ubottu | In #ubuntuforums, vorian said: !omgjacob is it's jacobs fault! | 01:10 |
elky_work | orly? | 01:12 |
vorian | mostly | 01:13 |
vorian | so it should be something like, it's almost always jacobs fault | 01:13 |
vorian | or ignored completely :) | 01:13 |
LjL | anyone using bip and could give a hint or two about its apparent oddities? | 01:28 |
bazhang | @bansearch cheesebender | 01:40 |
ubottu | No matches found for cheesebender!n=wos3@c-24-91-146-111.hsd1.ct.comcast.net in any channel | 01:40 |
Flannel | Hes wos, and that nick rings a bell (besides the one thing in the bt) | 01:41 |
bazhang | yep wos1,2,3 &4; noted time-waster | 01:42 |
LjL | Flannel, bazhang: ah so i wasn't the only one already getting pissed at him without even really looking at what he's saying | 01:43 |
bazhang | LjL, he always does ask things like that | 01:43 |
bazhang | why is utc better than gmt, how to hide time zone in my browser, etc | 01:46 |
Flannel | bazhang: GMT does DST | 01:47 |
Flannel | oh | 01:47 |
bazhang | Flannel, sure it does | 01:47 |
bazhang | zsquareplusc already gave him the solution | 01:47 |
bazhang | rogan, how may we help you | 01:48 |
rogan | um I was forwarded into this channel | 01:48 |
rogan | weird | 01:48 |
rogan | #kubuntu is my auto start ant it forwarded here | 01:49 |
Flannel | it did. | 01:49 |
rogan | and wtf is this shit [19:49] <ubot5> Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops. Thank you for your attention to detail | 01:49 |
bazhang | rogan, please watch the language | 01:50 |
Flannel | rogan: Do you have any idea why you may have been forwarded here? | 01:50 |
rogan | I connected and got this > | 01:51 |
rogan | [470] #kubuntu #ubuntu-ops Forwarding to another channel | 01:51 |
rogan | [19:48] [Notice] -ChanServ- [#ubuntu-ops] Welcome to #ubuntu-ops - Home of the operators for official K/X/Ed/Ubuntu channels. Questions, requests and complaints about Ubuntu related channels and their people can be filed here" | 01:51 |
LjL | rogan, you've been forwarded here because you didn't watch your language to begin with | 01:51 |
rogan | no | 01:51 |
LjL | no? ok, then you haven't | 01:51 |
rogan | i just logged on | 01:51 |
Flannel | rogan: Right, because an operator figured we should have a conversation with you, instead of a right out ban | 01:51 |
LjL | in that case, rogan, i don't know why you were forwarded here and cannot help you. sorry. | 01:52 |
rogan | dude I just turned on my computer | 01:52 |
rogan | turned on computer > opened irc and got forwarded here | 01:52 |
rogan | then some bot said thats for your edit request whatever that means | 01:53 |
LjL | rogan: yes, i really did think that was because you didn't watch your language | 01:53 |
bazhang | rogan were you not asking how to upgrade to amarok2 just a short while ago? | 01:53 |
rogan | of course then I restarted my computer and this occured | 01:53 |
bazhang | nothing else of note in the interim? | 01:54 |
Flannel | rogan: You know the rest of the world still exists between reboots, right? | 01:54 |
rogan | never the les I never submitted a "edit request" | 01:54 |
Flannel | rogan: This has nothing to do with the edit request, by the way. | 01:54 |
rogan | flannel: sorry I dont understand your sarcastic remark | 01:54 |
rogan | and I have nothing to do with it wither | 01:55 |
rogan | either* | 01:55 |
Flannel | rogan: You were forwarded here because of your conduct before you turned off your computer. | 01:55 |
Flannel | which was just before you turned it back on and reconnected. | 01:55 |
rogan | well what was my conduct? | 01:55 |
bazhang | use of extreme invective towards another user; to wit, the one who helped you | 01:56 |
rogan | sounds extreme | 01:56 |
bazhang | rogan, a couple of documents for you to read | 01:57 |
bazhang | !coc > rogan | 01:57 |
ubottu | rogan, please see my private message | 01:57 |
bazhang | !guidelines > rogan | 01:57 |
bazhang | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines rogan | 01:57 |
rogan | sounds great! I will get to reading them ASAP | 02:00 |
bazhang | rogan you should not be discussing your ban in #ubuntu | 02:02 |
bazhang | or any other #ubuntu channel as a matter of fact | 02:02 |
rogan | kinda sad this is how you spend your day :) | 02:03 |
LjL | that's true | 02:04 |
LjL | time to cut it short | 02:04 |
bazhang | what about #ubuntu | 02:04 |
bazhang | oops | 02:04 |
LjL | he goes. | 02:04 |
LjL | a fellow with no concept of respect in his brain, not a glimpse, let him find help from "man" | 02:05 |
LjL | @mark #ubuntu-ops rogan Smells like a troll, but even if they're just a rude fellow, I'd say they're too rude for this place. | 02:05 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 02:05 |
Flannel | +1 | 02:06 |
bazhang | * [jahshua] (i=nesta@the.wrong.domain.name): herpez! | 02:07 |
bazhang | <rogan> can someone unban me from #ubuntu some stupid mod is trying to mess with me | 02:19 |
bazhang | from #freenode | 02:19 |
Flannel | sigh | 02:19 |
vorian | you meanies | 02:19 |
bazhang | its that darned code of conduct | 02:20 |
vorian | :) | 02:20 |
Flannel | sigh | 02:40 |
jussio1 | !away > Secutor | 02:41 |
Flannel | Where is he? | 02:41 |
Flannel | Besides my LoCo channel, that is. #k? | 02:41 |
jussio1 | #k | 02:41 |
Flannel | Ah | 02:41 |
maco | when did #ubuntu-offtopic become the place to talk about past hookups? | 03:45 |
bazhang | * [sdlwof] (n=left@96-36-50-145.static.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com): ouch <-- needs to be removed pronto | 03:47 |
bazhang | that channel has become insanely out of control | 03:48 |
bazhang | I dont have privileges there maco , or they would be gone | 03:48 |
maco | the last few days have been oddly out of control there | 03:48 |
bazhang | insanely so | 03:49 |
Flannel | maco: It ebbs and flows. Its a weeend, and a holiday one at that. | 03:49 |
bazhang | <mylogic> I hooked up with the right one right after I got done compiling a new kernel for the server I was about colo last summer | 03:49 |
bazhang | <sdlwof> sounds liek their sluts | 03:50 |
bazhang | <__mikem> sdlwof: they are from the looks of it | 03:50 |
bazhang | always the same problem *every* weekend... | 03:51 |
Flannel | erm, and one of them claims to be ban evading. Lovely. | 03:53 |
maco | yeah just saw that | 03:53 |
bazhang | * [mylogic] (n=matt@74-37-30-58.dsl1.tbr.ga.frontiernet.net): matt | 03:54 |
bazhang | * [__mikem] (n=michaelm@USF-WiFi-ResHall-nat-204.resnet.usf.edu): Michael Miller | 03:54 |
bazhang | this is on the level with -ru | 03:55 |
maco | huh? | 03:55 |
Flannel | maco: Nothing | 03:55 |
maco | ok. i'm going to go sit in nice quiet #ubuntu-women then :P | 03:55 |
maco | bye bye | 03:55 |
bazhang | mneptok, you around? | 03:56 |
bazhang | sdlwof> haha, i keep hoppoing from ap to ap, i've gotten like 20 different subnets on the ban list already | 03:58 |
bazhang | !staff | 03:58 |
ubottu | Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could use a bit of your time :) | 03:58 |
Flannel | bazhang: Eh? just regular ops should be enough | 03:58 |
bazhang | please take a look in #ubuntu-offtopic | 03:58 |
bazhang | Flannel, none seem to be around | 03:58 |
Flannel | bazhang: most/all of staff are ops | 03:59 |
Flannel | at least, as far as triggers goe | 03:59 |
Flannel | go, even | 03:59 |
ubottu | bazhang called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (sdlwof __mikem mylogic) | 03:59 |
bazhang | enough is enough. | 04:00 |
Flannel | bazhang: What did __mikem do? | 04:00 |
bazhang | if that does not do it, then whatever. | 04:00 |
bazhang | Flannel, he was fully a part of that whole convo | 04:00 |
Flannel | bazhang: He stopped when asked, and his conversation before wasn't something I'd consider offtopic. Personal, sure, but that's not grounds for anything | 04:01 |
bazhang | Flannel, commenting on girls being sluts is not A-OK in my opinion | 04:02 |
bazhang | in any #ubuntu channel | 04:02 |
Flannel | bazhang: That wasn't __mikem | 04:03 |
Flannel | that was sdf...whatever | 04:03 |
bazhang | <__mikem> sdlwof: they are from the looks of it <---following the comment 'sounds liek their sluts' | 04:04 |
Flannel | fair enough | 04:05 |
Flannel | bazhang: matt == mylogic | 04:12 |
* mylogic grumbles | 04:13 | |
sdlwof | i'll take the balde | 04:14 |
sdlwof | blade* | 04:14 |
mylogic | Can someone please tell me the grounds for the ban this time, because looking through the logs is not getting me anywhere | 04:14 |
bazhang | <mylogic> those girls are pass-arounds by any means | 04:15 |
sdlwof | haha | 04:15 |
sdlwof | forgot about that one | 04:15 |
mylogic | I meant aren't | 04:16 |
bazhang | mylogic, and the ban evasion | 04:16 |
mylogic | look at the following comments | 04:16 |
mylogic | it was obviously a typo | 04:16 |
mylogic | the sentence wouldn't even make sense had I intended to type are as opposed to aren't | 04:16 |
mylogic | I would have said "by all means" | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | Ah, the ban evader is here too. | 04:17 |
sdlwof | huh? me? | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | no, mylogic | 04:18 |
mylogic | Hobbsee: there is an obvious miscommunication on my original ban | 04:18 |
sdlwof | true that. | 04:18 |
Hobbsee | mylogic: all 4 of them? | 04:18 |
sdlwof | naw, only the 4th one | 04:18 |
mylogic | original ban, meaning singular first ban | 04:18 |
sdlwof | this most recent ban is because of me.... | 04:19 |
mylogic | if you would like me to show you the log, it's very clear that I mistyped are instead of aren't | 04:19 |
mylogic | oh, well yeah, I guess the first 2 were deserved | 04:19 |
bazhang | mylogic, you were asked to stop. | 04:19 |
mylogic | my apologies... I forgot about those | 04:19 |
bazhang | mylogic, not only did you not stop | 04:19 |
mylogic | bazhang: You failed to tell me where I was being too offtopic | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | mylogic: and seeing those have not been removed, it's thus ban evasion, whatever rubbish you managed to come up with today. | 04:20 |
bazhang | mylogic, but you persisted, mocked, were banned, and then immediately ban-evaded | 04:20 |
Hobbsee | so... | 04:20 |
mylogic | the only thing you did do was let me know that controversial things were offtopic | 04:20 |
bazhang | mylogic, the !stop should have provided a clue. | 04:20 |
mylogic | well, it didn't, and still doesn't | 04:21 |
mylogic | nothing I was speaking of was controversial, then when sdlwof made his comment about women being passed around | 04:21 |
bazhang | mylogic, then you need to read the code of conduct | 04:21 |
bazhang | !coc | 04:21 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 04:21 |
mylogic | I was standing up for my friends by intending to say they are anything but passarounds | 04:21 |
mylogic | but mistyped a word | 04:21 |
bazhang | your ban evasion does not give you much credibility mylogic | 04:22 |
mylogic | so you're trying to base the origins of your wrongly made first ban on my later actions? | 04:22 |
bazhang | nope. | 04:22 |
mylogic | I'm not sure where you are from, but that wouldn't give you much jurisdiction in most countries | 04:22 |
sdlwof | your banning him for something i turned into a flame war. | 04:23 |
bazhang | mylogic, you need to read the code of conduct | 04:23 |
mylogic | I was unaware of my ban evasion, because quite frankly I have better things to do in my life than read a code of conduct for a chat network | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | mylogic: LjL made the first lot of bans. You weren't even supposed to be in there, and were ban evading. | 04:23 |
bazhang | and the guidelines | 04:23 |
mylogic | one in which is based on freedom of speech | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | therefore, bazhang was right to reban you, whatever you said. | 04:23 |
bazhang | !guidelines | mylogic | 04:23 |
ubottu | mylogic: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 04:23 |
mylogic | Hobbsee: the original ban was removed supposively | 04:23 |
Hobbsee | ditto when I got you the second time | 04:23 |
bazhang | freedom of speech does not entitle you to say what you said mylogic | 04:24 |
bazhang | ubuntu is about humanity towards others. | 04:24 |
mylogic | I didn't say ANYTHING sexist or mean | 04:24 |
mylogic | I made a typo | 04:24 |
bazhang | not just those of the male gender mylogic | 04:24 |
bazhang | mylogic, odd you never corrected that 'typo' | 04:25 |
mylogic | I never realized I had made one | 04:25 |
bazhang | indeed. | 04:25 |
sdlwof | not everyone has spellcheck. | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | everyone should have a braincheck. | 04:25 |
mylogic | look at the sentence, it doesn't make sense had I intended to say that | 04:25 |
sdlwof | Hobbsee, i'm not arguing my ban.... | 04:25 |
mylogic | I didn't make a spelling error, therefore I didn't see a little red squiggly line | 04:26 |
bazhang | sdlwof, then you can part | 04:26 |
mylogic | are and aren't are both words | 04:26 |
Hobbsee | sdlwof: didn't think so. You've got very little leverages to argue with <grin> | 04:26 |
sdlwof | bazhang, you said for me to join to discuss mylogic ban | 04:26 |
mylogic | it's obvious by my sentence structure that I had intended to say aren't | 04:26 |
bazhang | sdlwof, no I did not. | 04:26 |
sdlwof | <bazhang> you and he can come to #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss | 04:26 |
mylogic | along with my sentence structure | 04:27 |
maco | sdlwof: i believe they're implying "your own bans" | 04:27 |
bazhang | sdlwof, yes, your individual case, not defend his. | 04:27 |
sdlwof | WHICH , was typed after i msged you with | 04:27 |
bazhang | sdlwof, you are not someone anyone would hire as a counselor imo | 04:27 |
sdlwof | bazhang naw, man, only ban me, not mylogic, they were talking not sexual about the pciture, i jumped in and made everything a flame. at the least only ban me. | 04:27 |
mylogic | as for previous bans, I have #ubuntu-offtopic on my auto join, had I actually evaded my ban, I had no idea, I just assumed it was a couple day ban that had been lifted | 04:27 |
sdlwof | i'm not saying i am, i'm here beacuse i don't think it's right for you to ban mylogic for something i started into a flame... | 04:28 |
mylogic | and they were pictures of MY friends, why in the WORLD would I speak in sexist terms of them | 04:28 |
maco | looking at the /lastlog, sdlwof is the one that was bragging about ban-evading, not mylogic | 04:28 |
sdlwof | his ban evasions, that's antoher story, but the ban in relation to the chat a few minutes ago. | 04:28 |
maco | mylogic simply stated that he had already received a ban once this week...nothing about the terms of it | 04:29 |
mylogic | as for the first ban, it was for a joke when I kid came in talking about programming virus' in bash and babbling his mouth off, and I jokingly told him to forkbomb, which I know was stupid and I shouldn't have pasted the code in or whatever but I quickly referenced him to what it was | 04:29 |
mylogic | the second ban I think was for something like spamming or pasting to many lines? | 04:29 |
bazhang | sdlwof, if you are not here to argue your own ban, then please depart the channel. | 04:30 |
sdlwof | you said to for mylogic and i to join to discuss the bans. | 04:30 |
bazhang | your own, not his. | 04:30 |
mylogic | maco: I was justifying why I was going to not further do anything moderators told me not to do, I wasn't bragging about a ban | 04:31 |
sdlwof | his last ban is because of me.... | 04:31 |
maco | mylogic: i know. i said it was only sdlwof that was bragging | 04:31 |
sdlwof | you banned both of us beacuse of the same reason, but it as something i started, and i deserve the ban, not him. | 04:31 |
bazhang | sdlwof, please depart. | 04:31 |
sdlwof | bazhang, you can use that ban button again. | 04:31 |
sdlwof | asshole. | 04:31 |
Flannel | sdlwof: You're not helping your cause, or his cause, by remaining in her, or by your conduct. | 04:32 |
Flannel | here, that is. | 04:32 |
mylogic | Look, I always try to mind my own business and don't start situations like this... but I just feel I didn't do anything wrong initially | 04:33 |
bazhang | mylogic, this is not about freedom of speech. | 04:33 |
mylogic | granted I probably didn't follow up in the best way, but I'm not familiar with how this whole chain of command thing works | 04:33 |
bazhang | mylogic, please wait while sdlwof departs | 04:34 |
bazhang | mylogic, we will discuss once he has gone. | 04:34 |
mylogic | are you telling me that as a statement, or as though I'm doing something wrong by him staying here? | 04:35 |
sdlwof | i'll leave if you promise to be straight with mylogic | 04:35 |
bazhang | maco, could you please depart as well? | 04:35 |
sdlwof | i think him judging your ban because of me is wrong | 04:36 |
maco | yeah | 04:36 |
bazhang | sdlwof, this will be discussed once you are gone. | 04:36 |
* sdlwof shits on bazhang shoes | 04:36 | |
bazhang | mylogic, was the ban only in -ot? | 04:37 |
mylogic | yeah | 04:37 |
Flannel | @mark sdlwof | 04:37 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 04:37 |
bazhang | not in #ubuntu? | 04:37 |
mylogic | no | 04:37 |
bazhang | mylogic, and hobbsee was saying this is your 4th ban there? | 04:37 |
mylogic | I only talk in ubuntu when I am talking about ubuntu related things | 04:37 |
mylogic | from what I have gathered I apparently have one on my "record", if you will, for pasting too much and spamming? Though I don't remember anything of it | 04:38 |
mylogic | I only know of one... this being my second | 04:38 |
mylogic | and I think he was saying something about me joining back now gave me a 4th? | 04:39 |
mylogic | I just don't understand why all this ruckus began in the first place, snux was telling me of some girl he was having problems with, and posted a picture | 04:40 |
mylogic | __mike then followed suit and showed a picture of a girl he was talking to | 04:40 |
bazhang | mylogic, how about we revisit this in 24 hours. | 04:40 |
mylogic | I then did the same thing, though a picture of a girl I am talking to and another girl, when sdlwof made some snide comment | 04:41 |
mylogic | and I responded protecting them, though left out an "n't" so it looked bad... and I get banned | 04:41 |
mylogic | what does that mean? | 04:41 |
Flannel | mylogic: We're giving you the benefit of the doubt regarding accidental ban evasion (for your forkbomb, earlier in the week). | 04:42 |
mylogic | right | 04:42 |
mylogic | but what about this, I didn't do anything wrong | 04:42 |
bazhang | and today as well. | 04:42 |
Flannel | mylogic: Ignore what went on today as far as talking goes. Had we known you were ban evading, you would've been banned immediately again. | 04:43 |
mylogic | I knew I had done something wrong in the prior (granted it was taken by all as a joke, including the one I directed it at) and I sent a message to LjL saying I understand why he did what he did, but I promised to never do it again | 04:43 |
mylogic | so I assumed my ban was lifted, then this, and now I'm being charged for something in which I didn't do now, and this blind ban-evasion charge? | 04:43 |
mylogic | that's just not fair. | 04:43 |
Flannel | mylogic: And the fact that you're aware of that is why we've even considered doing it. otherwise that ban would persist for a while longer. | 04:43 |
mylogic | right, I understand that | 04:44 |
mylogic | so I was in fact still suppose to be banned from #ubuntu-offtopic? | 04:44 |
mylogic | I wasn't aware of that | 04:44 |
mylogic | So where can I go from here, what can I do to right whatever wrong I have done and go back to talking about mindless topics with people in that channel? | 04:45 |
Flannel | mylogic: Come back here in 24 hours, and it'll likely all be taken care of. | 04:47 |
bazhang | come back in 24 hrs | 04:47 |
mylogic | bleh... ok, I guess that'll work | 04:47 |
mylogic | sorry for any inconvenience | 04:47 |
Flannel | I found his previous ban, tagged with "mylogic" so we can remove both of them when it comes time. | 04:48 |
Flannel | *!*@ | 04:48 |
bazhang | okay thanks | 04:49 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
* jussi01 walks in and waves! | 06:26 | |
jussi01 | nobody around? thats sad... | 06:31 |
bazhang | jussi01, how is your knee? | 06:32 |
Tm_T | jussi01: who's you're calling round?! | 06:36 |
bazhang | jussi01, hope you're alright | 06:41 |
bazhang | * [nbeebo] (n=nbeebo@217-210-198-227-no71.tbcn.telia.com): rikard enedahl in -ot | 06:43 |
bazhang | have to go out for a bit | 06:43 |
ikonia | 07:10 < ScarySquirrel> Is ikonia the only user of this channel who provides good Ubuntu advice? | 07:11 |
ikonia | check out my fan club ! | 07:11 |
elky_e71 | hehe | 07:14 |
elky_e71 | its not all that far from the truth, either | 07:14 |
ikonia | Hmmmm | 07:17 |
ikonia | not sure I'd agree on that | 07:17 |
ubottu | In #ubuntu, alex_mayorga said: !mx is For Ubuntu Mexico visit #ubuntu-mx or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMxTeam | 07:27 |
ikonia | ban | 07:31 |
ikonia | oops | 07:31 |
ikonia | would someone please remove this forward in -ops | 07:32 |
ikonia | *!*@!##fix_your_connection | 07:32 |
Myrtti | ikonia: what/who is it? | 07:35 |
ikonia | ximal his connection is fixed | 07:35 |
Myrtti | ok | 07:35 |
ikonia | didn't want to block him out of -ops | 07:35 |
ikonia | but I suspect it would come to nothing anyway, however doesn't seem fair to not give that oppertunity | 07:50 |
Myrtti | is it just me, but have the requests for using webcam with Yahoo been rising? | 08:11 |
Myrtti | is that some new feature in Yahoo chat? | 08:11 |
Flannel | Its not new, no. Been around since forever | 08:12 |
Myrtti | !webmin | 08:14 |
ubottu | webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead. | 08:14 |
Flannel | woo lag | 08:20 |
ikonia | yes, concur | 08:20 |
ikonia | @mark EMPulse #ubuntu "hope you get laid" as thanks, then quit | 08:43 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 08:43 |
Myrtti | has anyone noticed "StayTuned" joining channels and randomly spamming with a pdf file url? | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:37] ~~~StayTuned [n=station@rrcs-208-125-227-196.nys.biz.rr.com] has joined | 08:51 |
Myrtti | #wikipedia-fi | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:38] < StayTuned> http://www.noisecontrolpublishing.com/zebra/quack.pdf | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:38] < StayTuned> get the word out | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:38] < StayTuned> this is going to be big | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:46] * Myrtti considers opening a link given by a random drive-by-shooter | 08:51 |
Myrtti | [10:47] < Myrtti> nääh, not worth it. | 08:52 |
Myrtti | [10:47] < Myrtti> next | 08:52 |
Myrtti | [10:48] < Myrtti> totally random link - not worth opening | 08:52 |
Myrtti | [10:48] < Myrtti> StayTuned: did you actually have anything related to Finnish | 08:52 |
Myrtti | Wikipedia, or are you just randomly spamming the channels? | 08:52 |
elkbuntu | Myrtti, it's a flier against psychiatric assault | 08:54 |
Myrtti | elkbuntu: what I'd like to know how it relates to Finnish Wikipedia | 08:54 |
Gary | or linux | 08:54 |
Myrtti | I do know what it's about | 08:54 |
elkbuntu | Myrtti, it relates in that some idiot is spamming wikipedia channels with it. | 08:54 |
Myrtti | Gary: well, that was on the Finnish Wikipedia channel | 08:54 |
Myrtti | yeah... | 08:54 |
elkbuntu | and... no, that's the extent. | 08:55 |
Myrtti | [10:54] < StayTuned> Myrtti - it comes from sweden | 08:55 |
Myrtti | [10:55] < Myrtti> rrrrriiight. | 08:55 |
Gary | elkbuntu: he spammed ##Linux too btw | 08:55 |
elkbuntu | ah | 08:55 |
elkbuntu | Gary, so spamming across multiple namespaces... easy pickings | 08:56 |
Myrtti | ikonia: it's not russian | 08:56 |
ikonia | ahhh thankyou | 08:56 |
ikonia | what langauge | 08:56 |
Myrtti | ikonia: I'd say some Indian language, but don't know what | 08:56 |
Myrtti | adsl-static-58-136-23-196.csloxinfo.net | 08:57 |
Myrtti | whois returns no results for me | 08:57 |
Myrtti | No match for "ADSL-STATIC-58-136-23-196.CSLOXINFO.NET". | 08:57 |
Myrtti | oh. | 08:57 |
Myrtti | wrong domain | 08:57 |
Myrtti | thailand | 08:58 |
Myrtti | !th | 08:58 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about th | 08:58 |
Myrtti | right. | 08:58 |
elkbuntu | Thai | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | IsriyaPaireepairit | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | ThaiTeam | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | #ubuntu-th | 09:02 |
Myrtti | he has been spamming yup | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | ubuntuclub@googlegroups.com | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | http://forum.ubuntuclub.com | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | http://ubuntuclub.com | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | Yes | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | 09:02 | |
elkbuntu | 03 Sep | 09:02 |
elkbuntu | whoa... stupid wiki | 09:02 |
Myrtti | we need a thai factoid | 09:03 |
elkbuntu | who's been spamming? | 09:03 |
Myrtti | I've not seen him on Ubuntu namespace yet | 09:03 |
Myrtti | but just wanted to give heads up | 09:03 |
elkbuntu | ubottu, th is <reply> Please see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand. | 09:04 |
ubottu | I'll remember that, elkbuntu | 09:04 |
elkbuntu | !th | 09:04 |
ubottu | Please see #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand. | 09:04 |
elkbuntu | as good as we can do without speaking thai | 09:04 |
Myrtti | yup | 09:04 |
elkbuntu | ugh, that had better be some form of electrical device making that buzzing noise.... | 09:10 |
elkbuntu | as opposed to insects that dont have batteries to drain... | 09:10 |
Myrtti | the only thing I can't withstand with winter is the dry skin. | 09:15 |
Myrtti | I don't usually moisturise, but this is ridiculous | 09:15 |
Gary | I do, I'm obviously a good homosexual | 09:21 |
Myrtti | Gary: you're making me feel bad | 09:21 |
Gary | I never used to, but I spend too long in air-con'd areas, and in the car, dry heat fails | 09:21 |
elkbuntu | heat? in england? | 09:35 |
elkbuntu | is this one of those oxymoron sayings? | 09:35 |
Gary | elkbuntu: heat as in from heaters, which we do have a lot of in england, as it is so bleeding cold, brrr | 09:45 |
Gary | not the nice type of heat :'( from the sun, on the beach | 09:45 |
elkbuntu | hehe | 09:45 |
Gary | I so want to be on the beach, under an umbella, with a nice drink :'( | 09:46 |
* Myrtti resists the urge to quote Priscilla, Queen of the Desert | 09:50 | |
Myrtti | Gary: also, parasol. | 09:51 |
Gary | Myrtti: hehe | 09:51 |
Gary | great film | 09:51 |
Myrtti | I so need to get it on DVD | 09:52 |
Myrtti | it ruined the first times of looking Matrix, LOTR and Memento for me ;-) | 09:52 |
Myrtti | also Star Wars 1 | 09:53 |
ikonia | @btlogin | 09:57 |
ikonia | query - from experience how do you decide to ban via nick/ident/ip ? | 10:01 |
ikonia | I'm notcing I'm sticking a few bans on dhcp DSL ip's that I've had to revisit and replace with nick bans, mostly due to being lazy and using auto_bleh | 10:02 |
jussi01 | wth? | 10:44 |
jussi01 | How did I end up in #sudobash? | 10:45 |
Myrtti | I'm hungry and I'm eating mandarins. | 10:49 |
Myrtti | there's something wrong with this. | 10:49 |
jussi01 | lol | 10:50 |
* Myrtti just ate her eighth one | 10:53 | |
jussi01 | Doh! Flannel | 11:09 |
* Flannel wins again! | 11:09 | |
jussi01 | lol | 11:10 |
jussi01 | always too slow... | 11:10 |
Flannel | well, I'll go to sleep soon, so you'll be able to beat me then ;) | 11:10 |
Flannel | I haven't quite gotten the sleep factoid-ing down yet. | 11:10 |
jussi01 | !sleep | 11:11 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about sleep | 11:11 |
jussi01 | oh, we have to remedy that | 11:11 |
jussi01 | how do we do those linked factoids again? | 11:11 |
Myrtti | I IS HUNGRY | 11:12 |
elkbuntu | what do you expect. you have a belly full of juice | 11:13 |
Flannel | Myrtti: Eat something non-orange! | 11:13 |
Myrtti | that would require cooking :-< | 11:13 |
jussi01 | Flannel: careful, she will start on the lemons, and we all knmow where that goes... :P | 11:14 |
Myrtti | omnomnomnom lemons :-Ăľ~~~ | 11:14 |
Flannel | Myrtti: eat something with protein and complex carbohydrates. | 11:15 |
Myrtti | pizza? gingerbread cookies? | 11:16 |
* Myrtti runs | 11:16 | |
Flannel | Yep! | 11:16 |
Flannel | Sounds like breakfast of champions to me. | 11:16 |
Myrtti | I need coffee quite desperately | 11:16 |
Flannel | Myrtti: I'd just stay away from putting gingerbread cookies *on* the pizza. Unless you're a Ninja Turtle... | 11:16 |
Flannel | in which case, make sure you put as much ice cream as gingerbread | 11:17 |
Myrtti | Flannel: akshully | 11:17 |
ikonia | </snip_for_quote> | 11:17 |
Myrtti | Flannel: if you like blue cheese (which I doubt) | 11:17 |
Myrtti | Flannel: blue cheese on gingerbread cookies, microwave for 15 secs. | 11:17 |
Myrtti | OM NOM NOMNOMNOM | 11:17 |
Myrtti | sounds awful, but damnit | 11:18 |
Myrtti | it works. | 11:18 |
Flannel | Why do you doubt blue cheese? | 11:18 |
Myrtti | because I don't know any other nation apart the French that loves blue cheese to the same extent we Finns | 11:19 |
Flannel | Its actually pretty popular here. But I personally don't. | 11:19 |
Flannel | so I'll stick away from your odd gingerbread cheese sandwiches | 11:21 |
bazhang | Myrtti, I will de-op; might be a good idea if someone was given more long term privileges there | 11:34 |
Myrtti | yup | 11:34 |
bazhang | Flannel is in there a lot for example | 11:35 |
Myrtti | as I said earlier, we need more ops there, and I'd suggest looking at the -ot regulars in addition to the other options we have | 11:35 |
jussi01 | I understand its being discussed... | 11:35 |
bazhang | that was weird. | 11:35 |
Myrtti | jussi01: *poke* | 11:35 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: poke what? | 11:35 |
Myrtti | have you poked anyone recently? | 11:36 |
bazhang | tried to de-op but chanserv said I had no privileges to do so. | 11:36 |
Myrtti | you don't | 11:36 |
Myrtti | just /mode -o bazhang | 11:36 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: yes, I did... just before... | 11:36 |
Myrtti | jussi01: cool | 11:36 |
jussi01 | Myrtti: nothing yet... :( | 11:36 |
Myrtti | meh. | 11:36 |
bazhang | thanks | 11:37 |
Myrtti | oh dear god I'm tired | 11:38 |
* elkbuntu snuggles up with Myrtti and snores. | 11:41 | |
Myrtti | contrary to common belief, it is possible to burn coffee to the pan. | 11:54 |
jussi01 | LOL | 11:56 |
Myrtti | my only explanation is I was busy talking in Skype when this happened last week. | 11:57 |
Myrtti | and actually, it wasn't burned. | 11:58 |
Myrtti | only dried to the upper part of the moka pot. | 11:58 |
elkbuntu | hehe | 12:00 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys i need to talk to someone bout getting a ban lifted off my nick in motu and dev channels cuz i have an idea that i think would be a good idea to have available to advanced users in the community | 12:06 |
bazhang | eagles0513875, from what has been said that is simply not going to happen. | 12:07 |
eagles0513875 | i would like to begin working on this idea that i happened to stumble across though | 12:07 |
Myrtti | write it up to blueprint or toss it to brainstorm. | 12:07 |
bazhang | eagles0513875, you were banned there prior to this correct? | 12:07 |
bazhang | !brainstorm | 12:08 |
ubottu | Post your ideas for ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like! | 12:08 |
eagles0513875 | thing is i wanna work on this myself but eventually make it available to the community | 12:08 |
eagles0513875 | yes that is correct but the cause of that ban was over 2 yrs ago | 12:08 |
bazhang | eagles0513875, you were given a second chance right? | 12:08 |
eagles0513875 | ya and what happened is i accidentally used a different nick and accidentally said something in one of those 2 channels and was rebanned for ban dodging which was unintentional | 12:09 |
bazhang | eagles0513875, brainstorm it is then. | 12:09 |
eagles0513875 | cuz normally for im etc i use either eagles0513875 or eagles051387 | 12:09 |
* eagles0513875 or keeps to self and releases my own distro | 12:09 | |
bazhang | unintentional ban evasion | 12:10 |
bazhang | seems to be the fashion these days. | 12:10 |
ikonia | if he wants to work on it him self why does he need access to those channels? | 12:11 |
Myrtti | uh-oh | 12:13 |
Myrtti | now at -ot | 12:13 |
bazhang | heh | 12:13 |
Tm_T | awww | 12:14 |
Tm_T | Myrtti: hug him for me | 12:14 |
* Myrtti has her finger on the trigger | 12:14 | |
* Tm_T has her trigger on the finger | 12:15 | |
jussi01 | poor eagles :P | 12:35 |
Pici | Good morning ladies and germs | 12:38 |
ikonia | hey ! | 12:39 |
Pici | gentlemen rather, an easy typo | 12:39 |
ikonia | yeah yeah | 12:40 |
jussi01 | hehe | 12:41 |
jussi01 | ikonia: i pmed a while back ;) | 12:41 |
ikonia | ughhh sorry | 12:41 |
jussi01 | dunno why your pm hates me | 12:41 |
ikonia | heads up in #ubuntu sad_ubuntutie is the user qstnn who was trolling a few weeks ago in here and vbox | 12:54 |
bazhang | its nice to have discussions about who will help out in -ot; but this has been dragging on for quite a while | 13:07 |
bazhang | and the last two days were the absolute nadir in terms of stalking, and other creepy behaviour in there. | 13:07 |
LjjjL | pici, ikonia, bazhang: tell me eagles isn't setting out to write his own flavor of Automatix | 13:17 |
bazhang | his own distro LjjjL | 13:17 |
Pici | LjjjL: I don't know what hes doing. | 13:18 |
Tm_T | no, it's not automatix this time | 13:18 |
LjjjL | bazhang: i don't believe that... i'm sure he just *said* that in order to convince you to unban him | 13:18 |
bazhang | eagleso513875ix | 13:18 |
Pici | https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/kubuntu-7/+spec/ubuntu-server-conversion-to-lightweight-kubuntu | 13:18 |
* Pici has no idea | 13:18 | |
bazhang | LjjjL, hah; I had one bit of -ot oppage; no way do I have that kind of pull in -motu or -devel | 13:19 |
bazhang | besides Hobbsee would get me with her fabled stick 'o Doom | 13:20 |
LjjjL | Pici: but what was he ranting about, with "having somewhere to isntall what you want", to which you replied "like apt?" but someone else started suggesting writing scripts | 13:21 |
LjjjL | bazhang: but *he* doesn't know that | 13:21 |
Pici | LjjjL: Yes. I gave up at that point. | 13:21 |
Pici | Then he started pm-ing me | 13:22 |
ikonia | eagles ide is nonses | 13:22 |
ikonia | make the server super lightweight ?? | 13:23 |
ikonia | install the server kernel (already in the server install???) and install the kde-core package? ??? this allows them the taoilor the desktop package/ | 13:23 |
ikonia | ?? | 13:23 |
LjjjL | ikonia: to conserve the heavy stuff to throw it all at him | 13:23 |
ikonia | I'm going to ask him | 13:23 |
ikonia | as thats just nonsense | 13:23 |
LjjjL | yeah, -EMAKESNOSENSE | 13:23 |
ikonia | and a waste of time | 13:24 |
LjjjL | as seveas would say | 13:24 |
ikonia | it's a waste of time for osmeoen to have to go through this sort of crap on luanchpad to delete it | 13:24 |
LjjjL | oh well as long as it's just in brainstorm... brainstorm is a dumping hole anyway | 13:24 |
ikonia | it's a blueprint | 13:25 |
Pici | In 'kubuntu-7' | 13:25 |
Pici | weird | 13:25 |
ikonia | he's a moron and I praise hobbsee for not allowing that sort of random noise in motu./devl | 13:26 |
ikonia | I mean that quite honeslty | 13:26 |
LjjjL | this "willwill" who's just been mentioned on -ot | 13:33 |
LjjjL | i suspect he might be the same person i've encountered on #ubuntu-th | 13:34 |
=== LjjjL_ is now known as LjjjL | ||
ikonia | has anyone seen gnomegreak | 13:49 |
ikonia | freak | 13:49 |
LjjjL | ikonia: not in the last couple of days | 13:54 |
ikonia | bum | 13:55 |
LjjjL | ok sorry for moving the question here but -offtopic invariably gets on my nerves when i ask this sort of questions | 13:57 |
LjjjL | i want a graphics library that can be used from C and allows me to draw pixels. | 13:58 |
LjjjL | easily. just draw pixels. i don't want to have to deal with fancy stuff. | 13:58 |
LjjjL | remember home computer? you could write BASIC code like 10 PUTPIXEL 100,100 and there's your program | 13:58 |
LjjjL | it doesn't have to be a fashionable library that teaches me how to write good code, really. | 13:59 |
ikonia | thats randomly obscure, yet easy | 14:00 |
LjjjL | ikonia: that's why i miss home computers so much. | 14:01 |
ikonia | I know what you mean | 14:01 |
ikonia | qbasic was easy | 14:01 |
LjjjL | ikonia: yeah, something like that. i just want to have a trivially silly graphics view for a genetic programming toy, and it needs to draw pixels. it doesn't need fancy vector graphics over a windowing context and an event model | 14:02 |
ikonia | it's too simple, can't think of anything off the top of my head | 14:02 |
LjjjL | ikonia: that's still more useful feedback than suggesting huge fashionable libraries | 14:03 |
ikonia | it's the truth | 14:03 |
ikonia | you don't need a 6 GB lib set to do that | 14:03 |
ikonia | but I can't think of anything | 14:03 |
ikonia | LjjjL: maybe look at what tuxpaint is linked against for an idea ? | 14:04 |
ikonia | thats thin and dumb | 14:04 |
LjjjL | ikonia: depends on Cairo... | 14:04 |
ikonia | rats | 14:04 |
ikonia | get your T1 link out | 14:04 |
LjjjL | i might just learn how to draw a pixel in xlib | 14:04 |
LjjjL | ... or i might use qbasic | 14:04 |
ikonia | actually xlib does have an api for graphics | 14:05 |
ikonia | I've used it for doing "marching ants" before | 14:05 |
ikonia | in the X11 toolkit | 14:05 |
LjjjL | ikonia: i'm just afraid it'll take an hour of understanding what the right functions to create a window, then a context, than a widget is. | 14:08 |
ikonia | yup, I can understand that | 14:09 |
LjL | ikonia: but i shouldn't complain anyway, as *my* home computer was a C64, which had the most obnoxious BASIC ever invented to draw stuff with | 14:11 |
LjL | (well, it has the most obnoxious BASIC ever invented period) | 14:11 |
ikonia | hey I remember making a baloon float across the screen on my c64 | 14:12 |
ikonia | poked and peeked a lot | 14:12 |
LjL | ikonia: that floating balloon filled both my mother's and my own worst nightmares for years. | 14:13 |
LjL | ikonia: although we never actually managed to make it look like a balloon, there was always some typos in the POKE or DATA statements that made it look like random pixels. | 14:13 |
LjL | ikonia: (and no, it's not a surprising coincidence we both tried that program, as it was in the official BASIC manual) | 14:14 |
ikonia | I did the baloon then took a long time trying to get the CBM logo on it | 14:14 |
ikonia | one of the first programming languages I learnt | 14:14 |
LjL | ikonia: it's the first i learnt, although i'm not sure how much i actually understood of what i was writing. you know what my most ambitious project was? to recreate Windows 3.0, after i used it on my dad's first laptop | 14:16 |
ikonia | I got a good grip of it at the time, understood the placments and the like, couldn't figure out the audio interface and had to use that a bit blind | 14:17 |
genii | @login | 14:21 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 14:21 |
* genii sips some coffee and waits for quasselclient to inexplicably segfault again | 14:22 | |
* Myrtti considers making a fresh pot | 14:22 | |
genii | Myrtti: :) Moin | 14:23 |
Myrtti | genii: moin | 14:23 |
Myrtti | I'm having a weird day | 14:23 |
Myrtti | I actually woke up at proper hour, and now my inner clock says it's 2200 | 14:23 |
Myrtti | as that's about what it would be, if I'd slept until 1300 and got up then | 14:24 |
genii | Heh, sort of internal jet-lag or so | 14:24 |
Myrtti | yeah | 14:25 |
Myrtti | basically living on EST | 14:25 |
Myrtti | while in reality in EET | 14:25 |
* Tm_T is just fuzzy | 14:27 | |
Tm_T | "slept" ~1 hour this morning | 14:27 |
NewFAQs | hello | 14:28 |
NewFAQs | Umm does anyone know how to enable mouse click sounds on ubuntu? | 14:28 |
Tm_T | this is not support channel, NewFAQs son | 14:28 |
Tm_T | see topic (:) | 14:29 |
NewFAQs | So? | 14:29 |
NewFAQs | Who give's a fuck. I am banned from the other channel UBUNTU | 14:29 |
ikonia | your forwarded here due to your peersistanc behaviour in #ubuntu | 14:29 |
NewFAQs | for "Ban Evading" | 14:29 |
NewFAQs | Woopy | 14:29 |
ikonia | and there you go, thank you for displaying your attitude | 14:29 |
Tm_T | NewFAQs: soo, you expect us to help you with that attitude? | 14:29 |
NewFAQs | Ikonia thank you for displaying your cunt. | 14:29 |
ikonia | adn we'll leave that there | 14:30 |
Tm_T | ikonia: indeed, I don't want to know more about your... whatever | 14:30 |
Pici | well then. | 14:30 |
ikonia | Tm_T: ! | 14:30 |
Tm_T | ikonia: yes son? | 14:31 |
Tm_T | that was, how I would say, weird | 14:31 |
bazhang | I read that as for your 'satanic behaviour' | 14:31 |
Myrtti | I definitely need more coffee | 14:32 |
ikonia | I wonder if I'll be getting a christmask card from NewFAQ | 14:39 |
Myrtti | ikonia: horses head? | 14:40 |
ikonia | could be | 14:40 |
ikonia | as he's an aussie probalby a prawn tail | 14:41 |
Tm_T | I really wonder what he think achieving with that behaviour | 14:42 |
ikonia | nothing, he's persistant | 14:42 |
ikonia | it's just an attention thing | 14:42 |
Myrtti | yup | 14:42 |
Myrtti | he assumes time is some sort of "get away from jail free" carx | 14:42 |
Myrtti | card | 14:42 |
Myrtti | which, by default, it is | 14:43 |
Tm_T | umm, no, still doesn't make sense | 14:43 |
Myrtti | he though has proved to be a different case | 14:43 |
* genii puts on more coffee | 14:59 | |
Myrtti | ugh. | 15:00 |
Myrtti | I just noticed https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/53061 in my inbox | 15:00 |
bazhang | ydjluv | 15:32 |
Tm_T | bazhang: ok | 15:42 |
bazhang | Tm_T, ?? | 15:45 |
Tm_T | bazhang: I have no idea what you tried to say above (:) | 15:45 |
Pici | Tm_T: Its a user in -offtopic. | 15:46 |
bazhang | likely troll | 15:46 |
Tm_T | ah, ok | 15:46 |
* genii-around sips his coffee | 15:52 | |
Pici | meh | 16:14 |
Myrtti | http://creativecommons.org/weblog/entry/11081 | 16:15 |
Pici | Neat. | 16:16 |
LjL | watch Guest37277, he "doesn't get it" at all, and he's asking stuff that's clearly wardriving related or similar (although he isn't saying that so that's ok with me, but he's annoying nonetheless) | 16:37 |
Pici | agreed. | 16:40 |
PriceChild | Is anyone else *really* annoyed with the way "contact this user/team" has turned out in launchpad? | 17:05 |
LjL | PriceChild: have we got more mail again...? | 17:06 |
PriceChild | well i'm not really annoyed, but i seem to get half a dozen a day | 17:06 |
LjL | uhm, yeah i have. | 17:06 |
PriceChild | and i didn't get any before | 17:06 |
LjL | tell me, do i look like a KBarCode developer? | 17:06 |
PriceChild | that's the one | 17:06 |
PriceChild | i can't even tell from the headers which team he's sending this to which i think is broken | 17:07 |
LjL | uh is that what i wanted to remove | 17:18 |
LjL | no | 17:19 |
Pici | okay | 17:19 |
genii | I'm wondering now what a KBarCode developer looks like.... | 17:28 |
LjL | genii: |¦ ||| | ¦¦¦ ¦¦| ¦|¦ ¦ | 17:29 |
genii | Hah! | 17:29 |
Myrtti | LjL: that explains why KDE looks so crappy to me... | 17:29 |
* Myrtti hides | 17:29 | |
Myrtti | have a cookie | 17:30 |
LjL | Myrtti: no thanks | 17:30 |
LjL | Myrtti: i'll have a kookie if anything | 17:30 |
nalioth | LjL: yes, i've gotten more email via LP | 17:43 |
nalioth | and i don't like it, either | 17:46 |
LjL | nalioth: well what to do, the launchpad channel didn't seem very responsive the few times i tried it | 17:46 |
nalioth | no, not for me, either | 17:49 |
nalioth | wonder who we could contact | 17:49 |
LjL | seriously no idea | 17:50 |
nalioth | it is a spam vector, if you ask me | 17:50 |
LjL | so much for having a proprietary tracker ;) | 17:50 |
* PriceChild files a bug | 17:52 | |
PriceChild | that'll make them listen.... 8-) | 17:52 |
Myrtti | PriceChild: I think there is such already ;-) | 17:52 |
Myrtti | oh, actually isn't | 17:53 |
PriceChild | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/303588 | 17:53 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 303588 in launchpad "Clarify Launchpad 'contact this team' functionality" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 17:53 |
PriceChild | there is | 17:53 |
Myrtti | hehe | 17:53 |
Myrtti | fizzy hot spiced apple cider ♥ | 17:53 |
LjL | PriceChild: what about the cannot-change-mail issue? | 17:53 |
nalioth | i think there needs to be a new bug filed | 17:55 |
nalioth | the help page says you can turn on or off the "contact this member" at your leisure, but there is no such functionality in the prefs | 17:55 |
PriceChild | LjL: i openned an answer for it | 17:56 |
PriceChild | opened | 17:56 |
PriceChild | nalioth: where's the help page for that? i could add that to the bug if you don't want to? | 17:58 |
der_golem | hello.... i have a new laptop and there is no wireless option in my ubuntu.... i can't figure out whether i need drivers for my wireless or not | 18:00 |
LjL | der_golem, hi, change your ident to something more friendly to join #ubuntu please | 18:00 |
LjL | !etiquette > der_golem (der_golem, see the private message from ubottu) | 18:00 |
PriceChild | nalioth: LjL: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/52942 | 18:01 |
nalioth | https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/ContactingPeople PriceChild | 18:06 |
LjL | PriceChild: uhm, perhaps worth specifying that removing it by ourselves results in it being apparently removed but still prevents from adding it to another team? | 18:06 |
der_golem | hello.... i have a new laptop and there is no wireless option in my ubuntu.... i can't figure out whether i need drivers for my wireless or not | 18:07 |
nalioth | der_golem: please pay attention | 18:07 |
PriceChild | LjL: its a known bug | 18:07 |
LjL | der_golem: and you can't read what people say, either | 18:07 |
LjL | PriceChild: ah | 18:07 |
PriceChild | LjL: by what hobbsee said anyway | 18:07 |
der_golem | all i see is bots telling me that my ident isnt ok | 18:07 |
nalioth | der_golem: we are not bots. | 18:08 |
PriceChild | der_golem: LjL is very real. | 18:08 |
LjL | der_golem: all i see is someone who is hardly even listening | 18:08 |
der_golem | well that was the only response i got last time? | 18:08 |
Myrtti | der_golem: your ident is not ok! it says FUCK | 18:08 |
PriceChild | and you thought we were bots that time too? | 18:08 |
LjL | der_golem: yes, that's because you should do that | 18:08 |
der_golem | i can cut and paste? | 18:08 |
LjL | der_golem: no | 18:08 |
nalioth | der_golem: no, | 18:08 |
der_golem | if you want? | 18:08 |
Pici | der_golem: This isn't a support channel. | 18:08 |
LjL | der_golem: i told you you should change your ident, BECAUSE you should change your ident | 18:09 |
nalioth | der_golem: just fix your ident and join #ubuntu | 18:09 |
der_golem | well thats where they sent my | 18:09 |
* Myrtti gets her set of alphabet building blocks | 18:09 | |
der_golem | shit youre a bunch of assholes | 18:09 |
nalioth | ah, our australian 'friend' | 18:10 |
LjL | nalioth: hm? who's he? | 18:10 |
nalioth | LjL: known troll | 18:10 |
* nalioth has an unfortunate memory for hostmasks | 18:11 | |
LjL | ah, i see | 18:11 |
LjL | not very new to insulting hostmasks | 18:11 |
PriceChild | nalioth: i don't see where it says you can turn it off? | 18:14 |
PriceChild | I only see it say you can hide your email. | 18:15 |
nalioth | As a compromise, your Launchpad profile page has a Contact this user option. PriceChild | 18:17 |
nalioth | PriceChild: "option" means 'opt in' or "opt out" | 18:18 |
PriceChild | Right, I don't think they meant it that way :P | 18:18 |
nalioth | i have neither option in my prefs | 18:18 |
nalioth | then they need to fix it by adding the option | 18:18 |
PriceChild | I think the "option" they are referring to is showing your real email, or having the "contact this user". | 18:18 |
nalioth | it's a spam vector | 18:18 |
=== PriceChild is now known as PriceChi1d | ||
=== PriceChi1d is now known as PriceChild | ||
=== PriceChild is now known as PriceChi1d | ||
=== PriceChi1d is now known as PriceChild | ||
Myrtti | WTH | 19:11 |
Myrtti | oh. | 19:11 |
Myrtti | right. | 19:11 |
* Pici blinks | 19:12 | |
jeremyoiher | Hi, ummm, can I be unbanned from ubuntu channel | 19:40 |
jeremyoiher | a person was telling me what to type in the prompt, and I couldn't tell if it was an i, an l, or a 1, so I had to type it in the chat window | 19:40 |
jeremyoiher | and I got banned for spamming after just 3 messages | 19:41 |
steph291 | hi guys, a certain jeremy__ who I helped setting up is desktop tube could be unban ? | 19:44 |
steph291 | nickname : jeremyoiher | 19:45 |
Myrtti | hmmmm hold on | 19:46 |
steph291 | he is really starting with linux... | 19:47 |
Myrtti | ok, the freenode breakage seems to be over | 19:47 |
Myrtti | steph291: we can handle the issue with jeremyoiher, we don't need your assistance | 19:47 |
* Myrtti pokes LjL with The Pink Fluffy Pen of Poking™ | 19:47 | |
Myrtti | *SQUEEEAK* | 19:47 |
steph291 | perfect | 19:47 |
steph291 | thanks | 19:47 |
Myrtti | OK, LjL has been idle for 30mins | 19:48 |
jeremyoiher | So | 19:50 |
jeremyoiher | Can I be unbanned pleasE? | 19:50 |
Myrtti | jeremyoiher: this might take a while, I'm really tired and am fumbling around a bit | 19:50 |
jeremyoiher | ...It's just a matter of a right click | 19:50 |
jeremyoiher | I don't understand what the problem is | 19:51 |
Myrtti | jeremyoiher: or typing a command, in my case. anyway | 19:52 |
Myrtti | ooooops. hmmm | 19:53 |
Myrtti | looking at the history I'm definitely waiting for a second opinion before doing anything | 19:54 |
PriceChild | jeremyoiher: why did you do the same in #kubuntu afterwards? | 19:55 |
jeremyoiher | that was beforehand | 19:56 |
jeremyoiher | and I needed help | 19:56 |
* Myrtti tries not to fall asleep | 19:57 | |
jeremyoiher | Look, I know that the history looks bad | 19:58 |
jeremyoiher | And I'm sorry, I'm very, very new to linux and very new to this form of support | 19:58 |
jeremyoiher | I didn't quite know the rules here and I didn't know not to keep asking | 19:59 |
jeremyoiher | I'm sorry, and you have my word it won't happen again | 19:59 |
Myrtti | PriceChild: do you have the ball in your hands? I'm about to crash into bed with absolute blank mind | 20:04 |
Myrtti | okies... | 20:05 |
Myrtti | that solves it then | 20:05 |
Pici | right | 20:05 |
Myrtti | I can't believe I'm still awake | 20:06 |
second_opinion | hello Myrtti, may i help you? | 20:22 |
second_opinion | nah, i'll go watching tv instead | 20:22 |
genii-around | Weird | 20:23 |
Pici | okay then. | 20:23 |
* LjL whistles innocently | 20:23 | |
Pici | LjL: Just wasn't a name I was familiar with. | 20:24 |
Pici | Although it does seem to share the same host as metabot | 20:24 |
* Myrtti flips | 20:24 | |
Myrtti | ITALIANS! | 20:24 |
LjL | uhm, metabot is supposed to have a cloak though | 20:25 |
Pici | Yeah, probably/ | 20:25 |
* Myrtti tries to decide should she do italian flag with mIRC colours | 20:27 | |
* Myrtti can't be bothered, eats gingerbread cookies instead | 20:27 | |
Jack_Sparrow | Myrtti .. http://www.dq.winsila.com/miscellaneous/fun/creating-images-with-ascii-characters.html Italian Flag in Ascii.. | 21:14 |
mrwes | re | 22:02 |
jussi01 | mrwes: is there something we can help you with? | 22:02 |
mrwes | jussi01, I was just checking to see if the ban on me was lifted yet | 22:03 |
Myrtti | if you are coming only to check, then you've got something wrong | 22:03 |
mrwes | UH? | 22:03 |
Myrtti | anyway, I'm off to bed. | 22:03 |
Myrtti | good night folks. | 22:03 |
jussi01 | nini Myrtti | 22:04 |
jussi01 | mrwes: so nothing else wecan do foryou right now? | 22:05 |
mrwes | jussi01, nah...I'm moving along -- thanks | 22:05 |
mylogic | I'm here to discuss my case again, it has been roughly 24 hours | 22:41 |
LjL | mylogic: oh, uhm, i think i wasn't around last time you discussed it | 22:43 |
LjL | can you update me? | 22:43 |
mylogic | well, I guess it's kind of complicated, but sure | 22:43 |
mylogic | It all started out about a week ago when I was in #ubuntu-offtopic and I jokingly told this young kid about the fork bomb after he was going on about writing virus' in bash. I knew a ban was probably coming soon, which it did (by you I believe) | 22:44 |
mylogic | I noticed I was banned for a couple days, I then sent you a pm stating that I was sorry and learned my lesson | 22:45 |
mylogic | the following day, I noticed I was able to join #ubuntu-offtopic (though apparently my ip changed and I was in fact still banned) | 22:45 |
mylogic | well while I was in the channel, I was talking with snux and someone else just about woman troubles, they posted pictures of their ladies and I, mine | 22:46 |
mylogic | though in mine there was a good friend and also the female in whom I've been involved | 22:46 |
mylogic | well about that time this cluts sdlwolf or something said something inappropriate about both of them in regards to their look | 22:47 |
mylogic | and I stated "those girls are by any means passed around" | 22:47 |
mylogic | when I meant to say aren't | 22:47 |
mylogic | he kept going on and the mod banned him, then I guess banned me for supposedly being a part of the sexist comments (which I wasn't, I made a typo and it was obvious by the following grammar, not to mention they are friends of mine) | 22:48 |
mylogic | so upon my ban, they realized I was already banned and then slapped on another charge for evading my ban, even though I wasn't aware I was still banned | 22:49 |
LjL | so then you rejoined from "mylogic.net" so the ban evasion was even clearer...? | 22:50 |
mylogic | that all took place last night, and then bazhang and flannel said come back in 24 hours and they'll take care of everything | 22:50 |
mylogic | I rejoined to see why I was banned, I wasn't really clear on the whole order of operations on 'righting the wrong', if you will | 22:50 |
mylogic | and no, I hadn't read the rules in depth and stuff | 22:50 |
mylogic | but I have now, and understand how the process is supposed to work | 22:51 |
mylogic | I'm not a trouble maker... the forkbomb was definitely uncalled for and I knew a ban was probably coming, but it was somewhat funny at the time | 22:51 |
LjL | yes, as a matter of fact i banned you *especially* because you clearly showed that you'd knew it was wrong and you'd get banned | 22:52 |
LjL | so, even assuming that ignorance of the rules is an excuse, you took away that very excuse yourself | 22:52 |
LjL | now, as far as the other incident | 22:52 |
mylogic | yeah, I realized in hindsight that it was a rather childish thing to do | 22:52 |
LjL | you didn't know you were evading the ban - ok | 22:52 |
LjL | you discussed about some girls -ok | 22:52 |
LjL | but i can see that you were told, what, 6? 7? times to stop | 22:53 |
LjL | you never did | 22:53 |
LjL | i've seen !stop called more times that i've seen it called in the rest of my life | 22:53 |
mylogic | not true | 22:53 |
mylogic | I didn't even know he was aiming at me, and if you read what !stop says | 22:53 |
LjL | not true? i'm reading the logs right now | 22:53 |
mylogic | I was not violating or discussing anything it listed | 22:53 |
LjL | err, !stop doesn't list anything | 22:54 |
LjL | !stop | 22:54 |
ubottu | NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 22:54 |
mylogic | check !offtopic | 22:54 |
LjL | yes, !offtopic is not !stop | 22:54 |
mylogic | but !stop makes reference to !offtopic | 22:55 |
mylogic | it's like an include() | 22:55 |
mylogic | and nothing we were talking about was referenced in !offtopic | 22:55 |
mylogic | so I was rather frustrated that we were being interrupted during what I considered, a very good conversation | 22:56 |
LjL | mylogic: look, "Please stop this discussion NOW" is not a difficult sentence to understand | 22:56 |
LjL | it says to stop | 22:56 |
mylogic | yeah, but laws are in place for a reason | 22:56 |
mylogic | right? | 22:56 |
LjL | you don't agree that you need to stop? fine, you stop anyway. *then* if you want, you come here to complain | 22:56 |
LjL | laws? | 22:56 |
mylogic | yeah, as a moderator you are given a set of laws to follow, right? | 22:56 |
LjL | mylogic, it was very clear that those requests to stop were directed at you, and you confirmed that in the logs | 22:56 |
mylogic | procedures and whatnot | 22:56 |
LjL | guidelines. | 22:57 |
mylogic | I did realize it after several of them | 22:57 |
LjL | certainly not laws or precedures. | 22:57 |
mylogic | but I wasn't doing anything wrong | 22:57 |
LjL | that was your opinion, but not that of several ops who were overseeing it. | 22:57 |
mylogic | moderators are there to moderate when inappropriate things are being discussed | 22:57 |
LjL | bazhang and Flannel for instance. | 22:57 |
mylogic | it was just one actually | 22:57 |
mylogic | that was involved | 22:58 |
LjL | mylogic, are you telling me what i'm here for? | 22:58 |
mylogic | and he was obviously heated | 22:58 |
mylogic | and on somewhat of a powertrip | 22:58 |
LjL | mylogic, sure, because ops are always on a powertrip when the ban people | 22:58 |
LjL | or at least, all banned people i've met always said that | 22:58 |
mylogic | I mean, I talk about ubuntu in #ubuntu and about other stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:58 |
LjL | mylogic, you were trolling. you were told to stop. you did not. | 22:59 |
mylogic | trolling? | 22:59 |
mylogic | I was told to do stop doing something that was not offending NOR breaking any rules | 23:00 |
mylogic | why on earth would I be told to stop in the first place | 23:00 |
mylogic | ? | 23:00 |
mylogic | for being offtopic in an offtopic channel? | 23:00 |
LjL | mylogic, you were trolling *because* you were told to stop and you didn't. | 23:00 |
LjL | #ubuntu-offtopic isn't a "free for all" | 23:01 |
mylogic | yes, I was mad because I was randomly told to stop talking about something for no reason | 23:01 |
LjL | operators are responsible to stop discussions that are getting unpleasant | 23:01 |
LjL | and you're supposed to respect that | 23:01 |
mylogic | that indeed lead me to "troll" as you call it | 23:01 |
mylogic | unpleasant? | 23:01 |
mylogic | how in the WORLD was it getting unpleasant | 23:01 |
mylogic | and that wasn't where a lot of the !stops came from | 23:02 |
mylogic | after that I was talking about why I wasn't offtopic | 23:02 |
mylogic | therefore, another topic in itself | 23:02 |
mylogic | because I was indeed a bit outraged | 23:02 |
mylogic | but ok, I understand I am in the wrong, for whatever reason | 23:02 |
mylogic | when I see !stop now | 23:02 |
LjL | mylogic: look, 1) maco 2) bazhang 3) flannel stated that the "discussion" wasn't very appropriate | 23:02 |
LjL | they're all wrong and you're right? | 23:03 |
mylogic | I will stop talking | 23:03 |
mylogic | where did they state that? | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:43 < maco> er guys... | 23:03 |
mylogic | looking through my logs of when I was in here and I don't see them stating that | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:44 < maco> could we not talk about your sex lives? | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:44 < maco> or theirs | 23:03 |
mylogic | I at no point ever talked about my sex life | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:49 < maco> besides, you're making the women in here feel not-so-comfortable, mmmkay??? | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:50 < maco> will you two just stop it?! | 23:03 |
LjL | 22:54 < maco> mylogic: if it's normally the way you two are acting, i'm not surprised at the bans | 23:04 |
LjL | 22:54 < mylogic> I would expound, but I don't think the topic YOU started parenting about really relates to the list of subject matter that this channel is | 23:04 |
mylogic | that whole time I though mico was talking to the wolf kid, who was in fact making inappropriate comments | 23:04 |
mylogic | I was talking with __mike something about some problems he was having with a female friend of his | 23:04 |
LjL | mylogic: err, so why did he say "mylogic:"? | 23:04 |
LjL | please, seriously | 23:05 |
LjL | he was talking to the wolf kid, but he said "mylogic"? | 23:05 |
mylogic | because I had just said I would stop getting pissy at the mod because I had already gotten banned once this week | 23:05 |
mylogic | that's why | 23:05 |
mylogic | even though I hadn't done ANYTHING wrong other than made a typo earlier | 23:05 |
mylogic | which would have been a crude comment | 23:05 |
mylogic | but it was obviously not what was meant | 23:06 |
mylogic | ok whatever, I'll never talk about anything and whenever I see !stop I will stop talking | 23:06 |
LjL | your ban isn't going to be lifted at the present time. | 23:06 |
mylogic | <Flannel> mylogic: Come back here in 24 hours, and it'll likely all be taken care of. | 23:07 |
LjL | <LjL> your ban isn't going to be lifted at the present time. | 23:07 |
mylogic | Can I consult with flannel and bazhang then | 23:07 |
LjL | mylogic, you are free to PM anyone (unless they tell you not to) | 23:08 |
LjL | but that's not my concern | 23:08 |
mylogic | Well thank you for your help Lorenzo, it was surely appreciated | 23:10 |
LjL | mylogic: have you checked out these two things already? | 23:11 |
LjL | !coc > mylogic (mylogic, see the private message from ubottu) | 23:11 |
LjL | !guidelines > mylogic (mylogic, see the private message from ubottu) | 23:11 |
mylogic | Yes, I know them back to front now | 23:16 |
mylogic | they are very well written | 23:17 |
LjL | mylogic: that's a good start | 23:20 |
LjL | but to be very honest | 23:21 |
LjL | i'm not feeling especially well today, and while i might be prepared to believe that it was all due to miscommunication, i'd really like to review the issue another time | 23:21 |
LjL | feel free to talk with flannel and bazhang if you want, but rest assured i'll be talking to them as well | 23:22 |
mylogic | that's fine, I'll just wait around here until someone else comes around | 23:22 |
mylogic | and I'll be sure to rest with that assurance! | 23:22 |
LjL | mylogic, no sorry, you can't wait here, this channel is normally reserved to operator business. you should check back another time | 23:23 |
mylogic | this channel is here to resolve issues | 23:23 |
mylogic | and I'm not really convinced that it's resolved | 23:23 |
LjL | mylogic: not exclusively | 23:23 |
mylogic | according to the 'o holy link you just linked me to it is | 23:24 |
LjL | mylogic: it's also for ops to privately discuss | 23:24 |
LjL | if you don't mind | 23:24 |
mylogic | about to discuss some stuff with someone? | 23:24 |
LjL | no, because the someones concerned are currently away. | 23:24 |
LjL | anyway, that's none of your business, either. | 23:24 |
mylogic | ok, well I'll be at the keyboard, if they come and need me to leave I will, but until then I would rather wait for someone else to come around that I can talk to | 23:25 |
mylogic | I feel like the fact you are not feeling well is making you a little bias to this situation | 23:25 |
nalioth | mylogic: is the /topic misleading in some way? | 23:30 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Guys | 23:39 |
LjL | hi jjjjjjjdawwwwg | 23:39 |
LjL | how can we help you? | 23:39 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Can you please unban me from #ubuntu | 23:39 |
LjL | mylogic, i'm sorry but you seem to be idle and this channel needs to be vacated for its normal non-appeal non-conflict-resolution usage. | 23:39 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I really didn't know what I did was wong | 23:39 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Please, unban me, I really need chat support for this | 23:39 |
LjL | and he forgot the colon again | 23:39 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: one moment please | 23:39 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | You don't have to type my full name every time btw | 23:39 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | You can just call me Jeremy | 23:39 |
LjL | oh, it's you | 23:40 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Yeah | 23:40 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | And I'm very sorry for disrupting your sever | 23:40 |
LjL | why can't you just keep the same nickname? | 23:40 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Because the old nickname was just random characters | 23:40 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I couldn't remember what it was | 23:40 |
LjL | it was jeremy when you were banned | 23:40 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: also, it takes me no difficulty to type your nickname, as i merely have to type "j" then TAB | 23:41 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Yeah I know, then I changed it because I had to sign off and I didn't know how to make the little line next to my name | 23:41 |
LjL | !tab | 23:41 |
ubottu | You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 23:41 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg, you managed to flood both #kubuntu and #ubuntu in succession | 23:41 |
LjL | how can you justify that? | 23:41 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | well, in ubuntu | 23:41 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I only posted 3 times | 23:41 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I was wondering if what the person told me was a, i, an l, or a 1 | 23:41 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | and theo nly way I could know is by typing them i nthe window | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | And kubuntu yes I did spam | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Look, I didn't know it was wrong | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Can't you let me off with a warning, just this time? | 23:42 |
LjL | you didn't know that spamming is wrong? | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | No...First time I've ever been on IRC | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Please | 23:42 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I promise I will not break another rule again | 23:43 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I seriously do, and if I break one then I will leave and never come back | 23:43 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: you were asking about installing an IRCd, and you'd never been on IRC before? | 23:43 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | My friends were telling me about the programs I had to download and all that, I was just forwarding mesaes from here to them back and forth | 23:44 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I seriously had no clue spamming was wrong | 23:44 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Please, I only posted 3 characters in ubuntu, that's not a huge offense when you really consider it | 23:44 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Please cut me some slack here | 23:44 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | please | 23:46 |
LjL | no, i'm sorry, i don't believe you. | 23:46 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | OK, OK...I'm lying, I have been on IRC before and I did know that spamming was wrong and I didn;t know it was enforced and I was a noob and I'm sorry I didn't use my common sense like I should have | 23:47 |
LjL | it's good that you admit that, but it isn't good that you'd do something bad only because you assume the rules aren't enforced | 23:47 |
LjL | i'll give you something to read | 23:47 |
LjL | !etiquette > jjjjjjjdawwwwg (jjjjjjjdawwwwg, see the private message from ubottu) | 23:47 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | OK | 23:48 |
LjL | please, read it all carefully, especially the CoC (Code Of Conduct) and the guidelines | 23:48 |
LjL | i suggest you come back here when you're comfortable that you have understood it throroughly | 23:48 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I see | 23:50 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Well then, I shall reflect the considerate, respectful, collaborative concept of humanity toward others as you have so described to me. | 23:50 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | And will pose no further problems while using your server | 23:51 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | That is, if I'm allowed a second chance | 23:51 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I know that what I did wasn't right, and I'm sorry for it | 23:51 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: you will almost certainly be allowed a second chance, just not right now. | 23:52 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Why not now? | 23:52 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: it took you three minutes to read *and understand thoroughly* the things i gave you? i doubt it. | 23:53 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | Well the fact is I already know all of those | 23:54 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I understand the core values I need to be implementing while using your service, and I know already how people should be treated and respected | 23:54 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | and I understand the error I made earlier, and truly am sorry | 23:54 |
LjL | well, that only makes your lying more blatant and your spamming more gratuitous and obnoxious. | 23:55 |
LjL | if bans were liften on request, only after a short time they've been set, they wouldn't be any use. | 23:55 |
LjL | your ban isn't going to be lifted today - come back with fewer "pleases" when you think you know how to properly ask for the ban to be lifted, after having pondered on the documents you read. | 23:56 |
LjL | you said you know them already, but evidently you haven't given them enough attention (or considered them important enough) before. | 23:56 |
LjL | time to do that now. | 23:56 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I just don't see why I had absolutely no warning before I got banned | 23:56 |
LjL | jjjjjjjdawwwwg: that's because you were just banned from #kubuntu little earlier. | 23:56 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I had no idea why 3 lines of text is in any realm of thinking spamming | 23:57 |
LjL | that should be enough of a warning. | 23:57 |
jjjjjjjdawwwwg | I undesrtand what happened in kubuntu | 23:57 |
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