
white_I was in the middle of updating and adept crashed, now it says the process is locked, i tried rebooting, still the same error, how do i fix this?00:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fixsdept00:11
=== miguel is now known as Guest36026
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:11
=== jaf is now known as jaf__
apadoxhi, I can't install flash in kubuntu 8.04 KDE 3.500:25
apadoxi tried everything and googled00:25
apadoxi did that default from adobe page, downloaded .deb00:26
apadoxstill notihng00:26
ahlymu tried "sudo apt-get install firefox"?00:26
apadoxand over adept too00:27
apadoxahlym: every time flash is not working00:27
apadoxahlym: install firefox-d.000:27
ahlymi installed flash from sudo apt-get install flash-plugin00:28
ahlymit didnt work at u too ?00:28
ahlymall didnt work ?00:29
ahlymso what error appear at u00:29
BluesKajflashplugin-nonfree is the name00:29
apadoxi know00:29
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:29
BluesKaj!info flashplugin-nonfree00:30
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)00:30
apadoxfii did that00:30
chase_hey what is the screenshot key combo in kubuntu?00:30
apadoxstill get Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player.  on youtube00:30
BluesKajapadox, how did you install it ?00:31
apadoxi tried first .deb00:32
apadoxthen apt00:32
legodude_chase_: I use ksnapshot00:34
legodude_!info ksnapshot00:34
ubottuksnapshot (source: kdegraphics): screen capture tool for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.2-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 212 kB, installed size 496 kB00:34
BluesKajapadox,  install it from the repos ... make sure you have the third party software enabled in adept00:34
apadoxBluesKaj: how to completly remove it00:34
chase_ legodude: thank you very much!00:34
apadoxbecause i tried to install it from rep after apt-remove00:35
apadoxstill same00:35
BluesKajapadox , i recomend synaptic pkg manager ..it's better at completely removing aps and dependencies tha apt or adept , aptitude is good as well00:36
BluesKajaps = apps00:36
knoppixhi, frustrated gnome user, i have an ubuntu smb server on my network, im trying to save a laptop with knoppix by transfering the data to the smb server, how do i connect to smb with kde?00:36
BluesKajwith konqueror , knoppix ...types smb in the addressbar ...if both machines are in the same workgroup it should work00:37
BluesKaj smb:/00:38
knoppixBluesKaj, just type smb:/ in konqueror?00:38
BluesKajif you have konq installed of course00:39
knoppixBluesKaj, knoppix can find mshome, but click on mshome - nothing00:39
knoppixi know the IP , wll that help00:40
=== tetsu is now known as thetetsu
BluesKajare you sharing your windows pc files to the network ?00:41
knoppixBluesKaj, found it, thanks, just not used to KDE. ...00:41
knoppixbut linux is linux, thanks again00:42
wesleythe cuncurent non free flash is really unstable01:00
tarvidwhat's the best way to update from perl 5.8.8 to 5.10.001:02
gaelani just discovered that by typing "kcmshell4" in the terminal i can load up a long list of GUIs for managing my computer... is there somewhere i can find those tools all in one place? in particular "fileshare" which i can't find in the KDE System Settings01:02
crimsunwesley: on hardy? intrepid? jaunty?01:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about perl01:03
crimsunwesley: sorry01:03
crimsuntarvid:  on hardy? intrepid? jaunty?01:03
crimsunwesley: actually, that question is relevant for you, too01:03
crimsuntarvid: i.e., if you're running intrepid, you have 5.1001:04
crimsun(sorry, 5.10.0)01:04
crimsun      perl | 5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2 |      intrepid | source, amd64, i38601:04
tarvidcuriously I hjave 5.8.801:04
tarvidI'll check apt01:04
jbarnes_ugg, kdepim from beta2 fails to install with a kjots conflict01:05
crimsuntarvid: perl --version|awk '/built for/'01:05
tarvidYou are a good man. I got this box horribly scrambled01:05
tarvidit has hardy in the version but intrepid in all the packages01:06
tarvidthen some of the packages look for perl 5.10.001:06
crimsunyou likely need to complete your distribution upgrade01:06
tarvidbut 5.8.8 is installed01:06
tarvidI think I'll bundle the machine up for a trip to a better connection01:07
crimsunapt-cache policy perl01:07
white_i've got an inspiron 3200, my sound doesn't work at all, and i've googled for hours and not found much except than apperently i have an ISA soundblaster pro and it apears to not work in ubuntu at all or a few other distros, but no answers on how to fix it.  can anyone help me here?01:14
=== Daisuke-Ido is now known as Daisuke_Ido
Cimmowhite_: did you read this? http://members.tripod.com/jeffchiu/linux-i3200.html01:19
Cimmopoint 1. seems interesting01:19
Cimmoand also this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=36250501:21
billydWhite this might be some help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting01:21
WalzmynI've just installed a new theme and when i acctivate it I get nothing but a white page - that a common problem?01:24
Walzmynerr, wrong channel, sorry01:24
keres_what is the chown syntax to remove ownership from a folder?01:28
keres_i accidentally set ownership of a folder to my user01:29
billydWhite - what version of Kubuntu are you running?01:29
m4vkeres_: check « man chown »01:30
keres_m4v: what?01:30
m4vchown's manual01:31
keres_m4v: is there just a simple syntax for reseting it?01:33
m4vyou just set the ownership of that folder to the previous owner01:35
keres_will sudo chown -r root:root /usr/  work m4v?01:35
Kovertany one know why the rss plazmoid never actually gets any news?01:36
m4vkeres_: I guess so, but I don't know if all files in /usr should belong to root01:38
keres_m4v: that syntax only made some folders have root ownership01:39
m4vthat's probably because you weren't able to check in the manual if -r is for recursive01:41
m4vor chown --help01:41
keres_m4v: -r means recursive? what effect does this have?01:42
wesleymore people are having the last 2 days problems with gmail?01:43
Kovertany one know why the rss plazmoid never actually gets any news?01:44
KovertDesign feature?01:46
=== root is now known as Guest44034
wesleyspam filter from kmail works to good02:05
afeijothats weird, my htdocs/subfolder now save my files empty! size 0! but with sudo nano it save.  I didnt change anything, and all files are owned by feijo:feijo02:05
wesleyi get mail from my girl and where does kmail place it in the spam folder02:06
afeijoany suggestion?02:07
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=== Guest93484 is now known as jean
wesleywhat are you doing ?02:16
tbr281what app can i use to take snapshots from a video?02:17
snarksterhas anyone tried the google gadgets?02:19
snarksterI can only seem to find google-gadgets-gtk is that the correct one?02:20
jedixI'm going to guess not02:20
jedixbut don't know02:20
wesleysnarkster, big change doesnt going work02:21
wesleyI clearly need to set the spam filters off02:22
treesHi, im having trouble mounting a phone with usb storage.  The system adds /dev/sdb but not its partitions.02:23
treesis this common?02:24
snarksterwesley: I dont understand what you just said.02:25
snarkstercommon for my sidekick02:25
treesused to work a few versions ago02:26
peeps_why am i getting this error? http://pastebin.com/m3a9a9f3902:26
keresis kde3 less buggy than 4?02:27
wesleysnarkster i meant big chance it will not work02:30
wesleykeres yes it is02:30
kereswesley: you using 4 or 3?02:30
kereswesley: how easy is it to switch to 3 from 4?02:31
wesleyeasy just update to 8.10 oh and i use kde 4.2 that a beta02:31
keresi'm using 8.10. i just installed kubuntu 2 nights ago. kde4 is hella unstable here.02:32
keresis the 4.2 beta more/less stable?02:32
wesleyUh depends on your system i gues02:34
wesleykde4.2 is better thats one thing i am sure off02:35
wesleybut its still bedta02:36
faileaswesley: KDE 4.1 feels betaish to me too ;p02:37
wesleyhmmm no that could i not say, its just early release02:38
snarksterwesley: hmm they work fine just wanted the qt version if there was one02:38
kereswesley: how easy is it to switch to 3.x, i'm on intrepid.02:38
wesleylol intrepid is 4.102:39
wesleytheres no kde3 anynmore in 8.10 8.04 was last kde302:39
keresthere's no possible way to downgrade kde4 to kde3?02:39
snarkstercompile it yourself02:40
* keres hates compiling02:40
wesleykeres uh there is away02:41
wesleyjust grab a copy of kubuntu 8.04 and install it on your system02:41
=== evgeni is now known as dj_ee3
kereswesley: how much more stable is kde3? and does that require formatting?02:41
snarksteryes it requires formatting..02:42
peeps_why am i getting this error? http://pastebin.com/m3a9a9f3902:42
wesleykeres, uh yeah you need to format your / but you could look for kde3 packages for kde302:42
peeps_im just trying to make a mock file system, so i can burn it to cd02:42
peeps_im trying to flash my bios02:42
snarksteris it already a floppy image?02:44
wesleybut keres i would suggest just move on, because kde3 is old02:44
peeps_snarkster: no02:44
wesleykde4 is the future02:44
peeps_snarkster: ive had this error before when i tried to use the loop function02:45
peeps_but im not sure02:45
wesleyGuys Windows 7 leaked on the internet, you can test Windows 7 already02:45
snarksterhmm its beyond my scope02:45
snarksteryah who cares about windows02:45
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:46
wesleyWanna have always tested new and modern software02:47
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Ubuntu comes with the GNOME interface. To install that from Kubuntu install the ubuntu-desktop package.02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gates02:47
snarksterreal housewives of Orange County.. good god.02:52
afeijoto my user when I run echo test > t system tell me: no more disk space, but with sudo it writes.  Quota? How to increase?02:55
DaSkreechAnyone on 4.1.3 ?02:55
cWolfei forget, do i  need a 64bit OS to run 16 gigs of ram?02:56
DaSkreechcWolfe: pretty close02:56
afeijocWolfe: I guess you can use it with APE enabled02:56
cWolfethanks guys02:58
cWolfei have 1 cdr left, and almost burnt 32bit kubuntu02:58
cWolfeglad i asked 1st02:58
PleXuSi have some weard problem in my kde4.103:02
PleXuSmy windows list sometimes hangs03:02
PleXuSwindows buttons stay on the bar when there not active anymore andso on03:02
keresHelp someone03:04
DaSkreechPleXuS: 4.1.3 ?03:04
DaSkreechkeres: hi03:04
kereshi DaSkreech03:04
keresThe application KDE Daemon (kded4) crashed and caused Signal 11 (SIGSEGV)03:05
PleXuSDaSkreech, yeah03:05
keresthis occured during update03:05
keres"A fatal error has occured" is the dialog title03:05
DaSkreechkeres: It'll auostart itself03:05
PleXuSDaSkreech, no its 4.1.203:05
keresDaSkreech: ignore it?03:05
PleXuSDaSkreech, but i did update today03:06
PleXuSand no new versions :s03:06
DaSkreechkeres: Unless it keeps happening03:06
keresok :)03:06
DaSkreechPleXuS: What version of Kubuntu are you on?03:06
keresDaSkreech: you running kde4?03:07
DaSkreechkeres: It runs me03:07
afeijosome other night I was coping a .avi 350 mb file to a ntfs folder.  In the middle, my machine turned off (ops, cron shutdown).  Siince that, I cant copy files to that folder, nor remove files!!03:07
PleXuSoriginal first install 7.1003:07
DaSkreechafeijo: It's been marked as dirty boot up into Windows and it should mark it as ok after a clean shutdown03:08
afeijoI dont have windows03:08
DaSkreechPleXuS: read the entry on http://kubuntu.org for how to get 4.1.303:08
faileasafeijo: you can force it03:08
afeijoI belive I already use the force option to auto mount03:08
afeijoand I have other disk problem, now on linux partition.  It tells me that I dont have disk space, but using sudo it save the data into any file :(03:10
afeijothat just started to happen03:10
DaSkreechYou really should file a fsck on them03:12
DaSkreechprobably from the live Cd03:12
afeijofsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=3cd36c32-f0c8-4c16-9cf9-ded49dd601e1'03:12
kereswhat is the apt-get for firefox?03:12
afeijosudo apt-get install firefox-303:13
afeijoops, just firefox03:13
DaSkreechdont' do just firefox03:13
afeijofirefox-2 to version 203:13
PleXuSDaSkreech, updating to 4.1.3 ;)03:13
afeijoI did, work pretty nice03:13
DaSkreechFirefox pulls in all of Gnome03:13
keresDaSkreech: apt-get install firefox-3 ?03:14
afeijohere didnt :)03:14
keresfirefox worked last time i tried03:14
afeijoDaSkreech: manually install with .gz?03:14
keresbut i had to format03:14
keresi did apt-get last time03:14
afeijoso I should run fsck with livecd? not now! Time to sleep... g'night all03:14
keressudo apt-get install firefox seems to work03:17
DaSkreechGuess someone fixed it :)03:18
kereswell maybe03:18
keresit's maybe screwing up03:18
keresE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)03:18
keresE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?03:19
DaSkreechYou have something else open that's installing something ?03:19
DaSkreechDo you have adept open ?03:19
keresi may have accidentally alt-f4'ed the terminal that was installing firefox03:19
faileasis it just me, or is jabber support in kopete broken? i got a "operation not supported" message when i try to connect to google talk or LJ's jabber server03:21
DaSkreechfaileas: I dunno Google seems to do that like eveery 4 days03:22
DaSkreechin 10 minutes it works again03:22
keresDaSkreech: what happens when you accidentally close out a terminal window that is in the middle of an apt-get?03:25
DaSkreechdepends on where it is with apt-get03:25
keresapt-get ubuntu-desktop03:25
keresand firefo03:25
keresaccidentally both, i'm so dumb right now03:26
DaSkreechIf it was commiting the changes and setting up the files it might lock your apt-get database03:26
keresshould i logout then back in?03:26
faileasDaSkreech: hasn't worked for some time for me03:26
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »03:26
DaSkreechkeres: Ah damnit03:26
snarksterdoes anyone have any idea how to put user accounting on a kubuntu box?03:30
snarksterI need to limit computer use to 1 hour03:30
snarksterper user.03:30
DaSkreechsnarkster: Look into setting up a kiosk03:31
DaSkreechI think Linux.com had an article on setting up an internet lab for a conference that had timed logins per user03:31
DaSkreechas well as stuff like cleaning out the cache and settings on logout though I'm guessing you don't care about that :)03:32
snarksterhaha well that would come in handy for a guest account03:32
snarksteri noticed that GDM has guest account function wonder when KDM will aquire that03:32
DaSkreechsnarkster: Hopefully in 9.1003:41
DaSkreechbut yeah hopefully by 9.10 :)03:41
mds58hey I think I killed my grub what can I do?03:41
snarksteroh? that far away?03:41
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:41
snarkstermds58 those will really help03:42
DaSkreechYou want it before 9.04 ?03:42
snarksteryah I do03:42
snarksteri was wondering about getting the source and looking at it, but im not a programmer03:42
DaSkreechsnarkster: Well get the source and hang out in #kubuntu-devel They can give you hints03:43
mds58lost grub after removing windows03:43
mds58while loading kubuntu 8.1003:43
snarksteryoull need a live cd03:44
mds58have it03:44
snarksterthen read those howtos they really helped me alot when i screwed up grub03:44
mds58and I also have a second hard drive does that make a difference when editing grub03:44
snarksterum not really.03:45
snarksteri think03:45
JonXPOK, so first time user of KDE, wanted to try out 4.1, is Plasma supposed to be so slow and jerky, or am I doing something wrong?03:45
JonXPEverything else is working fine with desktop composition.03:45
snarksterdepends on on your machine specifications03:45
DaSkreechmds58: Only if that's where you are putting grub03:46
JonXPC2D + nVidia 880003:46
snarkstertry turning off the special effects03:46
JonXPIt also seems to have a really tough time with multiple monitors.03:46
DaSkreechJonXP: Depends on your nvidia driver. all except the latest ones have really bad 2d performance for KDE403:46
JonXPI'm using the latest non-beta driver03:47
DaSkreechIt does stuff that X and nvidia had never tested before03:47
snarksteroh yah plasma and multimonitors doesnt work03:47
JonXPWell, it's weird, when I drag a plasmid over to my second monitor, it actually works smoothly.  ON my main monitor it crawls.  Heh03:47
mds58so do I need to have my os loaded before I try to fix my grub or will it work without one?03:48
JonXPI'll try turning off effect.03:48
DaSkreechgrub will work butit's kinda pointless without an OS03:50
mds58ok I will install the os then fix the grub03:51
gimpgnuKubutu Wins, Fatality03:53
DaSkreechmds58: Plus installing the OS normally reinstalls Grub magically fixing it anyway03:54
gimpgnukopete dont working03:59
macjason0607guys i have a question .. i have video i took that is in a format that is crappy .. what can i use to convert it and make it look decent ?04:01
gimpgnuTotal Video Convert04:02
DaSkreechIs the format crappy or the video is crappy?04:03
DaSkreech!not working | gimpgnu04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about not working04:04
DaSkreech!notworking | gimpgnu04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about notworking04:04
DaSkreech!doesn't work04:04
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.04:04
DaSkreechThere we go :004:04
Hydrogenif its that ambiguous04:04
Hydrogenit clearly isn't a strong statement04:04
Hydrogenubottu fail!04:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fail!04:04
Hydrogenoh, yes you do04:04
umanHey guys, im in ubuntu 8.10 and i am using a usb sd card reader with 2 different cards, the 1 gb card works just fine( it automounts and i can browse the files), but the 4 gb card wont work... Anyone have an idea of what could be the problem and how can i see al usb connected devices. Thanks04:11
umananyone know a good app to reencode .mov videos to avi divx or something that is smaller so uploading HD videos to youtube wont literally take hours? thanks04:29
ganymedehey, what is the package that i should be using to get a little network manager applet in my systray? i tried sudo apt-get install knetworkmanager but it was pulling in the kdelibs from kde304:42
prestonhello gang 1st time kubuntu user here ive used ubuntu for some time and knew how to acsess the root terminal in ubuntu how do i get root acsess in kubuntu, this is by the way so i can set ny nvidia card settings04:45
bazhangpreston, sudo04:46
bazhangpreston, never use root, use sudo. same for all iterations of *buntu04:46
ganymedesame for network-manager-kde04:47
bazhangfor gui it is a bit different04:48
prestonthe only problem which required my to use root was havimg to reset my settings everytime i fire up my pc because i couldnt save my settings i the nvidia panel04:48
gimpgnuinstall xp04:49
bazhanggimpgnu, ??04:49
prestontesting nvidia settings wish me luck04:51
klobsterhint for nvidia settings: right click on the Kmenu and choose menu editor.  Then edit the shortcut on the start menu to "kdesu04:52
klobstersorry, "kdesu  /usr/bin/nvidia-settings"04:52
prestonkdesu is like gksu with xfce right?04:53
klobsterit should be like that by default : (04:53
klobster^^ yup04:53
prestona way to get root acsess04:53
klobsterit's kde sudo04:53
klobsterif you change the shortcut it will be like that forever; no having to open it wierd to write to file04:54
prestonthis is my 1st foray into kde so bear with me04:54
klobsteranyone know anything about hdmi audio?04:54
prestoni'll use that power resposibly04:54
DaSkreechganymede: Not sure if there is a KDE4 one yet04:55
klobsterhow do i install XComposite and XDamage on my 64-bit sys?04:59
zigggggyremember me?04:59
klobsteryup.  I'm back for more (and on a shiny new system)04:59
zigggggywhere you been!05:00
klobsterhad a move, had a divorce, had a major system crash, you know: The usual05:00
zigggggyklobster :( :(05:01
zigggggyhow can so many bad things happen to such a nice person!05:01
zigggggysmooth_penguin misses you, klobster :)05:01
* DaSkreech boggles at the many ways he can take this conversation out of context05:02
zigggggyremember him?05:03
klobsteri drink alot :(05:03
zigggggyklobster :(05:03
* zigggggy worries about klobster :(05:03
klobsteri kid, but no I don't remember him05:04
zigggggyoh :/05:04
zigggggywell he misses you anyways :)05:04
zigggggywe havent seen you in months05:04
klobsterbad mojo, but also playing with vista.  Better experiance than I had heard05:04
DaSkreechklobster: It is nice out of the box wait 3 months though05:06
klobsterno thanks, I'll just break things in kubuntu05:07
klobsterSo I am giving 64bit a spin, any thoughts/advice/warnings?05:07
DaSkreechAnd we are here to support you05:07
DaSkreechklobster: Flash and video card drivers will suck.. that's about it05:08
DaSkreechOh Wifi will also probably give you reason to give birth to small felines05:08
DaSkreechEverything else will be super groovy05:08
klobsteri put the 177 nvidia driver on, seems ok so far.  wifi, huh?05:09
DaSkreechFlash is going to be the suck you know it's bad when Microsoft uses that as a selling point05:09
klobsterI still cant figure out hdmi audio.  i'm not sure where to even start.  Aplay lists it as a device, but alsamixer does not05:09
klobsterwhat about the new native 64bit flash05:10
DaSkreechklobster: There is a post on Phoronix about that05:10
DaSkreechI haven't heard how bad or good it is05:10
* klobster is amazed at how sexy intrepid is vs. edgy05:12
klobsterzigggggy: my new system: http://reviews.cnet.com/desktops/hp-pavilion-elite-m9150f/4505-3118_7-32810504.html05:13
DaSkreechklobster: you mean hardy?05:13
klobsternope, I never made to the hardy upgrade.  my system crashed before then05:14
klobsterhey what is this pulseaudio?05:17
DaSkreechklobster: How adventurous are you?05:17
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:17
klobsteresd?  was there a massive audio overhaul?05:18
klobsterDaSkreech: very05:18
klobsterlol from phoronix forums:05:19
klobster Hah, I played around with HDMI audio so much, the only thing I haven't tried is create my own driver. I figured my cable was not working.05:19
klobsterReply With Quote05:19
DaSkreechklobster: Try KDE 4.2 beta 1 :)05:24
DaSkreechWhich sucks it takes out nearly all the usefullnes of Kate :(05:25
DaSkreechand why can't kate open files in an existing kate instance?05:25
klobsterOh i'll get there.  but first I need to get the basics down here.  WAIT WHAT HAPPENS TO KATE?!?05:25
DaSkreechklobster: Nothing I'm ranting about something :)05:26
=== robotgee1 is now known as robotgeek
prestonok i cannot get my resolution settings to save at all05:35
kuruminsomeone help me please?05:35
prestonusing kdesu, kdesudo, sudo ,s anything05:36
kuruminsomeone plase...help?05:36
klobsterkurumin: just ask05:37
klobsterpreston: you have to "save to X configuration"05:37
klobster!ask > kurumin05:37
ubottukurumin, please see my private message05:37
kuruminklobster: Hi Klobster, i'm from Brazil and i'm using Kurumin NG... I can't connect aMSN05:37
prestondid that klobster05:38
klobsterpreston: can you be more specific?05:38
prestonit will only say if i open it with kdesu or others but when i restart it goes back to default05:38
prestononly save sorry05:38
prestonbrb klobster sorry05:39
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.05:40
klobster^^ kurumin05:41
kuruminI think that ubottu was a human u.u'05:41
klobsterkurumin: talk to #ubunut-br, they can help05:42
klobsterahhh, good to be back05:42
kurumini already join05:42
klobsterkurumin: and no luck?  ok what software are you using for amsn05:42
kuruminKurumin NG05:43
kurumin I just can't connect ¬¬'05:44
TroggleHumans of all races have come to realize that NIGGERS = FAIL!  Join us at Chimpout.com!  http://www.chimpout.com  Asians, Jews, Mexicans, Whites, Native Americans, and non-nigger Hispanics are welcome!!!  http://www.chimpout.com    For info ask in the Guest Forum.05:44
MamarokTroggle: behave!05:45
crimsunsigh, what is with the trolls?05:45
klobsterkurumin: that is the OS, no?  what specific program do you use for amsn?05:46
kuruminwait a minute...05:47
kuruminaMSN 0.9705:47
kurumini'm using LiveCD version05:48
klobsterkurumin: try kopete, it has msn compatability05:49
klobsterkurumin: what happens when you put in your username/password05:49
kuruminError trying to connect the server05:50
ubottuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin05:51
DaSkreech!info kmess05:51
ubottukmess (source: kmess): Instant messenger to use MSN on KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1840 kB, installed size 4272 kB05:51
DaSkreech!info amsn05:51
ubottuamsn (source: amsn): An MSN messenger written in Tcl. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.2~debian-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 264 kB, installed size 876 kB05:51
klobsterhrmm.  I connected with no problem.  did you check for an upgrade?05:51
kuruminCan I do an upgrade with LiveCd?05:51
klobsteryup.  you just have to do it every time you reboot (the cd won't remember). Is there an upgrade button05:52
DaSkreechkurumin: no05:52
klobsterDaSkreech: yes05:53
DaSkreechYou need the server CD to upgrade your install05:53
kuruminI download the recent version05:53
kuruminof kurumin05:54
klobsterwhich is based on 8.0405:54
klobstertry running sudo apt-get install amsn in a terminal05:54
kuruminsorry...i'm very noob...maybe is better I read an FAQ, isn't it? ^^'05:55
klobstermaybe try kopete.  it should be installed by default05:56
kuruminI'm doing the kopete download in the Magic Icons05:56
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kuruminklobster: Well...I will try it anyway05:58
kuruminThanks very much!05:58
kuruminThanks for the spirit of cooperation05:58
prestonklobster back05:59
klobsterit's a good spirit ;)05:59
klobsterpreston: and?05:59
ChimpbotHumans of all races have come to realize that NIGffffGERS = FAIL!  Join us at Chimpout.com!  http://www.chimpout.com  Asians, Jews, Mexicans, Whites, Native Americans, and non-nigfffffger Hispanics are welcome!!!  http://www.chimpout.com    For info ask in the Guest Forum.06:00
prestonok whats going on is that ive installed the nvidia driver in 8.04.1 and when i boot back up my resolution and refresh are off so when i set then using nvidia settings to get it to write to xorg i have to open it using root06:00
ChimpbotHumans of all races have come to realize that NIGGERS = FAIL!  Join us at Chimpout.com!  http://www.chimpout.com  Asians, Jews, Mexicans, Whites, Native Americans, and non-nigger Hispanics are welcome!!!  http://www.chimpout.com    For info ask in the Guest Forum.06:01
prestonso ive tried doing that but when i reboot it goes back to default06:01
prestonok kick chimpbot someone please06:01
sager_any quick advice for enabling the "scroll wheel" functionality for a synaptics touchpad?06:02
klobsterpreston: when you click save to x, what is the message you get?06:02
prestonnonroot message says i cant, no message when im in root06:02
prestonwhich should mean it should take06:03
bazhang!ops | Chimpbot06:04
ubottuChimpbot: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!06:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!06:05
DaSkreechCan someone ban
klobsterpreston and you have the right file selected when you save?06:06
DaSkreechstdin: ?06:06
prestonif memory serves it's xorg.conf06:07
prestonlet me check to be sure06:07
klobster /etc/X11/Xorg.conf?06:07
stdinDaSkreech: my script seemed to mess something up there06:07
DaSkreechWho did it just ban?06:08
prestonklobster yes just confirmed06:08
prestondaskreech chimpbot06:08
stdinDaSkreech: ah, no. my script was right06:08
DaSkreechWhere did that IP come from?06:08
stdinDaSkreech: the IP was that of a web gateway it seems06:08
DaSkreechAh ok06:08
stdinboth will be banned until I'm sure though06:09
DaSkreechThanks I should have poked someone from the first offence06:09
prestonklobster would you like to see my xorg.conf file?06:09
klobsterpreston: sure, but also when you go into nvidia settings, is the resolution settings correct or no?06:10
prestonklobster after reboot no06:10
klobsterpreston: what vsion rou unnin, BTW?06:10
klobsterpreston: yes, I know, but what it says in the nvidia control panel, is it also wrong?06:11
klobstergrr wireless issues06:11
prestonresolution is correct but refreshrate is wrong which makes the resolution oddly enough look off06:11
prestonbut it shows 1440*900 which is correct06:12
prestonrefresh rate is supposed to be 75 but it defaults back to 6006:12
klobstersounds like a merge error.  can you pastebin the xorg.conf?06:14
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:14
prestonhere you go klobster http://kubuntu.pastebin.ca/128139406:14
prestonklobster i noticed something as i was looking at it concerning line 71 and the term auto-select06:15
klobsterpreston: yesh, just cut out the 1440X900_60 +0+0, but leave the quote06:17
prestonklobster what about nvidia-auto-select06:18
klobsterpreston: the problem with merge is it won't always remove things, sometimes it just adds.  You can bull the auto select if you wish as well06:18
prestonklobster so just have "metamodes" "1440x900_75 +0+0; "06:19
klobsterpreston: werd06:22
klobsterrestart x06:22
prestonok klobster this is what i have on that line now06:22
prestonOption         "metamodes" "1440x900_75 +0+0; "06:22
liquidfu22Hello all06:23
prestonrestarting x then06:23
klobster!hi liquidfu2206:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi liquidfu2206:24
klobster!hi > liquidfu2206:24
ubottuliquidfu22, please see my private message06:24
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klobsterDaSkreech: so is alsa out of the picture now?06:24
prestonklobster same thing06:25
DaSkreechklobster: No06:25
liquidfu22 question to those listening new to the IRC chat thing but my question is this, Just Installed Kubuntu 8.10 and everything works great. Adept says I have 108 upgradeable packages how do i know what i should and should not upgrade to maintain funtionality of right now06:26
prestonklobster same rez issue when i restarted x06:27
klobstera deep question indeed.06:27
DaSkreechliquidfu22: New to Linux?06:27
liquidfu22well not entirely i know enough to get in trouble06:28
liquidfu22with my own computer that is06:28
klobsterpreston: that is very strange.  perhaps we can force it by changing lines 52 and 53 to 81.0 and 75.006:28
prestonklobster what about xorg backup?06:28
klobsterwhat about it?06:29
DaSkreechliquidfu22: The only packages which get upgraded assuming that you don't jump a version are the ones you have installed. The criteria for them being upgraded is they don't break what you have in functionality06:29
DaSkreechOutside of the kernel I think you can safely upgrade everything06:30
liquidfu22ok but what of the kernel upgades that are not installed06:30
DaSkreechThey are safe but in a differnt way06:30
DaSkreechThey don't replace your old kernels so if something breaks just choose the old kernel in Grub at startup06:31
DaSkreechTHere is a very low liklihood of them breaking anything06:31
liquidfu22my only worry is that when i was using 7.10 a while back i upgraded a kernel and video and wireless got screwed up06:31
DaSkreechwell not very low but low enough to be acceptable06:31
DaSkreechliquidfu22: Just boot back into the old kernel06:32
liquidfu22but that was a while ago and i had to fudge alot to get those two to work06:32
DaSkreechand remove the newer one Not a big deal unless you are running a server06:32
DaSkreechIf it helps any I almost never upgrade my kernel06:33
klobstersorry brb06:33
liquidfu22now my vid and wifi work pretty much out of box so to speek, ok so best bet fool proof would be to upgrade everything but the kernel06:34
liquidfu22DaSkreech: ok cool thanks06:35
macjason0607help http://paste.ubuntu.com/83362/06:36
klobsterpreston: im back06:40
=== edwin is now known as Guest39806
placsinhello all, I have a strange problem with my internet connection, It downloads smthg time to time, 2 or 3 mbs, but it is so annoying... what it can be?06:41
liquidfu22placsin: define time to time like every time you turn your comp on, once a day, etc06:43
placsinI meant every 1 minute06:44
liquidfu22what do you have running when it happens on screen and in task bar06:45
placsinnothing, only firestarter06:46
liquidfu22hmm never used firestarter dont know what it is06:46
placsinits a GUI to manage iptables, it also shows active connectios, speed and trafic downloaded06:47
liquidfu22ahh i see i dunno cant think of anything something like that would need to download of that size every minute or so06:49
epimethanybody using the 4.2 beta?06:50
sager_liquidfu22:  are you conneceted to/via any remote desktop or vnc software?06:51
placsinI thought it might be some process that checking smthg, though firestarter shows that there are no active connections, but it still downloading06:51
placsinno, I connected directly06:51
sager_wow, I meant placsin of course06:51
epimethI tried the neon nightlies and it seemed.... not ready.  just wondering how the beta is?06:52
placsincan it be troyan or virus?06:53
liquidfu22sager_: no06:54
DaSkreechepimeth: I am07:04
sparrlinux says my NIC MAC address is invalid, likely due to a known issue with it being read backwards.  Due to this I get assigned a random MAC and an incremented ethXX device number every time I reboot.  Is there some way to avoid that?07:14
epimethDaSkreech: how is it?07:21
DaSkreechepimeth: has bugs but it's much much nicer than 4.107:22
DaSkreechsparr: A known issue? Is there a known workaround?07:22
epimethhave you tried the neon nightlies? do you know how it compares?07:23
sparrDaSkreech: kinda.  im trying to make sense of the instructions07:23
epimethsparr: does it really matter? unless you are a router I don't see why it would matter...07:24
DaSkreechepimeth: NIghtlies aren't as nice07:24
klobstermy mouse randomly stops letting me click on things,  anyone else experiance that?07:24
DaSkreechklobster: Only in Konqueror07:24
sparrepimeth: it means none of the if* scripts work properly, and none of the gui network config tools remember my configuration (i configure eth37, then reboot and have to configure eth38 from scratch)07:25
sparrepimeth: and i get a different IP from my router every reboot, because i have a new MAC07:25
epimethDaSkreech: if I apt-get remove kde-nightly will it cause any problems?07:25
sparrepimeth: so it really matters.  in multiple ways.07:25
nmjohnsowhats a good easy to use ftp server to set up07:26
klobsterDaSkreech: this is everywhere, no kmnu nothing.  I can alt-tab and i can wave around the cursor...07:26
epimethsparr: again, does it really matter? Are you running a server?07:26
epimethnmjohnso: can you rephrase that?  I really don't understand what you are asking07:26
nmjohnsoi'd like to set up a personal ftp sever but i have no experience with it, where should i start?07:27
sparrepimeth: yes, various servers.  and it "really matters" when i have to manually enable my NIC every boot and turn on dhcp07:27
DaSkreechklobster: Nope I have the opposite problem My keyboard stops working but the mouseworks fine07:27
epimethnmjohnso: ah... /msg ubottu ftp07:27
epimethnmjohnso: ah... /msg ubottu !ftp07:27
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd07:28
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP07:28
epimethgrr... no links... let me see if I can find the help page...07:28
DaSkreechsparr: let us know where you have issues with the workaround07:28
sparrDaSkreech: will have to reboot to test it, will let you know07:28
klobsterQdvdauthor is a POS07:28
DaSkreechnmjohnso: Install something from the !ftpd listing07:28
epimethnmjohnso: try https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html07:29
sparrDaSkreech: well, first thing, the workaround only fixes the ethXX numbering, not the MAC assignment, so im going to keep getting different IPs from my router07:29
DaSkreechIt assigns a new MAC everytime?07:29
sushiXi am not able to access my sessions setting any idea07:29
epimethnmjohnso: in fact, you should read all of the server setup.  I personally prefer scp... more secure07:29
epimethsparr: oh... well good luck!07:30
sparrDaSkreech: yes, a "feature" of the forcedeth driver07:30
DaSkreechGood grief07:30
sparr[    3.120892] forcedeth 0000:00:07.0: Invalid Mac address detected: 2f:d3:61:ea07:31
sparr[    3.120948] forcedeth 0000:00:07.0: Please complain to your hardware vendor.Switching to a random MAC.07:31
epimethlol... please complain to your harware vendor... hehe07:33
epimethsparr: might I make a tiny suggestion, perhaps?07:34
epimethbuy a new nic?07:34
sparrthe issue is that "all" nvidia NICs store their MAC backwards07:34
sparrso the driver compensates07:34
sparrexcept some NICs don't now07:34
sparrand the linux driver doesn't know the difference07:35
sparrim not buying a new NIC, ive already got plenty.  i want this one to start working again.07:35
sparrthe driver should be fixed in 2.6.2something07:35
epimethI'd help if I could amigo07:36
BigMike ???? is there a way to deselect all items in the update manager????07:51
jussi01BigMike: I dont think so. Id file a bug if I were you08:00
BigMikeok thanks however I have a over a 1000 updates coming in so it would be nice to deselect and then select what I want08:04
epimethBigMike: why not just install them all?08:07
BigMikeI will takes a long time tho08:09
epimethso leave it overnight08:09
BigMikecan i install some then abort it later08:09
BigMikewell it wanted to install for 2 days and I need to take it to work08:10
=== anon is now known as bloodboy
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FrankyboyWie kan mij meer vertellen over openoffice 3.0? Is de betaversie nog bezig?08:21
eagles0513875!de | Frankyboy#08:22
ubottuFrankyboy#: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de08:22
ashwinopenoffice updates screwed up my oo install...08:29
=== brandi is now known as moj0rising
eagles0513875ashwin try koffice so much quicker and lighter then oo08:36
moj0risinghi. I'm unable to play DVDs even though i have libdvdcss2 installed. anyone have any idea why?08:36
sparrmoj0rising: do you have a DVD drive?08:42
moj0risinghere's the story....08:48
moj0risingI've been playing dvds fine with this machine for some time.08:48
moj0risingI am not sure about the timing but I think this broke once I did some updates some time back08:48
moj0risingnot sure08:48
eagles0513875moj0rising type it all on one line plz08:48
moj0risingI installed libdvdcss and kubuntu-restricted extras. a while back. they were still installed when I first started having problems. attempting an install of them with apt-get did not work, of course -- it just said the packages were already installed. I tried removing them and resintalling with the same results. I have also searched oogle and ubuntuforums but I have yet to see anyone with the same issue.08:51
moj0risingthere, you go, eagles0513875.  ;)08:51
moj0risingby oogle, I meant Google.08:51
eagles0513875just a rule in here moj0rising nothing against you bro08:51
macjason0607 whats a good term command to format a drive to dos/ntfs ? mkfs.dos ?08:52
moj0risingYup. IRC thing -- no scrolling. It's a bit hard to avoid sometimes though. If you put too much on one line, people complain about that too.08:52
eagles0513875moj0rising its better then typing like u did before though08:52
eagles0513875when they say all in one line its like u did the 2nd time08:53
jussi01moj0rising: try running the manual install script - /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh08:54
moj0risinggot any ideas about this libdvdcss stuff? I forgot to mention, when I attempt to play a DVD in Kaffiene or any other player, I get a message about not having libdvdcss installed even though it is.08:54
moj0risingdid that.08:54
moj0risingseems to work fine08:54
moj0rising.. but I still can not play dvds. I can put that on the pastebin if you like.08:55
jussi01moj0rising: weird. tried othe players? other dvds?08:55
jussi01Id definately give vlc a go08:56
moj0risingyep. completely weird. I have been messing with this on and off for a month or so. can't find any reason it doesn't work nor can I find anyone else who's had or seen the problem.08:56
moj0risingI'll try getting vlc now..08:56
moj0risingvlc does not work -- "Unable to open 'media:/scd0'"09:00
moj0risingah. all right, guys. Thanks for taking a stab at it. I'm going to bed. Hopefully, I figure it out soon. Once I do, I'll post it to the forums or something. Later.09:03
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maxim__I love kubuntu :-)09:08
Guest1785canale italiano?09:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:10
=== Guest1785 is now known as diegoo
user7heilà.... goodmorning...09:27
user7How can I set for auto adjourning in Kubuntu 7.10?09:28
jussi01user7:  err, auto adjourning?09:31
user7hi ussi09:33
Tm_Tussi =)09:33
user7jussi01: hi buddy...09:33
jussi01Tm_T: shush!!09:34
user7jussi01: thanks already done09:34
jussi01user7: ok :D09:34
user7jussi01: :-)09:34
jussi01user7: you may also find this useful:09:34
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:34
user7jussi01: thanks buddy, but in italian they're no so clear in explanation09:35
jussi01user7: ok. just making sure you knew about it :D09:36
user7jussi01: and then i had to improve my english09:36
=== sinclair_ is now known as osinclair
ocshi. i don't remember which is the page for configuring printers... can you write the link? thnks09:41
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows09:41
ocsbazhang: i just need a link for localhost, nothing else.09:43
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=== sinclair__ is now known as osinclair
Evolution2could i ask a question09:47
Tm_Task away, that's the point of this channel (:)09:47
=== cameron_ is now known as palbuddy
palbuddyhello! I'm having trouble with the new freeagent hard drives under linux09:48
palbuddythough being a resourceful newbie I found this website http://www.nslu2-linux.org/wiki/FAQ/DealWithAutoSpinDownOnSeagateFreeAgent09:48
palbuddyhow do I get that to work with KDE 3.5.9 and ubuntu 8.1009:49
depeszhi. i installed kubuntu 8.10, and kde 4.1. how can i make keyboard shortcut that will launch program? in previous versions it was available in control panel. now - it's not there, but i found appropriate option in "menu editor" - but it doesn't seem to work.09:50
Evolution2um well for some reason, i installed firefox on my KDE 4.1 kubuntu 8.10 and shortly after i rebooted cause i fixed the gnome rendered fonts. the sound. knetworkmnager and battery icons in my taskbar decided to disappear. any ideas?09:50
Evolution2depesz: thye made it easier by clicking the kmenu then typing . enter and voila09:51
depeszEvolution2: sorry, i'm not sure if i understand.09:52
johannes_hi, I use a 64bit kubuntu, and want to install labview, is it possible to install a 32bit labview on a 64bit kubuntu 8.10?09:52
afeijoI ran fsck after boot but I stil cant save files in my sda7 partition, what else can I do?09:53
depeszEvolution2: i clicked on kmenu, typed "." then enter, and it just listed some apps.09:53
Evolution2depesz: it;s kinda of a pain to set key shortcuts for each application when you can just click on the kmenu. start typing the application name and it filtered them for you09:54
depeszEvolution2: but i want shortcut.09:54
depeszi dont want to click.09:54
depeszso, do i understand that it's not possible in 4.1 to have keyboard shortcut to launch application?09:54
afeijoyeah it is09:54
Evolution2you can09:54
afeijogo to system config, keyboard, shortcuts09:55
Evolution2Tm_T: any ideas?09:55
depesz"system settings" i guess - i dont see "system config"09:55
BouI just tried using the shorcut feature when editing the menu, and you're right, it doesn't look working09:56
depeszafeijo: clicked on "keyboard and mouse", and then "shortcuts.09:56
depeszwhat now?09:56
Bouor maybe we don't understand how it should work09:56
depeszit definitel doesn't look like working to me.09:56
afeijodepesz: check the options there.  Also, right click on kmenu button, and select edit09:56
depeszafeijo: i did right click on kmeny, edit, found application, set shortcut, but it doesn't work.09:57
afeijoediting kmenu is probably what you want, you'll find every app you have there, and a shortcut button09:57
BouI just righ-cliked on Kmenu and edited a shorctu for GIMP but it doesn't work here too09:57
afeijodepesz: realy? weird, it works here09:57
Bouafeijo:you're using KDE 4.1 ?09:57
depeszas for options - in kde 3.5 there was basically copy of menu in "keyboard shortcuts" screen.09:57
afeijomy problem is with my main partition, it dont save files with my user! damn09:58
afeijoBou: not right now, but I have it installed and I used shortcuts09:58
depeszafeijo: i right click on kmenu.09:58
depeszthen i choose "menu editor"09:58
depeszi find the application i want (konsole)09:58
afeijothats what I do, I use win+k to open konsole09:59
depeszin advanced tab i click on shortcut key, and press windows-n.09:59
depeszit shows "Meta+N" in the menu edit window09:59
Boudepesz: I did the same and it's not working here neither09:59
depeszbut it doesn't work.10:00
depeszi do "save", close menu editor, press windows-n - and nothing happens.10:00
depeszalso - is there any way to prevent konsole from "chdir" to current directory when i create new tab in it?10:02
user7azz... i thought that i have solved ... but repository seems don't want to adjourn packet ...10:10
user7how to enable auto adjournig?10:10
user7kubuntu 7.1010:10
johannes_does 32bit software work on an 64 bit OS?10:15
clusbyHi, has anyone had problems where kern.log, messages, syslog are huge (2GB)?10:18
clusbyIts all full with "bad: scheduling from the idle thread" messages10:19
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knusperfroschclusby: bug 28628510:25
clusbycheers knusperfrosch - just found it :-)10:26
clusbyis it relatively safe to get intrepid-proposed?10:26
knusperfroschintrepid wasn't save from day-0 ;)10:27
=== glade88|AFK is now known as glade88
clusbyhaha well thats probably valid!10:29
aricomment ca va les copains ?10:33
Zealot12hello everyone10:35
Zealot12if anyone can help me to install ubuntu from kubuntu, much help is appreciated10:36
knusperfroschZealot12: i'll suggest: install ubuntu-desktop, deinstall kubuntu-desktop.10:39
ocsI have added my_printer through CPUS. i can print documents with common applications (such as editors) but if i try to stat all the printers with lpstat -a i don't see it. and if I try: "lp -h my_printer foo.txt" it doesn't work...10:39
jack_Hello, I am running Kubuntu Hardy from inside of Ubuntu 8.10 in a virtual machine, & I was just wondering how I can get Kubuntu to see the folders on my Ubuntu?10:40
Zealot12so when i do that, will i lose any data or is it just switching desktops? i guess (as a noob) i was confused as to if all the *buntus were included on the .iso. i installed Kubuntu 8.10 first10:41
knusperfroschjack_: depends on what youre using.10:41
max06|workgood morning10:41
nomiserygood morning10:42
max06|workis it right, that Programs (Kubuntu 8.10, KDE4.1) won't use the QT-Color-Scheme, when they've been startet automatically after reboot?10:42
nomiseryyesterday i installed the kubuntu package on my system and realy liked it. one question, does adept use apt-get or aptitude as backend?10:42
knusperfroschjack_: shut down your virtual machine and go to the settings of that vm and do what ever you want in "shared folders"10:43
jack_I already did that10:44
jack_I just don't know where they would show up in here.10:44
jack_(I am talking to you from the VM)10:45
knusperfroschjack_: read the comment in the settings window10:45
jack_Isn't it a little late for that now? :p10:46
jack_Couldn't you just tell me what the comment says?10:46
knusperfroschjack_: mount -t vboxsf share mount_point10:47
knusperfroschor smb://vboxsvr7share10:47
jack_mount: mount point mount_point does not exist10:48
jack_& smb://vboxsvr7share comes up empty.10:49
jack_not unless you want mew to mount that10:49
messed-uphiall.. i just got a asus eee 1000,, i would like to install kubuntu on it! is it possible ?10:51
jack_The names I gave the shared founders was jack & jacklocal10:52
messed-upmy eee got xp installed. how do i change to kubuntu? do i need a spesial version of linux for this mini pc?10:55
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC10:55
Tm_Tmessed-up: ^10:56
depeszanother shortcuts related question - where do i set now keyboard shortcuts to switch between tabs in konsole?10:56
knusperfroschjack_: replace share and mount_point!10:56
depeszi dont see it in konsole->keyboard shortcuts ?!10:56
jack_knusperfrosch with what?10:56
knusperfroschmount -t vboxsf jacklocal /where/ever/you/want/to/mount/it11:02
jack_O sorry, didn't see your post11:07
jack_knusperfrosch mount: unknown filesystem type 'vboxsf'11:13
jack_Or another saltution to m,y real poblem would be a way to get konqueror 3.5 installed on 8.10, because deep down that is what I really want.11:14
MR-Scan anyone help with firefox 3  ? ( open containing folder issue )11:16
afeijohow can I check free disk space?11:39
nysindf -h gives human-readable units11:40
afeijothats what I'm using, it is weird, it says I have 0 free, but it should be 100mb11:41
afeijo9,3G size, 9,2G used11:41
afeijoI need to free more space... but what do delete? lol11:42
max06|workafeijo, all in ~/.11:42
afeijorm -R ~/.11:42
afeijothanks! :D:D11:42
max06|worknp :)11:42
afeijohow to enlarge / partition thru shell?11:44
depeszit might sound as trolling, but it's just out of frustration: kde 4.1 (kubuntu 8.10) makes me consider switching to gnome :(11:44
dabuzzBonjour :)11:45
dabuzzanyone know how to use c++ code in konversation ?11:45
dabuzz( sorry for bas english )11:46
dabuzz( bad )11:46
juanantonioHello. Anyone can help me configure OpenGL setting? The ones I have are not working11:48
DexterFok, so how do I start a mono app in 8.04?11:52
angelbreathhi anyone from greece here?11:55
=== theseinfeld is now known as theseinfeld|away
=== theseinfeld|away is now known as theseinfeld
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fehrpguys! OpenOffice3 does not work after the latest update12:23
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fehrpwhy do you guys keep releasing from WORKING to NOT WORKING software updates? In one word, any regardless of the netiquette, there is only one word for it: Shit12:24
jussi01!ohmy | fehrp12:25
ubottufehrp: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:25
BouI thought oO 2.4 was shipped with Kubuntu, not oO 3 ?12:26
fehrpI am sorry, jussi01, but I'm in need of WORKING software, yeah, strange, I know, right?12:26
jussi01fehrp: is the update from backports or?12:26
fehrpBou, we have documents at work, which contain commentaries which don't show up in 2.412:27
BouI see, that's embarassing indeed12:27
fehrpjussi01: how can I revert to the last version? yes12:27
jussi01fehrp: remove the program, remove the repo, then reinstall the program from the stable repo. and PLEASE report a but12:28
fehrpI can't imagine, that it does not exist already, but okay12:29
jussi01better a dupe, then not there at all.12:29
fehrpjussi01: the stable repo only has 2.4, I NEED 3.012:30
jussi01fehrp: when you use an experimental/unstable repo, you run the risk of it being broken sometime12:30
fehrpjussi01: that's the problem of kubuntu being always one step behind: you need the newer software that is being considered stable by some, not by others. Now this is bad: one needs the new stuff, but takes the risk of having a broken packet or updating into a broken packet. A death circle if you need to work with software NOT from the last year(decade for some distros *g)12:33
fehrpthere should be the possibility to always revert to the last 1 or 2 versions of ANY software12:33
fehrpwhy should this be so hard?12:34
fehrpwhy is only the newest available? Regardless of stable or unstable branch12:34
jussi01fehrp: I understand your concern, but this is a subject that has been discussed a lot in the past and is probably more suitable for the #kubuntu-devel or #kubuntu-offtopic channels12:34
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Guest32461hola cual es el canal en español?12:58
=== Guest32461 is now known as gork
gorknecesito ayuda... tengo problemas con el openoffice...12:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:59
gorkinicia pero se cierra solo despues de menos de un segundo12:59
gorkhi, i'm having troubles with openoffice313:03
gorki start OOo, and it close at few seconds13:03
=== theseinfeld|away is now known as theseinfeld
leoryhi everybory13:08
gorkHi leory13:08
leoryhow are you?13:10
gorkvery bad13:10
leoryhi gork13:10
leorydo you like rock roll?13:11
=== fehrp is now known as PADI
=== PADI is now known as padi
gorkdo you?13:11
leorydo you like angra or rapsody?13:11
leoryi like rock13:11
leorydo you know speark portuguese?13:12
leoryusted ten el sistema linux en tu pc?13:13
leoryusted sabe usar el systema?13:14
gorkmas o menos..13:15
gorkvoce necesita ayuda?13:16
gorken que?13:17
leoryno estoy conseguindo colocar mi musicas no mi pc13:17
leorytengo my cd de musicas,mas no estoy conseguindo passar para el pc13:18
gorkno puedes pasarla a tu pc o escucharla en tu pc?13:18
Elijah_FrostGood day gentlemen. How do I reconfigure layout change? Neither ctrl+shift nor alt+shift work for me13:21
leoryno mi caso, queiria copiar mi musicas en mi pc13:21
gorkcopialas con KB313:22
leoryeste programa es parecido com o windows media player?13:23
gorklo tienes instalado?13:23
gorkes parecido com nero13:23
leoryah si13:23
gorkel que se parece a windows media player es amarok, claro esta, ES MUCHO MEJOR QUE ESA PORQUERIA13:23
jussi01!en | gork leory13:24
ubottugork leory: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:24
leoryyou concordo com usted13:24
leoryyo concordo com usted13:24
leorymas tentarei13:24
leorymucho obrigado13:25
jussi01leory: english only please!13:25
leoryusted es un amigo13:25
leoryhi jussi0113:26
Elijah_Frost amigos, we use english here =)13:26
gorkjussi, what is the problem? i'm, traying to help a buddy... he has a problem, so we can help... no matters the language!!! that ubuntu measn... for human beings13:27
jussi01gork: there are channels for other languages...13:27
gorktranquil@ leory, buscame cuando quieras...13:27
jussi01!es | gork13:27
ubottugork: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:27
gork#C3 jussi01... asl?13:28
jussi01gork: last warning, english only here!13:28
gork jussi01: asl13:29
jussi01gork: this channelis for kubuntu support only, please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter in english13:30
jussi01!cn | jiang13:30
ubottujiang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:30
leorywho is you?13:30
gork jussi01: Age Sex and Location? can't we be friends¿?13:31
jussi01gork: Some people find that rude to be asked - this isnt just a chat room its a support channel, please keep on topic!13:31
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
gorkjussi01: i have a problem with OOo, can you help me?13:32
jussi01jiang: join #ubuntu-cn13:32
jiangme too13:32
jussi01gork: no. its broken at the moment.13:32
jiangi have a lot of problem...13:32
RurouniJones!cn | jiang13:33
ubottujiang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:33
gorkit's broken¿?¿ i have homeworks to do!13:33
RurouniJonesJoin the channel above jiang, join #ubuntu-cn or one of the others13:33
jussi01gork: uninstall open office 3, remove the repo and install 2.4 from the stable repo then13:33
jiangmay i help you?13:33
jiangwhat can i do for you ,,i just know that13:34
gorkplease tell me how to install 2.4v...13:34
jiangi don't know too13:34
jiangwho can help a chinaese .....13:35
jussi01jiang: type this:13:35
bazhangjiang, you are in #ubuntu-cn13:35
jussi01/join #ubuntu-cn13:35
bazhangjiang, you should ask in that channel13:35
gork please tell me how to install 2.4v.13:35
bazhanghe's already there13:36
gork jussi01 please tell me how to install 2.4v.13:36
Dragonathgork: what version of kubuntu do you have?13:36
gorkthe last one13:37
Dragonathok, I am not very familiar with that13:37
Dragonathbut from what jussi said before, you need to uninstall openoffice first13:37
Dragonathgork: do you know how to do that?13:37
gorkDragonath: can you tell me how remove OO03 and how to install OOo 2.4?13:38
DragonathI am trying to13:38
bazhangjiang, english here13:38
=== natalya is now known as N
Dragonathgork: can you uninstall openoffice 3?13:40
=== N is now known as Tig-Ra
gorkaptitude purge openoffice13:41
gorki did that13:41
Dragonathis it uninstalled now?13:41
gork Dragonath: X-Error: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)13:43
gorkMajor opcode: 55 (X_CreateGC)13:43
gorkThese errors are reported asynchronously,13:43
Dragonathgork:you get these errors when trying to uninstall openoffice?13:44
gorkset environment variable SAL_SYNCHRONIZE to 1 to help debugging13:44
gorkno... when run OO in konsole13:44
Dragonathgork: openoffice 3 doesn't work well in 8.10, you need to uninstall it13:44
Dragonathgork: how did you install openoffice 3?13:45
gorkteach me please13:45
Dragonathteach you what?13:45
gorki dint read the question... sorry13:46
gorki had installed it from repositories13:46
Dragonathgork: you added a new repository to install it, am I right?13:47
tyfonsudo apt-get --purge remove `dpkg -l|grep openoffice.org|cut -d " " -f 3`13:48
gorkit's working tyfon13:49
tyfonthen remove it from your sources list :p13:49
tyfonthe new repository13:49
gorkwell, i had removed it from the source list before you wrote to me13:49
tyfonthats fine13:50
Dragonathnow if you reinstall openoffice it should be 2.4 which is ok13:50
gorksudo aptitude install openoffice???13:51
tyfonuse the gui and select openoffice :)13:51
gorkUnknown media type in type 'all/allfiles'13:51
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afeijoto enlarge / partition, I need bootcd ?13:57
afeijoops, livecd ?13:57
=== menatis is now known as Serveur
afeijoto enlarge / partition, I need livecd ? and what program should I run?14:03
eagles0513875holy cow14:05
eagles0513875PARTY TIME14:05
juanantonioHello. I have installed the last driver through EnvyNG, but I have the GLX libraries not worrking, can anyone help me?14:05
JonnyThi all14:05
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages14:13
eagles0513875JontheEchidna :)14:15
=== MisterL is now known as Guest28316
Guest28316Hello all, I have a movie "movie-xvid.avi, and vlc, or another media player in kubuntu doesnt play it, what do I have to do????14:32
afeijoGuest28316: it play other avi files?14:33
Guest28316afeijo, yes other files I have no prob with14:35
afeijoso that file is probably corrupt14:35
afeijotorrent? try another source14:35
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yoyomaalterar senha de root no kubuntu14:53
pcfreak_hi all. can someone help me. I have my old home directory handy here and I want restore my settings for konversation. already copied konversationrc but still no change!14:56
mihai__anyone want to help out a noob?15:02
comeditI have a an installation of kubuntu 8.04 its says in the system tray mixer cannot befound15:08
comeditit is a virtual machine15:08
comeditwhich I think should not make adifffrence15:09
comeditI can't find the cause15:09
comeditanybody a clue where I should search15:10
mihai__I got a case of "Error 13: Invalid or Unsupported Executable Format" - I googled, follwed the instructions, nothing helped15:11
mihai__kubuntu boots up just fine, but if I select Windows, there this error15:12
juanantonioHello. I got this message when configuring my Nvidia VGA with Nvidia x server settings in the tab Open GL/GLX "Fail to query the GLX server vendor."15:14
wallabeeanyone know if there are any widgets besides those listed under "install new widgets"??15:18
Bouyou can get some from Intercet (www.kde-look.org)15:19
wallabeeThere are like four or five widgets but i want things like a stock widget or a lava lamp or something i can add to make my "dashboard" more useful to me15:19
wallabeeBou: do i just download them and install from file??15:19
Bouwallabee: plasmoids on kde-look.org often need to be compiled15:20
Bouwallabee: that can be complicated sometimes if you're not used to15:20
wallabeeBou: thanks im new to linux relatively but can find my way around for the most part.  Is there a good guide on compiling in Kubuntu? special tool or command line??15:21
genii!it | pcbase15:21
ubottupcbase: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:21
pcbaseok, thank you15:22
Bouwallabee: check the weather-forecast plasmoid on kde-look.org, there is a quick guide to compile it15:22
=== pcbase is now known as Teo82
wallabeeBou: thanks a million!15:23
drifanyone used xmove?15:29
val_when i play a video on vlc flashes all the time anyone know why?15:30
mkargarhello!Iwant upgrade my kubuntu 8.4.1 to 8.10(By DVD!No Internet!),but I recive error!?15:31
mkargar* receive15:32
ubottuOn IRC, if you own a nick that is currently being used, you can make it quit by typing: /msg nickserv GHOST <username> <password>15:32
=== eagles is now known as eagles0513875
bentob0xwhen someone talks to me through the skype chat, the application is flashing in the taskbar on all desktops, is there a way to get it to stay on the desktop it first was?15:39
comeditI messed up my systemtray /taskbar in kubuntu 8.10 (i per accident deleted the taskbar)15:40
comedithowever I can't find how to repair this15:40
comeditit only gives me like add widgets15:40
JontheEchidnaadd the taskmanager widget to the panel15:41
bravoi have 640MB RAM ... my kubuntu 8.10 hangs !! HELP !!15:42
comeditI did this allready but it is not showingup15:42
comeditsomehow now suddenly it does15:43
benklopbravo: i might suggest a slightly different tone.. and maybe some more details.15:44
benklopdetails always help15:44
comeditJontheEchidna: thanks15:44
JontheEchidnayou're welcome15:45
bravoi have No graphics card.... P4 2.4Ghz.... 845 chipset15:46
benklopbravo: also, if it never even gets to a graphical login screen, then it might not be kubuntu specific, and you could ask in the ubuntu channel too...15:47
benklopdoes it lock up before or after trying to log in?15:47
bravoi get the KDE screen15:47
benklopdoes it even get that far?15:47
benklopok. so you try to log in, and it locks up after that15:47
bravoi get the desktop screen15:48
benklopok, then when does it lock up?15:48
bravowhen i move the mouse15:51
bravoi cant even shutdown15:51
bravoit doesnt take keyboard input also15:52
benklopok, it sounds to me like XOrg is having an issue, assuming the keyboard and mouse are plugged in right :)15:53
bravoi have Windows, Ubuntu...15:54
bravoonly kubuntu has probs15:54
bravoi thought its bcoz of RAM15:55
bravoi had same problems in win Vista and later removed tat shit frm my comp15:55
benklopseems unlikely to me, should be more than enough ram to at least move the mouse :)15:55
bravohmmm... even am clueless :-(15:56
bravoplanning to buy a new comp to run kubuntu :D15:56
benklopbut unfortunately i have to leave so maybe another person here cn help..15:57
falewhy in the kde4.2b1 kopete package is not present the msn support?16:05
Black_Monkeyfale: from what I understand, it requires the libmsn package, which isn't availavle in intrepid yet16:10
||arifaXI think my webcam uses wrong resolution how can I change it or verify. manufacturer says 640x480 it uses 160x120 at the moment which is ugly16:10
=== jakub is now known as JamesSVK
faleBlack_Monkey: than we will have to wait, isn't it?16:11
Black_MonkeyI guess16:11
JamesSVKhi all16:12
JamesSVKwhy multimedia keys didnt work in amarok2?16:12
val_i cant update amarok2?16:18
val_howcan i download it?16:18
faleval_: which version do you have?16:20
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=== root is now known as Guest55662
toby_Amarok 2 has been released! ...but, woe! I cannot install it!16:35
toby_The instructions at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.0 ... they simply don't work??!16:36
toby_There isn't any package called amarok-kde4 in the repos... unless I'm doing something wrong here?16:36
Boui followed them and got no problem16:36
Bouhave you added the repo that they talk about?16:36
Bouand enabled it?16:37
randagioragazzi ki mi può dare una mano???16:37
toby_Yep - it's ticked in Adept: "http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu"16:37
randagionon riesco a masterizzare i dvd16:37
randagioi cd invece me li fa...16:37
Bouhttp://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main16:38
Bouisn't it different?16:38
toby_Bou: yep, I have the "intrepid main" bit too16:38
toby_And I've ticked Proposed and Unsupported updates16:39
Bouhave you updated after this?16:39
=== lumm is now known as _lumm
toby_Not done a full update, no. It lists 124 updates available but I don't really want to install 124 unsupported updates. I don't even see amarok-kde4 in the package list though16:40
=== `Miam`No`Pvs` is now known as Skulblaka
powertool08Does anyone know why I can't change to the first window in irssi with alt+1 but can change to others with alt+2 or alt+3?16:41
Boutoby_: what if you type sudo apt-get install amarok-kde4 in a console?16:41
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Test123
=== Test123 is now known as ubuntu_
toby_A-ha... looks promising. But why isn't it showing up in Adept?16:42
Bougood question16:43
Bouactually i don't see it neither in adept16:43
Boui installed it from konsole16:43
toby_Bou: Okay, great, I have Amarok 2 now, thanks. There must be something wrong with Adept.16:44
Boutoby_: it worked?16:44
toby_Shall I submit a bug on this do you think?16:45
Boutalk of it on #kde maybe someone can explain it16:45
Boumaybe it's because it's a third app repository?16:45
edjuI've googled till I've gone nuts.  Kaffeine keeps reporting the dvd is encrypted, even though libdvdcss is installed.  Any pointers, solutions?16:46
=== juanantonio_ is now known as juanantonio
geniiedju: libdvdcss2 and libdvdread3 are installed?16:49
=== menatis is now known as serveur
edjugenii, Yes, both.16:50
geniiedju: Perhaps you are trying to play a dvd which is from a different region than your dvd player is set for16:50
Skulblakamais, vous etes anglais?16:51
GoanApplications like firefox, evolution mail, etc keeps on hanging every so often on my hardy machine. Could there be some bad process?16:52
Goanand i am left with no other option but to kill those process, and restart them.16:54
jattHi,  u guys know any good app to mount iso i used giso but its really slow and didnt like it much.16:54
jedixhehe, so the nightly build of the 9th seems to have a problem unlocking16:54
jedixthe desktop lock doesn't recognize my passwd16:54
jatthelp please16:55
Skulblakaquelqu'un parle français? :s16:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:56
Perunwaht a burn prog should I use with KDE4?16:58
mkargarhello,how to upgrade kubuntu 8.4.1 to 8.10 by dvd?16:59
nethanshi guys..17:06
nethansI'mm working with ubuntu.. but I dont know which vertion I'm using.. I did a uname -a.. but I'd like to know if my vertion is feisty or what17:07
bibekhi everyone17:15
landonisHi all! Does anyone know a way of pointing kde3 packages that call main kde components to the new kde4 counterparts? I am getting errors of 'Could not launch the browser. Could not find service 'kfmclient'' and 'Could not launch the KDE Help Center. Could not find service 'khelpcenter''  I am running Kubuntu 8.10 and these programs are installed but there seems to be something stopping kde3 programs recognising and using them17:15
landonis. If anyone could please point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it.17:15
=== jakub is now known as JamesSVK
JamesSVKin amarok dont work the keyboard mutlimedia keys17:16
JamesSVKhow to solve it?17:17
Ch1ppyhey, dolphin lets me tag files with things, but that's kind of useless if I can't search by those tags... is there a way to search for files with a specific tag?17:21
mini-manOk, so I just broke my KDE 4.1 install on my EEEPC by attempting to upgrade to 4.2 beta 1 via Kubuntu's experimental repo, but the upgrade seemed to work, no errors, but kwin gripes about a missing .so. Any ideas?17:23
mini-mankwin doesn't start, I have no connection, with no way to focus windows..17:24
Ch1ppyactually, I guess a better question for me now is how do I get strigi working? I can't search it...17:31
jussi01mini-man: try reinstalling kubuntu-desktop17:31
mini-manjussi01: can't get connected to wifi17:32
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)17:32
jussi01mini-man: cant you breifly plugin somewhere?17:32
mini-manprobably broke the eee network support because the update apparently overrode the eeepc kernel17:33
mini-manI'll try..17:33
Ch1ppyjanorcutt: Yes. I have strigi installed and such. But if I try to search it via the applet I get "Protocol not supported strigi" from Konqueror and I don't know of another way to search it?17:33
dragon_good eveening17:33
dragon_compiz in kubuntu 8.10 ---------bad17:34
jussi01dragon_: no need for it - use the kwin effects17:35
JuJuBeeWhat is the command to find out what ip's google uses?17:35
dragon_but it loads on boot!17:35
dragon_and crashes.17:36
jussi01JuJuBee: ping google.com17:36
JuJuBeeThat will only reveal one... google uses (so do others) many ip's...17:36
jussi01JuJuBee: yeah, true17:36
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geniiJuJuBee: I like the "showip" firefox extension17:37
JuJuBeeFound it...   dig txt _spf.google.com | grep spf17:42
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chase_ hey whats the cmd in vim to yank 2 lines? isnt it y2l?17:56
Black_Monkeyhi, all my keyboard shortcuts stopped working, and when I tried to go into the kcm module, it gave this error: http://pastebin.com/d6489c77217:58
nedimHow to open kdx (lexe extension)18:06
Skulblakakdx :x i read "kids"18:08
raymearshi everyone. one question, if i may: is there any possibility of using the plasmoids from jaunty (beta) - which i've installed alongside intrepid -  in intrepid?18:13
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sere_where can i get flash 9 a18:21
sere_anyone know where can i get flash 918:24
kriohi every body18:25
kriothe questio is:18:25
kriomay i upgrade the ooo 3.0 and gimp 2.6 on my kubuntu 7.0418:26
chase_ sere_: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/18:27
sere_chase_: thats for 10 i need 9 :o18:27
chase_ sere_: why dont you look in the package manager for 9?18:28
sere_chase_: its not there18:29
chase_ sere_: http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html#fp9 - this has all sorts of updates and whatnot for the developers and such. try looking through the adobe website18:31
sere_chase_: thanks :)18:31
chase_ sere_: scratch that. go here http://kb.adobe.com/selfservice/viewContent.do?externalId=tn_14266&sliceId=218:31
sere_chase_: ok thanks18:34
kriono one can help me??'18:36
Black_Monkeykrio: you could try googling packages, but maybe such new versions won't be available for 7.0418:37
krioyes black i've got the pakage. deb, but i wont be sure18:39
krioand no make mistake18:39
raymearsdoesn't seem like there's much going on in here right now. but i'll ask again: is there any possibility of using the plasmoids from jaunty (beta) - which i've installed alongside intrepid -  in intrepid? thanks18:41
krioin synaptic there are two way to remove packages, what are the difference??18:42
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geniiraymears: You might want to ask in #ubuntu+1    ( #kubuntu+1 just forwards there)18:42
raymearsgenii: thanks18:42
sere_i use fluxbox and trying to use a screen saver....anyone know how i would do that with kscreensaver18:52
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hardyharharcan someone tell me how to get kde4 in hardy ?19:20
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!19:20
geniihardyharhar: kubuntu-kde4-desktop19:21
hardyharharI read that replaces kde319:21
val_problem with my adept manager cant open it help?19:21
hardyharharval_: open it in the command line and see what the output is19:22
hardyharhargenii: does that replace the kde3 in hardy or not?19:23
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hardyrrval_: you can't use the lock, so some program is already using it. i don't know how to tell you without using the command line though19:27
geniihardyrr: In hardy it makes another ~/.kde4 folder. In Ibex is when the kubuntu-desktop package changed, it defaults to ~/.kde which will overwrite any older kde19:27
hardyrrgenii: that's great.19:27
HavocXphereTo clear the lock: Press ctrl-F2 type in konsole, hit enter, type in "sudo dpkg --configure -a" without the "" things and hit enter again.19:29
bobesponjamy amarok2 can't play mp3, anything I need to install? (used to work with 1.x)19:32
eagles0513875bobesponja its working fine still for me19:32
eagles0513875bobesponja try installing ubuntu-restriced-extras thats what i had to do to get mp3 support unless there is some other issue which im not sure of19:33
hardyrrgenii: that's for kde 4.0 damn it. i was hoping at least 4.119:33
hardyrrbut thanks anyway19:33
jackdi am the only one who can't directly unpack a tar.gz using dolphin?19:37
Black_Monkeyjackd: nope. I think there's something on www.kde-look.org to do that19:38
hardyrrjackd: that's for 4.2 only , at least the time I tried 4.1, it wasn't possible yet. you had to open it in ark19:38
jackdthx. i keep using the dolphin intern console if its not supported right now :) thanks anyway. just wanted to know.19:39
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hardyrrbobesponja: if you still can't read mp3 in amarok, I just read it could be because of the backend, you should need to switch the backend to xine, that is somewhere in the system settings / audio20:08
comeditI have a few virtual machines running locally in vmware server I need to access these on port 22 however locally it seems not possible20:09
comeditanybody an idea what could be wrong, I am sure port 22 is open on this machine20:10
sere_i use fluxbox and trying to use a screen saver....anyone know how i would do that with kscreensaver20:10
comeditvirtual machine i mean20:10
sere_how do i start kscreensaver in fluxbox20:12
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jackdcomedit: do you have configured your VMs to bridged network or NAT?20:15
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gab3any way in the shell to identify what TYPE of dram your computer uses?20:17
geniigab3:  sudo lshw -v -class memory          might tell you some things.20:18
jackdgab3: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/check-ram-speed-linux/20:20
gab3i have a .toc file, and a bin/WAV set (this is not a standard ISO image, it is a turbografx CD) which cdrdao will happily burn to disc.  but i want to make an *image* from that toc file20:22
genii!info mdf2iso20:23
ubottumdf2iso (source: mdf2iso): A simple utility to convert mdf to iso / cue / toc images. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-1 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 64 kB20:23
benbloomI get a strange error when trying to enable zeroconf via kcontrol: "/usr/share/avahi/enable_avahi: command not found" and it's true. there is no enable_avahi anywhere on my system. how do i enable avahi? my mt-daapd server is not working :'(20:26
benbloomps- I'm happy to do it via CLI. only thing is I can't seem to make it work that way20:27
jared555is there currently much of a point in running kubuntu 64bit on desktops?20:27
jared555last time I tried 64 bit on linux it was NOT fun20:28
geniijared555: Mostly for >3.2 Gb support20:28
jackdjared555:  only if you have >=4 gb ram and REALLY want to use it. imo...20:28
jackdyeah. exactly20:28
benbloomjared555: I've found K64 Hardy to work VERY well.20:29
jared555why not just activate 4GB support on the 32bit kernel?20:29
benbloombut I haven't been able to get it working with >=4gb I though it was hardware problems20:30
jackdjared555: you can use PAE to use of more than 4gb. but a single app will never can make use more ram than on a 32bit sys. however you can run the app twice :)20:31
jared555thanks.... I think I am just going to install 32bit for now20:32
jackdgood choice20:32
jared555well AFK.... going to reboot this virus infested windows box20:33
benbloomanyone know about zeroconf/avahi?20:33
hardyrrwhat's the advantage to 64 bit anyway? a little more speed? ( i speak for the average desktop computer )20:34
geniihardyrr: Well, for instance I can create 3 64bit virtual machines and run them in a 4Gb each environment leaving 4Gb for the host20:36
jackdimagine a motorway with 2 "slots" as 32 bit. and a motorway with 6 "slot" as 64bit. if you have a car for instance you are equal fast on 2 "slots" like in "6"slots :) thats why you wont feel a lot of speed as desktopuser. but on optimized apps like some md5 cracker you will feel a difference20:36
hardyrrjackd: right, in the specialized apps the difference is felt, forgot about those.20:38
hardyrrgenii: how the "hell" do you run 3 vm's each with 4GB mapped in a computer with only 4GB ram? virtual memory?20:39
geniihardyrr: No, I have a 64bit install, with 16Gb20:40
geniihardyrr: So 3x4Gb is 12 and leaving 4 for host OS20:40
hardyrrah, that's why asked for the average computer, there's a reason super computers use 64 bits, so the host can use more than 4GB ram :P20:41
jackdthey can host more than 4 gb ram AND the apps can actually use more than 4gb ram. *thats* the diff against 32bit+PAE20:41
hardyrrof course20:42
Pete_Rhello everyone! Can anyone can tell me how do I make taskbar pannel autohide?20:45
Pete_RI've installed Kiba-dock and I want to hide main pannel to gain space20:46
hardyrrPete_R: you mean the plasma pannel?20:46
Pete_Ryes probably (blush) I don't know exactly how it is named20:47
kevbuntuhey everybody- i'm sure this has been answered already today, but i haven't been in the channel all day, so i am sorry if i am making people repeat themselves ;)20:47
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hardyrrneither do I, I asked because they are different in kde3 and 420:47
hardyrryou can only hide it in kde4.2 , so if you're using kubuntu 8.10, you can't do it yet20:47
kevbuntui was wondering why i am having trouble getting the stable version of Amarok2 on my kubuntu intrepid20:47
kevbuntui followed the tutorials on the website20:48
kevbuntuand at amarok's website20:48
kevbuntubut adept is not giving me amarok2??20:48
JontheEchidnakevbuntu: amarok-kde4 is the package to install20:48
kevbuntuJontheEchidna: for the stable release of amarok2??20:49
kevbuntuit's not showing up in adept, can i get it in apt-get??20:50
Jared555hey, I am getting a buffer io error on device sr0 when trying to start the installer on kubuntu 8.10.... any ideas what would be causing this?20:50
JontheEchidnaI get that error too, it's not really an issue in my experience20:51
hardyrrJared555: i'm gonna guess problems reading from the cd20:51
Jared555taking quite some time to boot up20:51
NicolaeJared555: I've had that issue with a bad burn before20:51
Jared555guess I will try reburning the disk..... thanks20:51
Nicolaetry verifying it first.20:52
hardyrrJared555: could be from the reader....20:52
Nicolae"Check CD for Defects" or whatnot.20:52
hardyrrbut yeah, go with check cd for defects20:52
kevbuntuJontheEchidna: i got it just fine through apt-get... thanks for your help!21:00
JontheEchidnayou're welcome21:00
kevbuntuJontheEchidna: do you think Kubuntu is aware of that package not being there? i.e. should I make a bug report, or do you think the Kubuntu folks are all over it already and it will be fixed soon?21:02
JontheEchidnaIt's a known bug with adept21:03
JontheEchidnarunning: sudo update-apt-xapian-index should fix it21:03
JontheEchidna(make it appear)21:03
Pete_Rso, is there any way for me to hide the main (taskbar) pannel in kubuntu 8.10?21:04
powertool08I'm trying to use vnc over a ssh tunnel and it is unusably slow, whats a recommended upload speed for the vncserver to be on? Mine is 512kb/s up21:05
kevbuntuJontheEchidna: thanks... i ran the command. didn't check adept to see if it's there, but i'm sure it worked.21:07
ian__help please.... openoffice no longer works after upgrading today.  Crashes upon opening (after presentation wizard).  Theirs a weird border also around buttons21:20
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kevbuntuian__: that makes no sense. hahaha... what version did you upgrade to??21:21
hardyrrian__: you could try and remove the openoffice settings folder, after backing up of course21:22
hardyrrthat sort of stuff is usually configuration file related, because there would be no way they packaged a broken openoffice21:23
ian__I just renamed the .openoffice.org directory and re-tryed running the program, but the same thing happened21:24
ian__I think it's more complicated because of the weird graphics/button21:24
hardyrri'm out of suggestions :(21:25
hardyrrunless... some sort of shared library left behing21:26
ian__is there a way to downgrade?21:26
hardyrrand i don't know how to find those21:26
hardyrrsure, sudo apt-get remove <package-name>21:26
hardyrrand then go to openoffice get the 2.4 or something21:27
ian__the previous 3.0.0 package worked fine though... I can't select a version from the sources?21:28
hardyrrdon't know21:28
hardyrrnot throught apt-get though, you'd have to get lucky and find a website mirroring an older package21:29
ian__ok... first I'll try removing everything and then re-installing the package21:30
hardyrrgood luck with that, it's a nasty problem21:31
sigma__guys on kde4.2 - hows the konq browsing speed now? still really lagging behind firefox?21:32
hardyrrif you use the webkit part, it's quite speedy. and firefox is slower in linux than in windows ( with my experience at least ).21:36
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ian__Well it works now!  But I must not have installed some themes or something because it's very plain21:38
ian__I wonder if the theme was the problem21:38
hardyrrlol -_-21:38
hardyrrinstall the theme and see for youself21:39
sigma__hardyrr: how do you use webkit in konq kde4.1.3?21:39
hardyrrlet me see if it's possible first, I tried it in opensuse 11.0 virtual machine21:40
paolo__come si usa?21:40
hardyrrsurely it's only a package away21:40
paolo__a hok21:40
ian__yup!  it was the openoffice-kde package21:41
ian__kills it21:41
hardyrrgreat, now you know the problem, and maybe a bug report ? hehe21:41
hardyrrsigma__: try this: sudo apt-get install webkitkde21:42
sigma__hardyrr: i found this package - libkdewebkit1 - but how do i enable it once installed?21:42
hardyrrsigma__: you need to be in browser mode, and then for each page you switch the view mode21:43
hardyrrbut... you could make it default for html documents of course21:43
thumperwhere did the intrepid kdiff3 package go?21:44
sigma__hardyrr: what about php docs?21:44
hardyrryou need to remember that it's quite unfinished, doesn't support a lot of features, like netscape plugins21:44
hardyrrthat too sure21:44
hardyrrbrb, gonna pay the pizza gu21:45
hardyrrsigma__: did you figure it out by now?21:46
sigma__hardyrr: yeah u can say that again!! its not the greatest on formatting! but it is really fast! gives me firefox speeds in konq. if they finish it, it will be great21:46
sigma__im back to khtml for now, if they put its formatting in webkit you will have one mother of a web engine:) glad to see something is being done about khtml's sluggishness though. facebook is horrible on it, not to mention not supporting the chat feature at all21:50
hardyrrsigma__: the same thing happens with a lot of sites and their web apps, because they don't code the site thinking about every browser. and that's why konqueror will always have trouble in rendering, and opera too for that matter. web devs code for the 3 most used engines, and that's it21:52
hardyrrthat said, even if konq gets decent webkit, the extensions will always be missing though.21:53
tyfonkhtml is fine :) (prepares to get flamed)21:53
hardyrrtyfon: depends on where you browse :)21:54
tyfonbut seriously.. it is a _lot_ faster since 3.x at least for sites with huges tables.. and it renders mostly everything for me at meast :p21:54
tyfonyeah i know21:54
sigma__tyfon: we wont flame you! it is fine, just a tad bit sluggish21:54
tyfoncompared to 3.x its lightning fast me thinks21:54
sigma__hardyrr: so much for universal web standards! ie stuffed that one up big time21:55
Kovertany one have the rss plasmoind working? In other words Imine isntr fetching21:55
hardyrrsigma__: I don't think it's just web standards, if it were, why couldn't I use gmail chat in a konqueror engine?21:56
hardyrrgoogle made the chat work in firefox, surely it followed some standards...21:56
tyfonyeah i find that kind of odd too hardyrr.. i noticed that21:57
sigma__hardyrr: fair enough, however i have found that konq picks up alot of coding errors on sites esp those hosted on ms servers21:57
tyfonhotmail is a pain to browse with khtml21:57
tyfonnot that i use it.. but still21:57
sigma__hardyrr: gmail says it doesn't support konq as a official browser, its not on the list21:57
Kovertwow no one uses the RSS plasmoid?21:58
sigma__tyfon: hotmail is for ie users:)21:58
sigma__Kovert: where is it?21:58
hardyrrsigma__: why shouldn't they if they can code against firefox and safari?21:58
Kovert4.2 it's a new plasmoid21:58
hardyrrthey outright filter browsers that are not ie/firefox or safari, I think opera is unsupported21:58
sigma__hardyrr: thats what I dont get, because isnt safari based on khtml?21:59
tyfonhmm.. did your try with diff agent-id?21:59
hardyrrtyfon: I did, but didn't work as well21:59
tyfonah ok21:59
sigma__google hosted the kde launch event but they dont officially support konq. how strange?22:00
hardyrrmicrosoft made silverlight yet, but some of their sites still use flash22:00
hardyrrthat doesn't mean diddly squat :)22:01
tyfonat least they made hotmail run on windows and not freebsd after a while22:01
tyfonafter failing a few times trying first ;)22:01
hardyrrthey figured the support would be cheaper, performance wasn't on their minds lol22:02
sigma__i have only seen one silverlight site and it too had a non-silverlight version22:02
KovertThought it was silver fish and I stpeed on it22:02
Kovertwell stepped22:03
tyfoni kind of hope it will be a success and open instead of flash22:03
tyfoni hate flash with a passion22:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:03
hardyrrwell, the silverlight advantage is the programming22:03
sigma__only bill knew how to run that company, since vista i have lost all hope in it. even hp wants to make their own linux based os because they get too many complaints from biz clients22:04
hardyrrthat's where microsoft shines, makes programming better. like they did in the xbox 36022:04
Kovertsilverlight works better then my RSS plazmoid22:04
tyfonhardyrr: i'd like to hear that from you after writing something in mfc ;)22:04
hardyrrtyfon: they offer the best IDE there is ( debatable i'm sure... ) , and I only tried playing in c# and .Net22:05
hardyrrwhat I mean is, try programming in actionscript, and then silverlight, and you'll probably figure out which is better22:07
hardyrrfor playing videos, that's a different story. i have no idea which plays them faster22:07
hardyrrbut there weren't many complaints during the olympics were there? except for linux users...22:08
tyfonno there wasn't22:08
hardyrranyway, i'm more interested in seeing what the <video> tag firefox is get us. hopefully ogg and theora can be as easy to use as a flash player22:10
tyfonlets hope they follow and implement it in IE too..22:11
tyfonflash needs to die lol22:11
hardyrrhaha, they will, with windows media player like codecs :S , you will have to install codecs to go to wikipedia :(22:11
nikolaBut..Club penguin is written in Flash :O22:11
hardyrrnot club penguin :(22:12
hardyrrwell, for me flash can still live for games and some moronic web sites, but for video something else ffs..22:13
tyfonthe worst is entering a site consisting of 1 flash app22:13
tyfonand no html equivalent22:14
slapstics-12Hello all I just installed the kubuntu-desktop over my ubuntu 8.10 install. I love it so far but it seems to be missing the kwin install and firefox UI seems a bit chopped together. Any assistance is appreciated :D22:14
tyfonmissing kwin?22:14
cw5411Anyone here good with making bridges for virtual box?22:14
slapstics-12tyfon: so it seems I am using the kde 4.2 beta though22:14
hardyrrcw5411: sure, in windows, I suck at networking in linux22:15
cw5411hardyrr: like me huh?22:15
tyfonslapstics-12: you are in kde now?22:15
slapstics-12yes i am22:15
hardyrrbut the manual gives a few instructions about linux bridges22:15
tyfondo a "ps aux | grep kwin" in konsole and see if something popps out22:15
tyfon(without the quotes ;)22:16
cw5411I want my virtual machiens on the same network as my actual machine. What happens is, either my vritual machine is connected or my actual is connected, not both.22:16
slapstics-12tyfon: alex      5661  1.6  1.9  60748 19980 ?        S    15:21   1:52 kwin -session 10c67a7572000122887520200000212090000_1228875889_17699322:17
slapstics-12that's the output22:17
tyfonyou're fine in regards to kwin then :)22:17
nikolaKwin For the Win! ;d22:17
hardyrrsince we're all kde folks around here...22:17
hardyrrdoes anyone know a good way to switch a window to another desktop without using the mouse22:18
hardyrrthat's the one thing I liked in gnome22:18
slapstics-12Oh man i found the effects configs...sorry for the dummy question, thanks for the help tyfon22:18
tyfonno problem :)22:18
tyfonwhat do you mean about firefox is chopped together?22:19
lucaxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/83728/   hey guys i get this error when i try to install kubuntu-kde4-desktop22:19
nikolai don't speak spanish...22:20
nikolaAnd Licax, try to download the official KDE desktop Ubuntu www.kubuntu.org22:20
slapstics-12tyfon: the tabs ui and fonts cross I'll post a screen cap in a sec if you'd like22:20
tyfonlucax: try kubuntu-desktop22:20
lucaxok thanks22:21
tyfonslapstics-12: hmm.. i'm not really a firefox user, but can't hurt to have a look :)22:21
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tyfonhardyrr: try ctrl+F1 to Fn22:22
hardyrrtyfon: that just switches, a good thing is to switch and take the window along :)22:23
tyfonto move an app to another desktop you mean?22:23
tyfonah ;)22:24
tyfoni don't know that22:24
lucaxif i do kubuntu-desktop it tries to install kde3, and still get same problems with kde4-desktop22:24
hardyrrit's a pain in the ass going through each window and moving it with 3 clicks22:24
tyfonlucax: ah you are running hardy?22:24
slapstics-12tyfon: http://img88.imageshack.us/img88/5003/snapshot1lc6.png sorry for delay had to read up on ksnapshot :D22:24
lucaxtyfon, yes22:25
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tyfonthats odd.. i was under the impressio that kubuntu-kde4-desktop would work there :o22:25
hardyrrlucax: sudo apt-get install -f22:25
hardyrrthen try again22:25
hardyrralso try sudo apt-get autoremove22:25
tyfonslapstics-12: that's ugly :p22:25
lucaxdid it, nothing happens22:26
hardyrrlucax: but you should now install kubuntu-kde4-desktop22:26
slapstics-12tyfon: yea it is22:26
slapstics-12but the rest of kde4 makes up for it22:27
tyfontry using konqueror for a bit :)22:27
lucaxhardyrr, i cant22:27
tyfoni googled firefox ugly kubuntu intrepid and there are 7k hits hehe22:27
hardyrrok, out of ideas :( , i ran into that error myself and that's how i solved it lol22:28
hardyrrbut there weren't that many packages22:28
slapstics-12tyfon: well looks like I got no choice but to use konq22:28
tyfonah installed it here now22:29
nikolaHow can i play Counter-Strike on Kubuntu? ;d22:29
tyfonit looks just as ugly22:29
tyfonnikola: wine ;)22:29
nikolaOhhh  lol , thanks :D22:30
slapstics-12is good22:30
nikolaI know, i like black wine22:30
nikolaLOL, just kiddding22:30
lucaxsolve it, repos problem22:31
tyfoncool :)22:32
slapstics-12konq doesnt have adblock?22:32
hardyrrkonq3 had it, don't know about konq422:32
slapstics-12found it22:33
* Kovert is running intrepid on a brand new lenovo S10E after ripping out horrible Suse Enterprise22:33
slapstics-12hmm to many options hidden in kde lol22:33
tyfonwell at least they are there ;)22:33
hardyrrthat's the way to go, hide the most obscure, show the most used22:34
forcehow to upgrade to kde 4.2, i pasted addresses to third-party software from kubuntu website but it do not show kde4.222:35
slapstics-12well it's actually called 4.1.822:36
slapstics-12dunno if that'll help22:36
tobyCan anyone advise on why my systray icons are occasionally missing? See this pic: http://asktoby.is-a-geek.com/~toby/kde4SysTray.jpeg22:37
tobyI have an nvidia card, yes. It happens whether I turn compositing on or off.22:38
tyfoni have issues almost like that on my laptop22:38
tyfonbut fine on my workstation22:39
tyfonboth nvidia though (9500 something in laptop and 9800 gtx in workstation)22:39
nikolaOK,i tried counter strike with wine...22:39
tobyI'm thinking of trading my nvidia (Geforce 6 series) with an ATI card.22:40
nikolaThe screen is upside down <_<22:40
forcehow to upgrade to kde 4.2, i pasted addresses to third-party software from kubuntu website but it do not show kde4.222:40
tyfontoby: nvidia has started implementing accelerated h264, mpeg and vc-1 in their linux drivers.. i'd wait a bit and see22:40
tyfonthat is for g92+ nvidia cards22:41
tyfonso you'd have to get a new one in any case22:41
ImLizHi, all, question, if I want to upgrade from dapper-drake to hardy-heron will it be installed over my current version or is it integrated??22:41
slapstics-12force: are you using ubuntu or kubuntu?22:41
tobyThe ATI drivers are open source now for around a year... I guess they're pretty good by now22:41
nikolaImLiz: it will overwrite it...22:42
nikolai think22:42
forceslapstics-12: kubuntu 8.1022:42
tyfonnot sure.. a friend of mine has the hd4350 and he gets black screen.. i haven't been over there to look at it yet22:42
tyfonhe tried to install intrepid today22:42
ImLiznikola: thx22:43
nikolaImLiz: np22:43
bob__You down with OPP?22:44
bob__Yeah you know me!22:44
PSiL0toby:  Don't the open source ATI drivers lack 3d acceleration?22:44
slapstics-12force: did you also enable the recommended updates check in adept?22:44
tobyPSiL0: I don't know... thanks for the warning22:44
PSiL0toby: common rule of thumb (as of this moment): nvidia=crappy hardware, good driver support; ATI=better hardware, crappy driver support22:45
forceslapstics-12: no i have all updates disabled but i want manually to update to kde42 beta22:45
tyfonhttp://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=123091  <-- this is a very compelling reason to go nvidia22:45
tobyMy geforce 6-series is performing like a pig :(22:45
tyfondon't need 3 ghz core2 cpu to play 1080p h264 video :)22:46
tyfonbut its still only weeks old22:46
PSiL0toby: That being said, I have ATI mobility x2300 on my laptop running on the fglrx (ATI) nonpropietary drivers on kubuntu 8.10, and I've been liking it so far22:46
tyfonyeah i suspect i have to install fglrx at my friends machine22:47
tyfonto get the hd4350 working22:47
eagles0513875PSiL0 no they dont lack 3d acceleration i have open gl enabled on my 3 yr old laptop22:47
eagles0513875but ihave an older machine22:47
tobyAre you using Konversation right now? When I resize my konversation window by dragging it at the corner it re-draws about once per second22:47
eagles0513875one downside bout ati is the crappy linux drivers22:47
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eagles0513875newer hardware its hard to get the open gl stuff working wiht ati22:48
eagles0513875granted now on my older card its working fine outa box but in the beginning it was a nightmare to get it working tyfon22:48
tyfoni had a laptop with the x700 card :p22:48
tyfonit was a pita too.. black screen and everything22:48
eagles0513875i have a 200m card22:49
eagles0513875i have a link somewhere in my gmail that i could dig up that might help u out22:49
eagles0513875ati and broadcom are rather nasty stuff to work with22:49
tyfoni'll just try fglrx at first i think22:49
tyfonboot into single user first22:50
eagles0513875tyfon what version u on22:50
tobyI'm assuming 1fps in Konversation resizing is not normal then :)22:50
eagles0513875no its not22:50
slapstics-12force: you have to use adept for kde4.2 to add the adress as the source since updating to kde 4.2 beta you gotta install all the upgraded dependencies, it'd be alot easier to use a pkg manager such as adept than doing it manually22:50
eagles0513875tyfon open jockey and it should find the proper driver for the card22:50
eagles0513875!jockey | tyfon22:50
tyfonyeah but X won't start :p22:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jockey22:50
tyfonhe just gets a black screen22:51
tyfoni'm ok with bash22:51
eagles0513875toby did u change something in the xorg.conf22:51
PSiL0yeah, the newer ati cards (like mine) lack foss support22:51
forceslapstics-12: you mean from add remove software22:51
tyfontoby: http://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/KDE4-NVIDIA22:51
eagles0513875no offense to anyone im sticking with nvidia22:51
tyfonnot sure if it applies to your card22:52
PSiL0yeah, I gave up on fedora 10 after trying to get fglrx to work22:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about reconfigure22:52
eagles0513875toby try this dpkg -reconfigure Xorg22:52
tyfontoby: are you running nvidia's drivers or the standard nv driver?22:52
tyfon(did you install a new driver?)22:53
tobyeagles0513875: Not manually changed xorg.conf, no, but I have used nvidia-settings to modify it22:53
tobyeagles0513875: I'm running latest drivers from nvidia22:53
eagles0513875thats funny i have an 8800gt and it works fine no problems wiht latest22:53
tyfonactually.. the old nv driver might own it in 2d performance22:53
eagles0513875i had no problems with the newest or one before22:53
tyfontoby: if you replace "nvidia" with "nv" in xorg.conf and restart the xserver... see if that helps.. make sure to backup xorg.conf first22:54
Kovertthe wifi network app in the bottom right of the screen knetwork? is there a better replacement for that22:54
tyfoneagles0513875: yeah i have a 8800 gts in another computer and no issues with it either22:54
eagles0513875is this a desktop or laptop toby22:54
tobyDesktop, with two concurrent users on VT7 and 922:55
slapstics-12force: yea22:55
tobyhttp://techbase.kde.org/User:Lemma/KDE4-NVIDIA indicates that the problem is solved in latest drivers22:55
tyfonmight not be a good idea to put in the "nv" driver then22:55
toby..if you read to the bottom22:55
forceslapstics-12: i do not see kde 4.2 only 4.1.80 updates22:56
tyfonforce: thats the correct ones22:56
eagles0513875i dont get that22:56
tyfon4.2 beta22:56
eagles0513875im on 4.1 and dont have issues22:56
slapstics-12force: 4.1.8 = 4.2 beta22:57
eagles0513875if your running the beta expect something like that22:57
FM2n-linux sux22:57
eagles0513875but 4.1 i dont think you would have issues toby22:57
FM2n-so damn hard to get workingi22:57
forceslapstics-12: ok thanks i launch upgrade22:57
eagles0513875fm its not hard takes time and patience22:57
slapstics-12force: no problem hope you enjoy kde 4.222:58
KovertFM2n-: is it hard I never noticed22:58
FM2n-i am american22:58
eagles0513875same here fm22:58
FM2n-i have no patience!22:58
KovertI am hungry22:58
FM2n-hungry is universal22:58
eagles0513875fm if u dont have patience for trouble shooting stuff stick to windows22:58
KovertI thought it was Paramont?22:58
FM2n-i love the ubuntu interface22:58
tobyKovert: No, lunch is paramount.22:58
FM2n-but it can be frustrating22:58
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:58
Koverto Lunch why not?22:59
eagles0513875!ot | Kovert22:59
ubottuKovert: please see above22:59
FM2n-why cant i just double click on an .exe file and have it do everything for me22:59
eagles0513875!info wine22:59
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 7330 kB, installed size 54492 kB22:59
Koverteagles0513875: got it :-(22:59
slapstics-12FM2n-: they have it it's called .deb22:59
eagles0513875FM2n- u need wine for that to work22:59
eagles0513875if its a windows program22:59
FM2n-very funny22:59
Koverteagles0513875: the wifi network app in the bottom right of the screen knetwork? is there a better replacement for that22:59
eagles0513875and any native linux programs need to be .deb or compiled from source if they are packaged in other formats22:59
KovertI figured I had your attention now23:00
eagles0513875Kovert i use knetwork not sure of alternatives23:00
FM2n-can u use windows drivers in linux?23:00
FM2n-wifi specifically23:00
Kovertok thx23:00
FM2n-no way!23:00
FM2n-windows sux23:00
eagles0513875FM2n- yes u need ndiswrapper to do it23:00
tyfonFM2n-: via ndiswrapper23:00
eagles0513875im out guys its late here and im bout to faceplant in the keyboard23:01
eagles0513875night all23:01
tobyI'm going to turn in now too, I'll try the nv drivers tomorrow, Thanks for the advice peops23:02
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fabiosartshi =)23:03
Koverteagles0513875: wicd is what I wanted23:04
nikolaWanna hear a joke?23:07
nikolaWhat did the sea say to me?23:07
nikolaNothing, it just waves.23:07
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antoranzHi, guys!23:18
antoranzI can't get the compiz cube to work23:18
antoranzI removed all the *compiz* files form my home and started over23:19
antoranzincreased my number of desktops and enabled the cube... and it simply doesn't work23:19
antoranzI acn't even switch to a different desktop23:19
antoranzany idea what I should try?23:20
geniiantoranz: Maybe ask them in #compiz-fusion channel :)23:21
antoranzlet me see there23:21
rogerioalgum brasileiro?23:24
rogerioaki so tem fresco23:25
hardyrrthe thing i absolutely hate about kde4 is if you want to select the edge of a window it's just 1 pixel23:25
Tm_T!br | rogerio23:25
ubotturogerio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:25
TimSMy sound keeps dying23:28
TimSWhenever I have a flash video using sound, it breaks Amarok and it just skips tracks really fast without playing anything23:29
TimSFlash must be broken for me atm, going full screen kills firefox23:29
tyfonflash sucks :p23:33
hardyrrTimS: thanks for the heads up, I think that's my problem lol23:33
TimSFlash seems to have broken recently :/23:33
nikolaI like flash because Club Penguin is written in it :D :D :D23:33
hardyrrwhat's broken is linux sound stuff....23:34
hardyrross / alsa / pulse audio / esd / arts blablabla23:34
isaacj87Has KDE 4.2 beta 2 been tagged yet?23:34
* cuznt is *** the metabeta ***23:36
hardyrrI'm going now, happy linuxing23:42
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skoleHi! How to find out if I have a 32 or 64 bit processor? And what OS I have?23:57

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