
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI have a windows vista laptop, but I tried ubuntu with wubi and instantly loved it00:00
jjjjjjjdawwwwgthe problem is, for whatever reason, things don't run all of a sudden00:00
jjjjjjjdawwwwgthe system freezes when I try running nearly any program00:00
TheMusoWhat OS are you having freezes in?00:01
jjjjjjjdawwwwgVista's fine00:01
TheMusoHave you checked your windows filesystem for errors?00:02
jjjjjjjdawwwwgand I think it's because I shrank the C:/ drive by the maximum to make room, but it might have been that it also took away from my ubuntu partition00:02
TheMusoWubi installs Ubuntu onto your windows partition into a couple of bi files.00:02
jjjjjjjdawwwwgWell it doesn't really matter because my main concern, right now, is trying to get ubuntu istalled as my PRIMARY OS00:03
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI still need access to windows on hand00:04
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI have my toshiba disk that I use to reformat my hard drive00:04
jjjjjjjdawwwwgIf I get buntu as my main browser, and I for whatever reason had to change back to vista, could I simply run the disk and re install vista?00:04
TheMusoOk, so do you have Ubuntu installed onto its own partition, or is it still installed on your windows partition?00:05
TheMusoYes your recovery disk should completely format your drive and install WIndows again.00:05
jjjjjjjdawwwwgSo now, my question is I've heard that the latest stable versoin, 8.10, has NOTHING on it00:05
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI'm not 100% clear on the command prompt, what would you suggest I do to prepare for the switch and then how would I make the transition?00:06
TheMusoWhat do you mean it has nothign on it?00:07
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI've heard it doesn't even have an internet browser00:07
jjjjjjjdawwwwgIs that true?00:08
TheMusoWell whoever told you that has there facts incorrect. It has a web browser, word processor, email client, and thats only a few applications that are available.00:09
jjjjjjjdawwwwgoh ok00:10
jjjjjjjdawwwwgso now, what would I do to make this transition00:10
jjjjjjjdawwwwgAre there any good articles you suggest I read to give me some information on what I'm getting myself into?00:11
jjjjjjjdawwwwgWhat I should do after it installs?00:11
TheMusoWhat you need to do, is make sure you have enough unpartitioned space on your hard disk to install Ubuntu. You then need to boo the desktop CD, and run the installer, and it will guide you to installing Ubuntu into that unpartitioned space.00:11
jjjjjjjdawwwwgAntivirus software needed?00:11
jjjjjjjdawwwwghow do I modify partitions?00:11
TheMusoAntivirus software shouldn't be needed.00:11
jjjjjjjdawwwwghow do I modify partitions?00:12
jjjjjjjdawwwwgand what are partitions?00:12
jjjjjjjdawwwwgand what is a repository00:12
TheMusoYou said you resized your windows drive. What did you use to do that?00:12
jjjjjjjdawwwwgshrink disk volume00:12
jjjjjjjdawwwwgit was the C drive00:12
TheMusoWhat program did you use to do that?00:13
jjjjjjjdawwwwgbut I don't want windows at all00:13
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI don't know00:13
jjjjjjjdawwwwgit was on my computer already00:13
jjjjjjjdawwwwglike, right click computer, managemenet00:13
TheMusoOh ok. If you don't want windows at all, just insert the Ubuntu CD, boot from it, and run the installer. The installer should give you an option to use your entire hard disk.00:13
jjjjjjjdawwwwgOK and also00:14
jjjjjjjdawwwwgwhere do I get a disk for that00:14
jjjjjjjdawwwwgDo I have to buy one?00:14
jjjjjjjdawwwwgIF so, where?00:14
TheMusoand a repository is a resource where software packages are downloaded from.00:14
TheMusoDid you keep the iso file that you downloaded when you tried out wubi?00:14
TheMusoAn iso file is an image of a CD.00:14
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI believe00:14
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI just had a exe00:15
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI don't think I had a iso00:15
TheMusoOk. You need to go to www.ubuntu.com, and follow the download link.00:15
jjjjjjjdawwwwgubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso correct?00:16
jjjjjjjdawwwwgOK and what are the most important things you think I should know before I begin using strictly ubuntu?00:17
TheMusoI suggest you go and have a look around help.ubuntu.com to get more information to help you do what you want with your install.00:19
TheMusoAnyway, this channel is really for development work, and I have to go for a while, although I will still be here in this channel.00:19
jjjjjjjdawwwwgone more question00:20
TheMusoMake it quick.00:20
jjjjjjjdawwwwgWhen I get linux, is there any way I will be able to run things like sony vegas?00:20
jjjjjjjdawwwwgI've heard if I install it to a CD then load it live, it should work00:20
jjjjjjjdawwwwgWill the same work for other .exe files?00:21
TheMusoNo its not possible unless you install the wine package. Now I have to go.00:21
jjjjjjjdawwwwgOK thanks a lot for your time00:21
TheMusoAnd even then wine may not be able to run the program you want.00:21
TheMusooh and don't forget to back your data up before wiping windows over with ubuntu00:24
tjaaltonso, there's no multipath-modules available in ubuntu?07:13
sorenYou really need multipath in the installer?09:06
tjaaltonsoren: yes09:53
tjaaltonthe ubuntu kernel already has those modules, so multipath-udeb should not depend on multipath-modules09:53
tjaaltonsoren: I've got a nice HP BL460c blade to boot from the SAN :909:54
tjaaltonhaving no local disks allows taking instant snapshots from the system, which is nice09:55
tjaaltonsoren: of course I can install it using /dev/sda and configure multipath later, but it's more work09:57
sorenHmm.. Yes, I suppose you're right.09:58
tjaaltonhum, reminds me of bug 18200910:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182009 in multipath-tools "multipath-tools fails to install when the dm-multipath module is not found" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18200910:03
tjaaltonit also fails when installed during pkgsel10:04
tjaaltonbecause there is no modules.dep10:05
tjaaltonyet anyway10:05
tjaaltonand that's an ubuntu change10:05
tjaaltonto modprobe it10:05
sorenHmm... That's true. I never tested it in the installer.10:13
tjaaltonI'll upload a fixed package10:14
tjaaltonit'll modprobe only if modules.dep and the module is present10:14
tjaaltonsoren: does http://users.tkk.fi/~tjaalton/dpkg/multipath-tools.debdiff look sane?10:32
tjaaltonhum, I'll test it on hardy :)10:42
sorentjaalton: At a glance, it looks fine.11:45
tjaaltonsoren: thanks, I'll test it and upload11:57
tjaaltoncjwatson: do you know if partman-multipath should be functional, and what it actually does?12:04
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsontjaalton: no work done on it so it might well not work; you'd need to get the kernel team to create multipath-modules18:47
cjwatsonoh, sorry, you said it's built-in?18:48
cjwatsonmight just need to be promoted to main then18:48
cjwatsontjaalton: I don't know what it does and am on holiday18:48
tjaaltoncjwatson: heh, ok. enjoy18:59
tjaaltonpartman-multipath doesn't seem to do anything currently18:59
tjaaltonat least I didn't notice any changes with it18:59
cjwatsonwell, I'd recommend starting by reading the source ...19:01
tjaaltonI did, but something seems to missing since I can't see anything in /dev/mapper19:01
tjaaltonmaybe just backporting multipath-udeb and partman-multipath to hardy isn't enough19:02
tjaaltonanyway, I'll test jaunty too19:03
cjwatsontjaalton: partman's interfaces have changed from hardy to now; the backport may not be all that straightforward19:33
cjwatsonand it may even not be possible without changing the partman core19:34
tjaaltoncjwatson: ok, that's encouraging, that it might even work with jaunty then :)19:38
CIA-61ubiquity: evand * r2953 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog debian/control): (log message trimmed)20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: base-installer20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: 1.86ubuntu8, choose-mirror 2.27ubuntu1, clock-setup 0.97ubuntu1,20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: console-setup 1.28ubuntu3, debian-installer-utils 1.65ubuntu1, grub-20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: installer 1.35ubuntu4, hw-detect 1.70ubuntu3, localechooser20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: 2.08ubuntu1, partconf 1.30, partman-auto 83ubuntu1, partman-base20:36
CIA-61ubiquity: 128ubuntu2, partman-basicfilesystems 62ubuntu1, partman-basicmethods20:36
superm1ah does that mean ubiquity is working in jaunty? :)22:14

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