
AdolaCan someone PLEASE help meh?03:15
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kes0Halå varför banna mig i ubuntu-se ?05:38
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polatovi am sorry10:12
bazhangpolatov, #ubuntu-women ???10:12
Myrttiwhat are you up to again?10:12
bazhangno but10:12
bazhangyou were warned not to go there10:13
polatovdo you spek russian?10:13
polatovcan i speak on russian?10:13
polatovя не призывал чтобы все шли туда10:13
polatovя сказал что ubuntu становится mainstream10:14
polatovNastya сказала, что mainstream это когда женщины будут пользоваться ubuntu10:14
polatov ясказал что уже есть канал ubuntu-women10:14
polatov я сказал что уже есть канал ubuntu-women10:14
polatovit is all10:15
bazhangВы были предупреждены, не идти туда10:15
polatovbazhang, я не ходил туда!10:15
polatovпосмотрите logs10:15
Myrttiwe have a web page you know10:15
Myrttiyou need not to mention the channel10:15
bazhangpolatov, I can read russian.10:15
polatovMyrtti, look logs please10:16
Myrttipolatov: [12:14] < polatov>  я сказал что уже есть канал ubuntu-women10:16
polatovbazhang, я не ходил на этот канал, был там только один раз10:16
Myrttiyou don't need to mention the #ubuntu-women channel10:16
Myrttiwe have webpages10:16
bazhangpolatov, dont go there, dont talk about others going there.10:17
polatovbazhang, ok10:17
polatovbut why i can not speak about this channel?10:17
bazhangне туда10:17
polatovwhat is "mention"?10:18
elkbuntupolatov, i think Myrtti want you to go read website, rather than talk about bad things in irc10:18
bazhangне собираюсь говорить о там10:18
bazhangif you do, that is +b10:18
polatovя не говорил bads things!10:18
polatovя не говорил bad things!10:19
bazhangне претендую. Вы плохие вещи перед10:19
polatovя говорил что linux становится очень популярным, и это очень плохо!10:19
polatovпользователь Nastya сказала, что он еще не такой популярный, потому что мало женщин его используют10:20
bazhangУ вас нет оснований ехать туда никогда.10:20
polatovbazhang, я не ходил туда!10:20
polatovя сказал пользователю Nastya что уже есть женский канал!10:20
polatovвы меня не понимаете! (((10:21
bazhangсексуальные домогательства никогда OK10:21
polatovyou don't understand me!10:21
bazhangI do.10:21
polatovbazhang, я не домогался сексуально!10:21
polatovпочему вы такое говорите?!10:21
polatovединственное за что вы меня можете to ban - только за flood10:22
bazhangВы думаете это смешно шутить.10:22
polatovi am flood - it is so10:22
polatovbazhang, я не шучу!10:22
polatovyou can not unban me?10:22
bazhangженщины там не думаю, что это забавно и приятно.10:23
polatovbazhang, когда меня предупредили, я не заходил на тот канал10:23
polatovразве это не так?!10:23
bazhangони ненавидят его.10:23
polatovbazhang, ответьте на мой вопрос пожалуйста10:24
polatovразве я заходил на женский канал второй раз?10:24
bazhangВы zloy и kukman думаю, что это смешно, чтобы перейти туда.10:25
polatovbazhang,  разве я заходил на женский канал второй раз?10:25
bazhangЭто не смешно. Не на всех.10:26
polatovbazhang, please10:26
bazhangKukMan находится рядом.10:26
polatovsay me10:26
bazhangzloy +b10:26
bazhangyou +b10:26
bazhangKukMan soon +b10:27
polatovi was on women channel second time?10:27
bazhangmau_ +b10:27
bazhangeveryone who goes there will be +b10:27
bazhangdont go there.10:28
polatovi don't want to be on that channel10:28
bazhangYOU have NO reason to go there, ever.10:28
polatovi dont say bad things about that channel10:28
bazhangdont talk about that channel10:28
Myrttipolatov: don't say about it at all10:28
Myrttipolatov: we have webpages10:29
polatovi saidbad things about all linux distro!!!!10:29
Myrttiif you are discussing about ubuntu and women, use that link10:29
bazhangне говорим о том, что канал10:29
polatovNastya ask me - why?10:29
polatovi said10:29
Myrttiyou don't need to say a thing about #ubuntu-women irc channel10:29
bazhangyou can private message her.10:30
polatov"because it is mainstream"10:30
bazhangсексуальные домогательства не OK10:30
polatovnastya said me10:30
bazhangговорят анекдоты о сексе не OK10:31
polatovmainstream will be if linux use women10:31
bazhangthat is +b10:31
elkbuntupolatov, saying bad things breaks code of conduct.10:31
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/10:31
bazhangpolatov, stop now.10:31
polatovi said we have women channel10:31
Myrttiyou don't need to say it10:32
polatovMyrtti, why? where is rules?10:32
polatovthat rule?!!10:32
bazhangне спорить об этом10:33
bazhang+b will be longer.10:33
polatovwhere is that rule where written about women-channel10:33
polatovbazhang, OK10:33
bazhangpolatov, stop.10:33
bazhangdont argue about this any more.10:33
polatovя не буду об этом спорить10:33
polatovя не буду говорить об этом канале даже своей маме10:34
Myrttipolatov: this not a rule10:34
Myrttipolatov: it's a polite request10:34
Myrttipolatov: please do not mention #ubuntu-women on any channels.10:34
polatovbut i think your ban it is not right10:34
Myrttipolatov: if someone wants to join the channel, they'll find it themself10:34
polatovMyrtti, what is "mention"?10:34
bazhangЭто особая ситуация, потому что от сексуальных домогательств10:34
polatovbazhang, я понял, я согласен. это правильно10:35
Myrttipolatov: упомянуть10:35
polatovbazhang, но прежде чем to ban me, вы должны были меня предупредить, чтобы я не говорил об этом канале10:35
polatovMyrtti, thank you10:36
Myrtti--> bbl10:36
polatovMyrtti, bbl?10:36
Myrttibe back later10:37
polatovand what about me?10:37
bazhangне возвращаться к этому каналу10:39
polatovbazhang, и не говорить, правильно?10:39
bazhangникогда туда10:39
polatovand dont talk about women-channel10:40
polatovno problem10:40
bazhangtell them DONT GO THERE10:40
bazhangor will be +b10:40
polatovbazhang, ok10:40
polatovbut you when you banned me10:41
polatovit was not right (10:41
polatovне было предупреждение10:41
polatovbazhang,  i am tell them DONT GO THERE10:41
bazhangВы понимаете полностью сейчас?10:41
polatovno problem10:41
polatovbazhang, yes10:42
polatovi am understand you10:42
bazhangне недоразумение?10:42
bazhangyou go there = +b10:42
bazhangпоследний шанс10:43
bazhangnext time is no -b10:43
polatovi am sorry, but i think10:44
polatovyour ban is not correctly10:44
polatovyour must to ПРЕДУПРЕДИТЬ me, then ban10:44
bazhangЯ даю вам последний шанс.10:45
polatovbazhang, я считаю вы не правы10:45
polatovвы говорите как Stalin10:45
bazhangПосле этого, постоянные10:46
bazhangnow is last chance.10:46
bazhangany more problems after now, is permanent.10:46
polatovbazhang, я обещаю не говорить об этом канале10:46
polatovне говорить плохо об этом канале, etc10:46
polatovя обещаю вести себя как good boy10:47
polatovно это не правильно "last chance"10:47
polatovэто нарушает мои права10:47
polatovнельзя так говорить10:47
bazhangyou are now able to /join10:48
polatovможно быть ВЕЖЛИВЫМ10:48
polatovthank you10:48
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[NikO]LjL, ping :)14:57
LjL[NikO]: pong15:42
[NikO]LjL, sorry for hl ...15:42
LjLkennethgt: i know who magicfab is. i'm just saying that typing "/whois magicfab" will show that he's online16:03
LjLtyping "/whois magicfab magicfab" will also show that he's currently active16:03
LjLand typing "/query magicfab" will let you send messages to him16:04
LjLno need to ask in #ubuntu whether someone has seen him16:04
kennethgtLjL, thanks16:04
kennethgtLjL, excuse the inconvenience16:05
LjLno problem16:05
MyrttiI feel so old and addicted to IRC16:07
bazhangEscsun, _kamaz_ was in #ubuntu-women today, after being told not to go there16:12
bazhangEscsun, he was warned that it would be +b if he did so16:13
Escsunbazhang, aaa ban kamaz ?16:13
Escsunbazhang, -> _kamaz_216:14
bazhangВы были предупреждены, не пойти на этот канал. _kamaz_216:14
bazhang _kamaz_ (n=faraonxg@ has joined #ubuntu-women16:15
bazhang<_kamaz_> Здравствуйте о прекрасная половина человечества!!!!16:15
bazhang<_kamaz_> эээ.......меня кто нибудь слышит?16:15
_kamaz_2этого нельзя было делать?16:16
Escsun_kamaz_2, он по англиски говорит16:16
bazhangпосле того, как я предупреждал вас не идти16:16
bazhangодна неделя + B16:17
_kamaz_2не помню чтобы меня ктото предупреждал, но если это было запрещено то извиняюсь16:17
bazhangвидеть вас на следующей неделе. мы можем говорить в то время.16:18
Escsunbazhang, но извенился так что прости ему ...16:18
bazhangEscsun, anyone enters that channel is +b16:19
_kamaz_2ребят, да что я плохого сделал??? я никого не оскорбил, не обидел16:19
Escsunbazhang, a ...16:19
bazhang_kamaz_2, видеть вас на следующей неделе16:20
_kamaz_2ну на первый раз то можно же простить16:20
A4Techhm.. And what I miss?16:23
bazhangA4Tech, _kamaz_2 and all the rest were warned not to go into #ubuntu-women and harass the users there.16:24
bazhangA4Tech, but he did so anyway.16:25
bazhangA4Tech, it is a one week ban.16:25
mau_<A4Tech Приветствую. Можете обьяснить, почему нельзя на тот канал заходить? Я не знаю, может принято во фринод-сети, что на русскоязычном канале оператор не говорит на русском, но не вижу взаимосвязи с заходом на один канал с вопросом "как дела?" и баном на д16:29
A4Techmau_ дело в том, что недавно был инцендент16:29
A4Techи теперь лучше туда не заходить :)16:30
Escsunmau_, тот канал для девушек (#ubuntu-women) ,а так как там строго тока девушки туда и не надо даже заходить16:30
mau_а не девушкам-ли решать, кому заходить, кому нет??16:30
mau_или в этой сети насратьт на общие правила ирк?16:31
A4Techmau_ объясни это бажангу16:31
Escsunmau_, в каждом канале есть свои правила16:31
mau_<Escsun> это ясно.16:31
mau_<A4Tech> вот как ему обьяснить, если он не говорит на русском?16:32
Escsunmau_, по англиски16:32
mau_и почему он оператор на русском канале?16:32
mau_<Escsun> а если я не знаю английского на таком уровне? как, впрочем, большинство канала #ubuntu-ru16:33
A4Techmau_ так16:33
A4Techтеперь слушай что я те говорю16:33
A4Techи не перебивай16:33
A4Tech1. это канал девушек16:33
A4Tech2. недавно туда заходили люди и спамили16:34
A4Tech3. некоторые получили бан на всем фриноде16:34
A4Tech4. туда часто шляются спамить16:34
A4Tech5. туда часто шляются спамить и не только туда именно блин с нашего канала16:34
A4Tech6. поэтому администрация фриноды сделаит на нашим каналом16:35
A4Tech7. не стоит спорить с ними16:35
JMS32повтори 6ой пункт...16:35
JMS32ок =)16:36
mau_понял, в чём виноват был я, когда схватил бан без предупреждения? Почему нет предупреждения в топиках обоих каналов??  Почему меня банит человек, который не разобрался в ситуации, но мотивирует это 'сэксуальным домогательством', хотя я, зайдя на канал, ни16:38
mau_ слова не написал и вышел?? Почему бан я не могу писать в канал, хотя бан снят, но * #ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel (с) ?16:38
A4Techбан на убунту ру не снят)16:38
mau_<bazhang> you can /join #ubuntu-ru16:39
mau_<bazhang> you are -b now16:39
mau_<mau_> спасибо16:39
mau_из лога16:39
A4Techбан - не снят16:40
mau_а как обьяснить лог тогда??16:40
A4Techbazhang, you not unban mau_16:40
bazhangA4Tech, yes I did16:40
bazhangA4Tech, he is in there now.16:41
A4Techbazhang why is it I said that you removed?16:41
bazhangA4Tech, he did not know the situation.16:41
bazhangA4Tech, so it was my error.16:41
bazhangA4Tech, he did not spam there.16:42
mau_ладно, разбирайтесь сами..16:42
bazhang<dmay> question is we want create channel 'ubuntu-blackjack-and-hookers16:43
A4Techbandzai_, Let us agree with you that in such cases will call me rather than the court itself16:43
A4Techstill it is Russian channel16:44
A4Techoh... sorry16:44
A4Techbazhang ^16:44
bazhangA4Tech, call you? you were not around.16:44
A4TechI did not have the channel?16:45
bazhangyou were not in the channel at that time, no.16:45
bazhangthere were NO operators in that channel except me.16:45
bazhanggoing into -women and spamming/making sex jokes is NEVER ok.16:46
bazhangand the users in -ru need to understand this clearly.16:46
bazhangсексуальные домогательства никогда OK16:48
A4TechWell then for the future, the first thing to call me or anyone out of the operators of the channel, we do explain that they do. I think your task in the event of a conflict ban them on the channel where they behave badly, and then tell us16:48
A4Techbazhang I understand you16:48
bazhangI am not an operator in -women16:48
bazhangI am in -ru16:48
bazhangthey have been told several times not to do that.16:49
A4TechThen call gary16:49
bazhangzloy, and KuKman think it is a funny joke still.16:50
bazhangand that they did nothing wrong.16:50
A4TechYes, they understand16:50
bazhangpolatov has agreed not to return, and understands what he did is wrong.16:50
bazhangthey are still talking like it is a funny joke.16:50
A4Techbut not on our same channel16:51
A4Techto solve problems where they are16:51
LjLno, using an #ubuntu* channel for harassing another channel is not acceptable. the operators of that channel must make that very clear.16:51
A4Techunderstand, I do not like the operator of all channels16:53
bazhangA4Tech, the problems are from -ru; they have not been taken care of there.16:53
bazhangit happened again TODAY.16:53
LjLэто не приемлемо для использования Ubuntu канал преследовать другого канала. Это является обязанностью операторов, чтобы остановить, что поведение, когда они заметили.16:53
bazhangafter repeated warnings.16:54
A4Techjust if people on our channel behaves correctly, I do not see the logic block it wherever we can16:55
LjLif people on your channel talk about trolling another channel, that must be stopped.16:55
A4Techstop it where it violates rules16:56
bazhangin -ru16:56
bazhangthat is where it violates rules.16:56
A4TechI prevent breaches on the canal ubuntu-ru16:56
bazhangplanning on attacking another channel comes from -ru16:56
LjL"let's go troll another channel"16:56
LjLviolates rules.16:57
bazhangA4Tech, planning in -ru is a breach in -ru16:57
A4Techbazhang I have these people immediately blocked16:57
A4Techwhere you have the information that the zone ru in the entire blame?16:58
A4Techyou translate what people write?16:58
bazhangA4Tech, why did those users go into -women and make those comments? and then joke about it as it was happening and afterwards?16:59
A4TechI myself went out there for one name17:00
bazhangKukMan changing his name to KukWoman as he was asking to be unbanned?17:00
A4TechGirls and linux strange things:)17:00
bazhangits not funny.17:00
A4TechI am not talking about kukman17:01
bazhang<A4Tech> Girls and linux strange things:) <--not funny17:01
A4Techpersonally for me strange that girls are attracted to linux17:02
A4Techand for the sake of interest, too, have talked with them17:03
Myrttipersonally for me strange that little boys are attracted to linux17:03
Myrttilittle boys obviously, since they don't know how to behave17:03
A4TechMyrtti I am for them not to answer17:03
bazhangright. which I need to take action there.17:04
Myrttino really, we should all be using Windows17:05
MyrttiLinux is this marginal thing that strange people use17:05
Myrttiit's really ridiculous17:05
MyrttiWhat does Linux have that Windows doesn't?17:05
Myrttior Macs for that matter!17:06
A4TechMyrtti I ubuntu in 1000 times better windows17:06
MyrttiA4Tech: feel free to see the light why women are attracted to Linux17:07
A4TechWell, yes, it was good. but for me personally is a great rarity17:08
Myrttilet me put it this way. There's some very precious flowers, that are protected, their place of growth is held as a secret by authorities so nobody goes to gawk at the plant, tear it from the roots, stomp the surroundings and kill the plant17:09
Myrttibeautiful orchids, deep inside rainforests.17:09
A4TechI hope me something to interest you can go to the channel? certainly not start talking about acquaintance, etc. =)17:10
Myrttiif the plant is left alone, it has a chance to grow, to pollinate, to spread17:10
A4TechMyrtti oO17:11
Myrttithose who are genuinely intrested, will find their way in, learn about the plant first from books, webpages etc17:11
Myrttiand not go poking in, shouting, jumping, breaking the rules17:11
MyrttiI'm not saying it's forbidden to go look, to talk, to help the plant grow and spread17:12
Myrttibut it has to be done carefully.17:12
MyrttiSadly, doing it the right way seems to be really really difficult for most17:13
A4TechYou speaker? =)17:13
A4Techyou have a question, as if reading from a sheet =)17:14
A4Techfu*ng translate.google.ru =)17:15
Myrttino, it's not a speech, I'm just trying to explain it to you as simply as I can17:16
A4Techyou get =)17:16
A4TechIf you are using simpler words in his conversation17:17
A4Techit would be easier to talk:)17:17
MyrttiA4Tech: if you don't know how to speak English, you have no business in #ubuntu-women anyway.17:18
MyrttiA4Tech: it's an English-speaking channel17:18
MyrttiA4Tech: the people there don't want to be treated like animals in a zoo.17:18
A4Techwhat in English is itself17:19
^A^kiraMyrtti: excuse me for interruption but... u treat animals in a zoo? Doesn't it mean to do that? O.o17:20
Myrtti^A^kira: zoo's aren't actually meant to be places for animal exhibition17:21
Myrtti^A^kira: they're ment to preserve animal species17:21
Myrttiatleast nowadays17:21
Myrtti^A^kira: treated like animals in a zoo = people come to eat peanuts, point at finger, look at gaged animals17:22
^A^kirahuh, thats not treating... thats only a show for a ppl17:22
A4Techthis is all for education first and foremost17:22
bazhang^A^kira, are you an operator in ubuntu-ru?17:23
MyrttiPici: thanks, my mom is just calling17:23
MyrttiPici: she has gotten a CAT...17:23
^A^kirabazhang: no, im just curious cuz i worried about what happens in thats channel17:23
PiciMyrtti: Guess she can't babysit the cavys anymore then, right?17:23
^A^kirain ubuntu-ru i mean17:24
MyrttiPici: they're in their cage anyway17:24
bazhangit seems all of -ru is joining here17:25
^A^kiranot all, only who knows english and care about th channel17:25
JMS32Right =)17:25
bazhangсексуальные домогательства никогда OK17:26
^A^kirabazhang: huh?17:26
A4Techbazhang curiosity =)17:26
JMS32ты о чем?17:26
bazhangusers in -ru17:26
^A^kirawhat exactly do u mean when u say "sexual harassment is never good"17:28
bazhangthat is what users from -ru were doing.17:28
A4Tech^A^kira до бап наши добрались)17:29
^A^kiraA4Tech: до их бап? О,о17:29
A4Tech^A^kira да, до америкосских17:29
A4Tech^A^kira знакомства секс и т.д.17:29
A4Tech^A^kira куча народу забанено уже из за этого17:30
^A^kirabazhang: you know, here is the difference between russian and american mentality (and european)17:30
bazhangdoes not matter.17:30
^A^kirathe stuff u call "sexual harassment" for us it's not more than a small talk17:30
bazhangand that is the problem.17:30
Myrttiit's not a place for small talk!17:31
^A^kiraofcourse im not speaking about "hey babe lets fu&k"... thats kind of ppl not pleased nevermatter where17:31
bazhangthis is NOT about free speech17:31
Myrtti1) if you don't know English, don't go there17:31
A4Techbazhang it is simply because we perceive you to another17:31
PiciDifferent cultures have different expectations, and all of us need to be aware of that.17:31
Myrtti2) if you don't have anything productive to say there, don't go there17:31
^A^kiraPici: u right17:32
bazhangdont make those jokes there.17:32
bazhangits not funny.17:32
JMS32Нашли повод ругаться, блин...17:32
JMS32Вот и я о том же.17:33
^A^kirawell... my opinion - we should be polite to each other17:33
JMS32Yes, you are absolutly right.17:33
^A^kiranot to kick/ban every1 just for what they say17:33
^A^kiraexplain ONCE17:33
^A^kirano need for more17:34
bazhangand that means dont go in there and make that kind of 'small talk'17:34
^A^kiraand if it doesn't help - kill it17:34
^A^kiraerr... i mean kick him :)17:34
bazhangit has been explained several times.17:34
^A^kirabazhang: good for me, i'll pass it for -ru channel17:34
bazhangand immediately after the last time, someone went in there and did just that.17:34
Myrttiit's not a place for small talk. It's a place for making more women to use and to develop Ubuntu17:35
Myrttiand helping them in that17:35
Myrttiby women17:35
Myrttifor women17:35
bazhangand not a place to harass the users.17:35
bazhangand please dont say that you consider that small talk.17:35
bazhangTHEY DONT17:35
Myrttihey, there's a thought17:36
^A^kirawell i didn't see the logs17:36
^A^kirai just heard stuff from our ppl17:36
Myrttiit's not about the cultural difference of what Russians expect the discussion in IRC to be17:36
Myrttiit's about what the people in the channel in question expect it to be17:36
Myrttiif they say they don't want it there, then they don't.17:36
Myrttiit's not a matter of discussion.17:37
^A^kirawell... u know if u want to make the channel more organized and prevent "harass" u can make it moderated and deVoice the ones who interupts.... but anywhay it's not right to kill line to users17:38
^A^kiraor kick/ban17:38
bazhangthat was for repeated ban evading17:38
LjLthey will kick/ban, don't worry.17:39
^A^kiraim not17:39
LjLon the #ubuntu-ru side, however, #ubuntu-ru as a whole should NOT encourage, suggest, endorse or just keep talking about messing with another channel.17:39
MyrttiANY channel17:39
^A^kiraand zloy its another story... have nothing to tell for his defence17:39
bazhanghe was k-lined17:40
bazhangand that was freenode decision.17:40
^A^kirabazhang: i heard that not only he was17:40
bazhangwho else17:40
^A^kirathat's what im trying to understand now17:40
^A^kira.... you killed lined of KukMan too? o.o17:41
bazhangnot me.17:41
^A^kirawhy? what have he done?17:41
bazhangand I dont know if he was k-lined or not17:41
LjL"we" don't k-line anybody.17:41
LjLfreenode does.17:41
^A^kirawell freenode it's not AI u know17:42
LjLwe aren't freenode.17:42
LjLwe are the ubuntu irc team.17:42
bazhangkukman was part of the original group17:42
^A^kirai know17:42
^A^kirawell i'll speak with -ru OPs bout' that17:42
bazhangthey know17:42
^A^kirawell, ill do it again :)17:43
^A^kiranow plz excuse me, i've got to go17:43
^A^kirait was nice to talk to you, we'll try to do the best17:43
mau_так....бан не сняли18:42
Escsunmau_, думаешь снимут спрашуй на скока срок18:42
mau_я не понял, за чё18:43
mau_да и вот полный лог18:44
mau_<bazhang> #ubuntu-women18:44
mau_<bazhang> y?18:44
mau_<mau_> 718:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<mau_> *?18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<mau_> я не понял, что ты этим имел ввиду18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<bazhang> Вы были предупреждены, не идти туда18:44
mau_<mau_> ээ...ну я воспринял как шутку. на сколько бан?18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<mau_> я дождусь ответа на вопрос?18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<bazhang> Это особая ситуация, потому что от сексуальных домогательств18:44
mau_<mau_> если Настя предьявит претензию, то согласен на бан.18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<bazhang> не возвращаться к этому каналу18:44
mau_<mau_> ок18:44
Escsunблин ты мог не сюда(18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_<bazhang> KukMan, polatov, zloy18:44
mau_<bazhang> +b18:44
mau_<bazhang> you can /join #ubuntu-ru18:44
mau_<bazhang> you are -b now18:44
mau_<mau_> спасибо18:44
mau_* [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:44
mau_ 18:44
mau_* Загружен протокол от Fri Dec  5 15:38:38 200818:44
mau_ мм18:44
mau_прошу обратить внимание на это : <mau_> <bazhang> Это особая ситуация, потому что от сексуальных домогательств18:45
mau_<mau_> <mau_> если Настя предьявит претензию, то согласен на бан.18:45
mau_<mau_> * [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:45
mau_<mau_> <bazhang> не возвращаться к этому каналу18:45
mau_<mau_> <mau_> ок18:45
mau_<mau_> * [bazhang] недоступен (I'm busy)18:45
mau_<mau_> <bazhang> KukMan, polatov, zloy18:45
mau_<mau_> <bazhang> +b18:45
mau_<mau_> <bazhang> you can /join #ubuntu-ru18:45
mau_<Escsun> да, я знаю, что такое пестебин)18:45
Escsunты знаешь скока на флудил здесь?18:46
LjLwhat the18:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:46
mau_<Myrtti> it's not about the cultural difference of what Russians expect the discussion in IRC to be18:47
mau_<Myrtti> 1) if you don't know English, don't go there18:47
MyrttiLOL WHAT?18:47
Myrttiwhy are you pasting that here?18:48
Picimau_: The Ubuntu channels have rules, don't expect free speech everywhere.18:48
mau_<Myrtti> its not a   english net18:48
Myrttimau_: #ubuntu-women is English only channel18:49
PiciJust like #ubuntu is an english only channel.18:49
mau_<Pici> those topic must worning users18:50
mau_<Pici> what about #ubuntu-ru??18:50
Picimau_: *I* know thats a russian channel because of the country code.18:51
Myrtti[20:51] [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-women] Welcome to Ubuntu  Women. Please read our guidelines for use of this channel:  http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines18:51
MyrttiEnglish, please18:52
Myrtti    *18:52
Myrtti      #ubuntu-women is an English language channel. If you speak in another language in #ubuntu-women, you will be redirected to the appropriate Ubuntu channels in other languages.18:52
Pici"#ubuntu-women is an English language channel. If you speak in another language in #ubuntu-women, you will be redirected to the appropriate Ubuntu channels in other languages. "18:52
PiciThat too18:52
Myrttithat's what the chanserv gives when you join the channel18:52
Pici#ubuntu has a similar message in their topic and guidelines.18:52
mau_<Pici> why i had been baned on #ubuntu-ru?18:52
mau_#ubuntu-ru is a sister-chanel of   #ubuntu-women????18:53
Picimau_: I think we got confused here, nevermind me.18:53
MyrttiI doubt Pici knows the answer since he's not an op there18:53
Myrttimau_: 20:54] [freenode] ~~~ channels : #ubuntu-irc #ubuntu-ru-offtopic #ubuntu-ru18:54
Myrttiyou don't seem to be banned?18:54
mau_#ubuntu-ru :Cannot send to channel18:54
MyrttiI don't know then...18:55
LjLis muted18:55
Myrttiprobably yes18:55
LjLno not probably, is18:56
MyrttiLjL: I wouldn't know, I'm not on the channel... ;-)18:56
LjLMyrtti: /mode #ubuntu-ru b18:56
Myrttilearn something new every day18:57
Myrttior in my case, two new things19:00
A4Techas a conversation?19:02
Myrtti... ?19:02
A4TechOh, you look ban list? :)19:04
Myrttididn't know you can look at it while not being on the channel19:05
Myrttithe other new thing I learned was that only blind can be official massagists in South Korea.19:06
A4Techmassagists is what?19:06
A4Techbut what you have said? -- "the other new thing I learned was that only blind can be official massagists in South Korea."19:09
Myrttijust for...19:13
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