
asacsectech: what size does that file have?00:02
sectechasac,  the file is about 5mb...00:02
sectechAfter looking into it a bit more... The issue doesn't seem to be that it is taking a lot to parse it.. it's that it's not releasing the memory after00:03
sectechI'm doing a valgrind to see what that produces00:04
asacsectech: did you try to narrow down which parts cause that?00:04
asace.g. maybe removing the options helps?00:05
sectechsomeone added to the report saying that it might be trying to parse a 100k tag line...  and that changing <pre> to <xmp> avoids it00:06
sectechSorry I don't have much experience debugging firefox issues00:08
sectechI do have some crc mismatches in the valgrind...00:08
sectechother then that... nothing out of the ordinary00:08
ftaasac, it seems the songbird issue with the builders solves itself after 2 hours of no activity00:13
asacfta: huh?00:15
ftaindeed :) huh00:16
ftathey are all stuck at the same place00:16
ftayesterday, i got them killed after 1h00:17
asacfta: so the unpack takes 2h?00:18
asacor do they use zero resources while being stuck?00:18
ftathe check, not the unpack00:18
asacsectech: i think its just a OOM thing00:18
ftano one knows00:18
asacsectech: just the pre also causes this00:19
asace.g. without the othe relements00:19
asacwhen loading as plai text it works. but from what i can see there are no tags in the text00:19
sectechasac, is this a known issue?00:19
sectechNo there doesn't seem to be any tags in the text itself...00:20
asacsectech: there are plenty ways to make ffox OOM or even make it crash00:20
asacthey are classified as DoS which are usually low priority00:21
asacpartly because they cannot be exploited ... and partly because its just quite hard to fix completely00:21
sectechK... should I bother sending this upstream or just leave it as low?00:21
asacsectech: would be interesting to see what happened in ffox 2 ... if its a clear regression then definitly forward00:22
asacotherwise it depends on how important you find it. but most likely its a dupe00:22
sectechI was thinking dup... but I can't find anything (although launchpad isn't exactly cooperating at the moment) that really suits it yet.... Still looking00:22
sectechI can test in FF2 in the morning...00:22
sectechI found a few upstream... but not to much recent00:23
asacwhich component did you search?00:23
sectechI tried launchpad and bugzilla for the mozilla project00:24
asacsectech: i mean in mozilla ... which components did you look at ;) ... if you search just from top level its unlikely to give any good results ;)00:24
sectechtop level...00:25
asaclook in Core -> layout or content00:25
sectechyeah I see what you mean....00:27
asacDOM: stuff ... layout, parser00:31
ubottuMozilla bug 330029 in DOM: Core & HTML "DoS caused by memory exhaustion" [Normal,New]00:32
ubottuMozilla bug 304634 in DOM: Core & HTML "DoS with onBlur="alert('doh!'); focus();"" [Critical,New]00:32
ubottuMozilla bug 201552 in DOM: Core & HTML "Recursive JS function crashes Mozilla" [Critical,New]00:32
sectechyeah asac I see that there are tons...00:33
sectechI flagged the bug as a low priority on launchpad and added my notes...00:33
asacsectech: the ones most critical are the recursive ones00:33
asacbut even those are usually just "low" security severity00:33
asaclike just a DoS ... due to stack limits00:34
asacflat stuff that doesnt do recursion usually just eats all the memory00:34
sectechWhen I first saw the report I thought there was something fishy about it...00:34
asacand slows things down if you swap ... then finally OOM00:34
asacDoS arent nice, but fortunately not exploitable in a really harmful way00:34
sectechI was initially just going to look for a dup as there probably is one even on launchpad... or test it so I can rule it out as a major issue00:35
sectechtrue enough00:35
asacyeah. its not from what i can see00:35
asacnot a security bug at least00:35
asacannoying sure00:35
sectechK...I am dropping it as such then...00:35
sectechis a valgrind usually helpful in this situation though? I would like to triage more firefox issues but I don't really know what you guys use00:36
sectechnormally if I can't see a solution quickly I'll leave it be00:36
sectechfor firefox that is00:36
asacsectech: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=330029#c100:37
ubottuMozilla bug 330029 in DOM: Core & HTML "DoS caused by memory exhaustion" [Normal,New]00:37
asacthats a prototypical answer for these bugs00:37
asacsectech: depends on what you want to triage00:37
asacsectech: first step is definitly to identify what component the bug comes from. most are already files and there is good start information in bugs00:38
asacif it comes down to crashes you look at debugger, valgrind, but of course also in code00:38
sectechyeah that might be a good start... look to see what was done in previous bugs00:38
asacbut mozilla code baes is quite huge00:38
asacso some bugs might be impossible to solve ;)00:39
sectechindeed which is why they are so damn hard to triage lol00:39
asacuntil you know what is going on where00:39
sectechahh well...  I'll do what I can I guess...00:39
sectechthank you for looking at this one though00:39
asacsectech: good thing is to00:40
asaclook at launchpad bugs ... clean  them up and try to find the right upstream component00:41
asacand forward them ;)00:41
asacor find the dupes00:41
sectechI can do that...00:41
asacnot forever, but to start with ;)00:42
asacthe less fulfilling is certainly to process incomplete bugs00:42
sectechtrue but at least with incomplete bugs I can help getting them pointed in the right direction00:43
sectechor dropped like this one00:43
sectechI just bookmarked both of those, thanks00:44
asacsectech: well. confirmed bugs are not always complete ;)00:44
asacespecially in launchpad where everybody can confirm bugs things go mad00:44
sectechheh yeah and for some reason I always seem to go for the fresh "new" ones lol00:44
sectechyeah people being able to confirm things without bugcontrol access is a bit annoying sometimes.00:45
asacimo its ok to ask incomplete bugs or new bug reporters to bring the bug in the normalized form00:45
asacthat will help so much later00:45
sectechconfirmed for one person might not be confirmed for the triager.00:45
asacwe have the state Triage00:45
asaconly deverlops or people in the bug-control team can use that00:45
sectechI am a fairly new member of bug-control00:46
sectechcompared to the rest who have years of experience with it :P00:46
asacsectech: so when a bug is in the normalized format we can look how to forward that00:46
asace.g. set it to triaged00:46
asaci am sure that being fresh is of benefit here ;)00:47
asacfirefox bugs are certainly something where you work full time on00:48
asacs/you/you can/00:48
sectechhehe. my fear is making myself look like a fool when I make a final decision on an issue...  it has happened before00:48
sectechyeah I know you guys are pretty busy just dealing with reports.00:48
asacproblem is that every bug you touch triggers about 5 mails in responses by average until the bug is closed or silent00:48
asacso if you touch 100 today ... tomorrow you have to answer 500 ;)00:49
sectechYeah I noticed...    I am not new to triaging... I actually do this for my real job just to a different extent...00:50
sectechAt work you don't get 10 people challenging your decision... here you do lol00:50
asacthat sounds like you could succeed ;)00:50
asacbut well00:50
asachardest part is to be "always" nice00:50
sectechhaha yeah your right on that...00:51
asacfeel free to ask what to do if in doubt for some bugs00:51
sectechWhat I think I'll do is watch the firefox bugs and the mozilla bug tracker for what I do here.... and take firefox bugs as what I focus on00:52
sectechrather then trying to be the jack of all trades and triage everything under the sun00:53
sectechI like being specialized I guess00:53
asacsectech: i wouldnt watch ... better use launchpad to pick things ;)00:53
asacthere is a huge pile of existing bugs00:53
asacyou can try to watch that, but traffic is really high00:54
asacwe have a mailing list where most mozilla related bugs in launchpad would go00:54
asac(if you are interested)00:54
sectechokay well ... that was implied... I was going to look through old issues and become familiar with how they were handled.00:54
sectechUmmmm... don't think I would want to see every bug posted to the firefox team.. lol00:55
asacsectech: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs00:55
sectechmailbox might get a bit full00:55
asacwhat i do is to have a gmail account where all stuff goes00:55
asacbut i only use that for searching00:55
sectechThat's actually a good idea...00:55
asaci pick things through launchpad and get mails i answered to in my normal mail account00:55
asacso i can at least follow up on stuff i started00:56
sectechmy domain mail is handled by google anyway... I could create an account just for that...00:56
asaci have one gmail account for mozillateam in ubuntu ... and one for almost all bugzilla.mozilla bugs00:56
asacso in november that mailing list got 3000+ mails00:57
sectechI have an ubuntu-bugs for what I triage... but it would be easy enough to create a mozilla one.00:57
asacerr october00:57
asacthats just firefox mostly00:57
asacand some thunderbird/seamonkey i think00:57
asacbut those are neglectable00:57
sectechyeah... thank you google for giving us huge mailboxes lol00:57
sectech... and the poster to that bug I first mentioned sent it upstream...00:58
asacoh november has exactly 300000:58
asacthats cool00:58
asachttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-mozillateam-bugs/2008-November/thread.html ;)00:58
asacsectech: heh. well. we cannot help upstream ;) they have their own sinks where nobody really looks at00:59
sectechI'll at least link it for him I guess00:59
asacwe can help ... but we cannot prevent users from posting duplicates directly00:59
asacsectech: do you have the bug id?00:59
asacits a dupe of the exhausting bug01:00
asaci can mark it then01:00
ubottuMozilla bug 467846 in General "Memory balloons disproportionally to the size of text file being opened" [Normal,New]01:00
asacso it claims its exponential=01:00
asacor just by factor 100 ;)?01:01
sectechhe added that... no idea lol lol01:01
asacsectech: that bug was files against Firefox:General01:03
asacso thats one of the sinks01:03
sectechgood to know... don't file against general lol01:03
sectechBefore I send stuff upstream I would always consult with someone else first anyway...01:04
sectechso chances are I would be told where to file it under01:04
asacask me or [reed] or someone else here or on irc.mozilla.org01:06
sectechwell I gotta run for tonight...01:07
sectechThanks again asac, Im sure I'll be talking to you again soon01:08
ftaasac, i think i should push prism to jaunty, i was waiting for a release but it's taking ages. a snapshot could do. after all, the current one is a snapshot too.01:30
ftawhat do you think?01:30
tonyyarussofta: I hear you've done some of the recent flashplugin-nonfree uploads, is that correct?03:44
mconnorI hope fta's in bed03:54
mconnorjust sayin03:54
[reed]what time is it in Paris? :)03:56
mconnor5 AM03:58
* mconnor looks at flights, takes shot04:00
asactonyyarusso: whast up about flashplugin?09:31
tonyyarussoasac: it's broken in 8.04.  Adobe moved the file, so it 404s.09:33
directhexyay for adobe :/09:42
gnomefreakis rm broken for anyone in jaunty?09:48
gnomefreakthis shouldnt happen "gnomefreak@Development:~/documents/personal$ rm John's_Cingular.xls09:49
asactonyyarusso: ok its time to fix the package then.09:51
asacit needs to pull stuff not from adobe.com, but from partner.canonical archive09:51
asacthere it will be available for a bit longer and not just disappear09:52
gnomefreakfta: what PPA is tbird-3 in?09:59
gnomefreakim getting a 404 on the my PPA for jaunty09:59
gnomefreakah no tbird-3 for jaunty and mt PPA doesnt have jaunty packages10:03
gnomefreak[reed]: maybe i misunderstood but im hearing firefox-3.1 is being tracked as 3.2? something about mozilla-central tracking 3.1 as 3.210:08
[reed]firefox-3.1 has moved to /releases/mozilla-1.9.110:08
[reed]mozilla-central is currently "Firefox 3.2a1pre", but that's still up for discussion10:09
gnomefreakthat makes more sense thanks10:09
gnomefreakasac: the meeting on the 7th being postponed due to UDS?10:43
asacgnomefreak: good question.10:44
asacgnomefreak: i think that might make sense10:44
asacgnomefreak: can you send a follow up?10:44
asacand say that we postpone it by 2 weeks? ;)10:44
gnomefreakwhat do you mean? to the mailing list? or to fridge?10:44
asacOTOH, during UDS we might be able to do a phone conf ;)10:44
gnomefreakon a sunday? its that the day everyone goes out and first meeting is?10:45
asacbug 28450710:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284507 in ubuntu "error monitoring wired ethernet link state" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28450710:48
asacgnomefreak: fta and me arrive on sat. sun is free10:49
asacbut its during lunch time ;)10:49
asacfta2: ?10:49
fta2i have no plan for sunday.. mostly due to the fact that i have no car.10:50
asacgnome bug 56194110:52
ubottuGnome bug 561941 in VPN: pptp "PPTP fails to bind (via VPN) to Exchange server 2003 & 2008" [Blocker,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56194110:52
gnomefreakasac: as far as i know im free on sunday but i will know more tomorrow or tonight the soonest10:54
gnomefreaki will ask that fridge remove our meeting10:54
asacgnomefreak: well10:56
asaci think that fta2 ment that we can do the meeting10:56
asacgnomefreak: so all should be ok10:57
asacwe can do it i guess ;)10:57
gnomefreakah ok10:57
gnomefreaklets do it than :)10:57
asacgnome bug #56180710:57
ubottuGnome bug 561807 in gio "inotify_sub.c :: dup_dirname() fails to remove trailing '/'" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56180710:57
gnomefreakhey firefox bug (im guessing its more of a ubufox bug but please review bug um who removed the help-report a bug from firefox?11:33
gnomefreakoh crap bug 30400511:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304005 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox 3 plugin installer - missing spanish translation" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30400511:33
gnomefreaksorry got side tracked when posting that11:34
gnomefreakasac: did tony talk to you about flash?11:38
asacgnomefreak: yes11:39
asacgnomefreak: not sure if he is doing something now though11:50
gnomefreakok ill check with him on it, last time it was a disaster but 10 wasnt released at that time11:58
gnomefreakok ill be back im heading to see how gary is doing on his own today.12:03
asacbug 3000013:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 30000 in gnome-system-tools "Start of week is Tuesday - change not obvious (dup-of: 29192)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3000013:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 29192 in gnome-panel "clock-applet, week starts at tuesday not monday" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2919213:10
asacbug 30000013:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 300000 in libgtk2-perl "FTBFS fix for libgtk2-perl" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30000013:10
asactoo bad ... hoped that ffox gest the 300k bug13:11
Jazzvaasac, there is a new patch for nspluginwrapper posted on their list. It is said that it would fix some of its failings to work, which I noticed during the last night testing13:26
Jazzvaasac, if you haven't pushed the version I prepared yesterday, please wait a bit, until I give a try to this new patch :)13:27
Jazzvawhat is our policy for uploading mozilla-related patches? do we notify ubuntu universe/main sponsors, or someone from our team?13:35
asacJazzva: sure. please intergrate the patch13:45
asacJazzva: we dont notify anyone. If you cannot find a sponsor here, we have a problem ;)13:46
Jazzvaasac, it was a question asked on a bug 29716913:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 297169 in mozvoikko "mozvoikko depends on iceweasel, should depend on firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29716913:48
Jazzvaumm.. i asked a wrong question :). should the uploader notify us or ubuntu sponsors...13:48
fta2could someone try songbird in my ppa?13:50
asacJazzva: as long as its not integrated in your firefox-extensions project i dont see why they should notice us13:51
asacof course we provide input if they ask about it13:51
asacor offer to put that thing in firefox-extensions13:51
Nafallofta2: kiko seems to be eager ;-)13:51
fta2Nafallo, i know, but i need a kick test from someone13:51
Jazzvaasac, ok13:52
Jazzvafta2, if it's there for intrepid too, I can give it a try in a while...13:53
fta2Jazzva, yes, hardy/intrepid/jaunty13:53
fta2i just need to know if you are able to play any mp3 you have13:53
fta2it's fine for me at home but here, i get: Error: GStreamer error: Internal data flow error. Additional information: gstbasesrc.c(2234): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPlayBin2:player/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin2/GstFileSrc:source:13:54
fta2streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)13:54
Jazzvaok, I'm installing it to check13:54
Jazzvafta, I can13:56
Jazzvafta2 ^13:56
fta2you can play sounds?13:57
Jazzva"sounds" as in "music files"? yes13:58
Jazzvaplay, pause, play next...13:58
fta2so the gst bug is on my side only13:58
fta2Jazzva, i386 or amd64?13:58
Jazzva32-bit version of Ubuntu13:59
Jazzvabut 64-bit processor13:59
fta2so i386. ok. i'm on adm64 here14:01
fta2anyone on amd64?14:02
directhexof course14:06
directhexwho uses obsolete arches like m68k and i386? o_o14:06
Jazzvadirecthex, people with older computers ;)? (at least for i386)14:07
Jazzva(and I guess for m68k too)14:07
fta2directhex, can you please test songbird for me?14:13
directhex5 mins14:15
asacfta2: can you look a minute at the code of libio-pty-perl14:19
asacand libipc-run-perl14:19
asacand tell me how the quality is ;)14:19
directhexi wonder if it still only parses metadata on 6/2600 of my songs14:21
asacdirecthex: test ;)14:22
fta2asac, packaging ? or the code itself ?14:24
fta2i'm going back to boring meetings in 5 minutes14:25
directhexnote to self: you run hardy at work14:30
directhexokay, fta2, seems to work14:36
directhexnot exactly lightweight though, and i say that as a banshee user :o14:36
fta2directhex, that's the mashup addon, drop it, it should be better14:52
directhexfta, 9 meg saved.14:54
directhexnow only 2.5x what RB uses14:55
sebnerfta2: you might want to add a comment on bug #94494  (again) ^^14:57
fta2the cpu is lower, not sure about memory, i have 4Gigs14:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 94494 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Songbird" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9449414:57
* asac out for a while14:57
sebnerasac: hf ;D14:57
Jazzvahmm, asac, nspluginwrapper fails on blip.fm almost every time, both with and without the recent patches.15:31
Jazzvaoff for few hours... see you later16:07
Jazzvaasac, ping18:16
=== lns_ is now known as Lns
[reed]jcastro / fta / asac / stevel: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=4857344214518:54
[reed]looks like stevel is already attending :)18:55
* stevel nods18:56
stevelwith t-shirts!18:56
jcastrosome joomla! folks just signed up like yesterday18:56
jcastroI was just at the location today, the food is going to be great18:57
jcastroplenty o' whiteboards and stuff18:57
[reed]jcastro: you have a vehicle to yourself? just trying to see how we can get to Mozilla for the open house... it's a mile, so we could walk it, but alternate forms of transportation are fun, too!18:59
jcastro[reed]: I've got local friends with cars and we have rentals19:01
[reed]jcastro: how many are you planning on bringing?19:02
[reed]from UDS19:02
jcastroI was thinking19:02
jcastrofta, asac, me and maybe jono?19:02
stevel[reed] i'll be driving over too19:02
[reed]jcastro: and me!19:02
steveli can fit 3 more in my car19:02
jcastroand then you and dave camp, but he's already a mozillian19:02
[reed]dcamp is coming to UDS?19:03
[reed]well, I'll have my badge, so I can give you all the real tour ;)19:03
[reed]since I'm sure Buffy will be blocking the stairs19:04
[reed]Buffy the Vampire Slayer, that is19:04
[reed]we have a life-size cut out19:04
[reed]use it to block the stairs at events like this19:05
Jazzvaasac, I checked now. shouldn't the settings file for adobe be /etc/adobe/mms.cfg? (I think you said mmm.cfg yesterday)19:21
fta[reed], i don't have a facebook account20:11
[reed]fta: you non-hip thirty-something year old20:12
ftashame on me ?20:12
[reed]yes ;020:12
ftait's not that popular in europe20:12
Nafallois it not?20:13
ftaat least, most of my friends, contacts, business contacts don't have one20:13
Nafallothere is a reason they are putting in equipment in 7 EU sites...20:13
ftaprobably a generation issue20:14
ftai don't like to expose my life on internet20:14
[reed]fta prefers just to keep the tubes flowing ;)20:15
ftawhat were you talking about? Wednesday eve?20:23
Nafalloalso, my mother poked me on facebook this morning. just before she wrote about the snow in Sweden on my wall :-P20:24
ftaok, so facebook is for the ricains + the frozen guys in northern europe20:26
ftaoh, there was a topic about facebook on tv: http://www.tvmag.com/programme/france-2/magazine/26245013/envoye-special.html20:33
mconnorfta: so, is there a UDS schedule yet?20:34
mconnorfta: more importantly, when are the sessions I should stop by for?20:36
ftajcastro, ^^20:36
mconnorfta (and asac!): I want to sit down and figure out how to smooth out the process for getting stuff upstream, and getting better engagement from reviewers and the like20:37
ftamconnor, i don't have the schedule yet, but i'm not a canonical guy20:37
mconnorI don't think I can make all of UDS, I have a pile of crap to get traction on next week, so hopefully reed's semi-fail on showing up on time compresses the sessions together ;)20:39
mconnorjcastro: btw, upstream bug workflow is entirely on my radar here :)20:40
[reed]mconnor: I have exams! I had no choice. :020:41
mconnor[reed]: you had a choice!20:41
mconnorwasn't a _good_ choice20:42
mconnorbut you had one ;)20:42
[reed]mconnor: My manager and his manager would disagree. ;)20:43
mconnoryou have choice, just because you don't like the consequences doesnt' mean you don't have choices :P20:43
ftathe rss feed for tags in mozilla-central is not reliable20:53
ftait keeps updating the old tags20:53
ftabad hgweb20:53
jcastromconnor: I am trying to get the schedule guy to open the schedule asap.21:17
mconnorjcastro: ok21:17
jcastromconnor: he's still on holiday so I will hunt someone down nlt today21:18
mconnorthe more we compress the mozilla stuff, the more I can reliably make ;)21:18
jcastromconnor: we're having a party next friday night as well that you guys are more than welcome to attend21:23
mconnorjcastro: cool, if I'm not dead by then I'll likely make it ;)21:24
jcastroI have a direct mandate to try cross-community pollination and team building21:25
jcastroaka beer.21:25
ftamconnor, are you coming? i thought you said you had enough travel for this year21:30
stevelfta: the expand-jar-mn.pl bug is fixed in our trunk now21:45
ftastevel, good, thanks. i'll drop my patch next time i bump the source21:46
ftastevel, btw, at work, sb doesn't work.21:48
fta<fta2> it's fine for me at home but here, i get: Error: GStreamer error: Internal data flow error. Additional information: gstbasesrc.c(2234): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPlayBin2:player/GstURIDecodeBin:uridecodebin2/GstFileSrc:source:21:48
fta<fta2> streaming task paused, reason not-linked (-1)21:48
stevelfta: could you poke MikeS on #songbird?21:49
ftastevel, just did, not helping :(21:55
stevelsigh. distribution-bias.  some developers here don't care to support building against system-wide libraries.21:56
[reed]stevel: well, there are cases where it's not feasible21:57
[reed]like cairo in Gecko21:57
[reed]or libjpeg21:57
[reed]or libpng21:57
stevel[reed]: sure.21:57
ftacairo is possible, jpeg is dead upstream, png, you added apng21:57
stevelbut it would still be nice for us not to immediately dismiss things with a blanket "oh you built it yourself? then you're on your own"21:58
stevel(which we don't generally do... but every once in a while we do...)21:58
steveland it annoys me when we do it :-P21:58
ftahe said gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad is missing, which is true, but rhythmbox is fine with the same files. strange22:08
ftatoo bad i can't test until i'm back from uds22:09
=== rzr is now known as rZr
mconnorfta: I decided that getting the rest of this stuff squared away was more important22:42
mconnorfta: like... at 11 PM last night22:43
[reed]jcastro: is there any type of discount/group code with supershuttle we're supposed to use, or just book it normally?23:04
jcastro[reed]: book normal, keep receipt23:24
[reed]I got the $3 discount code I found online ;)23:24
ftastevel, fyi, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Meetings/Minutes/2008-11-02#Actions   2nd action23:48
steveloooh. so ominous sounding23:48

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