
* _MMA_ waves.13:33
* _MMA_ grabs Sebastian's newest stuff to put in Breathe-BZR.13:35
_MMA_thorwil: I asked him to take a shot at the category icons as the would show an instant change in the set.13:36
_MMA_But I think we should examine the current ones and see if we can draw something different.13:37
robstathorwil: have you decided on a repository / project for the template?13:43
thorwilrobsta: yes, i will add it to my kyudo repo. the button template is already there, actually13:44
robstathorwil: url?13:45
thorwilrobsta: https://code.launchpad.net/~t-w-/+junk/kyudo13:46
_MMA_kwwii: You around?13:48
robstathorwil: good stuff13:49
robstathorwil: unfortunately supporting all gtkrc widget style properties turns out to be more work than expected13:54
thorwilrobsta: will that have any consequences besides things taking longer?13:56
robstathorwil: guess not13:56
robstathorwil: people on #gnome-art have kindly reminded me that nautilus, libwnck and other libs' widgets have style properties too13:57
* thorwil -> coffee13:58
_MMA_Crazy thing is, there can also be custom widgets. This has messed me up more than once with the Studio theme.13:58
robstayes, i'm talking of custom widgets, they will be handled13:59
robsta(as long as they are following gtk conventions)14:00
* _MMA_ hopes this is all less of a mess with gtk3.14:01
robsta_MMA_: there are some evil plans, keep an eye on gtk-devel-list14:01
robstaof course politics plays a role in gtk development too14:01
_MMA_"Evil" in a good way? :) I'm really so sick of it I'm about to go to KDE.14:02
robsta_MMA_: sick of what?14:02
robstatheming limitations?14:02
_MMA_Partly. Also the "politics".14:03
robstai often hear that qt/kde has superior theming, but i never see themes i like14:03
_MMA_It does have good themes but they have historically been harder than GNOME to install. That's one reason I've stayed away before.14:04
robsta_MMA_: i'm beating the drums for css support in gtk3, based on the lessons learned from my current work; we'll know more after the theming hackfest in Feb.14:06
_MMA_robsta: Sounds great!  :)14:08
robstahttp://live.gnome.org/GTK%2B/NewThemeApi/Hackfest fyi14:09
robstait's quite great that you guys are helping out on the artistic side, this will strengthen my position :)14:13
kwwii_MMA_: hey man14:49
_MMA_1 sec. brb14:49
* _MMA_ is trying to do half of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DWzuIreDGA15:39
_MMA_kwwii: I was gonna say to get Ted to do some Inkscape hackin' while he's at UDS. :P15:40
lucazade_MMA_: video is impressive :)15:41
kwwiihehe, good idea...I was trying to get a hold of him about a few issues15:41
_MMA_He's already supposed to be scriptin' creation of a source package for nightly PPA builds.15:41
dilomoDoes anybody knows how can I theme the toolbar of evoulution differently than the rest of the toolbars? I know of the following way:15:41
dilomowidget_class "*EShellWindow.GtkVBox.BonoboDock.BonoboDockBand.BonoboDockItem*" style "newwave-evo-new-button-workaround"15:41
dilomo but it does not work for me because the style of the toolbar is applied to the menubar too and the result is this:15:41
_MMA_dilomo: Might just be one of those things you have to live with. Otherwise, I have no clue.15:42
lucazadeno idea how to solve it dilomo15:43
dilomocan't I use some better matching15:43
dilomonot BonoboDockItem* but Tool* smth15:43
* kwwii is off to the store, bbl15:44
dilomobtw what was the channel of gnome artwork?15:46
dilomoI want to ask there too15:46
lucazadeask cimi15:46
_MMA_#gnome-art I think15:47
dilomothere's nobody on gnome-art but me15:48
andreasndilomo: on gimpnet?15:48
dilomooh you mean the server15:49
dilomoadding it now15:50
andreasnEvolution is currently moving away from bonobo, but that doesn't help right now I guess :)15:50
andreasnor, currently, is in the process, rather15:50
dilomowhen are they going to get rid of bonobo?15:51
dilomoin the next release?15:51
dilomobtw it does not want to connect to irc.gimpnet.org15:52
andreasnMatthew says "I still don't know." in the e-mail, I guess it depends a bit what Red Hat wants him to focus on during work hours15:53
andreasnoh, try irc.gimp.org15:53
dilomoso I have to think of a patch meanwhile :)15:54
andreasndid irc.gimp.org work?15:55
dilomowell probably not15:55
dilomobecause it is still connecting15:55
andreasnirc.us.gimp.org might work15:56
dilomoI think the problem is in my pidgin here15:57
dilomostill nothing15:57
dilomoand when I try to edit the settings the entry for the channel is inactive15:58
dilomoI did it :)15:59
dilomothanks andreasn16:00
_MMA_Here's what I'm trying to get Compiz runnin' on. (smaller side ones are stand-ins 'till the 2-20" come in the mail) http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/4030/dscf5024resizedxf1.jpg But it looks like Cant do it in Intrepid atm. I need to go back to Hardy. (I need the abandoned xserver-xgl)16:06
dilomowhy is this not possible with the new16:09
lucazademma what i can call a play-station16:09
_MMA_dilomo: It's unsupported and no longer in the repo.16:10
_MMA_Go to the end of this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88416116:11
_MMA_lucazade: It's all business on this thing I assure you. ;)16:13
dilomothe specs are niec16:13
lucazadeyou luck so :P16:13
_MMA_dilomo: I'm runnin' on somewhat less of a setup (about half) but the idea is the same.16:13
dilomoyeah but it should work too16:14
_MMA_It will if I go back to Hardy.16:15
_MMA_atm, I don't have the final side monitors so it's not important. I'm just setting thins up for now. Trying to get the xorg right.16:15
dilomoi understand16:16
lucazade_MMA_: i can understand you, i have to use for my job xfree86 instead of xorg on an old centos to make it work with the touchscreen16:38
_MMA_Oh wow.16:39
lucazade_MMA_: like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS4xYwYS6nM16:42
_MMA_Cool. :) So there's no new drivers for this then?16:46
_MMA_I bet someone on the xorg or kernel list could port/write it.16:46
lucazadei've found new one for intrepid but it's really hard to calibrate the touch16:46
lucazadeso workin on it16:46
lucazadethe old driver were not opensource :S16:47
lucazadeso i was able to port/make it work on latest xorg16:48

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