yann2 | http://beranger.org/index.php?page=diary&2008/11/28/20/34/04-ubuntu-developers-discovered-exa oups | 00:10 |
yann2 | right I'm 4 days late :) | 00:10 |
axisys | i am having hell of a time installing ubuntu server on x4100 thru SP | 02:04 |
axisys | i only can ssh to net mgmt port.. so I never see the installation to start .. it sees the CD.. but it is forcing a gui which I cannot have | 02:05 |
ball | What's an SP? | 02:05 |
axisys | cuz I am trying to install remotely | 02:05 |
ball | axisys: try the alternate CD? | 02:05 |
axisys | ball: it is service processor | 02:05 |
ball | axisys LOM? | 02:05 |
axisys | ball: yes | 02:05 |
axisys | no i burned a cd and left it inside the server which is regular server edition and not alternate cd | 02:06 |
ball | Who makes this x4100 thing? | 02:06 |
axisys | now I am away from the box | 02:06 |
axisys | SUN | 02:06 |
ball | axisys: I hate it when that happens. | 02:06 |
axisys | http://www.ubuntu.com/partners/sun looks like my server is certified .. so there is no hardware issue.. just the gui needs to be changed to text | 02:09 |
axisys | i guess i have to hit esc at some point to escape the splash.. not sure exactly when | 02:10 |
=== hiphopgeek is now known as YaNn86 | ||
ball | stupid graphical splashscreens | 02:14 |
ball | You know what though, I have an Ubuntu Server box here I could try for you. Hang on... | 02:14 |
ball | It seems to have a text console (as God intended). | 02:14 |
ball | Let me reboot though and check for splashes. | 02:14 |
ball | No splash screen. It boots straight into text mode. | 02:17 |
axisys | u mght have changed it in grub after the initial install ? | 02:17 |
ball | No, this is stock. | 02:17 |
axisys | alternate iso ? | 02:18 |
ball | No, ordinary Ubuntu Server | 02:18 |
[Solars] | try the alternate iso | 02:24 |
ball | [Solars] He can't reach the CD-ROM drive | 02:25 |
[Solars] | iirc, the normal cd is gui'ed only | 02:31 |
ball | [Solars] Ah, come to think of it, I remember seeing the GUI during the install | 02:32 |
ball | ...but once installed it doesn't seem to need one. | 02:32 |
[Solars] | right | 02:32 |
ball | axisys: are you installing? | 02:33 |
* ball staggers around a bit | 02:38 | |
=== chuck_ is now known as zul | ||
* ball sighs | 02:39 | |
ball | I have to go | 02:43 |
axisys | i will wait till tomorrow | 02:58 |
axisys | thnx ball, [Solars] | 02:58 |
axisys | i need to find a way to kickstart the server from an image .. net install .. | 03:08 |
jmarsden | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer may help? | 03:12 |
axisys | jmarsden: thanx.. let me check it out | 03:14 |
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01 | ||
alex_21 | Hi, I have a problem, I can't resolve addresses when using host or wget from my server | 04:14 |
genii | alex_21: You have manually configured interfaces? | 04:15 |
alex_21 | Yes, but it worked back when I had eth1 up, and now I commented it out since I am using eth0 | 04:17 |
genii | alex_21: Does ifconfig show eth1 still up? | 04:18 |
alex_21 | No, it says eth1 is not configured | 04:21 |
genii | alex_21: Did you manully swap out cards in it? udev will not re-use eth0 for instance but go to eth1 for a new adapter because that designation is stored by mac address in the udev system | 04:22 |
genii | eg: if you had tw0 nic and yanked one out, put a new one. Then eth2 would be the new one and not eth0 again | 04:23 |
alex_21 | No, the cards are the same | 04:23 |
genii | alex_21: Does /etc/resolv.conf have anything in it? | 04:24 |
alex_21 | Eth0 used to be my spare, and now it isn't anymore, it is my main and eth0 is a spare | 04:24 |
alex_21 | eth1 is now my spare, sorry | 04:24 |
genii | alex_21: How is it getting it's address? dhcp? semi-staically assigned from a router based on it's mac address? defined in /etc/network/interfaces ? | 04:26 |
alex_21 | Hi, | 04:27 |
alex_21 | Here is my /etc/resolv.conf file http://paste.ubuntu.com/79120/ | 04:27 |
alex_21 | And the address is static | 04:29 |
genii | alex_21: what is result of: route | 04:34 |
alex_21 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/79122/ | 04:37 |
alex_21 | There is the output or route | 04:37 |
genii | alex_21: And is the router address or so? | 04:38 |
alex_21 | Yes, it is my gateway/router | 04:39 |
genii | alex_21: Add into /etc/resolv.conf for the moment: nameserver (this is an OpenDNS dns server ip) then see if you can ping some name | 04:42 |
alex_21 | I did, now what | 04:45 |
alex_21 | It works now | 04:45 |
genii | alex_21: eg: try to ping by name some site | 04:46 |
alex_21 | It works now with the server you gave me | 04:47 |
genii | alex_21: OK, so you know you have to give the box some valid dns ip then. Normally your router/gateway should be doing this but it looks like not in this case | 04:47 |
alex_21 | It does for all my other machines though | 04:47 |
alex_21 | But all the other machines use dhcp | 04:48 |
genii | alex_21: Did you restart networking or so since you switched the adapters around? | 04:48 |
alex_21 | Yes, a few times | 04:49 |
genii | alex_21: If you have the adapter manually configured for instance in /etc/network/interfaces then make sure you put in whatever your valid dns ip are into the /etc/resolv.conf | 04:50 |
genii | alex_21: Alternately set the interface to auto/dhcp and if it needs always same IP then tell the router to assign always the same one by it's mac address | 04:52 |
genii | alex_21: Then it will get whatever info the other ones get re: dns | 04:52 |
mysticalone | I'm having a related issue with my box | 04:55 |
mysticalone | I can't seem to make the ubuntu gateway point to the Windows gateway | 04:56 |
mysticalone | err, Windows IP | 04:56 |
mysticalone | I have connection sharing enabled on Windows | 04:56 |
axisys | ok I were able to get the pxe boot going.. but when it is ready to display the grub.. i dont see it.. cuz the gui i think | 04:57 |
axisys | i need to find a way to send the grub menu in non gui format | 04:57 |
genii | axisys: You are using the method which loopmounts the install iso? | 04:58 |
axisys | this is what I followed https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/amd64/install-tftp.html | 04:58 |
axisys | genii: i am trying to install using PXE | 04:58 |
axisys | genii: i did not follow this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer | 04:59 |
genii | axisys: Yes. And then when it boots to the image you have on the server, how was the image produced? | 04:59 |
axisys | genii: mounted the CD and copied the netboot dir content | 04:59 |
axisys | and extracted the netboot.tar.gz in tftp boot dir as well | 05:00 |
axisys | so hardest part is done.. the network part.. now I need to fix it to display the grub.. | 05:00 |
genii | axisys: Using the alternate CD or the regular livecd? | 05:01 |
axisys | genii: alternate cd | 05:01 |
axisys | genii: wait! | 05:01 |
axisys | genii: it was waiting for a enter.. since the screen was blank, i could not tell | 05:02 |
axisys | but when i hit enter i see this now | 05:02 |
genii | Ah, good | 05:02 |
axisys | Loading ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz........................................ | 05:02 |
axisys | ................................................................................ | 05:02 |
genii | Well, thats not grub, but doesn't matter | 05:03 |
axisys | genii: that is lilo ? | 05:03 |
axisys | genii: i was just following this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/amd64/install-tftp.html btw | 05:03 |
genii | mysticalone: When ICS is enabled on a windows box, it usually dhcp assigns to the other box connected to it | 05:03 |
genii | axisys: It's a ramdisk based bootloader so not really has a counterpart like lilo or grub or so | 05:04 |
axisys | i am still on the same screen.. should it take that long.. wish i could see some log | 05:04 |
axisys | i should have started tftp in debug mode may be ?! | 05:05 |
axisys | i have 2G memory on that sun x4100 amd opteron | 05:05 |
genii | axisys: Let it time out or so, it should give some message at that point | 05:05 |
genii | mysticalone: If your adapter is eth0 try: sudo dhclient -r eth0 && sudo dhclient eth0 | 05:06 |
axisys | genii: :-) | 05:06 |
mysticalone | genii: i'll try it | 05:07 |
genii | mysticalone: This will release/renew dhcp on it, hopefully windows ICS will give it the info it requires | 05:08 |
genii | axisys: I usually use https://wiki.koeln.ccc.de/index.php/Ubuntu_PXE_Install as reference for netboot setups | 05:10 |
mysticalone | genii: well my Ubuntu box is connected to a router, but my internet goes thru Windows | 05:10 |
axisys | genii: yep I have that open too :-) | 05:10 |
axisys | i can i could modify the default like that | 05:10 |
genii | mysticalone: So the problem there will be the router wants to give some IP which will likely override the ICS | 05:11 |
genii | mysticalone: Does the windows box have more than one ethernet adapter? | 05:11 |
axisys | genii: however he said no need to do that anymore | 05:11 |
mysticalone | genii: Yes, the other one would be the wireless card | 05:12 |
genii | axisys: It begins to boot. So the thing is likely somewhere in the tftpboot, like pxelinux.cfg or so | 05:14 |
mysticalone | genii: I tried disabling dhcp on the router, waiting on the box to grab dhcp from Windows | 05:14 |
genii | mysticalone: That might work as a fast way | 05:15 |
mysticalone | and now I can't ssh to it | 05:15 |
genii | mysticalone: Probably since it's default route is/was the router | 05:16 |
axisys | genii: hmm | 05:17 |
genii | axisys: OK. I'd say put back the router. Then just make for the time being a static entry for your eth0 or so. The defaultrouter will be the Windows IP | 05:18 |
axisys | mysticalone: that was actually for you | 05:19 |
genii | axisys: Yes, apologies | 05:19 |
axisys | genii: np | 05:19 |
genii | mysticalone: I'll pastebin an example one for you | 05:20 |
genii | mysticalone: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79134/ If your network is different range adjust accordingly. Then after do: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 05:24 |
genii | mysticalone: In the example would be the IP of the Windows box | 05:25 |
alex_21 | Hey, I still don't receive mail on my server. I thought just dns was the problem, but I guess not | 05:27 |
alex_21 | I am using Postfix | 05:28 |
alex_21 | And all ports that are needed are open | 05:28 |
genii | alex_21: Does it have a different IP now? | 05:31 |
alex_21 | Then when? | 05:32 |
alex_21 | Because all my mx records were adjusted accordingly | 05:33 |
alex_21 | But yes, a new IP | 05:33 |
genii | alex_21: So you need to change the .cf file and rebuild | 05:33 |
genii | main.cf | 05:33 |
alex_21 | And also, I can't figure out what is wrong. Peple on the networking channel were able to connect to it yesterday so it looked like it was only dns | 05:34 |
alex_21 | What do you mean rebuild | 05:34 |
genii | alex_21: You should just be able to: sudo /etc/init.d/postfix reload after | 05:35 |
alex_21 | After what? | 05:35 |
genii | alex_21: After modifying your postif main.cf file to reflect your current box's actual IP or so | 05:36 |
genii | *postfix | 05:36 |
alex_21 | Oh, ok | 05:38 |
alex_21 | I can't find it. I suppose since this is Postfix inside Zimbra it is a little different | 05:45 |
genii | Hmm. Unfortunaltely I know nothing about Zimbra | 05:45 |
alex_21 | Oh, lovely. So here is a Blind techie on a Monday night, needing ot get a mail server up and running with an administrator interfacce that is unaccessible | 05:47 |
alex_21 | Lol, I just don't know what to do | 05:47 |
alex_21 | Grrrrrrrrrr | 05:48 |
genii | alex_21: According to http://www.zimbra.com/forums/installation/10559-modifying-zimbra-postfix-configuration.html you may want to look at zmmta.cf wherever that is | 05:50 |
alex_21 | Ok, thanks | 05:54 |
alex_21 | I'll have a listen to that, smiley, I'll see | 05:54 |
alex_21 | I got the mail. I found it. It was in the deffered mail queue | 06:33 |
alex_21 | Sorry | 06:33 |
kraut | moin | 08:27 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #304388 in samba (main) "Gratuitous file /etc/samba/gdbcommands" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/304388 | 13:17 |
FebruariusX | helo everyone | 13:30 |
snek | hello | 13:30 |
FebruariusX | i have question | 13:31 |
ropetin | FebruariusX: ask away | 13:31 |
FebruariusX | it was all about haproxy? it could replicate anydata comes to pc1 onto pc2 | 13:33 |
alex_21 | Hey, I can't use a gui front end to manage themes, but can someone walk me through installing a theme that looks like the Mac login - password box n a Mac via the cli | 13:35 |
snek | servers don't run a gui normally, go back to the normal ubuntu channel :P | 13:35 |
alex_21 | I did but no one knows the cli for it | 13:36 |
lukehasnoname | How do I install drivers for new hardware? | 13:37 |
lukehasnoname | Specifically, a second network card | 13:38 |
lukehasnoname | PCI | 13:38 |
snek | it's not auto detected? | 13:38 |
hads | You shouldn't need to, drivers are kernel modules. | 13:38 |
snek | do an "sudo lspci" and see if it gets listed | 13:38 |
hads | sudo not needed | 13:39 |
snek | it is on mine | 13:39 |
hads | Why? | 13:40 |
snek | dunno, it just gives a command not found without it ;) | 13:40 |
hads | That doesn't make sense. | 13:40 |
snek | but i must confess that's on my intrepid desktop.. on my hosted server it seems to work without | 13:40 |
snek | that's a hardy vps | 13:40 |
hads | Well that's not normal. sudo keeps your environment by default. | 13:41 |
snek | by golly you are right.. lol | 13:42 |
snek | damn, if only i knew that earlier hahaha | 13:42 |
=== snakebot is now known as sme2k9 | ||
ScottK-palm | Mathiaz: Are you running the meeting today? | 14:07 |
ScottK-palm | Mathiaz (or whoever will run the meeting): I'd appreciate it if my agenda item could go first. | 14:11 |
yann2 | meeting is at 9pm isnt it? | 14:12 |
yann2 | or is that a serverteam meeting? :) | 14:12 |
* ScottK-palm is on the road. I think I can squeeze in the first fifteen minutes or so of the meeting. | 14:12 | |
ScottK-palm | Server Team @ 1600 UTC | 14:13 |
* ScottK-palm drives like the wind to get to the known free wifi spot by meeting time. | 14:21 | |
=== lamont` is now known as lamont | ||
nick|here | how can i enable monitor turn off when i close lid | 15:14 |
Jeeves_ | nick|here: That seems to be broken in intrepid | 15:16 |
nick|here | Jeeves_, what a unlucky man i am :( | 15:17 |
Jeeves_ | nick|here: Me too., | 15:20 |
Jeeves_ | It doesn't work for me either | 15:20 |
nick|here | Jeeves_, i have a macbook pro that has a broken lcd, i managed to install ubuntu server without the monitor (!) then installed openssh server and using it from ssh. but even if it doesn't shows any output from monitor it turns on the light and it makes it hot | 15:21 |
Jeeves_ | nick|here: Ah | 15:23 |
_ruben | break the light as well ;) | 15:24 |
Jeeves_ | :) | 15:25 |
Jeeves_ | Ah well, it's an apple | 15:25 |
Jeeves_ | throw it out of the window! | 15:25 |
henkjan | ah, reminds me of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2008-November/002442.html :) | 15:27 |
henkjan | jeeves realy doesnt like apples :) | 15:27 |
erimar77 | i'm working on a daily/weekly task list.. what are some things other server admins do besides watch ganglia and read slashdot and reddit | 15:28 |
Jeeves_ | erimar77: IRC | 15:29 |
Jeeves_ | Webwereld.nl | 15:29 |
_ruben | 24/7 | 15:29 |
Jeeves_ | nu.nl | 15:29 |
erimar77 | but of course | 15:29 |
Jeeves_ | erimar77: Read company mailinglist | 15:29 |
henkjan | reading bofh stories | 15:29 |
Jeeves_ | bother my collegeas | 15:29 |
erimar77 | can't read dutch :( | 15:30 |
henkjan | playing pinball | 15:30 |
erimar77 | real pinball, or iphone type pinball | 15:32 |
henkjan | real pinball | 15:32 |
henkjan | at my former employer | 15:32 |
erimar77 | hehe, "former" | 15:33 |
_ruben | our pinball machine broke .. so now its just table soccer .. not sure what happened to the darts board | 15:34 |
henkjan | Jeeves_: you are still playing pinball? | 15:35 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #304437 in openldap2.3 (main) "null_callback: error code 0x12" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/304437 | 15:38 |
Jeeves_ | henkjan: Not much | 15:43 |
Jeeves_ | henkjan: That's because you left us | 15:43 |
Jeeves_ | now I've got work to do | 15:43 |
_ruben | hehe | 15:43 |
akincer | Trying to use ssh-copy-id on server 8.04 gives /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found | 16:14 |
akincer | Google shows signs this is a bug from 2003 | 16:14 |
akincer | WTF? | 16:14 |
akincer | anybody got an idea? | 16:15 |
Scix | After installing tftp-hpa in ubuntu 8.10, where can i find the config file? In 8.07 I could fint it in /etc/default/tftp-hpa | 16:16 |
mysticalone | I need help setting up VNC/Remote Desktop on my box. All my attempts to enable Remote Desktop don't allow me to connect. | 16:17 |
ball | mysticalone: does it work after you've logged in at the console? | 16:17 |
akincer | mysticalone: What version of Ubuntu? | 16:20 |
ball | (I'm guessing you want to connect to the same desktop you see on the built-in console) | 16:20 |
mysticalone | 8.10 | 16:24 |
mysticalone | I just went over to the box and desktop isn't properly working | 16:24 |
akincer | I'm not sure I follow, but did you enable remote desktop access AND uncheck the "ask for confirmation" box on the remote machine? | 16:27 |
mysticalone | Yes, I did | 16:30 |
mysticalone | I can connect fine thru ssh, but I like using the GUI | 16:31 |
Scix | After installing tftp-hpa in ubuntu 8.10, where can i find the config file? In 8.07 I could fint it in /etc/default/tftp-hpa *sorry dump* | 16:32 |
ball | Last time I tried connecting to :0, I couldn't unless the console was logged in. | 16:32 |
ball | I count that as a bug. | 16:32 |
ball | I can launch a separate vncserver though after logging in via vnc | 16:32 |
ball | (I do that with Ubuntu-server) | 16:33 |
mysticalone | I'm logged in physically at the box and thru SSH but I can't connect by VNC | 16:33 |
mysticalone | unless the firewall is blocking it | 16:33 |
ball | mysticalone: what OS is on the box you're trying to connect to? | 16:33 |
mysticalone | Ubuntu | 16:34 |
mysticalone | 8.10 | 16:34 |
ball | Server or Desktop? | 16:34 |
mysticalone | server | 16:34 |
ball | Well then it may be that you don't have a :0 to connect to | 16:34 |
ball | I log in via ssh, start a VNC server instance ("vncserver -geometry 800x600 -depth 24") and then connect to that | 16:35 |
ball | ...usually it's :1 | 16:35 |
ball | (in my case) | 16:35 |
ball | You'll want to install a window manager or desktop though | 16:35 |
ball | I'm using Xfce this month | 16:35 |
ball | (described at http://potchery.blogspot.com/ | 16:35 |
ball | ) | 16:36 |
mysticalone | I installed gnome | 16:36 |
mysticalone | thru ubuntu-desktop | 16:36 |
ball | Oh, I don't know how that works then. | 16:36 |
ball | I'm guessing there's an executable that could launch Gnome on your second display (the VNC server) | 16:36 |
ball | brbr | 16:37 |
akincer | you installed desktop on a server? | 16:50 |
akincer | why? | 16:50 |
ball | akincer: I do because I anticipate hanging VNC terminals off the server | 16:51 |
ball | ...so the desktop will run on the server, but appear on the terminal | 16:51 |
mysticalone | i guess theres no reason to vnc to the box | 16:54 |
akincer | Under the hood, the differences between server and desktop are pretty minimal AFAIK. Attaching the desktop packages to the server for production purposes removes the longer packages advantage and you might as well run the desktop version | 16:55 |
akincer | in other words, adding desktop packages provides no functional advantage that I know of versus running desktop | 16:56 |
=== zoopster1 is now known as zoopster | ||
mysticalone | it's just quicker for me to pull up windows | 16:56 |
akincer | Then run the desktop version and install whatever server packages you need | 16:57 |
mysticalone | like the gui for the firewall would be quicker for me than messing with iptables | 16:57 |
akincer | I'm pretty sure there are remote GUI options | 16:57 |
mysticalone | there are | 16:57 |
mysticalone | i'm currently using ssh -x | 16:57 |
mysticalone | it works as long as I know the applet names | 16:58 |
mysticalone | like synaptic | 16:58 |
akincer | If you need the warm blanket of a GUI, run desktop and install whatever server packages you need | 16:58 |
mysticalone | or vino-preferences | 16:58 |
akincer | that's infinitely easier than trying to turn server into a desktop IMHO | 16:58 |
* ball uses ssh -XCl ball servername | 16:58 | |
* ball is turning server into several desktops at once :-) | 16:59 | |
akincer | are you suggestion you can't do that on desktop? | 16:59 |
akincer | suggesting | 16:59 |
ball | akincer: I'm sure you could, but then I'd have to try to duplicate the desktop config for the local console. | 16:59 |
akincer | Plus, I'm pretty sure there are distros out there made to do just that. Perhaps that would solve your problem without trying to reinvent the wheel | 17:00 |
mysticalone | but whats the fun in that | 17:00 |
ball | akincer: Edubuntu with LTSP is one option I'm considering | 17:00 |
mysticalone | god i don't feel like downloading another image | 17:00 |
akincer | if learning is what you're after, go for it | 17:00 |
mysticalone | i know it only takes about 5 minutes but | 17:01 |
mysticalone | i'd have to erase my cd-rw | 17:01 |
mysticalone | oh well | 17:01 |
ball | akincer: mostly it comes down to VNC Vs. X11 as the graphical terminal protocol | 17:02 |
ball | Each has its own pros and cons. | 17:02 |
ball | I should probably set up a second LAN and test LTSP there | 17:03 |
akincer | Find which fits your situation best and go with it | 17:03 |
mysticalone | So I'm turning my box into a web server, I want multiple users, where do I start, webmin? | 17:03 |
ball | akincer: I should look in the garage for a PCI NIC. | 17:04 |
ball | ...and some cat5e cables | 17:04 |
ivoks | mysticalone: what are multiple users on webserver? | 17:04 |
mysticalone | like | 17:04 |
ball | Why do you want multiple users on a web server? | 17:04 |
mysticalone | like a reseller | 17:04 |
mysticalone | type of thing | 17:04 |
ivoks | try with ispconfig | 17:04 |
ball | selling web space you mean? | 17:04 |
mysticalone | ya | 17:05 |
akincer | listen to ivoks | 17:05 |
ivoks | ispconfig will take care of dns, ftp, mail, web | 17:05 |
ivoks | and it will still alove you manual edits of configuration files | 17:05 |
Faust-C | hmm i want to use dovecot in a MS environment but idk how i would .... | 17:05 |
ivoks | that's why i just love that software | 17:05 |
ball | Faust-C: what's dovecot? | 17:06 |
ivoks | Faust-C: what's wrong with dovecot in ms env? | 17:06 |
mysticalone | oo thats nice, webmin is so ugly | 17:06 |
ivoks | ball: imap/pop provider | 17:06 |
mysticalone | but isp is pretty | 17:06 |
ivoks | mysticalone: webmin is also not a tool for that kind of problem | 17:06 |
ball | Ah. | 17:06 |
Faust-C | ivoks, i mean as far as simple administering it | 17:06 |
akincer | webmin + Ubuntu = headaches last time I checked. That may be fixed now | 17:06 |
Faust-C | we need to keep emails, and we have a high turnover rate | 17:06 |
ball | Aside from Microsoft not being ideal for server operating systems. | 17:06 |
Faust-C | so we constantly have to have access to emails from past employees and keep backups | 17:07 |
ivoks | Faust-C: do you also plan smtp? | 17:07 |
Faust-C | atm we have a huge PST file w/ ALL emails | 17:07 |
Faust-C | ivoks, of course, postfix | 17:07 |
ivoks | :) | 17:07 |
akincer | Faust-C: Not sure if you have checked into the paid Zimbra version, but it will allow you to fork all emails | 17:08 |
ivoks | Faust-C: there's a postifx web interface | 17:08 |
akincer | if you buy that feature, that is | 17:08 |
ivoks | postfixadmin iirc | 17:08 |
Faust-C | akincer, heh yeah ... | 17:08 |
ivoks | i wouldn't advice zimbra, but... | 17:08 |
Faust-C | ivoks, i mean say we get 3 new users | 17:08 |
akincer | What's so bad with Zimbra? | 17:08 |
Faust-C | how simple would it be to manage accounts is what im wondering | 17:09 |
ivoks | akincer: slugish | 17:09 |
ivoks | Faust-C: postfixadmin is a web interface | 17:09 |
ivoks | Faust-C: you can add account, set up an alias and/or forward | 17:09 |
akincer | ivoks: Perhaps your setup wasn't adequate? | 17:09 |
Faust-C | ivoks, yeah im looking at the page | 17:09 |
ivoks | Faust-C: it even has built-in 'send to all' | 17:09 |
Faust-C | ivoks, but how would you manage the dovecot part? | 17:09 |
ivoks | akincer: that's also possible, i still use it on one location | 17:10 |
ivoks | Faust-C: there's nothing to manage in dovecot | 17:10 |
* Faust-C gets a lil confused w/ email | 17:10 | |
Faust-C | oic | 17:10 |
Faust-C | i didnt realize that | 17:10 |
ivoks | Faust-C: dovecot just reads users from database | 17:10 |
Faust-C | ah i was reading that | 17:10 |
akincer | Any sufficiently complex mail system is pretty resource hungry. The smart run it on RAID 10 or one heck of a stacked RAID 5 to spread the load | 17:11 |
intorio | I just updated a workstation and ldap authentication just stopped working, server is unchanged, config files are all the same, other un-updated workstations work fine. the auth log complains about not being able to connect to the server, but ldapsearch works fine, any ideas? | 17:11 |
mysticalone | ivoks: is ISPConfig 3 buggy? | 17:12 |
Faust-C | i plan on running this in ESX | 17:12 |
Faust-C | well brb lunch time | 17:12 |
ivoks | Faust-C: mysticalone didn't use it yet | 17:12 |
ball | Is RAID 10 a mirrored stripe? | 17:12 |
akincer | yes | 17:12 |
ball | Nice: fast /and/ redundant | 17:12 |
ivoks | and expensive :) | 17:12 |
akincer | yes and yes | 17:12 |
drdebian | and not growable | 17:13 |
ball | drdebian: dump to tape, resize, restore ;-) | 17:13 |
ivoks | ball: sometimes, that's not an option | 17:13 |
akincer | If you build it right the first time, you don't need to grow it or when it is time to grow, it is time to upgrade the server . . . | 17:13 |
ball | ivoks: that's true. | 17:13 |
ivoks | in two days i'll be growing one raid5 from 3TB to 6TB | 17:14 |
ivoks | dumping that to tape... err... it would took ages :) | 17:14 |
ball | I have a stripe across two 4 Gbyte USB flash sticks :-) | 17:14 |
ivoks | at least 3-4 days | 17:14 |
ball | Yeah, once you get up into terabyte data sets, it's time to wheel out the big guns. | 17:15 |
ivoks | TB is a joke today | 17:16 |
ivoks | there are TB disks now :D | 17:16 |
ball | ivoks: s/terabyte/multiterabyte/ | 17:16 |
drdebian | while from the speed perspective, raid10 does have its merits, raid6 is the practical choice if upgradability is of any importance | 17:16 |
ball | RAID level 6 I haven't seen a lot. | 17:16 |
ball | I see lots of RAID 1 and RAID 5 | 17:16 |
ivoks | i plan migrating one my raid5 to raid6 | 17:17 |
ivoks | raid5 is risky when you have more than 6 disks | 17:17 |
drdebian | true, but in the TB region raid5 won't be enough to survive a rebuild without having another disk fail, statistically speaking... | 17:17 |
akincer | except that it is slower on writes | 17:17 |
drdebian | raid5 is already risky when you have more than 3 disks. ;) | 17:17 |
ivoks | drdebian: well, i didn't have two disks failure on raid5 yet | 17:18 |
ivoks | and two disks failure could bring raid10 down, too | 17:18 |
akincer | if speed is your primary concern that trumps all else, RAID 10 is what you use. If you choose RAID 6, speed wasn't your primary concern to begin with | 17:18 |
drdebian | depends on which 2 disks fail... AFAIK the kernel implementation with the far2 strategy should survive any 50% of the disks failing... | 17:19 |
=== YaNn86 is now known as hiphopgeek | ||
akincer | of course, with RAID 10, you can have literally half your drives fail and still be functional | 17:21 |
akincer | provided it is all in the same stripe set | 17:21 |
ball | akincer: I need to get myself more disk drives | 17:22 |
a_c_m1 | i have a crazy problem, thats cost me 2 days dev so far | 17:24 |
akincer | Now is probably a good time. I would be willing to bet prices are down | 17:24 |
akincer | lunch time | 17:24 |
drdebian | the cool thing about the kernel's raid10 is that you can even have an uneven number of disks... | 17:25 |
a_c_m1 | does ubuntu's php/apache2 have any strange config stuff stopping the www-data user from writing to files outside of the docroot or /tmp - as that seems to be whats happening | 17:25 |
ball | chroot? | 17:25 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: learn unix permissions | 17:25 |
ball | chmod 777 * ;-) | 17:26 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: handy tip ivoks... thanks, but we've tried chmod 777 | 17:26 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: and check /etc/apparmor.d | 17:26 |
a_c_m1 | chown www-data etc... | 17:26 |
ball | I was joking btw. chmod 777 is rarely sane | 17:26 |
a_c_m1 | ball, we've probably lost $1000 so far on this little bug and 2 days on a very tight release schedule, were getting past sane ;) | 17:28 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: maybe you have enforced apache's apparmor | 17:29 |
ivoks | profile | 17:29 |
ball | a_c_ml: I hate when that happens | 17:29 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: have you checked the logs? | 17:29 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: i'm googling app armor now, but if you have a link that will let me understand whats going on a bit better it would be great :) | 17:30 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: which logs | 17:30 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: apparmor enables you to define where should some processes have acces (rwx) | 17:30 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: if it is enforced, then it will force the rules; if it's in complaine mode, it will just complain | 17:31 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: right, there is only a profile (file) for usr.sbin.mysqld, nothing else in ther | 17:31 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: enter /etc/apparmor.d/ and check if there's a file usr.sbin.apache2 | 17:31 |
nijaba | ac | 17:31 |
nijaba | a_c_m1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor | 17:31 |
ogra | dc | 17:31 |
ogra | :) | 17:31 |
nijaba | ogra: :D | 17:31 |
ivoks | anyway, it's not apparmor | 17:31 |
a_c_m1 | nijaba: cheers | 17:31 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: check /var/log/apache2/error.log when write fails | 17:32 |
ogra | the logs shoud something in any case | 17:32 |
ogra | *sould have | 17:32 |
mysticalone | ivoks: does ISPConfig use the latest php and mysql builds? | 17:32 |
ivoks | mysticalone: it uses whatever distribution provides | 17:33 |
nijaba | ogra: sould? as in James Brownd? | 17:33 |
ogra | lol | 17:33 |
ivoks | mysticalone: it has PHP (and apache) only for it self | 17:33 |
ivoks | mysticalone: so, ispconfig compiles apache and php for the ispconfig it self, your clients will have ubuntu's apache and php | 17:33 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: the message in the log files makes even less sense | 17:40 |
ivoks | paste it | 17:40 |
ivoks | i'm sure we figure out something from it | 17:40 |
a_c_m1 | bin? | 17:40 |
ivoks | paste.ubuntu.com | 17:41 |
a_c_m1 | http://paste.ubuntu.com/79408/ | 17:42 |
a_c_m1 | but at no point does the system try to write to /var/www/demo ?!? | 17:42 |
a_c_m1 | im running this on my local host atm (also an ubuntu install) | 17:43 |
ball | Does Ubuntu run apache in a chroot dungeon? | 17:43 |
ivoks | no | 17:43 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: hm... did you try creating /var/www/demo? | 17:44 |
a_c_m1 | and the REALLY strange thing, is if we change the target dir (which is owned by www-data etc atm, so thats not the issue), to /tmp it works fine | 17:44 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: trying that now | 17:44 |
a_c_m1 | its now looking for /var/www/demo/modules ?!?! | 17:45 |
ivoks | looks like a bug in code, if you ask me... | 17:46 |
ivoks | application code | 17:46 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: i normally would agree. except for, that when the target folder is changed to /tmp/ it works | 17:47 |
a_c_m1 | ? | 17:47 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: and the target folder now is...? | 17:47 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: /secure | 17:47 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: try /var/tmp | 17:47 |
a_c_m1 | k | 17:48 |
a_c_m1 | nope | 17:50 |
a_c_m1 | same problem | 17:50 |
ivoks | doesn't work? | 17:50 |
ivoks | now try /var/tmp/ | 17:50 |
ivoks | note the last / | 17:50 |
a_c_m1 | yeah, nope, same problem | 17:51 |
ivoks | hm | 17:51 |
ivoks | have you tried with simple stuff? | 17:52 |
ivoks | like php script that writes in /secure | 17:52 |
ivoks | outside of your application | 17:53 |
a_c_m1 | trying that now | 17:53 |
[Solars] | ivoks is it possible to reinstall server without removing or deleting a specific diretory? | 17:56 |
ivoks | ? | 17:56 |
[Solars] | i have a very large directry that would take 10-15 DVDs to backup | 17:57 |
[Solars] | and i want to revert back to 32-bit apps with a 64-bit keneral | 17:57 |
greenfly | [Solars]: only if it's on a different partition | 17:57 |
greenfly | otherwise the installer is going to want to format the partition or at least write over it | 17:57 |
ivoks | it doesn't have to be on different partition | 17:57 |
greenfly | I suppose you might be able to tell the installer to not format | 17:58 |
greenfly | and hope it doesn't clobber the directory | 17:58 |
ivoks | you can tell it not to format partition | 17:58 |
ivoks | and rename the directory to /My_cool_backup | 17:58 |
greenfly | but if it's the / partition there would potentially be a lot of residual files from the old install not wanted | 17:58 |
greenfly | yeah you could definitely do something like that | 17:58 |
shoot^ | hey guys, i'm having big issues. My server just randomly crashes after a couple of hours: no errors in /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log. It occured on Hardy, and now on an upgrade of Intrepid (which I did to try and fix the problem). Its an old box, with little RAM, but I wouldn't expect that to cause it to become unresponsive when doing very little ...any ideas? | 17:58 |
Faust-C | shoot^, sounds like hardware | 17:59 |
nat2610_ | I'm curious about ubuntu-server ... in terms of update / upgrade for the kernel, does it work like ubuntu desktop version ? you get a new kernel through apt, it changes grub and then at the next reboot, you boot on the new revision of the kernel ? | 17:59 |
shoot^ | Faust-C, indeed: but I had exactly the same hardware running Slackware with no problems for many years... | 17:59 |
mysticalone | If I have no intentions of have remote connections to MySQL and intend for all scripts to connect locally to MySQL should I leave the bind alone? | 17:59 |
shoot^ | Faust-C, any other logs I could check? | 18:00 |
ivoks | shoot^: run memtest | 18:00 |
ivoks | check your memory | 18:00 |
Faust-C | shoot^, what ivoks said | 18:00 |
nat2610_ | shoot^, the RAM or the Hard Drive ... you might want to run a smart tools checking | 18:00 |
nat2610_ | it can be the hardrive that stop spining ... | 18:00 |
Faust-C | also if its a older system it could be PSU and something else | 18:00 |
shoot^ | ivoks, Faust-C nat2610_ ...OK, I shall run memtest... leave it running for a few hours... | 18:01 |
Faust-C | memtest doesnt take that long | 18:01 |
nat2610_ | shoot^, smartcl would be a faster way to start | 18:01 |
Faust-C | but i sincerly think its power | 18:01 |
Faust-C | we have that happen on users systems all the time | 18:01 |
nat2610_ | does it power off ? | 18:01 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, when it crashes? No... no screen output at all when it happens (monitor attached for testing) | 18:02 |
shoot^ | have to hold the power in for 10 secs | 18:02 |
nat2610_ | it's not the hard drive ... | 18:02 |
nat2610_ | that would put some IO error | 18:02 |
Faust-C | hmm not PSU then | 18:02 |
ivoks | cpu? | 18:02 |
nat2610_ | ivoks, possible ! if it's very hold ... | 18:03 |
shoot^ | ivoks, it *could* be, but it does boot and run for a while | 18:03 |
nat2610_ | how about overheating issue ? | 18:03 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, could be... but the box stays powered up | 18:03 |
shoot^ | again, its not doing anything intensive at the time | 18:03 |
ivoks | shoot^: on older comps, bios didn't kill the power | 18:03 |
ivoks | shoot^: is it amd? | 18:03 |
shoot^ | intel pentium, i believe... | 18:04 |
ivoks | shoot^: like... pentium 1? :D | 18:04 |
shoot^ | in honesty, i cant remember... how embarassing! I bought if from a local school at the end of their upgrade cycle a few years ago | 18:04 |
shoot^ | probs pentium III | 18:04 |
=== mdz_ is now known as mdz | ||
nat2610_ | shoot^, maybe the bios don't handle the ACPI | 18:04 |
ivoks | shoot^: cat /proc/cpuinfo will tell you all you need to know :) | 18:05 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, i'll open it up, check the system fan (sounds like its on, noisy bugger) | 18:05 |
shoot^ | and check the RAM | 18:05 |
shoot^ | i should have some spare floating around somewhere | 18:05 |
nat2610_ | P3 are known to heat a lot ! check that the fans are clean, not making a weried noise ... | 18:05 |
nat2610_ | I would thing if it was the RAM you would have some kernel panic ... IO error ... but not a black screen | 18:06 |
shoot^ | the lack of errors makes me think it could be a hardware fault, but the fact it ran on slackware fine right up until the upgrade makes me wonder otherwise. Its got a wireless card in there too, running ndiswapper drivers. Blacklisted B43/B43Legacy/B44/SSB | 18:07 |
shoot^ | could that be a problem? | 18:07 |
nat2610_ | shoot^, to test that you would have to unload the module and left the box work for a couple of day ... | 18:09 |
nat2610_ | btw ... anybody for my question ? Let me repost that ... | 18:09 |
nat2610_ | I'm curious about ubuntu-server ... in terms of update / upgrade for the kernel, does it work like ubuntu desktop version ? you get a new kernel through apt, it changes grub and then at the next reboot, you boot on the new revision of the kernel ? | 18:09 |
genii | nat2610_: Yes, same process | 18:10 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, let me reboot my box and i'll look for ya | 18:10 |
shoot^ | or, genii will just answer first ;-) | 18:10 |
shoot^ | brb | 18:10 |
shoot`` | back :) | 18:12 |
zul | ivoks: bacula builds ok and runs ok on jaunty? | 18:15 |
ivoks | zul: builds on jaunty; i installed it only on intrepid | 18:16 |
Scix | How can i add a LTSP server as an option in a PXELinux boot file | 18:16 |
a_c_m1 | thanks for your help ivoks - still not sure WHY it was failing, but i managed to isolate WHAT was failing and cut it out | 18:16 |
ivoks | zul: will test it on jaunty too; why? problems? | 18:16 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: so, application bug? | 18:16 |
zul | ivoks: nope just asking | 18:17 |
ivoks | a_c_m1: if you feel strongly that it's a bug in apache, report it | 18:17 |
ivoks | zul: will test it | 18:17 |
a_c_m1 | ivoks: i'm still not sure whos fault the bug is, it was due to trying to move a file... rename worked fine, but Drupals http://api.drupal.org/api/function/file_copy/6 function didnt seem to be able to | 18:18 |
a_c_m1 | really really strange | 18:19 |
ivoks | i'm not a web dev, so i hate php | 18:19 |
ivoks | :D | 18:20 |
shoot`` | ivoks, 1ghz Celeron | 18:21 |
shoot`` | ivoks, ftw :D | 18:21 |
ivoks | :) | 18:21 |
=== shoot`` is now known as shoot^ | ||
shoot^ | nat2610_, "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED" | 18:28 |
nat2610_ | shoot^, did you run the long check too ? | 18:31 |
nat2610_ | you can check the /dev/ too | 18:32 |
nat2610_ | like the hard drives | 18:32 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, just the quick one... | 18:32 |
shoot^ | oki | 18:32 |
[Solars] | ivoks what i was thinking of doing... move all the files /mykewlbackup, boot up with a cd, mount / and rm -rf everything but /mykewlbackup ... thens tart the install | 18:33 |
nat2610_ | but I don't think that's the HD ... as I said, that would popup some error and not crash everything | 18:33 |
ivoks | [Solars]: and then choose not to format; right, that's ok | 18:34 |
[Solars] | thanks Ivok, I'll get the new disk image and try that out | 18:41 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #301794 in samba (main) "Ubuntu 8.1 cannot connect windows share" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/301794 | 18:42 |
leonel | ScottK: http://svn.clamav.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=clamav-devel&path=%2Ftrunk%2Flibclamav%2Fvba_extract.c&rev=4311&sc=0 <--for the current clamav cve | 18:45 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, i'm just running ms | 18:47 |
shoot^ | ^mtest | 18:47 |
uvirtbot | shoot^: Error: "mtest" is not a valid command. | 18:47 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, how long do | 18:47 |
shoot^ | you think would be sufficient? | 18:48 |
nat2610_ | 5-10 times the time it usually takes to die | 18:49 |
Scix | How can i configure syslinux to boot sendt a client to a LTSP server? | 18:49 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, ah... at times it lasts 4 hours, at times it lasts 2 days... | 18:49 |
nat2610_ | so a week maybe ... | 18:49 |
ivoks | there are also phoronix tests | 18:50 |
ivoks | you could stress test your hardware with it | 18:50 |
ivoks | and those are great tests, if i may add | 18:50 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, : ah :-( ...its my development box. a week out would probably mean i should buy a new one, rather than lose productivity | 18:50 |
shoot^ | ivoks, would that speed the process a little? | 18:50 |
nat2610_ | it's hard to tell like that ... but at this point concidering the time you're going to invest to ... | 18:50 |
nat2610_ | exactly what I was going to write | 18:51 |
nat2610_ | I would retire it ... | 18:51 |
ivoks | shoot^: i guess | 18:51 |
shoot^ | nat2610_, aye. I've been a hobbiest web developer for a long time, so the el cheapo solution was perfect... but now I'm trying to get a business on the go part-time... | 18:52 |
ivoks | shoot^: it has memory tests which are faster than memtest, but probably not so detailed | 18:52 |
shoot^ | ivoks, ok. | 18:52 |
shoot^ | ivoks, i will leave mtest running when i go out this eve, maybe over night | 18:52 |
shoot^ | if it makes it to the morning without a crash, i think i will assume it is the ubuntu install. Maybe I'll try a completely clean install, maybe I'll go back to slackware... | 18:52 |
shoot^ | if that fails, new box time | 18:53 |
shoot^ | very little capital to invest in new kit at the moment... the new laptop is about all i could afford :) | 18:53 |
ivoks | and never forget.... | 18:53 |
ivoks | 'it's never Ubuntu's fault' :) | 18:53 |
shoot^ | lol, sometimes it just is... my old lappy ran Gusty just fine, but as soon as I upgraded to Hardy... no more laptop | 18:54 |
ScottK | leonel: I think that's the one that's already fixed. This latest one is in clamav-0.94\libclamav\special.c | 18:54 |
shoot^ | had to revert back to Gutsy after trying to get the graphics to play nicely for about a week | 18:54 |
ScottK | leonel: If you look in the svn, it's the last code commit before the 0.94.2 release. | 18:54 |
ScottK | (skipping all the release specific stuff, of course). | 18:55 |
leonel | ScottK: no cve for special.c yet as I see | 18:56 |
ScottK | leonel: I think there is no CVE for this security issue. | 18:56 |
ivoks | zul: yep, it works :) | 18:59 |
ivoks | zul: wow, i did a really good job :D | 18:59 |
zul | ivoks: cool yes you did, ill upload it as it is now and then we can fix it up a bit more later | 19:00 |
ivoks | zul: for next revision, we should look at how we can handle upgrade from intrepid | 19:00 |
zul | ivoks: yes we should | 19:00 |
leonel | ScottK: found it : http://svn.clamav.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=clamav-devel&path=%2Ftrunk%2Flibclamav%2Fspecial.c&rev=4483&sc=0 | 19:01 |
ivoks | take care guys | 19:02 |
ScottK | leonel: That looks like it. | 19:03 |
leonel | ScottK: for intrepid too ?? or it will get 0.94.2 ? | 19:04 |
ScottK | leonel: Intrepid will get 0.94.2. | 19:04 |
leonel | ok so only for hardy gutsy dapper .. | 19:05 |
ScottK | Yes. | 19:05 |
Scix | How can i configure syslinux to sendt a client to a LTSP server and boot? | 19:32 |
mysticalone | I have ISPConfig installed, I don't have any users or whatever on it. BUT when I point my browser to the server, not ISPConfig, I get the Apache "It works!" text. So I tried accessing it by FTP but can't | 20:17 |
mysticalone | do I set the box on fire and run? | 20:18 |
axisys | how do I check the hardware raid stat ? | 20:27 |
genii | Scix: You mean you want to boot a floppy with syslinux, then have it PXE bootstrap itself off some thin server? | 20:38 |
genii | Bah | 20:38 |
The-Kernel1 | that sounds totally awesome! | 20:39 |
genii | The-Kernel1: Well, some old bios don't allow for PXE boot, but you can make a floppy which does this | 20:39 |
The-Kernel1 | what abotu a USB drive? | 20:41 |
The-Kernel1 | floppy is unrealistic these days | 20:41 |
genii | Well, I imagine you could use any medium. However, the method to make the pxe-boot floppy usually involves getting a 1.44 image from boot-o-matic or so | 20:43 |
genii | rom-o-matic, rather | 20:44 |
linuxnewbe | Hi .. I've a little site and I want to put it online on a ubuntu server | 21:06 |
linuxnewbe | there is any security issue? | 21:06 |
linuxnewbe | someone can tell me how to understand it there could ba any problem? | 21:07 |
linuxnewbe | It will be a LAMJ system | 21:09 |
linuxnewbe | no answer... | 21:14 |
linuxnewbe | where can I have information? | 21:14 |
antdedyet | linuxnewbe: why do you think there would be a problem? | 21:14 |
antdedyet | linuxnewbe: you might want to check the ubuntu server guid for setup advice | 21:15 |
antdedyet | s/guid/guide | 21:15 |
antdedyet | linuxnewbe: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/ | 21:15 |
Ahmuck | i noticed in manual partitioning one could set up "user quota" type of partitions. is it to late to do so after partitioning has been done? | 21:18 |
antdedyet | Ahmuck: with ext2 you could add quota afterwords... however I haven't tested it in years. | 21:19 |
renton_ | hello do you know a ready-to-uso IP blacklist to block all junk stuff like facebook, msn messenger and so on from office? thanks | 21:23 |
genii | renton: Much of that has not much to do with IP but protocols | 21:40 |
genii | bah | 21:40 |
frojnd | Hello there | 21:53 |
frojnd | I have a little problem sending mail with php function mail() | 21:53 |
frojnd | The guys at php told me that this has to do with MTA - mail transfer agent | 21:53 |
frojnd | so where can I configure MTA so mail function will be active :) and mail will be send to a certain location ? | 21:54 |
frojnd | Waky waky :D | 21:55 |
Ahmuck | i'm on ext3 | 21:55 |
ScottK | frojnd: There are quite a number of MTAs in Ubuntu. Which are you using? | 22:21 |
kees | mathiaz: if you can create a small reproducer for the mysql math problem, I'd bet doko would be very interested | 22:33 |
mathiaz | kees: right - that's what I was thinking about | 22:33 |
mathiaz | kees: I guess it should be a C program | 22:33 |
* kees nods | 22:33 | |
uvirtbot | New bug: #304574 in nagios2 (universe) "package nagios2-common 2.11-1ubuntu1.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/304574 | 22:47 |
TheBeast | I just installed mysql-server-5.0 and I'd like to have remote access to the database | 23:20 |
TheBeast | unfortunately I get an error message saying that I'm not allowed to connect | 23:20 |
domas | TheBeast: go to #mysql and type 'external' ;-) | 23:20 |
TheBeast | ah | 23:20 |
domas | (I hope I was seen as helpful ;-) | 23:21 |
Eeyore-Jr | i've asked this here before, but would like a yes/no answer. is there a way to enable disk quota's for the /home directory without going through setup again and manually enabling that partition as "quota" | 23:29 |
genii | Eeyore-Jr: man edquota | 23:33 |
genii | Eeyore-Jr: Also quotaon | 23:35 |
Eeyore-Jr | k, thx | 23:37 |
jmedina | Eeyore-Jr: not if /home is under the / partition | 23:37 |
Eeyore-Jr | it's not. it's seperate | 23:38 |
Eeyore-Jr | i'd like to limit each user to 8 gb | 23:38 |
jmedina | good | 23:38 |
jmedina | then mount your /home partition with user quotas | 23:39 |
Eeyore-Jr | i noticed when i was partitioning that there was an option to create "quota accounting" on the partition rather than ext3 | 23:40 |
Eeyore-Jr | unfortunately, i enabled ext3, as i was in a hurry | 23:40 |
Eeyore-Jr | i assume it doesn't matter | 23:40 |
Eeyore-Jr | as the format. so i'm hoping that genii suggestion will "convert it" | 23:40 |
jmedina | Eeyore-Jr: have you read the quota howto? | 23:43 |
jmedina | I have a recipe but is in spanish | 23:43 |
Eeyore-Jr | no. i'll look for it | 23:45 |
Eeyore-Jr | i need to create a recepie? | 23:45 |
domas | hehe | 23:47 |
domas | you can even mount with -o remount | 23:47 |
domas | so you won't have to unmount | 23:47 |
domas | damn, I didn't use quotas for 10 years :) | 23:48 |
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