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snapyhi there, I am starting to learn about PPA in Launchpad13:20
snapyI have recently "activated" my ppa repository and it seems that I only have a jaunty branch13:20
snapyIs there a way to have multiple branches (hardy, intrepid, etc)?13:21
noodlesHi snapy, yes you can publish to multiple distribution series... for example:13:22
snapyhow did you manage to do it?13:24
noodlesThat's not my archive... but13:24
* noodles is just looking a relevant help page...13:26
snapy(I am also investigating on help pages...)13:32
noodlessnapy, great! I found the following which mentions that when you copy packages from an archive into your own PPA, that you select the distroseries for the packages:13:32
noodlesjust trying to find related docs for when you upload your own source package...13:33
snapymeanwhile I am going to finish retouching my package (a personal version of network-manager)13:35
noodlessnapy, cool. From what I can see, when you setup your pbuild environment you specify the the build environment distribution... there's tips here for setting up for multiple ubuntu series:13:38
=== vednis is now known as mars
asabilhi all13:51
asabilthis import seems to fail: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/20302313/gst-plugins-base-trunk-log.txt13:51
asabilcould someone take a look at it please ?13:51
snapyhello again, it seems I have now a problem signing the source package with debuild14:01
snapyI type debuild -S -sa14:02
snapyand I get the error:  gpg: skipped "Miguel Telleria <miguel@mtelleria.com>": secret key not available14:03
noodlesHi again snapy, first check if this helps:14:03
snapyI suspect it is a problem with my gpg configuration, but I am going to check14:04
snapyoh I see, thanks noodles it seems I need to specify the key explicitly14:05
snapyI think I have uploaded it !! (the source package of course)14:12
snapybut I don't see the package yet14:13
noodlesYeah, I had to wait a while before mine showed up... (maybe 10 or 15mins, I can't remember...)14:14
oojahsnapy: You'll get emails with success/failure in a bit.14:14
snapyok, I wait then :)14:14
snapyuuhmm it was rejected :(14:16
snapyCould not find person 'miguel-telleria'14:16
snapyanyway I am getting close14:17
snapyuhhm I see14:17
snapyit is miguel-mtelleria14:17
snapychanging .dput.cf and retrying14:18
oojahsnapy: You can change your username if you've made a typo.14:21
snapyyes I have done it and the package has been accepted :)!!14:21
oojahsnapy: I mean if you want the username to be miguel-telleria on launchpad then you can change it.14:22
oojah(and well done :)14:22
snapyoh yeah I see now14:22
snapyand also I see only the source package14:22
oojahIt's still building.14:23
oojahClick on any of the architectures to see the status.14:23
snapyto change the username I should go to my launchpad profile I guess (I won't do it yet until the package has been built)14:24
oojahsnapy: Correct.14:24
snapywhat do you mean by "clicking in the architectures"?14:25
snapyI just don't see the link14:25
snapyok I see14:26
snapythings like http://ppa.launchpad.net/miguel-mtelleria/ubuntu/dists/intrepid/universe/binary-i386/ I guess14:27
noodlesFrom here:14:27
noodlesYou'll see there a list of architectures currently being (or waiting to be) built...14:28
snapycool :)14:28
snapywell it seems the build is over but I still don't see the .deb packages in the ftp repository14:33
snapyand I haven't received any emails neither14:34
snapy(just getting impatient)14:34
snapywell, I have to leave to go to eat (Spanish time)14:35
snapyI'll get back in the evening14:35
snapythanks noodles and oojah for your help.  I am sure I will make it very soon14:36
snapy(if not already :) )14:36
noodlesNo problem :). Yeah, I think you're there, just give it a few mins...14:36
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=== sinzui changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: sinzui | Need help? Check here for the Launchpad help schedule: https://help.launchpad.net/HelpRotation
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johannesI experimented a bit with releases on launchpad. I have a milestone with a few ssigned bugs and blueprints. Now I'm making a release. How can I link from the milestone to the release to say "all of these milestone targets are implemented there"? Or how should that work in the end?16:00
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darius12hi, I 've got a strange problem trying to build vim from my ppa, same package builds fine locally17:31
darius12configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables17:32
darius12See `config.log' for more details.17:32
darius12the logs are in https://launchpad.net/~pktoss/+archive/+build/80827917:32
bigjoolsdarius12: check your build dependencies17:54
Rinchennand, ping18:17
* mnft is away: Gone away for now.18:35
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der|kunstlerhow do I remove a project from my +junk ?21:04
der|kunstlerand how do I edit a branch's information ? :)21:04
mwhudsonder|kunstler: little icons next to the heading21:05
der|kunstlermwhudson, uhm, the ones that look like some soft of sign ?21:05
der|kunstlermwhudson, I mean, yellow sign21:05
mwhudsonyeah, it's meant to be a minus sign and a pencil21:06
der|kunstlergot it, thanks21:06
der|kunstler:/ how come I didn't see it, heh!21:06
mwhudsonder|kunstler: you're not the only one, we need to make this more discoverable somehow21:08
der|kunstlermwhudson, yeah, the first place I look for is on the right side21:08
der|kunstlermwhudson, when deleting a branch, here's what I've got: (Error ID: OOPS-1073H2400)21:09
mwhudsonder|kunstler: are you on edge?21:09
der|kunstlermwhudson, pardon my ignorance, what is edge ?21:10
mwhudsonder|kunstler: ah, ok21:10
thumpermwhudson: that'll be a no21:10
der|kunstlerheh :P21:10
thumperder|kunstler: known issue, and fixed in code (and edge)21:10
der|kunstlerI guess that's a no21:10
mwhudsonder|kunstler: edge stands for "bleeding edge"21:10
der|kunstleraaah, got it21:10
thumperder|kunstler: if you add a ".edge" between "code" and ".launchpad.net"21:10
mwhudsonit's a server that gets its code updated dairly21:10
der|kunstlerit hasn't been merged into the actual launchpad code21:10
thumperder|kunstler: for you branch21:10
thumperder|kunstler: you should be able to delete your branch21:11
der|kunstlerthumper, got it21:11
der|kunstlerthumper, so edge.code.blah right ?21:11
thumperder|kunstler: code.edge.launchpad.net21:11
der|kunstlerthumper, muchas gracias amigo :D21:11
der|kunstlermwhudson, thanks to you too21:11
thumperder|kunstler: you'll need to log in again as it is a different server21:11
der|kunstlerthumper, understood21:11
der|kunstlerwhen does the main launchpad server gets its code updated, how regular ?21:12
mwhudsonroughly monthly21:12
mwhudsonnext rollout will be in a week and a bit21:13
der|kunstlerthe project delete worked like a charm on that one. I assume the edge server is faster right ?21:14
mwhudsonah, he left21:18
thumperthat he did21:19
thumperI didn't feel like answering no one21:19
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