
benbloomI don't think windows know's how to deal with the linux file system. are you using a partition editor in windows?00:01
yankoi made the partion while instaling vista00:03
wersi press alt+f2 then the run dialog doesnt run. i checked in system settings and it still is the keyboard shortcut. any idea?00:04
dios_mioroot, hi00:05
dios_mioroot, very creative nick lol00:05
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benbloomI think the problem has to do with how windows mounts filesystems. I'd recommend using a partition editor to remove the partition. I have no experience with vista, dual boot and very little with windows in general but from what I do know that's what I'd think. you want to wipe the partition clean and possible format it for use by vista yes?00:18
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majoneyme he instalado el ultimo kubuntu , el 8.10, quiero instalar beryl, alguien me podria ayudar???00:29
benbloom!es |  majoney00:31
ubottumajoney: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:31
benbloom!br | majoney00:32
ubottumajoney: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:32
benbloomnot sure which00:32
chipbuddyis anyone familar with "the dullest blog in the world"?00:35
benbloomguess not00:40
chipbuddyi know pretty much nothing about web design and html (and css and xhtml...). is there a simple open source program i can install that will generate all the html (or xhtml or css) for me? preferably heavy on the gui. i do'nt need anything fancy, just pictures, links and text, but i want it to look good00:41
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erovchipbuddy: kompozer ?00:49
chipbuddyi'll give it a shot. thanks erov00:50
dnyyI just installed the kubuntu-desktop package and after I logged in my monitor blinks every 15 or so seconds.  Could this be because my computer can't handle KDE or what? :/00:56
Dr_williskde shouldent affect the monitor/X settings..00:58
Dr_willisit maybe the compositing effects.. try logging in with a different window manager and see if it still happens00:58
dnyyit wasn't blinking in xfce or gnome :/00:58
dnyyeven when i have compiz enabled in gnome it doesn't blink, it goes horribly slow but no monitor blinkin'00:59
dnyyI disabled all desktop effects, and it's still happening ;o01:05
m4vdnyy: i belive desde is a bug report about that, letme check01:06
dnyywut? ;x01:07
m4vthat there's a bug report similar to your problem01:09
m4vdnyy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/27847101:09
m4vcheck the comments, maybe there's one that can help01:09
dnyyah, i was confused as to waht desde meant. but i looked it up01:09
m4vit was a typo01:10
m4vi meant there01:10
dnyyhah, well it translates to 'since' in spanish.01:10
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dnyyAlright, stopping "Detecting RANDR" worked.  Thanks for the link, a google search never brought it up.01:16
b0nnhas anyone ever had text decide it is being entered right to left, instead of left to right in Kate?01:18
snarksterwhere do you find the google gadgets for kde?01:18
b0nnif so, how do I 'undo' this feature?01:18
dr_willisThats some sort of input feature for some languages.. and ive no idea where the settings are at01:21
b0nnmiraculously it undid itself01:23
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smkajthi, i'm having doubts about installing guitar tuner need help01:41
* dr_willis thinks the channel would need more info smkajt 01:42
smkajtok, i'll try a couple times more01:42
beta-guyAt random intervals my laptop's caps lock light with start flashing, and when it does this my computer is completely unresponsive, it just shows a black screen, what's happening, and what should I do?01:47
BluesKajbeta-guy, maybe X is crashing ...you may need to edit xorg.conf01:53
demonwolfsalut tous le monde01:55
arun__i added the kde 4.2 nightly repository and installed kde-nightly pacakge. my screen locks every once in a while and my password doesnt seem to work there. I have to ctrl alt backspace to get out01:55
arun__any ideas as to how to set my lock screen password in kde 4.201:55
dr_willissounds like a bug....01:57
beta-guyBluesKaj: over in #ubuntu they think it could be a kernel panic01:57
dr_williskaps lock flashing = VERY bad crash sign01:57
BluesKajtv time ..bbl01:58
beta-guydr_willis: I'll try to keep my laptop running cool, and see if that resolves the issue, do you know of a way to narrow down the cause of the crash?01:59
dr_willisbeta-guy,  not really..    If it only does it evey so often. it would sound like a heat issue01:59
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arun__why is the kde 4.2 lock screen password different from the user password, how do i change it02:16
smkajti'm not able to install a guitar tuner, can some one help ?02:16
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linuxman410anyone else tried ubuntu 9.04 beta yet03:13
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for further discussion please linuxman41003:14
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araghornon Intrepid Ibex, is the nvidia 71 driver is working now ?03:20
araghornis there somebody alive here ?03:25
JontheEchidnaaraghorn: the 71 driver isn't working03:28
araghornDoes someone know when it's gonna be fixed ?03:30
JontheEchidnaonly the nvidia developers03:30
araghornjust what i thought...03:34
mirko_qualcuno parla italiano come me?03:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)03:34
m__need help configureing mod-mono03:42
m__require graphical tool03:42
m__anyone knows about how to use rapache03:43
smkajtis there a good codec packs for video files? .avi and so on?03:47
araghornHow would i know when the Nvidia 71 driver will be fixed on Intrepid Ibex ?03:47
bazhangkubuntu-restricted-extras smkajt03:49
bazhangaraghorn, when nvidia fixes it?03:49
smkajtwhere cand i find kubuntu-restricted-extras bazhang?03:50
bazhangsmkajt, which version of kubuntu03:51
smkajtbazhang: can't tell wich version03:52
bazhang!version | smkajt03:53
ubottusmkajt: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:53
smkajtubuntu 7.0403:53
bazhangsmkajt, that version is end of life; were you planning on upgrading to a newer version?03:54
smkajtguess not03:55
smkajti was planning to install video files codec03:55
smkajtto watch movies03:55
bazhangend of life means that version is not supported any more03:56
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol for more details.03:56
smkajtwhat should i do dude ?03:56
bazhangsmkajt, how old an install03:56
smkajtbazhang: installed this month03:58
bazhangsmkajt, best to try the livecd of LTS hardy imo03:58
bazhangthats supported til 201103:59
bazhanglts=long term support03:59
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araghornbazhang -> Is the only way to know when it's gonna be fixed is to read some forum, or I can subscribe to something that will tell me when ?04:02
bazhangaraghorn, iirc nvidia has a blog04:02
araghornbaxhang -> thanx04:02
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araghornbaxhang -> is that the blog: http://blogs.nvidia.com/04:09
bazhangaraghorn, sounds right04:13
araghornbazhang -> Last question (since I'm a newbie): what was the for if it was not for Intrepix Ibex ?04:16
bazhangaraghorn, not sure there sorry04:17
araghornbazhang -> ok, thank you04:17
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draikI have an ogg file that I want to play when I get a PM and when someone says my nick. It was working, but now it does not. I played the ogg file outside of Konversation and it works. The file is not corrupt. What do I have to do for Konversation to play the audio file?04:26
joeinbendhey all04:35
joeinbendHas anyone successfully gotten the pen drivers working on a Compaq TC1000 tablet?04:35
rayneHello everyone.04:44
rayneHow's everyone doing?04:47
_2var/log/messages...    kernel: Loaded 23281 symbols from /boot/System.map-2.6.15-53-686.   ?05:03
_2var/log/mseeages...    kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled.05:04
_2is that normal ?05:05
_2i'm not noticing anything malfunctioning... but the message seems strange05:05
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glade88hello.. my installation is really screwed up. I had a Kubuntu Intrepid Beta disk, I install Kubuntu and added the KDE 4.2 beta 1 PPA repos. After downloading the updates, I now have broken dependencies and I get this: http://pastebin.com/m3d0fa1c905:09
_2more info on my question, http://pastebin.com/fcdc87e9 /var/log/messages05:15
CuteAlienhello. Has anyone a hint for me for getting sound running in java in kubuntu? I'm just trying to get the official javaounddemo from sun running. java -version: "1.6.0_10"05:15
_2well never mind i just did  rm /boot/*   and that should at the very least stop that inconsistancy in my message log.05:20
_2i'll reboot and test it.05:20
_2well it did and it didn't     i still get the "Dec  7 23:23:18 192 kernel: No module symbols loaded - kernel modules not enabled"05:25
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CuteAlienoh - I have java-sound - only the jukebox in the sounddemo fails.05:37
smkajtconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.06:48
smkajtthis error returned twice, when i tryed to install softw, when typing ./configure06:49
smkajtis there someone still awake06:49
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Guest44997whats up with gimp on kubuntu? the layers dialog dont work - whats the point of using it then?07:00
pronoyhow do i install firefox on kubuntu 8.1007:36
_2sudo apt-get install firefox07:37
pronoy_2: isn't there a bug ? says it might need to install some gnome libs07:37
_2pronoy gnome libs wont hurt07:38
alex__anybody knows how i install beryl on ubuntu linux?07:39
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz07:39
alex__i ll try to figure compiz fusion out07:41
_2alex__ btw what version of ubuntu and kde are you talking ?07:42
alex__ubuntu 8.1007:42
alex__i ve downloaded a version of kde but know i m running gnome07:42
_2hummm and you don't like the kde4 effects ?07:43
alex__it makes the laptop a little slower than gnome07:43
alex__the main reason i would like to try beryl07:43
_2well the 'gnome' channel is #ubuntu07:43
alex__is curiosity as well:p07:43
_2maybe someone in there can support it.07:44
pronoy__2: isn't there a bug ? says it might need to install some gnome libs07:46
pronoy__2: and i want some help regarding xine too.........how do i play rmvb on kubuntu ?07:47
_2pronoy_ not that i know of,  but i don't know all things.07:47
pronoy_which is better dragon player or kaffine ?07:48
_2which is better kia or toyota07:49
_2it's personal preferance07:49
pronoy__2: i don't know about kia..but toyota is good :D07:49
pronoy__2: i need a player which plays everything so which one is the best ?07:49
pronoy__2: ok one more thing...i migrated from ubuntu to kubuntu.........the add/remove programs.....how do i see the 3rd party applications.........just like in gnome07:54
_2pronoy_ ummm use synaptic if you have it installed still.    or adept if you don't.07:55
pronoy_ya but does synaptic cater to kde as well ?\07:56
pronoy__2: how do i uninstall konqueror ?08:10
macjason0607can i convert a avi to a mpeg ?deved only coverts to a iso08:11
_2pronoy_ are you sure you want to?  you can make firefox the default browser you know08:15
pronoy__2: If i remove konqueror...what harm will it cause ?08:16
macjason0607anyone ever used nerolinux ?08:16
_2pronoy_ sudo apt-get remove konqueror  # and read the list of packages it will take with it.08:16
pronoy_just 3 packages konqueror konqueror-plugin-searchbar kubuntu-konqueror-shortcuts08:18
_2ok then remove it if you like08:18
pronoy__2: i hope kde will work after i uninstall konqueror ? or is it also a file browser ?08:18
_2seems the deps will reslove to delphin08:18
_2pronoy_ yes it is a file manager08:19
_2and an ssh client  and a man page browser....08:19
_2konqueror is da'bomb08:19
_2it's a trade of all jacks and a jack of all trades08:20
pronoy__2: so i guess i shouldn't remove it after all08:20
_2it's up to you.08:21
_2pronoy_ it's your software, use it like you like.   we're just here to halp.08:21
pronoy__2: yes but i think i'll blow my system to bits........that'll be a lot of help :D08:21
macjason0607ok anohter question .. i don't want dolphin anymore in kubuntu .. if i remove it can i just install nautilus ?08:22
_2pronoy_ if it can be broken, i've probably already broke it.   ;/08:22
_2macjason0607 why not use knoqueror ?08:23
macjason0607_2, i just want a file manager that is stable08:23
_2macjason0607 konq not stable ?08:23
macjason0607never used it08:24
macjason0607so guess what08:24
macjason0607Konqueror  just crashed .. do you guys want to look at logs ?08:24
pronoy_macjason0607: i used nautilus......its unstable more unstable than konqueror and dolphin08:24
* _2 suspects vidio driver issues, but quietly sneeks out08:25
macjason0607pronoy_, when i was running ubuntu i had nautiuls and it was fine if i recall08:26
macjason0607whats the paste bin here ?08:26
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)08:26
pronoy_whenever i played a media file in ubuntu.......nautilus crashed.......thats one of the reasons for shifting to kde 4.108:27
macjason0607check it http://paste.ubuntu.com/82357/08:27
_2 http://www.kubuntu.org/node/5808:28
macjason0607can i have 2 file managers running at the same time ?08:30
_2on dapper i have tested with as many as five file manager/browsers at one time and multi-sessions of each of them.08:32
_2but dapper is stable.08:32
_2when you use bleeding edge, some times.... it bleeds08:32
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/08:33
macjason0607im using interpid kubuntu08:34
macjason0607it keeps crashing on me08:34
macjason0607so .. right now im dual booting xp and kubuntu on this desktop computer .. im giving it a shot right now because im getting a laptop at the end of this month08:34
macjason0607the laptop has beautiful specs08:34
macjason06072.4ghz Intel core 2 duo 4 gb ram DVD+RW etc  ...08:35
macjason0607i forgot the brand but i saw it at sams club08:35
macjason0607and it is strech screen08:36
pronoy__2: like ntfs configuration tool on gnome what tool is available on kde ?08:36
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE08:36
_2pronoy_ probably better off to ask that as a general question rather than addressing me with it.   i really don't know.08:37
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions08:37
pronoy__2: gotcha........thanks for the support till now08:38
_2even though they are quiet there are a few others lurking even at this hour.08:38
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems08:38
_2the ops tend to just check this channel every so often and if there are "unanswered" questions lying around they will pick them up "usually."08:39
FisherPriceis the upgrade from kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10 worth it?08:48
nick_what the hell09:00
j3freado you want help?09:01
nick_i dont know whats going on09:01
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!09:02
nick_so is this like a support thing? or something diffrent09:03
Mamaroknick_: could you ask a plain question? We would like to help but you should be more explicit on your problem :)09:03
j3freanick_: if you have a question, just ask it... if someone awake can answer or try to answer s/he will...09:06
nick_sorry, i am new. my other computer is running ubuntu 8.10, and the terminal screen went blank.09:06
Mamarokdid you type Ctrl + l?09:07
nick_as well as there are no borders or buttons to exit a window09:07
j3freado you have compiz?09:07
Mamaroknick_: do you talk about Gnome or KDE?09:07
nick_gnome and yes compiz09:07
nick_ive tried removeing09:07
nick_but useless09:08
j3freanick_: this i the kubuntu channel just by the way... I don't know whether other people will get annoyed but I'll try to help...09:08
j3freawhen compiz crashes, that's what happens09:08
j3freatry running "metacity --replace"09:08
nick_well some apps like this one is also blank. so i am unable to read back09:08
j3freaopen  a new console and type "metacity --replace"09:09
j3freathat will make metacity draw your windows instead of compiz09:09
nick_sorry.. logging in again09:10
j3freathat could also work...09:10
nick_well thats been done.. also reinstalling the os09:11
j3freawhat's been done?09:11
j3freaare you reinstalling right now?09:11
nick_no no, just had a bad error with xubuntu.. and had to switch09:12
j3freacould you explain your problem more comprehensively please09:13
nick_when i open the console, it is a blank white screen. so are areas where notifications should be09:14
j3freain what window manager? and does that problem only happen to console?09:14
nick_also the titlebar for any window has no buttons to close the window.09:15
nick_balloon notifications thet pop up are also blank09:15
j3freadoes anyone know of some sort of all powerful hotkey editor for kde4 ? I've got nice media keys on my dell inspiron 1525 laptop and they aren't very pro working at the moment...09:16
j3freato the point that I'm considering kde3.5 again... argh09:16
j3freanick_: you didn't answer my last two questions... Also, "is compiz running?" is my third question now09:17
nick_yes compiz was running09:18
nick_but i have removed it09:18
j3freaand what window manager are you in? Does it happen in all window managers? does it happen only to console and balloon tips?09:19
nick_the window manager is in the one that is provided with the install i am not sure, i am new09:20
nick_it seems it happens with pop up boxs09:20
j3freaokay, you said you were using xubuntu... But you also said you are using ubuntu... Which version are you using?09:21
AyabaraI don't have the msn protocol in kopete in kde 4.2b1. Is this a bug?09:21
Salze_Hi. My global keys (like Alt-F2, Ctrl-F12) do not work since updating to KDE 4.2 beta 1. Is that a known issue?09:22
nick_i was running ubuntu, then switch to xubuntu, then back to ubuntu.09:22
j3freaSalze_: my hotkeys didn't work since I moved to kde409:22
j3freanick_: okay, then you're using gnome...09:22
Salze_Up to 4.1.3 they worked.09:22
j3freanick_: you should probably move to the #ubuntu channel09:22
j3freaSalze_ what keyboard do you have?09:23
j3freaI'm intrigued because I really want my media keys working...09:23
Salze_I've got a notebook, Thinkpad X40.09:24
j3freaand did you keys work out of the box?09:25
j3freaI've got a dell inspiron 152509:25
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proteusguyFile Sharing KDE Control Module reports "SMB and NFS servers are not installed on this machine, to enable this module the servers must be installed." Thought I had installed them. Anyone know the specific packages required? This is on Intrepid.09:31
proteusguyI'm trying to do an SMB share of my local Documents directory btw...09:31
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portalhello everybody09:33
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portalok, i have just installed the new ubuntu, but again there's no wireless net working... help!09:34
EyesKillerHi, could anyone of you tell me what is update-apt-xapi?09:35
EyesKillerCould it be a Update-Notify (in left bottom corner)?09:35
portalhelp anyone!!!???09:38
Mamarokportal: patience!09:38
portalok :)09:38
Mamarokportal: you talk about Gnome or KDE?09:38
portalumm i don't know09:39
Mamarokso you should ask in #ubuntu09:39
portalok thanks09:39
Baierhi i'm noob can sb help me on priv? maybe sb from poland or english speaking?09:41
MamarokBaier: ask your question09:43
unixhow can i backup my desktop settings , wallpapers ,themes so that i can restore them after a fresh install?09:43
Mamarokunix: save your .kde/09:43
unixsave it in removable media?09:43
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Mamarokunix: well, anywhere you want, but not in a partition you are going to nuke :)09:44
unixwhere is the .kde/09:44
BaierE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.09:44
BaierE: _cache->open() failed, please report.09:44
unixi cant find it..09:44
Mamarokin your home09:44
unixis it hidden>09:45
Baieri got sth like that and when i write it in terminal it says that i have to be administrator09:45
Mamarokunix: in your file manager, activate Hidden files in the View menu09:45
MamarokBaier: you must run sudo apt-get09:45
Mamarokto be admin09:45
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Baierhow to run it?09:46
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MamarokBaier: run sudo dpkg --comfigure -a in Konsole09:46
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unixi cant find it mamarok09:47
Mamarokunix: type alt+ F2, then type konsol in the window that appears in the middle of your screen09:47
Mamarok*konsole even09:47
unixi did09:48
unixshould i open konsole09:48
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unixi can find only two things in /home09:49
Mamarokunix: well, yes :)09:49
Mamarokthen type the exact line I gave you09:49
unixone is unix(my user name) and .directory09:49
Mamarokunix: it will ask your user password, type that in09:49
unixi did09:50
Mamarokunix: that /home, i was talking to somebody else09:50
Mamarokunix: and?09:50
Mamarokunix: sorry, I was mixin up people :)09:51
Mamarokunix: nope, no need to open a konsole09:51
unixi repeat09:51
Mamarokunix: you are in  your file manager?09:51
Mamarokunix: open the view menu and activate the hidden files09:51
unixi did09:51
unixim in /home now09:52
Mamarokso you will now see a lot of folders beginning with a dot09:52
unixthere is ony one hidden file09:52
Mamarokwhich is?09:52
Mamarokhm, strange, you sure you are in your home?09:52
unixyes /home09:52
unixjus /home09:53
Mamarokyou must be in *your* home directory!09:53
Mamarokactivate the hidden files09:53
unixyes now i see .kder09:53
unixyes now i see .kde09:53
Mamarokok, that's the folder you must save in order to have all your configurations saved09:54
MamarokBaier: did I solve your problem? Sorry I mixed yu up with someone else :/09:55
MamarokBaier: you need to run sudo dpkg --configure -a09:57
Mamarokwithout sudo it can't wokr09:57
Baierok i try09:57
Baiersth is hapening :)09:58
MamarokBaier: good :)09:58
MamarokBaier: all admin tasks, like installing or updating files, have to be done with sudo, else it doesn't work09:59
Baierit my first day with linux :)09:59
Mamarokunix: no query please09:59
MamarokBaier: nice :)10:00
unixhow to back up all the softwares running to restore after fresh install10:00
unixor do i need to install them again?10:00
MamarokBaier: you should read the docs that come with the installation10:00
Mamarokunix: no, if you use a backup tool, it can also restore10:00
portalwhere was that ubuntu chat again ^^''??10:00
Mamarokunix: else, if you just copy the folder, you can simply copy it back to *your* new home10:01
Mamarokportal: #ubuntu10:01
unixu mean entire home directory?10:01
Mamarokunix: no, I think you only need to backup the .kde folder10:01
Mamarokunix: the basic apps install dirung the installation10:01
Mamarokunix: why do you want do reinstall btw?10:02
Baieri read them, and there is nothing about my problem, because i have problem with synaptic, it tels me that i have to configure it manualy write "dpkg --configure -a" and no idea what next?10:02
unixi want to remove vista...10:02
unixand want linux running in MBR10:02
MamarokBaier: what do you want to do, update your installation?10:02
Mamarokunix: do you have a dual boot installation now?10:03
Mamarokunix: you can simply remove the Vista partition, no need to reinstall Linux10:03
Baierwhen i run synaptic there goes an mistake, and writes"E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.10:03
BaierE: _cache->open() failed, please report.10:03
unixbut i also need to resize the parttion10:04
Mamarokunix: make sure to mackup your personal things from Vista first though!10:04
Mamarokunix: there is a partition tool called qparted you can use for that10:04
Mamarokunix: read the man page first and be sure you do it right before starting10:04
Mamarokunix: you must know exactly which partition you are going to delete10:04
unixman qparted??10:04
unixfrom sda1 to sd410:05
unixkubuntu is running on sda510:05
Mamarokunix: you might have to install the tool first10:05
MamarokBaier: that's what you just did, no?10:05
Baieryea, and i'm in that and what next?10:06
MamarokBaier: that should do it if you didn't get errors at the end of the dpkg run10:06
unixcan i run the live cd and use qparted?10:07
Mamarokunix: I mistyped, its qtparted10:07
Mamarokunix: you can run it from konsole10:07
unixcan i run the live cd and use qtparted?10:07
Baierldconfig deferred processing now taking place thats the last line no errors:)10:07
MamarokBaier: so it's done, your system should be up to date10:08
MamarokBaier: you might run synaptic again now, just to be sure10:09
Baierone not working "pakiet"10:10
MamarokBaier: sometimes there are packages wich lak some dependencies, it will be updated once these are available10:11
Baieryea but untill then i can't instal nothing?10:11
MamarokBaier: of course you can, just remove the broken one first10:12
lokaiWhen I set the number of virtual desktops in 'Configure Desktop' and save it/close system settings, it has no effect on the number of desktops. What's wrong?10:13
lokaiIt reverts back10:13
Baiersun java is not working, delete or delete completly?10:14
Mamarokjust remove10:15
MamarokBaier: did you try to reinstall this package first?10:15
Baierno:) just removed it :P10:15
=== unimatrix is now known as uni4dfx
MamarokBaier: just update your package list and see if theer are updates10:17
=== asfaaa is now known as asfa
Baierkk thx you're great10:18
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asfai try to run system-cleaner, but get system-cleaner: command not found has it changed10:19
MamarokBaier: thx :)10:20
noaXesshi all10:20
noaXesswhere can i see which graficdriver is loaded? u have a nvidia card..10:20
noaXessi have ^ :)10:20
Mamarokasfa: what package is that?10:20
asfasystem-cleaner - not sure if it changed to cruft10:21
asfaremoves cruft after upgrade10:21
asfaor removed as it no longer works apparemtly?10:22
Mamarokasfa: sorry, no idea what you are talking about :)10:22
BaierI updated the java package doesn't work still10:22
MamarokBaier: what do you mean by "doesn't work"?10:23
Baierstill the same error10:23
Baierand that it s corupted10:23
Mamarokok, then remove the package10:23
MamarokBaier: still quite strange, it works for me here, what version of Kubuntu do you run?10:24
=== ilia is now known as iliya
=== iliya is now known as lerin
xxtjaxxHey guys10:33
lawiHi guys - just deleted my /usr/local folder by mistake. Am using Kubuntu 8.04. Any way I can repair - without having to reinstall the whole system?10:37
Mamaroklawi: unlikely, but why the hell do you delete things as sudo?10:37
xxtjaxxlawi nope10:38
xxtjaxxlawi dumb idea really really dumb uidea10:38
lawiI knw its dumb. Was deleting some files in the folder and hit enter by mistake. I should have aliased rm -i10:39
xxtjaxxlawi better reinstall it10:40
lawiOk, I guess then I have to reinstall. Am actually still using the system so I have managed to make copies of config files10:40
Mamaroklawi: and next time just use apt-get remove and purge to remove things10:40
Mamarokno need to fiddle in /usr/* deleting things10:41
lawiWhat can I say? I have learnt my lesson :)10:41
The_ManU_212is this bad? http://pastebin.com/m5845dc210:57
The_ManU_212why is the summary wrong and something ahs to be recovered?10:57
MamarokThe_ManU_212: I fear you might have harddisk problems, you run a desktop or a laptop?10:59
The_ManU_212Mamarok: desktop10:59
The_ManU_212Mamarok: smartmontools is installed and warning in bios enabled11:00
Mamaroktry running fsck again from console11:00
The_ManU_212Mamarok: how?11:01
Mamarokhm, not a good idea on a mounted system, do you have a live CD?11:02
Baierhow to chech in ubuntu what graphis card I have?11:04
The_ManU_212Mamarok: yes11:04
The_ManU_212Baier: lspci11:04
xxtjaxxMamarok girl ur much tooo fast for me11:04
MamarokMamarok: you should run fsck with a live CD11:05
The_ManU_212Baier: dmesg | grep ati or dmesg | grep nvidia  to see which one you have11:05
The_ManU_212Mamarok: ok, but how?11:05
Mamarokstart up your system with a live CD, there you can use the system tools from the command line11:06
MamarokThe_ManU_212: you have smartmontools installed, but does the smartd run?11:08
The_ManU_212Mamarok: no, cause i heard it can shorten the live of harddiskdrives, i have it in bios enabled and ran a samrtctl -H /dev/sdx11:09
Mamarokand what did it say?11:09
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=== chinaski is now known as chinaski2
The_ManU_212Mamarok: passed11:13
chinaski2Hello! In my Kubuntu 8.04 in printer manager option "Network printer SMB (Windows)" is inactive. SMB-client and server are installed. Does anybody know how to resolve problem?11:13
The_ManU_212Mamarok: why do you think i have hard disk problems?11:13
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209811:14
cuznt!network printing11:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:14
Mamarokbecause of the pastebin you sent, if fsck aborts itself on startup I'd check disk health11:14
cuzntp00r bot11:14
MamarokThe_ManU_212: seems ok then if passed and yu get "SMART Health Status: OK11:15
The_ManU_212Mamarok: only that:11:16
The_ManU_212SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED11:16
proteusguyFile Sharing KDE Control Module reports "SMB and NFS servers are not installed on this machine, to enable this module the servers must be installed." Thought I had installed them. Anyone know the specific packages required? This is on Intrepid.11:16
proteusguyI'm trying to do an SMB share of my local Documents directory btw...11:16
The_ManU_212never got that OK you menation11:16
MamarokThe_ManU_212: depends on the disk type I guess, mine sends me an OK11:17
The_ManU_212Mamarok: Maxtor and Samsung11:17
MamarokIBM here11:18
Salze_Hi. My global keys (like Alt-F2, Ctrl-F12) do not work since updating to KDE 4.2 beta 1. Is that a known issue?11:32
MamarokSalze_: works for me, so something must have gone wrong11:34
MamarokSalze_: did you start with a new .kde/ ?11:34
Salze_Mamarok: No, I didn't. Thank you for your replay. In the system settings...can you open the sub-page for the global shortcuts and view/change the keybindings for the various modules?11:41
MamarokSalze_: why should I change my settings? It runs fine for me :)11:42
MamarokSalze_: you should start with a new .kde/, just move your old one to .kde_old/ once you're logged out11:43
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:44
Mamarokhi ActionParsnip :)11:45
gonzo_hola algun español???11:54
Salze_Mamarok: I just wanted to know whether you are able to do so. Because on my system this setting doesn't even load. A new .kde doesn't help.11:54
ActionParsnip!es | gonzo_11:54
ubottugonzo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:54
ActionParsnipgonzo_: this is english, #kubuntu-es is for spanish11:56
ActionParsnipgonzo_: or you communicte in english11:57
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MamarokSalze_: it does for me11:59
MamarokSalze_: you sure your upgrade ran correctly12:00
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Salze_Mamarok: No, I'm not.12:00
Salze_What package do the global shortcuts belong to?12:01
MamarokSalze_: check your sources list first12:01
Mamarokand add universe to the experimental repo12:01
MamarokI bet you are missing some apps12:02
lawianyone installed mysql5 from source? I keep getting the error "FATAL ERROR: Could not find /fill_help_tables.sql"12:04
Salze_Done - but no new packages.12:05
ActionParsniplawi: try not to ask in both rooms12:06
ActionParsniplawi: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?11,200909,200937#msg-20093712:06
gustavonareaI'm considering giving a hand to test KDE 4.2 Beta1, but I'd like to know what blocker/annoying bugs I would encounter (if any). Also, what plasmoids are broken? I've already checked http://www.kubuntu.org/node/58 and http://kde.org/info/4.1.80.php and it seems like the *only* problem is that the MSN is not supported in Kopete. Is this right?12:07
gustavonareaThanks in advance12:07
MamarokSalze_: your permissions set correctly?12:12
Salze_Which permissions?12:13
gaelanhello - is there an NFS GUI in the Systems Settings? I see one for Samba... am i missing something?12:19
gaelani'm using kubuntu 8.1012:19
Salze_Running "kcmshell keys" gives: "kcmshell(10846) GlobalShortcutsModule::load: allComponents() failed!"12:21
ActionParsnipSalze_: does it work with sudo?12:24
amerigoHeilà.... goodmorning12:26
ActionParsniplo amerigo12:27
amerigoI have Hardy 8.04 and I got a problem ... when shoutdown PC, after reboot eth0 whas misconfigurated... each time i had to adjoust setting (you know same solution?)12:28
amerigoActionParsnip: I action12:28
ActionParsnipamerigo: does the pc move?12:29
amerigostill here12:29
ActionParsnipamerigo: you could configure it in /etc/network/interfaces12:29
amerigobut IP return to be the one NIC assigned12:29
amerigoi have do some time ago...12:30
amerigomy doubt is tha i have downloaded some adjourning12:30
markus_hy wer da12:30
amerigook i check12:30
Salze_ActionParsnip: No, same error with sudo.12:31
amerigoActionParsnip: infact it have non ip assigned12:31
markus_spricht wer deutsch von euch12:32
amerigoActionParsnip: have you some example of IP configuration ?12:32
Salze_It seems that I have no khotkeys executable. Which packages provides that app?12:32
ActionParsnipamerigo: if you edit /etc/network/interfaces then network config apps will not work but the ip will be set at boot12:32
ActionParsnipamerigo: here's mine: http://pastebin.com/f62419efa12:33
ActionParsnipamerigo: you'll need: kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces12:34
ActionParsnipamerigo: as its root owned12:34
bentob0xwhen I do CTRL+ALT+F1, I can't see my tty anymore (neither can I see the various messages when I shut my computer down)12:34
bentob0xthis happens since my upgrade to 8.1012:34
dr_willisAnyone ever notice tehse Portable 'laptop sized' usb hard drives having a usb cable with 2 conectors  that plug into the pc? whats the reason for that? just to get more power to the HD?12:34
ActionParsnipdr_willis: yeah sounds like extra power to me12:35
amerigoActionParsnip: address for loopback must be cleared?12:35
ActionParsnipamerigo: huh?12:36
amerigoActionParsnip: i have : address
ActionParsnipamerigo: then dont use it, i only gave you mine to show the format of the file, populate it with your settings12:37
dr_willisJust wondering what the effect of using a normal usb cable would be - with just  1 plug.12:37
markus_how are all12:37
dr_willisthe drive seems to work with a normal cable.. but just being safe12:37
amerigoActionParsnip: it is used for php12:37
MamarokSalze_: khotkeys is a deamon that should be loaded by default12:37
MamarokSalze_: check the System Settings-Advanced-Services12:38
markus_girls online?12:38
Mamarokmarkus_: don't be a jerk!12:38
markus_please what12:39
Salze_Mamarok: it says it is loaded.12:39
MamarokSalze_: strange, did you try to reload X?12:39
markus_can you read german12:40
Mamarokmarkus_: "girls online?" is a jerky question.12:40
ActionParsnipamerigo: then leave it in, just add the lines for eth012:40
markus_who can write german12:42
Mamarokmarkus_: go to #kubuntu-de12:42
Mamarokthat's the German channel12:42
Mamarokif you want to write/speak/ask in German12:43
markus_thanky you12:43
Salze_Mamarok: yes.12:44
ActionParsnipdr_willis: ty man13:09
=== adder is now known as Agate
easyfithey, I'm just getting started with a new kubuntu server, and I'm wondering if there's anyway to check if there's any security bulletins which may apply to my system though the shell?13:19
easyfitsomething similar to glsa-check on gentoo if anyone is familiar with that13:20
easyfitI guess some other way of receiving information about security updates would do as well13:21
dr_willisI just update/upgrade at least once a week13:22
easyfitI'd rather not upgrade packages which I don't need to upgrade though, since each such upgrade is a stability risk...13:23
easyfitanyway, I subscribed to a mailing list with security updates, I guess that will have to do13:24
BluesKajGood Morning all13:26
BluesKajGood Morning all13:26
BluesKajhi ActionParsnip13:30
ActionParsniphi BluesKaj13:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Last.fm13:32
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Last.fm13:33
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: bit of luck13:33
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BluesKajActionParsnip, I tried it but the registration insisted spelling my nick wrong so i dumped it13:34
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: just use the mispelled name, as long as you get access it doesnt matter surely13:35
BluesKajI'm not real keen on what most ppl are listening to anyway ... I listen to what I like13:36
Kiryok, I'm having a major brain fart13:36
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Kiryhow do I get kubuntu to see a XP drive on another computer?13:36
dr_willisSetup a 'share' on the remote box.. and access the share.13:37
Kiryagain, major brain fart, *how* do I set up a 'share'??13:38
Kiryhow do I identify the windoze box?13:38
ActionParsnip!samba | Kiry13:38
ubottuKiry: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209813:38
dr_willisSet up s 'shared' on the windows box .. using the windows tools/menus13:39
dr_willisYou may want to edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf to  be on the same workgroup as the windows box also.. makes things easier13:39
ActionParsnipKiry: if you want it mounted at boot you can use smbmount and it will appear as a local folder13:40
Kiryah, I have one XP box that can be seen by the 'nix one, but not the other one13:40
KiryAction, this!13:40
KiryI recognize smbmount but don't remember how it was invoked :-/13:40
ActionParsnipKiry: then you have a little project ;)13:41
dr_willisYou need to have the samba server installed on the linux box.. if you want windows to access any shares on it..13:46
dr_willisand of course - setup/defind some shares for windows to access13:46
chfwiggumis there a package like auto-apt for aptitude users?13:54
Mamarokchfwiggum: aptitude uses apt-get :)13:54
Mamarokit's just a frontend13:54
chfwiggumMamarok: :) so i can also use apt-get when using aptitude before? i really thought it's the other way 'round. thx a lot for not letting me die stupid :)13:56
NielsEhi, where can I find more information about Kubuntu Jaunty? I would like to help spotting and testing bugs13:56
MamarokNielsE: it's still bleeding edge alpha, not for production use at all13:57
NielsEMamarok: I know13:57
NielsEMamarok: but its not on http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/13:57
NielsEI have found this: http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/DVDs-Kubuntu/jaunty/alpha-1/ is this the official alpha 1 version?13:58
MamarokNielsE: of course not, it's not released yet :)13:58
NielsEMamarok: I'm searching for the alpha, I've been on Ubuntu Intrepid since Alpha 1 so I know what I'm going into, but the kubuntu.com site is very unclear about the upcoming release13:58
MamarokNielsE: check the CD image here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/jaunty/alpha-1/14:00
NielsEMamarok: thanks, too bad the Kubuntu .iso has also the "over 700mb", i think I'm going to test it in a vm for now14:01
* Mamarok always has some 800 Mb CD-RWs lying around :)14:04
NeoTrMerhaba arkadaşlar14:15
MamarokNeoTr: English please!14:31
moihi! how i can install home workgroup windows vista and this linux kubuntu?14:35
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BluesKajmoisad, how do you mean...on seperate partitions ?14:38
moisadi want share printer to windows computers14:40
LjL!sharedprinting | moisad14:42
ubottumoisad: If you are unable to share a printer over the network on 7.10 (Gutsy), AppArmour could be the problem. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=531343 to see how to disable it temporarily or permanently14:42
LjLuhm, i thought that would be more informative14:43
alebocohi guys, i'm having a big problem with ipw2200. it's just unable to associate to my essid. i've found this thread in ubuntuforums (971872). can any one help me?14:43
LjLmoisad: look, you need to use Samba to share printers, but i'm completely at a loss on how to configure that in KDE 4 (and for that matter in KDE 3 too mostly)14:45
coubeatczechhello, do you know what is the default mysql password? I installed the mysql database from repository and now I dont know how to administrate it...14:47
moisad this linuxcomputer found windows computer but windows computer didnt found linux computer14:49
LjLmoisad: you need to install the "samba" package, but then i don't know how to configure it graphically in KDE (as opposed to messing with /etc/samba/smb.conf)14:50
moisadcan i have you msn talk more?14:50
KiDFlaShWHY I HAVE Linux Delta-1 2.6.27-9-generic #1 SMP Thu Nov 20 21:57:00 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:50
KiDFlaShcanonical ssucks?14:51
LjLKiDFlaSh: ... what's the issue exactly?14:51
KiDFlaShno issue14:52
KiDFlaShbut why canonical gives -9?14:52
KiDFlaShand not the stable one14:52
bazhangKiDFlaSh, that numbering system is no longer operative14:53
bazhangie odd unstable, even stable14:53
mikelimahello all...14:59
mikelimaI've updated to jaunty, and as expected there are a few problems.15:00
mikelimaBut... does Kubuntu default to double click to open folders?15:00
Tm_Tmikelima: I think yes15:00
Tm_T!jaunty | mikelima15:01
ubottumikelima: Jaunty Jackalope is the codename for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - UDS December 8th-12th in Mountain View, CA, USA - Jaunty doesn't even really exist yet, but join #ubuntu+1 for help and discussion.15:01
mikelimaTm_T: but shouldn'r it honor my settings? I have single click in my options.15:01
Tm_Tmikelima: it should15:01
mikelimaTm_T: well, it doesn't.15:01
Tm_Tmikelima: just for hint: there's no "development" done there yet really, also, that kind of bug issues, if that's one, is not high priority yet15:02
mikelimaTm_T: well, then maybe it would be better to provide unpatched packages...15:02
Tm_Tmikelima: are you sure they are patched?15:03
mikelimaWell, some friend recompiled from source, and there is no problem with single click...15:03
mikelimaAnd I've asked #kde-devel, they said single click is the default.15:03
Tm_Tyes it is in plain KDE, but we are Debian derivative, you know (:)15:04
Tm_Tanyway, this conversation isn't really "support" so I'd say this is not the place, sounds ok?15:04
mikelimathank, you, that's very helpful.15:06
Tm_Tyou're welcome15:07
urijДрасть всем!15:10
LjL!ru | urij15:10
ubottuurij: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:10
da_What is agood cheap MP3 player that works on Linux?15:20
Tm_Tda_: any that works as "usb mass storage"15:20
da_Okay, those at walmart?15:21
Tm_Tcannot tell, closest walmart is some 20 000 miles away?15:21
da_Wow, where are you?15:22
Tm_Tbehind Snowy Mountains15:22
da_Mind is 1.5 miles15:22
Tm_Tyou know, people are around the world at these channels (;)15:23
da_you vermont or utah?15:23
Tm_Terr, neither15:23
da_Swiss alpps?15:23
da_Thanks Tm_T...15:24
pulaskiHello, is anyone here familiar with the tilp2 package?15:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tilp215:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tllo15:36
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.15:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rofl15:36
cuzntis there anyway to get my /media/disk to not be in root?15:37
cuznti share music files and want to not chmod everytime i restart15:37
bazhangKiDFlaSh, ??15:39
snarksterwhat is the command to edit the menu?15:43
SlimeyPetewhich menu?15:44
snarksterthe kmenu15:45
reanimationwhat is wardriving ?15:45
SlimeyPetesnarkster: right-click the 'K', select edit15:46
reanimationcan anbody tell me how to start gui of kismet in linux ?15:46
snarksterim in beta, there is no option for edit15:46
SlimeyPetereanimation: it's when you drive around with a laptop looking for wifi hotpsots15:46
LeeJunFanwhat's the best thing to record a desktop session to video? recordmydesktop?15:46
snarksterits also illegal15:47
LeeJunFanit's not illegal unless you join the network.15:47
LeeJunFanat least not in the USA15:47
reanimationslimeypete : how to start gui of kismet in linux ?15:47
SlimeyPetereanimation: don't know, sorry15:47
reanimationplease help me15:48
CrazyKlompjesmansytcu sipna15:48
dwidmannmeh, if the wifi hotspot is wide open they deserve to have their bandwidth leached away :P15:48
reanimationno one how to start gui of kismet15:49
reanimationwhat are the requirement to be a linux system programmer ?15:50
snarkstern/m i found it.. duh Im an idiot.. kmenuedit15:51
dwidmannreanimation: willingness to learn and capacity for information15:51
reanimationi mean programming skills15:51
snarksterknow C, C++, be flexible15:51
snarksterbe creative15:51
snarksterbe free15:52
reanimationassembly is required ?15:52
dwidmannunless you're working with the kernel, I would think using assembly would be discouraged.15:52
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview15:52
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reanimationcan some one tell whee to meet real system programmers ?15:55
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pulaskiubottu: tilp2 is a texas instruments calculator linking program15:57
reanimation#ubuntu -in15:59
pulaskicuznt: tilp2 is a texas instruments calculator linking program16:00
ActionParsniphey all16:00
ActionParsnipis anyone proficient with ffpeg to make avis smaller16:00
bazhang!info tilp2 | pulaski16:01
ubottutilp2 (source: tilp2): TI calculator <-> PC communication program for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.01-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 361 kB, installed size 1380 kB16:01
cuznti was not asking about tilp was asking for someone else here16:02
bazhanghe left16:02
ActionParsnipbazhang: can you suggest an app to shick avis16:03
ActionParsnip!info shick16:04
ubottuPackage shick does not exist in intrepid16:04
bazhangActionParsnip, you mean shrink?16:04
ActionParsnipbazhang: http://paste.ubuntu.com/82525/16:05
cuzntis there a way to get my /media to load anywhere other than /16:06
ActionParsnipcuznt: Ive no ide but you wont gain anything. The /media folder is full of folders for mount points so uses no space16:08
bazhangActionParsnip, http://www.avidemux.org/admWiki/index.php?title=FAQ avidemux ?16:09
cuznti must chmod everytime i restart. /media is where my shared music is16:09
ActionParsnipbazhang: http://wiki.showmedo.com/index.php/Video_editing_Ubuntu16:14
ActionParsnipbazhang: about 80% of the way down16:15
snarksterhow do you find which x11drv you are using?16:16
hw__How can I redirect stderr and stdout to a file? application 2>&1 1>file.txt doesn't work...16:16
snarksterhave you tried >>16:17
hw__snarkster: Where?16:17
snarksterapplication 2>> error.txt &1>>file.txt16:18
hw__snarkster: Works, but isn't possible with redirect as well?16:20
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snarksterhmm thats strange.16:22
snarksterit should redirect to the designated file16:22
m4vand with &>? echo asdasdasd &> file.txt16:23
ActionParsnipbazhang: https://bugs.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+bug/291011/comments/116:23
bazhangActionParsnip, I used ffmpeg in intrepid without issue; perhaps because I am on 32bit16:25
ActionParsnippossibly, 64 here16:26
ActionParsnipanyway, im gonna save cpu cycles and split16:26
momssalut a tous16:34
momsj ai un souci avec kubuntu et adept16:36
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:36
MarkusAshallo an alle16:39
MarkusAshab ein problem Problem mit kaffeine und dvb-s immer wenn ich nen kanal weiterklicken will reagiert kaffeine nimmer weiss jemand was des is?16:40
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:41
jon__hi i am running kubuntu 8.04. i cannot seet any window manager, i.e. no title bar for applications, no resizing moving etc. thnx16:45
SlimeyPetedid you try to enable Compiz (Desktop Effects) or something?16:46
jon__no in fact i just removed the packages for that16:46
xray7224thats why16:46
xray7224part of compiz is used for the windows manager16:47
SlimeyPeteI suspect that kwin isn't running when you log in, but I'm afraid I can't remember which file you have to edit to re-enable it.16:47
jon__ah k, i see16:47
SlimeyPeteit'll be an xsession file or something like that I guess16:47
jon__cant even cchange focus16:48
jon__so what will the solution be?16:48
jon__ah i just ran kwin and it all came back16:49
jon__so what will be permanent solution?16:50
jon__SlimeyPete so what is the permanent solution? sry just gt disconnected16:53
SlimeyPetejon__: you need to make it run on startup. I think you need to edit a file in /etc/X11, or possible in /usr/share somewhere16:53
SlimeyPetebut I'm afraid I can't remember exactly which file, sorry16:54
jon__ok cani add it to cron or something?16:54
=== avbkde is now known as avb
SlimeyPetejon__: try "gedit ~/.xinitrc" then put "#!/bin/sh" then "exec kwin" (on a new line) in the file16:56
SlimeyPetethat should make kwin run when you log in16:56
SlimeyPetethat's not the "proper" way to do it but it's the best I can think of at the moment16:57
=== c is now known as Guest30054
SlimeyPetejon__: for more on xinitrc see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomXSession16:58
avbguys, is kopete still lacking msn support?16:58
SlimeyPetejon__: oh, note that you might have to add "exec startkde" too16:59
SlimeyPetejon__: but tbh this is a hack; you'd be better off googling/forum-ing to find out how to fix your default window manager16:59
avbafaik in order to use exec u need to use full path to an app16:59
avblike exec `which startkde`17:00
jon__SlimeyPete k thx17:00
=== root is now known as Guest69471
ebuddy!seen flaccid17:03
ubottuI have no seen command17:03
kopertonsave radio stream with amarok ?17:05
alebocohi guys, i'm having a big problem with ipw2200. it's just unable to associate to my essid. i've found this thread in ubuntuforums (971872). can any one help me?17:05
kopertonsudo iwconfig DEVICENAME essid "NAME ESSID"17:06
koperton:) streamripper17:09
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
macjason0607guys .. there a very easy to setup vnc server that dosen't require a lot of configureing ??17:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vnx17:27
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:28
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX17:28
Mamarokapachelogger: is there a neon channel?17:28
SiVA_macjason0607: look at tightvnc17:28
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
markus__go to kubunto.de17:37
DaSkreech!hi | BluesKaj17:39
ubottuBluesKaj: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!17:39
DeviantPeerHi all17:46
macjason0607SiVA_, .. most vnc servers i try to use when i connect to them from work the gui is crappy17:47
DaSkreechFreeNx is nice17:49
macjason0607vncserver -geometry 1024x768 depth :32 < -- how is this command ?17:50
BluesKajhi DaSkreech ...was outside checking the burnt out christmas lights  ..gotta get another string I guess17:52
macjason0607Couldn't start Xtightvnc; trying default font path.17:59
macjason0607Please set correct fontPath in the vncserver script.17:59
macjason0607anyone ?17:59
DaSkreechis there a /etc entry for the server?18:00
macjason0607DaSkreech, that for me ?18:01
macjason0607DaSkreech, don't know how to i find out ?18:02
roganWhats the best way to clear up some space on my system?18:03
DaSkreechmacjason0607: erm .. look if there is a /etc/tightvnc or /etc/xtightvnc entry18:03
DaSkreechrogan: from where?18:03
roganDaSreech not sure I just transfered all my media to another disk and im left with about 30 gigs of used space that I dont know what it would be18:04
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DaSkreechthis is on / ?18:04
roganI moved basicly everything off my computer and ubuntu is taking up about 30 gigs.18:05
roganis that about normal?18:06
macjason0607DaSkreech, there is nothing18:06
roganso how can I find whats taking up so much space?18:06
DaSkreechrogan: ducks I guess18:06
max_dont now18:06
DaSkreechThere is a visual way to see the space but  I like ducks18:07
=== heinz_ is now known as heinz__
DaSkreechmacjason0607: is there a /etc/vnc ?18:08
macjason0607DaSkreech, i removed it18:08
macjason0607im going to try vnc4server18:09
DaSkreechrogan: open a terminal and type alias ducks='du -cks * | sort -rn | head -11'18:09
DaSkreechrogan: then type cd / ; ducks18:09
DaSkreechIt should give you the directory taking up the most space18:09
DaSkreechSorted by biggest to smallest18:09
=== ubuntu_ is now known as sailor_moon
macjason0607i can't open my system settings18:17
DaSkreechwhat is it saying?18:17
roganDaSkreech http://pastebin.com/m3e1ed44918:18
macjason0607who is that for ?18:19
al3x-adminHi all, I have a problem with the KBluetooth4 package. I open konsole, and run it, but it just crashes with signal 11 (SIGSEGV). I'm on Kubuntu 8.10 amd64 + + KDE 4.2 beta118:19
goeserhi! is there some dcop / dbus command in kde 4 which allows me to switch on / off the desktop effects via command line?18:19
DaSkreechmacjason0607: What does it say when you try to open systemsettings ?18:19
macjason0607DaSkreech, nothing .. it just won't open18:20
DaSkreechmacjason0607: open it from the command line see if it puts out an error there18:20
DaSkreechrogan: You still have the external disk mounted ?18:21
DaSkreechunmount it18:21
macjason0607how do i open it form the command line DaSkreech ?18:21
DaSkreechmacjason0607: open a konsole and type systemsettings18:22
DaSkreechit's in /media that's making / look bigger than it is18:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kerberos18:22
ubottuCanonical Ltd. is committed to the development, distribution and promotion of open source software products, and to providing tools and support to the open source community. It is the driving force behind the Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and Edubuntu Operating Systems. Canonical's website is at http://www.canonical.com/18:22
KiDFlaSh!canonical does no contribution18:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about failed18:24
roganDaSkreech http://pastebin.com/m5ae2a0c8 http://pastebin.com/m148a7bdd18:26
KiDFlaSh!canonical failed?18:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:26
DaSkreechKiDFlaSh: What are you doing?18:27
DaSkreechrogan: that's still a lot of stuf in home18:27
KiDFlaShi try to ask the bot, importand questions18:27
rjbhi @ll18:28
DaSkreechcd into home (or if you know which one is taking up space into that dir) and type ducks again18:28
DaSkreechyou can essentially keep doing that to track down what is using space18:28
DaSkreechKiDFlaSh: Please message the bot18:28
rjbok here's what i've got: a 3 year old laptop with sis integrated vga, and a flatscreen tv witha vga input. I can't figure out any way that works, to use the tv as a screen in kubuntu18:30
rjbany suggestions?18:30
rjb(other than buy a new box with a better graphics card)18:31
goeserrjb: does the driver support xrandr? => check the output of the xrandr command18:31
=== goeser is now known as kottlett
DaSkreechYeah that^^^18:32
kottlettdamn defaults -_-18:32
rjbok taking notes (the laptop is back at home)18:32
=== vonkleist__ is now known as vonkleist
rjbbtw doing obvious stuff with systems settings does not work18:33
rjbotoh at boot the splash screen does display on the tv (when connected)18:34
kottlettrjb: I think the systemsettings stuff for display configuration is beta - if at all =P if your driver supports the randr extension, everything might just be easy18:34
rjbwell i tried looking up info under the url given in the driver's manpage18:35
rjbunfortunately it seems that site went away :(18:35
legodudewhen I try to print from okular it freezes on me18:36
legodudecould my default printer being on a different wifi network than I am on right now be causing it?18:36
legodudesame thing when I try to look at the printer config app18:37
=== oscar is now known as vatusaixx
vatusaixxhola alguien que desee charlar18:38
LjL!es | vatusaixx18:41
ubottuvatusaixx: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:41
kev_I have a simple question that someone may have the answer to: when I try to install an nvidia proprietary driver with the hardware drivers app, i click activate and it doesn't18:51
kev_any ideas why it would do that?18:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:55
synaptixok, removal of pulseaudio in kubuntu hardy18:55
synaptixreading the wiki page shows a place to change the config.. which is18:56
synaptixeither a file that does not exist, or a part of the gui that I can't see18:56
synaptix /system/preferences/sound?18:57
roganis it safe to delete the .cache folder? i noticed its got about 9gigs of junk in it19:00
DaSkreechrogan: yes19:05
slicslakhas anyone gotten the wireless start before logging in?19:07
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
=== macman is now known as macjason0607
synaptixis there a page which describes how to remove pulseaudio from kubuntu?19:11
synaptixor any advice anyone can offer?19:11
gaelanwhen i open a document over a network from a samba share using Dolphin it automatically wants to copy the entire file to my drive before opening19:12
gaelanany ideas how to prevent that?19:12
loganWHDanyone have success in getting flash to work in 8.04?19:13
synaptixthis page from the Kubuntu wiki https://wiki.kubuntu.org/PulseAudio offers instructions for GUI configuration and removal which are Gnome-specific.19:13
loganWHDin mozzila?19:13
synaptixyes, logan19:13
synaptixbut I didn't do anything particularly abnormal19:14
synaptixit just worked19:14
synaptixwell, I say that, I currently have a pulseaudio problem - somehow it's ended up installed19:14
synaptixso that's my sound borked then.19:14
synaptixah well, I guess when I uninstall pulseaudio my sound will just break19:15
synaptixsince I can't follow the gnome instructions here:19:16
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:16
synaptixor here:19:16
loganWHDi install and install but no go on flash19:16
littleloganWHD: Try Firefox.19:17
loganWHDi am in FF19:18
littleloganWHD: Maybe you have an addon that's conflicting with it...?19:18
* chalcedny smiles19:26
chalcedny my husband's computer worked this morning, he went out of the room and came back, the power supply had quit working. So now trying t19:26
chalcednyget his old one to work, but i'm getting two beeps-three beeps, nothing on the monitor/19:27
DaSkreechchalcedny: ##hardware ?19:28
littlechalcedny: Is everything snug inside the case, and is everything plugged in properly?19:29
chalcednyDaSkreech ##hardware seems not to be interested19:29
faicheleWhat mainboard manufacturer + model?19:30
chalcednyplugged in...19:30
faicheleThat sequence of beeps you hear give a quite good hint on what could be wrong.19:32
faicheleTo find out what the sequence means, you need to know the manufacturer + mb model...19:33
=== octav is now known as octavian
Guest41222im really getting agrivated....  I downloaded amarok and keep getting the "No available decoder" error message... I uninstalled and reinstalled and still get the same thing...   I want to listen to internet radio only.. Can someone help me please....19:35
MamarokGuest41222: what distro?19:36
Guest41222ubuntu 8.1019:36
Mamarokdid you download Amarok from the repos?19:36
Mamarokdid you also install the libxine1-ffmpeg package?19:37
Mamarokthat's where the mp3 codecs are :)19:37
Guest41222sorry ,  Im new to linux.. didnt know that I had to or how to19:37
BluesKajGuest41222, sudo aptitude install libxine1-ffmpeg19:37
BluesKajin the konsole19:37
MamarokGuest41222: well, mp3 codec is patented software, so it's not installed by default19:37
Guest41222i see,  I am downloading now19:38
chalcednyfaichele are the letters SN in a rectangular box indicative ?19:38
Guest41222so do I reinstall again?19:38
chalcednyi don't think i see any numbers..19:38
faicheleDo you have a set of manuals for that PC?19:38
BluesKajGuest41222, no need to reinstall just install  libxine1-ffmpeg19:39
Guest41222ok, let me try it again19:39
chalcednyfaichele i suspect he asked it and read it off the monitor... asking him19:40
faicheleIf you know how to get the case open... the manufacturer + model ID are usually found printed on the mainboard itself.19:41
Guest41222ya know,,,,  I have been tring for 4 days to get this damn thing fixed..  I THANK YOU for your time helping me..19:41
chalcednyfaichele it's open lying there.. ii just don't see any..19:41
chalcednyi have a flashlight even19:42
DaSkreechGuest41222: Welcome to Linux19:42
dr_willistheres often Info on the very very first screen of the bootup/post display also.. You may have to hit pause/break to pause it.. so you can read them19:42
chalcednydr_willis is that for me? it's not getting anything on the monitor19:42
littlechalcedny: Is the cord that plugs into the monitor plugged in properly?19:43
faicheleLook on the right side for "BIOS beep codes".19:43
dr_willisyes. Lots of times however.. the monitor dosent show a picture fast enough ive seen.. ;( bios may also have a page with some info/#'s19:43
dr_willisBeep Codes. :) The fun stuff.19:44
MamarokGuest89929: great it works :)19:44
faicheleWithout knowing which mainboard manufacturer, no way to tell which BIOS is used, sorry...19:44
Mamarokoops, wron Guest-nick :)19:44
webashello.. i always get KDEInit could not launch '/usr/lib/kde4/bin/ktorrent' - sorry dolphin.... but the program works just fine :)19:44
chalcednytwo things say gigabyte19:47
chalcednycord is directly to the monitor19:48
faicheleGigabyte... OK.19:48
faicheleNow for the model number...19:48
faicheleThat's a chipset identifier.19:49
faicheleLook for a number/letter sequence starting with "GA-"19:50
DaSkreechThat sounds like a model number19:50
da_what MP3 player works well with kubuntu?19:50
synaptixamarok, da_19:50
synaptixand it's awesome :)19:50
chalcednyi gave up looking on the board surface.. there just aren't numbers bigger than the teeny identifiers19:51
da_Is that the name of the player?19:51
Mamarokda_: yes19:51
synaptixyes, and the package :)19:51
Mamarokda_: if you install it, don't forget to install the libxine1-ffmpeg package also, else you have no decoder19:52
piotr_qualcuno italiano?19:52
da_so, do I get the package from19:52
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:52
chalcednyfoundit! GA 7VTXE rev 1.119:53
Mamarokda_: are you familiar with the command line?19:53
Mamaroktype sudo apt-get install Amarok libxine1-ffmpeg19:54
Mamarokhm, amarok would be better :)19:54
chalcednymy husband uses amarok, it's nice19:54
chalcednyfaichele foundit! GA 7VTXE rev 1.119:55
da_the little iconhere on the bottom for amarok mean anything?19:55
DaSkreechda_: It's he system tray icon you can mouse wheel up/down on it it to fast forward or reverse the song19:56
DaSkreechas well as volume19:56
da_ok, I'm going out to but a MP3 player,just want to get music for it...19:57
loganWHDso anyone get flash working in 8.0419:58
loganWHDi have tried so many posts19:58
=== patricio is now known as Guest18622
loganWHDand can't get it to work19:58
faicheleWhat was the beep sequence again?19:58
=== Guest18622 is now known as patricio_
littlefaichele: two then three19:58
glade88loganWHD: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree19:58
loganWHDbeen there19:59
loganWHDdone that19:59
Mamarokda_: you should check this page before you buy something:19:59
loganWHD500 times19:59
Tm_TloganWHD: how it doesn't work?20:00
glade88and excuse me for all those orange colors :)20:00
loganWHDie.  when i go to youtube or any other flash site i get this message20:00
chalcednyGIGABYTE - Product - Motherboard - Specification - GA-7VTXE20:00
chalcednyGIGABYTE,Product,Motherboard,Specification,GA-7VTXE. ... GIGA-BYTE TECHNOLOGY CO ., LTD. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.20:00
loganWHDHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player.20:01
glade88loganWHD: please see the link I gave you then.. :)20:01
loganWHDthanks i shall20:01
faicheleI can't recognize the BIOS manufacturer on that screenshot; too small.20:02
faicheleIS there any difference in the lkenght of the beeps?20:02
faicheleLength of the beeps...20:02
Magninoob here20:02
Magniwhy does adept make my kubuntu crash20:02
Magnievery single time20:02
Magniand sudo apt-get in the console won't work either20:03
BluesKajis there an nvidia equivalent of the fglrx test "fgl_glxgears"  ?20:05
loganWHDglade88:  i appreciate the help20:06
loganWHDbut this wasnt what i needed20:06
loganWHDthis was the standard how to install20:06
loganWHDi did this 1000 times20:06
keymoneanybody has performance problems with nvidia?20:06
synaptixwhat's your problem logan?20:06
loganWHDand 8.0420:06
loganWHDgetting it work20:06
glade88loganWHD: tried all three flash alternatives FF gives?20:07
synaptixin a particular browser?20:07
loganWHDHello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player.20:07
loganWHDin FF20:07
loganWHDi never get the pop up asking me to install plug ins20:07
synaptixis it an FF you installed from the website, or one from a package?20:07
chalcednyfaichele they are two short fast beeps and then three short fast beeps.. all the same length with a longish space in between the two sets20:07
loganWHDso i did it thru konsole, synaptic....20:07
Magniso does anyone know how to fix this? "E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)"20:07
synaptixright, and it just acts like the plugin isn't installed?20:07
loganWHDi am gonna say  i think package20:08
Magnii can't install/upgrade anything anymore20:08
loganWHDsynaptix: yes20:08
Magnigoing through adept makes kubuntu crash20:08
glade88loganWHD: do you have "Shockwave flash" in Toold->addons->plugins ?20:08
Magnigoing through the other apps fails20:08
synaptixtells you you need to go and get it some?20:08
MamarokMagni: do you run adept with sudo?20:08
chalcednyfaichele i found the manual online, but not the codes, separately... are they in the pdf manual?20:08
loganWHDglade88:  no20:08
Magniand going through the console givesme this E5420:08
Magniof course20:08
MamarokMagni: do you get error messages more explicit than just a number?20:09
MagniE: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)20:09
MagniI get this20:09
loganWHDi have tried to install from adobe20:09
Magnino matter what install/upgrade I try to do20:09
loganWHDinstalled the non-free20:09
loganWHDnada on all20:09
MamarokMagni: ok, so you should edit your sources.list20:09
Mamarokand check if there is an error somewhere20:10
Magnialright, how do I do this20:10
synaptixdid you restart firefox? I guess so?20:10
Magniand how do know what the error is20:10
Magnijust got on linux three weeks ago so noob20:10
MamarokMagni: try it on the command line with the following command:20:10
synaptixyou could try to put a symbolic link to it in your firefox installation's plugins directory20:10
synaptixthen restart it20:11
Mamaroksudo kate /etc/apt/sources-list20:11
chalcednyMagni congratulations for taking the big step20:11
faicheleThese beep codes aren't usually documented by mb manufacturers themselves.20:11
loganWHDsynaptix: not sure hwat that means?20:11
faicheleThey depend on the BIOS manufacturer's choice.20:11
MagniThe file /etc/apt/sources-list could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.20:11
MagniCheck if you have read access to this file.20:11
MamarokMagni: you can then copy-past your file in http://past.ubuntu.com and send the link here20:12
chalcednyfaichele the bios chip has numbers etc .. want that?20:12
synaptixsudo ln -s /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/20:12
synaptixand restart firefox?20:12
MamarokMagni: hm, did you erase it?20:12
Magnii can't open it20:12
Magnionly get errors20:12
faicheleWhat's printed on it?20:12
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:12
chalcednyMamarok did you mean: http://paste.ubuntu.com ?20:13
loganWHDsynaptix:  that didnt do anything20:13
synaptix(make sure you really exit it, and the download window, might want to killall -9 firefox-bin a couple of times after you think it's shut down, too)20:13
MagniMamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/82619/20:14
MamarokMagni: looks like your file is broken, can you give me the output of ls -a /etc/apt/ in pastebin please?20:14
KennethPI just installed latest Kopete with KDE 4.2beta1. Looks like there is no support for the MSN protocol in this version. Is this a known error or just me fooling around?20:15
glade88loganWHD: what does "dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree" give you. If this is installed, this must show under addons->plugins20:15
Mamarokchalcedny: yes, that's what I meant , thx for correcting20:15
synaptixwhat do you get when you do: ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so20:15
chalcednyMamarok np20:15
synaptix@ loganWHD:20:16
synaptixwhat do you get when you do: ls /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so20:16
MamarokMagni: ls -la I mean (should read before I send things, not my day)20:16
loganWHDlet me check20:16
loganWHDdoing the first thing20:16
synaptixalso, did you copy an old firefox folder in? It might be that it can't write to the plugin registry deely....20:17
Magnimamarok: wait, what do I type?20:17
loganWHDi might have done that but i dont think so20:17
Magnila -a /etc/apt/20:17
loganWHDbut i did do a back up20:17
littlefaichele: It20:17
loganWHDand then restore it i think20:17
synaptixok, can you do these things for me:20:17
loganWHDyou mean permissions wise?20:17
Magniin console20:17
littlefaichele: It's an AMI bios: http://www.motherboards.org/mobot/manuals/Gigabyte/GA-7VTXE/20:17
synaptixfirstly, we clean up the file you created earlier:20:17
MamarokMagni: ls -la /etc/apt/20:17
Mamarokin console, yes20:18
loganWHDi uninstalled then tried to do a install of nonfree20:18
chalcednyi'm moving from this laptop to my own computer..20:18
loganWHDand got20:18
synaptixsudo rm  /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/libflashplayer.so20:18
loganWHDdownload failed20:18
loganWHDThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.20:18
Magnimamrok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/82621/20:18
synaptixok, well do that ^, then try to reinstall flash.20:18
Magnithnx for the help btw20:18
loganWHDok synaptix that is done20:18
synaptixand while flash installs, let's check the perms on that firefox folder20:19
faicheleAMI BIOS codes don't seem to make a difference with long/short...20:19
synaptixls -la ~/.mozilla20:19
faicheleJust number of beeps relevant, and 5 is a bad sign in that case.20:19
synaptixpop the output on pastebin20:19
faichele5 Beeps - Processor Error (may need replacement Processor)20:20
MamarokMagni: it looks correct so far20:20
MamarokMagni: does the following command produce something:20:20
onur_can anybody help me20:20
Mamarokless /etc/apt/sources.list20:20
loganWHDsynaptix: you want me to do20:21
loganWHD apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:21
Mamarokonur_: ask your question20:21
synaptixls -la ~/.mozilla20:21
Magnimamarok: http://paste.ubuntu.com/82623/20:21
Ch1ppyhey, I'm having an issue where amarok freezes when I'm away from my computer, then won't start when I kill it and try to start it again. It will start if I reboot, but that's a lame solution. Can anyone help me out?20:22
MamarokMagni: it looks ok, very strange that you can't edit it20:23
Mamarokwhat was the error you had when trying to edit it with kate?20:24
loganWHDsynaptix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/82627/20:24
loganWHDflash installed20:25
Magni[21:11] <Magni> The file /etc/apt/sources-list could not be loaded, as it was not possible to read from it.20:25
Magni[21:11] <Magni> Check if you have read access to this file.20:25
synaptixfirefox can't register the plugin20:25
synaptixdo this:20:25
MamarokMagni: you did use the sudo command, didn't you?20:25
Mamarokthen entered your password?20:25
Magnialways, first thing i learned20:25
Magniill retry if you think that's what it is20:26
Mamarokvery strange...20:26
synaptixsudo chown -R yourusername:yourusername ~/.mozilla20:26
KennethPI just installed Kopete 4:4.1.80-0 with KDE 4.2beta1. Looks like there is no support for the MSN protocol in this version. Is this a known error or just me fooling around? The boys over at #kopete suggest to contact you guys and mention missing "libmsn". Any ideas?20:26
synaptixchange the usernames  :)20:26
Mamarokok, I think I found the error:20:26
synaptixto your own, heh20:26
MamarokMagni: I think your sources.list is written sources-list, that's wrong!20:26
* Mamarok wonders how that could happen20:26
synaptixclose firefox20:26
loganWHDalthough i am in as root20:27
loganWHDright now20:27
Magniso how do I fix it?20:27
keymonedoes anybody have performance issues with nvidia and kde 4.1?20:27
Magnido I just rename the file in dolphin20:27
synaptixyou are in as root?20:28
synaptixyou're not running firefox as root?20:28
loganWHDim not?20:28
MamarokMagni: no, it seems correct form your ls -la output20:28
Mamarokstill strange you cant edit it20:28
Ch1ppyKennethP: libmsn and associated msn support is missing in the current beta, yes. It's mentioned in the notes @ kubuntu.org.20:28
MamarokMagni: try the following:20:29
MamarokMagni: sudo chown root /etc/apt/sources.list20:29
synaptixYour main user account shouldn't be root20:29
KennethPCh1ppy: Ahhh, I actually snooped around there also, but must need stronger glasses...;-) Thanks for the heads up!20:29
littleThat leaves me out... (:20:29
synaptixThe one you run your desktop as20:30
MagniMamarok: is anything visible supposed to happen? cause I got nothing20:30
MamarokMagni: that's ok20:30
synaptixI mean the mind boggles at how vulnerable you are if you're IRCing and web browsing as root20:30
MamarokMagni: if there was an error it would say it20:30
loganWHDnot that vulnerable20:30
MamarokMagni: try again sudo apt-get update20:30
loganWHDi saw you tried to get my user info20:31
loganWHDbut that is hidden20:31
synaptixtried to?20:31
loganWHDin irc20:31
synaptixI looked to see if you are root@hostname20:31
loganWHDof course i am not20:31
MagniMamarok: same error: E: Malformed line 54 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (URI parse)20:31
synaptixright, and presumably you're not running firefox as root, but as your user account?20:31
synaptixthe user that should own your firefox directory is the user you run firefox as20:32
synaptixyour ~/.mozilla/.firefox directory :)20:32
MamarokMagni: could you give me the last lines you get with less /etc/apt/sources.list?20:32
Mamarokit seems cut in the last pastbin you sent20:32
Magni## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'20:33
Magni## repository.20:33
Magni## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as20:33
Magni## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes20:33
loganWHDi am not sure why the kubuntu/ubuntu community is so uptight abotu running as root20:33
dr_willisMagni,  the line to look at would be like 54 :)20:33
MamarokMagni: hm, you have /etc/apt/sources.list as last line?20:33
dr_willisloganWHD,  security is a 'process' and  its all about layers of security.20:33
synaptixonly idiots run large gui apps as root and wander around the web with them20:33
synaptixif you know better than everyone else that's fine, and good luck to you :)20:34
MamarokMagni: you didn't press the space bar, there are more lines20:34
Mamaroktry again20:34
MagniMamarok, it's alright, I opened sources.list with Dolphin, and removed the source I had last added20:34
Magniit's working now20:34
loganWHDi am not saying i know better than everyone else20:34
synaptixI mean you're running *javascript* as root :)20:34
MamarokMagni: great :)20:34
loganWHDbut htere are other ways to protect yourself20:34
loganWHDbesides locking yourself out of oyur system20:35
MagniMamarok: thanks :), g2g eat now see ya everyone20:35
loganWHDand obviously i am NOT running javascript as root20:35
loganWHDsince it wont work20:35
synaptixwell you see every single vulnerability in every piece of software becomes a showstopper20:35
dr_willisLayers upon layers.. and i dont feel the ubuntu way 'locks youself out'20:35
MamarokMagni: you're welcome :)20:35
dr_willisIf you dont like it.. disable it.20:35
synaptixif you are running firefox as root, you *are* running javascript as root.20:35
DaSkreechCh1ppy: Got help?20:35
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: Nope :(20:36
synaptixso a simple bad piece of javascript that would ordinarily lock a tab, can take your whole system down :)20:36
loganWHDand that can't happen in another user???20:36
DaSkreechKennethP: There is no MSN it said that on the instructions20:36
DaSkreechmacjason0607: Sup?20:36
synaptixobviously not.20:36
DaSkreechloganWHD: Cause that's the policy I guess.20:37
loganWHDwell i guess that is a risk i am willing to take20:37
dr_willisTheres  'secure' theres 'paranoid' and then theres 'TinFoilHat Paranoid'20:38
synaptixindeed. Go for it.20:38
dr_willisI see no reason to ever run a browser as root...20:38
dr_willisor most apps..20:38
DaSkreechCh1ppy: What causes it to freeze?20:38
synaptixrunning a web browser as root is especially asking for it.20:38
dr_willisand running the gnome or kde file manager.. can also cause  problems.20:38
DaSkreechloganWHD: It's a silly risk :)20:38
loganWHDwell i was looking to get something working not an ethics discussion20:38
loganWHDsorry for upsetting you all20:39
synaptixjust because there are so many bugs, and so many pages, and so many people who are actively out to exploit you, or who are unintentionally triggering problems.20:39
DaSkreechloganWHD: What are you trying to do?20:39
synaptixit's not ethics, at all :)20:39
littleloganWHD: How are you installing Firefox?20:39
loganWHDcan't get javascript to run in ff20:39
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: I haven't the faintest clue. It freezes while I'm away and it's paused. I checked dmesg, but nothing comes up and there is no output when I run it from console, so I have no way to check...20:39
littleloganWHD: How did you install it?20:39
DaSkreechAmarok 1.4 ?20:39
loganWHDi believe it was a download20:39
synaptixI thought it was flash you couldn't get to run, loganWHD?20:39
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: Yep20:39
loganWHDflash yes20:39
loganWHDi got turned around20:40
littleloganWHD: From the Mozilla webpage?20:40
loganWHDlittle: yes20:40
DaSkreechloganWHD: try apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:40
dr_willisHmm.. flash works for me in the normal firefox/install of kubuntu/ubuntu.. perhaps we need to start at the beginning with the original propblem20:40
littlelocanWHD: You might want to try uninstalling it (yet again) and installing it again, but this time use the package manager to install it.20:40
synaptixanyway, I'm going to advise against the whole silly business of running firefox as root, and I'm not going to facilitate it at all :)20:40
loganWHDyep yep tried that 100 times20:40
ubottuTurk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.20:40
synaptixGood luck with your problem :)20:40
DaSkreechloganWHD: What did taht do? (You did it with Firefox closed right?)20:40
KennethPDaSkreech: Tnx - I'll go find my glasses...20:41
DaSkreechKennethP: You drastically needed MSN?20:41
loganWHDnada it didnt work20:42
loganWHDand yes ff was closed20:42
loganWHDi will uninstall it all20:42
DaSkreechloganWHD: Error?20:42
loganWHDno error20:42
loganWHDjust wont play flash20:42
DaSkreechwhat site?20:42
loganWHDi will try a reinstall again20:42
loganWHDpick one20:42
littleloganWHD: This time use the package manager to install Firefox and see if that helps.20:42
loganWHDi am almost done uninstalling20:43
loganWHDi will then apt-get it20:43
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loganWHDapt-get it20:45
loganWHDff works20:45
littleloganWHD: Before you reinstall Flash, do you have a .macromedia directory in your home directory?20:45
loganWHDthen i apt-get flash and get this20:45
loganWHDdownload failed20:45
loganWHDThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.20:45
loganWHDlet me check20:45
* Mamarok is afk20:45
loganWHDyes i do20:45
littleloganWHD: You might want to try uninstalling Flash, moving that directory somewhere else if it still exists afterward and then reinstalling Flash.20:46
littleloganWHD: If that works, then you can delete the moved directory.20:46
littleI'm dead curious what could be causing this. Firefox and Flash should work "out of the box". I'm thinking something else is behind this.20:47
loganWHDok moved20:47
loganWHDnow gonna reinstall20:47
* little crosses fingers20:47
loganWHDwnload failed20:48
loganWHDThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.20:48
loganWHDdownload failed20:48
loganWHDsame error as before20:48
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littleloganWHD: Maybe it has something to do with you running as root. Have you tried creating a new user and installing it as that user and seeing if it works that way?20:49
loganWHDi can20:49
=== root is now known as Guest28949
loganWHDbut i doubt it20:49
loganWHDbut i can try20:49
littleloganWHD: There could be a built-in protection.20:49
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: I ran strace on it and I'm getting a lot of "read(3, 0x83f845c, 4096)                = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)" sort of deal...20:50
DaSkreechGuest28949: Don't IRC as root!20:50
DaSkreechwhich version of Kubuntu are you on?20:50
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: I'm not sure what's causing the problem, but I had two runaway "kded" processes that seemed to be causing the problem. I killed both of them and amarok starts properly now. However, I'm having an issue with the status icons - they're opening in their own window. How do I fix that?20:56
dr_willisGee - all i ever do to get flash going is install the 'kubuntu-restricted-extras' package...20:56
noaXess!info kcron20:57
ubottukcron (source: kdeadmin): program scheduler for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 194 kB, installed size 500 kB20:57
DaSkreechThe status?? Oh the Systray icons?20:59
noaXessi i install kcron i can't use it.. is there no usable kcron for kde4.1.3?21:00
piquadratHi! I'm using the 4.2 beta1 packages. Is it possible to make use of the new kephal multi display support goodness? If I setup my external display with xrandr or grandr to be left of the notebook display instead of mirroring it, plasma is completely borked21:00
dr_willisclarify what you mean by 'cant use it' perhaps..21:00
piquadratkde 4.2 beta1, that is21:00
noaXesshey dr_willis was up?21:01
noaXessi can't run it, over console or from kmenu..21:01
dr_willisvery little here.21:01
DaSkreechnoaXess: It's in System settings21:02
noaXessDaSkreech: where?21:03
noaXessaha "Task sheduler" :)21:03
noaXesscan i run it in single mode, without going to systemsettings?21:04
DaSkreechnoaXess: Ahm I guess21:05
DaSkreechyou'd have to jigger poke it though21:05
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KennethPDaSkreech: Nahh just noticed that my kids were gone from the list...;-)21:07
DaSkreechKennethP: It's KDE 4.2 B1 Do you know where your children are ?21:08
KennethPDaSkreech: They are grown up so I guess that a nope right now...21:09
DaSkreechKennethP: Panik!! :)21:09
DaSkreechhi tackat21:15
tackathi DaSkreech21:16
DaSkreechhow are you?21:17
Mamarokhuhu tackat :)21:18
tackatMamarok: Hi Myriam21:18
wesleyHi guys are some people here expericing problems with gmail? my girlfriend says she did send a mail and i still dont have it and same happend when i did mail myself with hotmail21:20
DaSkreechGmail was spitting errors like crazy for me earlier21:21
wesleywhen today ?21:22
wesleybecause she says to me that she did send it on 16 hour and i still dont have anything, and when i tested it for myself the same no mails, but strangly out works21:23
faleis the kde4.2b1 compiled completle? because in my apt's opinion it misses a lot of packages21:24
DaSkreechfale: Which packages?21:26
faleDaSkreech: http://pastebin.ca/1280120 <-- pretty much everyone21:27
falekdelibs, kdebase-runtime21:27
=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
Mamarokfale: maybe your mirror is not up-to-date21:29
faleMamarok: mmm those packages are on a single ppa, it seems to me... isn't it?21:30
Mamaroktrue, didn't think of that one21:30
EagleScreenI cannot change the size of Adept 3 fonts21:31
EagleScreenthey are too large for my small screen21:31
JuJuBeeI am having trouble burning some ISO's of movies.  Some burn fine and play fine.  Others burn, but won't play in my dvd player.21:32
faleDaSkreech: do you have some ideas?21:32
DaSkreechfale: try kubuntu-desktop instead?21:33
dr_willisJuJuBee,  try playing the iso files from the hd with vlc or mplayer, as a test of gthe iso file21:33
JuJuBeedr_willis:  I did and it played fine.21:34
JuJuBeedr_willis : i burned it twice and both wont play in my player21:34
dr_willishow were the isos made?21:34
JuJuBeeI downloaded a movie, dvd-decrypter/shrink and burned an iso with k3b.21:35
faleDaSkreech: is already at the last version21:35
EagleScreenI think that there is no way to change the font size of some KDE applications in Kubuntu 8.1021:36
EagleScreenfor instance, Adept, gdebi-kde...21:36
faleDaSkreech: ok, an apt-get -f install found all the libs ;)21:36
DaSkreechfale: Umm ok so what are you installin then?21:36
faleDaSkreech: now is installing the kdelibs5 that before was not finding -_-21:37
DaSkreechEagleScreen: If they are X/Qt apps I think there is always a way just may be more command lineish than you are used to21:37
JuJuBeedr_willis : any ideas?21:37
dr_willisJuJuBee,  i tend to use DeVeDe to convert vidoes to dvd format21:37
JuJuBeeK, I will look for it.21:38
EagleScreenDaSkreech i think that is because they are running as root, and root preferences are separed21:39
dr_willisYes.. apps ran by the root user.. will use th root users settings/themes if possible21:41
dr_willisIve often set up the root user to use BRIGHT RED colors/themes to make sure i know what apps are getting ran as root21:41
sourcemakerare you using kde 4.2 b1?21:43
EagleScreenPolicykit will fix that issues, but it is not enought mature for KDE21:43
wesleyDaSkreech now the mails did come in the inbox21:45
falesourcemaker: I'm trying to21:45
* fale still has some little dependeces problems21:45
DaSkreechfale: What failed now?21:45
DaSkreechwesley: Whoot21:45
faleDaSkreech: kde-icons-oxygen pkg-kde-tools21:46
DaSkreech sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-icons-oxygen_4%3a4.1.80-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa2_all.deb21:46
faleit works :) and for the pkg-kde-tools?21:47
DaSkreechtry apt-get -f install21:47
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faleDaSkreech: ok, fixed21:48
faleciao joseph_21:48
faleDaSkreech: thx :)21:48
DaSkreechfale: log out and back in21:48
wesleygmail is today really fucked up21:48
faleI hope in the good luck ;)21:49
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:49
faleIt workis :)21:53
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faleDaSkreech: do you know something about kalzium?21:56
DaSkreechIt's german for calcium?21:56
faleDaSkreech: nope, is a program of kdedu21:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kalzium21:57
BluesKaj!info kalzium21:58
ubottukalzium (source: kdeedu): periodic table and chemistry tools for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 730 kB, installed size 2140 kB21:58
faleBluesKaj: my question was about the 4.2b1 version ;)21:58
faleDaSkreech: what was the command that you told me before?21:58
falefor oxygen21:59
DaSkreechfale: it says install oxygen22:04
DaSkreechwhat do you want to know abou the beta version?22:05
faleDaSkreech: I think I found how ;)22:05
DaSkreechjust install it22:05
Foodcoman4.2 Beta 1 nice to see Task Manager Grouping in the works.  buggy on my machine.22:13
DaSkreechFoodcoman: What is it doing?22:19
=== ubuntu_ is now known as matti_
macjason0607guys .. how do i make it so that every application that i open up stays the size that i want it ?22:22
FoodcomanDaSkreech:  If I set to group 1 row max not to fill task bar, it will group Firefox.  If I switch to desktop 2 and then back, grouping drops.22:24
DaSkreechmacjason0607: Hmm?22:24
DaSkreechFoodcoman: Oh let me try that22:25
FoodcomanDaSkreech: Second, If I uncheck the Limit Rows 1 button, it groups again Like a boolean switch.22:25
keresI accidentally removed my desktop panel, how do i reset it to where it has all the default widgets again?22:26
FoodcomanDaSkreech: I tend to have a crash playing with it which resets the taskbar and I have to add back the Task Widget.22:26
Foodcomankeres: Not sure how to get to defaults here.  Maybe somone else.22:26
keresAnyone? help?22:27
DaSkreechkeres: kquitapp plasma; mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasmarc ~/plasmarc.bkup; plasma22:27
Foodcomankeres:  If you just need one object back.  Right click, add widget. Scroll to show desktop item and add it.22:27
keresno, i accidentally removed the whole panel and everything is gone22:28
Foodcomankeres: Daskreech's tip for sure.22:28
keresitś not working22:28
Foodcoman3 steps, semi is not part of a command line.22:29
DaSkreechright click and add panel ?22:29
Ch1ppyDoes anyone know what is happening with kopete and msn in the 4.2 beta? When can we expect libmsn to be added and such?22:29
DaSkreechCh1ppy: #kubuntu-devel22:29
Ch1ppyDaSkreech: Thanks :)22:29
DaSkreechDon't expect an answer right now most people are at UDS22:29
Ch1ppyFair enough22:30
keresDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m1aa42d5622:32
=== glade88 is now known as glade88|ZzZ
keresSomeone help22:33
raeeshey guys22:33
faleDaSkreech: UDS = ?22:34
DaSkreechUbuntu Developer Summit22:35
faleDaSkreech: oh, I see22:35
DaSkreechkeres: that doesn't get you back a default set of settings?22:36
keresDaSkreech: no22:36
keresDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m1a13862f22:37
DaSkreechkeres: when you quit mv share/config/plasma-appletsrc as well22:37
DaSkreechso move two files22:37
DaSkreechkeres: kquitapp plasma; mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasmarc ~/plasmarc.bkup;mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-appletsrc ~/plasma-appletrc.bkup;  plasma22:38
=== ubuntu_ is now known as matti_
keresDaSkreech: Thank you!!!!22:39
DaSkreechThat worked?22:39
keresyes it did :)22:39
FoodcomanNice work.22:40
DaSkreechLinux is so easy :)22:41
moepmanis there a bug with the systray of kde 4.1? some icons arn't shown sometimes, there are only empty squares22:41
keresHow do you change it to where you must double-click to open a file like on ubuntu?22:42
DaSkreechmoepman: Short answer is yes22:42
* Foodcoman kicks DaSkreech in the Knees.22:42
dr_willisI find linux rather easy22:42
dr_williscompared to some of the fighting ive had to do with windows22:42
david_keres: systemsettings->mouse22:42
* Foodcoman kicks dr_willis in the Knees.22:42
moepmanDaSkreech: and any solution?22:42
keresthank you david_22:43
keresone more question22:43
keresI have a Storage Disk D: i have stored my backup data on from before i switched to kubuntu22:43
keresIt has no Operating system on it, but when i plug it in, kubuntu detects it but when i double-click on it within Dolphin, nothing happens22:44
DaSkreechmoepman: Which apps show up as squares?22:44
DaSkreechFoodcoman: you find it hard? what's hard about it?22:44
keresWhen i attempt to open it, it requests my password. I enter my password and no action happens22:44
keresAny ideas?22:44
FoodcomanDaSkreech, I love it, just takes awhile to learn all about it.22:45
DaSkreechkeres: USB?22:45
keresDaSkreech: SATA22:45
DaSkreechFoodcoman: Yeah but that;s volume22:45
moepmanDaSkreech: changing.. sometimes kmix, sometimes the battery app but klipper, amarok, ktorrent, too22:45
keresDaSkreech: Normal SATA. Itś what i have been using for about a year22:46
moepmanexternal sata22:46
DaSkreechkeres: oh you may just want it in the Fstab then22:46
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions22:46
FoodcomanDaSkreech: Multimedia Xorg, new hardware, ect.  I have a Thinkpad W500 nearly everything work perfectly other than that an issue with the ATI video.22:46
DaSkreechmoepman: hrrm You have compositing on?22:46
DaSkreechmoepman: What video card?22:47
DaSkreechFoodcoman: Yeah You will learn to hate closed source drivers after a while22:47
moepmanDaSkreech: nvidia22:47
FoodcomanLOL, Nvidia all the way.  Work provided machine.22:47
moepmanDaSkreech: with restricted drivers22:48
keresDaSkreech: what is itś usage? is there a generic input that can be used?22:48
DaSkreechkeres: It mounts filesystems at boot time or when called. You can just always have th drive in /mnt for example22:49
moepmanDaSkreech: now kmix is a blue square22:49
DaSkreechmoepman: Might be the drivers. nVidia drivers have some horrible bugs with how KDE 4 uses X to do 2d22:49
DaSkreechThey are working on it so next time you get a driver update that could go away22:50
DaSkreech4.2 did a lot fo work to have a smoother system tray as well22:50
keresDaSkreech: i´m totally lost here. :S22:50
DaSkreechkeres: Did you read the page?22:50
DaSkreechkeres: where are you lost?22:51
keresI am lost by what i should type into terminal22:51
keres[Device] [Mount Point] [File System Type] [Options] [Dump] [Pass]22:52
wesleywhen is the next kde update ?22:52
dr_williskeres,  that looks like a 'format' for a fstab  file config line.. Not a terminal command22:53
dr_williskeres,  look at /etc/fstab for examples22:54
kereswhatś the text editor for kubuntu?22:54
dr_willisgedit  = G = gnome22:54
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code22:54
DaSkreechfale: Wow I love kalzium excpet for one thing :)22:54
DaSkreechhi dinx22:55
dinxHEY DaSkreech22:55
DaSkreechwesley: there is a new one each month22:55
dinxeh caps22:55
DaSkreechkeres: kdesu kate /etc/fstab22:56
keresDaSkreech: what do i change this line to?22:56
DaSkreechpastebin it22:56
faleDaSkreech: except what?22:56
DaSkreechfale: I can't get new Chemical Structures22:56
keresDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m5c7b9a7622:57
DaSkreechha ha :)22:58
faleDaSkreech: the service is available... probably someone will start to upload them soon22:58
DaSkreechkeres: can you type sudo fdisk -l into a terminal and pastebin that output ?22:58
DaSkreechfale: They are there. I can't download them though22:58
dinxDaSkreech: whats he trying to do ? mount root ?22:59
keresDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m22ecae0022:59
DaSkreechdinx: Mount something else22:59
DaSkreechkeres: trying to mount a NTFS drive?23:00
dinxah k23:00
keresDaSkreech: without formatting23:00
DaSkreechkeres: certainly ;-)23:00
faleDaSkreech: than it will be fixed in 4.2b2 ;)23:00
DaSkreechfale: Heh don't be sure23:01
DaSkreechfale: Was it even reported is the first thing to check23:01
DaSkreechkeres: Where would you want it? Or it doesn't matter to you?23:01
keresDoesn matter23:01
DaSkreechkeres: sudo mkdir /mnt/WindowsDrive23:02
FoodcomanIm coming up with many unknow/missing widgets after my upgrade.  Expected?23:02
bob_howdy - can I mount an NTFS partition? If so how? Thanks!23:02
DaSkreechsudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/WindowsDrive23:02
FoodcomanPastebin being some.23:02
DaSkreechbob_: Yes! just mount it :)23:03
bob_DaSkreech: If so how? :)23:03
DaSkreechFoodcoman: possibly if they changed out the ones that you have23:03
DaSkreechbob_: Want a quick mount or something more permanent?23:03
keresDaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/m7bb78b1d23:03
bob_DaSkreech: Permanent would be great - Dolphin shows the physical drive - but won't let me mount for some reason - I think the drive wasn't shut down properly last time it was accessed via Windows (I think that may have something to do with it)23:04
dr_willisThat can have EVERYTHING to do with it23:04
wesleyWhen will you be able to defram harddrives in kubuntu?23:05
* DaSkreech looks up defram23:05
geniiwesley: You mean windows partitions?23:05
DaSkreechha ha23:06
bob_wonder if i'll have to make some kind of windows live cd first23:06
DaSkreechbob_, keres: you are in the same boat23:06
wesleygenii and ext3 and go on23:07
wesleyi heard on ext4 there´s going be a deframent tool23:07
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
keresDaSkreech: any suggestions?23:07
keres mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/WindowsDrive -o force ?23:07
geniiwesley: ext2/3 filesystems do not require defragging, only Windows filesystems do, like ntfs or fat23:07
wesleygenii thats not true23:07
DaSkreechkeres: yeah if you don't have Windows23:07
keresOn the partition?23:08
keresThere is no OS on the partitiion, just a bunch of data23:08
wesleyi have read it that in fact a ext3 can be framented also23:08
DaSkreechwesley: They can be defragged but they don't really require it23:08
geniiwesley: The amount of fragmentation which occurs on ext2/3 is negligable23:08
DaSkreechkeres: If you don't have WIndows. Windows marked the drive as Dirty so Windows would have to clean it23:08
DaSkreechyou can use the -o force to mount it anyway23:09
keresand that would work?23:09
keresDaSkreech: mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/WindowsDrive -o force?23:09
bob_keres: its not sda1 - how would i figure out which device that physical drive is?23:09
wesleybut you admit linux is lacking a deframent tool?23:09
keresmount: only root can do that23:09
dr_willissudo fdisk -l23:09
dr_williswesley,  there are ext2/3 defrag gools.23:10
RobertLJIf I wanted to develop KDE4 based applications is there any particular dependencies that I would need to apt-get ?23:10
dr_williswesley,  they are just normally never needed23:10
bob_keres: i did sudo mount23:10
keresi am a linux noob23:10
wesleydr_willis thats true but what about external ntsf ?23:10
dr_williskeres,  rember to do 'system type tasks' you must do so as root.. normally with 'sudo' befor a command23:10
dr_williswesley,  there are various ntfs tools in  some packages.23:11
DaSkreechRobertLJ: the kde-dev packages?23:11
keresWoohoo! it works!23:11
DaSkreechkeres: I know :)23:11
keresDaSkreech: Thank you so much23:11
wesleydr_willis so i can defrag it from within linux ?23:11
DaSkreechkeres: You can set that up to mount eveerytime you boot if you like23:12
DaSkreechbob_: Followed that?23:12
RobertLJDaSkreech: Thanks!!!23:12
keresDaSkreech: how?23:12
dr_williswesley,  check the ntfs tools packages and see what they have. Ive never done so. THere are ntfs-scan/fix tools  may be others.23:12
DaSkreechRobertLJ: Sure. You may want to hang out in #kde-cafe to learn about KDE development. It's like #kde-devel lite23:12
DaSkreechkeres: did you open kate ?23:12
keresWhich file?23:13
dr_willis!info ntfsprogs23:13
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB23:13
wesleyDecrypt is not same as defrag?23:14
DaSkreechkeres: kdesu kate /etc/fstab23:14
keresDaskreech: so it won´t mount on every good?23:14
bob_DaSkreech: I tried  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windowsdrive -o force   - but its not sda1, and i'm not sure which device that hdd actually is23:14
dr_willisbob_,  sudo fdisk -l, and look to see what ones are what23:14
DaSkreechkeres: What?23:14
bob_dr_willis: ahh ok23:15
DaSkreechbob_: sudo fdisk -l23:15
keresDaSkreech: will the device mount every time i boot up my pc or do i need to edit fstab?23:15
DaSkreechkeres: edit fstab23:15
bob_sdb1 :)  - i think23:15
kereshow shall i edit it?23:15
DaSkreechkeres: alt+f2 -> kdesu kate /etc/fstab23:16
DaSkreechnow we want the UUID so run blkid I think23:16
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)23:16
DaSkreechsudo blkid23:16
bob_hmm - how can i pastebin? (sorry)23:16
bob_failed to access mountpoint /mnt/windowsdrive23:17
keresbob_: pastebin.com23:17
keresDaSkreech: sudo blkid23:17
dr_willisinstall the pastebinit command and use that.23:17
keresDaSkreech: /dev/sda1: UUID="B2284CC7284C8BF3" LABEL="Storage Disk" TYPE="ntfs"23:17
cuzntmy linksys cd setup is not kde friendly... do i really need the thing23:18
dr_willislinksys cd setup ?23:18
bob_DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/d445a4d5723:18
cuzntit is windoz23:18
DaSkreechkeres: copy the line thats in fstab and put it on the second line23:19
RurouniJonescuznt: I hightly doubt it23:19
DaSkreechchange the long string to the one you just got23:19
RurouniJonesmost linksys routers use the web-browser to administer it23:19
DaSkreechext3 to ntfs-3g and /  (at the end of the long string) to /mnt/WindowsDrive23:19
keresDaSkreech: my current string is UUID=976abf5f-93f5-4166-beae-23cf068ea57b /               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       123:20
DaSkreechcuznt: no23:20
cuzntyou highly doubt what? that i need the cd?23:20
DaSkreechcuznt: right23:20
keresDaSkreech: UUID=976abf5f-93f5-4166-beae-23cf068ea57b /               ntfs-3g     /mnt/WindowsDrive 0       123:21
keresis this right?23:21
bob_DaSkreech: I have ntfs-3g in there23:21
bob_oops maybe that was directed to keres23:21
DaSkreechkeres: no23:21
keresDaSkreech: change it to what then?23:21
DaSkreechthe 976ab....a57b should be B2284CC7284C8BF323:22
kereswhy b2284?23:22
keresDaSkreech: B2284CC7284C8BF3 /               ntfs-3g     /mnt/WindowsDrive 0       123:22
bob_DaSkreech: did you see this? http://pastebin.com/d445a4d5723:23
Roland123how to install kde 3.5 next to my 4.1 (kubuntu 8.10)23:23
wesleynot XD23:23
DaSkreechkeres: no23:23
wesleykde 3.5 is not in 8.1023:24
DaSkreechsee at the end of the B22 tere is a / ?23:24
DaSkreechbob_: yeah it's sdb123:24
keresRemove the slash?23:24
DaSkreechkeres: that should be /mnt/WindowsDrive23:24
bob_DaSkreech: correct, but its failing to mount :(23:25
DaSkreechput that there and take out the other one23:25
DaSkreechbob_: What command are you using?23:25
dr_willisTime to show us the whole line/command you are using.23:25
keresDaSkreech: B2284CC7284C8BF3 /mnt/WindowsDrive               ntfs-3g      0       123:25
dr_willisthats incorrect line23:25
DaSkreechRoland123: You need an external repo23:25
keresWhat should it be then?23:25
DaSkreechkeres: Yay!!23:25
dr_willisUUID=#############  /               ntfs-3g     /mnt/WindowsDrive 0       123:25
bob_DaSkreech: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 /mnt/windowsdrive -o force23:25
keresDaskreech: did i get it right?23:25
DaSkreechOh yeah sorry UUID=23:26
Roland123DaSkreech: where can i find one?23:26
bob_DaSkreech: fuse: failed to access mountpoint /mnt/windowsdrive: No such file or directory23:26
keresUUID=B2284CC7284C8BF3 /mnt/WindowsDrive               ntfs-3g      0       1 ?23:26
dr_willisI mount mine based on LABEL='MyDrive'23:26
DaSkreechbob_: You don't have that dir :)23:26
dr_williskeres,  you want it in /mnt/ or /media/ ?23:26
DaSkreechbob_: sudo mkdir /mnt/windowsdrive23:26
DaSkreechthen press up and run the mount command again23:26
keresdr_willis: whatever works the best23:26
bob_DaSkreech: nice ok :)23:26
keresi don´t care23:26
dr_willis /media/ us ubuntu standard. not /mnt/23:27
keresmedia then23:27
DaSkreechkeres: They both work. Media is for drives that are temporary mnt is for drives that you always expect to be there23:27
DaSkreechas per FHS23:27
Roland123DaSkreech: i think i found it23:27
keresthis is a perm mount23:27
dr_willisUbuntu dosent seem to follow that   standard however.23:27
DaSkreechRoland123: Be careful some of them are badly packaged23:27
DaSkreechThey will seriously mess up your system23:28
dr_willisthen again i got /mnt/ linked to /media/ :)23:28
bob_DaSkreech: AH HA, I see it! Thanks :) :)23:28
DaSkreechdr_willis: I do :)23:28
bob_DaSkreech: I owe you a beer23:28
DaSkreechbob_: There you go it will disappear on rebot though23:28
keresbob_: we will kill him with alcohol poisoning :D23:28
keresout of all the beer i owe him23:28
bob_DaSkreech: whats the perm solution? add it to some kind of startup script?23:29
keresDaSkreech: could you pastebin me the correct syntax of what fstab should be?23:29
keresDaSkreech: this is my current syntax http://pastebin.com/me96cbc323:29
ubuntu__Anyone here?23:30
dr_willisNo. :)23:30
keresvery active atm.23:31
* genii hides23:31
bomber_me neither23:31
bob_hi ubunto_ what can i help you with:) i can mount a drive now23:31
DaSkreech!hi | ubuntu__23:31
ubottuubuntu__: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!23:31
ubuntu__Hate to bother anyone, but I'm in sort of a jam.23:31
* DaSkreech sneaks out all the coffee pots23:31
ubuntu__(i'd come up witha  cooler name, but I just started useing knoversation).23:31
keresubuntu__: thatś the joy of #kubuntu23:31
Roland123DaSkreech: i hope it won''t mess it up.. but if it does... i'll just switch back to gnome prbly23:31
ubuntu__Problems are the joy?23:32
keresDaSkreech: can i private message you?23:32
keresmore joyful than windows.23:32
DaSkreechRoland123: What repo are you using?23:32
ubuntu__I've had absolutely no problems with the 32 bit hardy, on a laptop.23:32
DaSkreechkeres: You are missing something like defaults right after ntfs-3g23:32
keresUUID=B2284CC7284C8BF3 /mnt/WindowsDrive               ntfs-3g      0       123:32
keres0 123:33
ubuntu__on this desktop (64 bit, if it matters) has been nothing but trouble.23:33
keresUUID=B2284CC7284C8BF3 /mnt/WindowsDrive ntfs-3g 0 123:33
DaSkreechjust ntfs-3g<space>defaults<space>0 1 should be ok23:33
DaSkreechbob_: run sudo blkid23:33
Roland123DaSkreech: could of answered to you faster.. but got another random gui freeze.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96369523:33
ubuntu__The packags list eventually got roached, and I'm trying to do a fresh start with 8.1023:34
keresDaSkreech: would not let me save23:34
keresRead only.23:34
ubuntu__heres the problem: whenever I commit changes to the hard drive, the partitioner freezes.23:34
DaSkreechUmm save in your home directory then23:34
crueggehi. how do i trust root certificates in kleopatra? i've imported them correctly, but they're listed as "not trusted" and i can't find a way to change that.23:35
keresfstab saved to /home/23:35
DaSkreechubuntu__: what are you using?23:35
bob_DaSkreech: I ran sudo blkid - you need something from that?23:35
keresDaSkreech: any additional paremeters to make kubuntu use /home/fstab?23:35
DaSkreechkeres: backup the one in /etc then sudo mv from home to /etc23:35
ubuntu__Any insights?  Or am I just left out to dry-and go get an old *windows* hard drive and try to boot from that?23:35
kereshow do i back it up?23:35
ubuntu__(hope that ticks off some partisans :)23:35
goetzHow is the normal process to see windows shared folders from Kubuntu?23:35
dr_willisuse the file manager to browse the network.. see the machine/shares...23:36
ubuntu__your other partitions will look like other hard drives, right?23:36
DaSkreechkeres: cp /etc/fstab ~/fstab.orig23:36
DaSkreechbob_: yes23:36
ubuntu__so go to 'my computer'.  I'd be careful though-it might not like the file system.23:36
DaSkreechgoetz: type smb:/ in konqueror/dolphin23:37
ubuntu__Anyone have trouble with the installer?23:37
goetzdr_willis: I have used this way, but the is nothing.. And the are shared folders. I remember in Ubuntu the was a dialog to install some packages.23:37
DaSkreechubuntu__: What are you using to parittion ?23:37
keresDaSkreech: sudo mv /home/fstab /etc/23:37
ubuntu__The live CD's partition thing.23:37
DaSkreechkeres: you did the backup Then yes23:37
keresmv: cannot stat `/home/fstab': No such file or directory23:38
DaSkreechubuntu__: on the live cd install Gparted and do it explicitly23:38
goetzDaSkreech: thanks, the message is: "Unable to find any workgroups in your local network. This might be caused by an enabled firewall."23:38
dr_willisgoetz,  you need stff installed for windows to see shares on the LINUX box.. but not for linux to see shares on the windows box.23:38
DaSkreechkeres: sudo mv ~/fstab /etc23:38
DaSkreechdr_willis: techincally you need samba :)23:38
dr_willisgoetz,  ive also noticed lately that sme times gnome and kde file managers dont show allways the windows shares23:39
ubuntu__I'm running "live" (in memory) right now.  So I run "Gparted" and do what?23:39
dr_willisDaSkreech,  not for linux to see the windows shares from what ive seen.23:39
bob_DaSkreech: http://pastebin.com/d3cdba0b623:39
dr_willisDaSkreech,  since the kde/gnome file managers sort of23:39
dr_willisbrowse the network.23:39
keresDaSkreech: it now reads: UUID=B2284CC7284C8BF3 /mnt/WindowsDrive               ntfs-3g defaults      0       123:39
keresjust making sure, that correct?23:39
ubuntu__If I ever write something useful, it'll be a file maniger without bells and whistles.23:39
DaSkreechubuntu__: Edit the hard drive to what you want it to be. You can ask with help on that here as well if yu like23:39
DaSkreechkeres: yes23:40
dr_willisubuntu__,  thers dozens of file managers out like that. :)23:40
keresDaSkreech: thank you so much23:40
DaSkreechMy bill is in the post23:40
DaSkreechbob_: Ok see what keres just wrote ?23:40
DaSkreechbob_: type alt+F2 -> kdesudo kate /etc/fstab23:41
ubuntu__Assume I'm a newbie: I enter the host name, my name, etc, and commit to changes.23:41
ubuntu__after the hard drive's current partition is destroyed, it up and gives up, freezeing the machine 'till I hit power.23:42
goetzdr_willis: hmm, that is straing. So I have dont have to install anything? But in ubuntu I remember there came a dialok saying to install something for linux and windows networks23:42
ubuntu__Same problem with both the 8.10 and 8.06 discs.23:42
bob_DaSkreech: Ahh, I think I get it23:43
dr_willisgoetz,  last i looked. to set up a SHARE on the ubuntu box.. It will ask/install the samba packages.. to just VIEW the shares on a remote box.. it did not need to install anything.23:43
DaSkreechbob_: you need to change the UUID to the one you have for sdb1 and make sure the caps for /mnt/windowsdrive is the smae as yours23:44
ubuntu__I have this cousen, he has two machines with vista... he was compareing his shiny vista-running laptop to this decade old one I had with kubuntu...23:44
DaSkreechubuntu__: Hmm run it from the command line and see if it spits any errors23:44
ubuntu__I just laughed and said "do you know how fast that would go if it didn't have one leg behind it's back?23:45
ubuntu__or something less eloquent to that effect.23:45
goetzdr_willis: thanks for you help, I will search in the web more to see what could be, maybe a bug..23:45
ubuntu__wait, what do I run from the command line?23:45
dr_willisgoetz,  check the /etc/smb.conf - be sure you are in the same workgroups23:46
ubuntu__"Install kubuntu"23:46
* dr_willis missed ubuntu__ 's original question23:46
ubuntu__Oh, its just that I keep trying to install kubuntu 8.10 or 8.06 on this machine, and whenever I commit changes to the hard drive, it freezes.23:47
goetzdr_willis: good idea! btw, it is /etc/samba/smb.conf the folder :)23:47
bob_DaSkreech: do i need anything under defaults?23:47
dr_willis /etc/samba/   directory... smb.conf the config file23:47
ubuntu__sort of a pain considereing that on the first try, it whiped out the other system (grub gives me "error 17" and hangs)23:48
dr_willisubuntu__,  is linux going to be the only OS on the thing?23:48
goetzdr_willis: It is in WORKGROUP but it my case it should be MSHOME I think, thanks, maybe that is the problem23:48
dr_willisgoetz,  Yep.. been there, done that...23:48
ubuntu__Yeah.  It was before-I was useing 8.06, but the package list became cruftier and cruftier.23:49
macjason0607besides devde what app is good for converting a avi to a mpeg23:49
goetzdr_willis: Is there a GUI to change the workgroup in Kubuntu/KDE? and not with the config file?23:49
dr_willisgoetz,  no idea.. by the time i would look for a gui. I would have th file edited and saved23:50
ubuntu__I think this kind of thing is reason eneough to just learn perl and hack the #$% together yourself.23:50
DougwiserI use tovid to decode and burn video23:50
genii!info system-config-samba23:51
ubottusystem-config-samba (source: system-config-samba): GUI for managing samba shares and users. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.63-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 568 kB, installed size 5860 kB23:51
ubuntu__Know what would be funny?  An entire distro where everything except the kernel is written in intercal.23:51
ubuntu__With source & docs included.23:51
* genii suddenly worries that Hurd is written in intercal!23:52
ubuntu__With the amount of time it's taken, I sometimes think there is a paper-and-pencil turing machine that they are programing in brainfunk, and thats the glorious free software kernel.23:53
DaSkreechbob_: defaults :)23:53
bob_DaSkreech: lol OK23:54
ubuntu__Was it dumb to try to start fresh with a newer version rather then seeking help for the flakeyness of the old setup?23:54
bob_DaSkreech: do i put None or leave blank?23:54
DaSkreechjust put the word defaults23:55
dr_willisubuntu__ you may want to try the alternative installer cd.. it almos sounds like a hardware issue with the drive howeer.23:55
tarvidKubuntu Intrepid boots to kernel panic after upgrade23:55
ubuntu__I would think so-except it worked just fine the old way.23:55
bob_DaSkreech: nice - then 0 023:55
ubuntu__I though it might be shakeing, so I put additionsl screws in.23:56
tarvidKubuntu Intrepid boot to recovery stumbles but doesn't boot.23:56
bob_DaSkreech: outstanding - guess i'll have to reboot to test23:56
dr_willisubuntu__,  check the cables for cut wires/loose connections also.. and dust out the box. :P)  while you are at it...23:56
tarvidFresh install along side boots fine and old sda5 partition mounts.23:56
ubuntu__I had it open a short while ago to check that kinda thing.  Its fine.23:56
tarvidAny wizardry that might heal the boot logic on sda523:57
dr_willisI had an ide cable with a LITTLE bitty cut.. from a sharp edge on the case.. that cut one wire at the edge...23:57
dr_willistook me forever to find that.23:57
ubuntu__I have an old IDE drive (with a vintage win 98 system on it) that I could fine.23:57
ubuntu__This HD, however, has a SATA cable with thick, brightly covered insulation.  I checked it.23:57
DaSkreechbob_: no23:57
DaSkreechyou can do a sudo mount -a23:57
dr_willisubuntu__,  so its an ide+sata drives in the box.. Try as a test.. unplugging the ide.?23:58
ubuntu__I'm wondering about the fundimental idea of kubuntu23:58
ubuntu__why have special kde programs?  Can't we all just write portable programs?23:58
DaSkreechubuntu__: Like xclock?23:58
dr_willis'portable programs' have been tried again and again  over the years.. and never takes off.23:58
goetzWhich is the normal transfer rate of a home network? With the commun cabels and switch.23:59
dr_willisI seem to recall a 'java os' ages ago.23:59
dr_willisfor most of those - it boils down to what 'widget set/libs' the programer perfers23:59

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