
=== pericamali is now known as ivoks
keespedro_: when finding bugs like 306368, can you dup them to bug 12437301:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 124373 in synaptic "_cache->open() failed, please report" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12437301:05
keesthere are tons of that report, so I like keeping them in one place (instead of making a new "answer")01:05
pedro_kees: alright01:06
keescool, thanks.  :)01:08
pedro_you' welcome , thanks for letting me know about that bug01:10
pedro_ogasawara_: have you seen something like : http://paste.ubuntu.com/82755/ ?01:56
hggdhbug 30638802:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306388 in ubuntu "My Ubuntu PC Was extremely hacked." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30638802:14
andresmujicahmm. you should ask for a screenshoot. :D02:17
ozgurgerillaHi all03:13
duanedesignI am a member of the Oklahoma LoCo team. As a group we are trying to get together and start triaging bugs. Several members have questions. If anyone with bug triaging experience could come to our meeting it would be greatly appreciated . Thursday Dec. 11 7:30pm #ubuntu-us-ok03:18
hggdhduanedesign, I will try to be there03:19
duanedesignhggdh: I/we would greatly appreciate it03:26
hggdhwelcome. I have it scheduled, all I need is Evo to remember to ring me ;-)03:43
mrooneybdmurray: is your bug mail reading and parsing code public anywhere?07:05
mrooneyif you already have that work done, switching eeebotu to that method would probably be easy and then we get not just new bugs but changes and then subscriptions become useful07:05
mrooneyand THEN an #ubuntu-bugs-fruit channel or something becomes possible where easy-to-triage bugs get announced07:06
mrooneyideally lowering the barrier to entry and sustained contributions for beginning triagers07:07
* hacktick is preparing a bug-list for todays BugJam in Berlin :)07:10
=== LucidFox_ is now known as LucidFox
OmnipotentEntityI have a report of the ath5k kernel module continually crashing and leaving stack traces all over the carpet, has this been reported, I can't find it in the reported bugs.14:12
OmnipotentEntitywow, that came out jumbled.14:12
OmnipotentEntityumm... going to file a bug, can't find a dupe, has anyone heard of this?14:13
machoo02bug #306429 should be marked as wishlist14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306429 in libgpod "libgpod 0.7.0 RC1 released" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30642914:21
machoo02bug #306360 should be marked as wishlist14:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 306360 in landscape-client "Update landscape-client package to 1.0.24" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30636014:33
machoo02bug #305981 should be marked as wishlist14:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305981 in xulrunner-1.9 "should ship TestGtkEmbed in xulrunner -dev package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30598114:43
BUGabundo_workmachoo02: humm fta PPA already has it...14:44
BUGabundo_workmention that to the user, and how to install PPA and the usual 3rd party repos stuff14:44
machoo02ok...will do14:45
machoo02BUGabundo_work: do you mean the mozillateam PPA?14:47
MAINERRORhey guys14:48
MAINERRORanyone here?14:49
BUGabundo_workĩ guess machoo0214:59
BUGabundo_workwhere ever it is!14:59
BUGabundo_worksure MAINERROR15:00
BUGabundo_worknot many, 'cause of UDS-Jaunty15:00
BUGabundo_workbddebian: http://www.funtasticus.com/20081209/daily-cool-pictures-80/15:36
bddebianHeh, work is filtering that one :)15:36
WelshDragonAny help? Not sure what package to file this bug against, But it appears that when most applications stop playing sound, the application segfaults.15:37
BUGabundo_workWelshDragon: it can be any of this15:38
WelshDragonBUGabundo_work, I know, that's what i mean, how should i go about finding out which one? =)15:38
BUGabundo_workwhat app is giving you trouble?15:39
BUGabundo_workand what are you doing?15:39
WelshDragonBUGabundo_work, Rhythmbox, Banshee, Lastfm players, Even pidgin with it's notification sounds. They start playing the music/sound fine. But as soon as i press stop, or the sound notification on pidgin has stopped, they segfault.15:40
BUGabundo_workI would go with pulse audio15:40
BUGabundo_workWelshDragon: what version of Ubuntu are you running?15:41
BUGabundo_workare you uptodate?15:41
BUGabundo_workok... jaunty...15:41
BUGabundo_workI have my sound playing stream radio on exaile...15:41
BUGabundo_workso I know that it is working today...15:41
BUGabundo_workopen sound-properties15:41
BUGabundo_workand see what device output you are using15:42
BUGabundo_workand let us know what audio card you have15:42
WelshDragonBUGabundo_work, HDA Intel STAC92xx Analog (ALSA) is selected15:44
BUGabundo_workwhat other options do you have there?15:48
WelshDragonBUGabundo_work, "PulseAudio Sound Server", "ALSA Advanced Linux Sound Architecture", "OSS - Open Sound System" and "Autodetect".... Autodetect and ALSA are the only ones that work, and the problem still exists.15:51
BUGabundo_workI'm subcribed to LP bug about that15:52
BUGabundo_worktake a look in there15:52
BUGabundo_workand see if it is the same with you15:52
WelshDragonWhich bug #?15:53
BUGabundo_workcan't find it15:56
BUGabundo_worknot even FF Awesome bar can save me this time15:56
WelshDragon=\ heh15:57
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mohbana__has anyone noticed some strange behaviour with firefox17:00
mcashi mohbana__17:00
mohbana__mcas: hih17:00
mcaswhich strange behaviour and which ubuntu/ firefox version17:01
mohbana__64bit ubuntu17:02
BUGabundo_workwhich is?17:02
mohbana__1. when i click search for word, by first highlighting it then google search.  it only shows google homepage17:05
mohbana__2. also, when i click new tab, nothing happens.  pretty random.  i tend to have to refresh the page17:05
BUGabundo_work1st time I here about that17:06
BUGabundo_workhave you tried on a new profile?17:06
mohbana__no, i don't want to loose all settings17:07
BUGabundo_workI don't17:07
BUGabundo_workI just create a new one and test17:08
BUGabundo_workand then go back to the old one17:08
BUGabundo_workfirefox -ProfileManager17:08
mohbana__ok thanks17:13
jegHegygreetings, i would like to perform a gdm backtrace for an Xorg crash, problem is that networking doesn't work until i log in through GDM -- which is exactly when the crash happens, so i can't ssh in. any tips?17:37
jegHegyokay, got networking up, can anyone help me get a proper backtrace from Xorg?18:18
jegHegyit caught a SIGPIPE and a gdb prompt and a hung X on the sick machine. is that when i "backtrace full"?18:19
jegHegyokay, let's try an easier question, when does this channel have people who are not asleep? :)18:21
mrooneybdmurray: any thoughts on having five-a-day in universe or something, to lower the barrier to entry a little?18:24
jegHegycont'd, reached a SIGABRT18:26
jegHegyreached a second SIGABRT and gdm restarted18:29
joumetaljegHegy: have you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Debugging already?18:30
jegHegyand DebuggingXorg18:30
jegHegythe first SIGABRT is the last time i can backtrace since after that the process gets killed18:31
bdmurraymrooney: one thing we'd discussed yesterday was not requiring people to submit bugs to five-a-day to participate, if you joined the team your 5 would be counted for you18:31
mrooneybdmurray: yeah I remember that, I guess I was thinking if that ended up not happening18:32
mrooneybut if it is that would be great!18:32
joumetalhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Backtracing has section Post-mortem backtrace. maybe that helps.18:44
jegHegyjoumetal: no core dump file gets created but i *think* i've got a proper trace now18:49
jegHegysubmitting a bug in a minute18:49
jegHegyit looks to be a bug in mesa; went to report a mesa bug, launchpad told me to submit using ubuntu-bug -p mesa, but it says there is no such package?18:51
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jegHegythere we go19:06
=== dickydoo2 is now known as WelshDragon
jegHegyfingers crossed19:08
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=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY

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