
FachherHi everybody00:07
FachherIs anybody here00:08
heyheyheyi have 8.10 and i get this error E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.01:53
MythbuntuGuest67Hi, total newbie trying to get live cd working to test.02:12
MythbuntuGuest67getting error no upnp backends found02:12
Zinn!help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs.  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].  For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi02:12
MythbuntuGuest67!live cd02:13
ZinnSorry I don't know about live cd02:13
ZinnSorry I don't know about install02:13
barbujhello everyone02:47
barbuji'm looking to replace my Hauppage WinTV PVR-150) with another video capture card that will work after february 200902:48
barbujdoes anyone have any suggestions as to which card to go with?02:49
hadsAre you planning on your PVR-150 stopping working in February?02:49
barbujno, but i thought this will only do analog...02:50
barbujor am i just misinformed?02:50
hadsIt does analog or analog input yes.02:51
hadsAt a guess you're talking about some country where they are switching off analog.02:51
barbujok... so once the transition to digital is complete, there goes my tv watching/recording02:51
barbujyes, you are correct...02:51
heyheyheyi have 8.10 and i get this error E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.02:53
heyheyheyis there a way to fix it02:53
hadsbarbuj: Which country?02:53
hadsOK, I'm not in the US so no idea.02:54
barbujthanks anyway02:54
difetahey all! Does anybody know where I can get the totem plugin for mythtv on 8.10?03:30
Zinn!help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs.  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].  For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi03:30
ZinnSorry I don't know about totem03:32
tgm4883_laptopdifeta, you mean the totem plugin so you can access the mythtv backend?03:32
difetatgm4883_laptop, yep03:34
tgm4883_laptopyea thats not in 8.1003:34
difetatgm4883_laptop, yeah, I know. I just figured that somebody had to have compiled the plugin for 8.10.03:35
difetaI've tried, but it just doesn't work03:35
tgm4883_laptopwell it was removed as of totem (2.23.4-0ubuntu1)03:36
difetaoh really? Why is that?03:36
tgm4883_laptopAFAIK, "- don't build the mythtv plugin since it has universe build depends now"03:37
tgm4883_laptopfrom the changelog ^03:37
tgm4883_laptopalso in that changelog would indicate that they want you to use the upnp server instead03:37
difetayeah, I saw the same postings, but i still have trouble seeing why it was not compiled into a seperate package03:38
tgm4883_laptopsuperm1, ^03:38
difetait was touted as one of the great new features of 8.0403:38
tgm4883_laptopI know03:39
tgm4883_laptopit's not us though that compile that03:39
tgm4883_laptopI think superm1 was looking into why it was removed though03:39
BandCis there a windows wubi installer for mythbuntu 8.04?03:40
tgm4883_laptopBandC, no03:41
BandChmm that sucks03:41
tgm4883_laptopthat was new in 8.1003:41
BandC8.10 boots to blank screen03:41
BandCso i wanted to try the 8.04 wubi install03:41
tgm4883_laptopBandC, you might be able to download wubi from the wubi site and use a 8.04.1 ISO03:42
tgm4883_laptopIIRC, that should work03:42
difetatgm4883_laptop, yeah, its especcialy frustrating when the "solution" to any questions that grace the matter on launchpad is just "its not a problem, its suppose to be that way because it has multiverse deps"03:42
tgm4883_laptopdifeta, I agree, it's a PITA.  I suppose the rules are there for  reason, but there should be an alternate solution to that problem03:43
difetatgm4883_laptop, indeed.. btw what does PITA mean?03:43
tgm4883_laptopPain In The Ass03:44
Zinntgm4883_laptop: Please watch your language.03:44
difetatgm4883_laptop, I see, sorry for getting you a point with the bot03:44
BandChmm i'll try that tgm4883_laptop thanks03:45
tgm4883_laptopdifeta, don't worry, that bot has no power over me ;)03:45
difetaahh! correct, unless it has a chanserv interface03:45
tgm4883_laptopdifeta, It might03:46
iapitusanyone in here have any experience hacking a new ir device into lirc?04:08
BandCi got a  WinTV-HVR-950 Hybrid USB TV Tuner stick. shouldn't mythbuntu 8.04 see it directly? what should i do to make it recognize it?04:56
tgm4883_laptopBandC, you need to load the firmware05:00
ZinnSorry I don't know about %950%05:00
ZinnSorry I don't know about foxmediasystems05:00
tgm4883_laptopBandC, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990185&highlight=hauppauge+95005:02
BandCcool thx tgm4883_laptop05:03
BandCtgm4883_laptop, those instructions refer to a video4linux directory under linux headers source but i dont have that directory. im on 8.04. can that be why?05:14
tgm4883_laptopyou have the linux headers installed?05:16
BandCi dont have a video4linux folder under /usr/src/linux-headers-<kernel no>/Documentation05:17
tgm4883_laptopwhat about a v4l dir or something like that?05:17
BandChere's what i have:05:18
BandCaoe cdrom DocBook lguest s39005:18
BandCthats it05:18
tgm4883_laptopwhat about in /usr/src/linux.....kernel no...generic/Documentation?05:20
BandClet me check05:21
UNHchaboi just installed Mythbuntu 8.10, and i have some experience with Gentoo, but the machine's not booting up properly at the moment -- after the Mythbuntu splashscreen finishes, the screen loses signal. I can't SSH in, and my router doesn't see the device -- any ideas of what I can check?05:22
BandCtgm4883_laptop, nope same things under there also. no video4linux05:23
BandCor v4l or anything05:24
BandCmy kernel is 2.6.24-19 by the way05:25
tgm4883_laptopit's possible that it's not in there05:26
tgm4883_laptopI know that support for the 950 wasn't in the kernel in hardy05:27
BandCin the mythtv wiki you're referring to there is a v4l step. its not in your tutorial05:27
BandCcan it be that?05:27
tgm4883_laptopBandC, yea use that guide05:27
BandCok ill try that05:28
tgm4883_laptopthats the guide for hardy05:28
tgm4883_laptopso you should be good05:28
BandCarent there packages for this v4l?05:32
tgm4883_laptopthere might be on the v4l website, but not one that we offer05:33
BandCwe? are u a myth tv developer?05:34
BandCso you're the main mythbuntu man? :)05:34
tgm4883_laptopwell the main guy is superm105:35
tgm4883_laptopi'm just a mythbuntu grunt ;)05:35
BandCnice :)05:35
BandCi hate compiling stuff05:36
UNHchabooh, my issue i posted above -- is it possible that it's because i selected the Nvidia 173 drivers?05:37
UNHchaboi have an FX520005:37
tgm4883_laptopUNHchabo, can you do ctrl-alt-f105:39
tgm4883_laptopyea that doesn't sound like it then05:39
tgm4883_laptopdid you verify the cd that you burnt?05:39
BandCUNHchabo, i had the exact same problem05:39
BandC8.04 works05:39
BandCi had the same problem with 8.1005:40
UNHchabothen just upgrade the packages till it's up to date?05:40
BandCi guess but im afraid that might break things again05:40
BandCi havnet tried yet05:40
BandCim upgrading right now :)05:40
UNHchabowould regular Ubuntu 8.10 do the same thing?05:41
BandCim not sure. but i guess so. i have read stuff like that in forum05:45
BandCheh cool. after 260 mb updates now im freezing at the splash screen :)05:47
iapitusi had that problem with 8.10 as well - turned out it was the new X06:08
iapitusi had to feed it a valid xorg.conf06:08
iapitus(that was with a funky old radeon though)06:08
BandCnothing happens when i click watch tv. do i need to set some server settings? its a basic configuration. backend frontend same machine06:54
ZinnIf you try to watch tv and are greeted with a blank screen and a return to the menu then please check the permissions on your recording directory.  It should be owned by mythtv:mythtv, have permissions of 775, and not be inside your home directory06:57
BandCdo i need to specify a recording directory?07:02
BandCisnt there a deafult?07:02
BandChmm i tried to add /home/mythtv as a default storage directory and gave it 775 but still same thing07:12
UNHchaboBandC - I hit Esc to go to the Grub menu, then chose the Recovery boot option07:15
UNHchaboselected the option to fix the X Config file07:15
UNHchabothen hit Resume Booting07:15
UNHchaboand it all went fine07:15
UNHchaboit's fixed now, it seems07:15
BandCmine cooted ok when i selected the previous kernel07:16
UNHchabothis was a fresh install, so that wasn't an option for me ;)07:16
BandCmaybe i should try that too07:16
BandCyeah :)07:16
klobsteranyone have any luck setting up an HP m9150f?07:29
Drazhahello... I was just wandering if mythbuntu supports iMon remote?10:38
jaxesdoes the keyspan windows media remote work?13:04
yotuxanyone here use a keyspan remote?14:32
benanzoHow can I re-scan my music library from the commandline?  does it have to be done from within the MythTV GUI?16:30
yotuxcan anyone offer some help on setting up a keyspan remote control16:54
ZinnSorry I don't know about keyspan16:55
ZinnSorry I don't know about remote16:55
ZinnSorry I don't know about lirc17:02
lagait'd be good if you could ask a specific question17:05
IntuitiveNippleIs anyone using an Hauppauge HVR-4000 ?17:24
IntuitiveNipplebrb - switching to xchat rather than xchat-gnome17:27
Zinn!help Use ! followed by a topic to get help on the topic (if it exists) example: !logs.  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].  For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi20:46
MythbuntuGuest56hI, I'm using mythbuntu 8.10 64bits and I cant get sound from my Hauppauge TV Card wich is connected to my LineIn jack any ideas?20:48
MythbuntuGuest56problem solved :)20:59
iapitusyay! my myth ticket finally got an owner22:37
IntuitiveNippleIs there a reason the automated trunk builds repo doesn't have a /dist/ directory and no package lists?23:29

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