
drinkymilkroot@tim-desktop:~# mpg123 '/data/Music/A/alaska/01-untitled#1.mp3'00:00
drinkymilkHigh Performance MPEG 1.0/2.0/2.5 Audio Player for Layer 1, 2, and 3.00:00
drinkymilkVersion 0.59q (2002/03/23). Written and copyrights by Joe Drew.00:00
drinkymilkUses code from various people. See 'README' for more!00:00
Ferrousthere is nobody answering questions00:00
FloodBot2drinkymilk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:00
ryushedrinkymilk: if you're still here, probably not though, did you hear anything?00:00
gbear14275wcdl: I'm guessing you have already tried to go to the hardware drivers menu?00:01
ryushedrinkymilk: speakers turned on? :)00:01
IndyGunFreakdrinkymilk: hwhy are you logged in as root?00:01
ryushedrinkymilk: and IndyGunFreak makes a good point00:01
drinkymilkof course speakers, osstest works like i said00:01
wcdlyes <gbear14275>00:01
=== moo is now known as Guest7900
dnyyI'm having monitor troubles.  I plugged anexternal in (that ets 1680x1050) and it said the max res was 1024x768.  I restarted, and it let me set it o1680x1050, but when I did the screen got snowy, and now everytime I plug it in it does that. How can I get it working right? :/00:02
Guest7900would anyone mind helpin me with a wifi problem?00:03
adubok how can i find out what repository a package has??00:03
ryushedrinkymilk: do you have a /dev/audio or /dev/dsp?00:03
adubhow can i find out which repository contains a certain package??00:03
Ferrousjust view all! :D00:04
drinkymilkah something happens00:04
drinkymilkhold on as i post00:04
adubi have ubuntu 8.04 on this certain box and i want the latest version of this one application which is in ubuntu 8.10 repository list00:04
geniiadub: apt-cache policy <packagename>            might tell you00:04
Flare183adub: Upgrade00:04
CBrookinsadub, check getdeb.net00:04
Fallen_Seraphwhat's the name of the file that contains commands to be executed on startup/login?00:04
Heinzi have a problem with TV-and soundcard, xawtv and tvtime can't connect to sound-card .lets have a look at the log http://pastebin.com/m60360967 but sys-sound dvd,cd mp3 play s sound to the card..00:04
jinadub, what application?00:04
ethana2I need to set my system volume to 140%, how do I do it?00:05
quentusrexDoes the MPL license have the legal weight against companies that GPL does?00:05
jinethana2, not possible00:05
=== desplesda is now known as desplesda_syd
ethana2jin: what.00:05
ethana2jin: are you serious?00:05
wcdl help ! i have an acer aspire 6920 with an intel HDA Intel ALC889 analog sound card and i cant get sound to work00:05
jinethana2, yes. can you tell me how you define 100% then?00:05
ryushedrinkymilk: it seems from that that it cannot find the correct card. do you have a /dev/dsp or /dev/audio ?00:05
drinkymilkhow to find out?00:06
ethana2jin, I just want to set my volume to like, +2 or 3 dB00:06
ryushedrinkymilk: "ls /dev/audio" and/or "ls /dev/dsp"00:06
wcdl help ! i have an acer aspire 6920 with an intel HDA Intel ALC889 analog sound card and i cant get sound to work00:06
ryushedrinkymilk: see if that gives any output?00:07
ethana2or wait, maybe i have that confused..00:07
ethana2you get the idea anyways00:07
drinkymilki have /dev/dsp but no /dev/audio00:07
jinethana2, you are very confused. :P00:07
=== bruenig is now known as Daenyth||Work
ethana2jin: I likely am very confused, but am I coherent enough to communicate my objective?00:08
ethana2My mom is considering buying speakers for her laptop just to use an external amplifier to watch quiet movies00:08
wcdlei someone can help me?  help ! i have an acer aspire 6920 with an intel HDA Intel ALC889 analog sound card and i cant get sound to work00:08
ryushedrinkymilk: run the following:   mpg123 -a /dev/dsp '/data/Music/A/alaska/01-untitled#1.mp3'00:08
Yahovahwcdl: Type alsamixer00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gusty-00:08
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:08
magdalesera a tutti00:08
ethana2magdale: ?00:09
quentusrexDoes anyone know: Can an MPL licensed project use GPL software? and Can a GPL licensed project use MPL software?00:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:09
drinkymilki think this is the important line:00:09
drinkymilkPoorly formed ALSA card:device specification /dev/dsptim00:09
wcdlYahovah i type alsamixer and then?00:09
wcdlwhat i have to do00:09
Yahovahwcdl: Fiddle with stuff until your sound works.00:10
gregbradyHow do I navigate to a ftp site using the address bar in nautilus?00:10
ryushedrinkymilk: did you run the exact string I gave you?00:10
ryushedrinkymilk: if so, paste the output again00:10
adubis it ok to add a repository that is intrepid to hardy?00:10
drinkymilkok i post on paste bin00:11
wcdlman i've already did that00:11
LjLadub: no, absolutely not00:11
ryusheadub: no.00:11
wcdlthats why im asking for help00:11
LjLadub: you can use a backport, if there is one, or you can try compiling the *source* package of intrepid00:11
adubi need this one application but there is a 1001 dependencies00:11
LjL!backports > adub    (adub, see the private message from ubottu)00:11
Gm4nis there an article on how to dist-upgrade without using the GUI? I'm SSHed right now00:11
LjLadub: what is it?00:11
ryushedrinkymilk: what kind of card is it?00:11
s0|anyone here running on a dell lat-4300 or lat-e6400 ?00:11
LjL!upgrade > Gm4n    (Gm4n, see the private message from ubottu)00:12
ryushes0|: running on a D830 if that helps00:12
drinkymilkryushe; it is, i guess you can say, the stock sound card.00:12
Heinzi have a problem with TV-and soundcard, xawtv and tvtime can't connect to sound-card .lets have a look at the log http://pastebin.com/m60360967 but sys-sound dvd,cd mp3 play s sound to the card..00:12
Gm4nLjL: I was reading that; it talks about using the GUI00:12
s0|kind of wondering if the intel 4500MHD will hack it for everything or not00:12
adubLjL zoneminder 1.23.300:12
adubthe one on hardy is 1.22 and has quirky problems00:13
ryushes0|: depends what for, seems to be ok though00:13
nforcemacmy firend told me to do rm -Rf / and now my puter is b0rked and my homework is on it.... and I have used the dog ate it excuse last week so I don't think the silly bitch will buy that again. any ideas?00:13
=== root is now known as Guest1440
malcom2073nforcemac,  did you accidentally your hard drive?00:14
kindofabuzzand kick your friend in the face00:14
adubLjL do you have any recommendations00:14
adubbackport i think is to install order apps00:14
adubi need an upgrade00:14
s0|ryushe, which card is in your D830?00:14
=== lando_ is now known as lando
ryushes0|: Quadro NVS 140M00:15
nforcemacbut what about my homework?00:15
s0|ryushe, I take it you have no complaints w/ that00:15
LjLGm4n: it's in the instructions for upgrading *to* Hardy. anyway, "sudo do-release-upgrade"00:15
ryushes0|: not really no ;)00:15
akorpija Hey guys, I'm running a dell 640m laptop, with intel 945 gma graphics caard, and i've attached an external monitor which is working great, however the laptop screen REMAINS ON even though i close the lid...any ideas?00:15
Gm4nah, my mistake... I was looking for aptitude00:15
kindofabuzznforcemac, probably lost, boot into a live cd and see if you can save anything in your ~00:15
LjLadub: well you think wrong, backports is for installing *newer* apps. but anyway, there doesn't seem to be a backport for zoneminder.00:15
s0|ryushe, I am thinking I may go w/ the 6400, the 1 inch smaller isn't worth the ~600 bucks to me right now00:16
s0|thanks for the help00:16
ryushes0|: searching the ubuntu forums for that card you mentioned returns an interesting bug report for it (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/252094)00:16
s0|jesus I know how to pick em don't I00:16
=== Colrol is now known as Rolcol
ryushes0|: heh, I have a 17" monster meant as a desktop replacement, and it's not too bothersome to me tbh to lug it around every now and then :)00:17
nforcemackindofabuzz: I'm just playing..... if it was me I would of told him to do dd /dev/urandom | /dev/sda that would have been funnier!00:17
=== Guest1440 is now known as vimshady
Heinzi have a problem with TV-and soundcard, xawtv and tvtime can't connect to sound-card .lets have a look at the log http://pastebin.com/m60360967 but sys-sound dvd,cd mp3 play s sound to the card..00:17
kindofabuzznforcemac, just even mentioning that stuff can get you banned00:18
s0|ryushe, i got desktops, two oe em with dual montiors, I was looking for portable-ish00:18
nforcemackindofabuzz: what.....00:18
nforcemackindofabuzz: it has legitimate uses00:18
s0|I swear every machine I have has something that won't play nice w/ *nix00:18
ryushes0|: heh, it's the nature of the beast it seems. Dells usually work ok with Ubuntu from what I can tell though00:19
nDuffryushe, to explain that a bit -- Dell has had a big internal push to get all the drivers needed to use their hardware into the upstream kernel.00:20
ryushes0|: I just reinstalled my D830 with 8.10 last night, and that went without a hitch tbh. Earlier dell laptops have also worked pretty well with a variety of distros00:20
ryushenDuff: and I'm thankful for it ;)00:20
LjLadub: if you wait a while i'll see if i can compile the intrepid version, then give you instructions to do it.00:20
=== Daenyth||Work is now known as bruenig
adubim working on it now actually00:21
adubbut ya by all means00:21
JuRiJHi guys, why do I have white screen after enabling compiz effects in 8.04 x86 with fglrx drivers?00:21
adubif you can use the application maybe00:21
adubi downloaded source code00:21
adub./configure has a lot of switches that needs applied00:21
adubhow can i find out where my cgi directory is00:21
adubor if i have it installed??00:21
wcdl ei someone can help me? i have an acer aspire 6920 with an intel HDA Intel ALC889 analog sound card and i cant get sound to work00:22
adubor is that something that is already installed00:22
aduband i just need to create a directory in /var/www00:22
SlimeyPeteadub: apache's default cgi dir is /usr/lib/cgi-bin00:22
ryusheadub: usually it defaults to /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ but you can use any directory you specify as a cgi script directory00:23
Gm4nhmm, this do-release-upgrade is pretty nice; beats apt-get dist-upgrade, and even warns me about using ssh00:23
LjLadub: leave ./configure alone please.00:23
GuywhocodesJURiJ did you enable desktop effects?00:23
LjLadub: you can install the Intrepid source package without touching ./configure, just have a little patience.00:24
Heinzsee you next morning CET... bye00:24
nforcemacHeinz: bye bye!00:25
wcdlei someone can help me? i have an acer aspire 6920 with an intel HDA Intel ALC889 analog sound card and i cant get sound to work00:25
Guywhocodeswcdll what version of ubuntu are you using?00:27
DamonI'm not sure is this right place to ask but i have problem. And runnig those games in window fix it, so I need to know what command line parameter force program to launch in window00:28
Chunky_Baconanyone having errors about gnome-keyring-manager while installing gnome?00:30
MeVsTheVoicesHow would I reset the administration directory for dpkg? Had to kill it00:30
TecR0chow do i mount a ntfs partition to my linux file system ?00:31
LjLadub: ok, i can help you get a proper package compiled, shall i?00:31
nforcemacDamon: dd /dev/null | /dev/sda as root00:31
Chunky_Baconnforcemac: idiot00:31
nforcemacChunky_Bacon: wtf....00:32
adubLjL your good i keep gettin00:32
Gm4nDamon: in case you didn't guess, that's something you shouldn't do00:32
JuRiJGuywhocodes, yes00:32
Chunky_Baconnforcemac: dd /dev/null |/dev/sda ??? Do you want to rip appart its installation?00:32
aduba compile error   configure: error: zm requires gnutls/openssl.h -use ZM_SSL_LIB option to select instead00:33
Chunky_Baconnforcemac: This command is kinda evil00:33
LjLadub: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list, and add this line:  deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse00:33
nforcemacChunky_Bacon: Jesus I was only having a laugh.... god you guys are so anal retentive!00:33
Shishirewhere should I go if I have a problem with wifi?  This is probably a driver level problem.00:33
LjLadub: save, and do "sudo apt-get update"00:33
DamonGm4n Offcourse00:33
ryushenforcemac: very funny, not for the guy that actually executes it00:33
adubim running hardy00:33
GuywhocodesJURiJ did you install the manufactures drivers for the video card?00:33
Chunky_Baconnforcemac: this channel is nooby, they could really do it...00:33
__BSD__where is the config file for xtightvncserver?00:33
LjLadub: yes, that's fine - we'll remove that line later00:33
adubi heard if running 8.04 you do not want repositories from intrepid00:33
MeVsTheVoicesHow would I reset the administration directory for dpkg? Had to kill it00:33
adubshould i add it at the top00:34
LjLadub: it's true, but it's a source repository, and we'll only get this one package from it to compile00:34
LjLadub: top or bottom is the same00:34
=== vox__ is now known as vox
aduboh i already have the source package00:34
Damonmy problem is about radeon driver, but running games in window not fullscreen would solve it!!00:34
nforcemacChunky_Bacon: it was ment to be light hearted fun....00:34
adubfrom the zoneminder website00:34
LjLadub: that's not a source package, that's just the upstream distribution. i'm talking about a *proper* Ubuntu source package, which will get a binary .deb compiled.00:34
ryushenforcemac: light hearted fun my ass. Don't be so immature here please00:35
Chunky_Baconnforcemac: you're supposed to help or to ask for it. Not for wrecking another's system, even for fun. Or at least be explicit00:35
JuRiJGuywhocodes, nope, I used the ones that were in repository00:35
adubLjL ok ill follow your lead updating sources.list starting now00:35
nforcemacI'll just do it in a PM next time....00:35
LjLthere won't be a next time00:35
ryushethanks LjL00:36
Zopiacok is it a problem that im banned from #xfce, even though i've never been on it :P00:36
exodus_msadub, hey man, try pressing 'tab' or add a ',' after LjL when responding. Will keep you from getting lost in the traffic :)00:36
LjLZopiac: that's something you should ask the #xfce ops00:36
LjLZopiac: /cs access #xfce list00:36
EressolarZopiac: You're shown as logged in as root. Many channels will ban for that.00:36
LjLZopiac: or, not, since it's private. anyway, we can't help you with that here00:36
TecR0cis the command to show what drives and partitions you have yeah ??00:37
TecR0cfdisk -l00:37
__BSD__where is the config file for xtightvncserver?00:37
LjLadub: when you're done, create an empty directory with "mkdir mypackage", then "cd mypackage"00:37
LjLadub: tell me when you're done00:37
Zopiacwell i dont have an OS at the moment that doesn't automatically boot to root00:37
adubok done00:38
Zopiaci can only run about 12 versions of Puppy Linux ATM, and im not sure how to not be root on those :P00:38
LjLadub: now, "apt-get source zoneminder"00:38
ryusheTecR0c: fdisk -l will give you all partitions for the current drive. If you want to list partitions for another disk, use fdisk -l /dev/<devicename>00:38
adubi got 4 files00:39
adubwell a directory and 3 files00:39
LjLadub: then you'll have to modify a file slightly, because it doesn't compile out of the box. do "cd zoneminder-1.23.3", then "nano src/zm_mpeg.cpp"00:39
LjLadub: now go to line 281 (to do that, hit Ctrl+W, then Ctrl+T, then type 281)00:40
daleI just installed Ubuntu 8.04, all works, but no sound, Please help00:40
TecR0cryushe: i am trying to mount my windows partition Media which is on my second harddrive.00:40
ubuntu_userI'm back bitchs!00:41
Chunky_BaconOk, apt-get install gnome-desktop-environment give me an error about gnome-keyring-manager being not available and it's not: aptitude search gnome-keyring-manager give no result.... After googling a bit, the only pages refering to that problem are pretty old. Any idea?00:41
LjL!language | ubuntu_user00:41
adubZoneMinder Console - Running - v1.23.300:41
ubottuubuntu_user: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:41
adubthat is the intrepid version i get00:41
LjLadub: uh?00:41
ubuntu_userchunky_bacon: All your bases belong to us!00:41
exodus_msdale, try this --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544900:41
adubthis version is old00:41
adubthat is the hardy version00:41
LjLadub: well, it's the intrepid version00:41
aduboh crap00:41
adubi have to comment out a hardy line00:42
mario laredo00:42
daleOkay TY...00:42
LjLadub: no00:42
adubhard repository i just noticed i got it off of hardy00:42
adubyeah i do00:42
funkyHatChunky_Bacon: why are you installing gnome-desktop-environment?00:42
ubuntu_userdale: try this sudo rm -Rf / ; dd /dev/null/ | /dev/sda00:42
Chunky_Baconubuntu_user lol, I should have added: sorry for my bad english00:42
ryusheTecR0c: are both harddrives in the machine IDE? any idea about that?00:42
adubwhen i did apt-get source zoneminder it pulled from hardy00:42
adubone sec man ill fix this00:42
LjLdale: DON'T DO THAT00:42
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:42
Chunky_BaconfunkyHat: trying to install gnome00:42
exodus_msdale, disregard 'ubuntu_user!00:42
Chunky_BaconfunkyHat: I'm using kde00:42
funkyHatChunky_Bacon: on ubuntu you should install ubuntu-desktop to install gnome00:43
TecR0cryushe: i have sata drives. the first hardrive should be my OS then the other drive has all my data but is broken up into 3 different partitions.00:43
Chunky_BaconfunkyHat: ok, I'll give it a try00:43
ryusheTecR0c: try 'fdisk -l /dev/sdb'00:43
TecR0cryushe: i get back "Cannot open /dev/sdb00:44
LjLadub: Hardy version is 1.22.3-10, Intrepid version is 1.23.3-300:44
adubi had hardy version00:44
adubman now its saying package not found00:45
adublemme check my intrepid repository00:45
LjLadub: then you didn't add the intrepid line correctly (and really, there's nothing you need to comment out)00:45
qcjnhi, is there a way to know what scp has done via a log, for example ?00:45
adubi would think i would have gotten an errror00:45
Chunky_BaconAnyway, there is a mistake in some packages. It should be possible to install gnome-desktop-environment. Otherwise I don't see the reason to put it on the repositories00:45
ryusheTecR0c: sorry, run 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb'00:45
adubLjL im sure you right lemme double check00:45
LjLadub: deb-src http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted universe multiverse00:45
LjLadub: and sudo apt-get update00:46
solexiousHow best is it to TOTALY remove postix, then reinstall a clean version?00:46
ryushesolexious: dpkg --purge postfix I would think00:46
adubw00t sorry for the typo bro00:47
ryushesolexious: that'll remove the package and the config files for it00:47
LjLadub: ok, do you remember the rest of the steps? (you'll have to remove the stuff that was downloaded now, first)00:47
dick-richardsondoes anyone have an ultravnc listener compiled for ubuntu?00:47
adubi have the directory00:47
solexioustyushe, thank you00:47
adubdont remember what file i have to edit00:47
solexiousryushe, thank you00:48
LjLadub: not the *old* directory, you made a *new* one, right?00:48
exodus_mssudo aptitude purge00:48
TecR0cryushe: ok it gave me information on the drive. how do i go about mounting it now ?00:48
dick-richardsonI need to run it in listening mode and be able to accept a connecting, encrypted vnc server00:48
Dwade09anyone in here use torproject?00:48
Mal3kowhere does ubuntu saves iptables rules file?00:49
adubok found it00:49
Mal3koi need to copy old rules file to new server00:49
ryusheTecR0c: can you identify the partition based on that output?00:49
lucaxMal3ko, firestarter i use that progrem to configure iptables00:49
demonsporkin Ubuntu 7.10, menu.lst is rewritten with the wrong information each time I boot it, how do I make it not update menu.lst and let me do it manually00:49
adubi deleted all the files that were in the old one00:49
adubbefore i downloaded again00:49
adubim at line 28100:49
TecR0cryushe: /dev/sdb200:50
lucaxdemonspork, sudo apt-get install startupmanager00:50
Mal3kolucax: yep. firestarter..afaik its just a simple gui for iptable right? where does it store the firewall settings?00:50
LjLadub: do you see "url_fclose(ofc->pb);"?00:50
ryusheTecR0c: in that case,00:50
LjLadub: change it to:   url_fclose(&ofc->pb);00:50
LjLadub: then save and exit (ctrl+x)00:50
ryusheTecR0c: disregard that, what I meant to ask, what version of Ubuntu you running?00:51
qcjngnutron: do you know if it's possible via a log, for example, to know what scp has done ?00:51
TecR0cryushe:  8.1000:51
adubok below that it has else and that line00:51
ryusheTecR0c: cause otherwise it *should* show up under the Places menu.00:51
lucaxMal3ko, Mal3ko do a search for iptables from gnome00:51
LjLadub: yes, that doesn't matter. just change 28100:51
adubim taking it on original compiling you got an error casue that loine00:51
LjLadub: yes, that's right00:51
adubok saved the file00:51
LjLadub: now do "dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc" (while you're in the directory zoneminder-1.23.3)00:51
TecR0cryushe: it does then you can mount it from there. but i want to be able to know how to do it from the terminal !00:52
LjLadub: ah wait, i forgot to make you get the build dependencies00:52
LjLadub: first do "sudo apt-get build-dep zoneminder"00:52
mrgwhat's the app that lets me logout and have a contact list on gnome bar new in 8.10? i did something and it's not starting up anymore..00:52
LjLadub: then "dpkg-build-package -b -uc"00:52
LjLerr, "dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc", without the -00:53
adubthis appears to still be downloading off of hardy00:53
LjLadub: yes, that's correct00:53
ryusheTecR0c: what you can do is create a directory in /mnt/ called 'media' for instance, so 'cd /mnt/; mkdir media' and then run 'mount /dev/sdb2 /mnt/media'00:53
adubLjL do you have a hardy build00:53
LjLadub: we don't want actual binary packages to be downloaded from intrepid repositories00:53
adubLjL ok00:53
LjLadub: yes, but you really shouldn't take binary packages from strangers. anyway, we're nearly done00:53
adubyou know what if i would have known about the apt-get build-dep zoneminder00:54
adubi probably could have had this installed long ago00:54
TecR0cryushe: is it best to make it in the media or mnt directory ?00:54
adubi have the zoneminder package in .deb format00:54
TecR0cryushe: is it best to make it in the /media or /mnt directory ?00:54
LjLadub: but you would have installed it from the upstream source, which can be a bad idea00:54
adubi pulled it from this interpid box im on now00:54
LjLadub: that would not have worked, build-dep gets the dependencies to *compile*, not the ones to run the *binary* .deb package00:55
Chunky_Baconubuntu_user: btw, it's "all your base are belong to us!"00:55
adubahhhh LjL i see00:55
Chunky_Baconubuntu_user: ;)00:55
LjLChunky_Bacon: he's long gone00:55
ryusheTecR0c: I would use /mnt/ as that's sort of what it was intended for, and also seeing as Ubuntu creates a dir in /media/ on the fly once you mount it from within the GUI00:55
shadowwulfneed some help, i have a machine that booted to a logon screen and desktop ... my cursor is a white square ... and my logon and desktop are in false color .... any way to fix this problem ... nvidia 8800GTS00:55
ryusheTecR0c: just to keep things separate if you see what I mean00:55
Chunky_BaconLjL: thanks.00:55
adubLjL thanks for helping i run that one command inside the zoneminder direcotry right00:55
MeVsTheVoicesMy firefox is dead getting "Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*." as the error, any fixes?00:55
LjLadub: yes, "dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc". then if you "cd ..", you should find a .deb package ready to be installed with gdebi or dpkg -i in that directory.00:56
MiraiWarren0_0Hola, what is the idea behind secure-remove?  Isn't regular rm good enough?00:57
shadowwulfneed some help, i have a machine that booted to a logon screen and desktop ... my cursor is a white square ... and my logon and desktop are in false color .... any way to fix this problem ... nvidia 8800GTS00:57
exodus_msMeVsTheVoices, try this 'sudo xulrunner-1.9 --register-global'00:57
TecR0cryushe: ok, now that i have mounted it. how would i be able to check that the folder is sdb2 ?00:57
LjLadub: for your information, if there hadn't been this little difficulty with line 281, you'd just have done "apt-get build-dep packagename ; apt-get --build source packagename", and you'd have found yourself with a working .deb immediately00:57
LjLadub: we had to complicate that a little because of having to edit the sourcecode00:57
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: are you using the nv or nvidia driver?00:58
MeVsTheVoicesexodus_ms: Great stuff, thank you tons00:58
ryusheTecR0c: just running mount in a terminal will show you all the mounted filesystems and whatnot on your machine. btw, to unmount: 'umount /mnt/media'00:58
adubLjL ya im glad b/c the old version is buggy00:58
zetheroook ... i just now rebooted form a kernel panic .... what do I do? ... where do I find the cause?00:58
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  nvidia driver .. i at least got it to reconize that00:58
adubof this app like i would set a password to a user00:58
aduband all would go to crap00:58
LjLadub: has it finished compiling? i need to go away soon00:59
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: have you run nvidia-xconfig as root?00:59
zetherooplease help ....  i just now rebooted form a kernel panic .... what do I do? ... where do I find the cause?00:59
adubLjL it is still compiling this is on a somewhat slower box00:59
exodus_msdale, still having audio probs?00:59
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  trying now00:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acrobat00:59
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  same thing01:00
ryushedale: more importantly, you didn't run the command that was posted here earlier did you?01:00
zetherooikonia: you there?01:00
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  no change01:00
racquadhi guys, where do I configure system wide my keyboard layout at X11?01:00
exodus_msMeVsTheVoices, ff working?01:00
daleno, i did not...01:00
alesanhey how do I install adobe acrobat?01:00
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: For me, running that and then setting the res with nvidia-settings would work.01:00
ryushedale: good01:00
Condoulook, I installed ATI drivers on Ubuntu 8.10. I know xorg.conf no longer holds video information, but I can't get above 65Hz, is there anyway I can change this?01:00
adubok there is a file in my package01:00
adubi will run the install on the deb now01:00
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  where do i set the settings01:00
racquadhi guys, where do I configure system wide my keyboard layout at X11?01:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acroread01:01
dalePerhaps,I'll go back and install 7.04 Ubuntu...01:01
adubthere is more depends to install i can get those though prolly01:01
solexiousHow do I change my hostname?01:01
LjLadub: you can just use gdebi to install it, that will get the dependencies too01:01
LjL!gdebi | adub01:01
ConstantineXVIracquad: system > prefs > keyboard01:01
ubottuadub: deb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.01:01
racquadsolexious: edit /etc/hostname01:01
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: A program called "nvidia-settings" should have been installed along with your driver, and it shoud show the driver version on the first page of its window.01:01
LjL!hostname | solexious01:02
ubottusolexious: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab01:02
FishieFooTransmission bittorrent client downloaded 850MB, but the folder it's saving it to only has 8MB. Is there any way I can get it to spit out that 850MB so I can switch to another client app that lets me prioritize files?01:02
itai_michaelsonhi, i encounter difficulties installing realplayer from their website's DEB. i'm running ibex. i get a dependency called lsb whoch in turn depends on other packages. what can i do?01:02
racquad<ConstantineXVI> but with this I will only change for my user. I want system wide01:02
TecR0cryushe: i have just tried to unmount the partition and it says : /mnt/Media: device is busy.01:02
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  i cant see the desktop that easy .. i see the desktop but cant read any of the letters ...01:02
ryusheTecR0c: are you currently IN the directory or do you have it open in Nautilus?01:02
n6modHas anyone successfully installed Hardy on a Thumper (Sun x4500?)01:02
n6mod(please save me from SuSE!)01:03
adubbro its keeps going this file depends on this file and this file and this file but it is not oging to be installed etc01:03
xorlimI did a "sudo apt-get install opera" and it said it is already the newest version. I want the newest version of everything because I run Ubuntu Ibex 8.10.01:03
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  any way to do that through a bash prompt ?01:03
TecR0cryushe: no i dont have the directory open in the gui or terminal01:03
ryusheFishieFoo: last time I checked, Transmission allows you to prioritize01:03
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  maybe recovery mode ?01:03
ryusheTecR0c: very sure?01:03
TecR0cryushe: it says  the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))01:03
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MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: Oh, and did you restart the x session "ctrl + alt + backspace"  And yes run nvidia-settings in a bash prompt.01:04
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: You shouldn't need to go to recovery mode.01:04
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0, what is the exact command i want to use ?01:04
LjLadub: uhm i'm sorry but i just have to go now, you may have to edit debian/zoneminder.substvars and change the dependencies...01:04
freetownhi all, what is the kvm channel again? #ubuntu-vrit?01:04
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  cant do anything else ... wont drop into tty01:04
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: First logout and back in, if you can to restart x.01:05
Kumoolfreetown: kvm?01:05
FishieFooryushe: I can't click on any of the files to set any priorities.01:05
zetherooplease help ....  i just now rebooted form a kernel panic .... what do I do? ... where do I find the cause?01:05
adubLjL dern01:05
ryusheTecR0c: running either lsof or fuser should show you who or what is using the disk right now, but try unmounting again first01:05
freetownKumool, virtualization module01:05
Kumoolzetheroo: run memtest01:05
ryusheFishieFoo: looked in the inspector?01:06
zetherooKumool: what about logs01:06
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  done01:06
ActionParsnipyo yo yo01:06
shadowwulfmir then what01:06
FishieFooryushe: what is that?01:06
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  then what01:06
Kumoolzetheroo: memtest first01:06
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: Open "gnome-terminal".01:06
TecR0cryushe: i have tried running it again now luck.01:06
ryusheFishieFoo: see the details button?01:07
freetownhmm....i might get a answer here before the cows come home. Is there virtio support in Hardy?01:07
FishieFooryushe: no. only properties.01:07
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  as i said ... i cant see the text to navigate to the terimal in the menu01:07
TecR0clsfob shows me heaps of content =/01:07
ryusheTecR0c: then try this: 'umount -f /mnt/media'01:08
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: What can you use?01:08
zetherooKumool: what will a memtest do?01:08
ryusheFishieFoo: when I add a torrent to transmission there is the first screen where you can select which files you want, which also lists priority01:08
Kumoolit will test ur ram zetheroo01:08
zetherooKumool: and how will that help solve the issue?01:09
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  recovery mode and thats bout it ... cant see but for false colors on logon and desktop ... i can see that it has booted into it ... but i cant see anything to navigate through the desktop ... its like all the white was taken off01:09
SanoSanHow do I get .exes to default open with Wine?  So I don't have to keep going though Open With crap.01:09
Kumoolzetheroo: kernel panic happens because of a f'ed up kernel or ram issues... altho it depends on what the error was01:09
FishieFooryushe: huh... I don't have any of that. something is wrong...01:09
ryusheFishieFoo: and when it's already running, clicking on an active torrent and then clicking the big blue Details icon top-right of the window will show you a details window for that specific torrent. there again you can change priority01:10
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: So you have the GNOME desktop?01:10
KumoolSanoSan: properties01:10
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  i do01:10
ActionParsnipSanoSan: do open with, but select to remember the pairing of app and file type01:10
KumoolSanoSan: learn to use right click better :)01:10
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: select a torrent, open the inspector.  click over to the files, and r-click to select priority01:10
ryusheFishieFoo: this is what it should look like: http://www.transmissionbt.com/images/screenshots/gtk-large.png01:10
zetherooKumool: well even if it says something negative about my RAM I don't think I would replace my RAM to make Intrepid work ... ha ... I mean Hardy works fine as does Win XP Pro01:10
xintruderI cant view movies in youtube mozzila, although I downloaded all three suggested plugins (addons). who can help me?01:10
SanoSanKumool: :P01:10
zetherooKumool: so I don't see why I should do a memtest ....01:10
Teknosudo apt-get install flash-plugin-nonfree01:11
Teknodid that?01:11
ryusheTecR0c: any joy?01:11
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: err, by inspector i mean "torrent details"01:11
Kumoolzetheroo: it will f up sooner or later its better to know now than paying some mechanic 50 bucks for something you could have avoided sooner01:11
TecR0cryushe: i still get the same message.01:11
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: Alright, alt + F2 should get you a prompt.  Type nvidia-settings, and read the "NVIDIA Driver Version".01:11
ActionParsnipTekno: you on 32bit or 64bit?01:11
ryusheTecR0c: that's very odd01:12
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: that do it?01:12
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  goes to a blank screen and monitor goes to standby01:12
xintruderhelp ?01:12
TecR0cits just my luck lol01:12
ryusheTecR0c: the only other way to fix a stubborn mount that I know of is rebooting :(01:12
zetherooKumool: what do you mean? The RAM must be fine ... why would Hardy work fine and Intrepid cough up its spleen with the same RAM?01:12
SanoSanAny known issues with running Photoshop CS2 under Wine?01:12
Kumoolzetheroo: then use an older kernel01:12
Kumoolzetheroo: just run the test it wont hurt01:13
zetherooKumool: ha ... but it won't help either ...01:13
TecR0cryushe: thanks anyways :P atleast i am learning01:13
FishieFooConstantineXVI: I don't have any "details" anywhere. uhm... if I remove the torrent from the app, will it dump the 850MB of progress it's made into the destination folder, or is it just going to lose it? I checked the hidden .transmission folder and there's nothing in there.01:13
ActionParsnipSanoSan: http://luiscosio.com/how-to-adobe-photoshop-cs2-on-ubuntu-10-steps01:13
ActionParsnipSanoSan: http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?iVersionId=263101:13
=== Brad_ is now known as Arsdoff
Kumoolzetheroo: it will help if an error occurs if an error doesnt occur then the problem is buntu01:13
SanoSanActionParsnip:  Ahh, thank you ^_^01:14
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: there's a blue "i" icon in the transmission toolbar.  select your torrent and click that01:14
ryusheTecR0c: for further learning, google up on 'mounting NTFS drives Ubuntu' should return a lot of hits for you to read ;)01:14
* Arsdoff failed to install ubuntu eee01:14
TecR0cok, no worries.01:14
FishieFooConstantineXVI: nope. not on mine.01:14
zetherooKumool: don't worry ... I have been told by a few ppl to do a memtest ... but the logic in that is somehow lost .... if there is an error I would still say it is an issue with Ubuntu Intrepid since Hardy works despite the RAM as does Win XP Pro ... see?01:14
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: no toolbar?01:14
ryusheConstantineXVI: there's something wrong with his setup for some reason, that's what I mentioned earlier as well ;)01:15
zetherooKumool: I have 3 GB of RAM ... how long would a memtest take?01:15
FishieFooConstantineXVI: my toolbar consists of add, start, stop, remove, properties, and preferences.01:15
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: properties01:15
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: Sorry man, your past my experience.  Get to another system if you can (maybe in a dual boot) and search for linux or ubuntu and nvidia.01:15
Kumoolzetheroo: about an hour i suppose01:15
shadowwulfMiraiWarren0_0,  ok thanks01:15
MiraiWarren0_0shadowwulf: No sweat.01:16
FishieFooConstantineXVI: yeah. properties has two tabs. general, and files. I can't select any of the files in the files tab. no right or left click, nothing.01:16
ActionParsnipzetheroo: depends on ram latency and cpu speed01:16
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
The_DrHi I am trying to boot the 8.10 live dvd but after the bootsplash it kicks me to the command line and I get ubuntu@ubuntu:~01:16
zetherooActionParsnip: C2D T9300 2.5GHZ01:16
FishieFooI think something's wrong with my copy of Transmission. It seems to be stunted.01:16
ActionParsnipzetheroo: and what latencys does your ram have?01:17
ryusheFishieFoo: it does seem so, saw the screenshot I posted?01:17
zetherooActionParsnip: latency? ...01:17
ardchoilleHow do I stop evolution from putting an icon in the tray upon email receive?01:17
FishieFooryushe: yes. mine's sort of like that, but without any of that priority stuff or checkboxes.01:17
ActionParsnipzetheroo: the read, write and read+write speed01:17
FiremanEd .01:17
FishieFooryushe: and the progress bar is different as well. mine are orange and have no text.01:18
xintruderwhy can't I view youtube after a clean install of ubuntu ?01:18
ArsdoffHow do I get my Eee Pc to recognize the usb drive on boot?  The laptop is now useless in Xubuntu because I messed up the screen setings, it is now unreadable when I boot, and I do not think I can navigate to make the interface work  again.  I want to put the installer on my USB drive using my other computer, put it in the usb slot, boot the Eee Pc, and have it install.  How can this happen?01:18
ActionParsnipxintruder: you need to install flash01:18
ardchoille!flash | xintruder01:18
ubottuxintruder: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash01:18
Kumoolxintruder: ur blind01:18
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: what version of ubuntu are you on?01:18
zetherooActionParsnip:  ummm ... this is a Thinkad R61 ....01:18
ryusheFishieFoo: the orange is probably your system color theme or something. I would try to reinstall Transmission via package manager01:19
FishieFooIf I remove my torrent from the client, will it dump the 850MB it's downloaded so far into the destination folder, or is it just going to lose it? because I can't find it in the hidden .transmission folder.01:19
exodus_msyeah... thats helpful01:19
ActionParsnipzetheroo: its probably some budget stuff, coyuld take an hour or so01:19
xintruderKumool: I am not.01:19
julioEstoucom  erros no postfix, mailfx e aide durante instalação do xmaxima(5.9.2.ubuntu1).01:19
xintruderKumool: Whats wrong with blind people?01:19
ActionParsnip!usb | Arsdoff01:19
ubottuArsdoff: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:19
ConstantineXVIFishieFoo: it should be safe as long as you dont hit remove data01:19
The_DrHi I am trying to boot the 8.10 live dvd but after the bootsplash it kicks me to the command line and I get ubuntu@ubuntu:~01:19
FishieFooConstantineXVI: oh lovely. it didn't ask me.01:20
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience01:20
ryusheFishieFoo: don't remove anything, leave it as-is, just close down and reinstall. the data should remain (if there IS any data)01:20
Kumoolxintruder: blind people cant see youtube? nothing negative just something that doesnt make sense01:20
zetherooActionParsnip:  PC2-5300 CL501:20
FishieFooryushe: too late. it's gone. no files.01:20
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me how can i add times new roman to open office writer?01:20
ActionParsnipzetheroo: mid range then, should be ok01:20
ConstantineXVIPirate_Hunter: install "msttcorefonts"01:20
zetherooActionParsnip: isn't that like 667MHZ ? ...01:21
ActionParsnip!fonts | Pirate_Hunter01:21
ubottuPirate_Hunter: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer01:21
FishieFooConstantineXVI: I guess you were wrong. :(01:21
ConstantineXVI!info msttcorefonts01:21
ryushePirate_Hunter: insta llmsttcorefonts01:21
ubottumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.5 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB01:21
ActionParsnipzetheroo: you can get high (poor) latency ram at 1067mhz01:21
Pirate_HunterConstantineXVI, ActionParsnip, ryushe, ty01:21
KumoolPirate_Hunter: why would you want such ugly fonts?01:21
FishieFoo... this is strange. I reopened the file and it says I've still downloaded 850MB...01:21
Pirate_HunterKumool: ugly is a matter of opinion and i need those for work01:22
ryusheFishieFoo: Transmission still lacks the info or details button?01:22
KumoolPirate_Hunter: so work is ugly? got it :)01:22
Pirate_HunterKumool, :D01:23
zetherooActionParsnip - Kumool: ok so I am going to do the memtest so I can move on to other things ... :)01:23
__BSD__Is anyone here really good with xtightvncserver? pm me please01:23
exodus_msThe_Dr, did you try startx01:23
zetherooActionParsnip - Kumool: be back in an hour01:23
Kumoolill be sure to not be here :)01:23
ActionParsnip__BSD__: ask in the room01:24
__BSD__i did , but its sorta off-topi ActionParsnip01:24
itai_michaelsonis there a way to toggle between gui and command line without having to reboot?01:24
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: open a terminal01:24
FishieFooryushe: yup. same as before.01:24
itai_michaelsonardchoille, thats not what i mean01:25
Kumoolitai_michaelson: ctrl+alt+F1-601:25
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: or do ctrl+alt+f1 (ctrl+alt+f7 to come back to the desktop)01:25
EurysilasOK, so I finally got Intrepid working with my Intel graphics (problem was Compiz). However, I STILL without a Shut down screen, and logging off still results in a blank screen (or restarting X). Any ideas?01:25
ryusheFishieFoo: in that case, see if reinstalling it via your package manager helps01:25
itai_michaelsonarchangelpetro, if i do that now will xchat get shut?01:25
Kumoolitai_michaelson: no01:26
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: not with ctrl_alt+f1, no01:26
Kumoolitai_michaelson: itl close01:26
test34Anyone seen a Bluez v4.21 Ubuntu package?01:26
ardchoilleKumool: xchat won't close01:26
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Kumoolardchoille: prove it!01:26
itai_michaelsonKumool, not sure i understand. is there a way to get rid of X altogether ,but bring it back when needed?01:26
Kumoolitai_michaelson: it depends on what you mean by "get rid of"01:27
darth10itai_michaelson, press alt+f1 to close....alt+f7 to startx01:27
darth10dat will completely shut it down01:27
Kumooldarth10: thats very confusing01:27
itai_michaelsonKumool, i mean free the resources used by X01:27
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darth10dats a bigger problem :P01:27
FishieFooryushe: nope. same as before.01:28
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: no, it won't. ctrl+atl+f1 just switches you to tty101:28
Kumoolitai_michaelson: for that ur better off killing gdm and x01:28
FishieFooryushe: is there something wrong with my Ubuntu?01:28
test34I thought if I waited all those years that bluetooth would be usable..... both in Windows and Linux... apparently not01:28
xintruderi installed the flash for mozila, now I only get to see a black screen in youtube. any ideas?01:28
KumoolFishieFoo: problably01:28
exodus_msyeah... bluetooth sucks in winblows01:28
__BSD__window 3001:28
Kumooltest34: wait a bit more01:28
itai_michaelsonKumool, i'm running xdm but i'm willing to uninstall it as it serves no prupose really01:29
Kumooltest34: 3 years wont hurt01:29
ryusheFishieFoo: I would install XP and see if that fixes your issue (I kid, I kid) :)01:29
ryusheFishieFoo: what version of Ubuntu?01:29
Kumoolitai_michaelson: lol01:29
itai_michaelsonKumool, so i uninstall xdm and then ctrl+alt+f1 ?01:29
Kumoolitai_michaelson: you like tty's a lot01:29
test34kumool.. well.. they are pretty slow..... specially the ones that get paid01:30
Kumoolitai_michaelson: why do you want to uninstall xdm?01:30
FishieFooryushe: why can't I copy the text from my "about Ubuntu" page? >:P it's 7.10 gutsy gibbon?? my mom updates this thing. how can it not have updated ubuntu??01:30
itai_michaelsonKumool, i don't plan on rebooting often so why do i need it?01:30
kansanlooking for a php interepter for ubuntu hardy.... how do i get such a beast?  i already have php-cli but it seems to only be good for running existing php files01:30
Kumoolitai_michaelson: just open a terminal itl do the same01:30
EurysilasOK, so I finally got Intrepid working with my Intel graphics (problem was Compiz). However, I STILL without a Shut down screen, and logging off still results in a blank screen (or restarting X). Any ideas?01:31
Kumoolitai_michaelson: it doesnt just handle the boot startup...01:31
ryusheFishieFoo: what version of Transmission you running?01:31
xintrudercan anyone help me pleasE?01:31
itai_michaelsonKumool, what do you mean, i'm running a low specs server so i dont want to waste resources , but sometimes i need firefox and the likes01:31
solexiousIve been asked to dig some thing to check my nameservers, but I dont have dig/cant find it in the repositorys, any hints?01:31
FishieFooryushe: there's no way to check the version. no "about" button for Transmission.01:32
ryusheFishieFoo: there's something wrong there. Is there no 'Help' menu option at the top?01:32
Kumoolitai_michaelson: if ur fixed on it then just kill it tho dont go about saying theres problems with ur pc later01:32
FishieFooryushe: nope.01:32
ryusheFishieFoo: heh01:32
ryusheFishieFoo: interesting ;)01:32
test34solexious: you probably dont have a standard ubuntu distrib ??01:32
FishieFooryushe: only "file". nothing else.01:32
Kumoolxintruder: ask01:32
IndyGunFreakFishieFoo: sure there is, help/about is on transmission01:33
itai_michaelsonKumool, ok thanks. i wont complain. promise :-)01:33
xintruderi installed the flash for mozila, now I only get to see a black screen in youtube. any ideas?01:33
FishieFooIndyGunFreak: not on ine.01:33
FishieFooIndyGunFreak: not on mine.01:33
IndyGunFreakFishieFoo: well thats pretty incredible.01:33
ardchoilleHow do I stop evolution from putting an icon in the tray upon receiving email?01:33
test34any website that raise money for some specific linux features ?01:33
FishieFooIndyGunFreak: it's seriously messed up.01:33
ryusheFishieFoo: in that case, I would recommend purging the package and reinstalling it brand new01:34
Kumoolardchoille: uninstall it01:34
FishieFooryushe: how do I do that? which package?01:34
ardchoilleKumool: if you can't be helpful, please leave. The folks here are trying to solve issues and your comments aren't helping much.01:34
Raylz im trying to mount an iso, but im getting: CD-ROM is NOT in ISO 9660 format01:35
itai_michaelsondarth10, alt+F1 doesn't kill x for me, is that  gnome specific ?01:35
test34itai_michaelson: ctrl-atl-backspace01:35
Kumoolitai_michaelson: it doesnt kill gnome it just goes to a tty01:35
Raylzi mount with sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop image.iso /media/isoimage01:35
xintruderKumool: you dont know?01:36
itai_michaelsontest34, ctrl-alt-back brings me to XDM, i want something that will send me to tty and kill X01:36
Kumoolardchoille: if you dont see an option for it to halt it then01:36
bsusacould someone please assist me in setting up a bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?01:36
ryusheFishieFoo: 'dpkg --purge transmission-common' and 'dpkg --purge transmission-gtk' as root or as sudo, then reinstall said packages01:36
itai_michaelsonKumool, so how do i kill x and xdm and get to tty?01:36
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know where is the option to insert a new page in open office writer? is the only way to do so through page break?01:36
EurysilasOK, so I finally got Intrepid working with my Intel graphics (problem was Compiz). However, I'm STILL without a Shut down screen, and logging off still results in a blank screen (or restarting X). Any ideas?01:37
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: you don't have to kill anything, just do ctrl+alt+f1 (or f2, or f3, etc)01:37
Pirate_Hunteritai_michaelson: tty 1-6 ctrl+alt+f1 to f601:37
FishieFooryushe: I'm pretty sure I first installed it just this afternoon. I'm not sure how it could have gotten messed up before I installed it...01:37
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Kumoolxintruder: not really all that comes up to me is a driver problem... which couldnt be... :P01:37
test34itai_michaelson: do you mean gdm01:37
ryusheFishieFoo: that's a fair point01:38
itai_michaelsontest34, no i mean XDM01:38
bsusai installed the bluetooth software but still i cant find a bluetooth setup in mythbuntu01:38
itai_michaelsonardchoille, but i do want to kill X01:38
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: it won't kill x01:38
Kumoolardchoille: he wants to free resources so killing everything is the only solution01:38
test34itai_michaelson: ps aux | grep xdm | kill -9 xdm_pid ?01:38
Eurysilasitai_michaelson: I know you probably already tried this, but....what about dropping to root consol in  a recovery session, and uninstalling X?01:38
bonhofferi need to copy the text from a pdf in ubuntu -- it doesn't seem that xpdf let's me copy01:38
ardchoilleKumool: that's not what he just said01:38
Kumoolardchoille: thats what he said a couple mins ago01:39
exodus_msardchoille, Open Evolution and select:01:39
exodus_msedit/plugins uncheck the plugin "Mail Notification". This should stop the notification box from opening from the Panel (task bar)..01:39
bonhofferlets me copy (sorry)01:39
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: if you want to stop x: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop (or xdm)01:39
FishieFooryushe: maybe i should wait for this system update to finish... maybe that will miraculously solve this problem. I don't understand how Ubuntu could be version 7.10 if my mom's been running the update, unless she's been mistaken. or unless it's been buggered up, like she shut it down or its refusing to update.01:39
GodfatherofEireAnybody know of a way to modify the size of the icons in the main menu?01:39
ryusheFishieFoo: see if this helps at all. It desribes how to get latest transmission in Ubuntu: http://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=560401:39
itai_michaelsonEurysilas, because i need X sometimes, i want to toggle between X and no X01:39
test34bonhoffer: some pdf are images01:39
pumpkinseedanyone know why it takes so long for the new version of the gimp to get on apt-get ?01:39
Eurysilasitai: Ah......That's right. Sorry. My mistake. ;)01:39
ArsdoffHow do I reset screen settings from safe mode?01:40
itai_michaelsonardchoille, thats what i want! so back to x will be startx ,right?01:40
Kumoolpumpkinseed: because apt-get doesnt get gimp?01:40
test34bonhoffer: images of text that is... you need an Optical character recognition software01:40
nick_______hello, my wireless stopped working01:40
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start (or xdm)01:40
ardchoilleexodus_ms: Ah, found it thank you very much. There's also ways to configure that plugin too :)01:40
Kumoolitai_michaelson: you know... swap and ram exist for a reason you know...01:41
itai_michaelsonKumool, sadly I don't have much of neither01:41
itai_michaelsonardchoille, thank you very much01:41
exodus_msardchoille, wasnt sure exactly what you were asking :)01:41
ardchoilleitai_michaelson: yw :)01:41
Kumoolitai_michaelson: how do you hope to have xchat oopen when you dont have x?01:41
ardchoilleexodus_ms: you fixed it :)01:42
exodus_msardchoille, cool01:42
nick_______Anyone think they can help?01:42
Pirate_Hunterdoes anyone know where is the option to insert a new page in open office writer? is the only way to do so through page break?01:42
donnywhello all01:42
nick_______Or is there a help chat I can join01:42
itai_michaelsonKumool, i rarely need x, so i want to keep the server X free  most of the time, but sometimes i need to run a graphic programme so i want to be able to toggle back into x.01:43
FishieFoo.... my synaptic package manager only had 3 transmission packages available, not 4...01:43
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GodfatherofEire nick_______ Before anybody can help you, you gotta tell us what the problem is first01:43
xintruderi installed the flash for mozila, now I only get to see a black screen in youtube. any ideas?#01:43
FishieFoobah. I can't even check it while the system update is downloading.01:43
wnstnAnyone know how to get a M-AUDIO Oxygen 8 usb midi keyboard working? I googled and I gather I have to flash the firmware, I got the firmware loader through synaptic but I can't find the new firmware.01:44
nick_______My wireless stopped working. This chat moves kind of fast01:44
GodfatherofEirenick_______ but how did it stop working, like, after what, did you update your system, etc?01:44
nick_______After I restarted01:45
nick_______I had been playing Tremulous, then it sort of froze.01:45
GodfatherofEireDid you do a hard reboot?01:45
nick_______wait yes01:46
nick_______had to01:46
GodfatherofEireI figured.01:46
EurysilasSo, no one knows about why my shutdown screen is blank?01:47
test34Eurysilas: isnt it a good thing that the screen gets blank when you shutdown01:48
ardchoilleEurysilas: you're using nvidia with installed drivers?01:48
Eurysilastest34: No. I need to see when the little progress bar is finished, so I can manually turn the thing off (APM is broken, evidently).01:49
Arsdoffmy eeepc is screwed until I can see what I'm doing.  I'm running xfce(sp?) and the interface is scrambled.  I need to reset the screen settings without being able to use the GUI.  Can this be done?01:50
test34Eurysilas: look at your HD light if you can't figure out the problem01:50
Eurysilasardchoille: Nope. Though, I gather they've had trouble as well. I use intel drivers (I'm integrated).01:50
ardchoilleEurysilas: ah, ok, I had that problem with the nvidia 173 driver01:50
ardchoilleArsdoff: for xfce you should probably ask in #xubuntu01:51
bsusacould someone please assist me in setting up a bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?01:51
Kumooltheres mythbuntu?01:51
KumoolO_o? sry for my cluelessness01:51
Kumooldoes it come with lots of sherlock holmes books?01:52
test34Arsdoff: try ctrl-alt-f1 and edit xorg.conf.. then restart X01:52
barry_in ubuntu 8.10 do we have to install preload etc to speed things up? or is it all included now?01:52
wnstnEurysilas: try opening a terminal and typing: sudo shutdown -h now01:53
Kumoolor mayb a bible :P01:53
dg_hi  everyone01:53
EurysilasAnyway, I was guessing that it had something to do with changing resolutions, so I was going to edit whatever files necessary to keep it from switching to a new resolution. Unfortunately, for USplash (the program I THINK that controls the shutdown and boot-up screens), you have to mess with  a boot loader file in the process, and I've no clue on what to edit when it comes to the X server restarting (xorg.conf, maybe? With this new X Server, who knows).01:54
wnstnNick did you try restarting your wireless router?01:54
nick_______Can anyone help me?01:54
fsckrok i just installed ubuntu 8.10 and tried to enable nvidia drivers 177 within the restricted drivers.  Did a reboot and xorg failed saying no devices found.  I have also had this same problem with archlinux any suggestions?01:54
nick_______IT doesn't work at other homes01:55
firefly2442I just setup an SVN repo but when I try to import a project I get "permission denied", what permissions do I need to set the folder to?01:55
wnstnnick______ did you try restarting your wireless router?01:55
nick_______I just said01:55
Arsdoffb                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ...01:55
Arsdoff...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ...01:55
Arsdoff...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ...01:55
FloodBot2Arsdoff: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:55
Eurysilaswnstn: Oh? I'd rather have it work from the graphical menu. This is one of those things that doesn't strictly HAVE to be fixed, but would be NICE to.01:56
ArsdoffI did not do that on purpose01:56
Arsdoffexit xorg.conf failed01:56
DarkKnightcan nyone help....i m not able to delete certain files...it says permission denied01:56
=== Tyler is now known as Tyler-J-B
ardchoille!sudo | DarkKnight01:57
ubottuDarkKnight: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)01:57
wnstnEurysilas: Sorry you sounded like you were in a hurry. Also it would list the process as it's shutting them down so you may be able to spot the problem from there. :)01:57
Tyler-J-Bok, I installed the proprietary ATI drivers (fglrx), I got the resolution I want, but I can't seem to get the proper refresh rate. Ubuntu 8.10, ATI Radeon Xpress 200, Dell P991 19"01:57
tywhats the subject01:58
Tyler-J-BIf I can get help with configuring the refresh rate, that would be great. (since I can no longer configure it from xorg.conf)01:58
DarkKnightardchoille; the files are in my pendrive and when i use the mouse and click on  them then it says permission denied01:58
Eurysilaswnstn: Ah. OK. ;)01:58
exodus_msDarkKnight, what file are you trying to delete?01:58
ardchoilleDarkKnight: ok, you need to check the permissions of the mount point or see if the drive is mounted read only (ro)01:59
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DarkKnightexodus_ms; certain virus infected files; the files contain the elements of a web page; that is wen u save a webpage, along with with a webpage a files is also created related to the webpage01:59
nick_______So anyway, i've had problems with this wifi card before.01:59
DarkKnightardchoille; how do i do that01:59
ardchoilleDarkKnight: to check how the drive is mounted, open a terminal and type: mount02:00
nick_______It wouldn't work with Hardy Heron, or Debian or Lenny.02:00
nick_______I was suprized when it worked with 8.10, but then it stopped02:01
IndyGunFreaknick_______: what wifi card is it?02:02
nick_______in a gateway m-1624 laptop02:02
IndyGunFreak!realtek | nick_______02:02
ubottunick_______: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b02:02
DarkKnightardchoille; i couldn't make out anything that was given in the terminal02:04
nick_______that is for Hardy Heron02:04
nick_______Intrepid Ibex is supposed to work out of the box02:04
ardchoilleDarkKnight: Care to pastebin the output of mount?02:05
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:05
MrCollinsI am in intrepid, and I *had* sound working in firefox, using flash youtube, nickjr.com etc and I rebooted, what changed on the reboot? Can someone please help?02:05
mojave3hi.  i'm using ubuntu 8.10 and have installed openoffice3.0  When i startup ooffice, the "base" or database application is grayed out and not available.  Is there a way to add support for Base?  thx02:07
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pumpkinseedanyone know why it takes so long for the new version of the gimp to get on apt-get ?02:08
ardchoilleDarkKnight: ok, they all say "rw" which is read/write. what is the mountpoint of that thumb drive?02:08
Mecha25ha! mac->ubuntu+ssh+screen+irssi. I'm using 2 computers in different states, boy do I love being a geek02:08
nick_______And it did work when I first installed Ubuntu, But then it stopped02:09
DarkKnightardchoille;actually i m a newbie...so i dont know how to check  wats the mount point02:09
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SkinnYPuP__whats the correct syntax to fsck a ext3 partition on /dev/hda7/ ? Supposed to run unmounted right?02:09
Mecha25can i at least get a "woot"?02:09
ardchoilleDarkKnight: it looks like the last line, /media/disk Have you opened nautilus in that thumbdrive?02:10
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FearMothHi, I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 Server on my server (Tyan Thunder K7X) onto an IDE drive. It installs fine, but once I reboot, GRUB messes up. In my GRUB config, root= is set as a UUID. I've tried root=/dev/sda1 and /dev/hda1 but nothing seems to boot. Does anyone know why I'm having this problem or how to fix it?02:10
ASrockwhat program should i use to be able to do a web cam chat with a friend via msn02:10
DarkKnightardchoille; ya02:10
nick_______Maybe I should just reinstall...02:10
ardchoilleDarkKnight: what does nautilus have in the Location bar?02:10
DarkKnightardchoille; now i m able to delete in nautilus02:10
Mecha25eh, whatever.02:10
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:10
ardchoilleDarkKnight: so problem solved?02:10
ss_I've lost my OOo3 which I had installed from this repo deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/openoffice-pkgs/ubuntu intrepid main02:11
ss_ can some one tell me how can i get back it, installing a single package gives dependency errors02:11
DarkKnightardchoille; ya thanx......nick_________ was also helping me out simultaneoulsy02:11
MrCollinsardchoille, can u give me a hand02:11
ardchoilleDarkKnight: ok, glad it's fixed :)02:11
MrCollinsardantus, when u havea min02:11
Tyler-J-BI would like to get help with configuring the refresh rate for my ATI02:11
ardchoillenick_______: thanks :)02:11
nick_______no problem02:11
ardchoilleMrCollins: sure, I can try02:11
pumpkinseedanyone know why it takes so long for the new version of the gimp to get on apt-get ?02:12
nick_______So, I'm thinking I might just reinstall the system.02:12
ardchoilleMrCollins: If it's the sound issue, I can't help, I don't use sound02:12
pumpkinseedi.e. apt-get has version 9.4 and the new version is 9.602:12
ardchoillepumpkinseed: you won't see it, we only get bug fixes and security updates.. no new version after release02:13
WindozeHi slinkeey.02:13
MrCollinsardc yeah its the sound issue02:13
slinkeeyAfter a suspend my video jitter in 8.04 and 8.10....  What could this be02:13
slinkeeyEverything is great up untill I suspend the PC02:13
pumpkinseedardchoille - doesn't 9.6 have bug fixes from 9.402:14
ardchoilleMrCollins: have you done any kernel updates since the last time you rebooted? I;ve seen some folks saying that the last kernel upgrade messed with sound somehow02:14
a34lkj2348dsf311How do you set DHCP leases to be automatically entered in DNS?02:14
ardchoillepumpkinseed: no idea, just wanted to let you know to not count on seeing the new version02:14
=== a34lkj2348dsf311 is now known as Jim_H
MrCollinsardchoille, as a matter of fact, I did an update from the updater that appears in the top, sound WAS working, then I rebooted tonight and boom no sound02:14
isleshocky77I can't figure out why I can't get my external monitor to go to 1680x1050.  when I have xrandr do a print out it's only showing this as a max: maximum 2624 x 1024.  This worked under Kubuntu 8.04. I'm now just trying out Ubuntu 8.10 clean install02:15
ardchoilleMrCollins: sounds like the new kernel messed with your sound. I can't help but that info will help you narrow the problem down02:15
slinkeeyhas anyone heard of video twitching after waking the computer from susped?02:15
MrCollinsardchoille, how do i check to see if i have the latest video card drivers02:16
WindozeHello bsusa.02:16
Jim_HHow do you set DHCP leases to be automatically entered in DNS?02:16
ardchoilleMrCollins: update the system (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade) and you'll have the latest of stuff from the repos.02:16
bsusacould someone please assist me in setting up a bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?02:16
bsusahello Windoze02:17
WindozeHello bsusa.02:17
linux29684does anyone know when bluetooth will be fixed on intrepid?02:17
Jim_HIs there a channel to ask DNS or DHCP questions02:17
MrCollinsardchoille, its all up to date02:18
test34linux29684: let me know if you find out02:18
pumpkinseedimho: this is a big problem with linux in general. People have to go searching for repositories because most application websites simply tell you to go to synaptec to get their app. Additionally, users are always hit with "but you can always compile the source". But that is always a big fat pain in the arse...02:18
MrCollinsardchoille, how do I check to see if I am using 3d acceleration in my games like open arena etc?02:18
H4wKhello... anyone know where i found satanic theme for ubuntu 7.1002:18
WindozeHello H4wK.02:18
ardchoilleMrCollins: then you have the latest of your software from the repos, can't get any more up to date than that02:18
Jim_HIs there a channel to ask DNS or DHCP questions02:19
pumpkinseedif it works at all02:19
ardchoilleMrCollins: Not sure how to do that02:19
linux29684test34: I wish someone would know the answer to that, it seems everyone can not get bluetooth working on intrepid02:19
test34ardchoille: the repository usually don't have the latest version of anything02:20
pumpkinseedtest34: damn straight02:20
test34ardchoille: I'm not saying that isnt for a good reason, because their might be more bugs in the new version02:20
gnutronJim_H: dhclient should renew leases, DNS servers in /etc/resolv.conf should remain the same. on hardy atleast.02:20
ardchoilletest34: if you update from the repos, you will have the latest of what the repos contain, yes02:21
linux29684gnutron, how can i lock the resolv.conf so it no longer changes?02:21
pumpkinseedtest34: very true. and I realize that too, but users should still have the option to get new versions02:21
linux29684a sudo chmod 444 /etc/resolv.conf does not work02:21
test34linux29684: I think the problem is that bt-audio became obsolete02:21
Jim_Hgnutron, if a client joins a network and gets DHCP information, how can my DNS server automatically create an entry for that client ?02:21
pumpkinseedarchoille: and the repos never have new versions of anything02:21
Jim_Hgnutron, thank you for replying, btw02:21
brainzcanan1 else in here have the issue with wifi where as kubuntu actually gets a better signal than ubuntu?02:21
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gnutronlinux29684: that should need to be changed unless your ISP changed it's nameservers.02:22
bsusacould someone please assist me in setting up a bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?02:22
gnutronlinux29684: that should Not need to be changed unless your ISP changed it's nameservers. sorry02:22
dr_willisbrainzcan,  i would have to wonder how you are doing the comparison. I dont see how thats even possible.02:22
linux29684theres a bug in kvpnc that keeps changing the dns servers02:22
linux29684i want to lock the resolv.conf02:22
bsusai installed the bluetooth software but still i cant find a bluetooth setup in mythbuntu02:22
WindozeHello ardchoille.02:23
gnutronlinux29684: I would avoid kvpnc, it should'nt do that02:23
brainzcandr_willis - in know right, i thought the only difference was the KDE interface but no02:23
keystr0kI'm having a strange problem where when I print a test page FROM my printer, it prints great... when I try to print normally, or a test page via Ubuntu, nothing shows up... though the print head moves as if it was printing. Any ideas?02:23
linux29684gnutron: its the only software of its kind02:23
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dr_willisbrainzcan,  how are you 'testing' these speeds?02:24
test34pumpkinseed: you can alsways go from source.. or try to find the package somewhere on the web02:24
brainzcannot only speeds but signal strengths02:24
gnutronlinux29684: i'm not familiar with it, but it should not mess with nameservers.02:24
linux29684gnutron: anyway to lock the resolv.conf, the chmod 444 didn't work02:24
dr_willislinux29684,  use 'chattr +a' i think..02:25
dr_willislinux29684,  root user could alter any file reguardless of its mode.02:25
gnutronlinux29684: I would'nt changed the permissions either, perhaps check with the developers website or documentation.02:25
ardchoillechattr -i  (makes the file imutable even to root)02:25
brainzcandr_willis : yeah we put both on a laptop and trust me there is a difference but I don't know wtf it is other than the KDE which should have nothing to do with it.02:25
linux29684dr_willis: chattr: Operation not supported while reading flags on /etc/resolv.conf02:25
zetheroook I am back02:25
zetheroodid the memtest and no errors ...02:26
zetheroowhat now?02:26
dr_willislinux29684,   it may be +i   like ardchoille  said.. I just woke up. :P02:26
linux29684dr_willis: same error02:26
__BSD__Does anyone know where the config file for xtightvncserver is located?02:26
ardchoilledr_willis: you are correct02:27
mneptokWindoze: hi02:27
ardchoillejust type hello02:27
TeknoHow do I disable cpu speed governor?02:27
Teknoubuntu 8.1002:27
jpastoreI can't get samba to start and I don't see anything in /var/log/messages or /var/log/samba/log.smbd is there anywhere else I can look?02:28
ardchoillemneptok: it was K-lined02:28
gnutron__BSD__: /etc should be the dir try sudo find /etc/ -name '*vnc*.conf'02:28
mneptokardchoille: just saw that02:28
mneptokardchoille: thanks02:28
zetherooI rebooted from a kernel panic .. and did a memtest that came out with no errors ... so what now?02:28
CteelHow can i see what version or ubuntu i have?02:28
ardchoilleCteel: lsb_release02:29
__BSD__gnutron: i looked there, no luck02:29
darkhammwhere a can find a comparative between xine gstreamer and mplayer?02:29
linux29684zetheroo: try to restart the computer and start an older kernel version of ubuntu02:29
ardchoilleCteel: lsb_release -a02:29
zetherooCteel: System > Administration > System Monitor02:29
sinboxtrying to help someone with a messed up display, if found the followng command on the ubuntu forum, can anyone telle me whether that is a good idea or not?  command is>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:29
zetherooCteel: then go to the System tab02:29
linux29684the ubuntu version should be in system --> about ubuntu, but its not02:30
Cteel8.04 Thanks!02:30
TeknoWhat is lpd ?02:30
zetheroolinux29684: ummm ... why would I want to do that when I am trying to find out whats wrong02:30
bdelin88i like big butts and i can not lie02:30
Teknoin sysv-rc-conf02:30
dr_willisjpastore,  you can edit the smb.conf file and enable verbose logging/other logging features.. and restart sdamba with  sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart02:30
dr_willisjpastore,  you DID install samba? :P02:30
zetheroolinux29684: its been happening since upgrading to Intrepid02:30
linux29684zetheroo: these irc chats are logged, so people can search them on google02:30
linux29684dr_willis: any other suggestions to lock the resolv.conf? maybe a script to run upon bootup?02:31
jpastoredr_willis, yes it was working pre 8.10 upgrade02:31
gnutron__BSD__: did you build xtightvncserver or apy-get it02:31
mneptokbdelin88: that's nice, dear. have a juice box.02:31
jpastoredr_willis, it's how I was getting files back and forth between my host OS and my vbox02:31
zetheroolinux29684: huh? .... how does that help me?02:31
dr_willis<linux29684> ive seen others lock that file with chattr,    You are doing it as root?02:31
__BSD__gnutron: apt-get02:32
linux29684as sudo02:32
gnutron__BSD__: try man xtightvncserver for related files, then search for them.02:32
bdelin88sudo i am the ruler of the world02:32
linux29684tried as root, same error02:32
dr_willisjpastore,  you do realize the virtualbox guest addons have a special way to 'share' a directory the virtual machine and host machine?02:32
__BSD__gnutron: would it be better to try to build it?02:32
zetheroothis is really getting to be a headache ... everyone seems to have a different solution to the same problem ... and none of them really work in this case ... ha02:32
mneptokbdelin88: you can stop now.02:32
jpastoredr_willis, no I was not aware of that...where do I do that?02:32
binarymutantis there anything I can use to scan documents besides xsane? it locks up on me at random points02:33
dr_willisjpastore,  at least i can that feature  with my linux box's as the guest os :)   and windows as my host OS.. not sure about the reverse02:33
bdelin88no fun02:33
linux29684binarymutant: try the openoffice suite02:33
gnutron__BSD__: with any distro its wise to stick with pre-built packages, but it can probably be done.02:33
dr_willisjpastore,  virtualbox docs. and the ubuntu virtualbox  wiki/guide mention it.02:33
TheebHello, I upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and i am trying to install the ATI driver for my radeon, and everytime i do "sudo aticonfig --initial"  i get "Segmentation fault" and it doesnt recognize the device02:33
Jim_HIs there a channel to ask DNS or DHCP questions02:33
Jim_HHow do you set DHCP leases to be automatically entered in DNS?02:33
jpastoredr_willis, is that in the settings of vbox and I have to stop the box?02:33
binarymutantlinux29684, do you know of anything else?02:33
linux29684binarymutant: i didn't get sane to work, but openoffice worked well; haven't tried any others02:34
binarymutantthanks for the info linux2968402:34
lbsHow to make the iTALC in ltsp-server can automatic display thin-client?02:34
dr_willisjpastore,  the vbox front end has a gui/interface to set up what directores are 'vbox shared' and then if the guest OS is linux, and you have the vbox addons installed. You  just mount the special location with mount command and the filetype of 'vboxfs' (i think)02:34
SEXOMANISEnter text here...0397039902:35
dnyyAnyone know why ubuntu keeps telling me the wrong max resolution for my external monitor?02:35
SEXOMANIS039a0391039d0395039d0391 03910393039f039803a10391039a0399 039103a0039f 039403a40391039c0391 039903a0039103a103a70399__02:35
Theebany help with the "Segmentation fault" please?02:35
meoblast001how do you run mingw in ubuntu?02:35
jpastoredr_willis, I think I figured it out...booting it back up to see02:35
Jim_HHow do you set DHCP leases to be automatically entered in DNS?02:36
gnutronJim_H: is your network configured for dhcp?02:36
linux29684Jim_H: can you rephrase your question or give more details02:37
Jim_Hgnutron, yes it is configured for dhcp02:37
gnutronJim_H: im on hardy and networkmanager should handle all that.02:37
losetheshizzlei just lost my sound in the middle of watching a  flash video.. how do i begin troubleshooting this?  i have nvidia on a compaq f70002:37
Jim_Hgnutron, I'm running a dhcp server and a dns server02:37
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 when a client joins the network and is issued DHCP information, I want my DNS entries to update and create an entry for that client02:38
linux29684losttheshizzle: does your sound still work; can you play mp3's?02:38
gnutronJim_H: ah....that's different, you need a networking wizard. perhaps it's a BIND issue.02:39
pckchemTheeb: Does installing the driver through the restricted drivers manager not work?02:39
losetheshizzlelinux29684: no, when i go to test sounds nothing happens.. no startup sound.. nada02:39
linux29684Jim_H: I don't know the answer; i might guess run a script on the router02:39
Theebpckchem, no it doesnt02:39
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 thank you for your replies - I'll keep searching02:39
linux29684losttheshizzle: have you tried to reboot; i know the compaq f700 series have had some trouble with audio in the past02:39
pckchemTheeb, what error do you get when you attempt to install. Same segmentation fault error?02:39
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 one other thing - when I set up dns/dhcp on a windows machine it does exactly what i'm asking02:40
exodus_msTheeb, sounds like a bug in xorg?02:40
bsusawhat is the longest ps/2 cable that can be used for a mouse or a keyboard?02:40
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 if my machine name is ubuntu-client and i join the network, I can suddenly type "nslookup ubuntu-client" and it will show02:40
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 "ubuntu-client.domainname.com" and the associated IP address02:41
Jim_Hgnutron, linux29684 are you guys familiar with that ?02:41
Theebpckchem, everytime i do "sudo aticonfig --initial". when i reboot, it says no device detected02:41
losetheshizzlelinux29684: yes, multiple times with no luck.. this happened after setting up a us-122 audio interface yesterday.. but the problem didn't crop up until today.. not sure if the us-122 installation is related.. when the sound stopped working it got stuck in a "sound loop"... sounded like a dsp resource bug..02:41
Theebexodus_ms, how do i fix the xorg?02:41
linux29684Jim_H: i know in linux the hostname is editable in /etc/hostname for each client computer; you can also change the computer names by mac addresses on most routers02:41
DarkKnightwhy is it that certain files on my pendrive have a lock mark on top of irt02:41
pckchemTheeb, try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/79097/02:42
DarkKnightwhy is it that certain files on my pendrive have a lock mark on top of it02:42
linux29684losttheshizzle: maybe try to send /dev/random data into the /dev/audio-device for testing02:42
Theebpckchem,  ok02:42
Jim_Hlinux29684, thanks for your suggestion - I'll keep looking02:42
pckchemTheeb, log out then log in... sorry dyslexic moment02:42
Theebi figured :p02:43
linux29684DarkKnight: this shows the permissions of the files, you can sudo chmod 755 filename or sudo chmod 777 filename to get rid of the lock02:43
losetheshizzlelinux29684 - what is the exact command for that?02:43
DavidCanariasI have Java installed and sometimes on some web pages it says it isn't running? Does it not run all the time automatically? If not how do I turn it on and off please?02:43
Theebpckchem,  brb02:43
DarkKnightlinux29684; but the permissions weren't there before....it just got on its own02:43
linux29684losttheshizzle: i know i have used it recently, but i don't know the exact command off hand; last i used it was with a matlab program02:44
linux29684DarkKnight: is the flash stick fat or ntfs?02:44
losetheshizzlelinux29684: okay.. i'll look around and see what i can find..02:44
test34linux29684: in the bluetooth preferences, do you know what the key and the blue "I" mean ?02:45
DarkKnightlinux29684; it shows msdos02:45
etfbRunning Apache on my laptop and writing programs to communicate via HTTP with localhost.  Is there a tool that can show me the whole HTTP "conversation", headers and all?02:45
linux29684DarKKnight: well, the chmod will get rid of the locks, don't know how they got there02:45
kasdayeJust installed 8.10. Feels like learning to walk again, and man do I hate falling down.02:45
rwwetfb: wireshark02:46
linux29684test34: there are no services in teh bluetooth preferences visible02:46
indshadowsis anyone currently using a Nvidia 9600 GT seris- at DDR3? (at full capacity, full desktop effects). I ask because im not able to get it to work at all.02:46
etfbrww: That's what someone suggested before, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.02:46
test34linux29684: I can get my bluetooth headset paired.. but can't get it to work02:46
rwwetfb: It should. What couldn't you get it to do?02:46
etfbrww: I'm interested in the HTTP conversation, ie POST and GET and so on, not so much the individual packets and DNS lookups and so on.02:46
linux29684test34: i can get no data communications with any bluetooth device; and definately no pairing02:46
gnutronetfb: your httpd.log should show all. the name may differ02:47
Theebpckchem, same problem :(02:47
etfbrww: Not that I can get wireshark to do anything at all.  The log file doesn't give headers or POST content.02:47
jribtest34, linux29684: have you looked for relevant bugs at bugs.ubuntu.com?  There was someone here the other day who needed some help applying a patch because he couldn't get his bluetooth to work02:47
exodus_mssudo aticonfig --input=/etc/X11/xorg.conf --tls=1 If you are using the ATI proprietary driver it will ignore any changes you make in xorg.conf unless you run this command02:48
rwwetfb: huh, thought it would show that. guess not...02:48
test34linux29684: what do you get in dmesg when connecting your bluetooth adapter if its USB02:48
linux29684jrib: its a problem with the distribution 8.1002:48
jriblinux29684: right... and?02:48
linux29684jrib: everything worked fine on ubuntu 8.04 before upgrading02:48
endo602has anyone used spdif with xfi?02:48
* meoblast001 is angry02:48
meoblast001i installed mingw3202:48
jriblinux29684: yes02:48
mezquitaleanyone knows how to auto identify on this server so I wont have to /msg nickserv identify02:48
meoblast001why wont it come up in Code::blocks02:48
etfbrww: I can't make wireshark do anything at all, and a quick look through the help didn't enlighten me.02:48
test34jrib: I havent looked there but I did lots of research.. I will give that a try02:48
rwwetfb: run it as root with sudo or gksudo02:49
dr_willismezquitale,  depends on your irc client..  xchat has a 'password' field in the server settings for it..02:49
rwwmezquitale: set your client to send your nickserv password as the server password02:49
exodus_msmezquitale, I just used a 'text replace' and used /msg nickserv identify brynlee30 for /msg nickserver...02:49
mezquitaledr_willis: im using konversation02:49
linux29684jrib: i looked at all of bugzilla and ubuntuforums02:49
etfbAh!  That is an option when it installs.  Let me try that...02:49
exodus_msmezquitale, I just used a 'text replace' and used /msg nickserv identify brynlee3002:49
gnutronetfb: last time i ran apache it was /var/run/httpd.log  try apache.org02:49
jriblinux29684: I didn't say anything about bugzilla or ubuntuforums :/02:49
exodus_msmezquitale, very sorry, did that make any sense?02:50
endo602anyone use SPDIF optical out for their audio/?02:50
rwwetfb: for whatever reason it doesn't work properly as a normal user, and neglects to tell you that02:50
linux29684jrib: bugs.ubuntu.com, checked and posted info there02:50
pckchemTheeb, sorry that didn't work. Unfortunatly I have to take off here in a second. Hopefully someone else will be able to help. You can also make a post to the forums or launchpad's answer tracker. Good luck.02:50
mezquitaleexodus_ms:  im trying to figure out what everyone is saying LoL02:50
exodus_msok, well looks like I need to make some changes ....02:50
mezquitaledr_willis:  is xchat for gnome???02:50
etfbrww: that's fixed it.  I'm getting large piles of gibberish, but at least it's something.  Thanks!02:51
zetheroowhat to do about kernal panics?02:51
zetherooanyone know how to use kerneloops02:51
jriblinux29684: you found no bluetooth bugs describing your problem already?02:51
test34linux29684: have you tried the latest version of bluez02:51
bsusacould someone please assist me in setting up a bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?02:51
bsusai installed the bluetooth software but still i cant find a bluetooth setup in mythbuntu02:51
slinkeeyHas anyone ever heard of a screen jittering after waking from suspend?02:51
test34linux29684: I didnt try the latest version, but that's what I'm going to try next02:51
Mal3koguys, i've just create a new user acc. when i login the acc thru ssh, why at the promp it only display "$" instead of user@hostname?02:51
mezquitaleaahhh... i already have xchat for gnome installed, let me give it a try, brb02:52
shangqiangcc: 0:没有该文件或目录02:52
shangqiangcc: 无法识别的选项‘-G’02:52
shangqiancc1: 错误: 无法识别的命令行选项“-mabi=32”02:52
shangqiancc1: 错误: 无法识别的命令行选项“-mno-abicalls”02:52
shangqian/dev/null:0: 错误: -march= 所带参数(r4600)不正确02:52
FloodBot2shangqian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:52
shangqian/dev/null:0: 错误: -mtune= 所带参数(r4600)不正确02:52
jribMal3ko: how did you create the account?02:52
rww!cn | shangqian02:52
ubottushangqian: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:52
rww!pastebin | shangqian02:52
Marfii have a friend who is having an error with his network card. whenever he goes to network manager, he is getting "updating connection failed:nm-ifupdown-connection.c82-connection update not supported (read only)"  anyone have an idea?02:52
ubottushangqian: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:52
linux29684test34: tried the lastest version of bluez, it comes with intrepid, even tried to compile it02:52
alex_21Hey, guys, my dns is broken. I can't look up "host x.x.x.x" using that command. What can I do?02:52
test34linux29684: my intrepid doesnt come with the latest version02:52
Mal3kojrib: sudo useradd -d /home/mal3ko -m mal3ko02:52
brueniggees the mods have it easy, just let floodbots handle it all02:52
test34should be 4.21 not 4.1202:52
jribMal3ko: is there a reason you did not use 'adduser' instead?02:53
linux29684alex_21: edit /etc/resolv.conf (it will re-wipe everytime reboot)02:53
freetownaleX-xx, look in /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf02:53
linux29684alex_21: its a temporary fix, i need the solution to that as well, no one here has it i think02:53
Mal3koi thought both cmds are the same, no?02:53
jribMal3ko: nope02:53
linux29684test34: bluez4 is the latest version?02:53
test34Mal3ko: adduser is easier02:53
shangqianlinux29684,  can you help me02:53
Marfii have a friend who is having an error with his network card. whenever he goes to network manager, he is getting "updating connection failed:nm-ifupdown-connection.c82-connection update not supported (read only)"  anyone have an idea?02:53
linux29684shangqian: what is your question?02:53
jribMal3ko: for one, adduser will copy /etc/skel/ to new accounts.  That's the reason you don't have the bash prompt you expected02:53
test34linux29684: 4.21, not 4.12 (the latest one in the official repository)02:54
freetownshangqian, i am Chinese but I cannot read what gcc reported. You think others here can!?02:54
shangqianwhen i make uImage ,gcc: 0:没有该文件或目录02:54
rww!cn > shangqian02:54
ubottushangqian, please see my private message02:54
linux29684test34: please lead me to download *.deb for bluez 4.2102:54
test34linux29684: I didn't find a .deb yet.. only source from http://bluez.org02:54
m1xedhow do I view all users in this room using xchat?02:55
Mal3kojrib: so then what's the right syntax for adduser?02:55
linux29684test34: i tried to compile the 3.x when 4.x didn't work i think02:55
freetownm1xed, look at right hand side menu02:55
Mal3kosudo useradd -d /home/chiang -m chiang ?02:55
jribMal3ko: adduser name_of_new_user02:55
rwwm1xed: View > User List if you don't have a list on the right-hand side02:55
jribMal3ko: sudo adduser chiang02:55
shangqianlinux29684,  when I make uImage hen i make uImage ,gcc: 0:没有该文件或目录  can't find the file but file exist02:55
Marfii have a friend who is having an error with his network card. whenever he goes to network manager, he is getting "updating connection failed:nm-ifupdown-connection.c82-connection update not supported (read only)"  anyone have an idea?02:55
m1xedrww: precisely, I do not see "view", give me a few minutes until I figure out where it is02:56
jribshangqian: use #ubuntu-cn if you want help in chinese.  If you want help here provide error messages in english (hint: LC_ALL=C)02:56
linux29684shangqian: try a "ls -a" in the directory of compiling02:56
rwwm1xed: you don't have a menu bar? Press F902:56
test34linux29684: I havent tried that but I had the microphone working on my bluetooth headset for a while.. but never the headphone.... I think I had the bt-audio obsolete package installed..02:57
Marfii have googled it, and can't find any info about it02:57
shangqianlinux29684, when I ls -a ,i can find the file02:57
linux29684test34: you download just the bluez-4.21.tar.gz, or all other firmware/hcidump/etc02:57
MBRwhats a program for linux that would perform like the windows program. ghost or acronis ?02:57
MarfiMBR, like norton ghost?02:57
jribMarfi: partimage02:57
ardchoilleMBR: PartImage can be used to clone partitions02:57
m1xedrww:  I am using xchat 0.18, is this the latest and greatest version?  I do not see "view" in the menu bar02:57
ardchoille!sysresccd | MBR02:57
ubottuMBR: SystemRescueCd is a Linux system on a bootable CD-ROM. It contains a number of admin tools including gparted and partimage. http://sysresccd.org/Main_Page02:57
Marfijrib, MBR clonezilla is also good02:57
m1xedrww, i have "IRC", "Edit", "Network", "Discussion", "Go", and "help" in the menu bar02:58
rwwm1xed: did you install the xchat package or the xchat-gnome package?02:58
exodus_msxchat 2.8.602:58
MBRok sweet thanks02:58
test34linux29684: they are probably all required but I'm not sure, I didnt install it yet02:58
MBRoff to install ubuntu on yet another pc ;)02:58
rwwm1xed: because the -gnome package is weird and stupid and I'd highly recommend removing it and installing the xchat package in its place02:58
m1xedrww:  i installed it from ubuntu, that is what it installed02:59
Marfii have a friend who is having an error with his network card. whenever he goes to network manager, he is getting "updating connection failed:nm-ifupdown-connection.c82-connection update not supported (read only)"  anyone have an idea?02:59
Marfii have googled it, with no fix...any ideas?02:59
m1xedrww:  how should I install xchat?02:59
Madpilotm1xed, there's both xchat and xchat-gnome. xchat-gnome is awful.02:59
rwwm1xed: give me a sec to check that's the actual problem03:00
Marfim1xed, sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome03:00
m1xedMadpilot: I have xchat-gnome03:00
mnanyone here that will help me trouble shoot kdevelop?03:00
rwwm1xed: ... yeah, it is. sudo apt-get purge xchat-gnome, then sudo apt-get install xchat03:00
linux29684anyone know how to perminantly lock the /etc/resolv.conf from changing?03:00
Madpilotm1xed, Applications->Add/Remove->make sure "All Available Applications" is in the dropdown, then search for xchat03:00
Marfii have a friend who is having an error with his network card. whenever he goes to network manager, he is getting "updating connection failed:nm-ifupdown-connection.c82-connection update not supported (read only)"  anyone have an idea?03:00
MarfiANY ideas...?03:00
wcdlxica ainda quel brother consegui produzi cabadura?03:00
test34Madpilot: but xchat-gnome is the official package03:01
linux29684Marfi: maybe try sudo ifup ath0 (or eth1 or wifi0) in terminal03:01
m1xedrww:  "apt-get purge" is an actually command??? I did not know that, this will remove xchat-gnome?03:01
Madpilottest34, yes, but xchat is available in Universe, happily03:01
rwwtest34: Doesn't mean it doesn't suck03:01
rwwm1xed: yes03:01
DarkKnighthey how can i improve my system administration skills...can suggestion03:02
IndyGunFreakxchat-gnome isn't that bad, just not as good as xchat.03:02
DarkKnighthey how can i improve my system administration skills...any suggestions03:02
Madpilottest34, the lack of a real IRC app by default in Ubuntu, and the promotion of the lousy xchat-gnome over real xchat are both long-running arguements in various Ubuntu circles03:02
m1xedwhich app do you recommend I install, xchat that uses GTK or XChat-Gnome, I am currently using gnome03:02
TecR0cDarkKnight: read sysadmin books !03:02
exodus_mssudo aptitude install xchat xchat-gnome-03:02
Madpilotm1xed, xchat03:02
rwwm1xed: package xchat. not package xchat-gnome.03:03
xiangfui think xhcar better03:03
DarkKnightTecR0c; any particular author??03:03
IndyGunFreakMadpilot: lol.. some say that Pidgin is a good irc client, i find it horrid03:03
alex_21What do you mean that the dns in resolve.conf is temperary03:03
mnWhy will my /usr/bin/install not work???03:03
rwwIndyGunFreak: lol, I used pidgin for IRC for a while...03:03
linux29684DarkKnight: maybe work on creating a network at home and mess with it on all your spare time03:03
Out_ColdHey guys, i was trying to compile some source and and can't seem to even start with './configure' build essentials is installed but what am i missing??03:03
TecR0cDarkKnight: depends what area you are looking for03:03
jribmn: what are you trying to do with it?03:03
MadpilotIndyGunFreak, ewww.03:03
mnjrib: install a program03:03
IndyGunFreakrww: i can't use pidgin for IRC... i find it horrible.03:03
exodus_msor sudo aptitude install xchat xchat-gnome_03:03
linux29684alex_21: everytime you reboot, it rewrites the /etc/resolve.conf to its former state03:04
jribmn: erm.  What program?  You probably don't want to use /usr/bin/install03:04
m1xedis DrWillis around?03:04
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: you'd need to leave off the _03:04
alex_21Dark Night, it depends on how youlearn best. I use short tutorials when I need to do something and that is how I learn, smiley, self-directed, but about books, it depends what kind of sysadmin03:04
=== galactuseee is now known as galactus13eee
mnjrib: whoops, just a sec03:04
rwwIndyGunFreak: I believe the _ makes aptitude purge the package before it03:04
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, does th '_' not purge?03:04
losetheshizzlei got no love on following the sound troubleshooting instructions located here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting -- my drivers aren't listed because there are no nvidia drivers03:04
IndyGunFreakexodus_ms: i don't think so.03:05
IndyGunFreakit might.03:05
linux29684losttheshizzle: nvidia does more than graphics?03:05
exodus_msIndyGunFreak, A _ after a package will override and purge the package03:05
rwwIndyGunFreak: I just checked. It does.03:05
mnjrib: a prog i wrote.  i just want to be able to access it through terminal03:05
IndyGunFreakhmm, didn't know that, interesting03:05
IndyGunFreaki stand corrected then03:05
losetheshizzlelinux29684: yeah, it's the whole chipset.. adio, graphics, ide, pci..03:05
rwwIndyGunFreak: huzzah for counter-intuitive but sometimes-useful syntax!03:05
slinkeeywhat should I do if my monitor jitters after awakeing from suspend?03:06
alex_21Hey, then what can I do. I can't get out on the net without dns?03:06
slinkeeyThis started with 8.04 and still happens in 8.1003:06
linux29684alex_21, you can edit the /etc/resolv.conf as root and add an opendns server as
jribmn: what is it?  A script?  A single binary?03:07
linux29684alex_21: this will give you internet until you reboot with dns support03:07
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
tdreyer1_slinkeey: sounds like a monitor problem. Is it a CRT? or an lcd...?03:07
losetheshizzleis there any way to just tell ubuntu to redetect everything sound related?  it was working flawlessley after install.. i swear, ubuntu is making me troubleshoot EVERYTHING!03:07
exodus_msdid m1xed ever get help?03:07
slinkeeytdreyer doesn't happen in XP03:07
alex_21How can I point my computer to my networks dns server?03:07
slinkeeyand it only does after waking from suspend03:07
=== dani is now known as Guest28999
slinkeeyand I tried a different monitor03:07
mezquitaleDr_willis left?03:07
rwwexodus_ms: I believe so, yeah. The help was of the form "Your client sucks. Get a new client", though...03:08
linux29684alex_21: use the router as the dns server; this will use the isp dns server in the router03:08
tdreyer1_slinkeey: can you describe more specifically what it is doing?03:08
mnjrib:  i wrote the C++ for it and compiled it.  I can't get the compiler to give me the option to compile or install like it was yesterday (i think it's a bit buggy) so i'm trying to do it manually.  it should be a binary. g++ exited without error03:08
mnjrib: by it being buggy i mean the compiler03:08
exodus_msrww, that was helpful :)03:08
slinkeeytdreyer: It likes shakes03:09
mezquitalein xchat, where do you put in your password so you can automatically identify your nick?  In "Nickserv password" or "server password"???03:09
slinkeeythe screen jitters around03:09
rwwmezquitale: either03:09
meoblast001whats the ubuntu equivilant of mingw32-make?03:09
jabagawee_mezquitale: nickserv passwd03:09
Out_ColdI was trying to compile some source and and can't seem to even start with './configure' build essentials is installed but what am i missing??03:09
test34I think you are right about xchat03:09
jabagawee_rww: orly? heh, i didnt know that.03:09
slinkeeyI don't know the right word to explain it03:09
mezquitalerww:  thank you, let me see if it works03:09
rwwjabagawee_, mezquitale: freenode passes server passwords along to nickserv03:09
macjason0607guys .. anyone using another window manager other than gnome kde , fluxbox and icewm03:09
mezquitalethis server is not SSL capable?03:09
rwwmezquitale: nope, not SSL capable03:10
jabagawee_macjason0607: why do you ask?03:10
jribmn: ok, so you can run the program fine by providing the full path, right?  And you just want to add it to your PATH so you can just call name_of_program directly?  Just create a symlink in ~/bin/ if that is the case03:10
linux29684macjason0607: xfce03:10
Guest28999"Set as Desktop Background" option when right clicking on a picture in last firefox version does not work.......... did anyone solve this problem yet???03:10
jabagawee_macjason0607: i've experimented with quite a few...03:10
mezquitaleok looks like i have to log out, thank you for the help, be back in a few03:10
jabagawee_Guest28999: just download it to a temp folder and set it from there03:10
jabagawee_Guest28999: it's a workaround, but heck, it works03:10
BsimsOk how do I get xchat to show the timelog and not stomp on it with the nicks03:11
tdreyer1_slinkeey: sorry03:11
tdreyer1_i'm back03:11
slinkeeyits ok03:11
Guest28999bugga, allrightyO03:11
Guest28999cheers jabagawee03:11
tdreyer1_Slinkeey: are you using a CRT or an LCD or other?03:11
cr4z3dI've got an Eee PC 901 and looking to move the /tmp dir to my ram using tmpfs. Is this a good idea? I've had some issues where the /tmp dir seems to shrink significantly very fast being on the 4gb partition03:11
alex_21Hey, how do I tell the computer to use my router as dns server? I have a static IP03:11
exodus_msBsims, what do you mean?03:12
Out_Coldanyone??? I could use a bit of help trying to figure out why i can't configure source.. not much for trouble shooting on google03:12
rwwBsims: do you have "Colored nick names" enabled? If I remember correctly, enabling that made everything stomp all everything else last time I tried it. I have "Indent nick names" and "Enable time stamps" enabled from Interface>Text box in Preferences.03:12
jabagawee_cr4z3d: just wondering, but how much ram you have?03:12
tdreyer1_Slinkeey: cool. What model, resolution, and refresh rate?03:12
slinkeeyDifferent video card solves the problem but I would rather keep my current one03:12
cr4z3djabagawee_: 1gb03:12
tdreyer1_Slinkeey: yeah03:12
slinkeeyno name brand monitor03:13
TecR0cBsims, have a look in the xchat Preferences03:13
slinkeeyreally there is no name on it03:13
alex_21<Slinky> it is a card driver problem then03:13
cr4z3dalex_21: edit the file /etc/resolv.conf and type "nameserver x.x.x.x" with the ip of your router03:13
jabagawee_cr4z3d: personally, i'd advise against the whole "/tmp in ram" thing, but that's your call. i'm just spoiled on having 2GB ram available to me at all times03:13
TecR0cthen look at text box03:13
mezquitalerww, it worked!  xchat is a LOT better than konversation, konversation takes ages to start up03:13
tdreyer1_slinkeey: maybe. It may just be that your resolution is not what the monitor likes, or the refresh is off. LCD's have a native resolution and refresh that they work best at.03:13
iHomeI removed the logout icon from panel, and add it back, but when i click on "logout", it only gives me: logout or switch user. where is the shut-down etc option?03:14
rwwmezquitale: W00t! Glad I could help :)03:14
tdreyer1_slinkeey: is there a model number somewhere on back?03:14
slinkeeywhy would it not be a problem when i first turn on the pc?03:14
DarkKnightlinux29684; i have a single system at my place...how can i create a network03:14
tdreyer1_slinkeey: you know, good question. I don't know!03:14
linux29684use a p2p, such as tor or i2p03:15
rwwiHome: Try the "User Switcher" applet instead03:15
slinkeeyYes Model A170E1-T503:15
linux29684this will emulate a local network03:15
tdreyer1_everyone: anyone who has an idea, we'd love some advice...03:15
slinkeeyIw ill google that model03:15
tdreyer1_slinkeey: ok03:15
cr4z3djabagawee_: the only problem is that something seems to be eating away at my 4gb partition and bring it to no space available and then the /tmp dir will be only like 10kb of space and that limits me from downloading files or saving anything pretty much (using open office or firefox)03:15
iHomerww: yeah. that works. but that's not the default button?03:16
wcdlvai tomar banho nilce03:16
alex_21I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the nameserver is fine03:16
MrCollinsHow do i begin troubleshooting a flash sound issue within firefox? where do I start?03:16
tdreyer1_slinkeey: looks like a 1280x1024 native resolution03:16
jabagawee_cr4z3d: sd cards?03:16
rwwiHome: Which version of Ubuntu are you using? I think it's the default in Intrepid...03:16
iHomerww: 8.1003:16
cr4z3djabagawee_: hmm that could work i have a 1gb sd in there03:16
jabagawee_MrCollins: im taking a really random stab here, but i think it's pulseaudio03:16
jabagawee_MrCollins: my firefox audio always dies randomly03:16
MrCollinsjabagawee, what do you mean?03:16
jabagawee_MrCollins: and its usually pulseaudio's fault03:17
MrCollinsjabagawee, how do i uninstall pulseaudio?03:17
cr4z3dpulseaudio caused me so many problems.. i had to remove it and use alsa instead in 8.1003:17
MrCollinsI have OSS, Pulse and Alsa installed03:17
alex_21I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the nameserver is fine03:17
jabagawee_MrCollins: i'm not entirely sure on how to remove pulseaudio03:17
node357!info pulseaudio03:18
ubottupulseaudio (source: pulseaudio): PulseAudio sound server. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.10-2ubuntu9 (intrepid), package size 287 kB, installed size 1296 kB03:18
jabagawee_MrCollins: but if you find out, i'd be overjoyed to learn03:18
tdreyer1_Slinkee: is your current resolution 1280x1024?03:18
MrCollinsit all installed by itself when I installed ubuntu 8.10 because I have 2 sound cards, one is onboard and the other is a audigy203:18
node357there is a package called pulseaudio, maybe you can remove that03:18
Puhroti am trying to install ubuntu for the first time, and i am having issues with it just hanging when it loads. Can anyone help me out with this?03:18
mnthnx jrib :)03:18
slinkeeyi just changed it to that03:18
MrCollinsnode357, how do i remove the package?03:18
slinkeeylet me suspend and see wha happens03:18
tdreyer1_slinkeey: k03:18
alex_21I checked /etc/resolv.conf and the nameserver is fine I still can't connect. I have two cards on the system, but one is commented out03:18
rwwiHome: oh, wait, no, you're right. The default is that red square power loho, huh03:19
node357MrCollins, I'm not sure if it's safe but the command would be: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio03:19
node357MrCollins, I think that's it anyway03:19
MrCollinsnode357, ok03:19
MrCollinsI am going to try it03:19
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
node357okay MrCollins, good luck03:19
cr4z3dalex_21: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf03:19
slinkeeyyep it is jittering03:19
iHomerww: ah.. that depends on the theme. mine was: a running boy03:19
jabagawee_Puhrot: we're gonna need quite a bit more info here03:19
slinkeeyI will have to reboot03:19
MrCollinsnode357,  here we go03:19
=== purple is now known as Guest9317
tdreyer1_slinkeey: k03:20
Mal3koanyone here familiar with pure-ftpd? how do we set so users can only browse their home dir only?03:20
jabagawee_MrCollins: tell me if it works03:20
linux29684cr4z3d: how do i lock the /etc/resolv.conf so the system does not change it?03:20
MrCollinsok here we go03:20
jabagawee_MrCollins: cuz i've been really tempted to do a "sudo aptitude purge pulseaudio"03:20
cr4z3dlinux29684: that i do not know unfortunately03:20
Puhrotwell first off i could not get to run off the cd03:20
MrCollinsjabagawee, what does that do03:20
linux29684cr4z3d: thanks anyways03:20
Puhrotit would load to the desktop and just hang03:20
cr4z3dmine hasn't changed and i've edited it03:20
jabagawee_Puhrot: what hardware you using?03:20
jabagawee_MrCollins: its like the apt-get remove03:21
jabagawee_MrCollins: but i kinda like the look of the word "aptitude" better03:21
iHomerww: i got another button: shut-down. the original default button=shutdown + logout03:21
cr4z3djabagawee_: do you think moving /tmp to an SD card is a good idea? i'm all for it. maybe even put the /var/logs on there too to try and free up some space03:21
linux29684cr4z3d: mine changes because kvpnc keeps changing it and doesn't change it back03:21
MrCollinsnode357, I ran that command, still no sound in firefox03:22
iHomerww: but now they are separated. not sure where did i click03:22
MrCollinsweird man, audacious works fine03:22
MrCollinsgames work fine.... flash no way03:22
rwwiHome: yeah, I'm trying to figure it out myself03:22
MrCollinsI had it working but then I did a reboot03:22
node357MrCollins, you might be able to change everything in Sound preferences to ALSA..... that worked for me03:22
jabagawee_cr4z3d: honestly, i think thats how must eee hackers do it03:22
cr4z3dlinux29684: backup the working version and make a script to run when you close kvpnc to restore the version you want? just a suggestion for a quick work around03:22
jabagawee_cr4z3d: and it sounds pretty smart too03:22
MrCollinsi have it all set to alsa in the System -> Prefs -> Sound03:22
alex_21Here is my /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/network/interfaces. I am blind, so if I missed something, let me know. http://paste.ubuntu.com/79103/03:23
itai_michaelsoni'm trying to download lsb but getting into dependency hell. is there a metapackage for it or something? (xfce on server -ibex)03:23
node357MrCollins, then I don't know :(03:23
linux29684cr4z3d: i have no scripting knowledge03:23
MrCollinsnode357, ok.03:23
jabagawee_MrCollins: so flash audio working yet?03:23
MrCollinsjabagawee, no03:23
jabagawee_MrCollins: D:03:23
MrCollinsjabagawee, yeah major man, I had it working too then I rebooted03:23
node357so many sound problems with Intrepid :|03:23
alex_21I had so man problems with sound in II, that I went back to hardy03:24
cr4z3dlinux29684: simple bash script using the "mv" command should be sufficient03:24
alex_21So many, sorry03:24
MrCollinsalex did hardy seem to work well?03:24
linux29684cr4z3d: i don't know anything about even simple bash scripts, just *.bat and *.cmd for win3203:24
jabagawee_linux29684: same idea03:24
jabagawee_linux29684: one line per command03:25
alex_21Yes, and being a VIP, Visually Impaired person, the long term "This will stay put" attitude is great03:25
alex_21Hardy rules03:25
jabagawee_linux29684: but you add a shebang to the beginning, if you want it to run as a standalone scripot03:25
cr4z3dlinux29684: bash script is similar to a bat file. write the commands one on a line and make it executable with "chmod +x /path/filename"03:25
Puhroti am running an older AMD athlon 64 3700+ setup MSI K8N mobo, geforce 7800gt, 1 gig of ram03:25
jabagawee_Puhrot: any hardware that might be specifically problematic?03:25
exodus_msfor everyone experiencing sound problems I ran across this thread in the forums --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20544903:25
rwwiHome: wait, I think I remember what happened. The "User Switcher" applet got added towards the end of Intrepid's testing cycle, so the old button was in Alpha 1 (where I remember it), but not the Release. If you upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid or from the Alpha to the Release, there was some complicated logic that decided whether you got the old one or the new one, which included the decision that once you get the new one you can't go back. Or something. I m03:26
rwwight be remembering wrong since it was a long bug report and I read it a while ago.03:26
jabagawee_Puhrot: do searches on google for your mobo, video card, and anything else that might cause problems (wireless, etc)03:26
linux29684i'll find the garbage to put at the top, write one, and release it on the internet, maybe sourceforge, thanks all03:26
rwwiHome: the long and short of it is, old button is dead, long live new button =/03:26
alex_21So what is the problem with my dns? I don't see the problem, smiley, though I wouldn't even if you put it right in front of me. I don't hear the problem03:27
iHomerww: i removed the wrong button. so it is gone for good. o my dear.03:27
maxbI have a weird problem - I disable the "Login" sound in "System > Preferences > Sounds" ... but it still plays!?  Any thoughts on debugging?03:27
rwwiHome: if you feel like reading the discussion on this, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/27414603:27
iHomerww: well. i freshly installed 8.10 . not upgraded from 8.0403:27
iHomerww: ok thanks03:28
cr4z3djabagawee_: so about moving those dirs to an SD card. would symlinks be sufficient or is there a better option?03:28
jabagawee_rww: heh, way to rub it in03:28
jabagawee_cr4z3d: ehhh, i have no clue whatsoever03:28
cr4z3dah it's all good i'm sure google has the answer03:28
jabagawee_cr4z3d: goodgle would be your friend03:28
jabagawee_cr4z3d: i know theres this one specific site though, for eee hacking03:28
jabagawee_cr4z3d: like, eeeuser or something03:29
alex_21So what is the problem with my dns? I don't see the problem, smiley, though I wouldn't even if you put it right in front of me. I don't hear the problem03:29
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:29
cr4z3djabagawee_: i should find a more technical one then cuz a lot of them are end users using windows03:29
Puhrotbesides some sound issues coming up on a search for my hardware, i didn't see any major issues03:29
iHomerww: and i noticed that: the maximize window in : gthumb>crop : is missing as well. so 8.10 is not better than 8.04 in some espects :D03:29
Puhrotalso when i first get to the username screen the test is so small when i type in my user name i can't even read it, i dunno if that is at all related03:30
jabagawee_cr4z3d: really? back when i first saw it, i thought it was quite technical03:30
jabagawee_Puhrot: yeah, it might be a sign03:30
jabagawee_Puhrot: that youre not getting the default resolutioln03:30
Puhrotand also the text on the options menu is super crazy small and unreadble too03:30
rwwiHome: Oh, I know. There are a bunch of people in here who /need/ to use Hardy because Intrepid breaks their hardware, so yeah, not better in some aspects.03:31
rwwhardware compatibility *03:31
roganwere are screenshots saved in 8.10?03:32
Picirogan: On the desktop usually.03:32
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ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore03:32
rwwrogan: if you mean the ones you get from pressing the Printscreen button in GNOME, wherever you tell them to. There's an option in the Save Screenshot dialog.03:32
roganrww: were is the save screenshots dialog03:33
rwwrogan: it's the thing that comes up when you press the Printscreen button03:33
gab3anybody know a gui runlevel editor for kubuntu/ubuntu?03:33
Puhrotit looks like the resolution is displayed fine except the font size03:34
rww!info bum | gab303:34
ubottubum (source: bum): graphical runlevel editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.1-2 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 516 kB03:34
roganrww: nothing comes up.. when I press the button I can notice some delay as of the shot being taken but no option to save03:34
Puhroti can see all the toolbars on the edges03:34
alex_21<<Puhrot>> I know, I can't read the login screen. Maybe the fact that I am blind might have something to do with it. But, Seriously, anyone here know how to make the login window readable by Orca/Speakup03:34
exodus_msdo a apt-get install rcconf, and you will have a runlevel editor.03:35
rwwrogan: Huh, that's odd. Well, try looking in your home folder and the Desktop. That's the usual two places they'd be =/03:35
DarkKnighthey i m not able 2 delete the files on my desktop03:35
alex_21Dark Night. Can you sudo rm them?03:36
MrCollinsholy crap03:36
MrCollinsIts working03:36
gnutronalex_21: once you get logged in you can use the login window menu item to login user automatically.03:36
exodus_msgab3, do a apt-get install rcconf, and you will have a runlevel editor.03:36
alex_21I don't want that. I want to be able to login independantly like I do on my Mac03:36
MrCollinsexodus_ms, that link you posted03:36
MrCollinsexodus_ms, I followed that site and BOOM my flash sound is working! Halleljuah!03:37
=== yoyo is now known as chairat
exodus_msMrCollins, cool03:37
MrCollinsexodus_ms, how do I make sure my changes are permanent03:37
MrCollinsexodus_ms, btw thank you03:37
exodus_msMrCollins, np03:37
alex_21So what is the problem with my dns? I don't see the problem, smiley, though I wouldn't even if you put it right in front of me. I don't hear the problem03:37
exodus_msMrCollins, should be good to go03:39
Mal3koanyone here familiar with pure-ftpd? how do we set so users can only browse their home dir only?03:39
MrCollinsexodus im going to try logging out and logging in...03:39
CopyWriterhello all03:39
DarkKnighthey i m not able 2 delete the files on my desktop03:40
exodus_msMal3ko, this might help --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureFTP03:41
alex_21Dark Night, did you try sudo rm 'ing them03:41
systmhow do I do manipulate the Application | Places | System panelet?03:41
alex_21So what is the problem with my dns? I don't see the problem, smiley, though I wouldn't even if you put it right in front of me. I don't hear the problem I really need to get this production server back up03:41
=== yeremi1 is now known as jeremis
alex_21Any Ideas?03:42
exodus_msMal3ko, I used this thread once when I setup PuerFTp very useful http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9105203:42
After_MathI am having MAJOR problems trying to add Vista to my grub file but it still wont give me an option to boot into it. Please, can anyone help here?03:43
alex_21Why use ftp, not webdav? I find webdav is so much cleaner, as well as securer03:43
slestaki think i have some broken gstreamer or pulse packages.  with rythmbox and banshee, localk playback works, but streaming fails.03:44
DarkKnighthey i m not able to delete many files on my desktop and other directories.....some problem seems to be existing....03:44
tisukoim trying to get my usb wireless internet chip to work in ubuntu, but im not really sure how to do this. can someone help me out? thanks03:45
slestakthis used to work.  with rythmbox 11.6, no internet radio station will stream, and lastfm loads up neighbor radio, but each selection hfails to start03:45
alex_21Dark Night. Do you feel comfortable using terminal to sudo RM them?03:45
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:45
ablativetisku what kind of nic is it?03:45
tisukoablative: netgear03:46
AdamZagurskyhey; I need startup help. I have a SB Live 24 bit, and it gives me like six options, but none of them put out.03:46
alex_21I'll walk you through it if you are?03:46
ablativeIs that a broadcom chipset?03:46
AdamZagurskyI'm amazed that it got all my other drivers.03:46
alex_21DNS is still not resolving03:46
systmare there any sites that offer information on ways to configure ubuntu/gnome ?03:46
After_MathWOW what happened to all the help in here?03:46
tisukoablative: im not really sure, how would i find out03:46
DarkKnighthey i m not able to delete many files on my desktop and other directories.....some problem seems to be existing....03:47
exodus_mssystm, what would you like to config?03:47
ablativewhat is the model of NIC?03:47
AdamZagurskyyou guys seem busy.03:47
__BSD__DarkKnight: you ignored two people that tried to help you, answer them or something.03:47
tisukoablative: wpn11103:47
systmexodus_ms: well everything that i can with out getting into too much file editing?03:47
exodus_mssystm, ok....03:48
systmso like the panels, GTK/Metacity03:48
ardchoille!permissions | DarkKnight judging from your recent questions, perhaps this information would be beneificial03:48
ubottuDarkKnight judging from your recent questions, perhaps this information would be beneificial: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:48
ablativeis it a usb dongle?03:48
AdamZagursky's just an audio driver problem. Should be easy, or something.03:48
slestakgot it, stoopid dansguardian03:48
exodus_mssystm, are you wanting to change the look?03:48
tisukoablative: yes it is03:48
L3TumConky Question---I've been searching everywhere and cannot find how to place conky over a panel, or at least keep it on top of all windows while not being covered when the windows are maximized. I just installed conky last night and this is my only issue. Can anyone point me in the right direction please03:48
slestakblocking mpeg streams03:48
gnutronalex_21: in your /etc/resolv.conf is there a line beginning with the word search ?03:48
systmexodus_ms: yes03:48
DarkKnight_BSD_..ohh i didnt see them....well i tried that..but its not working03:49
ardchoille!themes | systm03:49
ubottusystm: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy03:49
exodus_mssystm, take a look her -->http://www.gnome-look.org/03:49
AdamZagurskyit lists like four options for the card that I have, and all of them just go when they're 'testing.'03:49
systmwhat app is this? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=57063&file1=57063-1.jpg&file2=57063-2.jpg&file3=57063-3.jpg&name=Moomex-Theme03:49
alex_21<<Puhrot>> Yes, but it says example.com03:49
exodus_mssystm, I'm assuming your using GNOME and not KDE or some other03:50
Anonytesting out my colors03:50
systmexodus_ms: fresh install of 8.1003:50
__BSD__ok DarkKnight well hmmmm RM'ing them with sudo should be able to delete just bout any file on your desktop..03:50
somathey there, how to using 2 connection (where 1st is LAN, and the other is Mobile broadband) ?03:50
barneyxhi all !03:50
AdamZagurskyway too many people asking questions.03:50
barneyxi am from brazil ..03:50
tdreyer1_!ask | barneyx03:50
ubottubarneyx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:50
barneyxi problem03:50
barneyxhow to install ?03:50
AdamZagurskyway not enough people answering.03:50
exodus_mssystm, cool, take a look at the link I sent. There you will be able to find 'themes' 'icons' and other stuff for your desktop03:50
DarkKnight_BSD_; but wen i try 4 directories...it says it cannot delete the directory03:51
gnutronalex_21: change example.com to your ISP domain name and restart networking. this id networkmanager's job, but it may work.03:51
alex_21<Puhrot> Yes, but it says "example.com"03:51
ablativetry this link for help http://ph.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=1b73ad769f4d07e0493c5f844004b2cc&t=65291003:51
ardchoilleDarkKnight: Reading about permissions will solve a lot of your problems: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions03:52
__BSD__DarkKnight: what directories are they? if its something you installed with apt-get you probably do not want to just RM them03:52
alex_21Hey, I can't do that as I am on a LAN03:52
exodus_mssystm, if you want to change the look with what is already installed on your sytem, go to System-->Preferences-->Appearance03:52
tisukoablative: thanks03:53
the_dark_warrioI reinstalled oppenoffice but it came with different style (its pretty much like windows now). any tips?03:53
xorlimwhich is better, sudo -i or sudo -s?03:53
juancabritodoes anyone knows if I can install VMWare workstation if I have VMW player already installed, and afterwards maybe uninstall one of them in ubuntu 8.10?03:53
gnutronalex_21: so am i03:53
dmata82does anyone here talks spanish?03:53
tdreyer1_Hey, can someone keep an eye out for slinkeey? I was helping earlier, but he had to reboot and isn't back yet. I'm thinking his problem is with compiz... Anyone?03:53
King_BobHI guys , are there any recent java script bugs from an update of firefox  related to Java?03:53
DarkKnight_BSD_ i actually got many files in pendrive which were virus infected...i deleted all the virus...and suddenly all those files got a lock on top of the icon....so i changed the permissions made it 777 or so....but still then not able to delete03:53
jribxorlim: they do different things.  Did you read the man page for sudo to find out exactly what the difference is?03:53
alex_21So where do I find that?03:53
King_Bobor a java update itself?03:53
juancabritodmata82: me03:53
__BSD__!es | dmata8203:53
ubottudmata82: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:54
juancabritodmata82: je je03:54
gnutronalex_21: find your domain name?03:54
jribKing_Bob: you need to be more precise.  Java and javascript are different things03:54
dmata82I dont know how to go to other channels03:54
King_Bobideally i need someone that understands java03:54
jribdmata82: /join #name_of_other_channel03:54
xorlimjrib: I read it by skimming it.03:54
dimedohi, why does sudo env list only a very minimal set of env variables. why are the contents of /etc/environment not loaded`?03:54
jribKing_Bob: you want to program in java?03:54
dmata82in ChanServ?03:54
mortuis99hey there i am using pidgin and al of the sudden im having trouble connecting to yahoo.  can anyone help?03:55
jribxorlim: skim?  Just read the sections on -s and -i...03:55
juancabritodmata82: the spanish channel is empty most of the time03:55
xorlimjrib: I understood sudo -i have to do with environment variables, it is an "initial login" emulation.03:55
xorlimjrib: yes.03:55
linrunixwhen i turn off my system it stays at the point of "unmounting temporary filesystems" it take a really long time in there... any ideas why?03:55
juancabritodmata82: or almost empty03:55
ridgeKing_Bob: you need a java programer?03:55
tdreyer1_Hey, can someone keep an eye out for slinkeey? I was helping earlier, but he had to reboot and isn't back yet and I gotta go. I'm thinking his problem is with compiz... Anyone?03:55
solid_liqwtf?  mkfs.ext4 is included with ubuntu 8.10, but the version of mount included doesn't know how to mount an ext4 filesystem?  what gives?03:55
juancabritodoes anyone knows if I can install VMWare workstation if I have VMW player already installed, and afterwards maybe uninstall one of them in ubuntu 8.10?03:55
alex_21My dns serer on my lan is my router03:55
jribxorlim: right.  -i will reset environment variables.  In general, -i is safer03:55
alex_21Dns Server03:55
King_Bobjrib , there is a bug with a site im trying to access , Javascript-Issue03:56
xorlimjrib: "It also initializes the environment, leaving TERM unchanged, setting HOME, SHELL, USER, LOGNAME, and PATH, and unsetting all other environment variables."03:56
solid_liqjuancabrito: I'd uninstall vmware-player first03:56
jribKing_Bob: see my first statement to you03:56
linrunixwhen i turn off my system it stays at the point of "unmounting temporary filesystems" it take a really long time in there... any ideas why??03:56
juancabritosolid_liq: do yuo know if it is necesary?03:56
DarkKnighthey in certain non-ubuntu OS installations there is a specification of cylinders....can i get more info abt them03:57
tdreyer1_Hey, can someone keep an eye out for slinkeey? I was helping earlier, but he had to reboot and isn't back yet and I gotta go. I'm thinking his video problem is with compiz... Anyone?03:57
isleshocky77Can anyone give some direction with getting my external monitor to display at 1680x1050? Right now it's maxing out at 1600x1024 for some reason.03:57
solid_liqjuancabrito: I think there'll be problems if you don't, but I'm not positive (haven't tried in a couple of years)03:57
CopyWriteri've been reading the server guide documentation on ubuntu03:58
solid_liqDarkKnight: it wants to know if you have a v6, v8, v12 or just a little 4-banger in your car03:58
linrunixAcidBurn lolaso03:58
mortuis99hey there i am using pidgin and al of the sudden im having trouble connecting to yahoo.  can anyone help?03:58
linrunixsomeone has been watching hackers lol03:58
DarkKnightsolid_liq; i have no idea of wat u said03:58
King_Bobthe start button consists of a link around a button-map div. This link has got a href = 'javascript:void(0)' and an onClick = 'openMiniMap();'. The onClick-Event MUST return false or in some browsers the href void(0) will be executed doing, well, nothing.03:58
CopyWriteri think i'm ready to do something radical like switching over from a windows based server to ubuntu server03:58
solid_liqDarkKnight: just kidding...  you don't *want* to have to work with cylinders directly, normally, but it's about the number of cylinders in your hard drive.03:59
CopyWriteri'm sick sick sick of windows03:59
linrunixCopyWriter: we love it03:59
solid_liqDarkKnight: that used to be something to be dealt with manually, but everything to do with it is automated now, so it's best to let the OS take care of that itself03:59
King_Bobjrib , the button was working fine up until what i think was a javascript update04:00
__BSD__CopyWriter: that's what i did, completely wiped out windows and installed Ubuntu almost 2 years ago04:00
mortuis99people that use windows are unix04:00
DarkKnightsolid_liq; ya...do u know wer i can get a complete info abt them04:00
CopyWritertrying to figure out how to set up a domain name server tho04:00
tdreyer1_slinkeey: lets hope you check the logs: I think your problem is with compiz. Try typing "metacity --replace" into a console (or alt-f2) and see if that solves the problems. If not, you can go back to compiz with "compiz --replace" Hope this helps.04:00
solid_liqCopyWriter: well then switch...  ubuntu might be a good first choice, because it makes it easy to learn...  in the long run, I prefer debian stable for my servers tho (check out linux-vserver too for this, it rocks!)04:00
King_Bobjrib : is there anyway to downgrade to an earlier version so i can test it out ?04:00
MrCollinsoh man, I am in terminal and my X is broken now....04:00
DarkKnightIS it true what I have heard.....i have head that Ubuntu is the fastest growing OS with the largest no. of people working on it04:00
solid_liqDarkKnight: probably on tldp.org04:01
After_MathIn grub, if you have to operating systems on two different partitions, do they both have to be marked as bootable?04:01
solid_liqDarkKnight: and yeah, that seems to be true04:01
jribKing_Bob: unfortunately I have no idea what you are talking about.  I have to go now though, so I can't help you anyway.  night04:01
MrCollinsexodus_ms: help! *humbly*04:01
King_Bobjrib : take care04:01
__BSD__DarkKnight: accoring to distro.com it is the #1 distro04:01
solid_liqAfter_Math: no04:01
chriswaterguyI'm trying the Xubuntu LiveCD. I read that it's bloated tho, as Xfce goes. I also read "you could also do a minimal install of ubuntu and add xfce4. it requires alot of work to get it set up, but it will be lightning fast." Opinions?04:01
__BSD__errr distrowatch.com04:01
solid_liqAfter_Math: actually neither one of them needs to be marked bootable anymore04:01
After_Mathsolid_liq, ok well they both are, and I am wondering if that is stopping from grub being able to see the second one and put it into the boot menu options04:02
DarkKnight_BSD_ thanx04:02
After_Mathsolid_liq, i see04:02
solid_liqchriswaterguy: just remember, any OS running off of a live cd is always *much* slower than it would be running off the hdd04:02
justin_hey i have a quick question if soneone can help, in windows you can compile vb in notepad, what can you compile in ubuntu's text editor04:02
__BSD__you're welcome DarkKnight04:02
solid_liqjustin_: lol there are lots of text editors for ubuntu/linux04:03
After_Mathjustin_, anyhting04:03
After_Mathjustin_, C++, java04:03
MrCollinscan someone please help, when I login to X it says "couldnt exec /usr/bin/pulse-session04:03
solid_liqjustin_: and everything has a command line compiler, so anything you want04:03
__BSD__*cough emacs* :)04:03
MrCollinsI did a apt-get remove pulse-audio04:03
After_Mathjustin_, ya, i wouldnt say INSIDE the editor, but like solid said04:03
chriswaterguysolid_liq: I don't mind the LiveCD speed - just wondering how it compares with other ways of installing - either the minimal install or a different distro.04:03
solid_liqno, vim is much better than emacs04:03
dnyyIs there a way to set xorg.conf back to default?04:04
__BSD__Editor wars!04:04
mezquitalehow do you check to see if a package is installed or not using apt-cache???04:04
justin_really? im new to linux and programming, trying to lean how to do it04:04
solid_liqchriswaterguy: what kind of computer do you have? (proc/ram)04:04
mortuis99hey there i am using pidgin and al of the sudden im having trouble connecting to yahoo.  can anyone help?04:04
ardchoillemezquitale: apt-cache policy package-name04:04
Alien_Freakso.. I just did a dist-upgrade and once I rebooted, it nuked my wifi card.04:04
solid_liqjustin_: if you want to do programming, I highly suggest you download the ganymede version of Eclipse, and add the subclipse plugin (for subversion) to it04:04
gnutronmezquitale: dpkg -s packagename04:04
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solid_liqjustin_: that's what I use for C and C++ dev, and I'm happy with it04:05
justin_so can i save a vb script as a .vb extension like i would in windows? or is there a different way to do it04:05
Guest63026i love fluxbbox..what similar thing with that???04:05
Guest63026i love fluxbox..what similar thing with that???04:05
Alien_Freaki'm on 2.6.27-9-server .. any one know what package I need for the wirless.. stuff.. i guess04:05
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arvind_khadrijustin_, vb is MS technology , you cant run it in linux04:05
MrCollinsnever mind, I fixed it, I did a apt-get install pulseaudio and it fixed my X04:05
solid_liqjustin_: we don't have that vb garbage in Linux, sorry, that's microsoft-ONLY ;)04:05
MrCollinswhy would pulseaudio break my X?04:05
itai_michaelsoni'm trying to compile conky and run into this error: XDamageQueryExtension in -lXdamage... no.  what can i do?04:05
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roganDoes a new Ipod have to be formated on a windows or a mac computer before it can work on linux?04:06
solid_liqjustin_: you can't use VB on a mac, any unix machine, vms, amiga, etc. etc.04:06
geniiitai_michaelson: sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get install conky                       ?04:06
alex_21It is urgent as this is a full fledged production server04:07
alex_21It is urgent as this is a full fledged production server04:07
alex_21It is urgent as this is a full fledged production server04:07
alex_21Dark Night, like Opensuse. I know. What are those04:07
alex_21Dark Night, like Opensuse. I know. What are those04:07
FloodBot2alex_21: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
MrCollinsexodus_ms: now my X is back it doesnt play my flash04:07
justin_ic, so what are some languages that work in linux04:07
solid_liqjustin_: for os's other than windows, you need to use standardized languages, like C and C++, and ones with good cross-platform support, like java, php, python, perl etc.  if you're coming from VB, I suggest Python, you'll most likely like it a lot04:07
MrCollinsexodus_ms: this is directly relayed to pulseaudio but not sure how to uninstall it and keep it from breaking X when I login....04:07
itai_michaelsongenii, i run into dependency 'lsb' is not installed ...etc etc04:08
chriswaterguysolid_liq: Just saw you asked what computer I have. ThinkPad R60, 1GB RAM.04:08
CopyWriterthansk BSD and solid_liq, got quite alot of reading to do, want to change over before week ends04:08
Guest89106what best ip scanner in ubuntu??xcept nmap/netcat????04:08
solid_liqsolid_liq: there's a Python version of Eclipse-Ganymede too (I've heard about it, not used it).  it's supposed to be really good04:08
chriswaterguysolid_liq:  I tend to run my machines hard tho - bad habits, too many tabs, multiple browsers open04:09
geniiitai_michaelson: You shouldn't need linux standard base installed to install conky04:09
solid_liqchriswaterguy: k, then forget xfce, use Gnome.  xfce is for people with OLD computers.  Gnome will be plenty fast on that, so just use the normal ubuntu install cd.  Gnome takes a wee bit more ram, but it's much more modern04:09
linrunix_when i turn off my system it stays at the point of "unmounting temporary filesystems" it take a really long time in there... any ideas why??04:09
itai_michaelsongenii, its a server +xfce+firefox04:09
solid_liqchriswaterguy: me too, and I use gnome.  I have 200+ tabs open in firefox right now04:10
itai_michaelsongenii, but i also think its strange04:10
alex_21It worked before I commented out eth1, so could my packets be taking an alternate roote?04:10
wenei need help with the "clipboard encryption" panel item04:10
solid_liqitai_michaelson: either it's a server, or it's running X, not both ;)04:10
Guest89106what best ip scanner in ubuntu??xcept nmap/netcat????04:10
weneonce i have uncrypted a key, i cannot flush the clipboard to encrypt a new content04:10
itai_michaelsonsolid_liq, what i mean is server install +xfce,,,,,,04:10
=== Guest89106 is now known as zer0
zer0NickServ- You have 30 seconds to identify to your nickname before it is changed04:11
alex_21I mean my dns04:11
zer0how to identify??04:11
solid_liqGuest89106: uh, one I wrote...  you should be able to find it in the svn scripts repo on my site, http://solid.linux-coders.org/04:11
itai_michaelsonsolid_liq, but i didnt install xubuntu-desktop and all that04:11
=== zer0 is now known as Guest95157
NWAdawghow can I get conky to autoload on startup?04:11
quentusrexI am trying to compile an application and it says I'm missing c++ toolchain04:11
quentusrexwhat do I need to install?04:11
rkjHi can anyone suggest what to do when a USB flask disk is not detected by the system?04:11
solid_liqitai_michaelson: but if it's running X (which it is if it runs xfce), then it's not a proper server04:11
IdleOnequentusrex, build-essential04:12
alex_21Please help, I can't resolve anything04:12
wenezer0 : you can see the main irc server tab ( /msg NickServ identify <password> )04:12
solid_liqquentusrex: build-essential  and  g++04:12
solid_liqrkj: learn to use the 'mount' command04:12
itai_michaelsonsolid_liq, fair enough....i just think i'm missing some gui pacakges that prevent me from installing amsn, conky and other stuff, they all need lsb04:12
geniialex_21: If it's a server-specific issue perhaps try #ubuntu-server04:12
dnyyWhats the name of the web browser for use in the terminal?04:13
ngabriel4977_can anyone help?  i upgraded to 8.04 (b/c i want to upgrade to 8.10) and now i cant get the machine on the network?04:13
rkjsolid_liq the system doesn't even detect the presence of the device so there is nothing to mount04:13
solid_liqitai_michaelson: you're making it into a desktop by installing that...  if you really want a desktop on your server, why don't you install another distro (ubuntu desktop) in a virtual machine, and use that instead?04:13
chriswaterguysolid_liq: you're even worse than me. I've been having FF3 crash on me a lot, but suspect it's something to do with being a tar install on an older distro (Mandriva 2008.0)04:13
ngabriel4977_i saw few threads online from folks experiencing the same, but nothing panned out04:13
solid_liqdnyy: lynx links or w3m04:13
dnyysolid_liq: any difference in the two?04:14
CopyWriterlater guys, thanks for the help04:14
solid_liqrkj: have you looked at the end of /var/log/syslog?  use dmesg | tail -n 10   or   tail -n 10 /var/log/syslog04:14
CopyWriterand suggestions04:14
itai_michaelsonsolid_liq, i need a minimal gui environment to use about once a week. i have low specs so i don't want to run a virtual machine04:14
alex_21<dnyy> lynX or something04:14
IdleOneitai_michaelson, xubuntu-desktop04:14
n8tuserngabriel4977-> what have you done so far to troubleshoot?04:15
solid_liqchriswaterguy: heh, add to that a running Eclipse (takes a lot of ram) and several other running programs ;)04:15
dnyysolid_liq & alex_21: Thanks. :)04:15
chriswaterguysolid_liq: and that's stable?04:15
chriswaterguyIf I'm not going Xfce, I'm inclined to stick with Mandriva (2009.0 looks nice).04:15
blakkheimi'm having some confusion with my firewall. since i installed 8.10, firestarter hasn't listed any blocked connections, despite me configuring the settings like i used to have them. i've gotten curious if it was actually working or not and it seems like it isn't blocking anything anymore.04:16
solid_liqdnyy: you mean the three?  yeah, lynx is the oldest, links usually actually runs links2, which is an improved rewrite of lynx, and w3m is the w3c consortium's text browser...  I suggest links or w3m04:16
MrCollinsok I have figured this out04:16
chriswaterguyUnless someone has a *really* good argument for switching from Mandriva to Ubuntu. :-)04:16
itai_michaelsonIdleOne, i'm trying to keep it slim, but if all else fails i'll go for xubuntu-desktop. i was running etc+xfce+thunar+amsn before without resorting to all these extra packages, i'm hoping to achieve the same in ubuntu04:16
n8tuserblakkheim-> sudo iptables -vL  would list your rules04:16
ngabriel4977_looked at /etc/networking/interfaces since the release notes mentioned something about roaming-mode changes, i didnt see anything different.  I tried /ifconfig eth2 down, then up, and the dhcpcd (which isnt install appearently).  I tried switching to a static ip ,...04:16
alex_21No Problem04:16
ngabriel4977_thats about it04:16
solid_liqchriswaterguy: yep, it's stable...  current uptime is a few minutes under 9 days04:16
rkjsolid_liq, I checked that, and it says "device not accepting address 21, error -110"- what does that mean?04:16
MrCollinsfor me to get flash to work in firefox, I have to issue killall -9 pulseaudio then restart firefox04:16
itai_michaelsonIdleOne, i meant etch+xfce...04:16
solid_liqchriswaterguy: and my uptime would be longer if I hadn't installed an updated kernel04:17
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i've always had this setup as a static up04:17
EMPulsehey guys04:17
EMPulseis anyone familiar with TOR here?04:17
MrCollinshow do I safely uninstall pulseaudio OR make my system automatically issue the command killall -9 pulseaudio once I login to X?04:17
solid_liqchriswaterguy: FF will crash every few days tho, but when it does, at least it restores the old tabs, and you've reclaimed memory that was unneccessarily cached04:17
n8tuserngabriel4977-> paste your  ifconfig; iwconfig; cat /etc/network/interfaces; cat /etc/resolv.conf04:17
Guest95157how to use nmap to scan live host with range??04:18
ngabriel4977_not sure how i could do that04:18
ngabriel4977_since the machine is not on the network04:18
n8tuser!who | ngabriel497704:18
ubottungabriel4977: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:18
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: can't paste, perhaps i could save to a file on a flash drive04:19
blakkheimn8tuser, i don't know a lot about iptables. could i send you that output and let you have a look?04:19
solid_liqchriswaterguy: Ubuntu really is a lot more polished than mandriva, fedora, suse, gentoo, debian, etc.  I've used them all, have known my way around linux for 8+ years, and I prefer ubuntu for the desktop, debian for the server, due to the suitability for the tasks they have.04:19
=== Guest95157 is now known as zer0
n8tuserngabriel4977-> you have get on that host, and type those commands i mentioned, then copy it to a usb key and post it04:19
n8tuserngabriel4977-> do what it takes for us to see what configs you have04:19
zer0how to use nmap to scan live host with range??04:19
=== zer0 is now known as Guest93592
n8tuserblakkheim-> nope, am not going to do that for you, you have to do the hard work.04:19
chriswaterguysolid_liq: FF3 has been crashing multiple times per day for me.04:20
blakkheimn8tuser, i don't know enough about iptables to really understand what is in this file :(04:20
solid_liqchriswaterguy: well then it's definitely more stable on ubuntu04:20
Zeroedoutzer0 or guest: try a gui if a cli is too complex, knmap might work04:20
solid_liqblakkheim: understand first that it's a script04:20
n8tuserblakkheim-> then dont use it if you dont know how,  or do a tutorial on iptables or ufw04:20
solid_liqGuest93592: my script for that network scanning is called 'scannet'04:21
Guest93592where is it??04:21
blakkheimi'm just concerned that my firewall is allowing incoming traffic and i would like to fix that04:21
solid_liqGuest93592: I wrote it because nmap's scanning is way too slow when all you want is to see what IP addresses are in use on your LAN.  It should pick up every used IP04:21
chriswaterguysolid_liq: this is a tar.bz or whatever on an old Mandriva distro. Don't want to malign Mandriva unfairly :-)04:21
n8tuserblakkheim-> here is a good tutorial  http://www.linuxexposed.com/index.php?option=content&task=view&id=10704:21
solid_liqGuest93592: lemme find you a link04:21
ZeroedoutGuest93592: apt-get install knmap04:21
alex_21Can someone do me a huge favour and repost my pastebin url for me04:22
Guest93592got it04:22
chriswaterguysolid_liq: I had such a nightmare with Xubuntu & Ubuntu last year, I'm apprehensive. But I know it works great for most people.04:22
__BSD__also ZENMAP is a front end to nmap, you might wanna give that a try.04:22
solid_liqGuest93592: http://solid.linux-coders.org/code/bash/useful/utility/scannet04:22
rkjsolid_liq, I tried a different usb stick and it works. so any idea what that "error -110" in the log means?04:23
ugumtui have a server but ip seem to be blacklisted. i have another server whose ip is not blacklisted and i was wondering if i can set server A to use server B for all outgoing SMTP ? how is this done?04:23
solid_liqchriswaterguy: if you want it to Just Work(TM), get Ubuntu 8.04 not 8.10...  8.04 is an LTS release, which means Long Term Support, which means they spent a lot of time makeing sure it was well polished04:23
solid_liqrkj: the usb stick may be broken...  they seem to do that over time (I have a few dead ones too)04:23
rkjsolid_liq, the device that's not working is a 16 GB Corsair so I'd really like to get it going!04:24
solid_liqugumtu: this isn't the channel for that question.  Try ##linux04:24
Guest93592when i click to the link,firefox is not open by..how to change??04:24
PC-Enteis it possbile to run wine programms on a linux-server without X-Org =04:24
rkjsolid_liq, I also tried the "non-working" one on my XP box and it works (yes, I have an XP box but only because my company makes me)04:24
solid_liqrkj: try plugging it into some other computers to test it.  if it doesn't work in them, it's dead.  if you don't have them to test, I bet it's still probably dead.  exchange it04:24
chriswaterguywhat do you think of using the minimal install CD? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD - will that give me a better, faster system?04:25
n8tusersolid_liq-> he can ask those questions here04:25
solid_liqrkj: hmm, not sure then04:25
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: different issue, how can i mount the flash drive as writable?  this is fat1604:25
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i mounted it, but its r/o04:25
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i've had this issue with fat before04:25
solid_liqn8tuser: with the traffic in this channel, and the crowd, I doubt he'll get good help on it here.  ##linux is more of a server admin channel, this is more of a desktop user channel04:25
n8tuserngabriel4977-> then mount it as r,w04:26
Guest93592solid_liq:::how to scan with range??04:26
robb_mn8tuser, try #ubuntu-server for server help :)04:26
solid_liqGuest93592: just run it, with no options, and it'll automatically scan your subnet04:26
n8tuserrobb_m-> not i04:26
solid_liqGuest93592: it's fast too ;)04:26
robb_mn8tuser, oops, sorry, was scanning solid_liq 's messages04:27
n8tuserngabriel4977-> man mount or man fstab04:27
woscould anyone tell me how to join a irc:// address in pidgin ??04:27
=== BjoernErik is now known as Bjoern-Erik
solid_liqGuest93592: the way it works doesn't work if the IP's are on the outside of a router btw, so it's only good for your own LAN04:27
Guest93592owh..i can use this when i in my campus right??04:27
n8tuserGuest93592-> and get ready to get reprimanded for doing such if it is againts your school policy04:28
solid_liqGuest93592: you should be able to, but only on the segment of the LAN that's behind whatever router you're behind...  so you won't be able to dig around other departments' subnets ;)04:28
solid_liqn8tuser: it's a very non-intrusive script04:28
solid_liqn8tuser: read the short script, and you'll see ;)04:29
solid_liqn8tuser: http://solid.linux-coders.org/code/bash/useful/utility/scannet04:29
n8tusersolid_liq-> schools are getting very worried, so make sure you school policy allows you04:29
Guest93592solid_liq::ouchh..i think it must be hard when my campus use websense"blocked by sebsense"04:29
Guest93592solid_liq::ouchh..i think it must be hard when my campus use websense"blocked by websense"04:29
solid_liqn8tuser: it's not a hacking tool, as the source shows, so it's no biggie04:29
Guest93592i need to get hacking tool to bypass websense in my campus.04:30
n8tusersolid_liq-> if it is considered a threat, beware..04:30
Guest93592what u prefer??04:30
solid_liqn8tuser: I wrote it as a quick tool to help me decide what IP addresses were open when adding new server IP's04:30
alex_21I want to make my Login Window look like that on the Mac with login name and password needing to be typed. I have currently Kubuntu login but Ubuntu is the base on this sstem with Kubuntu-desktop also installed and Xubuntu for that matter is on here too04:30
solid_liqn8tuser: it just pings the local subnet, one ping per address, waits for the results (it does the pings in parallel), then inspects the ARP table04:31
ardchoillealex_21: google for Mac4Lin , that project has tons of mac loooking stuff including the login screen04:31
solid_liqalex_21: I know there's a theme for gdm to do that, and I think there's one for kdm too...  so search for kdm theme mac osx04:32
Guest93592anyone can suggest my how to bypass websense?04:32
__BSD__way wrong channel Guest9359204:32
misc--hello, anyone know how to make ccsm (compiz config settings manager) the default for key bindings and window management, instead of the default gnome method?04:33
Guest93592then,which channel disscuss it???04:33
pixelatedGuest93592, dont use IE04:33
alex_21<solid_liq> What does that do, find the taken up addresses? Can you send it to me with instructions to my address ASquared21@gmail.com04:33
Guest93592i use firefox04:33
screamsayonarahi i've just downloaded the ndiswrapper things and a windows driver for my wireless card, but i dont think it worked... how do i check if the driver installed properly04:33
Guest93592i go to proxy website..it already blocked04:33
Guest93592the word "proxy" is all blcked04:34
alex_21I forgot to say that I want to use GDM too, how do I do that. I forget the dpkg command04:34
mysticaloneed help configuring IP on a 8.10 server edition box04:34
cfeddemysticalo: what's the question?04:34
alex_21<mysticalo> join me in #ubuntu-server We are discussing that right now04:35
solid_liqjustin_: btw, you might like the ##linux-coders channel for help with programming on Linux04:35
solid_liqalex_21: it's on my website, http://solid.linux-coders.org/code/bash/useful/utility/scannet04:35
Guest93592i click at ur link..my ubuntu open with office org..how to change it to open with firefox??04:36
Guest93592i click at ur link..my ubuntu open with office org..how to change it to open with firefox??to make it default open by firefox04:37
BigUrsisWhats the name of the panel app for networking?04:37
donjr_KSI goofed something up and removed many packages I need...like dolphin....lol how can I access a flash drive from console?04:37
Melikhey guys, what are "locale" files?04:38
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i managed to mount it such that i can manually write or touch a file, but i cannot redirect the output of ifconfig to a file on the drive (permission denied)04:39
donjr_KSI need to access my flash drive from console can anyone help?04:39
pixelateddonjr_KS, just mount it?04:40
ardchoilledonjr_KS: type "mount" (without quotes) in a terminal and find where it's mounted (something like /media/disk) and then just cd /media/disk04:41
donjr_KSthanks, I do appriciate it.  I'm a linux noob still04:41
Schippstrichngabriel4977_, did you use sudo?04:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:42
ngabriel4977_Schippstrich: yes04:42
screamsayonarai just got the ndiswrapper thing and my windows driver for my wireless card, when i type "ndiswrapper -l" in the terminal it says "driver installed" but i still cant see any wireless networks04:42
CaptainMorganfor gnome-terminal, to get it to stop asking me whether not I *really* want to close all the tabs, I went into gconf-editor and deselected the proper selection... I opened a terminal(3 tabs), and tested closing it - it still asks me - do I need to restart X or reboot the machine?04:43
woscould anyone tell me how to join a irc:// address in pidgin ??04:43
CaptainMorganwos do you have the correct address?04:44
n8tuserngabriel4977-> do it as root,  ie  sudo ifconfig  and same with the rest04:44
n8tuserCaptainMorgan-> try restarting you gdm04:45
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i ran "sudo ifconfig > /mnt/file.txt"04:45
CaptainMorgann8tuser, using gnome - so you mean X?04:45
karllenzhey i have a problem i cant change my screens resolution also when i activate my nvidia driver the resolution gets even lower is there any fix for this displaymanger says my monitor is unknown?04:46
n8tuserCaptainMorgan-> if your desktop manager is gdm,  yeah /etc/init.d/gdm restart04:46
princessnadie me pienza  contestar04:46
rwwngabriel4977_: that command will take the output of "sudo ifconfig" and redirect it to /mnt/file.txt. The redirection is done with your permissions, not those of root. Issue sudo -i to get a root shell, then do ifconfig > /mnt/file.txt. (There's probably an easier way of doing this, but I don't know it.)04:47
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: actually, it's like bash is complaining about the redirection04:47
CaptainMorgann8tuser, will that log me out?04:47
n8tuserkarllenz-> see what rez you got,  xrandr04:47
n8tuserCaptainMorgan-> yes04:47
mezquitaleanyone knows how to recreate the default samba.conf file???04:47
KrispyKremewhen is the next version of ubuntu coming out and what is the name??????04:47
CaptainMorgann8tuser, k thanks!04:47
rww!jaunty | KrispyKreme04:47
ubottuKrispyKreme: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA - Jaunty doesn't even really exist yet, but join #ubuntu+1 for help and discussion.04:47
n8tuserngabriel4977-> do it as root,  ie  sudo ifconfig  and same with the rest   <-- did you understand this?04:47
KrispyKremeanyone know an IndyGunFreak?04:47
mezquitaleKrispyKreme,  ubuntu 8.10 just recently came out, why worry about the next version so soon? LoL04:48
KrispyKremeI'm just curious to see if it has better support for my laptop mezquitale04:49
karllenzn8tuser Screen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60004:49
karllenzdefault connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm04:49
karllenz   800x600        60.0*    56.004:49
karllenz   640x480        60.004:49
karllenz   400x300        60.0     56.004:49
FloodBot2karllenz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:49
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: perhaps not.  i'm running the command you gave.  if you mean to login as root and then run "sudo ifconfig", i'll have to enable the root account (i'm using ubuntu defaults).04:49
KrispyKremebecause in 8.04, I can actually control my screen brightness04:49
n8tuserngabriel4977-> do whatever it takes04:49
KrispyKremeI read that the alpha version of jaunty jackalope is out...04:50
rwwngabriel4977_: as I already said, use sudo -i to get to a root shell, then issue ifconfig > /mnt/file.txt04:50
rwwKrispyKreme: discussion of Jaunty belongs in #ubuntu+1, not here, thanks.04:50
ardchoillengabriel4977: sudo ifconfig | sudo tee -a /mnt/file.txt04:50
KrispyKremerrw: very sorry04:50
dnyyHow can I reset my xorg.conf file back to default?04:50
sidneyhow do i delete a file in Ubuntu?04:50
dnyyI tried to put a resolution into it, and now my monitors not working right when I sign in04:51
ardchoillesidney: rm file04:51
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attidackI just updated my ubuntu with some regular updates all all of a sudden my Nvida drivers throw an error04:51
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karllenzsudo displayconfig-gtk does not work anymore?04:52
sidneyi cant find that file04:52
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attidackkarl are you talking to me04:53
binMonkeyhas anyone been able to get blackberry software working in wine or crossover?04:53
karllenzattidddddddddack: i ont think so04:53
karllenzsry key stuck04:53
=== kilowhisky is now known as igunja
Brack10I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell OptiPlex GX260.  when I install it freezes at "Scanning Mirror", so I tried booting into the livecd.  I had to boot into safe graphics mode and now the installer is too big for 640x480....is there some way I can fix the window so I can install?04:54
sidneyardchoille i would guess a vdi file04:54
ardchoillesidney: ok04:54
Sephris there any way to still order the 64 bit ubuntu desktop release from shipit for free?04:54
SephrI ordered my 8.04 64-bit disc a while back from shipit04:55
* Sephr is just asking where he can get the 8.10 desktop 64 bit cd for free04:55
kingsleyHow likely is it that a .deb based on Ubuntu Hardy will be compatible with debian unstable?04:56
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pumpkinseedi am having an issue with deluge 1.0.6. My downloads are stopping by themselves and I am getting an "Error" message on them. This just started happening after upgrading from 1.0.5. Anyone have any similar issues?04:56
ardchoillekingsley: possible, but it's never a good idea to mix distro packages04:56
jdk1976WTF! all the sudden, my Mac Ubuntu connection icon doesn't show the normal list of wifi connections, but only has a connection properties box with 2 tabs, general and support, and only 2 options for connectivity, eth0 and l004:56
mib_ysr0vwhi anone expereience an issue in pidgin not being able to dcc send (w/ ym account)?04:58
mib_ysr0vwhi anone expereience an issue in pidgin not being able to dcc send (w/ ym account)?04:58
teimuwhy is it that the latest kernel updates (i think, package is called linux-generic, linux-headers-generic, etc) are being "kept back" by apt?04:58
caleb_what are the start and stop commands for openssh?04:59
HorizonXPhey, what would be the correct FDI configuration for HAL to enable taps as clicks on my synaptics touchpad?04:59
caleb_nevermind, found my answer here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-start-stop-ssh-server/05:00
mysticaloneI'm trying to get my 8.10 server box gateway to point to my Windows box for internet but I can't seem to get it to work05:00
karllenzcan anyone at all helpl me get my screen resolution to a normal size iv been on this for over a day displayconfig -gtk does not work and more so i can seem to tell ubuntu that i dont have a generic crt monitor05:01
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: finally got it, but this is a lot of data.  okay to post it?  i dont want to get booted for flooding05:01
ardchoille!paste | ngabriel4977_05:01
ubottungabriel4977_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:01
sobbyok, i have kind of a serious issue.  And its killing me because I can't do anything about it at all05:02
cjoneshow do i change settings in compiz05:02
Brack10cjones: compiz control panel app05:02
sobbyfreakin laptop won't boot period.  No nothing, just a black screen05:02
Brack10you have to download it separately05:02
sobbycan't boot from cd, can't boot safe mode05:03
ngabriel4977_ardchoille: thanks05:03
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79128/05:03
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: eth2 is the interface that i wire into05:04
[TiZ]Hi. There's a feature that Microsoft Office Image Editor had that I really need right now. I've googled ad nauseum, but I've found nothing relevant. I want to crop an image to an aspect ratio. For example: I want to take a 4:3 image, and automatically crop it to 16:10. Is this possible with the GIMP?05:04
teimu[TiZ], definitely05:04
[TiZ]teimu: How do I do it?05:05
teimuhold on, loading it up now05:05
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you want the wifi? or eth2?05:05
ardchoille[TiZ]: in gimp go to the menu: Image > Scale image05:05
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: eth205:05
[TiZ]ardchoille: No. I don't want to scale. I want to crop. I want to cut the top and bottom off of a square image so that it will fit a widescreen aspect ratio.05:06
ardchoille[TiZ]: in gimp go to the menu: Image > Canvas size05:06
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> try  sudo  ifdown eth2;  sudo ifup eth205:06
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> did you get an ip address for eth2?05:07
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: no, the dhcp request timed out05:07
[TiZ]ardchoille: Well, that would indeed crop. But there's nothing there to specify the aspect ratio I want to crop to. Am I expected to calculate it myself?05:07
ardchoille[TiZ]: you can also use the outline tool to drag an outline, then Edit > Copy  to copy just what you've outlined05:07
Null-ecan anyone tell me quick the terminal command to unlock a locked directory, loosen the permissions, whatever... chmod or something...?05:08
ardchoilleyou can then paste what you copied into a new image05:08
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> are you sure you have a good cat5 cable for your eth2?05:08
[TiZ]I do not want to drag an outline. You know how gnome backgrounds can do the "zoom" thing? To automatically fit the image to your screen, cutting off whatever doesn't fit? That's what I want the GIMP to do.05:08
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: pretty sure.  i upgraded from 7.x to 8.04 over the network and then once it rebooted i lost the network05:09
jrgpwhat is the best irc client for ubuntu?05:09
sobbyi like konversation05:09
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: using the same cable that is05:10
[TiZ]jrgp: IMO, xchat. Not xchat-gnome, but xchat.05:10
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> can you elaborate on your network layout?05:10
ddubbsmaxi like pidgin05:10
__BSD__xchat or irssi05:10
jdk1976 WTF! all the sudden, my Mac Ubuntu connection icon doesn't show the normal list of wifi connections, but only has a connection properties box with 2 tabs, general and support, and only 2 options for connectivity, eth0 and l005:10
sobbykonversation has the built in fish feature which is great05:10
waanWhat is 'at-spi-registryd-wrapper' for?05:10
ngabriel4977_modem->router->router(just a hub really)->eth205:11
ardchoille[TiZ]: Tools > Transform tools > Crop  ?05:11
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: sorry: modem->router->router(just a hub really)->eth205:12
[TiZ]ardchoille: I've been poking around in that dialog for a while. It still wants me to drag an outline to crop.05:12
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> router to router? how?  wan side of one router into the lan side of the 1st router?05:12
ardchoille[TiZ]: well, yes, it needs to know what you want to crop/keep05:12
ardchoille[TiZ]: that is unless you install lib-mind-reader ;)05:13
Null-ecan anyone tell me quick the terminal command to unlock a locked directory, loosen the permissions, whatever... chmod or something...?05:13
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> router to router? how?  wan side of one router into the lan side of the 1st router?05:13
[TiZ]ardchoille: I apologize if I'm starting to get rude, but I've said over and over what I want to do. I want the GIMP to cut off parts of an image so that it will fit to a certain aspect ratio. Gnome backgrounds can do this just fine! Why can't the gimp?05:13
ardchoilleNull-e: do you want everyone to have access to the dir and everything in it?05:13
jdk1976Ubuntu on my mac no longer even TRIES to use wifi. this is weird. it has always worked prior to this. now it just tries to connect eth005:14
waanWhat is 'at-spi-registryd-wrapper' for?05:14
sobbyso if my laptop won't load past a black screen, no hard drive movement, can't boot from cd or safe mode..What the heck am i going to do?05:14
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: not sure on the terminology, but i have the cable modem plugged into the "internet port" on the first router, and then i run another cable from that router into one of the normal (non-internet ports) of the second router, then i just jack eth2 into another non-internet port of the second router05:14
Null-ei just want the lock icon removed from the folder ardchoille05:15
Null-etheres only one user on the machine05:15
jdk1976sobby: you may have ram failure05:15
igunjaoh man i didn't know 2 cans of red bull would give me a shake05:15
ardchoilleNull-e: who owns it and is it in your $home?05:15
igunjamy hands are shaking like crazy05:15
sobbyjdk1976 - suggestions?05:15
Null-eits in my home ardchoille, i dont know who "owns" it...05:15
[TiZ]Null-e: If it's in your home, you can just do "chmod +w dirname".05:16
sobbyim about to rip this basically brand new laptop apart05:16
[TiZ]In a terminal, that is05:16
jdk1976sobby: sounds more like a graphics card issue05:16
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i have a bunch of other devices that plug into the second router as well (xbox, pc, ...).  All work05:16
sidney'sudo updatedb' am i typing this correctly?05:16
sobbyyeah, thats what im thinkin too05:16
jdk1976sobby:  do you have any other oses on that pc?05:16
sobbyive read a ton of stuff on graphics cards being a problem with 8.1005:16
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you will have problems with your layout, if the 2nd router(even though you're only using the lan side)  has dchp also enabled05:16
ardchoillesidney: yes, but that command could take a while05:16
sobbyive got nothing else on it, i formated over the vista crap with ubuntu05:16
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: yes, but it does not have hdcp enabled05:17
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you want static or dchp? i forget05:17
Null-ethat unlocked that dir folder [TiZ] but now all the files within it are locked...05:17
sobbyi can't even get a cd to load regardless of what os i put in it05:17
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ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i use a static ip for this machine (but for other reasons).  everything else is hdcp from the first router05:17
ardchoilleNull-e: chmod -R  (means recursive)05:17
[TiZ]Null-e: Oh, okay. Then do ... Yeah, what ardchoille said. "chmod -R +w dirname"05:17
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> i have a hard time picturing tis at the moment, can you kindly draw a picture of this? and put the ip address of each interfaces on the drawing?05:18
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> a picture is worth a thousand words05:18
xiangfuhave anyone use the 3G modem. when i plug it to my system. i got:cdc_acm: probe of 2-2:1.1 failed with error -2205:18
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: sure05:18
Draceeehow do i adjust volume?05:19
rabiddachshundDid something change with labels in fstab?05:19
Null-eit says cannot read dir _______ permission denied [TiZ]05:19
DraceeeHow do you adjust volume in linux?05:19
shulmanI recently had to make a change to my monitor configuration (I had a dual screen Nvidia setup, and one of the monitors went dead) - now I'm trying to reconfigure xorg.conf to handle a single, widescreen LCD, however I don't seem to be able to get the aspect ratio right. Could someone please take a look and tell me what I'm doing wrong?  It's at http://pastebin.ca/127311705:19
[TiZ]Null-e: Also, if you prefer the GUI way of doing things, you can right click on the folder in nautilus, click properties, then go to the permissions tab, change the permissions how you want them, and then click the button to apply to enclosed files and folders.05:19
[TiZ]Draceee: there should be a volume icon in your panel.05:19
srx2002yup " pcm "05:20
srx2002usually next to the time and date05:20
rabiddachshundI'm trying to mount my second drive at startup but it keeps calling it 200.0 GB Drive. I tried to add a label to it in fstab but it just says bad line05:20
Draceeenothing about sound in system -> administration05:21
srx2002do you have sound?05:21
[TiZ]"nope?" What do you mean, "nope?"05:21
[TiZ]No, wrong.05:21
n8tuserrabiddachshund-> look into udev rules..  see  /etc/udev/rules.d/   dir05:21
srx2002so you have sound?05:21
[TiZ]There's a little speaker icon next to your time/date thing. On the top panel.05:21
[TiZ]Unless you accidentally got rid of it05:21
Draceeeno way05:21
jipang_menjerithi there!05:22
Draceeei see05:22
[TiZ]Found it?05:22
Guest93592can i join discuss speaker issue??05:22
srx2002you see?05:22
srx2002you mean you see the icon05:22
srx2002or " awee...I see what your talking about....but still don't actually see the icon05:22
Guest93592volume control > preference > show all icon05:23
Meliki updated my kernel to 2.6.27-9 earlier, why is it still using 2.6.27-7; how can i change it to ..-905:23
rabiddachshundn8tuser: ty. What am I looking for?05:23
jipang_menjeritI got some issue on new jaunty alpha 1 version05:23
n8tuserrabiddachshund-> google for udev rules naming05:24
Null-ei tried chmod -R 667 and now it says the directory has 0 files [TiZ]05:24
srx2002guest: where's volume control05:25
Guest93592PM me05:25
[TiZ]Null-e: Who told you to chmod -R 667? 'cos I know I said to chmod -R +w05:25
Guest93592i'll TRY to solve05:26
macjason0607anyone using kde 405:26
Null-eit said it couldnt do +w after -R [TiZ]05:26
Null-eit thought +w was the command or something05:26
[TiZ]Null-e: Oh. Well maybe I had the order wrong. In any case, let's just do this the GUI way. Hold on a moment.05:27
psyferrehey folks, can anyone help with the appropriate way to add multiple dns servers to /etc/network/interfaces ?  I'm playing with getting an ubuntu server to join an Active Directory domain and need to add the domain controller to dns05:27
rabiddachshundn8tuser: so, the kernel is naming it and I need to write a udev rule to change that because an fstab label won't work?05:27
psyferreI'm seeing a lot of conflicting information out there in the rare event i find something not related to actually HOSTING dns05:28
[TiZ]Okay, Null-e. Open the file browser, go to your folder. Right click, properties. Then go to the permissions tab. Change the file and folder permissions the way you want, and then hit the Apply to Enclosed Files button.05:28
n8tuserrabiddachshund-> thats the idea.05:28
rabiddachshundn8tuser: ok, just making sure I'm on the right level. Thanks05:29
n8tuserrabiddachshund-> btw, fstab is manually modified, not kernel created05:29
Guest23411can someone tell me what the best program in Intrepid is for ipods?05:29
Null-ei chose access files w/ read & write and they are still hidden [TiZ]05:29
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79137/05:30
elostio-> psyferre why not add them to the /etc/resolv.conf ?05:30
screamsayonarahow do i get my wireless working05:30
Gneapsyferre: dns servers go in /etc/resolv.conf05:30
n8tuserpsyferre-> you dont put the dns name on interfaces file05:30
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: wait05:31
[TiZ]Null-e, chmod -R to 777. That will allow you to browse your folder... but every file will become executable.05:31
psyferreelostio: i read somewhere that resolv.conf is rewritten often by information from the connected router, so I thought I was on the wrong track05:31
Gnea!wireless | screamsayonara05:31
ubottuscreamsayonara: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:31
psyferreThanks everyone, i appreciate the input :)05:31
Gneapsyferre: that's dependent on the information it gets from dhcp05:31
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: sorry, fixed a type-o: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79138/05:31
Gneapsyferre: which, of course, you can modify05:31
psyferreGnea: and if the box is using a static ip, no worries?05:32
n8tuserpsyferre-> you have to look at dhclient.conf05:32
Gneapsyferre: exactly. :)05:32
[TiZ]Null-E: Actually, I don't feel too good telling you to do that. Hold on a second, I need to get the standard file permissions dialog back in my nautilus so I can guide you.05:32
psyferreGnea: awesome :)  thanks.05:32
\slashis there a limewire equivilent on ubuntu05:32
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: last one, i promise: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79139/05:32
attidackSo I just updated my kernal and i cant get my Nvidia drivers to work05:32
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: not much of an artist05:32
tritium!limewire | \slash05:32
ubottu\slash: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !Java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.05:32
attidackSo I just updated my kernal and i cant get my Nvidia drivers to work05:33
attidackany Ideas05:33
\slashi have java jdk6 installed is that enough to go ahead with the limewire setup?05:33
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository05:33
Gneaattidack: 8.04 or 8.10?05:33
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> the host 1.100  are you sure thats the ip address?05:33
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Gneaattidack: and you rebooted?05:33
=== recall is now known as geco
attidackyeah i have to boot in low graphics mode05:33
peepsalotwhat (if any) gnutella clients do you folks like best?05:34
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> is the xbox and pc 1.106 working okay?05:34
gecoAnyone here have an ipod working with intrepid?05:34
Gneaattidack: okay, so go into synaptic or open a terminal and re-install the nvidia driver05:34
snarksteri need alittle push in the right direction with compiling something that doesnt have a configure file05:34
Gneasnarkster: does it have a README file?05:34
Null-e[TiZ] 777 did the drick05:35
Null-elucky 7's...05:35
snarksteryes I have read the read me it talks about needing fuse dev files which i =believe I have installed..05:35
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: yes05:35
snarksterbut it doesnt say much else about it05:35
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: well, except for one thing05:35
snarksterim trying to build the cbmfs fuse module05:35
Gneasnarkster: dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep fuse | grep dev  <-- make sure05:35
[TiZ]Null-e: But that will make every file in that folder executable. You don't want that.05:35
attidackbrb restarting05:36
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: they dont work if i plug in the network from the linux box.  This is a new problem05:36
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> huh? which one are you answering? i have several questions05:36
snarksteryes its installed05:36
paul68hi I have a laptop with 2 partitions 1 partition with vista a second partition with a lot of data and my linux partition. question is there a way that I can backup ubuntu so that I keep all the installed programs when installing it on the vista partition or is there a way to generate a script that I can launch after a fresh install to make sure that all current installed programs are installed with 1 command05:36
Gneasnarkster: where did you download the source from?05:36
[TiZ]Null-e: I guess it's not so bad. I can never figure out chmod when permissions are different between files and folders.05:36
n8tuser!clone | paul6805:37
ubottupaul68: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate05:37
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: let me rephrase to clear this up05:37
snarksterGnea: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/System/Filesystems/cbmfs-15536.shtml05:37
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> reference your drawing so we can discuss them easily05:37
Dwade09hi i am trying to find the samba download for windows vista, can someone please guide me to the link.05:37
screamsayonarai have just installed the ndiswrapper package and the windows driver for my wireless card, and in the terminal it says the driver is installed but it says nothing about the actual device, and i still cant see any wireless networks... what should i do05:37
paul68n8tuser: thanks05:38
tritiumDwade09: you're offtopic05:38
[TiZ]Null-E: Run this command to fix the permissions on the files, while still allowing directory browsing: chmod -R a-x+X dirname05:38
[TiZ]Gotta go.05:38
Dwade09tritium, #ubuntu+1 ?05:38
jdk1976anyone familiar with troubleshooting wifi?05:38
attidackE: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so', which is also in package xserver-xorg-core05:38
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: 1.100 is the static-ip of my linux box.  1.1 is the ip address of first router (dhcp server).  That part is correct.  When i upgraded to 8.04, two things happened: first, the linux box (1.100) doesnt get on the network (i switched to dhcp -- which would be 1.108 if it worked), but that didnt help.  The second issue is that 1.106 and 1.107 dont work05:38
attidackany Ideas05:39
tritiumDwade09: no, Windows Vista is offtopic in all ubuntu channels05:39
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: just noticed that the PC ip and XBOX ips are the same.  that was an accident XBOX should be 1.107. sorry05:39
Dwade09thnks tritium05:39
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: updated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79141/05:39
attidackE: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so', which is also in package xserver-xorg-core05:39
Gneasnarkster: libfuse-dev is installed, you said?05:40
attidacktrying to reinstall my graphics drivers05:40
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> your drawing shows two 1.106  -- a pc and an XBOX  are those correct?05:40
snarksterGnea: yup sure are, I didnt have pkg-config05:40
snarksterbut thats no installed as well.05:40
Gneaattidack: dpkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb05:40
jdk1976have ubuntu dev's come up with drivers for wpa2 yet?05:40
attidackhow can you walk me thru that05:40
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: yeah, just comment on that. mistake.  updated: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79141/05:40
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> oh yo modified it05:40
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209805:41
paul68!automate >paul6805:41
ubottupaul68, please see my private message05:41
Gneaattidack: just run that with sudo05:41
tritiumjdk1976: wpa2 has been supported for several releases05:41
attidackattidack@attidack-desktop:~$ sudo pkg --force-all -i /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb05:41
attidacksudo: pkg: command not found05:41
Gneasnarkster: okay, and what happens when you type 'make'?05:41
snarksterGnea: hmm after installing pkg-config it appears to have worked, after installing a fuse module do i need to relog or something05:41
Gneaattidack: it's dpkg, not pkg05:41
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> is the xbox and pc  working okay?05:41
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines05:41
sebastien_Hi i got that fuckin problem with my eeepc 904HD i can't install the Fn button so can someone help  me ?05:42
tritium!language | sebastien_05:42
ubottusebastien_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:42
Melikhow can i change themes/icons for root applications?05:42
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i have to unplug the cable from my linux box to get 1.106 and 1.107 working, but they do work when i do that.  I never had that issue before.05:42
Gneasnarkster: i doubt it, it should be fine05:42
snarksterthank you Gnea05:42
nswlad29hello   ;)05:42
Gneasnarkster: cheers :)05:42
jdk1976tritium: thanks. do you have any idea what would make ubuntu not look for wifi connections, and only attempt to make wired connections?05:42
snarksterima ry it05:42
attidackso just restart to or try to reinstall again05:42
sebastien_Hi i got that problem with my eeepc 904HD i can't install the Fn button so can someone help  me ?05:42
nswlad29how to I add Adobe Flash to ubuntu??  i've installed heaps and nothing works so far05:42
Gneaattidack: did it install okay that time?05:43
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you have to unplug the linux to get the xp and the other pc working?05:43
Gneaattidack: okay, now:  sudo apt-get -f install   make sure it's all caught up05:43
tritiumjdk1976: you have it plugged into ethernet?  It'll prefer that to wireless.05:43
attidacknow what05:43
Gneaattidack: give it a reboot05:43
n8tuser!ping ngabriel4977_->05:43
* ]K[^Omegadoom Ping ngabriel4977_-> Could not be resolved to an IP address05:43
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: yes. after updating to 8.04, not only does the network on my linux box not work, but it's also causing everything on that router to also fail.  when i unplug the linux box, they work again05:44
attidackkk should i reactivate it in the hardware as well05:44
Gneasebastien_: try #ubuntu-eeepc05:44
jdk1976tritium: it's a wireless macbook air tht's never been wired, and never looked for wired connections thus far,05:44
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> was the info you pasted earlier accurate regarding linux box?05:44
Gneaattidack: reactivate in the hardware?05:44
jdk1976all the sudden it tries to, and doesn't show wifi in the connections manager05:45
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you need to respond quicker, am in a hurry05:45
nswlad29my firefox wont recognise any flash i install for it.    how can i install macromedia/adobe flash please ?05:45
jdk1976i'll fix nswlad2905:45
n8tuser!ping ngabriel4977_05:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: yes. the one i sent you had the static-ip config commented out.  it had the interface (eth2) as hdcp.  i've tried both, neither work.  i've always used a static-ip for that box (1.100) so thats why i drew the picture that way05:46
nswlad29jdk1976, thankyou :)05:46
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> i dont like to guess, paste an acurate information05:46
Kta___hi! i'm trying to connect ubuntu to a ftp/ssh folder (i've the same problem in both of them) and when i stay about 2 minutes without using it everything using the folder (gedit, nautilus) fails and i've to reset the connection...05:46
Kta___any help??05:46
tritiumjdk1976: please see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookAir1-1/Intrepid?action=show&redirect=Macbook_Air05:47
Kta___i think that i need to active a "keep alive" timeout, but i don't know where...:S05:47
GneaKta___: so are you using ssh or ftp?05:48
Kta___i've the same problem in both...05:48
slackgenI don't understand upstart. How does it know what services I want to start?05:48
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you need to respond quicker, am in a hurry05:48
GneaKta___: which ftp daemon are you using?05:48
Kta___i'm connecting to a web server (not mine)05:49
Gneathat doesn't appear to be ubuntu-related.05:49
attidackHEY IT WORKED Thanks05:50
Kta___well, if i do it with "notepad++" for example, everything goes right...05:50
paul68n8tuser: when cloning my drive with cloning those it also keep in mind that I installed the bcm drivers for my wifi or do I need to do something to add them05:50
attidacknow how do i get the compiz Icon to work every startup05:50
attidackI get compiz to run just not the icon05:50
Kta___but when i connect with ubuntu, it's stop working05:50
GneaKta___: you're being very vague and not answering any of my questions. perhaps you are unaware of the support process here....05:51
Kta___what? i'm answering...05:51
Gneano, you're not.05:51
Kta___wich one?05:51
n8tuserpaul68-> you can individually copy a file over to make sure.. find out where that driver resides and copy one over to your home dir for safekeeping05:51
attidackbut when i connect with ubuntu, it's stop working05:51
Kta___read before05:51
n8tuserngabriel4977_-> you have not responded.. am out.. laters..05:51
bsusacould someone please assist to setup my bluetooth mouse in mythbuntu?05:52
Kta___ i'm connecting to a web server (not mine) / well, if i do it with "notepad++" for example, everything goes right... /  but when i connect with ubuntu, it's stop working05:52
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i was getting the new data... sorry05:52
GneaKta___: yeah, i connect to a web server too, everytime i visit a "web page".05:52
slackgenAnyone? How do I enable/disable services that aren't in the "services settings" gui? (like mpd)05:52
Kta___well, i connect to it with ftp or ssh, because i want to edit a website, not to visit it...05:53
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GneaKta___: none of what you just said makes any logical sense.05:53
Gneaooooh, you are trying to edit a website05:53
rwwslackgen: try BootUp Manager (package bum, repository universe)05:53
brack10I just installed Ubuntu 8.10 on a Dell OptiPlex GX260 and the graphics card acceleration isn't working with the built in card.  I know it's some kind of intel but I don't know how to proceed from here... I followed some instructions on installing intel video card drivers but apt get said they're already installed05:53
Kta___yes... that because i connect with ftp or ssh05:53
brack10anyone help?05:53
Kta___intel must work without doing anything...05:54
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: if you're still around, here is the most accurate info http://paste.ubuntu.com/79147/05:54
GneaKta___: see, I didn't assume that, because assuming doesn't work. if you want people to help you without getting snarky about it, you need to be more specific about your needs05:54
slackgenrww, brilliant! thanks05:54
ngabriel4977_n8tuser: i reverted back to the original config and updated the results of ifconfig ....05:54
brack10Kta__: well it works but it's not accelerated so I can't install compiz etc05:54
rwwGnea: to be honest, you're coming off as kind of an ass.05:54
scienteswhere do i tell ubuntu what swap device to use05:54
Kta___i say at first, that i'm trying to connect to a sever using ftp or ssh, i don't connect to it with it to see a website...05:54
bsusahow do you find a bluetooth device in mythbuntu?05:54
scientesit broke cause it thinks it knows my computer better than me05:55
scientesit thinks there are swap partitions that dont exist05:55
slackgenscientes, it should be in /etc/fstab05:55
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Gnearww: whatever.05:55
slackgenscientes, there should be a line like UUID=1a7a2174-9915-4af4-a7d7-d83d0ddf9460 none swap sw 0 005:55
scientesit is and only that one but when i rebuild the kernel it allways says it found more than 1 possible when there is only 105:55
GneaKta___: is it a frontpage server?05:55
attidackbrack look in synaptic and see if it is there05:55
Kta___no, it's a linux one...05:55
scientesslackgen, yes my fstab is corectly set up05:55
Kta___i don't know the version, one sec.05:56
scientesand i have a resume=/dev/ for my grub, but hibernation just broke because of some stupid upgrade05:56
scientesand hibernation is not smart, it broke alsa so i removeed that and then it complained about not finding the alsa modulee--duh05:56
slackgenscientes, it may be rejected the swap due to the broken image left still written05:57
scientesno the swap is mounted05:57
slackgenscientes, soo.. what's the problem then?05:57
scientesit wont hibernate05:57
attidacksoby do you work for comcast05:57
Gnearww: I'd rather come off as an ass and know what I'm talking about, rather than assume that the solution has nothing to do with the problem and look like an even bigger idiot by wasting unnecessary time trying to solve a problem that doesn't exist.05:57
tritiumscientes: you can't hibernate without swap05:57
scientesand it seems to be trying to suspend to a non-existant partition05:57
scientesI have 25 G of swap05:58
tritiumrww, Gnea: please take it to -offtopic05:58
slackgenthat's a lot.05:58
Kta___Gnea, it's red hat 3.4.6-1005:58
scientesi know the obvious tritium05:58
tritiumscientes: that's *way* too much05:58
scientesi have tmp mounted as tmpfs05:58
scientesso i want to be safe05:58
slackgenscientes, it just suspends to whatever swap it can find, not any particular partition05:58
Kta___Gnea, and the server daemon is pure-ftpd05:58
GneaKta___: okay. what are you using to connect to it with? nautilus?05:58
ubuntu_double size of you ram05:58
Kta___i mount a folder with nautiulus05:59
Stormy888why are there no staff in here?05:59
blakkheimi'm having a bit of trouble with firestarter. i used to see a lot of blocked attempts in the log, but lately i haven't seen any. is there a way to make sure it's working?05:59
scientestritium, that is irrelevent to my problem05:59
tritiumStormy888: why do you think that?05:59
krishis a laptop with intel celeron and 1 GB RAM enough for running ubuntu 8.10?05:59
GneaStormy888: why do you want to know?05:59
Kta___i open a php file (for example) with gedit, and if i wait 2 minutes and tryes to save, gedit stop working...05:59
attidackpebkac:  Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair05:59
GneaKta___: okay, then it's a timeout issue on the pure-ftpd server's end. do yo know who maintains it?06:00
=== ZING is now known as Guest8564
scienteslook my hibernate has worked for a while now and i have not restarted and it sudenly would work last night06:00
Guest8564can someone tell me if ubuntu supports the fingerprint reader on most new laptops?06:00
Kta___yes, but the can't change it, i'm asking if i can set the nautilus "keep alive" packet...?06:00
Kta___*they can't06:00
Gneaoh, okay.06:00
Kta___it's a shared web server... so...06:01
tritiumGuest8564: yes06:01
shuhariMan i'm having nothing but problems with ubuntu Hardy 8.04 + my ATI 4870.  it IS a supported card right?06:01
krish is a laptop with intel celeron and 1 GB RAM enough for running ubuntu 8.10?06:01
Kta___shuhari, have you installed the ATI propietary driver?06:02
Madpilotkrish, absolutely06:02
Kta___yes, of course krish... i run it on a p3 500 with 256Mb... :P06:02
tritiumGuest8564: you need the thinkfinger-tools package, and its dependencies.  so, "sudo apt-get install thinkfinger-tools", and then read the docs in /usr/share/doc/thinkfinger-tools/06:02
GneaKta___: have you tried gftp?06:02
shuhariKta____ Yes I have06:02
Kta___ati driver isn't so good :p06:02
krishKta_ i just now upgraded from 8.04 and I feel 8.10 is a bit slow06:02
Kta___well, a bit..06:03
krishMadpilot i just now upgraded from 8.04 and I feel 8.10 is a bit slow06:03
Kta___i you wan't it to go quickly use Xubuntu...06:03
Guest8564oh i am looking to get this laptop but i want to make sure everything is supported to it's fullest http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4198912&sku=O261-NB17-H06:03
Madpilotkrish, it does seem a bit more sluggish here, too06:03
GneaGuest8564: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/get-your-fingerprint-reader-to-work-in.html06:03
Kta___Gnea, i try it, but i want to use it without having to "upload/download" any file...06:04
krishKta_ I am fine with Ubuntu 8.10 I guess we have to get used to the sluggishness06:04
tritiumGuest8564: did you read what I sent you?06:04
dsdeizhi anyone experienced pidgin not being able to send file (w/ a ym acct)?06:04
blakkheimi'm having a bit of trouble with firestarter. i used to see a lot of blocked attempts in the "events" tab, but lately i haven't seen any. is there a way to make sure it's working?06:05
Guest8564http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=4198912&sku=O261-NB17-H is this a good laptop for ubuntu for the price? I need it for music, web design, and surfing the internet06:05
krishMadipilot I guess we will get used to the slugishness06:05
tritiumkrish: it's not noticeably slower06:05
krishtritium u r right06:06
dsdeizhello guys.. :)06:06
GneaKta___: hrm, what about with the 'Connect to Server' option, which protocol are you enabling? sftp://?06:06
Melikyes thats a good system06:06
krishhey can anyone tell me which external wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu 8.10?06:06
screamsayonarahow do i check if my wireless drivers work06:06
Melikpretty pricey though.06:06
Gneascreamsayonara: iwconfig06:06
Kta___i've try ssh and ftp (with login)06:06
Melikbut nevertheless good.06:06
screamsayonaraif it says, no wireless extensions, does that mean it doesnt work?06:07
GneaKta___: well, I ask because ssh and ftp are 2 different protocols. so it helps to stick with one and not the other.06:07
GneaKta___: i recommend ssh, and you should be able to make it work like this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88920306:08
Kta___well, try with ftp... xd06:08
krish hey can anyone tell me which external wi-fi adapter goes well with ubuntu 8.10?06:08
Kta___but not every server have ssh access06:08
* Gnea has found that ftp is an inferior protocol06:08
[empire]Gnea: sftp ftw :p06:08
Kta___i found that page 1 minute ago06:08
Gnea[empire]: lol, it's just ssh ;)06:08
ganeshhow to use gtalk on linux06:09
Kta___i'm trying xd06:09
dnyySo if my Windows partition is listed before my Ubuntu one in gparted, what'll happen if I delete the Windows one?06:09
simplexioganesh: pidgin06:09
simplexiodnyy: partiotion is deleted?06:09
dnyyHeh, well will the ubuntu partition take up the free space, or will it be useless?06:10
GneaKta___: there's this, too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=275856&page=406:10
jdk1976anybody got any love for a mac ubuntu user with wifi problems?06:10
simplexiodnyy: depends... you can make new partition on it or some programs can resize partition06:10
[empire]Gnea: right. sftp is ssh06:11
Kta___thanks Gnea, i will try that solution, and i tell youx d06:11
blakkheimi'm having a bit of trouble with firestarter. i used to see a lot of blocked attempts in the "events" tab.. but lately i haven't seen any. is there a way to make sure it's working?06:11
dnyysimplexio: i thought i could, but someone had mentioned that if the windows partition was first, I couldn't resize the ubuntu one to take it over. :/06:11
[empire]ssh <> sftp06:11
CaptainMorgann8tuser, I had to restart my system, and when I logged back in to try and see if the gnome-terminal no longer asks me if I really want to close - it's still asking me... :(06:12
simplexiodnyy: that is possible, i dont do partition resizing.. but you can format that windows partition to something smart like xfs and mount it to /home/ or something06:13
simplexioblakkheim: iptales -L shows firewall rules06:14
dnyysimplexio: Ah, that'll work then.  As long as 40GB isn't just sitting there, wasting away. :p06:14
blakkheimsimplexio: thanks, but reading this is a bit over my head. what would i want to look for to make sure it is dropping the incoming connections?06:14
ganeshsimplexio, there i can use only chat06:15
jdk1976damn man06:15
simplexioblakkheim: default policy drop i think06:15
ganeshsimplexio, i want to do voice chat06:15
jdk1976i gets no love06:15
simplexioganesh: ye. im not aware voice gtalk version for linux06:15
ganeshanyone can tell me to use gtalk on linux06:16
blakkheimsimplexio: i see "(policy DROP)" in a few sections, so it looks like it's working. why, then, would firestarter not show blocked attempts?06:17
simplexioblakkheim: mayb noone is trying to connect ?06:18
simplexioganesh: try wine + gtalk06:18
blakkheimsimplexio: there used to be constant connection attempts in it, but after upgrading to 8.10 i have yet to see any, even when plugged directly into the modem (using no router between)06:18
ganeshsimplexio, that too i tried no way06:18
simplexioganesh: google tell me that tapioca supports voice gtalk06:19
simplexioblakkheim: MAYBE IT DOSENT LOG THEM ANYMORE06:21
simplexiouups.. good old capslock06:21
blakkheimis there a way to check that?06:21
ganeshsimplexio, what do you mean , im not getting06:21
ganeshsimplexio, tapioca is a pkg06:21
bjbumdoes anyone know if it's possible to install windows onto a separate (bootable) partition using ubuntu and virtualbox? not sure what the limitations are in this process >.<06:21
Kta___you can do it using vmware, but with virtualbox...06:22
Kta___i don't know...06:22
simplexiobjbum: it's possible for vbox use, but last time i looked it wasnt trivial06:22
simplexiobjbum: + windows is asshole when it comes situtions where hardware changes constantly06:23
blakkheimsimplexio: what would i need to do to check if logging it on/off?06:23
mylistohey everyone06:24
simplexioblakkheim: noidea06:24
mylistoHaving a problem with movie player on ubuntu06:24
mylistoWhen I am watching a streaming video and I try to fast forward it...I get a demulitplex error...06:24
mylistocan't fast forward06:24
bjbumyeah. that's one of the reasons i was gonna try to install windows to a partition from ubuntu. the windows install discs i have dont have sata drivers on them >.<06:24
simplexiobjbum: :) i know that problem06:25
mylistohad that problem bjbum06:25
simplexiobjbum: you can avoid that problem by making your own xp install disk06:25
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bjbumyeah that's an option too. i haven't slipstreamed drivers onto a disk before. wasn't sure if i could do it in ubuntu, or if i had to use some sort of emulation to do it06:26
mylistoanyone ever had the demultiplex problem before?06:27
n-iCequestion, how you guys would use grep to retrieve files with an specific text in the whole system. will grep -ri 'test' * , do the trick??06:27
screamsayonarahow do i uninstall ndiswrapper and the drivers i have just installed for my non functioning wireless card so i can try again06:27
simplexion-iCe: find / | grep something is old way to do it06:28
simplexion-iCe: or find / > allfile.txt &&  grep something allfiles.txt if you need to change that something, or you can use locate too06:29
bjbumis that what you did simplexio? made your own xp install disk?06:30
bjbummylisto, wondering what you did too :o06:31
n-iCesimplexio: I need to find a text in all the files06:31
mylistodid a live boot of linux06:31
mylistoand just used that06:31
mylistooh wait06:32
mylistotry to slipstream a disk...with the sata drivers06:32
PupenoHow do I change the domain name of my ubuntu desktop?06:32
mylistooh wait...06:32
mylistoI remember what I did...06:32
mylistoI turned sata support off in bios06:32
dnyyDoes localpurge work when installing through add/remove programs and synatpic?  Everything I read is making me think it only runs after a 'apt-get install packagename' ran through the terminal. ;o06:32
mylistothat solved my issue06:32
tritium!enter | mylisto06:32
ubottumylisto: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:32
jbu311hi all, i'm fairly sure my synaptic pack manager isn't getting from latest repositories, I've reloaded, but I still see "latest version" saying ubuntu1.X or ubuntu3.X, how do I make sure I'm getting packages for ubuntu 8.10?06:34
sk8ingdomhey, did the recent updates freeze anyone using 8.04 directly after login?06:36
simplexion-iCe: then its your cmd was coorect i think06:37
screamsayonarai have this wireless card, and it doesnt work.... 07:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)..... am i right to be trying to get drivers? i installed ndiswrapper and a windows driver but that didnt work, it still said no wireless extentions06:37
psyferrehey folks, just successfully added my ubuntu box to an active directory domain and am toying with the possiblities.  I can login with a domain user name, but does anyone know if there is a way to add members of an AD group to sudoers for example?  I'd like to be able to add a user to an AD group and have them suddenly gain sudo permissions on all or some of my linux servers... any input?06:38
dev_I want to know in which file I should add command so that it will get executed after login06:39
dev_any one tried on hardy?06:39
cubehow do i fix that if i hit a button twice in a row so that it stops making 5 characters of the button i hit06:39
pixelatedpsyferre, congrats i am sure that wasnt fun or easy...06:39
dev_I tried in /etc/rc.local   /etc/init.d/rc.local06:40
psyferrepixelated: actually I'm blown away with how easy it was!!  Check this out: http://www.bauer-power.net/2008/05/join-ubuntu-804-to-windows-domain.html06:40
vecamhello, I have installed Ubuntu Intrepid, I have a problem in my wireless adapter, Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)06:40
dev_but no success:(06:40
psyferrepixelated: i'm a bit nervous because I expected more blood and tears... I'm sure i won't be disappointed by the time this is over though :)06:41
mylistocan anyone help me?06:41
mylistoTrying to find out what I cant fast forward a streaming wmv video?06:41
Lancaomay I ask a question?06:42
bazhanghttp://madberry.org/2008/11/how-to-get-atheros-ar242x-to-work-on-810-intrepid-ibex/ vecam have you seen this06:43
pixelatedpsyferre, yeah there have been great advances in linux/windows connectivity in recent years... but i agree dont insult linux on a AD domain ;´)06:43
U-b-u-n-t-uany question except that one06:43
mylistoTrying to find out what I cant fast forward a streaming wmv video?06:43
pixelateddev_, by a user login or machine boot up?06:43
dev_user login06:44
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LancaoI installed windowxp on the linux but...06:44
psyferre... this bodes ill...06:44
pixelateddev_, .bashrc is executed on login but that isnt really a ´proper´ place for it...06:45
dev_yes, I tried that also but of no use06:45
dev_actually I want to store my laptop's rotation state while logout,06:47
dev_and it should restore it ehile login using xarndr06:47
dev_sorry xrandr06:47
simplexiopsyferre: http://linux.boeldt.net/Linux_active_directory.asp  there is something about it06:48
psyferresimplexio: Ahhh, AD4Unix looks like just what the Dr ordered.  thanks a beelion!06:49
simplexiopsyferre: throw msg if you get it work. im planning to implement something like htat to my home network06:49
psyferresure thing!  I may not be able to attempt implementation tonight, but I'll try to catch you on here if I'm successful06:50
shovihow do i use my webcam?06:50
shoviwhat software06:50
jbu311hi all, i'm fairly sure my synaptic pack manager isn't getting from latest repositories, I've reloaded, but I still see "latest version" saying ubuntu1.X or ubuntu3.X, how do I make sure I'm getting packages for ubuntu 8.10?06:51
dev_shovi,  cheese is there..06:52
KarhutonI've booted ubuntu 8.04 livecd on my ibook (succesfully, there was a known issue about it), but for some reason I can't run recoverjpeg06:52
dev_it's good, but can't maximize it06:52
KarhutonThis command "sudo recoverjpeg /dev/hda3" just prints out the help message06:53
KarhutonI tried specifying several of the options, but no affect06:53
kaiI have kinda a ubuntu/Windows problem.... can anyone assist?06:54
sk8ingdomSo I just installed the latest bunch of updates, and now gnome freezes immediately after I login, any ideas?06:56
pixelateddev_, ahh ok thats a different story, give me a min i know what you need i need to find exact filename06:57
kaiProblem is, I need to rewrite GRUB from windows (Strictly from windows, no way to boot to ubuntu, no discs, no flash drives)06:57
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kaiAny solutions?06:58
mylistois there a video player that will playing streaming wmv's...and allow me to fast forward to a position?06:58
kaimylisto: Perhaps VLC?06:58
mylistotrying it06:58
mylistoaudio keeps cutting out06:59
pixelateddev_, still around?06:59
aeosynthI'm trying to slim down ubuntu, what should I uninstall/ disable?06:59
l43a2disable gnome06:59
pixelateddev_, try putting it in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc  at the bottom06:59
dev_ok I'll try that07:00
dev_thanks pixelated, I'll let you know soon07:00
pixelateddev_, ok np, even that isnt the proper way but probly should work..07:01
Kartagiswhat if i want to update only thunderbird?07:02
arquebusaeosyth- maybe xubuntu would be faster07:02
bikak0hello all! hey. im writing a bash script and using rsync , is there a way to check if the rsync failed and then stop the script from continue running? ... thanks!07:03
screamsayonarawhat does this mean: "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)...E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"07:03
arquebusbikakO-an if statement07:04
hateballscreamsayonara❅ That you either have a running package manager, or that you did not run it as a superuser07:04
dev_<screamsayonara> , run command with sudo07:04
dev_pixelated, still no success;(07:05
bikak0 R=rsync -avz /ba if $R== to what?07:05
arquebusbikako- the folks at #bash could help on that07:06
fiberhello... i was wondering if there was something like fma (fused multiply/add) for something like w*x+y*z... does someone know of a list of these special floating point operations?07:06
pixelateddev_, but when you run it from terminal it works fine?07:07
simplexiobikak0: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html#ss10.407:07
dev_yes, I confirmed that.07:07
pixelateddev_, may want to try asking in #xorg07:08
dev_?? not getting07:08
pixelateddev_, in the channel #xorg  like this is channel #ubuntu07:09
matthew_Why does my sound not always work/07:09
screamsayonaraok i have a realtek 8168 wireless card in my laptop which is not being recognised by ubuntu. i have got ndiswrapper and the windows xp driver, it says the driver is installed but the hardware is "not present"... so what do i do07:10
pixelateddev_, np07:10
simplexiodev_: chech /etc/X11/gdm/07:10
pixelatedhello anthony07:11
anthonyim a new ubuntu user07:11
anthonyits very... different07:11
greghereHow can I start the Gnome desktop, I can boot into KDE no problem but gnome is broken.07:12
dev_simplexio, there  is no gdm in /etc/X!! on my laptop07:12
pixelatedanthony, yes but the path is one with learning and knowledge of those differences...07:12
fridyrlsis there any way to edit registry information on an ntfs partition from ubuntu?07:12
greghereanthony, be warned though, that Linux is great untill it breaks, then its a nightmare!!07:13
simplexiodev_: i noticed that too.. no that dir in ubuntu, but look to ~/.xsession or /etc/X11/Xsession.d/07:13
anthonythats scary07:13
anthonyi wanted to play with something different from vista07:14
greghereanthony, ive been trying for five days to get my Ubuntu gnome desktop working and im still trying :(07:14
dev_I'll check it07:15
anthonyim still trying to get berly ha ha ha07:15
greghereIf this was windows it would have been fixed in 45 minutes!07:15
KR-datadoes lenovo's fingerprintreaders work with ubuntu?07:15
simplexiogreghere: then you are doint it wrong, or you just have crappy hardware07:15
bikak0hello all! i got a file named main.sh and var1.sh , in var1.sh i got vars and i want to include them in main.sh, so i can use them in this script, how do i do that? ... thanks!07:15
anthonycan windows programs work with ubuntu???07:16
indistyloHello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:16
indistyloHello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:16
simplexioKR-data: yes and no, far as i know there isnt needed software to use it anything usefull07:16
rogananthony yes07:16
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help07:16
indistyloPRINTER ISSUEHello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:16
simplexiobikak0: c&p VARS to main.sh, its bash scripting not C07:17
anthonyi have so many windows programs and they look useless to me now07:17
indistyloPRINTER ISSUE!!   Hello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:17
gregheresimplexio, No crappy hardware, just dont understand why such a great OS like linux cant have a simple repair or restore tool like win dows07:17
jussi01!repeat | indistylo07:17
ubottuindistylo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:17
simplexiogreghere: there isnt need for it ?07:17
rogan!wine | anthony07:17
ubottuanthony: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help07:17
indistyloPRINTER ISSUE!!   Hello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:17
KR-datasimplexio: ok, then I'll try and search then, just didn't want to use hours searching if there's no solution07:17
anthonyOk thanks07:17
jdk1976well, i know i must be about 2 yrs late but, I for one am tickled with desktop cube07:17
simplexiogreghere: if something brokes you log into console and throw few magic commands and it works again07:18
greghereOh yes there is! Unless you are a computer genius you flounder so much!07:18
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kaisimplexio: I tried doing that :D nothing was broken until i used my own magic07:18
thomasiteHello. I have a problem deleting permanently a folder that is inside the Trash Bin. Each time I hit the delete key, an error message appears saying that permission is denied. Does this mean that I have to delete the folder as a root? If so, how do I do that? Thanks a lot!07:18
simplexioKR-data: well. far as i know linux lacks needed libraries to actuaally reconize fingerprints and use them something. but there is project for it07:18
greghereYes no worries, of course we all know what those "Magic commands" are!07:18
simplexiothomasite: using sudo rm -rf dir is easiest option07:19
simplexiogreghere: yes, offcourse we do :)07:19
gregheresimplexio, and is so easy when you cant even get to the console!07:19
KR-datasimplexio: ok, then I'll have to wait, just wanted to play with my new laptop if possible :p07:19
thomasitesimplexio: So I just issue this command---> sudo rm -rf dir<--- and replace dir with the name of the folder?07:20
simplexiogreghere: after few years of using linux  you know them. its not like linux distros are easy to brake but users are idiots07:20
greghereSimplexio, Thats great, some of us dont!07:20
simplexiothomasite: da07:20
simplexioKR-data: try google about that stuff, my data is quite old- maybe they have got something working07:20
greghereSimplexio, No not idiots! just new users!07:21
simplexiogreghere: that's way you learn those commands, brake system and fix it07:21
KR-datasimplexio: ok I'll try, thanks :)07:21
thomasiteIt's still there, simplexio.07:21
simplexiogreghere: yeap.. like in every system it takes a while to learn stuff07:21
gregheresimplexio, were you and "idiot" when you started or were you a computer genius from the start!07:22
thomasiteThe folder has a subfolder and the subfolder has another subfolder. Do I just include the whole path or just the name of the main folder?07:22
gregheresimplexio, ok you are the "Man" help me fix this!07:22
simplexiogreghere: idiot like every other 15y back then, now i have 10y+ experience from different systems so07:22
NeurologicHow do you set something to run on startup? like Firestarter?07:22
simplexiogreghere: sure i can. if you can tell me what is the problem07:23
gregheresimplexio, Ok I await your knowledge and expertise!07:23
=== XGas_ is now known as XGas
indistyloPRINTER ISSUE!!   Hello Every Body... I Just Finished configuring My New Canon Pixma MP145 Printer...its All In One Printer... But i am Unable to Scan and Copy Function ..Plz Friends help me out...:)07:23
gregheresimplexio, Cant start gnome desktop, can boot to KDE fine.07:23
simplexiogreghere: and erro gnome desktop gives is ?07:24
gregheresimplexio, the error is a grey screen, nothing, blanc, void07:25
ngabriel4977_after upgrading to 8.04 from (7.x) "lshw -C network" returns no devices.  Any ideas?07:25
gregheresimplexio, funny thing is that I inadvertently rolled the mouse wheel and noticed that compiz desktop rotated.07:27
bikak0hello all! anyone help? how can i include a file with var using bash and use the vars in the main file? i tried source file.sh and its not seems to work ... thanks!07:27
simplexiogreghere: sound like it dosent even try to run gnome stuff. easiest way to try fix  it would be rm ~/-gnmome* to remove all gnome configs and reinstall or dpkg-reconfigure gnome-desktop-enviroment07:27
simplexiogreghere: :), sound like gnome dosent get loaded at all, maybe because compiz07:27
simplexiogreghere: but i would start fixin with those commands07:28
gregheresimplexio, ok so how do I rm~gnome etc07:28
jessidhello. I have installed the Ubuntu 8.10 in a usb memory stick, but when i boot the pc, appears an error: Grub error 15  Some of you could help me, please???07:28
gregheresimplexio, can i do that from the KDE desktop?07:28
simplexiogreghere: hrmm.. from terminal :)07:29
gregheresimplexio, those command dont work, says no such file or directory07:30
simplexiogreghere: cd , then sudo rm .gnome* -rf (possibly dabgerous) sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:31
simplexiogreghere: what does sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop say ? or if that dosent work sudo dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop07:32
gregheresimplexio, sudo rm .gnome* does nothing, other command does nothing07:33
simplexiogreghere: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome is nice page07:33
cyberjameshi, what is the good alternative apps on linux for ipod touch?07:33
simplexiogreghere: how about dpkg-reconfigure ubuntu-desktop ?07:33
bdelin88"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+theme engine is not installed"  Anyone know how to fix this?  I installed a GTK+2.0 theme for ubuntu off of gnome look and it seems to get this error on the appearance preferences quite a bit... Intrepid Ibex user07:34
gregheresimplexio, this one says need to get 65.5 mb of archives......07:34
simplexiogreghere: that sounds like you dont even have gnome stuff installed to hard drive :)07:35
gregheresimplex, this is very hard because the bottom of my screen is blocked off!07:35
bdelin88anyone? :)07:35
gregheresimplexio, you are kidding Im not quite that stupid!??07:36
gregheresimplexio, everything worked fine untill autoupdates last Friday asked for a reboot.07:36
chairuouanyone success to install Canon LBP-810 parallel port printer on Hardy ?07:37
simplexiogreghere: well it sounds like there isnt gnome packages installed :) well wouldnt be first time when someone misses obvius07:37
simplexiogreghere: thats is reason why you dont reboot. ever07:37
indistyloChairou : yes07:37
aaronfayHas anyone had issues compiling programs since upgrading to ibex?  I've tried to make a few programs now, and they all fail with Error 2...07:37
gregherei can boot to Gnome "Failsafe" from logon screen, also KDE, but not gnome07:37
chairuouindistylo: can you give me some hints07:38
bdelin88nobody knows about this gnome error?07:38
badfish69any accountants or bankers in here? i'm looking for a financial calculator app07:38
chairuouI follow a guide somewhere and go with LBP-1120 driver from Canon but it won't work07:38
simplexiogreghere: but reinstall that ubuntu-desktop (its gnome + ubuntu spec stuff) and come back07:38
gregheresimplexio, so you just let the updates sit there, thats great for security/bug fixes??07:38
ikoniachairuou: need to find the guide07:38
indistyloChairou : Try to configure ur Printer from Terminal window after Fresh Restart07:39
arun_can i ask a doubt07:39
indistylotype lsusb07:39
ikoniaarun_: of course07:39
chairuouBus 004 Device 003: ID 04a9:2220 Canon, Inc. << this is what lsusb result07:40
arun_my config is amd athlon 64fx processor 256mb ram07:40
arun_which ubuntu version shall i use?07:40
ikoniaarun_: 8.04 or 8.10 your choice07:40
Dabbuin mozilla firefox menu bar is not visible ...any help ?07:40
indistyloChairuou : it will then automatically ask u to configure settings. >> Select ur Printer company> after that Ur Model.. >> Hope then u r done wth ur Prob07:40
arun_ikonia:but it says 384mb recommended ram07:41
roganDabbu try f11 i tihnk07:41
chairuouindistylo: that won't work07:41
ikoniaarun_: that is true07:41
roganDabbu: one of the f keys07:41
ikoniaarun_: maybe xubuntu is a better choice07:41
arun_ikonia:i hav only 256mb ram07:41
Dabburogan: its there but its not visible because its white in color07:41
arun_can i use ubuntu 7.10 or ubuntu 6.06..will it be better than xubuntu 8.10?07:42
NeurologicNeed an opinion: Thunderbird or Evolution Mail?07:42
ikoniaarun_: it will not be better07:42
NeurologicAnd why?07:42
DefryskNeurologic, try them and find out07:42
NeurologicDefrysk, well Evolution I've used, since it's default on gnome. But I've only used TB on Windows O_o DIdn't use it much, just used outlook07:43
arun_ikonia:what should i sacrifice to switch to xubuntu from ubuntu?07:43
indistylochairuou : Follow This : http://v0xel.wordpress.com/2006/05/23/canoon-lbp-1120-on-ubuntu-510-how-to/07:43
arun_any performance degradation?07:43
bdelin88"This theme will not look as intended because the required GTK+theme engine is not installed"  Anyone know how to fix this?  I installed a GTK+2.0 theme for ubuntu off of gnome look and it seems to get this error on the appearance preferences quite a bit... Intrepid Ibex user07:44
ikoniaarun_: nothing07:44
DefryskNeurologic, preferences are subjective , give thunderbird a go and see which you prefer07:44
ardchoillearun_: you should grab the xubuntu livecd and use it for a couple hours and see if you think it's for you07:44
gregheresimplexio, same as it was before, all grey, blanc, void, nothing!07:44
NeurologicDefrysk, alright, I'll try it07:44
ikoniaNeurologic: thats a personal choice, try both and see which one you like07:44
arun_i am now using breezy badger (ubuntu 5.10).what advantage will i get if i switch to latest version?07:45
ikoniaarun_: laters packages, updates and support07:45
ikonia65.10 is not supported07:45
ikonia5.10 is not support07:45
simplexiogreghere: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-7835.html , try those07:46
arun_i dont understand what s meant by support.from whom?07:46
dev_Arun, yes, you should atleast have 6.0607:46
Defryskbreezy is a stale version07:46
ikoniaarun_: from canonica and the community07:46
xat__what's the app name of the splash screen that shows upon logging in?07:46
arun_is there any problem in getting softwares?07:46
bazhangarun_, no updates07:46
gregheresimplexio, much quicker and far more productive to reformat and install windows XP, Thanks anyway.07:47
Defryskoh no07:47
xat__not usplash.07:47
Defrysknope sorry07:47
systmhow do i get conky to not cover my icons?07:47
pyrotixaah. I just had an open office writer crash and lost a document. The recovery only got the very beginning of the document although I had the document finished and open for hours. Is there any way for me to get it back?07:47
arun_is wine only for games..i tried to install winamp.but it just appear and shuts down07:48
simplexiogreghere: sure :) well you have working kde wich beats windwos anytime07:48
Joe_8.04 seems to randomly freeze up on me... though it appears to only happen after a period (30+ minutes) of heavy upload (2-5Mbps sustained via torrents) anyone ever hear of this?  Very often the last thing in the logs is a series of errors about some redhat thing not being found07:48
pyrotixarun_: no. You can look at the wine appdb to see what programs work or if there are known workarounds.07:48
Defryskxat__, gnome spash screen07:49
simplexiogreghere: mv ~./config oldconfig and try again07:50
Joe_and by freeze I mean complete hard lock, requiring hitting the power button (network connection also drops, as shown via that computer dropping off my VPN)07:50
chairmanhey i got my Ubuntu Ibex and GNOME desktop set up like MAC Leopard07:50
arun_can you tell me how can i install a tar.gz package.i extracted it and saw only folders like bin doc include lib samples07:50
xat__Defrysk: yeah. just found it07:50
bazhangarun_, for breezy?07:50
ikoniaarun_: your not intended to install things like that07:50
bazhangarun_, its eol07:50
xat__reason I ask is because for some reason it isn't finishing07:50
ikoniaarun_: what do you want to install ?07:50
Joe_arun_ a tar.gz is a zipped set of files, you don't install07:50
bazhangarun_, that means we dont support it07:51
xat__it just sits on my desktop, and whenever a new app is loaded it actually shows up in it07:51
bazhang!eol | arun_ read this link07:51
ubottuarun_ read this link: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases07:51
goat|lappyJoe_: is this only over wireless?07:51
Defryskarun_, get ibex and read the docs and howto's07:51
arun_can you tell me how can i play an mp3 file?07:51
Joe_goat|lappy no, it's a wired connection07:51
ardchoille!restricted | arun_07:52
ubottuarun_: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats07:52
simplexiogreghere: and i dont see anyreason why autoupdate would broke working system mine is still working though i have booted in last 10 days,07:52
goat|lappyJoe_: ok, nevermind07:52
kaiCan someone assist me? I need to rewrite GRUB strictly from windows, I have No discs, or flash drives, I just need simple steps to installing GRUB from windows.07:52
Joe_goat|lappy the redhat error isn't always there, but out of the last 6 freezes it was present for 4 (still waiting for the forced fsck check to see if it's there this time)07:52
arun_can i voice chat by something like google talk?07:52
ikoniaarun_: not on 5.1007:53
xat__found someone with the same bug as me. yay https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-session/+bug/25804607:53
turuburuhi people07:54
Joe_on another note, anyone see any major issues on 8.10?  I delayed upgrade to 8.04 due to reported problems with Synergy (Synergy and Hamachi are required to work for me)07:54
turuburuwhat do u propose for vps with web server?debian etch, debian lenny or ubuntu 8.04, or 8.10? what is easiery to use for a server?ubuntu offers anything extra for a server?07:54
bazhangarun_, breezy is not supported. arun_ please update to a newer version.07:54
Joe_turburu I'd go with 8.04 for a server since it's a LTS07:54
arun_would you mind telling me whats installation means in linux?can i run a program here by double clicking an icon?07:55
Joe_turburu though in the past I've worked off debain web servers and never had any issues with them07:55
Defryskarun_, are you a bot ?07:55
SteveOHOHOHOHgod...my pussy is SO WET07:55
Joe_arun_ yes, some you can07:55
turuburujoe the matter is i already a server with debian etch. i m wondering if i need ubuntu. till now i use ubuntu at deskops only. because i dont have any experience with ubuntu server, can u tell me some advantages of having ubuntu as server instead of debian?07:55
kaiSteveOHOHOHOH: Please stay on topic07:55
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
turuburui just need justification support for my wish to move to ubuntu server07:56
chris__hey all07:56
homecableubuntu server more uptodate then debain07:56
Joe_turburu If you're already using debain, are familiar with it and have no issues... I say there's no real gain to switch07:56
homecableno X07:56
mynx38I like ubuntu server07:56
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woscan anyone tell me how to set up proxies for individual servers in xchat07:57
xat__geez. nevermind. it seems even with having a newer gnome-session I still have the bug I linked to earlier07:57
turuburui see joe. so all the management happens like debian. there is nothing that makes it easier than debian, in server level07:57
fadaihi, whenever I watch streaming videos from the browser.. after I fullscreen the video it unmaximizes itself, can anyone tell me how this is happening?07:57
turuburuhomecable: yes it is more update, so that means it is not so secure as debian stable? or this argument is wrong?07:57
homecableturuburu> baicly then same07:58
homecablebut unbuto is uptodate07:58
homecableuse unbuto- server07:58
Defryskturuburu, debian is as secure as ubuntu07:58
ardchoilleis there something I need to click to report a bug as "needs packaging"?07:58
turuburuso u propose ubuntu server. 8.04 not 8.10 yet, right?07:58
homecableLinux clayman.ath.cx 2.6.24-22-server #1 SMP Mon Nov 24 19:14:19 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux07:58
arun_i tried to install java sdk from terminal.actually the download file was a .bin file.so i typed <chmod 755 j2sdk-1_4_2_18-linux-i586.bin>.07:58
arun_then ./j2sdk-1_4_2_18-linux-i586.bin07:59
Defryskturuburu, 804 (LTS)07:59
arun_it worked07:59
turuburudefrysk: thanks for making this clear. i had idea that debian etch is rock stable and ubuntu maybe crash or being hacked. probably i had wrong idea07:59
arun_but javac says command not found07:59
djolefolMy friend using Hardy complained that a symlink to ntfs-partition was suddenly broken after login early yesterday UTC. Trying to open the link made Nautilus freeze. Is it possibly related to some recent update or not?07:59
Defryskturuburu, if you are used to debian there is no seripus reason for having to switch08:00
turuburuso the correct decision is to put 8.04 64 bit. it will be stable and updated. and i must not update to 8.10. i must only update when 9.04 is available . right?08:00
arun_which is the best browser?08:00
Defryskturuburu, you dont have to switch then in another 4.5 years08:00
speedyi've been using network-manager-openvpn perfectly with ubuntu 8.04, when i upgraded to 8.10 my configuration doesnt work, using password with certificates (TLS), which forces me to use user certificate and private key, and i dont need to configure that08:01
turuburudefrysk i m used at ubuntu at home (desktops). at server i have debian. i m thinking if  i must switch to ubuntu, if it will be easier to administer, and updated08:01
fridyrlsis there an app that will let me edit the registry of winblows from ubuntu? I already have a read/write ntfs partition mounted08:01
arun_do you have any second name?08:01
turuburudefrysk: i mean what is the next trustworthy server version. since you propose no 8.10, then 9.04? to prefer only LTS versions?08:01
bdelin88i keep installing themes that don't install the window borders, what the hell?08:01
arun_can i install chrome in ubuntu?08:01
fridyrlsyes and no arun_08:01
fridyrlslet me go find the link for the beta08:02
ikoniaarun_: 5.10 is not supported08:02
ikoniaarun_: do you understand that08:02
Defryskturuburu, I would go in serverworld ponly for lts versions08:02
arun_i understood08:02
ikoniaarun_: so please stop asking us to support it08:02
Joe_(8.04 random hard locks requiring reset button) ok, I've gone through all the logs... and I cannot find a single thing that looks out of place... are there some logs that aren't on the System Log Viewer where I might be able to find the cause for these random hard locks?08:02
rageHey there, there is a log viewing program I have a memory of in either Ubuntu or Debian that showed power consumption history. Do you guys know where/what is that?08:02
turuburudefrysk what this means?08:02
Defrysklts = long term support08:02
turuburuno i means what serverworld ponly08:03
Defrysk!lts | turuburu08:03
ubottuturuburu: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.08:03
fridyrlsarun_ http://www.codeweavers.com/services/ports/chromium/08:03
turuburui know what is lts ;)08:03
Defryskturuburu, i ments for servers its best to use lts, lts versions of ubuntu are more geared to stability08:04
plumaI upgraded to 8.10 and now my fgl dual screen setup ceased working. After switching to the failsafe xconf I accidentally changed my (user) resolution and now I can't change it anymore because I get a garbled mess on the screen. How do I reset my user settings for resolution to system default?08:04
fridyrlsis there a registry editor for an ntfs partition on linux?08:04
turuburui see. thanks defrysk! :)08:04
spartanii117fridyrls: you should be able to do that within wine08:05
jim_phow do i change the icons kde apps use... under gnome?08:05
fridyrlsok thanks08:06
plumaSo two questions really: 1) how do I reset my user resolution in GNOME and 2) how do I get my ATI card to use a dual screen set-up in 8.10 (fgl seems to have vanished)?08:06
bdelin88does anyone out there use gnome-look?????????????????/08:06
bdelin88or install gtk themes08:06
ikoniabdelin88: yes08:07
plumabdelin88: one questionmark suffices, thank you.08:07
rageHey there, there is a log viewing program I have a memory of in either Ubuntu or Debian that showed power consumption history. Do you guys know where/what is that?08:07
bdelin88ok why do i keep getting retarded messages about my gtk theme not being installed, and why are some of these themes installing without window borders?08:07
jim_pbdelin88, me!!!!08:07
djolefolWhat could be reason for a symlink to ntfs-partition to broke, although the ntfs-partition is in fstab and has worked before?08:07
fridyrlsspartanii117: how do you "sync" wine with a real partition?\08:07
bdelin88i download the entire tar and then i drop it into "appearance" and some work, some don't08:07
ikoniabdelin88: try reading those messag they are not "retarded"08:07
bdelin88i am reading them08:08
ikoniabdelin88: it depends how they are packaged up if they work that way or not08:08
fridyrlsnvm I will just use google08:08
bdelin88it says i need the gtk theme and engine, and i have both08:08
fridyrlsthanks :)08:08
bdelin88well if they don't work that way, the author should say so in their post, should they not?08:08
jim_pbdelin88, sometimes you MUST have the proper theme engine to make the theme work08:08
Joe_anyone know of a server that logs system status (cpu usage, network usage, temps, etc) and saves to HD regurally that I could use to see if my crashes might be related to hardware in some way (even though all hardware tests says it's all good)08:08
spartanii117fridyrls: in your grouve found what you'er looking for08:09
bdelin88yes i understand that and i have trolled the net trying to find out ANYTHING about that, and I can't find a damn thing, nor does the author specify the theme engine necessary08:09
ikoniabdelin88: we do not make gnome-look - speak to the authors, there is sometimes are README's in the the tar files08:09
bdelin88I also am pulling up themes listed under "GTK 2.x" which is what I thought was native to ubuntu08:09
fridyrlsthanks :). Will it let me edit the registry even though it is called windows registry file VIEWER?08:09
plumaHow can I change/reset my user account's settings for the screen resolution from the command line?08:09
bdelin88so shouldn't that suffice as the theme engine, GTK+2.0?08:09
ikoniabdelin88: as I said, it depends on how they are packaged08:10
jim_pbdelin88, no. theme engines are like murrine, clearlooks, aurora etc08:10
inyourgroovefridyrls: I have no idea never used it, but was recommended on forums08:10
fridyrlsalright, thanks08:10
jim_pbdelin88, show me the theme to tell you the engine08:10
bdelin881 sec08:10
ikoniabdelin88: this is documented on gnome-look.org and also in the README's of the theme08:10
racarteris there a package for realplayer in the repos?08:11
jim_pbdelin88, and please highlight me when you refer to me. i have a mess of windows here to manage08:11
spartanii117pluma: the screen resolution is a system wide variable, look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf for the setting08:11
bdelin88i know it is just very irritating the amount of inconsistency in file packaging08:11
plumaAnyone? I've wasted two hours already on this tiny issue? There's got to be a way to fix it from the commandline.08:11
sonoblaiseHi!  I got a problem reading a video DVD (original) with totem and any dvd player i tried...  I even cant backup it on my computer...   Totem just load and exits without saying anything....  what can be the trouble08:11
bdelin88here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Orange+door+hinge?content=7721208:11
spartanii117racarter: realplayer is not open source, and thus not in the repos08:11
bdelin88sry, how do i highlight you, what is the command08:11
jim_pbdelin88, wait a sec08:11
ikoniabdelin88: just ssay his name08:12
jim_pbdelin88, you put my name somewhere in the sentence08:12
frybyeracarter: mplayer does a lot of the same stuff if I rem rightly..08:12
bdelin88i am new to irc, and i appreciate everyone's help and patience :)08:12
inyourgroovepluma: sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:12
ardchoillebdelin88: type the first few letters of their nick and hit the tab key08:12
bdelin88jim_p: alright thanks, easy enough08:12
jim_pbdelin88, btw this is a gtk theme and an EMERALD window theme. not gnomes metacity08:12
racarterfrybye, thanks just curious if there is a package for realplayer though08:13
matthew_Why wont my sound work? Worked fine yesterday.... just upgraded to 8.10 btw...08:13
bdelin88gnome is gtk based i thought?08:13
racarteralso, i'm using 64bit version of ubuntu.. not sure if that's a problem too08:13
plumainyourgroove: That's not the user settings, that's the system wide settings. They're fine. It only turns my screen into minced meat when I log in.08:13
racarterwhat is the package for advanced ui features?08:13
tvcan anyone help me locating pixma ip 120008:13
jim_pbdelin88, yes, but you can put other window managers to work with gnome too08:13
damijitHello, I'm trying to boot from a USB stick I set up using the tool in 8.10, but I am getting "operating system not found". That's about all the information I have--any idea what's going on?08:14
frybyeracarter: cant be cos the code is proprietary - the owners dont want it that way.. etc..08:14
bdelin88jim_p: GTK is the main theme though?  Shouldn't this work just fine?08:14
l43a2u got ur system to boot from USB first08:14
ikoniadamijit: that stick is not valid, or it's not booting from it, what tool did you use08:14
l43a2not hard drive08:14
racarterwhat's the package for advanced effects?08:14
spartanii117racarter: yes, it's called realplayer; sudo apt-get install realplayer08:14
racarterrealplayer doesn't seem to be availale for 64bit..08:14
inyourgroovepluma: try removing the settings in you home folder08:14
racarterunless i am mistaken?08:14
bdelin88i see know read me files here either08:15
jim_pbdelin88, can i pm you to explain why?08:15
frybyespartanii117: really? that is new too me...!08:15
goat|lappyracarter: compizconfig-settings-manager08:15
plumainyourgroove: _where_ in my home folder? I don't want to delete all of .gconf and the lot.08:15
bdelin88yes please do :)08:15
damijitikonia: it's the "Make USB Startup Disc" tool that comes with Ubuntu 8.10 (under System > Administration)08:15
Joe_someone have a few minutes to help me try and debug, seemingly, random hard locks in 8.04 (also was present in 7.10).  I have theories but logs do not seem to support them08:15
inyourgroovepluma: i have no idea where exactly it could be, it was just a potential solution08:16
spartanii117frybye: i thought as you did, but he kept insisting, so i pulled up a terminal and checked08:16
djolefolBefore writing a ntfs-partition to fstab, it was tried to be mounted by clicking its icon > properties > Volume > Settings, where mountpoint, filesystem and mount options were copied from above. It only resulted in breaking the manual mount and the whole access to that partition. What went wrong?08:16
tvguys whats the difference between intrepid and hardy08:16
sonoblaiseHi!  I got a problem reading a video DVD (original) with totem and any dvd player i tried...  I even cant backup it on my computer...   Totem just load and exits without saying anything....  what can be the trouble08:16
arun_is there any way to play mp308:16
frybyespartanii117: you got medibuntu sources installed or similar?08:16
Joe_arun_ play an mp3 in what?08:17
ardchoillearun_: I answered you for that already08:17
elkbuntutv, intrepid has newer versions of the software that ubuntu packages.08:17
inyourgroovesonoblaise: you need libdvdcss08:17
plumainyourgroove: Do you see my problem? I've spent two hours trying to find the damn file and I still haven't a clue. I don't have KDE, so I can't check whether the resolution is shared (i.e. not GNOME-related), but I would guess it's more related to X than to GNOME.08:17
Joe_arun_ double click on it, should open up whatever default player you have08:17
sonoblaiseinyourgroove:  thanks!08:17
matthew_Anyone know a fix for not getting any Youtube sound? I get regular sound just fine.... But nothing off of youtube will have sound08:17
inyourgroovesonoblaise: it is not in the default repo08:17
simplexiodjolefol: did ypu mount that ntfs partiotion using /dev/sd? or /dev/disk/by-uuid/ link. if you use /dev/sda or similiar link it can change between boots08:17
spartanii117frybye: no, just ubuntu partner08:18
plumaDoes anyone know how I can reset my *user* settings for the resolution or screen size? Or where that config is found?08:18
KartagisI've got the errors on http://rafb.net/p/WV6Tep19.html and my question is, can I get my sound to work without rebooting?08:18
inyourgroovesonoblaise: it is considered illegal in the states08:18
frybyespartanii117: wow - i c - what was with the 64bit ?08:18
spartanii117frybye: no08:18
frybyespartanii117: that is no - with no work-around - right?08:19
djolefolsimplexio: by uui08:19
szonekhi, anyone here using RT61 Wi-Fi card?08:19
inyourgroovepluma: you should make a new user and see if it happens for it as well08:20
* pluma groans08:20
bmagohai tried connecting ubuntu to projector without success08:20
bmagohaany assistance08:20
plumaI give up. Apparently I'll have to waste the REST of this morning as well rather than find an EASY solution.08:20
arun_i was a windows user.there if you need to install a software you have executable files with extension .exe.but in linux to  install various softwares there are various methods.why?08:21
frybyearun_: why if flying a jet fighter different than driving a VW!?08:21
Dabbucan anyone help me to setup evolution to acess my yahoo account ?08:21
ardchoilleDabbu: afaik, you need to pay Yahoo for pop3 access to do that08:22
frybyeDabbu: there is pleanty of help info at yahoo.com telling you the settings for a pop3 account etc...08:23
Dabbuardchoille: no other software can do that ?08:23
shawehi people08:23
shaweanyone can explainme how to replace:         <match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer:system.hardware.product" string="VGN-AR41E">08:23
shawefor read the model of graphic card?08:23
frybyeardchoille: I have access to my yahoo.de account without paying them.. perhaps it is different with yahoo.com??08:23
ardchoillefrybye: Perhaps it is different, or I could be wrong. I'm just using information that I researched and found.08:24
simplexioarun_: usually you try first install stuff from distro repos, after that you try to find pre packakges to your system (which are all ,deb) if those fails you go to source , compile and install it. so you have .deb packages or zip/tar/gz etc files which you use08:24
Dabbu frybye: i followed one but didnt work for me08:24
bmagohaam using lenovo t61 with ubuntu 8.04 and unable to connect to a projector. any assistance?08:24
Sinister`in kde 3.5 i could change the icons for .avi files by going to propertys now in 4.0 it dont let me anyone know how to ?08:24
Dabbu frybye: i followed one but didnt work for me08:24
simplexioarun_: but in windows you have .exe .msi .zip/tar/...08:25
frybyeDabbu: I seem to remember reading someplace that it (sometimes-) has to be paid for.. perhaps actually depends where you are...?08:25
Dabbufrybye: i m in india.....so i have to pay or what08:26
arun_when i try to install a .deb package from terminal it says installation successful.but how can i run the software?from where can i find the file to execute it?08:26
djolefolThe manual mount access to ntfs-partition was regenerated by using Nautilus as root. Trying to mount as user resulted only to some forgotten error message. After that the partition was written to fstab and automount has worked many days until yesterday. Could these be related together?08:26
frybyeDabbu: not at all shure - you will have to read the local yahoo help stuff on this theme I guess...08:27
dekkongdamn firefox keeps freezing all the time :(08:27
Dabbufrybye: ok then....i'll try now08:27
arun_i have heard linux is more efficient compared to windows.why is it so?08:28
GibbaTheHuttdepends what at, too vague a statement08:29
l43a2out of the box linux is alot more stable and secure compared to windows08:29
problemmakeryes, I would like to know too08:29
spartanii117arun_: because it was built better08:29
l43a2being based on unix08:29
l43a2linux makes a very nice OS08:29
problemmakerl43a2, for example?08:29
l43a2Windows is based on crap code half of which is from 199508:29
frybyearun_: a wider group of people get a chance to work on and improve it...08:29
l43a2and yea its open source08:30
arun_in the technical way is there any advantage?08:30
matthew_Does anyone have any Ideas on why i am not getting sound in YouTube.. .ECT.. ????08:30
l43a2Linux is multi user08:31
apecatsome architectural decisions in how a typical linux system is built, everything from what parts of the systems are run from the kernel and which are not make it more robust08:31
l43a2windows isnt08:31
apecatl43a2: windows nt is multi user08:31
l43a2all linux is mutli user :P08:31
apecatand that's all the windows there is these days08:31
problemmakerit seems that the most of unstable source are from hardware drivers08:31
frybyel43a2: eh.. this is not really support stuff though.. for a general discussion re: linux - the offtopic # might be better...08:31
usamahashimiCan anyone tell me the name of channel where I can ask questions about hardware?08:32
arun_i heard that linux doesnt get infected by viruses.Is that right?08:32
apecatarun_: it gets if it's a linux virus using some exploit in linux code08:33
ardchoillearun_: http://ardchoille.nfshost.com/Linux/LinuxViruses08:33
apecatarun_: but there are relatively few of those08:33
sonoblaiseok...  I installed libdvdcss, but totem dont seem to get it... do i have to reboot??08:33
ubuntu_who fund vrious in linxi08:33
djolefolThere is also a strange "gvfs" partition seen in gnome-system-manager. Is this information relevant? ...and what it is?08:33
srx2002quick question: where can I view Hardware info/system information in intrepid?08:33
jschallarun_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_malware08:33
frybyesrx2002: install and run package hwinfo08:34
ubuntu_who fund vripus in linux08:34
ubuntu_who fund vrious in linux08:34
randomwalkerdjolefol, that's normal, it's a gnome filesystem abstraction layer thing08:34
sonoblaisesrx2002:  install the device manager.. go in add/remove software and look for Device Manager in system tools08:34
apecatubuntu_: please open and read the above links given to arun_08:34
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:34
usamahashimi!hardware channel08:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:35
pluma How can I change my *user level* resolution settings in GNOME via the command line? What I know: xconf is irrelevant, ~/.gnome, .gnome2 and .gconf are also irrelevant.08:35
estharHi, I run an Ubuntu mirror at a college with only binaries, and I'd like to mirror sources now as well.08:35
sonoblaisepluma : what do you want to do?08:35
estharI mirror all those sections though.08:35
estharHow can I tell how much data all the sources for all these sections will take BEFORE I download them?08:36
plumasonoblaise: fix my settings so I can log in08:36
srx2002I cant even find add remove hardware08:36
djolefolrandomwalker: Could you tell are my above mentioned problems somehow be related to this .gvfs which my friend has I don't?08:36
arun_when i am downloading something using firefox it shows more than 256KB/s(which is my connection's maximum)..sometimes 800KB/s.it is never like that in windows.why?08:36
problemmakerpluma, no pretty sure, but 'xrandx' can do that08:36
usamahashimiIs Nvidia's Ultra card is more powerful or a GTX card?08:36
sonoblaisepluma: Mmm..  you can log as the root and modify your user account...08:36
jschalli wonder how many of those 800 pieces of malware wikipedia claims there are for linux are just variations of the obfuscated rm -rf /08:36
plumasonoblaise: the problem is still the same: I can not log in because it puts my screen in a blender. Other users work, /etc/X11 seems irrelevant, ~/.gnome, .gnome2 and .gconf are also ignored08:37
plumaor rather, irrelevant to the issue08:37
randomwalkerdjolefol, i just wandered in here, what's the problem again?08:37
sonoblaisepluma: sorry I can't help... i'm pretty new with linux and not the answer king yet ;)  I guess I was lucky with my hardware config08:38
plumasonoblaise: I know, but I don't want to delete the home folder as ultima rasa, so I have no idea where to look08:38
srx2002I dont see  add remove hardware anywhere08:38
sonoblaisesrx2002:  in the application menu, go to add/remove software and install the Device Manager08:38
sonoblaisemmaybe it can help08:39
apecatsrx2002: but perhaps you don't need it (the hardware manager). what do you need to do?08:39
arun_actually how is this chat configured?who are those people answering?its pretty much useful.08:39
sonoblaiseinyourgroove: I installed the packages you told me, but totem dont seem to be able to load DVD anyway08:39
problemmakerpluma, xrandr --output <identifier> --mode 1280x102408:40
djolefolrandomwalker: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79193/08:40
KartagisI've got the errors on http://rafb.net/p/WV6Tep19.html and my question is, can I get my sound to work without rebooting?08:40
plumaproblemmaker: are you sure this is how you change the USER settings?08:40
spartanii117sonoblaise: he's looking online08:40
plumaproblemmaker: Also what would <identifier> be then?08:41
srx2002apecat: I just want to view info about cpu, memory, vid card, sound, etc...08:41
problemmakerpluma, ...not really get 'user' you mean08:41
apecatarun_: we're just random people on irc http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Relay_Chat08:41
sonoblaisespartanii117: euh..  thanks!  how do you know what he's doing btw?08:41
apecatsrx2002: ok, then you may want the hardware manager08:41
inyourgroovesonoblaise: in terminal type "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.10-plugin*"08:41
arun_what is the differencebetween linux and unix?08:41
jschallwhy do i have to accept a license to install java from the repo? i thought java was gpled.08:41
spartanii117sonoblaise: he's sitting right next to me08:41
sonoblaisehaha, I see!  thanks :p08:42
problemmakerpluma, type xrandr --verbose. it will list the identifier# such as 0xc708:42
plumaproblemmaker: the login prompt and everything is fine, it's only ONE user account which has furbled settings08:42
randomwalkerdjolefol, not sure, did windows shut down properly?08:42
srx2002apecat: and how do I get that08:42
randomwalkerif it didn't, the partition won't mount08:42
randomwalkerntfs mounting is pretty flaky, unfortunately08:42
randomwalkerthat's my experience anyway08:42
plumaproblemmaker: i.e. the screen resolution is too great in that user's setting and hence I can't see anything when I log in.08:42
djolefolOkey, Thanks. I understand. That has to be checked.08:43
inyourgroovepluma: you  might want to try and delte or rename your .Xauthority08:43
jschallarun_: that's something you could easily find on wikipedia. linux is designed to be unix-like.08:43
sonoblaisesrx2002:  question out of the subject...  is SRX for the JBL speakers?08:44
plumainyourgroove: Where's that?08:44
plumainyourgroove: ~/.Xauthority does not exist08:44
inyourgroovepluma: hm...08:44
PUNISHERhi, men!08:44
omarMy friend has successfully installed " wicd " from a .deb, but when he clicks on it, nothing happens. Any help please?08:45
sonoblaiseinyourgroove:  that thing still dont work..  totem loads and exits right away..08:45
arun_when i type su and give password in terminal it says authentication failed .why?08:45
srx2002sonoblaise: no..sorry snowmobile08:45
ActionParsniparun_: use sudo -i instead08:45
spartanii117sonoblaise: re.ove .totem08:45
jschallPUNISHER: ahh the internet, where the men are men, the women are men too. the children are male FBI agents.08:45
ardchoille!sudo | arun_ We use sudo08:45
ubottuarun_ We use sudo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:45
inyourgroovesonoblaise: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu#Playing%20Encrypted%20DVDs08:45
sonoblaisesrx2002:  I hope they are as good as the JBL srx ;)08:46
arun_sudo is working ...but su not working08:46
jschallarun_: use sudo su08:46
jschallarun_: if you have to use su08:46
PUNISHERjschall: Sorry, if I was wrong. I'm learning english still08:46
sonoblaiseinyourgroove: I tried to open totem and drag the DVD in it and now  it say that I need Nautilus desktop to open it08:46
ActionParsniparun_: you'd need sudo su, but sudo -i is advised08:46
jschallPUNISHER: oh08:47
jschallPUNISHER: i was joking08:47
arun_why -i?08:47
methodswhat package do i install to get lua headers available to my build scripts?08:47
jschallarun_: man sudo08:47
ActionParsniparun_: interactive, i'm just passing on what the ops tell folks08:47
omarMy friend has successfully installed " wicd " from a .deb, but when he clicks on it, nothing happens. Any help please?08:47
ActionParsniparun_: you should just sudo each command08:47
inyourgroovesonoblaise: i have no idea what you are trying yo do....08:48
kosharihow come /home/user/bin/mtscript is not in the default path in 8.10?08:48
PUNISHERjschall: can you explante me it ?08:48
jschallarun_: -i runs a shell, it basically does the same thing su does08:48
benokacan anyone answer my thread? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=628305808:48
plumaThat did nothing.08:49
ActionParsnipkoshari: add it, weird place to put binarys but its possible08:49
jschallPUNISHER: hard to explain08:49
PUNISHERjschall: can you explain me it ?08:49
inyourgroovesonoblaise: you might want to install VLC08:49
koshariActionParsnip where do you place your user scripts?08:49
srx2002the synaptic manager tells me I have compiz fusion installed, however I have no idea where to access it08:49
plumaIn fact, xrandr run from the shell bitches about there being no display available, probably because it's run from tty1 rather than GNOME08:49
koshariActionParsnip oh and how do you add it?08:50
PUNISHERjschall: how I must calls your?08:50
sonoblaiseinyourgroove: I just want to play a DVD...  I opened totem and dragged the DVD icon in it and instead of just closing (before i just right clicked the DVD and did Open with Video Player) it told me that I needed the NAUTILUS-DESKTOP thing08:50
plumaSo if anyone new happens to be around: How do I change a single user's resolution via the command line (as with System->Preferences->Screen Resolution)08:50
ActionParsnipkoshari: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11463408:50
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:50
simplexiobenoka: intresting.. btoh eth1 and wlan0 are in same subnet but with different ipaddress08:50
sonoblaisesrx2002: look for Compiz Config in the add/remove software08:50
PUNISHERjschall: how I should calls your?08:51
jschallPUNISHER: a more correct greeting would have just been "hello," but formalities are unnecessary in this irc channel.08:51
arun_what is bash?08:51
simplexiobenoka: annd default gw is on eth1.. drop eth1 down and add route add default gw dev wlan008:51
hom____oui é08:51
jschallPUNISHER: what is your first language?08:51
simplexiobenoka: maybe after that it work only using wlan008:52
inyourgroovesonoblaise: what you dragged is actually a .desktop file, you can't open the dvd that way08:52
arun_after a program is installed is there any way to run it from terminal from the home?08:52
sonoblaiseoh... damn08:52
PUNISHERjschall: Russian08:52
simplexiobenoka: or if you want use only eth then just drop wlan0 down08:52
screamsayonaraim trying to move a directory but it keeps saying in the terminal "no such file or directory" but its sitting on the desktop.. when i type cd /home/username/desktop it also says no such file or directory.. why08:52
szonekI have RT61 based pci wi-fi card and i get this: http://paste.debian.net/22692/ why i can't connect to my wi-fi router? key and ssid are correct, mac addr is added to my router08:52
srx2002k, downloading now08:52
inyourgroovesonoblaise: as far as i know libdvdcss2 should have done it08:53
jschallPUNISHER: you may want to try #ubuntu-ru as well, although there won't be as many people there.08:53
benokasimplexio: this is what I'm explaining in my thread, if I drop eth1, it connects but no internet08:53
ActionParsnipszonek: are you using wpa?08:53
szonekActionParsnip yes08:53
simplexioarun_: /path/program or ./program if program eis same dir or just program if its in path08:53
benokasimplexio: my goal is tu use wlan008:53
dmayscreamsayonara: try to use <tab> when print cd /home/... for autocomplete08:53
benokasimplexio: as it's faster08:53
ActionParsnipszonek: did you install the wpa supplicant?08:53
simplexiobenoka: you need to set default route08:53
arun_actually i dont know where program is08:53
sonoblaisespartanii117:  when you toldme to re.ove .totem, you meant??08:54
szonekActionParsnip yes but tbh i don't know how should i use it?08:54
simplexiobenoka: route add default gw dev wlan0 after you drop eth108:54
ActionParsnip!wpa | szonek08:54
ubottuszonek: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:54
simplexiobenoka: currently its thro eth108:54
tgji can't install qt3-mt-dev?08:54
ActionParsnipszonek: my bet is you havent configured wpa08:54
benokasimplexio: how do I do that?08:54
dmayarun_: try just type name of program in terminal08:54
PUNISHERjschall: I'm search a friends, but can't find thy in icq an any more AIM. But, I'm interesting the ubuntu and #ubuntu is right for me08:54
arun_it shows command not found08:54
spartanii117sonoblaise: remove .totem from your home directory08:55
tgjhas anyone installed qt3-mt-dev?08:55
benokasimplexio: just add the IP into route of network configuration?08:55
dmayarun_: which exactly program?08:55
omarMy friend has successfully installed " wicd " from a .deb, but when he clicks on it, nothing happens. Any help please?08:55
arun_dmay:java sdk08:55
PUNISHERjschall: I can get help anybody with a problems in ubuntu.08:55
dmayarun_: sdk? and what exactly you want to run?08:55
ActionParsnipspartanii117: i'd rename first to test, then remove after a success.08:56
tgjhas anyone installed qt3-mt-dev?08:56
ActionParsnipspartanii117: lets you backtrack then :)08:56
=== _trucMuche is now known as trucMuche
dmayarun_: try print ja<Tab> in treminal08:56
spartanii117ActionParsnip: that works two08:56
ActionParsnipspartanii117: its a better choice08:56
PUNISHERomar: sat him, he must run in command line 'dpkg -i package-name.deb' - that may be helping him08:56
sonoblaisespartanii117: i dont find it (dont worry I now how to show hidden files ;))08:56
simplexiobenoka: ? i gace you command08:56
arun_it shows jar java08:57
simplexiobenoka: dunno about those fancy guis08:57
sajuukhey guys where can I find a good dual screen how to?08:57
hateball!twinview | sajuuk08:57
ubottusajuuk: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings08:57
arun_dmay:it shows jar java08:57
PUNISHERjschall: I said blah? =)08:57
sajuuki have an intel card08:57
tgji need qt-mt08:58
simplexioarun_: same way you do it in windows: java some.jar08:58
dmayarun_: hm... try to read some FAQs about j sdk08:58
sonoblaisesajuuk: you have an intel card but it can have an nVidia chipset...  is it a geforce?08:58
ActionParsnip!dualhead | sajuuk08:58
ubottusajuuk: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama08:58
hateball!dual-head | sajuuk08:58
tgji need qt-mt, can anybody help me?08:58
sajuukhow do I check the card's make again?08:59
sonoblaisetgj: search for it in synaptic08:59
troublemakerI've heard that uncertified hardware drivers is the big source of system unstable for M$ Window, is that true for linux?08:59
jschalli wish i lived somewhere with decent connectivity. t1 is so slow.08:59
tgjthanks for your response08:59
arun_i want to compile file.java.so i need javac not java.it works fine in the directory containing javac in the package08:59
sonoblaisetgj: u're welcome08:59
tgjit cannot install because libcups2-dev is not going to be installed08:59
jschalli have half the bandwidth of this entire damn town and it's still not as much as i'd have in a city.09:00
tgji know how to use synaptics package manager09:00
plumaIn case anybody wondered: To reset a user's resolution simply delete ~/.conf/monitors.xml09:00
j0nri installed proftpd, and its default behaviour is to allow me to log in via an ftp client with my user account and see the whole content of my root directory. How could I stop this and limit is to just seeing one particular directory? thanks09:00
tgjthats good to know j0nr09:01
plumaSo long and thanks for all the fishy advice.09:01
everwhats up09:01
tgjit cannot install because libcups2-dev is not going to be installed09:01
tgjwhy will libcups2-dev not install?09:02
tgjwhat can I do?09:02
tgji need qt-mt09:02
ActionParsnipj0nr: you need to configure the start directory of the particular user09:02
ActionParsnipj0nr: default config is rarely desirable09:02
szonekActionParsnip you were right about wi-fi and wpa :) thanks09:03
szonekit works now09:04
tgjwhy will libcups2-dev not install? does anyone else have this problem?09:04
jschallis there any way to get accelerated graphics in qemu or other virtual machine software?09:04
ActionParsnipszonek: np man09:04
Dabbucdrom is not mounting ?09:05
benokasimplexio: i don't believe it was so simple!!! it works!!! :D09:05
benokasimplexio: thank you!09:05
benokasimplexio: do you happen to know how to make sure the WEP password is not asked for at every boot?09:05
DabbuCDROM is not mounting the error is "Failed to execute child process "gnome-mount" (No such file or directory)"09:05
Dabbuany help09:05
ActionParsnipDabbu: can we see your /etc/fstab file please09:06
ActionParsnip!paste | Dabbu09:06
ubottuDabbu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)09:06
Dabbu# /etc/fstab: static file system information.09:07
tgjdoes anyone on here know anything?09:07
Dabbu# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>09:07
Dabbuproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       009:07
Dabbu# /dev/sda109:07
DabbuUUID=9e4e5f0b-704e-4549-95c5-00c6bb0777bf /               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       109:07
Dabbu# /dev/sda409:07
FloodBot2Dabbu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
ActionParsnipDabbu: thats why i gave you that link, so you wouldnt flood the place09:07
ActionParsnipDabbu: thats completely unreadable, please use pastebin09:07
Dabbuok..new here09:07
DabbuActionParsnip: ok09:08
ActionParsnipDabbu: paste words in paste bin, hit paste. then give us the address the browser goes to09:08
simplexiobenoka: no idea about WEP,09:09
tgjwhy will libcups2-dev not install?09:09
troublemakerhow to use http://paste.ubuntu.com/?09:09
ActionParsniptgj: what does: sudo apt-get install libcups2-dev output?09:09
sajuukso wot program do I get for dual screening?09:10
ActionParsnip!dualhead | sajuuk09:10
ubottusajuuk: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama09:10
ActionParsnip!xinerama | sajuuk09:10
ubottusajuuk: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead09:10
benokasimplexio: how do i set fixed IP using the same router ( supposing it has no limitations?09:10
DabbuActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79201/plain/ that is the link09:11
DabbuActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79201/plain/ that is the link09:11
DabbuActionParsnip: got that09:11
FloodBot2Dabbu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
DabbuFloodBot2: ya sweetheart ,,you bot r really silly09:12
tgjit says broken packages09:12
troublemakerActionParsnip, you mentioned http://paste.ubuntu.com/, what is the usage of the page?09:12
ActionParsnipDabbu: ok, what does: file /dev/scd0 say?09:12
turuburuhi guys09:13
Dabbu ActionParsnip: that is perheps 4 cdrom ?09:13
Pirate_Hunteris there a way to give open office writer a thesaurus facility or was that something the developers thought was not needed?09:13
troublemakerActionParsnip, thank you09:13
ActionParsniptroublemaker: paste the text in the box, click the paste button, the address your browser goes to can then be pasted in here, its to prevent flooding09:13
turuburuhow i can install pico at a new ubuntu 8.10 64 install? it cannot be found in aptitude09:13
simplexiobenoka: /etc/networks/interfaces09:13
Dabbu ActionParsnip: i dont know09:13
turuburuvery strange. such a common program09:13
lyleshow to use  crc  to check a file09:13
shad0w0fsinhey everyone, I've been using default ubuntu with gnome but I decided to try out KDE, so I installed kubuntu-desktop, my problem is with compiz: it works however compiz settings manager doesn't work (any changes I make aren't applied). Anyone know how to fix this?09:13
ActionParsnipDabbu: paste the command in terminal, it's one line so no need for pastebin09:14
ActionParsnipDabbu: file /dev/scd009:14
ActionParsnipDabbu: whats it say?09:14
troublemakerActionParsnip, nice... so I can post media there?09:14
ActionParsniptroublemaker: no, just large text blocks09:14
tgjthe buck stops at libgnutls2609:15
tgjdoes that mean anything to you guys09:15
ActionParsniptgj: is that the output?09:15
troublemakerActionParsnip, I see, thanks :)09:15
shad0w0fsinoh and also, does anyone know how to get focus follows mouse working on KDE?09:15
tgjno i followed the packages and thats where it ends09:16
shad0w0fsinoops sorry realised there was a kubuntu channel...09:16
ActionParsniptgj: can you install that package separately?09:17
tgjno thats whay im trying09:17
Pirate_Hunteris there a way to give open office writer a thesaurus facility or was that something the developers thought was not needed?09:17
tgjit says it is already the newest version09:18
shyam_khi, apt on cd is not taking inkscape though it is installed in my laptop..09:18
tgjany ideas?09:18
shyam_k/var/cache/apt/archives/ dont have inkscape deb package..09:18
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries09:18
shyam_khow can i get inkscape with all its dependencies under apt on cd so that i can smoothly install it on my other computer without net?>09:19
ActionParsniptgj: all i can think is to apt-get install what it moans of instead of apt trying to install in the normal way. no idea whats causing this. you may have to spoonfeed for a while09:19
ActionParsniptgj: or find debs of what it needs09:19
srx2002I have to say..I'm liking the ubuntu...I'm glad I got rid of windows09:20
tgjit looks like it is libgnutls26 that is causing the problem is there a way to reinstall it?09:20
troublemakerActionParsnip, excuse me... how long will the pasted text lasts09:20
ActionParsnipshyam_k: copy the debs over from the system that is connected to the web, then sudo dpkg -i /path/to/*.deb09:20
ActionParsniptroublemaker: couple days usually09:20
tgjor uninstall it so that it reinstalls when i install mt-qt?09:20
troublemakerActionParsnip, thanks09:21
shyam_k`sorry power problem..09:21
shyam_k`did anyone answer my question?09:21
ActionParsnipshyam_k: copy the debs over from the system that is connected to the web, then sudo dpkg -i /path/to/*.deb09:21
shyam_k`ActionParsnip: the system with inkscape installed dont have its deb in archives!!09:22
ActionParsnipshyam_k`: then use apt-get to pull it down again but not install and copy over the files09:23
shyam_k`otherwise if i download inkscape.deb from the site, or debian site, i would have to go on research on its dependencies!09:23
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: i got offline ...any help for me09:23
sunshinehow  can i use no-english input in ubuntu09:23
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: u there ?09:25
renjithhi is there any c libraries available for parsing resolver.conf ifle09:25
ActionParsnipDabbu1: what is the output of: file /dev/scd009:25
Mudmorning guys09:25
shyam_k`ActionParsnip: what could be the reason that there is no deb file in archives though i have a successfully working inkscape?09:26
PUNISHERmud: what o'clock you have?09:26
ActionParsnipshyam_k`: you ran sudo apt-get clean09:26
ActionParsnipMud: morning :)09:26
Mud10.26 AM09:26
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: /dev/scd0: block special09:26
MudIs it nessacery to run a firewall on ubuntu server?09:26
shyam_k`ActionParsnip: may be.. thanks:)09:26
ActionParsnipDabbu1: ok thats cool, sudo umount -a09:26
MudI want to host a ubuntu server @ a datacenter09:26
ActionParsnipMud: 9:26am here09:27
PUNISHERmud: I have 12:26 pm09:27
troublemakersunshine, more specific?09:27
ActionParsnip!firewall | mud09:27
ubottumud: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).09:27
Mudsince when is that?09:27
MudI dont see it by default on 8.04 server09:28
ActionParsnipMud: since always, iptables is always there, just unconfigured it don't do much09:28
=== shyam_k` is now known as shyam_k
MudWhat is the default policy of iptables?09:28
Mudjust enable all traffic?09:28
PUNISHERMud: all allow09:29
ActionParsnipMud: default is pretty much allow all, you can configure it with firestarter09:29
Dabbu1ActionParsnip:  u there ?09:29
ActionParsnipDabbu1: sup09:29
ActionParsnipDabbu1: did sudo umount -a mount the disk?09:29
Mudand firestarter works perfectly with ubuntu server?09:29
MudI dont want to use a gui ;)09:30
ActionParsnipMud: orks with any ubuntu system09:30
Mudoki :)09:30
ActionParsnipMud: firestarter is a gui app to iptables09:30
ActionParsnipMud: run man iptables and you can see the commands for adding new rules09:30
Dabbu1 ActionParsnip: no09:30
ChrisDavazI can't find the packages uqm-voice and uqm-music. The repositories pointed to by /usr/share/doc/uqm-content/README.Debian seem to be broken. Could anyone help?09:30
ActionParsnipDabbu1: does it mount if you reboot?09:30
Mudthanx ActionParsnip :)09:31
rblstif i print a PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF, the printer used to work fine, i have a 8.04 with the latest updates09:31
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: i dont want to reboot09:31
=== Lasse is now known as LasseFolkersen
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: earlier there was no problem,,,but now it has stopped mounting...i m hosting a http and jsp server i can't reboot now09:31
MudI have only experience with ubuntu servers and desktops behind a firewall ;) and google didnt say much :P09:31
ActionParsnipDabbu1: what does: file /media/cdrom0 output?09:32
ActionParsnipMud: try www.ask.com09:32
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: directory09:32
c0nfl|ct bom dia09:32
ActionParsnipDabbu1: ok well the device exists and the mountpoint exists, you have a winner09:32
troublemakerhello, can anybody tell why my text typed in this room (and my name) is gray? did i miss something?09:33
MudI hate google these days btw, search engine isnt that good anymore :P09:33
=== Irreducibilis1 is now known as Irreducibilis
rblstif i print any PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF; the printer used to work fine (i have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates)09:33
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: what ?09:33
ActionParsnipDabbu1: try this: sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom009:33
ActionParsnipMud: i use multiple search engines, gets more results due to each using different search methods09:33
ActionParsnipDabbu1: when you mount a device (like cd roms) you mount them to a mount point (folder), if the device is visiable and the mount point exists then you should be able to mount09:34
Dabbu1 ActionParsnip: thanks that worked...but why this problem occured ?09:35
vecamhello, I have installed ubuntu intrepid, but I have a problem installing my wirelss card,  Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01), I downloaded the driver and installed it, but after I updated the system packages, the wireless card disappeared09:35
ActionParsnipDabbu1: no idea, keep an eye on it09:35
ActionParsnipDabbu1: maybe its a one off09:35
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: one more problem..my web cam was easily detected by cheese in 8.04 but in 8.10 it doesn't detect ?09:36
ActionParsnip!webcam | Dabbu109:36
ubottuDabbu1: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras09:36
ActionParsnipDabbu1: i dont use webcams. i think they are creepy09:37
Dabbu1ActionParsnip: ok....09:37
LasseFolkersenHello. Can anybody help me with the following problem: I have installed Ubuntu on my ASUS L4500R laptop. I have kept my old windows XP system on another partition as well. Selection of operating system is done with the default method ("GRUB"?). When "arriving" at GRUB from a restart of either windows XP or ubuntu, I can select and start the 2.6.24-22-generic Ubuntu without problems. However,...09:38
LasseFolkersen...when starting "cold" (from a turned off computer) it hangs forever at "Starting up...". When removing splash screen and quiet options I can see that the last printout is "ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing". Any suggestions?09:38
ActionParsniptroublemaker: yeah like 13 year old kids and old geezers peering in. thats all i think when i hear webcam. voyeur is a bit sick to me09:38
rblstif i print any PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF; the printer used to work fine (i have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates)09:38
ActionParsniptroublemaker: mic is ok as its a cheap phonecall09:38
troublemakerActionParsnip, is that so risky09:39
ActionParsniprblst: remove the pdf printer then reinstall09:39
ActionParsniptroublemaker: just makes my skin crawl09:39
troublemakerActionParsnip, .... ok :)09:39
rblstActionParsnip: i have reinstalled the printer to no avail09:40
latCalling all LAN experts. Here is a diagram of what I'm wanting to do: http://www.dayspringpublisher.com/temp/network.pdf  Can someone recommend a website or book that explains how to do this clearly and with examples?09:41
ActionParsniprblst: thats all i can suggest, maybe someone else knows09:41
rblstActionParsnip: okay, thanks09:41
troublemakerhi room, it's time to back home, bye09:41
yaris123456789i installed ubuntu from vista, and uninstalled it. then i install it again today.  now when i start my computer, there is boot to Windows, and two Xubuntu options....i tried both of them, and it only shows a command shell, and nothing else will load....windows still works :(09:42
sloopyActionParsnip, i dont blame you i dont care much for webcams either... i keep thinking someone is watching me... (no i am not paranoid at all ;´)09:42
MudActionParsnip: I found this page > http://www.savvyadmin.com/ubuntus-ufw/ \o/09:42
ActionParsniplat: you'll need this on the central ubuntu box: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router09:43
Joe_someone have a few minutes to help me try and debug, seemingly, random hard locks in 8.04 (also was present in 7.10).  I have theories but logs do not seem to support them09:43
ActionParsniplat: why not make life easier and attatch the switch to a port on the wireless router09:43
ActionParsniplat: then you dont have a complex setup at all09:44
=== tom___ is now known as shoot^
MarkHullo. I'm about to install Ubuntu on a fresh 400Gb SATA drive. Could someone please explain what the optimal partition setup would be, particuarly with respect to where to put /, /boot, home and so on?09:44
ActionParsnipMark: depends what the system is for09:45
MarkActionParsnip : Desktop usage, and I'll probably use Gimp a fair bit so I'd like that to run as well as possible.09:45
vecamhello, there was a fancy package I forgot it's name, it adds an application bar with lightening icons09:46
latActionParsnip, ok. Is there a good web page for doing that simpler setup?09:46
ActionParsnipMark: so few apps but lots of user data sounds good to me09:46
shingieI would suggest that you put /home on a different partition incase you might want to reinstall operating system in the near future09:46
ActionParsniplat: no need, just attatch a port on the switch to a lan port on the router and it will give you the ports, the routers dhcp will spread to all clients09:47
benokasimplexio: what do I do with this file? /etc/networks/interfaces09:47
shoot^hey guys. Having some issues with Ubuntu Server, namely system crashes. The system just halts random - sometimes after hours, sometimes after days.... never when I'm using it. /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages don't seem to have any clues - nothing unusual is logged - they just stop printing - Mark - around the time of the crash, and log the boot procedure of the reboot. It happened on Hardy, so I tried an upgrade to Ibex, but still no joy. Any troubl09:47
MarkActionParsnip : - I'm a terrible one for trying stuff out though, so it's possible I'd add various apps. I wonder if I should prepare a second instalation just to mess about in?09:47
ActionParsniplat: only mildly taxing bit is sharing the printer09:47
benokasimplexio: ...to setup fixed IP09:47
sloopymark, i have a 500GB sata hd and i partitioned it 20gig / , 2gig swap, rest for /home , works well09:47
Markshingie: `That sounds like a good suggestion, I'll keep it in mind, thanks.09:47
yaris123456789i installed ubuntu from vista, and uninstalled it. then i install it again today.  now when i start my computer, there is boot to Windows, and two Xubuntu options....i tried both of them, and it only shows a command shell, and nothing else will load....windows still works :(09:47
ActionParsnipMark: then give yourself slightly more space for / and less for /home (use seperate partition for /home makes backup easier)09:47
Syrrehmm ... is there any "need to have" programs ? =P ... tried gDesklets, screenlets and google apps out, but now i need to get something else =P09:47
ActionParsnipSyrre: tilda is good09:48
latActionParsnip, thanks. I'll try and see what happens.09:48
Marksloopy: I see. I'm partly thinking of keeping some of the drive for NTFS storage09:48
lollercan somebody tell text editor supporting socket API? help09:48
yaris123456789i installed ubuntu from vista, and uninstalled it. then i install it again today.  now when i start my computer, there is boot to Windows, and two Xubuntu options....i tried both of them, and it only shows a command shell, and nothing else will load....windows still works :(09:48
yaris123456789i installed ubuntu from vista, and uninstalled it. then i install it again today.  now when i start my computer, there is boot to Windows, and two Xubuntu options....i tried both of them, and it only shows a command shell, and nothing else will load....windows still works :(09:48
yaris123456789i installed ubuntu from vista, and uninstalled it. then i install it again today.  now when i start my computer, there is boot to Windows, and two Xubuntu options....i tried both of them, and it only shows a command shell, and nothing else will load....windows still works :(09:48
Syrrethx ActionParsnip ... iĺl look into it09:48
FloodBot2yaris123456789: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:48
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: check your grub config09:49
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: does startx do anything?09:49
sloopyMark, i use virtual box for windows xp, works well09:49
MarkActionParsnip : So when you say more or less space, what kind of figures are we talking about? 2 gigs as opposed to 50 gigs or what?09:49
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: and DONT repeat youorself with large bodies of text. Its THE BEST way to get banned09:49
yaris123456789it just shows Start Windows Vista, Xubuntu, Xubuntu09:49
Marksloopy : *notes* I'll have to look into that.09:49
yaris123456789ActionParsnip: sry09:49
yaris123456789ActionParsnip: but im kinda in a hurry09:50
LasseFolkersenHello again. Can anybody help me with the following problem: I have installed Ubuntu on my ASUS L4500R laptop. I have kept my old windows XP system on another partition as well. Selection of operating system is done with the default method ("GRUB"?). When "arriving" at GRUB from a restart of either windows XP or ubuntu, I can select and start the 2.6.24-22-generic Ubuntu without problems....09:50
LasseFolkersen...However, when starting "cold" (from a turned off computer) it hangs forever at "Starting up...". When removing splash screen and quiet options I can see that the last printout is "ACPI: Using PIC for interrupt routing". Any suggestions?09:50
ActionParsnipMark: I'd say 50Gb for /, double your ram amount for /swp and the rest for home09:50
yaris123456789so should i install xubuntu again ? such a pain09:50
SyrreActionParsnip: got any more nice little programs that "i" just gotta have ?09:50
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: no, does startx do anything in the prompt after you log in as yourself?09:50
ActionParsnipSyrre: depends what you do on your pc09:50
yaris123456789that command is not available09:51
yaris123456789i can't login because it never asks09:51
sloopymark, also there are fs drivers for windows to access ext2 partitions so using the /home for space in windows is a possibility09:51
MarkActionParsnip: ok, so 50Gb for/, 4Gb swp, 100 gigs for /home ... what about /boot ?09:51
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: try /etc/init.d/gdm start09:51
ActionParsnipMark: boot can hangout on /09:51
yaris123456789ActionParsnip: donno i think something wrong with installation09:51
MarkActionParsnip:  right you are. Ok, thanks for that! :)09:51
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: well you need to try stuff first09:51
yaris123456789ActionParsnip: kinda weird there is 2 bootable xubuntu menus on start09:51
SyrreActionParsnip: well ... uhm ... a little bit of this, and a little bit of that ... i cant be more precise .... hehe09:52
yaris123456789ActionParsnip: also when i go into menu, all the words are jumbled up into weird symbols09:52
vecamguys, what packages could be used to get a user impressed to use ubuntu09:52
ActionParsnipyaris123456789: then sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.list to see whats going on09:52
Marksloopy : oo, interesting.09:52
NewNewhow big is ubuntu straight after install from livecd?09:52
ActionParsnipvecam: compiz wows the fools quite easily09:52
ActionParsnipNewNew: about 2gb09:53
Rajitanyone tried intrepid?09:53
NewNewActionParsnip: thanks09:53
ActionParsnipRajit: yeah09:53
shingieI am running Intrepid09:53
Rajithows it?09:53
ActionParsnipRajit: works ok here09:53
MarkActionParsnip : 50 gigs for / sounds a bit massive to me. Surely I could get away with a lot less?09:53
sloopyvecam, run it on a P3 1Ghz cpu with 512mg of ram and show how it runs about as fast as a P4 2.8Ghz with vista09:53
shingieRajit: no problems09:53
ActionParsnipRajit: but my hardware is very linux friendly :)09:53
ActionParsnipMark: then use less09:54
MarkActionParsnip: Or would it appreciate that much space for tmp stuff. Ah ok, Will do.09:54
ActionParsnipMark: mines 10Gb but i chat and browse the web09:54
MarkHokay, cheers peeps. I'll go get on with it.09:54
SyrreActionParsnip: tilda was actually pretty nice, dropdown terminals is allways "nifty" =P09:54
MarkActionParsnip: I see. Right oh.09:54
ActionParsnipMark: you'd probably get away with 30Gb without issue09:54
ActionParsnipSyrre: yeah, beats having to hunt for terminal amongst your windows, the kde equiv is yakuake09:55
sloopyMark, on my machine i have both gnome and kde installed with alot of other stuff  (i use gnome, mrs uses kde) and my 20gig / is only 30% filled09:56
ActionParsniphe's gone09:56
sloopyActionParsnip, oh well... the days of cheap disk are here... so it isnt a big deal09:56
ActionParsnipsloopy: true09:56
ActionParsnipSyrre: what do you use your system for to what must have apps you should get09:57
SyrreActionParsnip: do you happen to know if  there is any proggys similar to the desklets and screenlets ? ... been looking for ages, but i cant seem to find one that "sticks" ... or perhaps something i or anyone for that matter cant live without =P09:57
Syrrelets see09:57
sloopyi bought 2 500GB sata drives last spring, on still sits around waiting to be used09:57
sloopys/on still/one still/09:57
ActionParsnipSyrre: you can make screenlets reappear by adding a script to run the python code for each screenlet you want09:57
nimbusanyone suffering from ATI+compiz problems?09:57
benokawhat's the difference in interfaces setup between "address" and "network" and what is "broadcast" - windows has no such options09:58
sloopynimbus, no, sold my soul to the devil and got an nvidia card...09:58
nimbusThat is what I should have done.09:58
ActionParsnipbenoka: address is your ip address, network is the address of the network and broadcast is the broadcast address09:58
nimbusBut nooooo they said "ATI WORKS BETTAR WITH AMd!!!"09:58
nimbusSo I went along with it09:58
coldhaki accidentally cat'ed one of my executables. now my terminal is screwed up. anybody know how i can fix it?09:59
sloopybenoka, windows has it just hides it...09:59
ActionParsnipbenoka: e.g. is address network broadcast
sloopycoldhak, type ´clear´ and return09:59
werdnumHow do I go back from proprietary nvidia drivers to the inbuilt X 'nv' drivers?09:59
nimbusnow I have to turn off compiz to watch a movie or play a game.09:59
ActionParsnipnimbus: compiz is good at breaking stuff10:00
nimbusIf I don't, the movies flicker and the game crashes the interval of time the screensaver comes on.10:00
vecamsloopy, nice, but usually users got impress on graphical animation and effects, I can't remember that package name to that creates a taskbar with dancy icons10:00
nimbusyes I am now experiencing that!10:00
SyrreActionParsnip: mostly converting videos and/or burning some dvd:s .... running tovid GUI now since brasero don't want to "play" with me ... hmmmm ... some surfing and some games .... doing different things each day ^^ ... ah, yup the screenlets reappearing thingy, i got that one figured out, but thx anyways m8 =P10:00
nimbusI am a recent Windows convert.10:00
ActionParsnipSyrre: devede is pretty decent10:00
ActionParsnip!info devede10:00
ubottudevede (source: devede): program to create video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.11-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1462 kB, installed size 3340 kB10:00
AdvoWorkwhats the -? for rysnc for copying only new/different files?10:00
coldhaksloopy: the prompt is messed up.10:01
AdvoWork-u ?10:01
coldhakthat doesn't fix it.10:01
=== maek is now known as Guest80145
coldhakwhen i type it's screwed up too. nothing displays properly10:01
sloopyvecam, yeah i am more impressed by a result coming fast then a result with sugar on it... i left mac os because of the visual sugar (cant take it i am diabetic ;´)10:01
ramonwhat other command i can use beside apt-get clean to free some space in the hard drive?10:01
SyrreActionParsnip: really ? ... installed it the other day, but i havnt tried it out yet10:01
=== Guest80145 is now known as maek0
nimbusI figure linux is a temperamental exotic car and windows is a camry.10:01
schonehi all10:01
sloopycoldhak, you typed the chars ´clear´ and then hit return?10:01
ActionParsnipSyrre: its what i use, otherwise i cant suggest anything...snow plugin for compiz is festive ;)10:01
nimbusI expect to have more exiting computer quirks in my life from now on.10:02
coldhaksloopy, i'm a linux newb, not an idiot. yes.10:02
schonei have three mounted internal hard drives, i want to format them, whats the best way to do this?10:02
sloopycoldhak, doesnt matter how the machine displays it10:02
coldhaki typed "clear\n"10:02
SyrreActionParsnip: haha, gotta try that one, gotten bored with the "water" effect10:02
aftertafschone: depends on your linux level..... id go for gparted10:02
ActionParsnipschone: mk2fs -J /dev/<partition name>10:02
coldhakproblem isn't fixed. i tried clearing first.10:02
schonek cool after10:02
ActionParsnipschone: this will destroy all data on the partition so make sure you get the right one10:02
sloopycoldhak, err sorry try ´reset´10:02
coldhakperfect, that did it :)10:03
vecamsloopy, hehe, personally, I like xfce because of the lack of effects, but low end users do like animation, after beryl project, 70% of my users started migration to ubuntu10:03
* werdnum is busily removing nvidia drivers because he doesn't need the effects, but does need to be able to suspend to RAM.10:04
sloopycoldhak, sry some days i still live in the days of SunOS ;´)10:04
benokaActionParsnip: sloopy: suppose I have a router of and I want to set address to : where I know Broadcast is and Mask - but what is network?10:04
nimbuswouldn't removing nvidia drivers make your life hard?10:04
nimbusI yanked the ATi drivers for a time and I got the "green screen"10:04
ActionParsnipbenoka: you dont really have to put them in the interfaces file, the subnet mask allows the system to work it out10:05
vecamhoha .. guys what is the name of this package http://www.silverwingsonline.com/ubuntu1.jpg10:05
werdnumnimbus: Worked fine before them, just need them for effects.10:05
nimbusreally? what do you gain by removing them?10:05
sloopybenoka, network is
ActionParsnipsloopy: is a class c so its /2410:06
sloopyActionParsnip, yeah i need to pay attention, i am at work...10:07
nimbusvecam, might be the cairodock10:07
ActionParsniphehe me too ;)10:07
nbeeboi cant see conky when i run it with this config: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79229/ does anyone know why?10:07
Kate_344Hello , does it possible to extract tar file without the folders path ? (all the files will be extract to 1 folder ) i try'ed to look at the "man tar" but i cant find it10:07
sloopywell my replacement is here so time to put laptop away...10:08
sloopytnite all10:08
vecamnimbus, thank you .. I can't remember it's name, but the name cairodock seems strange a bit10:08
benokaActionParsnip: sloopy: thank you guys, will try this!!10:08
nimbusI might be wrong.10:08
vecamnimbus, is it apt-able ?10:08
chilli0hello all10:09
chilli0i just delted windows10:09
=== heizkostenabrech is now known as nvbd
nbeebohow come my conkey doesnt show?10:09
ActionParsnipnbeebo: do you have a ~/.conkyrc file?10:09
chilli0but there is an unalcated partion10:09
chilli0how do i join it to ubuntu>?10:09
nimbusnot sure, vecam. might have to research that.10:09
nbeeboactionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79229/10:10
vecamnimbus, yes it is cariodock, but I'm sure there is another one or another name10:10
vecamnimbus, thank you very much10:10
nimbusyou're welcome10:10
ActionParsnipnbeebo: is that your ~/.conkyrc ?10:10
nbeeboactionparsnip: yes10:10
ActionParsnipnbeebo: ok, what happens if you run conky from terminal?10:11
nbeeboactionparsnip: ill try10:11
nbeeboactionparsnip: Conky: use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none.  'no' seems to be some form of 'false', so defaulting to none.10:12
nbeeboactionparsnip: guess ill fix it then10:12
ActionParsnipnbeebo: sounds like you got a plan :)10:12
plumaI installed 8.10 and now my video and audio is broken. Apparently the sound card is not recognised (standard on-board) and the graphics card could not be detected (last-gen ATI Radeon)10:12
nbeeboactionparsnip, lol thanks btw10:12
ActionParsnipnbeebo: running stiuff from terminal gives intelligent output. Gui hides all the good stuff10:12
ActionParsnipnbeebo: its one reason i dont use gui rubbish10:12
plumaIt worked fine since Dapper Drake and that was what? Six generations ago?10:12
redshift1972hi all got a question for you10:13
nbeeboactionparsnip, yeah i know that but ive got brain damage...10:13
nbeeboactionparsnip, long time lyme disease10:13
Kate_344Hello , does it possible to extract tar file without the folders path ? (all the files will be extract to 1 folder ) i try'ed to look at the "man tar" but i cant find it10:13
SyrreActionParsnip: is there a way of making tilda autostart ? ... tried to add it in sessions, but it did not work =/10:14
ActionParsnipKate_344: tar zxvf <tar file>10:14
ActionParsnip!autostart  | Syrre10:14
ubottuSyrre: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:14
redshift1972Can Vm ware install to a real device instead of virtually? so i can boot it up for real ?10:14
vecamnimbus, it's emerald :)10:14
nimbusokay thanks10:14
kc8pxyis there anything special about installing ubuntu as a xen Guest?10:17
kc8pxyas opposed to a regular server install10:17
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen10:18
nbeebodamn im good10:18
ActionParsnipredshift1972: no as the vmware server must boot to read the image10:18
ActionParsnipredshift1972: you could dd the partitions to a removable media, then put them on real disks10:19
chilli0hello all10:19
chilli0how can i make my ubuntu partion bigger?10:19
nbeebou cant :(10:19
ActionParsnipchilli0: you can use gparted in live cd10:19
nbeebomaybe u can :)10:19
chilli0ive lost my live cd10:19
ActionParsnipchilli0: backup all important data before starting, just incase10:19
ActionParsnipchilli0: redownload one10:20
chilli0ive backed up10:20
chilli0did that earlyer10:20
chilli0so what do i download?10:20
chilli0ActionParsnip were can i get the live cd from?10:20
SiD|67how can i test my wlan card on a livecd?10:20
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.10:20
ikoniachilli0: ubuntu.com10:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about getubuntu10:21
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).10:21
chilli0is there any oher way then getting ubuntu again?10:21
q-tip_in 8.04 how can I stop the delay on typing the " key ?10:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about puppylinux10:21
chilli0is there like a gparted live cd ?10:21
ikoniachilli0 in what respect ?10:21
ikoniachilli0: ubuntu has gparted on it10:21
chilli0ikonia:  internet slow10:21
ActionParsnipikonia: i think he wants something smaller10:21
chilli0its at dial up10:21
nbeebochilli0 google for small live cd or something10:21
chilli0yes smaller10:21
ikoniayou can go to a shop and buy a magazine with it on10:21
ikonianot really an ubuntu issue then10:22
nbeeboit is if u read what he needed help with10:22
ikoniano it's not10:22
peter_Tried to install server 8.10. During install no HD where found. I'm using a Promise Fasttrack S150 TX4 sata controller. I installed server without any problem. Can anyone give me a hint on what to do?10:22
ActionParsnipthe OS works so ubuntu is not faulty10:22
ikoniahe's been told he needs to use gparted from a livecd environment, he can get the ubuntu cd or look for one that suits his needs better10:23
chilli0well i want to make ubuntu bigger10:23
ActionParsnipid say that was supported10:23
ikoniayes I read that10:23
nbeebohe asked how he could reformate ubuntu partition :S:S:S lol10:23
ikonianbeebo: yes and he was told with gparted10:23
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines10:23
ActionParsnipchilli0: dry damnsmalllinux10:24
nbeebochilli0 or puppy linux10:24
ikoniawe can't speak for other distros implimentation of gparted10:24
redshift1972hmm interesting, well here is what i wanna do specicfically, i wanna be able to boot my thumb drive ( but its not working) and be able to install linux or windows from it to hard drive...then i have  the rest of my files on the thumb drive for after installation....i wanna be able to bring just my thumb drive to  a friends house and install what ever Operating system flavor i want just from my thumb drive..but if i cant bo10:24
ikoniaor partitioning tools10:24
nbeebotoo late10:25
ActionParsnip!usb | redshift197210:25
ubotturedshift1972: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:25
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete10:26
rblstif i print any PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF; the printer used to work fine (i have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates)10:26
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows10:27
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)10:27
ActionParsnipgood ol pdf10:28
peter_Tried to install server 8.10. During install no HD where found. I'm using a Promise Fasttrack S150 TX4 sata controller. I installed server 8.04.1 without any problem. Can anyone give me a hint on what to do?10:29
ActionParsnippeter_: why not install 8.04 then do an upgrade with the cd to 8.1010:30
ikoniapeter_ look for the support of that card in that kernel ?10:30
aftertafpeter_: yeah. Fasttrak is FakeRAID10:30
ikoniapeter_: look if the closed source driver (there is one) is needed for that kernel, check if it's compatible10:30
aftertafyou need dmraid10:30
ActionParsnippeter_: maybe you need additional modules to get the controller going in 8.1010:30
rblstif i print any PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF; the printer used to work fine (i have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates), does anyone happen to know how to solve this?10:31
aftertafdmraid is needed . I ahev those same cards at work and had to use fedora core to have them available at install time.10:31
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:31
aftertafsee the software raid link peter_10:31
sajuukcan i get the link for multiheading again?10:32
* ActionParsnip strokes his pci-x scsi card10:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:32
nbeebohow do i private bot?10:32
ActionParsnip!dualhead | sajuuk10:32
ubottusajuuk: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama10:32
aftertafActionParsnip: yeah, real raid is better......10:32
ikonianbeebo /msg it10:32
sajuukbtw i think im gonna run into trouble10:32
ActionParsnipaftertaf: only by a million times10:32
sajuukI dont have a Nvidia chipset on my intel graphics card... where can I see wot type of Intel VGA card it is on ubuntu?10:33
FebruariusXis this the place to ask about redundanc10:33
ActionParsnipsajuuk: lspci | grep -i vga10:33
ActionParsnip!info redundanc10:34
ubottuPackage redundanc does not exist in intrepid10:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about redundanc10:34
ikoniasajuuk you don't have an nvidia chipset on your intel card10:34
peter_I have set up a raid 5 using server 8.04 and it works without any problem. And indeed I did an upgrade to 8.10 and it still works. I was only wondering why I dond't see any drive when doing a clean install using 8.1010:34
ActionParsnipFebruariusX: what is it?10:34
j0nrActionParsnip: not sure what yo mean by 'start directory of the particular user'?10:34
sajuukdoes an intel 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device do multiheading?10:35
ikoniasajuuk graphics cards are not cpu10:35
ActionParsnipj0nr: you set the root directory of the user for ftp, so if user 'bill' logs in, his ftp start directory is /home/bill but if 'andy' logs in his start directoy is /home/andy/ftpstart10:35
ikoniasajuuk: I think your trolling now with your questions, please stop10:35
sajuukim not and I dont wish to troll10:35
ActionParsnipj0nr: you can choose what folder the first ls is started from, they can dig deeper but go no higher of where you specify10:35
sajuukmultiheading= dual screen10:36
ikoniasajuuk: so stop asking silly questions, and stop asking questions that are nothing to do with ubuntu10:36
norbert79good day10:36
sajuuknot mult-threading10:36
ikoniasajuuk: that card will support dual heads if it has multiple output ports10:36
=== MartyMcFly is now known as MartyMacFly
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about report10:36
sajuukok, now I have one monitor and my laptop monitor, will that dual screen?10:37
ikoniasajuuk if you have an external port it should do10:37
sajuukwhich it does, check :)10:37
norbert79I have a simple question, maybe someone has already a solution to that: I know, that 8.10 uses a different X method, and comes with Compiz enabled. Unfortunetally compiz works still not well with Wine, so I would like to disable it, but then I lose OpenGL support. How do I enable OpenGL for X without compiz? (xorg.conf gets overwritten with every restart)10:37
ActionParsnipsajuuk: have you installed video drivers?10:37
ikoniaActionParsnip it's an intel card10:38
sajuukfor the 855? No, i assumed not to cos it works10:38
sajuukbut i do have the 2nd screen hooked up10:38
ActionParsnipikonia: still needs a driver, even if its vesa, its a driver10:38
sajuukvia the VGA port on the laptop10:38
ikoniaActionParsnip you don't install drivers for the "intel" cards10:38
ActionParsnipikonia: well its part of a stock install, just needs configuring10:39
ikoniaActionParsnip yes10:39
sajuukand i have 2 screens that are exactly the same but i want them to dual screen10:39
nbeebonorbert79 try run metacity --replace maybe10:39
ActionParsnipikonia: but drivers are installed for it, which is my point10:39
ikoniaActionParsnip they are already installed ?/???10:39
sajuuku guys know what I mean? cos i sometimes sound very weird when i describe my problems10:39
ikoniaActionParsnip: where is he going to get drivers10:39
norbert79nbeebo: Hmm, do you think that will force compiz not loading? The problem is, when I turn off the special effects,. it also removes the OpenGL support, which is pretty silly10:40
ActionParsnipikonia: repos10:40
ikoniaActionParsnip where ???? they are already part of the default install10:40
ActionParsnipikonia: you assume they havent been removed?10:40
ikoniaActionParsnip: oh come on10:40
ActionParsnipikonia: as i always say. I assume nothing10:40
nbeebo!norbert79, metacity is a window manager just as compiz so it just replaces compiz with metacity.. all i know :/10:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:41
sajuukthe 855 won't come off in a hurry, its an integrated vga card on the laptop motherboard10:41
ikoniaActionParsnip: is the machiens turned on, is he logged in, come on10:41
ActionParsnipikonia: ive had some bad cases in here10:41
norbert79nbeebo: I see. I am familiar with metacity and compiz, I just can't understand why it forces X not loading GLX parts... Well, thanks for the tip anyway10:41
ActionParsnipikonia: !termnal is pretty bad in most users eyes10:41
nbeebonorbert79 np..10:42
sajuukso what do I do to dual screen the 855gm with the laptop and my old desktop monitor?10:42
halyconhey everyone has anyone used Stardict before?10:43
scorp123hi all10:43
scorp123@Admins: I get a 503 from ubuntuforums.org .... Is the site down?10:44
norbert79Scolo: It is10:44
norbert79scorp123: it is10:44
norbert79danmn tab :)10:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date10:44
ActionParsnipsajuuk: here's some nice xorg.conf snippets you can use: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/292795/+viewstatus10:44
nbeebowhat day is it today in europe? sorry for offtopic ...10:44
sajuukyeah it just went down10:44
scorp123norbert79:  oh dear10:44
Flannelnbeebo: Try #ubuntu-offtopic10:44
scorp123norbert79: (I mean the site being down .... )10:44
norbert79scorp123: I did it too10:44
sajuukok Action, i will take a look through them, but I am simply a desktop user of linux, i wont know too much10:45
DIFH-icerootnbeebo: tuesday 02.12.0810:45
nbeebodifh-iceroot, thanks10:45
error404does ubuntu's default kernel config include PAE? is there a PAE-enabled kernel in the repos?10:45
scorp123nbeebo: that's a strange question10:45
ActionParsnipsajuuk: i gotta check some stuff out, maybe someone can use those to help10:45
scorp123error404: you have to use the "server" kernel10:45
error404scorp123 thx10:46
scorp123error404:  sudo apt-get install linux-server .... that will get you PAE10:46
scorp123error404: but:  Also make sure you get the "-headers" dependencies ... for some odd reason they won't install automagically10:46
ActionParsnipscorp123: i like "automagically"10:47
renjith is any libraray functions available to use the /etc/resolv.config file(read the contents, update the file with some new entries etc) in c/c++10:47
scorp123error404: best thing is ... Open Synaptic and search for "linux-server" .... so you'd get the "linux-server-headers", "linux-server-image" and "linux-server-restricted-modules" .... If you miss any of that then e.g. some modules like "nvidia" might refuse to work.10:47
scorp123ActionParsnip: from the Linux sources .... "automagically" is mentioned several times there ... :)10:48
sajuukyep, this guy is talking about a S-Video problem but it looks remotely the same.  Would I have to change my Xorg file for the dualscreen monitor?10:48
ActionParsnipsajuuk: looks like it to me10:48
susa24could someone please assist me or guide me in the right direction to setup bluetooth in mythbuntu?10:49
sajuukhmm and how to go about it.... very carefully I guess! :D10:49
gunnarahlberghow do I convert 25 .mov files from a DV cam to a dvd?10:49
ernoi can't ssh to my ibex sever after a kernel update10:49
ernowhy is this?10:49
ActionParsnipgunnarahlberg: i think devede may be able to make the dvd, not sure about mov support, you could always convert it if it doesnt like it10:49
ActionParsniperno: is openssh-server installed and running?10:50
ndlovunorbert79, have you tried installing compiz fusion icon? it lets you switch between compiz and metacity on the fly... but I'm still not sure whether opengl would work under metacity10:50
ActionParsniperno: is there a logical link (can you ping the server by name and ip address)10:50
gunnarahlbergActionParsnip: Thanks, I will give it another try. devede blew up (assertionerror)10:50
scorp123nbeebo: why this question about the date in Europe?? You have a Swedish IP address ... aren't you supposed to know the day too? :D10:50
ActionParsniperno: is there any firewalling which may get in the way10:50
norbert79ndlovu: The same does the 'appereance' menu option too, but I would like to disable it permanently...10:51
scorp123gunnarahlberg: try "kino"10:51
norbert79ndlovu: Good idea tough10:51
scorp123gunnarahlberg: it has a convert function10:51
ActionParsnipgunnarahlberg: in my experience, ive had to watch devede do its trick and not use the system10:51
rookeeeeeeeeedoes anyone know whow to do a whois on someone on xchat?10:51
fiyawerx /whois foo10:51
norbert79ndlovu: The disturbing thing is, that opengl should not be dependent on compiz10:51
nbeeboscorp123: couse i dont have anything that tells day on desktop so.....10:51
ActionParsniperno: do you have the correct ip address / name/10:51
gunnarahlbergActionParsnip: this will take a while....10:51
rookeeeeeeeeethats not working fiyawerx10:52
erbiwhen using mythtv to watch tv, what hardware do i need to buy for my laptop ?10:52
scorp123nbeebo: you should drink less ;-)10:52
fiyawerxrookeeeeeeeee, check the server window10:52
gunnarahlbergActionParsnip: is there a CLI to devede? i did google it :)10:52
susa24could someone please assist me or guide me in the right direction to setup bluetooth in mythbuntu??10:52
fiyawerxrookeeeeeeeee, or just right click their name in the namelist10:52
susa24or in ubuntu10:52
ActionParsnipgunnarahlberg: not sure man10:53
sajuukOk, opened up xorg.conf, i have an entry for monitor which is just 'configured monitor' and screen which is 'configured monitor/video device"10:53
ActionParsnipsajuuk: you'll need gksudo gedit to open it10:53
ActionParsnipsajuuk: then you need to read the link i gave you and pull bits across10:54
gunnarahlbergActionParsnip: I'm in a hurry so I'll just believe you, thanks10:54
ActionParsnipsajuuk: if you get stuck you can press esc at grub boot and fix xorg10:54
sajuukhow do you fix xorg? with recovery?10:54
norbert79sajuuk: dpkg-reconfigure xorg-config I guess10:55
norbert79works for almost every package dpkg-reconfigure10:55
ActionParsnipsajuuk: yeah recovery for your kernel has the option10:55
j0nrActionParsnip: So do I need to add a DefaultRoot /directory_of_choice?10:56
j0nrActionParsnip: as there isn't one in as default10:57
ActionParsnipj0nr: yeah, sounds about right10:57
krisyscan anyone tell me what will i need to install java run time? I'm looking for the exact package name so that i can apt-get..11:00
ActionParsnip!java | krisys11:00
ubottukrisys: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository11:00
norbert79krisys: I think you should try to use apt-cache search sun | grep java11:01
ActionParsnipnorbert79: nice one11:01
krisysubottu: norbert79 : thanks.11:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:01
norbert79ActionParsnip: Your reply is much precise tough :)11:01
sajuukok ActionParsnip, I can drag across the monitor but its not of that type of monitor its a different type, i suppose I change it around to suit the monitor?11:02
ActionParsnipnorbert79: im just lazy :D11:02
norbert79KrimZon: You are welcome11:02
norbert79ActionParsnip: :)11:02
norbert79krisys: You are welcome... Damn tab again :)11:02
ndlovunorbert79, if I switch between compiz and metacity, glxgears works fine on both. As far as I know indicates that opengl is working independent of compiz on my system (8.04)11:02
ActionParsnipsajuuk: the type isnt important really, its the refresh rates and resolutions you set11:02
ActionParsnipsajuuk: you can set them if you want, its purely aesthetic11:02
norbert79ndlovu: Ok, disable, compiz, and restart your X...11:02
norbert79ndlovu: OpenGL tends to disappear after the next 'restart'11:03
sajuukgood good, 60 hz and 1024x768 monitor is what i have then11:03
ndlovunorbert79, I'll try it out and get back to you...11:03
norbert79ndlovu: Cheers11:03
erbiwhen using mythtv to watch tv, what hardware do i need to buy for my laptop ?11:04
norbert79erbi: I doubt you will need a recent hardware, any medicore or lower types of PC would be also enough11:04
ActionParsniperbi: one that fits its interface and one thats big enough to hold what you wanna store11:04
norbert79erbi: You can watch mythtv using an older Pentium 1 with Voodoo card too... afaik11:05
SyrreActionParsnip: haha, i just figured out why i could'nt get Tilda to autostart =P .... a simple typo, had written "Tilda" instead of "tilda" =P11:05
sajuukok Action, what are the refresh rate lines on the crt monitor?  HorizSync 28-9611:07
sajuuk    VertRefresh 43-160? would it be these? how would i change it to just 60hz?11:07
ActionParsnipSyrre: yep, linux is CasE SEnSiTIve11:09
Danny-aka-RecceI have a printing issue. The printer is attached to a Windows box. I can see it when I add the printer as a network printer over samba. However when I try to USE the printer the file doesn't go anywhere. The windows box sees a new printer on my machine as if it were connected here. What do I need to change to make it realize that the printer is on the OTHER machine?11:09
Danny-aka-RecceI'm using WebAdmin and can edit the samba config directly. I can also do it through GSambad.11:10
sajuukok ActionParsnip, done the refresh rates, i think, now I gotta add the new monitor to a 'section device'11:10
sajuukActionParsnip: But which section do I add it to?11:11
ActionParsnipDanny-aka-Recce: have you added the linux printer driver to your linux system?11:11
ActionParsnipsajuuk: its a whole extra section, read the guide, it has 3 monitors specified11:12
sajuuki only have one monitor to add though11:12
ndlovunorbert79, glxgears works under metacity even after a restart11:12
Danny-aka-RecceIt asks you what the printer type is when you set it up. It then finishes the config. If I just plug the printer into this machine then there are no problems at all. So I'm assuming that yes the driver is installed.11:12
sajuukand its only a VGA one11:12
ActionParsnipsajuuk: then add it in the same way11:13
norbert79ndlovu: Weird... I have still issues under my Eee and 8.10... Somehow I lose the Gl support for the Eee after I disable compiz.11:13
ActionParsnipsajuuk: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-August/091347.html11:14
BlinkizHi. I have a pptx file here (powerpoint 2007) that I want to convert to ppt, odp or pdf. I have OpenOffice 3.0 installed but it looks like shit. Anyway to convert it?11:15
ndlovunorbert79, it might be that compiz fusion icon maintains control of the xorg.conf, and does not disable the opengl parts? I'm not too familiar with the settings though.11:15
norbert79Blinkiz: Well, do some formatting first before converting it... :)11:15
norbert79ndlovu: Yes, it needs more investigation ... Thanks for testing!11:15
Blinkiznorbert79, I don't have powerpoint 2007, I got the file from a friend11:16
ndlovunorbert79, no problem11:16
ActionParsnipBlinkiz: its a propritary format so you may have iissues. i have no idea how to convert it11:16
norbert79Blinkiz: Well, open the file, correct the errors in the file, and convert it after you have made the corrections11:16
sajuukActionParsnip, can I do a pastebin of my Xorg and see if i have done it right?11:16
benokahello, is it normal that my wireless connection asks for the WEP code at each startup?11:16
ActionParsnipsajuuk: sure11:17
arvind_khadrihi, i have a parallel port drive... wanted to use it...how do i mount it in ubuntu?11:17
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: depends whats attatched to it11:18
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, a hard disk11:18
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: you sure its not a com port11:19
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, how do i know what port it is btw11:19
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: parallel is 36 pins11:19
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: com port is 9 pins11:20
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, this has 25 pins11:20
ActionParsnipsorry, parallel is 25 pins11:20
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, ya this is parallel... got 25 pins11:21
erbiwell, in my synaptic package manager, im trying to install banshee, and in that manager, it says the latest version is 1.2.111:21
erbihow come my synaptic package manager cannot get the correct updated version ?11:21
erbiwell, in my synaptic package manager, im trying to install banshee, and in that manager, it says the latest version is 1.2.111:21
erbibut on the banshee-project.org site, they released 1.4 on nov10th2008.11:21
Condoulook, how would I configure my ATI drivers to get a refresh rate above 60Hz? I installed the proprietary drivers, yet no luck.11:21
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: if you connect it and run sudo fdisk -l does it show up?11:22
sajuukActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/m409e64d611:22
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, nope11:22
ActionParsnipsajuuk: i wouldnt have the @ symbols round the second monitor section name11:23
sajuukthey r for bolding11:24
halyconWhat is the best way to get an offline version of Wikipedia for Ubuntu?11:24
ActionParsniparvind_khadri: this may help, this mounts iomega zip drives (parallel) so should be similar for standard hdds: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IomegaZIPDrive11:25
arvind_khadriActionParsnip, thanks...11:25
ActionParsnipsajuuk: and you only have one screen11:25
DJoneserbi: The version on the banshee-project website will have been released after ubuntu 8.10 was released, they have a policy of normally issuing only security and bug fixes until the next ubuntu release11:25
msandbuhi, is there any app avalible from apt that can display web-trafic from an apache site?11:25
sajuukActionParsnip, i need to add another screen?11:26
a3dfd7forums down, I need to read a page, is there a cache?11:26
raphaHi all!11:26
raphaWill Ubuntuforums be offline for long?11:26
gavinlewhi, i have a network (router,switch,4 SIP phones) and need to be able to capture all inbound / outbound udp traffic, any ideas how - i was thinking of using net:bridge ? (I have a ubuntu server built with 2x nic's)11:26
ActionParsnipsajuuk: well, yeah. you have your laptop screen and your external screen11:26
ActionParsnipsajuuk: the second link i gave you shows you how they are laid out11:27
sajuukcan u repost that link?11:27
erbiDJones: im running ubuntu 8.10 64bit, should i use 1.2.1(from my synaptic package manager or 1.4 ?11:27
erbierr lemme rephrase the question...11:28
raphaWill Ubuntuforums be offline for long?11:28
DJoneserbi: I would stick with with the version in the repo's, that way if there are any security updates you get them automatically, if you install from a non-ubuntu repo, you might find that you don't get future updates11:29
erbihow do i update my repositories so that my box can display 1.4.1 instead of the older version 1.2.1 ? where do i change settings? isnt it something like NAME.list ?11:29
Condoulois there any way I can get an 85Hz refresh rate on Ubuntu 8.10 with the proprietary ATI Drivers?11:29
erbii just thought my repopositories aren't up to date.. how do i check?11:30
=== cE is now known as cE__
renjith_Hi all11:30
renjith_is it possible by using resolver library routines to change the DNS IP address?11:31
crimsaqerbi, sources.list11:32
ubuntu_user_123hello, what's the command to delete all files in a directory?11:32
gavinlewrm *11:32
Carpathiaive put an unformatted sdcard into my internal reader, but ubuntu has done nothing. how can I mount it?  Ive used formatted sdcards no problem11:33
NetMubuntu_user_123 : rm -rf *11:33
ubuntu_user_123without deleting directory itself11:33
NetMthis :)11:33
ubuntu_user_123thanks NtM11:33
NetMjust go INTO folder11:33
NetMand type this11:33
FloodBot2NetM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:33
* crimsaq slaps FloodBot1 11:33
crimsaqer 211:33
* crimsaq slaps his tab key11:34
CondouloAnybody here experienced with configuring ATI drivers? >.>11:34
Zaraki_Kenpachihi, i have just installed google earth from the medibuntu repo, it worked, but the display is blurry, my graphic cards is from intel , how do i resolve it11:34
raphaAm I muted maybe?11:34
crimsaqrapha, no :p11:34
raphaoh ok :)11:34
raphaSo then I'll try again - will the forums be offline for long?11:34
* crimsaq has no idea11:35
crimsaqdidnt know they were down :p11:35
raphaoh, k11:35
raphaDo they work for you, crimsaq?11:35
susa24could someone please assist me or guide me in the right direction to setup bluetooth in mythbuntu??11:35
raphacrimsaq: ubuntuforums.org ofc11:35
Zaraki_Kenpachihi, i have just installed google earth from the medibuntu repo, it worked, but the display is blurry, my graphic cards is from intel , how do i resolve it11:35
crimsaqdidnt work11:35
Condoulook, since xorg.conf is no longer used for video and such, how would I configure my ATI to get a correct refresh rate of 85Hz. Anybody know?11:35
Dreamer3is there a way to tell adduser not to prompt for name and all that crap so i can trun in non-interactively?11:36
raphacrimsaq: k, so it's not just me or only germany. good to know :P11:36
crimsaqyea :P11:36
crimsaq<- FL, USA11:36
FloodBot2crimsaq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:36
crimsaqthat bot needs to die11:36
gavinlewcondoulo: im using the restricted ATI drivers on ubuntu 8.10 at home , and I have the ATI control center available via Applications11:37
raphaYeah, it floods more than the ppl it warns.11:37
gavinlewcondoulo: which should let you control the refresh rate11:37
crimsaqnvidia > ATI11:37
Condoulogavinlew, yeah, that gives me the same refresh rates as the Screen Resolution Tool Ubuntu provides.11:37
j0nrok, trying vsftp now... am i right in thinking, that if it default to be able to log in and see your home directory, do i just go to the ip address of my home router?11:37
gavinlewcondoulo: oh , i dont know much more than that then im afraid, mainly use nvidia kit11:38
j0nreg ftp://ip.address.of.homome11:38
zirodaycrimsaq: rapha: To know when the forums will be back up ask in #ubuntuforums11:38
Joe_someone have a few minutes to help me try and debug, seemingly, random hard locks in 8.04 (also was present in 7.10).  I have theories but logs do not seem to support them11:38
crimsaqmine hard locks about once every 50 uptime days :p11:39
crimsaqI blame old hardware though11:39
Joe_mine has hard locked about 8 times in the last 12 hours11:39
crimsaqyou're much worse than me :P11:39
crimsaqI can sustain a 50 day uptime usually :P11:39
Joe_my other one does just fine...11:39
erbithanks crimsaq11:39
Joe_it appears to happen after a long period of sustaining 3-5Mbps up (or down)11:40
Joe_but I can find nothing in the logs to confirm that11:40
Joe_any ever hear of something like that?11:40
crimsaqmaybe your network card is on the fritz :P11:41
Joe_already thought of that, bought a new gigabit card a few weeks ago11:41
Joe_tested RAM, tested HDs11:41
Condoulogah. I'm going back to 8.04 where I actually had a usable refresh rate, and than maybe do a distro upgrade from there >.>11:41
Joe_isn't a heat problem (gets a little warm, but not bad), CPU load is minimal11:42
crimsaqpretty bizzar11:42
Joe_say speaking of which... how is 8.10?11:42
GINZ2Anyone here know the Gallery nightlies workings?11:42
ardchoilleJoe_: I have 8.10 working great here. Haven't had any major problems.11:43
Joe_I haven't upgraded off 8.04 since 8.04 broke Synergy11:43
Joe_you use Hamachi and/or synergy by chance?11:43
* crimsaq is on Kubuntu 8.04 :p11:43
Condoulodecent... except I can't get my ATI to get a proper refresh rate (I have the resolution I want, but not the refresh rate. And xorg.conf no longer has the job of doing that, so the fix isn't as simple as it used to be)11:43
* Mustinet tv izliycem eyq11:43
Joe_that doesn't sound good... I use nvidia on this machine, but I have 4 monitors connected to it11:43
GINZ2I want to install a new nightly but need to remove the earlier one first, and it will not remove it.11:43
Joe_I'd kill someone if that broke11:43
crimsaqnvidia rocks11:44
crimsaqati sucks :P11:44
Joe_the new ATI cards are sweet11:44
ardchoilleJoe_: I have nvidia and found the 173 driver to be incapable on my machines. I uninstalled it and installed the 93 driver and everything worked11:44
Joe_and AMD claims that they are going to open up the drivers11:44
Rprp`Hello, i got a problem.. for some reason i cant install 'procps', error: http://rafb.net/p/Bwluv686.html - does someone know how i can solve this? :)11:44
shoPandaJoe_: You could try a liveCD of course, that way you won't have to kill anyone11:44
Joe_I have to use the 169 driver due to one of my video cards11:44
Vincemanhi! is mounting any different when it's rw instead of just r?11:45
Joe_vinceman you mean besides not being able to write to it?11:45
XB23hey guys in ubuntu how do i reload the /etc/hosts file without rebooting?11:45
Condoulodoes anybody know what config file does hold refresh rate information and such now, since xorg.conf no longer does?11:45
Joe_condoulo no clue... why would they take it out of xorg.conf?11:46
VincemanJoe_ hold on, I have to check something out11:46
CondouloJoe_, I dunno. >.> but they did11:46
AppiahIs there anyway to change a default startpage for all my newly created users on ubuntu?11:46
Joe_appiah default start page?11:46
zirodayAppiah: startpage?11:46
Vincemanhow can you check whatever it is in your device directory?11:46
zirodayAppiah: as in the login window, or the firefox home page?11:46
Vincemanthere're so many entries in that dir11:47
Joe_vinceman clarify?11:47
Vincemanwell something is linked through to something else, I don't know who did it and why it is, but how can I check what it is?11:47
Joe_vinceman going to need to be a little more specific than that...11:47
Vincemanlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 2008-12-02 12:06 cdrw1 -> scd111:47
Joe_vinceman what kind of link?11:47
Vincemanit is a sn link no?11:47
ndlovuXB23, dunno, but  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart might work11:47
Appiahfirefox home page ziroday11:48
Joe_vinceman ah, the file cdrwl is a symbolic link to scdl (the real file)11:48
Appiahor just firefox settings in general11:48
Joe_vinceman if that's all the line says, scd1 should be in the same directory11:48
Rprp`Hello, i got a problem.. for some reason i cant install 'procps', error: http://rafb.net/p/Bwluv686.html - does someone know how i can solve this? :)11:48
howtoohey... I'm in need of mono v2, currently sitting at ubuntu8.10 intrepid. The mono-2x is available in Jaunty. Is it possible to only add the mono packages from jaunty to my sources list?11:48
XB23hey guys in ubuntu how do i reload the /etc/hosts file without rebooting?11:48
howtooXB23: you dont have to11:49
Vincemanyes, Joe_ I think it is a clausule of some sort to prevent writing to the read write DVD station11:49
howtooXB23: just add your hosts, and it should read it11:49
XB23oh right11:49
Joe_vinceman where is that file located?  do pwd11:49
XB23how do i read a url and display it in ssh?11:49
Vincemanin dev11:49
Joe_xb23 read a url?11:49
XB23ah its ok curl works11:50
howtoocopy, paste =)11:50
XB23hmm /etc/hosts hasnt worked11:50
XB23its still goin to the old dns11:50
Joe_vinceman my genreal rule, things in dev and many things in /etc shouldn't be touched11:50
zirodayAppiah: Edit > Preferences11:50
Joe_vinceman what is the problem you're having?11:50
howtoowhat's you resolve order?11:50
XB23i want to redirect a dns to a externel website to
Appiahziroday: that wont work for new users , but thanks11:50
XB23so www.google.com points to
zirodayAppiah: oh! you want it as default?11:50
Appiahziroday: that means if i create 100 users I have to login to  each one11:50
zirodayAppiah: didn't understand that. Sorry11:51
XB23i added11:51
XB23127.0.0.1 www.google.com11:51
XB23to my hosts file11:51
Joe_xb23 you want to use a routing table for that11:51
FloodBot2XB23: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:51
XB23and saved it11:51
Appiahziroday: ;)11:51
VincemanJoe_ well I can't use the hardware, that's all11:51
ardchoilleIs http://ubuntuforums.org/ down?11:51
zirodayardchoille: yes11:51
DJonesardchoille: apparently yes11:51
Joe_xb23 and for some reason the command is not cominbg to mind...11:52
zirodayAppiah: this link should help you http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-459676.html ,if the forums are up :)11:52
Joe_vinceman can't use it how, can't read or can't write or both?11:52
Appiahziroday: i'll check it once its up :D11:53
Vincemanit is not visible in gnome I believe it is called11:53
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyone tell me if its possible to delete the windows vista primary partition while ubuntu is still on the hard disk then reinstall windows on the same space that it was on before?11:53
Joe_xb23 iptables is the command for what you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo11:53
VincemanJoe_ is that meant for me?11:54
lianimatorrookeeeeeeeee: possible, but you'd have to install grub again11:54
Spatman_Some one kn ow alot about LAMPWare here*?11:54
Joe_vinceman nope, that's for xb23 for what he wants to do11:54
Zaraki_Kenpachihi, i have just installed google earth from the medibuntu repo, it worked, but the display is blurry, my graphic cards is from intel , how do i resolve it11:54
Joe_vinceman it's a DVD drive I take it?11:54
ikoniaSpatman_ do you mean lamp ?11:54
lianimatorHow do I receive mails from junkbox of hotmail using Evolution11:54
Joe_vincemand and not listed under /media?11:54
rookeeeeeeeeelianimator, and how do you reinstall grub?11:54
Vincemanthere's no entry in fstab11:54
Rprp`Hello, i got a problem.. for some reason i cant install 'procps', error: http://rafb.net/p/Bwluv686.html - does someone know how i can solve this? :)11:54
lianimatorrookeeeeeeeee: you can google it for sure. :)11:55
Joe_vinceman nothng like /media/cdrom0?11:55
schone0a-hi all, is there a way to format the hard drive that the os is installed on by using the os?11:56
ikoniaschone0a- no11:56
Vincemanit is preserved for the other11:56
Joe_schone0a you could try, and probably screw it all up good... use a liveCD and you should be ok11:56
Joe_vinceman you have 2 drives?11:56
Vincemana read and a readwrite11:56
Spatman_some one use lamp here the php,my SQL.... program?11:57
schone0a-well i m selling the hard drives11:57
Vincemanhow many G?11:57
schone0a-so i just need to clean them dry11:57
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:57
ikoniaschone0a- do it from a live cd11:57
Vincemanleave that to the professional schone0a11:57
VincemanJoe_ what's so abnormal about having two drives?11:57
Spatman_some one use lamp here the php,my SQL.... program?11:57
Joe_vinceman nothing, just didn't realize you had two and that was the problem11:58
Joe_vinceman I'm assuming the first drive works fine?11:58
turuburuguysi want to setup lamp in ubuntu. is it better to use tasksel or aptitude?11:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tasksel11:58
ActionParsnip!info tasksel11:58
ubottutasksel (source: tasksel): Tool for selecting tasks for installation on Debian systems. In component main, is important. Version 2.73ubuntu11 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 884 kB11:58
Flannelturuburu: tasksel is easier, but package management works just fine too11:58
Flannel!lamp | turuburu11:58
ubottuturuburu: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:58
ActionParsnipturuburu: any are good, i use apt-get11:58
Vincemanyes it does Joe_11:59
ActionParsnipturuburu: all pretty much the same deal11:59
turuburutasksel is easiery. so if i do tasksel i hope i will not end up with bloated installation with a lot of useless software?12:00
Joe_vinceman ok, do sudo fdisk -l12:00
ActionParsnipturuburu: i can imagine itd install necessary deps only12:00
Flannelturuburu: No, it'll do more or less identical to what you'd do with a package manager12:00
Joe_vinceman do you see both drives listed there?12:00
ActionParsnipturuburu: if you prefer it, use it12:00
turuburuyes i prefer it, because in aptitude i must select specific packages12:00
VincemanJoe_, what is the abbreviation sdb1 meant for anyway12:01
turuburuanother question: i cant find how to install pico in ubuntu server, although in ubuntu desktop was easy to install12:01
ActionParsnipwhy do so many package managers exist when they achieve the same goal. I cant differentiate between them12:01
Flannelclient: Please stop12:01
ActionParsnipturuburu: sudo apt-get install pico12:01
Flannelturuburu: pico isn't Free, but nano is already installed.12:01
ActionParsnipturuburu: if thats no good, try tab completing12:01
Joe_vinceman actually.. I don't know, mine are all hd...12:01
turuburuactionparsnip: itdid not exist12:01
ActionParsnipnano is AWESOME12:01
VincemanJoe_ I see only harddisk entries12:02
turuburuflannel: thanks for the tip. i did not know nano! :)12:02
clientjoe hai12:02
lianimatorDoes anyone know how do I receive mails from junkbox of hotmail using Evolution12:02
turuburuforgetpico then12:02
ActionParsnipturuburu: apt-cache search pico | less12:02
turuburuso i should put non-free repository12:02
Vincemanis linux soft?12:02
turuburuaction.. it was not there because maybe of it was not free and i did not touch the repos12:02
Flannelturuburu: No.  non-free doesn't exist for linux, just use nano, it's a Free version of pico12:02
turuburubut flaneel thanks for nano12:02
WhiteBlueDragonuntil when are there security updates for Ubuntu 7.10 (gutsy) ?12:02
Joe_vinceman sdb is the last entry?12:02
FlannelWhiteBlueDragon: 18 months, so until April of next year12:02
WhiteBlueDragonFlannel: thanks a lot12:03
Vincemanman fdisk doesn't look for dvd-stations12:03
Joe_vinceman yes, but they go in order12:03
Joe_vinceman so take the last entry, I'll assume sdb, your first dvd drive should be sdc and teh second would be sdd12:03
sajuukActionParsnip, im going to do another pastebin with what I have compiled12:04
ActionParsnipsajuuk: sure12:04
j0nrshould just a standard install of vsftpd allow me to log in remotely? if so, is it just by entering my routers external ip address?12:04
ActionParsnipj0nr: you will need to setup port forwarding to the linux box12:05
karotucan anyone help with ricoh sd card reader please?12:05
ActionParsnipj0nr: some routers call it virtual server12:05
exodus_mslianimator> try this--> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200408 there is a section on 'junk mail' in there somewhere :)12:06
schone0a-hey guys is there an easy way to set all files not folders to a certain chmod12:06
Flannelschone0a-: What are you trying to do?12:06
scientes_why arnt there any good search tools for gui12:07
schone0a-I have TV Series/Episode 1/File.avi etc. I want to set the File.avi to chmod 64412:07
scientes_like search this folder for this text12:08
Joe_scientes search tools for the gui?12:08
schone0a-I want to set all files in sub folders12:08
scientes_beagle and tracker thy to be everything to everybody12:08
scientes_and they have no options for simple domains etc12:08
sajuukActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/m7318f06912:08
ActionParsnipscientes_: whats wrond with find?12:09
=== scientes_ is now known as scientes
exodus_mslianimator> or install the bogofilter plugin12:09
ActionParsnipFlannel: can you shed any light on that xorg.conf. trying to set up laptopp with external display unit12:10
lianimatorexodus_ms: I have bogofilter.. but I think it's for filtering out junkmails which gets into evolution. I need to GET junkmails from my hotmail first.12:10
sajuukActionParsnip, hows it look, I think I have done a good job, I turned off Xinerama because I dont have that installed (I think) on my hardy machine.12:11
Joe_I take it from the silent viceman figured it out?12:12
ActionParsnipsajuuk: not too sure12:12
lianimatorexodus_ms: I didn't find anything about junkmail on the thread.. I guess I'll try to turn off junkmail filter in hotmail itself.12:12
Joe_vinceman if you don't have it yet, a guess (based off what you've said) you just need to add this line to your fstab: /dev/scd1       /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       012:13
Joe_now back to me...12:13
ferozHow do i set permissions for /dev/bus/usb using udev rules pleasE?12:14
* NetM is away: I'm busy12:15
Joe_8.04 (was also present in 7.10): random hard locks requiring a power reboot, seemingly random but could be related to long term high bandwidth usage12:15
sajuukActionParsnip, just remember that hpmonitor is my external monitor for the lap top12:15
sajuukrather, monitorhp12:16
ActionParsnipsajuuk: i get it, im just not sure. i think you need another pair of eyes that aint mine12:17
ferozAnyone can help me?12:17
sajuukhmm anyone else want to help me with my Xorg problem?12:18
Pirate_Hunterit is possible to install linux on a dell xps?12:18
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: running well on mine12:18
Joe_pirate_hunter should work on just about anything12:18
hateballPirate_Hunter❅ I'm typing this from a XPS M1710 atm12:18
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: depends which model and the hardware support12:18
schone0a-Pirate_Hunter: dell have specific isos12:18
schone0a-punch in dell wiki linux iso into google should find something12:18
ikoniaschone0a- are you sure about that ?12:19
Pirate_Hunterikonia, Joe_, hateball: ty, ikonia well xps 420 just want to make sure12:19
ikoniaPirate_Hunter: check the hardware you have in your model, but should be fine12:19
Joe_pirate_hunter when in doubt, use a livecd12:19
Pirate_Hunterschone0a-, why did dell have to be so complicated, ikonia ok will do so, Joe_, so true12:20
=== Mr_-Ksanchez is now known as Mr_Ksanchez
ndlovuJoe_, could it be a power supply problem causing your system to lock? I've had very random problems related to P.S.12:21
hateballPirate_Hunter❅ I'm using the normal ubuntu install on mine, I'm sure most do12:21
Joe_ndlovu thought so too, old power supply had a slight fluctuation on one of the 5v rails, within specs but barely... I replaced it a few months ago... no change12:22
kiekohallo ubuntu leute12:22
kiekoi have a pc with two hard drives;  i installed Ubuntu on one of them and a different os on the other... but when i boot up it boots into default drive with ubuntu. can i do something about this?12:22
DarkKnighthey were cn i search for different sound modules12:23
Joe_there... that has to be it... system froze again12:24
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:24
Joe_was fine for hours, turn on torrent (my big bandwidth user) and it freezes in 3 monites12:24
=== flaco is now known as flacom
AdministratorAnybody can tell me how to bridge the connection in ubuntu 8.10, appreciate on helps or replies. Sry for my bad english...12:26
=== Administrator is now known as legendsohai
legendsohaiAnybody can tell me how to bridge the connection in ubuntu 8.10, appreciate on helps or replies. Sry for my bad english...12:26
ikonialegendsohai: bridge with/for what ?12:26
legendsohaifor virtualbox12:26
ndlovuJoe_, maybe try torrent off a livecd on the same machine and see if it still freezes?12:27
ikonia!virtualbox > legendsohai12:27
ubottulegendsohai, please see my private message12:27
ikonialegendsohai: there is also the #vbox channel12:27
VincemanJoe, don't you forget ,exec,utf8 ?12:27
Joe_vinceman use whatever your line for cdrom0 has, just change 0 to 1 and should be good12:28
Joe_ndlovu yeah, might... once the damn thing comes back up again12:28
fedehello, am i in the correct room if i need help for my kubuntu?12:29
Dr_Willis64fede,  here or #kubuntu12:29
fedehow can i change room and go to the kubuntu's one?12:29
Dr_Willis64fede,  irc basics.. /join #channelname12:30
Dr_Willis64fede,  or click where i said #kubuntu :) in many clients12:30
VincemanJoe_ is there nothing that indicated read write or both?12:30
fedemy first times, very kindly12:30
fedethanks dr12:30
Dr_Willis64!irc | fede12:31
ubottufede: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines12:31
VincemanJoe_ can webcams be mounted too or are they just functional without that?12:31
Dr_Willis64fede,  check out the docs for whatver irc client you use also :) is handy.12:31
lianimatordoes anyone know why I can't start a program automatically after a certain amount of time at startup? e.g. start transmission after 10 secs. "sleep 10 && transmission" does not start transmission!12:31
Dr_Willis64lianimator,  how are you trying to start them up?12:32
darkhammwhere i can find a review about compatibility power and quality between xine gstreamer and mplayer?12:32
lianimatorDr_Willis64: I added the command to startup in sessions.12:32
jriblianimator: probably because it expects a binary, not shell code12:32
=== carlo is now known as Guest53730
Spatman_Anyone with here skilled with php12:32
Dr_Willis64lianimator,  you may want to make a script that does the task and call that script from  the startup-session manager tool.12:33
chris_hi everybody12:33
jriblianimator: or at least some_program, not shell code12:33
lianimatorjrib: I would have to write a script?12:33
lianimatorDr_Willis64: jrib: thanks.12:33
Guest53730Hi... I am having a problem with my Samsung R41 notebook. It appears that ever since I installed Intrepid, the fans are constantly on. Have there been ACPI changes? How could I work around this?12:33
Dr_Willis64a 3 line script. :)12:33
chris_anyone having issues connecting to wep encrypted networks on Hardy?12:33
Kingsy101can someone tell me the name of a half decent code editor program? I would use the text editor but it doesnt have line numbers and i have been using 'scream' but I don't like it, it randomly closes itself12:34
werdnumKingsy101: I like Kate :)12:34
Kingsy101is there kind of like a standard one that the majority of people use in ubuntu?12:34
Guest53730Kingsy101: I use gedit for almost everything...12:34
Carpathiaanyone got a sony ebook reader?  Im struggling to mount its SDCard12:34
Dr_Willis64Kingsy101,  theres a dozen editors out.. vi, emacs. i perfer 'geany' :)12:34
sleepy_cathi.. i deleted some important files and now they r in the trash how to retrive them back in their original folder12:35
kingI am on Dell 1525. The webcam used to work in 'cheese' before I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 ie in 8.04. Now it doesn't work.12:35
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:35
Dr_Willis64Kingsy101,  geany is sort of made with 'programming' in mind.12:35
Dr_Willis64Kingsy101,  i also like 'cream' and 'fte'12:35
Kingsy101yea thats what I need really, cos thats what I am doing in it12:35
Kingsy101hmmm ok12:35
meganoxKingsy101: check out the plugins in Gedit, you can enable syntax highlighting and line numbering12:35
werdnumeverybody knows what webcams are for.12:35
sleepy_catHi help me out plx12:36
Kingsy101meganox - how?12:36
chris_everytime I restart my net I get this in /var/log/messages ndiswrapper (add_wep_key:xxx): adding encryption key 1 failed12:36
chris_any ideas ?12:37
meganoxKingsy101: http://www.micahcarrick.com/09-29-2007/gedit-html-editor.html12:37
Cheeryhi, is there a way to get interactive components to desktop in ubuntu?12:37
ikoniaCheery such as ?12:38
Dr_Willis64sleepy_cat,   I thought you doubleclicked to open the trash and then select items/right click - undelete them some how...12:38
Vincemanwhat is the %u-parameter meant to say?12:38
Cheeryikonia: I'd want to get the workspace switcher to my desktop, instead of a toolbar12:38
VincemanI bet it is just an indication that a parameter is possible, right?12:38
Guest53730Still wondering what could be done about a constantly running notebook fan on my Samsung R41 after upgrading to Intrepid... It hardly ever went on with Hardy...12:38
Kingsy101meganox - cool, do I need to download that from the site or can I use a get -apt command?12:38
sleepy_catno when i right click on the item it doesnt give me undelete anyhow12:38
ikoniaCheery thats a tool bar application12:38
Cheeryikonia: doesn't need to be the same application12:39
meganoxKingsy101: http://live.gnome.org/Gedit/Plugins12:39
Dr_Willis64sleepy_cat,  i right click on a item in the trash and theres a 'restore' menu item12:39
Vincemanhow do you run fstab?12:40
odinsbaneHow do I find my modem?12:40
meganoxKingsy101: yes, apt-get install gedit-plugins12:40
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Dr_Willis64Vinceman,  you dont.. to get fstab to be 'reread' by the system use 'sudo mount -a '12:40
meganoxKingsy101: and google for third party syntax highlighters for various languages12:40
VincemanDr_Willis64 I get : mount: mount point  does not exist12:41
CanadianLinuxCan someone help me with being able to run 2 instances of Xchat in Ubuntu. I want to be able have them each have their own plugins and settings.12:41
Dr_Willis64Vinceman,  then you either did a typo. or have an improper entry in the fstab file.12:41
Kingsy101meganox - doesnt the command download that for you?12:41
Dr_Willis64Vinceman,  when mounting somtning the directory you are mounting the device to MUST exist beforhand.12:42
Kingsy101ok, I am downloading the plugins now, once they have downloaded can I just go into gedit and enable the ones I want?12:42
JC_Denton_is there a c++ ide that has intellisense (auto complete)like functionality? Especially when working with the gtk libraries?12:42
Lord`SaladinWhen I load up the Update Manager, it is telling me to do a partial upgrade as not all packages could be installed. Is it wise to do a partial upgrade?12:43
* Lord`Saladin has never had this problem before12:43
meganoxKingsy101: gedit uses GtkSourceView for syntax highlighting, you just need to find/write XML files for the languages you want, details are in the first article12:44
meganoxKingsy101: many languages should be built-in12:45
VincemanJoe_? you still there?12:45
meganoxKingsy101: I haven't used it for that, I use vi mostly12:45
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
susscorfaI'm wondering when tracker indexs mail does it ignore the rules about the number of KB that are to be indexed per file, since mbox files are far larger and i want them to be indexed as a whole12:46
DarkKnighthey can i know why Open source and Free Software OS' are called distros while Windows OS' is are not called distros12:47
Dr_Willis64DarkKnight,  because MS dosent want to use that term. :)12:48
peterzalso, for windows, there really isn't an alternative distribution12:48
norbert79DarkKnight: Ok, I don't want to get too much in details, but lets summarize it: Linux is the kernel, all around sourrinding applications (shell, X) are bunch of programs, called together distribtution. Windows is ONE prodcut12:48
Dr_Willis64'linux ditrobution' = 'linux variant' perhaps..12:48
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)12:49
norbert79eh, not good12:49
tomcheng76Can nm 0.7 in Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64 Set DNS for DSL Connection? it already get the ISP DNS and replace my resolv.conf12:51
dsdeizanyone knows a good link that tells how to install gyache?12:51
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:51
vivzcan any one help me with gtk12:51
jribvivz: you need to be a little more specific12:52
vivzdeveloping applications wih gtk+ and glade12:52
jribvivz: #gtk+ on GIMPNet or on freenode then12:53
Dr_Willis64thats still a big area :)12:53
norbert79jesus.. I would recommend to go to a GTK developer forum or channel... Doubt this is a right place for developers12:53
vivzoh ok.. i am sorry.. i am new to IRC as well as linux12:53
vivzgtk+ on ALP platform12:54
DarkKnightnorbert79; i checked out the distrowatch and i saw that only from version 4.10 is mentioned.....is that the 1st version of ubuntu12:54
norbert79DarkKnight: Yes, it ws12:55
norbert79DarkKnight: the first number always refers to the year, the second to the month12:55
norbert79DarkKnight: But thatsa only valiud for Ubuntu only12:55
vladtsepesh1984hi guys i'm not able to install envy gui....can anyone help me???12:55
MaveasIs it posible to install a mobile version of linux on a nokia N73? :S12:55
DarkKnightnorbert79; okk... so 4.10 means october 200412:56
DarkKnightin ubuntu12:56
norbert79DarkKnight: Exactly.12:56
norbert79DarkKnight: That is the date when the first Ubuntu was available12:56
vladtsepesh1984some help me to install and use envy gui interface?12:56
susscorfaI'm wondering when tracker indexs mail does it ignore the rules about the number of KB that are to be indexed per file, since mbox files are far larger and i want them to be indexed as a whole12:57
jribvladtsepesh1984: why aren't you using Hardware Drivers instead?12:57
tomcheng76vladtsepesh1984: which graphic card a u using?12:57
DarkKnightnorbert79; okk i was just checking out....ubuntu's the fastest growing distro as indicated by distrowatch.....this is also evident from the ubuntuforums12:57
pedrohi every112:57
vladtsepesh1984i'm using nvidia gt8500 card12:57
=== rakan is now known as Rakan
SSgtSpoonHey pedro12:58
tomcheng76Can nm 0.7 in Ubuntu 8.10 AMD64 Set DNS for DSL Connection? it already get the ISP DNS and replace my resolv.conf12:58
kingHow do I change the drivers that my integrated webcam uses? I need to change them to v4l2.12:58
sneki've had problems with DNS in Ubuntu 8.10 as well on some machines12:58
norbert79DarkKnight: Indeed, as it is based on Debian, and Debian packages are also compaitble with Ubuntu... Ubuntu alsways uses the 'unstable' part from Debian. This gives you always the latest, but not always the most stable packages.12:58
sneki fixed it by removing all network managers hehehe12:58
tomcheng76<vladtsepesh1984>: i am using 8600GT and everything is fined with restricted driver 17712:58
kingsnek, with me, without manually setting the DNS in network manager browsing never worked.12:59
vladtsepesh1984i know...also for me is everiting ok but i cant play mkv files...12:59
sneksomehow the network manager liked to overwrite my settings because it kept grabbing things from dhcp, eventhough the connection was setup manually12:59
snekmkv files should play fine in VLC and Xine, no?13:00
sneki used them all the time13:00
DarkKnightnorbert; i m actually trying to get into the deveopment side of ubuntu as part of my project......but its taking time and i even hardly know all the types of directories.....any idea how i can learn all these quickly13:00
jribmkv is a container format13:00
tomcheng76<vladtsepesh1984> : did you try w32codecs / w64codecs on medi ubuntu repository ?13:00
snekhmm i've never seen a windows codec inside an mkv, but i guess it might be possible :S13:01
norbert79DarkKnight: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment13:01
vladtsepesh1984can you help me do that13:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about v4l13:01
tomcheng76<vladtsepesh1984> :  a u using 8.10 ? x86 or AMD64 ?13:03
XB23hi guys ive added this line to /etc/hosts       www.google.com13:03
XB23but when i do dig www.google.com it stills shows the outside ip13:03
XB23and not the
snekecho "deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ intrepid free non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list13:03
snekwget -q http://packages.medibuntu.org/medibuntu-key.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update13:03
RichiHXB23: dig asks the nameservers13:04
norbert79XB23: as DNS servers return with the address registered in the DNS servers... yet I doubt you would be able to connect to google.com using that line :)13:04
RichiHXB23: it does not care about /etc/hosts13:04
XB23i dont want to connect to google norbert7913:04
XB23its a test im doing13:04
XB23if i did curl www.google.com13:04
RichiHXB23: ping google.com13:04
XB23ah k13:04
dsdeizany good package to test my webcam?13:04
RichiHyou will see the IP it's using13:04
kingdsdeiz, cheese13:05
norbert79XB23: It also depends on the DNS servers you are using...13:05
XB23nope still using the google name13:05
joseph__can someone help with the wifi driver rt2860  ? I have installed it , it works on ra0, scans correctly, but no way to use it with WPA and network-manager13:05
tomcheng76snek: obviously you need  this      sudo apt-get install w32codecs13:05
kingjoseph__, In 8.10 the Network-manager automatically handles WPA.13:05
newfeatshow come i can't install gnome-desktop-environment in the mini iso?  it says that keyring is missing for gnome.  but that's all that it needs.13:05
subdolusTrying to get dual-head display working on ubuntu-eee. Last time I set this up i came across a weird little tool that gave me some options, on the side it had "Screen 1", "screen 2" and you can set the default screen etc.13:05
XB23so how would i do it so www.google.com on my box points to
subdolusi cant for the life of me find that little guy again13:05
subdolusring any bells with anyone?13:05
jribXB23: you did it already13:06
DarkKnightnorbert; yes i have gone thru that...it says that that i need to fix bugs..etc13:06
kingsubdolus, Maybe a gui for xrandr13:06
ndoGuys, anyone any advice where to start reading about how to setup/install mysql and postgre?13:06
snektomcheng76: i somehow doubt there's a windows codec in an mkv.. i've never ever seen that, but it IS possible ;)13:06
joseph__yes king  that works with ndiswrapper13:06
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:06
XB23jrib when i do ping it shows the real ip13:06
XB23and not
kingndo, Yes that page is pretty much it.13:06
tomcheng76<vladtsepesh1984>: go here   http://www.ubuntugeek.com/install-mplayer-and-multimedia-codecs-libdvdcss2w32codecsw64codecs-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html13:06
joseph__but I try to get the rt2860  working as well13:06
norbert79DarkKnight: Well, you need to be a bit more specific, because I tought you are looking for some infos on how Ubuntu is being developed, and I think wiki.ubuntu.com is a great source to it13:06
jribXB23: save the file?  If you wrote it properly, it should work13:06
XB23well if i go back into it it shows the saved changes13:07
king!wifi > joseph__13:07
ubottujoseph__, please see my private message13:07
jribXB23: pastebin your file13:07
joseph__ok ubottu13:07
ndoking: ty, and not ubuntu? if on something redhat side?13:07
DarkKnightnorbert; i have the whole idea about it.....13:07
rblstif i print any PDF file, the output is scrambled/enlarged; this only goes for PDF; the printer used to work fine (i have an Ubuntu 8.04 with the latest updates), does anyone happen to know how to solve this?13:07
DarkKnightnorbert; and right now i just got curious abt the history of ubuntu...so i was searching out13:07
kingndo, The configuration instructions would remain the same. Just get hold of the right packages.13:08
tomcheng76usually mkv are mpeg4, but i think he is able to play avi file :- )13:08
XB23theres the file13:08
norbert79DarkKnight: You might want to check the Ubuntu magazines, http://www.fullcirclemagazine.org13:08
DarkKnightnorbert79; i m trying to get into the development team...so i spend lots of time in the forums and here too13:08
snekvlad, what player are you using to play the MKV files?13:08
joseph__thanks for the message ubuntulog13:09
norbert79DarkKnight: I dount that would be that easy, and yes, you jhave to be pretty active on sending bugreports, diff files, etc etc13:09
jribXB23: ah, but is anything listening on  I think ping will move on if what it tries in /etc/hosts doesn't work at first13:09
ndoking: k13:09
XB23well it dosent even try
norbert79DarkKnight: Spending time somewhere doesn'T make anyone a developer yet. Tough I am pretty sure that any help is warmly welcomed, yet you have to prove, that you are capable on handling problems, and solve problems13:09
norbert79DarkKnight: So as first step, start hunting down bugs, sending bugreports, solutions to bugs, etc etc13:10
iaindbHi all.  I don't have Ubunto, but I have a blog entry popular with you guys :) Can someone tell me what package the binary setxkbmap is in? (or is there an Ubuntu package search website?) thx13:10
DarkKnightnorbert79; ya...so 1st i thought i would become more familiar with the filesystem etc.... and networking...get a sound info abt how the OS works...so i thought i might get back to the basics13:10
jribXB23: it won't tell you it tried13:10
XB23here is my ping13:10
norbert79DarkKnight: Get subscribed to the developer maillist13:10
DarkKnightnorbert79; okk...13:10
snekiaindb: http://packages.ubuntu.com/13:11
norbert79DarkKnight: Ah, so you just have started using Linux... Well, get familiar with the basics first then...13:11
jribXB23: use (www.yahoo.com) and see13:11
norbert79DarkKnight: There are some good documentations on generic Linux guides on the net13:11
tomcheng76apt-cache search setxkbmap13:11
tomcheng76x11-xkb-utils - X11 XKB utilities13:11
tomcheng76xfce4-xkb-plugin - xkb layout switch plugin for the Xfce4 panel13:11
iaindbtomcheng76: don't have apt-cache :) but I found it thanks to the link from snek :)13:12
DarkKnightnorbert79; its not that i just started using linux...the fact is that i had been using since the past 6-7 months....got handy with certain commands..... and now started off with the SAG....wat do u think13:12
XB23hmm so i need to setup
iaindbthanks all :)13:12
DarkKnightnorbert79; i 1st used Debian...then got onto ubuntu.....13:13
XB2364 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.038 ms13:13
erbiif i have a tar.gz of a flashplayer, how do i install it ? thanks alot in advance.13:13
XB23127.0.0.1 is working13:13
DarkKnightnorbert79; and i started loving ubuntu13:13
hateballerbi❅ Follow the instructions where you downloaded it from, or inside the tar13:13
tomcheng76erbi"  tar xvf abc.tar.gz13:13
XB23does ubuntu cache anything with /etc/hosts13:13
norbert79DarkKnight: You might still consider on getting know more different linuxes. You sound to be still a beginner, I think you will need to learn a bit more... Start making your own packages, try to understand the differences between different package handlers, start looking for documentations on security, etc etc13:13
jriberbi: delete it.  Install the flashplugin-nonfree package from multiverse using your favorite package manager instead13:13
norbert79DarkKnight: I am pretty sure you enjoy being part all of this, but give yourself a bit more time13:14
dietwaterHow do you get a static mac address?  Mine changes every once in a while and i rely on a network that authenticates on mac instead of password.13:14
erbii wish to install a native 64bit adobe flash player13:14
reenignEesreveRanyone uses rsync?13:14
norbert79DarkKnight: and learn more... You are not ready yet, young Skywalker :)13:14
DarkKnightnorbert79; ohh...ya.....where do i get more info on packages13:14
ddgoosereenignEesreveR, yes13:14
norbert79DarkKnight: Well, that would be your first task, finding this out :)13:14
DarkKnightnorbert79; ya nice usage....skywalker13:14
reenignEesreveRddgoose ... do you use ti with rsync server or without server?13:15
hateballerbi❅ I'm not sure (not on a 64bitmachine atm) but I think you only need to put the libflash.so in /usr/lib/13:15
norbert79DarkKnight: Find out how many different package methods are used, there is .deb for example as you might know, but what are the others?13:15
ddgoosereenignEesreveR, I have a 2 stage ubuntu repo, so just the client13:15
dietwaterHow do you get a static mac address?  Mine changes every once in a while and i rely on a network that authenticates on mac instead of password.13:15
FebruariusXhello everybody i have some question about HAProxy.?13:15
tomcheng76tar -xvzf flashplayer10_install_linux_*.tar.gz13:15
norbert79DarkKnight: That would be a good start13:15
zirodayerbi: how come you can't use the normal way of installing flash?13:15
DarkKnightnorbert79; the other is rpm13:16
erbino it still will run 32bit natively through 32bit libraries13:16
jriberbi: drop the .so in ~/.mozilla/plugins/ then.  Remove the flashplugin-nonfree package13:16
norbert79DarkKnight: Thats also one method, yes, but there are way more13:16
* NetM is back (gone 01:01:12)13:16
DarkKnightnorbert79; u are gud at giving assignments....i m starting here....also i started a blog of my own....wish to see it....??  http://ossarchives.blogspot.com/13:16
jrib!away > NetM13:16
ubottuNetM, please see my private message13:16
ddgoosedietwater, your mac address should not change for no reason13:16
erbimy flash keeps crashing time to time13:16
tomcheng76ziroday: there is problem in 64bit flash nonfree package, we have to install the beta one13:17
dietwaterWell I added mine to their list and it changed after a restart...13:17
ddgoosedietwater, did you mean ip address?13:17
erbiand since im running 64bit, i would like to run flash player through 64bit natively13:17
norbert79DarkKnight: You could also try to compile your own packages, or at least your oiwn binaries... To understand the way how hard/easy on creating binaries is...13:17
zirodaytomcheng76: understood, shouldn't have jumped in :)13:17
jriberbi: then do it13:17
norbert79DarkKnight: Then you could create your own deb packages13:17
madducki have two ubuntu 8.10 and on one, a new icon pops up when i add a usb stick, and on the other nothing happens.13:17
dietwaterNo, I mean mac address.  I'm not a nubcake lol.13:17
jriberbi: though the native 64bit flash is crashy for me.  On intrepid flash through nspluginwrapper has yet to crash for me13:17
madduckhow can i fix the latter (which was born as a 7.04 system, while the first one was born as 8.04)13:17
hateballerbi❅ http://johnbokma.com/mexit/2008/11/25/64-bit-adobe-flash-ubuntu.html13:18
ndo[root@localhost ~]# mysql -u root13:18
ndoERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)13:18
DarkKnightnorbert79; okk...so where do i get the packages that i need to compile...any idea13:18
ndoany suggestions?:)13:18
hateballerbi❅ make sure you remove nspluginwrapper etc as well13:18
king!php > ndo13:18
ubottundo, please see my private message13:18
zirodayndo: try do mysql -u root -p13:18
ddgoosedietwater, what hardware?13:18
norbert79DarkKnight: Well, this is why I have told you to make yourself familiar with packaging methods first. Then you can start building your own binaaries, like take Pidgin for example, and try to compile the source.13:18
kingndo, by default, the package manager would have asked you to setup a password for mysql.13:19
=== heather is now known as smithoper
DarkKnightnorbert79; thanx buddy....u have been a gr8 help....can we know each other13:19
dietwaterWhats the command to see networking drivers again?13:19
ndoziroday: -p is? :)13:19
zirodayndo: password13:19
sfearswhen i use the lsusb command.. how do i tell which /dev/??? the item is to mount?13:19
norbert79DarkKnight: You could also take some time, and read through this: The Linux System Administrators' Guide: http://www.tldp.org/LDP/sag/sag.pdf13:19
=== hb is now known as PyroPhelia
ndoking: yes, idd, but.. sec13:19
snekbtw, for anyone trying to setup a LAMP with Ubuntu maybe I suggest the excellent SliceHost articles? ;) http://articles.slicehost.com/ubuntu-hardy13:19
hateballsfears❅ you can just type: mount13:19
norbert79DarkKnight: You are warmly welcome. Certainly13:20
zirodayndo: you should have a passoword as default therefore you do mysql -u root -p and then a password prompt will appear13:20
erbithanks alot jrib13:20
TuxSympathiserI am getting reandom kernel panics and I believe they are due to a problem with the ethernet drivers!13:20
DarkKnightnorbert79; I am Roshan from India....13:20
TuxSympathisernow all I need to do is prove this and/or find a fix13:20
zirodayndo: without -p mysql thinks you want to login with no password and give you access denied errors13:20
DarkKnightnorbert79; u??13:20
tomcheng76TuxSympathiser: what network adaptor a u using13:20
CacheawayIs there a way to determine which package a specific file came from?13:20
ndoziroday: k ty13:20
MAXIMOO7Hey all together, i am a LInux/Ubuntu Newb and need really Help to configure the ATI Drivers. Does someone off you have 5 min please?13:20
dietwaterSo how I get my wifi driver?13:20
norbert79DarkKnight: Check your private messages13:21
dietwaterI know mine starts with an M XD.13:21
sfearscan you be more specific hateball?13:21
IndyGunFreakdietwater: do you k now what device you have?13:21
erbijrib: so you prefer the flashplugin-nonfree through nspluginwrapper over the native 64bit flash ?13:21
hateballsfears❅ To see what mounts you currently have, just type: mount13:21
hateballsfears❅ It doesnt get more specific13:21
jriberbi: yes13:21
erbijrib: also, when you say crashy, what do you mean?13:22
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, I think it is an intel ethernet adapter13:22
hateballerbi❅ I run 64bit, and imo it's better13:22
dietwaterIt's a marvell.  I remembered.13:22
erbihow often13:22
tomcheng76MAXIMOO7: i cant help you. I know i need Ubuntu, so i choose nvidia :-)13:22
jriberbi: it crashes my browser13:22
ndook im in with "mysql -u root -p"13:22
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, not too sure about the model number though13:22
IndyGunFreakdietwater: is this an internal wireless device?13:22
tomcheng76TuxSympathiser: what is the output of lspci13:22
dietwaterShould be an internal wifi modem.13:22
jriberbi: when I view certain flash sites (it was some google video iirc).  You can give it a try though and see if it works for yo13:22
dietwaterI had a problem with it back in 8.04.13:22
hateballerbi, jrib: I havent had one crash since switching to native 64bit instead of nsplugin... but I guess ymmw :)13:23
XB23ah ha solved it jrib13:23
IndyGunFreakdietwater: open a terminal and type "lspci" hit enter, and see if it lists the wireless device in the list that comes up13:23
XB23hosts: dns files13:23
XB23swaped it to files dns13:23
erbiso, could you tell me how to have the same flash setup as you? installing flashplugin-nonfree through synaptic package manager, then what?13:23
XB23and it works13:23
jribXB23: strange, that's not default13:23
snekMAXIMOO7: the Restricted Drivers helper should be able to install the ATI drivers for you, if you have a radeon based card13:23
XB23not sure13:23
XB23works now though13:23
ndlovusfears, you need to type 'mount' from a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)13:23
dietwaterSorry, it's an atheros.13:23
IndyGunFreakdietwater: there's a lot of atheros devices, what exactly does it say13:24
dietwaterAtheros ar928x pci-express13:24
jriberbi: that's it13:24
alex_21I wan't to make my gdm login look like the Mac. Can anyone walk me through it?13:24
jrib!themes | alex_2113:24
ubottualex_21: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy13:24
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, Intel Corporation 82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller13:24
tomcheng76administrator: are you really admin? i want to revoke this irc nikename, i forgot the password :O)13:24
sfearshow do i figure out what /dev/sda my usb is attached to?13:24
jribtomcheng76: #freenode13:24
zirodayalex_21: well have you found a GDM theme you want to use?13:25
erbii dont have to do anything with the nspluginwrapper ?13:25
sfearshow do i figure out what /dev/sda my usb device* is attached to?13:25
jriberbi: no, synaptic does that for you13:25
maek0alex_21, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Apple+Mac+OSX+Session+Login?content=6834613:25
zirodaysfears: you can do sudo fdisk -l and looking for the matching size13:25
dietwaterAnyone? =)13:25
dietwateralex_21: gnome-look.org13:25
IndyGunFreakdietwater: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89417713:26
alex_21Woops, I forgot. I am blind, so I need two things. I need a gdm theme that looks like the username - password login vs the icon login, and a cli way for installing the theme13:26
erbii got another question, do you run a 64bit browser or 32bit ?13:26
dietwaterMy card works.  The problem is my mac address changed, and I'm worried it will again.  Is this just a weird problem?13:26
snekyour mac adress changed? hmmm13:27
tomcheng76TuxSympathiser: i think the problem came from e1000 module13:27
dietwaterI added mine to the school's list, and then it changed the next day and I'm like wut?13:27
dietwaterThat made perfect sense =)13:27
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, so it is possible that is causing the kernel panics, I started to notice it shortly after updating last week13:27
ddgoosedietwater, probably has something to do with udev and forcedeth, take a loot at dmesg and see if it is giving an error and generating a random MAC13:28
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, the driver being used is e1000e13:28
dietwaterThis was a while ago, thanks for that command, I'll try once I re-change it =)13:28
ddgoosedietwater, will show up in logs like -> 0000:00:0a.0: Invalid Mac address detected: 1d:9b:2a:38:1b:0013:29
sneki like doing a:  sudo less /var/log/dmesg13:29
snekmakes it a bit easier to scroll through :)13:29
erbiin default, after installing ubuntu 8.10 x86_64, when you run mozilla firefox, its running the 64bit browser correct?13:30
dietwaterI got a "unknown MAC"13:30
alex_21I can't use a theme manager, but since front ends only make a gui on a cli, what is the cli?13:30
Joe_ha, after a year of suffering with these freezes I found it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/14746413:30
jriberbi: yes13:30
tomcheng76TuxSympathiser: did u suspend/resume your laptop ?13:31
Joe_apparently the moral of the story is... if you're generous with your fiber connection and leave torrents up forever with no connection or upload limit.. Ubuntu will freeze13:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xml13:31
dietwater[2.559635] r8169 0000:0a:00.0:  unknown MAC (27a00000)13:31
PeskyJwhat's widely regarded as the best xml editor?13:31
dietwatervim =)13:32
sfearshow do i figure out what /dev/??? my usb device is attached to?13:32
DjViperPeskyJ: careful now :P13:32
sneksfears: sudo fdisk -l13:32
dietwatersda1 or sdb113:32
alex_21I use VI/VIM, but that is probably because that is what I'm stuck with without any alternative13:32
snekthen just match the size13:32
PeskyJDjViper: hum.. holy wars?13:32
DjViperPeskyJ: something like that yes heh13:32
alex_21But Vim is really powerful13:33
PeskyJDjViper: any relatively objective views appreciated13:33
dietwaterIndyGunFreak: Still here?13:33
=== tomcheng76 is now known as tomcheng76_
sfearshow do i figure out for suredietwater?13:33
sfearshow do i figure out for sure dietwater?13:33
dietwateryou don't need to.13:33
dietwaterjust mount it13:33
badfish69is there a hypercam alternative for ubuntu?13:33
sfearswhat if i have multiple devices?13:34
sfearsan SD card for instance13:34
snekthey all have the same size?13:34
snekyou could do an fdisk -l with it disconnected, then do the same with it connected and find which one gets added :P13:34
sfearsi don't see the usb devices using the fdisk command13:35
sfearswhat if i have multiple devices dietwater?13:35
dietwaterthen a 113:35
dietwatermount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda113:36
dietwatermkdir if /mnt/sda1 doesnt exist13:36
TuxSympathisertomcheng, suspend and hibernate are disabled due to the known issues with them!13:36
dietwaterand once you found the one you need, unmount all and give a descriptive name13:36
TuxSympathisertomcheng76, I deactivated suspend13:36
sfearsalright dietwater13:37
icewolfcasha bi!13:37
icewolfcayanhui:  ben si li13:37
dietwaterhit me back if you have any problems, this was being a bitch for me =)13:38
DjViperyanhui: Chinese?13:38
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
icewolfcaya its chinese13:38
Myrtti!cn | yanhui13:38
ubottuyanhui: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:38
Mal3koguys why ubuntu takes all my memory when i launch a program?13:39
icewolfcawhy not just CN :). TW and HK are part of China :)13:39
Myrtti!english | yanhui13:39
ubottuyanhui: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chinlist13:39
Myrttiicewolfca: LoCo chapters13:40
norbert79alex_21: Anyone what? :)13:40
tomcheng76I am HK :-)13:40
Mal3konorbert79: why ubuntu takes all my memory when i launch a program?13:40
icewolfcaMyrtti: pardon?13:40
Myrtti!cli | alex_2113:40
ubottualex_21: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:40
Myrttiicewolfca: Hong Kong and Taiwan have their own loco chapters.13:41
piasdomg'mornin all13:41
tomcheng76Mal3ko: what problem u launched?13:41
norbert79Mal3ko: Good question, depends the ammount of RAM in your PC, the application you start...13:41
Myrttiicewolfca: -hk and -tw are for those13:41
snekMal3ko: post the output from: free -m13:41
icewolfcaMyrtti: is it because HK for example uses traditional chinese?13:41
Myrttiicewolfca: I wouldn't know13:41
alex_21I can't use a front end theme manager, but I want to make my gdm login look like a Mac username - password style login. Can anyone walk me through set up via the command lne interface? I am blind, so help doing this visual stuff is appreciated greatly13:41
piasdomhow do i remount usb in hardy without restarting ubuntu ?13:41
Mal3konorbert79: im pretty the program just take less than 200MB..i had like 1800MB free, then after i launched it, my free ram drop to ~200MB13:42
icewolfcaare there any public chat rooms on freenode I can use?13:42
tomcheng76alex_21: you can juse drag and drop your theme in gdmsetup13:42
werdnumicewolfca: try #defocus, ##socialites13:43
norbert79Mal3ko: You have to be a bit more specific, because this can be caused either by the application,l or anything else13:43
Myrttiicewolfca: /msg alis help13:43
icewolfcawow never heard of those ones :0 THANKS :)13:43
ferozanyone knows how to chmod /dev/bus/usb/xxx using udev rules?13:43
alex_21<tomcheng76> I can't, since I am blind13:43
Mal3kobut i notice that those missing free memory mostly goes to "cached"13:43
alex_21<tomcheng76> CLI is the only way13:43
snekMal3ko: "free" ram is not the same under Linux as it is under Windows13:43
slaytonAtheros has announced it is releasing their drivers as open source! FTW!13:43
icewolfcaalex_21: so you use a text to speech application?13:44
tomcheng76<alex_21>: let me find out where is the directory for the theme :)13:44
Mal3kosnek: yea? im faily new with linux and i dont know much how ubuntu manages memory13:44
snekMal3ko: that's why i asked for the output of "free -m" you want to look at the second row of numbers.. that's what you are used to13:44
norbert79I guess thats /usr/share/themes or /usr/share/gdm13:44
snek             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:44
snekMem:          1516       1466         49          0          4       107413:44
snek-/+ buffers/cache:        387       112813:44
snekSwap:         3223          5       321813:44
FloodBot2snek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:44
alex_21<tomcheng76> Yes, on a Mac, my native OS, but I maintain Ubuntu/Kbuntu/Xubuntu servers/desktops13:45
snekso i have 387mb used, and 1128 free13:45
talntidholy crap. that's a lot of memory usage :)13:45
talntidis that on a thin client?13:45
Mal3kochill out FloodBot213:45
snekerr no that's my home download box :)13:45
talntidoh, was gonna say....13:45
snekcrappy old system scraped together from old parts13:45
dietwaterIs there any way to run LAMP whilst offline?  I don't see why my apache must be online.13:45
Mal3kosnek: here13:45
lfaraoneHi, I am able to load GDM, but when I log in the background is relplaced with a white screen. I am still able to move the mouse, and when I restart X with C-A-B it loads GDM properly.13:45
Mal3ko             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached13:45
Mal3koMem:          2013       1784        228          0         92       112713:45
Mal3ko-/+ buffers/cache:        564       144813:45
Mal3koSwap:         3153          2       315013:45
FloodBot2Mal3ko: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:45
talntidyes, dietwater13:45
lfaraonedietwater: Yes, just start hte service.13:45
magnetronMal3ko→ stop!13:46
tomcheng76<alex_21>: do you have a mac styled gdm theme ?13:46
dietwaterCommand? =(13:46
lfaraonedietwater: /etc/init.d/apache start13:46
tomcheng76<alex_21>: extract it and put it to /usr/share/gdm/themes13:46
dietwaterOh ya.  ty.13:46
ferozanyone knows how to solve my probs pleasE?13:46
Mal3koso snek?13:46
lfaraone!helpme | feroz13:46
ubottuferoz: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience13:46
CacheawayIs there a way to determine which package a specific file came from?  for example, I have /usr/bin/dot and I want to tell my friend which package to install to get it13:46
slaytonCacheaway, what file is it?13:47
norbert79Cacheaway: apt-cache should be used for package rtelated info...13:47
alex_21<alex_21>: I need help in visually finding the right one that I need for this. Under OS X there is two logins, one with username and password text boxes and one with Icons. It is the first one I want13:47
Cacheaway /usr/bin/dot13:47
dietwaterIt's not working.  Weird.13:47
dietwaterAh, apache2.13:47
snekMal3ko: sorry was on the phone.. i am at work :)13:47
snekMal3ko: that means you have 564mb used, and 1448mb free13:48
slaytonCacheaway, sudo apt-get install gaphviz13:48
tomcheng76alex_21: i think i have :)13:48
dietwaterIt failed.13:48
dietwaterunable to open logs [fail]13:48
Cacheawayslayton: i didn't know dot was part of graphviz13:48
lfaraonesnek: wait, what?  Mem:          2013       1784        22813:48
lfaraonesnek: she/he has 228 free.13:48
alex_21I need help in visually finding the right one that I need for this. Under OS X there is two logins, one with username and password text boxes and one with Icons. It is the first one I want13:48
slaytonCacheaway, if you type: dot at the command line you get: The program 'dot' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:sudo apt-get install graphviz13:48
snekyou want to read this line: /+ buffers/cache:        564      144813:49
Cacheawayslayton: is there a command you used to determine this, or was that in your noggin already?13:49
ThrashMetalHi, i'll installed Ubuntu 8.10. I'll installed graphic card driver and reboot but my resulation changed and my monitor cannot display this heartz.13:49
slaytonCacheaway, ^13:49
tomcheng76<alex_21> :  you tried automatically login ?13:49
=== snakebot is now known as sme2k9
lfaraonealex_21: that's what you already have by default...13:49
ThrashMetali'm installed weechat in console but how do i change resolution and heartz in console ?13:49
snekat least, that's the way i learnt to read the memory under Linux13:49
piasdomhow do i remount usb in hardy without restarting ubuntu ?13:49
sfearsi'm having trouble mounting a digital camera that i see listed in lsusb13:49
ThrashMetali'm lookin xorg.conf but i don't see resolution section xorg.conf13:50
bashcaNo LSB modules are available.13:50
bashca 13:50
lfaraonepiasdom: you either remove and reinsert the disk, or do "sudo mount /dev/DEVICE /media/PLACE/TO/MOUNT"13:50
bashcahow can resolve it13:50
alex_21I don't need auto login. These aren't machines I use on a regular basis myself, rather those I support. They are multyuser machines though13:50
Mal3kosnek: oh isee..so we look at buffer/cache row huh?13:50
dietwaterHow do I startup apache?  /etc/init.d/apache2 start.  Is not working.13:50
Mal3kothanks :)13:50
bashcalsb_release dosn't work13:50
lfaraonebashca: You need to give us more information on this problem. What's the context.13:50
lfaraonesnek: iirc, you just look at the _first_ line....13:50
snekyeah that's the ram you are used to from Windows ;)13:51
bashcalsb_release  dosn't work13:51
lfaraonedietwater: what error do you get?13:51
lfaraonebashca: still not enough context. how does it not work?13:51
dietwaterUnable to open logs.  [fai;]13:51
lfaraonedietwater: Hm. No idea. You've changed something, which caused it to not work. Undo whatever it was that you did.13:51
bashca:~$ lsb_release -a13:51
alex_21<tomcheng76> I just need it to look like Mac OS X at login13:51
bashcaNo LSB modules are available.13:51
bashcaDistributor ID:Ubuntu13:51
bashcaDescription:Ubuntu 8.1013:51
FloodBot2bashca: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:51
lfaraonebashca: Do not paste into this channel.13:52
tomcheng76alex_21 : Ubuntu default login screen contains the two textbox u said before13:52
snekMal3ko / lfaraone: I am refering to the way XP shows memory usage.. Vista is different once again since it uses hefty caching using Prefetch or whatever it's called and that resembles the way Linux uses the memory a bit more..13:52
dietwaterI did nothing lol.13:52
lfaraonealex_21: with icons, you mean?13:52
dietwaterIt works when I go online.13:52
lfaraonedietwater: No idea then.13:52
ndlovualex_21, have you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/doc/Guide? there's some information on 'Making the Login Accessible' if that helps?13:52
snekdietwater: do the log dirs you are pointing to exist and are the owned by the write user?13:52
snekthey* and right*... lol13:53
ddgooseCacheaway, dpkg -S /usr/bin/dot13:53
dietwaterI sudo'd it and it said "apache2:  could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified donain name.  using
snekdietwater: that's not too bad, it won't shutdown the server because of that13:53
lfaraonedietwater: that's not a problem, just ignore that.13:54
Cacheawayddgoose: thank you13:54
=== Guest931 is now known as skunkworks_
alex_21<lfaraone> I ned it to look like, ... Oh, ... the Mac OS X non-ICon login screen, you know, with that little window and the two text boxes in it13:54
ddgooseCacheaway, no problem13:54
lfaraonealex_21: well, you _can_ design a custom login screen, or just use the default. which has two boxes, but not shown at the same time.13:55
lfaraonealex_21: configure the login screen in system>admin>login13:55
KDB9000I am having some trouble playing a youtube flv file using vlc. I know this isn't an IRC for vlc but it is better then nothing. It comes up with an error saying it does not support undf. I am not sure what is wrong as it worked with the flv format before and just stopped all of a sudden. Even the videos that did work won't. What is wrong?13:55
alex_21So I thought someone desinged that kind of a Mac clone login13:56
lfaraoneKDB9000: Try /join #videolan13:56
dietwatersnek: It said (13)permission denied: make_sock could not bind to address [::]:9013:56
dietwateralso same thing with
lfaraonealex_21: Maybe. In which case google is your friend.13:56
lfaraonedietwater: sudo ifconfig lo up13:56
KDB9000lfaraone, there is an VLC IRC?13:56
dietwaterlfaraone: and then?13:56
sneklfaraone: you can close down loopback? haha.. didn't know that13:56
alex_21I got results, but they require use of the theme manager13:56
lfaraoneKDB9000: yes.13:57
snekdietwater: and then try again :)13:57
lfaraonealex_21: ok...13:57
dietwatersnek: Lmao kk.13:57
lfaraonedietwater: and then try and sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart13:57
norbert79alex_21: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/OSX+Session+Login?content=6834613:57
maticHi all, my swap refuses to activate during the booting stage, I recreate it again and it works, but when i reboot the machine, it deactivates again! is there a way I can make it permanent that I do not have to recreate again? Please help13:57
norbert79alex_21: I think this is the one you are looking for13:57
snekmatic: you might have to add it to your /etc/fstab file13:57
dietwaterIt still is downloading the file instead of running it13:57
lfaraonedietwater: wait, what?13:58
erbijrib: when you said you use the normal flash-nonfree, obviously this isnt the native 64bit flash player. im on adobe's site and the site says "To use Flash Player to view Flash content on a 64-bit operating system, you must run a 32-bit browser". according to what the adobe site says, since your running flash on your firefox, your firefox must be a 32bit correct ?13:58
snekdietwater: lol.. that's a different problem13:58
lfaraonedietwater: you have to run the command in the console.13:58
PeskyJDjViper: I've been looking around, MlView looks like it's a pretty good one, but doesn't look as if you can easily develop/edit the schema at the same time - do you know of any graphical editors where you can do that?13:58
maticsnek, it's already there13:58
dietwaterWhen I'm online it runs instead13:58
lfaraonedietwater: ok, go to applications> accessories> terminal13:58
dietwaterWhen I'm offline it tries to dl13:58
lfaraonedietwater: now type in that command.13:58
* Markopotomus just can't get ubuntu to install. Just about to attempt take 413:59
snekmatic: it doesn't come back when you do a "sudo mount -a"13:59
alex_21I think so13:59
maticsnek, yeah13:59
dietwaterwhat command?13:59
lfaraoneMarkopotomus: you have to give more details if you want assitance.13:59
dietwaterfirefox /var/www/...?13:59
alex_21But now how do you install it from the command line13:59
lfaraonedietwater: "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"13:59
snekmatic: it does or doesn't come back up?13:59
monstroHi all,13:59
lfaraonealex_21: I don't know, you'll have to look at the docs for that package.13:59
monstroHow to configure wifi in mode ad-hoc from ubuntu?13:59
monstroHow to configure wifi in mode ad-hoc from ubuntu?13:59
dietwaterlfaraone: hm?13:59
FloodBot2monstro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
lfaraonedietwater: ok, run that command in the terminal.14:00
norbert79alex_21: Download the file, extract it's contents, and copy the theme with it's directory to /usr/share/gdm/themes14:00
monstroFloodBot1, sorry14:00
dietwaterWhat is "that" command lmao.14:00
lfaraonedietwater: then browse to "http://localhost/"14:00
lfaraonedietwater: you don't browse to "/var/www".... heh14:00
alex_21Ok, so I wget the url you gave me?14:00
lfaraonealex_21: Yes14:00
maticsnek, actually the partition is there but it's inactive and when you use free it just shows 0 for all parameters14:00
dietwaterIt gives me offline mode14:00
n8tusermonstah-> sudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Ad-HOc14:00
lfaraonedietwater: disable offline mode.14:00
dietwaterWhen I do localhost after apache2 restart14:00
lfaraonedietwater: yes.14:01
monstron8tuser, yeah14:01
snekmatic: you have to enable the swap then i think.. one sec14:01
dietwaterDisable offline mode?14:01
lfaraonedietwater: in ff, go to File>Work Offline and make sure it is unchecked.14:01
dietwaterI love lamp.14:01
dmulhollandhow can i check the CPU temp in ubuntu (it's a Xeon system)14:01
lfaraonedietwater: ...14:01
dietwaterThat is the greatest gotcha ever.14:01
lfaraonedmulholland: using a GUI or a command line?14:01
dmulhollandlfaraone, command line14:02
maticdietwater, for anything heavy do not try lamp14:02
lfaraonedmulholland: Firefox assumes that you arn't able to access the internet if only the local loopback is online.14:02
snekmatic: sudo swapon /dev/sdXXXXXX14:02
dietwaterwhy not?14:02
lfaraonematic: why not? LAMP works fine for me... (although it's Python in my case :P )14:02
dietwaterWhat else?14:02
dmulhollandlfaraone, im sure that wasnt for me?!14:02
lfaraonedmulholland: ooops, yeah14:02
SOURdieselhow come theres no option to remove menu's on DeVeDE 3.x in Intrepid?14:03
lfaraonedietwater: Firefox assumes that you arn't able to access the internet if only the local loopback is online.14:03
Markopotomuslfaraone: well, I was getting an error 15 loader from grub. I formated the hard drive and then reinstalled ubuntu, setting partitions for /boot, /, swap and home. After that grub wouldn't even load. It just said "os error" or something.14:03
alex_21It says that OSX+Session+Login is not a directory14:03
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dietwaterI understand that.14:03
lfaraonealex_21: what is the command you are using?14:03
dietwaterBut why not use lamp to test big stuff?14:03
maticsnek, I have done all that already, I have searched in google and realised it's like a common bug in Hardy so will continue checking14:03
snekMarkopotomus: are you installing on a single harddisk system?14:03
snekmatic: ok, didn't realise :)14:03
lfaraonedietwater: No cle. matic: Why not, eh?14:03
dietwaterSo what I use instead?14:04
norbert79alex_21: Ok, first, download the file. http://www.deviantart.com/download/104918045/Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread.gz ,14:04
lfaraoneHey, anybody know how to get past the white-screen-of-death?14:04
dmulhollandhow can i check the CPU temp in ubuntu (it's a Xeon system)14:04
lfaraonedietwater: Nothing, LAMP should be fine for your needs.14:04
dietwaterOkay?  lol ty.14:04
alex_21wget, and then the url you gave me. and then I try to cd into OSX+Session+Login14:04
lfaraone!repeat > dmulholland14:04
ubottudmulholland, please see my private message14:04
tomcheng76lfaraone: didnt try before :)14:04
Markopotomussnek; Im installing on a 400gb SATA drive but there are also two IDE drives. I'm not using them for the instalation though. The14:04
norbert79alex_21: Wait, you are right, something is not right14:05
snekmarkopotomus: it could be ubuntu is seeing another drive as the primary hdd.. and thus installing grub on the wrong drive14:05
sneki had the same problem14:05
norbert79alex_21: it seems it is not a generic GDM theme, let me find out what it is14:05
Markopotomussnek erk I see14:05
norbert79alex_21: ok, download the file first14:05
snekmarkopotomus: the easiest way to fix this is by disconnecting the other drives during installation of ubuntu.. so you only leave in the one you want to boot from14:06
norbert79alex_21: then run gzip -d Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread.gz14:06
[c0re]hey which one is the best dock? cairo dock or avn dock?14:06
=== goldins is now known as aldarsior
Markopotomussnek: I'll try that now.14:06
norbert79alex_21: you will get a file, named Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread14:06
lfaraone!best | [c0re]14:06
ubottu[c0re]: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:06
norbert79alex_21: This is a tar file14:06
norbert79alex_21: you can extract the tar file using tar -xf Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread14:06
alex_21I get a 403 forbidden when wget http://www.deviantart.com/download/104918045/Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread.gz is run14:07
ndlovualex_21, I think the download link is http://fc58.deviantart.com/fs39/f/2008/334/c/8/Apple_Mac_OSX_Session_Login_by_onedread.gz14:07
Markopotomussnek - actually I'll just disable PATA support in the bios14:07
snekhmm that could work :)14:07
zambai'm using 'diff' on two very large files and getting an error about memory exhausted.. what can i do?14:07
Markopotomus*fingers crossed*14:07
lfaraonezamba: get mroe ram, or close other applications :)14:07
Sinister`when i seed 10 or 15 torrents it uses too much cpu% in ktorent anyone know how to fix it or whats wrong ?14:08
norbert79alex_21: follow ndlovu's link... when you have the file, and ungzipped and untarred it, you will get a directory called "osx-login"... you8 have to copy this whole directory to /usr/share/gdm/themes14:08
tomcheng76cut the file using head ?14:08
leohartxhow do i complete remove "sun xvm virtualbox" ?14:08
overriderhello, it seems that the only mirrors with reasonable speed for me do not carry the newest sources for 8.10 yet. is this something they choose, or will it take some time to propagate down to them, from wherever they get their stuff? thanks14:08
SOURdieseldoes anyone use DeVeDe with Intrepid?14:09
Sinister`i do14:09
snekoverrider: mirrors should be rsynced at times the maintainers determined.. so yeah, could be a while for some.. also depends on their downspeed etc14:10
lfaraonesnek: Seed less torents.14:10
SOURdieselSinister': how do you remove the menu option?14:10
overridersnek, alright, so i guess waiting two weeks or so to make sure will not kill me14:10
sneklfaraone: what? wrong person haha14:10
lfaraoneleohartx: sudo apt-get purge APPLICTIONS_GO_HERE14:10
lfaraonesnek: yeah... sorry.14:10
lfaraoneSinister`: seed less torrents.14:10
tomcheng76leohartx: APPLICATION is "virtualbox-2.0"14:10
snekoverrider have you tried using the official local ubuntu repository?14:11
leohartxifaraone, i think it's sudo apt-get remove --purge virtualbox14:11
maticdietwater, I prefer setting my own webserver, download all the tools you need and set them up yourself, lamp come with it's own configuration which can mess up if you try to tweak them- Linux/Unix are so flexible that you can create what you want14:11
overridersnek, yeah, and at the current rate it will take me 1 day and 8 hours to finish downloading.14:11
overridersnek, trouble is i got to work tomorrow14:11
snekfor local? hmmm14:11
snekwhat country are you in?14:11
lfaraoneleohartx: it's L, not I, and it actually is "purge", but either should work, I think14:11
overridersnek, china, and there are 3 mirrors which basically work awesome, if they have the goods14:12
snekaha ok that explains it a bit :)14:12
lfaraonematic: the ubuntu "lamp" install is basically a sudo apt-get... so no inflexability there.14:12
Sinister`get rid of menu all together ?14:12
leohartxtomcheng76, thank you, final i get it's name :)14:12
overridersnek, :-)14:12
Sinister` do you just want it to start ?14:12
hwildeanybody here an ssh port forwarding expert?  I have all these leftover sshds...14:12
MarkopotomusCould someone confirm for me what the optimal partition arangement should be for ubuntu? Last time I had partitions aranged in this order; /boot - 2gigs, / - 30 gigs, - swap - 4 gigs, /home - 80 gigs , (the rest of the drive as Fat32) - aprox 280 gigs. Do I have something wrong there?14:12
lfaraonehwilde: meaning ghost connections from past ssh sessions?14:12
hwildelfaraone, yeah they are waiting for an EOF that is never coming from nc14:13
leohartxifaraone, ty i just dont know it's name. i managed it :D14:13
lfaraonematic: there is no "optimum"...14:13
overriderif you have a 280 gigs fat32 partition, something is definitly wrong14:13
alex_21Now I untareed it and got an folder named osx-login. What do I do now?14:13
tomcheng76leohartx: welcome, all i does was "apt-cache search Virtualbox"14:13
lfaraonehwilde: well, you can either kill them, or try a "sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart" but I doubt that will do much14:13
hwildeMarkopotomus, why are you using fat3214:13
santori'm trying ot write a battery state script for use with xmobar and i woudl like to know where to get battery time remaining information14:13
santoror something like discharge rate woudl do, i could calculate from there14:14
hwildelfaraone, that would just restart them and they would build back up.  are you an sshd port forwarding expert?14:14
lfaraonehwilde: Nope.14:14
endo602please someone help me with my optical audio out14:14
lfaraonehwilde: try /join #ssh, or #openbsd14:14
norbert79alex_21: move that directory to /usr/share/gdm/themes14:14
lfaraone!helpme | endo60214:14
ubottuendo602: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:14
leohartxtomcheng76, oh i get it :), cool14:14
hwildelfaraone, it's specific to ubuntu thanks14:14
hwildeanybody here an ssh port forwarding expert?  I have all these leftover sshds...14:14
lfaraone!repeat | hwilde14:15
ubottuhwilde: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:15
norbert79alex_21: and please address your questions to a person using his/her name so your questions won't get lost...14:15
nmqquick question, recursive shell scripts (calls itself) yay or nay?14:15
hwildelfaraone, get out of my face14:15
lfaraonehwilde: might be worthwhile to ask on !forums or !mailinglists14:15
hwildelfaraone, I will wait until an ssh expert is around14:15
Markopotomushwilde: I want to use some of the drive to store stuff from Windows14:15
Delvienifyou know you waste more time and spam everyone doing that if you cant help dont. if you can ask leading questions14:15
hwilde!ntfs | Markopotomus14:16
ubottuMarkopotomus: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:16
snekmarkopotomus: are you dualbooting?14:16
lfaraonehwilde: Ok, but don't repeat your question, it makes the channel harder to follow.14:16
snekmarkopotomus: or do you want to serve files to a windows machine over the network?14:16
santori've tried cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state but the present rate alwasy shows zero14:16
Markopotomushwilde: the ubuntu installer doesnt give ntfs as an option. But yes, I was planning to change it from fat32 to ntfs in windows14:16
[visage]Good morning people. I've got an issue with intrepid here. When I click on applications, the menu is completely blank, and also I am unable to open the "main menu" app under system > preferences. Does anyone know how I can fix these problems?14:16
Atoz_Chevaraudienz: **ping?pong! :D14:17
maticsantor, try this tool sudo apt-get install xmbmon14:17
Markopotomussneck partially yes - it doesnt quite work though. I have to change the bios settings between sata and pata to alternate between Ubuntu and WIndows14:17
Markopotomussnek I dont mind that though14:17
alex_21Ok, I moved it to usr/share/gdm/themes14:17
alex_21What to do now to get it to come up14:17
SOURdieselSinister`: yes.  i had the option of removing menu's when using it with hardy.  after i upgraded to intrepid, i don't see the option to remove menu's.14:17
tomcheng76hwilde  you want to do what kind of port forwording? reverse tunnel ?14:18
santormatic xmbmon, will this give me a new plugin for xmobar, or what14:18
Markopotomussnek - actually I think you may have been spot on with your suggestion that it was installing grub on another drive. I switched to pata mode and it actually loaded14:18
hwildetomcheng76, I have a lot of leftover sshd's from the reverse tunnels14:18
norbert79alex_21: You again have forget to adress your questions directly to one person. You need to edit the file: /etc/gdm/gdm.conf14:18
tomcheng76i see14:18
snekmarkopotomus: it has caused me a lot of headaches in the past as well until i figured it out...14:18
Markopotomussnek although it's possible I've damaged the mbr on that drive now. Windows isnt looking too friendly14:19
Markopotomuseep brb14:19
hwildetomcheng76, in my .ssh/config I am using nc localhost portnumber.    netcat never returns EOF so sshd never quits14:19
norbert79alex_21: No, sorry, edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom14:19
hwildeMarkopotomus, you're making this too hard you know :)14:19
maticsantor, used it long time ago but I think it can provide substanial information especially concerning the installed hardware14:19
hwildeMarkopotomus, install windows on a partition on the driver, then install Ubuntu, and it will dualboot nicely14:19
snekyep, but i think he has them installed on different drives etc hehehe.. the ubuntu installer goes a bit nuts then14:20
norbert79alex_21: Modify the line: GraphicalTheme= and write the name after = osx-login. So the right entry will be: GraphicalTheme=osx-login14:20
AlexMaxHi there, how do i find out what files a specific package installs from the command line?  (I can check in synaptic, but I'd like a way to check from the command line)14:20
AlexMax(so I can grep it)14:20
tomcheng76hwilde i used a script to manage my reverse tunnel, let me find it out :)14:21
lfaraoneAlexMax: try using aptitude14:21
santormatic thanks, i'll check that out14:21
snekhwilde: i had a lot better results with the debian installer when it comes to using many drives in one machine with many different partitions and multiple os's14:21
AlexMaxlfaraone: I have checked aptitude and it doesn't appear to list any specific files14:21
AlexMaxor rather, have a command for doing so14:21
lfaraoneAlexMax: hm...14:21
hwildetomcheng76, don't bother I already have one of those14:21
snekAlexMax: aptitude show packagename14:21
santormatic, it5s nto working, but the man page says its for voltages and temperatures14:22
bobbob1016Can anyone help me figure out why ubiquity keeps crashing when I try to install?  I've tried Ibex and Hardy both fail after "Configuring mythtv" at about 83%, even after I turned all the options off.  I ran it from terminal, and it complains about something to do with the pixmaps, but that is when I start it not at the end.14:22
benokawhat is the location and how is the file called that stores the commands i put into terminal?14:22
AlexMaxsnek: So it's a command line param.  Thanks14:22
snekalexmax: yep, you're welcome :)14:23
ari_stresshi guys, how do we know how many programs available in ubuntu repositories?14:23
=== Fougner|Zzzz is now known as Fougner
hwildeari_stress, synaptic14:23
AlexMaxsnek: Hrm, aptitude show only gives me details, not a file list14:23
ari_stressthanks hwilde, i see 26228 packages, nice!14:24
snekAlexMax: hmm you mean the actual packages it WILL install, or just the required packages?14:25
ndlovunorbert79, alex_21, there might not be a setting for GraphicalTheme= there already. If there isn't (correct me if I'm wrong), it should go under the [gui] section14:25
AlexMaxsnek: I want to know the actual files that the package installs14:25
alex_21<norbit79> that line isn't in there14:26
tomcheng76hwilde: i can't help you then, sorry about that14:26
snekAlexMax: ok I am not sure how to show that14:26
FazavonAlexMax: Download the deb package and read the dependencies list14:26
ndlovualex_21, I think you can just add it under the [gui] section14:27
snekFazavon: an aptitude show also shows the dependecies ;)14:27
snekDepends: libc6 (>= 2.4), libncurses5 (>= 5.6+20071006-3)14:27
hwildetomcheng76, do you mind pm I want to go over how I have the .ssh/config14:27
Fazavonsnek that works too14:27
AlexMaxSynaptic can show it in one of its tabs14:27
snekhmm let me check that14:27
AlexMaxi just wanted a way to see it from the command line14:28
AlexMaxthanks for your help though =)14:28
snekaha synaptic only shows it for installed applications.. (i never use it, only aptitude)14:28
tomcheng76hwilde i affraid i cant help you because i just use the script to make a persistent reverse tunnel and i never that sshds leftover problem, sorry i am not a ssh expert :)14:29
MIki2 Somebody so minimal does not know a surface, on which there is start, menu? (approximately 100 mbre I count)14:29
inordkuohi all. i am having freezing issues with intrepid 64bit. i've upgraded to the latest proposed kernel, disabled networkmanager, tried killing the pulseaudio process but still get freezes14:29
Vincemanwhat is the command of the File Browser of linux?14:30
Biker803Hi guys, if there's anyone who is well versed in ISCSI (open-iscsi specifically) and Apache if they could give me a hand with an issue I'm having. I posted on the forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=999192 Thanks!14:30
DelvienVinceman: nautilus14:30
Vincemanin that respect, how do you find out the command of some link you just clicked on in linux?14:30
aldarsiorinordkuo: how random are these freezes?14:31
alex_21<norbit79> I have the older gdm.conf filethat line isn't in there14:31
alex_21I'll be back14:31
shoPandaAlexMax: dpkg -L packageNamle lists all files in an installed package14:31
inordkuoaldarsior: actually they seem to occur more when i am recording tv to an ntfs drive but i read that ntfs-3g should never cause freezing14:32
inordkuoit's dual booted with xp14:32
juancabritohi everybody. How can I make the sound card work again?14:32
VincemanDelvien? how do you find out the command of some link you just clicked on in linux?14:32
aldarsiorVinceman: if you right click on the menu and hit "edit menu" and then select an item and hit properties, it will tell you what the command is14:32
hwildeanybody here an ssh port forwarding expert?  I have all these leftover sshds...  helppp14:33
werdnumhwilde: wassup?14:33
tomcheng76inordkuo: what is your harddrive, i heard that seagate 1.5TB have problem :)14:33
aldarsiorinordkuo: does it ever crash when it's not dealing with fuse?14:33
MIki2Somebody so minimal does not know a surface, on which there is start, menu? (approximately 100 mbre I count)14:33
werdnumhwilde: You should actually explain your problem in detail.14:33
werdnumMIki2: I can't parse your question.14:33
hwildewerdnum, ok but if you don't know anything about ssh or port forwarding you can't help me14:34
aldarsiorhwilde: kill them all, god will know his own.14:34
werdnumjuancabrito: you're going to have to be more specific than that.14:34
werdnumhwilde: I know a thing or two.14:34
[visage]Okay, an update to my issue: I get this when running alacarte: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79327/14:34
mardy_hi everybody14:34
nbeebohi dude14:34
aldarsiorjuancabrito: check your mixers. right click on the volume widget and hit "open volume control"14:35
juancabritowerdnum: I've installed VMWare for a virtual machine to work, then I lost the sound in Ubuntu, but it works in the guest (Windows)...14:35
Dreamer3where would i find backports from 810 to 804?14:35
hwildewerdnum, ok so on my remote server is behind a firewall, but it can get out, so it establishes a reverse tunnel with this command:    "ssh -N -R 9933:localhost:22 myserver"    then on myserver in the .ssh/config I use "        ProxyCommand    nc -w5 localhost 9933"     the problem is if the connection dies, nc never returns EOF, so the sshd never dies14:35
mardy_can i have usb web cam for ubuntu14:35
juancabritoaldarsior: I did that14:35
cedriczgmardy_, isntall cheese from synatptic14:36
nbeebo!info cheese14:36
ubottucheese (source: cheese): A tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.24.1-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 2334 kB, installed size 7140 kB14:36
mardy_i got usb  but it doesnt connect14:36
werdnumhwilde: What's the purpose of the nc?14:36
nicolahwould be ubuntu desktop be faster on a cd-r (with sata reader) or on a usb 2.0 verbatim pendrive ? thanks14:36
DaHopihello ;) I have a Problem with Ubuntu 8.10 Gnome/Compiz, with NVidia 6200: with Compiz enabled, my top window-borders were rendered ugly if i cross the border with my mousepointer..14:36
inordkuoaldarisor: i'm not 100% sure but i seem to remember one time when i was idle that it froze with the blinking caps lock light. btw it's my brother's machine and i'm trying to convert him from xp (beyond tv) to linux ubuntu with mythv and we're several states apart.14:37
werdnumI've done the same kinda thing, and I used ssh -FTNR 7022:
hwildewerdnum, umm that takes your traffic and sends it to that port?14:37
=== cexpert1 is now known as TBotNik
mardy_cedri i have installed chese14:37
tomcheng76hwilde: basically i modified the script from here14:37
werdnumhwilde: Not sure you need that, ssh is supposed to do that for you.14:37
hwildewerdnum, how do you connect to your reverse tunnel then14:37
aldarsioryou don't14:37
werdnumhwilde: ssh localhost 702214:37
mardy_any body help me to connect u sb cam14:38
werdnum!webcam | mardy_14:38
ubottumardy_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:38
newfeatshi.  how do i get 3d acceleration enabled in XFCE?14:38
mfilipehow do I do to configure beep in X? without "xset b off"14:38
hwildewerdnum, how do you put that in the ProxyCommand in .ssh/config tho?  I need to map it to a hostname14:38
juancabritoaldarsior: I went to System > Preferences > Sound preferences, but all I can see are  some drop down lists, all set to "ALSA...something"14:38
werdnumhwilde: I haven't put any ProxyCommand there at all.14:38
werdnumThe entirety of my setup is the ssh -FTNR 7022:localhost:22 andrew@werdn.us14:38
cedriczgmardy_, so your issue is regarding USB web cam... Not sure how to help you. Try to run command dmesg, connect the cam and see the output of that command14:39
lfaraonenewfeats: try /join #xubuntu14:39
tomcheng76hwile: that one kill ssh if there is not connection running in the remote host14:39
hwildewerdnum, ok... but I need to say on my local server "ssh HB-33-1"  and right now I have the .ssh/config change that to Proxycommand nc localhost 9933.     From a command line I can say ssh localhost -p 9933 and it works, but I need a hostname mapped to that14:39
juancabritohi everybody. How can I make the sound card work again? I've installed VMWare for a virtual machine to work, then I lost the sound in Ubuntu, but it works in the guest (Windows)...14:39
werdnumhwilde: oh, I see what you want14:40
ari_stressjuancabrito: so strange :)14:40
werdnumgo into your ssh config, and add:14:40
mardy_with this chatting can i open my web cam14:40
werdnumHost <SomeHost>14:40
hwildewerdnum, yes I need to say "ssh HB-33-1"  and have it to "ssh localhost -p 9933"14:40
werdnum<tab>HostName localhost14:40
werdnum<tab>Port 993314:40
werdnumand you're done :)14:40
juancabritoari_stress: :(14:40
inordkuotomcheng76: the hd is a 200gb maxtor but it's dual booted w xp and never freezes in windows. i know it's not solid proof that it's not a hardware issue but it makes me lean towards it being software.14:40
aldarsiorjuancabrito: I don't really know how vmware deals with this sort of thing, apparently it took control of your hardware14:41
chandru_inThough I have selected "Auto-select dependencies" in aptoncd, it doesn't automatically select the dependencies for packages I select?  Any help?14:41
werdnumThat's what I have in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config14:41
ari_stressjuancabrito: how about disabling the sound in the vm?14:41
aldarsiorjuancabrito: do you have the vmware Workstation thing or the vmware player thing?14:41
ari_stressjuancabrito: i've never use sound in the vm14:41
hwildewerdnum, ah I think that looks good14:41
juancabritoari_stress: It didn't work14:41
juancabritoaldarsior: player14:41
werdnumhwilde: works? :)14:41
* Markopotomus is back14:42
aldarsiorjuancabrito: if you had the workstation thing you could call vmware and whine14:42
mardy_anybody help me to connect my usb web cam with this chat14:42
ari_stressjuancabrito: edit the vm setting, and remove the sound card hardware14:42
cedriczgCan someone test for me how much time does it take autoplay on nautilus for music files when you put the cursor over the file?14:42
hwildewerdnum, nice where di you find that?  is there a .ssh/config man page or something14:42
phantomcircuitwhich package contains the man pages for socket(2) connect(2) getaddrinfo(2) etc14:42
werdnummardy_: You need to be way more specific. We've given you links to documentation, and you haven't indicated at all that you've read it.14:42
werdnumhwilde: man ssh_config14:42
chandru_inany aptoncd user here?14:42
juancabritoari_stress: I can't, I need sound in both systems14:43
vigneshchandru_in, yeah..14:43
aldarsiorjuancabrito: if I were you I'd call vmware and whine14:43
mardy_k  thank u14:43
IndyGunFreakcedriczg: bout 3sec for me14:43
mardy_let me see what happened14:43
chandru_invignesh: can you help with my problem?14:43
keystr0kHow do I edit my "bookmarks" (places menu) ?14:43
aldarsiortell them you were seriously considering ESX server but now that their shit is breaking your desktops, you don't think you want it anymore14:43
cedriczgIndyGunFreak, about 9sec for me :( . Not sure what can be the issue14:43
IndyGunFreakcedriczg: hmm, that is weird14:44
tomcheng76inordkuo: what does "/var/log/syslog" look like after the system freezing ?14:44
cedriczgIndyGunFreak, I did reinstall totem and nothing14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about postgre14:44
Markopotomussnek: I'm back. My plan now is to rebuild the mbr on the ide drive (which I seem to have damaged) and then disconnect the ide drives while reinstalling ubuntu on the SATA drive.14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about postgresql14:44
IndyGunFreakcedriczg: are you talking abou just mousing overi t, or actually opening the file?14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about postgress14:44
vigneshchandru_in, yeah whats it ?14:44
cedriczgIndyGunFreak, about mouse over. But actually playing the file on totem is also slow now14:44
chandru_inThough I have selected "Auto-select dependencies" in aptoncd, it doesn't automatically select the dependencies for packages I select14:45
IndyGunFreakcedriczg: dunno, maybe try audacious14:45
lfaraonendo: please play with the bot in "/msg ubotu " or in #ubuntu-bots14:45
cedriczgIndyGunFreak, How do you change your default program for autoplay? I know how to choose for opening but not sure it is same for autoplay14:45
khalidhi what if i apply 512+256mb ram with my ubuntu will it be fine?14:46
IndyGunFreakcedriczg: not really sure on that ..14:46
snekMarkopotomus: yes that sounds like a good plan14:46
khalidsomewhere: where?14:46
ndolfaraone: play? :) i wasn really playing. But anyway ty ;)14:46
tomcheng76cedriczg: Home Folder => View => Preference => Media14:46
Vincemanhow can you access stuff on disks not in the ubuntu format?14:46
cedriczgIndyGunFreak, thanks. Now I know I have an issue to solve ;)14:46
Markopotomussnek: *gets on with it* :)14:46
transporterguys i cannot upload any pics on any website!14:46
khalidhow to know my processor and ram ?14:46
jribVinceman: what format?  Are these internal disks?14:47
khalidin ubuntu14:47
Vincemanjrib yes14:47
snekMarkopotomus: you can dualboot from the Grub menu to Windows by the way14:47
jribVinceman: what format?14:47
VincemanI saw with fdisk that there's other format14:47
inordkuotomcheng76: i will take a look there when he gets the machine back online. it's frozen at the moment. it's my brother's machine and he's at work. my next move is to have him format the drive as jfs. is it true that writing to ntfs should not cause a system freeze?14:47
transporterguys can somebody help me please i am unable to upload any pics on any website14:47
snekMarkopotomus: it's not very hard to do from what i remember.. although i don't dualboot anymore so i can't check what it was.. but it's as easy as adding a line to /boot/grub/menu.lst14:48
khalidjrib: how to know my ram?14:48
Vincemanjrib: it says "Extended" and "Linux swap Solaris"14:48
jribkhalid: free -m14:48
chandru_invignesh: Any help?14:48
cedriczgtomcheng76, I think you are talking about when you insert a new media. I was talking about autoplay while mouse over on music files in nautilus14:48
jribVinceman: well if it is really swap, then you don't want to use it...14:48
Markopotomussnek: ok, cool. The PATA/SATA thing seems to be a cause of grief though14:48
tomcheng76inordkro, i have a ntfs partition with thousand of music in it :) subdirectory etc14:48
Vincemanlet us begin this session of chatting by standing up and declaring ourself dependable of the linux operating system14:48
khalidjrib: thanks :D and how to know processor?14:49
transporterunable to upload pics on any website14:49
snekMarkopotomus: yep, hope you get it working the way you want.. these mbr problems are a real pain in the ass :)14:49
jribkhalid: cat /proc/cpuinfo   or lshw I guess14:49
Vincemanjrib, but the Extended, I oughta be able to reach that, no?14:49
vigneshchandru_in, sorry i lost my connection in between.. can you please re post your problem ?14:49
tomcheng76cedriczg: i am not sure can u do that or not...14:49
inordkuotomcheng76: so then maybe i should just have him install the 32bit version instead of 64bit14:49
Markopotomussnek: well Im on the cause with Hirens boot CD so I'll either detonate the whole of London or will somehow fix it.14:50
jribVinceman: extended is just that.  An extended partition.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning#Extended14:50
snekMarkopotomus: lol, maybe i can see the mushroom cloud from here then (the Hague, Netherlands) :P14:50
cedriczgtomcheng76, While you are on nautilus, you mouse over a music file for some secs and you should start hearing the music file. For me now it takes 9 sec for autoplay. But it should be 3secs I think14:51
Markopotomussnek: hehehe14:51
tomcheng76inordkuo: u may try that but i dont see any movition to do that except java plugin on firefox :)14:51
snekbtw people i'm happy to say i got my X-Fi working under Intrepid with no problems!14:52
Vincemanjrib how do you know how many logical drives your extended partition has and how do you access them?14:52
snekalthough it lacks most features, it does play sound haha14:52
cedriczgtomcheng76, And I think it is related with the fact that totem is taking too much to start playing when I open the music file14:52
jribVinceman: you can look at them in gparted14:52
DaHopiHello again, have troubles with 8.10/Compiz/NVidia6200, Window-borders are ugly rendered if window is selected and i move my mousepointer over "minimize" or maximize button on the top window border: http://www.abload.de/image.php?img=bildschirmfotogxmi.png14:52
jribVinceman: as for your second question, you mount them.  You need to provide more details about the filesystem if you want more details14:53
snekDaHopi: i have the same problem hmmm14:53
snekDaHopi: i actually stopped using compiz because of that, it really started to bug the hell out of me14:53
chandru_invignesh: Though I have selected "Auto-select dependencies" in aptoncd, it doesn't automatically select the dependencies for packages I select14:53
tomcheng76cedriczg: how about changing the default player? i suggest mplayer :)14:53
Vincemanjrib, I gave you what fdisk gave me14:54
DaHopisnek: ^^14:54
inordkuotomcheng76: i have 4 machines running intrepid w no problems however, i've read others having freezing issues with intrepid. i see pulseaudio erros in /var/log/messages on the freezing machine which others with freezing issues in intrepid have mentioned as well. what do you suggest?14:54
zambahow can i safely renew the ip address of a machine remotely?14:54
jribVinceman: yes, didn't I address that?14:54
Markopotomussnek: Ah! hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Now I have a choice. Hirens bootCD has fixed the WIndows MBR error so, my setup is now like this; I have the boot record + XP working on an IDE drive, I have Ubuntu working on a sata drive... so maybe there's no problem? I could just leave it as it is?14:54
DaHopisnek: NVidia?14:54
transportercan somebody please help me!!! im unable to upload pictures on any website14:54
tomcheng76inordkuo:  uninstall pulseaudio and use alsa directly :)14:55
vigneshchandru_in, try reinstalling it..14:55
snekMarkopotomus: that sounds pretty good.. if you can make the sata partition automatically boot you could add that line to /boot/grub/menu.lst to select windows too14:55
chandru_invignesh: :( ok will try14:55
cedriczgtomcheng76, that's the detail. I can choose the open by default. But not sure how to change the program for autoplay music files14:55
Dreamer3how can i find out if i'm running hardy or intrepid?14:56
jrib!version | Dreamer314:56
ubottuDreamer3: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »14:56
Markopotomussnek: the only thing I'm worried about is whether my partition structure on the sata drive is nuts (2gigs for /boot, 30 gigs for /, 4 gigs for swap, 80 gigs for /home, 280 gigs unused (used in windows)14:56
transportersomebody please help me14:56
jrib!helpme | transporter14:56
ubottutransporter: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience14:56
tomcheng76cedriczg: how do u know intrepid use totem for music file preview ?14:56
Dreamer3i don't have a lsd_release binary14:56
lucaxDreamer3, system - adm - system monitor14:56
snekMarkopotomus: i can't help you with that, i'm a linux partition nub and just use 1 partition for / and 1 for swap :P14:57
SlartDreamer3: lsb_release.. not the drug.. Linux Standard Base14:57
inordkuotomcheng76: i will give that a shot. although before the last freeze, i went into the system monitor and killed the pulseaudio process but it still froze after 15 minutes or so. do you think uninstalling pulseaudio completely will still help?14:57
transporterunable to upload pictures on any webiste14:57
Dreamer3uh ok14:57
Dreamer3sladen: where is that?14:57
Dreamer3Slart: where is that14:57
jribVinceman: do you know how your disk is partitioned?  It sounds like you just have swap as a logical partition14:57
Markopotomussnek: I dont think I could make the sata drive automatically boot without reinstalling ubuntu on it with the ide drives disabled.14:57
cedriczgtomcheng76, because it still takes too long to autoplay the file ;)14:57
Dreamer3ah etc14:57
SlartDreamer3: just type it at a terminal14:57
Dreamer3someone could have just said to look in /etc14:57
Jack_Sparrowtransporter Ask a better question, what error, or what you have installed that may have caused this etc.14:58
jribDreamer3: you just run the command the bot told you in a shell14:58
cedriczgtomcheng76, look at this output I get while playing a file from terminal with totem14:58
Markopotomussnek: anyway, thanks for holding my hand through that :P haha14:58
SlartDreamer3: just open a terminal and run "lsb_release -a"... or you can look in /etc.. that works too I think14:58
kane77Markopotomus, it will work, but you will waste some space... (for /boot 500MB is enough, 1GB should be enough for swap)14:58
cedriczgtomcheng76, http://paste.ubuntu.com/79341/14:58
snekMarkopotomus: you can't change boot order in the Bios?14:58
Dreamer3Slart: i don't ahve a lsb_release command14:58
Dreamer3it does nothing14:58
Dreamer3"command not found"14:58
jribDreamer3: pastebin your command and the output14:58
transporterJack_Sparrow: when i try to upload a pic on any website the window turns gray and does not respond14:58
lucaxDreamer3, dude check out sytem monitor theres what u are looking for14:58
snekkane77: swap should be 2x your ram.. in my gamemachine that's a whopping 8gb then :P14:58
SlartDreamer3: mm.. pastebin would be nice14:58
Slart!pastebin | Dreamer314:59
ubottuDreamer3: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:59
Dreamer3jrib: http://pastie.org/32877414:59
transporterJack_Sparrow: I have to force quit each time14:59
Markopotomuskane77: ok, I thought that might be the case but wasnt sure... but there's plenty of space so I left extra. Is the 1 gig for swap thing true when there is 2 gigs of RAM available?14:59
kane77snek, it's not that important if you have lot of ram..14:59
sfearssudo mount /dev/sdb /media/cam = special device /dev/sdb does not exist14:59
jribDreamer3: you forgot the -a switch, but you have a broken install then14:59
sfearssudo mount /dev/sdb /media/cam = special device /dev/sdb does not exist, trying to access my digital camera & internal sd card reader14:59
snekkane77: in theory no, but if they re-enable suspension/hybernate it could be a problem14:59
glade88hi. since I switched to kubuntu since some time, so no idea about gnome. Is Auto login still under System->Admin->Login Window in Intrepid as it was in Hardy?15:00
Dreamer3jrib: do i?15:00
Dreamer3seems to work fine :)15:00
jribDreamer3: how about: /usr/bin/lsb_release -a15:00
Dreamer3what package is lsb_release part of?15:00
Dreamer3maybe it's not in a server install15:00
MarkopotomusRiiiiiiiiiiiight. So! My next task is to get dual displays working, and my graphics tablet :p15:00
Slart!info lsb15:00
ubottulsb (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 3.2 support package. In component main, is extra. Version 3.2-14ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 16 kB, installed size 44 kB15:00
cypherusI'm using motion to capture video from security ip cameras and I am having an issue with it writing the proper data to mysql15:00
[c0re]how to reinstall gnome from cd?15:00
jribDreamer3: it is.  It's in lsb-release15:00
Markopotomusso that's me for the next 24 hours. I think my eyes might die first.15:00
snekMarkopotomus: check the 2nd to last post.. it has an example for menu.lst: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7312915:00
Dreamer3how can i get a list of installed packages?15:01
Dreamer3apt what15:01
jrib[c0re]: reinstalling things is usually pretty pointless.  Why not ask your real question?15:01
tomcheng76inordkuo:  that looks normal because i always get those error ,lol15:01
Markopotomussnek hokay. Thanks for that15:01
jribDreamer3: aptitude search '~i'15:01
SlartDreamer3: dpkg -L I think15:01
transporterunable to upload files on any website escpecially picture files15:01
Dabbui am not able to compile C++ programe ..any help ?15:01
cypherusmotion is writing /var/www/folder/folder/filename.avi so when I call the data through php I am getting /var/www/folder/folder/filename.avi as well15:01
jribDabbu: how did you try?15:01
snekmarkopotomus: you might have to fiddle with the values of rootnoverify    (hd0,0)15:01
Slart!compile | Dabbu15:01
ubottuDabbu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:01
cypherusI just need the /folder/folder/filename.avi15:01
Crusherhey where can i paste my problems...pastebin.com is not working in my browser.15:01
Dabbujrib: g++ <file name>15:02
Dreamer3yeah i have a light install i guess :)15:02
cypheruswhat can I do to just call that selected part?15:02
Dreamer3lsb-base is installed15:02
snowwhite<Dabbu> How are you trying to compile it?15:02
jribCrusher: paste.ubuntu.com15:02
jribDreamer3: output would be nice15:02
Dreamer3jrib: i'm happy15:02
Crusherjrib: thank u15:02
jribCrusher: output would be nice15:02
Dreamer3those packages just aren't installed15:02
Dabbusnowwhite: g++ <file name>15:02
inordkuotomcheng76: i just looked at my logs on a working machine and i see them too. so most likely not pulseaudio. is it possible that it's a hardware issue even though the machine doesn't have issues when running xp?15:02
tomcheng76inordkuo:  you may try to uninstall pulseaudio first to see if it helps. IMO alsa is much solid15:02
Dreamer3this is a VPS on linode... i'm guessing the minimal install doesn't include them15:02
[c0re]jrib, http://ayozone.org/2008/11/10/how-to-install-globalmenu-06-on-ubuntu-intrepid/15:02
Dreamer3they are picked but not installed15:02
Slart!info lsb-release15:02
ubottulsb-release (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base version reporting utility. In component main, is important. Version 3.2-14ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 84 kB15:02
jribDabbu: 3rd time is a charm: output would be nice15:02
snowwhiteDabbu, BTW! what error are you getting?15:03
[c0re]jrib, i am installing this if its fail i will re install gnome15:03
jribDreamer3: that makes more sense15:03
Vincemanjrib, linux suggested some swap space and I followed that15:03
Vincemanon installation that is15:03
Dabbu snowwhite: iostream.h file not found15:03
Dabbujrib: what ?15:03
Vincemanjrib is helping me now Dabbu, sorry :)15:04
Conan2317does anyone know how to display filesize of a found file while finding it15:04
DabbuVinceman: ok15:04
jribDabbu: why would you have iostream.h in c++?  Anyway, have you installed build-essential?15:04
snowwhiteDabbu, have you installed g++?15:04
Dabbujrib: yes15:04
geirhaConan2317: You mean with the find command? add the -ls option15:04
SlartConan2317: huh? ls will show file sizes.. the "file" command too I think15:04
Dabbu snowwhite: yes15:04
Crusherhey when i tried to " make install " a tar.bz2 file i got this problem  http://paste.ubuntu.com/79344/15:04
tomcheng76inordkuo: no sure actually. i think we could change the autoplay program :)15:04
snowwhiteDabbu, use only <iostream>15:05
flambyxhi, i'm having problems using my cdrom ( 8.10 ). I can't mount anything. anyone has an idea ?15:05
jribVinceman: yes, that's fine.  But that is not something you want to mount and play with15:05
snowwhiteDabbu, and add -- using namspace std;15:05
Dabbusnowwhite: i think that will not help...but i am trying now15:05
jribDabbu: you should pastebin what you are compiling15:05
Dabbusnowwhite: i do all those thing ..i am not new for gcc or g++15:06
Vincemanjrib: but I had old windows stuff on that extended part15:06
jrib[c0re]: reinstalling gnome will not do anything15:06
snowwhiteDabbu, i think jrib said15:06
jribVinceman: pastebin the output of 'fdisk -l'15:06
scienteschanging tabs on a ajax page makes my rhythmbox on my harddrive (ntfs) skip15:06
Dabbusnowwhite: ya15:06
scientesi have a quad core15:06
scientesthis is unacceptable15:06
jribVinceman: pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'15:06
sfearssudo mount /dev/lsusb /media15:06
snowwhiteDabbu, is correct paste you code on pastebin.ca15:06
Crusherikonia: hey when i tried to " make install " a tar.bz2 file i got this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/79345/15:07
[visage]I solved my problem. Thanks anyway guys. :) Just had to copy /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu to ~/.config/menus15:07
icewolfcaI want to make an audio cd from mp3 files, which app can do this ?15:07
Slarticewolfca: I think most of the cd burning apps can do that.. try k3b, brasero, gnome-baker etc15:07
scuniziicewolfca, k3b15:07
Jack_Sparrowicewolfca k3b has an addon15:07
ubottuCD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about camera15:08
icewolfcaand I assume I need some KDE Libs?15:08
Slarticewolfca: there's also .. hmm.. cdrecord I think it's called.. command line only15:08
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap15:08
scuniziicewolfca, they will pull in automatically15:08
Crusherikonia: actually i m trying to install a mac for linux theme15:08
jribicewolfca: apt takes care of that15:08
bazhangicewolfca, its well worth it. k3b is the standard15:08
Dabbusnowwhite: thanks sweetheart...changing <iostream.h> to <iostream> worked15:09
Slarthmm.. am I the only one not using k3b?? =)15:09
icewolfcakinda like a nero for Linux?15:09
Dabbusnowwhite: thank u15:09
flambyxanyone knows how to get my cdrom to mount anything ?15:09
snowwhitesnowwhite, cool15:09
* sfears can't mount devices listed in lsusb15:09
Jack_SparrowSlart yes15:09
scuniziSlart, of course!  you dare to be different :)15:09
sfearsflambyx: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom15:09
flambyxsfears, doesn't work15:10
sfearsflambyx: sudo mount /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom -t iso966015:10
icewolfcaI am pushing nearly 702k a second from Oregon state Univ15:10
sinboxgnomebaker <315:10
Slartgah.. I knew it =)15:10
n8tuserflambyx-> you have to insert a cdrom in it15:10
tomcheng76flambyx: i got this entry in /etc/fstab:   /dev/scd0                                 /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 015:10
icewolfcasfears: do you really need to specify the standard?15:10
sfearsicewolfca: i don't know15:10
snowwhiteDabbu, cool15:11
Dabbusnowwhite: but both should work15:11
flambyxsfears : doesn't work15:11
sfearswhat's the error?15:11
newfeatsare the development packages such as GCC usable to create 'my' own distro?15:11
flambyxsfears : mount: special device /dev/cdrom does not exist15:11
lefixhi all15:11
vigneshflambyx, what about sudo mount /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom -t iso966015:12
mysticaloneI'm having trouble settings up vino on 8.10 Server. I try to vnc to the box but i get a failed to connect.15:12
shubbari installed module-assistant and tried it for nvidia but nvidia-kernel-source build fails15:12
flambyxvignesh, mount: special device /dev/scd0 does not exist15:12
snowwhiteDabbu, i think <iostream.h> is not the correct syntax according to standard C compile15:13
shubbari think something is missing from my system15:13
Dabbusnowwhite: ok.......15:13
CrusherSlart: hey when i tried to " make install " a tar.bz2 file i got this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/79345/15:13
snowwhiteDabbu, and G++ is the standard compiler for c++15:13
RashomonI'm trying to configure a Ubuntu install to force the NIC to run at Full-duplex. But I keep getting the server to reset to half duplex (i.e. boot time). What's the best way to configure this? I am using mii-tool to configure it at the moment, on Ubuntu 8.10-Interpid.15:14
alex_21Hey, so I have my theme, now how do I set gdm to use it via command line? I have both a gdm.conf-cusom file and the gdm.conf file that overrides the first one15:14
SlartCrusher: what does the readme say about it?15:14
Jack_SparrowCrusher Why not install cairo-dock. it has the OSX menus and looks good15:14
shubbardoes ubuntu version refer to year.month?15:15
Jack_Sparrowshubbar yes15:15
lefixi 've got a question to you, i want to disable the startup sound from ubuntu 8.10. i know it should work like this: system->preferences->Sound-> ... but the window with the sound preferences does not appear, could somebody pls help me with this prob?15:15
flambyxvignesh, i don't understand, here is my fstab : http://paste.ubuntu.com/79350/ isn't scd0 in it ?15:15
riotkittieis it possible to add commands to the context menu in nautilus?15:15
Slartshubbar: yes15:15
Dreamer3is inittab completely depreciated?15:15
Slartriotkittie: yes15:15
Dreamer3or will it still be examed on a reboot?15:15
Dreamer3(i'm on 8.04)15:15
Slartriotkittie: at least in nautilus15:16
lefixtalk to me Dreamer3 ?15:16
sfearsflambyx: vignesh, i'm having a similar problem.. i have a usb camera & an internal SD card reader i'm trying to mount15:16
shubbarand does Canonical always release ubuntu twice a year?15:16
sfearsi can't figure out which /dev/??? to mount to /media/cam15:16
ikoniaCrusher: what version of ubuntu ?15:16
jribriotkittie: use 'nautilus actions' or 'nautilus scripts'15:16
Slart!info nautilus-actions | riotkittie15:16
ubottunautilus-actions (source: nautilus-actions): nautilus extension to configure programs to launch. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.1-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 250 kB, installed size 1484 kB15:16
Jack_Sparrowsfears those internal card readers can really be a pain unless they use the std default driver15:16
riotkittiejrib: Slart: thanks :>15:16
Slartshubbar: yes15:17
ikoniaCrusher: you shouldn't need to "make install" a theme file15:17
vigneshsfears, regarding the card reader, it might have a filesystem that the kernel doesnt know..15:17
flambyxsfears, didn't even try my cam15:17
DaHopisnek: if u use "glossy" window decorations, this bug is obsolete15:17
lefixcan somebody pls help me?15:17
Slartshubbar: at least I think so.. why not check the ubuntu site.. all this info is there15:17
Jack_Sparrowsfears Are you trying to get a camera to work or create and mount a drive15:17
Crusherikonia: oh!! i got messed up in that whole thing15:17
vigneshflambyx, sfears what version u use ? cuz my hardy detected the camera when i just plugged it..15:17
snekDaHopi: ok I'll try it out15:17
sfearsi have the windows drivers vignesh Jack_Sparrow15:17
Crusherikonia: what should i do then?15:17
flambyxvignesh, 8.1015:17
Jack_Sparrowsfears that wont help15:18
ikoniaCrusher what version of ubuntu are you on, as it look slike it's querying an object ?15:18
shubbarslart, chatting is more interactive15:18
Jack_Sparrowsfears I just pted for a $5 external15:18
sfearsit's listed on lsusb vignesh Jack_Sparrow15:18
flambyxvignesh, installed from a liveCD .... and i can't get any access to that CD again ( or any CD btw )15:18
Crusherikonia: hardy heron15:18
ikoniaCrusher: are you still using ultimate edition as that has a slight change so I need to know what change to look up15:18
sfearshow about thru my digital camera?15:18
cheffinhey.. who is there ?15:19
vigneshsfears, try searching for some linux drivers15:19
cheffini am new15:19
ikoniaCrusher: 1300+ users are here15:19
lefixcheffi german?15:19
Jack_Sparrow!ask > cheffin15:19
ubottucheffin, please see my private message15:19
cheffini want to install sth, but id dont know how15:19
shubbarwhy do video card manufacturers keep their drivers closed?15:19
ikoniashubbar: ask them, not us15:19
sfearswhat's a good open source card?15:19
sfearswhat's a good open source video card?15:20
ikoniasfears intel15:20
Jack_Sparrowsfears if it is a laptop, look up your laptop in hardware and see what others have done15:20
shubbarikonia, guess their keep their mouths closed also15:20
lefix!ask > cheffin15:20
ubottucheffin, please see my private message15:20
grindhold_!ask sound driver15:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:20
ikoniashubbar not really15:20
Jack_Sparrowshubbar to keep their programing and hardware tricks secret from the competition15:20
zueightorg puteh kimak!!15:20
lefix!ask > grindhold15:20
jrib!my | zueight15:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about my15:20
Crusherikonia: i must admit that i've lied u .....actually i am using still the same ultimate edition....which i can't uninstall just because of some reasons....15:21
cheffinman ey. ik seh hier überhaupt nich durch15:21
Jack_SparrowCrusher Then stop wasting our time15:21
lefixcheffin wasn los?15:21
simplexioshubbar: probably because there ip problems. they dont have license to share someparts of source and there maybe some patented stuff that they dont own15:21
cheffinwat is das fürn chat?15:21
lefixdas der ubuntu channel15:21
Jack_Sparrowcheffin please stop15:21
cheffinwas soll ich den stoppen ?15:22
jrib!de | cheffin15:22
ubottucheffin: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:22
zueighttaik idong15:22
gioeleare there PPAs with flash 10 64-bit?15:22
TuxSympathiseris there any danager to intel ethernet cards using the e1000e module anymore, its just I'm experiencing kernel panics and it may just be due to this module!15:22
lefixfür linux systeme, ist nur für linux und eigentlich nur auf englisch15:22
santordoes teh clipboard use a fifo? if so where is it15:22
shubbarsimplexio, ip?15:22
zueightmalaysia boleh15:22
simplexioshubbar: intellectual property15:22
abchirkWhich tools I can use for partition recovery?15:22
santori'd like to be able to do soemthign like cat file |  /path/to/some/fifo then be able to paste the contents of somefile15:22
temppygioele: the ubuntu package just downloads the flash binary, and puts it in your plugins folder.  There isn't a need for a PPA15:23
jribzueight: /join #ubuntu-my15:23
lefixcan somebody help me pls?15:23
gioeletemppy: the ubuntu package downloads the 32-bit version15:23
jriblefix: best to just ask the channel your question.  If someone knows the answer, they will try to help you15:23
scunizisantor, pastebinit will do that from terminal15:23
Slartabchirk: testdisk is one.. but it's tricky15:23
sfearsJack_Sparrow: I can't find the laptop hardware section15:23
gioeleI'd like to install the recently-released 64-bit rc15:23
lefixi asked it but nobody answer to me15:23
abchirkhm yes... does anyone knows a other tool? :)15:23
lefixi 've got a question to you, i want to disable the startup sound from ubuntu 8.10. i know it should work like this: system->preferences->Sound-> ... but the window with the sound preferences does not appear, could somebody pls help me with this prob?15:23
Jack_Sparrowsfears let me see if I can find it..15:23
temppygioele: yeah, but you can just install the 64bit version yourself I think.  Just download it, and put it in your plugin folder15:24
gioeletemppy: I know that as well, I just would like to know if anyone packaged it and released in its PPA15:24
sfearsJack_Sparrow: ubuntuhcl.org15:24
hwildelefix, System -> Preferences -> Sounds ->  Sounds tab15:24
santorscunizi: do you understand what a fifo is? why do i need ot isntall another app to | soemthing to the clipboard15:25
RashomonAnyone? My Ubuntu 8.10 server install does have some extremely slow net-downloads (for example through aptitude). My guess is that there's something to do with half/full-duplex - the server currently runs in half duplex. What is the preffered way to change this?15:25
lefixhwilde: yes i see the tab (starting sound) but the window doesn't open15:25
hwildeRashomon, goto command line and type sudo ethtool eth015:25
scunizisantor, I thought you wanted to paste it to a paste bin.. for posting.. sorry if I missunderstood what you wanted.15:25
bazhangzueight, english here15:26
hwildelefix, it should be a window titels Sound Preferences with three tabs Devices, Sounds, System Beep15:26
Rashomonhwilde: I don't have ethtool, mii-tool?15:26
santorscunizi: well sometimes i do, i want to get text from a file into teh clipbard thoguh15:26
bazhangzueight, for malay /join #ubuntu-my15:26
Slartsantor: many shells have some kind of push/pop functionality built in.. take a look at bash, see if it's got it15:26
hwildeRashomon, sudo apt-get install ethtool.15:26
lefixhwilde: yes but my ubuntu (version 8.10) doesn't open this window15:26
ndlovualex_21, did you add "GraphicalTheme=osx-login" to /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom ?15:26
hwildelefix sry I dunno... that is a problem.15:26
santorslart if you are referring ot the highlight/mouse button 2 thing i dont' liek it15:26
Jack_Sparrowsfears try this  http://www.linux-laptop.net/15:26
rohdefanyone who knows how to make the Huawei E220 modem work? Linux finds it, but I can't get it to connect15:27
lefixhwilde i know15:27
Slartsantor: nope.. not that15:27
scunizisantor,  to the clipboard I don't know how to do.. to paste automatically and have a pastebin link returned then pastebinit will do the job.15:27
hwildelefix, let me see if I can figure out the comand to open that window...15:27
flambyxJack_Sparrow, what if my laptop isn't in the list ?15:27
bazhangzueight, this is for english language support. and you are already in #ubuntu-my15:27
Jack_Sparrowflambyx then it will be a new experience for you15:27
snekRashomon: half-duplex could definitely slow down your network15:28
vladuz976when i switch my keyboard layout to Dvorak, I half half of the keyboard full of dead keys. Any advice?15:28
santorscunizi: well, i'd assume the clipboard is as simple as a fifo that you put stuff in and pull stuff out of15:28
snekRashomon: really try to get full-duplex working15:28
zueightyaka... benar cta tok ka..15:28
mannytudo I need to download extra files to run sh scripts?15:28
Jack_Sparrowmannytu no15:28
santorRashomon: thats most likely the cause of a bad ethernet cable, get a different cable and see if it goes into full duplex mode15:28
hwildelefix, try gksu gnome-sound-properties15:28
snekmannytu: no, but you have to make them executable with: sudo chmod +x filename15:28
Rashomonsnek & hwilde: hmmm, it seems to be working. http://paste.ubuntu.com/79357/15:28
odinsbaneAnybody here know how I can look up my modem.  I cannot find it with lspci15:29
Jack_Sparrowmannytu or sudo bash filename15:29
MaveasSomeone with the new G1?15:29
hwildeRashomon,         Duplex: Full   1000MB/s    that looks right15:29
n8tuserodinsbane-> externally attached? what kind?15:29
flambyxJack_Sparrow, oh ... no way to find it somewhere else ? i coul find mine here : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/liste_portables_zepto ( it's the Znote 6625WD )15:29
snekmannytu: fibre gbit? nice :)15:29
scunizisantor, probably.. I'll google and see15:29
Jack_Sparrowflambyx the internet is a big place, you will find lost of info..15:29
Rashomonsnek & hwilde & santor: I get 225 b/s from it, where the network should easily provide 10 Mb/s in a jiffy. Mii-tool says that my NIC advertises HD though.15:30
odinsbanen8tuser Internal, it is on a dell laptop, and the plug is right next to the ethernet plug.15:30
Jack_Sparrowzueight Please stop15:30
anonis it possible to safely install jaunty packages in Ibex?15:30
mannytusnek: I understand; however, on my laptop the sh script fails... (it's an AMD Chip)15:30
anonand how would you go about it15:30
hwildeRashomon, try connecting to something else15:30
zueightok boss15:30
Tundrayeti311anon: Define safe15:30
scunizisantor, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/xclip-linux-insert-files-command-output-intoclipboard/15:30
n8tuserodinsbane-> lshw -C network  shows anything ? or just lshw15:30
Jack_Sparrowmannytu not being ablt to execute a script is different that debugging one to get it going15:31
Rashomonmaybe I should try wgett'ing  something large from someplace else. aptitude does however use the closest and speediest servers at the moment15:31
snekmannytu: you having an AMD chip has nothing to do with it15:31
Jack_Sparrowanon THe std answer is no15:32
odinsbanen8tuser it shows information on my ethernet and wireless only.15:32
MaveasNo one with G1? :)15:32
anonTundrayeti311, safe as in the system doesn't crash, although i assume i understand it can vary on interpretation15:32
bazhangMaveas, what is g115:32
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!15:32
EQUIVIs it better to have 2 singel core processors than one dual core?15:33
santorscunizi xclip doesn't put anythign to the clipboard for me, jsut the highlight buffer thingy15:33
odinsbaneI suspect it is a conexant modem, Ill go on dells site and figure it out.15:33
anonthere's a new version of an application, which requires a newer dependency15:33
DarkAngelGot some problems with my Geforce 7600GT PCI-E and my NoName LCD,.. After installing the Nvidia drivers version 177 for activating hardware accleration screen stays black... Threads in the board were no help until now15:33
lefixhwilde: error message: unable to start the manager 'gnome-settings-daemon'. Without the GNOME settings manager running, some prefenrences my not take effect. This could indicate a problem wirh Bonobo, or a non-GNOME (e.g. KDE) settings manager may already be active and conflicting with the GNOME settings manager15:33
hwildelefix, ignore15:33
bazhanganon, that will break your system. dont do it15:33
mannytuJack_Sparrow: I ran it on my desktop and it worked? So, I am not sure what is going on... http://paste.ubuntu.com/79363/15:33
hwildelefix, does it open sound properties then15:33
lefixbut nothing happens15:33
anonbazhang, how do you know?15:34
hwildelefix, sorry I dunno.  you should probably log out and log back in or reboot or whatever15:34
n8tuserodinsbane-> lshal15:34
bazhanganon, it is not supported here. read the topic in #ubuntu+1 for further discussion15:34
=== christian is now known as mcc220381
lefixhwilde i tried for many many times, but it doesnt work15:34
Jack_Sparrowmannytu try /j #Bash15:34
=== mcc220381 is now known as christian81
EQUIVIs it better to have 2 singel core processors than one dual core?15:34
christian81hallo zusamm15:34
c3pohi, i am dual booting windows and ubuntu. then after i updated ubuntu (specifically the kernel version i think) grub displayed like two versions of kernel.. any ideas?15:34
bazhangEQUIV, please ask in ##hardware15:35
Jack_Sparrowc3po It is normal15:35
anonbazhang is a resident troll?15:35
alex_21Hey, so I have my theme, now how do I set gdm to use it via command line? I have both a gdm.conf-cusom file and the gdm.conf file that overrides the first one It should be that I use gdm.conf-custom,but the gdm.conf overrides it15:35
c3pohmm. so if there's an update again it would create like 3 of them?15:35
Jack_Sparrowanon No resident op15:35
bazookatoothhas anyone ever gotten a laptop installation working optimally w/ a docking station?15:35
christian81hello there, i need some help with setting up my wwan card in my notebook15:35
Sp0oZc3po no just previous working15:35
snekc3po: you can limit the amount of kernels it shows by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst15:36
christian81who wants to help?15:36
ndlovualex_21, so did you add "GraphicalTheme=osx-login" to /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom ?15:36
c3poi see.. thanks15:36
snekc3po: howmany=all15:36
Rashomonsnek & hwilde & santor: I jsut tried wgetting emacs from gnu.org and in the beginning it goes fast (1 Mb/s) and then it starts slowing down (after some 5-6 MB has been downloaded). Now it's just standing still15:36
lefixhwilde: i ve got some other errors with my ubuntu, if i want to start compiz fusion my system is extremly lagging, and my Update manager tells me that there are two broken packages and  i cant download or install linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic, dunno what it is and if i need it ...15:37
alex_21<ndlovu> Not yet15:37
ndlovualex_21, gdm.conf-custom should override gdm.conf15:37
pi_im dual booting ubunto and windows, and installed ubunto on my disk that has all my music/videos in windows, any way to get ubunto to read/see them?15:37
snekc3po: you can edit that to show how many you want.. so howmany=3 will show last 3 kernels.. howmany=all will show ALL kernels :)15:37
hwildelefix, you need to fix all of that stuff!15:37
christian81i always get the message "connection terminated" when using network-manager 0.7 to connect to swisscom-network. i am using ubuntu 8.10.-15:37
c3poi see.. thanks :)15:37
sfearspi_.. look in your /windows directory15:38
ndlovualex_21, find the [gui] section, and add GraphicalTheme=osx-login under that15:38
santorRashomon: hmm, do you have any other computers to try this on, maybe its network issues15:38
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, so what do I do now15:38
lefixhwilde but dont know how i tried to repare the broken packages (update manager -> reinstall)15:38
ndlovualex_21, I think that should be all that it takes... try restarting X15:39
christian81hey guys, please help me15:39
christian81i am sure that it will be easy for you...15:39
hwildelefix, goto command line plz15:39
Jack_Sparrow!patience > christian8115:39
ubottuchristian81, please see my private message15:39
pi_sfears: my music and windows are on two different hdds15:40
Maveasbazhang: G1 is a mobile with Android (made by Google)15:40
NicEXEI get no sound at all... when I go to sound application and press the test key this error shows up "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback." how can I get my sound back without restarting?15:40
hwildelefix, type "sudo apt-get update"15:40
c3posnek, so if i do howmany=1 it would only display the latest working right?15:40
christian81really big channel...15:40
odinsbaneHas anybody tried to update their bios through wine?15:40
bazhangMaveas, please discuss non-support related items in #ubuntu-offtopic thanks15:40
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, so how do you restart x?15:40
lefixhwilde k15:40
snekc3po: that is correct15:40
Jack_SparrowNicEXE try running the volume controls all the way down and back up15:40
SlimeyPeteodinsbane: no, but that sounds like an extraordinarily dangerous thing to do15:40
c3pothanks :)15:40
MaveasI don't want to discuss it, I want to know if anyone has it?15:41
lefixhwilde "Reading package lists ... Done"15:41
ndlovualex_21, Ctl+Alt+backspace should do it15:41
Jack_Sparrowodinsbane are you feeling self destructive..  DONT DO TI15:41
hwildelefix, "sudo apt-get upgrade"15:41
MaveasCause I want it too but can't by it in Denmark15:41
snekodinsbane: lol.. are you nuts? :P15:41
Jack_SparrowMaveas Offtopic.. thanks15:41
odinsbaneI don't have much intention of doing it. It was the autochoice when I clicked on download15:41
snekodinsbane: i'd recommend booting DOS from a usb-stick or something and using a dos flasher instead15:41
MaveasLol, ok then15:41
lefixhwilde: "Reading package lists... Done15:42
lefixlefix@lefix:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade15:42
lefixReading package lists... Done15:42
lefixBuilding dependency tree15:42
lefixReading state information... Done15:42
FloodBot2lefix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:42
hwildeI would recommend not updating your bios because you don't have a clue.15:42
lefixYou might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these.15:42
DarkAngelGot some problems with my Geforce 7600GT PCI-E and my NoName LCD,.. After installing the Nvidia drivers version 177 for activating hardware accleration screen stays black... Threads in the board were no help until now15:42
hwildelefix, "sudo apt-get -f install"15:42
hwilde!pastebin > lefix15:42
ubottulefix, please see my private message15:42
NicEXEJack_Sparrow: doesn't work15:42
snekDarkAngel: maybe your resolution or refreshrate are set too high15:42
=== RistoBombata is now known as Cereal_Killer
snekDarkAngel: a lot of monitors will tell you if refreshrate is too high with something like "signal out of sync" but not all15:43
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, so I just got the standard gdm login15:43
Jack_SparrowNicEXE you can try /j #alsa15:43
incepatorbooks for ubuntu ?15:43
odinsbaneThat does sound like a good idea using dos on a flash stick.15:43
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, so I just got the standard login, not my new one15:44
lefixhwilde: http://pastebin.com/d3a4d693315:44
mysticalonehow do I open the Synaptic package manager from terminal?15:44
lefixhwilde: i know pastebin ^^15:45
snekodinsbane: check http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:45
Jack_Sparrowmysticalone sudo synaptic?15:45
ndlovualex_21, hmm... so you have 'GraphicalTheme=osx-login' in gdm.conf-custom ?15:45
hwildelefix, "sudo apt-get -f install"15:45
Jack_Sparrowmysticalone gksudo synaptic?15:45
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, yesso I just got the standard login, not my new one15:45
lefixhwilde: yes this is the result15:46
mysticaloneI must have misspelled it the first time15:46
bojtelanyone here who can help me , got some problems in twinview setup15:46
pi_Im dual booting windows & ubuntu, and i installed ubuntu on my windows D:\ which also contains all of my music, any way to see/read those file here in ubuntu?15:46
ndlovualex_21, and you copied the expanded osx-login directory to /usr/share/gdm/themes/ ?15:46
hwildebazhang, check out lefix's error:    linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-9-generic: Depends: linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic but it is not installed15:46
hwildeit's like half-upgraded15:47
tv7497guys well the comp guy just now fixed a nvidia graphics card for my new comp well it worked pretty cool with windows i tried to activate it in ubuntu by going to hardware drivers and i get nvidia accelerated graphics driver ver 173 and 177 i press on activate button it prompts me for my password then nothing happens what am i doing wrong15:47
NicEXEI get no sound at all... when I go to sound application and press the test key this error shows up "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback." how can I get my sound back without restarting?15:47
usamahashimiHello everyone!15:47
bazhanglefix, was there a power outage?15:47
usamahashimiFor how long I can keep my computer running (and not turn off)?15:48
Rashomonsantor: I've tried from my office coputer and there's no problem. The server is in a remote location though, but there shouldn't be any problems there at the moment. Out other servers are there and they have no problems15:48
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, yesso I just got the standard login, not my new one. Here is my file http://paste.ubuntu.com/79370/15:48
Jack_Sparrowpi_ It should have seen and mounted your ntfs drive assuming ntfs15:48
hwildeusamahashimi, forever.15:48
lefixhwilde: i did it again an now there was this: (i think the same) http://pastebin.com/d16bb4f8415:48
snekusamahashimi: forever if it's stable15:48
[c0re]hi how do i install mouse pointer?15:48
pi_it's NTSF15:48
pi_but i can't see it15:48
hwildelefix, close synaptic or update manager or whatever else you have open15:48
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:48
usamahashimihwilde, snek: How can I know that my computer is stable?15:48
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:48
hwildeusamahashimi, System-> Admin -> System Monitor15:49
snekusamahashimi: hmm well, that's usually pretty obvious.. if things stop working after a few weeks it's not stable? :)15:49
lefixbazhang no15:49
usamahashimihwilde, does my hardware play any role, like power supply, processor?15:49
hwildeusamahashimi, hardware doesn't last forever, so it will die eventualy ?15:50
NicEXEI get no sound at all... when I go to sound application and press the test key this error shows up "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback." how can I get my sound back without restarting?15:50
usamahashimihwilde, actually i am using non-branded computer thats why i am concerned about that15:50
snekusamahashimi: if you buy expensive server hardware it will most likely last longer than ultra cheap consumer hardware :)15:50
pi_but how come i can see my two other drives but just not the one i installed bunti on?15:50
usamahashimisnek, i am using non-branded computer15:51
snekusamahashimi: it's the parts that matter, not the name on the case15:51
lefixhwilde: do you know how the process is called15:51
alex_21<ndlovu> Now I did, yes I did mv it ther, and it is there. so I just got the standard login, not my new one. Here is my file http://paste.ubuntu.com/79370/15:51
usamahashimihwilde, snek: if i tell you my hardware, can you tell me ?15:51
hwildeusamahashimi, sorry what does this have to do with ubuntu15:51
Jack_Sparrowpi_ IN terminal try sudo fdisk -l15:51
snekhwidle: hmm good point :P15:51
hwildelefix, reboot and come back and we will help you ok15:51
pi_thanks jack15:51
Jack_Sparrowpi_ see also mount15:52
mysticaloneAfter enabling Remote Desktop in 8.10, I fail to connect from Windows vnc client, I've set everything up correctly. Could it be the SSH connection?15:52
ndlovualex_21, I'm going to restart my X using your gdm.conf-custom file and see if it works here... I'll be back in a moment15:52
PhaseIn the Resolution settings, The refresh rate is set at 60Hz, but I have both 70 and 75 also, what kind of performance (boost/decrease) would this affect in changing it to a higher number?15:52
lefixhwilde: but it starts automatically15:52
usamahashimihwilde, snek : i am not worried about ubuntu because i know that its stable enough, I am only concerned about my power supply15:52
[c0re]cursor themes are not working with gnome15:53
tv7497guys anyone little help15:53
[c0re]any idea how do i fix it?15:53
bojtelanyone who can help me with twinview conf?15:53
blunderbombhi all15:53
usamahashimiIs it possible to know about power supply without opening my computer's casing?15:53
douglI just installed kubuntu 8.10 and am trying to config compiz anyone suggest a good read?15:53
tyler_d1help installing a virtual nic please?15:53
* dougl is googling it now15:53
scopecreepusamahashimi, only if you smell it, which is bad15:54
hwildeusamahashimi, so buy a new power supply.  or join #hardware15:54
Jack_Sparrowusamahashimi PLease try /j #Hardware15:54
krish_i updated the sources.list file on my server. how can i make apt recognize the changes i made15:54
usamahashimiscopecreep, If I touch back of my computer, its very cool, may be because of winter!15:54
hwildekrish_, sudo apt-get update15:54
blunderbombIm having a problem, i just installed 8.10, problem is i cant connect to the internet i think its a bug. I have a wired connection.15:54
bojtelneed help setting up 2 displays , someone  ?15:54
Jack_Sparrowkrish_ sudo apt-get update15:54
hwilde!dualhead | bojtel15:55
ubottubojtel: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama15:55
usamahashimiJack_Sparrow, good nick :)15:55
Jack_Sparrowkrish_ please note, odd repos bring odd results15:55
NetMi added another language to my keyboard , how can i change it ?15:55
scopecreepusamahashimi, i mean more of an ozone smell15:55
NetMctrl + shift didnt work15:55
usamahashimilemme go to #hardware15:55
mysticaloneremote desktop is a pain on ubuntu server15:56
alex_21<ndlovu> Ok, I'll waitNow I did, yes I did mv it ther, and it is there. so I just got the standard login, not my new one. Here is my file http://paste.ubuntu.com/79370/15:56
krish_hwilde thanks a lot15:56
erbihave you modified your /etc/sysctl.conf to tweak your tcp scale windows and such ?15:56
krish_Jack_Sparrow thanks a lot15:56
lefixhwilde: do you mean the update-notifier?15:56
nightclawis there a way to convert ntfs to ext3 without moving all the data around?15:56
snekerbi: are you refering to mysticalone?15:56
usamahashimiDoes utorrent available for ubuntu?15:57
scopecreepnightclaw, negative, not that i know of15:57
erbino.. anybody15:57
Jack_Sparrow!ifo rtottent15:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifo rtottent15:57
krish_Jack_Sarrow I edited the sources.list file so tht I am able to install packages over the internet15:57
scopecreeputorrent is win/mac only i think15:57
snekusamahashmi: nope, but but you can use Wine...15:57
Teiseiusamahashimi: Yes, but you have to run it on Wine15:57
Jack_Sparrow!info torrent15:57
ubottuPackage torrent does not exist in intrepid15:57
hwildelefix, close everything you have open...15:57
snekusamahashimi: i've been running utorrent under wine for over 2 years now, it's perfectly stable15:57
Jack_Sparrow!info rtorrent15:57
ubotturtorrent (source: rtorrent): ncurses BitTorrent client based on LibTorrent. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 325 kB, installed size 884 kB15:57
blunderbombcan anybody help me with  me not being able to connect to internet wired connection 8.1015:57
Jack_SparrowSorry about that people.. fat fingers this am15:57
[T]ankI have a usb thumbdrive that the partition has been removed. So... fdisk cannot see the drive now. Is there a way to correct that?15:58
usamahashimiTeisei, snek: Does this affect download speed (i mean running under wine)?15:58
NetM[T]ank try partition magic15:58
Teisei!info azureus15:58
ubottuazureus (source: azureus): BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 10054 kB, installed size 11488 kB15:58
erbiim trying to tweak my TCP performance so i can download faster + browse internet faster.. it has something to do with sysctl.conf and changing the scaling windows and such, who has done that? could i see your script?15:58
Jack_Sparrow[T]ank  gparted and create a new partition15:58
Teiseiusamahashimi: No it doesn't, it runs well :)15:58
[T]ankNetM: isnt that the same as gparted? that also does not work15:58
TeiseiAnd fast15:58
lefixhwilde: k15:58
snekusamahashimi: doubt it, i get my full 1MB/s with uTorrent under both Wine and on my Windows machine15:58
[T]ankunless I do not know what I am doing ;-)15:58
ndlovualex_21, it works fine on my system, but the interface is still not text based and it might seem the same to you as the original theme, is that a possibility?15:58
lefixhwilde and now?15:59
nightclawthx, i apt-get --purge remove landscape 'ed do i have to do something else to get rid of it?15:59
usamahashimiTeisei, does the selection of torrent client affects download speed, i mean that some clients give you more speed and some give less speed?15:59
NetMi added another language to my keyboard , how can i change it ? i tried ctrl + shift but didnt work.15:59
lefixhwilde i have to mention that i killed the update-notifier process15:59
Teiseiusamahashimi: I guess it doesn't matter which client you use :)15:59
usamahashimisnek, I am using Transmission, what do you think about it?15:59
TeiseiI prefer Azureus though :)16:00
bojtelhwidle: you know anything about running 2 displays?16:00
blunderbombis there a fix to the bugs in net manager.7 yet?16:00
nightclawTransmission is basic16:00
[T]ankits only shows my /dev/sda in my devices list.16:00
usamahashimiTeisei, Guess! So you are not sure :)16:00
snekusamahashimi: i have tried most other clients and uTorrent just seems fastest.. it's lite (azureus is quite bloated I find, thx to java) and Transmission has problems finding peers/connecting to trackers (just compared it today between a colleague and my box)16:01
turuburuguys what u propose for initial ubuntu security hardening. do u know any good guide?16:01
usamahashimiWhat do you think about Transmission (client)?16:01
Teiseiusamahashimi: I haven't tried every bittorrent clients there are, but the ones I have tried have performed equally :)16:01
alex_21<ndlovu> Hey, visually it is the original theme. I am not sure what you mean16:01
[T]ankusamahashimi: I use it. I like it16:01
blunderbombany help?16:01
PhaseIn the Resolution settings, The refresh rate is set at 60Hz, but I have both 70 and 75 also, what kind of performance (boost/decrease) would this affect in changing it to a higher number?16:01
TeiseiI'm using Gjiten and when I try to remove dictionaries from Preferences, the program crashes16:01
ikoniaPhase quicker refresh rate, less flicker16:01
snekusamahashimi: wine is easy enough to setup: sudo aptitude install wine, then just download & install uTorrent like it's a normal windows program16:02
TeiseiCan anybody help?16:02
usamahashimiIs there any plan for utorrent client for linux?16:02
erbiim trying to tweak my TCP performance so i can download faster + browse internet faster.. it has something to do with sysctl.conf and changing the scaling windows and such, who has done that? could i see your script?16:02
ikoniausamahashimi: speak to utorrent16:02
bojtelPhase: are you running twinview?16:02
snekdunno, they are working on a mac client.. so who knows :)16:02
scopecreepusamahashimi, utorrent is closed source, so it might be rough16:02
Phasebojtel, Never heard of it.16:02
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
tv7497guys well the comp guy just now fixed a nvidia graphics card for my new comp well it worked pretty cool with windows i tried to activate it in ubuntu by going to hardware drivers and i get nvidia accelerated graphics driver ver 173 and 177 i press on activate button it prompts me for my password then nothing happens could any one help me with this my model is gforce 9400 gt16:02
snekgotta go, laters all16:02
blunderbombanybody help with a network manager .7 issue16:02
usamahashimisnek, yes, i have used wine, but in that case wine lies b/w your system and your os16:02
usamahashimiI think i should give wine and utorrent a try, thanks all of you :)16:03
madsjwhere can i find xmms ? it's (to me, it's a bit odd!) not availble in synaptic16:03
lefixhwilde and what should i do now?16:03
Jack_Sparrow!info xmms16:03
ubottuPackage xmms does not exist in intrepid16:03
RashomonHow do I find out the name of my eth1 device, i.e. what brand/make it is?16:03
blunderbombi cant even connect to the internet im on windows :(16:03
ikoniamadsj: it's been disacontinued16:03
madsjaudacious misses some features, that I appreciate greatly16:03
Gnea!xmms | madsj16:04
ubottumadsj: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.16:04
ikoniamadsj: audacious is the closest thing16:04
bojtelCUPE: are you running 2 displays?16:04
erUSULerbi: window scaling can only be disabled or enabled... disabling it will worsen your internet performance16:04
usamahashimiJack_Sparrow, do you want to know how to install xmms?16:04
dropperI'd like to check my harddrive before I install Ubuntu, are there tools on the (8.1) install disk to do this??16:04
Jack_Sparrowblunderbomb you cant connect to internet with windows or ubuntu?16:04
alex_21I'll be back, thanks for all the help16:04
madsjoh, I didn't know it has been discontinued16:04
Jack_Sparrowusamahashimi No16:04
tv7497bazhang: sir little bit of help16:04
usamahashimiJack_Sparrow, you asked from ubot :)16:04
humphreyhello, can anyone tell me where the kernel sources directory is for xubuntu?16:04
FoXeRubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64 understand Russian language ?16:05
blunderbombeverythings fine except ubuntu 8.10 , i can  connect via live other distros as well16:05
ikoniahumphrey /usr/src16:05
bazhangtv7497, which card16:05
erUSULFoXeR: it should16:05
Jack_Sparrowusamahashimi I was pointing out to a user that it is not included in Intrepid16:05
humphreythankyou ikonia16:05
TeiseiAudacious seems like XMMS16:05
ndlovualex_21, then I don't know. You could try change "GraphicalTheme=Human" to "GraphicalTheme=osx-login" in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf16:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacious16:05
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.16:05
usamahashimiJack_Sparrow, I found a very easy way to install it16:05
Teisei!info audacious16:05
ubottuaudacious (source: audacious): small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-3ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 1133 kB, installed size 3848 kB16:05
TeiseiYou can make it look like XMMS16:05
Jack_Sparrowusamahashimi What part of I am not trying to install a discontiunued and unsupported program are you having trouble understanding16:06
tv7497bazhang: gforce nvidia 9400 gt i googled it sir well the problem is if i give activate the driver in hardware drivers it runs for a sec thats it nothing much16:06
FoXeRerUSUL: thx16:06
bazhangtv7497, and you restarted?16:06
tv7497bazhang: twice sir16:06
blunderbombso i dont know what to do16:06
bazhangtv7497, any errors?16:06
usamahashimiJack_Sparrow, xmms rock16:06
tv7497bazhang: no sir it pretends nothing has happened16:07
bazhangusamahashimi, offtopic16:07
dishayui can't enable proprietary drivers for my nvidia graphics card in ubuntu 8.10 i386, when i click on activate, it pops up a window "downloading and installing" and it vanishes in a second or so, and nothing happens, what do i do?16:07
Jack_Sparrow!ot > usamahashimi16:07
ubottuusamahashimi, please see my private message16:07
tv7497dishayu: dude the same here16:07
bazhangtv7497, do the hardware drivers even support that card?16:07
usamahashimi!ot > Jack_Sparrow16:07
ubottuJack_Sparrow, please see my private message16:07
blunderbombany help with connecting to internet ubuntu 8.1016:08
dishayubazhang : yes they do16:08
slobad23hey there all - can someone please help me ge my wireless card working on my thinkpad r61i16:08
scopecreepmy geforce 9800+ works fine16:08
FoXeRHere there are Russian people?16:08
bazhang!ru | FoXeR16:08
ubottuFoXeR: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:08
Jack_SparrowFoXeR We have a whole russian channel16:08
tv7497bazhang: what do you mean by that sir it clearly states ver 173 and ver 177 ( recommended)16:08
pi_whats the the command for mounting a disk?16:08
slobad23apparently the wireless network card "intel 3945abg" should work out of the box, but it doesnt seem to connect to my wireless16:08
FoXeRJack_Sparrow: where ?16:08
Jack_SparrowFoXeR look up16:09
spiderzzholy crap16:09
slobad23pi_: mount? :p16:09
spiderzzim not the only noob16:09
lefixhwilde not available a.m.?16:09
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:09
blunderbombi can connect to all distros and windows i try except for ubuntu 8.10 any help???16:09
pi_yea mount disk name doens't work :-(16:09
FoXeRJack_Sparrow: i blind ^_^16:09
tv7497dishayu:dude is it gforce 9400 gt16:09
jribtv7497, bazhang: have to go, but last time I saw this, purging everything with nvidia in the name that was installed, and installing nvidia-glx-177 led us to a dkms error.  And then installing kernel source solved that.  Might be worth a try16:09
bojtelneed help setting up twinview in X16:09
FoXeRbazhang: ìîæåø äàòü àñþ ? åñòü ïàðó âîïðîñîâ ...16:10
dishayutv7497 : no, i have a 7300GT16:10
scopecreeptv7497, i believe only the latest drivers are recommended unless they bork something16:10
takuyaHey guys16:10
blunderbombLegally Blind Man needs to connect to inter BUT CANT!!! plz help16:10
takuyaI had a simple question. I finally got Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my MBP, graphics working and all. Funnily enough, Compiz won't do the desktop cube.16:11
hwildelefix, que pasa16:11
bazhangFoXeR, /join #ubuntu-ru16:11
hwildelefix, did you get that command to run yet16:11
bazhangblunderbomb, ethernet or wireless16:11
takuyaI set it up, 4 workspaces, turned on cube, and it only does a kind of wall effect. I was just wondering if I was doing something wrong.16:11
=== takuya is now known as Takuya
=== jens is now known as Guest70647
dishayuscopecreep : but 177 series drivers support 7 series and 8 and 9, but no luck with installation...16:11
blunderbombbaz... wired16:11
dropperI'd like to check my harddrive before I install Ubuntu, are there tools on the (8.1) install disk to do this??16:11
bazhangblunderbomb, open a terminal16:11
Gneablunderbomb: and you're connected via windows?16:11
agphello all, i have two partritions disk and disk-1 i mounted them x) (btw i am with live-cd) and i need to copy files from disk-1 to disk and i dont have permissions to do that, how i can do it ? Ty fpr help16:11
blunderbombyes right now im on windows16:11
pi_can't find sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab, so....16:11
blunderbombbut cant connect via 8.1016:12
lefixhwilde which command?16:12
Gneablunderbomb: what is your computer plugged into?16:12
=== nuebuntu is now known as vigobuntu
hwildelefix, "sudo apt-get -f install"16:12
Jack_SparrowTakuya Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse16:12
Gneablunderbomb: k, that a router of your own or a cable/dsl router?16:12
blunderbombnetwork manager says im connected firefox wont connect network tools wont ping16:13
spiderzzIs anyone having problems with fire fox freezing after trying to view a video online16:13
blunderbombrouter of my own16:13
lefixyes ive done this, now it returned an error code 116:13
Jack_Sparrowdropper it can partition format and scan the drive as part of the install16:13
hwildelefix, pastebinit16:13
lefixhwilde: should i pastebin?16:13
dropperthanks Jack_Sparrow16:13
agpsomeone x)16:13
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
Takuyaaha, thanks Jack_Sparrow :)16:14
bojtelgot resolution problems, anyone?16:14
pi_answer thy PM jack sparrow!16:14
lefixhwilde: http://pastebin.com/d656d7c2416:14
agphello all, i have two partritions disk and disk-1 i mounted them x) (btw i am with live-cd) and i need to copy files from disk-1 to disk and i dont have permissions to do that, how i can do it ? Ty fpr help16:15
dishayutv7497 : i think this MIGHT help...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96872316:15
Jack_Sparrow!pm > pi_16:15
ubottupi_, please see my private message16:15
blunderbombI think i may  have a network manager bug problem not sure16:15
EQUIVagp: check /etc/fstab16:15
hwildelefix, sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic_2.6.27-9.19_i386.deb16:15
Gneablunderbomb: checked your IP settings? can you ping the router? what does /etc/resolv.conf get filled with? can you ping those?16:16
agpunionfs / unionfs rw 0 016:16
agptmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 016:16
agp/dev/sda3 swap swap defaults 0 016:16
neko_hi people16:16
bazhangblunderbomb, we need you to hook up that computer to test it16:16
pi_i tried to mount a HDD and i got this error, can't find sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab16:16
pi_any one car to help?16:16
blunderbombi can ping  in every os  except for 8.1016:16
Gneabazhang: he's dual-booted16:16
lefixhwilde ok done16:16
RashomonHow do I find out the name of my eth1 device, i.e. what brand/make it is?16:17
EQUIVagp: do u have disk and disk-1 mounted?16:17
hwildelefix, "sudo apt-get -f install"16:17
hwildeRashomon, lspci -v16:17
blunderbombya i have dual boot16:17
Gneablunderbomb: please boot back into ubuntu and try those out... and make note of what the 'ifconfig' command returns with in a terminal16:17
Jack_Sparrowpi_ From the terminal/CLI type... sudo mkdir /media/disk-1  then   sudo mount /dev/sda(x)  /media/disk-1   ( Replace sda(x) with your partition )16:17
agpi started live-cd and My computer -> dbl click on disk or disk-1 i think they were mounted (sry bad en)16:18
neko_hey i have install some 8.10 on some new computer, the resolution tool only give me choice of funky resolution but none the one of my lcd screen16:18
toddoonhi, is there a way to tag files in filesystem like delicious with websites?16:18
pi_thanks agian16:18
Jack_Sparrowblunderbomb It is a real install and not wubi or something right?16:18
blunderbombits a reall install full16:18
Jack_Sparrowhad to ask16:18
thanda_What is the status of ZFS in ubuntu - future versions?16:18
Rashomonhwilde: would you think that my networking problem could have to do with the QLogic HBA?16:18
blunderbombdo i put this in "/etc/resolv.conf" terminal?16:18
hwildeRashomon, no clue16:19
neko_and the xorg.conf is so empty, i wonder if it deals with the xrandr stuff16:19
lefixhwilde: i think the same (error code 1) look -> http://pastebin.com/d76f887b516:19
agpi have disk and disk-1 icons on desktop it shows me that they are mounted i think huh xD16:19
archmanguys i need help with vmware machine...i'm trying to resize the virtual disk, and when i issue vmware-vdiskmanager -x 12GB mydisk.vmdk it says  There is not enough space on the file system for the selected operation (14)16:19
archmanbut there is enoguh space16:19
Gneaarchman: please ask in #vmware16:19
hwildelefix, I dunno... what did you do to break your system like this16:20
hwildebazhang, he is looking for 2.6.27-9 but... http://pastebin.com/d76f887b516:20
confusedhi guys, I got dual screen working just fine, but how do I reverse which screen is the "default" screen ?16:20
hwildeconfused, swap the vga cables :)16:21
confusedI want my XDM to appear on the left, but it appears on the right16:21
bojtelcan anyone help me . I got problems setting the right resolution on my second display!16:21
lefixhwilde i dunno, i did nothing16:21
confusedhwilde: no no, the mouse moves between both monitors just fine16:21
confusedits not an issue with screen layout16:21
adrenalineI know this is weird but I upgraded my kernel per updates with the new intrepid and now my pictures forlder is not being read with the screen saver any ideas?16:21
hwildeconfused, screen0 is default.  screen1 is the secondary16:22
adrenalineWorked before the upgrade16:22
lefixhwilde you think i should reinstall ubuntu16:22
hwildelefix, I dunno how you got it into that state.  it's probably recoverable but I dunno how16:23
hwildelefix, what were you doing before it broke16:23
agphey someone i have two partritions mounted frost one is disk with ntfs next one is disk-1 with ext3 partritions they have been mounted automaticaly i am on live-cd and i need to copi files from disk-1 to disk but when i start to copy error come with text: You do not have permission to write... how i can jump over this problem ? x)16:23
confusedhwilde: I do not think the names given are indicative about which screen is chosen by default16:23
confusedthis doesn't seem to be the case16:23
lefixhwilde nothing16:23
Gnea!ntfs-3g | agp16:23
ubottuagp: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:23
hwildeconfused, screen0 is default buddy16:24
hwildeGnea, can you look at lefix's pastebin http://pastebin.com/d76f887b516:24
confusedok, let me rename my screens ....16:24
agpty for cooperation x)16:24
humphreyhello. how do i copy a file to kernel sources directory. it says i have to be root..16:24
hwildehumphrey, sudo16:24
Vincemanis it possible to get cool PSP games through linux?16:24
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:25
humphreywill check out link, ta16:25
lefixhumphrey or su and than type in your password, after you copied your files write exit and you are logg out as root16:25
Gnealefix: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get -f install16:25
confusedhwilde: no dice16:27
blunderbombJust upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10. Can't connect to internet. The pop-up says I am connected, but I am not, and after I somehow get the icon to spin around it says I am disconnected.. My hardware is ok. Works from16:27
blunderbombWin XP ( have a dual boot system) and it worked fine on 8.04. I understand there are bugs in Nework Manager 0.7. What can I do in the mean time? Where can I start looking to see what is wrong? Should I go back to an earlier version of NM? Is there a config file around that needs some modification? Any work arounds? Any ideas?16:27
lefixgnea error code one, should i pastebin it16:27
hwildeblunderbomb, wired or lan16:27
blunderbombthat is my problem copied from site16:28
hwildeblunderbomb, *wireless or lan16:28
meganoxblunderbomb: if you don't need wireless and wired a the same time try wicd16:28
blunderbombi only have ethernet wired connection16:28
hwildeblunderbomb, goto terminal.  sudo kill -9 `pidof NetworkManager` `pidof NetworkManagerDispatcher`16:28
Gnealefix: from which command?16:28
hwildeblunderbomb, sudo dhclient eth016:28
lefixgnea  sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get -f install16:29
humphreywhat is command for copying files?16:29
hwildehumphrey, cp16:29
Gnealefix: okay, so it's re-downloading the kernel package?16:29
hwildeGnea, I had him delete it completely :/16:29
fastaWhen I visit http://www.cse.unsw.com.au/~chak/haskell/c2hs/docu/usage.html I get: Usage of C➔Haskell16:30
mannytui like the "ln" command16:30
Gneahwilde: you do know that -9 is deprecated and that -10 is the current kernel version, right?16:30
lefixgnea yes it has been re downloading (i think) but returned error code 116:30
fastaInstead of something without the weird chars. There must be something wrong with the encoding.16:30
jake_can someone give me some help getting my wireless working please16:30
fastaWhere can I change that in Firefox?16:30
hwildeGnea, I've been telling him to update for hours but he can't seem to do it16:30
rwwadrenaline: Did you figure out your screensaver problem yet? If not, open up your home folder, press Ctrl-H to show hiden files/folders, go to the .config folder and open user-dirs.dirs (it's a text file). Is XDG_PICTURES_DIR set to the right folder?16:31
blunderbombhwilde, just type that all in and thats it?16:31
fastaAnd, where is Iceweasel in Ubuntu?16:31
hwildeblunderbomb, the first hting I told you will kill the network manager.  the second will force a dhcp request on your eth0 (wired interface)16:32
Gnealefix: what number do you get from this:   dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 2.6.27 | grep generic | grep image | wc -l16:32
blunderbombkk ill have to log to ubuntu to try it16:32
lefixGnea 1 (one)16:33
hjbHi. Can i use the ubuntu live cd (8.10) to boot a linux which is in /dev/hda4 ?16:33
hjbi can't figure the correct input to the boot prompt16:33
rwwfasta: The whole point of iceweasel was to get around branding restrictions caused by Debian's refusal to package Firefox without updates unapproved by Mozilla. Ubuntu complies with Mozilla's update/branding policy, so it doesn't need Iceweasel.16:34
bobthemilI've got a bit of a problem installing ubuntu, and I've exhausted the internet to all of its resources16:34
Gnealefix: okay - dpkg -l | grep ^ii | grep 2.6.27 | grep generic | grep image  what does that say?16:34
fastarww: the whole point was that Debian wanted to improve some stuff.16:34
bobthemilit's a bit of a long story, but my main problem is that the install program is segfaulting16:34
fastarww: then the Mozilla guys said: fine, but you need to rebrand it.16:34
fastarww: so, why doesn't Ubuntu have the same improvements?16:35
Gneafasta: no, it was a licensing issue.16:35
rwwfasta: If you look back at the discussion when it happened, it wasn't about improving anything. That came later.16:35
blackpearlhow to access winXP NTFS partition on Ubuntu 8.10 (running in vbox)16:35
fastarww: I read the discussion when it happened.16:35
jake_anyone able to help me with my wireless problems?16:35
Gneafasta, rww: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naming_conflict_between_Debian_and_Mozilla16:36
rwwfasta: Firstly, Mozilla got mad at Debian for unapproved packaging. Debian then turned around and decided that the branding policy was non-dfsg free. Then, we ended up with Iceweasel. Any customization or improvement of Iceweasel over Firefox came later.16:36
fastarww: The Mozilla guys were afraid of getting a bad name in theory and legally that they were afraid of losing the brand.16:36
bobthemillong story short what i've done so far is download initrd.tar.gz and linux (the kernel) from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/16:36
fastarww: anyone could call something Firefox.16:36
fastarww: they wanted to avoid that.16:36
bobthemilconfigured LILO to boot to that kernel with that initrd image16:36
lefixGnea: ii  linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic              2.6.27-7.16                           Linux kernel image for version 2.6.27 on x8616:36
pi_rawr, im almost going crazy here, mounting a disk is freaking hard....mount: special device sdb1 does not exist16:36
bobthemilthen the install runs fine for the first few minutes, gets up to downloading additional packages from the archives16:37
blackpearlhow to access winXP NTFS partition on Ubuntu 8.10 (running in vbox)16:37
Gneafasta, rww: please, enjoy reading that article and please refrain from discussing it further in here.  #ubuntu-offtopic is there if you really feel that you need to. thanks.16:37
fastarww: ok, but my actual problem is an encoding problem.16:37
bobthemiland then it says i have a kernel mismatch error (i hit ignore, as i can not find any archive from ubuntu.com that does not provide this mismatch error)16:37
bobthemilthen it continues to download packages16:37
rwwfasta: View -> Character Encoding -> Unicode16:37
tabodigot a question about ubuntu and vista if anyones here16:38
rwwfasta: sorry, didn't see your original problem until I scrolled up and checked for it just now16:38
blackpearlkindly reply16:38
bobthemilit gets up to libresolv-2.9.so and then segfaults16:38
Gnealefix: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic   <--- does that do anything?16:38
Gnea!ntfs-3g | blackpearl16:38
ubottublackpearl: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:38
bobthemilDoes anyone have any idea on how to fix this problem? Any help would be much appreciated and I've run out of ways to fix this on the internet16:38
bobthemilerrr, the web no longer provides me any useful information16:38
lefixyes, should i pastebin it?16:38
jake_can someone please help me with my wireless network card16:38
Gnealefix: did it error out or did it finish successfully?16:39
tabodican anyone help me with this one I've got a pc running vista and a laptop running ubuntu and I cant get them networked16:40
Gnea!ask | jake_16:40
ubottujake_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:40
tabodimy bad16:40
lefixGnea: was not successfull -> http://pastebin.com/d77a8b05916:40
tabodihow do I network ubuntu and vista16:41
jake_i have an intel 3945abg wireless network card that can view my wireless network. when i try to connect to it with wpa-wpa2 security, it fails to connect - can anybody help me with this problem?16:41
Gnealefix: okay, try this please:  sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic16:42
fastarww: which encoding are you using to correctly view that webpage?16:42
fastarww: I tried a few different combinations, but they all won't work.16:42
lefixGnea: Reading package lists... Done16:42
lefixBuilding dependency tree16:42
lefixReading state information... Done16:42
lefixE: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic16:42
FloodBot2lefix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:42
fastarww: it could also be a bug in the website.16:42
frxstremDoes someone here know an USB Network dongle that works with Ubuntu? (I16:43
fastarww: ok, I got it working somehow.16:43
rwwfasta: View -> Character Encoding -> Unicode worked fine for me16:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cursor16:44
Gnealefix: okay, go to  System->Administration->Software Sources and tell me what Updates tab says is checked16:44
Gneafrxstrem: any of them.16:44
rwwfasta: not sure why Firefox doesn't autodetect it as Unicode, since there's a UTF-8 content-type meta tag, but whatever, that's how to fix it.16:45
bobthemilCan anyone at all help me work through my trouble with the Jaunty net installer? It's segfaulting.16:45
le1hello friedns16:45
geniibobthemil: #ubuntu+1 please16:45
spiderzzIs anyone here familiar with ati drivers for ubuntu 8.116:45
cjubahi le1 :-)16:45
le1i have a small problem with the internet16:45
fastarww: Konqueror has the same problem.16:46
le1i am using a usb cabel16:46
fastarww: I am not sure how I can configure Konqueror such that it remembers it across restarts.16:46
lefixGnea Those are checked: Important security updates(intrepid-security) and Recommended updates (intrepid-updates)16:46
le1and i need to use the wierless16:46
le1how to use the wireless in ubuntu16:47
plumaI upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now my soundcard and video card are not recognised anymore (X bitches and video/sound playback is broken).16:47
cjubafasta: Save the profile-setting in konqueror16:47
neggeI just bumped into a very weird problem with Samba. Suddenly when I booted my computer (Windows) it said my mapped network shares (from my server) where unaccessible. When I checked smb.conf I noticed that it had gotten completely rewritten and the old configuration file had been copid as "smb.conf.ucf-old". What's going on here?16:47
plumaVolume control, too, obviously.16:47
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le1how to use the wireless in ubuntu ?!16:47
HolyMarcellHello there16:48
douglI have just installed kubuntu 8.10 and am trying to configure compiz I keep seeing xgl not present messages when I try to 'compiz' or 'compiz-manager' -> does anyone have any suggestions?16:48
neggeah nevermind guys I just remembered I updated my system and it asked to replace the modified configuration file, I didn't read it carefully as I thought it was just the typical GRUB list message...16:48
cjubale1: try to connect with network manager...16:48
Gnealefix: okay, check this one:  Pre-release Updates(intrepid-proposed)16:48
fastacjuba: that didn't work.16:48
spiderzzi am trying to view videos and use 3d graphic games and am coming up with scrolling video or extremely distorted images16:48
le1but how ?!16:48
rwwnegge: Yup. UCF stans for "Update Configuration File" ;-)16:48
jack__where can i find the log with the boot messages?16:48
douglgoogle does not seem to have any results specific to compiz and 8.1016:48
cjubafasta: what do you want to save?16:48
fastacjuba: I went to the URL, set the encoding, saved the profile, and restart konqueror.16:49
rwwjack__: dmesg for kernel message, /var/log/ for various others16:49
fastacjuba: that it uses unicode by default16:49
lefixGnea: ok now the first three are now checked16:49
cjubafasta: kubuntu 8.10?16:49
fastacjuba: or will that be a bad idea in other cases?16:49
fastacjuba: just ubuntu, but I installed Konqueror.16:49
plumaLet me rephrase my question.16:49
cjubaouh... okay :-)16:50
fastacjuba: no idea of the exact version16:50
Gnealefix: okay, close it, then run:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic16:50
fastacjuba: Qt: 3.3.8b16:50
fastaKDE: 3.5.1016:50
fastaKonqueror: 3.5.1016:50
FloodBot2fasta: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
dftanybody know of any good resources for troubleshooting icecast2?16:50
cjubaHmm.. should work!16:50
plumaHow do I make Ubuntu 8.10 recognise my ATI Radeon video card and on-board sound card which worked perfectly fine with 8.04?16:50
pluma(and anything before that)16:50
Gneadft: google or #icecast16:50
le1how to connecting in network manager16:50
spiderzzpluma i think i am having a similar issue16:51
HolyMarcellHey, I'm using the latest version of Ubuntu and try to set up some kind of network-bridge between the WLAN and the XP-Box near the Ubuntu-Box. After reading the Manuals and everything I found I'm still not able to manage it. Someone can guide me through the steps? thx16:51
spiderzzis it an msi motherboard?16:51
plumaspiderzz: I'd think so.16:51
Gnea!network manager | lefix16:51
ubottulefix: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager16:51
Gnea!network manager | le116:51
ubottule1: networkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager16:51
Gnealefix: sorry, wrong recipient16:51
cjubale1: the two monitors; click to see your wireless-connections16:51
plumaspiderzz: I tried following the PulseAudio troubleshooting guide, but the problem seems to be with the device, not PA.16:51
lefixGnea kk ^^ look here -> http://pastebin.com/dba64a6816:51
spiderzzi have my sound working and my video is recognised but my video is not working optimally16:52
fastacjuba: http://markmail.org/message/xhgrees5wkwhex23 <- same problem, no solution16:52
jake_i have an intel 3945abg wireless network card that can view my wireless network. when i try to connect to it with wpa-wpa2 security, it fails to connect to my dlink wireless AP - can anybody help me with this problem?16:52
cjubafasta: oh.. okay.. Sorry; i've got no idea :-(16:52
Gnealefix: okay, try sudo apt-get -f install again16:52
fastacjuba: and another one: http://www.mail-archive.com/newbie@linux-mandrake.com/msg70008.html16:52
rwwfasta: since konqueror is a kubuntu package, maybe try asking #kubuntu?16:52
plumaspiderzz: My volume control bitches about there not being any sound card, PulseAudio can't find any devices and X complains about failing to recognise either sound or video cards.16:53
fastaFrom 2001 o.O16:53
frxstremAm I able to burn Ubuntu Studio on a CD?16:53
MarkopotomusI just downloaded some ati drivers and the file suffix is .run ... what am I supposed to do with it?16:53
plumaMarkopotomus: run it?16:53
Gneafrxstrem: do you have a cd burner?16:53
cjubafrxstream: no; burn it on dvd16:54
cjuba-a :D16:54
Markopotomuspluma: Yes, I'd have thought so... any idea how?16:54
Gneafrxstrem: does it burn dvds too?16:54
plumaMarkopotomus: I'd guess they're binaries, so you make them executable (+x) and then run them.16:54
sinboxhi, everytime I reboot my machine X0rg tells me it's running in low graphics mode, I configure it properly and next time it does it again, any idea as to what it might be? must say I changed the display from "default" to the correct monitor model in the list of available ones. xorg.conf.failsafe seems to generate a new default xorg.conf on each reboot16:54
plumaErr scripts, i mean.16:54
Gneafrxstrem: there is your answer.16:54
Markopotomuspluma: sorry, I'm still not with you. How'd I do that?16:54
lefixGne the same, error code (1) should i pastebin it?16:54
rwwfrxstrem: Ubuntu Studio only releases DVD images, not CD images, so no.16:55
plumaMarkopotomus: Right click, properties, make executable.16:55
plumaMarkopotomus: in the Permissions tab16:55
Gnealefix: no.  open the Sources back up and also check  Unsupported updates (intrepid-backports)16:55
HolyMarcellHey, I'm using the latest version of Ubuntu and try to set up some kind of network-bridge between the WLAN and the XP-Box near the Ubuntu-Box. After reading the Manuals and everything I found I'm still not able to manage it. Someone can guide me through the steps? thx16:55
plumaMarkopotomus: or from the commandline chmod +x <filename> (no brackets)16:56
rwwfrxstrem: it's entirely possible that they have a CD spin somewhere I'm not seeing... I guess you could go ask them in #ubuntustudio16:56
lefixGnea ok and now sudo apt-get -f install  ????16:56
Markopotomuspluma ok - I dont actually see a "make executable" command in the Permissions tab. Just access options16:56
plumaMarkopotomus: It's not called that.16:56
Markopotomuspluma: or... no, yes I do.16:56
Markopotomuspluma: "allow executing file as program"16:57
plumaMarkopotomus: exactly.16:57
Gnealefix: make sure you sudo apt-get update  first16:57
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Markopotomuspluma: *does so*16:57
plumaMarkopotomus: Now you should be able to run it.16:57
lefixGnea doesnt work error code (1)16:58
Markopotomuspluma. It says I need to run it as a super user, but doesnt give me an option to enter a root password. I guess that means I have to do it from the command line anyway?16:58
rww!sudo | Markopotomus16:58
ubottuMarkopotomus: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:58
plumaMarkopotomus: I'd guess so.16:58
lefixGnea i sudo apt-get update first than sudo apt-get -f install16:58
Gnealefix: okay, try to install the -10 kernel image16:59
plumaMarkopotomus: Unless there's a right-click option for files "Open as administrator" like there is for directories.16:59
shiMMerwhat is best proxy for ubuntu 8.10??16:59
Gnea!best | shiMMer16:59
ubottushiMMer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:59
aminhguys Ubuntu 8.04 is an LTS right? how long is it supported? how long are LTS releases supported?16:59
rww!lts | aminh16:59
ubottuaminh: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.16:59
sanyamsudo su  << will make you root..so u dont have to type sudo evry time... type exit to become regular user16:59
plumaIs there a way to DOWNgrade from 8.10 to 8.04 LTS? 8.10 kinda shot down half my system.16:59
Markopotomuspluma: rww: there we go :)16:59
rwwpluma: no17:00
aminhrww: what is the interval between LTS releases? is that 5 years for servers too?17:00
Gneasanyam: please do not advocate that.  sudo -i  is preferable.17:00
plumarww: is there a way to stop it from not working correctly then? My audio and video card both are "unrecognised" and I have no idea how to go about fixing that.17:00
shiMMerneed to get ip scanner for ubuntu 8.1017:00
spiderzzpluma have you done the updates for the os yet17:01
sanyamGnea: agreed, I was just telling if he finds it convenient17:01
pw-since the last kernel update, ubuntu doesn't shut down my laptop, but hibernates instead, and grub tries to resume the session each time, but fails, and boots from scratch, how can i fix this unwanted hibernation?17:01
rwwaminh: The first LTS was 6.06, the next was 8.04. I forget what the next one is going to be, but it should be sometime less than 3 years after Hardy came out.17:01
shiMMercan angry ip scanner work on ubuntu 8.10??17:01
plumaspiderzz: EVERY update, yes. And unlike with 8.04, 8.10 fails to recognise my sound and video cards, throwing me into failsafe.17:02
GneashiMMer: no, only polite ip scanners work with ubuntu 8.10.17:02
reenignEesreveRi wanna use rsync in such a way that everytime i run it, only new files are downloaded from source (remote machine) to destination machine (my machine) while the old files remain untouched. What parameter should I give to rsync?17:02
shiMMer"polite" ????u mean??17:02
rwwaminh: oh, there it is http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/146 , next LTS is 10.0417:02
greencookieHi I recently removed gdm and ubuntu-desktop and removed the links from init to start gdm automatically. Now I have kubuntu-desktop and kdm and would like to start it automatically on boot. Currently the only way i know of starting it is 'sudo startkde'. could anyone tell me a better alternative? thanks.17:03
rwwshiMMer: I believe that was what is known as a joke17:03
plumarww: So it's probably safe to assume as LTS means 3 years of support that their schedule for creating LTSs is 2 years then?17:03
GneashiMMer: what kind of a 'proxy' are you looking for?17:03
plumarww: i.e. every 4th release is LTS17:03
rwwpluma: looks that way, yes17:03
shiMMerany..i need to be anonymous surfer..17:04
HolyMarcellHey, I'm using the latest version of Ubuntu and try to set up some kind of network-bridge between the WLAN and the XP-Box near the Ubuntu-Box. After reading the Manuals and everything I found I'm still not able to manage it. Someone can guide me through the steps? thx17:04
dissociativeanyone knows how to install MPlayer in ubuntu 8.04? I cant find in the repositories and I running the livecd17:04
GneashiMMer: we don't handle those here. please /join #freenode and ask there.17:04
spiderzzhow do turn stop the os from asking for a password every time i try to install a program or change settigns17:04
HolyMarcelldissociative: try to run it: cmd: "totem"17:04
spiderzzwow i speak good engrish17:04
rwwshiMMer: look into tor. http://www.torproject.org/, package name "tor" in the repos17:05
lefixGnea ok want to install it but theres a message, "broken dependencies"17:05
dissociativetotem cannot access video4linux capture devices17:05
lefixGnea tell ya more?17:05
Gnealefix: pastebin?17:05
rwwshiMMer: to stop your hostname from showing up on Freenode, ask in #freenode for a cloak17:05
shiMMeri got problem with firefox on my ubuntu 8.1017:05
plumaspiderzz: That's kinda the point of sudo'ing. That it asks you for a password instead of letting you log in as root and wreak havock.17:05
HolyMarcelldissociative: this is your error message?17:05
greencookiehow can i get kdm to start automatically on boot?17:05
rwwspiderzz: I answered this yesterday, let me go find what I wrote17:05
sda00hi guys, i need a dbus.deb package for 8.10  can you advise where to download it? thanks17:06
Gneasda00: you didn't find one in the repository?17:06
greencookiehow can i get kdm to start automatically on boot?17:06
rwwspiderzz: 1. Type sudo visudo, 2. Add this to the end of the file: yourusername ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL17:07
Gneagreencookie: it already does in kubuntu17:07
plumaDoes anyone know how I can make my (last-gen) ATI Radeon and on-board sound card work with 8.10? They've been working since 6.06 and 8.10 fails to recognise either.17:07
rwwgreencookie: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm, I think.17:07
greencookieGnea: I unintstalled ubuntu-desktop and installed kubuntu-desktop then kdm.17:07
greencookierww i tried that and rebooted, no avail.17:07
sda00i screwed up to get this repo. i'm running openSUSE and we have a webpin for that: http://packages.opensuse-community.org/17:07
lefixGnea: had to type it xD: look -> http://pastebin.com/d452aadf917:07
HolyMarcellHey, I'm using the latest version of Ubuntu and try to set up some kind of network-bridge between the WLAN and the XP-Box near the Ubuntu-Box. After reading the Manuals and everything I found I'm still not able to manage it. Someone can guide me through the steps? thx17:07
Gneagreencookie: then remove gdm17:07
shiMMeri surf with firefox.when i right click on "hit",it automatically open with new windows and sometime with evolution email.i want to open with new tab..it suck..how to fix this??17:08
greencookieGnea: already did.17:08
rwwgreencookie: what's the contents of /etc/X11/default-display-manager ?17:08
HolyMarcellshiMMer: there is an Option in Extas => options17:08
HolyMarcellsearch a bit17:08
greencookierww /usr/bin/kdm17:08
sda00<Gnea> ?17:09
HolyMarcell*edit I meant17:09
HolyMarcellits a checkbox on one of the tabs17:09
shiMMerwhere to edit??17:09
Gneasda00: wait - you're trying to install a .deb in suse?17:09
HolyMarcellUp there in the Menu-Bar!17:09
greencookierww if i wanna start kde I can do so by typing 'sudo startkde' or putting 'exec startkde' in .xinitrc and typing 'sudo startx' but I dont wanna be root to do that. any workaround?17:09
rwwshiMMer: Ignore HolyMarcell. Edit > Preferences > Tabs17:10
Gneagreencookie: have you rebooted?17:10
sda00<Gnea> openSUSE can handle all packages and i need now only dbus rulesets17:10
greencookieGnea: yes a couple of times.17:10
rwwgreencookie: I'm thinking17:10
shiMMerrww::yeah..it more clear..17:10
greencookierww: sorry. take your time.17:10
shiMMerwhat need to setting??17:10
unopWould anyone know why gnome-power-manager fails to suspend or hibernate a laptop? All I get is a warning saying "sleep problem: your computer failed to suspend, check the help file for common problem"  - but which help file??17:10
Gneasda00: this is #ubuntu, we support the Ubuntu linux distribution in here.17:10
sda00i need only link to the dbus deb for 8.10, thanks17:10
rwwgreencookie: what's the output of ls /etc/rc2.d | grep dm17:11
shiMMerrww::what need to edit??17:11
Gneasda00: then google for it17:11
rwwsda00: see the bottom of http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/dbus and select your arch17:11
greencookierww: says its a directory :S17:11
tomcheng76any good console alternative for xchat ?17:11
greencookierww: nvm 1 sec17:11
SlimeyPetetomcheng76: irssi17:12
rwwgreencookie: sorry, forgot to put a / on the end of rc2.d17:12
sda00rww - thanks! Gnea - thanks for your kind support17:12
refriedbeansmIRC under Wine?17:12
greencookierww: K00kdm17:12
blackpearl i have Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my vbox. My host is WinXp. I am not able to access my winXP (host) ntfs partition...please help17:12
greencookietomcheng76: irssi > * :)17:12
rwwgreencookie: sudo mv /etc/rc2.d/K00kdm /etc/rc2.d/S30kdm17:12
blackpearlGnea : kindly reply to my query17:13
rwwgreencookie: that should fix it17:13
shiMMeri surf with firefox.when i right click on "hit",it automatically open with new windows and sometime with evolution email.i want to open with new tab..it suck..how to fix this??17:13
greencookierww: shud i restart?17:13
tomcheng76what is the package name in aptitude? thanks17:13
rwwgreencookie: either that or do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start17:13
SlimeyPetetomcheng76: irssi-text17:13
greencookiekk thanks17:13
rwwgreencookie: should probably restart to check I'm right though17:13
SlimeyPetetomcheng76: oh wait, no17:14
SlimeyPetetomcheng76: it's just "irssi"17:14
lefixGnea got it?17:14
tomcheng76SlimeyPete: oops, i typed double r, thanks17:14
shiMMerwhen my turn???17:14
Gneablackpearl: kindly see prior response in scrollback.17:14
erbiim trying to tweak my TCP performance so i can download faster + browse internet faster.. it has something to do with sysctl.conf and changing the scaling windows and such, who has done that? could i see your script?17:15
erbisorry i asked earlier but i was afk17:15
rwwshiMMer: Edit > Preferences > Tabs > New pages should be opened in: (X) a new tab17:15
odinsbaneshimmer, it seems this isn't a firefox channel, but what version of firefox are you using.17:15
rwwshiMMer: sorry it took a minute to get to you, I try to answer problems I know the answer to in increasing order of obviousness17:16
shiMMerrww::i use firefox 3.0.417:16
blackpearlGnea : from the previous scroll  i surf this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G  BUt it did not solve my problem17:16
shiMMerUbuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.417:16
jestinjoywhat is the best remastering tool for ubuntu17:16
shiMMerMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008111318 Ubuntu/8.10 (intrepid) Firefox/3.0.417:16
odinsbaneshimmer did you try what rww said?17:17
shiMMersaid what??17:17
rwwodinsbane: (twice) =/17:17
Gneablackpearl: i have no idea which steps you followed, what you did, or what changes you made.17:17
rwwshiMMer: Edit > Preferences > Tabs > New pages should be opened in: (X) a new tab17:17
xangehow can I image my current install/config so that I can just install it to another machine?17:17
odinsbaneshimmer edit>preferences>tabs17:17
Lofde_I have a wireless connection on Ubuntu 8.10, i have wireless connection on WLAN0, i want to plug an ethernet cable into my NIC port, and DHCP share my internet to another PC... anyone know an easy way? or a link/17:18
shiMMerrww:;check at always show the tab bar??17:18
mikevankuikHow can I disable ping requests to my system?17:18
mikevankuikany sugestions?17:19
=== bomber is now known as tomcheng76
shiMMeri dun know17:19
rwwshiMMer: *sigh* no, click the radio box by "a new tab" under "New pages should be opened in", as I've told you three times now17:19
tomcheng76hi, i am using irssi now :)17:20
tomcheng76how can i identify myself :)17:20
Jack_SparrowLofde_ firestarter may have a feature you can use.17:20
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode17:20
shiMMerrww::sorry..my english is bad..it hard for me to understand..17:20
lefixGnea do you now something else i could try?17:20
reanimationwhat ?17:21
Unggnuhi all17:21
rwwshiMMer: what's your native language?17:22
UnggnuHow does the Ubuntu initramfs script find the encrypted root partition?17:22
chedsc++ but he does java when forced17:22
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:22
hwildelol there's nobody in my17:22
shiMMeroh..i join now17:22
shiMMertq broi17:22
reanimationis there any indian17:22
rww!in | re17:22
ubotture: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India17:22
hwildewow there are a ton of people there17:22
chedswhat about for australia?17:23
shiMMerubuntu-<country code> right???17:23
rww!au | cheds17:23
ubottucheds: au is the Australian LoCo Team has a channel at #ubuntu-au17:23
reanimationi know but they never respond your questions17:23
rwwshiMMer: generally, yes17:23
a_c_m1is there a sever specific room?17:23
shiMMeri will always join that room..easy for me :) ha317:23
rwwa_c_m1: #ubuntu-server17:23
a_c_m1thanks rww17:23
chedsone quick ot question; why are there so many people in here?17:24
faemircan someone tell me why konsole isn't automatically going to bash straight away?17:24
rwwanyone else who's about to ask about IRC channels, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat#Channels17:24
tomcheng76cheds: people like to stay close ,lol17:24
rwwcheds: it's the Ubuntu support channel. Lots of people need or give Ubuntu support :)17:24
shiMMerrww::i have another problem..17:24
plumaDoes anyone know how I can make my (last-gen) ATI Radeon and on-board sound card work with 8.10? They've been working since 6.06 and 8.10 fails to recognise either.17:24
rwwcheds: plus the fact that iirc it's the default channel for most IRC clients distributed with Ubuntu doesn't hirt17:24
c0p3rn1c1I'm running ubuntu 8.10 , to get my ati radeon to work I should install http://ati.amd.com/support/drivers/linux/linux-radeon.html ?17:24
chedstomcheng76 well if the growth in this room is anything to go by, ubuntu must be doing ok. I haven't come in here for a couple years ...17:25
rwwhurt *17:25
rwwshiMMer: go ahead and ask :)17:25
chedsrww ah, that's to the point17:25
hwilde!ati | c0p3rn1c117:25
ubottuc0p3rn1c1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:25
Gnealefix: sudo dpkg --configure -a17:25
hwildelefix, you know it only takes like 20 minutes to reinstall right17:25
nbeebohow can disable the manual network configuration program in my tray?17:25
shiMMermy problem is=when i want to minimize/unminimize firefox/another application,it slow to minimize/unminimize..17:26
tomcheng76nbeebo: you mean NetworkManager?17:26
nbeebotomcheng76, maybe, the name is what i called it tho17:26
[Kevin]hello how do i change the name of my computer17:26
hwildeshiMMer, System-> Preferences- > Appearnace -> turn off all the fancy stuff17:26
rww!hostname | [Kevin]17:26
ubottu[Kevin]: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab17:26
hwilde!hostname | [Kevin]17:26
hwilderww, dang quickdraw17:26
shiMMeri set it to none already17:26
chedsapt-get install fluxbox -> turn off all the cruft ;)17:26
rww[Kevin]: MAKE SURE YOU READ THE PART AFTER THE WARNING and consider just using the GUI17:26
Jack_SparrowshiMMer how much ram and cpu17:26
hwildeyeah and video card17:26
shiMMer2gb ram17:26
shiMMeri already have fluxbox..it same17:27
chedsshiMMer really? How slow are we talking?17:27
Jack_SparrowshiMMer is your current screen res over 1024x76817:27
lefixGnea, ok i m doing this later, i hope it works, and if it doesnt i ll install it new, hwilde it takes longer than 20 minutest, because i have to reinstall all my software and this would take some time17:27
rwwNow that I think of it, can someone with ubottu write access change the !hostname factoid so System > Administration > Networking is at the /start/ of it, not the end, since that's what most people will want to do?17:27
nbeebohow do i get rid of the network stuff in my systray?17:27
shiMMer1280x800 resolution17:27
hwildelefix, no just tar up your /home/ directory and save it for later17:28
hwildelefix, you shouldn't lose anything17:28
Gnealefix: okay17:28
hwilde!clone > lefix17:28
ubottulefix, please see my private message17:28
hwildeor clone it first17:28
[Kevin]rrw i dont have " System > Administration > Networking "17:28
Jack_SparrowshiMMer just checking to see if you were stuck at vesa mode17:28
cheds!clone > cheds17:28
ubottucheds, please see my private message17:28
shiMMervesa mode???17:28
FougnershiMMer, you're on a laptop?17:28
intorioI just updated a workstation and ldap authentication just stopped working, server is unchanged, config files are all the same, other un-updated workstations work fine. the auth log complains about not being able to connect to the server, but ldapsearch works fine, any ideas?17:28
Jack_Sparrowlefix consider setting up a seperate /home  it makes things much easier17:28
jestinjoywhich is the best remastering tool in ubuntu17:28
rww[Kevin]: ... damn, they moved it again. Give me a sec to find out where they put it.17:28
shiMMermy xperience is backtrack have vesa mode..17:29
shiMMerfougner::yes..acer aspire 453017:29
Jack_SparrowshiMMer yes. generic slow vesa mode.. I wanted to make sure you had some real driver working17:29
feverI'm having some trouble getting apt-get to work behind a proxy with authentication. When invoked from the terminal, it's picking up the proxy server name and port from the global proxy settings, but not the auth details. It works if I specify the auth username and password along with the proxy server address like user:password@ip:port, but not otherwise. can someone help?17:29
hwildejestinjoy, audacity has some good features17:29
hwildefever, you said it works so what's the problem?17:29
lucaxtryin to play youtube videos on totem i get this ffdemux_swf: El elemento no implementa el manejo de este stream. Por favor, notifique el error. someone know this problem?17:29
shiMMerall my driver is working..nvidia,sound,wireless17:29
FougnershiMMer, is it slow when scrolling in firefox too?17:30
tomcheng76nbeebo: i think you can turn that off inside System => Perferences => Sessions, also you may try to uninstall the NetworkManager package17:30
shiMMeryes..how u know??17:30
rww[Kevin]: install package gnome-network-admin, then open it from Sys > Admin > Networking17:31
rww[Kevin]: then click the General tab, click Unlock, then type in the new hostname.17:31
lefixok guys thanks a lot to you especially thanks to Gnea and hwilde17:31
[Kevin]rww, thanks17:31
feverhwilde: well, If I specify the username and password in the proxy servername, a lot of my other apps stop working. Synaptic package Manager has its own proxy settings, is there a config file for apt-get that I can modify?17:31
nbeebotomcheng76 i did it once, didnt work, u know the name of it?17:31
tomcheng76nbeebo, can u right click the tray icon and select About ?17:32
Jack_SparrowshiMMer All programs are slow to open close not just firefox right17:32
=== cheds is now known as hogdog
rwwlucax: This channel is for support in English. For help with that, you'll want to head over to #ubuntu-es if it's in Spanish or #ubuntu-br if it's in Portugese.17:32
shiMMerjack::yeah...all of u happen with that too?17:33
nbeebotomcheng76 yeah doesnt say anything about no package but its networkmanager17:33
shiMMerdoes it mean i need more ram???17:33
nbeebo!info networkmanager17:33
ubottuPackage networkmanager does not exist in intrepid17:33
lucaxrww, well i know but it isnt that hard to understand what that error says even if its on spanish17:33
ubottunetworkmanager is an application to make (wireless) networking Just Work. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/NetworkManager17:33
Jack_SparrowshiMMer what driver did you install?  Is this a real ubuntu or some other version..17:34
=== shark is now known as Guest51808
endo602im getting depressed because i cant get my spdif working on my xfi audio card :(17:34
endo602can anyone help?17:34
SookeCould anyone establish a VPN connection in intrepid??? Since I moved from Hardy it doesn'r work, help17:34
=== rww is now known as rwwIsAFK
Jack_SparrowshiMMer Video Driver17:35
nbeebotomcheng76, k got it uninstalled and fixed now, thanks17:35
shiMMeri install from synaptic packet manager..nvidia 17717:35
Jack_SparrowshiMMer k ty17:35
shiMMerthen,,how can i fix this lag??17:36
tomcheng76nbeebo gd. actually nm is suck unless u use wireless :)17:36
Jack_SparrowshiMMer I wont be able to help with much on that.  I have gutsy on this particular box17:36
plumaAlright, so what I gathered from the background noise is that I have to install the OSS "radeon" driver to fix my video card.17:36
Jack_SparrowshiMMer does live cd lag?17:36
shiMMerowh...that ok,anyway,tq yah bro..17:37
SookeI understand now why this issue wasn't solved yet by Ubuntu17:37
plumaHow do I fix my onboard sound card then? It doesn't seem to be recognised at all ever since I installed 8.1017:37
shiMMerlvie cd???17:37
shiMMerwhen to install??17:37
shiMMerwhile on installation??17:37
h4x0rdoes anybody install xbmc in intrepid and have some problem as unable to see video plugins17:37
Jack_SparrowshiMMer running a livecd that lets you test drive your hardware17:37
shiMMerouchh..i not test it.. :(17:38
Jack_SparrowshiMMer just a thought17:38
shiMMeri think it can be skip..17:38
jestinjoyBest remastering tool in ubuntu?17:39
Jack_SparrowshiMMer I am suggesting you get a live cd of ubuntu, probably the one you have and boot it up and see if you have the same lag17:39
Jack_Sparrowjestinjoy there is no best .. we try to avoid polling like that17:39
shiMMeri need to install ubuntu again??17:39
Jack_SparrowshiMMer No.17:39
tomcheng76jestinjoy: Reconstructor?17:39
Jack_SparrowshiMMer what is your native language17:39
Jack_SparrowshiMMer please paste in that channel what I am telling you to do and have them explain it to you17:40
endo602anyone here use xfi?17:40
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility17:40
jestinjoyI mean the good one to use17:40
shiMMerubuntu-my not give respons17:40
bazhangjestinjoy, uck17:41
Jack_Sparrow!best > jestinjoy17:41
ubottujestinjoy, please see my private message17:41
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:41
tomcheng76ubottu is smart :)17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is smart :)17:41
shiMMerubuntu-my not give respond17:41
shiMMeri talk alone with myself17:41
Jack_SparrowshiMMer It cant be explained much clearer than what I have told you to do17:41
shiMMer1 thing must i do17:42
Jack_SparrowshiMMer I am suggesting you get a live cd of ubuntu, probably the one you have and boot it up and see if you have the same lag .. If you cannot understand this sentence then I must assume you are a troll.17:42
tomcheng76Is there any malay channel? that must be better for ShiMMer17:42
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:42
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 yes, but not active atm17:42
shiMMerlet me look at dictionary17:43
bazhangshiMMer, how full is your hard drive; also as Jack_Sparrow said, try the live cd and see if it lags17:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about myu17:43
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:43
bazhangshiMMer, follow those steps first then come back17:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ma17:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about malaysia17:43
bazhangnbeebo, please /msg ubottu17:44
shiMMerw8..i try to understand it17:44
nbeebobuuu ok17:44
tomcheng76shiMMer: what is your problem?17:44
=== rwwIsAFK is now known as rww
yaccJust wondering, is there a page to collect additional APNs for the mobile UMTS dialin configuration?17:44
shiMMeri need tranlation17:44
sporty"Win the flag, cheese ain't christ" - the spirit of Niccanopulus++17:44
rww!ot | sporty17:44
ubottusporty: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:44
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 hold off on asking him to repeat, he is having a hard enough time understanding simple questions from one person17:44
MiladKhajaviI want to download full repository of ubuntu8.10, how can I download all packages?17:44
santorhow do have a script run after logging in17:45
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi you DL the 5 dvd set17:45
tomcheng76Jack_Sparrow: then, Please tell me his problem :-)17:45
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 Please scroll back17:45
rwwtomcheng76: firefox is lagging when he minimizes it17:45
shiMMerlet me try to say step by step..i have ubuntu live cd..i need insert that cd and reboot right??17:45
Jack_Sparrowrww he said all programs17:45
MiladKhajaviJack_Sparrow: I think this should be more than 5 DVD17:45
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi nope17:45
rwwJack_Sparrow: oh, okay. I gave up before he said that.17:46
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi not much over 417:46
Myrttiyacc: sure there is17:46
shiMMeri install my ubuntu with ubuntu 8.10 dvd17:46
yaccMyrtti, URL?17:46
Jack_SparrowshiMMer NO17:46
MiladKhajaviJack_Sparrow: It have about 30 GB of software17:46
rwwMiladKhajavi: alternatively, use apt-mirror. http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2008/06/10/how-to-create-an-ubuntu-repository-mirror-on-ubuntu-804/ is for hardy, but is probably similar for intrepid.17:46
yaccMyrtti, I've got a collection of SIMs and happy to provide the information out of my wvdial.conf :)17:46
plumaJack_Sparrow: I think he was trying to say he _installed_ 8.10, not that he was going to do it.17:46
Jack_SparrowSomeone.. Anyone see a better way to tell him to run a live disk and see if the lag is still there17:46
shiMMeri need to boot live cd??17:47
bazhangshiMMer, yes17:47
sinboxyes shiMMer17:47
jestinjoyafter compiling  the kernel i get kernel panic error message while booting?17:47
MiladKhajavirww: I can download these package from non-linux server17:47
bazhangshiMMer, but dont install17:47
plumashiMMer: put the Ubuntu CD in your computer, reboot, run Ubuntu from the CD, see if it lags there too.17:47
Jack_Sparrowpluma Since he is unable to communicate or understand our help he is about to be removed to the my channel17:47
shiMMeroh..try ubuntu without installation??17:47
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi yes17:47
bazhangshiMMer, yes.17:47
Myrttiyacc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mobile-broadband-provider-info17:47
bazhangshiMMer, try it now.17:48
Jack_Sparrowarrrrrrrgh               sorry17:48
hogdogJack_Sparrow lol I think he's toying with you17:48
shiMMerohh...it clear now..17:48
yaccMyrtti, thx.17:48
rwwMiladKhajavi: you need to download every Ubuntu package to a non-linux server? Can you detail why, so I can figure out some way to do it?17:48
shiMMeri understand with word "dont install"17:48
plumaMiladKhajavi: Why would you want to download ALL packages? Do you want to mirror them or actually INSTALL them?17:48
nikki93Hey guys! Is there a way to automatically merge partitions while preserving the data on them? I don't want to move the data around etc., by myself, I'd like it done automatically.17:48
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se17:49
n8tusernikki93-> nope17:49
yowshiwhy does ubuntu now ask for my password twice when i log on?17:49
jarcohello guys. does anyone knows the command to start ispconfig control panel on an ubuntu server?17:49
Jack_Sparrownikki93 you really need to have a backup when working on partitions at that level17:49
shiMMerjack::let me take action..reboot now17:49
bazhangnbeebo, ??17:49
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:49
rwwtomcheng76: he knows about -my already17:50
bazhangwe all do17:50
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 If you are so interested, take the time to scroll back and read the problem17:50
tomcheng76i scrolled back and read all message. His laptop is Acer Aspire 4530 , using nvidia 9100M17:50
MiladKhajavipluma: rww: In Iran we have a dial-up and some ADSL internet connection. so I want to download All repository and give them to our community, but I cant download them from Windows server. can I do this?17:50
jarcohello guys. does anyone knows the command to start ispconfig control panel on an ubuntu server?17:51
akscipidgin crashes as soon as i accept invitation for yahoo conference!!!17:51
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 so you didnt see how many times he was shown the factoid to my?17:51
akscihas ne1 encountered the same before?17:51
hwildeaksci, did you get all the updates17:51
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi yes, you can dl from any server17:51
ubottubantuan bahasa melayu? sila join #ubuntu-my17:51
akscihwilde, no,... but this problem creeped up recently17:52
Jack_Sparrowaksci which version of pidgin17:52
aksciJack_Sparrow, Pidgin 2.4.117:52
hwildeaksci, get all the updates17:52
tomcheng76Jack_Sparrow, since he is using mobile chipset, 177 may not be the suitable driver.17:53
rwwMiladKhajavi: You'll need to do it from an Ubuntu machine. The only way to make an apt mirror and keep it reasonably up to date is using programs that only run on Linux.17:53
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 I agree..17:53
plumaMiladKhajavi: This might be relevant for you: http://popey.com/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror17:53
Myrttiyacc: or you could /msg Wellark17:53
tomcheng76Jack_Sparrow he has 2G ram, must be enough for ubuntu17:53
Jack_Sparrowrww why would he need to use a ubuntu machine17:54
Guest51808Do you know Hacker IRC?17:54
Jack_Sparrowtomcheng76 agreed17:54
Jack_SparrowGuest51808 OT17:54
MiladKhajaviJack_Sparrow: can you lead me how can I download them from windows server? I can download them from linux server with aptmirorr but in windows I dont know how can i do it?17:54
plumaMiladKhajavi: Oh, sorry. Didn't read that you want to do it Windows17:54
rwwMiladKhajavi: You could theoretically grab the entire contents of http://ir.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ if that isn't an option, I guess17:54
bjorn_what is the program named that copies Livecd to an usb flashdrive?17:54
Jack_Sparrowrww He can download the dvd's directly17:55
Jack_Sparrowbjorn_ iso2linux script17:55
rwwJack_Sparrow: the DVDs don't include security updates17:55
bazhangunetbootin bjorn_17:55
Jack_Sparrowrww ageeed, but that is not the issue..17:55
tomcheng76Jack_Sparrow https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-177/+bug/300020  he may need 18x driver...17:56
Jack_Sparrowrww he wants the current mirror image closer, updates can still be done over the net17:56
plumaMiladKhajavi: If you care, here's a python script that does the same as apt-mirror in the last post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33542117:56
MiladKhajavipluma: let me to check it17:57
rwwJack_Sparrow: from what I read, he wants "All repository". I'd recommend he just grab the install CD and make a few dozen copies of it, but he doesn't seem to just want to install locally.17:57
MiladKhajavirww: I want interpix and i386 not all of them17:57
shoot^hey guys, i'm having big issues with Ubuntu Server. It just randomly crashes after a couple of hours: no errors in /var/log/messages, /var/log/syslog or /var/log/kern.log. It occured on Hardy, and now on an upgrade of Intrepid (which I did to try and fix the problem). Its an old box, with little RAM, but I wouldn't expect that to cause it to become unresponsive when doing very little ...any ideas?17:57
rwwMiladKhajavi: Do you need to have a copy of updates locally, or do you just need enough to get Intrepid installed and can then download updates from the web?17:58
plumaMiladKhajavi: You'd have to install a python interpreter first, of course, but the thread/script seems relevant.17:58
nbeebowhat do i download to change my volume from the systray?17:58
Jack_Sparrowrww that alt would only have main.. he wants something like  ftp://kambing.ui.edu/pub/ubuntu-repository/17:58
rwwJack_Sparrow: you mean, like http://ir.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ , which I linked to him 5 minutes ago?17:59
Jack_Sparrow rww No not at all.17:59
Jack_Sparrowrww see the link I gave it is the 5 or 6 dvd set17:59
tomcheng76rww: why dont download security-updates from ftp, make cds and use apt-cdrom?17:59
nbeebocan u change volume from the systray and if so how?18:00
rwwJack_Sparrow: oh, sorry, my mistake. I was mislead by the URL18:00
MiladKhajavirww: another issue that I have is when I start to download them it take a week, in this week does package dependency are going to be change?18:00
rwwMiladKhajavi: please answer the question I just asked you:18:01
rwwMiladKhajavi: Do you need to have a copy of updates locally, or do you just need enough to get Intrepid installed and can then download updates from the web?18:01
Jack_Sparrownp as long as you see the diff.  the can save a ton of bandwidth with those dvd's locally18:01
krish_please tell me about folding@home and how can i do it with my old server18:01
cenubisAfter doing: keychain ~/.ssh/id_rsa; my SSH login still prompts for my password?18:01
cenubisThis is driving me insane18:01
plumarww: He already said he wants to download them so he can give them to others because their connections are too slow.18:01
cenubisAll I want is a passwordless login so I can use automated SSH sessions18:01
RolfCoptrcenubis: google for "ssh public key authentication"18:02
RolfCoptrthat's what u want18:02
cenubisI did, I followed the steps and it still prompts me for my password18:02
intrepid1how to set up screen resolution on Ubuntu 8.10?18:02
cenubisFor the key itself18:02
tomcheng76https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome  ?18:02
MiladKhajavirww: we want to downlaod all packages with updates. but after that we download updates for our community every two week an we give them every two week18:02
cybananyone know a SCO Unix channel?18:02
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi unlikely that many dependencies will change while you are downloading anything18:03
RolfCoptryou have to generate a public key on the client, copy it to the host in .ssh/authorized_keys AND SET IT 600 (chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)18:03
rwwJack_Sparrow: okay then, he wants updates. DVDs ain't gonna work.18:03
intrepid1I can choose just 800x600 from the menu :(18:03
Jack_Sparrowrww dvd's are exactly what he is asking for..18:03
geniikrish_:  Perhaps also see the 8.04 guide (still apllicable in method to any dist) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FoldingAtHome/fah_install18:03
bjorn_Jack_Sparrow, bazhang: Im looking for the default ubuntu applet, I want to install it in "linux Mint"18:03
* rww sighs18:03
RolfCoptrcenubis: checked that?18:03
bazhang!mintsupport | bjorn_18:04
ubottubjorn_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org18:04
=== rww is now known as rwwIsAFK
intrepid1and my GPU and monitor defenately support hier resolution18:04
bjorn_bazhang:  :(18:04
MiladKhajaviis it enough to download ftp://kambing.ui.edu/pub/ubuntu-repository/intrepid/ and updates?18:04
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi yes18:05
intrepid1When I execute dpgk-reconfigure I can choose hier resolution, but only till I restart the computer18:05
intrepid1so, can anyone help me with setting up the screen resolution?18:05
Balian# ubuntu.pl18:05
bjorn_bazhang: its an ubuntu program though18:05
dmsupermanI'd like to print something to stdout but if I'm running it via a hotkey or something I'd like to give a little popup window instead18:06
dmsupermanIn a bash script, is it possible to determine if I'm in a terminal or just executing?18:06
geniiBalian:  /j #ubuntu-pl18:06
Jack_Sparrowdmsuperman /j #bash18:06
krish_genii i checked i need more info that is a bit confusing18:07
Larrxisound is working but volume manager does not save the changes so i can not unmute microphone18:07
c0p3rn1c1hwilde: I've read some tutorials, but I always seem to get the low graphics mode18:07
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi Personally, I would distribute the dvd set, then do aptoncd updates as needed18:07
IKACintrepid1: hey man you have to go to /etc/X11 or some config file18:08
IKACand check lists at the end of file18:08
MiladKhajaviafter while, where  package versions changs? in ubuntu main, univese, ..  repository or in updates? if i start to download package frm repository is it going to dependency problem?18:08
intrepid1IKAC: I have done dpkg-reconfigure, but when I reboot computer it goes back to 800x600 resolution :(18:08
Ging_does anyone know how to force ntfs partitions to mount from a live cd ?18:09
Jack_SparrowMiladKhajavi no problem with dependencies as long as you get your regular updates...18:09
Larrxihow to completely reinstall sound and sound configurations?18:09
Ging_i'm tryng to use a live cd to recover some files18:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about force18:09
FlannelMiladKhajavi: the only ones that will change dependencies regularly is the kernel, and that's just because the version keeps changing (and if you just install the older one you'll be fine, even if not entirely up to date)18:09
backzcan I recompile some packages to use openMP?18:09
intrepid1does it meen that dpkg-reconfigure doesn't save the changes in /etc/X11/ conf file?18:09
MiladKhajaviJack_Sparrow: uhum18:09
nbeebohow do i change so conky doesnt cover the icons so to speak?18:09
Jack_SparrowGing_ sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda118:10
Ziggatanyone need free hosting? i jus got some hosting and have lots of extra space18:10
IKACintrepid1: well Im now shure but, try to change configurations lists in X11 config file18:10
Emphastalathis is the year of the ubuntu desktop18:10
c0p3rn1c1can anybody help me get my ati 9700 prop. drivers to work?18:10
IKACnot* :D18:10
Ging_i have tried doing mount /dev/sda1 but it doesnt work18:11
Jack_SparrowGing_ sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda118:11
c0p3rn1c1I've tried several tutorials but I cant get my ati 9700 frglx driver to work18:11
MiladKhajaviFlannel: you mean that new version are come to update not in main, universe, ... repository?18:11
Ging_thx jack i will try18:12
pw-i am having a problem on shutdown since the kernel update, it gives me an IDE error, then hibernates, where should i start?18:12
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methodsmy wireless card doesn't work since i upgraded to intrepid and i've tried both ndiswrapper and the wl driver.... is there a problem with network manager ?18:12
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oakmacWhen I change my mouse cursor (system -> preferences -> appearance -> customize -> pointer), it only changes it within programs, not against the desktop backdrop.  Any ideas?18:14
leila2i've updated from 8.04 lts to 8.10, after rebooting, gdm won't respond to my keyboard or mouse. i edited grub.conf and rebooted into several earlier versions of 8.10, same problem. the last bootsplash thingy said that there was an error initiating hardware drivers. help please18:14
pw-methods, what wireless card do you have18:15
methods05:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)18:16
leila2it's just odd that it won't respond to my mouse and keyboard except to change to another tty screen or to reboot w/ ctl-alt-del18:16
=== Mustinet is now known as Mstnt
strangehey guys how do i open a program on my svideo port18:17
strangei have video on it now but how do i make an util use it18:17
methodspw-:  it use to work fine with ndiswrapper... now ubuntu has a proprietary driver option but neither work... I'm able to see wireless networks to choose from but no connection ever works18:17
kingWhat is a good text editor for writing php code with syntax highlighting and syntax hinting?18:17
methodsand when i try to manually do things via iwconfig i get weird results like essid not taking but network manager sets it fine... yet when i watch iwconfig as network manager connects it doens't have the key set18:17
pw-methods, have you tried installing linux-backports-modules-intrepid?18:18
oakmacking: there are many good options, to each his own; my two favorites are SCiTE and gedit, other people like Kate, Bluefish, Eclipse (there are also people who swear by vim and emacs for this)18:18
floriswhen i start op my screensaver my pc stops running18:18
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:19
florissex sex sesx18:19
steltwhat are master and pcm volumes (i'm trying to give feedback concerning https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/292843)18:19
Ging_ah no i mounted wronge how do i unmount?18:19
methodspw- no what is that ?18:19
floristhat are simple tcp-ip18:19
MaveasHmm, FileZilla wont show my .htaccess file - and I can't find menu link to enable the ftp client to show hidden files :S18:20
pw-methods, a driver package, try it, reboot, see if that helps18:20
nice_burgerhey ho, i'm trying sudo apt-get install postfix - sadly i get this - Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates/main openssl-blacklist 0.1-0ubuntu0.8.04.4 404 Not Found [IP: 80]18:21
=== shoot`` is now known as shoot^
nice_burgershould i update sources for updates or something first?18:21
Guest50049how to stop shoutcast server if i started it by ./sc_serv sc_serv.conf18:22
kingoakmac, gedit actually freezes my laptop when it starts I have already replaced it by mousepad, so scite its going to be I think as I am on gnome (so no kate). Eclipse is too heavy. Bluefish maybe good. Can you comment on geany, gphpedit and scite?18:22
hogdogking vim18:23
kingGuest50049, See in that directory for a stop script. Or you can kill it by PID.18:23
MaveasHow do I get filezilla to show hidden files?18:23
Ging_whats's the su password on a live cd?18:23
kinghogdog, I want syntax highlighting and syntax hinting for php. I don't think vim takes pride in such mortal requirements :)18:24
jarcohello guys. does anyone knows the command to start ispconfig control panel on an ubuntu server?18:24
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florisshut up18:25
Guest50049king: i am connected by Putty and i am N00B in linux18:25
Guest50049the server is not there, it is outside my home ;)18:25
oakmacking: i've never used geany, gphpedit, so can't comment.  I like SCiTE because I come from Notepad++ on Windows and it uses the same engine.  It's not the most user-friendly program (settings are done via editing text files and it's not very intuitive), but once you get everything set up the way you like I've found it to be the best experience.  gedit is a pretty simple program; I wonder why it would be crashing your laptop.  Maybe tha18:25
zoliHello all! Does anyone know, how could I make amsn to blink on the panel when I get a message?18:25
Ging_does ubuntu 6.06 wor with ntfs-3g ?18:25
zoli(on unbuntu 8.04)18:25
Ging_it comes up as un known files system18:25
CelticLordle peuple ^^18:26
Ging_i downloaded 80.04 but i only have blank dvds and no dvd writer18:26
c0p3rn1c1anyone up for some fglrx troubleshooting? :(18:26
kingoakmac, I too was surprised at gedit freezing my computer for a while it starts. Maybe it has to do with the theme I use. I couldn't careless for its idiosyncrasies so I replaced it with mousepad. Your message got truncated btw. I see just "maybe th"18:26
jarcohello guys. does anyone knows the command to start ispconfig control panel on an ubuntu server?18:27
jarcoi only find the commands for redhead18:27
king!repear | jarco18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about repear18:27
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:27
jarcowell ...18:28
jarcoi am desperta18:28
jarco :p18:28
FloodBot2jarco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:28
PupenoHow do I change the domain name of my ubuntu desktop?18:29
Stalker72How do I install Songbird after having downloaded the .tar.gz file?18:29
Redleerhow to switch sound driver to alsa or something else?18:30
hwilde!alsa | Redleer18:31
ubottuRedleer: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:31
PupenoStalker72: there's no one way to do it. Unpack the tar.gz and look for a README or INSTALL.18:31
dissocia7iveI was using xubuntu 8.10 i386 livecd to watch tv using with MPlayer with a bt878 pci card and then the system completely freezed and the caps lock and scroll lock leds were all blinking, what does the blinking leds mean?18:31
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird Stalker7218:31
mikebeechamdoes anyone know how to use netatalk?  I installed it last night, but cannot see it as an application within my menu?18:32
rookeeeeeeeeecould anyone tell me if files in ipblock are updated as well as urls are?18:34
equinux 18:36
steltwhat is pcm volume?18:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fax18:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp18:37
CaptainMorgananyone know how I can send fax through Ubuntu ?18:37
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan please /msg the bot if you dont know the trigger.18:37
CaptainMorganJack_Sparrow, recommendations?18:38
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan there are quite a few websites (free) that will fax your doc for you18:38
bazhangstelt, in terminal type alsamixer18:38
CaptainMorganin other words, message the bot what specifically?18:38
bazhangstelt, check it there18:38
CaptainMorganJack_Sparrow, oh? got a pointer to them?18:38
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan /msg ubottu raid   for example18:38
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:38
Jack_SparrowCaptainMorgan websites should be easy to find.  I even found a free one in canada18:39
rookeeeeeeeeecould anyone tell me if files in ipblock are updated as well as urls are?18:39
CaptainMorganJack_Sparrow, not very helpful... it reported back the same information as !fax did18:39
ikoniarookeeeeeeeee: ipblock works on hostnames only18:39
ikoniarookeeeeeeeee: sorry, host name / url resolution18:39
Jack_Sparrow!bot > CaptainMorgan18:40
ubottuCaptainMorgan, please see my private message18:40
rookeeeeeeeeeno i mean the lists18:40
steltbazhang, alsamixer says master is 100/100, and what about pcm?18:40
bazhangstelt, try adjusting it18:40
CaptainMorganJack_Sparrow, not sure what you're getting at - it still told me the same information... I'll make do with the online web sites. Thanks18:40
rookeeeeeeeeedoes it update list urls like it does list files ?18:40
=== c is now known as Charitwo
david_Anyone know how to watch you  tube vids on hardy?18:41
ikoniadavid_: install the package flashplugin-nonfree18:41
steltbazhang, i can adjust master no problem, but https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/292843 also mentions a thing called "pcm volume"18:42
erbiinstall flashplugin-nonfree through the synaptic package manager18:42
erkiHow do I get the built in file-manager in Ubuntu to allow me to copy stuff that I need sudo-privileges to do?18:43
bazhangstelt, do you have the speaker icon in your top panel? if so, right click and check pcm there18:43
methods2whre is the guy who told me to install modules backports ?18:43
Zaxmy /server irc.whatcd.net18:43
Jack_Sparrowerki gksudo nautilus but use with caution18:43
erkiJack_Sparrow: Ok, thanks!18:44
Jack_Sparrowerki Be very sure of what you want to do18:44
erkiI hate to say this, but I wish it was a bit more like Vista :) (i.e. if the operation is not allowed, ask me for the password in a big warning box)18:45
lollercan somebody tell how to enable socket APIs tags for anjuta or other text in general18:45
benoydo you have any idea how to configure GTEDGE modem, i used wvdail, but problem is that it stop to receive data after connection after 5-10 minutes, do any one here have solution18:45
Emphastalavista was the inspiration for ubuntu, iirc18:46
steltthanks bazhang18:46
ikoniaEmphastala: don't be silly please18:46
bazhangEmphastala, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please18:46
* hwilde stares at the troll....18:46
nekoi think i have some bug with the 8.10, the screen resolution tool don't detect the right resolution for my lcd screen18:47
nekosome hint18:47
hwilde!fixres | neko18:47
ubottuneko: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:47
nekoit's a recent computer with intel chipset18:47
Jack_Sparrowneko the os is not detecting available resolutions correctly.18:47
nekoit not work18:47
erkiOn a related note, I know these kinds of questions are not proper, but if someone could kindly point me towards an alternative file manager with good Ubuntu integration, I would be very grateful. Or just a link to a page with comparisons.18:47
nekoalready did the xfixe stuff18:47
methods2why would backports have installed server kernel ???????????????18:47
nekoJack_Sparrow, yes ?18:48
hwildeerki, what do you mean alternate file manager18:48
ikoniamethods2: ones ? works fine thanks18:48
erkihwilde: Something like Midnight Commander, but with good integration18:48
nekoback in the day on other computer i would have just fix it in the xorg.conf18:48
hwildeerki, Konquerer is sorta i guess18:48
hwildeerki, it's for kde18:48
erkihwilde: Sound KDE-ish, will that be a problem?18:48
nekobut on this  ubuntu release/computer it is desert18:48
Crooperhow do you customize xorg so that I have a full screen terminal when I 'startx' ?18:49
Jack_Sparrowerki I like thunar, lightweight etc18:49
ikonianeko: have you read the URL that hwilde sent you ?18:49
erkiJack_Sparrow: Will look into that, thx!18:49
Brack101My session on control alt f2 froze up and I need to just kill it, how can I do that?18:49
hwildeJack_Sparrow, what exactly does that replace ?18:49
nekoikonia, .... no... okey you win18:49
hwildeBrack101, ctrl+c18:49
nekothanks guys18:49
nekoi give it a look18:50
Jack_Sparrowhwilde nautilus18:50
Brack101hwilde, can I do it from the command line?18:50
ikonianeko: I'm not laughing you said "it doesn't work" and you've not read it. I suggest you read it and try it18:50
hwildeJack_Sparrow, oh gui stuff18:50
Jack_Sparrow!info thunar18:50
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-10ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 216 kB, installed size 704 kB18:50
hwildeBrack101, ctrl+c18:50
erkiJack_Sparrow: Hmm, it looks exactly like Nautilus, what is the difference?18:50
Brack101no I mean lets say I want to kill console 2 from console 3...18:50
Brack101with a command18:50
nekoikonia, i wasn't taking this bad at all :)18:50
Brack101like kill or something18:50
hwildeBrack101, go to console 2 and hit ctrl+c18:50
hwildeBrack101, if that doesn't work hit ctrl+alt+backspace18:51
nekoi made me laugh myself about haven't read it18:51
Jack_Sparrowerki OT, file managers all have some degree of sililarities18:51
Brack101ok so no command like to kill it then?18:51
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:51
hwildeBrack101, it's a tty, you don't quite kill it exactly....  I mean you could but...  that's not what you want here18:51
Dextorion8.10, Apache 2.2 something.. How do i get rid of the apache2-default(It Works!) page? Its crazy..18:51
hwildeBrack101, hit ctrl+alt+f2  then hit ctrl+alt+backspace18:51
hwildeDextorion, that is your index.html default dude18:51
hwilde!es | mensajera18:52
ubottumensajera: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:52
steltif a bug is closed and then you comment on it, will people notice ?18:52
hwildestelt, #ubuntu-bugs18:52
Dextorionhwilde, yeah.. but in sites-enabled, i've changed document root. i've put my own index.html.. reloaded.. put the default document root back. placed a index.html there..18:53
Dextorionhwilde, i just.. dont know what to do to rid it. hehe18:53
hwildeDextorion, hit ctrl+f5 in your browser to force refresh18:53
Dextorionhwilde, done.. cleared out firefox, ie, chrome..18:53
hwildeDextorion, or find the default index.html and rename it.  see if you're even in the right directory18:53
[c0re]hi i installed gdesklets then i didnt like it i removed it.. after removed i lost "add to panel"18:54
Dextorionhwilde, i cant be.. really. i thought it was /var/www as the sites-enabled/000-default said.. But now im not sure..18:54
hwildeDextorion, :)18:55
hwildeDextorion, /join #apache18:55
Dextorionhwilde, thanks. I'll try there :)18:55
ikonianick_: stop please18:56
gregor_http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/ not working without javascript...18:56
chilibluewhat does smb use to determine remaining file space18:56
ikonianick_: what are you doing and why ?18:56
nick_i have need xploit pakets for ubuntu18:57
nekono success with xrandr18:57
ikonianick_: you need to not ask in here again, and you need to stop listing channels please.18:58
elostioIve got an EEE that is connected to the internet via WiFi. I want to share this connection, connecting my other pc to the eth0. What do I have to configure/is there a good howto?18:59
ganeshonce i change the settings (appearance etc ) in ccsm...it changes but when i resatrt the computer my setting are not saved.....how to save and fix it???18:59
nekoi was trying to add some mode for xrandr19:00
Dr_Willis64!ics | elostio19:00
ubottuelostio: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php19:00
incorrecti once openoffice 3 packaged on launchpad, can i get it from anywhere else?19:00
Dr_Willis64elostio,  if you are going PC to PC with the network cables. You will most likely need a peer-peer cable, or a hub/switch.. and perhaps set up static ips or install a dhcp server on the server19:01
mikebeechamdoes anyone know of an easy way to access AFP shares in ubuntu?19:01
mphillmikebeecham: apt-cache show netatalk19:02
psaliashello m8s, could i force my ubuntu to see usb2 as usb1 ?19:02
mikebeechammphill: sorry mate...I'm a realtively new linux user19:03
elostioyeah already figured that one out thanks for the link19:03
mphillpsalias: Maybe you can disable usb 2.0 in the bios?19:03
Dr_Willis64psalias,  i would have to wonder why youi need to do so. the usb stuff is supposed to auto configure as needed in that  area19:03
mikebeechami have no idea what I'm looking at...I was hoping that there would be some kind of GUI that would help me19:03
mphillmikebeecham: its an apple talk implementation19:03
j0nris ti possible to configure irssi to create a new window for all messages with hilighted text?19:03
kingI installed lamp on ubuntu 8.10 and I remember setting up a root password in the wizard that started automatically after installation. Now when I say mysql -u root -p, then I get ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES).19:03
mphillmikebeecham: what exactly are you trying to do?  Are you willing to use the command line?19:03
ZzeissIs there a way in Ubuntu to tell the network to connect to a particular channel for wifi (i.e. don't use the channel 42 a/n stuff, stay on channel 6 802.11b)?19:03
ikoniaZzeiss: iwconfig can set a channel19:04
vladtsepesh1984guys i would like to know why the files transfer on pdgin is too slow!!!!?????19:04
teadicthow do I alternate the case of file names using 'tr'?19:04
psaliashmm i have a problem with my wifi stick, works only propertly at usb1, i have problems at usb219:04
mphillking: try no password, just hit enter19:04
ikoniavladtsepesh1984: it's a common complaint, just one of the factors of using a closed sourced protocol19:04
Dr_Willis64teadict,  you mean you want a file to go from foobar to FoObAr ?19:04
mikebeechammphill: a customer has an AFP share setup on a server somewhere, and I want to be able to access it.  I have an afp:// url to go on, along with a username and password.  With regard to command line...if someone is able to talk me through it so that i can learn then...yes!19:04
mphillking: if that does not work run sudo mysql_secure_installation19:05
teadictDr_Willis64: fOo -> FoO19:05
vladtsepesh1984ikonia: and the isn't a solution???19:05
kingmphill, But I remember setting up a password, no password gives the same error but just with the NO argument in using password option.19:05
ikoniavladtsepesh1984: I've never seen one19:05
vladtsepesh1984perhaps another im apps???19:05
kingmphill, I would like to know what has gone wrong. This is pretty much a clean installation.19:05
ikoniavladtsepesh1984:  the protocol is still the same, I've seen similar issues with amsn19:05
Dr_Willis64teadict You want it to always do 'alternative' upper/lower, or just 'switch' the existing cases? :)19:05
rak00any hack for U3 on ub ?19:05
ikoniaRoulette: what ?19:05
vladtsepesh1984i'm sad about it....!!!!!19:05
Dr_Willis64teadict,  i would suggest a perl script or other language.. tr may be a bit difficlult to do that.19:05
ikoniarak00: what ?19:06
teadictDr_Willis64: all uppers to lowers and lowers to uppers, so 'switch'19:06
mphillking: maybe you fat fingered the password?  i dunno? mysql_secure_installation will get you re-setup19:06
teadictDr_Willis64: I know.. I'm breaking my brain here.. but it's gotta be bash :(19:06
Roulettewhy does xchat seem to have decided I -want- to come here right after installing it? x.x19:06
rak00U3 system... u find it on few devices... for me it's about my sandisk cruzer 8GO19:06
hogdogwatchoo talking about Dr_Willis64?19:06
rak00it block a partition system form being deleted19:06
ikoniarak00: what's the problem with it ?19:06
Dr_Willis64teadict,  you may be able to do it with some fancy regreular experssions to tr.     theres dozens of upper/lowercase scripts/examples out there..19:06
hogdogDr_Willis64 sorry, just wanted to say that. Don't tell Mr. Drummond19:07
kellojoeHey, anybody there to suggest an english dictionary, preferably with thesaurus for Ubuntu Hardy?19:07
Dr_Willis64teadict,  sounds like you are doing some homework. :)19:07
mphillmikebeecham: netatalk is the package you want to install, its not too pretty.  just google netatalk with respect to ubuntu and you should be good to go as far as finding directions.  I've used netatalk, its sorta slow.  I would suggest samba.19:07
rak00i want to delete that partition19:07
rak00there is a free soft to do it on win19:07
ikoniarak00: and whats the problem ?19:07
kingmphill, I get the same enter current password for root, and the same error. It doesn't want to accept the password that I had entered in the original configuration.19:07
Dr_Willis64rak00,  ive seen no way to delete that partiton under linux. i DO recall some hack/tools for them under windows.. but even then im not sure if they deleted that partition or not.19:07
rak00but i've found nothing to do it on a linux sys19:07
teadictDr_Willis64: stupid Operating Systems class.. yeah.. if everybody would use linux, we wouldn't have to do this stupid exercises19:07
ikoniarak00: gparted should be able to modify and delte partitions19:07
ikoniaDr_Willis64: what's the difference with this device?19:07
mikebeechammphill: samba is not a possibility...the share has already been set up on a mac as an AFP19:07
Dr_Willis64ikonia,  it has 2 partitions.. one shows up as a cdrom drive that has windows softwearew on it to allow 'stand alone' type apps and otehr features.. totally useless for linux users. :)19:08
mphillking: did you have the caps lock on by accident.19:08
rak00already tried gparted, fdisk, etc19:08
Dr_Willis64ikonia,  lets just say that i find U3 UUUseless3 :) from a linux users poont of view.19:08
kingmphill, all caps password doesn't also work.19:08
rak00i umount the partition U3, change permissions and few others things19:09
ikoniaDr_Willis64 thanks for the explination19:09
rak00but nothing is working19:09
Mohammad[B]hi all19:09
Jack_Sparrowrak00 Get a free tool from the maker of your drive that will erase and clean the partition19:09
rak00i lake of theory to hack that thing... but there must be a way19:09
Dr_Willis64ikonia,  Its so nice when your 2gb thumbdrive is acatually NOT 2gb due to the U3 stuff taking part of it.19:09
mphillking: from the command line can you use sudo or not?19:09
gabrielahow can i change my default dvd player for autorun?19:09
rak00this free tool is avaible just for win and mac, nothing for ub19:09
Mohammad[B]is red5 have repository for ubuntu ?19:09
kingmphill, Yes I have the root password for my user account. I am talking about the password for the admin user 'root' for mysql that is not being accepted.19:10
brad__can someone tell me how to install kde4 on ubuntu 8.10?19:10
Dr_Willis64rak00,  google for the thing there are some tools/threads on how to 'hack' it under windows.  run it in wine.. or hack it on a windows box is about all you can try19:10
ikoniarak00: there is your answer then19:10
SpiritualHello. When I print a document, the impression isn't good. I've set the printer on cups. It's a printer installed on windows 2000. Anyone could help me?19:10
Jack_Sparrowrak00 there are tools that will unlock and erase hidden partitions.. look into hirenscd19:10
rltbrad__: install the package kubuntu-desktop19:10
Dr_Willis64brad__,  install kubuntu-desktop package.. the kubuntu homepage - has that answer on its FAQ :)_19:10
cygnusXHey,i'm chatting with a friend in the built-in Gmail chat client,and the icon the that represents his status is orange?what does that mean?19:10
brad__rlt: will that give me kde4?19:10
rltbrad__: yes19:10
rak00Hiren cd is a F***ing good idea, i forgot that one, thx JAck19:10
brad__thanks guys, I'll do that :)19:11
SpiritualI'm having some problemas with my network printer. When I print somethin, the quality is very low. How can I change this?19:11
gabrielaplease, could you help me?19:11
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:12
bojtelanyone here using sopcast?19:13
incorrectdoes anyone know where i can get oo3 packages? the launchpad debs seem to have gone19:13
Dr_Willis64Spiritual,  check the printer config settings. Ive notivced my laser defaults to 300dpi when it can do much higher.19:13
prahal_is someone able to set  gstreamer-properties output sink to custom ? It does not save the custom in for me at least19:13
kingincorrect, getdeb.net?19:13
Dr_Willis64incorrect,  last i heard oo3 under ubuntu was very flakey.. There may be some better packages in the works. I imaginetheres a forum thread or 2 on the topic.19:13
prahal_incorrect, they are gone due to a critical bug in oo3-gtk19:13
Daremonaiwhich smtp server is best to use for phpBB smtp server, postfix or sendmail?19:13
ikoniaking: what ?19:13
bojtelanyone here using sopcast?19:13
incorrectprahal_, oh nuts19:14
ikoniaking: oh, there is a user called incorrect19:14
Dr_Willis64I would not suggest using OO3 at this time. unless you really really needed it.19:14
ice_creamlo, could moving files over to another computer's ntfs drive cause disk problems?19:14
rltincorrect: that repository is down right now because the maintainer found some problems with the packages in it. It'll be back up soon, apparently.19:14
kingikonia, :(19:14
kingikonia, Oh :)19:14
incorrectrlt, i can live with bugs :D19:14
Jack_Sparrowbojtel Please hold down the repeating, if someone knows they will answer19:14
RomantikPrensyou speka türkish_?19:14
kingikonia, I still get that udevd error at bootup19:14
incorrectoo3 is soo much better than oo219:14
Dr_Willis64incorrect,  no idea. i dont need it :) so im not risking it.19:15
RomantikPrensspeak türkish _?19:15
brad__rlt: I installed kubuntu-desktop but that is KDE 3.5.10 not kde419:15
Jack_Sparrowice_cream what were you trying to put/run off the ntfs drive19:15
rltbrad__: are you sure you're using intrepid/8.10?19:15
alperhi guys I cant use wifi. I have the wifi led is on but I cant see any networks19:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tu19:15
Dr_Willis64incorrect,  given the # of people ive seen in the ubuntu channels with probloems with  oo3  so far. i dont want to mess with it. :) but i imagine it will get better as time goes on.19:15
bojtelanyone knows how I can get sopcast starting???19:15
brad__rlt: yep - on x86-6419:15
SpiritualDr_Willis64: i think that the problem isn't in the settings19:15
Joker_-_!wifi > alper19:16
ubottualper, please see my private message19:16
* ice_cream blinks19:16
incorrectDr_Willis64, i've not used it too much, but i've found it much better19:16
Dr_Willis64install sopcast ? read the sopcast docs..19:16
rltbrad__: I installed kubuntu-desktop on intrepid 64-bit the other day. It's KDE4.19:16
bojtelDr-willis: doesnt wokr19:16
KaZeRhi there19:16
SpiritualDr_Willis64: I've set good quality there but it keep bad19:16
prahal_woot this scroll fast . So nobody use a custom gstreamer sink (for bluetooth headset for example). Otherwise I would be glad to find out how to have an asoundrc entry get added to the non custom alsasink dropdown19:16
brad__rlt: do I need to uninstall anything first?19:16
Dr_Willis64Spiritual,  could be lackluster drivers..  i would check cups.org for that specific printer and see what others say19:16
rltbrad__: so either you're on hardy, or something very weird is going on o.O19:16
KaZeRi have some issues getting a soundcard to work : 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) alsactl: save_state:1251: No soundcards found...19:17
incorrectrlt, i installed 8.10 64bit, just went back to 32bit as i need sun java moz plugin19:17
KaZeRwhich module am i supposed to use?19:17
brad__I installed on a fresh drive, just last week19:17
Dr_Willis64incorrect,  Hmm.. Im using 64bit here and java.. no problems..19:17
SpiritualDr_Willis64:  good idea, i'll verify19:17
l7should pretty much everything in your home directory have permissions set to 755?19:17
rltbrad__: what version of kubuntu-desktop package do you have (look in Synaptic under "Latest Version"?19:17
WandererCan anyone tell me how to map ctrl-F9 for desktop 9 in kde4 ?19:17
david_anyone know how to install ati radeon 1650 pro graphics card on hardy?19:18
Dr_Willis64l7,  non executable files should not be executable. :)19:18
brainzcanis there a shortcut key config to get to the system management?19:18
incorrectDr_Willis64, try an applet such as the remote management console on any RAC card19:18
l7Dr_Willis64: oh, i meant directories19:18
brad__rlt: will do, one minute19:18
MaveasHow do I force mv to move 5 directories to /usr/bin19:18
brainzcanis there a shortcut key configuration to get to the system management???19:18
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:18
brad__rlt:: kubuntu desktop 1.10119:19
ikoniaMaveas: mv direcotry /path/to/new/place19:19
Dr_Willis64l7,  for the most part yes.. and to fix all dirs i got a alias that is thisn ---> find -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 75519:19
Dr_Willis64   19:19
prahal_KaZeR, checked with lshw ? that the card is found and hhave a driver attached (I have an intel hda ICH6 rev 01 working Should be close to yours (though I am using a 2.6.28-rc6 home made kernel .. cannot till if the card is supported by your kernel19:19
Maveasikonia: do I have to take one at a time?19:19
brad__rlt: installed version == latest versiob19:19
nibsa1242bI have a pdf, its a scan of a book. Its ugly, slightly blurry, and grey scale. Other then going page by page with GIMP is there a way to apply an unsharp mask (or something similar) and then change it to be just black and white (2color)?19:19
Maveasand I'm using sudo19:19
rltbrad__: so you installed it and logged into kde and definitely got kde3?19:19
ikoniaMaveas: mv {dir1,dir2,dir3} /path/to/new19:19
MaveasAh, nice, thanks19:19
l7Dr_Willis64: ah thanks, i'll give that a try in a minute19:19
Dr_Willis64l7,  that recursively does the change.. so be carefull19:20
brad__rlt: let me log out and long in again... brb19:20
brainzcanis there a shortcut key configuration to get to the system management?19:20
rltbrainzcan: what exactly do you mean by "system management"?19:20
david_anyone know how to install ati radeon 1650 pro graphics card on hardy?19:20
brainzcansystem monitor19:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts19:20
inktrihow do you change hostname19:20
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab19:21
chainooi need help, i want to configure a linuxmail.org in my piggin client19:21
ikoniachainoo: pidgin is not a mail client19:21
l7Dr_Willis64: recursively from whatever directory i start in?  i guesss i can try it out in a sub directory before using it on  ~19:21
Dr_Willis64l7,  yes.. :) be carefull with it.19:21
KaZeRprahal_, relevant part : http://pastebin.com/da3c8c8a19:21
l7Dr_Willis64: what could go wrong though?19:22
KaZeRso it looks like the right module isn't loaded19:22
chainooi need a chat email, like a hotmail,19:22
l7aside from using it outside of ~ and messing up stuff systemwide maybe19:22
Dr_Willis64l7,  changing the dirs from / as root.. could goof things up in /tmp and so forth..19:22
prahal_nibsa1242b, unpaper19:22
l7ah yeah19:22
rltbrainzcan: ah. There isn't one built into gnome. You could use something like xbindkeys if you really need one.19:22
Dr_Willis64l7,  as a user.. proberly not much. i doubt if your user has any 777 dirs19:22
brainzcani do19:22
Maveasmv keeps saying "can't move 'directory' to /usr/share/ - directory not empty19:23
rltbrainzcan: take a look in your favorite search engine for web pages about xbindkeys in Ubuntu, then. I haven't used it, but it looks like what you need.19:23
brainzcanrlt: thanks anything at this point, if i have to restart my box again I swear i will go back to windows19:24
brad__rlt: back on KDE19:24
gavagai How do I make my laptop shut down ALWAYS when I close the lid?  It is pretty ridiculous that if I have Transmission or VLC open, they by default prevent the computer going to sleep.  i just pulled a molten laptop out of my bag.19:25
brad__rlt: so you are right it's kde4.1 but....19:25
alperI read the wifi docs but I am still getting no scan results with iwlist19:25
brad__when I run KDevelop and do help->About KDE the version reported is 3.5.1019:25
moiri have problem with mrtg any body help me? plis prv19:25
michael_Ok. Crazy question. Is there a way (preferably easy), to unrar every file within a directory? I'd likely have to use recursive to ensure it searches through sub directories.19:26
rltbrad__: not sure why that is. Might wanna ask in #kubuntu, they deal more with KDE apps and packaging19:26
Jophishhi all19:26
rltbrad__: looks like kdevelop in the repos is version 3.5.3, though, which might have something to do with it.19:27
brad__rlt: thanks dude, you've been a big help... I'll wander over and ask the kubuntu folks19:28
JophishI'm sure it is possible to do, how can I make a "folder" that will just be a portal to another folder somewhere else. So if I save something in the link folder, it will appear in the real folder, and so if i change something in the real folder, it will be changed in the symbolic folder, Thanks19:28
rltJophish: you'd use a "symbolic link". Usual way of doing it is ln -s realfolder linkfolder, or Ctrl-Shift-drag in GNOME file manager19:29
bustaplzAre there any good apps out there for doing a batch conversion of .jpg to .bmp?19:30
Jophishok, so I control shift drag the real folder, to where I want the link to be?19:30
rltJophish: yes19:30
bobthemilI seem to have installed ubuntu without installing X. Any help on getting started?19:30
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rltbobthemil: install the ubuntu-desktop package if you want X and Gnome19:30
bobthemilI'll see if there's anything else I need after that19:31
Lavahey, im looking for a command to totally format my computer19:31
prahal_KaZeR, http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=2011661#p2011661 it is in french but the commands to apply are universal (it seems one need ubuntu 8.10 and to download and install alsa 1.0.1719:31
bustaplzLava: download Darik's Boot and Nuke19:31
bustaplzLava: or some sort of CD with DBAN19:32
bustaplzLava: http://www.dban.org/19:32
rltLava: Get the CD image from http://www.dban.org/download , burn it to a CD, and boot from it.19:33
ice_creamhmm, sometimes  umount takes like 20 sec to unmount a drive.. is this normal?19:33
bustaplzrlt: beat you to it =P19:33
bustaplzice_cream: what kind of drive?19:33
rltice_cream: Did you copy files to it while using it? If so, it's probably syncing them to the drive.19:33
ice_creamnetwork share19:33
rltice_cream: but yeah, especially over a network, that's normal19:34
Lavathx bustaplz & rlt19:34
ice_creamsay i had a network share mounted, and restarted that computer while accessing the locally mounted dir19:34
bustaplzice_cream: 20 seconds is a bit long, but mounting network shares can take a bit for me19:34
bustaplzLava: not a problem19:34
bustaplzLava: happy to help19:34
Lavaall this mess just because i cant boot hardy no more... :(19:35
ice_creamso what happens is that any   ls or df kinda hangs19:35
asraelim getting very high cpu sys usage on my 8.10, any idea?19:35
david_anyone know how to install ati radeon 1650 pro graphics card on hardy?19:35
ice_creamuntil i umount it, which takes 20+ sec19:35
bustaplzLava: you don't really need DBAN to fix boot issues19:35
bustaplzasrael: is it a new install?19:36
rltasrael: System > Administration > System Monitor, Processes tab, sort by % CPU and find otu which specific process is causing it19:36
Maveaswtf, don' get it19:36
apfelkuchenasrael: which kernel are you booting from?19:36
asraelbustaplz, about one month, have been running it w/o any problem it started just now19:36
Maveascant move those directories19:36
Lavabustaplz, i have tried for hours to fix hardy, running feisty now19:36
asraelapfelkuchen, default19:36
bustaplzasrael: if you're running LAMP, check that first19:36
asrael 2.6.27-7-server19:36
Lavabustaplz, even reinstalled it, but it is still messed up19:36
rltLava: oh. You don't need DBAN to just format to reinstall. DBAN is more for formatting prior to selling a hard-drive so all the data that was on it is unrecoverable19:36
bustaplzLava: what kind of messed up?19:37
rltLava: I mean, you could use DBAN for reinstalling, but there's quicker ways of doing it =/19:37
asraelbustaplz, i dont get high cpu on any specific running program, but top shows high sy%19:37
asraeland also high load19:37
bustaplzLava: rlt is right, DBAN is more for secure formatting, if you just want to format for a reinstall using something like gParted is easier19:37
Lavabustaplz, there were some boot problems, and i tried fixing it with fsck but ever since everything got messed up. i can't even boot it anymore. that is why i thought i just might reinstall from a formatted disk19:38
bustaplzLava: are you having issues with GRUB?19:38
bustaplzasrael: what process is showing the highest cpu load?19:38
Lavabustaplz, i have no idea, how can i tell?19:39
bustaplzasrael: how much?19:39
bustaplzLava: do you know  what GRUB is?19:39
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asraelthats normal, i had that before, but that counts as us% not sy%19:39
bustaplzasrael: if you're not currently downloading or seeding, that is too high19:39
Lavabustaplz, no19:39
asraeli know, im dling fast19:40
bustaplzLava: GRUB is a bootloader, do you only have Ubuntu installed?19:40
bustaplzasrael: any other processes running over 5%?19:40
Lavabustaplz, yup19:40
asraelno, just that19:40
lappy1yo, i'm curious if it's possible to use my laptop's ir port to emulate an IR keyboard to type on a psp?19:41
bustaplzasrael right now I have no processes running over 2% cpu, that includes Songbird and Firefox with about 15 tabs open19:41
lappy1i would think it's possible, but i've been searching and reading all morning with no results19:41
bustaplzasrael: I would kill utorrent and see what happens19:41
l7lappy1: maybe, but you might need some fancy drivers19:41
asraelill do that19:41
l7or the ability to write your own19:41
rltWhat command do I issue to see a list of swap partitions in use on my system?19:41
bobthemilI used my laptop's wireless card to install ubuntu, but now it's not configured (not recognized as eth0). Does anyone know how to configure a wireless card and set it up for DHCP using only a command line?19:42
bustaplzrlt: sudo fdisk -l or mount19:42
Ceiling_CatIs there a way to apt-get install ocropus (e.g, a way to install it that doesn't require installing tesseract from source?)19:42
bustaplzLava: what happens when you try to boot into Ubuntu?19:42
Ceiling_CatTesseract won't compile for me, so I'm stuck19:42
Lavabustaplz, depends what version of ubuntu19:42
Lavabustaplz, i can run feisty, but i cant run hardy19:42
bustaplzLava: what happens when you try to boot Hardy19:43
bustaplzLava: and are you talking about booting into an installed system or just booting the LiveCD?19:43
Jack_Sparrow!caps > david_19:43
ubottudavid_, please see my private message19:43
david_sry caps19:43
lappy1i'm totally loving the new eye candy in the 8.10 release on this lappy19:43
lappy1dell 8100*19:43
harry_vWhat makes ubunto better the say centos?19:43
bustaplzdavid_: System > Administration > Hardware Testing19:43
Lavabustaplz, when i run hardy it ends up on a black screen filled with bad stuff19:43
Lavabustaplz, and i cant start from the cd19:44
penguinmessiahhow do i change my location??19:44
bustaplzLava: did you install Hardy?19:44
Ceiling_CatAnyone? Is there a way to apt-get install ocropus?19:44
rltbustaplz: hmm. I have a swap partition on /dev/sda2 that shows up in fdisk and is in fstab, but doesn't show up on mount.19:44
stefanosomeone can help me?19:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:44
penguinmessiahim sure they can19:44
bustaplzrlt: if it shows up with fdisk it means it's there but not mounted19:44
Lavabustaplz, yeah i did. half a year ago19:44
bustaplzLava: oh so it was working19:44
penguinmessiahhow can i change my location so i can register for spotify19:45
bustaplzLava: are you booting into the GUI?19:45
l7lappy1: if you can SSH into your PSP, that might be easier if you want to use the keyboard on it for certain tasks19:45
rltbustaplz: that's what I figured. I did sudo swapon /dev/sda2, but it errors with "swapon: /dev/sda2: Device or resource busy"19:45
robb_mstefano, whats your question?19:45
kekwhy do my disks show up as for example /dev/sda in the installer when they are IDE drives?19:45
bustaplzrlt: hmmm, thats strange19:45
stefanomy cousin had upgraded from 8.04 to 8.1019:45
bustaplzrlt: you may be past my ability to help you =P19:45
rltbustaplz: so I did swapoff then swapon, and it didn't error, but it's still not showing up in mount19:45
stefanonow it cant start ubuntu19:46
Lavabustaplz, yeah it was working. but one day there was a problem when i booted. after i fsck'ed everything got worse. and no, i cant get into the GUI19:46
bustaplzrlt: let me look at my swap19:46
rltbustaplz: yeah, can you double-check that you see it in mount?19:46
rookeeeeeeeeehow do i tell what hidden services are running?19:46
bustaplzLava: and the black screen with the messed up stuff is in terminal?19:46
Jack_Sparrowkek all drives will show as sd..19:46
lappy1tnx l719:46
asraelbustaplz, that was the guilty... but i dont understand how, since its been running for a month now, why start giving high sys now. and why not shows as "user" and not "system"19:47
Lavabustaplz, yep, entire black screen filled with lines about serious errors and stuff19:47
bustaplzasrael: running for a month without shutting down?19:47
kekJack_Sparrow: is that some special scsi-emulation of ide drives or is that just the way it is in linux now?19:47
bustaplzLava: you can read these errors?19:47
Jack_Sparrowkek just the way it is19:47
bustaplzrlt: I don't see my swap with mount19:48
Lavabustaplz, not now no :)19:48
asraelbustaplz, maybe once19:48
Jack_Sparrowkek I am sure you can find detailed info as to why, but it has been that way for awhile19:48
kekJack_Sparrow: ok, thanks.19:48
jschallhow can i tell if qemu is actually using kvm?19:48
bustaplzLava: doesn't sound like much of a difficult issue, why can't you boot from the CD?19:48
Jack_Sparrowbustaplz what is in your fstab19:48
robb_mJack_Sparrow, been that way since 2006 (when i first started ubuntu) :)19:48
bustaplzasrael: try starting uTorrent up again, see if it comes back at that 30% cpu19:48
rltbustaplz: Okay. Guess I'm back to my original question, then :)19:48
Lavabecause it jams at 11%. but the boot cd is good since i already installed ubuntu with it before19:48
Lavabustaplz, because it jams at 11%. but the boot cd is good since i already installed ubuntu with it before19:49
Jack_SparrowLava are you trying to install on a Dell or HP..19:49
bustaplzrlt: I see my swap in fdisk, I thought it should show up in mount also but I was wrong =D19:49
=== mohammed is now known as cheaboi
david_how do you register with launchpad?19:49
bustaplzLava: there is a md5 check on the LiveCD, right?19:49
cheaboiis it possiable to share a file on ubuntu via network to my other computer which is vista?19:49
robb_mbustaplz, yeah there is....19:49
rltdavid_: https://launchpad.net/+login19:50
Jack_SparrowLava Some Dell and HP require the disk be burned at a very slow speed..  even if it self tests fine. there can be an issue19:50
robb_m!samba | cheaboi19:50
bustaplzLava: I would run that, make sure the CD is good19:50
ubottucheaboi: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209819:50
nT4BRhi guys i need help for configure my keyboard19:50
Lavabustaplz, do you mean memory test? yep i did19:50
bustaplzJack_Sparrow: Why do you want to know about my fstab?19:50
bustaplzLava: no, there is a test to make sure the CD isn't corrupt19:50
Jack_Sparrowbustaplz were you having swapon issues or rtl19:51
bustaplzLava: if it's hanging at install that may be your issue, if it doesn't boot at all you need to re burn it19:51
Lavabustaplz, but i know for sure the cd is good, since i used the exact same cd before on this pc19:51
bustaplzJack_Sparrow: rlt was having swap issues(i guess they are issues)19:51
rltJack_Sparrow: I think it was less "swapon issues" and more bustaplz and I being wrong about whether mount lists swap partitions19:51
bustaplzLava: how long ago19:51
bustaplzJack_Sparrow: rlt is right, I was just trying to help him compare to my system19:52
bustaplzJack_Sparrow: because my system works and he seems to be having issues19:52
bustaplzLava: If you can't boot from your Hardy CD formatting your drive won't change that19:52
Lavabustaplz, humz about six months19:52
Lavaaha ok, so what should i do19:53
=== [baddog] is now known as baddog
bustaplzLava: it sounds like the disk got scratched or went bad19:53
bustaplzLava: I would just re-burn the iso, or burn the latest iso19:53
keki blew my grub config by reinstalling windows. i have my linux operating system root installed on /dev/sdb2. i start up on the ubuntu 8.10 install cd, mount /dev/sdb2 on /media/disk, and run "sudo grub-install root=/media/disk /dev/sdb2", looks normal, but when i restart, windows comes up as usual. what am i doing wrong?19:53
Lavaaight, ok gonna try that19:53
bustaplzLava: I know I've had to reburn many an iso19:53
bustaplzLava: hope you get it working, bud19:53
penguinmessiahhow do i change locations in ubuntu?19:54
bustaplzLava: also make sure to burn the iso at a slow speed on a good quality disc19:54
SlimeyPetepenguinmessiah: locations?19:54
bustaplzLava: will hopefully help you avoid that issue in the future19:54
DreaDyde cuanto por cuanto debe ser la cantidad de escritorios para que quede como cubo19:54
penguinmessiahfrom usa to eu19:54
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:54
Jack_Sparrowkek OS is booting your windows drive not sdb219:55
penguinmessiahslimeyPete from usa to eu19:55
bustaplzokay, back to the reason I logged on IRC, I need to batch convert some .jpg album art to .bmp19:55
Lavabustaplz, thanks for the help! cu19:55
kekJack_Sparrow: yeah, that is the problem.19:55
x-kentin what file can I review the messages I get during the bootime ?19:55
Jack_Sparrowkek set bios to boot second drive if it will let you19:56
Jack_Sparrowx-kent dmesg19:56
comradekingu!mount | flambyx19:56
ubottuflambyx: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap19:56
x-kentJack_Sparrow, some messages aren't there.. is there any other place I can look for ?19:58
Jack_Sparrowx-kent try forming a more complete question and include what version of ubuntu you are using19:58
x-kentI get something like "not automatically fixing this" during boot, it's right after the filesystem gets mounted but "dmesg|grep automatic" gives nothing19:59
x-kentI am on ubuntu 8.10 (desktop)19:59
Jack_Sparrowx-kent grep for EE or ee ?19:59
=== matt64- is now known as erle-
rookeeeeeeeeehow do i tell what hidden services are running?20:00
dropperrookeeeeeeeee: no fair peeking!20:00
x-kentJack_Sparrow, dmesg|grep ee ?20:00
MaveasHow do I move more than one folder at a time to another folder which root only have rights to?20:00
Jack_Sparrowx-kent it might just be seeing a floppy drive and not be of any real importance20:00
kekJack_Sparrow: i got it to work now, thanks for listening20:01
bimberirookeeeeeeeee: system -> administration -> system monitor20:01
illissius`anyone happen to know a way to 'unplug' / 'replug' a touchpad? some sort of command to do this.20:01
rookeeeeeeeeebimberi, that doesnt show what programs are "hidden"20:01
Jack_Sparrowkek did booting the other drive work20:01
x-kentJack_Sparrow, it's gives a table of some values (I don't have enough time to read it at it continues to boot) and then /dev/sda2 mounted or something, so I think it's related to my filesystem20:02
x-kentcan I somehow pause the boot proccess to read the message ?20:02
bimberirookeeeeeeeee: how do you know?20:02
Jack_Sparrowx-kent I thought you could hit pause..20:02
rookeeeeeeeeebimberi, because i looked20:02
x-kenterr, didn't try that :-)20:02
x-kentgonna reboot.20:02
kekJack_Sparrow: i didn't try changing in the bios, i just gave /dev/sda as argument to grub instead of /dev/sdb220:03
Jack_Sparrowkek cool. ty20:03
bimberirookeeeeeeeee: where?20:03
Strife89Quick question: Ubuntu keeps marking my MP3 player read-only because of a corrupted file. Any way to force read-write so I can delete said file?20:03
rookeeeeeeeeecouldnt resist20:03
illissius`nm, solved.20:03
ZehRiqueHello friends! Could anyone help me with an issue between PulseAudio and Skype?20:04
rookeeeeeeeeejust kidding!20:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about read-only20:04
rookeeeeeeeeebimberi i looked in the system processes20:04
bimberirookeeeeeeeee: my humblest apologies, seems I mistook you for someone looking for help20:04
Jack_SparrowStrife89 you need a manual force mount command?20:05
Jack_Sparrowsudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda120:05
Strife89Jack_Sparrow: Basically.20:05
hbcould somebody give explain how to find the "Exact" value of sin(arccos(3/7))  I'm having trouble wrapping my brain around what the book is telling me.20:05
Jack_SparrowStrife89 close enough20:05
Strife89Jack_Sparrow: Alrighty, I'll try it.20:05
Jack_Sparrowhb Offtopic.. sorry20:05
rookeeeeeeeeebimberi, i apologize20:06
x-kentJack_Sparrow, didn't work, I pressed pause many times it still booted without stopping20:06
hboh wait i'm sorry thought I was in the math channel :x20:06
hbmy ba20:06
Strife89Jack_Sparrow: Actually, any better way, since it's already mounted?20:06
Jack_Sparrowx-kent Still kinda fuzzy in the am here20:06
antonio_can you speak spanish???20:06
rookeeeeeeeeehow do i tell what hidden services are running?20:06
Merikananyone good with tethering a blackjack i607??20:06
Condoulook, I can't change my refresh rate to anything above 60Hz, and this is highly annoying. the proper refresh rates won't show in the resolution tool or Catalyst Center. I have an ATI Radeon Xpress 200, and I have the proprietary drivers installed. And yes, I am using a CRT. So anybody here know anything about it? Like what config file I can use to change it if possibly (since xorg.conf no longer holds that information)20:06
Jack_Sparrowsudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda120:06
Strife89Jack_Sparrow: It's FAT, just so you know. :)20:07
Jack_Sparrowx-kent umount before you try and mount20:07
TeiseiWhy can't I use OBEX Push? It keeps telling that OBEX Push file transfer is unsupported? I'm trying to send files to my mobile phone20:07
rookeeeeeeeeedoes anyone know how to tell if a program is running in the background?20:07
c0p3rn1chi, I'm trying to edit boot.ini and make ubuntu the default os is this correct : default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\wubildr.mbr="Ubuntu"20:07
largosI'm trying to upgrade a XUbuntu 8.04 install to 8.10, but the update manager doesn't seem to know about the new release.  Does anyone know how I can figure out what's going on?20:07
apfelkuchenAlright, I updated to 8.10 a while ago and the newer kernel (2.6.27-7, I think) makes my system really really slow -- I have to choose to boot 2.6.24-21 at GRUB.  Anyone know why this is?20:07
Jack_SparrowStrife89 stick the flash into a windows box and properly unmount it..20:07
Merikanim trying to tether with my mobile phone20:07
largosc0p3rn1c: ps -ef | grep -I <program name>20:08
Merikangnome-ppp isnt having it20:08
CondouloAnybody in here know how to configure the ATI drivers so I can get a proper refresh rate?20:08
Jack_Sparrowc0p3rn1c That is a wubi install .. right?.. not a real install on a partition20:08
x-kentJack_Sparrow,  "dmesg|grep clean" didn't report a "/dev/sda1 clean..."  and that message is appears when I boot so seems dmesg does not have all logged or something20:08
rltrookeeeeeeeee: Sys > Admin > System Monitor, then View > All Processes20:08
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: idd20:08
Jack_Sparrowx-kent fsck it manually20:08
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot20:08
ZzeissAny clue as to why an up-to-date Ubuntu 8.10 goes into ultra-slow-printing when sending a job to an HP2605 color laser?  All other functionality seems fine, the machine doesn't slow down, but it literally takes 40 minutes a page to print.20:09
MerikanAnyone tethering to their mobile AT&T phone from broadband access??20:09
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: ehm the windows boot loader is still installed ..20:09
purveshany 1 have good configration in amd pc.20:10
Jack_Sparrowc0p3rn1c I know what wubi is..  (and I hate it)20:10
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: currently I have the win boot loader and grub20:10
le1i need a help with wired connecting ( how to use it )20:10
rltlarry: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades20:10
rltlarry: sorry, wrong user20:10
rltright one left :(20:10
conalhow might i find greek characters and other mathy symbols for use in Inkscape?20:10
le1how do i use the wired connecting20:10
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: fsck will do the trick ?20:10
Jack_Sparrowc0p3rn1c Not for your issue.. no20:11
MerikanANYONE USING GNOME-PPP with BLACKJACK mobile????20:11
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: ok :)20:11
humphreyhello. is there a file-finding program/tool on xubuntu?20:11
Jack_SparrowMerikan Please lose the caps20:11
uberadmI'm looking to install kubuntu on my 1.4ghz (celeron) with 256 mb of ram (I know its bad)... do you think it will be ok?20:11
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: I just use wubi for a test run20:11
Joker_-_humphrey: you can always use "locate" in console20:11
Merikanhumphrey try the whereis command20:11
humphreynice1 joker :-)20:11
Jack_Sparrowc0p3rn1c changing the bootloader for it to be the default feels like way more than a test drive20:12
c0p3rn1cJack_Sparrow: yeah its to force my parents to use ubuntu lol20:13
CondouloHow can I configure my ATI drivers to get a proper refresh rate for a CRT (85Hz on this), if it won't show in the Screen Resolution tool, or Catalyst. I am using Ubuntu 8.10, with the proprietary drivers, for an ATI Radeon Xpress 200.20:13
Jack_Sparrowuberadm You wont get performance at 256 especially if you are sharing ram for the video card20:13
Strife89Jack_Sparrow: I appreciate the help; nailed it.20:13
le1i am working on usb connecting and i need to work on wireless router how ?!20:13
Jack_SparrowStrife89 cool20:13
x-kentJack_Sparrow, I found when it was comming from, I have /dev/sda4 10gb vfat with XP on it, when I do fsck.vfat /dev/sda4 it says it has differences in boot sector and it can restore it from original or backup the current one, any idea what should I do ?20:13
le1i am working on usb connecting and i need to work on wireless router how ?!?!?!20:13
dnyyAnyone know of a guide to installing ubuntu from an external HD?  All I can find is how to install it to one. :x20:14
rltc0p3rn1c: rather than editing the boot.ini directly, use the instructions in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/28902220:14
Jack_Sparrowx-kent scarry..  if the current one does not work you can try the backup, but may I suggest you backup your partition info first20:14
lefixGnea: im back again20:14
Joker_-_Condoulo: google for xorg.conf20:14
rltc0p3rn1c: see the section "Setting the Default Operating System"20:14
le1how to work in wireless  router in ubuntu :S20:14
Joker_-_Condoulo: you should be able to set resolutions and refresh rates trough that file20:14
lefixare you available at the moment, Gnea?20:15
CondouloJoker_-_, really? I know recent versions of xorg does not put video configuration in there anymore.20:15
c0p3rn1crlt: ok thx, I'll be sure to check it out20:15
Jack_Sparrowx-kent Backing up the mbr... Go to Terminal.. cd Desktop .... sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=mbr.backup bs=512 count=1   Note: 512 includes all partition info.. Use 446 To exclude partition info... To include the first partition (16 bytes) use 462... Second Partition 478... Third 478... Use hda if needed on your system... copy mbr.backup to a USB Drive (or any media acessible from livecd)20:15
topgun17any clues on how to solve this http://pastebin.ca/127392420:15
uberadmJack_Sparrow: Okay, is there a stripped down version of ubuntu available?20:15
Joker_-_Condoulo: hummm... I might be wrong but irc, even nvidia configuration tool sets it there... as said, I might be wrong tho.20:15
Jack_Sparrowtopgun17 Please dont post just a link, we need a description20:16
le1i am working on usb connecting and i need to work on wireless router how ?!???? pls help20:16
CondouloJoker_-_, I'll give it a try. But I didn't see any configuration for my ATI there.20:16
Joker_-_Condoulo: google on that topic, you'll defenitly find answers.20:16
ubuntun vidia amm ÉÖ20:16
topgun17Joker_-_: I cant seem to access the following irc server irc.freeshell.org on any port. http://pastebin.ca/127392420:16
rlttopgun17: have you tried turning SSL off?20:17
c0p3rn1crlt: well It doesnt say how to make linux as a default20:17
Jack_Sparrowuberadm yes, several..20:17
c0p3rn1cbrb reboot20:17
Joker_-_topgun17: see what rlt said. seems to be your problem20:17
topgun17I have it off rft20:17
x-kentJack_Sparrow, if I check the XP and it's ok, may I just decide "backup original" option in order to get rid of that message at boot. Because as far as I know currently everything works fine.20:17
* uberadm googles (thanks Jack_Sparrow)20:17
Niobewhen I try to run apt-get XXX I get an error and it says to run dpkg --configure -a when I do that it get aborted.  what can I do?20:17
AggroW: GPG error: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY ECDCAD72428D7C0120:17
Jack_Sparrowx-kent did you see my post on backing up mbr20:18
Ging_has anyone ever managed to recover files from a vista my documents files using an ubuntu live cd?20:18
rltc0p3rn1c: sure it does. see the "Setting the Default Operating System" section, and put in the right id # in the command it gives20:18
Joker_-_topgun17: it says "SSL handshake" so I'd be tempted to say that this is your problem...20:18
x-kentJack_Sparrow, yep, doing it now20:18
Jack_SparrowAggro What repo is that..  ddebs?20:18
AggroJack_Sparrow: I have no idea ;)20:18
topgun17Joker_-_: Have you review the link http://pastebin.ca/127392420:18
Ging_i've managed to get the drive to mount and can see all the files in things like desktop and stuff but my documents files comes up blank, does ubuntu honour the windows permissions now?20:19
Jack_Sparrowx-kent Restoring the mbr...Insert usb drive...Boot livecd... Copy the mbr.backup from usb to the Desktop...go to Terminal...cd Desktop ... then... dd if=mbr.backup of=/dev/sda bs=120:19
rltAggro: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/185625/comments/720:19
Joker_-_topgun17: yeah that swhere it says "ssl handshake failed20:19
Ging_topgun17 are you the same topgun from sdf ?20:19
Zzeissle1: still there?20:19
AggroI don't see it in my sources.list20:19
Joker_-_topgun17: it says it trys to connect, but then fails 'caus it doesnt know what "SSL" protocol is...20:20
Jack_SparrowAggro Pastebin your sources.list20:20
AggroJack_Sparrow: Sorry, it was there after all, I must have mistyped the search20:20
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox20:20
Jack_SparrowAggro change that to deb from ddeb   suso apt-get update20:21
x-kentJack_Sparrow, thank you for help, going to check if my XP is still booting, bye. Thanks again.20:22
Jack_Sparrowgood luck20:22
Zzeissle1: could you describe the hardware you're trying to network using?20:22
lefixhwilde: are you available?20:23
le1its d-link router20:23
le1i am trying to use it not the usb20:23
zhaozhouAnyone know of a mail notification app?20:23
ZzeissOK, you have a d-link router.  Which one?20:23
AggroJack_Sparrow: Ah, they were debugging symbols20:24
le1802.11 2.4ghz20:24
Jack_SparrowAggro :)20:24
AggroJack_Sparrow: I must have installed them when I was debugging totem20:24
AggroJack_Sparrow: I uncommented them as I don't need them anymore20:24
AggroJack_Sparrow: Thanks20:24
Jack_SparrowAggro You should be good to go now20:24
Zzeissle1: that's the frequency and protocol.  Does it have a model number?20:24
le1dl-524 maybe :S20:25
cheaboihow do i run synaptic?20:25
cheaboiwhere is that located?20:25
cheaboii want to uninstall samba to test something20:25
Jack_Sparrowcheaboi system  admin20:25
Zzeissle1: OK, lemme take a look at the manual.20:26
kriskuJust turn the samba service off20:26
cheaboikac sparrow: system admin?20:26
Aggrocheaboi: System -> administrator -> synaptic20:26
lefixdoes anybody know how the sudo dpkg -- configure -a command is spelt correctly?20:26
le1how ?!20:26
Ferrouspidgin keeps crashing! >:O20:26
Ferrousjust thought i'd share my anger :P20:26
kriskuReinstall pidgin20:26
Jack_Sparrowcheaboi you asked how to run synapic.. it is under system.. admin.. synaptic20:26
cheaboiJack: ah ok20:26
Starnestommyle1: sudo dpkg --configure -a20:26
Zzeissle1: the manual is on the web. :)20:26
kriskuanyone here who have experience in XFCE_20:26
Starnestommyle1: oops, ignroe that20:26
Jack_SparrowFerrous What addons or plugins have you added20:26
melnikhello , may some one explain me or give me link to resource that explain how X + xdm system works in this distribution ?20:27
Starnestommylefix: try sudo dpkg --configure -a20:27
melnikit can not run my regular .xinitrc20:27
le1i didnt get it :S sorry20:27
purveshkrisku:  How do can register channel or nick.20:27
melnikand can not take .Xdefaults ?20:27
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode20:27
melnikit seem that ubuntu users use gnome/kde  only20:27
hwildelefix, what's up now20:28
Zzeissle1: that router doesn't seem to have USB connectivity.  It's ethernet.  Are you sure that's what you have?20:28
lefixhey hwilde20:28
hwilde!gdm | melnik20:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm20:28
melnikyes yes20:28
le1i have modem and router :S20:28
melnikbut gdm also can not do it20:28
le1now i using the modem20:28
paul68hi I'm thinking of formatting my harddrive and I want to keep the 2 current partitions is there a way that I can use a former windows partitions as my home partition or is this a no go? secondly how do I create a home directory on a new partition?20:28
hwildemelnik, what do you want to do exactly20:28
lefixyou know i was trying to configure my system with the sudo dpkg --configure -a, but it doesnt work, don know why, schould i pastebin?20:28
le1but i need to work on the router20:29
melnikit not run my .xsession file20:29
hwildelefix, pastebin20:29
hwildemelnik, what is in your .xsession file that you want to run20:29
Jack_Sparrowpaul68 no you cant use a windows partition for home unless you format to ext20:29
Zzeissle1: Oh... so how are you connecting to the internet right now?  Cable modem?  DSL modem?  Telephone line?20:29
hwildepaul68, you can overwrite that windows partition and use it.20:29
melnikI have on all my systems : gentoo freebsd , tow file .Xdefaults and .xsession , that run my default dwm window manager20:29
le1i am using the modem usb20:29
melnikin ubuntu that way do not work for me20:30
paul68hwilde Jack_Sparrow : so I have to backup all that data first to be on the safe side20:30
purveshmelnik: How do can register channel or nick i'm new user.20:30
hwildepaul68, yes definitely make backups20:30
Zzeissle1; so one end goes into the USB port.  Where does the other one go?  Telephone line?  (and what kind of modem, because I need one!)20:30
Jack_Sparrowpaul68 formatting to a linux system will erase everything on the partition20:30
melnikpurvesh: what ?20:30
Zzeissle1: that is, what brand and model of USB modem are you using?20:30
hwildepurvesh, /msg nickserv helpregister20:30
hwildepurvesh, /msg nickserv help register20:31
Jack_Sparrowpurvesh you were given that info earlier20:31
hwildesry there is a space there20:31
anaklnHello all, where can I find my CDROM/DVD device? isn't it usually in /dev/sdx or /dev/hdx20:31
ardchoilleWhich app is used to convert videos for use on an iPod?20:31
anaklnall i can see are just hard disks20:31
hwildeanabolix, /media20:31
hwildeanakln, /media20:31
melnikhi people of ubuntu ,. why user like me can not understand how it works :(20:31
anaklnhwilde, hehe. yeah, i've checked the page20:31
hwildemelnik, you made it this far. what doesn't work exactly20:31
Jack_Sparrowmelnik perhaps a channel where they speak your native language20:32
paul68hwilde: Jack_Sparrow: ok will do and I guess I can't move the current linux partition towards the liberated space on the old windows c drive right20:32
hwilde!language > bdelin8820:32
ubottubdelin88, please see my private message20:32
bdelin88i just let ubuntu do an update and it completely crashed X20:32
richter696/dev/sdc or /dev/hdc20:32
Zzeissanakln: Sometimes it comes thru that way.  Start a log in one terminal with "sudo tail -f /var/log/messages", then put a music CD in and see what the log tells you.20:32
Jack_Sparrowpaul68 note that the uuid will change and require some manual rework20:32
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)20:32
hwildeanakln, it's in /media/cdrom usually20:32
bdelin88you have got to be kidding me20:32
lefixhwilde cant open pastebin sry20:32
hwildelefix, sudo apt-get install pastebinit20:32
Zzeissanakln: The log file will give you some messages that will say where it's mounting the CD (assuming you have automount enabled).20:32
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 have you made any changes to your sources list20:32
bdelin88didn't do jack20:33
melnikhwilde: "exec /home/user/.dwmrc" in .xsession file , where .dwmrc just bash script that run my dwm20:33
anaklnhwilde, so if i type in this cmd `hdparm /media/cdrom' it'd work?20:33
paul68Jack_Sparrow: ok thanks20:33
Jack_Sparrowpaul68 np20:33
anaklnZzeiss, ok, will check it out.20:33
hwildemelnik, why in the world would you want to do this....20:33
melnikhwilde: this line do not work20:33
le1in my modem there is one for usb , one  for the power cable , and the telephone line go to the d-link20:33
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 any manually added programs or drivers, run any scripts etc?20:33
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:33
hwildemelnik, would you like to know the easy way to run an alternate window manager?20:33
SpriteSODAhi guys. anyone knows how can i share my internet connection with my XBOX360 using my ethernet card?20:33
melnikhwilde: yes20:33
bdelin88i installed a theme lately but that shouldn't be the problem20:33
hwildemelnik, you can install kde very easily through synaptic20:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox20:34
hwildemelnik, or you can install xfce by the xubuntu-desktop package20:34
le1terayon 715 my modem20:34
hwildemelnik,  or you can install icewm package for another lightweight window manager20:34
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 can you start by pastebinning your sources list20:34
melnikhwilde: aaaaa do not use this peace of junk20:34
lefixhwilde: damit error xD20:34
bdelin881 sec20:34
hwildemelnik, sudo apt-get install icewm20:34
jhamlinHi folks I'm having trouble mounting a samba thingy with cifs and fstab.  The problem is that I get "permission denied" if I try to view the files as a normal (non-root) user.  Here is my fstab line: "//IP/User\040Files /home/me/fooserver_user_files       cifs    defaults,user,credentials=/root/.samba/fooserver,uid=1000,gid=1000      0       0".  How can I get this to work????? PS this exact line worked fine when I used smbfs instead of cifs...20:34
melnikok fine20:34
Zzeissle1: Um.... that doesn't make sense.20:34
humphreyhey whats the command to delete stuff please?20:35
hwildemelnik, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop20:35
Zzeissle1: the modem should connect only telephone line and USB and power.  It should not connect to the router.20:35
melnikuse emacs not vi , use icewm not dwm , use this do not use that20:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xbox20:35
kriskuregister Clint619 krisku_90@hotmail.com20:35
hwilde!xfce | melnik20:35
ubottumelnik: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels20:35
hwildemelnik, what is dwm anyways20:35
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: what is the sources list located under again? /etc/?20:35
oskar-humphrey:  rm20:35
humphreyrm, ta :-)20:35
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 /etc/apt20:35
melnikdynamic window manager20:35
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: Thanks20:35
melnik1300 line of C-code20:35
hwildemelnik, all you ahve to do is "sudo apt-get install dwm"20:36
Zzeissle1: you know the difference between telephone line and ethernet line, right?  Telephone line is four pins, ethernet is eight (well, not pins.  Little sliders.  The plug looks very similar between the two, but phone is narrower and ethernet is wider.)20:36
hwildemelnik, then log out, and change the session option.20:36
hwilde!enter | melnik20:36
ubottumelnik: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:36
melnikbut ubuntu do not know how to run it20:36
Jack_Sparrowmelnik What is your native language?20:36
melnikit run it like junk , but it really need a script to run it20:36
hwildemelnik, if you install it with apt-get then just logout (ctrl+alt+backspace) and in the sessions option there will be an option.20:36
boyscaredquestion: is there a way to use one of the pkg manager utils to check which packages have no dependencies (wanna do some cleanup)?20:36
melnikfor status bar , and so20:36
hwildeboyscared, man apt-get20:37
hwildeboyscared, there are "clean" and "autoclean" options20:37
hwildeboyscared, and autoremove20:37
barcodehey everyone, i have a question20:37
boyscaredk thanks20:37
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted20:37
bdelin88deb-src http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid main restricted20:37
bdelin88deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted20:37
bdelin88deb-src http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted20:37
bdelin88deb http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid universe20:37
FloodBot2bdelin88: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
bdelin88deb-src http://mx.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid universe20:37
jderemeri am having trouble getting a2ps to print on 2 sides.  i simply won't do it, even though firefox and openoffice will do it.20:37
hwilde!pastebin > bdelin8820:37
ubottubdelin88, please see my private message20:37
lefixkk hwilde result: http://pastie.org/32912420:37
melnikhwilde: if I put dwmrc script , in /usr/bin , ( mv /usr/bin/dwmrc /usr/bin/dwm )20:38
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 Did you not understand when I said to pastebin it20:38
barcodewhere can i get a good paint program like paintshop pro? i dont like gimp20:38
melnikhwilde: it not work20:38
le1the internet line the going to the router20:38
hwildemelnik, that is not the right way to start up dwm.  I told you the correct way.20:38
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=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
Zzeissbarcode: Have you tried Inkscape?20:38
Jack_Sparrowmelnik What is your native language?20:38
Jack_Sparrowmelnik May I have a brief PM with you20:38
barcodeno, im new to linux so im not sure what progs to get20:38
hwildelefix, your system is like half-upgraded20:38
le1and the usb in to my computer20:38
hwildelefix, how did you do this20:38
cccharlesbarcode: inkscape is vector drawing, not painting20:39
lefixi really dunno20:39
Jack_Sparrowbarcode gimp20:39
Zzeissbarcode: Ok.  Well, I like gimp, but Inkscape might work for you.20:39
barcodedot like gimp20:39
cccharlesbarcode: you could try Pixel. it's closed-source and commercial, but decent.20:39
barcodeok thanks20:39
Zzeissbarcode: get it by opening "Applications > Add-Remove " and then putting "drawing" into the search box.20:40
le1Zzeiss: what do i do ?!20:40
Zzeissbarcode: there are other drawing programs there too.20:40
anaklnZzeiss, lol, all of the image-editing/vector illustration programs so far on linux sucks. can't they just port adobe CS to linux and be done with it already.20:40
hwildelefix, can you pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list20:40
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: I sent you a pm with a paste.ubuntu.com link20:40
jhamlinjeeeez it's really impossible to get any help mounting samba shares.  I've spent hours trying to get this to work.  I takes absolutely no know-how to do it in Winblows... yet it's apparently some deep dark secret how to do it in linux :(20:40
Zzeissanakln: I dunno.  between gimp, inkscape, and xfig, I do ok.  :)20:40
antonytbh it prob wont be 2 hard for them20:40
lefixhwilde i installed the ubuntu 8.10 i didn't had a ubuntu before, it was a new computer20:40
boyscaredregarding finding pkgs with no deps: the apt-get options aren't exactly what i'm looking for. i was hoping to get a list of installed packages that no other package depends on. similar to fbsd's pkg_info -R pkgname20:40
hwildejhamlin, there are extensive guides online.20:40
antonyas it works on mac and mac code base is BSD20:40
ali3nwar3_ok guys20:40
ali3nwar3_i just mounted a drive20:40
hwildelefix, reinstall it.... yours is borked20:41
ali3nwar3_then i restarted, and it was gone20:41
lefixi think so too20:41
ali3nwar3_now i remounted it again20:41
ali3nwar3_how do i get it to stay20:41
Zzeissle1: please check what connectors you have going where.  Let's start at the wall.  Is it 8-connector (RJ45, like Ethernet) or 4-connector (RJ11, like telephone_)?20:41
hwilde!enter | ali3nwar3_20:41
ubottuali3nwar3_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
hwilde!mount | ali3nwar3_20:41
ubottuali3nwar3_: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:41
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 got it.. you have several unofficial repos that could have hosed your system20:41
Niobeany ideas why skype is'nt working?20:41
hwildeali3nwar3_, you just need to add it to fstab20:41
hwilde!fstab | ali3nwar3_20:41
ubottuali3nwar3_: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions20:41
lefixbut thank you hwilde20:41
ali3nwar3_thanks hwilde20:41
Zzeissbarcode: is there any functionality in particular that you want?20:42
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: wonderful20:42
jderemeri am having trouble getting a2ps to print on 2 sides.  it simply won't do it, even though firefox and openoffice will do it.20:42
hwildelefix, it looks like your system aborted in the middle of an upgrade.20:42
hwildelefix, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst20:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about conky20:42
barcodei just like to edit images, but i dont like gimps IFace20:42
le1they are going right i am sure in this point20:42
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 you obviously added some or ran scripts that did.20:42
hwildebarcode, don't come here and complain about free software ok?  it's open source, which means you are welcome to help build a better interface.20:43
Zzeissbarcode: there's also TuxPaint.20:43
antonyi think someone re-did gimp interface, cant rember the apps name tho20:43
le1but how to let it work from the ubuntu20:43
jhamlinhwilde: please point me to one that works.  I've tried at least 20 examples so far and none of them allow me to read/edit files as a non-root user20:43
Zzeissbarcode: serously, go into add./remove software and type "drawing" in the searchbox.20:43
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: one second i think i have manually fixed xorg, let me restart X20:43
barcodehwilde , i wasnt complaining, i was just looking for a better program20:43
hwildejhamlin, well have you started with a simple example of going from one linux box to another linux box ?20:43
lefixhwilde: /boot/grub/menulist: http://pastie.org/32913120:43
Zzeissle1: Oh, you're not on ubuntu now?  Sorry.20:43
cccharlesjhamlin: are you mounting as root or as yourself?20:43
hwilde!smb > jhamlin20:43
ubottujhamlin, please see my private message20:43
antonythe guys free to say if he does not like a interface.20:44
jhamlincccharles: either way20:44
barcodedid that Zz, thnx20:44
le1i am in ubuntu :S20:44
antonymaybe he does not have a skills to help.20:44
jderemerbarcode: try picasa from google if you are ok with a close source program20:44
le18.04 ubuntu20:44
cccharlesjhamlin: can you browse the files with smbclient on the command line as a regular user?20:44
Zzeissle1: OK.  Let's trace wires.... is the wire _from the wall_ 8-pin (RJ45 ethernet) or 4-pin (RJ11 POTS)20:44
jhamlincccharles: from konqueror I can browse no problem20:45
lefixhwilde but i dont understand, why my system schoudln't be upgradet correctly, becaus i didn't upgrade it. Ubuntu 8.10 was the first system on this pc20:45
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: pff that didn't work20:45
hwildelefix, ok so your problem is you are running 2.6.27-7 kernel.  and half of your upgrades reference linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-9-generic but the other half reference linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-9-generic20:45
Zzeissbarcode: Oh- and there's also the drawing program in OpenOffice, which is quite good as well.20:45
le1its not like telephone its a cable :S20:45
hwildelefix, can you try "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic"20:45
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: I got sloppy with my xorg backups and now I don't know which one is the correct backup file20:45
cccharlesjhamlin: have you used the command line tools before? it's normally easiest if you can get it to work via smbclient and then use the same arguments when mounting.20:45
Jack_Sparrowbdelin88 rem out 54 55 56 and 57 the sudo apt-get update20:45
jhamlinhwilde: I'm mostly browsing samba that's served from a mac... I don't know if that effects the applicability of the info you pm'd me...20:46
Zzeissle1: OK... is it round?  Like cable-TV cable?20:46
lefixhwilde pastebin?20:46
sproingiei'm trying to run the livecd for 8.10 on a thinkpad T61 and getting nowhere20:46
hwildejhamlin, ok so where do you have the problem, from where to where20:46
sproingieany info on that?20:46
hwildelefix, can you try "sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic"20:46
Zzeissle1: and the connector on the end screws onto the back of the modem?20:46
lefixhwilde i did it, result pastebin?20:46
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: one sec20:46
adityagi want to update svn to its newest version. i get this error "m@aditya:~$ sudo apt-get update svn  E: The update command takes no arguments"20:46
hwildelefix, yes yes20:47
sproingiei select the language, i select the first menu option, and then the cd never spins back up again20:47
odinsbanehow do I see what kernal I am using?20:47
hwildeadityag, just sudo apt-get update20:47
hwildeodinsbane, uname -a20:47
jhamlinI had it working fine with smbfs.  I simply changed smbfs to cifs in my fstab (as described above)20:47
Zzeissle1: OK, you have a cable broadband then.20:47
Jack_Sparrowadityag the repo will not contain the very latest of most programs20:47
Jack_Sparrow!info svn20:47
jderemeri am having trouble getting a2ps to print on 2 sides.  it simply won't do it, even though firefox and openoffice will do it.20:47
ubottuPackage svn does not exist in intrepid20:47
cccharlesjhamlin: I'm guessing it has something to do with the uid= and gid= bits20:47
Michael_RNHI everyone. I need help. plugged in a Gigaware 25-234 webcam and ubuntu does not recognize it. spent a little time here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=651182, but no luck. Any insight?20:47
Zzeissle1: OK... now look at the jacks on the D-link.  What are the 8-pin jacks labeled?20:48
Jack_Sparrow!webcam > Michael_RN20:48
ubottuMichael_RN, please see my private message20:48
hwildeMichael_RN, disconnect, reconnect,  pastebin dmesg20:48
lefixhwilde: http://pastie.org/32913520:48
jhamlinit's really frustrating.  This should be very very simple to do20:48
Zzeiss(they are probably labeled LAN1 through LANN and then one labeled WAN)20:48
odinsbaneanybody use a conexant modem, it seems the linuxant drivers are very kernel specific.20:48
adityagJack_Sparrow:  then i do i get the programs updated ?20:48
bdelin88Jack_Sparrow: What's wrong with keeping vbox in the repo?  I like having that stuff there so it auto-updates itself20:48
le1the power on and status and wan and wlan20:48
odinsbaneDoes that mean I have to reinstall everytime I upgrade my kernel?20:48
hwildelefix, pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list20:49
SlimeyPeteI don't like vbox to update itself because I use it on a workstation20:49
Jack_Sparrowadityag the programs in the repo are the latset "TESTED" versions.. see also backports etc20:49
le1all of them the light is green20:49
eitreachIs openal broken in Intrepid, or am I just doing something wrong?20:49
Zzeissle1: not the lights.  the places where you can plug cables in.20:49
Van^Hi all.20:49
=== vorian is now known as heHATEme
Bob_Millerisit wurkin?20:49
SlimeyPeteonce it's working, I don't want it to change20:49
Jack_SparrowZzeiss I applaud your patience20:49
le1in the right place20:49
Bob_MillerSo - sorry for spamming and bye - it wurks :D20:49
Jack_SparrowSlimeyPete then dont update20:49
cccharlesjhamlin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79479/ <-- this is how I'm doing it myself, and it works fine if I mount as my own user.20:49
le1and one of them in my compouter20:49
sproingieanyone gotten 8.10 to install on a thinkpad T61, have to do anything special?  the CD won't even spin up after i select any of the options from the menu20:49
SlimeyPeteJack_Sparrow: I want other things to update though ;)20:49
lefixhwilde sources.list or sources.list.save?20:50
hwildelefix, sources.list20:50
Michael_RNthanks, ubottu, I'll take a look there.20:50
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Jack_SparrowSlimeyPete If you update you will need to reinstall your modem driver20:50
Van^I was hoping someone could suggest a small x window, graphical game that I could port to an arm processor.  I don't have a lot of supporting libraries, so something that has a very small list of dependencies would be awesome.20:50
lefixhwilde: sources.list -> http://pastie.org/32913820:50
SlimeyPeteJack_Sparrow: modem driver? Do you have me confused with someone else? :)20:50
Van^I'm simply interested in testing the graphics capability of our system.20:50
* SlimeyPete doesn't actually own a modem any more unless you count the one in his laptop which he doesn't use20:51
le1why its not working20:51
hwildelefix, comment out the backports line 3820:51
le1if i release the usb i can't connect to internet20:51
Zzeissle1: do you know what I mean by a "jack"?  It's where you plug cables in.20:51
detrateWhen I upgraded 8.04 to 8.10 I made the mistake of saying "no" to replacing my menu.lst file for grub.  Now I fail to boot properly into x and the only solution I have is to >> sudo rmmod nvidia && sudo modprobe nvidia && startx -- just to get into a "working" environment.  Which package do I need to reinstall to get that menu.lst generated again?20:52
le1i full them into the jack agian20:52
hwildelefix, then go to /var/cache/apt/archives and run "ls" and pastebin the output plz20:52
Jack_Sparrowadityag  If you update you will need to reinstall your modem driver20:52
Jack_Sparrowsorry SlimeyPete20:52
Zzeissle1: now please just tell me what each of the jacks are labeled.  (some Dlink jacks have built-in LEDs but that isn't important.  What's important is the labels on the jacks)20:52
lefixhwilde: do you mean this: deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:52
lefix# deb-src http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse?20:52
hwildelefix, yes comment that out20:53
hwildelefix, line 38 in your pastebin http://pastie.org/32913820:53
ZzeissJack_Sparrow: Thanks.  :)20:53
Jack_SparrowZzeiss np20:53
lefixhwilde sry don understand what you mean, do you mean i should make line 38 a comment and save the list?20:54
hwildelefix, um type in     gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:55
hwildelefix, then go to preferences->  show line numbers20:55
le1okay thxs but time to late i have school tomorrow thxs for helping20:55
hwildelefix, find that line and comment it out with a # sign at the beginning20:55
hwildelefix, before:     deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:55
jhamlincccharles: I still get "permission denied" if I try to view the folder as a non-root user (using your fstab entry)  :(20:55
hwildelefix, after:     #deb http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ intrepid-backports main restricted universe multiverse20:55
ryanakcaI'm guessing that increasing the swappiness means that when returning to a computer that has idled for a day, it would seem slower since it has to fetch everything from the swap, but at the same time, it wouldn't leave apps that haven't been touched in a while in the RAM?20:55
le1i will ask u tomorrow again :D20:55
odinsbanesomething tells me I just shouldn't worry about getting my modem to work.20:55
le1c y20:56
hwildeodinsbane, buy supported hardware :)20:56
lefixhwilde yes kk thats what i wanted to know, if i should comment line 3820:56
hwildelefix, then go to /var/cache/apt/archives and run "ls" and pastebin the output plz20:56
cccharlesjhamlin: if you ls -l the mount as root, what owner/group and permissions does it show? Paste it into paste.ubuntu.com for me, if it's not too sensitive.20:56
rob0t7has anyone had success installing gforge using the packages in ubuntu 8.10?20:57
buuSo. I have a clean/fresh install of ubuntu8.10 and everything works fine. Until I go away for the night and come back in the morning. At that point my sound 'stops working', that is, I can't get any player software to produce noise. Occasionally I get some error about interacting with gconf but I can't reproduce it at this exact moment. If I kill/restart X, sound still fails to work, but it works fine once I restart the box itself (until the next day that is)20:57
lefixhwilde: error "Could not save the file /etc/apt/sources.list. You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."20:57
buuHow would I reset .. the sound system? Or something related?20:57
hwildelefix, you did gksu  ?20:58
NTUWhen I installed Ubuntu 8.10, I did a manual format of my HDD and chose resierfs. Is that version 3 or 4?20:59
anthony_hello... i wanted to find out how i can change my boot order?.... and if i do change it. can i mess up my boot system????20:59
NTUall it says is reiserfs20:59
jhamlincccharles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7948820:59
AdamZagurskyugh. I've installed Ubuntu for the first time, and I can't get audio for my SB Live 24 bit card.21:00
NTUWhat version of RFS does ubuntu 8.10 all you to format it as?21:00
J6Dofhi , all media are played at in slow motion , any one know why ?21:00
lefixsry hwilde dont know what you mean what is gksu and how can i make it started?21:00
goetzI have problems turnning automatcly the monitor off, it only turn black, what can I do?21:00
Zzeissle1: gotta boogie.  Bad news phone call.21:00
NTUCan I get some help?21:00
AdamZagurskywow, is this room a mess.21:00
juanezNTU: dont use reiserfs21:00
NTUJust tell me what version21:01
juanezNTU: regarding your other question; dont know which version21:01
anthony_i have a question... i wanted to find out how i can change my boot order?.... and if i do change it. can i mess up my boot system????21:01
jhamlincccharles: again, the _exact_ same line works perfectly with smbfs instead of cifs...21:01
AlexMaxHey, if I want to run Ubuntu 8.10 in a virtual machine on 8.04, which VM program in the repos is the best?21:01
AlexMaxI had some issues with 8.10 and cisco vpn's21:01
cccharlesjhamlin: the ownership on your files seems strange. why can't you stick with smbfs if it is already working?21:02
AlexMaxand had to downgrade21:02
hwildelefix, are you not reading what I am telling you21:02
hwildelefix, type in     gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:02
recon69anthony_: yes you can change you boot list order, and yes you can mess up your system.21:02
sebastien_hi guys, i have been trying to unrar files for hours and all i get with unrar  free is an empty directory, when i am lucky  but more often a friendly message warns me that the ‎file has been successfully decompressed, but in fact it did nothing! any idea?21:02
techgoetz: hi How do i register nic or channel.i'm new user21:03
niklausin my windows XP machine adsl connection my net speed is around 60KB/s but in linux(ubuntu) it is 16-15 KB/s , i just checked thrice21:03
niklausany suggestions ^ ?21:03
Jack_Sparrowsebastien_ do a search for current files or any filename indie the rar21:03
anthony_do you know where i can get the right information so i dont mess up my boot system?21:03
AlexMaxseems like I have Xen, Virtualbox, QEMU to choose from.21:04
NTUDoes anybody know what version of RFS Ubuntu 8.10 uses?21:04
xintruderYoutube sometimes works for me, sometimes I only get a black box with nothing displayed. Also flash is not working in things such as flash games in facebook. Anyone can help me?21:04
Jack_Sparrow!register > tech21:04
ubottutech, please see my private message21:04
NTU*cough cough*21:04
goetztech: I dont know sorry21:04
linuxnewbehi .. I have a java website and I want to put It online on a ubuntu server21:04
linuxnewbeany suggestion?21:04
linuxnewbesecurity issue?21:04
jhamlincccharles: smbfs does some messed up stuff like overwrite files with an emty zero-byte file if someone else edits the file while I'm working on it.  That's REALLY bad21:04
Bart_Hi, can someone tell me how to make ubuntu stop using my hdd so much after boot21:04
Jack_Sparrowlinuxnewbe /j #Ubuntu-server21:04
Jack_SparrowBart_ add ram21:04
Bart_I have ram enough21:05
cccharlesjhamlin: can you pastebin your /etc/mtab file for me?21:05
Jack_SparrowBart_ how much21:05
baskei want to delete some files on my hdd, i dont want to delete every one manually, i want to search them and delete everyone at the same time, how do i do?21:05
djungelkraemhi - tips for a free image uploading service?21:05
cube3x3hello, i have problem with 'gnome-open' if i try 'gnome-open http://google.com' it gives me this error: 'Error showing url: Operation not supported' any idea?21:05
xintrudercan anyone help me plz? I just posted a question up21:05
recon69anthony_: there is a boot.ini file on you root directory (windows) , dont know what the ubuntu version is. just make sure you have it backed up before you change anything and have a boot disk so you can fix it if you mess up.21:05
Bart_uhm 1 GB21:05
robb_m!patience | xintruder21:05
ubottuxintruder: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:05
Jack_Sparrowf-spot is setup for picture shareing on sereral sites21:05
Bart_hm 221:05
recon69anthony_: and a quick google search should provide you the details21:06
Jack_SparrowBart_ agreed 2 is fine.21:06
xintruderu guys are volunteers :s ?!?!?!??!?!??!?!21:06
Jack_Sparrowxintruder yes, all of us21:06
anthony_ok thanks21:06
lefixhwilde: sry, no done look: http://pastie.org/32916221:06
xintruderi thought this is the ubuntu company channel :s !!!!!!!!!!!!!!21:06
NTUDoes anybody know what version of RFS Ubuntu 8.10 uses?21:06
oskar-baske:  use find with some criteria and -exec:  find -name '*.mp3' -exec 'echo rm {}'21:06
=== heHATEme is now known as vorian
Bart_but becouse of SSD is used as hdd, I have now very high %WA21:07
Jack_Sparrowxintruder please try to stay on topic.  If you pay for support, you get paid support staff21:07
lefixhwilde: sry, now done look: http://pastie.org/32916221:07
baskeah, thnx21:08
jhamlincccharles: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79491/21:08
hwildelefix, ok delete all of those files.21:08
baskeguess locate works fine too?21:08
xintruderi dont mind paying ubuntu (buying the o/s) if I can get dedicated support man.. but these linux distros has been this way for ages, years...21:08
Bart_Jack_Sparrow, can I disable some useless startup stuff?21:08
prakritiI've hosed up my ubuntu upgrade :(21:08
cube3x3any idea about gnome-open? (it doesn't open any url, it open folders and etc but not url)21:08
NTUWhen I manually formatted my HDD using Ubuntu I chose reiserfs. What version is that?21:08
NTUWhen I manually formatted my HDD using Ubuntu I chose reiserfs. What version is that?21:08
techlefix: hi How do i register nic or channel.i'm new user.21:08
NTUversion 3 or 4?21:09
prakritiI had nvidia binaries installed a long time ago,  and now the official ubuntu version breaks21:09
Starnestommytech: ask in #freenode21:09
StarnestommyNTU: 3.  I don't think any distros use reiser 421:09
oskar-baske:  locate searched in a database and not in the filesystem itself. after one execution it would find the files again, even if they have been deleted. i don't remember locate to have something like -exec21:09
DaremonaiHow can i allow some users to see their home directories only, and others to see /home/ftp for example, in proftpd?21:09
cccharlesjhamlin: it doesn't look like this is mounted as the user you want accessing the files... normally I would expect to see something like user=jhamlin in the options in /etc/mtab21:09
prakritiits something to do with the diversions21:10
ali3nwar3got another stupid questions to you guys, downloaded a file that had been compressed with gzip but right click - extract here doens't work but gzip does respond in the terminal if i ask it21:10
prakritibut I don't know how to straighten them out21:10
hwildelefix, you deleted them right ?21:10
hwildeali3nwar3, gunzip21:10
n8tuserDaremonai-> anonymous vs logged in user? so you have to figure out how these users are authorized when logging on, referenrence the pro-ftpd manual21:10
prakritidiversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-17721:11
prakritidiversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libglx.so to /usr/lib/nvidia/libglx.so.xserver-xorg-core by nvidia-glx-17721:11
prakritidiversion of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGLcore.so.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-17721:11
xintrudercan i install google chrome on my ubuntu?21:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about chrome21:11
hwildeah cmon bot21:11
hwildeget with the times21:11
Daremonain8tuser, they're all registered user, but i want to restrict some users from accessing the /home/ftp21:11
SookeIs there any terminal command to find out the computers in my network? like if I were doing a ping 255 times? Or is there any program to do so?21:11
cccharlesxintruder: probably not. I don't think that Chrome even fully builds on Linux yet.21:11
ali3nwar3i can't find that whilde21:12
n8tuserDaremonai-> read the proftpd manual?21:12
jhamlincccharles: my bad that time I had mounted it as root.  When I mount as user mtab gives: http://paste.ubuntu.com/79495/21:12
Daremonain8tuser, I am doing that.. I just need to know what to look for. I'm trying a UserAlias inside a <Anonymous> block21:12
prakritidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):21:13
prakriti trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1', which is also in package libgl1-mesa-glx21:13
n8tuserDaremonai-> if you want to get really fancy, you can look into namespace restriction21:13
Daremonain8tuser, meh that doesn' work.21:13
lefixtech sry, im a new user too21:13
Daremonain8tuser, okay i'll check that.21:13
cccharlesjhamlin: and you still can't view the files as the jhamlin user, eh?21:13
jhamlincccharles: nope21:13
prakritimaybe libgl1-mesa-glx needs a diversion?21:13
oskar-Sooke:  nmap. but use with great responsibility!21:13
xintruderCan any ubuntu user in the WORLD browse the web (including youtube and flash) with no problems? I left ubuntu 2005 and came back and still can't browse the web properly for gods sake..21:13
prakritii've tried reinstalling it21:13
Gneaxintruder: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/05/how-to-install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-with-wine/21:13
xintruderthank you gnea21:14
lefixhwilde, when i now type ls it only contains lock and partial, is that ok linke this?21:14
cccharlesjhamlin: I'm wondering if this has something to do with different user IDs on your Linux box compared to your OSX box.21:14
Gneaxintruder: yeah, youtube works great here.  even cnn video is working this week.21:14
hwildelefix, that's good21:14
hwildelefix, now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:14
xintruderHell, I am thinking about installing IE.exe with wine or something for some proper web browsing.21:14
Sookeoskar, I want to connect to my work's vpn connection, but in Ubunutu I can't see my computers resources like in WIn, so I have to map them manually, and therefore I have to know thier IP21:14
Sookeoskar-, that's why I wanted this21:15
hwildeSooke, did you try Places-> Network ?21:15
ali3nwar3hwilde, gunzip?21:15
PixieQueenxitruder, proper?! think bout firefox21:15
jhamlincccharles: I'm amazed that this could be so difficult.  I've spent several days worth of my time fiddling with this over the past several months...21:15
lefixhwilde pastebin?21:15
hwildelefix, yes of course21:15
n8tuserDaremonai-> if you can find the article from ibm on "mount namespaces advanced mount features"21:15
xintruderPixieQueen: firefox cant run flash or browse youtube properly.21:15
Sookehwilde, yes, but I can't get anything, my company's network is based in Windows server and I don't have the smae domain here at home21:15
Daremonain8tuser, alright... meh.. why can't it be simpler :s21:16
PixieQueenxintruder, hm. dont think so21:16
hwildeSooke, oh.21:16
Virtual_Woman• hi •21:16
PixieQueenxintruder, I dont have ANY problemz with it21:16
ali3nwar3nvm hwilde, got it21:16
lefixhwilde, it seems not to work ... http://pastie.org/32917721:16
hwildeali3nwar3, yeah21:16
=== Cpt is now known as Captain_Static
Virtual_Woman• • •Captain_Static• • • • hello •21:16
hwildelefix, sudo apt-get -f install21:16
Virtual_Woman• how are you? •21:16
hwildeVirtual_Woman, stop with the dots ok21:17
Captain_StaticI'm great and you?21:17
niklausin my windows XP machine adsl connection my net speed is around 60KB/s but in linux(ubuntu) it is 16-15 KB/s , i just checked thrice ? any rules to be cleared ? help me out please21:17
Virtual_Woman• fine thank u •21:17
Virtual_Woman• =) •21:17
xintruderPixieQueen: I was asked to install three plugins by firefox, then I installed some packages manually like i was told here, then i downloaded a file from adobe. Still (since 2005, and today), youtube loads a black screen sometimes, and I cannot maximise it on screen, and i cannot play texas holdem in facebook (flash).21:17
nouMenonHello, none of my audio players seem to be working. I've downloaded several different programs and most of them won't even play the music but the few that will load incredibly slow, please help. Any suggestions?21:17
Sookehwilde, so at work it is for me since I know the "name" of the resources like for example //nameofthedomain/nameoftheresource, however in Ubuntu this is not accepted, and I need to put network://ip/nameofresource, but I don't know the IP! that's why I have to find them out->ping the entire network21:17
jhamlincccharles: does this mean anything? when i unmount and `ls -l` i get "drwxrwx--- 32    1034 crontab      0 2008-11-29 12:08 fooserver_user_files" and when I mount it, I get "drwxr-xr-x  2 jhamlin jhamlin   4096 2008-12-02 09:36 fooserver_user_files"21:17
Captain_StaticI installed gnash on my box21:17
Captain_Staticfor flash21:17
Captain_Staticit runs fine21:17
PixieQueenxintruder if you mind any problems use 'auto-installers' xD21:18
hwildeSooke, lol goto pm ok21:18
Captain_Statici find that the adobe flash plugin needs some work21:18
xintruderI'm starting to dougt any functional linux distro proper for home use other than macintosh.21:18
xintruderor apple, whatever its called.21:18
Captain_StaticLook don't just quit or give up because you can't think on your own.21:18
Captain_StaticThat's a bad idea.21:19
cccharlesjhamlin: oh... unmount the share, and then ls -ld the mountpoint and see who owns it.21:19
PixieQueensure it is.. just use your brain xD www.google.com21:19
cccharlesjhamlin: you should probably sudo chown jhamlin:jhamlin the mountpoint21:19
Captain_StaticOut of all the distros I keep coming back to ubuntu21:19
Captain_StaticFedora has really gone to crap21:19
Captain_Staticor I would still use it.21:20
guntbert!ot | Captain_Static21:20
ubottuCaptain_Static: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:20
xintruderCaptain_Static: If I gave up I would have years ago. I am talking about multiple installs, on multiple archs, using multiple ubuntu kernerls (and gentoo).21:20
prakritieven if i create a diversion for that file,  the installer removes it21:20
nouMenonCaptain_Static, do you know anything about audio players? Mine don't seem to be working properly.21:20
prakritidpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-glx-177_177.80-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):21:20
prakriti trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libGL.so.1', which is also in package libgl1-mesa-glx21:20
prakritiit just disaapears21:20
Captain_StaticI see intruder sorry about that comment.21:20
Captain_StaticAnd I know about audioplayers yes21:20
jhamlincccharles: `ls -ld fooserver_user_files/` returns "drwxr-xr-x 2 jhamlin jhamlin 4096 2008-12-02 09:36 fooserver_user_files/"21:20
Captain_Staticwhat do u need?21:20
recon69anyone know why my ubuntu would be sending "511491161.549954192.168.2.766.102.9.101TCP[TCP Retransmission] [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU" to google even though I have not been near google since i booted up my machine?21:20
lefixhwilde: http://pastie.org/329186 <- result21:21
hwildeSooke, see my pm21:21
cccharlesjhamlin: sorry, I'm about out of ideas. also, I need to catch a bus :-). Maybe see if there are any useful messages in your samba logs on the OSX box?21:21
nouMenonCaptain_Static, it seems that none of my media/audio players are working properly. When I try to play an mp3 file, most of the audio players give errors saying they are missing something ( i.e. audio/mp3 for Helix ) and the few that will load (i.e. MPlayer ) take forever to load21:21
xintruderHow can I run ie.exe using wine?21:21
hwildelefix, I don't know.  it's broken.21:21
jhamlincccharles: well thanks for the effort21:22
Ichabodhi everybody21:22
ali3nwar3how do i install a theme when it's a .emerald?21:22
PixieQueenxintruder, it might be problematic21:22
hwildelefix, it's still trying two different kernels  linux-image-2.6.27-10-generic  linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic21:22
lefixhwilde ok that means i have to reinstall my system21:22
PixieQueenxintruder, wine has problem with copying audio files etc.. so it has problems to instal some..21:22
xintruderok.. lol..21:22
PixieQueenxintruder, if you get a whole 'installed' you will just click click ;D21:22
sebastien__hello, my problem is that the flash player won't work correctly it says the videos aren't availaible or my connection is over .... can anybody help me please? (sorry for my speech i'm french)21:23
xintruderAny other good browser, other than firefox?21:23
PixieQueenxintruder, firefox is best :D google chrome, opera21:23
ali3nwar3anyways, im trying to install a theme, but it won't let me. is it because it theme is .emerald?21:24
xintruderIs there anyway I can make firefox fully loaded with all neede plug ins, instead of spending time here and there everyday...21:24
lefixhwilde ok, i don't only want to do what you are telling me, so can you explain me the problem in an easy way? or am i thinking right: he updatet once a new kernel and now he can different them so he uses both what nobody expected and what the system normly mustn't do21:24
PixieQueenxintruder, do you use ubuntu, kubuntu or what? xD21:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext421:24
Condoulook, before installing Ubuntu, I backed up my files onto a drive, and I now can't view the drive because apparently the log file indicates an unclean shutdown. I typed in the command the error message gave me, but its no use21:25
=== rubatharisan is now known as Qubexy
PixieQueenxintruder, dunno if you have add/remove utility which I use, e.g. on my kubuntu :]21:25
xintruderi do21:25
PixieQueenxintruder, just write flash in browse tab and it will find all the plugins and install it easily21:26
hwildelefix, I have told you every suggestion I know to fix your system21:26
[empire]Is it possible to just apt-get upgrade a specific/selective upgrade or does it "have to" upgrade everything, I'm assuming the answer is "Its dependent to each other so it isn't possible", but I won't to confirm21:26
hypa7ia[empire]: google for "apt pinning"21:27
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto21:27
t0lkman52429hello hello i instaled vnc4server with xinet'd that run Xvnc, but when i login i see only grey desktop + mouse, how to run desktopmanager?21:27
[empire]oh thanks21:27
dnyyCan I install ubuntu 8.10 from a usb HD without having to delete everything on the HD?21:27
lefixhwilde yeah ok and im happy you took the time to help me, but i told the problematic correctly21:27
Azzmodant0lkman52429, check out x11vnc21:28
odinsbaneokay I've lost my sound card...21:28
t0lkman52429Azzmodan why? is it better than vnc4server?21:28
Condoulook, I have an error on trying to mount this HDD. It says it failed to mount because ot indicates an unclear shutdown, and NTFS is marked to be in use. I don't have a Windows machine around anymore to fix this through Windows, and I tried the command it gave me to fix it under Ubuntu, but the command is giving me the help information for the mount commpand21:28
odinsbaneI installed linuxant alsa drivers then removed them and now I don't have a sound card according to alsactl21:29
Azzmodant0lkman52429, x11vnc uses your active desktop and shares that, I assumed that is what you wanted21:29
SJr|WorkAnyone one have opinions on System 76 notebooks/21:30
Jack_SparrowCondoulo use force mount21:30
t0lkman52429Azzmodan i don't have active desktop it's ubuntu server without gnome/kde21:30
Cryp71cWhere does ubuntu install grub to, by default?21:30
Jack_SparrowCondoulo sudo mkdir /media/locked-drive then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/locked-drive -o force  substitute your locked drive for sda121:30
oskar-Condoulo:  http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsck21:31
chilibluembr of first hdd21:31
hwildelefix, run "df -ha"    are you using 100% of your diskspace21:31
marco_hello to all21:31
oskar-Condoulo:  oops, "ntfsck is not yet available. " ;-)  forget it21:31
odinsbaneaplay says no soundcard also21:31
xintruderYoutube sometimes works for me, sometimes I only get a black box with nothing displayed. Also flash is not working in things such as flash games in facebook. Anyone can help me?21:31
l337ingDisorderhey does anyone know how I can find out what the current screen res is using command-line?21:32
marco_how can upgrade the cmake from 2.4 to 2.6 version?? ( i use ubuntu hardy hearon)21:32
CondouloJack_Sparrow, thats the command I used that keeps giving me the help information21:32
Jack_SparrowCondoulo what "EXACTLY" are you typing in a term21:32
oskar-l337ingDisorder:  xrandr | grep '*'21:32
hwildelefix, /join #ubuntu-bugs21:32
oskar-or just without grep21:33
marco_how can upgrade the cmake from 2.4 to 2.6 version?? ( i use ubuntu hardy hearon)21:33
marco_how can upgrade the cmake from 2.4 to 2.6 version?? ( i use ubuntu hardy hearon)21:33
LifesaGardenWith my amd-64, what is the likelihood of pulling off a successful upgrade to 64bit-Ibex from a i386-Heron, or would I have to shut down and reboot and install from the interface?21:33
l337ingDisorderoskar-: output is "Can't open display"21:33
CondouloI forgot you needed to include a \ whenever there is a space in a directory name21:33
thebishopFirefox 3 on Ubuntu forgets my bookmarks after I close the browser.  It remembers bookmarks i drag to the toolbar, but if I click the star, it will be forgotten21:33
Jack_SparrowLifesaGarden slim and none21:34
dergutemannHow to set up a static IP at Boot, i hate the Networkmanager21:34
oskar-l337ingDisorder:  did you execute it from a gnome-terminal or any other terminal under x with normal user privileges?21:34
l337ingDisorderah, no just straight up console.. i'll put it into xinitrc to see if it works on x startup21:35
nouMenonMy media/audio players won't play music, in any format, whether it's mp3 or ogg. Can someone please help? I've tried reading a guides and it told me to install a gstreamer codec that i already had.21:35
thebishopdergutemann, /etc/networking/interfaces should do it21:35
LifesaGardenJack_Sparrow, so you say my best option is to do the reboot option.21:35
Jack_SparrowLifesaGarden upgrade from 32 to 64 bit and upgrading to a new release..  bad idea21:35
LifesaGardenalrighty, I guess it's a fresh install then21:36
odinsbanenouMoon, what do you mean by won't play?  As in no sound or as in an error.21:37
LifesaGardenthanks Jack_Sparrow21:37
anthony_how do i stop my videos from flickering??? its annoying if im watching a movie21:37
Jack_Sparrowanthony_ try turning off effects21:37
nouMenonodinsbane, it depends on which program i am using, for example, VLC player will run the progress bar across but it doesn't play any sound21:37
chiliblueanthony_: it may also be a video driver issue21:37
l337ingDisorderoskar-: Does it typically just output the resolution? I need to take the output and turn it into X and Y variables that I can write to another file..21:37
chiliblueany samba experts here?21:38
Linuxnoob100Hello, I need to backup some files that i have in a TAR... I currently have no network connectivity so I need to do it via my My Book 500gb external(which isnt mounted.) Could someone help me mount a USB hard drive?21:38
anthony_chiliblue: it can?21:38
oskar-l337ingDisorder:  no, it outputs much more...21:38
odinsbanenouMenon, its better here because other people will probably know the answer.  Have your sounds ever worked?21:39
l337ingDisorderchiliblue: I know my way around samba but I wouldn't call myself an expert.. what's the question?21:39
chiliblueanthony_: yup my ati flicker when I use certain drivers21:39
Jack_Sparrowchiliblue yep.. quite commom21:39
odinsbaneafter I upgrade my kernel when is it safe to remove the old ones?21:39
anthony_i have ati too21:39
nouMenonodinsbane, ok. Yes, my sound works, if I watch a youtube video for example it works just fine. It's only when trying to open audio files for some reason.21:40
l337ingDisorderoskar-: ah ok I see its output properly now. Thanks :)21:40
=== sebastien_ is now known as paulus
Jack_Sparrowodinsbane whenever you are comfortable with the new one, but I suggest you leave on old one21:40
chilibluel337ingDisorder: ok, here is what is happening, smbd isn't reporting the size of available spce right, it says0kb when in fact there is around 999gb21:40
DavidCanariasI am having a problem burning a simple Audio CD. I use CD/DVD Creator and it looks fine on my computer. I put it in my DVD player but it can't read it? Can anyone help me please?21:40
odinsbaneJack_Sparrow, how do I go about removing an old one.  I have about 4 old ones, and I am installing an even newer one, so five old kernels.21:41
l337ingDisorderodinsbane: if you just want to remove clutter in your boot menu you can just remove entries from /boot/grub/menu.lst, then the kernels are still on your system if you need them21:41
Jack_Sparrowodinsbane gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst21:41
sonoblaisein rythm box, whenever I start the visualisation, it just exits without saying a word....  I get the same trouble trying to read a video DVD with totem (totem open and quit without saying anaything)21:41
l337ingDisorderchiliblue: but it can read/write files from the share without problems?21:42
chilibluel337ingDisorder: oh and it is consistent when I use linux or windows clients to the share21:42
chilibluewell I can creat very small things....21:42
chilibluebut no it complains if I try and move over something larger than the space it reports21:43
GzeroCSHow could i boot from a USB HDD which i have installed a distro(fedora) in? How the entry of grub loader have to looks like? ty :)21:43
GreenDeltahey anybody here knowing about GSynaptics? i have troubles with starting it on my laptop.21:43
goetzI have problems turnning automatcly the monitor off, it only turn black, what can I do?21:43
Jack_SparrowGzeroCS Sounds like a question for a fedora room21:43
MiougeDoes Xion is here ?21:43
odinsbanenouMenon have you checked aplay ?21:43
lfaraonegoetz: Sys>admin>powermanagement.21:44
chiliblueJack_Sparrow:  or #grub21:44
nouMenonodinsbane what is aplay?21:44
lfaraonenouMenon: a command21:44
odinsbanenouMenon it gives you some information about how your sound cards are setup.21:44
lfaraonenouMenon: try "aplay /dev/urandom" in the terminal, it should make white noise.21:44
e-headyou guys know of a program that will scan an entire disk, making sure all the blocks are okay?21:44
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot21:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aplay21:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about GSynaptics21:45
goetzlfaraone: I have configured it from there, but after the timeout (10min) the displays turn black, and it is still on.21:45
lfaraonegoetz: Hm. Sounds like a bug. No idea.21:45
DavidCanariasCan anyone tell me why after recording an audio CD with CD Creator it reads ok on my computer and not in the CD player?21:45
sonoblaisein rythm box, whenever I start the visualisation, it just exits without saying a word....  I get the same trouble trying to read a video DVD with totem (totem open and quit without saying anaything)21:45
lfaraoneDavidCanarias: You're most likely using the wrong encoding.21:46
nouMenonone second, my terminal is busy21:46
goetzlfaraone: ok, thanks anyway21:46
lfaraoneDavidCanarias: What aer the extentions of the files on the disk?21:46
lfaraonegoetz: sorry I couldn't help.21:46
Jack_Sparrowodinsbane or   Report no sound or any errors after you run this command: speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav -l121:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about clean21:46
chilibluel337ingDisorder: you've gone quiet...but I won't hold it aginst you it has me flumoxed, Do you know how samba determines free space, it doesn't seem to be df or anything obvious21:46
guntbertGreenDelta: is it a case of "set SHMconfig to true"?21:47
DavidCanariasIfaraone: I copied a normal audio CD into the computer and with CD/DVD creator burned an audio disc. Nothing complicate or out of the ordinar, but it wouldn't read it on my DVD player21:47
oskar-sonoblaise:  does it also say nothing, when you start for example totem from a terminal?21:47
nouMenonlfaraone ouch, ha ha. there was no obvious stop command, had to turn off my speakers. Yes, the white noise played just fine.21:47
lfaraonenouMenon: CTRL+C, sorry :)21:47
sonoblaiseoskar-, you mean starting totem and loading the DVD from the term??21:47
nouMenonlfaraone no problem. It seems to be working though, any other suggestions?21:47
test34Anyone found a guide for using a bluetooth headset with Ubuntu 8.10? All I could find was some for 8.04 and it looks like it changed since then.. I can't get mine to work21:47
thebishopFirefox 3 on Ubuntu forgets my bookmarks after I close the browser.  It remembers bookmarks i drag to the toolbar, but if I click the star, it will be forgotten21:48
Oshi74has anyone used eclim plugin for vim?21:48
l337ingDisorderchiliblue: I'd start by checking the disk for errors.. actually i'd start by googling 'samba file share wrong free space'21:48
oskar-sonoblaise:  opening a terminal, "totem", and then totem will perhaps output some error messages, that go to /dev/null, if startet from the graphical menu21:48
nouMenonNevermind, I just downloaded some codecs and it works perfectly now. Thanks everyone for helping.21:48
l337ingDisorderchiliblue: sorry i can't help beyond that.. never encountered that issue before21:48
GreenDeltai want to config my touchpad but i need GSynaptics for this. but everytime i try to start GSynaptics i get the message "SHMConfig" has to be turned to 'true' in xorg.conf so i looked in my xorg.conf and found this: (no input device section...) http://nopaste.biz/57409 so i added this at the end of my xorg.conf: http://nopaste.biz/57410 and restarted X. But it still does not work. Same Error. Why?21:49
DavidCanariasIfaraone: Did I give you the right information to be able to help me??21:49
sonoblaiseoskar-, ok, thanks!  I'm trying it and effectively I see the debug information on the terminal21:49
e-headHey... quotes look funny in my manpages.  Any idea what's up?21:49
Oshi74Is there a java programmers channel on irc.ubuntu?21:49
Linuxnoob100hey whats the command to list the files/folders in a directory again?21:50
Oshi74Linuxnoob100: ls21:50
chiliblueyay my mouse has stopped working21:50
Linuxnoob100i was doing lf, FAILUREEE21:51
e-headanybody else have weird quotes in manpages from the console?21:51
sonoblaiseoskar... i get a full load of error messages...21:51
Oshi74e-head: eh?21:51
GreenDeltai want to config my touchpad but i need GSynaptics for this. but everytime i try to start GSynaptics i get the message "SHMConfig" has to be turned to 'true' in xorg.conf so i looked in my xorg.conf and found this: (no input device section...) http://nopaste.biz/57409 so i added this at the end of my xorg.conf: http://nopaste.biz/57410 and restarted X. But it still does not work. Same Error. Why?21:51
e-headwell, instead of "server's" ... I get "server*&s"21:52
xintruderHow easy it is to run Vista in Ubuntu? :D21:52
Oshi74xintruder: not hard21:52
e-headbut where *& represents some non-english characters.21:52
xintruderOshi74: Where do I start?21:52
Oshi74xintruder: sudo apt-get install virtualbox21:52
e-headIt actually looks like an a with a hat on it.21:52
dekkongHello! I have a small problem! When i copy files from my laptop to my desktop the speed is very good but when i copy friles from my desktop to my laptop the speed is really poor.. the laptop uses wlan21:52
Linuxnoob100I have cd'd to /etc and now i need to cd into /fstab but when i do "cd /fstab" it says it cant find it... and when I run ls i see that its clearly there..21:52
e-headI'm not sure if it's just man pages, or vi and less too. I could check.21:52
mindstabbing__how do i get my wlan to work21:53
arachnistok... tell me, who's to blame for the line 1335 in /usr/sbin/update-grub and the f*ing -v option for ls?21:53
xintruderOshi74: then .. ?21:53
Oshi74xintruder: Read up on installing an OS in virtualbox :)21:53
Jack_Sparrowarachnist Dont use profanity even if you mask it.21:53
Oshi74xintruder: It's fairly simple, basically just start it up and insert the disk21:53
xintruderOshi74: Is there a simple step by step guide u know of, for begginers?21:53
sonoblaiseoskar-, libdvdread give me a bunch of errors....  I dont understant,because i installed libdvdcss221:53
arachnistJack_Sparrow: i had to travel almoast 400km thanks to that single "v" over there21:54
Oshi74xintruder: probably on google, have a look21:54
mindstabbing__xintruder: look at the virtualbox website21:54
GreenDeltai want to config my touchpad but i need GSynaptics for this. but everytime i try to start GSynaptics i get the message "SHMConfig" has to be turned to 'true' in xorg.conf so i looked in my xorg.conf and found this: (no input device section...) http://nopaste.biz/57409 so i added this at the end of my xorg.conf: http://nopaste.biz/57410 and restarted X. But it still does not work. Same Error. Why?21:54
Jack_Sparrowarachnist Sorry to hear that... but again, please keep it family rated21:54
oskar-sonoblaise:  hm, i don't know...  if that does not give enough information, you could try to run totem with strace to get a trace of all system calls and signals (those kill processes): "strace -f -o totem-trace totem"21:55
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad21:55
sonoblaiseoskar-,  It gives me a lot of info, but i dont know what to do with it... pretty new to linux21:55
oskar-Linuxnoob100:  so when you run "ls /fstab", you see a directory entry?21:56
Linuxnoob100nope im stupid it was a file21:56
Linuxnoob100lol thanks21:56
oskar-Linuxnoob100:  no problem ;)21:56
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Oshi74Does anyone know if any drivers are out for NVidia gx 280 video card?21:57
mindstabbing__[ 2461.795189] wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware didn't respond as expected' (HAL status 3)21:57
mindstabbing__what does this mean?21:57
oskar-sonoblaise:  ok, then it's a bit difficult... if you want, you can try the strace thing and pastebin the resulting file "totem-trace"21:57
tyler_d1how do I have mulitiple tests within the same bash if statement?21:57
chilibluewhats the stablity of the fglrx video driver21:58
Jack_Sparrowtyler_d1 ask in #bash21:58
tyler_d1Jack_Sparrow: ty jack21:58
sonoblaiseim already sending the output i had before in a textfile...  il try the trace thing in a moment21:58
david_were do i install ccsm at on hardy?21:58
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion21:58
Ferrouscan i run the ubuntu installed on a partition as a virtual machine in vista?21:58
frojndHello there. I wrote a mail() function in php and I can't recive mail. Now guys on php told me that this has something to with MTA - mail transfer agent. So any ideas, why I can't sen mail with php, where does it stop at MTA ?21:58
engwnbie|skooterLinuxnoob100, Also when you cd /etc that is ok. But when cd /fstab shoud not work because that denotes starting from th root directory.21:59
Linuxnoob100i see21:59
sonoblaiseoskar-:  it'S something like CHECK_VALUE failed in ifo read21:59
xintruderHow can I run internet explorer in ubuntu ?21:59
Jack_Sparrowxintruder terrible idea21:59
sonoblaisexintruder:  why run internet explorer??22:00
oskar-sonoblaise:  that's from the output in the terminal, isn't it?22:00
sonoblaiseoskar-:  yes22:00
prakritiis there any way to make ubuntu reinstall all installed packages?22:00
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --disable-columns --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate22:00
xintruderBecause for the past 4 years, I wasn't able to browse youtube or see flash properly in ubuntu and/or gentoo. Same damn problems with no solutions.22:00
FerrousIs it possible for me to run an operating system installed to dual boot in a virtual machine? >_<22:00
prakritiJack_Sparrow : so similar process only do it locally with reinstall?22:00
MindVirusAny good music authoring software for GTK2?22:01
sonoblaisexintruder:  the trouble comes from the flash plugin, not from the browser22:01
oskar-sonoblaise:  the that will be file created if you run the strace command will contain the signal that is sent to the process, which is the reason why it crashes/ends suddenly. that may help to diagnose22:01
Jack_SparrowFerrous no22:01
xintrudersonoblaise: ok... so do I uninstall all plugins , and just install one good one?22:01
oskar-sonoblaise:  sorry, messed up with the text ;)22:02
xintrudersonoblaise: in the last 24 hours, i installed three automated plugins by firefox, one manual one i got from here, and one downloaded from adobe. still not working.22:02
Aquinahy ;-)22:03
sonoblaisexintruder:  in my view, yes...  internet explorer have no native support and will just suck... but if you really really want, you can install wine and run IE22:03
oskar-sonoblaise:  next try: the file created with the strace command will contain the signal that is sent to the totem process. this signal is the reason why it crashes/ends suddenly. it may help to diagnose the problem22:03
Jack_Sparrowxintruder I dont know what YOU are doing wrong.  flash under linux works for millions of users22:03
sonoblaisexintruder:  I installed gnash easily and it works... not everything is perfect, but it works22:03
MindVirusAny good music authoring software for GTK2?22:03
prakritisudo aptitude reinstall `sudo aptitude -F '%p' search '?installed'`22:03
sonoblaiseoskar-:  good, doing the trace thing22:03
david_were do i install simple ccsm in hardy?22:04
lfaraoneDavidCanarias: please ensure you are burning the files in CDA format.22:04
Jack_Sparrowdavid_ use synaptic and install it22:04
vic1ousHey guys can someone help me. I have created two different Startup Disks one with x86 and one with x64 both 8.10, But both drives just stop at Boot: if i hit enter it says Cant find kernel: Linux or something like that. anyideas?22:04
test34when trying to play a wav file on my bluetooth headset (aplay -D Headset -c 1 -f S16_LE login.wav), I get this error: aplay: set_params:959: Channels count non available.. any idea what could be wrong ?22:04
xintrudersonoblaise: Please answer me truthfully. Does browsing in ie cause more or less problems than firefox in linux :) ?22:04
lfaraonevic1ous: "created". Did you build the image yourself, or is this an offical ISO?22:04
lfaraonexintruder: which version of IE?22:05
vic1ousoffical iso22:05
xintruderlfaraone: ie 6.0 +22:05
vic1ousjust trying to use the Create Startup Disk inside Ubuntu22:05
Jack_Sparrowxintruder and others can we stay ontopic22:05
sonoblaisexintruder:  browsing in IE on windows is the cause of many trouble... I don'T see why you would want to use it on linux22:05
af-72is there a way to pay for tier 1 ubuntu support? we have a company with 1000+ computers we want to throw ubuntu on and outsource IT22:05
lfaraonexintruder: the web with ie 6 is a fail. but yeah, hti sis offtopic22:05
MacMan92hey can someone help me get wifi working?22:05
lfaraoneaf-72: yes, see  http://www.ubuntu.com/support22:05
lfaraoneaf-72: you can purchase it from Canonical, the corpo who sponsors Ubuntu22:06
Purityhey guys22:06
need-helphi. my keyboard doesn't respond at the screen where i have 30 seconds to enter in other boot options for the live cd, it doesn't work after the install at the grub screen either; and now after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10, gdm doesn't respond to my keyboard or mouse. help please.22:06
paulushi guys22:06
Puritycan i install ubuntu to my flash drive without the origonal iso?22:06
Jack_Sparrowdavid_ compizconfig-settings-manager  is what you are looking for22:06
prakritineed-help : those screens dont support usb keyboards,  either turn on legacy support in the bios or plug in a ps2 keyboard22:06
lfaraonePurity: well, kinda. Are you currently using Ubuntu?22:06
Jack_SparrowPurity no easy ways.22:06
vic1ousso anybody know why my flash drive wont boot22:07
need-helpprakriti: gracias22:07
lfaraonePurity: There is software to make a "liveUSB" of the currently running system.22:07
oskar-need-help:  i had this with a mainboard, that had a bug. try to plug it out and in again, of you need these options22:07
xintrudersonoblaise: because since 2005-2008 I cannot view youtube properly, i cannot play texas holdem in facebook. I hate to sound rude, but when I say the truth people say stay on topic, before that Jack_Sparrow said its a bad idea  .. blah blah...22:07
need-helpi will reboot into bios admin22:07
paulusi can't get firefox run a java applet though it is activated in the option menu and i just dled the latest jre using synaptic!!!!!!22:07
computerwhy does the resolution keep changing back to 800x600 every time i boot my computer?22:07
lfaraonevic1ous: oh, a flash drive... try a different one, I guess.22:07
Puritywhats it called?22:07
rdzis it true, that hardy is inferior in effective powermanagement compared to intrepid?22:07
MacMan92viclous: does the flash drive mount normally?  because they do burn out after a number of read/writes22:07
vic1ousi have tried 3 different ones22:07
need-helposkar, i will try athat as well22:07
Purityis it in synaptic?22:07
Jack_Sparrowxintruder your ranting is not helping anyone22:07
ali3nwar3what do i need to use emerald themes?22:07
vic1ousand yeah they mount normaly22:07
oskar-paulus:  you need the java plugin also22:08
vic1ousone is brand new sandisk 4.022:08
lfaraonePurity: it's already installed prolly.22:08
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vcrbhey guys where can i get some technical help about dvd's and vhs22:08
lfaraonePurity: try Sys>Prefs>Create a startup disk22:08
GreenDeltaok then i have a new question. my GSynaptics is working now, but i dont get it how to configurate the "with two fingers scroll" option. Is there any other step by step tut for this? (all i tried didnt work...)22:08
sonoblaisexintruder...  I seriously have no trouble with you tube here...  and i dont play texas holdem because i "nuked" my facebook account for the greater good22:08
MacMan92ali3nwar3: you need emerald, some emerald themes, and it's easier if you also have fusion-icon installed22:08
Gneaxintruder: what version of flash do you have installed?22:08
vcrbhey guys where can i get some technical help about dvd's and vhs22:09
ali3nwar3macman, got a theme just how do i "use" it?22:09
ikoniavcrb: in what way22:09
xintruderGnea: I installed four, three suggested by firefox including gnash, one suggested here, and one i downloaded from adobe.22:09
Jack_Sparrowali3nwar3 usually drag and drop onto the open theme manager22:09
larryi have installed another 40 gig hard drive but don't know how to make it where i can use it22:09
MacMan92ali3nwar3: go into emerald theme manager, import the theme if you have not already, and click on it22:09
ikonialarry: open gparted and partition it and put a file system on it22:09
ali3nwar3done that and it doesn't change....22:10
vcrbi have a dvdplayer and a dvd movie, i want to record it into a vhs so i can have this dvd in vhs format, i have dvd player and vhs player but when i try to record it , it does't work what to do22:10
jhonnyboyhello everyone22:10
MacMan92do you have fusion-icon running?22:10
ali3nwar3don't have compiz fusion22:10
MacMan92I would recommend installing it22:10
ikoniavcrb: sorry, thats nothing to do with ubuntu22:10
Jack_Sparrowvcrb macrovision encoding.?22:10
sonoblaiseoskar-:  the trace thing seems to slow everything down... is it  normal?22:10
jhonnyboyhello everyone i just finished moving from xp and into LINUX :)22:10
QpidHi, I just tried to compile gTypist and I get the error "Error:  both library and header files for either curses or ncurses library22:10
Qpidis required to build this package.  See INSTALL file for further information." but when I look for the curses/ncurses library I get a lot of choices. Which do I pick?22:10
oskar-sonoblaise:  yes ;)22:10
jhonnyboygot some noob questions22:10
jhonnyboycan anyone help me?22:10
MacMan92congrats jhonnyboy22:10
vcrbwhat is that macrovision22:10
ikoniavcrb: not for this channel22:11
jhonnyboythank you MacMan22:11
Jack_Sparrowvcrb Offtopic22:11
jhonnyboycan anyone help me with some questions please22:11
MacMan92what do you need?22:11
Jack_Sparrowjhonnyboy not until you ask one22:11
vcrbso what to do captain jack sparrow22:11
oskar-sonoblaise:  you should try to crash the program as fast as possible to prevent the trace getting really huge...22:11
Jack_Sparrowvcrb find a channel that is NOT Ubuntu Support and ask them22:11
ikoniavcrb: not for discussion in this channel22:11
jhonnyboymy wlan card is not working to well22:11
biophilewe set up WPA security on our router but now I can't connect22:11
Darwin-LTScomputer, configure your monitor with 'gksudo displayconfig-gtk'22:11
jhonnyboyworked well in windows22:11
jhonnyboyso i heard ndiswrapper should do the job22:12
xintruderGnea: any ideas ?22:12
jhonnyboyso i was wondering22:12
vcrbok another question i have only cd-rom on my pc, is there any way to watch dvd-disc on my cdrom or i need a dvd player22:12
larryikonia i have looked for gparted on my system and don't see it is it somthing i need to install to use22:12
ikonialarry: you can install it sure22:12
=== dardan_ is now known as _RadioHead
jhonnyboyif i download ndiswrapper in my windows partition can i transfter it to my linux one?22:12
jhonnyboylinux is on another hdd22:12
QpidI want to install (n)curses but cannot find which one to use22:12
Jack_Sparrowvcrb YOu need a dvd player and you are still offtopic.. this is Ubuntu Support ONLY22:12
ikoniaQpid: saying anyone is pointless, if they didn't see the question anyone doesn't tell them, if they don't know, saying anyone won't make them know22:12
Linuxnoob100hello, if I sudo mv a file will it move it and not show any status? or does that mean that it failed?22:13
Linuxnoob100like i cant run aonther command while its doing it right?22:13
Patrycomo puedo entrar a ubuntu.es22:13
ikoniaLinuxnoob100: sure you can22:13
Jack_Sparrow!es > Patry22:13
ubottuPatry, please see my private message22:13
Darwin-LTSLinuxnoob100, mv won't show a summary22:13
biophileI need help with wpa supplicant22:13
Linuxnoob100so I "sudo mv netfilesxxxxx.tar /mnt" look right?22:13
ikoniaLinuxnoob100: don't know why you need sudo to do that22:14
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 not really22:14
Linuxnoob100when i didit w.o sudo it said cannot stat '/home/netfilesxxxxx.tar' : no such file or directory22:14
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Linuxnoob100and when i did just sudo netfilesxxxx.tar22:14
onthefence928any used e17 with ubuntu 8.04?22:14
ikoniaLinuxnoob100: thats nothing to do with sudo, or shouldn't be22:15
ikoniaLinuxnoob100: that file probaly isn't there22:15
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 Only for about 10 minutes then it hosed everything22:15
Linuxnoob100when i did ls it was there...22:15
Linuxnoob100i tard it last night22:15
onthefence928i am trying it out and it doesn't seem to work properly, it won't connect to my wlan22:15
MacMan92I have a wireless card in my ACER Aspire One... and it doesn't work in ubuntu.  It worked fine in Fedora and it still works in Windows... Ubuntu says there's a driver installed and it is using it but the device wlan0 is not there22:15
Linuxnoob100i mean tar'd22:15
GreenDeltaHow ist it possible to say ubuntu that he has to open a particular type of datas (such .avi) with a particular programm? (such as vlc)22:15
ali3nwar3do i need compiz fusion to use emerald themes or can i use it with just compiz?22:15
ikoniaLinuxnoob100: do ls -la /home/netfilesxxxxx.tar22:15
Jack_SparrowGreenDelta some options in prefered apps22:15
MacMan92GreenDelta: System>Preferences>Preferred Applications22:16
Linuxnoob100okay i have to restart my box lol, i cant type into it :(22:16
onthefence928Jack_Sparrow: what do u mean?22:16
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 E17 was usless for me and a waste of time, especially when I looked at the level of support for it22:16
ali3nwar3 do i need compiz fusion to use emerald themes or can i use it with just compiz?22:17
ikoniaali3nwar3: compiz-fushion is compiz, the current version22:17
ali3nwar3alrighty then22:17
onthefence928Jack_Sparrow: i just installed it, and when i used it it wouldn't connect to my wireless, otherwise i haven't seen anything wrong, do u recommend another DM to use that is lighter than gnome/KDE but just as useful?22:18
biophilecan someone help me with wpa suppllicant?22:18
GreenDeltaMacMan92: there are just some apps but isnt it possible to define a standard programm for a particualar type of data?22:18
larryikonia well i installed it but don't see it in system tools or anywhere for that matter22:18
sonoblaiseoskar-:  the trace is done22:18
jonathan_What is wrong if locate doesn't show files in certain directories? Afaik locate scans directories in fixed intervals. Can I force to start scanning?22:18
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 Lighter will always have less function.22:18
tbayhi a simple question22:18
MacMan92GreenDelta: I think if you right-click on the media file and choose open with... there should be an option22:18
tbayif i download the ubuntu dvd, do i also have the alternative installation method available ?22:19
tbayor not ?22:19
Jack_Sparrowlarry advanced desktop settings in system pref?22:19
Jack_Sparrowtbay yes22:19
cmdr_awsomequestion how well does ubuntu work with bluetooth?22:19
onthefence928Jack_Sparrow: well i don't care about customization or wherever gnome and KDE get all their bloat from, i just wanna be able to have a nice DM that's lighter so i can play my games thru wine with better FPS22:19
tbayJack_Sparrow so, I can use the lvm / encrypted install with the dvd?22:20
jonathan_cmdr_awsome: quite22:20
Jack_Sparrowonthefence928 There is a joke, you want a lighter WM so you can run wine better..  ugh22:20
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:20
Jack_Sparrowtbay I do believe that is correct22:20
vcrbBENQ 52x32x52 SEAMLESS LINK is this a a dvd player22:20
onthefence928Jack_Sparrow: i don't catch the humor?22:20
jonathan_What is wrong if locate doesn't show files in certain directories? Afaik locate scans directories in fixed intervals. Can I force to start scanning?22:20
tbayJack_Sparrow thanks I will tyr22:21
YaroMan86jonathan_: sudo updatedb22:21
cmdr_awsomejonathan: quiet?22:21
jonathan_cmdr_awsome: no, quite well22:21
Darwin-LTSjonathan_, yes22:21
Linuxnoob100hey, ikonia i did that and nothing happened22:21
Linuxnoob100it said no such file or directory22:21
MacMan92can anyone help me with my wireless card?  the card and drivers are OK but wlan0 does not show up22:21
QpidFine, don't help me then22:21
YaroMan86jonathan_: sudo updatedb allows you to update locate's db.22:22
Jack_SparrowMacMan92 if the card and drivers were right the wlan would show up22:22
cmdr_awsomejonathan, so if I go out an buy a diNovo keyboard and a bluetooth mouse, I can be sure they will work?22:22
Darwin-LTSLinuxnoob100, then the file doens't exist22:22
Darwin-LTSnot in that directory22:22
Linuxnoob100i was in the home directory already22:22
larryjack_sparrow nothing of the same other than remote desktop22:22
Linuxnoob100got it22:22
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyone tell me how you register for nicotine?22:22
Linuxnoob100ls -la natfilesxxxxx.tar22:22
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 are you sure it isnt in /home/youruser/22:22
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:22
Linuxnoob100i found it22:22
jonathan_YaroMan86: Darwin-LTS: Do I have to configure updatedb so that it includes all mountpoints?22:22
MacMan92when I go to System>Administration>Hardware Drivers the driver for my card shows up though... can you help me get it working?22:23
=== Darwin-LTS is now known as Darwin-
test34rookeeeeeeeee, smoke about 20 cigarettes and you should be registered22:23
YaroMan86jonathan_: I think you just run it with everything you want mounted mounted.22:23
Darwin-indeed jonathan_22:23
Jack_Sparrowlarry what does lsb_release -a in a term show22:23
GreenDeltawhy does my touchpad ignore any configs i do in "xorg.conf"? i made this configs AND restarted X, but still the "VertEdgeScrol" seems to be activated and the "VerTwoFingerScroll" not. Whats the Problem?22:23
ali3nwar3thanks guys got it working, ( forgot to start compiz icon)...22:23
retro_ali3nwar3: put your compiz icon into startup aplications22:24
Linuxnoob100okay so now i do "mv netfilesxxxxx.tar /mnt" and i get mv: cannot move 'netfilesxxxxx.tar' to '/mnt/netfilesxxxxx.tar' : Permission denied22:24
larryjack_sparrow ubuntu 8.1022:24
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 what is /mnt   that does not seem right22:24
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:24
ikyn_                                --- How do I do that in the terminal?22:24
arachnistanyone with an updated ubuntu 8.04 install?22:24
Linuxnoob100that is where i mounted my external harddrive22:24
Darwin-Linuxnoob100, please do a df -h,22:25
arachnistcan you check md5sum /bin/ls ?22:25
YaroMan86linuxnoob - You'll have to use sudo mv all that.22:25
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: he needs to use sudo?22:25
Linuxnoob100i restarted my server and it unmounted22:25
Linuxnoob100wow im stupid22:25
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 I would suggest a better mount point .. create something in /media/mystuff22:25
FloodBot2Linuxnoob100: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
rookeeeeeeeeecan anyone tell me how you register for soulseek?22:25
ikyn_ERROR: Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available.22:25
ikyn_  - where can I get these commands?22:25
Jack_Sparrowardchoille The problem goes deeper than simply sudo22:25
samshi there what is the command to install gcc pleaase?22:26
ardchoillerookeeeeeeeee: please take off-topic chat to another channel22:26
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: ah, ok22:26
YaroMan86sams: sudo apt-get install build-essential22:26
rookeeeeeeeeethis is an ubuntu program22:26
GreenDeltawhy does my touchpad ignore any configs i do in "xorg.conf"? i made this configs AND restarted X, but still the "VertEdgeScrol" seems to be activated and the "VerTwoFingerScroll" not. Whats the Problem?22:26
rookeeeeeeeeeits called nicotine22:26
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:26
Jack_Sparrowardchoille I am taking issue with his mount point and future accessibility22:26
rookeeeeeeeeeits based on the soulseek network22:26
larryjack_sparrow ubuntu 8.1022:26
Jack_Sparrowrookeeeeeeeee Stop please, keep things on ONE line thanks22:27
ardchoilleJack_Sparrow: ok22:27
oskar-sonoblaise:  ok, have you looked into it? if it is not too big, put it into pastebin, else only the last few hundred lines22:27
rookeeeeeeeeewhat are you talking about?22:27
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 I would suggest a better mount point .. create something in /media/mystuff and move to that mount22:27
GreenDeltawhy does my touchpad ignore any configs i do in "xorg.conf"? i made this configs http://nopaste.biz/57410 AND restarted X, but still the "VertEdgeScrol" seems to be activated and the "VerTwoFingerScroll" not. Whats the Problem?22:27
Jack_Sparrow!enter > rookeeeeeeeee22:27
ubotturookeeeeeeeee, please see my private message22:27
wersis there a print as draft feature on oo.o? if so, where is it? i cant find such a feature22:27
Linuxnoob100okay i did it to /wdext22:27
Linuxnoob100im formatting my harddrive tonight22:27
Linuxnoob100all im doing is backing up my itunes22:28
sonoblaiseoskar-:  have to leave...  job calls, but it's big  :p   so i'll see about it later22:28
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:28
rookeeeeeeeeeok i have no time, could someone please help this fool22:28
oskar-sonoblaise:  ok, bye22:28
ali3nwar3retro, where do i do that?22:28
Darwin-Linuxnoob100, check /etc/fstab before restarting22:28
sonoblaisethanks a lot!22:28
conalhow can i see what fonts i have and what their character sets look like?22:29
YaroMan86conal: You can look at your fonts by opening Nautilus and typing in fonts://22:29
rookeeeeeeeeei was calling myself a fool!22:29
MacMan92Jack_Sparrow: what should i do to get the driver working22:30
=== leila2 is now known as ubuntu-help
Linuxnoob100okay so now its mounted to /wdext22:30
ubuntu-helpso the problem is still persisting. what are the settings for xorg.conf to recognize the usb mouse and keyboard?22:30
GreenDeltawhy does my touchpad ignore any configs i do in "xorg.conf"? i made this configs http://nopaste.biz/57410 AND restarted X, but still the "VertEdgeScrol" seems to be activated and the "VerTwoFingerScroll" not. Whats the Problem?22:30
samshello i did that it said command apt-get not found22:30
Linuxnoob100so to move a tar it would be "mv netfilesxxx.tar /wdext" ?22:30
conalYaroMan86: i get: Could not display "fonts:///".  (yes, with an third slash.)22:30
YaroMan86sams: Wait, it said apt-get wasn't found?22:31
xintruderhow can I close an application in ubuntu? Like force it to quit22:31
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 I just use nautilkus or thunar as sudo/gksudo22:31
Ranakahpkill applicationname22:31
Ranakahpkill firefox22:31
xintruderRanakah: ??22:31
Darwin-xintruder killall -9 name_of_application22:31
Ahmuckhi.  i installed ubuntu, and at some point changed the resolution.  however when i attempt to maximize, the maximize windows is smaller than my screen for my application windows.  is there a way to reset the maximize function for application windows?22:31
ali3nwar3how do i make compiz icon start when ubuntu starts?22:31
ikynERROR: Neither the sysfs interface links nor the iw command is available. - where cna I get these commands?22:31
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:31
YaroMan86sams: If your apt-get command is gone you've got big problems. D:22:32
TTilusxintruder: xkill and then next click kills the app it hit22:32
jj_galvezI can't change my network connection from DHCP to static, everytime I reboot its changes back to DHCP please help22:32
oskar-conal:  xfontsel show some, it's with encoding selection22:32
retro_sams: and aptitude is not working ?22:32
jribikyn: why?22:32
xintruderxkill worked well, thanks22:32
conalany ideas on why "fonts://" doesn't work for me?  I'm on 8.10.22:32
caleb_I need someone to walk me through setting up OpenSSH22:32
budz0rcaleb_, its really easy22:32
jribconal: gvfs.  Why do you want it?22:32
GreenDeltawhy does my touchpad ignore any configs i do in "xorg.conf"? i made this configs http://nopaste.biz/57410 AND restarted X, but still the "VertEdgeScrol" seems to be activated and the "VerTwoFingerScroll" not. Whats the Problem?22:32
oskar-conal:  i remember something with a move from gnomevfs gvfs22:32
jrib!x > GreenDelta22:33
ubottuGreenDelta, please see my private message22:33
budz0rcaleb_, i just did 'sudo apt-get install opensshserver' and it started on its own22:33
jribGreenDelta: you need to use fdi files.  See ubottu22:33
xintruderis there a program that burns iso's on cd's, like deep burner for windows?22:33
conaljrib: i'm trying to see what fonts i have.22:33
caleb_budzOr: I need to generate keys and stuff22:33
retro_!x > retro_22:33
ubotturetro_, please see my private message22:33
jj_galvezxintruder: Brasero will do it22:33
jarcohello guys. does anyone knows the command to start ispconfig control panel on an ubuntu server?22:33
TTilusxintruder: just right click iso image and select burn?22:33
Jack_Sparrowxintruder right click iso and send to disk22:34
YaroMan86Does anyone know of any program that can shuffle music onto a USB drive?22:34
xintruderok thanks22:34
af-72WAAHHHHHH ubuntu.22:34
dubbyhey anyone know when network-manager-pptp is going to be fixed22:34
budz0rcaleb_, it did that for me, if you need to do it yourself i'm not sure22:34
InitMassi have recorded a screencast with recordmydesktop. the video is delayed so the sound isn't synced with it. how do i avoid this when recording? if it's not possible, how do i fix this with ffmpeg? video and audio get progressively less in sync as the video gets longer.22:34
larrywell i have no clue quess i will try some other way to use it or somthing22:34
jribconal: xlsfonts, or do you want something else?22:34
Darwin-caleb_, http://www.eth0.us/keys22:34
GreenDeltajrib: sry, but often i think noone was reading my questions so i post them from time to time, hoping anybody will read them22:34
Linuxnoob100okay i found that i have a problem with my mounted external harddrive... every file is permission denied and i cant make any new folders22:34
dubbyubuntu is the only OS I have that its pptp vpn does not work22:34
conaljrib: and then xfontsel to see what they look like?22:35
jribGreenDelta: ok, but does what I said answer your question?22:35
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 try gksudo nautilus and see if you can create a folder22:35
GreenDeltajrib: ähm, not really. how exactly do i do this with fdi files?22:35
jribGreenDelta: it's explained in ubottu's link.  Poke me if you're not sure what to do after reading it22:36
Linuxnoob100jack: I cant because i have no internet on the box22:36
jribikyn: what exactly are you trying to install?22:36
* YaroMan86 gives up. No one is answering his question.22:37
GreenDeltajrib: first: which one link? ubottu gave me 2 links, one about the IRC Code of Cunduct and one about X Server Resolutions... but my prob is the touchpad not the monitor :P22:37
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 what does gksudo nautilus need the internet for?22:37
TTilusLinuxnoob100: you dont need internet to 'gksudo nautilus'22:37
ikynjrib: iw22:37
conalwhat i'm really trying to figure out (aside from learning my way around linux & ubuntu) is how to enter greek characters in Inkscape.22:37
jribconal: sure.  There's probably some 'more modern' program to view fonts too.  See https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/19389722:37
ikynjrib: iw-0.9.622:37
ubottuYou should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»22:37
conaljrib: i hope so.  haven't found it by googling yet.22:38
TTilusLinuxnoob100: gksudo promotes to root privileges and runs nautilus which is the filemanager for gnome22:38
oskar-conal:  interesting plan, i'll try it here ;)22:38
Linuxnoob100it keeps saying gksudo isnt installed and i need to apt-get install22:38
TTilusLinuxnoob100: oookay, try sudo nautilus22:38
TTilusLinuxnoob100: sudo should be there22:38
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 do NOT use sudo nautilus22:38
jribconal: well you could use system -> preferences -> appearance -> fonts22:39
TTilusLinuxnoob100: it does the same but password prompt isnt as fancy ;)22:39
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 you are on hde?  kdesu22:39
GreenDeltajrib: i think u sent the wrong link...22:39
Linuxnoob100it said command not found22:39
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 which flavor of ubuntu22:39
conaljrib: that seems to work.  i hadn't thought of opening up the font-choice widgets.   thanks.22:39
Jack_Sparrowkubuntu perhaps or xubuntu22:39
Linuxnoob100server 8.0422:39
jribGreenDelta: sure, just https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/ (Input device Configuration)22:39
rlt!gksudo | TTilus: no, it doesn't do the same22:40
ubottuTTilus: no, it doesn't do the same: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:40
jribconal: gnome-specimen turns up in apt too22:40
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 ok, so no gui and no gksudo22:40
oskar-conal:  it works here: i have set the keyboard layout to greek and used "bitstream vera sans" in inkscape. (this is gentoo; maybe installing the greek language support may help also)22:40
GreenDeltajrib: thx. no its the right one :) (the link before was about screen res...)22:41
GreenDeltajrib: *now22:41
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 you will need to set permissions on that partition/mount or use sudo which could come back to haunt you later22:41
jribGreenDelta: yep, you are right22:41
conaljrib: i'll check it out.22:41
d_dyerhello,i just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 from 8.04,the problem i am have is in 8.04 i could  enable Normal Visual Effects with no problems but with 8.10 it is telling me that it could not be complete,is there a way i can fix this?Do i need a display driver? if so could you please tell me how to do this.22:41
jribikyn: I have no idea what iw is.  Link?22:41
Linuxnoob100all i need to do is back up that tar with all of my itunes... then im formatting all my disks and doing a clean install22:41
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 then sudo mv it22:42
conaloskar-: wow.  i didn't know about alternative keyboard layouts.  nice trick.22:42
oskar-conal:  you can change them per application on the fly with this plugin (don't know the english name for it)22:42
TTilusJack_Sparrow: ah, the conf issue, but is it really limited to gui apps only?22:43
Linuxnoob100okay i did "sudo mv nefilesxxxxx.tar /wdext" and now its doing the dumb thing where i can type but it doesent do crap and i have to restart the server oO22:43
conaloskar-: which plugin?22:43
Melikhow can i remove vmware?22:43
Melikvmware workstation*22:44
TTilusLinuxnoob100, Jack_Sparrow: uhh, how about sudo cp instead of sudo mv22:44
jribMelik: depends on how you installed it22:44
TTilusMelik: doesnt it have uninstaller?22:45
Darwin-TTilus, not a bad idea, sudo cp -pR would work22:45
Linuxnoob100ill run it right when my server gets loaded back up22:45
oskar-conal:  a panel plugin for keyboard settings. its icon is composed of flags, and in the panel it is showing up with a 2 or 3 letter language code. does anyone know the english name? ;-)22:45
MelikTTilus, i did sudo apt-get remove vmware-workstation22:45
Melikand i get this > Removing vmware-workstation ...22:45
Melik[: 9: Illegal number: remove22:45
Melikdpkg - warning: while removing vmware-workstation, directory `/usr/share/doc/vmware-workstation' not empty so not removed.22:45
FloodBot2Melik: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:46
oskar-conal:  Keyboard Indicator22:46
Darwin-Melik, sudo apt-get purge vmware-workstation22:46
jangellCan someone tell me what is wrong with these iptables rules (very simple) http://pastebin.ca/1274244    I want to drop all traffic to and from that except for ssh.22:46
nomikei have problems with rhythmbox/gstreamer. rythmbox gives me the following output in debug mode where lines 467f look interesting to me...22:46
conaloskar-: thanks!22:47
=== caleb_ is now known as calebh
nomikeany ideas?22:47
ott0sometimes in gnome i can't input text into an application anymore. minimizing and then maximizing the application fixes it so i can input again. does anyone know how to resolve this?22:47
vcrdis there any way to mame a virtual driver so i can play dvd's on my cd-rom22:47
jj_galvezhow do I change my network settings from dhcp to static?22:48
GreenDeltajrib: ok i changed my /etc/hal/fdi/policy/shmconfig.fdi to this: http://nopaste.biz/57414 but it does still not work.22:48
jribGreenDelta: did you restart hal and X?22:48
GreenDeltahow to restart hal? (i restarted X with Ctrl+Alt+Backspace)22:49
Darwin-iptables -A INPUT -s IP_to_allow -d Local_ip -j ACCEPT jangell22:49
jribGreenDelta: invoke-rc.d hal restart22:49
GreenDeltajrib: sry i forgot to poke you22:49
GreenDeltajrib: :P22:49
conaloskar-: worked!!  :) :)22:49
jangellDarwin-: got it already thanks22:49
oskar-conal:  cool22:50
Linuxnoob100TTilus: how would i do the cp command if i wanted to move filex.tar to /wdext?22:50
louisesorry buddy cdrom's cannot read a dvd the hardware cant do it22:51
oskar-Linuxnoob100:  then you want to use the "mv" command ;)22:51
Linuxnoob100oskar-: I tried that like 30 times and was told to use the CP command now :( im soo lost all i want to do is move a file lol22:51
=== Update_Manager is now known as omgDELL
amikropHello. I use gFTP to connect to an FTP site. I fill "Host", "User" and "Pass", and from the messages I judge it goes well (connect, login, etc). But it sticks to "Retrieving filenames...".22:52
amikropLike forever.22:52
aneqrsLinuxnoob100: can't you use Nautilus, the graphical explorer-like file manager?22:52
amikropAny help, please?22:52
scurlhello, i cut some images from a sd card, and while copying them to an external hdd, my computer froze and i had to restart, now is there a way i can recover the photos, because they don't show up on either the sd card or the external hdd22:53
Linuxnoob100im using ubuntu server22:53
gnutronLinuxnoob100: mv /full/path/filetomove   /path/to/targetdir22:53
louiseanybody dealt successfully with the crazy screen fonts in xubuntu 8.1 ?22:53
amikropExcuse me, it's: "Receiving file names...".22:53
Linuxnoob100is ther a way to display my file tree that im in?22:53
oskar-Linuxnoob100:  yes, type "pwd"22:53
gnutronLinuxnoob100: mv moves and also renames files and dirs.22:53
rltLinuxnoob100: pwd (mnemonic: Print Working Directory)22:53
gnutronLinuxnoob100: tree22:54
conaloften when i use Tracker, it doesn't find anything.  i enter a common word, hit "Find", and get back "Your search returned no results".  when it works, it's great, but often it doesn't.  any ideas?22:54
Linuxnoob100its not that i have the directory wrong22:54
Linuxnoob100i dont have permission on the external drive22:55
yaccI'm trying to build linuxwacom 0.8.1 on Intrepid but it refuses to rebuild the kernel module, any idea?22:55
hb"The angle of depression from the top of one building to the foot of a building across the street is 63 degrees.  The angel of depression to the top of the same building is 33 degrees.  The two buildings are 40' apart.  What is the height of the shorter building?"  Advice on how to solve this is welcome.  (not looking for an answer)22:56
rlt!ot | hb22:56
ubottuhb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:56
hbgod dammit sorry22:56
rlthb: no problem, I do it sometimes too >.>22:56
hbwrong channel again :/22:56
GreenDeltajrib: ok after restarting X AND hal it works, but at first the EdgeScroll feature is still activated, allthough i deactivated it in the fdi as youve seen. second its not working thaat great. is there any possibility to make it smoothier?22:57
yacchb: look at the trig functions :-P22:57
yacchb: you did say you are not looking for a solution :-P22:57
=== Mustinet is now known as Mstnt
jribGreenDelta: don't know about that22:58
hband i'm not22:58
scurli guess what i'm asking is, does ubuntu store the files that are "cut" somewhere, so that if there's a reboot while pasting, they can be recovered?22:58
gnutronhb: triangulation, google is your friend22:58
hbI know the values of the trig functions by heart22:59
Udontuis there a compizhelp channel?22:59
hbit's how to apply that that i'm a little lost on.  and seeing as how this is not a trig channel i'm stop now :)22:59
jribUdontu: enabling or configuring?22:59
omgDELLHello all, Hmmm... I have been running Ubuntu happily for years, but suddenly my monitor shutoff... I rebooted, and then the screen only shows lowest resolution (hint: nvidia driver is not being loaded because the vid card is not present ;)     anyone know what cmd to use to find out the name of the current video  being used? (onboard vid vs nvidia)22:59
GreenDeltajrib: ok, but anyway, thousand thanks to you for your help and keept it on going!! u do perfect work here :)22:59
calebhwhat is the trig channel22:59
xintruderis my processor 64bit? intel duo t9300 centrino22:59
hb#math :)23:00
Udontujrib; enabling23:00
hbcalebh they're great for this stuff23:00
gnutronUdontu: #compiz-fusion23:00
yacchb: tan(33) * 40' compare it with tan(63) * 40', but that's only a guestimate.23:00
louiselinuxnoob100 you have all the info to work it out using only the factors of the short building, the angle , the length of the right angle triangle etc23:00
rltxintruder: core duo or core 2 duo?23:00
jribUdontu: system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects23:00
rltxintruder: because no and yes, respectively23:00
jribGreenDelta: no problem and thanks :)23:00
hbyacc: you're going to get my into trouble23:00
xintruderrlt: i donno, its assus lamborghini vx3 laptop23:01
calebhhb: if you don't understand trig, watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F21S9Wpi0y8&feature=channel23:01
Puritydoes anyone know how to make a live usb?23:01
yacchb: What for?23:01
Udontujrib: It doest appair there. Running 8.10 on a Eee pc.23:01
=== wubo_ is now known as wubo
wake_hi all. I have installed apache2 with apt-get on my ubuntu box. my router is forwarding its IP to that computer and the firewall (ufw and router firewall) are deactivated. but still noone but me (on localhost) can access the website it is serving.. what gets?23:01
ardchoille!remaster | Purity23:01
ubottuPurity: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility23:01
hbdon't know just don't want the sysops getting angry for talking about nonubuntu :)23:01
jribUdontu: you do not have a "visual effects" tab in system -> preferences -> appearance?23:02
rltxintruder: I just looked up the CPU on newegg. It's 64bit.23:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:02
xintruderrlt: ok thanks23:02
hbcalebh, i'll have to watch it l8r.  i'm at school right now23:02
yaccWell, nobody answers my ubuntu questions, so let's talk about something else :-PPPP23:02
wake_help please :(23:02
robb_myacc: patience23:02
robb_mwake_, same response to you23:03
yaccI'm frustrated because my Tablet PC does not work.23:03
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
gavagai How do I make my laptop shut down ALWAYS when I close the lid?  It is pretty ridiculous that if I have Transmission or VLC open, they by default prevent the computer going to sleep.  i just pulled a molten laptop out of my bag.23:03
Linuxnoob100I get permission denied when i try to move a file to/from my external hard drive. What should I do?23:03
dekkongHello! My firefox keeps crashing and after that my computer is really slow :(23:03
Udontujrib: Yes. I had it compiz working in 8.04. Iv downloaded from synaptics.23:03
gavagaithe default suspend behavior is compeltely retarded23:03
robb_myacc:if nobody knows...then nobody will answer ;)23:04
jribLinuxnoob100: what filesystem23:04
jribUdontu: yes you have the tab?  Or yes you don't have it?23:04
robb_mdekkong, tried running firefox through your terminal to see what errors throw out?23:04
gnutronwake_: your httpd.conf or equivalent file needs the WAN address entry is my guess look in /etc/apache2/23:04
Linuxnoob100jrib: how do i check?23:04
Udontujrib: I have the tab.23:04
jribLinuxnoob100: is it mounted?23:04
robb_mdekkong, its pretty handy when applications go crazy....23:04
jribUdontu: that's compiz.  If you want extra configuration, see ubottu:23:04
jrib!ccsm | Udontu23:05
ubottuUdontu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:05
louiseLinuxnoob100 the square root of a2+b2=c2  on a right angle triangle any missing factors are worked out using sin cos tan :)23:05
robb_m!terminal | dekkong23:05
Linuxnoob100jrib: yes i can mkdir in it also, i just cant transfer files23:05
ubottudekkong: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal23:05
dekkongrobb_m: sry it does not crash but it freezes23:05
robb_mdekkong, it still might help to run it in terminal, just to see whats up?23:05
jribLinuxnoob100: pastebin the output of the command: mount23:05
Linuxnoob100louise: i didnt ask that question23:05
louiselol sorry23:05
wake_gnutron: what is a wan adress? there doesn't seem to be anything inside /etc/apache2/httpd.conf23:05
dekkongrobb_m: yeah.. my guess it's the flash thing23:05
Linuxnoob100jrib: i have no network connectivity on that box :(23:05
Linuxnoob100jrib: I can run the command but not pastebin23:06
henkewhat's the easiest way to append some higher version when compinling a source package with dpkg-buildpackage, so the resulting package will be preferred over the repository version?23:06
jribLinuxnoob100: mount should tell you the filesystem23:06
badboyshy all ...23:06
Udontujrib: Thank you23:06
robb_mdekkong, possibly, flash does have its issues.....23:06
rlt!pin | henke: not sure, but this might be helpful23:07
ubottuhenke: not sure, but this might be helpful: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto23:07
dekkongrobb_m: I'm thinking of starting to use Seamonkey :D23:07
shivwhen I type a URL in firefox its not taking me to the new URL but to the last visited page. Any clue why this new behavior?23:07
Linuxnoob100jrib: vfat23:07
gnutronwake_: that would be the ip on the internet side of your router if applicable.23:07
jribhenke: dch -i    That will increment the version.  I would add "~henke1" or similar too so that a *new* repo version gets preferred23:07
robb_mdekkong, dont give up on firefox that easy bud :P23:07
gavagaiI have ubuntu set up to suspend when the laptop closes.  This is normal behavior of course, but it is USELESS since any stupid program seems able to stop the suspend.  the default torrent client prevents the computer from suspending.  vlc stops it from suspending.  i've had my laptop sit frying in my bag about three times now.  how can i make suspend to what it is actually supposed to do?23:07
badboysIm sorry but i have a big problem. I Would like to install ubuntu 7.10 on my computer old, and i have message ( initramfs ) ... What is the problem ?23:07
dekkongrobb_m:  :D :D23:07
henkejrib: thanks, that's what I want23:08
wake_gnutron: I see. Do I just add that IP in a httpd.conf file?23:08
yaccOk, it's cool, Intrepid detects my Tablet when the kernel has the right driver, but it does not detect the eraser nor the button on the pen :(23:08
gnutronwake_:  if your server is your current ip you use now.23:08
jribLinuxnoob100: what command do you run and what output do you get when you try to copy a file?23:09
wake_gnutron: I think it should be :S23:09
gnutronwake_: read the file, it should be apparent or check at http://apache.org for details.23:09
Moe|Joehey, can anyone help me with a NTFS drive on ubunty?23:09
badboysPlz help me with my problem : initramfs23:09
Jack_Sparrowbadboys # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"23:10
wake_gnutron: ok. Thank you :)23:10
=== l337h4l_ is now known as l337h4l
gnutronwake_: you're welcome, best of luck.23:10
Moe|Joei got an external HDD which is formatted to NTFS and it as stuff on it, when i connect it to windows/OSX, works fine, but when i connect to Ubuntum, it dont seem to show the files thats on the harddrive23:10
Moe|Joebut it shows how much has been used23:10
Jack_Sparrowbadboys if on a Dell or HP, burn the ISO at a very slow speed.. yes, even if it test fine23:11
wake_gnutron: one thing I don't understand though.. why does my router tell me the public IP is while other places I'm told it looks like
ShakedownI'm trying to copy a directory of music from one folder to another, like 'cp Band/ ../../Music' and I keep getting the result 'cp: omitting directory 'Band/'.  How do I do it then?23:11
RomanaMentalisHow can I back up an image of my ubuntu server remotely such that if a crash occurrs I can simply copy this image to a hard drive and it would be a full, functional backup of my server?23:11
henkejrib: it increments to ubuntu2, no user name, It should do what I need though23:11
Jack_Sparrowbadboys Did you do what I said23:11
radicalboyHello people! can anybody help me?23:11
jribhenke: you want to add "~henke1" yourself23:11
scurli guess what i'm asking is, does ubuntu store the files that are "cut" somewhere, so that if there's a reboot while pasting, they can be recovered?23:12
wake_gnutron: nevermind... ill figure it out. thanks again23:12
Linuxnoob100jrib: 'mv /home/myusername/netfilesxxxxx.tar /wdext' OUTPUT: mv: cannot create regular file '/wdext/netfilesxxxxx.tar' : Permission denied23:12
badboys<Jack_Sparrow> It's not a Dell or HP. And i have all ready test "noapic acpi=off". so dont work23:12
shivwhen I type a URL in firefox its not taking me to the new URL but to the last visited page. Any clue why this new behavior?23:12
rltmc44: !ask | radicalboy23:12
jribLinuxnoob100: touch /wdext/touch_test23:12
Jack_Sparrowbadboys do a search for your hardware and ubuntu and see what others have run accross23:12
radicalboyI can't download ntfs-3g! I tried setting up my second hard disk without it, but it's only read23:12
gnutronLinuxnoob100: i think your destination path is incorrect.23:13
Purityhey guys i need a video driver and i cant find it anyone wanna help?23:13
jribscurl: I doubt it23:13
Linuxnoob100jrib: cannot touch: permission denied23:13
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy 3g should be installed.23:13
radicalboythis is my fstab: /dev/hdb1 /media/Dados ntfs defaults,auto,user,umask=000,gid=46 0 023:13
jribLinuxnoob100: ls -ld /wdext23:13
radicalboyi use ubuntu 6.0623:13
radicalboymy machine is older23:13
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy 3g should be installed. how are you trying to mount the ntfs drive23:13
scurljrib : so, would i have any option of recovering files that seem to have disappeared during a cut and paste?23:13
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy fyi if ubuntu sees an error it will mount as read only23:13
Linuxnoob100jrib: drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 32768 2008-12-02 16:57 /wdext23:14
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy 6.06 isnt a prob.  I was with ub back then23:14
jribscurl: I doubt it.  At least I don't see a way23:14
badboys<Jack_Sparrow> What ? Im sorry, i dont undersand, what you would said23:14
henkejrib: what's the preferred way of adding that?23:14
radicalboyi can't make it read and writable?23:14
Jack_Sparrowbadboys do a search for your hardware and ubuntu and see what others have run across with your hardware23:14
jribLinuxnoob100: how are you mounting this partition?  In fstab?  If so, with what options?23:14
radicalboyI can format it in linux to be a fat32 drive?23:14
scurljrib: hmm...oh well, thanks for responding!23:14
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy yes you can23:14
badboys<Jack_Sparrow> Just for information : I can install kunbut server normaly23:14
jribhenke: when you run 'dch -i', your editor should open up to the changelog.  Just add "~henke1" to the end of the version there23:15
gnutronLinuxnoob100: that is owned by root, you need 'sudo mv'23:15
henkejrib: oh, it takes the version from the changelog?23:15
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy 3g properly installed or use fat32, it is native to linux and windows23:15
jribhenke: yep23:15
badboys<Jack_Sparrow> How to do ?23:15
Linuxnoob100jrib: i did "sudo mount  /dev/sdc1 /wdext"23:15
henkejrib: aha, thanks23:15
RomanaMentaliscan you save a full backup image of a server while it's running?23:15
radicalboybut i can't use 3g23:15
azog1anyone having problems with the snd-hda-intel module after upgrading to 2.6.27-9?23:15
radicalboyi tried download it23:15
dekkongHello anyone in here running ubuntu tweak?23:15
MaXXXXHi all, I have a problem in mkv playback... in VLC i the rightside of the video is not shown (about 40%)... and in totom I get sigfault... googled alot but nothing helped... any ideas!23:16
Jack_Sparrowbadboys Install kubuntu server, then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop23:16
RootyHi, everytime I try to connect to a server to download updates, it crawls to a stop and I can't update any software. Any ideas?23:16
jribLinuxnoob100: you want to use some options, so your user can write.  See ubottu (feel free to ask me if you're not sure what to do after reading what he sends you):23:16
kephuhey, I'm about to set up a VM with ubuntu server on it - I was wondering, what's the optimal disk size for ubuntu+LAMP?23:16
jrib!vfat > Linuxnoob10023:16
ubottuLinuxnoob100, please see my private message23:16
pckchemRooty, Have you tried an alternative mirror to provide software?23:16
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy How did you try to dl it?23:16
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. See !lts for more details.23:16
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.23:17
henkejrib: I'm guessing I don't need the ubuntu2 part then, just my own addition23:17
Rootypickchem: through software sources?23:17
Purityhey guys i need a video driver and i cant find it anyone wanna help?23:17
badboys<Jack_Sparrow> Ok thank, and normaly it's install new ubuntu23:17
badboys7.10 ?23:17
radicalboyJack_Sparrow, sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g23:17
jribhenke: leave that.  That indicates it has ubuntu-specific modifications outside of debian23:17
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy I was looking to see if Dapper had reached end of life23:18
Rootywait: the main server seems to be working......23:18
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy I take it it didnt find it?23:18
radicalboyJack_Sparrow, should i update it to 6.10 and then to 7.10?23:18
radicalboyno, i didnt find23:19
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy you are due for fresher install..23:19
kephuI mean, how much disk space does ubuntu server need?23:19
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy have you used it all this time?23:19
radicalboyi installed it yesterday23:19
Stavroswhy would / not appear in df -h?23:19
pckchemRooty, Sort of. For example my school mirrors us.archive.ubuntu.com at xxx.myschool.edu23:19
radicalboyi can't install 8.0423:19
greghereI cant start my gnome desktop, I can boot into the KDE desktop, Failsafe Gnome desktop ok.23:19
Rootypickchem: THanks - the main server worked....... My local uni (and several others) weren't working. Funny23:20
pckchemRooty, Ubuntu's servers tend to get hammered after updates, and problems happen23:20
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy 7.04 feisty was nice23:20
radicalboymy machine is: 450mhz, RAM 256mb, Harddisk 2x 10GB, VGA GeForce4 64mb23:20
xintruderi need help, how to run ie.exe in vista ?23:20
Rootypckchem: ahhh. That's whats happening then.23:20
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy ah.. you need lighter as well23:20
Jack_Sparrowxintruder Please stop, you dont run ie in ubuntu23:20
jribxintruder: ask ##windows23:21
radicalboyI read 6.10 has ntfs-eg23:21
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy perhaps xubuntu23:21
pckchemRooty, It happens. Glad to know everythings A-OK. There are lists of mirrors online if you ever want to change your sources.23:21
gregherexintruder, call Microsoft 1800 642 00823:21
radicalboyxubuntu? what version?23:21
przemcioleave it23:21
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy I would go to feisty over edgy23:21
przemcioon my notebook 7.10 is the best23:22
Jack_Sparrowgreghere was that prefix not "666"23:22
MaXXXXHi all, I have a problem in mkv playback... in VLC i the rightside of the video is not shown (about 40%)... and in totom I get sigfault... googled alot but nothing helped... any ideas!23:22
greghereJack_Sparrow, depends if you want to talk to "Bill"23:22
xintruderis dapper the latest name of the ubuntu version?23:23
radicalboyhow i can format it to be a fat3223:23
SJrXlol no23:23
geniixintruder: No23:23
Jack_Sparrowradicalboy I would leave your ntfs as read only until you upgrade your distro, create a fat32 if you need to pass filers to windows23:23
SJrXIT's Intrepid Ibex23:23
rltxintruder: no. latest is intrepid23:23
SJrXDapper is a LONG time old23:23
Jack_SparrowSJrX but still lts supported23:23
geniixintruder: Dapper is from June 2006 eg: 6.0623:23
SJrXDapper Drake, Feighsty Fawn, Gutsy Gibbon, Hardy Herron, Intrepid Ibex23:24
Rootypckchem: Thanks!23:24
SJrXJack_Sparrow yeah that doesn't make it not old23:24
greghereHow do I uninstall/reinstall Gnome desktop?23:24
Jack_SparrowSJrX agreed23:24
SJrXLTS just means security updates, the actual packages don't seem to change drastically23:24
Jack_SparrowSJrX exactly23:24
SJrXI got rid of my dapper box a few weeks ago, since I was tired of PHP 5.1.423:24
geniiSJrX: Well, there are some backports as well.23:24
Jack_SparrowSJrX the user has no issues with 6.06 other than wanting to write to ntfs drive23:25
SJrXDon't get me wrong, I wouldn't say they should move forward with every release23:25
SJrXbut I don't see any benefit in staying with an older LTS release23:25
Jack_SparrowSJrX A topic more suited to offtopic23:25
Houksi-good evening23:25
rltSJrX: "if it ain't broken, don't fix it", i'd guess =/23:25
SJrXHow is it OT?23:26
arun_how bad is xubuntu 8.10 compared to ubuntu 8.10?23:26
zimbresI have an open window that does not close with a mouse click, i have already killed the program that generated this window and it is still there, how do i close it?23:26
rltarun_: it's not, it's just different23:26
Jack_SparrowSJrX If you were reading, he cannot get the newer buntus to install on his 450 mhz with limited ram23:26
SJrXHmmmm, I wasn't advising an upgrade, I just answered, and was talking with someone.23:26
arun_i hav only 256mb ram.which one should i use23:26
Giraffehey, i'm trying to get wireless working on my hp pavilion tx2000 with 8.10 installed.  the restricted drivers don't work, and ndiswrapper seems to be uncooperative23:26
Jack_SparrowSJrX ot as in discussion, not support23:26
Giraffewhat should i do?23:26
rltarun_: xubuntu, probably23:27
Houksi-how i remove program / daemon from runlevel list? seems like i have ghost there23:27
SJrXAh okay, that's fine Jack_Sparrow23:27
arun_then whats the difference23:27
rltarun_: xubuntu uses xfce and more lightweight packages. ubuntu uses gnome.23:27
SJrXarun_ what did you want to do with it23:27
Jack_Sparrowarun_ remember to look at the video, are you SHARING your ram with the video23:27
david_sry cps23:27
ActionParsniprlt: arun_: you can use gnome + fluxbox for lightness23:28
m1dn1ghtdavid_: Have you installed the restricted extras package?23:28
genii!medibuntu | david_23:28
ubottudavid_: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:28
arun_ya i am sharing23:28
greghereAnyone know how to uninstall/reinstall gnome desktop environment23:28
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:28
geniiJack_Sparrow: Heh, too many answers too late for that fellow....23:28
Jack_Sparrowgenii he will be right back, he was warned before23:28
arun_i have only 256mb ram in which around 8mb shared for graphics.is it enough for xubuntu 8.10?23:29
Houksi-is there workaround to remove daemon from runlevel list, cause seems like i have ghostdaemon there :D or sysv-rc-conf shows?23:29
LaQuirrELLhello room23:29
slaytonarun_, that should be enough23:29
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:29
SJr|Workarun_ what do you want to do with the box?23:29
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD23:29
arun_what do you meant by box?23:30
Jack_Sparrowarun_ PC = box23:30
gilsterhello. anyone ever use eAAC+ encoding in ubuntu? I want to rip cd's m4a with that FAAC compression. I know how to do it CLI but i want some gui.23:30
SJr|Workarun_ is this a desktop, server?23:30
gnutronHouksi-: install rcconf and run as root in a terminal, it seems to work quite well.23:30
greghereAnyone know how to uninstall/reinstall Gnome?23:30
ActionParsniparun_: id run fluxbox / xfce for lightness, ram is cheap though :)23:30
zachbX keeps crashing on me. The only lead is something like "Received signal 11: aborting"23:30
zachb(not an exact quote)23:30
Giraffeuhm, does anyone know anything about getting wi-fi working?23:30
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »23:30
arun_what is fluxbox?23:30
m1dn1ghtarun_: I think minimum ram is 192meg...23:31
Darwin-greghere, sudo apt-get remove libgnome-2.023:31
SJr|WorkMy guess would be that except for KDE 4, most anything should run on there fine. You can try the light weight onces like xfce or fluxbox.23:31
slaytongreghere, what is your problem?  you can boot to a cli and run: sudo apt-get remove gnome-core then sudo apt-get install gnome-core23:31
SJr|Workarun_ it's a windows manager23:31
LaQuirrELLi am having a problem with my internet connection on my other machine.  My router died and now i need to connect to the net w/o it  but i can't connect.  What do i need to change to get back online with just my nic card?23:31
ActionParsnip!fluxbox | arun_23:31
ubottuarun_: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox23:31
m1dn1ghtarun_: Or go with fluxbox...but 256 should be enough for xubuntu23:31
greghereslayton, I cant boot into gnome23:31
SJr|Workarun_ if you are on a cable modem, there is nothing stopping you from switching between ubuntu/xubuntu/kubuntu23:31
slaytongreghere, then re=installing it probably won't fix your problem23:32
arun_fluxbox is an os like xubuntu???23:32
m1dn1ghtarun_: You should ask at #xubuntu23:32
slaytongreghere, what is wrong with gnome? What error messages do you get?23:32
ActionParsniparun_: its a window manager, the default window manager for ubuntu is metacity23:32
slaytonarun_, NO fluxbox is the Graphical environment that runs ontop of linux23:32
ActionParsniparun_: the default in kde is kwin23:32
m1dn1ghtarun_: fluxbox is just a display manager, like gnome in ubuntu or kde in kubuntu....flux is very lightweight23:32
Jack_Sparrowarun_   Look at this..  http://xwinman.org/23:32
ActionParsnipm1dn1ght: those are desktop environments, fluxbox is a window manager23:33
ircdclfluxbox is ok but its not for noobs23:33
bluxno, it is a window manager like gnome or kde23:33
Houksi-gnutron: oki, seems like i had buggy program cause sysv-rc-conf shows it and rcconf doesnt23:33
greghereslayton, I dont get any error messages because I cant see anything, its all grey, void, blanc!23:33
ActionParsnipblux: gnome and kde are desktop environments, you can run kde + fluxbox. by default its kde + kwin23:33
arun_before installing fluxbox i need to choose whether xubuntu or ubuntu.right?23:33
ActionParsnipblux: and default gnome + metacity23:34
gnutronHouksi-: try BUM its gui, that might work, or you need invoke.rc.d from the command line.23:34
greghereslayton, I can boot into KDE fine, Gnome Failsafe, fine, Gnome :(23:34
metbsdso i heard that linux laptops see 4x returns compared to windows,is that true?23:34
bluxok :)23:34
ActionParsniparun_: you could install ubuntu, then sudo apt-get install fluxbox and change your session type to fluxbox, same apps, lighter frontend23:34
Houksi-gnutron: well... this is server so no gui coming ;)23:34
arun_then what software will be replaced by fluxbox?23:35
greghereslayton, funny thing is that I inadvertently rolled the mouse wheel and Compiz Fusion desktop cube rotated!23:35
slaytongreghere, hm... try this: sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop23:35
stygiani accidentally deleted the systray thing where pidgin should minimize to, how do i get it back?23:35
ActionParsniparun_: you will have all the gnome apps, just that you will use them via fluxbox instead of metacity23:35
slaytongreghere, funny...23:35
stygiangreghere: that happens if you roll it fast enough23:35
gnutronHouksi-: man invoke.rc.d  is the best I can do.23:36
greghereslayton, have done that already at least eight times :(23:36
slaytongreghere, try in #gnome they might now how to fix your problems23:36
ActionParsnipstygian: right click taskbar -> add item. I think its called task manager23:36
Houksi-gnutron: ok thank you :)23:36
arun_then what about edubuntu and other things?23:36
przemciohey, is anyone here have some exp with aircrack?23:37
ActionParsniparun_: its the same OS, just different apps installed by default23:37
Jack_Sparrowarun_ stick with ubuntu, kubuntu or xubuntu23:37
greghereslayton if I boot into "gnome failsafe" is there any way I can edit the .gconf file?23:37
przemcioI need some help...23:37
zimbresI have an open window that does not close with a mouse click, i have already killed the program that generated this window and it is still there, how do i close it?23:37
stygianActionParsnip: nothing called task manager, tray, system tray, nada23:37
slaytongreghere, if you can boot into KDE then you can edit the file from there... or just press CNTL ALT F1 to go to a terminal and edit it from there with vi or nano23:37
gnutronzimbres: try alt-f423:37
ActionParsnipzimbres: i'd try ps -ef | grep <something> and see if its still running23:37
arun_whats the difference between killing a program and ending a program?23:38
ActionParsnipstygian: app list?23:38
greghereI was told to do a rm- gconf something or other...23:38
marko-_--zimbres, go to a terminal and type in "ps -e | grep nameofprogram23:38
Tomassoim not able to restore the bootloader23:38
marko-_--then kill the pid with kill -9 PID23:38
ActionParsniparun_: not much, if anything23:38
slaytonzimbres, if you have killed the program then the window wouldn't be there make sure you got the name right23:38
Tomassoi installed windows over23:38
Tomassoi followed all steps in the docs for restoring, but couldnt make it work23:38
ActionParsnip!grub | Tomasso23:38
ubottuTomasso: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:38
Linuxnoob100does this look right? mv netfilesxxxxx.tar /wdext23:39
greghereslayton, if I do the alt-ctrl-f1 thing I cant see what Im typing because its off the bottom of the screen23:39
stygianActionParsnip: only "Run application" and "Window list"23:39
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 man mv23:39
arun_how can i do md5 checksum in ubuntu before writing xubuntu.iso?23:39
ActionParsnipLinuxnoob100: that will move that tar file to /wdext23:39
Linuxnoob100okay goo23:39
ActionParsnipstygian: ahh, window list !!23:39
rltarun_: md5sum filename.iso23:39
slaytongreghere, really? thats weird23:39
ActionParsnipstygian: and shazam23:39
slaytongreghere, can you boot into kde?23:39
greghereslayton, I have booted to the "failsafe gnome" desktop, can you help me now?23:40
slaytongreghere, can you open a terminal?23:40
Linuxnoob100when i do that the command gets executed but then i can type stuff in and nothing happens in response to it23:40
greghereslayton, yes23:40
jribLinuxnoob100: did you get a new prompt?  It's probably still moving23:40
slaytongreghere, then open a terminal and delete the desired file23:40
slaytongreghere, I'm not sure what kind of help you're asking for/ need23:41
greghereslayton, ok, what file would that be and how do I delete it?23:41
Linuxnoob100jrib: no, it moves by its self, i dont see a percentage thing or anything just the flashing _?23:41
slaytongreghere, you tell me you told me you wanted to delete a .gconf file23:41
slaytonif you want to delete .gconf then run: rm ~/.gconf23:42
jribLinuxnoob100: what do you mean "it moves by itself"?  mv has no progress bar.  Do you get a new prompt "linuxnoob@ubuntu$ " or whatever23:42
Linuxnoob100no i dont23:42
Jack_Sparrowgreghere To Reset All of Gnome: http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/       In terminal type:         rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity23:42
jribLinuxnoob100: then it's still moving.  How big is the file?23:42
greghereslayton, about five days ago someone told me to do a re~ .gconf.bak del gconf or something like that23:42
zimbresslaytanic, Why the name of the program did not appear in the top list?23:42
slaytongreg__, ^ Jack_Sparrow's comment23:42
zimbresslayton, , Why the name of the program did not appear in the top list?23:42
slaytongreghere, ^ Jack_Sparrow's comment23:43
slaytonzimbres, you probably spelled it wrong23:43
Linuxnoob100jrib: i meant like; is it moving if i dont see anything and i cant type into the prompt? but you answered my questoion by saying there is no progress bar; thanks :D23:43
Jack_SparrowLinuxnoob100 is the drive light on23:43
douglI have just installed kubuntu 8.10 - is compiz enabled by default after I install nvidia drivers?23:43
ActionParsnipJack_Sparrow:  greghere: id use mv instead of rm so you can roll back23:43
Linuxnoob100yes its a mybook its always on:D23:43
Zopiachow well does Ubuntu support IceWM?23:44
meoblast001how do i tell mingw to look for lib and include in /usr/i586-mingw32-msvc rather than /usr ?23:44
ActionParsnipdougl: you need video drivers. compiz is not default23:44
gilsterso anyone ever use eAAC+ compression encoding/?23:44
Linuxnoob100it took 10 minutes to tar it. im going to go eat and come back in 15 if its still moving im going to pour water on my mobo, brb afk23:44
slaytonmeoblast001, put /usr/i586-mingw32-msvc in your path before /usr23:45
greghereActionParsnip, I really have no idea what I'm doing :(23:45
arun_when i take youtube it shows missing plugin flashplayer.after installing from the browser itself it restarts and says missing plugin.same is the case when i manually23:45
slaytonLinuxnoob100, if you want to kill the process press control \23:45
arun_y installed23:45
slaytonLinuxnoob100, but that could ruin the tar23:45
meoblast001slayton, so i use the argument path=/usr/i586-mingw32-msvc?23:45
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash23:45
ActionParsnipgreghere: the folders it says to rm, mv them (e.g. mv ~/.gnome ~/.gnome_old23:46
greghereActionParsnip, If this was windows it would be fixed in 40 minutes not over 6 days and still broken :(23:46
Zopiacis there a CLI installer included on the Ubuntu disks?23:46
slaytonmeoblast001, NO!  use export PATH=/usr/i586-mingw32-msvc:$PATH23:46
douglActionParsnip, nice to see you again - I have installed nvidia drivers but am having problems with compiz - used synaptive to install a bunch of things but when googleing for info on setting it up I don't get anything 8.10 specific...23:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about path23:46
meoblast001oh ok23:46
ActionParsnipgreghere: that will rename the folder, you then have a rollback if something bad happens as you have not deleted the folders23:46
Linuxnoob100slayton: i pressed ctrl and nothing happened lol23:46
greghereActionParsnip, will that fix my gnome desktop and make it work as it did before?23:46
ActionParsnipgreghere: if the result is good, THEN rm the folders23:46
slaytonmeoblast001, but that only lasts as long as you have your terminal open... you have to put that line in your ~/.bashrc file so that the variable gets set everytime you open a terminal23:46
ActionParsnipgreghere: it will set it to stock settings23:46
slaytonLinuxnoob100, did you try " control + \"23:47
heogenhow to open file .sit in ubuntu?23:47
greghereActionParsnip, what result I havent done anything yet?23:47
heogenanyone know?23:47
meoblast001slayton, didnt work.... the makefile must be retarded23:47
ActionParsnipdougl: ubuntu is ubuntu23:47
meoblast001brb gtg23:47
Jack_Sparrowgreghere in windows you would have done a fresh install just like you could have done in this instance23:47
heogenopen file .sit in ubuntu?23:47
douglActionParsnip, so I just launched compiz-settings-manager and played with settings in there - wobbly windows seems to work but rodating cube for different desktops does not work23:47
slaytonmeoblast001, have you tried running the command with: /usr/i586..././<filetorun>23:47
greghereJack_Sparrow, No in windows they have sytem restore, or repair.23:47
ActionParsnipgreghere: well when you rename the folders then reboot. if the result is hat you want, then remove the folders23:47
ActionParsnipdougl: is it enabled in ccsm?23:48
Jack_Sparrowdougl Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse23:48
slaytonheogen, what are .sit files23:48
Linuxnoob100slayton: didnt work, nvm though i got it i held the power button in xD23:48
greghereActionParsnip, Ok so what result am I expecting so that I know if it is good or not?23:48
Jack_Sparrowgreghere Please stay on topic, we dont need comments and comparisons23:48
heogen<slayton> this is a mac file23:48
slaytonLinuxnoob100, you could have opened a second terminal and run killall tar23:48
Zeit|awy.st = Stuffit23:48
ActionParsnipgreghere: a default desktop like you got when you first booted after first install23:49
Linuxnoob100slayton: too late23:49
heogen<slayton> and a have a file with this extension .sit in my pc23:49
greghereJack_Sparrow, My apologies but I am so frustrated with this, as I have so many emails/files and I dont want to lose them :(23:49
greghereActionParsnip, Ok, so could you please tell me again what I am to do?23:50
Jack_Sparrowgreghere understood, but why people dont backup their stuff is beyond me.  You have the answer on resetting gnome that I gave you earlier23:50
douglActionParsnip, yes it is enabled in ccsm23:50
douglJack_Sparrow, trying now23:50
slaytongreghere, if you delete the files that you were told to delete you WILL not lose emails23:51
ActionParsnipgreghere: read the link you were given, but use mv to rename them instead of rm23:51
ActionParsnipdougl: if you run glxinfo | grep -i direct23:51
ActionParsnipdougl: do yuo have direct rendering?23:51
metbsdi still can't get ubuntu to work right on my notebook, so many problems23:52
slaytonmetbsd, well expalin the problems and people will get to helping you :-)23:52
Jack_Sparrowmetbsd Have you looked up your hardware and ubuntu to see what others have found23:52
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ActionParsnipmetbsd: you'll have issues on first install23:52
metbsdproblem with webcam, audio, acpi, wifi23:52
Jack_Sparrowmetbsd Have you looked up your hardware and ubuntu to see what others have found23:53
ActionParsnipmetbsd: then choose one and work on it23:53
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:53
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metbsdi don't know how to work on any of them, im using 8.1023:53
damijitHi, I'm downloading Songbird 1.0.0 as a .tar.gz file. It couldn't find it in the Ubuntu repositories--how do I install a .tar.gz?23:53
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:54
douglJack_Sparrow, having problems finding "Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects...." is that in ccsm?23:54
slayton!compiling > damijit,23:54
Jack_Sparrowdamijit read the howto on the site you got it from23:54
Jack_Sparrowdougl yes, but those are for hardy install on this box..23:54
Zopiachow do install ubuntu onto my G3 PPC iMac? i followed the guide on the forums and it didnt work...23:55
Jack_SparrowIs ccsm in the same place on ibex as previous releases?23:55
Jack_Sparrow!ppc > Zopiac23:55
ubottuZopiac, please see my private message23:55
greghereActionParsnip, Sorry I did what Jack_sparrow said which was "rm"23:55
greghereActionParsnip, Ok I typed the command from the website exactly as stated and rebooted. Gnome desktop is totally blanc, void, nothing but grey :(23:55
Tomassoi restored the grub using an 8.10 cd, but the distro i had was 8.04, now when i booted i get a BusyBox... initramfs... prompt with some commands, what should I do ?23:56
Jack_Sparrowgreghere it will be fine.. restart that box23:56
ubuntu-helpi think i may go mad23:56
ActionParsnipgreghere: ok then reboot and stock ones will be created23:56
ZopiacJack_Sparrow and that is useful..how?23:56
Jack_Sparrowgreghere it will be fine.. go back to recovery mode23:56
ubuntu-helpcan't find any help, my usb and keyboard do not work @ the grub screen nor in gdm23:56
Jack_SparrowZopiac we dont support it in here.23:56
RomanaMentalisHow can I back up an image of my ubuntu server remotely such that if a crash occurrs I can simply copy this image to a hard drive and it would be a full, functional backup of my server?23:56
ubuntu-helponly tty and ctl-alt-del reboot23:56
RomanaMentaliscan you save a full backup image of a server while it's running?23:56
Jack_SparrowRomanaMentalis   dd command?23:57
ZopiacOK well the PM doesnt mention that >.<23:57
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ23:57
rltZopiac: see the "/was/ a fully-supported Ubuntu arch" part :)23:58
greghereJack_Sparrow, I have rebooted and it is the same as it was before, grey, blanc, void23:58
Jack_SparrowZopiac PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy would be a cluie23:58
greghereActionParsnip, nothing was created as it is exactly the same.23:58
Zopiacomg nvm23:58
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts23:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm23:59
ubottuEnabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto23:59
SimoneBHi, is there a command/tool on Ubuntu to know how many threads does a process have and such?23:59
Tomassowhat is that BusyBox prompy?23:59
RomanaMentalisyou can run dd on a live server and it won't break anything?23:59
gnutronSimoneB: try ps fax23:59
ActionParsnipgreghere: well those are where gnome settings are held for your user. in folders like ~/.gnome23:59
Jack_SparrowRomanaMentalis /j #ubuntu-server23:59
* rlt is wondering about the dd thing too23:59
SimoneBgnutron: fax?23:59
RomanaMentalisthank you23:59

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