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handaxe | test | 11:58 |
handaxe | test02 | 11:59 |
* ara -> lunch | 13:02 | |
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ara | cr3: hey marc, quick one about checkbox, may I? | 15:54 |
cr3 | ara: sure, but I'm in the datacenter so my response time might not be ideal :) | 15:55 |
ara | cr3: just the temporal folder where results are stored | 15:55 |
ara | cr3 ^ | 15:55 |
ara | I said a quick one ;-) | 15:55 |
cr3 | ara: yep, /var/lib/checkbox | 15:58 |
ara | cr3: thanks :-) | 15:59 |
cr3 | ara: it's tricky how it's defined in order to work both in the source tree and in the installed package | 16:00 |
ara | cr3: ok, makes sense | 16:00 |
cr3 | ara: it is defined by the CHECKBOX_DATA environment variable, which can be specified at runtime: CHECKBOX_DATA=/tmp sudo -E checkbox-gtk | 16:01 |
cr3 | ara: otherwise, it is taken from the shell scripts under bin which point to "." in the source tree and replaced by /var/lib/checkbox in setup.py | 16:01 |
ara | cr3, thanks, I will add that information to the checkbox documentation | 16:01 |
cr3 | ara: thanks! | 16:02 |
cr3 | ara: you might also like to mention that CHECKBOX_SHARE is another environment variable which behaves essentially the same way | 16:02 |
cr3 | except that DATA is for variable data such as logs and SHARE is for shared read-only data such as plugins | 16:02 |
ara | cr3: ok, will do :) | 16:03 |
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nagappan | cr3, ping | 19:24 |
nagappan | cr3, when I try to access ubuntu-desktop-testing, I get connection timed out | 19:25 |
nagappan | cr3, http://pastebin.com/d76f2bf9e | 19:25 |
nagappan | cr3, I'm behind proxy | 19:25 |
nagappan | cr3, could you please help me ? | 19:26 |
cr3 | nagappan: I'll try here | 19:26 |
nagappan | cr3, sure | 19:27 |
cr3 | nagappan: works fine here, let me see something else... | 19:27 |
nagappan | cr3, sure, guess you are not using proxy ? | 19:27 |
nagappan | cr3, I have the environment variable set | 19:27 |
nagappan | nags@nalagappan:~/work$ echo $http_proxy | 19:28 |
nagappan | http://proxy.vmware.com:3128 | 19:28 |
cr3 | nagappan: 3128, squid? :) | 19:28 |
nagappan | cr3, yes | 19:28 |
cr3 | nagappan: you guys rock at vmware :) | 19:28 |
nagappan | cr3, :D | 19:28 |
cr3 | nagappan: try setting https://proxy.vmware.com:3128, I have systems behind a proxy too so I can try at the same time | 19:29 |
nagappan | cr3, in VMware they use most FOSS projects, bugzilla, helpzilla, Ubuntu, mailman, squid and many more | 19:29 |
nagappan | cr3, our default development platform for Linux is Ubuntu :) | 19:30 |
nagappan | cr3, let me try | 19:30 |
nagappan | cr3, no luck, I set like this - export http_proxy=https://proxy.vmware.com:3128 | 19:32 |
cr3 | err, https_proxy... anyways, I tried and it doesn't work either. I'd like to see what bzr does but -v is useless and the ENVIRONMENT section doesn't provide further hints for more verbose debugging | 19:32 |
nagappan | cr3, I'm using Ubuntu 8.10 | 19:33 |
nagappan | cr3, any other info, shall I provide ? | 19:33 |
cr3 | nagappan: that's good so far, I can reproduce the problem so I can work on this for a bit | 19:34 |
nagappan | cr3, sure :) | 19:34 |
nagappan | cr3, ara found some issue while testing seahorse and she wants me to reproduce it | 19:35 |
nagappan | cr3, thought will try at work today | 19:35 |
cr3 | nagappan: connect(4, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(443), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused) | 19:37 |
cr3 | nagappan: so, it seems that bzr is still trying to connect directly... still looking | 19:37 |
nagappan | cr3, ok | 19:37 |
nagappan | cr3, thanks :) | 19:37 |
cr3 | nagappan: I know that I've had issues with some python network libraries when dealing with https over proxies, I've had to spend quite a bit of time getting it right | 19:38 |
nagappan | cr3, ah ! ok :) | 19:40 |
cr3 | strace is the debug flag for bzr :) | 19:41 |
cr3 | nagappan: http_proxy=http://proxy.vmware.com:3128 bzr branch http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-testing/trunk | 19:48 |
cr3 | nagappan: there's a bug regarding python xmlrpc libs and https proxies... just what I suspected :) | 19:48 |
nagappan | cr3, cool, thanks, let me try and update you | 19:48 |
cr3 | strace is my best friend, that's how sad my social life has become | 19:49 |
nagappan | cr3, :D | 19:49 |
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nagappan | cr3, some message displayed like this, http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-testing/trunk/ is redirected to https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-testing/trunk/ | 19:50 |
nagappan | cr3, will there be any indicator of downloading files ? | 19:50 |
cr3 | nagappan: if it doesn't work, try https_proxy in addition to http_proxy | 19:50 |
nagappan | cr3, sure | 19:50 |
cr3 | nagappan: worked for me | 19:51 |
nagappan | cr3, no luck for me :( | 19:51 |
nagappan | cr3, sorry | 19:51 |
cr3 | nagappan: this was my command, might be useful for you to debug as well: http_proxy= https_proxy= strace -e trace=connect bzr -Dhttps branch http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-testing/trunk | 19:51 |
nagappan | cr3, it worked now | 19:51 |
nagappan | cr3, after some long delay | 19:51 |
cr3 | nagappan: excellent, all set? | 19:52 |
nagappan | cr3, https_proxy=http://proxy.vmware.com:3128 bzr branch https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-desktop-testing/trunk | 19:52 |
nagappan | cr3, yes, everything fine | 19:52 |
cr3 | cool, happy testing then! :) | 19:52 |
nagappan | cr3, thanks :) | 19:53 |
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