
Cool-Nickcheck this guys: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=99635500:20
fonzarelliCool-Nick: duplicate thread:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47967700:21
Cool-Nickfonzarelli: plz don't say it :(00:22
Cool-Nickyeah but that one is old :)00:22
Cool-Nickwe need a new one ;)00:22
Cool-Nickhey buddy POST yours ;)00:23
fonzarellithe world is my workstation00:23
Cool-Nickthe world is too big for you ;)00:24
Cool-Nickdo you like mine?00:24
fonzarelliyup, its nice00:24
=== rene_ is now known as lonor
lonorHow do you add more Desktops in Xubuntu 8.10? Also - how can I add the Terminal to the launcher panel. Does the CPU usage graph take up much CPU?01:11
lonorand does the Network usage graph take up much CPU?01:12
orangeflycan anyone help with a linksys wusb54gs....???....02:45
fonzarelliwhat's your question?02:53
orangeflyanyone here....???....03:55
=== dvdm is now known as privet
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
gourdcaptainDoes anyone have any tips for submitting bug reports? I've found several bugs in XFCE I've been told to report as bugs, but nobody ever seems to respond to launchpad entries or XFCE bugzilla entries I make.04:45
bitmousehey could anybody recommend a good VNC program group?06:50
=== wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla
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ZER0C00LI'm trying to edit my xorg.conf09:23
ZER0C00Lbut when i open it just says "Configured Video Device"09:24
ZER0C00Linstead of the normal device or driver09:24
ZER0C00Lrunnign xubuntu 8.1009:24
jxandersudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:26
jxanderor whatever text editor you like09:26
ZER0C00Ldid that09:27
ZER0C00Lbut it doesnt look anything like the usual xorg.conf09:27
ZER0C00LSection "Device"09:27
ZER0C00L        Identifier      "Configured Video Device"09:27
ZER0C00Lthats all it says09:27
jxandernowadays xorg.conf is pretty empty :P09:28
jxanderwhat do you want to configure?09:28
ZER0C00Li got the ATI M750009:28
ZER0C00Lfound i guide to speed it up abit09:29
jxanderthen you should add the sections with the options you want...09:29
jxanderbut make backups first :P09:29
ZER0C00Lhehe good idea09:30
jxanderyeah, you never know... :P09:30
ZER0C00Lwell here we go09:38
AlmindorI can't add the sound mixer to the panel11:23
Almindorit blinks in and out (probably crashes?)11:23
Almindor(sounds works otherwise11:23
robi just installed 8.10 and it says there are 86 newer packages which want to be installed. my question is: is it always the best to install ALL suggested updates ?11:24
knomerob, in 99% of the cases, yes.11:24
knomerob, you should be safe to install the upgrades.11:25
robknome, ok, thanks!11:25
Almindorany idea how to get backtrace of the plugin or something?11:26
TheSheepAlmindor: try dragging and dropping it from the list to the panel11:27
AlmindorTheSheep, aha it didn't blink away this time11:30
TheSheepknown bug... from at least 2 years11:32
knomeTheSheep, fix it :P11:41
TheSheepknome: no point, 4.6 is just around the corner :P11:42
knomeTheSheep, people will still use 4.4, eh? ;)11:43
TheSheepthat's their problem11:43
knomeTheSheep, actually no, wrong answer :P11:52
mandelumHello, installed xfce on my ubuntu, because the last months has I have seen extremly sluggish perfomance. Xfce actually dilivered more performance than I could ever dream of. Things are actually fast now. And I do not understand how this is possible! However I have two questions. Would I see a even more boost if I where to do Pure Xfce and uninstall GNOME or are ther particular things I could uninstall jut to get it faster? And the other question is, why on12:10
knomemandelum, your message got cut on "is, why on"12:14
knomemandelum, answer for first: what speeds xfce is not to use apps based on kde or gnome libs12:14
mandelumAnd the other question is, why on earth when you have the great autofnd feature in the desktop application louncher setup, why can you have it also for panel application lounchers. Now it will take forever to get the right applications with their icons to the panel. Thank you!12:14
knomemandelum, eg. if you don't use any kde app, you don't have to load kde libs12:14
mandelumI use, Firefox, Pidgin, Inkscape and Tomboy12:15
mandelumis the network manager a gnom or kde app12:15
knomewell, xfce uses gnome libs anyway12:15
mandelumso it is not terribly important to clean away some gnome stuff12:16
knomeyou're right.12:16
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »12:16
mandelumI mean I am quite content with this speed already and would not like to mess up any important application12:16
knomei don't know if it *really* makes a difference12:16
knomebut at least you get a cleaner feeling12:17
knome(or i would)12:17
mandelumyes, that link was where I got the idea :)12:17
knomeit doesn't do you any bad12:17
mandelumwell, could for example Tomboy break12:17
mandelumbecause that is my most imortant app12:17
mandelumor the Network-manager for wireess12:18
mandelumor some codes12:18
knomeas you might've noticed, those are only apt-get remove lines12:19
knomeso they basically just uninstall a bunch of software12:19
jarnosmandelum: You save disk space and ubuntu does not serve that many updates, if you remove unneeded gnome-desktop packages.12:19
knomejust remove anything from the command you want to keep12:19
mandelumbut there was a hell of a lot of them, and I don know what even half of them are so it would take time to figure things out12:19
knomejust uninstall12:20
mandelumjarnos: true, a good point12:20
knomeyou can install software back if you by mistake uninstall something important12:20
mandelumyes, but if something breaks and I do not know what th pakage name is12:21
mandelumwell, I quess I do it later, when I wuld have the time to handle potential problems12:21
mandelumwhat about the panel icon problem, is it a filed bug already12:21
mandelumdoes not seem like very difficult to solve to me12:22
knomemandelum, suppose so :P12:22
mandelumwould it not be easy to get the desktop application launcher setup on the panel too12:22
knomewhat do you mean by "desktop application launcher" ?12:22
mandelumis there any good hack around this for now. I would really like having some appliations with the right icons on the panel12:22
knomethe "launcher" item on the panel plugins?12:23
mandelumI mean, that when you right click on the desktop and then create a new application louncher, this application louncher will b able to autosuggest programs for you and choose the right icon12:23
knomesee my prev message12:24
knomeis that what you mean?12:24
mandelumand on the panel the same system does not do this, ich mean you would have to manually hunt down every icon12:24
jarnosmandelum: you can type the name of the application in terminal and it the package needed is not installed, you are adviced to install it.12:24
mandelumand since xfce does not allow one to drag and drop the lounchers, it is a little bit unconveninet12:25
knomemandelum, usually the program launch name is ok, eg. "inkscape" gives inkscape icon12:25
knomemandelum, exceptions: firefox -> "firefox-3.0" , thunar -> "Thunar" (casing!)12:26
knomethere might be other12:26
mandelumit does not give me the icon12:26
knomepress tab?12:26
mandelumare we both talking now about the Panel Application Louncher12:27
knomemandelum, yes :P12:28
knomemandelum, what app are you trying to give an icon to?12:28
mandelumI only get a cogwheel as deafoult and then I can choose between say 10 diferent icons and also other12:28
mandelumwell, I do not know yet, I have not decided wich apps to have on hte panel12:28
knomewrite eg. "inkscape" to the text box12:28
mandelumbut maybe 5-10 apps12:29
knomeand press tab12:29
mandelumIin the name box?12:29
knomeright to the icon12:29
knomeuh not name.12:29
knomethe box on the right of the icon :)12:29
knomealso this way it will change the icons if you change the icon theme later12:30
mandelumwell, it just selects the next button(the folder icon)12:31
knomedid you write "inkscape" without quotes?12:31
mandelumI have tryied with diffrent names, like Pidgin and terminal too12:32
knomehmmh. and the icon didn't appear?12:32
knomeall lowercase?12:32
knomebut thunar = Thunar12:33
knomeit is an exception12:33
mandelumsorry, for not beeing observant about your help12:34
mandelumreally silly of me12:34
mandelumthanks a lot!12:34
knomehave fun using panel launchers :<12:34
mandelumyes and with this superfast desktop12:34
mandelumI simply can not understand how everything can be so much faster12:35
mandelumeven loading firefox12:35
knomenot so many processes taking up cpu and mem12:35
knomegnome is a big bloaty system12:35
mandelumwhat are those gnome guys putting in gnome really?12:35
mandelumI do not see even one benefit with gnome12:36
knomeimo gnome used to be ok12:36
knomebut it got bloated *a lot*12:36
mandelumso strange12:36
mandelumyou linux guys usually hate bloat12:36
mandelumdoes do bloat give any functionality?12:37
knomewell, things just happen12:37
knomeand when there is a bunch of developers...12:37
knomewell... it might keep the existing functionality working or fix a bug :P12:38
mandelumwell Xfce is impressive anyway12:38
knomegood to hear12:39
knomemandelum, if you ever want to give something back, please check http://xubuntu.org/contribute :)12:39
mandelumhaving some trouble with the Prism icons12:39
mandelumthank you, I may want to do that!12:40
knomedo the prism apps have icons?12:40
mandelumthe favicons12:40
mandelumthey are really cute, for gmail, calendar, facebook etc12:41
knomeok, let me try12:41
mandelumyou are so helpful!12:43
knomesuppose prism-facebook, prism-google-calendar ...12:43
knomenice to hear i can help12:44
mandelumyes, and I am glad I don´t need to trouble ou with some big problems12:45
mandelumtheese small details just get me feel very comfortable in xfce, so thanks12:45
knomeyes, xfce is very configurable12:47
knomedifferent from kdes on gnomes configurability12:48
knomemuch more useful on many things12:48
mandelumyes, and I know my friend will love it12:48
mandelumhe just instlled ubuntu on his eee12:48
mandelumand he was not happy with either gnome or kde12:48
knomewell on eeepc i'm not very surprised12:49
mandelumor he did some cool things in compi12:49
boivie1146Hello folks! I have a problem with connecting to the internet. I installed Xubuntu 64-bit PC desktop from the CD, directly after it was released. I can't basically do anything on the internet, but downloading som tiny files. When I ping up to 1500 bytes it goes swift and well, but when I ping 1501 bytes or more I get packet loss every time. I have Ubuntu 8.04 installed on the same computer without any internet problems. Anyone know12:49
mandelumbut I still think he would like xfce more12:49
knomeboivie1146, "Anyone know" ... the text got cutted.12:49
TheSheepsounds like a bad frame size on the router12:50
boivie1146sorry "Anyone knows where to look for a solution?"12:50
boivie1146TheSheep: I don12:50
boivie1146I don't use any router12:51
TheSheepboivie1146: well, you are connected to the internet somehow, there is a bunch of routers on the way12:51
mandelumthe strangest things after switching to xfce is that, before in gnome some (I think) png images in firefox would get all pixelated... Not in Xfce12:51
mandelumvery strange indeed12:51
boivie1146TheSheep: okey. Isn't there a way to make xubuntu 8.10 tackle the routers the same way as ubuntu 8.04 do?12:52
TheSheepif it is what I think it is, then probably there is some kernel option for that12:53
TheSheepbut it should be fixed on the router, really12:54
boivie1146TheSheep: okey. Well the routers are out of my control, so...12:55
mandelumcan you run compiz in gnome? My freind may want to use it12:59
knomemandelum, yes13:00
boivie1146TheSheep: Well, I think I'm too inexperienced for messing with the kernel. Do you think I will have the same problem if I instead try to install the i386 version?13:04
mandelumIf I do the Pure Xfce command, are you sure that there will be no problems with Tomboy, Pidgin, Firefox, Network-Manager?13:10
mandelumthoose apps are critical to me!13:11
mandelumalso the codecs would be nice to preserve13:11
knomeso you are coming from gnome?13:13
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:13
knomemandelum, http://paste.ubuntu.com/78033/13:14
knomemandelum, i removed tomboy from removed list. even if any app you want to use is removed, their configurations stay13:14
knomemandelum, so installing back will bring you back all you configurationgs13:15
knomemandelum, just don't worry too much about it :)13:15
mandelumwhat about firefox, I see that you uninstall that too, and you probobly get a new install from xfce, but are the settings preserved?13:17
mandelumbecause if my network break, I will have no way of figuring things out13:18
mandelumand I rely on someone elses wireless right now13:19
knomemandelum, they are, but actually it just uninstalls firefox-3.0-gnome-support13:21
knomemandelum, and not firefox itself13:21
knomemandelum, and you can review which packages are uninstalled before you do if there's something else to be uninstalled than the list13:21
mandelumyes, I would take away tomboy from the list13:22
mandelumbut it also seems to remove firefox itself13:23
mandelumare there any good application launcers for xfce13:56
mandelumI have had trouble with gnome do, it just crashes all the time, it has done so also in gnome so it is not a xce specific problem...13:57
knomemandelum, application launcher?14:00
knomealt+f2 ?14:00
knomeor what do you mean14:00
mandelumGNOME DO14:00
mandelumyo know14:00
mandelumbut  found out the problem14:00
mandelumand the problem is wih the tomboy plugin14:01
knomenope, actually don't know :)14:01
mandelumand hat is sad because that is the most important plugin for me14:01
privetwhere do I find the config to make snmpd listen on all interfaces ( and not only on localhost)?14:05
bluejI have xfce4-icon-theme and hicolor-icon-theme installed, but some mime types in Thunar (mainly text files) still have the fallback icon (http://thunar.xfce.org/pwiki/_media/documentation/thunar-faq-broken-icons.png?cache=cache)14:17
bluejany ideas?14:17
=== Knightlust is now known as Igorot
robcan anyone explain me what the option "relatime" means and if i should set it for mounting my windows partition ?14:58
Myrttirob: how technical answer do you want?14:59
robim an advanced noob / medium skilled user15:00
robso do what u think15:00
robMyrtti ? :>15:03
Myrttithere seems to be quite good explanation about the differences of atime, noatime and relatime in man ntfs-3g. It says that unlike noatime, relatime doesn't break applications that need to know if a file has been read since the last time it was modified. Relatime is also the default behaviour for mounting ntfs partitions with ntfs-3g, so yes, you should set it.15:03
=== juanantonio_ is now known as juanantonio
Myrttirob: did that answer your question? :->15:04
robwell thanks for that one Myrtti. you sure did :)15:04
robMyrtti, but as it seems, it is also used for ext3 partitions since my default fstab show the relatime options for all of my ext3 partitions :)15:05
Myrttirob: the same behaviour does indeed apply to ext3 as well.15:05
robso i guess noatime makes the fs faster but the probability of breaking programs that need to see the last change of a file is given, right ?15:06
Myrttirob: there has been some discussion on the lkml about the effects in speed between relatime and noatime. http://kerneltrap.org/node/1414815:07
roboh nice thanks15:07
Myrttiwell, that's actually a year old15:07
Myrttibut yeah, there is a risk of breaking certain programs.15:08
robi need libglade2-0 to install something but its not in the repos - what can i do? :/15:25
juanantonioHello. How much space takes Xubuntu 8.10 once it is installed with Xfce default desktop?15:28
juanantonioSorry, Rob. I haver no idea, I am very new in Linux15:29
robjuanantonio, i installed it today and its like 2,6GB big15:30
juanantonio2.6 G default installation?15:31
robbut i think i already installed some stuff15:31
robso maybe 2.315:31
juanantonioOk. It is because I want to overwrite in a PC with SuSE 10, and I had 3 gb ReiserFS partition15:34
viddwhoops...wrong window15:38
juanantonioHehehe, vidd15:44
juanantonioSeriously I am trying to overwrite SuSE to install Xubuntu15:45
viddsynergy made me do it!15:45
viddit is an application that lets you share a keyboard, mouse and clipboard between multiple machines (even on different platforms)15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synergy15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synergys15:46
juanantonioWhat made me do it was that SuSE 10 comes with many things I am not using any more becuase my main PC is this15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synergyc15:46
viddjuanantonio, what are your partitions on that suse box?15:47
juanantonioAh, ok. No problem, I have a KVM for 4 PCs15:47
viddjuanantonio, the monitor isnt shared =]15:47
juanantonioYes, I have a /dev/sda1 with XP; sda2, extended, for Linux, and inside sda5 is swap and sda6 is SuSE in ReiserFS15:48
juanantonioVidd, sorry, you are right ;)15:48
viddjuanantonio, sda2, and sda5 dont mean much....what are the sizes?15:49
viddand do you want to keep any of that info?15:49
juanantonioThe thing is, the information I handel, was in XP partition mainly15:49
viddso besides the XP partition, the rest can go?15:50
juanantonioin order to keep working on the same thing in different systems15:50
juanantonioI have been told, that /home directory can be allocated to another partition and can be recovered as soon as I install a new system, is that right?15:51
viddjuanantonio, yes....as long as it IS a seperate partition15:51
juanantonioCan I take some space from sda2 to make another one?15:52
viddhowever....why not just save the data from your /home that you *must* have on the XP partition?15:52
viddyour changing OS's so you will likely not need the config files on the new system15:53
juanantonioI have no data, only the desktop photo...hold on, maybe I have it also in XP15:54
viddjuanantonio, so are you ready to begin?15:57
juanantonioYes, I am15:57
viddwhat cd are you using to install?15:57
juanantonioWe can delete SuSE and he booter15:57
juanantonioMmm, normal, Xubuntu 8.10 32 bits15:58
juanantonioNow I am in CDLive15:58
vidd"normal".... so the live cd installer?15:58
* vidd recomends the alt or the mini15:58
juanantoniovidd, it is not yet the other PC I told you about, this is a PIV 2,66 Ghz with 1Gb RAM15:59
viddthere are 3 main installers.... the Desktop, the Alternative, and the mini (plus a host of "special" installers)15:59
juanantonioand as I told you, I am now in the desktop of the CD Live version of Xubuntu normal image16:00
viddjuanantonio, i dont care if the machine has 16 gig of ram.....i would NEVER use the live (desktop) installer for anything except emergency16:00
juanantonioit is from there I was seeing the SuSE and XP details, in this PC I have Kubuntu16:01
juanantonioOk, tell me then. I have the other CD also. What should I do?16:01
viddthis is basically what you want to do.... you want to remove all partitions except the XP partition16:02
viddthen, partition the free space.16:02
viddset the swap at 2x the ram16:02
nicolahI just came here to say how fast was xubuntu live loading in this pc, INCREDIBLE16:03
viddset the / partition at 10% of the remaining HD space or 5 GB, whichever is greater16:03
juanantonioVidd, so the first thing to do is to calculate. I have 9 free Gb in XP partition, the Linux is 3 Gb16:04
viddif you need server-type apps, split the remaining spce between /home and /var, otherwise, use the remaining for /home16:04
viddjuanantonio, in the alt installer, you can enter 10%16:04
viddjuanantonio, you have NO frre space in the XP partition, because you are leaving it alone16:05
juanantonioYes. Shoud I format Linux partition now or when I insert the alt CD I can make it from here?16:05
viddjuanantonio, its entirely up to you.....16:06
juanantonioWhat's better?16:06
viddif you can get the live to format your hard drive as stated above, then install via the live16:06
* vidd is highly bigotted against the live cd install method, so he is not the individual to ask "which method is better"16:07
viddthe live cd method is about 3 years old (give or take), the alt install method is about 10-12 years old (give or take)16:08
juanantonioVidd, listen, I can follow you if you can explain me step by step, I have no idea of how to do it, I only know what I want: delete SuSE and install Xubunutu16:08
viddwhich do YOU think is more stable? =]16:08
viddjuanantonio, if you are using the live, i cant walk you step by step16:09
viddyou use the alt, i can walk you step by step16:09
juanantonioHehehe, ok, I am convinced. I am going to exit and insert alternative, it's in the other cd, isn't it?16:09
viddwhere did you get these cd's?16:10
juanantoniofrom Xubuntu.org page16:10
viddon thier /get page...do you see the "alternative install"?16:11
juanantonioLet me see16:11
viddyou have to click the link for the mirror you want to use (or did use b4)16:13
viddyou will get something like http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/8.10/release/16:13
viddhowever, i like the mini, because it is one disk to install all flavors of ubuntu16:14
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:14
juanantonioYes, I have this16:15
vidd10MB disk image, downloads the packages right from the online repos(so no updating after install is complete)16:15
viddso we want to fire it up16:15
juanantonioI have the CD with Modes: Normal, OEM, Install a command line and LTSP16:15
juanantonioThis is what you say, is that right?16:16
viddnormal if you want the desktop installed too16:16
juanantonioYes, I want the desktop as it appears in the CDLive16:17
juanantonioOk, go on16:17
viddshould be self explainitory up to the "partition hard drive" section16:18
viddwhen it asks you to "auto-detect keyboard" tell it "no" (its faster to just select your keyboard)16:18
juanantonioSorry. You say once I have pressed Normal, of course16:18
viddbut if you are not sure, tell me what it says and i'll help you choose the best answer16:18
viddyes...select normal16:19
juanantonioOf course, I will tell you what I do, I am new and I can break something ;)16:19
viddjuanantonio, you need more skills to break something in this installer before the partitioning!16:19
juanantonioHehehe, ok, thanks, man ;)16:20
* vidd TRIES to break the alt installer during beta cycles!16:20
juanantonioBuffer I/O error on device sr0, is that bad?16:21
juanantonioHehehe, you tried a lot, I see16:21
viddbuffer I/O error means your disk is likely damaged16:22
viddreboot and do a memory check on the cd16:22
vidd"check cd for defects"16:22
viddalso....what version of Xubuntu is this installer?16:23
viddthe main menu does not sound like any of the supported installs (except possibly 6.06)16:23
juanantoniohold on16:24
juanantonioI got a problem, man. This CD was recorded in CDRW16:29
juanantonioand I think it has some problems, yes16:29
viddjuanantonio, so if you can get the live cd to properly set up the partitions , your install should be fine.....16:31
viddim sure someone else here can assist with it16:31
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
juanantonioXubuntu version is 8.10, man16:33
juanantonioI am checking the CD, vidd16:58
KE7CYTHello to group.18:26
viddhello KE7CYT18:26
KE7CYTAnyone had success getting audio to work with Neomagic NM2200?18:26
viddKE7CYT, is neomagic in the repo's?18:27
viddor is that the hardware?18:28
KE7CYTNM2200 is the video/multimedia chip in a number of older laptops.  It is listed as a supported device.18:28
viddKE7CYT, what does lspci say your multimedia card is?18:29
KE7CYT01:00.1 Multimedia audio controller: Neomagic Corporation NM2200 [MagicMedia 256AV Audio] (rev 20)18:30
vidddefault xubuntu install?18:31
KE7CYTAlternate 8.1018:31
viddnot what i meant....18:31
vidddid you do a cli install and add a custom desktop? or did you do the normal instal method?18:32
KE7CYTnormal install18:32
viddand you made sure the audio dial on the laptop is set to max?18:32
KE7CYTthe slider on the volume control won't move.  lshw shows the device, but marks it 'UNCLAIMED'18:33
viddthe PHYSICAL dial18:34
vidd(if your system has one)18:34
KE7CYTThis model laptop doesn't have an external dial18:34
viddok...open the volume applet18:34
KE7CYTDone.  Windows is blank, shows no devices.18:35
viddactually, right-click it and choose "properties"18:35
viddwhat is listed under "Device"?18:36
viddclick the drop-down...any thing else listed?18:36
KE7CYTno.  I had it working on 8.0418:37
vidddid you have to install anything special then?18:37
KE7CYTI modified some files /etc/modprobe.d to force the system to load the soundblaster drivers (nm2200 emulates sb) but they don't work in 8.1018:39
viddcheck the   October 5th, 2006  post by dbott67 on http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32651&page=318:43
viddthere is an insert of removing --purge the sound drivers and re-installing them18:43
viddthere is a cavet about replacing gdm and xubuntu-desktop if they get removed by the uninstall18:44
viddsee if that helps ya out18:44
viddalso...UNMODIFY that modprobe.d file18:44
viddKE7CYT, ^^^^ you get all that?18:45
KE7CYTwill do.  I'm using a virgin modprobe.d now 'cuz I reinstalled18:45
viddKE7CYT, if this dont kix ya up, im out of ideas =[18:46
KE7CYTThanks for the pointer!18:46
KE7CYTBuy an eeepc?18:46
* vidd would recommend that wheather your issue gets fixed or not =]18:47
* vidd also recommends using spell-checker!18:47
KE7CYTYeah they're sweet.  My laptop I got for $5 at an estate sale.18:47
viddheh....i got like 5 laptops for free18:47
viddi got another freebie coming next week18:48
KE7CYTIt's fun, repurposing stuff non-techie people throw away.18:48
viddthe only issues with this freebie nex week is bad cd-rom drive (iraqi sand does that) and windows vista OS18:49
KE7CYTGotta run before the FAMILY uses up all the hot water.  Good luck with your freebie! Best regards, KE7CYT18:49
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martydanyone have experience moving /home to new partition?23:56

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