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FreeSoulhi guys!10:39
FreeSoulanyway can tell me the compatibility with a Benq MID S6?10:41
FreeSouldoes ubuntu-mobile has drivers for the marvel wifi card?10:42
s0u][ighthello i know this isn't the right place but i have a project idea (don't want to talk about it yet) and i need a about 7" touchscreen display for it what would you recommend me?12:54
FreeSouls0u][ight: i'm a guest here but your questions has no answer. What do you need? a 7" toichscreen means nothing in terms of architecture, os, requirements and so on. As you formalized the questions a 7" can be a little table to hold a cup fo tea :D13:02
s0u][ightFreeSoul, i'm going to build an 'own' device which will have a touchscreen (hopefully mutlitouch support)13:03
FreeSoulmuch better13:04
FreeSoulso what is the question?13:04
s0u][ighti'm looking for a touchscreen of about 7" that could become a component of my device13:05
FreeSoulso you need a touchscreen wich is supported by linux? or what else? I mean, there are a lot of touchscreen brands and model 13:06
s0u][ightyeah that's my problem there is so much hardware13:06
FreeSouloh, ok :)13:07
s0u][ightand yes support for linux would be amazing13:08
FreeSoulI think you need to talk with hardware maker to decide with best fit your needs. I mean, you need to be sure that it work with the operative system your plan to use and also specifications can very a lot (it makes also change the price too)13:08
FreeSoulit depends on the specification you need... just an example. if you want it readable also under the sun it gotta be done in a certain way and so on13:09
s0u][ighti understand13:09
FreeSoulyou need to talk with hardware maker and I suppose (but i'm a guest as you are) that this is the wrong place13:09
s0u][ightit should be something like the iphone one13:09
s0u][ightbut 7"13:09
s0u][ightor maybe 913:09
FreeSouls0u][ight: i've never been in your situation but I would suggest to find out all touchscreen producers... 13:10
FreeSouland tell them the application you need it to13:10
s0u][ightFreeSoul, i don't have a patent yet13:10
FreeSouls0u][ight: it's not a problem13:10
FreeSouljust tell them the contitions13:10
FreeSouland your needs13:11
FreeSouland if you are developing a nettablet let me know :D13:11
s0u][ightno nettablet :P13:12
FreeSoul:) what a pity!13:12
s0u][ightactually a hint: it should give the idea of not being some piece of electronics13:12
FreeSoula robot under the skin of an animal :)13:13
s0u][ighttouchscreen on an animal lol13:13
s0u][ightactually if this product becomes succesfull it will be one of the few ones helping mother nature13:14
FreeSoulyou know animals are hairy :)13:14
FreeSouluhmmm.... i suspect you are no gonna replace flowers in a garden with little touchscreen displays showing flowers and blowing wind :)13:15
s0u][ightloool i love the fantasy of human beings 13:15
s0u][ightsomething real easy13:16
s0u][ightbtw our nicks look quiet the same :|13:17
FreeSouls0u][ight: i just hope it runs son wversion of IP and TCP or other network protocol.... otherwise I doubt I'll buy it13:17
FreeSoulsomething like that :D13:18
s0u][ightFreeSoul, don't know if you will buy it but the request for is actually there allready13:19
s0u][ightpeople just don't see it13:19
FreeSoulinteresting :) but i need a network stack to feel happy :)13:19
FreeSoulat least... bye13:21
playyahttp://www.pictureupload.de/originals/pictures/301108144305_Schaf3.jpg <-- this might be the device <s0u][ight> wants to build13:31
FreeSoulahiaiuahahahahahahaiuauau great work playya13:32
FreeSouli just hope he will not build all the rest looking for hardware without talking to hardware makers....13:33
FreeSoulbecause it gotta quite hard to develope a sheep :)13:33
FreeSoulhey wait, is that touchscreen iPhone like??13:33
playyano not really13:34
FreeSouldamn, can't be the right one!13:34
FreeSoulok i accept that just because it's a prototype :D13:34
playyashould i replace it by an iphone?13:35
FreeSoulsome times ago i read about a giant iPhone screen, :)13:36
FreeSoultry with taht13:36
playyaand a horse13:36
playyathen you can have a beer picknick with your friends13:36
FreeSouluhmmm sounds a good idea :)13:37
FreeSoulbetter then the sheep13:37
playyabut it has to be a shetland pony13:37
playyanormal horses are to big13:38
FreeSoulwell... it may depends on how many friends you want to drink with :)13:46
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Meiz_n810What is the command to start ubuntu-mobile on interpid? =P17:09

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