
[reed]asac / jcastro: how do I get in touch with the canonical.com webmaster?01:16
jcastro[reed]: matthew.nuzum@canonical.com01:20
ftajcastro, still no schedule? I need to plan a meeting with a chromium dev on monday01:39
[reed]fta: schedule's out03:10
[reed]but I can't find anything Mozilla/Firefox on it03:10
[reed]asac: what sessions are yours?03:11
asac[reed]: i want to do something different this time. more like a mini sprint. i was assured that there are other rooms where we can work ... we just have to announce it somehow so others interested can join. but i think we can figure10:14
[reed]ah, ok10:14
asacwhere is the schedule?10:18
gnomefreakbug 30256712:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 302567 in firefox-3.0 "Right-click link in firefox opens evolution or bookmarks link" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30256712:02
asacgnomefreak: dupe of the "random stuff selected on right click bug"12:12
asacgnomefreak: bug 18731312:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 187313 in firefox "[MASTER] right click (with button release) might activate random popup-menu-item" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18731312:12
gnomefreakon damn thers a master?12:13
asacgnomefreak: yes thats it ;)12:13
gnomefreakasac: thanks its fixed :)12:14
gnomefreakok caught up on emails now coffee and smoke12:15
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gnomefreakoh asac the errors i was getting from tb-3 IIRC they were something like command did not succeed  were due to IMAP. Is there something we can do with IMAP to make it less painful to use for everyone?12:52
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacgnomefreak: yes. identify the issues ;)12:54
asacthats the right start ;)12:54
asacgnomefreak: for instance: snoop the imap network traffic12:54
gnomefreakasac: there are too many. there should still be a shit load in tb bugs12:55
* gnomefreak would like to find out if it is just tbird or if other mail apps have same issue12:55
asacgnomefreak: most likely other mail apps have issues too ... but they usually fail on different mail setups12:56
asac(e.g. where tbird) succeeds12:56
gnomefreakof course why would it be that simple12:56
asacgnomefreak: then instead of identfying we could try to tag the imap related bugs12:56
asacso we can take a look if we can find something about them12:56
asachow many IMAP bugs exist?12:57
gnomefreakthat sounds good to me. I will hit bugs in a bit. I never counted12:57
gnomefreaki think that link trailed off12:57
asacit ends with ..._no_package?12:57
asacjust make it a no_package=12:58
asacthen you have all12:58
asacur simply search in thunderbird package for "imap" ;)12:58
asacfta: why do we have official logo in shredder?12:59
ftado we?13:00
asacfta: i see that we copy it manually to the menu place. but there is no configure -branding switch ... does it mean that upstream builds official by default?13:00
asacfta: well ... menu ... window icon are offical13:01
asacfta: oh. about shredder is not13:01
ftai don't remember, i haven't touched it in a while13:01
asacfta: we should fix that then i think13:01
asacmaybe the manual copy just needs to be dropped13:01
ftaif it's there, there's a reason13:02
asacyeah. most likely there is none shipped or something like that13:02
ftamy primary concern with tb is to make it speak smtp like mutt, so i can use it for work.13:05
ftasame for evolution13:05
asacjames_w: i think we need a --export-upstream-postcmd=... ;)13:07
asacjames_w: that would allow us to run autotools stuff ... or make dist13:07
asacthough make dist might be a bit tricky13:07
asacjust came to my mind thats because of the cdbs + autoreconf stuff from mailing list13:08
asacwould be better if we could get autoolized tarballs from bzr ... and most upstream rightfully dont commit autotools stuff13:08
asacfta: smtp? that works13:09
asacfta: i guess you mean sendmail ;)13:09
asacand maildir13:09
asacmaildir was supported in the past ... but agreed, that was a bit broken13:09
asacoh ... movemail its named13:09
asacand its probably mailbox13:09
asacstill supported in 3.013:10
ftano, SMTP. i need it to use RET=HDRS in the "MAIL From:" line, then send the full headers13:10
asacRFC 278913:13
asachmm ... no bot support ;)13:13
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/80836/13:14
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ftaasac, i don't see why evo/tb should not be able/allowed to do what mutt can already do13:28
asacfta: i didnt question that ;) ... the RFC was unrelated13:31
asacfta: what does RET=HDRS mean?13:31
ftait's a DSN option13:35
ftain fact, it's not really RET=HDRS that i need but i want tb/evo to use the proper MAIL From13:36
asacfta: so you wantt o pass some other option?13:36
ftayeah, now that i remember it, RET=HDRS is just to sent headers on bounces, instead of the full email13:36
ftai want MAIL From to match my local user at the (E)SMTP level, even if inside the email, the From is another address.13:37
ftalike mutt13:37
asacoh ok.13:38
asaci understand (i think)13:38
* asac looks at evo data server13:39
asacfolks want tbird to talk to that for addrbook and calendar as it seems13:39
ftait should be as simple as adding a checkbox in the prefs13:41
ftait should work both for "sendmail" and "SMTP"13:42
ftaideally, it should be set per-email13:46
gnomefreakdo we have a pop tag?13:54
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
Jazzvaasac, you there?15:28
asacJazzva: yes for a few minutes ;)15:33
Jazzvaasac, ok. Either I'm doing something wrong, or it doesn't work well, but blip.fm never works with nspluginwrapper. I think it uses a lot of small flash elements for playing tracks15:35
JazzvaWhen I open a page with single track, it's usually ok, but when I open a page with lots of tracks, then it fails.15:35
JazzvaI would like if you could help me later with this...15:35
asachmm ... ffox crashed when visiting that site here15:38
Jazzvawithout nspluginwrapper?15:38
Jazzvait doesn't crash here... it's just not playing any tracks15:39
asacwith nspluginwrapper intrpid15:39
asaci am not sure how that site works15:39
Jazzvaand lots of nspluginwrapper errors15:39
asachere it doesnt do anything at all15:39
asacmost likely because i dont have an account15:39
JazzvaIt should let you play the tracks, even without the account15:39
Jazzvayou should just click on orange label "play" in the box, or somewhere in the box15:40
Jazzvaasac, please test with this http://blip.fm/profile/judesla/blip/171449715:40
asacok a track is playing i think15:40
Jazzvaplaying? you hear it?15:41
asacits on the bottom15:41
asaca grey area15:41
asacand i have sound15:41
Jazzvaon the main page?15:41
asacno ... i opened the page you gave me15:42
asacit automatically started15:42
JazzvaYeah.. that one is playing...15:42
Jazzvafor me too15:42
asacso what doesnt work?15:42
Jazzvaplaying on the main page :)15:42
asaci dont see any other features iwthout logging in i think15:42
Jazzvaahh, i thought there is a timeline for everyone15:43
asacso is there a song supposed to be on the start page15:43
Jazzvathere are many songs15:44
asaci can push on "see it in action" ;)15:44
asacopening that now15:44
asacand somthing is playing15:44
Jazzvait is? ok... I'll test with 1.1.0 and then see if I messed somewhere in the process of upgrade15:45
asacJazzva:  ... now i can play on http://blip.fm/home15:45
asacthats current nspluginwrapper though15:45
Jazzvayeah, i'll downgrade with that one to test15:46
Jazzvathanks for the help. I'll see if I can work this out, and get back to you if I can't...15:46
gnomefreakasac: you want bug 303098 its offline mode with tbird instead of ff16:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303098 in thunderbird "Startup always offline" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30309816:02
gnomefreakdone im going to work now i cleaned up all bugs unless more have showed up16:03
gnomefreakasac: if i dont get done with work today more than likely i will be working sat and sunday. but lets see where im at tonight16:06
gnomefreakim gone now16:06
fta[reed], do you know where mfinkle is based? i'd like to meet him next week (prism/xul-explorer/fennec, and more generally xul-apps)16:17
stevelfta: he's east coast... penn16:39
ftastevel, [reed], nm, i just talked with him, we'll meet at open house on wed16:45
ftaasac, again http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20226287/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-hppa.epiphany-browser_2.24.1-1ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:07
ftansGenericElement.cpp: In function 'PRBool operator!=(const nsReadingIterator<CharT>&, const nsReadingIterator<CharT>&)':17:21
ftansGenericElement.cpp:775797: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault17:21
ftaPlease submit a full bug report,17:21
ftawith preprocessed source if appropriate.17:21
ftaSee <file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-4.3/README.Bugs> for instructions.17:21
ftaasac, armin76: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20235151/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-sparc.xulrunner-1.9.1_1.9.1~b2%2Bbuild1%2Bnobinonly-0ubuntu3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz17:21
asacjcastro: how can it be that folks cannot even take a look at summit.ubuntu.com if they dont have a launchpad account17:44
asacthats stupid ;)17:44
asacfta: crash reproducible locally?17:45
asacfta: file a bug against gcc-4.317:45
asacin ubuntu17:45
asaclet doko take a look. he usually doesnt get any bug ;)17:45
ftai pasted to doko17:45
ftadamn, i can't change my seat with ff.17:49
asaci cant change my seat at all because i have a damn code sharing thing and no site feels responsible :/17:50
asaci called the operators and lufthansa said that i might not even be able to get a ticket from them17:50
asacbut that must be utterly none-sense17:50
asacif thats the case then i probably wont make it17:50
ftacan't you enter your reservation # in their website?17:51
asacit worked but then it aborted saying that a bad error hapepned17:52
asacnow i am checked-in, but without seat17:52
asacand the flight operators cannot change that as well :)17:52
asachopefully i will end up in first class ;)17:53
asacbut as i know me it will be in the middle-of-the-middle17:53
asacperfect place to reconsider life17:53
ftadamn, even epi fails miserably. i don't have non-gecko based browsers17:54
asacfta: apt-get install konqueror ;)17:54
asacor epihany-webkit17:54
asacbbut i think that doesnt work for most use-cases ;)17:55
asacfta: try with chrome testshell ;)17:55
asacfta: some sites are difficult to udnerstand17:56
asacfor instance i had to select myself with double click17:56
asacon BA website17:56
asacbefore i could move me by clicking a different seat17:56
ftai can see the seats, select one, but when i click save, i'm back to my tickets with another seat17:57
[reed]fta: mfinkle is based in Pennsylvania, but he's going to be in MV for Add-on-con :)18:19
fta[reed], <mfinkle> come early to the open house and we can talk in a conference room or something18:21
ftarahhhh "The information entered did not allow us to find your file. Please re-enter the required information."18:23
ftai can't checkin18:23
asacfta: oh. then i am not alone ;)?18:31
ftai change my seat for the 2nd part of the return flight, but i can't change it for tomorrow. I can't check-in either.18:32
asacfta: whats DL for a code? ... i assume its code sharing with air france ... but.18:33
ftaDelta Airline18:33
ftait's an Air France plane though18:33
asacfta: most likely because of that ;) ... i must admit that i already hate code-sharing18:34
asaci will never agree to that again18:34
asacfta: yes. same for me ... United code, but lufthansa plane -> cannot check in on united website18:34
asacand lufthansa errors out18:34
ftadl recognizes my code, air france (in fact klm) doesn't.18:35
ftaClaire said Air france was too expensive, now i'm in troubles :( but it's cheaper :S18:36
asacfta: yeah. not sure if its cheaper if you dont make the plane due to troubles ;)18:39
asacfta: you should call dl ... they can give you a af code18:40
asacfta: i called united and got a lufthansa code form them18:40
asacbut still they think that i am checked in ... without a seat though ;)18:40
ftai know it, it's AF8418:40
asacfta: no. .. i mean the booking code ;)18:41
[reed]jcastro: ping18:41
asacfta: i have now too codes: one for united ... and one for lufthansa .18:41
asacfta: jcastro is at fosscamp ;)18:42
ftai think i have it, i have a 13 digits code18:42
asachmmm ... here booking references are 8 letters18:43
ftait doesn't know, nor does my frequent flyer #, nor my reference #18:43
fta-know+work (dman)18:43
[reed]this flight will kick me over to elite status18:43
[reed]hopefully, I can upgrade coming back for free ;)18:44
asacelite-status ... which carrier?18:44
asacerr, aliance i mean ;)18:44
[reed]SkyTeam (Delta, Northwest, KLM, etc.)18:45
[reed]I'll be silver medallion or something18:45
[reed]just means I've flown a lot this year ;(18:45
asacah ... thought highest class ;)18:45
[reed]no, just the first medallion level18:46
[reed]but my first time getting that ;)18:46
ftayou'll just have access to the lounge18:46
ftagot that several years ago18:46
[reed]you fly a lot more than me, though :018:46
[reed]plus, I'm just 2018:47
[reed]and in college still!18:47
[reed]one exam down, four more to go18:47
[reed]one more later today18:47
[reed]and three on Monday18:47
ftanot anymore, I used to travel a lot more18:48
asac[reed]: then finished?18:48
[reed]asac: for the semester18:48
asaci hate travel18:48
asac[reed]: ah ;)18:48
[reed]I have 3 semesters left18:48
[reed](1.5 years)18:48
* asac hates mobility ;)18:48
asac[reed]: and after that? university?18:48
asacfor master/phd?18:48
[reed]we don't differentiate college vs. university18:49
[reed]in America18:49
[reed]but no, I'm not going to get my master's, probably18:49
[reed]just move to California and get a job ;)18:49
[reed]the school I go to now is Mississippi State University18:50
[reed]it's just that college and university are synonyms in America18:50
[reed]hah @ my manager participating in NSID (noshavingindecember.org) -- http://www.flickr.com/photos/10904161@N00/18:51
asac[reed]: post-graduate .. thought that would be at "universities" in america18:52
[reed]nope... just known as "graduate school"18:52
asac[reed]: some are called universities though ;)18:53
asacthought that college goes to bachelor18:53
[reed]college can go to ph.d or whatever18:53
* asac fixes his mind-map ;)18:53
[reed]it doesn't matter18:53
[reed]"community college" would be a two-year program (associate's degree)18:53
[reed]and then college and university are basically the same thing18:54
[reed]and then graduate school after one finishes one's bachelor's, if one is so inclined... but most colleges/universities have graduate schools built directly in18:54
asac[reed]: ok. but some colleges just offer up to bachelor right?18:56
[reed]sure, but pretty rare nowdays18:56
[reed]ok, exam in two hours18:58
[reed]I need to study18:58
[reed]later :)18:59
asacgood luck18:59
* [reed] needs to figure out what to do with his luggage on Tuesday... could go from SFO directly to Google, or I could drop it at Mozilla for safekeeping, or I could go to the hotel first, ... that's what I need jcastro for ;)19:00
[reed]lots of "private meetings" on the summit schedule this time19:01
asacmost likely go to google ... and store it somewhere ;)19:01
asac[reed]: where do you see private meetings?19:02
ftai saw some on monday (kernel)19:02
[reed]http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/2008-12-08/ -- kernel after lunch19:03
[reed]http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/2008-12-09/ -- mobile in morning19:03
[reed]and kernel after lunch again19:03
[reed]http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/breakout-a/ -- thursday19:04
[reed]http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-jaunty/2008-12-12/ -- mobile19:04
ftawe can do our own private :)19:05
[reed]the breakout rooms look pretty bare19:05
stevel[reed] technically college is undergraduate only. university implies undergraduate & graduate19:11
stevel(i only know this because the university i went to was further broken down into colleges, which was a point of confusion for many of us)19:12
[reed]heh, yeah, my university has "colleges", too19:16
[reed]I'm under the College of Engineering19:17
[reed]and then under the Department of Computer Science & Engineering19:19
stevelours was really confusing. we had departments, like Department of Computer Science & Engineering19:19
stevelbut actual undergraduate colleges that were independent of departments19:19
[reed]were departments under colleges?19:20
stevelthat had no relation to your discipline19:20
stevelit dictated where you lived on campus, your advisors, and what your general-education/pre-requisite courses were19:20
stevelreally strange setup19:20
[reed]at UCSD? :)19:21
stevel[reed]: yeah19:21
* [reed] adds you on facebook19:21
stevelyou're familiar with it?19:21
[reed]I know of the school, and I know people that have gone there19:21
[reed]but I've never been there19:21
[reed]I live in Mississippi ;)19:21
stevelah. I know of Mississippi. but I've never been there. :-)19:22
[reed]yeah, the wonders of the internet19:22
[reed]I can work part-time for Mozilla from my dorm room19:22
[reed]it's awesome ;)19:22
* stevel notes the coincidence of both [reed]'s and stevel's facebook photos being thumbs-ups19:23
[reed]I didn't even notice that19:23
ftaasac, "Why can't I check-in?" blablabla "3/ If the first segment of your flight is operated by another airline."20:43
=== dolske_ is now known as dolske
asacfta: yes ;=20:48
asacfta: when does your flight leave?20:48
ftaso i need to leave home ~7am20:50
ftamaybe even 6am to be on the safe side20:50
asacgood i .. start at 7:30 and leave at 10 to six ;)20:51
asacerr depart ;)20:52
ftaoh, not direct then20:53
asachamburg .. no20:54
asacour airport is in the middle of the city20:55
asacso via london20:55
ftaasac, jcastro: in case you're interested, i'll meet my chromium contact on monday, early afternoon.21:03
asacfta: hmm ... monday afternoon is the only day where i have sessions ... but well21:14
asaci would like to21:14
asaci am about to bail out21:14
asacfta: Bon voyage. A demain!21:14
ftaasac, merci :) toi aussi21:33
armin76fta: lol @ sparc :)22:13
Jazzvaasac, fta: have a safe trip...22:49

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