
jmedinaShapeshifter: just use as a controller without raid, and manage the raid with mdadm :D00:25
Shapeshifterjmedina: what do you mean "a controller without raid"? The main reason why I use a raid controller is having a hotspare and redundancy for the drives.00:30
DeepsShapeshifter: he uses software at the OS level to build and manage the raid arrays, instead of the controller's onboard software00:31
jmedinaShapeshifter: you can use your card as a disc controller, and then manage you raid with software tools like 'mdadm', mm but Im not sure if you can use it as hotswap drives00:32
ShapeshifterDeeps: will the OS level software be able to report degraded drives? Because I'm unable not to use the raid controller. I could of course just define them as 3 seperate arrays and let the OS level software do the rest. is that possible?00:33
jmedinaif you can then you can also do hotspare with mdadm00:33
jmedinaShapeshifter:  yes the mdadm daemon can send you a email when detects a degraded raid, and if you have a spare drive it can automatically add to the raid and it rebuild automagically00:34
Shapeshifterjmedina: good to know. thanks, I'll look into it when I'm back at work00:35
byte_slavehi everyone!01:03
byte_slavehow can i just upgrade a specific package? i mean i tried to upgrade clamav like this "sudo apt-get upgrade clamav" and lots of other programs are automatically upgraded01:06
byte_slavebut i just want upgrade one specific package01:06
byte_slavecan anyone help plz01:06
byte_slavehummmm....should i just run "sudo apt-get install clamav" instead?01:09
jmarsden|workbyte_slave: I believe that if the stuff being pulled in/upgraded are happening because of Recommends:, you can do   sudo apt-get --no-install-recommends install clamav01:21
byte_slavesorry-ยจ.....copy paste problem here :)01:23
byte_slavejmarsden|work, thanks01:24
jmarsden|workNo problem.01:24
byte_slaveis that i was looking for01:24
jmarsden|workYou can use tab completion rather than cut and paste for nicks, incidentally, in many IRC clients... type jmar and hit TAB...01:25
byte_slavealways learning.... thanks01:30
slestakim trying to setup a quick test server for a dev environment and need to send mail to local users.  i thought i would use sth simple like SendEmail, to send emails to steve@localhost.  SendEmail appears to be doing its part, but get the following message: Dec 03 19:11:49 e1505 sendEmail[11036]: ERROR => Connection attempt to localhost:25 failed: IO::Socket::INET: connect: Connection refused01:31
slestakim trying to avoind installing postfix or exim for just local mail needs01:32
slestakwould ssmpt be a better choice for a dev env that will likely be wiped out in a few hours?01:32
hadsPostfix should pretty much work out of the box without much config01:35
slestakok.  i was just trying to go smaller01:36
slestaklooks like postfix it is, thx01:47
byte_slavedoes anyone here can help me plz about clamav version upgrade?02:17
cfeddeHow can I teach ubuntu-server to automount SD and usb drives when they are attached?02:18
byte_slaveanyone can tell me what repository should i use?02:19
havsalti want to make a shell server, anyone with experience here?02:43
zoopsterhavsalt: I would imagine that a lot have that experience. What's the question?02:46
havsalti need a howto or something02:48
zoopsterbyte_slave: not sure what you mean? To keep clamav up to date just use freshclam02:48
havsaltzoopster: how to secure, install scripts02:48
byte_slavenope, i mean the program upgrade02:48
havsaltit's just for private use you can say, but i want it to be bulletproof02:48
byte_slavejust the databases it does ok02:49
zoopsterbyte_slave: the latest would be in backports for your version, but it's not tested well - I would stick with what is in main, personally02:53
zoopsterhavsalt: ah...so lockdown is what you are after02:53
zoopsterhavsalt: depending on what you want to offer a minimal install will provide the basics02:54
havsalti want to use webservices, dns (for domains and ipv6 stuff) and the ability to give out shellaccounts02:55
havsaltno lockdown....02:55
byte_slavezoopster: i'll follow your suggestion....i'll keep it from now02:57
zoopsterhavsalt: a basic install will probably provide what you need - you need to determine how tight you want to make it. Keep the apps installed to necessary one's only and limit access02:58
zoopsterbyte_slave: unless you have a specific problem what is provided in intrepid follows the latest stable release03:00
zoopsterbyte_slave: as of code freeze anyway - early oct 0803:00
zoopsterhavsalt: you may want to look at apparmor or selinux to keep the users from getting in trouble03:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #305002 in net-snmp (main) "SNMP Upgrade ... Possible Bug? [USN-685-1]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30500203:02
jmedinahavsalt: run ssh chrooted03:14
jmedinawith ulimits for you users03:14
havsaltjmedina: didn't understand that one03:33
jmedinaif you want to put your users in a jail, so they can go out of their home, you need you chroot ssh, of course if you are going to provide remote shell03:34
havsaltjmedina: yeah03:46
havsaltchroot ssh as root?03:46
zoopsterhavsalt: maybe this will help - http://olivier.sessink.nl/jailkit/04:10
geniizoopster: Nice link, incidentally04:11
zoopstergenii: a bit dated, but it may help havsalt04:15
geniiThere exists #apache but no equivelent of #apache-devel or such on freenode. I want to make a feature request of sorts, any ideas how to go about this?05:16
=== Miles_ is now known as IL12
alex_21How do you install lamp on a Hardy sever?05:36
sirbcan someone give me some advice?  I'm running the 8.04 LTS installer and it's missing a required package05:40
sirbThe package is nic-restricted-firmware-2.6.24-19-generic-di_2.6.24.13-19.44_i386.udeb05:41
alex_21How do you install lamp on a Hardy server?05:41
havsaltwhat is lamp?05:42
sirbalex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP05:42
alex_21It hangs at zero percent05:50
alex_21Never Mind05:50
alex_21Good night. Bani Bash05:51
geniiImpatient fellow05:58
* IL12 is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes05:59
IL12Is there a guide to the 8.10 Server CLI?05:59
IL12a more.. 'official' guide, for lack of a better word?06:01
IL12and, is there a way to work with 8.10 Server from a GUI rather than a CLI? or work with the Server through a Terminal in the GUI?06:01
geniiIL12: That is sort of a trick question. Since it's the shell (bash sh or so on) you are meaning.06:01
geniiIL12: There are some web based admin apps.06:02
IL12Well considering it took me forever to figure out I was logging in incorrectly (put caps in my login UN), I'm not sure how else to ask it at the moment.06:02
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox06:02
geniiIL12: You may also want to look into things like phpmyadmin06:03
IL12I will definitely do that, tyvm.06:04
geniiIL12: You're welcome06:06
geniialex_21: To answer your earlier question. If you installed ubuntu-server then you already have a LAMP install (linux, apache, mysql and php)06:07
alex_21Hi, I had lamp installed. I went back to the machine, and no apache. So I am trying to reinstall lamp, and I just told taskcell to install, without removing anything, and voala, nothing is happening. What can I do. the installer is at 0%06:07
sirbapache might not be running, but are you sure it's not installed?06:08
geniiAlso are you looking for apache when perhaps you want to look for apache206:08
alex_21No, I know. There was no response from Apache when using the web to retreive a url and none of my files exist anymore in /var/www/06:09
geniialex_21: Is /var mounted?06:10
alex_21And I still have the problem of the installer frozen at 0%06:10
alex_21I cd into /var/www/ and only find the default stuff06:10
alex_21Index.html etc06:11
geniiThat doesn't answer the question of : is /var mounted06:11
alex_21I am already frustrated that my wiki disappeared, and now the installer hangs06:11
alex_21I don't know about mounting. I just started the machine as usual06:11
alex_21I am a Perl programmer, not a web server techie06:12
geniialex_21: Hit ctrl-c to halt inactive tasksel06:12
geniialex_21: report if: apt-cache policy apache2   reports some line with *** next to it06:14
alex_21That doesn't work06:14
geniialex_21: You are ssh'd into the box or at console?06:14
alex_21The server is headless06:15
geniialex_21: OK, fine. another ssh session then. And then kill the previous one from there forcefully06:15
geniialex_21: eg: ps aux | grep yourusername           then note first number of lowest pts number. In my case the ps reports: Mike     19339  0.0  0.2   7520  1536 ?        S    00:26   0:00 sshd: Mike@pts/206:18
geniialex_21: So I'd want to: sudo kill -9 1933906:18
geniialex_21: You will see one with pts/1 and one with pts/2    kill the one with pts/106:19
geniiOr whatever the lowest pts # is06:19
alex_21I hit reboot06:21
* genii head-desks06:21
geniialex_21: Your impromptu improvisations make it difficult to continue trying to assist you06:22
IL12oh, btw genii: the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox states that its broken for 8.10 Ibex.06:23
IL12and since i usually learn better by immersing myeslf into something, I will probably refrain from using a GUI unless I absolutely have to. then I could just isntall the desktop edition and LAMP.06:24
geniiIL12: Apologies, I do not use intermediate releases for production boxes and so did not know06:24
IL12No worries. I was just alerting you since I saw it on the page.06:25
alex_21I can't help it. My screen reader is killing me here, instead of reading it so I can kill the session06:26
alex_21I had to reboot06:26
alex_21I had no choice, please understand06:27
geniialex_21: Very well. Are you now ssh into it, or at console, etc?06:28
geniialex_21: Does:  ps ax|grep apache2                  report a bunch of lines like:19395 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start -DSSL               or just back to prompt?06:29
* genii makes more coffee 06:31
alex_21I'll see. It looks like the ssh attempt was unsuccessful06:31
geniialex_21: Networking may not have been fully up yet before you tried. Wait a minute. Also if you rebooted the server, it may need to do a filesystem integrity check first which could be a while06:32
alex_21It looks like the serve is reporting that is is down06:32
geniialex_21: See my above remark regarding filesystem check06:33
* genii obtains more aspirin 06:33
geniialex_21: Does it respond to ping?06:34
alex_21I'm really sorry about all of this, it is my screen reader. It doesn't like Terminal too much06:37
geniialex_21: Perhaps another time you can change the terminal font to one which the reader will more readily understand06:38
alex_21It understands it, it just locks up06:39
alex_21When reading up through Terminal lines06:39
alex_21Down is no problem. The worst is in VI/VIM when It actually crashes Terminal while scrowling up06:39
alex_21I'm going to have to go to bed here. I can't think clearly right now. I'm over tired from sleepless nights getting the main server back up and running06:43
geniialex_21: OK. PErhaps another time then06:43
alex_21Good night. Bani Bash06:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #305014 in openldap (main) "Authentication fails in cups web admin module" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30501408:03
sorenScottK: uvirtbot will announce bugs on any package for which the server team is a bug contact.09:25
nmesoren: hi, do you use virt-manager?09:43
sorennme: Yes.09:58
nmesoren: do You have a clue how to remove host connection entry?10:03
sorenUse gconf-editor.10:03
sorenI don't know any other way.10:04
nmethats the solution :) ty10:04
ScottKsoren: Right.  I'm not talking about the announcement function, but it's pulling up additional information on a bug that's mentioned in the channel.13:32
ScottKThe specific thing that would be nice is for clamav bug 1089 to get the info from the clamav bugzilla.13:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1089 in turck-mmcache "Doesn't install apache2/php config" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108913:33
=== Faust-C1 is now known as Faust-C
Faust-Ci am so happy14:20
Faust-Cfinally got att wifi card to work14:20
vertxHi, I have set up a dhcp server to serve 50+ clients. Some of the clients should be able to connect to the internet, while others should not. I have a list of their current static ip addresses and their macs. How should I go about it? Use groups or pools?14:21
Faust-Cvertx, i would do it at the firewall lvl imo14:22
vertxFaust-C: what do you use? firestarter?14:23
vertxFaust-C: I am using shorewall as my firewall configurator.14:24
Faust-Cvertx, pf but you can do the same in iptables/ufw14:24
vertxFaust-C:  pf? let me check ...14:25
vertxFaust-C: are you on openbsd?14:26
Faust-Cvertx, no14:27
Faust-Cvertx, look into pfsense14:28
vertxFaust-C: I'll look into it right now ...14:28
Faust-Cvertx, its simpler to use firewall cause you can do more advanced stuff if needed14:29
vertxFaust-C: It seems that pfsense is a <quote>"customized distribution of FreeBSD tailored for use as a firewall"</quote>. Is it like as easy to install?14:32
Faust-Canyone have recomendations on if i should use 64bit or 32bit in my ESX setup14:32
Faust-Cvertx, very easy14:33
Faust-Cvertx, you look @ screenshots14:33
vertxFaust-C: Sadly my boss wants to use ubuntu exclusively :( But, I'll check it out anyway. Thanks14:34
Faust-Cvertx, just explain to him its easier to use for a firewall than ubuntu tbh14:35
yann2why the ":(" ubuntu isn't bad ;)14:35
Faust-Cyann2, i likes ubuntu but i believe in using the right tool for the right job14:36
yann2right, never used ubuntu as a firewall so far :)14:36
Faust-Cwell i wish i had more time cause i would like to create a webui for ubuntu14:38
Faust-Ccause ubuntu is very flexable14:38
DeepsFaust-C: contribute towards ebox?14:38
Faust-CDeeps, ebox is ubuntu's project ?14:38
* Faust-C relooks at ebox14:38
vertxyann2: Ubuntu-Server 8.04 is good, I have a decent iptables based firewall running on top of it14:38
DeepsFaust-C: indeed14:39
Deeps!ebox | Faust-C14:39
ubottuFaust-C: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox14:39
yann28.04 much better than 6.06 :)14:39
Faust-Cah sweet deal14:39
Faust-Cfunny how i used to hate ubuntu14:39
Faust-Cbut now am pushing it into production on my ESX servers14:39
* yann2 running KVM on hardy...14:39
Deepswhy did you 'hate' ubuntu?14:40
Deepsand what changed your mind?14:40
Faust-Cyann2, yeah but i still have some windows hosts14:40
Jeeves_esx, bah14:40
yann2so do I :P14:40
Faust-CDeeps, well i first tried ubuntu around 5.something14:40
DeepsFaust-C: server or desktop?14:41
yann2win2k server works pretty well with KVM, even got driver for paravirtualized networking14:41
yann2but well you probably have way more features with esx14:41
Faust-Ci wasnt very patient, i became uber nerdy and started using 'hard' distros like arch and gentoo14:41
Deepsi'm glad i dont work with you lol14:41
Faust-Cyann2, HA mainly14:41
Faust-CDeeps, oh not those in production14:42
yann2Faust-C > i heard its coming :)14:42
yann2using a SAN?14:42
Faust-Cbut i started to get tired of all the manual crap14:42
Faust-Cyann2, IBM DS330014:42
yann2hehe be patient :)14:42
Faust-Cand ubuntu just works and is WELL supported14:42
Faust-Cand now w/ likewise i can use it seamlessly in AD14:42
* yann2 using likewise as well14:43
Faust-Cyann2, i plan on buying the enterprise version14:43
yann2its alright isnt it? but quite a lot error messages in my syslog14:43
Faust-Ctrying to move desktops away from MS14:43
yann2same here :)14:43
Faust-Cyann2, yeah14:43
yann2where are you working?14:43
Faust-Cmy laptop runs it atm14:43
Faust-Cyann2, a small company that does big business, middle man for insurance angencies and states14:44
yann2stay around, I'm interested in feedback on likewise14:45
yann2you didnt do the move to ldap yet?14:45
Faust-Cyann2, will do14:45
Faust-Cyann2, im rebuilding network, we're on a workgroup14:45
yann2ldap+samba as a domain controller for windows? :)14:45
Faust-Coh hells no14:46
yann2why not?14:46
Faust-Cthats too much to manage, and certain apps here wont play nice14:46
Faust-Clike MS SQL14:46
Faust-Cand its not very functional in MS env14:46
yann2I scrapped it already14:46
Faust-Cwhoo i bet you did lol14:46
yann2actually we didnt intall ESX because of that requirement...14:46
Faust-Cyeah i do hate the limited support for linux tools when esx IS linux14:47
yann2any other reason not to recommend ldap+samba?14:47
Faust-Cno real benifit14:48
Faust-Cit makes it very difficult to move to AD or eDir from what ive read14:48
Faust-Cwish i could use edir14:48
yann2ldap cheaper, better integration with linux :)14:49
yann2but interesting point of view14:49
ivoksldap+samba doesn't compare to AD at all14:49
* Kamping_Kaiser blink14:49
Kamping_Kaisermove *to* AD?14:49
ivoksthose are different products14:49
ivoksldap+samba would be something like NT4 style DC14:49
ivoksnot an AD14:49
ivoksif you want AD, use AD14:50
yann2ivoks > what is there in AD that is not in ldap? i just need authentication14:50
ivoksmost of the times you just think you want AD14:50
yann2probably using 1/3 of AD features14:50
yann2i just want authentication and groups :)14:50
Faust-Civoks, when youre in a MS env AD is best for user systems management14:50
Faust-Cyann2, then i would use eDir14:50
yann2and some additional infos  like emails, name etc14:50
vertxdoesn't anyone use radius anymore?14:51
Faust-Cbut AD has a lot of functionality when it comes to managing users desktops14:51
ivoksFaust-C: i would argue that most of the AD admins don't know real AD advantage over NT4 style directory14:51
Faust-Cyann2, heh novell eDirectory14:51
ivoksthey are just brainwashed14:51
Faust-Civoks, idk about NT4, i just want simpler user management14:52
yann2what does it have more than just LDAP?14:52
Faust-Ccant lock down a desktop w/ ldap+samba14:52
yann2"lock down"?14:53
ivoksFaust-C: if you don't know how, that doesn't mean it can't be done :)14:53
Faust-Cyann2, keep users from installing software, default groups and permissions, etcetc14:53
Faust-Civoks, ive heard ppl say that before yet i havent seen anyone present docs on doing so14:53
ivoksFaust-C: AD doesn't do anything14:54
Faust-Cfuthermore its too tedious trying to plug a star into a circle14:54
ivoksFaust-C: AD is set of lots of services and you can't compare ldap+samba with it14:54
Deepsyou could probably do a facelift with a plastic knife too14:54
ivoksFaust-C: there's also kerberos and stuff14:54
Faust-CDeeps, exactly14:54
ivoksFaust-C: client reads profiles from central server and there are many ways to serve profiles to the client14:54
yann2so what would you recommend to provide authentication to users, in a windows environment, that is linux based?14:55
ivoksFaust-C: small part of AD just serves couple of file, client machines (windows) does all the locking14:55
yann2and if possible not even more proprietary and locked down that AD is? :)14:55
Faust-Civoks, but i have yet to see a alternative to windows desktop administration14:56
ivoksFaust-C: so, you can serve profiles over thelegraph with morse code, if you have enough time :)14:56
Faust-Civoks, i have to focus on functionality and simplicity14:56
Kamping_Kaiserivoks, morse is quite an efficent way of communicating14:56
Faust-Cldap+samba != simple or functional in MS env14:57
ivoksFaust-C: let me repeat, ldap and samba aren't enough14:57
Faust-Civoks, thats what im saying14:57
Faust-Cand patching together a bunch of stuff to get it to work isnt the answer14:57
ivoksFaust-C: that's like saying mercedes isn't as good as bmw, just cause you don't know how to shift gears :)14:58
Faust-Cno thats not14:58
ivoksFaust-C: trust me, AD are lots of patched things14:58
ivoksFaust-C: it just has nice marketing :)14:58
Faust-Civoks, its not marketing....14:58
Faust-Cyoure talking to someone that attempted to move to a samba setup14:59
Faust-Ci dont use MS personally, all my personal systems and future work systems use linux14:59
Faust-Cor fbsd14:59
ivoksand you are talking with someone who has more than 100 samba installations in production :D14:59
Faust-Civoks, and how many users do you manage that are on XP15:00
ivoksmost of them are on XP, others are on Mac15:00
Faust-Chow many15:00
Faust-Cyoure the first to have that setup15:00
ivoksno, i'm not15:01
Faust-Cevery samba book i have read suggests not to use samba as a 'DC' for MS15:01
ivoks'not as a AD DC for MS'15:01
ivoksbut 'better than NT4 style DC'15:01
Faust-Cand you havent explained desktop managing features15:02
ivoksi told you, you just have to serve profiles15:02
ivokssamba does support profiles15:02
Faust-Csounds like too much manual configuration15:02
ivokswell, there are only two of us in company, so, go figure :D15:03
Faust-Cthats what i thought15:03
Faust-Cyou dont manage thousands of MS users w/ samba15:03
ivoksi give up :)15:04
ivoksyou won, samba sucks15:04
Faust-Ci never said samba sucks15:04
Faust-Cfuthermore you argued that you manage MS users w/ samba+ldap when you dont .....15:04
vertxFaust-C:  what kind of desktop management are you referring to? I like to learn15:05
Faust-Cvertx, as in locking down the desktop, intergration with services such as SQL and email15:05
ivoksFaust-C: again, i manage windows users in samba; i don't manage users as people15:05
ivoksFaust-C: i even sync users between two companies15:06
Faust-Cso basicly you just wanted to prove a point that doesnt even refer to my issue15:06
Faust-Ci have several friends that are linux consultants15:07
Faust-Cand not one has done what you do, but i do greatly commend you15:07
Faust-Cyou have far more exp than i do, and i really wish i had the know how15:07
ivoksthere was samba 3 howto collection15:08
Faust-Civoks, youre a lucky man/woman to have accomplished that15:08
ivoksit was a great read couple of years ago, i would suggest to start with that15:08
ivoksi think it has couple of examples how to server profiles to windows machines15:08
Faust-Calready read it all15:08
Faust-Cwe have too high of a turnover rate15:08
ivokstrue, you'll have to write your own profile, but some people consider vi as the best tool for everything15:09
Faust-Ci loves my vim15:09
Faust-Civoks, thats the issue15:09
Faust-Cits more than me i have to worry about '15:09
Faust-Cmy jr admins dont have the exp and arent familiar w/ *nix15:10
Faust-Cso i have to try to make things as simple as possible, so when if i get hit by a bus they will be ok15:10
=== kirklan`` is now known as kirkland
uvirtbotNew bug: #305107 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql refuses to start after security update" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30510715:32
yann2oups :|15:34
Hawkey|theOnehi i may i have question?15:43
=== Hawkey|theOne is now known as Hawkey
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:44
Hawkeyis there any list of available packages for latest version?15:45
=== hawkeye is now known as PhilK
uvirtbotNew bug: #305185 in apache2 (main) "Apache2 user/group not correct in configuration" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30518516:41
DogWaterAnyone know if it is possible to deploy ubuntu using a server but then have it use internet mirrors for install/updates after installation?16:56
DogWaterfor some reason if you put url in the kickstart file it uses that URL for everything after the install is done16:57
yann2'course, just edit /etc/apt/sources.list16:57
DogWaterOh, it would need to be automatic16:57
yann2run a script to deploy the sources.list :)16:57
jmarsdenDogWater: script the edit of /etc/apt/sources ...16:57
DogWaterso I could just do a default install of ubuntu and copy its sources file and then just have it wget that one after the install is done in %post?16:58
DogWateris there a way to have it use a random mirror instead of specifying one in sources.list?16:58
yann2script it ;16:58
DogWaterso there is no URL that will just pick a random mirror, though? is what i'm trying to say, like there is with CentOS, Rhel, etc?16:59
yann2ie, without customisation, no, not afaik16:59
yann2pick the one closest to you :)17:00
DogWaterYeah, we've hardcoded ones in the past and they tend to have issues and we run into big problems. thats why we moved the install files to our local HTTP server but then we ran into the problem where it was trying to use our local server for updates, etc17:01
yann2i use a local repo mirror for main/multiverse/restricted, and fetch universe from gb.archive.ubuntu.com17:01
DeepsDogWater: i think you can specify multiple mirrors in the sources file17:04
DogWaterwell, I suppose if I had a script that can detect the IP address of the host which is doing the install it could set the appropriate url -- line in the kickstart and that would solve most of my problems. I'm not so keen with bash though.17:05
DogWaterand i believe bash is the only language that works in kickstart17:05
DogWaterThe issue is that while we're deploying the machines locally they communicate with the server with 1 IP, but once they're deployed they use a different IP.17:07
yann2you could have a look at puppet ;)17:07
* Faust-C wonders how to get postfixadmin into repos17:29
DogWaterDoes anyone here use the kickstart installs?17:39
uvirtbotNew bug: #304598 in openssh (main) "OpenSSH does not log failed authentication attempts when PublicKey method is used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30459817:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #302252 in openssh (main) "openssh sshd authorized_keys wrong command= (statefull value?)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30225218:12
kirklandmathiaz: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kirkland/ecryptfs-utils/18:34
sorenScottK: I see. Where's clamav's bugtracker?18:48
ScottKsoren: https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/18:49
sorenScottK: Let's try..19:01
sorenuvirtbot: bugtracker add clamav bugzilla https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/ ClamAV19:01
uvirtbotsoren: The operation succeeded.19:01
sorenclamav 34519:01
uvirtbotClamAV bug 345 in libclamav "Consider adding nibble wildcards." [Enhancement,Resolved: fixed] https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34519:01
sorenScottK: ^^19:02
ScottKclamav bug 108919:03
uvirtbotClamAV bug 1089 in clamscan "clamav chm handler: crasher bugs" [Security,Resolved: fixed] https://wwws.clamav.net/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=108919:03
ScottKsoren: Perfect.  Thanks.19:03
sorenScottK: You're welcome.19:04
Faust-Chmm having issues w/ ubuntu8.10 server getting inet on ESX19:04
galagai have internet access with static ip, which i have setup in /etc/network/interfaces. When the nic comes up, ubuntu adds some routes i have to delete in order to get the routing right. what is the recommended way to make the changes permanent? couple of lines in rc.local?19:17
_rubenFaust-C: working flawless here .. with esxi 3.5u219:17
Faust-C_ruben, nvm DHCP doesnt work which i dont want anyways19:17
_rubenFaust-C: heh19:17
Faust-Cim excited19:17
_rubengalaga: what kind of routes?19:17
Faust-C_ruben, btw you have any docs for ESX?19:17
Faust-Ci have a few books but i need a lil more19:17
_rubenFaust-C: tons of docs on vmware.com :)19:18
galagatwo: one for the subnet of my isp and another (unrelated) default route for localnet on the other nic19:18
Faust-C_ruben, ic19:18
_rubenFaust-C: and i bought uhm .. whats it called again .. its at work and im at home :p19:19
galagai need only the defaultroute for my isp gw19:19
Faust-C_ruben, lol yeha i gots all the docs19:19
Faust-Cjust some are too tedious19:20
_rubengalaga: 2 default routes? thats a config error i'd say19:20
_rubenFaust-C: www.vi3book.com .. thats the one i got, but havent really read it yet (lack of time)19:20
Faust-Ci havent either19:21
Faust-Crebuilding entire network19:21
Faust-Cw/ only one person19:21
galaga_ruben: i don't think it is an error, config is very simple, only two nics (maybe it's that both have a GATEWAY line)19:25
galagaafter i remove the useless routes i have internet and local network19:25
_rubengalaga: then remove the faulty gateway line to start with19:26
_rubenyou only need one, not one per interface19:26
galagaok lemme see..19:28
galagathat was it!! thankyou a lot19:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #305199 in openvpn (universe) "OpenVPN on Ubuntu Intrepid (dup-of: 260291)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30519919:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #305254 in php5 (main) "PHP Warning:  Module 'mcrypt' already loaded in Unknown on line 0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30525419:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #305265 in likewise-open (main) "Can't login with any domain account to AD systems with Hardy or Dell Mini 9 UNR build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30526520:02
=== Rantans_Plan is now known as paddel
sorenHave any of you guys used iscsitarget succesfully?21:36
Faust-Csoren, not on ubuntu but ive used it before22:24
sorenFaust-C: Ok. I meant on Ubuntu, so.. :)22:28
sorenBesides, it seems it might be open-iscs htat doesn't like me.22:28
Faust-Cshould work but it is a pita to mess w/22:28
Faust-Cthats why i used openfiler w/ it22:28
yann2there is a bug on openiscsi that say you cant initiate two connections at the same time, but you're probably aware of it?22:31
yann2Faust-C > can you tell me more about openfiler? I dont understand, is it opensource?22:33
emretempust be a real domain adress? for example i use "debianDesktop" as my hostname, nothing bad ever happened. but im just curious. thx in adv22:34
Faust-Cyann2, yeah openfiler is a SAN/NAS linux distro22:34
yann2is it good?22:34
Faust-Cemretemp, if your not on a domain it doesnt matter22:34
Faust-Cyann2, yeah for most needs22:34
Faust-Ccan auth to AD a lil simpler22:34
yann2I guess I'll give it a  try22:35
yann2what is it based on? does it do snapshots?22:35
Faust-Cyann2, based on, i forgot the name22:35
Faust-Cbut yes it has snapshots if you use LVM22:36
Faust-Cits based on rpath22:36
yann2https://project.openfiler.com/tracker/ticket/835 uhuh22:37
yann2I'll give it a try :)22:38
yann2too bad they dont provide qemu images22:38
Faust-Cyann2, btw that bug is old, look in forum for the howto22:39
yann2i read about another one like this can't remember the name22:40
yann2gave up in the end as the / couldnt be on the same physical disk as the data22:41
Faust-Cyou dont want to do that anyways22:41
Faust-Ci have 5 hdd's22:41
Faust-Cone install, then 2 raid1 w/ LVM totalling 2TB22:42
yann2why dont you want to do that? :)22:44
Faust-Cif install hdd goes down you want to have data secure at least (or vice versa)22:44
yann2anyway we'll see... we may buy a big server with plenty of disks next year, this could be a solution22:45
yann2well idea is there is raid so it doesnt go down so easily :P22:45
Faust-Cyeah but dont mix data w/ install22:47
Faust-Cdata gets more I/O usually22:47
yann2so install shouldnt hurt ^^22:49
Faust-Cheh youre missing the point22:49
Faust-Canyways laters folks22:49
yann2bye, thx for the link :)22:49
Alberteinhi guys, could you provide a guide to configure a ubuntu installation to relay mail messages? i've already have a exchange server but i want to do email filtering trought spamassassin, so i wanted to install postfix to relay all mail to my existent maiil server except the ones detected as spam by spamassassin23:00
Alberteini tried just a simple proxy (spampd) before trying postfix but i want to reject spam messages and store them in a file or in a mailbox and it seems to not support it, that's why i tought of postfix23:02
=== Albertein is now known as AlbertEin
AlbertEinhi guys, could you provide a guide to configure a ubuntu installation to relay mail messages? i've already have a exchange server but i want to do email filtering trought spamassassin, so i wanted to install postfix to relay all mail to my existent maiil server except the ones detected as spam by spamassassin23:07
AlbertEini tried just a simple proxy (spampd) before trying postfix but i want to reject spam messages and store them in a file or in a mailbox and it seems to not support it, that's why i tought of postfix23:07
LoveGuruHi, is there any gud guide to install/configure proftpd server in ubuntu 8.10. Thankx.23:07
AlbertEinhi guys, could you provide a guide to configure a ubuntu installation to relay mail messages? i've already have a exchange server but i want to do email filtering trought spamassassin, so i wanted to install postfix to relay all mail to my existent maiil server except the ones detected as spam by spamassassin23:08
AlbertEini tried just a simple proxy (spampd) before trying postfix but i want to reject spam messages and store them in a file or in a mailbox and it seems to not support it, that's why i tought of postfix23:08
AlbertEinsorry if that weas duplicated, i was having problems with nickserv and i didn't knew if the message was sent23:08
LoveGuruAlbertEin: keep patience, if someone around here definitly they will help ya.23:08
AlbertEinsorry LoveGuru i tought the message hadn't arrived because i was not identified with nickserv23:09
LoveGuruAlbertEin: thats fine.. if u are not identify with nickserv just make sure channel modes are not +RM23:09
LoveGuruthen u can talk if ur not identifiy.23:10
DeepsAlbertEin: not a fan of running mailservers myself, but off the top of my head, i suspect it's not as easy as you're hoping23:12
Deepsyou may need to go as far as altering your public MX records so that the primary mailserver is your postfix box, which is configured with spamassassin23:13
AlbertEinDeeps: there's no problem with the dns, i only have a single public ip, so everything it's done with nat on my gateway23:13
Deepsand then also have that postfix server not believing it is the primary MX server, so that once it's done, it relays it onto the exchange server23:13
Deepshow you'd actually go about doing any of that i dunno, but thats how it would seem to make sense in my head23:14
AlbertEinDeeps: yup, it's the second step which i don't know where to start23:15
Deepsgoogle 'ubuntu postfix spamassassin' for that step23:15
Deepsand 'ubuntu postfix secondary/slave/something-relevant-here' for the next step23:15
Deepsand muddle your way through23:15
DeepsLoveGuru: apt-get install proftpd, and it'll be setup so that system users can connect and login using their normal user/pass and have full perms on their homedirs (and cant see outside of that iirc)23:16
DeepsLoveGuru: anything more advanced, google 'ubuntu proftpd <keyword>', replacing keyword with whatever fancy feature you're wanting23:17
LoveGuruDeeps: well im trying by that way.. as u said.. after setup my system users can access in my system but somehow it won't... " http://pastebin.com/d7c145e43 " im trying to test my ftp server by Gene6 FTP server.23:19
LoveGuruits " PASV " ports problem?23:20
LoveGurui didn't open or add that ports yet in my conf.23:21
Deepsdoesn't look like it's getting even that far23:21
Deepslooks like your client is sending custom commands to the server that it doesn't understand23:21
Deepsor rather, the website's ftptest is testing for a g6 ftp server, which it's not finding23:22
LoveGurui think ur right. becoz when i m trying to access from windows DOS prompt it works fine.23:22
ScottKAlbertEin: What you want is postfix, amavisd-new, and spamassassin.23:23
AlbertEinScottK: actually i could live23:25
AlbertEinScottK: thanks, i', going to check it out, but what i'm conserning now is to make postfix to relay all mail23:25
ScottKAlbertEin: Working as an anti-spam gateway in front of Exchange is a pretty standard task for Postfix.23:26
AlbertEinScottK: unfourtanly i can't seem to find documentation to make postfix work =p23:27
Deepslooks relevant23:27
ScottKDeeps: Yes, but I'd start with the official documentation.23:28
AlbertEinthank you, i'll read it, seems like man transport 5 could help23:29
ScottKhttps://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/postfix.html and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/mail-filtering.html23:29
ScottKAlbertEin: ^^23:29
* ScottK needs to run off for a while.23:29
Deepsmy bad, i (shoudn't have) assumed he'd looke through that already23:29
AlbertEinactually i glanced that, but it seems to make postfix the main smtp server instead of a relay gateway23:30
ScottKThe relay part is easy if you get the rest23:33
AlbertEinwell, if you say so i'm going to configure it as a main server first23:38
AlbertEinand work on that23:39

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