NCommander | StevenK, | 00:11 |
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tjaalton | umm, could an archive-admin promote x11proto-dri2 to main, new mesa/xorg-server will depend on it | 00:36 |
tjaalton | it's just protocol headers, no security issues etc :) | 00:37 |
tjaalton | pitti, slangasek, ..: ^^ :) | 00:44 |
St_Peter | Is anyone from uds listening here? | 00:57 |
cody-somerville | yes | 00:58 |
St_Peter | okey please ask them that are talking about boot up perfomance to see how to fit in the accessibility things as well in the chain. | 00:59 |
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pitti | tjaalton: sorry, UDS madness; looking | 01:13 |
pitti | tjaalton: argh, source is in main; can you please file an MIR bug? I'll do it later then | 01:15 |
tjaalton | pitti: it is? to me it looks like it's in universe, both source and binary | 01:24 |
tjaalton | pitti: but I can file a bug too | 01:24 |
pitti | tjaalton: yes, only a quarter of a brain; I meant "universe" | 01:24 |
tjaalton | pitti: yes, promotable packages usually tend to be, right? :) | 01:27 |
ScottK-laptop | tjaalton: If source is in Universe, then it needs a MIR. | 01:28 |
pitti | tjaalton: I thought it was a binary in universe for a src in main | 01:28 |
pitti | tjaalton: if it's a trivial package, just file a bug | 01:28 |
tjaalton | ScottK-laptop: wouldn't be the first time a x11proto is promoted without paperwork, but I've filed a bug already | 01:28 |
tjaalton | pitti: right, it's bug 306383 | 01:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 306383 in x11proto-dri2 "please promote x11proto-dri2 to main" [Undecided,New] | 01:29 |
Riddell | tseliot: does your X setup stuff have a name? | 01:36 |
tseliot | Riddell: not yet | 01:37 |
Riddell | tseliot: "new display setup tool" it is then | 01:38 |
tseliot | Riddell: yes, that's appropriate | 01:38 |
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emgent | calc: really big and important question: why in Ooocal there is starwars game? :-) | 02:20 |
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ozgurgerilla | Hi everyone I want to contribute to Ubuntu can someone tell me how to make a start | 03:07 |
LaserJock | ozgurgerilla: do you have a particular area you would like to contribute to? | 03:14 |
ozgurgerilla | LaserJock: I want to start as a tester or join the bug squad | 03:17 |
jdong | ozgurgerilla: Thanks for having an interest in contributing to Ubuntu; There's a lot of ways one can help the project and community; most of them are listed at | 03:17 |
jdong | if you have any specific questions we're all here to answer them :) | 03:17 |
jdong | ozgurgerilla: have you read and/or joined #ubuntu-bugs? | 03:18 |
ozgurgerilla | I was just wondering what language do I need to know to write and test code in? | 03:19 |
ozgurgerilla | I'm just reading the website you've provided, many thanks. | 03:19 |
jdong | Ubuntu contains software written in a wide variety of languages | 03:20 |
jdong | debs are also built with the help of a packaging "language" if you will, that is described in the MOTU documentation too | 03:20 |
jdong | you can contribute with little to no programming experience and pick up bits of knowledge as you go along | 03:20 |
jdong | Furthermore with the volume of bugs that our userbase reports, we need a *LOT* of help just sifting through them, figuring out which ones are valid, which ones are duplicates, and so on | 03:21 |
jdong | and that stuff is very important work for us and doesn't really need any computer science or programming background | 03:21 |
ozgurgerilla | which project do you think I should join first as a 3rd year programmer with some knowledge in C, C++, Java and functional languages? | 03:22 |
jdong | what do you like to do? Do you like finding bugs, writing documentation, providing support to the community, creating packages for your favorite programs, etc? | 03:23 |
jdong | I've been told I'm magical and all, but I can't tell what your interests are :) | 03:24 |
LaserJock | pfft | 03:24 |
ozgurgerilla | :) I like creating packages and finding bugs but I am hesitating to start doing that as it might be difficult. Is there programming projects that are for intermediate or beginers level? if yes, where can I find information to join such developing groups? | 03:25 |
jdong | LaserJock obviously disagrees with my ego | 03:26 |
ozgurgerilla | LaserJock is obviously prejudging ;) | 03:26 |
jdong | ozgurgerilla: I don't think either of the tasks you mentioned are difficult or technically involved. | 03:26 |
jdong | the MOTU section of the wiki has good walkthroughs on making packages | 03:26 |
jdong | and #ubuntu-bugs can probably point you towards what kind of work bug-triaging typically entails | 03:27 |
jdong | I suggest trying both and seeing which one you like | 03:27 |
ozgurgerilla | jdong: is mirc the main way of communication? | 03:27 |
jdong | IRC tends to be the primary communications medium for developers. | 03:28 |
jdong | the mailing lists are also popular for the developers if you need more to engage in in-length discussions | 03:28 |
LaserJock | jdong: no no, I was just scoffing at the idea that you can't read minds ;-p | 03:28 |
jdong | I can barely read this SELinux manual set in front of me :) | 03:30 |
LaserJock | what has MIT done to you?! | 03:30 |
jdong | haha | 03:31 |
ozgurgerilla | :) thanks for the help jdong | 03:31 |
ozgurgerilla | good night. | 03:31 |
jdong | nor do I know why I am at "Zero Insertion Force" on wikipedia from the Mandatory Access Control page :) | 03:31 |
jdong | I don't know how people who actually have attention deficit issues use wikis... | 03:31 |
LaserJock | amen to that | 03:32 |
LaserJock | the other day I was looking up Density Functional Theory for a dissertation chapter | 03:32 |
ajmitch | jdong: getting lost in a maze of wiki links? | 03:32 |
jdong | yes | 03:32 |
LaserJock | and ended up reading an article on the rivalry between the nazi SS and SA | 03:32 |
ajmitch | mmm, procrastination | 03:33 |
jdong | I've even forgotten exactly why I opened wikipedia to begin with | 03:33 |
ajmitch | LaserJock: completely the same topic! | 03:33 |
LaserJock | there was a connection | 03:33 |
ajmitch | I'm sure there was, somewhere :) | 03:33 |
jdong | 6 degrees to Hitler, is it? | 03:34 |
LaserJock | something about somebody not getting a Nobel prize because one of the guys the worked with later joined the SA | 03:34 |
LaserJock | *they | 03:34 |
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NCommander | nixternal, ping? | 05:02 |
amikrop | When will Python 2.6.x and 3.0.y be packaged and get into the repositories? | 05:15 |
ScottK-laptop | amikrop: Python 3.0 is already there | 05:22 |
amikrop | ScottK-laptop: You are right. What about 2.6? | 05:23 |
ScottK-laptop | I'd guess the next couple of weeks. | 05:24 |
ScottK-laptop | It's a matter for doko and when he has time AFAIK. | 05:24 |
amikrop | ScottK-laptop: He is the packager of Python, for Ubuntu? | 05:27 |
amikrop | ScottK: Also, will Python 2.6 be added to the repositories in that version of Ubuntu? I thought that only bug and security fixes are applied in daily updates. | 05:27 |
ScottK-laptop | amikrop: Yes. | 05:29 |
ScottK-laptop | For Intrepid, you won't see 2.6. That'll be in Jaunty. | 05:29 |
ScottK-laptop | We will update the 3.0 RC in Intrepid to the final. | 05:29 |
amikrop | ScottK-laptop: I see. Thank you. | 05:32 |
calc | emgent: because they would rather write games than fix bugs at sun? | 06:22 |
hyperair | crimsun: ping. i'm curious to know why you removed all my attachments from bug 202089 | 06:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 202089 in pulseaudio "Pulseaudio is blocking normal sound after resume" [Low,In progress] | 06:42 |
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philsf | I'm getting this from update-manager since last week: Failed to fetch Hash Sum mismatch. Shoud this be looked into? | 12:17 |
philsf | In the first time, I thought it was a syncing issue, but it's been days since the first time I saw it | 12:18 |
Company | philsf: bad time to ask, the whole crew's in california for UDS | 12:31 |
Company | and it's 3.30AM there | 12:32 |
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NCommander | hey StevenK | 15:09 |
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NCommander | StevenK, morning | 16:49 |
* StevenK grumbles. It's morning? | 16:50 | |
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ScottK | It's always morning somewhere. That's the problem with it. | 16:56 |
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Keybuk | I've come up with a use case for libtool linking all dependency libraries | 19:21 |
Keybuk | it makes tracing reverse dependencies *much* easier since I don't have to walk a tree <g> | 19:21 |
alex-weej | i've noticed that bringing my notebook back from suspend sometimes the sound doesn't work -- if i kill pulseaudio and restart it comes back | 19:33 |
alex-weej | anyone any ideas? | 19:33 |
=== Hobbsee changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: UDS: occuring, Archive: open, MoM running | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | | See #ubuntu-bugs for | ||
LaserJock | Hobbsee: you just like playing ops don't you :p | 19:38 |
Hobbsee | LaserJock: :P. Nah. Just being thrown big scary red warnings about the scripts being wrong. | 19:38 |
Mithrandir | hi walters | 19:38 |
Hobbsee | Mithrandir! | 19:39 |
Mithrandir | also, hi LJ, Hobbsee | 19:39 |
walters | hello | 19:39 |
* StevenK waves to Mithrandir | 19:39 | |
Mithrandir | how's the googleplex? | 19:39 |
Hobbsee | interesting. | 19:40 |
LaserJock | Mithrandir: hello! | 19:40 |
StevenK | Big and scar ^W^W^WPerfectly fine. | 19:40 |
Mithrandir | they're still fattening up the devs, I presume? | 19:41 |
StevenK | The lunch yesterday was large | 19:41 |
luisbg` | what was the jaunty UDS irc channel? | 19:49 |
Hobbsee | #ubuntu-devel-summit | 19:50 |
luisbg` | Hobbsee, thanks! | 19:50 |
didrocks | pitti: thanks for the upload :) sorry for the core dev change. I might be tired when doing that as I was sure to do the contrary: motu -> core dev in control file :/ | 19:51 |
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mohbana__ | how do i control how much history is saved in the command line? | 20:32 |
jdong | that's not an #ubuntu-devel topic. | 20:33 |
mohbana__ | very helpful. thanks | 20:35 |
jdong | y... you're welcome? | 20:35 |
alex-weej | crimsun: your PA packages just segfault | 21:00 |
alex-weej | E: shm.c: Invalid shared memory segment size | 21:00 |
alex-weej | times lots | 21:00 |
alex-weej | then SIGSEGV | 21:01 |
crimsun | erm, segfault?! they're usable here :/ Can you roll back a libc6* version? | 21:01 |
alex-weej | i don't know, can i? | 21:01 |
alex-weej | if i run under GDB i get this first: | 21:01 |
alex-weej | [New process 12759] | 21:01 |
alex-weej | Executing new program: /proc/12759/exe | 21:01 |
alex-weej | /proc/12759/exe: Permission denied. | 21:01 |
alex-weej | no idea what that menas | 21:02 |
alex-weej | *means | 21:02 |
crimsun | if you roll back to jaunty's pa packages, try just placing the extracted /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/01PulseAudio | 21:02 |
alex-weej | i'm on intrepid... | 21:03 |
crimsun | hmm, I thought you were running jaunty. Anyhow, then you need the 01PulseAudio file from 202089 | 21:03 |
alex-weej | if all it's going to do is kill pulseaudio on sleep and then start it again on resume | 21:04 |
alex-weej | then there's no point, that obviously works | 21:04 |
crimsun | doesn't kill; suspends | 21:04 |
alex-weej | ok i will try it later | 21:04 |
alex-weej | my stomach is knacking with hunger so i gotta go! | 21:04 |
alex-weej | bbl | 21:04 |
crimsun | it's known upstream, this just works around it | 21:04 |
alex-weej | ok cool | 21:04 |
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RAOF | Ok. So, this time we've deliberately sync'd nouveau from Debian :). I'll do the cleanup requried to make nouveau-kernel-source uploadable, then. | 22:45 |
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phix | hey, excuse my bluntness but what idiot put pulse alsa pluging in ubuntu 8.10? | 23:36 |
RAOF | The person who wanted audio to work. I presume this breaks something for you? | 23:40 |
RAOF | If so, a bug report is a nice permanent way of recording this in a fasion that makes it possible to diagnose and fix :). Initial discussion here is possibly useful, but it'll want to end up in launchpad. | 23:42 |
Keybuk | tseliot: around? | 23:43 |
tseliot | Keybuk: yep | 23:44 |
phix | RAOF: yes it does, it doesn't pick up that I want to use hdmi as output (it is the only output device in there) | 23:44 |
phix | RAOF: ok | 23:44 |
Keybuk | tseliot: screen-resolution-backend | 23:45 |
Keybuk | that has a D-Bus service | 23:45 |
Keybuk | do you really not want anyone to communicate with it? | 23:45 |
Riddell | MacSlow: this is the new notifier in KDE 4.2 | 23:46 |
tseliot | Keybuk: yes, it uses policykit | 23:46 |
tseliot | Keybuk: why should anything else use it? | 23:46 |
RAOF | phix: That sounds like it could be a pulseaudio bug; I presume that your alsa is actually exposing a hdmi output? If so, pulse shouldn't be ignoring it. | 23:46 |
Keybuk | tseliot: it uses policykit? | 23:46 |
Keybuk | does it not have any methods of its own? | 23:46 |
Keybuk | it reserves the com.ubuntu.ScreenResolution.Mechanism bus name? | 23:47 |
tseliot | Keybuk: yes, since it has to access the xorg.conf | 23:47 |
phix | RAOF: yes, I am in #alsa and I can get the sound test working | 23:47 |
tseliot | Keybuk: yes | 23:47 |
Keybuk | which looks like it exports setVirtual() method? | 23:47 |
Keybuk | (which uses PK for authorization?) | 23:47 |
tjaalton | who could look at an armel/lpia build failure (mesa) ? | 23:47 |
tseliot | Keybuk: right | 23:47 |
Keybuk | but you don't have anything in your dbus conf that actually *allows* anyone to call that method | 23:47 |
Keybuk | you need something like: | 23:47 |
Keybuk | <policy context="default"> | 23:47 |
phix | RAOF: but I need to specify device as hdmi or hw:0,3. I tried setting pcm!default=hdmi or somethign to that effect but alsa doesn't take any notice of that since pulse is being used or something like that | 23:48 |
Keybuk | <allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.ScreenResolution.Mechanism"/> | 23:48 |
Keybuk | </policy> | 23:48 |
StevenK | phix: But how does that also mean "but what idiot put pulse alsa pluging in ubuntu 8.10?" | 23:48 |
phix | StevenK: pulse in general is a beta sound daemon | 23:49 |
phix | StevenK: and doesn't set my default output device correctly | 23:49 |
RAOF | Right. But that's a bug, rather than a bad design decision. | 23:50 |
phix | StevenK: and wont allow me to do it manually in alsa | 23:50 |
tseliot | Keybuk: I don't think I really want other programs to use that method. I'll do something similar for my other tools soon though | 23:50 |
Keybuk | what program uses that method then? | 23:50 |
tseliot | Keybuk: for my new Display Configuration tool and for other tools which will share part of its code | 23:50 |
tseliot | Keybuk: currently screen-resolution-extra is used in the Gnome Screen resolution applet | 23:51 |
RAOF | phix: Anyway, you might want to install paman - see whether pulse is seeing your hdmi output at all, and see what pulse thinks your outputs are. | 23:51 |
Keybuk | tseliot: I think you're missing my point | 23:51 |
Keybuk | *nothing* can use that dbus service | 23:51 |
tseliot | Keybuk: when you need to set the virtual resolution in the xorg.conf | 23:51 |
Keybuk | wayyy before you even get to PK | 23:51 |
tseliot | Keybuk: well my app does | 23:51 |
Keybuk | right | 23:51 |
tseliot | Keybuk: slangasek used it today in front of you | 23:51 |
Keybuk | if your app uses it, you need to allow it to communicate over dbus | 23:52 |
Keybuk | with the snippet I gave above | 23:52 |
pochu | kees: thanks for the upload :) | 23:52 |
tseliot | Keybuk: are you saying that my app is not using dbus? | 23:52 |
MacSlow | Riddell, thanks for the pointer! | 23:53 |
Keybuk | tseliot: no, I'm saying that your app only works because of a security flaw in dbus | 23:53 |
Keybuk | and as soon as we fix that, your app will break :) | 23:53 |
tseliot | Keybuk: ah, that's really good to know | 23:53 |
kees | pochu: thanks for all the packaging work! | 23:53 |
phix | RAOF: ok | 23:53 |
tseliot | Keybuk: I'll fix it in Intrepid and Jaunty then | 23:53 |
tseliot | Keybuk: thanks for reporting | 23:54 |
phix | RAOF: what is wrong with esound? | 23:56 |
Keybuk | tseliot: bug | 23:57 |
RAOF | phix: It was (a) unmaintained (b) had terrible latency problems (and would hence cause a/v desync) which caused (c) no one used it. | 23:57 |
Keybuk | tseliot: bug #307705, debdiff attached | 23:57 |
ubottu | Error: Launchpad bug 307705 could not be found | 23:57 |
Keybuk | bug #306705, sorry | 23:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 306705 in screen-resolution-extra "No permission to call method (dbus 1.2.8)" [Undecided,New] | 23:58 |
phix | RAOF: ok | 23:58 |
tseliot | Keybuk: did you test it? | 23:59 |
Keybuk | tseliot: no, not yet | 23:59 |
tseliot | Keybuk: I'll have to do that anyway. Thanks a lot for the patch | 23:59 |
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