
=== BHSPitMonkey_ is now known as BHSPitMonkey
dilomowhat's up thorwil16:53
thorwildilomo: weekend :D16:53
dilomoparty time!16:54
dilomobtw how do you find the min/max/close buttons as style:16:55
lucazadehi all16:56
dilomoI'm wondering whether to change them or not16:57
dilomolucazade: hi16:57
dilomothe buttons :)16:57
dilomomy English is not perfect16:57
thorwildilomo: the top of the active tab looks like there is a left-over of those colored marks. it's too broad or dark16:58
dilomocolored marks?16:58
dilomowhat do you mean the 1px line?16:59
thorwildilomo: with colored marks i mean the strips above the active tab like seen in some clearlooks versions16:59
dilomoaha so by too broad you mean ther is too much space?17:00
thorwildilomo: actually, the active tab page doesn't give any clear sign of being sunken in or raised17:00
dilomoI know there is some kind of confusion in the tabs17:01
dilomocimi told me that ;)17:01
thorwildilomo: look at the title of the active notebook tab. the border above it is broader then the border on the side. it looks strange17:01
thorwildilomo: so do you want the active page to be sunken in or raised?17:02
dilomoI want it sunken17:03
CimiI prefer raised tabs17:03
dilomobut I can't make it17:03
dilomoas the overlap will go away if I change some properties17:03
dilomosuch as GtkNotebook::tab-overlap17:04
thorwildilomo: you will need a clear shadow on the borders towards the light direction and highlights on the opposite. pretty much the reverse of what happens for buttons17:04
dilomothorwil: you are righ some tweaking is needed for the tabs17:06
dilomothorwil: but back to the question: Do you like the min/max/close buttons?17:07
dilomothorwil: and if not what you think should be done17:07
thorwildilomo: i do not. they are too busy and the differing height muddies the target areas17:08
dilomobut don't you think that they will become too boring if they are the same height?17:08
thorwildilomo: i don't look at window buttons to get excited and guess few people do ;)17:09
thorwildilomo: the focused window ... the single X button there looks fine. allthough sunken look is strange for a click target17:10
thorwildilomo: the single button looks rounded, bu the right side of the trio doesn't17:11
thorwilit looks hexagonal17:11
dilomothat is a problem indeed because I make a gradient in inkscape form black to white17:11
dilomoand there is one place where the values of thr grad equeals the gray bg17:12
dilomoand that roundness is lost17:12
dilomoDon't know how to fix this17:12
thorwildilomo: b/w overlayed gradients rarely look as good as specifically coloured gradients17:13
thorwildilomo: that is because the balance of colors varies from lit to dark areas in the real world in all common lighting situations17:14
thorwildilomo: i'm talking about a generic gradient that is meant to work on different backgrounds vs one that is made to fit for only one specific background17:15
dilomoso you suggest me to make the beveal effect using some other colors than b/w17:15
dilomogood idea :)17:15
thorwildilomo: study shadows in the real world. they often appear blueish17:15
dilomoyes (because the sky is blue) but in all warm theme this is not good approach17:16
thorwildilomo: have a look at http://www.itchstudios.com/psg/art_tut.htm17:18
thorwilLight stuff17:18
dilomothat's cooooooool! thanks17:19
thorwilnp :)17:19
lucazadevery nice stuff17:19
thorwildilomo: there's a risk to end up with a grey mess when working with shadow color. but the other extreme is a sterile and synthetic look17:20
dilomoan mine is on the sterile side ?17:21
thorwildilomo: your light direction is straight from above, right?17:22
* thorwil -> dinner17:26
* dilomo too17:27
Cimiit's 6:30 PM17:32
Cimidinner? :\17:32
thorwil_MMA_: hi! i'm right now looking at the svg for Sebastian's playing cards. he managed _almost_ perfect symmetry for the heart shape18:17
thorwilbut is wasteful with nodes :)18:22
_MMA_Make any revisions you like. I'll up them.18:23
thorwil_MMA_: nah, i will just give him example with how few nodes it can be done. not for performance considerations, but to make his live easier18:24
dilomoCimi: I din't ave lunch today so it's dinner for me ;)18:25
_MMA_Sure. It's always great to streamline. :)18:25
_MMA_thorwil: A heart could be done with 2 nodes couldn't it?18:26
thorwil_MMA_: not quite. makes the round parts ... not round18:26
thorwil4 nodes18:27
dilomoCimi: I'm obviously still hungry because I eat letters too :)18:27
thorwilhe has 1818:27
dilomothorwil: but the icon is good18:28
thorwildilomo: yes. i'm always feeling a bit uneasy criticizing him, as he's better at drawing icons by now :)18:28
dilomothorwil: :)18:29
dilomobut the brush is not good18:29
_MMA_thorwil: Naa... I think he welcomes it.18:29
dilomoit should look wooden18:29
dilomonot plastic18:29
thorwil_MMA_: i know. he also has a great attitude. only wish he would join us here18:30
_MMA_dilomo: I have brushes with plastic handles. :)18:30
dilomoyes but they are not classic18:30
dilomoI have too bit the wooden ones are gourgeous18:31
_MMA_So it depends on what you're going for. :) *You* want a more classic look. He might not. :)18:31
dilomo_MMA_: probably18:32
dilomoI think that the biggest icons should have more details18:32
_MMA_dilomo: Feel free to raise the question though. Just dont be like Cimi and call it "ugly" or something. :P18:33
dilomoCimi: _MMA_ is right you are a bit hard on newcomers18:34
_MMA_dilomo: I think it's a bit of a language barrier sometimes. Needs nicer words to express dislike. :)18:35
Cimithough sometimes I need something harder than ugly, maybe horrible? :D18:35
Cimisomething like "ooh after seeing that theme, my eyes refuse to stay open" :D18:36
_MMA_"My eyes just vomited all over the screen."18:37
Cimithat sounds great ;)18:38
thorwili had to clean my eyes with alcohol after looking at that!18:38
Cimigive me a whiskey please :P18:39
dilomoyour speech gentlemen is embarrassing18:39
thorwilwhat is a speech-gentleman? ;)18:40
Cimithorwil, if you're planning about a default-theme or something similar work on mockups rather than looking on *how to implement with the css engine*. that engine will be just like the pixbuf engine but with few features more (just like experience engine): it is really important for newcomers but not for fast and default themes.18:44
thorwilCimi: i intend to combine both18:45
Cimiwhat do you mean?18:45
thorwilCimi: most of the How for the css-engine is worked out already and a template for it will also be a mockup of all important widgets18:46
Cimiwhat I meant is that let's keep on helping people understand how that experimental engine works, because it will be interesting for a lot of new guys18:47
Cimibut for your ideas of a default theme let's still rely on cairo for drawing, and with custom code inside the engine18:47
Cimiyou just need to find out a good cairo coder, then you can draw a lot of images and effects through the lib18:49
lucazadeguys may i ask you how much is ugly the theme i'm making? :) http://img176.imageshack.us/img176/4453/uglyvn7.png18:49
lucazadei know is not an original effect18:50
lucazadejust wondering18:50
Cimilucazade, more lightborder_ratio on the tabs18:50
lucazadenot satisfied of tabs18:51
dilomoIt remind me of a theme ...18:51
lucazadea lot of18:51
thorwilCimi: regarding finding a good developer, i'm quite happy to work with robsta so far ;p  it's not exactly easy to find someone to implement your own ideas18:52
Cimithorwil, I mean for the cairo drawings18:52
Cimianyway robsta is a great guy18:52
dilomolucazade: but the grey color is too dull, don't you think?18:52
lucazadedull ... means dark?18:52
dilomono dull like fog18:53
lucazademmm maybe :-/18:53
thorwilCimi: i fully expect that the css-engine will be only useful for prototyping for quite a while. but that's exactly what i need18:53
Cimithorwil, the only things that are actually difficult to implement with cairo are shadows bigger than 2-3 pixels18:54
CimiI've written an algorithm, it will be in the next gnome-do (0.7.0) but it's not exactly as using a gaussian blur18:54
Cimiand it will be quite complicated for every button18:55
Cimia lot of code and drawing operations :(18:55
* Cimi wants convolution filters in cairo18:55
* dilomo wants gradient persets in Inkscape18:56
thorwiltoo bad i use blur in the button template already18:56
* _MMA_ wants a pony!! Yay!18:56
Cimithorwil, remove the blur :(18:57
Cimiblur is basically a convolution with a gaussian kernel18:57
Cimiit dramatically depends on the performance of your system18:58
Cimibecause it's a long math operation18:58
thorwilCimi: what i'm doing with it could be approximated with 9 areas and gradients, i guess18:58
thorwilCimi: radial gradients in the corners, linear one on the edges. all running out to zero alpha18:59
* _MMA_ hopes this isn't a "We need to keep in mind systems older than 5 years." opinion from Cimi.18:59
Cimithorwil, I've used log for similar things18:59
Cimi_MMA_, it's not 5 years old18:59
thorwilCimi: log?18:59
Cimiit is 0 months old18:59
Cimithorwil, logarithm18:59
Cimi_MMA_, you need to do an integral between your original function/image with and a gaussian exp19:01
_MMA_Cimi: Sorry. That was probably too much English for you. I mean, we need to be able to code for the future. Not the past. And what is "too old" is up for debate.19:01
Cimiit's absolutely a long calculation19:01
thorwil_MMA_: it's quite obvious in inkscape that blur is damn expensive19:01
Cimithat's why there's no operating system that does this in software rendering19:01
Cimivista uses blur19:02
Cimibut not with the software rendering19:02
_MMA_thorwil: You usin' SVN? Its 50% faster now. Multithreaded. :P19:02
Cimiit used the shaders inside the GPU19:02
Cimi_MMA_, it's not about programming for the future19:03
thorwil_MMA_: that will surely help me much on this single core :)19:03
Cimi_MMA_, convolutions MUST NOT be coded to work with software rendering19:03
_MMA_thorwil: doh! :)19:03
dilomoCimi is right19:03
dilomoyou have probably read about DX10on919:03
dilomowell for windows 7 they prepeare19:04
dilomoa software layer that will19:04
dilomosimulate SX10 on SX9 videocards19:04
dilomoor even on machines with no GPU19:05
_MMA_Cimi: Sure. Like I said, I *hoped* you weren't talking about holding code back because of the past. ;)19:05
Cimidilomo, blur operations can be done with ati radeon >= 95xx, geforce fx and intel x310019:05
Cimi_MMA_, oh ok, I misunderstood again19:05
dilomothey tried to do the Crysis thing on 8 core i719:05
dilomoand guess the result ~7.9 fps19:06
_MMA_dilomo: And got 7fps. :P19:06
dilomothat's without GPU19:06
dilomobut with GF 8800GTX you get 80fps19:06
_MMA_dilomo: Is your screen >                                               < this big? You keep typing you sentences in half.19:07
dilomosorry ;) skype veteran19:07
Cimithat's a pretty long calculation for the CPU19:07
thorwili'm surprised a CPU can actually read that!! 8-D19:08
Cimidilomo, thanks interesting19:13
Cimithe fastest algorithm I can imagine for drawing shadows is a for that prints a pixel each clock and moves to the next pixel uses the alpha value following an incremental logarithmic function19:14
Cimifor blur operations you could follow an algorithm similar to the fake blur beryl plugin: strech an image 0.5x then strech 2x to get the original size with a loss in precision19:15
dilomoyes but it looks like vista's blurr19:16
Cimineither of them could reach the same quality than using a convoltion filter19:16
Cimi*of using19:17
dilomonot exactly but the blurr of compiz is better19:17
dilomoto my eyes at least19:17
Cimicompiz is using convolution19:18
Cimibut there was for beryl a fake blur plugin19:19
Cimifor older video cards19:19
dilomoaha I see19:19
dilomoit looks like a complicated process19:22
_MMA_I really don't know why GNOME doesn't officially adopt Compiz. KDE has their own stuff now. Seems like this would be a easy fit for GNOME.19:22
Cimidilomo, read createlineargaussiankernel19:23
Cimior similar19:23
Cimidilomo, it looks like a convolution, through a sum19:23
dilomo_MMA_: probably it would happen in GNOME 3.019:23
Cimiremember that you can approximate integrak with a sum19:23
Cimi_MMA_, maybe we will see the clutter backend for metacity19:24
_MMA_dilomo: I don't know. Their still developing their own compositor.19:24
Cimithere's a branch inside ohand's git that uses clutter as a compositing backend19:24
_MMA_Cimi: Hmm.... Interesting.19:25
Cimislow on my nvidia19:25
Cimibut from what they tld me it is quite fast with intel19:25
* _MMA_ will bbl.19:26
dilomoCimi: what is this clutter doing?19:27
dilomois it like compiz?19:27
Cimiusing clutter as a backend means having opengl19:27
Cimiwith opengl you can easily manipulate textures19:27
_MMA_Oh. That's a big question. Best to Google.19:27
_MMA_AWN uses it.19:27
Cimiand if you get a texture from a window, you can do what you want with it19:28
Cimijust like compiz does19:28
Cimi_MMA_, awn is not using clutter19:28
Ciminetbook-launcher by njpatel uses clutter19:28
_MMA_Cimi: Sure? I thought Neil told ne that.19:28
Cimitweet (for twitter) uses clutter19:28
Cimi_MMA_, yes I'm sure19:29
dilomosounds cool19:29
Cimiawn is using cairo19:29
_MMA_Ahh.. Thats right.19:29
_MMA_Ok. No I'm really gone.19:31
Cimithat is using clutter19:32
dilomolooks great. Probably will make more sense with touchscreen19:33
Cimiit's quite fun to use19:34
dilomothat's sure :)19:36
dilomoI have to go bye20:07

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