
ryanhaighhi all, how might i go about having a project i created removed from launchpad?00:02
ryanhaighor at least removing the current branch00:02
matsubararyanhaigh: ask a question in https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad with a URL to the project and let me know the question number. I'll ask a LP admin to have it removed00:04
matsubararyanhaigh: if you want only the branch removed, you can do it by yourself. what's the branch?00:04
ryanhaighmatsubara: thanks, im doing the question no00:06
ryanhaighmatsubara: the question number if #5318000:08
ryanhaighmatsubara: thanks00:08
andylockranhas the recent upgrade to OpenID broken it as a provider..00:56
andylockranno worries then.. must be something else.00:58
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yarkois there a way I can remove a emailed comment from a launchpad bug?07:41
Hobbseenot usually07:43
yarkook - so what do I need to do to get a comment out?07:44
Hobbseeyou usually can't07:45
Hobbseebut, try answers.launchpad.net/launchpad07:45
Hobbseeand they'll get back to you07:45
yarkoI got a private email about a bug on my project - only reply-to was hidden and went to launchpad....07:47
yarkothe reply needs to be private, so I made the bug private (still one person too many in the radar) ---- but the bug shouldn't be private, so I just need to remove that comment that shouldn't have gotten sent there.07:47
Hobbseeit seems to be a case-by-case thing, but they usually don't.  OTOH, that does sound like a reasonable thing, but I have no say in the matter, i'm just a user07:48
yarkokinda sucks (at least I could make the issue private, and it didn't have the whole world subscribed to it)07:48
Hobbseeheh, yes07:48
yarkowould be nice to moderate comments as project owner - sort of like group permissions power...07:50
yarkoHobbsee:  thanks for the tip / URL;  that was the right thing to do (I can see they've done this sort of thing there before).08:07
Hobbseeyarko: you're welcome :)08:08
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pygikiko_, I hear you've been bugging my project :p13:25
kiko_pygi, pimping!13:26
pygikiko_, o, so that's what its called these days!13:26
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pygikiko_, thanks :)13:56
kiko_sure thing!13:57
pygikiko_, just so you know, LP is a social network :p13:58
kiko_I'm figuring that out as I go!13:59
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=== Ursinha changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Need help? Community help contact: Ursinha
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thomas_I was referred to this place by Daniel Holbach14:11
kiko_thomas_, it's a nice place.14:12
thomas_It is the first time I use IRC14:12
thomas_Forgive me for the clumsiness14:13
thomas_I want to help out with Jaunty14:13
thomas_I was notified by Hew I should join Bug Squad14:13
thomas_I thought I was not ready for that as I do not know myself how to report bugs properly14:14
thomas_He says that is why I actually should join14:14
kiko_there's a lot of documentation available14:14
kiko_let me find the right channel for you14:14
kiko_thomas_, #ubuntu-bugs14:15
kiko_that's the channel you want to join14:15
thomas_I cannot join because I cannot I have no gpg key14:15
thomas_Daniel Holbach send me from that channel over here14:15
thomas_You are sure it is the right channel?14:16
thomas_Anyway, Hew told me the way I do it is not constructive enough14:16
thomas_I agree14:16
kiko_let me ask daniel14:17
kiko_thomas_, he says you want to sign the CoC?14:18
thomas_But I just want to say I am now using Jaunty and have a 3 GB /var/cache/apt/archives folder.14:19
thomas_I cannot do that, because I cannot upload the gpg thing to launchpad14:19
kiko_thomas_, and why can't you do that?14:19
thomas_I have bot my gmail and yahoo registered14:20
thomas_With launchpad14:20
kiko_thomas_, emails? what about your gpg key?14:20
thomas_I have created 5 so far14:20
thomas_I can upload my public part14:20
thomas_But when I enter the fingerprint14:21
thomas_and click confirm14:21
thomas_Nothing happens14:21
kiko_what does nothing mean, specifically?14:21
thomas_The server does not send the email14:21
thomas_I do not know why14:22
kiko_do you get an acknowledgement notice in the web page?14:22
kiko_and it says it's emailing you?14:22
thomas_and I get 30 mails a day from bugs I am subsribed to14:22
thomas_And I get launchpad digest on gmail14:22
kiko_ah, you are thomas delbeke14:23
thomas_But not the gpg thing I am supposed to decrypt14:23
kiko_thomas_, hmm. I don't quite understand how that can be happening14:23
thomas_I have gotten one in the past for both of these adresses,14:23
thomas_Me neither14:24
thomas_I have asked launchpad digest and Canonical14:24
kiko_I replied to you14:24
kiko_I'm Christian Reis14:24
thomas_I find it very weird14:24
thomas_Hi Christian, I am Thomas DElbeke14:24
kiko_I know14:24
kiko_what's your launchpad ID?14:25
thomas_I am running a dual boot14:25
kiko_as in cobbles14:25
kiko_no, that's not it14:25
thomas_I am almost exclusively using Jaunty now14:25
kiko_what's your user homepage URL?14:25
kiko_it's thomasdelbeke14:26
kiko_so do the following:14:26
kiko_visit that page.14:26
kiko_cancel the validation for that key14:26
kiko_enter it again14:26
kiko_and then see if the email gets sent14:26
thomas_But I have already done that for previous keys14:28
thomas_It did not change anything14:28
kiko_you should only have one key14:28
kiko_I don't know what you mean by "previous keys"14:28
kiko_but anyway14:28
thomas_Yes I know14:28
kiko_cancel it and import again14:28
kiko_and we'll be able to see if the email is going out or not14:28
thomas_But I can not cancel the first one14:28
kiko_why not?14:29
thomas_Because I did not generate a revocation key for that14:29
kiko_you're confused14:29
thomas_How will you be able to see?14:29
kiko_I just meant cancel the validation14:29
kiko_that has nothing to do with revocation keys14:29
thomas_I just did that already14:29
kiko_revocation and validation cancelling are completely different things14:29
thomas_So you cannot see it?14:30
kiko_now just put the same key fingerprint back into the form and import it again.14:30
kiko_you shouldn't be generating a new key -- just use the same key14:30
thomas_I did that14:31
kiko_can you check your email now?14:31
thomas_So now I should get a new email?14:31
thomas_I do not get anything14:32
thomas_Although the blue box told me it was being send14:32
kiko_at thomasdelbeke@yahoo.com?14:32
kiko_thomas_, and you're sure it's not going into the spam folder or anything like that?14:32
thomas_A message has been sent to thomasdelbeke@yahoo.com, encrypted with the key 1024D/F51BEAE5. To confirm the key is yours, decrypt the message and follow the link inside.14:33
kiko_not in the spam folder or anything?14:33
thomas_I checked my spam folder14:33
thomas_there is plenty in there14:34
thomas_not what I want14:34
thomas_I deleted the first email accidentally14:34
thomas_several weeks ago14:34
thomas_I can just wait for launchpad14:35
kiko_okay, I'm emailing the IS team to see if the email is being sent out or not.14:35
thomas_eh Canonical Support14:35
thomas_I mean14:35
thomas_They said they would do that as well14:35
kiko_thomas_, I was the one who replied to that email. i.e. They == me.14:36
kiko_anyway, let's see what they tell us14:36
thomas_I meant Canonical Support14:36
thomas_In Canada14:36
thomas_but that takes a while I guess14:37
kiko_I'll get a reply back14:37
thomas_a couple of days?14:37
thomas_So I leave you now?14:41
kiko_you can go back to #ubuntu-bugs and work on bugs14:41
kiko_I'll see what is up with your GPG key email and write you back14:41
thomas_Thanks a lot!14:41
thomas_Cheers mate14:41
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shirishhi all, how do I assign or choose a bug for hardy-backports?14:58
Ursinhahi shirish15:02
Ursinhado you have the bug number?15:04
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Ursinhashirish, if you want to assign a bug to hardy-backports you have to choose "Also affects project" and then choose hardy-backports15:24
kiko_Ursinha, don't they use series nominations for that?15:26
Ursinhakiko_, matsubara found these bugs about that: bug 30419 and bug 24499815:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30419 in malone "Malone should allow handling backport fix requests" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3041915:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244998 in malone ""Also affects project" is inconsistent and obscure when in package context" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24499815:27
Ursinhait seems this is how they do15:27
james_wseries are used for SRUs, backports use projects15:28
james_w"How to request new backports"15:29
james_w"new packages" sorry15:29
kiko_james_w, is the issue that you can't separate SRUs from backports if both used nominations?15:31
james_wI'm not sure15:31
james_wthat's what I thought initially, but SRUs are for bugs, and backports for packages, so we use a new bug for a backport request15:31
kiko_sure, but the bug could still be against ubuntu and backported15:32
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Ursinhajtv, jtv1, jtv2, jtv3 are you having internet issues? :)15:46
jtv3Ursinha: I blinked just now.15:46
jtv3Ursinha: looks like I blinked a lot...15:46
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mterryThere's no site-wide problem with LP mail or anything is there?  I haven't received mail on several projects since yesterday, despite expecting it16:32
kiko_mterry, no, none. I got lots of launchpad email today.16:34
mterrykiko_: OK, I'll look into my LP subscription settings16:35
kiko_or your spam folder <wink>16:35
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steltCan i please have all the bugs i reported on screen the second i've logged in? Time between bugs reported is just enough to forget how the h... to get to my reported bugs and answer the questions in the comments.19:30
lifelessstelt: I suggest you make a bookmark to your +bugs page19:34
intellectronicastelt: lifeless' advice stands, but i'm happy to inform you that we're working on exactly that19:37
steltthanks, as i was just trying to advance search my way into creating the URL to bookmark.19:38
intellectronicastelt: if you have suggestions for things you'd like to access easily from a personalised homepage, file bugs or write about them to the mailing list19:38
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mtaylorhey all...21:39
* mtaylor is wondering why a blueprint can't depend on a bug...21:39
lifelesshasn't been implemented21:39
lifelessbut also21:39
lifelessconceptually, should a /design/ depend on a /code defect/21:40
mtaylorlifeless: well, the implementation of a design might be blocked by a defect21:41
* mtaylor has one of these right now...21:42
mtaylorI could just list the blueprint as "blocked" ... but then you might wonder "blocked by what?"21:43
thumpermtaylor: can't you link a spec to a bug?21:44
mtaylorthumper: yes... but that makes me think that the dependency is the other direction... that the blueprint is a description of the bug fix21:45
thumperI see what you mean21:46
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macoi forget how to upload to a PPA and i cant find the help page anymore. anyone got the link?22:36
macoall i remember is that the dsc is involved22:37
wgrantmaco: It's actually the .changes that is import.22:44
* wgrant finds a link.22:44
wgrants/import/important, it's too early/22:44
Ursinhahey maco22:45
Ursinhathat link :)22:45
bpierrehow does launchpad do that trick where automatily create a stack branch? do you do that only by using a hook?22:45
macowgrant: thanks22:45
bpierre*where it automatically creates22:45
wgrantbigjools: I notice the spec completely fails to say what the UIDs on the keys will be.22:45
wgrantWhich is the important, unfixable and potentially disastrous thing.22:45
Ursinhathumper, ^22:46
thumperbpierre: it is magic22:47
wgrantthumper: Magic being some config file in ~*/project where there is a trunk branch?22:48
bpierreso what's the magical formula?22:48
thumperit is a combination of the repository and branch format22:48
jmlwhere there is a trunk branch, and the trunk branch has a stackable format.22:48
thumperand a specified trunk branch22:48
jmlsorry, we show the config file all the time :)22:49
jmlwe trust the bazaar client to figure out whether stacking is an option, given that info.22:49
MTecknologyI reported a lot of bugs and went through them but I can't find them anymore...23:06
Hobbseedarn.  where's spm?23:06
kikoMTecknology, look at bugs.l.n/~you/+reportedbugs23:06
MTecknologyHobbsee: hey - any chance I could convince you to do that sometime?23:07
MTecknologykiko: ya, that's missing a whole lot of bugs I've reported. Even when I show duplicate bugs23:08
HobbseeMTecknology: probably the ones that are actually fixed?23:08
MTecknologyoh... how do I make it show fixed ones23:09
MTecknologythere we go :D23:09
kikowe actually do fix bugs23:10
MTecknologyHobbsee: did you ever think about anything you could say about me?23:10
kikomostly we introduce them though23:10
HobbseeMTecknology: not yet.  i only finished exams yesterday23:10
* Hobbsee sighs at more launchpad spam23:10
MTecknologyHobbsee: oh, I start in 2 weeks23:10
* Hobbsee stomps on bzr23:17
Hobbseewhat are the implications of running bzr upgrade?23:17
qballHobbsee: be gentile23:18
wgrantHobbsee: It will upgrade your repo making it unreadable by old bzrs.23:18
qballHobbsee: it might breake23:18
qballstupid finger memory23:18
Hobbseewgrant: hmmm.  So i'd better not do it for branches I don't control, then.23:18
Hobbseeqball: well that's true23:21
Hobbseeqball: i suspect it's already broken23:22
qballowh past 12 allready23:22
idnarI pushed a bzr branch, then changed my mind, so now I'm trying to delete it; but I get an "Oops!" message23:24
wgrantidnar: Known bug.23:25
wgrantUrsinha: ETA on that fix?23:25
MTecknologyqball: break*23:26
wgrantMTecknology: I was going to do that, but thought it would be cruel.23:26
MTecknologyI'm like that ;)23:26
idnarokay, cool23:26
MTecknologyAt least I'm not in my depressed time of the year - I need to walk away from everybody and everything for a month and just relax or I freak out23:27
MTecknologybut I take the freak out option instead23:27
Ursinhathumper, ^23:28
Ursinhasorry thumper, don't hate me23:28
wgrantWould the fix to manually remove the revisions be on edge already?23:29
bpierreok, found it, thanks for the info thumper, jml23:30
bpierreshouldn't that be added to the bazaar doc?23:31
thumperUrsinha: what's up?23:32
Ursinhathumper, wgrant wants to know about the fix of bug 301595, I guess23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301595 in launchpad-bazaar "OOPS when deleting a branch with revisions" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30159523:34
Ursinhawhich is fix committed :)23:34
thumperUrsinha: fixed on edge23:34
wgrantUrsinha: idnar unknowingly wanted to know about it.23:34
ftaany lp/ppa admin there? I need to know why my last upload blocks on all arches23:35
thumperidnar: I can delete it for you if you tell me which one23:35
cprovfta: "blocks" ?23:36
ftacprov, https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/actinium23:36
idnarI just deleted it successfully through edge23:36
ftacprov, it's been like that for >1h23:36
thumperidnar: ok23:36
wgrantWhy are there .tar.bz2s in there?23:36
ftacprov, it would help me if I could see what is currently running23:37
ftacprov, locally, it's all fine23:37
cprovfta: compare the logs then, what happens after cdbs23:38
ftacprov, http://paste.ubuntu.com/79546/23:41
cprovfta: I've reset the builder.23:41
ftaall 9 ?23:42
ftai had builds for hardy / intrepid / jaunty for all 3 arches23:42
cprovfta: not only actinium23:42
cproverr, no, only actinium, I meant.23:43
cprovfta: seems to be in the same state already.23:44
ftacould you please look at another builder and tell me which process is blocking that? I'd appreciate as i can't reproduce it locally23:44
cprovfta: yup23:45
cprovfta: exactly the same step23:46
cprovfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds/hassium23:46
ftathat I know but a pstree of dpkg-buildpackage would give me a clue, or a strace or something23:47
ftasomething is apparently blocking between these two lines:23:49
fta/usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/buildcore.mk:72: parsing songbird-1.0.0-source.tar.bz2 xulrunner- ...23:49
ftaParsing songbird-1.0.0-source.tar.bz2...23:49
ftaand i can't see what as the code of cdbs is pretty simple: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79548/23:50
cprovfta: well, I don't know what to do apart from delete the source and reset the builders for now.23:56

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