
amorphous_ok - in that case could anyone reccommend a good podcast software for auto downloads when i turn on etc?00:00
exodus_mstchmnkyz> try 'tail -f /var/log/apport.log'00:00
tchmnkyzi thiink i figured it out00:00
pyropheliacould somebody ping me?00:00
exodus_mstchmnkyz> what is it?00:00
tchmnkyzjeremy    5913  4.5 17.6 589984 366860 ?       Rl   Dec02  62:47 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.4/firefox00:00
tchmnkyzjeremy    6894  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        Z    Dec02   0:15  \_ [ld-linux.so.2] <defunct>00:00
Peloleo_,  when I told you to check all the boxes in the first and third tab of  software sources earlier,  that,s whre the univers repos is located, if hyou did that it should be enabled00:00
tchmnkyzkilled firefox and it is fine now00:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:01
Puritykevin__,  u get it to work?00:01
Radtooamorphous_: amarok?00:01
kaiHey, can someone help me? I need to add Vista to GRUB boot list..can someone show me how? (Dual booting)00:01
Pelolater folks,  gotta eat something00:01
gnutronleo_: in synaptic / settings /repositories enable the repo's you need. then reload the list00:01
pyrophelia /ctcp ping pyrophelia00:01
apadoxi get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/80079/ when i try to run a game .. i have installed ati drivers but seems like they are not working00:01
kevin__Purity & Pelo: I can't find this Media tab in Nautilus.00:01
pyropheliaer... yea so I'm rusty00:02
pyrophelia /ctcp pyrophelia ping00:02
kaiI need to add Vista to GRUB boot list..can someone show me how? (Dual booting)00:02
joeb3_who asked how to replace the "|" with tabs?00:03
powertool08kai: look at the second post    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39808700:03
leo_gnutron:  it is alredy enable00:03
dr_williskai theres an example entry in the comments of the menu.lst that boots windws from the first hard drive.. You could uncomment it and change the settings you need.00:03
Puritykevin__,  i dont have natilus cant help sry?00:03
powertool08kai: note that title can be changed to whatever you wish for easy identification00:04
gnutronleo_: java-common is what have installed, but if i recall, there is more to it than that.00:04
ActionParsnippyrophelia: i'm pinging you now00:04
zachb1I already have ubuntu installed, but I'd like to install a different version to another partition. Is there some way I can do this wo/ a CD/USB disk?00:04
qcjnhi, gnutron00:04
arrenlex!debootstrap | zachb100:05
ubottuzachb1: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information00:05
leo_gnutron:  I uninstall java-common00:05
apadoxzachb1, what different version00:05
kaipowertool08, how to check which (hd0,x) my vista is installed on?00:05
zachb1arrenlex: not quite...00:05
=== andatche_ is now known as andatche
arrenlexzachb1: What do you need that debootstrap doesn't provide?00:05
zachb1apadox: I just want to install a intrepid in a new partition wo/ removing this one?00:06
gnutronleo_: intrepid or earlier?00:06
apadoxzachb1, why would you wanna do that ?00:06
powertool08kai: I'm pretty sure hd0,0 will work for you, windows always assumes its the first and only partition00:06
arrenlexkai: Do you know what drive it's installed on in /dev/? Like /dev/sda2?00:06
zachb1apadox: ...because I don't want to wipe this partition00:06
charm911hello!  I've been breaking my head on a the firefox flashplayer-nonfree flickering on some sites and playing ok on other sites... anyone have a solution for that?00:06
kaipowertool08, arrenlex, Not sure.. Linux was installed first, thankfully, GRUB was not over-written... I am not sure how to check which drive it was installed on though,00:07
Mal3kowhat folder is /usr/local/bin <--?00:07
arrenlexkai: What is the state of the system? Do you have a shell?00:07
YlandeFaranHow do I open .bin and .cue files?00:07
apadoxzachb1, so you want 2 intrepids :) .. or you want to move this one on another partition00:07
zachb1apadox: I'm not using intrepid00:07
Paddy_EIREYlandeFaran, what is the bin/cue files of?00:08
qcjnhi, would you know of an app that can do flash diaporama that i could put on a website after ?00:08
kaiarrenlex :Both seemed to have installed fine, GRUB won't auto detect VISTA and Ubuntu seems to be working fine. (I'm using it right now to talk to you)00:08
YlandeFaranstarcraft + broodwar. I want to play them through wine.00:08
apadoxzachb1,  you need ubuntu cd .. when you boot it and it gets to partition manager go to manual00:08
Paddy_EIREYlandeFaran, ok you can either extract the bin file.. or mount it00:08
YlandeFaranI found a usefull wine-guide, but in that guide they use real cds, mine broke down many years ago. :)00:08
zachb1I can make the partition just fine00:08
zachb1apadox: the problem is actually installing it00:08
Paddy_EIRE!bin | YlandeFaran00:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bin00:08
apadoxchoose partition you wanna use and delete it, create a new partition and format it as / zachb100:08
Paddy_EIREYlandeFaran, one sec00:08
leo_gnutron:  sorry ?00:09
jpv950how bad are the ATI linux drivers?00:09
arrenlexzachb1: Sorry, dunno if you replied to this -- what do you need that debootstrap doesn't do?00:09
Paddy_EIREjpds, not as bad as made out to be00:09
rgsteele||workHey folks - any takers on this kernel-related problem?  http://pastie.org/330424   I apologize for bursting in here and being so brief in framing the question, but I've been hacking at this for quite some time and I'm exhausted  :)00:09
zachb1arrenlex: Maybe it would work.00:09
Paddy_EIREjpds, at the same time.. what works for me may not work for you... go for it00:09
gnutronleo_: which version of ubuntu are you running00:10
jpv950Paddy_EIRE, thanks00:10
Paddy_EIREYlandeFaran, right click the bin file and choose "Extract here"00:10
arrenlexzachb1: The ubuntu installer (ubiquity) is also available as a package, you might be able to just install that package and launch the installer again.00:10
apadoxi get this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/80079/ when i try to run a game .. i have installed ati drivers but seems like they are not working00:10
Paddy_EIREjpds, sure00:10
leo_gnutron:  8.1000:10
Mal3kohow do we del cmd manual in MAN?00:11
leo_installed insed windows00:11
arrenlexapadox: What does it say when you do "glxinfo | grep ender"? Both lines.00:11
Mal3kohow do we del cmd manual in MAN?00:11
Paddy_EIRE arrenlex render*00:11
kaiOkay, think I got it..00:11
arrenlexPaddy_EIRE: No, I ender.00:11
arrenlexPaddy_EIRE: Alternatively, grep -i render, but that's longer to type.00:12
apadoxarrenlex, direct rendering: Yes00:12
apadoxOpenGL renderer string: ATI MOBILITY RADEON X70000:12
Tigrealguien que este en linea00:12
bdelin88anyone good with editing the FSTAB?00:12
Paddy_EIRE!es | Tigge00:12
ubottuTigge: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:12
bdelin88could you please pm00:12
exodus_msrgsteele||work> did you install a new nic in that server, the broadcom one?00:12
Paddy_EIRE!es | Tigre00:12
ubottuTigre: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:12
rgsteele||workexodus_ms: Nah, it's onboard, and unfortunately the server is a 1U and the only PCI slot is being taken up by a RAID card.00:13
arrenlexapadox: Yeah, your acceleration's fine... dunno, then. Sorry.00:13
arrenlex!anyone | bdelin8800:13
ubottubdelin88: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:13
apadoxarrenlex, do you know where could i look for help?00:14
rgsteele||workSo I can't replace it with something nicer, like an Intel card.00:14
arrenlexapadox: Short of googling that error message, with sdl and ati mobility, no. Sorry.00:14
droopsta915_If I set my desktop effects to none, will that turn compiz off?00:14
YlandeFaranPaddy_EIRE: That did not work, no application avaliable to do that. I probably don't have the right application installed. I can, however burn out them to a CD by klicking the .cue files and use "Brasero disk burner"00:14
arrenlexdroopsta915_: Yes, it will go back to metacity.00:14
gnutronleo_: try apt-get install  sun-java6-jre00:14
Prez00how do I prevent Bluetooth from being activated on startup?  I have to be hitting the Fn+wireless keys on my thinkpad to turn it off after startup.00:14
exodus_msrgsteele||work> looks like you have done your homework, routing tables and IP's all resolve with dns. I thought that maybe you installed a new nic with an old ip addressed to it00:15
gnutronleo_: you might need to restart X windows. not sure of that.00:15
bdelin88ubottu shhh00:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about shhh00:15
amikropHello. Does any Forgotten Realms game exist for Ubuntu?00:16
rgsteele||workexodus_ms: Nah.  PXE booting during an automated installation.  It works on the servers with nicer NICs/drivers like the Intel's that use igb/e100000:16
gnutron!ubottu > bdelin8800:16
ubottubdelin88, please see my private message00:16
amikrop!forgotten realms00:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:16
gnutron!ubottu ssh > bdelin8800:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu ssh00:16
dr_willisamikrop,  there exists some OLD ones that will work with dosbox, or wine. lots of old SSI D*D games00:16
gnutron!ubottu openssh > bdelin8800:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu openssh00:17
gnutroni give up00:17
arrenlex!hi > gnutron00:17
ubottugnutron, please see my private message00:17
amikropdr_willis: Not anything like Baldur's Gate, for example?00:17
bdelin88what it the world is going on lol00:17
bdelin88robots are taking over!00:17
Puritynot again00:17
dr_willisamikrop,  that game works in wine i belive00:18
Ferrousis it possible to copy a partition and put it elsewhere? haha00:18
X1karr0usX1anyone know how to install a xgi volari v3 series driver?00:18
arrenlexFerrous: I believe gparted has this feature.00:18
Ferrousokie dokie00:18
Ferrousthank you00:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd00:18
joachimATjkuhow can i tell ubuntu which version of the gcc to use?00:18
Ferrousi may be back in a while to see how to use ut :P00:19
gnutron!openssh-server > bdelin8800:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openssh-server00:19
gnutrondumb bot00:19
amikropdr_willis: That game (and much more) works with one Wine version, and doesn't work with another. :-)00:19
vasslerhellooo! I need to know a simple and gnome interface application development tools to creat linux base apps, anyone know of any?00:19
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/00:19
bdelin88omg i think i broke ubottu lol00:19
mezquitale!ssh server00:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ssh server00:19
gnutronbdelin88: you need openssh-server, search ssh in synaptic, itsa must have imho.00:19
leo_gnutron:  could you take a look in the purge error that i had here ?00:20
bdelin88no i was telling ubottu to "shush!" lol00:20
amikropdr_willis: What's the point of releasing a new Wine version, if it produces new bugs (such bugs, as inabilities to even start some programs that worked before).00:20
gnutronmezquitale: thank you :)00:20
trueboskoHi there, I'm building a basic computer that will run apache and serve files for our small office. I am familiar with Ubuntu Desktop but in this case should I go for Ubuntu Server or is it more designed for actual websites and heavy-duty pc's? This pc only serves an office of 5, so traffic is not that heavy (but it's serving data all the time from 9-6pm :-)00:20
RedWarCan anyone comment on how Ibex is working out, I d hate to upgrade, since it requires that I reinstall some of my faves, Like Kiba Dock and others.00:20
leo_gnutron:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/80086/00:20
leo_but is half portuguese half english00:20
gnutronleo_: ok00:20
vasslerhellooo! I need to know a simple and gnome interface application development tools to creat linux base apps, anyone know of any?00:20
bdelin88RedWar: I LOVE IBEX00:21
mezquitaleRedWar,  ibex is not so bad, wireless on my old T23 laptop is not working as it used to, though, I can't connect wirelessly at home00:21
t-l0yalHi, Need help setting up linux for use with WRT600N router00:21
DasEi RedWar:xorg has changed to 7.4, so some graphics work bader, it boots up and installs faster, I think hardy is still better supported00:21
bdelin88son of a whore00:21
arrenlextruebosko: The only difference between ubuntu server and desktop is what packages come installed by default. If you install ubuntu-desktop and then install apache on it, you get the same effect.00:21
Giraffehey, has anybody uesd wicd instead of network manager?  it seems it's having trouble finding a hidden network00:22
t-l0yalis the EasyLink Advisor for linux??00:22
trueboskoarrenlex: ah, I didn't know that. That's good enough then, I'll just install Desktop :-)00:22
RedWarmezquitale: Is there a workaround for that?00:22
X1karr0usX1need a hand installing display driver00:22
bdelin88IEs4Linux will not load radio.yahoo.com :( I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE TO VMWARE TO LISTEN TO YAHOO RADIO00:22
bdelin88anyone using IEs4Linux?00:22
dr_willist-l0yal,  done expexct us to know exactly whate very windows tool does. :)00:22
X1karr0usX1whats the command to check what display driver is in use?00:22
gnutronleo_: you have a problem open synaptic and choose fix broken packages, i also suspect your sources list is whacked00:23
powertool08anyone ever used clonezilla and DRBL(multicast pxe mode) to clone ubuntu?00:23
mezquitaleRedWar,  there's probably a way around to that, I haven't got the time to try it, it works fine on the library though other than that, I don't have any complaints, firefox looks different,  it looks a little better for me, not bad00:23
RedWarbdeline: Thanks, I d like to look into it.00:23
israelsomeone know how set a local wiki?00:23
joelmcaDoes exim run by default on Ubuntu?00:24
israelor where I can found some documentation?00:24
RedWarbdelin88: I use Ies4Linux on Hardy, but it refuses to work with CNBC PLUS, but that is because its bloody propietary!00:25
vassleranyone know the best application dev tool to make linux based apps??!00:25
malcom2073Is there any way to set up a serial loopback between two port software side using ubuntu?00:25
malcom2073like say, linking /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS100:25
arrenlexvassler: vim, gcc and make ?00:25
magnetronvassler→ use any programming language00:25
bdelin88RedWar: do you know how to install plugins for it?00:25
magnetronvassler→ have you ever programmed before?00:25
dr_willis10 print 'hello world'00:26
magnetrongoto 1000:26
vasslermagnetron: not really...00:26
vassleri want to begin00:26
DasEiisrael: you look for information or want to write in a wiki ?00:26
arrenlexvassler: What language are you looking to pick up?00:26
dr_willis'crawl, walk, run' :) time to pick a language and start learning00:26
RedWarI have a triple boot system, and I finally was able to stabilize Vista, who mentioned that they was a differnce with x.org on Ibex?00:26
magnetronvassler→ i recommend you start with the Python programming language. it works well with ubuntu and there are good guides for it on the net00:26
dr_willisvassler,  Python Is a good lanugage to start with. Its handy00:26
DasEiRedWar: me00:27
RedWarWas that you Dasei?00:27
israelDasEi: I want to set a local wiki00:27
RoC_MasterMindI have a P4 that supports hyper-threading, but only 1 CPU shows up in /proc/cpuinfo and gkrellm.  I want to make sure it is hyperthreading.  There are no cpu options in my BIOS.00:27
RedWarI have never been able Dasei to get dual screen to work on Hardy, is it easier on Ibex?00:28
DasEiisrael: still don't understand, a wiki on your local machine ?00:28
israelDasEi: yes00:28
RedWarDasei; I think he is tring to build an intranet00:28
rgsteele||workLjL: ping00:28
bluelistI need help with editing xorg.conf for screen resolution and boot list00:28
DasEiRedWar: I guess it's easier with prop. drivers, which - as said -are less good supported by xorg 7.4, but you might look at :00:29
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:29
vassleri need a visual c++ kind of dev tool? any for linux?00:29
vasslerfor gnome00:29
RedWarDasei: Thank you so much!00:29
israelvassler: for linux you can use eclipse00:30
arrenlexvassler: eclipse supports c++ with the eclipse-cdt plugin00:30
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
dr_willisNo programing experience  and wanting to dive right into C++ :)00:31
bluelistI need help with editing xorg.conf for screen resolution and boot list00:31
D-MANcan i get real drivers for my ati graphics card or just proprietory obes?00:31
israelDasEi: I found some information how to set a wiki in windows but noting for linux00:32
vasslerdoesnt python 2.5 have a gnome version?00:32
bluelistI need help with editing xorg.conf for screen resolution and boot list00:32
outboardnetbeans newest release now supports c++ development,00:33
arrenlexvassler: Python is a programming language. What do you mean by python having a gnome version?00:33
bluelistno help....00:33
Draciebluelist: sure, pastebin your xorg for me00:33
DasEiisrael: for sure there is sth, as some wiki servers also run ubuntu, basically will need a apache or sth similar and then could also serve html from that00:33
bluelistDracie: thanks gimmie a sec00:34
vassleroh sorry, i need some kind of visual basic kind of help to application development00:34
arrenlexvassler: So, eclipse.00:34
ntndoanyone ever have a problem with trackpads becoming somewhat unresponsive?00:34
ntndoas in the mouse cursor scoots over a few but doesn't really do much?00:34
vassleri want to learn, but was born with learning disability00:35
vasslerthings are hard00:35
Dracientndo:  try an external mouse?00:35
vasslerto learn00:35
Draciejust to make sure it is more than a touchpad thing00:35
Radtoovassler: There's also anjuta and kdevelop and more for specific languages, all of which are good IDE.00:35
ntndoit is.00:35
ntndoRegular mice work00:35
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
bluelistcan I have the link to the pastbasin?00:35
outboardjumping right into c++ is a big step from vb00:35
Draciebluelist:  any pastebin works:  google pastebin, you choose00:35
arrenlexbluelist: http://paste.ubuntu.com00:35
D-MANneed help installing my ati graphics card in hardy?00:35
vasslerokay , thank you for your help :)00:36
Jack_SparrowD-MAN what model is it00:36
DracieD-MAN:  what card?00:36
grendal_primehow can i find out what my working sound device is?00:36
D-MANits ati radeon 1650 pro00:36
joelmcaIs there a log that tells you from what IP addresses people have attempted to log into your Ubuntu system remotely? I log in via SSH, but want to see if others have tried too.00:37
Jack_SparrowD-MAN sorry have not messed with any of those.00:37
israelDasEi: there is a kind of wiki for local pcs too named instiki, but I can't find how get it for ubuntu00:37
arrenlexD-MAN: You will need the proprietary ATI drivers, nothing free supports that card.00:37
bluelistDracie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80094/00:37
arrenlex!fglrx| D-MAN00:37
ubottuD-MAN: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:37
HopFlashHi! I have a problem to start with my boot cd from ubuntu. Only the following appears: Grub loading... Error 21  any help?00:37
[TiZ]Hi there. My home partition is reporting to be full at only 1.8 GB. But I know that it's 3.5 GB! What's going on here? How can I fix it?00:38
Draciebluelist:  lets just make sure your graphics card isn't already configured:  type this in terminal:  glxinfo | grep direct00:38
DracieTiZ sudo fdisk -l in terminal00:39
Jack_Sparrow[TiZ] df -h00:39
Dracienevermind better idea jack =]00:39
hotte-does anyone know if iwl3945 modul supports ad-hoc?!??!00:39
hotte-                                    00:39
israelI found something if someone is interested this is the link http://lifehacker.com/software/feature/geek-to-live-how-to-host-a-personal-wiki-on-your-home-computer-126052.php00:39
arrenlexDracie: Technically you can have direct rendering without having acceleration, it's better to make sure the OpenGL rendering string to make sure it's not mesa indirect.00:39
Jack_SparrowDracie np, please go ahead and continue with him00:39
DasEiD-MAN: backup xorg.conf  d/l the catalyst-suite (ati-hp), put it to /usr/src , sudo sh        it, reboot00:39
[TiZ]Ah, wait... I'm looking in GParted and it's saying that 2.7 GB is in use... that sounds more right. But the disk usage analyzer says that only 1.8 GB is in use. Why the discrepancy?00:39
Ferrousthat's silly israel00:39
israelsee you00:39
Ferrousnow look up "home wiki exploits"00:40
DracieTiZ in a terminal type df -h00:40
arrenlexhotte-: Yes, I have used ad-hoc with that card using iwl3945.00:40
tiyowanHi...anyone here use Empathy on intrepid?00:40
Draciearrenlex:  does it say you have direct rendering though?00:40
hotte-arrenlex, damn :( may you can help me in querry a bit?00:40
kitche[TiZ]: no discrepancy really you have to remember 5% of that 3.5 GB's is being used for root00:40
arrenlexhotte-: What isn't working?00:40
[TiZ]Dracie: df -h says that home is 3.3GB. 2.8 is in use. And 400M is free.00:40
DracieTiZ - there you go... you can expand that partition if you need to00:41
[TiZ]kitche: So 5% of 3.3 GB translates to 1GB of space not accounted for by the disk usage analyzer?00:41
arrenlexDracie: Not me, you mean bluelist. I was just pointing stuff out. :)00:41
dr_willisYou can change that 5% reserved00:41
israelhaha, why silly?, you can have your own wiki in your intranet00:41
tiyowanI'm using empathy on intrepid, and I whenever I call a gtalk contact, the mic/vol. is grayed out and no ring tone sounds. Any ideas?00:41
kitche[TiZ]: more like it guesses just like free does most of the time00:41
bluelistDracie: .... :~$ glxinfo | grep direct00:42
bluelistdirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)00:42
bluelistOpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect00:42
[TiZ]I'm trying to free up space in /home, in case it wasn't obvious. I'm trying to use the disk usage analyzer, but there's 1GB of stuff that it's not accounting for somewhere.00:42
D-MANDasEihave no clue what you just told me to do?00:42
Draciebluelist:  thx00:42
DasEiisrael : why don#t you just set up a fileserver accesible only via dmz ?00:42
xat_[TiZ]: I'm guessing /home is an entirely separate partition?00:42
[TiZ]xat_: Yep.00:42
Dracie[TiZ] sudo apt-get clean00:42
xat_then things like apt-get clean wouldn't affect that partition, I imagine00:43
[TiZ]Dracie: That didn't help any.00:43
=== leo_ is now known as leo_-away
jgoguenI'm having a lot of kernel panics since the upgrade to 2.6.29-9 on Intrepid...booting from a live CD and looking at my logs, it doesn't look like there's anything unusual in any of them.  Any thoughts on where I should look for something that might be useful for a bug report, or a link to an open bug report?00:43
DasEiD-MAN: open a terminal...00:43
tiyowanok, does on anyone have a gtalk account on a win box? I just need to do a quick audio test.00:43
xat_[TiZ]: does that home have a single user?00:44
D-MANDasEi kk00:44
[TiZ]xat_: Yep, just me.00:44
Draciebluelist:  have you installed the appropiate drivers?00:44
* leo_-away as the terminator says: I'll be back00:44
DasEiD-MAN: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf   /etc/X11/xorg_working00:44
israelDasEi: because I want to use the wiki for share some documentation on how to do things by the team00:44
israelwe already have a fileserver00:44
DasEiisrael : so simply allow the users to change the files00:45
bluelisthow do I do that00:45
Dracieremind me what card you got, i forgot00:45
DasEiD-MAN: go to ati hp , find your driver00:45
israelyeah, this is another option, both are ok00:46
D-MANDasEi tried that but it didnt do anything00:46
Dracieeither you need fglrx or the open source ati drivers00:46
DasEiD-MAN: it did...00:46
arrenlexDracie: No foss drivers for that card.00:46
DasEiD-MAN: d/l 'ed driver ?00:46
Draciekk thx arrenlex00:46
xat_[TiZ]: hm. can't say I have the answer. maybe run disk usage analyzer as root to see if there's anything it isn't picking up under regular user mode00:46
israelall depend of the propose00:47
bdelin88how do i install one of these...00:47
Draciebluelist:  go into System -> Administration -> hardware drivers00:47
D-MANDasEi lamens terms please im newb!00:47
Draciesee about enabling drivers00:47
tiyowanI'm using empathy on intrepid, and I whenever I call a gtalk contact, the mic/vol. is grayed out and no ring tone sounds. Any ideas?00:47
DasEiD-MAN: go to ati homepage , find your driver00:47
bdelin88anyone know how to install one of these or which one i should install (barry for my blackberry): http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=153722&package_id=170564&release_id=62865800:47
russe11Anybody have any idea where nm-applet stores WEP keys? I want to back up that file before I reformat00:47
donhow can I check what ports I have open?00:48
[TiZ]xat_: Okay then. Thanks.00:48
D-MANDasEi allready did yhat it did nothing00:48
tiyowandon: I think you need to check your iptables.00:48
donI'm new to linux, how do I do that?00:48
russe11don: you could always nmap yourself00:48
bdelin88how do i install or configure a .deb file, anyone?00:48
mikebotWould anyone be able to tell me why sound doesn't play from firefox? (so like youtube and such), but occasionally it does. And VLC plays sound, but once I open firefox and attempt to play sound, VLC no longer will (until, I think, I close firefox and re-open it)?00:49
russe11don: You could just do "sudo nmap localhost"00:49
tiyowandon: I'm new, too. I'm sure someone else here knows the cmd to run from terminal.00:49
RequinB4bdelin88: double click, but what are you trying to install00:49
donrussell thank you, installing nmap now00:49
bdelin88RequinB4: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=153722&package_id=170564&release_id=62865800:49
DasE1D-MAN: its on the desktop now ?00:49
russe11don, I think it's possible that you will have some ports open to localhost that are not available to any other users00:49
donrussell I need to open a port if it's not00:50
tiyowanmikebot: I read on some of the forums about something related to pulseaudio.00:50
RequinB4bdelin88: download the appropriate deb for your architecture and version and double click on it.  Its not in the repos00:50
russe11don, that should tell you then.00:50
mikebottiyowan: Do you happen to have a link?00:50
donokay yeah, shows only 2 ports open, how do I open another?00:50
D-MANDasEi no00:50
bdelin88RequinB4: i don't see one for intrepid, should i get closest version?  and it says i am missing "libbarry0" i think00:50
DasE1D-MAN: where did you put it ?00:50
russe11don, unless you've installed a firewall or something, the only way to "open" a port is to run the app that expects to use it.00:51
D-MANDasEi did it on a previouse hard drive00:51
donokay I'll give that a shot00:51
amikropHow will we get vendors like Konami, Blizzard and BioWare to write (or just port) games for Linux? :-(00:51
tiyowanmikebot: Hang on.00:51
DasE1D-MAN: path ?00:51
bdelin88RequinB4: it says "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libbarry0"00:51
mikebottiyowan: Thanks, I appreciate it.00:51
Draciemikebot:  if your using pulse audio you will have issues when using different sound outputs00:51
RequinB4bdelin88: you can download that deb from teh same source you just gave me00:51
donOkay, must be that the program isn't running yet.  Thanks00:51
D-MANDasEi new install other drive was corrupt00:52
DasE1D-MAN: so d/l it to desktop then ...00:52
mikebottiyowan: Dracie: It looks like I want to 'killall pulseaudio', but then there is a memory leak or something?00:52
mikebotDracie: Is there a way for me to not use pulseaudio?00:52
[TiZ]xat_: Found it.00:52
D-MANDasEi wich one do i download?00:52
[TiZ]It was a huge iso I had deleted as root00:52
JECHOanyone else notice that Ibex takes up a lot of memory?00:52
tiyowanmikebot: Yep. killall pulseaudio should do the trick.00:53
amikropHow will we get vendors like Konami, Blizzard and BioWare to write (or just port) games for Linux? :-(00:53
Draciemikebot:  of course, but you will still have issues00:53
dr_willisamikrop,  dont hold your breath.00:53
mikebottiyowan: According to the following site, people had memory leak issues with killing pulseaudio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/20208900:53
bdelin88amikrop: get more users to linux is what you have to do00:53
kitcheamikrop: blizzard already does well sort of00:53
RequinB4amikrop: the same way you get laws past.  Get a lot of people to agree with you, use linux, and tell them its in their own interest00:54
donamikrob a majority of people to complain and write in to them would be what it would take00:54
dr_willisamikrop,  if they thought they could make a profit from  it.. vs the cost of doing so.. they would..00:54
bdelin88it's simply demand, there is virtually no demand for linux gaming... and too much risk00:54
mikebotDracie: So there is no way to not have issues?00:54
[TiZ]How is there risk?00:54
kitcheamikrop: considering that ID ports games over to Linux all the time which is part of Blizzard00:54
Darkangel42i am having problems with my flash player working on firefox, we have updated and installed all adobes and javascript is turned on in firefox, any help???00:54
bdelin88bc there is no demand :)00:54
Draciemikebot:  i don't know, but i'm guessing VLC uses OSS or something by default and flash in ffox uses alsa00:54
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:54
mikebotDracie: Are either of those two things related to pulseaudio?00:55
jgoguen[TiZ]: if there's no guaranteed sales, they risk losing a lot of money taking the time to port and test their games00:55
donTiZ they have to spend the money to code it and port it and the man hours.  If not enough people on linux use the product, they've wasted alot of money and time.00:55
zetherooI am having sound related issues in Hardy ... sound just stops working all of a sudden and I have to reboot to get it back on00:55
Draciemikebot:  read up on pulseaudio00:55
Dracie!pulseaudio | mikebot00:55
ubottumikebot: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions00:55
tiyowanmikebot: The issue seems to be with pulseaudio and gnome-power-manager.00:55
[TiZ]I see. Okay then, thanks for that explanantion. :)00:55
bdelin88plus they have to set up tech support for it00:55
amikropWell, Linux has to really get to market share.00:55
amikropI am quite angry about this.00:56
mikebotDracie: Thanks00:56
tiyowanmikebot: The bug report says that the gnome-power-manager memory leak problem got fixed in a recent Deb update.00:56
mikebottiyowan: ALright, I'm just going to try it.00:56
bdelin88and linux is still at the stage where 70% of it's new user base has no idea what they are doing :)00:56
bdelin88amikrop: how do you think MAC feels?00:56
mikebottiyowan: Oh, good. Thanks.00:56
amikropbdelin88: don't know00:56
=== heret1c1 is now known as heret1c
bdelin88it's a really simple matter of DIRECTX really...00:56
E4emacs4Bah! if you want games get an Xbox or PS3. Period.00:56
Hikefuamikrop, !offtopic00:56
bdelin88micro$oft controls directx00:56
tiyowanDoes anyone have a spare Gtalk account they're using on Pidgin or Empathy or even Windows/Gtalk?00:56
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:56
bdelin88no it's not hikefu00:56
tiyowanI just need to add you as a contact and test my audio. It seems to be on the blink.00:57
HikefuThis is for support.00:57
bdelin88we're talking about ubuntu and games working on ubuntu :)00:57
amikropI don't say that Linux is perfect, but Windows is much more worse, in every aspect...00:57
Prez00any IM programs for linux that can connect to FB?00:57
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:57
dr_willisCompiters are tools.. tools are not perfect. :P00:57
HikefuI don't care, I just like using !00:57
tiyowanPrez00: What's FB?00:57
umaximcan some one help me with wi-fi driver00:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:58
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:58
mikebottiyowan: Ah wonderful, it worked.00:58
tiyowanPrez00: Oh no, not facebook you mean. :-)00:58
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
bdelin88omg ubottu shut ur face plz :)00:58
Prez00tiyowan: :-)00:58
CyWhy does enabeling Compiz "Extra effects make my desktop go grey?00:58
mikebottiyowan: Thanks very much for your help00:58
E4emacs4ubottu, is fun to play with , but there is a channel for that i believe its #Ubuntu-bot or something :)00:58
Darkangel42trying to install newest version of adobe and gdebi installer is giving me i386 error any help??00:58
HikefuPrez00, hold on00:58
bdelin88Cy: bc something is not set up right00:58
tiyowanmikebot: Reading up on the bug reports should point in the direction of a permanent fix. I think a simple update should do the trick. np.00:58
YlandeFaranIf I want to run a .exe file in linux, does "wine file.exe" work, or do I have to place the file in some special directory first?00:58
trueboskoDumb question, but when in Firefox or any other application, how can I type in unicode characters assuming I know the unicode value?00:59
bdelin88well thanks BARRY for not working00:59
russe11YlandeFaran: that should work00:59
HikefuPrez00, install this http://code.google.com/p/pidgin-facebookchat/00:59
donYlandeFaran wine file.exe  should work fine00:59
CyAny Help appreciated :)00:59
umaximRequinB4 i read this but i have another type of problem i try to found00:59
Prez00Hikefu: coolness, will try it out, thanks00:59
tiyowanHikefu: You wouldn't happen to know any good apps for voice chatting on Gtalk?00:59
Cybdelin88: Any help appreciated :)00:59
RequinB4umaxim: provide more details01:00
jgoguenI'm having a lot of kernel panics since the upgrade to 2.6.29-9 on Intrepid...booting from a live CD and looking at my logs, it doesn't look like there's anything unusual in any of them.  Any thoughts on where I should look for something that might be useful for a bug report, or a link to an open bug report?01:00
Hikefutiyowan, at the moment, I'm quite certain that it's not supported.01:00
bdelin88Cy: lol i don't even know what i am doing tbh01:00
umaximmy driver writu to me thar driver turn of but stay use and i can not activate it01:00
amikropSo, Microsoft did a huge, imperialistic marketing movement, and owned the 90% of the market share. Now, we (= users that have realized that Windows sucks) have to suffer the consequences: NO support from many big software and hardware vendors... :-(01:00
=== don is now known as zehava
heret1cIs there a way to make windows open bottom center instead of top left, by default?01:00
amikropThat's just unfair.01:01
E4emacs4amikrop, that sounds about right :(01:01
RequinB4amikrop: on the bright side, it has made our installation and free driver libraries a lot better01:01
CyDoes any one know how to remove the proprietry ATI drivers, cause my problem started aftre updateing :(01:01
tiyowanHikefu: I couldn't interest you in a little experiment could I?01:01
amikropI just don't want to use Windows. We live in a democratic society. Why don't Gamer-makers and Hardware-makers think of me?01:01
Hikefutiyowan, from what I have read, it may be supported natively in gmail in the future, but who knows when that will be. You might look into voice chat and jabber.01:01
jgoguenamikrop: you have to give their marketing guys credit though...no other company could convince people not only that they're going to buy crap, but also that they like it :)01:01
tiyowanamikrop: Dual-boot?01:01
DasE1D-MAN: have it down ?01:01
slaytonamikrop, no you live in a capitolistic society01:01
Daveythey think of the money01:02
Hikefutiyowan, such as?01:02
slaytonamikrop, where people do what will cost them the least and make them the most money01:02
bluelistcan I see a healthy copy of someones Xorg.conf01:02
slaytonamikrop, democracy has nothing to do it with01:02
slaytonwith it*01:02
RequinB4bluelist: that file is pretty much useless with new versions of X and it will vary from box to box01:02
bdelin88Cy: good luck getting anything to work with ATI, ATI does not support linux drivers... nvidia on the other hand does01:02
RequinB4bluelist: what is your problem01:03
tiyowanHikefu, well, could you install empathy on your sys and run a quick test with me? I need to track down what I think is an audio prob.01:03
CO2Gamesok well the ps2 is connecting successfully but when it tries to authenticate it says the dns server didn't respond01:03
bdelin88has anyone installed barry before?01:03
tiyowanbdelin88: Running ATI drivers right now on intrepid.01:03
DarkKnighthey while installing my new printer i dont seem to be seeing my printer version...but i do see other versions01:03
amikropOK. So the solution is that Linux has to get in the market share, as in 30%. That will shake Game-makers and Hardware-makers...01:03
bdelin88tiyowan: with compiz enabled?01:03
CO2GamesI followed the firestarter shared connection guide01:03
bluelistRequinB4: I need to change my boot list order and countdown and add screen resotutions01:03
DarkKnighthey while installing my new printer i dont seem to be seeing my printer version...but i do see other versions...can anyone plzz help me01:03
Cybdelin88: But it was working fine till I updated?01:04
Hikefutiyowan, sorry, I would, but I run openbox without gnome and installing empathy and it's accompanying dependencies drags a lot of unwanted files onto my system.01:04
nighthawk08got a problem configuring the network card,. anybody help...01:04
slaytonbluedusk, to edit the boot order edit /boot/grub/menu.lst01:04
CO2Gamesbut I'm afraid I may have made a few mistakes because my computer is not connected to the modem, but to another router01:04
exodus_msLjL> ping?01:04
tiyowanbdelin88: Yes, absolutely. With all the bangs and whistles.01:04
tiyowanHikefu: np01:04
bdelin88amikrop: yes but then we are still dealing with the same directx problem i think, microsoft still holds the bread and butter for gaming platforms01:04
amikropWell, we MUST do something to make more and more people use Linux. Can't they see it? Windows just sucks...01:04
greenmanspiritanyone else have an Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller and have it actually working well in ibex01:04
bdelin88tiyowan: nice :) quite a lot of improvement then since I tried on my laptop with ati a while back, good news :)01:04
=== NeoPiP is now known as NeowiN
lippyAnyone can provide some LTSP help?01:05
amikropbdelin88: If Linux gets into the market share, then, games will be ported to OpenGL...01:05
nighthawk08got a problem configuring the network card,. anybody help...01:05
RequinB4bluelist: can't help with boot list order, but new X doesn't use xorg.conf for screen res, it actively checks what is allowed by your driver.  You can try and reconfigure xorg with  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:05
bdelin88Cy: updated intrepid?  My nvidia crashed as well, I just reinstalled the drivers and let it update kernel/xorg and good to go01:05
DasE1!ask | lippy01:05
ubottulippy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:05
tuxdroidfancan someone help me with mplayer?01:05
tuxdroidfanWin32 LoadLibrary failed to load: avisynth.dll01:05
amikropBecause the companies' target group will use OpenGL.01:05
RequinB4!pm | umaxim01:05
ubottuumaxim: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:05
tiyowanbdelin88: It works beautifully. The default install auto-detects the card and lists proprietary drivers as well.01:05
DarkKnighthey while installing my new printer i dont seem to be seeing my printer version...but i do see other versions...can anyone plzz help me01:05
sjwaltersnighthawk08 whats the story01:05
bdelin88amikrop: but opengl is not near as wonderful :)01:05
DasE1greenmanspirit: should work with alsa01:05
bdelin88tiyowan: nice :D01:05
renegade420Has anyone tried ubuntu 8.10?01:05
amikropbdelin88: what do you mean?01:05
slaytontuxdroidfan, are you looking to get mplayer support for windows? This isn't the place go to #mplayer01:05
Cybdelin88: No Hardy :)01:05
heogenI can't play movie from my usb?01:05
Hikefuamikrop, I love linux, but remember, having multiple OSs sparks competition that is great for everyone.01:05
umaximRequinB4: ok i will know01:06
slaytonrenegade420, lots of people have01:06
tiyowanamikrop: Why not just dual-boot?01:06
bdelin88amikrop: i just always see better frames with directx games01:06
heogenWhen a try to play  a movie from the usb01:06
heogenshow me this error01:06
slaytonheogen, what do you mean? explain your problem01:06
bluelistI don't know if I'm using "new X"01:06
amikropHikefu: Yes, if everyone used multiple OSes, then yes.01:06
E4emacs4renegade420, tried it, didnt like it, went back to 8.04 as fast as i could :)01:06
heogencould not determine type of stream01:06
lippyCan't get ltsp-build-client to work after upgrading from Ubuntu 8.04 to 8.10.  Problems with dpkg configure of hal package.01:06
slaytonbluelist, are you using 8.04 or 8.10 if you're using 8.10 then you're using the new x01:06
RequinB4heogen: what file type01:06
amikropbdelin88: Well, OpenGL can be improved...01:06
tiyowanamikrop: Personally I read that Vista tanked badly, most of the corp. aren't even considering using it. They'll probably shift to Win. 7 when it RTMs.01:06
umaximRequinB4: my problem this i can not activate my wifi card it write to me that it turn of but stay use and doesn not activate01:06
DarkKnighthey while installing my new printer i dont seem to be seeing my printer version...but i do see other versions...can anyone plzz help me01:07
slaytonbluelist, then you're using the old x configuration01:07
bdelin88amikrop: it's been around and "improving" forever lol01:07
nighthawk08sjwalters: I am trying to configure the network card,. but without success, it isn't being showed in the ifconfig as well no eth001:07
heogen<slayton> I trying to play a movie with Totem01:07
Hikefuamikrop, plus, remember, without windows, we couldn't be selfrighteous linux users01:07
heogen<slayton> from my usb01:07
slaytonheogen, right I get that but what is the file type what is the error you're getting01:07
RequinB4umaxim: what is the output of lspci | grep Network01:07
amikropbdelin88: Especially, if nVidia and stuff take the Linux thing more seriously01:07
slaytonheogen, I need more information then "the movie won't play"01:07
kitcheDarkKnight: then most likely your printer is not supported but could be supported by using another version I know that's how some HP printers work01:07
slaytonheogen, the more specific you can make your question the better01:07
renegade420Well would anyone recommend ubuntu 8.10 for the eee pc 701 series?01:07
amikropHikefu: why not?01:07
jeswhycan i speak here?01:07
heogen<slayton>  ok let me put it again01:07
slaytonjeswhy, sure, just ask questions01:07
bdelin88amikrop: linux, even though it is very nice right now, just still isn't "there" for the typical user01:08
amikropbdelin88: why not?01:08
sjwaltersnighthawk08 what kind of card do you have?01:08
tiyowanIt took a long while for nVidia and ATI to get their act together for Windows as well.01:08
Hikefuamikrop, windows makes me feel good about using linux01:08
tiyowanBesides driver support is *horrible* in Vista.01:08
DarkKnightkitche; that's a wiered answer....i just can't buy any printer...possibly i have to make changes to coding01:08
DasEi jeswhy: ubuntu-related, yup01:08
RequinB4Hikefu: The more i learn how to be a poweruser in windows the more I'm able to make it look like linux.01:08
slaytonbdelin88, why not? that depends on who you ask. I've installed ubuntu on my mothers computer she is completely computer illiterate and finds it easier to use then XP01:08
nighthawk08sjwalters: some sort of ethernet card,. do not know the exact brand...01:08
heogen<slayton> when I open ogle the error is01:08
bdelin88amikrop: well yes you can take a bunch of steps to make it looks nice and things like that, but it looks very ugly out of the box imo, they need things like screenlets and awn packaged right into it01:08
amikropHikefu: :P01:08
RequinB4heogen: install VLC and open it with that01:08
tiyowanrenegade420: Just try out the os with a liveCD on your system.01:09
sjwaltersnighthawk08: are you running linux right now?01:09
heogen<slayton> ERROR[ogle_nav]: faild to open/read the DVD01:09
heogenfile_selector_change_root: DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set01:09
slaytonbdelin88, aesthetics have nothing to do with useability01:09
bdelin88slayton: lol that is because she hasn't tried installing anything yet :)01:09
umaximRequinB4: its write to many i just begin use ubuntu and stay study how all work01:09
amikropbdelin88: That's mostly a marketing issue.01:09
nighthawk08on the other machine, ye, I am trying to connect it to the web and lan...01:09
slaytonbdelin88, um.. have you talked to her? No you havne't I showed her how to use synaptic and she is doing fine01:09
zetheroodoes anyone know how to fix a sound issue in Hardy?01:09
bdelin88slayton: agreed, but the average computer user likes aesthetics :)01:09
HikefuRequinB4, you're right. With the proper knowledge and effort well spent, both systems can be made to both reflect and suit your own needs. I have nothing against either OS.01:09
amikropbdelin88: Out of the box image of the product, is marketing.01:09
umaximRequinB4: but it is does not show my card01:09
demonspork!ask zetheroo01:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask zetheroo01:09
RequinB4umaxim: what card do you have01:09
slaytonbdelin88, but asthetics don't mean anything why do you think people are downgrading from vista to XP01:09
demonspork!ask | zetheroo01:09
heogen<RequinB4>  thank you, but would like to use too ogle01:09
ubottuzetheroo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:09
tiyowanAesthetics can be changed.01:10
slaytonasthetics don't make up for a crappy experience bdelin8801:10
tiyowanslayton: Agreed. I did that.01:10
umaximRequinB4: linksys WUSB300N01:10
bdelin88slayton: yes, but what if it is not synaptic, what if she has to compile or configure from the command line?01:10
lorenzohi, i have downloaded Songbird 1.0, how do i install it on Ibex? thanks.01:10
RequinB4!dvd | heogen01:10
ubottuheogen: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:10
zetheroodemonspork: I have several times ... :)01:10
nighthawk08sjwalters: on the other machine, ye, I am trying to connect it to the web and lan...01:10
slaytonbdelin88, well the _average_ user doesn't need to do that then!01:10
sjwaltersnighthawk08: so you have two network cards?01:10
zetheroodemonspork: my sound just stops working every now and then and I have to reboot to get it working again ...01:10
slaytonheogen, what is the file type?01:10
bdelin88slayton: honestly, vista is quite nice now, it has come a long way, and performance-wise, it is much more stable and robust from XP, it also know how to keep itself healthy01:10
sjwaltersCan you give me a dump of both ifconfig and lsmod?01:10
heogen<ubottu> thank you01:10
RequinB4umaxim: do you have a CD for the card01:10
slaytonbdelin88, sure but 18 months ago nobody would touch it.01:11
demonsporkzetheroo, I would suggest postings in the community forums if no one responds to your question here01:11
sjwalters(Priv msg).01:11
nighthawk08sjwalters: two different machines,. I got a network card in each...01:11
umaximRequinB4: yes01:11
jeswhyit's my first time to use pidgin, i am still not famillar with it and dont konw how to use it successfully ,there are so many people here...01:11
bdelin88slayton: yes but that was 18 months ago01:11
tiyowanbdelin88: There was an article comparing vista to xp out in tomshardware....01:11
zetheroodemonspork: I have a number of errors in my logs pertaining to sound etc ...01:11
heogen<slayton>  file_selector_change_root: DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set01:11
bdelin88slayton: 18 months ago UBUNTU crashed and burned on my ati laptop and wouldn't even boot x, i speant 4 days trying to get it to work, as an "average" user, that's terrible :)01:11
slaytonbdelin88, i'll admit that vista and osX are prettier then gnome with a tricked out compiz setting but still a pretty dead dog is still a dead dog...01:11
umaximRequinB4: i was installed it before but when i connect to some network ubuntu is freez and stop working i must turn of computer and turn on agan for computer work01:11
slaytonbdelin88, again you said that ubuntu ISN'T ready for the average user not ubuntu WASN'T ready01:12
RequinB4umaxim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61127301:12
RequinB4umaxim: does it work and stop connecting OR does it not work at all?01:12
greenmanspiritDasEl: it has a lot of issues, one being that the speakers don't shut off when you plug in headphones, also when i try to adjust the volume the left and right channel will go to random levels and sometimes it will just send crackling to the speakers, i know the speakers are fine because the crackling wasn't there last week with hardy01:12
slaytonbdelin88, anyway this really isn't the place if you want to continue pm me or we can go over to #ubuntu-offtopic01:12
bdelin88slayton: Ubuntu will be sufficient for windows users, IMHO, when a windows user can accomplish everything they can do in windows, but in linux, and do it with a GUI, and much much more01:12
zetheroodoes anyone know why my sound fritzes out when I watch something on Youtube? ...01:12
jeswhyanyone can tell why i can't play the movie?01:12
slaytonzetheroo, do you you have libflashsupport installed?01:12
RequinB4jeswhy: details, please01:12
tiyowanjeswhy: Which player are you using?01:12
RequinB4jeswhy: which file type01:13
zetherooslayton: no01:13
umaximRequinB4: i do it when i begin connet all freez01:13
tiyowanjeswhy: Are you trying to play a file, a disc?01:13
jeswhythe defaut one01:13
heogen<slayton> do you have idea how can change root for this file  DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set01:13
bdelin88slayton: lol if you're really interested in talking about it further, sure01:13
zetherooslayton: someone else said to remove it ... so I never installed it01:13
RequinB4umaxim: follow the instructions in that link01:13
lippyAnyone got LTSP working on 8.10?01:13
RequinB4jeswhy: Try installing VLC from add/remove and opening with that01:13
tiyowanjeswhy: Are you trying to play a DVD disc?01:13
umaximRequinB4: i done this but it does not help01:13
RequinB4umaxim: i don't know then01:14
slaytonheogen, what do you mean by changeroot?01:14
amikrophttp://blog.anamazingmind.com/2008/03/real-reason-we-use-linux.html :P01:14
jeswhytiyowan ,should i download some other player?01:14
tehanis there a printable version of the help documentation files01:14
RequinB4umaxim: I think you need to update your wireles drivers but you'll have to ask someone else how01:14
umaximRequinB4: i will try thanks for help01:14
=== _ is now known as Guest95543
tiyowanjeswgtL RequinB4 has the right idea. Please go to Applications -> Add/Remove, and install VLC player. That should fix you right up.01:15
tiyowaner, jeswhy01:15
umaximRequinB4: can you recomend some card which i can by and it will work propertly01:15
=== Guest95543 is now known as Fre4et
RequinB4umaxim: I'm not qualified to say - I think you can google and find some compatibility lists online01:15
jeswhythanks ,i have a try01:15
umaximRequinB4: ok i will try =)01:15
zetherooslayton: so should I have it installed?01:16
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:16
heogen<slayton> when a write ogle in the terminal it is open, and when a play the movie the information in the terminal es: ERROR[ogle_nav]: faild to open/read the DVD01:16
heogenfile_selector_change_root: DVDSetDVDRoot: Root not set01:16
slaytonzetheroo, well you can try... if you see problems then just remove it01:16
RequinB4tiyowan: that's useful01:16
zetherooslayton: ok01:16
slaytonheogen, sorry don't know what the problem is01:16
heogen<slayton> ok01:16
tiyowanRequinB4: And I'm still a newbie! :-)01:16
DarkKnighthey can anyone helpme in installing my printer01:16
RequinB4heogen: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats01:17
tiyowanOk, I need to some help with empathy on intrepid. Can't seem to get any sound. Anyone try this?01:17
RequinB4heogen: if you do everything on that page I guarentee it'll work i'm just not sure which you need01:17
heogen<RequinB4> thank you, I'll look this page01:18
DarkKnighthey can anyone helpme in installing my printer01:18
slaytonDarkKnight, be Patient!01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient01:18
jeswhythere is no vlc player in the applications....how to find it?01:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patients01:18
heret1ctiyowan: it could be pulse-relaed. try alsa.01:18
tiyowanDarkKnight: Which printer is it?01:18
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows01:19
RequinB4jeswhy: you can look at the link i gave above to heogen, and search for "VLC" not vlc player01:19
CO2Games"Network error (-612): The DNS server didn't respond."01:19
DarkKnighttiyowan; HP D2568... i m not able to install the drivers for it01:19
lipinskiCan anyone help troubleshoot LTSP problem after upgrade to 8.10?01:19
tiyowanheret1c: The rest of the sound works fine on other apps. Do you recommend I try killall pulseaudio? I'm a newbie, so.01:19
CO2GamesI keep getting this with this configuration for a shared wifi connection on firestarted01:19
DarkKnightslayton; see my private message01:19
heogen<RequinB4> ok. i'll to install the VLC player01:19
heogen<RequinB4> thank you01:20
RequinB4heh, VLC plays things pretending to be remotely like a multimedia file01:20
heret1ctiyowan: I yse neither, so can't advise. Just a hunch re. pulse.01:20
joelmcaHi....does "exim4" run by default on Ubuntu 8.04?01:21
tiyowanDarkKnight: Plug the printer in your PC and turn it on, do you see any notifications pop up saying Ready for printing?01:21
DarkKnighttiyowan; no i dont see01:21
filthpigHi, what gfx card do you guys recommend for flowing gfx through wine? I'm currently looking at an AMD HD4670, and I wonder what I might achieve by overclocking it01:21
DarkKnighttiyowan; infact i havent installed the drivers for it...while installing the drivers...i couldn't find it for my model01:22
filthpig(I currently use a GF8600GT and want something more powerful)01:22
tiyowanDarkKnight: Please do this. Click on System, then Administration, and then Printing. Now choose Add New Printer. Please say whether it detects the printer.01:22
serecan someone please tell me how to remove weather.ttf font that i installed01:22
MasterAkiaI have a couple of questions, First how do i get my nvidea drivers loaded, i downloaded the linux verion of it, and i can get it to run do i have to do it in terminal?01:23
slaytonsere you can remove it from the fonts/ dir01:23
sereslaytanic, where is that located01:23
slaytonMasterAkia, did you try installing the drivers from the restricted drivers menu?01:23
MasterAkiai donno what that us i kinda new to ubuntu01:23
arrenlex!nvidia | MasterAkia01:24
ubottuMasterAkia: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:24
DarkKnightyes i do see... mine is D2568...and i see D2500 series connected to a usb port01:24
slaytonMasterAkia, are you runnig 8.10 or 8.0401:24
RequinB4filthpig: there shouldn't be any difference in wine than otherwise - if its compaitble and more powerful with more memory i'll preform better.  most of wine's processes go through the main processer01:24
DarkKnighttiyowan; yes i do see... mine is D2568...and i see D2500 series connected to a usb port01:24
tiyowanDarkKnight: Good. Just click on the Forward button, and then on Apply. You should be all set.01:24
eliganyone use vba-m?01:24
slaytonMasterAkia, click Settings-->Administration-->Hardware Drivers01:24
slaytonMasterAkia, does the nvidia card show up?01:24
sug1how do i install mplayer?01:25
slaytonsug1, sudo apt-get install mplayer01:25
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:25
Gumbydoes anyone here know if there are forcedeth driver issues in intrepid?  My network stops working after awhile and in syslog it looks like the driver has thrown up01:25
filthpigRequinB4: so wine uses cpu for running DX?01:25
DarkKnighttiyowan; but in the models list i dont see D2500 series...there's only till D240001:25
fa2shi, what command i use to see the free space in the hd?01:25
MasterAkiaSlayton: there nothing there01:25
lipinskiHelp with LTSP on 8.10?  anyone?01:25
nighthawk08I am trying to configure the network card,. but without success, it isn't being showed in the ifconfig as well no eth001:25
jeswhypeople here is so kind:)01:25
sug1slayton:  with gui is sudo apt-get install mplayer-gui?01:25
arrenlexfa2s: df -h01:25
filthpigsug1: use Synaptic, or "add/Remove" in your apllications menu01:26
slaytonMasterAkia, try opening a terminal and typing "ls pci | grep vga" then pm me the result01:26
sereslayton, where is the default font dir?01:26
tywhat is the subject01:26
tiyowanDarkKnight: Hang on.01:26
RequinB4filthpig: I'm 80% sure all wine does is convert DX rather than render - but either way there won't be a difference between wine and windows for upgrading besides you might want more memory01:26
DarkKnighttiyowan; okk01:26
slaytonsug1, try smplayer01:26
nighthawk08anybody, know anything about networking?01:26
slaytonsere hold on let me find it01:26
sereslayton, ty01:27
slaytonnighthawk08, just ask your questions01:27
tynighthack08: yes01:27
nighthawk08I got a none active ethernet card, and I am trying to configure it, ....01:27
filthpigRequinB4: well, Wine does deliver very much poorer FPS than a native Windows install, all tests show that.. :/01:27
nighthawk08it isn't being showed in the ifconfig at all...01:27
tydoes ubuntu detect it?01:27
tyis it built in01:27
tyor a card01:27
nighthawk08it is a card01:28
RequinB4filthpig: true, and that loss is going to be true no matter if you have a jeep under your box.  I'm talking percent increase01:28
slaytonsere how did you install the font?01:28
tydo you know what model it is?01:28
testingserveri don't own this computer, how can i know if its 64 bit or not?01:28
nighthawk08ty: I do not know the exact brand of it01:28
sereslayton, kfontview01:28
tytestingserver: look in your bios startup screen01:28
tynighthawk08: ok01:29
RequinB4filthpig: the problem is doing doin the directx its the extra steps required to put it on your screen01:29
nighthawk08ty: what?01:29
slaytonsere are you running kde?01:29
m1rhello, just installed 8.10 and both wirless cards D-link g-122 and 2200BG shows as disabled, also unable to make conection via mobile broadband, any fix for this ?01:29
testingserverty: i know it supports 64bit, what i need to know is if this ubuntu version is 64bit01:29
sug1FliesLikeABrick: i rather just install it through terminal01:29
RedWarI am wondering, anyone been able to get VM player to run Vista and with IE 7 and Windows Media Player 11 in Hardy?01:29
tiyowanDarkKnight: I can't find any solutions on the forums. I'd recommend you try the 2400 drivers, just get it up and running, and search the Ubuntu forums for anyone else with that model.01:29
mistyai have a kernel problem!01:30
RequinB4filthpig: conclusion - upgrade and it'll work better, but there's nothing about wine or ubuntu that would make you choose a different card than the one you'd normally upgrade too01:30
tyor you can look in hwinfo01:30
mistyamy ipw2200 don't work with the latest intrepid kernel.. why?01:30
tytestingserver: type that in terminal01:30
sereslayton, no fluxbox but i have kde installed01:30
DarkKnighttiyowan; i tried it already...but it wasn't working01:30
tyall ubuntu versions support 64 bit01:30
tyeven the 32 bit versions01:30
tiyowanDarkKnight: I'm sorry, I can't help you more.01:31
DarkKnighttiyowan; hey can you just check this out   https://answers.launchpad.net/hplip/+question/5033401:31
ty<testingserver> ty: i know it supports 64bit, what i need to know is if this ubuntu version is 64bit>01:31
tyi missread that01:31
tiyowanmistya: Try iwconfig from terminal.01:31
slaytonsere sorry I don't know where kde or fluxbox save fonts01:31
tybut all ubuntu versions should work with 64 bit01:31
saratubuntu 8.0.4 has become slow after installing upgrades01:31
sug1All of my movies including avis, dvds are playing in slow motion within totem and mplayer.  how do i fix this?01:31
saratcan anyone help me abt that01:31
testingserverty: yes, but there is a difference, right? i need to download a software right now, and it is asking me which version of ubuntu I have installed, if its 32 or 64bit01:31
sereslayton, np ill figure it out...ty01:32
tiyowanDarkKnight: It could work.01:32
tyjust download 32 bit01:32
arrenlexsug1: Can you launch it in mplayer from the command line and then pastebin all the output it gives you?01:32
DarkKnighttiyowan; i tried this procedure upto removing the hplip.....so how do i reinstall it01:32
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.01:33
sug1arrenlex: yea, but it freezes within mplayer, and totem goes in slow motion01:33
ty<testingserver> ty: yes, but there is a difference, right? i need to download a software right now, and it is asking me which version of ubuntu I have installed, if its 32 or 64bit>01:33
tyget 32 bit software for it01:33
arrenlexsug1: Doesn't matter, the output will still be helpful.01:33
tiyowanDarkKnight: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal. Then type sudo hp-setup.01:33
DarkKnight!test nn-main01:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about test nn-main01:33
ty!test ubuntu 3201:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about test ubuntu 3201:33
DarkKnight!test |nn-main01:34
ubottunn-main: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.01:34
saratcan i get a light ubuntu installation01:34
testingserverwell, i'm going to download 32 version...01:34
testingserverthank you anyway :-)01:34
arrenlexty: What does the command "file /bin/cat" say?01:34
tyfor what?01:34
DarkKnighttiyowan; i says command not found01:34
wcdlhow can i get the graphic card VIA CHROME HC IGP WDDM to work on 8.1001:34
arrenlexty: Are you trying to find out if you're running 32 or 64-bit ubuntu?01:34
sug1arrenlex: hold on let me01:34
tythat was a different guy01:35
tyi was helping him01:35
wcdlhi all  how can i get the graphic card VIA CHROME HC IGP WDDM to work on 8.1001:35
testingserverarrenlex: i am.01:35
tybut thanks anyway01:35
arrenlextestingserver: What does "file /bin/cat" say/01:35
exodus_msjrib> ping?01:35
tywcdl: edit xorg.conf01:35
sug1arrenlex: how would i set mplayer to play from a dvd mplayer /media/cdrom  ~~~liek that?01:35
testingserverlet me see arrenlex01:35
zetherooslayton: that seems to have fixed the issue ... thanks heaps01:35
wcdli already did that but no results01:36
tiyowanDarkKnight: Hmmm...I think you need to reinstall hplip from Synaptic Package Manager...try that.01:36
wcdlty: i already did that but no results01:36
mortuis99can someone tell me how to get the latest PIDGIN in cammandline PLEASE01:36
arrenlexsug1: Ugh, it's painful from the command line... in theory it's just "mplayer dvd://" but in most cases you also need to know the title number of the movie itself. Can you try it on an avi?01:36
tyubuntu 8.10 auto configures allot of the graphics stuff01:36
tiyowanDarkKnight: System -> Administration -> Synap. Pack. Man.01:36
slaytonzetheroo, no problem!01:36
slaytonzetheroo, glad that a "stupid kid" like me could help01:37
tywhat is exemplt?01:37
testingserverarrenlex: believe me, its impossible to read.01:37
wcdlbut this one is very difficult01:37
arrenlextestingserver: Sorry?01:37
jribexodus_ms: what's up?01:37
wcdli could get it working on 8.04 but not in 8.1001:37
tyhmm download this...01:37
joeb3_mortuis99, apt-get install pidgin01:37
zetherooslayton: hey ... we are all clever in one way or another .... :) that is what makes this whole "circus" work ...01:37
sug1arrenlex: i got a black box this time :D01:37
sug1arrenlex: though i don't think anything is happen01:37
arrenlexsug1: What's the output in the terminal?01:37
tywcdl: http://tyspage.doesntexist.com/chrome.sh ill tell you when you can download it01:38
exodus_msjrib> networking problem01:38
testingserverarrenlex: gedit simply doesnt open the file, and vim does, but its everything screwed, a lot of @@@@@@ and other special chars01:38
arrenlextestingserver: No, that's a command you run in a terminal. "file /bin/cat"01:38
exodus_msjrib> if you have time, could you please take a look at this for me. -->http://pastie.org/33042401:39
DarkKnighttiyowan; i installed it....now when i type hp-set up....i entered 0 for usb...but then it says printer not found..though i connected the printer01:39
testingserver ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.8, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped01:39
testingserverthanks a lot01:39
arrenlextestingserver: looks 32-bit to me.01:39
testingserveryep, i think so01:39
testingserverthank you01:40
wcdlty: download done01:40
jribexodus_ms: no clue01:40
exodus_msjrib> cool, thank you01:40
wcdlty: now i have just to ,/configure it?01:41
sug1arrenlex: http://pastbin.com/d252f399901:41
tywcdl: you gota the script executable01:42
tyand then double click it01:42
wcdlyes ill try it right now01:42
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:42
tyif this script messes your graphics up in anyway just boot into recovery-mode and use the xfix option01:43
tywcdl: ^^^01:44
arrenlexsug1: What happens if you run that as mplayer -vo x11 dvd://01:44
tydoes the script work for you?01:44
wcdlim gona try it now01:44
wcdlis in other pc01:44
wcdlwait a second ill show results01:45
typost it in a private message01:45
tyto me01:45
ty!enter > ty01:45
ubottuty, please see my private message01:45
tyi was posting to many messages01:45
sug1arrenlex: if you want. i can send you whole terminal output. but it says the selected video out device is incompatible with this codec01:45
nn-mainty, check this out!01:45
filthpighey guys, I just noticed something: When copying flac songs onto my ipod, rhythmbox converts it to mp3 but does not compress the files, so I end up with songs on like 40 mb on the ipod.. that's not quite ideal when you have 2 gb storage :P01:46
arrenlexsug1: It always says that, it doesn't mean anything. As long as it plays...01:46
nn-mainlinuxmain, tell ty about ubuntu01:46
slaytonfilthpig, do the songs play on your ipod?01:46
nn-mainlinuxmain, tell ty about linuxmain01:46
filthpigslayton: aye01:46
slaytonfilthpig, aye == yes?01:46
tyi know what Linux is01:46
nn-mainty, its so less junk acumulates here01:46
filthpigslayton: aye. (yes ;)01:46
nn-mainty, linuxmain is my site01:47
zerodevicehi everyone, i wanted to know. how to do auto shutdown in ubuntu with or without user login or sudo? is there any applications that runs like a "service".01:47
zachbI'm having trouble w/ grub. I'm trying to boot /dev/sda9, which should be (hd0, 10), but it claims partition not found. I also have a /dev/sda10, so I'm not just 1 off. Its contained in an extended partition (/dev/sda2), and I don't know if that's what's causing it problems.01:47
tytyspage, tell ty about ubuntu01:47
nn-mainty, i run my own webservers01:47
slaytonfilthpig, thats really weird I didn't think that mp3s supported that high of bitrate.... its probably trying to do a lossless compression thats why the files are soo big01:47
tyme too01:47
tiredboneswhen i start firefox i lose my top and lower gnome panels. I haven't touch my system since i install release 8.04. to cancel firfox i have to use the quit option of file.   file -> quit. can someone point to some doc on how to fix this?01:47
arrenlex!cron | zerodevice01:47
ubottuzerodevice: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm01:47
R0b0t1I saw a site that told you how to save your installed packages so you could reinstall, etc, does anyone have a link to this site?01:47
tynn-main: tyspage.doesntexist.com is mine01:47
slaytontiredbones start firefox and press F1101:47
nn-mainty, i can fix that01:48
tyfix what?01:48
Jack_Sparrowzachb are you sure that is right  9 = 10 and not 9 = 801:48
filthpigslayton, maybe. I dunno. I'll reconnect the ipod and check again01:48
mortuis99when i use apt-get install pidgin  to install it installs ver 2.4.1 when the latest is 2.5.2  how can i get the newest ver?01:48
arrenlextiredbones: This is probably silly, but have you tried pressing F11 in firefox?01:48
zachbJack_Sparrow: wow, thanks :Þ01:48
sug1arrenlex: it still didn't play :-/01:48
jribmortuis99: what ubuntu version?01:48
tysudo apt-get install pidgen-2.5.201:48
* zachb facepalms01:48
anfangshi #ubuntu. This is more of a networking question. If I am behind a router and I don't have access to port forwarding (apartment complex) is there anyway I can remotely access my machine?01:48
nn-mainty, http://linuxmain.net http://drupal.linuxmain.net http://pastebin.linuxmain.net ****** Ect01:48
joeb3_R0b0t1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47907101:49
arrenlexsug1: Is it possible to try an avi instead of a dvd? dvds in mplayer are a pain.01:49
tiredbonesthanks for the f11 solution.01:49
jribmortuis99: you can install 2.5.2 from the hardy-backports repository01:49
arrenlexanfangs: Is port 22 open?01:49
NotADJanfangs: You could tunnel IPv6, but that is semi-complicated...01:49
slaytontiredbones, no problem01:49
anfangsarrenlex: not sure01:49
Ferroushello. I need to do this --> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/10/10/move-wubi-ubuntu-install-to-an-external-usb-drive/01:49
NotADJ!ipv6 | anfangs01:49
ubottuanfangs: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv401:49
Ferrousin vista, which doesnt contain the correct boot files :/01:49
wcdlman nothing happend01:49
mortuis99through synaptic?01:49
arrenlexanfangs: If it is, just use ssh01:49
NotADJWrong link anfangs01:50
wcdlty: nothing happend01:50
tiredbonesarrenlex, by pressing f11 what did i do?01:50
tywith what?01:50
anfangsarrenlex: thanks. I will try that.01:50
filthpigslayton: well Rhythmbox is still saying the song is 46 mb.. I also used soundconverter to convert from flac to mp3 (same album), and those tracks show up in a "normal" size; 5-10 mb01:50
sug1arrenlex: freezes after a second :-/01:50
wcdlwith the script01:50
slaytonFerrous, why not just boot to linux, burn a backup of your /home and then re-install01:50
arrenlextiredbones: Turned firefox fullscreen mode off.01:50
slaytonfilthpig, thats what I thought01:50
DarkKnighttiyowan; u ther01:50
anfangsNotADJ: I will try to find something on ipv6 tunneling01:50
tydouble click and hit run from terminl01:50
tiredbonesarrenlex, how did i turn it on?01:50
tychmod it to 75501:50
arrenlextiredbones: By hitting f11.01:50
wcdli did that and nothing01:50
Ferrousslaytanic, i am running a Wubi install, will that work? i'm unsure how to do it anyway :)01:51
NotADJanfangs: Both Client and Server need IPv601:51
arrenlextiredbones: Accidentally, I'm assuming01:51
tiredbonesarrenlex, ok thanks.01:51
hidzalotI'm new to linux how do i install the programs after i download them ?01:51
Ferrousi will switch over to ubuntu real quick if you think it will work01:51
NotADJhidzalot: How did you download them?01:51
anfangsNotADJ: does ubuntu server 8.10 support ipv6?01:51
nn-mainlinuxmain, seen jussi0101:51
linuxmainjussi01 was last seen in #ubuntu 9 weeks 3 days ago saying ''.01:51
NotADJanfangs: You need IPv6, but yes.01:51
hidzalotof the internet to my disk top01:51
sug1arrenlex: are you still there?01:52
NotADJhidzalot: What type of file did you download?01:52
barbguarHello is there someone who could help me with a problem installing ubuntu-eee on my eee pc 900?01:52
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:52
arrenlexsug1: Yes. Have you said something?01:52
DarkKnighthey i m not finding the right driver for my printer01:52
hidzalotadobe flash player01:52
arrenlexsug1: Playing an avi in mplayer freezes after a second? Is that with or without -vo x11?01:52
s0|is there a why to an online resize of a ext3 partition ?01:53
NotADJhidzalot: Use synaptic, flashplayer-nonfree should do it.01:53
nn-mainlinuxmain, ubuntu wireless is <reply>Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:53
linuxmainnn-main: Okay.01:53
sug1arrenlex: yes. it wasn't working , but i found a work around.  i forgot that my teamspeak was still open.  is there any way to run mplayer with other programs? like opera, wine, or teamspeak?01:53
Austin`What is the alternate port for ssh when upgrading using do-release-upgrade01:53
hidzalotok ill try it01:53
NotADJ!synaptic > hidzalot01:53
ubottuhidzalot, please see my private message01:53
tywcdl: hmm i dont exactly know what is wrong with the script i didnt make it jdong had posted it on the ubuntuforums and i just grabbed it01:53
barbguaris there a channel for ubuntu-eee01:53
nn-mainty, that last line I did is how you set data to that bot ... incase you ever need to use it :)01:53
NotADJ!info flashplayer-nonfree01:53
ubottuPackage flashplayer-nonfree does not exist in intrepid01:53
arrenlexsug1: Turning off teamspeak made it work? o_O01:53
=== [e]Lement is now known as [eLement]
ty!synaptic > ty01:54
ubottuty, please see my private message01:54
=== [eLement] is now known as [e]Lement
ddgooseTeamspeak hogs up the audio hardware01:54
wcdlcould u give me the link to that forum?01:54
tyhold on01:54
jribhidzalot: you want to install the flashplugin-nonfree package using synaptic.  You don't download things manually and install them in general on ubuntu.  You install from repositories using synaptic01:54
DasE1s0|:online ? you mean like log-in on a server ?01:54
sug1arrenlex: yep.  i read this some where. that if you have multiple application open when trying to run another application that needs sound may conflict with it01:54
itai_michaelson,hi , you know how some applications minimise themsleves into the panel in gnome, like skype . is there a package for that, i'm trying to get that in XFCE01:54
arrenlexddgoose: Really? I don't know anything about that software... but it's been a long time I've seen something that wasn't a sound server take exclusive control. Why does it do that?01:54
NotADJhidzalot: If you can't do what jrib said, you can try http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/flash01:54
NotADJjrib: Thank you D:01:54
nn-main!help > nn-main01:55
ubottunn-main, please see my private message01:55
ddgoosearrenlex, lame programming01:55
Ferrousuhm... I would like to make a bootable copy of the operating system i'm currently on for an external hard drive. I have a guide here, but it's for xp and vista doesnt have the correct files to follow the tut. I am using a Wubi install. guide --> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/10/10/move-wubi-ubuntu-install-to-an-external-usb-drive/01:55
tywcdl: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=404151901:55
arrenlexsug1: Not for many years. alsa has had dmix for forever now, which makes sure multiple applications can use alsa at once and get their sound streams nicely mixed together.01:55
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anfangsarrenlex: using SSH to connect to my machine behind a router, is that what is referred to as SSH tunneling?01:55
DasE1Ferrous: you could use dd from a live cd , if external is at least as big as internal01:56
NotADJanfangs: Not exactly...01:56
jribhidzalot: this is easier (once you learn about it) and it's also a lot safer since you are installing trusted programs and not downloading random code from the internet!01:56
arrenlexanfangs: No. ssh tunnelling is using an ssh connection for other protocols, like running tcp over ssh.01:56
NotADJssh user@host -D 8000 is a tunnel.01:56
slaytonarrenlex,  you can tell ssh to use a different port instead of port 2001:56
sambagirl1when you are using apache where do they store the main html file? i forget.01:56
arrenlexsug1: ddgoose indicates that teamspeak takes exclusive control of the audio soundcard for some reason. Not much you can do about it if that is the case. I don't know of any other programs other than sound servers which do that.01:56
sug1arrenlex: i had the same issue with teamspeak, but i found some command to change alsa to another audio format and it worked....  what should i do about my mplaer01:57
slaytonsambagirl1, try #apache01:57
jribsambagirl1: default web root in ubuntu is /var/www/01:57
sambagirl1thanks jribe01:57
joeb3_sambagirl1, /var/www01:57
Ferrousthe external is ten times bigger than the internal hard drive, DasE1. Oi. This keeps getting more and more complicated :P01:57
slaytonanfangs, do you know what ports are available?01:57
s0|DasE1, I mean like the partition is in use mounted and all01:58
JasonWoofmy ~/Desktop is a symbolic link. When I log in, it uses ~/ as the desktop folder. How do I get it to use ~/Desktop?01:58
sug1arrenlex: on a side note, how do i install mplayer with gui?  sudo apt-get install mplayer-gui *i would like to install it through the terminal01:58
jribJasonWoof: are you sure?  What does 'ls -ld ~/Desktop/' return?01:58
arrenlexsug1: When you run the "gmplayer" command, does it say command not found?01:58
JasonWoofwhen I double-click Desktop I see the folder contents, I have write access and everything01:58
[e]LementJasonWoof, that doesn't make much sense01:58
anfangsslayton: it's the apartment complex's routers. I do not even know how to tell what ports are available.01:59
jribsug1: the mplayer package includes the gui01:59
[e]LementJasonWoof, your Desktop and your Home are different.01:59
[e]Lement~/ = Home01:59
slaytonanfangs, you can use nmap to see which ports are open01:59
DasE1Ferrous: very easy, boot to a live cd and use dd like dd if=/dev/sda    of=/dev/sdb,  then you only have to set boot from usb in bios (and have some time for copy)01:59
wcdlty: thanks man01:59
sug1arrenlex: jrib: hahahah never had to use the gui versio of it before. thanks :D01:59
JasonWoofjrib: drwx-------------  ... /home/kelly/Desktop/01:59
wcdlill read it later02:00
JasonWoofjrib: without the / at the end it shows the alias02:00
JasonWoofeg ends with: Desktop -> /mnt/hostdesktop02:00
DasE1s0|:that won't work, boot to a live cd (f.e. gparted live)02:00
jribJasonWoof: ok.  So it's not a symlink.  It is a different issue.  What does this return: gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir02:00
mortuis99i tried installing with sudo apt get pidgin 2.5.2  and the package want found02:00
NotADJmortuis99: No spaces02:00
DasE1Ferrous: see man dd02:00
JasonWoofjrib: what?02:00
joeb3_mortuis99, sudo apt-get install pidgin02:01
RequinB4moruis99: case sensitive and no spaces -you can apt-cache search pidgin for the exact alias next time02:01
arrenlexmortuis99: What version of ubuntu?02:01
valroshey about pidgin, how can i set it up to autostart?02:01
jribJasonWoof: which part wasn't clear?02:01
JasonWoofjrib: if you put a / after an alias dir, it shows the real dir, not the alias02:01
JasonWoofjrib: why would ls print gconftool?02:01
jribmortuis99: I told you already that you need to install it from hardy-backports02:01
arrenlexmortuis99: 2.5.2 is in backports.02:01
arrenlex!backports | mortuis9902:01
ubottumortuis99: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging02:01
RequinB4valros: system - prefernces - sessions02:01
mortuis99<joeb3_> that installs an older ver of02:01
jribJasonWoof: it wouldn't... I gave you a new command to run02:01
jribmortuis99: pastebin the output of: apt-cache policy pidgin02:02
anfangsslayton: got nmap. trying to use now.02:02
joeb3_mortuis99, apt-get update to update your repos.02:02
jrib!pastebin > mortuis9902:02
ubottumortuis99, please see my private message02:02
JasonWoofjrib: it is definitely a symlink. you gave me the wrong command to test that02:02
jribJasonWoof: no, I didn't...02:02
JasonWoofjrib: this will show the dest dir: "ls -d symlink/"02:03
JasonWoofjrib: this will show the link: "ls -d symlink"02:03
DasE1Ferrous: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/22/how-to-clone-your-bootable-ubuntu-install-to-another-drive/       , very easy02:03
nn-mainlinuxmain, karma vim02:03
linuxmainvim has karma of 3.02:03
jribJasonWoof: show me the command you run and the output that makes you think it is a symlink on pastebin02:03
jribJasonWoof: ah, ok.  I see what you mean.  I didn't realize that02:04
jribJasonWoof: so just don't make it a symlink anymore02:04
anfangsslayton: should I just do "nmap [my remote IP]" ?02:04
FAJhi i am trying to decrypt an email, but it keeps saying; secret key not found... I am sure i have the correct key from the owner...02:04
JasonWoofjrib: I want my desktop to display a mounted drive. it's mounted at boot time in /etc/fstab02:05
JasonWoofjrib: seems weird to mount it in my home directory02:05
ehazletti try to execute a binary and it says file not found...  but shows up in ls  and is executable... any ideas?02:05
JasonWoofcould do that though I guess02:05
lipinskiJasonWoof: ls -ld symlink will show if it's a symlink02:05
jribJasonWoof: why don't you just make Desktop a directory of its own instead of a symlink?02:05
arrenlexehazlett: Are you running it from the local directory? "./executablefile" rather than just "executablefile"02:05
[e]LementJasonWoof, you are using Ubuntu correct?02:06
aloodeHey urgent!!! how do i set sda2 to sda1~??? here: http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z101/goneburger/Screenshot-8.png02:06
JasonWooflipinski: yep, and "ls -dl symlink/" will show the dest dir02:06
slaytonanfangs, you should have an IP like 192.168.X.X or something like that your router will give you an IP... get the IP of another computer and scan _that_ ip. You want your scan to go through your router and to be a scan of inbound traffic02:06
JasonWoofelpargo: correct02:06
jribJasonWoof: or do you want Desktop to be a symlink to the mounted drive?02:06
mortuis99jrib  http://paste.ubuntu.com/80109/02:06
JasonWoof[e]Lement: correct02:06
slaytonanfangs, read the nmap manual ( with man nmap)02:06
=== slayton is now known as slayton_away
[e]LementWhat did you do that's causing it to not show mounted volumes on the desktop? Lol02:06
elpargoJasonWoof, 99% sure that wasn't with me02:06
aloodewindows wont start im not sure why, i think i have to make sda2 turn into sda1!?02:07
[e]LementMine always shows mounted volumes, always has.02:07
JasonWoofjrib: ~/Desktop is a symlink to the mounted drive. If I can, I'd like to keep it that way02:07
jribmortuis99: you don't have hardy-backports enabled.  Enable them in Software Sources02:07
JasonWoofelpargo: correct. sorry about that02:07
elpargono biggie02:07
ehazlettarrenlex:  yes:  ./executable02:07
RequinB4[e]Lement: That's really easy to turn off, I did it the day I installed this OS02:07
nighthawk08I succeeded with reinstalling the network card,. now I can see the eth0, in the ifconfig,. though I do not know how to configure it,. any help....?02:07
arrenlexehazlett: You're sure it's not a broken symlink? What does the command "file ./executable" say about it?02:08
jribJasonWoof: so you're saying the symlink is correct however nautilus is displaying ~ instead of Desktop?  What did that gconftool-2 command return for you?02:08
[e]LementI probably could as well, seeing as I have my mounted drives showing up in one of my panels02:08
aloodeim trying to follow this to get it to work: http://pennsylvania.ubuntuforums.com/showpost.php?s=2da3b43852b1e4244d3f0ebe0ee78a7c&p=5952892&postcount=1002:08
aloodebut i dont really understand it02:08
ehazlettarrenlex: not it's not a symlink.  it is a executable (binary)  i built it with ubuntu and then moved it to another system.  i thought it may be a library issue, but the file not found through me off...02:09
aloodedoes deleting a partition with fdisk not delete data?02:09
arrenlexehazlett: I am still curious what the command "file ./executable" says.02:09
=== don is now known as zehava
aloodei hope not :S02:09
[e]Lementaloode, not according to the poster02:09
[e]LementBut that's a theory I don't want to test02:09
aloodebut im trying to make sda2 to sda102:09
mortuis99jrib it is enabled02:09
aloodehwo could i do this?02:10
ehazlettarrenlex:  will check...02:10
[e]LementWhat drive is sda2?02:10
hotte-hmm now i have a problem with my eth0 no such device Oo :(02:10
jribmortuis99: not according to what you pasted.  Pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list02:10
RequinB4alood, before you are playing around with stuff that will break your system, what are you trying to do02:10
[e]Lementhotte-, then how are you chatting with us?02:10
[e]Lementlol RequinB402:10
aloode[e]lLement : http://i192.photobucket.com/albums/z101/goneburger/Screenshot-8.png02:10
hotte-[e]Lement, hmm i have 2 pc02:10
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
aloodeim trying to get windows to boot again02:11
[e]Lementaloode, using grub?02:11
nn-mainlinuxmain, karma message02:11
linuxmainmessage has karma of 0.02:11
RequinB4aloode what happened when it stopped booting and how are you trying to acess it02:11
aloodei have no choice, i lost my windows setup CD02:11
nighthawk08I succeeded with reinstalling the network card,. now I can see the eth0, in the ifconfig,. though I do not know how to configure it,. any help....?02:11
=== mlbird is now known as Matthew|Laptop
aloodeso i cant use the win recovery tools02:11
aloodei had ubuntu installed, then removed it from within windows (disk manager)02:11
aloodebut i origainally booted from grub02:12
aloodenow i get grub err 1502:12
hotte-ethernet controler broadcom corporation BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX (rev 02) what modul i have to use?02:12
[e]LementI did that shit by accident once02:12
[e]LementI deleted grub when repairing windows02:12
[e]LementI almost shit a brick02:12
FloodBot3[e]Lement: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:12
arrenlexnn-main: If you must hold these fascinating conversations with your own bot, can you please do it in pm?02:12
mortuis99jrib http://paste.ubuntu.com/80114/02:12
[e]LementAlright...well then let's do this.02:12
aloodeso i cant use fixmbr02:12
aloodeor bootcfg02:12
jribnn-main: actually, make sure your bot does not speak in this channel anymore02:12
[e]Lementaloode, just install grub02:12
aloodei need to boot windows from grub02:12
jribmortuis99: great, so now you can do 'sudo apt-get install pidgin' to upgrade it02:13
anfangsslayton: so I'm using nmap on another machine's local ip. it's running now. (there doesn't seem to be a man page)02:13
[e]Lementaloode, I can set you up with my Grub loader for XP.  I'll mod it where it should work in your case.02:13
aloodeill show you what it says when i try to install grub02:13
[e]LementGrub isn't installed.02:13
JasonWoofjrib: gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir   says: false02:13
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm02:14
aloodei just installed grub02:14
aloodeill reboot now02:14
[e]LementGood luck02:15
aloodebut ill have to write down the error it gives me with a pen and paper02:15
aloodecause windows says something02:15
[e]LementI think I know the problem02:15
[e]LementI had that issue too02:15
nn-mainjrib, ok sounds like a good idea02:15
FloodBot3[e]Lement: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:15
aloodeill paste boot.ini to pastebin02:15
dietwaterBash programmers:  How can you save text to a new line in a file?  This doesn't work, of course:  "Sample Text" >> textfile02:15
aloodefor my windows02:15
[e]LementNo, I want grub's bootloader02:15
aloodeoh ok02:15
TJ-42I'm installing Ubuntu 8.10 on a PC with Vista already installed.   Is it ok to let Ubuntu install the boot loader to the (hd0), rather than /boot ?02:15
jribdietwater: echo02:15
aloodeill paste now02:15
=== E4emacs4 is now known as cloakplease
lipinskidietwater: echo "Sample Text" >> textfile02:15
RequinB4dietwater: use tee02:15
RequinB4or that02:16
dietwaterMakes sense =X02:16
jribJasonWoof: let me try using a symlink for my desktop here02:16
anfangsslayton: so a scan of my server 2008 machine, also on the LAN, shows that port 22 is open, in addition to a few others.02:16
dietwaterThats so awesome, I love bash02:16
=== cloakplease is now known as E4emacs4
zerodevicedoes anyone knows what is the crontab textfile extension i should save to?02:16
zerodeviceisit .txt or .sh?02:16
arrenlexanfangs: Wait, what? Are you trying to access a windows machine from your ubuntu, or the other way around?02:16
aloodei just went to /boot02:16
aloodetheres no grub directory02:17
JasonWoofjrib: thanks :)02:17
aloodei just installed grub though :S02:17
anfangsarrenlex: I am trying to access my ubuntu machine from outside the LAN, but I can't forward ports.02:17
[e]Lementaloode, let me tell you what I do on my Linux install.  I have the /boot folder it's own partition.  So if I scuz it up, I can wipe the partition and start clean.02:17
aloodeits looking on the live cd /boot i assume02:17
arrenlexzerodevice: You edit the crontab with the "crontab -e" command. It pops up an editor that takes care of saving it for you.02:17
aloodebut how do i see the grub loader on the Harddrive itself?02:17
tywcdl: no problem02:18
* [e]Lement scratches head02:18
RequinB4dietwater: if you want to display the text to stdout as well as to the file use echo "text" | tee file.txt02:18
[e]LementMaybe you should partition an ext3 partition at about 1 GB in size02:18
[e]LementAnd install GRUB there02:18
JasonWoofjrib: sorry for my reluctance to paste, I had chat running on a different computer, and this computer I'm having desktop troubles with doesn't have a middle click or an insert key02:18
anfangsarrenlex: technically the ubuntu is running in a VM with bridged networking on the server 2008 box02:18
[e]LementMake sure to set it bootable02:18
lipinskizerodevice: if you want to save the crontab to another file (say to transfer to another system, etc.), crontab -l > savefile02:18
RequinB4you can get a free windows recovery iso online02:18
arrenlexanfangs: Does the ubuntu vm have a unique IP?02:19
dietwaterI read the man on tee..whats the point again?02:19
stdin[e]Lement: only windows checks the bootable flag02:19
aloodeive been searching for it for over two days, i could not find it :S02:19
dietwaterWell, what new does it do?02:19
D-MANhow dio i get my flash player to work in hardy?02:19
dietwaterOther than > and >>.02:19
aloodedo you have the link by anychance RequinB4?02:19
[e]Lementstdin, yeah that can cause problems sometimes.02:19
jribJasonWoof: works ok for me, even if I point it to a different partition.  Can you get nautilus to display ~/Desktop if you make it a directory (just to debug).  Click on your desktop and hit F5 to reload after making changes02:19
dietwaterAh, -a etc?02:19
aloodei cannot for the life of me find it online :S02:19
RequinB4dietwater: anycommand | tee file.txt pipes the output of anycommand to stdout as well as to the file02:19
jribD-MAN: install the flashplugin-nonfree package02:19
RequinB4aloode, no sorry, use google :P02:20
stdindietwater: tee lets you raise your permissions too, so "echo foo | sudo tee -a /etc/somefile" works02:20
aloodeso you in fact are not sure yourself?02:20
dietwaterWell why use that instead of >?02:20
D-MANjrib did that02:20
aloodebecause i have searched high and low for it02:20
aloodeand cannot find it02:20
RequinB4stdin: that's actually very important02:20
aloodeusing google02:20
JasonWoofjrib: sure. oh, one thing I forgot to tell you, I did boot/login without anything at ~/Desktop once02:20
jribD-MAN: then you are done02:20
zerodevicearrenlex, thanks so, if i were to make it autoshutdown, what should i do? coz the tutorial says use autoclose.cgi, but i dont have that. and im not good ar pearl as well02:20
anfangsarrenlex: i'm sorry. i lied. I have been using NAT to share the host IP.02:20
JasonWoofjrib: maybe that goofed up my settings or something02:20
anfangsarrenlex: i am trying to use bridged now..02:21
DavidCanariasI am trying to do a speed test for my broadband and keep being told I need Flash Player. I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10... Can anyone please tell me how to install Flash Player using the Terminal? Thks.02:21
lipinskidietwater: use tee if you want output (say, from echo) to display to stdout AND to the file.  Use > or >> if you don't want output to display to stdout, only redirected to file.02:21
D-MANjrib not working when i try to watch you tube02:21
stdinDavidCanarias: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:21
dietwaterOh, dumb me.  Thanks.02:21
cfeddeHow can I teach ubuntu-server to automount SD and usb drives when they are attached?02:21
JasonWoofjrib: what's f5 supposed to do? I just got a ~ in my terminal02:22
DavidCanariasstdin: Thks I am doing this now.02:22
JasonWoofjrib: oh, sorry, it reloads when I don't focus the term02:22
jribJasonWoof: I meant to click on the desktop and hit f5, so it reloads.   What does ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs say for desktop?02:22
dietwaterlipinski: Sorry for off-topic, but someone asked me today how you wait for a previous command to finish in terminal then do another.  Like pipe but no output->input, just wait for finish02:23
arrenlexzerodevice: Do it like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-353182.html02:23
jribD-MAN: that's kind of vague.  pastebin the contents of the page you get when you put "about:plugins" in your address bar02:23
RequinB4dietwater: man wait02:23
dietwaterlipinski: Like mkdir test then cd test02:23
arrenlexlipinski: foo && bar # runs bar if and only if foo completes successfully02:23
DavidCanariasstdin: Terminal tells me its installed so do I have to do anything else please?02:23
mortuis99jrib thenk you for the help on updating .......  im still having problems connecting pidgin to yahoo can you help?02:23
arrenlexlipinski: foo ; bar # runs bar whether or not foo fails02:23
dietwaterWhat if it takes 10 seconds?  .10 seconds?02:23
JasonWoofjrib: ahh hah! that one says home02:23
dietwaterI swear this was built in02:23
jribdietwater: command1; command202:23
stdinDavidCanarias: restart your browser02:23
dietwaterMaybe not02:23
blahblahxhow can i easily install headers for my running kernel and where will they be?02:24
JasonWoofjrib: so can I just delete my ~/.config and log in again?02:24
stdindietwater: command1 && command202:24
dietwaterPerfect, ty.02:24
RequinB4dietwater: it depends on what exactly you are trying to do02:24
dietwater&& is at same time correct?\02:24
jribJasonWoof: should be easy enough to just edit the file if you want02:24
D-MANjrib what does that mean?02:24
arrenlex!headers | blahblahx02:24
ubottublahblahx: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages02:24
D-MANjrib lamens please02:24
stdindietwater: && will only run the nest command if the previous was successful02:24
zerodevicearrenlex , thanks02:25
blahblahxarrenlex: is that command one line?02:25
stdindietwater: & is to background02:25
arrenlexblahblahx: Yes.02:25
dietwaterMakes sense, I forgot how similar bash is to c except the awesome use of symbols02:25
dietwateryes I know & thanks =P02:25
RequinB4dietwater: command1 & puts command1 into background and you can do other stuff in your shell02:25
jribdietwater: command1; command2  runs command2 regardless of whether command1 exited successfully.  command1 && command2 only runs command2 if command1 was successful02:25
_bk_cutzHi! im receiving "No devices detected" at Ubuntu installation. Somebody help me?02:25
DavidCanariasstdin: Did all that and tried my speed test to be told I need Flash Player02:25
RequinB4dietwater: 'wait' waits for all commands in your shell to stop before proceeding02:25
Shihanhi guys... i've installed a package... which created a user but the system seems to think the user doesnt exist... is there somewhere in ubuntu besides /etc/passwd (shadow, group, etc) that deals with user info?02:25
dietwaterjrib: Yep. I figured that out.  Thanksfor helping.02:25
arrenlexjrib: I just said that to them like 2 minutes ago..02:26
dietwaterOh.  So its not like wait 1000?02:26
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stdinDavidCanarias: which browser?02:26
_bk_cutzHi! im receiving "No devices detected" at Ubuntu installation. Somebody help me?02:26
jribD-MAN: you know where you type "www.google.com" to go to google?  Type "about:plugins", then copy the page and pastebin it02:26
jrib!pastebin | dietwater02:26
ubottudietwater: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:26
RequinB4dietwater: read man wait, it depends on your arguments02:26
jribD-MAN: see what ubottu just said02:26
DavidCanariasstdin: my web browser is Mozilla02:26
dietwaterIt says no man entry for wait?02:26
noobnoobwow this is good stuff ive had ubuntu less than a month i swear its changing my life..lolz02:26
aloodei hope for the love of god this guy is correct about deleting a partition wont delete data.... here: http://pennsylvania.ubuntuforums.com/showpost.php?s=2da3b43852b1e4244d3f0ebe0ee78a7c&p=5952892&postcount=1002:27
stdindietwater: is's 'sleep'02:27
stdinDavidCanarias: firefox?02:27
_bk_cutzsomebody help me ?02:27
noobnoobsup cutz02:27
jribarrenlex: indeed you did :)02:27
_bk_cutzim receiving "No devices detected" at Ubuntu installation. Somebody help me?02:27
hotte_here my eth0 problem. i cant star b44    modues becaaause f this error . can someone help plz? http://rafb.net/p/wYOVUZ51.html02:27
RequinB4dietwater: yes, stdin has it right - to "wait" for 5 seconds is 'sleep 5'02:27
noobnoobcutz try another version of linux02:27
DavidCanariasstdin: Yes you are right Firefox02:27
stdinDavidCanarias: go to about:plugins in the address bar and see if lists Shockwave Flash02:27
arrenlexaloode: Don't depend on that... have a backup when you do partition stuff, and also you should copy and then delete the original when you're sure it worked, to be safe.02:27
_bk_cutznoobnoob =(02:27
_bk_cutznoobnoob are you serious ???02:28
hotte_sry broken keybard02:28
blahblahxarrenlex: where are the headers i just installed located?02:28
noobnoobcutz... i had the same problem where i couldnt install ubuntu on my everex... try another iso version02:28
klaxianhow can i change the default CD burning app?  i want to use nautilus-cd-burner, but brasero somehow made itself the default02:28
arrenlexblahblahx: Dunno, ask the package system.  sudo dpkg -L linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:28
DavidCanariasstdin: which tab woul that be?02:28
noobnoobcutz what type of computer are you trying to install on?02:28
_bk_cutznoobnoob but can you tell me one?02:28
noobnoobcutz... redhat?02:29
stdinDavidCanarias: you just put in "about:plugins" as the address and it'll open in that tab02:29
Ben1i have an ATI radeon rs690m and my videos blink, what should i do?02:29
_bk_cutznoobnoob oh man =/02:29
D-MANcould someone just help me to get my flash player to work on you tube?02:29
JasonWoofjrib: that worked! thank you thank you! I keep forgetting about .config. I deleted .gnome2 and .nautilus02:29
stdinblahblahx: in /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)02:29
noobnoobcutz...ubuntu is a nice os why dont you try debian ?? ubuntu is based off it or something like that02:29
JasonWoofD-MAN: which flash player do you have?02:29
jribD-MAN: did you do what I asked?02:29
arrenlexD-MAN: Did you install the flashplayer-nonfree package? What does the about:plugins page say?02:29
D-MANif i knew what i was doin i would not ask!02:30
[e]LementSynaptic Package Manager is your friend :D02:30
jrib!who | D-MAN02:30
_bk_cutznoobnoob i know man, but i read ubuntu are most used02:30
ubottuD-MAN: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:30
_bk_cutzis a nice os02:30
D-MANyes installed flashplayer plugin02:30
_bk_cutzsorry my bad english02:30
_bk_cutzim braziliam02:30
klaxianhow can i change the default cd burner?02:30
JasonWoofD-MAN: WHICH ONE?02:30
noobnoobcutz try debian until you learn more.... try another flavor of linux.... or tell me what type of computer you have i can help you google it02:31
JasonWoofD-MAN: there are a couple different flash players, one doesn't work very well.02:31
utorrentwhy so many people?02:31
* [e]Lement stabs JasonWoof's caps lock key02:31
_bk_cutznoobnoob man im a slackware linuxer02:31
noobnoobanybody try using nmap for ubuntu?02:31
_bk_cutzbut know i need to install the ubuntu02:31
FAJnoobnoob: yes02:31
[e]LementYeah, maps the network02:31
utorrentman _bk_cutz u r so HxC02:31
mortuis99i have updated the pidgin to the latest version and am still having trouble that i cant log onto yahoo02:31
_bk_cutzbut i receive that error02:31
JasonWoof[e]Lement: heh, I just remapped it to controll... you miss!02:31
FAJ!info zenmap | noobnoob02:31
ubottuzenmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper Front End. In component universe, is extra. Version 4.62-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 793 kB, installed size 3244 kB02:31
utorrentgod this channel moves so fast02:31
[e]LementLOL JasonWoof02:31
D-MANinstalled flashplyer-freeplugin?02:31
noobnoobfaj: can you scan my system for security holes from where you are at?02:32
utorrenthow often do you get linux noobs in this channel?02:32
JasonWoofD-MAN: ahh, that explains everything. you need the non-free one02:32
noobnoobcutz: what kind of system do you have?02:32
_bk_cutzman that error occurs at gparted initialization02:32
D-MANwell thats what i meant to say non free02:32
JasonWoofD-MAN: the free one is still in very early development.02:32
DavidCanariasstdin: Did that but no luck with Shockwave Flash02:32
joeb3_utorrent, every five minutes02:32
_bk_cutzthe ubuntu cannot find02:32
woody86can someone help me out getting my wireless card to work?02:32
_bk_cutzthe disks02:32
jribD-MAN: you need to put the person's name you are talking to in your message so that you can be helped effectively02:32
_bk_cutzi have a SATA disk02:32
noobnoobcutz: what kind of computer do you have?02:32
D-MANsry not a good typer and just want help02:33
D-MAN\also ther are many ppl helping02:33
klaxiandoes anyone know how to change the default cd burning app?  i tried checking preferences, grepping, and searching gconf with no luck02:33
mitchellanybody have an ipw2200  wireless card/chipset?02:33
JasonWoofD-MAN: you running firefox?02:33
jribD-MAN: exactly.  So pick one and address him directly.  Try this for example: Jaso<TAB>02:34
[e]LementJaso<TAB> ....I don't think it worked =(02:34
D-MANjasonwoof yes firefox02:34
stdinDavidCanarias: try "sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin"02:34
JasonWoof\[e\]Lament: nice try \;\)02:34
rdw200169[e]Lement: no, what he means is start typing the name, then smash the tab key02:34
stdinDavidCanarias: if it has "/usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so" select that02:34
[e]Lementrdw200169, I know. I'm not completely clueless.  I was making a joke.02:35
RicketIs it a good idea to use the 64-bit version of ubuntu? is the compatibility of it with hardware similar to that of the 32-bit version? will my nvidia 7900gs card be hardware accelerated? and it can run 32-bit programs still, right?02:35
mortuis99i have updated the pidgin to the latest version and am still having trouble that i cant log onto yahoo  can someone help?02:35
joeb3_klaxian, system, preferences, removable drives.02:35
[e]Lementmortuis99, I would get in contact with Pidgin's support.02:35
jribmortuis99: try #pidgin02:35
klaxianjoeb3_: i don't have that02:35
usserRicket, i'd recommend it, nvidia should work no problem, 32 bit support is excellent and u can now run flash and java in firefox without jumping through hoops02:35
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: i'm having no problem getting onto yahoo w/ an up to date pidgin... are you using a proxy02:36
rdw200169[e]Lement: ah, i was jumping in the middle of the converstation02:36
arrenlexRicket: Your biggest problem will probably be flash player compatibility. Most everything else is supported. Yes, you can still use nvidia. Yes, you can run 32-bit programs, but it might be a little painful, I don't think it ships with 32-bit libraries by default02:36
arrenlexRicket: How much RAM do you have?02:36
joelmcaDoes exim install and run by default on Ubuntu Hardy? Thanks.02:36
DavidCanariasstdin: Did that no problems. How can I test it is OK02:36
Ricketarrenlex: 2gb02:36
usserarrenlex, i just tried adobe's 64 bit plugin, works like a champ02:36
joeb3_klaxian, I'm on ub 7.10.  What do you have?02:36
klaxianjoeb3_: 8.10 :)02:36
stdinDavidCanarias: restart firefox again and see if it shows up02:36
rdw200169joelmca: no02:36
mortuis99IndyGunFreak no proxy02:36
jribRicket: flash isn't really a problem on 64bit anymore.  You won't have a java plugin from sun though (you can use icedtea)02:36
[e]LementI can haz iceweasel?02:37
arrenlexRicket: You won't really get any benefits from a 64-bit system then...02:37
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: thats very strange, i'll ask the obvious, are you sure you're username/password is correct?02:37
MakuseruIs there any program in Ubuntu that can handle .mdf/.mds(Alcohol 120%'s file format)?02:37
arrenlexRicket: 64-bit is useful when you have >=4GB of ram02:37
[e]LementBtw rdw200169, it's cool.  We all do it.  Lol02:37
ComradeHazNo [e]Lement you muppet, you cannot 'haz' anything.02:37
ComradeHazYou can 'have' it. sure.02:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:37
jrib!iso > Makuseru02:37
ubottuMakuseru, please see my private message02:37
klaxianjoeb3_: i think i found it02:37
arrenlex!info mdf2iso | Makuseru02:37
ubottumdf2iso (source: mdf2iso): A simple utility to convert mdf to iso / cue / toc images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB02:37
MASTEROFMADNESSquick question, whats a good online (easy too read) ubuntu guide, particulaer the use of the terminal02:37
RicketOkay, well i'm downloading the iso now then! and thanks arrenlex, i mostly just want to try it out though :)02:38
LamoLost audio after last update. 8.10 64 if I start pulsaudio from cli i get crackling sounds.02:38
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:38
Makuserujrib: can you mount /mdf02:38
klaxianjoeb3_: it couldn't be any more difficult to find...and i know my way around ;)02:38
arrenlexRicket: Ah, okay, good luck :)02:38
DavidCanariasstdin: I opened the web browser and it looks the same. Am I looking for something special???02:38
dietwaterHow do you list processes running in bash?02:38
mortuis99IndyGunFreak yes i even retried creating the account02:38
Makuserujrib: .mdf's*02:38
Wally1hi folks.. Just wondering if any one could help me with gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1' error :/02:38
joelmcardw200169: But if I do a sudo aptitude install exim4, will an exim4 process start running automatically?02:38
joeb3_dietwater, ps -ef02:38
jribMakuseru: no but the link about converting image formats mentions mdf2iso that arrenlex gave info about directly02:38
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: and you're using pidgin 2.5.2?02:38
stdinDavidCanarias: check it has "Shockwave Flash" somewhere on it, and "File name: libflashplayer.so" under it02:39
mortuis99IndyGunFreak yes02:39
=== agustin is now known as aguchob
klaxianjoeb3_: nope, false alarm...still can't find it02:39
arrenlexdietwater: Do you mean launched from that bash session, or do you mean processes running on that system? The former -- "jobs", the latter  "ps" or "ps aux".02:39
dietwaterps is what i needed.02:39
joeb3_klaxian, nothing in preferences about removable drives?02:39
dietwaterHow do you remove lines not matching a condition?  grep?02:39
DavidCanariasstdin: I looked in Add ons and it is listed in the plugins tab02:39
jribD-MAN: if you want me to help you, I need some info from you.  Write "about:plugins" in the address bar of you browser, hit enter, copy the entire page.  Then visit "paste.ubuntu.com", paste it there, submit, then give us the url02:40
arrenlexdietwater: grep -v02:40
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: gotta be something thats not making sense.02:40
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stdinDavidCanarias: see if the site works then02:40
klaxianjoeb3_: no, nothing.  what i want to change is the app that is launched when i click "write to disc" in nautilus.  it is currently set to brasero02:40
dietwaterAnd kill a process?02:40
DavidCanariasstdin: couldnt find libflashplayer.so02:40
arrenlexdietwater: killall <processname> or kill <processid>02:40
usserdietwater, | grep -v Match02:41
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usserdietwater, matches everything that is not Match02:41
mortuis99IndyGunFreak it says error resolving scs..msg.yahoo.com   Name or service not known02:42
dietwaterThanks.  Sorry for all the questions, I ran two cvlc without a way to close them.  killall vlc worked perfect, I didn't even need to ps -ef | grep -v *vlc* and find them.  Thanks.02:42
dietwaterI know some bash, I just don't know every command in the book yet =)  My b.02:42
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: that makes zero sense, i'm on yahoo w/o issue at all.02:42
jribdietwater: you wouldn't want -v there02:42
klaxianhow can i change the app that gets launched when i click "write to disc" in nautilus?02:42
dietwaterI wouldn't?02:42
jribdietwater: you would want to match vlc02:42
joachimATjkuOne Question: I got the newest Hardy (8.04 with kernel 2.6.24-19) but want to use kernel version 2.6.22-15....what I did so far is changing apt sources to gutsy and installing generic kernel version 2.6.22-15 .... all ok...but when booting the kernel i miss a few modules...how do i get them?02:42
[e]LementSometimes I find doing stuff in bash is easier and quick than doing it with a GUI02:42
dietwaterWith *'s?02:43
joeb3_mortuis99, i'm on yahoo and msn with 2.2.102:43
srizzi got the new google earth but when i try to enable the earth view it closes02:43
jribdietwater: not needed02:43
dietwaterI love bash.  I made a launcher for 89x.02:43
_bk_cutzim receiving "No devices detected" at Ubuntu installation. Somebody help me?02:43
dietwaterWhat style of REGEX is grep?02:43
IndyGunFreakmortuis99: i still thnk this is gonna come down to a username/password issue.02:43
DavidCanariasstdin: Now I am told I need to update to Adobe Flash Player, its incredible!!!02:43
dietwaterI remember there was a war between two similar styles, in case I have to learn =X02:43
DavidCanariasstdin: Can I do this in the Terminal02:43
srizzanyone have an idea why02:44
jribdietwater: 'man grep' has details02:44
joachimATjkuOne Question: I got the newest Hardy (8.04 with kernel 2.6.24-19) but want to use kernel version 2.6.22-15....what I did so far is changing apt sources to gutsy and installing generic kernel version 2.6.22-15 .... all ok...but when booting the kernel i miss a few modules...how do i get them?02:44
dietwaterK, im reading, ty again.02:44
mortuis99joeb3_ can u tell the server u are on and is there a differant port?02:44
arrenlexdietwater: It supports both... check out egrep and pgrep.02:44
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dietwaterLinux is amazing.02:44
arrenlexdietwater: Oh, not pgrep, that's for killing processes ironically :)02:44
aguchobHELP HERE PLS02:45
DavidCanariasstdin: I can download it on the Adobe site but only for Ubuntu 8.04+ and I am running 8.10 is that OK then?02:45
dietwaterThats insane, lol.02:45
FloodBot3aguchob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:45
dietwaterChill out aguchob.02:45
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[e]Lementaguchob, as the question and shutup02:45
dietwaterDid you buy linux?  We have no obligations.  Chill out, be calm, and be nice.02:45
IndyGunFreak[e]Lement: lol.02:45
aguchobi have a problem installing intrepid02:45
stdinDavidCanarias: the package downloaded it already02:45
joeb3_mortuis99, scs.msg.yahoo.com port 505002:45
aguchobi get a busy box02:45
lab4anyway to tell whats using your memory besides top then M, because im at Mem:    495204k total,   488876k used,     6328k free,     7060k buffers Swap:  1445808k total,    39684k used,  1406124k free,   409072k cached02:45
[e]Lementaguchob, is it the dreaded ID10T error!?02:45
_bk_cutzim receiving "No devices detected" at Ubuntu installation. Somebody help me?02:46
aguchobi dont know in new with linux 3 days till now02:46
RequinB4[e]Lement: that's not productive02:46
DavidCanariasstdin: Then I just don't know what is happening?? I always seem to have this problem with Adobe and Firefox! There is a clash somewhere02:46
[e]LementRequinB4, we all need a little R&R02:46
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aguchobi want to install intrepid but when i do it stuck and  get a busyt box02:46
RequinB4[e]Lement: not here02:46
IndyGunFreakaguchob: have you tried google?.. there's a lot of solutions to busybox.02:46
[e]Lementaguchob, how are you trying to install it?02:46
joachimATjkuOne Question: I got the newest Hardy (8.04 with kernel 2.6.24-19) but want to use kernel version 2.6.22-15....what I did so far is changing apt sources to gutsy and installing generic kernel version 2.6.22-15 .... all ok...but when booting the kernel i miss a few modules...how do i get them?02:46
aguchobcan any one help me pls02:46
Dreamer3is there a ubuntu package that sets up the admin groupand it's sudo rights?02:46
[e]LementjoachimATjku, just change your bootloader menu02:46
aguchobi dont know how to02:46
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesudo (KDE)02:47
=== gaz is now known as Guest71349
[e]Lementaguchob, how are you trying to install it...once again?02:47
dietwaterSystem>Administration>Users and groups02:47
aguchobi have hardy in my pc02:47
lab4im using ubutu server i dont think i should have 6mb of free ram02:47
stdinDavidCanarias: you can try the manual install, see if it works. but I'm not sure it will02:47
[e]LementAre you using Synaptic Pacakge Manager, Tarball, what!?02:47
aguchoband i want to install intrepid from the boot of the pc02:47
* IndyGunFreak oops.. that was for my browser.02:47
usserjoachimATjku, did u also install ubuntu-modules package and the other one with restricted modules02:47
joachimATjku[e]Lement: have allready changed the grub menu.lst ... the kernel is booting but when i look into modconf i miss some modules02:47
joeb3_Dreamer3, not really a package, but visudo works.02:48
jriblab4: what's wrong with using top?02:48
aguchobi put the dvd and.. then install ubuntu and get the busy box02:48
[e]LementjoachimATjku, hm...it may have deleted the old modules...hah02:48
Dreamer3joeb3_: ubuntu 8.04 seems to have them by default but not 8.1002:48
Dreamer3so i'm thinking i'm just missing a package02:48
E4emacs4lol IndyGunFreak good thing that wasnt' a naughty site eh?02:48
lab4jrib: it shows that only 10% of my ram should be used02:48
[e]Lementaguchob, which cd?02:48
Dreamer3my 8.10 base install is tiny compared to 8.0402:48
IndyGunFreakE4emacs22: lol, isn't that the truth02:48
yowshithis is wierd flash isnt working on firefox and when i go to kill npviewer totry and fix it i dont find np viewer. what i find is almost a dozen copies of something called nsfd running02:48
aguchobthe intrepid ibex cd02:48
joachimATjkuno when i am booting the new kernel they are there02:48
srizzcan i get a hand02:48
aguchobi put the intrepid ibex in the dvd drive02:48
[e]Lementaguchob, you may want to get support from the developer on that one02:48
DavidCanariasstdin: It's odd as I tried to download the deb package and I was told in the Terminal a later version was already installed? Don't understand what on earth is going on?02:48
ComradeHaz[02:47:28] <lab4> im using ubutu server i dont think i should have 6mb of free ram <----- what do you mean by 'free'? Under linux you'd expect to have no empty ram space....02:48
yowshianyone know what the hel is up with flash and firefox and npviewer?02:48
[e]LementjoachimATjku, the modules are kernel specific02:48
aguchoband i get an error that say busy box02:49
jriblab4: what does 'free -m' return for you?02:49
joachimATjkuyeah but how can i get the same modules in the old kernel02:49
Zer0reZok dumb question, is there a software package that'll do a music visualizer that i could capture to a file(h265 or dv preferably)02:49
joachimATjkui need them for wlan / bluetooth mainly02:49
Dreamer3was the admin group removed in ubuntu 8.10?02:49
aguchobcan anyone help me02:49
aguchobth lement02:49
lab4             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached02:49
lab4Mem:           483        477          5          0          7        39902:49
lab4-/+ buffers/cache:         71        41202:49
lab4Swap:         1411         38       137302:49
jribDreamer3: no02:49
FloodBot3lab4: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
Dreamer3jrib: what package installs it then?02:49
zerodevicehi, after i've edited teh cron from crontab, how do i make sure it will be applied and start taking effect? coz it doesnt seems to do so after i have save it. i tried the shutdown command but its not shutting down02:50
yowshiand why i get multiple copies of processes running or at least loisted as running in my system monitor?02:50
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[e]LementjoachimATjku, I'm sorry I cannot help you on that one.  It may benefit you to post it on the Ubuntu forums.02:50
stdinDavidCanarias: try the .tar.gz install02:50
jriblab4: look closely at that -/+ buffers/cache line02:50
ComradeHazlab4 so you have a gig and are using 500megs02:50
joachimATjkukk thx02:50
usserlab4, its fine most of it is taken by caches02:50
[e]LementjoachimATjku, things move there are a slower pace and you're better off at getting quality help.02:50
jribDreamer3: ?02:50
jribDreamer3: why?02:50
joeb3_zerodevice, did you crontab -e ?02:50
Dreamer3jrib: i have a small 8.10 install and no admin group so i'd like to know which package it is02:50
Puritydoes anyone know if ubuntu will run on an asus eepc?02:50
zerodevicejoeb3_, yes02:50
ComradeHazPurity: I believe it will02:51
lab4ok thanks guys02:51
[e]LementPurity, I heard there is a modded version of Ubuntu for the EEPC02:51
joeb3_zerodevice, when you save, your changes are applied.02:51
jribDreamer3: desktop install?02:51
Purity[e]Lement, k02:51
jribDreamer3: then?02:51
moesUbuntu 8.0.4 compiz-fusion desktop upon startup I receive the following message...There was an error starting the gnome settings daemon...Only happen once in a while...gnome will try to restart the daemon on next login02:51
joachimATjkuthe only solution i can think of is cp /newkerneldir/module /oldkerneldir02:51
[e]LementPurity, http://www.ubuntu-eee.com/02:51
Dreamer3it's a linode instlal, prolly server02:51
DavidCanariasstdin: Ok, thks, but once I have the .tar.gz downloaded what do I do with it as I don't have a clue??02:51
yowshianyone know what why my flash player for firefox seems to quit rather constantly on me02:51
yowshior know how to figure it out02:51
jribDreamer3: do you have ubuntu-minimal installed?  Are you sure linode did not modify the installation?02:51
Purity[e]Lement,  ty02:51
zerodevicejoeb3_, i was told to do shutdown i need to login as root right? so i did "5 10 * * * shutdown -h now" but its not wotking02:51
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:51
stdinDavidCanarias: the last time I used it there was a README file in it with instructions02:51
arrenlexjoachimATjku: Don't suggest things like that, they won't work because they're compiled for the wrong kernel.02:51
[e]LementPurity, no problem02:52
MASTEROFMADNESSso is there a software i can use too clean all my not needed files in ubuntu LIKE ccleaner for linux?02:52
joachimATjkuwell the versions are not that far off02:52
arrenlexzerodevice: How do you know it's not working? Did you wait until 10:0502:52
Dreamer3jrib: i have ubuntu-minimal installed02:52
jtajiDreamer3: add yourself to the sudo group, then do 'visudo' and uncomment the last line02:52
joachimATjku2.6.22 2.6.2402:52
joeb3_is it 10:05 am where you are?02:52
zerodevicearrenlex, yes02:52
stdinjoachimATjku: modules compiled for one kernel will not work for any other02:52
Dreamer3jtaji: i know how to do it, i'm working on automated stuff02:52
Dreamer3so if ther is a package i'd rather know what that is so i can install it02:52
zerodevicearrenlex, i waited the time in the ubuntu clock that displayed on the top left corner and it doesnnot even shut down02:52
jtajiDreamer3: ah02:52
joachimATjkustdin: but why is the bluetooth module not present in the old kernel?02:53
zerodevicearrenlex, my time is 10:36AM now,02:53
DavidCanariasstdin: I didn't see any readme so now I am stuck!!! I will ask in the general chat. Thks for yr help so far02:53
stdinI'm not a kernel dev, so I don't know02:53
DavidCanariasCan anyone please advise me how to install a .tar.gz download.???02:53
RequinB4MASTEROFMADNESS: um, that's largel uneccesary in ubuntu.  you can use sudo apt-get autoremove, remove any unused programs, and that's about it02:53
Dreamer3jrib: i don't see why they would have removed a group... their 8.04 install has it02:53
Dreamer3jrib: you sure ubuntu-minimal is what does that?02:54
yowshianyone have any idea how to restart npviewer.bin so i can get flash to work without closing firefox every 15 bloody minutes?02:54
xiangfuDavidCanarias: tar zxvf file.tar.gz && cd file/ && ./configure && make && sudo make install   :-)02:54
stdinDavidCanarias: there's a "flashplayer-installer" script, you do "./flashplayer-installer"02:54
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DavidCanariasxiangfu: Thks a lot.  If I just copy what you have typed in the terminal will this work?02:55
jribDreamer3: no I'm not, actually I'm pretty sure it does not.  But I am pretty sure that it would be a package that ubuntu-minimal depends on02:55
joeb3_zerodevice, what time does your system show now?02:55
stdinDavidCanarias: it won't02:55
zerodevicejoeb_3 10:39 am. i've just set another bron on 10:40 am02:56
DavidCanariasstdin: Thks. do I type in the terminal what you suggested: ./flashplayer-installer02:56
yowshianyone have any idea how to restart npviewer.bin so i can get flash to work without closing firefox every 15 bloody minutes?02:56
zerodevicejoeb3_ in less than a minute if im am still here means it doesnt work02:56
stdinDavidCanarias: you need to "cd" to the directory you extracted first, then type that in02:56
Zer0reZno suggestions on a music player/app that will allow me to save visualizer output to a file?02:57
DavidCanariasstdin: I have found the instructions in Adobe so will try. Be back soon OK?02:57
zerodeviceok, joeb3_ ok i am still here. its not working02:57
=== gaz is now known as Guest9482
joeb3_zerodevice, use 22 as the hour for 10.02:57
stdinDavidCanarias: so, if you extracted to your desktop you do "cd ~/Desktop/install_flash_player_10_linux" then "./flashplayer-installer"02:57
starhawkI am tring to install 8.10 on an emachine and it stops at initramfs dose any one know what I should do with this02:57
zerodevicejoeb3_, hmm.. its am, why change to pm?02:57
jribDreamer3: base-passwd is my guess, but I'm sure you have that.  Are you sure you don't have admin?  'getent group admin' returns nothing?02:57
joeb3_zerodevice, sorry.  Are you using the full path in the command?02:58
Dreamer3cat /etc/group doesn't show it02:58
thiebaudeDavidCanarias: you trying to install flash 10?02:58
zerodevicejoeb3_ here's wht i typed "40 10 * * * shutdown -h now"02:58
DasE1!eee | starhawk:02:59
ubottustarhawk:: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC02:59
joeb3_zerodevice, and is cron running?  ps -ef | grep cron02:59
jribDreamer3: hmm, doesn't look like it's base-passwd.  Not really sure02:59
DavidCanariasthiebaude: You are right!!!!!02:59
[e]Lementyou killed him joeb3_02:59
DavidCanariasstdin: It couldn't find it. Maybe because it's not on my desktop perhaps?02:59
thiebaudeDavidCanarias: just grab the flash10 .deb file from the adobe website02:59
Dreamer3yeah annoying02:59
starhawkit is an emachine d6417 not an eepc02:59
stdinDavidCanarias: yeah, you change the path to where you extracted it to02:59
FAJhow can i tell gpg to use a different key when clear signing something????02:59
joeb3_[e]Lement, maybe it is working02:59
alarondthiebaude: i was wondering when someone would mention that.03:00
thiebaudeflash should be the easiest thing to install03:00
DavidCanariasthiebaude: I've tried all that to be told a later version is availlable in the channel. Thks03:00
DasE1!who | starh03:00
ubottustarh: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:00
DasE1!who | starhawk03:00
ubottustarhawk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)03:00
thiebaudeDavidCanarias: if you have 8.10 then flash 10 should be in synaptic03:01
DasE1 starhawk: does the busybox appear at installing or at first boot ?03:01
blahrus_does anyone use an hdmi cable to connect their PC to a TV?03:01
G94Bdoes anyone here have the T-Mobile G1?03:01
[e]LementT-Mobile </303:02
starhawkubottu ok03:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)03:02
swaggawhat if every computer on the face of the earth ran ubuntu would the world be a better place???03:02
DavidCanariasstdin: Not getting anywhere I am told the file doesnit exist?03:02
[e]LementI think ubottu is a child molestor.  "I'm just a bot" -touch-03:02
speeddemon8803guys stay on topic :)03:02
OSUKid7hi, I'm trying to use ssh-add's -c attribute, and am getting SSH_AGENT_FAILURE. I think the problem has to do with SSH_ASKPASS not being set... but my real question is, how do I delete/kill all ssh-agents/keyrings so I can start over again? I have done ssh-add -D, but it still shows some keys when I then do ssh-add -l, and I am able to ssh to localhost without a passphrase/word... ideas?03:02
jribDreamer3: well I've found one place: jockey-common03:02
DasE1!ot > swagga03:02
ubottuswagga, please see my private message03:02
yowshianyone have any idea how to restart npviewer.bin so i can get flash to work without closing firefox every 15 bloody minutes?03:02
CteelI need help Installing the right drivers for my old Nvidia Geforce4 mx 44003:02
MASTEROFMADNESSi still need a better linux guide :(03:02
MASTEROFMADNESSterminal guide that is03:02
swaggaubottu !03:03
stdinDavidCanarias: where did you extract the .tar.gz to?03:03
[e]LementMASTEROFMADNESS, get one on Debian GNU/Linux03:03
DasE1 starhawk: does the busybox appear at installing or at first boot ?03:03
starhawk[e]Lement while installing03:04
MASTEROFMADNESSis the terminal the same for all linux brands?03:04
thiebaudeDavidCanarias: did flash work?03:04
nazrth1any one in here know how to convert  a ubuntu 8.10 32bit install to a 64bit install , with out reinstalling everything?03:04
jribnazrth1: nope03:04
[e]LementYou have to reinstall03:04
DavidCanariasstdin: This is the location    /home/david/Desktop/Downloads03:04
starhawkDasE1 while installing03:04
DavidCanariasthiebaude: Nop!!!!03:04
DasE1 starhawk: (nick  is DasE1) did you check the cd for defects ?03:05
nazrth1iv done it with gentoo03:05
joeb3_nazrth1, backup your data. reinstall03:05
woody86can someone help me out getting my wireless card to work? the light on the computer illuminates, but NM doesn,t list any networks03:05
nazrth1so why can one do it with this install03:05
starhawkDasE1 yes03:05
[e]LementThats gentoo03:05
stdinDavidCanarias: then "cd /home/david/Desktop/Downloads" then "./flashplayer-installer". you can check with "ls" after you cd to see if the file is there03:05
[e]LementThis is.....Ubuntuuuuuuuuuuuuu fail =/03:05
ZoffixHello, I've installed Ubuntu 8.10 from a "Minimal" CD and I'm having a hard time installing "Restricted Drivers Manager". Anyone have a clue in which package that thing is?03:05
nazrth1ok thx all03:06
RequinB4[e]Lement stop being abrasive03:06
DasE1 starhawk: try bootoptions then, like noapic, nolapic...03:06
malibuAzureus uses up way too much memory.  Does anyone know of a light weight torrent client that A) downloads multiple files in one windows, and B) has a 'move when completed' option.. This is all I need.03:06
arrenlexZoffix: restricted-manager I think03:06
mystikhi everyone03:06
starhawkDasE1: what dose that do03:06
DasE1!bootoptions | starhawk03:06
ubottustarhawk: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions03:06
arrenlexmalibu: I know ktorrent does, but you may not want to install all the kde dependencies... try transmission?03:06
mystikdoes someone knows if the intel G45 chipset with GMA 4500hd works fine now on intrepid?03:07
malibutransmission looks good but it does not have move when complete.03:07
malibuNot the one in the ubuntu repo, anyway03:07
[e]LementIs Azureus still being supported in the 8.10 releases?03:07
starhawkDasE1: ok thank you i will do that for now03:07
arrenlexmalibu: Ah. Try ktorrent, I guess. I know it does.03:07
yowshianyone have any idea how to restart npviewer.bin so i can get flash to work without closing firefox every 15 bloody minutes?03:07
DavidCanariasstdin: Not getting anywhere now told: command not found03:07
alarond_DavidCanarias: butting in (i know). why don't u try this - go to some site that requires flash, like metacafe.com or something. then firefox will promt for u to download the additional plugins.03:07
[e]LementMy torrent sites are complaining because Azureus is too old03:07
DasE1 starhawk: it supresses certain hardare specs to make ubuntu install, most times after the install ubuntu can handle the sys without that03:07
JECHOuse transmission03:07
[e]LementI think I'm gonna upgrade to 8.1003:07
malibuOk.. I already use k3b and k8copy..03:08
stdinDavidCanarias: what's the output of "ls"03:08
nazrth1oh one more thing , does any one know any info , on the DOD project on teleporting objects , in france this week ?03:08
Zoffixarrenlex, uh, that is it. It shows up in Synaptic here at the home box, but I searched for "restricted" at $work on that "minimal" install and didn't see it. Well, at least now I know for sure the name of the package. Gonna check the sources tomorrow. Thanks.03:08
thiebaudealarond_:that was my thought too03:08
malibu..so probably not that much more to install03:08
arrenlexZoffix: I'm looking at packages.ubuntu.com -- seems it's not a full package anymore, but is provided by jockey-gtk03:08
* Zoffix writes that down03:09
malibuJECHO: Transmission does not move when complete03:09
mystikis  GMA 4500hd working fine now on intrepid?03:09
JECHOmalibu what dso you mean?03:09
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc
malibuJECHO: Some clients move a file to another directory when they are complete03:09
malibuJECHO: I need this, and Transmission does not do it03:09
DavidCanariasstdin: After typing in what you said up pops this message : david@david-desktop:~/Desktop/Downloads/install_flash_player_10_linux$03:10
JECHOah you want incomplete files to be stored in a different area?03:10
stdinDavidCanarias: what's the output of "ls" from that directory?03:10
JECHOktorrent does that for sure.03:10
DavidCanariasstdin: I typed in     ls    and up came quite a lot of text. Shall I past it here03:10
malibuJECHO: Right..03:11
malibuJECHO: Yeah i'm trying ktorrent.03:11
DasE1!paste | DavidCanarias03:11
ubottuDavidCanarias: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:11
DavidCanariasstdin: Or do I have to type in something else as well as    ls   ?03:11
JECHOmalibu: good luck03:11
malibuJECHO: I'm also trying mem optimizations to Azureus03:11
arrenlexDavidCanarias: Are you trying to install flash manually? Why don't you just go to www.homestarrunner.com and click "install plugin"? No fuss :)03:11
carpeliammy router is kind of funky, i need to reset it a lot- but i can always log into the router at from windows when it goes down from Windows, never from Ubuntu- anybody know why that would be?03:11
stdin!pastebin | DavidCanarias03:12
ubottuDavidCanarias: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:12
nazrth1ok has any one played with 9.04 yet , and if so is it any good?03:12
stdinDavidCanarias: use that ^03:12
malibuLol.. I only need three packages for ktorrent...  I have KDE practically installed already03:12
blahblahxhow can i install the developer packages for my kernel headers?03:12
stdin!headers | blahblahx03:13
=== shane_ is now known as ShaneAu
ubottublahblahx: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages03:13
thiebaudenazrth1: i heard something about dec 12 and thats all03:13
giojotocajoin #ubuntu-es03:13
blahblahxstdin: yeah but how do i install those accompanying -dev packages?03:13
arrenlexblahblahx: The kernel headers are devel packages... what are you trying to do?03:13
blahblahxarrenlex: uhh install vmware tools in a vmware virtual machine.03:14
stdinblahblahx: you said for the kernel, it gives you the command to run03:14
manoihow do i make the dial up conexion in  Ibex, i can't find it ?03:14
DavidCanariasstdin: Im getting completely out of my depth and therefore completely lost......03:14
klaxiancan anyone help?  I have been trying to change the default cd burner in nautilus for 2 hours and i still can't find it03:14
klaxiani'm not inexperienced03:14
DasE1nazrth1:join #ubuntu+103:14
klaxianplease please help03:14
arrenlexblahblahx: You shouldn't need any dev tools to do that, it should just mount an .iso inside your vm which you install from03:14
thiebaudenazrth1: i think something should be out after the developers conference03:14
stdinDavidCanarias: go to http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste in all the output from ls and click "Paste!", then post back the URL here03:15
yowshianyone have any idea how to restart npviewer.bin so i can get flash to work without closing firefox every 15 bloody minutes?03:15
blahblahxarrenlex: right i did. but one of the things wont compile. it tells me to check my kernel headers, gcc, make, and binutils. i have all of those installed (im pretty sure: i installed build-essential)03:15
swaggawhat is the terminal command equivalent to ipconfig in windows?03:15
klaxianswagga: ifconfig03:15
DasE1swagga: ifup, pppoeconf or ifconfig, basically ...03:16
malibuI have a gnome-terminal process using 112MB RAM... Is that normal??03:16
arrenlexblahblahx: Are you on intrepid? It might just be too old, I ran into that a few times. The kernel's api changes in subtle ways from release to release, annoyingly enough... sometimes that breaks things until vmware can fix them.03:16
arrenlexswagga: ifconfig03:16
klaxianmalibu: it's possible that a lot of that is cached03:16
jribyowshi: are you on intrepid?03:16
DavidCanariasstdin: I went to the site, put in David Canarias and copied text.... up came the same thing again..... but where do I get the reference from?03:16
blahblahxarrenlex: yeah im on intrepid03:16
DasE1malibu: which process ?03:16
thiebaudemalibu: which process?03:16
manoiwhere is the dial up conexion in Ibex ?  can't find it or there isn't03:16
yowshijrib: yes03:16
stdinDavidCanarias: from the address bar03:16
arrenlexblahblahx: The vmware modules might just be too old for the shiny new kernel in it.03:16
jribyowshi: it's supposed to restart on its own.  I think you just reload the page03:17
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
DavidCanariasstdin: Obviously I am doing something wrong03:17
yowshijrib: that hasnt been working03:17
klaxianplease...anyone...i need to change the default cd burning program that nautilus launches when clicking "write to cd".  i have looked everywhere.  please help03:17
swaggaarrenlex: thanks!03:17
stdinDavidCanarias: what address is in the address bar now?03:17
malibuthe process is gnome-terminal03:17
blahblahxarrenlex: hmm ill wait then i guess. although i installed my system from ubuntu minimal and i was wondering if i was missing any packages. (it worked for me a few weeks ago in ibex)03:17
DavidCanariasstdin: Ok found it    sorry!   http://paste.ubuntu.com/80137/03:17
yowshi'jriit used to work but now it isnt03:17
yowshijrib:  used to work but now it isnt03:17
jribyowshi: don't know, I haven't had it crash on me since upgrading to intrepid.  It would crash for me every 15 minutes like you describe on hardy03:18
manoiwhere is the dial up conexion in Ibex ?  can't find it or there isn't03:18
joeb3_klaxian, running gnome?03:18
DasE1malibu:and what are you running in it ? kernel-compilation ?03:18
sambagirl1what should the permissions, group and owner be for www when i put joomla in there?03:18
klaxianjoeb3_: yes03:18
sambagirl1what should the permissions, group and owner be for www when i put joomla in there?03:18
thiebaudemalibu: gnome terminal shouldn't use that much03:18
joeb3_klaxian, can you run gnome-volume-properties ?03:18
arrenlexblahblahx: If you have build-essential and the kernel headers, you should have everything you need. What was the error it gave you?03:18
yowshijrib: how do i find out if i am running the intrepid kernelk. the hardy kernel options still remained in my boot thingy so i may have loaded that by accident03:19
stdinDavidCanarias: I meant from the ~/Desktop/Downloads/install_flash_player_10_linux directory03:19
klaxianjoeb3_: brasero somehow made itself the default and there is a known bug with it so i need to use nautilus-cd-burner instead03:19
yowshijrib: though i doubt it03:19
DasE1!terminal | malibu03:19
ubottumalibu: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:19
SemidiosI uninstalled everything related to pulseaudio and now when I log it I get a message saying my session lasted less than 10 seconds.  and the logs shows that it couldn't start /usr/bin/pulse-session.  but I can log into failsafe.03:19
jribyowshi: uname -r, it wouldn't matter though03:19
DavidCanariasstdin: back to the terminal again then??? What do I type in and cop03:19
klaxianjoeb3_: i installed gnome-volume-manage so that i got the removable drives preferences03:19
jvrmrtnHelo every body03:19
yowshi2.6.27-10-generic jribthats intrepid no? and why wouldnt it matter?03:19
DasE1malibu:an empty prompt won't consume so much, but of course you can run very exhaustive cmd's in there03:19
klaxianjoeb3_: so now i can open that...however, there is notihng in there about the cd burner app03:20
stdinDavidCanarias: ok, type in "cd ~/Desktop/Downloads/install_flash_player_10_linux" then "ls" and post that. (And don't close the terminal)03:20
jvrmrtnHow i install BitchX in Ubuntu intrepid?03:20
yowshi2.6.27-10-generic jrib thats intrepid no? and why wouldnt it matter?03:20
wastrelsay i'm running gutsy and .avi and .mpg video playback doesn't work.  hear audio but video is black.  what might be the problem?03:20
jribyowshi: yes, that's intrepid.  Are you using proposed?03:20
blahblahxarrenlex: the important part says: "... after making sure that gcc, binutils, make and the kernel sources for your running kernel are installed on your machine."03:20
yowshijrib: what the heck is proposed?03:20
joeb3_klaxian, storage tab at bottom. not what you need ?03:20
jribyowshi: repository03:20
yowshijrib: ???03:21
arrenlexblahblahx: Sounds like generic "oh no it failed" boilerplate. Can you paste the whole output for that module?03:21
klaxianjoeb3_: i do not see a storage tab03:21
yowshijrib: full sentences please03:21
jribjvrmrtn: it's no longer in the repositories (see the debian bug for why).  Consider using irssi or weechat instead03:21
blahblahxarrenlex: sure. ill pastebin it in a second.03:21
jribyowshi: are you using the intrepid-proposed repository?  Pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list if you aren't sure03:21
DavidCanariasstdin: see if I did it right this time!!!!  Fingers crossed ...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/80138/03:21
malibuDasE1: It was the terminal I was running nmon in..03:21
malibuI'm wondering if nmon is displaying right03:22
yowshijrib:  http://pastebin.com/f45849fe203:22
stdinDavidCanarias: ok, in the same terminal, type in "./flashplayer-installer"03:22
jvrmrtnjrib, thanks you03:22
SemidiosI uninstalled everything related to pulseaudio and now when I log it I get a message saying my session lasted less than 10 seconds.  and the logs shows that it couldn't start /usr/bin/pulse-session.  but I can log into failsafe, i removed something pulse audio related from launch at startup but the problem persists, any help?03:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:23
stdin!fr | linux_03:23
carpeliam!Network Connections03:23
ubottulinux_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:23
klaxianjoeb3_: any other ideas?03:23
Sangokuany use vmware?03:23
joeb3_klaxian, looking.03:23
=== ri0n2 is now known as anthis
klaxianjoeb3_: i have searched gconf03:23
jribyowshi: you are using intrepid-proposed.  That's where packages go in for testing.  You shouldn't be using that repository really03:23
arrenlex!anyone | Sangoku03:23
DavidCanariasstdin: It tells me now it is installed!!!!03:23
ubottuSangoku: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?03:23
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:23
alarondrunning intrepid with dual-boot windows. XP showing bsod.03:23
stdinDavidCanarias: see if it works03:23
klaxianjoeb3_: i did a grep for "brasero" and couldn't find it03:23
alarondany way i can repair that from ubuntu?03:24
yowshijrib: heh i see. well hmmmmm how do i do something about that03:24
DavidCanariasstdin: I will test the browser OK. :P03:24
klaxianjoeb3_: i removed brasero and now it just says that it can't find the file03:24
Sangokuok, does anybody use VMware to run Ubuntu?03:24
klaxianjoeb3_: i wonder if it's set in memory only.  i am going to log out and come right back to check03:24
arrenlexSangoku: What is your actual question?03:24
geniiSangoku: I use it to run previous versions of ubuntu, under ubuntu03:24
klaxianjoeb3_: brb03:25
carpeliamis there some help somewhere on the "Network Connections" dialog windows? it's not very intuitive, and i can't find anything with google or in the help section03:25
alarondrunning intrepid with dual-boot windows. XP showing bsod. can i fix this from ubuntu?03:25
SangokuHow do I access my external HD or C: in Ubuntu which is running as a VM?03:25
jribyowshi: you could downgrade (can't walk you through that right now) or just disable them and wait for the main repositories to catch up.03:25
polystyrusalarond: 1. BSOD error could be anything.  2. No03:25
polystyrusalarond: or at least very unlikely03:26
rileyw4HELP! Whenever I switch to a different workspace, all my windows that are open in the current screen stay with me no matter which workspace I goto. When a window is minimized, the programs will stay in their proper workspace. Any ideas? I'm new to linux, so the more info the better!03:26
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geniiSangoku: You are running it in Windows?03:26
alarondpolystyrus: ah well. thanks.03:26
DavidCanariasstdin: The sites still dont work at all??? Its amazing03:26
yowshijrib: well i dont want to downgrade i grabbed intrepid as fast as i could and was a pain to upgrade to03:26
wastrelrileyw4: KDE or Gnome?03:26
DasE1malibu:so you're clear with that ow ?03:26
Sangokumy main OS is Vista and am running Ubuntu in vmware?03:26
jribyowshi: I meant downgrade the -proposed packages03:26
rileyw4wastrel: how do I check? (Sorry, I'm new)03:27
stdinDavidCanarias: what site is it?03:27
wastrelrileyw4: ubuntu or kubuntu03:27
yowshijrib: ah well i would have to do both downgrade and not use the propposed packages to fix it rigt wouldnt i?03:27
t35t0rhow do i tell how long a process has been running for (not cpu-time)?03:27
rileyw4wastrel: ubuntu03:27
geniiSangoku: At any rate, whichever situation, #vmware  is likely the channel you want to ask in03:27
jribyowshi: yes.  And I'm not saying this is certainly why your flash doesn't work like you expect it to, but in any case it doesn't make sense for you to have -proposed enabled03:28
kaudiosomeone have any link about this: BONDING 2 INTERNET CONNECTIONS03:28
klaxianjoeb3_: it's working now03:28
DavidCanariasstdin: I am trying several, but found one that doesnt ask for Flash player and its testing right now03:28
wastrelrileyw4: gnome then03:28
klaxianjoeb3_: it must have been something stored in memory only03:28
Sangokuhow do i get there?03:28
klaxianjoeb3_: that was crazy03:28
joeb3_klaxian, good03:28
klaxianjoeb3_: i have no idea how that happened, but i'm glad it's working now.  wish i didn't spend 2.5 hours looking for the setting :-P03:28
yowshijrib: well yeah since i am not a beta tester. how did it wind up enabled in the first place is a good question i think. since i didnt manually do it03:29
rileyw4wastrel: yes, I guess. any ideas?03:29
jribyowshi: they aren't enabled by default03:29
yowshijrib: *shrugs*03:29
SemidiosI uninstalled everything related to pulseaudio and now when I log it I get a message saying my session lasted less than 10 seconds.  and the logs shows that it couldn't start /usr/bin/pulse-session.  but I can log into failsafe, i removed something pulse audio related from launch at startup but the problem persists, any help?03:30
yowshijrib: so how do i disable them03:30
DavidCanariasstdin: I have contracted 3megas and told actual was 2.3Mbps speed down and 0.2Mbps up. The up sound odd doesnt it?03:30
jribyowshi: you could downgrade (can't walk you through that right now) or just disable them (using Software Sources) and wait for the main repositories to catch up.03:30
arrenlex!ru | xm8903:30
ubottuxm89: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke03:30
yowshijrib: intrepid proposed isnt listed in software sources i just checked03:31
jribyowshi: then delete the -proposed lines from /etc/apt/sources.list and run 'sudo apt-get update'03:31
jerbeari'm using freenx and anything that uses named colors (rgb.txt) doesn't work correctly. xterm, for instance03:31
stdinDavidCanarias: depends on the infrastructure of your broadband, a lot of ISPs severely limit upload speed to deter people from running services03:31
DavidCanariasstdin: Ah, so this seems to be sort of OK then?03:32
ChrisDavazI want to Ubuntu applications and a VMware guest OS to access /dev/dsp simultaneously, is this possible?03:32
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wastrelrileyw4: no but that's important info for figuring out what's going wrong :]03:32
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roganwhats the best desktop video capture program?03:33
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stdinDavidCanarias: check at different times in the day and see if it changes. also check to see if your ISP actually says anything about what upload speed you should get03:33
SemidiosI uninstalled everything related to pulseaudio and now when I log it I get a message saying my session lasted less than 10 seconds.  and the logs shows that it couldn't start /usr/bin/pulse-session.  but I can log into failsafe, i removed something pulse audio related from launch at startup but the problem persists, any help?03:34
stdinDavidCanarias: most will only promise an upper-limit of download speed and say nothing about upload speed03:34
rileyw4wastrel: Do you think it could have something to do with Compiz? I had Compiz installed, then uninstalled it shortly after, but I may not have properly ended its processes or something, I just closed it.03:34
DavidCanariasstdin: Thanks very much for your patience with me tonight. I think I have learnt a lot.03:34
maxbHas anyone managed to get madwifi-hal working on the Aspire One? I'd quite like an alterntive to ath5k, since it doesn't seem entirely reliable03:34
yowshijrib: only prposed packahges i seem to have deal with the snmp well those are the only ones that updated after remoing proposed packages03:35
stdinDavidCanarias: no problem :)03:35
DavidCanariasstdin: see you around, ciao03:35
DasE1stdin:not my experience, usually there's a granted up/down, which is exeeded (german)03:35
jribyowshi: that's not how it works03:35
jribyowshi: your packages won't be automatically downgraded after disabling -proposed03:35
wastrelrileyw4: i don't use compiz & dunno anything about it :]03:35
yowshijrib: oh heh03:35
GFreeso much tweaking here. The things you people are trying to solve work perfectly in Windows. Life's too precious, stop wasting your life with Linux already!03:35
stdinDasE1: depends on the ISP and if you read the fine-print03:36
EDinNYAny idea what the GTK File Browser deb is called?03:36
DavidCanariasDasE1: I will check as stdin: says with my internet service provider.  I am in Spain ....... Not so perfect here as in Germany I am sure!!!!03:36
TecR0cwhat is the command to update your ssh_config file ?03:36
histotechqbert, you mean edit it?03:36
histoTecR0c, you mean edit it?03:36
yowshijrib: well meh gotta jet thanks for the help03:36
jribyowshi: cya03:37
rileyw4wastrel: alright thanks anyways. does ubuntu have tech support other than forums?03:37
DasE1stdin:little ot here,  but for for a flat > market rules ! DavidCanarias03:37
histoTecR0c, you can sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config  or you can use gedit with gksu03:37
Semidioswhy can I only log into failsafe?  I know it must be something starting at login, but nothing under System-->Preferences-->Sessions is related to the error.  any help?03:37
stdinrileyw4: here, forums and the mailing-list https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-users03:38
histoSemidios, what error are you receiving?03:38
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jjrosariaHi im new here I need help03:38
lavacano201014Semidios: Whatever desktop environment you normally use seems to be goofy for some reason03:38
histo!ask | jjrosaria03:38
ubottujjrosaria: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:38
SemidiosCouldn't exec /usr/bin/pulse-session: No such file or directory03:38
wastrelrileyw4: dunno03:38
histoSemidios, is this a new install or a new problem?03:38
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rileyw4wastrel: ok thanks for your help!03:38
DasE1Semidios: problem with xorg ? check /var/log/syslog  and /etc/X11/Xorg.0.log03:38
marshalli often get these hard system lockups that cause me to restart my laptop, i just got another one and decided to check my /var/log/kern.log and found that my wifi was messing up a fair bit (output pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m5588910 ), any ideas how i could resolve this issue?03:39
Semidiosit was a new install this morning, then I uninstalled everything related to pulse-audio because it messes up lots of things I need to have working.03:39
histoSemidios, if you think its a specific problem with your user you can temporarily mv your .gconf folder03:39
LooieENGhow would I get drivers for my wlan?03:39
jjrosariasorry, When I connect to Wireless it detects my router but When I try connecting it doesnt its just stuck to connecting and it does not connect. Sometimes it does connect but my comp freezes03:39
DasE1LooieENG: see03:40
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:40
lavacano201014Semidios: It appears that pulse audio was required to run03:40
LooieENGthank you DasE103:40
Semidioslavacano201014, if that was true I wouldn't be able to run in failsafe03:40
Semidioshisto, is there any place startup items might be hiding?03:40
lavacano201014Semidios: Failsafe doesn't use audio, methinks03:40
lavacano201014Semidios: Whatever desktop environment you WANT to use does...03:41
Semidioslavacano201014, its still Gnome...03:41
lavacano201014Semidios: Reinstall pulse audio, and set whatever has problems with it to ALSA03:41
Semidioslavacano201014, and my audio is working perfectly in failsafe03:41
histoSemidios, well most of your user prefs are in /home/<username>/.gconf   You can mv /home/<username>/.gconf /home/<username>/.gconf.old     and then try to login to see if its a setting thats  aprboelm03:42
Semidioshisto, will do03:42
mezquitalewhat app comparable go amarok would you recommend for GNOME?  I only use it to play my mp3z and make CD's from my playlists03:42
LooieENGlong shot03:43
lavacano201014Semidios: If that doesn't work, then there must be a reason GNOME wants pulse audio03:43
LooieENGanyone know if the RTL8187B works on 8.10?03:43
izinucsmezquitale, exhaile, rythmbox03:43
LooieENGall I can find on Google is stuff from like 2007/7.x03:43
lavacano201014LooieENG: Worth a try!03:43
lavacano201014If it doesn't work right off the bat, you could always fiddle with stuff03:43
mezquitaleizinucs,  thanks i will try them both03:44
lavacano201014Maybe make it THINK that it's another similar piece of hardware (like a model that's a year older or something)03:44
LooieENGI seem to remember it didn't work on 8.0403:44
LooieENGany change it will work on 8.10?03:44
Semidioslavacano201014, but the failsafe is gnome...  and all this stuff worked before I upgraded to intrepid.  then i started getting bus errors related to pulseaudio03:44
lavacano201014Semidios: Well, I don't USE failsafe, so how am I supposed to know that?03:45
yankohi all03:45
amt2Hi, I am trying to compile IPC. The readme file says I should be able to do 'gmake install', but I get 'command not found'. What do I need to do so that 'gmake' works?03:46
Semidioslavacano201014, from all i've read failsafe just doesn't launch anything at log in.03:46
lavacano201014Semidios: New distribution might mean newer version of pulse audio (hopefully a version that DOESN'T screw up your stuff)03:46
Semidioslavacano201014, new distribution is the one that is screwing up my stuff.03:47
lavacano201014amt2: Use "make install"03:47
nimbusIs Flash naturally a bit slow in linux?03:47
Semidiosbrb.  reboot time03:47
Nick924emnimbus, yes03:47
lavacano201014Semidios: Oh right03:47
nimbusI thought so.03:47
nimbusnot much that can be done about that I suppose on the user's end I'd imagine.03:47
LooieENGok, quick (I hope) question03:48
lavacano201014amt2: I'm not sure about "gmake", but I think that it's the same as "make"03:48
OhmuCan anyone help me get a WAP working?  I'm nearly there, but stuck!  http://pastebin.ca/127554303:48
lavacano201014amt2: So use "make install"03:48
Nick924emi think gmake is more of a BSD thing, you shouldnt really need gmake03:48
amt2lavacano201014, ok... i did 'make install' and got a bunch of errors..03:48
lavacano201014amt2: Pastebin the readme file03:49
whyameyeeasiest way to transcode 98 video files to an uncompressed video format?03:49
lavacano201014whyameye: 98 video files?03:49
LooieENGcan someone with the latest 8.10 ISO tell me what the kernal version is?03:49
LooieENGand is it >2.6.27?03:49
lavacano201014whyameye: Whatever format, uncompressed AVI should do it03:49
arrenlexwhyameye: for i in * ; do mencoder -ovc raw $i -o $i.raw ; done03:50
arrenlexLooieENG: 2.6.2703:50
LooieENGok, thanks03:50
TecR0chisto, i have made the configurations i wanted now i just need to flash it i guess ?03:51
lavacano201014whyameye: I believe arrenlex tod you to run "mencoder -ovc raw <filename> <filename>.raw"03:51
histoTecR0c, you want to restart ssh server?03:51
lavacano201014arrenlex: Right?03:51
biouseranyone figured out why ubuntu and ekiga hate eachother?03:51
kevin__Hello. I've noticed gnome-cups-manager is no longer in intrepid. What has replaced it?03:51
LooieENGgood old telewest ftp03:51
arrenlexlavacano201014: That is the command for a single file, except you missed the -o.03:51
biouserand ubuntu still ships with ekiga?03:51
lavacano201014arrenlex: So I did.03:52
histoTecR0c, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:52
DreaDyhow conect to ubuntu in spanish03:52
TecR0chisto, yep03:52
whyameyearrenlex, lavacano201014: yes thx trying with one file now to see if it will do what I want.03:52
arrenlex!es | DreaDy03:52
ubottuDreaDy: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:52
ChrisDavazHow do I access PulseAudio configuration in Ubuntu 8.10? I can only access the "Sound" configuration panel.03:52
Nick924embah arrenlex beat me to it03:52
histoTecR0c, the above command will restart the ssh03:52
biouserpm me is you know all about the ubuntu/ekiga problems03:52
lavacano201014biouser: Better to use channel03:53
biouserwhy does ubuntu ship with broken software03:53
Lemonwedgehow do i install tar.gz files?03:53
arrenlexwhyameye: Oh, you will need an audio codec too, probably. You can use mencode -oac help to get a list of them03:53
lavacano201014biouser: That way, we can correct each other when we're wrong03:53
DreaDyhay alguien03:53
kevin__Does anyone know what has replaced gnome-cups-manager in Intrepid Ibex?03:53
izinucsbiouser, what ubuntu ekiga problems are you having..?03:53
arrenlexLemonwedge: .tar.gz files are compressed archives, just like .zip. Did you download the source for something? Are you sure it's not already in the repositories?03:53
exterminatorwhen I use cfdisk to partion,it shows this:03:53
lavacano201014biouser: As for the Ubuntu/Ekiga problem, that's either something your end, or they screwed up when they built it03:53
biouserlavacano201014, you know about the ubuntu/ekiga crud-pile?03:53
exterminatorWrote partition table, but re-read table failed.  Reboot to update table.03:54
exterminator                 Toggle bootable flag of the current partition03:54
Lemonwedgeim trying to get gscore and it isnt in the repositories03:54
biouseropic for #ekiga is: Ekiga 3.0.1 released || Ubuntu = Lame || Downloads and documentation: http://wiki.ekiga.org/ || We are looking for a windows maintainer. || 300k users registered on Ekiga.net03:54
biouserwhat about that?03:54
amt2lavacano201014, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/80149/03:54
lavacano201014biouser: Must be complaining that Ubuntu's repos are out of date, Ekigawise03:54
|unjustice|anyone know the command to run .iso files in terminal, like a disk image?03:55
|unjustice|is it a mount?03:55
TecR0chisto, which command ?03:55
arrenlex!compile | Lemonwedge03:55
ubottuLemonwedge: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:55
biousertrue, how can I get better newer repos?03:55
arrenlex|unjustice|: mount -o loop03:55
lavacano201014amt2: Try the usual method: ./configure && make && make install03:55
TecR0cno worries i found it03:56
exterminatorwhy it shows that03:56
histoTecR0c, sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart03:56
rafacan someone help me with a grub error?03:57
izinucsbiouser, there's a little dissention between the ekiga dev's and ubuntu devs as to who whould be packaging ekiga for ubuntu.. there's a bug about it on launchpad.. needless to say that someone has a PPA for the newest version available for ubuntu..03:57
DreaDyhow conect to ubuntu es03:57
lavacano201014biouser: There aren't better, newer repositories for the packages03:57
kennyyunot sure whether it's a right place to ask about it: i want debug symbols for gecko engine (the sdk) in ubuntu. is 'apt-get install libxul0d-dbg' able to do the purpose?03:57
swaggai have shared a folder on my win machine and i cant access it via ubuntu through the places---> network do i need samba to access my win folder?03:57
lavacano201014biouser: You're better off compiling from source if you need a newer version03:58
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amt2lavacano201014, but i don't see any 'configure' file in the directory03:58
biouserI thought I saw that there was a 3.0.1 deb03:58
xuburantI am having problems using my flash drive to install Ubuntu on HDD. I've looked at pendrivelinux.com and i cant find what I think I need.03:58
EulaliaHi. Can anybody tell me how to uninstall ubuntu from my laptop (windows XP)? I don't have the XP disk :\03:58
izinucsbiouser, https://launchpad.net/~sevmek/+archive03:58
biouserEulalia, go to the windows partition sudo rm -rf /03:59
izinucsbiouser, if you add those repos you'll be able to upgrade to the latest version.  Beware though on first launch you might get an error.. if you do killall -9 gconf<something> fixed it for me.04:00
lavacano201014biouser: No, he wants to get Ubuntu off his laptop, and put Windows ON it04:00
Eulaliabiouser, how do I go to the windows partition?04:00
donI am trying to change the path to my java. I run export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/jdk1.6.0_11  and then source /etc/profile04:00
jribEulalia: don't do that04:00
lavacano201014Eulalia: Do you have a key for XP anywhere?04:00
Eulalialavacano201014: Nah, I havve both on my laptop right now04:00
LooieENGhere goes04:00
Eulalialavacano201014: No04:00
donand yet, which java still shows /usr/bin/java04:00
LooieENGwill hopefully brb in ubuntu04:00
lavacano201014Eulalia: Oh, never mind, then I have no clue04:00
EulaliaI have both installed on my laptop right now, but I can't boot ubuntu up04:01
droopsta915What files do I need for music and videos other than w32codecs?04:01
lavacano201014Eulalia: That's because Windows forces itself into the MBR.04:01
lavacano201014Because Microsoft sucks.04:01
donHow can I change my java path globally and for good?04:01
arrenlexdon: Correct, because /usr/bin is earlier in the path than your addition. The supported way to do this is to set alternatives, I think.04:01
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.04:01
donarrenlex how do I do that?04:02
Eulalialavacano201014: I've never been able to use ubuntu much...It freezes every time I boot it04:02
jschalli have flashplugin-nonfree installed on ubuntu 8.10 amd64, and it doesn't seem to be working04:02
arrenlex!alternatives | don04:02
ubottudon: please see above04:02
lavacano201014Eulalia: Then your laptop is (quite surprisingly) unable to run it04:02
izinucs!flash | jschall04:02
ubottujschall: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:02
Eulalialavacano201014: any idea how to remove it? :>04:03
jschallizinucs: i just reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree and it worked.04:03
lavacano201014Eulalia: Go in with a LiveCD and delete the Ubuntu partition with GParted. Then resize the Windows partition to take the whole HD.04:03
jtajidroopsta915: ubuntu-restricted-extras is helpful04:03
jschallizinucs: probably because flashplugin-nonfree works in a nonstandard way04:03
biouserEulalia, sry, I couldn't resist04:03
lavacano201014Eulalia: Be warned, Windows might get confused to the point where you need to run a repair install on it with a disc04:04
donfound a GUI for doing it...thanks for pointing me in the right direction04:04
izinucsjschall, it has issues on 64 bit..04:04
biouserEulalia, I wouldn't have let you do that (erase your whole windows partition)04:04
jschallizinucs: apparently not04:04
al__hi got a question, got a laptop with an intel 5100 wireless in it, runninghelp me? plese.. 8.10. it is killing me!!!  it sees the wireless ap but it does not connect. can somebody04:04
histoEulalia, if you just delete the ubuntu partition you will need to run fixmbr from a windows install disk to get rid of grub04:04
jschallizinucs: seems to work perfectly to me04:04
izinucsjschall, great..04:05
biouserResolving dependencies...The following actions will resolve these dependencies:Remove the following packages:libopal-2.2,libpt-1.10.10,ubuntu-desktop,Score is 257,Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]04:05
lavacano201014Eulalia: But you said you don't have a Windows disc, so...04:05
Eulalialavacano201014: GParted?04:05
al__any one?04:05
EulaliaNo Windows disc, bought the laptop used04:05
lavacano201014Eulalia: GNOME partition editor04:05
lavacano201014Eulalia: Check the bottom or something for an XP key04:05
amt2lavacano201014, did you see my last msg?04:06
amt2the './configure && make && make install' doenst owrk04:06
KadkoHello friends, i have a problem whit the sound on my laptop, it was working fine, but suddenly i want to hear some music and what's my surprise i dont hear anything like mp3 wma etc, i went to youtube to see a video and i dont hear noting. I have restarted my laptop and in the startupsound i dont hear nothing. I go to System>Preferences>sound and test all options and still not work!! What can i do?04:06
lavacano201014amt2: Then I have no idea04:06
Eulalialavacano201014: does GParted come default w/ the ubuntu cd?04:06
Amnoricbtw there is a channel were you can go get help btw....04:06
lavacano201014Eulalia: It would have to, otherwise it couldn't make partitions to get Ubuntu installed...04:06
lavacano201014Amnoric: Yeah, right here.04:07
jtajiEulalia: it's under system > admin > partition editor04:07
al__any one with an intel 5100 running 8.10?04:07
biouserizinucs, Resolving dependencies...The following actions will resolve these dependencies:Remove the following packages:libopal-2.2,libpt-1.10.10,ubuntu-desktop,Score is 257,Accept this solution? [Y/n/q/?]04:07
OhmuCan anyone help me get a WAP working?  I'm nearly there, but stuck!  http://pastebin.ca/127554304:07
biouserKadko, have you tried a reboot?04:07
lavacano201014Amnoric: This is an Ubuntu question, he needs to get Ubuntu uninstalled...04:07
KadkoYes i have tried that and still have the problem04:07
qcjnhi, can ido something like mv this file one directory up,  mv /home/user/myfile ../         or something like that04:08
kennyyuwhere are the source for libxul0d-dbg?04:08
OhmuEverything looks good... I just can't resolve an IP from the client :(04:08
lavacano201014qcjn: Yep, so long as you have write access (or sudo)04:08
izinucsbiouser, is that from installing the 3.x version.. then yes.. those packages need updating04:08
whyameyeI need to batch combine a bunch of sound files with video files i.e. add the sound into the video file. How to do?04:08
biouserqc, mv file 'pwd'/up/file04:08
izinucswhyameye, what format are the video files in?04:09
sweatshackI'm using Ubuntu 64, I'm a newb.  I just installed the ATI catalyst drivers using the autoinstaller, and now I'm out a GUI.. I just get dropped off at the text terminal.  Can anyone tell me how to undo the driver change?04:09
biouserizinucs, it looks like it want to delete them04:09
whyameyeizinucs: divx04:09
biouserremove them04:09
qcjnlavacano201014: but is my command right ?04:09
Kadkobiouser: I have nothed that when I have installed btcrt for make bridge connections my sound crash04:09
lavacano201014qcjn: It should work/04:09
qcjnlavacano201014: ok04:09
izinucsbiouser, it should update them with new versions04:09
harlequin516I'm coming from gentoo and centos, how do i install cryptsetup (luks).  It appears as though this is not in the repository.  I'm using a simple desktop install of Kubuntu 8.1004:09
Alex_Grenas-t-il quel qu'un qui pourais m'aidé ici...?04:10
donOkay the alternatives GUI didn't change it04:10
izinucswhyameye, ouch.. not sure but check out LiVeS.. you'll probably find a deb on www.getdeb.net04:10
arrenlexwhyameye: try mencoder -ovc lavc -oac lavc -audiofile <your audio file> <video file> -o <video output>04:10
biouserqcjn, man mv04:10
donhow can I configure the alternatives my self?04:10
jtajiqcjn: your command moves it up one from the current working directory (pwd), not one up from where the file is04:10
lavacano201014harlequin516: Are you looking for it through the Add/Remove?04:10
swaggais there a less busy ubuntu help channel / server?04:10
lavacano201014swagga: Not as far as we know04:10
lavacano201014swagga: If you have Kubuntu, #kubuntu is there04:11
arrenlexswagga: You can always try the ubuntu forums.04:11
izinucs!who | swagga04:11
ubottuswagga: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)04:11
harlequin516I tried apt, and the gui.  I think maybe I'm not setup with the right repository, but  I think the default should be suffiecient (open source wise)04:11
swaggathanks ubottu ;P04:11
qcjnjtaji: tahnks, cause i was wondering where it was04:11
smnabhello. it is possible to set the internet gateway via the /etc/network/interfaces file. But is there any way to do it from a command line?04:12
smnabI couldn't find any gateway option in ifconfig04:12
lavacano201014harlequin516: Open synaptic, and use the search function in there04:12
donhow can I configure my java path in ubuntu here please?04:12
lavacano201014Look for "cryptsetup"04:12
biousersmnab, that is right and then /etc/init.d/network restart04:12
harlequin516"aptitude install cryptsetup libpam-mount" doesn't work04:12
swaggaso ubuntu is designed so that you login with your super user account but you dont really have that privilege you have to type it in each time you sudo04:12
Alex_Grenyes smagga... its to prevent you from doing something stupid by accident04:13
smnabbiouser: yes, but is there a command, like sudo ifconfig gateway eth1, or something like that?04:13
sweatshackcan anybody tell me how to undo the ati driver installation I just did?  It won't go into a GUI anymore.  I tried to run gedit on xorg.conf but it says it can't load the display04:13
swaggaalex_gren so are all the gui based linux distros like that?04:13
lavacano201014swagga: Actually, I think this is the only one04:14
swaggakudo ubuntu04:14
biousersmnab, to like set a static ip or something?04:14
lavacano201014swagga: If you like taking risks, you can run entirely as root04:14
Alex_Grennot sure, ive only used ubuntu XD, but i know OsX is like that too04:14
harlequin516I get this :   Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "cryptsetup"04:14
swaggalavacano201014 how would i do that? i am too paranoid to try that but it would be nice to know04:14
smnabbiouser: yes, like how you configure static IP's04:14
dmsupermanharlequin516: Enable universe04:14
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories04:14
dmsuperman!info cryptsetup04:15
ubottucryptsetup (source: cryptsetup): configures encrypted block devices. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.0.6-6ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 102 kB, installed size 452 kB04:15
lavacano201014swagga: You have to set the password for root, first (with sudo passwd) but after that, you can just login that way (copy your home folder to /root)04:15
dmsupermanOh, hrm04:15
Alex_Grenand vista has something like that, but you press OK instead of typing your password04:15
storrgieso I just installed mysql on my box, and connected with mysql administrator. I cant see server logs, service control, or startup parameters.... what do i need to change?04:15
ChrisDavazHow do I access the PulseAudio GUI Configuration?04:15
isilionhi! i want to raise fan speed because i got a p4 prescott and its to hot. noyse is not a problem i tryed sensors detect but it seems to noot work properly. sensors command output only gives cpu temp. pwmconfig dont work. please help04:15
arrenlexstorrgie: What are you trying to achieve? What are you trying to fix?04:16
smnabisilion: isn't there a BIOS option to run the fan at "Full"?04:16
izinucsswagga, you don't want to run entirely as root.. don't set a root password..04:16
isilionsmnab, not, unaffortunatelly04:16
storrgiearrenlex: i want to have access to service control and startup parameters04:16
Alex_Grenlol i agree with izinuc on this =P04:16
qcjnit seems i have 2 apache running...could someone help me find out wich one is reachable via wan ?04:16
Alex_Grenjust type your password and suck it up, its for your own good04:16
qcjnon 2 differnet computers, of course04:17
arrenlexqcjn: I don't think you can have two different apaches running, because they would conflict with each others' ports. Are you sure it's not two children of a single instance?04:17
swaggalavacano201014 thx i dont think im gonna be trying that until i learn more ive been running ubuntu less than a month i even got it installed on my moms computer she says she wants win back but i know she deep down loves it04:17
biouserstorrgie, interesting, I don't have the logs in the gui either04:17
Alex_Grenohhhh family computer... bad place04:17
arrenlexstorrgie: Oh, sorry, I don't know anything about that except adding users and the my.cnf file. :(04:17
Cpudan80How can I execute a process so that I can close my terminal window?04:18
storrgiebiouser: do u have service control?04:18
arrenlexCpudan80: something &04:18
Cpudan80arrenlex: doesnt work04:18
sweatshackanyone know how to tell Ubuntu 64 bit to use the default video driver instead of the one I just installed?04:18
Cpudan80arrenlex: If you close the terminal window, the prog dies04:18
isilionsmnab, you know lmsensors?04:18
Alex_Grendude you should have set up unbuntu/windows dualboot.... you get unbuntu, and your mother gets window$04:18
arrenlexCpudan80: Works for me... try typing "disown" before closing04:18
smnabisilion: no, unfortunately. I have a BIOS option to set the CPU fan to "auto" or "full"04:18
biouserstorrgie, I don't know what that is, but maybe it is b.c those fiels are empyt anyways, mine are04:18
harlequin516Universe is selected....  Still don't know what's wrong04:18
biouserstorrgie, /var/log/mysql04:19
izinucsswagga, good idea.. mom will acclimate. you just need to keep showing her where to find things that she uses.. maybe her own account with icons on the desktop for what she uses.04:19
qcjnarrenlex: well i have 2 computers, and i don't know wich one is the good one..The one one on my computer shouldn't work to my opinion, cause my rooter forwards it to the other one, but the one i see is on my computer04:19
subdolus_I have dual-monitors set up here and I want both displays to have their own wallpapers... how do I do this?04:19
biousersubdolus_, painting the doghouse again?04:19
storrgiebiouser: no i want to be able to check the service control and whatnot04:19
whyameyearrenlex: with your command it plays the audio in mplayer and not in vlc. What wrapper should I use i.e. avi?04:19
biouserstorrgie, what is service control?04:19
isilionhi! i want to raise fan speed because i got a p4 prescott and its to hot. noyse is not a problem i tryed sensors detect but it seems to noot work properly. sensors command output only gives cpu temp. pwmconfig dont work. please help04:19
subdolus_biouser: uhhh sure.. why not..04:19
sweatshackanyone know how to restore previous video settings if a driver fails?  I'm getting tired of reinstalling Ubuntu04:19
izinucssubdolus_, in gnome you'll pull your hair out trying.. in kde you can do it.. but then it's kde and you might not like it.04:19
biousersubdolus_, just pulling your chain, I don't know how to do that though...04:20
arrenlexwhyameye: So it produces a file which has audio in mplayer but not in vlc?04:20
Theebmy volume key shortcut does the job twice, even the mute, it mute and unmute with one hit, any solution for that?04:20
qcjndo you see something there   http://qcjn.no-ip.org:81/public/04:20
isilionsweatshack,  try nving if yore using nvidia or ati04:20
Alex_Grengnome is still sexier then kde btw... -.-04:20
arrenlexwhyameye: The default wrapper is always avi, and that is fine.04:20
izinucssweatshack, just 'cause a driver isn't set right is no reason to reinstall .. it's not windows.. there's other ways of fixing most everything.04:20
biousersweatshack, go with 32bit next time if you do and wait a year to try 64bit again :/04:20
whyameyearrenlex: yes correct. And it doesn't play audio in totem movie player either04:20
isilionenvyng sweatshack04:20
arrenlexwhyameye: What are the options for audio codecs?04:20
subdolus_all black background it is04:21
sweatshackI'm using ATI.  just installed catalyst.  I can't get 32 bit to install on the system04:21
izinucsisilion, not good on 64 bit.. espicially if its nvidia..04:21
sweatshackI have one of those JMicron boards... took me forever just to get any installation working04:21
arrenlexAlex_Gren: Lies! Isn't this pretty? http://arrenlex.aa.am/screenshots/23525.png04:21
harlequin516From a very standard Kubutntu 8.10 desktop, what should I do from the commandline to get cryptsetup installed?04:21
sweatshackso how do I use "nving" to restore a previous driver set up?04:21
Alex_Grenno i refuse to accept that KDE is sexier then gnome04:21
Alex_Greni reject your reality04:22
isilionsweatshack,  which way did you installed catalyst? propietar y driver from ati website?04:22
whyameyearrenlex: copy, pcm, mp3lame, lavc, twolame, faac04:22
izinucsarrenlex, wow.. that's hi rez.. taking forever to load04:22
arrenlexwhyameye: Try lame, I guess.04:22
sweatshackyes.  I used the auto installer from the ATI website for the 64 bit one04:22
isilionsweatshack,  did you converted them into deb packages before installing?04:22
arrenlexizinucs: Yeah, slow upload speed is slow. :(04:22
ReAnlooking for the package name of the SSH Daemon for apt-get, anyone care to indulge me?04:22
isilionsweatshack, wrong, do that nex time. if you want to uninstall driver, just uninstal deb packages04:23
sweatshackno, I just followed what it said to do in the instructions I think.  I just ran the installer04:23
geniiReAn: openssh-server04:23
wcdlei anybody know if there is already blueman for intrepid?04:23
Alex_Gren( and secretly arrenlex.. i am just too lazy to learn KDE i am happy with gnome04:23
ReAnthx genii04:23
geniiReAn: np04:23
whyameyearrenlex: thx. mp3lame works for everything04:23
kennyyuhi there. where can i find the source path of the debug symbols04:23
arrenlexAlex_Gren: I sort of feel the same way about gnome... although I have it on my laptop because kde refuses to work with the fingerprint reader.04:23
arrenlexwhyameye: Awesome, yw.04:23
sweatshackI'm entirely new to all linux... I don't know how to uninstall anything from a terminal window.  I just want to restore my GUI04:24
isiliontype xfix sweatshack04:24
ReAnnow all i have to do is figure out why ubuntu.com isn't resolving :/04:24
wcdlsudo apt-get to install anyprogram04:24
arrenlexAlex_Gren: I like that KDE has a configuration option for everything, but at the same time, it's so annoying KDE has a configuration option for everything. :(04:24
wcdlsudo apt-get reinstall04:24
wcdlto reinstall04:24
harlequin516I looked up the package on the website, cryptsetup does not have a repository name associated like universe.04:24
arrenlexwcdl: Isn't it sudo apt-get install --reinstall04:24
Alex_Greni know... thats what i hate about KDE04:24
arrenlexharlequin516: That means it's in the main repositories.04:25
arrenlexharlequin516: So every ubuntu installation should have it available already.04:25
wcdlmy bad04:25
sweatshackxfix didn't do anything04:25
harlequin516Ugh!   Why not me?04:25
arrenlexAlex_Gren: It sure is powerful though... you can get it exactly how you like it. :D04:25
wcdlto remove sudo apt-get remove04:25
harlequin516Is it possibly bundled into another package?04:26
isilionsweatshack,  xfix turns to vesa driver. reboot04:26
Alex_Grenmeh dude, i have what i like with gnome =P04:26
sweatshackbut it says that xfix was a bad command04:26
Alex_Grenits like my dream GUI right now04:26
Alex_Grenwait ill screen04:26
izinucssudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg .. sweatshack do that in terminal04:26
arrenlexAlex_Gren: And I am delighted with kde 3. :) It's perfect for me. It's awesome that Linux has so many things to make everyone happy.04:26
Alex_Grenand i save as a btm..... less time load time =P04:27
sweatshackI have it rebooting, I'll do that as soon as I get to the terminal04:27
isilionsweatshack,  reboot in recovery mode and perform xfix04:27
qcjngnutron: culd you help me a bit ?04:27
izinucssweatshack, rebooting is typically not necessary for most anything unless you get a kernel upgrade.. there are other ways.. ctrl+alt+backspace will restart the video/X/gui system04:28
biouserizinucs, that link for Ekiga update totally worked.. that needs to get in the amin repo ASAP!04:28
biouserizinucs, thanks a lot for the tip04:29
arrenlexsweatshack: Probably a nicer way to restart the X system is "sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart" ... ctrl+alt+backspace is mostly for freezes.04:29
biouserI think I will go post it on the forums04:29
osxdude|laptopWhere is the old Screens and Graphics properties?04:29
ReAndoes ifconfig show the DNS server it's using?04:29
izinucsbiouser, np.. much nicer interface04:29
biouserhit me up : sip:walmart@ekiga.net :P04:30
joeb3_ReAn, /etc/resolv.conf has the name servers04:30
joljami am having a problem with logitech v20 speakers in ubuntu04:30
ReAnjoeb3_: that's populated by the DHCP client?04:30
joljamcannot hear any sound after connecting04:30
isilionhi! i want to raise fan speed because i got a p4 prescott and its to hot. noyse is not a problem i tryed sensors detect but it seems to noot work properly. sensors command output only gives cpu temp. pwmconfig dont work. please help04:30
joeb3_ReAn, yes04:30
izinucsbiouser, I don't have the newest loaded on this machine and no mic etc..04:30
=== Wildcat_ is now known as Wildman
=== Wildman is now known as WildcatMan
orlokHas anybody here used lvm under Ubuntu? I dont seem to have everything in /dev/mapper/04:31
WildcatManquestion... does anyone here know how to set up a dual boot system with ubuntu 8.10 on the primary hardrive?04:31
Alex_Grenbtw arrenlex.. you said you are using KDE 3.... you did not upgrade to 4 yet,,,,?04:32
izinucsWildcatMan, do you already have win installed?04:32
Alex_Grenwine...? or win....?04:32
Matt2Hey there, I have followed this guide to the T, and am having no luck.  I have attached my post on the Ubuntu support forums, in an effort to be concise and not waste anyone's time.  Thanks!04:32
Matt2I have followed every step exactly, save for the part in the command prompt at the beginning, when you said to press "ctrl + O" in order to save it. This was not the option for me, instead it was to overwrite it. I just decided to exit, unable to find the save feature, could this be why I have not found success?04:32
Matt2I am trying to use this Ubuntu based pc to authenticate my school's network, then pass the internet onto my wireless router.04:32
FloodBot3Matt2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:32
Matt2I have tried to test the connection by plugging my second network adapter (usb linksys) directly into my laptop (vista). I seemt o connect to the network w/o a problem, (it is called "linksys 3"), but it is local only. I can't seem to see the ubuntu PC either. No luck plugging to into the internet port on my router either.04:32
arrenlexAlex_Gren: Naw, I tried it out a while ago and it wasn't quite there yet. kde 3 is rock solid and configured just the way I like it... I guess I'll upgrade naturally when it gets into debian testing, but hopefully that won't be for a while.04:32
Matt2Any suggestions would be awesome, I really appreciate it!04:32
storrgiei want to change the default port of my mysql server in ubuntu... do i have to do anything with a firewall?04:32
alex_21I need to do a install of an apache module mod_proxy_html. So I downloaded the source code, now that do I have to do?04:32
Matt2I'm very confused04:33
Matt2I am flooding?04:33
dnyyIs there a wine channel?  #wine is invite only. :/04:33
Alex_Grenlol wont wanna take allllll take that to reconfigure KDE..?04:33
izinucsdnyy, #winehq or #wine-hq something like that. google wine on irc04:33
WildcatManizinucs: no i install ubuntu first cause i was using it as my only OS... but i got an ipod touch for christmas and its a gen 2.... so i cant jailbreak it.. so i cant sync it in ubuntu04:33
arrenlexdnyy: Not for me, when I typed /join #wine I was nicely redirected to #winehq04:33
WildcatManso not i need windows04:34
dnyyarrenlex: Hah, it kicked me and said invite only. :(04:34
Alex_Grenoh no i dont like KDE 4.... time to spend another 12 hours making KDE 3 perfect again04:34
WildcatManizinucs: i tried to install windows on my second hardrive but windows doesnt like being installed there04:34
arrenlexAlex_Gren: Naw, I configured it like twice in my life... I just hold onto my .home folder to make sure I don't lose the conf :)04:34
amt2why am i not able to copy something into /usr/local/bin?04:34
Alex_Grenand nope, i can join #wine too04:34
izinucsWildcatMan, AH.. makes sense.. instead of dual booting you might consider installed win in a vm with virtual box or vmware.  vbox is nice and after it's setup less headache.. from there you can do what you need to with the touch..04:34
arrenlexamt2: You don't have permissions. Put sudo in front of that.04:35
mabusso I have an eeepc with a 4gb ssd (only lasts so many writes, but is twice as fast as the sdhc) and a 16gb sdhc. What partitions should I move to the sdhc so I have more space and write less, but take advantage of the mostly static but needed fast files on the ssd? For example I know I want /tmp and /var on the sdhc, and /boot on the ssd04:35
Matt2Anyone willing to take a look at my case?04:35
WildcatManizinucs: according to forums u cant sync ipod touch in a VM..04:35
izinucsWildcatMan, if you really want to dual boot you can but here's the deal.. windows like to be installed first .. so backup or image your linux install. wipe the drive, install windows then install ubuntu again and replace all your data..04:36
WildcatManizinucs: maybe it was an old article, but i hadnt seen anyhting else about it04:36
izinucsWildcatMan, why not.. how does it know04:36
izinucsWildcatMan, all it knows is that it's connected to a windows machine.04:36
sweatshackok I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, and then I restarted.  Still at terminal, no GUI04:36
WildcatManizinucs: i am assume its because of how ubuntu pipes the usb devices when u figure out how to mount them04:36
alex_21You can install Windows later, use GParted, and then Intall Windows and then use a live CD to fix grub04:37
izinucsWildcatMan, ah.. but the usb won't be mounted in ubuntu but in the vm.. to do this with vbox you have to download their "non-free/free" version04:37
smnabwhat is the "route" program? what does its output mean? could someone help me?04:37
izinucsWildcatMan, like alex_21 said.. you can install dual boot with windows but it messes with grub and that will have to be fixed.04:37
WildcatManizinucs: so dont get the one from the package manager.... not the OSE04:38
etheraelsmnab, the route program allows you to manipulate the routing table in your system.04:38
smnabsuppose I want to set as the gateway. should I use 'route' for it?04:38
LooieENGdidn't work :(04:38
LooieENGcan't get wireless internet04:38
izinucsWildcatMan, no .. the OSE version does not have usb support04:38
orlokHas anybody had lvm2 working on ubuntu?04:38
jon5000Hi.  Questions about sharing a drive with Samba04:38
etheraelsmnab, you could, but typically you won't need to mess with your routing tables, in the event that you *do* need to mess with your routing tables, you should probably use the system network config utility to do it rather than making a single change using the route commandline utility.04:38
izinucsWildcatMan, are you going to attempt the vbox solution? if so I'll give you some tips..04:39
alex_21Yes, the os version from Sun has USB Suport04:39
WildcatManizinucs: how does gparted help me?... even if i partition the hardrive as a ntfs file system windows XP install and vista both say there is no partition that meets the criteria04:39
alex_21Anyone know about mod_proxy_html.c04:39
Hydranthas anyone else experienced flash being choppy on firefox04:39
smnabetherael: yes, but i've been having problems with my net configuration, so i've deleted network manager and am doing everything through the command line.04:39
Matt2I am trying to get my Ubuntu PC to pass the internet that is coming into it, out my usb network adapter.  Into my linksys router  I have tried to use this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=926001  But I have not had success.  Anyone willing to give me shove in the right direction/04:39
LooieENGanyone got any suggestions?04:39
WildcatManizinucs: yes i hate windows.. vbox will make me a happier person :)04:39
isilionhi! i want to raise fan speed because i got a p4 prescott and its to hot. noyse is not a problem i tryed sensors detect but it seems to noot work properly. sensors command output only gives cpu temp. pwmconfig dont work. please help04:39
jon5000can anyone help?  I am using samba, and have shared a folder.  I now want to find the ubuntu computer on my XP computer.  how do i find out  the address?04:39
alex_21<WildcatMan> izinucs: Make some of your disk free space and install Windows into it04:40
arrenlexWildcatMan: 1) using gparted, make empty, unpartitioned space for windows. 2) use the windows install CD to partition that space and install on it. 3) Use the LiveCD to restore grub... see !grub for more info.04:40
izinucsWildcatMan, that's the issue.. Win. likes to be first on the drive.. if you just must .. then make space on the harddrive that isn't formatted.04:40
etheraelsmnab, the manager is not the configuration, it is the manipulator. but to give you the answer you're after, route add (network) gw (gateway) netmask (netmask)04:40
smnabetherael: ok, thanks. that was what i was looking for.04:40
izinucsWildcatMan, hang on.. and I'll put a couple things to gether.04:41
sirbhi all04:41
WildcatManarrenlex: ive tried that... tried just having it as free space tried just having it as "unformatted" space  tried"NTFS" and tried "fat32" wont work unless windows is installed first04:41
Alex_Grentbqh, i would rather have some form of Vm, and run windows in Ubuntu.....  i hate dual-boots04:41
WildcatManizinucs: thanks i appreciate it04:42
arrenlexWildcatMan: What do you mean by "doesn't work"?04:42
WildcatManarrenlex: the windows setup says there is no partitions that meet the criteria04:42
arrenlexWildcatMan: Well yeah, that's why you create them in the setup.04:42
sirbhaving trouble installing 8.04 LTS on a new server, syslog says it can't find a package (nic-restricted-firmwarexxxx.udeb), can anyone point me in the right direction?04:42
alex_21Make the partition first in the Hard disk04:42
WildcatManthe only way it will work is if i let it delete then format my primary hardrive04:42
etheraelWildcatMan, do you have space that registers as "unallocated" within gparted ?04:43
AussieGuydf is misreporting the amount of space used on my partition. Ive done a full "properties" of the / folder in nautilus, its counted everything totalling 11GB. df says this however....  /dev/sda3                 47GB      38GB       8GB  84% /04:43
WildcatManethearel: yes ive spent all day trying to do it04:43
etheraelWildcatMan, how much space is unallocated? how many slices are there on the disk?04:43
AussieGuyin other words 8GB free of 47GB, or much more than what the full file count nautilus did totalled04:44
WildcatManethereael: 150gb of space04:44
alex_21any help installing Mod_proxy_html04:44
etheraelWildcatMan, swap? root? home? how many partitions? what is the full disk size?04:44
WildcatManethereael: i have 2 150gb harddisk in my laptop... have ubuntu on one.. ws trying to put windows on the other04:44
izinucsWildcatMan, download the .deb for ubuntu or better yet put their repo in sources on your machine..04:44
smnabi have a problem. i have set the correct nameservers in /etc/resolv.conf (I used the OpenDNS servers). Yet, when I try to ping www.google.com, it gives an "unknown host" error. I can ping my ISP's router just fine.04:44
etheraelWildcatMan, what is the device file for the disk you're trying to put windows on? (like /dev/sdb or /dev/hdc or something)04:45
khafraCan't see the WD 1TB drive I just hooked up in a new Rosewill enclosure that works fine on my Windows XP laptop.04:45
geniialex_21: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-html04:45
khafraThis is Ubuntu 8.04 on a desktop04:45
Alex_Grenrandom question is there a open office channel?.....04:45
khafraIt's not even showing up in /dev/sd.*04:45
etheraelthat's a partition, not a disk, if it has 150gb unallocated space, it should just be /dev/sdb ?04:45
joeb3_smnab, what did you  put in resolv.conf?04:45
izinucsWildcatMan, here's the link for the download.. pick the right one for your version04:46
arrenlexAlex_Gren: tias. #openoffice.org04:46
izinucsWildcatMan, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads04:46
Alex_Grenahh ok04:46
YlandeFaranI managed to install starcraft/broodwar and got it working with wine, but when I try to connect to battle.net, I get refused. It says I should reinstall my software, and if the problem presist, I probably have a virus. :<04:46
YlandeFaranWhat can I do?04:46
Alex_Grenwas trying #OOo or somthing like that04:46
khafraEssentially: What do you do when an eSata drive ain't even showing up in /dev/, and there's nothing about it in dmesg?04:46
WildcatManizinucs: already downloaded it and am installing... it is compiling the VB kernel now04:46
Alex_Grenand trying to watch the screen with the rain effect if amusing me04:46
WildcatMandonw install04:46
izinucsWildcatMan, good.. you must have already installed build-essential04:46
joljami am having a problem making my new logitech speakers to work in ubunut04:46
smnabjoeb3_: is the syntax correct? I use the same settings in XP without problems04:47
benbenDoes anyone know how to enable Sony Memory Stick on ubuntu?04:47
izinucsWildcatMan, ok.. now you have to add yourself to the virtualbox group.. know how to do that?04:47
WildcatManizinucs: yes i had... now i need to install samba to get my windows iso off my server... ill c and p all ur instructions to a file to do after that04:47
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joeb3_smnab, yes, it's correct. I tried it and it works.04:47
etheraelWildcatMan,  if you do fdisk /dev/sdb and p at the fdisk commandline what does it show?04:47
WildcatManizinucs: yes i do04:47
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smnabjoeb3_: yes, it worked for me earlier. then i rebooted, and it didnt work anymore.04:48
[e]LementThat update took longer than expected04:48
joljamjoljam needs help:-(04:48
izinucsWildcatMan, ok.. next is to add a line to your fstab.. hang on and I'll pastebin mine.. you'll see it second to the last line..04:48
joeb3_smnab, are the settings still in resolv.conf after reboot?04:48
smnabjoeb3_: yes. I removed network-manager first thing after installing ubuntu.04:49
izinucsWildcatMan, ok.. here's the link http://pastebin.com/f537f06ba04:49
smnabjoeb3_: that's why I am confused. is there any other place to store the nameservers in ubuntu?04:49
alex_21Thanks mod_proxy_html installed great04:49
joeb3_smnab, can you resolve any other hosts04:49
izinucsWildcatMan, actually on this machine it's the last line..04:49
WildcatManetherael: nothing right now... i havent reformatted the drive since my last attempet so its not mounted04:50
bsnidercan someone tell me if there's any compiz startup stuff in the sessions list?04:50
smnabjoeb3_: no, all hosts give a 'hostname not found' error.04:50
benbenHello? Does anyone know how to mount sony memory stick on ubuntu please?04:50
smnabjoeb3_: wait, I'll try to boot into ubuntu and try again.04:50
alex_21<smnab> joeb3_ it is a bug04:50
izinucsbenben, if it doesn't auto mount when plugged in try sudo mount -a in a terminal04:50
alex_21<joeb3_> it is a bug04:51
ChaorainI have no sound on my system will this help? http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04/Issues/No_Sound_After_Distribution_Or_Kernel_Upgrade04:51
joeb3_alex_21, what versions have the bug?04:51
benbenizinucs, that didn't work. I tried lsusb but the memory stick is not even detected04:52
Alex_Grenok well since the OOo channel is as responsive as a rock..... can i pst anyone for a OOo question....?04:52
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izinucsbenben, have you tried a different usb port?04:52
ChaorainI have a Dell XPS 410 this is my first instalation04:52
* [e]Lement yawns04:52
qcjni don,t get the same apache webpage, from a computer to another ?04:52
cindiris this channel reserved for troubleshooting?04:52
izinucsAlex_Gren, go for it.04:52
joeb3_cindir, anything ubuntu04:52
alex_21<joeb3_> I don't know but someone had the same issue yesterday. I think only Kubuntu, but maybe others are effected04:52
benbenizinucs, I am using a Ricoh card reader to read the memory stick04:53
izinucsbenben, try plugging the memory stick directly into the computer04:53
alex_21Hey, if my Ubuntu box is on my network, how can I get onto it. I don't know the IP and the hostname is broken04:53
Alex_Grenok well i am trying to install new dictionarys for OOo, i got the packages, installed them thru OOo, and nothing works, then i looked for the file dictionary.lst and added the new dictionarys and still nothing04:53
ChaorainCan someone help me with my sound?04:54
benbenizinucs, sorry for the confusion, let me make myself clearer. My laptop comes with a Ricoh card reader, when I plug a sony memory stick in, it isn't detected/mounted.04:54
arrenlexAlex_Gren: Are you using ooo's built-in dictionary installer or trying to do it manually04:54
Alex_Greni did it both ways, and they both failed04:55
arrenlexbenben: Is there any output in dmesg when you stick it in? If not, it probably won't work.04:55
arrenlexAlex_Gren: Ah, dunno then, sorry04:55
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funkjaI'm trying to create an iso from a cd using 'dd', but a couple mbs into the cd it gives an I/O error and exits. I assume the disk is scratched or something. Is there anything I can do to create one?04:55
Alex_Grenand i got my dictionary from http://dico.savant.free.fr/telechargement.php and thats the site that creates the french dictionarys for OOo04:55
Alex_Grenso yay me...... ?04:56
smnabjoeb3_: hey, i found the solution. I had added an hwaddress ether <address> to my /etc/network/interfaces file. my chipset (RTL8139) had problems with it and was not being activated correctly. I removed the line, and it works.04:56
spencer_have a urgent question on network...04:56
joeb3_funkja, copy protection would cause that error.04:56
izinucsAlex_Gren, check under Tools>Options>Language Settings>Writing aids.04:56
benbenarrenlex, I compared the dmesg output before and after I plugged the memstick in, they are exactly the same04:56
ChaorainaCan this fix my Dell XPS 410? http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04/Issues/No_Sound_After_Distribution_Or_Kernel_Upgrade04:56
smnabjoeb3_: I can change my MAC address of the 8139 chip through ifconfig hw ether <address> but not through the /etc/network/interfaces file. Why is this?04:57
Alex_Grendamnit XD have to change to english OOo, gimme two secs04:57
joeb3_smnab, no idea.04:57
arrenlexbenben: Your model probably isn't supported right now then. No drivers. :(04:57
arrenlexbenben: All I can recommend is googling ubuntu + your card reader model.04:57
spencer_how to configure where the DNS server is in 8.10?04:57
subparanyone have a clue why I can connect to a network, but no matter which network I connect to, I can't access the internet04:57
izinucsbenben, I'm stumped04:57
sirbit appears that the 8.04 LTS cd is missing a .udeb file that my system requires and the installer fails, can anyone assist?04:57
funkjajoeb3_: hm, i guess I didn't think of that04:58
spencer_subpar, i have the same issue04:58
subparspencer_: frustrating :/04:58
spencer_what i find is the DNS doesn't work04:58
funkjajoeb3_: that is entirely possible - darn.04:58
smnabsubpar: what error message do you get?04:58
benbenarrenlex, there is the memstick subdirectory in the kernel source, but when I modprobe -l it didn't show up04:58
spencer_internally, i can access all the IP.04:58
spencer_but the DNS is just not working04:58
Alex_Grenok izinucs, what do i do from thereÉ04:58
subparsmnab: I don't get an error message, just can't connect04:58
subparspencer_: when you do cat /etc/resolv.conf, does it show nameservers and such?04:59
smnabsubpar: open a terminal and try: ping www.google.com04:59
arrenlexbenben: If you think there's a module for it you can use modprobe -vvv <modulename> to mount it04:59
ChaorainPlease will this help? http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_8.04/Issues/No_Sound_After_Distribution_Or_Kernel_Upgrade04:59
subparsmnab: done that, nothing happens.. when I try to ping the IP of google, I get host unreachable04:59
spencer_it's all blank04:59
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arrenlexbenben: Memory sticks are the type of media, though, right? You need your actual card reader to be supported.04:59
blageh..trying to recompile my kernel, but I would like to just get the source of the kernel that ubuntu provided instead of downloading from kernel.org. The ubuntu page says I can download the source with "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-2.6.27-9-generic" but apt cannot find the package....any suggestions?04:59
subparspencer_: then yeah yours is a dns, mine isn't :/04:59
izinucsAlex_Gren, just check the settings and see if they are what you want.. I found that on one of my installs there wasn't any default set.. made everything I typed get underlined like it was misspelled.04:59
joeb3_subpar, can you ping your default gateway?04:59
smnabsubpar: that means there is a problem with your connection settings. how do you connect to the internet? via ethernet?05:00
WALKER_how do i get it to were each side of my cube has a different background?05:00
subparalso, when I try to blacklist drivers so I can use ndiswrapper, it won't blacklist05:00
subparsmnab: wireless.. I use internet at coffee shops, etc.. don't have any at home05:00
bdelin88hey is anyone using barry?05:00
blagehsubpar: put in: nameserver
Alex_Grenno what i get is no correcteur at all, like it does not correct anything in french ( its what i installed ) or the default english05:00
benbenarrenlex, the card reader reads SD card and mini card just fine. But it doesn't detect memory stick. It worked fine in windows vista though. So i think it's a device driver problem05:00
spencer_subpar, you rock05:00
WALKER_how do i get it to were each side of my cube has a different background?05:01
subparspencer_: haha nah just poor :(05:01
bdelin88***anyone using BARRY out there?05:01
ChaorainPlease help. I'm begging05:01
subparblageh: where? I'm on my winblows partition05:01
subparin resolv.conf?05:01
blagehsubpar: in /etc/resolv.conf put that in05:01
blagehsubpar: you can also try putting in your default gateway, most routers will act as a dns forwarder. or lookup your DNS settings in windows, copy them down and put them into resolv.conf when you get into ubuntu05:02
spencer_why would the nameserver all of a sudden got deleted?05:02
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Axleok, let's say I'm hosting a website with someone else on my ubuntu 8.04 server.  Is there a way for me to set up an account the other person can SSH into and access the files in the web directory without giving them access to my entire server?05:02
subparblageh: but will I have to do that for every network I access? I don't have a home network05:02
Alex_Grenand when i go into the actual OOo help thing, ll i get is stuff about changing the Chinese dictionary, which i dont have instaled05:02
WALKER_how do i get it to were each side of my cube has a different background?05:02
spencer_how do i check which package will wipe the resolv.con?05:02
blagehsubpar> ahhh...i see. is DHCP not getting an IP?05:03
subparWALKER_: do you have the compizconfig-settings-manager package installed?05:03
sirbaxle: look up users and groups05:03
david_anyone know how to import color schemes into XFCE?05:03
subparblageh: when I do ifconfig, it returns an IP address05:03
blagehsubpar> is accessable by anywhere, you should be safe with that. but DHCP *should* be getting your proper DNS settings05:03
WALKER_yes its installed05:03
sirbsubpar: what about route?05:04
subparWALKER_: there should be a setting in there called "Wallpapers" or something05:04
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ChaorainAnyone? Please HELP05:04
WALKER_ok thank you05:04
tomcheng76spencer_: if you are using ext3: you can use "sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf" to prevent the nameserver get changed/deleted.05:04
david_anyone know how to add color schemes to XFCE?05:04
subparsirb: I can't recall offhand, I'd have to reboot05:04
subparblageh: also when I use sudo dhclient, nothing happens05:05
subparI forget the message it sent :/05:05
omegamormegilChaorain:  What version of Ubuntu did you install?05:05
spencer_tomcheng76, so do i do chattr -i if i need to ever modify it?05:05
ChaorainIts actuall MythBuntu 8.1 I think05:05
tomcheng76spencer_: yup05:05
subparit's annoying not having a home network... wish I could just use ethernet05:05
spencer_thanks for the ip :)05:05
blagehsubpar> are you havin just a dns issue, or connection issue?05:05
subparI'm not sure.. the other thing is it worked fine for the first day I was on intrepid.. after I shut down after first boot, it didn't work05:06
subparI'm going to try the nameserver bit05:06
omegamormegilChaorain:  If you are running 8.10, the instructions on the page you posted may not be applicable.05:06
blagehsubpar> try to ping the IP for google.com05:06
blagehsubpar> or something that is pingable05:06
spencer_thanks guys :) good night.05:07
Chaorainwould I hurt anything If I tried?05:07
Axlewhich options in users and groups do I choose to make a new user that will only have access to specific folders within the system?05:07
ChaorainThe Kernel is 2.6.27-7-generic05:08
tsbtmnHow can I check to see what version of X.org I'm running?05:09
sirbAxle: http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/usersubuntu.shtml05:09
arrenlextsbtmn: X -version05:09
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alex_21Hey, if my Ubuntu box is on my network, how can I get onto it. I don't know the IP and the hostname is broken05:09
omegamormegilChaorain:  You might want to try this forum post:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616845&page=1105:09
tsbtmnarrenlex:  Thanks.05:09
Axlesirb: I am reading that right now, but I can't find how to restrict it to specific folders05:09
=== Loren is now known as LSemple
alex_21Hey, if my Ubuntu box is on my network, how can I ssh onto it. I don't know the IP and the hostname is broken05:09
blagehAxle> like a home folder?05:09
amt2is there already a package for OGRE i can get with sudo apt-get install?05:10
OlorynHow do you properly change a Ubuntu machine to Xubuntu?  I've got this old Armada 7800 laptop which would probably be better suited for Xubuntu, but the CD drive doesn't like the CD-Rs the other machines I have create.  I do have a Ubuntu 8.10 ShipIt CD, and the easiest thing to do seems to be to  install it (just finishing) and cross it over to Xubuntu.  Do I need to do anything more than fire up Aptitude and install xubuntu-desktop?05:10
Chaorainlooks like it will work05:10
izinucsamt2, try apt-cache search <package> to look05:10
ChaorainWhat is X?05:10
Axleblageh: specifically, a web directory.  I want to give them access to the folder our website is in, but not the rest of my computer05:10
blagehalex_21> ifconfig tells you your IP05:10
ChaorainI've heard about it alot but I don't know what it is05:10
sirbaxle: do you understand how file permissions work?05:10
qcjnwhen i put my no-ip address, it doesnt, redirect me to the computer with apache that is supposed, but it does if i go to my girlfrien,s computer ?05:10
izinucs!X | Chaorain05:11
ubottuChaorain: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:11
tomcheng76How can i stop tab blinking ? i am using ssh and screen05:11
alex_21Hey, if my Ubuntu box is on my network, how can I ssh onto it. I don't know the IP and the hostname is broken. It is a headless server05:11
alex_21Hey, if my Ubuntu box is on my network, how can I ssh onto it. I don't know the IP and the hostname is broken. It is a headless server05:11
Chaorainok so X is basically the GUI right?05:11
david_anyone using awn?05:11
Axlealex_21: you need the IP, I think05:11
tomcheng76david_: awn at home desktop :)05:11
izinucsChaorain, kind of.. it's part of the underlying system that allows the gui05:12
sirbalex: you have to find the IP, scan your network for anything listening on port 2105:12
sirbi mean 2205:12
david_tomcheng76,  how do you add your programs to awn bar?05:12
Axlesirb: I can't go through and change the file permission to every file on my computer...05:12
izinucsdavid_, It's a pita05:12
Chaorainok thats a close enough explination for me05:12
david_izinucs,  why so?05:12
tomcheng76david_: i didn't. i add all shortcut to the Stack :)05:12
zerodevicehi everyone, i have this funny time date setting.05:13
sirbaxle: not asking you to, where is your website located on the server? /var/www?05:13
alex_21<sirb> How? I am new to cli, but I love it and can learn it05:13
blagehAxle> they dont have access to everything by default05:13
david_tomcheng76,  how do you do that?05:13
izinucsdavid_, as far as I've found you have to do them one at a time.. no easy solution05:13
david_izinucs, ahh ok05:13
sirbalex: get a network scanner tool and scan your subnet05:13
dayzhi xD05:13
Axlesirb: the only folder I want them to access is /var/www/website05:13
tomcheng76david_: locate your application shortcut @ /usr/share/applications, drag and drop :)05:13
omegamormegilChaorain:  You may also want to take a look at this page:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems05:13
alex_21<sirb> What is it called and what is the command to run it?05:14
david_tomcheng76, cheers thanks05:14
marshalli often get these hard system lockups that cause me to restart my laptop, i just got another one and decided to check my /var/log/kern.log and found that my wifi was messing up a fair bit (output pastebin: http://pastebin.com/m5588910 ), any ideas how i could resolve this issue?05:14
omegamormegilChaorain:  Hope it helps.  I'm going to go read a book now.05:14
musikgoat|mainalex_21: scan for an open ssh port with nmap, (you may have to install it.  nmap -sP (your subnet, like
sirbaxle: run this command and paste the output "ls -l /var/www | grep website"05:14
david_tomcheng76,  drag and drop into usr/share or into awn? sorry newb question05:14
tomcheng76david_: into awn :)05:15
blagehaxle> why not just add an entry into your httpd.conf that points to the users home directory in /home?05:15
sirbblag: he wants to let someone in to modify the site05:15
sirbblag: via ssh05:15
blagehthat will do it05:15
musikgoat|mainalex_21: whats your ip?  home router type setup?05:15
izinucsdavid_, I may have got the program wrong.. I also like cairo-doc..05:15
Axleblageh: could I just make /var/www/website their home directory?05:15
david_tomcheng76,  maybe Im just dumb or pebkac is happening, but II dont have a usr/share/applications directory05:16
blagehjust make sure apache can read the dir05:16
bdelin88what do i do if i get this message with the update manager: "E: /var/cache/apt/archives/cairo-dock_1.6.3.1_all.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/share/cairo-dock/icon-mouse.png', which is also in package cairo-dock-data"05:16
bdelin88i tried manually removing "icon-mouse.png" but that did not work05:16
zerodevicemy bios system is 1.00pm but my ubuntu time is 9pm, my time zone is asia/kuala lumpur.05:16
bdelin88then i ran a "sudo apt-update" and that didn't work either, anyone know?05:16
blagehapt-get update05:17
tomcheng76david_: it is "/usr/share/applications" , not "usr/share/applications"05:17
bdelin88sry apt-get update, that's what i mean05:17
blagehsudo apt-get update05:17
david_tomcheng76, ok big mistake then whoops ok05:17
izinucszerodevice, you bios time is incorrect and your offset for your time zone is also incorrect.. It's just after 9pm on the west coast of the US right now.05:17
blagehwhat error do you get when running sudo apt-get update05:17
bdelin88no errors05:17
dayzanyone know the commands for backups?05:17
bdelin88but it still doesn't install that update05:17
blagehno output?05:17
tomcheng76How can i stop tab blinking ? i am using ssh and screen05:18
bdelin88there is output, but just no errors05:18
blagehthen there is no update05:18
bdelin88the update manager says differently05:18
blagehwhat does it say05:19
alex_21<musikgoat|main> Far fro normal, I have a Linksys WRT4G V6 as a gatewy, a server running dhcp and other wireless access points that I will deploy soon05:19
_FrEnZy_hi can someone here teach me how to fix my sounds. i do not know how to install my speakers driver05:19
bdelin88blageh: "Not all changes and updates succeeded.  For further details of the failure, please expand the "terminal' panel below."05:19
mabuswhats the best way to copy over a partiton to another disk, preserving everything?05:19
musikgoat|mainalex_21: whats your ip and subnet mask?05:19
subparno luck with the nameserver bit...05:20
izinucsmabus, partimage has worked well for me.. it's a live cd partition imaging program05:20
sirbalex: can you access the system itself?05:20
blagehsubpar> did you try to ping an IP?05:20
mabusizinucs: is there not a way I can do it with just 'cp' and some arguments?05:20
zelrikriandosubpar, what is your problem?05:20
subparblageh: yeah05:20
_FrEnZy_hi can someone here teach me how to fix my sounds. i do not know how to install my speakers driver05:20
blagehsubpar> what happens?05:20
subparthe only ips I can ping are and the ip that the router assigns me05:20
izinucsmabus, part of the rescuecd.. it's google-able... cp will work if it's simple data with no hidden directories..05:20
blagehsubpar> its not a dns issue then05:21
subparIf I try to ping the bcast address, the packets go into the ether05:21
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subparany other ip, destination host unreachable05:21
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alex_21<musikgoat|main> Thanks05:21
alex_21Thanks all, I'm going now05:21
blagehsubpar> you probably dont have a default gateway05:21
barbguarHi can someone help me please I am trouble with a usb pen05:22
Axlesirb: thanks for your help, I think I got it05:22
Axleblageh: thanks for your help05:22
subparblageh: isn't that on the router side though?05:22
sirbaxle: good luck05:22
blagehsubpar> if you are getting an address from DHCP, it should be getting a gateway automatically....as well as DNS05:22
bdelin88blageh: here is the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80173/05:23
blagehsubpar> what is the IP that your router is assigning you?05:23
|unjustice|does anyone know why I cannot mount this .iso file05:23
sirbcan someone give me some advice?  I'm running the 8.04 LTS installer and it's missing a required package05:23
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement
subparwell, on windows, the ip is
subparon ubuntu, I think it was .18305:23
blagehin ubuntu :P05:23
zelrikriandosirb, burn the CD again?05:23
barbguarHi can someone help me with a usb pen problem?05:23
[e]LementThe login screen resolution problem is driving me insane05:23
izinucssirb, is it possible for you to get the 8.10 cd?05:24
sirbzel: i've checked the .iso, it's actually not on the distribution05:24
Odd-rationalebarbguar: try explaining the problem, so people know if they actually can help...05:24
blagehsubpar> weird.... try this command, assuming that your default GW is and nic is eth0: route add default gw eth005:24
sirbizi: it is, but i'd much prefer to run the LTS if at all possible05:24
subparblageh:this might also come into play05:24
izinucssirb what does the file pertain to.. what does it address that's preventing the installer from running correctly?05:25
subpareth0 is using r8169 module as a driver, while my wlan0 seems to be using rtl818705:25
zelrikriandosirb, I dont get it, just burn the CD or dvd and install it,should be no problem05:25
arrenlex|unjustice|: You need a space between .iso and /mnt/GTA_SA05:25
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: is the problem only occur on the login screen?05:25
subparat least, when I modprobe -r rtl8187, wireless stops working completely05:25
sirbi'm not sure what the file is for, the name is: nic-restricted-firmware-2.6.24-19-generic-di_2.6.24.13-19.44_i386.udeb05:25
[e]LementThe screen is all messed up looking05:25
blagehsubpar> then use: route add default gw wlan005:25
[e]LementAs soon as I login, the resolution is fine.05:25
techqbertI just mounted a CIFS partition for ~/Videos, ~/Music, and ~/Documents but when I ls ~/Videos, one file will output like 8 times even though there is only one copy.05:25
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: what reolution is do you want?05:25
sirbzel: i'm trying to install it, it is failing05:25
[e]LementI've been playing around with my xorg.conf and it's not really been helping.  Lol.  1440x900.  Which is what I'm running at right now05:26
zelrikriandosirb, wrong cd ?05:26
subparsorry if I'm being difficult, but wouldn't that only fix the problem on this router?05:26
izinucssirb, let me look up that package05:26
sirbzel: 8.04 LTS CD05:26
Chaorainum how do I launch gnome-alsamixer?05:26
sirbthanks izi05:26
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: can you pastebin the output of `xrandr` from a terminal?05:26
tomcheng76i would like to ask, which applications u guys use to open pastebin link? text mode or graphical mode browser05:26
blagehsubpar> ya...i am assuming this is for the wireless then?05:26
subparI have no clue if ethernet works05:26
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: and what version of ubuntu is this?05:26
subparI don't have any source to plug in05:27
barbguarWhen I go to /media I have 2 usb pens showing up: 1GB\040USB\040PEN and 1GB\ USB\ PEN but I only have one usb pen plugged in.... furthermore when I check the contents of each it is different... the former appears to have the files for ubuntu-eee which is what I want... the latter has only one file which is ldlinux.sys. When I remove the pen the latter no longer appears in /media. So what is the first entry?05:27
blagehsubpar> any luck on other routers?05:27
subparnope, it happens on all routers05:27
[e]Lementhttp://rafb.net/p/z6dsyb12.html -- 8.1005:27
blagehsubpar> what kind of wlan card is it again?05:27
subparand I'm able to connect fine on windows05:27
subparrealtek 818705:27
subparon 8.04, I had it working fine using ndiswrapper05:27
zelrikriandosirb, i had some LTS CD not working, what I did was to trash them and downloaded the iso again05:28
LancaoHello Expert05:28
[TiZ]Hi there. I'm looking for a good program to change wallpapers. I just removed every wallpaper I had from the backgrounds tab in gnome-appearance-properties (by editing backgrounds.xml). I had so many that it temporarily froze when I started it! So that's why I'm looking for a new app to use. It needs to support the zoom function for wallpapers.05:28
subparwhen I upgraded to 8.10, it has a native driver05:28
ChrisDavazAHHHHHHHHHHH! Is there any possible way to change the volume of an SL500 (has Ideapad firmware)05:28
subpar[TiZ] sudo apt-get install drapes05:28
sirbzel: the file is missing from the distribution, it's not a problem with my copy05:28
blagehmaybe try ndiswrapper again?05:28
LancaoI installed Guest Addition But the Win XP sound still not work05:28
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: ok. first open your /etc/gdm/Init/Default as root: gksudo gedit /etc/gdm/Init/Default05:28
barbguarOdd-rationale: does that help explain the situation?05:28
[TiZ]subpar, drapes seems to use gnome's background list. I want to avoid using that so that I don't slow down gnome appearance properties.05:28
subparI tried, but it can't find the device05:28
bdelin88anyone know why ubuntu is not detecting my blackberry?05:28
zelrikriandosirb how do you know05:28
ubun2Junkymy server throws me into initramfs when it says it can't find a drive with a specific uuid.  I've checked /proc/cmdline and it has root=UUID=9df....   I've used a live cd and checked the uuid on all of my drives and none of them have the uuid it's looking for!  Any suggestions?05:28
[e]LementI prefer pico, but okay =X05:29
[TiZ]I would use Nitrogen, but it doesn't support zoom mode for wallpapers05:29
subparI think because i can't unbind05:29
sirbzel: i've verified the cd05:29
[e]LementAlright, and now what Odd-rationale05:29
subpar[TiZ] you can set yr own directory with drapes05:29
zelrikriandosirb, is it the right iso ?05:29
[TiZ]subpar: Oh! I'll check it out then.05:29
david_Im unable to drag an drop launchers into Awn any solutions?05:30
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: ok. so try adding this line above the "exit 0" : xrandr -s 1400x900 like so: http://paste2.org/p/11046505:30
subpar[TiZ]: it will also change background automatically at intervals if you wish05:30
Chaorainum how do I launch gnome-alsamixer?05:30
LancaoYes 1.605:30
sirbzel: it's the 8.04 LTS iso from ubuntu.com05:30
tomcheng76david_: why not ?05:30
zelrikriandosirb, there is not only one05:30
anonymous_anyone know how to get vent working?05:30
david_tomcheng76,  if I knew I wouldnt be here lol05:30
anonymous_i got it up and i can hear people05:30
anonymous_i got push to talk working05:31
anonymous_just no one can hear me05:31
sirbzel: ubuntu-8.04.1-server-i386.iso05:31
[e]LementI'll give it a shot, anything else Odd-rationale?05:31
Odd-rationalebarbguar: somewhat. try this. first remove both usb pens...05:31
david_tomcheng76,  i cant add any of my own apps either from menu or desktop to awn05:31
barbguarOdd-rationale: I only have one usb pen05:31
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: save and close file... then logout.. :D05:31
subparblageh: eth0 is using r8169 as a driver, which seems to be a native driver. when I try to blacklist it to unbind and reboot, it still pops up. when I kill it with modprobe -r r8169, t doesn't change anything05:31
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc
izinucssirb, I've looked in the repos for 8.04 & 8.10 and that package doesn't exist.. how are you getting that reference for those files?05:31
Odd-rationalebarbguar: oh sorry, misread...05:31
barbguarOdd-rationale: 2 appear when I ls /media but there is only one device plugged in05:32
Odd-rationalebarbguar: is it unplugged right now?05:32
sirbizi: i have no idea, the installer is looking for it, is there a way I can check?05:32
tomcheng76david_: have a look here http://awn.wetpaint.com/page/FAQ05:32
bdelin88how do i install mono?05:32
sirbizi: i'm doing a USB install on a HP DL380 G5 if that helps05:32
blageh:S weird....i dont have much experience with wireless nics or ndiswrapper.05:32
barbguarOdd-rationale: no and I still have 1GB\040USB\040PEN appearing when I ls /media05:32
=== core5 is now known as cew_cute
[TiZ]Ugh, I hate drapes's interface. I don't want to do my wallpaper switching from the tray05:32
dayz-ivxxHello xD i was wonderin if anyone knew how to backup, i tried to update to 8.10 but it wouldn't reboot after sucessfully, and took me so long to reinstall and update >.<05:32
subparyeah neither do i05:32
david_tomcheng76,  thanks but I've already read that, there is a problem with awn apparently on my system05:32
izinucssirb, well.. you're installing server right?  does your machine have a wireless nic in it?05:33
Lancao I installed Guest Addition But the Win XP sound still not work, Please any body can help?05:33
subparotherwise it'd be working :)05:33
sirbizi: no wireless, no05:33
subparI guess after all of this, I'll be a pro05:33
sirbizi: yes to server05:33
Odd-rationalebarbguar: unplug the device, and pastebin the output of `ls -l /media`05:33
izinucsLancao, you trying vbox..?  have you added yourself to the virtualbox group?05:33
tomcheng76david_: can you discribe your problem in details ?05:33
anonymous_can anyone help me with vent?05:33
Chaoraincan someone explain what this first post mean? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=616845&page=1105:33
barbguarOdd-rationale: plus when I ls /media/1GB\040USB\040PEN it contains everything I want on the pen so I can install ubuntu on my eee-pc90005:33
blagehsubpar: heh...i would try to manually add the settings...see if that works, maybe take it from there then?05:34
izinucssirb, is the nic card in your machine on the motherboard?05:34
LancaoHow to do that?05:34
david_tomcheng76,  sure Im unable to take any applications from menu or from desktop into awn, it shows it being added with a + sign but nothing appears05:34
=== [e]Lement`dc is now known as [e]Lement
sirbizi: it is, it has a two port nic05:34
[e]LementOdd-rationale, no good.05:34
blagehizinucs> dl380 is a server, ubuntu server shouldn't have a problem with it05:34
Odd-rationalebarbguar: also, pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" which will print the partition of all devices.05:34
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: :(05:34
tomcheng76did you try to open up awn-manager and add from there?05:35
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: can you pastebin your /etc/gdm/Init/Default file?05:35
arrenlexChaorain: try sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel ; sudo modprobe -vvv snd-hda-intel model=dell-bios05:35
[e]LementSure, I'll even get you my XORG as well05:35
bdelin88hey seriously, is there anyone that can help me with this output from the update manager??? http://paste.ubuntu.com/80173/05:35
arrenlexChaorain: If that works you can put it in the conf file permanently.05:35
david_tomcheng76,  yes as an example I added a simple terminal bash shell to launcher within prefernces and nothing happened05:35
izinucsblageh, I was busy looking at other things and missed what he's installing to.. did you happen to get the reference to the packages the installer is not able to find?  something like nic-restricted-<something>.deb05:35
david_tomcheng76, Im on the website you gave me and  I dont understand this     *05:36
david_      How do I add launchers to the bar?05:36
david_        Just drag and drop! You can also select "Add" in the Launchers menu of AWN-Manager.05:36
david_        A note, however: this may, in some cases, not work. In that case, launch gconf-editor & from run (Alt+F2) or from the terminal. Change the key in05:36
david_            /apps/avant-window-navigator/window_manager/launchers05:36
FloodBot3david_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
david_        to include a reference to your launcher.05:36
blagehbdelin88: try apt-get remove on that package, then reinstall maybe?05:36
subparblageh: thanks anyways for the help. I'm going to give ndiswraper one more shot05:36
barbguarand http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d1fa1b90405:37
blagehgood luck05:37
david_tomcheng76,  I dont understand the supposed fix on the wbepage you gave me05:37
bdelin88blageh: for instance... "sudo apt-get remove cairo-dock" or whatever the pkg is called?05:37
izinucssirb, will it install regardless of the error?05:37
alex_21What is the command for installing lamp with taskcel on Ubuntu Server05:37
bdelin88blageh: thanks05:37
RookHey Everyone, I need a bit of help.  I am setting up a website on 4 new servers.   When I take them to a Co-location facility I am only going to have one server that has an External IP address.  I need a program for Hardy that I can use to route users to the other servers to offsite the load on the main server.  Does anyone know of something good I can use to do this?05:37
bdelin88blageh: i'll try it05:37
sirbizi: the installer won't continue05:37
barbguarOdd-rationale: that's with the pen unplugged05:37
ToddEDMhey guys, im having a problem, when i start up Transmission to download some torrents, it totally disconnects me from my network... anyone else had this problem????05:37
tomcheng76david_: did you open up gconf-editor successfully?05:37
Odd-rationalebarbguar: ok sorry, i meant to pastebin the output of "sudo fdisk -l" with the device plugged in... my bad... have you tried deleteing the 1GB\040USB\040PEN and plugging the device again?05:38
[e]LementOdd-rationale, 1-91 = /etc/gdm/init/Default ; 93+ = /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste2.org/p/11046605:38
bdelin88anyone have a problem charging usb devices? my blackberry phone doesn't charge on ubuntu05:38
sirbizi: by that i mean there is no "skip" option05:38
bdelin88it is not given sufficient current, is the error message i get05:38
[e]Lementbdelin88, are you using a laptop?05:38
alex_21<Rook> Apache witth reverse proxy set up. I'm doing that right now so I can't say it works the best, until I finish installing it05:38
izinucssirb, I'm stuck.. you might ask in #ubuntu-server or #linux.. at this point I'm out of ideas..05:38
blagehrook> seriously? that is a huge task. dont know where to begin, but you are in for a lot of work.05:38
barbguarOdd-rationale: no I haven't... how do I delete a directory?05:38
ToddEDMbdelin88:  yeah, it wont work05:38
sirbok, thanks for your help izi05:38
izinucssirb, good luck05:39
ToddEDMbdelin88:  you need the BB desktop software05:39
david_tomcheng76,  Im running xfce not gnome but I dont have it installed currently05:39
bdelin88[e]Lement: no, it actually works perfectly out of the box on my laptop (intrepid) and on my desktop (intrepid) it does not charge with the 500ma it needs05:39
RookAlex, I am using Lighttpd as the webserver, is there anything I can use with that?05:39
Odd-rationalebarbguar: well, you will need to do it as root, so be careful: sudo rm -rf /media/1GB\040USB\040PEN05:39
trippswhat is up with the sound system when all the apps refuse to play anything any more? audacious, rhythmbox, etc. just show the play icon but nothing happens. reboot fixes it. Is there a process or something I can kill/restart to get it working again?05:39
bdelin88ToddEDM: I download barry but that didn't do the trick, is BB desktop software something else?05:39
tomcheng76david_: oh, that would be the root of the problem :)05:39
[e]LementSounds weird.  My iPhone charges using Ubuntu.  I wouldn't imagine an iPhone needing less power.05:39
alex_21<Rook> Yes, there is probably some reverse proxy modules for it05:40
david_tomcheng76, meaning? why would what window manager im using make a difference on awn?05:40
anonymous_anyone body know how to get my mic working?05:40
subparhaha, I just found the problem with ndiswrapper. It was giving me the wrong driver05:40
ChaorainThe first command said "ERROR: Module snd_hda_intel does not exist in /proc/modules"05:40
Semidiostripps, i had that same problem.  traced it down to firefox being open05:40
blagehrook> check out howtoforge.com and look up load-balancing or clustering with lighttpd05:40
izinucs[e]Lement, ?? that doesn't make any sense..05:40
tomcheng76david_: to test, please login gnome and try awn again.05:40
alex_21<Rook> I don't use that web server, so I don't know for sure05:40
ToddEDMbdelin88:  im not sure what Barry is, but BB desktop software is the windows CD that came with ti ... it wont even charge on windows with out it installed05:40
bdelin88[e]Lement: yes it's some setting that the OS doesn't give usb support to charge the phone... windows does it as well until the driver is installed05:40
Chaorainthe second gave a line of code that looks like it worked05:40
david_tomcheng76,  Im not running gnome05:40
techqbertI just mounted a CIFS partition for ~/Videos, ~/Music, and ~/Documents but when I ls ~/Videos, one file will output like 8 times even though there is only one copy.05:40
[e]Lementbdelin88, that's strange.05:40
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: you have two monitors?05:40
blagehsubar: yey...great when things finally work05:41
trippsSemidios, interesting. it doesn't do it all the time, however. perhaps it's a plugin or something? i'll kill FF and see what happens05:41
bdelin88ToddEDM: I am talking about installing it on ubuntu lol, that cd is for windows :-P05:41
[e]Lement1 acer05:41
[e]LementWhy is my xorg all ass backwards?05:41
barbguarOdd-rationale: I tried that command but when I ls /media I still get 1GB\040USB\040PEN cdrom cdrom005:41
izinucsI charge devices off the usb port with out an issue.05:41
tomcheng76david_: oops, i saw wrongly that you got both xfce and gnome :(05:41
ToddEDMbdelin88:  you need to run that software05:41
=== core5 is now known as cew_cute
david_tomcheng76,  np I am only running xfce05:41
ToddEDMwine or some other05:41
chowmeinedwhats with all the random crashes lately?05:42
Odd-rationalebarbguar: try using tab completion "sudo rm -rf /media/1GB<tab>"05:42
ToddEDMhey guys, im having a problem, when i start up Transmission to download some torrents, it totally disconnects me from my network... anyone else had this problem????05:42
chowmeinedpython, xchat, firefox, X, hal, dbus05:42
chowmeinedit seems like everything is crashing left and right05:42
bdelin88ToddEDM: ? have you done this?  It is not the software, it is a driver05:42
barbguarOdd-rationale... just beat you to it05:42
chowmeinedlike the whole system is falling apart05:42
chowmeinedwhat happened05:42
ToddEDMbdelin88:  no i havent05:42
barbguarOdd-rationale: that worked.05:42
ToddEDMbdelin88:  i use a wall outlet05:42
bdelin88ToddEDM: ah, i just like charging with usb05:43
ToddEDMbdelin88:  thanks for reminding me, i was going to put some more songs on it05:43
tomcheng76david_: i am not sure, please google "desktop-agnostic"05:43
ToddEDMbdelin88:  whats the difference?05:43
blagehanyone know how to get ubuntu source for 2.6.27-9-generic?05:43
barbguarOdd-rationale: okay now I've plugged it in again and there is only one entry for it. I will try installing ubuntu-eee and see if it works now...05:43
Odd-rationale[e]Lement: have you tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg" to generate new xorg.conf? it will backup your old one too...05:43
bdelin88ToddEDM: well i usually have my laptop with me and i like being able to charge with that instead of the wall, and i also lost my wall plug so... yea :)05:44
trippsSemidios, mmmm killing FF didn't do it05:44
Odd-rationalebarbguar: k good luck with that :D05:44
tomcheng76david: have a look here https://answers.launchpad.net/awn/+question/1981005:44
Semidiostripps, well it was a thought.  sorry I can't help you more05:44
[e]LementI'll try again.05:45
[e]LementBe back in a bit05:45
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc
trippsis there a service or process I can restart to restart the sound system?05:46
blagehtripps> what version of ubuntu05:47
anonymous_can anyone help me get my mic working?05:47
trippsblageh, hardy heron05:47
barbguarOdd-rationale: okay the problem is that UNetbootin-Ubuntu Eee tries to install to the USB pen but it calls it "1GB\040USB\040PEN" instead of just "1GB\ USB\ PEN"... so it is creating the (almost) duplicate entry... do you know if I can just copy all the files from the fake entry to the real one?05:48
Odd-rationalebarbguar: is reformatting the usb frive an option? i would relabel it to one without spaces...05:49
tomcheng76how to stop stop/restart pulseaudio? /etc/init.d/pulaseaudio stop  seems no effect?05:49
barbguarOdd-rationale: I would reformat it if possible...How do I do that?05:50
Odd-rationalebarbguar: first, find out the device name. most probably /dev/sdb1. the do "mkfs.msdos -F 32 -n MYLABEL /dev/<device>"05:50
Odd-rationalebarbguar: make sure it is unmounted first!!!!05:51
Odd-rationale!hi | yanko05:54
ubottuyanko: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!05:54
yankoi need some help with05:54
yankothank you05:54
yankoflash plugin for firefox05:55
yankoi use ubuntu8.1005:55
trippsmmm that was weird - loaded up xine to play a file and after killing xine, audacious plays files again. strange!05:55
Odd-rationaleyanko: have you already installed flash? sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:55
yanko?? anyone?05:55
david_tomcheng76,  have you tried kill -9 HUP then proggy name?05:56
yankoyes i have05:56
barbguarOdd-rationale: I think that's working... I'm trying to install ubuntu-eee just now... Thanks foir your help05:56
Odd-rationalebarbguar: good luck!05:57
yankoand when i get to a flash web site05:57
srbakerheya folks05:57
srbakeranyone here running intrepid on a mininote 2133?05:57
yankoit gives me an play btn05:57
yankoso i have to klick it to be able to see the content05:57
yankobut usually it does not show a btn05:57
Odd-rationaleyanko: 32bit? or 64bit?05:57
tomcheng76david_: no05:57
voraistosthat's because of a firefox plugin i think yanko05:57
david_try that it might work, or you may have to kill pid05:58
voraistossome sort of script blocker or whatever. I used to have this05:58
yanko32 bit05:58
ReAnwow wtf... i got a 404 while installing g++05:58
yankois there a fix or somthing for it?05:58
ReAnlinux-libc-dev is 40405:59
tomcheng76david_: can you give me an example? i don't understand proggy name05:59
voraistosproggy name = programme name05:59
david_tomcheng76,  sorry you named a program you wanted to kill I was suggesting to kill -9 HUP then the program name06:00
david_tomcheng76,  instead of kill PID06:00
ReAndoes apt-get need to update it's package list manually?06:00
voraistosReAn: get another mirror06:00
tomcheng76david_: oic, i usually use kill PID/ pkill program name06:00
ReAnvoraistos: where do i configure the mirrors?06:00
Odd-rationaleReAn: perhaps. try sudo apt-get update06:00
voraistosReAn: in etc/apt/sources.list06:00
Rave1_major geeks06:00
yankobye guys i have to use win06:01
tomcheng76david_: i would try that when i arrive home, thx. Your problem fixed?06:01
Rave1_sorry wrong keyboard06:01
barbguarOdd-rationale: Ubuntu community members like you ROCK!!!06:01
ReAnapt-get update worked06:01
snakefacewhat is "autoreconf"06:01
voraistosReAn: also you might need to run an update/upgrade before to do this, a 404 can happen if your machine is really outdated.06:01
izinucsReAn, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:01
droopsta915does ubuntu have something similar to wordpad or notepad, not openoffice?06:01
Odd-rationalebarbguar: :D06:01
Odd-rationaledroopsta915: gedit06:01
arrenlexdroopsta915: gedit, leafpad06:01
david_tomcheng76, no sadly its an issue with xfce   but good point on desktop agnostic06:02
Odd-rationaledroopsta915: also nano and vim <-- the best IMO...06:02
droopsta915Do those save in rich text?06:02
david_tomcheng76,  its seems gnome is the way to go with this manager06:02
ReAnit's not that old06:02
izinucsdroopsta915, yep lots.. Applications>Accessories>text editor.. or install abiword, it's light weight,, gedit, nano, vim etc etc etc..06:02
Odd-rationaledroopsta915: uh, no...06:02
ReAn1 month or so06:02
voraistosa month can be a lot :P06:03
horneykatehi there06:03
voraistostry to install g++ again ?06:03
droopsta915Odd-rationale:uh, whats up with the rudeness. If you can't answer a question, ignore what I'm asking.06:03
horneykatehello every body06:03
Odd-rationaledroopsta915: sorry, did not mean that as to be rude. and i did try to answer your questions... both of them...06:04
voraistosdroopsta915: notepad doesn't save in richtext either06:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about transfer06:04
david_lol hornykate great lmao who let her in lol06:04
bdelin88Bus 002 Device 007: ID 0fca:0006 Research In Motion, Ltd.06:05
bdelin88It is detected by the system but is not given sufficient power from the USB, and barry is not recognizing it!!06:05
tomcheng76david_: try here : https://answers.launchpad.net/awn/+question/2456906:05
droopsta915I understand, well no hard feelings Odd, thanks for the help06:05
Odd-rationaledroopsta915: k. :)06:05
ToddEDMhey, how can i transfer files from desktop to laptop , using a lan patch cable, anyone got a quick and easy way???06:05
tomcheng76david_: just to remind u, some program cannot use -9 to so the force kill, like postgresql06:05
david_tomcheng76,  i didnt know which ones off hand, do you have a list of them?06:06
tomcheng76david_: i don't have too, so i only try to avoid using -906:07
ToddEDMno one???06:08
snakefacehow do i install "install X11 development libraries"?06:08
ToddEDMi need some help guys06:08
david_tomcheng76,  what do you use to kill without killing entire program?06:08
david_tomcheng76,  like if you had a webserver and had to restart a prog you wouldnt want ot kill it entirely right?06:08
endemicToddEDM, honestly unless you have a crossover cable or a switch, the easiest way is going to be to use a USB hardrive or thumbdrive06:08
endemicToddEDM, otherwise you are going to have to configure an ip address, subnet mask, etc on both machines06:09
izinucsdavid_, you mean if you had a server and evolution froze.. how would you kill evolution?06:09
voraistossnakeface: devel files are usually called dev or devel06:09
david_izinucs,  exactly06:09
david_izinucs,  wouldnt you just sighup it?06:09
Odd-rationalehtop is usually a good way to monitor and kill processes...06:10
david_izinucs,  meaning kill -9 HUP06:10
izinucsdavid_, killall -9 evolution06:10
tomcheng76david_: usually i use the initscript in /etc/init.d , if there isn't , i use "ps aux |grep "program name" and kill those PID / PID program name if i pretty sure the program name06:10
david_tomcheng76,  this works for a full kill, but not to just retstart it06:10
voraistossnakeface: and libraries are usually called libsomething06:10
izinucsdavid_, or if you're in termial type top and find the pid of the program and then enter k and the pid number06:10
voraistossnakeface: so what you are looking for is probably called libX11-dev06:11
izinucsdavid_, or liike tomcheng76  said.. there's lots of ways.06:11
snakefacevoraistos: logic at work.  thanks bud.06:12
ToddEDMendemic: sorry i was away... ok, i will just transfer over wlan06:12
izinucsdavid_, one of the unique things about linux is the progams won't take the entire system down when they freeze.. unlike windows06:12
tomcheng76david_ why not use stop in the initscript but kill -9 ?__? i dont understande06:12
Darkangel42got a ? 4 yall06:12
david_izinucs,  no I know, Ive been using for sometime, sorry if i come off as newbie, only new to graphical interfaces, Im not good with that, terminal yes lol06:13
izinucstomcheng76, can you use the initscript to stop .. say .. evolution?06:13
endemicToddEDM, it will be slower, but probably your best bet if you are more familiar with doing it that way :P06:13
david_izinucs,  yes you can can use start or restart or kill06:13
Darkangel42does zune work with amarok06:13
tomcheng76izinucs: in that case i use "pkill evolution"06:13
izinucsdavid_, :) in the gui you can add the system monitor to the panel and kill from there. restart is another issue.06:14
voraistosjust use killall. it works all the time06:14
izinucstomcheng76, right.. not an initscript06:14
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david_izinucs,  ha ok. i'm only having a problem with my awn adding icons lol06:14
[e]LementThis whole resolution thing Odd-rationale is driving me insane06:14
tomcheng76izincus: i will only try -9 if kill PID/ pkill programname not work :-)06:15
[e]Lementbe back again...06:15
izinucsdavid_, Yea.. i just loaded awn in a vm of intrepid and I can't get it to even start.. awn manager works just no awn bar.. (I had xfce loaded at the time)06:16
umarhey hey iam new in ubuntu  any one know how to use msn and yahoo at ubuntu06:16
david_izinucs,  yes Im running XFCE06:16
=== [e]Lement is now known as [e]Lement`dc
arrenlex!pidgin | umar06:16
ubottuumar: The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete06:16
david_izinucs,  Im having a slight other problem for some reason I cant add thrid party APT to my software sources, is sudo ok for this or only root?06:16
arrenlexumar: I think it's installed by default, look in ubuntu logo -> Internet06:16
barfleurany intelligent people here?06:17
arrenlex!ask | barfleur06:17
ubottubarfleur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:17
barfleuryes master06:17
barfleurI can't get win to work properly, any ideas?06:19
izinucsdavid_, sudo gives root access..06:19
barfleurwine I meant06:19
arrenlexbarfleur: What is the problem?06:19
izinucsdavid_, so if you're editing sources.list then sudo gedit /path/to/file06:19
david_izinucs,  I know, i was thinking though i might need to log in as root for that particular aspect06:19
umarand what about download manger for ubuntu any one know about it plzzzzzz  if any one know how to use ubuntu so mail me or add me in msn or yahoo my is umar.con@hotmail.com  and yahoo id is umar _ur @yahoo.com06:19
david_izinucs,  is there just a config file for this where i can add manually?06:20
tomcheng76david_: you can always login as root if you are sudoer, the command is "sudo -s" :)06:20
Ohmuping google.com works but splutters (From icmp_seq=129 Destination Host Unreachable) when I connect the wireless network in WiCD.  when I disconnect, it continues fine.  whats going on?06:20
izinucsdavid_, you want to do it from terminal or gui?06:20
david_izinucs,  oh its cool i found it its etc/apt/sourceslist06:20
david_terminal is always better06:21
izinucsdavid_, right.. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:21
tomcheng76Ohmu: i think that is a bug in Intrepid06:21
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:22
blackbirdI have a question for people with ati cards06:22
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:22
Ohmutomcheng76, *wow* ... ok Ill update see if that fixes anything06:22
izinucsOhmu, you have two wireless connection apps installed.. uninstall one06:22
Ohmuizinucs, I think I only have one.. WiCD uninstalled network-manager06:23
izinucsOhmu, ok..06:23
blackbirdI never done this before06:23
blackbirdI got a flicker when I play video06:23
blackbirdI suppose to edit my xorg.config?06:23
blackbirdand download the new ati drivers?06:24
blackbirdis that dangerous06:24
arrenlexblackbird: Do you know what card you're using? Do you know if you're using the free or proprietary drivers?06:24
OhmuI don't understand the play between the GUI stuff (netweorkmanager / wicd) and the commandline stuff (ifup ifdown  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart or dhcp3-server etc)06:24
arrenlexblackbird: Is this flicker in totem?06:24
MasterAkiaim having problem with my sound, basically i cant get it to allo wme to use my headset, if i got to terminal and type alsamixer it has my chip as realtekac888 i need to to be my logitech headset to hear stuff and talk right?06:25
arrenlexOhmu: The GUI stuff (networkmanager) uses the command line stuff (wpa_supplicant, dhclient, etc).06:25
blackbirdI am using the restricted drivers06:25
blackbirdand it's in all video players06:25
blackbirdeven vlc player06:25
Ohmuarrenlex, thanks06:25
arrenlexblackbird: Ah. What card?06:25
blackbirdati radon 2600xt06:25
tomcheng76Ohmu: what is your nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf when the problem exists?06:26
blackbirdi am using xchat is there are way to save a favorite room>06:26
elvisanybody knows what this means when you open a media file "Could not get/set settings from/on resource" ????06:27
Doctor_Nickwhy will the firefox team never fix the fsync issues plauging firefox?06:27
arrenlex1blackbird: Also, try something for me... open vlc and go into the preferences. Go to video -> output modules, and check advanced options. Set the video output mode to x11. Does that help at all?06:27
blackbirdok hold on06:27
arrenlex1Doctor_Nick: What is fsync?06:27
dayz-ivxxhas anyone had any problems with updating 1.04 to 1.10? i believe it was a video problem (ati radeon) but i'm not sure it required me to reinstall06:27
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izinucsblackbird, click on XChat (menu item)>Network list>freenode(or Ubuntu Servers)>edit>  Add #ubuntu to channels to join06:28
[e]LementOdd-rationale, all fixed.  I got smart and ran the nvidia-settings utility...hahahah06:28
tomcheng76Anyone know how to retrieve channel list in irssi?06:29
sdlwofgot a installation that won't boot, so i tried recovery mode, and it hangs at "checking 'htl' instructions"06:29
blackbirdwhoa xchat is so hard compare to mirc06:30
blackbirdany way06:30
blackbirdyeah it worked06:30
blackbirdwhat does that mean? x1106:30
gnutrontomcheng76: /list06:30
arrenlex1blackbird: Hmm, weird. You changed vlc from using hardware-accelerated rendering to doing all its rendering on the CPU.06:30
bazhangblackbird, have you tried disabling compiz06:30
MasterAkiaHow do i get my usb logitech headset and mic to work? i cant hear nething06:30
arrenlex1blackbird: So the card's doing something funky. bazhang has a good suggestion -- try disabling compiz.06:30
blackbirdno no I love compix06:31
[e]Lementblackbird, x11 is how Ubuntu creates windows06:31
arrenlex1[e]Lement: No, not in this case.06:31
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tomcheng76gnutron: thanks , it is '/list -YES'06:31
bazhangblackbird, get fusion-icon and then you can switch it on and off between viewing movies06:31
arrenlex1blackbird: Does VLC flicker on xvideo output? OpenGL output?06:31
blackbirdno it's a know problem I see a fix in the forums but it seem very drastic06:31
Ohmutomcheng76, cat /etc/resolv.conf  /// search razer.zone  /// nameserver /// nameserver ///  I'll kill the search line, thats old.  other 2 are correct.06:31
blackbirdI was wondering if I should just wait it out for updates06:32
arrenlex1blackbird: Is it a new or an old card? Does xvideo or opengl work?06:32
tomcheng76gnutron: how to perform a search in the channel list in irssi?06:32
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:32
tomcheng76Ohmu: nslookup google.com shows 10.x.x.x ?06:33
blackbirdwell it's a year old and opengl does not work06:33
gnutrontomcheng76: retrieve the list and try /lastlog search-term in the same window. just a guess.06:33
arrenlex1blackbird: opengl flickers? How about xvideo?06:33
kaiNothing related, arrick :(06:34
blackbirdyes that too06:34
blackbirdso I have to edit the xorg  hmmm that seems scary oh well thanks06:35
Arrickkai ask in here, there has to be someone who knows how to fix grub for dualboots06:35
blackbirdoh one more question, when does ubuntu update all of the programs in the repositories?06:35
tomcheng76gnutron: thanks, it works.06:35
gnutrontomcheng76: cool06:36
kaiAs Arrick says (thanks again), I'm having an issue with GRUB not detecting my windows vista partition, fdisk -l shows HPFS/NTFS is in /dev/sda106:36
kaiCan anyone help me fix this?06:36
arrenlex1blackbird: Bugfixes happen as bugs are found. The versions themselves are not updated once a distribution is released. For new versions of software, you will have to enable backports.06:36
gnutronblackbird: in synaptic preferences you can set those options.06:36
T-Onegood morning06:37
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geniiblackbird: Each thing which is submitted with an update that goes into the repositories works on it's own schedule06:37
geniignutron: Ah, hadn't considered he meant locally :)06:37
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit06:37
=== tomcheng76 is now known as tomcheng76_lunch
kaititle Windows Vista06:37
kairoot (sd0,0)06:37
kaichainloader +106:37
kaiWhen posting that in menu.lst, It says error parsing something something...06:37
blackbirdthere was the program that really wanted up dated06:38
blackbirdjust gotta wait I guess06:38
arrenlexkai: it's root (hd0,0), not sd06:38
blackbirdhow can I help the ubuntu cause?06:38
bazhang!contribute | blackbird06:38
ubottublackbird: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate06:38
kaiarrenlex, can you help me tell which HD0,x it is?06:39
arrenlex!backports | blackbird -- check if the new version is in the06:39
ubottublackbird -- check if the new version is in the: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging06:39
arrenlexkai: Do you know what partition it's on? Is it /dev/sda1?06:39
blackbirdbackports? doesn't that mean old versions?06:39
arrenlexblackbird: The old version is ubuntu, and they are porting new versions of software onto your old version of ubuntu so you can run them. :)06:40
blackbirdman all this linux talk is odd lol give me back dos06:40
gnutronblackbird: open a terminal, type sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade06:40
betz--Hi everyone! I want to setup a webradio on my remote server. Whats the best solution? Shoutcast? Icecast? Other?06:40
kai  arrenlex, sorry about that, hit the wifi button..and yes it is /dev/sda106:41
kai   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:42
kai/dev/sda1   *           1       37689   302736861    7  HPFS/NTF06:42
blackbirdok thanks guys and gals06:42
sdlwofgot a installation that won't boot, so i tried recovery mode, and it hangs at "checking 'htl' instructions"06:42
bdelin88any reason why i can't hear ANYTHING in audacity?06:43
gnutronblackbird: terminal is a box box on steroids.06:43
gnutronblackbird: terminal is a DOS box on steroids.06:43
blackbirdyes I know06:43
bdelin88i have a song loaded in there and it says it's playing the meter is moving, but i can't hear anything, i have the lame codec too, and all my other sound is working, please help!06:43
blackbirdit's so nice to be back06:43
blackbirdin the box06:43
blackbirdalthough it white on my screen06:44
blackbirdnot that it matters06:44
gnutronbdelin88: open preferences and choose the proper output plugin, usually alsa.06:44
bdelin88gnutron: i tried all of them :( i am so damn tired of having to fix ubuntu FOR EVERYTHING06:44
arrenlexkai: Sorry. Yes, (hd0,0).06:44
gnutronblackbird: edit default profile to suit your needs in terminal, e.g. white on black, fonts etc.06:45
ngabriel4977hoping someone can help.  I have an hd44780 lcd connected to one of my motherboard's usb ports and i need to tell lcdproc with device it is.  I have no idea.  i tried all ttySx devices, none seem to work.  can anyone advise?06:45
kaiso this:06:45
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kaititle Windows Vista06:45
kairoot (hd0,0)06:45
kaichainloader +106:45
arrenlex!paste | kai06:45
ubottukai: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:45
budz_ri'm running ibex 64 bit and can't find a flash plugin. anyone know where to look?06:46
gnutronbdelin88: yeah, it can be frustrating.06:46
bdelin88gnutron: i am thinking it is easier for me and less of a waste of time to just go back to winblows06:46
bdelin88gnutron: bc even though windows blows, it is still better than this experience06:46
MasterAkiai need some help with my sound06:48
dayz-ivxxHELP 'o.o i can't get my dual monitors to work at all, everytime i try to config it stuff messes up06:49
histobudz_r, which version of ubuntu?06:49
budz_rhisto, 8.10 6406:49
histobudz_r, flashplugin-nonfree should install right from the repos06:49
histobudz_r, sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree06:49
budz_rhisto, lemme give it a shot06:50
gtoast I'm having some trouble installing iPython in ibex. Add/Remove applications says there are no matching packages. gPackage installer says there's a matching package in a "software channel". Any hints?06:50
histo!info ipython06:50
ubottuipython (source: ipython): enhanced interactive Python shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.4-1 (intrepid), package size 957 kB, installed size 2708 kB06:50
histogtoast, you could just sudo aptitude install ipython   or use Applications > Add/Remove06:51
gnutronbdelin88: you running intrepid?06:51
bdelin88gnutron: yes06:51
bdelin88gnutron: using ALSA for my realtek sound06:51
gtoasthisto: yea, i was trying to go throught "Add/Remove" but a search for "ipython" package returns nothing.06:51
gnutronbdelin88: i would recommend starting over and use hardy.06:51
arrenlexkai, yes06:52
budz_rhisto, worked like a charm. thanks. :)06:52
dayz-ivxxcan anyone help me with my dual monitor problem? or does no one know ='(06:52
histogtoast, click the drop down and change it to "show all availible"06:52
gtoasthisto: wasn't sure if running a terminal installer would corrupt the gui06:52
kai1Arrenlex, That gives me an error: Error 23: Error while arsing number06:52
arrenlexlol, arsing06:52
arrenlexbrb, sorry06:52
gtoasthisto: did that. still nothing.06:52
bdelin88gnutron: i don't have enough time to redo all this work i have done setting up intrepid :(06:52
bdelin88gnutron: and i don't want to either lol06:52
DaNkcan someone help me with firefox, it keeps crashing when i load the daily show, and i ran it in the terminal and all it says when it crashes is segment fault06:52
gnutronbdelin88: i understand.06:52
error404notfoundI want to replace my pppoe router with an ubuntu server, how do I do that?06:52
DaNkwhat does that mean06:52
DaNkand how do i fix it06:52
histogtoast, hrm.. that is wierd I have the same behavior let me check one other thing06:53
bdelin88i am going to kick ubuntu in the ass06:53
kai1DaNk, it's an error with firefox playing flash or video files, It's been around for a little while but there should be a developing patch for it06:53
histogtoast, you can use System > Administration > Synaptic package manager06:53
tritium!language | bdelin8806:53
ubottubdelin88: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:53
bdelin88!ubottu shove it06:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottu shove it06:53
DaNki did the patch kai106:53
tritiumbdelin88: careful06:54
bdelin88well you will if you don't shut your face06:54
DaNkand now it crashes even more06:54
bazhangbdelin88, dont06:54
=== JesseWag is now known as Keu
DaNkthe daily show use to work fine a couple days ago06:54
kai1DaNk unload addons and reinstall FF?06:54
bdelin88i like bashing ubottu, he doesn't understand my frustration06:54
DaNki cant kai106:54
kai1Any reason why you cannot?06:54
arrenlexkai: That stanza looks right to me. Are you sure it's not something else?06:54
DaNki dont know why but it wont let me remove or add any addons06:54
histo!bot > bdelin8806:54
ubottubdelin88, please see my private message06:54
philjoI don't know how to put this... but I'm kind of a big deal.  I have many leather-bound books06:55
bdelin88all the bots, shush, stop talking to me, go away06:55
* ice_cream does another "ls -Fuck" for fun06:55
kai1bdelin88 :)06:55
sekyourboxWhat do I do with binary files (.bin)?06:55
kai1move .bin to /dev/null06:55
gnutronsekyourbox: ignore kail06:56
ice_creamthose are all legit switches to ls06:56
kai1:P i'm just joshing you, don't do that06:56
tritiumice_cream: you know better than that.06:56
sekyourboxI actually just want java06:56
sekyourboxthey have RPM and BIN06:56
sekyourboxdownloaded the bin, now what?06:56
gnutronsekyourbox: chmod u+x filename.bin then ./filename.bin06:56
bdelin88i am still going to kick ubuntu in the face though06:56
sekyourboxThank you gnutron06:56
tritiumbdelin88: stop06:57
sekyourboxwhat the heck was that06:57
bdelin88so hostile06:57
DaNkkai1, firefox could not install do to an unexpected error -20306:57
waanHow do I get firefox to remember its window positions? It seems to be the only application that picks a random location each time I start it06:57
DaNkwtf does that mean?06:57
WebcamWonderAnyone knows how to delete, not hide the menu items from old Wine Applications?06:57
biouserEkiga rocks!!!06:57
biouserwith those repos that is06:58
kai1DaNk: http://letmegooglethatforyou.com/?q=+firefox+could+not+install+do+to+an+unexpected+error+-20306:58
DaNkthat doesnt give anything useful06:59
error404notfoundI want to put something in a log just before system goes down, where should I put it? a script called 99putlog in all rc.d?06:59
kai1:P it can..06:59
gnutronsekyourbox: channel security dealing with evil-doers.06:59
kai1add "ubuntu" to the end of the google sear h06:59
arrenlexkai1: That is the awesomest site, EVER06:59
kai1arrenlex I love it :P unfortunately it's not much helping me with my problem :(06:59
MasterAkiacan i get someone to help me out with my sound plz?07:00
waanHow do I get firefox to remember its window position? It seems to be the only application that picks a random location each time I start it07:00
akorpijaanybody know why my laptop screen stays on when im using my external monitor and i close the lid on the laptop?07:00
kai1Arrenlex, Seems a lot of people are having the same issue as I without solution07:00
DaNkok i removed firefox-3 and i get this now The following packages have unmet dependencies:07:01
DaNk  firefox-3.0: Conflicts: firefox-libthai07:01
sekyourboxgnutron, chmod: cannot access `jre-6u11-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory07:01
gtoasthisto: ok that looks like it worked. Do you happen to know the difference between "Add/Remove" and the Synaptic package manager?07:01
kai1akorpija, power settings should tell you that if you close the lip of your laptop and it's set to "Do nothing", I think it will do just that, but it sohuld still turn off the screen?07:01
sekyourboxyou have to give it execute permissions?07:01
DaNkshow do i exclude a package from being installed07:02
histoAparently add/remove is not using the full repo list. Synaptic package manager uses what ever is in sources.list.  Which is what command line apt-get aptitude etc.. would use.07:02
histo!apt > gtoast07:02
ubottugtoast, please see my private message07:02
gnutronsekyourbox: the file needs to be in your current directory, preferably  /home/your-username/07:02
darnellanyone know of a linux application like http-tunnel07:02
darnellcant get it to run with wine or crossover07:02
sekyourboxgnutron, I just right-click the desktop where the file resides07:02
sekyourboxright-click term07:02
gnutronsekyourbox: can you open a terminal?07:03
sekyourboxgnutron, anyway, i just use the gui to change it to allow execution07:03
gnutronsekyourbox: that will probably work07:03
sekyourboxgnutron, Couldn't display "/home/testuser/Desktop/1.bin".07:03
akorpijakail yea it's set to "Blank Screen" when i close the lid07:03
=== tomcheng76_lunch is now known as tomcheng76
akorpijakail i thought it might be a physical problem but it works fine in windows...07:04
sekyourboxgnutron, do you know of an easy to get JRE.  I thaought i had it already.07:04
akorpijait's always been a problem since 7.0407:04
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gnutronsekyourbox: open a terminal type 'mv Desktop/*.bin ..  hit enter, it should now be in your home dir, then ./filename.bin07:05
kai1akorpija, I am sorry but I do not know how to assist you further than making that suggestion :( I apologise07:05
akorpijakail thanks anyway!07:05
dav7btw, about dav7_, that's an IRC client I'm making... sorry for the slight disturbance :P07:06
dav7(it's crashing, etc)07:06
dav7#ubuntu = great testing channel xD07:06
bdelin88anyone know of a good audio mixing/editing program besides stupid audacity that's not working07:06
tomcheng76qnutron: is there a quick way to know the user is identified in the irc server or not? way i found is /msg NickServ info username07:06
sekyourboxbdelin88, see what they use in ubuntu studio07:07
dav7bdelin88: you might also say why audacity isn't working... it's actually pretty good07:07
gnutronsekyourbox: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre in a terminal.07:07
PUNISHERhello, my dear friends!07:07
bdelin88dav7: yes i know it's great, but the freaking sound doesn't play on mine, it works perfectly on windows!07:07
bdelin88and he left07:08
prontohttp://pronto185.com/linux/screens/other/12_04_08_02:02:48window.png how do i stop that from happening07:08
kai1Anyone, /dev/sda1 == /dev/hd0,2?07:08
gnutronbdelin88: install amarok, its much better07:08
waanHow do I get firefox to remember its window position? localstore.rdf already has the correct permissions07:08
dav7kai1: no.07:08
bdelin88AUDIO EDITING07:08
histobdelin88, what is wrong?07:08
dav7kai1: and it's (hd0,2).07:08
bdelin88histo: i am so damn tired of having to configure every little thing i want to install on ubuntu07:08
histobdelin88, like what?07:09
dav7bdelin88: well, if audacity isn't working, it's likely a sound issue. there are no real absolutes there; you might just try poking around in preferences->audio07:09
bdelin88for instance... audacity07:09
dav7histo: programs, configuration, drivers, X, etc07:09
kai1dav7, just trying to get grub figured out... my windows partition is on /dev/sda1, so i was looking at something and it looks like it was from sda0 to hd0,107:09
dav7kai1: linux numbers from 1 upwards07:09
histodav7, bdelin88 Well I run gnome and have to configure very little so perhaps you can eloborate.07:09
dav7kai1: grub numbers from 0 upwards07:09
bdelin88it should be an absolute, it tells me that ubuntu doesn't know what the heck is going on and that windows actually does07:09
dav7kai1: sd[a][1] -> (hd0,0)07:10
dav7kai1: a -> 0, and 1->007:10
dav7kai1: b->1, 2->107:10
dav7kai1: and so on07:10
bdelin88bc i run audacity in windows, no problem07:10
kai1dav7, would this be approperiate to load Vista from GRUB dev/sda1 then? : http://pastebin.com/m32524da807:10
histobdelin88, you shoulnd't have to configure audacity in ubuntu.  Just install it.07:10
histobdelin88, sudo aptitude install audacity07:11
bdelin88histo: I know, that's what I am getting at07:11
dav7kai1: nuke the "makeactive" line... and make 2 107:11
histobdelin88, what that you have to install something you want to use?07:11
bdelin88histo: yes i have audacity on ubuntu, and the playback DOES NOT WORK, no sound at all, even though the mixer visuals are reporting that sound is being played, and my sound works fine on this system07:11
dav7kai1: that otherwise looks like it'd probably work07:11
kai1Dav7: How do you mean, Nuke? I get an error when loading windows "Error 23: Error while parsing number"07:11
histobdelin88, what version of ubuntu are you running?07:12
bdelin88histo: intrepid07:12
dav7kai1: remove07:12
histobdelin88, what type of audio file are you trying to play?07:12
dav7kai1: as in, a bomb nukes and... it's gone... etc... xD07:12
bdelin88histo: it's an mp3, and yes i installed the lame mp3 codec07:12
kai1Gotcha, chief, so this should stop the "error23" thing then?07:12
prontohttp://pronto185.com/linux/screens/other/12_04_08_02:02:48window.png how do i stop that from happening ? it happens when ever i ssh some where >.<07:12
pkhow do you get the coloured nicknames?07:13
histobdelin88, so you have mp3 playback wiht other apps such as rythmbox?07:13
osxfr33kWhich Wireless Laptop PCI-e A/B/G/n would be considered the most comptible or best suited to work out of the box and to be the better performer card?  Atheros?  Maybe AR5008?  Netgear if they make one?07:13
bdelin88it downloaded the beta from the repo... wow, maybe that's it, but still, that's pathetic, i don't want a beta07:13
bdelin88histo: yes07:13
histobdelin88, do you get any errors with audacity?07:14
pkhow do you get the coloured nicknames?07:14
bdelin88histo: no errors07:14
bdelin88histo: i have tried all of the audio preferences in audacity and all fail07:14
pk 07:14
pkhow do you get the coloured nicknames?07:14
pk 07:14
FloodBot2pk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:14
gnutronbdelin88: don't you want audacious for simple mp3 playback?07:14
sproingiemy goodness wubi is slick07:14
histobdelin88, ahh audacity dosn't support pulse audio07:14
bdelin88gnutron: no i want to edit audio files07:14
sproingieis the tool for escaping wubi into a real partition stable?07:14
gnutronbdelin88: i see.07:15
bdelin88histo: well good news, i have no idea what pulse audio is, i just know i have realtek07:15
histobdelin88, well audacity has no support for the sound driver that is being used by intrepid07:15
bdelin88well that's wonderful07:15
gnutronbdelin88: hardy...07:16
bdelin88unless i can easily downgrade to hardy, i am not setting up this thing again07:16
histobdelin88, let me see if there is a bug.07:16
dayz-ivxxdoes the upgrading always go slow o.0  i know i should get higher dl rate then 60 +/- few07:17
bdelin88i have been tinkering with all of these setups and things and finally have stuff how i want it... and no, i am not going to hardy because of something like this, this is ridiculous07:17
bdelin88there has to be aworkaround07:17
akorpijadoes anybody know why my laptop screen stays on even when the lid is closed and i'm using an external monitor?07:17
WebcamWonderLastime I checked, Audacity was broken with PA07:17
gnutronbdelin88: i wouldn't touch intrepid with a long, long stick.07:18
bdelin88that's really terrible news though, bc all the other audio editors in the repo that i have downloaded suck07:18
bdelin88gnutron: then why did they release it07:18
Hikefubdelin88, maybe you can remove PA and use alsa07:18
bdelin88gnutron: if their goal is to get new users, and migrate users from windows, why release something that is not good07:19
tomcheng76bdelin88: sorry, i have only see some of the response, why dont u uninstall pulseaudio ?07:19
gavimobiledoes ddrescue copy the content of the disk, or the entie disk?07:19
bdelin88Hikefu: all of my audio is setup on alsa already i thought, according to my sound settings07:19
gnutronbdelin88: great question, i wonder myself. its great if your hardware was tested by the developers.07:19
WebcamWonderIf I am not mistaken, The Alsa in Intrepid is just a PA plugin to emulate ALSA if I am not mistaken07:19
gavimobilemy disk which im copying is 31.3 gb and my iso ive created with ddrescue is 32.0 gb07:19
gnutronit oughta be in beta still, but thats just my opinion.07:20
bdelin88i am using REALTEK audio drivers, those are VERY common drivers07:20
Hikefubdelin88, have you made sure that you have the proper audio out devices properly selected. Perhaps there is a pref in audacity too?07:20
bdelin88well how much time is this going to cost me07:20
bdelin88i just want to edit an mp3 file my god07:20
bdelin88Hikefu: yes, i have tried all of them07:20
gnutronbdelin88: good point, it is good, on the hardware they tested. all else its a crap-shoot.07:20
osxfr33kWhich Wireless Laptop PCI-e A/B/G/n would be considered the most comptible or best suited to work out of the box and to be the better performer card?  Atheros?  Maybe AR5008?  Netgear if they make one?07:21
bdelin88i already still have to figure out how i am going to even just charge my blackberry phone off of usb, which doesn't get the correct amount of current07:21
WebcamWonderbdelin88: In Audacity's sound preferences, can you see something like dev/dsp?07:21
osxfr33kCompatible sorry07:21
bdelin88WebcamWonder: let me look07:21
gnutrongavimobile: man ddrescue in a terminal, i dont know.07:21
bdelin88WebcamWonder: you mean "Device:" under playback?07:21
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Yup07:22
bdelin88WebcamWonder: yes i have tried all of them listed, and nothing07:22
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Does it list dev/dsp?07:22
bdelin88WebcamWonder: no, only also crap07:22
bdelin88WebcamWonder: no only alsa crap*07:22
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Ok, do one thing. Close Audacity completely. Press ALT + F2, and type: padsp audacity07:23
waanHow do I get firefox to remember its window position? localstore.rdf already has the correct permissions07:23
bdelin88done it07:23
bdelin88WebcamWonder: done it, sry07:23
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Now go back to the devices, and tell me if you see /dev/dsp07:23
Hikefubdelin88, have you read this? http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup07:24
bdelin88WebcamWonder: YOU ARE A F*KIN GENIUS!07:24
bdelin88WebcamWonder: pardon my french07:24
WebcamWonderbdelin88: use /dev/dsp. And try to play an Mp307:24
Hikefubdelin88, it specifically addresses audacity and pa07:24
WebcamWonderHikefu: I am guiding him from there07:24
bdelin88WebcamWonder: hmm that was wierd07:24
HikefuWebcamWonder, great :)07:24
WebcamWonderbdelin88: ?07:24
bdelin88WebcamWonder: it went gray for a few seconds07:24
bdelin88WebcamWonder: yep it's broken now lol07:25
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Yeah that would be the OSS wrapper kicking in07:25
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Did it unfreeze?07:25
bdelin88it unfroze, but still broke07:25
WebcamWonderbdelin88: So, no sound?07:25
bdelin88WebcamWonder: let me try again, got to remember what to type in07:26
WebcamWonderpadsp audacity07:26
WebcamWonderMake sure to turn off anything that might be using sound. Just stop all media players07:26
WebcamWonderIt is not necessary, but a precaution07:26
bdelin88WebcamWonder: oops, i launche amarok by mistake :-P07:26
bdelin88WebcamWonder: 1 sec07:27
histobdelin88, do you have libasound2-plugins installed?07:27
=== hc is now known as hischild
hischildGood morning.07:28
bdelin88WebcamWonder: seems stable now07:28
goldmetalwhere is korean ubuntu channel? what's da name?07:28
bdelin88WebcamWonder: think you can help me get my blackberry to charge? :)07:28
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Ok. Stable is not the argument. The fact that it actually plays your MP3 is the point :)07:28
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Is it playing?07:28
bdelin88WebcamWonder: haha wow... yea it plays and is stable, so two good things07:28
bdelin88now do i have to padsp every time i run it?07:29
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Haha. Yeah, I have been through this mess too many times by now. I have spent too much time googling, reading and experimenting with sound system07:29
SmokeyDhey people. My sound settings do not work. In preferences->sound->sounds I set the login sound to disabled, but I still hear it everytime I log in07:29
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Yes, but you can make a shortcut out of it07:29
SmokeyDother sounds that I disabled are indeed disabled, but the login sound isn't07:29
bdelin88WebcamWonder: just set a command for that right?07:29
SmokeyDcan I find these settings somewhere in text files?07:30
sproingiewow, amazing what a dpi tweak can do to make linux fonts look less sucktastic07:30
WebcamWonderbdelin88:  Yup.07:30
sproingiewent from 96dpi to 92dpi and it looks terrific now07:30
bdelin88WebcamWonder: see i am not a complete noob at this.... i am just frustrated at the amount of tinkering...07:30
bdelin88WebcamWonder: ...do you have time to work with me on this blackberry issue u think?07:30
bdelin88WebcamWonder: it registers on my usb list and everything, but is not giving it the current that it needs to charge properly07:31
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Audacity is sending your sound to an old sound system known as OSS. PulseAudio captures that and plugs that into its sound system. Essentially, as far as Audacity is concerned, you are on an old sound system :). But hey it works :)07:31
bdelin88WebcamWonder: hey i don't care as long as i can hear it07:31
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Haha :). As far as blackberry is concerned, I am at loss. I have had 0 experiene with that kind of things07:31
sproingieanyone with an auzentech x-fi gotten sound working?  ubuntu only wants to detect my onboard sound which i don't even use07:31
bdelin88WebcamWonder: oh well... thanks a ton :)07:32
WebcamWonderbdelin88: No problem. Glad to help :)07:32
bdelin88anyone want to help me get my blackberry charging?07:32
bdelin88i am not a complete rtard at this, so you're working with some experience here :)07:32
ugumtumy ubuntu seem to hang like very random 15 minutes or so, any ideas what the cause is?07:32
ugumtuit hangs for like a minute07:33
ugumtuits very annoying07:33
ugumtumy mouse and everything works, alt-tab lets me access other programs07:33
ugumtubut it seems firefox just hangs07:33
ugumtuand so does couple other apps07:33
bdelin88WebcamWonder: man, audacity is raping my cpu's  though, wow07:33
ugumtuany idea07:33
ugumtuwhat the hell is irritating me07:33
ugumtuthis way?07:33
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ugumtuit  really bothers me especially when im in middle of a wack off session07:34
WebcamWonderbdelin88: Yes. That is one of the unfortunates of using an emulation wrapper. Unfortunately, Audacity isn't upto par with the latest in Linux Sound System07:34
WebcamWonderbdelin88: http://andy.hillhome.org/blog/2007/03/01/blackberry-charging-in-linux/07:34
=== [1]opx is now known as opx
SmokeyDugumtu: do you have network mounts (nfs/cifs/etc)?07:34
ugumtuquad core cpu07:34
dltaylorAnyone here use or know how to setup BEA's JDK, JRockit?07:34
ugumtusata2 hd07:34
ugumtu2gb ram07:35
bdelin88WebcamWonder: ah damnit it crashed again :(07:35
Hikefubdelin88, what do you want to do with audacity? I tried out http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/mp3splt_page/home.php recently.07:35
Hikefubdelin88, worked well for me.07:36
histobdelin88, i've been meaning to figure out how to get my bb charging as well. Let me look some stuff up.07:36
SmokeyDugumtu: hmm, strange. I wouldn't know what it could be them. It sounds like somehow your computer locks up on an operation which times out or something and then returns control. Try to determine exactly what operation is being performed that locks up07:36
bdelin88Hikefu: i just want it to work like normal, like it is supposed to lol07:36
wisemanThe finest of evenings, one and all07:36
ugumtuhow do i do that07:36
Hikefuwell mp3split is nice, at least for basic stuff07:37
ugumtui really need this fixed07:37
bdelin88histo:  have you tried the barry project? i just installed it, and even though it is detected on ubuntu as a RIM device, it is not detected by barry, so yea, totally awesome stuff07:37
travanyone running ubuntu in an active directory environment?07:37
ugumtuits important i have a stress-free wack off session in middle of the night07:37
SmokeyDugumtu: just switch off all apps and deamons running in the background. If the problem disappears, try starting the programs/deamons one by one untill the problem reappears07:37
bdelin88i don't even care about syncing i just want the freaking thing to charge07:37
hischild!enter | ugumtu07:37
ubottuugumtu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:37
ugumtuits the only time im able to relieve my stress07:37
histobdelin88, I haven't messed with any of it. I see that there is a piece of software called bcharge that does the handshake so you can get the power boos tto chage07:37
SmokeyDthen you know you found the culprit07:37
Sangokuhow do i get winrar to work in Ubuntu?07:38
hischild!rar | Sangoku07:38
ubottuSangoku: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:38
akorpijaAnybody know why when i pushe CTRL + F the terminal pops up instead of a Find field???07:38
ugumtu!rar | ugumtu07:38
ubottuugumtu, please see my private message07:38
AB12Sang, why winrar? use 7zip!07:38
whyameyeanybody with experience with -vhook on ffmpeg? I need to make an image mask for my videos and cannot figure it out.07:38
ugumtu!openvz | ugumtu07:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openvz07:38
Sangokuprefer winrar, downloaded it but can't extract07:39
d-bhi um wtf ? i install ubuntu on a secondary hard disk and you guys (this is the server installation) fix my first hard disk grub to boot of that ?07:39
ikoniaD[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D[D/mode +b wiseman!*@!#ubuntu-ops07:39
WIGGMPkcan ayone give me a link to Intrepid Ibex alternative cd (daily build)07:39
hischildclose one ikonia :-)07:39
d-bis this on purpose or is this just a rc issue within the 8.10 server install ?07:39
ugumtuanyone know of a good porn site btw?07:39
hischild!ot | ugumtu07:39
akorpijaAnybody know why when i pushe CTRL + F a terminal-like program pops up??07:39
ubottuugumtu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:39
travSangoku, why would you go through all the trouble when there's a native program that does the same thing?07:39
tobagowhen i do gnome-terminal -e "cd /home/tobago/work" in my bash, then i receive message: "An Error raised while creating a childprocess". what's going wrong?07:39
bdelin88i think i'm going back to windows... this is just too much07:40
Sangokuwhat's the program?07:40
ugumtuok sry07:40
ugumtui really thought #ubuntu and porn go toghether07:40
SmokeyDSangoku: what kind of archive is it? tar.gz?07:40
wisemanSangoku: if you download the restricted formats package, you will be able to access rar07:40
travI'm not going back to windows07:40
travI don't miss it one bit07:40
d-bugumtu: oh funny. not anymore. that was ages back.07:40
Sangokuit in .rar format07:40
bdelin88trav: u must live in a box then? :)07:40
gavimobileis there a faster way to save data something faster than ddrescue07:41
hischild!rar | Sangoku (please read this)07:41
ubottuSangoku (please read this): rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free07:41
Sangokuwhere do i find the restricted formats package07:41
histobdelin88, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190938&highlight=blackberry07:41
d-bgavimobile: mmm maybe rsync.07:41
bdelin88trav: bc i need to connect with the outside world and function wiothout so much tinkering07:41
ugumtui think if there was a stat, ubuntu users would have the highest concentration of porn on their hard drives07:41
bdelin88histo: i have already installed barry project, and it's a no go07:41
tomcheng76!ot | ugumtu07:41
ubottuugumtu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:41
travoh ok07:41
travI love tinkering07:41
travI love bash07:41
bdelin88trav: yes i do too, but not every dang second i use my computer07:42
Sangokucan't keep up with all the text here, thanks ubottu07:42
Sangokuwill have a look07:42
travI don't know how I'll ever go back to DOS at work07:42
ugumtutalking about porn is entertaining07:42
ugumtuyou should try it tomcheng07:42
sproingieugumtu: you talking at all is not07:42
travI mean I have my SCO server, but that's not the same07:42
bdelin88trav: what are you talking about07:42
bdelin88trav: windows hasn't been on dos in forever07:43
travSCO unix07:43
ikoniatrav: this is an ubuntu support channel, please try to keep on topic07:43
ubottuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer07:43
bdelin88ikonia is part of the ubuntu channel police :P07:43
travI just mean the command prompt07:44
MrEgg964Hi all :) After an upgrade to Intrepid that went fairly wrong (laptop overheated and stopped in the middle of the process :( ), my nfs and cifs mounts no longer mount automatically at boot. I'm thinking maybe reconfiguring the mount package. Should I try : dpkg-reconfigure mount, or would that be stupid?07:44
travon windows07:44
travok I'm done now07:44
sproingiegood golly, that wiki page is a tour de force of useless07:44
hischildbdelin88, he's merely doing his job and well, he was asking for it.07:44
hischildMrEgg964, are the mounts still in your /etc/fstab?07:44
Sangokuwhy can't i run a .exe file from the desktop  of ubuntu?07:44
cubic1273MrEgg964: check /etc/fstab07:44
arrenlex!exe | Sangoku07:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exe07:44
cubic1273er, sorry hischild07:44
hischildSangoku, because you're running on linux, not windows.07:44
hischildcubic1273, why sorry :-)07:45
tomcheng76Sangoku: select wine as the default applications for exe07:45
arrenlexSangoku: You know how you can't run windows programs on a mac and vice versa? It's like that.07:45
Sangokuso how do i install a program?07:45
ikoniaooh , good eyes07:45
MrEgg964Yes, my mounts still are in /etc/fstab - in fact, they get mounted after I manually launch: mount -at cifs and mount -at nfs07:45
Sangokuok, so how do i do it through wine07:45
AB12You can run some .exe files using wine, but I wouldn't recommend that until you get more familiar with the linux system.07:45
arrenlexSangoku: What program are you looking to install? There is usually a linux equivalent.07:45
hischildSangoku, you install the linux versions of software instead of windows software. Wine can do a lot, but far from everything.07:45
sproingieis there a quick howto on how i install my fonts from my windows partition?07:46
bdelin88and when it can't u just whine... har har har har....07:46
Sangokubut i would like to use the windows soft while i'm testing the linux progs.07:46
AB12As a general rule, you can not run windows executables from Linux.07:46
arrenlexSangoku: What software are you looking to run?07:46
AB12without wine atleast07:46
Sangokuutorrent and winrar07:46
sproingieAB12: and usually not with wine07:46
hischildSangoku, this might sounds harsh, but you just can't run windows apps from ubuntu. With wine, you can do SOME, but that is far from all. What software do you want to run, we can probably recommend some others.07:47
arrenlexSangoku: both of those have equivalents that are installed by default. The transmission bittorrent client is installed, and I believe rar is too, as part of the file manager.07:47
tomcheng76Sangoku: deluge for utorrent, file roller for winrar, no need .exe!07:47
sproingiewhat is it with all the pornmonkeys and warezpuppies on the channel tonight?07:47
travsangoku: 7zip and azureus07:47
travrun those instead07:47
hischildMrEgg964, and do they also mount if you just type sudo mount -a     ?07:47
WIGGMPkcan ayone give me a link to Intrepid Ibex alternative cd (daily build)07:47
veryangrymanWIGGMPk: www.ubuntu.com07:48
sproingie7zip is just awesome on windows too07:48
hischildWIGGMPk, there's no real daily build. I suggest you get the minimal CD and make sure you have a network cable plugged in. It will download the required packages during the installation.07:48
Sangokui know but i want then for now until i familiarise myself with the stadard progs.07:48
MrEgg964hischild: I'm trying right now...07:48
veryangrymanWIGGMPk: ctrl+f download07:48
veryangrymandjalil: hi07:48
arrenlexSangoku: Pretend you were on a mac. What would you do in that case to replace your windows programs' functionality?07:48
veryangrymanalarond: high!07:48
WIGGMPkhischild: how is there not a daily build?07:48
veryangrymanashvala: hi-gh!07:48
AB12everyone: Is the format of addressing people in every post required, recommended, or just convenient?07:49
ashvalahigh? what?07:49
tomcheng76!hi | everyone here07:49
ubottueveryone here: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!07:49
WIGGMPkveryangryman: I want the daily build07:49
arrenlexAB12: Your IRC client will highlight the messages with your name on it, so you see them.07:49
MrEgg964hischild: yes, mount -a works also07:49
bdelin88having to charge my bb with vbox :(07:49
veryangrymanWIGGMPk: ok, cant help you with that07:49
arrenlexAB12: If no one used names, this channel would quickly dissolve into a clusterfuck of "who was that to?" and "who was that 'who was that to' to?" and general confusion and hilarity.07:49
AB12arrenlex: cool! I Haven't IRC'd in a long time :)07:49
Semidioswhen I right click on anything in Opera the menu is blank but the icons on the left are there, is there some setting I am missing?07:49
Sangokui  would use the windows progs until i familiarise myself with the MAC. Have never used any Linux OS before and don't know where to start, so if im running the windows progs its easier for me to learn linux07:49
hischildMrEgg964, can you please pastebin the content of /etc/fstab for me?07:49
arrenlexSangoku: How would you use the windows programs on a macintosh?07:50
hischildSangoku, but therein lies the problem, you can't use windows programs on a macintosh.07:50
alarondAB12: it's a format. when someone's addressing you directly the color change.07:50
WIGGMPkveryangryman: I dont understand why you answered if you didnt read the question...07:50
Sangokui don't know, lets forget mac. can you guys help me get winrar and utorrent up and running on ubuntu for now?07:51
pkhow do you get winrar?07:51
=== tomcheng76 is now known as tomcheng76_falla
arrenlexSangoku: You can't do it. You can't run windows programs on Linux. Or, you can, but they won't work well and it will be more of a pain to try to set them up.07:51
veryangrymanWIGGMPk: i still cant help you with it :~ please talk to someone else07:51
Sangokusorry, i meant install07:51
alarondSangoku: why don't u try the linux equivalents. wine is quite unreliable. :P07:51
=== tomcheng76_falla is now known as tomcheng76|nappi
hischildSangoku, how will you learn to use linux if all you use is windows software. Install azureus, ktorrent or even use transmission and you will have the same as utorrent but more.07:51
xat_Sangoku: you'd need wine, and even then, integration of winrar with ubuntu would be rather iffy to set up07:51
arrenlexSangoku: Also, honestly, it's a freaking bittorrent client and an archive tool. You really need time to "gradually ease yourself" into a new archive tool? It's got like one menu!07:52
MrEgg964hischild: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80213/07:52
pkSangoku: you'd need wine, and even then, integration of winrar with ubuntu would be rather iffy to set up07:52
WIGGMPkveryangryman: oh im beyond asking you for help, this is just a human physicy curiosity now.. you didnt read the question completely, then you answered.... why?07:52
pkI agree07:52
alarondhischild: yeah that's true. but at first a bit of windows mollycoddling feels . . . relieving!07:52
AB12Is the a /b/-esque channel or equivalent on this server?07:52
=== tomcheng76|nappi is now known as tomcheng76|nap
arrenlexAB12: General questions in #help, and goofing off in #social07:53
Sangokuok, lets say i dowenload some file with a .rar extension. How do I unrar or unzip or whatever you guys want to call it on Ubuntu?07:53
AB12arrenlex: thanks! On my way :)07:53
hischildSangoku, have you read those pages i made ubottu send you?07:53
arrenlexAB12: Sorry, social channel is #defocus07:53
ikonia!away > tomcheng76|nap07:53
ubottutomcheng76|nap, please see my private message07:53
AB12arrenlex: ok cool07:54
cubic1273MrEgg964: something that happened to me was that networking wasn't enabled when it started trying to resolve hostnames to do my nfs mounts.07:54
jarohi, I'm new to linux an I'm trying to configure my TV card can anyone point me in the right direction07:54
hischildMrEgg964, hmm seems all just fine. Since they're network mounts, could it be that the network isn't up until you login?07:54
gnuxthat's interesting07:54
arrenlex!tv | jaro07:54
ubottujaro: http://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out07:54
hischildalarond, what do you mean?07:55
AB12jaro: Give mythtv a shot!07:55
MrEgg964Network connection is wifi - it isn't up until I log into my session. I thought that as of Intrepid, wifi was up at gdm?07:55
jarowell bebore I get to mythtv I'm trying to make my card work07:55
Sangokuyes i have his but still dohnt understand07:55
alarondhischild: meant that using linux progs for usual windows tasks is necessary07:56
hischildMrEgg964, no. It doesn't come up until after you login, as i think those settings are account dependend.07:56
alarondbut initially it can be intimidating.07:56
arrenlexSangoku: You cannot run windows programs under Linux. There is no practical, simple way. So, use the linux equivalents. It's easy. Make sense?07:56
hischildalarond, you have to get used to it yes, but after that all things go so much faster. And it didn't even take me a lot of time.07:56
lancaoHi I am also new to Linux how to config the sound in the virtual box for win XP?07:56
aftertafSangoku: you can google 'linux windows equivalents' and see a huge table of corresponding sowfware....07:57
jim_plancao, do you have the audio enabled in your guest os settings?07:57
abliHi! what is the preferred way to generate non-utf8 locales? Apparently 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' won't let me choose which locales to generate, is editing a /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local really how this should be done?07:57
jim_plancao, and which is host and which is guest?07:57
abli(on hardy)07:57
jaroubottu, thanks, I will read more on that site. would you lease give me an inside on where to go my card config file07:58
MrEgg964Ok - but I'm still thinking something is wrong with my settings. As another example, my usb external drive doesn't get automatically mounted as I plug it in, and I have to manually mount it. It used to mount automatically in /media.07:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:58
hischild!locales | abli07:58
ubottuabli: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf07:58
lancaothe host is ubuntu07:58
alarondhischild: yeah. i remembered my first time when Sangoku was searching for the wine apps.07:58
jim_pabli, i edit /etc/locale.gen and then             sudo locale-gen07:58
Semidioswhen I right click on anything in Opera the menu is blank but the icons on the left are there, is there some setting I am missing?07:59
Sangokuok, now im getting ready to shoot someone.07:59
ablijim_p, there is no /etc/locale.gen07:59
* abli checks out the wiki-page07:59
aftertafSangoku: :) what you need in linux that makes you want to use win apps?07:59
prodigelhi all. where does ubuntu keep http cookies?07:59
jarothanks, do you have all this links on a list? you are so fast...07:59
hischildSangoku, calm down. You want to use ubuntu, then use it. If you only want to use windows software, it might be better to just use windows.07:59
aftertafprodigel: /var/cookie/jar08:00
d-bok so no one can tell me if it is by design, that ubuntu will modify the grub on all /dev/sda /dev/hda etc. upon a new server installation. thus making the grubs which should NOT be touched broken when ubuntu is removed etc.08:00
aftertafprodigel: bad joke ;)08:00
d-bSangoku: well. what are you trying to do ?08:00
jim_plancao, there is for me!    $ ls /etc | grep locale            locale.alias locale.gen08:00
prodigelaftertaf, I was about to go there :)08:00
SangokuI'm now trying to unrar a film which i downloaded from a wareez board. Yes, the files are in .rar format and the standard Archive Manager does not extract the files.08:00
aftertafprodigel: i think it depends on navigator.....08:00
abliBtw. will anything blow up if I have users who have utf8 set in $LANG and other users who have non-utf8 $LANG?08:00
SangokuHow do i get them to extract?08:00
aftertafSangoku: install unrar08:00
jim_pabli, there is for me!    $ ls /etc | grep locale            locale.alias locale.gen08:00
aftertaf!info unrar08:00
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.8.2-1 (intrepid), package size 96 kB, installed size 244 kB08:00
lancaoexcuse me?08:01
jim_plancao, do you have aydio enables in the settings of xp?08:01
ablijim_p, but not in the default hardy install08:01
jim_plancao, sorry i misstyped the answer08:01
hischildlancao, and the audio works on your ubuntu?08:01
jim_plancao, can you try installing vbox additions in xp08:01
lancaoyes it works on ubuntu08:02
aftertafSangoku: problem being RAR format is not free for distribution... so cant be included out of the box08:02
jim_pabli, can you please do an               ls /etc | grep locale08:02
lancaotoday I tried it showed in win XP08:02
hischildlancao, you have the vbox additions installed in xp?08:02
ablijim_p, locale.alias08:02
jim_pabli, let me check what mine locale.alias says08:03
abliubottu, I see no localeconf package. Is that only in intrepid?08:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:03
lancaoyes after I install guest addition, at appeared in win XP08:03
Sangokuwhere do i find unrar? it's not in the add/remove applications program08:03
hischild!rar | Sangoku (___read it ____)08:03
ubottuSangoku (___read it ____): rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free08:03
jim_pabli, just some weird codes-to-language chart08:04
Sangoku !info unrar-free08:04
ablijim_p, I know. I did look at that.08:04
=== tomcheng76|nap is now known as tomcheng76
jim_pSangoku, come on                        sudo apt-get install unrar                 is it that hard?08:05
Sangoku!info unrar-free08:05
ubottuunrar-free (source: unrar-free): Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20071127-1 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB08:05
aftertafSangoku: you need to enable other repositories, like multiverse08:05
jim_pabli, are you on 8.10?08:05
aftertafer universe08:05
aftertaf!universe | Sangoku08:05
ubottuSangoku: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories08:05
ablijim_p, I'm on hardy08:06
macoi just installed 8.10. is it "normal" for evolution's migration thing for sqlite to sit at 0% for over 10 minutes?08:06
d-bok so no one can tell me. that is just great. nice ubuntu server install makes your secondardy installs on another disk redundant and kills them off. how nice.08:06
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macod-b: what's the question?08:06
d-bi hope this is just my experience08:06
jim_pd-b, why?08:06
lancaoThe procedure is in the virtural box go to unmount CD\DVD and then go to install guest addition,right?08:06
d-bwell i installed ubuntu server 8.10 and now i get an error 21. on my primary disk.08:06
macod-b: a grub error?08:07
jim_plancao, yea08:07
ablihischild, Isn't that page you sent me a bit outdated? localeconf is not available for hardy or intrepid.08:07
d-bwhich is a debian etch installation. mm it might just be loose cabling but i doubt it. i will get back to you. need to keep fiddling for a bit. if its a real issue then i will let you know - just annoyed (ok now)08:07
lancaoI did it, but no speaker appear on the win XP cpnner08:07
* d-b shouldn't take long to fix ^^08:07
macod-b: is it grub thats giving the error? what disk did you install grub on? are there both ide and sata drives involved?08:08
xTheGoat121xHi all... I've noticed that my system no longer plays a shutdown sound when I turn off the PC anymore... did they change that with 8.04?08:08
Sangokui give up, my bedtime. see you guys08:08
abliOk, I ask again: what is the officially reccomended way to set the list of locales to generate (on hardy and intrepid)? 'dpkg-reconfigure locales' does not ask for any settings, localeconf package is not available, and I am sure that editing a file by hand under /var/lib is _not_ the way to do it.08:08
macoxTheGoat121x: maybe you have it disabled? or your speakers are muted?08:08
d-bmaco: two hda disks (ide ) i assumed grub was only modified on the disk i installed on. that's all.08:09
macod-b: which disk did you tell it to install on?08:09
macod-b: er, which disk did you tell *grub* to install on?08:09
xTheGoat121xmaco, those were my first two thoughts... no to both, all other sounds are fine on my system.08:09
genii!cn | wudi08:09
ubottuwudi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:09
d-bmaco: wasn't given an option. so i assume the one i put ubuntu on.08:10
* wudi says sorry08:10
d-bits fine i keep a copy of /boot on my usb ^^08:11
lancaosome one said add myself to the groups, so I also added myself to all groups but for winbbin??% I can't do that08:11
macod-b: the option of where to install grub is in the advanced settings on the last page of the installer08:11
jim_pdoes anyone know a nice app that can make plots? gnuplot is a bit hard for me08:12
d-bmaco: mmm i wasn't in advanced installer i was in the normal one i believe.08:12
d-bjim_p: um charts or plots ? openoffice calc can do some nice things.08:12
macod-b: the normal desktop installer has an advanced button at the end for configuring that08:12
macod-b: -_- oh what helpful grub error. 21 apparently means "unknown boot error"08:13
jim_pd-b, plots like... y=x^2  :P08:13
d-boh um there is another app let me find it for you jim_p08:13
NeurologicQuestion: I just switched over my theme, and such, made a bunch of appearance customizations, and suddenly my mute button my laptop isn't responding. It used to work, not it's not, any ideas?08:13
macojim_p: um, do you know python? because cairoplot for python makes beautiful ones08:13
d-bmaco: looks like my cable came loose after all then (i think).08:13
jim_pmaco, no :( i prefer a gui one please08:13
Neurologicnow it's not*08:14
d-bNeurologic: try looking in keyboard shortcuts08:14
macojim_p: ok. i cant help then. but i agree gnuplot is O_O08:14
d-bjim_p:  um there is kmplot08:14
jim_pNeurologic, this does not seem like a theme problem. look at some keyboard shortcut08:14
macoright so back to hat i was asking... is it normal that evolution says 0% migrated after uh...20 minutes?08:15
jim_pthansk d-b08:15
Neurologicd-b and jim_p, keyboard shortcut is accurate.08:15
bdelin88ok before i go to bed... i have this problem where randomly, ALL of my desktop icons and everything on the desktop, files, directories, etc. all disappear and i can't even right click, what is the deal?  (compiz and 3d are still running perfectly btw)08:15
jim_pNeurologic, is that button "recognised" by xorg when pressed?08:16
macoright so back to hat i was asking... is it normal that evolution says 0% migrated after uh...20 minutes? oh, and use 100% of cpu?08:16
bdelin88i can right-click on anything else, just not on the desktop08:16
macobdelin88: nautilus crashed08:16
Neurologicd-b and jim_p, This is the mute...touch-key on my dell, and it is recognized, it used to work, all of a sudden it isn't, it may have been the recent updates possibly?08:16
bdelin88well that is neat08:16
bdelin88maco: how do i get it to never do that again08:16
macoNeurologic: thatd do it08:16
jim_pbdelin88, killall nautilus                 and make sure nautilus draws your desktop08:16
bdelin88maco: because i just restarted and it's like that08:17
d-bmaybe. shouldn't tho.08:17
Neurologicmaco, why? O_o Do I need to reboot?08:17
macobdelin88: uh...to never crash? well if you can figure out why it crashed and file a bug, maybe itll be fixed?08:17
jim_pNeurologic, what did you update?08:17
bdelin88maco: lol ok...08:17
macoNeurologic: if it was the kernel or hal or ....a few othr things, it could be a regression caused by the update08:17
bdelin88maco: that fixed it08:17
alarond_everyone: yasm or nasm for learning Asm on intrepid?08:17
bdelin88alright, night ubuntu, tomorrow, i fix my fstab from hell08:18
Neurologicjim_p, just everything that was in the update notification08:18
Neurologicmaco, so does that mean I need to reboot or something? O_o I have no idea what a regression is lol08:18
jim_pNeurologic, there is a log somewhere for it, but i dont know where08:19
macoNeurologic: regression means they broke something when they tried to fix something else in an updatee08:19
bdelin88Hikefu: was i just talkin to you about audacity and pulse?08:19
christianphi all08:19
Neurologicmaco, oh O_o well...bleh, I want my mute button lol08:20
alarond_christianp: hello there08:20
christianpdoes anyone can help me in make my virtual desktop larger than the actual one?08:20
macoNeurologic: i'd guess hal, acpi, or your sound driver would control it. most likely is acpi08:20
christianpin 8.04 i add subsection "screen" and virtual08:20
bdelin88Hikefu: let me just say that i had a much more pleasant experience just uninstalling pulse audio completely and having it go back to alsa, very simple process :) and it worked...08:20
victamowersound out of my rear 5.1 speakers is very quiet, all volume controls are unmuted and turned right up, what can I do?08:20
christianpin 8.10 the same seems not to work08:20
macovictamower: file a bug08:20
victamowerspeaker-test -Dplug:surround51 -c6 -twav08:20
victamowerI'm using that to test08:21
dabossjoin #ubuntu.it08:21
victamowerI'm sure it's a config issue, I just want to fix it!08:21
Neurologicmaco, so basically there's nothing I can do, until there's another update?08:21
Hikefu bdelin88, great. I'm using openbox instead of kde or gnome, with alsa on intrepid, and i'm happier08:21
macovictamower: have you ever had loud sound out of that sound card?08:21
macoNeurologic: you can force it back to the old version...08:21
Neurologicmaco, eh, is it worth it? or do they bug fix for things like this?08:22
histoNeurologic, you should have old packages in /var/cache/apt/archives08:22
macoNeurologic: they do do bug fixes for that. if you tag something "regression" in launchpad when you report it, it'll get more attention08:22
Neurologicmaco, alright, I'll file a bug report then08:23
macoNeurologic: if you enabled Proposed in System -> Administration -> Software Sources, say that in the bug. that's the repo for testing updates.  if any regrssions are noticed in it, they're not released to the Updates repository08:23
Neurologicmaco, I don't have that checked08:24
macoNeurologic: ok08:25
Neurologicmaco, should I still file it?08:25
macoNeurologic: yes08:25
macoNeurologic: if you run ls -lArt /var/cache/apt/archives it'll show (at the bottom of the trminal) the most recently updated packages. read through the ones that say today's date and see if one is acpi08:26
shtrbwhere can i get package information (like packages.debian.org )08:26
binarymutantdoes anyone know a way to convert firefox bookmarks into something usable from the command line?08:26
macoshtrb: packages.ubuntu.com08:27
macoshtrb: we follow most of debian's conventions, i think08:27
jim_pone more request. i need a simple image manipulation app, like gimp, but single windowed. I have tried all gimp derivatives like gimpshop and all are ...08:27
Neurologicmaco, ehm, I have an odd message at the bottom08:27
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
shtrboops ..08:27
macoNeurologic: odd message?08:27
macojim_p: krita?08:27
Neurologicmaco, drwxr-xr-x 2 root root     4096 2008-12-04 01:25 partial08:27
shtrbmaco , thanks08:28
NeurologicWhat does that mean?08:28
macoNeurologic: that's a folder where updates that aren't done downloading go til they finish downloading08:28
Neurologicmaco, oh, well, nothing for today, but yet I did a bunch of updates, I know it O_O08:28
Neurologicmaco, unless it didn't work?08:28
macojim_p: not sure what's wrong with gimp's windows. it's the same way photoshop work.08:28
jim_pmaco, a bit less i-require-hald-kde-office app?08:29
macoNeurologic: ok look at the newest ones then. it might have the dates the packages were made, like yesterday...08:29
macojim_p: gimp's the reason i started using virtual desktops though :P08:29
Neurologicmaco, last one after that is -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   527650 2008-12-03 17:04 libsnmp-base_5.4.1~dfsg-7.1ubuntu6.1_all.deb -rw-r--r-- 1 root root  1119072 2008-12-03 17:04 libsnmp15_5.4.1~dfsg-7.1ubuntu6.1_i386.deb08:30
jim_pmaco, i dont like gimmp for a) some stuff like effects that require an extra layer that is irrelevant to the original and b) multiple windows mess08:30
macoNeurologic: dont have to read them all...hrm ok hit the up key, then add to the end of what i gave you before: | grep acpi08:30
KillGutahello all08:30
KillGutahow do I sudo the file manager?08:31
macojim_p: a) fair enough b) i'm still wondering what mess :P08:31
macoKillGuta: well it not a great idea because you can break stuff more eaily by accident, but kdesu dolphin08:31
Neurologicmaco, just goes to next line, nothing happens?08:31
macojim_p: i'm looking for the othr one i heard of that was good...08:31
KillGutathanks maco08:31
arghh2d2Irssi: Join to #ubuntu was synced in 15 secs08:31
macoNeurologic: then acpi wasnt updated..08:31
arghh2d2Irssi: Join to #ubuntu was synced in 15 secs08:31
FinnishWhats a good tool to rip DVDs? I need some safety copies08:31
binarymutantFinnish: I like k3b08:32
shantanuhey folks08:32
dayz-ivxxhihi :)08:32
arghh2d2damn crowded in here, i cant hear myself think08:32
jim_pFinnish, shrinkta or k9copy08:32
macoarghh2d2: you're the one that keeps repeating your client...08:32
snekthink outloud, it helps ;)08:32
Neurologicmaco, hum, I'll look into it tomorrow, I'm exhausted =( 3:30 AM here08:32
Finnishjim_p: And I can shrink dvds with it?08:33
dayz-ivxxdid anyone have any problems upgrading to 1.1008:33
FinnishMy primary backup drive is NTFS, so size limit needs to be looked08:34
James296ok, can anyone here PLZ tell me how to properly replace the Mark All Upgrades icon in Synaptic with a much better looking icon? I already found the icon Id like it replaced with, I just wanna know how to do this08:34
jim_pFinnish, yea08:34
jim_pthats what they do :P08:34
=== [1]opx is now known as opx
macojim_p: look at darkroom, cinepaint, and...grr cant find the one i keep reading about08:34
shantanuwas just staring at my screen hoping to look busy08:34
shantanuat office now :|08:34
jim_pmaco, wait wait08:34
macojim_p: hmm?08:35
Finnishjim_p: How do I download it?08:35
jim_pmaco, to look them up in google08:35
shantanuthen i realise xchat looks like work stuff no jhiim jham08:35
jim_pFinnish, sudo apt-get install k9copy08:35
balachmarWhat packages do I need to install to get smb printing going?08:35
jim_pbalachmar, do you have an hp printer?08:35
macojim_p: pixel is the other one08:35
snekshantanu: lol i'm in the same boat08:35
James296anyone plz help me find that out?08:36
shantanusnek: hehe Hi snek08:36
balachmarjim_p: Yes it is a Laserjet 4100, but it is a network printer on the university network08:36
macojim_p: Pixel isn't free. it's a commercial photo editor for linux http://blog.wired.com/monkeybites/2008/01/pixel-photoshop.html08:36
macojim_p: there's a demo version available though08:36
jim_pJames296, synaptic and other gtk apps draw their icons depending on the icon theme you use08:36
dayz-ivxxjim_p, lawl thanks xD 8.10 x.x little tired08:37
jim_pbalachmar, try hplip from the hplip site08:37
macojim_p: that icon isnt part of the theme though08:37
jim_pmaco, really??08:37
James296the Mark All Upgrades icon never changes no matter what theme I use...08:37
snekmaco: wow that's a nice photoshop clone... i likes!08:37
macobalachmar: go to the printer setup thing08:37
jim_pdayz-ivxx, what was the problem?08:37
shantanuanyone got any interesting news?08:38
zirodayshantanu: ask in #ubuntu-offtopic08:38
macobalachmar: system -> admin -> printing08:38
Flannelshantanu: #ubuntu-offtopic would be the place for that, this channel is only fo support08:38
macobalachmar: click new08:38
macobalachmar: Windows Printer via SAMBA08:38
macobalachmar: then just put the IP address in the box on the right08:38
jim_pmaco, where can i find darkroom?08:38
zirodayJames296: unless your theme has a specific icon for that icon then it will not change08:38
macojim_p: its in the repositories08:38
napsteri want to run .exe files on ubuntu, is there any other way than WINE?08:39
=== LBSources- is now known as LBSources
balachmarmaco jim_p: Previously in the new printer dialog I saw Windows Printer via SAMBA. However that option is not available anymore08:39
James296so how DO I manually change that one icon?08:39
dayz-ivxxjim_p, i just upgraded few days ago and it have lots of errors logging in after the start up i believe it was somthing to do with my video so i reinstalled.08:39
jim_pmaco, :| where?08:39
arrenlexnapster: No.08:39
arrenlexnapster: If you have access to a windows key and install disk you could set up vmware\virtual box for yourself.08:39
zirodayJames296: do you have a replacement icon?08:39
jim_pmaco, lol i am an idiot, there it is08:39
balachmarmaco: My question really is how to get that feature back, which package provides that?08:39
zirodayJames296: one sec, and please address :)08:39
napsterWine can run almost every application?08:39
dayz-ivxxwow... i can't type right now maybe i should sleep.08:40
sneknapster: hmm not almost anything...08:40
arrenlexnapster: No, wine only runs a subset of windows apps, although it gets better with every release.08:40
sneknapster: it has problems with some major commercial packages like Adobe CS4 etc08:40
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:40
arrenlexnapster: Look up the program you want to use in wine's database. http://appdb.winehq.com08:40
jim_pmaco, darkroom specializes in raw images :(08:40
macosnek: wait there's a CS4 now?08:40
napsterhmm better idea08:40
maconapster: Wine does up to CS208:40
snekmaco: err yeah lol08:40
macosnek: didnt CS3 come out like 6 months ago?08:41
snekmaco: you missed that?! :D08:41
napsterI'm just looking for installing Cs208:41
napsterand i hope it'll work fine with wine08:41
snekmaco: cs4 photoshop rocks, it has GPU acceleration and the whole package includes 64bit versions too, so it can finally use my 4gb ram :)08:41
macosnek: sorry, i dont pay attention to proprietary software releases. some new versions of windows and the mac thing came out in the last 2 years i heard, though!08:41
macosnek: no app should need 4gb of ram...08:41
jim_pmaco, cinepaint is not in the repos anymore , it stopped in gutsy :(08:42
maconapster: yeah, cs2 works with wine. google sponsored getting that done08:42
snekmaco: depends on your line of business.. my friend runs his own animation studio.. ever tried doing uncompressed video at resolutions over 1080p in a special fx package? ;)08:42
macojim_p: oh. ugh. :-/08:42
jim_pmaco, nevermind. i will look around for pixel08:43
rulotherockhello ppl!08:43
macosnek: no. the extent of my video knowledge is i once used finalcut pro 4 years ago :P08:43
triDo any one know tools to practice network commands ?08:43
macojim_p: http://www.kanzelsberger.com/pixel/ according to Wired the not-free is that it's $38 for the non-trial version08:43
snekmaco: he is actually running out of ram with his current 4gb setup.. next stop is 8gb, and a fibre connection to the server so his 300MB/s raid5 setup can actually be used properly, gigabit isn't cutting it08:44
macotri: does "a real live network" count as a tool?08:44
zirodayJames296: rename the icon to system-upgrade.png and copy it into /usr/share/synaptic/glade08:44
macotri: on a not-joking note, you could make a bunch of vm's and virtually network them08:44
James296I have done that and it doesnt change it...08:44
jim_pmaco, i still cant buy it. no paypal or similar. much less than photoshop though08:44
rulotherocksomebody help changing mi name to user for xubuntu ??08:44
trimaco, you means vmware/ virtual box ?08:45
rulotherockim new xD and mi nick sucks!08:45
macojim_p: you can always try emailing the dev and asking if they accept checks or money orders or something....worth a shot08:45
macotri: yeah08:45
jim_pmaco, true08:45
macorulotherock: system -> adminitration -> users & groups08:45
trimaco, do u know some tutorial for vmware?08:45
snektri: i've setup a little loadbalancing setup in vmware with 4 different vm's hehe, works fine :)08:46
rulotherocktnx  maco! :P08:46
jim_pis there a release DATE for 9.04 already?08:46
snektri: but i was running vmware under OSX not under Ubuntu...08:46
macotri: no. i used virtualbox before...but i just use kvm now. it's built-in to the linux kernel so i see no point in getting extra stuff for it08:46
d-bok i can confirm this.08:46
macojim_p: um, its on the wiki somewhere08:46
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases08:46
d-bthis is an rc bug.08:46
Flanneljim_p: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyReleaseSchedule08:46
d-bin my opinion08:46
rulotherockbut im need login in root really?? for change user name?08:46
macod-b: rc? rc of *what*?08:47
macod-b: there's no current release candidate08:47
zirodayJames296: with the correct permissions?08:47
macoFlannel: thanks. that infobyte thing doesnt do what i thought it did08:47
ziroday!who > James29608:47
ubottuJames296, please see my private message08:47
MaveasIs NPTL included in the linux kernel in Ubuntu?08:47
jim_pFlannel, maco, so 23rd of april!08:47
trimaco, How to install kvm? Do have some tutorial ?08:47
macotri: its built in08:47
jim_pst george day for the orthodox :P08:48
James296ziroday: I believe so?08:48
trimaco, How to run it ?08:48
arrenlex!kvm | tri08:48
ubottutri: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM08:48
jim_ptri, sudo apt-get install kvm         and load its module       sudo modprobe kvm             and use an emulator like qemu to fully utilise its potential08:48
d-bwell dude. i install ubuntu and it trashes my grub install on my first hard disk.08:48
zirodayJames296: okay. see http://www.taimila.com/?q=node/3 and go down to the Misc Icon Improvements section. Try that icon and make sures its set to ugo=rwx08:49
d-bif that's not rc what is ?08:49
jim_ptri, what cpu are you on?08:49
macotri: or i thought it was all built in... hrm ok well the easy thing to do is install ubuntu-vm-builder if you're using 8.04 or python-vm-builder if 8.10 and then use that to setup a bunch of vm's08:49
trijim_p, Thanks08:49
rulotherockin this chat can i talk in spanish? im mexican08:49
James296ziroday: ummm how do I set it to that exactly?08:49
hc_!es | rulotherock08:49
ubotturulotherock: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.08:49
macod-b: uh, well we released in october...08:49
trijim_p, I am using 1.83 dual core ?08:49
d-bmaco: mmm the bug goes back to previous releases08:50
rulotherockohh tnx !!08:50
snekwhat's the difference between using KVM and Xen for example?08:50
jim_ptri, does it have virtualization extentions in it?08:50
macod-b: is that the wrong-disk-when-sata-and-ide-both-there one?08:50
d-bi suggest for the next release give users the option to select the disk to put grub on and only put grub on that disk.08:50
d-bide and ide. no raid.08:50
rulotherockwherever xD thats nice !08:50
trijim_p, no.08:50
jim_ptri, if not, using kvm (the module) is pointless08:50
rulotherocktnx to all!! cya!08:50
zirodayJames296: sudo chmod ugo=rwx <icon>08:50
jim_ptri, you dont gain something08:50
macod-b: oh thats intereting08:50
Flanneld-b: That question is asked during install.08:51
macod-b: they do give that option in the advanced settings08:51
snekDoes KVM re-use any files? or does it make a full image like vmware? i know xen reuses files from the host OS (afaik)08:51
trijim_p, How to check it ?08:51
Flannelmaco: even not advanced settings now08:51
macoFlannel: i just installed intrepid 2 hours ago. it's still in advanced.08:51
d-bFlannel: apparently it is, but only in advanced and otherwise it seems to like breaking my first grub install. which it really shouldn't be touching at all.08:51
jim_ptri, i have an E4500 that lacks the commands too. the kvm module wont load08:51
Flannelmaco: From alternate or desktop?08:51
macoFlannel: desktop08:51
jim_ptri, give me a sec08:51
d-bkeep it simple stupid --> implies that we don't touch it unless asked / needed.08:51
macoFlannel: well, i had to redo with net-intall since 1/2-way through install my cd drive conked out again08:52
Flannelmaco: The last screen before the summary screen gives you the option of where to install GRUB, doesn't it?08:52
James296ziroday: did that, still nothing...08:52
macod-b: er, wouldn't "i need to install on not-th-first-disk" be in the "contains the word 'need' category"?08:52
jim_ptri, cat /proc/cpuinfo               take a close look at the flags setion. no vtx (since its intel) = no kvm module08:52
macoFlannel: no. its in advanced on the summary screen08:52
zirodayJames296: so you tried the icon from the website?08:52
Flannelmaco: Hmmm, that's changed.  Alright.08:53
James296ziroday: dont I like have to remove some kind of index file or something to get it working?08:53
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zirodayJames296: not that I know of, well if that didn't work then I am out of ideas. Sorry08:53
* maco smacks evolution08:53
KillGutahow do I login as root account?08:53
macoKillGuta: you don't08:53
ziroday!root | KillGuta08:53
ubottuKillGuta: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:53
tonyyarusso!root | KillGuta08:53
zirodaytonyyarusso: beat you!08:53
tonyyarussoziroday: not by my client.  Probably a tie really08:54
KillGuta'/home/john' must exist and belong to you in order for the installation to proceed.08:54
KillGutaIf installing as root, you may need to log in as root, use 'su -' or 'sudo -H'.08:54
KillGutaand I am using sudo08:54
KillGutaI get this when trying to install Crossover Games08:54
maco-H? what is THAT?08:54
uhhhhhhey, im having trouble with the b43 driver...anyone have any experience with it?08:54
Flannelsets home08:54
trijim_p, Which flag?08:54
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jim_ptri, there is a line starting with flags right?08:55
KillGutaoups -H worked08:55
macois that almost a Matrix quote on purpose?08:55
KillGutaI used -h08:55
trijim_p, yes08:55
James296I really wish I can change that darn stupid Mark All Upgrades icon in Synaptic...08:55
mapreduceCtrl-x Ctrl-s has stopped working for me in emacs in gnome-terminal.08:55
mapreduceIf I ssh from another computer it works fine.  Any suggestions?08:55
trijim_p, flags: fpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe nx lm constant_tsc arch_perfmon pebs bts pni monitor ds_cpl est tm2 ssse3 cx16 xtpr lahf_lm08:55
jim_ptri, does it say vtx anywhere across that line?08:55
jim_ptri, no :(08:56
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macohow do i make evolution 2.24 migrate my data instead of hanging while using 100% cpu? actually doing what it claims to be doing would be *really* nice.08:56
trijim_p, Do i have next option?08:56
jim_ptri, well you can always install the module, try loading it and if no vtx, it wont load the module08:56
macojim_p: vme is it, i think08:56
trijim_p, Thanks08:57
macojim_p: er, oh vmx or svm according to the wiki08:57
jim_pmaco i have vme but the module does not load. i dont have vtx!08:57
evanotten_Hello, I was wondering if someone could refer me to a page that will help me upgrade from 7.1 to 8.10.  I currently have xp dual booted on my laptop.  Is there like an update or will i be required to remove my current version to do a full install?08:57
Flannel!upgrade | evanotten_08:58
ubottuevanotten_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:58
snekjames296: why? and can't you just use commandline instead? sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade08:58
Flannelevanotten_: you can only upgrade one at a time (7.10 to 8.04, 8.04 to 8.10), but with those two steps, you'll be able to do it.08:58
James296I prefer GUI based08:58
trijim_p, Things i want to do is to  practice network commands as in real time?08:58
evanotten_ok thank you08:58
macojim_p: it was vmx not vme. i just checked the wiki08:59
KillGutais there an app for linux that saves data from scratched CD/DVDs?08:59
c0nfl|ct HI08:59
jim_pmaco, ok, i still dont have it08:59
macoKillGuta: er, isnt that more of a physical problem than a software one?09:00
KillGutamaco have you heard of IsoBuster?09:00
James296would anything happen if I remove the index.theme icon in the hicolor folder?09:00
jim_pKillGuta, dd maybe?09:00
macoKillGuta: id use a Skip Doctor to resurface the disk so it works *everywhere*09:00
jim_pJames296, yes!09:00
James296should I do that?09:00
KillGutawhere can I find "Skip Doctor"?09:01
jim_pJames296, i think that file shows what icon is applied to what place. removeing it is just... stupid. you will have the icons, but nowhere to put them09:02
jim_pJames296, remove the entire icon theme if you dont use it09:02
KillGutawhere can I find skip doctor?09:03
macoKillGuta: it's a physical thing you get at the store. it repairs CDs09:03
* cllaudyu hello09:03
macoKillGuta: that's why i said "a skip doctor" ...since its an item09:04
James296so I take it theres NO way for me to change the icon in Synaptic then...09:04
jim_pKillGuta, try testdisk or photorec if you want an app. both of them are in the reposs09:04
macoKillGuta: ive never heard of trying to fix a cd by ripping it. if it cant be read...i dont know how reading it's going to help...09:04
bmwracer0anyone get b43 working?09:05
bmwracer0i cant09:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about b4309:05
`ph8hi all09:05
jim_pbmwracer0, does the module load?09:05
`ph8Can anyone recommend a way for me to stream from my home machine? I'm in a university so this machine and my home machine are both on the same network - this machine is *.98.124 and my home machine is *.158.233 - the beginning two quads are identical09:06
`ph8i have mt-daapd on 158.23309:06
`ph8but i can't specify a specific machine to share with in itunes09:06
jim_pbmwracer0, then its that "killer app" network manager that does its part. install wicd     wicd.sourceforge.net09:06
`ph8i'm open to using anything09:06
James296well I found the icon in the location /usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/actions, should I replace that one with the new one?09:06
James296AH that did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:09
James296I fixed it woohoo!!!09:09
eeboyAny suggestions for an app to edit PDFs?09:09
jim_pwell done James296 :P09:09
James296lol thnx09:09
jim_peeboy, pdf-editor09:09
ndoGuys, where do i start reading to learn scripting? ty09:10
James296now synaptic looks spiffy, lol09:10
eeboyjim_p: Is that in the repository.... apt-get says not found09:10
jim_peeboy, the package name is pdfedit, my mistake sorry09:10
jim_pJames296, screenshot please!09:10
eeboyjim_p: Thanks!09:11
James296jim_p: lol ok hold on, its only one icon...09:11
James296jim_p: you sure you still want a screenie?09:11
jim_pJames296, yea, upload it to tinypic.com09:12
James296I forget how to send a screen shot lol09:12
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James296well first, create one09:12
jim_pJames296, press the printscreen button lol!!!!09:12
James296how can I select an area to use as a screenshot?09:13
zirodayJames296: you can't do it with the gnome-screenshot tool. However it works with ksnapshot.09:13
James296any other gnome apps I can use?09:13
jim_pJames296, you cant with gnomes screensot tool. use alt+printscreen to capture synaptic only09:13
Syrrehey guys, my problem is this .... there is a button at the top-right corner in ubuntu, wich you click ti shutdown/restart/logoff etc etc .... but something happened and i now only see (guest session, lock screen and log off) ... does anyone know how to get the old layout back ? ... using ubuntu 8.1009:13
xnvSyrre: If I had to guess, the current user is does not have Administrator permissions.09:14
jim_pSyrre, its some gdm option i guess. i also guess that you are not given restart and shutdown optins too09:14
Syrrexnv uhm ok ... but ... errr i have not changed the permissions, that i know of that is .... hmmmmm ....09:15
James296jim_p: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=34sjti0&s=409:15
xnvSyrre: Check System > Administration > Users and Groups09:15
Syrrexnv: im there now, its me and root ... but i cant see where to add the permission, its not in the list09:16
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xnvSyrre: Select the user, click properties, and look under the User Privileges tab. There should be an 'Administer the system' option09:17
James296jim_p: get it?09:17
Syrreadminister the system is checked09:17
xnvSyrre: If that's already set, then I don't know09:17
Syrreah, k ... but thx anyways m8 =P09:17
Jabonehello does anyone have logitech mx5000 or equivalent?09:17
jim_pJames296, well i expected something more fancy burt ok :P09:18
Jabonethis logitech bluetooth dongle is at start in hid mode and I need to have it in hci mode09:18
James296jim_p: ITS GOOD ENOUGH!!!09:19
Syrrexnv: is there a way to power-off the computer usin terminal ?, cause then i dont need the "buttons" =P09:19
James296jim_p: lol09:19
JaboneI succeeded switching the mode and search for bluetooth devices but bluetooth icon does no appear in gnome :(09:19
James296jim_p: MUCH better than the old 8 bit icon...09:19
jim_pSyrre, sudo poweroff      or              sudo init 0                   or           sudo shutdown -h now09:20
Syrrejim_p: thx =P09:20
d-beh ? mmm ok let me propose a constructive solution then.09:20
jim_pJabone, manually start         bluetooth-applet        and check its settings09:21
jb-firefoxxhi all09:21
d-bby default ubuntu should now, when it detects that the disk you are installing it on is not the first one (that gets booted off) should either prompt or add an entry to boot ubuntu using the existing grub (edit menu.lst etc.)09:21
JDahlI am installing ubuntu 8.10 on a fresh laptop with Windows installed.  During the disk-partitioning phase I can't find the tool for resizing the NTFS partition.  Can't gparted resize NTFS partitions?09:21
Jabonejim_p: it should appear when bluetooth adapter is recognized, problem is that it isn't09:21
jim_pJames296, what icon theme do you use in gnome?09:21
James296human lol09:22
Jabonei can get it showing but it doesn't find any devices09:22
jim_pJabone, are you on laptop with a shared button for wireless and bluetooth?09:22
jb-firefoxxis there anyway to display the song being played in rythmbox as the pidgin status?09:22
afrimserverhelp me setup my ubuntu sertvewr09:22
Jabonejim_p: I have logitech mx5000 and it's bluetooth hub09:22
jim_pjb-firefoxx, look for some pidgin plugin09:22
Jabonejim_p: on laptop it works like it should09:22
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jim_pJabone, will your wireless drop if you kill network manager?09:23
James296jim_p: why do you ask?09:23
reqqitWhat does it take to get packages updated in the repos?09:23
Jabonejim_p: haven't tested09:23
jim_pJames296, just curious09:23
James296jim_p: ah ok09:23
jim_preqqit, sudo apt-get update ?09:24
dayz-ivxxhow is everyone xD09:24
reqqitCrap, have you seen what version of imagemagick is in there? Why aren't latest versions of these apps being pushed into repos?09:24
Jabonejim_p: Im trying to get that logitech bluetooth hub to work on desktop computer so that I can attach my mobile phone to it09:24
reqqitjim_p, ^09:24
jsbachwhere does ubuntu install the linux-headers??? i can't find them in /usr/include after apt-get install09:24
jim_preqqit, and         sudo apt-get upgrade after that09:24
jb-firefoxxJDahl: yes it can09:24
jb-firefoxxjim_p: yes09:24
xnvjsbach: /usr/src09:24
jim_pjsbach, in /usr/src i think09:24
JDahlat the partitioning screen,  I can only choose "Guided - use entire disk",or "manual".  I cannot find resize options anywhere09:24
Jabonejim_p: also I have problems setting up dial-up through bluetooth, with cable it works out of the box09:24
reqqitjim_p, no, ubuntu has 6.3.7 imagemagick in repo, when 6.4.6-9 is out09:24
snekaptitude is prefered over apt-get..09:25
jsbachhow do i get the headers in usr/include?09:25
reqqitsnek, why is that?09:25
James296anyway Im gonna get goin now09:25
jim_preqqit, well ok. wait until the devs make it into a deb and upload it in the repos09:25
xnvjsbach: You could make a link09:25
snekit has better logging and options to rollback09:25
James296its 4:25am here lol09:25
jim_pJames296, ok good night09:25
reqqitYeah, jim_p, are they deb nazis? Why only rpms? is there a simple way? I've never done packaging09:26
jsbachwell i need to get the all necessary system headers (stdlib.h, stdio.h etc etc) which are usually in /usr/include09:26
jim_preqqit, lmao. no they are not! you can make debs of everything but it requires extra care. checkinstall does the job09:27
snekthere's a way to convert rpms to debs isn't there?09:27
xnvsnek: alien09:27
snekxnv: that's it :)09:27
jim_psnek, yes. alien, but its not advisable09:27
snekwas just curious, wouldn't do that anyway ;)09:27
Myrtti!headers | jim_p09:27
ubottujim_p: To install the Linux (kernel) headers, open a terminal and: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) To install headers for libraries, you need the accompanying -dev packages09:27
Myrttijsbach: ^^09:27
remoteCTR1i need a working driver for my wifi module in my lenovo t500, lspci says "Network Controller: Intel corporation Unknown Device 4236", any ideas please?09:28
Myrttijim_p: sorry :-P09:28
jim_plol its ok09:28
Alacrananyone know how to setup mythbuntu and XBMC09:28
jsbachMyrtti, apt-get install linux-headers-[dev] ?09:28
jim_premoteCTR1, my 1st thought is the intel iwl wifi modules09:28
jim_plet me search09:28
Myrttijsbach: no, apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)09:29
zirodayAlacran: mythbuntu help is in #mythbuntu. You can install it with sudo apt-get install mythbuntu-desktop. You need to add the XBMC repo's to install it09:29
remoteCTR1jim_p: ya what ever module is fine for me but i guess i need to find out what is in there first, rigth?09:29
reqqitjim_p, http://packages.debian.org/experimental/imagemagick << that only has 6.4.5 - ok, so I grab the rpm, make a deb, and run checkinstall?09:29
Myrttijsbach: or the -dev packages of the software you're trying to compile09:29
reqqitI think it would be valuable - or compile it on my system and make a deb from it?09:29
scort081204  9:15:54 [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-federated'09:29
jim_preqqit, no. checkinstall will take the SOURCE and make it a .deb09:29
Alacranziroday, thanks09:30
jim_premoteCTR1, is this wired or wireless?09:30
Myrttijsbach: you've installed build-essential already, right?09:30
zirodayreqqit: you should know that checkinstall is still very much a hack and can wreck your system. You shouldn't distrobute it out to the public at large09:30
farciarz84hi where are the programs main dir in ubuntu?09:30
farciarz84for ex eclipse?09:30
reqqitjim_p, ok - why did snek say aptitude was preferred over apt-get ?09:30
jsbachMyrtti, i dont know, it's not my machine09:30
zirodayfarciarz84: that depends on each program.09:31
remoteCTR1jim_p: wireless09:31
snekreqqit: aptitude has better logging of updates and makes it a lot easier to roll back any updates if something goes wrong09:31
Myrttijsbach: check that you have build-essential first09:31
farciarz84but how can I find eclipse/plugin?09:31
jsbachMyrtti, i needto get all headers like stdlib.h stdio.h in /usr/include09:31
reqqitaaah ok, thanks09:31
zirodayfarciarz84: most programs are in /usr or /opt and config files are in /etc09:31
jsbachthats my goal09:31
jim_preqqit, well aptitute can make "decisions" on packages and stuff. i think apt when used properly can outrun aptitude09:31
jsbachbuild-essential - informational list of build-essential packages09:31
max80hello I can't join #kubuntu to solve KDE issue....please help09:31
jim_premoteCTR1, have a look here  http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_install_Intel_Device_4236_under_sidux_2008-03_(%CE%9F%CF%85%CF%81%CE%AD%CE%B1)09:31
jsbachwhy would i need that?09:32
scorthi im trying to install mysql-server and it fails to start with [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-federated'09:32
snekjim_p: apt-get does seem a lot faster on slow machines, i agree with that.. and i think you are right that aptitude has a slight better dependency resolver09:32
Myrttijsbach: because it's the virtual package that pulls all the tools you need to build stuff in the first place09:32
remoteCTR1jim_p: i will, thanks so far:)09:32
rookeeeeeeeeewhat is the command to  update the software sources, anyone?09:32
max80can somebody help me for a KDE problem??09:32
Myrttirookeeeeeeeee: sudo aptitude update09:32
zetheroowhy is it that in Ubuntu Hardy I cannot share files and folders?09:33
zirodayzetheroo: share folders how?09:33
jim_premoteCTR1, i can give explanations if you need anything. basically the whole thing is from step 2 and below09:33
jsbachok this looks good09:33
jsbachMyrtti, thanks.09:33
zetherooziroday: right-click Sharing Options09:33
snekzetheroo: sharing to what other machines? windows or linux?09:33
zirodayzetheroo: okay that is using samba09:34
zilenCeI have a quick question, I have a new intel q9550 and want to install ubuntu - should I use the x86 or 64-bit version?09:34
zetherooziroday: I get this error: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Permission denied09:34
zetherooYou do not have permission to create a usershare. Ask your administrator to grant you permissions to create a share.09:34
jsbachok, as i am here, a simple package manager question..09:34
jsbachwhat is the easiest way to list the installed files(with dir info) of a package09:34
jsbachapt-?? ??09:35
Myrttijsbach: libc6-dev: /usr/include/stdlib.h (answer that I got after installing apt-file and doing a search with it)09:35
snekzetheroo: seems it didn't ask you for an admin password so it is trying to configure samba with your normal user, which doesn't have permission for that09:35
Myrttijsbach: installed files?09:35
zetheroosnek: why don't I have the permissions? ... the folders are in my user ...09:35
zirodayzetheroo: go to Systems > Users and Groups > <your username> > User Privilages > Make sure Share files with the local network is ticked09:35
jsbachMyrtti, jah, equery filename package?09:35
snekzetheroo: to configure samba you need admin rights (i guess)09:35
zetherooziroday: it is ticked09:36
zetherooziroday: and I am also in the sambashare group09:36
zirodayzetheroo: okay, one sec09:37
ooooorlyIs there a kino channel? I'm trying to work out why it no file appears in the directory after I export something.09:37
jsbachMyrtti, sorry, to put it cleaerer for mysql-server: apt-{?} mysql-server09:37
Lancaohi any body virtrual win xp on ubuntu? I need help on the sound for win XP09:37
jsbachand then it lists..09:37
jsbach/usr/sbin/mysqladmin.... and so on09:37
zirodayLancao: ask in #vbox09:37
remoteCTR1jim_p: thanks for that but i am basically familiar with the topic, and this site looks promising, so thanks once more:)09:38
jim_premoteCTR1, you are welcome09:38
blackpearlcan  any one tell me command to clean-up Ubuntu09:39
farciarz84how to use 'find' to search only directory?09:39
remoteCTR1blackpearl: what do you mean by clean up?09:39
Myrttijsbach: you're trying to compile mysql-server yourself?09:39
_rubenfarciarz84: find -type d09:39
farciarz84_ruben: tnx09:39
zirodayzetheroo: hmm it "just works" for me.09:39
jsbachMyrtti, no, i just want to list the files with path information which i have installed from software-tree via apt-get09:40
jsbachis tehre any apt-list ?09:40
DIFH-icerooti am searching for a program which converts png,jpg and gif to svg, any useful tips?09:40
jsbachapt-list mysql-server (?)09:40
jsbachafaik imagemagick makes that kind of stuff, but you'd better check09:40
zetherooziroday: in Hardy?09:41
jsbachand gimp09:41
Myrttijsbach: apt-file show <package> shows where the packages are configured to install the files09:41
zirodayzetheroo: no, intrepid.09:41
zirodayDIFH-iceroot: gimp can convert those09:41
ompaulDIFH-iceroot, imagemagick do "man mogrify"   for details09:41
jsbachMyritti, apt-file show mysql-server09:42
zetherooziroday: yeah ... Iam talking about Hardy :)09:42
jsbachdoesn't show me anything?09:42
farciarz84_ruben: do U know how t ofind my eclipse dir in ubuntu, whre I can put plugins?09:42
zirodayDIFH-iceroot: wait no it doesn't. Sorry09:42
DIFH-icerootziroday: ok, dont know that gim can handle svg-files but i will look at it, thx09:42
DIFH-icerootziroday: ok09:42
blackpearlremoteCTR1 : some command was their to get rid of temp files/folder..i cant remember09:42
DIFH-icerootompaul: thx, i will have a look09:42
jarotrying to use xawtv, but I'm getting this error http://pastebin.com/d564640f009:42
blackpearlRunning Ubuntu 8.10 on Virtualbox...EVERYthing is fine..except ONE...cant access winxp folders. WinXP is my Host OS09:43
farciarz84_ruben: when I put find ./usr eclipse -type d    thousends results are shown09:43
MaveasIs GMP included in Ubuntu?09:43
Maveas8.10 etc.09:43
Myrttijsbach: do you have apt-file installed?09:43
MyrttiMaveas: is what included in ubuntu?09:43
MaveasGMP. GNU Multiple-Precision Library09:43
jsbachMyrtti, of course, otherwise, i'd have gotten a 'file not found' ;)09:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gmp09:43
DabbuI have "database management system" as my subject.....in windows we use ORACLE to create tables and use command for different queries and etc...i want to do that in ubuntu...any help ?09:44
zirodayMaveas: if the package is gmp-ecm then nope.09:44
MyrttiMaveas: atleast I have libgmp3c2 installed09:44
BlueEagleMaveas: libgmp3c209:44
Myrttijsbach: what about apt-file show mysql-server-5.009:45
MaveasThanks, ziroday, Myrtti and BlueEagle  :)09:45
BlueEagleDabbu: Does the SQL server have to be oracle?09:45
Myrttijsbach: because I got a huge list even with apt-file show mysql-server09:45
BlueEagleDabbu: If you are not aware of this, there are a number of server that speak (various diaclects of) SQL.09:46
jsbachMyrtti, i dont.09:46
Dabbu BlueEagle: i dont know.....09:46
mib_7hhckohello guys09:46
DabbuBlueEagle: the command we use in windows oracle will work here or not ?09:46
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots09:46
jsbacheven with full name, i do get nothing09:46
mib_7hhckohow to use putty09:46
Myrttijsbach: oh.09:47
mib_7hhckohelp me09:47
mneHi, where can I see which kernel patches have been applied to the ubuntu kernel sources ?09:47
BlueEagleDabbu: In most cases MySQL will do the same as oracle for basic queries, but there are differences when it comes to rolling back queries and foreign key restrictions then there are differences.09:47
Myrttijsbach: you did run sudo apt-file update first, right?09:47
Myrttimib_7hhcko: erm, putty? why would you use putty in Ubuntu?09:47
jsbachok i'll do that09:47
DabbuBlueEagle: so how i will learn them ?09:47
mib_7hhckoha ha09:47
BlueEagleDabbu: google is your friend.09:47
mib_7hhckono for windows09:48
mib_7hhckoi have done nmap scan on squid proxy server09:48
BlueEagleDabbu: also postgresql may or may not be more similar to oracle.09:48
jsbachMyrtti, even if i have installed apt-file, i have to initialize a system tool myself.. strange09:48
jsbachMyrtti, so it works now09:48
DabbuBlueEagle: if i want to download ORACLE for linux.......will that work in ubuntu ?09:48
jaromib, download, dble click and then put address and credentials you are set...09:49
mib_7hhckoit saying port 22 as tcpwrapped09:49
mib_7hhckoit saying port 22 as tcpwrapped09:49
snekdabbu: sure, why not.. might be a bit tricky to setup though09:49
Dabbusnek: tricky ?09:49
mib_7hhckojaro will you help me out here09:49
snekdabbu: well, it's not going to be as easy to configure as a basic mysql/postgresql setup, which would be as easy as: sudo aptitude install mysql-server09:50
MaveasFirefox stalls when I'm trying to logon to my homebanking09:50
MaveasGot Java :S09:50
jaromib, yeah, have you downloaded?09:50
arvind_khadri!grub > arvind_khadri09:50
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message09:50
blackpearlRunning Ubuntu 8.10 on Virtualbox...EVERYthing is fine..except ONE...cant access winxp folders. WinXP is my Host OS09:50
jarook I do not have it infront of me.09:50
Dabbusnek: if i install mysql server,i need client also or not09:50
jarobut all you have to do is put the address and the user09:50
MaveasI've got Java and OpenJava installed at the same time - does that make a conflict? :S09:50
mib_7hhckoproy server ip is
snekdabbu: yes i think so09:51
jaroas long as you have the correct usr and pass. and the server is configure right you can access09:51
snekdabbu: a lot of software i run relies on the mysql-client so i never need to install that when i install the server..09:51
snekdabbu: because it's already installed by something else09:51
Dabbusnek:  ok09:52
jaroare you trying t connect ssh?09:52
Dabbusnek: do u know any guide to swith from oracle to mysql ?09:52
mib_7hhckoyes jaro09:52
snekdabbu: what exactly are you learning? just simple queries? or also stored procedurs/triggers/functions, etc?09:52
jaroand your lnx box is sitting at
mib_7hhckoits saying server unexpectldy closed the connection09:53
Dabbusnek: started with queries but we have to learn much more in future09:53
snekdabbu: because most databases are all ACID compliant, which means they all use the same SQL syntax..09:53
mib_7hhckothe lnx box is likely to be fedora09:54
mapreduceSQL differs a lot between databases.09:54
BlueEagleDabbu: http://www.pythian.com/blogs/549/installing-oracle-11g-on-ubuntu-linux-704 will most likely work for 8.10 aswell09:55
Dabbusnek: in college they will give us commad for oracle only09:55
DabbuBlueEagle: ok09:55
snekyeah follow that then..09:55
BlueEagleDabbu: and again, google is your friend.09:56
Dabbu BlueEagle:ok09:56
srizzhelp my windows keep going black09:59
saflHey, I'm building esx appliances with Soren Hansens vmbuilder script. The script has a --firstboot=somescript.sh, does anybody know if it works to do stuff like:  --firstboot="somescript.sh somearg". I quite simply want to supply arguments to the firstlogin and firstboot script09:59
srizzanyone on10:00
ikoniasafl you may want to ask in #vmware10:00
saflikonia it's a ubuntu script10:00
ikoniaesx appliences ?10:01
saflikonia vmware knows nothing about it10:01
ikoniasafl it's not an ubuntu thing10:01
ikoniasafl: where did you get the script10:01
saflikonia wanna bet :) ?10:01
ikoniasafl: where did you get the script ?10:01
remoteCTR1ikonia: hi there dude! need your help on wifi if you got the time, please10:02
saflikonia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOSVMBuilder10:02
fantomasHow to upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10?10:02
zetheroowhere is smb.conf located?10:02
remoteCTR1fantomas: do-release-upgrade10:02
ikoniasafl ahh s it's a community doc for jeos10:02
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xnvsafl: Says at the bottom... IRC: #ubuntu-server and #ubuntu-virt on Freenode10:02
saflaikia but i guess i should have asked in: #ubuntu-server and #ubuntu-virt10:02
fantomasremoteCTR1: ty10:03
arvind_khadrihi, i have two SATA drives one, previously i had only ubuntu installed and now i have installed windows...want to make it a dual boot,but unable to recover grub...10:03
saflikonia sure thing10:03
remoteCTR1fantomas: np10:03
jarogetting this error http://pastebin.com/d564640f0 when trying to use xawtv10:03
zetheroowhere is smb.conf located?10:04
ikoniazetheroo /etc10:04
zirodayzetheroo: in /etc/samba10:04
cyphasefinally, X-Moto 0.5.0. anyone know of a deb?10:04
arvind_khadriany help?10:05
ikoniaarvind_khadri maybe if you ask a question10:06
arvind_khadrihi, i have two SATA drives one, previously i had only ubuntu installed and now i have installed windows...want to make it a dual boot,but unable to recover grub...how do i go about it10:06
ikonia!grub > arvind_khadri10:06
ubottuarvind_khadri, please see my private message10:06
arvind_khadriikonia: i read that, it doesnt solve my problem10:06
ikoniaxan_ why arey ou showing us that10:06
ikoniaarvind_khadri what did you do, and what didn't work10:07
xan_urbanterror 4.1 for ubuntu torrent > http://www.mininova.org/tor/206316510:07
xan_urbanterror 4.1 for ubuntu torrent > http://www.mininova.org/tor/206316510:07
arvind_khadriikonia: i tried to reinstall grub, after i do so, i get error 18/1710:07
FloodBot2xan_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:07
ikoniaxan_m last request - why are you showing us that10:07
snekxan_: wtf are you doing?10:07
zetheroois there a terminal command to restart Samba?10:07
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ikoniasnek: watch you langauge, wtf is not needed10:07
xan_urbanterror 4.1 for ubuntu torrent > http://www.mininova.org/tor/206316510:07
ikoniazetheroo: /etc/init.d/smb restar10:08
zirodayzetheroo: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart10:08
remoteCTR1ikonia: i need to installa unknown device 4236, it is a wifi card and i have downloaded the firmware but now i dunno what further to do...?10:08
zetherooziroday, ikonia, thanks ... my shares are working now10:08
ikoniaremoteCTR1 whattype of card is it10:08
arvind_khadriikonia: and as of now am on a live cd with ubuntu present at the secondary partition10:08
remoteCTR1ikonia: appears to be this one: Intel WiFi Link 5100/5300 WLAN controller10:08
ikoniaremoteCTR1 I'm not aware of that device, check if it's supported on linux10:09
remoteCTR1ikonia: found this link here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_install_Intel_Device_4236_under_sidux_2008-03_(%CE%9F%CF%85%CF%81%CE%AD%CE%B1)10:09
ikoniaarvind_khadri ok - so what have you tried ?10:09
ikoniaremoteCTR1 what is sidux ?10:09
sneksidux is a distro10:09
ikoniabut how is the link relevant to ubuntu ?10:10
sneksidux is also debian based10:10
arvind_khadriikonia: the general find/boot/grub/ method and the mounting of the drive to a loaction then using grub-install10:10
ikoniasnek but how is that link relevant to ubuntu10:10
ubottuLFS is linux from scratch www.linuxfromscratch.org; not to be confused with  LTS which is the long term support version of ubuntu (6.06 and 8.04)10:10
remoteCTR1ikonia: good question i have no idea frankly spoken:D10:10
ikoniaremoteCTR1 my first thign would be to find out what kernel modules that card "can" use, before looking at the firmware10:11
TheoPastanyBody still alive10:11
remoteCTR1ikonia: i also found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=945270 here they spweak of an iwlagn kernel module but i cant find that one10:11
snekikonia: well a guide for debian or sidux should in theory work for ubuntu, or at least give a general idea of what actions to take, no?10:11
ikoniaTheoPast: many10:11
TheoPastfamiliar with beryl10:11
ikoniasnek no as it's calling out non-ubuntu packages, to that guide is invalid10:11
fantomasAm I the only person on the planet who has broken volume control in MOC player on 8.04?10:12
ikoniaTheoPast beryl is dead, replaced with compiz-fusion10:12
blackpearlRunning Ubuntu 8.10 on Virtualbox...EVERYthing is fine..except ONE...cant access winxp folders. WinXP is my Host OS10:12
ikoniablackpearl join #vbox or ##windows10:12
ompaulsnek, no, mainly because things change, sidux is sid based knoppix where klaus goes to get his clues towards its release day, and celtux is downstream of that they are very far from the tree10:12
ikoniaremoteCTR1: just reading the forum thread10:12
TheoPastikonia: same diff to me just like the name better i guess10:12
remoteCTR1ikonia: thanks buddy, appreciate it!10:13
simon_hey, i have a problem with my asus m3a78-em motherboard (amd 780g with integrated ati hd3200) and the fglrx driver. when i enable the driver, i only get this output http://wwwu.edu.uni-klu.ac.at/sbreuss/fglrx.jpg . but ati driver works fine. any ideas about the problem? also tried the latest fglrx driver avaliable at the amd web site, didn't change...10:13
ikoniaTheoPast not the same thign, hence why it's important you say the correct names10:13
arvind_khadriikonia: what should i do?10:13
zerodevicehow do i obtain the external ip from ubuntu?10:13
ikoniaarvind_khadri I would use the grub shell to re-apply grub10:13
remoteCTR1ikonia: PCI ID is 8086:423610:13
ikoniazerodevice: you need to be on the same network as a dhcp server10:13
arvind_khadriikonia: with ubuntu at the primary partition?10:14
TheoPast ikonia: ok....you familiar with it10:14
ikoniaarvind_khadri it really doesn't matter10:14
ikoniaTheoPast: I use it10:14
arvind_khadriikonia: so i should follow /find/grub method?10:14
remoteCTR1ikonia: can it be that this iwlagn module is only avail in intrepid but not hardy?10:14
ikoniaremoteCTR1 give me a minute or two to finish reading10:15
zerodeviceikonia, im running on ubuntu server edition, and its connected to the router with as well.10:15
ikoniaremoteCTR1: but yes it is possible10:15
bikak0 hey, in bash script, what the $? means .. .?10:15
remoteCTR1ikonia: ah yes of course, sry10:15
ikoniabikak0 exit status10:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I don't believe so10:15
arvind_khadriikonia: then please lead me in the correct direction10:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri are both disks plugged in yes/no ?10:16
bikak0if i want to capture rsync stauts i should do rsync command , and then RSYNSTAT=$?10:16
arvind_khadriikonia: yes10:16
zerodeviceare there any sudo commands to check the external ip?10:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri right so you want to install grub on the mbr of the disk that is default boot device, while pointing the"root" option at the disk where the state 1 files are10:16
kkesongbird deb for amd64 anywhere yet?10:17
ikoniazerodevice: no10:17
ikoniazerodevice: ifocnfig eth0 shows you the stauts of your network card10:17
snekzerodevice: if you have a browser you can go to a site like www.whatismyip.com10:17
arvind_khadriikonia: yeah10:17
mostrapotskiuse lynks :p10:17
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ikoniaarvind_khadri so do "sudo grub" and use the correct root (hd0,0) setup (hd0) fucntions10:17
zerodeviceikonia, snek. im trying to obtain this without browser.10:17
remoteCTR1ikonia: really seems to be intrepid only... so here i go *upgrading*10:18
mostrapotskilynx ya sorry xD10:18
ikoniazerodevice: ifconfig will show you10:18
zerodeviceok, if its not sudo, is there any shell command i can do in a .sh?10:18
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ikoniaremoteCTR1: just checked my 8.04 box, the module is not in the .24 kernel10:18
snekzerodevice: oh in an .sh.. that's a whole different story :)10:18
zirodaykke: see http://www.getdeb.net/app/Songbird10:18
ikoniazerodevice I've said 3 times, ifconfig eth010:18
TheoPastcompiz is causing my windows to go black there more than one maximized10:19
kkeziroday: ty10:19
remoteCTR1ikonia: aye10:19
ikoniaremoteCTR1 looks like it appeared in .2610:19
snekikonia: that won't show it if he's behind a router and wants the external ip10:19
ikoniasnek nope10:19
ikoniasnek: but thats nothing to do with ubuntu if he wants teh extrernal nat address10:19
arvind_khadriikonia: hd0 would be sda and hd1 would be sdb right?10:19
ikoniaarvind_khadri if you look in /boot/grub/device.map it will show you the maps10:20
zerodeviceikonia, sorry, not working10:20
zerodeviceipconfig command not found10:20
arvind_khadriikonia: thanks10:20
ikoniazerodevice your router manages your internet facing IP addresshat is nohtthing to do with ubuntu10:20
ikoniazerodevice: "ifconfig"10:20
zerodeviceoh ok10:20
zerodevice. my bad10:20
fantomasremoteCTR1: back to do-release-upgrade... It says "No new release found" though10:20
ziroday!upgrade | fantomas read the instruction here10:21
ubottufantomas read the instruction here: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:21
arvind_khadriikonia: ok, now the problem is that hd0 is sda where Windows is present and thats the partition which boots first, i tried installing grub there but got error10:21
remoteCTR1ikonia: appears to be so, so ill do an update... if i ever find how to turn on the upgrade to intrepid in kubuntu-.-10:21
ikoniaarvind_khadri putting grub on the mbr of rthe windows disk is %100 fine"10:21
arvind_khadriikonia: ya, but its not happening here...10:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri what error do you get10:22
remoteCTR1fantomas: then go to system/administration/software sources and there on tab updates pick "normal releases" instead of "log term releases" in the drop down box then it ougth to woirk10:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri: more to the point, what commands are you using10:22
BalachmarI am unable to find Windows Printer via SAMBA in the new printer dialog, what should I do to fix this?10:22
arvind_khadriikonia: shall i paste here...its not more than 5 lines10:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri better in a pastebin so it can be used for refefrernce10:22
arvind_khadriikonia: roger that...10:23
mostrapotskidoes someone have a tutorial to create a dashboard program ?10:23
arvind_khadriikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80254/10:24
ikoniaarvind_khadri why are you doing that10:25
arvind_khadriikonia: as hd0 has windows10:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: how can your stage one setup files be on your windows disk (hd0)10:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: yes - I said your root option is where your stage 1 grub files are10:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: how can that be on your windows disk10:25
arvind_khadriikonia: they are in hd110:26
khussein78i want to install windows xp on my laptop which has ubuntu 8.10 installed10:26
khussein78but how can i recover the grub after installation10:26
ikoniaarvind_khadri right, so your root is (hd1,0) and your setup is (hd0)10:27
giusefhi all. I wrongly deleted some kernel modules from /lib/modules. What's the package to reinstall?10:27
ikonia!grub > khussein7810:27
ubottukhussein78, please see my private message10:27
wonkgemblunki can to setting in my comp mysql server10:27
wonkgemblunki can't to setting in my comp mysql server10:27
ikoniawonkgemblunk pardon ?10:27
wonkgemblunkcan U help for command10:28
arvind_khadriikonia: ok, but my ubuntu is on the 6th partition in hd1...does it matter?10:28
ikoniawonkgemblunk what is the problem10:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: yes, it will be (hd1,5)10:28
arvind_khadriikonia: so i should be doing root(hd1,5) and setup(hd0)10:28
wonkgemblunkbahas inggris gw ancur10:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri sound a reasonable first attempt10:28
ikoniawonkgemblunk please speak in english10:29
ikoniawonkgemblunk: what is the problem ?10:29
wonkgemblunkyes yes yes10:29
wonkgemblunki can litle speak english10:29
arvind_khadriikonia: thanks a lot...the terminal says its installed..now lemme check up :)10:29
arvind_khadriikonia: will come back :)10:29
wonkgemblunkmy problem is to install mysql server10:29
ikoniaarvind_khadri excellent10:29
wonkgemblunkif U can help for command10:30
ikoniawonkgemblunk sudo apt-get install mysql-server10:30
wonkgemblunkif i will get look mysql-server10:30
ikoniawonkgemblunk: you will10:31
ikoniawonkgemblunk sudo apt-get install mysql-server10:31
wonkgemblunkyes  i will10:31
wonkgemblunkif command for setting mysql-server10:32
ikoniaomega117 what's up ?10:37
VSpikeHas anyone managed to sync tomboy notes between machines? If so, how?10:41
ikoniaVSpike someone was suggesting it was possible using a n application called "tomboy"10:42
ikoniasorry called "conduit"10:42
erbiunder my nvidia opengl settings, should i enable flipping or disable flipping?10:43
VSpikeikonia: I was trying with conduit, but it keeps crashing on me :)10:45
ikoniapuffi hello there10:45
VSpikeikonia: tomboy has a builting sync using webdav, but I'm not sure where I can get a webdav server to point it at10:45
VSpikeikonia: they will soon add enhanced sync to tomboy using and directory, webdav, ssh etc..10:46
VSpikeikonia: but not there yet10:46
papulthefoolonthehill: hi10:49
erbiunder my nvidia opengl settings, should i enable flipping or disable flipping?10:54
alessioI've just upgraded to ubuntu 8.04 and to openoffice 2.4. when I get in I cannot type10:55
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erbiunder my nvidia opengl settings, should i enable flipping or disable flipping?10:57
remoteCTR1ikonia: well my wifi works now but the x server doenst anymore-.- how do i fix that?10:58
ikoniaremoteCTR1 depensd what the problem is10:58
ikoniamore details please10:58
zetheroowhere can I download the Ubuntu repos from?10:58
remoteCTR1ikonia: i have frankly spoken no idea10:58
ikoniaremoteCTR1 define not working10:58
ikoniazetheroo the urls are in your sources.list10:59
zetherooikonia: hmm ok10:59
remoteCTR1ikonia: when its finished booting i see a tty1 with login prompt and nothing further10:59
ikoniaremoteCTR1 so X is fa\iling to start ?10:59
itguruIs it possible to get my system to send its host name to my DNS server, a bit like windows clients do?10:59
ikoniaremoteCTR1: what video card do you have11:00
ikoniaitguru yup, thats in your dhcllient settings, common with dhcp11:00
ikoniaand dynamic dns11:00
remoteCTR1ikonia: yes it does, its a ati mobility radeon hd365011:00
ikoniaitguru: dhclicnet sorry11:00
ikoniaremoteCTR1 ughhh ati....here we go11:00
remoteCTR1ikonia: :D agree on that11:01
remoteCTR1and ps aux gives me nothing with an X in it11:01
remoteCTR1sudo init 5 also doea nothing11:01
ikoniaremoteCTR1 X isn't run at level 5 any more11:01
ikoniaX is run at level 2 - ubuntus default level is 211:01
remoteCTR1ikonia: it doesnt??11:02
ikoniaremoteCTR1 nope11:02
remoteCTR1a yeah but then it should rum with init 5 anyways dont it?11:02
ikoniaremoteCTR1: nope11:02
remoteCTR1ikonia: err is within a runlevel not everything being started that underlies the requested runlevel?11:03
itguruikonia: How can I achieve this?11:03
ikoniaremoteCTR1 sorry, do't follow that question11:03
ikoniaitguru: look at your dhclient config11:03
ikonia remoteCTR1Don't" follow that question I meant11:04
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remoteCTR1ikonia: never mind its offtopic for the moment anyways11:05
remoteCTR1ikonia: i just found somthing on a bios switch, trying it out...11:05
=== redarrow_ is now known as redarrow
remoteCTR1ikonia: i found it its t500 specific and its a switch in bios that does the job:)11:06
ikoniareally, thats unusual, nice find11:06
itguruikonia: I think i found the answer, ddns-update-style11:06
kidbuntusomeone help please.. i cant access a folder on my directory.. how do i change the permission to gain access or change the group11:08
arvind_khadriikonia: grub is installed but it cant mount any partition it says...error 1711:08
ikoniakidbuntu use sudo11:08
kidbuntuikonia: i meant can you guide with the commands also11:08
ikoniakidbuntu sudo chown, or sudo chmod, or gksudo nautlius to use the gui11:09
paul68I installed suse this morning on my first partition while I'm running ubuntu on my second, at this point I can't start ubuntu since it can't find the path, is there a way that I can through the live cd repair i11:09
kidbuntuikonia: heres the file path /home/kidbuntu/Pictures11:09
ikoniakidbuntu the path doesn't matter11:09
ikoniapaul68 what do you mean can't find it's path11:09
kidbuntuikonia: wow that was quick. never heard that before.. thanks got an access already11:09
arvind_khadriikonia: so what should i do now?11:10
ikoniaarvind_khadri just checking what 17 is11:10
paul68ikonia: well the menu.lst from suse can't find the path towards the ubuntu partition so I can't boot into ubuntu directly11:10
ikoniapaul68 because you've not used a shared /boot aprtition11:10
ikoniaarvind_khadri: is your ubuntu partition ext311:11
arvind_khadriikonia: yaa11:11
paul68ikonia: ok can I repair grub in order to find it or is this not possible through the live cd?11:11
ikoniaarvind_khadri can you show me the out put the outptu of sudo fdisk -l in a pastebin please11:11
arvind_khadri!grub > paul6811:12
ubottupaul68, please see my private message11:12
arvind_khadriikonia: for both the disks?11:12
ikoniapaul68 you dno't need to repair it, the problem is your now have 2 grub installs fighting for the mbr11:12
ikoniaarvind_khadri: please11:12
ikoniapaul68: your ubuntu menu.lst is still there, but the gurb on yoru mbr now knows nothing about it11:12
arvind_khadriikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80272/ here it is11:13
paul68ikonia: I understand and if I use the link you send me it will be working ok or do I need to delete 1?11:13
=== penrith is now known as penno
ikoniapaul68 nope, that link won't exaplin anythig, whichi s why I didn't send it11:13
freakynlhi, apt-get upgrade holds back 5 packages, should I always use dist-upgrade to get all security and package updates?11:14
paul68ikonia: I mean ubutto send me that link11:14
ikoniapaul68 that link won't fix anything in your situation11:14
paul68ikonia: ok what do I need to do to solve this ?11:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: can you run a test for me please11:15
arvind_khadriikonia: anything you say11:15
ikoniapaul68: pick one menu.lst to maintain manually after every update, or re-layout your setup using a shared /boot partition11:15
ikoniaarvind_khadri: can you re-enter the grub shell with sudo grub and run some tests for me please11:16
ikoniapaul68: I think the extended parttiion is causing an issue11:16
arvind_khadriikonia: ok, i will do that... cant that be run through the terminal here on the live cd?11:16
paul68ikonia: and what if I delete the partition where I installed suse on will that solve my problem?11:16
ikoniaarvind_khadri: we are only testing so anywhere11:17
ikoniapaul68: nope, as the grub on the mbr will still want the suse menu.lst so will just refuse to boot yoru system11:17
arvind_khadriikonia: ok... so tell me the commands :)11:17
ikoniaarvind_khadri: just run a "root (h1,4)" does that error ?11:17
paul68ikonia: is reconfiguring grub an option?11:18
arvind_khadriikonia: yeah it does, error 2311:18
paul68j/ #suse11:18
ikoniapaul68: you'd need to re-apply the grub that paints at ubuntus partition11:18
ikoniapoints sorry11:18
ikoniaarvind_khadri: ok, but root (h1,5) does work11:18
paul68ikonia: ok will try11:18
arvind_khadriikonia: no, my ubuntu partition in on the 7th partition...so hd1,6 will work11:19
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you ubuntu partition is the 6th according to that fdisk output11:19
ikoniaarvind_khadri so it should be hd1,511:20
arvind_khadriikonia: just a sec... i think i copied a wrong command...sorry11:20
arvind_khadriikonia: root (hd1,4) doesnt return a error11:21
ikoniaarvind_khadri what does it say ?11:21
arvind_khadriikonia: it echoes back root (hd1,4)11:21
chiliblue_I am trying to install amazons mp3 store downloader app, it is a i386 I I am running a AMD 64 Dual Core, I should be ok to force the install right?11:21
ikoniaarvind_khadri: now do setup (hd0) and see if it complains11:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri it should complain11:22
arvind_khadriikonia: yeah it does11:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri: now change root to (hd1,5)11:22
ikoniaand then try setup (hd0) this may/maynot complain11:22
arvind_khadriikonia: this too complains... for root (hd1,6) it wont complain11:23
ashuhello, i've some problems in playing videos in Intrepid...could someone help?11:23
ikoniaarvind_khadri which makes sense as your ext is reserving partitios 3 and 4 - so that makes your linux partition "7" as you rightly said before which makes hd1,6 "correct"11:24
ikoniathe question is why this partition can't be mounted11:24
zetheroohow do I get OOo to detect Java?11:24
pennohey how do i find ip address11:24
ikoniapenno ifconfig11:24
thaniusHello, I'm running Intrepid on my laptop and often now and then when on battery the screen dims to a very low brightness. The brightness controls doesn't affect this, and then suddenly, it goes back to normal. Anyone know how to fix/disable this?11:25
thaniuspenno: ifconfig11:25
Elijah_FrostGood day ladies and gentlemen. What do I need to do in order to play World of Warcraft under 8.10? I got video drivers and wine installed. However, FPS isn't that high11:25
thaniusElijah_Frost: Disable compiz11:26
ikoniaElijah_Frost: #winehq is a better bet11:26
thaniusHello, I'm running Intrepid on my laptop and often now and then when on battery the screen dims to a very low brightness. The brightness controls doesn't affect this, and then suddenly, it goes back to normal. Anyone know how to fix/disable this?11:26
Elijah_Frostok thanks11:26
arvind_khadri_ikonia: sorry got disconnected11:26
pennohey can u get ip from another sever11:26
arvind_khadri_ikonia: root hd1,5 gives error11:26
ashuThe videos just keep flickering after I downloaded all the extra Gstreamer extra codecs and Ubuntu restricted extras11:26
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ashuI tried VLC next but with same problem :(11:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ thats fine as the ext partition is reserving partitions 3 and 4 - so that makes your aprtition 7 as you rightly said, so hd1,6 will work, but the question is why can that not be mounted11:27
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pennodo u need a anti virus in linux11:28
ikoniapenno: not really11:28
pennoya i like to  go on yahoo and they boot me ou of the room is there any way u can get there ip11:28
ikoniapenno no11:29
ikoniapenno: nor shoyuld you care what their ip is11:29
jussi01!virus | penno11:29
ubottupenno: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2111:29
ikoniapenno: your booted out of a room for a reason, I suggest you address that11:29
arvind_khadri_ikonia: well this happens with me most of the times when i reload grub and i try a lot to recover from this, but finally get frustrated and i do a fresh install... and yeah as a matter of fact grub isnt able to load windows too,it says NTLDR not found11:31
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ ntldr not found is normally a windows issue due to how the aprtitioning process has gone11:32
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pennona they boot for fun in yahoo11:32
arvind_khadri_ikonia: i feel if the ubuntu partitions get loaded/mounted the ntldr would also vanish11:32
ikoniaashu people will help more if you don't use capslock11:32
ikoniapenno thats not something we can help with, comaplin to yahoo11:33
Andrew``!dual boot11:33
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot11:33
pennona thanks any11:33
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ thats not correct11:33
ashuyou noticed after i used caps11:33
ikoniaashu I now chose to ignore your help reaquest though for that very reson11:33
arvind_khadri_ikonia: i mean the problem may vanish, anyhow, what can we do about this ?11:33
ashuyeah great...11:33
ikoniaashu: if you noticed I was helpiung multiple people as are others and more people will get to you once they have finished with what they are doing11:34
ashuthere are 1300 people here11:34
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ I'm trying to walk through why your partition can't be mounted by grub,11:34
ashunot many helping ones though11:34
ikoniaashu not all are active at the moment11:34
ikoniaashu: I see people busy helelping11:34
arvind_khadri_ikonia: thanks...in the meanwhile i will google too :)11:34
ikoniahelping even11:34
kevin34impatient little fella11:34
ashui've noticed, thank you11:35
ikoniaarvind_khadri_: I'll let you know as I come to something, but as I see it at the moment your disk should mount11:35
pennowhats a good link to learn commands11:35
ikoniapenno tldp.org11:35
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal11:35
Kalidarnhi, i have a Logitech Quickcam 9000... what i've noticed is the framerate in skype is much worse than it is in windows (where i get silky smooth speeds)... i've had trouble getting luvcview to show anything but a black box when opening it11:36
Kalidarnthe red light lights up though as if it is taking picture i've tried to get luvcview to view at different resolutions and frame rates.. but it still doesn't want to work11:36
pennothanks ikonia11:37
Kalidarnoh and my webcam is on /dev/video011:38
Kalidarnso its definitely pointing to the right place11:38
Kalidarni could't get guvcview to work either11:38
Kalidarnboth seem to crash too11:38
Kalidarnand i have to kill them with killall -911:39
ooglebutte!webcam | Kalidarn this might have a clue11:39
ubottuKalidarn this might have a clue: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:39
Kalidarn(and yeah i know its a supported one) ;)11:39
Kalidarni checked before i bought it11:39
Kalidarnwhich it is listed there11:40
prodigelhi all. I've just noticed a new database in mysql, it's called diogenes. Do you have any idea who created this? I only see some records about 'barrel' , 'file upload' etc11:40
pennoi type cheese11:40
pennoand it come up with a web cam11:40
KalidarnLogitech QuickCam Pro9000 uvcvideo 046d:0990 Yes Yes, but crashes in Skype unless update uvcvideo. 7.10 (Gutsy 2008-Jan-11:40
Kalidarnthat doesn't happen for me11:40
Kalidarnwhen i load up cheese11:40
Kalidarnbut the red light goes on11:41
chiliblue_Solved my amazonmp3 download app install on a amd64 issues11:41
[e]LementI found another weird bug when updating to 8.1011:41
pennoso u telling me  that linux dont get a virus11:43
[e]Lementpenno, yes as it is based off the same thing Mac OS X is.11:43
Myrttipenno: it's very, very, very unlikely11:43
ikoniapenno read the link, there are different way tto exploit11:43
Kalidarn[e]Lement, no its not actually11:43
Kalidarnmacosx is bsd and mach ;)11:43
Kalidarnlinux is not bsd and mach :)11:43
[e]LementLinux is loosely based off UNIX11:43
[e]LementBSD is based off UNIX11:43
Kalidarnlinux is a unix-like system ;)11:44
[e]LementThey are distant cousins11:44
Kalidarnwhere as osx is unix ;)11:44
Kalidarnwell more unixy11:44
Kalidarnthan what linux is ;)11:44
ikoniadoes it matter ?11:44
FloodBot2Kalidarn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
Kalidarnikonia, it means its less posix compliant ^_^11:44
[e]LementBut as I was saying, they are closer than Mac OS X -> The NT Kernel11:44
Kalidarnand doesn't get the special batch that macosx did11:44
ikoniaKalidarn does it matter for the puporse of the question11:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:44
Kalidarnhaha probably not i didn't read that11:44
Kalidarnits got nothing to do with getting viruses though11:44
[e]LementSo if we go off topic my lazy ass has to join another channel?11:45
Kalidarnits because most of the software comes through digitally signed repositories11:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:45
Kalidarnand not from random installers, it is possible if you ran an un-trusted .deb file from somewhere on the internet it could do harm penno11:45
* [e]Lement installs a rootkit on Kalidarn's PC11:45
[e]LementI really want to invest in an eee pc and get Ubuntu EEE11:46
[e]LementBut yeah11:46
[e]LementI've learned that after upgrading to 8.10 my screensaver won't deactivate by mouse movement11:47
[e]LementI have to click =/11:47
Kalidarnhttp://lists.berlios.de/pipermail/linux-uvc-devel/2006-August/000720.html mmm this person had the same problem as me11:47
KalidarnThe camera light shows red but the screen is black. Closing the window11:47
Kalidarngives "Stop asked" on the console, but after that the process hangs. Have to11:47
Kalidarnuse kill -9 to stop luvcview.11:47
Unaspeople please direct me how to enter the gui under 8.04 LiveCD if it didn't logged in automatically? :(11:47
ikoniaUnas you should get logged in11:47
[e]LementUnas, it should login automatically.11:48
Unasnope, it didn't11:48
ikoniaUnas what do you see11:48
[e]LementAre you sure you didn't grab the "Alternative" cd?11:48
Unasi know, that it sould11:48
* [e]Lement shrugs11:48
Unasi use linuxcnc btw11:48
Unasfrom http://www.linuxcnc.org/11:49
Unasit's an ordinary ubuntu with realtime extensions11:49
ikoniaUnas: it's not the official ubuntu cD ?11:49
ikoniaUnas ahh ok, so they modify it, so I suggest you use their support methods11:50
PupenoWhat other clippboard history program is there other than glipper?11:50
Vincemanwhy can't I 'sudo users-admin' properly?11:51
ikoniaVinceman launch it from the gui menu11:51
Vincemanyes but then I cannot give users more or less options11:51
arvind_khadri_ikonia: shall i try super grub?11:51
ikoniaVinceman: system->administration11:51
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ do'nt see how that will make a difference11:51
ikoniaVinceman it's the same tool11:51
Vincemanwith no rights ikonia!11:51
ikoniaVinceman: you can give ht eusers what ever options you want iwth that menu11:51
ikoniaVinceman what ?11:52
Kalidarnhmm xawtv doesnt want to work either11:52
Vincemanikonia: I can't allow him to connect to internet using a modem11:52
arvind_khadri_ikonia: does the drive being LBA make a difference as mentioned in one of the posts11:52
Vincemanor use tape drives11:52
arvind_khadri_ikonia: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=442945 here11:52
Vincemanscanners etc. etc.11:52
ikoniaVinceman how is that anything to do with your user admin command11:52
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ lba should no longer matter11:53
creek23_what cvs client + gui do you guys use with gnome desktop?11:53
VincemanI need superuser rights in that command11:53
ikoniaarvind_khadri_: but I don't understnd it %10011:53
arvind_khadri_ikonia: ok... #grub exists?11:53
ikoniaVinceman launch the user admin gui from the menu system -> admuinistration11:53
ikoniaarvind_khadri_ it does11:53
arvind_khadri_ikonia: ok lemme check em out then :)11:53
Vincemanikonia, I cannot check any marks11:54
ikoniaVinceman show me the output of the command "id"11:54
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Vincemanid | ikonia11:55
ikoniaVinceman no, I aske dyou to show me the output of the command id11:55
VincemanI personal messaged it to you11:55
Kalidarn/dev/video0 [v4l2]: no overlay support i wonder what that means11:56
Vincemandon't want to annoy people here11:56
ikoniaVinceman: your in the admin group so if you launch it from the menu it sould give you full admin control11:56
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rrr69j #ubuntu-fr11:56
VincemanI think I'm in the vincent group11:57
Vincemannot in the admin group11:57
ikoniaVinceman: you are in the admin group11:57
ikoniaVinceman: I can se it in your output11:57
J-_rrr69: /join #ubuntu-fr :)11:57
Vincemanhow can you tell?11:57
arvind_khadriikonia: the room is dead as a grave yard11:57
ikoniaVinceman: groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),123(admin)11:57
ikoniaarvind_khadri it can be quiet11:57
ikoniaarvind_khadri: I just can't see how lba would matter to that11:57
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo11:58
Vincemanam I in eight groups!?11:58
ikoniaVinceman: more than 811:58
arvind_khadriikonia: am no genius too , just going through google pages...11:58
Vincemanand yet...11:58
ActionParsnip1Vinceman: if you run groups from terminal you will see what groups you are a member of11:58
ikoniaVinceman: run sudo apt-get update11:58
ikoniaVinceman: does that work11:58
Vincemanthat's a repos command11:59
ikoniaVinceman: thats right11:59
Vincemanstill can't check what I'd like to check in the user privileges12:00
ikoniaVinceman: I am asking you to run a tesk12:00
ikoniaVinceman: do "sudo apt-get update212:00
Vincemanapt-get update went well12:00
ikoniaVinceman: do "sudo apt-get update"12:00
VincemanE: Invalid operation update212:00
ikoniaVinceman: right so we know your sudo command works12:00
ikoniaVinceman: how are you trying to launch the gui12:00
Vincemanfrom the menu!12:01
ikoniaVinceman: yes, do you get prompted for a password ?12:01
Vincemanbut I have no rights at all12:01
Menem2011i dont run Windows Media Center in Crossover12:01
Vincemanikonia: linux is always complicted but simple if seen through it12:01
ikoniaVinceman: sudo credentials expire in 15 minutes, wait 15 minutes wihtout doing any sudo commands and lets work it through12:01
Vincemancan you check some timer?12:02
ikoniaVinceman: no12:02
Vincemanwe'll check it12:02
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Vincemanat 13L1712:02
ikoniaVinceman: at what ?12:02
ikonia13:17 ?12:02
Menem2011i dont run Windows Media Center in Crossover, help12:02
ikoniaMenem2011: cross over is a paid for support produc12:03
ikoniaMenem2011: it has official support channels listed on it's website12:03
VincemanI am banned from the #ubuntu-nl channel forever!12:03
Vincemancan you guys lobby me back in?12:03
ikoniaVinceman: no12:03
zetheroowhere can i download the Hardy repos from?12:04
Menem2011yes, is paid but dont run windows media center is a12:04
ActionParsnip1Menem2011: try xbmc12:04
ikoniazetheroo I told you the links are in your sources.list12:04
ikoniaMenem2011 contact your paid for support resources12:04
zetherooikonia: where is that file?12:04
ikoniaMenem2011: the details are on the website12:04
remoteCTR1ikonia: where does network managerr actually store all of its configurations for several different connections?12:04
ikoniazetheroo /etc/apt12:04
zetherooikonia: ok thanks12:04
ActionParsnip1!info xbmc | Menem201112:04
ubottuPackage xbmc does not exist in intrepid12:04
ikoniaremoteCTR1 now thats a good question, I believe somewher in our .gnome2 directory12:04
ikoniayour even12:05
ActionParsnip1Menem2011: you'll need to add the xbmc repo, its named on the site12:05
remoteCTR1ok .gnome respectively .kde, kk12:05
__franky__hi, just installed ubuntu on a computer and connected it to my 32" lcd tatung12:07
__franky__when i run the livecd it has the correct resolution 1360*76812:07
__franky__but after install it show the resolution to 640*480 no matter what12:07
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__franky__i can select 1360*768 but it becomes just a like a zoom.   the tv seems to force the resolution to 640*480 even the ubuntu shows 1360*76812:08
zetherooikonia: hmmm I went to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ and I cannot seem to find what I am looking for ...12:08
__franky__anyone familiar with this behavior?12:08
arvind_khadriikonia: This error is returned if the partition requested exists, but the filesystem type cannot be recognized by GRUB.so either you used the wrong partition/disk in menu.lst or something in your partition table is wrong.........this is what they said12:08
zetherooikonia: I while back I found a bunch of DVD iso's for the Hardy repos12:08
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sajuukhey guys trying to dual screen... ubuntu sees my two screens in the screen resolution manager in System>Preferences, but nothing is happening, what should I do?12:11
arvind_khadriikonia: i think i got it... see Ubuntu is on the second drive so menu.lst should say (hd1,7) for Ubuntu right?12:11
meganoxsajuuk: man xrandr12:11
vladtsepesh1984someone can help configuring dual monitor on ubuntu 8.10???12:12
arvind_khadriikonia: and for windows it should be hd0,012:12
jkbsajuuk: what video card driver?12:12
sajuukintel 55012:12
ActionParsnip1!dualhead | vladtsepesh198412:12
ubottuvladtsepesh1984: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama12:12
__franky__anyone know what might cause my problem?12:12
jkband you are doing xinerama?12:12
sajuukhow do i install xinerama?12:12
jkbone sec12:13
sajuuki think i checked through synaptic, wasn't there12:13
sajuukand i did a apt-get12:13
sajuukzilch for both12:13
remoteCTR1ikonia: .kde/share/config/knetworkmanagerrc it is obviously:)12:13
arvind_khadriikonia: either i should now change the device.map or replace all the instances of hd0 with hd112:13
jkbwhich version, hardy? intrepid?12:13
Dabbuif i am accesing internet through "HTTP" or "SHOCK5" proxy...how can i acess internet in application installed through "WINE"12:14
sajuukwots Xrand?12:14
meganoxi have just formatted 2 internal drives and now want to change the names in nautilus and mount them read-write with a right-click like i do my usb drives (not automount)12:15
Guest7851Does anyone know if it's possible to move the Master Sound Volume Control icon in the top application bar, over to the right of the date and time so it doesn't obscure anything when it's left in the "open" position with the slider visible?12:15
ghalebhello, how can I perform a script at each login to the server  ?  for example. I want the server to send an email on each login success login12:15
meganoxsajuuk: xrandr is a command line utility for dealin with dual monitors.  AFAIK GUI tools in gnome aren't complete yet12:15
sajuukoh god... is there a quick tute for xrandr?12:16
jeatonhi, i just installed ubuntu while having Windows XP already on here, anyway, im not able to boot into windows now12:16
Guest7851"Right Click" -> "Move" doesn't allow me to move it over that far.12:16
Dabbu if i am accesing internet through "HTTP" or "SHOCK5" proxy...how can i acess internet in application installed through "WINE"??12:16
arvind_khadriikonia: you there?12:16
jeatonit shows up on the boot loader, but all it says is "starting up..."12:16
meganoxGuest7851: you will need t right-click each applet on the panel and unlock them first12:16
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tealsonI cannot switch between my desktops using my mousewhell any more, how can I fix this? (using compiz)12:17
Guest7851@jeaton You are lucky.12:17
ActionParsnip1tealson: join #compiz12:17
jkbsajuuk: xinerama or xrandr setup on intel is not gui clicky sadly, with nvidia binary driver you can use nvidia-settings12:18
meganoxsajuuk: http://intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html12:18
ActionParsnip1Dabbu: i'd imagine wine would use the global settings12:18
ActionParsnip1Dabbu: is that not the case?12:18
DabbuActionParsnip1: no12:18
=== ouglebutte is now known as ooglebutte
BactaHi, installation is screwed. I keep getting the following error: Buffer I/O error, dev sr0 . I've downloaded the image twice and have tried Wubi but to no avail. What other installation issues are available to me?12:19
Tyrathwould anyone be able to read a make dump?12:19
Tyrath- i'm stuggling pinpointing the error for a make12:19
Tyrathas in, I have no idea why it isn't making from the dump12:19
meganoxsajuuk: xrandr is quite easy, you need to make one edit to xorg.conf to set a large enough Virtual desktop, your card must support a size big enough for both monitors tiled, or you will only be able to clone the screens12:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gspcav112:20
sajuukwot type of edit to xorg?12:20
TyrathBacta: what are you trying to do?12:21
BactaInstall Ubuntu 8.1012:21
TyrathBacta: did you try dist-upgrade12:21
BactaI don't have a distro12:21
arvind_khadrican i run update-grub from the live cd?12:21
BactaI'm installing this alongside Windows12:22
TyrathBacta: ah k, have you made a new partition?12:22
Bactano. the installer is meant to do that12:22
BactaI can't even get beyond the first splash screen before I get errors12:22
TyrathBacta: live CD install or no?12:22
Bactawon't work with Live CD either12:23
BactaI've been told to check the media. I will do this but I don't get why this could be an issue having downloaded the image twice12:23
TyrathBacta: the first splash screen being the installation splash screen or the installed O/S splash screen?12:23
Bactafirst splash screen before installed O/S12:23
ikoniaBacta: burn problem, or a problem iwth th eimage12:23
BactaI've got an 8 gig ipod. I'm aware that some O/Ss will install off USB12:24
Bactawould this be an option?12:24
ikonianot fromt eh piod12:24
TyrathBacta: I would automatically assume you're trying to install the 64 bit when your O/S only supports the 32 bit...12:24
ChrisBookwoodHow do i change the theme of the screensaver login dialog when my desktop is locked?12:24
ikoniaand usb set is a reasonable ammount of work12:24
ikoniaBacta: and if your image is borked, putting it on a usb won't change that12:24
ikoniaBacta: thats a file name and shows nothing12:25
ActionParsnip1Bacta: you can download it a million times, if their is a transmission error and the image is bad you will get issues12:25
meganoxsajuuk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117412:25
ActionParsnip1Bacta: md5checks are there for a reason12:25
arvind_khadriikonia: i guess the UUID's are a prob12:25
TyrathBacta: ahh I see... have you tried disabling some of the advanced package installs at the splash?12:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: why would you say that12:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: it's not getting tot he menu stage12:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: uuid's aren't even referened before that12:26
BactaTyrath: I can do that?12:26
meganoxsajuuk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=361124&page=1912:26
arvind_khadriikonia: i just now chrooted into ubuntu partition and ran update-grub12:26
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you shouldn't do that12:26
TyrathBacta: I think there's a key you can press which allows you to uncheck package installs off the splash screen12:26
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TyrathBacta: I'm not 100 percent sure what it is tho, it should say somewhere at splash12:27
arvind_khadriikonia: hmm... but there was no other way to run update-grub as # grub people said to do so12:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri: when yu boot, do you get teh grub menu, yes/no12:27
Vincemanikonia the sudo credential has expired12:27
arvind_khadriikonia: ya i do get it12:27
ikoniaVinceman: good, now try opening your user admin12:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri: ooh you do12:27
TyrathBacta: there also should be an install line and you could delete a few options off the line (possibly not a good idea unless you know exactly what you're doing)12:28
arvind_khadriikonia: :) thats why i said its due to UUID's :)12:28
sajuukguys im gonna follow this12:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: in that case, yes, the uuid's in the menu.list, manually update them, or change them to /dev/sda1 for example12:28
Vincemanthere's an unlock version12:28
Bactathanks guys :) will do a media check12:28
ikoniaVinceman: great12:28
arvind_khadriikonia: ok :)12:28
sajuukand see how that goes, soz for punct with enter key12:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: apologies, I thought you where getting this on stage112:28
TyrathActionParsnip1: hey action are you good at failed make stack dumps?12:29
x-kenthi, how can I disable that alt drags window ?? I need alt for matlab to put a dot on a graph but when I press alt it drags the window, anyone ????12:29
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: nope sorry man12:29
arvind_khadriikonia: thats ok...12:29
meganoxsajuuk: good link, once you work out what xrandr comands you need it's easy to write a wrapper scipt12:29
TyrathActionParsnip1: thanks anyhow12:29
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: try #ubuntu-dev12:29
x-kentcan anyone help ?12:29
Tyrathis anyone good at reading a make fail?12:29
sajuukexcept that i dont see wot im meant to be seeing in my xorg file12:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-dev12:30
ikoniaTyrath: what are you trying to make12:30
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: /j #ubuntu-dev12:30
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: its a channel12:30
Tyrathikonia: gspcav112:30
meganoxsajuuk: section the virtual screen in the link you posted12:30
TyrathActionParsnip1: I've been on IRC for years, I realise this. but thanks :P12:30
arvind_khadriikonia: UUID's of all or only ubuntu's?12:30
ikoniaTyrath the webcam drivers12:31
sajuukmeganox, what?  I dont understand12:31
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: then why did you try a factoid?12:31
ikoniaarvind_khadri just do ubuntu first12:31
TyrathActionParsnip1: I was more after what the channel was for :P12:31
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you can fix the rest once they are working12:31
arvind_khadriikonia: :) yaa12:31
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: i see. i'd have gone and read the welcome12:31
Tyrathikonia: that's it12:31
ikoniaTyrath: "/topic #ubuntu-dev"12:31
ActionParsnip1wow thats nifty12:31
TyrathActionParsnip1: what?12:32
sajuukoh as in copy paste the virtual screen in?12:32
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x-kenthow can I disable alt window dragging ???12:32
meganoxsajuuk: Virtual should be the only thing you need to add to xorg.conf.  you need to see if your screens will fit within the max allowed by your graphics card, probably easier one below the other12:32
x-kenthelp !12:32
ActionParsnip1ikonia: we have to be channel ops to do that12:32
ikoniaActionParsnip1: nah, shouldn't need to be12:32
ActionParsnip1ikonia: its what pidgin told me12:33
Tyrathikonia, ActionParsnip1 : the channel says "development, not support for ubuntu"12:34
sara_hi i have a pc that i need to partition so that i get half my files are windows on one side of the partition and the other half are ubuntu i am nervios of how to do it12:34
ActionParsnip1mind you, he's a dumb pidgin12:34
ActionParsnip1Tyrath: bah12:34
TyrathActionParsnip1, ikonia : but thanks anyhow :)12:34
ikoniaTyrath: pastebin the problem12:34
sajuukok I dont have such a section in my xorg12:35
sajuukeverything is 'configured' monitor or screen or what not12:35
Tyrathikonia: http://pastebin.com/f105dcc0a12:35
meganoxsajuuk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58356612:35
sajuukit makes no mention of the 55012:36
meganoxsajuuk: srry took me a while to find12:36
ikoniaTyrath where is the error ?12:36
Tyrath 12:36
meganoxsajuuk: lots of tutorials tell you to change xorg.conf, they are mostly out of date, if yu use xrandr you only need to add Virtual12:37
Tyrathikonia: sorry my irssi just stuffed up12:37
Tyrathikonia: what did you say?12:37
ikoniaTyrath where is the error /12:37
sajuukmeganox, i will pastebin to show you wot i mean12:37
shiMMerhow to set wallpaper on fluxbox??12:38
remoteCTR1gawd i just cant get thisto work:-/12:38
Tyrathikonia: i just checked out the link I sent you - extremely bizarre12:38
ActionParsnip1shiMMer: fbstbg -i /path/to/image.png12:38
figctrying to upgrade from hoary to next version..using synaptic or apt-get...no hoary folder under archive.ubuntu.com...help!12:38
Tyrathikonia: i'll try sending the dump to a file and then pastebin it and see what happens12:38
ActionParsnip1shiMMer: if that doesnt work, head to #fluxox12:38
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sajuukok meganox, here http://pastebin.com/d4ffd7902, i don't know where to put my 'virtual' cos the subsection isn't there12:39
bentob0xis there some kind of website where I can see all the logs of the various k/x/ubuntu updates?12:39
ActionParsnip1shiMMer: if it does work, add the line to your ~/.fluxbox/startup with an & on the end12:39
ikonia!changelog > bentob0x12:39
ubottubentob0x, please see my private message12:39
Tyrathikonia: for some weird reason it isn't catching the whole make. only part of it12:40
dmulhollandhey, anytime i log in networkmanager applet doesnt show... i ran nm-applet in a terminal and it complains of " applet_dbus_manager_start_service(): Could not acquire the NetworkManagerUserSettings"12:40
figcupgrading from hoary using synaptic/apt-get...no hoary folder under archive.ubuntu.com...help!12:40
Tyrathikonia: I'm doing it manually with a mouse now12:41
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: ps -ef | grep nm-12:41
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: is it running?12:41
shiMMerfbstbg: command not found12:41
ikoniashiMMer fbset12:41
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, yes12:42
Tyrathikonia: http://pastebin.ca/127580912:42
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: then kill it and rerun12:42
sajuukmeganox, http://pastebin.com/d4ffd7902 reposted link12:42
hmwhow can i set a special icon for .exe files? Every file in my windows apps have the same diamond icon, any different for the .exe would do it, just to find it more easily in a big list of files12:42
shiMMernot istalled yet12:42
lianimatorI just installed 2 cards of 2GB RAM and free -m says total is 3037.. is something wrong?12:42
dmulhollandskill not showing after killall nm-applet and then launching from terminal shows no errors but also no applet12:43
dmulholland > ActionParsnip112:43
ActionParsnip1shiMMer: sudo apt-get install fbsetbg12:43
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: sup?12:43
nogagplzGuys, I made a shipit order a number of weeks ago, and what happened was they sent it but the sleeve never had a disk in it. In fact there was no disk to be seen. I've made a number of requests for a new one, clearly outlining what has happened but they all constantly get denied. Is there anything else that can be done, or should I just give up?12:43
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, skill not showing after killall nm-applet and then launching from terminal shows no errors but also no applet12:44
meganoxsajuuk: http://pastebin.com/m24aa195a12:44
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: then try kill -9 <pid> && nm-applet12:44
shiMMeropen /dev/fb0: No such file or directory12:44
scientes__in interfaces it is 32, then i changes to 10 then 312:44
sajuuklol thx, im such a fool12:44
Tyrathikonia: did you get that link?12:44
scientes__desconecting me12:44
ActionParsnip1shiMMer: i'd head into #fluxbox12:45
ikoniaTyrath sorry I didn't I was on the phone12:45
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, killed process already in terminal so what process am i putting in for pid12:45
scientes__also i get get my ubuntu to route ipv6 right again12:45
snekquestion about ubuntu64: is there any benefit to running the 64bit version instead of the 32bit version on a server if it has less than 4gb ram or is the speed increase negligible?12:45
sajuukhow can I test my vga card's max resolution?12:46
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scientes__if you set up a tunnel with a netmask shouldnt it just be able to set routes up automatically?12:46
Slartsnek: I think you'll do fine with 32-bit.. at least I don't know of a reason12:46
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: if you run the ps command again you will see the leftmost value is its PID12:46
scientes__and ip doesnt want to take my routes12:46
Slartsnek: I still use 64bit myself.. but that's just for the coolness factor ;)12:46
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, nm-applet isn't running12:46
ActionParsnip1snek: if you are encoding / decoding stuff then 64bit is advantageous12:46
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: hmm12:46
Tyrathikonia: http://pastebin.ca/127580912:47
snekSlart: yeah I run 64bit on my desktop since it has 4gb, but my little download server runs 32bit and was just thinking all of a sudden if there would be any use to upgrading it12:47
jmonrealhey guys, i have a core2 duo with heron 64bits, and having a problem to recognize de 4gb of ram12:47
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, only think that comes up is /usr/sbin/nm-system-settings --config /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf12:47
jmonrealonly sees 3gb12:47
meganoxsajuuk: i don't know where to find the max Virtual resolution your card supports though12:47
ikoniaTyrath: got it12:47
snekjmonreal: you might have to change something in your bios12:47
jmonreallike what?12:47
sajuukmeh i just go with 2048 x 204812:47
jmonrealsnek, ?12:47
sajuuksee wot happens12:47
meganoxsajuuk: you may only be able to stack your screens one above the other if they are wide12:47
Slartjmonreal: run "uname -a" in a terminal.. paste the results here if it's only one line12:47
ActionParsnip1dmulholland: try killing nm-applet and renaming its config file, then rerunning. you will have to reconfigure your connection12:47
snekjmonreal: errrr i will have to look that one up, one sec12:47
Tyrathikonia: sweet. and no worries about the phone ;)12:47
sajuukthey are both 15"12:48
sajuuk1024 is max12:48
meganox2048 x 2048 will probably work12:48
meganoxgood luck12:48
sajuuklets reboot :D12:48
meganoxor just logout ;)12:49
ikoniaTyrath first warning is it's looking for  header that doesn't exist, which explains (maybe) why it has unknown functions12:49
snekjmonreal: something like this: Go into the bios and enable the memory hole for 4 GB support. This option is located in CPU Configuration->Memory Settings->Memory Configuration->Hardware Memory Hole <- set this to enabled.12:49
sajuuklol it wouldn't let me save12:49
hmwhow can i set a special icon for .exe files? Every file in my windows apps have the same diamond icon, any different for the .exe would do it, just to find it more easily in a big list of files. tutorials tell me to go to .icons, but the icon set, i use is not there12:49
jmonrealLinux turing 2.6.24-22-generic #1 SMP Mon Nov 24 19:35:06 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:50
jmonrealSlart, ?12:50
sajuukgksudo gedit xorg.conf?12:50
jribjmonreal: do you see 4gb in your bios?12:50
fosco_hmw: try /usr/share/icons12:50
jmonrealsnek, Ill restart and look up, ill tell you in a sec12:50
Slartjmonreal: hmm.. so you're running the 64 bit kernel.. and still you only see 3GB when you have 4GB installed?12:50
* nil installed intrepid yesterday.12:50
jmonrealSlart, yes12:50
meganox/etc/X11/xorg.conf?  make a backup!12:50
snekSlart: it's a bios thing i had the same problem with my Asus P5W DH Deluxe12:51
nilI discovered that now the Xorg touchpad settings are handled by HAL. but the mouse preference tool doesn't offer any circular touchpad option. how can I switch back to the plain Xorg.conf settings for the touchpad?12:51
jribjmonreal: in my case it was called "memory remapping" or something similar12:51
sajuuksaved, wish me luck12:51
Tyrathikonia: that's bizarre ause others haven't been having the same issue12:51
jmonrealjrib, thanks ill see right away12:51
snekjmonreal / jrib: true, it's not always called the same, differs a bit per mobo brand12:51
Tyrathikonia: can i quit and br12:51
Tyrathikonia: my irssi stuffed up again12:52
jribsnek: stupidly enough, also asus12:52
snekjrib: lol.. nice consitency they hold there at asus :)12:52
Tyrathikonia: i'm runing a script which is no longer running as it should12:52
meganoxwhere are gconf keys relating to HAL mounting internal drives?12:52
dmulhollandActionParsnip1, still no joy but need to go to a lecture will try fix it later, at least internet works but i need nm-applet to launch vpn12:53
ActionParsnip1hmw: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-302549.html12:53
jribmeganox: desktop -> gnome -> volume manager?  Why?12:53
Tyrathikonia: it appears others have had similar problems on the ubuntu forums12:54
ikoniaTyrath I can believe that12:54
ikoniaif a header is missing12:54
* Tyrath wonders wtf has happened to irssi12:54
* Tyrath is quite sad that he'll probably have to reinstall the application and loose all his settings12:54
hmwActionParsnip1 thanks, but i dont have a folder for mime types... :( "Minty Fresh" icon set12:54
ikoniaTyrath drop teh wtf comments please12:54
Tyrathikonia: sorry12:55
ActionParsnip1hmw: its just an example12:55
lianimatorI installed 4 GB ram, how do I check how much I actually have??12:55
meganoxjrib: i formatted 2 drives ext3 and can't mount them read-write by right-clicking in nautilus. also need to change labels12:55
Tyrathikonia: any ideas why it's not finding the headers?12:55
ikoniaTyrath not on the system ?12:55
Tyrathikonia: ahh ok12:56
meganoxjrib: i don't understand how gnome mounts drives at all12:56
sneklianimator: open a terminal and type "free -m" and it will tell you how much you have.. if it doesn't find the full 4GB you might need to change something in the BIOS12:56
lianimatorsnek: it found 3037...12:56
sneklianimator: are you running 64bit?12:57
lianimatorsnek: nope. 32bit'12:57
jrib!label > meganox12:57
ubottumeganox, please see my private message12:57
sneklianimator: that would be your problem then, you need to enable PAE to use more than 3GB then12:57
jribmeganox: you set permissions on drives formatted as ext3 using chmod/chown12:57
jrib!permissions > meganox12:57
sajuukomg, it worked12:58
skendoes anybody know how can i convert videos to mp3 in ubuntu 8..10?12:58
lunaphyte_i have a couple of computers running intrepid that have apache 2.2.9 on them.  when the apache service is started at boot, it complains "apache2: apr_sockaddr_info_get() failed for <hostname>; apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName" - but if i then log in and stop/start apache, all is perfectly fine, with no complaints.  what could be wrong?12:58
sajuukI have a dual screen ubuntu setup12:58
Tyrathikonia: it's surprising because the install just recommends that I have a kernal with a version above 2.6.1112:58
sajuukmeganox, I thank you12:58
EZASissues installing 8800GT12:58
ikonialunaphyte_ it can't get teh machines hostname so uses the localhost address12:58
EZASI've never used Ubuntu before12:58
lianimatorsnek: isn't my limit at 4 GB?12:58
ikoniaTyrath: kernel is not eh headers12:58
sajuukI wish to thank the guys who helped two nights ago12:58
Tyrathikonia: so what is?12:58
ataufikdoes anyone know how to play WMV movie in Ibex? Currently Totem & Mplayer can not play that.... Thx12:58
sajuuknow i need to set it up properly12:59
ikoniaTyrath: depends what package contains that header12:59
jribataufik: install w32codecs from the medibuntu repository12:59
erUSUL!w32codecs | ataufik12:59
ubottuataufik: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:59
lunaphyte_ikonia: that much i know.  what i don't understand is why, moments later, it's able to just fine.12:59
ataufikjrib, Thanks for quick response. I will try that now12:59
sneklianimator: well, it's tricky.. the last 1gb is partly reserved for your vga card and other incomprehensible mumbo-jumbo like that ;)12:59
ikoniaTyrath: and sometimes if a software is not well maintained they may not keep up to date with changes in the kernel so 2.6.11 or greater it works with, but anything over 2.6.20 it may fail12:59
sajuukAt the moment my laptop monitor is the 'left' but i want it to be the right12:59
ikonialunaphyte_: because your dns can't resolve the hostname,12:59
ataufikthx for quick response everyone13:00
sneklianimator: if you want to use the full 4gb without problems it is recommended to use 64bit13:00
sajuukcan i do the changes in resolution manager?13:00
lianimatorsnek: ah. then.... it's fine right? I'm not actually wasting any?? 3GB is more than enough for me I think.. I'll use only about 2GB13:00
jriblunaphyte_: because it's just a warning.  Apache should be starting anyway13:00
meganoxjrib: can i just set perms on the mount point while it's mounted?  thought i needed to set uid and umask in mount options13:00
Tyrathikonia: i tried installing the old version via a make and still it couldn't find the headers :/. i'm going to apt the headers and see what luck I have13:00
ikoniaTyrath apt the headers ? do you know what package they are in ?13:01
skendoes anybody know how can i convert videos to mp3 in ubuntu 8..10?13:01
sneklianimator: well, it is still a small waste i guess, plus the 64bit version is a bit faster in general.. but if you will never use that much it won't make too much difference13:01
lunaphyte_jrib: yeah, it does - but with wrong info, breaking things like rewriting in certain cases and use of certain envvars.13:01
ikoniasken: mencoder13:01
jribmeganox: yes, you have to set the permissions while it's mounted and you do it to the mount point (and anything under it).  uid and gid options make no sense for ext3 since it can handle permissions in the filesystem13:01
yaserHi, if I want to write a HowTo related to Wireless and Networking, which place of Ubuntu Forums should I put it?13:02
arvind_khadriikonia: nothing works here :( , can i install only lilo through alternate cd?13:02
Tyrathikonia: it tells me sometimes... but i don't have to install them i don't think... it might be a simple symlink problem...13:02
sajuukomg done, thx meganox you made my day13:02
ikoniaarvind_khadri why do you want to install lilo13:02
skenikonia how can i install mencoder?13:02
rohdefhow do I make my laptop work with a projector13:02
lianimatorsnek: thanks :)13:02
ikoniasken: it's part of the mplayer package13:02
sajuukmeganox, my hat is off to you13:02
lianimatorrohdef: what's your vga card?13:02
jriblunaphyte_: you should check the apache docs on what that should be.  I guess hostname works, but there are probably cases where you'd want something else.  #apache probably knows more13:02
meganoxsajuuk: glad it worked, i crashed X when i did it ;)13:02
arvind_khadriikonia: is it not good to install that?13:02
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you need to start giving more info instead of just keep saying "it doesn't work" I can't help you with "it doesn't work"13:02
snekyaser: Tutorials & Tips would be a good place I think: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=10013:02
rohdeflianimator, Intel something, it's an onboard13:02
sajuuki did that two days ago, i was prepared to do it13:02
sajuukgood night all :D13:02
yasersnek, thk13:03
ataufikanother question of WMV, currently I just installed VLC and Mplayer...  can I remove it and just use Totem?13:03
lianimatorrohdef: how are you going to connect the projector to the laptop?13:03
jribsnek: ffmpeg would be another converting program13:03
rohdeflianimator, normal VGA-cable13:03
skeni have installed mencoder ikonia13:03
skeni mean mplayer ikonia13:03
lianimatorrohdef: the blue big thing?13:03
arvind_khadriikonia: the same error came up after i changed the UUID's ,error 17, and now i have fixed the MBR so that atleast i can boot into Windows13:03
EZASNvidia  restricted drivers + reboot = black screen (8.04) - If I got to recovery, I will be able to see the login screen again, but then teh driver is disabled .. PLEASE HELP... please13:03
skendoes anybody know how can i convert videos to mp3 in ubuntu 8..10?13:03
EZASusing an 8800GT 512MB13:03
rohdeflianimator, eh? What blue thing?13:03
Matrix2323Plz help dont run Windows Media center13:03
ActionParsnip1ataufik: sure, you can remove anything you want that you don't need13:04
ikoniaarvind_khadri right get back to how you where with grub not working, then boot into a livecd, and lets fix this13:04
Tyrathikonia: ok i just checked the location of the headers it was checking and oddly i already have those headers installed...13:04
jribsken: ffmpeg or mencoder...13:04
meganoxjrib: thanks, my vfat USB drive was my only reference point.  there are no default options for ext2/3 in gconf.  of course there aren't!13:04
lianimatorrohdef: normal vga cable.. like a monitor?13:04
ActionParsnip1Matrix2323: huh?13:04
ikoniaTyrath check the location to see ifi t's in the include path13:04
skenjrib which is better?13:04
jeatoni installed ubuntu a little while ago, and now im unable to boot back into windows, it's still an option under GRUB, but it just says "starting up"13:04
rohdeflianimator, yes like an old monitor, new digital monitors (like most lcd-monitors use DVI)13:04
Matrix2323Ubuntu with wine dont run Windows media center, dont use my tuner tv13:05
chiliblue_jeaton you get as far as the windows splash screen13:05
ActionParsnip1jeaton: check your /boot/grub/menu.lst is correct13:05
Tyrathikonia: actually it says i must have read/write access to my kernal source tree13:05
tdreyer1why does nautilus randomly start using 100% of my cpu?13:05
snekMatrix2323: yeah i doubt that's going to work at all... you want to use a native Linux application13:05
jribsken: depends on your criteria of course.  Both will get the job done.  ffmpeg is newer and I tend to use that13:05
Tyrathikonia: do you know where the source tree is?13:05
ActionParsnip1Matrix2323: xbmc can do all that, WMC is a windows app13:05
lianimatorrohdef: not sure on an intel card.. thought it might be nvidia.13:05
skenjrib how can i install ffmpeg13:05
ikoniaTyrath: /usr/src13:05
snekMatrix2323: MythTV might be another option13:06
jribsnek: use APT13:06
jeatonchiliblue_: no, only the next screen after grub, where it just says "starting up.."13:06
snekjrib: you keep using my nick, but you mean someone else :P13:06
Tyrathikonia: and I just chmod u+rw /usr/src ?13:06
ikoniaTyrath: it is complaining about that header though, in clear english13:06
jribsnek, sken: wow, you're right13:06
ikoniaTyrath: why are you looking at permissisons when the error is in clear english13:06
Tyrathikonia: i'm trying to install the older driver. and the stack dump is saying i need read/write privs13:07
Matrix2323but dont run in wine or crossover, for is very good13:07
ikoniaTyrath look in /usr/src13:07
skenjrib how can install ffmpeg?13:07
jeatonActionParsnip1: /boot/grub/menu.list should be correct, but i can paste it along with fdisk -l if you like?13:07
Tyrathikonia: it's there13:07
jribsken: use APT (apt-get or Synaptic)13:07
ActionParsnip1jeaton: sure, put it in the same paste13:07
ActionParsnip1Matrix2323: xbmc is a similar app, if you want WMC, use windows13:08
skenjrib i installed it via command but ffmpeg didn't appear in menu13:08
Matrix2323in virtual box working good windows media center??13:08
jribsken: it's command line13:09
hmwActionParsnip1 i give up, this is way too complicated, and i dont even have similar folders/file names. no "application/x-executeable" at all13:09
ActionParsnip1Matrix2323: ive not used it in that context, give it a try. id use xbmc instead13:09
ActionParsnip1hmw: i dont use gnome so i cant give first hand experience help13:09
Tyrathikonia: what's bizarre is it tells me the header directory is rwxrwxrwx - meaning all privs granted unless i'm mistaken13:10
ikoniaTyrath: can you show me the exact error message please13:10
chiliblue_what is the name of ubuntu 8.10?13:10
chiliblue_is it still hardy13:10
ikoniachiliblue_: no13:10
jribchiliblue_: intrepid ibex13:10
meganoxchiliblue_: Intrepid Ibex13:10
chiliblue_intrepid thanks13:10
Picichiliblue_: Intrepid Ibex13:10
hmwActionParsnip1 as there are many people wanting similar things, i guess they will create a GUI solution sometime. I will practise my patience meanwhile ;-) thanks again.13:10
ikoniachiliblue_: intrepid ibex13:10
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ActionParsnip1hmw: give it a looking into if you get bored13:11
meganoxjrib: to pick up my changed disk labels, do i need to restart hal?  I don't wan to reboot13:11
skenjrib i installed ffmpeg via synaptic but it doesn't appear on the menu13:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:11
Joseph_KNeed some help getting the Intel 3945 ABG wireless device to work in Kubuntu 8.10 - driver (module) is loaded, 'wlan0' appears, but lshw reports that the device is disabled.  There is no RF killswitch (except maybe Fn-F5), so... what do I do?13:12
ActionParsnip1chiliblue_: if you run lsb_release -a | grep -i code you will see what codename you have installed13:12
skenpici pici firfirici13:12
Ashgadgetsi need the help13:12
jribsken: it's command line, not in the menu13:12
hmwActionParsnip1 i just wanted to install a game and wanted exe files to be marked differently. i should be able to solve it, but not now. i want to play now and hack tomorrow *g*13:12
Matrix2323linux is for losseer!!13:12
Ashgadgetsmy apt is broken13:12
jribMatrix2323: do you have a question about ubuntu support?13:12
jribor that13:12
Picisken: And the point of that was?13:12
chiliblue_thanks ActionParsnip113:12
skensoo how can i use ffmpeg jrib13:13
=== slayton_away is now known as slayton
fightskillzNeed some help editing a file that 'i am not the owner of'13:13
Tyrathikonia: http://pastebin.ca/127583013:13
skenpici for a joke men pici in my language means peach13:13
jribmeganox: well the labels should be changed right away.  You just need to remount them.  With external disks you could just plug them in again.  Not sure what to do with the internal ones13:13
hmwfightskillz you can use "sudo gedit <filename>"13:13
Ashgadgetsmy apt is broken!13:13
Pici!gksudo | hmw fightskillz13:13
ubottuhmw fightskillz: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)13:14
meganoxjrib: will just logout13:14
ActionParsnip1hmw: use gksudo for gui apps dude13:14
jribsken: ffmpeg -i infile outfile13:14
arvind_khadriikonia: ok i am in the live cd and yeah i have made the linux disk to boot first now13:14
ActionParsnip1hmw: sudo gedit is not advised13:14
jeatonAction http://rafb.net/p/3vH52y16.html13:14
jribAshgadgets: /how/ is it broken?13:14
hmwActionParsnip1 thanks... didnt know yet13:14
ikoniaTyrath: thats not an error, thats just a warning13:14
Ashgadgetsjrib: seg faults13:14
hmwActionParsnip1 but sudo vim would have been ok, right?13:14
ikoniaarvind_khadri mega, so pastebin your menu.list from your machine (not the liveCD) and lets work it through13:14
arvind_khadriikonia: ok just a sec13:15
kebomixhello, i cant upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8,10 by ubuntu 8.10 cd ?13:15
fightskillzthanks all13:15
tdreyer1kebomix: yes13:15
Jack_Sparrowkebomix only with the alt13:15
tdreyer1kebomix: sorry, misread :13:15
Ashgadgetsjrib: anything that can be done?13:15
ActionParsnip1jeaton: looks fine13:16
ActionParsnip1!grub | jeaton13:16
ubottujeaton: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto13:16
jeatonany ideas?13:16
ActionParsnip1jeaton: that may help some13:16
skenno such file or directory jrib13:16
kebomixi pressed alt+f2 and typed gksu "sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" like ubuntu.com says , and it show me screen to type password then nothing happens !13:16
Tyrathikonia: ah k. so what where the errors down the bottom?13:16
jeatonill check it out, thanks13:16
jribAshgadgets: pastebin the exact command and output.  And describe any ideas you have (ie what are the last things you did before the problem arose)13:16
jribsken: error messages without commands are half as useful as error messages with commands13:17
jrib!paste > sken13:17
ubottusken, please see my private message13:17
fightskillzwait now i'm getting "Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."13:17
arvind_khadriikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80309/13:17
remoteCTR1gawd i hate this new network manager13:17
remoteCTR1nothing works13:17
ikoniaTyrath well the first one that says the CFLAGS was changed, you may want to fix that, then you need to see more lines above what you've pasteed to find out the problem13:17
fightskillzoh wait, that's probably my fault hold on13:17
Tyrathikonia: how could I do that?13:17
fightskillzya ok thanks it works13:18
SapientHi, I am trying to pipe output of a command to "less", but the command requires a password to be entered interactively13:18
Tyrathikonia: that's all that appeared under me typing make in the console13:18
kebomixanybody help me here13:18
Ashgadgetsjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80310/13:19
jribSapient: you probably just won't see "Password", but you can still type it13:19
julmummahi! i have installed package kubuntu-desktop (kde4). i didn't like it. how do I remove all that was installed?13:19
cjaehow long has 8.10 been out?13:19
nilone month13:19
m1dn1ghtcjae: just over a month13:20
jribAshgadgets: try strace, maybe someone will see something13:20
Ashgadgetsjrib: strace apt-get -f install ?13:20
Sapientjrib: works, thanks13:20
ikoniaTyrath well, something in the file Makefile in the source dir changes CFLAGS, I suggest you fix that or go back to using the current version of the code13:20
kebomixi cant upgrade to ubuntu 8.10 by cd ?!!13:21
erUSUL!puregnome | julmumma13:21
ubottujulmumma: If you want to remove all !KDE packages and have a default !Ubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome »13:21
meganoxjulmumma: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome13:21
cjaem1dn1ght, any good? I switched from ubuntu13:21
ataufikhello I am back... Just install w32codecs from medibuntu and its dependencies but the file still can't be played... any advice?13:21
arvind_khadrikebomix: use a alternate cd13:21
skeni installed ffmpeg and mencoder but doesn't appear on the menu13:21
skenany clue?13:22
ikoniaarvind_khadri almost there ?13:22
jribsken: I told you already they are command line programs...13:22
cjaem1dn1ght, @ 8.04 cause ubuntu was getting to unstable for me and switching kernels too much13:22
ikoniacjae ubuntu never switches kernel versions13:22
cjaeikonia, what13:22
skenbut i don't know how to use them jrib13:22
arvind_khadriikonia: ya i feel so... as now its correct the drives are being pointed correctly13:22
ikoniacjae ubuntu keeps the same kernel versions as when the release was launched13:23
skenany other non-command line programms13:23
ikoniaarvind_khadri sorry no, I missed your link13:23
jribsken: I told you how to use ffmpeg in a simple case.  And when you gave me an error message, I asked you to pastebin the command you used along with the error13:23
DarkKnighthey i m not finding the right driver for my printer...can anyone help13:23
julmummaerUSUL, meganox: thanks13:23
Ashgadgetsjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80311/13:23
jerbeari'm using freenx, and anything that uses named colors (rgb.txt) doesn't work? anyone have any ideas?13:23
arvind_khadriikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80309/ here it is13:24
cjaeikonia, are you sure you are no misunderstaing me cause I have clearly saw the updater do it and install more kernels links in grub13:24
skenhow can i pastebin it jrib?13:24
ikoniacjae it installs the same kernel base13:24
ikoniacjae: the base never changes13:24
jribAshgadgets: doesn't mean much to me, don't know13:24
jrib!paste > sken13:24
ubottusken, please see my private message13:24
m1dn1ghtcjae: I still use 8.04 because I have some dodgy hardware that intrepid doesn't like13:25
arvind_khadri!alternate > kebomix13:25
ubottukebomix, please see my private message13:25
Ashgadgetsjrib: does it have anything to do with the distro not getting updated?13:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: my advice to you would be - just to get this working change the root=UUID=blah line to root=/dev/sda7 or what ever the correct option is13:25
ikoniaarvind_khadri: then once it's booted - change it tot he correct uuid13:25
ataufikhello I am back... Just install w32codecs from medibuntu and its dependencies but the WMV file still can't be played in Totem... any advice?13:25
skeni pasted it jrib13:25
arvind_khadriikonia: and before doing that install grub again to where?13:25
meganoxcjae: they are security and stability updates and are recommended to install. should not break anything13:26
jribsken: give us the url13:26
=== Bracki_ is now known as Bracki
ikoniaarvind_khadri exactly as you had it before13:26
skenwhat url?13:26
arvind_khadriikonia: to the place where windows is present right?13:26
psicobrahi all13:26
snekataufik: have you tried playing it with VLC? it seems pretty good at WMV files these days from what I could tell just a few days ago when I tested it13:26
skenwhat url jrib?13:26
ikoniaarvind_khadri no, the root option needs to be where ubuntu was (1,6) and the other the boot drive mbr (hd0)13:26
jribsken: that you got when you pasted it13:26
psicobrai have just installed a sound card with optical out spdif how do i make it work?13:26
jerbeari'm using freenx, and anything that uses named colors (rgb.txt) doesn't work? anyone have any ideas?13:27
wisnutIntrepid 64 - anyone know of a real fix for java crashing firefox?13:27
Jim_RaynorHowdy, boys13:27
ataufiksnek : hahaha... I just remove VLC and Mplayer, I thought w32codecs can resolve the problem of playing WMV play with Totem13:27
arvind_khadriikonia: ok as the present situation goes ubuntu is in (0,6) so the mbr would be in?13:27
snekataufik: oh ok haha13:27
creek23_what cvs gui do you use?13:27
snekataufik: one moment, i will see if they play in totem on my machine at home13:27
cjaemeganox, ya I know but was annoying and on occaision it did mess stuff up13:27
jribAshgadgets: I doubt it.  Did you try googling 'apt-get segfault'.  I think I've seen someone asking about this before, so you might get some hits that can give you some ideas13:27
creek23_hello. what cvs gui do you guys use?13:27
Jim_RaynorI upgraded to 8.10 and now I can't connect to encrypted networks13:27
ikoniaarvind_khadri I thought ubuntu was on your hd1 drive13:27
Jim_Raynoreven WEP ones13:27
jribcreek23_: who still uses cvs? :/13:28
arvind_khadriikonia: i have fixed the mbr so that windows boots and windows is in the second drive....13:28
arvind_khadriikonia: i changed the booting order so that windows could boot13:28
Ashgadgetsjrib: will see that13:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri right so it's hd0,7 for the root,13:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri: which drive is the default boot device13:28
ataufiksnek : the error message was :   "The stream is encrypted and decription is not supported"13:28
arvind_khadriikonia: the drive which has linux.... (as of now)13:29
arvind_khadriikonia: thats hd013:29
ikoniaarvind_khadri: setup is (hd0) then too13:29
Lartza_how can you run program from terminal so it wont close when you close terminal?13:29
snekataufik: ah you are trying to stream a file? or is it a stream you ripped to your hdd?13:29
arvind_khadriikonia: ok so root(hd0,6) setup(hd0)13:29
arvind_khadriikonia: then change the UUID in menu.lst13:29
ikoniaarvind_khadri: that looks good13:29
arvind_khadriikonia: right?13:30
ikoniaarvind_khadri: thats tright13:30
wisnutremoved gcj 4.3 base, same problem, disable "java" in FF preferences, all seems to be well except now any java application doesn't run. . . . .13:30
jribLartza_: disown the job after you run it (COMMAND & disown), or use nohup (nohup COMMAND), or use screen13:30
jrib!screen > Lartza_13:30
ubottuLartza_, please see my private message13:30
snekataufik: a normal wmv plays fine in my totem13:30
arvind_khadriikonia: thanks..will do it and report back13:30
ikoniaarvind_khadri: hardcode it tot he correct /dev/sd$ settings13:30
=== conde_afk is now known as conde
hmwLartza_ type: programname &13:30
ataufiksnek : I just download the file from torrent and its format already WMV13:30
meganoxcjae: well any release will always have kernel updates enabled by default13:30
psicobraany one13:30
psicobrawow major lag13:30
rimas123hello, does anyone know a way to create ufs fs on linux? :/13:30
skenwhat the fuck can anybody help me13:30
jribhmw: that won't work13:30
jerbeari'm using freenx, and anything that uses named colors (rgb.txt) doesn't work? anyone have any ideas?13:30
psicobrahopefully some one got my question but if not i have just installed anew sound card with spdof optical out the card is detected and working from what i can tell but how do i make the optical work13:30
jribsken: please watch your language.  And I am helping you.  You never gave me the url to your pastebin....13:31
snekataufik: now it gets weird, i don't even have w32codecs installed and the wmv plays lol13:31
skeni gave it13:31
meganoxrimas123: you may be able to do it at install time using the alternate cd13:31
hmwjrib - sorry... "gksudo ... &" did work (i checked before i told it) - why doesnt do it without gksudo?13:31
skenwhat the fuck is url?13:31
Jim_RaynorI feel you, guys... any insights on what may be my issue? or is it a bug on the Ibex?13:31
skeni told you i gave it13:31
wisnutsken - chill out13:32
jribsken: please stop with the language.  After you hit "submit" at paste.ubuntu.com, what does your address bar in your browser say?13:32
skenfuckk off wisnut13:32
FlynsarmyAre there any firewalls for linux that have allow/deny popups like the windows ones? I've heard of firestarter and ip tables and don't care13:32
sneksomeone's looking for a kicking me thinks ;)13:32
ActionParsnip1sken: url == the address you type in the address bar13:32
ActionParsnip1skenwhen you paste you go to a new address, we need that address13:32
hmwFlynsarmy try noscript plugin in firefox13:32
wisnutthanks jrib13:32
kebomixmy title bar appear behind  upper toolbar when i open any window , and i have to move window always to make it appear , how to fix that guys http://img98.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotjb3.png ?13:33
ataufiksken : may I know your Totem version? Mine is 2.24.3 using Gstreamer 0.10.2113:33
hmwkebomix you using compiz?13:33
Flynsarmyhmw: that doesn't do what i asked13:33
snekataufik: do an aptitude search gstreamer0.10-plugins-13:33
ActionParsnip1snek: being abusive is a great way to get added to peoples ignore list13:33
snekataufik: i have the following packages installed: bad, base, good, ugly13:33
endo602anyone here use optical out for audio?13:33
matrix223Fedora is great,13:34
ataufiksnek : okay... I will do update13:34
Jim_RaynorIt used to work fine on the Heron... I know that I'm not alone on that one, right people?13:34
kebomixhmw: yes13:34
snekataufik: gstreamer plugins are what totem uses to play media files in general13:34
wisnutokay - so has anyone had issues with java on FF, Intrepid 64, tried posted 'fixes' and nothing works?13:34
ActionParsnip1matrix223: i find it bloated but if it works for yuo then cool :)13:34
rimas123meganox : thanks, but i dont have alt cd and my optical drive isnt working:)13:34
hmwkebomix if you already have the compiz settings manager installed, you just need to activate the plugin "Place Windows" afair13:34
ActionParsnip1wisnut: use icedtea13:34
snekActionParsnip1: you're right, i forgot about that function in IRC.. haven't used it in years :)13:35
ataufiksnek : can I use this syntax : apt-get install gstreamer0.10* to install all gstreamer codec?13:35
snekataufik: hmm that would install a bit too much i think.. one sec i'll make a pastebin for ya13:36
Lartza_will deb package for debian sid work in gutsy?13:36
wisnutwhen i run 'java -version' I show IcedTea6 1.3.1 (6b12-0ubuntu6) Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_0-b12)13:36
ActionParsnip1ataufik: you coul try: apt-cache search gstreamer | grep codec13:36
matrix223odiosos, babosos, ya no queremos osos13:36
FlynsarmyAre there any firewalls for linux that have allow/deny popups like the windows ones?13:36
ActionParsnip1wisnut: whats it show in about:plugins in your rowser?13:36
skenwisnutttttttttt hahhaha13:36
tiyowanIs there any good reason not to just use amarok for music and vlc for video? :-)13:36
jribsken: by "infile" I meant the path to the input file and by "outfile" I meant the name of the output file.  So something like: ffmpeg -i foo.avi foo.mp313:37
Lartza_will deb package for debian sid work in gutsy?13:37
Jim_Raynorcome on, guys... throw me a little attention here!13:37
jribLartza_: no, not in general.  Use the ubuntu repositories13:37
ActionParsnip1!debian | Lartza_13:37
ubottuLartza_: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!13:37
jurismquick question about network/interfaces what is broadcast and network. are they the same as preffered and alternate DNS server in WIndowsXP?13:37
Lartza_too old13:37
ataufikActionParsnip1, : thank you... will try13:37
Lartza_my firend needs wesnoth 1.4.613:37
jribLartza_: what exactly is too old?13:37
tiyowanJim_Raynor: What's the problem?13:37
Lartza_on gutsy rep its 1.2.613:37
wisnutdefault, demo print, divx, gcj (i think this is the problem), quick time, shockware, totem, windows media player13:37
reqqit'sup guys - so, on modems, screw my conexant winmodem - are there supported USB hardware Fax/Modems?13:37
Lartza_for debian sid it would be 1.4.613:37
sken this is how am i gone use ffmpeg jrib?13:37
Jim_RaynorI can't connect to encrypted wifi networks since I upgraded to the Ibex13:38
ActionParsnip1jurism: broadcast is the broadcast address, network is the network address13:38
jribsken: yes, that's how you use it13:38
snekataufik: sudo aptitude install gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly13:38
rom_oh putain13:38
tiyowan!hcl reqqit13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hcl reqqit13:38
Jim_RaynorIt worked fine before... also, clean install offers the same result13:38
kebomixhmw: thx that worked13:38
ActionParsnip1jurism: in a class c network, the last octet will be 255 for broadcast and 0 for network13:38
Jim_RaynorNo encrypted networking for Raynor13:38
snekanyone notice how gstramer devs were influenced by the movie The Good, The Bad & The Ugly? lol13:38
reqqithcl? sounds interesting - what is hcl, I hope on topic and relevant to my interests13:38
terramotohi! could someone help me please? im having problems changing the splash screen...13:38
jurismthank You!13:38
jrib!info wesnoth gutsy-backporst | Lartza_, more recent in backports13:38
reqqittiyowan, is this relevant to my interests?13:38
ubottugutsy-backporst is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'feisty', 'feisty-backports', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'medibuntu', 'partner']13:38
ataufiksnek & ActionParsnip1 : using syntax apt-cache search.. found this : gstreamer0.10-pitfdll - GStreamer plugin for using MS Windows binary codecs13:38
ActionParsnip1jurism: to clarify:13:38
jrib!info wesnoth gutsy-backports | Lartza_, more recent in backports13:38
ubottuwesnoth (source: wesnoth): fantasy turn-based strategy game. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.4-1~gutsy1 (gutsy-backports), package size 2917 kB, installed size 6656 kB13:38
tiyowan!hcl | reqqit13:39
ubottureqqit: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:39
matrix223Fedora Rlz, adolf ubuntu13:39
Lartza_jrib: but is it 1.4.6?13:39
Lartza_its 1.4-113:39
jribLartza_: right13:39
never2farhi ...i tried to make a cron ...but it doesn't work ..also tried to restart crond from /etc/init.d/crond restart13:39
never2farany one have a clue ?13:39
tiyowanreqqit: Check out the list, find a compatible modem, and you're all set.13:39
snekataufik: i don't have that installed, but if my line doesn't help you could try it13:39
Lartza_he is updating but not sure will it be 1.4.613:39
ActionParsnip1jurism: would have a subnet mask network 192.168.0,0 and broadcast
tiyowanJim_Raynor: What wireless card are you using?13:39
ataufiksnek : okay... will try one by one then...13:39
terramotoi followed the wiki guide but it didnt change the splash screen :\13:40
snekataufik: the weird thing is totem asks me if it can't play a file if i want to install the codec.. it doesn't do that for you? (i'm running 8.10)13:40
endo602I am having a problem gettin gmy optical out for my xfi audio card to work, the analog jacks work13:40
Jim_RaynorAnyway, tiyowan... it worked fine with the Heron13:40
jurism192.168.2.255 and I am runnning windows XP + virtualbox+ ubuntu server and I am trying to host a web server on Ubuntu. I will try Your settings :)13:40
jrib!tw | student13:41
ubottustudent: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:41
snekendo602: optical under linux is a problem, let alone x-fi optical.. you're lucky it even works with analog plugs, the drivers are brand new13:41
kebomixguys , i did instructions on this page http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=ipw2200 and i lost my wireless connection ?!!!13:41
ataufiksnek & ActionParsnip1 : gstreamer0.10-pitfdll installed and still can't play the WMV, I will try snek's advice13:41
Jim_RaynorWPA, WEP... no issues on that version... BUT when I updated to Ibex, game over man!13:41
skenjrib didn't work13:41
tiyowanJim_Raynor: hold on13:41
endo602snek should i just stay with windows until its resolved?13:41
snekendo602: yeah, x-fi is nowhere near complete support under linux13:42
jribsken: you need to be in the directory that youtube.YouTube_-_eisai_sto_myalo_kati_magiko.flv is in13:42
ActionParsnip1jurism: yeah the ip will be 192.168.2.x with netmask network broadcast
endo602sounds like the best advice i heard in awhile13:42
endo602i got ubuntu running on a vm13:42
endo602under vista13:42
endo602and the sound works13:42
skenyou mean to copy paste the video in command  line jrib?13:42
endo602but i will leave it at that13:42
snekendo602: it's using the vmware driver then, that's different13:43
jurismOK. do I need to add DNS server as local IP or my ISP DNS server IP?13:43
jribsken: no, I mean you are now in ~ (/home/dimitris) in the command line.  But your video is not in ~, it is somewhere else right?  You want to 'cd' to that directory that it is in13:43
skenexplain jrib13:43
meganoxjurism: router IP if you have a router13:43
tiyowanJim_Raynor: Could you open up a terminal and type iwconfig and see what it says please.13:43
jurismok, thank You!13:43
skeni don't understand jrib explain13:43
jribsken: where is the video?  What folder?13:44
Tyrathikonia: thanks for the help, i'll fiddle around a bit and see how i go13:44
Dabbuis there any GUI for MySQL ?13:44
ajax4Hey guys....anyone know how I can mount bin/cue images?13:45
never2farhow can i add a script to start at some time using crontab ?13:45
ikoniaDabbu: mysqladmin ?13:45
skenin the videos folder jrib13:45
jrib!iso > ajax413:45
ubottuajax4, please see my private message13:45
jribsken: so run this command first: cd ~/Videos13:46
creek23_Dabbu, try 'apt-cache search mysql gui'13:46
Jim_Raynortiyowan, http://pastebin.com/fa66344c13:46
Dabbuikonia: what is this ?13:46
ikoniaDabbu a gui for mysql13:46
Pici!info mysql-admin13:46
ubottumysql-admin (source: mysql-gui-tools): GUI tool for intuitive MySQL administration. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.0~rc12-2.2ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1640 kB, installed size 5172 kB13:46
skenthen jrib?13:46
never2fari tried using crontab -e then i have added this line: 45 15 * * * /home/user/bin/zenty.sh13:46
ataufiksnek : so many library have to be downloaded, total 46MB13:46
Dabbuikonia: i have installed MySQL and start it from init.d but don't know how to proceed ?13:46
jribsken: then run your command again13:46
ajax4jrib: Thanks13:46
ikoniaDabbu you asked for a gui, I'pici has just told you the name of the gui package13:47
snekataufik: hmm ok, but then it WILL play EVERYTHING hehe13:47
ataufiksnek : no worries... thanks13:47
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snekataufik: i hadn't really noticed since i download at 1MB/s at home.. nothing takes long :)13:48
ataufikso while waiting my codecs dowloaded, anyone know XChat sript to filter message from inviter, bot, etc?13:48
FlynsarmyAre there any firewalls for linux that have allow/deny popups like the windows ones?13:48
tiyowanJim_Raynor: Everything seems to be fine. Do you know the hex key of the network you're trying to connect to? We could try connecting to it manually to narrow down the problem.13:48
psicobra i have just installed anew sound card with spdif optical out the card is detected and working from what i can tell but how do i make the optical work13:48
rh_aybhi all13:49
skenjrib and where the file is saved now?13:49
Jim_RaynorYes, i know it13:49
usamahashimiHello everyone!13:49
Jim_Raynoras i said, it worked fine on 8.0413:49
usamahashimiIs it possible to auto hybernate my system and then after few minutes auto powre on again?13:49
skenok jrib thx13:49
skeni found it13:49
skenThanks a lot jrib13:50
jribsken: no problem13:50
shyam_kmy friend have almost similar lspci as in here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=382598 what could be the solution?13:50
Jim_Raynorbut on 8.10 it doesn't, regardless of the type of encryption selected AND also, when NetworkManager queries me again for the password, it replaces it for some sort of hash13:50
shyam_kand the same problem that he can't connect to net13:50
shyam_kls /dev/eth* returns no such file or directory13:50
wisnutActionParsnip1: installed icedtea6-plugin, and now it works!  Thanks for helping in the right direction13:51
shyam_kuh ok leave the last one:)13:51
ActionParsnip1wisnut: its not a full java implementation but its not bad13:51
shyam_khe can't connect to net anyway he is having an nvidia mother board with amd64 system..13:52
thiebaudeyo yo yo13:52
tiyowanJim_Raynor: Please open up a terminal and type the following cmds then:13:52
ataufikanyone know XChat sript to filter message from inviter, bot, etc?13:52
wisnutworks on applets I need to use regularly, so that will be just fine for now. . . wierd that it asked for a cache directory though. . . . .13:52
ikoniaataufik /join #xchat13:52
rsa_md5is py3k in the hardy repos already?13:53
usamahashimiIs it possible to auto hibernate my system and then after few minutes auto power on again?13:53
tiyowanJim_Raynor: sudo ifconfig wlan1 down, sudo dhclient -r wlan1, sudo ifconfig wlan1 up13:53
ataufikikonia, thanks and sorry if my question is OOT13:53
Caesihullo, does anyone know how I can force skype to use oss?13:53
Jim_Raynoralready did that and no connection to the network13:53
shyam_kCaesi: go join welte to go to court:)13:53
Caesi? :)13:54
tiyowanJim_Raynor: sudo iwconfig wlan1 essid "ESSID_HERE", sudo iwconfig wlan1 key HEX_KEY, sudo iwconfig wlan1 key open ,sudo iwconfig wlan1 mode Managed, sudo dhclient wlan113:54
shyam_kCaesi: hearld welte had a win over skype phones for gpl violations13:54
jribrsa_md5: nope, just compile it with make alt-install yourself13:54
Caesishyam_k: wait, I have to google this13:55
shyam_kCaesi: if you want Free Software replacements for skype, checkout wengophone, latest empathy and last but not least ekiga13:55
Caesican I use the same protocol for skype in ekiga?13:55
Caesi@ shyam_k13:55
Caesishite :)13:55
FloodBot2Caesi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:55
outboardis there a know issue with installing ubuntu as a dual boot to a disk with windows and a novel login client installed ?13:56
Jack_Sparrowoutboard Define novel login client13:56
ActionParsnip1outboard: shouldnt be any13:56
shyam_kCaesi: the format is hiddenn and so they are accused of tapping your phone calls to us gov..13:57
Caesiwtf?! I have one of those skype phones (in UK)13:57
ataufikHow to make NetworkManager 0.7.0 recognize my novatel wireless merlin U630 modem?13:57
outboarddefinition : client made byy novel to run on windows to allow access to novel networks13:57
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Jack_Sparrowoutboard ty13:58
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DarkKnightcan anyone help me get the drivers for my new printer13:58
shyam_kCaesi: i read it somewhere.. whether that news has proof or not.. there is no wonder if they do so.. coz by accepting such a proprietary format, we have granted them to take our control..13:58
tiyowanHey DarkKnight, did last night's solution work?13:58
Jack_Sparrowshyam_k OT13:59
DarkKnighttiyowan; no....but i found that there are some other problems...13:59
shyam_kJack_Sparrow: sorry.. half of free software is also freedom na? thats why.13:59
DarkKnighttiyowan; can u check this out   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100088913:59
shyam_kJack_Sparrow: after all free software is a political movement..13:59
Jack_Sparrow!ot > shyam_k13:59
ubottushyam_k, please see my private message13:59
Caesishyam_k: I don't really get what happened in the Welte vs. Skype case13:59
mr_bmhwhois onyx14:00
shyam_kJack_Sparrow: okay..sorry..14:00
Jack_SparrowCaesi Please take it to another room14:00
FlynsarmyAre there any firewalls for linux that have allow/deny popups like the windows ones?14:00
Caesiok sry @ Jack_Sparrow14:00
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tiyowanDarkKnight: Is that what you're seeing when you run hp setup?14:01
ataufikanyone know how to make NetworkManager 0.7.0 recognize my novatel merlin U630 modem?14:01
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy most people nevber have the need like they do in windows14:01
Jack_Sparrowataufik have you looked it up in supported hardware14:01
shyam_kJack_Sparrow: ne idea with my amd system? my friend has the worst configuration that i have seen. he dont have his printer working and neither gets the ethernet card..14:01
shyam_ks/my amd/my friend's amd/14:02
Jack_Sparrowshyam_k  have you looked it up in supported hardware14:02
DarkKnighttiyowan; ya...so i just went to my synaptic manager and installed PyQt...and i restarted my system...but it didnt work still14:02
ataufikJack_Sparrow : please give me the URL so I can check it14:02
ActionParsnip1ataufik: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-99333.html14:02
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:02
slaytonDarkKnight, does your printer have an ethernet port?14:02
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow, If you have a monthly download limit and programs are constantly accessing the internet checking for updates etc then it's nice14:02
tyfooich hatte vor einigen wochen mal ein super shellprogramm zum wiederherstellen von JPEGs. einfach das laufwerk angegeben und los ging es. kann mir evtl jemand sagen, wie das heißt?14:02
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow, that didn't answer my question though :(14:02
ActionParsnip1!de | tyfoo14:03
ubottutyfoo: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:03
tiyowanDarkKnight: Hmm, I can't help you further. I'm still pretty new at this myself; someone else here probably can.14:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).14:03
shyam_kslayton: seems you aimed on me? my friend has a canon lbp3000 printer and he is having an nvidi a mother board14:03
tyfoosorry, some weeks ago, i had to recover some JPEGs from a Card. I found a shellapp which did this easily (i jast had to know the path to the drive). does anyone remember the name of this tool?14:04
DarkKnightslayton; i actually have no idea about that,...and i don't know how the ethernet port looks like....but i did make connections...i mean i m getting power and i also connected my printer to the back of CPU14:04
slaytonDarkKnight, so does your printer have a plug for a network cable?14:04
c0re__hi is there any apps for read/write sms for GC8914:04
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tiyowanslayton: DK's got a USB connection, those HP cables.14:04
ActionParsnip1shyam_k: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13493714:04
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow, also didn't answer my question. I've heard of firestarter, i've heard of ip tables and that's not what i'm looking for14:05
ActionParsnip1shyam_k: http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94731014:05
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:05
DarkKnighttiyowan; no probs...thanq 4 trying 2 help me14:05
Jack_Sparrowshyam_k the ethernet is a $5 problem, get a card that is supported well.  the printer is another issue.  There is a reason they give away canon printers free with a purchase, canon knows what they are worth.14:05
slayton!fr  | kaikai,  salut!14:06
ubottukaikai,  salut!: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:06
DarkKnightslayton;; there r only 2 ports that r visible..one for power and other for connecting 2 my cpu14:06
Jack_Sparrowshyam_k there are solutions to the printer problem but they are not free14:06
slaytonDarkKnight, ok never mind... hmmm...14:06
ataufikActionParsnip1 : just read the link page you gave me. But the problem of mine is since I am using Intrepid the hardware can be recognized well but to dial to the internet I have to use wvdial. NM can not recognized the modem and can not list the modem in the mobile broadband tab.14:06
sneki want to get cpu frequency scaling working on my socket 754 Amd Sempron 3400+... any body have any ideas? i've tried a few tutorials already but cant find a sollution that works (although I had it working under Debian Lenny before, but of course I forgot to write down how I did that...)14:06
ActionParsnip1shyam_k: http://software.canon-europe.com/files/soft31118/software/CAPTDRV180.tar.gz14:06
ActionParsnip1ataufik: ive never set this up, i can only give links man14:07
ataufikActionParsnip1 : ok... nws14:07
ActionParsnip1ataufik: maybe someone else can help, or try later on14:08
riz0nafter i kill Xvnc in ubuntu, how can i restart it?14:08
shyam_kJack_Sparrow: thanks a lott. /me reading those links.. i am looking only for free software solutions.. hmm he will have to change;-)14:08
shyam_kActionParsnip1: thanks i had a play with the printer when he was having lenny..it seem i have to repeaet the same here too..14:09
[c0re]hi is there any apps for read/write sms for GC8914:09
shyam_kActionParsnip1: thanks ill check it up.14:09
riz0ni figured it out, xinetd14:09
ActionParsnip1shyam_k: theres a driver you can compile14:09
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zaraki_samaataufik, i use an GT fusion from option its a PCMCIA modem, when i pluged in intrepid automatically recognized it, then we choose our country and the provider, if the provider not exist i pick one and setting up the provider manually14:09
shyam_kActionParsnip1: yeah i had a try on that for lenny..it should be ok with the printer now.. can only try it out by this weekend..14:10
ataufikzaraki_sama : can you setup the connection profile with your modem into NM manager?14:10
FlynsarmyJack_Sparrow, Is the answer to my question 'no' ?14:10
shyam_kas shown here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=382598 its wierd with lspci it dont tell about the ethernet controller at all!!!!14:10
shyam_kActionParsnip1: ^^:)14:10
Jack_SparrowFlynsarmy I have not seen one that acts in that way, but it does not mean someone somewhere has not written one.14:11
Joe2Hi, I have a problem with my nforce2 audio after upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10. Anyone here any good with audio problems? I get no response from #ubuntu-audio-help :-(14:11
ActionParsnip1!sound | Joe214:11
ubottuJoe2: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:11
Jack_SparrowJoe2 try /j #alsa14:11
Intrepid_Doesnttiyowan, I'm Jim_Raynor14:11
Joe2K, thanks.14:11
Intrepid_DoesntCan you send me once again the commands? I had to switch to wired and couldn't find a cable14:12
on5slanybody an idea on this? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=100097014:12
rchaseDisk /dev/sda: 750.1 GB, 750156374016 bytes14:12
rchase255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 91201 cylinders14:12
rchaseUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes14:12
rchaseDisk identifier: 0x000e3a0814:12
rchaseDevice Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System14:12
FloodBot2rchase: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:12
rchase/dev/sda1   *           1        1305    10482381    7  HPFS/NTFS14:12
zaraki_samaataufik, what do you mean?, i only pluged it in and intrepid automatically recognized it, does intrepid not automatically recognized your modem?14:12
ActionParsnip1rchase: please dont flood like that14:12
JackWinteri find that once it's started using swap my system slows down alot, and even if i close down apps and go to all open apps it seems to keep stuff in swap.  is there a way to flush the swap so everything os moved to ram and the swap is emptied again ?14:13
ActionParsnip1rchase: imagine if 10 people in here did exactly that, the channel would be unreadable with the scrolling14:13
Jack_SparrowActionParsnip1 FYI when a person gets booted by the bot, they do already get that message before the bot un-mutes them14:13
ActionParsnip1Jack_Sparrow: cool14:13
jokkaaDoes anyone have something fun to do with ubuntu? just to get the time goin14:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga14:13
ActionParsnip1jokkaa: frets on fire ?14:14
tiyowanjokkas: Customize it?14:14
jokkaaActionParsnip1, hu?14:14
ataufikzaraki_sama : intrepid can automatically recognize my merlin U630. Can you set dialing profile in NM connection setting (under mobile broadband tab)14:14
thiebaudejokkaa: yes14:14
Jack_Sparrowjokkaa you are offtopic, but games are always a good place to start.14:14
riz0nJust curious, I want to create a script that is capable of determining the process # identified from ps -A | grep Xvnc, then kill it, anyone have any pointers on what i should do to make this work14:14
ActionParsnip1jokkaa: ts like guitar hero but for linux14:14
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jokkaaJack_Sparrow, games realy just mess things up:P14:14
Jack_Sparrowriz0n Best choice is to find a programming channel14:14
jonsmith1982so i've just installed ubuntu and realised i need a newer ath5k driver, any tips on compiling the kernel for ubuntu?14:15
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:15
hmwwhat could it be, when i hear a sinus tone with a frequency different at different refresh rates? i turned down the volume but the tune stays14:15
Joe2Hmm, those sites are only telling me stuff I've already tried. I don't have issues with "no sound", it's just that the sound is corrupted now :-( It was fine before the upgrade but now I get screwed up audio. Some bits of left, some bits of right, some low freqs, some high freqs. It's just garbled :-(14:15
hmwi've got a CRT14:15
rchaseActionParsnip1: I am really sorry about that, it was a putty screw up :(14:15
Jack_SparrowJoe2 /j #alsa and they will show you how to reinstall the alsa sound driver14:16
zaraki_samaataufik, my device worked fine with hardy and intrepid, and yes i can setup my ISP profile manually with NM14:16
Joe2OK. It's likely to be alsa rather than pulse then?14:16
tiyowanJoe2: Have you tried terminal -> killall pulseaudio ?14:16
ActionParsnip1rchase: its ok amn, just use pastebin next time and we're all cool :)14:16
rchaseyeah, that's what I meant to do:14:16
Jack_Sparrowhmw high pitched sounds coming from your crt are not a good sign14:16
riz0nok then let me ask this, when using ps -A, is there another switch i can use that will limit the output to ONLY the pid14:17
thiebaude_just switching from pidgin to xchat14:17
rchaseCould somebody look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80339/ and tell me if sda5 & sda6 are logical partitions within /sda3?  Just need another set of eyes.14:17
hmwJack_Sparrow they come from the speakers14:17
Jack_SparrowJoe2 Pulse has its own set of issues.14:17
rchaseI set this up a long time ago, and can't remember if my /home partition is /sda5.  I am preparing to install intrepid.14:17
Joe2I did do that, but it didn't make any diff, or rather, I just lose audio altogether.14:17
Jack_Sparrowhmw k14:17
hmwonly at 1280 i cant hear any. probably freq too high14:17
ataufikzaraki_sama : that is my problem, can setup my profile with NM. therefore, I have to manually run wvdial14:17
ActionParsnip1rchase: run mount, it will tell you whats mounted where14:17
lxuserNewbiehi everyone, got question here. which type of external microphone is/are supported by ubuntu? because the build in not work on my laptop(DELL XPS 1730)14:17
on5slanybody an idea on this? : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1000970 i really don't know what it could be...14:17
Jack_Sparrowrchase is it running now?14:17
jribrchase: mount it and check14:17
ataufikzaraki_sama : that is my problem, can NOT setup my profile with NM. therefore, I have to manually run wvdial14:17
rchaseActionParsnip1: thx14:17
hmwJack_Sparrow and its defintively a clean sine wave14:18
Joe2I went from 8.04 kubuntu to 8.10 ubuntu (via dist upgrade then ubuntu-desktop). So pulse wasn't in the equation before?14:18
zaraki_samaataufik, the very 1st thing NM will let you choose your country and ISP provider, yoy have done that?14:18
ActionParsnip1lxuserNewbie: most mics plug into the soundcard, get the soundcard configured and you can use any14:18
tiyowanon5sl: sda1-4 are always primary partitions. Everything above is logical.14:18
Prettowhere can i found information about  the header info on rc scripts used by update-rc.d14:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about programming14:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d14:18
Jack_Sparrowjokkaa try /j #bash14:19
ataufikzaraki_sama, NM never ask me that14:19
lxuserNewbieActionParsnip1: well how to do that? I don't know... :(14:19
Joe2Is there a decent channel for pulse?14:19
rchaseoh that's got it.  thx people.  sorry for the flood, i hate putty.14:19
javaJakeAnyone know how to stop Flash from getting sound at all? It seems to lock up whenever it doesn't get what it wants, so I want to make it go to /dev/null or something :P14:19
ActionParsnip1lxuserNewbie: lspci will tell you what it is, you can websearch from there14:19
Intrepid_Doesnttiyowan, I'm Jim_Raynor14:20
zaraki_samaataufik, you can setup ISP profile by right click the NM and choose edit connection, try that 1st14:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:20
lxuserNewbieActionParsnip1: thank for answer.14:20
on5sltiyowan: what do you mean? It's not my primary partitions that are the problme but mounting my sama..?14:20
tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: ok14:20
Intrepid_DoesntCan you send me once again the commands? I had to switch to wired and couldn't find a cable14:21
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ed__where are the rules stored for iptables? I can't see them in /etc14:21
jonsmith1982where can i find the right repository when i haven't got an internet connection on ubuntu? 8.10 i have and i'd like a newer kernel.14:21
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tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: I'm sorry...the commands to do what?14:21
Intrepid_DoesntQuick recap14:21
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jrib!iptables > ed__14:21
ubottued__, please see my private message14:21
CaesiAnyone have an idea on how I can force Ekiga to use OSS? :)14:22
Intrepid_DoesntI can't connect to encrypted wireless (be it WEP o WAP), unencrypted works fine... It used to work ok on 8.04 but upgrading to 8.10 broke it14:22
tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: Oh right. Got it. Hang on.14:22
skendoes anynody knows how to use mencoder because ffmpeg suck14:22
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on5sltiyowan: will you reply after Intrepid_Doesnt's problem is solved?14:23
ed__jrgp, lol thanks I was on that page before I missed a big chunk thanks ^_ ^14:23
snekany way of reloading kernel modules after editing /etc/modules without rebooting? (there's a minor chance my pc hangs during boot on sata detection...)14:24
tiyowanon5sl: yep. just hang on.14:24
Myrttisnek: like, um, modprobe?14:24
* outbackwifi is on a handheld so can only watch14:25
christianpre ;)14:25
mib_dcmpfhWhere can I set my PATH independent of whatever desktop environment I use? So, I want to execute some code before the whole circus of for example Gnome begins.14:25
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christianpi have just installed ubuntu intrepid on my eeepc14:25
skenany clue how to use mencoder?14:26
outbackwifimib_dcmpfh in your /etc/profile14:26
christianpbut it starts only if i boot from a second partition (pressing esc at bootup)14:27
outbackwifichristainp: what model?14:27
christianphow can i say to my system to use the grub into the secondary partition?14:27
arvind_khadriikonia: alas! the method we tried doesnt work, same error again, i have thought of installing DSL in a partition which will re-isntall grub14:27
outbackwifichristianp: make that partition active14:27
arvind_khadriikonia: so may have stuff working that way14:28
christianpoutbackwifi, how can i do this?14:28
ikoniaarvind_khadri re-installing grub won't change anything14:28
christianpi can't find gparted14:28
christianphave i to install it?14:28
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outbackwifichristian: using fdisk the "a" option toggles that flag14:28
snekMyrtti: hmm you got a point there, let me try14:28
ezzieyguywufanytime my computer goes into standby or i suspend it, it kills the connection with my bluetooth mouse. the only way to get it back is to remove the connection completely and re-set up the connection. has anyone found a way to fix this?14:29
christianpok, i'm trying14:29
arvind_khadriikonia: i dont want to re-install ubuntu all over again14:29
mib_dcmpfhoutbackwifi: you can only do that if you have root.14:29
ikoniaarvind_khadri show me your current menu.lst14:29
outbackwifimib yas14:29
mib_dcmpfhoutbackwifi: or if you sudo, which is the same.14:29
mib_dcmpfhoutbackwifi: so, how to do it as a normal user?14:29
arvind_khadriikonia: its the same as you had seen it last.... and as of now am on windows...booting into the live cd takes ages14:30
Lartza_is there any way to run ubuntu on windows without vmware14:30
ikoniaarvind_khadri then it won't work if you've not changed it14:30
rootsnatchLartza_: Is there a virtualbox for windows?14:30
Lartza_i have ubuntu on otehr partition but sometimes i need it just for some quick compiling etc14:30
outbackwifimib: do it in your .bashrc (though not sure it will work)14:30
arvind_khadriikonia: i did the UUID stuff14:30
Lartza_rootsnatch: thats bacsically same as vmware right?14:30
ikoniaarvind_khadri I need to see how you've done it14:30
Lartza_i think it is for windows14:30
rootsnatchLartza_: ya, same idea14:31
rootsnatchLartza_: but I am pretty sure it is possible to run a vm from a already done partition14:31
Lartza_i found andlinux pretty confusin14:31
Lartza_and it takes extra space14:31
rootsnatchIt does?14:31
arvind_khadriikonia: i remember it well... i replaced the instances of the uuid stuff with /dev/sda714:31
tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: You're using intrepid right?14:31
Lartza_well you install it, takes 2,5 or 4,5 gb14:31
ikoniaarvind_khadri I'd like to see it to verify it's contents14:31
mib_dcmpfhoutbackwifi: no, that doesn't work.14:31
rootsnatchI thought it just ran straight from that partion14:32
Lartza_depending on xfce or kde14:32
Lartza_atleast i dont know how to run it that way14:32
arvind_khadriikonia: hmm please give me sometime... you will be around right?14:32
ikoniaarvind_khadri should be14:32
rootsnatchgoogle around, I am pretty sure it is possible14:32
tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: I think there's a compatibility issue with Broadcom and intrepid. Check out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=959323&highlight=connect+encrypted+wireless14:32
Lartza_and i would also like it be inside windwos like graphically the whole ubuntu's desktop14:32
nimda2004_это че хачовский чтоли канал?14:32
outbackwifimib: what about .profile or even xstartuprc?14:32
denndaHow do I install the OpenGL reference as manpages?14:32
erUSUL!ru | nimda2004_14:32
ubottunimda2004_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:32
Lartza_so how will vmware or virtualbox run14:33
rootsnatchLartza_: as far as speed?14:33
Lartza_dont they boot *.iso?14:33
Intrepid_Doesnti was reading the forums and found some interesting solution14:33
rootsnatchwell that can14:33
mib_dcmpfhoutbackwifi: I don't want a list of all possible combinations. I just want one file where I can put it. Guessing is not hard. Guessing the right one is.14:33
* outbackwifi like any other app14:33
sneki am trying a sudo modprobe powernow-k8 (should be right for my cpu) but the command gives a: FATAL: Error inserting powernow_k8 (/lib/modules/2.6.27-9-generic/kernel/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/cpufreq/powernow-k8.ko): No such device.......... the file exists in that directory though.. i get the same error for powernow-k7/k6 and even acpi-cpufreq14:34
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christianpsorry... i can't find gparted in the default repos... have i to add others?14:34
outbackwifimib: sorry i cant help you with that14:34
tiyowanIntrepid_Doesnt: I think you'll be able to find an answer on the forums. Lots of people have reported problems with broadcom and intrepid.14:34
slaytonchristianp, its in there just run sudo apt-get install gparted in a terminal14:34
rootsnatchLartza_: I am pretty sure it will just boot the partition, there is some configuring needed but ya it should just go straight from the partition14:34
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outbackwifi!info gparted14:34
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 342 kB, installed size 2212 kB14:34
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Lartza_andlinux can get ubuntu from partition, but i wont get any desktop and its still rpetty complicated as i find the whole andlinux thing14:36
tiyowanon5sl: You have a strange partitioning scheme.14:36
* outbackwifi wonders what this andlinux thing is14:36
killahophi all14:37
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:37
Lartza_outbackwifi: heard of colinux?14:38
on5sltiyowan: could be..but that's not the problem...it's my samba that is the problem14:38
tiyowanon5sl: What seems to be the problem exactly?14:38
rootsnatchLartza_: what is colinux?14:38
Lartza_you can run linux inside windows natively14:39
arvind_khadriikonia: can i access my linux drives from windows?14:39
on5sltiyowan: my samba share won't mount when i'm logged in as an other user..only user bram who has sudo right can mount the share properly...14:39
Jack_SparrowLartza_ why would you want to do that? ugh14:39
* outbackwifi has only heard of redhat debian mandrake suse ubuntu and their derivatives14:39
arvind_khadrihow to access linux drives from windows?14:39
ikoniaarvind_khadri I'd recommend against it14:39
arvind_khadriikonia: ok...14:39
Jack_Sparrowon5sl I dont do samba but did you add that user to the samba group14:40
arvind_khadriikonia: rebooting now..will be back in few minutes14:40
tiyowanarvind_khadri....better to make a small FAT32 partition for sharing stuff between Win and *nix14:40
Lartza_Jack_Sparrow: i sometimes need ubunt for some quick and fast so dont wanna reboot...14:40
blip-hi all, the following boot line isn't working to boot the .22 kernel it hangs on the part about starting boot scripts local.rc ... even though i've got the generic .22 kernel installed from the repos...  i can boot .21 with the exact same line though(by changing the 22 to 21).... any ideas ?   thanks14:40
tiyowanon5sl: I'm not experienced at all in samba...but obviously you need to change the permissions for a particular use from somewhere.14:41
tiyowanon5sl: *user14:41
ataufikzaraki_sama : i have tried that14:41
azhang2110 /join #freebsd14:41
outbackwifiarvind: explore2fs is just one way14:41
zaraki_samauser from indonesia, you can join #ubuntu-id, in irc.freenode.net14:41
rootsnatchLartza_: also it would be nice to boot my windows partition in ubuntu14:41
ataufikzaraki_sama : are you from Indonesia too?14:42
on5sltiyowan: yeah well i've tried to change the user right for the users but this didn't help? :(14:42
Jack_Sparrowon5sl did you see a specific group samba when you were setting users permissions14:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209814:43
Lartza_rootsnatch: you can atleast linux on windows with virtualbox14:43
on5slJack_Sparrow: i'll read that and try it and come back afterwards..just a sec :)14:43
rootsnatchLartza_: but like I have a linux partition and a small windows partition and I want to do to the reverse of what you want, and I know it is possible I just haven't done the googling and configuring14:44
Jack_Sparrowrootsnatch vbox will run windows14:45
jonsmith1982where can i find a 2.26.27 ubuntu kernel?14:45
Jack_Sparrowinside ubuntu14:45
Lartza_Jack_Sparrow: but from partition?14:45
rootsnatchJack_Sparrow: I know it will, but will it boot my windows partition that is already installed?14:45
jonsmith1982by default?14:45
ikoniajonsmith1982 it's in 8.10 by default14:45
Jack_SparrowLartza_ no, it is not for running your other hd installed windows os.. it installs into ubuntu (sorta)14:46
ezzieyguywufwhat do i need to do to activate my fingerprint scanner?14:46
jonsmith1982i must need a later revision then, i set this up on slackware not long ago but forgot which version i used.14:46
Lartza_you can run ubuntu partition with virtualbox14:46
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rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: what laptop do you have? I have an x61 and I got it working wonderfully with thinkfinger14:46
Jack_Sparrowjonsmith1982 lsb_release -a in term will tell14:47
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: i'm using a thinkpad t60p14:47
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: ya look into thinkfinger14:47
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: does that add implementations for sudo in the command line as well as for loging in?14:47
lipinskiAnyone have problems with ltsp-build-client on 8.10?  I can't get it to work because the dpkg of hal fails in the chroot14:48
on5slJack_Sparrow: Well i've read the wiki, nothing there i did not know already..but i read that cifs package is maybe better then smbfs (which i've installed now) ?14:48
nthello my fr14:48
Jack_Sparrowon5sl I have setup two sambas for others, I have virtuall no experience14:48
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: yep I have it working with sudo, logging in, when I lock my computer, when it requires admin to do something in the GUI14:48
arvind_khadriikonia: you there?14:49
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: everywhere14:49
kebomixany body help me plz , i did instructions on this page nadi lost m wireless connection and it is off  ,http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=ipw220014:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209814:49
ikoniaarvind_khadri yup14:49
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: sweet. how do i set it up once i've installed it? tf-tool --acquire doesn't seem to be doing it for me...14:49
arvind_khadriikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80353/ here is the menu.lst14:49
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_8.10_(Intrepid_Ibex)_on_a_ThinkPad_T61#Fingerprint_Reader_with_ThinkFinger14:49
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch:  cool thanks14:49
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: that is for t61 but same instructions14:49
rootsnatchyou might have to do sudo tf-tool --acquire14:50
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: gotcha.14:50
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: you haven't gotten the hdaps daemon to work on your thinkpad have you?14:50
Jack_Sparrowkebomix what version of ubuntu are you using?14:50
ikoniaarvind_khadri are you %100 certain the disk is sda7 now tha tyou have swapped the windows and linux disk acround ?14:50
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: I haven't tried14:50
ikoniaarvind_khadri also you have a space in /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27 root= /dev/sda714:50
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: ok14:51
ikoniaarvind_khadri: you need to lose the space14:51
arvind_khadriikonia: yeah i am sure...14:51
=== betz--|away is now known as betz--
kebomixJack_Sparrow: ubuntu 8.04 i want it to get back as it was before14:51
lipinskiAnyone seen this problem with ltsp-build-client? http://pastebot.ltsp.org/12514:51
terramotohi, could someone help me changing the boot screen??14:51
fightskillzhi what's the easiest way to print to pdf on ubuntu?14:51
arvind_khadriikonia: ok will remove the spaces14:51
Ysangkoklipinski: gdmsetup14:51
Jack_Sparrowkebomix following tutorials that are extremely old are often gonna break your system.14:52
Ysangkoklipinski: or you mean the splash screen with loading bar?14:52
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto14:52
Lartza_where can i get libglu?14:52
kebomixJack_Sparrow: so wut to do now ? :(14:52
Lartza_what package?14:52
lipinskiYsangkok: I think you mean terramoto14:52
christianpoutbackwifi, i add the boot flag to the second partition and delete the boot flag from the first partition with no luck... what other?14:52
Lartza_or od do i find these myself in future14:52
Jack_Sparrowkebomix restore from your backup is the easiest14:52
lipinskiI need ltsp help14:52
arvind_khadriikonia: ya did the space thing14:52
terramotoYsangkok: yep14:52
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: yay! works like a charm thanks. any other nifty thinkpad tools that I should know abouT?14:52
tritiumkebomix: come on, spell out "what".  It's ONE extra letter...14:53
kebomixJack_Sparrow: i dont have backup of my system !!!14:53
terramotobut everytime i use splash screen someone tells me its the grub image14:53
Ysangkokfightskillz: add the cups pdf printer and print14:53
Skriptkiddiehi, ubuntu 8.10 solves the wifi problem for intel cards?14:54
kebomixJack_Sparrow: and here is how my nm-applet appear http://img394.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshotnetworksettinuo3.png14:54
Jack_Sparrowkebomix sorry, cant help14:54
arvind_khadriikonia: what next?14:54
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: ummm have you gotten the middle mouse button scroll working?14:54
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: what do you mean?14:54
fred__salut a tous14:54
kebomixany other body can help me with that ? !14:55
alex_21Does anyone know how to set up Ventrillo Server on Ubuntu14:55
krishis it possible to install more than one wordpress blog on the same server? If yes then how?14:55
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: well on my x61 i don't have a finger pad or anything but if I want to scroll I can press down the middle button and then use the trackpoint to scroll up and down14:55
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ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: oh i see. well i do not have that working but the finger pad works charms for it :-D14:56
Lartza_krish: yes14:56
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: does the finger pad have like a scrolling function?14:56
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: did you have to do additional configurations to get sudo to ask fro a fingerswipe?14:56
Lartza_use different folder and mysgql prefix/table14:56
krishLartza_ can you tell me how? I am a newbie in this14:56
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: yes it does14:56
krishLartza_ is it possible by using different folder? wat about the configuration files?14:57
Lartza_you just lake make two wordpress folders with different names14:57
Lartza_so you ahve webroot/wordpress and webroot/wordpress214:57
hogarwhat wrong14:57
Lartza_then on mysql use different database or prefix14:57
rootsnatchezzieyguywuf: well that thinkwiki is a wealth of info of thinpads on linux14:57
ezzieyguywufrootsnatch: ok. i'll check it out. thanks14:58
arvind_khadriikonia: you there?14:58
Lartza_got it?14:58
ikoniaarvind_khadri yes14:58
arvind_khadriikonia: so what should i do now?14:58
krishLartza_ thanks a lot will try it and get back to u14:58
on5slJack_sparrow: i've given all right which i could give trough the gui in ubuntu, like managing networks and so on..there isn't a group called samba or so so i can't trie that..and still the share won't mount for that user :(14:59
ikoniaarvind_khadri your still getting error 17 partition can't be mounted AFTER the grub boot menu is preseted correctly ?14:59
hogarsomeone know who install any program on ubuntu14:59
arvind_khadriikonia: and root=/dev/sda7 is correct right as fdisk says that sda7 is linux drive14:59
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arvind_khadriikonia: i didnt reboot yet14:59
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alex_21Does anyone know how to set up Ventrillo Server on Ubuntu14:59
Ysangkokhogar: synaptic14:59
ikoniaarvind_khadri if sd7 is the linux root file system - then yes /dev/sda7 is right14:59
Jack_Sparrowhogar THe best way to install is from our repos using synaptic, or apt-get14:59
ikoniaarvind_khadri sda7 sorry15:00
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mrthrazhaving real problems with intrepid upgrade, slow boot time, x is braking for awn and my window decorator in compiz, wifi is dead and i've had a few crashes at shutdown.15:00
arvind_khadriikonia: and setup (hd0) anyways?15:00
hogarI want to install ubuntu 8.10 but I did not kwon15:01
rootsnatchhogar: you need help installing ubuntu?15:01
kebomixi need link to aircrack room15:01
ikoniaarvind_khadri sounds goosd15:01
hogarI am going to download and burn in a cd15:02
arvind_khadriikonia: ok lemme reboot then..15:02
bazhang#aircrack kebomix15:02
rootsnatchhogar: yep15:02
DabbuDo anyone know how to use rediff bol in ubuntu ?15:03
arvind_khadriikonia: grub didnt even boot now...15:04
krishLartza_ this is what iam getting as error http://paste.ubuntu.com/80358/15:04
mrthrazhaving real problems with intrepid upgrade, slow boot time, x is braking for awn and my window decorator in compiz, wifi is dead and i've had a few crashes at shutdown. hp dv9000z amd 64x2 athlon, navidia, and broadcom15:04
jonsmith1982so, what are my options.. i have no network connection, i need the latest snapshot of ath5k installed and only have a memory card to shift files?15:04
rootsnatch!install > hogar15:04
ubottuhogar, please see my private message15:04
mrthrazubuntustudio 32 is the flavor15:04
arvind_khadriikonia: this is very weird15:05
Jack_Sparrowmrthraz I didnt think we were the support for ubuntustudio15:05
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jonsmith1982things like this are much easier on slackware :|15:05
arvind_khadriikonia: ????15:06
ikoniaarvind_khadri what ?15:06
arvind_khadriikonia: grub didnt boot15:06
mrthrazJack_Sparrow:  "(08:46:05 AM) persia: That said, this channel mostly has knowledge about the studio apps, rather than the core functionality.  You might also want to try in #ubuntu."15:06
ikoniaarvind_khadri as I said earlier you need to give more info15:06
reqqitI am sick of modems - hrm, I am trying one now that is a softlink, I setup the scanmodem, found driver, installed it, says it is making a symlink ttySL0 - but it never does15:07
ikoniaarvind_khadri: didy ou get the menu screen, did you get an error15:07
mrthrazthats why im here15:07
Jack_Sparrowmrthraz Just because they dont want to support their release does not mean we should15:07
arvind_khadriikonia: i didnt get the grub menu, windows booted as if there is no grub at all...15:07
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes, please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate15:07
trueboskoHi, installing Ubuntu on a new machine and its been sitting at "59% copying files ..." for about ~15 minutes. Is this normal? Mouse is still responsive.15:07
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ikoniaarvind_khadri it's not bootint from your linux disk then as you thought it was15:07
reqqitJack_Sparrow, I got a modem working, but it didn't support what I needed, found another laptop, another modem, doesn't create the symlink it says it does - anyway, I've opted for a USRobotics USB modem - you think that will have any luck?15:08
reqqitor anyone who knows about modems =)15:08
arvind_khadriikonia: hmm yaa... this is really weird... what do i do now?15:08
Jack_Sparrowreqqit not likely... but depending on the effort it takes .. worth the try15:09
ikoniaarvind_khadri same thing, apply grub to hd0,7 as before but with a setup of (hd1)15:09
hogarsomeone know if ubuntu 5.04 brings a recordef by default15:09
arvind_khadriikonia: ok15:09
bazhanghogar, that version is long eol15:09
Jack_Sparrowreqqit does it show up in lspci etc?15:09
mrthrazJack_Sparrow, these are core ubuntu problem, wifi is not a studio problem15:09
reqqityeah, shows up on lspci, 82801DB/DBL/DBM15:10
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reqqitI saw something on the site specific for that... lemme check again15:10
reqqit(*@(*@ modems15:10
krishhey how to connect to #wordpress from here?15:10
bazhangkrish /j #chan15:10
reqqitI wonder if there is 3G in that remote place I am going... I don't think so, since mobile phones don't work either :((15:10
Jack_Sparrowmrthraz I understand what you are saying, but many of these other releases do things to get those apps installed that cause a ton of issues... which is why we are careful to draw a line in what we support as in the disrto we produce..15:11
harveyHi all, I just upgraded to 8.10 and am unable to change my screen resolution....does anyone have any ideas what I should do ????15:11
Jack_Sparrowmrthraz pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list15:11
hogarI am new at this15:12
Ysangkokharvey: your graphics driver probably got replaced in the process15:12
bazhanghogar, you need a newer version than that.15:12
harveythanks ysang....so what can i do?15:12
Ysangkokharvey: what kind of gfx card have you got?15:13
Jack_Sparrowhogar you NEED a newer version15:13
harveyno idea...sorry Im a newbie....is there somewhere i can look to find out ?15:13
bazhangharvey, what vid card15:13
zenglongso later now15:13
hogaryeah I downloaded the 8.10 version15:14
Ysangkokharvey: you can write "lspci" in a console and paste the line with something graphics related15:14
hogarbut donwload15:14
bazhanghogar, then md5 the iso, burn at low speed, do the disk integrity check and try the livecd15:14
mrthrazok i've copyed it how do i paist it.15:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:15
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com mrthraz15:15
hogarI must record it in a cd and star from the beging15:16
bazhanghogar, good idea15:16
harveyok it says this via technologies....15:16
bazhangmrthraz, open a web browser15:16
harveyahh !! unichrome pro15:17
thiebaude1how do i add a permament floppy drive icon on 8.10?15:17
ikoniathiebaude1 icon only appears when a disk is in15:18
harvey VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN700/P4M800 Pro/P4M800 CE/VN800 [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)15:18
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thiebaude1ok kewl, ikonia, thanks15:18
DarkKnighthey some of my files in my pen drive got affected and wen i dumped in my system..its not getting deleted15:19
mrthrazok heres the url. http://paste.ubuntu.com/80364/15:19
ikoniaDarkKnight got affected ? with aht15:19
BenHoltzCan someone help me find a Graphical network tool that will help me map my network in a visio type diagram?15:19
ikonia, what is the problem ?15:19
kebomixanybody help me with that http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/1158/screenshotnetworksettinuk7.th.png15:19
BenHoltzi have the problem explained here... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63464015:20
DarkKnightikonia;sorry tht i didnt mention.....got affected by virus in XP15:20
ikoniaDarkKnight so what do you want done ?15:20
Jack_Sparrowmrthraz That does not look bad...  but I need to get ready for class...15:21
DarkKnightikonia; i dumped it in my desktop..and wen i m trying and deleting it....its not getting deleted...15:21
ikoniaDarkKnight can you start talking in fact. What do you mean you "dumped it on your desktop" - did you copy the files to your desktop, or are you accessing them from your desktop, how are you trying to delete them, what file system is on the pen drive15:22
hogaryes it brings a cd burner by default15:23
snekDarkKnight: check the owner of the file using a terminal.. "ls -al" will show you some more info than usual.. you might be able to delete them with "sudo rm -f"15:23
DarkKnightikonia; i copied it 2 desktop.... and in the icon symbol, a lock symbol also appears...though i never put any permission rights upon it...when i delete the files...it says...permission denied15:23
ikoniaDarkKnight: ok, so who is the owner of the files and what are the permissions on the file15:24
MrBlueberrycan anyone help me? I like KDE but there is one little problem: is it better to install KDE on existing Ubuntu system or to install Kubuntu itself?15:24
RocknRollhi guys15:24
ikoniaMrBlueberry just install #kubuntu desktop15:24
Jack_Sparrowsnek be very careful when giving out the force command that you include a path after it.. If yo pass the wrong thing to a beginner they wont know and can erase everything15:24
jeatoni had windows xp on this box, installed ubuntu, and I cannot boot to it anymore, the option is under grub, but it just says "starting up..."15:25
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash15:25
snekJack_Sparrow: kk, that's why i didn't include a path behind it ;)15:25
Jack_SparrowMrBlueberry sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop15:25
MrBlueberrythanks :)15:25
Wi_FibreCan anyone point me in the right direction, I'm trying to install Cedega using the tgz file????  I'm brand new to linux, I just wiped out my XP machine and went full Ubuntu.15:25
MrBlueberrywill it be as useful as a Kubuntu installation?15:25
Jack_Sparrowsnek include something like /path/filename  just so they know15:25
ikoniaMrBlueberry it is akubuntu install15:26
snekJack_Sparrow: i'll keep it in mind hehe15:26
thiebaudeikonia: i got the floppy in the drive and icon still didn't pop-up15:26
BenHoltzHey Jack_Sparrow, do you know of any programs that i can use that would solve this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=634640 ?15:26
ikoniathiebaude is there a readable file sytem on the floppy15:26
MrBlueberryi mean: i would go for installing just KDE DESKTOP if it was : )15:26
Jack_Sparrowsnek Very low tollerance for anyone writing that command unclearly or wrong..15:26
hogardo you know some cd burner to ubuntu 5.04?15:26
mrthrazJack_Sparrow i dont understand.15:26
thiebaudeikonia:bookmarks for firefox15:26
MrBlueberryi have a Kubuntu CD at all... which is the better way?15:26
DarkKnightikonia; i created those files on my desktop...and then copied 2 my pendrive...then inserted the pd in a virus infected system...so it got affected.....made some changes to the files....and then brought back to my system and saved it back to my desktop15:26
Jack_SparrowBenHoltz YOu need to post descriptions and not just links15:26
genii5.04 ??15:26
ikoniahogar: 5.04 is not supported any more15:26
bazhanghogar that is eol15:27
ikoniaMrBlueberry: you've been told install kubuntu-desktop15:27
Jack_SparrowMrBlueberry you can always dual boot both nix15:27
lenswipehow do i mount my file system on my desktop under 8.04?15:27
bazhang!eol | hogar as we said before15:27
ubottuhogar as we said before: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases15:27
MrBlueberrythank you for help mates : )15:27
Wi_Fibre Can anyone point me in the right direction, I'm trying to install Cedega using the tgz file????  I'm brand new to linux, I just wiped out my XP machine and went full Ubuntu.15:27
snekJack_Sparrow: yeah i've noticed the op's here are quite touchy on things like that.. been trying to better myself but it's hard to keep in mind some people are really, really new to this.. i still consider myself a noob ;)15:27
BenHoltzI need someone to help me find a Graphical network tool that will help me map my network in a visio type diagram? I have tried many already, either they dont work or i cant get them to work15:27
bazhangWi_Fibre, why not use wine15:27
Jack_Sparrowsnek and we appreciate your help in here15:27
lenswipehow do i mount my filesystem on the desktop?15:27
lenswipelike this: http://sourceforge.net/dbimage.php?id=15233215:28
Wi_FibreI am using wine15:28
lenswipei cant get it to work, can someone help me please15:28
Wi_Fibrebut from what I've heard Cedega does it better15:28
snekJack_Sparrow: just enjoying the channel, only been here 1.5 days now and feeling right at home :)15:28
hogaris that I can not record on a cd15:28
lenswipei could do with some help for this15:28
ikonialenswipe what do you mean mount your desktop ?15:28
thiebaudeikonia: i know about the sudo modprobe floppy, but it is tempoary15:28
hogarI donwloaded the 8.10 version15:28
ikonialenswipe: your asking ever 2 seconds - clam down and explain what the issue is15:28
lenswipeikonia: i want to mount my filesystem on the desktop:15:29
lenswipelike this15:29
sneklenswipe: you want icons to your mounted drives on your desktop?15:29
=== etoipi is now known as etotheipi
lenswipesnek: yes!15:29
ikonialenswipe: there are no file systems mounted on the desktop - do you mean the iconss/15:29
Ysangkokthiebaude you could put it in your startup scripts15:29
lenswipesnek: thats exactly it :D15:29
ikonialenswipe: that happens automaticlly whena  disk is mounted15:29
thiebaudeYsangkok: what folder is that?15:29
lenswipeikonia: i want my linux file system to apear on the desktop15:29
ikoniathiebaude: just looking in gconf now for the folders15:29
lenswipeikonia: like in this screenshot: http://sourceforge.net/dbimage.php?id=15233215:29
ikoniathiebaude: sorry for the option15:30
Lartza_installing wordpress from repository is bad why it is on the documaentation?15:30
thiebaudeikonia: thanks15:30
ikonialenswipe: I've sen the screenshot you've posted it 3 times, that should happen when a file system gets mounted automaitclly15:30
Ysangkokthiebaude: /etc/modules is a list of modules to load at startup15:30
ikoniathiebaude just stuck a floppy in my 8.04 box and it put the icon on the desktop and auto mounted it fine15:30
lenswipeikonia: yes, but i want my ubuntu partition to mount like that, its not doing O_o15:30
Ysangkokthiebaude: /etc/rc.local is a script which is run at startup15:30
ikonialenswipe thats a gconf setting for showing icons15:30
thiebaudeikonia: seems like 8.10 has a problem with that15:31
gumpishCan anyone tell me how I can work with a modem? I need to dial into a remote system (like a BBS), this isn't for dial up internet access. I posted a thread on the community forum last night but it hasn't gotten any replies (and only 8 views).15:31
thiebaude8.04 is no problem with the icon15:31
lenswipeikonia: yes, its checked, and my ubnutu drive still doesnt show up :(15:31
sneklenswipe: it's not showing you the "Computer" icon?15:31
DarkKnightikonia; i m the owner.... and some files have permission dr-xrwx  and other have   dr-x15:31
Slartlenswipe: gconf-editor, go to Apps, Nautilus, Desktop.. there are some checkboxes you can try.. I think it takes effect immmediately15:31
arvind_khadriikonia, hey i made it... we were missing a small point :) in the menu.lst it said that root (hd1,7) whereas it should have been root (hd1,6) :) i edited it ...thanks for your endless support... without it nothing would have been possible15:31
lenswipesnek: no, i want my ubuntu partition on the desktop15:31
lenswipesnek: it doesnt work thru gconf, cos ive tried it :D15:31
hogarI am using a translator, sorry15:31
errycan you plz help me connect to a webdav server w/ ubuntu15:32
lenswipeSlart: the checkboxes dont work15:32
erryi tried puting the address in nautilus but it didnt bother asking for username or pass so it said i dint have permission to access the folder15:32
sneklenswipe: so you want your root (/) partition to show up like that? i am not sure if that's possible..15:32
Slartlenswipe: ok.. it doesn't show the root filesystem.. only other drives.. or that doesn't work for you either?15:32
geniihogar: You want to make 8.10 cd but use now 5.04 and no program to make the cd ?15:32
lenswipeno other drives work15:32
Slartlenswipe: you're not running gconf-editor as root, are you?15:32
endo602if i mount smb and the folder is more memory then on the machine will it work?15:33
lenswipeits just the root filesystem that wont show on the desktop15:33
hogarI need a basic data recorder15:33
Slartlenswipe: I'm guessing that falls in the category "works as intended"..15:33
lenswipeSlart: all the checkboxes work, they just dont do what i need to do :) they are for mounting USB keys and things on the HDD, i want my root filesystem on the HDD15:33
tiyowanDoes anyond know how to set the theme manager back to compiz from emerald in intrepid? I can't seem to nail down the correct cmd syntax.15:33
arvind_khadriikonia, thank you so much15:33
Lartza_isn't installing something like wordpresss from repo are extremely bad?15:33
ikoniasorry, capslock15:33
Slartlenswipe: I suppose you could always just make a shortcut of your own, will that do it?15:34
arvind_khadriikonia, :) thats ok15:34
ikoniaarvind_khadri: well done15:34
erryHELP PLEASE15:34
arvind_khadriikonia, yay :)15:34
=== doug__ is now known as dougl
SlartLartza_: why should installing something from a repo be bad?15:34
lenswipeSlart: yeah, but what do i type in the shortcut box?15:34
erryHELP PLZ15:34
arvind_khadri!ask | erry15:34
erryI HAVE TO GO15:34
FloodBot2erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:34
ubottuerry: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:34
tesseracteranyone have an idea why postgres and twistd start on bootup? why would i want that?15:34
lenswipeSlart: ive tried just typing "/" and it doesnt work :'(15:34
Slartlenswipe: "nautilus" perhaps15:34
bazhangerry, dont repeat15:34
Lartza_Slart: bad upgrade, outdated... umm... bad upgrade, outdated15:34
lenswipeSlart: kk :D, ill try that15:34
ikoniaerry: your muted at the moment, when you are unmuted ask your question15:34
Lartza_you just need to drop one zip to webserver and unzip...15:34
geniihogar: Because 5.04 is past, no data recorder from ubuntu can be installed automatically. The application repository is not available for 5.04 to obtain it from15:35
ikoniaSlart: isn't it a gconf setting for "show icons on desktop" something like that15:35
`crab`c'e' qualcuno che parla italiano ?15:35
ikonia!it > `crab`15:35
SlartLartza_: oh.. ok.. I have no idea.. I'm not familiar with the package15:35
ubottu`crab`, please see my private message15:35
Soopahello, how do you access a Windows share in Ubuntu?  In Windows I'd just open a run dialog and type "\\server\share" but that doesn't seem to work for me in Ubuntu...15:35
ikonia!samba > Soopa15:35
lenswipeSlart: Yeah, works thanks :D, how do i choose an icon for it???15:35
ubottuSoopa, please see my private message15:35
erryHelp me15:35
ikoniaerry ask a question15:35
Slartikonia: yes, in apps, nautilus, desktop, "show volumes on desktop" or something.. but it won't show the root file system.. only other mounted drives15:35
`crab`help mee!!!15:35
`crab`#ubuntu-it can't join channel (address is banned)15:35
erryi already did15:36
ikonia`crab`: /join #ubuntu-irc15:36
Slartlenswipe: right click on the shortcut? there's a setting somewhere for it15:36
Odd-rationaleSoopa: try in the nautilus location bar: smb://username@server/share15:36
erry<erry> can you plz help me connect to a webdav server w/ ubuntu15:36
bazhang`crab`, #ubuntu-irc for help15:36
lenswipeSlart: hmm, cant find it, ill look in greater detail :015:36
Lartza_crab: go to #ubuntu-ops15:36
ikoniaerry: how do you want to connect15:36
ikoniaLartza_: no15:36
Soopacool, thanks ikonia and Odd-rationale15:36
ikonia`crab`: #ubuntu-irc15:36
Lartza_but if he is bannde shouldnt he talk to ops?15:36
erryikonia, i put the address in nautilus but it didnt' ask for user or pass, it just didnt let me connect!15:36
Slartlenswipe: right click.. select "new launcher".. click on the icon in the left top corner15:36
ikoniaLartza_: italias channel is i n#ubuntu-irc15:36
ikoniaerry what address are you putting in15:37
lenswipeSlart: thanks :D15:37
cracksmokehey queers i'm thinking of using ubuntu what u girls think?15:37
ikoniaerry: what address are you putting into connect15:37
Lartza_can you just rewrite whole article in community doc?15:37
erryyeah i use no ip cuz right now i dont have a dmoain15:37
hogarI have downloaded the 8.10 version and need burn the data to reboot and install it, this is my problem I dont known how install it15:38
Slarthogar: you just described it pretty well.. download, burn, boot15:38
Slarthogar: or is it a specific problem?15:38
gardarThe sound in my laptop suddenly stopped working.... Any ideas what could be wrong?15:38
gardarI've tried restarting alsa15:38
ikoniaerry there is nothing listening on that URL, I hav ejust tested it15:39
tsedreythi, I have 120 gigs on my ubuntu partition but my home folder is only 60 or so, how do I change this?15:39
erryikonia, yeah there is15:39
errynot org15:39
Wi_FibreIs there anyone here who is not a bot, and can help answer a question?????????????15:39
erryreplace org with bix15:39
FloodBot2erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:39
=== miko is now known as Miko
erryikonia, replace org with biz15:39
SlartWi_Fibre: not unless you actually ask it15:39
ikoniaWi_Fibre: be with you asap15:39
gardartsedreyt, try gparted to manage your partitions15:40
bazhangWi_Fibre, this is not cedega support15:40
=== Miko is now known as urias
tsedreytwell, my partitions seem to be fine15:40
tsedreytI have 120 in ubuntu15:40
jonsmith1982Slart, what would you do if you had no network connection and needed to install a later version of a linux module?15:40
tsedreytgardar: I just can't seem to make more than 60 in my home folder, but I have a lot of music15:40
hogarI can download the files but who I can install it15:41
gardaris the partition bigger than 60gb?15:41
tsedreytyes, its 12015:41
Slartjonsmith1982: get a cd/dvd15:41
ikoniaerry: erry ok, I'm getting prompted for a username and password15:41
ikoniaerry: you need to learn some patieence peopel can't repond to you ever 2 seconds15:41
erryikonia, that's private15:41
gardarAre you 100% sure your home folder is bigger than 60gb?15:41
errysorry but i have to go in -42 min15:42
digitalvaldostahello peeps. I want to add an entry to grub.conf to allow me to boot only to runlevel 3. How can I do this. I saw on the forums that there was some kind of bug. That was last posted in Jan. Has this been fixed?15:42
erryyeah -4215:42
errywhich means i should have been gone 42 mins ago15:42
ikoniaerry I didn't ask for a llogin15:42
hmw ikonia looks like ee-ry is a troll-bot15:42
* outboard crosses fingers and hopes the instalation works this time15:42
erryI'm not a troll-bot15:42
erryi'm a rulebreaker tho.15:42
tsedreytgardar:yeah, I've used 13 of it. I have 55 I want to put it on15:42
erryanything against that?15:42
bazhangerry, dont repeat15:42
* digitalvaldosta hopes to have a quick boot on run level 315:42
erryi did not repeat15:42
hmwok. no bot, but troll. DONT FEED THE TROLLS!15:43
errydid i repeat?15:43
ikoniahmw: no-one is troling,15:43
erryFine can u help me?15:43
ikoniaerry: what happens when you connect using ubuntu15:43
erryCause i really have to go15:43
erryikonia, i told you nautilus won't let me15:43
ikoniaerry: define won't let you15:43
erryit doesnt prompt for username and pass15:43
ikoniaerry: you don't get prompted for a username15:43
erryit just says "permission denied"15:43
ikoniaerry: try it in firefox15:43
erryit works in firefox15:43
errybut i can't upload files from there15:43
errycan i?15:43
ikoniaerry: ok, so the problem is with nautlius handling session data15:44
hmwikonia erry sorry... i misinterpreted something, it looks. apologies.15:44
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)15:44
erryhmw, it's ok to say i'm a troll..15:44
ikoniahmw: don't worry15:44
ikoniaerry: he's just apologised, please let it go15:44
erryikonia, im not mad at him15:45
erry<erry> hmw, it's ok to say i'm a troll..15:45
ashutoshI think i'm ready to boot from a Ubuntu Live CD, just what is the boot order for that15:45
Wi_FibreHey ikona15:45
ikoniaerry: I'll have to read how nautlius handles session data, do you have to pass login information in the url ?15:45
Wi_Fibrehere's the question I had15:45
ikoniaWi_Fibre: hey15:45
ashutoshI think i'm ready to boot from a Ubuntu Live CD, just what is the boot order for that15:45
erryikonia, idk15:45
tsedreytdoes nayone know of a good program that will show me where all my harddrive is being used up?15:45
erryikonia, i could use ftp but the speed is WAAY too slow!15:45
ashutoshI think i'm ready to boot from a Ubuntu Live CD, just what is the boot order for that15:45
errytalk about <1kb/s15:46
ikoniaerry no, I understand you want it to work, and it sould work15:46
Wi_FibreTrying to install a tgz file in Ubuntu. But I believe it needs to be compiled first right?  How do I go about that?15:46
hogark3b, who is it?15:46
Odd-rationaleashutosh: usually, you just set it in your bios to boot from cdrom...15:46
EmoBusinessmantsedreyt: df?15:46
erryikonia, ok well i have to go so if you solve it can you Please email me or memo me?15:46
ikoniaWi_Fibre untar it and read the README file15:46
erryi have a registred nickname so u can memo me15:46
tsedreytemo: df?15:46
ikoniaerry: I'll have to do some research myself first15:46
barefoothow can i read a man page in my home directory? I tried `man -M . file' but that doesnt seem to find it15:46
ikoniaI'm happy to leave a memo on memoserv15:46
erryikonia, ya but if u find it can u memo??15:46
erryikonia, gd just memo this nick15:46
=== Stooge- is now known as Stooge
ikoniaeeboy: happy to leave a memo15:46
EmoBusinessmantsedreyt: man df15:47
ashutoshdo we get the info screen and press del to enter bios menu while booting linux15:47
* digitalvaldosta eagerly waiting for someone to tell me how to add an entry to grub.conf so that I can boot to the runlevel 3 for command line only. :-D15:47
DarkKnightikonia; so wat do i do now??15:48
ikoniaDarkKnight what are the permissions on the files15:48
EmoBusinessmanyou mean menu.lst?15:48
DarkKnightikonia; i m the owner.... and some files have permission dr-xrwx  and other have   dr-x15:48
ikoniadigitalvaldosta ubuntu doesn't use rul level 3 any more15:48
ashutoshdo we get the info screen and press del to enter bios menu while booting linux15:48
arvind_khadridigitalvaldosta, there is no grub.conf in ubuntu and for run levels there is file in /etc15:48
ikoniaDarkKnight you need to sudo chmod -R 757 (looking at what you have) or sudo rm them15:49
bazhang!cn | tangseng198715:49
ubottutangseng1987: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:49
hogarhow to run a program downloaded?15:49
bazhanghogar, which program15:49
tangseng1987ok thanks15:49
Wi_Fibreikona, when I open the file it has 4 folders, and 1 file.  The folders are ".transgaming", "bin", "share", and "winex".  The file is called "update.reg"  ????15:49
tyhogar, a windows eecutable?15:49
DrOniwhere can I find a list of IRC commands for Pidgin?15:49
tysudo apt-get wine15:49
tytry that15:49
hogarto burn cd15:49
tyto run a windows program in ubuntu15:50
ashutoshdo we get the info screen and press del to enter bios menu while booting linux15:50
digitalvaldostaikonia, I saw something about that on a blog. What can I do to have an option to only go to the command line and not load into X. But I still want to have the option at the grub menu to default to X15:50
ashutoshdo we get the info screen and press del to enter bios menu while booting linux15:50
alarondeveryone: i'm not getting any sounds on adobe flash content on the net. help please!!15:50
ikoniadigitalvaldosta use the grub recovery line thats already there15:51
korcanI am trying to run ubuntu 8.04 server in vmware and it keeps freezing...15:51
DarkKnightikonia; check this http://paste.ubuntu.com/80374/15:51
DarkKnightikonia; thats the output i get wen i remove a file called Samisty'0915:51
geniiashutosh: That is a hardware method which is not dependant on whether you have even an operating system or not. So yes15:51
ikoniaDarkKnight you have a special char in it15:51
korcanI had this issue in the past and don't remember how I fixed it...  I think it was something with acpi15:51
ikoniaDarkKnight: sudo rm -f DarkKnight\'0915:52
tynever turn acpi off15:52
BeerSercHi there. I want to make the Desktop not-usable for storing files. ideally, the Desktop folder would totally vanish from /home/username. how would I do that?15:52
ikoniaBeerSerc hiding it is hard, just make it read only15:52
digitalvaldostawell that's only single user mode. Will I still be able to load X by typing startx and the other users be able to do their thing as usual or will i have to restart and do the other option?15:52
tyyou want to make your home folder your desktop?15:52
DarkKnightikonia; http://paste.ubuntu.com/80375/15:52
trueboskoCan anyone recommend how I can check if a hard drive is faulty (or installed correctly) when installing Ubuntu? It keeps crashing saying an I/O error on the copying files... of install15:53
spepshey guys please i'm getting mad with an ntfs partition that don't want to work anymore. I'm trying all i can do. If i try to mount it i get a message contemplig a wrong MFT. I've tried: ntfsfix, testdisk, photorec, chkdsk /f (win), different recovery tools, gparted live, active partition recovery, and more. NTFS still does not want to work. I wanna do something more at low level. How can i fix?Please Help.Thanks15:53
ikoniaDarkKnight what about that ?15:53
BeerSercikonia: that would be better than nothing, but isnt there a way to hide it?15:53
gumpishHow can I find out what device my modem is mapped to? (eg, ttys0, ttys1...)15:53
DarkKnightu see there r two files...one is Samisty'09 amd other is Samisty.....i have to remove only Samisty'0915:53
BeerSercty: no15:53
ikoniaBeerSerc not really not at a file system level15:53
BeerSercty: I want it to be unusable15:53
DarkKnightikonia; wats that command u gave me...i didnt get u15:53
ikoniaDarkKnight so remove Samisty'09 asI showed you15:53
tylet me see15:53
snektruebosko: have you let the install cd scan the cd for defects?15:53
ikoniaDarkKnight: thats the exact command you need15:53
tykill nautilus15:54
tybut you wont be able to open any folders15:54
livingdaylightcan someone tell me how i i access Linux from an xp machine? I installed Samba on Ubuntu15:54
trueboskosnek: No, how do I do this? Actually, I think i downloaded the LiveCD, which just boots into the OS off the CD. Can I check it from there?15:54
ikoniaBeerSerc: read only is the best your going to get I think15:54
alarondhelp pls. there's no sound at all on ubuntu. how do i re-install the codecs. google isn't throwing up anything helpful.15:54
trueboskomy HD is being recognized and can be partitioned so I'm not sure that it has an issue15:54
DrOnilivingdaylight: if you configured samba correctly your Ubuntu machine will show up in Windows 'network places'15:54
snektruebosko: i think even the LiveCD has a little start menu.. it should be in there15:55
DrOnialarond: are you sure it's a codec issue?15:55
livingdaylightDrOni: automatically? that means i havent' set it up properly it seems15:55
BeerSercikonia: hm, OK15:55
usamahashimiHow can I determine the maximum download speed of my internet connection (DSL)?15:55
DarkKnightikonia; wen i run the command...i get the output as its a directory..and so it doesn't delete it15:55
snektruebosko: the menu where you choose to boot the livecd, or install to harddrive.. there should be a 3rd option to scan the cd for defects15:55
trueboskosnek: thanks, Im checking it out now15:55
DrOnilivingdaylight: samba config is rarely setup correctly from install - I'll find you a how to link15:55
alarondDrOni: well i tried everything else. but still no sound. any suggestions?15:55
ikoniaBeerSerc: you could do things like rebuild gnome to look at .Desktop int eh home dir that would hide it, but the work level for that is stilling15:55
ikoniaDarkKnight: rm -rf15:55
Windstone ---> hey, im new to this and tried to download thems - what i did was drag the downloaded content to mt theme window but it didnt work - can someone explain to me how to download and install a theme?15:56
DrOnialarond: is it possible you're using the wrong drivers? I need more details on what you've tried before I can determine what it isn't :/15:56
livingdaylightDrOni: i'd be grateful... most how-to's were outdated and didn't apply exactly to 8.1015:56
berriopHow can I set swfdec in firefox??15:56
tyWindstone, i know how15:56
arun_can u tell me whats actually debian?15:57
snekquestion: is there a nicer firewall managent tool than firestarter? i find it a bit, well, rough around the edges and it tends to crash on occasion as well15:57
DarkKnightikonia; okk got deleted...thanxx...for the command  sudo chmod -R 757   will this work on directories as well15:57
ikoniaDarkKnight yup15:57
BeerSercikonia: yes it seems I have to live with the readonly thing... as long as my users dont store anything on the desktop, I am happy ...15:57
DrOnilivingdaylight: yeah, the constant update cycle of Ubuntu can be like that - but the samba configs are but try this link : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260515:57
ty!tell arun_ about debian15:57
ubottuarun_, please see my private message15:57
trueboskosnek: thanks, I found it15:57
berriopFirefox crash all the time when i watch flash content (eg. youtube), how can I change firefox to use swfdec???15:57
ikoniaBeerSerc best your going to get without major efforts I'm afraid15:57
genii!info swfdec-mozilla | berriop15:58
ikoniaBeerSerc: (in my opinion)15:58
ubottuswfdec-mozilla (source: swfdec-mozilla): Mozilla plugin for SWF files (Macromedia Flash). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 44 kB, installed size 296 kB15:58
berriopi have swfdec already installed15:58
BeerSercikonia: OK thanks for your help15:58
alarondDrOni: thanks. i got around the problem. the headphone vol was muted. and off i went re-installing codecs. :(15:58
usamahashimiHow can I determine the maximum download speed of my internet connection (DSL)?15:58
alarondDrOni: thanks all the same. :)15:58
DrOnialarond: yeah, sounds like the typical kind of thing I do!15:58
snekalarond: hehe i hate it when that happens, do it sometimes too :)15:59
DrOnialarond: glad to be of any help :)15:59
tyoh, does any1 know what "install with driver update cd" does? on ubuntu install?15:59
hogarbye greetings15:59
snekwell, time to go.. good day all, it's been an informative day once again :)15:59
`crab`bye o/15:59
berriopFirefox crashes all the time when i watch flash content (eg. youtube), how can I change firefox to use swfdec or gnash???15:59
alarondDrOni: blast! there's still only crackling on any flash videos.16:00
alarondsnek: lol16:00
reqqitberriop, install Firefox 2.016:00
tyreinstall firefox16:00
arun_have anyone heard of bharat operating systems solutions?16:00
DrOnialarond: flash videos via a browser?16:00
reqqitfirefox 3.0 is to blame, worst release of $50m a year funded software EVER16:00
reqqitseriously, we should all ask for our google money back16:00
trueboskosnek: so hmm, it said "found a defect in 1 file!" and then told me to reboot. Is there somewhere I can actually see what the error is?16:00
reqqitI changed my search engine on firefox to yahoo as a protest,  why should google pay them so much money, yeah, they get market share with FF2.0, then release FF3.0, biggest piece of crap ever. on top of that, google have to build chrome to fix things16:01
berriopreqqit: but swfdec may works better, how can i change it???16:01
reqqitaaand the idiots at firefox moan about it16:01
outboardOpera browser FTW16:02
DrOniI am a big fan of Opera, I can't wait for Chrome to come to Linux though16:02
peepsaloti have a messed up entry in my network manager for wired connections, and I'm not sure how to get rid of it.  when I plug in an ethernet cable, it tries to use a connection called "ifupdown (usbo0)" which doesn't work.  I added another Wired connection in the settings which works ok, but it always defaults to the wrong one16:02
reqqitberriop, I've given up, firefox routinely freezes and crashes, I just use opera for googling, firefox for redditing, and use flashblock16:02
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:02
bazhangplease chat about browsers in #ubuntu-offtopic16:02
outboardwe did some tests  Opera v's chrome and opera is faster16:02
MidnightDevili have no sound on my 8.10 system :s what can i do?16:03
outboardok sorry16:03
berriopreqqit: so with opera this flash problem doesnt happend???16:03
reqqitbazhang, 80% of what you do on ubuntu is browser based, he has a problem with his, advising him to use opera and flashblock16:03
alarondDrOni: yes. metacafe on mozilla16:03
peepsalotwhen I try to delete the network connection, it says "Removing connection failed: ifupdown - connection delete not supported (read-only).."16:03
reqqitberriop, yeah, never had opera die on me once16:03
Baba_B00iefirefox is hung up in gnome. how do i get it's process id so i can kill it from  CLI16:03
berriopreqquit: or with epiphany??16:03
DrOnialarond: have you tried another browser?16:03
MidnightDevilBaba_B00ie,  ps -u username | grep firefox16:03
alarondDrOni: no. i'm trying it now.16:04
peepsalotBaba_B00ie, i think "killall firefox" should also work16:04
Baba_B00ieMidnightDevil,    ps -u and kill with the id worked the best16:05
DarkKnightikonia; hey thanx....got solved16:05
livingdaylightDrOni: that samba link is from 200516:05
MidnightDevilgood to know :)16:05
peepsalotso can someone help me with NetworkManager?16:06
Baba_B00ieMidnightDevil, i couldn't rememner the command. it's been a very long time since i had an app crap out on my linux box.. i mean like forever heh16:06
livingdaylightDrOni: sorry, june 2006, still quite old16:06
ikoniaDarkKnight no problem16:06
edjuIn order to use gtkpod w/ an iPod nano, I have to format it to fat32.  I fired up gparted, but it reports that the nano is 900some MB, when it's an 8GB model.  How to format this thing?16:06
arun_can anyone help me with my doubt about port forwarding?16:06
DrOnilivingdaylight: Yes, but the important stuff is still up to date such as the user and password creations16:06
balachmarHi, I want to write data onto a SD card that I use with my camera. But the filesystem is write protected on my laptop, but not on my desktop. Any idea how to fix this?16:06
DrOnilivingdaylight: selecting folders to share has become easier thanks to gui support, I assume you're using gnome?16:07
fixxxermet1Can anyone recommend a program to map / visualize a network diagram (similar to what Visio can do)?16:07
CarpeDiem_has anyone tried ubuntu on macbook 1st gen?16:07
CarpeDiem_last night i failed to connect wirless16:08
OhmuAll, I had got a WAP up and running using wicd (ibex host, xp guest). but its glitching.  its just disconnected, and emptied out the boxes for manual ip etc.  (i filled them in from doing ifconfig wlan0) but now that's not giving an ip.  what's going on?  can i just choose whatever values I want?  ie choose my own gateway ip mask etc16:08
DrOnilivingdaylight: alright, well once you have a user with permissions setup (sudo smbpasswd -L -a your_username; sudo smbpasswd -L -e your_username) you can just right click any folder that you wish to share16:08
Ohmudoes wicd _define_ ip, gateway etc values for wlan0, or does it need to match the existing values that are in /etc/network/interfaces?16:09
MidnightDevilwhat is the command to run alsa conf tool in ubuntu?16:09
Acedipwell totem movie player and vlc are running on high menory and skipping16:09
DrOnilivingdaylight: and select the appropriate option of course16:09
Acedipvideo output is really bad16:09
livingdaylightDrOni: but i must have don't something wrong coz i can't read ubuntu from xp on my laptop.16:10
tywith virtual box?16:10
gribouilleis there a way to find dependency information between installed packages besides apt-cache (r)depends ?16:10
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ch3|Hi all16:11
Acedipwell, totem movie player and vlc are running on high menory and skipping video, ouput is really pathetic ??16:11
ch3|just a question..16:11
Acedipwell, totem movie player and vlc are running on high menory and skipping/dragging video, ouput is really pathetic ??16:11
ch3|is there any section for spanish? or all is english?16:11
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DrOni livingdaylight: can you see your Ubuntu machine from your laptop?16:12
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bazhangAcedip, with or without compiz16:12
gribouilleis there a way to find dependency information between installed packages besides apt-cache (r)depends ?16:13
Acedipbazhang: with16:13
bazhangAcedip, install fusion-icon16:13
=== Man is now known as ty
livingdaylightDrOni: no, that's the point16:13
DrOnilivingdaylight: alright, try 'sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart'16:14
DrOni livingdaylight: then check that you have at least one folder being shared16:14
lazukarsAnyone have a good "get screen color" app?16:15
Acedipbazhang: its a tray icon to manage compiz, i need that ?>16:15
ch3|somebody here is from M3X¡C0?16:15
bazhangAcedip, turn off compiz when watching movie, turn on when finished16:15
and-ri hello, how to disable the automatic opening windows if plug in an USB-stick?16:16
lazukarsHow do you Get Color from the Screen?16:18
bazhang!es | ch3|16:19
ubottuch3|: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:19
bazhangch3|, there maybe a mexico loco as well16:19
tyrchyusmy theme changed alone...16:19
jburdHi.  My sound has just stopped working.  I don't understand why this would happen.16:19
and-ri(05:10:45 PM) and-ri: hello, how to disable the automatic opening windows if plug in an USB-stick?16:19
Promillehey. is there any way installing the update which is avaiable automaticly?16:20
NoiseEeeI've managed to get a desired folder on my Ubuntu Server mapped to my WinXP box.  However, some subfolders are appearing in the XP view that don't really exist on the Ubuntu box... they may very well be 'deleted' folders... named things like '1EYYTR~U' etc.16:20
Odd-rationaleand-ri: in nautilus, go to edit --> preferences --> removable media... and uncheck the browse media when plugged check box.16:20
NoiseEeehow can i not list those folders, or really 'delete' them.  by the way, this folder is RSYNCd from another machine16:20
methocan 8.10 be discussed here?16:20
bazhangmetho, yep16:21
hendrixskihey, I'm trying to write a script to back up a bunch of stuff at once... and it requires that I be able to enter a password on a new line... within said script.  Does anybody know how to do that?16:21
hendrixskifor example   "mysqldump dbname -u username -p"   then somehow have the script automatically provide the password without prompting the user?16:21
tyrchyussorry but my themes changed alone. is possible a qt4 problem?16:21
Odd-rationalehendrixski: like with sudo ?16:21
bazhangPromille, you mean bypass the update-notifier?16:21
Promillehey. is there any way installing the update which is avaiable automaticly?16:21
jburdSo can someone show me how to debug this sound problem?16:22
livingdaylightDrOni: Thank You Amigo!16:22
methoi am new to bash scripting, can anyone tell me a website where i can find the basic information and hand full of useful already written script16:22
Odd-rationalehendrixski: add it to the sudoers file...16:22
Promillebazhang i mean so i dont forget to update everything, that it doesnt remind me that there is any avaible, just download and install them16:22
Odd-rationalemetho: http://linuxcommand.org16:22
hendrixskiOdd-rationale, well, I'm not using sudo in the script, it might be run automatically through a web-application, and I don't want to introduce bugs16:22
hendrixskiI just want to enter a password for a database within a script16:23
bazhangPromille, manually then? you can turn off update-notifier and sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:23
Odd-rationalehendrixski: hmm... idk then... maybe the command has an option to incude the password as a parameter... might want to chech the man page...16:23
NoiseEeethose mysterious folders are NOT deleted folders... they're just not translating correctly.  ie: Ubuntu Server name: "2036035_ontario_inc.", xp name: "24N5WI~I"16:23
ch3|ubottu, bazhang , thanks for the tip16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
bazhang!loco | ch3|16:24
ubottuch3|: Information on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams16:24
hendrixskiOdd-rationale, didn't see it there before, but I'll check again16:24
Promillebazhang: great! is there anyway to make it so it does that everytime i log in?16:24
tybye people16:24
hendrixskioh, hey, look at that ... in addition to -p and then prompting for a password you can use --password=password16:24
methothanks for that linuxcommands.org website, looks promising16:24
FloodBot2hendrixski: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
bazhangPromille, sure; but that kind of defeats the idea of doing it manually16:25
korcananyone have freezing issues with vmware and 8.04 server?16:25
Odd-rationalehendrixski: manpages FTW16:25
Promillebazhang: thats the idea... i trust the suppliers of updates enough to do that16:25
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Promillebazhang: isnt it to just make it as a script and copy it into the start-up folder(if there is any) ?16:26
bazhangPromille, sessions startup16:27
eighty4anyone know of a way to send a soundstream from OS X to Ubuntu?16:27
hendrixskiOdd-rationale, yeah, I was thinking of solving the wrong problem. Trying to get a script to take a prompt and enter a password, the better problem was just not having that prompt in the first place :-p16:27
and-riOdd-rationale:  thx, but my nautilus doesn't have such a entry. I solve it by using : settings->control Center->Peripherals->StorageMedia, chose Mounted Removable Medium and set 'do nothing' as AUTOACTION16:27
Acedipbazhang: how do i turn it off, i mean i've enabled few features like window switcher,desktop wall etc16:27
Promillebazhang.. ok great illt ry that.. thanks16:27
bazhangAcedip, the fusion icon is a switch to turn it on and off with an easy click16:27
Odd-rationaleand-ri: ok. i think the actual path was Edit --> preference --> media --> browse meia when inserted...16:28
bazhangkorcan, what version of vmware? does this happen with vbox as well16:28
prontohttp://pronto185.com/linux/screens/other/12_04_08_02:02:48window.png how do i stop that from happening ?  it just started happing when i ssh16:28
tmbigriggI think that I broke X on my 8.04 machine when I boot into Gnome I only get a black screen, If I login using my wife's profile Gnome works perfectly. Any ideas on how to copy her display settings/resolution to my profile?16:28
korcanbazhang, running latest esx16:29
korcanjust installed yesterday16:29
bazhangkorcan, 2.0?16:29
Acedipbazhang: but i cant see that swtich in fusion-icon, does changing the WM (to metacity) meaning swtiching off compiz16:29
bazhangAcedip, metacity means no compiz16:29
Odd-rationaletmbigrigg: have you tried selecting gnome from the gdm sessions menu?16:29
GSMXhey, what is a good usenet binary downloader for ubuntu?16:30
korcanesx 3i 3.5.0 build-12362916:30
bazhang!info pan16:30
ubottupan (source: pan): A Newsreader based on GTK2, which looks like Forte Agent. In component main, is optional. Version 0.132-3.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 755 kB, installed size 3292 kB16:30
bazhangGSMX, check pan16:30
GSMXbazhang: thanks, i will try it16:30
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Acedipbazhang: ya..thanks..but i really dint get the relation between both, the video ouput and compiz, some link to study more of it16:30
EmoBusinessmanit's /dev/sda!16:30
EmoBusinessmanno just kidding it's /dev/sdc16:31
EmoBusinessmanyou may as well just guess which one it is man16:31
ericjungwhat's a good lightweight window manager for ubuntu???16:31
korcanbazhang, Esx Server 3i 3.5.0 build-12362916:31
tmbigriggodd-rational: yes but after entering password it just goes to black screen16:31
Odd-rationaleericjung: fluxbox, openbox16:31
bazhangericjung, lxde fluxbox openbox there are a few16:31
ericjungOdd-rationale: which is more "lightweight"? I have a really old laptop16:31
xnvericjung: xfce?16:32
Odd-rationaleericjung: ah.. that is a debated issue... :P16:32
GSMXbazhang: just what I needed, thank you very much16:32
metbsdi want to buy a netbook, but don't know which one to buy ! help!16:32
ericjungare any of them installable with Synaptic?16:32
Odd-rationaleericjung: if tiling window management is your style, then the lightest you can get is probably dwm16:32
bazhangericjung, all16:32
ericjungmetbsd: Samsung NC-10 has all the best reviews right now16:32
Odd-rationaletmbigrigg: try removing your ~/.dmrc file...16:32
bazhangmetbsd, ##hardware or #ubuntu-offtopic16:32
ericjungbazhang: after installing any of them with synaptic, any configuration needs to be done or is it automatic??16:33
tmbigriggOdd-rationale: what is .dmrc file used for?16:33
CteelI would need help with installing the right driver for my Geforce4 mx 440 on ubuntu16:33
bazhangericjung, some config with openbox iirc; lxde is quite easy to set up16:33
Odd-rationaleericjung: not much configuring, but you probably will want to customize...16:33
Odd-rationaletmbigrigg: session info...16:33
tmbigriggthx. I will try it16:34
Odd-rationaletmbigrigg: you can open it to see what is in it...16:34
ericjungok, i'll try DWM per Odd-rationale's recommenddation!16:34
korcanbazhang, any ideas?16:34
Odd-rationalebazhang: isn't lxde a desktop environment... that uses openbox as a window manager?16:34
patbamhas anyone run into this problem with inkscape? http://ruphus.com/stash/argh.png i can't resize windows at all, so the app is essentially useless16:34
ericjungOdd-rationale: what is "tilting window management" mean?16:34
bazhangkorcan, sorry I only use vbox16:34
bazhangkorcan, you can check launchpad for bugs though16:35
prontohttp://pronto185.com/linux/screens/other/12_04_08_02:02:48window.png how do i stop that from happening ?  it just started happing when i ssh16:35
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korcanbazhang, thanks16:35
Odd-rationaleericjung: no window borders, no overlapping windows, just tiling...16:35
norbert79Good dayí16:35
outboardi am installing  and have got to the  " detecting hardware please wait"  loading module 'usb-storage' and it seems to have hung , it has been on that for over 10 mins  , is that normal ?16:35
ericjungoh... TILING16:35
ericjungI thought you said "tilting" :)16:35
norbert79outboard: Not really... You might consider removing that specific hardware untill the install is finished16:35
Odd-rationaleericjung: tiling wm's are actually pretty nice if you get used the them...16:36
norbert79outboard: Depends of course on the hardware...16:36
ericjungOdd-rationale: I think I'd like overlapping windows. which of those *does* have overlapping?16:36
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ericjungOdd-rationale: even on a 14" screen?16:36
outboardthere is no usb device curently attached to the computer16:36
Odd-rationaleericjung: openbox is my favorite... fluxbox is nice, as it comes ith a panel...16:36
norbert79outboard: Nothing is being attached to the USB then?16:36
outboardnope nothin16:36
ericjungOdd-rationale: tiling is pretty nice even with a 14" screen?16:37
Odd-rationaleericjung: yeah.16:37
|unjustice|Hi, runnning hardy on a laptop and I cannot get sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop path/filename/path command to work16:37
norbert79outboard: Are you sure, that both the installer was burned well, or the USB works flawless?16:37
Odd-rationaleericjung: although dwm would probably be not the best chioce for a starter in tiling wm...16:37
norbert79|unjustice|: You miss a space16:37
norbert79|unjustice|: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop path/filename path16:37
NoiseEeeI've mapped a Ubuntu Server drive successfully on my XP box.  The problem is, folders that end in "." (ie: "BigCompany Inc.") look like "AOFAM0~P" in XP.  Is there a way to correct this, on either side?16:37
neptunhello everybody!can someone help with a tuner tv ?16:37
norbert79|unjustice|: example: sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop /tmp/test.iso /media/something16:38
Odd-rationaleericjung: if you want to start with tiling, try awesome or wmii16:38
outboardi have had no problems with the usb  and yes the disk was burned properly16:38
ericjungOdd-rationale: jebus there are sooo many !16:38
|unjustice|norbert79: tried with space...did not work, check pastebin?16:38
Odd-rationaleericjung: freedom of choices... :D16:38
norbert79|unjustice|: You might copy the address once again, just joined...16:38
norbert79outboard: You might adresss your replies directly, using the name before the reply. I might miss a few lines otherwise. Can you explain the exact step when the installer stops working?16:40
|unjustice|norbert79: http://pastebin.com/m6eb4d44e16:40
MrCollinsI am following a guide and it tells me to navigate to the 'trunk' directory, I am using Intrepid, where is that directory16:40
ericjungOdd-rationale: now that i installed fluxbox, how do i "start" it?16:40
aboSamoorhow can convert jpeg files to pdf ?16:41
Odd-rationaleericjung: choose fluxbox from the gdm sessions menu16:41
Guest61851why would you like to do that16:41
Odd-rationaleericjung: you may have to run "sudo update-menus" first...16:41
LinuxApesince upgrading to intrepid by cd/dvd burner doesn't recognize any media.  Any suggestions?16:41
Odd-rationaleericjung: also, read the ubuntu wiki on fluxbox...16:41
NoiseEeeanyone with my q?16:41
ericjungOdd-rationale: what is gdm sessions menu?16:42
sipioraboSamoor: i believe ImageMagick groks pdf. you can try "convert foo.jpg foo.pdf" and see what happens16:42
bazhangericjung, login window sessions16:42
ikoniaNoiseEee if anyone knows the answer - they will answer, saying "anyone" won't make them respond16:42
Odd-rationaleericjung: when you logout... the login screen.. there is a sessions menu...16:42
outboardnorbert79 : small window , Title : installing system , detecting harware, please wait , progress bar at 90% , Loading modual 'usb-storage' for USB storage' ...16:43
zanberdoI'm trying out gnome on ubuntu for the first time (I'm a long time kde/kubuntu user though) and was hoping to find out firstly, what IRC client is generally used with gnome?16:44
* jgoguen is away: Re-doing history notes...16:44
bazhangzanberdo, xchat/irssi/pidgin16:44
sinboxHi, everytime I reboot I get a "ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" window and I have to manually select the correct monitor, how can I make the change permanent?16:45
carlfHas anyone had any luck with the RocketRaid 2310 under 64-bit intrepid? Every time I load the module, the alarm on the card starts going off.16:45
norbert79outboard: you might switch to the command line interface, and give the command dmesg, or start gnome-terminal using alt+f2, and do the same...16:46
zanberdobazhang: irrsi is a cli client, right?  And pidgin is of course an IM client, so I gather xchat would be the gui irc client, yes?16:46
norbert79outboard: the installer impacted to an error, and it is not able on solving it, but we can still find out (hopefully) what is causing the rror16:46
Acedipwhile getting the updates from net, can i save these updates somewhere and use them if i reintall16:46
shiMMerwhat is "~/."16:47
Acedipinstead of downloading them the next time altogether16:47
ikoniaAcedip: not really the best idea16:47
ikoniashiMMer: your home dir16:47
zanberdoanother question I think you might have the answrt to. with kde I use katapult as a quick app launcher.  I understand gnome has a similar quick app launcher.  What is it called?16:47
Acedipikonia: why16:47
shiMMerwith ~ symbol?16:47
ikoniaAcedip: any changes that conflict with the current updates will cause problems16:47
ikoniashiMMer: means your home dir16:47
Odd-rationalezanberdo: gnome-do16:48
shiMMerowh...ty bro16:48
shiMMeri continue learning linux16:48
badawimy internet is very slow under ubuntu, i already disabled ipv6 any ideas?16:48
Odd-rationalegnome-do > katapult16:48
Acedipikonia: but suppose i have got 8.10 updates like some 2/3 times, and today i need to reintall,then i could use these saved updates to bring back my system to todays present state16:50
shiMMer"~/.fluxbox/init" i cant find it on my home dir..16:50
alessandroalguien habla español16:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:50
shiMMerenglish please16:50
alessandrosoy nuevop ene l ubuntu16:50
fernanchelHello, this is the firs time I enter in this chat16:50
ikoniaAcedip I don't beleive that is a good way16:50
outboardnorbert79 : how do i break out of where it is , the installer still has control of the system ?16:50
alessandroy me gustaria saber algunas incognitas16:50
norbert79!es | alessandro16:51
ubottualessandro: please see above16:51
zanberdoOdd-rationale: thanks16:51
bazhangalessandro, /join #ubuntu-es16:51
fernanchelyo hablo español Alessandro16:51
alessandrohola fernanchel16:51
alessandrocomo estas?16:52
bazhangenglish here please16:52
lipinskiAnyone know how to downgrade from Ubuntu 8.10 to 8.04?16:52
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fernanchelHola, acabo de instalar Xchat y es la primera vez que entro.16:52
alessandroyo tb16:52
alessandroresien lo instale16:52
alessandrotb es mi primera16:52
alessandrosoy nuevo en esto16:52
FloodBot2alessandro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:52
bazhang!es | alessandro fernanchel16:52
ubottualessandro fernanchel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:52
MrCollinshow do i get started troubleshooting /dev/video?16:52
Odd-rationale!downgrade | lipinski16:52
ubottulipinski: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.16:52
fernanchelOk. I did'nt Know16:53
XThiefHow can i change an user password using the terminal?16:53
ericjungOdd-rationale: wow ! fluxbox rocks!16:53
ericjungthanks everyone for the advice16:53
Odd-rationaleXThief: passwd16:53
ericjunghow can i get the NetworkManager Applet to run in fluxbox?16:53
ubottufluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox16:53
fernanchelThis seems too complicated for me16:53
Odd-rationaleericjung: do alt+f2 and run "gnome-nm-applet"16:54
alessandroentarre a los canales16:54
jburdI'm running Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex and kernel 2.6.27-10.  After a recent update, my sound stopped working.  My sound card is an Intel HDA Conexant card.16:54
XThiefOdd-rationale sudo passwd user newpassword?16:54
fernanchelDo you speak italian, Alesandro?16:54
ericjungOdd-rationale: hmm16:54
jburdSound works perfectly on OS X which is configured to dual-boot with Ubuntu.16:55
XThiefhe is speaking spanish16:55
Odd-rationaleXThief: if you want to change the current users passwrod. just do `passwd`16:55
alessandroi dont speak italian16:55
outboardnorbert79 : how do i break out of where it is , the installer still has control of the system ?16:55
XThiefOdd-rationale but i dont want the current user16:55
Odd-rationaleXThief: if you want to change another users password, then do `sudo passwd $USERNAME`16:55
jburdSo it's definitely not hardware.  Can someone please offer some insight on this problem?  I've checked alsamixer and all levels are fine with playback not-muted.16:55
Odd-rationaleXThief: and you need to have sudo rights...16:55
norbert79outboard: Told you already... Press either Ctrl+Alt+F1 or use Alt+F216:55
fernanchel"Alessandro" seems an italian name16:56
jburdIt's weird how sound was working just a few minutes ago before I rebooted my computer.16:56
MrCollinsjburd, when you play mp3 with say audacious, is the equalizer visualization going or not?16:56
Odd-rationaleericjung: did it work?16:56
zeid   jernas19_80@hotmail.com16:56
alessandroyes alessandro is a italian name16:56
outboardmust have missed that ctrl +alt + f116:56
XThiefOdd-rationale it worked, thanks!16:56
alessandrobut im peruvian16:57
ericjungOdd-rationale: i didn't try it. I want to learn how to automate that with either a menu item or shortcut, so I'm reading the wiki16:57
jburdMrCollins: Yes, it's going on.  I can see visualization as well and I can also seek through the song.  However, I'm unable to hear any output.16:57
ericjungOdd-rationale: i.e., i don't want to have to press Alt-F2 "gnome-nm-applet" everytime I login16:57
Odd-rationaleericjung: add "gnome-nm-applet &" to the ~/.fluxbox/startup file16:57
norbert79alessandro: I think they have someone from Peru too... Join ubuntu-es for generic Espanol.16:57
fernanchelOk. I have to go out. It has been a pleasure to chat with you16:57
ericjungOdd-rationale: jk16:57
ericjungOdd-rationale: ok16:57
shiMMeri enter this command n i got an error16:58
KillGutahow do I switch beetween desktops?16:58
shiMMerbash: /home/zer0/.fluxbox/overlay: No such file or directory16:58
jburdI tried booting the 2.6.27-8 kernel, but it still doesn't work.  What could be the problem?16:58
MrCollinsjburd which mixer are you using in System -> Prefs -> Sound ??16:58
KillGutaI mean an keyboard shortcut16:58
shiMMeri can use mouse scroll to go to another desktop16:59
jburdMrCollins: Everything is on autodetect.16:59
alessandroso the chanel..were is it?16:59
Picialessandro: escribe /join #ubuntu-es16:59
jburdsound capture says it's using "ALSA", default mixer tracks device: "Capture AlSA PCM on front:0 (Conexant analog)..."16:59
outboardnorbert79 : hung going to the command line now  , loading please wait ..... ,17:00
MrCollinsjburd switch the Sound and Music section to your sound cards module17:00
MrCollinsjburd are you using the front headers?17:00
jburdThis is a notebook17:00
norbert79outboard: did you switch to your CLI console mode? You can switch between the virtual terminals using Ctrl+Alt+Fx17:00
zniki have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop tarckpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:01
norbert79Fx means F1-F1217:01
norbert79outboard: Find the command line17:01
lxuserNewbiesound capture way too low with my "HDA Intel STAC92xx Analog" does anyone know make it lauder?17:01
alessandroi write /join #ubuntu-es in terminal?17:01
alessandroor where?17:01
Picialessandro: No, write it right here, where you are typing to me.17:01
shiMMerhow to set wallpaper on fluxbox?17:01
jburdOk.  Choosing the right output device and setting PCM output to max works now MrCollins :-)  Thank you for helping out. :-)17:02
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: use feh. or xsetroot17:02
alessandroto here17:02
MrCollinsjburd, no problem. I wish someone would help me with my problem now :)17:02
norbert79alessandro: Just click the channel's name... #ubuntu-es17:02
norbert79alessandro: right vclick, and JOIN17:02
jburdMrCollins: What is the question?17:02
znikbazhang:  i have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop tarckpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:03
bitsbamlo there all17:03
MrCollinsjburd, I have a Logitech webcam and I want to set it up so I can use it to video chat, but it does not work17:03
paul68I saw it once but where can you create applets in ubuntu17:03
johannes_hi, im using kubuntu 8.10 does one of you know a repository, I can use to install the new nvidia 180.08 driver?17:03
alessandroin channels?17:03
MrCollinsjburd I am trying to troubleshoot /dev/video0 but I do not know what permissions to pass to it and etc etc......17:03
ericjung_Odd-rationale: gnome-nm-applet isn't the right command it seems17:03
ericjung_Odd-rationale: I can start other apps in fluxbox with your suggestion but not gnome-nm-applet17:04
jburdMrCollins: Have you been able to capture video with this Webcam on Ubuntu before?17:04
ericjung_Odd-rationale: indeed, ALT-F2 doesn't do anything in fluxbox either17:04
DrOnijohannes: install 'Envy-NG', if it doesn't have the latest drivers just download them from the Nvidia site17:04
Odd-rationaleericjung_: maybe it was just nm-applet...17:04
Odd-rationalei forgot...17:04
shiMMeri type xsetroot on terminal n my desktop got probs17:04
johannes_DrOni thx17:04
shiMMerhow to fix??17:04
ericjung_Odd-rationale: I think ALT-F2 is gnom e only17:04
Odd-rationaleericjung_: well, there is is fbrun...17:04
ericjung_Odd-rationale: what is that?17:05
MrCollinsjburd, yes the weird thing is, on the Ubuntu livecd, it works....17:05
znik i have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop trackpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:05
ash1hello, how do I use the inbuilt Bluetooth facilities of my HP laptop in Ubuntu (Hardy)?17:05
zanberdook, another kde-to-gnome question: the default configuration for konsole is to colorize items such as directories and files flagged as executable, but it appears that gnome terminal does not.  How do I enable coloriztion of file entries/directories/etc with gnome terminal?17:05
trueboskoSetting up partitions, a  simple setup of: / (ext3) for ubuntu install, swap, and /home (ext3) for rest is perfectly ok right?17:05
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badawitruebosko: size?17:06
ash1hello, how do I use the inbuilt Bluetooth facilities of my HP laptop in Ubuntu (Hardy)?17:06
Odd-rationaleericjung_: fbrun is the run dialog for fluxbox.17:06
jburdWow, weird.  Which software are you trying to use to configure and video chat with?  Which kernel are you currently running?17:07
jburd@ MrCollins17:07
ericjung_ericjung: how to start it?17:07
MrCollinsjburd, huh?17:07
badawiif / and /home are in the hundred gigs size u should be aok17:07
carlfHas anyone had any luck with the RocketRaid 2310? Every time I load the kernel module, the alarm on the card starts going off.17:07
MrCollinsjburd, kopete17:07
shiMMeri type xsetroot on terminal n my desktop got probs.how to fix?17:08
MrCollinsjburd the latest kernel for Intrepid17:08
bug2000Is there a chance Wubi can fail and ruin the host?17:08
Odd-rationaleericjung_: i thought the defalt keybinging was alt+f2, but i guess it is something else... but you can bind fbrun to anykey you want...17:08
badawishiMMer: logout and login17:08
bazhangbug2000, define ruin17:08
shiMMeris that skill or trick/cure???17:08
znik i have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop trackpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:09
DrOniash1: if your bluetooth adapter was detected and installed properly you'll find the options for it under the system settings menu17:09
bug2000bazhang: Get data currapted / lost.17:09
shiMMeranyway,i try17:09
lxuserNewbiedoes anyone what's the problem with my soundcard? the capture voice too low even I set to 100% in recording tab17:09
ericjung_Odd-rationale: I'll try fbrun and be right back17:09
ash1DrOni: looks like the adapter wasn't detected17:09
bazhangbug2000, not likely from the ubuntu perspective, not sure about windows though; you can check launchpad to see if there are any such bugs17:09
znikmy xorg.conf is also not showing the input devices part17:09
DrOniash1: well I can't help you then, sorry :(17:09
bazhangbug2000, wubi is more of a demo imo17:09
johannes_envyng doesnt list the newest drivers, can I change that?17:10
nw2190Hi, does anyone know how to get higher screen resolutions in Ubuntu 8.10?17:10
outboardnorbert79 : ok i'm in the comand line running the command dmsg, probing / checking / usb 1-8 disconect , bus busy wait 0  , unknown sensor , probe of 1-8 fail with error -2217:10
methoone question regarding bash!17:10
ash1the only way to enable the driver is on the touch panel (QuickLaunch) of my notebook, and QuickLaunch itself isn't working properly :(17:10
outboarddoes that help ?17:11
norbert79outboard: Sounds not good... Did you try to google this error already?17:11
nw2190It was working fine but then I hooked my laptop up to another monitor the other day and ever since the resolution on my laptop is too low.17:11
DrOnijohannes_: unfortunately not from EnvyNG, you'll have to check the Nvidia site and install it manually (instructions on how to do that are included in the tarball file)17:11
methocant find .bash_script but $PATH exists and i even modified it as well...17:11
lxuserNewbiethe capture voice too low even I set to 100% in recording tab, where can i get information about this, please?17:11
methowhere is .bash_script??17:11
MrCollinsCan someone help me troubleshoot my webcam issue? I do not know where to begin or I would ask a direct question.....17:12
jburdMrCollins: Can you try checking whether you can capture any video with cheese? sudo aptitude install cheese17:12
blip-hi,  for some reason i just logged onto my laptop and there is no sound.  i maxed out alsamixer, kmix and restarted ALSA system as well as maxed out Amarok.... but no sound is coming out from the speakers or via headphones... i didn't do anything or install anything for the sound.17:12
Odd-rationalemetho: ~/.bash_script does not exists by defualt... unless you crete it...17:12
znik i have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop trackpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:12
DrOniash1: that QuickLaunch panel might not have linux drivers at all - check the HP site for info on whether Linux is supported or not?17:12
Odd-rationalemetho: perhaps you mean ~/.bash_profile? or ~/.bashrc?17:12
MrCollinsjburd ill check but I think I tried cheese already17:12
johannes_DrOni I heard about conflicts, installing a driver via repo after having installed a driver manually, is that correct/ possible?17:12
methoOdd_rationale: yes, i meant .bash_profile17:13
znik i have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop trackpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:13
ash1DrOni: yeah i'm checking that one out..17:13
methoOdd_rationale: you know where i can find .bash_profile?17:13
Odd-rationalemetho: it should be in ~/17:13
DrOnijohannes_: due to the size and complexities of graphical drivers they aren't included in repos - but there will be conflicts if you install one over the other by ANY means17:13
MrCollinscheese doesnt work17:13
ericjung__Odd-rationale: i love you17:14
furythorI have problem with my graphics card, I can't get it identified it correctly.17:14
zniki have just installed 8.10 but my dell laptop trackpad(mouse) is not working properly. although when i attach an external mouse it acts fine. what should i do ?17:14
Odd-rationaleericjung__: i hope you're not a guy...17:14
furythorhere is paste of my xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/80411/17:14
DrOnijohannes_: the instructions tell you how to safely install your new drivers however, so such conflicts shouldn't occur if you follow the instructions correctly17:14
pottsiznik:  i have same problem17:14
ericjung__Odd-rationale: not in a sexual way !17:14
shiMMerhow to set conky run at startup on fluxbox??17:14
DrOnijohannes_: daunting, I know, perhaps you should stick to the latest stable drivers from EnvyNG?17:14
ericjung__Odd-rationale: thanks for all the help17:14
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: add conky & to your ~/.fluxbox/startup file17:15
lxuserNewbiecapture voice too low even I set to 100% in recording tab, where can i get information about this, please?17:15
Odd-rationaleericjung__: np :P17:15
ericjung__Odd-rationale: what does conky do?17:15
norbert79outboard: Ok, as I have no generic advice, try to turn off acpi at start, before you load up the installer.. Set "acpi=off" at GRUB17:15
znikpottsi lets put up a plea together17:15
znikso that sumone helps us17:15
johannes_DrOni nvidia 177 + plasma doesnt work very well, Ill go and uninstall the old one later and install the 180.08 manually17:15
shiMMeri cant see fluxbox on my home dir..must i create it?17:15
bazhang!info conky17:15
ubottuconky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor for X based on torsmo. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 179 kB, installed size 556 kB17:15
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Odd-rationaleericjung__: it is a program that prints info to your desktop...17:15
pottsiznik:  does your caplogs key flash aswell ?17:15
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DrOnijohannes_: okay, good luck :)17:16
johannes_DrOni thx17:16
znikpottsi no but the moouse works fine if i connect an external one17:16
shiMMeri cant see fluxbox on my home dir..must i create it?17:16
jburdMrCollins: My built in webcam works well and here are the permissions for it:  crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81, 0 2008-12-04 22:38 /dev/video0.  Can you check whether your user is part of the video group?17:16
Juerd_Is there a way to generate an xorg.conf based on the current settings that were detected?17:16
Juerd_I need to edit something but xorg.conf is empty nowadays.17:16
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: it is a hidden file ".fluxbox"17:16
pottsiAnyone has any ideas ??17:16
znikpottsi please tell me the answer if u find one17:17
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: you might want to go to view --> show hidden file (ctrl+h)17:17
shiMMerowh..then how to set conky wun at startup?17:17
DrOniznik: basically your trackpad drivers didn't install17:17
pottsiznik: ill pm you if i do17:17
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: add "conky &" to your ~/.fluxbox/startup file17:17
DrOniznik: do a google search specifically for your model and see if there are any linux drivers available for it?17:17
znikDrOni but the trackpad is moving but erratically17:17
shiMMeri try17:17
lxuserNewbiecaptured voice too low even I set to 100% in recording tab, where can i get information about this, please?17:17
pottsiDrOni: what can we do fix it17:17
DrOniznik: oh, well then they're just bad drivers! I can't help you sorry :(17:18
pottsiznik: you use vista?17:18
DrHalanhey ive installed and am usning glx-new but it is not listed in jockey. is that normal?17:19
znikDrOni last time when i had the problem i had to just edit the /etx/x11/xorg.conf file and edit the input device part but in 8.10 thr is only "device" section , no "input device" !!!!!17:19
znikpottsi yes17:19
shiMMerodd::i can see fluxbox folder now..n open startup file.where to add?17:19
znikin the xorg.conf17:19
pottsiznik: me too17:19
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: there should be an example section to guide you...17:19
norbert79!offtopic > pottsi17:20
znikDrOni http://paste.ubuntu.com/80411/17:20
ubottupottsi, please see my private message17:20
shiMMeri try read again n again to understand.17:20
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: you probably know that a line that starts with # is a comment, and not executed...17:20
techqbertelinks yubnub.org17:21
znikDrOni thr is a same problem in ubuntu forum but thr r no answers!!17:21
DrOniznik: try adding an 'input device' section, do you know what you added last time?17:21
bartekUgh, I've burned two CD's and I keep getting an I/O error when installing at around 40-50%. Both CD's produce the error so I fear it may be my hd, but it's completely new and seems I can partition it fine. Is there tools I can use to check the HD?17:21
DrOniznik: try adding that - if it doesn't work then you might have to wait until someone replies on the forums17:21
znikDrOni i have added that part.but i wanted to make sure before restarting!17:21
Picibartek: Did you verify the iso's md5 before burning?17:21
DrOniznik: it's worth a shot - it should do any serious harm17:21
Pici!verify > bartek17:22
ubottubartek, please see my private message17:22
DrOniznik: shouldn't*17:22
norbert79!verify > norbert7917:22
ubottunorbert79, please see my private message17:22
znikDrOni you just gave me a heart attack17:22
DrOniznik: lol, sorry  - it's late17:22
pottsiznik: fixed?17:22
znikpottsi in terminal type :    sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:23
[e]LementI'm about to post something on the forums, but I'll ask here to see if you guys know about it.17:23
norbert79bartek: Other way would be on checking the hard drive's analytical reports on S.M.A.R.T. You can install the smart analysing packages under the live CD too by installing smartmontools. apt-get install smartmontools17:23
znikDrOni: correct me if im wrong17:23
[e]LementWhen my screen saver is on, to get the screensaver off I have to click a mouse button or push a key.  The mouse movement doens't register.17:23
bartekSo can I do the checksum from the LiveCD? The other PC I have right now is a Windows XP PC17:24
[e]LementJust install the checksum tool17:24
pottsiznik: using vista at the moment ill try it now then that *should* fix it ?17:24
[e]LementYou can get it from MS's website17:24
[e]Lementpottsi, may I ask what your problem is?17:24
znikpottsi append this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/80416/17:24
Picibartek: You can do it from Windows or by using the Check CD for Defects option on the LiveCD.17:24
norbert79pottsi: For Windows related discussion go to ##windows... You are in the wrong channel.17:24
* [e]Lement slaps norbert79 with a large trout17:25
[e]LementHe's on Windows because his mouse doesn't work o Linux.17:25
pottsinorbert79:  its ubuntu problems on windows17:25
akscii want to remove the switch user option.... when i lock my screen17:25
DrOni[e]Lement: pottsi and znik are having the same problem with a dodgy trackpad on their machine17:25
[e]LementUsually ubuntu is good with trackpads17:25
pottsi[e]Lement: can i pm you would be easier there?17:25
norbert79[e]Lement: I guess you will need more courses to visit on ethics.17:25
traeAnyone know what the apt-get install command is to get the compiz control panel thingy?17:26
bathmananyone know how i can (temporarily) reinstall gcc-4.2.3 to install vmware server 2?17:26
[e]Lementnorbert79, have you never seen the large trout slap?17:26
bathmanit doesn't like 4.2.417:26
norbert79!offtopic [e]Lement17:26
[e]LementNot really pottsi, as I am on a Desktop and not on a laptop and have no experienced your issue.17:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:26
DrOni[e]Lement: yeah, I've never heard of a problem - apparently they had fixed it under Hardy by appending their xorg.conf - but Intrepid has a different xorg.conf file that they're unfamiliar with17:26
norbert79!offtopic >[e]Lement17:26
ubottu[e]Lement, please see my private message17:26
[e]LementWow thanks norbert79, I've seen that before17:26
[e]LementAnd just to counter you17:26
ompaul[e]Lement, drop it please17:27
[e]Lement!offtopic >norberto7917:27
bartekOk, the checksum matches17:27
bartekAny other ideas? :/17:27
EmoBusinessmanDoes anyone here have experience with using 8.10's network manager to connect to a cisco vpn?17:27
norbert79bartek: Drive error on your CD-ROM or on your HDD17:27
ompaulbartek, burn slowly17:27
EmoBusinessmanI installed 8.10 at release and its cisco VPN support was broooooooooooooken17:27
EmoBusinessmanhad to reinstall 8.04 LTS17:27
Juerd_Is there a way to generate an xorg.conf based on the current settings that were detected?17:28
bartekIm burning at 40x and my drive supports up to 48x on CD-RW17:28
norbert79bartek: You might consider ompaul's advice too. Try to burn the image at a lower speed (around 12x)17:28
bartekBut I guess I can try going lower..17:28
traeompaul: hey there... you don't know what that compiz control panel software is ?  need to know what to apt-get install17:28
gleesondI'm wondering if anyone in here has installed ibex on an eee pc 1000, or is willing to help me get my wifi working17:28
bartekcd #3 is always a charm!17:28
ompaultrae, no don't do that stuff17:28
pottsiok brb will test again17:28
traeompaul: np bud, tx.17:28
norbert79trae: apt-cache search compiz will do the trick17:28
traeompaul: and hey long time no see :)17:28
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:28
norbert79!ccsm > trae17:28
ubottutrae, please see my private message17:29
[e]Lementbartek, you may also want to look at the CDs themselves.  I've seen imprefections in CDs many times.17:29
traenorbert79: thanks mate17:29
norbert79trae: You're welcome17:29
ash1Does anyone own a HP Pavilion laptop with the the QuickLaunch bar?17:29
[e]LementYou trying to get the launcher to work?17:30
DrOniash1: no luck finding drivers?17:30
furythorI have problem with my graphics card and screen not identified correctly http://paste.ubuntu.com/80417/ here is past of my xorg.conf contents17:30
bartekWhile this is burning, could my hard drive be getting identified fine but not wired up correctly or if the SATA cables were done wrong would it not get identified? (I'm assuming the latter)17:31
norbert79furythor: Are you sure you have installed the nvidia support package too? Do a dpkg -l | grep nvidia17:31
ash1DrOni : no17:31
[e]Lementfurythor, gksudo displayconfig-gtk in terminal should fix it.  I've not been able to get it to work in 8.10 tho17:31
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[e]Lementbartek, how are you trying to access the HD?17:31
lipinskiHow do I find out what package a particular file belongs to17:31
bartek[e]Lement: nothing special, just installing ubuntu on this clean slate17:32
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furythorwhat I should look for from that print out ?17:32
[e]LementWhich drive are you trying to access?17:32
norbert79furythor: If any package is listed named nvidia17:32
bartekMy main SATA drive?17:32
[e]Lementlipinski, http://packages.ubuntu.com/ might be of help17:32
bartekI only have one HD17:32
shiMMer# fbsetbg -f /media/disk/Images/array2.jpg17:33
furythorthere is many of those17:33
shiMMeri set it but not work17:33
[e]LementIt's possible it's not being recognized.17:33
shiMMer# fbsetbg -f /media/disk/Images/array2.jpg17:33
blackholeanyone know, how to set human icons for azureus ?17:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:33
[e]LementWhen you put the LiveCD in the drive does it load?17:33
badawimy internet is too slow, it's wired eth0 adsl controlled by NetworkManager17:33
bartek[e]Lement: bios, on loadup, and ubuntu recognizes the drive and its size (it allows me to partition and actually creates partition tables)17:33
bartekso something tells me the HD may not be at fault, but who knows17:33
[e]LementThen the drive is fine17:33
carlfOk. I have the sata_mv driver loaded and the disks show up individually but not as a raid. How would I mount this raid? It's 3 SATA drives on a RocketRaid 231017:33
[e]LementIt's being recognized.17:33
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: maybe you need to take out the comment #17:34
[e]LementYou could have a failed HD17:34
FloodBot2[e]Lement: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:34
shiMMerit say must be #17:34
bartekIs there a way I can check for that [e]Lement without installing ubuntu (since I cant) ?17:34
bartekIm burning at 16x right now so maybe this will work but if not .. :)17:34
norbert79bartek: Other way would be on checking the hard drive's analytical reports on S.M.A.R.T. You can install the smart analysing packages under the live CD too by installing smartmontools. apt-get install smartmontools17:34
traethanks bunches guys, as always spot on ;)17:34
[e]LementWhat problem are you having installing?17:34
barteknorbert79: ah right, sorry I missed that earlier17:34
norbert79bartek: No problem17:34
bartek[e]Lement: keeps I/O error'ing at around 40-50% but suggestions said to burn at a slower rate, so I am now17:35
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shiMMerodd::i try n CTRL+ALT+Backspace to see effect17:35
[e]LementWell, could have bad sectors.17:35
[e]LementAnd I will add, SMART doesn't always trip.  I've seen bad HDs without SMART errors.17:35
bartekThat'll suck .. cause I got the drive from newegg :)17:35
wykfaszktos ma doswiadczenia z instalowaniem p2m?17:35
Myrtti!pl | wykfasz17:35
ubottuwykfasz: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl17:35
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: try installing feh and adding "feh --bg-scale image.jpg"17:36
LinuxApeAnyone else have a flaky panel?  Things start disappearing and flickering....17:37
shiMMerit will work on startup?17:37
[e]LementLinuxApe, mine seems okay.17:37
greencookieHi I work on an office computer (running Ubuntu) which is always on. When I come and login in the mornings I would like to have my emails automatically downloaded into /var/mail/[username] so that I can check it with mutt. How can I do that? thanks in advance.17:37
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: if you add it to your ~/.fluxbox/startup it should17:37
shiMMerit not work17:38
shiMMerodd::i add this17:38
shiMMer# conky &17:38
norbert79greencookie: Thats not an easy topic. First you have to find out what method your company uses for mailing17:38
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: can you pastebin your ~/.fluxbox/startup file?17:38
greencookienorbert79: what bout gmail?17:38
greencookieor my college email?:) i just want to be able to use mutt over ssh :D17:38
norbert79greencookie: Does your company uses Gmail for internal mailing? :)17:38
norbert79greencookie: I see :) Well, what does your place use for mails? POP? IMAP?17:39
greencookienorbert79: I would like to fetch Gmail via IMAP.17:39
greencookienorbert79: do I need fetchmail to do that?17:39
wyddOpenOffice screen refresh problem: text bullets and control buttons aren't redrawn properly. Is is a known issue?17:40
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norbert79greencookie: Not used mutt long time... hmm, let me trace this on google17:40
shiMMermust be Conky n not conky??17:40
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: take out the the "# " out before the "# conky &" and "# fbsetbg -f /media/disk/Images/array2.jpg17:40
furythorI still don't get my graphics card to work, and what is odd that Nvidia X server settings identify my card correctly, but monitor, so can I add manually display modes I know it can use ?17:40
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: no, it should be conky17:40
greencookienorbert79: when sshing into my campus's linux server it tells me 'You have no new mail' and when i type 'mail' if i have it, then it shows me my mail, i can even mail using 'mail [username]' do you know what program that is?17:40
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: also put a # infront of /usr/bin/fbsetroot -solid black17:41
wyddwydd: ?17:41
greencookienorbert79: nvm its built in ubuntu too 'mail' :) ill rtfm :)17:41
johannes_ich habe ein proplem mit meinen waln17:41
norbert79!ubuntu-de | johannes_17:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-de17:41
norbert79!#ubuntu-de | johannes_17:41
norbert79what the17:41
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80428/17:41
Myrtti!de | johannes_17:42
ubottujohannes_: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de17:42
greencookiethere ya go!17:42
shiMMermake differences..i learn..17:42
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: also, "/media/disk/Images/array2.jpg17:42
norbert79greencookie: Yeah... btw: http://www.andrews-corner.org/mutt.html17:42
Odd-rationale" must esist17:42
bartekwoah, I just popped in my new burnt CD (at 16x) and I am getting a bunch of "Buffer i/o error on device sr0, logical block <number> " .. any ideas what this means?17:42
greencookienorbert79: thanks Ill give it a read. :D17:42
johannes_wer deutsch17:43
norbert79greencookie: Maybe that will give you some advice17:43
Myrtti!english | johannes_17:43
ubottujohannes_: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:43
norbert79!de > johannes_17:43
ubottujohannes_, please see my private message17:43
norbert79greencookie: Still googling tough17:43
norbert79greencookie: there ya go: http://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2007/07/31/using-gmail-with-mutt-the-minimal-way/17:44
wyddOpenoffice screen refresh problem: is it a known issue related to Ubuntu? Maybe an nvidia or compiz problem?17:44
shiMMerodd::yeah..work great..17:45
gleesondhow do I tell if wifi works?17:45
gleesondI don't see an interface when I ifconfig17:45
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: :D17:45
shiMMerodd::y this happen..is it bug??17:45
jiboutigleesond: try  iwconfig17:45
norbert79gleesond: It does not work then :) Check the Network manager if you find Networks... What Wifi card do you own?17:45
Odd-rationaleshiMMer: no... as i said before, a line starting with a # is not executed...17:45
greencookienorbert79: that link was for configuring using POP, but I wanted to use IMAP. I will google it anyways. Thank you for your help.17:45
grendal_primeim thinking about upgrading my hardy laptop to ibex. but i have a few concerns.  This is a dell 1420 and it came with gutsy preinstalled on it. The upgrade to hardy was pretty painless, however it is an upgrade the dell i think supports.17:45
jiboutigrendal_prime: i would not upgrade to 8.10 if it was me17:46
shiMMerowh..i got a new knoledge again. :)17:46
norbert79greencookie: Not really... http://shreevatsa.wordpress.com/2007/07/31/using-gmail-with-mutt-the-minimal-way/17:46
norbert79greencookie: Did you check this too?17:46
wyddgrendal_prime: mine is a latitude and ibex is driving me crazy17:46
grendal_primejibouti: thanks.  Im most concerend with the hardware problems.17:47
shiMMertake a note and coolect it for my blog.17:47
greencookienorbert79: no i hadnt. checking it now. ty17:47
norbert79greencookie: Any time...17:47
gleesondnorbert79: I have an eee pc 100017:47
mkerIn sshd_config (openssh) is it correct to write "ChrootDirectory %h"? Does %h actually *mean* the home directory of every user or is it just used to symbolize that in the documentation?17:47
norbert79gleesond: Thats easy! sudo apt-get install linux-backport-modules17:48
gleesondnorbert79: rad17:48
wyddFolks, is anyone else having screen refresh problem in gnome (mostly office)?17:48
gleesondI'll do that then17:48
norbert79gleesond: You should also check http://eee.ricey.co.uk/17:48
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gleesondcool will do norbert79++17:49
norbert79gleesond: linux-backports-modules-intrepid is the right name17:49
norbert79gleesond: You are welcome :)17:49
bathmananyone know how i can (temporarily) reinstall gcc-4.2.3 to install vmware server 2? or just add 4.2.3 of course17:49
norbert79bathman: apt-get install gcc17:49
johannes_hi, I manually installed a nvidia driver how can I uninstall it?17:50
norbert79bathman: you might also install linux-headers17:50
norbert79johannes_: Use the same installer but start it with the option 'uninstall'17:50
bathmanwon't that check if i have 4.2.4? that i already have17:50
norbert79johannes_: for example "nvidia-installer uninstall"17:50
bitsbamis there a new system of encryption that will not allow an acidrip ?17:50
bitsbameven if using css?17:51
bathmanbut gotta go eat17:51
bathmanexcuse me!17:51
norbert79bitsbam: I doubt this is the right forum to that, you might considering joining a channelk about encryption17:51
bathman(fries are important)17:51
bitsbamhave a couple of new movies that just don't rip17:51
bitsbamok norbert79, will do17:51
znikpottsi i have got the solution17:52
znikDrOni problem soved17:52
johannes_mhm i did sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.82-pkg2.run what can I do now?17:52
norbert79johannes_: No, use "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-177.82-pkg2.run uninstall"17:52
znikDrOni i had done this earlier as well. i had forgotten.17:52
johannes_ah ok thx17:52
norbert79johannes_: Make sure you have the GUI off17:52
zambai'm trying to run a program, but it complains about missing shared library.. the .so file is in the same directory as the one i'm trying to run the program from.. how can i during run time set the path where it should look for libraries? i don't want to alter /etc/ld.conf for this one time or move the .so to a system wide location17:52
zambai know there's an environment variable i probably can set for it17:53
norbert79johannes_: use "init 1" to enter single mode in command line interface17:53
norbert79johannes_: that will turn off all other applications too17:53
norbert79johannes_: the only one working will be your bash command line17:53
norbert79johannes_: you can switch back using init 3 or init 5... I don't know if this has been changed inside Ubuntu... I think runlevel 3 is the default17:54
shiMMeri type "firefox" in terminal then it open firefox.i close terminal n firefox also close.how to let firefox running even i close my terminal??17:54
Jack_Sparrowzamba I assume it is not from our repos and from an outside source..17:54
norbert79zamba: What is the name of that SO file?17:54
zambanorbert79: libgptsblmsui11.so17:54
zambaJack_Sparrow: nope17:54
norbert79shiMMer: nohup firefox &17:54
geniinorbert79: telinit 1   . Also 2 is the default, since 2,3,4 and 5 on ubuntu are identical17:54
norbert79shiMMer: Yes, nohup is a command17:55
Jack_Sparrowzamba what program are you trying to run and could you pastebin a copy of your sources.list17:55
norbert79genii: Cheers17:55
dkerschnerUsing xubuntu 8.10. Trying to do dual montiors with xrandr. It works... kinna. I can mouse over to my second monitor and drag apps over there. However, there appears to be a black layer on top of the windows i drag over there. I can see my mouse though and click on the windows... i just can't see them17:55
zambaJack_Sparrow: this is not a program included in the debian repositories.. this is something i've downloaded myself and want to run..17:55
MronoI need a handfull of people to download a file to test my bandwith, pst me17:55
zambai only ask here because there's probably some linux savvy users here17:56
Jack_Sparrowzamba exactly my point..17:56
norbert79zamba: does that specific application have this file inside the directory?17:56
zambaso in that sense it's not really ubuntu related.. :p17:56
zambanorbert79: yeah17:56
norbert79zamba: It probably also has a bash script file, right?17:56
Tulgawhat is bogon when I add route for ""?17:56
norbert79zamba: Most of the time program vendors also come with shell scrips17:56
Jack_Sparrowzamba what program are you trying to run and what is the output of lsb_release -a17:56
norbert79zamba: Look for a shell scripted file... I think you have a file for making that application run17:57
Jack_Sparrowzamba I say this as we dont use the debian repos, we use ours.  So please post lsb_release -a and your sources list17:57
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norbert79Jack_Sparrow: I doubt that the application was installed using a deb file :)17:58
zambaexactly.. it's not17:58
shiMMeryeah..the POC is nohup "application".hu317:58
geniiTulga: Means invalid.    x.x.x.0   is a network designation and not to be used as an IP for a single machine, for instance17:58
Tulgaok thanks17:58
Jophishhmm, every window I open starts in the top left of the screen, with the top bar just underneath the top talkbar17:58
shiMMermake post for blog17:58
norbert79zamba: So, list all files, or open the directory in Gnome/KDE and check if youn can see a file, which is a shell script.17:58
=== conde_afk is now known as conde
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DUMMYhi, for how long will be gusty still supported?17:59
dinesh_i want to update mysystem17:59
DUMMYwhen gutsy support will be stopped, something like this..18:00
Myrttiit's supported until April18:00
TulgaI received pending phase 2 for "tunnelota" replacing #0, when I up tunnel ipsec. how to find problem?18:00
=== doug_ is now known as dougl
braden_what up18:01
dinesh_i want to update my system18:01
norbert79dinesh_: Do it... :)18:01
douglis there a way to configure the task bar in kde to look/feel more like a mac?18:01
ZeroA4dinesh_, what is keeping you ?18:01
Jack_Sparrowdougl try /j #Kubuntu18:01
dinesh_but update mneger id show an errot18:01
Jack_Sparrowdougl try /j #Kubuntu  or #KDE18:02
douglJack_Sparrow, k thanks18:02
norbert79dinesh_: Copy the error message to pastebin.com18:02
norbert79dinesh_: and copy the link18:02
dinesh_when i check for new update then will show an error that18:03
dinesh_some fille can't be down loaded18:03
shiMMerif windows=paint..if linux???18:03
norbert79shiMMer: GIMP18:03
shiMMeri try18:04
norbert79shiMMer: You have that with the default install18:04
shiMMeri got it18:04
norbert79shiMMer: Well done18:04
shiMMerty bro18:04
norbert79shiMMer: Yw18:05
norbert79shiMMer: http://www.getdeb.net/search.php?keywords=gimp - You might want to download the latest18:06
shiMMercan i download it from terminal?18:06
norbert79shiMMer: This is not the official package, so this is not coming from the official repositories, but at least the latest18:06
norbert79shiMMer: Probably, but GIMP is GUI based, so you might just use your browser18:06
shiMMerlet me try more18:06
shiMMeri c..18:07
norbert79shiMMer: I think there is a repository address to getdeb18:07
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dinesh_error is could not download all repository indexes18:07
dinesh_and show an msz18:07
dinesh_Failed to fetch http:/wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/intrepid/Release.gpg  Unable to connect to  http:18:07
dinesh_Failed to fetch http:/wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/intrepid/main/i18n/Translation-en_IN.bz2  Unable to connect to  http:18:07
dinesh_Failed to fetch http:/wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/intrepid/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Unable to connect to  http:18:07
FloodBot2dinesh_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:07
dinesh_Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.18:07
shiMMersudo apt-get install gimp= not work18:08
norbert79shiMMer: deb http://ubuntu.org.ua getdeb/ - but be warned, this is third party repository18:08
shiMMer3rd party?/18:08
norbert79!pastebin | dinesh_18:08
ubottudinesh_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:08
bartekIs it normal for the LiveCD to take upwards of 10 minutes to boot up?18:08
norbert79shiMMer: Inofficial, so you might receive not secure packages...18:08
norbert79shiMMer: So use it at own risk18:08
shiMMerbetter not use it..im new :)18:09
norbert79shiMMer: Well, I have never experience any problems with getdeb packages yet so far, but this means also not, that there won't be any problems18:09
dkerschnerAnyone have any ideas about my strange black screen issue?18:10
norbert79bartek: No, it's never normal18:10
norbert79bartek: Sounds like physical problems...18:10
bartekI wonder if I have a nother CD drive laying around here..18:10
norbert79bartek: Check your data cable18:10
bartekI have a CD/DVD burner (SATA)18:11
norbert79bartek: Check your cables :)18:11
wydddhcl: do you read this?18:11
norbert79bartek: It can be still faulty18:11
bartekI am :)18:11
bartekWhat can I do on "checking my cables" apart from making sure they are plugged in tightly?18:11
norbert79bartek: Switching cables if you have any, switching drives...18:12
dhclwydd: yes18:12
puremichaelwhich program can convert theora into other formats? i recently recorded a video with recordmydesktop and can't open it with avidemux18:12
norbert79bartek: I have always a spare cable with me at home :)18:12
shiMMerhow to close firefox with terminal??what command??if windows=tskill,linux??18:12
bartekunfortunately this is the first machine in the office that uses SATA so none extra :/18:12
norbert79shiMMer: use ps for printing out running programs. ps -ef gives you a detailed view18:12
shiMMerps=4/about process i think18:13
norbert79shiMMer: I would suggest you give a time on reading this18:13
norbert79shiMMer: you can easly look for firefox only using ps -ef | grep firefox18:13
shiMMeri can see it..18:14
shiMMeral the version..18:14
edjuIn order to use gtkpod w/ an iPod nano, I have to format it to fat32.  I fired up gparted, but it reports that the nano is 900some MB, when it's an 8GB model.  How to format this thing?18:14
DBOi am having issues getting sounds output from my speakers.  It works fine from the headphones however.  Help?18:14
tonyyarussoshiMMer: killall firefox (or firefox-bin, depending on your version)18:15
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ompaulDBO, chase down crimsun18:15
norbert79tonyyarusso: That does not help always18:15
DBOompaul, i was hoping someone would give me an excuse to poke him18:15
norbert79tonyyarusso: Finding out PID numbers is much reliable18:15
ompaulDBO, I just did :)18:15
* DBO pokes crimsun 18:15
tonyyarussonorbert79: usually though, but agreed, PID is more robust.18:16
shiMMertony::yeah..that great..that what i lookin 4..18:16
ekontsevoyMy hostname is 'dg', my IP is given by DHCP and nslookup resolves "dg" just fine. But when I use 'sudo' command I always get 'cannot relove host dg' message. And I also get emails from ***SECURITY*** in my spool mailbox saying "Cannot resolve dg". "ping dg" says "unknown host dg" too. What the heck?18:16
timetrapWhenever I transfer a large amount of file, ubuntu locks up and gnome crashes. I also cannot get to any of the virtual terminals. Help!18:17
shausam27has any one had a hassel with kbarcode after the 8.04 update where it will not print right18:17
timetrapThis happens for samba and USB file transfers18:17
MidnightDevilcan someone sugest me some cool strategy games for ubuntu? like command and conquer or age of empires :b18:17
tonyyarussoMidnightDevil: I don't know those two, but teg and freeciv are interesting.18:18
Odd-rationaleMidnightDevil: wesnoth is fun, turn-based strategy game.18:18
DIFH-icerootMidnightDevil: command and conquer and age of empires, star craft, war craft, all working fine with wine18:18
[c0re]how do get network notification in notification area back?18:18
=== nick_ is now known as steveccc
ded_WTF how silly stupid can GRUB be? this isnt normal... cant grub hanle more than 8 harddiscs?18:19
MidnightDeviltks tonyyarusso and Odd-rationale, DIFH-iceroot, what about farcry 2? :b18:19
DIFH-icerootMidnightDevil: use windows for such new games18:19
shiMMerhow to change my window color??my fluxbox just set grey color..it bad..18:19
[c0re]ded_, you got more than 8 HDD?18:19
MidnightDevili wanted, but somehow grub didint map my windows partition to boot from it again lol18:20
ded_ueah 1718:20
shiMMerboring with grey..  :(18:20
MidnightDevili havent had a look into it yet18:20
MidnightDevilbut just wondering, any utility with a gui to re-configure grub?18:20
steveccchi all - i am learning to use truecrypt which seems to take ages to create a 10gb encrypted file container on ubuntu 8.04 on a p4 2ghz but on a mac with ubuntu 8.10 used under a virtual machine its very quick - do you think this is due to the dual cores on the mac or could a later version of ubuntu be more efficient?18:20
[c0re]ded_, all of them are 10 mb?18:20
FreshPrinceAdler aha, komisch, soll ich dir ne mail schicken?18:20
ded_[c0re]: 160 to 75018:20
Tagamiokay, someone help me out here18:20
[c0re]ded_, 10x17 = 170mb?18:20
Tagamiany time i hit shift+backspace X dies18:21
[c0re]ded_, mb or gb?18:21
tonyyarussoMidnightDevil: some exist, but I don't think any are available in Ubuntu yet.18:21
Tagamidoes anyone know wtf causes that?18:21
ded_[c0re]: gb18:21
[c0re]Tagami, that is not bug.18:21
MidnightDevilTagami, i guess its supposed to behave like that.18:21
MidnightDevilafter all, you're hitting the hotkey to kill X18:21
Tagamithen how do i turn it off XP18:21
Tagamior change it to control+alt+backspace or something sensible18:22
MidnightDevildont hit shift and backspace.18:22
Tagamithat... doesn't really work18:22
=== owner is now known as watchthatguy
BertanHello got a real big problem. My desktop is fild with files from the folder /home/USER/, but it suppos to be /home/USER/Desktop. Sry for my bad english18:23
wyddIs anyone else experimenting screen refresh problem in gnome or openoffice (in ibex?)18:23
BertanHow to change it back?18:24
Dabbui had installed kubuntu-kde4-destop in ubuntu...now i have uninstalled that but few of my application like vlc,opera are using the srtting for qt4 and looks very ugly..any help ?18:24
BertanCan anyone help me here?18:24
tonyyarussoBertan: I know one way is to change the setting in gconf.  Lemme look it up.18:24
jribtonyyarusso: check ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs as well18:25
BertanOk glad to here that. thx18:25
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Jack_Sparrow!puregnome > Dabbu18:26
ubottuDabbu, please see my private message18:26
bartekAlright install attempt #4 after re-touching my SATA connections18:26
DabbuJack_Sparrow: hey can u explain that to me ?18:27
=== Troy|away is now known as Troylube
MadChoprwhat's the general consensus on Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) ?  this is the first time i've heard of it... and i'm thinking about looking into it for usage to run at my company; any ideas?18:27
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM18:28
norbert79!kvm | MadChopr18:28
MadChoprthanks norbert7918:28
ubottuMadChopr: please see above18:28
norbert79MadChopr: Yw18:28
jribMadChopr: well works fine for me on the desktop if that's of any help18:28
MadChoprthanks jrib18:28
MadChoprjrib: would you trust it to run your production server for file backups?  and also a testing server?18:28
Bruceein totem movie player, how can i choose many songs at the same time,.. trying to imitate control+right mouse click for xp function?18:29
norbert79MadChopr: There are companies who use KVM for their virtualizations18:29
jribMadChopr: i would, yeah18:29
norbert79MadChopr: KVM is more like the bridge between the real hardware, and the emulated one... You still need an application, like qemu18:30
Bertantonyyarusso Where do I find this gconf file?18:30
MadChoprinteresting, i'm reading more on said website; thanks norbert7918:30
norbert79MadChopr: Have fun reading! :)18:31
Bruceein ubuntu, how can i choose many items in a window at the same time?18:31
heogenhow can I save my bookmarks?18:31
brett_hif I add a PPA to top of my sources.list and update, shouldn't apt-cache show <pkg> show the one in the PPA if it's a later version?  am I missing something?18:31
norbert79Brucee: Press CTRL18:31
tonyyarussoBertan: Here it is.  Press Alt-F2, then type 'gconf-editor'.  In that, go to apps > nautilus > preferences, and look for the line called "desktop_is_home_dir".18:31
jribbrett_h: yes18:32
SlimeyPetebrett_h: shift-click or control-click generally works18:32
SlimeyPeteBrucee: ^^18:32
Bruceenorbert79 .. control dont work for me18:32
heogenhow can I save my bookmarks in a usb drive?18:32
norbert79heogen: Bookmarks are stored (Guess you are talking about Firefox bookmarks) in /home/<your name>/.mozilla/Firefox/profiles/<random name>/bookmarks.html18:32
heogen<norbert79> wow man thank you18:33
norbert79heogen: You are welcome18:33
tonyyarussoheogen: also, within Firefox under "Organize Bookmarks", you can export from there.18:33
edjuCould I install Vista in virtualbox from the rescue disks?  - Don't have the real OS.18:34
brett_hjrib: do you know how I can tell apt to refetch a PPA's uh, repo-file-thing?18:34
WALKERi downloaded wine and was able to download guild wars but now it wont let me pull it up and play it18:34
jribbrett_h: 'sudo apt-get update' should do18:34
norbert79!wine | WALKER18:35
ubottuWALKER: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help18:35
hexbasehow do i crosscompile something with mingw32?18:35
prontohttp://pronto185.com/linux/screens/other/12_04_08_02:02:48window.png how do i stop that from happening ?  it just started happing when i ssh18:35
shiMMerhow can i search wireless AP on fluxbox??it hard..18:36
norbert79shiMMer: iwscan <device>18:36
norbert79shiMMer: iwscan wlan0 for example18:36
x-kenthi, what download manager can I use to get files from rapidshare gold account ?18:36
jribx-kent: wget18:36
norbert79shiMMer: Hang on18:37
prontowhy the fuck is everyone ignoring me :|, i've asked for help like 10 times in the past 24 hours, and each time , i get no response :|18:37
[c0re]jrib, how do i get network notification back on notification area?18:37
shiMMeriswcan=not found18:37
x-kentjrib, no  GUI options ?18:37
Bertantonyyarusso Din't work.. :/18:38
brett_hjrib: hmph, yeah, I thought maybe I was missing something --- with this PPA at the top of my sources.list I'm still seeing the old Ubuntu nginx, https://launchpad.net/~bretthoerner/+archive18:38
norbert79shiMMer: "sudo iwlist scan"18:38
jribpronto: if no one knows the answer, no one will answer you.  Please watch your language18:38
DabbuJack_Sparrow: that command will uninstall alot of things which i dont want to uninstall ...any idea ?18:38
jribbrett_h: are you on hardy?18:38
prontomeh fuck this place, ubuntu is a pos18:38
brett_hjrib: yup18:39
balroganybody have a python3k deb for hardy yet?18:39
shiMMergot this18:39
jribbalrog: just compile it with alt-install18:39
jrib[c0re]: don't know18:39
jribx-kent: don't know of any gui18:39
norbert79shiMMer: You have no AP's around you then... or your Wifi is turned off...18:39
[c0re]jrib, you are on kde right?18:40
norbert79shiMMer: AP = access point18:40
brett_hjrib: ohhh, the PPA page there only tells you to add "main" ... this is a "universe" package on normal Ubuntu (not sure if it becomes 'main' to this PPA?)18:40
shiMMerLED not glow18:40
bartekOk so I checksummed my CD, re-checked my cables, but the ubuntu install consistently is now i/o error'ing at 59% exactly. It sits at 59% for awhile before finally dumping the error. Any last ideas?18:40
norbert79shiMMer: Are you on a desktop computer or laptop?18:40
[c0re]what is PPA?18:40
jribbrett_h: pastebin 'sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy nginx'  It's in main there18:40
norbert79bartek: Hard drive busted18:40
slaytonPersonal Package Archive [c0re]18:40
jrib!ppa | [c0re]18:40
ubottu[c0re]: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.18:40
jrib[c0re]: I'm on gnome18:40
barteknorbert79: can I verify if its the hd versus the cd drive?18:41
norbert79bartek: no idea how to check your drive, as I always use the vendor's tools on checking a hard drive18:41
norbert79bartek: But if I would be you, I would replace that hard drive18:41
brett_hjrib: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/93855/18:42
norbert79shiMMer: what type of laptop? Many laptops have switches on turning off wifi, or there is a keyboard shortcut to it18:42
brett_hjrib: ack it just changed :(18:42
bartekgah, sigh18:42
mesheI need to buy a pcmcia or usb, ethernet or wireless card for an old laptop, what is the most compatible one for 8.10, preferably not one that requires ndiswrapper18:42
jrib[c0re]: are you sure 'notification area' is in your panel?18:42
brett_hjrib: maybe the PPA index file takes a while after the build, it was different a second ago, thanks18:42
shiMMeri use acer aspire 4530.wireless button located at left.18:42
slaytonmeshe find one that is cheap then check to see if it works with ubuntu18:42
norbert79shiMMer: Turn it on, if it is in "off" state18:43
shiMMeri think no on keyboard18:43
[c0re]jrib, yes i am18:43
shiMMerhow can i know it on or off?it not making light.. :(18:43
jrib[c0re]: and network manager is managing your connections?18:43
norbert79shiMMer: Well, check your handbook to your laptop18:43
[c0re]jrib, i was trying to enable my wifi...18:43
[c0re]jrib, i dont know. how do i check?>18:44
jrib[c0re]: did you mess with /etc/network/interfaces ?18:44
shiMMeryee...wireless button not glow but when i press..it found AP18:44
brett_hjrib: do you know - in order to make that package for intrepid, etc, do I have to go alter the changelog's distro and make a new one for each? or is there a way to say "compile this for each version with the dependencies I listed"18:44
[c0re]jrib,  lamme check18:44
norbert79shiMMer: You can also turn off / on the wifi using Fn+F118:45
[c0re]jrib, its look nice to me18:45
shiMMerin my laptop keyboard,i can see symbol "?"18:45
shiMMeri try to scan18:45
norbert79shiMMer: No, sorry, I had a small picture18:45
jribbrett_h: don't remember18:45
norbert79shiMMer: Look for a button with an antenna symbol18:46
johnny5I'm hosting my email on google apps, but any email i try to send out from my server to the domain that my server is setup with doesn't go anywhere. Any ideas?18:46
jrib[c0re]: but that wasn't my question :)18:46
[c0re]jrib, maybe i did.... but with network configuration18:47
heogen<norbert79> guy I follow this order /home/<my user  name>/.mozilla/Firefox/profiles.ini18:47
[c0re]The Gui one18:47
shiMMernot exist i think..but it ok to press at button..18:47
norbert79shiMMer: The main thing is, that wifi works18:47
shiMMeryeah.that is..18:47
heogen<norbert79> because there are not a profile name18:47
norbert79heogen: Go to the directory 'profile', but the easier way on exporting bookmarks is Inside Firefox Bookmarks/Manage bookmarks18:48
jrib[c0re]: is nm-applet running?18:48
norbert79heogen: you can easly export/import18:48
heogen<norbert79> ok let me do it18:48
shiMMerhow to change my open window color??18:49
norbert79shiMMer: Why don't you experiment on your own? :)18:49
johnny5All domains other than the local domains receive email from my server.18:49
shiMMeri dun know how to xperiment :(18:49
[c0re]jrib, no18:50
johnny5It must be how i've setup postfix, but i don't know what i need to change?18:50
[c0re]wow thanks jrib . i got it back18:50
norbert79hmm, let see18:51
ubottupostfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer18:51
jrib[c0re]: it should be running in system -> preferences -> sessions -> startup programs as "nm-applet --sm-disable"18:51
norbert79!postfix | johnny518:51
ubottujohnny5: please see above18:51
johnny5did you happen to catch the problem i'm having?18:52
ali1234how can i dump the working blocks from a HD with bad blocks on it? dd fails as soon as it hits a bad block18:52
[c0re]jrib, yea its there :)18:52
norbert79johnny5: Not really, I am not familiar with postfix, but this guide is :)18:52
shiMMernobert:how to change my open window colour..the bar of back,foward,up,stop,reload n more..the default is grey colour.18:53
johnny5but i'm not setting up a basic postfix install i don't think18:53
johnny5which is why i'm here asking for help18:53
shiMMerwhat we called "it bar" in english??18:54
norbert79johnny5: Well, you have to be patient then untill someone can reply you about that topic18:54
norbert79shiMMer: use System/settings/Appearance18:54
bobbob1016I have an nvidia gpu on my mobo with HDMI out.  I installed the nvidia drivers, but the resolution is incorrect, it's finding my receiver, how can I manually set it up to go with the correct resolution?18:54
oskar-johnny5:  what your postfix's configuration? and how do you want mail to be routed?18:54
Zeit|awy(postconf -n)18:55
shiMMernobert::i can see it(im on fluxbox now)18:55
bakarat_when there are 7 users logged into my system, and they are all...well...me, is this unusual?18:55
bakarat_or is there some reason for this?18:55
jribbakarat_: nope, you probably have 6 terminals open too18:55
norbert79shiMMer: why do you want to change the settings then?? :)18:55
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bakarat_jrib, aaah, didn't know they counted as seperate logins :D18:56
bakarat_jrib, good to know, thanks :>18:56
norbert79shiMMer: Ah, fluxbox.. well, I am not familiar with fluxbox18:56
shiMMerit boring n no good with grey colour..  :(18:56
norbert79!fluxbox | shiMMer18:56
ubottushiMMer: fluxbox is a lightweight and responsive window manager for GNU/Linux. For how to set it up and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox18:56
shiMMeri start reading18:56
shiMMerroom fluxbox18:57
norbert79shiMMer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fluxbox#Styles18:57
StuckMojoanyone know an easy way to re-map mouse buttons in ibex?18:57
shiMMeri ready for looking for it18:58
greencookieanyone use wmii?18:58
bakarat_is there a way to prevent automagic mounting when i unlock an encrypted filesystem? (uses cryptsetup + luks)18:58
greencookieI need some help with wmii but googling doesnt produce a lot of results. I was just looking for a community and apparently #wmii is nonexistant too :(18:59
norbert79greencookie: Ehm, what about this site? http://www.suckless.org/wmii/guide.html19:00
greencookienorbert79: you > google :) ty19:00
norbert79greencookie: Any time :)19:00
[c0re]can anyone tell me what is UseNet?19:01
DBOpoke crimsun19:01
norbert79[c0re]: A very very old network19:01
LjL[c0re]: wikipedia sure can19:01
norbert79[c0re]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USENET19:02
[c0re]norbert79, what type of network?19:02
norbert79[c0re]: Check the Wiki site19:02
oskar-[c0re]:  it is a network of news servers, communicating via nntp, exchanging articles, that are a bit like e-mails, organized in hierarchical groups19:02
chfwiggum[c0re]: newsnetwork19:02
LjL[c0re]: it's the network that provides newsgroups.19:02
norbert79[c0re]: It was before the internet, as we know it today19:03
[c0re]wow a lot of answers :D19:03
norbert79[c0re]: It was more like a forum-network19:03
LjLand it's also very much unrelated to Ubuntu, aside from the fact that, of course, Ubuntu has some Usenet clients available.19:03
chfwiggumnorbert79: it was the internet before the www19:03
norbert79chfwiggum: Alright, details, details :)19:03
norbert79chfwiggum: But there was BBS too ;-)19:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
norbert79LjL: Why? There were no other questions in line...19:04
evanottenHello, i was having some difficulty installing a them i was told to run this command line "sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/Overglossed /usr/share/themes" upon doing so it asked me for password and once i entered such password it gave me an error.  Can anyone help me install this theme?19:05
LjLwell, i could reverse the question - why *not* use the #ubuntu-offtopic channel, which is there for exactly that purpose?19:05
LjLanyway, here's a question19:05
norbert79LjL: Which you want to also help to solve, right? :)19:05
LjLevanotten: "an error" isn't very useful19:05
D-MANanyone know how to get guild wars to work on wine?19:06
norbert79evanotten: Be more specific about the type of the error19:06
evanotteni dont recall the specific error once trying to repeat it now says command not found19:06
norbert79!wine | D-MAN19:06
ubottuD-MAN: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help19:06
LjLevanotten: it can't find the command "cp"? that would be most awkward.19:06
pelegIf I kill X, will I lose all of the data I have open now? Will it close my terminal with screen there, or will it just restart X and keep any other process (such as the terminal) running?19:07
norbert79peleg: If you have started your terminal, or application in X, you will loose X when you shut it down19:07
HikefuYou will lose open windows/data19:07
evanotteni am just copying the instructions shown on the page would there be a correction that needs to be made19:07
norbert79peleg: Save your unsaved changes, and then kill X, otherwise you might lose data19:08
pelegnorbert79, Hikefu, thanks. What else can I do? Currently X takes 1333M of virtual memory with no apparent reason; I'd like to clean that somehow19:08
korcanwhen I set a static IP I can no longer ping any public ip, however I can ping local ip's (192.168.x.x)19:08
norbert79peleg: I see... Where do you see this information?19:08
pelegnorbert79, htop19:08
norbert79korcan: You might also set your DNS ip adresses in /etc/resolv.conf19:09
korcanI am pinging, dns is not the issue19:09
pelegVIRT 1333M, RES 256M, SHR 11,38019:09
korcanany ideas?19:09
oskar-korcan:  maybe the default route?19:09
norbert79korcan: I have already told you a hint19:09
korcanoskar-, how do I set it?19:09
galagawhen i connect to my isp, ubuntu adds some routes i have to delete in order to have internet. what is the recommended way to make the changes permanent?19:10
oskar-korcan:  for example: route add default gw
galagai have to *delete* routes19:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp19:10
galagascript in rc.local?19:10
LjLevanotten: no. type "sudo cp --help", does that give an erro?19:10
norbert79galaga: go to /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf ... You should check the documenation to this application in /usr/share/doc/dhcp319:10
korcanoskar-, thanks you are a genius :-D19:11
norbert79galaga: If you use DHCP of course19:11
galaganorbert79: i have a static ip19:11
evanottenyes cp missing destination file operand after 'help'19:11
galagai've setup the nic in /etc/network/interfaces19:11
norbert79galaga: I see... Turn off automatic connections inside network-manager19:11
Spark_Plughi all19:12
evanotten"sudo cp -- help"19:12
Spark_Plugany one can tel me from where i can learn ethical hacking by using ubuntu19:12
oskar-korcan:  hehe, no ;)  i don't know how you configure ip statically, but setting the route manually isn't a good solution, of course. the used mechanism's documentation will tell you...19:12
norbert79Spark_Plug: Doubt it... Look for any channel about security. This is a support channel.19:12
EdwardIIIi'm trying to run dpkg -r php5-sqlite3, but it's telling me only the config files are left and i need to run --purge. but when i try --purge dpkg acts like i've got an invalid syntax?19:12
tankpunkhi all19:12
evanottenwhen entered with quotes it says help command not found19:12
galaganorbert79: sorry, perhaps i should have mention it first. it's an ubuntu server. should i ask in the relevant chan?19:13
roy_hobbsHey guys.  I've got two problems with OpenOffice.org.  1) I added to launchpad repo so that it would upgrade to OOo3, but nothing is happening.  2) The dictionary doesn't seem to be working19:13
Spark_Plugnorbert79: i m also looking for support19:13
EdwardIIIah i see, you just need --purge on it's own, not -r19:13
norbert79Spark_Plug: But hacking is not a topic of this channel...19:13
shiMMeri can run kismet.19:13
chfwiggumevanotten: no quotes, just sudo cp --help  as written her19:13
norbert79!ot | Spark_Plug19:13
ubottuSpark_Plug: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:13
shiMMeri cant run kismet.19:13
Stormx2Hi guys. How can I see the current upstream/downstream usage on a network card via command line?19:13
evanottenok it came up19:13
LjLevanotten, when entered with quotes, it's obviously a quoted command, not a command...19:14
chfwiggumevanotten: always leave " "  but don't leave ' '19:14
norbert79Spark_Plug: Besides, your topic is a bit too much for this channel... You still might look foir a channel about generic security.19:14
evanottenlol rgr19:14
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Spark_Plugany one cal tel me how to learn ubuntu step by step is there any cource provided by ubuntu or text or guide19:14
LjLevanotten: so now try again "sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/Overglossed /usr/share/themes", again without any quotes19:15
norbert79Spark_Plug: I would suggest you would start at http://wiki.ubuntu.com19:15
evanottenmissing destination file operand after19:16
D-MAN_could soeone help e with wine?19:16
jribSpark_Plug: help.ubuntu.com19:16
oskar-to those who have gparted installed: is there a link to it in the app menu, that starts it with superuser permissions? or is starting it via gksudo easiest? (i can't test it atm, it's for a friend)19:17
andymdhelp join19:17
shiMMerwine can install all windows program??19:17
norbert79Spark_Plug: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/index.html - but I would also advice you on getting generic documentations on the net about general Linux19:17
jriboskar-: system -> administration -> partition editor19:17
norbert79shiMMer: Wine is a huge topic, you should consider joining #winehq19:17
NeurologicApparently none of the sounds I have assigned to notifications and dialogues and such, are working, only the login/logoff sounds. Anyone have any ideas?19:18
adubhas anyone in here used the program zoneminder??19:19
chfwiggumevanotten: did u type it in urself?i recommend just copy and paste it19:20
evanottenyes just tried pasting it and it dropped down a line and gave no errors19:20
barteknorbert79: im trying a different hard drive for this install :)19:20
steytIs something going on with us.archive.ubuntu.com? Shouldn't http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty exist?19:20
evanottenmy emerald theme manager does not contain overglossed in it19:20
Gnome_I will check19:20
chfwiggumyeah, u didnt leave a space between the two destinations19:20
Dabbui had installed kubuntu-kde4-destop in ubuntu...now i have uninstalled that but few of my application like vlc,opera are using the srtting for qt4 and looks very ugly..any help ?19:21
norbert79bartek: Good luck :)19:21
evanottenlet me check theme manager19:21
klaxianeven after i empty the trash, it shows 29 files are in it.  any ida how i can really empty it?19:21
tchoughdoes anybody know the preferred way to start/restart networkmanager? i know there's no init script for it... is there something else?19:21
Gnome_not sure19:22
steyttchough: I usually sudo killall NetworkManager but I'm sure that's not the preferred way...19:22
tchoughsteyt: yeah, that's what i did to kill it, but i'm just not sure how to get it running again :)19:22
whyameyeI can't get a single video encoder to work with ffmpeg ubuntu 8.10 32 bit19:22
steytoh, just sudo NetworkManager19:22
Dabbuno help ?19:23
steyt(I think, it's been a while)19:23
whyameyethe same video encoders DO work on 8.04 64 bit.19:23
whyameyewhat am I missing?19:23
tchoughsteyt: that did it, thanks!19:23
evanottenthe theme isnt showing up in theme manager even with me extracting to desktop as instructed and running that command line without error19:23
klaxianwhere does the trash applet get it's info from?  it shows 29 files in the trash, but none show when I click it.  They are not hidden.  Any ideas?19:24
evanotteni really apologize i am just learning and am nub19:24
mkquisttchough: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:24
oskar-!trash | klaxian19:24
ubottuklaxian: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:24
frostburnhas the package libsmi2 been removed for 8.10?19:24
chfwiggumevanotten: ur welcome, just take it slow19:24
klaxianoskar-: yes, i know where it is and i found the folder19:24
klaxianoskar-: ls -a shows no files19:24
klaxianoskar-: however the trash applet claims 29 files are in the trash19:25
steytMy feisty aptitude is crapping out because (I think) http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty does not exist, anyone have any ideas why?19:25
chfwiggumevanotten: the prob is i dont use gnome so i cant be sure to be right19:25
Myrtti!fr | ptym3k19:25
ubottuptym3k: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:25
deadvirushello, when I try to update hardy to intrepid it shows something like "This computer is currently using the AMD 'fglrx' graphics driver. No version of this driver is available that works with your hardware in Ubuntu 8.10."19:25
deadvirusshould I update?19:25
oskar-klaxian:  is .local/share/Trash/info also empty, and the old trash folder? afaik, you can safely delete them, as they should be recreated when used19:26
bobbob1016My new Ubuntu install isn't detecting my nic, how could I manually find it?19:26
deadvirusor the problem still exists?19:26
TuxSympathiserIs it possible to use the ipw3945 wireless drivers instead of iwl3945?19:26
D-MAN_how do i run progras through wine?19:26
klaxianoskar-: yes, info and files are both empty19:27
Tundrayeti311D-MAN_: u can usually doubleclick, or right click and open w/ wine, or command line: wine program.exe19:27
KiberGlukêàê âàñ ìíîãî :)19:28
klaxianoskar-: i will delete the entire Trash directory i guess19:28
oskar-klaxian:  another idea: look for trash folders on other partitions/drives...19:28
Dabbuafter installing kde desktop in ubuntu it has changed look of vlc,opera and other ...h how can i back to gnome style ?19:28
klaxianoskar-: after deleting the Trash directory, it got recreated as you said, but the applet still reports 29 files19:29
KiberGlukhi people's19:29
andymdD-MAN_, you should install the program in wine and run it later19:29
klaxianoskar-: i don't have anything else mounted except the temp and system stuff19:29
Alca7razdoes anyone know of any software to forward a usb device through the internet?19:29
klaxianoskar-: the old trash directory doesn't exist because this computer started out on intrepid19:30
lolwutwhere can I get nightly builds?19:30
lolwutif possible19:30
Dabbuafter installing kde desktop in ubuntu it has changed look of vlc,opera and other ...h how can i back to gnome style ?19:30
barteknorbert79: So my install stalled again at 59% on a different hard drive. Maybe I am burning the CD with some incorrect options? Maybe LG Dvd/burners have issues with Ubuntu? There's no way it can be two bad HD's (the one I just tried had a perfectrly fine XP install running on it)19:31
klaxianoskar-: i found the problem.  apparently the trash applet had that number stuck in memory or something19:31
klaxianoskar-: removing and re-adding the applet fixed it19:31
klaxianoskar-: thanks for the help :)19:31
norbert79bartek: I am starting to think, that you have an issue with your CD burner then... ok, try to burn the image at 8x, turn on the "verify" option19:32
oskar-klaxian:  that would have been the next: killall trashapplet ;-)19:32
deadviruscan I have 3D aceleration in Intrepid with an ATI MOBILITY RADEON 9600?19:32
klaxianoskar-: hehe yah ;)  i only ask in the channel after i've exhausted the normal troubleshooting19:32
klaxianoskar-: thanks again19:32
oskar-no problem... bye19:32
=== betz-- is now known as betz--|away
norbert79deadvirus: I think you are looking for xserver-xorg-video-ati19:33
=== betz--|away is now known as betz--
norbert79deadvirus: sorry, it's xorg-driver-fglrx I assume19:33
deadvirusi know... but does it enables 3d acel on my card?19:33
norbert79deadvirus: it should, if not, go to System/settings/apperance19:33
deadvirusin hardy it works... but I read that theres a bug with intrepid19:34
norbert79deadvirus: and turn on the 3d effects...19:34
barteknorbert79: thanks, I will try that ..19:34
nikinhy What python ide do you suggest for a beginner to use for crossplatform GUI application developement19:34
norbert79nikin: Cdeblocks?19:34
deadvirusi'm not talking about 3D FX... talking about direct rendering and 3D acelleration...19:34
norbert79nikin: Codeblocks?19:34
norbert79deadvirus: so do i19:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about codeblocks19:35
nikinnorbert79: codeblocksisntfor c++?19:35
norbert79nikin: Probably... Ah, you said Python... No idea on that...19:35
norbert79nikin: Sorry19:35
nikinnorbert79: no problem :)19:35
norbert79nikin: http://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming19:35
deadvirusnorbert70, bug #284408 in lounchpad...19:35
steytWhat's up with feisty not being in http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists ?19:36
starhawkI am installing 8.10 64 on an emachine with 3 gigs of ram 3200 processor and the install stops at initramfs anyone know what it wants me to do19:36
norbert79deadvirus: I use Intel based chipsets or Nvidia, I am familiar with ATI on a very limited level19:36
* cousin_luigi just installed 8.10 64 bit and can't move panels19:36
jribnorbert79: favorite_text_editor instead of ide and I'd definitely recommend wxpython for cross-platform.  This is a better question for #python though19:36
deadvirushum ok...19:36
jribnikin: favorite_text_editor instead of ide and I'd definitely recommend wxpython for cross-platform.  This is a better question for #python though19:36
EhsenI have ubuntu cd and wanna upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10 how can i do that. When I insert cd in my drive nothing happens.19:37
Alca7raz1cousin_luigi: make sure you allow the panels to move19:37
norbert79Ehsen: Did you try to use the package manager too? :)19:37
cousin_luigiAlca7raz1: where is it supposed to be set?19:38
Alca7raz1cousin_luigi: right click a panel, should be one of the options19:38
lolwutapt-get dist-upgrade?19:38
cousin_luigioh thanks19:38
norbert79Ehsen: Normally the update manager offers you with the option :) or you jsut want to use sudo apt-get distupgrade19:38
cousin_luigiit's not set as default on 32bit19:38
norbert79Ehsen: Normally the update manager offers you with the option :) or you jsut want to use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:38
Ehsenthat command start to upgrade from internet not from cd19:39
jrib!feisty | steyt19:39
ubottusteyt: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.19:39
steytI'd like to do an ubuntu server upgrade but I can't guarantee I'm currently up to date since http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists does not have a feisty subfolder right now. It used to.19:39
steytI see.19:39
jribsteyt: use old-releases.ubuntu.com19:39
norbert79Ehsen: I think the Live CD offers you with an update at the start... You might be still asked on having updated some packages through the net after all...19:39
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hendrixskihelp, if anybody is familiar with OpenOffice scripting, I'm *really* lost trying to figure this out.  Here's what I have so far: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80473/ I /think/ I'm getting the current spreadsheet and I can't seem to find how to get the cells using the API19:40
jrib!oponoffice | hendrixski19:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about oponoffice19:41
* jrib stabs keyboard19:41
Ehsenwell I guess i should try again19:41
jrib!openoffice | hendrixski19:41
ubottuhendrixski: a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components.  To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #users.openoffice.org19:41
hendrixskijrib, that channel is as dead as a doorknob19:41
hendrixskiI've asked there an hour ago and not a single movement for hours19:42
jribhendrixski: wait, but a door knob isn't... oh.  Might want to try a mailing list or forums, you'll have better luck to be honest19:42
norbert79an hour ago, and 'hours'? :) Never mind, try http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/DevGuide/Scripting/Scripting_Framework19:42
norbert79hendrixski: ^^19:42
biophilecan anyone help me with wpa_supplicant?19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant19:43
starhawkI am installing 8.10 64 on an emachine with 3 gigs of ram 3200 processor and the install stops at initramfs anyone know what it wants me to do19:43
norbert79starhawk: well, does it give any error?19:44
starhawkno just to type help for options19:45
starhawknorbert79starhawk: well, does it give any error?19:45
norbert79starhawk: What do you do exactly? You put the CD inside, get the menu, select Install Ubuntu, and then it stops?19:45
biophile!wpa supplicant19:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa supplicant19:46
paulrdoes anyone know how to get around/fix in a jail: sshd[13722]: fatal: ssh_selinux_getctxbyname: ssh_selinux_getctxbyname: security_getenforce() failed19:46
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:46
paulrin the LTS version of ubuntu19:46
uncavalierenerotripitakit sorpresone....19:46
starhawknorbert79 no just to type help for options19:46
uncavaliereneronon vanno i driver della scheda i rete su quello vecchio19:46
paul68hi I want te reinstall my ubuntu and install the apps with the cloning option how can I make sure that my homedrive is on my second partition and the rest on my primary partition19:46
norbert79starhawk: You might consider reburning that CD, it seems you did that wrong...19:46
norbert79!it | uncavalierenero19:47
ubottuuncavalierenero: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:47
starhawknorbert79 that is what happens19:47
norbert79starhawk: What ISO file did you use for burning the CD?19:48
starhawknorbert79:  I used k3b iso 9633 I belive19:48
norbert79starhawk: No, what was the name of the ISO file?19:49
brett_his there an IRC channel for packaging / PPAs?19:49
norbert79brett_h: Packaging??19:49
norbert79brett_h: You mean on creating deb files?19:49
dos000anyone knows how to reset a group so it has no users ?19:50
brett_hyeah, and putting them into a PPA19:50
Coggzive just iunstalled ubuntu with an online install, but it didn't update grub, so it won't boot. How do i set grub up for ubuntu without a liveCD and without being able to boot...19:50
starhawknorbert79:  ubuntu 8.10 6419:50
norbert79starhawk: The EXACT name of the file19:50
norbert79starhawk: for example: ubuntu-810-install.iso19:50
norbert79brett_h: PPA?19:50
norbert79!es | carlito19:51
ubottucarlito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:51
robert__in #ubuntu-pl19:51
carlitoalguien sabe como instalar xp a una acer 431019:51
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starhawknorbert79: ubuntu 8.10 amd6419:52
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norbert79starhawk: Thats still not the name... type the file's exact name!19:52
RemsSshi everyone19:52
Coggzive just iunstalled ubuntu with an online install, but it didn't update grub, so it won't boot. How do i set grub up for ubuntu without a liveCD and without being able to boot...19:52
norbert79Coggz: Guess thats mission impossible19:53
norbert79Coggz: You have to be able to access at least the partition where you have it installed19:53
norbert79!grub | Coggz19:53
ubottuCoggz: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:53
norbert79that might be also help you Coggz19:53
hendrixskinorbert79, yeah, that's the wiki I've been trying to digest for a while... it's very thick and I'm not really understanding it, so hoping for a human being to help me is kind of where I'm at19:54
starhawknorbert 79define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 8.10 "Intrepid Ibex" - Release amd6419:54
norbert79starhawk: I am sorry, but if you are unable understanding me, I cannot help you. It's important, that you tell me the name of the ISO file you used. Maybe you have a different ISO file, than the default installer19:55
norbert79hendrixski: Oh boy, thats not so complecated, but partly it is.19:55
hendrixskinorbert79, it's probably a very great *reference* from the looks of it19:56
hendrixskibut not a great way to make a hello world19:56
znik1how can i clean up this : http://pastebin.com/m7b761f71 its related to iwconfig19:57
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starhawk norbert79 where can I get the info your asking for would it be on the disk that I made19:57
norbert79starhawk: There was an ISO file on your PC which you have used for creating the CD, right? Now you should go inside that folder, and check it's name19:58
znik1my iwconfig output is all messed up.How can i reset it to normal.The output is like this: http://pastebin.com/m7b761f7119:59
starhawk norbert79 ubuntu 8.10-desktop-amd64.iso20:01
fophillipsWhat package provides autoreconf?20:01
norbert79fophillips: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com20:01
|MUSE|hey, is anyone here using webmin?20:01
fophillipsnorbert79: Thank20:01
norbert79fophillips: You will find plenty of information about package related questions, or use apt-cache20:01
emendoAnyone want to help me with this synaptic output? I am trying to install synfig and I am getting grief from synaptic. http://rafb.net/p/7H7DIm66.html20:01
Picifophillips: autoconf20:01
znik1my iwconfig output is all messed up.How can i reset it to normal.The output is like this: http://pastebin.com/m7b761f7120:01
norbert79starhawk: Good. Are you sure you have a CPU with 64 bit?20:02
|MUSE| !webmin20:02
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:02
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:02
norbert79znik1: If noone seem to answer, your problem won't be solved just by having the same question copied over and over again...20:02
norbert79znik1: My generic advice would be on removing unnecessary device entries...20:03
=== Bitfish is now known as bitFish
norbert79pusakal: asdf to you too pusakal20:03
starhawknorbert79:  it says amd athlon 64 right on the front and it is the original processor20:04
norbert79he left... Weird guy20:04
Gullstad_Oki. I guess you never heard this one before, but I deleted /var when I was suppose to delete /var/www, or atleast all the files exept lock. What can I do?20:04
norbert79starhawk: use "cat /proc/cpuinfo" for finding out exact CPU information20:04
norbert79starhawk: Neverthless, try to reburn that disk once again, and select the "Verify" option at the option window in K3B when burning a disk20:05
hendrixskiGullstad_, that's an interesting one20:06
hendrixskihow is your computer still running?20:06
norbert79Gullstad_: Jesus... oh well... that will be a pretty hard time on redoing all the entries in var20:07
hendrixskiyeah, I umm... sounds like a partial re-install might be in order. Like create a /var partition and then re-install the /var20:08
norbert79starhawk: use http://pastebin.com20:08
hendrixski!paste starhawk20:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about paste starhawk20:08
hendrixski!paste | starhawk20:08
ubottustarhawk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:08
norbert79Gullstad_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=364457020:08
hendrixskialso, don't yell please  :-)20:08
StevenD57hello all   I am new to ubuntu but have been using Linux since 199320:09
hendrixskihey StevenD57,  and welcome :-)20:09
StevenD57I have a boot issue with a 8.04.1 live cd20:09
norbert79Gullstad_: http://ubuntu-rescue-remix.org/ - that might be also helpful20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unetbootin20:10
StevenD57I am trying to boot a thinkpad T42 laptop20:10
siva_.got a new laptop with vista on it. I want to install ubuntu, but keep vista on a smaller partition. I have to resize the vista partition first right? How can I do that with the livecd?20:10
norbert79StevenD57: Welcome aboard... Well, you have to relearn everything then :)20:10
StevenD57and it keeps stopping at a busybox / initramfs prompt20:10
norbert79siva_: I think the LiveCd partition editor is capable of doing that20:10
hendrixskisiva_, when it asks you if you want to whipe the whole drive or to create a partition, it pops up a tool with which to do that20:11
norbert79StevenD57: You are the second one today with the same error... Let me rethink this again...20:11
hendrixskiStevenD57, yeah, sometimes those damn things just freeze for a while... and after a long while they often pull through20:12
starhawknorbert79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80483/20:12
=== bitFish is now known as Bitfish
digrejzohey guys, is there a some kind of python programming room? i need some help with it :(20:12
siva_hendrixski: You are talking about during hte install process?20:12
StevenD57I have tried adding acpi=noacpi irqpool to the boot line20:12
norbert79!python | digrejzo20:12
ubottudigrejzo: python is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org20:12
jhonnyboyhello everyone20:12
StevenD57but no difference20:12
digrejzothanks a lot buddy20:12
bartekWhen installing ubuntu, if I make an ext3 file system with the mount / is that where Ubuntu will install itself?20:12
hendrixskisiva_, yup20:12
norbert79digrejzo: Or you might consider joining #python or ##python20:13
jhonnyboyquick question - i have my tv connected to my computer but it's displaying in blk and white instead of color, does anyone know how to fix this issue??20:13
hendrixskisiva_, just let it guide you through it. they put a lot of work into making it friendly and painless20:13
=== blackkatt_ is now known as blackkatt
norbert79bartek: Yes20:13
siva_hendrixski: it wasn't obvious to me which one was the vista partition20:13
gnutronbartek: yes that is correct20:13
siva_wouldn't the default be just one big partition?20:13
jhonnyboycan anyone help me with my video issue?20:13
digrejzonorbert79, theres always 5 people on ##python? :(20:13
barteknorbert79: thanks, is it even good practice to make another parition called /home for my files/data .. coming from windows, Im used to putting the OS on a seperate partition but it seems you dont really need to do that with ubuntu20:14
siva_norbert79: I can't find the partition program in the apps menu of KDE (I'm using kubuntu)20:14
bartekbut I may be wrong ..20:14
norbert79digrejzo: Not familiar with python20:14
hendrixskisiva_, ah,  so when it starts it's just one big partition, and it shows the parts that have stuff written on them as a different color20:14
norbert79siva_: Sorry, not familiar with kubuntu20:14
roadfishwhen I have a 16GB flash-memory card and I'm using "mkfs.vfat", should I create the "-F 32" FAT32 format? or should I stick with the default 12 or 16 bit file system size?20:14
sco01I have two user accounts in 8.10: One that the setup created and one that i added myself. The Add/Remove Programs option on the Applications menu shows for the first user but not the second. Both users are in the admin group and in sudoers. Any ideas?20:14
hendrixskisiva_, when there's several... umm, the Vista partition is the one that takes up 40Gigs (with Office installed at least, it takes up close to that)  the Ubuntu partition will be the one that takes up 4 gigs20:15
norbert79StevenD57, starhawk : Try this as a boot option for the LiveCD: all_generic_ide20:15
norbert79bartek: Good thinking20:15
hendrixskisiva_, also, I think it says NTFS (which is Windows filesystem) and Ext3 (which is one of Linux's many filesystems, that Ubuntu uses as default)20:15
StevenD57so do "F6" for options and enter that all_generic_ide on the command line there?20:15
hendrixskihope that helps.... I gotta get back to work20:15
Gullstad_Oki. I guess you never heard this one before, but I deleted /var when I was suppose to delete /var/www, or atleast all the files exept lock. What can I do?20:15
djungelkraemSSH server for mac that makes it possible for me to control the mac visually20:15
barteknorbert79: one last one to make sure .. my /home partition should be primary, not logical right? :)20:15
Gullstad_ops. sorry20:16
norbert79StevenD57: Guess so.. select the rioght option, and add this boot option to it20:16
StevenD57ok, let me try it20:16
Ricketi'm running 64-bit ubuntu for the first time ever... how do i know, in synaptic, if i'm installing a 32-bit program or a 64-bit program? do i need to worry about it?20:16
siva_hendrixski: there are two ntfs partitions.... one has 5 gigs used, 10 gigs max20:17
norbert79StevenD57, starhawk : Source to this solution comes from: http://ge.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?s=0132052ab5dd4c7987fb998e35f2c651&t=91382820:17
=== eracc_ is now known as eracc
AndyBwow have i messed up20:17
siva_and there is a 2.5 gig fat 32 and no ext20:17
hendrixskisiva_, oh... then most likely whoever you bought your computer from has a backup parition20:17
hendrixskiI think Dell does that20:17
gnutronRicket: I run 64, if its in synaptic, it will likely tun fine.20:18
StevenD57norbert: I think it is doing something now20:18
=== alper_ is now known as atilla
maverick340everytime i try to add multiple songs to my SE phone via rhythmbox its goes unresponsive everyfew seconds20:18
norbert79StevenD57: Lets cross fingers20:18
hendrixskiso that when people call tech support and say "I hozed my Windows and don't have an install CD" they say, "boot into the backup, bye"20:18
siva_yea, dell20:18
StevenD57yup, lots more progress now20:18
maverick340goes grey comes back to normal, same repeats untill all songs are done20:18
siva_ok, I think I got it figured out20:19
gnutronRicket: it will run most 32 bit apps fine also, there arent many 64 bit apps out there.20:19
StevenD57so on that link, does it say anything about what causes this problem?20:19
hendrixski:-) you're welcome20:19
norbert79StevenD57: I read something about FakeRAID20:19
AndyBI would be greatfull if someone could offer some advice, i have xp on internal drive, just installed ubuntu onto external usb. worked fine at first but grub needed the usb to be plugged in or i got errors. so i googled and tried "install-grub /dev/sda1" (to install grub on internal) now, i cant boot into windows, only the usb ubuntu20:19
starhawknorbert79 thank you all sorry to have been trouble at first had to figure out what you wanted20:19
siva_how big should my swap be for 250 gig hd20:19
maverick340AndyB, try changin the boot order20:19
norbert79StevenD57: I read something about FakeRAID20:19
norbert79StevenD57: Do you use it?20:20
siva_and should my main linux be primary or logical?20:20
StevenD57wow, this looks great20:20
hendrixskisiva_, swap should be twice as much as your RAM20:20
hendrixskijust use the defaults20:20
AndyBmaverick, how do i do this?20:20
algregsalut à tous, je viens de migrer vers intrepid, et depuis les couleurs de mon écran son vraiment bizare : le gris est très bleuté, et le rouge scintille comme "avec de la neige"20:20
algregpeut être il y a à faire une configuration des couleurs ? du rafraichissement ?20:20
norbert79AndyB: Today's BIOS-es do that by fhaving F12 prsssed at boot time20:20
maverick340AndyB, and maybe try running the recovery from XP's setup CD20:20
norbert79!fr | algreg20:20
ubottualgreg: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:20
Nappenhello i need help i got a iso dvd and i want to burn it on a dvdrw is it possible when i don´t use x-window?20:20
siva_should I separate / and home or is that not reallty neccesary20:20
maverick340AndyB, try pressing one of the F keys while booting your PC20:21
norbert79Nappen: I think growisofs is what you are looking for20:21
norbert79Nappen: http://www.linuxcommand.org/man_pages/growisofs1.html20:21
maverick340AndyB,  its usually F8 or F920:21
gnutronsiva_: it isn't a necessity,  most admins do consider it a wise decision20:21
AndyBno my BIOS doesnt support USB boot, i was going to use a Boot Disk to boot the usb, but when i installed ubuntu, it installed grub, so i didnt need boot disk, but now i cant get into windows20:21
maverick340AndyB, else you can hit del while booting up, go into BIOS and then change the boot order from there.20:22
siva_ok, trying to create my / partition but it says "no root file system is defined"20:22
=== robert__ is now known as robert_klein
Nappennorbert79 ohh okey.20:22
norbert79AndyB: You might just go inside /boot/grub/menu.lst20:22
AndyBmaverick, i dont need to change the boot order, i can only boot from HDD as i dont have boot from usb in bios, but grub is on the HDD.20:22
gnutronsiva_: the ubuntu installer isn't always friendly, keep at it, root partition needs to be defined as /20:23
norbert79AndyB: edit that file, there are plenty lot excamples to Windows system entries20:23
maverick340AndyB, grub probably overwrote your windows boot. Try running the mbrfix command after popping in the XP setup CD20:23
n1lohow to active the kernel framebuffer?20:23
AndyBmbrfix? right ive used that before, ill go try that20:23
atillahi I can't connect my wifi network in hardy. I have a bcm4306 (rev3)20:23
maverick340yep, works for me. i had the same problem couple of times :)20:23
=== bartek is now known as truebosko
siva_gnutron: Yea, I chose the / mount point20:24
StevenD57it is actually a copy of opengeu which is ubuntu with enlightenment dr17 replacing standard gnome desktop20:24
StevenD57looks really nice20:24
wiehanhow do I copy an entire hard disk in the terminal to a different hard drive.20:24
n1lowiehan,  cp -vR /source /dest20:25
gnutronsiva_: like i said, the installer is somewhat fickle at times, insure the installer accepts your call or abort and retry20:25
hendrixskiStevenD57, yeah, DR17 is pretty sweet! I use it myself20:25
wiehanthanks n1lo20:25
wiehanthanks n1lo thanks thanks. Will that copy everything?20:25
n1lowiehan, i don't know.20:25
Administratorhi, ive got a simple but nasty problem20:26
siva_I created a boot partition first and that seemed to work20:26
=== Administrator is now known as Anor
=== Anor is now known as Anorek
n1lowiehan, You want to copy the partition table, the FAT etc. Too?20:26
Anorekapache on my server allows users in /var/www/catalogue to enter /var/ through php scripts20:27
n1lowiehan, or just all stuff on a partition to other?20:27
wiehann1lo: no, JUST the FILES, BUT ALL of them20:27
gnutronsiva_: won't it accept the / mout point?20:27
wiehann1lo: and safely, they must be left intact on the source20:27
gnutronsiva_: if not try  defining /  first20:28
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
siva_did'nt accept / until I made a boot partition first20:28
norbert79!apache | Anorek20:29
ubottuAnorek: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:29
n1lowiehan, User this: sudo cp -vRp /source/ /dest/20:29
gnutronsiva_: ok, as long as it accepted, you are fine20:29
siva_ok, I got 50 gigs for / and 150 gigs for /home and 8 gigs for swap20:29
n1loHow to active the kernel FrameBuffer ??20:29
wiehann1lo: You sure? Thanks20:29
n1lowiehan, try.20:29
Tomayhi every body20:30
anymousehi can somebody tell me how much space the ubuntu UNR will take up when installed (minimal)?20:30
bullgard4Does Audacious indicate the data rate ("KBPS") in terms of bytes od bits per second?20:30
trueboskoYESSSSSSSSS FINALLY it went past 59% in the install20:30
trueboskoburnt the CD at 8x and verified20:31
grendal_primeok sooo i just did a live session whith the cd and everything seems to work on my laptop, sooo what is the best way for me to do this upgrade? from the cd? or from the apt application?  with all the debian distros ive used i always just changed the realease name in the sources list updated and dist upgrade....but is that the best way to do that with ubuntu (im going grom 8.04 to 8.10)20:31
TomayWhere to to dowload the DVD version of ubuntu 8.10 (torrent) ?20:31
Tomayhelp me please20:31
wiehann1lo: first you used a small 'r' second time you used a Capitol 'R', does that make a difference20:31
FlannelTomay: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/release/20:32
Anorekive got it installed, my only problem is that users can access / through PHP scripts20:32
n1lowiehan, they are the same.20:32
n1lowiehan, -R, -r, --recursive          copy directories recursively20:32
gnutronTomay: http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/release/dvd/20:32
grendal_primeFlannel: best to upgrade from cd or apt?20:33
Anorekisn't there a configuration file for apache in which there are rights to access certain directories?20:33
rulotherockhow can i download videos of youtube in linux????20:33
Flannelgrendal_prime: Either one works.  Apt will be fully up to date; a CD may have additional updates after you've upgraded20:34
jedi06if i accidently remove all my files in a directory is there a way to get them back?20:34
Flannel!undelete | jedi0620:34
ubottujedi06: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although a method that might work in some cases is described at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html20:34
gnutronwiehan: you should read the man cp docs, but i would probably use cp -vpR20:34
bdelin88anyone know how to get a blackberry to charge?20:35
bdelin88charge on usb that is20:35
AxtropinonymousHello everyone :D20:39
Dabbui am not able to add cdrom to repository ..any help ?20:39
FlannelDabbu: What have you tried?20:39
BoomShakaso like... does anyone know how to make 8.10 stop asking me for the default keyring password every time i boot up?20:39
DabbuFlannel: from synaptic added cdrom rom ....error is "unable to mount cdrom  "20:40
FlannelDabbu: Try putting the CD in the drive, then sudo apt-cdrom add, and see what it tells you20:40
Tomay                                                            20:41
Tomay Why the link of UBUNTU 8.10 DVD (torrent) is not visible in ubuntu website ?                                             ,20:41
Tomay                                                            20:41
FloodBot2Tomay: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:41
gnutronBoomShaka: in you menu keyring stuff tell it to remember the password, worked for me.20:41
bdelin88how do i access the fstab file?20:42
DabbuFlannel: Please insert a Disc in the drive and press enter Mounting CD-ROM... : Failed to mount the cdrom.20:42
TJ-42I just installed ubuntu on my laptop.  The little mouse eraser pointer moves really fast, while the trackpad moves very slow.  Changing mouse settings seems to affect them both (while I want to change them separately).  How do I do this?20:42
ompaulTomasso, ehhhhhhhhhhwhat is that ? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt20:42
trueboskoIs Samba the go-to application for sharing files from Ubuntu to other Windows PC's?20:42
ompaulTomay  ehhhhhhhhhhwhat is that ? http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt20:42
kattollikisdCan I convert a .docx file in a .doc file over Open Offices?20:42
ompaulTomasso, sorry typo20:42
FlannelTomay: It is linked20:42
FlannelTomay: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd20:42
Tomayaaaaaaaaahhhh I see it now20:43
Tomaythank you20:43
coldhaki broke either fluxbox or xorg, i don't know how, and reinstalling isn't working :(20:43
duvnellis there a nice package for partitioning my removable HDD in synaptic?20:43
TomayDownload will begain haha ;)20:43
DabbuFlannel: r u there ?20:43
Flannelduvnell: gparted20:44
gnutronduvnell: gparted is the preferred editor.20:44
atillahi I can't connect my wifi network in hardy. I have a bcm4306 (rev3)20:44
CardoeHoping that someone in here has successfully setup Ubuntu as an LDAP over TLS client for NSS/PAM...20:45
topgun17 Ubuntu Rocks!!!!!!!20:45
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FlannelDabbu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/115536  looks like it covers it20:45
Syrreis there a way to convert an .img file to .avi in ubuntu ? =P20:46
NoiseEee.img file?20:46
DabbuFlannel: if i mount cdrom with the command "mount cdrom" it show a error that "mount: can't find cdrom0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab" what is this...is my command wrong ?20:47
FlannelDabbu: That bug report explains what's going on, and has a few workarounds20:47
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dutchhey all20:48
russe11hey dutch20:48
alesanhey where do I find the icon or png that represents the mouse pointer?20:48
kattollikisdCan I convert a .docx file in a .doc file over Open Offices?20:48
dutchdoes anyone here know of any trouble with the ATI X1650 card on ubuntu with proprietary drivers?20:48
dutchyes im aware of the general problems of ATI lol20:49
dutchbut that card specifically20:49
Flannelkattollikisd: yes20:49
gnutrondutch: try this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport20:49
* jgoguen is away: Supper20:50
dutchgnutron: nifty page, thanks much20:50
Ricketfor ubuntu 8.10 64-bit, java plugin... i read online that all i need to do is install ubuntu-restricted-extras. but i also read that this installs flash, and i already downloaded abobe's official flash 10 64-bit alpha and copied it into the firefox plugins folder. will it overwrite this flash plugin? should i be concerned or just re-copy the abobe one on top of it?20:50
gnutrondutch: welcome20:50
bakarat_does gnash work on 64 bit ubuntu?20:50
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fosco_bakarat_: yes20:51
dutchgnutron: okay so the table of ATI cards only goes up to X1300, does that mean nothing else after that is supported, or just not documented?20:51
mohbanaif i install via jreu11 via update-alternatives --config java does the webplugin get installed as well20:51
gnutronbakarat_: i don't use it and java/flash etc work fine under x86_6420:51
kattollikisdFlannel, If I convert it... I will see the same table, backgrounds, picture, letter etc?20:51
mphillRicket: did you install it into your home directory .mozilla folder?20:52
gnutrondutch: possibly just not documented.20:52
Ricketmphill: no, i copied it into /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.4/plugins20:52
gnutrondutch:  try googling it20:52
mphillRicket: you can always removed the flash-nonfree at any time as well20:52
Flannelkattollikisd: I have no idea.  You might try the openoffice channel20:52
mphillRicket: that will be over written, follow the install instructions on the website that specify your ~/.mozilla/plugins as the plugin target for the install20:53
dutchgnutron: yeah i tried that, search results are pretty messy. thanks for the help though20:53
atillais anybody having problem with b43-fwcutter. I have installed 8.04 yesterday and wifi driver was already installed in restricted drivers manager but not usable. and I still can't get any scan results20:53
kattollikisdFlannel you now the openoffices channel?20:53
gnutrondutch: i have never had luck with ATI's driver, or fglrx, your mileage may vary best of luck.20:53
ravnhi guys, anyone has experience problems with sound after hibernation or suspension on their laptops? I have this problem on the new 8.10. After sleep there is no sound, and I have to reboot to get it back. Rythmbox refuse to start play anything while VLC plays but w.o. any sound...?20:54
Ricketactually i just noticed, all the ubuntu-restricted-extras does is depend on icedtea6-plugin for java... so maybe i'll just install that20:54
subparwhen I play avi movies, the screen flashes. It happens only to a lesser extent when I turn all visual effects off. any ideas?20:55
Flannelkattollikisd: #openoffice.org I believe20:55
topgun17ravn: I get a buzz or long to medium high pitched alarm sound from my speaks after resum,ing from either suspnesion or hiberation20:55
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trueboskoHow do I get Samba on intrepid? apt-get install samba does not find it20:56
molgrumso after i updated to ubuntu 8.10 i started getting "cracking" sound and other annoying sound issues, what could be the cause for this?20:56
kattollikisdFlannel, that's it... thanks20:56
ravntopgun17: ok, so it is a bit different, but also sound problem. Did you solve it?20:56
genii!info samba intrepid20:56
ubottusamba (source: samba): a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.3 (intrepid), package size 4266 kB, installed size 11904 kB20:56
geniitruebosko: Try first: sudo apt-get update20:56
trueboskogenii: do'h .. you're right, this is a new machine too :)20:57
geniitruebosko: :)20:57
atillais anybody having problem with b43-fwcutter. I have installed 8.04 yesterday and wifi driver was already installed in restricted drivers manager but not usable. and I still can't get any scan results20:57
jack-desktopis there anyway to mass edit every file in a directory to change the spaces to periods?20:58
Ricketatilla: what exactly is b43-fwcutter? restricted drivers had it as an option so i installed it hoping it would make my wireless card work and nothing new happened... so maybe i'm having problems with it too? lol20:58
karllenzhey i need some help i am unable to get anysound to work on my system??20:59
subparhaha, why is it I can't google an ubuntuforums thread twice, ever? I just figured one out, now I can't post the fix :/20:59
topgun172Haas any one purcahse a koobox before?20:59
atillawell I've been looking around but no luck and I still dont have wifi :(21:00
Pici!ot | topgun17221:00
ubottutopgun172: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:00
karllenzwhat is OSS?21:01
Ricketopen source software21:01
Ricketalso something to do with sound, i think :)21:02
atillaRicket: yea it supposed to download and extract wifi firmware and make me card work21:02
* jgoguen is back (gone 00:12:00)21:02
subparatilla, what does it do?21:02
karllenzwell i just got my sound to working using oss21:02
karllenzis that a bad thing??21:02
DaveDixonIIWhat command do i use to see what kind of graphics card i have?21:02
atillasubpar: b43-fwcutter21:02
anymouseor lshw ?21:02
DaveDixonIIanymouse: Gracias21:03
karllenzbut when i got to last fm i am unable to play the radio?21:03
RicketDaveDixonll: lspci | grep VGA21:03
subparatilla, is that yr wifi card?21:03
karllenzyoutube also has no sound21:03
gnutronatilla: look for your card here, with details: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported21:03
atillasubpar: yes I have bcm4306 (rev3)21:03
subparatilla, check in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and make sure it isn't blacklisted21:04
atillagnutron: it was supported before21:04
RicketDaveDixonII: also, lshw -c display21:04
atillasubpar: nope it's not blacklisted21:04
subparare you able to detect wireless networks?21:04
subpartype iwlist scan in the console21:05
atillaI have the wifi led on but when I run iwlist scan it gices me no scan results21:05
subpardo sudo lshw -C network21:05
gclericAgiofws: howdy!21:05
Agiofwswhere can i find the repo to install 3G-NTFS  ON UBUNTU21:05
Dabbuin the new fast user switch drop down menu "shutdown and restart" option is not there,after installing kubuntu desktop ?21:06
Agiofws7.10 ?21:06
subparon the line that says configuration21:06
erUSULAgiofws: is included in all recents ubuntu versions21:06
subparyou should see something that says driver=<yr driver>21:06
DIFH-icerootAgiofws: you mean ntfs-3g and its include in alle ubuntu version21:06
AgiofwserUSUL,  its not 7.10 feisty live cd  as i can see21:06
atillasubpar: "configuration: driver=b43-pci-bridge latency=64 module=ssb"21:06
subpartry lsmod | grep b43-pci-bridge21:07
IdlibidoNeed some help with Archive Mounter if someone gets a chance.21:07
AgiofwsDIFH-iceroot,   can anyone pls help me install this freaking module21:07
subparand does anything show up?21:07
gnutronAgiofws: try apt-cache search ntfs-3g, it should be available if all the repo's are enable21:07
Ricketgreat. now in my firefox about:plugins i have two entries for Flash, both enabled... the npwrapper.libflashplayer.so and libflashplayer.so. is this ok?21:07
atillasubpar: " ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready" last line of the dmesg21:07
erUSULAgiofws: http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/ntfs-3g21:07
erUSULAgiofws: maybe you have to enable universe to install it21:08
subparatilla, I'm not a pro at this, I just got mine working.. I didn't see that message working with mine :/21:08
AgiofwserUSUL,  i have but till nothing shows up21:08
Agiofwsi get 404's  on  some servers maybe its that i dont know21:09
erUSULAgiofws: apt-cache search ntfs-3g21:09
atillasubpar: no output from lsmod | grep b43-pci-bridge21:09
=== rubatharisan is now known as Qubexy
plumaMy VIA on-board sound card ceased functioning when I upgraded to 8.10: the device is allegedly non-existent. Anybody know how I can fix it?21:09
IdlibidoDoes anybody know how to mount isos so that they file names are not all uppercase and there isn't a ";1" at the end of every file extension?21:09
Agiofwsi did that  erUSUL21:09
erUSULRicket: i only have the first ubuntu 64 bits flash works ok21:09
subparatilla, try sudo modprobe b43-pci-bridge21:09
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
atillasubpar: b43 module is already loaded21:10
uvacavhow do i extract files bundled in an .sh executable21:10
Ranakahsudo sh file.sh21:10
subparI think I have reached the end of my knowledge21:10
erUSUL!info shar | uvacav21:10
ubottuPackage shar does not exist in intrepid21:10
subparare you connected through a cable right now?21:10
gnutronsubpar: just a thought, try sudo ifup wlan021:10
uvacav!info shar21:10
ubottuPackage shar does not exist in intrepid21:11
atillasubpar: right cable21:11
kekubottu: you don't need shar to extract the archive21:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:11
subparoh yeah... try what gnutron said :)21:11
ajdfstuck at 800x600 plz help21:11
IdlibidoThe best I could figure out was something to do with a "cd case" option, but I don't know how to do that via terminal OR any other settings.21:11
uvacaverUSUL: I tried that and, maybe im using it wrong, it just seemed to execute the file21:12
erUSUL!info sharutils21:12
ubottusharutils (source: sharutils): shar, unshar, uuencode, uudecode. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6.3-1build1 (intrepid), package size 105 kB, installed size 968 kB21:12
atillaignoring unknown interface21:12
Ricketwhy doesn't java obey the system volume levels? is this a known thing, anyone know how to fix it?21:12
subparare you on a laptop?21:12
=== kevin__ is now known as uvacav
Ricketsubpar: if you're talking to me, yes21:13
atillasubpar: yes21:13
ajdfAnyone wanna help me out.....im stuck on 800x600 res21:13
subparRicket, nah I was talking to atilla21:13
Rickethaha, i figured :)21:13
plumaCan anyone help me revive my VIA on-board soundcard in Intrepid? Volume control bitches about no device existing, PulseAudio didn't do anything and I'm still soundless.21:13
subparatilla, try disabling acpid, that's what finally fixed my problems21:13
AgiofwserUSUL,   can you take alook  and tell me what  the fsk is wrong  www.pastebin.ca/1276234 pls21:13
subparsystem>admin>services and disable acpid21:13
uvacaverUSUL: "unshar file.shar" just seems to run the .sh file, am i doing it wrong?21:13
atillasubpar: let's try :)21:13
subparyou'll have to reboot after that21:14
subparif it doesn't fix it21:14
subparthen reenable it, because it helps your laptop with power issues21:14
ajdfhow do u install nvidia drivers21:14
subparI'll brb, gotta restart to finish updates21:14
cousteauhow can I add OpenOffice.org 3 repositories to Ubuntu Hardy?21:14
erUSULAgiofws: some problem with main repos... but you are on feisty not gutsy...21:14
WALKERiv got wine installed but i still cannot get guild wars to play on my computer, anyone got any ideas?21:14
erUSULAgiofws: ntfs-3g exist in feisty too21:15
jlccousteau: jockey-gtk or jockey-kde21:15
AgiofwserUSUL,  so wtf is wrong  ?21:15
erUSULAgiofws: can you try another mirror ? do not remeber if gutsy has the nice gui to change mirror. System>Admin>Software Sources21:15
jlcajdf: jockey-gtk or jockey-kde21:16
ajdfnvidia drivers are not working for me any help?21:16
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erUSULAgiofws: i do not know really the package exist in that ubuntu version...21:16
jlcajdf: alt +f2 and type that in depending on gnome or kde which ever you use21:16
WALKERi can get guild wars to download but it wont play, any ideas?21:16
jlcor in gnome-terminal or konsole21:16
AgiofwserUSUL,   can you take alook  and tell me what  the fsk is wrong  www.pastebin.ca/1276237   ...21:16
topgun172Is there a port of putty for intrepid21:16
erUSUL!appdb | WALKER21:17
ubottuWALKER: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:17
jlcor don't listen and leave21:17
plumaAny help on making Intrepid recognise my on-board VIA sound card which worked perfectly fine in every previous version?21:17
uvacavim trying to unshar a netbeans .sh install file and it just seems to run the sh file instead of extract it, anyone have any ideas?21:17
erUSULWALKER: also check the winehq.org website they mantain an ubuntu repo for up to date wine21:17
gnutrontopgun172: openssh21:17
erUSULWALKER: GW works here with latest wine21:17
Juan10SPbuenas, estoy siguiendo un manual para conectarme a una red inalambrica pero siguiendo los pasos no encuentro lo que me piden que modifique, la guia es esta, http://cms.ual.es/idc/groups/public/@serv/@stic/documents/documento/caracteristica40578.pdf , me pierdo cuando tengo que configurar el wpa_supplicant.conf , porque no veo que haya dentro lo que tengo que modificar, alguien me hecha una mano?21:17
Craleuhello, i'd like to ask a question about a install, kernel panic - no syncing while trying to install on a dell dimension 515021:17
Lunar_Lamptopgun172: you probably don't want to use a port of putty - if you just want to do "ssh" then you can do that in a terminal by typing, for example: "ssh myuser@example.com"21:17
gnutrontopgun172: puTTy is a ssh windows program.21:17
pluma!es > Juan10SP21:18
jlcputty is also in *nix21:18
gnutronjlc: hrm, ok..thx21:18
jlcsudo apt-get install putty21:18
erUSULAgiofws: repos seems ok (except the etch line )21:18
AgiofwserUSUL,  so wtf is wrong ?21:19
mohbanaif i install via jreu11 via update-alternatives --config java does the webplugin get installed as well21:19
kapipiIs it normal to get 5-10 seconds of latency using skype on pulseaudio?21:19
D-MANwhen i try to configure wine it coes up on a virtual desktop and is cut off at the botto is there any way to fix this?21:19
erUSULAgiofws: dunno really "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g" complains about package not found ??21:19
vixany eclipse users here? I cant the visual editor to work in eclipse.21:19
AgiofwserUSUL,   this is so stupid  i'm on alive cd just to get NTFS write support to delete a virus ... ffs21:20
AgiofwserUSUL,  yes21:20
n0greenfxxok so i got my sound to work but it does not get very loud...on my mac the same speakeres get much louder is there a way to fix this??21:20
Agiofwsfu  CK21:20
FlannelAgiofws: please watch your language21:21
FlannelAgiofws: Did you sudo apt-get update, before trying to install ntfs-3g?21:21
Ricketwhoa. when i mute my speakers they make a crackling sound if music is playing on the pc... any ideas??21:21
FlannelAgiofws: And it fetched sources? sometimes live CDs wind up with empty sources.list21:21
NoiseEeeAgiofws, i love ubuntu, but i would maybe try Knoppix for what you want to do21:22
AgiofwsFlannel,  its giving me this output   www.pastebin.ca/1276234 pls    and  www.pastebin.ca/1276237  pls tell me whats wrong21:22
cobra-the-jokerhey there every one21:22
cobra-the-jokercan i install ubuntu21:22
cobra-the-jokeron a 256 ram ?21:22
AgiofwsNoiseEee,  DL knoppix just for that i have a live cd  here  and its supposed to wrk21:22
Agiofwscobra-the-joker,  you can  but  try ubuntu server :)21:23
FlannelAgiofws: It can't connect to that site.  You're not on 7.10, you're on 7.04, which has reached EOL.  You should get a newer (8.04) liveCD, or even 7.1021:23
cobra-the-jokeri thought that server version need higher specs ?21:24
AgiofwsFlannel,  how do i see what i am on ?21:24
NoiseEeei think the newest knoppix has ntfs read/write built-in?21:24
molgrumso after i updated to ubuntu 8.10 i started getting "cracking" sound and other annoying sound issues and i suspect that pulseaudio is the crook here. i have a sound blaster live (value), what should i do?21:24
ryuho-eeepchow do you manually start scim input systray?21:24
FlannelAgiofws: lsb_release -a will tell you21:24
FlannelAgiofws: also, if this is a liveCD, why does your sources.list look so odd?21:24
Agiofws7.04 Flannel21:24
Agiofwsis there any change to get ntfs-3g on this live system ?21:25
FlannelAgiofws: right.  You should download a 8.04.1 liveCD and use that instead.21:25
Agiofwschance ?21:25
Agiofwsno thank you that will take untill tommorow to download21:25
kiekoi wonderd if someone can help me with Samba? I set Samba up and i can now read ubntu files from my xp-laptop and in ubuntu i can 'see' the xp-laptop but when i go into folder like MyVideo they are empty??? the Question is why? anyone?21:25
cobra-the-jokeragiofws , is the server version lighter than desktop version ?21:25
NoiseEeeor a 8.10 live CD, if it exists... iirc, ntfs 3g is out-of-the-box on 8.1021:25
Agiofwscobra-the-joker,  MUCH lighter21:25
NoiseEeecobra-the-joker, server has no GUI21:26
Agiofwsok ok21:26
racquadHi guys. I'm with trouble with alsa. all I hear is static. but with oss it works all right21:26
racquadany idea?21:26
FlannelAgiofws: Lets try doing this in the meantime...21:26
jlccobra-the-joker: you could also try xubuntu or cruchbang is built with openbox21:26
Agiofwsok still here21:26
Ricketracquad: make sure it's not muted... i heard static when i muted my speakers21:26
Agiofwsuse 7.10 repos ?21:26
cobra-the-jokerhas no gui ???.....i am going to put it on my little bro's comp ...he will kill me if no GUI:D21:26
racquadRicket: it's not muted, ricket.21:27
jlccobra-the-joker: you could also try xubuntu or cruchbang is built with openbox21:27
Agiofwscobra-the-joker,  build the GIU from there an up21:27
sakoUbuntu is so awesome, I just replaced my debian web server...21:27
Agiofwsinstall xfce ?21:27
jlccrunchbang would probably run nice21:27
AgiofwsFlannel,  listeing ...21:27
cobra-the-jokercrushbang ...with lxde ?21:27
siva_hrm... what is the default admin password?21:27
racquad<Ricket> if it was muted, I shouldn't hear anything under oss also. but under OSS works fine!21:27
jlcopenbox +gtk apps21:27
Ricketracquad: okay, well just a thought. i don't know enough to help you, sorry... i'm still trying to work out my own problems :)21:28
racquadRicket: thanks anyway21:28
kapipiIn a keyboard shortcut, what is Mod+E? Whats Mod?21:28
FlannelAgiofws: No.  replace your sources.list with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80512/  then sudo apt-get update, and tell me if you get errors21:28
eatmanhi there21:28
Ricketshould i install firefox extensions via synaptic or through the firefox add-ons website? what are the advantages/disadvantages?21:28
cousteaucobra-the-joker: too limited, try xubuntu instead21:28
Flannelsiva_: The root account is locked, use sudo instead.21:28
jlccobra-the-joker: you could install the server version then install something like lxde too21:29
siva_Flannel: How would I unlock it?21:29
Flannelsiva_: Why do you want to?21:30
siva_not sure21:30
Flannelsiva_: Then theres no reason to.21:30
meshesiva_: sudo passwd21:30
siva_let's say I want to do some hard core hacking... just a general question21:31
NoiseEeehard-core, as in porn?21:31
meshebetter to do sudo -s or sudo su -21:31
NoiseEeeor like NSA computers21:31
siva_better then that!21:31
coldhakall the settings in the sound preferences are set to my usb headset, but I still don't get any sound from most programs, anybody have any ideas?21:31
meshe(the root account is not locked, it just doesn't have a password set)21:31
Flannelsiva_: There's no reason to use the root account, even if youre doing "hardcore hacking"21:31
AgiofwsFlannel,  its doing SOMEthing ...21:31
Flannelsiva_: you can use sudo for that21:31
Flannel!noroot | meshe21:32
ubottumeshe: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)21:32
meshesorry Flannel, didn't know is was a channel rule21:32
kapipiCan anyone tell me what the mod key is? Its listed under keyboard shortcuts in System, Administration, Keyboard Shortcuts.21:32
FlannelAgiofws: When its done (shouldn't take that long), see if you can install ntfs-3g21:34
rambo3kapipi, is it the Windows key ?21:34
AgiofwsFlannel,  already  done thank you21:34
Agiofws+1 to Flannel21:34
kapipirambo3:  I guess maybe it is, only my keyboard doesnt have one21:35
hrd9843Hi everybody. I'm new to using ubuntu. :)21:36
ali3nwar3anyone got a some good OT channels to recommend?21:37
ompaulali3nwar3, with ubuntu values in tow you can find #ubuntu-offtopic21:37
sproingieok i got ubuntu installed on my thinkpad using wubi but now it won't display anything to the docking station monitor21:37
sproingieanywhere i can go for a fix?21:37
alesanin which package I cna find a simple, black and white 16x16 mouse pointer?21:38
tmbigriggI am having a problem with 8.04... I am unable to boot in to Gnome, I just get a black screen. If I boot into KDE the desktop loads fine. If I load my wifes profile I can boot into Gnome. I think I screwed something up with resolution/display settings21:40
sohohey guys, what is better gnome or kde?21:40
sproingiethe better one is the one you like21:40
Flannelsoho: theyre different, people prefer both.  Neither is better21:40
NoiseEeeAgiofws, how did you get the virus?  i was browsing on our win2000 server using IE6... had 2 trojans installed on the fly just from banner ads21:40
Ricketsoho: when you ask in this channel, you'll get a majority "gnome". when you ask in #kubuntu you'll get a majority "kde"21:41
tmbigriggcan I copy the resolution display settings from my wifes Gnome profile to my profile?21:41
gam3r111anyone know how to get 4 diffrent backrounds?21:41
AzizLighthi everybody21:41
hotdam_gnome is a good desktop so is KDE21:41
geodomehihi. how to install apache21:41
AzizLightwhat does it mean when there is an @ sign after the permissions: -rw-r--r--@ ?21:41
Flannelgeodome: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP21:41
sohobut what is better?/21:41
gam3r111anyone know how to get 4 diffrent backrounds?21:41
=== ikaros_ is now known as ikaros
Flannelsoho: They're different.  You can't compare based on "better"21:41
gam3r111anyone know how to get 4 diffrent backrounds?21:42
=== CodeDrunk is now known as codedrunk
Agiofwsbro is a winblows user  NoiseEee  its the  autorin.inf viris  installed hidden atribs  on every usb  to local disk  you cant double click and open the disk you have to go into the disk from a path21:42
sohoisnt the only thing differnt one is graphical21:42
sohoand the other isnt21:42
gam3r111anyone know how to get 4 diffrent backrounds?21:42
mac43132Hello, all.  This might be a bit off topic but does anyone know what copyright license governs the Ubuntu name, logos, and artwork?21:42
gam3r111anyone know how to get 4 diffrent backrounds?21:43
ryuho-eeepcis scim the default method of inputting foregin language in ubuntu install?21:43
magnetronryuho-eeepc→ scim is the default Simplified Chinese input method in ubuntu21:43
Flannel!repeat | gam3r11121:43
ubottugam3r111: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:43
ryuho-eeepcmagnetron, only chinese?21:43
Ricketrofl, gam3r111 has no patience21:43
Flannelmac43132: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy21:44
magnetronryuho-eeepc→ most languages only need a keyboard map. i use a Swedish keyboard map, if that's what you refer to as "foreign language"21:44
ryuho-eeepcmagnetron, well i'm looking to input japanese on xubuntu21:44
mac43132Thanks you Flannel21:44
adamblittle off topic but Im not sure where to ask this: Ok so I just purchased and installed a ssl cert and the Owner is "unknown" / "This web site does not supply identity information." - Anyone have an idea of why this is, and how I can change this?21:44
kieko i wonderd if someone can help me with Samba? I set Samba up and i can now read ubntu files from my xp-laptop and in ubuntu i can 'see' the xp-laptop but when i go into folder like MyVideo they are empty??? the Question is why? anyone?21:44
magnetron!scim | ryuho-eeepc21:45
ubotturyuho-eeepc: Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM21:45
sproingiemac43132: http://www.ubuntu.com/aboutus/trademarkpolicy21:45
philjoanyone know if there's multiple GPU support for ubuntu yet?  I have two 3870s in xfire, but I don't see any xfire options in the catalyst program21:45
sproingiewhups Flannel beat me to it21:45
grendal_primeya this blows...i need to install off of the disk first21:45
=== sean is now known as Guest95312
grendal_primethen it will only need to download 179 packages...right now its going to download the entire 810 distro says its going to take 3 hours21:46
grendal_primehow do i upgrade from cd?21:46
grendal_primeclick on the install icon on the desktop?21:46
Flannelgrendal_prime: First, you need the alternate CD21:46
thatguyhey very recently flash has been working very oddly with firefox, it is slowing down my computer far mroe than it ever did.  For example, youtube videos now appear very choppy.  Does anyone know any reasons this might be happening21:46
Flannelgrendal_prime: No, you can't upgrade from the desktop CD21:47
FloodBot2grendal_prime: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
chamuscasdoes any know from where should i start to learn game programming basics in c ?21:47
anxiolyticchamuscas: do you know C?21:47
grendal_primeI thought there was a way to add a cd as a repo, then it could use all the backages i have locally.21:47
chamuscasyes a little bit21:47
ryuho-eeepcchamuscas, graphical or text based21:47
ali3nwar3how do i "stop" remembering my last used files?21:47
chamuscasanxiolytic, yes a little bit21:48
anxiolyticchamuscas: definitely read The C Programming Language if you haven't, but it's not required. Pick up "the Red Book" for OpenGL21:48
chamuscasryuho-eeepc, both21:48
riegersnis there a good screenshot program that lets you crop and draw arrows and such, im looking for an app to help make screenshots for how to's21:48
philjoevery line in C needs to end in a semicolon21:48
ryuho-eeepcanxiolytic, we don't wanna hear read the book .....21:48
anxiolyticYou can try to find SDL tutorials to make basic stuff.. side scrollers, puzzle games, etc. It's like DirectDraw (part of DirectX7, now gone)21:48
chamuscasanxiolytic, the Red Book you say? i should see that, tanks for the advise21:49
anxiolyticI've never been able to find any good docs on SQL21:49
ryuho-eeepcphiljo, not includes or definnes21:49
chamuscasryuho-eeepc, do you also have any advise ??21:49
Flannelgrendal_prime: there is, but you need the alternate CD: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades#Upgrading%20Using%20the%20Alternate%20CD/DVD21:49
ali3nwar3how do i turn off the remember last documents used?21:49
Ricketi'm having issues with my title bar being messed up. it's a weird graphics glitch, maybe someone has fixed it? here is a screenshot: http://img372.imageshack.us/img372/268/messeduptitlebarku6.png21:49
anxiolyticchamuscas: Read NeHe's shit. google "opengl nehe"21:49
thatguyso any insight on to why flash is now starting to cause my computer trouble, or did something go wrong from 9->1021:49
Flannelanxiolytic: Please watch your language21:49
ryuho-eeepcchamuscas, i would try to do all the thinking before coding21:50
MaX328help!!  paragon boot manager messed up my computer, i got vista and ubuntu 8.10 in dual boot , usually i use grub to manage to boot, but i accidently install this $%&$& boot manager. And as a good shit this boot manager dont work at all, both of my OS dont start.21:50
ryuho-eeepcbut that never happens21:50
ryuho-eeepcchamuscas, so basically no, gl though21:50
chamuscasanxiolytic, let me see, so you advise me to read "the red book" and Nehe's book, Am i correct?21:50
sproingienehe is not all that great.  google "opengl tutorial"21:50
sproingienehe isn't a book, it's a site21:50
Yeermania4help guys21:51
Yeermania4consider a standard 8*8 chessboard consisting of 64 small squares coloured in the usual patterns, so 32 are black and 32 are white. A zigzag path across the board is a collection of eight white squares, one in each row, which meet at their corners. how many zigzag paths are there?21:51
anxiolyticchamuscas: yeah, Nehe's site* and the red book21:51
sproingieif you want a book tutorial, opengl superbible, full stop21:51
ryuho-eeepcopengl sounds interesting to code for21:51
chamuscasryuho-eeepc, yeh i probably should think before start21:51
chamuscasanxiolytic, ok tank you once again :p21:51
sproingieopengl superbible is actually really readable21:51
ryuho-eeepcman scim chan is so dead21:51
Yeermania4consider a standard 8*8 chessboard consisting of 64 small squares coloured in the usual patterns, so 32 are black and 32 are white. A zigzag path across the board is a collection of eight white squares, one in each row, which meet at their corners. how many zigzag paths are there?21:51
Ricket!repeat | Yeermania421:51
ubottuYeermania4: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:51
Ricket!ot | Yeermania421:52
ubottuYeermania4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:52
sproingieYeermania4: we heard you the first time and what does this have to do with ubuntu?  do your own homework.21:52
riegersnis there a good screenshot program that lets you crop and draw arrows and such, im looking for an app to help make screenshots for how to's21:52
darkscryptwhen compiling something from source, how would you apply a patch21:52
darkscryptlike at what stage do you do it?21:52
sproingiereisi: wink is pretty good21:53
sproingiereisi: it's for screencasts, which is probably the best way to do it these days21:53
Ricketis wl a wireless driver?21:53
Ricketshould i disable wl if i enable "Broadcom B43 wireless driver" or do they go together?21:53
=== ikaros_ is now known as ikaros
badawiis it possible not using NetworkManager and having eth0 device activated during boot-up?21:55
Agiofwsbadawi,   use rc files for that21:56
bullgard4What does 'NG' stand for in Audacious Preferences  > Decoder > 'CD Audio Plugin NG' (filename /usr/lib/audacious/Input/cdaudio-ng.so)?21:56
badawiis something wrong with freenode or am i the only one lagging :/21:56
Myrttinext generation with all likelihood, bullgard421:56
Ricketbadawi: i'm seeing lots of parts and joins21:56
Ricketi would think it's a netsplit but it's not the usual behavior21:57
Ricketanyway i'm gonna join the crowd cause i have to restart :)21:57
ali3nwar3i guess no one knows how to turn off the recent files thingy21:57
bullgard4Myrtti: Can you also tell me how the 'next generation' decoder differs from the first generation decoder? (I do not have a first gneration decoder.)21:57
AgiofwsFlannel,  is there a console mode ofr ubuntus live cds ?21:57
Myrttibullgard4: nope21:57
bullgard4Myrtti: Thank you.21:58
AndyBGrub wont load my windows, I think the root settings for windows is wrong its at (hd0,0). But that wont work. any ideas?21:58
TJ-42If I want to copy my ubuntu system settings (like system keybindings) from my desktop to my laptop, what do I need to copy over?21:58
dmb_hi, which server is this?21:58
dmb_I just did /server ubuntu in irssi21:58
komoubuntu server21:58
dmb_anyway, I'd like some advice on the following problem, Can't locate MediaWiki/API.pm in @INC21:59
FlannelAgiofws: Um, sure, ctrl-alt-f1 will get you to a console21:59
dmb_AndyB: cool21:59
komodo you know any greek chat?21:59
ali3nwar3join #greek21:59
AgiofwsFlannel,  boot option for console mode ?21:59
dmb_so I need that perl package, but it dosn't seem to be in apt21:59
dmb_I tried "sudo apt-get install libmediawiki-perl" but its not right22:00
Starnestommydmb_: try sudo cpan MediaWiki::API22:00
maciejwojcik1I have just installed ubuntu 8.04  and skype;  but I see no options for setteing video,  video skype works in windows (the same PC) ,  all other hardware (scaner, printer..etc)  were automatically updated bu ubuntu,  any suggestions?  please...22:00
dmb_Starnestommy: is it OK to run the whole thing as sudo?22:00
Starnestommydmb_: it requires sudo to install the module22:00
FlannelAgiofws: Not that I'm aware of, no.22:00
dmb_yeah, but people wine about building as root...22:01
dmb_I tried to install lib::local, but fila22:01
Agiofwssomething like novga ?22:01
dmb_or is it local::lib... whatever22:01
techqbertWhat command is needed to check the files inside a deb in the repos?22:02
dmb_techqbert: apt-cache something?22:02
dmb_techqbert: try man apt-cache22:02
eternaljoyhow can I rip a DVD to a 700MB file?22:03
dmb_eternaljoy: see mencoder22:03
dmb_man mencoder22:03
techqbertdmb_: that's what I use to search the repos but the man page didn't seem to have anytthing about files in my cursory look22:03
eternaljoydmb: what do you mean?22:03
dmb_eternaljoy: you can use that to rip a dvd22:03
eternaljoyis there a front end GUI for mencoder to rip DVD to 700MB file?22:03
dmb_techqbert: sorry, I'm a yum person myself22:03
dmb_techqbert: I'm sure there is a way22:04
dmbwait a minute, its another dmb !22:04
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techqbertdmb_: equery on gentoo machines will do it22:04
metbsdwhat's a good netbook22:04
facefacefacetechqbert: I'm facefaceface now22:04
facefacefacebut anyway22:05
facefacefaceI gots to go22:05
Flannelmetbsd: Try #ubuntu-offtopic22:05
AndyBGrub wont load my windows, I think the root settings for windows is wrong its at (hd0,0). But that wont work. any ideas?22:05
R0b0t1What is the PDF viewer?22:05
facefacefaceR0b0t1: evince22:05
PupenoWhat other clippboard history program is there other than glipper?22:05
facefacefaceR0b0t1: or xpdf if you l33t22:05
eternaljoyis there a front end GUI for mencoder to rip DVD to 700MB file?22:06
facefacefaceeternaljoy: yeah.. its a problem...22:06
quentusrexHow do I update the bios of my computer without a floppy disk???22:06
facefacefaceno front end22:06
Flannel!repeat | eternaljoy22:06
ubottueternaljoy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:06
Flanneleternaljoy: Try k9copy?22:06
facefacefacequentusrex: there are some apps to do it 'live'22:06
techqbertmetbsd: I like the Asus EEE 1000 40g.  THe keys are just big enough for you to not pull your hair out22:06
facefaceface!silly | Flannel22:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silly22:06
eternaljoyFlannel: ok22:07
techqbertmetbsd: ubuntu is not a couple click install.  webcam, wifi all work though22:07
histotechqbert, it is if all your hardware is supported22:11
histotechqbert, and there is more hardware supported out of the box then XP22:11
ali3nwar3Does anyone here know how to remove the recent documents so ubunto doesn't remember stuff i've opened?22:12
quentusrexDoes anyone know of a way to update the bios of my computer with out a floppy???22:12
ali3nwar3the brand of your motherboard?22:12
emilianoHello everyone22:13
ali3nwar3quentusrex: You can use a USB storage device22:13
quentusrexali3nwar3: do you have a tutorial on this?22:13
ali3nwar3hold on22:13
=== thesecondlaw is now known as pckchem
jimmioHello all, I'm getting undefined reference on all functions in GLFW needing Xxf86vm... is the library available?22:15
dmb_sooo... I did 'sudo cpan install Mediawiki::API', however I get this error "XS.c:2443: error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’"22:16
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facefacefacene clue?22:17
facefacefaceI tried installing some json packages, but no joy22:17
amundsenwhich is the most commonly used irc client in gnome ?22:18
elteseamundsen : pigdin? =)22:18
amundseni thought pidgin was for instant messaging22:19
amundsenlike mas, aim, jabber22:19
tdreyer1pidgin does irc too22:19
tdreyer1amundsen : i use xchat22:19
Eressolaramundsen: You can check popcon.ubuntu.com for the number of installs of IRC clients.22:19
amundsenand what happened with xchat ?22:19
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:20
D-MAN_changed soe sttings in wine and now it wont let e see the apply button at the botto of page so i cant change it back?22:20
D-MAN_any suggestions on how to fix would be appreciated?22:21
tdreyer1D-MAN : can you click ok22:21
facefacefaceD-MAN_: no idea22:21
dayz-ivxxanyone here know how to setup the dual monitor system???22:21
tdreyer1D-MAN: what does pressing "enter" do?22:21
Izinucsdayz-ivxx: you running an nvidia card?22:21
dayz-ivxxati radeon22:22
facefacefaceamundsen: what happened to xmms?22:22
dayz-ivxxizinucs: ati radeon sorry22:22
Izinucsdayz-ivxx: sorry I don't know on an ati22:22
D-MAN_tdreyer1 it works but the features are blown up so i cant even see the!22:22
dayz-ivxxizinucs: thanks anyways =D22:23
Izinucsdayz-ivxx: np.. wish I coulda helped more.22:23
bullgard4I recorded an OGG audio stream using streamtuner. I can play it using Audacious. Why does Audacity not play likewise this file? "Audacity had to make a guess at the type of file. Tha Audio may be bogus. If the audio is bogus, try ranaming the file, so that it has the correct extension before opening it." But it is correctly set to 44,1 kHz. The file extension .ogg is correct too. Also the 'file' command prints correct data. (I have ...22:24
bullgard4... never used Audacity before.)22:24
D-MAN_is there any way to set wine back to its original settings?22:24
facefacefacebullgard4: sucks22:24
facefacefacebullgard4: I never used audacity either22:25
Izinucsbullgard4: you should be able to open or import the file into audacity22:25
facefacefaceXS.c:2443: error: invalid type argument of ‘unary *’22:25
radicalboyHello! What version i should use in this machine: AMD 450mhz, 256mb RAM, 20GB Hardisk, VGA Geforce 4 64MB22:25
wiijiiEvening all, can someone give me a hand setting up networking in VirtualBox please?22:26
Izinucsradicalboy: xubuntu alternate installer22:26
Izinucswiijii: might try #vbox22:26
wiijiiHave done... pretty quiet over there. Cheers though22:26
bullgard4Izinucs: It replies: "Error when importing".22:26
radicalboyIzinucs, i can't run desktop?22:26
bdelin88could anyone take a look at my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80533/ and tell me why my /dev/ mounts aren't auto mounting with RW privy's at reboot?  Thank you!!!!22:27
Izinucsradicalboy: you might try the live cd to see if you can. the alternate install cd is not the server install.. it IS the desktop install,,, it just takes less resources to install with.22:27
n2diyI deleted all the files from my thumb drive, and now the system doesn't see it, when I plug it in,?22:28
bdelin88could anyone take a look at my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80533/ and tell me why my /dev/ mounts aren't auto mounting with RW privy's at reboot?  Thank you!!!!22:28
radicalboyIzinucs alternate is not only text mode, like terminal?22:28
Izinucsradicalboy: alternate is a text mode install that will install the entire desktop system22:29
ali3nwar3quentusrex: did you get my PM?22:29
radicalboyand what's the diference between alternate and desktop?22:29
Izinucsbullgard4: that's weird.. no idea.. have you check in the forums or on audacity's site?22:30
Odd-rationale!alternative | radicalboy22:30
ubotturadicalboy: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent22:30
Izinucsradicalboy: they both install the same thing.. the difference is desktop has a gui before installing.  Desktop might not install if your resources are too low, ie memory etc. that's why I suggested the alternate install.22:31
Izinucsradicalboy: think of the alternate install cd as "An Alternate way of installing the Desktop system for Ubuntu"22:31
bullgard4Izinucs: No, I am quite new to Audacity.22:31
wiijiiAnyone have experience with VirtualBox then? I've set up a WinXP install which works networking-wise. Now I've installed Ubuntu-server but the networking doesn't work...22:31
bdelin88C'mon doesn't anyone know a thing about FSTAB???22:32
bdelin88could anyone take a look at my fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80533/ and tell me why my /dev/ mounts aren't auto mounting with RW privy's at reboot?  Thank you!!!!22:32
emretemphi,  does "hostname" must be a real domain adress? for example i use "debianDesktop" as my hostname, nothing bad ever happened. but im just curious. thx in adv.22:32
=== samferry is now known as georgeqqqqq
AndyBI ran grub-install and now windows wont boot, any advice?22:33
wiijiishould be fine22:33
=== georgeqqqqq is now known as samferry
bdelin88AndyB: put your windows cd in and run the repair22:33
wiijiiWrong options in the menu.lst? What's the error?22:33
AndyBbdelin88, you mean run fixmbr? will that work22:33
bdelin88no that's not what you want22:34
AndyBwiijii, there is no error it just goes back to the menu when i select xp22:34
bdelin88it's like a fix boot or something22:34
AndyBah yes fix boot22:34
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:34
wiijiiAndyB what does your menu.lst look like22:34
radicalboyIzinucs, i will try Xubuntu 8.04 alternate22:34
Izinucsbdelin88: yea.. that'll fix him.. then he won't be able to get into his ubuntu system :(22:34
radicalboythat's the last LTS?22:34
Izinucsradicalboy: try 8.10 alternate if you want22:34
AndyBits normal, its all set right i believe, let me pastebin it22:34
wiijiiHas no-one used VirtualBox? Come oooooon... someone must have... musn't they?22:34
bdelin88Izinucs: lol are you kidding?  grub is unbreakable22:35
scientesis it dumb to set up a ipv6-only mail server?22:35
oskar-wiijii:  i have22:35
bdelin88Izinucs: it took me forever to get grub off my hard disks a while back when i decided ubuntu wasn't for me (even though i have now drifted bacl)22:35
wiijiioskar: you got networking sorted with it?22:35
Izinucsbdelin88: yea until you use windows to "fixmbr" then grub is overwritten.. and you'll have to reinstall grub again.. the right way.22:35
scientesi assume all the big email carriers support ipv622:35
bdelin88Izinucs: well that's why he's not supposed to run fixmbr22:35
D-MAN_how can i set wine back to default settings?22:35
total_noob_lolhow do i instal new fonts...22:36
n2diyI deleted all the files from my thumb drive, and now the system doesn't see it, when I plug it in,?22:36
bdelin88Izinucs: i just know I ran the vista disk and it fixed mine  :)22:36
Izinucsbdelin88: uh.. isn't that what I said?22:36
total_noob_lolive been trying over 1 hour to instal new fonts, how do i instal new fonts ?22:36
oskar-wiijii:  sorry, what do you mean with sorted? network is working for me in virtualbox22:36
Izinucs!fonts | total_noob_lol22:36
ubottutotal_noob_lol: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:36
bdelin88Izinucs: uh yea, and i said that when he asked it as well lol22:36
AndyBMy Menu.lst : http://pastebin.com/m583cf95b22:36
bdelin881410 and no one can take a look at my fstab?22:37
Izinucsbdelin88: glad to hear we're talking about the same thing from different angels.. :)22:37
total_noob_lolomg so much things to do to just instal few new fonts, you know that on windows its only 2 clicks of mouse to install fonts?22:37
TuxSympathiserI need soe help diagnosing system freezes i currently am experiencing, can anyone give me any advice how I could and should go about this?22:37
AndyBwiijii, note that i have tried replacing "root" with "rootnoverify"22:38
krelis there a way to get krdc to full screen to a different monitor than the default in a multimonitor (twinview) setup?22:38
jimmioTuxSympathiser: freezes?22:38
bdelin88total_noob_lol: you know it is the exact same process to replace a font in ubuntu as in windows?  You just drop it into the fonts folder man...22:38
TuxSympathiserjimmio, ubuntu totally locks up22:38
Izinucstotal_noob_lol: linux is a little different ... not hard .. just different.. after you get into it a while you'll understand why things are done in a certain way and understand the reasoning behind it.22:38
bdelin88total_noob_lol: you just drop them into ".fonts" in your home directory and vuala22:38
jeatonwhat is a good app that turns mpeg4 and avi into dvd?22:38
total_noob_lolbdelin88 i droped fonts into usr/shared/fonts with nautilus and ubuntu still doesnt see those fonts22:39
radicalboyIzinucs doesn't exist any site with the requirements of version ubuntu?22:39
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: can you recreate the situation that causes the freeze? for example, using flash in firefox or something similar22:39
jimmioTuxSympathiser: That's a first... just a sec22:39
total_noob_loloh and i have no .fonts directory in home directory, even after i press ctrl + h22:39
wiijiiAndyB: two secs...22:39
bdelin88total_noob_lol: you need to put it in your home directory22:39
bdelin88total_noob_lol: you just create one22:39
bdelin88total_noob_lol: ".fonts"22:39
total_noob_lolin home there is only .fontconfig22:39
total_noob_lolno .fonts22:39
Izinucsradicalboy: not sure what you're saying..22:39
krelto be clear: i'm using krdc to connect from a ubuntu 8.10 box to a winxp box through RDP, and I have a multimonitor setup through twinview, and setting it to fullscreen mode uses the wrong (smaller) monitor, and I want it to use my big monitor.22:40
bdelin88total_noob_lol: make the directory ".fonts" and put your .TTF fonts in there22:40
TuxSympathiserXFCEtra1, yes and no, the exact cause is unknown which is why I need to somehow log what exactly it is which is going wrong22:40
kiekocan someone tell me how i run GoGrinder.jar ?22:40
bdelin88total_noob_lol: there is no directory cuz you haven't installed fonts before...22:40
Izinucsbdelin88: total_noob_lol after making the directory and putting your fonts there. you still have to sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig in terminal.22:40
total_noob_lolits not .ttf files, its .pcf22:41
total_noob_lolwill it still work?22:41
bdelin88Izinucs: i dunno, i just know it worked for me and I didn't have to configure a thing22:41
wiijiiAndyB: looks exactly the same as mine... but I have '0' after savedefault22:41
bdelin88total_noob_lol: not sure, i am new to this as well, just telling you what I did22:41
ali3nwar3does anyone know how to turn off remember recent documents?22:41
wiijiiAndyB: not sure if that will make any difference22:41
oskar-bdelin88:  what's the problem?22:41
Izinucsbdelin88: total_noob_lol read the link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts22:41
AndyBwiijii, hmm let me check22:41
wiijiiAndyB: And I assume it's the correct disk? I've messed that up a good few times22:41
total_noob_lolperson who said that instaling fonts on linux is same like in windows is a liar22:41
bdelin88oskar-: thank you, here is the fstab: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80533/ need to know why my /dev/ mounts aren't auto mounting with RW privy's at reboot?  Thank you!!!!22:42
=== sean is now known as Guest20553
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: you could run "top" in the terminal, or the gui system monitor if you prefer. keep an eye on what processes are running and seem to hog resources. one of the tabs in system-monitor should give you a history of resource usage in a graph, provided you can "unfreeze" ubuntu to look at that data...22:42
wiijiioskar, I want to receive connections from the guest VM (a server running on my Ubuntu machine in a guest VM)22:42
TuxSympathiserXFCEtra1, tried that, I really don't think it is an application22:42
bdelin88oskar-: I have tried several different ways and it's probably syntax related why it's not working, but I need to get those ntfs dev's mounted22:42
AndyBwiijii, ive checked a few on the web and none of them have a 0. . .but none of them work, they are all topics about broken grubs:P so ill try add a 0 after and then ill just run the xp cd22:43
bdelin88oskar-: gutsy did this automatically for you... grr >:o22:43
DemonizerDo I need anything else than "Sickless Emerald Theme" file if I wanted to set it up? I'm kinda bored of 8.10's original look and I want to use a darker theme.22:43
AndyBwiijii, is it "savedefault 0"?22:43
bdelin88Demonizer: can you link the theme page, and why not get the GTK version, that's the native one for gnome22:43
wiijiiAndyB, yes22:43
Demonizerbdelin88, hold on please, I'm going to give you the link.22:44
oskar-bdelin88:  put a tab after each "ntfs" and make the space after each of the exec's to a comma22:44
bdelin88Demonizer: send me a pm please so i can concentrate a little better lol, thnx22:44
Demonizerbdelin88, http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=73972&forumpage=222:45
bdelin88oskar-: ok one sec, i will repaste it and see if that's right22:45
oskar-bdelin88:  because the third field has to be a list of file system typed. you mixed it with the options22:45
gnutronbdelin88: this is mine, use for reference: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80542/22:45
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: have you poked around /var/log yet?22:45
gnutronbdelin88: note you may need to use chown manually.22:45
bdelin88oskar-: are the "tabs" really necessary?22:45
mntnpngnhi..  anyone know what specific version of the kernel 2.6.27-9-server is based on?22:46
oskar-bdelin88:  a space will suffice22:46
total_noob_lolstill no new fonts for me22:46
total_noob_lolgod why even instaling fonts is so dificoult on linux22:46
bdelin88oskar-: why do some have spaces and some are commas, so I can understand better?22:46
wiijiiAndyB, any luck?22:46
oskar-bdelin88:  it should look like this: /dev/sda1 /media/Windows ntfs auto,rw,user,exec,nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 022:47
AndyBwiijii, no change, when grub loads and i select windows it just says "Starting Up...Grub" and stays like that22:47
TuxSympathiserXFCEntra1, yes, but I haven't found anything from the time when the system froze22:47
wiijiiAndyB, was it working previously? What happened to break it?22:47
bdelin88oskar-: alright I'll try that22:47
gnutronbdelin88: think of the separations as 'fields'22:47
kneekiIf I wanted to navigate to a mounted network drive using a File Browser, where should I look?22:47
oskar-bdelin88:  whitespace chars like space and tab separate fields. different fields have different meanings.   commata separate arguments inside a field22:47
gnutronoskar-: well put.22:48
bdelin88oskar-: wouldn't "ntfs" be an argument?  And why not "ntfs-3g" like gnutron has it?22:48
badawiwhere's the inittab file located in ubunt?22:48
sergiuhi, anyone know how to output the text when ubuntu is loading not the loading line ...?22:48
total_noob_lolcan anyone help me with installing new fonts....22:49
AndyBwiijii, it was working fine, but i needed my external usb to be plugged in to boot anything, so i googled, and found if i ran "install-grub /dev/sda" (my internal drive) it would fix it, but now i cant get into windows which is on the internal22:49
total_noob_lolfont instaling guide failed me22:49
gnutronbdelin88: ntfs-3g did the windows mounting, but ntfs is a filesystem argument.22:49
oskar-bdelin88:  ntfs and ntfs-3g are both possible for the third field22:49
total_noob_lolim trying to install .pcf fonts22:49
total_noob_lolhow do i do that22:49
mntnpngnanyone having console-kit-daemon segfault problem?22:49
bdelin88oskar-: ah ok, so I should use it for my windows partition?22:49
wiijiiAndyB but linux is booting?22:49
total_noob_lolhow do i install new fonts22:49
total_noob_lolhow do i install new fonts?22:50
oskar-bdelin88:  ntfs-3g is a better file system driver for ntfs-partitions... i would choose it22:50
wiijiiAndyB, have the disk names changed now that you have unplugged the USB drive? Are you sure XP should be booting from hd0,0?22:50
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: perhaps its a hardware issue. aside from enabling/disabling services, try instead to check if any components are overheated or if the issue is with your RAM. is this a new problem?22:50
total_noob_lolhow do i install .pcf fonts ?22:50
kneekitotal_noob_lol: Try google yet?22:50
AndyBwiijii, yes ubuntu that is on the external usb boots fine, but windows that is on the internal drive hangs on boot22:50
total_noob_lolkneeki yup22:50
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/22:51
total_noob_lolactualy kneeki i used this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fonts22:51
total_noob_lolbut it doesnt work for me22:51
Guest17698Can someone please point me to the IRC channel for FLEX (Fast LEXer, not the Adobe product)?22:51
AndyBwiijii, it was hd0,0 by default, and i dont know how to check if thats right22:51
outoftimehi guys! what's the second-best browser for ubuntu/gnome ?22:51
wiijiiAndyB so everything is the same, except now grub is installed on the internal drive rather than the external?22:51
total_noob_lolhow do i install new fonts?22:51
ActionParsnip!fonts | total_noob_lol22:51
ubottutotal_noob_lol: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:51
n2diyI deleted all the files from my thumb drive, and now the system doesn't see it, when I plug it in,?22:51
total_noob_lolactionparsnip this doesnt work for me22:51
XFCEntra1outoftime: give Opera a try22:51
total_noob_lolhow do i install .pcf fonts22:52
outoftimeXFCEntra1: OK, perhaps I shall. thank you22:52
Guest17698n2diy: Are you sure you didn't format it?22:52
bdelin88oskar-: well i will reboot and we will see if it works22:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel22:52
wiijiiAndyB do you know which disk/partition XP is on? sda, sdb, etc?22:52
ikonia!init | badawi22:52
ubottubadawi: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:52
jribbadawi: did you read the docs the bot pointed you to?22:52
oskar-bdelin88:  ok22:52
AndyBwiijii, i believe so, thats what i was attempting to do anyway, so that i could boot the internal without needing the usb plugged in, but now it wont load windows22:52
Linuxnoob100is it safe to say that I have a bad live CD if it takes +30mins to configure linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24-19-server?22:52
n2diyGuest17698: No, I just moved all the files to the trash.22:52
total_noob_lolcan anyone help me with installing .pcf fonts?22:53
AndyBwiijii, windows is on sda1, ill check again with fdisk -l22:53
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26952822:53
badawiikonia, jrib: thanks22:53
ActionParsnipLinuxnoob100: you should md5 check the CD before installing22:54
TuxSympathiserXFCEntra1, there are no issues running 7.10 however there are with 8.04 and now 8.10 after recent updates22:54
meistergradoso i have a question with sound, when i use alsa all i get is this crackling sound but when i use oss what i am supposed to hear, how do i change everything to use oss instead of alsa22:54
jack-desktopis there anyway to mass edit every file in a directory to change the spaces to periods?22:54
Linuxnoob100ActionParsnip: I did it said it was fine22:54
raidya todos22:54
byonixtotal_noob_lol, i install ms windows fonts in intrepid by copying the fonts, place it in a folder at my home foder named .fonts (with dot in front of it) and it worked fine, no restart required, but if not you need to log out22:54
jribjack-desktop: sure, use sed22:54
XFCEntra1outoftime: for a real GNOME browser, try Epiphany as well. it is a GNOME app and versions for WebKit and Gecko should be available in the repositories22:54
AndyBwiijii, yes windows NTFS is on /dev/sda122:54
jack-desktopjrib: example?22:55
ActionParsnipLinuxnoob100: then its not due to bad image22:55
jribjack-desktop: if you meant to say file*names*, use 'rename'22:55
outoftimeXFCEntra1: I just tried that, but glancing at it it does not appear to have a bookmark toolbar??22:55
filthpighey, do you guys know anything about when Songbird will be available in the hardy repos? If ever?22:55
oskar-Linuxnoob100:  maybe you cdrom drive has a defect, press ctrl+alt+f2, enter "dmesg" and see, if the last line are about errors22:55
meistergradoso i have a question with sound, when i use alsa all i get is this crackling sound but when i use oss what i am supposed to hear, how do i change everything to use oss instead of alsa22:56
wiijiiAndyB .... hmmm OK, so that should presumably hd0,022:56
n2diyI deleted all the files from my thumb drive, and now the system doesn't see it, when I plug it in,?22:56
ActionParsniposkar-: or you could check your hdd for errors22:56
wiijiiAndyB , is /dev/sda1 bootable?22:56
AndyBwiijii yeah =[22:56
XFCEntra1outoftime: Epiphany offers bookmark management as well, but it does so a little differently than, say, Firefox. check out the FAQ on the Epiphany site: http://live.gnome.org/Epiphany/FrequentlyAskedQuestions22:56
outoftimeXFCEntra1: thanks!22:56
AndyBwiijii, i dont see why it wouldnt be22:56
CaptainMorgancan anyone recommend a decent(compatible) video capture card for their Ubuntu system?22:56
XFCEntra1outoftime: no problem!22:56
Izinucstotal_noob_lol: a little googleing and I've discovered that pcf fonts are pixel fonts.. I found this .. it might help .. http://www.nazgum.com/2007/12/09/ubuntu-pcf-fonts/22:57
jribjack-desktop: which did you mean?22:57
jack-desktopjrib: what about sed?22:57
wiijiiAndyB maybe during installation you only set the external as bootable?22:57
scienteshow do i "install by task" va command line?22:57
wiijiiAndyB 'sudo cfdisk /dev/sda'22:57
jribjack-desktop: if you meant to say file*names*, use 'rename'.  What did you mean with your question? filenames or actual file content?22:57
total_noob_loli hate this shitty ubuntu, on windows i can install any font with just 2 clicks, on ubuntu i need to read 121312 lines of text to get to know how to install new fonts and then i need to do shitload of configuration and shitty terminal commands, just to install 1 font22:57
total_noob_loli ask WTF is wrong with this shit22:57
total_noob_lolg2g, gona unninstal this shit22:58
h00kSo, my CDROM isn't ejecting my CD, 'eject' reports /dev/scd0 isn't a block device, and it used to work but isn't now.  any ideas? (Ibex i386, 2.6.27-9-generic)22:58
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: does it decide to freeze after startup or would you have to run a few apps, start X, etc?22:58
ActionParsnipscientes: in what context?22:58
bdelin88oskar-: it didn't work and nautilus keeps randomly crashing, no desktop icons (when I try to click the sdb dev mounts to manually mount it says "Unable to mount the volume 'media')22:58
meistergradoso i have a question with sound, when i use alsa all i get is this crackling sound but when i use oss what i am supposed to hear, how do i change everything to use oss instead of alsa22:58
bdelin88oskar-: DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or the network connection was broken.22:58
scienteswhats the easiest way to install a mail server22:58
scientesi was going to use zimbra22:58
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: its a different OS, i'm sure some things in linux happen in a few clicks unlike windows taking ages22:58
jack-desktopjrib: file names22:58
AndyBwiijii, 1 sec22:58
andresmhafter installing Miro, every time I click on a .torrent file on my browser it tries to download it with Miro. How can I change it to factory default? (i think it was Transmission)22:58
Pici!language | total_noob_lol22:58
ubottutotal_noob_lol: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:58
oskar-bdelin88:  can you pastebin your fstab again?22:58
bdelin88oskar-: one sec22:59
wiijiiAndyB Under 'Flags' you should have 'Boot' somewhere22:59
bdelin88oskar-: what is the terminal command "nautilus killall" or something, that's what i need to do22:59
jribjack-desktop: then use rename.  see 'man rename' for examples.  Ask me if you still have questions after reading that22:59
wiijiiAndyB I'm not sure what the status will be with mounting your /boot partition if it was originally on the external drive22:59
oskar-bdelin88:  killall nautilus22:59
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: http://www.nazgum.com/2007/12/09/ubuntu-pcf-fonts/22:59
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: it was probably a  kernel upgrade23:00
bdelin88oskar-: thanks, and here is the other thing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/80554/23:00
StevenD57hmmm, that's crummy     ubuntu 8.04.1 does not see an intel 82540ep network chip23:00
StevenD57in my IBM Thinkpad laptop23:00
meistergradoso i have a question with sound, when i use alsa all i get is this crackling sound but when i use oss what i am supposed to hear, how do i change everything to use oss instead of alsa23:00
StevenD57there does not seem to be a module for it23:00
AndyBwiijii, its already flagged for boot23:00
wiijiiAndyB sda1, yeah?23:00
TuxSympathiserXFCEtra1, tat's what I thought at first but it started doing it with the previous kernel after updating some packages ??23:00
AndyBwiijii yeah23:01
scientesyeah how can i install mail-server "by task selector" like i can ubuntu-desktop??23:01
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: id say that was a fairly decent guide23:01
wiijiiAndyB I'm reaching the limits of my knowledge here, but what partition is mounted as /boot?23:01
bdelin88oskar-: i sent you a pm to make it a little easier23:01
oskar-bdelin88:  can you open a terminal and type "mount", to check, whether sda1 is mounted or not? if it is not mounted, can you then type "mount /dev/sda1"?23:01
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: no need to extract if the file isnt compressed23:01
IzinucsActionParsnip: I gave him that link earlier.. I think he's expecting linux to be like windows and not yet open to learning a new way.23:02
ActionParsnipIzinucs: ok23:02
wiijiiAndyB could be something to do with /boot being on the external drive? But then... Grub wouldn't work I suppose if the drive wasn't plugged in23:02
wiijiiAndyB Damn... how annoying. Ummmm23:02
bengi2008je viens de reinstaller ubuntu 8.0423:02
XFCEntra1TuxSympathiser: would you be lucky enough to have that in your Synaptic history? :)23:02
IzinucsActionParsnip: just FYI.. If he'll listen to you more than me.. go for it.23:02
oskar-bdelin88:  the "mount /dev/sda1" with a "sudo" in front, of course...23:02
bengi2008car 8.10 freeze au bout de 3 demarrage.23:02
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:03
bengi2008depuis, quand j'installe un plugging mozilla,23:03
ActionParsnipIzinucs: we'll see23:03
n2diyWhat is the command to mount a USB thumb drive?23:03
bengi2008l'installation se passe tres bien23:03
ActionParsnip!fr | bengi200823:03
ubottubengi2008: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr23:03
uberadmwhats ubuntu 8.1 like?23:03
bengi2008mais quand je redemare firefox pour aller sur le sire23:03
ActionParsnipuberadm: fine23:03
bdelin88oskar-: check the pm i sent you plz23:03
AndyBwiijii, sorry lagged out, how do i check which one is /boot?23:03
dahumpyo yo yo23:03
nite_johnboywhat is command for looking at a man page in terminal?23:04
bengi2008il me reaffiche le meme message disant qu'il faut installer le plugging23:04
jack-desktopjrib: so you want me to learn perl expressions too?23:04
total_noob_lolthanks ActionParsnip, it works finally23:04
AndyBwiijii, if its the boot order my internal hdd is first23:04
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: simple websearching m'lad23:04
gnutronnite_johnboy: man command-name23:04
ActionParsnipIzinucs: looks like me pasting the link is beter than you pasting it :(23:04
XFCEntra1scientes: what you are looking for is tasksel. try "sudo tasksel"23:05
nite_johnboygnutron: thx being brain dead today -23:05
IzinucsActionParsnip: just had to hammer it into him twice I guess..23:05
ActionParsniptotal_noob_lol: apparently Izinucs gave you the exact same link, oh welleh23:05
jribjack-desktop: *I* don't want you to do anything.  If you want to learn them, go for it23:05
n2diyWhat is the command to mount a USB thumb drive?23:05
IzinucsActionParsnip: remember me?  Izinucs = Scunizi.. :)23:05
ActionParsnip!mount | n2diy23:05
ubottun2diy: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap23:05
jack-desktopjrib: rename uses perl expressions, which if you wanted me to do this by myself i'd need to also learn that.23:05
ActionParsnipIzinucs: i remember few names23:06
jribjack-desktop: right.  Which you may want to do...23:06
AndyBwiijii, would running fixboot or fixmbr from windows cd do any damage? i really cant lose some of the stuff on the internal drive, its backed up but would still be a loss23:06
jack-desktopjrib: just maybe...23:06
wiijiiAndyB I started a PM23:07
StevenD57should ubuntu 8.04.1 be able to regognise an intel 82540EP gig-ethernet chip?23:07
ActionParsnip!hcl | StevenD5723:07
ubottuStevenD57: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:07
StevenD57from the live CD?23:07
jack-desktopjrib: can you tell me a perl expression that would change spaces into periods?23:08
XFCEntra1scientes: that should let you do a "one-click" install of postfix and dovecot23:08
ActionParsnipStevenD57: i'm sure theres a module you can compile or an option to get it going23:08
jribjack-desktop: escape the period as \.23:08
n2diyActionParsnip: Thanks, but I don't think that is my problem, I have two thumb drives, one auto-mounts, and the other one doesn't. The one the doesn't recently had it's files moved to the trash.23:08
scientesXFCEntra1, is there any easy way to automatically set them up have them work together?23:08
schonehi all im trying to install java on my gutsy server but keep getting an error about broken packages , here is my output : http://www.mibbit.com/pb/UyHae023:08
jribjack-desktop: use 'rename -n perlexpr' to test.  That just tells you what it would do without doing it23:08
ActionParsnipn2diy: i dont use automount sorry23:08
schonewhy this occuring? and is there a fix23:09
jack-desktopjrib: i know about escape characters and other things, i however never learned perl.23:09
StevenD57I looked around in the /lib/modules/ directories and I tried a couple of the modules I found there23:09
StevenD57but none seemed to see the chip23:09
Roland123any idea, how to get flash 10 working on a 64bit ubuntu?23:09
Roland123i seem to have no sound23:10
StevenD57d'load the flash-x86_64 module23:10
jribjack-desktop: right.  But the man page gives you a template.  You don't need to know perl23:10
StevenD57for Linux23:10
[e]LementRoland123, you may have two conflicting flashes installed23:10
StevenD57there is a Alpha/Beta available on Adobe site23:10
[e]LementMake sure you only have flash10 installed, and nothing else23:10
jack-desktopjrib: the template shows how to remove ".bak" from the end, not how to replace spaces with periods.23:10
schonehi all im trying to install java on my gutsy server but keep getting an error about broken packages , here is my output : http://www.mibbit.com/pb/UyHae023:10
Roland123hmm, how can i be sure of that?23:11
ericjungwhat is the name of the volume applet?23:11
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:11
ActionParsnipschone: you running 64bit ?23:11
funkyHatRoland123: go to about:plugins in firefox and check flash is only listed once23:11
jribjack-desktop: ah, well it's: s/IN/OUT/g  to replace IN with OUT23:11
[e]LementYeah, he beat me to it23:11
ericjunganyone know the name of the little volume control near the clock?23:11
kooldo you know how to change the IMEI code23:11
[e]Lementschone, update to Hardy Heron?23:12
ZaidenHi. When I try to resize my vista partition with the ubuntu installer, it stays at 0% done and won't continue. Is there another way I can resize my vista partition? I tried using the volume shrinker in Vista also but it won't let me shrink it for more than 128MB when I have 95GB free.23:12
Linuxnoob100hey i hit ctrl+alt+f2 during the install of ubuntu server... how do i get back into the gui?23:12
[e]Lementschone, Hardy Heron is a LTS release so you'll have (now) 2.5 years of support23:12
Roland123only other thing besides flash is futuresplash.. and i have no idea what that does23:12
ZaidenLinuxnoob100: I think it's alt+F723:12
[e]LementZaiden, make sure you defragment the partition first as you may lose some files.23:12
Linuxnoob100nope :(23:13
n2diyLinuxnoob100: ctrl+alt+F623:13
[e]Lement[e]Lement, and are you using GParted?23:13
schone[e]Lement: so how do i upgrade from gutsy server to hardy server?23:13
benzsshow do i find out what my motherboard is (without opening the case etc)?23:13
[e]LementLinuxnoob, CTRL+ALT+F7 ?23:13
jack-desktopjrib: oh.. there is nothing on the man page about a "/g" or i would of been correct awhile ago23:13
[e]Lementschone, apt-get dist-upgrade23:13
[e]LementI believe23:13
gnutronschone: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-8.04-to-ubuntu-8.10-desktop-and-server23:13
[e]Lementgnutron, he's going from 7.10...23:13
ZaidenI'm using the part of the ubuntu live cd installer that lets you resize a partition.23:13
gnutronschone: it works23:13
schonegnutron: im on gutsy23:14
jribjack-desktop: g for global.  Without it, it means to just replace the first occurence23:14
gnutron[e]Lement: oh, missed that. thanks23:14
jack-desktopjrib: it would of helped if i knew perl expressions then!23:14
[e]LementI would upgrade to Hardy Heron, as it is a LTS release23:14
gnutronschone: you need to upgrade in increments.23:14
[e]Lementgnutron, I thought dist-upgrade worked23:14
schonegnutron: what do you mean? I ran the apt-get dist-upgrade and its asking em to download something23:15
hackc'è qualcuno italianoooo23:15
[e]Lementschone, that should take care of it. I'm pretty sure it'll fix your issue.23:15
[e]Lement!it | hack23:15
ubottuhack: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:15
schonecool updating now23:15
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:15
gnutronschone: i mean ubuntu insists you upgrade one version at a time, you cannot skip versions, regular dist-upgrades should do that23:16
my_keyi have a problem with the ath5k driver not functioning after suspend/resume (itrepid with linux-modules-backports-generic package installed). Does anybody know how to fix this?23:16
[e]LementBut yeah, I would upgrade to 8.04 schone, as you will still have 2.5 years of support.23:17
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furythorHello, Ubuntu can't identify my monitor correctly, so what I can do ?23:17
ZaidenNot sure if anyone here would know this, but is there a limit to the times you can activate windows vista on the same PC?23:17
[e]Lementfurythor, are you running 8.10?23:17
jrib!x > furythor23:17
ubottufurythor, please see my private message23:17
[e]LementZaiden, shouldn't have the issue23:17
funkyHatgnutron: just running apt-get dist-upgrade won't upgrade you to a new release23:18
gnutronfunkyHat: ok, thank you.23:18
[e]LementCan anyone else run this command in 8.10 and have the GUI display itself: gksudo displayconfig-gtk23:19
lenswipecan someone tell me how to install gnomenu?23:19
bdelin88oskar-: i sent u another pm if you still have a sec23:19
lenswipecan someone tell me how to install gnomenu?23:19
[e]Lementlenswipe, you should just be able to add it to your Panel23:20
[e]LementAnd you only need to ask once.23:20
lenswipe[e]Lement: is it just under the add to panel thing already? so i dont have to install it?23:20
[e]LementIt should be23:20
lenswipejust a second23:20
schone[e]Lement: how do you check what version your ubuntu is23:21
lenswipeis gnomenu the same as the one button menu?23:21
lenswipekina like a start menu?23:21
geodomeschone: go to system23:21
[e]Lementgeodome, server23:21
georgy_28schone,  cat /etc/issue23:21
gnutronschone: lsb_release -a in  a terminal should work.23:21
[e]Lement^ that's it.  I couldn't not remember. Lol23:21
geodomei just installed apache, php and mysql, but when i enter on the browser, it reads "You don't have permission to access / on this server."23:22
geodomewhat to do?23:22
lenswipe[e]Lement: is gnomenu the one where you get one button? and all your things are under there like M$23:22
[e]Lementlenswipe, should be23:22
Izinucsgeodome: how did you install them.. through synaptic or from an outside source?23:23
gnutrongeodome: try localhost instead23:23
lenswipe[e]Lement: im trying to install this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GnoMenu+-+consolidated+menu+for+gnome?content=9305723:23
[e]Lementgeodome, configure apache correctly.  Haha.  Just kidding mate.  Have you ever used webmin?23:23
lenswipe[e]Lement: is that just a skin for the one button menu?23:23
schone[e]Lement: it still says on im on gutsy23:23
[e]Lementschone, it takes awhile23:23
Izinucs!webmin | geodome [e]Lement23:23
ubottugeodome [e]Lement: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.23:23
carlozhi all with last update i cant see the color of videos i see all blue23:23
carlozhow i can fix it?23:23
schoneit has finsihed downloading and installing23:23
ZaidenIs gparted a program you can install in ubuntu and use to resize the ubuntu partition its installed in?23:23
geodomei use rapache23:23
geodomebut it is not doing the job23:24
sweetgum1guys im trying to compile wine, can someone tell me what package is meant by Xlib/Xfree86 development packages23:24
kitcheZaiden: yes and no since the partition must not be mounted to be resized23:24
[e]Lementschone, this should work: http://onlyubuntu.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu-server-from.html23:24
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sweetgum1i cant find anything liket hat in the package manager23:24
carlozsomeone can help me?23:24
IzinucsZaiden: gparted is typically already installed .. check System>Admin>Partition Manager23:24
[e]LementZaiden, should be on the LIveCD23:24
kitchesweetgum1: xserver-xorg-dev most likely23:24
sweetgum1kitche: thanks alot23:24
[e]LementWebmin never gave me troubles...23:25
Pici!xincludes | sweetgum123:25
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox23:25
ubottusweetgum1: When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following package: xorg-dev23:25
Izinucssweetgum1: why not just use the one in the repos? point and click install23:25
[e]LementThen again I've been running Webmin for about 3 years haha23:25
lenswipe[e]Lement:im using webmin now on an 8.04 server and it works a treat :)23:25
cesuraseanapt-get build-dep apache2.2-common ( E: Unable to find a source package for apache2.2-common )23:25
cesuraseancan someone help me with this?23:25
[e]Lementlenswipe, I run a Debian server and same.  I love it.23:25
[e]LementIzinucs, by the way: WARNING: the eBox package released with Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) is broken and cannot be installed. See bug #255368 for information and unsupported workarounds.23:26
carlozsomeone can resolve my problem? i see all videos with all players blue23:26
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:26
carlozwhat plugin is bugged?23:26
Izinucscesurasean: if you're doing it via terminal.. then search like this.. apt-cache search <file>23:26
lenswipe[e]Lement: my favourite thing about it is it enables me to manage all aspects of the server remotely, say from school, so i can add FTP users and let my freinds upload things for me to check out later :)23:26
benanzohow do I make it so when I receive emails from daemons on my Ubuntu server, they don23:27
[e]Lementlenswipe, exactly. I'm too lazy to go conf diving all day long.23:27
cesuraseanIzinucs: I always forget that command. Thx23:27
cesuraseanI found it now. :)23:27
lenswipe[e]Lement: same, nice graphical layout, works nicely for me :D23:27
benanzodon't show as being from just 'root' -- but rather the hostname of the server or something?23:27
Izinucscesurasean: np :)23:27
[e]Lementlenswipe, I remember the old versions.  They were a treat.  Previously they didn't hide the modules that weren't in use.  HAha23:27
andresmhI am trying to download the files in a bit torrent file, how can I select only a few of the files in the bit torrent?23:28
benanzouse deluge23:28
andresmhwas that for me benanzo ?23:28
benanzoI think it's a better BT client than transmission23:28
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:28
benanzoandresmh: yes23:28
andresmh:) thanks benanzo23:28
oskar-andresmh:  azureus is also a good one, afaik23:28
outboard trying to install ubuntu dual boot with XP PRO ,  the installer hung  but was nearly done , how do i  either , complete the install , or install to the linux partitions that now exist ?23:28
andresmhi was trying to use transmission but i guess is not possible in that one23:29
[e]Lementoutboard, what caused the installer to hang?23:29
lenswipe[e]Lement: yeah, i think its good too that i can install stuff remoely too, i have a freind whos in here right now, and i can fix stuff on his server for him when it breaks using webmin :D:D:D23:29
sweetgum1(still compinling wine) i need the FreeType Development files can someone tell me what package is reffered to specifically by this23:29
benanzoazureus is OK, but it's really "heavy" -- I find most java apps are23:29
AJF355oh, hi lenswipe23:29
badawi!networkmanager > badawi23:29
ubottubadawi, please see my private message23:29
andresmhbenanzo, oh i hate java apps23:29
lenswipeAJF355: hi, i was just talking about u23:29
bdelin88oskar-: eh, still nothing oskar23:29
AJF355and also break stuff at times as well lol23:29
andresmhi am going for deluge benanzo23:29
[e]Lementlenswipe, I have someone like that.  I get phone calls at 3 AM.  "Uhm, I think I messed something up..." Me: >/23:29
benanzoandresmh: good move23:30
bdelin88oskar-: they still automount, but I cannot paste into them or write to those mounts...23:30
lenswipe[e]Lemend: lol im usualy up at that time, i stay up till late... :p23:30
[e]Lementbenanzo, all java apps are.  That's the problem with Java23:30
AJF355i dont phone tho, i w8 until the next day when i can b bothered to speak to him on msn23:30
benanzo[e]Lement: yeah it's lame23:30
lenswipe[e]Lement: See AJF355? hes the one that i ususaly fix stuff for when it craps up :p23:30
lenswipe[e]Lement: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GnoMenu+-+consolidated+menu+for+gnome?content=93057 is that just a skin for gnomenu? or is it a seperate program?23:30
benanzothere's a lot of good java apps, but I can't justify using most of them just because they're Java23:31
oskar-bdelin88:  do this with an arbitrary file "file": ls -l /media/Windows/file23:31
[e]Lementlenswipe, I think it's just a widget for the bar.  But I dunno23:31
AJF355so, whats this about webmin breaking thing?23:31
funkyHatandresmh: you can choose which files you want to download in transmission...23:31
lenswipe[e]Lement: would the original gnome-look.org page be of any use to you?23:31
bdelin88oskar-: /home/bryce/Desktop/If I Could Make a Living Out of Loving You - Clay Walker.mp323:31
[e]LementAJF355, the person I am talking about made a bash script to help with deleting users.  Ended up he wiped half the users off the box, but their home directories still existed.  That was a fun few hours rebuilding users.23:31
bdelin88oskar-: shit that's not right23:31
bdelin88oskar-: there: -rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 4607062016 2008-12-03 21:39 /media/windows/pagefile.sys23:32
AJF355thats rly mucked up though23:32
andresmhfunkyHat, i tried selecting them, and then clicked "download", nothing happened, i clicked +Add and then it started downloading all of them23:32
lenswipe[e]Lement: whoah, shit! thats bad!!! i usualy delete users manually23:32
[e]Lementlenswipe, I think it's a widget.  Download it and read the README file.23:32
lenswipe[e]Lement: ok thanks23:32
Pici!language | bdelin88 lenswipe23:32
ubottubdelin88 lenswipe: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:32
lenswipePici: sorry.23:32
benanzoanyone know how to make emails from an Ubuntu server be from something other than 'root'23:32
bdelin88yes yes hush23:32
[e]Lementlenswipe, I fixed the script. And it works now.  But here's what I did.  I wrote the executable in C++ so he couldn't get smart and edit it.23:32
toastedmilkI need help resetting the default schema for an iPod in gconf-editor23:33
outboard[e]Lement : started endlessly looping  trying to access usb deices23:33
funkyHatandresmh: once you've added a torrent file, right click on it then click details, and then you can select which files are downloaded on the files tab23:33
badawi/etc/debian_version -> lenny/sid, where's the file that says: but its actually ubuntu blah ...23:33
lenswipe[e]Lement: lol, good idea. A little knowledge can be dangerous23:33
[e]Lementoutboard, I would have no idea.  It's hard to say whether the install is complete or not.  You would have to reinstall.23:33
lenswipe[e]Lement: so what was wrong with the script? did it just get into a fixed loop and delete everyone?23:33
toastedmilkI need help resetting the default schema for an iPod in gconf-editor23:33
bdelin88oskar-: you need it again?23:33
oskar-bdelin88:  ok, lookup your numeric user id with "id" and add an option to the fourth field in the three fstab-lines: uid=<numeric-user-id>23:33
ActionParsnipbadawi: lsb_release -a23:34
zigzag1hello I have a .srt file thaat came with a movie i have,how do I get the 2 to work together? VLC doesnt recognize the srt format23:34
[e]Lementbadawi, lsb_release -a23:34
[e]LementCombo breaker =/23:34
bdelin88oskar-: ok, is that setting permissions just for my user id i assume?23:34
badawiActionParsnip [e]Lement thanks23:34
ActionParsnipzigzag1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56886223:34
oskar-bdelin88:  and you can also put a group id there, if you have reasonable one, for example "users"23:34
nn-mainhow come the I810 chip is so tarable at 3d?23:34
[e]LementNo problem23:34
furythorstill, no good with my monitor. Does anyone know if Nokia Multigraph and ValueGraph monitors had lot differences ?23:34
[e]Lementnn-main, you mean the Intel Video adapter?23:35
toastedmilkI need help resetting the default schema for an iPod in gconf-editor23:35
[e]Lementfurythor, there is a way to fix it that no longer works in 8.1023:35
outboard[e]Lement: ok but how do i install to the partitions that are alredy there now  , if i try to install from the live cd it wants to either use the free space on the xp partition , overwrite the xp partition or use the whole drive23:35
[e]LementI had the same issue when using 8.0423:35
nn-main[e]Lement, ya I think its in an P4 dell 3 to for years old23:35
oskar-bdelin88:  with uid=... you appear as owner of the files inside the file system mounted there23:35
aprilharehello: is there a known fix i could apply for the bad printing quality from firefox 3.04? text comes out with apparent bad kernel spacing..23:35
[e]Lementnn-main, thats the reason.  It's old and the Intel Video Adapters were never good23:35
* Matthew|Laptop is away: be back later23:35
[e]Lementoutboard, you're going to have to manually edit the partition tables.23:36
aprilhare3.0.4 even23:36
bdelin88oskar-: ok neato then, i think i understand23:36
furythorSo what I am supposed to do ? Write monitor lines by hand ?23:36
bdelin88oskar-: is this change automatic or do i need to reboot again?23:36
zigzag1ActionParsnip: oops I'm dyslexic, its actually a sfv file, not an srt23:36
[e]Lementaprilhare, seems me typing 8.04 messed ya up.  Haha23:36
nn-main[e]Lement, ah because my brother keeps playing 3d games on it and i think he will eventually brake it lol23:36
outboard[e]Lement that should be the third option in the installer  ?23:36
oskar-bdelin88:  remount: "mount -o remount /media/Windows"   and so on...23:36
[e]LementHe won't break it.23:36
[e]LementRemind me what the third option is, outboard.23:36
bdelin88oskar-: thank you23:36
funkyHatfurythor: I would guess it has something to do with either the type of display used or the dead pixel count that gets through the QA (i.e. multigraphs that have too many dead pixels might become valuegraphs)23:36
AJF355I have to laugh so much about my friends who i have made think that i have hacked mac and renamed everything on it as ubuntu, som people just make me laugh so much sometimes23:36
nn-mainanyone know of some really fun 3d games23:37
nn-mainthat were built for linux23:37
oskar-nn-main:  quake 3 arena23:37
faryshta_nn-main, try OpenArena.23:37
[e]Lementnn-main, GLTron23:37
ActionParsnipnn-main: frets on fire, urban terror, unreal tyournament, doom 323:37
ActionParsnipnn-main: foobilliard23:37
toastedmilkCan anyone tell me the default schema for an ipod mount_point key in gconf-editor?23:37
faryshta_nn-main, tetris23:37
Nick924emmainly linux only has FPS's games, but good luck with your search :)23:37
bdelin88oskar-: Remounting is not supported at present. You have to umount volume and then mount it once again.23:37
geodomemmm.. so what happens when i create a symbolic link folder on var/www/ to a directory in my home folder?23:37
[e]LementDr. Mario23:37
geodomei get this error message of decline23:37
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:37
geodomeso what to do?23:38
geodomewhere should i put the files23:38
ActionParsnipnn-main: apt-cache search game | less23:38
oskar-bdelin88:  hm, ok, then: umount /media/Windows; mount /media/Windows23:38
karenanyone know how to get wine to see a volume to extract to?23:38
oskar-bdelin88:  with "sudo" in front of each of the commands that need root privileges23:38
outboard[e]Lement that should be the third option in the installer  ?23:38
ActionParsnipgeodome: it enables you to access that folder from ~/ rather than having to cd to the www folder23:38
bdelin88oskar-: it says that: $ sudo unmount /media/windows23:38
nn-mainanyone know how to speed up java's vm   ---- 3d runtime speed23:38
bdelin88sudo: unmount: command not found23:38
gnutronbdelin88: umount23:39
bdelin88gnutron: ah :)23:39
[e]LementWhat is the third option.  Remind me.23:39
aprilhare[e]Lement, it23:39
oskar-bdelin88:  that is why i wrote "umount" ;-)23:39
aprilhare[e]Lement, typnig was never my strong suit :) printing though is important.23:39
m_tadeuis there an app compatible with corel draw files?23:39
etheraelanyone know of a way you can treat 2 monitors as three? Ie one works as normal, but the second one contains two "workspaces" for want of a better term, so I can whack a window into a predefined frame and it will maximise out to say 30% and stay there and there's another frame within that workspace that will stick @ 70%?23:39
davidkapSo I just got this external harddrive, and i am copying about 160 gb to it, and it is only transferring at 12.3 mb/s, thats like usb 1.0 right? how do i fix this?23:39
DaxxHello everyone!  is there a channel for GIMP help?23:39
[e]Lementaprilhare, yeah.  Sorry I can't help ya mate.  Is it just Firefox, or does open office do it as well?23:39
ActionParsnipm_tadeu: whats the file extension?23:39
toastedmilkCan anyone tell me the default schema for an ipod mount_point key in gconf-editor?23:39
outboardmanually ,blah blah blah  partition , something something something else23:40
[e]Lementtoastedmilk, it doesn't seem like it.  Maybe you should post on the forums.23:40
bdelin88oskar-: haha you would think they could afford to put an "n" into that command... sheesh23:40
gnutronbdelin88: package= ntfs-config - Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices23:40
geniim_tadeu: Yes, CorelDraw. It comes in a Linux version23:40
aprilhare[e]Lement, just firefox23:40
bdelin88oskar-: still can not paste or put anything onto those devices23:40
phubarcan anyone help me to get my microphone working?23:40
ActionParsnip!find corel23:40
ubottuFound: libmodule-corelist-perl, perl-modules, libcorelinux-dev, libcorelinux-doc, libcorelinux-examples (and 1 others)23:40
oskar-davidkap:  12,3 mb/s is quite bad usb 2 speed, but much more than usb 1.x23:41
bdelin88gnutron: what what, what is all that???23:41
[e]LementThat's weird..23:41
m_tadeuActionParsnip: actully I don't know...was trying to install it with wine23:41
aprilhare[e]Lement, i could use seamonkey except it chops off the headers and footers23:41
davidkaposkar-: the specs for 1.0 say cap is 12.523:41
furythorHowto define monitor settings to xorg.conf if I know that it can support resolution 1280x1024 @ 60Hz23:41
DaxxAnyone one here good with GIMP23:41
ActionParsnipm_tadeu: genii says theres a linux version23:41
kaiian alias for "unmount" in the default distro could help the support channels alot :)23:41
m_tadeugenii: I only have the windows version...do you know if the license is the same?23:41
oskar-davidkap:  12,5 mbit/s, maybe23:41
ActionParsnipDaxx: id try #gimp23:41
[e]LementLOL, hm.  Lose Lose Scenario23:41
outbriWhen I open firefox, it opens in a half full screen mode. toolbar and a few things are still visible. When I hit f11, it goes to real full screen, and again and it goes to normal. how do I get it to open normally?23:41
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Daxxok ty23:41
faryshta_furythor, maybe you need to install some driver for your Graphic Card.23:41
ActionParsnipoutbri: maximise it23:41
oskar-bdelin88:  ls -l again...23:42
gnutronbdelin88: it will configure your ntfs volumes. otherwise you need sudo chown -R user:group /media/windows/23:42
geniim_tadeu: Of the license I don't know. It used to come bundled with Corel Linux, but they sell it now as a separate product23:42
davidkap" It is now obsolete, but both of its speeds (1.5Mbps & 12Mbps) are being adopted into USB 2.0"23:42
FishieFooI have some .ogm files I need to play. Is medibuntu likely to solve that?23:42
furythorI got graphics card fine, atleast acording to that Nvidia X server settings applet23:43
outbriActionParsnip: I want it to open correctly to begin without me having to correct it when it opens. Is there a way to do that?23:43
gnutronbdelin88: not to mention chmod, i dont think fstab will do that by itself.23:43
oskar-davidkap:  yes, usb2 also contains the slow speeds. but 12,3 megabyte per second is not slow enough. is is high speed mode23:43
ActionParsnipoutbri: set the program to run maximised23:43
bdelin88oskar-: $ ls -l /media/windows/pagefile.sys23:43
bdelin88-rwxrwxr-x 1 bryce root 4607062016 2008-12-03 21:39 /media/windows/pagefile.sys23:43
sohohey guys, how do you add SSL to xchat for ubuntu?23:43
davidkaposkar-: How do I tell this?23:44
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DavidCanariasHi everyone. I eventually managed to update Serpentine which took forever. I am using Ubuntu 8.10 but Serpentine won't start up? Any ideas suggestions please to resolve the problem???23:44
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user__can someone help me ?23:44
outbriActionParsnip: I can't find a setting for firefox stating size when I run it. It should run the same size I closed it, I think. But it doesn't.23:44
user__I#m absolutely new to linux23:44
oskar-davidkap:  dmesg should contain messages about new usb devices and maybe their speed23:44
davidkapuser__:  dont ask to ask23:45
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ActionParsnipDavidCanarias: run it from terminal, you will get outputs23:45
user__and i can't get my wifi to work o ubuntu23:45
Xk2c$ zsh23:45
Xk2c/etc/zsh/zshrc:unalias:42: no such hash table element: run-help23:45
DavidCanariasuser_: you will have to tell us your problem.23:45
bdelin88oskar-: brb i am trying this ntfs tool gnutron said, I want to reboot to test brb23:45
georgy_28!ask | user_23:45
ubottuuser_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:45
=== e^2pi is now known as e^i
DavidCanariasActionParsnip: Can you plse tell me the command to do that - thks23:45
oskar-bdelin88:  that file should be writable, if you are "bryce"23:45
ActionParsnipoutbri: edit your menu item23:45
peepsalotis it possible to do java web start in intrepid 64bit?23:45
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Xk2cis that something to care about?23:45
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sohohey guys, how do you add SSL to xchat for ubuntu?23:46
ActionParsnipDavidCanarias: check the menu item for what command it runs, then type it in terminal23:46
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phubarMicrophone not registering. Can anyone lend me some assistance?23:46
MaveasI need to make one of my "dynamical expanding images" larger in Sun VirtualBox - how do I do that?23:46
user__i have an hp pavillion laptop with windows vista, and i isntalled ubuntu on it now. but i can't get the wifi running. what am i doing wrong?23:46
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rchasewhere can I get darkroom theme for older versions of ubuntu?23:46
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DavidCanariasActionParsnip: Sorry I havent done this before so am clueless! apologies23:46
outbriActionParsnip: How is that done? Through the FF GUI or do I need to edit a preference file in vim somewhere?23:46
oskar-Xk2c:  an error at "unalias" seems harmless23:46
ActionParsnipuser__: run lspci, it will say what you have, you can websearch from that23:46
davidkaposkar-: It says new low speed device23:47
davidkapHow do i fix that?23:47
Joey__What is the maximum ram for Ubuntu 32bit?23:47
qcjnhi, how come when i do http://qcjn.no-ip.org:81/public/ it gives me the apache thats on my computer .100 when my rooter directs to .10223:47
kattollikisdHI everyone... I got problem with my Firefox, every time That i want to see some video on youtube, the firefox just close, If I open it again, Or If I try to see the video again, the firefox just close... can someone here just give me a hand?23:47
Xk2coskar-: ok. but as this is an default system config file - is it an bug?23:47
FlannelJoey__: it ends up being somewhere around 3.2G23:47
IzinucsJoey__: 4 gig but it will show up as 3.x gigs23:47
Ch1ppyHey, I'm having an issue with a program (rtorrent) crashing. I want to figure out what's wrong, so I need to see the stack dump. However, it's apparently "not enabled," even when I set the ulimit -c to unlimited... can anyone help me out?23:48
Xk2ci counldn't find a bugreport about23:48
oskar-davidkap:  make sure, that the device, the port and the cable support high speed. i don't have a better suggestion23:48
user__ActionParship: thank you23:48
Joey__Do I need to put in 4gb for it to get 3.25gb out of it?23:48
davidkaposkar-: Thank you23:48
Joey__or can i put in 3.523:48
ActionParsnipoutbri: edit your gnome menu to set it to run maximised23:48
bdelin88oskar-: well i don't know what the NTFS configuration tool did but it fixed it no problem...23:48
aprilhareuser__, can't get it running - can it detect your wifi?23:49
gnutronJoey__: 3.5 should be ok23:49
IzinucsJoey__: what appears to be missing is really taken up by the systems overhead.. so if you install 3.5 it will be lower than 3.223:49
oskar-bdelin88:  ok, i also don't know23:49
Joey__so just get 4gb23:49
bdelin88oskar-: now one other thing, do you know why i keep having to "killall nautilus" everytime i reboot?23:49
IzinucsJoey__: true with windows too..23:49
oskar-bdelin88:  no ;)23:49
bdelin88oskar-: it's a minor annoyance.. lol23:49
Joey__Ubuntu is superior to windows23:49
IzinucsJoey__: much easier in 2 gig chuncks of ram sticks.. matched sets.23:49
bdelin88Anyone know why my desktop icons disappear on ubuntu desktop?23:50
bdelin88i run killall nautilus everytime and it fixes it...23:50
ActionParsnipoutbri: i dont use gnome so cant hel much in that way, you can specify height and width at runtime though23:50
IzinucsJoey__: http://tigerdirect.com if you're in the US.. good deals right now.23:50
grndslmJoey__:  how do i burn a dvd with divx or xvid files??  point & click style?23:50
damaguHi all, Could someone pleasehelp me with disabling tapto click on a traackpad?23:50
MaizculWow, I fail at using pidgin >.<23:50
outbriActionParsnip: It's run command is this: firefox %u  What would I need to change in this?23:50
user__aprilhare: the lspci command doesn't show any wifi, only ethernet and firewire23:50
IzinucsMaizcul: why's that?23:51
MaizculThere we go23:51
MaizculI wanted to call the connection one thing, but made that my name instead xD23:51
IzinucsMaizcul: you should give xchat a try.. it's an actual IRC client for the gui.. irssi for the terminal23:51
DavidCanariasActionParsnip: Do you know what I need to type in the terminal to run serpentine? Thks in advance23:51
user__aprilhare: but under vista it works just fine, so i know it's not broken23:51
PeskyJdoes anyone know of a good channel to discuss DVD authoring - I'm using Q DVD Author (or alt east trying to) :)23:51
[e]LementxChat has some weird glitches with displaying text sometimes.23:51
Izinucs[e]Lement: never seen that on my last 3 systems..23:52
Maizculyay for 151 updates ...23:52
Maizculand a misclick onto the cancel button >.<23:52
lenswipecan someone tell me how to deal with .deb packages please23:52
ActionParsnipuser__: you may not have drivers configured or installed, ubuntu is nothing to do with windows23:52
furythorlet's see if instructions I found work.23:52
ActionParsniplenswipe: sudo dpkg -i <deb file>23:53
ActionParsnipdamagu: To disable tap-to-click, add a line reading options mousedev tap_time=0 to your /etc/modprobe.d/olpc.conf.dist23:53
damaguI have tried gsynaptics but I get this error saying it failed to initialise because I need to fiddle with xorg.conf... now I tried to do what it said on a couple of pages andadd an option to make SHMConfig true but that didn't work either... so can someone shed any light on this23:53
Izinucslenswipe: to install .. double click.. if you received them from someplace outside the ubuntu repos.. caution.. it might bork your system23:53
georgy_28lenswipe, : to install ?23:53
[e]LementIzinucs, yeah. I get blank sections on-screen until I scroll.  It's really weird23:53
Xand3rhey volks23:53
kopy07could someone help me getting my webcam to work.  I can see it in /dev but i cant get an output from it.23:53
lenswipeActionParsnip: yeah, i can depackage it, i just dont know how to install it23:53
gnutronlenswipe: sudo dpkg -i file.deb in a terminal if i recall correctly.23:53
user__ActionParship: After installation ubunto said something about enabling non-free dirvers for atheros, and i said yes so it was shown as active there23:53
damaguActionParsnip: I tried that too... it didn't work either23:53
Xand3ris there a command wich makes the cursor invisible?23:53
lenswipeyeah i know how to depackage them, i just dont know how to install them23:54
damaguActionParsnip: sorry no I didn't... I willtry that now.23:54
DavidCanariasPlease can anyone tell me what to type in the terminal to run Serpentine. I cant get it to work normally. Thks23:54
IzinucsXand3r: sudo shutdown now does it for me. :)23:54
oskar-kopy07:  look for the permissions of the device file. are you in the group, that's associated with it?23:54
ActionParsnipdamagu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49896823:54
Xand3rIzinucs: only the cursor23:54
bdelin88whew, i dunno why someone said xchat is better than pidgin this looks really garbled23:55
IzinucsXand3r: sorry.. just a little levity23:55
histoAnyone having problems with updates today in ibex?  My fired just updated but when he logs in he no longer has gnome-panel?23:55
user__where can i get different drivers from? And how do i know which ones i need?23:55
bdelin88user_ u are hopeless lol23:55
ward_i got a new external harddisk, and i want to create a ubuntu installation on it aswell, to use when im not at home since my laptop is broke, but is it possible to let it detect on each boot what drivers it should use or something?23:55
georgy_28user__,  what's the output if you type iwconfig in a terminal ?23:55
MaizculAny way to speed up the download for updates? I'm only getting about 20kb/s, my usual down rate is 11 times that.23:55
DavidCanariasbdelin88: I use Pidgin and its not bad, but try amsn its much better23:55
ActionParsnipdamagu: System / Preferences / Touchpad23:55
bdelin88DavidCanarias: thanks, will do23:55
damaguActionParsnip: I don't have that file  /etc/modprobe.d/olpc.conf.dist23:56
ActionParsnipbdelin88: use what you like, you dont HAVE to use what everyone else uses23:56
jribMaizcul: use a mirror (system -> administration -> software sources)23:56
bdelin88ActionParsnip: lol i know i was just going off a recommendation and seing if i was just missing something...23:56
ActionParsnipdamagu: try making it?23:56
user__georgy_28 lo eth0 and pan0 say no wireless extensions23:56
bdelin88ActionParsnip: seeing*23:56
ActionParsnipbdelin88: i use pidgin, its fine23:56
MaizculI'm pretty full of fail at all this, first time using ubuntu x)23:57
DavidCanariasMaizcul: I suffered this problem yesterday too with something else, but its not normal.23:57
h00kSo, my CDROM isn't ejecting my CD, 'eject' reports /dev/scd0 isn't a block device, and it used to work but isn't now.  any ideas? (Ibex i386, 2.6.27-9-generic) fstab: http://pastebin.com/d2eae43a523:57
davidkaposkar-: i plugged it into a different port, and now it says high speed but is transferring at like 9mb/s now23:57
davidkaposkar-: :/23:57
=== deever_ is now known as deever
georgy_28user__, : so your wifi is not on in ubuntu23:57
DavidCanariasAnyone help me please. What is the correct command to run Serpentine in the terminal?23:57
user__georgy_28 and how do i get it on?23:58
user__i wanna get rid of windoes23:58
user__but without wifi i can't23:58
kopy07Yes I just added myself to the group and reloged in andI still cant get any video from it23:58
georgy_28user__, : don't know depend of your laptop23:58
oskar-DavidCanarias:  try to find out: dpkg-query -L serpentine | grep "bin"23:58
DavidCanariasoskar-: will try thanks23:59
user__georgy_28 hp pavillion .  it has some touch button to enable and disable wifi, but works only under windows so far, whereas the other buttons fpr mute and volume do work23:59

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