
pckchemHmm anyone want to answer a quick workflow question?00:07
bdmurraypckchem: sure00:07
pckchemOh hey Brian. What is the procedure for properly requested Needs-packaging bugs? Should the be confirmed or left new.00:08
bdmurrayConfirmed if not in Debian or Ubuntu00:09
bdmurraysee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage#Needs%20Packaging%20Bugs for more info00:09
pckchemAhh, thanks for the link. Was looking for something like that but couldn't find it.00:11
* pckchem triages onward00:11
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
ElbrusIf somebody could set bug 303709 to wishlist (and triaged) I would appreciate it. (I send the bug to the Debian BTS) and will see if I can create a patch.02:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303709 in lazarus "Installation does not set Freepascal source directory" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30370902:30
Elbruspckchem: thanks02:33
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
* Elbrus just closed the first bug where he actually was the assignee...03:08
* Elbrus feels great for a moment.03:08
Elbrusbug 172804 if you care...03:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 172804 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] winff - GUI ffmpeg batch video converter" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17280403:09
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
ElbrusI just filled bug 304249, should I subscribe MOTU if I want this processed (debdiff attached)?03:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304249 in winff "[jaunty] Presets are not compatible with the ffmpeg version " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30424903:50
Hobbseeno, you should NEVER subscribe MOTU03:50
Hobbseeelse I will come and hit you with a stick, as may the other 80-odd people who will get mail if you do03:50
Elbrusok, ok, I understand03:50
* Elbrus hiddes under the table03:50
HobbseeElbrus: what you want is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing#Preparing%20Patches (and below)03:51
Hobbseein particular, the stuff about the sponsoring queue03:51
* Elbrus could find the apropriate wiki, so thanks Hobbsee03:51
HobbseeElbrus: you're welcome :) (and it's in the topic of #ubuntu-motu, if that helps)03:52
Elbruswhy doesn't debdiff do: diff -urN debian.old debian03:55
Hobbseeit does?03:55
Elbrusno, diff -u03:55
Hobbseemethinks it does anyway, but only shows diff -u for some reason03:55
Hobbseeat least my debdiffs look like they're done with the proper diff -urN03:56
Elbrusok, so debdiff would qualify right?03:56
Hobbseei think you only need the later section, which should refer to debdiffs03:56
* Hobbsee clicked on hte wrong bit?03:56
Elbrushmm, my debdiff is called winff-0.43-2ubuntu1.debdiff instead of winff_0.43-2ubuntu1.debdiff, is that a big problem...04:00
Hobbseedoesn't really matter what they're called, as long as it's descriptive04:01
Hobbseethe person downloads the source, and applies it like a regular patch04:01
dholbachgood morning05:58
sk8ingdomhas anyone heard of gnome crashes right after login due to recent updates in 8.04.1?07:47
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
thekorngood morning bugsquad09:03
shingieHi Guys, I havent helped out with ubuntu bugs and i need to find out how i can help with 5-a-day09:39
wolfgerhi shingie, and welcome to 5-a-day :-)09:55
wolfgerYou've hopefully read the page on the tools involved, right?09:56
shingieI have watched some videos but I just dont know how to start09:56
wolfgerGot a Launchpad account, installed dholbach's package, etc?09:56
shingieyes i do have a launchpad account09:57
shingiewhich dholbach's package?09:58
wolfgerthe actual 5-a-day app09:59
wolfgerthat link tells you all you need to know about 5-a-day. Then you probably also want to visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage10:02
shingiewolfger: just checking out the link10:02
wolfgerI won't be on IRC much longer. If you have further questions that don't get answered here, feel free to e-mail me @gmail.com10:03
shingiewolfger: thanks for your help. I am just going thru the staff at the moment. I am very keen on helping out. I am a professional developer and my goal is to finally move onto the development side of bugs.10:07
shingiewolfger: but for now I will take small steps at a time, i mean not to overload myself with too much information to an extent og getting confused.10:08
wolfgerthe biggest thing, I think, is just learning the process... The wiki is a bounty of information, but there's an awful lot to take in. The cool thing is that you can just learn one small bit and dive in there. Learn the rest as you go10:10
wolfgerhope to see you on the stats page. ;-)10:11
shingiewolfger: i will be there soon10:16
thomas_Where do I need to register?13:58
thomas_Am I connected?13:58
thomas_If so to whome or what?13:58
thomas_Am I a donkey in my own monologue?13:59
thomas_Hi Geser14:00
thomas_Can you read me?14:00
dholbachhi thomas_, you're connected alright14:01
thomas_Oh thanks14:01
thomas_I have never used IRC before14:02
dholbachthomas_: are you looking for anything particular?14:03
thomas_Anyway, I am refered to this place by Hew.14:03
thomas_Yes sorry, I am looking for the last name.14:03
thomas_Anyway, I cannot use the gpg thing14:03
thomas_I do have ssh key.14:04
dholbachHew does not seem to be on irc.freenode.net14:04
thomas_No prob14:04
thomas_I would like to help out with Jaunty14:04
dholbachthere's Hew's details14:04
thomas_But as I cannot sign the code of conduct14:04
thomas_I do not know what to do..14:05
thomas_Yes Daniel, I have read that14:05
thomas_The problem is that the email is not coming true14:05
thomas_I just talked to Canonical support14:06
thomas_They are waiting for the server logs ...14:06
dholbachwhat do you mea n by "email is not coming true"?14:06
thomas_I am now runnin Jaunty14:06
thomas_I am not getting it14:07
dholbachah ok14:07
thomas_It is that simple as it is weird14:07
dholbachdid you talk to the folks in #launchpad14:07
thomas_I can get all other emails14:07
dholbachtry that14:07
thomas_I will try that14:07
dholbachrock on14:07
thomas_Thanks for that14:07
thomas_Cheers mate14:07
kiko_hey dholbach14:16
dholbachhiya kiko_14:16
kiko_I have a user on #launchpad that says you sent him over to us14:16
kiko_how can I help him?14:16
dholbachhe said he could not sign the CoC14:17
dholbachthat he did not receive the email14:17
dholbachkiko_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79320/ was the conversation we had14:18
ograyou should have told him that IRC is capable of handling two channels at the same time :P14:18
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
jjessedon't cry i didn't mean to scare you15:01
BUGabundo_workbddebian: :)15:12
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
Ursinhahi all15:27
Ursinhathere is an user on #launchpad asking about assigning a bug to hardy-backports15:27
Ursinhais that correct to set "also affects project" and then choose hardy-backports for that?15:28
greg-gseems like this page suggests to create a new clean bug with the relevant information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20request%20new%20packages15:30
greg-geither way, I would tell them to follow that guide15:30
Ursinhanice, thanks greg-g15:31
Ursinhaand thanks james_w15:31
greg-gUrsinha: no problem15:31
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon
=== Sikon is now known as LucidFox
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz
=== sdh_ is now known as sdh
steltif you comment on a closed bug, will people notice ?19:02
ivokssurbscribed people - yes19:04
Bit_Breaker* hello21:09
Bit_Breakeri have no sound in my Ubuntu 8.10 Laptop21:09
Bit_Breakeri tried restarting alsa-utils. Still no sound21:09
tcolechecked that everything is turned on in alsamixer?21:10
Bit_BreakerSystem > Preference > sound correct?21:15
Bit_Breakereverything is checked21:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:16
Bit_Breakeri found this in my system log21:17
hwildelast chance before reinstall... anybody know why this is failing reference two different kernels ? http://pastie.org/32918621:28
bdmurrayDo you have enough free space?21:29
Bit_Breakerhwilde: its possible21:32
hwildehold on not my system21:33
hwildelefix, are you out of diskspace21:33
Bit_Breakerdid u do the auto-remove also?21:33
lefixno should i pastebin?21:33
hwildejust run "df -ha"21:33
hwildeis use at 100%21:33
* hwilde stares at lefix21:34
Bit_Breakercan anyone help me with my sound issue21:34
hwildelefix, I am out of usggestions.  maybe bdmurray or Bit_Breaker  can think of something for you to try since you don't want to reinstall21:35
lefixcant be, i ve got 2 * 500 gig21:35
lefixno im going to reinstall the system21:36
Bit_Breakerno!! please dont reinstall21:36
Bit_Breakerlets see if we can help you21:36
Bit_Breakertry auto removing the items requested and performing pkg install again21:37
macoBit_Breaker: #ubuntu-audio-help later in the evening, maybe?21:37
lefixok you speak englisch right? for me it would be easier telling you this in german but its ok when i try it in englisch21:37
lefixbut i have to tell you i m really not a pro21:37
Bit_Breakerok.. sudo apt-get autoremove21:38
Bit_Breakerthen sudo apt-get install <package>21:38
hwildelefix, just run the commands they tell you and pastebin the output21:38
hwildeBit_Breaker, did you read the pastebin above21:39
hwildehe can't apt-get upgrade21:39
hwildethere are conflicting kernels21:39
hwildelefix, good luck21:39
lefixsudo apt-get install <package> but which package?21:40
Bit_Breakerhold on a sec, can u do this uname -r21:40
bdmurrayYou probably want the one from -updates, the -proposed kernel is for testing21:40
lefixhttp://pastie.org/329209 <- sudo apt-get autoremove21:42
bdmurraylefix: Why have you enabled -proposed?21:42
lefix? dont know what you mean21:43
Bit_Breakerok this is getting beyond me?21:43
Bit_Breakerwhats is enabled proposed?21:43
bdmurrayGet:1 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com intrepid-proposed/main linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic 2.6.27-10.20 [23.4MB]21:43
lefixare you talking to me? or asking to me?21:44
bdmurrayI am asking why you have enabled that pocket of Intrepid.21:45
lefixi dont know why proposed is enabled i m using ubuntu since version 8.1021:45
macoBit_Breaker: enabled -proposed means in the Software Sources you told it to allow the Proposed repository...it's the one where updates go for testing21:45
bdmurrayOkay, I would recommend turning it off21:46
Bit_Breakerwhoa!! god stuff21:46
bdmurrayDoing the opposite of what that says should disable it.21:46
bdmurrayWell, the opposite of the first screenshot.21:46
Bit_Breakerbdmurray: how could u tell from the pastebin21:47
bdmurrayBit_Breaker: line 2521:48
lefixthe opposite of the ubuntu software or what?21:48
bdmurrayUncheck "Proposed updates" in the Updates tab21:48
lefixdo you mean pre-released updates (intrepid-proposed) ?21:49
bdmurrayYes, it seems that screenshot needs updating ;-)21:50
Bit_Breaker=-O @ line 2521:51
lefixok hwile told me to check it, because he wanted to test something21:51
lefixok well, now important security updates (intrepid-security) and recommended updates (intrepid-updates) are checked, is that right?21:52
lefixor better should it be like this?21:53
bdmurrayEnabling -security and -updates is standard, so try that.21:53
macolefix: by which he means, "yes"21:54
lefixmessage: "The information about available software is out-of-date21:54
lefixTo install software and updates from newly added or changed sources, you have to reload the information about available software.21:54
lefixYou need a working internet connection to continue."21:54
lefixreload or close?21:54
lefixmessage "You have 2 broken packages on your system!21:56
lefixUse the "Broken" filter to locate them."21:56
macoits referring to Synaptic21:56
lefixwhat should i do now?21:57
macosince i dont know how to use synaptic, I'm going to say run "sudo apt-get update" in a terminal and see what two packages it says are broken22:00
bdmurrayWith Synapic you can click on the "Custom Filters" button and choose "Broken" to see which packages are broken.22:01
lefixand how do i use synaptic?22:01
macosystem -> administration -> synaptic package manager22:02
bdmurrayYou can find it in System -> Administration22:02
macoit's the graphical package installation thing22:02
maco(yes, that's a technical term)22:03
lefixand what do you want to know? Package ans installed verison, latest version. description or only one of them i mentioned?22:04
bdmurrayThe package name may be sufficient22:05
macobdmurray: are you using jaunty? and do you use evolution? i want to see if this UI bug still exists in jaunty22:06
macoyou know, before i try to fix it22:06
lefixlinux-image-generic and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-10-generic22:06
bdmurraymaco: I don't use evolution22:07
bdmurraylefix: if you right click on the package name what are your options?22:08
macobdmurray: ok22:08
lefixMark for Removal Mark for complete removal and properties, did you mean this?22:09
bdmurrayYes, marking them for removal should be safe and resolve the issue after applying the changes.22:10
lefixok i marked them, and now?22:11
lefixok do you want me to paste the information in the apply ("Summary") ?22:12
bdmurraySure, we can double check it.22:12
lefixok one moment pls22:13
lefixapply the following ... ... details: linux-generic will be removed22:14
lefixlinux-image-generic will be removed22:14
lefixlinux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-10-generic will be removed22:14
lefixlinux-restricted-modules-generic will be removed22:14
lefixSummary: 4 packages will be removed 2318 KB of extra space will be freed 0 B have to be downloaded and then a checkbos with the text "Download package files only)22:15
lefixis this ok like this?22:15
bdmurrayThat sounds find and then right after that we should do an update to get packages -updates22:15
lefixok following process running: removing software22:16
lefixupdate manager tells crash report detected22:17
lefixwindow with message: " An Error occurred E: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-10-generic: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1"22:17
lefixok now changes applied "not all changes and updates succeeded. For further details of the failure, pleas expand the 'terminal' panel below.22:22
lefixbut i can not copy the 'terminal' content22:22
lefixwhat further steps should i do?22:24
bdmurrayAre there still any packages listed with the broken filter?22:25
lefixat first do you want the content from the 'terminal' may i screeshot and upload it or easily close it?22:26
bdmurrayWhy don't you take a screenshot but not upload it yet.  We should be able to find the information elsewhere if we need it.22:28
Bit_Breakeris there a fix for my sould issue22:29
lefixone is listed: linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-10-generic22:29
bdmurraylefix: let's try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' after closing synaptic22:32
lefixok and now?22:36
bdmurraylefix: I'm not quite certain.  What was you original problem before the kernel installation issue?22:40
lefixgraphical bugs and when i started compiz fusion my system begann to lagg extremely later i reckognized that i cant disable my statup sound (system>Preferences>Sound)22:43
lefixthe sound preferences window does not open22:43
lefixyes and the update manager crash report22:43
lefixany idea for the problems solution?22:47
lefixwhen i look at my watch its late here and i have to stand up early tomorrow ...22:48
bdmurrayI'm sorry I don't have any other ideas at the moment22:48
lefixwould you suggest reinstalling the system is the best alternative?22:49
bdmurraythat really shouldn't be necessary22:50
lefixyeah i know22:51
lefixmaybe i ll be here tomorrow again, i hope somebody could help me22:51
lefixbdmurray: what if we use / reinstall an older kernel?22:52
bdmurrayif you could paste your full /var/log/apt/term.log that may help22:53
bdmurraywell, that doesn't explain the totem package error we saw22:53
lefixah ok22:53
lefixsry but there is no term.log22:54
lefixive got a folder partial; linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic_2.6.27-9.19_i386.deb;  linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic_2.6.27-10.20_i386.deb and lock22:56
lefixwhat does this mean if there is no term.log?22:56
lefixbdmurray what does it mean, when the term.log is missing?22:59
bdmurrayis there a term.log.1.gz in /var/log/apt/ ?22:59
lefixonly what i wrote to you23:00
lefixfolder "partial"23:00
lefix linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic_2.6.27-10.20_i386.deb23:00
lefixand lock23:00
lefixno damit im a idiot23:01
bdmurrayIs that /var/cache/apt/ ?23:01
lefixgod damn23:01
lefixok how do i open term.log23:03
bdmurrayYou need to be root to read it so 'sudo gedit' might work23:04
macowe're not supposed to tell people to use sudo with graphical, i thought23:05
bdmurrayokay, I personally would use sudo vi but that seemed inaccessible23:05
macoheh, im with you on that23:06
macoi said on gnome's usability list that as a vim user, i do keeping a "jump to front/end of paragraph" shortcut in gedit as a usaful thing23:06
* maco waits for packages to build for jaunty users to test23:07
macowow, evolution takes a long time to build23:10
lefixis this what you wanted?23:10
hggdhyes... and patches after patches after patches23:10
bdmurraylefix: yes, line 8-12 are the issue probably23:11
macohggdh: that at me?23:11
lefixbdmurray does this log could help?23:11
hggdhmaco, yes23:12
* maco checks the Tasks part of evolution. pretty sure there's another patch i need to package up and get testers for23:12
bdmurraylefix: the output of dmesg would be interesting too23:13
macoer...i dont want to figure out bzr-buildpackage. i'll just tell people to try the bzr23:13
hggdhmaco, are you building Evo in PPA? If so, what level23:15
hggdhcuz then I can stop with my builds23:15
macohggdh: i dont know what "what level" means. i'm building it for jaunty, to fix a minor UI bug that's annoying me.23:17
macoand yes, in a PPA23:17
hggdhI have been building it on Intrepid and Hardy23:17
macothe amd64 and lpia builds have been in-progress for about 20 minutes. i386 is pending23:17
hggdhyes, evo takes a long time. eds is faster23:18
hggdh(right now I am building trunk locally)23:18
lefixbdmurray: theres something i dont understand, why theres always " /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic_2.6.27-9.19_i386.deb23:19
lefix" why does it not use the following:23:19
lefix /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic_2.6.27-9.20_i386.deb23:20
lefix ("the 20 one" mean
macobecause -9 is the build number23:21
maco2.6.27.9 could be an actual upstream kernel23:21
macowell, not exactly teh build number. the ABI number...23:21
macothat -9.20 increments in some way with each build. if there's an ABI change (ex: you need to install new nvidia drivers), then the 9 changes. if not, the 20 changes.23:22
macothere's a less-simplified explanation of ABI available, but i forget it23:22
lefixdo you have any explanation for this topic?23:23
macohuh? i thought you were asking why they're numbered that way23:24
macosince you suggested
lefixi dont know for what those numbers are standing so i was irritated23:26
macowell, now you have an explanation23:27
lefixbut i dont understand it sorry23:27
macook well 2.6.27 is the upstream kernel the ubuntu kernel is based on23:27
lefixi told you that im not a pro, i use ubuntu since the 8.10 version23:28
macoeach time ubuntu modifies the kernel and builds it and puts out a new one for your updates, the -9.20 part changes. if you need to reinstall 3rd-party drivers, they let you know that by changing the 9 to a bigger number. if you don't, they only change that 20 part.23:28
lefixok what does the upstream kernel can do or what is his function23:28
macothe kernel is what does all the talking to the hardware23:28
lefixok so its a identification list for updates23:29
macohm? the -9.20 is an identifier for what version of ubuntu's kernel it is23:30
macoand it's most relevant when updating, yeah. or when filing bugs.23:30
lefixyes ok now i understand23:30
lefixbut the bug will not be fixed this evening23:30
lefixi think23:30
macoright, that can take time23:31
pckchemDo you understand what "upstream" means?23:31
pckchemOk, just from glancing I thought that might have been where a problem was.23:31
lefixits the connection the kernel build to the update server i think, downstream is what i need when i want something from a server and a upstream is what i for example put on my webspace the upload, am i right?23:33
pckchemNot quite. The "Upstream" is the direct developer for a particular package that may be included "downstream" in Ubuntu. For example, the Mozilla Foundation is the upstream for the Firefox web browser.23:36
pckchemSometimes the "upstream" version of a program may be different because Ubuntu changed it "downstream". The kernel is a good example.23:37
lefixah ok23:37
lefixbut i go to bed now, thanks for all the information you gave to me and the time you spend searching for a solution23:38
lefixi will soon come back and perhaps there you can help me fixing my system23:39

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