[14:00] * _MMA_ contemplates bringing back some gloss to studio to drive Troy nuts. :P [14:01] _MMA_: be sure to add reflections! [14:01] <_MMA_> :D [14:02] <_MMA_> Big unnatural ones. [14:03] _MMA_: http://lh6.ggpht.com/eddie.con.carne/SOVBd2Y1FyI/AAAAAAAABrM/O6E0VJo4yf8/lexar.jpg [14:04] * _MMA_ waits for his OpenSolaris install to finish. [14:04] but this is one of the best ever! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2380/2326479747_b478f701c5.jpg?v=0 [14:04] <_MMA_> hahahaha [14:05] <_MMA_> thorwil: Actually, what's even worse with the 2nd one is that it would reflect the ceiling and not the buildings. [14:05] when i'm grown up, i hope to have such a deep understanding of perspective and composition, too :) [14:06] _MMA_: yes, the floor is the main issue for me, actually [14:07] i hope you noticed the 8 vs 4 in the first image. even apple created a few examples of that kind [14:07] <_MMA_> You *might* get some *slight* reflection of the outside via the reflection of the glass but *nothing* as strong as what's there. [14:07] <_MMA_> thorwil: I noticed. Just didn't get out my joke fast enough. :) [14:09] http://lh3.ggpht.com/_EHZsoUS6SIA/SRn5L29e5zI/AAAAAAAACHY/dEhNjEsCy8o/hannsg.jpg [14:11] <_MMA_> hahahahhaha [14:11] <_MMA_> That's *real* bad. :) [14:12] <_MMA_> You know what really sux for OpneSolaris? No Inkscape. :( [14:12] <_MMA_> *OpenSolaris [14:13] no inkscape, no game [14:14] <_MMA_> As far as Inkscape goes I think it's something to do with how it's built. [15:27] I heard that gtk2 is more powerful than qt4, but is this true? [15:30] both gtk2 and qt4 are good and both have defects :) [15:31] depends on what are u lookin for [15:33] a toolkit can be defined powerful if fits my needs so.. [15:36] simas, they have different features [15:36] i mean theres no engine which uses widgets animations [15:36] and a different learning curve in oprogramming [15:37] simas, animations are possible with both toolkits [15:38] gnome 3.0 should have animations like qt3 style polyester? [15:39] it depends if I want to implement them or not :) [15:40] eheh [15:40] actually I won't [15:40] expecially seeing there are a lot of nvidia cards with are dramatically slow using xrender [15:41] we need good driver support for a fully eye candy desktop [15:41] but it dont slows down system when you use polyester style in kde [15:42] polyester for qt3 is not using vectorial drawings with antialiasing [15:43] so you can do same with gtk2 dont you? [15:43] I could remove antialiasing from gtk2, of course [15:44] but that means slow quality as qt3 (don't tell me polyester has a great quality of widgets) [15:46] well yeah [15:49] hmm but it feels like qt4 is slower than qt3 and gtk2 [15:50] gtk2 has a longer experience in graphics [15:52] what do you mean by this Cimi? [15:53] that qt4 is quite new with vectorial drawings and graphics capabilities [15:53] while gtk supports vectorial drawings since gnome 2.12 IIRC [15:58] cool, so gtk2 is more powerful than qt4 [15:59] no [16:00] there are other things where qt has advantages [16:03] for example? [16:05] and then why developers explained that theres no point to rewrite gtk because it is very powerful even more powerful than qt4 in gnome 3.0 [16:10] rewriting is something crazy [16:13] ok [16:13] thanks for info [16:13] bye [22:17] Hello [22:18] Is possible that GTK2 widgets can be rendered with video card (same as composite)?