
newz2000hi qense16:11
tannmanthis the correct room for assistance?16:14
thorwilhi newz2000. i still see the pixelated brainstorm logo on http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate16:42
newz2000hi thorwil, that's on my list to do today16:42
thorwilah, ok :)16:42
newz2000I had some time off last week and just didn't get that done before I left16:42
nandoh hai!16:43
newz2000hey nand16:44
nandnewz2000: did I remember correctly that you were talking about a inter website navigation a while ago?16:44
newz2000I was talking about it but never came up with a solution16:44
nandokay. If you're interested, we may talk a bit about it at the UDS, I have some little ideas, but I need some background to see if they're feasible16:46
newz2000nand: I won't be a UDS, sending to the mailing list is probably the best way16:46
nandokay, I'll give my ideas there then (I'm at work right now)16:47
newz2000nand: will you be at UDS?16:47
newz2000make sure to introduce yourself to Julian, he's the guy Mark S hired to be in charge of Ubuntu's prettyness16:48
newz2000I know he's putting a lot of thought into the website's appearance16:49
nandJulian how?16:49
newz2000I don't understand that question16:49
nandhis last name? :)16:50
newz2000Maybe Julian who?16:50
nandyah :)16:50
newz2000let me look it up16:50
nand(french deformation)16:50
thorwilnand: just think of the doctor ;)16:50
newz2000Julian Hubbard16:50
nandnewz2000: okay thanks for the tip!16:51
newz2000my pleasure16:51
newz2000since I'm not going to UDS during that week I'll be at a drupal training conference www.doitwithdrupal.com16:52
nandyou're a drupal fan?16:52
newz2000I'm hoping to learn how to improve the websit a lot16:52
thorwilthat url sounds naughty16:52
newz2000nand: I wouldn't say a fan, but it's a tool I use to solve problems16:52
* nand is currently working on the drupal powered www.france24.com16:52
newz2000I really wish there were better solutions out there but haven't found anything yet16:53
nandIn my opinion, Drupal is really powerful, once you have spend months with it and you understand it16:53
newz2000I'd trade some of its power if it made life easier16:54
newz2000for example, a lady is updating www.canonical.com's landscape section on a staging server16:54
thorwili still shudder when thinking of drupal css, after exposure to it because of ardour.org :)16:54
newz2000she has to upload the full content to staging but there's no way to go from staging to live without rebuilding it all a second time16:54
nandin fact, you can work with drupal in two ways : 1) by ignoring almost all his features : fast and easy, but harder to maintain or 2) longer to learn, but fast and easy to maintain :)16:54
nandnewz2000: yeah the staging - production is also one of the main issue here16:55
nandbut they got used to it : recording all changes done during dev, and they have two prod server : one act as the prod, the other as the preprod, with a replicated DB16:56
nandwhen we want to go live, we isolate preprod, we make the changes we made during dev, and preprod become prod. And prop become preprod.16:57
newz2000I mean, it is an interesting solution16:57
newz2000but it assumes you deploy changes to a website like a software company deploys updates to software. All at once.16:58
nandwell, preprod DB is disconnected from prod DB for less than 10mn, time during which we apply dev SQL changes, and then we switch16:59
nandand this time can be reduced to zero, if no manual sql changes17:00
nandand of course, all in SVN, so that code upgrade is as simple as a svn up17:02
newz2000A while back I created a python module that could publish or modify content on a drupal site using the xml-rpc api.17:02
newz2000I thought it would be nifty to create a django app that published content to a drupal site17:02
newz2000Use a django based web front end and it would publish to staging for approval and then after sign-off push the same content to live17:03
nandwhy not use a module that will by default set new content as not published?17:04
newz2000that doesn't allow you to make changes to content, it would only affect new pages17:04
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