
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:08
ubottuJNelson called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:57
ubottuIn #kubuntu-offtopic, Minataku said: !potd is is Picture of the Day01:43
bazhang_Jnelson? one and the same?01:44
LjLbazhang_: always him01:45
bazhang_what was up with _21_ earlier?01:45
LjLbazhang_: and he's going to create trouble in several other channels, from the looks of it01:45
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
LjLbazhang: nothing really, he asked how to rm -rf /01:46
LjLbazhang: but i say "nothing really" because there was no mention of that in -ru01:46
bazhangLjL, ok, will have a word with him01:46
elkbuntubazhang, how does the nick 'morgenstern' fit in with -ru?01:47
elkbuntui dont know if it's a him or her, but they complained in -women earlier that they're banned from -ru.01:47
elkbuntuthey were in -women to use us as support since #ubuntu wasnt answering at whim.01:48
ubottuIn ubottu, ribatejo said: ok....this is not a supprt question, ratather something that i found out01:54
JNelsonwhy dont you all come into the rooms i am like LJL02:00
bazhangelkbuntu, morgenstern?02:01
bazhangnever heard of it02:01
bazhangLjL, no telling really, they speak in code of all kinds02:01
bazhangthey even spell my name in cyrillic so I wont know they are talking about me02:02
elkbuntubazhang, * Morgenstern (n=Morgenst@ has joined #ubuntu-women02:02
LjLbazhang: no doubt about that - but 21 never spoke at all during that period02:03
bazhangLjL, you in -ru-ot as well?02:03
LjLbazhang: no02:03
LjLbazhang: but last time i checked, there were very few people in there02:03
LjLi decided i'd leave it02:03
bazhangI'd bet there, or via PM is where most of the plotting goes on LjL 02:04
elkbuntuor other channels on other servers02:05
bazhangelkbuntu, will check that out about morgenstern; the one issue is that the regular Russian operators are rarely if ever around; the original founder of the channel and the team are almost *never* there02:05
bazhangso they have some sort of proxy operators at this point as far as I can tell02:05
elkbuntubazhang, yeah, i know. just wanted to know where they fitted in. maybe the ip is in the bans list?02:05
elkbuntuby proxy you mean sympathetic to the idiots?02:06
LjLelkbuntu: that's what easily results when appointly ops at semi-random02:06
bazhangby proxy = perhaps even in on the trolling raid plotting 02:08
bazhangnot just to -women either02:08
bazhangelkbuntu, morgenstern is banned from -ru (or a clumsy ban of someone else) for over a month now.02:09
elkbuntubazhang, aha. might i suggest it be lifted so that the individual can be monitored in natural habitat?02:11
bazhangin situ02:11
LjLelkbuntu, you've seen too many australian aboriginals...02:12
JnelsonI got one Question why was LJL entering everyroom that i was in.02:17
bazhangJnelson, do you have a question regarding the #ubuntu channels?02:18
Jnelsonno i want to know why he was doing that02:18
bazhangJnelson, please see the /topic as to what this channel is for.02:18
Jnelsoni dont care hes done this before i think02:19
Jnelsonto me02:19
JnelsonPlease i just want to know i am getting real stressed becase of this02:22
elkbuntuJnelson, your previous visit indicates otherwise.02:22
Jnelsonotherwise what02:23
elkbuntuJnelson, your previous visit indicates that you are enjoying the attention, to the point you invited everyone in this channel to do the same.02:23
JnelsonIm not enjoying it was sarcasm02:24
bazhangJnelson, please dont idle here02:24
Jnelsonoh nm i dont even get sarcasm02:24
JnelsonIm not idiling i am waiting for an answer, and i dont get social policys right i have aspergers02:25
elkbuntuJnelson, then you should avoid using things that your condition gets you in trouble with. places with rules for example, like freenode in general.02:25
Jnelsonits social interaction i have trouble with ok and i admit i sometimes cant control myself when i run out of my medicine02:27
elkbuntuJnelson, it's your responsibility to keep yourself medicated.02:28
JnelsonControl myself as in doing unpolite things like annoying people calling them names02:28
JnelsonI know02:28
elkbuntuJnelson, it's NOT our responsibility to let you do as you please when you cannot keep yourself medicated.02:28
JnelsonSO why was he doing it, thats all i want to know and i wont go on freenode again 02:28
LjLJnelson, which part of this channel's intended topic, as pointed out to you, wasn't particularly clear?02:29
Jnelsonwhy where you doing it ljl02:29
LjLJnelson, which part of this channel's topic is not clear to you?02:29
elkbuntuLinuxGuyMarshall, can we help you?02:29
LjLLinuxGuyMarshall: hi, hold on a moment please02:29
LinuxGuyMarshallI would like to request an unban of myself on #ubunut, and I will wait02:29
LinuxGuyMarshall#ubuntu *02:30
JnelsonI dont care about the topic i just want an answer and i will leave freenode forever i swear02:30
bazhangLinuxGuyMarshall, do you know why you were banned?02:30
LjLJnelson: if you don't care about a channel's topic, then you shouldn't be in that channel to begin with.02:30
bazhangLinuxGuyMarshall, I recall removing you but not banning you02:31
LinuxGuyMarshallI do not have access atm02:31
LjLJnelson: ... which might have to do with the answer to your very question, anyway, if you think about it.02:31
Jnelsonwhat the aspergert part02:31
elkbuntuJnelson, no.02:32
LinuxGuyMarshallbazhang, '/join #ubuntu' returns '*| Cannot join #ubuntu (You are banned).'02:32
Jnelsonwhat part than i wil leave02:32
bazhangLinuxGuyMarshall, were you banned for some language issue?02:33
LinuxGuyMarshallbazhang, correct. I left my computer to do some work on another across the house and asked my friend to watch it and wait for a response. But he began to use foul language02:34
LinuxGuyMarshallBut I acknowledge that that is all on me02:34
bazhangLinuxGuyMarshall, no worries, you were removed but not banned, but were using a proxy at the time so the bots banned you.02:35
LinuxGuyMarshallAh, so how can I fix that problem?02:36
JnelsonIm leaving freenode forever bye and thats forever 02:37
Jnelsoni swear i will never go on freenode again bye02:37
Jnelsonwhat else is new this p1 computer takes forever to close02:38
elkbuntuJnelson, i'll believe it when i see it.02:38
Jnelsoni will just hard power off this computer02:38
elkbuntuJnelson, if you're waiting for us to plead for you to stay, dont bother. it's not going to happen.02:40
bazhangLinuxGuyMarshall, you are free to re-enter ubuntu02:40
LinuxGuyMarshallbazhang, Thank you02:40
bazhangnever knew that the floodbots would do that on a remove02:43
bazhangso the syntax for a time-limited +m would be what?02:44
LjLbazhang: only on removing mibbit users02:44
LjLthere would be none02:44
LjLyou can script that02:44
bazhangmuting that would expire after a time? LjL is that possible?02:44
LjLbazhang: only if you script that in your client02:45
bazhangI'll ask in #xchat :)02:45
LjLnot a native irc feature02:45
LjLbazhang: i believe chanserv.py and friends have that02:45
bazhangLjL, thanks, just being lazy :)02:45
elkbuntuthey do?02:47
LjLi've never used them, i thought they did though02:47
elkbuntunot features i've ever been made aware of02:50
bazhangnot in chanserv.py from what the link reveals02:50
jdongAFAIK auto_bleh.pl does02:51
LjLah yes i was probably confusing the two02:52
elkbuntubazhang, i think he meant what he said. he seems to think linux is an extreme thing to do to a computer.03:01
bazhangelkbuntu, certainly03:02
bazhang@bansearch n2diy03:41
ubottuNo matches found for n2diy!n=darryl@h190.111.21.98.dynamic.ip.windstream.net in any channel03:41
bazhang@bansearch skii8904:25
ubottuNo matches found for skii89!*@* in any channel04:25
bazhang@bansearch skii6904:25
ubottuNo matches found for skii69!n=skii69@cpe-98-144-35-55.wi.res.rr.com in any channel04:25
stdinI removed the mute after they quit04:26
bazhanghe is in #ubuntu now04:27
stdinthen he's officially "your problem" ;)04:28
stdinI did /msg him after I muted, but got no response fwiw04:28
bazhangpower user?05:41
elkbuntuchristel, are you there?06:35
bazhang* [wahnnfrieden] (n=www@c-71-232-76-78.hsd1.ma.comcast.net): www <--in -ot08:14
elkbuntubazhang, eh?08:15
Flannelelkbuntu: Talking abotu beating up his parents, etc.  Keep an eye on him08:15
bazhangseems to be trolling08:16
ubottubazhang called the ops in #kubuntu ()08:18
bazhangscrote in #kubuntu ? someone want to intervene there?08:21
elkbuntuyay, hosk finally figures himself out08:22
bazhang* [scrote] (n=brussels@ spongebob08:24
Flannelelkbuntu: In his room that he never leaves, apparently08:27
elkbuntui'm trying to melt his brain so i can ban him08:27
Flannelbazhang: .29 isn't in any Ubuntu, Jaunty is running 2808:46
FlannelI wonder if he compiled his own and is just confused08:46
bazhangso he is not using ubuntu or option b: trolling08:46
FlannelOr just confused08:46
elkbuntunow lets find out how big a troll he is.09:06
ikoniadid anyone catch Until_It_Sleeps earlier ?09:15
bazhangthe bot banned it09:15
ikoniayeah, seems a little unusual in that he's actually a cloaked user09:15
bazhangcheck scrote in #k09:16
ikonianormally people are just randoms with that type of behaviour09:16
ikoniapoor attempt at swasticker09:16
bazhanghe is still unbanned09:16
ikoniano he's not ;)09:17
bazhangdid the same in #windows09:18
ikoniaIm sure he's a welcome contributor09:18
ikoniaseemed sensible to do him on nick rather than IP09:19
ubot3In #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !sarcasm is <reply> Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet, use </sarcasm> tags when in doubt09:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, snuxoll said: !sarcasm is <reply> Sometimes sarcasm doesn't translate well on the internet, use </sarcasm> tags when in doubt09:22
ikoniabazhang: just spoke to Signius in pm in case it was just a slip/frustrated, and it wasn't - he thinks swearing was "needed" to get his point across09:33
ikoniaand he thinks the channel needed to know his view09:33
bazhangikonia, he needs a day to cool off imo09:33
ikoniahe's now claiminig it's christian facism rules09:34
ikoniaI'll drop it with him now that I see his intent is not a mistake09:34
ikonia09:34 <Signius> But fair enough if you want to be a sad little TIN GOD then fine09:35
ikonialeft it at that09:35
ikoniareal attitude09:36
ikoniafor context so I'm not picking on lines09:36
ikonia09:33 <ikonia> relgion has nothing to do with it09:36
ikonia09:34 <Signius> i didnt even use the actual word09:36
ikonia09:34 <Signius> hence the use of ******09:36
ikonia09:34 <ikonia> the intent was there, and everyone knew what the word was09:36
ikonia09:34 <ikonia> wasn't needed09:36
ikonia09:34 <Signius> But fair enough if you want to be a sad little TIN GOD then fine09:36
bazhanguntil_it_sleeps is now * EdgarJohn (i=JE@gateway/tor/x-bb3bc2fc79cfa9aa just spammed -ru09:36
ikonia!staff | until_it_sleeps sending ctcp requests and spamming channels (trying to)09:37
ubottuuntil_it_sleeps sending ctcp requests and spamming channels (trying to): Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)09:37
ikoniahe's on tor now, he wasn't before09:37
ikoniahe's on a zen static IP, so thats handy09:39
ikoniaSignius I mean09:39
bazhangmore than a day then? for the ban? what is your take ikonia 09:40
bazhangie signius not until_it_sleeps :)09:40
ikoniaI'm not interested in dicussing it with him while his atttude is like that09:40
ikoniahe knew what he was doing, makes it clear he doesn, makes it clear his stance/excuses09:40
bazhangthe -ru operators are almost literally never there.09:49
bazhangie the proxies they have installed in their places09:49
ikoniabazhang: is it possible to look for other trust worthy guys ?10:10
ikoniait is a problem channel and it can't be up to you to staff if 24x710:10
elkbuntuikonia, that's what he's doing i suspect. i think the trustworthy aka sane guys gave up and fled ages ago though10:11
ikoniayes, that is probable10:11
elkbuntuas is usually what happens with Internet Communities Gone Bad.10:17
elkbuntui'm pretty sure /b/ wasn't always as it is now. it was probably sane for at least an hour10:17
bazhangthe guy who is nominally in charge now was really against me taking any action whatsoever towards the attackers in -women10:28
bazhanghe wanted me to clear it with him first.10:28
bazhangbut since he is never around, kind of hard to do.10:28
bazhangthis was not in response to the /b/ comment btw :)10:30
bazhangoff to get dinner/back later10:31
siekaczi can't join #ubuntu11:57
siekaczi'm banned, but why?11:57
ikoniaone moment11:57
ikoniajust looking now11:58
ikoniasiekacz: it is because of your ident11:59
ikoniayour ident is xxxpornx12:00
* elkbuntu blinks12:00
siekaczlol :)12:01
siekaczi'll change it :D12:01
ikoniawhy is that funny ?12:01
ikoniaplease, that would be appriciated12:01
siekaczi didn't now that cause ban12:02
bazhang@bansearch sdlwof14:37
ubottuMatch: *!*@96-36-50-145.static.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com by bazhang in #ubuntu-offtopic on Dec 01 2008 04:08:52 (ID: 7486)14:37
ubottuMatch: sdlwof!n=left@96-36-50-145.static.aldl-nbb.mi.charter.com by Flannel in #ubuntu-ops on Dec 01 2008 04:37:13 (ID: 7492)14:37
Myrttithai coconut curry, white chocolate mousse and coffee with real cream makes today marginally more bearable15:03
* jussi01 waves15:19
ctrlvso whats the deal with flash in ubuntu now?18:25
naliothctrlv: this is not a support channel18:28
ctrlvwell for some reason im banned from #ubuntu18:28
ctrlvand ive never even gone to that channel before18:28
Myrttihas anyone managed to login to ubottu since it was restarted?18:30
MyrttiI haven't18:30
PriceChildMyrtti: wfm18:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:34
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:36
Piciubottu wasn't responding to anything in pm until I did that18:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:37
PiciI don't.18:37
Mez@hostmask add18:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:55
Mezdo that ;) and it'll auto-recognise you ;)18:56
MyrttiMez: the problem with that is that I know for a fact my hostname was on it18:57
Mez@hostmask Myrtti18:57
Myrtti@hostmask Pici18:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:58
Mez@user hostmask list18:58
ubottuError: That operation cannot be done in a channel.18:58
Mezyeah, run that in PM... :D18:58
Mezsee what the hostmasks you've got saved are18:58
Myrttiand it gives exactly the response you saw18:58
* Mez has18:59
Mez '*!*@ubuntu/member/mez' and 'Mez!n=mez@ubuntu/member/mez'18:59
Mez(I added the first manually)18:59
Mezah, wait...19:00
MezThat just lets you login without a password19:00
MyrttiI wonder what that was about19:57
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:16
FlannelCan someone kick ubot3 out of -ot?20:26
FlannelMyrtti: Because we don't need two bots?20:27
PriceChildFlannel: mute if needed20:27
PriceChildFlannel: that way we don't have to bother admins to put them back when needed20:27
FlannelPriceChild: That won't help in queries20:27
MyrttiFlannel: I've wanted to do that but got that ^ result20:28
FlannelHe isn't talking in channel, but is doing the query thing duplicate I believe20:28
PriceChildas in ! foo > bar ?20:28
FlannelI get one from each20:28
FlannelMyrtti: Nal has said if he finds his way in there we just boot him20:30
FlannelOr, I could swear he did.  I could be crazy.  Never know.20:31
ubottuThe operation succeeded.20:33
PriceChildubot3 doesn't recognise me.20:33
ubot3PriceChild: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:33
kbrooksI have a question about the !ntfs-3g factoid.20:48
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions20:49
Myrttigo ahead20:49
kbrooksThere may be reliability problems when using the utility tools of ntfs 3g. Could you say that somehow in the factoid?20:50
kbrooksI mean ntfsprogs20:50
kbrooks!info ntfsprogs20:50
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB20:50
kbrooksCan I install both ntfsprogs and NTFS-3G?20:51
kbrooks    Yes, though be careful with ntfsprogs-2.0.0 because it has some reliability issues (write failure, sparse file corruption, utility hang, etc). 20:51
kbrooksat http://www.ntfs-3g.org/support.html20:51
kbrooksAll right, never mind.20:52
kbrooksThank you anyway.20:52
kbrooksYou may wish to paste that info a !ntfsprogs factoid or something like that. Bye bye.20:53
* Myrtti starts to fiddle with her CV again21:48
* ikonia needs to stop refering to modules as drivers22:10
LjLikonia: oh by the way, could you help me? i just put a driver in a folder but i couldn't find it in the explorer, so i went in the DOS thing and tried to find it there but it didn't let me go to C: so i just went in the gconf registry and loaded it there. do i have to reboot?22:37
Flannelelkbuntu: Did you ever finish that letter to UWN?23:43

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