apadox | knome, it does | 00:02 |
apadox | it did on kde and gnome | 00:02 |
sizzam | is there a way to disable window shade on mousewheel? | 00:34 |
=== danopia__ is now known as danopia | ||
__BSD__ | Hey guys, no matter how long i set the screensaver for, (2 hours), the monitor goes off after 5 mins, is there a command line option or something ? | 03:08 |
atarinox | If I needed to reinstall Ubuntu, but wanted to restore all my settings/apps on the new install, can I just save my current /home folder and replace the new one? | 03:12 |
zoredache | atarinox: if you want to save everything, you probably should also backup /etc, and /var | 04:06 |
zoredache | __BSD__: does the monitor have its own powermangment settings perhaps? | 04:07 |
atarinox | zoredache, and do I just replace the folders on the new install? | 04:07 |
atarinox | zoredache: also, if I just copy/paste these folders, will all the hidden files/folders be included? | 04:08 |
__BSD__ | no its not that zoredache | 04:08 |
zoredache | atarinox: you would do that for your /home. the /etc, and /var you probably just will want to save so you can pick and choose what you need | 04:08 |
__BSD__ | i only have this issue with xfce | 04:08 |
tegshee | hi all. how to change task list arrange? | 04:38 |
tegshee | in gnome I can move task, in xfce I can not | 04:40 |
tegshee | ? | 04:40 |
tegshee | how to change order of windows in task list? | 05:10 |
quizme_ | hello, i want to download the latest of xubuntu (8.10) using a torrent. which one should i download? 32 bit on or 64 bit one? | 05:47 |
quizme_ | it's a new computer | 05:47 |
quizme_ | so most likely the 64 bit one ? | 05:47 |
quizme_ | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/8.10/release/xubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64.iso.torrent | 05:47 |
quizme_ | is that right? | 05:47 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_, I recommend you confirm the architecture first. Which processor are you running? | 06:06 |
quizme_ | kksm19820117: honestly i don't know | 06:06 |
quizme_ | kksm19820117: let me check | 06:06 |
quizme_ | my friend installed xp on my box and i'm trying to get rid of it | 06:09 |
quizme_ | he installed a weird version of linux on it | 06:09 |
quizme_ | dual book | 06:09 |
quizme_ | boot | 06:09 |
quizme_ | i think i have to repartition the HD too | 06:09 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_< Looks likely, if you want to remove Windows. | 06:10 |
Odd-rationale | if you are not sure, you should probably get the i386 version... as it will also run on 64bit cpapble processors... unless, of course, you know you have a sparcs or powerpc or something... | 06:10 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_< Whatever your course of action, first determine whether your system is 32 bit or 64 bit. The market, at least over here in India, seems quite balanced right now. | 06:10 |
quizme_ | ohh | 06:12 |
quizme_ | ok | 06:12 |
quizme_ | in windows xp | 06:12 |
quizme_ | how do i check? | 06:12 |
Odd-rationale | uh, i dunno... :| | 06:12 |
quizme_ | oh | 06:13 |
Odd-rationale | :P | 06:13 |
quizme_ | AMD Athlon(tml) 64X2 Dual | 06:13 |
Odd-rationale | been a long time since i used an xp system... | 06:13 |
quizme_ | Core Processor 5000+, 2.6 Ghz , 1.75 GB Ram , | 06:13 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_< 64 bit it is then. | 06:13 |
quizme_ | Physical Address Extension | 06:13 |
quizme_ | whatever that means | 06:13 |
quizme_ | ok | 06:13 |
quizme_ | good | 06:13 |
quizme_ | then i'm downloading the right one... | 06:13 |
quizme_ | thanks | 06:13 |
Odd-rationale | also beware that 64 bit might have some issues with compatibility... | 06:14 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_< Lucky you. I have an AMD Athlon 2000XP+ :( | 06:14 |
quizme_ | wonderful | 06:14 |
Odd-rationale | as not all apps are ported to 64bit yet... notable flash... | 06:14 |
quizme_ | that's what i love | 06:14 |
quizme_ | compatability issues | 06:14 |
quizme_ | ohh | 06:14 |
quizme_ | hmm | 06:14 |
quizme_ | that sucks | 06:14 |
quizme_ | crap | 06:14 |
quizme_ | what should i do then ? | 06:14 |
quizme_ | download the 32 bit? | 06:15 |
quizme_ | cuz i want to do Flex development | 06:15 |
kksm19820117 | Odd-rationale< So flash won't run on a 64bit OS? | 06:15 |
Odd-rationale | !64bit | 06:15 |
ubottu | AMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information. | 06:15 |
Odd-rationale | kksm19820117: there are work arounds... :P | 06:15 |
Odd-rationale | although, in just the past month, adobe has just released there beta version of 64flash for linux... | 06:16 |
quizme_ | odd-rationale: so i have to do some weird stuff to make flash work? | 06:16 |
Odd-rationale | so... | 06:16 |
quizme_ | oh | 06:16 |
quizme_ | ok | 06:16 |
quizme_ | cool | 06:16 |
quizme_ | i'll just use the beta version then | 06:16 |
Odd-rationale | quizme_: i'm not exactly sure how it all works right now... but it has been an issue in the past... | 06:16 |
quizme_ | odd-rationale: do u mean the Flash Player? or Flash IDE ? | 06:16 |
Odd-rationale | the flash player, i beleive.. | 06:17 |
quizme_ | well | 06:17 |
quizme_ | i'll risk it | 06:17 |
* kksm19820117 won't part with his 32bit AMD Athlon 1.6GHz + 1GB DDR system very soon - although he wishes he could. | 06:17 | |
quizme_ | it's kind of lame to have a 64 bit machine and not use it | 06:17 |
Odd-rationale | http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/11/17/168212&from=rss | 06:17 |
Odd-rationale | quizme_: did you read the tinyurl ubottu gave above? | 06:18 |
quizme_ | not yet | 06:18 |
quizme_ | reading... | 06:18 |
quizme_ | it's asking for my credit card | 06:19 |
quizme_ | wtf! | 06:19 |
quizme_ | j/k | 06:19 |
quizme_ | :) | 06:19 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
Odd-rationale | also, the slashdot article has some info... | 06:19 |
quizme_ | bloody hell | 06:20 |
quizme_ | i have to do manual stuff | 06:21 |
Odd-rationale | quizme_: if you are new to ubuntu/linux, then i would suggest to start off with the i386 image... when you are more comfortable and are sure this is what you want, then swith over to 64 bit... you will need to reinstall, but... better that way... | 06:21 |
quizme_ | no it's ok | 06:21 |
quizme_ | i'm sure i want xubuntu | 06:21 |
quizme_ | cuz all the guys i know use it | 06:22 |
quizme_ | when do u think the biarch thing will be ready for xubuntu ? | 06:22 |
quizme_ | within 6 months ? | 06:22 |
Odd-rationale | no idea... | 06:22 |
quizme_ | .... | 06:25 |
quizme_ | crap | 06:25 |
quizme_ | not sure what to do | 06:25 |
quizme_ | i think i'll just go for 64 bit | 06:26 |
Odd-rationale | just way the benefits of 64bit against the convenience of 32bit... | 06:26 |
Odd-rationale | s/way/weigh | 06:26 |
quizme_ | hmm | 06:26 |
quizme_ | yeah | 06:27 |
quizme_ | i think 32 bit is the way to go if u put it like that | 06:27 |
Odd-rationale | for different people, it may have different weights... | 06:27 |
quizme_ | *sigh* | 06:29 |
Odd-rationale | :P | 06:29 |
quizme_ | i'm just going to go 64 bit | 06:30 |
quizme_ | what's the performance difference between 32 bit and 64 bit | 06:31 |
quizme_ | factor of 2 / | 06:31 |
quizme_ | ? | 06:31 |
Odd-rationale | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64bit#32_vs_64_bit | 06:32 |
Odd-rationale | i think it also depends on how well the program is designed to work with the 64 bit architeture | 06:33 |
kksm19820117 | quizme_< I'd say you're inclined towards the 64bit. Install it, and try it. If you don't like it, install the 32bit version. Also, you mentioned your friends use it - find out if they have 64bit systems and see how convinient it is. | 06:35 |
Odd-rationale | anyways, gtg... ttyl | 06:36 |
quizme_ | odd-rationale: thanks for your help | 06:47 |
quizme_ | kksm19820117: I just read the wiki article. It sounds like a pain. I think i'm going to use 32 bit. | 06:47 |
quizme_ | i'm gonna wait until things have stabilized | 06:48 |
quizme_ | i don't want to deal with hardware issues.... | 06:48 |
slimjimflim | anybody know how to get x terminal to flash the taskbar when i send it (for instance) a beep through irssi | 10:00 |
ooglebutte | afk that would depend if your terminal of choice has that ability - man xfce4-terminal might give a clue | 10:05 |
ooglebutte | *afaik even | 10:05 |
slimjimflim | heh | 10:06 |
slimjimflim | ooglebutte, doesn't say jack about it in the man | 10:11 |
ooglebutte | didn't think it would be an option that would be necessary for terminals... | 10:12 |
ooglebutte | xchat flashing the taskbar is the closest I've seen about that | 10:13 |
slimjimflim | yea, that's what i'm going for | 10:13 |
ooglebutte | irssi is meant to be pretty minimal | 10:13 |
slimjimflim | maybe w/ a different terminal emulator | 10:14 |
ooglebutte | there'splenty around | 10:14 |
slimjimflim | well irssi can do it | 10:14 |
ooglebutte | oohh | 10:14 |
slimjimflim | i just say /beep to test it | 10:14 |
Myrtti | the issue is with the task list | 10:14 |
Myrtti | well, the issue would be most easily managed with the task list | 10:15 |
slimjimflim | i just had to do /set bell_beeps = ON | 10:15 |
slimjimflim | myrtti, task list? | 10:15 |
Myrtti | the part of your panel that contains the open windows | 10:16 |
Myrtti | or the list of them | 10:16 |
Myrtti | but actually, now that I think how AWN works... even that wouldn't help | 10:16 |
slimjimflim | o, i'd been calling that the taskbar ;) | 10:16 |
Myrtti | (I've not had coffee yet and it's past noon, sorry) | 10:17 |
slimjimflim | lol | 10:17 |
curly752 | gday folks | 10:18 |
slimjimflim | oye | 10:18 |
ooglebutte | !hi | curly752 | 10:18 |
ubottu | curly752: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! | 10:18 |
slimjimflim | wow, your bot is just full of useful facts | 10:19 |
curly752 | i still have an annoying webcam problem.... can anyone here throw any light on why the Philips SPC900NC, a very popular webcam, has fallen off the USB vendor ID list? | 10:19 |
TheSheep | curly752: you use v4l? | 10:20 |
curly752 | yes i do | 10:21 |
TheSheep | curly752: v4l2 has support for a lot more webcams | 10:21 |
curly752 | yes i am aware of that.... | 10:21 |
TheSheep | maybe they dropped it in v4l because it's now in v4l2 | 10:21 |
TheSheep | just a guess | 10:22 |
curly752 | but i downloaded the vendor ID list and somehow my cam has dropped off... to be replaced by a Creative driver.... | 10:22 |
curly752 | which shouldnt happen | 10:22 |
curly752 | i have emailed the RedHat v4l team after speaking to Greg Koah-Hartman, who agres with me | 10:23 |
slimjimflim | myrtti, anyway, i don't think it's the task list's fault cause i've been able to do it w/ firefox and xchat fine | 10:23 |
Myrtti | slimjimflim: yeah... | 10:24 |
curly752 | but RedHat hasnt yet replied | 10:24 |
slimjimflim | Myrtti: and i just tried it w/ konsole, and it beeped but didn't flash | 10:25 |
slimjimflim | lemme mess w/ konsole config a sec | 10:25 |
curly752 | and even if v4l2 has more cams... surely the cam model is picked up from the vendor ID still? | 10:25 |
TheSheep | curly752: no idea, I suppose you will get more informtion from the v4l team | 10:26 |
curly752 | thanks anyways bud.... 'm getting a bruise from banging my head in annoyance lol | 10:26 |
TheSheep | patience grasshopper :) | 10:27 |
curly752 | and eyes to match lol | 10:27 |
curly752 | ttfn | 10:28 |
ooglebutte | ttfn? | 10:29 |
TheSheep | ta ta for now | 10:30 |
ooglebutte | hehe thnx TheSheep :) | 10:31 |
slimjimflim | it's a british thing | 10:32 |
ooglebutte | little finger in the air sort of thing? | 10:33 |
ooglebutte | :) | 10:34 |
slimjimflim | probably all 5 | 10:34 |
ooglebutte | hehe | 10:35 |
dubi | hello | 10:43 |
ooglebutte | dubi: how's xubuntu for you ? :) | 10:45 |
dubi | cool | 10:48 |
dubi | better than ubuntu at least :) | 10:48 |
dubi | though i sometimes miss gnome | 10:49 |
ooglebutte | :) I think it looks good in blue | 10:49 |
dubi | hehehe it does | 10:49 |
dubi | xubuntu has been awesome because it is faster in terms of gui responsiveness | 10:50 |
ooglebutte | there's good work done here! | 10:52 |
dubi | awesome :) glad to see you enthusiastic about it :) anyway do you happen to know a good xfire replacement? for games | 10:53 |
ooglebutte | I use pysol for card games | 10:55 |
ooglebutte | I don't know xfire tho | 10:55 |
dubi | its a program used by other programs (games) to help people find other people playing on a network | 10:56 |
ooglebutte | !games | 11:00 |
ubottu | Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 11:00 |
dubi | cool thanks :) | 11:00 |
ooglebutte | np | 11:01 |
dubi | are you a developer? | 11:01 |
ooglebutte | far from it - just an end user | 11:02 |
ooglebutte | there's #xubuntu-devel for an oppurtunity to talk to them and the mailing list | 11:03 |
dubi | oh wow... this open source thing really is cool aint it... its becoming a religion | 11:03 |
ooglebutte | I get so much from their work I feel the need to pay some sort of effort back in return | 11:04 |
knome | que? | 11:05 |
dubi | how do you return it? | 11:05 |
knome | who talked 'bout -devel | 11:05 |
knome | dubi, there are many ways: http://xubuntu.com/contribute | 11:06 |
dubi | ummm ooglebutte in particular | 11:06 |
knome | dubi, you're more than welcome to contribute as well ;) | 11:06 |
ooglebutte | hi knome :) | 11:07 |
knome | hello ooglebutte | 11:07 |
dubi | knome thats awesome, i think i will, | 11:07 |
knome | gnaah, i'm hungry | 11:09 |
ooglebutte | !gnash | 11:10 |
ubottu | An open source flash replacement. It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/ | 11:10 |
knome | nope, not gnash ;) | 11:10 |
ooglebutte | err that was for me - sorry | 11:11 |
ooglebutte | it's still beta | 11:11 |
knome | hehe, no problem. :) | 11:12 |
defenceminister | Does anyone know how to restrict the length of a folder name shown when navigating with console? | 11:13 |
Myrtti | "use zsh" | 11:14 |
Myrtti | *cough* | 11:15 |
Myrtti | sorry | 11:15 |
* dubi hands Myrtti some cough syrup | 11:16 | |
knome | Myrtti, suppose bash could do that as well :P | 11:26 |
knome | Myrtti, get your 'rse 'ere, i'm doing some lunch :P | 11:26 |
Myrtti | knome: I was just planning to go to Duo to have some French latte | 11:27 |
knome | nah... | 11:27 |
Myrtti | at Roberts | 11:27 |
knome | this weather sucks | 11:27 |
Myrtti | indeed | 11:27 |
knome | well, back to kitchen :P | 11:27 |
knome | -> | 11:27 |
Mooch | anyone know how to open a iso file | 11:58 |
Myrtti | !iso | 11:58 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 11:58 |
Mooch | ah ok so do sudo to open | 11:59 |
Mooch | mountpoint is where U want the file to install at ? | 12:00 |
TheSheep | it's a directory in which all the files will be visible | 12:02 |
Mooch | so would I type 'sudo mount -o loop <filename> <desktop> ? is that correct? | 12:04 |
Myrtti | no | 12:05 |
TheSheep | no, make an empty directory | 12:05 |
TheSheep | and use that | 12:05 |
Myrtti | and replace <mountpoint> with that | 12:05 |
Myrtti | and <filename> with the filename of the iso | 12:05 |
Mooch | I hate to ask a stupid question but how do you create an empty directory | 12:07 |
Myrtti | mkdir | 12:07 |
Mooch | so let me get this straight 'sudo mount *o loop <filename> mkdir? | 12:09 |
Mooch | -o | 12:09 |
TheSheep | no | 12:10 |
TheSheep | first make a new, empty directory with 'mkdir empty_directory' | 12:10 |
Mooch | ok | 12:10 |
Mooch | then type the command | 12:10 |
TheSheep | then mount your iso at it with 'sudo mount -o loop my_iso_file.iso empty_directory' | 12:11 |
Mooch | ok now I got it | 12:11 |
TheSheep | but I think you can just open the iso file with file roller too | 12:11 |
Mooch | I don't think I have file roller | 12:11 |
TheSheep | !info fileroller | 12:12 |
ubottu | Package fileroller does not exist in intrepid | 12:12 |
TheSheep | !info file-roller | 12:12 |
ubottu | file-roller (source: file-roller): an archive manager for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 696 kB, installed size 5832 kB | 12:12 |
Mooch | TheSheep: what would be easier file roller or the command? | 12:13 |
TheSheep | Mooch: just clicking on the file doesn't open it? | 12:14 |
Mooch | I know | 12:15 |
Mooch | file roller doesn't file right? | 12:15 |
Mooch | install* | 12:16 |
TheSheep | it should be installed by default | 12:16 |
Mooch | can I get file roller through 'add applications' | 12:18 |
TheSheep | Mooch: it's already installed | 12:19 |
TheSheep | Mooch: just click on the .iso file, select 'open with' and choose file roller from the list | 12:19 |
TheSheep | Mooch: it's called 'Archive manager', sorry | 12:20 |
Mooch | but thats just it, it doesn't give me the option of chossing archive manager | 12:20 |
Mooch | only bittorrent | 12:20 |
TheSheep | Mooch: right-click, select from menu 'open with other application' | 12:21 |
TheSheep | why would you open .iso files with a bittorrent? are you sure it's not a .torrent file? | 12:21 |
Mooch | its a torrent file I downloaded | 12:22 |
Mooch | when I use bittorrent I get the following error | 12:22 |
Mooch | hang on while it loads up | 12:23 |
Mooch | 'the format of this archive is not recognized' | 12:25 |
ladanz | hi knome | 12:25 |
Mooch | what does this mean The Sheep | 12:26 |
ladanz | hi @ all | 12:26 |
TheSheep | Mooch: it means that it's a torrent file, not an iso file | 12:26 |
TheSheep | you have to download the iso file using bittorrent | 12:26 |
ladanz | can someone give me the catchphrase for a nice video editiong tool for *ubuntu | 12:26 |
TheSheep | torrent files are just 'links' to the files | 12:27 |
TheSheep | ladanz: kino | 12:27 |
ladanz | is it kde? | 12:27 |
TheSheep | no | 12:27 |
ladanz | thanks, i will try it! | 12:27 |
TheSheep | ladanz: look at medibuntu application list, there are more | 12:27 |
Mooch | The Sheep so what do I need to do? I downloaded the torrent thninking it was the file but since its not what next | 12:28 |
TheSheep | Mooch: open transmission, and drag the torrent file into it | 12:28 |
TheSheep | Mooch: it will download the right file then | 12:28 |
Mooch | ok | 12:29 |
Mooch | wheres transmission | 12:29 |
TheSheep | under network | 12:29 |
Mooch | ok | 12:29 |
Mooch | dont see it | 12:30 |
Mooch | ummm any other place | 12:31 |
TheSheep | what version of xubuntu is that? | 12:31 |
Mooch | dapper drake | 12:31 |
TheSheep | that's ancient | 12:31 |
TheSheep | you should be able to add it via add applications | 12:31 |
Mooch | ok let me try that | 12:32 |
knome | !dapper | 12:32 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details. | 12:32 |
knome | uh... | 12:32 |
knome | well it's a LTS:) | 12:32 |
Mooch | hey knome | 12:32 |
ladanz | kino plays my .ogv file incredible fast, is this default, or is it just me? | 12:32 |
TheSheep | it didn't have a torrent client yet, and used xarchiver for archive management | 12:33 |
Mooch | talking to The sheep about the torrent I downloaded | 12:33 |
Mooch | I got Xubuntu 8.04 alnternate but its a torrent | 12:34 |
TheSheep | Mooch: you can also download the iso directly | 12:34 |
TheSheep | Mooch: the same place where you got the torrent | 12:34 |
knome | hello Mooch. | 12:35 |
Mooch | problem is my connection is not exactly stable | 12:35 |
TheSheep | Mooch: but once you have it, you don't want to open it, you want to burn it to a disk | 12:35 |
knome | Mooch, have you already downloaded it? | 12:35 |
knome | Mooch, or is it the *torrent* file | 12:35 |
Mooch | the torrent knome | 12:35 |
knome | ok, so you don't want to open it in archive manager but transmission/other torrent client | 12:36 |
knome | you need to get the *real* iso before you can burn it to a cd | 12:36 |
knome | TheSheep, was updating from 6.06 to 8.any supported anymore? | 12:36 |
TheSheep | knome: should be, updating between all lts version should be supported, afaik | 12:37 |
TheSheep | !update | 12:37 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes | 12:37 |
Mooch | I'm confused whats the purpose of downloading the torrent? | 12:38 |
knome | Mooch, you don't need to download it, if you want to upgrade | 12:38 |
knome | Mooch, you can just upgrade | 12:38 |
TheSheep | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes#From%207.10%20or%206.06%20LTS%20to%208.04%20LTS | 12:38 |
knome | Mooch, see the link TheSheep just pasted | 12:38 |
Mooch | knome tell me how to upgrade | 12:39 |
TheSheep | actually https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades#Upgrade%20from%206.06%20LTS%20to%208.04%20LTS | 12:39 |
knome | Mooch, ^ the last one | 12:39 |
Mooch | ok give me a sec | 12:39 |
Mooch | ok | 12:39 |
Mooch | so upgrading is the best way to go | 12:40 |
TheSheep | dunno, never done it | 12:40 |
Mooch | its telling me I have to apply all updates before upgrading that true knomw and The Sheep | 12:41 |
knome | Mooch, yes. | 12:43 |
Mooch | ok I was trying to avoid that but it may pay off in the long run | 12:44 |
knome | yes | 12:44 |
knome | you should always install updates | 12:44 |
Mooch | knome let me ask you something when I download anything with cupsys it kills my modem driver why | 12:46 |
Mooch | or my modem | 12:46 |
knome | no idea | 12:46 |
knome | it really shouldn't | 12:46 |
knome | are you on a modem connection? | 12:46 |
Mooch | yeah | 12:47 |
knome | ok, so can you get the connection up again after you've installed cupsys? | 12:47 |
vidd | cupsys is the network printing | 12:48 |
Mooch | no it takes out the modem | 12:48 |
vidd | Mooch, did you manually install the modem drivers? | 12:49 |
Mooch | yeah its weird but i talk to someone about it he told me that updates or anything related to printing can cause my modem to not be recognized | 12:49 |
Mooch | yep | 12:49 |
Mooch | hey vidd haven't seen U in a while | 12:49 |
vidd | Mooch, how did you manually install the modem drivers? | 12:51 |
knome | i have to go now. | 12:51 |
knome | see you guys later. | 12:51 |
Mooch | later knome talk to U later | 12:51 |
Mooch | vidd went to pctel website forgot the name and used the commands there | 12:52 |
Mooch | it was a real pain | 12:52 |
Mooch | since dapper is so old some key components I had to install manually to get my modem driver to work | 12:53 |
vidd | dapper "so old" .... heh...thats amusing | 12:55 |
vidd | considering that windows xp was almost 7 years old before vista | 12:55 |
vidd | Mooch, anyway.... | 12:55 |
vidd | do you have the restricted drivers enabled? | 12:56 |
Mooch | yeah xp is still better in my opinion | 12:56 |
Mooch | vidd where do I check that | 12:56 |
vidd | Mooch, i hope you mean "better then vista", and not "better then linux" | 12:56 |
Mooch | oh yeah of course I love linux | 12:57 |
Mooch | linux is the king of all | 12:57 |
vidd | Applications->system->Hardware Drivers | 12:57 |
Mooch | ok give me a sec | 12:57 |
Mooch | hey vidd I have the xfce menu I don't see applications | 12:59 |
vidd | that is the applications menu | 12:59 |
Mooch | don't see hardware drivers | 13:00 |
Mooch | hang ona minute vidd | 13:00 |
Mooch | ok back | 13:09 |
Mooch | the hardware drivers where is that located | 13:10 |
Mooch | vidd is it uner systme or............ | 13:12 |
vidd | yes...at least it should be | 13:13 |
vidd | it might be listed as "restricted drivers" | 13:13 |
Mooch | hmm give a sec let me see | 13:15 |
Mooch | In gnome u can everything u need on xfce its almost like everything is hid | 13:16 |
Mooch | find* | 13:16 |
vidd | Mooch, in terminal type "jockey-gtk" | 13:16 |
sinbox | gethostbyname error << on 7.10 << any idea why this might be? | 13:16 |
Mooch | ok | 13:17 |
vidd | sinbox, is 7.10 even supported? | 13:17 |
Myrtti | vidd: yes it is | 13:17 |
Myrtti | non-lts' get 18 months | 13:18 |
* vidd sucks at math as well as spelling =] | 13:18 | |
Mooch | vidd it failed | 13:18 |
sinbox | well, I'm loathe to upgrade as I have lots of stuff I compiled and am not sure it's going to work if I move up to 8.04 | 13:19 |
vidd | sinbox, what were you trying to do? | 13:19 |
Mooch | my spelling isn't that great either | 13:19 |
sinbox | trying to run darkice to stream, apparently this is possibly an /etc/hohsts error vidd | 13:19 |
sinbox | /etc/hosts* | 13:19 |
vidd | sinbox, sounds like a DNS issue to me | 13:20 |
vidd | sinbox, do "nslookup [sightname] | 13:20 |
vidd | does it resolve? | 13:20 |
vidd | Mooch, file not found? | 13:21 |
sinbox | yes it resolves vidd | 13:21 |
Mooch | vidd failed to run | 13:21 |
vidd | Mooch, apt-get autoremove --purge it then apt-get install it | 13:22 |
vidd | sinbox, so is this error you get from terminal? firefox? some other app? | 13:22 |
sinbox | trying to start darkice from terminal, I actually built this one from source | 13:23 |
Mooch | vidd it doesn't exit | 13:24 |
Mooch | exist | 13:24 |
Mooch | geese my spelling is terrible today | 13:24 |
vidd | Mooch, that would explain why it failed to load =] | 13:25 |
Mooch | yeah didn't read the entire message | 13:25 |
vidd | sinbox, what is wrong with the version in the repo's? | 13:25 |
Mooch | let me see if I can find my drivers | 13:26 |
vidd | Mooch, i know they had restricted drivers in dapper back in the day.... | 13:26 |
sinbox | only streams ogg/vorbis and my listeners are [deleted expletive] | 13:26 |
Mooch | ok | 13:26 |
vidd | Mooch, but i dont know what the app was called back then | 13:26 |
Mooch | strange though when anything related to printing it takes my modem down for the count | 13:27 |
Mooch | I wish I had the moulah to get me an external modem | 13:28 |
vidd | sinbox, can you telnet the hostname on the needed port? (this checks for firewalling issues) | 13:28 |
sinbox | erm, would this be something along the lines of: telnet [hostname] [port] ?? | 13:29 |
vidd | Mooch, your modem is the network....cups accesses your network... | 13:29 |
vidd | sinbox, yes | 13:29 |
Mooch | why does it kill my modem though | 13:29 |
vidd | sinbox, you asked b4 i could examplize it =] | 13:29 |
Mooch | I don't do much printing | 13:29 |
sinbox | it connected without a hitch vidd | 13:30 |
vidd | Mooch, because you have a hack-up driver | 13:30 |
sinbox | DarkIce: TcpSocket.cpp:224: gethostbyname error [110] | 13:30 |
sinbox | is the full error message I get in terminal vidd | 13:30 |
Mooch | what do U mean hack up | 13:30 |
vidd | Mooch, you most likely have what is called a "winModem | 13:31 |
vidd | 95% of dial-up modems are winmodems | 13:31 |
vidd | winmodems, as you can expect, dont play nice with linux so the drivers are pretty much hacked up code | 13:32 |
Mooch | I figured that I hope I am able to get drivers beyond xubuntu 8.10 | 13:33 |
Mooch | if not it will external modem for me | 13:33 |
vidd | there is a winmodem driver out there somewhere that jockey will auto-locate for you and install | 13:33 |
vidd | sinbox, has this ever worked? | 13:34 |
sinbox | D'oh! | 13:34 |
sinbox | just found my mistake, put me instocks and throw rotten vegetables at me if you want | 13:34 |
Mooch | oh really tell me | 13:34 |
vidd | sinbox, fat fingers? | 13:35 |
sinbox | typolexia in my config file :) | 13:36 |
sinbox | now working here: http://hopefull.spc.org:8010/wirelessfm.m3u | 13:36 |
* sinbox jumps for joy | 13:36 | |
vidd | sinbox, told ya it sounded like a dns issue =] | 13:37 |
sinbox | all I need to do now is work out why the bloody thing would not build on 8.04, I guess I should redownload the whole package on the other machine | 13:37 |
vidd | sinbox, if you compiled from source, why not make it a .deb? | 13:38 |
sinbox | well, I used checkinstall so it did make a deb ;-) | 13:39 |
sinbox | guess i could just use that on the other machine | 13:39 |
Mooch | brb vidd making something to eat | 13:40 |
sinbox | but I first need to make sure it has everything installed on it, or will the deb make sure all the dependencies are satisfied and tell me if they are not? | 13:40 |
vidd | sinbox, thats exactly why ya make the deb =] | 13:41 |
sinbox | ok I'll do this then, thanks vidd | 13:41 |
Mooch | ok vidd this doesn't make any sense to me a external modem cost $90 and an internal at$80 both work with linux | 13:44 |
vidd | 80$ for an internal modem!?! | 13:45 |
Mooch | yep has a controller built in | 13:45 |
vidd | go to walmart and get the 29.95 external modem | 13:46 |
Myrtti | insane | 13:46 |
Mooch | might as well | 13:46 |
knome | Myrtti, well they live at states | 13:46 |
knome | ;P | 13:46 |
Myrtti | atleast not in Australia... | 13:47 |
knome | so what's wrong with it? | 13:47 |
knome | ok , have to go | 13:47 |
Mooch | I went to this computer place and ask if they carried a linux modem and they pointed out the $80 modem | 13:47 |
Mooch | knome U must be working today | 13:47 |
Mooch | tell me more about jockey-gtk vidd it finds drivers for my modem? | 13:49 |
Mooch | vidd how does jockey-gtk work | 13:52 |
ValentineXX | any xubuntu user therE? | 13:58 |
TheSheep | no | 13:58 |
TheSheep | everyone uses fedora :) | 13:58 |
vidd | hehe | 13:58 |
vidd | ValentineXX, what assistance do you need? | 13:59 |
ValentineXX | what is fedora? | 13:59 |
ValentineXX | vidd: me just installed xubuntu :D | 13:59 |
TheSheep | ValentineXX: nevermind, I was just joking | 14:00 |
vidd | ValentineXX, it is a red hat-based linux distro | 14:00 |
ValentineXX | its fast on my slow pc :D | 14:00 |
vidd | its fast on fast pc's too =] | 14:00 |
vidd | wb Mooch | 14:00 |
ValentineXX | vidd: :P | 14:00 |
Mooch | vidd tell me about jockey-gtk | 14:01 |
vidd | Mooch, it is a tool to locate and load drivers | 14:01 |
ValentineXX | my sounds are not working with xubuntu | 14:02 |
Mooch | really tell me how does it work in terms of modem drivers | 14:02 |
vidd | it finds them and installs them | 14:02 |
vidd | there really isnt that much else to it | 14:02 |
ValentineXX | where are my windows partitions in xubuntu? | 14:03 |
Mooch | ok I will keep that in mind if and when another dis. of Xubuntu | 14:03 |
Mooch | is released | 14:03 |
Mooch | vidd heres question me and knome were trying to figure out I have a launcher called Mailwatcher have u used it before? | 14:04 |
vidd | Mooch, nope | 14:05 |
vidd | ValentineXX, did you activate them during your install? | 14:05 |
vidd | or did you use the "auto" partitioning? | 14:05 |
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville | ||
ValentineXX | vidd: i just installed xubuntu over gnome | 14:06 |
ValentineXX | in my ubuntu few minutes before they were fine | 14:06 |
vidd | ValentineXX, then you should see them in thunar | 14:07 |
vidd | (or...just launch natilus) | 14:07 |
ValentineXX | vidd: ok | 14:07 |
ValentineXX | vidd: where is thunar? | 14:08 |
vidd | application->accessories->thunar | 14:08 |
Mooch | vidd MailWatcher has a log and under the log it says a connection was requested but gnutls was not initialised U know what that might mean? | 14:09 |
ValentineXX | Why i get this error message while when i am trying to unlock shared folders function http://www.plurkpix.com/pix/aE3.png | 14:10 |
vidd | Mooch, no...as i said...never used it | 14:10 |
ValentineXX | mooch :D hahaha | 14:11 |
ValentineXX | vidd: in file manager i am unable to see my partitions | 14:12 |
ValentineXX | vidd: i have not restarted my PC after i downloaded xubuntu through ubuntu | 14:12 |
vidd | ValentineXX, try to reboot | 14:12 |
ValentineXX | vidd: i am lazy | 14:13 |
ValentineXX | :( | 14:13 |
Mooch | vidd what is gnutls used for | 14:17 |
vidd | Mooch, no clue | 14:17 |
Mooch | I'll ask knome when he comes back | 14:18 |
Mooch | vidd but I do appreciate U shedding some light on my modem issue that was a brain scratcher for me | 14:20 |
ValentineXX | vidd: still i am unable to see my drives of windows | 14:21 |
ValentineXX | bad-wire: hi | 14:21 |
knome | !gnutls | 14:22 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gnutls | 14:22 |
knome | !info gnutls | 14:22 |
ubottu | Package gnutls does not exist in intrepid | 14:22 |
Mooch | knome mailwatcher still don't work after the install I did | 14:22 |
bad-wire | hi ValentineXX | 14:23 |
Mooch | I thought it could have been my settings with the servers | 14:23 |
knome | ok so have you set the account in both Evolution and Mailwatcher? | 14:23 |
Mooch | yeah | 14:24 |
knome | you have still 6.06? | 14:24 |
bad-wire | thanks vidd the deb install worked fine on here | 14:24 |
Mooch | yeah | 14:24 |
knome | Mooch, suppose you should upgrade first | 14:24 |
knome | Mooch, and then see if the bugs are already fixed | 14:24 |
knome | Mooch, you were upgrading, right? | 14:24 |
bad-wire | now to reinstall fluxbox >:-) | 14:25 |
Mooch | knome I really need to U must be at work | 14:25 |
knome | Mooch, well i am at work yes ;) | 14:26 |
knome | Mooch, just have some free time now | 14:26 |
Mooch | yeah I am off today | 14:26 |
Mooch | tg* | 14:26 |
knome | Mooch, so have you already started upgrading? | 14:27 |
Mooch | I am in the process of doing that now | 14:27 |
knome | ok, great. | 14:27 |
knome | let me know when it's finished | 14:27 |
Mooch | I will gonna need some help with 8.04 and a program I want to install | 14:28 |
knome | Mooch, if you don't have an old computer, i suggest you should upgrade to 8.10 after upgrading to 8.04 | 14:28 |
knome | Mooch, even if that takes time and kind of also is a risk, you're upgrading now anyway | 14:29 |
Mooch | knome I gotta add some more ram | 14:29 |
Mooch | I'm running at 128mb so U can imagine how sluggish my system can run at times | 14:30 |
knome | ah! | 14:30 |
knome | definitely | 14:30 |
knome | can you buy it today? ;) | 14:30 |
ValentineXX | hi i am a xubuntu user | 14:31 |
ValentineXX | mooch for me its slow at 256 :-s | 14:31 |
knome | hello ValentineXX | 14:31 |
Mooch | I'm gonna call around and see who carries it because its the pc100 series is very old | 14:31 |
knome | Mooch, yeah. good luck :) | 14:31 |
likemindead | Hello, all. | 14:32 |
ValentineXX | likemindead: hi | 14:32 |
ValentineXX | knome: do u also use xubuntu? | 14:32 |
likemindead | Might a pose a quick wireless question? | 14:32 |
Mooch | yep gonna need it | 14:32 |
knome | ValentineXX, yes. | 14:32 |
knome | likemindead, sure | 14:32 |
likemindead | :) | 14:32 |
Mooch | ValentineXX: ur running 256 and still slow? | 14:32 |
knome | 256 can be slow also yes, depends on what you are running | 14:33 |
ValentineXX | Mooch: yes when i open more than two app same time | 14:33 |
likemindead | I just acquired an old Dell Latitude C610 and everything is working great, save one hiccup. | 14:33 |
knome | Mooch, i suggest 512 at minimum | 14:33 |
ValentineXX | i cannot run firefox + pidgin same time it hangs | 14:33 |
knome | i have 4G and even i experience slowyness sometimes ;)) | 14:33 |
ValentineXX | 2.0 processor | 14:33 |
ValentineXX | knome: :)) | 14:33 |
likemindead | I will see a WIFI network, but said network will be WPA and that's not an option when I try to connect with Network Manager. | 14:34 |
knome | so it really depends on what you are doing | 14:34 |
likemindead | It'll only show WEP. | 14:34 |
likemindead | ? | 14:34 |
knome | likemindead, have you done a normal installation? | 14:34 |
likemindead | I have. | 14:34 |
ValentineXX | I have added system load monitor at my panel :) | 14:34 |
knome | !wpa | 14:34 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 14:34 |
Mooch | knome 512 on this board is max so yeah that is what I plan on doing. I really need another board when I have the cash | 14:34 |
knome | likemindead, it should work OOTB, but check that link ^ | 14:34 |
likemindead | Okay. Will do. | 14:35 |
knome | Mooch, just buy a completely new PC ;) | 14:35 |
likemindead | I've connected to a WEP network at my folks' house. | 14:35 |
likemindead | It's just WPA that I'm not seeing in the GUI. | 14:35 |
Mooch | I love this case I hate to throw it away but I might consider that too | 14:35 |
knome | ok i have to go | 14:36 |
ValentineXX | xubuntu xubuntu xubuntu!!!!!!! | 14:36 |
Mooch | knome I love tinkering with pcs but not the modem part:-P | 14:36 |
Mooch | ValentineXX: ever since I installed xubuntu I have been enjoying its superb | 14:37 |
likemindead | Definitely Xfce, FTW. | 14:38 |
likemindead | :D | 14:38 |
Mooch | stable and to me seems to run faster than widnows | 14:38 |
ValentineXX | Mooch: me switched from gnome to it :D running nice | 14:38 |
likemindead | Thanks folks. Adios. | 14:38 |
Mooch | I mean there's some commands and what have you to learn but its worth the time | 14:39 |
generalsnus | Hi | 14:40 |
vidd | hello generalsnus | 14:41 |
=== Meegee is now known as weegee | ||
generalsnus | I have 2 computers running xubuntu 8.10.. they both mount /home from a NFS server. and user authenticate against ldap. if i make a new user in ldap and log in with that user from comp 1, the home dir is created like: /home/remote/NEWUSER but if i logon a new user from the other comp, it creates: /home/remote/newuser why is one made in capitals? | 14:45 |
generalsnus | anyone? | 14:49 |
vidd | generalsnus, so this is your senario: you log into ldap and add user jones......you go to comp one, it makes /home/remote/JONES .... you sudo rm -Rf /home/remote/JONES .... you log in from comp 2 and it makes /home/remote/jones ? | 14:49 |
generalsnus | yes, well i made 2 new users.. and the one comp allways makes the new /home in capitals | 14:50 |
generalsnus | ive tried plenty of times | 14:50 |
vidd | generalsnus, can you run the above test? | 14:50 |
generalsnus | yes, ive delted the home folder many times | 14:51 |
xxploit | question, when I disable the bootsplash and set concurrency=shell in /etc/init.d/rc my console output is doubled on the screen. This is only so when I use concurrency=shell, when its default at concurrency=none then all text is printed only once as it should be. Any suggestions? | 14:52 |
generalsnus | if i rename the /home/JONES to /jones i can log on to that from the one computer.. but not the other.. and vice versa if its in capitals | 14:53 |
vidd | xxploit, set it up as none? | 14:53 |
xxploit | vidd: shell seems to be faster, supposedly taking advantage of dual cores etc? | 14:53 |
vidd | xxploit, yes....its so fast its writting double....=] | 14:54 |
generalsnus | vidd: and yes, the other computer makes /home/jones | 14:54 |
xxploit | lol | 14:54 |
vidd | xxploit, i dunno | 14:54 |
vidd | generalsnus, is LDAP on a linux box or a windows box? | 14:55 |
generalsnus | windows, but i gotta admit i was dumbing down the scenario a little.. i actually have a w2k3 with AD for authentication .. and 100 thinclient xubuntu computers, all makes /home/smallletters and 1 xubuntu desktop install, wich authenticates aswell, but makes /home/CAPITALS.. | 14:58 |
generalsnus | everytime ive presented this scenario, i never get any help ;P | 14:59 |
vidd | the issue is that your desktop is passing all capps | 14:59 |
generalsnus | oh? | 15:00 |
vidd | yes....check the configurations for your system ..... | 15:00 |
generalsnus | yes.. if i knew what config to check | 15:01 |
vidd | ill bet you dollars to donuts, that when you start typing, the cap lock key is on | 15:01 |
generalsnus | er..no.. not as simple as that | 15:01 |
vidd | windows LDAP user names are not case sensitive | 15:01 |
generalsnus | at login and everything capslock is off | 15:02 |
generalsnus | problem is that the xubuntu makes the new /home/username in caps | 15:02 |
generalsnus | nothing to do with ldap i think.. since AD cant control such things.. it only authenticates, and the xubuntu makes my new home | 15:03 |
generalsnus | as told by fstab, /home is on a remote machine(plain fileserver) | 15:04 |
vidd | since the desktop is using a different protocol to connect (its not using ltsp, its using a different setup...cant remember exactly what it is) | 15:05 |
generalsnus | so you mean, evenif it dosent show, xubuntu is sending my login name with capitals? | 15:06 |
vidd | it is accessing the windows storage device and having windows write the home directory.... | 15:06 |
vidd | windows ALWAYS makes file names all caps | 15:06 |
vidd | *file folders* | 15:06 |
vidd | and THAT is what is causing your issue | 15:06 |
generalsnus | no,, /home is on a ubuntu server.. wich has no connection to the windos server at all | 15:07 |
vidd | it dont matter WHAT its ON.....it matters WHAT SYSTEM is creating it | 15:07 |
vidd | your LDAP is on a windows machine | 15:08 |
vidd | that is passing all caps | 15:08 |
vidd | the ltsp are passing lower case | 15:08 |
generalsnus | ok, then i understand | 15:08 |
vidd | because the LDAP say"you can pass" to the ltsp's, the logins are passed unmolested..... | 15:08 |
vidd | the desktop is told by LDAP "Let me get you there" and so the desktop passes the info to the windows server, the windows server passes the info on to the /home drive | 15:10 |
vidd | in the Applications->Settings->Login..... | 15:10 |
vidd | you will find where you need to make your changes | 15:11 |
vidd | the security tab | 15:11 |
vidd | then "Configure X Server" | 15:12 |
vidd | uncheck Logins are handled by this computer | 15:12 |
vidd | and you SHOULD be ok | 15:12 |
vidd | generalsnus, ^^^^ | 15:12 |
generalsnus | ok.. trying this now. gimme a sec :) | 15:13 |
JFM | hey everyone, I wonder if anyone feels like helping me solve an unusual problem ;) | 15:13 |
vidd | JFM, go ahead | 15:13 |
JFM | I installed a program a while ago and one of it's deps wa s hpklinux-utils | 15:14 |
JFM | the package failed to install, and I eventually gave up with the program and uninstalled the lot | 15:14 |
JFM | however the hplinux-utils is still trying to install, it auto-selects itself every time I install anything, and it's failure is breaking other things | 15:14 |
JFM | if I remove the repository it came from it breaks apt entirely | 15:15 |
JFM | it isn't required as a dependency for *anything* | 15:15 |
JFM | very strange - any idea how I can get rid of it? | 15:15 |
JFM | i've tried grabbing the original deb and using dpkg, i've tried force removing it (but it's not installed) | 15:15 |
JFM | I get the following error on attempt at removing the package - "E: hpklinux-utils: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should" | 15:17 |
JFM | ...attempt to re-install it first | 15:17 |
vidd | JFM, sudo dpkg --configure -a && sudo apt-get -f install | 15:17 |
JFM | that just asks me to install this package | 15:17 |
JFM | except that it doesn't install :( | 15:18 |
vidd | JFM, humor me | 15:18 |
JFM | lots of errors | 15:18 |
JFM | most important seems to be: | 15:18 |
JFM | dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/hpklinux-utils_3.08.02-1_all.deb (--unpack): there is no script in the new version of the package - giving up | 15:18 |
vidd | good....pastebin them for me | 15:18 |
vidd | !pastebin | 15:18 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 15:18 |
JFM | no bother 2 secs | 15:18 |
JFM | yeah don't worry I'm fine with pastebin | 15:18 |
vidd | =] | 15:18 |
generalsnus | vidd: I made that change on the Desktop computer now, but it still creates capital /homes | 15:19 |
JFM | i've been using linux for about 5yrs, but i was on rpm based distros until now | 15:19 |
JFM | not used to deb errors ;) | 15:19 |
vidd | generalsnus, basically what is happening is that ldap is screwing you over..... | 15:20 |
vidd | if ldpa was on a linux box, im sure this would not happen | 15:20 |
* vidd does not know the specifics of the difference between the ltsp login and gdm | 15:21 | |
generalsnus | i guess so, but thats no option here :/ as we get userinfo and other stuff from a main server | 15:21 |
JFM | http://pastebin.com/dfe08104 | 15:21 |
vidd | !ltsp | 15:21 |
ubottu | LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project | 15:21 |
JFM | net here is being slow apologies for wait | 15:21 |
vidd | !edubuntuhandbook | 15:22 |
ubottu | The Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/ | 15:22 |
JFM | vidd, I'm going to try forcing an install of the old version.... | 15:23 |
vidd | JFM, no...sudo apt-cache clear | 15:23 |
JFM | k | 15:23 |
vidd | then update && dist-upgrade | 15:24 |
JFM | do you mean apt-get clean? | 15:24 |
vidd | no...apt-cache clear | 15:24 |
JFM | E: Invalid operation clear | 15:25 |
vidd | the issue is your cache says "we need this" and you dont | 15:25 |
vidd | hrm | 15:25 |
JFM | Linux asrschedule 2.6.24-21-generic / xubuntu hardy | 15:25 |
vidd | no...apt-cache dump (?) | 15:26 |
vidd | generalsnus, all roads point to the issue being your desktop is a desktop and not an lstp =\ | 15:27 |
JFM | that's printing a very long list of dependencies ;) | 15:28 |
vidd | generalsnus, can you choose ltsp from the sessions menu on that system? | 15:28 |
vidd | JFM, im an idiot....you were right.....apt-get clean | 15:29 |
JFM | ;) | 15:29 |
JFM | right at upgrade it's still asking for hpklinux-utils.... | 15:30 |
JFM | i'll let it download the rest of them tho | 15:30 |
JFM | at this point I wish i could just hand edit the database | 15:31 |
JFM | hmm I might be able to edit /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin | 15:32 |
JFM | if I can find and remove the entry then just remove the rep and never mention it again ;) | 15:32 |
JFM | btw this is supposed to be a sound card driver, I installed it as part of a radio scheduling system.... | 15:34 |
JFM | but I never needed the driver | 15:34 |
JFM | but their rep insisted I install that as well, even though it's not a requirement of the app to run | 15:34 |
JFM | so I think it dies because I don't have the SC | 15:34 |
=== bad-wire is now known as sinbox2 | ||
generalsnus | vidd: dosent seem so, just a newly installed desktop, seems the choices are xfce session/xclient script | 15:35 |
amundsen | hi | 15:36 |
amundsen | does anybody know if it's posible to download xubuntu 8.10 dvd images ? i found none yet | 15:36 |
JFM | vidd, http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?p=6189969 < maybe this might work? | 15:37 |
JFM | remove /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin | 15:38 |
JFM | then sudo apt-get install -f && sudo dpkg --configure -a | 15:38 |
generalsnus | vidd: where is the config file that is used, when i pressed the "Configure X Server" button? /etc/x11/xsession? | 15:42 |
charlie-tca | amundsen: as far as I know, there are no dvd images for xubuntu yet. All the images should be | 15:43 |
charlie-tca | available from http://xubuntu.org/get | 15:43 |
JFM | the config file is /etc/x11/xorg.conf | 15:43 |
generalsnus | JFM: that cant be.. its was a bunch of options regarding logon and such | 15:45 |
JFM | oh right. | 15:45 |
JFM | might be xdm, gdm or kdm depending on which is used | 15:45 |
JFM | most likely gdm | 15:45 |
JFM | 2 secs i'll see if I can look | 15:45 |
JFM | /etc/gdm/gdm.conf? | 15:46 |
JFM | stuff like AutomaticLoginEnable=false | 15:46 |
JFM | that what you were after? | 15:46 |
generalsnus | will have a look | 15:46 |
JFM | can anyone think of an obvious binary editor? | 15:47 |
JFM | ah installed ghex2 | 15:48 |
vidd | generalsnus, sorry...im at work and was on a call..... | 15:50 |
vidd | generalsnus, the "configure X server" SHOULD be editing your /etc/gdm.conf | 15:51 |
vidd | */etc/gdm/gdm.conf | 15:52 |
vidd | */etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom | 15:52 |
vidd | and your desktop is using xdmcp | 15:53 |
vidd | dunno what the ltsp's are using | 15:53 |
vidd | generalsnus, you there? | 15:59 |
generalsnus | yes | 16:03 |
generalsnus | on work myself :P | 16:03 |
vidd | check here: http://akgeeks.net/ltsp-w2k3 | 16:03 |
vidd | looks like you need rdesktop installed on your desktop machine | 16:03 |
generalsnus | well, then the Desktop machine is usless.. we wanted like 20 desktop machines, with xubuntu installed loaclly, and authenticate against w2k3 server | 16:05 |
generalsnus | to take off some workload | 16:06 |
juanantonio_ | Vidd, I am here with alternate CD | 16:08 |
vidd | juanantonio, im here | 16:10 |
juanantonio_ | Ok, thanks. Install normal | 16:11 |
generalsnus | damn.. there must be a way of getting the desktop to create smallletter /homes.. or atlest use /home/newuser... we have like 50 students that are gonna use those new desktop computers..they allready have home folders like /home/user, i guess its same difficulties to make the computers use /home in lowercase as there problems creating in lowercase | 16:14 |
juanantonio_ | Mmm, nothing appear, but PC is not blocked, dash and WiFi light PCMICIA are flashing | 16:16 |
=== juanantonio_ is now known as juanantonio | ||
juanantonio | I think I am going to Ctrl+Alt+Del | 16:17 |
generalsnus | strange tho.. the ltsp server is only a normal xubuntu install, wich we installed ltsp on... if i authenticate from that server.. login locally to the server with domain user/pass.. home is created in lowercase | 16:17 |
generalsnus | and btw.. we use Likewise-open for the authentication/domain join | 16:18 |
vidd | generalsnus, thats what i was saying...your ldap is the issue | 16:22 |
vidd | did you install rdesktop on this computer you want to log in with? | 16:22 |
juanantonio | Vidd, I restarted and everything is going on, it is checking CD ROM | 16:28 |
juanantonio | and I have already selected spanish keyboard | 16:28 |
generalsnus | yeah, ive installed rdesktop | 16:28 |
juanantonio | vidd, It says detecting drives | 16:31 |
juanantonio | And I am now partitioning. How must I do it to overwrite SuSE? Manual? | 16:32 |
generalsnus | vidd: the link you posted.. im sorry, but i dont understand how rdesktop is gonna solve my problem.. | 16:33 |
Algabe | Hi all... | 16:34 |
Algabe | Engligsh, Spanish or Italian ? | 16:34 |
juanantonio | This chat's in English | 16:35 |
Algabe | ok's | 16:36 |
Algabe | My English is Bad (LoL) xD | 16:36 |
=== weegee is now known as Meegee | ||
vidd | juanantonio, sorry....was away.... | 16:40 |
juanantonio | No problem, men | 16:40 |
juanantonio | So I wanted to overwrite SuSE and make another partition for /home | 16:40 |
juanantonio | I refresh your memory so that you can help me properly ;) | 16:41 |
JFM | rv | 16:43 |
JFM | vidd, may have got it.... | 16:43 |
JFM | I created a dummy package that provided the same details | 16:44 |
JFM | when I did that it told me that it was failing to run the exit script on the old package | 16:44 |
JFM | and couldn't find the same script on the new one | 16:44 |
JFM | THEN i went into the old script and just made it return success and exit 0 | 16:44 |
JFM | i.e. deleted all the contents | 16:45 |
JFM | that seems to have done it | 16:45 |
JFM | but that was an *insane* fix | 16:45 |
JFM | right | 16:46 |
JFM | that's fixed | 16:46 |
JFM | at last! | 16:46 |
JFM | so i'm off to restart the pc for the kernel upgrade | 16:46 |
JFM | g'night! | 16:47 |
vidd | juanantonio, you want to remove all partitions except swap and the xp partition | 16:51 |
juanantonio | Yes, that's it. I have manual partition screen, here says 1 is NTFS, 5 swap and 6 reiserfs | 16:52 |
vidd | then you want to create a / partition with either 10% or 6GB (whichever is greater) and either split the rest between /var and /home, or just make the rest /home (depending on if you are going to be running servers) | 16:52 |
vidd | so remove 6 | 16:52 |
Algabe | the version of xubuntu 8,10 trai support for video cards intel? | 16:54 |
juanantonio | Running servers? No, I am not. I am just using Xubuntu in this PC when I am fed up with XP | 16:54 |
juanantonio | I select 6 then | 16:54 |
vidd | choose "delete partition" | 16:54 |
vidd | then select the free space | 16:54 |
vidd | set it to 10% or 6GB (whichever is greater) | 16:55 |
juanantonio | Yeah. I have Create, partition, show info | 16:55 |
vidd | it should auto-set it to / | 16:55 |
juanantonio | vidd, So I select Create, isn't it? | 16:56 |
Algabe | the version of xubuntu 8,10 trai support for video cards intel? yes or not ? | 16:57 |
vidd | intel cards have always worked in linux | 16:58 |
Algabe | thanks vidd !! | 16:58 |
juanantonio | Vidd, sorry, I have create a new partition, Auto-partition free space | 16:59 |
juanantonio | Which one must I select? | 16:59 |
vidd | create partition | 16:59 |
juanantonio | ok | 17:00 |
juanantonio | Ah, I have here percentage as you told. So if I select more space than I had in this partition, it shlud take it from NTFS | 17:01 |
vidd | no...you CANT take any space ntfs | 17:01 |
juanantonio | Ok. Once it is installed, I will be able to change size, or won't I? | 17:02 |
vidd | juanantonio, you may be able to do so...but i will not be able to assist with it | 17:03 |
vidd | on another not.... | 17:03 |
vidd | *note.... | 17:03 |
juanantonio | Ok | 17:04 |
vidd | if you go into the xp partition, you can set it to mount that partition, and your xubuntu install will be able to see it | 17:04 |
* vidd would set the mount point to /windows | 17:04 | |
juanantonio | So I go to windows and add some free space to that one we have | 17:05 |
juanantonio | is this what you mean? | 17:05 |
generalsnus | vidd: ive read trough the guide you linked, but i cant see how a remote desktop, would help me with those homedirs | 17:05 |
vidd | juanantonio, no...just set it to use the partition | 17:06 |
vidd | if you "make free space" you will lose all the data there | 17:07 |
vidd | generalsnus, unfortunantly...its outside my scope of experience..... | 17:07 |
vidd | but it must have something to do with the desktop using gdm to log in rather then rdesktop to log in | 17:07 |
juanantonio | I am in XP partition. I have "use as: no use", "boot mark: activated", "change size". What must I do? | 17:09 |
vidd | juanantonio, if you "change size" i cant say what will happen...... | 17:10 |
vidd | juanantonio, if you change "use as" to "yes", then your post-install xubuntu will be able to read/write to the drive without having to configure fstab to auto-mount the windows partition | 17:11 |
Algabe | cu later all :D | 17:11 |
juanantonio | Ok, thanks for the explanation. I must mark "Use as yes", and exit | 17:12 |
vidd | well...not "Must" but "recommended" | 17:13 |
vidd | =] | 17:13 |
juanantonio | Ok, hehehe | 17:13 |
juanantonio | How to use it. I mark NTFS, or anything else? | 17:13 |
vidd | juanantonio, you set it to "use-Yes" | 17:14 |
vidd | thats it | 17:14 |
vidd | change nothing else | 17:14 |
juanantonio | I have pressed Use, and another menu appears, showing Filesystems and the title "How to use this partition" | 17:16 |
juanantonio | Ok, NTFS, isn't it? | 17:16 |
vidd | should be | 17:20 |
vidd | juanantonio, you should not have to change ANYTHING on that page | 17:21 |
juanantonio | Vidd: Yes, now this partition says "Use-ntsf", "Mount point: none", "Boot mark: activated" | 17:21 |
vidd | mount point needs to be set..... | 17:21 |
vidd | i recommend /windoes (or /WINDOWS) | 17:21 |
vidd | (spelled correctly of course!) | 17:22 |
juanantonio | Yes, it is in the options | 17:22 |
vidd | thats it for that partition | 17:22 |
juanantonio | And now we go then to Reiser partition | 17:22 |
vidd | once your done, you should have 4 partitions: | 17:22 |
vidd | swap, /windows, / and /home | 17:22 |
juanantonio | Ok. So from free space, I need to prepare / and /home partitions | 17:23 |
juanantonio | and I am done | 17:23 |
vidd | make the reiser partition into free space....then yes | 17:23 |
juanantonio | Create a new partition or Autopartition | 17:24 |
vidd | create new | 17:24 |
juanantonio | Ok | 17:24 |
juanantonio | All I have in this moment is 2.9 Gb, I will resize as you told me up to 6 Gb, no problem | 17:25 |
juanantonio | so I press Continue | 17:25 |
vidd | juanantonio, you CANT make it bigger! | 17:25 |
vidd | did you remove the reiser partition? | 17:26 |
juanantonio | I have made it free space | 17:26 |
vidd | how big is the free space? | 17:26 |
juanantonio | 2.9, the previous size of SuSE / Reiser partition | 17:27 |
vidd | (in other words, how big is the xp partition, the swap partition, and the free space (at this point there should be no other partitions | 17:27 |
vidd | juanantonio, you had suse on only 2.9 GB??????? | 17:28 |
vidd | (isnt the kernel bigger then that?) | 17:28 |
juanantonio | XP is 36,9 Gb, 371 Mb Swap, and this free space we want Ext3 or Reiser 2.9 | 17:28 |
juanantonio | No, I had SuSE 10 almost a year unupdated, that is why | 17:28 |
juanantonio | Yes, I had it there. In that moment I hardly had space, now with this PC, I would have made another installation | 17:30 |
juanantonio | vidd: so I tell this to continue with this little size; do I? | 17:33 |
generalsnus | umm.. would the variable for homedir-template /%D/%U/ help if i changed user to %u instead of %U ? | 17:39 |
PupUserc38dca | hi | 17:43 |
PupUserc38dca | someone spanish? | 17:43 |
dcolish | generalsnus: what's the program that's using those macros values? | 17:44 |
vidd | !es | PupUserc38dca | 17:44 |
ubottu | PupUserc38dca: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:44 |
PupUserc38dca | gracias | 17:44 |
PupUserc38dca | !gracias | 17:45 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about gracias | 17:45 |
PupUserc38dca | xd | 17:45 |
vidd | generalsnus, yes...use the lowercase "u" (cant hurt any) =] | 17:45 |
GreedyB | my sounds keeps dying in Xubuntu.. how could I reset it? | 17:46 |
juanantonio | vidd: Are we on again? | 17:48 |
vidd | juanantonio, i would recomend that you use the entire free space..... | 17:49 |
vidd | 2.9 GB isnt alot of space | 17:49 |
vidd | spliting it up between / and /home is not a good idea | 17:49 |
vidd | actually...i would think you need more space than that to install | 17:50 |
juanantonio | Ok, all the free space unallocated for / | 17:50 |
vidd | yes | 17:50 |
vidd | and dont worry about making a /home partition | 17:51 |
vidd | but in the future, i would recommend getting a larger drive! | 17:51 |
juanantonio | But this free space is 2.9, that is why I told you about taking some free space from XP partition | 17:51 |
vidd | juanantonio, and i told you i dont know how to do that | 17:51 |
* vidd is not going to guess about something that can potentially frag your /xp partition! | 17:52 | |
juanantonio | Ok. So we use 2.9 G free space | 17:53 |
dcolish | vidd: he should just get rid of the xp partition :) | 17:53 |
juanantonio | Ok, hehehe, no problem, sir. Thanks much for your help. We keep on | 17:53 |
vidd | dcolish, i think he needs it | 17:53 |
dcolish | thats a bummer | 17:54 |
vidd | juanantonio, do you actuall NEED the xp partition (or any data on it? | 17:54 |
juanantonio | Hehehe, dcolish, yes. But I need to finish transferring all my data to this PC from the other one | 17:54 |
juanantonio | Yes, but I have almost 9 G of free space there | 17:54 |
vidd | juanantonio, id finish the transfer before installing then! | 17:54 |
dcolish | yeah totally, always backup when messing with partitions | 17:55 |
juanantonio | So I can make discard changes in this Install menu and everything will be as it was | 17:55 |
vidd | juanantonio, yes | 17:56 |
vidd | juanantonio, or simply reboot | 17:56 |
juanantonio | No, no, yeah, I made discard changes and everything is as it was...but in one thing | 17:57 |
juanantonio | tanks to vidd, I have learned to do it, hehehe ;) | 17:57 |
juanantonio | Thanks a lot, maybe if I find again Partition Magic (it was at home), I can resize XP so as to have 6 or even 9 G of free space for Xubuntu | 17:58 |
juanantonio | Last question, my friends. What's best swap space if I hace 1 Gb RAM? | 17:59 |
vidd | juanantonio, swap is best set to 2xRAM | 17:59 |
juanantonio | So, I will set 2 G, is that correct | 18:00 |
juanantonio | ? | 18:00 |
juanantonio | Thanks a lot again, I am so new but I really want to go away from Windows' hands | 18:01 |
vidd | juanantonio, then i would recommend that you get the data off the windows partition you need to keep, and then use the entire dive to install xubuntu =] | 18:04 |
=== wired-bad is now known as bad-wire2 | ||
generalsnus | dcolish: its likewise-open | 18:12 |
juanantonio | vidd, thanks for everything | 18:14 |
dcolish | generalsnus: sorry i use openldap and pam | 18:18 |
dcolish | it looks like you need to honor the windows style '\' in the syntax | 18:20 |
generalsnus | what do you mean? | 18:22 |
generalsnus | mydomain\username when logging in? im doing that..if thats what you mean | 18:23 |
vidd | generalsnus, did you set that script to use the lowercase u? | 18:24 |
generalsnus | heh, i managed to feck up, while editing gdm file.. anyhow.. it was better to reformat..and have a fresh install.. will try that when its done in some minutes | 18:26 |
vidd | generalsnus, if the gdm is the only thing foobar'd, simply "sudo apt-get remove --purge gdm && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 18:28 |
vidd | you want to re-install xubuntu-desktop to get everything that gets wiped out when you remove gdm =] | 18:28 |
vidd | generalsnus, but if your doing a fresh install....simply "fresh install" the ltsp client! | 18:29 |
generalsnus | well, good to know for next time i screw up :P | 18:29 |
generalsnus | its not the ltsp client.. its a fat-client.. full install | 18:29 |
vidd | generalsnus, did you already format the partitions on the fresh install? | 18:29 |
generalsnus | install is allmost finished..hehe | 18:30 |
generalsnus | and yes, i did a format | 18:30 |
vidd | generalsnus, i know the fat-client is not playing nice.... | 18:30 |
vidd | that is why i say set it up as a thin client =] | 18:30 |
generalsnus | yeah, i could.. but what good are all the nice hardware we bought then :P | 18:32 |
vidd | hrm....ubuntuforums seems to be down.... | 18:34 |
generalsnus | we are kinda trying to get a lil more juice out of our ltsp servers.. they are slow as hell now.. with 30 clients on each.. the students are using flash/java and whatnot..it really bog things down | 18:34 |
vidd | generalsnus, then why not set these new machines as bridge-servers? | 18:35 |
vidd | =] | 18:35 |
vidd | to balance the load? | 18:35 |
generalsnus | wut? bridge-servers? | 18:36 |
vidd | right now you have servers with 30 clients each....add more servers to bring down the load balance' | 18:36 |
likemindead | Hello, all. | 18:37 |
motw | hello, all | 18:37 |
vidd | wb likemindead | 18:37 |
likemindead | Might I pose a hardware question? | 18:37 |
vidd | hello Mopman | 18:37 |
vidd | hello motw | 18:38 |
vidd | !ask | likemindead, | 18:38 |
ubottu | likemindead,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:38 |
generalsnus | i could of course add 10 more servers in our allready cramped server room :P but.. those new clients are really better off as full desktops.. as they are gonna be used with gimp and other crap | 18:38 |
likemindead | Heh.... silly bot... | 18:38 |
vidd | likemindead, i told it to tell you that =] | 18:39 |
likemindead | Are mini-PCI cards are basically the same (as far as hardware goes)? | 18:39 |
likemindead | :::) | 18:39 |
likemindead | Swappable? | 18:39 |
likemindead | Details: I have a Latitude c610 with the OEM card that doesn't support WPA or wireless g. | 18:40 |
likemindead | Want a new mini-PCI wifi card. | 18:40 |
vidd | generalsnus, so how about have these new boxes authenticate against an ldap proxy? | 18:40 |
likemindead | Found a great price on an Intel WIFI 5300 abgn on eBay but I want to make sure it'll be compatible. | 18:41 |
likemindead | :::done::: | 18:41 |
vidd | instead of talking directly to the (evil) M$ ldap server, it talks to the linux-based ldap proxy that talks to the (evil) M$ ldap server =] | 18:41 |
motw | hi, I have one question. Since i updated to Xubuntu 8.10 my cups-pdf printer don't work right. For example I want to print a latex-beamer ps-File to PDF the pagesize isn't right. Why is that? | 18:41 |
vidd | likemindead, as in linux-compatable? | 18:42 |
likemindead | I'm pretty sure I've found that it is linux-compatible via Googling, I can't seem to find out if it'll work in the laptop, though. | 18:43 |
generalsnus | vidd: that would work great, if it dosent slow down stuff.. but i dont think likewise-open could do that | 18:43 |
vidd | likemindead, your lappy have a mini pci slot? | 18:43 |
likemindead | Yes. It has wifi now, just not g or WPA support. I can connect to WEP networks. :-\ | 18:44 |
vidd | generalsnus, if the proxy is set correctly, likewise-open would have no idea the request came from a proxy and not a ltsp terminal | 18:44 |
dcolish | generalsnus: you'll have to use openldap or something like it and use referals | 18:44 |
motw | \msg nichserv register sieben kontakt@frank-boldt.de | 18:45 |
vidd | (which is the entire idea behind using a proxy) | 18:45 |
dcolish | well its not techincally a proxy | 18:45 |
dcolish | you need to search for ldap active directory referals | 18:46 |
motw | hi, I have one question. Since i updated to Xubuntu 8.10 my cups-pdf printer don't work right. For example I want to print a latex-beamer ps-File to PDF the pagesize isn't right. Why is that so? | 18:47 |
Myrtti | motw: why do you want to print it with cups-pdf? | 18:47 |
Myrtti | pdflatex doesn't work? | 18:48 |
likemindead | I have several confirmations on the forums that Intel WIFI Link 5300 works out of the box with Intrepid. | 18:48 |
vidd | !repeat | motw | 18:48 |
ubottu | motw: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience | 18:48 |
motw | why not? I only want a PDF of my latex presentation, and until now it works. | 18:48 |
vidd | likemindead, cool | 18:48 |
Myrtti | motw: because you could do it with pdflatex, and get all the links to work as well | 18:49 |
Myrtti | motw: you know, if you would do it with pdflatex, you'd get all the links to work as well | 18:49 |
vidd | motw, have you tried to remove --purge and reinstall cups-pdf? | 18:49 |
Myrtti | goah, I must be getting really tired | 18:50 |
motw | yes i did reinstall cups-pdf | 18:50 |
Myrtti | I'm repeating myself | 18:50 |
vidd | motw, did you remove --purge it before you reinstalled it? | 18:50 |
vidd | or did you justy remove it (leaving all the broken config files in place to be used by the fresh install)? | 18:51 |
motw | yes i just removed it | 18:51 |
likemindead | So, should it work, hardware-wise, with my old laptop? | 18:51 |
vidd | motw, apt-get remove --purge it | 18:51 |
likemindead | (Are all mini-PCI cards created equal?) | 18:51 |
vidd | then reinstall it | 18:51 |
motw | ok i try it thanks | 18:51 |
vidd | Myrtti, you cant expect people to change what they are used to just because they choose lousy apps =] | 18:54 |
motw | vidd, it doesn't works | 18:54 |
Myrtti | vidd: the problem is that he's Doing It Wrong :-< | 18:55 |
Myrtti | vidd: and I've been fiddling with LaTeX at work for over six months :-| | 18:55 |
vidd | motw, Myrtti has the "new, improved, works with 8.10" approach | 18:55 |
motw | Myrtti,how can i use pdflatex with eps-pctures | 18:55 |
Myrtti | motw: pdflatex should be able to export them into the pdf. | 18:56 |
* Myrtti checks | 18:56 | |
motw | Myrtti, no it crashs :( | 18:56 |
motw | it only works with dvi2ps and then printing as pdf | 18:57 |
motw | but since 8.1 it doen't work anymore | 18:57 |
Myrtti | you did run latex first? | 18:58 |
Myrtti | (of course you did) | 18:58 |
motw | yes i did ;) | 18:59 |
motw | there is only a problem with the pagesize of cups-pdf | 18:59 |
likemindead | Welp.... | 18:59 |
motw | it prints my presentation in the left-bottom-corner of an A4 page | 19:00 |
* Myrtti checks her beamer slides | 19:01 | |
generalsnus | while im waiting for the install is finished.. at home i have ubuntu 8.10 | 19:02 |
generalsnus | lol.. ctrl+v wrong place :P | 19:03 |
Myrtti | motw: I'm starting to suspect you've got something broken badly with your setup if you can't use pdflatex nor cups-pdf | 19:08 |
Myrtti | (but of course, this is stating the obvious) | 19:08 |
motw | Myrtti, pdflatex works. But it cannot handle eps-pictures, that sucks. So i want to print my ps-File into PDF, but cups-pdf (generally it works) did not use the right pagesize, this is only the problem | 19:10 |
Myrtti | mmhhh | 19:11 |
motw | Do i have to set some config stuff, or so. | 19:11 |
motw | I don't know, Is there something that I can set that cups uses the Pagesize of the ps-file? | 19:12 |
magic_ninja | hey guys was upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 and the upgrader failed, what should i do before/after restart | 19:12 |
Myrtti | well, basically cups-pdf does have the same sort of config files in /etc/cups/ppd | 19:13 |
Myrtti | magic_ninja: sudo apt-get -f install | 19:13 |
Myrtti | magic_ninja: at bare MINIMUM | 19:13 |
magic_ninja | okay | 19:14 |
magic_ninja | well lets do this | 19:14 |
vidd | generalsnus, have you seen https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPFatClients ? | 19:29 |
motw | hmm, ok, i go on trying. Bye | 19:32 |
generalsnus | trying to install flashplugin nonfree 10 .. but synaptics just hangs on connecting to fpdownload.macrom..... | 20:14 |
TheSheep | generalsnus: try a different mirror | 20:14 |
generalsnus | should it be fpdownload? or is it a typo? | 20:16 |
generalsnus | should it be fpdownload? or is it a typo? | 20:16 |
vidd | generalsnus, try ftpdownload | 20:19 |
vidd | (looks like a typo to me)=] | 20:19 |
shane_ | anyone using the new xubuntu 8.1 yet | 20:30 |
TheSheep | yes, since 2 months before the release actually :) | 20:34 |
shane_ | TheSheep, have u been having many bugs' | 20:35 |
TheSheep | not really, no, but it depends on the hardware a little | 20:35 |
shane_ | TheSheep, i have found its faster than 8.04 with my hardware config.but i am still having a hard time with the speed | 20:37 |
shane_ | TheSheep, i am running a p4 2gig with a gig and half ram with a 512mb vidcard,i shouldnt be having a prob with speed should i | 20:38 |
shane_ | TheSheep, that didnt work its a pen4 2 gig with 1.5gig ram and a 512 vid | 20:39 |
shane_ | it shouldnt slowdown when opening programs should it | 20:39 |
TheSheep | no | 20:40 |
TheSheep | unless its openoffice | 20:40 |
shane_ | TheSheep, open office i got rid of,but still if im running more than three apps its slugs right up | 20:41 |
shane_ | what is a rootkit and how do i find it | 20:43 |
Odd-rationale | !rootkit | 20:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about rootkit | 20:46 |
vidd | shane_, a rootkit is spyware, on steroids, supersized, for linux | 20:47 |
vidd | rkhunter is a decent app to find them | 20:47 |
vidd | if you do find any, back up data files, format and re-install =\ | 20:47 |
Odd-rationale | usually the result of network vulnerbility... | 20:48 |
TheSheep | but it's rare | 20:48 |
shane_ | ok so now we have virus like activity in linux | 20:48 |
Odd-rationale | ubuntu has taken measures to lower the risk of rootkits... such as disabling root account, and not haveing the ssh server be default. | 20:49 |
vidd | shane_, no....it is NOT virus-like activity | 20:49 |
Odd-rationale | rootkits been around for as long as unix has pretty much... | 20:49 |
vidd | it is spyware-like activity | 20:49 |
TheSheep | shane_: did you check with system monitor which apps take the most cpu? | 20:49 |
shane_ | i have and it looks like there lots sleeping yet my cpu graph was showing 100% | 20:50 |
shane_ | i reinstalled lastnight and went to 8.1 | 20:50 |
TheSheep | shane_: you can sort by cpu usage | 20:50 |
vidd | shane_, what is 8.1? 8.10? | 20:52 |
shane_ | ok in 8.1 system monitor is requiring 70% cpu | 20:52 |
shane_ | vidd, yes 8.10 | 20:52 |
vidd | (ubuntu versions are Y.MM | 20:52 |
TheSheep | shane_: how about memory usage? | 20:52 |
shane_ | TheSheep, 9.2 | 20:53 |
=== neozen_ is now known as neozen | ||
TheSheep | shane_: try sorting by memory usage and see which program takes it all | 20:53 |
shane_ | system monitor seems the highest,that and banshee | 20:54 |
vidd | !banshee | 20:54 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 20:54 |
TheSheep | vidd: C# :) | 20:54 |
TheSheep | vidd: try quod libet | 20:54 |
vidd | shane_, are you playing any music files? | 20:55 |
shane_ | and yet banshee is playing and i have no sound at the moment | 20:55 |
shane_ | vidd, yah its playing but no sound | 20:55 |
vidd | shane_, kill banshee....any better? | 20:55 |
vidd | TheSheep, i wanted to know what the app that was hogging all his cpu did | 20:56 |
TheSheep | gotta love mono and c# | 20:56 |
shane_ | vidd, ok seems banshee isnt happy in here,system monitor is 11% now | 20:56 |
vidd | shane_, so your stuff responsive now? | 20:56 |
* Myrtti huggles mpd | 20:57 | |
shane_ | vidd, yes seems to help,i think i best get a better music device | 20:57 |
TheSheep | Myrtti: yeah | 20:57 |
* vidd yanks audio completely out of his workstation! | 20:57 | |
Myrtti | (I'm running it on my home server and stream it with icecast to $device) | 20:58 |
TheSheep | Myrtti: why not pulse? :) | 20:58 |
vidd | TheSheep, cuzz pulse sucks? | 20:58 |
Myrtti | TheSheep: because mpd/icecast combo was nobrainer | 20:59 |
Myrtti | icecast2, even | 20:59 |
sinbox | iceecast rulez | 20:59 |
sinbox | oopss | 20:59 |
* vidd has never heard anything good about pulse | 21:00 | |
=== neozen_ is now known as neozen | ||
micah_ | hello everyone | 21:29 |
vinnl | Hi | 21:29 |
djbushdio | does anybody know of an alternative for psiphon? | 21:55 |
djbushdio | i tried compiling it and it didn't work... | 21:55 |
fonzarelli | djbushdio: is that an anonymous proxy type app? | 21:56 |
fonzarelli | djbushdio: if so, maybe look into tor with the foxyproxy extension for firefox | 21:57 |
djbushdio | yeah, i was looking at other proxies, but wasn't sure that they did the same thing | 21:58 |
djbushdio | what do i need to install for tor? | 22:03 |
vinnl | Tor? :P | 22:04 |
vinnl | There's some good guides on the internet :) | 22:04 |
djbushdio | can i just use it from firefox? | 22:05 |
vinnl | djbushdio, yep, there's a "TorButton" Firefox extension | 22:05 |
vinnl | Allows you to en/disable it on the fly | 22:05 |
Odd-rationale | i use tor and foxyproxy... | 22:12 |
djbushdio | so here's a question - do i need foxyproxy? because it appears that the torbutton is all i need... | 22:12 |
Odd-rationale | tor is in the repos, and foxyproxy provides an easy way to configure it... | 22:12 |
Odd-rationale | djbushdio: well, foxyproxy is more featureful | 22:12 |
djbushdio | so can i transfer this to another computer? i.e. a school computer running firefox? | 22:13 |
vinnl | ...but in theory, TorButton can do it :) | 22:13 |
djbushdio | (window$ by the way) | 22:13 |
Odd-rationale | djbushdio: yeah, using putty and firefox prortable | 22:13 |
Odd-rationale | portable | 22:13 |
djbushdio | ...putty... | 22:14 |
djbushdio | think the people at school will notice putty on their computers... | 22:14 |
Odd-rationale | djbushdio: on another machine, you could also simply just use https://vtunnel.com | 22:15 |
Odd-rationale | putty is portable as well, that is, it can run off a usb drive... | 22:15 |
Odd-rationale | putty is mostly used for ssh proxy, though... | 22:18 |
dcolish | djbushdio: you really want to check out unetbootin | 22:24 |
dcolish | just be sure you dont get caught | 22:24 |
sinbox | right, so I can get rid of acpi and acpid then | 22:36 |
dcolish | sinbox: why would you want to do that? | 22:47 |
sinbox | not really needed on a desktop are they dcolish | 22:47 |
dcolish | ok... | 22:49 |
dcolish | well tell me how it goes :) | 22:50 |
dcolish | I didn't like plug'n'play or tempature monitoring anyway | 22:51 |
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