
Peng_Woah, 50 took 10 times as long as 2500? ...And used more RAM?00:01
mae^how do I convert a lightweight checkout into a full branch?00:03
pooliebzr help reconfigure00:03
mae^ah, thanks00:04
Toksyuryelit's almost hard to believe bzr is almost up to 1.10 already00:26
Toksyuryelit was barely 1.1 when I first discovered it like 5-6 months ago00:26
lifelessToksyuryel: 1 release a month00:59
lifelessToksyuryel: you must have found a a distro with an older version :)01:00
Toksyuryelit was 1.1 when I joined this channel01:00
Toksyuryelunless this channel was a distro with an older version :O01:00
lifelessthen you joined 9-10 months ago  :)01:00
ToksyuryelI do have a poor grasp of time01:01
ToksyuryelI should inspect my logs to find the real date01:01
lifelessPeng_: v02:06
lifelessrobertc@tungsten:~/python$ du -sh .bzr/bzr-search/02:06
lifeless296M    .bzr/bzr-search/02:06
lifelessrobertc@tungsten:~/python$ du -sh .bzr/repository/02:06
lifeless213M    .bzr/repository/02:06
lifelessPeng_: 2 and mumble hours to index; group_size 50002:07
Peng_Yeah, I could download those indexes faster than you could generate them. :P02:31
Peng_lifeless: Thanks for crunching the numbers. :)02:31
lifelessPeng_: thats at group size 50002:41
lifelessPeng_: so, 1 hour to do with group 150002:41
lifelessbbs, fooding02:44
markhpoolie: do you think it is too late to get the new shell extension (which also gives us 64bit support) into 1.10?  The changes are only to setup.py, the inno installer, and tortoise itself.03:01
markhi've a patch ready to send if so03:01
markherr - if not :)03:02
poolieif it's just adding a new capability i'd say it should wait for 1.11 just on risk-avoidance03:02
poolieif it's fixing a bug or regression, maybe 1.1003:02
pooliewhat do you think?03:02
markhyeah, it certainly falls more into "new capability" - I don't mind waiting...03:03
poolieyou can still send it now of course03:03
pooliesince 1.10 has branched off03:03
markhyeah - will do03:04
markhfor the same reason, we should probably let john build using mingw for this release, and once its out I can have less fear of breaking something03:05
RollyHi guys/girls, I'm having a problem with performing operations on a remote linux 1.9-rich-root branch from my Windows computer. I get this:03:25
RollyERROR: bzrlib.errors.UnknownErrorFromSmartServer: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', "Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack6R03:25
RollyichRoot (bzr 1.9)\\n'")03:25
RollyOn my Windows box, I can use 1.9-rich-root branches locally with no problem.03:25
lifelessRolly: your remote machine is using some version of bzr < 1.903:26
Rollybzr version on my remote machine reports "Bazaar (bzr) 1.9"03:26
Rollyoh sorry, you're right. The bzr in my chroot is 1.803:27
lifelesswhat does03:27
Rollythanks for the clue03:27
lifeless'ssh machine bzr --version'03:27
lifelessheh :)03:27
* Rolly bangs head03:28
markhpoolie: I think I've broken kerguelen :(  You familiar with their web interface?03:42
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lifelessyes its broken, or yes you're familiar ;)04:15
poolieyes i'm familiar04:15
pooliei'm going to check if i can log in04:15
pooliemarkh, it says "The system is not available as the server is currently stopped. You can select another system.0"04:16
pooliedo you think you specifically broke it, or did it just stop working?04:17
pooliemaybe the vm host server crashed?04:18
pooliei've filed a support ticket04:18
markhpoolie: I installed windows updates, and it said it needed to reboot, so I let it, and it didn't come back up.  It had successfully rebooted after the VS install though...04:19
markhbut it does look like a very early error04:20
markhthe status never changes to "booting"04:20
pooliei think they said something about not installing windows updates, but rather letting them do it :)04:20
pooliesorry, i should have mentioned this earlier04:20
markhoh :)04:20
poolieotoh i don't see why that would make it permanently stop04:20
markhI can't see that referenced in their support section though04:20
markh(I looked for it after the fact ;)04:20
markhthe server had many security related updates outstanding, which probably isn't a good thing04:21
pooliei'm not sure if it was them, or someone else04:21
pooliei looked at a few providers04:21
pooliei'm looking too04:21
lifelessmarkh: it may have had the 'server will run under VM' 'fixes' outstanding :)04:21
poolieand i agree that if their policy is to not just apply them that would suck04:21
markhlifeless: :)04:22
pooliei can't find anything about it either04:23
poolieor in my mail from them04:23
pooliemarkh: "04:24
poolieI am looking into this for you now, can you advise if you have installed updates or patches, or any other software prior to the issue presenting ?"04:24
markhbut I can't find much there at all - eg, the work "troubleshooting" has zero hits04:24
markhyeah - "installed all critical windows updates" :)04:24
RollyIs there a global .bazaar config file location? bzr help files only references ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf04:24
pooliei'll forward the mail to you04:24
lifelessRolly: not currently04:25
Rollydarn. OK04:25
pooliei'm open to moving to some other provider if they would be better04:25
markhit seemed quite fine so far.04:26
CXIis there an explanation of the various repository formats somewhere?04:33
markhCXI: "bzr help formats" is the best I'm aware of04:35
CXIhm, okay... I think I might be missing some conceptual understanding04:39
lifelessCXI: you can just ignore the formats unless you are using bzr-svn, or very big projects04:41
CXIwell, maybe04:41
CXII like to keep a documents directory under version control - it has code for various projects, documents and other junk that I want to keep versioned and backed up04:41
lifelessis it 10000 files or more?04:42
lifelesshave you made 10000 changes or more?04:42
lifelessare you using bzr-svn?04:42
CXInot yet, but I'd like to04:42
lifelessyou can ignore formats for now04:43
lifelesswhen you start using bzr-svn you will need to learn a little04:43
CXII should clarify that I installed bzr yesterday, so the "not yet" time period is pretty small :)04:43
CXIalso, do I need to do anything special to checkout/work on code for an individual project rather than getting the whole repo?04:44
lifelessI don't know quite what you mean04:45
lifelessbranches are individual projects...04:45
CXIwell, let's say I have documents/code/proj1 and documents/code/proj204:46
CXIif documents is a repo, can I check out proj1?04:46
Peng_CXI: You should have made separate branches for proj1 and proj2.04:47
lifelessCXI: what do you mean by repo? if you mean something made by 'bzr init-repo' - no, because code/proj1 is probably just a file on disk :)04:48
lifelessCXI: or rather, 'repository' is *totally* unrelated to 'I have a branch X'04:48
lifelessCXI: you can checkout anything that is a branch.04:48
lifelessCXI: you cannot checkout things that are not branches.04:49
Rollyif there's a network problem or glitch, will bzr branch detect it and abort?04:50
lifelessRolly: if bzr gets an error from the OS yes04:51
lifelessRolly: if its transient and the OS recovers the tcp link, bzr will not be aware of the issue04:52
RollyI was just a bit concerned because the spinner wasn't moving04:52
Rollyall is well04:52
CXII was calling branches repositories because I didn't understand them properly04:53
Rollya "tree" is a branch + a repository, right?04:54
Rolly"standalone tree" I mean04:54
lifelessRolly: its a checkout + branch + repository colocated04:55
lifelessRolly: (ls .bzr/)04:55
RollyMy branching operation just finished and I only see the .bzr directory, but bzr info says standalone tree04:56
Rollywhen I cd into the directory containing .bzr/ and run bzr co, I get "ERROR: File exists: u'G:/temp/www/.bzr'"04:58
lifelessRolly: uhm04:59
lifelessRolly: don't do that :P04:59
Rollywhy not? :)04:59
lifelessRolly: I was saying 'ls .bzr' because that shows the objects present in the directory04:59
lifeless'bzr co' inside .bzr isn't something normal to do04:59
Rollyi'm not inside of .bzr/05:00
RollyI'm in the directory that contains .bzr/05:00
lifelessRolly: oh, misread05:00
Rollythe place I branched to05:00
lifelessRolly: whats listed if you do 'ls .bzr' there?05:00
Rolly> ls .bzr/05:00
Rollybranch  branch-format  branch-lock  checkout  README  repository05:00
lifelessRolly: it has a checkout already05:01
Rolly> ls -lah .05:01
Rollytotal 005:01
Rollydrw-rw-rw-  3 user 0 0 2008-12-01 23:42 .05:01
Rollydrw-rw-rw-  3 user 0 0 2008-12-01 23:42 ..05:01
Rollydrw-rw-rw-  6 user 0 0 2008-12-01 23:52 .bzr05:01
lifelessRolly: what does 'bzr st' report?05:01
Rollywhere is the checkout? :O05:01
Rolly'bzr st' show all of the files as "removed"05:02
lifelessRolly: 'bzr revert'05:02
lifelessI would guess something interrupted bzr05:02
lifelessas it was building the checkout05:02
Rolly> bzr revert05:03
Rollybzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-2222'05:03
Rollyfile-id: None05:03
Rollyroot trans-id: 'new-0'05:03
Rolly'bzr st' still shows all as removed05:03
Rollyshall I try to branch again?05:03
lifelessRolly: no, that phase worked05:04
lifelessRolly: are you on windows?05:04
Peng_Rolly: What version of bzr?05:04
lifelessso, start by filing a bug; there will be a backtrace in your .bzr.log (bzr --version lists where that can be found)05:05
RollyBazaar (bzr) 1.905:05
lifelessRolly: try 'bzr remove-tree' then 'bzr checkout .' (the '.' is important)05:05
markhit looks like BB missed that second mail attempt too :(05:06
Rollyok lifeless05:06
Rolly> bzr remove-tree05:06
Rollybzr: ERROR: Working tree "G:/webdev/bibliotik/temp/www/" has uncommitted changes.05:06
lifelessRolly: rm -rf .bzr/checkout05:07
lifelessRolly: :)05:07
lifelessthen try 'bzr checkout .'05:07
Rolly> bzr remove-tree05:07
Rollybzr: ERROR: No working tree to remove05:07
Rollyok I ran the checkout05:07
lifelessdid it work?05:08
RollyERROR: Unable to create symlink 'blahblahblah' on this platform05:08
Rollynow I remember I saw that when I branched05:08
lifelessthere is the problem :)05:08
lifelessthere is a plugin you can use I think05:08
lifelesson the plugins wiki page05:08
Rollyyeah I'll check it out05:08
Rollythanks for the assistance05:08
Rollyhere goes nothin'05:12
Rolly> bzr checkout .05:13
Rollybzr: ERROR: [Error 123] The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect05:13
Rolly.bzr.log says "WindowsError: [Error 123] blahblah"05:13
CXIokay, I think I'm getting this - I should create a *repository* for my documents directory, then a *branch* for each project05:14
CXIbut what when I just want to check out all my code or all my documents? are there tools that will check out an entire repository?05:14
markhpoolie: I'm happy for those updates to be rolled back, but am interested in why so many security updates would then be listed as outstanding, and why this isn't a concern for us...05:15
pooliedid you reply to them, or they to you?05:15
pooliei didn't see anything05:15
markhthey to both of us it seems05:15
markhI never got anything from you yet either, which is strange - only their reply05:16
lifelessCXI: no, checking out an entire repository doesn't make sense - the repository is *just* a database05:22
lifelessCXI: there are tools to mirror *all the branches in a repository*05:22
Rollylp:bzr-win32symlinks Last Modified: 78 weeks ago05:27
Rollyheh... no wonder05:27
RollyI probably need to check my cygwin installation05:28
spivpoolie: thanks for undoing my caching patch05:30
pooliecan you try it a different way?05:39
pooliemaybe with a cache in a write stream from the transport that can be flushed?05:39
metajack_Is there a short guide to getting a server side hook set up for commit emails somewhere?  i see there was an appropriate hook added in 1.6, but can't find anything else about it.05:40
markhpoolie: will you reply or shall I?05:44
* markh assumes the mail has finally arrived for you...05:44
pooliemarkh, i replied05:45
markhcool, thx05:45
poolieno reply from them yet05:45
awmcclainIs there a way to un-remove a file?05:48
awmcclain(I keep getting "not a versioned path" if I try to bzr add or bzr revert)05:49
spivpoolie: the three obvious fixes are 1) transport level cache, 2) have a smart verb [but that doesn't help sftp push], 3) teach the client to read from the local repo rather than reading back from the remote when reconstructing fulltexts05:50
lifelessawmcclain: what bzr version?05:50
spivpoolie: probably 1) is the most straightforward.05:50
lifelessawmcclain: also, yes, 'bzr revert FOO' will look for FOO in the last commit, but no further back than that05:50
awmcclainlifeless: 1.6.105:50
lifelessawmcclain: use 'bzr log -v' to find when it was deleted, then 'bzr revert -r XX FOO' to reinstate it05:50
spivpoolie: (by "have a smart verb", I mean an "insert_record_stream" sort of verb)05:52
lifelessspiv: sftp already has a network cache05:53
lifelessspiv: or rather,it has a network pipeline, which is why its faster than bzr:// in this case, I expect05:53
vila lifeless: regarding bug  255687, I tagged it log as I want to make 'log -v <FILE>' display only the inventory entries related to FILE, i.e. making log a usable tool to find when a file was removed (I'm not sure I will succeed though :)06:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255687 in bzr "Please allow annotating removed files" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25568706:16
lifelessvila: sure, but that bug is about annotate06:25
lifelessvila: and log -v FILE shouldn't (really really shouldn't) be digging more than one revision back anyhow, to find 'FILE'06:25
vilalifeless: why shouldn't it ?06:26
vilascratch that06:26
vilaSay I have two branches conflicting about a file which get added/removed, how can I find the history of the files (which may be be different file-ids) ?06:27
vilaAs a user06:27
vilalog sounds the most obvious answer hence the desire to make it usable to dig the history with the file path06:28
lifelessvila: well, I'm not disputing the use case; I'm disputing that the bug you tagged is about log06:29
vilaI could delete the tag if you prefer, I put it because it was so close to the use case I was trying to address06:30
vilaand I didn't want to forget it06:30
lifelessas long as the bug doesn't get closed if log starts doing that06:30
vilaFine, np for me06:30
lifelesscause there are clear issues for annotate, cat, ls, etc for this06:31
lifelessas for why not searching deep history06:31
lifeless'bzr log file-that-never-existed'06:31
vilashould display nothing, even if it takes a long time ?06:32
lifelessshould not take a long time06:32
vilaIs that the final reason for not providing the feature ?06:33
lifelessI'm not saying don't provide an answer for the use case06:39
awmcclainAnyone if trunk for bzr-email works with gmail now?06:39
lifelessawmcclain: I don't know sorry06:39
lifelessvila: I'm saying that making log FILE, as well as all the other commands, take a long time on bogus input is not user friendly06:41
vilalifeless: Right :-/06:41
lifelessvila: log isn't any more relevant than annotate or even 'ls' for 'find when a FILE was deleted'06:42
vilawell, the use case is about: show me the history of that file, including when it was added, modified and removed06:44
lifelessnot really06:46
lifelessWhen a file has been removed from the repository, it is very difficult to find out what revision it was removed."06:46
vilaSorry, I was talking about *my* use case, not the bug 255867 one !06:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 255867 in drizzle "DDL commands generate a wrong number of warnings" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25586706:46
vilagrr 255687. please ubottu, deal with my typos !06:47
lifelessso I think  your use case is good; but I don't htink it maps to the users use case *that* closely06:48
lifelessthey want to be told clearly when a file is requested that used to exist; they don't care about other stuff06:48
vilaRight, I'll clear that tag right now ! :-) I wanted it to apply only to the "Use 'bzr log FILE' if FILE is removed" line :)06:49
lifelessI don't have an issue really, with it being tagged log06:50
vilaOk, let's forget about that06:52
lifelesshave you had time to hack on split-inventory stuff?06:52
vilano :-/06:52
lifelessthats a shame06:53
awmcclainFWIW, it doesn't. :(07:07
awmcclain(bzr-email trunk doesn't work with gmail)07:07
awmcclainHrm... bzr dies when I try to set my launchpad ID. http://dpaste.com/95285/07:18
lifelessits pycurl07:20
lifelessthere is a bug about this07:20
awmcclainK. I'll check.07:21
lifelessvila: could I ask a favout?07:22
lifelessbug 303959 - turn it into a patch?07:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303959 in bzr-svn "missing redirect handler: no repository found when pulling a branch from bzr-playground" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30395907:23
vilalifeless: there are other issues regarding redirection handling. I'd like to address some more before issuing a patch (with tests)07:26
vilaBut thanks for bringing it on my radar again :-/07:26
awmcclainlifeless: You're not talking about bug 271573?07:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271573 in launchpad-bazaar "bzr cannot access launchpad branch behind https proxy" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27157307:26
awmcclainAh, found it. bug 8208607:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 82086 in bzr "pycurl transport causes tracebacks if the server's SSL cert cannot be verified." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8208607:27
lifelessvila: that one in particular is kinda important07:27
lifelessvila: because it breaks the gnome playground07:28
vilalifeless: Let's say I send a patch today whether or not it's complete enough ok ?07:28
lifelessthat would be awesome07:29
awmcclainIs there a way to workaround this so bzr push lp:..... doesn't spawn a bad CA error?07:30
lifelessawmcclain: remove pycurl07:30
lifelessawmcclain: or setup the certificate07:30
awmcclainDoes bzr set the cainfo when using pycurl? Where does it look for the .pem?07:45
lifelessbzr doesn't ask pycurl to do anything special07:49
awmcclainHrm. Well, I can't uninstall pycurl, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to get it to recognize the pem file I've downloaded for the certificate.07:58
awmcclainUsing bzr push https+urllib://code.launchpad.net/~awmcclain/bzr-email/gmail-fix tells me I "have a valid .bzr control directory, but not a branch or repository"... is that because I'm trying to push a checkout to a branch?07:59
lifelessawmcclain: it sounds like it got interrupted creating the dir08:09
lifelessawmcclain: you can just use bzr send and mail me a bundle if you like08:09
awmcclainYeah, I temporarily disabled pycurl and now I'm getting a transport error: http://dpaste.com/95289/08:11
awmcclainWhat if I delete the branch on launchpad and start again? I'm just trying to publish the updated bzr-email that works with gmail.08:12
lifelessyah delete the branch and start again08:17
gioeleis there a command I can use to see the status of a file? On one file bzr status says nothing. I don't understand whether it is ignored, unknown or versioned08:45
pooliegioele, 'bzr ls' in the directory will tell you if it's versioned or not08:49
gioelepoolie: thanks08:52
gioeleanyway, isn't there a single command that integrates status and ls?08:53
gioeleI wonder why status --verbose is silent for versioned files08:53
pooliethat seems like a bug to me too08:55
pooliein fact, a regression08:55
markhdoes bundlebuggy only see mails that *start* with "[MERGE"?  HACKING says only "put [PATCH] or [MERGE] in the subject"09:01
mwhudsonmarkh: i think it's startswith, yeah09:02
markhoh well, 3rd time lucky I guess...09:04
poolieit shouldn't be09:05
markhBB didn't pickup my retried message, and AlexB sent me a private email telling me he thought it was a regex with "^[MERGE"...09:06
markh3rd try sent now :)09:06
markhyep - and BB immediately got it09:08
stephankHi! I have a bit of a problem. I have a bzr working directory I imported from a project source tarball. Now I've worked on this extensively, branched this several times, etc. The original project has since made some interesting changes available in a subversion repository, and I want to merge this into one of my branches. But of course, bazaar complains about no common ancestor. How would I go about this?11:08
lifelessstephank: the easiest way would be to branch off your original import, then run 'svn diff -r ORIG -r -1' | bzr patch11:16
lifelessor something like that11:16
stephanklifeless: I see, I'll try that. Thanks :)11:19
sven_hi! my friend got this crash when running gcommit : http://pastebin.com/dd9a619f13:01
sven_is that a known bug?13:01
sven_shall i report it?13:01
jelmeryeah, it's a known bug - there's a bug open about it in lp I think13:04
sven_jelmer, ok, thanks13:05
vilasven_: It is a known bug and I'm pretty it's already fixed, my best guess is that your don't have the latest bzr-gtk version available13:05
sven_vila, ok, good to hear13:05
vilasven_: it should be bug #286834, if that's not the case, let us know13:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286834 in bzr-gtk ""bzr gcommit" issues an exception" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28683413:09
sven_vila, thanks a lot. i'll let you know if the problem persists after he upgrades13:11
vilasven_: strictly speaking this may be bug #279831, but the fix for #286834 was merged later and cover other related cases, so you need at least revno 617 of bzr-gtk13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279831 in bzr-gtk "C-extensions in bzr.dev cause "bzr gcommit" to issue exception" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27983113:15
vilajelmer: ping, I just marked bug 279831 as Fixed Released and realized that may not be the bzr-gtk policy, can you confirm ? I.e. the fix is merged on trunk even if 0.96.0 has not been formally released13:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 279831 in bzr-gtk "C-extensions in bzr.dev cause "bzr gcommit" to issue exception" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27983113:18
vilajam: ping13:23
jelmervila, we usually mark as released after a release14:05
viladamn, ok, I'll fix the two I know about then14:05
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jamvila: pong15:16
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lukshehe, git-generated patch against bzr in the ML16:32
LarstiQJari seems to have that as his mo.16:37
CardinalFangHi all.  Why would a "bzr pull", not "merge", ever generate conflicts?16:52
UrsinhaCardinalFang, because you have a modified file on your local version that was changed on the remote one?16:53
CardinalFangUrsinha, Then "pull" would abort and say "use 'merge' instead", yes?16:53
james_wyeah, if you have uncommitted changes then you can get conflicts on pull16:53
CardinalFangUncommitted changes.  Ah.16:54
* CardinalFang checks.16:54
luksanother possible conflict is if the remote side removes a directory,but you still have some unversioned file in the directory16:54
CardinalFangI see "Contents conflicts" on files, fwiw.16:54
james_wyeah, "Contents conflicts" is probably something like luks says16:55
james_wunversioned files conflicting with tree state changes16:55
awilkinsI'm having to convert a version control system to a newer one17:01
awilkinsProblem is, the "version control system" is a guy who periodically just backs up the folder and adds the date to the name17:01
* awilkins wants to revert to HIS revision 0 and delete some vital code17:02
luksreplacing humans by software is always fun17:02
luksor are you converting the old guy into a newer guy? :)17:04
awilkinsI'd settle for some upgrades17:04
Takawilkins: you and I must have the same coworkers17:06
vilajelmer: ping17:28
vilajelmer: can you give me more info about bug #303959 ?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303959 in bzr-svn "missing redirect handler: no repository found when pulling a branch from bzr-playground" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30395917:30
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awmcclainCan't catch a break while trying to push to a new branch on lp: http://dpaste.com/95441/18:26
jamawmcclain: use a newer bzr :)18:30
jamActually the "in_buffer" bug is only because you used -Dhpss (it was a bug in the debug code)18:30
jamwhat happens if you *don't* use -Dhpss18:31
awmcclainSee the top of the of the paste... same faliar.18:32
* awmcclain fails.18:32
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jam awmcclain: "Permission denied (publickey)" means that launchpad doesn't like your ssh key18:36
awmcclainA ha!18:36
awmcclainMakes sense.18:36
jamYou can try "sftp -v bazaar.launchpad.net/~awmcclain/bzr-email/gmail-fix" if you want more debugging on that18:36
LaserJockis there a way to tell what bzr release a particular version of bzr-svn works with?19:06
srihey, anybody got vim scripts to do commits within vim?19:06
sriotherwise I suppose I'll write one..19:07
lifelessthere is something19:08
lifelesssearch the list archives for vim :)19:08
srioaky, I did a google and turned up nada.. which is why I asked here :)19:09
awmcclainsri: One of the VCS plugins has bzr support.19:09
sriI'll check the list archives.19:09
lifelesshttp://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=bzr+vim ?19:09
sriawmcclain: okay.19:09
lifelesssri: ^ my first google fu is strong19:09
sridamn.. I did vim scripts bzr19:10
sriyour fu is strong :)19:10
sriI knew there had to be one.. I couldn't imagine nobody not writing one.19:10
Rollyhi all. someone committed a few revisions with the wrong name/email. Is there anyway to change them?19:25
lifelessRolly: you can uncommit and recommit, but you can't just edit previous commits19:26
=== fta_ is now known as fta
RollyOkay thanks19:28
Rollyby the way, what is a typical use-case for bzr link-tree ?19:28
RollyI didn't see it in the docs or the user guide19:30
lifelessit just hardlinks files in two trees that are the same, together19:33
lifelessits a space saver if you have very large trees19:33
lamalexmwhudson: beuno: ping?19:37
=== init is now known as Spaz
lifelessbug 30454720:37
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 304547 could not be found20:37
LaserJockdoes anybody know if the lesslog plugin is going to be maintained? it seems to have disappeared20:38
lifelessLaserJock: no idea sorry20:38
rockstarjelmer, ping21:15
jelmerrockstar, pong21:20
rockstarjelmer, I don't see a subvertpy release.21:22
jelmerrockstar, there is none, just a bzr branch :-)21:22
rockstarjelmer, but it's stable, right?  You're not going to change the API?21:23
bpierrewhen is the final release for 1.10 due?21:24
jelmerrockstar, yes, the API is stable21:24
jelmerrockstar, the basie project is already using it in their vcs browser21:25
NfNitLoopPushing 4 small revisions via bzr-svn is slow.  It always makes me worry that it's doing something it shouldn't be. :p21:27
jelmerNfNitLoop, 0.5 will be much quicker I think :-)21:27
NfNitLoopcool. :)21:28
NfNitLoopand I noticed some comments about 0.5 doing away with branching schemes.21:29
NfNitLoopwhich will be nice.  Because it seems nobody around here can follow a standard. :p21:29
NfNitLoop(here - my workplace, in case that was vague.  Not y'all.)  :)21:42
lifelessjelmer: what has enabled the speed increase?21:49
jelmerlifeless: A bunch of things21:51
jelmerlifeless, Eliminating various loops over all revisions in the repository to fetch and replacing with a single loop21:51
jelmerlifeless, Never fetching file properties for a directory more than once21:52
jelmerlifeless, Not fetching bzr file properties when we can prove they can't be there21:52
lifelessjelmer: did bzrlib changes help this? and if so can you suggest more we should do?21:55
jelmerlifeless, in terms of performance, I don't think there's a lot more that can be fixed in bzrlib (other than those two issues I raised)21:56
flacostehi there, how can find the 'submit:' revision using bzrlib?22:01
flacostehow put another way22:03
flacostei have a WorkingTree and I want to call changes_from() to get the list of changes relative to the submit: target22:03
lifelessdo you mean equiv to 'bzr st -r submit:'?22:05
flacostelooking at status.py22:08
flacostei guess that I need a RevisionSpec22:08
flacosteand call spec.as_tree(wt.branch) on it?22:08
lifelessI think you have  tree, so tree.branch.get_config().<something> will give you the submit url22:09
lifelessthen you should open the branch - Branch.open(submit_url) and get the tip via branch.basis_tree()22:09
lifelessor something like that22:09
flacostewouldn't RevisionSpec.from_string('subtmi:').as_tree(wt.branch) takes care of looking at the config?22:10
flacosteseems to work here22:11
lifelessflacoste: revision specs are really a UI feature22:36
lifelessflacoste: I wouldn't encourage using them in direct scripts22:36
lifelessPeng_: present for you22:37
flacostelifeless: they offer a nice abstraction api22:37
markhpoolie: did you CC me on that last message to web24 support?  If so I haven't got it yet and I notice kerguelen is still down...22:40
lifelessflacoste: they do, but as a UI layer we change things as we find what works for users and does not work22:40
lifelessflacoste: compared to the underlying api where we tolerate awkward naming, for instance, more.22:40
flacostelifeless: what about configuration names? is that the UI layer also?22:41
pooliemarkh: i last posted through their web support portal22:41
pooliejohn also found it was still down22:41
flacostelifeless: because if I don't use RevisionSpec.from_string('submit:') i have to copy the 'submit:' configuration logic encapsulated into RevisionSpec_submit22:41
lifelessflacoste: flacoste its 'branch.get_submit_branch()'22:43
lifelessflacoste: no, you don't :)22:43
flacostelifeless: a! that's even better!22:43
flacostethat's a very nice API22:43
pooliejam, markh: While we have removed all the Windows updates by our usual method, there still appears to be an issue with the server (stemming from the Windows updates carried out).22:43
poolieI have escalated this to Parallels' developers, seeking their assistance (highest support priority) in getting your server back online.22:43
lifelessflacoste: I just checked, we have some code duplication surrounding this22:44
markhbleh :(22:44
markhthe web portal now shows the status as "booting" - obviously not very successfully though :)22:44
lifelessflacoste: as you say, there is logic there that would be duplicated to be 100% correct; I suggest filing a bug as its also duplciated in cmd_bundle22:44
flacostelifeless: you mean between RevisionSpec_submit and cmd_bundle?22:45
lifelessPeng_: btree bzr-search, now 10% faster22:59
lifelessflacoste: generally we try to have a really nice api23:08
lifelessflacoste: it makes scripts clearer23:08
flacostelifeless: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/30458523:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 304585 in bzr "There should be an API to get the branch referred to by submit:" [Undecided,New]23:08
CaMasonhi guys. I've renamed a file on my system without using bzr rename. Is there a way I can link these files before I commit?23:23
bob2bzr help mv -> --after23:24
CaMasonaha thanks bob223:24
CaMasonace. worked like a treat23:25
jelmerlifeless, Is there any chance split inventories will help with bzr-svn?23:28
lifelessjelmer: likely23:30
lifelessjelmer: what things slow bzr-svn up23:30
jelmerlifeless: lsprof reports:23:31
jelmer * Inventory.copy() (33%)23:31
jelmer * Repository.add_revision() (49%) (most of which is spent serialising23:31
jelmerthe inventory)23:31
lifelessjelmer: grab the brisbane-core branch23:32
lifelessjelmer: use --development423:32
jelmerlifeless, would any of these functions in particular become faster or do I have to make different calls as well?23:32
lifeless(--development4-subtrees I guess, or make the obvious changes to get a -rich-root variant)23:32
lifelessInventory.copy() isn't relevant to split-inventories23:33
lifelessjelmer: describe the context you are using these things in23:33
jelmerlifeless: This is during svn-import23:33
jelmeradd_revision() is called each time a new revision is imported from svn and added to the bzr repository23:33
jelmerInventory.copy() is called before each revision delta that is fetched from svn23:34
lifelessok, and where are you using I.copy?23:34
jelmerWe make the changes against the copy of the inventory because we have to keep the parent inventory around as well23:34
jelmer(to see what file ids certain paths had in the parent revision, etc)23:35
lifelesschange your code to do this:23:35
lifeless* create an inventory delta23:36
lifelesscall Repository.add_inventory_delta(...)23:36
lifelessand just hold onto inventories you want23:36
jelmerlifeless, thanks, I'll have a look at that23:42
lifelessit should work fine on bzr.dev too23:43
lifelessbut on development4 it will apply the delta without examining the entire inventory23:43
thumperlifeless: when are you off?23:53
thumperlifeless: 'cause I have a big pqm patch23:53
thumperlifeless: to fix multipart message handling23:53
lifelessthumper: 1 hour23:53
thumperlifeless: ah23:53
thumperlifeless: the verify-email-hackage branch just refactors the email processing and verification23:54
thumperlifeless: I'm going to write another that does the multipart handling of merge directives23:54
thumperlifeless: but probably not today23:54
lifelessthumper: very cool - thank you23:55
lifelessthumper: today I fly, tomorrow I'm on leave, friday fosscamp starts23:55
lifelessI'll do what I can23:55
thumperlifeless: ok23:55
thumperlifeless: I have mthaddon waiting on a version that handles merge-directives to test23:56
* thumper needs coffee badly23:56
lifelessthumper: bug 304545 is in the lp-bazaar baliwick23:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304545 in bzr "ProtocolError for xmlrpc while pushing branch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30454523:57
* thumper looks23:57
lifelesslooks like an internal service went transiently awol23:58
lifelesslikely not a code bug per-se, but still...23:58
thumperlifeless: retargetted23:58
thumperlifeless: I think it is a known bug, where the fix is in progress23:58

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