
ftatoo bad, it's impossible to have ttf-mscorefonts-installer in build-deps :(14:03
Jazzvaasac, ping14:05
ftaasac, did you hear from Hobbsee yet?14:07
ftaJazzva, hi14:08
Jazzvafta, hello... how are you? :)14:08
ftai want holidays !!14:08
Jazzvahere they come ;).. I want them too, but tough chances for me... exams and projects :(14:09
asacJazzva: pong15:30
asacfta_: nope ;)15:30
=== fta_ is now known as fta
Jazzvaasac, I've been planning to update gnome-voice-control to 0.3 for quite a long time now. But it needs pocketsphinx and sphinxbase. It was packaged by David (one of the sphinx devs, I think) and pushed to REVU. I tried to help him to get advocates few times, but nothing.15:32
JazzvaSo I was wondering if you could help me to get the packages to Debian. I reviewed both of them, and they looked fine to me...15:33
ftalol, bypassing revu using debian ;)15:34
asacthats the idea of revu ;)15:34
asacmake it easier to get new packages into debian ;)15:34
Jazzvaheh :)15:34
asacJazzva: did you leave the comments in revu?15:34
asacwhere are the packages?15:34
Jazzvawell, it was few months ago, I'm not sure if they're still up15:35
Jazzvajust to check15:35
JazzvaRainCT also reviewed them...15:36
Jazzvamaybe it would be good if we get them to debian. Then I would upgrade ubuntu package to 0.3, push it to debian, then sync it back to ubuntu... yay :)15:37
asacJazzva: do we need them as separate packages?15:40
asaccouldnt they just be included in gnome-voice-control?15:40
Jazzvaasac: I guess they could, but isn't it considered bad practice to bundle libraries with the package?15:41
asacJazzva: depends. if they are released in same tarball upstream its ok15:41
asacotherwise probably not15:41
Jazzvathey're not15:42
Jazzvaasac: gnome-voice-control is in separate tarball15:42
asacJazzva: ceck for ITP stuff in debian please15:42
asacotherwise open an ITP ... ask upstream guy what role he wants to have ... maybe use you as maintainer and him as uploader or vv15:43
Jazzvai think that he would be the maintainer for pocketsphinx and sphinxbase15:43
asacJazzva: ask him if he would want to maintain that in debian15:45
Jazzvaasac, there RFP, which should be ITP, debian bug 43918515:45
ubottuDebian bug 439185 in wnpp "RFP: pocketsphinx -- Lightweight speech recognition engine" [Wishlist,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/43918515:45
Jazzvaasac, ok, I will.. I'll get back to you when I get the reply :).15:46
Jazzvaand thanks :)15:46
ftahmm, seems ctrl-tab is gone in b2..15:53
asacgood ... finally something is done against tabs ;)15:59
asacisnt that used for switching tabs?16:00
ftait was16:00
asacso when it doesnt exist anymore, it will train people to use less tabs16:00
ftanow, the tab list button is back16:00
ftabut when i single click it (to see the list), it just jumps to the 1st tab :(16:01
ftai have to click and hold16:01
asacyeah the glorious bug16:02
asaci assume that the issue should start in nsEventStateManager::CheckForAndDispatchClick16:06
asac //If mouse is still over same element, clickcount will be > 1.16:06
ftais that new ?16:10
asacno its not new16:14
asacbut the issue exists in 3.0 too16:14
asacits a huge chunk of shit code16:15
asacthere probably is a bug ;)16:15
asaccurrent idea is that ShiftFocus* stuff is called by click on menubar16:15
asacwhich moves the mCurrentTarget field to the menu16:15
asacand the code thinks its still the same16:15
asacthen it dispatches the click ... and since the mouse position is negative you get some randomness ;)16:16
asacdue to overflow16:16
ftaasac, what i'm supposed to do for http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20012919/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.prism_0.9.1%2Bsvn20081126r20278-0ubuntu1~fta2~hardy_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?16:31
asacfta: http://pastebin.com/f1a682d3d16:32
ftacan't you include that in the next upload ? it's zero risk16:32
asacfta: can you build with that16:32
asacand _slowly_ try to reproduce this click thing ;)16:32
asacand see if it prints this stuff at all then ;)16:32
asaccurrently tend to "yes"16:33
asac17:32 < fta> can't you include that in the next upload ?16:35
asac17:33 < asac> currently tend to "yes"16:35
asac17:33 < asac> s/tend/lean/16:35
ftahm, still unclear. is it possible to add the build-system into the xul sdk in hardy ?16:37
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=627425116:40
ftai've been applying that for a while: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines i kind of like it16:41
tonyyarussoHey, if there's anyone with a more skill than me and a bit of spare time, would you mind taking a look at the various bugs filed against kompozer in 8.10?  For some reason in this release it's segfaulting under various circumstances, although the kompozer package itself hasn't changed since Feisty I think (just merged between repos).17:23
tonyyarussoI have no idea what the issue is unfortunately, but there are some useful-looking bug reports that might give one of you a clue.17:23
asactonyyarusso: when was the last rebuild?17:40
asactonyyarusso: what happens on the console when it crashes?17:41
tonyyarussoasac: rebuild meaning what exactly?  The last thing I did manually, as in type in "debuild -S" myself was like three releases ago.  As far as what the Launchpad automatic stuff or anything done by other release mgmt people, I have no idea.17:43
asactonyyarusso: try to do a rebuild17:43
tonyyarussoasac: normally on the console it just says somethign like "application crashed: segmentation fault"17:43
asacand see if things go away17:43
tonyyarussoAnything in particular I should be looking for while the output flies by?17:43
asacbefore crashing?17:46
asacno idea ... you could try to get a backtrace17:46
asacbut i would suggest to first do a rebuild locally and see if that elps17:46
tonyyarussowill do17:47
tonyyarussobtw, what determines the icon that shows up next to a program in "Add/Remove Programs"?  The icon is right in the Applications menu once installed, but there's just a generic one in that list.17:48
asactonyyarusso: at best create -dbgsym packages locally so you can get a backtrace later ... install pkg-create-dbgsym before building to achieve that17:48
asactonyyarusso: the icon is part of app-install-data ... maintainer of that is mvo. you can request a merge if you have a branch17:49
tonyyarussoasac: any switches I have to pass as well, or will just the presence of the package be sufficient?  Should pkg-create-dbgsym be installed on the local system, or as a build-dep for pbuilder?17:49
asactonyyarusso: ensure that you pass the --disable-strip to configure in your package18:00
asac(and no --enable-strip of course)18:00
fta\o/ one baby step further.. http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20076538/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.chromium-browser_0.3.155.0~svn20081120r5786-0ubuntu1~fta4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz18:33
directhexfta, can i press "enter" yet? :)18:34
ftai'm currently patching that stuff to detach the testsuite from the source tree18:34
ftabut as i don't know the code, i'm slow18:39
ftaespecially with that scons build system, which i find far worse than the mozilla makefile based build system18:40
ftaand without mxr, it's a pain in the *s to dig into such huge pile of code18:47
tonyyarussoasac: could you look at http://paste.ubuntu.com/78380/ and tell me which way it seems to be by default?18:59
ftadisable is the default19:00
asactonyyarusso: disable19:00
asacif its default or not ... making it explicit doesnt hurt19:00
asacbecause thats what we want19:00
asac(and not whatever is default)19:01
tonyyarussohow to I do that within the context of debuild?  edit configure.in?19:04
* tonyyarusso has never really messed with configure options much19:04
asactonyyarusso: in debian/rules?19:04
asacwherever you specify the other configuration options19:05
tonyyarussomy rules file just calls a makefile supplied by upstream19:08
tonyyarussooh, this file looks useful - mozconfig.debian - has various variables defined that look similar.19:10
tonyyarussohas a line reading "ac_add_options  --enable-strip-libs" currently19:11
tonyyarussoLooks like I need to add a line of "ac_add_options --disable-stip"19:13
tonyyarussoasac, fta: it currently has one of "ac_add_options --disable-debug" - what's that do?19:14
fta--disable-strip --disable-strip-libs --disable-install-strip is what we use in ff319:14
ftasee about:buildconfig in ff19:15
ftaasac, btw, about:buildconfig in ff shows xul configure line, not ff19:16
tonyyarussoMan it's been WAY too long since I did this stuff last...forgotten a lot.19:19
tonyyarussoaw crud, what file contains my secret key for gpg again?  /me tried copying over secring.gpg, but apparently that wasn't sufficient19:22
ftaasac, dquilt is not that nice with embedded tarballs and cdbs. this is slow and cdbs keeps changing the config.sub/guess files :(19:24
asactonyyarusso: try the arguments fta suggests ... add them to ac_add_options19:43
asactake care that you dont do a typo ;)19:43
asacfta: not sure what you mean by "dquilt isnt good"19:43
asacfta: shouldnt dquilt detect the build-dir ?19:43
tonyyarussoasac: will do19:44
* tonyyarusso is creating a pbuilder atm19:44
asacpbuilder is for the weak ;)19:46
tonyyarussowhat do you use?19:47
ftaasac, it does, but i made it run pre-build so it unpacks the tarballs, the cons is that it also checks the tarball and performs some cdbs work each time: http://paste.ubuntu.com/78404/19:47
tonyyarussolast I checked pbuilder was the recommended method...19:47
asacfta: yeah. imo thats a known cdbs bug19:48
asacnot really sure whatfor the cdbs indexing really is19:48
asacmaybe to figure out if the tarball changes19:48
asacyeah :-P19:50
ftaasac, next meeting Sunday, 7th December, 19:00 UTC ???20:05
asacin MV ;)20:07
ftathat will be 10am, and with the jet lag...20:07
asacfta: jet lag means that you will be awake at 3am .. if its in that direction ;)20:08
ftai know, i've been there sereval times20:09
asacso 10am isnt that early ;)20:10
ftawe'll see20:17
ftaTypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, instance found:21:00
ftai hate python21:00
asacok i get XXX: found popup overflowing event coordinates: relative x/y: 1500/66021:00
asacwhen this bug happens21:01
asacbut sometimes i get that and it doesnt happen21:01
asacwhen i get that i also get a waring in debub build:21:01
asacXXX: found popup overflowing event coordinates: relative x/y: 1500/66021:01
asacWARNING: Positioned frame that does not handle positioned kids; looking further up the parent chain: file /home/asac/Development/upstream/mozilla/mozilla-central/layout/base/nsCSSFrameConstructor.cpp, line 777321:01
tonyyarussoasac: Okay, I rebuilt the package, and now it crashes on run.  See http://paste.ubuntu.com/78437/21:03
asactonyyarusso: install the -dbgsym package that you created (if you followed my instrutions)21:04
asac18:48 < asac> tonyyarusso: at best create -dbgsym packages locally so you can get a backtrace later  ... install pkg-create-dbgsym before building to achieve that21:04
tonyyarussoasac: well, I installed that package, but in my local environment.  I never got an answer as to whether it was supposed to be there or in the pbuilder environment.21:05
tonyyarusso(and I don't appear to have one, so I'm guessing the latter)21:05
asacerr, isnt that obvious ;)21:06
asactonyyarusso: if you havent delete the biult tree you can just go into it21:06
asacand rebuild with that package installed using debuild -nc21:06
asacshould be rather quick21:06
asaclike 2 minutes ;)21:06
tonyyarussoOkay, so just to be clear:  1) edit debian/control to include it in the build-depends, 2) cd .. && debuild -nc, 3) re-run pbuilder build21:08
asactonyyarusso: build depends? whatever. it has to be installed during build21:10
asacwhy rerun pbuilder?21:10
asacdebuild -nc is the rerun21:10
asacyou have to do that in the old pbuilder chroot21:10
asacif you have removed it you probably notice why pbuilder is suboptimal for packages that take longer than 4 minutes ;)21:11
* tonyyarusso is lost21:11
asacwhatever you do ... dont do it in pbuilder21:11
asacinstall build depends in main system or in a dedicated chroot21:11
asacand use that21:11
asacpbuilder is only to test if the biuld depends are right imo21:12
tonyyarussoAlso handy just for the purpose of keeping my main system clean, but whatever.21:12
asacmain system clean? ;) ... thats like keeping your school books in a library and not at home ;)21:13
asaci would suggest to setup a long living chroot if you want your main system to be virgin like21:14
tonyyarussoYeah - would have to learn how to do that too :)21:14
=== rzr is now known as RzR
asacheh ;) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot21:15
asactake care that once you mount bind stuff like your home you shouldn just rm -rf /path/to/chroot21:16
asacotherwise you will wipe your complete home ;)21:16
asacjust because i ended up in that situation once ;)21:16
asacbut usually one doenst need to wipe a chroot ... so just remember to check that nothing is bind mounted in it ;)21:16
asacwhen you remove it at some point21:16
tonyyarussohow would you check that?  run mount within it?21:17
plunhello... fta around ?21:25
ftaplun, yes21:26
plunThe test shell works !!!   ;)21:26
plunI can also surf....  ;)21:26
ftagood, but it's not supposed to, yet.21:27
ftai'm still working on it21:27
plunI got a update earlier this evening and checked it....  ;)21:27
ftayep, those are my test builds21:28
ftait's supposed to start like that: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/chromium.png21:30
ftanot with an empty page like my last package21:30
ftaplun, ^^21:30
plunAha...  I started with the test_shell script....  http://ubuntu-pics.de/bild/6589/screen_gD7pEY.png21:31
plunYour page also works....  ;)21:32
ftaplun, don't expect a full browser anytime soon, upstream is still far behind21:32
plunYup... this is just a happening...  ;)21:33
plunWell it also crashes...21:34
plun Failed reading: /usr/lib/chromium-browser/../../webkit/tools/test_shell/resources/missingImage.gif21:34
plunTrace/breakpoint trap21:34
ftayep, that's what i'm working on21:35
fta(the evil "../../webkit")21:36
plunOkidok.... "playing" with this, just great anyway !!    Good night21:36
tonyyarussoasac: Okay, so I seem to have created a dbgsym package and installed it.  Now what?21:50
asactonyyarusso: reproduce crash21:53
asacget backtrace21:53
ftahm, ff3.1 crashed22:37
ftastrangely, it didn't ask me which tabs I wanted to restore, it restored them all, like before22:38
ftaanother backout ?22:38
ftamconnor, ^^ ?22:39
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/78474/22:41
mconnorfta: mmm, iirc the plan was to only prompt if there were two crashes in swift succession22:42
ftahmm... ok. what about ctrl+tab ? is it gone in b2 ?22:43
mconnorin 3.1, really22:45
ftareally? why?22:46
ftashould i switch back to the addon then?22:47
ftamconnor, with ~150 tabs, the tab list is not usable22:47
mconnorfta: the UI wasn't good enough to ship22:48
ftamconnor, i see. is it completely gone or just prefed out ?22:49
mconnorit's selectively excised via #ifdef22:49
mconnorthe plan is to get it in 3.222:50
mconnorwe just didn't like the way the interaction was working, and we weren't going to slip the release for it22:50
ftadamn, ok then. i'll switch back to the addon then.22:50
mconnoryou're still way way way out on the long tail :)22:50
ftawhen i 3.1 final planed?22:51

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