
_MMA_hmm... Where's thorwil?13:59
_MMA_kwwii: You in the states yet?13:59
kwwii_MMA_: nope, not till sat15:07
_MMA_thorwil: Yo. :) I was thinkin' about the CSS engine template. Would it be good to design it like The Widget Factory is laid out? It's a familiar layout that might help people use the template. Just an idea.16:27
thorwil_MMA_: the button table already says no. now area by area ... maybe16:28
_MMA_Hmm... Maybe I don't understand how it works yet.16:35
_MMA_I *thought* it just generated a bunch of images from the template.16:36
kwwii_MMA_: I was thinking along the same lines, but there are some widgets not shown in twf iirc17:27
_MMA_kwwii: Sure, So that where we deviate.17:44
_MMA_kwwii: Do we just have an older TWF? Because I see screenshots with more widgets on it lately. More stuff at the bottom. Or an I just missing something?17:56
_MMA_Oh. Its not official. http://www.opendesktop.org/content/show.php/The+Unofficial+Widget+Factory?content=83361&PHPSESSID=ba3cd71e0e944ce027705692e622f78118:02
_MMA_Adds "expander" and "Calender".18:02
kwwii_MMA_: exactly18:03
kwwiiand apparently that version still has some bugs18:03
kwwiistill, I see no reason not to at least roughly base it on the same layout as twf18:03
_MMA_Kinda odd still. Why this isn't upstream. I wonder if its unmaintained?18:04
_MMA_What? The template based on TWF?18:04
kwwiiwell, in the end the fact that you layout all the widgets in one piece will make it roughly similar18:05
_MMA_Sure. If done right, it could look *exactly* like TWF.18:06
kwwiiin the end, this is all very close to the hildon template (which is pretty complicated once you get into the fine details)18:08
kwwiitime for dinner, bbl18:16
thorwil8-]  https://stage.maemo.org/svn/maemo/projects/haf/trunk/hildon-theme-plankton/template/template.png18:25
* _MMA_ looks18:25
_MMA_thorwil: Did you do that?18:26
thorwil_MMA_: no, i'm just now looking what it is about that hildon template kwwii mentioned18:26
_MMA_Oh I see. "maemo"18:27
thorwilbonsoir nand. as soon as the old version is  out of caching, the brainstorm icon on the participate page will appear fixed :)18:41
thorwilbut right now it looks extra horrible :)  http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate18:43
nandthorwil: oh, you got that fixed? Thanks :)18:45
nandalways been pixxelated18:46
thorwilnand: np. it felt like a slap in _my_ face ;)18:46
nandI understand :)18:48

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