screen resolution (1600x1050)?01:56
dcrewszsquareplusc, I know there are bad sectors when I used test disk so when I ran dd I put in some command to replace errors with zeros01:57
Dillizarthanks draco1234 i will :)01:57
RAdamsdjungelkraem: is the startup time delay you're experiencing occurring after login or before?01:57
MIzuikohelp me please01:57
cxoCan you upgrade from Fedora to Ubuntu?01:57
Dillizarwtf draco1234 ???01:57
djungelkraemRAdams, during login01:58
MIzuikoI'm running Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine Vbox, but my maxim resolution is 800x600 and I need 1280x800. How make this?01:58
cutterjohn(bah, thats the 2nd time Ive seen people with, appoarnetly, LCDs at non-native resolutions when all I want is to get some of those running myself... maybe trading problems is the solution :D)01:58
LjLcxo: no.01:58
zsquareplusccxo: not directly. you have to do a new install. but you may be able to keep your /home01:58
djungelkraemRAdams, i type my loginname and password - from there it takes 20 sec till i can use my computer - its loading everything in01:58
LjLcxo: they're completely different distribution, you'll need to install from scratch.01:58
chuxxssspreference/resolution settings01:58
Fezzlerdr_willis: Jockey ago - found the restricted driver for my wireless card but not NVIDIA01:58
dekushrubhey, i installed prism in firefox and it works for every website but pandora, any reason for that?01:58
dcrewszsquareplusc, I got your private message, I have spent time at the ubuntu data recover sight, I'm looking at the other sight now01:58
RAdamsdjungelkraem: what's your processor/RAM/video card? Has it always been that slow for you?01:58
cxoLjL, annoying01:59
Fezzlerdr_willis: I don't see how jockey helps install drivers, just seems to report them01:59
draco1234Dillizar, I heard it might be possible to get dragon natuarlly speaking to work01:59
jnw222Is there a single command that installs all restriced drivers, and most multiverse programs (sun java, flash)?01:59
cxozsquareplusc, so how does that work? Does it keep all my settings?01:59
Fezzlerdr_willis: I may need to reboot01:59
Dillizarlol draco123401:59
dcrewscutterjohn, Good thinking, maybe I can talk my brother into doing it when he stops by the house01:59
Dillizaris there a program so i can use my computer with voice commands :)01:59
jnw222Is there a single command that installs all restriced drivers, and most multiverse programs (sun java, flash)?01:59
djungelkraemRAdams, C2D 1.83Ghz, 2GB RAM, X1950Pro  - no i dont think so01:59
RAdamsDillizar: gnome-voice-control02:00
evolve_is it possible i need to format my hard drive before i can install off a USB drive? i'm getting a mounting error02:00
bitmouseCould anybody recommend a Light Weight GUI app for setuping up Samba Shares?02:00
cutterjohndcrews: don't do it unless everything else fails as if its mechanical damage it'll make it worse/kill the drive02:00
zsquareplusccxo: most applications you run have their settings in /home and are likely to work so, yes. system settings are in /etc but i wouldn't use that directly (backup for reference only)02:00
Flanneljnw222: ubuntu-restricted-extras02:00
jnw222so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?02:01
dekushrubhey, i installed prism in firefox and it works for every website but pandora, any reason for that?02:01
draco1234Dillizar, hehe sorry. if RAdams suggestion doesn't work, look into "voxforge" http://www.voxforge.org/02:01
DistroJockeyjnw222, yep02:01
SunnyDrakedjungelkraem, RAdams:  looks like a lot of software to bootup :)  he have C2D 1.86 approx 1gb memory / ati fglx driver02:01
zsquarepluscevolve_: no, if you run the live cd/installer from an usb stick it should as well ask you what you want to do with your harddrive02:01
Fezzlerwhere's my xorg.conf, in etc/?02:01
rwwFezzler: /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:01
zsquarepluscFezzler: /etc/x11/xorg.conf02:01
dcrewscutterjohn, I'm pretty sure it is a mechanical issue.  Good thing is that there is nothing that important in the home partition.  I set this up as a fail safe for when the windoz computers get to many viruses02:02
RAdamsSunnyDrake: djungelkraem: I have lower specs on this laptop and it boots much faster. Let me think for a minute djungelkraem, I'm trying to remember where a specific log is02:02
macjason0607any ideas ?02:02
macjason0607i want to force my screen to go to 1024x768 via the terminal02:02
djungelkraemRAdams, ok :) im thinking of reinstalling ubuntu to see if it would make any difference :P02:03
SunnyDrakeRAdams: XORg + KDE/gnome log?02:03
zsquarepluscmacjason0607: xrandr is your friend02:03
fonzarellimacjason0607: xrandr is the program you want to use02:03
L1NUX_14SIDEHello fellow linux users02:03
jaypurhi id like to know more about ubuntu studio... im on the site right now...02:03
FezzlerHMM.  sudo gedit /etc/x11/xorg.conf comes up blank?02:03
RAdamsjaypur: #ubuntu-studio02:03
macjason0607lol .. terminal won't run because my reslution is so small02:03
jaypurRAdams, thx02:03
zsquarepluscFezzler: capital X in X1102:03
rwwFezzler: the X in X11 should be capitalized02:03
Dillizardraco1234, it works just fine thank you02:03
L1NUX_14SIDEI was wondering of anyone has some experience with setting up ubuntu server02:03
TylerHello, after installing Ubuntu 8.10, I noticed a slight problem, It would constantly tell me my password was incorrect when changing networking settings, among other things.02:04
TylerL1NUX_14SIDE: I do.02:04
SuperGeekWhat controls applications' access to the gnome keyring service?02:04
dcrewszsquareplusc, once this image is unzipped should I be able to mount it with the simple "mount -o loop /home.img /mnt02:04
zsquarepluscdcrews: yes02:04
draco1234Dillizar, ah, glad I could help =)02:04
maxbaldwinL1NUX_14SIDE: /join #ubuntu-server02:04
RAdamsdjungelkraem: try making a new user and logging in as that user02:04
djungelkraemRAdams, ok 2 sec02:05
RAdamsSunnyDrake: no. :)02:05
zsquarepluscdcrews: unless its a disk image including a partition table, then you'd need some offset magic. but guessing from the filename its just a single partition02:05
dcrewszsquareplusc, cutterjohn Thanks to both of you for your help, I'm going to come back in a bit, this operation is going to take a while02:05
alex_21Is there a fron end for what is described at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization02:05
alex_21 02:05
evolve_anyone know why i'm getting "mounting /dev/sda2 on /mnt/tmp/<hash> failed: no such device or address?02:06
dcrewszsquareplusc, yes I had the home on its own partition02:06
zsquarepluscevolve_: do you run a command that produces this output?02:06
djungelkraemRAdams, brb then - ill log into my other account to see if its any difference02:06
zsquarepluscevolve_: or within the installer?02:06
evolve_well, i'm installing using kboot off of a usb stic02:07
Eberdoes anyone here uses GIMP?!?02:07
zsquarepluscevolve_: kboot?02:07
evolve_and it gives me that when i go to boot02:07
RAdams!ask | Eber02:07
ubottuEber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:07
dcrewszsquareplusc, I found a great post that talks about offsets just in case, thanks again02:07
alex_21Yes, voice is listed under Google type Linux accessibility02:07
evolve_zsquareplusc: it runs off of grub -- its the first thing which has found my USB stick02:08
Eberguys, I need help here... I'm comming from Photoshop and trying GIMP... I'm trying to delete some images areas but instead of it getting transparent, it gets white! how do I do to get it transparent?!?02:08
RAdamsEber: #gimp02:08
fonzarelliEber: you have to add an alpha channel so that it has a layer of transparency02:08
evolve_Eber: #gimp, but you have to set the background transparent02:08
EberRAdams: i'm already there... noone answers me...02:08
Eberfonzarelli: uhmmm, tks! :) i'll try that out!02:09
fonzarelliEber: Layer > Transparency > Add Alpha Channel02:09
djungelkraemRAdams, about the same time - maybe 12-15 sec instead02:09
Eberfonzarelli: TKS :)02:09
evolve_zsquareplusc: any ideas?02:09
zsquarepluscevolve_: and the usb stick how did you prepare that one? unetbootin, ubuntus make usb disk or manually?02:09
Benutzernamehello, i need held. how can i send fax?02:09
alex_21Dragon won't work, It is Windows based. Rather, it would be very hard02:10
dsdeizhi i am setting up lamp for development. how can i change the permission of /var/www ?02:10
SunnyDrakeEber: hmm no probles here check if you have default white background layer :)02:10
DistroJockeyevolve_, sounds like somewhere (/etc/fstab ?) has a UUID set for /dev/sda2 but the UUID is wrong02:10
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: chown/chmod. but why would you want to do that?02:10
alex_21Yes, there is a voice command program for Linux02:10
Eberfonzarelli: it worked :) tks man!02:11
netpro25_1.0.18a seems to have introduced a headphone jack bug for my Intel Hda card in my dell studio laptop, any temp fix for this?02:11
evolve_zsquareplusc: i used unetbootin02:11
fonzarelliEber: welcome :)02:11
dsdeizuhm, because it doesn't allow me to create files in /var/www/02:11
SunnyDrakeEber: also there is a settings for "not filled areae" look like in gimp settings02:11
EberSunnyDrake: fonzarelli 's tip worked for me :) Tks anyway ;)02:11
evolve_DistroJockey: can i change the uuid?02:11
Benutzernamedo somone know it?02:11
zsquarepluscevolve_: hm. that should make it correct. if you had done it manually i had asked you you also copied the hidden files02:11
dsdeizanyone experienced that?02:11
netpro25_(headphone jack does not work at all)02:11
dsdeizalso found that on foums02:11
DistroJockeyevolve_, in /etc/fstab , yes02:11
dsdeizwould this command work? sudo chmod -R 755 /var/www02:12
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: the www folder belongs to www-data and that's good so02:12
DistroJockeyevolve_, or replace it with  /etc/sda2  instead of the UUID02:12
RAdamsdjungelkraem: can you post the output of cat /etc/network/interfaces to pastebin?02:12
dsdeizok. i'll go try the command02:12
evolve_so like mount /dev/sda2 /etc/fstab02:12
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: several options: a) put yourself in the www-data group b) make a folder/link as root that it yours02:12
DistroJockeyevolve_, unfortunately UUID's change when you change the partition table02:12
DistroJockeyevolve_, no!02:13
djungelkraemRAdams, http://pastebin.com/d5cafcd7c02:13
evolve_DistroJockey: oh =x02:13
dsdeizhow do i put myself in www-data group? kinda new here. sorry02:13
Benutzernamehas no one an idear?02:13
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: adduser user group02:13
evolve_good thing i didn't type that then =]02:13
alex_21Hi, can I have a front end program do what is described at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization02:13
alex_21 02:13
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: need to re login to apply that though02:13
DistroJockeyevolve_, you need to find which file the boot loader uses that might have a UUID set that is invalid02:13
Benutzernamehow can i send and receifed fax?02:14
=== pretto_ is now known as Pretto
LjLcxo: still, carrying over your settings from /home might not be the best of ideas, because things in your GNOME desktop (if you use GNOME) will work according to your Fedora configuration... which is a good thing because you will have your stuff as you left it, but also a bad thing because any configuration that's specific to Ubuntu will not be available, and the versions of programs can be different - so you might get weird results.02:14
DistroJockeyevolve_, probably would have failed, but it didn't look good ;)02:14
ByteJugglerdsdeiz: like zsquareplusc says, but with "sudo" in front02:14
evolve_DistroJockey: issue is, kboot is very minimal command wise...02:14
dsdeizis it like this? sudo useradd -G www-data myusername?02:14
evolve_i'm not really sure how i'd go about that02:14
DistroJockeyevolve_, I may be totally wrong in my guess that it is UUID related (and I know nothing about kboot)02:15
zsquarepluscevolve_: network boot :-) then you only need to load kernel+initrd and no mounting afterwards02:15
zsquarepluscevolve_: network install rather. network boot is something different02:15
evolve_zsquareplusc: i don't know what nic i have =x02:16
DistroJockeyevolve_, to me it sounds like it's trying to mount some swap space it is finding in /dev/sda202:16
DistroJockeyevolve_, but as I said, just a guess02:16
ByteJugglerdsdeiz: no, to use that style of command it's "usermod" not "useradd"02:17
zsquarepluscevolve_: you do not need to know it as long as its supported :-)  do you have easy network access, like DHCP and a router?02:17
evolve_yes i do02:17
ByteJugglerdsdeiz: useradd will add new user with specified group(s), usermod will modify an existing user02:18
xxploitanyone happen to know why upon loading into gnome(8.10 ibex) that the mouse cursor stays busy for so long. It seems to be related to the window manager since if you disable it upon startup the desktop loads instantly and it not busy. Ive tried replacing metacity with xfwm4 but it still remains busy. Anyone know any info on this?02:18
evolve_zsquareplusc: i don't have a working cd rom drive in the computer which is half the issue02:18
zsquarepluscevolve_: the kernel+initrn here http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/  run the text (alternate) installer and grabs the rest from the net02:18
maxbaldwinkraro, !02:19
evolve_zsquareplusc: i suppose i could try booting that from the USB02:19
maxbaldwinkraro, don't run your IRC client as root!02:19
kraromaxbaldwin: yo?02:19
miyakowould anyone be able to tell me the proper way to use iptables to set up a NAT/port forwarding rule, or possibly be able to help me debug mine02:19
krarocoming back thx02:19
zsquarepluscevolve_: actually you have to go to the subfolder to find "linux" and "initrd.gz" which you would boot02:19
djungelkraemRAdams, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/29146702:20
rwwmiyako: /join #iptables02:20
gabrielseberits my first time in irc02:20
gabrielseberand my english is not very well02:20
draco1234that's ok02:20
rokraback :)02:20
gabrielsebercan someone help me? i have a simple question about ubuntu02:21
zsquareplusc!ask | gabrielseber02:21
ubottugabrielseber: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:21
draco1234gabrielseber, what is your question?02:21
RAdamsdjungelkraem: does that match your symptoms?02:21
chickengeorge3hello gabrielseber02:21
gabrielseberi have bougth a dell vostro 131002:21
gabrielseberit has 4Gb RAM02:22
zsquarepluscgabrielseber: there are also ubuntu channels in other languages02:22
djungelkraemRAdams, yes, the background pops up pretty fast but then it takes some time for the gnome panels and things like that to be visible02:22
zsquarepluscgabrielseber: yes, the 64 bit version will support all your ram ;-)02:22
gabrielseberhmm, i just have to download and install a 64-bit version?02:22
woody86_Can anyone help me get the proper screen resolution (1680x1050)? After installing the video card driver it still doesn't show up in the "screen resolution" options. I'm running the 177.80 nvidea driver02:23
RAdamsdjungelkraem: have you tried disabling compiz and booting?02:23
zsquarepluscgabrielseber: depends on what you want. i have installed the 64 bit desktop from the live cd. works well for me02:23
bitmouseExcuse me, how do i add samba to my runlevels on a minimal ubuntu installation?02:23
RAdams!modelines | woody86_02:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modelines02:23
RAdamsof course not02:23
RAdamswhere are the factoids? that one used to be there02:23
djungelkraemRAdams, ill do that right now :)02:23
gabrielseberi installed a 32bit (the one i had at that moment)02:24
maxbaldwin!brain } RAdams02:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brain } RAdams02:24
RAdamswoody86_: you need to add modelines to your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:24
draco1234zsquareplusc, can't 32 bit systems access up to 4 gb or ram?02:24
gabrielseberi'm going to install the 64bit one02:24
maxbaldwin!brain | RAdams02:24
ubottuRAdams: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:24
evolve_zsquareplusc and DistroJockey: just a thought i had, since this kboot is actually grub, i can enter the grub prompt and use custom commands...would that help me?02:24
zsquarepluscdraco1234: up to about 3.5MB only02:24
RAdamsmaxbaldwin: I know. I'm saying that the factoid !modelines was there before.02:24
RAdamsbah gtg...02:24
woody86_RAdams, I tried finding the modelines thing, but the wiki page isn't there02:24
zsquarepluscevolve_: for the error you had or for the netinstall?02:25
evolve_the error i had02:25
zsquarepluscevolve_: dunno02:25
maxbaldwinRAdams, oh, I thought you wanted to check for that one. Sorry!02:25
zb0y4l7How do I install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 8.10? (is there an easy way to do it)02:25
gabrielseberhow can i enter in the ubuntu channel in portuguese?02:25
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:25
becker`Hi, I've installed ueagle for my usb modem. I tried "gksudo gedit /etc/ppp/peers/ueagle-atm" and it says "could not write gedit state file..."  anyone could help me about that?02:25
SuperGeekDoes Ubuntu come with SELinux?02:27
draco1234becker`, does that file exist?02:27
rww!selinux | SuperGeek: no02:28
ubottuSuperGeek: no: SELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor02:28
becker`draco1234, yes I saw it in /etc but I can't get access to configure the file though I tried gksudo02:28
SuperGeekrww: is apparmor what protects the GNOME keyring?02:28
draco1234becker`: what if you try "gksudo nautilus", and then navigate to the file?02:28
mneptokSuperGeek: no02:28
SuperGeekmneptok: what protects the GNOME keyring/02:29
becker`draco1234, how could I do that? I'm very new to linux so I was just following the guide for ueagle and what it says :)02:29
kitcheSuperGeek: Gnome protects the gnome keyring02:29
SuperGeekkitche: how do i modify the permissions that certain GNOME apps have to access the keyring?02:29
kwzhangI am a new guy too.02:30
Benutzernameplease, has someone an idear how can i send a fax?02:30
djungelkraemcan i somehow make the compiz fusion icon start at login through sessions or something like that?02:30
draco1234becker`: oh. Sorry, I'm not sure about the details of any guide of ueagle...02:31
mneptokBenutzername: with a hardware fax modem.02:31
FezzlerRatz.  I can't get my Login Screen Resolution fixed.  It is too big.  Like 800x600 when I need 1024x768.  I keep editing xorg.conf modeline entries but they don't seem to do it?02:31
hammerJimedoes anyone know why i edit profiles in sound-juicer and they dont show up in the list?02:32
lacitaAnybody feel like helping me troubleshoot alsa for a Lenovo 3000 Y410? I have no sound, and am out of ideas.02:32
FezzlerCould I have an xorg.conf in two places?02:32
Mecha25somebody do me a favor and tell me what IP I'm listed as having?  there's some weird conflicts for some reason02:32
Mecha25it'll be listed on my join line, just above02:32
zb0y4l7How do I install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 8.10? (is there an easy way to do it)02:32
kitcheMecha25: you should be able to see your own join line if not then you must have it ignored02:33
Mecha25I'm using pidgin02:33
kitcheMecha25: or even better just /whois yourself02:33
Mecha25that's the one thanks!02:33
rwwMecha25: your hostname (which is what was actually in your join line) is  to do it?02:33
rww18:32 < lacita> Anybody feel like helping me troubleshoot alsa for a Lenovo 3000 Y410? I have no sound, and am out of ideas.02:33
rww18:32 < hammerJime> does anyone know why i edit profiles in sound-juicer and they dont show up in the list?02:33
* rww kicks his mouse02:34
zsquareplusc!cn | kwzhang02:34
ubottukwzhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about keyring02:34
rwwDid I just accidentally paste a few lines of #ubuntu logs to channel, or was irssi smart enough to stop me?02:34
dsdeizhi i'm back.. :) i did 'sudo useradd -G www-data username' but then it says that username already exists02:34
kitcherww: no you did a paste02:34
zsquarepluscrww: you did, 2 lines02:35
rwwEgh. sorry 'bout that02:35
zsquarepluscdsdeiz: use adduser user group  not useradd :-)02:35
Peloanyone know how to change the applicaiton menu icon , in the top panel,  I've been trying for an hour02:36
hammerJimerww: were you trying to respond to me, or was that purely accidental?02:36
rwwhammerJime: It was accidental. Sorry :(02:36
SpreadsheetPelo: it's easy02:36
Spreadsheetright click on it02:36
PeloSpreadsheet, that's what I thought02:36
lugiaChinese here?02:36
Spreadsheetand select edit menu02:36
Flannel!cn | lugia02:37
ubottulugia: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:37
dsdeizdid i do the correct command? :(02:37
Spreadsheet!cn | lugia02:37
PeloSpreadsheet, if you are suggesting I change it from the alacart menu editor , I'Ve tried and failed02:37
=== JBrown is now known as JamaulBrown
kwzhangI am here02:37
Spreadsheetthere should be a menu configuration file somewhere02:37
Spreadsheetlugia: and me :S02:37
PeloSpreadsheet, I've got about 4 entries in gconf-editor  > apps/panel/...   with custom the custom icon key pointing to the icon I want and I still failed02:38
rabelaisis there an easy to use v4l2 device recorder? xawtv can display my device, but I cannot capture it easily using vlc or others02:38
=== PatchLevel is now known as PatchLevelPC
zelrikriando!ch Spreadsheet02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ch Spreadsheet02:38
heogenhello, I can't to install yahoo messenger because I need the libraries  libglib 2.102:38
Spreadsheetzelrikriando: hio02:38
zelrikriando!jp Spreadsheet02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jp Spreadsheet02:38
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:38
FloodBot1Spreadsheet: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:38
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい02:38
zelrikriandooh there02:39
heogenyahoo messenger anyone know how can to install?02:39
mneptokheogen: Pidgin02:39
heogen<mneptok> not with pidgin02:39
heogen<mneptok> like in windows02:39
heogen<mneptok> separate02:40
chickengeorge3try wine02:40
heogen<mneptok> like amsn02:40
mneptokheogen: if you want Windows, go use Windows. Pidgin is the IM app for Linux. there is no Y!IM for Linux.02:40
Dillizarhow can i run gnome voice control after installing02:40
heogen<mneptok> i'm sorry i'm not change ubuntu for windows02:40
Xcercahow do i do the autmatice kernels list , to update my menu.lst ?02:40
heogen<mneptok> I only saying one application02:41
mneptokheogen: so then use Pidgin, Kopete, or some other Linux app with Y!IM02:41
heogen<mneptok> that exist now, if you don't know02:41
draco1234Dillizar, so you do have a working microphone?02:41
heogen<mneptok> separate is more full02:41
rwwheogen: the Linux version of Yahoo IM is ridiculously out of date. It's not worth your time to install.02:41
Dillizaryes draco123402:41
Spreadsheethello jerrylicious02:42
jerryliciousi need some help02:42
rwwheogen: use one of the more "normal" linux IM clients instead02:42
heogen<rww> thank you02:42
tech0007rww: heogen: i agree, ym features in linux doesnt work02:42
draco1234Dillizar, ok, then first of all, plug the microophone in and make sure the recording volume is high02:42
imperfect-Any know if there's a trick to getting sound to work on a 24inch intel imac?02:42
sigtermheogen, theres kopete, its a little different but ok02:42
heogen<rww> so I'll like to install, for the chat room02:42
Dillizarand draco123402:42
sigtermpidgin is your best bet though in my opinion02:43
woody86_Can anyone help me get the proper screen resolution (1680x1050)? After installing the video card driver it still doesn't show up in the "screen resolution" options. I'm running the 177.80 nvidea driver02:43
jerryliciousI had just installed ubuntu and I partitioned everything to work so that windows would work with it, but when  Iboot it, theres an error saying that the disk cannot be read. HELP!02:43
heogen<tech0007> ok. thank you, for your opinion02:43
scuniziwoody86_: sometimes..just sometimes you have to reboot02:44
draco1234Dillizar, yes?02:44
woody86_scunizi, I tried rebooting02:44
Dillizaryes draco123402:44
scuniziwoody86_: have you installed nvidia-settings?02:44
=== Guest30708 is now known as LEO
draco1234Dillizar, ok, next, right click on your panel, then "add applet", then pick voice contorl02:46
woody86_scunizi, let me try... brb02:46
NoIdeaManhow do i get desktop advanced settings?02:46
Xcercais there a way to update my menu.lst after downloading a new kernel? i just did update but i choose keep existing menu.lst by mistake,  is there an automatic way to do it now ?02:47
NoIdeaManAdvanced Desktop Setting*02:47
heogen<tech0007> I was thinking the yahoo messenger it was better02:47
SpreadsheetNoIdeaMan: right click on the desktop02:47
kwzhanginstall compiz-fusion02:47
bazhang!ccsm | NoIdeaMan02:47
ubottuNoIdeaMan: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:47
lacitahow do I upgrade alsa drivers from the backports repository?02:47
heogen<tech0007> but for your opinion... I'll not to install it02:47
Spreadsheeti need to go on the ubuntu comp02:47
NoIdeaManHow do I install that?02:48
lacitahow do I upgrade alsa drivers from the backports repository?02:48
TylerHello, after installing Ubuntu 8.10, I noticed a slight problem, It would constantly tell me my password was incorrect when changing networking settings, among other things., Any suggestions?02:48
woody86_scunizi, yup, its installed02:48
scuniziwoody86_: k.. you can load it from terminal or gui.. terminal is nvidia-settings and in the gui you'll find it under system>preferences>Nvidia <something>02:49
lacitahow do I upgrade alsa drivers from the backports repository?02:50
tech0007!backports > lacita02:51
ubottulacita, please see my private message02:51
=== USC806 is now known as CaymanHerb
consfearacy!backports > consfearacy02:51
ubottuconsfearacy, please see my private message02:51
mneptok!repeat | lacita02:51
ubottulacita: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience02:51
CaymanHerbI am trying to set up Media Wiki on a remote Ubuntu server hosted by 1and1.02:52
Dillizardraco1234, and then what it's on ready and thats all02:52
zirodayHi, I have an intel wireless 3945 that appears in ifconfig -a but not in ifconfig and therefore is unusable by network manager. What should I be looking for?02:52
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?02:52
wereHamsterdoes cron only send emails when there was any output in stderr or also stdout?02:52
woody86_scunizi, ok,what do I have to play with in the settings?02:53
draco1234Dillizar, then just speak into the microphone... I'm trying it right now.... if i yell "firefox firefox firefox", it opens up a text editor! ahahah!02:53
joeb3_wereHamster, cron will email if there is any output.02:53
wereHamsterjoeb3_: where does it store the mails? /var/spool/mail/$USERNAME ?02:54
CaymanHerbWhere should a complete UBUNTU novice go to learn more about his new Ubuntu server?02:54
draco1234Dillizar, wow, watch out, running that voice control really overheats my processor02:54
Dillizardraco1234, it shoes just listening its not opening any thing :D02:54
joeb3_wereHamster, /var/mail/$username.  Just type mail.  Or install mutt to read it.02:55
JDStoneis there like a list of some of the apps that don't work on 64-bit?02:55
draco1234Dillizar: i think that's just because it isn't very accurate. If you yell enough things at it, sooner or later it does do something02:55
wereHamsterjoeb3_: hm, my cron doensn't want to send my any emails02:55
tech0007CaymanHerb: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/index.html02:55
rdvonI can't my joypad to work, the d-pad or sticks aren't recognized in the game but the buttons work fine02:56
joeb3_wereHamster, you would need sendmail or postfix running to deliver the mail02:56
rdvon*they do show up in jscal02:56
rwwdraco1234: I guess that's an improvement on the classic "kick it enough times and it'll start working again" troubleshooting step...02:56
draco1234Dillizar, for example, I just yelled "file file file run run file file", and then IRC said, "are you sure you want to quit?" .... so it does do something..... just not what I want02:57
Dillizardraco1234, are you crewing with me :D cuz i am screaming my ass :D02:57
sauvinwhy does ubuntu have no documentation for mkisofs?02:57
rwwdraco1234: try "Open the pod bay doors please"02:57
wereHamsterjoeb3_: even if I want cron to send the email to a different server? eg. MAILTO="me@server.tld"?02:57
draco1234Dillizar, is your mic volume turned up? I'm not yelling really loud02:57
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?02:57
joeb3_wereHamster, yes02:57
myrMy CD mounts with only root privileges. how can I fix that?  fstab is /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf802:57
draco1234rww: "Open the pod bay doors please" makes this message pop up: "Evolution setup wizard"02:58
Dillizardraco1234, wow it opened a firefox :D02:58
=== patxbot is now known as PATX
joeb3_myr, add uid=yourusername to the options line02:58
draco1234Dillizar: did you say "firefox" to do it, or something else entirely?02:59
Dillizardraco1234, or you kust need to say COMPUTER first like in star trek :P02:59
myrjoeb3_, like: /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8,uid=myr ??02:59
joeb3_myr, yes02:59
myrjoeb3_, thank you! that worked02:59
dr_willisI thought  the UID  had to be a ### not a  username03:00
wereHamsterjoeb3_: ge, I don't want to install a full mail server only so one application can send mails03:00
joeb3_dr_willis, it can be either03:00
wereHamsteris there really no other way?03:00
PsiKlopxcan anyone recommend a gui ftp client?03:01
joeb3_wereHamster, I don't know of anyother way.03:01
mikerewereHamster: the only other way I could think you could do it is if you could use a script to control an email client program like evolution - but not sure if that's even possible.03:01
joeb3_PsiKlopx, gftp03:01
rdvonPsiKlopx: filezilla03:01
rdvonfilezilla is the best imo03:01
droopsta915how can I remove an old kernel? I have three and I only want two. I will delete the oldest kernel.03:01
rwwPsiKlopx: I've used filezilla on Windows, and it's pretty good. If the Linux version is as good as the Windows one, I recommend it :)03:01
PsiKlopxi've used filezilla in windows...didn't think to check if there was a linux version03:02
mneptokPsiKlopx: you don't need one03:02
quaggafilezilla is acceptable on linux if you're still bothering to use ftp03:02
rwwPsiKlopx: package filezilla in universe repository03:02
mikeredroopsta915: you could edit your grub.conf file - think there's a way to do it with a gui app as well.03:02
mneptokPsiKlopx: don't install that just yet03:02
mneptokPsiKlopx: Places > Connect to server03:02
wereHamsterisn't there like a standalone commandline smtp client for sending emails? I mean, thunderbird also doesn't come with a full mail server and it still can send emails03:02
DarkKnighthey i wanted 2 install drupal completely with the other packages such as MySQL etc..will anyone please help me out03:02
PsiKlopxmneptok: tried that...03:02
mneptokwereHamster: not without SMTP it can't03:02
mikeredroopsta915: just be careful - you don't want to bork the grub config file (if indeed you are using grub, which is the default for ubuntu)03:02
PsiKlopxmneptok: at what point and where would I put log in info.03:03
wereHamsteralright, so what do you recommend? sendmail or postfix?03:03
joeb3_wereHamster, postfix03:03
gnutrondroopsta915: use synaptic to remove older kernels, it's the only safe method.03:03
mneptokPsiKlopx: after you click "Connect"03:03
wereHamsterpostfix it is then, thanks :)03:03
DarkKnighthey i wanted 2 install drupal completely with the other packages such as MySQL etc..will anyone please help me out03:03
mikerepostfix is easier for sure03:04
PsiKlopxmneptok: hmmmm, for some reason it didn't get that far then...got a connection refused error.03:04
DarkKnighthey i wanted 2 install drupal completely with the other packages such as MySQL etc..will anyone please help me out03:04
joeb3_DarkKnight, define help?03:04
droopsta915thanks, this chat has been of great help for the past 6months. UBUNTU for life!03:04
rwwDarkKnight: sudo apt-get install drupal503:04
PsiKlopxmneptok: I'm too stupid to live...picked the wrong server type. thanx!03:05
draco1234Dillizar, One command that always works is "minimize the window"03:05
mikereDarkKnight: depends on what you want to install.  Do you need to install apache, mysql, php and drupal?03:05
mneptokPsiKlopx: np np03:05
rwwDarkKnight: if that doesn't automatically install mysql, also do sudo apt-get install mysql-server03:05
DarkKnightmikere; I have no idea about other things...i just wanted 2 construct a website and I was told to use drupal03:05
=== LieS is now known as RobiD
DarkKnightrww; okk....is MySQL the best03:06
sqrtof-1for your purposes.03:06
tech0007any suggestion for a good video/movie album app?03:06
quaggaDarkKnight: its not a matter of what is best; it is what your software requires.  unfortunately that is usually mysql03:06
mikereDarkKnight: if you are constructing a web site on your own server, then you will need apache (or another web server) and php (probably php5)03:06
DarkKnightmikere; okk....so its drupal, php5 and Apache2..i suppose03:07
DarkKnightthat i have 2 install03:07
rwwDarkKnight: the drupal5 package requries mysql-client and recommends mysql-server. It also requires all the php and apache stuff... so just install drupal5 and the other stuff will get pulled in automagically.03:07
wereHamsterwhat's the commandline to reconfigure a package?03:07
rwwDarkKnight: so as I said above, sudo apt-get install drupal503:07
zirodaywereHamster: sudo dpkg-reconfigure <packagename>03:08
CrypticSwarmquagga: could go with postgres03:08
quaggaCrypticSwarm: ah, i didn't know drupal would take that.  everything always seemed to insist on mysql03:08
quaggai ended up finding a solution that didn't require a database to avoid it03:09
mikereDarkKnight: just start with what rww said - then if it doesn't get everything, install the missing ones and it should be gtg.03:09
DarkKnightrww; ya i have typed in the command03:09
DarkKnightmikere; ya i have started the installation03:09
CrypticSwarmohh i don't know sorry, jumped in a little late in the conversation it probably doesn't03:09
woody86_Can anyone help me get the proper screen resolution (1680x1050)? After installing the video card driver it still doesn't show up in the "screen resolution" options. I'm running the 177.80 nvidea driver.03:10
CrypticSwarmquagga, just checked drupal does look like it can use postgre03:10
droopsta915Where is the grub.conf file, I tryed /boot/grub.conf-no luck03:10
quaggaCrypticSwarm: packages.ubuntu.com says it'll postgre so yeah03:10
quaggai use dokuwiki so i don't need a database03:10
Sergeant_Ponyis it safe to upgrade to 8.10 yet?03:11
DistroJockeydroopsta915,  /boot/grub/menu.lst  is the file that should have been suggested03:11
mikerewoody86_: did you check System --> Administration --> Hardware drivers to make sure the driver is enabled?03:11
DarkKnightmikere, rww; should I go 4 apache or apache203:11
=== woody86_ is now known as woody86
ardchoilleSergeant_Pony: I've been using 8.10 on all 11 of my computers for weeks and it is great.03:11
mikereDarkKnight: Not sure - but I'd guess apache2 is better03:11
mneptokwoody86_: is 177 or 173 recommended for your card?03:12
DarkKnightmikere; okk03:12
woody86mneptok, 17703:12
droopsta915Distrojockey:ah ha! thats the one. I will note that in my documents. thanks for the help03:12
Sergeant_Ponyardchoille, I only have 1 laptop and 1 server to upgrade03:12
DistroJockeydroopsta915, make a copy first and just comment out the #title you don't want03:12
glusceis anybody here03:12
glusceI need help03:12
dr_willis1315 People are here glusce  :)03:12
rwwDarkKnight: apache203:12
ardchoilleSergeant_Pony: 8.10 itself is great, I don't know how upgrades do as I always install from livecd03:12
woody86although I tried the 173, as well, but that one was even worse03:12
gluscei wont to instal ns 203:13
glusceon ubuntu 5.1003:13
ardchoillegluonman: 5.10 is very old and no longer supported03:13
Sergeant_Ponyardchoille, I'll have to test on  the laptop first then... don't want to fubar my server ;)03:13
ardchoilleSergeant_Pony: good idea03:14
qcjnzsquareplusc: i,m having problem to connect to my ssh again ?03:14
glusceso i need to download 8.1003:14
=== KDE4001 is now known as KDE4000
zsquarepluscqcjn: you do?03:14
gluscewith my net speed i'm doomed03:14
ardchoilleglusce: yes, or 8.04 if you want the latest LTS release03:14
qcjnzsquareplusc: it's super slow..it almos freeze03:15
mikereAt work we upgraded to e10 so I can download new iso's in minutes.  At home, however, I know your pain.03:15
DistroJockeyglusce, shipit.ubuntu.com03:15
mneptokwoody86: what monitor?03:15
DistroJockeyglusce, if you can wait 4 weeks or so ;)03:16
=== khaime is now known as enovativ
enovativhello to all03:16
enovativi wanted to know if anyone can help me with virtualbox03:16
gluscei need it for tomorow :D03:16
DistroJockeyahh, hehe03:16
rww!ask | enovativ03:16
ubottuenovativ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:16
mneptokglusce: NS2?03:16
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?03:17
glusceso far 6 % it will be downloaded in 3 hours03:17
woody86mneptok, samsung syncmaster 2232BW (gonnected with the analog cable, not the digital cable)03:17
gluscenetwork simulatoir03:17
zsquarepluscqcjn: LAN or across the internet? and what is slow? a certain application or typing in the shell?03:17
mneptokwoody86: have a look in the nVidia Settings panel in System > Admin03:17
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?03:17
wereHamsterdoes the sending host have to have a valid domain? Or can I somehow fake the from address in the cronjob email?03:17
enovativi have add a user to the vbox group03:17
woody86mneptok, what should I look for?03:17
enovativbut i get an error when  i try to start the virtual OS03:18
mneptokwoody86: info related to refresh and resolution03:18
myrenovativ, system > administration > users and groups03:18
mneptokenovativ: it's the "vboxusers" group. not just vbox.03:18
Dillizarwill i have problems with my ubuntu if i change the processor ??03:18
qcjnzsquareplusc: lan & typing in the shell & my mpd (connected to my icecast on the other computer drops off)03:18
enovativthis is the error : VBox status code: -1909 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_ACCESSIBLE).03:19
mneptokDillizar: as long as it's the ame architecture, no.03:19
SuperGeekIs the kernel that Ubuntu comes with compiled with support for the UVC video driver?03:19
glusceE: Package autoconf has no installation candidate03:19
glusce  ???????? I really hate this fraze ....03:19
DistroJockeyglusce, seen this?  http://nsnam.isi.edu/nsnam/index.php/Main_Page03:19
Dillizararchitecture??? mneptok03:19
sqrtof-1How do you get a redoctane dance pad working?03:19
droopsta915I think im not typing something right, where is the menu.lst file?03:19
n8tuserSuperGeek-> check the config file in /boot  ?03:19
mneptokDillizar: i386. x86_64. SPARC. ARM. PPC.03:20
gnutronqcjn: what address are you ssh'ing to03:20
rwwdroopsta915: /boot/grub/menu.lst03:20
Flannelglusce: Are you connected to the internet?  have you done `sudo apt-get update` since installing?03:20
gnutronqcjn: your subnet or wan address03:20
myrenovativ, try this: sudo chmod 666 /dev/vboxdrv03:20
enovativokay myr03:20
droopsta915it was the / that i was missing, :)03:20
Dillizarmneptok, yes03:21
zsquarepluscqcjn: do you have 100% cpu load on one of the PCs? (top)03:21
qcjngnutron: my same adress as yesterday...a lan..i've made myself an alias..and i always use this03:21
mneptokenovativ: did you add yourself to the "vboxusers" group?03:21
mneptokenovativ: NOT "vbox"03:21
enovativyes mneptok, i added the user to the group03:21
[TiZ]Hey, I've had a certain problem with usplash since hardy... It's always drawing artifacts whenever I start up or shut down. Like, pieces of the progress bar appearing above or below it. Can that be fixed?03:21
glusceyes, but i think that my sources.list is too old !!!! Can i update thet  ?03:22
qcjni don't know but someone propose to do uptime & vmstat 1 that i've done i could paste the result03:22
gnutronqcjn: you need to port forward your wan address to your lan machine. or filter NAT03:22
rsquare[TiZ]: I had that exact same problem.  There are several bug reports on Launchpad about that.03:22
Flannelglusce: pastebin it, and we'll take a look.03:22
mneptok[TiZ]: sure, take "splash" out of the kernel boot parameters ;)03:22
Flannel!paste | glusce03:22
ubottuglusce: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:22
[TiZ]mneptok: Haha, very funny. ;)03:23
gnutronqcjn: your i-net address is responding just fine.03:23
[TiZ]rsquare: had? Did you get it fixed? Or did you just turn it off?03:23
zsquarepluscqcjn: or do "w" and paste the "load average" numbers here (one line)03:23
JmCourirAny of you have installed SongBird on Ubuntu 64Bit 8.10 ?03:23
qcjngnutron: i did port forward my ssh03:23
rsquare[TiZ]: I had in the alpha versions of Intrepid.  It got fixed for me.03:23
woody86mneptok, I'm not finding my screen resolution under anything03:24
[TiZ]rsquare: It just suddenly got fixed?03:24
rsquareyeah, but hold on03:24
gnutronqcjn: so ssh your i-net address then, not your lan address03:25
Dillizarwhat is the command to detect and install new hardware drivers ??03:25
zirodayHi, network manager says that my wireless is disabled but it appears in ifconfig -a. Any ideas?03:25
qcjnzsquareplusc: gnutron please come to room #qcjn   it s hard to follow03:25
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, Hey this is dcrews, we chatted earlier about mounting an image, the file is not unzipped but I get an error when I try to mount it  http://paste.ubuntu.com/77925/03:25
SuperGeekAre there any apps in Ubuntu that utilize webcams?03:25
chehello everyone03:26
JmCourirhi che03:26
DistroJockeyDillizar,  jockey-gtk03:26
newbnewbI've screwed up my theme (font, buttons, et cetera)... is there an easy way to fix this, or at least an easy gui to use that can fix all of this I need to apt-get?  Theme are apparently not the easiest to install here.  I am a new ubuntu user.03:26
chehi  jmcourir03:26
rsquareThey must have removed the bug report on Launchpad because I *was* subscribed to it but it's gone.03:27
newbnewbI don't see a System -> Preferences -> Theme manager03:27
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: is "file" now able to identify the file?03:27
rwwnewbnewb: System -> Preferences -> Appearence ?03:27
tech0007Crewsr3: use ccd2iso03:27
enovativthe "sudo chmod 666 /dev/boxdrv " did not work03:27
DistroJockeynewbnewb, change to a different theme using  System - Preferences - Appearance03:27
glusceI have paste my source.list at http://paste.ubuntu.com/77924/ please take a look ...03:27
enovativbetter yet nothing happened03:27
newbnewbI'll try that again.03:27
dewentequestion, about VNC server... how can i see GUI when i get the connection ?03:28
LokinHow do Disconnect the last person connected to my server through peNSSH03:28
chewhat are you doing03:28
fapmasterHello guys i took _rayo's advice and i wiped the drive still freezing when i hit 33% of format03:28
dnyyHrm, I just ran some updates and was told to restart so they could finish.  I did, and now my panel is missing.  How can I get it back, and figure out what went wrong?03:28
fapmasterany other ideas03:28
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77925/03:28
Crewsr3tech0007, what do you mean?03:28
droopsta915I'm in the menu.lst. I only want two kernels-Should I change the howmany=2, then delete the third kernel?03:28
myrdnyy, you can get it back by alt+F2 then enter gnome-panel03:29
newbnewbDoes not seem to change my fonts back to a regular color (as well as my background underneath text.  I can probably get used to this theme. :)03:29
newbnewbAt least untill another theme manager comes out.03:29
tech0007Crewsr3: use ccd2iso to convert it to iso, then mount it as usual03:29
zsquareplusctech0007: its a image of a partition03:29
Lokinhow do I disconnect the last user conected to my server??03:29
maeI'm very confused about how I set up my ubuntu. I have dual-boot with vista and i have been trying to install WoW. I got the message I needed more disk space, I know I have plenty space. So I reseached a bit and decided to look at my ubuntu partition... only i don't have one, just C: and HP recovery... I'm confused and do not know what to do?03:29
DistroJockeydroopsta915, comment out the title you don't want and the lines grouped with it using  #03:30
tech0007Crewsr3: ignore me03:30
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: "file /share/homebkup/home.img" prints?03:30
Emphastalaprobably a silly question but is there an audio equalizer for ubuntu ?03:30
joeb3_Lokin, how is the user connected? telnet/ssh?03:30
BZWingZeromae: did you install ubuntu through windows (using wubi)?03:30
dewenteHow can I see the desktop GUI of my server trough vncviewer or browser ?03:31
dewenteremote connexion03:31
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77926/03:31
DistroJockeyfapmaster, are you sure it is freezing? Formatting can take quite a while on a large drive03:31
L1NUX_1NS1DEdewente, yes you can03:31
maeI just installed with the live cd.. popped it in and hit the second option which I think was installing inside vista... but i have dual boot03:31
L1NUX_1NS1DEuse vnc03:31
dewentei am using it03:31
dewentebut just i can see the terminal only03:31
L1NUX_1NS1DEyeah you have to configure vnc to allow the desktop to be forwarded through vnc03:32
BZWingZeromae: did you boot to the live CD or did you put it in while in Windows?03:32
topls64why does ubuntu suck so much. my amiga rox!03:32
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: ok, then add a -t ext3  to the mount line03:32
Flannelglusce: Alright, what version of Ubuntu are you on now?  Breezy still?03:32
dewentegive me an example03:32
histodewente, does you server have a GUI installed?03:32
maeI put it in while in windows vista03:32
dewentehisto, yes03:32
L1NUX_1NS1DEdo some google searches on vnc and getting a full desktop03:33
Flannelglusce: you can find out with `lsb_release -a`03:33
histodewente, go on your server and share the desktop03:33
fapmasterDistroJockey,  Iv let it sit for 5 to 10 mins03:33
rwwmae: then you're running wubi03:33
topls64how do i compile in vista support03:33
dewentehisto, ?03:33
DistroJockeyfapmaster, may not be long enough. How big is the drive?03:33
Flannelglusce: alright.  Breezy hasn't been supported for a while now.  You should upgrade (obviously).  Once you upgrade to 6.06, you can upgrade straight to 8.04.03:33
histodewente, Ssytem > Preferences > Remote Desktop.  That will start  vnc server with default port of 590003:33
fapmasterDistroJockey,  5 to 10 mins on 33% on a 120 gb external hd03:33
maeokay.. I did not know that. but since i on;y have one partition, why does the WoW installer say I do not have enough disk space.. I have 47% empty03:33
topls64LISTEN TO ME !!!!!!!! LQQK03:33
BZWingZeromae: You must not have made the linux partition big enough for WoW to be installed on it as well.03:33
BZWingZeromae: are you trying to install WoW in linux or windows?03:34
histodewente, on the client box just open up Applications > Internet > remote Desktop viewer   and connect to your server.03:34
L1NUX_1NS1DEI have a server running webmin and for some reason I am not a abe to ping it's static ip adress from a client computer03:34
maeI have it installed on windows03:34
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77928/  am I typing it wrong03:34
__mikemtopls64, what does it mean to "compile in vista support"03:34
topls64linus is a homo03:34
DistroJockeyfapmaster, which part does it say it's doing when it stops?03:34
Flanneltopls64: Please stop03:34
rwwmae: because it's not calculating free space on your Windows partition. It's calculating free space on the virtual linux partition-in-a-file you made with wubi, which is probably too small.03:34
topls64i want to run vista under ubuntu so it runs better03:34
DistroJockeyfapmaster, does your external drive have a read/write indicator light?03:34
jerryliciousHey guys I need some help, I just installed ubuntu on Windows and when I load windows from grub, I get this :A disk read error occured. Please restart. Can anyone help??03:34
histotopls64, use virtualbox03:34
histotopls64, or vmware03:35
__mikemtopls64, okay, go out and download virtualbox03:35
dewentehisto, do you know any command line for do it ?03:35
__mikemhisto, virtual box will work better for his needs03:35
topls64virtual box, like a pussy in a porno?03:35
fapmasterDistroJockey,  can we take this into another room to escape the spam and yes it has an indacater light03:35
histo__mikem, both accomplish the same thing03:35
maeokay, that makes sense... I have looked into resizing, ownloaded gparted, but i do not have a seperate ubuntu partition... just my c: and hp backup03:35
glusceI HAVE TRIED THAT BUT IT CAN'T BE UPGRADE ....  I'ts too old :))) I'm downloading now 8.10 so that's it thanks ffor the time ...03:35
evolve_anyone have any experience with kboot?03:35
rwwmae: therefore,03:35
bazhangglusce, no caps03:35
DistroJockeyfapmaster, sure join #fapmaster03:35
histodewente, You don't have GUi access to the server locally?03:35
rwwmae: therefore, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How do I resize the virtual disks?03:35
Flannelglusce: It can be upgraded, it's not too old.  Would you like to upgrade?03:36
rwwstupid copy+paste system03:36
jerrylicious Hey guys I need some help, I just installed ubuntu on Windows and when I load windows from grub, I get this :A disk read error occured. Please restart. Can anyone help??03:36
* rww kicks it some more03:36
BZWingZeromae: Linux has a pseudo-partition inside windows.03:36
maeI love you! :)03:36
mae*virtual hug*03:36
gluscefrom 5.10 to 8.1003:36
Flannelglusce: No, from 5.10 to 6.06, and then from 6.06 to 8.04, and then you can upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 if you'd like.03:36
=== Caveman is now known as Guest33633
histodewente, you also need to be logged in on the server in gnome for that to work.03:36
dewentehisto, no03:37
L1NUX_1NS1DEare you upgrading a server glusce03:37
myrI'd stick with 8.0403:37
__mikemFlannel, I don't particularly like 8.10. I think 8.04 was better03:37
rwwmae: in this case, since wine installs stuff in /home, if you use the second option in that link I gave you you're gonna wanna move /home.03:37
histodewente, I have another option let me look up package names hold on.03:37
bingungajaanyone know where can I find deb file for prozgui ubuntu 8.10 64bit ?03:37
Flannelglusce: Alright, change your sources.list to the following: (alt-f2, `gksudo "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"`)03:37
dewentehisto. thanks ... i will be reading something here03:37
maeokay, thanks03:37
jerrylicious Hey guys I need some help, I just installed ubuntu on Windows and when I load windows from grub, I get this :A disk read error occured. Please restart. Can anyone help??03:38
glusceokey ..what now ... my sources.list is empty and for update i recived : Your distribution is no longer supported03:39
gluscePlease upgrade to a newer version of Ubuntu Linux. The version you are running will no longer get security fixes or other critical updates. Please see http://www.ubuntulinux.org for upgrade information.03:39
Flannelglusce: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77929/03:39
histodewente, sudo aptitude install tightvncserver tightvnc-java on the server.  Then you can point a webrowser at it the port vnc-java gives and take control of a session.03:39
Flannelglusce: Replace your sources.list with that, save it, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:39
jerrylicious Hey guys I need some help, I just installed ubuntu on Windows and when I load windows from grub, I get this :A disk read error occured. Please restart. Can anyone help??03:40
node357I'm pleased to say all my problems with Ubuntu are solved!03:40
dewentehisto, ok .. let me download it03:40
xubuserHello People.03:40
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: you did look at  dmesg | tail ?03:40
EvL_GamerCan anyone help me figure out how to access my laptops built in memory card reader?  I am using an hp dv9000t running Ubuntu 8.1003:41
Flannelglusce: Also, whats the output to 'uname -a'?03:41
dr_willisjerrylicious,  i imagine people will be wanting you to pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' and  your /boot/grub/menu.lst - when someone does  have the time to  help you..03:41
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: and it seems that the -t should be in front of the filename an mountpoint03:41
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77932/ thanks for all of your help with this03:41
heret1c!amule crash03:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amule crash03:41
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, let me try that03:41
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  plug in card.. check dmesg command output.. SOME of those built in readers are not supported for all the media they can read. what kind of card are you trying to access?03:41
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, same error03:42
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, can you make sense of the dmesg | tail output?03:42
EvL_Gamerthe card is a sony memory stick pro.  i ran that "dmesg" command, and it output a LOT heh, what should i look for?03:42
glusceLinux ubuntu 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linu03:42
bingungajaanyone know where can I find deb file for prozgui ubuntu 8.10 64bit ?03:43
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  the end of the output.. its a log file.. new stuff at end.03:43
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?03:43
Flannelglusce: alright.  Once your dist-upgrade is done, do this: sudo apt-get install linux-image-686 ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-standard ubuntu-minimal, and let me know when you've finished that.03:43
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: it may print if the ext3 driver is unhappy or if its something else03:43
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  and those cards Might NOT be supported.. normally SD cards are..  and the more common ones..  I dont even have a sony card to test.. I do have a HP   DV2000 laptop :)03:43
xubuserguys, for nfs what is the better one? nfs-kernel-server or nfs-user-server?03:43
quaggaxubuser: kernel will have better performance03:44
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, what do you mean print?03:44
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: you still do have the original image file. then we could play around with the decompressed image and try fsck03:44
EvL_Gamerdr_willis, I dont see anything in the last screen worth of that log data that mentions usb anything03:44
xubuserquagga: hmmm, would it require rebuilding kernel? Or will it work off the kernel currently in ubuntu install.03:44
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zsquarepluscCrewsr3: print as in it wrote a message03:44
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  you are usiong a USB card reader? or built into laptop. the issue ive seen is with the 'built' in multi-readers..  USB ones normally always work.03:45
quaggaxubuser: the latter.  i believe it just interfaces with kernel modules already there03:45
xubuserquagga: ok, sounds cool. Thanks for your help. :)03:45
=== Caveman is now known as Caveman_
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  normally i do 'dmesg' plug in card.. wait a few secs and check 'dmesg' again.. normally some message shows up about the new card.03:45
EvL_Gamerdr_willis, its built in.  i just noticed this though, is it meaningful?    usb 5-1: new full speed USB device using uhci_hcd and address 3     usb 5-1: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice03:45
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77934/ this is what came of the fdisk03:46
dr_willisEvL_Gamer,  check dmesg again.. it may have some new info after that,,03:46
dr_willisdmesg can be a bit.. slow.. :)03:46
dr_willisI dont rember how to tail dmesg output to a terminal..03:46
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: why fdisk? its a partition, we already verified that with "file". so fdisk wont find a partition table.03:47
gluscetake a look ...Not good ....  http://paste.ubuntu.com/77935/03:47
histodr_willis, dmesg | tail03:48
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, what should I do next?03:48
EvL_Gamerdr_wilis, sorry nothing new.  would be a bit dissapointed if switching to linux disables that feature, am really trying to get microsoft off this laptop  :)03:48
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: you still have the original image? not that the tries to repair destroy something important03:49
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, yes, I have not deleted the original partition and I have the image that I uncompressed03:50
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: then try fsck.ext3 -f /share/homebkup/home.img03:51
EvL_GamerCan anyone help me diagnose a problem running the linux version of StepMania?  Or point me to a channel that I might find help?03:51
histoEvL_Gamer, they have a message board on their site03:52
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, Superblock has an invalid ext3 journal (inode 8).03:52
Crewsr3 what should I do?03:52
histoEvL_Gamer, http://www.stepmania.com/forums/  Would be a good start03:52
droopsta915I have a bunch of kernels listed on boot up, I tryed removing an old kernel and it says not installed. Why does it show up on the boot up screen?03:52
EvL_Gamerhisto, ive posted on there but no responses yet, just thought a shot in the dark here might get lucky with someone :)03:53
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: as you have the backup you can answer yes to these questions03:53
Flanneldroopsta915: Remove the kernels through package management03:53
histoEvL_Gamer, there is also #stepmania and #stepmania-devs on freenode here03:53
EvL_Gamerhisto, is freenode another irc server?  im relativly new to all this03:53
droopsta915Flannel:What do I remove? The image?03:54
Flanneldroopsta915: linux-image-[version]-generic, that's the package name, yeah03:54
zsquarepluscEvL_Gamer: this is freenode03:54
quaggaEvL_Gamer: freenode is the network you'ar one.  #stepmania is another channel on the network.  this is the #ubuntu channel03:54
histoEvL_Gamer, nope its the one you are on now just join the channel #stepmania and the channel #stepmania-devs   You can do that by typing /j #stepmania     in the text field where you type03:54
glusceFlannel , tks for the help ... I give up ... :)) It's old version with a lot mistakes ... I'm downloading 8.10 so far 40 % ... personali I think this version canno't be updated :(03:54
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?03:55
Flannelglusce: I know for that fact that that isn't true.  But installing fresh will work, and will be faster anyway.03:55
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77936/  This is what happened03:55
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?03:55
histoglusce, what version of ubuntu was tha trunning?03:55
zsquarepluscCrewsr3: can you mount it now?03:56
gluscetha trunning ?03:56
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you so much, I have been working on this for over a week!03:56
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Crewsr3zsquareplusc, This is great, the files are there!!!!!03:57
Crewsr3zsquareplusc, Thanks so much and have a great night!03:57
chewhat are you talking about?03:57
Flannelhisto: He's on 5.1003:57
glusceyep . 5.1003:57
histoFlannel, ugh...03:57
sdlwofi need help with some bash stuff.03:57
sdlwofmplayer won't autocomplete for swf type files.03:57
dbsuperbI have a question about using my linux box and running postfix to relay mail through google apps03:57
dbsuperbanyone currently doing that03:58
hoohoohoowho want me to buy u a christmas gift03:58
sdlwofand there's nothing about autocomplete in ~/.bashrc03:58
hoohoohoobuy for you03:58
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orangeflythere is no one on the xubuntu channel....i'm trying to set my daughter up with an old laptop....can anyone help getting a linksys wusb54gs working in xubuntu....???....03:59
glusceIf i have some problem instaling NS - 2 later I'll be here again :)) Bye bye form macedonia ...03:59
sdlwoforangefly, usb, good luck.03:59
glusceand thanks for the help03:59
orangeflyi know....03:59
dbsuperbI just came back from Kosovo03:59
gluscewhat is so strange03:59
glusceu were in neigberhood04:00
dbsuperband actually went into macedonia04:00
gluscei'm from kumanovo04:00
dbsuperbhad to get an MRI04:00
dbsuperbyeah Macedonia is nicer then kosovo04:00
dbsuperbhad a lot of interpretors from there04:00
glusce:)))) you can bet that04:00
node357orangefly, maybe this will help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4029904:00
* cxo knows hot chick fro macedonia04:01
gluscethere are a lot04:01
dbsuperbvery nice looking girls in macedonia04:01
gluscenot just one04:01
dbsuperbyou speak good english?04:01
exdebiananybody know how to enable dma for disk?04:02
SuperGeekHow often is /tmp cleared and what process controls that?04:02
AdamDVQuick question, how do I test my mic from the 8.04 livecd?04:02
dbsuperbwhat do you do for a living04:02
glusceI' living in dormitory for now ...studing software enginering ...04:02
glusceI' living in dormitory for now ...studing software enginering ...04:02
Y-TownAdamDV: sound recorder04:02
gluscenext year i'll graduate04:02
dbsuperbthen what04:03
gluscei don't now04:03
AdamDVy-town: How do I get to it?04:03
ohletmeinnowgoddand then graduate school04:03
darkhammhow can i configure xine for good videoplayback (i've scanlines on dvd and files, i selected deinterlace but nothing happens...)04:03
dbsuperbit is a beautiful country you have for sure04:03
Hatsjoe`Is someone familiar with running TeamSpeak servers under Ubuntu Server Edition?04:03
AdamDVNM, thanx04:03
exdebianXXX hello there: somebody could help me pls?04:03
Y-TownAdamDV: applications/sound & recording04:03
gluscemaybe we are good and beautifull but poor !!!04:03
metelliusgnome people, how can I tell all g-apps to open links in my default browser (opera) and not just default to firefox all the time?04:03
exdebianenabling dma for disk?04:03
glusceaverage salary is 200 euros04:04
mooglinuxsamba and mythbuntu woes: cant connect to my samba shares!04:04
[T]ankanyone know what repo asterisk is found in?04:04
DistroJockey!ot | dbsuperb glusce04:04
ubottudbsuperb glusce: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:04
gluscesorry :)04:04
dbsuperbyeah I believe the interpretor from there made maybe 600 euros a month04:04
DistroJockeynods glusce :)04:04
dbsuperbthat was the high end I believe04:05
orangeflynode357, worth a shot....thanks....04:05
* DistroJockey pokes dbsuperb 04:05
mooglinuxanyone have a clue what NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED is sopposed to mean when you run smbclient -L04:05
dbsuperbyou been to Kosovo04:05
glusceand i don't wont to04:05
dbsuperbno you don't04:05
exdebianokay: this is ubuntu support channel, glad to hear that, now... anybody know how to enable dma for my disk bucause intrepid runs very slow in my notebook04:06
dbsuperbare you in here all the time04:06
plb__join #gentoo-forums04:06
dbsuperbI will be stopping back again04:06
gluscethis is my first time04:06
DistroJockeyexdebian, had a look at  hdparm ?04:06
joeb3_mooglinux, the user you are connecting as does not have access.  use -U username04:06
dbsuperbwell stop back again , I will too04:06
dbsuperbbye for now04:06
mattIn Grub...what's the difference between the different Ubuntu options (ending in 16, 19, 20, 21 etc.)04:07
gluscesee ya04:07
SuperGeekHow often is /tmp cleared and what process controls that?04:07
mooglinuxis there a way to set the share so anyone can connect?04:07
hmw_lfsmatt: you mean the kernel versions?04:07
DistroJockeymatt, what ends in 16, 19 etc.?  Kerenel versions?04:07
macjason0607my monitor sucks04:08
exdebianDistroJockey, yes and it doesn't work, because todays kernel use scsi to access ide, weird huh,... hdparm doesn't work04:08
hoohoohooi can connect to 2 netwrok in this gnemo xchat ?04:08
[T]ankactually... i found it. Now why would aptitude search asterisk find results that synaptic does not?04:08
joeb3_mooglinux, public=yes and browseable=yes for the share04:08
DistroJockeyexdebian, ohh. Wasn't aware hdparm had that limitation :(04:08
mooglinuxshould there be spaces on each side of the = in smb.conf?04:09
mattyes kernal versions...and would that have anything to do with why I have to keep reinstalling the driver for my graphics card.04:09
EvL_GamerCan anyone help with a dvd playing issue?  I am able to play the disc, but after the varios warnings are played it always ends with an error "cannot read from resource" before getting to the dvd menu.  The disc is clean and scratch free.04:09
Fezzler1Ubuntu locked up - tried Flight Gear Tutorial. Alt-Ctrl-Esc=nothing  Ctrl-Alt-Back=nothing  How do I unfreeze?04:09
joeb3_mooglinux, Don't know if it matters, but I usually use the space.04:09
macjason0607there a prog that gets albumn artwork ?04:09
joeb3_Fezzler1, Hit the power button04:10
mooglinuxahh, im missing the public option.04:10
exdebianDistroJockey, there's a scsi version for hdparm, it called sdparm, but based on the man page there's no command to enable dma04:10
Fezzler1joeb3_>> Yea04:10
exdebiananybody know how to enable dma using sdparm?04:10
glusce60 % .... downloading 8.10 .... waiting :)))) it's 5 AM in the morning ... I wont to sleep .... :)04:10
macjason0607glusce, what you downloading ?04:11
Fezzler1No other secret tips?  Ubuntu can freeze up I guess04:11
DistroJockeyexdebian, can only think of looking at kernel or cheat codes for boot04:11
glusceubuntu 8.10 desktop iso04:11
bob_could someone help me about keyboard setting04:11
mooglinuxFezzler1, if alt+ctrl+back doesnt work, then i dont know of nothint that will04:11
macjason0607glusce, what you running right now ?04:11
mattDistroJockey...yes it's the kernel version...whats the difference between them, and would selecting different ones have anything to do with why I have to keep installing my graphics driver?:04:12
glusceubuntu 5.1004:12
Fezzler1Ooops.  There it goes.  Flight GEar must be buggy04:12
DistroJockeymatt, I would use the latest if you can (higher number)04:12
lazukarsTransfering files-- What would be the most efficient way of transfering over 200 divx movies from a PC to Ubuntu?04:12
__mikemFezzler1, don't use flight gear, its extremely buggy. THe only flight sim game I have seen for linux that is worth anything is x-plane but it isn't free04:12
DistroJockeymatt, if you installed the driver manually, then yes, you will need to re-install it each time the kernel gets upgraded04:12
Fezzler1lazukars>> Ethernet direct connection04:12
mattdistrojockey: thanks that makes sense.04:13
mooglinuxok, i added the public = yes option to my samba shares and restarted the service. same error: NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED04:13
DistroJockeymatt, by manually I mean anything but via the jockey-gtk interface04:13
lazukarsFezzler1: so I just plug a crossover cable, then how do you move the files?04:13
Fezzler1__mikem>> Looking for good game04:13
lazukarsWill my PC folders show up in Ubuntu?04:13
Fezzler1lazukars>> Connect as a netwrk04:13
__mikemFezzler1, get x-plane04:14
Fezzler1lazukars>> Direct connection04:14
mooglinuxlazukars, plug in a crossover cable and its just like any other network. share the folders and copy them over04:14
__mikemFezzler1, just don't bother with flight gear04:14
lazukars mooglinux: thanks04:14
EvL_GamerCan anyone help with a dvd playing issue?  I am able to play the disc, but after the varios warnings are played it always ends with an error "cannot read from resource" before getting to the dvd menu.  The disc is clean and scratch free.04:14
exdebianDistroJockey, yeah i've tried to find boot options to enable dma for scsi disk, but there are none!... the funny thing is that ide developer switch their code to scsi because they found that scsi could handle ide better... maaan... why now write a new code...04:14
mooglinuxEvl_Gamer: what app you oepning the dvd with?04:14
Y-TownEvL_Gamer: what app you using to watch the dvd?04:15
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EvL_Gameri tried using VLC, but it wont even get that far, it just does nothing04:15
Y-TownEvL_Gamer: i have not had much good luck either with both those apps04:16
__mikemEvL_Gamer, I have an idea that might work. HOld on04:16
DistroJockeyexdebian, usually DMA would be on by default I would assume04:16
mooglinuxxine-ui is my favorite for watchin dvds04:16
DistroJockeyexdebian, how do you know it's not?04:16
mooglinuxgxine is just hidious.04:16
Fezzler1lazukars>> http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=97391804:16
glusceit's so slowwwwww :(04:16
__mikemhttp://alfter.us/fair-use.php <-- EvL_Gamer if you want a better chance at getting DVD's to play, try this04:17
bob_question i have no sound in firefox04:17
DistroJockeythat was a staement not a question bob ;)04:17
DistroJockeystatement even04:18
exdebianDistroJockey, actually in scsi-emulated-ide they didn't called "dma", but "direct access ATA", and if it is enabled, then there's should be a kernel message at boot or dlog04:18
bob_how could i change or manage the flash sound in firefox04:18
exdebianDistroJockey, btw are u using ide or scsi?04:18
DistroJockeybob_, try pavucontrol04:18
__mikemEvL_Gamer, did you get what I said?04:18
DistroJockeyexdebian, I use SATA mostly but some IDE, not tried with SCSI yet04:19
EvL_Gamer__mikem:  yea i got it, but im new to linux and that seems a bit over my head04:19
mooglinuxmy samba shares are not showing up when i browse the network04:19
macjason0607sheesh my windows are so big in ubuntu04:19
exdebianDistroJockey, cool, need u'r help, pls check /dev folder, did u'r disks named hd* or sd*?04:20
bob_thx distrojokey it works04:20
macjason0607there a way to have 10x24 and make my icons /menu smaller ?04:20
DistroJockeyexdebian, sd04:20
__mikemEvL_Gamer, well DeCSS is the most likely solution to the problem04:20
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AAAEMSUWhat software can be used to create maps?04:20
exdebianDistroJockey, hmm yup, it should be hd* for ide04:20
mooglinuxnmblookup shows that this computer has samba shares, but i cannot list them with smbclient -L04:21
mooglinuxor browse to them in nautilus. or windows04:21
DistroJockeyexdebian, nope, not since 2.6 or maybe 2.4 kernel04:21
KadkoHello, I have a problem with my wifi and ubuntu 8.10, i was used madwifi at 8.04.1 ver. and it worked very good, but i'll try to install madwifi at 8.10, the instalation finish sucefull but my wifi its "like disabled", I was try to use ndiswrapper and happed the same!! what can i do?04:21
DistroJockeyexdebian, all ide and sata are now sd*04:22
EvL_Gamer__mikem: fair point, i guess im just a bit surprised that with ubuntu marketing itself as a viable windows replacement that playing dvds is still complex.  and this is from someone who would love to be able to ditch windows.04:22
tsrkWhy doesn't ubuntu let me chgrp directories that I own without being root?04:22
gluscequestion !!! After i download ubuntu 8.10 it's in iso format .... how to burnit to cd while using ubuntu 5.1004:22
macjason0607help http://paste.ubuntu.com/77947/04:22
zerwasglusce> there is no 5.10. simply click on the file, if you are talking about ubuntu 8.1004:23
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DistroJockeyglusce, maybe with  growisofs ? (not sure on that one)04:23
__mikemEvL_Gamer, well, the problem is, ubuntu can not lawfully distribute what is needed to play back DVDs. The DMCA effectively makes it illegal. IF you want DVD Playback to just work on ubuntu, you either have to get one of those Dell ubuntu machines or get licensed codecs from cannonical which I don't know if they are doing that yet04:23
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glusceis poweriso suported on ubuntu ?04:24
macjason0607wine ?04:24
mooglinuxglusce: other apps do the same thing04:24
DistroJockeyglusce, nope, that doesn't look right.  cdrecord ?04:24
Kadkoglusce: use brasero04:24
mooglinuxwho was it that needed help with dvd playback?04:24
DistroJockeyhe is running 5.1004:24
__mikemmooglinux, EvL_Gamer04:24
__mikemmooglinux, I recomended DeCSS04:25
mooglinuxEvL_Gamer: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766683&highlight=real+video04:25
woody86how can I choose what's diplayed on the desktop or not?04:25
LF|Irssiwhat was the first version of Ubuntu?04:25
mooglinuxEvL_Gamer: just copy and paste those commans and chances are good you will be set04:25
maeonce i install something like partedmagic partition manager... how do i get it running or where can i find it???04:25
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mooglinuxmae: what you are looking for is called gparted04:26
__mikemmooglinux, I sent him to this site http://alfter.us/fair-use.php04:26
maeI have gparted....04:26
maebut okay! at least i know i have the right hting04:26
DistroJockeyLF|Irssi, Ubuntu's first release was on 2004-10-20  (so 4.10 I guess)04:26
KadkoSome one who can help me whit my wifi "Atheros"?04:26
LF|Irssiah good to know DistroJockey thanks04:26
DistroJockeynp LF|Irssi :)04:26
Hellfishhttp:// teleton radio, direct of concepcion, chile, kid of teleton wok on this04:27
EvL_Gamer__mikem:  thanks for your time, ill keep at it and hopefully have some luck.  cant give up to easy right?04:27
__mikemEvL_Gamer, correct. Unfortunately, many people do anyway ;)04:28
mneptok__mikem: that link is misleading, i'm afraid.04:28
mouseboyxIs there any palm check for ubuntu for touch pads so that you dont click when your palm hits the touchpad?04:29
Emphastalagah.. installing winamp turned out to be the best option for being able to equalize the sound from my music04:29
alex__well on my brother netbook i had to download the driver from cvc04:29
LF|IrssiI want to copy a file thats in ~/downloads (its on it needs to go to .199 (on the same network) what would be the exact ssh command for that?04:29
__mikemmneptok, why?04:29
sgrahamok have this machine has an ati radeon 9200 in it.  The card has been a champ for my debian testing install.  I put  the ati perpritary drives on the thing.  Now i go to do the same on ubuntu 8.04 and...i cant find the drivers.  what gives? all the drives i find on ati's site says they do not support anything lower than 9500.04:30
mneptokLF|Irssi: scp ~/downloads/file.name username@
LF|Irssithanks ill try it :)04:30
glusceI have downloaded and extracted brosero ... what now ... how to instal it .... ( I have been using ubuntu for 3 hours so far, don't lought to me ) :)04:30
mneptok__mikem: it implies that DeCSS is being targetted by the movie industry. it's not. it's simply *illegal* in the US.04:30
__mikemmneptok, technically, the mp3 gstreamer codec is illegal in the US to04:30
mooglinuxif brasareo is not installed by default it should be in the repositories04:30
mneptok__mikem: "fair use" has nothing to do with libdvddcss04:31
sgrahamI cant even tell if the thing is running in accelerated mode.  I am able to use the desktop enhancements, sooo it would seem that it is working correctly.04:31
__mikemmneptok, perhaps we should move this conversation to PM04:31
EMPulseHey guys, do I seriosuly not need an antivirus for ubuntu?04:31
mneptok__mikem: correct. which is why it does not ship in Ubuntu. and the reason we give is that it is illegal, not that "the mean music industry hates this WAAAA!"04:31
mneptokEMPulse: no04:31
DistroJockeyglusce, what file did you download?04:31
mooglinuxno antivuris needed. its that great!04:32
__mikemmneptok, oh I see04:32
DistroJockeyglusce, full link please04:32
gluscebrasero 0.8.204:32
binMonkeyi just updated to 1.6.27-9 kernel and my laptop wouldn't boot.  it aptitude remove --purge enough to get rid of that update?04:32
binMonkey*2.6.27 etc.04:33
alex__hey guys some of you know the diff files inside format?04:33
scunizi  binMonkey did you have anything special you added to the kernel line of the other kernel?04:33
DistroJockeyglusce, your system may not have the requirements for that package04:34
binMonkeyscunizi: you mean before the update?  no.  i just deleted quiet and splash from menu.lst.04:34
sgrahamthe big question i have is there is a line in the howto on this that says. Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager04:34
heret1cdoes anyone experience sudden unexplained amule crashes, apparently especially when comp has been idle for some time? (8.10)04:34
sgrahamthere is no drivers availabe in the drivers manager04:34
scunizibinMonkey: ah.. on mine I had to add pci=nomsi to get it to boot04:35
DistroJockeyglusce, if you are running Ubuntu 5.10, it's probably better to use some terminal based program04:35
binMonkeyscunizi: ok.  what does that do?  how did you know to add that?04:35
mooglinuxglusce: there any particular reason you dont just intstall a later version of ubuntu?04:35
DistroJockey!iso > DistroJockey04:35
ubottuDistroJockey, please see my private message04:35
gluscei didn;t have one04:36
scunizibinMonkey: not sure if you'll need it.. it's just that with my motherboard (newer) the kernel has some issues.. after googling extensively I found that line to add to the end of the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst.. no idea if it will do anything for you or not.04:36
gluscei'm downloading 8.10 and it's in iso format , is it posible to install directly or i need to put that iso file to cd ?04:37
[TiZ]I just uninstalled fglrx, and compiz is running seriously slow with radeon. Before I installed fglrx, radeon ran compiz great. What do I do?04:37
binMonkeyscunizi: ok.  thanks.04:37
[TiZ]I went to #radeon, but they were no help at all.04:37
scuniziglusce: burn to a cd as slow as you can as an image.. not data04:37
glusceNor suported by 5.10 ... :(   hecking for BRASERO_GSTREAMER... configure: error: Package requirements04:37
DistroJockeyglusce, it's possible (just may not be easy)04:37
mooglinuxglusce: gotta put that to cd. there is the option of a network install, which is convieniant04:37
alex__you can use a usb to install live cd and install04:38
sgrahamtiz just curiouse what card?04:38
[TiZ]sgraham: Xpress 1150.04:38
mooglinuxglusce: ive done that before on a computer that had no cd drive. lemme tell ya, getting grub onto a windows 200 computer is an adventure04:38
sgrahamok i have a9200 im struggling with right now..older card04:38
sgrahamhowever, i do have a page that talks alot about how to deal with those cards04:38
heret1c!amule bug04:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amule bug04:39
sgraham[TiZ]:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI04:39
Kadko!ubuntu 8.10 splash screen frozen?04:39
[TiZ]sgraham: Did you uninstall fglrx too? My problem is a strange one. Radeon + compiz = awesome, before installing fglrx. Installed fglrx, used it for a while. Now, I uninstalled fglrx. Compiz + Radeon = fail now. It shouldn't work like that.04:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:39
DistroJockeyok, so what tools to burn an iso were available in ubuntu 5.10? *ponders*04:39
gluonmanIs it possible to copy a collection of folders without copying their contents?04:39
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: be more specific04:39
scuniziDistroJockey: was k3b available back then?04:40
[TiZ]sgraham: That page isn't going to help me.04:40
DistroJockeyscunizi, hmm, I doubt it04:40
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, how is that not specific? If I have a bunch of directories (folders) with contents in them and I want to copy the folders to another location but as empty (without the contents), is it possible?04:40
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: ls /proc/ post the output04:40
DistroJockeyscunizi, better to look for the terminal based stuff behind the front-ends I think04:40
[TiZ]sgraham: However... a page it linked to MIGHT help.04:41
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, what is that?04:41
scuniziDistroJockey: I think you're right..04:41
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: open a console04:41
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman write ls /proc/ and tell me what it says04:41
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, I know it's console, but what are we trying to accomplish with that command?04:41
DistroJockeyscunizi, I've not used terminal based recording stuff. I know it's there, just not what it's called :)04:41
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: ls is list04:41
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: /proc/ is a directory04:42
mooglinuxsmbclient -L is reterning NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED04:42
EvL_GamerOk so now when I try to play a dvd in either VLC or Totem, both programs simply exit as soon as I tell them to play the dvd.  No errors, they just close.  Advice?04:42
F3d0rAAnyone have a Dell Laptop D820/D830 with a BCM4328 dell wireless card?  I am trying to get this installed using fwcutter firmware installer with the latest firmware package for the BCM43xx.  Anyone have this combo please let me know how you got it to work04:42
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, oh, you mean replace /proc/ with my desired directory?04:42
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: yes04:42
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, could have made that clear in the beginning.04:42
F3d0rAI have it working using ndiswrapper for now but I prefer the firmware and module method04:42
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman do "mv /directory/you/want/tocopy /proc/04:43
mooglinuxsmbclient -L is reterning NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. any ideas?04:43
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKwithout quotation marks04:43
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, and that will copy the directories as empty to another location?04:43
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKyes, then it will prompt you for the destination directory04:44
scuniziDistroJockey: gnomebaker is the google reference for 5.04 cd burning04:44
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, couldn't I just include the destination in that above command at the end?04:44
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKbut first do sudo mv /directory/you/want/tocopy /proc/04:44
DistroJockeyglusce, scunizi : I think  cdrecord (aka wodim) may be the one04:44
DistroJockeyscunizi, ahh, that's good04:44
alex__fedora i have a bcm card too i had to add 1 repository and 2 packages to get  d43 driver work04:45
DistroJockeyglusce, you have  gnomebaker ?04:45
mooglinuxglusce: if you cant get a cd burnt, do a network install04:45
scuniziDistroJockey: cdrecord has been around forever. I don't know how to use it though.04:45
alex__google it easy to find04:45
DistroJockeyscunizi, yeah, that's why I thought of it. Neither do I :)04:45
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, just to be clear "/proc/" is the code that will tell it to copy the directories and not their contents?04:45
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKexactly, its the first step in copying the directories without the files contained04:46
evolve_can anyone tell me how i can create a floppy disk with usb drivers so i can finally boot my USB key?04:46
xorlimI want to use my Windows key to open the Applications menu on Ubuntu. How?04:46
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, but I had asked, is it possible to declare the destination on the same line after "/proc/ "?04:46
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKxorlim: be more specific, which key04:46
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKgluonman: not yet, its a multi step process04:46
gluonmanFSCK_FSCK_FSCK, alright. Thank you.04:46
mooglinuxxorlim: the windows key is refered to as 'super'. go in under system>preferances>keyboard shortcuts, it ought to be in there04:47
xorlimFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: left hand Meta key, with the Windows logo on it. On a "Windows" keyboard by Logitech. The key between Ctrl and Alt.04:47
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKxorlim: do man xorg in console, tell me what it says04:47
techhow to install samsung printer scx4200 in ubuntu.04:47
alex__on 8.10 you just go system admin there is a program there that make usb boot04:47
BusterHymenis it possible to add reiser4 support to ubuntu as of right now?04:47
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKBusterHymen: be more specific04:47
mooglinuxsmbclient -L is reterning NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED. any ideas?04:48
snirksmooglinux: it seems you're being denied04:48
mooglinuxseems that way...04:48
scunizitech: check samsuns site for the linux unified driver. I use it for 2 printers. clp-600n and a 2010.. both lasar, one networked04:49
BusterHymenhaha well it's a pretty general question ... can I install reiser4 on my intrepid installation?  Is there a package for it or a tutorial somewhere?04:49
snirksmooglinux: try "smbtree <ip of box with shared directories on it> > /dev/null" and paste the output04:49
macjason0607so any ideas guys about api and resolution for me ?04:51
techhow to install samsung printer scx4200 in ubuntu i also have driver .04:51
ZaHACKieLIRC /whois ZaHACKieL04:51
snirksmooglinux: if thta doesnt work, try just "echo "lol fool" > file" just to doublecheck that redirection on the commandline is working for you. after that, do a "cat file"04:51
DistroJockey!cups | tech04:52
ubottutech: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:52
scunizitech: see my previous post04:52
mooglinuxthe echo works fine.04:52
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snirkspaste the output please04:52
AAAEMSUThe JAVA_HOME environment variable is not defined .... what's the usual path?04:53
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
Guest62683Someone help me, I installed Blackbox and i'm running xfce. i'm a linux newbie -- how do i change to blackbox?04:53
gluscei have tried to install GnomeBaker but when i had to do the downloads i have recived this message   http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:53
gluscehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-updates/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:53
gluscehttp://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz: 404 Not Found [IP: 80]04:53
__mikem!paste | glusce04:54
ubottuglusce: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)04:54
DistroJockeyglusce, yep, as 5.10 is no longer supported04:54
mooglinuxthats all that showed up when i run it on this computer. //daisy is a windows xp computer04:54
DistroJockeyglusce, you will have to get it from elsewhere04:54
scuniziglusce: 5.10 is WAY not supported.04:54
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
ardchoilleGuest62683: BlackBox is a pretty minimal window manager, but you need to log out and choose it at the login window04:54
snirksmooglinux: mount -t cifs //ip/folder (remember, exact, case sensitive) /path/to/folder/on/your/linux04:55
Guest62683that's how it went, i forgot04:55
DistroJockeyeek! Big storm, gotta go. Good luck and have fun :)04:55
mooglinuxsorry about the sluggishness. im on xchat on one computer that has the shares and tryin to connect with a different computer.04:56
snirksmooglinux: i.e. sudo mkdir /media/mounted_share, then sudo mount -t cifs // /media/mounted_share04:56
gluscehehe ... when i clicked right click on the iso file there is option .... write to disc :)) Speed 1x 2x 3x 4x 5x 6x 7x 8x 9x 10x and so one :)))04:56
EvL_GamerWhen I try to play a dvd in either VLC or Totem, both programs simply exit as soon as I tell them to play the dvd.  No errors, they just close.  Advice?04:57
=== mcj__ is now known as j0ey
mooglinux       \\DAISY04:57
mooglinuxtimeout connecting to
mooglinuxtimeout connecting to
mooglinuxcli_start_connection: failed to connect to DAISY<20> ( Error04:57
FloodBot1mooglinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
snirksmooglinux: the process is basically "nmblookup" at cli to list windows shares on your subnet, smbtree <ip as shown from nmblookup> to list shares on a certain machine, then the mount command i showed you above04:57
mooglinuxusing nmblookup shows the computers that have shares correctly04:58
j0eyHey guys, sorta having a problem with my video card. It's a RADEON 9200 PCI (vanilla). Somehow it says I am using Mesa OpenGL drivers, however I have direct rendering.04:58
j0eyDoes that mean it is using my card's acceleration?04:58
snirksmooglinux: but in all this you must also consider which permissions are set on the shares on the window side04:58
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: be more specific04:59
snirksbut dont go outside if its cold04:59
mooglinuxin smb.conf i have the shares set as writeable, browseable, guest ok, and public (yes on all those) and the folders have 777 permissions04:59
j0eyWell, basically 3D things run pretty slowly and I tried using fglrx, but X.org will COMPLETELY shit out if I eevn have the driver installed on my PC.04:59
snirksno i mean on your windows pc, mooglinux04:59
snirksmooglinux: does it allow people to connect to shares without needing to have an account on the PC locally05:00
snirksmooglinux: does it require a passowrd retc05:00
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: ok lets troubleshoot this. do ls /etc/ and post every entry that starts with an e05:00
j0eyFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77953/05:01
ZaHACKieLHey everyone....did anyone have problems with the kernel 2.6.27-9-generic update? It's not working for me05:01
mooglinuxheres my setup: this computer, which is hosting some videos, a mythbuntu computer that i want to be able to access the folder the videos are stored in, and an xp machine that doesnt really need to access anything (but it would be useful)05:02
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: ok from the looks of it you're missing an important package for xorg/radeon compatibility05:02
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: whats your ubuntu version05:02
ardchoilleZaHACKieL: no problems here. Did you compile/install and 3rd party modules?05:02
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: what modules do you have loaded05:02
j0eyWhat do you mean by modules, FSCK_FSCK_FSCK ?05:03
j0eyWhat current X.org driver?05:03
ZaHACKieLi just made the upgrade from the package manager......the installation went right but now, when I choose that kernel from the grub, the ubuntu loading bar appears and after finishing loading I get the black screen of death =/05:03
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: ok do sudo mv /etc /boot and post the output05:04
King_BobHi, I've got a sound issue i need a fix for , when i use an app such as rhythmbox and open firefox to view a vid the first app seems to hog the sound card and the only way around it is to log out and then back in , any ideas?05:04
ZaHACKieLok, give me a sec05:04
ardchoilleZaHACKieL: If you've manually installed any 3rd party modules (like nvidia drivers or some such) you need to reinstall those manually when you do a kernel upgrade05:04
EvL_GamerAnyone available to help me decode some totem errors that I get when trying to play a DVD?05:04
ardchoilleFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: what?05:05
evolve_does anyone know of a floppy disk image which will boot a USB drive that has ubuntu on it? (for legacy computers without bios options that support it)05:05
ZaHACKieLmmm.....yeah it may be because I think the problem is that the graphic interface is not loading05:05
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKj0ey: what modules do you have loaded at the moment05:05
Shirakawasunadoes anyone here know if using an ext2 filesystem for / rather than ext3 (on an eeepc) will introduce significant issues?  Say if the FS is accidentally filled up or there was a sudden poweroff during a write, would I experience new problems at the next boot?05:05
FSCK_FSCK_FSCKShirakawasuna: be more specific05:05
scunizievolve_: I googled that once and found something.. it's out there. sorry I can't guide you more.05:05
evolve_scunizi: i've found a few, just none seem to work with ubuntu05:06
rwwShirakawasuna: There's slightly more likelyhood of data loss if you turn off the computer when it's in the middle of writing. However, since you're on an eeePC, you probably want to use ext2 anyway, to decrease writes to your SSD.05:06
ZaHACKieLI may try to reinstall ATI drivers05:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdread: Invalid title IFO (VTS_05_0.IFO).05:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdnav: Using dvdnav version 4.1.2 from http://dvd.sf.net05:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdnav: DVD Title: SIMPSONS_SEASON4_DISC405:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdnav: DVD Serial Number: 307E7A0C05:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdnav: DVD Title (Alternative): SIMPSONS_SEASON4_DISC405:06
EvL_Gamerlibdvdnav: Unable to find map file '/home/elanning/.dvdnav/SIMPSONS_SEASON4_DISC4.map'05:06
FloodBot1EvL_Gamer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:06
j0eySo FSCK_FSCK_FSCK I no longer have an etc now.05:06
j0eyThank you for that.05:06
ardchoillej0ey: I was wondering about that too05:06
amenconvert ext3fs for ext4fs real?05:07
ardchoilleFSCK_FSCK_FSCK: please don't tell people to do something that will harm their system05:07
j0eyWell uh, there really isn't any going back now.05:07
j0eyAfter I reboot now I'm screwed.05:07
ardchoilleAre there any ops about? (re: FSCK_FSCK_FSCK )05:07
Shirakawasunarww: right.  I just wanted to make sure that removing journaling wouldn't say... throughly corrupt the FS if it filled all the way up.  It's a 2G SSD, so it's likely it will eventually fill up on accident (the user won't be me)05:07
rwwj0ey: move it back =/05:07
mooglinuxoutput of smbtree MSHOME05:08
techi have samsung scx4200 printer driver but how to install tar file.05:08
mooglinux       \\DAISY05:08
mooglinuxtimeout connecting to
mooglinuxtimeout connecting to
mooglinuxcli_start_connection: failed to connect to DAISY<20> ( Error05:08
FloodBot1mooglinux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:08
fogobogolater then mooglinux05:08
rwwShirakawasuna: no, it won't. It'll just... fill up. Won't corrupt the data already on it or anything.05:08
j0eyHahaha oh shit man FSCK_FSCK_FSCK nice one.05:09
j0eyYou moved my sudo'er file.05:09
Shirakawasunarww: cool, I'll go with ext2 then :)05:09
j0eySo I can't move it back.05:09
joeb3_mooglinux, is samba running and is the firewall turned off?05:09
snirksmooglinux: chances are that 208.whatever doesnt have ports 137-139 and 445 open to public05:09
rwwoh god, that was masterful05:09
mooglinuxthe 208.whatever i believe is my print server. no wonder it was not working.05:10
rwwj0ey: boot from a live CD and move it back...05:10
=== FSCK_FSCK_FSCK is now known as che2208
King_Bobanyone ? :(05:11
snirksKing_Bob: be more specific05:12
King_BobOkay , if i already have an app open ( apart from the OS ) that requires use of the sound card and then open up another application , the second application has no sound output , yet the first one does.05:13
mooglinuxlooking at the output of smbtree, the shares i want to connect to dont show up at all...not even a failed connection (http://paste.ubuntu.com/77955/)05:13
techi have samsung scx4200 printer driver but how to install tar file.05:13
fogobogoKing_Bob: there is a problem05:13
scunizitech: did you get it from samsung site? then right mouse click and extract05:14
sektor1952is there a way to install ubuntu via vnc session if you have a headless server?05:14
fogobogoKing_Bob: seems like the mixer doesnt like you.05:14
glusce_yeeeee download and burinig copmleted now instaling ubuntu 8.10 wish me luck05:14
fogobogoKing_Bob: im pretty sure theres something on the forums or the wiki about that05:14
King_Bobso at anyone time i can only have one app open that makes use of the sound card , should i close the application to use another app the problem remains, and its doing my head in.05:14
DistroJockeyKing_Bob, try installing an using   pavucontrol   maybe05:14
B|ackPantherhow do i create an interactive shell ?I want to be able to type a couple of lines in the terminal .05:14
gpledjust upgraded to 8.10 now keyboard does not work under x. any ideas how to fix this?05:14
King_BobDistroJockey , i will look into it now thanks05:15
fogobogoKing_Bob: usually it suffices to stop sound ouput on one app and start the other one then05:15
juice949gpled: what do you mean it doesnt work? describe05:15
scriptxgpled: try booting into singleuser (recovery) and running the x fix boot.05:15
DistroJockeyKing_Bob, no problem05:15
King_Bobcheers guys , i will be back shortly05:15
scriptxgpled: sounds like your new X config file isn't supporting your kb05:15
juice949gpled: sounds like the new kb config isnt supported your X05:15
hmwsince i activated AGP 8x and FastWrite in xorg.conf, my Radeon9600 wont let me activate dual head anymore. I cant find out, what happened to my graphics card. Is there a way to "reset" the card?05:16
gpledthink there is a command to update desktop manager05:16
ardchoilleAre there any ops about?05:16
scuniziardchoille: #ubuntu-ops05:17
tech_i have samsung scx4200 printer driver but how to install tar file.05:17
Joseph_KHow can I run Wine as root?  When I try, I get the error "~/.wine is not owned by you".05:17
DistroJockeyhmw, how about undoing the FastWrite edit you made to your xorg.conf?05:17
scunizitech: you keep asking the same question but don't answer or follow instructions.. find the instructions on the samsung site.05:17
LF|IrssiJoseph_K: try 'sudo wine <application name>'  maybe05:18
mooglinuxtech, the driver is in the tar file. extract it05:18
sektor1952what's the best method to do a headless install?05:18
DistroJockeyJoseph_K, why do you want to run it as root?05:18
B|ackPantherHow can i enter multiple bash  lines in the terminal? I want to use that for just testing.05:18
GodfatherofEireAnybody know how to apply an equalizer or something similar to ALSA or ESD that's NOT jackd?05:18
tonyyarussoHi, I have a mouse now with forward/back buttons, and I'd like to use them to switch workspaces.  I looked at !mouse already, but a) I don't really understand it (wiki could use work), and b) it only mentions things specific to applications, like f/b in Firefox, not things in X/Gnome.  ANyoen know how this could be done?05:18
scunizimooglinux: been there and done that with him/her.. no answer.. no followup05:18
hmwDistroJockey of course i removed the entry. with that option, my pc freezed. when i now try to configure dual head, the second screen does another new annoying thing: just stays blank. looks like dualhead is working, but the graphics card has some glitch now.05:19
Joseph_KDistroJockey: Good question.  :)  I want to run a BIOS update, which I _presume_ will require root privileges.05:19
GodfatherofEiretonyyaruso, possibly using the config manager.05:19
gpledB|ackPanther: first;second;05:19
tonyyarussoGodfatherofEire: gconf-editor you mean?05:19
juice949sektor1952: ubuntu server05:19
GodfatherofEiretonyyaruso, yep05:19
DistroJockeyJoseph_K, bios update via wine. Ouch05:19
hmwDistroJockey new idea: i try to use the setting with "no"05:19
B|ackPantherthanks gpled.05:19
rwwJoseph_K: I... kinda doubt that's gonna work even if you do get wine running under root05:20
juice949gpled: you want to update what?05:20
sektor1952yes juice I want to do a server install, but do not have a monitor or keyboard on the server05:20
truthslavei just split patitions and installed kubuntu on my hard d with ubuntu... how do i get rid of the kubuntu?05:20
DistroJockeyhmw, twinview?05:20
gpledjuice949: desktop manager05:20
Justin_what is the meaning of Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" means in xorg.conf. My windows get no frame if I don't have it05:20
Joseph_Krww, DistroJockey: Well, I want to try.  :)05:20
hmwDistroJockey ??05:20
juice949gpled: you want to update the package?05:20
hmwDistroJockey i had dual head already. then i just wanted more performance, bad idea.05:20
GodfatherofEireso, nobody knows how I might modify the output of ALSA without using jackd?05:21
GodfatherofEireALSA or ESD05:21
gpledjuice949: the gnome desktop manager05:21
DistroJockeyhmw, what are you using for the dual monitor setup? (software wise)05:21
hmwDistroJockey the open source driver05:21
juice949gpled: ok lets troubleshoot this. first do ls /home05:21
juice949gpled: and tell me what it says05:21
scunizihmw: nvidia? install nvidia-settings05:21
hmwscunizi radeon 960005:22
=== Tyler is now known as Liar
mooglinuxhmw, for dual monitor the manufaterers binary would probably work better. the nvida dualhead works very well for me05:22
truthslaveyo.. i want to just run ubuntu ,,, can i get rid of kubuntu... i have both05:22
scunizihmw: sorry don't know one for that.05:22
sektor1952I know with a centos boot disk I can get a vnc session to launch to connect to a listening vnc client does ubuntu have something similar?05:22
BusterHymentruthslave yes05:22
jacenHi all. I was hoping I could get some help. I've got an atheros card. Used the madwifi instructions and it's worked fine for a long time. It was working at work today but now I'm home and it's not picking up my wireless network. The router say's it's up and I can connect with my DS and my wired network is working. Can anyone help?05:22
=== Liar is now known as www4chanorg
DistroJockeyhmw, ahh, I've only tried dual monitors with my nvidia box. Running OSS drivers and single monitor on the ATI box05:22
GodfatherofEireAlso, does anybody know why Booting from a USB key gives me so many problems?05:22
gpledls /home shows my users05:22
=== www4chanorg is now known as moot
mooglinuxtrustslave, you just have to uninstall the kubuntu-desktop package. that will get rid of kubuntu, tho there will be some leftover apps05:22
juice949gpled: good that means the core system is intact05:23
juice949gpled: its a precaution for the package update05:23
=== moot is now known as NULL
arrenlexHow do you define a shortcut to run a program from a keypress?05:23
truthslavewhere do i do this?05:23
hmwDistroJockey mooglinux scunizi i wanted to remove fglrx and use the os-driver, because video performance was poor. couldnt even watch fullscreen without bad frame rate.05:23
juice949gpled: do ls /boot next05:23
Rishab_getting problem while trying to add printer "The CUPS server could not be contacted."05:23
Justin_what is the meaning of Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True" in xorg.conf. My windows get no frame if I don't have it. (I have a nvidia card)05:23
juice949gpled: i want to know the exact name of the file that says something like kernel or vmkernel05:23
DistroJockeyhmw, yeah. I assume the OSS driver doesn't do dual monitor too well05:24
mooglinuxsudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop05:24
juice949gpled: "ls /boot/"05:24
scuniziRishab_: try http://localhost:631 and see if you can do it there.05:24
King_Bobno joy :(05:24
hmwDistroJockey negative. it worked very good before i set 8x fast write05:24
DistroJockeyhmw, works nice for single though05:24
BusterHymenwhat's the difference between apt-get and aptitude?05:24
truthslaveis that a command?05:24
DistroJockeyhmw, ohh, did you undo that change and try then also?05:24
BusterHymentruthslave, yes05:24
mooglinuxyea, just enter that into the terminal05:24
BusterHymenit's a command05:24
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mooglinuxalternatly you can use synaptic package manager and search for it05:25
Rishab_scunizi failed to connect05:25
DistroJockeyhmw, what card was it again?05:25
hmwDistroJockey thats the point. since i tried that, it wont let me undo it really. the second screen now always stays blank. didnt ever do that before.05:25
Rishab_\scunizi what that ment for ??05:25
hmwDistroJockey radeon 960005:25
scuniziBusterHymen: aptitude has a menu at terminal.. both are pretty much the same at this point. In the past there were some differences as to how they handled dependencies.05:25
=== MauryPovich is now known as NULL
DistroJockeyhmw, ooo, same as mine05:25
hmwDistroJockey setting fastwrite "no" doesnt help05:25
BusterHymenscunizi:  does general consensus recommend one over the other, or does it really not matter which one I use?05:25
DistroJockeyhmw, what ubuntu version?05:26
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GodfatherofEireDoes anybody know why a USB start up disk seems to give me more trouble than a normal live CD?05:26
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j0eyFixed it.05:26
truthslavethanks alot05:26
scuniziBusterHymen: doesn't really matter.05:26
DistroJockeyhmw, you tried  "disable"05:26
j0eyYou fucker, where ever you are.05:26
suvayu/join #fedora05:26
BusterHymenGodfatherofEire:  you have to be more specific.  What kind of trouble are you having?05:26
hmwDistroJockey i can move the mouse to the other screen though. ubuntu 8.04 (because 8.10 doesnt work with my third monitor, 3dfx Voodoo Banshee)05:26
scunizi!language | j0ey05:26
ubottuj0ey: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:26
DistroJockeyhmw, nods05:26
BusterHymenj0ey:  why so serious?05:26
j0eyScroll up.05:27
GodfatherofEireBusterHymen, well, for some I get prompted for a specific kernel image, and/or asked to run commands from initramfs05:27
crispusj0ey: what happened?05:27
j0eySomeone suggested that I move my /etc into my /boot with a command.05:27
hmwDistroJockey disable doesnt do more either05:27
Rishab_getting problem while trying to add printer "The CUPS server could not be contacted." the error message comes while going to printing option in system > Administration05:27
DistroJockeyhmw, what happens if you run it with no xorg.conf? (rename the file and make sure you know how to rename it back in a terminal)05:27
hmwDistroJockey i think i somehow damaged the card. but it still works with XP05:28
j0eyI didn't know what the command did until after I had done it.05:28
j0eyFun stuff.05:28
jacenHi all. I was hoping I could get some help. I've got an atheros wireless card. Used the madwifi instructions and it's worked fine for a long time. It was working at work today but now I'm home and it's not picking up my wireless network. The router say's it's up and I can connect with my DS and my wired network is working. Can anyone help?05:28
DistroJockeyhmw, I doubt damage05:28
Rishab_can any one help me out05:28
hmwDistroJockey i really tried any combination. working on it over 40hrs now in sum05:28
serei just installed steam and dod is running choppy any reason y?05:28
DistroJockeyhmw, gotta be a bad xorg.conf05:28
mooglinuxhmw, if it were damaged it likely would not work at all05:28
Rishab_scunizi ???05:28
Justin_j0ey, that's terrible05:28
hmwDistroJockey mooglinux i really think, that the card uses some cmos05:28
DistroJockeyhmw, or a bad driver05:28
j0eyI fixed it, but yeah I'm very reluctant to take advice in this channel now.05:29
LF|Irssij0ey: dont let one bad apple spoil it for you man, this is normally a really good support chan :)05:29
GodfatherofEireBusterHymen, well, for some I get prompted for a specific kernel image, and/or asked to run commands from initramfs05:29
BusterHymenj0ey:  yeah that sucks... most people will be glad to explain what a command does.  it's always a good idea to ask =/  at least you fixed it05:29
ardchoillej0ey: there are some here who are very good with Ubuntu, don't give up on us :)05:29
trojatraI have this Logitech trackball mouse ( http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/mice_pointers/trackballs/devices/156&cl=us,en ) and I'm looking to remapt the forward/back buttons to scroll up and down rather than go back/forward.05:29
DistroJockeyhmw, backup your xorg.conf  and try that dpkg-reconfigure  mentioned at the start of the xorg.conf file05:29
j0eyMy question was that my Radeon is using MESA OpenGL drivers. If I install fglrx my X.org goes nuts and will not run.05:29
hmwDistroJockey i backuped the xorg.conf, while it was working.05:29
Anacranomj0ey, never execute a cmd that isnt explained what it does05:29
BusterHymenGodfatherofEire:  yikes... i don't have the slightest clue. sorry05:30
hmwDistroJockey it is the same as before, thats 100% affirmative05:30
GodfatherofEireBusterHymen, no prob.05:30
DistroJockeyhmw, k, gotta be the driver then05:30
ardchoille!ati | j0ey Have you read these?05:30
ubottuj0ey Have you read these?: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:30
OneiroiiHey hey05:31
Rishab_can any one tell me what troubling me ??05:31
j0eyYes I have read that.05:31
GodfatherofEireSo, anybody have any ideas as to why when I use a USB startup disk I get prompted for a kernel image or have to run commands from a terminal where the user/whatever im recognized as is initramfs?05:31
j0eyIn fact, doing what it says to in that guide is what crews up everything.05:31
scuniziRishab_: it's a phychological imperitive to deny the present reality05:31
tech_joey :i have samsung scx4200 printer driver but how to install tar file.05:32
rwwtech_: tar -xf /path/to/file.tar05:32
j0eytar -xzvf tarname.tar.gz05:32
Rishab_scunizi i am njot gettin what xactly u mean to say //05:32
DistroJockeyhmw, try a:   sudo apt-get --reinstall xserver-xorg-video-radeon05:33
scuniziRishab_: it was a joke.. what you asked was not clear and had a double meaning..05:33
hmwDistroJockey i just reinstalled the whole ubuntu.05:33
DistroJockeyhmw, ohh :(05:33
tonyyarussoWith the new "Guest session" option in 8.10, what user is that defined as, and how can I edit what's allowed for it?05:34
Takuyagrr, finally got ubuntu working but I have nvidia issues now. :/05:34
SenriHas anyone here had compiz-fusion effects not work after an upgrade to 8.10?05:34
TakuyaI NEED to use dual head because my internal monitor is busted up a bit05:34
hmwDistroJockey thanks for your help. i am giving up.05:34
MFenhow do i make the horrible pidgin certificate warnings go away?05:34
DistroJockeyhmw, np, sorry05:34
OneiroiiSenri: For a while, my Compiz was acting funny (parts of it were disabling themselves at random), but now everything is fine05:34
mooglinuxTakuya, whatcha tryin to do?05:34
Takuyathe nvidia glx drivers were working on 8.10 originally, then I just let the system upgrade, now it won't work , saying nvidia x drivers are not in use currently, and my xorg says "nvidia" is the driver.05:34
MFenwhere do i get newer certificates, and how do i let pidgin know about them?05:34
King_BobJust like to say thanks for the advise , i now have my issue resolved :)05:34
TakuyaI just want to run the nvidia-glx drivers so that I can use dual monitors...05:34
mooglinuxnew kernal update05:34
SenriOneiroii, was there anything you did to get them to work?05:34
Takuyayeah, the kernel updated apparently05:35
mooglinuxjust reinstall the drivers05:35
MFenI keep getting this: "The root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin."  it's driving me crazy, and google isn't helping05:35
TakuyaI did05:35
DistroJockeyKing_Bob, cool :)05:35
TakuyaI think05:35
TakuyaI installed the 173 version then reinstlal the 177 using apt05:35
OneiroiiSenri: Just updates, AFAIK - maybe the proposed and backports repos?05:35
FloodBot1Takuya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:35
DistroJockeyKing_Bob, how?05:35
SenriOneiroii, will try, thanks a lot!05:35
Takuyamooglinux, do I have to use apt-get uninstall or something?05:35
mooglinuxi recommend downlaoding them from the nvidia website and installing through the terminal05:35
bullgard4How can I determine the largest file on my computer?05:35
MFenca-certificates is already the newest version.05:35
Takuyaok, but then if there's another kernel update then what happens?05:36
Rishab_scunizi: look i need to add printer on my system and for that wen i am trying System > Administration > Printing option i am getting error message as "The cups could not be contacted"05:36
Justin_did anyone get blank terminal window with the nvidia driver? how did you fix it?05:36
King_Bobi needed to install  the alsa-oss package05:36
Rishab_scunizi: look i need to add printer on my system and for that wen i am trying System > Administration > Printing option i am getting error message as "The cups server could not be contacted"05:36
=== Fezzler1 is now known as Fezzler1_
mooglinuxyou reinstall them lol. the driver has to recompile a new interface for each kernal. a new kernal breaks it05:36
SenriJustin_, I did, try restarting your compy. dfor me05:36
DistroJockeyKing_Bob, ahh05:36
Takuyaalso, mooglinux, I have a GeForce8600M GT and it's not showing up on nvidia's site. :p05:36
scuniziRishab_: try from a terminal... sudo /etc/init.d/cups restart.. and then try again..05:36
Takuyabut it's supported by nvidia-glx supposedly.05:36
Senrijustin-n_, *worked05:36
LF|Irssiseems like there's a kernel update every 4 days, that always screws everything up, so i just stopped installing updates, Im just gonna install security updates only,05:37
King_Bobhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=205449 (y)05:37
King_Bobthumbs up05:37
skenmonhey, whats a good ubuntu linux book to read? is unix for dummies a great choice?05:37
Justin_Senri,  excuse me  compy.  d?05:37
SquareHimselfLF|Irssi: Kernel updates ARE security updates.05:37
Rishab_scunizi: I did that but dere no error message05:37
SenriJustin_, computer05:37
mooglinuxTakuya, hmm...try the ordinarry 8600 gt drivers05:38
scuniziRishab_: that line was only to restart cups.. did you try to install the printer again after that?05:38
Takuyawell I found this05:38
Takuyadoes that seem right?05:38
FloodBot1Takuya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:38
Justin_Senri,  so u can fix it by rebooting?05:38
mooglinuxTakuya, thats the one you want, yea.05:38
Rishab_yes again de same prob.. scunizi05:38
DistroJockeyTakuya, looks to be your best bet05:38
SenriJustin_, that was all r me05:39
Justin_Senri,  i've tried, not work05:39
SenriJustin_, ah, then I do not know. Sorry05:39
Justin_Senri, it's ok05:39
scuniziRishab_: the remaining part of cups is a mystery to me.. you might consider reinstall it.05:39
mooglinuxTakuya, be sure to install the driver from the terminal.05:40
Rishab_but how to reinstall CUPS05:40
mooglinuxbefore you can run sh NVIDIA*.run, you have to stop gdm05:40
scunizimooglinux: have you tried the newer 180 driver?05:41
mooglinuxi havent. didnt know it was out05:41
Justin_mooglinux, how to stop gdm by command line05:41
MFenplease .. anyone.. make the horrible pidgin warnings go away05:41
OneiroiiAnyone know if there's a channel for emulation?05:41
Takuyamooglinux, ok05:41
ardchoillejustin-: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:41
OneiroiiMFen: What Pidgin warnings?05:41
Takuyawell I'll be back and let's see what happens.05:41
mooglinuxsudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:42
MFenThe root certificate this one claims to be issued by is unknown to Pidgin.05:42
Takuyaah. :)05:42
MFenOneiroii: every 20 minutes on google talk05:42
Takuyaok brb05:42
DistroJockeyscunizi, mooglinux : latest I can see is 177.8205:42
mooglinux180 is prolly a beta driver?05:42
OneiroiiMFen: ... I have no clue what you mean.  I've never noticed Pidgin doing anything with certs05:42
snirksMFen: some claim it is to allow offline messages to be sent to you when you log on. i just reject it since im a security expert05:42
MFenare you running intrepid or hardy?05:42
Justin_mooglinux,  ardchoille ,  and use startx to restart?05:43
MFensnirks: that doesn't make you a security expert, and it has nothing to do with offline messages.05:43
hmwDistroJockey can you tell me, what differenc there is, if i just restart gdm and reboot?05:43
mooglinux/etc/init.d/gdm start05:43
mooglinuxstartx might work too05:43
snirksMFen: im still a security expert, and it has to do with offline messages05:43
GodfatherofEireOne last problem, when I go to reboot, it only reboots the xorg instead of shutting down the whole computer and booting it up again, any ideas?05:43
Justin_ok, thanks :)05:43
MFeni already know what it is and why it's there because i asked #pidgin about it. what i don't know is how i get the stupid certificates installed on ubuntu05:43
DistroJockeyhmw, GDM is not enough. You would need to restart the X server05:44
MFensnirks: if you were a security expert, you would know how to verify the certificate and accept it05:44
hmwDistroJockey ahaa! how would i do that?05:44
DistroJockeyhmw, ctrl+alt+bckspace  while in X05:44
StarnestommyMFen: try the ca-certificates package05:45
GodfatherofEireAny ideas why my reboots not working properly? It basically just restarts X instead of the whole computer05:45
tech_joey : i tried but this error come.05:45
Justin_have anyone ever got blank terminal window with the nvidia driver? how did you fix it?05:45
j0eyGodfatherofEire: sudo shutdown -r now05:45
tech_ tar -xzvf UnifiedLinuxDriver.tar.gz05:45
tech_tar: UnifiedLinuxDriver.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory05:45
tech_tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now05:45
tech_tar: Child returned status 205:45
tech_tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors05:45
FloodBot1tech_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:45
hmwDistroJockey hm. then my questions stands: what difference might it be, if i just killed X and reboot. i have the strong impression, that sometimes it needs to reload more than X05:45
MFenStarnestommy: yeah, i already have that, it's installed by default. i'm thinking about installing it from intrepid source. think that'll work?05:45
flakeparadigmI have a question about something very common... A broadcom wireless device. I am trying to get my laptop with a broadcom 4318 chipset to work with a WPA network. It can view the available networks, but it won't connect to the network I want it to. (wpa protected)05:45
j0eytech_: You should actually just be able to double click it.05:45
OneiroiiMFen: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-lb/2008-August/000166.html05:45
StarnestommyMFen: I'm not sure05:46
j0eyGodfatherofEire: That'll shutdown the computer reboot it now.05:46
j0eyMaybe doing that one time will fix stuff since X is buggin' out.05:46
DistroJockeyhmw, reboot should do all. But restarting GDM may not be as much as restarting X (not too sure really)05:46
GodfatherofEirej0ey, I'll give that a shot, how would I modify the script for the menu though?05:46
MFenOneiroii: thanks, but this is not an msn problem05:46
OneiroiiThat may not be the cert you need, but it should be the location, methinks05:46
j0eyGodfatherofEire: No idea how to do that man. Sorry. :x05:46
hmwDistroJockey interesting thing is, i had the impression, its better to gdm restart than ctrl-alt-bs05:47
GodfatherofEirej0ey,No problem, and thanks05:47
DistroJockeyhmw, you may be right05:47
DistroJockeyhmw, I rarely break my X server (not had to try ;)05:48
OneiroiiMFen: Can you clarify what the issue stems from, then?  I'm running the current Pidgin on Intrepid now, on AIM, Y!M, FB, MSN, etc, and have never seen a request/notification about a cert05:48
ximany advice on how to get ubuntu to recognize and install my scanner once its plugged in USB?05:48
MFenOneiroii: google talk05:48
MFenOneiroii: it's the same message, different certificate05:48
Justin_GodfatherofEire, have you tried sudo reboot? does it work?05:48
j0eyThere's a reboot command?05:49
j0eyI've been doing it the long way the whole time?05:49
tsrkWhy doesn't ubuntu let me chgrp directories that I own without being root?05:49
GodfatherofEireJustin_ I'll give that a shot too if it doesnt work05:49
Justin_yes, sudo reboot05:49
LF|Irssitheres a command for everything :)05:49
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j0eyHaha, there really is.05:49
j0eyLike I didn't know w existed.05:49
Justin_j0ey, and sudo poweroff to turn off the computer05:50
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DistroJockeyLF|Irssi, and if there isn't, you can make one (alias) :)05:50
j0eyAnd I was always using who.05:50
j0eyAnd w is even better, too.05:50
Justin_j0ey, who?05:50
j0eyThe 'who' command.05:50
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OneiroiiMFen: You only have one GTalk account in Pidgin, right?05:51
jed73Is there a good way to install a second Ubuntu from another installation of Ubuntu?05:51
knixSo will pulse 0.9.11 (glitch-free) be in 8.10?05:51
jootJoey; what does the who command do??05:51
j0eyjoot: Type w in a terminal. Shows what users are using the PC.05:52
Justin_j0ey, who should not reboot system...05:52
MFenOneiroii: i have two actually05:52
mooglinuxjed73, install how, upgrade or to another computer....05:52
OneiroiiThat may be the problem05:52
jootJoey; thanks05:52
MFenOneiroii: why, is that a known bug?05:52
mooglinuxto another hard disk i mean05:52
j0eyJustin_: ...? I never said it would.05:52
DistroJockeyknix, no05:52
OneiroiiAre they both on talk.google.com or whatever for the server?05:52
Guest95545Why is the RTL8187 and R8187 so unstable ?05:52
Justin_j0ey, ok, sorry05:52
omar_How do I configure my Wireless modem?05:52
jed73mooglinux, install to a new partition to dual boot05:52
j0eyTwo different topics. :p05:52
joshuahwat program will let me burn a image file so that its bootable for linux?05:52
DistroJockeyknix, 8.10 has 9.10-205:53
MFenOneiroii: probably, i think i copied the settings for one to the other05:53
mooglinuxjed73, easiest way i can thinkof is to just pop in the cd, and manually choose which partition to use05:53
knixI know :( I was hoping it'd get updated eventually, it's a massive fix05:53
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto05:53
knixDistroJockey: Is there a backport for it?05:53
OneiroiiMFen: Change the server for just one of them to talk.l.google.com05:53
DistroJockeyknix, no idea. But if it's good, there will be I guess05:53
jed73mooglinux, well sure, that's easiest...05:53
jootjoshua: gnomebaker05:53
MFenOneiroii: haaaaallelujah05:54
LF|Irssik3b is nice for burning iso's05:54
mooglinuxjed73, also the only way i know of lol05:54
MFenOneiroii: it asked me to confirm that one, and now it's done asking me. hooray!05:54
LF|Irssiif you dont mind a million KDE libs on your system05:54
joshuahthanks is there a way i can get ksb through synaptic or something like that with ubuntu 5.04?05:54
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OneiroiiMFen: :)  Looks like Pidgin has issues with multiple certs for the same server05:54
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gpledwell my upgrade to 8.10 has issues. any idea how i can get sound back?05:55
Justin_some nvidia/OpenGL expert here? question...05:55
MFenOneiroii: how did you know?05:55
omar_I need some help configuring a Thomson Wireless modem please?05:55
DistroJockeyjoshuah, best bet is  gnomebaker05:55
lolwutcan x64 ubuntu still run 32-bit apps?05:55
OneiroiiMFen: I want to say magic, or expertise, but it was really just Google05:55
omar_lolwut, afaik, yes05:55
j0eylolwut: Yeah, whoops.05:55
joshuahk thanks so do i just download gnome baker the rpm?05:55
j0eyForgot to hilite ya.05:55
MFenOneiroii: i tried google! it did not help me :(05:55
omar_I need some help configuring a Thomson Wireless modem please?05:56
DistroJockeyjoshuah, we don't use rpm's here05:56
ardchoille!info gnomebaker05:56
ubottugnomebaker (source: gnomebaker): application for CD/DVD creation in the GNOME desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-1 (intrepid), package size 991 kB, installed size 2980 kB05:56
luminerdI installed Ubuntu on a whole bunch of machines at work, and the employees are using the default mail client. The emails they send out have time stamps that are several hours off... I'm supposed to fix it, but I've no idea where to begin.. Any suggestions?05:56
LF|Irssino not the RPM, Ubuntu doesn't use RPM05:56
MFenOneiroii: what did you search for?05:56
lolwutomar_, j0ey:  does anything need to be done, or does ubuntu handle it transparently?05:56
ardchoillejoshuah: gnomebaker is in the repos05:56
OneiroiiI Googled "pidgin google talk certificate" and it was like the fourth or fifth result05:56
jootjoshua: sudo apt-get install gnomebaker05:56
DistroJockeyjoshuah, try the apt first05:56
joshuahk where is that located?05:56
joshuahi'm pretty new too linux lol05:56
DistroJockeyjoshuah, you have working repos for 5.04?05:57
ardchoillejoshuah: see what joot posted to you05:57
MFenOneiroii: i should have left out 'ubuntu'05:57
j0eyWho is using 5.04?05:57
j0eyI think I may have to slap you.05:57
joshuahi think i do05:57
DistroJockeyjoshuah,  I think05:57
lolwutjoshuah:  i'd stay way from rpms.  .deb is the standard in ubuntu for packages05:57
ardchoillejoshuah: which version of Ubuntu are you using?05:57
tclinekscan anyone tell me is i'm completely offbase wanting to restore hardware raid images with linux software raid? (mdadm)05:57
lolwut5.04 ... lolwut?05:57
gpledluminerd: do you think it is the mta or clients that are putting the wrong time?05:57
joot5.04 still works05:58
LF|Irssii think he means 8.0405:58
DistroJockeyjoshuah, 5.04 is not supported anymore05:58
EMPulsehey guys05:58
Justin_joshuah, however there are program convert from rpm to deb05:58
EMPulseare there any GUI programs that let you change the splash screen?05:58
DistroJockeyjoshuah, but I try anyway ;)05:58
EMPulseI don't really want to mess with anything manually05:58
lolwutEMPulse:  yes, try startup-manager05:58
OneiroiiJustin_: I may be off, but isn't it sometimes easier to compile from source rather than mess with RPMs?05:59
lolwutor maybe it's start-up-manager ... i forget05:59
Xylia2Hi, I'm trying to set up wireless by following the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=896713e. I'm having issues with step 2 - I can't seem to make a wl.ko file. Can anyone help please?05:59
ardchoillejustin-: alien is quite dangerous05:59
EMPulselolwut, thanks05:59
ardchoilleJustin_:  alien is quite dangerous05:59
DistroJockeywhat's that command line that tells distro version again (not uname)?05:59
ardchoillejustin-: sorry, tab completion bit me05:59
Justin_ardchoille, how dangerous?05:59
ardchoillelsb_release -a05:59
ardchoille!alien | Justin_06:00
ubottuJustin_: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:00
DistroJockeythanks ardchoille !06:00
ardchoilleDistroJockey: yw :)06:00
joshuahwould i still be able too install gnome backer on ubuntu 5.04 at least so i can upgrade?06:00
DistroJockeyjoshuah, maybe, it was supported in 5.10 as I helped someone earlier using 5.1006:01
jootjoshuah: I think you can open a terminal and type....  sudo apt-get install gnomebaker06:01
DistroJockeyjoshuah, joot : but the repos are probably gone06:01
LF|Irssijoshuah: do alt + F2  then type 'lsb_release -a'  tell us what it says06:01
DistroJockeyjoshuah, joot : would need to search for a .deb package if that's the case06:02
Xylia2can anyone help please? make -C /lib/modules/<2.6.xx.xx>/build M=`pwd` is supposed to make a wl.ko file and I can't figure out how to make it work.06:02
j0eyapt-get dist-upgrade haha seriously.06:02
jootjoshuah: gaah06:02
DistroJockeyj0ey, nah, he's getting 8.1006:02
j0eyHe better!06:02
DistroJockeyj0ey, upgrades suck ;p06:02
j0eyThat's also true hah.06:02
Justin_Oneiroii, not really compling is easy. because there are many dependancies have to be solved06:02
jootJoey I do not think you can jump more than one uprgade06:03
OneiroiiWow...  so apparently typing /list in LostIRC gets me bumped off the server06:03
joshuahk i tried that now its asking for a password06:03
Oneiroiijustin_: What package are you trying to install?06:03
DistroJockeyjoshuah, that would be your login password06:03
Justin_Oneiroii, I've try to complie kiba-dock on hardy for many days (almost a wee)06:03
jootjoshuah: use the pass that get you into the puter06:03
joshuahok i wasn't thinking thats was it was lol06:03
Justin_Oneiroii, a week06:03
Takuyagah ok I need help :p06:03
Takuyamooglinux you there?06:03
j0eyUNGGGGGG Why won't my OpenOffice.org repos update to 3.0!!06:04
TakuyaI installed the nvidia drivers by hand but when I start X it has a curses screen and says yes or no to SOMETHING, I can't tell what.06:04
Justin_Oneiroii, I've done it now, anyway06:04
TakuyaMy xorg config says nvidia, etc. has everything configured correctly, it just doesn't want to run X.06:04
LF|Irssij0ey: forget the repos and get the .deb from openoffice.org :)06:04
joshuahit tells me that sudo apt command not found06:04
joshuahso i guessing it wont' work that way lol06:04
DistroJockeyjoshuah, apt-get06:05
j0eyLF|Irssi: I did that too but I want it to overwrite 2.41 or whatever, not run parallel.06:05
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Justin_Oneiroii, but compiling dose offer more portability06:05
jootjoshuah: Icopy paste this...............     sudo apt-get install gnomebaker06:05
LF|Irssij0ey: so uninstall openoffice first06:05
TakuyaSo does anyone have experience with nVidia drivers and Xorg?06:05
j0eyIf I do that, it deletes ubuntu-desktop.06:05
j0eyWhich I want to have.06:05
DistroJockeyTakuya, a little. Sup?06:05
OneiroiiJustin_: Wow, you really REALLY wanted a dock, eh?  The first few things I see on Google about Kiba make me say "no way, thanks, I'll wait"06:05
TakuyaDistroJockey: I can't get my X to run using the nvidia driver.06:06
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TakuyaIt ran before I updated 8.1006:06
TakuyaI installed 8.10, i ran fine, I ran the system update, now it won't work.06:06
Oneiroiij0ey: Don't use OOo 3!06:06
Justin_Oneiroii, are u using hardy?06:06
Takuyaand my main internal LCD is busted, so it's really hard to do anything without my dual head.06:06
j0eyOneiroii: Why not?06:06
DistroJockeyTakuya, try with a clean /etc/X11/xorg.conf maybe06:06
VistaUseranyone want to teach me everything to know about ubuntu LOL06:06
Hatsjoe`How do I know what the Vendor Lib of my MySQL Database is?06:06
DistroJockeyTakuya, just rename it06:06
Takuyawell the failsafe loads fine, but... I need my nvidia driver. :p06:06
Oneiroiij0ey: I wanted it, too, but I just had a nightmare trying to downgrade - OOo 3 is, apparently, broken06:06
DistroJockeyTakuya, and reboot06:06
jootjoshuah: Does it work for you????06:06
TakuyaDistroJockey: does it matter if the failsafe X works?06:07
j0eyHah, thank you for the warning.06:07
joshuahjoshuah@ubuntu:~$ apt-get install gnomebaker06:07
joshuahE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)06:07
joshuahE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?06:07
FloodBot1joshuah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:07
Oneiroiij0ey: It may just be my machine, but still :)06:07
joshuahthats wat i get06:07
LF|Irssiyour forgot sudo06:07
DistroJockeyTakuya, xorg removed most dependancies on xorg.conf06:07
j0eyjoshuah: Forgot sudo before it dummy.06:07
DistroJockeyTakuya, as of 8.1006:07
Takuyahrmm ok. so.. that means?06:08
Takuya(sorry, I haven't been using linux in a while.. )06:08
VistaUseranyone know a good guide to teach everything i need to know on how to work ubuntu06:08
OneiroiiVistaUser: Just using it :)06:08
joshuahjoshuah@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install gnomebaker06:08
joshuahReading package lists... Done06:08
joshuahBuilding dependency tree... Done06:08
joshuahE: Couldn't find package gnomebaker06:08
FloodBot1joshuah: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:08
DistroJockeyTakuya, you should be able to boot with no xorg.conf and then install the driver again06:08
j0eyTakuya: Most people's xorg.conf's are actually blank.06:08
Takuyare-install? ack06:08
LF|Irssij0ey: a good majority of apps you install will say it's removeing ubuntu-desktop, im not sure why it says that, maybe some of the pros in here can explain06:08
j0eyYou don't need to configure it anymore, but if you have it configured, it'll use whatever you specify.06:08
VistaUserlol if u just use it ull learn it06:08
jootjoshuah: You must use the command exactly    sudo means you need root privilege for a while06:08
Takuyajeez, linux changed a lot since slackware 9 haha06:08
Hatsjoe`VistaUser before you start working with Linux, remove that awfull W*nd*ws crap xD06:08
VistaUserif so then i am on a cruddy srt06:08
OneiroiiOh, wife demands time - TTYL all06:09
joshuahdo i have too have gnomebaker downloaded before the command will work?06:09
Takuyaok, so remove xorg.conf, reboot?06:09
VistaUseri did06:09
j0eyLF|Irssi: Because ubuntu-desktop is a metapackages that links everything that comes with teh Ubuntu suite.06:09
VistaUseri had windows vista and i put ubuntu on it06:09
j0eyTakuya: rename it to xorg.conf.old06:09
Hatsjoe`VistaUser the Ubuntu Forums are good teaching guides ;)06:09
j0eyThen try it.06:09
Takuyaok, then reboot?06:09
DistroJockeyjoshuah, those errors mean your repo doesn't have gnomebaker06:09
VistaUserummm u have link i lost mines06:09
j0eyNah, just restart X server (ctrl-alt-backsapce)06:09
LF|Irssij0ey: hmmm it doesnt seem to ruin things by letting it "remove" ubuntu-desktop...06:10
Hatsjoe`VistaUser http://ubuntuforums.org/ ;)06:10
joshuahok so there is no way too install it then?06:10
LF|Irssileast that's been my experience j0ey06:10
VistaUserty i like ubuntus layout just havent gotten used to it i guess06:10
j0eyLF|Irssi: It doesn't ruin things, but it's a metapackage that just.. let's say that you had gnome installed only.06:10
jootDistrojockey: are you able to give Joshuah a repo help that can get him a gnomebaker ??06:10
j0eyIF you wanted everything in Ubuntu, instead of selecting it all by itself, you just select that package.06:10
DistroJockeyjoshuah, even  http://www.getdeb.net/  can't find gnomebaker :(06:10
j0eyAnd it'll select all the stuff it comes with.06:11
j0eyYou get me?06:11
Hatsjoe`Question: How do I know what the Vendor Lib of my MySQL Database is?06:11
DistroJockeyjoot, just tried to, not so far06:11
LF|Irssiyeah makes more sense now :)06:11
VistaUserooo yah06:11
VistaUserhow i partition drive i want to try another OS without going over this one06:11
jootDistrojockey: He wants to burn an iso is there an old burner available06:11
DistroJockeyjoot, yeah06:12
ardchoillehe could always try cdrecord06:12
DistroJockeyhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hoary/+source/gnomebaker/+builds   (no records) :(06:12
jootDistrojockey: maybe you can point him there06:12
j0eycdrecord will never go out of style. :)06:12
ardchoillej0ey: indeed :)06:12
ardchoillecan't get much older than that06:12
DistroJockeyj0ey, yeah, that's the prog I suggested earlier06:12
transportercould somebody help me with a cairo clock theme06:12
Xylia2Does anyone know anything about getting wireless working for 8.10 on a Mini 9?06:13
paul68how do I make a complete backup from my current ubuntu keeping all packages that I have installed which I can restore after cleaning out my harddrive?06:13
j0eyXylia2: Depends very much on what your Wireless card is.06:13
transportercould anybody help me with installing a cairo clock theme06:13
j0eyGo into Synatpic and just type in the vendor of your wireless card and you should be able to find a package.06:13
Xylia2j0ey: It's BCM4312.06:13
jootjoshuah: maybe you can try K3b but I never had any success burning iso with it>>>:-((06:14
Hatsjoe`Question: How do I know what the Vendor Lib of my MySQL Database is?06:14
joshuahok i downloaded gnomebaker and it opened with file roller so is there a way too extract it or something so it runs?06:14
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linxuz3rnow its making sense06:14
VistaUseromg this chat uses so dificult words06:14
DoonzQuick question. Say im running software raid. Would it benefeit me going 64bit or sticking with 32 bit?06:14
DistroJockeyjoshuah, as a .tar file?06:14
joshuahyes as a .tar file06:14
DistroJockeyjoshuah, extract it using roller06:15
j0eyDoonz: I don't believe, unless there are optimizations for 64bit that are clearly stated.06:15
DistroJockeyjoshuah, then read the README06:15
transportercan somebody help me with installing a cairo clock theme06:15
joshuahok what should i extract it too?06:15
Takuyawell that was a no - go06:15
TakuyaI did that and X says something like06:15
TakuyaUbuntu is running in low-res mode, (EE) no device matcing description in config06:15
TakuyaX starts but it's in low-res, and says the nvidia X driver is not running.06:16
DistroJockeyjoshuah, just extract all contents to a folder06:16
j0eyTakuya: Install EnvyNG. sudo apt-get install envyng06:16
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joshuahand then run it after?06:16
j0eyTakuya: After you do that, type envyng -t06:16
Takuyahrmm couldn' find package envyng..06:16
DistroJockeyjoshuah, it may have a folder structure in it already or you can extract to a clean folder06:16
j0eyTakuya: envyng-core my bad06:16
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DistroJockeyjoshuah, the README should tell you the steps to install it06:17
VistaUseranyone know a site with all the linux based OS?06:17
Fezzler1_I put the Trash can on my Desktop but want to change icon.  How can I see where the icon is located so I can change it?06:17
j0eyTakuya: Then uninstall/reinstall drivers as needed, make sure you don't reboot after you uninstall or else you'll end up in a terminal shell!06:17
DistroJockeyVistaUser, distrowatch.com is a good start ;)06:17
VistaUserok ty06:17
Takuyait shows me a box and says stuff but I can't see it on my busted monitor06:17
Takuyaall I see is select one of the activities and press enter06:17
j0eyWhat is your video card?06:18
TakuyaGeForce 8600M GT06:18
VistaUseromg every day a new OS comes out06:18
j0eyTakuya: Press 206:18
Takuyait's removing nvidia-17706:19
Takuyado you want to restart now?06:19
DistroJockeyVistaUser, pretty much. Not all are good though ;)06:19
j0eyTakuya: NO.06:19
j0eyDon't restart.06:19
Takuyanow what?06:19
j0eyRun the program again, and press number 1.06:19
tech_floodboat1 : when i open with archive manager this will come gzip: /tmp/.fr-xgPhic/UnifiedLinuxDriver.tar-2.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored.06:19
VistaUseryah true i want to find the right one bmy styleut nothing seems to fight06:19
Takuyaplease select the number.. corresponding to the driver..06:19
j0eyTakuya: 006:20
Takuyaok it's downloading..06:20
DistroJockeyVistaUser, IMHO Ubuntu is the way to go06:20
FloodBot1Takuya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:20
Takuyasystem error installarchives() failed..06:20
DistroJockeyVistaUser, In My Honest Opinion06:20
Fezzler1_How can I change an icon?06:21
TakuyaI'd tell you more but I can't see the rest of the error >_<06:21
VistaUseroooo what type ubuntu u using, like kbuntu, ubuntu etc06:21
DistroJockeyVistaUser, Ubuntu 8.1006:21
j0eyTakuya: Fix your monitor man! Haha I can't help if you can't tell me what's up.06:21
Justin_Do we have an NVidia IRC chanel?06:21
j0eyJustin_: $5 says it's #nvidia06:21
Takuyaj0ey, I wish I could... I'm trying. :) Almost got all the money.06:21
VistaUseri am on that lol06:21
DistroJockeyVistaUser, as I prefer Gnome06:21
Justin_j0ey, on FreeNode?06:22
j0eyJust type it right now.06:22
j0eyIt exists.06:22
j0eyPlenty of people in it.06:22
VistaUseru know how to work the OS good lol cause i got alot of question and instead of asking on forums annd flooding it i can ask you?06:22
DistroJockeyVistaUser, you can install other desktop managers beside Gnome also06:22
Justin_j0ey, thanks!06:22
VistaUserooo like which?06:22
tech_joey : pls help  when i open with archive manager this will come gzip: /tmp/.fr-xgPhic/UnifiedLinuxDriver.tar-2.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored.06:22
Takuyawell j0ey, how do I route errors to a file?06:22
Takuyaisn't it like command 2&>1 file06:22
Takuyaor something06:22
Guest95545WHY DOES MY wireless signal fluctuate in ubuntu, both with r8187 and rtl8187? in Windows everything works fine. How can I fix it? I searched google but I don't know good keywords.06:22
DistroJockeyVistaUser, I know a bit, a little bit :)06:23
j0eyTakuya: I'm actually not that sure.06:23
Takuyawell lemme see..06:23
DistroJockeyVistaUser, best to ask clear questions here06:23
j0eytech_: Then it should just decompress fine.06:23
VistaUserlol i tried KDE4 i liked the clean and apprence06:23
LF|Irssieverything in Windows does NOT work fine, that the case none of us would be here. :)06:23
DistroJockeyVistaUser, about Ubuntu that is :)06:23
VistaUserlol ok this terminal thing can i do basically everything with it?06:24
=== Caveman is now known as Guest44949
j0eyYeah, a GUI is just showing you stuff the CLI is doing.06:24
DistroJockeyVistaUser, yes06:24
LF|IrssiVistaUser: not much you CANT do with a terminal06:24
j0eyCLI = Command Line Interface, GUI = Graphical User Interface.06:24
VistaUseris there a guide for basically just learning about terminal?06:25
DistroJockeyGUI = front end to CLI (if written)06:25
ardchoille!terminal | VistaUser06:25
ubottuVistaUser: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:25
Takuya... I'm still workin on it :p06:25
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j0eyMan I hate when compiling and it gives you an error RIGHT at the end.06:26
j0eyWorst feeling ever.06:26
LF|Irssilol yeah06:26
DistroJockeythat's why I use .debs ;)06:26
j0eySometimes you just gotta grab life by the balls and compile.06:26
DistroJockeytrue ;)06:27
tech_joey : i tried to extract but same error come   gzip: stdin: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored06:27
tech_tar: Child returned status 206:27
tech_tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.06:27
GodfatherofEireWhereabouts would I find a list of commands that I can execute? i.e. Like, stuff from, oh say, the system preferences menu06:27
LF|Irssiyea but most bleeding edge software doesnt have a .deb yet06:27
ardchoilleI've been using Ubuntu for years and haven't had to compile much at all06:27
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:27
Takuyawell I got some of the error but not all of it06:27
* DistroJockey agrees with ardchoille 06:27
TakuyaAnyone know how to route ALL the output of a terminal command to a file?06:27
VistaUseri saw Ubuntu Beryl how i get?06:27
j0eyI havent' had to compile much either, but sometimes I get a binary that plays nicer with my PC that way.06:27
ardchoille!compiz | VistaUser06:27
ubottuVistaUser: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:27
DistroJockey!ccsm | VistaUser06:28
LF|IrssiBeryls merged with compiz awhile back06:28
ubottuVistaUser: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:28
jootVistauser: I think beryl is now compiz-fusion06:28
j0eyBeryl vs. Compiz, ahh those were the days.06:28
ardchoillejoot: they merged06:28
Takuyagrr.. I hate broken screens06:28
j0eyThen don't break them!06:28
VistaUserooo i liked beryl it was beautiful06:28
Takuyahaha wasn't my fault :/06:28
DistroJockeyI still miss emerald a little06:29
rraj_behow can i upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.10 . . .06:29
j0eyEmerald still exists.06:29
jootardchoille: OK :-))06:29
ardchoille!upgrade | rraj_be06:29
ubotturraj_be: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:29
j0eyrraj_be: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:29
DistroJockeyj0ey, yeah, but no themes in default repos06:29
rraj_bethanks a lot j0ey06:29
j0eyThey have a website dedicated to themes though.06:29
ardchoillej0ey , rraj_be that alone won't upgrade the system06:29
omar_I need some help configuring a Thomson Wireless modem please?06:29
VistaUserso beryl is obsolite or w/e06:29
j0eyHE could go to Update Manager and just click the Upgrade Distro button.06:30
Takuyahrmm I wonder why envng is bitching at me06:30
IndyGunFreak!beryl | VistaUser06:30
ubottuVistaUser: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz06:30
j0eyI'm a terminal man meself. Irssi fo lyfe.06:30
rraj_beardchoille: i want to completly upgarde my distro from 8.04 to 8.10 . . .for that what shud i do . . .i mean that the system shud be like a installed one from a 8.10 cd06:30
DistroJockeyVistaUser, if you have 8.04+ and a graphics driver, you have the base for those effects06:30
Guest95545is KwifiManager good to install ?06:30
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion06:31
VistaUserooo kk06:31
gbear14275can someone confirm for me that there really shouldn't be a difference in the throughput difference between different OS's working on the same computer under the same conditions right?06:31
ardchoille!upgrade | rraj_be I would recommend you read this06:31
ubotturraj_be I would recommend you read this: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:31
LF|Irssiwhy on earth would anyone use irssi? :)06:31
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:31
gbear14275throughput as far as network throughput06:31
rraj_befine ardchoille06:31
DistroJockeygbear14275, it can vary06:31
ardchoillerraj_be: I don't do upgrades so I can only point you to the docs06:32
DistroJockeygbear14275, there are tweaks for that06:32
IndyGunFreakclean installs are fool-proof.. :)06:32
ardchoilleIndyGunFreak: :)06:32
LF|Irssiyay for someone else that doesnt upgrade , im not alone :)06:32
gbear14275distrojockey... I'm having a problem figuring out why/where I'm running into problems with connectivity on 8.10..06:32
VistaUseris this compiz-fusion a theme?06:32
IndyGunFreakLF|Irssi: lol, i thought me and ardchoille were the minority... glad to see our numbers were growing06:33
rraj_beall i wan2 do thi s bcos i havnt recived 5.10 cd yet archangelpetro06:33
jootrraj_be: I could not get 8.10 to install on two of my older computers with shared memory video cards06:33
rraj_beall i wan2 do thi s bcos i havnt recived 5.10 cd yet ardchoille06:33
DistroJockeygbear14275, connecting to what with what hardware?06:33
IndyGunFreakVistaUser: no, its not a theme,06:33
VistaUseroo kk06:33
ardchoillerraj_be: you can always download 8.10 and burn to cd06:33
LF|Irssihehe IndyGunFreak, yea i learned my lession after upgrading to 8.10,  never again. (well i might upgrade when the next LTS is out, but even then im not so sure)06:34
Ferrenrockanyone use sugar? I found the concept a little basic but the idea of using a radically different DE amazing06:34
rraj_bebut i cant download 700 MiB in my minimum GPRS bandwidth and it results in Corupted downloads if i download it al through 5 day's ardchoille06:34
crispus_sugar is awesome, if youre refering to PCP06:35
IndyGunFreakLF|Irssi: i've actually never upgraded Ubuntu, since 6.06... and have really yet to have a problem...  i just backup important files regularly.. i don't even keep /home ona separate partition, i just blow away my install and stat over.06:35
DistroJockeygbear14275, google  "Tune the TCP/IP stack"  firts link still may be valid06:35
gbear14275distrojockey, I apologize as I'm just learning unix but its a broadcom wireless card in a t61 connecting to a wrt54g running tomato firmware06:35
IndyGunFreakFerrenrock: never heard of it.06:35
Takuyadoes anyone know how to route command-line output to a file?06:35
Takuyastderr as well?06:35
ardchoillerraj_be: Ok, then you might try the upgrade docs06:35
DistroJockeygbear14275, np at all :)06:35
rraj_besure ardchoille06:35
crispus_Takuya: ">"?06:35
Takuyawell I tried that..06:35
adam7_Takuya: uptime > filename 2>&1 IIRC06:35
ardchoilleTakuya: command > /path/file06:35
LF|Irssiwow IndyGunFreak thats dedication :)06:36
TakuyaAHA adam7 thans, I had the filename AFTER the 2>&106:36
gbear14275distrojockey, thanks if you point me at the commands that spit out device info I can give you exact details06:36
unitedpotsmokershello... good afternoon...06:36
Takuyathis SHOULD work06:36
ardchoilleTakuya: but use two ">>" if you want to append instead of over write: command >> /path/file06:36
robbiet480hey. anyone know how i can span my menu bar across displays06:36
adam7_!caps | jameson06:36
ubottujameson: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:36
Takuyawell it didn't create the file06:36
TakuyaI did envyng -t file 2>&106:36
DistroJockeygbear14275, as in  sudo lspci , lshw , lsusb  ?06:36
adam7_Takuya: you have to do > filename before the 2>&1 filename06:37
FerrenrockIndyGunFreak: wiki sugar (GUI)06:37
LMJHello the chan06:37
Takuyawell now it won't run the command? :p06:37
adam7_Takuya: all the &1 does it tell it to send the stderr to hte same place as > filename06:37
TakuyaI did envyng -t > file 2>&106:37
gbear14275distrojockey, yup... those are them :)06:37
adam7_Takuya: it should run but you won't be able to see the output06:37
DistroJockeygbear14275, :)06:38
Takuyawell it's interactive06:38
bullgard4The LED of a newly bought 8 GB USB flash drive "SanDisk Cruizer" keeps blinking with a frequency of 0.2 Hz although I do nothing with it. What is the reason for this?06:38
adam7_Takuya: hmm, then you have a problem :) try "tee"06:38
amd1333hello i have a issue. i already searched google and could not find anything. basically i am running a app in wine, that used to run fine. now when i load this app. all i get is the top status bar. the actual app is no where to be seen, you can not stretch it out or nothing, i have reinstalled this app. still same issue.06:38
Takuyawhat does tee do?06:38
gbear14275distrojockey, 3945ABG intel PROwireless06:38
ardchoilleTakuya: man tee06:38
Ferrenrockamd1333: what app?06:38
Takuyamy screen is broken :/06:38
TakuyaI can only see like06:38
Takuya3 lines of text on the bottom across, and a few on the right side06:39
robbiet480hey. anyone know how i can span my menu bar across displays. i got a nvidia fx5200 w/ two displays over vga and twinview is working correctly06:39
adam7_Takuya: why do you need to redirect the envyng output if it is interactive06:39
Takuyaso I need to get this stupid thing working to do my dual head06:39
ardchoilleTakuya: tee - read from standard input and write to standard output and files06:39
Xyliahelp please, I'm still trying to get wireless to work using the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=896713, and I get a ton of errors when I finish step two.06:39
Takuyabecause I can't tell the error..06:39
Takuyaadam7_: it's like... erroring out and I can't see it.06:39
Ferrenrockamd1333: you can download that for linux you know06:39
Ferrenrockthat would be your best option06:39
adam7_Takuya: cause the ouptut is off the bottom of the screen?06:39
Takuyaso I need to put that to a file so I can read it06:39
DistroJockeygbear14275, I imagine that is pretty common. The search I suggested was mainly tweaks to the tcp/ip stack that can improve all connections that use tcp/ip06:39
makarioIf I were to create a system-wide folder to share videos and music and other files, where's the best place to create this folder?06:39
EvL_GamerOk, I try to play a DVD using xine(Totem) and it plays the various FBI warnings, but then it errors out and asks me "dvd is encrypted, are you trying to play a dvd without libdvdcss?"  which i DO have installed, in fact looking in synaptic its actually libdvdcss2 thats installed06:39
Takuyaadam7_: no it's at part of my screen where it is busted06:39
amd1333what you mean? download it for linux? i am using newsleecher in wine.??06:40
unitedpotsmokershello, i need your advise, i am new here. which is better to use hardy or intrepid? some people said to me intrepid is new, and maybe it not stable right now, but hardy heron is the best choice, izit true?06:40
Takuyaso I can't actually read the screen06:40
adam7_Takuya: run the command, and when it completes, just press ctrl+c a bunch of times to move the ouput up the screen06:40
Takuyathe output goes off the screen though06:40
joot* votes for hardy06:40
ardchoilleunitedpotsmokers: Intrepid is the latest release, Hardy is an LTS release (Long Term Support)06:40
adam7_unitedpotsmokers: intrepid should work fine06:40
TakuyaI'm in a console06:40
Takuyanot a terminal06:40
Takuyapure cli06:40
ottarwdoes anyone knows a good  game  native for linux06:40
ardchoilleTakuya: do you use screen in console?06:41
Takuya? no06:41
scunizi ottarw ut200406:41
ardchoille!games | ottarw06:41
ubottuottarw: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php06:41
adam7_Takuya: do you have another computer running ubuntu?06:41
Takuyaand no06:41
Ferrenrockamd1333: nevermind, you can't. but here, look at this http://www.newsleecher.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1317606:41
DistroJockeygbear14275, but someone else here may know of specific issues with that chipset that I have no idea about06:41
adam7_Takuya: or windows? another computer in general?06:41
Takuyanot really... not right now06:41
Ferrenrockamd1333: I would google something like 'newsleecher in linux' and read through stuff06:41
TakuyaI iknow I could SSH06:41
unitedpotsmokershow about hardy and do a upgrade to intrepid? maybe it should be fine?06:41
Takuyabut.. I don't have one06:41
adam7_Takuya: yeah, that's what I was going to suggest ;)06:41
Takuyaif only life were easy06:41
Guest95545HELP, with the new kernel I can't connect to any wireless!! the blue bubble doesn't turn blue!!06:41
ardchoille!upgrade | unitedpotsmokers06:42
ubottuunitedpotsmokers: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:42
Takuyalemme try something06:42
adam7_unitedpotsmokers: if you're going to install hardy, then immediately upgrade, you might as well just install intrepid06:42
IndyGunFreakGuest44949: well as descriptive as that is, i would suggest you try telling us what your wireless device is06:42
jootunitedpotsmokers: If you are going to do that you may as well go straight to intrepid06:42
DistroJockeyunitedpotsmokers, If you can avoid upgrading, I suggest you do so06:42
ardchoilleadam7_: very good point06:42
j0eySurely there is an equivalent Newsbin reader for linux that runs native?06:42
j0eyI mean, you can use Wine for some stuff, but I'm sure there's a million newsreaders for Linux.06:43
ardchoillej0ey: liferea, I love it for rss feeds06:43
ottarwi love apt-get06:43
LF|IrssiLiferea is the best06:43
DistroJockeyme too06:43
ardchoilleottarw: :)06:43
Guest95545IndyGunFreak: ath9k06:43
amd1333Ferrenrock,  that link you posted, its not my issue. but thanks for your help. yeah, i just wanted to drop in here really quick and see if anyone had a similar situation.06:43
adam7_j0ey: google reader?06:43
IndyGunFreakGuest44949: thats not a device, thats a driver06:43
j0eySomeone was trying to get NewsLEecher to run in Wine but couldn't.06:44
Ferrenrockamd1333: there may be a newsleech IRC that could help :-l06:44
Guest95545IndyGunFreak: atheros 928106:44
j0eyAnd I was just saying.06:44
jootjOey: http://www.newsreaders.com/unix/clients.html06:44
IndyGunFreaknever heardof that one06:44
gbear14275Distrojockey, just rebooted my router and the lag seems to have disappeared... but I fear this may only be a temporary thing06:44
ottarwI just typed my game and now is in process06:44
Guest95545IndyGunFreak: it's a 9k chipset06:44
ardchoillej0ey: I'm not putting down wine, it has its uses, but I do tons of stuff in Ubuntu and have never used wine06:44
sloopyDINA, please dont msg me06:44
gbear14275I think it may have something to do with transmission as a torrent client :(06:44
Guest95545IndyGunFreak: it works if I restart in 27-706:44
DistroJockeygbear14275, maybe router needs a firmware upgrade?06:44
IndyGunFreakGuest44949: you have a difficult time answering questions, so i'll just let you wait for someoene else06:44
=== Guest44949 is now known as Caveman__
Guest95545IndyGunFreak: NO, because that is not my nickname so I can't see if you wrote or not06:45
gbear14275distjockey, I use tomato on a v3 wrt54g linksys router... the opensource firmware 3rd party stuff06:45
j0eyOh I know it has it's uses, but I'm sure there is a linux alternatvie for a newsbin file downloader thingamajig.06:45
IndyGunFreakwell then try a better nickname.06:45
DistroJockeygbear14275, if you didn't restart system and only did router, then I assume it's to blame06:45
gbear14275VERY reliable from past experiences06:45
=== Guest95545 is now known as gigel2006
gigel2006IndyGunFreak: ok good now06:45
TakuyaOK j0ey I got the error.06:45
Takuyalesse.. it is06:45
j0eyWhat is it?06:45
gbear14275I would tend to agree... I know there is a problem with halfopen connections and the wrt54g... I might have to look into that again06:46
hmwa sound (wine game) hangs in a loop. what do i have to reset? how?06:46
DistroJockeygbear14275, what about physical firmware? (not the loaded kind)06:46
gigel2006IndyGunFreak: I am receptive now since I changed my nickname, what do you want me to try06:46
LMJGot a nasty error with my 2 md devices :  EXT2-fs warning (device md0): ext2_fill_super: mounting ext3 filesystem as ext2       I've fsck'ed them several time but it still not good. What can I do please ?06:46
jcbchadwick43I need help installing java06:47
gbear14275DistroJockey: I would bet that because I've got BETTER ability to use bitorrent on linux (max half open connections not being limited like on windows) I might be excaserbating the problem06:47
bullgard4Does badblocks do 'cached reads' or 'buffered disk reads'?06:47
Takuyaerror processing /var/cache/...nvidia-glx-177 (--unpack) trying to overwrite libglx.so which is in package xorg-xserver-core06:47
ardchoille!java | jcbchadwick4306:47
ubottujcbchadwick43: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:47
Takuyasound like anything you know? heh06:47
vae345what should i chose for file system, ext2, ext3, reiserfs, xfs or jfs??06:47
gbear14275DistroJockey: Tomato is a flashed firmware upgrade to the original proprietary firmware06:47
bullgard4vae345: ext3.06:47
gbear14275based off the hyperWRT firmware I believe06:47
DistroJockeygbear14275, ahh, I see (not familiar with it)06:47
vae345bullgard4 why?06:48
j0eyTakuya: You ran that program with sudo right?06:48
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
Takuyauhh j0ey yeah I think so06:48
Takuyahold on06:48
j0eyLike it makes you type in your password prior to it opening?06:48
Takuyawith sudo06:48
gigel2006HELP, with the new kernel I can't connect to any wireless!! the blue bubble doesn't turn blue!! 27-7 works fine if I restart in it. my device has a  ath9k chipset, but my usb alfa doesn't work eitehr in 27-906:48
FloodBot1Takuya: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:48
bullgard4vae345: It is the most often used. You will get the most support for it too.06:48
j0eyHm, then I don't know.06:48
Doonzwhat a good virus scanner to install on ubuntu06:48
LF|Irssi!Virus | Doonz06:48
ubottuDoonz: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2106:48
j0eyTry sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-corg xserver-xorg-video-nvidia06:49
adam7_Doonz: you shouldn't need one, unless you are running some sort of server for Windows clients06:49
gbear14275DistroJockey: great stuff... i'm not even scraping the surface of its capabilities, but people smarter than i say that these pre version 4 wrt54g's can be turned into $500+ routers with the open source firmware06:49
j0eyTell me how it goes, Takuya.06:49
Takuyawhat'd you say before?06:49
Doonzyep serving 10 windows clients06:49
Takuyasorry I missed it06:49
gbear14275not bad for something you can get for $50 off ebay06:49
Doonzand they use it as a file server06:49
j0eyScroll up!06:49
adam7_gbear14275: they can :)06:49
DistroJockeygbear14275, nice :)06:49
TakuyaI cna't06:49
j0eypage up key exists for a reason06:49
adam7_Takuya: pgup scrolls irssi06:49
Takuyahaha I don't use irssi , sorry06:49
j0eyI'm on irssi aswell.06:49
DistroJockeygbear14275, mine just works so I'm happy :)06:49
bitmousehey could anybody recommend a good VNC program group?06:49
gbear14275not sure if you use wireless a bunch but I highly recommend grabbing a few extra if you need network repeaters, bridges, anything really06:50
ardchoilleTakuya: look into using screen, that way you can have a bunch of windows in one console, so you can run irssi, mutt (email), and lunx(browser) all in one console06:50
j0eysudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-video-nvidia06:50
bullgard4vae345: This is a very busy channel. Please prefix your message with the Nick of your communication partner unless you are directing a common question.06:50
LF|IrssiTakuya: you CAN easily search what someone just said by typing /lastlog <whatever search word you want here>   NO other irc client can do that ;)06:50
DistroJockeygbear14275, no, don't use wireless. Wired is much more reliable06:50
LF|Irssiirssi ftw!06:50
TakuyaI didn't know06:50
Takuyabut firstly I need to fix this damn issue06:50
bullgard4jcbchadwick43: Stop it.06:50
gbear14275DistroJockey: if you go back to the v1.1 iirc then they can be driven off the ethernet power and you can use them to do mobile wardriving06:50
jcbchadwick43do you guys have a Skype Account?06:50
notkooshtrying to install bristol synth. ./config leaves me with:   | Bristol will not compile without libX11-devel installed:06:51
=== john is now known as Guest7619
Takuyaj0ey: you think I should use Ubuntu's restricted driver unpack thing.. or.. anything else I should try?06:51
jcbchadwick43mine is jacob.chadwick06:51
bitmousehey could anybody recommend a good VNC program group?06:51
j0eyTakuya: Yeah try that06:51
gbear14275I agree... but laptops and wired defeat the purpose06:51
DistroJockeygbear14275, I have a car, but don't have a laptop ;P06:51
adam7_!offtopic | jcbchadwick4306:51
ubottujcbchadwick43: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!06:51
gbear14275DistroJockey: although I do have a 50ft ethernet cable around here :)06:51
* DistroJockey nods at gbear14275 06:51
jcbchadwick43who is that ubotto?06:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:52
Hatsjoe`Question: How do I know what the Vendor Lib of my MySQL Database is?06:52
Takuyahrmm, j0ey it says downloading and activating, then at 60% it just goes away.. :/06:52
jcbchadwick43hey ubotto.06:52
TakuyaI guess I can try apt06:52
DistroJockeyends with a u06:52
Takuyaapt-get install nvidia-glx-17706:52
macjason0607guys im looking for a very easy vnc server .. there are so many .. any not complicated ones to setup ?06:52
Takuyaso lesse..06:52
gbear14275DistroJockey: anyways... thanks for the help.  I found a solaris tcp/ip tune page, think that'll do well?06:52
DistroJockeyHi ubottu06:52
bitmousemacjason0607: I have the same question06:53
gigel2006What is a good alternative for the network manager? don't tell me wifi-radar06:53
Takuyaok my error is..06:53
Takuyatrying to overwrite /usr/lib/modules/xorg/libglx.so , is part of xserver-xorg-core06:53
DistroJockeygbear14275, it's never hurt. Just backup the files you plan to change06:53
jcbchadwick43I have found a program that is called Wefi06:53
Takuyaanyone know anything about that?06:53
j0eyThat's weird man because it should be overwriting that. :|06:53
jootjcbchadwick43: ubottu is a robot and you are becoming a nuisance06:53
scunizimacjason0607: it's already installed in the system.. look under system>admin>remote desktop06:54
macjason0607nice bitmouse06:54
gbear14275DistroJockey: hey you know what... actually, i had some problems with my wired ethernet connection today when I was trying to troubleshoot...06:54
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LF|Irssiwell said joot ty :)06:54
adam7_Takuya: you can force apt to overwrite06:54
Takuyaadam7_: oh, how so?06:54
jcbchadwick43Have any of you guys heard of Wefi?06:54
macjason0607scunizi, i want a vnc server not a remote desktop06:54
gbear14275DistroJockey: have you noticed any ethernet issues with 64 bit ibex?06:54
DistroJockeygbear14275, and no problem. I used those tweaks on earlier distros06:54
DistroJockeygbear14275, I don't do 64bit06:54
jcbchadwick43it is a wifi program made for controlling Wifi networks06:54
jootLF|Irssi, thanks06:54
DistroJockeygbear14275, could, but don't06:54
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adam7_Takuya: something like --force-overwrite or something, don't remember exactly06:55
gbear14275DistroJockey: lol, another fail!... any reason why not?06:55
Takuyaoh thanks.. I'll see06:55
gigel2006jcbchadwick43: si it better than the network manager ?06:55
DistroJockeygbear14275, less support for 64bit still unfortunately06:55
gigel2006What is a good alternative for the network manager? don't tell me wifi-radar06:55
jcbchadwick43u can even hack the Wifi networks06:55
gbear14275DistroJockey: I was having problems getting my full 4gig ram to work with my laptop otherwise06:55
scunizimacjason0607: in the repos.. tightvncserver & vnc4server06:55
bitmousemacjason0607: so far all I am finding is vnc4 and tightvnc06:55
adam7_!hacking | jcbchadwick4306:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hacking06:55
scunizimacjason0607: also vino06:55
adam7_!illegal | jcbchadwick4306:56
ubottujcbchadwick43: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o06:56
DistroJockeygbear14275, yeah, it's either 64bit or PAE in that case06:56
bitmousescunizi: which one's are better? any prefernce?06:56
jcbchadwick43Well i have to send mine of to get my Hard drive replaced.06:56
jcbchadwick43I have to use my moms06:56
DistroJockeygbear14275, PAE is slower06:56
jcbchadwick43I know.06:56
jcbchadwick43It sucks06:56
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Takuyahrmm it doesn't know --force-overwrite , man pages are being useless06:56
jcbchadwick43and for 2 WEEKS!!!!!!!06:56
j0eyapt-get --help, Takuya06:56
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gbear14275DistroJockey: I tried using PAE without much success, you ever tried to implement it?06:56
j0eySee what it'll let you do.06:56
Takuyaha I was >_<06:56
LF|Irssijcbchadwick43: what's this have to do with the tea in China? you're making no sense.06:56
nomonoI need some help configuring a Thomson Wireless modem please?06:57
jcbchadwick43i can help06:57
DistroJockeygbear14275, nope, never had more than 3GB of RAM :(06:57
adam7_gigel2006: you can try Wicd (http://wicd.net)06:57
bitmousemacjason0607: check this out mate https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC#VNC%20Servers06:57
bitmousegigel2006: I liked Wicd, it worked for me06:57
gigel2006adam7_: finally someone THANKS !!!06:57
gbear14275its cheap these days, I picked up 4gig's for 80 bucks and that was laptop too... i dont have a desktop yet but i would imagine its cheaper06:57
jcbchadwick43first join my chat room and I will help you06:57
Takuyaapparently it DOESN'T now how to overwrite?06:58
Omar87nomono: What is your problem?06:58
adam7_Takuya: do you have the deb on your computer? dpkg takes the --force-overwrite swithc, I think06:58
j0eyTakuya: You'd think there would be a --force option.06:58
DistroJockeygbear14275, yeah, I'm a tight @$$06:58
gigel2006HELP, with the new kernel I can't connect to any wireless!! the blue bubble doesn't turn blue!! 27-7 works fine if I restart in it. my device has a  ath9k chipset, but my usb alfa doesn't work eitehr in 27-906:58
Takuyaoh dpkg.. hrm06:58
j0eysudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:58
gbear14275DistroJockey: nothing at all wrong with that! :)  makes the cruises at retirement all the sweeter ;)06:58
jeancalvincan anyone tell me why gtkpod is slow with every little thing I do when iPod is mounted?06:59
ghangSCIM has exited abnormally.06:59
ghangwhat happen to my SCIM , I can't open it , anyone can help me?06:59
jeancalvin(I didn't have the problem in older version of ubuntu)06:59
jcbchadwick43Should I leave now?06:59
DistroJockeygbear14275, heh. Yeah, but really my mobos don't support much atm06:59
TakuyaI don't have the ifile on my computer06:59
nomonoOmar87, for some reason, the system doesn't detect my Wireless modem, the "available connections" icon doesn't show up at all.06:59
gbear14275DistroJockey: too bad, but anyways, thank you again for the help, I'll stop monopolizing your time06:59
Omar87nomono: Hmm, that's strange..07:00
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scuniziWhen I'm in tty3 running irssi and return to tty7 (gui) the screen has a white block in the upper right portion of the screen that's pretty large.  It doesn't move and carries from one desktop to the next. other than restarting x how do I refresh the screen or get rid of it?07:00
Omar87nonomo: Can you give me the output for "ifconfig"?07:00
DistroJockeygbear14275, no problem. Nice chatting :)07:00
=== Guest86157 is now known as Caveman__
gigel2006HELP, with the new kernel I can't connect to any wireless!! the blue bubble doesn't turn blue!! 27-7 works fine if I restart in it. my device has a  ath9k chipset, but my usb alfa doesn't work eitehr in 27-907:02
nomonoOmar87, here you go: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77978/07:02
Omar87Hmm okay, looks like you don't have a problem here.07:03
jeancalvinusing amarok, what's the command to connect with iPod?07:03
nomonoOmar87, What?07:03
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
Omar87nomono: It's seems like your wireless okay, and you don't have a problem with it.07:04
DistroJockeyjeancalvin, seen so many people ask about that. I have no idea but surely the forums are full of answers if nobody can help here07:04
nomonoOmar87, Oh ok.07:04
takuya_well a restart didn't help07:04
jeancalvinDistroJockey: ok.07:04
takuya_any ideas?07:04
takuya_It doesn't want to overwrite libglx.so07:05
Omar87nomono: give me the output for "lspci | grep wlan0"07:05
takuya_boo </3 nVidia.07:06
takuya_j0ey: do you have any suggestions?07:06
jeancalvinhow do i mount my iPod?07:06
jeancalvinor: how do i connect to my iPod?07:07
jeancalvinwhere's my iPod located.07:07
makariojeancalvin: Normally, you just...plug it in...at least, that's what I thought.07:07
makariojeancalvin: /media/ipod07:07
jeancalvinmakario: but amarok is not that smart07:07
nomononomono, No, thank you, you don't sound like an expert to me..07:07
nomonoI need some help configuring a Thomson Wireless modem please?07:07
ardchoillejeancalvin: I just did this today, install gtkpod and use that with your ipod07:07
jeancalvinnomono: you talking to yourself07:07
makariojeancalvin: Banshee also works great.07:07
nomonojeancalvin, No sorry, I meant Omar8707:08
jeancalvinardchoille: actually i've been using gtkpod in previous ubuntu versions. but with 8.10, gtkpod is SO SO VERY slow with overy cleak i do.07:08
jeancalvinspelling: with every click I do.07:08
freyyrHi, I just upgraded to Intrepid and the latest fglrx isn't working with my Radeon 9550.  is there a workaround?07:08
nomonoOmar87, No, thank you, you don't sound like an expert to me..07:08
tinamarok is that smart to find ipods07:08
ardchoillejeancalvin: ok, also someone told me that rhythmbox works with ipods07:08
jeancalvinardchoille: i can play ipod songs on Rythymbox, but can't edit, add, etc.07:08
ardchoillejeancalvin: oh, ok07:09
adam7_nomono: what does sudo iwlist scan give you?07:10
vae345what is most supported/widely used , kde or gnome?07:10
nomonoadam7_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77979/07:11
adam7_vae345: on ubuntu, probably gnome. if you ask in #kubuntu, you'll get a different answer :)07:11
vae345what will work best on p2, 700mhz, 512ram07:11
adam7_nomono: I think you missed the scan part of sudo iwlist scan :)07:11
adam7_vae345: openbox?07:11
NonFish_are basic linux software questions that are not ubuntu-specific on topic here?07:12
juampaalguien de chile?07:12
vae345is it easy to install on ubuntu07:12
adam7_NonFish_: if you're running said program on Ubuntu, perhaps07:12
joot! es07:12
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.07:12
ardchoillevae345: might also try fluxbox07:12
adam7_vae345: sudo apt-get install openbox07:12
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vae345NonFish_ yes if you word it properly ;)07:12
nomonoadam7_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77981/07:12
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adam7_nomono: ok, so your wifi card appears to be working. Are you using network-manager? Also, post the contents of /etc/network/interfaces please :)07:13
=== core2 is now known as Dina
tazboI am unable to login to my ubuntu box .. error is "The gnome session manager was unable to lock the file '/home/todd/.ICEauthority'...07:14
NonFish_I have a question.. say I have 2 files that are lists of words (some overlap, and different number of lines).. I want to compare the files and output a new list composed of words that appear in list A but not list B. what tools should I use ideally? ..on ubuntu? :p07:14
* NonFish_ words it right?07:14
adam7_NonFish_: I think it'll work ;)07:14
vae345lotta smilies..makesm e suspicious07:15
nomonoadam7_, omar@pythonistic87:/etc/network$ cat interfaces07:15
nomonoauto lo07:15
nomonoiface lo inet loopback07:15
nomonoauto dsl-provider07:15
nomonoiface dsl-provider inet ppp07:15
FloodBot1nomono: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
nomonopre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf07:15
nomonoadam7_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77983/07:16
evolve_i'm on select and install software with an alternate install...its at 2% and has been for about 20 minutes...is it hung up or still loading files?07:17
nix25hello, newbie here...07:19
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=== z is now known as LEO
nix25i have ubuntu on virtualbox on winxp host07:19
nix25i need heelp setting up ssh/sftp and just getting my files loaded on the vm07:20
adam7_nomono: on intrepid?07:20
nix25can anyone help me?07:20
nomonoadam7_, Yup07:20
ChrisStoneWell there are some people here at least...07:21
ChrisStonebut no ones talking....07:21
Lokin_Whall I talk about?07:22
Lokin_what shall*07:22
adam7_ChrisStone: we talk more if you ask a question :)07:22
ChrisStoneWell i just recently discovered Ubuntu!07:22
ardchoilleChrisStone: this is a support channel for Ubuntu, did you have a support question?07:22
ChrisStoneI have tons of questions!07:22
ChrisStoneWhats the best download?!07:22
ardchoilleWe like questions :)07:22
adam7_nomono: make your /etc/network/interfaces look like this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/77984/07:22
Lokin_sorry I'm stuck in server mode07:23
lianimator"Accept certificate  for rsi.hotmail.com?" do I accept?07:23
nix25i have questions also07:23
nix25how do setup sftp so i can winscp to ubuntu virtualbox?07:23
adam7_nix25: openssh07:24
ChrisStoneOoh oops07:24
adam7_!ssh | nix2507:24
ubottunix25: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:24
nix25i have openssh installed during the installation process as with LAMP07:24
VistaUserhow i get something like task manager?07:24
ChrisStoneThats already on here07:24
ChrisStonei found it  under system07:25
VistaUsersystem then what?07:25
ChrisStoneSystem>System manager07:25
ChrisStoneno not that07:25
ardchoilleSystem > Administration > System Monitor07:25
ChrisStonesystem>administration>system monitor07:25
unhappy042what is about system/deamons07:25
ChrisStoneyeah that07:25
ChrisStoneDo you guys just help people out of the goodness of your hearts?07:26
nomonoadam7_, done07:26
ardchoillechris4585: that's what most of us are here to do :)07:27
ardchoilleChrisStone: ^^07:27
adam7_nomono: you'll probably need to reboot07:27
nomonoadam7_, does the same proccedure fix07:27
nomonoadam7_, does the same proccedure fix07:28
unhappy042it gives me authentication error!07:28
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
nomonoadam7_, does the same procedure fix my bluetooth? (sorry for my previous accidental error)07:28
Mal3kofdisk -l doesnt show the size of ech partitions in gb..07:28
Mal3kocan you tell me other commands?07:29
ChrisStoneSo does anyone have any basic advice for me? Im new to Ubuntu but im a fast learner. I also have Vista on my computer but i hate it.07:29
ardchoille!terminal | ChrisStone This is a good starting point07:29
ubottuChrisStone This is a good starting point: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:29
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:29
gnutronMal3ko: try df -h07:29
sloopyMal3ko, du -h07:29
ChrisStoneUnottu >,< You kinda lost me there07:30
nix25thanks ubotto07:30
adam7_nomono: probably not07:31
nix25another question07:31
VistaUseri am getting a hang of the teminal07:31
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nix25i already have virtualbox and ubuntu running. how do i connect using my browser in winxp?07:31
ChrisStonecommand line?07:31
ChrisStonewhats that07:31
nomonoadam7_, Thanks07:32
hubarquestion, how do i reload grub? I changed /boot/grub/menu.lst.07:32
sloopyhubar, it reads it live so you dont need to do anything07:32
adam7_!caps| mahesh07:32
ardchoille!caps | mahesh07:32
ubottumahesh: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.07:32
hubarsloopy: oh thanks!07:32
adam7_nomono and omar87 were using the same computer... ?07:32
maheshUBOTTU :then tell me07:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about then tell me07:33
ChrisStonehelp please >,<07:33
ardchoille!bot | mahesh07:33
ubottumahesh: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:33
ChrisStoneokay i opened the terminal thing but i dont know what the heck it is07:33
forcumangwhats a good music downloading p2p software for ubuntu?07:33
jootChrisStone: lurk for a while07:33
ardchoilleChrisStone: that's why I had the bot send you a url ;)07:34
ChrisStonebot send me a url?07:34
adam7_!illegal | forcumang07:34
ubottuforcumang: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o07:34
ardchoille!terminal | ChrisStone07:34
ubottuChrisStone: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:34
forcumanghow is it illegal07:34
jootChrisStone: ubottu is abot07:34
forcumangnapster is p2p and it's perfectly legal07:34
adam7_forcumang: it depends what you are downloading...07:34
ChrisStoneokay i have it opened but what is it?07:34
VistaUserwhat is some good progs for ubuntu?07:35
adam7_forcumang: anyway, Transmission is a BT app that comes with ubuntu07:35
ardchoilleChrisStone: read that webpage07:35
ChrisStonebtw i came here by googling the chat room and then downloading the chat client07:35
forcumangoh i see07:35
ChrisStoneim so lost07:35
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
ardchoilleChrisStone: read this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:36
ChrisStoneokay thanks07:36
jootChrisStone: click this link    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:36
OneiroiiAnyone know of a simple IRC client with a variable-transparency backdrop?07:36
ChrisStonebtw i hate firefox whats the best browser i can get on here?07:37
adam7_Oneiroii: xchat?07:37
Oneiroiiadam7_: Not simple, though, is it?07:37
ardchoilleChrisStone: heh, firefox :)07:37
adam7_ChrisStone: Firefox, but you can use Opera or Epiphany though07:37
ChrisStonethank you joot and ardchille07:37
Oneiroiiadam7_: I meant simple like LostIRC (what I use now)07:37
ChrisStonei dont like opera either >,>07:37
jootChrisStone: np07:37
adam7_Oneiroii: depends on your definition of simple. Xchat is fairly simple, irssi is my idea of complicated (but it isn't really too bad)07:37
VistaUserany good progs i should have on ubuntu?07:37
ChrisStoneill try epiphany07:37
ChrisStoneim glad i found this chat room.07:38
ardchoilleVistaUser: depends on what you want to do07:38
jootVistauser; that is such a big question07:38
WIGGMPkI am running Intrepid Ibex (amd64) and using Compiz Fusion and Emerald.. I added "emerald --replace&" to automatically start (in the sessions application) its not working... I have to run the command manually every time I reboot07:38
ChrisStone*reads the page you gave me*07:38
VistaUserwell i want to start coding anf what not07:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about programming07:39
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org07:39
adam7_VistaUser: have you ever programmed before?07:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about perl07:39
ardchoilleVistaUser: there ya go, see what joot is doing07:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Perl07:39
ardchoillePython is the preferred language iirc07:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu07:40
ResistolI can't boot using the live cd on my dell vostro 1000 laptop - I get "MP-BIOS bug:8254" error, then a bunch of repeating "buffer I/O error on device sr0" errors.  any help?07:40
adam7_VistaUser: then start with HTML or Python (they're easiest)07:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about C++07:40
gigel2006HELP, with the new kernel I can't connect to any wireless!! the blue bubble doesn't turn blue!! 27-7 works fine if I restart in it. my device has a  ath9k chipset, but my usb alfa doesn't work eitehr in 27-9 it freezes when it's obtainint IP adress!!!07:40
VistaUseroo kk07:40
adam7_even if html is techincally a markup language07:40
UnknownUser57oh yea07:40
gnutronVistaUser: install build-essential  and write/compile and run C in minutes07:41
VistaUserok ty07:41
gigel2006anyone have any ideas ?07:41
gigel2006new kernel bug ?07:41
gnutronlinux is written in C+07:41
jootVistaUser perl is another scripting language07:42
VistaUsero ok07:42
transporterdoes anybody know how to install a screensaver gnome07:43
frankS2apt-get install gnome-screensaver07:44
OneiroiiForget all that high level language nonsense...  tightly coded ASM is the way to go!07:44
frankS2(put sudo infront of apt)07:44
ChrisStoneokay so basically i can type in commands kinda like command prompt07:44
transporterfrankS2 i have already downloaded a screensaver from gnome-look.org07:45
apinuntubuntu 8.10 - Anyone know what needs to be done for scim to switch language in a terminal screen? It worked fine in 7.04, but doesn't in 8.10.07:45
transporteri dunno how to install it onto my system07:45
ChrisStonei think ill make my partition bigger as well07:45
ChrisStoneCan i get some examples of commands to use in the terminal?07:45
OneiroiiChrisStone: To do what?07:46
gnutrontransporter: do what frankS2 said.07:46
ChrisStoneim not sure07:46
ChrisStonewhat can i do?07:46
ChrisStoneIm completely new to all this07:46
ChrisStoneive been a windows user my whole life07:46
OneiroiiChrisStone: Well, between shell commands, shell scripts, and assembly, you can do pretty much anything07:46
gnutronwindows is a toy07:46
transportergnutron should i type in the name of the screensaver while doing that07:47
ChrisStoneive heard linux is the preferred operating system for hackers07:47
ChrisStonedoes that have to do with the terminal07:47
OneiroiiChrisStone: LOL, hackers07:47
ardchoilleOff topic chat is best in #ubuntu-offtopic please07:47
nathanhelpI've just done sudo apt-get install soundtracker...now where do i find the installed program so i can make a desktop shortcut?07:47
WIGGMPkChrisStone: you watch too many movies07:47
ChrisStoneim on topic!07:47
jootChrisStone: There are lots of examples on the page you were just reading07:48
WIGGMPkChrisStone: no your not, this is a support channel07:48
ardchoillenathanhelp: menu items should have been created once the app is installed07:48
ChrisStoneokay ill keep going07:48
ChrisStoneand im gettnig support :P07:48
gnutrontransporter: its probably installed system - preferences - screensaver07:48
WIGGMPkChrisStone: lol =P07:48
* Oneiroii thought we were supporting him in choosing Ubuntu over Windows...07:48
transporterfrankS2: this is what it says apt-get install gnome-screensaver07:48
transporterE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:48
transporterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?07:48
frankS2transporter: put sudo infront07:49
ardchoilletransporter: use sudo07:49
UnknownUser57gnutron:In other words,does the less important things for you07:49
VistaUserlearning new OS after using windows all my life is hard07:49
ChrisStonewell i typed #ubuntu into the terminal and nothing happened07:49
transporterfrankS2: now what?07:49
WIGGMPkits typically that way for everyone dude07:49
frankS2transporter: hit enter07:49
* vs93taras sleeps07:50
pretenderdoes any one know if there is a button that you can hit in mythtv when watching tv to start recording. like you would with a vcr and remote07:50
Oneiroiinathanhelp: If you installed soundtracker and there's no link, try looking in /usr/local/bin/07:50
nathanhelpardchoille: mmmm nope im not seeing them07:50
WIGGMPkwasnt it hard to use windows for the first time?07:50
VistaUserbut i needed change vista gave me such a head ache07:50
transporterfrankS2: i have entered my password and did everything now what?07:50
jootVistaUser : Me too and it is not too hard if you get your head away from the windows minset07:50
nathanhelpOneiroii: Thanks ill try that.07:50
gnutronChrisStone: #ubuntu is the irc channel you are in now07:50
WIGGMPkMicroSoft has made computer user's idiots.. (no offense)07:50
UnknownUser57<VistaUser> bloody07:50
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
VistaUserjoot hoow did u do it? i am always going to the bottom left hand cornor looking for the start button07:51
nathanhelpWIGGMPk: I agree and im one of them. :) Windows has corrupted me07:51
OneiroiiVistaUser: What window manager are you using?07:51
ChrisStoneO.O lots of commands out there07:51
VistaUserOneiroii what u mean??07:51
ardchoilleChrisStone: :)07:51
UnknownUser57gnutron:it's growing07:51
OneiroiiVistaUser: Well, when you installed Ubuntu, was it Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Xubuntu?07:52
WIGGMPknathanhelp: its not hard, if you ever took an MCSA or MCSE class, its almost laughable on how MS SAYS THINGS WORK, but its just not the same in the field and in pratice07:52
jootVistaUser : just become a random clicker for a while you may get some pleasant surprises07:52
Lokin_So I want to limit the amount of SSH connectinos I can have on My server. I want only 5 people to be able to connect at one time (for now), How should I do this????07:52
ChrisStoneOh i have another question. Is wine a recommended download becuase i heard if can cause problems?07:52
ChrisStoneit can cause*07:52
UnknownUser57WIGGMPk:I take it you are what you say07:52
VistaUserlol joot that kinda sounds wrong bt ok ill try07:52
jootVistaUser :If you have a question for the bot prefix with  !07:53
WIGGMPkLokin_: this doesnt answer your question but can be helpful. running a headless server can be difficult, webmin is a nice application that can ease administration, for beginners (no offense, just giving some choices)07:53
VistaUseris it smart?07:53
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.07:53
apinuntAre there any other ubuntu support channels?07:53
WIGGMPkUnknownUser57: "you are what you say" what you mean by that?07:53
Lokin_apt-get install webmin?07:53
maheshhow can i make black theme?07:53
UnknownUser57he mean ,weadmin07:53
WIGGMPkardchoille: take that back.. i will kill07:53
jootVistaUser : there is tons of info on all the distros on line and here at ubuntu07:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about webadmin07:54
WIGGMPkwebmin is an easy install07:54
nathanhelpWIGGMPk: Never taken them :) Been a WUser all my 27 year old life. Just now getting into Ubuntu. confusing commands when you first encounter them but once you understand them and teh principles of usage, it's quite simple. Like today i learned (about 5 minutes ago actually) that I can sudo apt-get programname/package-name, and also apt-get search program-name for potential candidates.07:54
OneiroiiNo, it's webmin - just funny that it's "unsupported"07:54
maheshBLACK THEME07:54
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:54
ardchoilleWIGGMPk: but we are not supposed to recommend webmin here07:54
jeancalvinhow can i install ipod update/firmware while on ubuntu?07:54
VistaUserwith itunes?07:54
Lokin_confusing? compared to BASH?07:54
Lokin_or Batch*07:55
WIGGMPkardchoille: aye, but it does help administration on a headless server for first time users.. so I dont RECOMMEND it but its an option lol07:55
Lokin_WIGGMPk: Any Other Ideas?07:55
Lokin_I tried making a VERY simple py script but It didn't work07:55
Oneiroiiardchoille: Not disagreeing with you, but you realize that Google's top search results for Ubuntu server installs all suggest webmin?07:55
ardchoilleOneiroii: google doesn't run this channel or make the rules here. When in rome.. ;)07:56
WIGGMPknathanhelp: that cool that your interested in the command line way of doing things.. but a common thing I found when I started using Linux was that a lot of users are really turned off by the fact of the command line, when you really DONT need to use it.. You can basically do everything you need with a GUI in Ubuntu (some other distro's might not be true Out of the Box)07:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dock07:56
Oneiroiiardchoille: Again, no disagreement from me - merely pointing out that if webmin is disadvisable, we should let the Ubu forums admins know :)07:56
WIGGMPkLokin_: sorry bud, I would have to look it up07:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about simdock07:57
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy07:57
ChrisStonei cant get wine to download mspc2 :( its a myspace chat client my friend made and it will only work for windows07:57
ardchoilleVistaUser: ^^07:57
OneiroiiChrisStone: Pidgin supports MySpace chat out of the box, I believe07:57
ardchoilleVistaUser: want a screenshot of awn?07:57
ChrisStoneooh? ill have to check that out07:57
hateballChrisStone™ Have a look at http://appdb.winehq.org/ for applicationspecific instructions07:58
VistaUserooo i had it silly me haha07:58
ChrisStone^ ^07:58
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WIGGMPkLokin_: I really dont know if there's a way to limit SSH connections via SSH (there most likely is, but I dont know how to do it) but I DEFINATLY know that you can do it via iptables (built-in Linux firewall)07:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:58
bitmouseanybody know why this command "sudo mount -a cifs //mickey/sharename /mnt/mickey/saraswati" would return this error message "TCP name Mickey/sharename not found"07:58
jootVistaUser : info is available in the terminal   man <name>  or apropos <name>07:58
VistaUseroo kk07:58
ChrisStonecould have fooled me unottu07:58
Lokin_I have physical, and sshd root07:59
gnutronbitmouse: mickey is case-sensitive, everything is07:59
jootChrisStone: #winehq may help you there07:59
Oneiroiibitmouse: Also, can you ping that server by name and get a result?07:59
ChrisStoneokay ill try that thanks07:59
bitmouseOneiroii: no, though when I type in smbclient -l mickey, I get all the expected data back08:00
VistaUserwere i get wine consol?08:00
ChrisStoneWhen i click it in and press enter nothing happens08:00
Oneiroiibitmouse: That's odd - try mount.cifs with the IP instead of the name08:00
jootChrisStone: /join #name08:01
WIGGMPkI am running Intrepid Ibex (amd64) and using Compiz Fusion and Emerald.. I added "emerald --replace&" to automatically start (in the sessions application) its not working... I have to run the command manually every time I reboot08:01
bitmouseOneiroii: I did and it works, I just wondered what I am doing wrong cause it would be nice to use the TCP name instead of the IP address cause the ip address isn't static08:01
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ChrisStone for applicationspecific instructions08:01
ChrisStoneno such file directory08:01
owen1after i add an alias and close xterm, it disapears. why?08:02
jootChrisStone: where are you typing /join etc08:02
nomonoadam7_, it didn't work08:02
ChrisStoneinside of the terminal08:02
Oneiroiibitmouse: I had the same problem and just ended up setting a static IP for the server (on a DHCP network)08:02
jootChrisStone: Do it here08:02
ChrisStoneit sais "christone@abuntu:~$08:03
gnutronowen1: you need to put it in your ~/.bashrc file08:03
owen1gnutron: thank08:03
Jaymaci've lost avi playback since yesterday.. anyone else have the same problem?08:03
* gralco sees many people08:03
jootChrisStone: go to ubuntu server where you started then type08:03
bitmouseOneiroii: lol, yeah looks like the Hostname's aren't working, I just tried to ping my NAS using it's hostname, and no love, but when I ping the computer I am on using the hostname it works08:03
WIGGMPkI thought it was /usr/sbin/update-grub not /sbin/update-grub????08:03
ChrisStoneit worked08:03
Jaymacgot sound and no video  - totem tries to search for a plugin but finds nothing08:03
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Oneiroiibitmouse: Theoretically, you set the hostname for the comp you are on in the resolv.conf, so the NAS never gets called08:04
ChrisStoneOh and im a little worried. Wont i need some protection?08:04
nathanhelpWIGGMPk: "really turned off by the fact of the command line, when you really DONT need to use it.. You can basically do everything you need with a GUI in Ubuntu" I used to. it scared me off using Linux. this is my third try and once i understand things (I used to be quite good with Dos, but then windows GUI came along). Also early version of ubuntu (that i knew of, didnt have the right GUI's... meaning i had to find something i didnt know about and use c08:04
nathanhelpHowever...I'm back .... and now that I understand that apt get thing im wondering how simple other things are as well. (and of course powerful)08:04
ChrisStonelike an antivirus?08:04
jootChrisStone: no virii in linux08:05
bitmouseOneiroii: I don't know what you mean exactly, I meant that I pinged a dlink NAS08:05
bitmouseOneiroii: or tried to08:05
OneiroiiChrisStone: If you really feel the need for antivirus, there's ClamAV, but you likely shouldn;t need it08:05
ChrisStoneweird. i guess theyre three steps ahead in the game08:05
unimatrix9everything you do in the gui is an command that can be run from the commandline08:05
Oneiroiibitmouse: Wait, who did you ping?
ChrisStoneill take your word for it08:05
gbear14275no reason not to  use clam08:05
Oneiroiigbear14275: Agreed.  Complacency is an open door to the enemy.08:06
bullgard4How to reboot into single-user mode?08:06
gbear14275linux virii while still rare will be growing with the increased userbase linux is seeing08:06
toupeiroJust don't log in as root and you should be pretty safe.  not a real need for Linux AV at this time.08:06
ChrisStoneWell thank god for the creator of ubuntu. If it where as expensive as windows is i would never be able to experience it.08:06
bitmouseOneiroii: I tried to ping the NAS I have on my network using it's TCP name, but it didn't work, but when I tried to ping the computer that I am on currently using it's TCP name, it worked, so I assume there is something wrong with using the TCP name is certain circumstances08:06
gralconathanhelp: dos is nothing compared to the linux command line08:06
ChrisStoneIm gonna go to bed its three in the morning here. Nite everyone.08:06
unimatrix9anti virus https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PandaAntivirus08:06
amhafter numerous issues i'ver finally opted to reinstall 8.10.  now, after the reinstall off of CD i can't get gnome to start.08:06
toupeiroput your NAS name in /etc/hosts08:07
unimatrix9commandline version..08:07
toupeirowith its IP08:07
bitmouseOneiroii: btw where is resolv.conf?08:07
Oneiroiibitmouse: So (assuming your current computer is MOUSE) you ran "ping MOUSE" and got a response, ne?08:07
nomonoadam7_, it didn't work08:07
gbear14275i wasn't aware there are various antivirus programs available in linux08:07
amhstartx returns an message saying it's not installed.08:07
Oneiroiibitmouse: /etc/resolv.conf08:07
toupeiroresolv.conf is your DNS resolver file08:07
WIGGMPknathanhelp: the way that I see it is, that Ubuntu has done what it took windows to do in less than a quarter of the time.. like Windows 3.1 to Windows XP SP2 (I wont even go to the billion dollar mistake called Vista) took them forever to get it right just to f it all up... Ubuntu was rocky at first (former Debian stable user here) but they transformed what the "Linux Desktop" OS can be... before, Linux was really just a product08:07
gbear14275anyone have any info on whats offered? i use nod32 on my windows OS08:07
ardchoillebitmouse: find / -name resolv.conf08:07
nathanhelpgralco: My point being that Im here to learn how to use Ubuntu in a good way, rather than rely soly on GUI.08:07
WIGGMPknathanhelp: but this is more suited for ubuntu-offtopic hehe =P08:08
bitmouseOneiroii: exactly Oneiroii08:08
amhand then it suggests apt-get install xinit and when i do it it tells me theres nothing to update or install. what the hell is going on?08:08
Oneiroiibitmouse: Yeah.  If you try to access a TCP name that's defined in resolv.conf (your local host is auto defined), the nameserver is never called.  It just uses the IP given in resolv.conf08:08
unimatrix9clam antivirus , panda commanline scanner, kasparsky etc , google for linux anti virus08:09
pretender can anyone advise how i can record from the front end (Watch live TV) is there a keyboard shortcut to start recording when watching live tv08:09
toupeiroOneiroii>  I think you are getting resolv.conf and /etc/hosts confused?08:09
Oneiroiibitmouse: And more than likely, the definition of your computer in resolv.conf is something like "MOUSE localhost"08:09
adam7_nomono: hm. well, I'm not sure then. You can ask the channel again and someone else will probably know08:09
gralconathanhelp: much more flexible then windows command line eh?08:09
gbear14275interesting... I found this on linux antivirus and clamav isn't mentioned at all, must not have been around in 2002?08:09
nathanhelpgralco: much :)08:09
Oneiroiitoupeiro: Is it?  Poo.  I do switch those08:09
bitmouseOneiroii: for some reason my resolv.conf only has this entry, nameserver
unimatrix9avast http://www.debianadmin.com/avast-antivirus-for-ubuntu-desktop.html08:10
toupeiro/etc/hosts is where you would want to define hostnames with IP's.  /etc/resolv.conf is where you would put name servers for DNS resolution08:10
VistaUserok i think ill try to start basic coding cause i am bored08:10
unimatrix9f-prot anti virus is an other one08:10
bitmouseOneiroii: I am using dd-wrt on that server and it will only give me the TCP name for the computer from which I am accessing it, wonder how to change that08:10
oOarthurOobasic... does that language still exist?08:11
unimatrix9i think there is enough choice for anti virus in linux..08:11
jootVistaUser : what are you going to use??08:11
Oneiroiibitmouse: toupeiro was right, it's not resolv.conf, it's /etc/hosts08:11
WIGGMPkbitmouse: cause your behind router, that is the definitive DNS / Gateway, thats why resolv.conf shows that address08:11
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bitmouseis there anyway to get these other TCP names, so i can just use them, since I am on my home network?08:12
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gbear14275unimatrix9: what offerings are you aware of... I don't have one installed right now but this convo will probably spur me to get one08:12
Oneiroiibitmouse: The only time it worked for me was to run bind9 on my server, and use static IP for all the local network devices - I'm sure there's an easier way, though08:12
nathanhelpI've had a look in usr/local/bin, theres nothing in there. where else would i look for the installed soundtracker?08:13
toupeirobitmouse:  some routers cache these name records.  If it does not, your best bet is to put the names into the /etc/host files (or in windows: c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc)08:13
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toupeiroand if you are using host files, be sure you are NOT using DHCP on your NAS, or you could potentially have to update those files a lot.08:14
jootgbbear14275, unimatrix9, you may wish to read this..   http://librenix.com/?inode=2108:14
amhcan anyone help me with my gnome issue on 8.10?08:14
Oneiroiinathanhelp: Did you try "locate soundtracker"?08:14
WIGGMPknathanhelp: might have to install locate "sudo apt-get install locate"08:14
unimatrix9as i mentioned earlier, there is : f-prot , clam , panda commandline scanner, avast, kaspersky, i believe even macfee has an linux version, now some are paid , some are free, take your pick and google for it , for example, avast anti virus linux08:15
nathanhelpok thanks WIGGMPk and Oneiroii08:15
gralconathanhelp: i started using ubuntu during feist, its been its gone a long way, jackalope is going to be a huge change from what i started with08:15
bitmousecool thanks toupeiro and Oneiroii for the advice, I think I will just go with static IP since it is easier :-[08:15
VistaUserwow my internet is acting up08:15
unimatrix9VistaUser , mine too, where are you located?08:16
unimatrix9hmm, i am in the netherlands08:16
toupeiroBitmouse: No problem. :)  Static IP isn't bad.08:16
unimatrix9way off08:16
oOarthurOoIt's volanic activity affecting... ahh. those locations.08:16
jootVistaUser : high tide lol08:16
oOarthurOoWell... iceflows up north.08:16
VistaUserwtf haha08:16
amhcan someone please help me out with this?08:17
bitmousetoupeiro: yeah, it works :)08:17
oOarthurOoamh with what?08:17
nathanhelpi just typed in locate help....terminal went nuts.08:17
VistaUseri think i got  virus haha08:17
amhoOarthurOo: i just installed 8.10 and gnome will not work nor reinstall.08:17
VistaUseri wish ubuntu was compatible with everything08:17
onimpulsehey, can someone help me out with something?08:18
amhi wish ubuntu worked.. in the slightest way.08:18
oOarthurOoamh: That is too vague. Please describe in greater detail your problem.08:18
unimatrix9got to go , bye all08:18
OneiroiiSweet - my Windows Avast registration is valid for the Linux version08:18
toupeiroVista> I am sure you will find that Ubuntu is compatible with many more things than Vista is.08:18
amhoOarthurOo:startx says i need to install xinit08:18
VistaUserlol is that true08:18
oOarthurOoamh and have you tried installing it?08:18
amhoOarthurOo: apt-get install xinit says i need to install xinit-common or something.08:18
oOarthurOoamh: Ok... have you tried installing xinit-common?08:19
amhoOarthurOo: and when i run xinit-common i get a message that says nothing was installed or updated etc08:19
amhoOarthurOo: it appears to be already installed.08:19
oOarthurOoamh do you know how to use pastebin?08:19
VistaUsereven games compatibles08:19
toupeiroamh> you have no GUI at all right now?08:19
amhoOarthurOo: unfortunately i cant use pastebin in the scenerio.  it's on another computyer.08:20
amhtoupeiro: no gui at al.08:20
toupeiroamh>  what was the last thing you installed before you lost your GUI?08:20
amhtoupeiro: nothing. i just installed off of the CD08:20
amhand than tried running startx08:20
jusama15Hello I just did apt-get install java-package but I get - E: Couldn't find package java-package08:20
oOarthurOoamh: Ok, you'll have to do your best ... please post the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"08:20
amhoOarthurOo: ok, i will type it out..  i hope its not long08:21
OneiroiiMan, I remember my Gentoo Stage0 days...  how far we've come since then...08:21
bitmousehey this is a strange question, is there a way to run something as a different user while running as root?08:21
toupeiroamh>  ok gotchya, a clean CD install then, and you never had a GUI..  my first step would be to do a: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade08:21
oOarthurOoamh:  Yes... this doesn't sound like a killer problem. Patience sounds like the key to ubuntu bliss here. Too bad you are one of those for whom the default doesn't work well.08:21
toupeiroamh> if you have already done that, there is a package called ubuntu-desktop which I believe if you remove and reinstall, it should grab and dependencies you don't have installed.08:22
amhoOarthurOo: all i see when i run that command are 6 entries that all start with 'deb" and say "interpid-security"08:22
buttheadtrying to follow this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/mrv8k but it's not working iwscan isn't showing anything. anyone have any input? or familiarity with ndiswrapper?08:22
oOarthurOoamh that sounds like your problem08:23
amhtoupeiro: how do i remove and install?08:23
amhoOarthurOo: ok how do i fix this?08:23
oOarthurOoamh: maybe someone will pastebin a working ... intrepid? ... sources list for you.08:23
amhi need to disconnect this computer im on now to plug in the other machine .08:23
jusama15Can someone tell me what entries I should have in my sources.list to install java?08:23
oOarthurOoamh what country are you in and what ubuntu version do you have08:23
amhoOarthurOo:: Canada and im using 8.1008:23
jusama15All I have is - deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main08:23
oOarthurOoamh ask someone to post the output of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" who is from us or canada.08:24
amhok, well first i will try toupeiro's suggestions.. as they are above.08:24
oOarthurOoretype their output and then do this amh: "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"08:24
oOarthurOoamh that will likely say no package found.08:25
amhok, anything else i should try before i disconnect the internet on this machine?08:25
nathanhelpterminal is searching... how do i tell it to stop searching? *and putting entries into terminal*08:25
oOarthurOoamh: The problem seems to be that you are missing the repositories where all the software is stored. security doesn't have much. You nee the other repositories with all the software.08:25
jootnathanhelp: control c08:25
nathanhelpjoot: thanks08:26
amhoOarthurOo:: is there a way to download the repositories?08:26
toupeiroanh> I just sent you my sources.list file08:26
jootnathanhelp: welcome :-)08:26
toupeiroamh>this might be a long shot, but is your mouse working in the CLI and do you have three mouse buttons?08:26
DaemonLeeProblems: Whenever I boot, the status bar freezes unless I press a key. If I press ANY key, it will continue.  Shutdown/Hibernation requires the same.08:26
vladtsepesh1984hi guys i have installed acroread for pdf files, i have it in the office applications menu but i haven't it in the "open with" menu of a pdf....so how can i open a pdf with acroread????08:26
oOarthurOoamh: There is no need to disconnect the internet. When someone posts there /etc/apt/sources.list you will see what your file should look like. You can copy theirs onto your system, then save and close. Then update and upgrade and after that all should work well.08:26
jusama15Hello I just did apt-get install java-package but I get - E: Couldn't find package java-package08:27
toupeiroamh> if it is, you can highlight what I sent you.  then edit your /etc/apt/sources.list and press your middle mouse button to paste what you highlighted08:27
amhtoupeiro: got your message.  what is CLI and i do have 3 buttons.08:27
toupeiroCLI = command line interface08:27
ardchoillejusama15: apt-cache search -n java08:27
amhtoupeiro: no mouse.08:27
amhright now im on my mac. my ubuntu install is on a totally different computer.08:28
jusama15ardchoille, http://paste.ubuntu.com/77991/08:28
jusama15Do you think it could be my sources.list? Right now all I have is deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main08:29
toupeiroamh> ok, then just get that list into a file on your MAC.  I hope mac has ssh tools installed.  if they do type: scp <yourfilename> <yourusername>@<yourubuntuIP>:/home/<yourdirectory>08:29
vladtsepesh1984hi guys i have installed acroread for pdf files, i have it in the office applications menu but i haven't it in the "open with" menu of a pdf....so how can i open a pdf with acroread????08:29
ardchoillejusama15: first of all there is no need to log into your computer as root, sudo can do anything you need. and hold on while I check something08:30
toupeiroamh> that will copy the file to your linux machine08:30
toupeirofrom there you can use sudo to copy it to /etc/apt08:30
* calo http://nigma.ru/c&zopux8908:30
* calo http://nigma.ru/c&zopux8908:30
jusama15ardchoille, I'm on a remote machine. I will create a user account.08:30
toupeiroamh> the file needs to be called sources.list08:30
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ardchoillejusama15: some of the java stuff is in multiverse08:31
toupeiroamh>  those commands I told you to type on your MAC:  your MAC should have a command line interface.  you will need to type them there.08:32
ardchoillejusama15: enable multiverse, do "sudo apt-get update" (without quotes) and then: apt-cache search -n sun-java608:32
vladtsepesh1984how can i know where is the acrobat reader installed files?08:32
jusama15ardoille, I don't think I have a multiverse repository08:33
jusama15Only repo I have is deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu hardy main08:33
ardchoillejusama15: it's commented out in your sources.list, you need to enable it08:33
jusama15Nope, that's the only line08:34
ardchoillejusama15: there's only one line in /etc/apt/sources.list?08:34
OneiroiiLMAO - I almost dropped a brick when my Net meter read 4918k Down, forgetting that Avast was scanning a local SMB drive08:35
ardchoillejusama15: hold on while I paste my sources.list08:35
toupeiromods>  if you guys have any chat bots in this channel, it may be worthwhile to have default config files like sources.list in them so if peoples get blown up, they can at least get a clean one.08:35
evolve_i just went through a very painful process of installing ubuntu through a usb key on a legacy machine without an OS and USB bios support....the install finished and said it had to restart and now its saying 'no bootable devices'08:35
Jonathan-S Hello, I've updated my compiz just yesterday and after that I am not getting the window frame (I really don't know what is the name of it --But I mean the one with close, minimise and etc on top right) Am using kde 3.5.908:35
ardchoillejusama15: are you on Intrepid?08:36
jusama15I'm connected to my vps via putty08:36
Jonathan-S Hello, I've updated my compiz just yesterday and after that I am not getting the window frame (I really don't know what is the name of it --But I mean the one with close, minimise and etc on top right) Am using kde 3.5.908:36
ardchoillejusama15: lsb_release -a | grep -i release08:36
Lokin_Where is the app "TOP" located in terminal?08:36
Lokin_It's not in bin08:37
toupeiroJohnathan-S:  in a command prompt: try typing: compiz --replace &.  If you are using emerald, then type: emerald --replace &08:37
jusama15No LSB modules are available.08:37
jusama15Release:        8.0408:37
buttheadJonathan-S, I had the same thing just about 2 hours ago...a reboot fixed it08:37
ardchoilleLokin_: type this:  which top08:37
hotmonkeyluvJonathan-S:  there are several causes, check the forums, there are some nice helps there08:37
ardchoillejusama15: Ok, that is Hardy Herron, if anyone asks :)08:37
jusama15lol ok08:37
buttheadJonathan-S, I didn't do a thing to fix it, I updated rebooted, ran apt-get autoclean, annoyed that I broke somehting but on the next reboot it was all well again08:38
DaemonLeeYo. I'm looking for something that can somehow figure out from the ID3 Tags what the song is, or look it up. My problem is: I have a bunch of tracks that have numbers in the beginning of the actual filename with no IDv2 or IDv3 tags.08:38
ardchoillejusama15: and here is my sources.list but you need to change "Intrepid" to "Hardy" if you use any of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77992/08:38
OneiroiiDaemonLee: Try MusicBrainz Picard08:38
jusama15ok thanks08:38
jootevolve: I think you need to make your flash drive bootable08:39
dany_21a_is there any known bug which causes the xorg to hog 100% CPU since the last (minor) kernel-update for 8.04? (2.6.24-22-generic)?08:39
DaemonLeeOneiroii, thanks.08:39
ardchoilleDaemonLee: how do you expect to figure out the song from a non-existent id3 tag?08:39
ardchoilleiarwain1: he said filenames only have numbers08:40
jootevolve_: I think you need to make your flash drive bootable08:40
iarwain1ardchoille: no, only numbers in the beginning08:40
dany_21a_ardantus: music brainz and picard-tagger :)08:41
jusama15 apt-get update08:41
jusama15E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily un  available)08:41
jusama15E: Unable to lock the list directory08:41
dany_21a_ardchoille: ^08:41
ardchoillejusama15: and if you change your sources.list you will need to do this to update your sources: sudo apt-get update08:41
linuxnoophow can i install directx on my wine08:41
DaemonLeeOneiroii, Do I wanna just use the Windows installer in WINE?08:41
OneiroiiDaemonLee: Nah, there's a native version out there somewhere08:41
jusama15yes I ran that command ardchoille. I got the above error08:41
DaemonLeeardchoille, the ID3 tag is technically there, but butchered, or it's half done...08:42
ardchoillejusama15: do you have another package manager open somewhere?08:42
DaemonLeeOr there's a bunch of numbers.08:42
Ahadiellinuxnoop, It already supports DirectX to some degree.08:42
ardchoilleDaemonLee: Ah, ok, but that isn't what I read ;)08:42
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help08:42
Ahadiel!appdb > linuxnoop08:42
jusama15I don't think so08:42
ubottulinuxnoop, please see my private message08:42
jusama15let me check08:42
ardchoillejusama15: all package managers use the same sources so only one can run at a time, close any others and try again08:43
jootjusama15; did you sudo??08:43
iarwain1joot: he did. Learn to read the output08:43
jusama15joot, no I was root08:43
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
jootjusama15; ok :-)08:44
linuxguymarshallIm having trouble with the problem here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99656308:44
DaemonLeeOneiroii, Just as a heads up, the Linux version (Debian) is in the "Testing" phase.08:44
jootiarwiain1: I just saw apt  sooorry!!!08:44
VistaUseromfg i need help08:45
DaemonLeeBut, interesting though..08:45
OneiroiiDaemonLee: I'm running it, and have no issues to report, other than the odd mis-tagging of a file08:45
VistaUsermy internet is acting up badly idk if its my drivers or my provider08:45
DaemonLeeI can sudo apt it.08:45
htrejhhow can i make an internet interface available on eth0?08:46
htrejhham0 is the interface08:46
bullgard4Is badblock a suitable command to test an 8 GB USB flash drive?08:46
Ahadielhtrejh, You mean sharing a connection between interfaces?08:46
htrejhmaybe yeah08:46
VistaUseranyone can help?08:46
Ahadielhtrejh, Look into firestarter, it's a frontend for iptables (which is what you would use for sharing).08:46
jusama15I updated the sources.list and ran apt-get update08:47
jusama15but I got the following result: http://paste.ubuntu.com/77995/08:47
jootVistaUser : you need to ring your ip maybe08:47
zairohi. ubuntu 8.10. how to detect wireless connection?08:48
DaemonLeeHe's stating that you need to call your ISP, I guess.08:48
DaemonLeeNot your IP.08:48
ardchoillejusama15: pastebin your sources.list please08:48
OneiroiiVistaUser: cat /dev/mouth > /dev/phone ;)08:48
jootVistaUser : dont you know wgo your internet provider is???08:48
VistaUserlol huh08:48
VistaUseryes roadrunner08:48
jootVistaUser : call them08:49
garrenanyone used ifuse to connect there ipod touch or iphone?08:49
DaemonLeeOneiroii, Can I PM you?08:49
VistaUseri hate talking to a bot lol08:49
OneiroiiDaemonLee: Sure08:49
linuxguymarshallCan anyone help????08:49
Ahadiellinuxguymarshall, Help with?08:49
jootVistaUser : I hear you08:49
linuxguymarshallI just need this answered http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99656308:49
dany_21a_is there any known bug which causes the xorg to hog 100% CPU since the last (minor) kernel-update for 8.04? (2.6.24-22-generic)?08:49
linuxguymarshallI have been at it for hours08:50
ardchoillejusama15: that's weird because resolves to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ for me08:50
linuxguymarshallThe soultion I used for 8.04 are previous versions does not work anymore08:50
jootVistaUser : We jusy had a MAJOR outage in nz over the past 24 hours08:50
iarwain1jusama15: don't know if it matters, but try getting rid of the caps in your sources.list08:52
iarwain1Hardy => hardy08:52
iarwain1etc etc08:52
hotmonkeyluvI'm shopping around for a wireless PCI card for my desktop, I need one that has promiscuous mode in linux, as well as a/b/g and perhaps n as well. I can't spend more than about 50 new, or 30 on ebay. any wonderful helpful hints from the linux community?08:52
VistaUseranyone got a wii and want to challange me?08:53
jusama15that did the trick, thanks iarwain1 and ardchoille!08:53
ardchoilleiarwain1: may have a good point there. Sad that I didn't catch that08:54
ardchoilleThanks iarwain1 :)08:54
iarwain1i'm so awesome it hurts08:54
ardchoillepulling my hair out here trying to figure out what's wrong, lol08:54
linuxguymarshallanyone fiind something for me?08:54
jusama15Thanks for the help guys08:54
jootiarwiain1: please dont hurt lol08:54
ardchoilleyw :)08:54
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: perhaps you could try installing from the alternate cd?08:54
iarwain1if that still exists08:55
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent08:55
WIGGMPkI have a second hard drive and plan to just use it for Virtual Machines.. should I just make it Extended ??08:55
Defryskhotmonkeyluv, http://madwifi-project.org/wiki/About/MadWifi#Hardware08:55
hmwwhat is a nice wave editor? (i am used to CoolEdit)08:55
linuxguymarshalliarwain1:There is only one problem....im out of blank cds...dun dun dun08:55
hotmonkeyluvDefrysk:  thanks, i'll check that out08:55
iarwain1WIGGMPk: you don't make a hard drive extended. You make partitions extended. And no, it doesn't really matter (just remember, only 4 primary partitions allowed per hard drive)08:55
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: oh my =/08:56
WIGGMPkiarwain1: its not going to boot.. just used as a slave for vm's..08:56
linuxguymarshalliarwain:Yeah, it sucks. I have a huge spindle of DVDs but my burner is on the fritz08:57
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: that's gotta hurt :D08:57
toupeiroIs anyone familiar with what bootloader the ubuntu usb keychain creator tool uses?08:57
WIGGMPkiarwain1: and you can create a new partition as Primary or Extended.. which is preferred in my situation??08:57
iarwain1WIGGMPk: doesn't matter, you can't make a harddrive extended. Partitions, yes08:57
toupeiroi updated mine and am trying to tell it to load a newer kernel, but its not using GRUB08:57
iarwain1WIGGMPk: doesn't matter :D08:57
WIGGMPkiarwain1: im not trying to make the 'harddrive' extended08:58
os1ris25I have a quick question. I just downloaded 8.10 and installed it under windows ( one of the install options ) . After install a problem came up. I have a laptop and as soon as i unplug it from the power source the os shows critical battery power and then shuts down. This just came up. It was working and then this just came up ( i don't  know if this was from an update ) any ideas why this would happen?08:58
WIGGMPkiarwain1: im asking what type of partition should I FORMAT this harddrive with.. if its a slave, being used for just virtual machines and not an OS...08:58
iarwain1WIGGMPk: oh, ext3 is fine for almost everything08:58
linuxguymarshalliarwain1:I have a "blank" cd. it mayyy work08:58
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: whoo!08:58
WIGGMPkiarwain1: what TYPE OF PARTITION.. if you said "Primary" i would use the ext3 filesystem.. but your not answering what im asking08:59
os1ris25anyone have any dieas?08:59
iarwain1WIGGMPk: because you can't ask decent questions?08:59
linuxguymarshalliarwain1:I tried to burn it on WinBlows earlier and it burned and when it said it was closing disc it ejected it and said the burn failed. Now every computer says it is blank but idk if it iis08:59
jootlinuxgumarshall; I am cancelling the one I was sending :-))08:59
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: is it rewriteable?09:00
WIGGMPkiarwain1: *sigh* in an effort to stir this into something useful.. can you explain the differences between Primary vs Extended partitions as it pretains to my situation???09:00
linuxguymarshallWIGGMPk:Google it09:00
WIGGMPkwhy didnt I think of that... a search engine09:00
iarwain1WIGGMPk: if you're using it for just data, it doesn't matter if you use primary or extended partitions. there is no "real" difference except that you can only have up to 4 primary partitions, and unlimited (as long as you have the space) extended partitions09:01
WIGGMPkdidnt even know you could get that info from google.. gee..09:01
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: sucksy =/09:01
OneiroiiWhat's a good (GUI) cron editor?09:01
os1ris25anyone know how to enable the burn effect in the new version of ubuntu09:01
linuxguymarshalliarwain1:I will try burning it09:01
os1ris25I have it enabled but it wont work09:01
linuxguymarshallcant hhurt09:01
WIGGMPkiarwain1: thank you.. much appreciated..09:01
iarwain1linuxguymarshall: don't think it'll work =/09:01
linuxguymarshalliarwain1:I dont think it willeither09:01
iarwain1goddamnit WIGGMPk. Now i can't even tell if you're honest or sarcastic :(09:01
linuxguymarshallbut if it does then this mac is a miracle worker09:02
jusama15I'm trying to compile a software09:02
bazhangiarwain1, watch the language09:02
jusama15but I keep getting09:02
jusama15[javac] Compiling 492 source files to /root/svn/red5/red5/bin09:02
jusama15    [javac] Error occurred during initialization of VM09:02
jusama15    [javac] Could not reserve enough space for object heap09:02
FloodBot1jusama15: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:02
os1ris25hey there pastey09:02
linuxguymarshallbazhang:That was not heavy09:02
vladtsepesh1984i can't play ma original dvd films....how can i do it????09:02
iarwain1bazhang: for?09:02
iarwain1saying goddamnit?09:02
WIGGMPkiarwain1: that was serious.. i am much appreciated.. however the google'ing stuff was sarcastic and childish hehehe09:02
VistaUserhow i partition drive so i can dual boot between ubuntu and fedora?09:02
ajopaulvladtsepesh1984: install libdvdcss209:02
linuxguymarshallvladtsepesh1984:and vlc09:03
iarwain1WIGGMPk: i need to work on my skillz to detect that =D09:03
bazhang!dvd | vladtsepesh198409:03
ubottuvladtsepesh1984: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats09:03
WIGGMPkiarwain1: im uber 3l33t via text09:03
dekkonghi guys.. is there anyway to install windows so that it wont override the grub bootloader?09:03
iarwain1WIGGMPk: i noticed09:03
WIGGMPkiarwain1: ha =)09:03
iarwain1dekkong: no, so just install and reinstall grub afterwards09:03
ajopauldekkong: nop09:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about next09:03
linuxguymarshalldekkongLtes but its hard09:04
iarwain1lame bot :(09:04
vladtsepesh1984i'v already followed this guide and already installed libdvdcss2 but i still can't play dvd09:04
linuxguymarshallddekkong:I reccommend reinstalling there is a way to do it but its tough09:04
hmwwhat is a nice wave editor? eventually with noise reduction09:04
jootVistaUser : linux distros usually tell you there is another system on the drive and offer and repartion option09:04
ajopaulvladtsepesh1984: wat are using to play it wast the error?09:04
os1ris25anyone know anything about the new window effects ? I cant get the burn effect to work09:04
bazhangos1ris25, in compiz?09:04
os1ris25ahh I got it09:05
hmwos1ris25 do a research, if your graphics card is lacking certain capabilities09:05
dekkongiarwain1: so i just have to use the live cd to boot into ubuntu and then install grub?09:05
vladtsepesh1984i can't play dvd either totem nor vlc....09:05
VistaUserooo so i pop in fedora and when it is installing it will ask me if i want to partition?09:05
os1ris25nah its on a new laptop09:05
iarwain1dekkong: would be easiest :D09:05
os1ris25what it is .. you can check the box but you need to edit the field in the middle09:05
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dekkongiarwain1: god damn I hate windows :D09:05
os1ris25next issue. I installed ubuntu on a laptop but when I remove it from power it says criticly low power and shuts down.09:06
bazhangdekkong, watch the language09:06
iarwain1dekkong: it has its qualities though09:06
VistaUserjoot so if i get cdon? put it in and while installing it will ask me if i want to partiti09:06
os1ris25I know this is not a better issue because windows works fine. Any ideas?09:06
iarwain1bazhang: really, saying goddamn isn't "foul language"09:06
dekkongiarwain1: yeah gaming :D hehe =)09:06
bazhangiarwain1, yes it is09:06
iarwain1except if you're uber christian =/09:06
jootVistaUser : that usually is the case just watch the install and make sure you get the option before a critical decision is made09:06
VistaUseroo ok brb09:06
linuxguymarshalldekkong:http://www.mibbit.com/url/Bu2Owz    read my latest Windows tyraid09:06
WIGGMPkAnyone running Intrepid Ibex (amd64) and an Emerald Theme having trouble getting it to automatically start when logging in.. I have it added to sessions ("emerald --replace&") which has worked in the past.. any thoughts????09:07
DefryskWIGGMPk, get fusion-icon ?09:07
linuxguymarshallgoddamnit people! stop saying goddamnit we are getting the god damn bazhang mad!09:07
jootbazhang; Did I give vistauser correct ??09:07
applegainerhow to install compiz09:07
Defryskgeez dont be so anal09:07
applegainer3D desktop09:07
vladtsepesh1984okok....i see it now....problaby there was a restart i hadn't09:07
WIGGMPkDefrysk hold that thought, I have to restart quick09:07
os1ris25sorry to repeat last time.. I promise... So i just installed did some updates. now when i unplug my power from the wall it posts critically low power and then shuts down. battery options are fine . Any ideas09:08
Shark_7-11Hello all09:08
iarwain1os1ris25: my guess is your battery might be at the end of its life?09:08
os1ris25nope new laptop09:08
os1ris25vista work fine for hours09:08
os1ris25deff the os09:09
iarwain1oh, nice :)09:09
Shark_7-11I've got a rar file wich i cant open, think it may be password protected. Which application can i get to open Rar files?09:09
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:09
os1ris25just wondering what might cause this in ubuntu/gnome09:09
iarwain1os1ris25: perhaps some power setting in gnome? dno really09:09
os1ris25yea I checked the batter / power settings and its all fine09:09
os1ris25I guess i can try resintall09:10
os1ris25just sucks09:10
jusama15How can I globally set the heap size in for java and javac?09:10
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
dekkongdoes anyone know if having an NTFS  partition making it slower to read/write in ubuntu?09:11
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
applegainerlinks www.ubuntu.com09:12
sataHow do I encrypt using rc5 128 bit in ubuntu.09:12
WIGGMPkDefrysk: what about this icon you speak of....???09:13
applegainerelinks www.ubuntu.com09:13
applegainerfirefox www.ubuntu.com09:13
applegainerLove ubuntu09:13
bazhangapplegainer, please stop09:13
DefryskWIGGMPk, install it and add it to sessions09:13
applegainerubuntu 8.10 is nice09:13
WIGGMPkDefrysk: what does it do?09:13
Shark_7-11Q: What application is good for archives like RAR ?09:14
bazhangapplegainer, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic09:14
bazhang!rar > Shark_7-1109:14
ubottuShark_7-11, please see my private message09:14
DefryskWIGGMPk, its an applet for compiz/beril/metacity and whatnot09:14
DIFH-icerootShark_7-11: unrar09:14
Shark_7-11tx tx09:15
WIGGMPkDefrysk: the issue im having is with Emerald not loading though.. with this take care of it?09:15
slimshockhi guys.. what makes ubuntu the number one OS?.09:15
DIFH-icerootslimshock: nothing, everyone is free to choose a os09:15
DefryskWIGGMPk, is emerald still available in ubuntu?09:15
WIGGMPkDefrysk: yup09:15
sataQ: How do I encrypt using rc5 128 bit in ubuntu?09:15
WIGGMPkDefrysk: using it right now.. just doesnt auto start from the session09:16
Defryskthen fusionicon should see that too i guess09:16
slimshockBTW how can set different Wallpaper in different workspace?.09:16
slimshockBTW how can I set different Wallpaper in different workspace?.09:16
WIGGMPkCan anyone tell me the command to launch "Volume Control" its in System > Preferences, and I deleted it by accident09:17
WIGGMPkDefrysk: thanks for your help, ill give it a shot09:18
DefryskWIGGMPk, gnome-volume-control09:18
WIGGMPkDefrysk: thanks again =)09:18
slimshockdoes anyone know how to set different Wallpaper in different workspace?. please09:18
WIGGMPkDefrysk: you wouldnt happen to know how to disable the gnome-panel and prevent it from running would ya lol???09:20
xorlimwhat is the difference between Ubuntu and DesktopBSD?09:20
slimshock how can I set different Wallpaper in different workspace?.09:20
DefryskWIGGMPk, right click the panel and select remove09:20
bazhangxorlim, one is linux the other is bsd09:20
slimshock how can I set different Wallpaper in different workspace?.09:21
bazhangxorlim, further discussion in #ubuntu-offtopic please09:21
WIGGMPkDefrysk: the primary one, you cant.. and in Ibex they took out the session control tab09:21
bazhangslimshock, there was a utility called wallpapoz, it has likely been abandoned for utils in compiz09:21
TygerCan someone please help me with an installation error?  Using VirtualBox on Mac OSX in an attempt to install Ubuntu 8.10, and I get the following error:09:24
TygerInstaller encountered an error copying files to the hard drive.  Errno5:  input/output error: '/rofs/use/share/gnome/help/user-guide/pt' -- what does that mean and why did it fail to continue to install?09:24
sybuxhi all, I'd like to enable color term but I can't find where to put the LS_COLOR09:25
Tyger5GB disk size, 1024 MB base memory, 8 MB video memory09:25
Tygerhas anyone encountered this install error?09:25
zer0ubuntu 8.10 uses a lot of memory.how to fix?09:26
=== zer0 is now known as Guest82402
bazhangTyger, if the iso is fine then sounds like a vbox/Mac issue09:26
Guest82402ubuntu 8.10 uses a lot of memory.how to fix?09:26
TygerI know, that's what I am trying to diagnose and see what is causing the error09:26
bazhangzerwas, how much memory do you have and what does top show using the most memory09:26
SlartGuest82402: don't run a lot of programs.. turn off unneeded services etc09:26
bazhangmd5 the iso Tyger09:26
TygerI did that already bazhang.  The checksum is valid.09:27
SlartGuest82402: also you might want to be sure that it's really using a lot of memory..09:27
Guest82402i just run 1 application(add and remove programs)09:27
bazhangnot zerwas that was meant for Guest8240209:27
bazhangTyger, then do the disk integrity check after reburning the iso at very low speed09:27
hmwhow can i install the nice logout-icon, that comes with 8.10 in 8.04? i mean that one, that gives you a small drop down menu with the options logout, restart, ... - i dont want the big popup thing.09:27
Guest82402i cant see my swap partition usage09:28
bazhangTyger, if those all check out then it is a Mac or vbox issue09:28
Guest82402is my swap  is working?09:28
TygerOk bazhang. Thank you.09:28
SlartGuest82402: open the system monitor, check the process list and tell me you still think you only run one program09:28
bazhangTyger, they have channels here on freenode as well you know09:28
terryxanybody knows something about ubuntu09:29
Tygerbazhang, for what? I've already been to the #vbox channel09:29
hmwGuest82402: try "swapon -s"09:29
terryxohh...what a stupid question09:29
bazhangGuest82402, you likely will not use swap very much; how much ram do you have09:29
Guest824022gb memory09:29
bazhangGuest82402, are you using wubi?09:29
terryxi need help in ubuntu09:30
Guest82402i386 dvd09:30
bazhangterryx, then ask09:30
applegainerhi, guys09:30
Guest82402im not dual boot.pure ubuntu09:30
terryxok.thanx for answering bazhang09:30
=== Guest82402 is now known as zer0
terryxright now i am using virtual station09:30
applegainerwho to install ubuntu by wubi09:30
bazhangGuest82402, did you set up a swap partition? if so, then not much to worry about09:31
zer0wubi is easy but better live install09:31
=== zer0 is now known as Guest89228
shingiei agree with zer009:31
bazhangterryx, please keep in channel09:31
rdw200169Guest82402, if you're really interested in reducing your ram usage, you should google some of the solutions presented about running ubuntu on low ram computer09:31
applegainerlive install is better than wubi???why?09:31
bazhangapplegainer, wubi is a test drive09:32
Guest89228ty for giving adea for me..googling now09:32
bazhangapplegainer, install is the real deal09:32
terryxi cannot install ubuntu on my computer09:32
Guest89228keyword=ubuntu on slow computer09:32
terryxpentium-4, 1gb ram, 40gb hdd,09:32
applegainerhow to install ubuntu from hard disk?09:32
shingieterryx, what is the problem with ubuntu install09:32
bazhangGuest89228, try fluxbox or lxde for window managers09:32
Guest89228i prefer cd09:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate09:32
applegainercan I install it from hard disk09:33
bazhangapplegainer, to hard disk yes09:33
terryxwhen i insert live cd its shows option on boot offcourse09:33
rdw200169Guest89228, or xubuntu09:33
terryxafter selecting language english, then demo install09:33
Guest89228ubuntu/xubuntu is same?09:33
applegainerbazhang, Thank you09:33
rdw200169Guest89228, but really, with 2gb of ram, you're fine09:33
bazhangGuest89228, one uses gnome the other uses xfce (lighter than gnome)09:34
terryxits starts loading something in orange then hangs09:34
applegainerevery guy, Good morning09:34
terryxdon;t know why,09:34
rdw200169Guest57561, i've only ever had problems trying to install and run ubuntu on less than 256MB09:34
arun_any video editors,video convertors for ubuntu?09:34
Guest89228how to change?need install too?09:34
bazhangterryx, sounds like a bad burn or a corrupt iso09:34
terryxno no09:34
rdw200169Guest57561, i meant the former statement for Guest8922809:34
terryxi can install on my other pc09:34
terryxamd, 128mb ram, 40gb hdd09:34
bazhangterryx, then try the alternate cd09:34
Guest89228can we discuss in private?09:34
terryxany sugession09:35
terryxwho me09:35
bazhangterryx, 128mb ram? that is the issue09:35
Guest89228who know about ubuntu a lot09:35
rdw200169terryx, not enough ram, you should check out vector linux09:35
arun_suggest video editors,video convertors for ubuntu?09:35
Guest89228who know about ubuntu a lot,please private chat me09:35
rdw200169terryx, it's about the most cut-down linux distro with a window manager09:35
bazhangGuest89228, ask here09:35
terryxi mean i have 2 computers, i can install it on amd, 128 mb ram09:35
DIFH-icerootGuest89228: just ask your question HERE to ALL09:35
rdw200169terryx, runs on 60MB of ram09:35
Guest89228hard to see09:35
bazhangGuest89228, you may wish to post to the ubuntuforums then09:36
terryxu understand me09:36
rdw200169terryx, ubuntu will run like garbage on less than 25609:36
Guest89228owhh..long time to get reply09:36
terryxi have 1gb of ram09:36
bazhangterryx, then try the alternate cd09:36
rdw200169terryx, i'm talking about the one you said had 128m ram09:36
bazhangrdw200169, please recommend ubuntu solutions in this channel09:37
kandjarhey there09:37
=== scully is now known as scully|away
terryxman u r not listening to me09:37
rdw200169bazhang, look, ubuntu will not run on 128, and suggesting that he tries is pointless09:37
terryxi told u i have 2 computers09:37
Guest89228i cant play music with my pc speaker.how to fix?09:37
ardchoilleterryx: you might want to run a light window manager on the 128m ram box, something like openbox or fluxbox09:37
rdw200169bazhang, i've tried, it can't be done without a monumental effort09:37
bazhangrdw200169, fluxbuntu will09:37
hmwmy virtual box shared folder doesnt show the root of the connected hd, but i can go into subfolders by typing their names. this wasnt happening yesterday, i re-installed ubuntu09:37
kandjarcan someone help me with some bluetooth issue09:37
Guest89228bluetooth i try09:38
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
terryxi can install on 128mb ram computer09:38
Guest89228bluetooth work fine with me09:38
terryxbut not in 1gb of ram computer09:38
ardchoilleoh, ok09:38
arun_ any video editors,video convertors for ubuntu?09:38
bazhangterryx, unless you give us the exact errors we cannot help09:38
kandjarbasically, I tried to setup the connection with my bluetooth mouse; (MS Mouse) It first worked; but after reboot, it stop working.. .09:39
terryxok listen bazhang09:39
bazhangterryx, disable splash09:39
kandjarI cant get it to 'pair' anymore09:39
WIGGMPkDefrysk: so fusion-icon works on starting emerald09:39
terryxi have 2 computers, first - amd, 128mb ram(i can insta ubuntu on this), second-p-4, 1gb of ram(problem in this one)09:39
ardchoille!video | arun_09:39
ubottuarun_: Ubuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications09:39
scienteswhere is the default kernel.gz?09:39
terryxgot it?09:40
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Guest89228i got slow internet speed on ubuntu 8.10.09:40
WIGGMPkDefrysk: but, Compiz Fusion trys to start when I log in, then Fusion Icon starts and i guess restarts compiz.. and then awn gets hung up cause im not running a composite window manager.. so how do I stop compiz from starting and let fusion-icon control everything???09:40
Guest89228download file with 12kb only..it really bad...09:41
scienteskernel configuration (config.gz?09:41
bazhangterryx, disable splash in boot parameters and tell us the exact error messages you get09:41
terryxwhat is splash09:41
terryxtell me step by step09:41
Tom_1223My IDE (root) and raid-1 SATA hdds are really damn slow. I've enabled 32bit i/o and multicount on the IDE, and 32bit i/o on the SATA, and they're running at udma5/6 respectively, but still only transferring from one to the other at 9mb/s... There are plenty of people complaining about this on forums, but no solution that I can tell.09:41
terryxi can only tell u in private otherwise u don;t understand09:43
terryxhey prakash u indian09:43
Guest89228im malaysia......no war..09:43
simplexioTom_1223: you have bonnie++, if so throw test results into pastebin09:43
prakash_Can some one say which is the best firewall ??????????????????????09:43
prakash_IN LINUx ??????????????09:44
ForceDestroyerpulling the plug lol09:44
aleX-xxwindows firewall ? :D09:44
hmw!poll > prakash_09:44
ubottuprakash_, please see my private message09:44
bazhangterryx, first it is hard to believe that you can install ubuntu on a system with only 128 mb of ram let alone run it; second you need to get into your grub menu.lst for the kernel you are booting on the second computer and remove the splash and quiet lines then tell us exactly the errors you are receiving09:44
Tom_1223simplexio: downloading bonnie++ now, will reply in a minute09:44
simplexioprakash_: iptables is only firewall for linux, it has several GUIs or helper scripts09:44
Guest89228windows defender :D09:44
kandjarneed help to fix a bluetooth issue!09:44
hmwprakash_ there is a firewall already built in, ipfilter. you can control it with the command iptables. find a good tutorial on the web, because firewalling is quite challenging.09:45
bazhanghmw, it is iptables09:45
prakash_hi simplexio, can you say some GUIs for iptables ....???09:45
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bazhangfirestarter prakash_09:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fireall09:45
simplexioprakash_: no. i dont use09:45
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ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:45
hmwbazhang prakash_ the kernel module isnt ipfilter, its "netfilter"09:45
prakash_Yeah i know that....some other firewall GUIs Please09:46
hmwprakash_ there i dont know any GUI for iptables and i think, it wont help you very much, if you cant use it manually09:46
rdw200169bazhang, so, you agree it shouldn't be installed on 128mb of ram...09:47
prakash_Thanks hmw.09:47
hmwprakash_ the default setting of the firewall is "open for everthing"09:47
bazhangrdw200169, more like I doubt it was possible in the first place; however openbox, fluxbox lxde with a minimal install are fine ubuntu solutions.09:47
simplexioprakash_: ypu dont need firewall on desktop linux09:47
sawyer_hey guys/gals i have problems with the proprietary broadcom b43 drivers on intrepid09:48
Guest89228is that bluetooth?09:48
prakash_But i get some ipscanners tracing my system security to hack. ???09:48
tinif you're running servers that don't need outside access, you should use a firewall anyway09:48
sawyer_i've enabled them, and the light for the wireless is on (which means it's installed, right?) but i can't recognize any networks around09:48
tinie: cifs shares on the LAN09:48
tinor maybe vnc or x servers on the LAN09:49
bl4hblahSomehow i broke my xserver ; when i startx its just a black screen... i think i changed the display settings to something out of my monitor's range? how can i fix it?09:49
duanedesignturn on firewall in the Terminal type# ufw enable09:50
tinbl4hblah: you can use ctrl+alt+minus and +plus to cycle through settings09:50
dekkonghi guys! my ubuntu has been getting slower for a couple of weeks now ? are there any way to make it "faster" ?09:50
rdw200169bazhang, all i'm saying is that i've been to heck and back with fluxbox, lxde, openbox, and so on with ubuntu, i've cut out services, etc, etc... and i couldn't keep the ram load below the 128m breaking point with a browser + music player before going into swap09:50
tinthe plus and minus on the numpad09:50
prakash_I can't install konqueror in ubuntu. i used apt-get install konqueror in terminal. I cant install the web browser.09:51
neXyonI've a problem: networkmanager is able to use my usb modem on one but not on another laptop :-/09:51
bl4hblahtin .. so when its just a black screen start hitting cntrl alt plus or minus untill i can see something?09:51
Guest89228how to speed up internet on ubuntu 8.10?09:52
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rdw200169bazhang, and i've decided, on the grounds that ubuntu was not meant to be a hacker os, that it can't be done, or at least exptected to run reliably; furthermore, fluxbuntu is for the most part a dead project09:52
melodie_hello all09:53
dekkonghi this might be a stupid question but does a "window" take less ram when it's minimized?09:53
melodie_I'd like some help, I'm looking for a grub command line, to reinstall grub on the system partition09:53
prakash_How to install google chrome in Ubuntu ?09:53
blip-hi all, i have 2 ubuntu machines... one an 8.04 and one a 7.04.... for some reason the latest darcs versions in the repos is 1.0.9 and 1.0.9rc1 respectively.... is that true or am i just confused ?  I saw this page here they say the intrepid has version 2  of darcs   http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/darcs09:54
melodie_only questions here ? :D09:54
melodie_no answers then ?09:54
rothchildmorning, I just noticed that compiz won't run any more for me and I'm not sure what I've changed, I'm on an intel81009:55
sliverchair1after my screensaver, only my wallpaper is left, what could be wrong?09:55
Slartblip-: is that so strange? 7.04 uses the 1.0.9 release candidate.. and 8.04 uses the finished 1.0.9?.. or?09:55
simplexiobazhang: about that  "second you need to get into your grub menu.lst for the kernel you are booting on the second computer"... just press e when you select kernel in grub menu and then edit boot options there09:55
sliverchair1using 8.1009:55
rdw200169!grub > melodie_09:55
ubottumelodie_, please see my private message09:55
prakash_Hey Can some one answer my questions ?09:55
Guest89228how to speed up internet connection?09:56
rothchildthis is the result of compiz --replace http://pastebin.com/d7d28ab4b09:56
drhdude cntrl alt - + doesnt work to fix my black screen problem09:56
melodie_rdw200169, your bot is not qualified to answer. thks09:56
blip-Slart: so how do i get darcs2 installed on both these systems... shall i download the interepid deb package ?09:56
melodie_ I'm not a newbie, I know Grub and I don't use Windows.09:56
bazhangmelodie_, did you read the grub links?09:56
Slartblip-: the two version don't talk to each other?09:57
melodie_ I need to install grub on Ubuntu partition because I don't want it to manage my other distros09:57
jusama15How can I find the main directory of an installed program?09:57
F3d0rAIs there a DVD  version of 8.10 with both gnome and kde?09:57
jusama15I just installed a .deb file.09:57
F3d0rAtorrent possibly?09:57
SlartF3d0rA: I don't think so09:57
F3d0rAserious?  Onlu CD?09:57
blip-Slart: not over ssh.. something related to using ssh keys vs passwords... it's fixed in version 2 so i need it09:57
melodie_bazhang, I'm being reading all the grub docs on the web, but I receive errors09:57
melodie_such as09:57
melodie_stage1 not found on this partition09:57
melodie_or even 'this volume does not exist"09:58
rdw200169melodie_, are you pretty good at using the ubuntu alternate cd?09:58
melodie_if someone knows about reinstall on09:58
drhwhat is vesa mode?09:58
Slartblip-: hmm.. if you're lucky darcs2 doesn't have a lot of weird dependencies.. then you can just get the intrepid package and install that on the older machine09:58
melodie_rdw200169, I just tried the alternate recuparation09:58
F3d0rASo there is only CD versions ?09:58
rothchildprakash_: http://www.myscienceisbetter.info/2008/09/install-google-chrome-on-linux-using-wine.html09:58
melodie_it ends with error without explanation09:58
oOarthurOomelodie_:  Try typing all your thoughts on one line please. Not thought, enter, thought, enter.09:58
Slartblip-: if you're unlucky I guess you'd have to do it the other way around.. and use the older version on both computers09:58
rdw200169melodie_, ok, do this, go through the alternate disk, get it to detect the cd rom and the internet, then go to a shell09:58
melodie_oOarthurOo, not easy09:59
F3d0rACan you purchase a DVD versions or is DVD just not avaialbe?09:59
jusama15How can I find the main directory of an installed program?09:59
bazhangF3d0rA, yes there are torrents and dvd versions09:59
blip-Slart: wait i though intrepid was old... or is it 8.10 :D09:59
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).09:59
hmwdrh: old video cards used this mode of operations. there is a vesa driver, it will be used, if your Xorg doesnt want to use the driver, you selected, because of an error probably. vesa mode thus means, your graphics adapter runs not at optimal performance.09:59
melodie_rdw200169, yes and then ? what with the shell ?09:59
oOarthurOomelodie_: I know, but it makes it easier for people trying to help.09:59
F3d0rAand the dvd versions have both KDE and gnome?09:59
rdw200169melodie_, then, from the shell, mount the partition with your ubuntu in it, and chroot into it09:59
Slartblip-: intrepid is the latest, greatest09:59
jusama15nvm got it, it's dpkg -L package09:59
rdw200169melodie_, then you can apt-get install grub, if you don't have it09:59
Slartblip-: ie 8.1009:59
oOarthurOohmw:  Did you get your stuff straightened out?09:59
simplexiomelodie_: does dpkg-reconfigure grub help ?09:59
bazhangF3d0rA, /msg ubottu torrents09:59
drhI have a really nice video card .. but somehow i changed the settings in xwindows and now its just a black screen i have no idea how to repair it10:00
rspSTEAM confirmed for Linux!!! http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=steam_confirmation&num=110:00
melodie_simplexio, I didn't try that yet10:00
melodie_rdw200169, its supposed to be installed, as all the files are there in /boot/grub, and in /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc10:00
rdw200169melodie_, can you boot into ubuntu right now? i'm assuming the whole thing is trashed10:00
incorrectthe default kernel was not built with modules i need for my tosh laptop10:01
Slartrsp: I heard someone discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic.. go tell them10:01
hmwoOarthurOo no, i gave up. i think my radeon9600 is somehow corrupted, maybe its having some cmos with settings. the open source driver does VERY strange things since yesterday, but i went back to fglrx (single head) and - woohoo - i can watch videos and dvds even with compiz turned on. its a big mess.10:01
melodie_rdw200169, I could boot into it until I reinstall the grub of my other distro on the mbr10:01
incorrectwhat is the best way to build a missing module?10:01
melodie_then I tried to put menu.lst entry10:01
rdw200169melodie_, well, you can, from that alternate cd installer, do a grub-install from the chroot10:01
blip-Slart: i found this. does it help  http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/darcs10:01
melodie_but after reboot it could not find the kernel (error 15)10:01
rothchildcan anyone tell me why compiz isn't working now? http://pastebin.com/d7d28ab4b10:01
F3d0rAit returned sorry no torrents10:01
oOarthurOohmw videos with compiz was a distaster on my system. My fan went mad trying to keep up with my cpu. I Just don't think compiz is ready for primetime yet.10:02
rdw200169melodie_, this sounds like your drive map is all screwed up, in /boot/grub in your uubntu partiton, or whatever partition is hosting /boot10:02
melodie_rdw200169, I need to find the correct syntax to have it at /dev/sda9 though, that's what I'm looking for10:02
hmwoOarthurOo though it should be on my hardware setup.10:02
Slartblip-: give it a try.. gdebi will complain if the dependencies aren't met.. try the older machine first10:02
melodie_rdw200169, yes, maybe the System.map10:02
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rdw200169melodie_, the best way to solve your grub problem, is having a separate /boot partition, and mounting that same partition in all your distros10:02
F3d0rAwait its sais the only benefit to DVD is the extra language packs and thats it?10:03
melodie_but now it's such a big junk in a system map10:03
melodie_rdw200169, false10:03
rdw200169melodie_, yeah, the file that lists for grub where all the drives are10:03
hmwoOarthurOo and actually, now it is. i worked on my xorg setup for about 40 hrs in sum, and i couldnt find a pattern. using the backup copy of xorg.conf does NOT undo certain things, you did, for some strange - no STRANGE reasons.10:03
melodie_the kernels won't be the same10:03
UnknownUser56downloading it10:03
rdw200169melodie_, obviously, but grub needs to find all the kernels, and it usually looks in /boot10:03
VistaUserhow come terminal cant open lock file?10:04
melodie_rdw200169, do you happen to know the syntax I'm looking for ? grub-install /dev/sda9 or grub-install root-device=/dev/sda9 or whatsoever ?10:04
oOarthurOohmw: 2d is very well supported under linux . :)10:04
rdw200169melodie_, if all the distros your using are playing correctly, the different distros' kernels should not present a problem, naming convetion-wise10:04
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oOarthurOohmw I recommend gamers keep a windows partition :P10:04
hmwmelodie_ you have to run grub from the shell and type in 2 or 3 commands to put grub onto the MBR of your hard drive. i didnt follow your conversation with rdw200169, do you want me to look for those commands? do you even want to install the MBR boot loader or something else?10:05
melodie_rdw200169, I'm not planning on creating a boot partition, I'm looking for the right cl10:05
melodie_not more not less. :)10:05
F3d0rADoes 8.10 support Broadcom Wireless? Particularly the BCM4328?10:05
F3d0rAwithout using ndsiwrapper?10:06
hmwoOarthurOo i am not a gamer for my luck. i want a workstation for webdesign with a virtual box. and ok - i installed a game, that doesnt run in XP anymore. now it all just works fine. nearly.10:06
rdw200169hmw, i agree with hmw, but i can't remember the commands either10:06
oOarthurOoAnd linux fanboys who want their desktop to spin like a stripper, I tell them not to expect good performance on movies, or anything functional. Though, admittedly, I'm in the minority there.10:06
VistaUserwhat ISO bunner i need on ubuntu10:06
melodie_hmw, thanks, I allready have a grub in mbr and I like it that way. I want to reinstall grub on the root partition of the system, and use a chainloader from the main grub menu.lst : nothing else10:06
warreni tried to make a lan over internet network with hamachi, but it creates a network interface named ham0, but lan parties are only on eth010:06
warrenwhat can i do?10:06
hmwmelodie_ would it help, if i gave you my menu.lst?10:06
oOarthurOohmw: So disable 3d support with your video card and watch your performance go throug the roof.10:07
ubottuTo burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto10:07
arun_any video convertors,editors for linux10:07
rdw200169F3d0rA, it does, with fwcutter10:07
melodie_hmw, no it won't thanks10:07
Slartarun_: mencoder is one converter.. editors are a bit more rare10:07
F3d0rAI kmow you can buy  dell Laptop from Dell with Ubuntu on it so I have to assume if you get a Dell Wireless 1505 card which is the BCM4328 Ubuntu supports it right?10:07
rdw200169F3d0rA, the broadcom drivers are pretty notorious in linux10:07
arun_video convertors for linux??10:07
hmwoOarthurOo right now, i am happy with the setup. its just not possible to reactivate dual or triple head, not even in 2D. somethings very odd here. i really gave up. well: now i have a fast 3D setup and its ok, too.10:07
bazhangarun_, ffmpeg10:08
rdw200169F3d0rA, it's hit or miss as to whether a particular chipset will work *out of the box* on ubuntu10:08
melodie_I've got nine distros, and some can be booted with initrd /inird.img and this some seems not able to do so10:08
melodie_ok, thanks anyhow to all, I'll manage otherwise10:08
hmwmelodie_ chain loader? *puzzled* is it meant for windows?10:08
melodie_hmw, no you can chainload anything10:08
rothchildhi does anyone know why compiz has just stopped working for me? The error is here: http://pastebin.com/d7d28ab4b10:08
Tom_1223simplexio:  I ran bonnie++, where does it output the results to? The results it's returned in the CLI are confusing and sparse considering the time it took to compute.10:08
rdw200169F3d0rA, but, my memory serves me well on this one, there is the bcm43xx-fwcutter package which can extract firmware drivers from the windows drivers, it's a pain b/c they can't provided the proprietary drivers, you have to *find* them10:09
hmwmelodie_ *looking up chainloading with grub* what is your exact problem?10:09
oOarthurOohmw: That's good. Well, at least you sound mostly happy. I gather you've gotten your fingers dirty in xorg.conf and not had much luck? I don't ask because I've got experience getting it to work.. just curioistity.10:09
F3d0rArdw200169: but don't work in fedora 10.  Only way it worked is using ndiswrapper.  I know fwcutter v0.11 now now avaialble to install the broadcom wireless chipsets but even the latest firmware does not hlp my card10:09
arun_thanks i'll try out them,perhaps i need something like avidemux10:09
melodie_hmw, in private if you like ?10:09
melodie_as I allready explained. :)10:09
hmwmelodie_ gotta login with another client. i will page you as hmw_pidgin10:09
rdw200169F3d0rA, well, then you know more than me10:09
F3d0rArdw200169:  An that woudl work on any flavor of linux or the three main ones?10:10
rdw200169F3d0rA, you mean like kubuntu, xubuntu ubuntu, etc...?10:10
drhDude is there away to configure my x server from console?10:10
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drhor to delete the old x server config file and startx anyway? for some reason my x session is all black10:11
oOarthurOomelodie_: Why not keep it in the public channel in case others can help to? Asking to pm means putting all your eggs in one basket. Not that I have any reason to doubt hwm's ability to help you, just a general principle.10:11
F3d0rAya as well as mandriva fedora dsl hat e to ask that but they all tend to run the same kernel and desktop10:11
Kajoverhey.. is there a way to copy the audio files from the ipod to the harddisk (ubuntu)10:11
arun_can x64 applications run on i386 ubuntu10:11
melodie_oOarthurOo, I explained all allready and hmw asked the start question to which I allready gave all informations. thks for the concern. :)10:12
WIGGMPkNow, can anyone tell me how to disable the gnome-panel in Intrepid Ibex???10:12
rdw200169F3d0rA, well, i don't know about mandriva fedora and those, but i do know that the ubuntu based distros *that use ubuntu repositories* will all use the same fwcutter for example10:12
deathshadowarun_: I run well10:12
arun_u mean just install it'll work deathshadow??10:13
Kajoverany ideas??10:13
F3d0rAok will def . Look into it.  Maybe it works on the same principle as ndiswrapper which uses the inf and sys window driver10:13
arun_can i have private chat with u deathshadow??10:13
rdw200169F3d0rA, yeah, it works pretty well, but only is supposed to work on the 43xx series of broadcom chips10:13
F3d0rAgreat thanks again!!10:14
Kajoverah yes and btw how can i disable this popup requesting my password after logging in and connecting to my wpa2 network??10:14
oOarthurOomelodie_: hmm... well. I haven't seen you post the output of an "fdisk -l" or "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:14
VistaUseranything good features like compiz-fusion?10:14
Mal3koguys how to disable login ssh using root acc?10:14
simplexioTom_1223: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78011/10:15
oOarthurOomelodie_: That would be the first step in fixing grub boot errors... I would think.10:15
simplexioTom_1223: that from myt system10:15
melodie_oOarthurOo, I allready said everything10:15
Tom_1223simplexio:  http://pastebin.com/m521e888410:15
rdw200169Mal3ko, check /etc/ssh/sshd_config10:15
rdw200169Mal3ko, there's an option in there for "allow root access" or something like that, that you just comment out10:16
rdw200169Mal3ko, check "man sshd_config" for more options10:16
simplexioTom_1223: what harddrive is that10:16
VistaUser any packages like compiz-fusion10:16
Tom_1223simplexio: I have no idea, I didn't specify.10:16
Tom_1223simplexio:  I'd assume the O/S hdd, /dev/hda10:17
simplexioTom_1223: it run it on same hd where which is mounted into same directory where you executed it10:17
rdw200169VistaUser, what are you talking about, are you asking if compiz is part of ubuntu?10:18
Kajoverhello? could someone help me.. finally.. please. How can i dissable the popup asking me for my password at logging in to my wpa2 encrypted network?10:18
Tom_1223simplexio: In that case, it's the /dev/hda10:18
VistaUserno i mean is there any packages like what compiz-fusion does10:18
rdw200169VistaUser, well, ubuntu installs compiz-fusion by default10:18
VistaUseris there any other packages like it?10:19
rdw200169VistaUser, you mean alternatives to compiz?10:19
Kajoverwhat do i need to do to get any attention here?!10:20
rdw200169VistaUser, not really, there was beryl, but they've merged into one big project (if i remember correctly)10:20
rdw200169VistaUser, i think that's where the fusion part came from10:20
VistaUseroo kk10:20
simplexioTom_1223: i add my test results into your paste soon.. i run bonnie++ on few my other hds10:20
nvihi. what is the command to check what graphic drivers are being used atm?10:20
arun_problem with gstreamer10:20
neXyondoes anyone know where I can get support for networkmanager 0.7?10:20
Kajover3rd attempt: "how can i disable this popup requesting my password after logging in and connecting to my wpa2 network?"10:21
kev009digg it please :) http://digg.com/linux_unix/On_File_Systems_The_state_of_Linux_File_Systems10:21
deathshadowKajover:I enter with  wpa_passphrase  wpa_supplicant10:22
Kajoverdeathshadow, could you explain me what exactly you mean?10:23
Zaraki_Kenpachii love bleach10:23
Kajoverdeathshadow, thank you for your help10:23
Stoogeis kubuntu better than ubuntu?10:23
bazhangKajover, are you using the gui or cli10:24
Kajoveri guess the gui10:24
PryMaLStooge - depends on what you like from your gui10:24
bazhangStooge, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here10:24
narancofirefox doesnt respond to down arrow anymore to scroll down after the latest update, scroll up works fine10:24
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 Kajover10:25
Tom_1223simplexio: Thanks. Is this just comparing standard speeds, or is there a way to check what settings are enabled?10:25
sdlwofwtf is this http cache cleaner that runs every 5 minutes?10:25
simplexioTom_1223: hdparm10:25
Kajoverbazhang: going to check it out10:25
simplexioTom_1223: just because i dont know what is expected speed from hd10:25
simplexioTom_1223: my test was on WD raptor so it should be on faster side on scale10:26
Tom_1223simplexio: ah right. Yeah, I've already enabled multicount and 32bit i/o on hda and 32bit i/o on sata drives10:26
Tom_1223simplexio: and they're already in udma5/6 so I don't know what else I can reasonably change =/10:26
Kajoverthank you very much..10:27
Kajoverlast question, do you guys know how i can switch the keyboard language from e.g. english to russian?10:27
Kajoveri could not find any option10:27
rothchildhi compiz has just decided to stop working when it was fine before. If I try to enable it with the gui it says know and I get this at the prompt: http://pastebin.com/d7d28ab4b10:28
deathshadowKajover: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78013/10:28
sdlwofis there any specific reason why firefox becomes unresponsive when playing flash videos?10:28
deathshadowKajover: im-switch -s scim ?10:29
Kajoverhaha thank you, deathshadow10:29
Kajoverwhat is this im switch?10:29
kingofcsuHow to use botnet and the partyline?10:29
simplexioTom_1223: get fater hard drives ?10:30
Kajoverdeathshadow, i do not get your question10:31
Tom_1223simplexio: The hard-drives should get decent speeds as they are, unfortunately they're artificially being limited at 10mb/s for some reason. I think it's weird settings.10:31
scienteswhy does vblank allways turn off when i resume from hibernation?10:32
kingofcsuanybody here?10:32
kingofcsuHow can I join the party line10:32
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
scientessync to vblank is allways off when i resume, total bs10:33
Gallezhow can i disable a particular daemon? i flicked one on by mistake and now i want to disable it10:34
kellihi all can any one tell me a good site for pic swopping?10:35
kingofcsuHello who can tell me about the botnet10:35
thiefwhat is the command to rename /home/folder1  to  /home/folder2     ?10:36
kingofcsuand the party line10:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botnet10:37
baastrupHey there, is there any soultion to the pulseaduo wine problem, cracking sound in wine apps10:37
thiefi can't open nautilus because i just renamed a folder in my home folder..10:37
kingofcsuthe eggdrop10:37
patrickodI've a friend who's just ordered an ipod touch 2g10:38
patrickodand he's wondering if its possible to use in ubuntu at all10:38
patrickodI know its not jailbroken yet10:39
soulcwell I am wondering why cron doesn't work in ubuntu10:39
patrickodbut is there a way to do it, maybe with windows in a vm?10:39
kellihow can i send pics to other on ubuntu10:39
simplexioTom_1223: http://pastebin.com/m31da9f69 , it seems that you hd speeds are really on low side10:40
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UbuntuUseri am uubuntuuser aka vistauser10:42
CorpseFeederdoes anyone know how to burn a dvd with brasero which is playable in a standard DVD player?10:42
CorpseFeederdoes anyone know how to burn a dvd with brasero which is playable in a standard DVD player? I tried and when I create a new DVD video project the burn button is always greyed out.10:43
Tom_1223simplexio: I don't know how to interpret those results. is there a better way to format them? What should I be looking at specifically?10:43
Gallezhow can i disable a particular daemon? i flicked one on by mistake and now i want to disable it10:43
=== eric is now known as Guest99593
narancofirefox doesnt respond to down arrow anymore to scroll down after the latest update, scroll up works fine, why is that??10:46
CorpseFeederI am trying to to use Brasero disc burner to burn a video file to DVD, but the burn button is greyed out - why?10:46
soulcdoes anyone here have any answers at all?10:47
xTheGoat121xIs it safe to remove old headers/images after updating?10:47
kellieveryone is quiet tonigfht10:47
DefryskxTheGoat121x, if the new kernel and related works fine, yes10:47
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:48
PowerJChi, how can i get firefox to use uk search engines? the search bar has the american version of ebay and amazon etc10:48
xTheGoat121xDefrysk, good, b/c I've got ones going back to 2.6.24-16 on here... and I'm sure it's eating up space.10:49
soulcthe only help with Chinese that I need is how to keep the bastards off my machine10:49
sim__m__> I have some non utf8 files in a project which seem to be interpreted as UTF-8 and all the umlaute (ä,ö..) are replaced by (?) symbols, any ideas?10:49
baastrupIs there a fix for pulseaudio and wine10:50
Sharp_eyeshi all10:50
Sharp_eyesis ther any body know that how to install nokia pc suite in ubuntu10:50
CorpseFeederI am trying to to use Brasero disc burner to burn a video file to DVD, but the burn button is greyed out - why?10:50
johnI have some error message when I start ubuntu: It says that kinit has no resume image10:50
johnDoes that mean anything to any of you?10:50
=== john is now known as Guest21125
Guest21125Also note that I'm forced to run in low graphics mode10:51
Sharp_eyeshi all10:51
Sharp_eyesany body here for help10:51
=== Guest21125 is now known as mjohn
soulcgood luck10:51
mjohnI have some error message when I start ubuntu: It says that kinit has no resume image10:51
mjohnAlso note that I'm forced to run in low graphics mode10:51
aftertafmjohn: kinit: not an error message.10:52
aftertafit checks to see if hibernated or not, thats all10:52
simplexioTom_1223: try drop that mulicount off, and benchmark again10:52
oOarthurOojohn All that means is that you are not resumngfrom hibernate.10:52
kellihow can i send pics to other people with out using mail?10:53
Tom_1223simplexio: I've turned it off. What parameters should I run bonnie++ with?10:53
simplexiomjohn: about that image, i think its something to do with resume/suspend, and what comes to low graphics use right driver for X10:54
simplexioTom_1223: same you used before10:54
kellidose anyone know how to send pics?10:54
Flannelkelli: to whom?10:54
jamil_13579When I try to run the command:  sudo apt-get -f install     I get an error:10:54
jamil_13579dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/human-theme_0.28.6_all.deb (--unpack):10:54
jamil_13579 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applications/screensavers/ubuntu_theme.desktop', which is also in package gnome-screensaver10:54
jamil_13579Errors were encountered while processing:10:54
jamil_13579 /var/cache/apt/archives/human-theme_0.28.6_all.deb10:54
FloodBot1jamil_13579: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:54
jamil_13579E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)10:54
simplexioTom_1223: and add last line to pastebin10:55
mjohnThanks guys, I think I'm figuring out my real problem10:55
MaveasHmm. Why is it that I'm only capable of choising ONE screen size? 1400x1050? :S10:55
kellipeople i chat to on yahoo mess.10:55
CorpseFeederI am trying to to use Brasero disc burner to burn a video file to DVD, but the burn button is greyed out - why?10:55
Sharp_eyes_hi all10:55
Flannelkelli: You could use something like flickr, or imageshack10:55
aftertafjamil_13579: 1) pastebin :)10:56
Sharp_eyes_any body knows that how to install nokia pcsuite in ubuntu10:56
kelliFlannel: flickr how do i get that?10:56
jbbarnesHas xorg.conf been replaced in 8.10? It is much shorter than in 7.10 and has no entries for my mouse & keyboard.10:56
aftertaf2) dpkg -i --force-overwrite10:56
MaveasSharp_eyes_: with wine etc.= :)10:56
Flannelkelli: its a website, flickr.com I believe10:56
T-Hawkhey... got a bit of a problem here. i've removed the old kernel version from my ubuntu-server, but for some reason linux-ubuntu-modules didn't purge. Now when i try to purge linux-ubuntu-modules it comlains that initrd.img doesn't exists (which isn't that odd) is there any way to remove linux-ubuntu-modules?10:56
Sharp_eyes_how can ?10:56
Sharp_eyes_i hve 2 operating systems in my pc10:56
Sharp_eyes_xp and ubuntu10:56
aftertafjbbarnes: mjohn :  do u have dkms for your gfx cards?10:57
jbbarnesI can't modify my touchpad without loading the synaptics driver.10:57
Sharp_eyes_in xp i hve install it10:57
jamil_13579sorry for flooding10:57
CorpseFeederis Brasero broken or something? Is it impossible to burn a DVD video using Brasero?10:57
jbbarnesI am running Xubunto (xfce) and the nvidia driver.10:57
kelliFlannel, thanks10:57
jbbarnesI need to modify my touchpad settings, but can't unless I have loaded the synpatics driver with a specific setting enabled.10:58
Niteyein adept i cant install "xine extra plugins" it is grayed out, how come?10:58
soulcso all I want is a screen shot uploaded to my server once every 10 mins10:58
aftertafjbbarnes: do u have dkms installed? or did you install nvidia drivers via envy / binaries?10:59
simplexiojbbarnes: i think new ubuntu tries to automaticly find your hw, you could try get touchpad working using old way and add needed lines to xorg.conf by hand, no idea is there some gui for it10:59
jamil_13579Any help10:59
edmontmy laptop hangs at statup with the message "setting the system clock". Then i press Ctrl+Alt+Del and it performs some operations and gives a gdm error. I am only able to start gdm at this point by mounting / and /home as rw. I think this happens since i modified /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh, but i am pretty sure i restored it to original and the problem still occurs. Any  idea?10:59
liuzhuwhen i restore my computer is always10:59
adacIs there a program that can randomly overwrite the hard disk (only the free space) so that data cannot be reconstructed?10:59
soulcbut it seems that cron isn't executing the pearl script inside the shell script11:00
aftertafjamil_13579: yeah... command line: sudo dpkg -i [/path/to/package.deb] --force-overwrite11:00
buuublehmm this seems not updated... anyone knows what to do in latest ubuntu?` https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/b4311:00
Inmanadac you can use secure-delete11:00
jbbarnesaftertaf: not sure what dkms is. I used the xubuntu "Hardware Drivers" app to load the nVidia binary driver.11:00
prakash_Can i develop ASP.NET application in Ubuntu ???11:01
aftertafok. type dpkg -l | grep dk11:01
jbbarnesI usually find the mouse/synaptic line in my xorg.conf for every distro I load. Then I paste in my usual settings. This time there is no such entry11:01
aftertafthatll tell u if installed.11:01
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution11:01
adacInman, isn't that a windows program?11:02
aftertafx server is now dynamic... xorg.conf not exactly used anymore  . . .11:02
reidcan anyone here please help me with my wireless card?  its been causing me the most problems ever...11:02
simplexiosoulc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=322442, tells howto run script from cron that can affect to X, and for screenshots you need some command11:02
jbbarnesaftertaf: Ah, I thought it was different. How can I force it to use the synaptic driver?11:02
aftertafjbbarnes: dunno :)11:02
prakash_ASP.NET in Ubuntu ? is that possible. ???11:03
Inmanuse package manager to see will also scrub ram etc, i a nice script for it to erase my firefox history etc etc11:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mono11:03
jbbarnesaftertaf: Well, thanks for the help anyway.11:03
aftertafprakash_: google for Mono....11:03
reidWho here uses an Atheros 242x or 5007eg11:03
reidfor wireless11:03
Inmannot windows11:03
prakash_Thanks aftertaf11:03
aftertafjbbarnes: sorry.... :)11:03
adacInman, ah ok I found it. Looks promising!11:03
firestorm1Hi there. Does ubuntu allow a VGA-output port on a laptop to be automatically enabled when in X11? I am finding that I need to reboot for it to be picked up. Thoughts?11:03
CorpseFeederI am trying to to use Brasero disc burner to burn a video file to DVD, but the burn button is greyed out - why?11:04
Inmannot bad so far11:04
comradekingufirestorm1: press FN+F*11:05
=== samba_ is now known as samba
baastrupMy laptop has 2.1 sound sytem (to speakers and 1 sub) how can I set this up? right now I dont have any bass sound :-(11:06
=== samba is now known as Guest78362
Inmanbaastrup this may be dumb but you did check mixer advanced setting bass trebel right?11:08
prakash_How can i stop others Pinging my IP address. ????11:09
firestorm1comradekingu: will those Fn keys only be picked up when using gnome's window manager? am running fluxbox and am not sure that those Fn keys are being mapped?11:09
baastrupInman, there is'nt suck thing :-(11:09
MaveasHow come I've only got ONE screen resolution?11:09
deathshadowprakash_: you can try 'echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all'11:10
comradekingufirestorm1: i dont think so, they only send asci events11:10
MaveasIt's pissing me off. The resolution wont fit my external screen. :S11:10
Inmanbaas under mixer (i'm using gnome) you can select different devices  you have right one?11:10
firestorm1comradekingu: was that no, as in you expect that it wouldn't work in fluxbox but would work with gnome?11:11
Inmansorry trying to narrow problem down :)11:11
DaveTarmacI'm currently using propritory nvidia drivers 177. I am having an issue with compiz-fusion appearance settings (Normal) where when I go to close a window, the title bar either vanishes or cannot redraw correctly - can anyone help?11:12
gbear14275basic linux question...11:12
gbear14275in terminal ssh session what does it mean if a file shows up in light green text?11:12
=== webby is now known as webby_
Inmanhey no free loader here (LOL) ;)11:12
=== webby_ is now known as webby__
comradekingufirestorm1: I dont think that has anything to do with it. Check out https://wiki.kubuntu.org/LaptopTestingTeam11:13
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
kiekois it tar xjv tar.gz?11:14
kiekoto unzip is it tar xjv <file>tar.gz ?11:14
Inmangbear is that not an exec file ?11:15
ikoniakieko: man tar11:15
ikoniakieko: j is for bz211:15
Tom_1223simplexio: http://pastebin.com/m262d969a11:15
kiekoikonia, not just tar.gz11:15
reiddoes madwifi not support WPA2?11:15
ikoniakieko: no11:15
ikoniareid: saying anyone is pointless11:16
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
kiekoikonia, so, no 'j' just tar xv file.tar.gz ?11:16
ikoniakieko: no11:16
firestorm1comradekingu: thanks for the link. pity it doesn't have intrepid on it though :)11:17
kiekotar xvh file.tar.gz ?11:17
ikoniakieko: no11:17
Inmannot that much has changed11:17
comradekingufirestorm1: Thats where you help out :)11:17
prakash_Can anyone say how to install Mono Development ???11:17
kiekoikonia, i forgot you don't like to give solutions or answers... Always, complicated with you11:17
firestorm1comradekingu: true11:17
=== prakash_ is now known as prakash_621
ikoniakieko: just look in the man page11:17
ikoniakieko: as I said, it's even listed as an example in the man page11:17
Inmankieko whats problem11:17
ikoniaprakash_621: open synaptic, search for mono, highlight the packages/compilers you want and click install11:18
simplexioTom_1223: that did improve performance11:18
kiekoInman, no problem11:18
kiekoInman, thx11:18
Inmanwelcome try to be help11:19
edmontmy laptop hangs at statup with the message "setting the system clock". Then i press Ctrl+Alt+Del and it performs some operations and gives a gdm error. I am only able to start gdm at this point by mounting / and /home as rw. I think this happens since i modified /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh, but i am pretty sure i restored it to original and the problem still occurs. Any  idea?11:19
Tom_1223simplexio: Where do I look to compare? I can't make heads or tails of the numbers11:20
ari_stresshi all11:20
deigelxchat-gnome seems to stick a autojoin of mine which has been delected on start of xchat.   i'm not sure how to cure this11:20
Tom_1223simplexio: I can't actually see a difference in the numbers, comparing them11:22
Bupsssi have a problem with the weather tab in the calendar panel.... it doesnt save the location anymore11:22
Bupsssany idea?11:22
xukunhi all. I'm using s-video to connect my tv. but I get black screen first two times. after rebooting the system for 3 times I get the screen. I have nothing changed in my xorg.conf. its all auto detected. Any idea how to fix this problem?11:22
Inmanhave to g download is done will try to be back later (xukun turn on TV (LOL) sorry use mythbuntu for that myself easier11:24
energYWhat is last.fm?11:24
ikoniaenergY: a website11:24
dns53energY a music social network11:24
Inmanenergy radio site music etc etc gotta go11:24
energYIs it usefull?11:24
energYJust downloaded songbird11:24
energYAnd it lets me login to last.fm11:25
dns53you tell them the music you listen to, they tell you something like it11:25
energYdns53: For free?11:25
dns53energY go to last.fm and have a look around i have not used it myself11:26
=== VistaUser is now known as UbuntuUser
prakash_621I am interested in developing games for ubuntu. can someone guide me ???11:30
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).11:35
scientescan firestarter do things like routers?11:35
=== LEO is now known as xzibit
prakash_621ubottu thanks for your information.11:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:35
scientesi want something like a router web ui11:35
jimcooncatscientes: also see ufw (uncomplicated firewall)11:35
kemik25hi , good day.11:35
dns53i would use ufw or gufw11:36
scientesbut i want to do a router11:36
edmontmy laptop hangs at statup with the message "setting the system clock". Then i press Ctrl+Alt+Del and it performs some operations and gives a gdm error. I am only able to start gdm at this point by mounting / and /home as rw. I think this happens since i modified /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh, but i am pretty sure i restored it to original and the problem still occurs. Any  idea?11:36
huwenfengHI, how can i add srt file to my video ? what media player can i use?11:36
kemik25I am new and want to learn VPN. can anyone help me on setting up vpn. I am using ubuntu box.11:36
scientesare these client server so i can use them on my CLI server?11:36
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
johan_What is the best emulation program if I wish to run games? Cedega?11:38
huwenfengCedega seems need to be charged!11:39
orgthingyW00T !! my webcam isnt working anymore11:39
orgthingyafter kernel update!!11:39
dns53johan_ you should try wine first, crossover games (commercal wine) and cedega are options as well11:39
orgthingycedega is best for games11:39
orgthingythen crossover then wine11:39
johan_Yeah, wine sucks with games.11:39
NthDegreeorgthingy, I disagree11:39
NthDegreeCedega is worse for games11:40
orgthingyhas less supported games, but MANY unsupported games work perfectly11:40
sdlwofwhy won't update manager mention anything about 8.10?11:40
NthDegreeYes.. I have loads of games which run perfectly on Wine but have bugs on Cedega11:40
johan_NthDegree: Which?11:41
dns53i would use wine as my first option, it works fine with half life based games11:41
NthDegreejohan_, UT GOTY (needed for all the anti-cheat stuff to work)11:41
jagadeeshhow to extract meeting request using procmail and add it korganizer?11:41
NthDegreeHalf-Life (without Steam)11:41
Maveasdns53: how do you tweak etc. cs for optimal performance?11:42
prakash_621someone has established a connection from his computer to my computer. how to cut this connection. Plz say quickly. ?11:42
dns53Maveas it's good enough for me11:42
huwenfengi have to say , the video card driver under ubuntu is not that good11:42
NthDegreeprakash_621, kill the process facilitating the connection11:42
NthDegreeprakash_621, netstat -anp as root then find the process and kill it11:42
NthDegreepkill -9 nameofprocess to kill it11:43
prakash_621k wait let me try11:43
NthDegreeif it's SSH you will need to kill the shell process for that user too11:43
smoojoin #essen11:44
Maveassmoo: why?11:44
jagadeeshhow to extract meeting request using procmail and add it korganizer?11:44
prakash_621Oh my god THanks NthDegree Thanks Very much.11:44
prakash_621Thanks NthDegree11:45
NthDegreeno problem11:45
prakash_621I am new to ubuntu.11:45
huwenfengme too11:45
huwenfengwe are all new to ubuntu11:45
sdlwofprakash_621, sudo ifconfig eth0 down11:45
NthDegreesdlwof, it's sorted11:45
kane77huwenfeng, not me :)11:45
NthDegreeno need to take down the network11:45
huwenfengubuntu is good , its free , and almost do anything you want11:45
sdlwofhaha, i see that, like 10 pages of scroll back....11:45
sdlwofmy bad11:45
MaveasIs it posible to get an IP of an IRC user who have a vhost? Without being IRC op?I mean, is it 100% bulletproff when I got a vhost address?11:46
juanezif i replace pulseaudio with esound, which apps can i expect to break?11:46
huwenfengkane77: yes, i mean we two11:46
NthDegreeMaveas, with a cloak it's bulletproof against everyone but Freenode staff11:46
MaveasYou sure?11:46
MaveasEven an extreme good hacker couldn't get it?11:46
NthDegreeMaveas, yes11:46
StarnestommyMaveas: if the user connects but doesn't identify quickly enough they might join channels without their cloak and cloaks can be removed by network ops for misnehavior11:46
Kolkahi people, how can i share a conection betwen ubuntu-win (ubuntu wifi+eth) (win eth) ?? thx!11:47
StarnestommyMaveas: and some client scripts often give away the real ip11:47
huwenfengwhat to do now ? i need to watch movie with srt files loaded ! how can i do that?11:47
NthDegreeMaveas, if the IRCd is vulnerable (hacker) then staff would be attacked, not users :P11:47
orgthingyhelpz me!!11:47
MaveasHmm.. Some guy once got my IP on QuakeNet :S11:47
dns53Kolka in intrepid it is suppose to allow that, not sure how11:47
StarnestommyMaveas: but these things rarely happen and a I would say that a vhost or cloak is about 99% effective11:48
NthDegreeQuakeNet is a bit different11:48
NthDegreeFreenode uses a massively different system when it comes to hiding IPs11:48
kiekocan someone help me with chmod?11:48
MaveasStarnestommy: Which clients gives away the IP? :) XChat? :S11:48
NthDegreeif you're 100% paranoid you can use Tor11:48
NthDegreebut the price is speed11:48
kiekoi need to get write permmission11:48
orgthingy!webcam | orgthingy11:49
ubottuorgthingy, please see my private message11:49
NthDegreekieko, chmod 666 filename11:49
Kolkadns53,  its not possible¿? :(11:49
kiekocan i do gksu nautilus ?11:49
MaveasHmm, I'll just google Tor :)11:49
StarnestommyMaveas: no11:49
NthDegreekieko, use sudo chmod 666 filename11:49
NthDegreekieko, that gives everyone write permission11:49
StarnestommyMaveas: cgiirc and mibbit do, but they're web gateways11:49
MaveasOk, thanks for the answers NthDegree and Starnestommy :)11:49
kiekoNthDegree, chmod 666 filename gives write permission? i thought there were things like x and +11:49
dns53Kolka you bring up network manager and select the networks to share11:49
MaveasAhh, I remember the Tor project :)11:49
MaveasAnd yes, it is very slow..11:50
NthDegreekieko, yes you can do +w or whatever but the number way is easier to remember for me >.>11:50
StarnestommyNthDegree: many irc networks either ban tor entirely or place restrictions on its use11:50
NthDegreeStarnestommy, but we don't do we? =]11:50
Kolkahow? :S11:50
StarnestommyMaveas: whoops, that was to you, not NthDegree11:50
UnknownUser56ctrl alt backspace ...11:50
kiekoNthDegree, kewl... and if i have a bunch of files how can i do them all at once please?11:51
MaveasI wont use Tor .. It's tooooooo slow xD11:51
StarnestommyNthDegree: freenode requires a hidden service for it which is often temporarily blocked by staff to curb abuse and it's cloaked in a way that makes it easy to ban in many channels including this one11:51
NthDegreekieko, well put more than one filename on the end.. or use wildcards like /path/to/files/*11:51
NthDegreeStarnestommy, doesn't the "trusted user" system still exist for Tor?11:52
kiekoNthDegree, i'm in the folder in question so, do i just leave a space between each file name and put them all in one sentence? (string?)11:52
StarnestommyNthDegree: gpg-tor does11:52
NthDegreekieko, you'd do something like "file1.txt" "file2.txt" etc.11:52
NthDegreeyeah basically11:52
=== prakash_ is now known as prakash_621
prakash_621Understanding Ubuntu is difficult for me as a starter.11:53
huwenfengmaybe, but that's not an emergency11:53
huwenfengyou got lots of time ahead of you ,11:53
huwenfengis that right?11:53
NthDegreeprakash_621, I never found it 100% easy at first11:54
Maveasprakash_621: yeah, it's difficult for everyone who is new to linux :)11:54
prakash_621Yeah but i dont know where to start11:54
NthDegreeprakash_621, look around the forums11:54
sdlwofisn't 8.10 released yet?11:54
orgthingymy webcam doesnt work11:54
orgthingymy webcam doesnt work!!11:54
Maveassdlwof: it is11:54
melodie_hi prakash_62111:54
Ayabaraanyone know of a tool/script I can use to remove iptc keywords from a bunch of pictures?11:54
orgthingy(it did in older kernel)11:54
melodie_where are you from ?11:54
NthDegreeorgthingy, use the older kernel then11:54
dns53sdlwof it was released a few weeks ago11:55
orgthingyNthDegree : how? from Grub?11:55
prakash_621Yes melodie !!!11:55
sdlwofupdate manager isn't regonizing it..11:55
NthDegreeorgthingy, if it's available yes11:55
melodie_prakash_621, if you wish a few advices to see where to start ?11:55
sdlwofcould i use apt-get?11:56
melodie_prakash_621, I've got about 5 to 10 minutes available now11:56
prakash_621Yes melodie where to start ubuntu ?11:56
melodie_is it installed ?11:56
prakash_621Yes melodie11:56
sdlwofdns53, could i use apt-get to get 8.10? or should i use update manager?11:56
melodie_who installed it, was it you ?11:57
Fougnersdlwof, try updatemanager11:57
dns53sdlwof you could change your sources to intrepid, the update manager does something like this11:57
melodie_good, did you see what the repositories and package manager are ?11:57
prakash_621Only One CD i got it from canonical free cd from netherland11:57
Fougnerprakash_621, I'm available too, if you want some help11:57
sdlwofFougner, dns53 updatemanager does not give me the option to update to intrepid.11:58
prakash_621No melodie i didnt see that...when i installed ...11:58
melodie_I think learning to install uninstall and keep distro up to date is a good start. do you approve ?11:58
dns53sdlwof you need to enable release upgrades, let me check11:58
prakash_621I think yes. melodie11:58
Fougnersdlwof, "software sources"11:59
melodie_ok prakash_621 I'll get a few pages for you11:59
prakash_621how to uninstall a software in shell ? i know how to do it in gui. but how is that in bash shell ? melodie11:59
Fougnersdlwof, under the Synaptic11:59
dns53sdlwof yes software sources, updates, release upgrades11:59
melodie_prakash_621, here : https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html11:59
Fougnerprakash_621, apt-get remove package11:59
prakash_621Oh Thanks Fougner12:00
melodie_prakash_621, and after that : https://help.ubuntu.com/community12:00
sdlwofdns53, pre=-release upgrades?12:00
melodie_Fougner, wait, it does not explain how to deal with the repositories !12:00
melodie_prakash_621, is brand new, and needs to know a little more to start with12:00
Fougnermelodie_, oh sorry12:01
melodie_and first, where to documentation stands12:01
lorenzosuWhere can I view/edit the processes/application launched a t startup?12:01
dns53sdlwof just releases12:01
melodie_prakash_621, the repositories are distant servers where applications and updates come from12:01
Fougnerprakash_621, probably the best thing to do is some reading.. so you know how things "work" =)12:01
melodie_you can use command line tools or graphic tool name Synaptic to contact the servers12:01
melodie_Fougner, I just gave him the official documentation links ! ^^12:02
Flannel!components | prakash_621 (you'll get to this eventually anyway, but if you miss it)12:02
ubottuprakash_621 (you'll get to this eventually anyway, but if you miss it): The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories12:02
sdlwofin the updates tab, i see ubuntu updates; automatic updates, relase upgrades. under ubuntu updates, i see important, recommended, pre-release, and unsupported.12:02
sdlwofi don't see only a 'releases'12:03
Fougnersdlwof, look at the bottom12:03
* melodie_ don't like bots that much...12:03
sporkboyis there a way I can make closing my lid not shut off screen1 (but still shut off screen0)?12:03
overdubwhat is "auto eth0"?12:03
sdlwofthere's Never, Normal releases, long term supported.12:03
sdlwofdo you mean "normal releases" instead of 'releases"/12:03
Fougnersdlwof, which setting is it now?12:03
sdlwofFougner, normal releases. There is no option for 'releases'12:04
dns53sdlwof yes normal releases are the 6 monthly releases, the long term are every 18 months12:04
overdubwhen I set up networking from command line, the little icon on the top of the screen thinks i'm disconnected12:04
sdlwofmenu options 'normal releases' and 'releases' are different.12:05
sdlwofbe specific man, there's some dumb mofo's in here.12:05
overdubwhen i set up network using the pokey little GUI, my DNS is hosed12:05
melodie_overdub, an automatic option to make eth0 network interface appear12:05
UbuntuUserni ni12:05
melodie_overdub, what does "hosed" mean ?12:05
overdubhosed is slang for not working12:05
scienteshow do i search a man page?12:05
sdlwofscientes, /searchstring12:06
melodie_overdub, try to find a doc to wicd and install it, then try to use it.12:06
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scientesthx sdlwof12:06
overdubok, thanks for the info melodie_12:06
sdlwofscientes, :# hops to line#12:06
akonkwai'm having trouble playing mkv files in vlc, can anyone help?12:07
sdlwofscientes, also after /searchstring keep pushing n to go through the document12:07
melodie_overdub, it does not belong to official packages, you have to add the repo in your sources.list12:07
Lo_where do I view/edit startup processes/programmes?12:07
wookienzcan i install from live cd onto a striped raid array which contains windows? without wiping windows?12:07
FougnerLo_, sessions? =)12:08
melodie_overdub, hum, i'm a little sleepy : was it a wifi matter ?12:08
overdubmelodie_: I wonder why the obscurity for such a common thing as having a network connection?12:08
FougnerLo_, System->settings->sessions12:08
melodie_overdub, was it a wifi problem or not at all ?12:08
kiekounpack it somewhere and run the glGo.install script. Question: Can someone tell me how to run this install.script? ./install.sh isn't doing it12:08
overdubthis is not a wifi connection12:08
melodie_forget wicd then12:08
sdlwofhaha, you people, iwconfig12:09
melodie_do you have a special network card ?12:09
Lo_Fougner, Thank you12:09
kiekounpack it somewhere and run the glGo.install script.12:09
overdubI'm going to poke around a bit more, there must be something I'm missing here12:09
melodie_do you have a special network card ?12:09
kiekothat's what it says; but it doesn't explain how to 'run' it12:09
overdubmelodie_: no, same one I've used with Linux for years12:09
sciontry to type 'sh install.sh'12:09
melodie_overdub, I'm just discovering the new Ubuntu... what to say ?12:10
overduboh, wait, i'm wrong, this is an on board card12:10
melodie_overdub, check if no second driver messes up with the right one then12:10
overdubbut it does work just fine when I set it up from command line12:10
melodie_overdub, just check12:10
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melodie_overdub, take a look at the return from 'lsmod' and if two network card drivers appear, one must be removed and blacklisted12:11
overdubconnects just fine doing ifconfig, route add default gw . . . etc12:11
kpuljekwhere in ubuntu 8.10 i can find the replacement for this screen: http://www.debianadmin.com/images/network/6.png12:11
kpuljekthey've abandoned this tool, and I can't make my way through the new ones :|12:12
overdubbut the icon on the menu bar shows me as offline12:12
melodie_overdub, yes, but when do you loose the connexion ?12:12
melodie_overdub, at reboot, else ?12:12
kiekoi have a glGo.install to run. Can someone tell me how?12:12
overdubi don't even think it drops, but the icon shows me offline when i'm online is all12:12
Fougnerkieko, tried "sh install.sg?"12:12
oskar-kpuljek, right click on the network icon and select something like "edit connections"12:12
kiekoFougner, no12:12
kiekoFougner, just like that?12:13
melodie_overdub, then you may want to remove the icon. it won't bother you further. ;)12:13
overduband then when I try to set it up using "auto eth0", my DNS won't resolve12:13
Fougnerkieko, what is this script?12:13
overdubmelodie_: hehe, might just come to that12:13
kiekoFougner, it is a go application from Panda IGS12:13
kpuljekoskar-: i've been there, but i really can't make out where exactly to set up the static ip and dns servers :S12:13
scionkieko: either chmod +x file.sh or sh file.sh12:13
Fougneroverdub, if you're behind a router, try to set /etc/resolve.conf to the right DNS-server12:13
kiekoFougner, in terminal i have a green glGo.install file12:13
overdubFougner: it already is, when I set it up manually (at command line)12:14
melodie_Fougner, he does not have a connexion problem, but a icon network message problem12:14
Fougnersorry =D12:14
melodie_overdub, if you don't set it up manually, does it connect just after boot ?12:14
Fougnerkieko, well that's kinda weird12:14
overdubthere was no /etc/resolve.conf file, i had to make it12:14
Fougneroverdub, whaaat12:15
oskar-kpuljek, ok, the first tab in the then opening windows should be called something like "cable connections", then there should be connection entries like "Auto eth0" or similar. select and edit them12:15
melodie_overdub, !12:15
overdubmelodie_: i've not tried to see if it works after reboot12:15
melodie_overdub, no /etc/resolve.conf but /etc/resolv.conf !!!12:15
overdubmy typo12:15
dns53overdub network manager usually generates one from dhcp so it is best not to touch it12:15
melodie_what did you put in there ?12:15
overdubmeant /etc/resolv.conf12:15
Bupssscan anyone help me? i dont get the location for the weather anymore12:15
Bupsssit disappears after i reboot12:16
melodie_Bupsss, do you have a windows at home ?12:16
overdubdns53: but i'm connecting static, no DHCP12:16
kiekoFougner, http://www.pandanet.co.jp/English/glgo/Install.txt12:16
dns53Bupsss wait a few minutes with your network connected12:16
melodie_overdub, ok12:16
kiekoFougner, the instructions are very vague12:16
kpuljekoskar-: okay, found it. just one more question - why does it change my subnet mask to 24 everytime i try to enter it?12:16
Bupsssmelodie_, yes, why?12:16
overdubgoing to reboot and see if that sets things strait12:16
melodie_overdub, what is written in /etc/network/interfaces ?12:16
oskar-kpuljek, do you enter ;)12:16
Fougnerkieko, look under windows then ;)12:16
Bupsssdns53 i dont have the city in the list anymore12:17
kpuljekoskar-: yes12:17
melodie_Bupsss, look at your window you know the weather. ;)12:17
overdubmelodie_: i don't see eth0 there12:17
dns53Bupsss is the locations hidden, is there a map?12:17
Fougnerkieko, is there a script named "glGo.install" somewhere?12:17
scionkieko: open the glo.install script and check the top first line12:17
oskar-kpuljek, it means the same, don't worry12:17
overdubonly loopback12:17
scionsee what the script languiage12:17
melodie_booting does not put things straight, it allows to see if the network config holds !12:17
Bupsssdns53, i see the location map empty, if i click edit, the list is empty12:17
Bupsssi had 2 cities12:17
scionit may be python, perl, bash, sh12:17
kpuljekoskar-: oh, yes... that makes sense... if the want to confuse newcomers even more :P :) thank you12:18
melodie_overdub, GNU/Linux is not Windows12:18
Bupsssif i set it again it works, but after reboot, it disappears12:18
overdubmelodie_: yes, which would be in my mind setting things strait12:18
overdubmelodie_: and thankfully so :)12:18
melodie_overdub, :)12:18
Fougnerkieko, try writing "file glGo.install"12:18
scionyou should be able to chmod +x glGo.install12:19
scionand then ./glGo.install12:19
* overdub wanders off to go poke, prod, and ponder12:19
staar2how to clean up of unused programs ?12:20
scionif its green it means its +x already12:20
oskar-staar2, sudo apt-get autoremove12:20
mrwesmoving sucks12:21
Mal3kowhen we install ubuntu server, is iptables installed by default?12:21
mrwesI've added the launchpad repos for OO 3, but I'm not getting any prompts to install12:22
varun=O guys my usplash dosnt seem to work anymore12:22
Fougnerkieko, why don't you try the .deb installer?12:22
FlannelMal3ko: yes12:22
varunit dosnt load when i boot12:22
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kiekoFougner, i had trouble withthat too... thought tar.gz route would be more solid12:22
Fougnervarun, oh my god what have you done? =O =O12:22
scionkieko: what happens when you do ./glGo.install12:23
Fougnerkieko, haha okay, that's weird12:23
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mrwesAnyone on 8.10 installed openoffice 3 via the launchpad repos?12:23
Flannelmrwes: The PPA has been taken offline due to some issues, the maintainer says he should have it up and working again sometime early next week.12:23
coaxkieko: can you read whagt im saying?12:23
kiekoscion, seems to have installed - thx.. but now i get:12:23
mrwesFlannel, gotcha...danke12:23
varunfougner, its the end of the world if i dont fix this =(, i think i did something to /boot/grub/menu.lst dont know what thou12:23
coaxoh ok12:23
kiekocoax, livingdaylight@HOD:~/apps/glGo$ glGo12:24
kiekoglGo: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:24
prakash_Software contains many .deb files. when downloading 98% is downloaded after that i got a broken package found message(Problem). How can i remove the previous installations of the same software...???12:24
mrwesok...anyone using streamtuner?12:24
coaxkieko: ok you need another lib installed12:24
mrwesseems br0ke with live365...nothing loads for that tab12:24
coaxi dont know what it is but a quick google search can find out12:24
varunFougner: i'll pastebin menu.lst, how about that? haha12:24
kiekocoax, libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.012:24
Fougnervarun, shoot12:25
oskar-kieko, sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-012:25
kiekooskar-, thx12:25
shafi!nick| shafi_ /join ##java12:25
ubottushafi_ /join ##java: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:25
mrweser..no one using streamtuner?  why NOT? haha12:26
Fougnerkieko, you have a dependency list in the install.txt12:26
varunFougner, here ya go http://paste.ubuntu.com/78022/ , so what do ya rekon?12:26
kiekoFougner, its very loooong, lol12:26
kiekooskar-, | Fougner | coax  that's done it now, i think... thanks very much12:27
Fougnerkieko, but that will be the best way to get it to work =)12:27
oskar-yes, sounds much cleaner than trying until it seems to work12:27
coaxkieko: ok, let us know if there are any other issues12:27
kiekocoax, cheers12:27
varunFougner, so any ideas mate?12:28
mrwesanyone using comcast for ISP?12:28
varunor am i stuck with this depressing state of uglyness forever?12:29
mrwesslick_juan, it's werkin'12:29
Fougnervarun, you use the option at the top when booting in grub huh?12:29
Niteyehow can i find out why my sound isnt working, in media player it appears to play but no sound come out my speakres12:29
varunFougner, yeap12:29
coaxNiteye: what sound card do you have?12:30
Niteyei dont know its a brand new computer and i guess its onboard, in KMix i read something about HDA Intel12:30
PolitikerNEUHello everyone, does anybody know a program which can record mms (wma) radio streams and automatically cut them?12:30
jimcooncatwhat is a good keyboard gui? I like gnome, but I don't care for mousing unless I'm doing graphics work.12:30
Fougnervarun, Ubuntu 8.10, kernel 2.6.27-7-generic (SPLASH)12:30
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=== prakash_ is now known as prakash_621
MJKwhich psybnc company do you guys suggest me ?12:31
Fougnervarun, change "ro splash" to "ro quiet splash"12:31
coaxNiteye:  i found this thread http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-hda-intel-alc882-ad-ubuntu-8.10-fresh-install-680344/12:31
Fougneron the kernel lin12:31
coaxmaybe there are some answers there12:32
varunFougner, okay, theres no other way to test than a reboot yea? ='(12:32
prakash_621how do uninstall the 70%installed package which has error during install.12:32
varunbrb then12:33
oskar-varun, don't forget update-grub12:33
Fougnervarun, http://paste.ubuntu.com/78025/12:33
varunhaha nearly did12:33
varunkk thanks, i'll do a boot now12:33
Fougneroskar-, thanks, I knew I missed something12:33
mrwesprakash_621, goto synaptic manager and try Edit | fix broken packages12:33
oskar-no problem ;)12:33
Bupsssany help with my weather problem?12:34
prakash_621no mrwes, i want to remove those packages i dont want to install it again ? what to do ?12:34
mrwesprakash_621, but the installation failed, correct?12:34
mrwesmid stream12:34
KosmaI'm trying to get i2c support for my video card (intel 965), but I have trouble enabling the intelfb module at boot time. anyone had similar problems?12:35
prakash_621Failed at 71%12:35
mrwesprakash_621, so finish or fix the installation then uninstall it12:35
prakash_621k Thanx mrwes.12:35
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mrweswants that new Samsung 52" LCD TV12:37
Fougnermrwes, :O12:37
mrwes!info life12:37
ubottuPackage life does not exist in intrepid12:37
prakash_621how can i stop someone pinging my system. is there something like can i hide my ipaddress ?12:37
mrwesipblocker, moblock12:38
Fougnerprakash_621, ping back ;)12:38
prakash_621Ha ha ha12:38
mrwesfloodping back12:38
FougnerI can help ya12:38
Fougnerjust tell me how to to12:38
prakash_621really ?12:38
Fougnerwhy would someone ping your system? =)12:39
prakash_621may be to search security vulnerability right ?12:39
mrwesping -f IP ADDRESS12:39
MarZauset your router not to reply to ICMP ping requests12:39
coaxrefresh your ip is a simple solution12:39
prakash_621how to do that in linux coax ?12:39
mrwesguten morgen12:40
ender_alguien de aqui tiene idea de java?12:40
oskar-prakash_621, if you only receive icmp echo request, don't worry. but you can set net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all using sysctl (see manpage and /etc/sysctl.conf and /etc/sysctl.d)12:40
melodie_bye now12:40
prakash_621Thanks for your help melodie Bye .12:41
MarZauthanks oskar, didnt know that12:41
prakash_621thanks oskar.12:41
Mal3kowhat's the diff? sshd_config vs ssh_config12:42
coaxserver and client configs12:42
oskar-Mal3ko, something like server and client ;)12:42
coaxsshd = ssh daemon12:42
coaxprakash_621: sorry dunno12:42
coaxi have pppoe connection12:42
linuxnoophow can i update my grathik driver12:43
MarZauIf ATI ever fixes their ubuntu drivers, let me know, same for colonization of mars12:43
oskar-linuxnoop, it is updated automatically. if you know what you are doing, you can edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. but maybe then you would not ask here?12:44
transportercan somebody help me setup a free hotmail  account in thunderbird12:44
linuxnoopmy problem is actualy that my wine dose not suporte cs it alwayse sens me back to my log in skreen12:45
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transportercan somebody pls help me set up a free hotmail account in thunderbird12:45
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ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:45
transporterfree hotmail account yes12:46
oskar-transporter, see this http://webmail.mozdev.org/installation.html or look for a good mail provider12:46
Fougner!helpful | oskar-12:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about helpful12:46
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ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help12:46
oskar-what do you want to say to me, Fougner? ;)12:46
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help12:46
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chfwiggumhi all!is there a prob for anyone else to connect and play sounds from JAMENDO? tia12:47
Fougneroskar-, you're helpful =P12:47
oskar-i try to... ;)12:47
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MarZaulinux snoop doesn't wine have a problem with punkbuster still?  if your talking about counterstrike12:47
gbear14275how do i move a file into the usr/share directory?  it says I don't have permission12:47
gbear14275tried a drag and drop12:47
EffElevunsudo nautilus12:47
linuxnoopit happens with every game12:48
EffElevunthen move it12:48
gbear14275thanks EffElevun12:48
chfwiggumgbear14275: sudo mv /file /usr/..12:48
PupenoHow do I apply all patches of a package but without building it, so that I can create another patch?12:48
zer0__my pc speaker not make any sound.how to enable it?12:48
chfwiggumgbear14275: or to copy it use sudo cp12:48
poozerhey everybody12:48
EffElevunhey pooz12:48
EffElevunsorry dude12:49
poozerEffElevun: nope12:49
gbear14275EffElevun: I'm seeing alot of alerts in my terminal as I'm navigating in nautilus, that normal?12:49
coaxheres a silly question: anyone know how to remove this channel from auto connect in xchat?12:49
zer0__my pc speaker not make any sound.how to enable it?12:49
coaxthats why im here :p12:49
coaxi cant find it added anywhere12:49
MarZaulinuxsnoop well, I've had some games not work under wine, but work under cedega or crossover so maybe try them.12:50
NotADJwin 512:50
zer0__my pc speaker not make any sound.how to enable it?12:50
EffElevunwhat kind of alerts?12:50
zer0__my pc speaker not make any sound.how to enable it?12:50
gbear14275** (nautilus:31109): WARNING **: Unable to add monitor: Operation not supported12:50
gbear14275Nautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory12:50
gbear14275Please ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.12:50
prakash_621i am wondering how without .exe files applications are executed in linux. can some one have idea ?12:50
coaxzer0__: take it easy12:50
coaxwhat sound card do you have?12:50
chfwiggumgbear14275: then use console12:50
dns53coax under network list, click edit and remove the channel12:50
oskar-zer0__, try: sudo modprobe pcspkr12:50
gbear14275chfwiggum: this is fine, just wanted to make sure it was normal12:51
linuxnoopwher can i download crossover12:51
zer0__nothing happen12:51
coaxdns53: thanks12:51
transporteroskar: what do i do in the incoming and outgoing servers in the setup for thunderbird free hotmail account12:51
transporteroskar: i installed the package now what?12:52
MarZauprakash_621: try wine, unfortunately cedega is the only one you can still download free.12:52
linuxnoopwher can i download crossover12:52
oskar-zer0__, try it on a virtual console, ctrl+alt+f1, login, type "something" and press tab two times12:52
prakash_621how is the application executed in linux. What extension is the executable files in linux. ????12:53
Fougnerprakash_621, then don't have on12:53
kelliwhat program can i use to send pics you people on "windows"-yak12:54
prakash_621i cant understand fougner ?12:54
oskar-zer0__, second: open audio (maybe called "sound") properties, Sounds, "Play alert sounds"12:54
MarZau.py .sh .etc... linux programs have alot of extensions12:54
Fougneras far as I know, it's located in different directories12:54
coaxprakash_621:  the extension is irrelevant12:54
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chfwiggumprakash_621: thers no such thing as exe in linux12:54
prakash_621then how is it executing ????????????12:54
prakash_621i am wondering !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112:54
coaxwhat are you trying to execute?12:54
Fougnerprakash_621, ./file.to.execute.sh12:54
zer0__volume control? /volume preference??12:55
satrujeetsomebody there to help me with wireless connections ???12:55
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
Fougner!questions | satrujeet,12:55
ubottusatrujeet,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:55
prakash_621No, actually, the applications installed is not an .exe file format as like windows. i am wondering how is all the application which doesnt have .exe file extension is executed in linux.12:55
transportercan somebody please tell me what am i supposed to write in the incoming and outgoing server for a free hotmail account in thunderbird12:56
oskar-zer0__, "gnome-sound-properties"12:56
kellihow can i send pic to someone on yahoo chat?12:56
zer0__need to find it12:56
Fougnerprakash_621, just because of the .exe extension doesn't make it execuable, right?12:56
chfwiggumtransporter: DEPENDS IF U LIKE POP OR IMAP12:56
satrujeeto i c..those are the rules.. So here I go...I installed ubuntu 8.10 , went for an update and discovered that my wireless is not working.. how do  restore it ???12:57
oskar-chfwiggum, he likes hot(web)mail ;)12:57
coaxprakash_621: depending on the tyope of file, a script file needs to be +x for it to be executed alone, and an executable doesnt need an extension12:57
chfwiggumtransporter: then google setupt hotmail pop account thunderbird12:57
AdamDVsatrujeet: I do not believe you can, I may be wrong, but I don't think you can downgrade12:57
=== scully|away is now known as scully
satrujeet..fine but cud we fix it ??12:58
prakash_621Oh great. Thanks.12:58
NiteyeUPDATE: sound works when i put in headphones, or my speakers in the headphone jack, but not when i connect it to the back12:58
coaxwindows works in peculiar ways12:58
prakash_621Thanks Coax, and Fougner12:58
AdamDVsatrujeet: cud u use grmr?12:58
coaxwith the .exe, .bat12:58
Fougnerprakash_621, you're welcome =)12:58
coaxin linux no file is identified by the extension, only for vanity purposes12:58
Fougnersatrujeet, which wireless do you haev?12:58
satrujeetnow i am very new to linux.. so wont follow jargons..whats grmr??12:58
jae686a file is only executable if you set its permissions to do so12:59
satrujeetits a wireless modem provided by my ISP..12:59
Fougnersatrujeet, oh..12:59
AdamDVsatrujeet: It helps if you could use the correct grammer and not abreiviate things. THanks :D12:59
AdamDVsatrujeet: Do you know the model?12:59
FougnerAdam-, you mean ISP ? ;)12:59
Fougneraira, hi and hi =)13:00
Fougneraira, hi =)13:00
AdamDVFougner: YUp, whoops13:00
satrujeetmodel of ?13:00
prakash_621Thanks coax13:00
Fougnersatrujeet, of the modem13:00
leninhello all13:00
oskar-zer0__, one addition: if you want "pcspkr" to be loaded at each system startup, then add it in one line to the file /etc/modules13:00
lenini have a graphic problem after update to intrepid ibex13:01
satrujeetSIEMENS SL2_141 is the modem's model13:01
lenincan anyone help me?13:01
coaxprakash_621: although sometimes an application is hardcoded to read say lala.conf in which case you might need the .conf extension for the app to see it13:01
Fougner!questions | lenin13:01
ubottulenin: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:01
Fougnerlenin, probably there is a problem with the drivers13:02
prakash_621Oh. Ok. coax. If i need to start firewall application (GUI) when my system starts, what should i do coax ?13:02
zer0__coax,i cant find where gnome sound properties located.. :(13:02
MarZaulenin, ati or nvidia.. or another...13:02
leninhello all. i have a problem after update to intrepid ibex. look this screenshot: http://img397.imageshack.us/my.php?image=errorgraphicsdb5.png ; all works fine, but when programs are opened i get this lines and distorsion in the monitor.13:02
oskar-zer0__, open a terminal an write in the command i gave you...  "gnome-sound-properties"13:02
Fougnerprakash_621, edit the sessions.. System->settings->sessions13:02
coaxprakash_621:  sorry im not familiar with that13:02
EffElevunzero under the system > preferences > sound13:02
adilsonhi i cant start x anymore i did the latest update, restarted but had  powerfailure now whenever I restart t seems X doesnt start, can someone help me please?13:03
EffElevunadilson - reconfigure your xorg.conf file13:03
zer0__lol..it sound preference.i already open it.. btw, what next coax?13:03
coaxprakash_621: it's better to not ask someone directly, maybe someone else has the answer13:03
leninMarzau: Intel graphic card. It's a Toshiba laptop13:03
ziroday`adilson: so you're saying during an update there was a power failure and so xorg didn't upgrade properly?13:03
xk001adilson, using ext2 or ext3 ?13:04
adilsonziroday, after the update i restarted but when i was on the gdm screen had a power failure13:04
adilsonxk001, jfs13:04
xk001reconfigure xorg and use ext3 to prevent problems in xorg.13:04
prakash_621Fougner, i dont know where this firestarted is installed ? how to find that ?13:05
ziroday`adilson: okay, try do sudo dpkg --configure -a13:05
zer0__what next coax?13:05
MarZaulenin , im not familiar with intel under linux, my first guess would be to turn compiz off13:05
Fougnerprakash_621, very often, you just type "name-of-the-app" in the terminal13:05
leninMarZau , Compiz is turned off. Did you see the screenshot?13:05
=== scully is now known as scully|away
MarZauyes definitely looks like a driver issue, but don't know why its doing that sry13:06
Fougnerprakash_621, just try "firestarter" in the terminal13:06
adilsonziroday, im getting unable to access dpkg status, a lot of the syystem files have locked to read nly and i think my .Xauthority got messed up as well13:07
flacohello... I don't know waht happend, but he numeric keyboard does not work, anyone knows how to enable...?13:07
adilsonxk001, hw do i configure xorg?13:07
zer0__where is coax????13:07
xk0011 sec13:07
SOURdiesellenin: are you having video issues with compiz running?13:08
prakash_621No Fougner, i want to add firestarter in the startup programs, it asks me the location of the program.13:08
xk001use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg13:08
xk001install linux using ext to prevent those errors in general if power goes off again. i used to used ext2 and get that problem13:09
xk001my damn writing xD13:09
leninSOURdiesel , i turned off for this reason. Compiz works fine, but sometimes the application bar crashes13:09
prakash_621how to find the location of the softwares installed ????13:10
ghang$ ogle13:10
ghangWARNING[ogle_mpeg_vs]: B-frame before forward ref frame13:10
ghangFATAL[ogle_audio]: failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp13:10
ghangxscreensaver-command not found.13:10
ghangctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument13:10
ghangwhy after I instal ogle i cannot open it , can anyone help me please ?13:10
FloodBot1ghang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:10
ghang$ ogle13:11
ghangWARNING[ogle_mpeg_vs]: B-frame before forward ref frame13:11
ghangFATAL[ogle_audio]: failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp13:11
ghangxscreensaver-command not found.13:11
ghangctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument13:11
FloodBot1ghang: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:11
ghangwhy after I instal ogle i cannot open it , can anyone help me please ?13:11
Fougnerhaha, bot-war =D13:11
oskar-prakash_621, which <program>, or dpkg-query -L <packagename>, or whereis <file>13:11
bazhangghang, use paste.ubuntu.com13:11
ubottuFor information about the AppArmor security framework employed in Ubuntu (since Gutsy Gibbon), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor13:11
paul68!paste > ghang13:11
ubottughang, please see my private message13:11
SOURdiesellenin: ATI or Nvidia?13:11
prakash_621how to find the location of the software installed. example. how to find the location of the firestarter which is installed ?13:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:12
leninSOURdiesel : i have an Intel graphic card13:12
oskar-prakash_621, which <program>, or dpkg-query -L <packagename>, or whereis <file>13:12
ghang1 2 3 4 5 6 7$ ogle WARNING[ogle_mpeg_vs]: B-frame before forward ref frame FATAL[ogle_audio]: failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp xscreensaver-command not found. ctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument  why after I instal ogle i cannot open it , can anyone help me please ?13:13
prakash_621Wow, Greate thanks. oskar. whereis helped me. thanx13:13
ghang$ ogle WARNING[ogle_mpeg_vs]: B-frame before forward ref frame FATAL[ogle_audio]: failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp xscreensaver-command not found. ctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument  why after I instal ogle i cannot open it , can anyone help me please ?13:13
ghang$ ogle WARNING[ogle_mpeg_vs]: B-frame before forward ref frame FATAL[ogle_audio]: failed opening the oss audio driver at /dev/dsp xscreensaver-command not found. ctrl: ipc_rmid: Invalid argument  why after I instal ogle i cannot open it , can anyone help me please ?13:13
bazhangghang, dont repeat13:13
paul68!msgthebot >ghang13:13
ubottughang, please see my private message13:13
Mal3kois AppArmor adviable to be turned off?13:13
ghang=_= a ............. sorry , I am trying to paste13:13
oskar-ghang, would you please stop it?13:13
bazhangghang, not here13:13
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening?13:13
bazhangghang paste.ubuntu.com13:13
paul68bazhang: he is very persistent13:14
ghangI am trying that :) sorry everyone , I am newbie to IRC13:14
bazhangghang dont paste here13:14
Weezi am trying to install the realtek audio drivers for my board and i keep getting compile errors but my buffer in the terminal window isnt long enbough so i cant see why its failing. I know i was missing ncurses-dev and gettext but im still missing some packages, is there a way to tell the installer to write a log somewhere?13:14
MaveasHow do I make 1st partion on my usb in ntfs and the 2nd in ext3? :)13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partion13:15
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap13:15
=== hakr is now known as h[a]kr
paul68ghang paste your error at http://paste.ubuntu.com and post the link here13:15
MaveasCan Gparted make a ntfs partion?13:15
Xsss4hellWhich is better?? I have Intrepid. There is Flashplugin-Nonfree and Adobe-Flashplugin10.0.12.36-1intrepid213:15
bimmaxWeez, do you have windows on that machine13:15
Xsss4hellDid Adobe-Flashplugin replace Flashplugin-nonfree??13:15
zer0__check it13:16
bimmaxMaveas, sure it can13:16
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:16
ghangpaul68 :D thanks for your kindness , well I give up to paste :D13:16
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:16
MaveasWhich one is best? GParted or QTParted?13:17
SOURdiesellenin: could be driver related.13:17
ubuntu_is there any good itunes app for ubuntu / kubuntu 8.10 ? Need something 2 sync my iphone with ;D13:17
bimmaxMaveas, Gparted13:17
MaveasWhy? :)13:17
paul68ghang: you don't have to give up on that you go to the previous mentioned url you paste your error message there and you copy the link inhere13:17
ghangI just wanna know after I install ogle , and I cannot used it , why ? xscreen-command not found and failed to open the oss audio driver at dev/dsp13:17
SOURdieselMaveas: GParted13:17
ghangI c13:17
ghanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/78032/plain/     is it just like that ?13:18
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:18
paul68ghang: see its that easy :-)13:18
bimmaxMaveas, I have used it myself a couple of times and it even has a recovery feature13:18
overdubwow, i need to hit the enter key twice at terminal using konsole in gnome13:19
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:19
ghang:D thanks you paul13:19
Maveasbimmax: sweet, thanks. :-)13:19
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:19
paul68while you are in here you state your problem and you copy the error message just like you did in previous post13:19
zer0__how to enable pc speaker on my acer laptop?13:19
yeryry!repeat | zer0__13:19
ubottuzer0__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience13:19
Acedipanyone has knowledge of the rdiff-backup, getting some errors, cant do backup :(13:19
eliushello, what is the default terminal app that arrives with ubuntu?13:19
ghangI learn it13:19
oskar-zer0__, load "pcspkr", activate "play alert sound", activate alert sounds in the terminal profile13:19
bimmaxzer0__, has it ever worked before?13:19
zer0__owh..thank for that13:19
amikropHello. How can I redirect the standard error, but *not* the standard output of a program?13:20
ubuntu_elius: Terminal :)13:20
yeryryoskar-: I13:20
zer0__never worked13:20
ghangwill do it again in next time when I face problem , this is a good way13:20
zer0__only work with my laptop internal speaker13:20
eliusubuntu_: that's how it's called? i want to get it on another dist13:20
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening??13:20
yeryryoskar-: I'm guessing pc speaker for laptop means inbuilt sound card, and not really pc speaker.. heh13:20
paul68!whois |zer0__13:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whois13:21
paul68!who |zer0__13:21
ubottuzer0__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:21
MaveasHmm, my usb is in fat16, how do I format it with gparted?13:21
ubuntu_elius: Ah I see.. Well Im not 100 % sure. But I think so . Check Gnome's homepage xD13:21
oskar-ok, maybe13:21
overdubwhy is konsole a system tool, and terminal is an accessory?13:21
MaveasDamm, it wont make a ntfs :S13:22
eliusubuntu_: thanks, that's what i was looking for13:22
overdubwhen i do "ls" in console, i get one of three different behaviors when I push enter13:22
overdubit either lists the dir, draws another prompt, or does nothing13:22
overdubseems to be random13:23
chimpIf installing from binary tarballs, where/how does one install this to the system? I've tried googling, but all info tends to be for .tar.gz source files13:23
chfwiggumMaveas: for ntfs u need ntfs3-g or sth installed13:23
ubuntu_is there any good itunes app for ubuntu / kubuntu 8.10 ? Need something 2 sync my iphone with ;D13:23
overdubsure got some heavy bugs here13:23
Kasleto install KDE4 desktop from ubuntu. Can i just use aptitude install kde-desktop?13:23
Maveaschfwiggum: thanks13:23
Mal3kocan anyone explain me in simple words what apparmor does?13:23
bazhangKasle, kubuntu-desktop13:24
SOURdieselUbubtu_:  try atunes13:24
Kaslebazhang: thx13:24
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening???13:24
Maveaschfwiggum: Which one is stable in ubuntu 8.10?13:24
Mal3koi found some sites recommending the apparmot to be disable13:24
ubuntu_SOURdiesel: mk. Will check it out. Ty13:24
chfwiggumMaveas: u got choices?13:24
SOURdieselubuntu_: atunes.org13:24
chfwiggumi think thats all in testing but works fine13:25
mamatatanyone familiar with using sagem fast 800 usb dsl modem? i got it to work on one laptop but not the other... got tons of usbatm_submit_urb submission failed errors :S13:25
chr12is05hi everybody13:25
* mamatat hates driver bugs13:25
KR-datahow do I get an usb harddrive to work?13:26
Gallezwhen compiling xmms, ./configure returns "*** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***", after i installed glib 1.2.8 the same error keeps popping up although i already INSTALLED THE FREAKING GLIB. anyone know how to solve this one?13:26
oskar-KR-data, connect it and it should work13:26
mamatatKR-data: plug it in and cross fingers ;)13:26
MaveasWhat about ntfsprogs which is included in the synaptic manager?13:26
KR-dataoskar-, and if it doesn't work?13:26
bimmaxGallez, you need to install development version of Glib13:27
oskar-KR-data, have you used it before or is it new?13:27
Gallezbimmax: what's the name of the package?13:27
KR-dataoskar-, no and no13:27
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening..?13:28
AditcrHelp me13:28
nostowho here plays wow on ubuntu?13:29
Xsss4hellWhich is better?? I have Intrepid. There is Flashplugin-Nonfree and Adobe-Flashplugin10.0.12.36-1intrepid213:29
Xsss4hellDid Adobe-Flashplugin replace Flashplugin-nonfree??13:29
MaveasWeird, I've already got the ntfs-3g installed13:29
oskar-KR-data, dmesg will tell you, what device file was created for the drive (normally something like /dev/sdb). then "cat /proc/partitions" and see, if the device is listed there and also partitions of it (called sdbX then)13:29
bimmaxGallez, try this http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/sources/glib/2.18/glib-2.18.2.tar.bz213:30
catmandohey all13:30
catmandoi've got a bit of a strange problem with vncserver13:30
DavyZno helpers around I guess, will come later13:30
_nmaphow can  i install ndiswrapper trought apt-get in ubuntu server 8.04?13:30
nostocan anyone help me in installing the intel 950 gma drivers? not xorg but anything better if that exists?13:30
prakash_621what are all the informations we get if we have one ip address. ????13:30
catmandoi've got geometry set to 1400x90013:30
catmandobut when i connect, i don't actually get a 1400 wide window13:30
KR-dataoskar-, http://pastebin.ca/127017713:31
Gallezbimmax: thanks man, i'll try it13:31
catmandoit's got this weird grey bar on the right side13:31
sporkboyis there a way I can make closing my lid not shut off screen1 (but still shut off screen0) on my laptop?13:31
catmandoas if it's making up the width13:31
oskar-KR-data, that does not look good... does it work with other hardware or systems?13:32
KR-dataoskar-, it's working with windows that's all I know13:32
zer0__i am blank with my speaker problem. :(13:32
stinger_auHello, when i do aptitude search linux-kernel i don't see any i686 kernels or any AMD ones, is there something I need to do to see theses kernels ?13:33
Mohammad[B]Hi All13:34
amikropHello. I have autoloing enabled, and when I restart the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, I get a "Authentication Failed" message window at the login screen, and when I press OK it re-appears immediately. So, I can't press on anything, and the only thing I can do is violently switch the PC off.13:34
oskar-KR-data, a normal usb mass storage device should work without problems... is your's a special one?13:34
Gallezbimmax: "*** You must have either have gettext support in your C library, or use the13:34
Gallez*** GNU gettext library. (http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/gettext.html13:34
amikropI think that is quite unacceptable.13:34
FloodBot1Gallez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:34
amikrop* I have autologing enabled, and when I restart the X server with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, I get a "Authentication Failed" message window at the login screen, and when I press OK it re-appears immediately. So, I can't press on anything, and the only thing I can do is violently switch the PC off.13:35
KR-dataoskar-, just a HP, i've seen that error often, I just wanted a solution now13:35
mcscruffhas anyone just upgraded the kernel and been given white screen on reboot?13:35
Mohammad[B]how i can convert .flv files to other formats like .ogg or .mpg (with which software i can?)13:35
chfwiggumamikrop: first u dont have to rebot. press alt+ctrl+f1 then login as user and enter startx13:35
GallezMohammad: avidemux perhaps13:35
amikropI have the silly autologin-pam-keyring trick enabled (which doesn't work anyway). I don't know if this is related.13:36
Mohammad[B]Gallez, avidemux?!13:36
oskar-KR-data, is there maybe more output of dmesg, where the device file is mentioned?  or can you identify the drive in the output of "cat /proc/partitions"?13:36
bimmaxGallez, there you are I knew it will ask you that. it a little bit hard but I managed to have all that stuff work , search via google and you will certainly get some help there, all the best13:36
amikropchfwiggum: OK. What can I do? This is an unacceptable bug for a 21th OS that tries to compete with Windows and MacOS.13:36
scienteshow do i make all print jobs print in reverse order? so that the pages are in the right order after its been printed?13:37
Mohammad[B]thanks all !13:37
Gallezbimmax: all right, what do i look for?13:37
amikrop* 21 century13:37
chfwiggumamikrop: its not a bug.u got ur settings wrong.but u certainly can use macosx or M$13:37
KR-dataoskar-, I wouldn't be able to find anything in proc/partitions as long as the kernel doesn't load it, and there's no more info from dmesg :(13:38
stinger_auCan some one help me out with kernels and source - think I have something miss matched, my uname -a is 2.6.22-15-generic and linux -> linux-source-2.6.1713:38
oskar-KR-data, that's right...13:38
amikropchfwiggum: My settings wrong? OK, tell me how to fix them13:39
anabolixanyone know how to put the garbage bin back on the desktop? i removed by accident and now i cant get it back13:39
amikropI don't think anything is wrong13:39
bimmaxGallez, search. download and install all that it asks, like gettext, as I have said it will be a little bit strenous but just try first, unfortunately I can rememer where exactly I got them13:39
oskar-KR-data, this seems similar to your problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/256767   look also at the last post13:40
=== Gallez is now known as mnemonic
bimmaxanabolix, right-click on the panel, select add to panel and look for trash13:40
anabolixbimmax, thanks13:41
=== mnemonic is now known as Gallez
KR-dataoskar-, I'll try :)13:42
scienteshow do i make all print jobs print in reverse order? so that the pages are in the right order after its been printed?13:42
amikropchfwiggum: will you help me, please?13:42
Gallezhi, does anyone know a good winamp-looking mp3 player for ubuntu?13:42
bazhangGallez, audacious replaces xmms13:42
chfwiggumamikrop: i dont think anythings wrong, also13:42
bimmaxGallez, gmplayer will do the trick for you13:43
Lu6ciferIn trying to setup GRUB, I used commands such as, "find /boot/grub/stage1," and root (hd 0, 5) or setup (hd0), but it just said partition doesn't exist, or file not found. But I checked Gparted--the partitions are definitely there13:43
Gallezbazhang: i've got audacious right now (couldn't get through compiling xmms), it's unbearably slow13:43
Gallezbimmax: i'll give it a try13:43
Lu6ciferany ideas?13:44
bimmaxLu6cifer, which version of ubuntu is it13:45
l0newolfis there a way to back up specific mouse themes?  found one I really like in another distro but want to use in ubuntu13:46
bimmaxLu6cifer, gut boot from the cd/dvd and then use it as live cd and from there you can tweak the GRUb13:47
Lu6ciferYea, I tried that, but all I got were error messages13:47
bimmaxLu6cifer, when do you get errors?13:48
djiezesLu6cifer: when doing "root(hd0, " try your tab key , grub should give you all partitions it can boot.13:48
Lu6ciferShould the GRUB files be under /boot ?13:48
djiezesunder /boot/grub13:48
Lu6ciferBecause I actually checked the 8.10 partition's /boot dir13:49
Lu6ciferand I don't think I fond any GRUB13:49
djiezesLu6cifer:  and remember grub starts counting at 0 . so sda5 would be hd0,413:49
baastrupdos anyone know how to setup asla for 2.1 suround, i get no sound from the subwoofer13:50
oskar-and look for correctness in the device.map13:50
amikropWhen I try to SVN update with RapidSVN, I am asked for my RSA key password. How can I ommit this?13:50
maverick340when i mark a folder for sharing by right click and doing so , does the entry get added to smb.conf ?13:51
=== scully|away is now known as scully
l0newolfanybody have a clue?13:52
maverick340l0newolf, about ?13:52
l0newolfhow to backup x11 mouse themes13:52
l0newolfthere's one in another distro I want to use in ubuntu13:52
amikropWhen I try to SVN update with RapidSVN, I am asked for my RSA key password. How can I ommit this?13:52
satrujeeti downloaded a tar.gz2 file.. how do i install it13:53
ikonial0newolf: depends where the other distro stores tham13:53
satrujeetusing synaptics13:53
ikoniasatrujeet: you untar it and read the instructions inside it13:53
ikoniasatrujeet: synaptiuc does not install tar files13:53
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?13:53
sdflweverytime my mom uses her computer, she drags and f's up all the icons and the taskbars, etc. to the point i need to remove them all, and redo it to get it organized again. it's because she's sloppy with mouse-clicks and mouse dragging. how can i totally lock it down so she can't accidently drag and goof things up?13:53
l0newolfikonia: I see, if I can find that out what should I do?13:54
chfwiggumsatrujeet: unpack it and read the installation and readme13:54
ikonial0newolf: tar them up and move them over13:54
bazhangliuzhongwei_, /j #ubuntu-cn13:54
l0newolfikonia: I've tried it complains about links13:54
ikoniasdflw: she "messes up" not "f's" up - you don't need to imply swearing13:54
ikonial0newolf: how can you have tried when you don't know where it's stored13:54
Jmmg0008hello guys, I  have a problem with ndiswrapper, when I instaled ndiswrapper to use net8185 windows driver, the wireless lan was disable13:54
l0newolfikonia: the png icons aren't in the folder, they're linked to somewhere else and13:54
sdflwikonia, so how do i fix the 'messes ups?13:55
l0newolfikonia: I know where the icons folder is, not where the actual files are13:55
sdflwright cvlicking and locking the icons doesn't fix it13:55
amikropsatrujeet: $ sudo apt-get install checkinstall && tar -xzf foo.tar.gz && cd foo && ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall13:55
l0newolfsorry I didn't explain well enough13:55
ikonial0newolf: follow the symlinks13:55
amikropWhen I try to SVN update with RapidSVN, I am asked for my RSA key password. How can I ommit this?13:56
ikoniasdflw: make the Desktop dir read only13:56
Defrysksdflw, explain your mom how to reorganize it , and be friendly13:56
Jmmg0008I unistall ndiswrapper and undoing all change but wireless isn't enable13:56
maverick340any one know , when i right click a folder and mark it for sharing weather the entry gets added to smb.conf ?13:56
sdflwDefrysk, i've tried, it's the pills. she just can't use the mouse with any agile....13:56
l0newolfikonia: if I follow the symlinks and copy them to the actual icon folder will that be enough to work?13:56
sdflwinstead of a click or dclick, it's a 1/2 click and 1/2 drag, then that's the end of the program...13:56
ikonial0newolf: depends, but should be13:56
ikoniasdflw: just make the Desktop dir read only13:57
Defrysksdflw, what ikonia sais souns a smple solution13:57
l0newolfikonia: understood, thanks for the info  :)13:57
oskar-maverick340, make a copy of your smb.conf, then share a folder and then "diff ~/smb.conf-copy /etc/samba/smb.conf"13:57
echinosI'm having a sound issue - I have a server install, and I put an ensoniq card in. dmesg shows it being recognized and the module is loaded, but aplay -l doesn't list the card (as per the sound troubleshooting page from ubottu)13:57
sdflwikonia, it's not the desktop icons, it's the taskbar, clock, volume, drags it from the top to the left, etc.13:57
ikoniasdflw: make the dir read only so the changes can't be written too13:57
echinosI might not even have the sound system installed properly, but is that only alsa-base in a server install, or do I need all the pulseaudio stuff too?13:58
sdflwthen she won't be able to add files to the desktop then?13:58
maverick340oskar-, whats does diff ~/smb.conf do ?13:58
ikoniashe can add them to her home dir where they are meant to go13:58
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening..?13:58
sdflw!!! she needs to add icons. but i need to make the panels unmoveable.13:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:59
oskar-maverick340, diff shows differences between two files or two folders13:59
sdflwapp/places/system is getting dragged to the left and right all the time.13:59
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?13:59
ikoniasdflw: then drill down in the Desktop dir to make the specific files read only, OR use gconf to see if there is an option to lock the bars13:59
nostocan anyone help me with installing the intel 950gma driver that has hardware rendering instead of software?13:59
maverick340oskar , thanks13:59
oskar-maverick340, after that you know, if sharing a folder changes the smb.conf ;)13:59
ikonianosto: thats a video card isn't it ?13:59
Jmmg0008Please, really I only need to know how I can to enable wireless card13:59
sdflwikonia, gconf isn't in the menu14:00
erUSULsdflw: right clicking on any applet of the panels gives an option to locl its position or unlock it14:01
ikoniasdflw: it's a command14:01
MaveasSomeone with a RT61 chipset wifi card?14:01
ikonianosto: then you don't need a driver, the "intel" driver in xorg should work14:01
YamYamhi all14:01
maverick340no output for the diff command means no change right ?14:01
YamYamhi all14:01
sdflwerUSUL, i can lock the applets fine, she keeps dragging the taskbar itself all over the place14:01
DavyZhi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening?14:02
sdflwthere's no lock for that, only expand, buttons, and arrows14:02
nostowell it doesn't when i use it for 3d rendering such as opengl14:02
sdflwikonia, sudo apt-get install gconf; package not found14:02
MaveasCan I use a key-shortcut to open a terminal?14:02
ikonianosto: most probably trying to use the i810 driver rather than the intel one14:02
ikoniasdflw: come on - do a little work for yourself, search for the exact package name14:02
sdflwi did, 'gconf'14:03
sdflwthat's what you said, no?14:03
bimmaxDavyZ, either you have a lower screen resolution or you graphics card cannot handle the resolution of the video, just a thought14:03
Defrysksdflw, apt-cache search <foo>14:03
nostook ikonia how do i safely change video drivers without messing up my day :(14:03
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?14:04
DavyZbimmax : I have xubuntu installed too, works fine on xubuntu. but doesn't work in ubuntu14:04
MaveasNo one with a RT61 chipset wifi card?14:04
ironmedicdoes anyone know how to get yahoo messenger (through wine) to let me log in with intrepid?14:04
ironmedicit wont connect to yahoo messenger server14:05
oskar-Maveas, i think i have one working in one computer14:05
Maveasoskar-: any experience with aircrack suite?14:06
oskar-ironmedic, do you know of pidgin as an alternative?14:06
oskar-Maveas, i no never used it. i tink, it is illegal here since a year or so :\14:07
nostocan anyone help me replace my graphics driver with the one ikonia recommended?14:07
Maveasoskar-: where do you live?14:07
prakash_621What is aircrack sutie Maveas ?14:07
oskar-because if it is illegal, a criminal would never use it, so everyone is safe ;)  (in germany)14:07
Maveasprakash_621: security testing of wireless aps :)14:08
prakash_621Oh Ok.14:08
MaveasSome use it to hack APs14:08
Jmmg0008fantastic, no one can help me, is a pleasure to talk with you14:08
StoneNewtI'm having problems with all linux distros on warm boots the kernel will load and I get [7.60#####] Not responding and then the system reboots. There is no other information than that.. I have a feeling I'm on a hiding to nothing due to the lack of information14:08
ironmedicoskar, i use pidgin and kopete.  i want to use yahoo messenger due to the features on it.  i can do picture sharing on it with my wife (im deployed)14:09
ironmedicshe is giving me a hard time about it14:09
NewHandFromCNwine play lfs slow!14:09
oskar-ironmedic, ok, i can't help with wine and the original prog, sorry14:10
ironmedicoskar, no problem! :)14:10
=== h[a]kr is now known as hakr
MrAleXÇäðàñòâéòå ðóññêèå ëþäè14:10
NewHandFromCNsl400 can not shutdown machine!14:10
MrAleXHello people14:10
MrAleXI'm here and you ?14:11
MrAleXgirls where are you ?14:11
NewHandFromCNmy computer are thinkad sl400 , can not shutdown machine!14:11
MrAleXÄåâî÷êè ãäå âû14:11
MrAleXÌèñòåð Àëåêñ çäåñü14:11
satrujeeti downloaded madwifi..how do i install it14:12
LjL!ru | mralex14:12
ubottumralex: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:12
NewHandFromCNMrAleX:  not see your say14:12
Comethey guys! i'm installing ubuntu server so I can use the LAMP setup for learning purposes. i'd like this machine to also be a router/firewall. are there any packages available to make this real simple? should i just use webmin or does ubuntu server already come with some type of router/dhcp configuration?14:12
MrAleXThanks very macth14:12
NewHandFromCNMrAleX: your say display wrong!14:12
bimmaxMrAleX, am sorry this is not a social chat but rather a technical chat.14:13
sdflwdid the patch get into hardy?14:13
=== ka2u is now known as ka2zzzz
lvlefisto1is there a way to remove libv4l-0 without removing ubuntu-desktop?14:13
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?14:13
MrAleXSAy please Where socil-chat ?14:13
=== ka2zzzz is now known as ka2u
FougnerMrAleX, #ubuntu-offtopic =D14:14
NewHandFromCNhave man ?14:14
NewHandFromCNhave man ?14:14
vigneshhi all.. i am dual booting ubuntu and windows xp.. i mounted a ntfs partition using -o force since windows was not shut down properly.. then i copied a file from linux to the windows partition which was force mounted.. when i restart and get into windows im not able to see that file but the space is used up.. if i come back to linux and mount that partition again, it doesnt show that file but the space remains used up.. can someone tel me how to recover t14:14
vigneshhat file ??14:14
NewHandFromCNwine play lfs slow14:14
MaveasWhat is LFS?14:14
JaggedMaveas: Linux From Scratch?14:15
NewHandFromCNlfs is live for speed ,14:15
NewHandFromCNlfs are a game14:15
coaxcar game14:15
nostoanyone game on a laptop in here (using ubuntu)?14:15
MrAleXWhat faster OperaAC 3.6 or FIREFOX 3.0414:15
NewHandFromCNrace car game14:15
MaveasOh, like NFS14:15
nostoi have an intel 950gma and it is not rendering correctly14:15
Fougnernosto, I play tuxwars! =D14:15
Cometyou think i should just install shorewall for use with my ubuntu server?14:15
jim_plfs = linux from scratch = actual distro name :|14:15
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jim_pMrAleX, opera14:16
aprilharejim_p, sounds like a headache14:16
jim_paprilhare, lmao14:17
vigneshdoes anyone knows a solution to my problem please ? i desperately need it..14:17
Kaslebazhang: R you there?14:17
jim_paprilhare, its a bit more complicated than gentoo as i have heard14:17
bazhangKasle, hi14:17
Acedipcan i perform a filesystem check now since it failed during the startup14:17
NewHandFromCNmy machine is sl400 . sometimes can not shutdown machine . because grahic card problem . car is x4500  intel . can not boot sometime14:17
NewHandFromCNhave man too are sl400 ?14:18
Kaslebazhang: Hi there! When u told me to write aptitude install kubuntu-desktop, i installed KDE 3.5, when i was looking for 4.1. Do u know how to remove it and install KDE4.1?14:18
bazhangKasle, you're using hardy?14:18
bazhangKasle, my mistake for not asking14:18
Kaslebazhang: that's ok14:19
bazhangKasle, should be kubuntu-kde4-desktop14:19
Kaslebazhang: aha14:19
bluejcan I install jaunty packages in intrepid via apt-get?14:19
vignesh hi all.. i am dual booting ubuntu and windows xp.. i mounted a ntfs partition using -o force since windows was not shut down properly.. then i copied a file from linux to the windows partition which was force mounted.. when i restart and get into windows im not able to see that file but the space is used up.. if i come back to linux and mount that partition again, it doesnt show that file but the space remains used up.. can someone tel me how to recover14:19
vigneshthat file ??14:19
erUSULbluej: no14:19
bazhangbluej, no14:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mixing14:19
Kaslebazhang: do u know how to remove kubuntu?14:19
bazhangbluej, guaranteed breakage14:19
bazhang!puregnome | Kasle14:19
ubottuKasle: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »14:19
bluejbazhang: ok... jaunty contains an update package that I want14:21
Acedipcan i perform a filesystem check now since it failed during the startup14:21
Acedipcan i perform a filesystem check now since it failed during the startup14:21
bluejbazhang: getdeb/launchpad ppa's advisable?14:21
bazhangbluej, then you'll need to wait or update to the alpha (which is completely a terrible idea)14:21
Kaslebazhang: um... this toturial removes all kubuntu related things and then install ubuntu desktop...14:21
aprilharei am looking to kill an application process at a particular time automatically. specifically, i want to kill transmission at 8 am. is there a simple way to do this?14:22
jimcooncatbluej: maybe with prevu http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26868714:22
bazhangKasle, you have gnome now?14:22
Kaslebazhang: ubuntu 8.04 hardy14:22
bazhangKasle, and you want to remove gnome and kde and replace with kde4?14:22
Kaslebazhang: no. Remove the Kubuntu desktop. The rest i know14:23
bakarati'm trying to do some X forwarding over ssh from a vm to the host, but it tends to be slow to the point of unusable14:23
bakaratany ways to fix this?14:23
bazhangKasle, that link has a list of packages you need to sudo apt-get remove14:24
Frogzooaprilhare: maybe there's a var/run - kill -TERM `cat /var/run/###`14:24
NewHandFromCNbazhang: you where come ?14:24
bazhangKasle, and as you already have gnome, then adding kde4 will fix you right up when that is finished14:24
Frogzoobakarat: vmware's networking is slooowww14:24
bakaratFrogzoo, using virtualbox14:24
Kaslebazhang: So, If i install KDE4 that wil replace Kubuntu desktop?14:25
bazhangKasle, you then choose from the login window which session you want14:25
Kaslebazhang: i know14:25
bazhangKasle, you need to follow the instructions on that link; alternately an upgrade to intrepid will do it all for you.14:25
Rameezwhere is the nick list of xchat?14:26
Kaslebazhang: Yea, but the instructions is removing everything, and then installing ubuntu-desktop... i allready have ubuntu.14:26
bazhangKasle, so nothing will be installed.14:26
Kaslebazhang: ok14:27
zer0__problem solved :)14:27
poopsnifferwhat file defines user's default shell when they fire up a terminal?14:27
mcscruffis there a way to backup my contacts from my nokia under ubuntu as i cant be bothered to run windows in a vm14:27
zer0__i can try help as i could to solve ubuntu problem(almost acer aspire 4530/ubuntu 8.10 i386)14:28
poopsnifferi changed it in /etc/passwd, but when i click on terminal, it still starts with sh....14:29
poopsniffermore then one file to edit?14:29
joaopintoPooky, the recommended procedure is to use the chsh command14:30
joaopintoops, was for poopsniffer14:30
poopsnifferjoaopinto, uh oh...14:30
edz_damn, I have't been on irc in years!!!14:31
edz_i feel like a geek again14:31
coaxwelcome back14:31
poopsnifferjoaopinto, ran command, killed termial, opened a new one, still started in sh..14:31
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joaopintopoopsniffer, echo $SHELL14:31
poopsniffergnome needs to be retarted maybe?14:31
poopsnifferprints /bin/sh14:32
joaopintopoopsniffer, and you changed it to ?14:32
poopsnifferchsh even confirms the change....14:32
stinger_auwhat are restricted-modules ?14:33
=== Mstnt is now known as Mstnt`afk
joaopintopoopsniffer, that is odd14:33
poopsnifferjoaopinto, i know, i'm lost.14:33
Deini have a problem concerning burning an image file to a cd - i had an image which was in a .bin format and i couldn't burn it because it insisted i convert it to .iso. now i have, but since the original image was a data + audio cd now i have the .iso file PLUS all the audio tracks in additional .cdr files. how can I burn this so that it ends up the same as the original? or is there a way to just burn the .bin (i have the .cue too)  file from lin14:33
* Mstnt`afk will back14:33
stinger_aumy nvidia drivers seem to have gone bung and when i try to re install them i see it is trying to install restricted modules but they are the wrong version for my kernel14:33
joaopintopoopsniffer, have you tried to login from the console instead ? CTRL-ALT-F1 '14:33
poopsnifferyah, that works correctly.14:34
poopsnifferi think it's a gnome thing.14:34
prakash_621how to start firestarter automatically, after booting linux ???14:34
poopsnifferor terminal launch icon needs to be changed.14:34
ardchoillepoopsniffer: what's the problem with logging into gnome?14:34
prakash_621 how to start firestarter automatically, after booting Ubuntu ???14:34
sivangHi all14:35
poopsniffergnome logs in fine. just when i  go to apps > terminal, it always fires up in sh, and i want bash, and chsh confirms the change. and ctrl+shift_f1 confirms the login change. but terminal from gnome doesn't.14:35
ppcasmHi, I was wondering if Khexedit was taken out of the ubuntu intrepid ibex release repositories?14:35
ardchoilleprakash_621: the scripts starts itself, you don't have to have firestarter open to have your firewall14:35
sivangDoes anybody know how to add custom commands to the 8.04 automount mechinery ?14:35
sivangI want to add nls=iso8859-8 to the mount options14:36
sivangadding this to /etc/fstba didn't seem to take effect14:36
prakash_621NO ardchoille, actually, it asks me administration password when it gets executed.14:36
joaopintopoopsniffer, probaly gnome terminal does not care about the users shell setting14:36
poopsnifferhmm, works on my other system.....14:36
poopsniffernot this one.14:36
sivangautomounting ignores what's there in /etc/fstab14:37
musikgoat|mainpoopsniffer: you just want the shell to be bash everytime?  not dash?  have you tried setting the symlink for sh to bash?14:37
prakash_621I know that this GUI front end tool is not running automatically when linux is booted. ardchoille14:37
poopsniffermusikgoat|main, wouldn't know how to do that14:37
poopsnifferjust weird a console login confirms the chsh change, but terminal from gnome doesn't. /etc/passwd confirms the change as well.14:38
ardchoilleprakash_621: ah, ok14:38
prakash_621What to do ? Ian MacGregor14:38
ardchoilleprakash_621: so when the scrpt gets launched it's asking you for the admin password?14:39
prakash_621Yes. it is asking me the administration rights, password.14:39
ardchoilleprakash_621: how did you install firestarter?14:39
prakash_621apt-get install14:40
musikgoat|mainpoopsniffer: but thats what you want, is bash?14:40
musikgoat|mainin your gnome-terminal?14:40
ardchoilleprakash_621: That's odd, the package is setup to take care of things for you. I use firestarter, and have since Dapper, and it never asks me for the admin pass until I start the gui14:40
prakash_621Oh Thanks  MacGregor14:41
ardchoilleprakash_621: when the gui is launched, yes, you need the admin pass. but the gui doesn't need to be launched in order to have the firewall running14:42
poopsniffermusikgoat|main, yes, but in order for it to work, even though i changed /etc/passwd to /bin/bash, and used chsh to change it to bash, everytime i click on applications>acc>terminal, i have to type /bin/bash in the terminal to change it. BUT ctrl_shift+f1 confirms the change...so dunno man14:42
poopsnifferterminal always wants to start in /bin/sh, not /bin/bash14:42
poopsniffer!, driving me crazy14:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:42
musikgoat|mainpoopsniffer: try this:  sudo rm /bin/sh; sudo ln -s bash /bin/sh14:43
musikgoat|mainthen try again14:43
ardchoillemusikgoat|main: that's not a solution14:43
musikgoat|maingnome-terminal is calling sh14:44
ardchoilleit would be better to export $shell in the .profile or .bashrc14:44
poopsniffermusikgoat|main, wtf? now the prompt is sh-3.2$14:44
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prakash_621will that run when my system boots Ian ?14:44
ardchoilleprakash_621: the firewall script will run, yes. but the gui doesn't have to run in order for your firewall to be working.14:45
poopsniffermusikgoat|main, before it was just "$"14:45
poopsniffernow it prints sh's version14:45
prakash_621how can i check that it is running in background ?14:45
ardchoilleprakash_621: you can check with: sudo iptables --list14:45
Chaotic_Descentany idea why Xchat automatically closes every time I join efnet's #help? First I went on, asked a question and the app closed. I opened the app again and connected and as soon as I joined the channel the app closed.14:45
prakash_621Oh thanks. ardchoille14:45
ardchoilleprakash_621: empty iptables don't show much, but you'll see a lot since the script is setup14:45
musikgoat|mainpoopsniffer:as ardchoille, i'm taking you down the wrong path, so reverse it with: sudo rm /bin/sh; sudo ln -s dash /bin/sh14:46
ardchoillemusikgoat|main: there should be no reason to remove anything from /bin, that can cause problems. Please don't recommend things like that14:47
poopsniffer$ echo $SHELL14:47
musikgoat|mainardchoille: i'm not, i was suggesting to change a symlink14:47
poopsnifferno gain14:47
FloodBot1poopsniffer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:47
=== xzibit is now known as DooM
grellehi. maybe someone can help me? I'm trying to install ubuntu with a netboot image, but my computer reboots after initrd.gz has loaded. I've disabled acpi and apic, used irqpoll, and changed to vga mode, but nothing works so far...=/14:47
crossoverHello. I have one probelm with my resolution. I can`t select 1280 x 1024 only in Nvidia X server settings but when I set it it work only for time when I work with it when I reboot or turn of and then on computer the resolution turns back to 1024 x 786 I don`t want set the resolution all time when I start system.14:47
ardchoillemusikgoat|main: you said sudo rm, that's not acceptable, IMHO14:47
poopsnifferhahaha, well, whatever we're trying to do, lets up this distrib upgrade will fix what gets b0rk3d14:48
jatthow do I deactivate the beep14:48
jattin gnome-terminal14:49
jattis pissing people here in the library :)14:49
poopsnifferjatt, unplug speaker14:49
jattlaptop no way to unplug14:49
jattis there a command?14:49
retro_some files form my desktop disapeared :(14:49
poopsnifferfunction key + function volume down14:49
poopsniffererm, speicial key14:49
poopsniffermy special function key works on my laptop14:49
dr_willispoopsniffer,  ive had them work in some laptops.. then not work in other laptops..14:50
poopsnifferluck of drasw14:50
dmulhollandhey, does anyone know if they've fixed the bug in network manager yet that means it doesnt store passwords for vpn correctly?14:50
ardchoillejatt: edit your gnome-terminal profile and uncheck "Terminal bell"14:50
dr_willispoopsniffer,  :) but normally Ubuntu makes them work more - then any other disrtos ive tried..14:50
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jattardchoille: that's it it works! thanks.14:51
dr_willisjatt,  also use the 'xset b 0 0 0 ' command - that should get rid of a lot of the beeps14:51
ardchoillejatt: yw :)14:51
dr_willisjatt,  Other aps may beep. that xset command makes thm beep at 0 volume. ;P14:51
ardchoilledr_willis: ah, thanks for that14:51
dr_willisI gotta put some foam around speaker in  this old pc i got  - it has a LOUD beep. :)14:51
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?14:52
jattin fact, my sound card got busted yesterday after I run the update manager and upgraded my hardy installation, now my card is not recognized anymore, but the card is there:14:52
jatt00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)14:52
jattyesterday some people had the same issue with other cards, was the latest update faulty?14:52
ardchoilleLo_: for stuff like screenlets/gdesklets?14:53
JamaulBrownQuestion:  I just made the switch to Linux, and was wonder if Linux slows down after time like windows?  Or can I expect my system to run this perfectly for the foreseeable future?14:53
Lo_ardchoille, not exactly.. I'm seaching for something which can hide/bring in foreground one or more apps at the press of a button14:54
ardchoilleLo_: oh, ok, no idea14:54
IndyGunFreakJamaulBrown: i've yet to have a problem w/ mine slowng down, but i guess anything is possible14:54
SOURdieseldoes the OS always use some of the swap partition?14:54
Lo_ardchoille, no preob. thanks anyway14:54
ardchoilleJamaulBrown: Linux doesn't suffer slowing down over time, in fact Linux was designed to run for long periods without reboots14:54
SOURdieseli don't understand why it's using .2% of swap and not the full 8gb of RAM14:54
IndyGunFreakSOURdiesel: if youv'e got a reasonably recent PC, it won't access swap14:55
IndyGunFreakSOURdiesel: 8gigs?... are you using 32bit14:55
SOURdieselIndyGunFreak: exactly14:55
SOURdieselIndyGunFreak: 64bit14:55
IndyGunFreakweird.. dunno14:55
Lobes06Hello all, if I have a windows xp laptop, that currently dual boots to Xubuntu, what is the best way to install Ubuntu to simply replace Xubuntu?14:56
staar2how to make clean unistall to mysql server ?14:56
dmulhollandhow can i restart network manager in gnome?14:57
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n8tuserdmulholland-> sudo network-admin14:57
GNUtoohello, i'v'e a question...what the time on ls -l and filechooser(gtk) correspond? last access? last write? what if the filesystem has noatime?14:57
erUSULLobes06: the partitioning is already done so a normal install would be easiest14:57
dr_willisLobes06,  easiest is to install ubuntu-desktop,  that will let you have both on the same install.. then you could remove the xfce packages if you want.. or keep them if theres tools that xfce has that you like.14:58
Lobes06So put the Ubuntu in when winodws is running, and choose that second option to install from Windows?14:58
dr_willisLobes06,  but it depends on exactly what you want to do. and if you want to keep your current data/home/stuff.  and drive space.14:58
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Lobes06I would like to completely replace Xubuntu, wipe it out, so to speak, and use Ubuntu instead14:58
Lo_Lobes06, Depends if you want to "wipe" your current xubuntu otr keep its settings etc.14:58
Lo_Lobes06, Then go for standard install from Cd14:59
dr_willisLobes06,  you reinstall then.14:59
erUSULGNUtoo: is last writte afaik (modification time mtime)14:59
Lobes06And it won't screw up the grub option to get into Windows? If I lose that, I'll be in trouble!14:59
dr_willisLobes06,  but theres no real need to do that.14:59
GNUtooerUSUL, ok thanks a lot14:59
Lo_Lobes06, be careful when you select what partitions to use, but I guess if you already partitioned and dual booting you know avbout this14:59
Ohmugoing a little crazy here ... one moment I am skype-talking.  next time I try mic isn't working.  then it is.  then it isnt.  can anyone help?  ive killed pulseaudio.  can only one app have the mic input?  can the different apps mess with each other?15:00
dr_willisLobes06,  it will reinstall the grub loader and menus...  xubuntu dident mess up windows did it? :) ubuntu shouldent.. they are the same core OS. If you wanted tobe safest.. then as i said. just install ubuntu-desktop package15:00
GNUtooerUSUL, if the time and  date of the computer is ok...and the computer only have ubuntu...what could possibly mess-up theses dates?15:00
erUSULGNUtoo: btw you should use relatime instead of noatime ;)15:00
Lobes06ok will do, thanks everyone15:00
SOURdieseli don't understand why the OS is using .2% of swap when the system has access to 8gb of RAM.  64 bit.15:00
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Lo_Ohmu, Depends what yo're using for audio15:01
erUSULGNUtoo: dunno; not enough info... what do you mean by mess up? time in the future?15:01
GNUtooerUSUL, for instance for a text that was written the 2008-11-26 ls shows 2008-11-2815:02
GNUtoos/ls/ls -l15:02
Sk8rdudedoes anyone have any ftpd experience?15:02
erUSULGNUtoo: well maybe you changed the mode (chmod) or some other operation (chown?) that modifies mtime15:03
GNUtooerUSUL, i didn't do that for some time...15:04
JoeebMite there be anyone who can give me a bit of advice?15:04
fatnet :)15:04
sanguisdexis there a place the that can learn advanced terminal operations?15:04
Sk8rdudedoes anyone have any ftpd experience?15:05
GNUtooSk8rdude, isnt't its configuration a bit like apache's?15:06
okunnigI just gotto ask, is there a definite solution to the common nvidia + compiz black flicker problem?15:06
Lo_Hi all on my personal laptop I have no "real" graphics adapter, so sadly no compiz-fusion... One plug-in I really miss in terms of functionality is the widget layer plug-in (F9)... anyone know of a "non-compiz" alternative/similar app?15:06
Sk8rdudeGNUtoo: i'm having problems with a specific ftpd ignoring switches on startup15:07
GNUtooSk8rdude, ah ok...i used proftpd long time ago and I don't remember well15:07
scienteshow do i make a x509 certificate froma key and a crt?15:07
Sk8rdudeokunnig: only to turn off compiz for video15:07
n8tuserSk8rdude-> how did you verify the ignored switch is not enabled?15:08
Sk8rdudeGNUtoo: does pro do virtual users?15:08
Sk8rduden8tuser: the switch tells the server tthe max user limit is 10... when i log in a second time it fails because the max user limit has been reached15:08
neptunhello everybody!!can someone help me to configure a tv tuner with fm radio on ubuntu ?15:08
okunnigSk8rdude: well, that kinda sucks, I didn't want to drop compiz now that I'm quite used to it15:09
GNUtooSk8rdude, don't remember15:09
JoeebI have Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid. I cant for the life of me get my mic to work.15:09
JoeebIve played with all the settings15:09
xjkxwhere is the default jre home here15:09
Sk8rdudeokunnig: there's something you can download which is essentially a switch which you can shortcut to so you only have to turn it off for for video playback15:09
n8tuserSk8rdude-> could it possibly be another flag thats limiting and not the user limit?  like perhaps no 2nd user from same ip address?15:10
jatthow do I boot with an older kernel? I suspect the latest upgrade doesn't detect my sound card I wanna test with an older one. In /boot I see older images15:10
blubbI can't compile ndiswrapper to get bcm working: http://pastebin.com/m464a852115:10
Sk8rduden8tuser: i would agree but that switch is also specified in my startup line at 515:11
n8tuserjatt-> there should still be  /lib/modules/oldversionheredir/15:11
okunnigSk8rdude: Oh, my bad here. I actually have a black flash once in a while no matter what I do, It's not related to video playback nor opengl-applications nor fullscreen modes15:11
Sk8rduden8tuser: even when i take both switches out of the line and start the server it defaults to 1 when the man says it should be 5015:11
neptuncan someone help me to configure a tv tuner with fm radio on ubuntu ?15:12
Sk8rdudeokunnig: no idea then... sorry15:12
n8tuserSk8rdude-> i dont all the intimate details but i suspect its another flag thats preventing a 2nd log on from same ip15:12
n8tuserindot know*15:12
n8tuseri dont know**15:12
Sk8rduden8tuser: it doesn't make a difference with ip... ive tried logins from different machines15:12
Sk8rduden8tuser: can i pm?15:13
n8tuserSk8rdude-> stay here...what is the pid of that app?15:13
dust_thi whenever i try to watch a movie trailer in seamonkey from apple.com/trailers, it tells me I need the latest quick time plugin. But once I copy the full url of the .mov file it loads using the mplayer plugin. But when i try doing that with wget it always fails. Any idea why that happens ?15:14
n8tuserSk8rdude-> try  cat /proc/pidofsuch/cmdline  and see if the switch is listed15:14
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un1queHi guys15:15
un1queI am looking for a command in liveCD15:16
un1queany help?15:16
Sk8rduden8tuser: command not found... ??15:17
un1queI need to get root privilages while I am on live session15:17
un1queto create a folder on an external hard disk15:17
n8tuserSk8rdude-> which command?   you have to find the pid of ftpd first15:17
kkecan i create some kind of template files in /etc/skel that would be "compiled" when doing useradd?15:17
Lo_what's a nice GUI application for synchronization/backup?15:17
Sk8rdudeun1que: just sudo the command, on a live session there is no root password15:17
un1queI know, but it is not working on the graphical UI15:18
dr_williskke,  not that i have ever seen/noticed.. thats just copied over..  guess you could make their .bashrc do somthing the firsst time its ran.. what are you wanting to do exactly that needs this?15:18
Sk8rduden8tuser: sudo: cat/proc/3189/cmdline: command not found15:18
dr_willisSk8rdude,  spaces are imporntant :)15:18
n8tuserSk8rdude-> put a space after cat15:18
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rjune_Sk8rdude: I've found that's less important15:19
kkedr_willis: well basically i want to create a read-only .ident file which says "ident $username", probbaly could be done some other way (identd:s config i guess), just got interested about such possibility15:19
Sk8rduden8tuser: 'pure-ftpd (SERVER)' so that would suggest it's not using any switches; yet i know it is using some because one switch defines the port to accept connections which i know is working15:20
larryok this is my prob using berauso i had the movie's i want than select burn wich take's me to another window to comfirm the burn and than no matter what i select   the burn button in that window is grayed out and will not let me burn the dvd15:20
rjune_Sk8rdude: it probably uses the standard ftp ports by default.15:20
prakash_621how can i start root in gnome desktop ?15:20
Inzi85hello everyone15:20
deeflexhey im trying to change the font in emacs but I keep getting "No fonts match: Bitstream ....". Altough the font exists in Openoffice15:20
rjune_and it runs out of xinetd, it doesn't handle port allication15:21
deeflexso im not sure what the problem is15:21
mrichmanI just tried to change my hostname and now I get "sudo: unable to resolve host securemail" (securemail is the new hostname)15:21
Sk8rduderjune_: i specified a port outside the normal range... which it accepts connections on and not the default15:21
deeflexi'm following this guide http://peadrop.com/blog/2007/01/06/pretty-emacs/15:21
un1queSk8rdude, I need to create a folder on external drive then copy some files for back up15:21
larryanyone plz hlp15:21
deoksIs there any easy way to disable monitor suspend when an external VGA monitor is connected in Intrepid?15:21
Sk8rdudeun1que: just sudo mkdir15:21
un1queSk8rdude, that I know, but I need it in GUI not just terminal15:22
dr_williskke,  could make a entry in .bash_profile to make such a file if it does not exist.. but the user could still remove it then.. Not sure why you even need a .ident file :)15:22
larryok this is my prob using berauso i had the movie's i want than select burn wich take's me to another window to comfirm the burn and than no matter what i select   the burn button in that window is grayed out and will not let me burn the dvd15:22
larryanyone plz hlp15:22
Sk8rdudeun1que then open nautilus with sudo... theres no other way to do it15:22
dr_williskke,  identd is sort of - rarely used these days.. its considered very insecure i recall.15:22
PupenoHow do I switch to the guest user?15:22
dr_willisPupeno,  when you login to gnome as your normal user, that useragent tool widget has a 'guest'  item you can use..15:23
kkedr_willis: yep. but for example QuakeNET irc-network requires forced idents if you have multiple connections from same ip.15:23
larryif this is not a hlp channel can somone tell me what one is and i will go there15:23
Lo_what's a nice GUI application for synchronization/backup?15:24
dr_williskke,  easier way.. theres random identd servers that are like 4 lines of perl code.. :) start one as a service.. it will give out random identd responses15:24
ardchoillelarry: this is the official support channel for Ubuntu15:24
ferronicaubuntu 8.10 released kernel 2.6.27-7, how do i add it on menu.lst??15:24
neptuncan someone help me to set up my tv tuner PV951 ?15:24
Sk8rdudelarry: if nobody answers you then nobody can help you at the moment... wait and then ask later15:24
ferronicaubuntu 8.10 released kernel 2.6.27-9, how do i add it on menu.lst??15:24
larryok thanks15:24
larryi will wait15:24
kkedr_willis: yes yes, that's no problem.. i was just wondering if skel could do that kind of stuff15:25
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dr_willislarry,  brasseros 'make video dvd' feature is not working at this time.. ive never seen anyone that it works for.. it could be its a unimplemented feature at this time. I perfer DeVeDe to make video DVD's from video files.15:25
lucaxopenoffice is openin a doc file since 15 minutes ago... really slow its only 500 kb... whats goin on? can i open it faster?15:25
ferronicaubuntu 8.10 released kernel 2.6.27-9, how do i add it on menu.lst??15:26
kkeferronica: doesn't it appear there automatically when installing15:26
ardchoillekke: it does if you choose to installer the package maintainers menu.lst, which some folks don't do15:26
dr_williskke,  i always make my identd reply that im 'billgates' :)15:27
kbrooksQuestion for everyone15:27
ferronicakke: at the time of installation shows me options to keep current local settings or community, i selected local :( thats why15:27
Pupenodr_willis: thanks.15:27
kkeferronica: remove and reinstall? :)15:27
kbrooksIs it ethical to spam about your own Ubuntu LoCo in another channel which is not ubuntu related?15:27
ferronicakke: how to do that ?15:27
kkeferronica: via synaptic, search for the kernel (linux-image-something i guess) and select remove15:28
ardchoillekbrooks: I would say no, if they wanted to use Ubuntu they would :)15:28
larrydr_willis ok thanks15:28
ferronicakke: ok let me try15:28
Galdohi, my computer just crashed while i was listening music on amarok ; how can i now why my computer crashed ?15:28
kkeferronica: or there was some sort of dpkg-reconfigure -thing that runs the config scripts again for a package15:28
kbrooksardchoille, Ddo you know the process to report such people?15:29
kkeferronica: i hope your system doesn't break :)15:29
ardchoillekbrooks: if it happens in this channel, report it to #ubuntu-ops, that's what I did recently15:29
kbrooksardchoille, it didn't happen in this channel, but I'd like to report it anyway15:29
hardcorehow come yahoo messenger doesn't work in pidgin anymore?15:30
kbrooksarchangelpetro, Who can I report it to?15:30
Lo_what's a nice application with gui for synchronization/backup?15:30
kbrooksardchoille, ^15:31
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ardchoillekbrooks: just go into the channel and report it, someone will see it15:31
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hardcorehow come yahoo messenger doesn't work in pidgin anymore?15:31
Lo_what's a nice application with gui for synchronization/backup?15:31
tat1642so many ppls15:32
ferronicakke: anyother way like adding some text in menu.lst15:33
un1queany help?15:33
exodus_msI'm running hardy as a client in vmware. How can I make a backup of 'all' my settings so I can install hardy on another box?15:33
un1queI need to get root privileges on GUI while I am on live session15:33
kkeferronica: yep. just see what it looks like. it's quite simple.15:33
un1queto create a folder on an external hard disk and copy files to it15:34
Lo_what's a nice application with gui for synchronization/backup?15:34
kkeferronica: it's in /boot/grub/menu.lst or something like that15:34
ferronicakke: yes15:34
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ferronicakke: under grub/vmlinuz15:35
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kkeun1que: i guess you're looking for gksu15:35
kk_hi  when here is night15:35
kkeun1que: maybe gksu nautilus .  or something like that15:35
kk_and your place is day15:35
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kkeun1que: or gksudo15:35
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:36
kk_it is said there is something wrong with OAFIID:GNOME_Panel_TrashApplet15:37
un1quekke, testing it now :)15:37
kk_any one have any idea15:38
mpaivais there a way to hide joined and quit messages from mirc?15:38
whabo˙ǝʇɐpdn ʇsǝʇɐן ǝɥʇ ɥʇıʍ dn pǝssǝɯ ʇoƃ pɹɐoqʎǝʞ ʎɯ dןǝɥ15:38
j0hnnyXHey guys15:39
Myrttiwhabo: haha. did you have a real question? offtopic chat at -offtopic15:39
kruvehey i have a laptop and i get sound in my headphones but not in my internal speakers i have ubuntu 8.1, any one know what the problem can be ?15:39
j0hnnyXI wanted to ask you guys this15:39
j0hnnyXand wanted to know15:39
un1quekke, nothing15:40
j0hnnyXSince this is about "UBUNTU" then you won't mind telling me how Ubuntu works on a PS3 as opposed to a PC.15:40
un1queany other ideas?15:40
j0hnnyXThat is on topic15:40
adubwhen ubuntu loadss i can login at the splash login screen but x windows does not load and i can not get a command prompt?15:40
gregorhttp://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20070604142859787/Ubuntu_Christian_Edition.html It is a official derivate?15:40
adubi try to ctrl alt backspace nothing15:40
adubto throw me back to a login screen15:40
ra21vihas anyone any experience with setting enterprise grade search engine (own search engine) using any opensource available package15:41
adubrunning a dell gx260 older dell15:41
ardchoillej0hnnyX: when no one answers, keep in mind that not everyone here knows about running Ubuntu on every device available :)15:41
ra21visuce has solr/lucene on Ubunut15:41
mrichmanWhy do I get connection refused when doing ssh localhost (or from any host) ? I start ssh, but ps doesn't show it running15:41
lorenzohi, my soundjuicer only extracts wav, flac, oga and spx. how do i get other formats to work as well? I am on intrepid15:41
mpaivaanyone use cedega for playing games?15:41
Razzelhi, when i load ubuntu i get the error messages: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring." "Unable to load the Systen description details" "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" - anyone know what this means15:41
kbrooksj0hnnyX, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PlayStation_315:42
ardchoillelorenzo: grip + lame can extract to other formats, including pm315:42
ra21vimrichman: do u start ssh or /etc/init.d/ssh (i mean sshd)15:42
DawnLighthey. i'm trying this what's written in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemOnIntrepid and i'm getting a kernel panic. actually, the premount script doesn't ask me for the passphrase and... then the kernel panics trying to mount the root filesystem15:42
Lo_what's a nice application with gui for synchronization/backup?15:42
mrichmanra21vi: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start15:42
ra21vithen ?15:42
j0hnnyX Yeah but with no memory in the PS3 like a PC15:42
ra21vimrichman: ^15:42
lorenzoardchoille, so i should install grip or lame? do they have a gui?15:42
j0hnnyXHow can it work as well?15:42
kruvehey i have a laptop and i get sound in my headphones but not in my internal speakers i have ubuntu 8.1, any one know what the problem can be ?15:43
j0hnnyXAnd wouldn't you have to use external devices?15:43
j0hnnyXIf you wanted more functionality?15:43
j0hnnyXand Can Ubuntu do all that15:43
mpaivaLo, Sbackup15:43
j0hnnyXWith programs included15:43
mrichmanra21vi: it says "Starting OpenBSD Secure Shell server sshd  [ OK ]"15:43
ardchoillelorenzo: grip is an audio ripper, and it needs lame to rip to some formats. yes, grip has a nice gui15:43
ra21vimrichman: try sudo iptable -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT15:43
j0hnnyXThese are the questions I'd have as I am looking to possibly sell my PC and use my PS3 as a PC15:43
ra21vimrichman: you also need to see if port is open. and in listening mode15:44
ra21vimrichman: try using nmap15:44
Razzelhi, when i load ubuntu i get the error messages: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring." "Unable to load the Systen description details" "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" - anyone know what this means pls?15:44
mrichmanra21vi: iptable not found15:44
whabolorezzo, do you mean grub? or lilo?15:44
gekodehi , how do i find my uid/gid in linux running as guest in vmware ?15:45
kruvehey i have a laptop and i get sound in my headphones but not in my internal speakers i have ubuntu 8.1, any one know what the problem can be ?15:46
histoI'm running 64bit and installing ubuntu-restricted-extras  its going to install sun-java6-bin is that okay?15:46
mrichmanra21vi: iptables plural ;)15:46
curly752i've found what i think is a foul-up on the vendor ID list guys.... anyone familiar with this list?15:46
lorenzoardchoille, ok i am trying grip, thanks15:47
ra21vimrichman: iptables yes15:47
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have problem regarding my sound, when i start my ubuntu , i have a sound in Login screen, but when i login with the user15:47
SaEeDIRHAi dont have sound in my desktop15:47
mrichmanra21vi: that command had no effect15:47
SaEeDIRHAanyone know what the problem is ?15:48
ra21vimrichman: do you have nmap installed15:48
ra21vitry sudo nmap localhost15:48
mrichmanra21vi: no, but i can in a second....15:48
curly752the Creative PC370R webcam has the correct vendor ID of 041e:4038 and also 0471:0329.15:48
SaEeDIRHAand when i try to test the sound with System>Preferences -> Sound15:48
Pupenois there any spanish manual for installing that I can print?15:48
SaEeDIRHAit gives me this error message : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument15:49
curly7520471:0329 should be Philips SPC900NC webcam.... but it has totally fallen off the list dammit !15:49
mac__good day15:50
scientesGOD dang how can i make ubuntu stop messing with my network settings automatically?15:50
mrichmanra21vi: it does not show 22/tcp open, but neither does my other box, which sshd is accepting connections on15:50
curly752so SPC900NC webcam users like myself have the wrong driver grrr15:50
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scientesmesses up everything15:50
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, take a look here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/20045115:51
ardchoillelorenzo: it has a lot of settings, be sure to set it up before ripping15:51
scientesturns interfaces on aand foff, randomly calls dhcpclient15:52
Razzelhi, when i load ubuntu i get the error messages: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring." "Unable to load the Systen description details" "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" - anyone know what this means pls?15:52
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, I also did a google search for your error message and found a lot of results that might be useful15:52
lorenzoadchoille, it says my executable is invalid. i chose the mp3 default, mp3encode15:52
leo_anybody understand semphores in c?15:52
evolve_hey guys, i have a few questions, i'll start with the easy one -- on my laptop sometimes when i click the touch pad a certain way it switches to desk2, how do i disable this? there is nothing in the mouse settings15:52
gregorhttp://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20070604142859787/Ubuntu_Christian_Edition.html It is a official derivate?15:53
jmacx81evolve you have a scroler on your touchpad if you scroll up and down it switches your desktop15:53
Galdohi this is me Xorg.0.log file ; i can't see why my computer crashed : http://pastebin.com/df4d7e6315:53
jmacx81that takes some time to get used to15:53
Oli``un1que: ?15:54
kbrooksgregor, No15:54
evolve_jmacx81: any way to disable that?15:54
__hi all15:54
mpaivawhen i start ubuntu, it gives an error and start Redhat. whats going on?15:54
jmacx81good question, I'm sure there is but I've never tried15:54
pcheukahi everyone :P15:54
__pcheuka: :-D15:54
kruvehey i have a laptop and i get sound in my headphones but not in my internal speakers i have ubuntu 8.1, any one know what the problem can be ?15:55
gregorkbrooks, but the site say so.15:55
jmacx81evolve--- system>Preferences>Mouse15:55
jmacx81then got to the touchpad tab15:56
kbrooksgregor, show me15:56
gregorkbrooks, http://www.linuxlinks.com/portal/news/staticpages/index.php?page=2007052809313466115:56
jmacx81and disable vertical scrolling15:56
gregorList of Distributions based on Ubuntu: Edubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu CE (all official derivations);15:56
evolve_jmacx81: ah its tied to that15:56
evolve_jmacx81: sort of a bummer, but thanks =]15:56
SOURdieselis there a way to force the display to sleep as per timer even if there are processes running like Vuze?15:57
jmacx81that is strange15:57
kbrooksgregor, They're wrong. CE is not a official derivative of Ubuntu. It is based on Ubuntu, but it is not officially endorsed by / supported by Canonical.15:58
Xyc0How do I grep for -215:58
Xyc0i tried \-215:59
Xyc0no worky15:59
nicolahI guess a mic is for recording only, so why is there the mic slide in the playback section of volume control ? what is it for ?16:00
nicolah(I'm trying to understand why I can't hear no sound from my mic)16:00
Xyc0nicolah: did you try alsamixer16:01
Razzelhi, when i load ubuntu i get the error messages: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring." "Unable to load the Systen description details" "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" - anyone know what this means pls?16:01
nicolahXyc0: sure, but alsamixer just controls pulse and I have problems with the mic of the usb plugged webcam. btw I'd like to understand why there's a mic volume slide in the playback section16:01
kbrooksgregor, You may want to email them to say so16:02
SOURdieselis there a way to force the display to sleep as per timer even if there are processes running like Vuze?16:03
froghi, futex_wait (hrtimer_wakeup)  causes many wakeups. how can i optimize it`?16:04
omega7hi, i have problem with my sound , when i try to login in login screen i have a sound, but when i successfully login to user's desktop, i dont have sound any more16:05
omega7i tried System>Preferences > sound16:06
omega7and it gives me this error message : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument16:06
omega7i have checked the permissions and i have my user in Audio group16:07
omega7anyone can help?16:07
Dino_Debiando you hace pulse audio installed?16:07
nicolahI don't get why there's a mic volume slide in the playback section of gnome-volume-controls, shouldn't the mic be just in the record section ?16:08
linuxnoopwher can i set the programs that run after start up16:08
omega7linuxnoop: if you using Gnome , you can do it by adding the program to Session16:09
linuxnoopand how16:09
omega7System>prefrences > sessions16:09
omega7Diono_Debian: no i dont have it16:09
omega7what is the package name ?16:09
Razzelhi, when i load ubuntu i get the error messages: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring." "Unable to load the Systen description details" "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" - anyone know what this means pls?16:09
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
SOURdieselis there a way to force the display to sleep as per timer even if there are processes running like Vuze?16:10
nicolahRazzel: tried to google "MP-BIOS Bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC" ?16:10
RB2Good Afternoon. I re-installed Windows and I'm attempting to get grub functioning again. I following the directions on help.ubuntu.com, but haven't been successful. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (fdisk output: http://pastebin.ca/1270279)16:11
omega7anyone can help me ?16:11
alamiwhat's your problem omega716:12
Razzelyes nicolah16:12
omega7i have problem with my sound , when i try to login in login screen i have a sound, but when i successfully login to user's desktop, i dont have sound any more16:12
omega7i tried System>Preferences > sound16:12
omega7and it gives me this error message : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument16:12
omega7i have checked the permissions and i have my user in Audio group16:12
alamisorry i can't help16:13
loxley_RB2: boot with livecd and reinstall grub16:13
MaveasWhich directory is default for apps?16:14
MaveasI wan't to install Vuze16:14
RB2loxley_: That's what I'm trying to do, but haven't had any success. No error messages, just grub doesn't load when I reboot. I'm sure it's something silly on my part, but frustrating none the less.16:14
alamiloxley_ i want to know to target for my usbstick16:14
evolve_is there a default shortcut key to bring up the terminal?16:14
ardchoilleevolve_: you can set one16:15
ardchoilleevolve_: there's a slot for it but it's disabled16:15
evolve_archangelpetro: awesome, thanks16:15
sotos123Hello,may i ask you a question_I-ve been looking for 2 days on a way to connect on a wireless router that Requires a DSL username&password on 8.10 but there-s only DSL for a wired connection.16:15
ardchoilleevolve_: it's in the Desktop section of Keryboard Shortcuts16:16
ericjungis anyone able to download the file attached to this thread? i login but *still* cannot : http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=82858816:16
xvcanyone having trouble with the 32bit 8.10 for x86?16:16
xsonicxpeople can help me?16:16
xvci can't get it to bootable16:17
DocalAside from running Itunes/wine is there any way for me to purchase content off itunes from inside Ubuntu?16:17
ericjungxvc: no problems here. you probably burned a bad CD?16:17
ericjungDocal: sure. you mean mp3 music?16:17
xvcericjung: i tried 3 times16:17
Docalericjung - yes16:18
ardchoilledocI've been told that the iTunes app itself provides some of the needed functionality and iTunes is closed source16:18
ericjungDocal: sure. have you tried amazon's online music store?16:18
sotos123Is there no way to connect to a wireless router that requires a dsl login after I connect to the router in intrepid?16:18
ericjungDocal: they have as large a selection as itunes and works well with ubuntu16:18
DocalI think what I am looking for has only been released on itunes16:18
ericjungardchoille: i have an ipod nano 4th gen and use it with ubuntu every day16:19
evolve_ok, onto my most challenging question - i had to install off of a USB drive using a floppy disk to boot that usb drive -- if i remove the USB drive or the floppy (or both) the machine is not bootable. what did i do wrong and how can i fix it?16:19
ardchoilleericjung: iPod != iTunes16:19
ericjungDocal: you can also use a windows virtual machine then if you must run itunes16:19
ericjungis anyone able to download the file attached to this thread? i login but *still* cannot : http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=82858816:19
DocalOk, that's what I'll have to try. I was just wondering/hoping if one of the linux media players (amarok or rythmbox or some such) had itunes store support, but it seems not. Thanks anyways though.16:20
sotos123guess i will just install windows again16:20
sotos123thanks anyway16:20
ericjungDocal: can you help me with that link?16:20
SaEeDIRHAhi, i have problem with my sound , when i try to login in login screen i have a sound, but when i successfully login to user's desktop, i dont have sound any more16:20
ichbinesderelchevolve_: did you install a bootloader during installation?16:20
SaEeDIRHAi tried System>Preferences > sound16:20
SaEeDIRHA and it gives me this error message : audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument16:20
SaEeDIRHAi have checked the permissions and i have my user in Audio group16:21
SaEeDIRHAcan anyone help please?16:21
ericjungsotos123: is that a threat? :)16:21
sotos123threat?No desparation more like16:21
DocalI'm sorry ericjung - but that is way over my head, i'm relatively novice.16:21
evolve_ichbinesderelch: yes, grub -- in order to boot now i have to use the floppy disk to select the usb drive and then it accesses grub16:21
RB2loxley_: I think part of the issue is that Windows is on the first disk and Ubuntu is on the second disk, not two partitions on the same drive. All of the directions I seem to find address the latter situation.16:21
nicolahis there a way (using the terminal) to get a list of all sound devices installed on my computer ? thanks16:22
ichbinesderelchevolve_: in your bios, did you select the harddrive where you installed grub?16:22
evolve_ichbinesderelch: yes, its set to boot first16:22
ericjungis anyone able to download the file attached to this thread? i login but *still* cannot : http://backports.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=82858816:22
evolve_ichbinesderelch: could it be that the boot loader  isn't actually on the hard drive, but still on the usb stick?16:23
MaveasHow do I use a .png for menu icon? :S16:23
ichbinesderelchevolve_: if you have installed everything correctly, the bootloader should be on the harddrive16:24
ichbinesderelchevolve_: change any of the install bootloader settings?16:24
ardchoilleMaveas: wanting to change the main menu icon?16:24
ericjunghow can i watch ubuntu boot up instead of the ubuntu splash screen?16:24
evolve_ichbinesderelch: no used all the default settings16:24
Maveasardchoille: No, I've just added a new menu link16:24
ericjunghow can i view the terminal output as ubuntu boots instead of the ubuntu splash screen?16:24
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ichbinesderelchevolve_: hhm maybe try reinstalling just grub16:25
ardchoilleMaveas: ok, in the properties for that menu item, see the picture box under the menu button? click that and browse to the .png you want to use16:25
blip-hi, is it just me or is the version of mercurial in both 8.04 ad 7.04.... still at 0.9.5 ?16:26
blip-do i need some special repos to get it ?16:26
pimHow do I format an usb drive in linux?16:26
Maveasardchoille: yeah, but it wont show the png file16:26
ardchoille!gparted | pim16:27
ubottupim: gparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php16:27
blip-pim: use "Gparted"16:27
evolve_ichbinesderelch: odd thing is, when i do boot from the usb stick right now using the boot loader on the floppy it says 'booting from (hd1,0) which makes me think that i did something wrong, cause i thought it would be 0,016:27
ichbinesderelchevolve_: you are in ubuntu right now?16:27
MaveasNevermind, got it know.. :)16:27
sddanobody answered me :/16:28
hemenI have installed Beryl Emerald on ubuntu 8.10, but how do i change style on emerald?16:28
evolve_ichbinesderelch: i'm on two computer, but yes that computer is sitting infront of me16:28
ardchoilleMaveas: browse to the directory which holds the .png you want to use and click "open" in the browse window. that should load all icons in that dir into the Browser Icons window16:28
ichbinesderelchevolve_: what is the output of "sudo fdisk -l"?16:28
koljo32mI installed this and ran it16:28
dmulhollandis pbcopy anywhere in any package in the repos? i thought it would have been installed by default16:28
ericjunghow to see output during ubuntu startup?16:28
koljo32mI think it's unfair to load ubuntu channel by default16:28
koljo32mI did'nt ask for it16:29
ericjungkoljo32m: haha16:29
koljo32mericjung: dmesg | vim -16:29
dmulhollandfound xclip - nevermind :)16:29
ardchoillekoljo32m: it's done that way so it's easy for people to get here, you can easily remove it if you want16:29
ericjungkoljo32m: it is free. how can you claim unfairness forfree?16:29
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, are you still having problems with sound16:29
ericjungkoljo32m: no, i mean during boot i want to see output16:30
koljo32mbecause I didn't want to connect16:30
ericjungkoljo32m: not after boot16:30
koljo32mI don't know that16:30
RB2Does anyone else have any suggestions before I embark on this adventure again? ;)16:30
ericjungisn't there a keypress sequence?16:30
koljo32mRB2: what adventure?16:30
ericjungRB2: you should post to ubuntuforums.com with your question if you don't get answers here16:30
ericjungRb2: that is my advice to you :)16:30
koljo32mericjung: dunno, you can see everything with Debian if you like16:30
SaEeDIRHAi still have problem16:30
evolve_ichbinesderelch: /dev/sda1 - linux; /dev/sda2 - extended; /dev/sda3 - linux / swap16:31
ericjungwe all have problems16:31
RB2koljo32m: I'm just trying to re-install grub after a Windows re-install. No errors, it just doesn't load grub.16:31
ericjungproblems are part of life16:31
RB2ericjung: indeed. :)16:31
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, I'm not sure exactly what the problem is but you might be able to find a resolution here: http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/tags.php?tag=no+sound16:31
JoeebHello. Anyone have a min?16:31
ichbinesderelchevolve_: so the boot partition should be hdd(0,0)16:31
koljo32mRB2: so you load windows by default?16:31
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:31
RB2ericjung: But I figured I'd give it one last go. ;)16:31
Clarkubuntu c'est de la merde et tout ceux qui ne me comprennent pas sont des cons :-)16:31
evolve_ichbinesderelch: let me try re-installing grub16:32
ardchoille!fr | Clark16:32
ubottuClark: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:32
ichbinesderelchevolve_: yes, try that16:32
ericjungc'est de la merde!16:32
evolve_ichbinesderelch: without the floppy in the drive16:32
RB2koljo32m: No, linux by default. But, it's on the second HD. Windows is on the first.16:32
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albuntuhello to all16:32
Clarkvoila ericjung bien dit ! :-)16:32
koljo32mubuntu always uses grub no?16:32
koljo32myou want to see a selection?16:32
reasonpungrub default~16:32
ferronicahow to reinstall vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic??16:32
albuntuis there any way to burn an iso to a partition in the hard drive ? i dont want just to extract the iso to the partition because i know it will not be bootable16:33
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RB2koljo32m: yes, I had it setup with grub and an OS selection. I had to re-isntall Windows and it blew away the MBR. So, now I'm just trying to get grub to load again.16:33
koljo32mRB2: I don't get it, you should still have grub16:34
koljo32mif ubuntu loads, grub was active, no?16:34
albuntuRB2: you can use the live cd to reinstall grub16:34
ardchoillekoljo32m: installing windows over writes mbr, thus destroying grub16:34
JoeebIm using intrepid 8.12 and when I unmute my mic in Sound Prefs and it will automaticly remute it.16:34
ferronicahow to reinstall vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic?16:34
koljo32mardchoille: but how do you explain it loads linux on boot>16:35
ardchoilleJoeeb: Intrepid is 8.1016:35
JoeebO im sorry16:35
JoeebI mean 8.1016:35
ardchoillekoljo32m: no idea, sounds like something is confused16:35
koljo32mthe live cd reset sounds good16:35
RB2koljo32m: It doesn't load linux, it's loading straight into Windows. It never hits grub16:36
koljo32mah ok16:36
albuntuRB2: its a very simple way of reinstalling grub. i have made it many times16:36
koljo32mindeed, load the live cd and reset the mbr16:36
JoeebAny ideas?16:36
ichbinesderelchRB2 change the first boot drive to the where you installed grub16:36
guillaume_hi all16:36
flacowaht would be the best... swfdec or gnash?16:37
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koljo32mflaco: flash16:37
flacono.. the macromedia version is buggy with webkit16:37
RB2I've re-installed grub from the live CD and it comes back as successful. But, on reboot, it either didn't work or I did something stupid. I just can't figure out what it is.16:37
albuntuflaco: i am using swfdec and it seems ok to me16:37
grustyi got a tech question : is there a command-line tool to listen on unix sockets ?16:37
albuntuRB2:  you have to check again because maybe you have done it wrong16:38
koljo32myou realize you are talking about unstable releases I hope16:38
zambai want to handle large files over sshfs.. what options should i use?16:39
pw-toxichi  does anyone know a good channel for java related questions?16:39
albuntuRB2: are ubuntu and windows on the same hard disk ?16:39
flacoyep.... but using gecko I get the same output....16:39
RB2albuntu: No, two different disks. Windows is on the first disk and Ubuntu on the second.16:39
koljo32mRB2: you need to point it to the right partition16:40
jamil_13579I cant install gnome on my Ubuntu(I have KDE)  I get error:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/78068/16:40
koljo32mif ide, it will probably be hd016:40
jamil_13579Any HElp ?16:40
koljo32mlook at the help page I sent you16:40
albuntuRB2: than its a boot problem. check on bios who boots first. if the windows hard disk is booting first you will always get that16:40
JoeebI unmute it and it remutes16:40
albuntuRB2: Hard disks right ? not partitions ?16:41
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RB2albuntu: Correct. Windows is on sda0 and / is on sdb116:41
christophera dual boot discussion uh?16:41
RB2albuntu: fdisk output: http://pastebin.ca/127027916:42
albuntuRB2: than check your bios. your windows hard disk is booting first and it goes directly to windows. check the boot device priority in bios and change them so it boots your ubuntu hard disk first16:42
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, try 'lspci | grep Audio' and also try 'aplay –list-devices'16:42
jamil_1help ????16:42
JoeebAnyone know why when I un mute my mic in sound prefs it re mutes its self?16:43
dfgasi am thinking about trying out a new distro or installing windows. i still have sound issues of something using the sound and other can't. any ideas, i have tried different asound.conf files and removing pulse as well16:43
J6Dofhi , how can i set a proxy setting through terminal ? . is there any file i can edit to set it ?16:43
RB2albuntu: ok, I'll give that a whirl. My only question is why that would change.. The bios settings haven't been touch; just a re-install of Windows.16:43
christopherlet me think on that one16:43
crik91can you help me please? :  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98997116:43
evolve_ichbinesderelch: i was looking at how grub is configured now, and in device.map its showing (hd0) /dev/sda -- i'm assuming that is incorrect as that would be the usb key16:43
christopherwhat kind of sound card?16:43
albuntuRB2: i dont know but it may happen.16:44
christopheruhmm should work16:44
JoeebYeah its wierd16:44
JoeebThe mic is muted16:44
JoeebIn sound prefs16:44
JoeebWHen I unmute it16:44
RB2ok, thanks for your help.16:44
JoeebIt auto remutes16:44
ichbinesderelchevolve_: in ubuntu live cd, try "sudo fdisk -l", before you said sda1 is your linux hdd, so that would be correct16:45
DefamedPrawnhi. With ubuntu, how difficult is it to run a tv as an external monitor?16:45
christopheri hate hardware.. I am more into the (app and networking) stuff sorry  man16:45
JoeebIve tried alot of stuff16:45
J6Dofis there a file i can set my proxy settings there ?16:45
christopherset them in your browser config16:46
evolve_ichbinesderelch: i don't have a cd rom drive on the computer -- so that would  be impossible16:46
J6Dofi set but apt-get wont go through it16:46
christophersudo apt get u mean right?16:47
jamil_1http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=989971  Any HELP ?16:47
ichbinesderelchevolve_: with "sudo fdisk -l" you should see what your harddrive is and what your usb key is called16:47
ichbinesderelchevolve_: but sda for hdd sounds correctly16:47
albuntuis there any way to burn an iso to a partition in the hard drive ? i want to burn an iso to my external hd because i dont have a cd at the moment16:47
esmurdoHas anyone found a true solution with Ibex hanging at "Waiting for root file system..." during boot?16:47
Elmnashi guys16:48
ichbinesderelchalbuntu: you could mount it with "mount -o loop *.iso mountpoint16:48
flacodamn,,, I hate the linux dependence of packages16:48
Elmnaswhich linux ubuntu dist will I use for a computer with intel quad 2? q6600?16:48
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com16:48
rohitAnyone know when iTunes will be supported for 6th Gen16:48
rohiton Ubuntu ?16:48
albuntuichbinesderelch: no. i want to boot from that and it will not work when i will restart my pc16:48
evolve_ichbinesderelch: yeah it is correct, my bad16:48
exodus_msSaEeDIRHA, try 'lspci -vv' and 'aplay -L'16:49
albuntuElmnas: Ubuntu 64 bit16:49
Elmnasok can you please link me?16:49
ichbinesderelchalbuntu: than maybe use an usb stick?16:49
flacoElmnas: do you what a coffee to?16:49
evolve_ichbinesderelch: still says 'no bootable devices--strike f1 to retry boot, f2 for setup utility' when i boot16:49
Elmnashaha lol16:50
ichbinesderelchevolve_: is it a bootable image?16:50
albuntuichbinesderelch: thats what i am going to use but i am asking how to burn the iso to the usb so it will be bootable16:50
evolve_ichbinesderelch: how would i determine that?16:50
DefamedPrawnhi. With ubuntu, how difficult is it to run a tv as an external monitor?16:51
ichbinesderelchevolve_: you are sure that the right hdd is selected in bios?16:51
evolve_ichbinesderelch: looking at it right now, 'internal hdd' is set to boot first16:51
DefamedPrawnI'm thinking of buying a laptop, if I can use it as a vid player. But it all hinges on whether I can easily get it to use my tv as a monitor.16:51
esmurdoHas anyone found a true solution with Ibex hanging at "Waiting for root file system..." during boot?16:52
ichbinesderelchalbuntu: dd if=image.img of=/dev/sd[x], try that ;)16:52
miki_ciao a tutti...scusate mi sapete dire come mai da quando ho installato ubuntu sul mio notebook (hp) non sento l'audio?...con una ricerca ho trovato varie soluzioni ma non vanno aiutatemi VI PREGO16:53
dennda!it | miki_16:54
ubottumiki_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:54
ichbinesderelchevolve_: i honestly have no idea, if grub installed correctly and you chose the right partition in bios, i really dont know16:54
exodus_msDefamedPrawn, It's not hard at all. What kind of TV will you be using as a secondary monitor?16:54
jZedupgraded ibex on my vaio to latest kernel now when I boot it emits a really loud high pitched whine, only way to prevent is boot to earlier kernel, how to fix?16:54
muz_hello, i have an issue with my wireless on my laptop, could someone please advice?16:54
ichbinesderelchmuz_: maybe, what problem?16:54
muz_i used ndiswrapper, installed the driver fine. however i have to enter the SSID and WEP key everytime i turn my laptop on, i want it to auto-connect16:55
ElmnasHi guys I have a intel quad 2 processor q6600 will I download ubuntu 7.10 gutsy amd x64?16:55
ichbinesderelchmuz_: than you should use some netowrk manager like netcfg2/wicd/wifi-radar/knetworkmanager/network manager/ ^^16:55
muz_i have absolutely no idea what you just said :-)16:56
xmehrba1Hi I have a problem with Desktop effect16:56
xmehrba1some one help please16:56
ardchoilleElmnas: the current release is 8.10, but the latest LTS is 8.04. 7.10 is a but older16:56
jZedmuz : he said to get new software to manage your wifi ... software like knetworkmanager16:57
aperson1I have an external harddrive with music scattered all over it. Is there any way I can move them all to one location including the directory that they are in?16:57
muz_alrighty then, i'll take a looksy16:57
xmehrba1 Hi I have a problem with Desktop effect16:57
ichbinesderelchmuz_: hhm, okay hehe, to automatically connect to a wireless network you need some tool, tools are wifi-radar or wicd, and if you are using gnome there is networkmanager16:57
muz_thank you16:57
Elmnasso which will I take instead archoille sorry"16:57
xmehrba1 Hi I have a problem with Desktop effect16:57
muz_yes this gnome, i dont understand exactly what this is16:57
Elmnas8.10 x64?16:57
xmehrba1No one here to help me?16:58
muz_ive been using ubuntu for around 2 months now16:58
ardchoilleElmnas: Hmm.. do you want the latest release, or a release that will be supported for 3 years?16:58
Elmnashaha the latest lol16:58
muz_so really i should be learning more stuff again and stop being lazy16:58
xmehrba1 Hi I have a problem with Desktop effect16:58
ardchoille8.10 is the latest16:58
xmehrba1any one to help me plz16:58
exodus_msDefamedPrawn, system --> preferences --> screen resolution16:58
esmurdoxmehrbal, what's up? private msg16:58
ichbinesderelchmuz_: yes, lazy bastardos :P16:58
Elmnasok ok the x64 supports intelquad 2?16:59
muz_ubuntu has been the only linux development i've enjoyed using. its what windows xp should be.16:59
ardchoilleElmnas: I have no idea about x64 support16:59
Elmnasardchoille look here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55676316:59
ardchoilleElmnas: Gutsy is 8.40, it's also LTS (Long Term Support)17:00
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Elmnasok ok17:00
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ardchoilleElmnas: yeah, looks like you want 8.04 for x6417:01
Elmnasdam I cant find a link to the latest17:01
Elmnasexactly ^17:01
usamahashimiI want to ask some hardware related questions, should i ask here or is there any other channel for that?17:01
aperson1I have an external harddrive with music scattered all over it. Is there any way I can move them all to one location including the directory that they are in?17:01
ardchoilleElmnas: fwiw, I have found the LTS releases to be superb :)17:02
Elmnashaha can you link please17:02
ardchoillelink what?17:02
ardchoillemy experience?17:02
Elmnasto the latest rele17:02
ardchoilleoh, hold on..17:02
Elmnasthanks a lot man17:02
ichbinesderelchaperson1: just mark them, move them?17:03
muzzahow often is the 8.10 ISO image updated with the latest updates added to the image?17:03
comradekinguOnce i think17:04
ardchoilleElmnas: where are you located?17:04
Defryskmuzza, only lts editions get iso's with updates17:04
muzzawhat is LTS?17:04
comradekinguLast release 8.04 was updated to 8.04.117:04
muzzai mean, what is its meaning17:04
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.17:04
muzzaand why is it supported for an extra year?17:04
DefamedPrawnexodus_ms hi! it's just a standard, 4:3, crt, 53cm tv.17:04
usamahashimican i ask hardware related questions here?17:04
EurysilasOkedokey, I went to install Intrepid last night and ran into a doozy of a showstopper: when I log in (after an  uneventful install) the XServer freaks, with the " [mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop." bug. As of yet, I am unable to find a remedy. Any suggestions?17:04
comradekinguThe 8.04.2 version will be out sometime next year i think17:04
ardchoilleElmnas: http://mirrors.se.eu.kernel.org/ubuntu-releases/8.04/17:04
aperson1ichbinesderelch: I do not understand17:04
jZedmy vaio makes a really loud whine when I boot latest kernel but not other kernels, any idea what could cause this?17:04
mooglinuxusamahashimi, go ahead, shouldnt hurt to ask17:05
ichbinesderelchaperson1: you want to move lots of files into another directory, right?17:05
Elmnasthanx a lot man17:05
comradekingujZed: fan noise?17:05
ardchoilleElmnas: you want the MD5SUMS file and ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso17:05
jZedi don't think it's the fan, never heard this before17:05
ichbinesderelchaperson1: includig folders with subfolders etc?17:05
Elmnaswhat ya mean I17:05
usamahashimiDoes a Intel Dual core 2.0 GHz processor is more power than an Intel 3.0 GHz (HT) processor?17:05
jZedi was trying to get my mic to work so maybe i screwed up something17:06
comradekinguIZed: Is the sound there before you load the kernel, in bios for example?17:06
jZedbut why should it whine in 8.10 latest kernel but not 8.10 earlier kernel17:06
mooglinuxusamahashimi, i recommend going to tomshardware.com and looking at their cpu charts17:06
ardchoilleElmnas: the MD5SUMS file is the md5sum so you can check it against the downloaded iso to make sure the download worked ok17:06
ichbinesderelchaperson1: than just do it like you did in windows, open nautilus, go to direcotry usw.. if you wanna do it in terminal there is the "mv" command, move, then it is mv sourcefiles destination, to move all in a folder try mv * destinationfolder17:06
ElmnasI have a problem , ardchoille I have never learned me to put a iso file to a usb and then make it bootable have any good tutorial for that which I made it from windows17:06
mooglinuxbut yea, i, pretty sure the core2 would outperform it17:06
Elmnasok ok17:06
jZedit starts whining as the kernel boots, maybe 10 sec after grub17:06
ardchoilleElmnas: I've never down the usb thing :(17:07
usamahashimimooglinux: ok, lemme check17:07
Elmnaslol okej hahaa17:07
aperson1ichbinesderelch: I do not know where all of them are though?17:07
comradekinguusamahashimi: 3.0Ghz what?17:07
mooglinuxi think he menas a 3ghx p4 vs a 2ghx core 217:07
perlmonkeyhi, I'm trying to rescue a raid from a dead service.. I have installed a new raid controller card into my system and plugged the old raid array onto it, when I boot I can see the old raid drives are being detected..but i cannot see them in /dev  any ideas?17:08
EurysilasAnyone in here have an experience with Intrepid similar to mine?17:08
comradekinguusamahashimi: Intel core 2 processors use from 5.5-150W TDP17:08
usamahashimicomradekingu: I mean does intel's simple 3.0 GHz processor (with HT) is more powerful or a intel's dual core 2.0 GHz processor?17:09
jZedso how to reinstall the new kernel if this one is fubared?17:10
comradekinguusamahashimi: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Core_2_microprocessors vs http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Intel_Pentium_4_microprocessors   ????17:10
RedWarHello all and for those in the states Happy Thanksgiving17:10
ForceDestroyerusamahashimi: on cpubenchmark.net there are lots of multithreaded benchmarks listed17:10
usamahashimicomradekingu: isn't dual core and core 2 are different processors?17:10
blinkn1about much swap does a system with 8GB ram need ?17:10
ForceDestroyerGiven the exact model names, you can check there17:11
ForceDestroyerusamahashimi: ... Core 2 is nothing but an Intel brand for a CPU Architecture.17:11
comradekinguusamahashimi: No, the dual core are core 2 architecture, the old pentium4 are Netburst17:11
usamahashimiHmm, so it means that i am heavily confused :)17:12
mooglinuxusamahashimi, do you know what model #'s those cpus are?17:12
comradekinguusamahashimi: Quad cores are also Core 217:12
mooglinuxusamahashimi, they made dual core p4's too17:13
xiroVI just installed Gnome-Do!, but i have to open the program, before it works (with shortcut). Besides, i think its an older version.. how do i update it?17:13
usamahashimiI want to buy a good processor but have a limited budget so i am confused17:13
mooglinuxaaaah, in the market to buy!17:13
RedWarmooglinux didn't Intel state this year that they are moving out of the Pentium structure?17:14
mooglinuxthey kicked the pentium brand name if thats what you mean17:14
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mooglinuxtho that was awhile ago17:14
RedWarAhh. Ok17:14
comradekinguusamahashimi: Pentium 4 HT 530 and Pentium 4 HT 630 uses 84W so does Pentium 4 HT 631, but only 65W on lower vCore17:15
mooglinuxusamahashimi, so are you looking to buy a cpu for a motherboard you already have or for a new computer?17:15
xiroVI just installed Gnome-Do!, but i have to open the program in menu, before it works with shortcut. Besides, i think its an older version.. how do i update it?17:15
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dciderwhat if any programs can utilize the full potential of a quad core for the average home user???17:16
comradekinguusamahashimi: Note that a 3Ghz p4 will be beaten silly clock for clock by a 3Ghz Core 2 processor17:16
comradekinguusamahashimi: Or 2Ghz for that matter17:16
usamahashimiI will replace both motherboard and processor and have no idea whether to go for a 3.0 GHz p-IV or for a Dual core17:16
marek_hi i have a seriuos problem with my pc, i cannot start X17:16
marek_i tried to go to recovery mode17:17
mooglinuxgo for a core 2 duo17:17
evolve_i think the issue i'm having is that there is currently no MBR, could someone tell me how i can completely reinstall grub?17:17
mooglinuxthere is no reason to geta p4 unless you ahve a motherboard that can use it17:17
comradekinguusamahashimi: Go for Core 2 quad or duo17:17
dcidercore 2 duo17:17
usamahashimimooglinux, comradekingu: Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad are very expensive17:17
ferronicahow to reinstall kernel 2.6.27-9-generic???17:17
marek_can you tell me what is the root password? i choosen recovery mode, and it asks me for it17:18
comradekinguusamahashimi: Most P4 processors use 478 board, you wouldnt want to be stuck with that. Get socket 77517:18
snes_rocksI'm a recent pilgrim from the far away land of Kubuntu, and I was wondering how to make Gnome's window-list applet not vertically expand an application's button when the panel is aligned along the right side of the screen.17:18
chipbuddy> in one of my CS classes, the professor was talking about why certain command were so bare bones and irreversable. for example, rm (by default) doesn't tell you what it's about to do, and doesn't make any kind of backup. the justification is if someone wants to change the functionality of this command, they can do it themselves. and everyone who doesn't want that functionality changed isn't stuck with the overhead. what is t17:18
chipbuddy his philosophy called? i thinks something like "no unnecessary overhead". is there a more common name?17:18
mooglinuxusamahashimi, another option is to get an amd proccesser. have tyou looked at newegg.com?17:18
usamahashimicomradekingu: and which motherboard you recommend?17:18
chipbuddy what is t17:19
chipbuddy his philosophy called? i thinks something like "no unnecessary overhead". is there a more common name?17:19
zb0y4l7How do I install Adobe Air on Ubuntu 8.10?17:19
marek_can you tell me what is the root password? i choosen recovery mode, and it asks me for it?17:19
comradekingu'usamahashimi: Depends what you intend to use it for17:19
usamahashimimooglinux: AMD!! I have to restart my research :)17:19
usamahashimicomradekingu: I want to play Tomb Raider Underworld17:19
mooglinuxusamahashimi, whats your price range for the mobo and cpu?17:20
remi_is there a command (like "cat") but which allows to choose the start line and the end line of the file to output?17:20
usamahashimimooglinux: I am in ASIA, how can you compare?17:20
comradekinguusamahashimi: http://www.coreboot.org/Supported_Motherboards17:20
EurysilasAnyone here experience the X Server locking up on log-in in Intrepid, with the following error:  "[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop."?17:20
Manarioni have a problem. i installed some updates to the system last night, and after that, my sound card doesn't work anymore. anyone have an idea what the problem might be?17:21
mooglinuxusamahashimi, that would make it more difficult to compare prices lol.17:21
usamahashimimooglinux: lemme convert into dollars :)17:21
usamahashimicomradekingu: lemme check17:21
Dwade09how do i install libc for 32 bit ?17:21
exodus_msEurysilas, try --> Ctl-Alt-f1 and get to the command line. After that run an apt-get update/upgrade17:22
mooglinuxthats apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (if you typre it all in at once)17:23
exodus_msEurysilas, you might need to edit  the xorg.conf to add the keyboard and mouse sections that were left out, then you should be able to get into Gnome17:24
fushortshello, i am using ubuntu 8.10, and having a sound problem perhaps.  when i play games i cant play music and vice versa.  anyone help me out?17:24
x1250hi folks, I have a daemon process and I would like to ensure that if it gets killed, it will resurrect. Is there anywhere in the system where I can configure something like this for a daemon process? /etc/init.d/mydaemon17:24
xiroVDo someone know what the newest version of Gnome-Do! is?17:25
xmehrba1Hey where is my friend?17:26
Benutzernamehello can someone help me with efax? i can send fax, but not received, it says Warnung: 44 reception errors17:27
xmehrba1Guys I need a help about Desktop effects please17:27
harisundI have logged in remotely through SSH ... how do I stop the "ding" beep sound?17:27
mooglinuxxmehrba1, whats your problem?17:28
exodus_msfushorts, try this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544917:28
xmehrba1After some update ,now desktop effects not working17:28
mooglinuxyou need to reinstall your driver17:28
mooglinuxthere was a new kernal yesterday, and you have to reinstall the video drivers after each one17:29
xmehrba1I did install an Advance desktop effect but not work17:29
DukeDrake2There is somehow a limit of 6 x terminals in Ubuntu?17:29
DukeDrake2How can I change that limit?17:29
fushortsanyone know why i cant play music and games at the same time?17:29
marek_hi can you help me? my system isnt loading17:30
b1n42ymooglinux: reinstall gfx drivers after kernel upgrade that doesnt seem right17:30
xmehrba1mooglinux how can I do that17:30
kkswhat channel would be suggested for learning hacking skills?17:30
xmehrba1There is an error when try to Update17:30
comradekingukks: #gentoo ? :)17:31
b1n42ygogo gadget hackbrain17:31
xmehrba1no body intrest to help me?17:31
miki_rieccomi non va :'(17:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient17:32
xmehrba1no body want to help me plz?17:32
comradekingu xmehrba1: Unload compiz ? make a bug report17:32
evolve_ichbinesderelch: just do you know, i solved my problem by resetting up grub through the terminal using 'root (hd0,0); setup (hd0)'17:32
evolve_guess the MBR was messed up17:32
Pirate_Hunterhow do i create a symlink of my music folder in /media/sdb1 to ~/Music folder?17:33
marek_please help me, im stuk totally, a can do nithing, what is root password in recovery mode?17:33
exodus_msxmehrbal, what is the error when you try to update?17:33
comradekingumarek_: same as what it normally is17:34
AhadielPirate_Hunter, ln -s /media/sdb1/Music/ /home/username/Music/17:34
milos_Pirate_Hunter, ln -s /media/sdb1 ~/Music17:34
marek_so if i have17:34
marek_login zbyszek17:34
stinger_auI am trying to set modelines but i can't disable this check : Unable to validate any modes17:34
xiroVUhm.. Once i had somekind of package manager which had some basic programs in it.. anyone have a clue what the name of the program is?17:34
marek_and pasword 12345617:34
stinger_auPlease help :)17:34
marek_should i tyoe 123456?17:34
comradekingu xmehrba1: then it will work in recovery mode aswell17:34
marek_comradekingu so its not17:35
xiroVi couldn't search for programs.. there just were some basic programs to choose from17:35
AhadielxiroV, Add/Remove Programs?17:35
Pirate_HunterAhadiel, milos_: htanx tried looking for symlink in man its not there or does it go by different name?17:35
AhadielPirate_Hunter, man ln, then use the -s flag for symbolic.17:35
comradekingu xmehrba1: you can login as root with root or user with username, and then your password17:35
xiroVAhadiel, Well.. i couldn't search for programs.. there just were some basic programs to choose from.. to add/remove17:35
Ferrouscould you tell me the name of an active off topic room? :/17:36
Ferrousthat is all17:36
marek_please help me, im stuk totally, a can do nithing, what is root password in recovery mode? my default user password is 123456, but its not working here...17:36
xmehrba1and then?17:36
Shubbarin Software Sources, i have some third-party for gutsy and hardy. Should i remove them when i m using intrepid?17:36
Ferrousthanks, consfearacy17:36
consfearacymarek_, try a blank password17:36
comradekinguI think i responded to the wrong person..17:37
exodus_mscomradekingu, does marek_ have login probs or exmehrgal?17:37
marek_consfearacy didnt help17:37
pianohackerI'm trying to disable evdev's management of an external usb keyboard (gnome-settings-daemon refuses to set keyboard layout properly), and am not having much success. xorg.conf: http://paste2.org/p/108605 Xorg.1.log: http://paste2.org/p/108604 (run alongside current session)17:37
xiroVAhadiel, Have a clue what im talking about? .. it had etc. an gmail-notifier application you could add.. or gnome-do... many usefull stuff17:37
harveyyparxei kapio programa sto ubuntu gia na mporeis na mpainis online kai na paizeis xrimatistirio ???17:37
marek_i can only COntrol+D17:37
marek_and im back at recovery options17:37
AhadielxiroV, You could just search for it with Synaptic....17:38
pianohackerThe 3333:3333 keyboard is the one that isn't getting set up correctly17:38
[maurice]why do i have to keep entering a password to unlock keyring in evolution?17:38
marek_im using ubuntu for 4 years, and i have never had such a problems17:38
[maurice]hello, btw17:38
AhadielxiroV, Whatever that program you had uses the same package base as Synatpic.17:38
xiroVAhadiel, i know.. but someone told me to download it, because i had a problem with gnome-do17:38
marek_please, can you help me? i googled everywhere,17:39
xiroVAhadiel, I just downloaded Gnome-Do with Synaptic, but i maybe think that its a older version, than the newest release17:39
xmehrba1I got an error when try to update17:39
Manarioni have a problem. i installed some updates to the system last night, and after that, my sound card doesn't work anymore. anyone have an idea what the problem might be?17:40
AhadielxiroV, try http://getdeb.net see if they have a newer version.17:40
AhadielxiroV, Or learn how to compile software and download gnome-do's source.17:40
exodus_msxmehrbal, what are you trying to update and what is the error?17:40
xiroVAhadiel, ehm xD okay.. thanks17:40
Manarionwhen  i try to run test sound in the sound config menu, i get this error message: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=music: Could not open audio device for playback.17:41
xmehrba1Dear guys I need a help17:41
xmehrba1some one help me please17:41
exodus_msxmehrba1, what are you trying to update and what is the error?17:42
marek_gosh, what have you done with (k)ubuntu developers, 8.10 dont work at all and 7.04 works great, it is impossible17:42
xmehrba1I have solved the problem , I just edited the list, I have another problem17:42
exodus_msManarion, Try going to to System->Sound. Under "Device," make sure your sound card is selected. You should also play around with the other settings, mostly "Sound playback." Try, for example, OSS instead of ALSA.   If that doesn't work, you can try running "alsamixer" from the terminal. Make sure that everything is on.17:42
xmehrba1exodus I solved the Update error, but I have another problem,would you please help me17:43
exodus_msxmehrba1, i can try, what is the problem17:44
mooglinuxxmehrba1, what video card do you have?17:44
naynayHi. How can I get the restricted ATI driver working in ubuntu 8.10?17:44
mooglinuxanother person with video driver issues! lol17:44
abchirknaynay System -> Admin -> Hardwaredrivers17:44
xmehrba1the Desktop effect just worked till last update17:44
xmehrba1intel onboard17:44
abchirknaynay there you should find an option for your card.17:45
naynayabchirk: It doesn't show anything, there is a gray space where the top driver would usually be but no text.17:45
mooglinuxgo to system > admin > hardware drivers and check the status of the driver17:45
xmehrba1I just install some damn things like xserver, advanced desktop effects, compfiz,17:45
xmehrba1but no work17:45
[maurice]hello, why do i have to keep entering a password to unlock keyring in evolution?17:45
trancefatHi all... i have a small problem, the title bar of any window seems to become crappy at times... i mean, if i rollover on the minimize button the the titlebar disappears... i tried going to xorg.conf and adding Option .... as suggested by a site, but it didnt help17:46
[maurice]I also have the problem where i need to reconnect my bluetooth kb and mouse every time I reboot, anyone know what is wrong?17:46
marek_what can i do? when i try to start normally, system hangs on "Starting lirc modules", when i go to recovery mode it sks me for a password...17:46
marek_im desperate17:46
[maurice]marek_, did you install lirc, and then this started to happem?17:47
Dural' evening17:47
exodus_ms[maurice], have tried disabling auto login17:47
trancefati can come later if everyones busy17:48
Duralsorry i've a little trouble with an update17:48
Duralsomeone culd help me plz ?17:48
=== Andi is now known as Guest13674
[maurice]exodus_ms, i dont have auto ligin enabled17:48
[maurice]marek_,  and you cannot login under recovery?17:49
marek_[maurice] i cant17:49
[c0re]how do i get rss feed of http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=100?17:49
[c0re]how do i get rss feed of http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=10017:49
[maurice]did you try your root password when it asks?17:49
ferronicahow to reinstall kernel 2.6.27-9-generic???17:50
marek_well i havent set up any root password17:50
marek_so it should accept my 123456 from user password?17:50
exodus_ms[maurice], try this --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/78083/17:50
[maurice]marek_, your password for marek_ is your root password, or if marek_ were the username on your system17:50
reidanyone here know why I can connect to any network that isnt WPA2?17:50
marek_[maurice] so its not working17:50
marek_i typed it 20 times17:51
koljo32msudo -i17:51
Defryskferronica, sudo apt-get install <foo> --reinstall17:51
DuralWhen i try to update the package > memtest86+ it found me a mistake about a link17:51
[maurice]marek_, that is strange, hang around till some of the guru's get here17:51
ralishHello, I'm setting up a Ubuntu Server 8.04.1 amd64 system with an encrypted LVM, I've been going through the standard text based install, but it appears to be frozen on creating an ext3 root partition17:51
ralishIt's been stuck at this stage for about 10minutes, but it's only a 50GB disk17:51
ferronicaDefrysk: will it reinstall new kernel??17:51
ralishAny suggestions?17:52
Stooge-try to reinstal maybe17:52
Defryskit will reinstall the package you request17:52
koljo32mralish: can you try alt+ f1, f2, f3, etc17:52
koljo32mand see if you can see any message17:52
marek_this is really sad, but ubuntu for me personally sucks now, firt i tred to install from livecd - 8.10 and 8.04 dont work - it stops on "starting bluetooth" - and i dont even have bluetooth in my PC, so i switched to alternate CD, and it stopped at "no CD driver found" - i use SATA Samsung drive. So when i switched to old CDrom from 1999 it installed OK, but with no sound, no wireless, this is really killing me and i think i will give17:52
marek_a try to another distro17:52
DuralAny suggestion about my trouble ?17:52
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:53
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:53
ferronicaDefrysk: i want to reinstall new kernel which is released by ubuntu 2.6.27-917:53
ralishkoljo32m: yes, console 4 last output is just the mk2fs version info17:53
reidI hear ya marek17:53
ralishIf I start another console, I can see the mk2fs job running17:53
ralishSo no useful debug info appears to have been logged to any of the virtual consoles17:53
ferronicaDefrysk: because it was not in my menu.lst17:53
koljo32mmarek: that's to bad, you may have a weird installation. do you have a bluetooth dongle? maybe try to remove it17:53
[maurice]exodus_ms, I don'''''t have a "Password Keyrings tab"17:53
p1und3rdoes anyone know if theres a way to back up your ubuntu 8.10 like a Save point?17:54
stinger_auAnyone able to help me disable modeline checks for nvidia ?17:54
jamil_1any help for the issue that i cant install gnome: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/78073/17:54
reidis anyone here very familiar with madwifi?17:55
marek_koljo32m no bluetooth device, no dongle17:55
xmehrba1Dears, need help updating Intel graphic driver17:55
[maurice]jamil_1, run sudo apt-get update and then try again17:55
ferronicaDefrysk: can you give me exact command to fresh reinstall new kernel 2.6.27-7-generic17:55
koljo32mmarek_: laptop? disable it from quickey or bios17:55
ferronicaDefrysk: can you give me exact command to fresh reinstall new kernel 2.6.27-9-generic17:55
koljo32msame for wifi17:55
koljo32mI had ubuntu freezing on wifi17:56
marek_koljo32m PC17:56
exodus_ms[maurice], system/preferences/encryption and keyrings?17:56
xmehrba1Dears, need help updating Intel graphic driver17:56
TakuyaOK so, I am having nVidia problems ever since I installed 8.10 and upgraded the system... I think I will just reinstall 8.10, but how can I make sure I don't have all these issues again?17:56
jamil_1No change17:56
reidTakuya -- try using EnvyNG17:57
mooglinuxTakuya,  still having trouble with your drivers?17:57
[maurice]exodus_ms, correct17:57
jamil_1[maurice]: Still getting the error17:57
Takuyawell, yeah. So you think I should just use EnvyNG right out of the box?17:57
Takuyajust update 8.10 then use Envy NG?17:57
reidIt works for me >.< but I run Hardy17:57
mooglinuxits worth a try17:57
[maurice]jamil_1, are you running KDE right now?17:57
reidMy ATI drivers have a huge problem with Intrepid for some reason lol17:57
Takuyayeah, mooglinux I get diversion conflicts... with xserver-xorg-core and nividia-177 , I cn't even emerge it right now17:57
exodus_ms[maurice], and there is no tab 'Password Keyrings' ?17:58
xmehrba2Dears, need help updating Intel graphic driver17:58
reidI get like 1000 less FPS on Intrepid than I do on Hardy with the same drivers17:58
xmehrba2Dears, need help updating Intel graphic driver17:58
koljo32mmarket: sorry dunno17:58
ferronicaexact command to fresh reinstall new kernel 2.6.27-9-generic17:58
[maurice]jamil_1, try going through synaptiic package manager and selevcting ubuntu-desktop from that list, if there are any problems the manager usually tried to correct them17:58
xmehrba2Dears, need help updating Intel graphic driver17:58
Defryskferronica, sudo apt-get install linux-generic --reinstall17:58
biberaohow do i make an user "ADMIN"17:59
biberaousing root17:59
[maurice]exodus_ms, no, :( there is encryption and PGP Passphrases17:59
LjLbiberao: sudo adduser username admin17:59
jamil_1[maurice],  of no use.. Still getting the error in synaptic17:59
reidIs anyone familiar enough with madwifi that they could help me get WPA2 to work?  I installed the madwifi drivers and I can connect to unsecured networks with no problem, but with WPA2 it just keeps requesting the key from the network18:00
hal_v2Okay, is there any program or  website, or anything that I can sync with Rhythmbox to show a list of music I have to somebody else? I want to upload a list of my large music collection without having to type each individual part.18:00
ferronicaDefrysk: will this process make kernel 2.6.27-9 available to menu.lst?18:00
[maurice]jamil can you check your repositories  and see if you have the normal ones selected? in synaptic package manager choose repositiories18:00
Defryskferronica, or sudo apt-get istall linux-image- --reinstall18:00
[maurice]jamie_k, and i know it is common sense, but this pc is properly connected to the internet right?18:00
biberaoLjL, cant now the user is already created is there anyway to make it admin?18:01
Defryskferronica, otherwise do a search in synaptic,18:01
LjLbiberao: yes. sudo adduser username admin18:01
biberaoit works18:01
biberaoif i do sudo deluser username admin18:02
hal_v2Okay, is there any program or  website, or anything that I can sync with Rhythmbox to show a list of music I have to somebody else? I want to upload a list of my large music collection without having to type each individual part.18:02
biberaoit removes from the admin group?18:02
xmehrba2No body is here to help me?18:02
jamil_1[maurice],  what are the normal repositories ? I have main and restricted checked18:02
BadChoiceI have problems with the new ubuntu18:02
BadChoice1. wiereles18:03
BadChoice2. Pidgin18:03
BadChoice3. Mounted drives18:03
biberaoyes it works18:03
BadChoicecan you help me?18:03
FloodBot1BadChoice: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:03
LjLbiberao: yes18:03
hal_v2Why can't I uninstall kiba-dock?18:04
exodus_ms[maurice], go to applications->accessories->passwords and encryption keys (this opens seahorse) then go to edit->preferences and the 'password keyrings' tab18:04
[maurice]jamil_1, i have everything selected under Downloadable from the internet: and I believe thats the way it came18:04
koljo32mhal_v2: because it likes you18:04
hal_v2I don't like it anymore, though.18:04
BadChoiceok, i'll use it18:04
ferronicaDefrysk: kernel is not available in menu.lst :(18:05
hal_v2Also: I can't delete a few files from my trash can because of permissions, I think, what do I do?18:05
[maurice]exodus_ms, brilliant. Thank You!18:05
[maurice]jamil_1, if you select extra repositories you will have to reload or run apt-get update again.18:06
koljo32mhal_v2: I can't even find it through apt-cache search. Is it unoficial? you can remove files as root with sudo18:06
ferronicaDefrysk: can you give me your menu.lst output ??18:06
hal_v2I can't find it.18:06
iShockOkay, Xubuntu isn't detecting a DVD-R I put in my drive .. Any ideas why?18:08
trancefathi all... is there a way by which i can make a program start whenever ubuntu boots?18:08
rmitchelltracefat: add the program in system | preferences18:08
rmitchelltracefat: then sessions18:08
iShockOkay, Xubuntu isn't detecting a DVD-R I put in my drive .. Any ideas why?18:09
rmitchell@trancefat, my bad, got your name wrong above18:10
iShockOkay, Xubuntu isn't detecting a DVD-R I put in my drive .. Any ideas why?18:10
diffredwhat's emerald? it is worthy to install ? what will change on my Desktop?18:11
trancefatrmitchell: : thanks... i ll try it18:11
jamil_1[maurice],  yes I am waiting update to finish18:11
iShockOkay, Xubuntu isn't detecting a DVD-R I put in my drive .. Any ideas why?18:11
jordan_how do you remove a directory if it's not empty?18:12
jordan_rm -fr dir18:12
LjLjordan_: "man rm", look for the "-r" option18:12
iShockHeya LjL18:13
reidhmmm NetworkManager 0.6.6 is telling me that my hardware does not support secured networks...18:14
reidand thats a lie =P18:14
iShockOkay, Xubuntu isn't detecting a DVD-R I put in my drive .. Any ideas why? LjL?18:14
LjLi've never used Xubuntu.18:14
trancefatrmitchell: that worked! thanks... can i ask one more query?18:14
iShockLjL, I have the same problem in Ubuntu, and really it's the same distro with uglier graphics18:15
rmitchelltrancefat, sure18:15
LjLiShock: well, i don't know, my Kubuntu Hardy detected my new DVD-ROM drive and its discs fine.18:15
iShockLjL, any debugging stuffs I can do?18:16
alamii want to edit permission on /dev/sdb1/ i need help plz18:16
JHalsteadRunning Compiz under XFCE, when I start firefox it starts without window borders in full screen mode.  This is the only application that misbehaves with compiz.  Anything I can do to fix it??18:16
trancefatrmitchell: u know, the title bar of a window disappears when i roll on the minimize or close buttons, i added the option for ARGBVisuals thing to xorg.conf, but no luck.. any idea?18:16
LjLiShock: you could always check /var/log/syslog18:16
jamil_1[maurice],  I am still getting the same error18:17
rmitchelltrancefat, i've never heard of that, sorry18:17
alamii want to edit permission on /dev/sdb1/ i need help plz18:17
trancefatrmitchell: no problem.. thanks anyways18:17
PsiKlopxWhat's the best widget software for Ibex? mainly want to keep an eye on cpu temperature and usage, network bandwidth and the like.18:17
LjLalami: why?18:17
meoblast001hi... im running IRCd-Hybrid and i have a CGI-IRC system... but only one CGI-IRC client can connect to it symultaniously... how do i fix that?18:18
rmitchellPsiKlopx: you can add a system monitor applet to the panel, that will get you your cpu usage, ram, bandwidth18:19
ferronicaLjL: do you know how to enter new kernel 2.6.27-9 in menu.lst?18:19
alamiLjL because i want to instal format it and always i become "permission denied"18:19
reidAnyone here have an Atheros 500x wireless card?  (aka 242x)18:19
LjLferronica, it should happen automatically when you install it...18:19
LjLalami: then you need to be the superuser, not to change its permissions18:19
koljo32malami: sudo -i18:19
LjL!root | alami18:19
ubottualami: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo18:19
jamil_1[maurice],  I am still getting the same error18:19
Scunizireid: if you're having problems getting it working install the linux-restricted-extras package for your kernel. It has the atheros driver.. not sure if it's the right one for your chipset but worth a shot.18:20
jamil_1I can't install gnome18:20
iShockLjL, nothing in /var/log/syslog18:20
alamialso with sudo18:20
ferronicaLjL: you are right at that time when it ask me i selected local settings not community maintained :(18:20
LjLalami: what did you type exactly18:20
ethosguys if you were installing a fresh system would you download 8.10 or can I just install 8.04 and update? :)18:20
Scunizireid: sorry.. linux-restricted-modules18:21
ortsvorsteherhello. i am using ubuntu 8.04 and i try to run a brother dcp-145c printer. i used dpkg to install the drivers from brother website. i can send testpages or others to print. it goes in spool and on printer displays new data. but the printer does not print. any idea?18:21
zueighthello all....18:21
Scuniziethos: better to install 8.10 right off the bat18:21
LjLferronica: try with update-grub18:21
Spasysheepdevede / mencoder / mplayer wont install - medibuntu editions18:21
iShockLjL, only thing I can think of .. cat: /dev/dvd: No medium found18:21
ethosScunizi, yea I was thinking that18:21
ferronicaLjL: i did no luck :(18:21
usserreid, i do18:21
ethosthink i'm all out of cds/dvds tho lol18:21
alamisudo -i fdformat /dev/sdb1/18:21
reidohnetworkmanager hardware does not support network18:21
LjLalami: /dev/sdb1/ doesn't exist, /dev/sdb1 does (or might do)18:21
reidI didnt see that I was getting responses =P18:22
koljo32mjust sudo -i to become root18:22
LjLferronica: perhaps try reinstalling that kernel with sudo apt-get --reinstall install?18:22
lilb1970why wont my frostwire run?18:22
usserreid, are u using intrepid?18:22
ferronicaLjL: give me exact comand please :(18:22
LjLalami: also, "sudo -i" opens a root shell, it does not let you type a command as an argument. just use "sudo <command>"18:22
ortsvorsteherhello. i am using ubuntu 8.04 and i try to run a brother dcp-145c printer. i used dpkg to install the drivers from brother website. i can send testpages or others to print. it goes in spool and on printer displays new data. but the printer does not print. any idea?18:23
LjLferronica: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-$(uname -r)18:23
alamiLjL i have type mount and i have see that /media/disk/ is /dev/sdb1/18:23
LjLalami: no, it'd /dev/sdb1, not /dev/sdb1.18:23
LjLalami: no, it'd /dev/sdb1, not /dev/sdb1/.18:23
iShockLjL, isn't it sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-`uname -r`18:23
Imaginativeone_how do I pay for Ubuntu tech support?18:23
p1und3ru paypal me18:23
jamil_1http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/78073/     any help  ????18:23
alamiyes i know18:24
Imaginativeone_what's your address?18:24
alamii have do it18:24
p1und3rim kidding.. dont paypal me lol18:24
alamitell me plz LjL how can i now format it18:24
LjLiShock: `` is deprecated.18:24
koljo32mImaginativeone: send it to me instead18:24
Spasysheepdevede / mencoder / mplayer wont install - medibuntu editions - dependency problems - 8.04 fresh install18:24
Imaginativeone_I need help with Samba18:24
ortsvorsteheranyone here with experience in adding printers? ubuntu 8.04 brother dcp-145c18:24
p1und3rlol koljo dont be fucked up lol18:24
iShockBut $() is ugly LjL .. And there's nothing about my DVD-R in /var/log/syslog18:24
LjL!language | p1und3r18:24
ubottup1und3r: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:24
koljo32msorry :)18:24
iShock!ohmy | p1und3r18:24
ferronicaLjL: its asking for restart18:24
Daimon_I have strange problems with nearly every game! Screen gets messy when i run them!!18:24
p1und3riShock :018:25
LjLalami: for starters, "fdformat" is for floppies. is that a floppy?18:25
diffredcan you recommend me another mp3 player than amarok or rhythmbox18:25
LjL!players > diffred    (diffred, see the private message from ubottu)18:25
koljo32mdiffred: xmms18:25
diffredkoljo32m: thanks! i can sudo apt-get it right?18:25
koljo32mnot sure18:26
diffredhow do I install it then?18:26
koljo32mseems so18:26
koljo32mwell, just try18:26
lilb1970i cant seem to run frostwire....it wont load at all18:26
koljo32mseems soapt-cache search xmms18:26
koljo32mapt-cache search xmms18:26
Spasysheepsorry accidental caps lock18:26
iShockLJL, there's nothing about my DVD-R in /var/log/syslog18:26
LjLiShock: "ugly" isn't a very objective parameter. anyway, check also /var/log/messages... but does the drive even spin when you put adisc in it?18:26
iShockSounds like it does a little.18:27
exodus_msjamil_1, try enabling universe/multiverse then reload the package information in Synaptic (or run sudo apt-get update from the commandline)18:27
iShockNope, LjL, nothing.18:27
Spasysheepdevede / mencoder / mplayer wont install - medibuntu editions - dependency problems - 8.04 fresh install18:27
xoziShock: dmesg | grep -i dvd18:27
LjLiShock: is the disc empty or what?18:27
islamuxi see this      Message from syslogd@localhost at Sat Nov 29 21:26:41 2008 ...18:27
iShockLjL, yeah.18:27
islamuxlocalhost kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold18:27
islamuxMessage from syslogd@localhost at Sat Nov 29 21:26:41 2008 ...18:27
islamuxlocalhost kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode18:27
islamux         on my terminal18:27
FloodBot1islamux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:27
jamil_1exodus_ms,  I have done so18:27
koljo32mit seems to be called xmms2 now18:27
alamiLjl that's a usb stik18:27
islamuxwhat about it18:27
=== elektrikz is now known as Elektrikz
alamiLjl that's a usb stick18:27
LjLiShock: does it happen with a disc with data on it?18:28
iShockxoz, [    4.772653] ata2.00: ATAPI: UJDA770 DVD/CDRW, 1.00, max UDMA/33 [    4.790743] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            MATSHITA UJDA770 DVD/CDRW 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 518:28
iShockLjL, nope, my HP movie was fine18:28
LjLalami: then you have no reason to use "fdformat" on it. use "mkfs" (with options depending on what filesystem you want to put on it)18:28
islamuxwhat dose it mean ? the last returtn of terminal18:28
FormodeHello, I'm looking for a game I can play with my friend online that supports both Ubuntu and Mac OS X, anyone know of any that are good?18:29
islamuxi see it now18:29
xoziShock: try k3b18:29
iShockFormode: ##bzflag18:29
islamuxin my terminal18:29
zsquarepluscFormode: what type of game? chess? FPS?18:29
iShockFormode: #BZflag *18:29
Daimon_I have problems with ATI-propietary drivers!!18:29
mal|lappyQuestion: installing ubuntu, "Guided - use the largest continuous free space", this garuntees it will not overwrite any existing paritions?18:29
Formodezsquareplusc Anything, really. RPG of FPS would be great.18:29
iShockxoz, nope, Brasero and K3b can't find it18:29
ferronicaLjL: no luck :(18:30
zsquarepluscFormode: nexuiz18:30
jamil_1exodus_ms,  I am still getting the same error18:30
islamuxMessage from syslogd@localhost at Sat Nov 29 21:29:44 2008 ...18:30
islamuxlocalhost kernel: CPU0: Running in modulated clock mode18:30
islamuxMessage from syslogd@localhost at Sat Nov 29 21:29:55 2008 ...18:30
islamuxlocalhost kernel: CPU0: Temperature above threshold18:30
FloodBot1islamux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:30
exodus_msjamil_1, hold on...18:30
Formodezsquareplusc, Unfortunately Nexuiz makes my graphics card whine like mad. But games like ETQW don't. :O18:30
pguphi, i am unable to view the stream provided by the following swf http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/images/site/videozone/video_320x240.swf any ideas how i may go about doing so18:30
ScuniziFormode: OpenArena  even supports win .. Nexuis.. Warsow..18:31
SpasysheepHELP PLEASE (sorry 3 tries and no response) devede / mencoder / mplayer wont install - medibuntu editions - dependency problems - 8.04 fresh install18:31
exodus_msjamil_1, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/78092/18:31
[c0re]HI, i broken my gnome by installing a themee.. i cant change the themes via appearance... any alternative way?18:31
LjLferronica: well, you can certainly modify /boot/grub/menu.lst manually, but every time there's a new kernel update, you'll have to do it again. i'm not sure why your menu.lst isn't being updated automatically.18:31
LjLSpasysheep: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:31
[c0re]LjL,  i broken my gnome by installing a themee.. i cant change the themes via appearance... any alternative way?18:32
pgupspasysheep: have you updated your sources list Administration>Software Soures18:32
iShockLjL, xoz?18:32
iShockAny ideas?18:32
LjL[c0re]: i use KDE18:32
[c0re]oh sorry18:32
[c0re]i broken my gnome by installing a themee.. i cant change the themes via appearance... any alternative way?18:33
The_Banana_GuyCan someone find the e-book of Robot Building for Beginners by David Cook ?18:33
ferronicaLjL: i told you at that time when it shows me options to keep local computer settings or 4 more options to choose i selected local settings18:33
BM-Solidwhen I try to mount a vfat partition, it says "invalid mount option" how can I fix it?18:33
pgup i am unable to view the stream provided by the following swf http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/images/site/videozone/video_320x240.swf any ideas how i may go about doing so18:33
LjLferronica: yes, but i'm not sure i've ever seen that dialog... *when* did it ask you that?18:33
Spasysheeppgup: no, ill try that Ljl: hang on18:33
zsquarepluscpgup: you have flash installed?18:34
jamil_1exodus_ms, I cant get it ?18:34
pgupzsquareplusc: yeag i can see the videos on you tube18:34
koljo32mBM-Solid: mount it to an existing directory. eg: go to cd /mnt; mkdir mpoint; mount -t vfat /mnt/mpoint18:34
ferronicaLjL: yesterday when system updated installing kernel 2.6.27-9 at that time18:34
chfwiggumBM-Solid: vfat on your hdd?18:34
islamux sorry i am new18:34
jccuif I do apt-cache search best browser on my intrepid machine four packages come up, and opera is the only browser of them. ahem? (I do use opera but it's still quite weird)18:34
cdeszaqI have a Creative Audigy2 7.1 Surround Sound audio card, and I know I had all of the channels working under fiesty, but I can't seem to remember how I did it, nor can I find the resource on-line. Also, I can't get sound to come out of anything but the front left and right speakers no matter what I change in alsamixer. Does anyone know how to get this to work?18:34
BM-Solidchfwiggum: yea18:34
islamuxand i past the q in the link18:34
LjLiShock: if you do "wodim -checkdrive" what does it say?18:35
islamuxand now18:35
LjL!pastebin | islamux18:35
ubottuislamux: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:35
ferronicaLjL: may be it showed me because i did some little changes to my menu.lst before like text mode bootup18:35
iShockLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78094/18:35
LjLferronica: it's possible... uhm, try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub", see if it asks it again18:35
ferronicaLjL: ok18:36
jamil_1I cant install ubuntu-desktop package18:36
LjLiShock: so it's actually detecting the disc18:36
LjLiShock: in /dev/cdrw18:36
Spasysheeppgup: still not working, gave an error about medibuntus pgp key Ljl: whats pastebin18:36
ferronicaLjL: nothing asked :(18:36
iShockLjL, so why can't Brasero/K3b find it?18:36
pgup i am unable to view the stream provided by the following swf http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/images/site/videozone/video_320x240.swf any ideas how i may go about doing so, i have flas instaled, youtube works18:36
LjLjamil_1: what's the error?18:36
zsquarepluscLjL, ferronica there are sections in menu.lst that you can edit. and options for the kernels are written in the comments there. update-grub will look at these18:37
iShockLjL: cat: /dev/cdrw: No medium found18:37
kkswhat is a primary use for ubuntu?18:37
pgupspasysheep: thats an easy fix18:37
LuciferShould stage1 be found under /boot/GRUB?18:37
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash18:37
The_Banana_GuyCan someone find the e-book of Robot Building for Beginners by David Cook?????18:37
Spasysheeppgup: how do I do it then?18:37
chfwiggumThe_Banana_Guy: duuude, wrong chan here18:38
[c0re]i broken my gnome by installing a themee.. i cant change the themes via appearance... is there any alternative  way to fix it??18:38
pgupspasysheep: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring && sudo apt-get update18:38
exodus_msjamil_1, I know it's not the same 'exact' problem as yours but read through it it might help, try this --> http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/130212-ubuntu-desktop.html18:38
islamux<FloodBot1>   http://paste.ubuntu.com/78093/plain/18:38
ScuniziI've looked in /.local/share/Trash and there is nothing .. yet my trash has a folder with files in it.. Where do I find it?18:38
LuciferI don't have stage1 under /boot/GRUB, but it is under /media/dis-1/usr/lib/grub/i386pc18:38
ferronicaLjL: zsquareplusc: i did sudo update-grub and output = Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic, Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic18:38
Luciferis there something wrong if grub isn't under /boot?18:38
LjLferronica: but the kernel still wasn't added to menu.lst?18:39
oskar-[c0re], what do you mean with "appearance"? have you tried to run this from a shell and then setting it? "gnome-appearance-properties"18:39
pguphe following sf file does not play from ubuntu http://www.ndtv.com/convergence/ndtv/images/site/videozone/video_320x240.swf ,  my frndzs on win xp can play it18:39
ferronicaLjL: zsquareplusc: yes  kernel vmlinuz-2.6.27-9-generic not listed :(18:39
[c0re]oskar-, gnome-appearance-properties18:39
Spasysheeppgup: still same errors, just got rid of pgp complaint18:39
iShockLjL: I'm gonna give a CD-RW I found a shot.18:40
oskar-[c0re], can't you change it that way?18:40
[c0re]oskar-, there was a theme called Qt4. i selected it then whole gnome gone crazy.18:40
losetheshizzlehey all.. quick question:  i added galeon but didn't like it, so i removed it.  however, it still shows up under the internet menu.. where can i go to delete the entry?18:40
[c0re]i am on fluxbox18:40
[c0re]i cant use gnome..18:40
LjLferronica: pastebin your current menu.lst please18:40
ScuniziNevermind.. found it .. I hate it when the system creates trash files on external usb devices.. so unnecessary18:41
ferronicaLjL: system update time it asked me want to keep current settings, both new and old or new :( my bad i selected current settings18:41
exodus_msjamil_1, you could aslo try this --> 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' 'sudo apt-get clean all' 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop'18:41
ferronicaLjL: Ok18:41
oskar-[c0re], we know that, but what error messages appear, when you try to change it? what goes wrong?18:41
kernandocan anyone help my ubuntu si messed up somehwo... i cant right click anymore for some reason and whenever i use my mouse in applications it doesnt work i have to use the keyboard.. i know my mouse workds tho bebcause ijust booted into windows and its all good18:41
irpapabearhello all18:41
[c0re]oskar-, the gui....18:41
jamil_1exodus_ms: a min plz18:41
pgupspsasysheep System>Admin>Softwaresources>Ubuntu Software make sure everything is selected, you could leave out "source" and under the Third Party tab make sure your medibuntu sources are ticked18:41
LuciferCan someone help with GRUB? I'm trying to install it, but stage1 isn't in the right place.....18:42
[c0re]oskar-, all apps were closing it self when mouse over18:42
iShockLjL: Ftw, it found my blank CD-RW18:42
ferronicaLjL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78097/18:42
losetheshizzleanyone know how to edit/delete items on the ubuntu main menu > internet?18:42
LuciferI type "setup (hd0)", but it just says that /boot/grub/stage1 doesn't exist18:43
vix85can I use openjdk for applets in firefox? I am using Ubuntu x6418:43
vix85or should I install 32bit x86 firefox with x86 sun-jdk ?18:44
ferronicaLjL: everything Okay?18:44
LjLferronica: yeah it looks ok to me... what are its permissions?18:45
ferronicaLjL: permissions ??18:45
LjLferronica: ls -l /boot/grub/menu.lst18:46
islamux        http://paste.ubuntu.com/78093/plain/18:46
kkswhat menu path does ndiswrapper install to?18:46
ferronicaLjL: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4600 2008-11-30 00:08 /boot/grub/menu.lst18:47
oskar-[c0re], try to reset the theme via console: (1) "gconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme"  (2) "gconftool-2 -?unset /apps/metacity/general/theme"  (3) "gconftool-2 -?unset /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme"18:47
StoneNewtsorry to iterupt but what are you doing tCzern?NoGRlioli18:48
ScuniziLucifer: first "sudo grub"  .. then "find /boot/grub/stage1".. then with the reference it returns "root (hd<reference,reference>).. then setup (hd<referenced first number)..then "quit"18:48
oskar-[c0re], here again for copy/paste: (1) "gconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme"  (2) "gconftool-2 --unset /apps/metacity/general/theme"  (3) "gconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme"18:48
jamil_1exodus_ms:  I am still getting the same error18:48
meoblast001is /etc/init.d/ircd-hybrid restart the correct comand to restart ircd-hybrid18:48
LjLferronica: that seems ok also. check if you have a /etc/default/grub18:48
meoblast001its failing for me18:48
jamil_1exodus_ms:  :'(18:48
[c0re]oskar-, ok lamme try to login gnome18:49
Yahovahmeoblast001: killall -HUP ircd-hybrid18:49
meoblast001how do i restart it18:49
Yahovahmeoblast001: Actually, this is a special feature of hybrid.18:49
rniamohi, how to convert the "." in a char * which represent the current folder ? (in C)18:49
meoblast001Yahovah, what?18:49
Yahovahmeoblast001: Yeah18:50
meoblast001that didnt make sense18:50
Yahovahmeoblast001: Sure it does. If you're too stupid to figure out how to run hybrid, it locks you and and refuses to function.18:50
Yahovahmeoblast001: This is how the IRC world works.18:50
meoblast001Yahovah, no i cant figure out why it wont restart18:50
Yahovahmeoblast001: Yes, hybrid is actively conspiring against you.18:51
ferronicaLjL: no grub under default18:51
oskar-rniamo, char *s = "."; // then s is your char *, pointing to a . and following \018:51
meoblast001Yahovah, dang.. the fans on my server go fullspeed until Ubuntu starts18:52
oskar-rniamo, or what did you mean? ;)18:52
oskar-does it work, [c0re]?18:52
rniamooskar- : i want to convert "." in "/home/rniamo" for example18:52
reidmy network-manager applet is gone forever lol...18:53
[c0re]oskar-, yes18:53
[c0re]i am on gnome now18:53
oskar-[c0re], perfect18:53
oskar-rniamo, do you know the functions getcwd, getwd, get_current_dir_name?18:53
[c0re]thanks dude18:53
meoblast001Yahovah, what did you do.. its refusing my connection now18:53
exodus_msLjL, can you help jamil_1 please. I don't know what else to do http://paste.ubuntu.com/78104/18:53
oskar-who is responsible for the ubottu messages?18:53
ferronicaLjL: is there anyway to completely uninstall new kernel 2.6.27-9 from system, and then "sudo apt-get update" fresh install the new kernel ?18:54
LjLexodus_ms, jamil_1: i'd need to see /etc/apt/sources.list18:54
rniamooskar- : i'm looking at, thanks18:54
LjLferronica: yes but i doubt that would help... or --reinstall would have helped as well18:54
exodus_msjamil_1,  passed this on to LjL. go here to see what we have tried so far http://paste.ubuntu.com/78104/18:54
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LjLoskar-: #ubuntu-ops is18:55
ferronicaLjL: i think already tried reinstall :(18:55
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exodus_msjamil_1, he is very knowledgeable and should be able to get you on your way :)18:55
jattlinux-image-2.6.24-22-generic doesn't recognize my sound card, linux-image-2.6.24-19-generic does.18:55
sniper2008why the "ubuntu.fr" doesn't work?18:56
oskar-ok, should i post a suggestion for a completion in that channel?18:56
CaMason__Hi guys... just installed a fresh copy of 8.10.. but I Can't find openssh-server in synaptic package manager18:56
LjL!bot > oskar-    (oskar-, see the private message from ubottu) you can just use standard bot commands to do that18:56
jatt00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)18:56
oskar-LjL, thanks18:56
SookeHi guys,18:56
martmanim trying to setup nfs between 2 machines. the client can read the share but not write. exports gives rw and fstab mounts with rw. im also doing this as root18:56
martmananyone know what might be wrong?18:56
LjLsniper2008: uhm? if you're looking for the french channel, that's #ubuntu-fr18:56
sniper2008how can I watch TV on my pc with ubuntu 8.04?18:56
sniper2008LjL: thanks18:57
Yahovahsniper2008: Buy a TV.18:57
LjLjamil_1, please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list18:57
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv18:57
LjL!tv > sniper2008    (sniper2008, see the private message from ubottu)18:57
sniper2008Yahovah: ohhhh yeah, nice....18:57
LjLYahovah: that's not really useful advice18:57
ScuniziCaMason__: it's there I just looked it up.. have you tried refreshing the repos? or making sure universe/multiverse are enabled?18:57
martmanCaMason__ could try searching for ssh or do it from the command line, onliner18:57
martman*one liner18:57
ScuniziCaMason__: sudo apt-get install openssh-server18:57
ferronicaLjL: any idea what next step :(18:58
CaMason__ahh perhaps I need to enable those sources then18:58
jamil_1LjL:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/78112/18:59
meoblast001whats wrong with my server18:59
meoblast001its all broke now18:59
martmanfuck, its because ubuntu hates root again.....great19:00
martmannever mind...19:00
LjLferronica: perhaps i do19:00
meoblast001Yahovah broke my server19:00
LjLferronica: try changing something in the commented kopts= line. anything, add "quiet" for instance19:00
meoblast001i dont know19:00
LjLferronica: then update-grub and see19:00
meoblast001im just blaming ppl cuz i dont know why it wont work19:00
LjL!language | martman19:01
ubottumartman: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:01
SookeI have a general question for you. I have been a former C/C++ programer under MS platforms for several years, and now I moved to Ubuntu recently; I want to keep programming but I don't know where can I start from; What tools do we have outthere to program using C/C++? frameworks, gui libraries, etc.. thanks19:01
Yahovahmeoblast001: Like I said, it's a defense mechanism.19:01
meoblast001Yahovah, it doesnt even say [OK] during the restart19:01
meoblast001nor [Fail]19:01
Donhow do i install crossover19:01
meoblast001and /etc/init.d/init.d/ircd-hybrid start doesnt even line break at the end19:01
jurowhere can I find out why I can't activate the "Visual Effects"?19:02
LjLjamil_1: have you ever actually installed anything from those "proposed" repositories that you have listed (but currently commented out)?19:02
Yahovahjuro: glxinfo19:02
ScuniziSooke: I don't program but I know that "build-essential" will get you many things that are necessary for the environment that you're trying to work in..19:02
meoblast001its letting me in now19:02
meoblast001no its not19:02
juroYahovah, it tells me "Error: couldn't find RGB GLX visual", what does that mean?19:03
meoblast001it let me in once and then said.... no more19:03
Donhow do i install crossover19:03
Yahovahjuro: It means you need to enable glx.19:03
meoblast001maybe i need to wait for ircd-idiot to figure itself out19:03
SookeScunizi, Thanks I will try them; Hoever in MS it was quite normal to user a bunch of "usuall tools" like for example VIsual C, C++Builder, gcc, and that's all, so I wanted to know what are the mos common tools in the same way in Ubuntu/Linux19:03
MrBougohello... i'm trying to replace gedit with geany but I can't figure out how19:03
juroYahovah, in my xorg.conf?19:04
Yahovahjuro: Yes19:04
n8tuserSooke-> you can use eclipse as an IDE,  qt4 ,tk are for guis19:04
Static--Don: do you have the install file?19:04
juroYahovah, hmm, I hope I don't stuff that up - took me hours to get my Dell 2407wfp running at 1920x1200 ...19:04
MrBougoI tried editing ~/.local/share/apps/default.list, no chance... I tried affecting the alternatives with galternatives, no chance either... 'open with "text editor"' is still the first choice I get for opening files19:05
Yahovahjuro: Then make a backup.19:05
Donno i neet to download it but where19:05
n8tuserSooke-> and yes gcc are the basic tools for compilation, autoconf and the Makefile are standards too19:05
Sooken8tuser, ok, so the option will be gcc as compiler, Eclipse as IDE and qt4 as gui framework right? But what is the difference between qt4 and tk?19:05
xscottx3anyone know when openoffice 3 will be back up and running for download?19:05
ardchoilleMrBougo: right click a text file > Properties > Open With tab ?19:06
n8tuserSooke-> i dont know the pertinent details qt4 vs tk19:06
MrBougoardchoille, it does not remember my choice19:06
SookeAlso here is another quesiton I come up with, what about "visual" tools like C++ Builder for example? Is there something simmilar in Linux?19:06
juroYahovah, I would have assumed that the load option 'glx' loads lgx ..... http://pastebin.com/d628cb21b19:06
Yahovahjuro: Look in your xorg.log file to see why it's failing to load19:07
ubottuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot19:08
quentusrexRather than change the user and group of apache from www-data:www-data how can I give a particular user and group full rights to www-data?19:08
n8tuserSooke-> http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/   is the Makefile ..autoconf tools19:09
=== Jguy2 is now known as Jguy
zsquarepluscquentusrex: adduser theother www-data19:09
xscottx3have a quick theme question, I download a theme (gtk-2.0) and drag into theme box to install and says install successful but theme does not look as it does on the internet?19:09
MrBougook ardchoille that was just silly19:09
MrBougoardchoille, went into the properties, "open with" and selected geany19:09
n8tuserSooke-> umm checkout eclipse with plugins for c and cross compilations perhaps19:09
MrBougoI would like to know where these associations are stored though...19:10
ardchoilleMrBougo: That's what I meant, sorry i wasn't ore descriptive19:10
Sooken8tuser, ok, thanks19:10
MrBougowell, thank you retroactively then19:10
mixed-_-what type of partition type would you recommend for a nubuntu installation?19:10
arno-thi all my firefox has started segfaulting a lot recently. Is this a known issue? I have memtest86+'ed my box and it seems ok, and other apps are not crashing...19:10
xscottx3have a quick theme question, I download a theme (gtk-2.0) and drag into theme box to install and says install successful but theme does not look as it should?19:11
SookeIt seems that BuilderX is the solution coming from Borland to give to Linux C++ Builder..19:11
ardchoilleMrBougo: that writes a new file for you: ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list19:11
MrBougooooh, mimeapps19:11
MrBougothank you19:11
flacohey... I got a problem with the audio... the volume is too low even if the volume control is set to max value..... I check alsamixer and is at max volume possible... any ideas?19:11
ardchoilleMrBougo: I just learn how to do that two days ago :)19:11
arno-teven "firefox -safe-mode" segfaults. it's current firefox from ibex repos.19:12
godberanyone know how to make F10 (or other function keys) work in the gnome terminal?19:12
=== orly is now known as Guest23265
godberI already tried http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/16/disabling-the-f10-key-menu-accelerators-in-gnome-terminal/19:12
godberneither method seems to have an effect19:12
mixed-_-flaco:  check all the settings in alsamixer, you might want to turn up the master control and try the rest of the controls, see what happens19:12
SookeBut BuilderX is not in the reposteries19:12
leandrobeleza galera?19:12
richee# Appears as ANNA19:12
juroYahovah, it seems that something is wrong with the libglx.so - " undefined symbol: _nv001457gl"19:13
richee(#G7::E010M1) hi19:13
leandroAlguem do Brasil?19:13
flacomixed-_-: I got only one option in alsamixer... the Master sound... nothing more19:13
meoblast001why is my IRCd-Hybrid only allowing 1 CGI:IRC in simultaneously?19:13
Guest23265hi! i have ubuntu 8.10 installed on my thinkpad t40. when i accidentally disconnected my external hdd, sound just stopped to work, i19:13
Sookerichee, was that for me? (ANNA)19:13
ExecutiveOrderdoes anyone know how i get evince to save my place? it would in gutsy and now its not and its really hard to find my spot every time19:13
Guest23265on my windows install sound works perfectly19:13
fosco_!br  | leandro19:14
ubottuleandro: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:14
diffredok I've installed the xmms2 package so I want a mp3 player, but it don't have GUI19:14
diffredwhat package should I install to get a GUI xmms219:14
fosco_diffred: use audacious19:14
Nuithey hey hey19:14
ardchoillediffred:  gxmms219:15
diffredardchoille: thanks :)19:15
Sookefosco_, talking about audacious; I noticed that the sound is not enough high as with Totem or other software, I had to enable the equalizer ... is there somethiung I am missing?19:15
NuitUSB stop working and theres a msg on 7var/log/messages saying kernel: [  121.764755] usb 6-1: USB disconnect, address 2  -   anyone?19:15
fosco_Sooke: i've got same levels :-?19:15
Sookefosco_, weird then19:16
[c0re]oskar-, thanks dude....19:16
cdeszaqHello. I am running Ubuntu Intrepid, and have an Audiology2 7.1 Sound card hooked into a 7.1 speaker system. It seems that I can only get sound out of the front left and right speakers. Nothing I do in alsamixer makes sound come out of any of the other speakers. However, when I run  speaker-test -Dplug:surround71 -c8 -l1 -twav I get playback from each speaker. How can I get my system to at least use all speakers, and if possible, actually have surround-sou19:17
Donwith what command do i run an .sh file???19:17
cdeszaqDon: "./"19:18
[c0re]Don, ./filename.sh19:18
rwwcan we get a !creative that says "Creative's drivers suck. Go complain in #creative"? :P19:18
meoblast001why can i only have 1 CGI:IRC client connected simultaniously to my IRCD-Hybrid server... i think its because all the clients use the same IP... but i dont know how to fix that19:18
Prettowhat is  the difference between sudo su and sudo  -i?19:18
Donit tells me that the commad is not found19:18
Donwhat should i do19:18
[c0re]Don, what is the .sh file name?19:18
rwwDon: make sure it's marked as executable: chmod u+x install-crossover-pro-7.1.0.sh19:19
[c0re]Don, without .sh or with .sh19:19
rwwDon: then try ./install-crossover-pro-7.1.0.sh again19:19
[c0re]Don, you will need to chmod it.... chmod +x install-crossover-pro-7.1.0.sh19:20
heret1c'lo :)19:20
NuitUSB stop working and theres a msg on 7var/log/messages saying kernel: [  121.764755] usb 6-1: USB disconnect, address 2  -   anyone may be of help?19:20
[c0re]Don, before running it19:20
rwwDon: (chmod = CHange MODe; u+x = add eXecutable mode to User)19:21
[c0re]rww, +x is enough i believe.19:21
Donthx it worked19:21
rww[c0re]: huh, didn't know that19:22
heret1chas anyone here used ps-watcher? It doesn't say where it wants its config file.19:22
heret1c(have a problem w. amule crashing, and try to use psw to restart it)19:23
MaveasWorld best and free FTP client for linux is ... ? :)19:24
godberMaveas, NCFTP19:24
rwwMaveas: if you're using gnome, Places -> Connect to Server... :P19:24
Maveasrww, lol, it's that simple, haha :P19:24
Maveasthanks beauti :-)19:24
Xcercai did ctrl+ z on apt-get while it was downloading a 101MB package that i wanted to stop , so now how do i stop the process so that i don't get the Unable to lock the administration directory error ?19:24
zsquarepluscXcerca: type "fg"19:25
rwwXcerca: type "fg" to get it back, then do Ctrl+C19:25
Flare183Whats up you guys? I've got a question, on internet connection sharing. I am trying to connect my ubuntu desktop to my freebsd server and use my desktop19:25
rwwXcerca: (assuming you want to quit it once you get it back)19:25
Flare183Whats up you guys? I've got a question, on internet connection sharing. I am trying to connect my ubuntu desktop to my freebsd server and use my desktop's wireless card to connect with the internet on my server. How can I do this?19:26
Flare183Sorry about the first message (I messed up)19:26
[c0re]Maveas, filezilla19:26
[Sarai]Hello! I have an HP pavillion tz2000x, testing Ubuntu on a live cd. Everytime I wake the computer up from sleep, the cursor disappears. Any ideas?19:26
[c0re]Maveas, get it from www.getdeb.org19:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:27
Xcercarww  , thanks , i did ctrl alt backspace already,  i thought that would stop it but i quess i was wrong,  how can i list all the processes and pid and just do kill on apt-get ?19:27
fapmasterHey guys i booted up my ubuntu 8.10 and i got a black screen with command line that says (initramfs) how to fix?19:27
rwwXcerca: ps -AH19:27
nbeeboanyone know how i can drag icons to awn to make a new launcher? i did it once19:27
rwwXcerca: PIDs are the leftmost number in the output19:27
fapmasterHey guys i booted up my ubuntu 8.10 and i got a black screen with command line that says (initramfs) how to fix?19:27
fapmasterits ona  fresh install19:28
[c0re][Sarai], install ubuntu :p19:28
Tiodivertidome leeis?19:28
Flare183!es | Tiodivertido19:28
ubottuTiodivertido: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:28
[Sarai][cOre]: so that will fix it?19:28
ferronicaLjL: nothing worked :(19:28
nbeebodoes any1 know any good task manager except tint and xfce? thats minimal,19:28
heret1cnbeebo: rox?19:29
[Sarai][cOre]: I am going to install, but I wanted to make sure this wouldn't happen on an installed version19:29
Flare183nbeebo: Task manager? lol System Monitor is your task manager19:29
rwwnbeebo: isn't tint a tetris clone? or am i thinking of a different tint?19:29
oskar-nbeebo, at and batch ;-)19:29
nbeeboflare83, ok nice to know19:29
heret1cnbeebo: assume u mean "filer"...19:30
nbeeborww, ttm, tint task manager 219:30
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.19:30
Roeyis TrueCrypt in Ibex?19:30
Flare183Roey: I think so19:30
RoeyFlare183:  I couldn't find it at all19:30
StevenJoswayHello can someone help me fix this start up error? its under configuring network interfaces: /etc/rcS.d/S46mountnfs-bootclean.sh: 29: /etc/init.d/bootclean: not found19:30
Flare183Roey: hol don19:30
Flare183hold on*19:30
nbeeboso noone knows? i guess ill google as usual19:30
rwwRoey: doesn't look like it, actually19:31
Killer--Tuxam looking for a text to speech  software19:31
Killer--Tuxani idea anybody19:31
Flare183Roey: Nope, I was wrong19:31
fosco_Killer--Tux: festival19:31
oskar-Killer--Tux, espeak19:31
rwwRoey: there's an Ubuntu package at http://www.truecrypt.org/downloads.php (use the dropdown box near the bottom)19:32
RoeyFlare183:  hrm, ok.19:32
Roeyrww:  oh, thanks!!!19:32
rwwRoey: that's assuming you don't mind non-repository packages19:32
Roeywhy the heck isn't it in ibex?19:32
Killer--Tuxwhat is the difference between them19:32
Flare183Roey: Sorry about that19:32
Roeyrww:  it's fine with me19:32
Symmetriaanyone know of any nntp cache/proxy software they can recommend (basically something like... squid for nntp) ;p19:32
RoeyFlare183:  it's all good, thanks though!19:32
StevenJoswayHello can someone help me fix this start up error? its under configuring network interfaces: /etc/rcS.d/S46mountnfs-bootclean.sh: 29: /etc/init.d/bootclean: not found19:32
Flare183Roey: Because you have crypt19:32
rwwRoey: not sure. I'm curious about that too :)19:32
fapmasterHey guys i booted up my ubuntu 8.10 and i got a black screen with command line that says (initramfs) how to fix?19:32
MaveasJust installed Filezilla.. Can't read the text - it's so white19:32
Flare183Maveas: Fix your theme/colors19:33
MaveasMy ubuntu theme or Filezilla? :S19:33
fapmasterCan no one help me19:33
nbeebook ill ask again, does any1 know any good minimal task manager? like gnome panel etc19:33
rww!grub | fapmaster: I know it isn't exactly the same situation, but try the first link in this19:33
ubottufapmaster: I know it isn't exactly the same situation, but try the first link in this: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:33
MaveasI'm using DarkRoom - everything else is OK19:33
Killer--Tuxfosco how do i start it19:34
rwwfapmaster: initramfs messages are usually a sign of misconfigured GRUB, and that link will fix that hopefully.19:34
=== duarte is now known as subalges
fapmasterrww,  i have not installed windows How ever i am booting from usb my bios dont support it so i have to use a cd to boot from it19:34
RoeyFlare183:  ok19:35
rwwfapmaster: That's a ... convoluted system. No wonder you're having problems O_O19:35
Flare183Maveas: Your ubuntu  them19:35
Roeybut it performs differnet hings19:35
cdeszaqHello. I am running Ubuntu Intrepid, and have an Audiology2 7.1 Sound card hooked into a 7.1 speaker system. It seems that I can only get sound out of the front left and right speakers. Nothing I do in alsamixer makes sound come out of any of the other speakers. However, when I run  speaker-test -Dplug:surround71 -c8 -l1 -twav I get playback from each speaker. How can I get my system to at least use all speakers, and if possible, actually have surround-sou19:36
Roeycrypt and truecrypt perform different things19:36
Roeyrww:  its license is not GPL19:36
MaveasFlare183: But everything else is OK19:36
Roeyrww:  I do not know if it is compatible with Free Software19:36
StevenJoswayhow do I access my init script?19:36
rwwRoey: Oh! Duh, I knew that. Thanks for the reminder.19:36
StevenJoswaylike to edit it19:36
PeregrinoDo anyone know how to connect to a 64/128 hex WEP wifi connection in Intrepid?19:37
MaveasFlare183: It's only Filezilla which is fucking :/19:37
Flare183Maveas: I know what you mean, if you don't want to change your theme's colors then use the FireFTP addon for Mozilla Firefox19:37
nbeebowhat the crab does u call a panel like gnome panel?19:37
Flare183!language | Maveas19:37
ubottuMaveas: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:37
MaveasYeah, ok, so sorry19:37
Flare183nbeebo: ?19:37
Flare183Maveas: np19:37
rwwnbeebo: usually, a panel...19:37
losetheshizzleanyone know the proper steps to install a wacom pen tablet with rich features?  i have one and the pen automatically works, but the mouse doesn't and the pen's pressure sensitivity isn't working19:37
Flare183StevenJosway: Its in your /boot folder19:37
[Sarai]So, my disappearing cursor problem will be fixed by installing ubuntu?19:38
Flare183StevenJosway: np19:38
MaveasWhat is the directory that contains the init directories (rc0.d/ to rc6.d/)?19:38
MaveasIs that right? ^19:38
StevenJoswayis there like a list file command?19:38
nbeeboflare183, uhmmmmmm we who used windows once call it another name, more global lol..19:38
MaveasI'm about to install VMWare Server 219:38
oskar-Maveas, yes19:38
losetheshizzleanyone ever install a wacom tablet?19:38
nbeeboflare183, maybe start panel ....19:38
Flare183nbeebo: I know, I still use Winblows, but that often19:39
rwwStevenJosway: ls19:39
rwwStevenJosway: or ls -a19:39
* Flare183 says Windows = Winblows19:39
rwwStevenJosway: what are you trying to do? Maybe there's a specific file we can direct you to...19:39
fapmasterrww,  do you know how to boot grub on a cd19:39
rwwfapmaster: nope. I had enough trouble getting USB boot to work the other day. No idea how to do CD and USB boot19:40
StevenJoswayi screwed everything up19:40
Flare183StevenJosway: How?19:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winblows19:40
StevenJoswayi get a  start up error its under configuring network interfaces: /etc/rcS.d/S46mountnfs-bootclean.sh: 29: /etc/init.d/bootclean: not found19:40
* Flare183 laughs19:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about m$19:40
Flare183!ms | nbeebo19:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ms19:40
rww!fishing | nbeebo19:40
ubottunbeebo: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:40
=== Squawk_ is now known as Squawk
Flare183!botabuse > nbeebo19:40
ubottunbeebo, please see my private message19:40
Flare183!windows > nbeebo19:40
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:41
ferronica_LjL: any idea??19:41
Flare183ferronica_: you had to ask19:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:42
ferronica_Flare183: he know my problem :(19:42
nbeebodoes anyone know any minimal window manager?19:42
Flare183nbeebo: Yes19:42
oskar-nbeebo, twm19:43
nbeeboflare183 just realized it wasnt window manager...19:43
Flare183!windowmanagers | nbeebo19:43
ubottunbeebo: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors19:43
MaveasWhat is the C compiler for 8.10 named?19:43
MaveasVMWare ask for it :S19:43
Flare183Maveas: gcc19:43
Flare183!spam hudsonfire19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam hudsonfire19:43
Flare183!spam | hudsonfire19:43
ubottuhudsonfire: Unsure how you should behave on this channel? See (in a private message with the bot, /msg ubottu <keyword>): !AskTheBot, !CoC, !Guidelines, !Offtopic, !Language, !Attitude, !Repeat, !Enter, !Paste, !Caps, !NickSpam, !PM, !English - And most importantly, use common sense...19:43
nbeeboahh now i remember! task bar!19:43
rwwMaveas: if you haven't already, sudo apt-get install build-essential19:43
MaveasGot it then :)19:44
MaveasLove you guys xD19:44
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:44
FloodBot1Maveas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:44
rwwMaveas: and if i remember correctly, the VMWare defaults are usually right19:44
Flare183hudsonfire: one more time and your dead19:44
heret1chas anyone here used ps-watcher to restart amule after a crash?19:44
nbeeboso does anyone know any minimal taskbar?19:44
linuxnoophello i need help with my wine and/ore crossover with bolth windows simulators i want to play cs source but when i start css it sends me to my log in screen what can i do19:44
Flare183nbeebo: no such thing, I don't think19:44
ferronica_Flare183: do u know how to install new kernel 2.6.27-9?19:45
nbeeboflare183 oh dammit19:45
Flare183hudsonfire: your deaed19:45
LF|Irssi!op | hudsonfire19:45
heret1cnbeebo: nextbar?19:45
ubottuhudsonfire: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:45
Flare183!ops | hudsonfire19:45
Flare183LF|Irssi: I got it19:45
nbeeboflare183 nah there is, searched taskbar on google image, came up with i wanted, for u too heret1c19:45
LF|Irssiok it's "you're" for the record Flare183 :)19:45
Flare183LF|Irssi: Its ok19:46
Flare183LF|Irssi: :)19:46
linuxnoophello i need help with my wine and/ore crossover with bolth windows simulators i want to play cs source but when i start css it sends me to my log in screen what can i do19:46
Ayabaraanyone know a way I can remove iptc keywords from a bunch of jpg-pics?19:46
Flare183!repeat | linuxnoop19:46
ubottulinuxnoop: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:46
rwwlinuxnoop: #winehq :)19:46
JDogHermancan someone help me with a disc usage issue?19:46
nbeebo!linuxnoop | wine19:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linuxnoop19:47
Flare183!wine | linuxnoop19:47
ubottulinuxnoop: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help19:47
losetheshizzlewacom pentablet help?19:47
nbeebo!wine | linuxnoop19:47
* Flare183 say hehe19:47
hlfshellHello all - i am having permissions trouble when trying to clear my trash. How can I clear my trash as SU?19:47
linuxnoopyes i have wine but it dose not work right19:48
hlfshellwhatre you trying to get to work linuxnoop ?19:48
Odd-rationalehlfshell: try "sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash"19:48
hlfshelltrying that now, thanks Odd-rationale19:48
gpledcan someone help me get my sound working.  stopped working after 8.10 upgrade19:49
linuxnoopcounter strike source i want to play it19:49
scienteswhat should i use for monitoring?19:49
Flare183!enter | bruenig19:49
ubottubruenig: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:49
hlfshellthanks Odd-rationale - that worked perfectly :-)19:49
bruenig!hi | Flare18319:49
LF|Irssiscientes: monitoring what?19:49
ubottuFlare183: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about munin19:49
Odd-rationalehlfshell: np19:49
Flare183!botabuse | bruenig19:49
bruenig!thanks | Flare18319:49
ubottubruenig: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:49
TyphoxHi, I need help19:49
ubottuFlare183: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:49
TyphoxMy Internet doesn't work19:49
scientesnetwork omnitoring19:49
hlfshellah... linuxnoop did you read the comments under the wine app db's entry for counterstrike source?19:49
=== [Sarai] is now known as [Sarai]|[brb]
Flare183!away | [Sarai]|[brb]19:50
ubottu[Sarai]|[brb]: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»19:50
pfohey guys - i just got myself a new screen with 2058x1152 resolution (16:9 ratio) - how do i configure X to run in native res?19:50
LF|Irssiscientes: maybe nmap19:50
bruenig!ask | Flare18319:50
scientesLF|Irssi,  lol :)19:50
ubottuFlare183: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:50
[Sarai]|[brb]oh sorry19:50
nbeebodoes anyone know if virtual computers will be able to use the graphic card soon?..19:50
TyphoxMy Ubuntu tries to connect with eth0 but then it aborts19:50
scientesTyphox, try sudo dhclient eth019:51
nbeeboor does someone that reads alot of linux news never seen anything about it?19:51
Flare183!ot | nbeebo19:51
ubottunbeebo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:51
bruenig!pm | Flare18319:51
ubottuFlare183: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:51
Flare183bruenig: Good bye19:51
Flare183!ops | bruenig19:51
ubottubruenig: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!19:51
pfonbeebo: wanna know if vmware, vbox, etc. will ever support hw accled 3d graphics?19:51
Striking8Hey all - I'm running Hardy, and I don't have any packages like  libcurl-dev, libcurl3-dev, curl-dev, etc available in synaptic.19:52
pfonbeebo: vmware already does that.19:52
nbeebopfo: yes exactly19:52
Striking8I have all the channels enabled.19:52
Striking8Any idea why there aren't any curl development packages available to me?19:52
pfonbeebo: parallels for mac supports that too.19:52
Striking8How would it just disappear?19:52
* Flare183 thinks the bot is getting abused19:52
jussi01bruenig: please dont abuse the bot19:52
nbeebopfo: i meant for windows..19:52
gpledmessage me if you can assist19:52
* bruenig shrug19:52
EugenMayerany idea why all the movies i can watch seem to have wrong colors? faces are not "yellow" but more blue .. and stuff like this19:52
* Flare183 addes bruenig to his ignore list19:52
timlarsonshould I expect sound to work for flash 10 in firefox 3.0.4 on Intrepid?19:53
nbeebopfo: :S ok last question.. u think its possible to do so?19:53
rmnI'm having a home server with ubuntu 8.04, and i'm using it a lot with FreeNX.  Do I strictly speaking need a graphics card?19:53
Starnestommy /ll nbeebo19:53
MaveasHow do I uninstall VMWare?:S19:53
pfonbeebo: it is, but not like you ask.19:53
MaveasLike a COMPLETE uninstall?19:53
Striking8Maveas - there should be a vmware-uninstall script19:53
TyphoxThanks scientes19:53
nbeebopfo: ok thanks19:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ll19:53
Striking8Maveas: did you install it by downloading it from their website or from synaptic?19:53
duryhi there all :)19:53
nbeebostarnestommy did u mean anything with /ll?19:54
Striking8Maveas: K.  I believe it's called vmware-uninstall.pl - run it with sudo of course19:54
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
Starnestommynbeebo: I was trying to see what you said last in my client to see if I might have an answer to your question19:54
mikebeechamhi guys...can someone tell me what application i can use to put a windows .exe file into a zip package?19:54
MaveasStriking8: Thanks19:54
FeanixI am searching for a list of the packages in the 6.10 edgy repository. I do not need the actual packages, I just need some version numbers. Can someone tell me where to find that?19:54
nbeebostarnestommy oh ok19:55
timlarsonis there an up-to-date config page for pulseaudio on intrepid?19:55
pfohow can i setup my new QWXGA display ?19:55
zsquarepluscFeanix: packages.ubuntu.com19:55
=== rconan_ is now known as rconan
StarnestommyFeanix: 6.10 isn't supported anymore19:55
gpleddoes anyone know how to get sound working on 8.10?19:55
duryI got compiz installed... but in all sides of the cube there is the same wallpaper... how can I put different one in each side?19:55
scientesTyphox, if you want a static ip heres a basic /etc/network/interfaces file http://pastie.org/326739 (for behind a nat)19:55
Flare183!intel | gpled19:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel19:55
ikoniadury: compiz is already installed on a default ubuntu 7.10 or later install19:55
FeanixStarnestommy: I know, I do not need 6.10, i just need the information about 6.1019:55
ikoniadury: you don't need to install it19:55
diffredhow do I minimize audacious to the system tray?19:56
Striking8Maveas: Np.19:56
pyropheliais it possible to connection rates of individual clients connected to an apache server?19:56
Feanixzsquareplusc: I checked there already19:56
mikebeechamhi guys...can someone tell me what application i can use to put a windows .exe file into a zip package?19:56
pyropheliais it possible to examine* the connection rates...19:56
Striking8Anyone here running Hardy that can check if they have a libcurl3-dev package available to them?19:56
ikoniapyrophelia: you can use qos and iptables to log details19:56
pyropheliaikonia, I need live stats19:56
ikoniapyrophelia: look at the apache modules, there is things like connection tracking, and qos can shape and give you live tracking19:57
diffredHi ! anyone using Audacious can help me with newbie stuff?19:57
ikoniapyrophelia: keep in mind each apache daemon can serve multiple clients so it' quite hard to monitor individual connections19:57
duryikonia: the thing is that I got the cube... right... but in each side of the cube it's the same wallpaper... how can I put different one?19:57
pyropheliaikonia, didn't think about that19:57
ikoniadury: I'm curious to why you had to install compiz-fusion when it's already re-installed19:58
Donhlfshell are you still thare19:58
diffredno one here that uses audacious to help me with completely newbie stuff? (minimize to tray, adding a collection)?19:59
Ahmedguys, could any of you help me with nVidia drivers?20:00
nbeebodiffred i dont use it but u sure there isnt an option to add folder?20:00
diffrednbeebo: yep , but what I'm looking for is any way to add a folder and that audacious refresh it any time I add a song to that foldeer20:01
cg_hi all, the minimum number of disks required for a raid-5 array under mdadm is 3, or could you run it 'okay', albeit degraded, with only 2 disks?20:01
Ahmedhttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Intrepid#NVidia_Driver <-- been to this page, but when I do this command " sudo killall gdm" my Ubuntu freezes and I have to just reboot the machine :/20:01
duryikonia: it depends a graphic card you have... mine is pretty well... so compiz is running perfect.. I got the cube which I great effect in 3D but the same wallpaper I want to know how yo put different one... that's all20:01
AhmedI have a NVidia GeForce 7050 / NForce 610i20:01
YahovahAhmed: sudo killall X20:02
rwwdiffred: if you don't get helped here, there's an #audacious channel on server irc.atheme.org that you could try20:02
hal_v2Update Manager won't let me update, anybody have a solution?20:02
nbeebodiffred, oh seems unlikely... i think it got lots of plugins tho, aptitude search audacious or apt-cache search audacious.. well off to chinese food, bye :D20:02
diffredrww: thanks!20:02
diffrednbeebo: thanks will search :D20:02
kodishahi ppls20:03
kodishais there any official wine channel, or is it cool to ask here?20:03
zleaphow many people here have a linux penguin ?20:03
digitalfyreoh come on guys, none of you has a NVidia graphics card?20:03
rwwkodisha: you can ask here, or at #winehq20:03
WillyWonka389anyone know how to fix an internal mic20:04
rwwkodisha: we're more geared towards ubuntu-specific problems. if you have more general wine questions/problems, ask in #winehq20:04
heret1cno-one knows anything about ps-watcher, then?20:04
duryzleap: what you mean the pappet20:04
zleaplike the stuffed penguin toy one20:04
Dino_Debianhi all20:04
kevin__if you need to create a zip file, just right click on the original and select "create archive"20:04
digitalfyrehi Dino_Debian20:05
duryzleap: me20:05
Anpacklatest ubuntu installer just stops at "82% "Scanning the mirror..." what's wrong?? I checked the cd for defects and no errors were found20:05
rwwAnpack: sometimes that step takes a while. Be patient.20:05
Anpackhow long?20:05
hal_v2When I try to check update manager it loads the packages, then right towards the end it beeps and I see this:http://i35.tinypic.com/s13p86.jpg20:05
digitalfyreit stayes for about an hour on 90% for me20:06
duryzleap: I want to get beastie20:06
digitalfyrebut its done in the end20:06
zleapwhat is that20:06
zleapoh btw what is microsoft groove20:06
duryzleap: freebsd devil20:06
rwwAnpack: depends on how busy the mirror is and how fast your internet connection isn't20:06
WillyWonka389Anyone good with sound issue?20:06
zleapits part of office 2007 ultimate20:06
JosefAssadbit of a problem, I've had to install the ralink rt2860sta driver manually, and it loads fine now and all. Except, the network applet doesn't see it and doesn't give me a list of wrieless networks to connect to...20:06
zleapyeah that looks cool20:06
zleapi think the linux emporium sell em20:06
Anpackrww whats it doing? checking mirror on site?20:06
guntbert!ot | zleap20:07
ubottuzleap: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:07
hal_v2When I try to check update manager it loads the packages, then right towards the end it beeps and I see this:http://i35.tinypic.com/s13p86.jpg20:07
rwwAnpack: something apt-get related. I forget what exactly =/20:07
Anpackok well...i guess ill wait20:07
Anpackeven tho i think 30 min shud be enough20:07
Prez00_hello, running 8.10, why does NM-Applet pop up my key for my WPA2 network every time i turn on my laptop?  any way to make that automatic?20:07
hal_v2When I try to check update manager it loads the packages, then right towards the end it beeps and I see this: http://i35.tinypic.com/s13p86.jpg20:07
durynothing like freebsd20:07
zleaphmm, i would prefer the female in the pic20:07
diffred#audacious seems that is empty, anyone here use audacious and can help me with some basic configuration? (i.e how do I minimize to system tray)20:08
duryzlead: yeah tha's right20:08
WillyWonka389prez: are you using madwifi20:08
woshey guys every time i try to start mobloquer i get the error "Required configuration file "/var/log/moblock.log" could not be found in the default path.20:08
wosPlease specify a different path." what can i do?20:08
Anpackdiffred just ask ur question if someone wants to answer they will20:08
Prez00_WillyWonka389: dunno what that is, don't think so..20:08
xscottx3identify xscottx3 peaches320:09
cdeszaqIs there a way I can turn off all other sound devices except for ALSA to force all audio to go through ALSA?20:09
diffredHow do I set up a collection that gets updated automatically in audacious? (similar to amarok)20:09
WillyWonka389prez:it is just another interent manger20:09
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
Prez00_WillyWonka389: Network Manager Applet 0.7.020:09
WillyWonka389differed: check options for recursively scan folders or something similar20:09
hal_v2When I try to check update manager it loads the packages, then right towards the end it beeps and I see this:http://i35.tinypic.com/s13p86.jpg20:10
WillyWonka389Prez:yeah go to the forums there are walkthroughs for installing madwifi20:10
woshey guys every time i try to start mobloquer i get the error "Required configuration file "/var/log/moblock.log" could not be found in the default path. Please specify a different path." what can i do?20:10
hal_v2When I try to check update manager it loads the packages, then right towards the end it beeps and I see this:  http://i35.tinypic.com/s13p86.jpg20:10
Prez00_WillyWonka389: will do, so this is known behavior for nm-applet?20:10
lime4x4how do i fix a api:mismatch for nvidia drivers running 8.10  http://paste.ubuntu.com/78125/20:10
WillyWonka389Prez: i think its in the repositories, it is better than network manager imo20:10
rwwhal_v2: System -> Administration -> Software Sources and see if there's anything under "Installable from CD-ROM/DVD". If there is, delete it./20:10
xiroVCan anyone tell me how to uninstall applications from wine? the "remove wine software"-button, wont do it.. it doesn't list all of the wine-software, and it errors,  when i try to remove software with it.20:11
rwwhal_v2: if there isn't, let me know and i'll tell you the slightly-more-difficult way of fixing it20:11
WillyWonka389Prez:sounds like it, i know alot of people have problems with it20:11
gnutronhal_v2: comment out the cdrom line /etc/apt/sources.list  ...backup the file first.20:11
hal_v2rww nothing there20:11
JosefAssadbit of a problem, I've had to install the ralink rt2860sta driver manually, and it loads fine now and all. Except, the network applet doesn't see it and doesn't give me a list of wrieless networks to connect to...20:11
rwwhal_v2: okay. open a terminal and do sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and delete the cdrom lines20:11
gnutronhal_v2: rww is correct also20:11
WillyWonka389Does anyone know how to fix an internal mic i updated to 64 bit and it doesnt respond now20:12
MaveasI've got a soundcard in my laptop which I can connect some external speakers but I do not know how to get the soundcard working..20:12
rwwhal_v2: or gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list if you don't like nano20:12
wosi tried uninstalling the fkr but when i reinstall i still cant enter setup20:12
ThirtysixwayAnybody know how to go about controlling christmas lights with a computer20:12
digitalfyreokay, sudo killall gdm and now waiting20:12
WillyWonka389i know a kid who went to his library and found out how20:12
digitalfyrelets see if this thing is going to work20:13
=== Hatsjoe` is now known as Hatsjoe`Etuh
fapmasterwhere is stage2_eltoritio20:13
lime4x4is there a channel for nvidia driver's under linux?20:13
wosThirtysixway, if you're serious try yahooanswers20:13
WillyWonka389Sooo.... snyone good at sound issues?20:13
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: I'm looking for similar help20:14
hal_v2rww what lines do I delete? The only one I see with cdrom is the first line, deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted20:14
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: but there doesn't seem to be any20:14
woscan anyone please help me with moblock20:14
rwwhal_v2: that one20:14
WillyWonka389cdeszaq: my mic doesnt work how bout u?20:14
meoblast001why can i only have 1 CGI:IRC client connected simultaniously to my IRCD-Hybrid server... i think its because all the clients use the same IP... but i dont know how to fix that20:14
WillyWonka389yeah i know i have been trying for the past week20:14
rwwhal_v2: you then should have a bunch of lines with http:// or ftp:// addresses, right?20:15
Yahovahmeoblast001: Ask in ##hybrid20:15
xiroVCan anyone tell me how to uninstall applications from wine? the "remove wine software"-button, wont do it.. it doesn't list all of the wine-software, and it errors,  when i try to remove software with it.20:15
rwwhal_v2: those are ones you want to keep :)20:15
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: I'm trying to get a 7.1 surround card to actually use all 8 speakers instead of just the front 220:15
WillyWonka389i dont really understand the whole IRC thing20:15
hal_v2Okay. Thanks for the help.20:15
hal_v2Do you by any chance know how to uninstall kiba dock? Lol.20:15
StevenJoswayhello, is there a way to install the ubuntu desktop gui on my server without having open office and all that stuff installed in addition to that? then could I remove it after I do what i need to do?20:15
WillyWonka389cdeszaq: wow, all i want is to get my internal mic to work20:15
WillyWonka389cdezaq: did you try recompiling alsa20:15
gnutronWillyWonka389: the answer/fix will be in the ircd.conf, it's an ident thing. your mileage may vary.20:16
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: Why would recompiling help?20:16
WillyWonka389cdezaq: what did he say20:16
Anpackrww found out its a "bug" in repos20:16
WillyWonka389cdezaq: idk alot of the walkthroughtsin the foroums reccomend20:16
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: I know it is working on all speakers, b/c the tests work, but I cant get any playback to go out over them20:16
rwwAnpack: Huh, really? Link?20:17
* JosefAssad curses and goes off to fix yet another thing which ought ot have been trivial but inexplicably is broken20:17
WillyWonka389hardy wasnt configured correclty, so its kinda of ado it yourself20:17
woscan someone pretty please help me with moblock20:17
gnutronWillyWonka389: sorry, i must have replied to the wrong person.20:17
davidroderickHow do I install 7zip on ubuntu?20:17
Anpackrww solution is to unplug ethernet cable so it won't update sources and then replugging it back after it installs and then updating network urself20:17
wosdavidroderick, go to add/remove20:17
rwwAnpack: I was gonna suggest that, but didn't know if it was a good idea. Thanks for the info.20:18
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: I'm on intrepid20:18
wostype in 7zip20:18
wosand uncheck it20:18
cdeszaqWillyWonka389: But I had it working in the past, with feisty or gutsy, can't remember20:18
davidroderickI can't find it on add/remove.  Why?20:18
melodie_people !  :D20:18
Anpackrww https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt-setup/+bug/15455020:18
MaveasCommand to show all hardware?20:18
davidroderickwos: I do not have 7zip20:18
wosyou need to select "all available applications"20:18
fosco_Maveas: lshw20:19
WillyWonka389cdezaq: good luck, im leaving20:19
rwwdavidroderick: open up a terminal and do sudo apt-get install p7zip-full20:19
gnutronhal_v2: put a '#' sign in front of the cdrom line. it will be ignored as a comment, not an instruction.20:19
rwwAnpack: thanks :)20:19
jim_pdavidroderick, sudo apt-get install p7zfull20:19
alan-turingHello. Does anyone know if Acer Aspire One AOA150-1570 Netbook is compatible with Ubuntu or I will have problems with the hardware?20:19
wosspoon feed him when you could teach him how to fish with the GUI20:20
gnutronmeoblast001: the answer/fix will be in the ircd.conf, it's an ident thing. your mileage may vary.20:20
meoblast001gnutron, mileage?20:20
rwwwos: if he came in here asking "how do I find packages with the GUI and install them", I'd tell him that :P20:20
gnutronmeoblast001: meaning, the filename[s] may differ on your build, but its the config file that needs tweaking.20:21
wosrww could you help me with moblock20:21
davidroderickalan-turing: My acer aspire 29920Z is fine except for the built-in microphone20:21
rwwwos: i have no idea what moblock is, so i doubt it20:21
wosdoes anybody here even know what moblock is?20:21
\KiraIm getting a laptop with windows installed already. I want to put linux onto it, but I think windows takes up all 8 gigs... Is it safe to make the partition smaller?20:21
meoblast001gnutron, i looked over the whole config and changed what looks like it needed changed and nothing worked20:21
gnutronmeoblast001: i was joking, being facetious, sorry to confuse you :)20:22
cdeszaqAnyone here familiar or capable of fixing audio issues, specifically with ALSA?20:22
alan-turingI am thinking of buying it, but it has Windows installed20:22
meoblast001its ok20:22
wos\kira it depends what virsion of windows20:22
\Kirawos: XP20:22
\Kirawos: SP2 I believe20:22
gnutronmeoblast001: rehash command to re-parse the ircd.conf20:22
wosyes its safe as long as you dont have too much installed20:22
godmode117hij, does anyone know of a floppy disk image that will the computer to boot from cd?20:22
\Kirawos: sweet, thanks20:22
meoblast001gnutron, restart the server?20:22
meoblast001i did that20:22
wosand\kira wait20:23
\Kirawos: yes?20:23
MaveasHmm, got a Intel soundcard which is working OK with the internal laptop speakers but when I try to connect headphones or external speakers it's not working..20:23
gnutronmeoblast001: you must have an O-line to do so. restarting would work, yes.20:23
meoblast001gnutron, sadly IRCd-Hybrid is so messed up that i couldnt get it to end without shutting down my whole machine20:23
wosyou can shink the partition safely from inside windows20:23
mon^rchgodmode117: a win98 floppy will do that20:23
wosdid you know that?20:23
\Kirawos: okay, that makes it seem alot safer :) Thanks20:23
gnutronmeoblast001: ive never heard of that ircd, try a better ircd program.20:23
Miki2|unemlett semmi20:23
Miki2|upedig máááár féltem20:24
godmode117ok, thanks mon^rch20:24
=== Miki2|u is now known as Miki2
meoblast001gnutron, then i'd have to reconfigure my services and such..... and every other one i tried wouldnt work at all20:24
J2daosh_my wireless is messed up again20:24
melodie_beg your pardon, do someone know20:24
woscan anyone PLEASE help me with moblock ? ill pay you 5 dollars :D20:24
J2daosh_i have it configred right, have the connection configured right, but i cant seem to pull in any packets from anything20:24
J2daosh_im sitting right next to my router but it says i have no signal20:25
gnutronmeoblast001: type /version is your chat client, get a copy of freenodes ircd, or undernet's version, its fairly easy. we're talking minutes if your used to it.20:25
katakaioJ2daosh_: What is the output of iwconfig?20:25
gnutronmeoblast001: in not is.20:25
melodie_beg your pardon, do someone know if there is a choice to do in Synaptic whether to use apt-get or aptitude as a background ?20:25
meoblast001 Bad arguments for user command.20:25
J2daosh_wlan is in managed mode, 2.447 Ghz freq. AP: not-associated20:26
J2daosh_signal lvl is 0, link quality is 0, noise lvl 020:26
wosbsd_fan hey20:26
gnutronmelodie_: they all use APT, your choice.20:26
mon^rchgodmode117: http://www.bootdisk.com/20:26
melodie_J2daosh_, if not associated you must configure it to be associated20:26
MaveasHow do I connect my headphones succesfully?20:26
J2daosh_and how do i go about doing taht?20:26
melodie_gnutron, your answer seems too short to me. :(20:26
meoblast001gnutron, i got a Bad arguments for user command error20:27
=== musashi is now known as miyamoto
neo644Is there any way to make keys not get stuck while im using flash? Its a real pain and the only way to fix it that I know of is to log out and login again20:27
wosBSD_FAN, could you help me with moblock20:27
wosany file sharers in here?20:27
J2daosh_i ahev the connection info put in correctly, the essid, the wep pass, the dns/ip configuration20:27
godmode117:D, thanks mon^rch20:27
* mon^rch nods20:27
ed__I have craeted a nice theme is there any way to save it all and put it on to another computer? I have used the save as command and given it a name.20:27
melodie_J2daosh_ I'll come back from an ubuntu distro maybe ?20:27
melodie_it will be more convenient20:27
=== Adam is now known as Stargazer
gnutronmelodie_: apt-get, aptitude, and synaptic all manage packages, synaptic's GUI is probably the safest to use.20:27
melodie_what wifi card do u use ?20:27
katakaioJ2daosh_: Is it possible that the problem is your router? Like MAC address filtering is blocking you, for instance?20:28
wosi dont wanna have to reinstall ubuntu20:28
melodie_J2daosh_, did you look at the doc ?20:28
=== miyamoto is now known as carentan
J2daosh_katakaio, nope, because my nieghbors unsecured wireless isn't letting me get in either20:28
melodie_did you install wpa supplicant and so ?20:28
woshey! LjL20:28
StargazerGuys, i previously was using 32bit ubuntu for my 64bit laptop. now i'm using 64bit ubuntu and it takes me over a minute to startup.20:28
melodie_J2daosh_, how are you here now ? ethernet ?20:28
J2daosh_melodie_: yeah, i have already went thru the docs, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't20:28
gnutronmeoblast001: what did you type to get that error?20:29
wosLjL are you there20:29
J2daosh_windows laptop using the same wireless configuration20:29
meoblast001gnutron, /version20:29
melodie_you'll make the configuration file yourself maybe20:29
J2daosh_i tried that way also and it didn't work either20:29
melodie_and check that the other interfaces don't mess with the one you want to be up : ok ?20:29
gnutronmeoblast001: where did you issue it? use your irc program, like your tyoing in now20:29
meoblast001gnutron, i did20:29
J2daosh_no other interfaces o the linux laptop are connected20:30
sloggerkhanI had a hard drive lose its partition table, anyone know how to recover one?20:30
=== carentan is now known as ninja_spud
LjLwos: bit busy20:30
Geoffrey2where is the option to keep Firefox from starting up sitting on top of ubuntu's top menu bar20:30
gnutronmeoblast001: it will show the ircd freenode used, google it and try a copy.20:30
melodie_J2daosh_, then go to the forum, and to atheros site, there are infos about the latest driver versions20:30
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wosLjL could you just say my name when you're free please20:30
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> post in pastebin your results of  ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/network/interfaces  file20:30
J2daosh_i have the latest drivers20:30
ed__what would happen if I copyed .themes/<themname> to antoher computer, would it work? ( I have downlaoded some ICOns that are not on the other computer)20:30
meoblast001gnutron, its not showing me.. .can you do it and tell me the name it tells you?20:30
katakaiosloggerkhan: Check this out: http://www.mohdshakir.net/2008/01/03/recover-lost-partition-table-using-ubuntu-live-cd-gpart20:31
J2daosh_n8tuser: please pm that too me so it doesn't scroll off while i am getting the info20:31
=== samurai_spud is now known as samurai_spud_
gnutronmeoblast001: 14:31 -!- hyperion-1.0.2b(382). leguin.freenode.net iMZ dncrTS/v420:31
meoblast001gnutron, found it on freenodes website20:31
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> post in pastebin your results of  ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/network/interfaces  file20:31
gnutronmeoblast001: hyperion, google it20:31
adubhas anyone in here ever setup hottproxy??20:31
=== samurai_spud_ is now known as samurai_spud
meoblast001gnutron, already in the SVM20:31
\KiraIm trying to VNC into a remote host, and I get a connection closed error on my computer and a connection refused error on the remote host, any help? Im not very familiar with VNC20:32
sloggerkhankatakaio: thanks, looking now. I had tried googling but only found this: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition-Rescue.html which hasn't been helpful20:32
gnutronmeoblast001: ive never used it, but it should work.20:32
solexious[Q] What can I use as a smtp server?20:32
katakaiosloggerkhan: No problem. I've had this problem before and this was how I got back in business20:32
_ykramstargazer have you changed the concurrency=none setting20:32
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html20:32
Stargazer_ykram, no.20:32
soc1trying to install ttf-mathematica4.1 damages the package system20:33
woscan anyone please help me with moblock20:33
soc1i can't install/remove the package anymore20:33
gnutronmeoblast001: fair warning, running an open to the internet irc server isnt for the beginner.20:33
meoblast001gnutron, im already running an IRC server20:33
_ykramwell if you change it you will get a good bootup speed boost20:33
soc1seems like the file ehich the package wants to download has moved (error404) and the script doesn't fail gracefully20:33
durygood night all20:34
gnutronmeoblast001: well then problem solved, fix the require indent problem in the *.conf file20:34
Stargazer_ykram, how do i go about changing it ?20:34
gnutronmeoblast001: ident rather.20:34
sloggerkhankatakaio: also, I'm looking at this: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk , will try both possibly.20:34
meoblast001gnutron, it doesnt require ident if i remember correctly20:34
duryremember don't give up using linux :) byeee20:35
gnutronmeoblast001: its designed to prevent clones, botnets etc.20:35
meoblast001gnutron,  have_ident = no;20:35
_ykramits located in one of the startup scripts off /etc20:35
_ykramand i cant remember which one :/20:35
neo644How do I get keys unstuck in flash player?20:36
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gnutronmeoblast001: hrm, it should allow multiple connects from one ip address then. i dot know.20:36
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meoblast001gnutron, yeah.... but i cant get it to allow multiple connects from one ip20:36
alan-turingI saw that the netbook I want to buy has a Integrated Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 950. Will it work well with Ubuntu?20:36
meoblast001gnutron, dont konw why.. looked the whole config fiel over20:36
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J2daosh_what is the avahi?20:36
MaveasI can't get my headphones to work, please help me.20:37
gnutronmeoblast001: try tail -f it's logfile to see the errors in real time.20:37
Envinyatari've got an atheros ar5007 wireless card, and for some reason i can't make it connect at 54mbps. I'm 45 cm away from the AP and it shows only 85% signal strength, and it's connected at 11mbps, any ideas? is there a way to force it to 54mbps?20:37
fapmasterHi guys i made a grub cd how do i find out what kernal is on my usb hdd?20:37
katakaiosloggerkhan: OK, and good luck! Nothing makes my stomach sicker than partition troubles . . .20:37
gnutronmeoblast001: as operator you should see the ircd's messages.20:38
J2daosh_n8tuser: http://pastebin.com/m2bf97da20:38
LumlzHola! Is there a way that I can automatically detect my network settings in Ubuntu Server like it did on the install?20:38
meoblast001gnutron, tail -f?20:38
meoblast001gnutron, [2008/11/29 13.52] Link with services.m.mysticgalaxies.com[unknown@] established: (TS KNOCK GLN KLN CHW IE EX HOPS QS HUB) link20:38
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> post in pastebin your results of  ifconfig; iwconfig; route -n; cat /etc/network/interfaces  file   <-- the rest of the info?20:39
J2daosh_n8tuser: all that paste is the info from all those20:39
_ykramstargazer /etc/init.d/rc20:39
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> certainly not from interfaces file eh? or i missed it?20:39
meoblast001gnutron, now its refusing connections from my XChat client20:40
gnutronmeoblast001: does it show the reason?20:40
J2daosh_i just did a : ifconfig > results.txt;iwconfig >> results.txt;route -n >> results.txt; cat /etc/network/interfaces >> results.txt and pasted the whole file20:40
meoblast001gnutron, no... strange... i waited a few seconds and it connected20:40
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> okay,  now what happens when you    sudo dhclient wlan020:40
J2daosh_it goes to sleep because there are no offers20:40
Lumlz Is there a way that I can automatically detect my network settings in Ubuntu Server like it did on the install?20:41
gnutronmeoblast001: processing power is important, takes time.20:41
WIGGMPkhow do you update the usplash theme in intrepid ibex.. I have used startupmanager but its not working (has before) buts its just showing text (the resolution is correct)20:41
fapmasterCan some one pretty please help me20:41
josef_anyone know why a network interface would show in ifconfig but not in the NetworkManager applet?20:41
matthias_hi anybody knows how to reset tv resoluton ...20:41
meoblast001gnutron, i get failed attempts and then it works.. never did that in the past20:41
meoblast001gnutron, but the CGI::IRC still cant connect... cant connect even 1 client now20:41
joachimATjkuanybody here who can tell me how i can download a *.doc in firefox? it does not give me the opportunity to download but just opens another window that is empty20:41
gnutronmeoblast001: bugs i suppose. i would use a better ircd.20:42
guntbertjoachimATjku: right-click?20:42
gnutronmeoblast001: the ircd undernet uses is fairly easy...20:43
DevourerCan someone help me get my graphics card working?20:43
meoblast001gnutron, what is it... i need to check if its Anope compatible20:43
franciscocan anybody use google talk with pidgin?20:43
gnutronmeoblast001: i don't recall it's name, sorry.20:43
wosLjL are you still here20:43
joachimATjkuguntbert: not really...just have then the posibillity to save the link or html page20:43
woscan anyone help me with moblock?20:43
DevourerI want to know how to view what graphics card I have.20:43
matthias_Devourer:  what problem do you have ?20:43
gnutronmeoblast001: connect to undernet, its in the server's MOTD. message of the day.20:44
LjLwos, what's the matter20:44
guntbertjoachimATjku: I thought you wanted to save the file?20:44
fapmasterHello i am using 8.10 i made a grub cd i am now sitting at a menu that says grub> can some one please HELP me boot my drive??20:44
joachimATjkuyes it is in my mailbox20:44
Devourermatthias_, I don't think it works... currently I'm using my integrated, but I want to use my other graphics card.20:44
meoblast001gnutron, wtf.. im getting refused connections to everything20:44
=== PornHub is now known as Pr0nhub
ferronicaAfter an update to kernel 2.6.27-9 in Intrepid ibex, it is not shown on boot, and uname -a shows still previous -7. Synaptic show both as installed20:44
exodus_msglxinfo | grep vendor20:44
joachimATjkuguntbert: want to download it to my hdd20:44
Devourermatthias_, how can I use this other graphics card instead of my integrated. I don't think I've installed the drivers yet... are there generic drivers to use it?20:44
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matthias_Devourer:  what kind of card is the other one ?20:44
Pr0nhubHi I was wondering how do you boot ubuntu.20:45
exodus_msDdevourer, glxinfo | grep vendor20:45
gnutronmeoblast001: you may be under attack, could be a dozen things going wrong.20:45
wosLjL im getting this message from moblock "Required configuration file "/var/log/moblock.log" could not be found in the default path. Please specify a different path." and ive tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it but it doesnt enter setup when i do that !20:45
guntbertjoachimATjku: thats what "save link as.." does20:45
Devourermatthias_, I'm not sure exactly, is there a way I can find that out with lshw?20:45
lime4x4bets way to fix a api:mismatch error?20:45
Devourermatthias_, I think it's an ATI card.20:45
LjLwos: that is moblock? i don't see it among my Ubuntu packages.20:45
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> insert an entry for your wlan0 in your interfaces file,  man interfaces for details20:45
gnutronmeoblast001: sudo  netstat -tunap  see whats connecting to where.20:46
wosits an extraneous package20:46
diffredneed help, this message keeps appearing on the terminal I have opened20:46
diffred Window manager warning: last_focus_time (37463181) is greater than comparison timestamp (37463176).  This most likely represents a buggy client sending inaccurate timestamps in messages such as _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.  Trying to work around...20:46
exodus_msDevourer, glxinfo | grep vendor20:46
krishconnect #wordpress20:46
diffredI mean automattially, I'm not running any command20:46
fapmasterfapmaster | Grub cd boot20:46
wosyou have to add a source to make it work20:46
J2daosh_what am i supposed to add in there though?20:46
matthias_Devourer:  download envyng, it is in the repository but then you have to dissable the bult in one and there i am affraid i do not know how to dissable except physically disconnect it ...20:46
J2daosh_all the interfaces are being seen20:46
gnutronmeoblast001: you must lock the server down if youre open to the net.20:46
fapmasterwos,  you talkin to me?20:46
meoblast001gnutron, lock it down?20:47
J2daosh_n8tuser: just add in wlan0 to the list?20:47
krishhi is it possible to host two wordpress blogs on the same server?20:47
gnutronmeoblast001: it can be tricky. locked as in secure from attack or hacks.20:47
diffredWindow manager warning: last_focus_time (37485358) is greater than comparison timestamp (37485221).  This most likely represents a buggy client sending inaccurate timestamps in messages such as _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW.  Trying to work around...20:47
LjLwos: i don't understand how /var/log/moblock.log would be a configuration file. it sounds like a log file to me.20:47
Devourermatthias_, I can disable it in my BIOS, but... what is envyng and if I disable my integrated, what if my other one doesn't work, then I won't be able to see anything right?20:47
ferronicaAfter an update to kernel 2.6.27-9 in Intrepid ibex, it is not shown on boot, and uname -a shows still previous -7. Synaptic show both as installed20:47
diffredwhat this keep appearing to me in my terminal whithoud doing nothin?20:47
godmode117mon^rch, how do you boot from cd from the win98 disk?20:47
EurysilasOK....I'm sitting on a LiveCD session trying to get my install of Intrepid up and running. I need to know how I can check to make sure Compiz is uninstalled, and how I can disable the "Xinerama" extension in X server. For some reason, it's ignoring my server flags section (and initializing ANYWAY).20:48
=== Netley is now known as NeT_DeMoN
wosLjL can i create it then?20:48
sammyFhey there. Any hint on how to set a static IP in 8.10? It worked fine in 8.04, but now, no matter what I do, I end up with a dynamic one20:48
ikoniaEurysilas: compiz doesn't need to be uninstalled20:48
GodfatherofEireAnybody know how to impliment an openSUSE style menu in Ubuntu?20:48
n8tuserJ2daosh_-> insert an entry for your wlan0 in your interfaces file,  man interfaces for details20:48
Eurysilasikonia: For me it does.20:48
ikoniaEurysilas: xinerama is disabled unless you manually edited the config file to enable and define it20:48
ikoniaEurysilas: why ?20:48
matthias_Devourer:  that is true but , well in my case i have an laptop with another graphics card but i get the text askinbg what to do if something is not allright ...20:49
StargazerIs Epiphany web browser not in Intrepid Ibex ???20:49
gnutronmeoblast001: i'll be back later. good luck, be careful.20:49
LjLwos: i'm going blind, but yes you can create it - whether it'll help or not, i don't know. "sudo touch /var/log/moblock.log" will create an empty file.20:49
Eurysilasikonia: Because, I got a tip that that MAY be why my X Server is hard locking on log-in.20:49
ferronicaLjL: After an update to kernel 2.6.27-9 in Intrepid ibex, it is not shown on boot, and uname -a shows still previous -7. Synaptic show both as installed20:49
ikoniaEurysilas: thats wrong20:49
matthias_Devourer:  i would try to dissable it in the bios than and if it does not work just restart the computer and change back in the BIOS to the integrated one again ...20:49
GodfatherofEireAnybody know how to implement it?20:49
ikoniaEurysilas: it's disabled by default, so won't cause a problem20:49
ikoniaEurysilas: you have to enable it and have a graphics card conifgured to use it20:49
ferronicaikonia: After an update to kernel 2.6.27-9 in Intrepid ibex, it is not shown on boot, and uname -a shows still previous -7. Synaptic show both as installed20:50
LjLferronica: i know that, we've talked about it before... but unfortunately i'm kind of out of ideas.20:50
matthias_Devourer:  the ENVYng works for ati and nivida cards pretty good, at least for me it works good ...20:50
ikoniaferronica: ? say that again,20:50
ferronicaLjL: ok20:50
wosthanks LjL, i hope you dont mind me learning, but, does the touch command create files?20:50
sammyFhey there. Any hint on how to set a static IP in 8.10? It worked fine in 8.04, but now, no matter what I do, I end up with a dynamic one (and the ubuntu forums seem to be down :/20:50
Devourermatthias_, I think I got that text also. It asked me to make a new configuration or use a default configuration.20:50
ikonia!envyng > matthias_20:50
ubottumatthias_, please see my private message20:50
Devourermatthias_, so is envyng drivers?20:50
heret1canyone have experience with how to make amule stop crashing at the least convenient moment?20:50
Devourer!envyng > Devourer20:50
ubottuDevourer, please see my private message20:50
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Eurysilasikonia: Well, that's the only thing I have to go on. And as far as Xinerama, it quite clearly shows in my logs that it is enabling it.20:50
ikonia!engvyng | Devourer20:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about engvyng20:50
exodus_msDdevourer, you can use 'lspci' or 'lspci | grep VGA' to get details about the card you want to setup and see if there are any additional drivers you will need to install20:51
LjLwos: yes, that's one of its purpose. the other is to update the modification date of an existing file without actually changing anything in the file (that's what it name comes from, it "touches" files)20:51
ferronicaikonia: kernel 2.6.27-9 not listed in my menu.lst20:51
ikoniaEurysilas: are you sure it's not loading the xinerma extension20:51
ikoniaferronica: manually add it ?20:51
ferronicaikonia: will it work?20:51
wosi see, thanks20:51
ikoniaferronica: should do20:51
Devourerexodus_ms, alright. :)20:51
Devourerikonia, what other supported methods should I try first?20:51
ChrisStoneIm so lost with Ubuntu.20:52
ikoniaDevourer: what video card do you actually have20:52
ChrisStoneI dont know where to go next,20:52
ikoniaChrisStone: what's the problem20:52
dimehi... i really need help atm... my raid just went down20:52
ferronicaikonia: ok, i will give you my menu.lst output append it20:52
Devourerikonia, I don't know the exact kind but it's some ATI card.20:52
ChrisStoneWell im a complete noob... And im just totally lost.20:52
Devourerikonia, Radeon I think.20:52
ikoniaferronica: I dont need to see it20:52
LjL!documentation | ChrisStone20:53
ubottuChrisStone: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com20:53
ikoniadime: what type of raid, software / hardware, raid 0, 1, 5 ?20:53
dimesoftware 520:53
ChrisStoneokay thanks20:53
ikoniadime: as in mdadm built array ?20:53
ChrisStoneill check that out20:53
Eurysilasikonia: There's a difference? All I know is, in the bug report I looked at, it said two things worked; uninstalling Compiz, or disabling Xinerama (can't remember if it was extension or what). So, is there a way to disable the extension?20:53
ikonia!ati > Devourer20:53
ubottuDevourer, please see my private message20:53
R0b0t1For some reason I am unable to right click inside programs (except the desktop) and the menus at the top (File, View, etc) will not open. Does anyone have a clue what happened?20:53
Devourerikonia, haha, thanks.20:53
ikoniaEurysilas: you don't need to disable the extension, it's part of the xserver20:53
R0b0t1It is possible for me to right click on the desktop, it is not my mous.20:53
ikoniaDevourer: what's so funny ?20:53
ChrisStonewhoever created  ubottu is a genius!20:54
unkmar_hello all.20:54
Eurysilasikonia: Well, then I'm screwed. I have no clue why my XServer locks, then.20:54
GodfatherofEireDoes anybody in here use openSUSE along with Ubuntu? I know its an odd question, but I'm just trying to implement a menu similar to the one in 11.020:54
unkmar_I have a sok question.  Simple Onscreen Keyboard.20:54
ikoniaEurysilas: what video card do you have ?20:54
Devourerikonia, just using ubottu and your 1337 skillz at answering 5 people's questions at the same time.20:54
matthias_Devourer:  i would try it at least if you need it badly, , i suppose envyNG is the best guess if tyou have ati or Nivida graphics card but than again the program is not tested on all graphics card but a good try i would say but as someone have told me it is on your own risk ...20:54
calebHGodfatherofEire: have you tried installing gnome-main-menu ?20:55
ikoniaDevourer: check the ati document I sent you before using envyng20:55
Devourermatthias_, I'll read the Ubuntu site first and then if that stuff doesn't work I'll try envyNG.20:55
GodfatherofEirecalebH, it already is installed20:55
Devourerikonia, yes, I will. Thanks.20:55
ikoniaDevourer: however, just be aware ati support is terrible on linux in general20:55
Devourerikonia, I've heard about that. I hope it works.20:56
gpledhow can i load the sound drivers for ES1983S ?20:56
calebHGodfatherofEire: have you added it to your panel?20:56
leohartxhow do i install virtualbox on 64bit system ?20:56
heret1cEurysilas: reboot in recovery mode, choose "try to fix x-server"?20:56
R0b0t1For some reason I am unable to right click inside programs (except the desktop) and the menus at the top (File, View, etc) will not open. Does anyone have a clue what happened? It is not my mouse -- it works fine.20:56
Eurysilasikonia: Well, I THOUGHT it was an Intel i810, but X Server reports 845 GE (intel). In any case, I already tried specifying explicitly the chipset. No go.20:56
GodfatherofEirecalebH, I guess i didnt notice that there were 2 separate entries for main menu20:56
matthias_Devourer:  i think you do the right thing, if nothing helps you and you know for sure it is an ATI or nivida give it a try and see if it works ...20:56
ikoniaEurysilas: ok, thats good20:56
unkmar_sok, AKA onboard.  Works wonderfully under ubuntu, i even created my own layout.  I'm having problems with the copy/version thet is on fluxbuntu.  Any ideas?20:56
ikoniaEurysilas: so i810 is an intel driver (generic) nothing more, so don't worry about that20:56
zsquarepluscleohartx: you can apt-get install virtualbox-se20:56
GodfatherofEirecalebH, at install, there was only 1, now there's 2, so I guess I'm set20:56
zsquarepluscleohartx: you can apt-get install virtualbox-ose, that is20:56
heret1cR0b0t1: did u restart x?20:57
calebHGodfatherofEire: yup.  And if you want the search box to appear you need to have beagle installed - FYI20:57
ikoniaEurysilas: what I'd do is a) boot into safe mode and test teh vesa X server, b.) change the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to change the linx Driver "i810" to Driver "intel"20:57
unkmar_it worsk: but  it appears to be ignoring the font size settings in the keyboard layout file.20:57
eugmanI'd like to record a video of me using my desktop. Any suggestions for a tool to do that?20:57
GodfatherofEireThanks calebH20:57
Eurysilasikonia: It's already using the Intel driver.20:57
calebHGodfatherofEire: np.  Enjoy!20:57
ikoniaEurysilas: i thought you said it was using the i810 ?20:57
Eurysilasikonia: I changed it. But no improvement, so it's back to "Intel".20:58
freyyrhi, I just upgraded to intrepid and now i'm having issues compiling.  ./configure is throwing the error "configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"20:58
cdeszaqDoes anyone know where I can go to get help figuring out why my Audigy2 7.1 sound card will test OK over all speakers, but will only play over the front left and right?20:58
ikoniaEurysilas: well, leave it with intel for now, and test eh vesa driver20:58
freyyrbuild-essential is installed and worked just fine before the upgrade.20:58
ikoniaEurysilas: if it locks with the vesa driver, there is something very wrong20:58
R0b0t1heret1c: What is the command for that?20:58
ikoniafreyyr: gcc -v20:59
Eurysilasikonia: OK, but with that, I don't get my log out screen. And logging out produces a bland screen, not the "Log In" screen. Or, it did on Gutsy.20:59
ikoniaEurysilas: what version are you using now ?21:00
heret1cR0b0t1: ctrl-alt-backspace. but you'll loose yr current work.21:00
dimeikonia, i was going to paste my logs onto ubuntu forums but they don't seem to be working atm, do you mind if i msg you, is this something you might be able to help me with? the mdadm software raid21:00
Eurysilasikonia: Intrepid.21:00
ikonia!pastebin > dime21:00
=== dmb_ is now known as dmb
ubottudime, please see my private message21:00
Aptharhow can I list all of the chat channels on IRC?21:00
ikoniaEurysilas: ok, so 7.10 is a year old compared to 8.10 - so don't judge it on 7.10'21:00
ikoniaApthar: join #freenode and ask, or read your clients help document21:01
freyyrikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78141/21:01
* unkmar_ runs away.21:01
exodus_msgpled, still having problems with sound card?21:01
dimeikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78142/21:01
dimethat's from /v/l/m21:01
ikoniafreyyr: seems pretty solid21:01
woshow do i remove a package box option from my package menu anyone?21:01
dimewhen they went down21:01
ikoniafreyyr: what are you trying to build ?21:01
dimeso at first, it just said i/o error so i did a reboot21:02
dimewhen i did, i got a bunch of ata3.0 errors (/dev/sdd)21:02
dimeso i unplugged that drive21:02
dimebut /dev/sdf might have been doing ok21:02
ikoniadime: looks like a disk failure sdf isn't looking good21:02
gpledexodus_ms: yep. not sure what 8.10 did to the drivers21:02
freyyrikonia: idjc (internet DJ console).  the one in the repos isn't built with mp3 encoding.21:02
dimewhen it booted, i did cat /proc/mdstat and it showed md1: inactive with all 5 drives with [S] for spare?21:03
ikoniafreyyr: check out the "config.log" or "configure.log" to see the res thats failing21:03
ikoniadime: that will happen yes21:03
dimeso i did mdadm --stop md1 and now when i try to mdadm --assemble21:03
dimeit says it can't start with 4 devices21:03
exodus_msgpled, I saw this a while back, maybe it will help, i don't know  --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28426021:03
godmode117can someone tell me how to boot a ubuntu cd from a windows 98 boot diskette?21:03
ikoniadime: how full was the data on it ?21:03
dimeit was ~ 1.1tb used out of 2.521:04
freyyrikonia: ah thanks, i got it, my CFLAGS had the wrong syntax and it was throwing an error so ./configure thought it couldn't produce binaries.21:04
heret1canyone have experience with how to make amule stop crashing for no apparent reason? have rtfm'ed, to no avail.?21:04
dimesde and sdf were added later and the raid was grown from 1.5tb -> 2.0tb -> 2.5tb21:04
ikoniafreyyr: nice spot21:04
ikoniafreyyr: check your CXX_FLAGS too21:04
matthias_Devourer:  use sudo lshw and look thru the long list for vga controller and see if the card is visible to the computer ...21:04
ikoniadime: interesting, try using --build instead of assemble21:04
Devourermatthias_, it's not. :\21:04
ikoniadime: as it won't be able to "assemble" the current raid 5 with a disk missing21:05
ikoniadime: or use mdadm to mark a disk as failed21:05
matthias_Devourer:  is it not what???? do sudo lshw and look for display ...21:05
ikoniadime: eg: your config still wants 5 disks and you've got 4 - you need to mark one as failed so it knows to expec 421:05
Devourermatthias_, so I'm wondering if I should disable my integrated graphics card... also, I don't know what I did when that configuration menu came up when I was first trying it.21:05
dimewell, since sdd was causing my system not to boot, i unplugged it21:05
Devourermatthias_, only my integrated graphics card is displayed.21:05
dimeso i'm already at 5/621:06
dimeplugged in atm21:06
matthias_Devourer:  have to be an easy way to enable it, let me do some research and see if ai can help you ...21:06
dimewouldn't 4/6 just not give me anything?21:06
Devourermatthias_, alright.21:06
dimeas i understand it 4/6 raid 5 is a total loss21:06
Devourermatthias_, I need to reboot, but I'll be right back.21:06
matthias_Devourer:  before you do anything let me see if i can find anything ...21:06
ikoniadime: you "may" get away with it21:06
ikoniadime: hence why I asked how full it was21:06
Devourermatthias_, ok.21:07
gpledexodus_ms: looks like ubuntuforums.org is having proxy problems21:07
dimei may hold out to see if i can possibly recover the data on the disk maybe21:07
ikoniadime: your call21:07
dimebecause with how r5 is, all the data has to be equallly distributed on the drives21:07
dimei think21:07
webBuilderHay guys, a bout 6 month a go I downloaded from the internet a software that let me choose safe color for html that works on linux, I formatted that pc and I lost that software, is there anyone on top of their mind remember the name of a software like that ? thank you21:07
gpledexodus_ms: i can read the first page. the artical is from 200621:07
ikoniadime: doesn't have to be equal as you have the parity stripe,21:08
mumblesdammm i cant get ubuntu to install properly21:08
ikoniadime: hence why I said you may get away with it being rebuilt onto the other disks if it's not too full21:08
mumblesit looks like it has but donsent install grub21:08
* mumbles goes to download ubuntu agaiinn 21:08
LF|IrssiwebBuilder: i would think NVU would have something like that, but im not positive21:08
zsquarepluscmumbles: cdrom? you can also run the cd check21:09
webBuilderThank you LF|Irssi21:09
gpledi dont understand why the modules would be gone. nor how to get them back21:09
gemellinoCyaoo a tutti!!21:09
gpledunless they changed the name21:09
guntbertmumbles: did you check you downloaded iso-file with md5sum?21:09
makarioHey. How can I assign an alias to a host? I want to say ssh hostname instead of ssh
webBuilderLF|Irssi it wasn't that one21:10
webBuilderthat one does just colors21:10
exodus_msgpled, did you have a working sound card before updating to 8.1021:10
zsquarepluscmakario: you can manually map names to ips in /etc/hosts21:10
zigovr3hi all, I don't know why but some files have been installed with the wrong permission by ubuntu (8.04), for example , I can't do "crontab -e", how can I repair that ?21:10
gnutronmakario: /etc/hosts  add line hostname   ...ought work21:11
gpledexodus_ms: yep21:11
makariognutron, zsquareplusc: Thanks. Now, what if I want the same host to have two IP's? (One on a local network, and one using an external IP?)21:12
gpledexodus_ms: i can see it with lspci21:12
Naranihello! can anyone tell mehow to open ports?  ufw shows that they are open, but nmap still shows them closed???21:12
zsquarepluscmakario: then you need 2 names. like host and host-ext21:12
Anpackwhats the best distro/window manager (for HD install) that is fast, people say ubuntu with fluxbox, etc is fast but it takes few mintues to load up a browser even thats not fast.21:13
makariozsquareplusc All right, that's not too much of a hassle. Thanks!21:13
matthias_Devourer:  hey maybe found something ...21:13
zsquarepluscmariusb: /etc/hosts work only on the pc your on. you need a DNS entry if you want worldwide names. there are free services for that21:13
Devourermatthias_, alright. :) What is it?21:13
rmitchellAmpack: the broswer's speed is completely seperate from the window manager21:14
matthias_Devourer:  see this page and see if it applies to you:21:14
gnutronmakario: two nics and some fancy iptables rules. possibly other ways. try googling that.21:14
zsquarepluscmariusb: sorry, wrong nick21:14
Devourermatthias_, ok.... which one?21:14
LjLNarani: is anything *running* on those ports?21:14
matthias_Devourer:  http://www.tech-forums.net/pc/f43/radeon-9200-pci-radeon-drivers-second-graphics-card-problems-164182/21:14
Devourermatthias_, alright.21:14
matthias_Devourer:  they have some problem but gives you an idea i think, and see if it applies to your problem ...21:14
gpledhow do i get the modules for ES1983S loaded into my 8.10 system?21:15
NaraniLjL, yes, smpt is listening21:15
LjLNarani: are you behind a router or DSL modem, and is the machine running nmap not behind the same?21:15
exodus_msgpled, do you have GNOME ALSA Mixer21:15
NaraniLjL, tried to check outside - still shows as closed21:15
LjLNarani: but *inside* it shows as closed? that's the important thing21:16
Devourermatthias_, alright, I'll try it.21:16
LjLNarani: what does nmap run on the very same computer say?21:16
nostocan anyone help me in getting a more efficient driver for my display adapter?21:16
matthias_Devourer:  try 1:st with Compiz if you have it and look for second graphics card or something before messing with xorg, okey ...21:16
NaraniLjL, it says everything is closed21:16
LjLNarani: what does "netstat -l -p -n | grep portnumber" say?21:17
nhasianhello everyone21:17
ankit_hi all, I installed ubuntu on my laptop after having it working on my desktop for years, and all was well until recently I noticed it started to randomly crash; this never happened on Windows, and there is no common reason behind crashes. Any ideas what I can do to fix the issue?21:17
Devourermatthias_, I don't think my ATI card is seen at all, I tried lspci like that other guy did, but I don't see anything but the Intel stuff. I do see my sound card though which is not integrated. I'm pleased that my sound card works so well.21:17
nhasiancan someone recommend an HTML editor?  bascially i need to have one window show the html code while the other window shows the output like frontpage did.21:17
rmitchellnhasian: NVU21:18
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project. It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.21:18
matthias_Devourer:  the ATI card did work before ???21:18
Anpackrmitchell not like verythign else is fast, package manager, other applications, etc21:18
exodus_msgpled, I have to go but this is a 'newer' link that might help --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6078737#post607873721:18
Anpackrmitchell even right clicking on the desktop takes a few good seconds21:19
rmitchellanpack: what kind of hardware do you have?21:19
Devourermatthias_, no, it did.. well... It's weird. Since I put it in, and when I start up my computer, my computer will try and start, I can hear the fan, but then it'll turn off, and then it'll try to start again, and it does this about 2 times before actually starting.21:19
nhasiangreat thanks! so i should get kompozer instead of NVU?  i'm running gnome not kde21:19
diffredhow do I install amarok themes?21:19
matthias_Devourer:  maybe you cold check with another grapgics card if you have any just to be sure the cards is okey and that UBubtu does work as well ...21:19
dimehey ikonia21:19
exodus_msgpled, btw, the first link I sent to you shows how to load the modules :)21:19
ikoniadime: hm ?21:19
LjL!it | gabriotaku21:19
ubottugabriotaku: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:19
dimeso this is what cat /proc/mdstat shows21:19
dimemd1 : inactive sdc1[1](S) sdg1[5](S) sdf1[4](S) sdd1[2](S) sde1[0](S)21:20
Killer--Tuxhow do i add pictures to a ipod21:20
Devourermatthias_, but, the first time I did this, I think it detected it, I had my monitor plugged intot he new card, and this menu came up saying that, it wasn't supported or whatnot, and it wanted to know if I wanted to make a new configuration or try a default, or try low res Ubuntu or something like that.21:20
zsquarepluscnhasian: no, install nvu thatf fine for gnome21:20
Devourermatthias_, I don't have any others. :o21:20
dimeit isn't until i stop md1 and try to reassemble that one of them isn't marked as okay21:20
nhasianzsquareplusc, great thanks for your help21:20
ikoniadime: well you have a spare, so only one disk is missing, so if you do a rebuild it should be fine21:20
dimeand according to smartctl, all 5 drives are good21:20
Mattiai have a problem with wubi aspire 980421:20
Devourermatthias_, I turned Compiz on, so now what do I do?21:20
ikoniadime: just issue a rebuild21:20
gpledexodus_ms: i am removing gnome alsa mixer, then reinstalling it.   can load the module, because their is no module to load21:20
dimewait, i don't have a spare in21:20
Meshezabeelhow can I tell whether I'm running 32-bit or 64-bit?21:21
ToastHi, I've got a sound problem in hardy. After I listen to a radio stream (flash through firefox) sound no longer works on Mythtv. Can anyone help me debug it please? I've attached the terminal output from Myth which show the sound failure here. http://paste.ubuntu.com/78146/21:21
ikoniadime: oops21:21
matthias_Devourer:  sounds like conflict try connecting the monitor to the card again and see if the quesation comes up again and start with low resolution 1:st and from there start looking for drivers ...21:21
dimei'm at 5/6 right now21:21
LjLMeshezabeel: uname -a21:21
matthias_Devourer:  at least i would ...21:21
paolohi. I don't hear the audio anymore... what should i do?21:21
Meshezabeelthanks LjL :)21:21
dimebut looking at other online guides and stuff21:21
dimeit should still be active, and degraded21:21
dimenot inactive21:21
Devourermatthias_, ok. I'll try that.21:21
matthias_Devourer:  and see if you can get it up and riunning so ubuntu can help you to get started at least ...21:21
Devourermatthias_, huh... Ok, I hope that works.21:22
ikoniadime: what happens when you try to start it ?21:22
Devourermatthias_, I don't know what it meant by configuration... Does that mean an X.org configuration?21:22
matthias_Devourer:  i hope so 2, try it and if not mess aroubnd in compiz and see if you can find any option to eanble or something jncase my idea does not work ...21:22
matthias_Devourer:  good luck ...21:23
dimehow do i start it?21:23
Devourermatthias_, ok.21:23
matthias_Devourer:  let me know another day how  alright21:23
gpledexodus_ms: your talking about sudo modprobe21:23
matthias_Devourer:  Good luck and i hope for the best ...21:23
woswhats the delete command21:23
Toastkilling the pulse audio service makes it work again, if that's any clue.21:24
zsquarepluscwos: rm21:24
woshow can i paste into a terminal window without having to use my mouse?21:24
ikoniadime: --manage --run, or --assemble --run21:24
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paoloToast: in which way ?21:25
rootsnatchwos: shift insert21:25
zsquarepluscwos: gnome-terminal? try F10 and use the menu21:25
rootsnatchwos: i think tha should paste, but i dont know about copy21:25
dimeyeah.. i was about to try run, but wanted to be sure since the manual says the --run option for partially built arrays21:25
Toastpaolo: if I close myth, kill pulseaudio and restart myth, I get sound again.21:25
dimeroot@lanfear:~# mdadm --manage --run /dev/md121:25
dimemdadm: failed to run array /dev/md1: Input/output error21:25
woswhats the delete directory command21:26
ikoniadime: run fdisk -l /dev/$name on each device make sure they are responding21:26
ankit_wos: rmdir21:26
LjLwos: rmdir21:26
gnutronwos: rm -rf dir/21:26
zsquarepluscwor, you know there are good bash introductions and books about linux ;-)  rmdir or rm -r21:26
matthias_Hey Guys is there anyone who knows where the screen resolution or my ATI catalyst control center get the data becasue i have changed the tv resolution from 1024x800 to 800x600 and now i can not see anything in the computer not in the tv with the tv connected ...21:27
dimeeach one shows they are21:27
Eurysilasikonia: OK, vesa works....How do I get it to where I can get a shutdown screen and be able to log out?21:27
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woshow do you delete an empty directory21:29
floreLGi have a question about grub--- the linux core has been updating regularly and I have three older versions amongst the boot possibilities. Will these eventually disappear or will I end up with a long list of linux kernels?21:29
CaMason_Anyone know of a reason why my static IP assignment would keep reverting back to dynamic on reboot? 8.1021:29
* Eurysilas guesses ikonia is MIA.21:30
Flannelwos: rmdir21:30
guntbertwos: I suggest you try google, there are great tutorials for bash;21:30
rootsnatchCaMason_: how are you setting it to static?21:30
sporkboyis there a way I can make closing my lid not shut off screen1 (but still shut off screen0) on my laptop?21:30
matthias_what file is ATI catalyst control cenbter use to get screen resolution when i connect my TV ???21:30
CaMason_rootsnatch: right clicking the network icon, edit connections, clicking my 'Auto eth0' in wired21:30
FlannelfloreLG: You'll end up with a long list, you can remove the old ones by remove their respective linux-image-[version] packages with your favorite package manager.  It's always a good idea to keep one known good one around.21:31
Devourermatthias_, back. I'm in low-graphics mode or something like that.21:31
exodus_msgpled, have you tried installing following package 'sudo killall pulseaudio' 'sudo alsa force-reload' and then go to System>Preferences>Sound and change everything to ALSA21:31
CaMason_rootsnatch: -> IPv4, changing to static, clicking add, putting in IP settings. The new IP works. Reboot -> back to static D:21:31
matthias_Devourer:  but on the 2:nd graphics card right ...21:31
Devourermatthias_, like, I had my monitor plugged in to the ATI graphics card, but my monitor stayed blank, so I plugged it back into my integrated grahpics card and I can see the low-graphics version.21:31
floreLGthat easy---- synaptic will do the trick then.... thanks21:31
gpledexodus_ms: think all that is for people who have their sound drivers loaded21:31
b-dogghey guys21:31
rootsnatchCaMason_: hmmm that should work, have you tried doing it manually in the text files?21:32
CaMason_rootsnatch: not sure how to :)21:32
gpledexodus_ms: i can not find the module to load21:32
zsquarepluscCaMason: do you have an old entry in /et/network/interfaces?21:32
ircmonkbring back xmms!!!!!21:32
matthias_type sudo lshw and look for the test starting with *display21:32
CaMason_zsquareplusc: that file contains 2 lines.. 'auto lo' and 'iface lo inet loopback'21:32
zsquarepluscircmonk: audacity with refugee skin ;-)21:32
matthias_so i can see what type of graphics card you are using, i guess intel ...21:32
ircmonkaudacity wont work with streamtuner21:33
rootsnatchCaMason_: google static ip and /etc/network in google21:33
zsquarepluscCaMason_ thats fine then if you want to use the network manager21:33
rootsnatchyou will have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file21:33
exodus_msgpled, can you not load the maestro3 module, be it OSS or alsa?21:34
Devourermatthias_, it says this under display. ' product: 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller'21:34
Devourermatthias_, that's the Intel integrated card.21:34
WIGGMPkAnyone know how to flip the image of a webcam using the uvcvideo driver.. I tried looking online with no real good answer other then changing the driver source and recompiling21:35
matthias_Devourer:  try system->administration hardware drivers ...21:35
Devourermatthias_, it says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system and nothing else is showing up in the list.21:35
matthias_ubuntu will then try to figure iut what driver to use and activate the graphics card if not activated already ...21:35
Devourermatthias_, nothing is showing up. :o I hope the grahpics card isn't broken either. Lol. I looked at the gold connectors on it, and it looks like a few were chipped or soemthing, but I"m not sure if that is how it's suppored to be.21:36
cutterjohnI think that I may have found out why I cannot change LCD screen resolutions, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/194760  I have ALL of the symptoms of that bug report, and have had no luck with manual settings for the moment but I have yet ot make real modelines.21:37
matthias_Devourer:  best way to find out is look at another one if the same ut not all pins suppose to be visible ...21:37
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escapeMYfateI have a slight delima I have in my possession an old Toshiba satellite which I was trying to fix for my English III teacher and it had windows on it but it was becoming volatile and it finally bit the dust but when I reinstalled windows it had the same problems so I installed Ubuntu hoping it would work and it's not giving me a lick of trouble but the delima stems from my fellow students so i need to now how to set user restr21:37
BitbybitI uninstalled and reinstalled wine a few different ways hoping to get a new .wine folder but every time i install it the .wine folder never gets installed. can someone help me start a fresh wine installation like you get when you first install?21:38
Devourermatthias_, I guess I'll take it out, and then I'll be able to see what model it is an stuff.21:38
alan-turingHello, I'd like to know if the Acer Aspire One AOA150-1570 Netbook can work with Ubuntu. Thanks.21:38
milos_Bitbybit, i think you need to use purge option21:38
matthias_Devourer:  see private message ...21:38
Devourermatthias_, do you know what is in charge of detecting the grahpics card anyways?21:38
=== flaco is now known as flacom
Bitbybitmilos_: i tried sudo apt-get remove --purge wine and then reinstalled wine but it still didn't make a .wine folder21:39
AccesshaterBitbybit do you know that that folder is hidden?21:40
BitbybitAccesshater: course =P21:40
Accesshaterlol k ;)21:40
milos_Bitbybit, sudo apt-get purge wine && sudo apt-get install wine21:41
ToddEDMhey guys, im trying to get winxwrap.. i cannot find it in synaptic... should it be in there?21:41
gpledwhere can i find the list of available modules for my system?21:41
milos_Bitbybit, i don't know why it didn't create .wine21:41
planttthi, I am getting this error when trying to update or install something: ../../src/packages.c:221: process_queue: Assertion `dependtry <= 4' failed.21:41
cutterjohnso, anyways having to apparently override EDID settings since they fail currently (see linked bug report above), does anyone knnow how/where to find the horiz/vert synch values for a notebook LCD panel possibly given reported manufacturer/OEM  (reports as Seiko, nVidia dump of EDID has Samsung and a model # I think in it)21:42
guntbertToddEDM: are you looking for xwinwrap?21:42
ToddEDMguntbert:  yes21:42
Blacklemon67Can I login in terminal mode as well as in gnome?21:42
Blacklemon67at the same time?21:42
cutterjohnvirtual terminal21:43
zsquarepluscBlacklemon67: yes. with ctrl+alt+F1 you get a text console. alt+F7 is back to gui21:43
billy1234667the apps at www.kwalty.com are really great21:43
cutterjohnctrl-alt+ F1-FX21:43
cutterjohnlast will take you back to X11 display21:43
Blacklemon67i know that, but can you be logged in in the gui at the same time?21:43
omega_hyperonBlacklemon67: yes21:44
billy1234667: the apps at www.kwalty.com are really great21:44
billy1234667: the apps at www.kwalty.com are really great21:44
FloodBot1billy1234667: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
guntbertToddEDM: I don't see it either, but google "xwinwrap ubuntu" delivers a lot of hits21:44
cutterjohnanyone on the LCD panel horiz/vert freq ranges given mfg and possible OEM & part #?21:45
milos_Bitbybit, run winecfg21:46
milos_that will create .wine21:47
makarioHey, I need to use a Linux box as a server to stream some audio and video for a presentation back to my house. However, the linux box is sometimes used by random people. What's the best way to hide the confidential stuff? Some people will still need to access it.21:47
plantttor this one: /usr/bin/deborphan: The status file is in an improper state. how can i fix that?21:48
gpledthink i must be missing an alsa-lib21:48
zsquarepluscmakario: by random people? they need to have an account, no?   you can encrypt your data21:48
soulchow about this one21:49
soulcget cron to work21:49
frog_hi,i have german keymap, bt while trying to use some type - lerning programms, the umlauts like öäü are not recognised ( http://2addicted.com/words <-- this would be an example)21:49
LjL!it | raffaele21:50
ubotturaffaele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:50
MrCollinsI issue the command 'sudo umount -f /media/cdrom' and it gives me 'umount2: Device or resource busy21:50
MrCollinsumount: /media/cdrom0: device is busy.' How can I open my disk tray in order to put in another cd so i can finish installing diablo 2?21:50
makariozsquareplusc It's an audio workstation for my church. The random people who use the account that automatically logs in. I could go the route of a separate account, I guess, but I'd still need it secured. How does one encrypt data?21:50
zsquarepluscmakario: there are several ways. you can encrypt single files (nautlis encrypt, gnupg) or partitions or loop mounted disk images (loop-aes)21:51
rmitchellmakario, it might be enough just to set the permissions so that only you can read/write21:52
CaMason_OK, i managed to set a static IP via /etc/network/interfaces. However, my nameservers wont stick in resolv.conf when I reboot :o21:52
zsquarepluscmakario: but multiple people that access the data is not so easy.21:52
retro__anyone know, is Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 supported (and working with 3d apps) ?21:52
rootsnatchCaMason_: still? hmm have you googled for static ip in intrepid?21:53
soulcok can someone explain to me why cron won't execute a perl script inside a shell script?21:53
milos_makario, http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2008/10/what-in-my-encrypted-private-directory.html21:53
MrCollinsI found out I had to cd out of the dir21:53
makariozsquareplusc, Which encryption way is the best? I'd just put it all in a folder, say "Videos" or "Music" and lock down the folder. rmitchell I'd still be able to stream, though, right? What if I used, say, a mediatomb?21:53
zsquarepluscmakario: if you are the only one with root access, using file permissions can also help, so that others can not look at your files. but someone that can boot a live cd can access them21:53
CaMason_rootsnatch: yes most say to add the IP etc via the interfaces file, then add the nameserver to resolv.conf. I do that, but the resolv.conf file keeps getting trimmed!21:53
rootsnatchCaMason_: it looks like that might be a bug in intrepid21:53
CaMason_rootsnatch: yes it seems so21:54
MrCollinsCaMason_, what are you permissions looking like in resolv.conf21:54
soulcboy this is good stuff21:54
guntbertsoulc: what are you trying to do?21:55
makario(Thanks milos_. I'll look into that. I'm using Hardy, though.)21:55
CaMason_MrCollins: -rw-r--r--21:55
soulcI want to know why cron won't execute a perl script inside a shell script21:55
rootsnatchCaMason_: that seems normal21:55
makariozsquareplusc, I'm not. The default account (the one that automatically logs in) also has adminstrative privileges.21:55
zsquarepluscmakario: with ecryptfs (creates a Private folder) partitions and loop-aes you need to have the files mounted to access them. the file permissions (should) ensure that no one else on the box sees these files21:55
rootsnatchCaMason_: ummmmmm lemme look around21:55
soulcI will binpaste the fifile21:55
MrCollinsCaMason_, yeah what rootsnatch said,....21:55
CaMason_here's the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/25921421:55
MrCollinsis it useful to report the bug or does it get overlooked?21:56
DevourerIs a video card required to view the BIOS menu at startup?21:56
guntbertsoulc: maybe you better ask in #bash21:56
makariozsquareplusc, Could I use ecryptfs and have a mediatomb or jinzora user access the files?21:56
soulchmmmm never thought of that21:56
soulcgood Idea21:56
planttthow can I rebuild my /var/lib/dpkg/status file?21:57
Arkaelj'ai hi all21:57
plantttor fix it in any other way?21:57
Arkaeli juste updated to intrepi, and vlc fonts are really strange.... someone here had same issue?21:57
zsquarepluscmakario: it's going to be difficult if an oter user has admin rights too..21:57
makariozsquareplusc, Okay, plan change. What is the best way to hide a folder on the default account, and still allow "system users" to access it? It doesn't have to be ultra-secure, most of the people around here aren't too tech-savvy.21:59
guntbert!fr | Arkael21:59
ubottuArkael: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:59
zsquarepluscmakario: you can create a folder somewhere and use the file permissions. you can create a separate group for all non admin users that are allowed to use it. but each users needs his own account22:00
TuXidoflash broken down on last update>?22:00
TuXidois anyone experiecing problems with flash player latelly ?22:01
makariozsquareplusc: All right. I think I'm getting ideas now.22:01
zsquarepluscmakario: default accound for random users with admin rights.. you're sure you want that?22:02
Flanneladministrator: /join #ubuntu-it22:02
makariozsquareplusc I know, right? That's what I said. But sometimes they need to install stuff (like today Sound Converted needed to be installed quickly.)22:03
manishhow do i create a new menu entry22:04
TuXidomy flash player broke22:04
zsquarepluscmakario: you can restrict sudo to single applications. so you could only allow synaptic, but that also not a perfect solution22:04
swjcan someone explain why the new kernel security update is held back??22:04
makariozsquareplusc, How does that work?22:04
Flannelswj: Held back when you do sudo apt-get update?22:04
swjflannel yes22:04
swjflannel 5 held back22:05
Flannelswj: you need to do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade22:05
zsquarepluscmakario: man sudoers22:05
makariozsquareplusc, Thanks.22:05
Flannelswj: upgrade won't install new packages (the new kernel has a different package name, due to version number)22:05
swjflannel just wanted to make sure since I have already read that held packages are not ready22:05
Flannelswj: No, that's not true at all22:05
CaMason_yes! Static IP remembered over restart22:06
retro__anyone know, is Intel Graphics Media Accelerator X3100 supported (and working with 3d apps) ? (query me)22:06
Flannelretro__: yes22:06
swjflannel ahh I see..normally no new packages..but this cause was usuall ok22:06
retro__Flannel: you are owner ?22:06
swjflannel unusual22:06
makarioretro__ Yes, I'm using it right now, and I have another computer using it at home.22:06
retro__And what about composite ?22:06
makarioretro__ Yes.22:06
retro__And dual monitor ?22:06
philjoI've tried a few different CDs, and I always get dumped at Initramfs [70.076906] end_requqest: I/O error , dev sr0 , sector 1431176 [70.076934] Buffer I/O error on sr0 , logical block 178897.   Anyone got any ideas why I can't install?22:06
makarioretro__ Haven't tried.22:07
retro__anyway, thanks22:07
IcyStormhmm... could someone help with a package installing problem? i'm rather confused...22:07
Arkaelsomeone here add problems with vlc interface? i currently cannot see menu, fonts are totally unreadable22:07
swjflannel I wonder how a complete beginner would know that...there are no instructions that I can find on ubuntu site22:07
MrCollinsdoes someone know of a listing of games/kids games that I can install on Ubuntu? I have a 5 year old and I wanted to load up on some games... I have frozen bubble and a few others.. just wanted to know.. thanks.....22:07
MrCollinshe mrwes22:08
mrweswonders if anyone else hates moving as much as I do?22:08
* MrCollins raises hand22:08
Flannelswj: it's in the apt-get man pages, but update-manager does it automatically, so its not something a complete beginner would ever have to deal with22:08
mrwesHiya Mista Collins22:08
MrCollinsmrwes, I HATE moving.22:08
=== bruenig_ is now known as bruenig
philjoI've tried a few different CDs, and I always get dumped at Initramfs [70.076906] end_requqest: I/O error , dev sr0 , sector 1431176 [70.076934] Buffer I/O error on sr0 , logical block 178897.   Anyone got any ideas why I can't install?22:08
mrwesI go to the gym 4-5 days a week and I'm still sore from moving...sigh22:08
swjflannel got it...I dont use update manager ;) thanks again22:08
mrwesthank gawd for all those spin classes22:09
mrwesI went from the third floor to the first....sigh22:09
MrCollinsin wine, how do I copy files from a cdrom to a wine directory?22:09
Flannelmrwes: #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support discussion, thanks22:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotmonkeyluv22:10
mrwesFlannel: gimme a break d00d...I was just making conversation....I don't see anything else being dicussed22:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotmonkeylove22:10
philjoI've tried a few different CDs, and I always get dumped at Initramfs [70.076906] end_requqest: I/O error , dev sr0 , sector 1431176 [70.076934] Buffer I/O error on sr0 , logical block 178897.   Anyone got any ideas why I can't install?22:10
mrwes!info gimme a break22:10
ubottua is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu']22:10
Flannelmrwes: Take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this isn't a chat channel, thanks.22:10
mrwesFlannel: ok,,, what are the steps I need to take to compile a kernel?22:11
Flannel!kernel | mrwes22:11
ubottumrwes: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:11
mrwesFlannel,  but I want to anyhow22:11
CaMason_rootsnatch: turns out, if I unticked 'System Setting's, then closed, then re-ticked it.. it sticks22:11
Flannelmrwes: that's fine.   That page will explain how to.22:12
MrCollinsFlannel, how do I copy a file from a cdrom to a wine directory22:12
mrwesMrCollins, how's your box running?22:12
rootsnatchCaMason_: hahah really?22:12
MrCollinsmrwes, how do you mean?22:12
rootsnatchCaMason_: good googling!22:12
philjoAnybody got any ideas why I can't get ubuntu to install?22:12
CaMason_rootsnatch: yup, it was hidden as a comment in the bug report :D22:12
mrwesMrCollins, cp /mnt/cdrom ~/Drive_c22:12
MrCollinsso thats cp /mnt/cdrom (space) ~/Drive_c22:13
rootsnatchCaMason_: that is ridiculous, I hope someone makes a patch this is intrepid right?22:13
mrwesFlannel, danke sehr for the link22:13
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php22:13
Meshezabeelif I want to reinstall the new version of ubuntu, can I just keep my home directory, then on installation use the same user name, and it will automatically connect to my existing home directory?22:13
FlannelMrCollins: ~/.wine/drive_c I believe.22:13
MrCollinsFlannel, thank you22:13
mrwesMeshezabeel, do you have /home on a separate partition?22:14
FlannelMrCollins: But you can do it through nautilus too.  Just drag stuff22:14
Meshezabeelmrwes, yes22:14
MrCollinsFlannel, oh ok :) thanks22:14
philjocan you guys see my messages?22:14
FlannelMrCollins: In your home folder, hit ctrl-h to see hidden files, then you'll see .wine22:14
frog_a sound in skype doesn't work for me. i ave tried to change it in options(i can choose: HDA NVidia(hw: NVidia1, hw: NVidia0, plughw: NVidia1, plughw: NVidia0), nut no matter what i choose i hear nothing22:14
IcyStormI need to install this module, and I've downloaded the module source package. I'm reading the instructions on what to do, but terminal keeps saying the package doesn't exist. Do I have to place the .deb in a certain location?22:14
mrwesMeshezabeel, then yes, although you'll have to reinstall the software packages you added22:14
Flannelphiljo: yes22:14
philjook thx22:14
MrCollinsFlannel, thank you again sir22:14
mrwesMeshezabeel, the config files will be saved in /home though22:15
Meshezabeelawesome, thanks mrwes22:15
philjoI've tried a few different CDs, and I always get dumped at Initramfs [70.076906] end_requqest: I/O error , dev sr0 , sector 1431176 [70.076934] Buffer I/O error on sr0 , logical block 178897.   Anyone got any ideas why I can't install?22:15
mrwesMeshezabeel, you doing an upgrade or fresh installation?22:15
retro_philjo: maybe Cd reader is broken22:15
mrwesFlannel, one more slightly off topic thing....ROLL TIDE!22:16
Meshezabeelmrwes, fresh install22:16
philjopretty sure it's some kind of argument with my system.  Just wondering if it's memory, or the SATA drives it doesn't like22:16
mrwesMeshezabeel, good.22:16
sereanyone know y steam wont connect to the net but it works fine in windows22:16
Meshezabeelmrwes, upgrades scare me ;)22:16
mrwesMeshezabeel, yah me too...never had good luck with'em22:16
retro_sere: maybe firewall22:16
sereretro_, it just stopped ...was working fine22:17
chrismurfI'm trying to remove "Suspend" from the list of shutdown options, without success.  I've set can_suspend to false in gconf, but it's still showing.  Any ideas?22:17
philjois there supposed to be some kind of partition manager or something for doing fresh installs?22:17
Flannelphiljo: there is.  During the install you'll have a chance to partition22:18
philjook I guess I'm crashing out before I get to that.  All I see is the logo and the bar bouncing around, then I get dropped with the initramfs error22:18
Meshezabeelmrwes, so I should keep my /home and swap partitions, or should I just get rid of swap too, or does it matter?22:18
mrwesMeshezabeel, keep the swap22:18
Killer--Tuxi added firerstarter to the startup but when i turn on my pc it tell me firestarter dosent have privileges and closes22:19
Flannelphiljo: Try choosing the "check CD for defects" line, does that work?22:19
mrwesMeshezabeel, make sure you only format the / partition and not /home22:19
paolohi. I can't hear sounds anymore... an error has occoured with the audio, some days ago, and now I dunno how to restore the situation....22:19
philjonaw, they all do the same thing.22:19
philjoexcept the check memory, that just pops up a purple pixel somewhere, and then hangs22:19
mrwes!info partition | Meshezabeel22:20
ubottuPackage partition does not exist in intrepid22:20
rkviranianyone got an hp 2133?22:20
sporkboyokay, had dual monitors working & everything. comp froze, and when it came back on, it's like it's not even using my xorg.conf... no dvorak kb, low res, etc... any ideas22:20
philjoI'll go shut off my raid,0 and leave the SATA in RAID in the BIOS... I heard that worked for someone22:21
sporkboyoh, & there's an xorg.conf.failsafe magically22:21
forcumangi got an error while opening Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts22:22
forcumanghere it is:22:22
forcumang'An error occurred while loading or saving configuration information for gnome-keybinding-properties. Some of your configuration settings may not work properly."22:23
mmarceloi have never tried linux before. is ubuntu a good first choice?22:23
sp219_ How do I get rid of the Ubuntu logo in the menu on the gnome panel?22:23
yabukI want a program to search  the (artist, album, name) of my mp3 (using Internet ) and edit the musics, what program should I install?22:23
forcumangno one can help?22:24
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, since ubuntu has a live disc you can try it out without installing it on your computer22:24
amhubuntu 8.10 startx returns exec 5: /usr/bin/x11/x: not found22:25
amhxinit : Server Error22:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about diablo222:25
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, so yeah, ubuntu would be a good choice as long as you get the live disc, you might also want to try out some other distro live discs to see what suits you best22:25
amhhow do i fix this?22:25
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, what are your intentions for checking out linux, that might help you figure out what distro is best for you22:25
benzssgood evening fellows22:26
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, also know that running from a live disc loads everything to ram, so will run slower than if it is installed on your computer, so check how much ram you have to make sure you can run the live disc decently.22:26
renderohello, what is necessary to do to reach internet from a pc of a lan with ubuntu, and a server with ubuntu, of course i am connected to the server pc, i see the server folders with samba e.g. , no firewall in the lan pc22:27
amhcan anyone help me?22:27
x_sup yall locos22:27
sp219_ How do I get rid of the Ubuntu logo in the menu on the gnome panel?  ( screenshot: http://sp219.b3ta.org/hlog.png )22:28
amhsudo /etc/init.d/gdm retsart apparently should do something.. but instead i get sudo /etc/init.d/gdm: command not found22:28
forcumangamh: are you using desktop version of ubuntu?22:29
amhforcuman: server22:29
forcumangamh: gdm is gnome desktop management22:29
forcumangyou have no desktop22:29
forcumangtherefore no gdm22:29
amhis that why im getting no startx?22:29
gnutronamh:  restart not retsart right? typo?22:30
forcumangno, that's why gdm doesn't work22:30
AzizLighthi everybody22:30
sp219_doesn't matter22:30
amhyes, restart.22:30
ikoniaamh: what version of ubuntu are you using ?22:30
sp219_still not found ;p22:30
forcumangsudo reboot22:30
amhikonia: 8.1022:30
=== CharlieB is now known as HarryManback
forcumangamh: sudo reboot22:30
ikoniaamh: and you installed the desktop version ?22:30
beroberohello all22:30
AzizLightI am backing up my data. I want to backup a theme that I created how can I do that please?22:30
forcumangikonia: he just answered that22:30
amhikonia: im using server.22:30
j0nrcan i access a share on my ubuntu machine from a windows mobile device? As a means of easily transfering data wirelessly22:30
ikoniaforcumang: I didn't see that22:30
beroberoneed some help using nut to connect UPS on ttySx22:30
ikoniaamh: why are you using the server version ?22:30
forcumangamh: ...if you're trying to restart, use sudo reboot22:31
amhikonia:  for the servers..22:31
ikoniaamh: the desktop version is targed at home user hardawre22:31
ikoniaamh: the desktop version is a fine server and can run anything the server version can22:31
amhforcumang: im not sure what im trying to do..  i just want to get into gnome..22:31
ikoniaamh: I suggest you install the desktop version22:31
forcumangamh: then you need to install desktop ubuntu22:31
amhforcumang: when did this become a requirement for desktop in server?  last i used 6.06 server i didnt have this problem at all?22:32
mrwesamh: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:32
amhok, i need to disconnect this computer to move net over to the ubuntu machine. is there anything else i should try before i go?22:32
mrwesis tired22:32
KB1OHYI upgraded from Hardy to intrepid and now my wireless doesn't work... is there a link I cna check out so I can fix the problem?22:32
forcumangamh: GDM doesn't exist in server only...22:32
ikoniaamh: the desktop version is aimed at home user hardware, things like wirless drivers etc etc22:32
mrwesamh: pray?22:33
ikoniaamh: I would strongly suggest you install the desktop version of ubuntu22:33
amhthat's exactly what i upgraded for.. wireless drivers...22:33
amhok, ill do desktop.22:33
ikoniaamh: then the desktop version is %100 the install you should be using22:33
mrwesis wondering why ppl install the server version when they're not running a server22:34
forcumangmaybe he is running a server22:34
lilb1970hi truthslave22:34
forcumanghe didn't specify.22:34
Wald1http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=943872 Exactly where and how in Sessions do I put the script in the second-to-last post?22:34
Giggsteve8Would anyone be able to help a new user trying to insall Ubuntu on a laptop? Just have a quick question22:34
mrwesGiggsteve8, sh00t22:34
forcumangalso, server edition runs a lot better on older comps with no gfx cards22:34
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, not if you don't ask your question22:34
truthslavehey ya lilb197022:34
ikoniaforcumang: thats nonsense22:34
forcumangno, it's not.22:34
antoranzGuys! I'm having problems with the keyboard on X22:35
Giggsteve8The laptop is an ancient IBM thinkpad, found it in my room. When i boot for the CD I burned, it says the bios is 199922:35
ikoniaforcumang: yes it is, the Xorg installed on the server is the same as the desktop22:35
antoranzon the VTs, the keyboard is perfect22:35
Giggsteve8and ubuntu needs 2000... but then it starts to load, then hangs after a bit on a screen with a cursor22:35
mrwesForcumang: so does puppy22:35
DrUnKnMuNkYGiggsteve8: you might want to consider installing Xubuntu. It runs a lot better on low resource machiens.22:35
antoranzbut on X, some keys don't work (like the arrows) and altgr behaves like <intro>22:35
=== mohammed is now known as Guest63154
sp219_ How do I get rid of the Ubuntu logo in the menu on the gnome panel?  ( screenshot: http://sp219.b3ta.org/hlog.png )22:35
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, what do you mean ubuntu needs bios version 2000???22:35
sp219_.repeat | sp219_22:35
forcumangfor example22:36
beroberonut on ubuntu, fails with "data receiving error (-1 instead of 11 bytes)22:36
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, where did you read that?22:36
beroberowhat does that mean?22:36
Giggsteve8Right after the boot menu22:36
Giggsteve8after I hit install Ubuntu22:36
forcumangi was just writing an example but found its not really a good one22:36
Giggsteve8that's the first text that pops up22:36
ethana2I'm dual booting 8.04 and 8.10, but when I get kernel updates in 8.04, it never applies them22:36
forcumangwhen i was using desktop in VMWare, it was complete crap, because VMWare has no graphics22:37
ethana2I have to dual boot because one has features and the other has stability..22:37
ikoniaethana2: probably because your not using a shared /boot partition22:37
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, it says "Ubuntu requires the 2000 version of the bios" ???22:37
ethana2ikonia: I think I'd have to wipe my Dell Utility partition..22:37
forcumangbut when i installed server, it ran perfecto22:37
ubottuWant to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/tipsntrix.html#showtrash (KDE)22:37
ikoniaethana2: no22:37
ethana2ikonia: Do you think Dell would get mad?22:37
ethana2well I'm at my limit of 422:37
ethana2for this MBR type22:37
ikoniaethana2: use an extended partition22:37
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, that makes absolutely no sense at all22:37
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Giggsteve8Meshezabeel: I'll go try it again and get the exact message, but it's very similar to that, yes. 2000 or later22:38
MrCollinshow do i change a desktop icon, for instance when I want to change an icon, how do I do it?22:38
ethana2ikonia: I am22:38
Giggsteve8I'll go write it down22:38
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, ok22:38
Giggsteve8I thought it was odd, too.22:38
ethana2ikonia: wait, you can put a shared /boot on an extended partition you mean?22:38
ikoniaethana2: yes22:38
ikoniaethana2: lay it out how you want, but make sure you use a shared /boot22:38
mrwesMrCollins, right mouse button the properties, and then click the icon to change22:38
mrweser then22:38
ethana2ikonia: Do you think wiping the defective Dell utility partition would void my warranty or anything?22:39
ikoniaethana2: contact dell22:39
mrwesAnyone else running tomato on their router?22:39
MaveasTomato? :S22:39
awmcclainAny idea why my .bash_profile isn't getting loaded in intrepid?22:39
beroberonut on ubuntu, fails with "data receiving error (-1 instead of 11 bytes). what does that mean? any comments?22:39
mrweson linksys router that is22:39
ethana2ikonia: After returning my Dell three times already for repair, the last thing I want to do is involve them for anything...22:39
ethana2I'll send it in for a utility partition and they'll replace the webcam22:39
ikoniaethana2: you need to ask them, rather than take the word of strangers on an irc channel as to the legality of your warrenty22:40
awmcclainDoes it need to be explicitely sourced from .bashrc?22:40
ethana2ah, I suppose..22:40
* ethana2 contacts Dell22:40
mrwesethana2, call India...er Dell and ask22:40
ethana2mrwes: I'm not dumb enough to use the phone with them again22:40
mmarceloMeshezabeel thanks for the help. about my intentions... i plan to learn programming (for I will start a course in computer science) and to use it for science studies.22:40
j0nrcan i access a share on my ubuntu machine from a windows mobile device? As a means of easily transfering data wirelessly22:41
ethana2'I see you bought it with Ubuntu, uhhhhh hold on while I send you to someone who knows nothing about your problem'22:41
mrwesethana2, don't they have live chat now?22:41
ethana2mrwes: yes, that's what I'm doing now22:41
* heret1c is on a pre-dell+canonical=true latitude .-)22:41
ikoniaethana2: gents take the dell bashing elsewhere please22:41
ethana2ikonia: sorry, my mom got a 1525n and it's going very well for her22:41
ethana2it's mostly nVi--  yeah I'll see what they can tell me now....22:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:41
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, sounds good, any linux version should be good for that. Do you have a good computer with good ram?22:42
mrwesikonia, how is contacting Dell concerning a BIOS issue with Ubuntu off topic?22:42
MaveasCan I mount my XP partion in VMWare? :S22:42
awmcclainSpeaking of which... does .bash_profile need to be explicitly sourced from .bashrc?22:42
ikoniamrwes: I didn't say you22:42
ikoniamrwes: I asked ethana2 to stop discussing slating dell in the channel22:42
mrwessits back down22:43
heret1cpardon - tought I was in #amule... 8*)22:43
Giggsteve8Meshezabeel: ACPI Bios age 1999 fails cutoff (2000) acpi = force is required to enable acpi22:43
mrwesikonia, at least Dell sells boxes with Ubuntu22:43
ikoniamrwes: so ?22:43
mrwesso nuttin' just stating a fact22:44
mrwesikonia, that's not a g00d thing?22:44
ikoniamrwes: thats not relevant to this channel22:44
mrwesikonia, relax d00d22:45
MeshezabeelGiggsteve8, so that's just telling you that to use acpi, you have to set it to acpi=force when you are booting22:45
mmarceloMeshezabeel is 1GB ram enough?22:45
bazhangmrwes, please chat elsewhere.22:45
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, yes, it should be22:45
ikoniamrwes: I am relaxed, I've asked you to stop being offtopic and discussing dell22:45
mumblesok guys , i have dule boot system, xp and ubuntu22:45
mumblesi cant get ubuntu to install22:45
sp219_then you obviously don't have a dual boot system22:45
mmarceloMeshezabeel and for the purposes I mentioned, do you think i would miss windows for any reason?22:46
Meshezabeelmumbles, you don't need to install ubuntu if it is already installed22:46
mumbleswell yeh, it was a dule boot systm22:46
Giggsteve8Meshezabeel: Alright... sorry for being a moron. So just give it some time to boot then?22:46
mrwesikonia, you said it wasn't me...<ikonia> mrwes: I didn't say you22:46
mumblesand then one of the hdd died22:46
sd32whats the name of the third party nvidia driver installer software?22:46
Chappy5hey gang22:46
mumblesso i bofught 2 new ones22:46
ikoniamrwes: please join #ubuntu-ops22:46
irpapabearhello all22:46
ravaloxOkay, installed 8.10 and am having no luck getting sound to work22:47
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, for programming? not unless you use a specific compiler/ide that you like, but truthfully, I like programming much better in linux as it is more or less built in22:47
renderono connection by browsers in a lan pc, only using squid, what is the problem ?22:47
ravaloxIs there a rosetta stone for this or do I need to just install Fedora 10?22:47
Devourerikonia, I figured out what graphics card I have but lspci isn't show it.22:47
Stargazerhow do i sync my external hard drive with amarok ? i wanna move all my music i have in amarok to an extrenal hard drive.22:48
PeskyJI have a problem when using kino (video editing), sometimes it goes wrong and I hear the last ~200ms of audio repeated constantly and I can't stop it. I think the problem is in ALSA, I have tried /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart (and stop then start) but the buffer keeps repeating even when ALSA is restarted - any ideas how to clear it so I don't have to reboot?22:48
Meshezabeelravalox, rosetta stone teaches you human languages22:48
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* mumbles wonders where hes going wrong 22:48
=== Eggbert is now known as Eggbertx
Meshezabeelravalox, or do you mean manual?22:48
ravaloxSome set of instructions, I removed pulse to see if that was the issue22:49
alex_21I am on a Mac network and need to find something that visually looks like ITunes and allows for daap music receiving from my Firefly server. Does such a thing exits?22:49
ravaloxit wasn't22:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amule22:49
Chappy5anyone know how to force ruptime to add hosts to /var/spool/rwho.  ?22:49
alex_21Exist, sorry22:49
thorsten_Ive the edition  www.ultimateedition.info, its very easy, only the xsane doesn't recognize my lide 100 from Canon22:49
Stargazerhow do i sync amarok with an external hard drive ?22:50
thorsten_For Torrents22:50
sloggerkhanalex_21: rhythmbox, amarok, banshee?22:50
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:50
beroberois there a special serial cable necessary for ups-pc connection ? or a regular rs232 would work ?22:50
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, any other apps you use on windows that you know aren't on linux?22:50
irpapabearlikes amarok, hasn't tried banshee22:51
ethana2Dell said I could wipe it22:51
alex_21So, Amarock, Rockbox, Banshee, I am blind, so which one looks visually most like ITunes?22:51
thorsten_Amarok is  superb22:51
ikoniaethana2: please stop discussing dell - I asked you a few minutes ago22:51
HRshovinstuffis anyone familiar with the    renice   command?22:51
NeoChiversIm having Problems setting up any version of ubuntu with my XFX 7600TXT .. its okay, pre-bbot but when it attempts to load the driver for my card it spazzes and shows green vertical lines on my screen ... any help is apperciated?22:51
ethana2ikonia: sorry, how about this:  How do I get a version of Ubuntu with debug symbols compiled in?22:52
irpapabearthorsten have ya tired banshee?22:52
ikoniaethana2: strip the binaries22:52
ikoniaethana2: why does debug symbols matter to you ?22:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:52
mmarceloMeshezabeel hmm... maybe. but i guess i'll probably find equivalent ones for linux.22:52
thorsten_Amarok you must for your hard drive, i look how its named, a moment22:52
sloggerkhanalex_21: rockbox is for ipods. Rhythmbox is installed in ubuntu by default. Banshee's latest version is interesting because it has video library, but the vid library is lame because it uses gstreamer, not something useful like mplayer, and amarok is kde-style.22:53
ethana2ikonia: because when stuff crashes I run it in gdb, and it always says 'no debug symbols found' (x100) then 'oh, by the way, this app crashed22:53
ikoniaethana2: oh, you want it WITH debug symbols in22:53
ethana2ikonia: yes22:53
ikoniaethana2: sorry, I miss-read22:53
adubi am trying to login to my ssh server i just setup22:53
adubshouldnt the pass be what the password is on the given box im trying to login to22:53
ikoniaethana2: there are normally packages with debug sybols in the repo, eg: core-utils, core-utils-debug-sybols22:53
adubfor root that is22:53
Meshezabeel˙(dnʞɔɐq noʎ ǝɹns ǝʞɐɯ ʇsnɾ) sʍopuıʍ ɥʇıʍ ʇooq lɐnp oslɐ uɐɔ noʎ puɐ `(ɹǝʍols ǝq llıʍ ʇı) pɔ ɯoɹɟ ʇsɹıɟ ʇı ʎɹʇ uıɐƃɐ `ɥɐǝʎ `olǝɔɹɐɯɯ22:53
adubthis is an odd problem for sure22:54
ikoniaethana2: doubt you'll find all packages the same22:54
Meshezabeelmmarcelo, yeah, again try it first from cd (it will be slower), and you can also dual boot with windows (just make sure you backup).22:54
thorsten_Amarok! Settings Configure Amarok Collection and klick your drive22:54
alex_21I still don't see if Rythumbox or Amerocks or Banshee is best. Amerock doesn't include Video support?22:54
rwwethana2: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash22:54
gnutronadub: yes. ssh -l username hostname22:54
thorsten_I dont really use banshee22:55
alex_21I mean, I need to set this up for sighted users who are used to ITunes, and I really don't want to have to change it too much for them22:55
thorsten_Never needed I tunes22:55
ethana2rww: ah, so there are better ways to get info on crashes than debugging symbols..22:55
* ethana2 bookmarks page22:56
sloggerkhanalex_21:  It's probably best if you installed them and decided yourself. I haven't used itunes in years.22:56
zsquarepluscadub: root access is normally diabled in sshd's config. ubuntu also has root account disabled by default22:56
mmarceloMeshezabeel ok. thanks for the help, once again. i'm going offline now. :)22:56
adubyes i figured it out22:56
alex_21I have ITunes on a primarily Mac network. Is ATunes maybe what I want?22:56
thorsten_Sounds good?22:57
Mal3kohow how i check i already have dependency files?22:57
Mal3kohow do*22:57
alex_21Well I don't know. As I said I can't see it visually, and orca doesn't work with all of them, so I really don't know how the UI is laid out22:57
ethana2You know that recent update that went out with the changed ABI?  I booted off the kernel it installed and it didn't have sound, but I didn't remember what it said at bootup so I just reverted to the older one...22:57
zsquarepluscalex_21: there are also command line music players22:58
ethana2I should have commented it out of menu.lst instead of deleting it..      Ok yeah, that was dumb of me22:58
alex_21That is why I ask you guys for help. Does ATunes have DAAP support?22:58
u_bossI can not install 8.04.... I get to partitioning and it fails.... help please22:58
qcjngnutron: zsquareplusc hi, you'll become expert ssh :)..just a wink, can't stay..be back later22:58
RdgcrsHi! How can I activate USB support on my VirtualBox?22:58
sloggerkhanalex_21: I don't know how it works with a screen reader, but songbird LOOKS a LOT like iTunes if that's the #1 thing.22:58
fonzarelliRdgcrs: the version in the repos is OSE (open source edition).  OSE doesn't support USB22:59
zsquarepluscRdgcrs: ose or proprietary edition? (the 1st one has no usb support)22:59
gnutronqcjn: :)22:59
alex_21Does Songbird have DAAP support, and how do I install Songbird?22:59
Yahovahalex_21: No22:59
Rdgcrsfonzarelli, zsquareplusc: I've the version of the web page www.virtualbox.org23:00
fonzarelliRdgcrs: which one, there are two versions23:00
n8tuserRdgcrs-> the one from sun supports usb23:00
Rdgcrsfonzarelli, zsquareplusc: And I get an error when I start every virtualmachine saying USB that can not use USB's23:01
RdgcrsI think it's the Non-free version23:01
NeoChiversIm having Problems setting up any version of ubuntu with my XFX 7600TXT .. its okay, pre-bbot but when it attempts to load the driver for my card it spazzes and shows green vertical lines on my screen ... any help is apperciated?23:01
zsquarepluscRdgcrs: yes, i know. one moment23:01
thorsten_Good night, its Midnight23:01
n8tuserRdgcrs-> it should say sun xVM when you launched it23:02
coremasteris there a way to run a heavy game like warhammer online with ubuntu?23:02
fonzarelliRdgcrs: i'm sending you some instructions in a private message23:02
zsquarepluscRdgcrs: add in /etc/fstab    usbfs /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1001,devmode=664 0 023:02
SynrGi apparently have a permissions problem with a Zen Mozaic ... as per README.Debian the user is in plugdev but can't access the device23:03
SynrGyet sudo gnomad2 works23:03
SynrGis this some udev-fu or what?23:04
* Mustinet selam23:04
=== Mustinet is now known as Mstnt
heret1cwho has experience with resolving amule crashes?23:05
SynrGahh ...23:06
SynrGmaybe just unknown model23:06
* SynrG looks at /etc/udev/rules.d/libnjb.rules23:06
NeoChiversIm having Problems setting up any version of ubuntu with my XFX 7600TXT .. its okay, pre-bbot but when it attempts to load the driver for my card it spazzes and shows green vertical lines on my screen ... any help is apperciated?23:06
heret1cfor the record, #amule is dead.23:07
drogheret1c, tried an strace on it?23:07
mumblesthere needs to be a graphcial boot setup23:07
drogmumbles, there is23:07
heret1cdrog: nope. need it be done immediately after a crash? strace amule?23:08
NeoChiversyeah thats fine .. then i get the ubuntu splash screen .. then it spazes out23:08
drogheret1c, you run the program with strace beforehand and check the logs... something like strace <program> > ~/log.foo23:09
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drogheret1c, might want to check the man page though. There are probably other trace utilities too23:09
=== forkz is now known as Sporkz
ilembitovHi, all. My Evolution is set to fetch email from a POP server. However, every time it checks for new mails, it gives a lot of error mesages, saying that there is an error of a spam-filter. But it does fetch new messages. I experience these problems since the very beginning in Ubuntu 8.1023:10
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kade909how do i setup pine within terminal23:10
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heret1cdrog: ah. have a good run now, must wait.23:11
rmitchellkade909, install, or configure?23:11
drogilembitov, have you played around in evolution preferences > mail preferences > junk23:11
__aibhow do I get php xslt on ubuntu? i already installed php5-xsl23:11
__aibi am getting this erro: Your PHP install does not support xslt, please install the PHP_XSLT package.23:11
SynrGyup. the Zen Mozaic is too new a model. just adding the model# to the .rules was sufficient23:11
=== Erik_The_Red is now known as Forkz
drogheret1c, yup, just check the logs to make sure they're being written and wait for a crash23:12
turbandear nice ubuntu people. i've been struggling with ages with my wireless-connection. im running intrepid ibex. my card is a intel 2200BG. the router i'm trying to connect to is a d-link DIR-655. i know that the BG is not able to use the N-protocol, but when i'm running windows, the card is still able to connect, probably switching the connection to b or g protocol. this doesn't happen in ubuntu.. what to do?23:12
drogemre, hello23:12
ilembitovdrog: No. I didn't ever change anything, except for setting this mail up23:13
drogilembitov, perhaps you should :)23:13
emrehi drog23:13
Teknohow do i stream webcam to internet23:13
Teknowith ubuntu 8.10 and eeepc 90023:13
drogTekno, you're running ubuntu on an eeepc?23:14
zsquarepluscTekno: video chat? ekiga23:14
heret1cturban: did u try to use windows driver?23:14
drogTekno, nice23:14
ilembitovdrog: So, what should I do here? I get an error about Bogofilter23:14
Teknozsquareplusc: i want to make stream to many users23:14
Teknonot just one23:14
n8tuserturban-> you can set driver capabilities?23:14
drogilembitov, can you type out or pastebin the error23:14
LF|IrssiTekno: ustream.tv then23:14
NithIs it safe to "chmod -R o-r /etc/" ?23:15
jussi01Tekno: with VLC23:15
zsquarepluscTekno: vlc can stream23:15
drogturban, is the device working with the drivers you're using?23:15
drog(other than the inability to connect)23:15
drogNith, I wouldnt change permissions like that23:16
drogNith, what are you trying to accomplish?23:16
marek_hi what are the names for mirrors for ubuntu? im installin jaunty now and installer asks me for them23:16
turbanheret1c, no - i haven't. i see that this is a possibility with intrepid, i'll check it out right away and see what happens... thank you very much23:16
Flannelmarek_: #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty support, thanks.23:16
Nithdrog: stop users who ssh in from accessing my configs23:16
drogmarek_, afaik it should detect a bunch of different mirrors for you, but you can certainly look for a mirror close to yourself23:16
heret1cturban: have ndisgtk installed?23:16
CaMason_if my user is a member of a group, and a folder has that group as owner... and chmod is drwxrwxr-x.. should they be abel to write to it?23:17
CaMason_im getting permission denied atm23:17
drogNith, they shouldn't have write access, if you want to get rid of their read access I suggest changing the specific files you dont want read instead of all of /etc/*23:17
goat|lappydrog: if you have alot of people ssh'ing in, i would suggest a chroot jail for them... there should be proper walkthroughs on setting that up23:17
LF|IrssiNith: that is like throwing the baby out with the bath water and very dangerious, just change the permissions PER config, not the entire /etc23:17
turbanheret1c, no, but i presume that the tool administrator-> windows wireless drivers can be used?23:18
Nithunderstood, thanks drog  and LF|Irssi23:18
LF|Irssiyw :)23:18
goat|lappynith: if you have alot of people ssh'ing in, i would suggest a chroot jail for them... there should be proper walkthroughs on setting that up.23:18
droggoat|lappy, :P23:18
CaMason_"drwxrwxr-x 2 root dev " should a user in the group 'dev' be able to create a file in that folder?23:19
heret1cturban: that's it, afaik. the same.23:19
drogCaMason_, yes23:19
=== mike is now known as Guest75309
CaMason_drog: hrm.. doesn't seem to want to let me23:19
heret1cturban: good luck. .-)23:19
drogU:_ _ _ G: _ _ _ O: _ _ _23:19
CaMason_"groups camason" shows 'dev' as one of my groups23:19
zsquarepluscCaMason_: and "groups" lists dev for you?23:19
__Superman__Does anyone knows in vim, when i am writing a cpp file, for example when i hit enter and i'm in a { it will leave space??? How can i set this up??? pls private msg23:20
drogCaMason_, you can check if the user is in "dev" by "groups _name"23:21
turbanheret1c, thank you very much! we'll see what happens, how is this wrapper working? i find it strange that intrepid still needs a wrapper for this very common carc..23:21
drogCaMason_, "groups <name>" :S23:21
CaMason_drog: "groups camason" shows 'dev' at the end23:21
TeknoI have VLC.. what next? How do I start streaming?23:21
zsquareplusc__Superman__: #vim :-)  you have to enable autoindentation23:21
drogCaMason_, ls -l on the directory23:21
mumblesok guys, i fyou have xp installed on a sata hdd, and ubuntu on a ide should there be any problems?23:21
drogmumbles, no23:21
zsquarepluscTekno: read their webpage, they have examples on how to stream23:21
Nithgoat|lappy: will do, was looking at this as an alternative to that23:21
mumblesthats what i thought23:22
mumbleswhy can i not get grub up23:22
CaMason_drog: drwxrwxr-x 2 root dev 4096 2008-11-29 22:57 projects23:22
drogmumbles, you will most likely want to boot off the ide drive, so you'll want to set it as your primary boot device and have a boot loader installed on it23:22
Guest75309i have ubuntu 8-4 running inside windows xp.when windows crashes or gets hacked will ubuntu still boot and will my personal info be safe???23:22
mumblesyep thats what ive odne23:22
CaMason_is the group name 'dev' causing a problem? perhaps I need a different name?23:22
FlannelGuest75309: you mean with wubi?23:22
XyliaHi, I'm trying to install 8.4.01 on netbook without a CD drive. I have a bootable CD and another computer (running Vista) that can read it, and I'd like to use it to make a bootable flash drive. How do I do this?23:22
drogmumbles, and you've set it up to boot off of hd_# or sd_#? and works?23:23
Teknozsquareplusc: but their site has outdated guides....23:23
mumblesive even used sudo grub and looked at menu.silit23:23
zsquarepluscCaMason_: is the filesystem mounted readonly?  (mount)23:23
mumblesits set to boot off hdd23:23
mumblesthe ide23:23
CaMason_zsquareplusc: no I can sudo touch a file to that folder23:23
drogmumbles, do you have a dual boot set up for windows?23:23
mumblesit was ment to be23:23
marek_drog how can i find them?23:23
marek_can you provide me any>23:24
drogCaMason_, just wondering, but why is root given ownership, root can do anything to anything23:24
heret1cturban: dunno. fiddlybits, prolly.23:24
CaMason_drog: I just created the folder as root (/development/projects). I just wanted to make sure every used in 'dev' could write within it23:24
drogmarek_, where do you live roughly?23:24
cyluxHey guys, I am tryin to play videos from a specific SATA disk of mine and the playback is choppy but anything on my local hard drive (same videos) are smooth. Any suggestions?23:24
marek_i found this23:25
zsquarepluscCaMason_: /development has r-x perms?23:25
Guest24069Its probably just the one video23:25
drogcylux, are the videos high definition?23:25
Guest24069try another smaller video23:25
cyluxdrog: Yes23:25
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:25
XyliaAny suggestions for making a live flash drive from a CD?23:25
marek_what host name should i type? ftp.wcss.[pl?23:25
drogcylux, in both cases? are you sure your computer can decompress hd?23:25
zsquareplusc!usb > Xylia23:25
ubottuXylia, please see my private message23:25
drogit's actually a surprisingly cpu intensive thing to do23:25
drogmarek_ this is for jaunty, yes?23:26
Guest24069yeah, may need to watch CPU usage while running it23:26
cyluxdrog: I have a very high-end computer, why wouldn't it be able to (But yeah, non-HD videos look better)23:26
marek_drog ok its done, thanks very much23:26
edjuNo wireless here, & trying to track down the problem. So, 1st - lshw -C network properly ids the card, w/ the proper driver.  Does that mean it's not a hardware problem?23:26
CaMason_drwxrwxr-x   3 root development  4096 2008-11-29 22:57 development23:27
drogmarek_, heres another if that doesnt work out ftp://ubuntu.task.gda.pl/ubuntu/23:27
CaMason_development folder is in the root23:27
zsquarepluscedju: is there a "wireless" item in the gnome network applet?23:27
cyluxdrog: ?23:28
CaMason_is it because it's owned by 'root' that's causing problems?23:28
zsquarepluscCaMason_: you let your users create subfolders in there? intention?23:28
CaMason_zsquareplusc: /development/projects is an area for users within the group 'development' to mess around with23:28
edjuzsquareplusc, Dunno - use KDE.  But, knetworkmanager shows "no wireless network found"23:28
drogcylux, how high-end?23:29
jimmygoonI'm looking for a good media player to reduce duplicates and consolidate multiple music libraries... any good suggestions?23:29
waldeUahh - I wanted to have an option in konqueror to add a folder to amarok playlist. Unfortunately every opened folder (gnome or kde) is being appended to the amarok-playlist now. Which file contains this information?23:29
zsquarepluscedju: ok. do you have a wireless on/off switch on your pc?  does "dmesg"  show errors?23:29
drogedju, is there a wireless light on your pc? is this a laptop?23:30
rwwcylux: If your player has an option to increase buffering times or cache, that could help. I was having issues with choppy video in VLC that got fixed that way.23:31
edjuzsquareplusc, dmesg shoed no errors when ndiswrapper was loaded.  It is a lap and the wless switch is on.23:31
rwwcylux: it's more of a workaround than a solution, but it's better than nothing23:31
cyluxdrog: Dual Core 3.2 GHz processor and a GeForce 8600 GT  and 2GB of RAM23:31
cyluxrww: I'll try it out, thanks.23:32
edjuiwconfig essid doesn't associate the AP.23:32
cyluxrww: But mplayer was also choppy, it isn't just VLC23:32
drogCaMason_, try chowning it to another user23:32
CaMason_drog: I just tried that.. chown -R test:development /development23:32
CaMason_still no joy D:23:32
drogcylux, yea that shouldn't have a problem... are you using nvidia drivers?23:32
zsquareplusccylux: HD streams? try to enable processing for the second CPU (threads for some decoders)23:32
drogzsquareplusc, shouldn't matter, 3.2 on a single core core 2 is more than enough to decode 1080p23:33
zsquarepluscdrog: mine is 2.1GHz and it is not enough23:33
drogzsquareplusc, what cpu?23:34
zsquarepluscdrog: also a core 2 duo23:34
CaMason_I just restarted and it seems to be working now :o23:34
drogzsquareplusc, that doesnt sound right...23:35
zsquarepluscCaMason_: you did not re-login after adding yourself to the group?23:35
CaMason_zsquareplusc: no, I wasn't aware that was mandatory :D23:35
zsquarepluscdrog: it works unless there is a lot of movment, then it losses some frames23:35
Teknohow do I setup vlc 0.9 to stream webcam23:36
nbeebohow come i once could drag launcher to awn but not anymore?23:36
Teknortsp,http,mms wtf...23:36
martydcould someone with a good understanding of the terminal chat with me?23:36
drogmartyd, depends how you define 'good understanding'23:36
drogzsquareplusc, wow, what format?23:36
rwwmartyd: what drog said. What do you need help with?23:36
martydi tried this guide on moving my home to a new partition23:37
emilienneed help detecting keyboard23:37
XThiefI upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now I can't add any new user, when i go to the user manager i get all the options grayed23:37
martydbut the command to copy the fils across didn't work23:37
XThiefcan anyone help me?23:37
martydso 'good understanding' means able to move files, etc :P23:37
emilienXThief,  use terminal adduser23:37
XThiefi tried23:37
dmulhollandi have a program that I've launched within a terminal but I want to close the terminal and the X server but still have the process running, anyway to do it?23:37
Jagged_XThief: try sudo useradd -m username23:37
drogXThief, is there an "unlock" option somewhere on that window?23:37
XThiefbut then i cant log with that user23:37
zsquarepluscdrog: oh, hm. the smaller HD format, but its not important, solve the important problems of others here :-)23:37
nbeeboshowed my mom something on comp and she saw a folder named porn hehe :SS23:37
nbeebohow come i once could drag launcher to awn but not anymore?23:37
XThiefdrog yes, but its also grayed23:38
mumblesnbeebo:  opps :P23:38
drogXThief, probably an 8.10 bug, use sudo adduser23:38
XThiefi tried to do that23:38
emilienneed help detecting keyboard23:38
FezzlerHow do I find the directory where an icon on my Desktop is filed so I can change it?23:38
XThiefbut then i cant log in from NX23:38
XThiefcause its a server23:38
PedrolitoI'm not able to log out then log back in when compiz is enabled, I have to hard reseet the computer. Is that normal?23:38
Jagged_XThief: you may need to set the user passwd and shell default (and perhaps home dir)23:38
XThiefJagged_ already did it23:38
dmulhollandXThief, is there not an unlock button in the users and groups window?23:38
zsquarepluscPedrolito: no, that is not normal. sounds like a driver issue23:39
drogcylux, the problem only occurs on the sata drive, you can play the same video flawlessly from the ide drive?23:39
XThiefdmulholland yes, but its grayed23:39
=== Jagged_ is now known as Jagged
Mal3kocan anyone help me with installing "libnl" depend.?23:39
emilienneed help detecting keyboard23:39
evaryont_How do I uninstall lirc w/o uninstalling it's dependencies?23:39
dmulhollandXThief, can you go sudo operations in the terminal? such as sudo apt-get install ....23:39
Pedrolitozsquareplusc, I have an intel graphics chipset23:39
Mal3koubuntu doesnt seem to recognize this pakage23:39
zsquarepluscMal3ko: if you use synaptic/apt-get/aptitude, dependencies are automatically installed.  what are you trying to do?23:40
XThiefdmulholland yes, i can, im admin23:40
Mal3kocompile and install "bmon"23:40
dmulhollandXThief, very strange...23:40
emilienneed help detecting keyboard.23:40
XThiefdmulholland yes...23:41
mikeg3I am running 8.10 on a MacBook Pro using Vmware fusion.  It takes forever for Ubuntu to shut down.  Ideas?23:41
* drog is away23:41
zsquarepluscMal3ko: apt-get install bmon  is there a special reason you want to compile your own?23:42
david_nick __david23:42
jussi01!away > drog23:42
ubottudrog, please see my private message23:42
dmulhollandXThief, i upgraded 04 to 10 and it worked no problems... can you log in to a shell session using a user created from sudo adduser?23:42
Mal3kocause one in ubuntu rep is old23:42
zsquarepluscMal3ko: apt-get build-deps bmon23:42
rwwevaryont_: Open up Synaptic (from System -> Administration), search for each of lirc's dependencies, then highlight them and click Package -> [ ] Automatically Installed (uncheck it)23:42
nbeebodoes any1 know a app to change volume in tray? like in windows23:43
emilienneed help detecting keyboard. need to install driver but unsure on driver as can't find name23:43
evaryont_rww: I don't have synaptic installed23:43
rmitchellnbeeo: volume control applet23:43
dmulhollandnbeebo, there is a panel applet23:43
rwwevaryont_: ah. Want command-line instructions, then?23:43
dmulhollandnbeebo, right click on the panel and chose add to panel and there is a volume control tool23:43
evaryont_rww: sure23:43
zsquarepluscnbeebo: ubuntu should have one speaker symbol in the system tray. you can even change the volume with the mouse wheel, without clicking on it :-)23:43
dmulhollandnbeebo, you can put it wherever you like23:43
Teknoi have no idea how to get this vlc stream to working23:44
zsquarepluscTekno: there is a streaming assistant in the menu. and the examples from the docs may be old but working23:44
Teknowhat protocol do i use?23:45
Teknoand how do i access it from another computer23:45
rwwevaryont_: sudo aptitude unmarkauto package1 package2 packagen, where packages 1,2...n are the packages you don't want to be autoremoved23:45
emilienneed help detecting keyboard.23:45
zsquarepluscTekno: start playing around with the http protocol. its easy to use,. on the other just use vlc url23:45
Laurencebhi, I'm using rythmbox23:46
Laurencebto try and play limewire tracks23:46
Laurencebbut there is an error with gstreamer23:47
Laurencebcan anyone help?23:47
martyd!tell martyd about mv23:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mv23:47
martyd!tell martyd about /home23:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about /home23:47
martyd!tell martyd about partitions23:47
ubottumartyd, please see my private message23:47
rwwLaurenceb: what's the error? if it's long, paste it to paste.ubuntu.com then copypaste the link here23:47
rww!fishing > martyd23:47
neetoWhat version is the kernel that has the GID built in?23:47
emilienneed help making ubuntu detect my new keyboard.23:48
martydi'm having some difficulty in moving my /home to a new partition, has anyone done this?23:49
evaryont_rww: hm, maybe you don't understand what I meant - I'd like to uninstall lirc (and replace it w/ a later compiled version w/ a few patches) w/o uninstalling mythbuntu-lirc-generator (which lists lirc as a dependency)23:49
=== meta_ is now known as metabsd
metabsdhi all23:49
Laurencebjust a sec23:50
* Fougner looks for "all" and wonders who "all" is23:50
Laurencebsorry was away23:50
zsquarepluscmartyd: best use single user mode. cp -ax /home newhome, then edit fstab to use newhome.  (empty old home to save hd space)23:50
phirestalkerlinux-image-2.6.27-9-generic=2.6.27-9.19 and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-9-generic=2.6.27-9.13, what gives? shouldn't the versions match so modules can compile correctly? is this something I did wrong?23:50
dmulhollandi just put a process to bg but fg wont bring it to forward again, how do i do it?23:50
zsquarepluscemilien: you need to provide more details. is it a USb keyboard?23:50
Laurenceb"failed to change state"23:51
LaurencebGstreamer error: failed to change state23:51
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martydzsquareplusc, thank you, i'll investigate tht23:51
Mal3kohow do we transfer files thru ssh?23:51
Mal3koserver a to server b23:51
rwwevaryont_: yeah, looks like I thought you said the opposite of what you wanted... That's a really bad idea, and I'm not sure how to do it.23:51
dmulhollandMal3ko, you use scp23:51
zsquarepluscMal3ko: use scp23:52
TeknoI got stream working but it says alsa error "cannot write: Broken pipe"23:52
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
so_bom some help please!!23:52
Teknoand stream cuts23:52
emilienzsquareplusc,  yes , i tried lsusb did not pick it up23:52
Laurencebalso "the gspreamer plugins to decode document type "SMIL document" could not be found"23:52
phirestalkeroh and I'm on Intrepid 8.1023:52
zsquarepluscdmulholland: bg then fg works for me23:52
dmulhollandMal3ko, sample command scp user1@host1:~/folder/file.pdf user2@host2:~/newlocation/file.pdf23:52
martydalso, i accidentally mv /home_backup /home and it's like 30gigs....is there anything I can do to stop it safely? :(23:53
Laurencebrww: any clues?23:53
nbeebodmulholland and zsquareplusc sorry for late reply, im not using gnome-panel anymore, but i dont want a applet on the desktop or something so..23:53
so_bomneed some help with wi-fi conection23:53
zsquarepluscemilien: it should... are the wires ok? has the keyboard a switch (like for old PS/2 mode)?23:53
Mal3kodmulholland: can that transfer all files in a folder?23:53
rwwLaurenceb: sorry, was looking up apt-get articles. Give me a sec.23:53
zsquarepluscnbeebo: you're using a different desktop?23:53
dmulhollandMal3ko, i dont know, i would normally make an archive using tar if i was transfering more than one file23:54
Laurencebsorry my posts got brocken up23:54
dmulhollandzsquareplusc, its not working for me... :S23:54
Laurencebso many people posting23:54
GodfatherofEire2Anybody know of a way to mod gnome-main-menu so that I can change what's on the right panel?23:54
zsquarepluscMal3ko: scp can recusrively copy file. if you want to do regular file syncs also look at rsync (over ssh)23:54
dmulhollandzsquareplusc, the program is still outputting (it outputs each timestep) but I cant get control of it23:54
zsquarepluscdmulholland: hm. i tried with gedit and that worked. you just want contoll back or stop it?23:55
dmulhollandi want control back to pause it23:55
dmulhollandzsquareplusc, without stopping it23:56
emilienzsquareplusc, no switch that i can see look at manual says i need to install driver which is on cd < lost cd >  here is paste bin of lsusb http://pastebin.com/m177510f023:56
zsquarepluscdmulholland: isnt there a signal you can send with kill?23:56
entwine hi 23:57
gnutrondmulholland: scp -R dir/  user@hostname:  should copy the dir and all files and subdirs and create the dir in /home/user23:57
rwwLaurenceb: looks like you're not the only one. There's a couple of bug reports on Launchpad and GNOME Bugzilla, but none of them have solutions :(. Do you happen to know if they're variable-bitrate mp3s?23:57
entwinesomebody thee23:57
zsquarepluscemilien: whats device 3 the one w/o description? is it going away when you plug in the KB. also check the output of dmesg for errors23:57
taveanyone know of a linux distro with a live pxe boot config?23:57
dmulhollandzsquareplusc, just googled it, apparently kill -STOP23:57
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Laurencebrww: probably yes23:57
entwinei need help23:57
LaurencebI'll try another player23:57
dmulhollandgnutron, thanks for that, ill probably still tar.gz the files because they are text and the compression is a bonus as well :D thanks thoguh23:57
Laurencebthanks for the help anway23:57
GodfatherofEire2Anybody know how I might modify gnome-main-menu so that I can modify whats under the right panel/system panel?23:57
entwinei need help23:58
Flanneltave: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet23:58
entwinei have problems23:58
rwwLaurenceb: Yeah, someone said it was just rhythmbox doing it, so that might work. Sorry I couldn't find anything more helpful :(23:58
entwineto conect23:58
entwinebecause my ubuntu not recognize my wifi conexion23:58
ThirtysixwayAfter a kernel upgrade on 8.10, openoffice 3.0 crashes when starting23:58
entwinebecause my ubuntu not recognize my wifi conexion(23:59
PeskyJhow come some apps are on getdeb.net but not available in the add/remove app manager?23:59
entwinesomebody to help me23:59
crunchy_BUMBLEthis is a total newbie question, but i picked up a laptop, an old IBM t30. i dont know if it has a built in wireless card. i just loaded 8.10. where's the menu that shows all of the hardware that the system knows about23:59
kade909is there another name for the openssl ca-certificates?23:59
nbeebozsquareplusc basically gnome without gnome-panel23:59
kade909my terminal can't find them23:59
phirestalkerlinux-image-2.6.27-9-generic=2.6.27-9.19 and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-9-generic=2.6.27-9.13, what gives? shouldn't the versions match so modules can compile correctly? is this something I did wrong? I'm on Intrepid 8.1023:59
zsquarepluscdmulholland: ssh can compress files too, as scp can:  -C23:59
alex_21How do you install songbird?23:59
rwwThirtysixway: OO.org 3 isn't in the ubuntu repositories yet. If you used the PPA repository to get it, that repository is down right now due to a bug that sounds like yours. The maintainer dropped by recently and said he/she will probably have a new version up next week.23:59
emilienzsquareplusc, no idea what 3 no mouse could be keyboard as can't run lsub with out key board23:59

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