VistaUser | yah | 00:00 |
VistaUser | i dont like torrents because well u have to download them before u can here them | 00:00 |
szrhawaii | thats like when they compare windows to mac | 00:00 |
astromme | epimeth: No, but I'm pretty sure it's a kde3 app which would mean it would use your kde3 io-slaves | 00:00 |
szrhawaii | yeah thats ture but if you know what you want your good | 00:00 |
VistaUser | mac is better its purple | 00:01 |
VistaUser | lol | 00:01 |
VistaUser | umm what can i use to organize my ipod? | 00:01 |
szrhawaii | haha and the find files bar is in the top right not the bottom left | 00:01 |
loganWHD | [30/Nov/2008:18:55:52 -0500] cupsdAuthorize: Local authentication certificate not found! | 00:01 |
loganWHD | not even sure what that means | 00:01 |
epimeth | astromme: noooooooooo!!!! but its part of kdewebdev :-( | 00:01 |
szrhawaii | theres a feature for that on your package manager | 00:01 |
VistaUser | whats it called? | 00:02 |
szrhawaii | i use amarok for everything but theres other good ones out there | 00:02 |
VistaUser | u know any lol that is easy to use? | 00:02 |
szrhawaii | i look them up | 00:02 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:02 |
epimeth | VistaUser: amarok is pretty good | 00:03 |
astromme | epimeth: However, kde3 still has kioslaves.... | 00:03 |
epimeth | astromme: yea, but I probably have to install them somehow.... | 00:03 |
VistaUser | is it nice looking? | 00:03 |
epimeth | astromme: and I'm very surprised that the kde team hasn't ported quanta yet.... | 00:03 |
szrhawaii | yeah it is vistauser | 00:03 |
epimeth | VistaUser: amarok, yea... I'm a fan | 00:03 |
astromme | epimeth: Maybe there is a kde4 version that I don't know about. Go to help -> about Quanta | 00:04 |
szrhawaii | you can modify it easily | 00:04 |
astromme | I use amarok and love it | 00:04 |
szrhawaii | and theres plenty of add ns | 00:04 |
JontheEchidna | Quanta hasn't been ported to KDE4 yet btw | 00:04 |
epimeth | astromme: yea, you're right... | 00:04 |
JontheEchidna | !info quanta | 00:04 |
ubottu | quanta (source: kdewebdev): web development environment for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.10-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2435 kB, installed size 5900 kB | 00:04 |
astromme | Currently I'm using the Amarok2 RC packages and they are great | 00:04 |
epimeth | JontheEchidna: thanks :-p | 00:04 |
astromme | JohntheEchidna: Thanks | 00:05 |
VistaUser | apt-get install amarok? | 00:05 |
JontheEchidna | ya, np | 00:05 |
Dillizar | does anybody use Opera?? | 00:05 |
epimeth | JontheEchidna: wait, its says Version 4!!! | 00:05 |
JontheEchidna | epimeth: that's the debian epoch | 00:05 |
epimeth | VistaUser: should be installed by default | 00:05 |
szrhawaii | yep thats it vistauser | 00:05 |
astromme | epimeth: The plot thickens... | 00:05 |
VistaUser | oo kk | 00:05 |
epimeth | oh... garrrr | 00:05 |
szrhawaii | it should be in your media section | 00:05 |
astromme | Oh, so thats what the 4: in everything is | 00:05 |
VistaUser | not there :) | 00:05 |
epimeth | so I can't view my scp folders in it anymore?!? that sucks | 00:05 |
JontheEchidna | Back in the KDE2 days somebody used the svn revision number (30,000 or something) as the package version | 00:05 |
astromme | epimeth: You can still use fish | 00:05 |
szrhawaii | then download it from your package manager | 00:06 |
epimeth | astromme: not that I can see... | 00:06 |
VistaUser | szrhawaii u using KDE or ubuntu? | 00:06 |
JontheEchidna | so we had to put a 4 in front of everything | 00:06 |
astromme | epimeth: You're on intrepid, right? | 00:06 |
szrhawaii | kde | 00:06 |
szrhawaii | well kubuntu | 00:06 |
szrhawaii | 8.04.1 | 00:06 |
VistaUser | kubuntu is KDE? | 00:06 |
szrhawaii | yeah | 00:06 |
VistaUser | ooo i didnt know | 00:07 |
VistaUser | cool | 00:07 |
szrhawaii | they also have mythbuntu and xubuntu to | 00:07 |
VistaUser | what that be and how i get? | 00:07 |
gadalej | hi room | 00:07 |
VistaUser | hey | 00:07 |
epimeth | VistaUser: yea, by default. kubuntu and ubuntu are the same except for the default packages installed, mainly ones related to the window manager. kde for kbuntu, gnome for ubuntu | 00:07 |
epimeth | astromme: yup | 00:08 |
astromme | JontheEchidna: Shows what problems down the road one decision can make | 00:08 |
szrhawaii | well myth is for like a person running a home entertainment off their laptop which runs xfce on it | 00:08 |
szrhawaii | which xubuntu runs xfce | 00:08 |
VistaUser | will i need to burn another ISO for those? | 00:08 |
szrhawaii | depends if you only have the one cd or the multi cd | 00:09 |
szrhawaii | i have the one that has all four on them | 00:09 |
epimeth | VistaUser: you can use the online repositories, too | 00:09 |
VistaUser | how did u get them? | 00:09 |
szrhawaii | but yeah you would though | 00:09 |
szrhawaii | just type those names in | 00:09 |
szrhawaii | xubuntu | 00:09 |
gadalej | yeah, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? | 00:09 |
szrhawaii | and mythbuntu in google | 00:09 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:09 |
epimeth | gadalej: yup | 00:10 |
VistaUser | and i can get there repos and get them into the start session thing? | 00:10 |
szrhawaii | or you can do it that way too | 00:10 |
epimeth | astromme: so any more suggestions? | 00:10 |
szrhawaii | i would just download them from the web page | 00:10 |
astromme | epimeth: I'm looking now... fish isn't working for me with quanta either =/ | 00:10 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:10 |
szrhawaii | avoids complications | 00:10 |
szrhawaii | just in case you accidentally press the wrong button somewhere | 00:11 |
VistaUser | will i be able to keep ubuntu to? | 00:11 |
szrhawaii | like i do sometimes | 00:11 |
VistaUser | does it become a new session thing in the options? | 00:11 |
szrhawaii | i believe you get the option all the time to double partition with ubuntu | 00:11 |
szrhawaii | at the beginning when you download the iso from the web page | 00:11 |
VistaUser | ooooo kk | 00:11 |
Walzmyn | Anybody know what to do if enabling desktop effects turned yer screen black? | 00:11 |
astromme | VistaUser: Yes it becomes a new session | 00:11 |
szrhawaii | of course it becomes a new session cause your re partitioning | 00:12 |
astromme | Walzmyn: You can manually disable desktop effects by removing the kwinrc config file in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc | 00:12 |
szrhawaii | but save all your stuff before doing anything a friendly reminder | 00:12 |
VistaUser | astromme: ok, if i get the repository and use synaptic | 00:12 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:12 |
astromme | szrhawaii: You can install both kde and gnome on the same ubuntu install | 00:13 |
astromme | From gnome do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to get kde | 00:13 |
astromme | or rather | 00:13 |
astromme | if you want to be able to remove it easily | 00:13 |
astromme | sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop. Then to remove it, sudo aptitude remove kubuntu-desktop | 00:13 |
astromme | VistaUser: yes, synaptic works too | 00:14 |
szrhawaii | astromme that manual configure for the desktop does it shut off completely | 00:14 |
VistaUser | ok ty | 00:14 |
astromme | szrhaaii: What? | 00:14 |
szrhawaii | or when you restart will it come back on | 00:14 |
szrhawaii | Walzmyn: You can manually disable desktop effects by removing the kwinrc config file in ~/.kde/share/config/kwinrc\ | 00:14 |
Walzmyn | astromme, should I just remove that file, or edit it and change a setting? | 00:14 |
astromme | szrhawaii: it resets kwin to the defaults | 00:14 |
VistaUser | brb | 00:14 |
gadalej | anyone here using winfast tx2000xp in ubuntu? | 00:15 |
szrhawaii | oh i was looking for a way to shut of my default background from drawing | 00:15 |
astromme | Walzmyn: You can probably edit it but I'm not sure. Remvoing it will remove customizations to kwin (such as enabled desktop effects, screen positions of apps, etc) | 00:15 |
szrhawaii | do you know what file that is | 00:15 |
szrhawaii | or how to do that | 00:15 |
astromme | szrhawaii: No idea | 00:15 |
Walzmyn | astromme, good deal, thankyouverymuch. I'll go give it a whirl | 00:15 |
astromme | epimeth: Hmm... It looks to be a no go here =/ | 00:15 |
szrhawaii | it kind of sucks i gotta do the killall kdesktop everytime to see my other background | 00:16 |
VistaUser | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 00:16 |
VistaUser | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 00:16 |
dr_willis | Are you root? | 00:16 |
VistaUser | what does that mean and how can i get into the file or w/e | 00:16 |
astromme | VistaUser: Are you sudoed? | 00:16 |
dr_willis | :) | 00:16 |
VistaUser | idk what that mean | 00:16 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install whatever.... | 00:16 |
dr_willis | note the 'sudo' | 00:16 |
VistaUser | ooooooo i need sudo | 00:16 |
astromme | VistaUser: are you using synaptic or the command line? | 00:16 |
szrhawaii | its a root if you cant get in | 00:16 |
astromme | Woah, that was some irc lag | 00:16 |
VistaUser | i am trying to get amorak | 00:16 |
szrhawaii | did it give you a password option | 00:17 |
dr_willis | yes... rember 'to do SYSTEM TYPE TASKS - one must be root' :) | 00:17 |
epimeth | astromme: yea... garrrrr sucks | 00:17 |
VistaUser | nope | 00:17 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install WHATEVER | 00:17 |
epimeth | VistaUser: sudo apt-get install amarok. but it should be installed already if you installed kubuntu-desktop | 00:17 |
VistaUser | i was sudoed | 00:17 |
epimeth | VistaUser: K -> Multimedia-> Amarok | 00:17 |
VistaUser | ty i am trying to get xubuntu mythubntu and what not | 00:17 |
szrhawaii | did you give a admin password or in the admin user session | 00:18 |
VistaUser | yes | 00:18 |
szrhawaii | then it should let you | 00:18 |
VistaUser | kk i got it working i need sudo infront of apt-get | 00:18 |
szrhawaii | you always need sudo | 00:19 |
szrhawaii | its like abra cadabra | 00:19 |
VistaUser | yah i just figured that out | 00:19 |
dr_willis | dident we just say that in the examplkes.. like 3 times :P | 00:19 |
epimeth | sudo make me a sandwich | 00:19 |
VistaUser | LOL | 00:20 |
dr_willis | sudo the hokey pokey | 00:20 |
VistaUser | sudo pie-get eat | 00:20 |
e-head | alright. it's working now. switching from a DVD rom to a CD ROM seemed to help. | 00:20 |
jsunio | dumb question: would I want to create extra partion as extended or primary. It might be mounted by either linux or windows (dual boot). | 00:20 |
astromme | epimeth: =/. Not good: <JontheEchidna> nope, they used to be in kdebase and now kdebase is at the kde4 version | 00:21 |
epimeth | jsunio: your choice, really... just keep in mind that you can have either 4 primary or 3 primary and 1 extended (with up to 4 partitions on the extended) | 00:21 |
epimeth | yea... I'm just gonna ssh and use emacs... even though its sloooooow | 00:22 |
jsunio | epimeth: I googled what "extended partition" is, but I couldn't really find out why you would want to use it. | 00:22 |
astromme | epimeth: kate isn't enough? | 00:22 |
epimeth | astromme: I just threw up a little in my mouth | 00:22 |
astromme | jsunio: because if you want more than 4 partitions extended partitions are the only way to go | 00:23 |
jsunio | aha! | 00:23 |
epimeth | jsunio: I just told you. an extended partition allows you to create 4 more partitions | 00:23 |
jsunio | tx | 00:23 |
astromme | epimeth: Blargh! What's wrong with kate? | 00:23 |
epimeth | astromme: its a text editor. I'm developing | 00:23 |
epimeth | astromme: kate is my editor of choice for conf files... not for creating an entire drupal driven site! | 00:24 |
astromme | Out of curoisity, what does vim have that kate is lacking (not including the differing modes of interface, unless that's the reason) | 00:24 |
epimeth | astromme: vim? I'd rather use kate! | 00:25 |
epimeth | astromme: I'm an emacs boy | 00:25 |
epimeth | :-) | 00:25 |
astromme | epimeth: alright, emacs. I had a 50/50 chance =P | 00:25 |
epimeth | and yes, its the interface modes. syntax highlighting, auto indentation | 00:25 |
VistaUser | uis ubuntu and linux made for coding ??? | 00:25 |
jsunio | you can use vi without a gui | 00:25 |
epimeth | its a pain in the butt to do those things elsewhere | 00:26 |
Walzmyn | woohoo! That worked guys. Thanks for the advise. | 00:26 |
astromme | epimeth: Alright, I don't know if the auto-indentation exsists for kate but unless you've got some crazy language kate has excellent syntax highlighting. But, that's offtopic, sorry that quanta isn't working =/ | 00:26 |
epimeth | VistaUser: well I'm just realized that kde4 is not yet ready for us developers, but kdevelop (in my case, kdewebdev) has some really good packages for developers | 00:26 |
Walzmyn | I ended up just editing it. T'was a single true/false setting what fixed it | 00:26 |
astromme | Walzmyn: Glad to hear | 00:26 |
VistaUser | oo kk | 00:27 |
epimeth | VistaUser: but in general, Linux is #1 for development, web dev especially | 00:27 |
astromme | epimeth: I've been working with some of the svn builds of kdevelop4. Wow they are amazing | 00:27 |
VistaUser | oo kk | 00:27 |
VistaUser | well i guess i got to learn coding for fun :) | 00:27 |
VistaUser | i installed amarok and now i cant find | 00:28 |
szrhawaii | it should be in your multimedia section in your start menu | 00:29 |
VistaUser | is there a command like sudo apt find amarok or someting???????? | 00:29 |
astromme | Walzmyn: Out of curiosity what graphics card do you have? | 00:29 |
astromme | VistaUser: apt-cache search packagename | 00:29 |
astromme | you don't need to sudo that | 00:29 |
VistaUser | oo kk ty | 00:30 |
epimeth | VistaUser: I told you... K-> Multimedia -> Amarok :-) | 00:30 |
VistaUser | ooo kk i guess i need to go into Kubuntu brb | 00:31 |
e-head | Hey | 00:32 |
astromme | e-head: welcome back | 00:32 |
e-head | It seems to be going on fine now that I switched from a DVD to a CD ROM. | 00:32 |
e-head | Can anyone point me to a "Kubuntu Quick Start" guide or something? | 00:33 |
szrhawaii | vistauser you didnt download it in your ubuntu | 00:33 |
e-head | One that ISNT geared to a total newbie. | 00:33 |
dr_willis | Gee... you anything else you want? :P | 00:33 |
e-head | Those 101 guides can kind of get on my nerves. ;) | 00:33 |
astromme | e-head: Hmm | 00:33 |
astromme | e-head: I might look at the KDE release notes | 00:34 |
dr_willis | learning kde 4 - i would start with the kde4 help docs/homepage I guess | 00:34 |
VistaUser | back | 00:34 |
szrhawaii | did you find it | 00:34 |
dr_willis | as for learning Linux. :) theres 10000's of guides for that - of all levels. | 00:34 |
VistaUser | yah | 00:34 |
epimeth | VistaUser: you weren't in kubuntu? then you could have just alt+f2 and then "amarok" | 00:34 |
e-head | Does kubuntu have any sort of admin tools like Suse? | 00:34 |
epimeth | in fact, you can do that in kubuntu too | 00:34 |
e-head | Or does KDE for that matter? | 00:34 |
astromme | It has a system config in "System Settings" | 00:34 |
VistaUser | omg nvm i love kbuntu feel of things | 00:34 |
e-head | Or, should I just open a console and break out vi for configuring my network settings and things like that? | 00:35 |
astromme | e-head: to see things in 4.1: | 00:35 |
VistaUser | ubuntu and kubuntu commands the same? | 00:35 |
e-head | thanks | 00:35 |
szrhawaii | kubuntu g=has a nicer feel of a lot of things | 00:35 |
VistaUser | lol | 00:35 |
e-head | It's been a while since I've even used KDE. | 00:35 |
VistaUser | ubuntu and kubuntu commands the same? | 00:35 |
szrhawaii | not all | 00:36 |
epimeth | VistaUser: yes. there is no difference between the two | 00:36 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:36 |
epimeth | VistaUser: the only difference is in the window manager | 00:36 |
VistaUser | how do i find my ipod in amarok? | 00:36 |
VistaUser | epimeth ok | 00:36 |
szrhawaii | with the window open you should be able to see options along the rights ide of the window | 00:37 |
astromme | e-head: if you have specific questions ask them here. I can help. If you want general information try or the release notes I posted above | 00:37 |
VistaUser | yah i see um but which is my ipod under i went to devices and nothing | 00:38 |
astromme | Some of my best finds: alt-f2 for krunner (application launcher and more). Add some plasmoids (see the cashew on the panel or in the upper right hand corner) and play around with some apps | 00:39 |
astromme | VistaUser: It should be in devices on the left hand side of amarok | 00:39 |
VistaUser | i am there and its not there | 00:40 |
astromme | Try plugging in your ipod after amarok is started | 00:40 |
VistaUser | ok | 00:41 |
e-head | Has anyone here used XRDP? | 00:41 |
astromme | e-head: xrdp? Meaning just rdp for X11? | 00:41 |
szrhawaii_ | #compiz-fusion | 00:41 |
VistaUser | nope nothing | 00:41 |
VistaUser | i think not compatible with itouch? | 00:42 |
astromme | VistaUser: oh, yeah.... probably not =/ | 00:42 |
e-head | astromme, yeah, pretty much | 00:42 |
VistaUser | dang lol | 00:42 |
szrhawaii_ | try finding the ipod plug ins | 00:42 |
astromme | I think the iPhone/iPod touch need to be hacked to work with linux because of the new encryption | 00:42 |
e-head | you can use Windows remote desktop with it. | 00:42 |
astromme | but I could be wrong | 00:42 |
VistaUser | so i need to do something to make work on linux | 00:43 |
VistaUser | let me use google brb | 00:43 |
astromme | e-head: alright | 00:43 |
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=== zied_ is now known as zied | ||
astromme | e-head: I think I'm going to go afk now if you don't have any immediate questions. If you're going to be using kubuntu for a while I would suggest getting amarok2 rc (check | 00:45 |
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=== kabotage is now known as kabo | ||
tpw_rules | i installed kdevelop on ubuntu and it did not come with several necessary packages, such as automake, konsole, and build-essential. does this only happen on ubuntu and kubuntu comes standard with it all? I know it comes with console, but what about the other two? | 00:47 |
webmaren | i can't print with my hp c5180, it's giving me an error 5120 "Communication error" | 00:47 |
webmaren | verified that it's not a hardware problem, it works fine with the Mac | 00:48 |
dr_willis | I would imageine the developer of the package - dident include EVERY development package as dependencies.. :) | 00:48 |
astromme | tpw_rules: You can use kdevelop to develop non-cpp applications, and kdevelop itself doesn't depend on those packages | 00:48 |
VistaUser | is there a way to turn off the password thing to download thingS? | 00:49 |
astromme | They are probably suggested but not depended-on | 00:49 |
jsunio | webmaren: I had trouble with my printer too, did you try googling it? | 00:49 |
webmaren | VistaUser: are you talking about using Adept? | 00:49 |
tpw_rules | astromme: ah ok, but i was asking because suse comes with it all | 00:49 |
astromme | VistaUser: ? meaning with sudo so it doesn't ask for your password? | 00:49 |
webmaren | jsunio: I have but it doesn't seem that anyone has a real solution | 00:49 |
VistaUser | no i mean when i download something from a site and when i ty install it always asks for a password | 00:50 |
jsunio | Any evidence of people getting it to work? | 00:50 |
jsunio | webparem: Any evidence of people getting it to work? | 00:50 |
e-head | Good heavens | 00:50 |
webmaren | VistaUser: you remember back when you had windows, and you got viruses? | 00:50 |
e-head | Things have changed so much. ;) | 00:50 |
VistaUser | yah | 00:50 |
astromme | tpw_rules: Yeah, i'm pretty sure that it's not included because kdevleop doesn't depend on those packages. Rather, what you create with kdevelop might depend on them | 00:50 |
e-head | I've been running EvilWM for the last 5 years. KDE isn't even recognizable to me anymore. ;) | 00:50 |
webmaren | VistaUser: This is a security feature so that doesn't happen, otherwise anybody could install anything on your machine | 00:51 |
VistaUser | oo kk | 00:51 |
astromme | e-head: Wow, that's a long time. Yeah, kde is quite a different beast than it was even a year ago | 00:51 |
tpw_rules | astromme: ok | 00:51 |
webmaren | jsunio: haven't seen anything concrete | 00:51 |
tpw_rules | astromme: but you need those packages to compile and run a c++ application | 00:51 |
jsunio | webmaren: unfortunate... I never got my printer working. But I did find a bunch of different drivers to try. Some of them *almost* worked. | 00:52 |
astromme | tpw_rules. Yes, I agree, but kdevelop can also be used for python, java, etc.... it's not just for cpp and imho it's not the package manager's job to guess what you're using kdevelop for. I use aptitude which auto-installs suggested packages and looking at the entry it suggests things like gdb, make, automake. | 00:53 |
jsunio | webmaren: You could try a generic driver that works with other HP. I thought ubuntu worked pretty well with HP. | 00:53 |
szrhawaii_ | #pidgin | 00:55 |
webmaren | jsunio: it worked excellently until today | 00:55 |
jsunio | webmaren: does this apply | 00:55 |
jsunio | webmaren: oh... did you upgrade packages or something? | 00:56 |
kabo | kde doesnt seems to be loaading at all. any way to fix it?? | 00:56 |
astromme | e-head: I'm going afk. If you have a problem, address me directly so that my tray icon flashes =P | 00:56 |
webmaren | jsunio: just normal updates, you'd think people would be grumbling all over the place if there was an actual bug... | 00:56 |
jsunio | webmaren: sometimes things break for me when I do normal updates. Maybe the driver you were using, or some shared component was changed. | 00:57 |
webmaren | i'm going to kill someone at HP | 00:57 |
webmaren | my printer's IP jumped and that's why I lost it | 00:57 |
jsunio | hah | 00:58 |
webmaren | you'd think this sort of thing could be easily fixed, but noooooo | 00:58 |
webmaren | at least, thank you "localhost:631" | 00:58 |
jsunio | I wish my printer had a network port | 00:58 |
VistaUser | my wobbling function doesnt work' | 00:58 |
e-head | Hey, can you use all the "apt" command line package tools? | 00:59 |
e-head | and dpkg? | 00:59 |
astromme | e-head: From kubuntu? of course. apt-get, aptitude, dpkg, apt-source, apt-cache, etc.. are all there. | 01:00 |
knusperfrosch | hi! | 01:01 |
astromme | knusperfro: Hello | 01:01 |
VistaUser | whats difference between konsol and teminal? | 01:02 |
knusperfrosch | got a laptop with intel graphics but unfortunately i can't switch off the LCD and external VGA while idle. the display backlight turns off but after 2seconds the backlight switches on again and shows a black screen | 01:02 |
knusperfrosch | "xset dpms force off" does the same | 01:02 |
astromme | knusperfro: Sorry, no idea. | 01:04 |
Dj_Lite | I need a little bit of help | 01:04 |
Dj_Lite | can any of you guys help me? | 01:04 |
cuznt | ask the question already | 01:05 |
Dj_Lite | ok | 01:05 |
cuznt | we will never know unless you ask | 01:05 |
Dj_Lite | How do you set up internet connection on Kubuntu? | 01:05 |
cuznt | with knetwork manager | 01:06 |
Num83rGuy | K torrent is giving me a "The process for the protocol died unexpectedly." error for many torrents. They just sit stalled and I am sure they have seeds. I am just wondering if I have my settings wrong or if it is a bug. | 01:06 |
Num83rGuy | Oops sorry for my rudeness. Hi, Could some one please help with question I have stated above at your lesure. | 01:08 |
Dj_Lite | does Kubuntu work worth Belkin? | 01:09 |
szrhawaii_ | got a dumb question | 01:11 |
Dj_Lite | guess i just gotta connect with wired | 01:11 |
szrhawaii_ | how do i add a patch file | 01:11 |
bopferman | Hello, I am trying to get my Logitech quickcam pro 5000 webcam working with kubuntu. I couldnt find a native KDE webcam program (other than Kopete which doesnt support it for AIM) so I have tried to use cheese. This program does not show any video when using the camera. I have done a lsusb and the webcam is detected properly and I have also tested it working in Kopete. | 01:12 |
harolddong | from what I've read its an issue tht the current linux kernal has with webcams | 01:15 |
Num83rGuy | I hope I didn't step into a tabo subject. | 01:15 |
Num83rGuy | *taboo | 01:15 |
bopferman | The webcam works well in Kopete, it is detected, but only msn and yahoo are supported with that program. | 01:16 |
harolddong | wecams worked fine for me with hardy but not since updating to intrepid. everything I've found says its a problem with the kernel | 01:16 |
VistaUser | back | 01:17 |
harolddong | yes it will be detected but you said you cant see any video... that's an issue a lot of people are having with the new kernel | 01:17 |
bopferman | I do see video in kopete, but not cheese | 01:17 |
VistaUser | anyone recomend any good packages | 01:18 |
nate_ | hay all i want to make my laptop a digital frame but the guide is for a different os and i want to use this one so can u tell me how to start feh and unclutter at start | 01:18 |
nate_ | with out x | 01:19 |
rogan | how do I upgrade the latest version of Amarok 2.0? I thought it would automaticly do it through the repos.. I have 8.10 | 01:19 |
epimeth | rogan: its in the neon project... let me find it | 01:22 |
epimeth | rogan: | 01:23 |
epimeth | rogan: but I must add that is your friend in these situations | 01:24 |
rogan | shut the fuck up and dont be a smart ass | 01:24 |
VistaUser | how do i get hamachi? | 01:24 |
Num83rGuy | WOW that was uncalled for. | 01:25 |
jsunio | invalid input detected | 01:25 |
Num83rGuy | LOL | 01:25 |
giulia | ciao | 01:32 |
rhineheart_m | hello.. how to remove kubuntu? I want to retain system files.. won't use GUI anymore | 01:43 |
Dr_willis_ | You mean you wish to remove the KDE desktop AND all the X server and related files? | 01:44 |
rhineheart_m | yes | 01:44 |
Dr_willis_ | fire up package manager and start Uninstalling I guess.. | 01:44 |
Dr_willis_ | Or you could just disable kdm from starting up.. and get a console login. | 01:44 |
rhineheart_m | is there a way doing it in CLI? | 01:45 |
rhineheart_m | to do it? | 01:45 |
Dr_willis_ | the packaging system has the apt-get cli commands yes.. | 01:45 |
rhineheart_m | I just want to disable KDE from startup | 01:45 |
Dr_willis_ | kdm service is started in the rc2 runlevel thers soms sysv tools to enable/disable those services | 01:45 |
Dr_willis_ | rhineheart_m, thats a TOTALLY differnt task then what you originall y asked then. :P | 01:45 |
rhineheart_m | any command? in cli? | 01:46 |
Dr_willis_ | of course theres commands | 01:46 |
Dr_willis_ | this is linux. ;) | 01:46 |
Dj_Lite | what happens when KNetworkManager stops working? | 01:46 |
rhineheart_m | I dunno... I just can't login into desktop | 01:46 |
Dr_willis_ | see the directory /etc/rc2.d every script in there is an item ran at the startup | 01:46 |
* Secutor is back. | 01:46 | |
Dr_willis_ | rhineheart_m, so why do you want to disable kdm then? why not fix the desktop? | 01:46 |
rhineheart_m | the password is correct | 01:47 |
Dj_Lite | hmm.. | 01:47 |
rhineheart_m | but it would go back to login page | 01:47 |
rhineheart_m | everytime I will try to login | 01:47 |
Dj_Lite | im trying to install my D-Link network adapter and the lights are flashing on it, how would i go about installing the drivers and such for it | 01:47 |
rhineheart_m | mmm..maybe...allowing root login could solve the problem.. | 01:47 |
rhineheart_m | can you teach me how to let root login in KDE? | 01:48 |
dr_willis | I doubt if that 'fixes' anything... | 01:48 |
dr_willis | go to the console, stop the kdm service, then try the 'startx' command. | 01:48 |
dr_willis | you CAN login to a console? | 01:48 |
rhineheart_m | yeah.. | 01:48 |
rhineheart_m | both users can login to console | 01:49 |
dr_willis | and both users can NOT login to X? | 01:49 |
rhineheart_m | mm..the system won't allow root login | 01:49 |
dr_willis | of course root cant login directly | 01:50 |
rhineheart_m | but users can't too | 01:50 |
dr_willis | you have 1 or 2 users? | 01:50 |
rhineheart_m | system accepts the password but after the screen would turn to black then a matter of 3 seconds it goes back to login page | 01:51 |
rhineheart_m | only 2 users | 01:51 |
dr_willis | I would try as a test.. going to the console, and making a NEW user 'testuser' see if it also affects them | 01:51 |
VistaUser | dr_willis | 01:54 |
VistaUser | u still there | 01:54 |
dr_willis | Yes.. for a little while. | 01:54 |
rhineheart_m | dr_willis, how to make a new user? | 01:55 |
VistaUser | kk i got KDE rght now and at the bottom right hand corner ist has those things and the time how do i decrease its big size | 01:55 |
dr_willis | rhineheart_m, i use the 'adduser' command | 01:55 |
dr_willis | VistaUser, you click on the 'cashew' icon at the far right to unlock the widget/panel and resize things with that.. Other then that.. its trial and error.. and in some cases not possible. :) | 01:56 |
dr_willis | given how 'vague' our little chat is.. :) im not sure what exactly you are doing. | 01:57 |
VistaUser | ok ty | 01:57 |
VistaUser | what does remove this panel do? | 01:58 |
dr_willis | I would guess.... removes the panel.. ;P | 01:58 |
VistaUser | what is a panel? | 01:59 |
dr_willis | The big widget at the bottom of your screen | 01:59 |
dr_willis | where all your buttons are. | 01:59 |
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VistaUser | oooooooooo kk | 01:59 |
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oscar | hola | 02:01 |
mister-tea | !es | 02:01 |
rhineheart_m | dr_willis, same thing... it wont | 02:01 |
ubottu | En la mayorÃa de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 02:01 |
=== oscar is now known as vatusaixx | ||
=== Secutor_ is now known as Secutor | ||
vatusaixx | hi | 02:02 |
mister-tea | !hi | 02:02 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 02:02 |
rhineheart_m | dr_willis, I added a user then I used it to login..but it won't allow me to login. After logging in.. the screen turns to black then after a 3 seconds it brings back to login page | 02:03 |
Dj_Lite | ok, im getting confused setting up my internet connection | 02:05 |
Dj_Lite | i heard taht D-Link is universal so, tahts what i got | 02:05 |
mister-tea | and? | 02:06 |
Dj_Lite | do i have to set up my network again like i did with windows | 02:06 |
rhineheart_m | Dj_Lite, can't you use ot? | 02:06 |
Dj_Lite | ot? | 02:06 |
rhineheart_m | it | 02:06 |
Dj_Lite | its not recognizing my internet | 02:06 |
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rhineheart_m | how many NIC you got? | 02:07 |
Dj_Lite | lol im new to linux and im only 14 so i dont know much about my internet | 02:08 |
Dj_Lite | i just know how to set it up on windows | 02:08 |
mister-tea | go to terminal or konsole and type lspci and give the specific model of your card | 02:10 |
mister-tea | unless it's usb | 02:11 |
cuznt | !d-link | 02:16 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about d-link | 02:16 |
cuznt | dj it should do it automatically | 02:16 |
cuznt | right click on the knetwork icon on your task manager | 02:17 |
cuznt | and see if it shows any wifi | 02:17 |
cuznt | if you do not see it | 02:17 |
cuznt | try to turn the pc off unplug it and ensure it is seated properly | 02:18 |
cuznt | ive had more problems with wifi on xp than this kubuntu | 02:18 |
dr_willis | rhineheart_m, 2 things to try.. one is look in the 'sessions' menu on kdm, and see if thers some failsafe session, or other window managers to try. if not You might want to install one as a test (sudo apt-get install fluxbox) and try fluxbox, also a potential test to try befor.. | 02:19 |
dr_willis | rhineheart_m, go to the console, kill the kdm service, and try 'startx' command.. | 02:19 |
dr_willis | rhineheart_m, it sounds almost like either a X server/driver issue.. or a some sort of kde config issue. | 02:19 |
rhineheart_m | i tried /etc/init.d/kdm stop but after that the screen turns black | 02:20 |
dr_willis | You mean you tried 'startx' and the screen still went black? | 02:21 |
rhineheart_m | let me check it again. | 02:21 |
VistaUser | omfg | 02:21 |
dr_willis | !ohmy | 02:21 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 02:21 |
VistaUser | i read more today then i do in 1 year at school | 02:21 |
dr_willis | :) | 02:21 |
dr_willis | reading is fun. | 02:21 |
VistaUser | depends on what u read | 02:22 |
dr_willis | Porn. :P | 02:22 |
VistaUser | i like tech stuff and money | 02:22 |
VistaUser | lol u dont read porn u watch it | 02:22 |
rhineheart_m | I have a doubt it was porn | 02:22 |
dr_willis | Old-skool porn! printed images! of women who are actually attractive.. not new porn in which.. err.. i better stop now.. | 02:23 |
dr_willis | :P | 02:23 |
mister-tea | !ot | 02:23 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 02:23 |
dr_willis | thats proberly called 'art' now a days. :P | 02:23 |
rhineheart_m | mister-tea, Thanks for the reminder :) | 02:23 |
mister-tea | :-) | 02:24 |
VistaUser | lol | 02:24 |
rhineheart_m | !ot | 02:25 |
ubottu | #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 02:25 |
rhineheart_m | :) | 02:26 |
=== Num83rGuy is now known as Num83rG0n3 | ||
* Num83rG0n3 is under high load: Gone away for now | 02:31 | |
VistaUser | anyone got a G1 or behold? | 02:31 |
jussio1 | !away > Num83rG0n3 | 02:32 |
ubottu | Num83rG0n3, please see my private message | 02:32 |
buckethead | No greeter widget plugin loaded <- Help??! | 02:33 |
* dr_willis has no idea what a 'greeter widget plugin' even is | 02:34 | |
* buckethead concurs, Doctor. | 02:34 | |
buckethead | I have to log into KDE via CLI. | 02:35 |
buckethead | Should I purge kdm-kde4? Would that do it? | 02:36 |
dr_willis | Proberly very little. | 02:36 |
dr_willis | try 'sudo kdm' and see if any error messages show up? | 02:36 |
=== Num83rG0n3 is now known as Num83rGuy | ||
* Num83rGuy is no longer under load. | 02:37 | |
buckethead | Command Not Found.. KDM, KDM4, or KDM-KDE4. | 02:37 |
harolddong | All of the sudden I'm ot getting sound in the amarok 2 beta | 02:39 |
harolddong | sound works everywhere else though | 02:39 |
szrhawaii | did you check your system sound driver | 02:39 |
szrhawaii | sometimes mine defaults to a low setting | 02:39 |
szrhawaii | where it seems off buts its turned down | 02:39 |
* Secutor is away: Gone away for now. | 02:40 | |
harolddong | in system settings for sound all the submenus are blank | 02:46 |
harolddong | is tha the way it supposed | 02:46 |
harolddong | to be? | 02:46 |
harolddong | in other there is nothing to change | 02:46 |
harolddong | *in other words | 02:46 |
harolddong | system sounds seem to work and I can play music with vlc and soungbird but amarok has no sound | 02:47 |
harolddong | this just strt tonight as far s I can tell | 02:48 |
cuznt | !sound | 02:49 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:49 |
VistaUser | !sudo | 02:51 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 02:51 |
VistaUser | !konsol | 02:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about konsol | 02:51 |
mister-tea | !konsole | 02:52 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 02:52 |
RangerDuRisk | hello | 02:52 |
szrhawaii | just gotta ask | 02:53 |
RangerDuRisk | can anybody can tell me how to install windows management and effect like "beryl" | 02:53 |
RangerDuRisk | or emerald | 02:53 |
RangerDuRisk | someone talk me about emerald | 02:53 |
coreymon77 | anyone here watch lets play videos on youtube? | 02:53 |
mister-tea | !emerald | 02:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about emerald | 02:53 |
RangerDuRisk | k | 02:54 |
szrhawaii | !beryl | 02:54 |
ubottu | Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion. New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz | 02:54 |
RangerDuRisk | compiz | 02:54 |
szrhawaii | its not coming up on your synaptics | 02:54 |
RangerDuRisk | goes with ubuntu8.10 | 02:54 |
mister-tea | !compiz | 02:54 |
ubottu | Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness from KMenu -> System -> Desktop Effects - further help in #compiz-fusion | 02:54 |
RangerDuRisk | ok | 02:54 |
dr_willis | there is no more beryl :) | 02:54 |
szrhawaii | they kicked it out huh | 02:54 |
RangerDuRisk | so | 02:55 |
szrhawaii | then load compiz-fusion ranger | 02:55 |
dr_willis | No.. it got assamlated. | 02:55 |
dr_willis | ;) | 02:55 |
RangerDuRisk | it goes with gnome | 02:55 |
RangerDuRisk | match | 02:55 |
szrhawaii | did you downloas compiz-fusion | 02:55 |
RangerDuRisk | yes | 02:55 |
dr_willis | and with kde4 - that gives kde its own alternatives to compiz. | 02:55 |
szrhawaii | when i did it came with emerald | 02:55 |
dr_willis | sudo apt-get install emerald | 02:56 |
dr_willis | and that will isntall it. :0 You may want the fusion-icon tool also. | 02:56 |
VistaUser | dr_willis how i get to KDE4? | 02:56 |
szrhawaii | upgrade | 02:56 |
dr_willis | VistaUser, if you installed the latest kubuntu 8.10 you got kde4 | 02:56 |
VistaUser | how | 02:56 |
VistaUser | oo kk | 02:56 |
VistaUser | how i get 4.2? | 02:56 |
dr_willis | see any programs about menu item | 02:57 |
VistaUser | me? | 02:57 |
dr_willis | 4.2 is in the backports repos I think.. | 02:57 |
dr_willis | see any programs about menu item --> shows your version # | 02:57 |
szrhawaii | does anyone know what the command is to run cron | 02:57 |
VistaUser | dr_willis is there a command to upgrade to KDE 4.2? | 02:58 |
dr_willis | proberly is.. if its not allready in the normal repops.. enable backports.. and upgrade | 02:59 |
dr_willis | !backports | 02:59 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See - See also !packaging | 02:59 |
VistaUser | ok | 02:59 |
VistaUser | do u know package name? | 03:00 |
dr_willis | 'upgrade' after enabling the backports repo.. installed them for me | 03:00 |
VistaUser | ok | 03:01 |
harolddong | so the 4.2 beta is ready now? | 03:03 |
harolddong | its in the repos? | 03:03 |
=== pwnu is now known as ipwnu | ||
cuznt | is there not a command you can shoot into the terminal to show what version is installed? | 03:04 |
szrhawaii | anyone know the command to get to cron in terminal | 03:05 |
buckethead | I had to purge kdm-kde4 and install kdm to get intrepid to work for me. | 03:11 |
buckethead | It was that dratted 'No greeter widget installed' thing. | 03:12 |
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estres | ubuntu-es | 03:17 |
estres | #ubuntues | 03:17 |
estres | #ubuntu-es | 03:17 |
estres | #kubuntu-es | 03:18 |
harolddong | to enable backports I just enable unsupported updates in adept right? | 03:18 |
harolddong | because they are enabled and so far no 4.2 packages are showing up | 03:18 |
mister-tea | estres: join/kubuntu-es | 03:21 |
mister-tea | estres: /join #kubuntu-es | 03:23 |
estres | anybody know how to run google earth with wine | 03:26 |
estres | I have installed google earth running the installation program with wine but the executable file not running after the installation | 03:27 |
RangerDuRisk | remember me | 03:30 |
RangerDuRisk | got install compiz | 03:30 |
RangerDuRisk | dans when cliking install desktop effect ...i got a error message : -error kdesudo command not found- | 03:31 |
BluesKaj | I haven't kept up on the video copy front lately ...what's the best dvd copy/rip app ? | 03:32 |
BluesKaj | not having any luck at all with dvd:rip | 03:35 |
BluesKaj | estres there's a linux version of google earth | 03:35 |
loganWHD | what do you think is the BEST back up program for Kubuntu | 03:41 |
braeder | i need some help. i am running ubuntu eee and want to get rid of the interface over my desktop. .. or how do i see my desktop? | 03:48 |
braeder | <braeder> i need some help. i am running ubuntu eee and want to get rid of the interface over my desktop. .. or how do i see my desktop? | 03:49 |
_-Jay-_ | q | 04:15 |
harolddong | so are the 4.2 packages supposed to be in the repos now? | 04:17 |
harolddong | I was never clear on that earlier | 04:17 |
=== keith__ is now known as compilerwriter | ||
goldmetal | i installed 8.10 via upgrade. my uname still says , how to use new kernel? | 04:23 |
goldmetal | how to install cool theme? | 04:49 |
reanimation | hi guys | 04:52 |
reanimation | #ubuntu-i | 04:52 |
reanimation | #ubuntu-in | 04:53 |
bazhang | !themes | 04:54 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 04:54 |
bazhang | oops | 04:55 |
manoman | ok, i just installed the updates adept told me to, rebooted, and now i get busybox | 04:58 |
manoman | kubuntu 8.10 | 04:58 |
manoman | i added rootdelay=50 but still get dumped to busybox on inintramfs | 04:58 |
jsunio | This is not really important, but... how do I get a USB keyboard to work on my GRUB menu. I think my GRUB is maybe from Fedora? | 04:59 |
manoman | rootdelay=200 gives same effect. | 05:00 |
manoman | Gave up waiting for root device. Common problems: blah blah | 05:00 |
manoman | ALERT! /dev/disk/by-uuid/886blahblah does not exist. Dropping to a shell | 05:00 |
cyberponix | I pulled a SATA HDD outof my old laptop before I sold it, now I can not get into the drive I know the ATA password however without the laptop I can not get to where I need to be to enter it. is there a way in konsle to do this? | 05:05 |
Colonel_Panic | hey, how can I check my x drivers? | 05:06 |
jsunio | drives have passwords? | 05:07 |
jsunio | cyberponix: did you try mount ? | 05:09 |
jsunio | mount /dev/sdb1 /media/olddrive --(or whatever it's called) | 05:10 |
WahbeN | hey all! | 05:11 |
rosco_y | jsunio: drives have passwords? Maybe you just need to be using admin privilegs... | 05:12 |
WahbeN | So I am currently downloading Kubuntu 8.10 iso. Is KDE 4.1 really that cool? Am I going to be at lost since I have been using Gnome for years now? How is KDE 4.1 runnning on not-so-hot machines? I have a dual core 1.6ghz (i think) 1 gb ram and intel based video card... | 05:13 |
WahbeN | I want to have a prettier desktop with SVG-based widgets.. that's the main reason I want to switch | 05:14 |
=== wangke is now known as wangke_ | ||
=== wangke_ is now known as wangke__ | ||
cyberponix | Mount does not work as it was apassword entered at startup before an OS or anything is graned | 05:15 |
cyberponix | in BIOS first thing that happens whe a computer is booted up you can enter into setup by pressing f2 or whatever your computer has as its setup and set security to lock your computer up tighter than just what the OS offers | 05:17 |
jsunio | cyberponix: You cant even get to the OS? | 05:18 |
jsunio | cyberponix: you could try a live CD like damnsmalllinux or kubuntu live CD | 05:18 |
dabbu | how to add new widget ? | 05:19 |
dabbu | any help | 05:20 |
cyberponix | I tried all of that... I ever attempted to reformat said HDD but it is locked... I know the password however I can not get to a place where I can enter it | 05:20 |
=== tc_ is now known as tchough | ||
Colonel_Panic | how do I update my NVIDIA GLX module? | 05:35 |
dabbu | when i watch something over LAN kubuntu ill start downloading the whole file and after that it will play or show that file to handle this >?? | 05:40 |
Colonel_Panic | how do I update my NVIDIA GLX module? | 05:47 |
goldmetal | what is the definition of 8.10 vs 8.04? why i ask? i upgrade from 8.04. and kernel still runs the 2.6.old version | 05:52 |
mr---t- | !nvidia | 05:54 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 05:54 |
chipbuddy | i made a /home partition so i can reinstall the OS but not have to recover my home directory. this has worked great, however the extra users i created have not been pulled over. when i try to create a user with the desired home directory, it says that directory already exists | 05:54 |
mr---t- | !8.10 | 05:59 |
ubottu | Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! | 05:59 |
cyberponix | Does anyone know of a toshiba laptop BIOS emulator? | 06:05 |
chipbuddy | i just installed 8.10, and i had a bunch of choices for my file system. there must be pros and cons for the various types, but i can't really find any comprehensive authority on the matter. | 06:10 |
cyberponix | personally I am sticking with 8.04 as I can not even get my 8.10 to go past the login screen... work good for a couple days then bam cant log in anymore | 06:14 |
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=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
Colonel_Panic | can anybody help me with this driver problem? | 06:40 |
Num83rGuy | I have been looking all day but I can't find the soultion to my problem with Ktorrent. I can't find anything about the "The process for the protocol died unexpectedly." error I keep getting and I have had no luck building 3.2 beta 1. | 06:41 |
Colonel_Panic | my nvidia driver is an older version | 06:41 |
Colonel_Panic | and I want to update to the latest one | 06:42 |
Num83rGuy | <Colonel_Panic> What are you tring to do exactly again? | 06:42 |
Num83rGuy | I have been in every direction with my nVidia card. | 06:43 |
Num83rGuy | What card do you have? | 06:44 |
Num83rGuy | And which version of (k)ubuntu ? | 06:45 |
Colonel_Panic | I have an NVIDIA 8800 GTS | 06:45 |
Colonel_Panic | and Hardy 8.04 | 06:45 |
Num83rGuy | And the driver you are using now? | 06:45 |
Colonel_Panic | NVIDIA GLX Module 173.14.12 | 06:46 |
Colonel_Panic | 177.82 is the latest stable version | 06:47 |
Num83rGuy | I just updated to 180.08 the other day, I will tell you how I did that. | 06:47 |
Colonel_Panic | ok | 06:47 |
Num83rGuy | Hold on while I find nvidias driver page | 06:48 |
Num83rGuy | I will give detailed instructions but basicly I un installed the drivers from the repo and did a manual install of the driver from nvidia. | 06:50 |
Tm_T | erm | 06:52 |
Tm_T | !envy | Colonel_Panic | 06:52 |
ubottu | Colonel_Panic: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!! if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk | 06:52 |
Tm_T | Num83rGuy: see above | 06:52 |
Colonel_Panic | that's what I used to update my drivers, and it only got me as far as 173.14.12 | 06:53 |
Colonel_Panic | I want to update to at least 177.82 | 06:53 |
Tm_T | yes, and envyng should do that | 06:53 |
Colonel_Panic | but it didn't, so that's why I'm asking for help, OK? | 06:54 |
Tm_T | smells like it failed somehow | 06:55 |
Tm_T | (as usual) | 06:55 |
Tm_T | and/or you cannot have newer driver in Hardy | 06:55 |
Tm_T | that is possible too | 06:55 |
loganWHD | anyone ever hear of the sound working UNTIL you plug headphones into the jack? | 06:57 |
Colonel_Panic | others have told me that 177.82 works for them | 06:58 |
loganWHD | to me? | 06:58 |
Num83rGuy | This is the page to download 180.06 | 06:58 |
Colonel_Panic | Num83rGuy: What Kubuntu version you running? | 07:01 |
Num83rGuy | I just opened synaptic and purged the nvidia drivers and then hit ctrl+alt+F1 and typed "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" ( use sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop if you use kdm ) and then sudo sh | 07:02 |
Colonel_Panic | how do you purge the nvidia drivers? | 07:03 |
robert__ | bonjour a tous :) | 07:04 |
Colonel_Panic | do you need to kill X? | 07:04 |
Brack10 | hello | 07:19 |
gustavo | hola | 07:34 |
ooglebutte | !hi | 07:36 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 07:36 |
Brack10 | I'm trying to install Kubuntu 8.10 on a Dell OptiPlex GX260 with 512mb ram and a 40 gig IDE western digital hard drive. It looks like the installer is detecting the HDD as a SCSI when I go to install it freezes at "Scanning Mirror" and if I cancel the installation at that point it boots up to a corrupt install which doesn't work. Any ideas what I can do about this? | 07:36 |
noaXess | how can i reconfigure the xserver? | 07:37 |
noaXess | sudo dpkg-reconfigure ??? | 07:37 |
ooglebutte | Brack10: tried to install without the net connected? | 07:40 |
Brack10 | Not yet | 07:40 |
ooglebutte | noaXess: that'll get the basic setup | 07:40 |
Brack10 | so unplug ethernet | 07:40 |
noaXess | ooglebutte: i need to reconfigure the resolution.. wrong resolution | 07:41 |
micha_ | Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. uname -a2.6.24-22-generic there is no package for virtualbox and my kernel ... ??? | 07:42 |
ooglebutte | noaXess: I'm not sure3 how to do that with the new X - there might be a clue on the wiki -one min and I'll check | 07:42 |
ooglebutte | Brack10: yep - try it with it unplugged | 07:45 |
micha_ | isn't there a ose-module for the 24.22 kernel for virtualbox | 07:47 |
ooglebutte | noaXess: try this - | 07:48 |
ooglebutte | micha_: is that the newest kernel? | 07:50 |
micha_ | ooglebutte: probably not | 07:51 |
ooglebutte | micha_: got another kernel hanging around you could use? | 07:52 |
micha_ | i am still on hardy because i don't like kde4 up to now | 07:53 |
ooglebutte | micha_: all I can suggest is you search for a kernel with the ose-modules available for it | 07:54 |
micha_ | yes looks like there are no mudules available for that kernel ??? | 07:56 |
haffouff_ | please i nedd help to configure my postfix. I want to send mails throught the internet | 08:04 |
psteyn | Hi, how can I get Open Office 3.x installed? | 08:06 |
=== tuxie is now known as TuX_Claudiu | ||
micha_ | 3 is in debian experimental ... but i have no idea if you can mix the repros ... i normaly use debian ... psteyn | 08:10 |
micha_ | try downloading the .deb file | 08:11 |
=== theseinfeld is now known as theseinfeld_ | ||
=== theseinfeld_ is now known as theseinfeld | ||
psteyn | thanks micha_ doing that | 08:16 |
Pie-rate | i'm trying 64bit kubuntu, having always used ubuntu before. first thing i notice is amarok can't even play it's built in radio stations because it doesn't have codecs | 08:20 |
Pie-rate | anyone help me with that? | 08:20 |
Pie-rate | what's the package to get codecs for amarok? | 08:21 |
Pie-rate | latest info on suggests installing kubuntu-restricted-extras, which doesn't seem to exist | 08:21 |
Pie-rate | but that's for 8.04 | 08:22 |
Pie-rate | ok now it suddenly does exist, i must've mistyped it | 08:22 |
fleetcommand | hm it's funny, i've found a blog which describes how to install 3.0 for kubuntu | 08:24 |
fleetcommand | i add the repository for the software sources, but it doesn't appear for upgrading | 08:24 |
philsf | I don't know what I did, but now every event I create in kontact is a groupware event, with me as atendee and organizer. Disabling groupware in the korganizer preferences doesn't stop this behavior. How can I disable this? | 08:25 |
Pie-rate | why don't my back/forward mouse buttons work in konqueror? | 08:26 |
aftertaf | mornin' all | 08:38 |
aftertaf | anyone using 4.2 beta from project neon? | 08:39 |
aftertaf | anyone awake, even? | 08:43 |
aftertaf | !vmware | 08:44 |
ubottu | VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at | 08:44 |
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=== theseinfeld_ is now known as theseinfeld | ||
tch | does anyone know what the preferred method of modifying the kde3 colorscheme in intrepid is? | 08:51 |
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aftertaf | sorry, kde 3 is gone for me... | 08:53 |
symbiosys | who | 09:00 |
symbiosys | hello | 09:00 |
symbiosys | I haven't done IRC since I was a kid | 09:00 |
symbiosys | this is weird | 09:00 |
symbiosys | anyway | 09:00 |
aftertaf | lol | 09:01 |
aftertaf | hi | 09:01 |
symbiosys | hi | 09:01 |
symbiosys | new to ubuntu | 09:01 |
aftertaf | welcome and well done: ) | 09:01 |
symbiosys | I'm online and my my network works | 09:01 |
symbiosys | so I consider myself grateful | 09:01 |
symbiosys | LOL | 09:01 |
ooglebutte | hehe | 09:01 |
aftertaf | yeah ! ! ! | 09:01 |
aftertaf | a good start (tm) | 09:02 |
philsf | I don't know what I did, but now every event I create in kontact is a groupware event, with me as atendee and organizer. Disabling groupware in the korganizer preferences doesn't stop this behavior. How can I disable this? | 09:02 |
mblex | symbiosys )) | 09:02 |
aftertaf | any groupware packages installed? | 09:02 |
Pie-rate | how can i bind things to mouse buttons? for example, zoom out is bound to Meta+- by default, and i want it to be Meta+scrollwheeldown | 09:02 |
philsf | symbiosys: actually, I believe you are not lucky it worked, since it should work in most cases | 09:03 |
philsf | aftertaf: like what? | 09:03 |
symbiosys | Okay :-) | 09:04 |
symbiosys | I'll take your word for it | 09:04 |
symbiosys | It's a lot different than my commodore vic 20 | 09:04 |
Pie-rate | help me not switch back to gnome by telling me how to use my mouse buttons to go back/forward in konqueror! | 09:07 |
Pie-rate | amarok is unbelievably better than everything gnome has to offer for music. | 09:09 |
aftertaf | Pie-rate: scroll up/own on muse? I thkn they are button 4 / 5 or sth like that. | 09:13 |
joe_ | i wanna be able to delate a folder but it wont let me it say's Access denide to /home/joe/.local/share/Trash/files/crystal-1.0.6. | 09:13 |
aftertaf | joe_: and if u empty the trashcan? does that work? | 09:14 |
joe_ | nope the trashcan is already empty, there's nothing inside of it | 09:14 |
aftertaf | Pie-rate: i wrote really bad there !!! :) the scrol on mouse i think are buttons also.... | 09:15 |
Pie-rate | aftertaf: the problem is it's not letting me bind desktop zoom (in system settings->desktop->desktop effects->all effects) to mouse scroll wheel | 09:15 |
aftertaf | do u have a button 4 or 5 you can set manually? | 09:15 |
joe_ | can anyone help me out??? | 09:16 |
aftertaf | joe_: if u open trash:/ in konqueror? | 09:16 |
Pie-rate | aftertaf: i don't know | 09:17 |
Pie-rate | aftertaf: brb restarting X | 09:17 |
joe_ | same thing | 09:17 |
joe_ | it wont let me | 09:17 |
ooglebutte | joe_: in konsole type sudo chown -Rv joe:joe /home/joe where joe is your login name | 09:19 |
ooglebutte | then try to delete it | 09:19 |
joe_ | ok | 09:20 |
joe_ | what's the command line for it? | 09:21 |
ooglebutte | you may have used sudo to move that folder to trash so you don | 09:22 |
ooglebutte | t own it | 09:22 |
joe_ | what's the rest of the command line after sudo chonw -Rv | 09:22 |
joe_ | ??? | 09:23 |
ooglebutte | tells who you want to own it and what you want to own | 09:23 |
aftertaf | user and group . . . | 09:23 |
aftertaf | when you ls -l a folder you see the owner and group | 09:23 |
ooglebutte | if root owns anything that is your prob | 09:24 |
ooglebutte | ls -la | 09:24 |
joe_ | i'm confusde srry i don't know much about the command lines just yet i'm still try'n to get the hang of useing linux instead of window's and i have been useing linux for only about 2 to 3 week's | 09:25 |
aftertaf | ooglebutte: ill let u help, 2 will cause confusion . . . . | 09:25 |
aftertaf | ;) | 09:25 |
ooglebutte | joe_: copy and paste the command and see if it works - it won't hurt anything | 09:25 |
salaf3 | salut | 09:26 |
joe_ | ok what's the command line??? | 09:26 |
aftertaf | joe_: what is your user name on your ubuntu system? | 09:26 |
ooglebutte | joe_: konsole is in kmenu - system | 09:26 |
ooglebutte | !shell | 09:27 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 09:27 |
joe_ | i don't know srry | 09:28 |
ooglebutte | joe_: kmenu is the k at bottom left | 09:29 |
ooglebutte | !shell > joe_ | 09:29 |
ubottu | joe_, please see my private message | 09:29 |
aftertaf | joe_: dont be afrais , its new, its daunting, but its not hard once u get past the fear :) | 09:31 |
* aftertaf needs a new keyboard . . . . | 09:31 | |
joe_ | i'm srry i don't listen to bot's srry to say | 09:31 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:31 |
aftertaf | joe_: the bot is a useful bot, with a lot of frequent questions anwsered | 09:31 |
joe_ | got it | 09:31 |
joe_ | what did u wanted to know? | 09:32 |
ooglebutte | joe_: in konsole type sudo chown -Rv joe:joe /home/joe where joe is your login name | 09:32 |
joe_ | i did sudo chown -Rv but what's the rest of the command line and my login name is different from my real name which is joe is my real name | 09:34 |
=== theseinfeld is now known as theseinfeld_ | ||
ooglebutte | sudo chown -Rv joe:joe /home/joe - but use your login name the joe | 09:36 |
ooglebutte | * then | 09:36 |
newuser | where can I find package maintainers for my project ? | 09:36 |
ooglebutte | !motu | 09:36 |
ubottu | motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See | 09:36 |
newuser | I want to get my s/w in the ubuntu repo | 09:36 |
joe_ | got it | 09:36 |
newuser | :) | 09:36 |
newuser | !ps | 09:36 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ps | 09:36 |
newuser | !grep | 09:37 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 09:37 |
ooglebutte | !messagethebot | 09:37 |
ubottu | Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots. Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid". | 09:37 |
joe_ | ok it did something and now what??? | 09:39 |
ooglebutte | joe_: try to delete the foder | 09:40 |
joe_ | did it and it worked | 09:40 |
ooglebutte | :) | 09:40 |
joe_ | thnkx very much for a sec i thought i had a hacker | 09:40 |
joe_ | lol | 09:40 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:40 |
ooglebutte | all's good then? | 09:40 |
joe_ | lol | 09:40 |
joe_ | yup yup yup ^_^ | 09:40 |
ooglebutte | well done | 09:41 |
joe_ | thnx | 09:41 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:41 |
ooglebutte | np | 09:41 |
joe_ | just one more thing | 09:41 |
ooglebutte | shoot | 09:41 |
ooglebutte | :) | 09:41 |
joe_ | how can i learn more about linux and do most of my own trouble shooting myself without haveing to ask anyone all the time??? | 09:41 |
=== theseinfeld_ is now known as theseinfeld | ||
ooglebutte | I read these chats and have a testing box to experiment on - the are things like | 09:42 |
ooglebutte | !!cli | 09:42 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 09:42 |
ooglebutte | | 09:43 |
joe_ | thnx | 09:43 |
joe_ | i'll give that a shot | 09:43 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:43 |
ooglebutte | luck :) | 09:43 |
joe_ | i'll try | 09:43 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:43 |
ooglebutte | it's a practise sort of thing - you'll only learn by having a go | 09:44 |
joe_ | and how long will it take someone to master the terminal??? | 09:45 |
ooglebutte | how long is a piece of string - depends on the person and the time they devote to it mostly | 09:45 |
faileas | a whole lifetime ;) | 09:45 |
faileas | however one learns what one needs to pretty quickly after a point | 09:46 |
joe_ | got it | 09:46 |
joe_ | ^_^ | 09:46 |
faileas | and at some point, IRC becomes useless ;p | 09:46 |
ooglebutte | man pages are good - in konsole type man cp to learn the cp command | 09:47 |
joe_ | ok | 09:48 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 09:55 |
* ActionParsnip listens to the wind blow | 10:02 | |
voicu | why does a module still load if i put it in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist? | 10:17 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: did you add the wrong name? did you put a carridge return on the end of the last module named? | 10:17 |
ooglebutte | is it listed in /etc/modules? | 10:18 |
voicu | lsmod lists it right now, it's not mispelled and not at the end of the file | 10:18 |
voicu | and there is a CR at the end | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | good | 10:19 |
voicu | is there some other way to stop a module from loading? | 10:19 |
voicu | or anything else that configures module loading? | 10:20 |
nogagplz | Excuse me good sirs, where would I go to sort out a problem with shipit? The order arrived, yet there was no disk in the sleeve | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: you could always put a small script in ~/.kde/Autorun to rmmod the module (not vry graceful) | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | nogagplz: order another, if you can . Add a note to the request | 10:21 |
faileas | ya | 10:21 |
nogagplz | okay, I'll try that. thanks ActionParsnip | 10:21 |
voicu | ok, let's try this differently, how do i change the driver a certain card uses? | 10:23 |
=== lorenzo is now known as calamaro-2357 | ||
voicu | ok, new approach: how can i change the driver a device uses? | 10:24 |
voicu | in this case, the network card driver | 10:24 |
voicu | how can i find what options do i have? | 10:24 |
ooglebutte | lspci would be my first start - then a google search for the module it "should" use | 10:25 |
voicu | thanks ooglebutte, that's what i wanted :D | 10:27 |
ooglebutte | luck :) | 10:27 |
voicu | what would be the difference between an ethernet controller and a network controller? | 10:28 |
voicu | i have a wire card and a wireless card on the machine | 10:28 |
voicu | ethernet=wire, network=wireless? | 10:28 |
ooglebutte | what does ifconfig return? | 10:29 |
voicu | nvm, found them :P | 10:29 |
ooglebutte | hehe | 10:29 |
voicu | ok, cool so apparently i have a realtek r8101 card but the driver used is r8169 | 10:29 |
voicu | modprobe r8101 says there is no such driver | 10:30 |
voicu | is there a package i can install? | 10:30 |
ooglebutte | !info r81669 | 10:30 |
ubottu | Package r81669 does not exist in intrepid | 10:30 |
voicu | !info r8169 | 10:31 |
ubottu | Package r8169 does not exist in intrepid | 10:31 |
voicu | i'm guessing they're part of some driver package | 10:31 |
voicu | i tried looking in aptitude but i'm not sure what i need | 10:32 |
ooglebutte | try the search button and ethernet | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | tehnicaly a wireless connection has an ethernet address ;) | 10:34 |
voicu | aptitude doesn't search through descriptions | 10:37 |
ooglebutte | synaptic ftw | 10:37 |
voicu | adept only shows application, not all the packages | 10:37 |
voicu | oh, synaptic | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | apt ftw :D | 10:37 |
ooglebutte | hehe | 10:37 |
voicu | how do i search with apt? i don't want to pull all the gnome stuff | 10:38 |
voicu | internet connection is slow | 10:38 |
ooglebutte | apt-cache search "package" - no sudo needed | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | apt-cache search <something> | 10:38 |
voicu | ok, thanks | 10:39 |
voicu | i still don't know what to look for, i tried ethernet, network, realtek, r8169, r8101... | 10:42 |
ooglebutte | voicu: try a google search ubuntu r8169 and see | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | or try | 10:44 |
voicu | yeah, already did that, i'm looking at the results | 10:45 |
ooglebutte | :) | 10:45 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu__ | ||
ubuntu__ | hi... | 10:49 |
ubuntu__ | bin neu... kann mir jemand installationshilfe geben? | 10:49 |
voicu | ubuntu__: try #kubuntu-de or #ubuntu-de | 10:51 |
=== theseinfeld is now known as theseinfeld_ | ||
ooglebutte | !de | 10:51 |
ubottu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de | 10:51 |
ubuntu__ | voicu: ok.thx | 10:51 |
ooglebutte | xubuntu gets a mention too :) | 10:52 |
Heinz | see you! | 10:52 |
voicu | hehe, yeah, i shouldn't dismiss xubuntu like that | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | xubuntu is awesome | 10:52 |
voicu | is it possible that r8169 gets loaded because no other suitable module is found? | 10:53 |
voicu | i still don't get why /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist doesn't work | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: id go for the rmmod script in ~/.kde/Autorun | 10:54 |
=== theseinfeld_ is now known as theseinfeld | ||
ActionParsnip | voicu: until you can work out whats going on | 10:54 |
voicu | actionparsnip: but that doesn't make the system load a different module for my card | 10:55 |
voicu | i can't do anything without an internet connection | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: no, only unloads the one you want removing | 10:55 |
voicu | i want r8169 blacklisted and maybe it will load another driver | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: you can use the packages on your install cd | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: i doubt it | 10:55 |
ActionParsnip | what is the lspci output for your network device? | 10:55 |
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=== Sleepallnight is now known as FromIndonesia | ||
voicu | lspci says it's a realtek r8101 | 10:56 |
voicu | and there was a post on the ubuntu forums saying he/she solved the network problem by replacing r8169 with r8101 | 10:56 |
voicu | i think it's the same thing with my card | 10:56 |
voicu | there was no info on how he/she did that | 10:57 |
ActionParsnip | then try: sudo rmmod r8169; sudo modprobe r8101 | 10:58 |
ooglebutte | you can add it to /etc/modules and reboot maybe | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | looks like you need to compile your own: | 10:58 |
ActionParsnip | ooglebutte: well this will test, if its good we will do that :D | 10:59 |
ooglebutte | for sure it's the way to go :) | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | heres another good looking post: | 10:59 |
voicu | huh | 11:05 |
voicu | nasty | 11:05 |
ActionParsnip | simple compile, not too hard | 11:05 |
voicu | yeah but still, it seems too hackish just to change a network driver | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: ubuntu doesnt ship with ALL drivers for ALL hardware so some must be compiled | 11:07 |
voicu | i guess so | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | its not hackish at all as the drivers are from the official servers of the hardware manufacturers, just that to hold or o ship the install CD with such an array of software is completely unfeasible | 11:07 |
=== word|away is now known as word | ||
voicu | i know, this is why linux is great and why it sucks :P | 11:10 |
voicu | what's the name of ubuntu 8.10? | 11:11 |
bazhang | !ibex | 11:11 |
ubottu | Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: yep, every OS sucks | 11:12 |
voicu | ok, ty | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | | 11:17 |
ActionParsnip | just for the laughs | 11:18 |
voicu | can't watch it, no flash player :P | 11:19 |
ActionParsnip | yikes | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | mind you, if you dont need it you dont have to have it | 11:20 |
voicu | i try to go without flash as long as i can but at some point someone gives me a link on youtube that i have to wathc :D | 11:22 |
syock | For source packages with debian/patches directory, will dpkg-buildpackage apply the patches before building? | 11:22 |
ooglebutte | !compile | 11:23 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 11:23 |
candan | hi | 11:24 |
candan | how can i do avermedia a700 dvb card fix for ubuntu? | 11:25 |
voicu | ok, there was an error with the sources from realtek and i "fixed" them, wish me luck, rebooting | 11:32 |
ooglebutte | luck :) | 11:34 |
candan | i need avermedia a700 dvb card driver for 810? | 11:35 |
ooglebutte | the mythtv wiki might give a clue | 11:36 |
maek0 | hey if I install KDE on my GNOME ubuntu install will it list all the KDE apps it installs on my GNOME applications menu ?? | 11:43 |
Chiselhuk_Plus1 | Good morning oh knowledgeable ones!! | 11:44 |
SlimeyPete | wait, who? | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | maek0: should do | 11:44 |
Chiselhuk_Plus1 | I appear to have a problem with Kopete. When it opens the KDE wallet service it's not recognising my password! | 11:44 |
ooglebutte | maek0: if it doesn't you could try sudo update-menus | 11:45 |
Chiselhuk_Plus1 | Is there anyway we can over ride/change my KDE wallet password on command line? | 11:46 |
maek0 | ActionParsnip, ooglebutte well I would prefer it didn't list any KDE apps | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | ooglebutte: gksudo for gui apps dude | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | maek0: then edit your menus and remove the unwanted items (if they are present) | 11:47 |
ooglebutte | ActionParsnip: update-menus isn't gui... | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | oic | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | my bad | 11:47 |
ooglebutte | :) | 11:47 |
maek0 | ActionParsnip, ah !! lol didn't think of that ... and what happens to the system kde apps like adept ?? | 11:48 |
voicu | where can i find the sources of the realtek driver? | 11:48 |
maek0 | do they get listed ?? | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | maek0: depends how you installed stuff, it may be present | 11:49 |
ActionParsnip | maek0: dpkg -l | grep -i adept | 11:49 |
voicu | that is, where are the modules' sources unpacked? | 11:49 |
faileas | voicu: i suppose if its a open source driver probably the realtek website | 11:49 |
voicu | faileas: i need the driver used by ubuntu because the one from the site doesn't work, maybe the ubuntu devs changed it | 11:50 |
voicu | *site=realtek site | 11:50 |
maek0 | im thinking of installing kde 4.2 (via a thirdparty software source) on my GNOME ubuntu install ... I'm just a little worried that it will stuff up my main GNOME install | 11:50 |
tkstka | hmm my sound card doesnt work | 11:59 |
tkstka | or at least I dont get any sound when browsing | 11:59 |
tkstka | what do I do | 11:59 |
tkstka | :c | 11:59 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: | 12:00 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: | 12:00 |
tkstka | thx | 12:01 |
tkstka | you guys are always ready | 12:01 |
tkstka | do you ever sleep? | 12:01 |
tkstka | :) | 12:01 |
voicu | how do i remove a manually installed module? | 12:01 |
emonkey | sleep, is that something to eat? | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | sudo rmmod (module name) | 12:02 |
voicu | ActionParsnip: is that permanent? | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: nope | 12:02 |
voicu | then how do i remove it permanently? | 12:02 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: you'll need to delete it from the list in /etc/modules | 12:03 |
voicu | a, ok | 12:03 |
voicu | ActionParsnip: it's not there, actually there are 2 modules there only | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | you can blacklist them but you said earlier that doesnt work | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | im not sure in intrepid what handles modules | 12:04 |
voicu | i don't get this, why do they keep changing these things? | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | voicu: welcome to linux | 12:06 |
voicu | ... thanks :D | 12:07 |
tkstka | hmm I have problem with the first code mv ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf.old it says there is no such directory | 12:08 |
tkstka | or something | 12:08 |
tkstka | :c | 12:08 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: use tab to complete the name | 12:08 |
tkstka | ok | 12:09 |
tkstka | I got my sound to work | 12:25 |
tkstka | but my volume is low :D:D:D | 12:25 |
tkstka | very low | 12:25 |
tkstka | even thou I have all as hi I could put | 12:25 |
tkstka | :C | 12:25 |
tkstka | now is there way to increse volume | 12:25 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: are your speakers cranked up too? | 12:25 |
tkstka | I have headphones | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: and the app you are using, is its volume cranked | 12:26 |
tkstka | I have youtube hi | 12:26 |
tkstka | and my master volume | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | the headphones plug into speakers at all? | 12:26 |
tkstka | should be | 12:26 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: then turn that up too | 12:26 |
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ActionParsnip | tkstka: whatever the headphones atatch to, turn them up | 12:29 |
tkstka | I got little bit of volume | 12:30 |
tkstka | but everything is at max | 12:30 |
tkstka | but it's listeneble now | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | ok well hang on that till you can work it out | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | check phones are fully plugged in | 12:32 |
=== zer0 is now known as shiMMer | ||
tkstka | hmm is there any popup blocker for firefox? | 12:42 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: its built in | 12:44 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: some popups come through flash now | 12:44 |
tkstka | I've noticed | 12:47 |
tkstka | :c | 12:47 |
sigma_ | oh how i wish for 4.2 packages:) | 12:48 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka: you can block flash in firefox til you explicitly allow it | 12:53 |
tkstka | hmm.. I was just wondering is there away to block flash from certain pages | 12:57 |
tkstka | and not pages like youtube | 12:57 |
tkstka | it's pain in the ass to go change it back on | 12:58 |
Tm_T | tkstka: adblock? | 12:58 |
DawnLight | hello. i've the kubuntu kde 4.1.2 and kontact crashes part of the times after i start it and give it the wallet password. also when i press send on a message. the send issue is reproduceable. can i help some how? i don't program. and another thing is that i've been using debian etch and migrated my home directory to kubuntu intrepid so could this be the reason for crashes in kontact? | 12:59 |
DawnLight | i've been advised in #kde to upgrade to 4.1.3. is this available in intrepid? | 13:00 |
DawnLight | so apparently i can't send mail using kontact. it crashes after clicking the send button | 13:07 |
ActionParsnip | Tm_T: the same, it rules | 13:08 |
Tm_T | ActionParsnip: ? | 13:09 |
ActionParsnip | Tm_T: adblock is te app | 13:09 |
Tm_T | ActionParsnip: builtin in Konqueror <3 | 13:10 |
bazhang | flashblock | 13:10 |
bazhang | not adblock | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | Tm_T: i dont use it | 13:10 |
Tm_T | I do | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | Tm_T: konqueror | 13:10 |
ActionParsnip | Tm_T: firefox / opera and yakuake are all my browsing / file management needs :) | 13:11 |
Tm_T | ActionParsnip: and I don't use those myself, except firefox in some cases | 13:11 |
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faileas | yakuake is awesome | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | shabba | 13:12 |
Tm_T | but not for everyone, anyway, drifting to offtopic (;) | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | lil bit | 13:12 |
ActionParsnip | offtopic-5 | 13:12 |
flashpung | ting tong | 13:16 |
cuznt | bong! | 13:17 |
ActionParsnip | ive watched scrubs too much, hence offtopic-5 | 13:18 |
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jino | hi | 13:21 |
Tm_T | hi hi | 13:21 |
jino | whats this | 13:21 |
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tkstka_ | give me some good player equal to winamp | 13:55 |
tkstka_ | in ubuntu/kubuntu | 13:55 |
ActionParsnip | !player | 13:56 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | !winamp | 13:56 |
ubottu | winamp is a windows music player. On Ubuntu you can use beep-media-player or xmms as alternative. | 13:56 |
tkstka_ | ya | 13:56 |
tkstka_ | xmms | 13:56 |
tkstka_ | it was | 13:56 |
tkstka_ | I forgot the name | 13:56 |
tkstka_ | thx | 13:56 |
ActionParsnip | !xmms | 13:57 |
ubottu | xmms is no longer being developed, see for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 13:57 |
francisc1701 | hi, how can I modify the action associated with a shortcut key? I want Ctrl+Alt+L to lock the screen and switch it off (xset dpms force off) | 14:01 |
francisc1701 | by the way, i'm using kde3 | 14:03 |
ActionParsnip | !keybaord | 14:04 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about keybaord | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | !shortcut | 14:04 |
ubottu | keyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at - See !Keyboard for changing layouts | 14:04 |
tkstka_ | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 14:04 |
tkstka_ | is only available from another source | 14:04 |
tkstka_ | E: Package xmms has no installation candidat | 14:04 |
ActionParsnip | !xmms | tkstka_ | 14:05 |
ubottu | tkstka_: xmms is no longer being developed, see for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 14:05 |
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tkstka_ | one more question | 14:10 |
tkstka_ | if us didnt work | 14:11 |
tkstka_ | it was sudo something | 14:11 |
tkstka_ | ? | 14:11 |
tkstka_ | when you try to access root | 14:11 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka_: sudo gives you the same access as root | 14:13 |
tkstka_ | but I need to type the password | 14:14 |
tkstka_ | first | 14:14 |
tkstka_ | I need the command | 14:14 |
tkstka_ | equal to su | 14:14 |
ActionParsnip | sudo -i | 14:14 |
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tkstka_ | hmm I tried to open xmms2 by typing sudo xmms2 | 14:15 |
tkstka_ | then I tried typing sudo start xmms2 | 14:15 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka_: no, you need to use: sudo apt-get install xmms2 | 14:15 |
tkstka_ | yes | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | tkstka_: to install it | 14:16 |
tkstka_ | I've installed | 14:16 |
tkstka_ | it already | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | then just type xmm and press tab | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | it will complete the command name for you | 14:16 |
tkstka_ | yes it gives me nice list | 14:16 |
ActionParsnip | the launcher will also be in your menu | 14:16 |
tkstka_ | no it's not | 14:16 |
tkstka_ | or not in the multimedia section with other players | 14:17 |
tkstka_ | :C | 14:17 |
ActionParsnip | then try: xmms2 & | 14:17 |
tkstka_ | :o | 14:18 |
tkstka_ | didnt do anything | 14:18 |
ActionParsnip | what options do you get with xmm and press tab | 14:18 |
tkstka_ | play for example | 14:19 |
tkstka_ | tartup failed! | 14:19 |
tkstka_ | ERROR: Could not connect to xmms2d: xmms2d is not running. | 14:19 |
ActionParsnip | then sudo apt-get install xmms2d | 14:19 |
tkstka_ | ;o | 14:19 |
tkstka_ | again | 14:19 |
tkstka_ | what is that d | 14:20 |
ActionParsnip | daemon | 14:20 |
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tkstka_ | now I did it | 14:20 |
tkstka_ | I tried | 14:20 |
tkstka_ | to open | 14:21 |
tkstka_ | I mean start | 14:21 |
tkstka_ | but it didnt work | 14:21 |
ActionParsnip | so what does xmms2 & say now? | 14:21 |
tkstka_ | there were unknown options | 14:22 |
tkstka_ | aborting | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | hmmm, id use something like amarok, it has a great library function | 14:22 |
ValentineXX | kubuntu minimum system requirements? | 14:36 |
Tm_T | ValentineXX: some cpu, 256 MB ram (less works too, but not too nice) and some gigs of HD | 14:37 |
ActionParsnip | ValentineXX: | 14:37 |
ValentineXX | Tm_T: TmT :'( | 14:37 |
Tm_T | usually network connection, mouse, keyboard and monitor are good to have, but not required | 14:37 |
ValentineXX | 384 MB of system memory (RAM) i got to add 256more to have a total 512 | 14:39 |
ActionParsnip | ValentineXX: ram is cheeeeeap | 14:40 |
ValentineXX | ActionParsnip: yup yup but i am lazy to go out to shop :P i usually stay at home | 14:40 |
Tm_T | ActionParsnip: not for everyone | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | you can get 1Gb for 10GBP | 14:40 |
aaroncampbell | I finally rebooted after the last kernel update, and I'm having serious boot issues. Every time I try to boot, I get an error that says that it got tired of waiting for the root drive UUID 96e25bd1-8f48-478f-8eb0-9c00efce96b6 | 14:40 |
ActionParsnip | ValentineXX: order in :) | 14:40 |
aaroncampbell | Any idea what's up with that? | 14:40 |
Tm_T | ActionParsnip: like, I don't have hardware that supports anything higher than DDR1 | 14:41 |
ValentineXX | ActionParsnip: not that cheap for me, me is a student have to buy with my own pocket money | 14:41 |
sancho21__ | How to install prerelease 64bit adobe flash 10? I got only a .so file | 14:41 |
marty__ | hi .... | 14:42 |
marty__ | where i can find skype? | 14:42 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins | 14:42 |
ValentineXX | How to install kubuntu now in xubuntu? | 14:42 |
marty__ | or how i install it | 14:42 |
marty__ | ? | 14:42 |
faileas | marty__: skype web page has a deb. alternately i THINK adding the medibuntu repos would allow you to install it | 14:42 |
Tm_T | !skype | marty__ | 14:42 |
ubottu | marty__: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 14:42 |
Tm_T | ValentineXX: install kubuntu-desktop metapackage | 14:43 |
faileas | ValentineXX: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 14:43 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: here's what I used: | 14:43 |
ValentineXX | Tm_T: what is metapackage? | 14:43 |
Tm_T | ValentineXX: package containing nothing but nice dependencies | 14:43 |
marty__ | thx, a lot | 14:44 |
ValentineXX | Tm_T: i will install full | 14:44 |
Tm_T | ValentineXX: that's what it does (:) | 14:44 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: the new kernel gets a wrong root in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 14:45 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: how can I fix it? It looks like it's going to boot on the older kernel | 14:46 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: just curious -- are you using hardy ? | 14:46 |
ValentineXX | rich_: hi buy me a ram | 14:47 |
marty__ | faileas: sorry i am new with kbuntu... where i can add the medibuntu repros? | 14:47 |
Tm_T | marty__: did you read what ubottu mentioned? | 14:47 |
ValentineXX | marty__: i am new to linux :D what is medibuntu : | 14:48 |
Tm_T | !medibuntu | ValentineXX | 14:48 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: ibex | 14:48 |
ubottu | ValentineXX: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 14:48 |
BluesKaj | Hiyas | 14:48 |
marty__ | thx | 14:48 |
ebone | You know what makes me happy? .... apt. | 14:50 |
ValentineXX | Staying in irc can give me a lot of knowledge daily :D | 14:51 |
ValentineXX | ebone: what is apt? | 14:51 |
ebone | I just set up a fresh new system, from an old debian system. | 14:51 |
ebone | "man apt-get" | 14:51 |
ebone | "man apt-cache" | 14:51 |
manish | hey milos, u there, got a new problem today... want to install a usplash theme i have downloaded, it says cd into the directory and then press sudo make install and reboot. I did that but now dont even have the default usplash sceen coming up .. please help | 14:51 |
ebone | man apt | 14:51 |
ebone | ;) | 14:51 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: me -- hardy; anyway, open /boot/grub/menu.lst and check the new kernel's "root" parameter. it looks like "root=UUID=..." | 14:51 |
ebone | It's a console package management system. | 14:51 |
ebone | You can upgrade your entire system using it. | 14:52 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: compare that with the old kernel's root parameter -- most likely they will differ | 14:52 |
manish | genii, want to install a usplash theme i have downloaded, it says cd into the directory and then press sudo make install and reboot. I did that but now dont even have the default usplash sceen coming up .. please help | 14:52 |
Tm_T | ebone: we know, why all this advertising? | 14:52 |
ebone | ValentineXX asked me what it was. | 14:52 |
Tm_T | ebone: "man foo" isn't an answer here usually (:) | 14:53 |
ebone | well, "man apt" can tell him a lot more about it than I can in a couple of minutes here on IRC. ;) | 14:53 |
manish | Tm_T, can you help me solve my prob. I have typed it just moments ago .... | 14:53 |
Tm_T | manish: sorry, don't know about usplash | 14:54 |
snakeface | So is 8.10 slow or what? I keep hearing this. | 14:54 |
ebone | Hey... what are the other package management options? | 14:54 |
ebone | Why on Earth would it be slow? | 14:54 |
ebone | Crappy kernel compile or something? | 14:55 |
snakeface | look have you seen the news | 14:55 |
snakeface | people are upset | 14:55 |
manish | ebone, please if you know what should i do then help me with this. want to install a usplash theme i have downloaded, it says cd into the directory and then press sudo make install and reboot. I did that but now dont even have the default usplash sceen coming up .. please help | 14:55 |
manish | thanks Tm_T | 14:55 |
snakeface | saying it is not properly integrated with kde 4 | 14:55 |
Tm_T | snakeface: not here | 14:55 |
ebone | hmm | 14:55 |
ebone | Did you do "make install" from a command prompt? | 14:56 |
snakeface | i am just trying to figre out whether or not to install it. you guys are happy with it? | 14:56 |
Tm_T | snakeface: as in, all is fine here, that's very, how would I say, shooting in the dark without more precise example or so | 14:56 |
snakeface | no issues? | 14:56 |
snakeface | kde4 is fast? | 14:56 |
ebone | manish: I don't know much about these splash themes. Is this a KDE thing? | 14:56 |
Tm_T | snakeface: I'm very happy, only very minor issues | 14:56 |
snakeface | okay. | 14:56 |
ActionParsnip | snakeface: its supposed to use less ram than kde3.5 | 14:56 |
ActionParsnip | snakeface: its a bit twitchy | 14:56 |
Tm_T | ebone: no, it's fancy stuff in boot before X or stuff | 14:56 |
ebone | manish: Try opening the make file in vi or something and seeing what it actually does. Make sure it gets copied to the right spot, etc. | 14:56 |
manish | ebone i guess not ,,, but i dont know to be sure | 14:57 |
ebone | ahh. | 14:57 |
ebone | Tm_T: Is it a grub thing? | 14:57 |
ActionParsnip | snakeface: runs pretty well with fluxbox instead of kwin | 14:57 |
snakeface | I have usually used kubuntu, but lately people have been saying opensuse is faster | 14:57 |
Tm_T | ebone: after grub (:) | 14:57 |
Tm_T | !usplash | ebone | 14:57 |
ebone | I see. | 14:57 |
ubottu | ebone: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 14:57 |
ActionParsnip | snakeface: depends on config entirely | 14:57 |
manish | actually to be frank i i am a new bie and dont know which file should go where .. | 14:57 |
genii | manish: I am having a problem with irc client that I am trying to sort out, I will not be of much help right now | 14:57 |
ebone | manish: well, the makefile is just a text file. Open that puppy up in a text editor and just take a peek. | 14:58 |
manish | hey ActionParsnip u back after a long time... Thanks genii. will catch up later on... | 14:58 |
manish | ya am doing it right now | 14:58 |
Tm_T | ebone: if he don't know about those things, prolly he has no idea what he should look, I guess? | 14:58 |
ebone | yeah. probably so. | 14:59 |
manish | ActionParsnip would you like to take a sneakpeak into the problem | 14:59 |
ebone | Hey Tm_T ... what are the pacakge management options on Kubuntu? On the GUI end there is Aptitude? On the console end... apt and synaptic, correct. Anything else? | 14:59 |
manish | Tm_T too true but i have been experimenting a lot these days .... want to learn stuff so... i am trying to guess what things mean | 14:59 |
manish | ebone adept | 15:00 |
ebone | adept. that's right. thanks. | 15:00 |
manish | synaptic is for ubuntu i mean gnome | 15:00 |
ebone | Is there a console synaptic? | 15:00 |
Tm_T | ebone: Adept, wajig (my favourite) kpackage if you are insane | 15:00 |
manish | nope | 15:00 |
ebone | ohh. thanks. | 15:00 |
ebone | wajig? | 15:00 |
ebone | Is that KDE? | 15:00 |
ebone | So, which is insane? Kpackage or wajig? | 15:01 |
ActionParsnip | manish: ask the room | 15:01 |
ebone | How about Adept? Is it decent enough? | 15:01 |
manish | ok ebone cant see if there is ne thing i can understand would you like to have a look at the make file... | 15:02 |
ebone | Can you post it up somewhere? | 15:02 |
ebone | So... from the console, apt is still the tool of choice I suppose? | 15:02 |
manish | ActionParsnip there are only two people participating and both of them have absolutely no idea of the prob and genii is busy with her IRC client so was asking you | 15:03 |
vbgunz | I'd like to be the first to ask about 4.2. whats the scoop in regards to Kubuntu? | 15:03 |
manish | ebone should i on | 15:03 |
Tm_T | ebone: Kpackage, not nice, wajig is mostly commandline, wrapper for apt and stuff | 15:03 |
ebone | I see. Sounds like apt is the way to go on commandline still. | 15:03 |
ebone | Is Adept any good? | 15:03 |
ActionParsnip | manish: what do you wanna know? | 15:04 |
ebone | He needs help with some sort of splash screen. | 15:04 |
ebone | Can you help him? | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | ebone: same sort of deal, id use what you are comfortable with | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | !splash | 15:04 |
ubottu | To change your KDE splash screen go to KMenu -> System Settings -> Splash Screen | 15:04 |
ActionParsnip | !usplash | 15:04 |
ebone | I just got my system up. | 15:04 |
ubottu | To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See for adding your custom artwork | 15:04 |
vbgunz | !4.2 | 15:04 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 4.2 | 15:04 |
vbgunz | !caterpillar | 15:05 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about caterpillar | 15:05 |
ActionParsnip | vbgunz: what do you need to know about 4.2? | 15:05 |
=== diego is now known as azodiego | ||
vbgunz | ActionParsnip: if there is an easy way to simply apt-get upgrade to it | 15:06 |
manish | ActionParsnip: want to install a usplash theme i have downloaded, it says cd into the directory and then press sudo make install and reboot. I did that but now dont even have the default usplash sceen coming up .. please help | 15:06 |
sancho21__ | ActionParsnip, not that one. I want to install prerelease 64 version of adobe flash 10 player. It is said I won't need greedy nspluginwrapper anymore | 15:06 |
manish | here is the paste bin link for the make file | 15:06 |
ActionParsnip | vbgunz: you'd have to find a repo with it on, its an early alpha right now and will be shakier than 4.1 | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: | 15:07 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: runs 64bit flash | 15:08 |
sancho21__ | But the script installs the nspluginwrapper | 15:08 |
sancho21__ | That's the trouble maker | 15:08 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: hmm | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | maybe it neds it for sound or something | 15:09 |
manish | So ActionParsnip i have the folder downloaded and all the files in place i just dont know why is it not working | 15:09 |
ActionParsnip | manish: why what isnt working? | 15:10 |
ActionParsnip | manish: ive not played with splash screens, i think they are redundant | 15:11 |
sancho21__ | ActionParsnip: Look at this | 15:11 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: then copy the so to ~/.mozilla/plugins | 15:12 |
manish | ActionParsnip its not the splash screen i am talking about ... I am asking you about usplash | 15:15 |
manish | i have lost my default usplash too because of that make file | 15:15 |
manish | hello ActionParsnip can you read me | 15:18 |
sancho21__ | ActionParsnip: Other so files is not put there. | 15:19 |
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sancho21__ | I tried, but failed | 15:21 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: you need to make the ~/.mozilla/plugin folder, then put it in there | 15:23 |
ActionParsnip | manish: ive no idea man, sorry | 15:23 |
sancho21__ | I did | 15:24 |
manish | ok then i will not bother you again with that ActionParsnip thanks any ways | 15:24 |
ActionParsnip | sancho21__: check the plugins in about:plugins | 15:27 |
sancho21__ | ActionParsnip, I think I know why. May be later, I'll post how to do this on my blog | 15:29 |
sancho21__ | thanks anyway | 15:29 |
ActionParsnip | awesome | 15:30 |
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jojo__ | hola | 15:47 |
jojo__ | hola alguien por ahi | 15:48 |
jojo__ | ¿? | 15:48 |
Tm_T | !br | jojo__ | 15:48 |
ubottu | jojo__: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado. | 15:48 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: are you still around? | 15:52 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: yeah, still here | 15:53 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: I finally got time, and checked my grub config...all the UUIDs are the same. Any idea why booting to the new kernel gives me the error that it can't find it? | 15:53 |
aaroncampbell | Again, I'm on Intrepid | 15:53 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: if they are all the same then run "sudo blkid" and see what uuid is assigned to your root partition | 15:54 |
aaroncampbell | Same | 15:55 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: I do know that in order to make things work, I always have to change hd(0,0) to hd(1,0) in grub ... | 15:56 |
aaroncampbell | Is this maybe an extension of that problem? | 15:56 |
ldif | hello | 15:56 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: dunno; see if that uuid is listed in /dev/disk/by-uuid | 15:57 |
aaroncampbell | francisc1701: yep, it's a link to ../../sda1 | 15:57 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: you only have to change hd(0,0) to hd(1,0) if your kubuntu is installed on the second hard drive -- is that the case? | 15:59 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: have you googled the exact error message you get? | 16:00 |
francisc1701 | aaroncampbell: does your old kernel boot? | 16:01 |
sancho21__ | ActionParsnip: As I said before, here is the page to install prerelease native 64bit version of flash player in Hardy: Just want to share to people who got the same problem | 16:04 |
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kubuntu_ | anyone can help me recowering my root password | 16:18 |
SlimeyPete | root? you set up a root account? | 16:19 |
kubuntu_ | when i start concole and write su, and it asks for password ? | 16:19 |
kubuntu_ | *cosole | 16:19 |
faileas | !su | 16:19 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 16:19 |
genii-around | kubuntu_: Root acount in (K)ubuntu are disabled by default. Don't use su | 16:19 |
SlimeyPete | kubuntu_: there is no root account by default | 16:19 |
faileas | kubuntu_: use sudo and the password for the first account you created | 16:20 |
genii-around | faileas: Thanks :) | 16:20 |
kubuntu_ | so if i will install .bin file in terminal i write sudo -i (name of the file)? | 16:26 |
kubuntu_ | or what? | 16:26 |
kubuntu_ | -i | 16:27 |
francisc1701 | kubuntu_: whatever command you need to run with root privileges you prefix with sudo: "sudo blkid" or "sudo umount /dev/sda2 | 16:28 |
ValentineXX | I installed kubuntu when i try to login i get there is error in kdestartconfig pls check your installation. something like this. then i cannot login | 16:28 |
loganWHD | so on my dell 9400 lappie, i have Kubuntu 8.10... took me a week to get it runnin right... now i have sound... but when i plug in a headset or mic the jacks dont work | 16:29 |
loganWHD | any idea? | 16:29 |
faileas | loganWHD: intel sound? | 16:29 |
loganWHD | yah | 16:29 |
faileas | !hda | 16:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hda | 16:30 |
faileas | erf | 16:30 |
loganWHD | hda yah | 16:30 |
faileas | its a known issue. i just can't remember what's the trigger | 16:30 |
faileas | !intel | 16:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about intel | 16:30 |
bazhang | !hdaintel | 16:30 |
ubottu | For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 16:30 |
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loganWHD | nah | 16:31 |
loganWHD | been there | 16:31 |
loganWHD | took hours did everything there | 16:31 |
loganWHD | my sound is working | 16:31 |
faileas | yeah that >_> | 16:31 |
loganWHD | just not my headphone jack | 16:31 |
ValentineXX | I installed kubuntu when i try to login i get there is error in kdestartconfig pls check your installation. something like this. | 16:32 |
ValentineXX | brb | 16:33 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
blizzz | in which package is the monitor-settings-module for systemsettings placed? i need to remove it i guess :-/ | 16:38 |
loganWHD | anyone know the name of the control panel type thing where you see sound settings, display settings etc? | 16:40 |
loganWHD | i need to install it | 16:40 |
Nece228 | kubuntu 8.10 desktop randomly freezes, i cant do anythink exept mouse pointer moves, this happens when i have enabled desktop effects i have ati radeon 9600 | 16:43 |
Nece228 | when i have compiz enabled this doesnt happens, this happens only with kwin | 16:43 |
Nece228 | anyone know solution? | 16:44 |
Nece228 | plz plz plz plz help me!!!! | 16:44 |
Nece228 | also when i used hardy with kde 4.1 i didnt notice that problem, so maybe its new xorg fault? | 16:45 |
jeremy___ | Hi | 16:46 |
jeremy___ | I have a few questions about the Ubuntu flavour of linux that I installed via Wabu on a hard drive partition in a dual boot | 16:46 |
Nece228 | help me!!!!!!!! | 16:46 |
jeremy___ | If somebody could please assist me to solve these difficulties I would be very grateful | 16:46 |
faileas | wubi | 16:47 |
faileas | shoot away. don't ask to ask ;) | 16:47 |
jeremy___ | Yes, OK, sory | 16:47 |
jeremy___ | Well, first off | 16:47 |
jeremy___ | I am very new to the linux system, and I would like to know if there were any possible way that I could dual-boot FreeBSD, as I've heard from friends that it is the most beginner-friendly flavour of linux, along wit hmy previously installed OS windows vista | 16:48 |
Nece228 | and why kubuntu 8.10 dont boots every third time? | 16:48 |
loganWHD | Nece228: if u find rthe answer to the freezing let me know | 16:49 |
loganWHD | cause happens to me all the time | 16:49 |
jeremy___ | Faileas, do you have any suggestions or advice? | 16:49 |
Reisei | Hi2All! | 16:49 |
noaXess | what the h.. is this blinking caps-lock problem? is that really a kernel panic?.. where can i get this panic log entrie? | 16:49 |
genii-around | jeremy___: FreeBSD is an entirely different animal than Kubuntu Linux. You might want to ask somewhere they know about uses a different bootloader system, disk partitioning system and packaging system than most linux as well. | 16:50 |
noaXess | sonce friday my nobeook runs ok.. 24h per day.. now.. boom.. caps lock blinking and all is freezed | 16:50 |
Nece228 | loganWHD: ok, but i dont thing that ill fould solution | 16:50 |
Nece228 | loganWHD: *think | 16:50 |
loganWHD | yah | 16:51 |
faileas | jeremy___: it isn't linux, and in my experience freebsd is not easy to install | 16:51 |
jeremy___ | OK well then I guess I would like to stick to kubuntu | 16:51 |
jeremy___ | So, now on to my other questions | 16:51 |
genii-around | jeremy___: I recommend visiting channel ##freebsd to learn more about freebsd | 16:51 |
jeremy___ | I have a problem opening up executable files | 16:51 |
faileas | er.. | 16:51 |
faileas | like .exe executable files? | 16:51 |
jeremy___ | Yes | 16:51 |
Nece228 | loganWHD: so still you are using system which randomly freezes? | 16:51 |
faileas | you need wine for those, even then its not certain it will work | 16:52 |
faileas | .exe = windows files | 16:52 |
BluesKaj | dunno why one woukd want freebsd and kubuntu on the same machine or the other , but not both | 16:52 |
jeremy___ | I see | 16:52 |
loganWHD | yah | 16:52 |
jeremy___ | Well I guess that explains it then! | 16:52 |
faileas | BluesKaj: i considered it at one point ;p | 16:52 |
loganWHD | i upgraded to 8.10 | 16:52 |
loganWHD | and not too happy | 16:52 |
jeremy___ | Next up: | 16:52 |
jeremy___ | I want to set up an IRC server, which is the main reason for switching it linux | 16:53 |
Nece228 | loganWHD: when i disable effects or use compiz instead of kwin i dont notice that problem | 16:53 |
jeremy___ | I'm not quite sure how I might go about doing this | 16:53 |
faileas | jeremy___: there's some in the repos, though most people use unreal + anope. | 16:53 |
jeremy___ | I have the unreal 3.2.7 already extracted onto my drive | 16:54 |
faileas | which requires compiling, but its a good learning experience | 16:54 |
jeremy___ | But the tutorials I've read tell me to type commands, where I have no idea to type | 16:54 |
loganWHD | Nece228: here is the problem i have.... 8.10 was so horrible i formatted and installed something called mini.iso | 16:54 |
faileas | jeremy___: you also need the build essential package, then you can compile and run it | 16:54 |
faileas | jeremy___: total newbie? | 16:54 |
loganWHD | it is the 8.10 system but with NOTHING in it | 16:54 |
jeremy___ | Yes, very | 16:54 |
loganWHD | so i have to add things as i go.... | 16:54 |
loganWHD | i do not know the name of the "control panel" type thing where i go to disable effects | 16:55 |
jeremy___ | Oh I do | 16:55 |
jeremy___ | right click on the desktop | 16:55 |
faileas | jeremy___: it should be something called 'konsole'. i recommend getting a package called yakuake though- its a drop down console | 16:55 |
jeremy___ | And where would I get this | 16:55 |
jeremy___ | And why? | 16:55 |
jeremy___ | I have something called "terminal" | 16:56 |
jeremy___ | That's what I've been wondering if they're referring to THAT to type commands | 16:56 |
loganWHD | alt-get install konsole | 16:56 |
faileas | jeremy___: terminal does the same. its wierd, i thought terminal was for ubuntu, and konsole is for kubuntu | 16:56 |
faileas | both are terminal emulators | 16:56 |
jeremy___ | I have ubuntu | 16:56 |
faileas | jeremy___: i assumed you had kubuntu ;p | 16:56 |
Reisei | you need gnome-terminal, i think. | 16:57 |
faileas | yeah type em in terminal | 16:57 |
Reisei | if you have kubuntu, the use konsole. | 16:57 |
Reisei | *then | 16:57 |
jeremy___ | OK so now, I have an extracted directory labeled IRCD on my user called jeremy | 16:57 |
jeremy___ | and it's telling me to type a command that it doesn't recognize | 16:57 |
faileas | jeremy___: you need to install build-essential | 16:58 |
faileas | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 16:58 |
faileas | then try ./configure and such | 16:58 |
jeremy___ | E: Couldn't find package build-essential | 16:59 |
faileas | er | 16:59 |
faileas | thats odd | 17:00 |
faileas | mine has it | 17:00 |
loganWHD | me too | 17:00 |
jeremy___ | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 17:01 |
jeremy___ | that's what I typed | 17:01 |
jeremy___ | any errors? | 17:01 |
Pici | jeremy___: What is the output of uname -a ? | 17:01 |
faileas | mine already has it installed | 17:01 |
jeremy___ | Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:42:44 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux | 17:01 |
chfwiggum | hi all | 17:04 |
Pici | jeremy___: Is this a new install? | 17:04 |
chfwiggum | ive 4 .rar packages that belong together-right now ark is extracting them one by one-how do i change that?tia | 17:06 |
loganWHD | ARRGGHHHHHH | 17:12 |
loganWHD | another crash | 17:12 |
loganWHD | just freezes | 17:12 |
loganWHD | this is getting really old and annoying | 17:12 |
loganWHD | i loose so much when that happens | 17:12 |
loganWHD | i really hope they fix this like TODAY!!!! | 17:13 |
loganWHD | going thru a reinstall is so annoying right now | 17:14 |
edi_99 | Hi guys. I don't know what to do anymore. I cannot figure out how to get sound out of my laptop (HP 6830s). Headphones work but speakers don't. I have tried almost everything... What should I do? | 17:14 |
loganWHD | | 17:15 |
jeremy___ | ... | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | Faileas | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | Excuse me | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | Hello? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | Please can somebody help!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ??? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ??????? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ?????? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ????/ | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ?????? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ?????? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ?????? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ???? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ??? | 17:16 |
jeremy___ | ??? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ?? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ??? | 17:17 |
JontheEchidna | !flood | 17:17 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ?? | 17:17 |
jeremy___ | ?// | 17:17 |
loganWHD | sheez somoen kick him | 17:17 |
edi_99 | loganWHD: I've tried that | 17:17 |
edi_99 | loganWHD: nothing | 17:18 |
loganWHD | yah it is bugy | 17:18 |
loganWHD | terrible | 17:18 |
loganWHD | took me like a week to get my sound running on my dell 9400 | 17:18 |
edi_99 | I'm trying for a month now... | 17:18 |
loganWHD | and when i did, i dont know what the hell it was cause i tried all of it like 10 times | 17:18 |
loganWHD | i am seriously considering going back to earlier kubuntu or | 17:18 |
loganWHD | to gentoo or something else | 17:18 |
loganWHD | the problems here are ridiculous | 17:19 |
loganWHD | its the little things | 17:19 |
edi_99 | well... I have to say that I really like the new 8.10, just this thing with the sound is driving me crazy.. | 17:19 |
loganWHD | sound, mic, headphones, dispplay issues, it freezes all the time, crashes | 17:20 |
loganWHD | i have had more problems than i can count | 17:21 |
wesley_ | Will kubuntu bring kde4.2 beta out ? | 17:25 |
ubuntu_ | hello | 17:29 |
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martin_ | hello | 17:39 |
martin_ | anyone able to remote into ubuntu distro and control a dvd burner | 17:40 |
martin_ | anyone every remote login | 17:42 |
edi_99 | Hi, how should I get php to work? | 17:43 |
ValentineXX | could not start kstartupconfig4. Check your installation | 17:45 |
ValentineXX | :( | 17:46 |
=== Nightwal1er is now known as Nightwalkcr | ||
ValentineXX | could not start kstartupconfig4. Check your installation | 17:49 |
ValentineXX | :D | 17:49 |
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ValentineXX | could not start kstartupconfig4. Check your installation | 17:56 |
ValentineXX | :'( | 17:56 |
ValentineXX | :(( | 17:56 |
Kovert | k3b issue? | 17:57 |
Kovert | cdrecord | 17:57 |
Kovert | ----------------------- | 17:57 |
Kovert | /usr/bin/wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits. | 17:57 |
martin_ | i am trying to login remotely to a kubuntu machine and copy a data dvd using k3b and a usb connected dvd burner | 18:01 |
Kovert | cdrecord | 18:01 |
Kovert | ----------------------- | 18:01 |
Kovert | /usr/bin/wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits. | 18:01 |
Kovert | any one know how toy fix this? | 18:01 |
s2r | Is there any troubleshooting page for mice problems in kubuntu? | 18:02 |
XP_Hz | Has anyone tried to run the 8.10 Live CD and gotten an INITRAMFS prompt? | 18:03 |
tkstka_ | are there any free 3d games for ubuntu? | 18:08 |
tkstka_ | I mean fps | 18:08 |
tkstka_ | or some car games | 18:08 |
tkstka_ | :) | 18:08 |
trappist | tkstka_: not speicifically for ubuntu, but there are linux ports of lots of good games, and quite a few so-so linux native games | 18:09 |
tkstka_ | hmm | 18:09 |
tkstka_ | well some names | 18:09 |
trappist | you have quake, UT, doom3, quite a few others | 18:09 |
tkstka_ | hmm I used to play UT.. | 18:09 |
tkstka_ | is there UT3 | 18:09 |
tkstka_ | action quake 2 | 18:10 |
tkstka_ | was my specialty | 18:10 |
tkstka_ | but I dont think that's in linux | 18:10 |
martin_ | but some ports just don't work unless you find somebody that can help you edit files and know exactly what the problem is | 18:10 |
trappist | no the linux port of ut3 still isn't out - if action quake 2 is an addon, it should work in linux | 18:10 |
martin_ | i have mythII and can not get it working with kubuntu | 18:11 |
=== hangsien is now known as hangsien__ | ||
tkstka_ | :C | 18:11 |
tkstka_ | cs:s | 18:11 |
trappist | then there's a list of wine options, including ye olde wine, that lengthen the list | 18:11 |
tkstka_ | it's only for steam | 18:11 |
enefis | hola | 18:11 |
trappist | cedega gives you a really decent list | 18:12 |
tkstka_ | is there any majour fps drop if I play fps game with cadega | 18:16 |
tkstka_ | ? | 18:16 |
=== root is now known as Guest45601 | ||
francisc1701 | is k3b supposed to read dvds this slow? at about 1x ? | 18:18 |
rwjaehnke | | 18:18 |
Kovert | francisc1701: no | 18:19 |
francisc1701 | so what could I do about this? | 18:19 |
VistaUser | hey | 18:28 |
rwjaehnke | | 18:28 |
Tm_T | rwjaehnke: o k | 18:28 |
Mojo_risin | lately my network fails after some time, until i do a 'networking restart'. somebody with the same problem? | 18:28 |
legate | Can someone explain this to me? Whenever I want to go to a new page in Firefox, a small window appears that blocks Firefox. When I double-click on it it maximizes and it turns out to be a about:blank Firefox window. I'm not able to access new pages. | 18:29 |
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=== PriceChi1d is now known as PriceChild | ||
legate | Oh, and when I open a new Firefox instance it is one with the Mac OS X logo in the top left corner. Very annoying. | 18:31 |
marty__ | !skype | 18:32 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: | 18:32 |
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SteBo | !KDE4.2 | 18:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about KDE4.2 | 18:33 |
SteBo | !KDE 4.2 | 18:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about KDE 4.2 | 18:33 |
=== PriceChi1d is now known as PriceChild | ||
SteBo | hi!any news concerning KDE 4.2b1 packages for Kubuntu 8.10? | 18:34 |
dr_willis | I imagine when they are ready they are ready. :) | 18:35 |
JontheEchidna | SteBo: should be coming in over the next few days | 18:35 |
snikker | is possible to redirect a console error to a gui interface (ex. kdialog --msgbox "$error") ? | 18:36 |
dr_willis | snikker, in theory yes. :) | 18:36 |
dr_willis | depeing on how the error is being genrated. | 18:36 |
SteBo | JontheEchidna: thanks for the info. :-) | 18:36 |
snikker | dr_willis: how? | 18:37 |
dr_willis | creative bash ussage of the commands and the use of $() most likely | 18:38 |
dr_willis | what exactly are you trying to do with what commands? | 18:38 |
dr_willis | Linux is like Legos. :) you build up the little bits to do what you want. | 18:38 |
VistaUser | hey dr_willis | 18:39 |
dr_willis | howdy. | 18:40 |
dr_willis | bbl - gotta run wife to the store. | 18:40 |
VistaUser | ok | 18:40 |
snikker | dr_willis: for example if a want read, write or delete a file with script (and i've don't have permission) it should show an error (on gui inteface) | 18:41 |
martin_ | anyone able to control a dvd burner on a remote kubuntu box | 18:54 |
HeMan | Hi! Is there any kde3 repos for intrepid or do I need to install an older version of kubuntu? | 18:56 |
sigma20 | what is the proper command to logout of kde and then shutdown? i want to make a script | 18:57 |
PhilRod | sigma20: 3 or 4? | 18:58 |
sigma20 | PhilRod: kde4 | 18:59 |
martin_ | brb | 18:59 |
PhilRod | sigma20: not sure if it still works in kde 4, but there's: | 19:00 |
Barackuse | hail | 19:01 |
sigma20 | PhilRod: im on a mobile. could you just type me the command please? | 19:02 |
nafion | hi all. im running kubuntu intrepid and cant get my SB Audigy LS card to work. it worked at first, but stopped after a kernel upgrade. im running the snd_ca0106 module, which i believe is default for my card, but would be ok with reverting back to an old emu10kx module. could someone help me through the reversion process or offer any other help? thx! :) | 19:02 |
Barackuse | I have a quick question regarding LAMP instalation on 8.10, I know that the server version gives the option to install it during the basic installation. But how would I install it in the Desktop version? | 19:02 |
sigma20 | !lamp | 19:03 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 19:03 |
jschall | what's the best version of the nvidia drivers to use for the desktop effects? | 19:03 |
sigma20 | 177.80 | 19:03 |
jschall | i'm using those, and i'm getting a bunch of weirdness | 19:04 |
sigma20 | but its a tad bit buggy on kde4. may wana try the 180 beta | 19:04 |
jschall | can i get those from the repos? | 19:04 |
sigma20 | nope have to compile | 19:05 |
jschall | oh | 19:05 |
PhilRod | sigma20: something like this, I think: "kdmctl shutdown halt forcenow" | 19:05 |
PhilRod | you might need to sudo it | 19:05 |
sigma20 | think the final 180 is due in december though | 19:05 |
jschall | next problem: why can't i use my mouse back/forward buttons in konqueror to go back/forward? i'm about to flip out and kill someone over this | 19:05 |
jschall | i'm really really really used to those buttons | 19:05 |
sigma20 | PhilRod: but will that logout properly? | 19:06 |
jschall | all the binding interface things in kde seem to be keys ONLY | 19:06 |
Barackuse | sigma20: Thanks Sigma, however I already stated that I knew all of that info. I was just looking for an easy sudo command line that would apt-get the package and install it. | 19:06 |
sigma20 | prob will be fixed in jaunty | 19:07 |
sigma20 | look at for the command. its in the server guide | 19:07 |
\Kira | how can I boot into the kubuntu live cd without graphics? I just want a terminal | 19:07 |
jschall | apart from this ONE issue with mouse buttons i'm really really loving kde, how do i bind mouse buttons to things like back/forward in konqueror, or bind meta+scroll to zoom? | 19:08 |
Barackuse | sigma20: Checking that now | 19:08 |
jimmy51_home | whatever the latest adept updates were, they hosed my system | 19:09 |
jimmy51_home | i couldn't even boot, it kept saying it couldn't find UUID whatever | 19:10 |
jimmy51_home | i had to edit my menu.lst to point directly to /dev/sda1, and add a rootdelay=50 | 19:10 |
jimmy51_home | then, X server was crashing on load with my nvidia drivers | 19:10 |
jimmy51_home | i had to go back to the previous kernel | 19:11 |
jimmy51_home | is this common? | 19:11 |
jimmy51_home | (with this update) | 19:11 |
tp123 | joing #ubuntu-ru | 19:13 |
lovely | I am having a Problem, I no longer have root access at all... | 19:15 |
lovely | :~$ sudo apt-get update | 19:15 |
lovely | sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0664, should be 0440 | 19:15 |
VistaUser | #vista | 19:16 |
lovely | I am useing the latest upgrades for hardy on a 3.2 ghz w/ 4 gig of ram | 19:17 |
lovely | and have been trying to get mythtv to work for a week or so. | 19:17 |
HeMan | any ideas on how to revert to an ubuntu that has kde3 from intrepid? | 19:22 |
=== administrator is now known as brian____ | ||
brian____ | hey all | 19:24 |
brian____ | #ubuntu is real noisey and im using kubuntu anyway | 19:25 |
brian____ | i cant seem to get flash working here | 19:25 |
brian____ | ive done it a million times, even a few on identical hardware | 19:25 |
brian____ | for whatever reason this one wont accept it. be it the .deb for ubuntu, the tar.gz manual install, or in adept | 19:26 |
VistaUser | can u dual boot with ubuntu first then vista? | 19:27 |
tkstka_ | ok.. I have a problem.. All the programs and webpages dont save passwords | 19:28 |
tkstka_ | so I have to check then everytime I try to logon | 19:28 |
ikonia | VistaUser: you can bu tit's easier the other way around | 19:28 |
ikonia | "but it's" | 19:28 |
tkstka_ | is there some program that remembers passwords for you | 19:28 |
tkstka_ | so you dont have to go check email | 19:29 |
ikonia | keychain | 19:29 |
VistaUser | but i am right now straight up kubuntu | 19:29 |
ikonia | VistaUser: then install vista, then re-install grub | 19:29 |
=== hep is now known as loarregle | ||
VistaUser | so just go right over kubuntu? | 19:30 |
ikonia | VistaUser: no, install vista in a different partition, then just replace the boot loader with grub | 19:30 |
ikonia | !grub > VistaUser | 19:30 |
ubottu | VistaUser, please see my private message | 19:30 |
brian____ | can anyone give me some pointers... i have no idea why on this specific system flash install wont take | 19:30 |
ikonia | brian____: how are you installing flash ? | 19:30 |
VistaUser | ooo kk | 19:30 |
brian____ | ikonia: ive tried the tar.gz manual method, ive tried the .deb, and most recently ive tried via adept | 19:31 |
ikonia | brian____: right, so thats probably a big part that you'll have different version mix/matched | 19:31 |
ikonia | brian____: I suggest you install the package "flashplugin-nonfree" and see how that works | 19:32 |
brian____ | ikonia: before i tried the other versions i tried only the tar.gz which would alwayus work... ok ill try that | 19:32 |
ikonia | brian____: if your having a problem, work one method through, don't try random things as it makes it harder to clean up | 19:32 |
ikonia | brian____: the tar.gz is not the supported method | 19:32 |
brian____ | ikonia: i should delete ~/.mozilla? | 19:32 |
Barackuse | I have to admit, Ubuntu 8.10 installs very nicely on Virtual Box over XP | 19:32 |
ikonia | brian____:no, as the tar file can put a global library on | 19:32 |
ikonia | brian____: depends where you installed it | 19:32 |
brian____ | ikonia: into every users home | 19:33 |
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Barackuse | Now if I can only get it to answer my incomming web requests, I'll be all set. ugh | 19:33 |
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=== NeoTa3Djayer is now known as Maska | ||
brian____ | not that this ever works but im gonna try a reboot... ive purged mozilla and the regular 'flash-plugin'... when i come back im gonna try to reinstall firefox and use the flash-nonfree | 19:35 |
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=== NeoTa3Djayer is now known as Maska | ||
brian____ | ikonia: but you dont think i should delete the .mozilla dir in my users' home dir? | 19:35 |
brian____ | ok restarting | 19:36 |
=== administrator is now known as brian___ | ||
=== root is now known as Guest18802 | ||
brian___ | ikonia: so you would advised to reinstall ff and then install flash-nonfree | 19:39 |
brian___ | ok here we go | 19:40 |
brian___ | that worked | 19:41 |
brian___ | thansk | 19:41 |
florin | hello all! | 19:42 |
florin | I have a problem with my kubuntu ... | 19:43 |
florin | how I can make kubuntu to write on ntfs partitions? I saw that ubuntu could do that but kubuntu can`t | 19:44 |
Barackuse | j/ | 19:44 |
Barackuse | j/@cisco | 19:44 |
Cimmo | !ntfs | 19:44 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 19:44 |
Cimmo | !NTFS-3g | 19:44 |
ubottu | ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at | 19:44 |
florin | how to install ? | 19:45 |
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel | ||
Cimmo | florin: install ntfs-config | 19:45 |
Cimmo | from adept | 19:45 |
florin | I installed and it doesn't work | 19:47 |
Cimmo | run via console and paste output to | 19:47 |
francisc1701 | !fuse | 19:48 |
ubottu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: | 19:48 |
florin | how I run it from console? | 19:48 |
florin | sudo apt-get install ntfs-config for install | 19:49 |
florin | ? | 19:49 |
Cimmo | florin as already said: install it via adept | 19:49 |
Cimmo | did you read it? | 19:50 |
florin | yes and I installed it | 19:50 |
Cimmo | ok so open a console and type: sudo ntfs-config | 19:50 |
Cimmo | paste output to: | 19:50 |
Cimmo | !paste | 19:50 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 19:50 |
loganWHD | i have a dell 9400, it has those keys on the front that control volume and stuff... anyone get those working in 8.10? | 19:51 |
loganWHD | or the headphone / mic jacks working in 8.10? | 19:51 |
florin | thanks | 19:51 |
florin | now it works | 19:51 |
Cimmo | good | 19:52 |
florin | but in console appeared some errors when i ran that sudo command | 19:52 |
florin | sudo ntfs-config | 19:53 |
florin | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 19:53 |
florin | Major opcode: 144 | 19:53 |
florin | Minor opcode: 3 | 19:53 |
florin | Resource id: 0x0 | 19:53 |
florin | Failed to open device | 19:53 |
florin | X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 167 | 19:53 |
florin | Major opcode: 144 | 19:53 |
florin | Minor opcode: 3 | 19:53 |
florin | Resource id: 0x0 | 19:53 |
florin | Failed to open device | 19:53 |
florin | florin@florin-desktop:~$ | 19:53 |
florin | what are those? | 19:53 |
florin | I am afraid of errors when I reboot | 19:53 |
martin_ | i am trying to login remotely to a kubuntu machine and copy a data dvd using k3b and a usb connected dvd burner | 19:53 |
Phlogi | whats the best way to get openoffice3 into my kubuntu? | 19:55 |
loganWHD | apt-get install openoffice | 19:55 |
Cimmo | florin: seems you do not read what I write, I told you to use pastebin | 19:55 |
Phlogi | loganWHD: openoffice3 damn | 19:57 |
Cimmo | loganWHD: kubuntu 8.10 has OO 2.4.1 | 19:58 |
loganWHD | oops | 19:58 |
Cimmo | Phlogi: | 19:59 |
Cimmo | it's in Italian, but quite understandable :) | 19:59 |
Phlogi | it should be at least in english | 20:00 |
Cimmo | the post is in Italian, but OO is in all langs | 20:00 |
Cimmo | go ahead | 20:00 |
isildur | ciao a tutti | 20:01 |
isildur | !italia | 20:02 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about italia | 20:02 |
Cimmo | !it | 20:02 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 20:02 |
isildur | !it | 20:02 |
isildur | tnx | 20:02 |
duffyd | hi, has anyone had issues with the cisco vpn client and the fglrx driver and their computer freezing? | 20:03 |
duffyd | say when connecting to a vpn site and then passing a lot of data down the pipe and 'preso' frozen pc? | 20:03 |
florin | !paste | 20:03 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 20:03 |
duffyd | and I mean completely frozen | 20:03 |
florin | what games works on linux? | 20:04 |
florin | kubuntu? | 20:04 |
duffyd | florin: lots if you're using codeweavers wine app :) | 20:04 |
Ramblurr | is it possible to have multiple installations of different gcc versions? | 20:04 |
Cimmo | Ramblurr: yes just open adept and search for gcc | 20:05 |
Cimmo | there are plenty of them | 20:05 |
florin | and how I install the 3d drivers? | 20:05 |
Ramblurr | Cimmo: ah i see, you can install them separately thanks | 20:05 |
florin | ati linux drivers ? | 20:05 |
=== vito is now known as Guest21306 | ||
JontheEchidna | You should be able to activate the drivers from the restricted drivers manager in the System submenu | 20:06 |
florin | I have kubuntu | 20:07 |
florin | and in system I did not find restricted drivers manager | 20:07 |
florin | how to install ? | 20:07 |
Cimmo | florin: K-> system -> Hardware driver manager | 20:08 |
Cimmo | probably they are already installed | 20:08 |
Ramblurr | Cimmo: there are older versions of gcc, but not g++.. specifically I'm looking for g+++ 3.4 | 20:10 |
Cimmo | Ramblurr: you asked for gcc :P | 20:11 |
Ramblurr | heh yea i know :( | 20:11 |
Cimmo | Ramblurr: anyway under 8.04 I have g++ 3.4 as well | 20:12 |
Ramblurr | 8.10 doesn't appear to have it | 20:12 |
Cimmo | g++-3.4 | 20:12 |
Cimmo | let me check | 20:12 |
Cimmo | you're right, seems they have removed | 20:13 |
Cimmo | install ubuntu 8.04 :) | 20:13 |
Ramblurr | bah | 20:13 |
Ramblurr | hah | 20:13 |
Ramblurr | :P | 20:13 |
jschall | everything keeps crashing on me | 20:15 |
jschall | adept, konqueror | 20:15 |
Cimmo | cover yourself | 20:16 |
=== current is now known as carlitos__ | ||
acemo | !kde 4.2 | 20:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kde 4.2 | 20:30 |
=== current is now known as carlitos__ | ||
killermach | I'm looking for a tool which will do a "search the whole hard drive for duplicate files", I need it to check the md5sum for all files or something reliable like that | 20:38 |
killermach | looks like komparator will do.. anyone have comments on using it? | 20:43 |
tkstka_ | hmm I have a problem | 20:47 |
tkstka_ | again | 20:47 |
tkstka_ | :C | 20:47 |
tkstka_ | I typed dc usr/bin | 20:48 |
tkstka_ | when I tried to type cd usr/bin | 20:48 |
loganWHD | i have a dell 9400, it has those keys on the front that control volume and stuff... anyone get those working in 8.10? | 20:48 |
loganWHD | or the headphone / mic jacks working in 8.10? | 20:48 |
galaad | no sorry | 20:49 |
tkstka_ | dc: Will not attempt to process directory usr/bin/ | 20:49 |
tkstka_ | what does that mean? | 20:49 |
tkstka_ | :o | 20:49 |
PhilRod | tkstka_: dc is a command-line calculator | 20:49 |
PhilRod | (see 'man dc') | 20:49 |
galaad | I've a question about security of Kubuntu/ubuntu | 20:49 |
tkstka_ | so how do I reverse that command? | 20:49 |
tkstka_ | or do I need to? | 20:49 |
PhilRod | tkstka_: no, the command didn't do anything | 20:50 |
tkstka_ | ok | 20:50 |
tkstka_ | I was just wondering why it sayd that | 20:50 |
tkstka_ | :D | 20:50 |
galaad | When I add the command "rw init=/bin/bas" on the line "kernel" of my grub | 20:50 |
galaad | I boot on the root's bash | 20:50 |
galaad | without the keyword | 20:51 |
galaad | why? | 20:51 |
purpleposeidon | I can't update amarok-kde4. It is held back, when I try to install "install amarok-kde4" it says "amarok-kde4: Depends: kdelibs5 (>= 4:4.1.3) but 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu11 is to be installed" | 20:52 |
purpleposeidon | And also "E: Broken packages" | 20:52 |
galaad | I think means that the package on your server is dead | 20:52 |
galaad | no answer for my security's question? | 20:57 |
tkstka_ | ok now a real problem.. I'm installing steam trough wine.. But it doesnt install it stays at 0% is this normal | 20:58 |
tkstka_ | Hope there is any steamers | 20:58 |
tkstka_ | out there | 20:58 |
tkstka_ | with some time to help | 20:58 |
tkstka_ | :) | 20:58 |
galaad | Emulation doesn't run anytime on Linux | 20:59 |
galaad | So... Try again? | 20:59 |
tkstka_ | ok | 20:59 |
tkstka_ | now it worked | 20:59 |
tkstka_ | thx | 20:59 |
galaad | dr ;) | 20:59 |
tkstka_ | soon I can start shooting headshots | 21:00 |
tkstka_ | look out interwebs!! | 21:00 |
levidos | please, help: when i plug into my notebook my external speakers, the internal ones won't mute... | 21:01 |
[GuS] | hi... guys, will kde4.2beta be available in any repos? or ppa? | 21:10 |
=== max_ is now known as RocciaMax | ||
JontheEchidna | [GuS]: yes | 21:12 |
[GuS] | ok, thanks JontheEchidna | 21:13 |
JontheEchidna | They should be up in a ppa in the next day or so | 21:13 |
[GuS] | great =) | 21:14 |
=== roland is now known as Roland123 | ||
Coggz | Im having a problem with gtkpod. On ubuntu 8.10 it freezes for ~10secs every time i click something... please help | 21:25 |
jschall | programs keep crashing on me, especially konqueror, dolphin, adept. | 21:28 |
jschall | found a repeatable one, going to applications:/ in konqueror and clicking anything will crash it with signal 6 (SIGABRT) | 21:29 |
JontheEchidna | jschall: the applications:/ crash was fixed in KDE 4.1.3 | 21:31 |
antonio_ | hello | 21:31 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: oh. well that's not what kubuntu is using. | 21:31 |
JontheEchidna | jschall: | 21:31 |
JontheEchidna | you can upgrade, see the link\ | 21:32 |
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antonio_ | qualche italiano | 21:32 |
antonio_ | ? | 21:32 |
JontheEchidna | !it | 21:33 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 21:33 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: ok, thanks. apart from that, i've managed to crash dolphin and adept in the first few hours of kde use, which leads me to believe there's something wrong with the whole install. | 21:33 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: what should i do about that? | 21:34 |
JontheEchidna | hmm, I don't know. How did adept crash? We haven't really been getting many reports of that crashign | 21:34 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: when i tried to update it was crashing left and right and eventually ended up telling me to restart, and then it kernel paniced when i booted, so i had to boot with the older kernel and do dpkg --configure -a to fix apt | 21:35 |
JontheEchidna | o.o | 21:35 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: i think it decided it was done before it actually was | 21:35 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: or something | 21:36 |
jschall | JontheEchidna: i'm thinking maybe i should just reinstall the whole OS | 21:36 |
SJrX | Why does the back of the Kubuntu CD Package say that it's ideal for servers | 21:37 |
dr_willis | jschall, i think its kde4 thats just flakey. not the whole os. :P | 21:37 |
jschall | dr_willis: maybe i'll go back to gnome then | 21:37 |
dr_willis | SJrX, why not. ;) It can do servers.. | 21:37 |
dr_willis | jschall, i got both installed.. every so often i try out kde4 again.. then go back tp my JWM+rox-filer setup | 21:37 |
SJrX | Who doesn't love the KDE 4.1 and X lying around | 21:37 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
tkstka_ | I accidently... | 21:38 |
dr_willis | I can honestly say..i dont care for kde4. | 21:38 |
tkstka_ | :D | 21:38 |
SJrX | me too | 21:38 |
tkstka_ | I accidently took away my toolbar from the bottom | 21:39 |
SJrX | KDE 4 seems to have made a right turn for idiot land. | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | :C | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | what do I do | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | ? | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | I need it | 21:39 |
jschall | dr_willis: i can honestly say i think kde4 look beautiful and is generally very well done, except for 1. crashing, and 2. binding mouse buttons is impossible. | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | I'm not hardcore enough to play with the console | 21:39 |
tkstka_ | alone | 21:39 |
SJrX | KDE 4.1 is too iniovative... | 21:40 |
SJrX | tkstka_ try restarting KDE? | 21:40 |
jschall | innovative? | 21:40 |
tkstka_ | how? | 21:40 |
tkstka_ | I'll do what ever you say me to do:) | 21:40 |
SJrX | tkstka_ CTRL+ALT+BKSP after you've closed everything is an easy way | 21:40 |
SJrX | he should have read the entire thing. | 21:40 |
jschall | you should really logout before you ctrlaltbksp | 21:41 |
_gunni_ | jschall: The crashes are innovative compared to 3.5 :) | 21:41 |
SJrX | He couldn't find his toolbar | 21:41 |
dr_willis | jschall, i get constant video 'curuption' glitzes and its amazingly sluggish on my laptop.. as for look.. I dont really think it looks that great.. but i perfer nice clean/clear GUI's i dont need gradients/animations/so forth..I should be able to instantly see what i need. :) | 21:41 |
SJrX | I get those too actually, dr_willis, with my nvidia 7400 Go. But more importantly I find that there are alot less options than in KDE 3.5. It seemed that everything you wanted to do, could be done in KDE 3.4 | 21:41 |
SJrX | 3.5* | 21:42 |
_gunni_ | But i love it anyway | 21:42 |
SJrX | ANd now they have these things where your Desktop is nothing more than a wallpaper | 21:42 |
jschall | dr_willis: i think kde does the compositing very well, i do get a few glitches but i assume it's a driver problem. | 21:42 |
dr_willis | the whole 'desktop is a folder/garbage dump' has gottenout of hand.. I like how rox-filer handles the desktop with its pinboard feature | 21:42 |
v6lur | which package gives the magic ability of file previews of ODF files in konqueror? | 21:43 |
Colonel_1 | hey | 21:43 |
v6lur | right now they only show the icon | 21:43 |
jschall | dr_willis: the ONLY things keeping me from switching to kde are: crashes and binding things to mouse buttons. that's it. | 21:43 |
killermach | ok.. well komparator has crashed 2 times.. any suggestions on another duplicate file locator app to use? | 21:43 |
v6lur | previews are enabled for everything | 21:43 |
SJrX | Hmmmm dr_willis I have a recursive set of folders on my desktop called "Old Desktop" | 21:44 |
SJrX | that contain over 12 levels of old desktops. | 21:44 |
SJrX | Going back to 2003 | 21:44 |
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde | ||
jschall | dr_willis: binding things to mouse buttons doesn't seem like such a big deal, but it is. i can probably get around it by binding the mouse buttons to keys and then binding the keys, so that just leaves crashing. | 21:45 |
Colonel_Panic | how can I upgrade from Hardy to Intrepid using the command line? | 21:45 |
v6lur | and for example previews of PDF files are shown nice | 21:45 |
SJrX | Colonel_Panic I Think it's system-update-manager | 21:45 |
Colonel_Panic | I need to change the sources first, right? | 21:45 |
SJrX | NO! | 21:45 |
Colonel_Panic | OK ok... | 21:45 |
Colonel_Panic | sorry | 21:45 |
Colonel_Panic | what to do then? | 21:45 |
=== bluestle is now known as bluestyle | ||
SJrX | | 21:46 |
SJrX | Try "Network Upgrade for Ubuntu Servers" | 21:46 |
=== |GuS is now known as [GuS] | ||
v6lur | anyone? | 21:46 |
jschall | dr_willis: kde4 does compositing better than compiz+gnome by far | 21:47 |
=== zero__ is now known as somethingclever | ||
SJrX | jschall do you have KOFfice installed, would be my guess | 21:48 |
v6lur | (kde3 & hardy) | 21:48 |
jschall | SJrX: koffice? | 21:48 |
dr_willis | jschall, i disable compiz anyway :) | 21:48 |
SJrX | errrr sorry v6lur I think you need koffice | 21:48 |
somethingclever | hey im using Kubuntu 8.10, how do i set up my networked printer its a brother fax 4100 hooked up to my windows machien | 21:48 |
alec_ | hello.. | 21:48 |
dr_willis | thres like 3 'features' in compiz i actually like and use som,e times | 21:48 |
jschall | dr_willis: so do i, but that's just because the default config sucks and it crashes all the damn time. | 21:49 |
alec_ | I am new to the Linux community, I just installed 8.10 last night. I love it | 21:49 |
v6lur | ah, ok. that would even make sense | 21:49 |
somethingclever | alec_ glad to hear it, i installed a few years ago and i hae never gone back | 21:49 |
v6lur | thanks, SJrX | 21:50 |
Colonel_Panic | it's telling me 'no new release found' | 21:50 |
bluestyle | hello 2all new here too | 21:50 |
somethingclever | alecc_ i dont even know how to work a windows machine very well anymore | 21:50 |
alec_ | haha really? | 21:50 |
Colonel_Panic | my video drivers are all eff'd up | 21:50 |
bluestyle | does anyone know how can make my 5.1 sound play all together | 21:50 |
alec_ | I feel like this is how computing should be. | 21:50 |
bluestyle | only the 3 plays? | 21:50 |
=== tomo__ is now known as R | ||
R | hey | 21:51 |
Colonel_Panic | I'm at a cli right now, trying to fix it because I can't startx | 21:51 |
R | u okii | 21:51 |
R | ? | 21:51 |
somethingclever | can anyone help me set up my printer? | 21:51 |
R | yes | 21:51 |
SJrX | Hey tkstka did that work? | 21:51 |
tkstka | well yes in a way | 21:51 |
tkstka | but I accidently whole toolbar | 21:52 |
tkstka | :C | 21:52 |
R | HELLO | 21:52 |
R | i cant download msn how do i it just wont work | 21:52 |
SJrX | Um... | 21:52 |
alec_ | I do have a question. Is there a program for ubuntu that allows you to sync music to your ipod? Or do I have to run itunes with wine? | 21:52 |
SJrX | This is #kubuntu | 21:52 |
tkstka | is there a way to reinstall it so it would make all the changes default | 21:53 |
tkstka | or can get the default changes by some command? | 21:53 |
SJrX | tkstka you should be able to fix it, but you'll probably want to ask in #KDE | 21:53 |
jschall | R: are you using kubuntu? | 21:53 |
bluestyle | r:use pudgin and you gonna have msn on your kde | 21:53 |
Colonel_Panic | alec_: check out gtkpod | 21:53 |
alec_ | alright, does it have a library feture | 21:53 |
R | thanks | 21:53 |
somethingclever | alec_ use either Songbird or Rythmbox or Amarok | 21:54 |
somethingclever | all very good alternatives to Itunes | 21:54 |
alec_ | and they all sync with the ipod? | 21:54 |
somethingclever | with its eyes closed | 21:54 |
somethingclever | its great | 21:54 |
jschall | not to ipod touch or iphone, though | 21:54 |
Colonel_Panic | yamipod is also pretty great | 21:54 |
R | wat is kubuntu | 21:54 |
R | ? | 21:55 |
BluesKaj | somethingclever, look in the kicker /system/printers | 21:55 |
Colonel_Panic | you can copy songs to or from your ipod with ease | 21:55 |
alec_ | alrighty, thank you very much. I will proley be back throughout the day with more questions. | 21:55 |
jschall | R: go to | 21:55 |
profanephobia | kgrubeditor keeps crashing when I try to start it: | 21:55 |
R | jschall: y | 21:55 |
somethingclever | how to set up printing in Kubuntu? | 21:56 |
valter | hello all, i want to install apache and mysql on my computer, help me please | 21:56 |
bluestyle | how can i download sl in kubuntu? | 21:56 |
=== family is now known as dwidmann_ | ||
BluesKaj | somethingclever, kmenu/applications/system/Printing | 21:56 |
dwidmann_ | IIIIIIIIII have a strange sound problem. | 21:57 |
R | im on wat now | 21:57 |
somethingclever | BluesKaj: thanks | 21:57 |
tkstka | they said to remove the config files... | 21:57 |
tkstka | how do I do that | 21:57 |
tkstka | so noob | 21:57 |
tkstka | I'm windows user | 21:57 |
tkstka | so I really am in a deepwaters | 21:57 |
tkstka | here | 21:57 |
BluesKaj | !enter | 21:57 |
R | how do i download messenger life | 21:57 |
ubottu | Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 21:57 |
Colonel_Panic | can anyone kelp me with tnis video driver issue I have? | 21:58 |
profanephobia | kgrubeditor keeps crashing when I try to start it: | 21:58 |
R | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ | 21:58 |
valter | i want to install apache and mysql on my computer, help me please | 21:58 |
Colonel_Panic | R: Keep it up and you're gonna get kicked | 21:58 |
dwidmann_ | When logged into KDE4 I have no sound on this computer .... with the exception being that the login and logout sounds playing. While logged in I can't get sound at all, not even from things like speaker-test | 21:58 |
BluesKaj | R , have you heard of google-linux | 21:58 |
R | y es but when i try to downlove it dont workad messenger li | 21:59 |
R | ^^^^ thts 2 u | 21:59 |
BluesKaj | dwidmann, could be aminor oversight like not using alsa in system settings/sound | 21:59 |
R | im stuck help | 22:00 |
=== R is now known as yellow | ||
=== yellow is now known as robyn | ||
robyn | help me please | 22:01 |
dwidmann_ | BluesKaj: there is no such option for that (anymore) ... with regards to it, there's a bunch of things related to the primary sound card (listed towards the top), and somewhere down on the bottom the integrated sound and pulseaudio | 22:02 |
robyn | how do you download msn | 22:02 |
robyn | ? | 22:02 |
=== robyn is now known as R | ||
R | oh dont worry ill find some one better to tell me | 22:03 |
R | loj | 22:03 |
dwidmann_ | hmm, I have an idea, I'll be back in a few | 22:04 |
=== rotuka is now known as roTuKa | ||
bluestyle | how can i download sl in kubuntu? | 22:04 |
loganWHD | i have a dell 9400, it has those keys on the front that control volume and stuff... anyone get those working in 8.10? | 22:05 |
loganWHD | or the headphone / mic jacks working in 8.10? | 22:05 |
PhilRod | bluestyle: sudo apt-get install sl | 22:05 |
eduardo | hi | 22:06 |
profanephobia | kgrubeditor keeps crashing when I try to start it: | 22:06 |
Colonel_2 | can somebody please help me with this? | 22:06 |
jussi01 | !ask | Colonel_2 | 22:06 |
ubottu | Colonel_2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:06 |
Colonel_2 | yeah I've already asked 3 times | 22:07 |
jschall | odd, searching your name i only see the last minute | 22:07 |
jussi01 | Colonel_2: I dont seeyour question in recent scrollback... | 22:08 |
jschall | jussi01: he DCed | 22:08 |
Colonel_Panic | I'm unable to get to a GUI on my main machine so I'm forced to use this laptop which has issues connecting wirelessly | 22:08 |
Colonel_Panic | so I keep getting disconnected | 22:08 |
Colonel_Panic | I need to get this nvidia driver issue sorted out | 22:09 |
jussi01 | Colonel_Panic: are you the same as Colonel_2 | 22:09 |
bluestyle | how can i fix the sound in 8.10 | 22:11 |
Colonel_Panic | can somebody please help me with this? | 22:11 |
bluestyle | ? | 22:11 |
Colonel_Panic | I'm thinking that if I upgrade to Intrepid, the driver issue will be fixed | 22:11 |
Colonel_Panic | but I can't get to a GUI to be able to edit my /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades file | 22:12 |
Colonel_Panic | should I use VI or what? | 22:12 |
loganWHD | wow i know it is free software and all | 22:14 |
loganWHD | but sheez this sucks | 22:14 |
loganWHD | that has to be the 10th time today i just froze for no reason | 22:14 |
loganWHD | and lost work | 22:14 |
io__ | #italia | 22:14 |
family | BluesKaj: yep, thought so, just had to blacklist the internal ... ah well, I'm going to bed. | 22:16 |
profanephobia | kgrubeditor keeps crashing when I try to start it: | 22:18 |
andreas | hi | 22:18 |
andreas | anybody from Greece? | 22:18 |
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde | ||
dr_willis | loganWHD, kde4 is very much a work in progress it seems to me. | 22:25 |
dr_willis | loganWHD, try some other desktop perhaps. they may be more stable | 22:25 |
loganWHD | yah | 22:26 |
loganWHD | i am dling 8.04 | 22:26 |
dr_willis | You could just install some other desktop on 8.10 | 22:26 |
dr_willis | and then test out kde4 as it gets updated every month or so - see if it starts working better. | 22:27 |
loganWHD | true | 22:27 |
dr_willis | and yes.. kde3 repos are in the works.. i hear. | 22:27 |
XN1ghtX | Hello everyone, I need some help, for some weird reason I can't establish an internet connection on Kubuntu 8.10, can anyone help me out ? | 22:28 |
BluesKaj | what kind og internet service , XN1ghtX , DSL, cable , dialup ? | 22:30 |
BluesKaj | of | 22:30 |
XN1ghtX | BluesKaj, a pppoe connection | 22:30 |
goldmetal | how to use kde network manager instead of gnome network manager? | 22:30 |
DeviantPeer | hi all! anyone knows where the choice of style (widgets) is stored? in which config file? | 22:33 |
BluesKaj | XN1ghtX, that's pretty std software setup, but what is the pppoe working with , a DSL modem /router / cable /dialup modem ? | 22:33 |
XN1ghtX | BluesKaj, I'm using a long range wifi dish that could probably be compared to DSL | 22:34 |
BluesKaj | aha that explains the pppoe instaed of ethernet | 22:36 |
XN1ghtX | BluesKaj, so any idea on how to proceed ? | 22:38 |
BluesKaj | XN1ghtX, I'm not sure , but try ifconfig in the terminal and see what results can post the first 3 lines here without any probs | 22:40 |
XN1ghtX | ok, i'll be right back in a few, talking to you via another os... | 22:41 |
=== roland is now known as Roland123 | ||
Semidios | so I just installed Kubuntu after spending a lot of time with Ubuntu. Got almost everything fixed, but I am having trouble when I right click on anything (and tooltips) there are no words, just a blank menu. if I move over the menu really fast I can see the words flash and dissappear. | 22:46 |
mateusz | siemka | 22:47 |
mateusz | hay | 22:47 |
mateusz | :) | 22:47 |
trampel | Semidios: it's just a wild thought, but maybe your current 'theme' has your font color and menu background color set to the same value ...? | 22:48 |
Semidios | trampel, i doubt that is the issue only because the tooltips have a yellow background and the menus are gray | 22:50 |
=== berserk_ is now known as |Berserk| | ||
trampel | Semidios: my tooltips are that same color scheme, but my right-click menu is a different color scheme, so they must be set via different resources [shrug] | 22:52 |
=== mtux__ is now known as mtux | ||
|Berserk| | quit | 22:55 |
enmasse | guys | 22:59 |
enmasse | how do i add tons of servers to konversation? | 22:59 |
dr_willis | might be easier to find a web site with 'tons of servers listed' to explore | 23:01 |
vbgunz | does Kubuntu have a brainstorm site? | 23:05 |
=== ShrimP is now known as Guest50056 | ||
=== orko is now known as tanjir | ||
dale | can anyone read this/ I just installed this 8.04 OS | 23:15 |
szrhawaii | read what | 23:16 |
yacc | What's the way to upgrade 8.04 to 8.10? | 23:16 |
dale | TY... | 23:16 |
szrhawaii | upgrade through your package manager | 23:16 |
yacc | adept does not offer me to upgrade the release? | 23:17 |
szrhawaii | it should | 23:17 |
szrhawaii | mine does | 23:17 |
szrhawaii | its up in the top right hand corner its a blue button that says upgrade | 23:17 |
Cimmo | !intrepid | 23:18 |
szrhawaii | have you updated your adept ever | 23:18 |
ubottu | Alpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October! | 23:18 |
yacc | szrhawaii, my hardy is completely up-to-date. | 23:18 |
Cimmo | adept doesn't offer update anymore | 23:19 |
yacc | Cimmo, so how do I do it? | 23:19 |
szrhawaii | mine has it | 23:19 |
szrhawaii | i just havent done it | 23:19 |
Cimmo | | 23:19 |
szrhawaii | i prefer the older version better | 23:19 |
szrhawaii | she can go to terminal and do the sudo apt-update | 23:19 |
yacc | Cimmo, thx, now let's hope my laptop survives it :) | 23:21 |
Cimmo | yacc: honestly I do not like kde 4.1 | 23:21 |
szrhawaii | make sure you download an iso and burn a cd just in case | 23:21 |
Cimmo | I will wait for 4.2 | 23:21 |
Cimmo | 4.1 really sucks | 23:21 |
szrhawaii | i will wait til there down working the bugs out | 23:21 |
msnbot | Hello how can I install Kdevelop documentationsHello how can I install Kdevelop documentations | 23:22 |
msnbot | how can I install manual for cpp. like man string.hhow can I install manual for cpp. like man string.h | 23:22 |
yacc | Cimmo, Well, if it sucks to much, I'll probably rotate desktop environment yet another time, ... | 23:22 |
dr_willis | chexck the package manager - seeif theres a kdevlop doc. | 23:22 |
yacc | I think next in the periodic env change queue is ion3 ;) | 23:22 |
dr_willis | apt-cache search doc for a start perhaps? | 23:23 |
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir | ||
msnbot | dr_willis: man socket works in interpid but not in hardy. | 23:23 |
msnbot | I need the package name | 23:23 |
szrhawaii | do you want the dev files for dev | 23:24 |
dr_willis | check the packae listings for both machines and compare the 2 i guess. | 23:25 |
szrhawaii | yeah | 23:25 |
yacc | cimmo: My "distribution-upgrader" window hangs and does not paint itself anymore ;( | 23:25 |
szrhawaii | it should be kdevelop, kdevelop-data, kdevelop-dev, kdevelop-doc | 23:25 |
msnbot | i found cpp-4.2-doc may be it will hap | 23:25 |
msnbot | szrhawaii: kdevelop-doc is not working. says the package is missing | 23:26 |
Cimmo | yacc: wait... | 23:26 |
szrhawaii | did you download it | 23:26 |
msnbot | szrhawaii: no. its what apt-get says | 23:28 |
=== Guest50056 is now known as ShrimP | ||
szrhawaii | then you got to go to your package manager and download it | 23:29 |
msnbot | I just need "man socket", "man mysql_connect". cause I forget it. it my finger works faster in console. | 23:29 |
=== ShrimP is now known as Guest89929 | ||
msnbot | apt-get install kedevelop-doc does notwork. | 23:29 |
yacc | Cimmo, yeah, it just too some time to figure out that it will take 41 minutes to fetch the packages ;) | 23:30 |
msnbot | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 23:30 |
msnbot | is only available from another source | 23:30 |
msnbot | E: Package kdevelop-doc has no installation candidate | 23:30 |
szrhawaii | try changing your repos | 23:30 |
msnbot | sorry for multiple lines | 23:30 |
szrhawaii | to allow you to | 23:30 |
msnbot | Idont know which repo it is in. | 23:31 |
szrhawaii | try the third party one | 23:31 |
msnbot | szrhawaii: it should be in official repo. I used it built in installed in Fedora. | 23:32 |
szrhawaii | are you using synaptic | 23:32 |
szrhawaii | it should be | 23:32 |
szrhawaii | it is for hardy | 23:32 |
dwidmann | yacc: see for upgrade instructions | 23:32 |
msnbot | szrhawaii: no. I am using console | 23:32 |
yacc | dwidmann, I'm already in progress ;) | 23:32 |
szrhawaii | try using your synaptic | 23:32 |
szrhawaii | see what happens | 23:33 |
yacc | dwidmann, now the only "fascinating" thing is to see if the stupid thing will reboot after the upgrade. | 23:33 |
dwidmann | yacc: , ah, good, especially seeing as I wasn't scrolled all the way down :s | 23:33 |
msnbot | is synaptic in Kubuntu? I am a pure Kubuntu Guy. | 23:33 |
szrhawaii | its i kde | 23:33 |
yacc | LMV-on-LUKS setup. | 23:33 |
dwidmann | yacc: I'm assuming you found out about the "dist-upgrade-devel" option? | 23:33 |
yacc | dwidmann, yeah. | 23:33 |
szrhawaii | well the new kde has synaptic in the system settings | 23:34 |
BluesKaj | actually synaptic is a gnome app, but it's more thorough than adept with dependencies , so I prefer it . | 23:34 |
dwidmann | szrhawaii: no. | 23:34 |
szrhawaii | when i had the new one it was synaptic | 23:34 |
szrhawaii | then the old one had hardy | 23:34 |
szrhawaii | dont know how that happened | 23:34 |
yacc | dwidmann, I'm using the waiting time to scout for a new laptop should this one die ;) | 23:35 |
szrhawaii | i have adept | 23:35 |
msnbot | syanptic looks like a GTK app. | 23:35 |
Cimmo | it IS a gtk app | 23:36 |
Cimmo | but it is way better than poor adept | 23:36 |
szrhawaii | it does file better | 23:36 |
Cimmo | trust me: kubuntu 8.10 is a bunch of beta and unfinished software | 23:36 |
Cimmo | leave it alove | 23:36 |
Cimmo | *alone | 23:37 |
msnbot | szrhawaii: wow. its downloading. why it didnt work with apt-get?? | 23:37 |
szrhawaii | if no one uses it then they cant work out the bugs | 23:37 |
szrhawaii | that happens to me sometimes | 23:37 |
Cimmo | I'm using it, but only on secondary machine | 23:37 |
szrhawaii | its like i get locked out of terminal | 23:37 |
szrhawaii | then have to use the package manager | 23:38 |
dwidmann | Cimmo: I'd say it's a gnome app, what with all the gnome depends it has | 23:38 |
msnbot | Kubuntu Hardy is not LTS. I didnt know. | 23:38 |
msnbot | but Kubuntu Dapar was LTS. | 23:39 |
e-head | hey | 23:40 |
e-head | I don't seem to have an inittab file | 23:40 |
e-head | Is this file still used? Do I have to make one? | 23:40 |
msnbot | e-head: no its not used anymore | 23:40 |
e-head | no way! | 23:41 |
e-head | are you serious? | 23:41 |
dwidmann | !upstart | 23:41 |
ubottu | Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model. For more information please see: | 23:41 |
msnbot | e-head: but if you place one there it will work. | 23:41 |
e-head | okay. thanks. | 23:41 |
e-head | Kubuntu uses System V init doesn't it? | 23:41 |
msnbot | no | 23:41 |
e-head | really? what does it use? | 23:41 |
dwidmann | e-head: switched it out with upstart years ago | 23:41 |
e-head | damn. i'm way behind the times I guess. | 23:42 |
msnbot | e-head: If you want to work with inittab. place an inittab file there. It will simulate | 23:42 |
e-head | gotcha. | 23:42 |
e-head | thanks. | 23:42 |
=== nathan is now known as Guest823 | ||
e-head | can you still do "init 3" commands, etc... | 23:42 |
Guest823 | Just switched over form archlinux and I was wondering if there is some way to set up konqueror to work like it does in thier iteration. | 23:42 |
e-head | did it put a simlink there for me? | 23:42 |
msnbot | e-head: everything works. | 23:43 |
dwidmann | upstart emulates sys-v-init for compatibility though, as well as doing its own thing | 23:43 |
e-head | Is this pretty common for new linux distros... to use this upstart? | 23:43 |
ahmos | hi , i need agood firewal and easy to configure,anyone knows one? | 23:43 |
Guest823 | Found a few things on the net about restoring factory settings for konq but they all seem to apply to old versions | 23:43 |
dwidmann | e-head: think it's an ubuntu thing, or at least it started as one | 23:43 |
loganWHD | can i ask a question: can i take Kubuntu 8.10 down to KDE3? | 23:43 |
e-head | how would I kill my X-server and go into a console only mode? | 23:44 |
dwidmann | loganWHD: short of finding relible third party packages or compiling it yourself,no. | 23:44 |
ahmos | !firewall | 23:44 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see, or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE). | 23:44 |
e-head | without doing a ctrl-alt-backspace | 23:44 |
szrhawaii | !mplayer | 23:44 |
ubottu | mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs | 23:44 |
szrhawaii | #compiz-fusion | 23:45 |
msnbot | I never used compiz. :( | 23:45 |
loganWHD | so really i gotta go to Kubuntu 8.04 | 23:45 |
loganWHD | ugh | 23:45 |
loganWHD | so much dang reinstalling this week | 23:46 |
szrhawaii | oh sorry i was lazy and decided to link from there | 23:46 |
loganWHD | well that was depressing piece of news | 23:46 |
loganWHD | hehe | 23:46 |
Guest823 | any help for konq defaults | 23:47 |
burn_ | where can i check is my comp linux compatibile? | 23:47 |
burn_ | i wanna buy new desktop and want to know are my new components copmatible, any sites? | 23:47 |
dwidmann | burn_: what i would do would be to google the part names, yes, part by part. | 23:48 |
msnbot | burn_: make sure the components/devices you buy has linux driver | 23:48 |
burn_ | graphic has linux rivers | 23:48 |
burn_ | drivers | 23:48 |
szrhawaii | if you go into the bios on the new comps sometimes it says it in the settings for linux | 23:49 |
msnbot | burn_: : as long as you buy device from famous company they will have linux driver. eg. Intel | 23:49 |
burn_ | thnx | 23:49 |
dwidmann | burn_: wouldn't be so sure about that really | 23:49 |
xxx_ | i am having problems with klamav. When i try to update it i get the "Update process died unexpectedly! did you kill it manually?" error message. | 23:50 |
szrhawaii | anyone know how to patch the mplayer | 23:50 |
xxx_ | anyone can help me ? or redirect me ? | 23:50 |
szrhawaii | i have a patch source but forgot how to do it | 23:50 |
msnbot | normally the problem arise when its a laptop and the compay doesnt provide support any more. | 23:50 |
dwidmann | burn_: definitely check into the ethernet controller, disk controller, and the graphics card, at the least. | 23:50 |
dwidmann | szrhawaii: patch -p1 < file.patch | 23:51 |
burn_ | graphic card has linux drivers, checked ati radeon 3870 | 23:51 |
dwidmann | szrhawaii: or something like that | 23:51 |
szrhawaii | thanks | 23:51 |
loganWHD | anyone here using 8.04 and a dell 9400? | 23:51 |
msnbot | nvidia graphics card has driver. | 23:51 |
szrhawaii | not working | 23:51 |
burn_ | i used both graphic card on linux | 23:52 |
msnbot | dont buy any chep chinese sound card. | 23:52 |
burn_ | both working good | 23:52 |
dwidmann | burn_: one thing that's also worth checking is *how well* those particular drivers are working, for the particular device(s) | 23:52 |
loganWHD | i am thinking i am going back to 8.04 but not sure if anyone is having the same sound card issues etc | 23:52 |
dwidmann | burn_: whether things work (properly!!) or not can vary from model to model ... | 23:52 |
szrhawaii | got nothing | 23:52 |
burn_ | where to check how well the york? i have ati radeon 3650 and it works great, am gonna buy 3870 | 23:52 |
xxx_ | anyone help ? | 23:52 |
xxx_ | ^ | 23:52 |
dwidmann | szrhawaii: do you have the patch and run the command from the root of the source directory? | 23:53 |
szrhawaii | i have the patch saved on my comp | 23:53 |
szrhawaii | so i got to go to the mplayer root | 23:54 |
dougl | does kubuntu install compiz fusion by default? ie will it work after I install the nvidia drivers? | 23:54 |
PleXuS | hi all, having problem with samba fileserver smbd stopped running :s | 23:55 |
PleXuS | * smbd is not running. | 23:55 |
burn_ | anyone use amsn? if anyone use tell me where to put skins to use them? | 23:55 |
e-head | Hey, what packages do I need to install to get apache2/php5/mysql system up and running? | 23:55 |
dwidmann | burn_: I would do a google search something similar to "linux ati radeon hd3870 problem|bug | 23:55 |
dwidmann | " | 23:55 |
burn_ | apache2 , php5 and mysql , check them in adept | 23:56 |
dwidmann | burn_: if you see lots of problems that might effect you, then be wary, eh? | 23:56 |
dougl | dwidmann, canadian to eh? | 23:56 |
burn_ | :D | 23:56 |
Mr-S | hello | 23:56 |
e-head | thanks | 23:57 |
dwidmann | dougl: 'fraid not, just a weird american | 23:57 |
e-head | what's this apache2-mpm-prefork package it's trying to pull in? | 23:58 |
e-head | It says this is a Multi-Processing Module apache | 23:59 |
e-head | How come my current apache2 won't work? | 23:59 |
burn_ | u tryed localhost? | 23:59 |
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