
* Hobbsee waves to bdmurray00:06
sectechbdmurray,  do you have any objection to me providing a generic 1 line reply to why I changed the status of a bug that I am triaging to incomplete? I am finding that a lot of reporters like to change there status to something that isn't in the best interest of their report.00:08
* bdmurray waves back to Hobbsee 00:08
sectechOkay 2 sentences... "* A bug-control triager has elected to look at this issue and has flagged the status as incomplete. Once enough information is provided so that the developers can carry on with issue it will be marked as confirmed then triaged."00:09
sectechI figure it will minimize me having to correct bug statues all day...00:09
sectechthen explaining why after the fact.00:09
bdmurrayWhat kind of confusion are you seeing?00:09
chrisccoulsoni was just wondering that. surely if you ask for information, then it is clear why you set it to incomplete?00:10
sectechtoday 1 marked a bug as "in progress" when it wasn't... some are confirming their own bugs... some are setting it to other various statuses.00:10
Hobbseeand a lot of people never reset the bug status after giving the information00:10
sectechI have a lot of people who mark the bug as "new" after they provide information00:11
bdmurraySetting bugs back to do isn't really harmful00:12
bdmurrays/do/new/ ;-)00:12
sectechWell it's not really harmful to confirm you own bug either but I am trying to be as helpful as possible when I touch a bug...00:12
chrisccoulsonconfirming your own bugs should be discouraged though00:13
sectechIt just reduces the likely hood it will draw the wrong attention from the wrong group (not so much for new)00:13
hggdhsetting the bug to new after providing data is actually quite a good move00:13
sectechchrisccoulson,  which is another reply I seem to be typing a lot... after the fact.00:13
chrisccoulsonhggdh - yeah, I agree. the more annoying move is when someone comes along and changes from Incomplete -> Confirmed without leaving a comment or providing the required info00:14
hggdhchrisccoulson, I agree. Perhaps an option would be to have a link in the bug to the rules of the game00:14
hggdhlike a WARNING: read the meaning before using00:15
chrisccoulsonPerhaps - but that might get annoying if you couldn't turn it off by default. and there's always a risk of information overload too00:15
sectechhggdh, It's not really valid with the criteria though...  A "new" bug is defined on "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status" as being untriaged.00:15
sectechif I am in the process of triaging a bug... it has been touched...00:16
hggdhsectech, I know. But what status should I put after I responded a question? Note that my response might not be enough to have the bug in confirmed00:16
hggdhergo, new00:16
Hobbseehggdh: i'm sure that "warning:  Please use a brain and think" would not get accepted as a warning :P00:16
Hobbseeor similar00:17
hggdhHobbsee, we can only hope ;-)00:17
sectechhggdh,  I would leave it as incomplete until the triager has enough information to confirm it or mark it as triaged... It technically is still incomplete until we can at least figure out what is going on...00:17
hggdhBrain: Do not discard -- use it00:17
sectechI get an email every time someone replies anyway, so I know they submitted a reply.00:17
chrisccoulson"Please use a brain and think" would be no use to me. I can't find my brain most of the time so I would just skip over it ;)00:18
sectechand I would hope that triagers wouldn't abandon their bugs once they touched hem00:18
sectecherr them00:18
hggdhit is indeed -- but not everybody subscribes to a bug00:18
sectechIMHO that's a triager issue...00:18
hggdhI am not saying it is correct or incorrect, but that we have to adjust the theory to reality00:19
hggdhit is a triager issue, this is where most of the folks that want to help start to learn00:19
sectechI would rather a triager add there comments to a bug and not change the status from new to incomplete if they didn't intend on working on it.00:19
chrisccoulsonsectech - no, triagers shouldn't abandon a bug, and they should be subscribed to bugs they are triaging. but there are cases when a bug is really difficult to triage. in those cases, you can subscribe someone else, ask here, or set it back to New where another triager will pick it up00:19
hggdhit also, unfortunately, something that is left for others after they new triagers learn the ropes00:19
sectechtrue enough hggdh ....00:20
bdmurrayMaybe the distro bug filing instructions should have information about bug statuses and how they are used.00:20
chrisccoulsonsectech - just had a look at bug 30530800:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305308 in etcinsvk "I cannot say anything about it" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30530800:21
chrisccoulsonvery strange. i can't even get it to install on intrepid because of dependency issues00:21
sectechIt would be less confusing to the reporter to see why a bug was marked as incomplete and that they don't need to do anything special other then provide the info asked for... takes the guess work out for a new reporter, and comes across as less intimidating...00:21
chrisccoulsoni don't know how the reporter got it as far as configuring the pacakge00:21
hggdhbdmurray, I agree. You also should know my feelings pretty well by now: we have to few stati on Malone00:22
sectechchrisccoulson,  yeah  that one I decided to get the ball rolling on....  He got a generic reply but it's only because those replies are pretty clear on what we need00:22
hggdhbut I still think it would be cool if Malone sported a link to the instructions -- this is where most new users go straight to, not to the wiki00:23
sectechI had a feeling that one would just sit there out in never never land if he didn't add more to it00:23
chrisccoulsonyeah, probably!00:23
chrisccoulsonthe bug description really describes the problem well :)00:24
sectechchrisccoulson,  lol yeah I'll probably change that for him once I figure out what he is talking about...00:24
sectechMy thoughts behind triaging is to make this as easy as possible on the person reporting it... All they should be concerned with is reporting the problem they are having... answering questions and we should take it from there.00:25
sectechPersonally I love it when other traigers jump in and help...00:25
sectechI am not trying to discourage that either00:25
sectechAlso the argument could be said that if I have 150 bugs in my list and I see one suddenly changed to "fix released" I think that progress happened and someone took over such as a developer and tend to look at it last.00:29
xteejxHope you don't mind me jumping in here guys...but the amount of open new bugs from Hardy is ridiclous...thats where most of our stats are going, and a lot have been fixed in Intrepid, there are currently 1500+ but I believe the reality is somewhere around 750 judging by the amount of crap I've gone through of the oldies00:33
sectechI bet you could find some from gusty still too00:34
xteejxNot any more I've got rid of all of them00:34
sectechxteejx,  it is impossible for triagers and developers to get to them all00:34
xteejxWell chronologically anyway I'm going thru hardy at the mo00:34
sectechIt's awesome to have someone doing that, thank you :)00:35
xteejxsectech, of course it is, and i believe in us triagers and the devs etc, and i love ubuntu and the community, but without a handful of people checking on the old crunf our bug stats will always be wrong00:35
xteejxi mean there was about 50 n-p bugs open, not checked in debian or ubuntu just sitting there lol00:36
sectechxteejx, try triaging a bug that was created in 2006 from 2 versions before that is marked new lol00:36
xteejxthere isnt any ;)00:37
sectechthere might not be now lol00:37
xteejxearliest open new one now is bug 243833 - june 200800:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243833 in ubuntu "Sony PSP Read-Only File" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24383300:37
sectech........ seriously? June 2008?00:37
sectechhow the heck did we get that far caught up00:38
xteejxhehehe moi00:38
sectechare you just closing them?00:38
xteejxnope am following procedure00:38
xteejxtold you to approve my bug control application :P lol00:38
sectechOh that was you that I saw that from...00:38
xteejxyeah probs lol00:39
bdmurrayxteejx: it'd be good to ask them which release they noticed bug 243833 in00:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 243833 in ubuntu "Sony PSP Read-Only File" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24383300:42
bdmurrayIf people don't indicate the release that information would be useful00:44
xteejxcan someone change the following to wishlist for me please? bug 228373, bug 231128 and bug 183933 thank you :)00:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228373 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Lure of The Temptress" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22837300:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 231128 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] btnx-config" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23112800:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 183933 in php5 "[needs-packaging] php-Fileinfo package" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18393300:44
xteejxbdmurray: I understand - I forgot lol00:44
xteejxhuh? forget the above sorry its late00:45
xteejxright im off to bed guys its 12:45am!! see you all tomorrow and thanks for the help :)00:46
xteejxbdmurray, sectech: thanks again guys, goodnight :)00:47
sectechhave a good night xteejx00:47
xteejxsee ya00:47
alexserverhey there03:54
alexservermy laptop doesnt recognize dma mode for my dvd03:55
alexserveri have troubles on enabling dma for my dvd player03:55
tcoleis the device name like /dev/hda or like /dev/sda04:06
tcoleoh, he left04:06
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
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=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
thekorngood morning bugsquad07:48
xteejxMorning thekorn, and evryone else :)#07:53
thekornhi xteejx07:55
xteejxwhy the hell am i awake at 8am07:58
BUGabundo_workI don't know xteejx... I guess I do it, because I want to get paid ?08:03
xteejxlol you work for canonical though right? I don't :)08:05
BUGabundo_workfor me FOSS is my hobby08:06
BUGabundo_workI spend most of my free (and some of my paid time) advocating it08:07
xteejxI just couldn't sleep....anyway update: 6 old bugs marked fix released so far working on the rest reverse chrono order New status08:07
xteejxkool :)08:07
BUGabundo_workfeel free to go around mine08:08
BUGabundo_workmaybe I missed updating some08:08
xteejxyou doing the same bugabundo? :)08:09
* xteejx is confused08:09
BUGabundo_worktoday I just want to get my webcam working again08:09
BUGabundo_workwith the new kernel08:09
xteejxis that the jaunty kernel?08:09
* BUGabundo_work gets webcam to work WOOT08:10
BUGabundo_workyep, it its08:10
xteejxgo bugabundo :)08:10
BUGabundo_worklive stream, thanks to webcam-server !08:11
BUGabundo_workI need to update https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21560408:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 215604 in cheese "Genesys Logic Webcam 05e3:0503 Not Working" [Undecided,In progress]08:11
BUGabundo_workah... I see I are accesing my webcam!08:11
BUGabundo_workis the picture good?08:11
xteejxwondered what the link was lol08:12
BUGabundo_worksure, the guy infront of it is ugky08:12
xteejxyeah its working fine :)08:12
BUGabundo_work3 guys there!08:12
BUGabundo_workit seems that not everyone here is asleep08:12
xteejxthey like to pretend they're asleep ;)08:12
BUGabundo_workwho else here is accessing my webcam?08:12
thekornme, by accident ;)08:13
BUGabundo_workif you accuse your self , I *may* get a pretty lady to come up08:13
BUGabundo_workahhhh.... lol08:13
thekornwell, wanted to klick the bug link08:13
BUGabundo_worknever heard that before!08:14
xteejxthere was a good 2 lines between them :P08:14
thekornand finally saw your face08:14
xteejxomg i love the community its funny sometimes - not all boring hard labour :D08:15
BUGabundo_workthekorn: instead my face, see hers http://www.youtube.com/swf/l.swf?video_id=nZqGYsh0lVg08:16
BUGabundo_workbest VIDEO ever!08:16
BUGabundo_worka prize to who gets the point of the video, 1st08:16
xteejxwobbling tits08:16
BUGabundo_workI wonder if thekorn saw it!08:35
thekornyes, I saw it, and all people sitting behind me in the lecture hall ;)08:37
BUGabundo_workeheheehheheeheheheeheh ahahahahaahah08:38
BUGabundo_workdid they "get" it?08:38
thekornwell, not all, some are sleeping08:38
thekornI think so08:38
thekornanyway, have to follow this lecture now08:39
=== wgrant_ is now known as wgrant
* BUGabundo_work really hopes bug 304705 gets fixed!08:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304705 in kdepim "/tmp/ksocket-bugabundo/ has wrong permissions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30470508:39
BUGabundo_worksome triagers are just bad....08:39
xteejxlol just read that report, thought it was common knowledge gnome runs kde apps08:41
BUGabundo_workjust one bugmail tonight? things are getting quieter! lol08:41
xteejxobviously not08:41
BUGabundo_workyeah, my though exactly08:41
BUGabundo_workI guess some people still want to separate the waters!08:41
BUGabundo_workits going to be fun to watch Akademy next year!08:41
xteejxwhats that?08:41
BUGabundo_workhundrends of KDE and GNOME devs together! lol08:42
BUGabundo_workI hope some one films it....08:42
xteejxi can imagine the bitching lol08:42
BUGabundo_workeither we get the BIGGEST geek war ever, or the best DESKTOP UI08:42
xteejxI'm betting on the 1st :D08:43
BUGabundo_workits going to be worse then FOSS advocates vs MSFT Trolls08:43
xteejxi hate inciting violence but a linux user really should decapitate bill gates08:43
xteejxhow long has unix been going in comparison to DOS, Os2, BSD, apple, etc?08:45
BUGabundo_workhumm the all time up until now?08:46
xteejxyeah i mean is it older or newer?08:46
BUGabundo_workI still get people telling me they are afraid to try it, because "it looks like DOS"08:46
BUGabundo_workbut those users never, ever, even used DOS...08:47
xteejxyeah i get that08:47
BUGabundo_workthen again, I sometimes get the totally oposite08:47
xteejxno i n oticed that, the earliest was windows 95 or 3.1, but never actually used dos08:47
BUGabundo_worklast week a 24 yo girl here at the office, that barely know Computers from an user POV08:47
BUGabundo_worktook home one my Ubuntu CDs (8.10), and the nex morning told me how fun it was to install it, and play a few games!!!08:48
xteejx!! bloody hell08:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bloody hell08:48
xteejxoops lol08:48
BUGabundo_workI asked her if she was just using the LiveCD, but no.. she says she is took the CD and has the boot choice!!!!08:49
BUGabundo_workif a basic user can do this.... I guess ANYONE can!08:49
xteejxits not at all hard to install, the only thing i found finicky was the partitioner, but was easily solved08:50
BUGabundo_workthe AUTO does much of the job for new users08:51
BUGabundo_workand WUBI doesn't even need to make partitions08:51
* BUGabundo_work wonders what's the current state of WUBI... does it support hibernation now?08:51
xteejxv true but eurgh ubuntu on ntfs.....poor ubuntu08:51
BUGabundo_workthat option that makes the LiveCD restart the PC to boot from CDROM is nice...08:52
BUGabundo_workdidn't know it got implemented on ibex!08:52
xteejxhavent seen that08:52
BUGabundo_workI came across it by accident!08:53
BUGabundo_workread about it on some mail, but didn't know it got in...08:53
BUGabundo_workI inserted my LiveUSB and it showed me the option to reboot from CD...08:54
BUGabundo_worknow that I think of it, I should file a bug08:54
xteejxanyways i need to get myself some breakfast ill talk to ya later :)08:54
xteejxlmfao hahaha08:54
BUGabundo_workUSB != CD08:54
BUGabundo_workwhois sugree09:17
xteejxwho is bascule? ref bug 247327, wan't subscirbed to the bug, left as New, not Incomplete, and didnt invalidate09:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 247327 in ubuntu "System crashes when rectangular selecting on desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24732709:26
=== _jason is now known as jrib
markvandenborrehi, I'm trying to restore an evolution backup on Ubuntu 8.04, and it fails partially12:03
markvandenborreI had a lot of local address books, but I can't see them anymore12:03
markvandenborreafter restoring12:04
markvandenborre(in the gui)12:04
markvandenborrethey're still present as addressbook.db files in their original places12:04
markvandenborrethe only one that is still visible in the gui is one address book12:05
markvandenborre(don't know if it has anything to do with it, but that one is in Berkely db v8)12:06
markvandenborrea newly created address book is BDB v912:06
markvandenborrebut all the old ones are v812:06
markvandenborreso I think I might have bumped into an LTS bug12:10
markvandenborreany suggestions on where to create the bug report?12:10
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hyperairwhen a bug exists on hardy, but is fixed in intrepid (new upstream version) is it considered as "fix released"?13:05
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=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
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ziroday`Hi, what more info is needed for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/116752 to be marked as triage?14:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 116752 in linux-source-2.6.20 "Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason a0 on CPU 0" [Undecided,Won't fix]14:45
hyperairwhat's "Uhhuh" doing in the title?14:46
ziroday`hyperair: thats the error message from syslog14:46
hyperairgood gried. seriously?14:46
macohyperair: what would be more fun is an error message that included "good grief" :)14:47
ziroday`Basically it says that, tells me that there is a hardware error, and then says its "Dazed and Confused" and freezes up14:47
hyperairmaco: agreed14:47
ziroday`so any ideas of what else needs to be included or who to talk to?14:48
macohyperair: i make it a point to have amusing error messages in some homework assignments.  i had a php shopping cart that called the user "greedy as a vogon" if they tried to order more than were in stock :P14:48
macooh, it was douglas adams themed14:49
macobut anyway...14:49
hyperairheh. that didn't make sense to me, but i'll keep that in mind =p14:50
Tomay I downloaded UBUNTU 8.10 DVD & burned it & when booting from the dvd an error message: as below15:35
Tomay [xxx.xxxxxx] Buffer I/0 error on device sr0, logical block xxxxxx15:35
Tomay Help me PLEASE :(15:35
BUGabundo_workTomay: please ask on #ubuntu15:36
hacktickBUGabundo_work: It seems that your specialised in directing helpless people to the right channels :)15:47
BUGabundo_workbeen there too15:52
BUGabundo_workhacktick: but do you think this is a bad thing?15:55
=== Richie is now known as WelshDragon
hacktickBUGabundo_work: of course not16:06
BUGabundo_workfor a moment I though you were being ironic16:06
BUGabundo_workand everyone know I can't get sarcasm (much less via chat)16:07
xteejxguys this is a stupid question, but is there any way to slow down the clock by say 50% on Ubuntu, its to cheat a game on Facebook17:05
BUGabundo_workwell anything is possible on Linux17:06
BUGabundo_workyou just have to code it, if it still doesn't exist17:06
xteejxMe? Code? hahaha17:07
xteejxI barely know where the letter C comes from!17:07
hacktickxteejx: you just have to find a crystal on your motherboard and replace it :)17:08
xteejxhacktick: I know its like quartz set by the RTC on the mobo, but in Windoze there is a prank "virus"  that slows the rtc by 10% every 5 mins17:09
xteejxso its possible software-based17:10
BUGabundo_workhumm i guess it just re-sets the time17:10
BUGabundo_workyou can make a script that takes 30 secs to the date/time every 2 mins too17:10
xteejxor -1 second every 5 secs, that would be ideal lol17:11
xteejxshame life aint like that....24.....gettin older quickly lol17:11
sreeHi all. I just joined this team17:13
sreeIs the CD tray auto close problem fixed in Intrepid ?17:14
sreeokay. good17:16
sreeI'm experiencing a video rendering bug with the intel driver and I reported at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30505417:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 305054 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[945G] Problems in Video Rendering" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:18
sreeanyone has got the same issue ?17:19
xteejxsree: I'm 80% sure that's already been reported, I remember coming across it last week17:49
xteejxwoohoo, quite a lot of problems seem to have been fixed in Intrepid, a lot of the old "New" bugs are going straight to Fix Released :)18:01
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stumpyWhere do ask for a bug fix to backported to the LTS version of ubuntu?18:26
Pici!backports | check the link18:26
ubottucheck the link: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:26
bdmurrayxteejx: How is bug 303625 not a bug?18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303625 in ubuntu "Themed Greeter can not set to "Random from selected" in Ubuntu 8.10" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30362518:28
stumpyI think bug 239431 need to be fixed in "Updates" for ubuntu 8.04 and it's a low-risk fix.18:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239431 in vlc "won't play files with a plus sign ("+") in it" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23943118:30
xteejxbdmurray: Hi sorry yeah I'm here18:41
xteejxbdmurray: I thought the pic http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20068937/Themed%20Greeter%20warning.png was pretty self explanatory18:41
BUGabundocan some one take a look at bug 270822?18:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270822 in syslinux "please upgrade syslinux from debian to 3.71" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27082218:41
BUGabundoit would help solve bug 27790318:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277903 in usb-creator "Missing Operating System [message at boot]" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27790318:42
BUGabundoany reason why syslinux aint upgraded by the auto sync from debian?18:42
chrisccoulsonbecause its got local ubuntu changes18:43
chrisccoulsonit needs a merge18:43
chrisccoulsonpackages that have a delta with debian don't get sync-d automatically18:43
bdmurrayxteejx: the last part says "then if I try to select any theme, the Login Screen Setup window just crash and disappear"18:43
xteejxbdmurray: Oops :(18:45
xteejxhave reset it18:45
BUGabundoI guess its colin who handles that package18:45
chrisccoulsonit could be handled by anyone who wants to do it;)18:46
bdmurrayxteejx: good next steps for that bug would be determining the package, finding out what version the person has the bug with and with what locale / language18:48
BUGabundobdmurray: that's why I always use apport or bug-buddy to report bugs... it should send all info18:49
BUGabundobut they are disable on stable releases!18:49
BUGabundoI don't know why...18:49
BUGabundosure, you might not need to have apport capturing crashs18:49
bdmurrayapport-bug or ubuntu-bug are not disabled on stable releases it is just crash reports18:49
chrisccoulsonit's only the part of apport that catches the crashes which is disabled isn't it?18:49
BUGabundobut it should still be able to collect data when invoked from the console18:49
bdmurraychrisccoulson: that's correct18:49
chrisccoulsonbdmurray - you beat me to it;)18:49
bdmurrayBUGabundo: it can18:50
BUGabundoI asked a user to use it18:50
BUGabundoand he replied back with a message18:50
BUGabundosaying that it was disabled!18:50
chrisccoulsonall that happens when apport is disabled is that the kernel doesn't pipe the core dumps in to apport. nothing else is disabled18:50
BUGabundothat's why I said that18:50
bdmurrayBUGabundo: I'd like to hear specifics of the command etc...18:51
BUGabundome too...18:51
BUGabundotwo weeks ago18:51
BUGabundoanother PC18:51
BUGabundodon't have the IRC logs with me!18:51
bdmurraywas it in a public irc channel?18:51
BUGabundodon't even remember the user nicks so I could ask....18:51
BUGabundoor was it #ubuntu on irc.ptnet.org??18:51
BUGabundoI'm too many channels to track it down18:52
BUGabundolet me see if I can find some one on a stable release18:52
bdmurrayDo you recall what command you would have recommended?18:52
BUGabundolet me run it on my system18:53
BUGabundoapport-cli -f -p PACKAGE18:54
bdmurraythat's correct and works on Hardy18:55
BUGabundoI wonder why the user didn't manage to get it work?18:55
BUGabundoanother user just tested and worked as expect18:56
BUGabundowell now I know!18:56
BUGabundoare FF3.1 bugs reported on LP for jaunty?19:10
BUGabundoor mozilla team ML?19:11
BUGabundoyou are faster them me andersk19:11
=== jsamuel is now known as OSWExplorer
OSWExplorerhi, I want to know some initial links to work with ubuntu bugs19:46
bdmurrayOSWExplorer: What kind of work are you looking to do?19:50
OSWExploreri want to start with some simple bugs19:50
OSWExplorerin ubuntu19:50
ubottuA list of bugs that are considered easy to fix and good for beginners to attempt can be found at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize19:51
bdmurrayOSWExplorer: with fixing bugs or triaging bugs?19:51
jsamuelfixing bugs19:51
=== jsamuel is now known as OSWExplorer
OSWExplorerI am a newbie here, but want to look at some simple bugs, thanks for the previos link, but m not able to figure out where to begin19:57
OSWExplorerCan anybody help me or point me to some documentation links19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bugsquad19:59
bdmurrayOSWExplorer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix might be of some help20:04
jmarsden|workhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad/GettingInvolved and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage too20:05
OSWExplorer<bdmurray> Thanks for that link20:06
OSWExplorer<bdmurray> thanks20:06
chrisccoulsonping james_w - i just noticed you were the reporter of bug 238799. someone else experiencing it posted some info which suggests there's no bug in policykit. i just wondered if you can recreate it? if so, how do you recreate it, as I can't seem to do it?21:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 238799 in policykit "policykit not available over Vnc sessions" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23879921:16
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james_wchrisccoulson: hey. I believe I reported that as I was splitting up a bug where many people were reporting similar issues22:03
chrisccoulsoni just had another response on it22:03
chrisccoulsonits not actually a bug22:04
james_wchrisccoulson: so I've never tried to reproduced, but yes, it's more of a dbus problem I think22:04
chrisccoulsonthe way they set up the VNC server means their session is not on a local console, so PK won't grant them authorizations22:04
chrisccoulsonso it's a configuration issue. if you change the PK settings to grant to anyone, then it works ok22:04
chrisccoulsoni think, anyway. i'm just about to test it. i can recreate the same behaviour over SSH too22:05
bdmurrayogasawara: I got a commenter on bug 213600 to sumbit a new bug since it was very incomplete.  Sould I make that a duplicate of the new one?22:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 213600 in linux "HP Pavilion HDX 9050 EG - no TV tuner detected" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21360022:06
ogasawarabdmurray: yah, just dup it22:07
mbufis it recommended to use an Ubuntu distro for submitting patches, fixes, or is it ok to run it on an emulator?22:07
chrisccoulsonmbuf - could you elaborate?22:07
mbufchrisccoulson, is it ok to use a different distro for host OS, when working on Ubuntu bugs, which are run on an emulator?22:09
chrisccoulsonit depends what work you're doing. if you're testing patches, they should be built on the distro that they're targetted at (whether that be in a chroot or whatever). you're probably better off directing that sort of question in #ubuntu-motu22:10
james_wchrisccoulson: thanks for looking at it, I think you are totally right22:10
chrisccoulsonjames_w - i think that might be the case. it might close a few other bugs too because i'm sure i've seen various bugs before about PK not working over network connections22:11
* joumetal wonders if anything could be done to bug 5916022:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 59160 in malone "Tags box and search results differ in their bug counts" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5916022:13
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, that's a launchpad bug though22:13
james_wchrisccoulson: people who use LTSP run in to this, and fixing it for that would be good. That might be a fix somewhere in LTSP though22:14
chrisccoulsonpossibly. i'm not too familiar with LTSP though22:14
bdmurrayjoumetal: there's a greasemonkey script that resolves the list of tags being too long22:14
mbufunder Filters in bugs list, what is the difference between an "Open", "Unassigned", and a "New" bug?22:32
bdmurrayOpen includes bug statuses like New, Incomplete, Confirmed, Triaged, In Progress and Fix Committed22:37
bdmurrayNew is just New22:37
bdmurrayAnd unassigned is any bugs that are open and not assigned to someone22:37
mbufbdmurray, thanks22:39
bdmurrayno problem22:39
* Hobbsee waves23:55
LimCorenvidia seems to be epically unstable on VT switches.  Several switches vt7<->vt1 (gfx<->text)  or vt7<->vy8 (gfx<->gfx) ALWAYS gives crash (hard freeze) (or glitches23:56
Hobbseenv, or binary drivers?23:56
LimCorerecently I learned this problem is very wide spread23:56
Hobbseewell, go talk to nvidia then.23:56
LimCoresame is for intel.23:56
LimCorealthough intel is limited to showing glitches after few switches, instead of freez23:57
* Hobbsee can't reproduce that, incidently.23:57
LimCorenot many people use switching at all, but if you ask you should learn it is common23:58
LimCorethis problem exists for year(s) on nvidia, and recently on intel from my own experience23:58
LimCorecan we work around it23:58
Hobbseeno idea.23:58
Hobbseeask bryce, but i doubt he's around, or will be for the next week23:58
Hobbseeand check for bugs23:58
LimCorebtw, sox seems to not work almost at all23:59
LimCorelike, reading raw format23:59
* Hobbsee thought we had a bugtracker for a reason.23:59
LimCoreand accidentially audacity crashes like crazy - which leaves us without any sound editing usable tools23:59

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